
EagleScreenif I run dch -i, changelog is incremented for intrepid, and later package is built for intrepid, what must I do if I want to increment changelog for jaunty or unstable and to build the package for jaunty or unstable? I have chroots for each release created with pbuilder01:08
jdongEagleScreen: see -r for dch01:21
EagleScreenyes I see01:23
EagleScreeni think that with my actual configuration, debuild builds the package for the release typed in the changelog included if you typed it by hand01:24
jdongwhat configuration does that?01:26
jdongapart from a buildd-style setup01:26
jdongand all -r does is fill in that part of the changelog header with the release you want01:26
jdongit is fundamentally no different than typing it in by hand, other than saving a bit of arrow-key usage01:27
EagleScreenthis configuration http://pastebin.ca/132675301:28
EagleScreenit has a block to take the release from the changelog01:28
jdongnice, around line 3001:29
jdongthen dch -r will do the trick01:29
jdongyou can also set the DIST environment variable to override it01:29
EagleScreeni cannot understand the utility of -r argument01:31
jdongit's primarily useful for doing a changelog bump from a noninteractive script01:32
EagleScreeni think i am starting to understand this.. lol01:34
jdonglazy typers tend to benefit too ;-)01:34
EagleScreenbut I note a difference between debian debuild and ubuntu debuild01:34
EagleScreenfor instance, in debian, dch -i changes version from 0.3.2 to 0.3.2-1 and ubuntu to 0.3.2ubuntu101:35
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jdongright, because -1 is not a valid version number for an upload into Ubuntu01:36
EagleScreenif I build Debian native packages will it add ubuntu1 to the version string?01:36
jdongand Ubuntu's devscripts are designed for Ubuntu developers01:36
EagleScreenand Debian adds automatically +nmu (non mantainer update)01:39
LordMetroidWhere does APT store information of downloaded package?01:56
RAOF /var/lib/dpkg and /var/lib/apt02:03
ion_Also, /var/cache/apt/archives contains the downloaded packages themselves. Now please read the topic. :-)02:04
RAOFIs anyone looking at the gnome-desktop2, gnome-desktop-sharp2, tomboy & monodevelop situation?02:05
EagleScreenwhat happens when debuild gives me an error of build dependences, but the necessary dependence is in the repository why it does not satisfy the build-dependence?02:06
anderskdebuild only looks at packages on the system; it does not install new packages for you.02:07
anderskYou can install the build dependencies for a source package in the repository with `apt-get build-dep sourcepackage`,02:07
anderskor for an extracted package on disk with `/usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends` (in the pbuilder package).02:08
RAOFgnome-desktop-sharp2 at least has a debdiff attached, and this is a prerequisite of fixing Tomboy.02:08
EagleScreenbut i want to install build-deps in the pbuilder fakeroot and not in my real installation, is it possible?02:08
RAOFEagleScreen: Because you don't have the dependency installed.02:09
RAOFEagleScreen: debuild doesn't automatically install dependencies for you.02:09
EagleScreenthen how can I install a package in the pbuilder fakeroot enviroment?02:09
anderskpbuilder will automatically install dependencies for you.  debuild will not.02:10
anderskAre you actually using pbuilder to run a build, or are you manually entering the chroot and running debuild?02:10
EagleScreeni used pbuilder to make the root eviroments02:10
EagleScreenthe i must use pbuilder instead of debuild02:11
EagleScreencan pdebuild sustitute to debuild -b?02:11
anderskThat should work.02:11
EagleScreenis it possible that launchpad ppa to fail building for use debuild -S to build without all build-dep installed in my system?02:15
EagleScreenI mean, must I use pbuilder to build source packages instead of debuild -S?02:17
EagleScreencan pbuilder buils source packages?02:17
EagleScreenwhy pbuilder didnt ask me for my PGP passphrase?02:21
EagleScreenpdebuilder provides a .deb package?02:27
RAOF_EagleScreen: pbuilder builds source packages, too, but if you just want to build a source package you (generally) don't need the build-depends installed.02:27
EagleScreeni want to build the .deb package02:32
RAOF_Well, then you either want pbuilder or to install the build-depends.02:32
EagleScreenpbuilder to install the dependences in the fake root enviroment02:33
EagleScreenbut pbuilder is only buildding the source package02:33
EagleScreenpbuilder build *.dsc02:35
RAOF_No, it's building the binary package.  You might not know where the binary package that it's building _is_ (it's in /var/lib/pbuilder/result, IIRC), but it's building the binary package :)02:35
EagleScreenyes, they are there :D02:40
EagleScreenW: mount-systray source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.7.2 (current is 3.8.0)03:28
