
DragnslcrNot in 8.1000:00
Dragnslcrkubuntu-kde4-desktop was only in 8.0400:00
letalisexec uname -a00:01
letalisUbuntu 8.10 letalis-desktop tty200:02
letalisthats at the top of all of my console logins.00:02
letalisso im running 8.1000:03
letalisand the kubuntu-desktop package installs the 3x series.00:04
letalisim not trying to be rude about it. just informing everyone if it ever comes up00:05
DragnslcrCheck your apt sources then00:05
geniiThat can't be right. Since 3.5 last shipped with 8.0400:05
Dragnslcrapt-cache search kubuntu-kde4-desktop     kubuntu-desktop - Kubuntu desktop system00:06
letalisthe disk i used was the original ubuntu 8.10 one it might be that kubuntu is issuing the disc with kubuntu-desktop proviging the kde4 ones by default. but i doubt it since they all share the same base repos for the most part00:08
cbwcjw2I personally think KDE 3.5 is just as good as 4.2, for about the same reasons. Wierd, huh?00:09
letalisi liked 3.500:09
cuznti liked 3.5 but i like 4.2 betterer00:09
cbwcjw2Yea, I like them about the same, but confronted with a choice, i would take 4.2 anyday00:10
Defense|Twinhttp://flickr.com/photos/19616885@N00/2991047111/ vs. http://flickr.com/photos/19616885@N00/2991042741/in/photostream/ i know it is a bit outdated.. but the problems are still the same00:10
cuznti would wrestle an older person for it.... but only if i thought i could win00:10
cbwcjw2So language issues?00:13
Defense|Twincbwcjw2: its a question of quality00:15
cbwcjw2What langauge do you speak nativley?00:15
DragnslcrThe tray icons being messed up could be any number of issues, including video drivers00:16
zaapieli need some help with my clock in kde 4.100:16
zaapielhow can i make it show am/pm?00:16
* genii discards his walker and leaps on cuznt, wrestling them to the ground00:16
zaapieli have no clue what time 19:17 is00:17
cbwcjw27:17 :)00:17
geniizaapiel: 17-12=500:17
zaapielhow about i just make it show am/pm00:17
cbwcjw2My dad was in the navy (I hate him though...) I learned mili/24hour time early on00:17
zaapielthat would be cooler00:17
* cuznt gives genii a wet willy and laughs manically00:17
cbwcjw2My watch has been on it for 2 years. I love 24 hour time, making me love the taskbar even more00:17
geniicuznt: Hehe :)00:18
* cbwcjw2 takes picture of wet willie in action and uploads to internet.00:18
Dragnslcrzaapiel- System Settings -> Regional and Language00:18
marek_hi, how can i add "mobile broadband" connection in knetworkmanager?00:23
vbgunzwhat packages do I need to install the nvidia binary driver and virtualbox debs from the sun site?00:23
zaapielDragnslcr: ty00:24
cbwcjw2!nvidia | vbgunz00:25
ubottuvbgunz: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:25
talonstrikerwhich repo do I need to add to install kde 4.2?00:26
cbwcjw2talonstriker: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.200:26
vbgunzcbwcjw2: I am not trying to follow that guide. I am really looking for the tools I need from the repos to build stuff **like** nvidia and virtualbox00:26
vbgunzI know theres a bundle of stuff I need, not sure what it is. its dev stuff though, not sure the name :(00:27
vbgunzZorix: awesome, sounds very familiar :)00:27
cbwcjw2!info build-essentials00:28
ubottuPackage build-essentials does not exist in intrepid00:28
cbwcjw2!finfo build-essential00:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:29
cbwcjw2!info build-essential00:29
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB00:29
Zorixyea thats it... its a meta package00:30
cbwcjw2Zorix: Yea, I literally scroll through packages when im bored.00:31
=== jack_ is now known as gonzo145
Zorixi got bored at work today so i installed dopewars00:31
gonzo145good evening everyone00:31
cbwcjw2!info cappuccino00:31
ubottucappuccino (source: cappuccino): an utility to let your boss think that you're working hard. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-2ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 137 kB, installed size 404 kB00:31
cbwcjw2Thats the funniest.00:32
cbwcjw2Evening gonzo00:32
Zorixwhat is it00:32
cbwcjw2It bassiclly just takes up one desktop00:32
cbwcjw2and displays random terminal lines.00:32
* genii apt-gets moo00:32
cbwcjw2Well, considiring im 15, and all homework is knocked out, im extremley bored. Any ideas besides apt-get moo?00:33
Zorixheh 1500:34
Zorixsurprised you arent on myspace or something00:34
cuznttry synaptic00:34
Pici!ot | Try This00:35
ubottuTry This: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!00:35
PiciOr #ubuntu-offtopic :)00:35
cbwcjw2:( Nobodys asking questions, in fact, not a new person has joined in quite a bit00:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi00:37
PSiL0hmmm, I have 5 temperature sensors running (TZ1-5), how do I find out what each is referring to?00:37
spowers_dumb question:  Installing kubuntu-desktop on a standard ubuntu-desktop (gnome) ubu box gets me everything i need, correct?00:48
spowers_anything else you'd recommend?00:48
cuzntgames dont come standard00:48
spowers_i don't need teatimer or amor00:49
cuzntnor do i00:49
geniispowers_: If you are only goint to run one desktop see !puregnome or !purekde factoids00:49
spowers_i'm not hung up on purity00:49
spowers_i have 4 gigs of ram00:50
spowers_besides, if i'm going to run firefox i'm essentialy loading the gtk2 stack anyway, minus the settings daemon00:50
spowers_anyone here running kde sessions on nfs homedirs?  does that still work okay?00:50
=== v3trae|class is now known as v3trae
cbwcjw2!hi | matt12301:10
ubottumatt123: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:10
matt123i've accendely changed the resolution on my system, and now my monitor is displaying out of range01:10
matt123how to i reconfigure the resolution - I am using 8:1001:10
marek_matt123 do you use kde 4?01:10
marek_matt123 have you used krandtray before?01:11
v3traeanyone have a preference on bit torrent clients?01:11
matt123when I click on krandtry, the monitor goes into out of range01:12
zaapielthats the lappy i just ordered01:12
matt123cd ..01:12
marek_matt123 you can try to remove its file01:13
marek_i did it once01:13
marek_and it went back to default configuration01:13
matt123marek_ what would be the file that i delete my friend?01:13
marek_matt123 one moment01:13
matt123marek_ thanks01:13
marek_delete it and restart X01:14
v3traelinux is better at HD imo.01:17
matt123marek_ thank you my friend!!01:19
marek_matt123 no problem01:19
matt123ok, may I ask another question?01:19
EagleScreen!ask | matt12301:20
ubottumatt123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:20
matt123nvidia pripority driver, can it be installed on the server kernel?01:21
marek_sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 ?01:23
vonkleistmatt123, I'm not sure, but why would you like to do that?01:24
=== wangyuan is now known as evremonder
matt123vonkleist, that is a good question, I have installed server, and now have added kubuntu, but the refresh is very slow01:24
evremondersorry! I don't konw anything about python01:25
v3traetrying to point firefox at thuinderbird for e-mail handling, it's already installed, where exactly do i point it? I don't see thunderbird in /bin/01:27
kaddi_try /usr/bin01:27
v3traekaddi_: there it is, thank you01:28
=== kaddi_ is now known as kaddi
matt123Hi - does anyone know what text editor you can use when you only have a terminal?01:36
binMonkeymatt, you can use vim.01:40
OxDeadC0dematt123: nano, vim, vi, emacs01:40
v3traematt123: i like nano personally.01:40
v3traematt123: smallest learning curve in my opinion01:40
matt123thank you01:44
=== brad__ is now known as some_dude
cbwcjw2I love nano. Small, but your features are there.01:46
v3traeyeah, i'm a big fan01:47
v3traeclass i'm in we have to use vi and it makes me really mad01:47
cbwcjw2Ouch, If its graphical, kate works really well for me as well.01:47
geniipico also01:50
OxDeadC0devi sucks imo, vim is where it's at ;)02:03
OxDeadC0de:%s/replace/with/g  (/g=global instead of just first occurance on each line) , :w, :wq, :q, :q!, i, r, o, c, p, v-c-p, and that's just the tip of the iceburg! folding is neat-o..02:05
OxDeadC0defolding alone when used properly can make vim worth it.. can make a huge source code file completely navigateable02:08
v3traeis there a way to get the CL ftp application to show progress bars on uploads and downloads?02:12
vbgunzI have an old installation and there is something I need to salvage. I cannot boot into the old installation to do it :( I need to get the *old* dpkg --get-selections ... anyone know how I can do this?02:14
zaapielhow do i get kde 4.2 for 8.10?02:16
zaapielty cbwcjw202:17
cbwcjw2Sure thing02:18
=== cbwcjw2 is now known as cbwcjw
cbwcjwWow! cbwcjw is finally not in use. Took long enough.02:18
OxDeadC0devbgunz you may be able to boot on a live cd, mount the hd, then chdir to it?02:20
OxDeadC0deer, vbgunz: chroot to it02:20
v3traevbgunz: still having troubles?02:21
OxDeadC0dezaapiel see topic02:21
=== gnuton is now known as Gnut[OFF]
underdog_does anyone know how to change the ubuntu's system language?02:28
v3traeunderdog_: System Settings>Regional & Language02:29
=== sean is now known as hybrid
zaapielkde 4.2 is slick02:32
hybridlooks good02:32
v3traezaapiel: yeah i upgraded last night, i likes it02:33
zaapielno more panel glitch02:33
zaapielthat was getting on my nerves02:33
v3traezaapiel: have you installed the nvidia 180.22 drivers?02:33
v3traezaapiel: cause i recommend it as far as performance02:34
zaapielnah, where i get those?02:34
underdog_v3trae: sorry, i'm using ubuntu02:35
underdog_i'm in the wrong channel :)02:35
v3traeunderdog_: thats okay =)02:35
underdog_do you know how by any chance?? =)02:35
v3traezaapiel: nvidias website, i'll find you the walkthrough02:35
zaapielk ty02:35
v3traeunderdog_: to switch channels?02:35
underdog_hehe no02:35
underdog_the language02:35
v3traeunderdog_: oh no, i haven't run gnome in a long time02:36
v3traeunderdog_: #ubuntu chat can probably help you02:36
v3traezaapiel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=993788 is a good walkthrough, although it applies to gnome, so when you're rebooting gdm, just change gdm to kdm and stick to the routine and you'll do fine.02:36
underdog_v3trae: np.  thanks.02:37
v3traeunderdog_: absolutely =)02:37
zaapielah ill just wait02:37
zaapielno worries02:37
v3traezaapiel: only takes about 20 minutes including reboot time02:38
Gun_SmokeNo default weather widget in 4.1 eh?02:43
Gun_Smokepretty odd02:43
dr_WillisNone in 4.2 - but i think theres one in 4.2 now02:44
dr_Willisoops 4.1 :)02:44
Gun_Smoke4.2 had one.02:44
Gun_SmokeI just left 4.2 for 4.1 and was surprise it was missing.. as important as a caculator if you ask me.02:44
v3traeweather is overrated =P02:45
v3traei can't even get conky to work on 4.2 =*(02:45
dr_Willisconky has always been a bit tricky to get to display properly on gnome and kde.02:45
dr_Willisdue to how they take over the  root window/desktop layers.02:45
v3traei can get it to display in a window, but i can't get it to melt to background =*(02:45
v3traeyeah well, i don't know any alternatives that are that simple02:45
v3traeeverything is all GUI ish and ugly02:46
v3traeif i could port rainmeter over to linux i'd do it in a second, i love that on my windows box.02:46
dr_WillisUsing conky on kde 4.2 .. is sort of like err....     Putting a Posteit note on a 100000$ plasma tv. to show you the channel lisings. :)02:47
dr_Willisbut if it works. ;)02:47
v3traehaha well, its minimalistic. i like the floating text idea. Adium is my favorite chat program on the planet because it just floats without windows and borders.02:47
dr_WillisAges ago the big 'trick' was to use a xterm, or whatever,   with no borders/transparent/below all  on the root window. and have it run top, or some other tool02:49
C_KodeHow do you get the cube to work in 4.2?  I just installed apt-get install kubuntu and now the cube stopped working even after I reenabled it02:49
C_KodeAt least control+alt Left or right arrow worked with Gnome.02:50
yuriyC_Kode: you enabled it in kde system settings?02:50
v3traedr_Willis: alot of people use xterm in the same functino to get a floating terminal, which i found to be a pain in the ass, i just use tilda.02:50
C_Kodeyuriy, Lets see/02:50
zaapieli dont have srm anymore02:51
C_Kodeyuriy, It says it's enabled.02:51
zaapieli thought that was built into kubuntu02:51
yuriyC_Kode: look at the settings for it02:53
DeeDotDeeWould it be possible to take the CD image and burn it to a DVD correctly? Or should I just bunker up and download a huge DVD ISO ?02:53
syockitDeeDotDee: should be possible02:54
v3traeDeeDotDee: probably no idea how to do it though02:54
C_Kodeyuriy, I see.  It's Ctrl+F11 instead of Ctrl+atl+direction02:54
DeeDotDeesyockit: Nero doesn't like giving it a DVD-R02:54
v3traeDeeDotDee: nero's for chumps02:54
syockitDeeDotDee: No other burning solution?02:54
syockitDeeDotDee: alcohol etc02:55
DeeDotDeesyockit: BurnAware Free?02:55
v3traeDeeDotDee: are you on windows? @_@02:55
DeeDotDeev3trae: yes, obviously I am downloading an install CD/DVD02:55
v3traeDeeDotDee: oh, well in that case yeah i dunno, if nero can't do it i don't know what would.02:55
DeeDotDeeI can't find LTS 8.04.2 , just 8.04.102:56
DeeDotDeeon DVD02:56
syockitevil vendors locking their hardware02:56
v3traeDeeDotDee: and considering this is support for kubuntu everyone would assume you're asking about kubuntu, IE you're running it. So obviously isn't really appropriate.02:56
C_Kodeyuriy, Thanks.02:56
v3traeDeeDotDee: just download the dvd imo02:56
DeeDotDeeThe DVD/CD ISO isn't supported?02:57
v3traeDeeDotDee: why don't you just get 8.10?02:57
DeeDotDeev3trae: I had issues with it02:57
syockitDeeDotDee: try infrarecorder maybe02:57
syockitDeeDotDee: burnaware looks creepy to me02:57
v3traesyockit: windows apps look creepy. esp free ones.02:58
syockitv3trae: at least you can trust them gpl'ed ones02:58
v3traeDeeDotDee: 64 bit or 32 bit?02:58
v3traeDeeDotDee: yeah i dont have any luck with 8.4.2 either.02:59
v3traeDeeDotDee: finding it that is02:59
DeeDotDeev3trae: I found the CD ISO's03:00
DeeDotDeemany many of those03:00
DeeDotDeeI guess I'll just get the DVD ISO of 8.04.1 , then upgrade03:01
DeeDotDeeOr try to find the shipit's of 8.0403:01
DeeDotDeeprobably in the trash by now03:01
v3traeDeeDotDee: http://club.cdfreaks.com/f34/possible-burn-cd-iso-onto-dvd-make-act-like-cd-195123/03:01
Gun_Smokeaptitude show plasmoid-weather for my simple weather solution.. I don't know why they didn't include that by default03:01
v3traeDeeDotDee: check that out, it might help03:01
DeeDotDeeOr maybe I should win the lotto and be able to afford both CD-Rs and DVD-Rs03:02
DeeDotDeeyeah.. that's it03:02
v3traeDeeDotDee: lol you and me both.03:02
OxDeadC0defor weather on 4.2 it's in extragear, you can download and install it.. it was to late to get the new weather plasmoid into 4.2 release (But I hear it's working great now)03:02
DeeDotDeeI wonder why they didn't do shipits on U/Kubuntu 8.04.2 LTS?03:03
DeeDotDeeor even 8.0103:03
DeeDotDeeer, 8.04.103:03
v3traeDeeDotDee: maybe not a big enough release? shrug03:03
Gun_SmokeOR, you should just be able to jigdo the iso03:04
DeeDotDeeI guess they thought people could just upgrade03:04
Gun_SmokeFigure the Idea behind ship-it is to get the .debs to those who don't have the bandwidth to pull down the base03:04
DeeDotDeeI don't have the bandwidth, I can download about 1-1.5 GBs a night is all03:05
DeeDotDeeafter that it's 425 MBs per rolling 24 hours03:05
DeeDotDee1-6 AM I get unlimited03:05
OxDeadC0deor to those who want the prestige of having an official kubuntu cd that has a silver bottom03:05
DeeDotDee(limited to my speed plan of course)03:05
Gun_Smokeyeah so DeeDotDee, you should look into Jigdo then..03:06
DeeDotDee"Jigdo" ?03:06
Gun_Smokeyou can upgrade iso's for the packages only needed..03:06
Gun_SmokeSave massive amounts of bandwidth03:06
DeeDotDeeGun_Smoke: I'll see if "Infra Recorder" , as on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto, says to try.03:07
OxDeadC0deit would be really really cool, if adept etc could do diff's on upgrades instead of full package upgrades.. that might save a bit of bandwidth.03:07
DeeDotDeecan burn a CD ISO to DVD03:07
DeeDotDeeif not, I'll just get the damn 8.04.103:08
Gun_SmokeYou only ever really need 1 iso.  no matter how you get it, as long as you hold onto either the CD/DVD or plain image, it can scan an image or the CD's03:08
v3traedear christ i hate azureus03:08
Gun_SmokeDeeDotDee: that will burn your image just fine.. but to aquire the image you can use a few methods.03:08
DeeDotDeeGun_Smoke: Yes, like wget in cygwin03:09
Gun_Smokeftp, http, torrents, jigdo, rsync03:09
OxDeadC0dei personally like the error checking on torrents, and the few thousand seeds03:09
Gun_SmokeDeeDotDee: it uses wget. But the importing feature is it only get the debs you need and not the entire 700M iso all over again03:09
DeeDotDeeGun_Smoke: Why hasn't someone made a "converter tool" anyway?03:10
DeeDotDeeI'm sure I'm not the only one with DVD-R's only03:10
v3traeDeeDotDee: maybe you should make it =P03:11
OxDeadC0dei doubt it'd be hard in linux03:11
syockitDeeDotDee: But I've burned CD iso on a dvd-r before!!03:11
syockitusing normal, conventional methods03:11
v3traeany opinions on best graphical ftp client?03:12
OxDeadC0deya I don't see why it wouldn't work just poping the dvd-r in and .. burn image to dvd..03:12
v3traetheres a linux prot for filezilla? awesome03:12
Gun_Smokeit's just a pllugin03:12
PiciFilezilla is not a plugin for firefox/mozilla.03:13
v3traeit isn't on windows anyway.03:13
syockitOn windows? smartftp03:13
DeeDotDeethat's another reason I want to get on linux, I'm already there besides mIRC03:13
DeeDotDeeSmartFTP went to payfor03:14
Gun_SmokeDeeDotDee: wubi to get started?03:14
v3traeno i'm looking for linux, i use filezilla when i'm on windows though03:14
v3traeDeeDotDee: irssi = elite03:14
syockitoh, has it been that long since I last used it03:14
Gun_Smokeirssi is a good skill to have03:14
