
Andre_Gondimhow may i enable the mic?01:48
rainmanp7hello I'm back :)02:22
rainmanp7Ok I got a question about somthing important dealing with ext4 and jaunty :)02:22
rainmanp7wait for a second while I formulate the question please02:23
rainmanp7Ok I will show a example and ask from that ok :)02:24
rainmanp7 Timing cached reads:   2014 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1006.55 MB/sec02:24
rainmanp7 Timing buffered disk reads:   92 MB in  3.01 seconds =  30.56 MB/sec02:24
rainmanp7From that figure Is it better to have a boost from 800 to 1006.55 or a bottom figure 30.56 up to 31.2 and have the top drop to 865 ?02:25
Amaranthbottom is most important02:25
Amaranthiirc the top one is actually your memory speed02:26
rainmanp7ok so the configuration that boosts both works better then just the one configuration that boosts the top then02:27
bexamoushdparm is poor in general, the buffered reads are not that useful at all02:28
bexamousfile system has no influence on hdparm results either02:29
bexamoushdparm is testing the physical drive itself, doesn't matter if you have ext4 on it02:29
rainmanp7I noticed that the one that boosts the both -> that it sped up allot of things like Gimp loading ect and one you loaded somthing it became faster after every reload of any program02:29
bexamousafter you load the program once, most remains in cache02:30
bexamousso any reloads shouldn't have to even read from the hd often02:30
rainmanp7Ok the only thing I did check this and tell me if it's safe :)02:31
rainmanp7Ok I have realtime set and this02:31
rainmanp7vendor="ATA",options=-p 0x8002:31
rainmanp7That option G I added in after reading about things into the scuzi config file02:31
bexamousi'm not sure enough to comment02:33
bexamousat work when we test physical drives02:34
bexamoussudo echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ; sudo time dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/null bs=1M count=1000002:34
bexamouswe run that02:34
bexamousit clears any cached data in ram and then reads 10GB from drive02:34
bexamousnot sure how much kernel configs will affect phsycial drive access02:35
rainmanp7yeah I read somthing here about scuzzi white list here ->http://hi.baidu.com/wa0362/blog/item/7ea02319a4f7044242a9ad55.html02:36
rainmanp7I'm trying to find more way of how this thing can act as a cluster mabey i can find more modifications to boost stability and speed :)02:40
rainmanp7will be back need to reboot :)02:45
* DanaG wonders what it'd take to get his sdhc card to work.02:47
rainmanp7ok it's late i need sleep gdnight and good luck02:59
binarymutantwill we be able to see ruby 1.9.1 in Jaunty?03:56
danbhfivetry packages.ubuntu.org      or com04:00
dtchenit hasn't been packaged yet, so no ETA04:01
binarymutant:( so no :(04:01
binarymutantoh it hasn't been packaged yet okay04:01
binarymutantthanks for the info :)04:01
IntuitiveNippleHas anyone experienced ubiquity *removing* a disk partition from the kernel's knowledge (/proc/partitions) when configuring a separate /boot/ partition and therefore failing silently?05:59
billisnicejaunty came alive today, the hardware files for my system downloaded...I really do not see much difference than in 8.10 as far as features06:09
billisnicei have ext4 installed at installation, it appears to load faster, but some programs are still slow. Hopefully l BTRFS will be ready soon and kick butt as promised06:14
DanaGtransparent window == type into wrong tab.06:14
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* DanaG would be able to boot from his internal SD card reader... if it weren't for the fact that it doesn't work AT ALL in Linux.07:47
crdlbthe one in my mother's toshiba laptop is exposed as a usb drive07:48
DanaGMine is actually a PCI device.07:49
macohuh. i wonder if i could boot from mine. i never tried.07:49
macoand yeah, mine's pci07:49
DanaGIt's a feature of my laptop's firmware.07:49
DanaGEliteBook -- has UEFI firmware, in fact.07:50
syockitIf I install coreboot, will I get the boot options which was available previously?07:50
DanaGOh yeah, so, my internal card reader gives absolutely nothing upon card insertion.07:51