EagleScreenW: mount-systray source: native-package-with-dash-version03:28
EagleScreenwhat does it mean?03:29
ion_Pass -i to lintian03:31
slangasektkamppeter_: please mind the alpha freeze04:41
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Hobbseecody-somerville: oh, really?  Why?06:44
IntuitiveNippleWould we consider ubiquity causing the kernel to *lose* a partition table entry as critical?06:47
slangasekIntuitiveNipple: causing the *kernel* to lose it?  Probably not.06:50
slangaseksince the kernel is never supposed to overwrite the partition table, it presumably would reappear on reboot06:51
IntuitiveNippleI meant as in, the partition is lost from /proc/partitions and therefore ubiquity causes itself to fail if that partition is an installation target06:55
IntuitiveNippleI've been able to reproduce it with alpha 3 LiveCD and the Intrepid LiveCD installer - something to do with d-i/partman but the logs aren't time-stamping so I can't figure out exactly what is being done to cause it06:56
slangasekif it's reproducible for you in intrepid, that's certainly a corner-case06:58
slangasekplease file a bug on ubiquity with as much detail as possible, but I'm not, e.g., going to stop the presses on alpha-4 for such an issue06:59
IntuitiveNippleI'm working through the source right now, but it's not enlightening me06:59
IntuitiveNippleIt could be described with two headings, as you'll see: bug #32498706:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324987 in ubiquity "Separate /boot/ partition fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32498706:59
slangasekbryce, tjaalton: I notice we have some bugs about touchpad toggling not working through acpi-support - looks like synclient doesn't work, SHMConfig disabled, yadda yadda - do you know what the right way is to fix this?07:02
Amaranthooh, can I get my touchpad back please? :)07:07
slangasekAmaranth: "toggle" - different issue07:08
slangasekAmaranth: what hardware do you have, what version of xserver-xorg-input-synaptics do you have installed?07:08
slangasekAmaranth: also, when did it stop working?07:08
Amaranthwow i totally don't have that package installed07:09
slangasekthen that explains your touchpad not working ;)07:09
Amaranthit stopped working when half way through my jaunty install (daily from the 1st) ubiquity crashed :/07:09
Amaranthforgot to collect the logs for that one, I panic'ed and just made my system work07:09
slangasekgood, thank you for /not/ confirming the kernel bug that the kernel team have been panicking about since last night :-)07:10
tjaaltonslangasek: I'm not familiar with that one, what should it do exactly?07:11
* tjaalton has no touchpad07:11
slangasektjaalton: ah.  various laptops have a hotkey that's supposed to toggle the touchpad - an easy way to disable it if it's getting in your way while typing07:12
tjaaltonslangasek: oh, ok. xinput can disable it but you'd have to know the device id07:12
slangasektjaalton: but it uses synclient, which does this:07:12
slangasek$ synclient TouchpadOff=107:12
slangasekCan't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?07:12
slangasektjaalton: oh interesting!  How does the disabling work?07:12
slangasekbecause that would be way better07:12
tjaalton'xinput list' shows the input devices, 'list-props N' lists the properties that the device has07:13
tjaaltonN can be the numerical id or the full name07:14
slangasektjaalton: sure; I actually assume we'll be walking the hal tree for this, since it's in fact hal that should be handling the keypress itself in the new world order, and hal already has the info about that :)07:14
slangasekbut what's the command to actually disable the input device?07:14
tjaaltonslangasek: 'xinput set-int-prop N 'Device Enabled' 8 007:15
tjaaltonor something like that07:15
* slangasek hugs tjaalton :)07:16
tjaaltonbeen there since intrepid ;)07:16
tjaaltonsynaptics 1.0 supports float properties too07:16
slangaseksorry, I'm just excited that we don't need to use synclient anymore, which has never been reliable :)07:17
tjaaltonso SHMConfig is pretty much obsolete07:17
tjaaltonnow all that's needed is a pretty GUI for all of this, not just touchpads but mice too07:17
* slangasek nods07:17
tjaaltonand preferably integrated to the DE capplet07:17
tjaaltonbecause the settings aren't persistent, but with gconf/g-s-d that should be covered (and the same for KDE counterparts)07:18
slangasekin that case, maybe it would be g-s-d itself that should handle the event, with hal just emitting it on the bus07:19
tjaaltonit's also annoying that you can't assign just a mouse button as a shortcut.. my mouse has a number of buttons that are useless right now07:20
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pittibdmurray: calibre 0.4.133 uploaded08:58
slangaseksuperm1: mythbuntu-desktop is currently uninstallable, prevents alpha-4 builds09:13