DeeDotDeev3trae: last time i tried WINE + mIRC , I ended up with screwed up nicklists and people already left and all kinds of crap03:15
Gun_Smokeit doesn't take but 10 minutes to get going with it03:15
v3traei use irssi on windows even, gui's piss me off.03:15
v3traeDeeDotDee: yeah use irssi, its light weight, easy to use, and runs in a terminal for those "oh crap i just blew up X and need help fixing it" situations03:15
DeeDotDeedoes irssi have flood protections?03:15
v3traeDeeDotDee: /shrug, i don't run into flooding in the channels i go in03:15
DeeDotDeeDCC? PMs? nick changes? flood joins?03:15
* DeeDotDee sighs03:15
v3traeDeeDotDee: pms and nick changes for sure. i don't do DCC anymore.03:16
Gun_SmokeDeeDotDee: have a look at it's config options03:16
DeeDotDeeSure, I'll just get out my crystal ball for when I install it if I ever get linux installed and bam.. config options galore.03:17
Gun_Smokeor google03:17
v3traeor don't be a dick @_@03:17
DeeDotDeeIt probably isn't customizable as mIRC03:20
v3traeDeeDotDee: mIRC is for script kiddies and /b/tards.03:20
AlanasAnikonisv3trae:  now that's just a lame generalization03:21
DeeDotDee"/b/tards" ?03:21
v3traeAlanasAnikonis: shrug03:21
JontheEchidnaDeeDotDee: regulars of 4chan's /b/ message board03:23
AlanasAnikonis/b/ people don't even need mIRC :P03:23
AlanasAnikonisthey have their precious board03:23
v3traeAlanasAnikonis: they use irc for raids03:23
DeeDotDeeI have no idea who these BB people are or their board.03:23
v3traeDeeDotDee: you're probably better off03:23
AlanasAnikoniswas gonna say the same thing, haha03:24
AlanasAnikoniswhat has been seen, cannot be unseen03:24
DeeDotDeeSounds like some swell ole chaps ?03:24
v3traeDeeDotDee: if by swell old chaps you mean pedophiles. Then yes.03:25
DeeDotDeeStephanie Cane is as close as to that I want to see.03:26
Gun_SmokeI'd say if irssi can't do it, it can't be done.03:27
v3traeGun_Smoke: /agree03:27
AlanasAnikonisi want graphical smileys ;)03:27
AlanasAnikonisso tell me how it works.. *chuckle*03:27
v3traeAlanasAnikonis: is there a smiley for D= cause if there isn't, worthless.03:27
AlanasAnikonisall can be done in mIRC03:28
AlanasAnikonisor maybe konversation03:28
v3traeAlanasAnikonis: sigh03:28
AlanasAnikonisi am interested in Chatzilla03:28
AlanasAnikonisto remove the smileys from it :P03:28
Gun_Smokeyeah I hate them03:28
AlanasAnikonissome people must like them cause they're on by default03:29
DeeDotDeev3trae: was there a proper version of FileZilla?03:29
v3traeDeeDotDee: hmm?03:29
DeeDotDeeIf not, I want to complain somewhere03:29
=== andrew_ is now known as Ketrel_
DeeDotDee[09:09:49:PM] <v3trae> any opinions on best graphical ftp client?03:30
v3traeDeeDotDee: no yeah i got that, i don't get what you're asking.03:31
Ketrel_I'm having a problem with 2 plasmoids that come with kde 4.2, can anyone help?  Lancelot and RSSNow03:31
DeeDotDeeSomeone said it was "just a plugin"03:31
v3traeDeeDotDee: oh yeah it is it's own app03:31
Ketrel_both do not display right when plasma starts03:31
v3traeDeeDotDee: sorry, i'm a bit out of it, stayed up all night last night getting this working.03:33
v3traeKetrel_: i don't use plasmoids sorry.03:34
balooooonHello.  Has anyone noticed a problem with theming in KDE 4.  The style always seems like it goes back to Oxygen.  Anyone else having this problem?03:38
giz balooooon: nope03:41
v3traebalooooon: honestly haven't switched off oxygen so no, sorry =(03:42
balooooonv3trae: Minimalist! :(03:43
balooooonJust kidding. :)03:43
v3traebalooooon: =P03:44
EtFbWhen you install a program through Add/Remove Programs (ie Adept), it doesn't add it to your menu until the next time you log in.  Anyone else notice that?03:47
PSiL0balooooon: using "bare naked" on 4.2.0.. it doesn't switch back to the default oxygen03:52
v3traei love kwin crashes D=03:55
mefisto__EtFb: if you open the menu editor (right-click kmenu button) and save the menu, the new programs appear in the menu03:57
EtFbmefisto__: That's a workaround.  Any idea of whether the bug is known to the developers?03:58
EtFbmefisto__: (Thanks for the workaround, though.)03:58
mefisto__EtFb: it was the same in kde3. I'm sure devs are aware of it. maybe it's not considered a bug03:59
EtFbmefisto__: Definitely didn't happen in KDE3.  I recall frequently installing software and having it appear in the menu immediately.04:00
EtFbWhat's the name of the project that maintains the menu?04:00
mefisto__EtFb: not all programs will create a menu item, so perhaps it's more to do with the individual packages and how they are installed?04:02
gizEtFb: I don't recall that happening untill you logged out and back in04:02
EtFbThe ones in the Add/Remove Programs subset are supposed to add stuff in the menu as part of what they do, and yes I'm completely certain it didn't require a log out/in or a bit of fiddling with the menu editor to make it work in KDE3.04:03
EtFbOther packages are less reliable, of course, but onces maintained by the MOTUs are usually set up to do this.04:04
mefisto__EtFb: anyway, the default kde4 menu in kubuntu is kickoff I think04:04
EtFbmefisto__: I'll check Launchpad and see if it's been noted.04:04
EtFb... Damn.  Can Launchpad be any less usable?  Really freaky...04:08
EtFbHa!  This explains why I'm having trouble finding it: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16693504:10
mefisto__EtFb: agreed04:10
=== benny is now known as benny__
EtFbI'm starting to understand why KDE4 took so long to get minimally usable, if this is how they track their bugs. It's like a graveyard in there.04:16
EtFbbenny__: My aunt has a nice orange non-sequitur that she used to drive to the abattoir every Tuesday.04:18
drmrhorsei hope you got yours anyway benny__04:20
v3traei wish truecrypt had a gui for linux =/04:20
ush_this really has a separate channel huh04:26
ush_just out of curiousity04:26
ush_isn't #kde and #ubuntu enough?04:26
mefisto__EtFb: have a look at ~/.kde/share/config/kdedrc and see if it has a    [General]    section with        CheckSycoca=true     under it04:27
EtFbush_: Ubuntu is pretty much Gnome-only by default.  When you have a problem with something KDEish in Ubuntu, the Ubuntu people are all "what's a K menu" and the KDE people are "oh gods another n00b Windoze refugee"...04:27
mefisto__EtFb: I just added that to mine, installed mplayer, and it appeared in the menu04:28
ush_i suppose kde is worse than gnome04:28
ush_why don't you guys use e17 or xmonad or something?04:28
=== irwin is now known as Guest10653
Guest10653para cuando esta la KDE 4.3?04:28
EtFb!es > Guest1065304:29
ubottuGuest10653, please see my private message04:29
mefisto__ush_: kubuntu is not the same as kde or ubuntu. why shouldn't it have a dedicated help channel?04:29
ush_what's the difference?04:29
EtFbmefisto__: My kdedrc only has a [$Version] section. I figure adding something to a file in Windows .ini format is safe, so...04:30
mefisto__ush_: ubuntu uses gnome, not kde. and kde uses whatever. ubuntu + kde = something other than both of those04:30
ush_i understand how it works04:31
jimmy51_homeis kde 4.2 going to be pushed as a system update sometime soon?04:31
EtFbmefisto__: What does "Sycoca" mean?04:32
mefisto__EtFb: I got that from http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase-runtime/userguide/userguide.pdf KSycoca section, p. 16404:32
ush_you guys should edit your xinitrc, try out some new wms04:33
ush_it's good for your experience, your mind04:33
mefisto__EtFb: I think it's system configuration cache04:33
ush_i fly with xmonad04:33
EtFbush_: I played with Xubuntu (ie xfce + Ubuntu) for a while, but it was just too underfeatured.  KDE suits my brain, modulo all the flaky bits in KDE4.04:34
ush_you don't need a new OS for a new WM/DE you know ;)04:34
ush_the only reason i'd even consider doign that was if i installed KDE04:34
ush_it's like that thing in the x-files that simultaneously takes over your body and keeps you alive04:35
ush_not to troll or anything...but even linus hates it now04:35
EtFbush_: He's said he's moving away temporarily, and will try again next time he upgrades.04:36
ush_kdemod is a step in the right direction though04:36
EtFbHaving used KDE4.1, I sympathise; I almost upgraded back to 8.04 and KDE3, but the improvements in KDE4.2 are excellent.04:37
mefisto__ush_: I also read he thinks xmonad is for losers :)04:37
obsidianis anyone else able to build the kdebase package from source?04:37
ush_heh...i like it a lot more than KDE, i'll tell you that04:37
EtFbmefisto__: That config change didn04:37
EtFbmefisto__: That config change didn't work.04:37
ush_fluxbox isn't too shabby either04:37
obsidianIf we just do apt-get source kdebase, then debuild binary, it fails!04:37
EtFbmefisto__: Did I need to log out and in to activate it?04:37
obsidiancould this possibly be?04:37
obsidianthis is in intrepid, 8.10...04:38
obsidianOne of the patches built into the package fails: Hunk #1 FAILED at 8104:38
obsidianI have never seen this before.04:38
mefisto__EtFb: try lancelot menu (that's what I'm using now). maybe it is specific to kickoff after all. I thought I noticed the same behaviour with lancelot too though (apart from just now installing mplayer after editing kdedrc)04:39
EtFbmefisto__: Haven't heard of that. Can you give me a link?04:40
jimmy51_homei just tried to buy a kubuntu hat from the canonical store.  apparantely they don't ship to america04:40
mefisto__EtFb: it's in my "add widgets" list on kde 4.2. If you have 4.1 you can install plasmoid-lancelot04:41
mefisto__EtFb: http://lancelot.fomentgroup.org/main04:42
EtFbmefisto__: I'm on 4.2 (if I were still on 4.1 I'd've thrown my laptop out the window by now).  Is it Lancelot Launcher or Lancelot Parts?04:42
mefisto__EtFb: launcher. not sure what the parts thing is meant to be, can't get it to do anything04:43
obsidianSo, is anyone else able to build KDE from source then?04:44
EtFbmefisto__: Hate the icon...04:44
EtFbmefisto__: Looks good, though.04:45
mefisto__EtFb: me too. it's configurable!04:45
EtFbmefisto__: So it is!  That's the KDE I remember!04:45
mefisto__EtFb: it also integrates the krunner (alt+F2) so you can just type to search apps, bookmarks, calculate etc04:46
vbgunzwhere is daskreech!?04:46
EtFbmefisto__: Shiny!  That's so much better it's frightening!04:47
mefisto__EtFb: I really don't like kickoff. I find it confusing to navigate. I wouldn't mind if lancelot became kubuntu's default menu, maybe with a kubuntu logo icon04:48
EtFbmefisto__: Tried assigning a keyboard shortcut and it didn't work.  And I can't resize the menu (it drags instead of resizing).  So it has rough edges.  But it's much better.  Add my vote for Lancelot as the KDE 4 menu.04:50
* ush_ sighs04:51
ush_they banned me in #ubuntu04:51
v3trae_vbgunz: i been looking for him too =P04:51
v3trae_ush_: whatfer04:51
mefisto__EtFb: yes the resizing is wierd, but it does work. just looks like it doesn't when dragging04:52
EtFbmefisto__: So it does.  Have to close and reopen.  Bug, then.04:52
EtFbMight pop over to #plasma and see if "Mr Lancelot" is around...04:53
vbgunzv3trae_: I solved the ethernet issue. turns out my ethernet was just fine. I am so stupid I just forgot to allow myself access through the router as I filter on mac addresses... its been so long since I played with my router :)04:53
v3trae_vbgunz: rofl04:53
v3trae_vbgunz: hahahaha04:53
v3trae_vbgunz: it's always the simplist explanation isn't it04:53
ush_here's a question i already know the answer to04:53
ush_but i'm curious if you guys can do it04:53
ush_how do you spoof your mac address in two commands?04:53
vbgunzheh. yeah. blew my head open on that one. I need an idiot rewards04:53
mefisto__EtFb: and the shortcut option in lancelot didn't work for me either, but in systemsettings > keyboard & mouse > global keyboard shortcuts, KDE component: lancelot you can set a shortcut that will work04:54
v3trae_ush_: sudo apt-get install sub7 && sh ~/scripts/hackthegibson04:54
ush_no, one that works on any distro04:54
v3trae_ush_: that was a joke @_@04:55
ush_i don't get it :/04:55
vbgunzkeep is no longer packaged in kubuntu. anyone know of a good gui for backing up, preferably something rsync worthy, quick?04:55
EtFbmefisto__: Hang on - how do I suspend now?  Oh wait - that's probably available as a separate widget...04:55
vbgunzI can get keep but never liked it anyhow :/04:55
v3trae_ush_: sub7 is an old vb windows app for 12 year olds to hack there friends. hack the gibson is a joke from the 90's movie about hackers.04:56
ush_ah ok04:56
bucketheadhack the gibson? wow. key auld lang syne please. Haha.04:56
ush_join our ubuntu distro04:57
ush_where there's no software at all04:57
ush_so nothing gets screwed up04:57
v3trae_ush_: you mean xubuntu? xD04:57
v3trae_ush_: SIGH04:57
* ush_ glares at that guy]04:58
v3trae_ush_: you just don't grab onto jokes do you04:58
* ush_ starts foaming at the mouth04:58
=== v3trae_ is now known as v3trae|food
ush_you came at a bad time tillisonc04:58
ush_can you give us a minute04:58
ush_i can't believe that worked04:59
EtFbvbgunz: I went searching for a good backup program once (in Feisty I suspect) and was disgusted at the utter uselessness of everything.  Nowadays I just rely on man rsync.05:00
ush_wait until you have to thread rsync through su, there's a pain05:00
ush_the whole thing becomes some big SSH ordeal05:00
=== wweng is now known as hubar_
datrevздравствуйте люди, как в kopete изменить положение popups?05:02
ush_datrev: pidgin05:03
EtFb!ru | datrev05:03
ubottudatrev: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke05:03
datrevhow i can replace popups?05:03
ush_sudo apt-get install pidgin05:03
ush_if kopete does what i think it does05:03
hubar_question, I got this error: Library "kcm_fonts" not found after upgrading to KDE4.2 (in kde-experimental repository), anyone knows how to fix it?05:04
mefisto__sudo apt-get remove --purge ush_05:04
ush_that's bad for your digestive track05:04
* EtFb wonders why mefisto__ is trying to remove all the build packages of ush_...05:04
ush_over here you can do yaourt -S kopete-antispam05:05
ush_i dunno how effective it is05:05
vbgunzEtFb: I feel that. a true Ghost alternative would be slamming popping cracking huh ;)05:05
mefisto__EtFb: ush conflicts with other useful ones and should be removed completely :)05:06
EtFbvbgunz: Given the quality of the existing products, I could probably write something better (as a front-end to rsync) in half an hour in Gambas, but who has even that much time?05:06
EtFbmefisto__: Have you submitted a bug report about ush_?  Perhaps if you rebuild him from source?05:06
vbgunzEtFb: heh05:06
ush_i'm a poet05:07
EtFbProbably need to add the backpoets repositories then...05:07
* ush_ cringes05:07
hubar_Anyone has any ideas?05:07
* EtFb is amazed at how witty EtFb is05:07
ush_soudns like you need kcm_fonts, hubar_05:08
[layer5]you guys got any tips on makin mah sound card work? it's recognizing there is one, and even adjusts when i change the vol - but i get no sound05:08
hubar_ush_: hmm do you know which package I need?05:08
ush_layer5: alsa or oss05:08
[layer5]i think oss05:08
ush_hubar_: google site:ubuntu.com (or wherever the repos are) kcm_fonts05:09
EtFb[layer5]: I got mine working with sudo modprobe snd_intel_hda, and then added snd_intel_hda as a line in /etc/modules.  Try that, since it seems to solve the lion's share of problems, and it can't hurt.05:09
[layer5]aiigh will try05:09
EtFb[layer5]: (That is, the modprobe can't hurt.  Don't add the line if it doesn't immediately work!)05:09
[layer5]hah, okay! :)05:09
nabilslt tt le monde05:09
ush_And the watchman told, saying, He came even unto them, and cometh not again: and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi; for he driveth furiously.05:10
hubar_alright, thanks, ush_ :)05:10
[layer5] EtFb: "FATAL: Module snd_intel_hda not found."05:11
ush_layer5: restart the sound daemon first05:12
mefisto__[layer5]: it might be loaded as 2nd soundcard if you have two05:12
[layer5]ush_ : how to?05:12
[layer5]mefisto : i think i have only 105:12
EtFbEtFb: OK, then it's time for prayer.  Drop to your knees and make a heartfelt plea to Google that She might look upon you with benevolence.05:12
ush_sudo /etc/(wherever you keep the daemons in ubuntu)/oss restart05:12
EtFbSorry, that was for [layer5].  Dunno what I was thinking.05:12
ush_or just 'sound'05:13
ush_the hell do i know05:13
[layer5]k ill try dat05:13
ush_pro tip: use alsa05:13
EtFbIt helps to know the precise model of your sound card, [layer5]05:13
hubar_hmm let me see if this fixed that. :)05:13
[layer5]i kno, right!05:13
mefisto__[layer5]: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart05:13
ush_he has oss, doesn't he?05:14
vbgunzI was really thinking that if I upgrade my processor, ram, gpu, I would at least see faster copying/moving of files. why does it almost feel the same?05:14
[layer5]shutdown and then restarted... sudo modprobe snd_intel_hda again?05:14
[layer5]it seems its alsa05:14
vbgunzI went from a single 32bit core to a quad 64bit core. from 1gb ddr ram to 6gb ddr2 ram. a 256 fx5600 to a 7900 gtx duo.... copying and moving files feel almost the same :/ why? I thought things would speed up by about 4x ?05:15
vbgunzgranted I do feel a huge improvement overall, the copying and moving is what has me frustrated in a sense... what do I need to do to improve these operations?05:16
mefisto__vbgunz: ext4 filesystem?05:16
vbgunzis ext4 supposed to be faster?05:17
mefisto__vbgunz: no, I mean that would probably improve it05:17
mefisto__vbgunz: supposedly. google it to see review/benchmarks etc05:17
vbgunzI have no idea how to even try converting over 200GB ext3 to ext4 ... I have no other place to put the files :O05:18
vbgunzI'll google it though :)05:18
ush_get a new harddrive ;)05:18
ush_except when it fails05:18
EtFbvbgunz: In any efficient operating system, disk operation speed is bounded by the speed of the disk hardware.05:18
EtFbvbgunz: So it's a bit like asking: I got a new car, but when I drive at the legal speed limit I don't get home any faster than I used to...05:19