DanaGNot even anything in dmesg.07:51
macowhat kind is it? TI? Ricoh?07:52
macothose 2 usually work...07:52
macosomething altogether new?07:52
DanaGRicoh R5C84307:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 186087 in linux "Ricoh R5C843 card reader doesn't work on vaio thinkpad" [Medium,Fix released]07:53
DanaGHeh, look at that title.07:53
DanaGvaio thinkpad.... wait, what?07:53
crdlbwhen did sony buy lenovo?07:53
DanaGIt's somebody being mistaken.  =þ07:54
syockitzeltak: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=352 a good place to start07:54
syockitadd jaunty repos sources.list, do dist-uprade07:54
zeltakthx :)07:55
syockitzeltak: It doesn't have the instruction for distro upgrade though07:55
zeltakmmm ok. isnt it just updating the sourcelist and doing a dist-upgarde?07:55
syockitzeltak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/TechnicalOverview has just what you need it seems07:56
zeltakawesome, thx syockit!07:56
DanaGgrr, stupid sdhc.08:16
DanaGYeah, so my card reader does literally nothing at all in Linux.  Not even an error message.08:21
macoDanaG: does it work in intrepid?08:22
macoseeing as that says "fix released"08:22
DanaGNope, doesn't work there, either.08:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Incomplete]08:39
DanaGAnother issue I have, even in Intrepid.08:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 186087 in linux "Ricoh R5C843 card reader doesn't work on vaio thinkpad" [Medium,Fix released]08:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311781 in ubuntu "Ricoh 5 in 1 card reader not working on Ubuntu 8.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:42
* DanaG goes off to bed now.08:44
DanaGAnother bug with my laptop: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/28431908:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284319 in linux "mute, brightness buttons on new HP 6930p laptop" [Undecided,New]08:45
raevolhow "safe" would you guys consider jaunty at this point? i understand that it is still expected to have broken things, but if i need jaunty for support for my sound card, would you recommend updating?08:46
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syockitWhile it may solve your 1 problem, it may cause others that you've never seen before08:58
syockitThe latest live is alpha 3, check out if it doesn't break any other hardware09:00
raevolhmm ok, thanks09:01
raevolyea i think i'll wait for the beta at least, just to be safe :[09:05
macoraevol: you could compile your own sound drivers...09:11
maconot that itd be officially supported, but meh09:11
raevolwell i jerry rigged my alsa install, i don't think it's a driver problem09:11
raevoli think it's a pulse audio/alsa problem, and i don't know where in the mess i need to fix something09:11
dustis there away to force this?09:55
macodust: you could TRY downloading the package and using dpkg -i --force-depends on the deb, but no guarantees about it not breaking things09:57
Oli``Morning all. Just wanted to ask if there are any known, current and serious issues with Jaunty on nvidia systems (or in general) - Wondering if it's stable enough to upgrade =)09:58
macowith nvidia, always the potential for a loss of suspend/hibernate10:01
macoaside from that, i havent heard any nvidia complaints, but im an intel user so i cant be sure10:01
dustmaco: any other way?10:01
macowait a few hours and see if the dependency has been uploaded?10:02
Oli``thanks maco10:05
peterzmy gnome apps started making 'plop' sounds whenever I press something10:10
peterzhow do I teach it to quit that?10:10
macopeterz: right click your volume mixer10:13
macogo to open volume control10:14
dustmaco: how do i do this can you help ?10:14
macochoose "system sound theme: none"10:14
macodust: the package it needs simply doesnt exist. either wait for it to exist or try to force the install. if you force the install, the app probably wont work though10:14
dustwait for it to exist?10:15
dusti think someone else has same bug10:15
peterzmaco: I don't run gnome, so I'll have to manually start gnome-control-panel or somesuch10:15