directhexalpha 4? it's that time already?09:15
IntuitiveNippleHow can I execute the Crash-Report tool manually? It just failed to upload a crash report that occurred when running the hwtest, so I wanted to try resending the report09:18
pittiIntuitiveNipple: go to /var/crash in nautilus and click on it09:19
pittiIntuitiveNipple: or, if you are CLI oriented, /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk -c /path/to/crash/file09:20
IntuitiveNipplethat's more like it ... thanks!09:20
IntuitiveNippleHmmmm... and again "urlopen error The write operation timed out"09:21
slangaseksuperm1: because libmyth-0.21-0 depends on a non-existent libx264-59 package?09:27
slangaseksuperm1: ... which seems to have been NBSed out, so libmyth-0.21-0 needs a rebuild09:29
slangasek</monologue> :)09:29
pitticalc: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/pet-buglist.html09:34
slangasekbryce_, tjaalton: eh, xserver-xorg no longer depends on xserver-xorg-input-all, which means we don't get -synaptics installed?09:57
slangasekbryce_, tjaalton: can I presume to upload a fixed xserver-xorg that depends on both -evdev and -synaptics, or is there something else we should be doing here?09:58
tjaaltonslangasek: it does09:59
slangasektjaalton: the only input package on the liveCD today in -evdev09:59
tjaaltonwell, that satisfies 'x-x-i-all | x-x-i-4'..10:01
tjaaltonwhich is why -all isn't pulled10:01
tjaaltonit's been like that on intrepid too10:01
slangasektjaalton: the intrepid version depends on -all.  the jaunty version *doesn't* - IIRC because of a wacom problem earlier in the cycle10:02
slangasekI think it was you that I had this conversation with? :)10:02
slangasekoh, no, that was dropping vmmouse from -input-all, that's different10:03
slangasekoh, haha10:03
slangasekI see10:03
slangasekDepends: xserver-xorg-input-evdev, xserver-xorg-input-all | xserver-xorg-input-410:03
slangasekright - can we try reversing the order of those dependencies in debian/control?10:03
slangasekshall I do it, or would you like to?10:04
tjaaltonI can do it10:04
slangasekok, thanks10:04
tjaaltonslangasek: uploaded10:09
slangasektjaalton: cheers10:28
slangaseksuperm1: ok, mythtv uploaded for a no-change rebuild; I believe I don't have commit access to the bzr repo though10:30
slangaseksuperm1: ah, except that source changes are needed for the new x264 after all :-(  so I'll wait for you for further guidance10:37
loolScottK-desktop: No, mesa isn't misbuilt; it's just that libdrm-dev should guarantee you get the drm headers10:49
ScottKlool: OK.  Just checking as I didn't have the background.  I spent most of last night coaxing KDE to build on lpia and I'd hate for it to have been for nought.10:50
ScottKlool: Thanks.10:50
loolScottK: How is KDE looking on lpia/armel these days?  (I mean in terms of builds; I don't expect you to run that :)11:10
loolslomo_: Poke11:11
ScottKUp until the kernel upload yesterday we were literally dead on lpia because nothing would build.11:11
loolslomo_: I'd like to drop the always satisfied version in the sda -> notification-daemon dependency as it prevents an alternate implementation to Provide notification-daemon with sda installed11:11
ScottKNow lpia in Main is fully built.11:11
loolScottK: I guess it's the same on all linux-ports arches then?11:12
lool(ppc, sparc, hppa, ia64...)11:12
ScottKExcept armel, yes.11:12
ScottKarmel had some other transient problem that seems to have passed and I'm retrying stuff now.11:12
loolYeah, armel is built by linux so it's up-to-date11:12
loolScottK: Great11:12
ScottKkde4libs on armel built, so likely the rest of the stack will be ok.11:12
ScottKBecause of boost -> boost1.35 I need to do a main upload before I can finish universe stuff so that'll have to wait until after the alpha.11:13
ScottKSo rapidly moving from really bad to pretty good is how I'd sum it up.11:14
ograYokoZar, are you around by chance ?11:14
loolHmm right boost broke lots of stuff11:14
loolOh I'm uploaded or sda11:14
loolslomo_: I don't remember whether we have a Vcs for sda11:14
dholbachseb128: pedro_ wants to know hof often you already heard "iz gtk boog"11:17
directhexif someone were to show some love to 323790, then i could prepare one final app package & sign off on the mono 2.0 app transition as done (leaving only libs and tweaks, which are where space savings will suddenly happen)11:18
slangasekjelmer: why is bzr 1.11 in experimental instead of in unstable? :)11:22
TheMusotjaalton: Turns out that the multifinger patch that tseliot got included in a recent synaptics upload breaks the expected behavior for my touchpad. I now have to use thre fingers instead of two fingers for right-click.11:28
TheMusothree even'11:28
tseliotTheMuso: in which version of the driver?11:28
tseliotversion and revision11:28
