
__Ali__maxb, any idea why my packages do not appear in synaptic after installation?00:17
__Ali__i didnt sign them, but that shouldnt be a problem00:17
maxb__Ali__: Personally I have no experience with synaptic, preferring dpkg and apt-get00:23
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sommercody-somerville: quick question about the 2nd item in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ebox/+bug/314606/comments/402:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314606 in ebox "ebox and libebox don't support Intrepid gconf version" [Undecided,Fix released]02:08
sommercody-somerville: does that mean I should close the bug and didn't, or I should not close the SRU bug in the changelog?02:08
xnoxHello everyone =D03:10
xnoxUpstream ships ltconfig in their tarball/svn. But they use autogen.sh autotools and frieds.03:11
xnoxlintian complains that ltconfig is acient. I'm wondering were do I get a new one03:11
xnoxor is it still needed at all?03:11
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ramirandHi. I'm looking for advice on the best way to get some patches back into one of the packages.06:10
fabrice_spramirand, Hi. If it's a patch to the packaging, submit it to debian, otherwise, submit it to upstream06:18
fabrice_sp(or you mean the contrary?)06:18
ramirandfabrice_sp: Sorry, off reading Bugs/HowToFix, I think it has the answers. Thanks!06:19
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Laneygood morning10:29
jpdsMorning Laney.10:29
Laneyhow goes it jpds?10:30
jpdsNot bad at all, ta, how about yourself?10:30
LaneyGood! Just got into uni, fun paper to read10:31
tuxmaniacwhy does package names gets altrered from that of upstream name. Is there any specific guidelines as to when this should happen10:37
tuxmaniacbecause a package by name iverilog is present in the debian/ubuntu repos as "verilog". I dont know the reason. Any pointers where I can look for it?10:38
tuxmaniacit is confusing as someone who searches for apt-cache search iverilog does not get any results10:38
tuxmaniacmay be a small issue. but still..10:39
Laneyhuats beat me to be the first person on the new application procedure10:41
huatssorry Laney ;)10:41
Laneywell done though \o/10:41
huatsLaney: don't congratulate me now...10:42
huatsnothing is done :)10:42
huatsso far I just sent a mail...10:42
Laneyyou are a groundbreaking innovator10:42
Laneyeven if you get rejected :P10:42
dholbachLaney: and it seems like there's a lot of new applications in progress :)10:43
Laneythe all-seeing eye of dholbach10:44
dholbachmy crystal ball :)10:44
* Hobbsee coats dholbach's crystal ball in hot wax10:47
* Hobbsee paints the MOTU purple.10:47
dholbachI'm glad it's just the crystal ball that got put into how wax10:48
Laneyhuats: What's this symbols script? Would it be worth going into u-d-t?10:52
huatsLaney: I have talked with dholbach, seb128 about it...10:53
huatsnot sure for the moment...10:53
huatsmay be later10:53
Laneywell we had pbuilder-dist and pbuilder-dist.new both around for a while10:53
iulianHmm, why is ~motu still a member of the ~revu-uploaders team in Launchpad?  That team is obsolete and should be removed as well.  I see no reason why we should keep it.11:01
iulianShould I send an email to ubuntu-motu@l.u.c asking for its removal?11:05
DktrKranziulian: I've just seconded your application :)11:05
DktrKranzand you can ask motu-council members to remove the team from ~motu11:06
DktrKranz(less emblems \o/)11:07
iulianLess bragging rights.11:07
directhexif you want more emblems, just join dholbach-huggers et al11:08
DktrKranzI want *less* :)11:08
iulianDktrKranz: Thanks.  Should we tell a MC member to add me to the team?11:09
DktrKranziulian: IIRC, KeyTeams policy requires two adovocates and seven days before being added to the team, but I could be wrong11:10
DktrKranzanyway, I think the second one won't be too late11:10
iulianDktrKranz: Stefan just replied as well.11:10
* iulian wonders what we should do with ~revu-uploaders.11:14
Hobbseemerge it with u-u-c?11:15
Laneyno, delete it I guess11:15
DktrKranzpersonally, I'd delete it for good11:15
iulianYes, let it go away!11:16
* iulian looks for a MC member.11:16
LaneyWe should probably get approval from a REVU bod first11:17
iulianLaney: I talked to RainCT about it.  Everything is fine.11:18
Laneythat's approval then11:18
iulianIf I recall correctly, he didn't remove it because of every ~ubuntu-dev member will get a notification mail or something.11:19
* ScottK just replied too11:59
ScottKIn any case he'll be in before FF.11:59
iulianScottK: I believe the seven days have passed.  The only remaining thing now is to add me to the team.12:08
* jpds wondesr why mkfs.ext4 is in intrepid, and when one tries mounting it says it's not supported by the system.12:27
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sorenjpds: Because one is userspace the other is kernel?12:49
sorenYou can run mkfs.ext4 on a 2.0.38 kernel if you so please. That's not going to get you any close to mounting it, though :)12:50