macoif youre gettingt hat error, it means one package was created and its dependency was not (yet)10:15
macopeterz: er, its an applet in the gnome-panel's notification area10:16
maconot sure if there's a command to open the volume control by itself10:16
peterzI don't have gnome-panel, and I don't have a gnome-mixer applet10:16
macoits not gnome-mixer applet. that ones going away.10:16
peterzI run mostly KDE, its just evo that goes plop plop all the time10:16
peterzdriving me nuts10:17
macoright kde has its own system theme10:17
macognome-volume-control, maybe?10:17
peterzKDE apps are properly quiet10:17
peterzmaco: grand, that worked10:18
peterzthanks mate10:18
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wd4lkohow do i change the system sounds or alert sounds ?10:46
Ebdomoswd4lko: go to system, preferences, sound10:48
Ebdomoswd4lko: if you go to gnome-look or kde-look dot org, you can download some good themes10:49
Ebdomoskde3 sounds will always be my favourite though10:49
wd4lkobut is there a file i can edit to my own sounds?10:50
Ebdomosoh, such as having a song play when you boot up?10:50
wd4lkoyea something like that10:51
Ebdomosshould be same place, the tab over lets you select the song10:51
Ebdomosalthough you might need to convert it, last time I fiddled with that, some formats gave of distorted sounds. They might have fixed that though (or perhaps It was something wrong on my side)10:52
wd4lkook thanks i'll try it10:52
wd4lkoi still get a little scratchy sound10:53
Ebdomoswd4lko: if that happens to be the case, then go to add/remove applications10:53
Ebdomosand search - sound converter10:53
Ebdomosand there you can convert to perhaps a wav, ogg, mp3,10:53
Ebdomosexperiment I guess which works best10:54
wd4lkook, im taking notes ! thanks10:54
wd4lkoim running out of things to fiddle with or mess up10:55
peterzstart coding, then there's an endless amount of stuff to fiddle with and mess up :-)10:56
wd4lkoi wish i could do that, im too old to start !10:57
peterzhehe, you could give it a try.. who knows ;-)10:57
Ebdomoswd4lko: try python10:57
wd4lkoi get headaches to easy10:58
Ebdomosbut if you dont want to do that, make sure you play around with compiz fusion, and well as cairo dock10:58
wd4lkoyea, that was my last ache10:58
Ebdomoscheers then10:59
wd4lkothanks alot guys for the help...10:59
peterzwho;s in charge of hal ?12:51
peterzthe jaunty package needs a bit of an update12:51
syockitlots of people13:43
syockithal or hal-info?13:43
h0rnmangood morning, everyone14:10
h0rnmanor evening, or even possibly afternoon, depending on your location14:10
calch0rnman: morning where i live and afternoon where i am ;-)14:18
* calc lives in Houston (-6) but is in Berlin (+1) for 2 weeks14:19
h0rnmanhas anyone here tried dropping Jaunty on a VM?14:23
IntuitiveNippleyeah :)14:25
calci'm running jaunty directly on my laptop :)14:25
h0rnmandid you have any issues with ubiquity crashing about 70% through the install?14:26
calci just upgraded from intrepid14:27
h0rnmansorry, that was for IntuitiveNipple  :)14:27
* h0rnman feels dirty typing that14:27
IntuitiveNippleI've been seeing a *lot* of installer issuers... spend yesterday and today debugging them so far.14:28
h0rnmanit looks like it crashes when going into the screensaver, but I'm trying one more time and keeping an eye on it14:29
* calc is so sleepy :\14:29
* calc thinks he will skip going to the spaceship tonight and just go to bed14:30
rainmanp7it's 9:29 AM here14:31
rainmanp7h0rnman :) what's going on today ?14:31
rainmanp7Man i want to be working on something14:32
h0rnmanfights with ubiquity  :D14:32
rainmanp7what is ubiquity ?14:32
fosco_the ubuntu installer14:32
rainmanp7oh man i wanna help hehe14:33
rainmanp7Al I need to do is learn how to run a VM machine thing in linux like I can run vmware in win14:33
fosco_virtualbox is easy and free14:34
h0rnmanwell...the installer stopped, no messages, so here goes a reboot14:34
rainmanp7ok cool is it in synaptic ?14:34
h0rnmanwish me luck14:34
IntuitiveNippleh0rnman: hang on a mo14:34
rainmanp7Gdluck :)14:34
IntuitiveNippleh0rnman: can you switch to a console with Ctrl+Alt+F1 ?14:35
IntuitiveNippleIf so... you can check the installer logs14:35