TheMusotseliot: i'll get back to you on that, about to head off for lunch.11:30
tseliotTheMuso: ok11:31
loolslomo_: Hmm can't find the sda tarball in the upstream location indicated in copyright11:34
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loolStevenK: [ "$foo" = ${foo/*\///} ]11:42
loolI'm not particularly proud of that though11:42
TheMusotseliot: 0.99.3-2ubuntu2, which is the latest revision. If I drop 105 correct multifinger patch, my touchad works as expected, only two fingers and button click needed for right clicking.12:32
TheMusotseliot: I built the package without that patch and things work as I expected them.12:33
tseliotTheMuso, tjaalton: ok, let's drop patch 105 then12:34
TheMusotseliot: Won't that break things again for other people?12:40
directhexhm, yet more mouse annoyances. if even linux has useful config additions to gnome rejected, is there any point in trying myself?12:41
tseliotTheMuso: no, I don't think so. The other patches I added solved their problems.12:41
tseliotdirecthex: ?12:42
tjaaltontseliot: the changelog says that 105 fixes bug 32063212:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320632 in xfree86-driver-synaptics "tap-to-click and edge-scrolling broken in Jaunty" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32063212:42
tseliotlet me check12:43
directhexapple live in a world of 1 button, gnome lives in a world of 3 buttons. if you happen to have more than three, then it's config file city to try & convince the system to use them properly (be it xmodmap or xorg.conf). it would be nice if "use my side buttons for back/forward plz" wasn't a chore to do12:43
tseliottjaalton: yes because it undos what my previous patch did ;)12:43
Mithrandirdirecthex: doesn't that Just Work now?12:44
tseliotdirecthex: I'm working on a daemon which will allow users to save their settings (applied through xinput)12:45
directhexMithrandir, as long as you own the same mouse as the guy who implemented it, it works great. otherwise, you can expect muddled key mappings12:45
directhexMithrandir, as an example, back/forward appear to be mapped to tilt-mouse-left/right here, not to back/forward12:45
Mithrandirdirecthex: hm, maybe I've just been lucky.12:46
Mithrandiron the other hand, mouse-wheel-tilt doesn't seem to work with my mx40012:46
directhexMithrandir, it's an improvement on hardy where tilting the mouse caused xorg to segv12:46
tjaaltonI'd like to be able to assign shortcuts to the buttons12:47
directhexso this is a ms wireless laser 6000, and back/forward are mapped to the mouse wheel tilt - the mouse wheel has poor response as it is, so accidental tilting is common (and therefore so is accidental b/f)12:48
directhexat home, my new razer lachesis has the side buttons act as b/f as expected - except they're swapped round from how they should be12:48
directhexactually, the lachesis has other issues under loonicks, basically because the buttons are hardware-mappable & by default 4 buttons have bindings pre-encoded12:50
directhexi should ask them for hints on making a control panel thing for it12:50
* tseliot > lunch12:53
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* lamont wonders which intrepid (or even hardy-updates) update broke msdund support in bluetooth13:42
lamontdoh.  nevermind13:44
ScottKIn intrepid I'll go for bluez 3 -> 4 transition13:45
lamontyeah - in hardy, it was plugging the bluetooth adapter into a 1.x hub downstream of the system connectors. :(13:50
lamontand there's an intrepid bug wrt not being able to force a PIN for the remote device or some such13:50
kagouHi, is there a tool to report information of launched xorg ? (driver/dpi/resolution/option etc.)13:51
slangasekkagou: if you're filing a new bug, 'ubuntu-bug xorg'13:53
kagouslangasek, excellent ! Thanks13:54
primes2hpitti: I uploaded debdiff for gnome-icon-theme for this bug #172353. Tell me if it's ok.14:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 172353 in human-icon-theme "Human theme has non-translatable emblem names." [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17235314:12
Notch-1hi, i've created a script in /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/, but it seems to run 2 times, does anybody know why?14:41
pittiprimes2h: can you please assign the task to me?14:51
pittibdmurray: what was the other "dead" hotkey for you (not KEY_DVD)?14:52
directhex<directhex> if someone were to show some love to 323790, then i could prepare one final app package & sign off on the mono 2.0 app transition as done (leaving only libs and tweaks, which are where space savings will suddenly happen)14:53
NCommanderTheMuso, ping?14:53
primes2hpitti: Done.14:53
calcwhat is DeadUbuntu?14:54
primes2hpitti: Thanks14:54
pochubug 32379014:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323790 in mono "Please sync mono 2.0.1-4 (main) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32379014:54