ush_etfb: depends on the acceleration05:19
EtFbush_: Only if you're driving a very short distance...05:19
ush_well, no05:19
mefisto__EtFb: nice analogy05:19
ush_only if you're driving for short intervals with a lot of stopping05:19
vbgunznot sure what I would need that would at least show me a really good improvement. I'd hate to turn a 2 hour operation into a 1 hour 50 minute operation... im talking at least 2x faster.05:20
EtFbush_: Otherwise, 0 to 100 in 5 seconds doesn't make much difference when it's 50km to home.05:20
ush_what if you speed faster than cops can even WITNESS05:20
EtFbush_: Quantum commuting!05:20
EtFbush_: "Dispatch, I just clocked a guy going over the limit in a 100 zone.  I know where he is or how fast he's going, but not both..."05:21
* ush_ cringes again05:21
vbgunzwell I just copied 5GB in about 5 minutes. whats faster than that?05:22
ush_copying 6GB in 5 minutes?05:22
vbgunzI ask because lately I been copying whole harddrives albeit small ones but the copying I think imo takes too long05:22
vbgunzno a little over 5GB05:22
powertoo108Does anyone know if this is a normally executing command? /usr/bin/kcmshell printers --embed-proxy 71304519 --lang en_US05:23
powertoo108ush_: Talking to me?05:24
mefisto__powertoo108: maybe you want kcmshell4 instead?05:24
powertoo108mefisto__: I didn't knowingly run it, but I found that it was run by sudo and the proxy is suspicious to me05:25
Spinshankim having trubble accessing my ntfs drives. can anyone help me05:26
powertoo108mefisto__: ush_ I also found these commands: COMMAND=/usr/bin/gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/use_http_proxy, and COMMAND=/usr/bin/gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/host, and COMMAND=/usr/bin/gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/port05:26
ush_sounds like you're being ultrahacked05:26
ush_tape up your asshole and get in for a rough one05:27
powertoo108ush_: Where do I start with forensics to find the entry point as well as anything that has been unknowingly changed?05:28
ush_unplug your computer05:28
ush_wait me for me to give you instructions05:28
vbgunzI cannot write to a drive that is ext3 and nothing funny about it mounting as ro or something in fstab. why can I not write/delete on it?05:30
Spinshankgay i cant access my 500 and 750 gb hdds05:31
Spinshank-_- no music05:32
powertoo108ush_: ?05:34
ush_powertoo108: if we're going to make any progress here, you're going to have to start following my instructions05:35
mefisto__vbgunz: type: mount     does it show as mounted rw ?05:35
powertoo108ush_: ok05:35
vbgunzmefisto__: one sec05:36
vbgunz/dev/sdc1 on /media/extradisk type ext3 (rw)05:36
vbgunzbut I cannot write too it... hmm maybe its owned by root?05:36
eightieskanyone know where i might get lancelot?05:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lancelot05:40
mefisto__eightiesk: install plasmoid-lancelot05:40
eightieski was in the middle of burning a cd last night05:41
eightieskkubuntu froze up on me so i restarted x05:41
eightieskand i had to restart.05:41
eightieskhappen like that to anyone else?05:42
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest79795
EtFbHow do I add Suspend To RAM and Suspend To Disk to my taskbar/dock/panel/whatever it's called?05:47
EtFbIt seems to be missing from Lancelot...05:48
mikekap_If anybody cares, theres a workaround for getting equations to work in office 2007 under wine05:48
mefisto__EtFb: there's lock/logout but that does the same as logout in lancelot. but I just noticed when you click and hold on the "turn off computer" button it gives you a menu with suspend functions05:50
EtFbmefisto__: Which button is that?05:51
KetrelI'm having a problem with pidgin (I'm also asking in Pidgin) but when a conversation has focus, no sound plays, but when it doesn't have focus, sound plays05:52
EtFbWait, found it.  Thanks, mefisto__.05:53
mefisto__EtFb: after you choose to log out it pops up a window with "log out" "restart computer" "turn off computer" and the restart and turn off buttons have a downward arrow. you can click and hold down mouse button to get a menu05:53
vbgunzhow can I add my windows disk into grub?05:53
EtFbvbgunz: That's got to be a pretty common question.  Pardon me while I ask ubottu...05:54
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:54
mefisto__vbgunz: NTFS Configuration Tool, in system submenu05:54
EtFbHmmph.  No use there.05:54
mefisto__vbgunz: oh, wrong question05:54
vbgunzI no longer have the grub admin module. I am on jaunty05:55
vbgunzam hand editing it and think I got it. seems jaunty introduced using uuid over (hd0,0), etc05:55
mefisto__vbgunz: is kgrubeditor installed?05:58
vbgunzmefisto__: one sec05:58
vbgunzmefisto__: no05:58
vbgunzmefisto__: I think I got it05:59
ubuntu_türkçe bileniniz var mı05:59
vbgunzI always tripped up over the (hd0,0) part... I never know how to get it and always forget to write it down... for the first time ever though if it can use uuid then I hope it works :)05:59
vbgunzmefisto__: will let you know how it turns out :)06:00
Spinshankits easer if you use 2 hard drives06:00
Spinshanki have vista + windows 7 + kubuntu06:01
mefisto__!tr | ubuntu_06:01
ubottuubuntu_: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.06:01
ubuntu_hmm oke06:02
Spinshankand i can boot into kubuntu in windows with vmware06:02
ubuntu_i just have a problem06:02
Spinshankwhat is it06:02
ubottuwinamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative.06:03
mefisto__Spinshank: audacious is good too, with winamp-like interface06:04
adbenor better amarok06:04
Spinshanki have anarok atm the eq is good on it06:04
CuriosTigerHi all06:04
ubuntu_i couldn't delete files on desktop!06:05
Spinshankbut i want one that can compile a db and has search tools06:05
CuriosTigerI'm having an audio problem that I think is related to my user profile. When I log in, the login sound plays, then an error message shows up about phonon failing and falling back to the default audio device06:05
Spinshankare you on kde or gnome?06:05
adbenamarok too06:05
CuriosTigeronce it does that, I get no more audio until I log out06:05
adbenthis is #kubuntu = kde06:06
CuriosTiger(This is Ubuntu 8.10 with KDE retrofitted to make it Kubuntu, if that makes a difference)06:06
Spinshankis kaffeine an good06:07
eightieski like kaffeine06:07
adbenand dragon?06:08
Spinshankhas anyone had a problem with running ntfs?06:08
mefisto__CuriosTiger: look at systemsettings > multimedia   and see if changing things there helps.06:08
CuriosTigerHrm. I have a System Settings -> Sound control panel, which seems to list umpteen variants of the same nforce audio driver06:10
CuriosTigerbut messing around in there did not appear to help06:10
EtFbSpinshank: I think Kaffeine is one of the best open source projects since Firefox, personally.06:11
CuriosTigerI also have selections named just hw:0.0 and hw:2.006:11
Spinshankvlc is good06:12
mefisto__CuriosTiger: do you have more than one soundcard?06:12
CuriosTigermefisto: No; it just has multiple output options (e.g. front speakers jacks, rear speaker jacks, SPDIF out)06:13
roccityvlc is good c can play lots of formatsause you06:13
roccitybut also it can play partial strems06:13
mefisto__CuriosTiger: cat /proc/asound/modules06:13
Spinshankmines fine with audio and i have 7.1 and coax and hdmi06:13
mefisto__CuriosTiger: does it show one line, or more?06:14
CuriosTigerone line:  0 snd_intel8x006:15
CuriosTigerspinshank: The funny thing is, it plays the login sound, so I know the card works on some level.06:15
CuriosTigerBut then this phonon error notification comes up, and after that -- silence06:15
mefisto__CuriosTiger: when does it come up? when trying to play music?06:16
NGL-TwYsTeDgot a broadcom corperation BCM4818 pcmcia card for laptop trying to get it to connect any networking friends here :D06:17
Temujini'm having trouble upgrading to KDE 4.206:17
CuriosTigermefisto: Immediately upon login. Almost seems like it's the playback of the login chime that triggers it06:17
Temujini keep getting a dpkg error on kdebase-workspace-wallpapers_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa5_all.deb06:17
Spinshanki need a Adobe Flash Player for 64bit :(06:18
Temujinit complains about overwriting /usr/share/wallpapers/Blue_Curl/metadata.desktop since it's also in kdebase-workspace-data\06:18
Temujinhas anyone seen this?06:18
mefisto__CuriosTiger: hmm. so you hear the login notification sound, then the error notification window, then no sound06:18
CuriosTigermefisto: Yep.06:18
mefisto__CuriosTiger: do you hear the whole sound, or does it seem to cut off abruptly?06:19
CuriosTigermefisto: It seems to cut off abruptly, towards the very end though06:19
CuriosTigere.g. I hear several seconds of it06:20
CuriosTigerand that abrupt cutoff coincides with the appearance of the popup, hence why I think they're related06:20
mefisto__CuriosTiger: I ask because that's what I got after first logon, but after that sound was working normally06:20
Temujininterestingly (CuriousTiger and mefisto__), my sound also cuts out almost immediately after the login chime starts playing06:20
CuriosTigerIt says something about falling back to the "default" device -- apparently, the default device can't actually play sound06:21
CuriosTigerand while I'm pretty adept at fixing breakage from a server point of view, I haven't messed around with KDE much. I *certainly* don't have a clue how alsa, pulseaudio, phonon, libxine and the rest all interact.06:22
mefisto__CuriosTiger: my "pulseaudio" device doesn't work (tested in systemsettings, multimedia) so I put pulseaudio last in the list of preferred devices06:22
roccityNGL-TwYsTeD: is the card listed?06:23
roccityNGL-TwYsTeD: ingif you type sudo ifconfig -a in a terminal does it show anyth06:23
Spinshankfor those who are runing 64bit and need flash here is the download link http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-10.0.d21.1.linux-x86_64.so.tar.gz06:24
CuriosTigermefisto: I was able to trigger the notification alert again by launching JuK -- but every time I try to click on it to read the entire thing, it disappears06:24
mefisto__CuriosTiger: whoever does fully understand the mysteries of linux audio lives on a mountain somewhere in the himalayas, and rarely comes down to explain it to the rest of us06:24
CuriosTigermefisto: Hah! I believe it.06:25
Temujinya, i've been fighting an xubuntu 8.10 machine with a sound blaster audigy card (that worked in 8.04)06:25
CuriosTiger8.10 has been problematic for me in general06:26
CuriosTigerin part, vmware seems not to like it06:26
Temujinthe extent of my sound troubleshooting skills ends after lspci and turning everything up in alsamixer06:26
CuriosTigerthis install is on a physical machine though06:26
CuriosTigerTemujin: That's about where I'm at06:26
CuriosTigerI know to look at logs, but the logs aren't showing any errors06:26
CuriosTigerI'll probably be murdered for this, but I do miss Windows' device manager and dxdiag commands right now. :P06:27
Temujindoes anyone have any ideas with my KDE 4.2 package error ( kdebase-workspace-wallpapers_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa5_all.deb)?06:27
mefisto__the one thing I have sorted is permanently setting default soundcards. I used to get one of two cards randomly set as default on every boot06:27
mefisto__Temujin: I have seen people here with that overwrite error, but it's never happened to me. so it's not just you06:29
CuriosTigerthere does seem to be some lack of forethought here.06:29
CuriosTigerI mean, would a "test" button in the sound control panel be too much to ask?06:29
mefisto__CuriosTiger: you don't have the test button?06:29
mefisto__CuriosTiger: I've upgraded to kde 4.2 and it's there06:30
CuriosTigeris it supposed to be the small speaker in the top right?06:30
CuriosTigerthis is still 4.106:30
CuriosTigermaybe I should upgrade to 4.2 and see if that just magically fixes the issue :)06:30
Temujini don't think it's an actual filesystem permission error.... it says: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-wallpapers_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa5_all.deb (--unpack):.....trying to overwrite `/usr/share/wallpapers/Blue_Curl/metadata.desktop', which is also in package kdebase-workspace-data06:31
Temujinseems like some sort of file collision between packages06:32
mefisto__CuriosTiger: that's what mine looks like: http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=soundgf6.png06:32
Temujinah, i think i got it...06:36
Temujinapt-get remove kdebase-workspace-wallpapers    .... then do the 4.2 upgrade06:36
Temujinwell, i'm off to restart to see if it comes up in 4.2....   :-)06:37
CuriosTigerI can't even see the adept package manager UI to set up the update06:39
CuriosTigerit's showing up at its default 9 point font; I'm sitting 10 feet away from my LCD TV and need more like 32 point to read the UI06:39
CuriosTigerso, I'll futz with it some other time06:40
CuriosTigerright now, it's time for sleep so I don't miss my flight. :D06:40
CuriosTigerthanks for trying, guys. I'll probably be back on the weekend to give audio another shot06:41
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gmathewsHi is it possible to install compiz on Kubuntu?06:50
NGL-TwYsTeDthank you kubuntu channel06:50
NGL-TwYsTeDGod Bless06:50
mefisto__gmathews: yes06:51
gmathewsmefisto__: is it easy?06:52
gmathewsor will it conflict with the current KDE in build effects06:52
mefisto__gmathews: but it has it's own compositing effects built in06:52
mefisto__gmathews: I haven't done it myself in kde4, so I don't know06:52
gmathewsokay..let me google06:52
gmathewsmefisto__: what is the difference between KDE 4.1 and 4.206:53
v3traegmathews: 4.2 is prettier and less buggy in my experience.06:53
syockitthe most prominent would be the introduction of Desktop Activities06:54
mefisto__gmathews: noticably more config options that were missing previously (esp for the panel/taskbar).06:54
syockitPanels now hidable06:54
syockitYou have desktop cube included in the effects06:54
gmathewsi couldn't find a changelog06:55
gmathewsbetween the two06:55
mefisto__generally more stable. less crashes06:55
gmathewsLooks like I am going to update :)06:55
mefisto__still far from perfect though06:55
gmathewsI am debating whether to go back to ubuntu..06:55
v3traegmathews: why?06:57
gmathewsthere are more themes etc for gnome..nothing works on kde 4.1..06:57
v3traegmathews: well i'm not sure what you're trying to do exactly, but i love kde4.206:58
v3traegmathews: although i haven't looked into UI mods for it, at this point i don't really need it.06:58
gmathewsi don't like the blue icons ;[06:58
v3traegmathews: who uses icons nowadays06:59
mefisto__gmathews: you could use the gnome icons06:59
gmathewslol i am still learning guys...I need my icons :P07:00
gmathewshow do i see if koffice-data-kde4 is installed in terminal?07:00
v3traelol@youtube being down07:00
gmathewsand why does kubuntu ship with 2 package managers?07:00
mefisto__gmathews: both are adept, but one is simplified for browsing and simple installing07:03
mefisto__adept installer (simpler) and adept manager (the whole shebang)07:03
gmathewsmefisto__:i was talking about adept and synaptic?07:03
v3traegmathews: simple for you new guys xD07:03
gmathewshahha blah :P07:04
mefisto__gmathews: synaptic is the gtk/gnome one07:04
gmathewsW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60487016493B306507:04
gmathewsoh sworry07:04
gmathewsi see the instructions lol :D07:04
gmathewsthe update manager doesn't tell you how big the update is unless you start updating07:07
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zeltakhi cant find on kubuntu.org how to upgrade to jaunty...anyone care to post a link?07:31
yao_ziyuan2in a freshly installed kubuntu,07:45
yao_ziyuan2what theme would gtk+ programs use?07:45
ActionParsnip!jaunty | zeltak07:50
ubottuzeltak: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.07:50
zeltakk, i know to expect lots of hell :) i want to help out with bugs etc..07:50
ActionParsnipzeltak: its not supported here, its supported in +107:51
zeltakbut just cant find how to upgrade...well joing the ubuntu+1 channel, thx :)07:51
johannes_how can i have desktopbs icons being shown in kubuntu 8.10?07:57
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ActionParsnipjohannes_: copy them to ~?Desktop07:58
johannes_ActionParsnip: NO, IT BY by default does not show them on the desktop07:58
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: kill the caps07:59
tom_hello, looking for help with kde 4.2 pannel with dual screen issue... I want to keep my pannel visable, but on me second screen (where the pannel is not) windows can not use the space....08:00
ActionParsnipjohannes_: did you recently install kde ontop of ubuntu?08:01
JohnFluxActionParsnip: yes boss08:01
JohnFluxActionParsnip: :-)08:01
johannes_ActionParsnip: no, just kubunut08:01
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: try renaming your ~/.kde folder and rebooting08:02
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: if its better, we know its the config08:03
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: you can also rename back as the folder is not deleted08:03
marek_hi, i have a problem with connecting to my bluetooth phone - in order to connect to the internet, can you help me?08:04
JohnFluxActionParsnip: i'm not johannes_ :-)08:04
tom_ marek_: i can try08:05
tom_whats up?08:05
ActionParsnipjohannes_: read above ^08:05
johannes_ActionParsnip: there were three caps by accident i think thats within the limit08:05
marek_tom_ well i made a connection with blueman08:08
ActionParsnipjohannes_: i just hate caps, its no biggy08:08
marek_i added my network settings, but after a few seconds08:08
marek_i have an information about fail08:08
johannes_ActionParsnip: lol...i was just too lazy to use the cursor08:09
tom_marek_: this is failure message?08:09
marek_i will tell in a moment what it is exactly08:09
tom_marek_: ok. are you useing the phone for a modem or trying to provide a gateway for the phone?08:10