jpdssoren: Right.12:51
* ^Spear prods jpds 12:54
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henrik-hw0mok0: rt28xx drivers was included in jaunty kernel's staging section a while ago.13:18
jcfphttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sabnzbdplus (popular binary newsreader, written in python) needs a second advocate - please consider for review.13:26
iulianRainCT: Hiya, please take a peek at http://paste.ubuntu.com/113591/plain/.  Would you like to say a final word?13:26
iulianJust to be sure...13:27
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zMoohi! is it possible to delete a package from revu (before downloading a new version of the pacakge) ?13:35
loic-mzMoo: I'm not sure, but anyway you can upload a new version of the package without problems (even if the two uploads have the same revision)13:39
zMoothank you, loic-m13:40
loic-mzMoo: you're welcome13:42
zMoois it mendatory to open a "needs-packaging" bug for each new package?13:43
loic-mzMoo: not totaly, but if you don't somebody will tell you that your need to have " * Initial release (LP# bug_number)" in your changelog13:48
cody-somervillesommer, You should close the bug and didn't13:49
loic-mIt's also better so 2 people don't work on the same package, and help keeping track of your progress13:49
asachyperair: please just ask ... pinging adds one more roundtrip to converstaions ;)14:04
__Ali__after installing a .config file to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/, it is necessary to call ldconfig explicitly or does cdbs take care of this?14:08
hyperairasac: could you look into Bug #248705 for an SRU -- you uploaded the fix for Jaunty, and between Intrepid and Jaunty is just one ubuntu revision away.14:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248705 in evolution-data-server "Evolution Exchange does not authenticate to Exchange servers with a relative path in the form action, e.g. "owaauth.dll"" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24870514:09
asachyperair: ok. i see a hardy debdiff ... what about intrepid?14:16
hyperairasac: hardy and intrepid are both there14:16
asachyperair: not for me ... at lesat there is no "sru" version14:17
asacjuding from SRU14:17
hyperairoh yeah!14:17
hyperairthe jaunty debdiff should apply for intrepid14:17
hyperairasac: after all the fix was from 2.24.3-0ubuntu1 ->ubuntu2, and currently intrepid has 2.24.3-0ubuntu114:18
asacok approvd14:19
hyperairasac: thanks14:21
asachyperair: if the upload doesnt happen in the next few days, please ping me14:24
sommercody-somerville: thanks for clarifying14:26
hyperairasac: ok14:28
vadi2Does anyone know when exactly is the /var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp file updated?14:42
savvasIs anyone else facing problems with uscan/uupdate ?14:42
savvas  http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/libmtp/libmtp-0.3.6.tar.gz failed: 500 Can't connect to garr.dl.sourceforge.net:80 (connect: timeout)14:42
savvasah ok, it worked now14:43
RainCTuhm.. why doesn't the bluetooth applet allow to disable bluetooth? :P15:01
DktrKranzRainCT: with your "and me" mail, did you intend to candidate yourself or to second iulian's ?15:14
zMoowhat is the right way to find MOTU advocates on REVU? I've just upload a package that seems to be clean of warnings :15:14
zMooiulian: thank you for having upload swac-get 0.515:16
RainCTDktrKranz: iulian15:28
RainCTDktrKranz: I've send another mail clarifying that15:30
DktrKranzRainCT: cool thanks ;)15:31
iulianzMoo: Thank you.15:31
DktrKranzRainCT: I was planning to second you :P15:31
iulianRainCT: What should we do with the revu-uploaders team?15:31
vadi2I'm having a bit of an issue with update-notifier - documentation says it checks for update hooks when the "/var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-was-run changed" file is changed. When I install a package, the file does get changed - however, no notification is given. Only if I change the file after (like a check for updates) does the trigger go off.15:31
RainCTDktrKranz: Hehe. Well, thanks! Perhaps I'll apply somewhen in the future :)15:32
DktrKranzRainCT for president!15:33
RainCTiulian: it can be deleted15:33
iulianRainCT: OK, excellent.15:34
iulianAny MC members around?15:34
RainCTnixternal: *poke* :)15:36
iulianOuh, that's not polite :)15:36
RainCTuhm.. I'm admin of revu-uploaders, if that's why you're poking15:37
RainCT(er.. why you are asking and I'm poking :D)15:37
iulianCan you delete it then?15:37
nixternalyo yo RainCT15:38
RainCTif someone tells me how to do that.. :)15:38
RainCTnixternal: sorry, nevermind :)15:38
iulianRainCT: No "Delete team" button?15:39
RainCTiulian: nope15:39
nixternaljeesh, had me excited there for a second..thought you wanted to give me some free money15:39
iulianThen we still need nixternal.15:39
RainCTiulian: why? MOTU Council *isn't* admin of revu-uploaders15:40