pittiprimes2h: thanks14:54
* calc thought it was a group for dead users but apparently they are alive14:54
bryce_calc, maybe undead?14:57
bdmurraypitti: KEY_PLAYER14:58
pittibdmurray: ah, thanks14:58
pittislangasek: would you mind if I upload a new hal-info which fixes some keycodes? (doesn't matter if it doesn't land in a4); or should I rather stall it?15:15
slangasekpitti: go ahead, you're in the seb128 upload window :)15:21
jelmerslangasek, lenny freeze15:23
slangasekjelmer: but that doesn't forbid uploads to unstable of leaf packages... :)15:25
jelmerslangasek, I asked dato about this a bit earlier and he asked me to upload to experimental during the freeze to keep unstable (rather than t-p-u) open for uploads that had to go into testing15:26
directhexthat's been our policy in the mono team15:29
directhexsince t-p-u sucks15:29
superm1slangasek, <shrug> i'll take a look in a little bit here about it.  in the event that it can't be sorted out easily, can the 2-3-9 disks be marked for a4?15:37
superm1if it's requiring source changes due to libx264 stuff, i just worry a little that it might be more involved15:37
slangaseksuperm1: the biggest reason I wouldn't want to release those as alpha-4 is that you'd be missing ubiquity fixes that all the other flavors have; I'm happy to roll a slightly-later mythbuntu once mythtv is building again? (http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/weatherreport/iso_pkg_diffs/mythbuntu-amd64-desktop.html)15:43
superm1slangasek, ah that's a bit more than i expected in delta over the last day.  hopefully the x264 changes aren't too invasive then. i'll see15:44
jelmerslangasek, btw, did you see my message about the upgraded ubuntu-grub branch?15:55
jelmernow if only subvertpy would get through NEW so I can request a sync for jaunty...15:55
slangasekjelmer: yes, but I guess you didn't see mine, asking how I'm supposed to get your stuff into the official tree :)15:55
slangasekdo I delete the branch currently there, and branch from yours to ubuntu-core-dev?15:55
jelmerslangasek, just "bzr push -d lp:~jelmer/grub/ubuntu --overwrite lp:~ubuntu-core/dev/grub/ubuntu" should do it15:56
jelmerubuntu-core-dev rather than ubuntu-core/dev obviously15:57
directhexjelmer, welcome to NEW, please enjoy your stay16:02
jelmerdirecthex, :-) It's not as bad anymore as it used to be though16:03
directhexjelmer, really? how bad did it used to be? i think 200 packages queued, and a 4 week turnaround, are pretty bad16:03
jelmerdirecthex, I've waited up to two months in the past I think, and it's release time atm16:07
jelmerdirecthex, maybe I'm just getting used to it...16:07
directhexjelmer, when you only release a dist every 2-3 years, perhaps a 1-month NEW time seems fast :p16:08
slangasekjelmer: bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ejelmer/grub/ubuntu/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport16:09
jelmerslangasek: Looks like you'll have to make a copy of my branch locally first, sorry :-/16:10
jelmerslangasek, after that you should be able to "bzr push --overwrite" to the ubuntu-core-dev branch16:10
jelmerI'll file a bug about "bzr push -d " with remote branches, there's really no reason that shouldn't work16:10
kirklandRiddell: what was the kubuntu sound package you told me to install to override k3b's annoying sound notifications?16:24
Riddellkirkland: kubuntu-default-settings16:24
kirklandRiddell: cheers, thx16:24
slangasekjelmer: all done now, thanks!16:27
directhexplinketty plinka plinketty plinka plinketty plinka plink plonk!16:28
directhexsorry, kde flashback for a moment16:28
jelmerdirecthex, otoh, REVU isn't very quick atm either16:30
directhexjelmer, if you want to go down THAT road, take a look at the slowness of Mentors16:31
directhexjelmer, some mono-related packages were removed from testing yet fixes were in mentors for months16:31
jelmerdirecthex, oh, I wasn't aware of that16:31
jelmerdirecthex, being able to find sponsors in Debian is much related to the sort of package you're uploading16:33
directhexjelmer, yep16:33
directhexjelmer, a bit like finding people to ACK syncs/merges in here ;)16:33
jelmerdirecthex, mono-related packages seem to be a problematic kind, I've always had problems finding mentors for mine as well when I was not yet a DD16:33
directhexjelmer, certain FUD campaigns are depressingly effective16:34
broonieWell, there's also the general reluctance to faff about with packages for a software stack you don't understand.16:35
directhexbroonie, which largely comes down to questions of trust & accountability16:35
directhexnot wanting to be blamed for errors introduced in a package you ack'd16:36
directhexat least, i hope that's the reasoning used, it's preferable to "you smell bad"16:40
jdongyou haven't got the "I hate streaming video" comments? :)16:41
