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BugMaNhi seb128 :)08:52
Keybukseb128: libcanberra-gtk0 needs Replaces: libcanberra-gnome ?09:09
seb128Keybuk: no clue about the audio stack09:10
Keybukwho packages those?09:10
seb128not sure, look at the changelog?09:10
Keybuk -- Sebastien Bacher <seb128@canonical.com>  Tue, 05 Aug 2008 15:26:29 +020009:11
Keybukyou've touched it at some point <g>09:11
seb128yeah it was required to upgrade gnome-control-center ;-)09:11
seb128but I didn't do those binary split09:12
huatshello seb12809:21
seb128lut huats09:21
seb128huats: we need gnome-keyring now it's blocking other updates09:21
huatsseb128: I m sure it is....09:21
huatsbut no answer from upstream....09:21
huatslet me find you the bug I report on the upstream bugzilla09:22
huatsseb128: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57039309:24
ubottuGnome bug 570393 in general "gnome-keyring 2.25.90 does not like -Wl,-z,defs -Wl,--as-needed" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:24
seb128huats: I know, comment the cflags if you need but we need this update09:24
huatsso I do comment that right now09:24
huatstest and upload right now09:24
huatsseb128: it is building09:30
huatsseb128: I have a question to you regarding libgda09:31
huatsI am currently dealing with libgda4 (3.99.10).09:31
huatsthey have drop (as far as I can see) the odbc stuff, so I have removed the libgda4-odbc package (well in fact it was libgda3-odbc but with the SONAME bump it would have been libgda4-odbc).09:32
huatsand they have add a jdbc provider09:32
huatsthe only thing is that it won't build with openjdk09:33
huatsand since libgda is in main, I think it is a problem...09:33
huatsSo I think the only solution is not to include that provider09:33
seb128I don't know enough about that to have an opinion but not building it seems to be ok, if that's an issue somebody will open a bug09:35
huatsseb128: ok09:35
huatsI will put a package like that and you'll tell me your opinion on it once it will be on LP...09:35
thetethi everyone.... anyone knows how to read a keyboard device file from console? (kernel 2.6.27, ubuntu8.10). somthing like tail -f /dev/event1 does not work...09:42
Riddellseb128: I was asked to remove brasero from backports for bug 325221 does that seem sensible?09:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325221 in intrepid-backports "Please UN-backport Brasero 0.9.1 since it's breaking non-English systems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32522109:44
seb128not sure, ask the backport team perhaps, not sure what quality criterous they have09:45
seb128I would not recommend to use backports09:46
seb128that's what you can expect by upgrading to unstable versions09:46
didrocksmorning everyone09:56
didrocksHi seb12809:59
seb128lut didrocks09:59
seb128didrocks: looking to evince and gnome-games now09:59
didrocksok, I was going to point you to gnome-games as you answered for evince :)09:59
didrocksI made a merge request for gnome-games from my branch to ~desktop-team one. Don't know if we need to put that in the process...10:00
seb128didrocks: I'm pondering if the evince libs should be splitted10:00
didrocksseb128: for evince-document-10:00
didrocksand evince-view-10:00
didrocksthat was part of my question about evince and I had it ready in my pastebin:10:01
seb128didrocks: evince, your autoconf patch you only want to run autoconf and not autoreconf and clean the cache directory10:05
didrocksseb128: so, I only run autoconf, ok (not remember why in my last package I really had to launch autoreconf)10:07
seb128didrocks: autoreconf is when you change makefiles10:07
seb128if you change only configure autoconf should be enough10:07
didrocksseb128: ok, understood. So, if there is no patch against to makefiles, autoconf is enough10:09
* didrocks really really need to take some time to document on autotools10:09
didrocks(one sec, I am doing it again on my server)10:10
huatsseb128: I am working on gnome-keyring... but I have a few stuffs to fix on it (since there is a  few new stuffs...)10:11
seb128huats: ok10:11
huatsseb128: you'll get it in the early afternoon10:11
huatsis it ok ?10:11
huats great10:11
mvoseb128: do you have made a master bug for the dpkg is in a bad state failures already? if not, I would suggest we use https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/32389410:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323894 in dpkg "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report." [Undecided,In progress]10:16