h0rnmansorry....already in the middle of shutdown14:35
IntuitiveNippleok... well next time, check out /var/log/syslog  and /var/log/installer/*14:35
h0rnmanthough if this fails, I can do just that14:35
IntuitiveNippleI'm trying to reproduce a bug whereby the partitioner code actually causes the kernel to lose a partition, by creating a VM with the exact same disk layout as the hardware... heres hoping14:37
calcrainmanp7: there is also vmware for linux14:37
calcrainmanp7: so depends if you want free or what you are used to using ;-)14:38
calcalso iirc virtualbox needs cpu support which vmware only needs for 64bit guests14:38
rainmanp7calc yeah let me see if i can get a download for that :)14:38
IntuitiveNippleI've got the installer stuck in an endless loop continually resizing the window (trying to start X I think) but I can see som BUG: soft lockups when the screen momentarily stabilises14:39
calcrainmanp7: download is easy a license for it is a bit harder to get14:39
IntuitiveNippleI use kvm/qemu for VMs14:39
h0rnmaninteresting....what is the manifestation of the partitioner issue?14:40
calcrainmanp7: http://vmware.com/download/ws/14:40
IntuitiveNippleh0rnman: Trying to install with a separate /boot/ partition. It somehow makes that partition disappear even when the partitions and file-system are pre-created14:41
h0rnmanwell, I can't speak for seeing that, but my current install run failed miserably (system refused to boot.)14:42
rainmanp7K will be back need to reboot :)14:43
IntuitiveNippleWith the VM I can't get the LiveCD to start X14:45
h0rnmando you mean once you get everything installed?14:46
IntuitiveNipplenope, this is booting the LiveCD image14:46
h0rnmanI've been able to get that to work fine14:46
IntuitiveNippleI prefer using VMs since I can route the VM's console output to the host and capture early error messages14:50
IntuitiveNippleas now: [ 8497.690471] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [events/0:6]14:50
h0rnmanalright...now that I fixed the boot problem (turns out it was the VMWare nvram file)....i can see if I can find you those error logs :)14:58
rainmanp7h0rnman good work :)15:00
rainmanp7man i wish there was something i could do to help out :)15:04
* fujimitsu finish download. amd64.iso test initiated15:05
h0rnmanok...IntuitiveNupple --  I can get a syslog, but there is no install log at all in /var/log15:06
rainmanp7fujimitsu want me to install that and run it ?15:07
h0rnmanand now that I'm looking at it, syslog is empty15:08
* izinucs is installing into a vbox vm.. hoping for the best15:08
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fujimitsuno. trying to run alpha3 on gateway mt3422 laptop15:09
rainmanp7ahh ok15:10
fujimitsuare there any wifi issues known?15:10
rainmanp7Yeah i need to um test a usb wireless device :)15:11
fujimitsui just dont want to have to run a wire after install15:12
h0rnmanallright, something with the vmdk file was thrashed.  I'm trying again from the beginning15:15
rainmanp7be right back going to get a wierless adapter working ;)15:17
h0rnmansadly, I think this is a lost cause :(15:58
h0rnmanIntuitiveNipple:  I tried again, this time trying to set up a separate boot partition, and I met with the same results15:59
IntuitiveNippleh0rnman: Yeah... I think waiting for alpha 4 may be wise (I'm having problems with the daily)16:05
h0rnmanunfortunately, I have to agree16:06
rainmanp7how do i know which alpha version i'm running ?16:08
hggdhrainmanp7, if you are running jaunty, and updating, then you are very near alpha416:12
rainmanp7hggdh yes cool16:12
rainmanp7I is there a way i can plug certin hardware in and scan it and get the information to a site So they can add hardware support for it for Jaunty and future releases ?16:16
rainmanp7I'm really wodnering about this USB wireless stuff being supported :)16:18
rainmanp7I have 3 devices that are USB and 2 Wireless USB adapters I would like see supported. I own them and can scan them etc.. and give reports ->any ideas16:33
gourgirainmanp7 i think this is kernel's job, so you have to follow this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies16:59