LaneyRainCT: You need to post an answers ticket on /launchpad/ to have a team deleted15:41
iulianWhy can't delete if you registered it?15:43
RainCTbecause LP is that weird :)15:43
Laneybecause LP doesn't allow it :(15:43
* iulian agreed.15:43
iulianRainCT: Then please go ahead and ask a question to have it deleted.15:44
RainCTjust done that15:44
* iulian is impressive.15:44
RainCTIn an evil attempt to drop the average of members in a Launchpad team, I'm requesting the revu-uploaders team to be deleted. Oh, and you can also drop ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail when you're at it :).»15:44
* RainCT goes to fix the bitesize bug which nobody wanted yesterday :P15:45
iulianI think you should ask a different question regarding ubuntu-dev-without-mail.15:46
iulianNot sure though.15:46
RainCTWhy? Questions are parsed by humans, not bots :P15:46
iulianYeah, fortunately.15:47
RainCTYokoZar: btw, wine's manpage doesn't document "wine eject". Should I file a bug or something about that?15:49
sorenwine eject? What does that do?15:53
RainCTsoren: eject the CD even if the drive is locked (that's needed for example in order to install games which have two CD.. the drive will be locked when the installer is running so "wine eject" next to be used to put in CD 2)15:54
hyperairhmm that's cool, i usually forced it to eject using umount -f or something16:06
zMooHi, does anybody knows what means this error during upload of package in REVU (MOD_PYTHON ERROR) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/?archive=488616:19
RainCTthat there's a bug :P16:19
zMoomy both packages swac-get & swac-scan have this error16:20
zMooswac-play & swac-scan16:21
RainCTzMoo: but anyway, that URL is to archive a package.. or is that what you want to do?16:21
zMooI don't want to archive them16:22
zMoothere is a little icon on the main list16:22
RainCTyes, the icon is to archive the package :P16:22
zMooI see16:23
zMooI didn't understand why I'm the only one who have this icon16:23
zMooI understood16:24
zMoocause that's my packages16:24
RainCTyou aren't the only one - reviewers and moderators also have it16:24
zMooRainCT: now, after having uploaded my packages, I juste have to wait for comments?16:25
zMooI'm new on REVU16:26
pochuzMoo: you can ask for reviews here16:26
pochubut nothing else you should do16:26
zMooI see16:26
zMooCan anybony can check my package "swac-play"? Swac-play is a great program that enable to play sounds from audio collections of words from the Shtooka Project16:28
RainCTpochu: well, he could also give MOTUs gifts so that they look at his package :D16:28
pochuRainCT: true that :)16:28
zMooI give every MOTUs audio collections of ukrainian words!16:28
zMoothare are more than 16 000 words in this collection :)16:29
pochuzMoo: I'd start by giving a link to your package and saying what it is ;)16:33
vadi2I'm having a bit of an issue with update-notifier - I can't get it to go off reliably. I put the proper file at the postinst hook, however it doesn't go off right after the package is installed - it randomly goes off either when I check for updates or refuses to at all. Is there some trick to this?16:36
zMooHere is a new package for a very usefull program16:36
zMooit is a simple command line program that enable to listen sounds from audio collections of words16:37
zMooaudio collections of words have to be loaded in a local SQLite3 database with swac-get (thas is already in Jaunty)16:37
zMoothen you can use a GTK front end to browse the database: swac-explore (that is already in Jaunty)16:38
zMooor to use a command line interface: swac-play16:39
zMoofor exemple you can do something like: swac-play --lang=rus делать16:39
zMooswac-play will retrive the url of the sound file and play it with GStreamer16:40
zMooor swac-play --lang=fra "avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre"16:42
zMooso it possible to listen sounds with such programs like StarDict16:42
zMoo(an electronic dictionary)16:43
zMoopochu: what do you think about such a wonderful program?16:48
slytheringeser: is there any convention that a jar file in a package should have name in lowercase? is jCharts.jar acceptable?16:49
pochuzMoo: sounds wonderful16:52
pochuzMoo: will I be able to listen to English words, without the need to go to dictionary.com then? :)16:53
pochuzMoo: are the sound files of high quality?16:53
zMooexcept the Dutch collection, the quality is very good16:53
pochuzMoo: sounds good. I'll give it a review later today16:54
zMoohere is a old web interface the enable to browse audio collections http://swac-collections.org/16:54
zMoohere are the statistics16:55
zMooTotal: 77709 records16:55
pochuI think I'm going to remove my dictionary.com bookmark soon ;)16:57
surfazpochu, could you see your mail inbox?16:57
geserslytherin: how are jars referenced in apps? by filename?16:57
zMooin fact the main part of these records was already uploaded to wiktionary16:57
slytheringeser: this is just a library which is dependency of jmeter. Let me check how jmeter refers to the library.16:58