marek_tom_ my phone is a modem for me08:10
ActionParsnipjohannes_: anyhoo, rename your .kde folder and reboot, you will get a fresh one with stock settings08:11
marek_"connection of interface /dev/rfcomm0 failed"08:11
tom_marek_: not too informitive huh? :) does your bluetooth work for other purposes such as obex?08:12
marek_tom_ i think so08:12
marek_in my opinion there might be a problem with connection settings08:12
marek_with all this PPAP CHAP and other options08:13
marek_there is a lot of them08:13
marek_but i didnt changed them08:13
marek_im also using latet 9.04 revision with kde 4.2 svn so im using great new knetworkmanager, but i dont think this is a bug08:14
marek_i can connect via konsole08:14
marek_with pppd08:14
johannes_ActionParsnip: this is a new system, most certainly it is set by default to that show now desktop icons08:14
tom_marek_: you have an internet conneciton with the network operator and it works when connecting from your phone?08:15
ActionParsnipjohannes_: its worth a try08:15
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tom_marek_: i hope my question was not demening... i just wanted to make shure you wernt trying to use an ISP what wasnt from your cell net operator08:21
tom_kind of a "is it pluged in" question....08:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glade08:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libglade08:31
ActionParsnip!find glade08:31
ubottuFound: glade-3, glade-gnome-3, libglade2-0, libglade2-dev, libglade2.0-cil (and 32 others)08:31
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jayavardhanis there any one to chat08:44
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altrortlagoodmorning ... i have found UNIONFS psrtition on my PC ... I want to remove it with GPARTED to install kubuntu .... It is possible ? Or it will cause troubles?09:09
tom_why would it cuase problems09:10
altrortlatom_: I don't know I've read about a particular procedure to follow on eeePC ?09:10
altrortla(no "?")09:10
altrortlaand with liveCD of kubuntu it appears like a remote connection09:11
tom_so its an eeepc? as long as you keep the master boot record intact and have a boot loader, you should be good09:11
altrortlano isn't09:11
tom_are you going to install grub with ubuntu?09:12
tom_what other os you got on there?09:12
altrortlaI have this doubt ... because i have read this about eeePC09:12
altrortlaIn this moment XP home09:12
tom_i say your good. ubuntu's dual boot functionallity has matured to be very easy not to mess up09:13
tom_did you know you can run ubuntu as an application from windows... make sure you love it enough before you install?09:14
altrortlaI know kubuntu... this from I'm writing is a kubuntu system...09:15
altrortlaBut the question is ... can I remove UNIONFS with gparted?09:15
tom_sweet.... i love kde09:15
altrortlame too09:15
tom_during the install proccess?09:15
altrortlano before09:16
altrortlawith liveCD09:16
altrortlaI know how to do ... i don't know if is good09:16
tom_why not do it with the install partition tool? what is the unionfs disk? is your cdrom?09:16
altrortlano is a partition of HD ...09:17
tom_how many harddrives are in your system? why do you have a unionfs part? gparted can del a partion even if it doesnt like the filesystem on that part09:18
tom_you can do it, but wiether you should depends on what it is. you have not given much info about it09:18
altrortla1 HD... and I don't know why is there09:19
tom_does gparted show the unionfs part on the same disk as your fat disk?09:20
altrortlaI know only that UNIUNFS appears to be a remote condivided09:20
altrortlaI'll check09:20
tom_how big is it?09:20
tom_im thinking if you dont know what the part is, than it is a ramdisk from running linux live or it is the recovery partition from your computers manufactor09:24
altrortlaI have an SDA1 (ntfs) around 75GB and 1 unallocated around 7Mb09:24
altrortlatoo small09:25
tom_what device is the unionfs on? something like sdb?09:25
altrortlathis is what Gparted see09:25
altrortlais not seen may be09:25
tom_so gparted only shows one drive?09:26
altrortlato be clear i have added a extenal HD aroung 40Gb ntfs (it is all allocated) and do not have UNION partition... to recoved data09:28
tom_when yo install kubuntu, the installer will allow you to resize your windows partition to make room for kubuntu. then it will install a boot loader - grub - that when your computer boots you can chose between kubuntu or windows. i bet your unionfs part is a temp drive for the linux live09:28
tom_if the unionfs drive is there, you can del at that time09:28
tom_id unplug your usb drive when you install, just to keep it simple09:29
altrortlano trouble... i want to remove completely XP09:29
tom_double sweet. then youll select the option "use entire disk" and itll be piece of cake09:30
altrortlaI hope ... and  so I'll do... but isn't clear what is this UNIONS ... (OMG)09:31
altrortlatom_: thanks for your support09:32
tom_well, when you install, the partition manager will show you whats there....  if it doesnt make sense or you dont liek it. you can cancel. it wont do anythign to your system untill you pass the harddrive part...09:32
tom_good luck. its way easy now days. ive been using kubuntu for about 3 yrs now. its awsome and i havent looked back.09:33
tom_hey, anyone want to talke about rendering pro serivces to create a metapackage for a custom desktop?09:40
matti_what should I do to update KDE 4 to the latest version09:42
tom_newer than this? http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.209:43
ubuntu__tom_: Still here tom? (altrortla)09:50
ubuntu__tom_: I have detached external HD... UNIONS still remain like a HD condivided (share) ... no permission to Mount ... No permission to delete09:52
tom_this is in "live mode"09:52
ubuntu__yep live cd09:52
administrator_Русские есть ?09:53
jrmathishey everyone..sorry to barge in but i just reinstalled hardy a few days ago because i wanted to switch back to 32 bit, and it seems like everytime i try to do anything: kicker crashes, then eventually all kwin crashes, and the x server gets stuck in an endless cycle...and it's bad. any clue as to what's happening? if there's anymore info i can provide, just ask09:54
tom_can you try rebooting but this time to the install option with out the live part? im thinking the unionfs is a temp ramdisk the live linux creates for your live session. i had the impression that gparted did not show this part on your one hd....09:55
tom_i dont think youhave anything to worry about, but i empathize that you are.09:55
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ubuntu__I not the first time that i install Kubuntu... but sure is the first time that I see this such thing09:56
tom_so, only one hd in the system and gparted only shows one drive - sda - wth only one part - sda1. where do you see the unionfs part?09:57
ubuntu__I see it in dolphin...09:58
ubuntu__Achieving Device09:59
tom_when you clicked on the install program and went through the steps, did the partition tool show the unionfs drive?09:59
ubuntu__you say gparted?10:00
ubuntu__no i haven't done this alreadry10:01
jrmathisit just happened after i typed that..  :|10:01
jrmathissomeone help :/10:01
tom_im not sure if the install script uses gparted or not.... try it out. you can poke around and look at the hardrive and want not with out messing up your system. no changes will be made untill you flick finished/next from the harddrive tool10:02
tom_jrmathis: i dont know whats going on, but it sounds like an xserver config issue. you can try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" from a console (hit alt+f2) and then restart kdm  via "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"10:06
nacerdoes the repo are the same for kde4.2 i386 and amd64 ?10:07
tom_nacer: yes10:08
nacertom_: ok because i have a lot of crash with kmail :(10:08
altrortlaehi tom10:09
altrortlahave seen this?10:09
tom_nacer: if you were grabing progarms that were not compiled foryour cpu, you would have alot more problems than kmail10:12
tom_jrmathis: any luck10:12
TurboKiwiHi, plasma has a buggy behaviour on my laptop (kubuntu 8.10, up to date) : the miniatures box (~MS systray icons) plasmoid doesn't update properly for example whan not in a control pannel, and icons appear outside the plasmoid. Whan I try to change the side of the screen a control panel is anchored to, it happens that it displays incorrectly, etc ...10:14
nacertom_: okay10:14
nacertom_: all the other stuff seem to work without crash10:15
TurboKiwiAm I the only one to encounter these problems ?10:15
nacerbut kmail ..10:15
tom_what is kmail doing to ya?10:15
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zeltakim looking for a program that catalogs my drives (including network drives) every X hours..any one knows if such a thing exists?10:16
tom_zeltak: what do you need by catalogs?10:19
zeltakjust file and folders :) i had a hard drive die on my recently10:19
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zeltakand now i see its usefull to know what was on it ;-)10:19
tom_like a user readable index?10:21
zeltakyeah exactly10:21
zeltaki was wondering if there was a program or script i can run that every dew hours/days would just catalog my hardrives and network drives into a text file or better yet to a browsable file10:21
tom_i dont know off the top of my head. i thnk you should look into kdes desktop index/search tools and see if you can back of the cache... im interested, so ill poke around a bit for the next 30 min or so10:23
zeltakthx tom_10:23
zeltakappriciated :)10:23
tom_what os are you runing?10:23
zeltakkubuntu intrepid 8.10 kde 4.210:23
Crusteris there any wayto connect to a wireless secured network before login in kubuntu? I use knetworkmanager if that helps...10:28
bushdoctorHey folks, having an issue with KDE 4.2. Just updated, but certain applications don't have any window decorations (kontact, dolphin ...). Anyone get this problem as well? On Kubuntu 8.10. Ta10:28
matti_How can I install the latest version KDE?10:29
tom_bushdoctor: is your poblems like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1056323 ?10:32
tom_matti_: newer than this? http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.210:33
tom_or are you wanting to install from the lastes src?10:33
Crusteranything for me except removing my wireless security....?10:34
matti_I try it10:35
tom_cruster: you need to script network manager to run at boot10:35
tom_i think netman is required for wpa.... but maybe not.10:36
tom_give me a bit ill find out10:36
Crusterok thanks10:37
tom_zeltak: you can config strigi to index your harddrives and then just back up ~/.strigi10:41
Crustertom_: i logout to test something, and i'll come back with news...10:45
tom_first tell me your wifi card10:46
zeltaksweet, is there an interface for stirgi...i remember i tried to use it a few weeks ago..where is the gui?10:46
tom_knoqeror kio10:46
Crusterdo you need the driver i use or the name?10:46
Crusterjust a sec10:46
zeltaksorry for being ignorant tom but but how do i use the kio?10:47
Crustertom_: any way to quickly find out?10:48
Crusterit's an intel one but don't remember exactly10:48
tom_cruster: do you use a wrapper or a native driver?10:49
Crusterit's native10:49
Crusterone of the iwl series10:49
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tom_zeltak: give me a bit to find out how it would work in your case. btw, i got some of this info form the #strigi users10:50
tom_ok cruster10:51
zeltakthx again tom10:53
thugq issu10:59
tom_Cruster: are you good with cli?11:00
Crustertom_: well, it was way too easy...just made a script and put it in autostart pre-kde11:00
Crusterand yes, i use (k)ubuntu many years and I got used to cli11:00
tom_it may have been even easery... just define the interface details in /etc/networking/interfaces ... i just needed tocheck on wither you could use that for the WPA infrastructure11:01
tom_glad your cookin with crisco now11:02
Crusteri think i could also config wpa_supplicant and put it in /etc/networking/interfaces, but I don't want to touch a working system ;)11:02
ubuntu_this stupid kubuntu cd11:05
ubuntu_who you cruster11:05
ubuntu_so why so many ppl and so little talk11:05
Crusterit's not a chat, it's a support chanel11:06
tom_well man. how was suppose to repsond to "this stupid kubuntu cd"????11:06
ubuntu_support for what?11:06
tom_tell us what ur prob is and discrib in detail so we can ehlp ifyou want talk theropy look else where11:07
ubuntu_does anybody know Mentor Grapichs?11:07
ubuntu_want to install it on kubuntu11:07
ActionParsnipinstall what?11:08
ubuntu_the Expidition PCB of Mentor Graphics11:08
ubuntu_Does anybody know it?11:10
ActionParsniplooks like a windows app11:10
ActionParsnipuse wine11:10
ubuntu_I tried11:10
ubuntu_it starts installing11:11
ubuntu_but as soon as you picked the dir it just shows a blank screen11:11
ActionParsnipwine isnt always ideal11:11
ActionParsnipyou may need a windows vm to run it in11:12
ubuntu_is there any other app that works the same as wine?11:12
ActionParsnipcedega and crossover office but they cost11:12
ubuntu_I tried that, but the prob is that when you use vm you cant go dual screen11:12
ActionParsnipthey you'll need a dual boot11:13
ubuntu_well, I dont know if there is a virtualbox that can do dual screens11:13
ubuntu_but that whould be nice11:13
ActionParsniplook around, see if there is a guide11:13
ActionParsnipyou could jst make the desktop span the width of both displays11:14
ubuntu_read about that, that will prob be the best way if wine doesnt work11:15
ubuntu_another thing11:15
ActionParsnipyou could see if the guys who make the software have a linux port11:16
ActionParsnipor sourcecode11:16
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ubuntu_how do you install support for .m4a11:16
Paddy_EIRE!resticted | ubuntu_11:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about resticted11:17
Paddy_EIRE!restricted| ubuntu_11:17
ubottuubuntu_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:17
ActionParsnipubuntu_: sudo apt-get install gstreamer*11:17
Paddy_EIREActionParsnip: that would not be wise11:18
Paddy_EIREthat will also install a load of cruft he/she need ever use11:18
ActionParsnipPaddy_EIRE: it installs the good the bad and the ugly11:19
Paddy_EIREActionParsnip: and streaming server stuff11:19
Paddy_EIREbig package with that11:19
ubuntu_well, thanx guys, just going to install new version11:19
Paddy_EIREActionParsnip: try tab completing that using apt-get and see what I mean11:20
ActionParsnipmy tab complete for anyhing but the first word is busted11:21
Paddy_EIREActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/d7e86c4bd11:22
ActionParsnipi'll grep11:22
Paddy_EIREActionParsnip: no one wants all that D:11:22
ActionParsnipapt-cache search gstream | grep ^gstr11:23
Paddy_EIRE!info gstreamer-codec-install11:24
ubottuPackage gstreamer-codec-install does not exist in intrepid11:24
Paddy_EIREI guess I guess restricted extras should install all that11:24
Paddy_EIREyeah I guess twice :/11:24
ActionParsnipi say i say i say ;)11:25
Tm_Thi kids11:25
Paddy_EIREfolder view crashed plasma ActionParsnip :(11:25
Paddy_EIRETm_T: hey man11:25
Paddy_EIREis there a konsole plasmoid?11:26
ActionParsnipPaddy_EIRE: try fluxbox, none of that to worry about11:26
ActionParsnipPaddy_EIRE: try yakuake11:26
Paddy_EIREon kde4?11:26
ActionParsnipi do11:26
Tm_TPaddy_EIRE: there's several, for example konsolator11:26
ActionParsnipyakuake on kde 3.2 here11:26
Paddy_EIRETm_T: nice :)11:26
ActionParsnipkeeps the konsole on top of everything when you need it11:29
tom_hey, anyone with experiance getting strigi to work right in kde 4.2?11:30
Tm_TActionParsnip: aye, useful for some, wouldn't fit to my workflow though11:30
Paddy_EIREtom_: try asking on #kde for help with 4.211:31
ActionParsnipTm_T: im guessing you're a multiple konsole kinda guy11:31
tom_got ya. thanks for the suggestion11:31
ActionParsnip!info strigi11:31
ubottuPackage strigi does not exist in intrepid11:31
Tm_TActionParsnip: kinda 20 sessions open (:)11:32
ActionParsnipthought so11:32
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ares28ultraHaaaaaaaaaaaallo at all!11:39
ares28ultraHope you'll fine!11:40
ActionParsnipares28ultra: my gf says i am ;)11:41
ares28ultrasomeone can tell me what can i use as a peak level meter under text-mode shell?11:41
tom_alsa-mixer may11:41
ares28ultrayes, i know, i use it to modify volume, but does it exists a spectrum visualizer?11:42
khalidmianhow come the 64 bit kubuntu version is slower then the 32 bit isnt it suppose to be faster?11:42
tom_i do not know of a cli spectrum vis.... why do you need a cli tool?11:43
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: under some situations yes11:43
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: otherwise its not any faster11:43
tom_khalidmian: way too many variables to say why. what is slower?11:43
khalidmianalso in regards tovirtual machine for linux/kubuntu which is the most recommended of the most?11:44
ActionParsnipvmware or virtualbox11:44
tom_do you need a gui? i like linux-vserver11:44
ares28ultra'caouse sometime in train i listen my collection on computer and text session let me preserve the battery discharging...11:44
tom_and virtualbox. i hate vmware... very heavy and frozue up alot on me11:45
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: try both, see which ou prefer, both are good solutions11:45
ares28ultrano, i'm not talking about a VM, but relatively to a text-based session on kubuntu.11:45
tom_ares28ultra: you can just an x app by itself with out a windows manager....  does that help?11:46
ares28ultrai don't understand what u mean ,tom_11:47
ares28ultrasorry, but, what is khalidmian? i can't find it...11:48
tom_ares28ultra: you want to run in cli without a windows manager (KDE) to save on battery? but you want a visual spectrum analizer with your listen to your tunes.... what gui one do you use? you can prob run it with out running kde11:49
