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Emulashun"sr0: CDROM not ready.  Make sure there is a disc in the drive." -- anyone know why this happens in Ubuntu 8.10 (2.6.27) and if there is a workaround? this happens if the device is physical OR loop mounted04:33
ramirandHi - I was encountering a problem with tightvncserver in Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit, so I grabbed the source and fixed it. Is it appropriate to patch that in Ubuntu? Or should I feed the patch to someone at the debian level?06:29
greg-gramirand: is the issue with packaging or the actual program?06:56
greg-gif it is the actual program, sending the patch to those developers would be best, that way everyone gets the fix06:56
macosorry for the psycho-joins. the irssi instances from holding down my shortcut keys (held down because they didnt spawn immediately) spawned faster than i could manually kill them.07:35
Hobbseemaco: oh good.  so you're not being murdered, and using them as your call for help.07:36
macoyay for ps, grep, and kill -9?07:36
macooh, and pipes. pipes were highly useful.07:37
* jpds favours the 'killall' but ...07:57
macojpds: i wasnt07:58
macoi wasnt sure if killall or pkill would work without the full command07:58
macobecause i didnt want to kill all of my terminals, just the terminals that had irssi inside them, and im not sure exactly what sort of regex matching killall and pkill do07:58
jpdsAh, ok.07:58
jpdskillall irssi?07:59
macowell the process is terminator, i think08:00
macobecause i ran it with "terminator -m -e irssi"08:01
macoso i dont know if id need to "killall terminator" or "killall irssi" (or pkill of each of those) or if itd have to be the full command...so i ps'd, grep'd, and awk'd out a list of PIDs then piped it to "xargs kill -9"08:02
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askandHello, rececntly brasero was but in backports, it should be removed from there due to a halfserious bug that changes the language of nautilus and it is not possible to change it back09:12
macoyou're sure brasero did that?09:13
macoand do you mean hardy or intrepid backports?09:13
askandmaco: intrepid, yes I am sure. I installed 0.91 from getdeb a while ago and my language was changed, I had no idea on why. I was told to reinstall brasero from repos and my language was back. Today I installed 0.91 from backports and again my language is gone09:14
askandsorry that is 0.9.109:14
macooh. ouch.09:14
askandIt is a bug only affecting those using another language than english so that would explain not many people have noticed until now I guess :)09:15
macolemme see who backported that...09:15
askandmaco: Sure, according to getdeb libbrasero-media package is guilty09:17
macoaskand: thank you. i'll tell one of the backports maintainers09:19
askandmaco: glad to help09:20
macoaskand: is it changing the language throughout gnome, or *just* in nautilus, by the way?09:27
macoeither way its a problem, just wondering the extent09:27
askand maco: it is just nautilus and not all of nautilus09:39
askandmaco: for example things in the contextmenu when rightclicking files has changed09:39
askandmaco: and a lot of dialogs, for example "Are you sure you want to permanently delete xxx"09:40
askandmaco: And it wont show until nautilus is restarted09:48
macoi just told an archive admin. he said to file a bug to document why he's removing it, so i did that.09:50
askandmaco: great, is it possible to downgrade versions with an update?10:08
macoif you download the old version you can use dpkg to install it like this: sudo dpkg -i --force-downgrade brasero-oldversion.deb10:09
macoobviously, insert the right filename10:09
askandmaco: ah thanks10:09
Hobbseeor just apt-get install foo=1.3.4-0ubuntu1 or whatever10:11
Hobbseeif you still have it in your apt cache10:11
macoHobbsee: good to know!10:12
Hobbseeindeed :)10:12
macoi just read through the list of dpkg --force-things in the manpage so many times its the way i automatically think of10:12
Hobbseeyou usually don't want to use force ;)10:13
macoheh its how i downgraded away from the screwed up synaptics driver that was in jaunty last week10:13
macothen did an aptitude hold to avoid it coming back10:13
Hobbseebetter to do a dpkg hold, as it works across apt too10:14
Hobbseeecho packagename hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections10:14