gourgirainmanp7 but ask also to #ubuntu-bugs to be sure16:59
rainmanp7ok ty I will :)17:00
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rainmanp7I'm wondering if I just keep updating i won't have to reinstall jaunty right ? I can just roll with it ?17:18
IntuitiveNipplecan someone remind how, when at the LiveCD menu, with the 'F6' "Other Options" menu active and items selected, you then get it to boot with those options? What key to press? Only Esc seems to get rid of the menu, but I don't see the options added to the kernel command line (should they be shown?)17:18
IntuitiveNipplerainmanp7: correct17:18
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fujimitsuwell.. everything works as expected. still have not installed proprietary nvidia drivers yet.  hmm.. everything still looks and feels exactly the same as 8.1017:49
SwedeMikealt-tabbing is slower for me in 9.04, so is doing mplayer etc. it's just generally more jerky. But the fact that 9.04 actually figures out my 1280x800 screen and doesn't try to run it in 1024x768 like 8.10 does, makes it still the better choice :P17:50
fujimitsunetwork connection signal icon still in between 0 and 17 % . same deal as in 8.1017:51
fujimitsubut thats just incorrect17:51
SwedeMikemine says 45% which I think is ok17:52
fujimitsuthat be more accurate about your case. i know 17% is wrong.17:53
fujimitsurunning vista on same machine i get 100% signal strength17:54
SwedeMikethe interesting part is that 8.04, 8.10 and 9.04 all report different time remaining on battery for me between the two available apps for that, even though they see the same percentage of the battery power left17:55
SwedeMikepower manager seems to be wrong, battery charge monitor seems right17:55
fujimitsudid your display break on restricted drivers17:55
SwedeMikeanyone else sees?17:56
SwedeMikeI dont have any restriced drivers, I have intel 450017:56
rainmanp7Ok i got a strange problem :) I have a sound blaster sound card and a usb Cmedia headphone device How can I change devices as 2 Devices and not all the channel stuff listed ?17:56
rainmanp7Like how does one switch between both ? like turn one on and the other off or have both ?17:56
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackelope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule18:21
gourgialpha4 tomorrow, cool :D18:21
spr0k3toh sweet... I wonder what is going to break and what's going to get better18:23
macobetween today & tomorrow/18:29
macoshoudnt be anything. theyre supposed to be freezing to create cds18:29
xsgHI I have Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope alpha 3 when will the new desktop background be availible18:49
gourgixsg from A4 to Beta18:56
gourgixsg !schedule18:56
xsg_when will alpha 4 be out19:15
xsg_and will it be availible in the alpha 3 update in update manager19:15
TheInfinitywhen its done :)19:16
xsg_ and will it be availible in the alpha 3 update in update manager19:17
macoits just a rolled up bundle of all the updates the alpha 3 users already have19:18
xsg_so i will be updated daily19:23
xsg_from alpha19:23
linuxman410have got 10 dollars in this whole laptop19:47
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackelope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule20:17
mphill_whooooo. my suspend sorta finally works!20:31
xsgHI guys20:33
nicomenmphill_: but hibernate still doesn't?21:17
mphill_hibernate usually wasn't a problem21:18
mphill_it was suspend, i suspend it it would wake up right away.  this is awesome.21:18
nicomenok, hibernate stopped working for me, in hoary I think ;/21:19
nicomenand suspend has been on/off until not long ago21:19
mphill_i would rather suspend (on a desktop at least)21:20
mphill_hibernate would be ideal on a laptop21:20
nicomenyeah laptop, what's this desktop thing you talk about? ;D21:21
mphill_i don't own a laptop21:23
mphill_i might buy a netbook21:23
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veritosWill Jaunty support Flash *without* nspluginwrapper, as well as Sun Java (including browser plugin) *without* OpenJDK?23:19

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