directhexjdong, which package are we talking about now? o_o16:42
jdongdirecthex: btw do we have a Mono 2.2-ish PPA for Intrepid?16:42
jdongI've been spending a bit of this morning compiling the stack in a local prefix16:42
directhexjdong, no. all cycles being burned on 2.0-related tasks, and 2.2 breaks a LOT of apps16:42
jdongdirecthex: ok, understandable16:42
directhexperhaps "breaks" should be "increases compiler rigour and therefore requires patching of" but still16:42
directhext'is the reason jaunty will have 2.0.1 not 2.216:43
jdongI need some 2.2-ish features for some stuff I'm doing for work, so I'll just continue on my way :)16:43
directhexcarry on! /me waves his hand dismissively16:43
directhexof course, you could always sync mono 2.0.1-4 if you wanted to. that'd help16:43
jdonghaha well I don't have a direct charge account for doing that which pays $37.50/hr :)16:44
directhexsyncing from debian isn't a job, it's a calling! a solemn duty!16:44
jdongyes but putting food on the table helps with syncing from debian with fewer errors :)16:44
orospakrI hope this is the right channel to ask this, but I have a package checked out from the package-import bazaar repositories, and I would like to build it using pbuilder.  However, the .dsc and orig tarballs are nowhere to be found inside the tree.16:56
orospakrThe DistributedDevelopment wiki pages only suggest using bzr builddeb.16:56
james_worospakr: "bzr builddeb -S" will create a source package for you to build in pbuilder16:58
surfazCan anyone look at this issue?16:59
orospakrjames_w, thanks!17:02
slangasekjelmer: hrm, 'bzr merge svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-grub/grub/trunk' still gives me a 'no common ancestor' error?  Did my overwrite of the ~ubuntu-core-dev branch not work as intended?17:09
jelmerslangasek, you need to merge svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-grub/grub/trunk/debian17:10
slangasekjelmer: oh!  trying :)17:12
hyperairdoes anybody know where software-properties gets its list of mirrors from?17:16
slangasekjelmer: bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified. :(17:18
jelmerslangasek, are you using bzr-svn 0.5 ?17:19
glatzorhyperair, yes me. The list is part of python-apt17:19
slangasek<cough> no, did you tell me to? :-)17:19
hyperairglatzor: thanks, i'll poke around in there17:20
glatzorhyperair, There is already code in software-properties to add custom mirrors easily, but I haven't yet found the time to complete this feature17:20
hyperairglatzor: dyou know if it's possible to add a custom mirror? right now if i dist-upgrade, i have to hack around it by adding a /etc/hosts entry that points to localhost, and use mod_proxy to get the server i want17:20
tseliotKeybuk: do you know why this dbus call fails? http://pastebin.com/d3c811f58 (I get "The name org.x.config.display0 was not provided by any .service files")17:20
hyperairglatzor: ah faster than me17:20
hyperairglatzor: heheh17:21
hyperairfor now i guess i'll dpkg-divert it or something17:21
glatzorhyperair, why do you need to change it to localhost?17:22
hyperairglatzor: because the whole dist-upgrade process doesn't recognize my on-lan archive mirror17:23
hyperairglatzor: i'm an archive mirror admin in my campus network, and it actually uses that to upgrade, i can upgrade at 10MB/s17:23
hyperairglatzor: to upgrade from hardy to intrepid that's what i did. i set the mirror to sg.archive.ubuntu.com, added a /etc/hosts entry to point sg.archive.ubuntu.com back to my comp, and then used apache2 + mod_proxy to forward requests to ntuoss1.uni.cx17:24
jelmerslangasek, Sorry :-) It's available from the bzr PPA17:24
glatzorhyperair, you should fill a bug to update-manager to easily allow to custom mirrors17:29
glatzorhyperair, mvo is the author of the upgrade tool17:29
hyperairglatzor: but weren't you working on it?17:29
glatzorhyperair, software-properties is not the same as the upgrade tool17:29
glatzorthe later one is part of update-manager17:30
glatzorhyperair, please could you fill a bug on python-apt too?17:30
glatzorhyperair, I will investigate how far the support of custom mirrors is. I worked on it 2 years ago17:31
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hyperairso long? =(17:32
hyperairwhat are the package names?17:32
tseliotKeybuk: never mind17:32
hyperairglatzor: imo the reason the upgrade tool couldn't support custom mirrors is because there's no real way to identify whether a mirror is an official archives mirror or just some random 3rd-party mirror17:33
glatzorhyperair, AFAIK it does detect a vailid mirror by taking the mirror list of python-apt into account17:34
hyperairglatzor: but that's only the python-apt mirror list17:34
hyperairglatzor: that does not include custom mirrors17:34
hyperairglatzor: the problem was that my mirror is not in the mirror list17:35