macomeh i use aptitude for everything anyway. dont you need dselect for --set-selections to make any sense thoug?10:15
Hobbseenot sure10:21
Hobbseei don't use dselect10:21
askandmaco: Am I further needed here about the braserobug, otherwise I leave and wish you a good day :)10:39
macothats enough info10:40
zirodayHi, I'm seeing a bug with my touchpad mouse buttons. Basically where the left click sporiadically acts like a middle click. Which packages should I report that against?11:08
macoziroday: jaunty? its reported11:09
macoziroday: the xserver-xorg-input-synaptics v 0.99.3 caused it, but the -2ubuntu2 release should cler it up11:10
zirodaymaco: ooh looks like I've been looking at the wrong bug11:10
zirodaymaco: where was it reported?11:11
macobug 32063911:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320639 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Touchpad movement problems in 0.99.3" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32063911:13
zirodaymaco: ah, well I had the touchpad acting strange too but I thought that was just me imagining things. That bug report doesn't mention left click acting like middle click randomly though. Should I comment there or file a new report for that?11:15
macoi think it does...11:15
zirodaymaco: ah I see it, my bad skim reading :(11:16
zirodaymaco: how can I see what model of touchpad I have?11:16
macoer....lshal maybe?11:17
zirodaymaco: found it, you are a genius11:18
zirodaymaco: thank you so much!11:21
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2-away
LaibschI wonder if somebody has an idea how to replace my "universal one-liner" for compiling foreign packages and upload them to a particular series in my PPA (question 51583 which has been broken by bug 315643)11:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315643 in soyuz "PPA upload fails silently if .changes filename is misformed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31564311:41
LaibschI want to compile for example debian packages in my PPA without making any changes (including changelog)11:42
* Hobbsee notes that makes as little sense to her today as it did yesterday.11:43
Hobbseeperhaps saying what the universal one liner actually expanded to might help11:43
Hobbseeautoppa might be what you're after11:44
LaibschAutoppa looks interesting, but it's not what I am looking for11:45
LaibschHobbsee: https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/5158311:46
LaibschCan you take a look11:46
Laibschdpkg-genchanges -S -sa > ../tmp.changes &&  debsign -k$GPGkeyid ../tmp.changes &&  dput $target ../tmp.changes11:46
Laibschthat is my one-liner11:46
LaibschIt does not have anything package-specific in it, so I can call it up in any unpacked source directory from bash-history without changing anything in it11:47
* Hobbsee sighs at that bug.11:48
LaibschRecently, Launchpad started to refuse tmp.changes -> bug 315643 (which will likely not be fixed in a way that helps me)11:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315643 in soyuz "PPA upload fails silently if .changes filename is misformed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31564311:48
LaibschHobbsee: the bug or the question?11:48
* Hobbsee doesn't agree that dput should be used to show what is or isn't legal syntax, for any given upload destination. each program does one task, and does it well, right?11:49
maxbWell... dput already has the "is the .changes signed" check11:49
LaibschMaybe you can leave a comment to that effect in the bug?11:50
savvasLaibsch: if you don't introduce any changes in the ubuntu package, you don't need to alter the changelog, keep the debian version, isn't that right?11:50
maxbLaibsch: Write a small script that computes an appropriate filename using dpkg-parsechangelog. Sorry, no more oneliner, but it was a pretty complex one anyway11:50
maxbsavvas: Yeah, but you still need to create a .changes11:51
macoLaibsch: i think she's saying she doesnt see any reason why dput should be forced to check such a silly thing11:51
Laibschsavvas: you can determine with the changelog of which release pocket the upload goes into11:52
Hobbseeand you'd think that dpkg-source would be forced to output such a file.11:52
* Hobbsee checks debian policy11:52