khalidmianActionParsnip: which vm would be good for running xp under kubuntu11:49
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: both are fine11:49
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: there is no best or better, try both and see which you prefer, virtualbox is very easy to setup11:50
khalidmianActionParsnip:ty for help on that11:50
ActionParsnipbut ive never successfuklly bridged lan with it for rdp11:50
ActionParsnipand vmware has that sorted at install11:50
ActionParsnipremote desktop protocol11:51
ActionParsnipnot a server admin are you?11:51
khalidmianand what about usb support on vmware11:51
ares28ultraso, i'll explain it better, i want save battery & listen music. so i turned off x session on teminal 7. Now i can listen nand modify volume but i would like to see a spectrum analizer ....all in text-based ...11:52
ActionParsnipits fine11:52
khalidmianActionParsnip: just a regular user11:52
ZmAYhello, i have problems with my letters, i installed dc++ yesterday, and now there are everywhere rectangles instead of letters, in all aplications, and some errors are shown like..  GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_get_qdata: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed ... any help?:)11:52
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: as a nub user, id suggest virtualbox11:52
ZmAYalso Pango-CRITICAL **: _pango_engine_shape_covers: assertion `PANGO_IS_FONT (font)' failed11:52
khalidmianActionParsnip: ty11:52
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: theres a tonne of guides11:52
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: you need to be in the vbox group too but the guide will detail that11:53
khalidmianActionParsnip: hopefully ill chat to you again and be in a positio to ask you link for guides but not right now11:53
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: and if you upgrade your kernel, you will need to fire a command to recompile the virtualbox kernel11:53
shadeslayeri am having problems updating to amarok 2.0.111:54
khalidmianActionParsnip: will ask help if need be11:54
shadeslayerthe link on help kubuntu.org does not11:54
shadeslayer*does not lphe11:54
khalidmianshadeslayer: sudo apt-get installl amarok-kde411:54
shadeslayer*does not help11:54
tom_ares28ultra: the lack of proccess with out kde will save battery... ok... but you can still run that one single gui app with our running the eitre desktop11:54
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/05/howto-install-latest-project-neon.html11:54
ActionParsnipadd repo: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ubuntu hardy main11:55
ActionParsnipinstall amarok-nightly11:55
khalidmianunfortunately i think amarok sucks just because it doesnt have an equalizer11:56
shadeslayerE: The update command takes no arguments11:56
shadeslayerwith sudo apt-get installl amarok-kde411:56
ares28ultrahow can i run a single gui without the entire desktop? shall i create a dedicate session?11:56
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: add the repo, run the command11:56
shadeslayerActionParsnip: buldt thats a nightly bui11:57
tom_ares28ultra: here is a slew of linux audio tools... many are console only http://www.linux-sound.org/one-page.html11:57
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: thats the only amarok2 i know11:57
shadeslayerwell i wont come online daily11:58
ActionParsnipyou'll be bleeding edge like the cool kids11:58
ActionParsnipthats fine, you'll just have one a few days old11:58
khalidmiani have finally gotten rid of windows as an o/s - good ridance to bad rubbish11:59
failerskhalidmian: if you change engine and some stuff in amarok you can get a equilizer11:59
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: well actually, you havent as you are running a VM with windows11:59
khalidmiannow IF only lol i could have mac o/s in a virtualox environment11:59
khalidmianActionParsnip: i will be installing vbox to run xp within linux12:00
failersdoesnt mac o/s work in a virtualbox :o ?12:00
khalidmianfailers: EULA issues12:00
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: so you are still running the operating system12:00
tom_khalidmian: osx is good to go in vb... just not legal12:00
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: so you havent got rid of it12:01
failerskhalidmian: ROFL since when did people start to care about EULA for operativsystems12:01
khalidmianActionParsnip: isnt vbox like wine?12:01
failersi have never bought a single windows and yet i have had them all12:01
tom_khalidmian: other day i say a pc build offeirng choise of ubuntu/osx/windows...12:01
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: no, vbox will need you to install windows to a virtual hard drive which is a file on your system12:02
ActionParsniptom_: www.efficientpc.co.uk12:02
khalidmianfailers: 2nd thing is that doesnt one need a mac machine to have mac o/s to run - even if it is in virtualbox environment?12:02
ares28ultrathanks, all & tom... i'm going to see ---12:03
khalidmianActionParsnip: do i need a mac to have mac o/s in virtual box?12:04
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: its simply not a legal action, even if you had 5000 macs12:05
khalidmianActionParsnip: minus the legality12:05
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: the licence states it has to be installed on a mac12:05
ActionParsnipplus its garbage12:06
shadeslayeranyways thanks guys12:06
shadeslayerpeople at #amarok sorted it out12:06
shadeslayerkhalidmian: its sudo apt-get install12:07
shadeslayerno upgrade12:07
ares28ultrahei people, someone knows the way to install new windows borders in kde4?12:11
khalidmianwould like to know how to have an equalizer for amarok but later12:12
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: its got one or two built in12:13
ares28ultracoming soon just the reboot time.....12:14
khalidmianActionParsnip: mine doesnt12:14
shadeslayerwrong amarok then :P12:14
shadeslayerkhalidmian: 1.4??12:14
khalidmianwill get back on that one later12:15
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: do you mean to choose bass / treble levels?12:15
khalidmianActionParsnip: yes12:15
shadeslayeroh,damn it12:16
shadeslayerpower outage12:16
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: http://galerie.antonindanek.cz/obrazky/amarok-equalizer.png12:16
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: try in view or settings at the top12:17
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: is it there?12:18
khalidmianActionParsnip: which ver do u have lol12:19
khalidmianshadeslayer: yes im on 1.412:19
downhill_yeah so alsa just bit it for some reason. the sound driver is loaded, changes in kmix apply to my external amp (S/PDIF), but lsof /dev/snd/* and /dev/dsp* show nothing (except kmix, which I quit to make sure) but nothing can use alsa (amarok, vlc, flash, etc)12:19
ActionParsnipkhalidmian: that screen grab isnt mine12:19
downhill_oh yeah and my X-Fi is the first device in my asoundrc, just for good measure.12:19
shadeslayerkhalidmian: hmm,try updating,maybe it helps12:19
downhill_this was working before I rebooted :O12:21
khalidmianshadeslayer: i will an will get back for help/assistance if needed12:21
shadeslayerim going BTW12:22
=== amarok_ is now known as amarok__
=== amarok__ is now known as amarok_
ActionParsnipdownhill_: did you upgrade your kernel?12:22
downhill_not before the reboot, no.12:22
downhill_it's been working with this kernel already12:23
downhill_the part that's really confusing to me is that /dev/snd/* devices aren't in use O_o12:23
downhill_nor is /dev/dsp*, so it's not like OSS is blocking anything12:23
downhill_anybody else have any ideas?12:25
ActionParsnipdownhill_: try reading: dmesg | less12:26
downhill_unlimited scrollback in konsole ftw ;)12:26
ActionParsnipdownhill_: less ftw as it allows searching12:27
downhill_so does konsole12:27
downhill_also, the only time alsa is mentioned is when it gets an IRQ12:27
ActionParsnipdownhill_: i'd read the whole thing carefully to see whats going on12:27
downhill_so, um, I did, but there's nothing there that's helpful12:28
ActionParsnipdownhill_: my command also takes into consideration people not running an x server or a different terminal app like xterm, so is more portable :)12:28
downhill_alright man, I've been using Linux since the '01, spare me ;)12:28
claushello everyone! I use ubuntu and kopete is not connecting to my yahoo user, it returns me an error, could anyone assist me on this matter pls or where can I find information?12:29
christian_hi!..someone knows the way to verify the cpu, disk and memory of my computer...??12:29
ActionParsnipi consider all, rather than what worksfor one system :)12:29
ActionParsnipchristian_: cat /proc/cpuinfo and df -h12:29
downhill_this is #kubuntu. if someone is using something other than KDE3 or 4, there's a problem ;)12:30
ActionParsnipdownhill_: i use kuuntu but hate kwin, i use fluxbox12:30
ActionParsnipdownhill_: no problems atall12:30
=== rohan is now known as shadeslayer
christian_thanks... Action...12:31
downhill_yeah I didn't come in here to get in debates, k?12:31
downhill_so /var/log/ in fact doesn't even mention alsa except it getting an IRQ12:32
ActionParsnipchristian_: cat /proc/meminfo for ram use12:32
ActionParsnipdownhill_: then that would be the issue12:32
ActionParsnipdownhill_: you need to fight that out12:32
ActionParsnipdownhill_: to get it an irq12:33
ActionParsnipchristian_: remember that ubuntu will use a bit of ram as disk cache12:33
downhill_no, there's no issue, it gets one.12:33
ActionParsnipchristian_: so dont look shocked if free ram is quite low12:33
ActionParsnipdownhill_: all i can suggest is trawl dmesg to make sure everything is perfect12:34
ActionParsnipdownhill_: or try rmmod / modprobe the driver then read dmesg | tail to see whats going on12:35
downhill_I appreciate the volunteer help, really I do. In fact, I used to do it quite a lot in #fedora. That said, you already said that :)12:35
downhill_yeah, it won't let me rmmod, so I'm looking into that.12:35
downhill_I get permissions errors12:35
ActionParsnipsudo rmmod <thingy>12:35
downhill_ERROR: Removing 'ctxfi': Operation not permitted12:36
ActionParsnipdownhill_: hmm, try taking it out of /etc/modules so it doesnt get modprobed in at boot12:37
ActionParsnipthen manually do it once logged in12:37
ActionParsnipsee what happens12:37
downhill_good call, I can blacklist it for now12:38
ActionParsnipwill it still modprobe if its blacklisted?12:38
downhill_not if I remove the blacklist before trying to modprobe it ;)12:39
ActionParsnipsweet, just curious if that was a feature of blacklist12:39
downhill_um, ok, that didn't help12:40
downhill_I got this now tho: [ 1911.450413] CTALSA 0000:04:00.0: PCI INT A disabled12:40
downhill_whatever that means. hi gmathews_ o/12:40
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ActionParsnipim guessing its because of the blacklist, did you reboot?12:41
downhill_no, and yes I did reboot.12:41
ActionParsnipok so try modprobe in the module, see what happens12:42
downhill_02:44 < downhill_> I got this now tho: [ 1911.450413] CTALSA 0000:04:00.0: PCI INT A disabled12:42
downhill_that's from dmesg12:42
downhill_I'm all confused now :p12:44
ActionParsnipdownhill_: rad higher up during boot, what goes on12:44
yao_ziyuan2too bad, adept still does not warn me of unsigned packages12:45
downhill_k dude, I'm out of ideas. dmesg *honestly* is not being helpful12:47
ActionParsnippeace out duder12:48
downhill_arts and stuff aren't running... I just don't know :p12:49
ares28ultraHallo at all!!!12:54
ares28ultrahow can i install kde4 window borders12:55
ares28ultrai mean window decoration...12:56
ActionParsnipares28ultra: apt-cache search kde | grep -i deco12:56
downhill_ActionParsnip: another reboot fixed it lol12:58
downhill_not sure why, but it works now hahaha12:58
ActionParsnipdownhill_: hey if it works you mustve done something12:59
ActionParsnipso wtg12:59
downhill_nah, not at all.12:59
ActionParsnipwell it wasnt working and now it os so something mustve happened12:59
ActionParsnipi'd keep an eye on it12:59
downhill_maybe if sound in Linux didn't suck so unbelievably bad we wouldn't run into these problems as a community :p13:00
downhill_but that's a discussion for not only another day but another channel13:00
ActionParsnipi blame creative being a set of clown shoes13:00
downhill_this is also true.13:00
ActionParsnipmy realtek onboard works out of the box, as does y netear wifi13:01
ActionParsnipi buy what works, not whats cheap or fancy or then next big thing13:01
downhill_so does anything that's based on the Intel HD spec13:01
ActionParsnipvote with your wallet, buy whats supported13:03
ActionParsnipwhy do you think tonnes of linux users use nvidia over ati :)13:03
downhill_that's *really* the wrong discussion to have with me.13:03
downhill_thanks for the help, ActionParsnip :)13:03
downhill_it's appreciated, really.13:04
ActionParsnipnp bro, have fun13:04
ActionParsnipits cool. im in here loads13:04
downhill_pretty sure you're the first or 2nd person to *ever* help me in here. normally it's like some bot spam about something completely unrelated.13:04
downhill_but yeah, this specific driver must be tempromental when loading up.13:07
gabiwhy can't i talk to anyone?13:08
downhill_gabi: did you register a nick?13:09
gabino,i don't know how to do that13:09
gabii'm new in ubuntu13:09
downhill_join #freenode and they'll help ya out13:09
downhill_oooh, I see. well, this is the Freenode IRC network, so they have a bunch of services and stuff you can use if you like13:10
downhill_the channels aren't services tho, so don't demand anything ;)13:10
failersbleh i wish wine was better13:10
downhill_you'll find a whole lot of Linux users on this network13:10
downhill_failers: I'd rather have native ;) ;)13:10
failersbut that aint going to happend ^^13:10
downhill_never say nev- ...ok, probably not.13:11
failersok the chances are slim13:11
downhill_that's more like it ;)13:11
downhill_hey, if Windows 7 bombs...13:11
failersi think im gonna have to diss kubuntu and get xp or vista again :(13:12
failersi just cant play any games on it13:12
downhill_dual-boot, mate!13:12
failersor atleast those i want to play13:12
failersfor what use? then i will never boot up in kubuntu anyway :P13:12
failerswhy boot up in kubuntu for just some internet surfing and then reboot to be able play games when i can anyway just use firefox in windows :P13:14
downhill_because KDE 4.2 is a thousand times nicer than anything available on XP (excluding the fact KDE 4.2 is available on Windows (but is unstable))13:15
downhill_you're absolutely right, Linux can't do games, but it can do a lot of other things waaaaay the F* better than XP can.13:15
ActionParsnipfailers: i game on mine, frets on fire, penumbra, warzone 2100, world of warcraft all run great13:15
downhill_yeah, uh huh. Linux is not a gamers OS. EOD.13:16
ActionParsnipfailers: there are loki installers for serious sam, quake and hexxen13:16
downhill_CAL/CEVO/CEGL/whoever else is going to disqualify you for playing on a Linux box prolly :p13:16
downhill_not to mention punkbuster doesn't work in Wine, etc.13:16
failersi want fallout 3 , farcy 2 , GTA IV on linux then im happy13:16
downhill_yeah, FO3 is *amazing*13:17
ActionParsnipfailers: then contribute to the wine project13:17
downhill_couldn't care about the others :p13:17
failersActionParsnip: wish i knew a single thing about the API coding part in C :/13:17
downhill_ActionParsnip: Wine isn't not the answer, dude. DX11 is coming out, WARP is underway, Wine is for like... random little apps13:17
ActionParsnipfailers: they need $$$$$ too13:17
failerswich i dont have either13:18
downhill_not to mention FOSS is allergic to CSS (content scrambling systems)13:18
ActionParsnipdownhill_: WoW runs in wine13:18
downhill_yeah and WoW is a repetitive piece of crap.13:18
ares28ultradoes anyone has experimented problem with kde4 menus as an effect similar an analog tv.. with bad signal????13:18
downhill_it also lags on Wine, ActionParsnip13:18
ActionParsnipDoom3 has a native installer from ID software13:18
downhill_yeah, a game like 5 years old. whoopty do.13:19
downhill_he said Fallout 3, GTA 4 and FarCry 213:19
downhill_(all brand new)13:19
failersye :P13:19
ActionParsnipfact is that devs are lazy and lap up DX like its the cure for old age13:19
ghostcubeDoom3 and quake 4 btw all X series games are available on linux too heh13:19
ActionParsnipwhen they actually code properly the porting is very simple13:19
ares28ultrasome help???13:19
failersthey should start developing on opengl instead13:20
ActionParsnipares28ultra: yeah i had that, then after like half a second it as fine13:20
downhill_failers: anyway, KDE4/Kubuntu truly is a superior platform to XP, excluding Direct X-related things13:20
ghostcubeActionParsnip: do you use patche free xorg server from ScottK13:20
ghostcubethis should remove the garbage13:20
ActionParsnipghostcube: not even heard of it man13:20
ghostcube:) moment13:20
ghostcubefirefox updates13:20
ghostcubemoment pls13:20
ghostcubei hate this13:21
failersvirtualbox with gaming capabilites FTW :D13:21
ghostcubex³ linux version is freaking cool13:21
ActionParsnipwell vbox with direct hardware rendering13:21
ghostcubeActionParsnip: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kitterman/+archive/ppa13:22
ActionParsnipjust get icehockey for nes and you are sorted :)13:22
ghostcubetry it removes the garbage from opening menus or windows13:22
siegieIs ther anyone who has a working strigi? I can't activate it in system settings. Not in intrepid and not in jaunty13:22
ActionParsnipghostcube: oh that went when i last upgraded13:23
ActionParsnipghostcube: but thanks for the link13:23
noaXesshi all13:23
noaXesshi ActionParsnip13:23
ActionParsniphi noaXess13:24
noaXessi have a removable cd/dvd drive.. on my notebook.13:24
noaXessbut if i put it in, kubuntu don't see it.. i need to reboot.13:24
noaXessis there a way to force autodetecten? in 8.04 it worked13:24