glatzorhyperair, right. that is why you need the custom mirror support on python-apt level17:35
hyperairwhich means that if python-apt supported it, everything else above it would work wonderfully17:35
hyperairglatzor: right?17:35
glatzorhyperair, I think so17:36
hyperairglatzor: https://code.launchpad.net/~madjar/python-apt/custom-mirror <-- this?17:41
hyperairglatzor: so i added http://ntuoss1.uni.cx/ubuntu/ to the list of mirrors in /usr/share/python-apt/templates/Ubuntu.mirrors, but it doesn't seem to work eh =\17:44
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directhextseliot, can you tell me more about this mouse daemon of yours?18:07
tseliotdirecthex: it's a dbus daemon which will use xinput and its methods will be accessible from any language through dbus. This daemon will also be able to read and apply settings from a configuration file18:12
directhexand in this instance, we're talking about abusing set-button-map ?18:13
tseliotdirecthex: ? It will be able to do whatever xinput can do18:14
directhexhm, interesting18:15
directhexdoes this exist yet, or is it all planning-stages?18:15
tseliotdirecthex: I'm experimenting a bit in these days18:16
directhexi'm taking a look at this new mouse, and wondering how to unlock the most advanced features18:17
directhexi'm thinking i might need a usb bus sniffer on windows to start analysing18:17
directhexbut still, your xinput daemon sounds nifty. i'd like to get my hands on that18:17
directhexthough it's lower priority than a new nvidia 180 in intrepid ;)18:17
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orospakrperhaps I should ask a different question:  how is a .dsc typically generated from the debian/ packaging directory, without actually running a build?18:53
pochuorospakr: dpkg-buildpackage -S18:54
maxb(This does run debian/rules clean, though)18:54
orospakrmaxb, yup, that seems to be what bzr db is doing18:54
orospakrsame problem -- dependencies are checked on my host Ubuntu install.18:55
orospakrnormally I would take the path of least resistance and not bother using pbuilder, but I am trying to backport a package to Hardy.18:55
pochudpkg-source -b package-1.0/18:55
orospakroohl, I think that's what I'm looking for!19:01
lamontscanimage --list-devices19:01
lamontdevice `v4l:/dev/video0' is a Noname USB 2.0 Camera virtual device19:01
lamont^^  GAH how do I get that to actually, say, CONTINUE AND FIND THE SCANNER?19:01
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orospakrpochu, it worked!19:06
pochugreat :)19:07
hyperairpython-apt doesn't support servers with numbers in their hostname!19:25
hyperairso that's why adding an address woudln't work19:25
pochuhyperair: jaunty? I think they should work since 0.7.9~exp2ubuntu119:30
pochu  * aptsources/distinfo.py:19:30
pochu    - fix too restrictive mirror url check19:30
hyperairpochu: yeah, i just saw the bug19:30
hyperairpochu: but i'm on intrepid =\19:30
pochuthe fix is trivial19:31
pochu-        match_mirror_line = re.compile(r"^(#LOC:.+)|(((http)|(ftp)|(rsync)|(file)|(https))://[A-Za-z/\.:\-_]+)$")19:31
hyperairyeah it is19:31
pochu+        match_mirror_line = re.compile(r"^(#LOC:.+)|(((http)|(ftp)|(rsync)|(file)|(https))://[A-Za-z0-9/\.:\-_]+)$")19:31
hyperairi know19:31
hyperairi know19:31
hyperairi already fixed it on my system19:31
pochuah ok :)19:31
hyperairbut the impact is great isn't it19:31
hyperairwonder if it would be considered for an SRU19:31
pochuit probably isn't, otherwise it would have been noticed long time ago ;)19:32
pochuI asked mvo and he told me he didn't think it was worth it19:32
hyperairbut all the numbered mirrors are missingfrom the list19:32
pochubut that if I wanted to prepare one, it could be considered19:32
hyperairnot even if someone else prepares the SRU debdiff?19:32
hyperairi see19:32
hyperairi was considering preparing it myself but seems you're first ;)19:33
hyperairoh yeah, what does it take for mirrors to be added to the list?19:33
hyperairUbuntu.mirrors that is19:33
pochuoh no, I'm not doing it. Feel free to do it yourself ;)19:33
directhexusb protocol analysis seems to be hard19:33
hyperairdirecthex: sure it is. i went through hell just trying to figure out what some USB hex key codes meant, and that's just the tip of the iceberg19:34
hyperairpochu: <hyperair> oh yeah, what does it take for mirrors to be added to the Ubuntu.mirrors list?19:35
directhexhyperair, to what end?19:35
hyperairdirecthex: i scrolled through the damn docs multiple times19:35
hyperairand in the end gave up19:35
hyperairit wouldn't work anyway19:35
hyperairi was trying to do the bluetooth profile thing for sony ericsson19:35
hyperairmake one for global keyboard shortcuts19:35
hyperairbut it failed miserably in the end19:35
orospakrOK, this is strange: pbuilder is failing with "Depends: mozilla-dev (>= 1.1.12) but it is not installable".  However, if I run pbuilder --login and attempt to install that package directly with apt-get, it's fine.19:38