maxbHm. <https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Using%20packages%20from%20other%20distributions> is mysteriously silent on where you're supposed to get the .changes from11:54
macodebuild -S?11:54
Hobbsee(it's autogenerated)11:54
maxbFor which you need to unpack the source, no? And if you've done that, why not edit the changelog anyway?11:55
LaibschI usually unpack the source11:56
Laibschediting the changelog is one more unneccessary step11:56
LaibschAnd I prefer for completely unchanged uploads to not touch it11:56
Hobbseehrm.  can't find a mandate for how the .changes file should be named in debian policy11:57
maxbfair enough, but dch makes it so very easy11:57
Laibschdebuild -S runs into trouble at times.  For example I had "debuild -S -sa" fail on me for some Java package which actually needed some package from build-depends just for that task which was not installed on my box11:57
Hobbseewell, yes, you'll need to have all the build dependancies to build a package...11:58
Hobbseeit's not wrapped around like pbuilder11:58
LaibschUp until that point I thought the build-depends were only really necessary when actually compiling and creating the package11:58
LaibschHobbsee: yes, a lesson I learned11:59
Hobbseeoh, i see what you mean11:59
Hobbseethe source build dependancies.11:59
Hobbseeyes, they're not anywhere, which can be a slight pain11:59
maxbOnly needed for the clean stage, right?11:59
savvashas anyone seen a bug report/wishlist for a hand mouse pointer for pdfs in evince?12:00
Hobbseemaxb: hrm?12:00
maxbTheoretically it should be possible to build a source package without invoking any debian/rules stuff if you know it's pristine, right?12:01
Hobbseeer, yes.  although pristineness probably doesn't matter?12:02
HobbseeLaibsch: so, you're trying to build a whole bunch of packages, for which you already have the old source.changes files, or need to generate them?12:03
LaibschI need to generate them12:03
LaibschMy workflow is usually like this12:03
Laibschdget -ux $dsc12:04
Laibschcd $packagename12:04
Laibschplus my one-liner above12:04
Hobbseedpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -rfakeroot -k<key ID> && cd .. && dput *.changes?12:06
Hobbseepersonally, though12:06
Hobbseei'd grab the dsc's i needed (probably by another script)12:06
LaibschYou mean, you'd grab the *.changes you needed?12:07
Laibschwill dpkg-buildpackage succeed even if you don't have build-dependencies installed?12:08
* Laibsch has some doubts12:08
LaibschSee, my one-liner was quite universal in that respect12:09
Hobbseeno, hang on.12:09
LaibschI think I even used dpkg-buildpackage before that, and debuild -S -sa and even before that, but I was annoyed by the long time that took12:09
Hobbseefor i in `basename .dsc *.dsc`; do dpkg-genchanges $i.dsc > $i_source.changes && debsign -k <foo> $i_source.changes && dput $i_source.changes; done ?12:11
Laibschbug 276391 could serve as a test case. I'd want to be able to prepare and upload that package without having to install java-gcj-compat-dev.12:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276391 in saxonb "FTBFS: "You must specify a valid JAVA_HOME or JAVACMD!"" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27639112:11
Hobbseeor something along those lines?12:11
LaibschHobbsee: Yes, that could probably do12:11
LaibschAnd I might use12:11
Hobbseethat gets you out of building it.12:12
LaibschI just liked the simpleness before.12:12
Hobbseewhich avoids the source build dep problem.12:12
LaibschThanks for helping out12:12
Hobbseeactually, it's pretty close to what you had ;)12:12
LaibschI'll experiment along your suggestion12:12
LaibschI needed no real variables12:12
maxbHobbsee: dpkg-genchanges wants a source-tree, not a .dsc12:12
Laibsch$target was usually hardy for me12:12
Hobbseemaxb: oh, does it?  bugger.12:12
Hobbseeerm.  not bugger.12:13
Laibsch$key was of course my key12:13
Laibschno problem, dget -ux $dsc unpacks the stuff12:13
LaibschI have the source unpacked12:13
Hobbseethat's a point12:15
Hobbseeso you could do some sed'ery to figure out what the directory below is, in name12:15
Hobbseethat's a bit of a pain12:15
* Hobbsee wonders if pbuilder's a bit of a solution12:16
Laibschnot always12:16
Laibschthink openoffice.org which would kill my machine12:16
Hobbseedoesn't look like you can get pbuilder to build source only.12:16