ActionParsnipnoaXess: you may have to rmmod / modprobe some usb module13:25
noaXessActionParsnip: and which one?13:25
ares28ultraIt's time to go to study...13:25
noaXessis the bay on usb, not on ata?13:25
ares28ultrase you later!!!!13:25
ActionParsnipnoaXess: try: sudo rmmod usbcore; sudo modprobe usbcore13:25
noaXessActionParsnip: so, all usb devices will be down while this command?13:26
ActionParsnipnoaXess: if its usb13:26
ActionParsnipnoaXess: yes but its gonna come right back up as we put the remove and insert commands on the same line13:26
noaXessERROR: Module usbcore is in use by visor,usbserial,usblp,btusb,usb_storage,libusual,usbhid,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd13:26
ActionParsnipnoaXess: ok, unplug the device, wait, plug it back in wait, then run dmesg | tail13:27
ActionParsnipwhats dmesg say?13:28
downhill_tail -f, even, then do it13:29
noaXessActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113592/13:29
noaXesscan't see anything in dmesg13:29
noaXessdownhill_: also in tail -f /var/log/messages no event for the cd/dvd-drive if i plug in into the bay13:30
downhill_restart hal13:30
noaXessi need to reboot my notebook to get it to work13:30
downhill_no, restart hal13:30
ActionParsniplooks like hal is the answer, dave13:30
noaXesssudo /etc/init.d/hal restart13:31
downhill_didn't even read the paste :p13:31
ActionParsnipnoaXess: sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart13:31
noaXesscd/dvd-drive isn't available13:32
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
ActionParsnipdoes the system have an internal cd drive?13:33
noaXessActionParsnip: this is my only cd/dvd-drive.. notebook, its a bay where i can put the cd/dvd-drive in an another extra battery..13:35
ActionParsnipnoaXess: what do you get from: file /dev/cdrw13:36
noaXessif i now restart my notebook with plugged cd/dvd-drive i can use it.. if i then unplug and replug it, i can't us it anymore.. system needs a restart13:36
noaXessActionParsnip: there is no /dev/cd* now13:36
noaXessshoudl i restart, so we can see, how is it plugged in, usb or ata..?13:36
ActionParsnipnoaXess: sounds good, more info13:38
downhill_ActionParsnip: I need some help killing some creative employees. would you like to come?13:38
ActionParsnipdownhill_: im already there, whats taking so long ;)13:39
ActionParsnipi cant see creative being around too long if they keep treating users like they do13:39
downhill_heh, that's like saying Microsoft will die if Windows 7 fails. people forget they have Halo/bungi, MSNBC, Office, etc.13:40
ActionParsnipwe'll see13:41
downhill_that's all we can do, really :)13:41
ActionParsnip!hi | keith_13:41
ubottukeith_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!13:41
ActionParsnipdownhill_: exactly ;)13:41
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz13:42
downhill_I miss beryl, TBCH13:42
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:42
ActionParsnipdownhill_: you can install it13:42
downhill_I sure can. I can even package it, etc. I kwin is fine. I meant in comparison to Compiz Fusion13:43
downhill_s/I kwin/kwin/13:43
ActionParsnipi think its a horrible thing, too much fluff13:43
noaXessActionParsnip: ok rebooted..13:43
noaXessnow, what information you want?13:43
ActionParsnipi got a meeting right now, downhill_may be able to help13:44
downhill_ActionParsnip: frankly I wish Gnome and GTK would just go die :)13:44
downhill_uh don't volunteer me, I was thinking of leaving :p13:44
ActionParsnipgtk is good, gnome is pretty bad imho13:44
noaXess[    3.944465] ata2.00: ATAPI: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GMA-4084N, KR01, max UDMA/3313:44
downhill_noaXess: basically you need to make sure hal is working and all that. use dmesg (and maybe ubuntu puts it's own log for hal in /var/log/?) to see what's up.13:44
noaXess[    3.964386] scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GMA-4084N KR01 PQ: 0 ANSI: 513:44
noaXessnow it works..13:45
noaXessbut if i desconnect it and want reconnect it, it won't work until next reboot13:45
noaXesshave to go.13:45
noaXesswill be bakc later13:45
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replmanHi! I'm accessing my kubuntu-machine via ssh and would like to automount my external usb-disk. How to do that?13:54
dr_Willisreplman,  put a proper entry in the /etc/fstab file. is the normal way13:55
dr_Willisand its 'best' to use the UUID of the drive to  mount it from fstab -  so it wont 'move' around the /dev/sd## devices.13:56
replmandr_Willis: I can put an entry there so that the drive is automatically mounted/umounted?13:56
dr_WillisOr use the label of the drive.13:56
dr_Willisfstab gets read. and the devices automountd at boot.. yes...13:56
dr_Willis#LABEL="Portable2"  /media/Portable2      ext3 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 113:56
gorgonzolahello. for some reasson, i'm experiencing terribly slow http traffic on my user session. any ideas as to why could this be?13:56
dr_Willisis my external usb hd. :)13:56
replmanAnd if i connect the drive when kubuntu/kde is alreay runnung, does the popup comes up and lets me mount the drive?13:57
dr_Willisreplman,  Most likely NO.. fstab will  i think override that behaivor.13:57
replmanHow do i get the uuid of the drive?13:58
dr_WillisYou can set up a fstab where your user can mount it at any time..13:58
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)13:58
Spinshankok i like that lol13:58
replmandr_Willis: thank you13:59
Spinshankhow can i make amarok hot keys global13:59
bderenorSpinshank: you mean the "<META>+X" stuff?14:00
bderenorSpinshank: that should already be global14:00
replmanbut just for interest: The automount happening when pressing in the popup of kde, can this also be done from the shell?14:01
dr_WillisHAL handles auto-mounting on insert14:01
dr_Willisthe whole 'automounting' stuff.. can get  confuseing .  since its  often handeld by different services/methods14:02
Spinshankthe hot keys like play pause on  (g15) gen 1)14:02
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* ildyakonov is away: ïÔÏÛ£Ì.14:30
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quassel73i am very very impressed by new knetworkmanager14:33
quassel73good work now it looks amaizing14:33
juacom99hi, does anyone know where kmail inbox folder is?14:46
whyhankeejuacom99: ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/<something>, i'm using imap thats another dir, but it should be there somewhere14:48
juacom99that's the pop3 inbox?14:48
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whyhankeejuacom99: afaik, yes14:50
juacom99whyhankee: thanks14:50
ubuntu_hello ! how do i install 8.10 on a ide ( hda ) system. It will onky do sata (sda) ?14:57
juacom99done :D, at last i could import kmails to thunderbird :D14:58
juacom99ubuntu_: run the live, select the (hda you want, make the partition, install14:59
ubuntu_thats the issue .. it will only show sda and no hda14:59
juacom99ohh i don't know then, sorry15:01
ubuntu_if i could just give teh correct kernel paramters ( F6 on boot install ). Any idea what to enter ?15:01
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teroHey can someone help me? I have problems with sources.list15:12
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KransacHey everyone15:13
teroI need some help with my sources.list15:14
KransacI'm not sure if I can help but you can still try ;-)15:14
KransacIs it possible under Kmail create filters that apply labels? I'd like to have different colors (or image) in my inbox, depending on the sender15:15
quassel73Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries15:15
quassel73what might be the problem?15:15
syockitquassel73: how'd you get that?15:16
zaapielanyway to make alt+tab cycle through windows on other virtual desktops15:17
ali_HI everyone...15:17
ali_I just installed Kubuntu on my desktop15:17
ali_I have got strong 9 years of experience with Windows OS.. but none with Linux15:17
ali_how to start with linux ?? i mean i want to be an intermediate user on linux Operating systems15:18
KransacAt the moment I can do it only manualy15:18
fondjois there anybody to help me15:19
Kransacdepending on youre question15:19
fondjoI want to know how to make public_html a skeleton folder15:20
fondjosuch a desktop public etc.15:20
KransacI can't ;-)15:20
fondjosuch that by creating a new user he has public_html too15:21
fondjook tnx15:21
Picifondjo: What happens if you make a folder in /etc/skel/ ?15:21
fondjoI haven't try that15:22
fondjois Desktop folder also located there?15:22
Kransacoh now I understant, I did that some times ago by modifying the rights15:23
quassel73syockit, i installed biblioo15:23
fondjoby modifying what?15:23
Picifondjo: hrm, no its not. /me looks15:24
Kransacyou one one folder to be available to all user don't you?15:24
fondjowhen I create a new user15:24
fondjoI want the folder to be create in his home15:24
Kransacoh ok. Like if the user modifies something in it, it doesn't affect the others users similar folder?15:25
Picifondjo: Looks like /etc/skel does have more information on my non ubuntu-server install15:26
KransacI belive Pici is better than me ;-)15:26
fondjoI have ubuntu server 8.10 installed15:27
Picifondjo: Doesn't hurt to try it15:27
fondjook thanks15:27
fondjoI will do it now15:28
javier_is somebody here?15:30
fondjoit works15:32
fondjoTnx Pici u are great15:32
Picifondjo: you're welcome15:34
jimmy51_wello, i've got a wifi card that connects at only 1mbps in kubuntu, but connects at it's top speed in XP.  rtl8180 chip.  is this common?15:46
wesley_Hello guys since some days my kde4.2 music apps like amarok and juk don´t play anymore my music :(15:46
wesley_Seems to be happing only with kde4 apps, but same goes for kde-nightly15:47
ghostcubejimmy51_sounds not normal15:49
Black_Monkeyhi, when I boot, it tells me that the "Digital" version of my soundcard isn't detected, and asks if I want to forget it - and I have no sound whatsoever15:54
SarasvatiHI, anyone familiar with Synfig?15:55
fondjohello Pici15:56
fondjoI don't know if you r still there15:56
fondjoI have another question15:56
fondjoI have enable the userdir but when I create the public_html folder15:57
fondjoin users account15:57
fondjothey can see their index.html15:57
fondjocan someone plz help me?15:57
ciberhi iḿ wendy15:57
ciberI pogramed Kubuntu in my computer but i dont no haw to use it can somebody help me?16:00
fondjowhat do you want to use?16:01
ciberwell i want to learn all abbbbut that proram16:02
ciberal about kubuntu16:03
Black_Monkeyciber: erm, that's not really something we can just explain here16:05
ciberand what can you explain?16:07
Black_Monkeyciber: best thing is to google around for some guides to using it16:08
ciberok thanks16:08
ciberthen what can a now here?16:09
eagles0513875anyone have an issue getting onto kde after upgrading to 4.2 on interpid16:11
eagles0513875i gave my pc a restart already and it still wont load the desktop16:11
kaddiheya :)16:21
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arneheHi! I am currently trying to upgrade my Kubuntu 8.10 to KDE 4.2 but I get following error message:16:30
arneheUnpacking kdebase-workspace-data (from .../kdebase-workspace-data_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_all.deb) ...16:30
arnehedpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-data_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_all.deb (--unpack):16:30
arnehe trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/kde4/HTML/en/kcontrol/windowbehaviour/index.cache.bz2', which is also in package kde-window-manager16:30
arnehedpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)16:30
arneheErrors were encountered while processing:16:30
arnehe /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-data_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_all.deb16:30
arneheE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:30
ct529help! I have by mistake deleted some files! I depserately need to recover them!16:30
fondjocan someone help me?16:30
arneheCan anybody help me?16:30
fondjoI enable userdir but16:30
fondjoit is not working16:31
fondjofor user16:31
ct529I was within kdesvn when I deleted them, and for some reasons they have not been moved to the trash!16:31
yao_ziyuanin my /tmp there is a "ssh-xxxxxxxxxx" folder and in it there is an "agent.2363" file16:31
fondjocan someone tell me where is the problem? plz16:32
yao_ziyuandoes this mean i am hacked?16:32
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Pete__yao_ziyuan: That file is created automatically16:33
Pete__shouldn't be anything to worry about16:34
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eagles0513875im having a problem with kde 4.216:38
eagles0513875i just upgrade dusing the the ppa and as i was upgrading i got an error with the kded package and it said that it wasnt a valid package and now i cant login to my desktop how can i rectify the problem16:39
JuJuBeeI have an external monitor conencted to my laptop. I cant seem to get it to set to 1280x1024.  I used xrandr it shows 1024x768 as teh maximum, but it used to do 1280x1024.16:43
arneheHi eagles0513875! You can probably login on a text console (e.g. Ctrl-Alt-F2) and then try to run "sudo apt-get upgrade"16:43
eagles0513875did that already arnehe16:43
eagles0513875the problem was that as that was occuring i got an error in regards to the kded which said the one in the ppa isnt a valid package16:44
eagles0513875anyone alive in here :(16:48
arneheI also haven't received a single response to my problem while upgrading to KDE 4.2 (almost 20 minutes ago)16:50
eagles0513875what was it arnehe16:50
arneheI got following error message:16:54
arneheUnpacking kdebase-workspace-data (from .../kdebase-workspace-data_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_all.deb) ...16:54
arnehedpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-data_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_all.deb (--unpack):16:54
arnehe trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/kde4/HTML/en/kcontrol/windowbehaviour/index.cache.bz2', which is also in package kde-window-manager16:54
arnehedpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)16:54
arneheErrors were encountered while processing:16:54
arnehe /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-data_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_all.deb16:54
arneheE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:54
eagles0513875arnehe:  run sudo dpkg -configure -a16:56
eagles0513875that will clear out ur apt-get from being blocked if u run sudo apt-get update or anything of the sort16:56
arneheThanks, eagles0513875! However, I get "unknown option -o" although I did not use any "-o". ???16:59
eagles0513875arnehe: :( dunno about the -o never saw that before17:07
yao_ziyuanCrystal 2.0.3! http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?action=content&content=7514017:09
Frederickfolks ive installed a new hd how do I do ubuntu add it to fstab?17:17
tmckayi'm getting an error while trying to execute the instructions from http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 for adding the key for kde 4.2 repo17:21
Thori just pluggen a usb stick on my linux machine but the system doesn't mount my usb stick17:22
fondjocan someone help me with this17:23
Thorsame problem when i plugged in my ipod17:23
fondjo[Wed Feb 04 11:21:39 2009] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: access to /~barner/ denied17:23
tmckayThor: try running lsusb to see if it is available17:23
tmckayand then you can use pmount /dev/your-usb17:23
fondjoI am trying to enable userdir17:23
fondjobut can't have it works17:23
tmckayfondjo: you might check that the apache user has access to the userdir and also make sure that the <directory> configuration is correct17:24
jHi everybody !17:27
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Thortmckay:Bus 005 Device 015: ID 13fe:1d00 Kingston Technology Company Inc. DataTraveler 2.0 1GB Flash Drive17:28
kaddi_heya again...17:28
kaddi_i'm having issues with my wlan... it just loves to disconnect me...17:28
tmckayThor: so you're detecting the device, you just need to mount it17:28
kaddi_knetworkmanager all of a sudden restarts and usually won't reconnect until i've shut down all applications acceding internet (kopete, konversation, amarok, firefox)17:29
kaddi_but i have no idea where to start to troubleshoot to find the issue17:29
tmckayfind the device in the /dev folder and then pmount -t fs_type /media/usb or something17:29
kaddi_(the wlanchip worked out of the box, i'm using intrepid with kubuntu 4.2 but had these issues with 4.1 as well)17:29
tmckayThor: actually it would be more like pmount -t fs_type /dev/sdb117:30
tmckayand it will automatically mount to the /media/sdb117:30
yao_ziyuanme so proud that two of my suggestions for the Crystal kwin have been adopted in its 2.0.3 release17:34
yao_ziyuan1. inactive window title text does not have shadow17:34
yao_ziyuan2. hollow glitches17:35
Xand3r_laptophey ho17:36
Xand3r_laptophow can i setup dualview with kde4?17:36
Xand3r_laptopi have now conneced the second monitor17:36
Xand3r_laptopbut i get the sam pictures in eache monitor17:37
Xand3r_laptophow can i get two indioendent desktops?17:37
FrederickFolks I got a second 500gb disk how would you partition it?17:38
tmckayFrederick: you can use fdisk17:47
Gun_Smokefdisk +1 and decide what you are going to use it for..17:52
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CrystuferOi all.18:11
CrystuferI'm a Nub and I can't remember which disc to torrent for 64 bit kubuntu on an intel dual core proc.18:11
CrystuferYa'll know?18:12
tmckayCrystufer: intel is x86 architecture18:12
martijn81it does not matther which one you take18:12
CrystuferSo then I want the x86amd disc. Not the i386 disc.18:13
tmckayit looks like the 64bit download works on amd and intel18:13
CrystuferSexy. Thanks guys.18:14
lbetkubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64.iso is 64 bits for both intel and AMD18:14