mvoI'm preparing a sru for dpkg now10:16
seb128mvo: no I don't, ok thanks10:17
didrocksseb128: change done and it builds successfully. About the package split?10:25
seb128didrocks: you want to do it? will give you an opportunity to do library packaging you want to do some of those ;-)10:25
didrocksseb128: ok, but I will surely need some guidance :)10:26
didrocksseb128: for, the idea is to split in 3 packages (not counting -dbg) and have a evince-document, evince-view and evince package ?10:27
crevetteseb128, I was unable to package epiphany 2.25.5, there is an autoconf patch to update but the patch system is quilt which I was unable to quickly understand10:27
seb128crevette: export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches; quilt push patch-name; edit; quilt refresh; quilt pop -a; debuild10:27
seb128didrocks: rather libevview1 libevdocument110:28
seb128didrocks: no need to add the dbg we have dbgsym for everything10:28
crevetteI understand that, but how do I edit the autoconf at the edit step, can I use a cdbs-edit-patch environment and do the autoreconf step ?10:29
huatscrevette: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek0809/PackagePatches10:29
seb128didrocks: same issue for gnome-games, autoconf is enough, no need to run autoreconf there10:29
crevettehuats, ah Thanks I didn't find this page yesterday10:29
huatshere is a log of session where didrocks and I dealed with pacthes systems10:29
huats(and at the end I explain quilt a bit)10:29
seb128crevette: you can comment the quilt line in the rules, use cdbs-edit-patch and then uncomment10:30
seb128I do that usually10:30
crevetteseb128, okay10:30
seb128we should fix cdbs-edit-patch to fix on quilt packages as well10:30
didrocksseb128: ok, I will try to create those 2 packages. For the version, you see that they use another version than general GNOME stuff? So, I will use as them 1.0.010:31
seb128didrocks: you also need the libnnnn-dev corresponding to those10:31
didrocksseb128: and I'm on it for gnome-games10:31
seb128didrocks: what do you mean another version than GNOME ?10:31
didrocksseb128: it does not correspond to 2.2x.x for instance.10:32
seb128evince is 2.25.90?10:32
didrocksseb128: evince yes, but evview1 and evdocument1 will not (cf http://paste.ubuntu.com/113544/)10:33
seb128didrocks: I'm not sure to understand the question10:33
didrocksupstream bumped them to 1.0.010:33
seb128didrocks: the packages versions are the source version10:33
seb128it's the same for all the binaries10:34
seb128it will be 2.25.90 since that's the tarball version10:34
didrocksseb128: so, I don't use for those new libs the version that are defined in the configure?10:34
didrocks"The backend and view libraries have separate versions.10:35
seb128as said I don't understand the question10:35
seb128how do you want to specify different versions?10:35
didrockshum, let me rephrase :)10:35
seb128the only version you have in debian packaging is the changelog one10:35
seb128you can't use different versions for different binaries in the same source10:35
didrockshum sure, that was silly10:36
didrocksok, you just answered :)10:36
seb128those numbers impact on the soname10:36
seb128ie, libevdocument110:36
seb128the 1 is because the library is named .so.110:36
seb128the value change when the configure versioning change10:36
didrocksok, but I thought we should create a lib package with this version, but as it is part of the same source package...10:36
didrocksyeah, I see now :)10:37
didrocksthanks, I will work now on gnome-games and try to put some work on evince for seperating this.10:37
seb128ok thanks10:37
seb128gnome-games should be easy10:37
seb128just run autoconf rather than autoreconf and that should be enough10:38
didrocksseb128: I will not able to test, just build-test no. I tested live yesterday10:38
seb128if that build that's fine that will not do any difference on runtime10:38
seb128the automake run just do extra diff which is not required10:38
didrocksyeah, that's what I though, but I prefer to inform you about it :)10:39
seb128I do build and test updates before sponsoring usually anyway10:39
didrocks(bzr is really great when you have multiple hosts to work on a package)10:40
didrocksI worked on my laptop yesterday, and now, on my server, it's just a matter of bzr pull and bzr push :)10:41
didrocksseb128: it's juste a little more complex on gnome-games as I have to use jaunty's libtool10:42
didrocksand don't tell me to upgrade my server on jaunty :p10:42
seb128intrepid's you mean?10:42