pochuorospakr: is it a real package or a virtual one?19:41
pochuorospakr: btw, #ubuntu-motu sounds more appropriate :)19:41
orospakrpochu, fair enough ;)19:41
orospakralthough to answer your question, yes, it's a virtual package.  I should probably just use the real one it points to, heh. thanks for the tip. :)19:42
hyperairpochu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-apt/+bug/223097 <-- uploaded debdiffs19:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 223097 in python-apt "python-apt should accept '@' in mirror adresses" [Undecided,Fix committed]19:58
hyperairpochu: could you take a look and give an ack by any chance?19:59
pochuhyperair: I'm not a core-dev unfortunately ;) but I'm looking at it20:00
hyperairpochu: okay20:01
pochuhyperair: I think you can patch the source directly, it's a native package20:01
pochuno need to use a patch system ;)20:01
pochuotherwise looks good (you could also say in the changelog that it also allows numbers)20:01
hyperaireh didn't i?20:01
pochuonly for "@" ;)20:02
ScottKYes.  Don't use a patch system in a native pacakge.20:02
pochuyou did mention numbers too :-) nvm20:02
hyperair+  * debian/patches/01_less-restrictive-uris.patch:20:02
hyperair+    + Allow @ and numbers in mirror URIs (LP: #223097)20:02
pochuI'm blind :P20:02
pochutoo many hours in front of the screen, you know ;)20:02
hyperairpochu, ScottK: i'm done. no patchsys now =)20:07
pochuhyperair: cool. :)20:16
hyperairpochu: =)20:18
Davedan I'm installing a package with apt-get install. If this package has config files, can I find out where these files are using a script?20:33
maxbDavedan: Please read the topic and note that usage questions are very much not on topic here20:34
* directhex still thinks dealing with bug 323790 is a great use of time for only the sexiest of core devs20:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323790 in mono "Please sync mono 2.0.1-4 (main) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32379020:44
ScottKdirecthex: It won't get done until after the Alpha 4 freeze is over anyway, so no rush.20:46
directhexScottK, hm, is freeze on? when's that over?20:47
ScottKdirecthex: Yes.  As is mentioned in /topic.  When Alpha 4 is released, probably Thursdayish.20:47
directhexi don't have a big enough monitor for /topic. that's my excuse & i'm sticking with it20:48
davmor2ScottK: You of course meant to say Thursday afternoon then didn't you ;)20:49
ScottKNo.  It's scheduled for Thursday, but it's done when it's done.20:49
ScottKSo Thursdayish seems about right.20:50
ScottKSometimes it's Friday.20:50
davmor2ScottK: ah but no-one has called for a re-spin yet and I'm nearly at the point at which there is on netboot to go which I can churn out in a morning :)20:51
ScottKOdds are it'll be Thursday afternoon somewhere.20:52
davmor2I can go with that :)20:52
sven777hi there - which files should be uploaded to MOTU for a brand new package?  (I'm new  :)  )21:29
sven777oops - should I ask in #ubuntu-motu ?21:30
sven777nm - received answer - thx :)21:36
tjaaltonpitti: re: new hal-info; actually XI2 will allow X to use keycodes >255, so maybe for jaunty+121:40
pittitjaalton: ah, good to know21:42
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Hobbseedrat.  the power off button, even on a locked screen, turns off my computer.23:21
lifelessHobbsee: you'd rather it didn't?23:24
Hobbseelifeless: well, yes.  i'd expect lock screen to actually lock the screen, and not do anything with any keypress (except magic sysrq and such, i guess), until it gets the p/w again23:24
lifelessoh, you're talking about a soft power button ?23:25
* Hobbsee was meaning the power button that she accidently tapped once, on her laptop. not sure if i'ts soft or hard?23:26
lifelessif hitting 'might' turn the machine off, its soft23:26
lifelessif hitting it always turns it off, its hard23:26
lifelessa circuit breaker is a hard power switch :)23:26
Hobbseeah, i see.23:26
* Hobbsee hasn't tried it multiple times23:26
lifelessmost new machines have software power buttons these days, I was really just being silly ;P23:27
Hobbseeno wonder i'm getting confused!23:27
lifelessmission impossible....success23:28
* ScottK watches lifeless push Hobbsee's buttons several time.23:28
lifelessScottK: this room is a tad public for that23:28
* lifeless ducks23:29
* ScottK steps away from lifeless23:29
Hobbseewell, that's not hard.  I *did* boot to KDE after accidently shutting down gnome today23:29
lifelessI don't know you anymore23:29
lifelessHobbsee: btw, we should have another syd-motu-dinner23:31
lifelessHobbsee: I have nearly forgotten the taste of that indian23:31
Hobbseelifeless: mmmm....agreed!23:32
Hobbseelifeless: late feb, or so?23:32
lifelesssounds good23:32

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