CrystuferOh good. I was just scared cuz it mentioned amd in there. :p18:14
gmathewsHi, is it possible to get the default 4.2 KDE i had..i was playing around with the panel at the bottom and it disappearred..now it doesn't follow my glassified theme18:14
gmathewsIE the default 4.2 settings after updating to Kde 4.2 from 4.118:14
CrystuferOkay. Gonna torrent then install. cya guys.18:14
tmckaygmathews: i'm not recommending this, but it might be possible to delete the .kde4 folder in your home directory18:16
gmathewslol that does not sound like a good option tmckay18:16
tmckaygmathews: agreed, only other options that i know are aptitude purge and reinstalling or diffing against clean install18:18
watercooled_what the deal18:18
lbetnot sure if it's a kde or kubuntu problem (or just me): setting the locale in KDE system settigs (date and number format) does not affect gnome or non-gui applications. Language is EN, but I set my country to "Germany". If I type "locale" in a terminal I get LC_* = en_US  (language should stay en_US, but date/number settings should be european. how can I fix it?18:18
siekacztrunk opened, new KDE 4.3 in June :)18:23
piksiis there some feature wise reason generally in kde4.2 currently why i'm unable to apply the desktop theme details (kubuntu 8.10 kde 4.2) ?18:24
piksiI've got new themes which seem to have installed properly but after pressing apply nothing ever happens and later on when the window is opened all the settings are reverted back to oxygen18:24
vbgunzanybody know how to get rid of the annoying "cannot change permission for" dialogs boxes everytime you move something from ntfs to ext3 or vice-versa? I know ntfs cant handle permissions, I don't need the dialog boxes. anyone got a fix for this?18:25
Captain_HaddockHi, anybody know where I can get kubuntu packages for KTorrent 3.2 RC1?18:25
Gun_SmokeCaptain_Haddock: maybe backports?18:28
gsystem-desktopciao è  uscito un nuovo sistema operativo http://youtube.com/watch?v=OkVoXXHtKp018:28
dewmanVbgunz: you need to change your /etc/fstab to something like this:18:28
dewmanVbgunz: /dev/hda3 /mnt/win ntfs ro,umask=0000,user,gid=users 0 018:28
Gun_Smokegmathews: How far into setting up your system are you?  if you remove .kde4 it will be replaced with defaults18:28
dewmanthis will give all users the ability to access the windows partition and execute files from it, you can change the umask to 0222 if you want to limit full access to all but root of course change it to meet your mount point and partition information18:29
Captain_HaddockGun_Smoke: I don't believe backports stores RCs... I've got it enabled here - no updates as of yet. It's been out for a few days now.18:29
gmathewsGun_Smoke: I solved the problem..went into desktop settings and played around :) All this thing is time and it all works out :P18:29
vbgunzdewman, thanks, I will try it :)18:30
dewmanVbgunz:Your welcome. I had the same probelm on 5 of my windowz disks. =)18:30
Gun_Smokegmathews: good.18:30
Gun_SmokeCaptain_Haddock: I see 3.1.5 in 9.04 still nothing on 3.218:32
stmilleranyone have plasma locking up on them? I'm not sure what's going on. This is with intrepid and 4.218:33
stmillerI have to kill the plasma process and restart it18:33
Gun_SmokeCaptain_Haddock: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KTorrent?content=2635318:33
lbetsetting the locale in KDE system settigs (date and number format) does not affect gnome or non-gui applications. Language is EN, but I set my country to "Germany". If I type "locale" in a terminal I get LC_* = en_US  (language should stay en_US, but date/number settings should be european. how can I fix it?18:34
Captain_HaddockGun_Smoke: cheers.. I saw that page too and could only find debs for the beta and not the RC.. the main post only links to the source18:35
disiHi, what version of Kubuntu do I need to use for ext4 support? I do not need the root partition as ext4 but my home and external drives are already with ext4 formatted. The broken installer in the 9.04 alpha version sounds bad :(18:36
cbwcjwAnybody notice todays KDE 4.2 updates?18:36
Captain_Haddockstmiller: while not locking up... plasma consumes a lot of resources here in Intrepid 4.218:37
Captain_Haddockcurrently at 13.5% mem and regularly spikes CPU usage18:37
Captain_HaddockThe irony is that this is a vast improvement to 4.1 :|18:38
Captain_Haddockcbwcjw: I just did.. something wrong with them?18:38
stmillerIbet try sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales18:39
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stmillerCaptain_Haddock ok thanks could be the widgets I have18:42
lbetstmiller: I already did.. it says "generatig locales" then I see a lot of en_XX "up-to-date" (many different country-variations of EN). then "generatio complete" but running "locales" again in a terminal shows everything is en_US. I also tryed logging out and even rebooting18:42
tedywhoo want to buy a Nintendo Wii for 380CHF18:43
lbet.. by the way. If I open system settings I do se "country or region: Germany" and the example date and number formats in KDE control center are ok (so it is saving the locale somewhere) but the standard LC_ variables are not updated18:44
tedywith all games18:44
Stonkihello. since updating from kde 3.x to 4.2 the ALT-F2 Shortcut isn't working anymore. Bug or feature ?18:45
tedywhoo want to buy a Nintendo Wii for 380CHF18:45
tedywith all games18:45
stmillerIbet what does this show:  cat /etc/default/locale18:47
tedywhoo want to buy a Nintendo Wii for 380CHF18:47
Pici!ot | tedy18:47
ubottutedy: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!18:47
stmillercould be a bug if kubuntu settings don't set that properly18:48
lbet cat /etc/default/locale has LANG="en_US.UTF-8"18:49
esa-petriwhat should one do when update-grub returns expr: non numeric argument and wont install never version of kernel in kubuntu18:49
lbetnote: during installation I choosed lang = en US (that's what I want), but as location for the timezone I choosed "Berlin".. I only want the number and date settings, not the language18:50
arneheeagles0513875: I found a typo in your suggestion: you forgot the second dash before "configure"; running "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and again with the "--force-depends" option has solved the problem :-)18:51
HUNTER_byteI’m going to install KDE 4.2 but it will remove konqueror, konqueror-kde4, dolphin-kde4, konsole-kde4. Should I be worried about it? When are the packages going to be available again?18:51
vbgunzHUNTER_byte: be worried if you dont know of any way to browse without them18:55
Gun_SmokeHUNTER_byte: aptitude why-not18:55
vbgunzworse comes to worse you can try mc "midnight commander" a terminal browser18:55
JontheEchidnaHUNTER_byte: Are you in Hardy?18:56
HUNTER_byteI use Firefox for browseing but konqueror and dolphin are used for the desktop as far I know. This is why I asked.18:58
HUNTER_byteJontheEchidna: 8.4. It looks I need update it someday.18:59
JontheEchidnaHUNTER_byte: yeah, installing the 4.2 packages on hardy is not a good idea at all18:59
JontheEchidnaif they'd even be installable, it'd probably error out during the install18:59
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alarmhello, where can i set mount parameters for my external usb HDD , so when its being mounted to be read only ? (on kubuntu 8.10 kde4.2)19:05
esa-petrifstab can be edited19:06
alarmesa-petri,  usb devices are not listed in fstab at all19:06
esa-petriI see sorry19:06
alarmfstab is used when i put on my own mounting options19:06
alarmon previous kubuntu releases there was a choice from the settings of each partition to make it read only . not anymore19:07
gLAsgowMonkeyhas anyone here tried running kdevelop419:10
esa-petrimount -r /dev/something /somewhere works19:11
Daricksteranyone here using a broadcom wireless card bcm4312 rev 2?19:15
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Guest42192Hello, is it okay to ask questions about "C" here?19:15
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HexagownDo you know annything about the programming language "c"?19:20
gLAsgowMonkeyHexagown: you could ask not sure you will get an answer19:20
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Leozwell, he might not get the answer he's hoping for :P i'm learning it, but i still can't code19:20
Daricksteranyone here using a broadcom wireless card bcm4312 rev 2?19:21
HexagownWell, I started use it for some hour ago, and try the classic "hello world" kind of thing, and when iv wrote evrytihng I get the error message:   Object reference not set to an instance of an object19:21
Captain_HaddockHexagown: join ##c19:21
HexagownO,kay, thank you19:21
Leozi feel silly for asking, but has anyone played around with ksudoku? i'm having a small issue <.<19:22
Captain_HaddockI haven't.. but there's nothing silly about it :) Sudoku is good fun.19:23
Captain_Haddockask away - somebody might answer19:23
Leozheh, thanks :) you should, lots of great variants in there, but anyway.19:23
DaricksterCaptain_Haddock, how it going Captain19:23
Captain_Haddocknot bad Darickster - yourself?19:23
Leozwhen i try playing a 4x4 or 5x5 grid, the program doesn't want to load the alphabetical symbols, so any number beyond 9 shows an empty cell19:24
DaricksterCaptain_Haddock, man I'm having the toughest time tryin to get this wireless card working19:24
DaricksterCaptain_Haddock, ever messed with a broadcom  bcm4312 rev 2?19:24
Leozmaybe i'm doing something wrong, but i tried disabling the numerical symbols from the settings already; still blanks19:24
Captain_HaddockDarickster: I don't know much about it sorry - is it being detected ok?19:24
quassel73hi i have two computers - one downstairs with kde and openssh-server, and second - my laptop, now i have only shell access to the first computer - it doesnt have any monitor or keyboard, so my question is, how can i set up desktop sharing by using ssh only?19:25
Captain_HaddockLeoz: this is a sudoku variant that uses alphabets?19:26
DaricksterCaptain_Haddock, sure it shows up...but you can't do any manual configuration (i.e. connect to an AP, obtain  lease from my dhcp sever, etc)19:26
Leoznot exactly19:27
Leozit only does when there are 4x4 grids; of course, there being sixteen symbols numbers aren't enough to display them all19:27
Captain_HaddockDarickster: and you have knetworkmanager running in your tray?19:27
DaricksterCaptain_Haddock, yes sir, I do19:27
Captain_HaddockDarickster: and you have options to configure wifi there?19:28
Leozit used to switch automatically to alphabetical symbols in the past, but now it doesn't anymore; hoped someone had any idea why i'm goofing like that19:28
Captain_HaddockLeoz: oh I see... so it's using hex or something like that I guess.. neat and probably not conducive to easy addition :]19:29
Captain_HaddockLeoz: have you tried purging and reinstalling it? Maybe it's a font issue. You could also try asking in #kde19:29
Leozhaven't tried yet, i will once i've restored the network in the VM19:31
Leozguess i'll follow your other bit of advice as well, wasn't sure if it was a problem in kubuntu's version or not19:33
attilacyilmazlarhi all19:33
attilacyilmazlari have a problem19:33
attilacyilmazlari am using kubuntu interpid ibex19:33
attilacyilmazlartrying to make a usb stick bootable19:34
attilacyilmazlarhow can i do that?19:34
attilacyilmazlarany idea??19:36
gLAsgowMonkeyattilacyilmazlar: there is liveusbcreator19:37
gLAsgowMonkeyi thought something was already included in ibex19:38
attilacyilmazlarthank you for the help19:39
attilacyilmazlarI'll check the link19:39
attilacyilmazlarthere seems that i have to start my system with live cd??19:41
attilacyilmazlarisnt it possible to make it using my already running kubuntu??19:41
axelHello! How to convince KMail that e-mails should be sent with no automatic word wrapping? Word Wrap is quite annoying sending long URLs.19:45
gLAsgowMonkeyattilacyilmazlar: not sure about that, some type of respin maybe19:45
axeladdition: I did not find an option for this in the settings.19:46
Daricksteranyone here using a broadcom wireless card bcm4312 rev 2?19:47
attilacyilmazlarthanks glasgow19:47
Leozi don't like the look of this: that appeared to be a bug in an older version of the package, which has been fixed in 4.2.0. only problem, it's in the testing branch <.<19:53
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Leozso i have two options: either play old-fashioned 3x3 sudoku and its base 3 variants, OR overhaul the distro to play a game with some extra bells. XD19:54
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tictrickernel: [11913.291379] nepomukservices[12146]: segfault at 4 ip b7e4b7e2 sp bf965f00 error 4 in libQtCore.so.4.4.3[b7df8000+225000]19:57
ForgeAuswho knows lots about grub?... is any of the files in /boot/grub (I'm hazarding possibly one of the stage# files) a copy of the boot sector info for grub (essentially a grldr like grub4dos has)19:59
jalsi have a problem with Grip20:05
Andre_Gondimwhere are the .mo file in kubuntu?20:05
martijn81Andre_Gondim: $find / -name *.mo20:06
Andre_Gondimmarius1_, thanks20:07
Daricksteranyone here using a broadcom wireless card bcm4312 rev 2?20:08
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JackWinteris this a good way to move /home to a new location ?  sudo rsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/sdc1/.20:19
david_ok how do i get rid of this little preference bar everytime i hover a plasmoid?20:20
JontheEchidnadavid_: right click on desktop-> lock widgets20:20
david_oh thank you so much!!!20:20
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david_this is really stupid. they should be locked or maybe movable as standard but this little bar is really annoying20:22
Gun_SmokeI didn't really care for the way it was done either..20:22
quassel112does anyone know of a program for doing resumable file copies on ubuntu/kubuntu?20:22
delilazhello room, I need help, for some reason kubuntu hardy isn't reading cd's I put in the cdrom drive20:23
delilazanyone have any input?20:24
Gun_Smokequassel112: locally or over the network?20:26
Gun_Smokedelilaz: mount cdrom20:26
quassel112Gun_Smoke over sftp/ssh20:26
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delilazGun_Smoke: my system says it can't find cdrom20:28
carpii_in kmail, is there a way to always show html images from certain senders?20:28
Gun_Smokedelilaz: do you have multiple drives?20:32
amelie_I have 2 hard drives of 500gb20:33
amelie_sda, is splitted in two; the first half have Windows XP SP3, the second have Ubuntu 8.0420:33
delilazmy computer double boots with winxp and kubuntu, and I have a dvdrom and cdwriter20:34
amelie_I partitioned SDB2, and installed Ubuntu Server 8.1020:34
amelie_sdb is partitioned 100gb for root, 3.2 for swap and the rest of it for home20:34
amelie_I was afraid of mess up the grub; so i didn't install it during the second hard drive OS installation20:35
amelie_and the system doesn' recognized that OS20:35
Gun_Smokedelilaz: try mount /dev/scd020:35
amelie_how can I include this last operating system into the grub boot loader?20:35
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:36
amelie_no no20:36
bmungeris there any way to get battery health status from kubuntu?  I know you can do it with ubuntu but I haven't found any application that will grab that data in kubuntu20:36
amelie_ i didn't lost grub20:36
amelie_it is making the dual boot20:37
Gun_Smokeso then try the second link20:37
amelie_but i installed a third operating system into the second hard drive20:37
amelie_that's the one it is not recognized; because when I was doing the third installation, I didn't install the grub into the MBR20:37
amelie_how can I edit the grub to include the third operating system20:38
Gun_Smokeit's all right there20:38
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delilazGun_Smoke: didn't work, in my disk&filesystems, optical disk dvd-rom is /dev/scd1 and then I have this partition that says /media/cdrom0 auto /dev/hdc20:39
Gun_Smokedelilaz: then try /dev/scd1 and /media/cdrom0 is a mount point.20:39
Gun_Smokedelilaz: try mount with no arguments and look to see if a /dev/scd* is listed there. then look for it's mount point.  It is possible already mounted.20:40
delilazGun_Smoke: this is what I get: "special device /dev/hdc does not exist" and "can't find /dev/scd1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"20:43
abstortedmindsis kde-nightly the lastest in ubuntu repository? or is the official one available yet20:44
Gun_Smokedelilaz: this is kde 4.?20:44
delilazkde 3.5.1020:44
Gun_Smokeah.. I have no clue about most of KDE.. I just moved in from gnome.. But mount with no arguments gave you what?  paste it in #flood20:45
delilazit used to work before, I never had this prob with dapper, now I have hardy20:45
delilazGun_Smoke: ok will do20:46
* sufria wonders how Gun_Smoke made that #flood link20:47
bmungeris there any way to get battery health status from kubuntu?  I know you can do it with ubuntu but I haven't found any application that will grab that data in kubuntu20:47
sufriaoh, nvm20:47
delilazGun_Smoke: just pasted it now20:48
abstortedmindsis kde-nightly the lastest in ubuntu repository? or is the official one available yet?20:48
sufriabmunger: you mean the percentage-battery-used indicator?20:48
dtchenbmunger: not directly yet, but you can always query it via lshal or hal-get-property20:48
bmungersufria, no as in how degraded the battery is20:49
bmungerdtchen: thanks i will look at that20:49
sufriaoh okay20:49
Gun_Smokedelilaz: I'm getting a bit lost here.. so I gave it a try on my syetem.. By simple putting a cd in the drive it didn't auto mount but the volume was visable in Dolpin.20:52
carpii_trying to set up a recurring TODO task in Montact, but on the Recurrance tab everything is disabled. Why ?20:52
carpii_in Kontact20:52
delilazi'm confused myself, when something that used to work suddenly doesn't20:54
mefisto__carpii_: have you enabled recurrence?20:58
carpii_well tehres a tick box on the recurrence tab, but thats disabled too20:59