didrocksno no, jaunty one10:43
didrocksremebered? I ask Keybuk for upgrading it in jaunty10:43
seb128didrocks: you can install the new libtool on intrepid easily10:43
didrocksseb128: hum, I got used to my debootstrap :)10:44
seb128what are you saying, you can't do the change now?10:44
didrocksseb128: no no. I can, it juste take me longer as I have to bzr bd-do, mount this in my debootstrap (but I'm doing it now)10:45
seb128ah ok10:46
didrocksinstall build-dep and gnome-common in my debootstrap, etc. :)10:46
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didrocksseb128: gnome-games is ready now and build successfully11:10
seb128didrocks: ok thanks11:17
seb128didrocks: no need to copy the changelog again as commit message when you do one change11:23
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didrocksseb128: ok, next time, I will just make "this is the version..."12:08
seb128didrocks: usually you write "run autoconf rather than autoreconf to update the autotools changes"12:17
seb128which is what the new revision does12:17
didrocksseb128: oki, but when they will have more drastic changes (like there will be in evince package), do you want me to paste the full new changelog or just the diff? (it's just a matter that it's more difficult to say "revision X correspond to version x.x.x uploaded to ubuntu"12:21
seb128the revisions logs are not made for that we should use tagging for that if we want this information12:22
didrocksok, (I usually use debcommit, so, I will speak to james_w about that to automate the tagging)12:23
seb128didrocks: gnome-games pushed and ready to upload but I will wait for the freeze to lift to upload12:23
didrocksseb128: ok, thanks :)12:24
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seb128_huats: hello14:22
huatsseb128_: hey14:22
huatsI haven't forget you...14:23
seb128_huats: any news about the gnome-keyring update?14:23
huatsI am about to test right now14:23
seb128_ok cool14:23
huatsseb128_: but honnestly14:23
huatsif it is blocking stuffs14:23
huatsI can give you my stuffs14:23
huatsand you can finish it...14:24
huats(I mean I won't be offense if you asked me...)14:24
huatsjust do not hesitate...14:24
seb128_we are not such in an hurry but it's blocking session login speed issues we are working at during the sprint14:24
seb128_so would be nice to have the new version today14:24
seb128_I don't want to duplicate your work though14:24
huatsseb128_: ok here is a possibility : I am testing it right now on my vm14:25
huatsIf anything weird expect, I give you my work and you can have that as a start...14:25
huatsthat you can use or not :)14:26
huats(I understand the blocking part for the sprint..)14:26
seb128_yeah, if you get something which builds and needs testing give me an url to that14:27
seb128_jaunty is frozen right now14:27
seb128_it's rather for my use than for uploading right now14:27
huatsit is built14:27
seb128_ok, dsc and diff.gz?14:27
huatsI am testing the it right now14:27
huatsseb128_: let me put it somewhere...14:27
huatsseb128_: are you sure that you don't want to put you opinion on my MOTU application before seing that ;)14:30
huatsseb128_: http://www.reponses.net/ubuntu/14:31
huatsyou have the .dsc and the .diff.gz and the .orig.tar.gz14:32
seb128_huats: ;-)14:35
seb128_huats: thanks14:35
huatsseb128_: so far it works (I can log in at least)14:36
seb128_huats: you want to name the binary libgcr0 and not libgcr-014:52
huatsI did that ?14:53
huatsI can rename it if you want14:53
seb128_I'm doing it locally14:54
seb128_but do it too for your update before I sponsor it14:54
seb128_I didn't know there was a new library, that's probably not going to be uploaded today then14:54
seb128_so you have time to fix that and the build issue with upstream too14:54
seb128_I will use that version for my login bootcharting14:55
pochulooks like all gnome packages are getting a library these days ;)14:55
huatsseb128_: it would help if upstream answers me a bit :)14:55
huatsok I will14:55
huatsand that will let me some time to put a "real" description in the control14:55
huatsseb128_: I did a bad copy/paste for the libname in the control file from the libgp11-0 (that is the reason of the -0 ...)14:56
huatsseb128_: it is not an excuse, just the explanation...14:57
seb128_huats: ok14:57
seb128_the other lib has a - because there is a number in the library name14:57
huatsthat is what I just figured out :)14:58
seb128_huats: you gnome-keyring deb installs ./debian/tmp/usr/share/gnome/autostart/gnome-keyring-daemon.desktop/gnome-keyring-daemon.desktop15:00