LaibschAnd btw, I think your solution doesn't really work: http://rafb.net/p/l6CgDD78.html is my /usr/src12:17
Laibschtons of dsc files in there12:17
LaibschI cannot even guarantee there will be only on dsc for every package name12:18
Hobbseeoh, right12:18
Hobbseei was assuming you were only doing a whole bunch once, and moving / deleting them after uploading12:18
Laibschso, I'm still screwed :-/12:18
maxbAlso, it turns out the dpkg-genchanges actually requires a *built* source tree12:18
Laibschno, I keep most of them around.  Some of them I maintain officially and want to be able to do updates later12:18
maxbBecause it wants to read debian/files12:19
LaibschOr I do prepare a number of SRU debdiffs for the same package in parallel12:19
LaibschIs there any good reason these LP people require this particular file name?12:21
LaibschMaybe we can get them to revert their decision?12:21
LaibschThis seriously gets in my way12:22
Hobbseei've got no idea12:23
Hobbseei can't seem to find it in debian policy that changes files *must* be labelled in a particular way12:23
Hobbseeit seems to specify the contents of the files, but not the filenames themselves12:23
Hobbseeif you can find the answer to that, one way or the other, then you'll have a good answer on whether htey will have to revert it (to follow policy), or whether they'll keep it12:24
LaibschMy hunch is that there is no such policy in debian12:24
LaibschBut maybe they did that to prevent my tmp.changes for package X overwriting that from user Y for package Z in the upload area.  Not sure.12:25
Hobbseewell, if there's no such policy, then you could probably argue that it should be reverted.12:26
maxbLaibsch: http://rafb.net/p/EMBTvT39.html <-- script that does the job12:26
Hobbseei thought it all went directly into librarian, and everything gets a different sequence #12:26
maxbIt does - there's an existing soyuz bug open complaining that you have to do the entire upload in a single FTP connection12:27
maxb(Which doesn't seem all that onerous to me, personally)12:27
Laibschmaxb: Thanks a lot.12:30
LaibschQuite some black magic involved there12:30
Laibschwhat's dsc=${dsc##*/} ?12:31
LaibschDoes that work in the course of multiple unpacked source directories?12:31
maxbWell, it could use some refinement - at the moment it will trample over existing unpacked source12:32
maxbAnd it ought to clean up the temporary source unpacks too12:32
maxb${dsc##*/} is the value of $dsc with the longest prefix matching the pattern */ removed12:33
LaibschHm, I have to admit this is too heavy for me at this time of day.12:40
andresmujicayaww.. morning12:42
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mvobdmurray: I wonder if we could have a bughelper recipt for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xine-lib/+bug/32307313:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323073 in xine-lib "package libgtk2.0-dev 2.14.4-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: paketet libgtk2.0-dev är inte redo för att konfigureras" [High,New]13:33
hggdhpedro_, ping13:47
pedro_hggdh: hey13:48
hggdhpedro_, good morning. Could you please renew my membership on bug-control?13:48
pedro_hggdh: yes sr, give me a min please13:49
pedro_hggdh: its going to expire in June -> 2009-06-0513:52
pedro_hggdh: did you get any email saying that is about to expire?13:52
hggdhpedro_, yes, let me check it again13:52
pedro_hggdh: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/+members13:53
hggdhpedro_, sorry, it is on bugswaud13:53
pedro_hggdh: aha, i think you can do that, it's an open team13:53
pedro_hggdh: could you try? otherwise i'll renew it13:54
hggdhpedro_, sorry, I did not expect a renewall on bugsquad. I am getting there now13:54
hggdhpedro_, done. I am really sorry13:57
pedro_hggdh: no problem ;-)13:57
calcyipee OOo is back over 90% watched bugs :)14:09
davideotape1Hi guys16:51
rainmanp7Yo :) hello Good afternoon17:01
hyperairgood morning17:01
hyperairit's 1am here heh17:01
kyselejsyrecekand 6p.m. here, :D hi17:04
rainmanp7Ok question :)17:04
rainmanp7I have 2 wireless adapters i need to get working there 2 different models how can I go about getting them supported into ubuntu ?17:06
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nuubuntuanyone got any adive on a fix for the wifi issue w/ acer 5515 and ubuntu 8.1019:27
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