Gun_SmokeI usually try simple stuff first.. It's 90% of the time something very easy20:59
carpii_is there some recurrence daemon that should be running ?20:59
Gun_Smokemaybe 'eject' and try again?  years ago ubuntu was famous for missing cd media20:59
delilazGun_Smoke: yes, thanks for your help, I'm going to try to reboot21:00
mefisto__carpii_: how are you starting the new TODO exactly? when I try it the tick box is not greyed out21:02
carpii_ok i go to TODO in the left hand icon bar21:02
carpii_add a new TODO from the edit box and hit enter21:02
carpii_then doubleclick the task in the list, and go to recurrence tab21:02
carpii_this is on Kontact 1.2.9 on KDE 3.5.121:03
mefisto__carpii_: in general tab, click the "due" tickbox, then see if recurrence can be enabled21:06
alexeiWhere do I start configuring mail transfer agent? I get this on Intrepid: "Mailing to remote domains not supported .... Received: from alexei by novo with local (Exim 4.69)"21:08
carpii_awesome, thanks mefisto :)21:09
carpii_thats wasnt too intuitive :p21:09
carpii_id set a start time but not a due time21:09
mefisto__carpii_: I guess the todo has to be associated with a date before you can get it to recur21:09
carpii_yeah, guess so :)21:09
mefisto__carpii_: I usually create todos from the calendar, so the due date is already filled21:10
carpii_ok, well at least its not a bug :D21:10
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adbenhello everyone, in kubuntu w/ kde4.2 how i could cchange kdm theme ?21:14
adbensome ideas?21:16
benji_Hello, I'm having trouble with the new Kmail in 4.2 on Intrepid21:20
whyhankeeadben: system-settings -> advanced -> Login Manager -> Theme?21:21
benji_Anyone else having trouble connecting to their gmail accounts with Kmail?21:22
khalidmianhow do i instal sunjava for kubuntu21:24
whyhankeebenji_: could you be a bit more precise? it seems i can read my gmail from kmail21:24
gLAsgowMonkeykhalidmian: which version21:25
khalidmian64 bit21:25
gLAsgowMonkey5 or 6 / jre or jdk21:26
khalidmiannot openjdk21:26
khalidmianeither via sudo21:27
khalidmianor deb21:27
gLAsgowMonkeysudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre21:29
khalidmiani have a bin file in desktop for java how do i run that21:29
gLAsgowMonkeyyou can install it through the repos21:29
khalidmiangLAsgowMonkey: ty for help21:32
alanabshello everyone21:33
alanabsnoob here21:33
alanabsanyone willing to help me out21:33
alanabsi just installed wubi through windows21:33
alanabsi chose kubuntu, but it gave me kde 4.121:34
alanabsis there a way to upgrade to 4.2 easily21:34
sven_good evening21:37
sven_is this channel english or german?21:37
whyhankeesven_: english please21:39
sven_ok, no problem ...21:39
sven_i'm havin trouble upgrading to kde4.221:39
sven_can u help21:39
Pandemic187really quick question...there is a way to change to clock to 12hr, right?21:39
sven_"/var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0 ..."21:41
sven_"E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"21:41
mefisto__Pandemic187: yes, in systemsettings, regional & language, times and dates tab21:42
Pandemic187thanks mefisto.21:42
mefisto__sven_: someone here yesterday had that problem (with a different package). they uninstalled the package, upgraded to 4.2, then reinstalled the package21:43
sven_mefisto__: i'm always running into unresolved dependencies uninstalling the package(s)21:45
dvheumenA question for someone else who uses the KDE 4.2 packages from the PPA: Do you also have a delay of roughly a second when you click on the 'Application Launcher' (start button), before the menu actually shows?21:45
whyhankeedvheumen: first time i may have that second, but the next time its there pretty fast (not counting the fade-in time)21:47
skoleHi! I have 8.10 installed, and I can't get the wireless connection to work. I have the B32 driver installed, and it says it works.21:47
dvheumenwhyhankee: hmmm... okay interesting. I have turned off the desktop effects, but I have this delay every time, not only the first time21:48
thomas__Hi, if I need to find a java programmer (like, now), where could I go21:48
AlanasAnikonisIf the money is good, you have found one ;)21:48
thomas__what is good?21:48
dvheumenwhyhankee: and I'm not exaggerating ... it truly is a whole second ... so that's quite a large delay imo21:48
thomas__or rather, how much is good?21:48
AlanasAnikonisthomas__: good question, is it a quick hack or some serious job?21:49
sven_skole: static ip adress? try fetching from the dhcp21:49
thomas__well, shld be easy if you know some maths.21:49
whyhankeedvheumen: i wish i could help, but i'm not sure where to start looking for that one :(21:50
thomas__example of a question: for 2 number a and b, calculate the least common multiple21:50
AlanasAnikonisthat's called GCD21:50
mefisto__dvheumen: I noticed when I changed animation speed to anything other than normal, effects were very slow21:50
dvheumenwhyhankee: yeah, got the same problem here, but thanks :). I've just switched to the classic style menu and it's improved, but not that much. I'll have a look on the forum too21:51
dvheumenmefisto__: my effects are off, but I'll have a look at any animation settings21:51
thomas__yes, gcd is the next question21:51
thomas__so, interested?21:51
dvheumenmefisto__: do you by any change know where these animation settings are?21:52
Dillizarmy pc cant find my new mp3 player can any body help me21:52
skolesven_ : Not static IP adress. The problem is that I can't connect to a encrypted network.21:52
AlanasAnikonishehe, no thomas__, I don't do homework ;(21:52
thomas__not homework...job :)21:52
mefisto__dvheumen: general tab of desktop effects. right-click a window titlebar, configure window behaviour to get to it quickly21:53
mefisto__dvheumen: if it's not set to normal, try turning on desktop effects, set to normal, then turn desktop effects off again21:54
mefisto__dvheumen: just guessing here21:54
dvheumenmefisto__: yeah I figured that that was your plan. I'm already experimenting with it21:55
sven_skole: mmh, no idea. what do you mean with encrypted network? connection from your pc to your router via wpa2?21:55
dvheumenmefisto__: okay, set to 'instant' now, but no change. (with effects on and off)21:56
skolesven_: wep key21:56
RobertLaptopdf -h21:57
RobertLaptopSorry wrong window21:58
sven_skole: with knetwork_manager? I dislike the nm. I prefer wicd. sorry i can't help.21:58
mefisto__dvheumen: is everything else slow, or just that menu?21:58
skolesven_: I m running wicd noqw. But it didn't help21:59
dvheumenmefisto__: no, that's the point, it's just the menu. And I've already kept an eye on the harddisk led, but it doesn't seem to be reading/writing anything in the meanwhile21:59
skolesven_: It will not connect... stops when authenticating22:00
mefisto__dvheumen: you could try lancelot menu as a workaround maybe22:00
mefisto__dvheumen: it should be in the add widgets list in 4.222:01
gLAsgowMonkeyguys anyone know how to set KDEDIRS22:01
dvheumenmefisto__: hmm... that's an idea. On the other hand, ... I don't remember that this problem existed a week or so ago ... maybe it's something that has developed on the last PPA update ... I'll just be a little patient for now :)22:01
dvheumenmefisto__: and the 'classic style menu' is somewhat faster so it's a doable workaround22:02
mefisto__dvheumen: I'm curious whether it's kickoff itself or something wierd going on with the menu caching that would effect all menus22:03
dvheumenmefisto__: ow, in that case I'll add Lancelot and give it a go, ... one moment ...22:03
mefisto__dvheumen: or you could right-click the kickoff icon and set to classic menu style. see if that's any different22:04
dvheumenmefisto__: the classic menu style is already in effect at the moment22:05
khalidmiani hate 64 bit kubuntu - so many errors & so slow22:05
mefisto__dvheumen: you could try this to rebuild the system config cache: kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental22:08
dvheumenmefisto__: well, it seems that Lancelot is not affected by this problem. I can see a white space for a fraction of a second while the lancelot menu is being drawn, but there no 1 second or even a half-a-second delay at all22:08
dvheumenmefisto__: the cache rebuild had no effect22:09
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vbgunzI have no sound.... why? amarok is playing but I aint hearing anything :/22:10
dvheumenmefisto__: tnx for the help, I'll keep with the classical menu for now22:10
oobe/j #poo22:11
mefisto__dvheumen: so the classic menu has no 1 sec delay?22:11
dvheumenmefisto__: well, it does still have a delay, but it's a bit faster ... about half a second I would say22:12
whyhankeevbgunz: when you start kmix, are all the relevant channels on volume and not muted?22:12
whyhankeedvheumen: do you have a lot of applications in your menu, maybe even gnome apps or .. ? (mine is about clean)22:13
vbgunzwhyhankee: nothing muted. am looking at all sliders, none are muted. I think my sound crashed at some point :/22:14
dvheumenwhyhankee: no ... I think it has less icons that the original KDE install. I've removed quite some programs that I don't use.22:14
dvheumenwhyhankee: the only things that are out of the ordinary are Wine and OpenOffice I think22:14
dvheumenwhyhankee: and I have already rebooted just to be sure that it wasn't some residual effect of some kind22:15
whyhankeedvheumen: i have those too.. weird, maybe its looking for links that you deleted (im not sure why, but)22:15
whyhankeedvheumen: did you delete those entries recently?22:15
dvheumenwhyhankee: no, most of the program were deleted even before the install of KDE 4.2 beta. The only things I did recently were some updates and the installation of OOo 3.0.1 (via DEB packages)22:17
dvheumenwhyhankee: now uninstaling Gnome desktop integration package ... maybe that'll help22:19
dvheumenwhyhankee: nope, doesn't seem to help22:19
whyhankeedvheumen: no clue then, sry. And it's about bed time here, goodluck :)22:21
dvheumenwhyhankee: no prob, tnx anyways, bye :)22:21
mefisto__dvheumen: restricted graphics driver enabled?22:22
dvheumenmefisto__: yep, ofcourse! :) and anyways, the desktop effects are off, so that's not the problem22:23
mefisto__dvheumen: the only other thing I can think of is trying to log in with a new user, to see if it's something in your .kde folder22:25
dvheumenmefisto__: hmmm... that's an idea, I'll try that some time (but not right now) :)22:26
mefisto__dvheumen: or log out of kde, rename .kde then log back in22:26
dvheumenmefisto__: yeah I know about .kde22:27
martijn81when i want to compile ktorrent from source, i get a cmake warning that kdepimlibs folder cannot be found22:28
martijn81one guy told me that the folder was renamed in kde422:28
martijn81do anyone of you know what this folder is renamed in?22:28
martijn81i have install kdepimlibs5 and kdepimlibs5-dev and it still does not work, see this-> http://pastebin.ca/132750622:29
hybriduse synapic package manager22:30
hybriduse add/remove aplications22:31
heinkel_111does anyone know a good way I can use my computer as an alarm clock?22:34
alarmwho called me ?22:35
heinkel_111I need an alarm clock for 04:00 (AM, but I use 34hr)... I got a computer with loudspeakers...somehow this should be possible22:36
heinkel_111my cell phone is kind of unreliable when it comes to the early morning wake up call22:37
mefisto__heinkel_111: you could set up a cron job to play a music file22:37
alarmwhere can i set mount parameters for my external usb HDD , so when its being mounted to be read only ? (on kubuntu 8.10 kde4.2)22:37
PhilRodheinkel_111: korganizer will do alarms22:38
heinkel_111mefisto__: yes, then I read about kcron which supposedly should be installed but "kcron" in terminal and "which kcron" gives me nothing22:38
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mefisto__heinkel_111: is it installed? it wasn't here22:39
heinkel_111PhilRod I tried it once before but it wouldnt play my soundfiles for some reason... will check once more22:39
HeliodorIs it just me or do ubuntu scale really bad?22:40
guraltsevhello, I was wondering if it is possible to do this thing, but I have found any help by browsing the internet. I have installed lots of program over the time on my kubuntu system but the problem is that when I installed only chose the relative package, but I didn;t think that often the documentation is provided separately in a package called something like   xyz-doc if the program is called xyz. I often use my computer without access to the22:41
guraltsevinternet so it would be nice to have all the documentation in an offline form at hand always (like for tools like grub etc, that didn't have their default documentation with them). Is there any way to tell apt-get or synapticor whatever else to download all the documentation for the already installed programs22:41
heinkel_111mefisto__: I wonder if the package was broken because sudo apt-get install kcron yields "already newest version" but kcron after that yields "command not found", and which kcron yields nothing22:41
heinkel_111this problem found on 2 computers, workstation and laptop22:41
BrianHguraltsev, no22:42
mefisto__heinkel_111: yeah I just installed it and same here, command not found22:42
sebastianhola, donde encuentro un canal de habla español?¿22:43
guraltsevsebastian: @kubuntu-es22:43
guraltsevsebastian: I meant #kubuntu-es22:44
sebastianok gracias22:44
jalswhen i insert an audio cd kubuntu alert my somehow?22:47
jalsthe device notifier doesn't react22:47
wallabeeCan anyone tell me why i none of my installed splash screens appear in the manager window .. they all show installed (and give the option to uninstall) .. but never appear in the manager window .. just Default, None, Simple, SimpleSmall (which are there by default)22:48
guraltsevok, then. I have another question: I would like my windows partition (ntfs) to be mounted automatically once the pc is booted and read access should be granted to all users without asking for a admin password as it does now. I would know how to do this editing fstab, but with the media:/ protocol and the various HAL stuf present in today's linuxes, should I do it that way or is there a better one?22:49
wallabeeSo in short i can't select any of the installed splash screens to actually be used.. could this be a permissions problem?22:49
jalsguraltsev, it should already be as you say, at least my windows ntfs partition is mounted and accessible automatically22:50
ThomasDguraltsev: don't worry, just edit fstab ;-)22:51
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:51
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions22:52
wallabeeany ideas/ advice appreciated..22:53
ThomasDguraltsev: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G thats the one you want22:53
BsimsWhere do I go to set my printer in kde 4.222:54
BsimsIt appears to not be listening to cups setting22:54
SuspectZerohey there22:57
SuspectZeroquick question22:57
jordo2323What packages do you install to get flash working in Konqueror 4.200?22:57
SuspectZerowhen an operating system is *buntu based, it can add and remove programs as easily as you can in kubuntu right?22:57
mefisto__heinkel_111: have you tried kalarm?22:57
tmckaySuspectZero: yes22:57
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:58
SuspectZero~ jordo2323 ~ see above ^^22:58
heinkel_111mefisto__: yes, strangely it failed to trigger alarm22:58
BsimsWhere do I go to set my printer in kde 4.2 I don't have a printer dialog in system settings22:58
SuspectZero~ tmckay ~ thank you22:58
heinkel_111mefisto__: I have a solution now22:58
heinkel_111it will work for tomorrow22:58
heinkel_111sleep 4h; amarok /home/thomas/musikk/soaring_30012009.flac22:59
tmckaySuspectZero: *buntu distros are all Debian based so they use apt for package management22:59
heinkel_111mefisto ^22:59
heinkel_111mefisto__: I forgot to add that it is midnight here now22:59
skylitewitam wszystkich :)23:06
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evenstarHow do I set ntfs-3g partitions to mount on boot intead of automount?23:20
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evenstarI can't get any changes to /etc/fstab to not revert.23:20
evenstar8.10 Intrepid won't let me make changes to fstab, is there a tool to make it not revert?23:24
=== david is now known as puerto30bi
kaddiis it wise to automount a ntfs-partition if the partition is also used with windows?23:46
kaddiwhat is the worse that could happen if I forced the mounting of an ntfs-partition which is still mounted in windows23:46
kaddi(for example if windows crashed and I reboot into ubuntu)23:47
jalsso guys, basically i can't seem to rip at all in kubuntu23:53
jalsGrip, k3b, nothing is working23:53
jalsactually i installed something called Ripoff which started to rip but very slowly23:53
mefisto__kaddi: still mounted in windows?23:54
jalsthink i'll go install cdex in windows to see if that works23:54
mefisto__kaddi: you mean windows is running now, and you want to mount it?23:55
kaddijust hypothetically speaking.. i had a case were my windwos kept crashing (and therefore didn't unmount the partition) and i needed to access the information on that partition23:56
kaddibut didn't dare to force the mount... so now I just know what to expect if I did do that23:56
mefisto__kaddi: I see. well you should get windows to check it, but you can probably mount it readonly quite safely23:57
mefisto__kaddi: usually if there are errors, ntfs-3g will automatically mount it ro, until you fix it in windows23:58
=== oobe is now known as oobe_
kaddiwindows was crashing because of bad RAM... the drive is just fine :)23:58
kaddii was simply afraid, that forcing the mount would lock the files on the ntfs-partition to some user I don't have access to23:59
=== oobe_ is now known as oobe
kaddianother, similar, case would be if I put windows into hibernation and then bootet into linux: the partitions are mounted to windows and i'd need to force the mount on ubunut23:59

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