seb128_why do you try to change the directory rather than using the etc directory which is correct?15:00
seb128_huats: just list debian/tmp/etc/xdg/autostart in the .install15:01
huatsseb128_: because that was the "old" location15:01
huats(in the 2.25.5 which introduces that)15:01
seb128_right, the changelog states they changed to use the correct location15:01
huatsso I kept it15:02
seb128_the correct directory to use is etc15:02
seb128_it was wrong before, they fixed it, just use the new directory ;-)15:02
huatsI didn't know for autostart15:02
huatsthat /etc was the right one15:02
seb128_you know now ;-)15:02
seb128_ls /etc/xdg/autostart15:02
huats(and I did that this morning in the hurry of you :))15:02
seb128_yeah sorry about that15:03
huatsseb128_: don't have to be sorry15:03
huatsyou needed something15:03
huatsI should have done it right...15:03
seb128_that's ok don't worry15:04
huatsso now I know what is the autostart place is15:04
Keybuk"There is still a process running in this terminal.  Closing this terminal will kill it."16:08
KeybukYES!  It's called "ZSH"!16:09
glatzorhello pitti, regarding the PackageKit MIR: is it possible to only migrate a subset of the binary packages to main or is this handled on the source package level?16:10
glatzorpitti, I would like not to see mozilla-packagekit and gstreamer0.10-packagekit in main16:10
glatzorKeybuk, hi, should the properties and Introspectable interface of a dbus object be available to all users or only to the one who is allowed to call the main interface?16:22
Keybukglatzor: I tend to say make available to everyone16:25
didrocksseb128: I have no other choice than using autoreconf for evince. cf http://paste.ubuntu.com/113681/16:46
mvopitti: could you please have a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ddtp-ubuntu/+bug/295080 ? the updated ddtp data should be copied to intrepid-updates16:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295080 in Ubuntu Intrepid "Some (old enough) translations in ddtp-ubuntu not visible in Ubuntu" [Medium,Fix committed]16:46
mvo(if possible :)16:46
pittiglatzor: moz-pkgkit/gst-pkgkit> did someone asked for having them in main?17:16
pittiglatzor: MIRs are at the source package level, but we can easily keep some binaries in universe (and that's pretty common indeed)17:17
seb128didrocks: ok, just clean the cache then17:21
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seb128chrisccoulson: hi, do you want to do the gnome-session update?17:47
chrisccoulsoni can do17:47
seb128cool, thank you17:47
chrisccoulsoni was going to offer to do some other updates as well, but i havent checked if they're already done yet;)17:47
seb128which ones?17:48
seb128they are mostly done, claimed or blocked right now17:48
chrisccoulsonseahorse hasn't been done yet17:48
seb128you can do totem and totem-pl-parser if you want17:48
seb128seahorse is done on my disk blocked by gnome-keyring which huats is doing (but new version doesn't build right now)17:49
chrisccoulsoncool. i can look at totem as well then17:49
seb128you can do vino vinagre eog17:49
seb128that's about it17:49
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll take a look. might not get time to do them all this evening though, so if anyone else wants to do them i won't stop them;)17:50
seb128ok, do gnome-session totem and totem-pl-parser then already if you can17:51
seb128that's a good start ;-)17:52
chrisccoulsonno probs!17:52
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crevettedoes someone did metacity update ?18:32
chrisccoulsoncrevette - i did the metacity update, but it's still waiting to be sponsored i think18:50
chrisccoulson2.25.144 isn't it?18:50
crevetteyep, okay18:50
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petskiHmm, just received an email from the Build System: rhythmbox fails to build from source : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/0.11.6svn20081008-0ubuntu4.321:37
petskiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:21:38
petski  libtotem-plparser-dev: Depends: libtotem-plparser12 (= 2.24.1-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed21:38
petskionly on hppa, all other archs are doing just fine21:39
maxbIt is a shame there is no rmadison for ports21:39
pochuit built fine on hppa already https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem-pl-parser/2.25.1-0ubuntu121:40
pochulooks unrelated21:40
pochuhi seb12821:40
seb128hello pochu21:40
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