RainCTzMoo: nice, I'll also have a look at it later16:58
slytheringeser: jmeter binary distribution contains the library with name jCharts-0.7.5. So I am assuming that jmeter launcher script must be using same name.16:58
iulianzMoo: Me too.16:59
pochusurfaz: sure16:59
zMooRainCT, iulian, pochu: the first thing to do is to build the database with swac-get (0.5)17:00
zMoohttp://shtooka.net/soft/swac-tools/en/ for more information17:01
RainCTmok0: have you already changes something in index.py?17:02
iulianzMoo: Do you have packages ready for review?17:03
zMooswac-explore is waiting for upgrade (like swac-get)17:04
zMooand there are 2 packages on REVU17:04
iulianzMoo: Excellent.  I will upload swac-explore in a minute.17:05
slytheringeser: jmeter does not look for a particular name. It simply loads all the jar files in a particular directory.17:06
pochusurfaz: replied :)17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324994 in swac-explore "New Upstream version 0.4" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:06
iulianzMoo: Yeah, I've seen it.17:07
geserslytherin: in that case, use the filename you like better, I don't know of any policy17:08
slytheringeser: ok. I will keep the upstream file name then.17:08
geserslytherin: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/java-policy/x105.html17:09
geserbut don't ask me if it's still in use or even up-to-date17:10
RainCTzMoo: (he bug your reported is now fixed)17:12
zMooRainCT: Great, Thanks!17:14
slytheringeser: the policy doesn't say anything about the case (upper/lower) of the name.17:15
DktrKranziulian: welcome aboard! :)17:19
Laneyiulian: Can haz FFE plz?17:20
iulianzMoo: swac-explore has just been uploaded.17:24
slytherinis the use of http://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat acceptable (and encouraged) these days?17:24
iulianDktrKranz, Laney: Thanks :)17:24
slytheriniulian: Congrats. :-)17:24
zMooiulian: Thanks a lot!17:24
iulianslytherin: Thank you.17:26
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* iulian wonders if Laney has seen debian bug #51413417:35
ubottuDebian bug 514134 in wnpp "ITP: haskell-ghc-paths -- Knowledge of GHC's installation directories" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/51413417:35
iulianI've said that because I saw you're interested in haskell.17:35
RainCTslytherin: it is17:37
slytherinRainCT: and I suppose I should mention latest revision in the format specification, right?17:38
RainCTslytherin: the URL of the spec goes there (including the revision string)17:40
slytheringeser: Do you have some time for package review?17:59
slytherinRainCT: how can I subscribe to motu-reviewers list at ubuntuwire.com?18:04
dolanorneeds some MOTU advocate on REVU for the fsniper package : daemon that watch files and apply rules when files are created or modified - http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=fsniper18:11
iulianzMoo: swac-play commented on REVU.18:25
zMooje viens de voir ça18:26
zMooI saw, thanks18:26
zMooiulian: so you think I have to rebuild the package from a new upstream package?18:38
superm1henrik-hw0, so what's the deal with these rt* drivers being in staging?18:39
superm1are they getting built in staging, or is the source just living there?18:39
superm1i was just about to do another revu of your package but saw that comment18:40
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superm1based on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-jaunty.git;a=blob;f=debian/config/i386/config;h=d4923624e5c49e14294de2a2d6714f98fba75bf7;hb=HEAD , i would guess they aren't getting built there18:40
iulianzMoo: I'm not sure. I think it won't be accepted if the COPYING file mentions GPL-3 and debian/copyright GPL-2+.18:41
henrik-hw0superm1: i have no idea to be honest.18:41
superm1henrik-hw0, can you check with rtg on it then?18:41
henrik-hw0superm1: i was just mentioning it because i thought it was relevant.18:41
superm1yeah looking at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-jaunty.git;a=blob;f=drivers/staging/Kconfig;h=8b6c93b61a2e8a00859023b7732c3a28f42b95ce;hb=HEAD it looks like that line about staging exclude build means it will not be built18:42
superm1i'll do a revu then, but perhaps you can see if rtg will just enable staging.  if so, that will save some troubles18:42
geserslytherin: which package?18:42
slytheringeser: jcharts18:43
slytheringeser: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=jcharts18:43
slytheringeser: I haven't filed a bug yet. Once it is advocated by someone I will file a bug and close it in changelog.18:44
henrik-hw0superm1: so basically i should ask rtg aka. mr. Garnder if i should keep working on the packages or if he'll enable the driver for compilation?18:45
superm1henrik-hw0, yeah.18:46
henrik-hw0superm1: ok, noted.18:46
superm1henrik-hw0, okay one more thing then.  this should be the last thing i see in the package regarding revu stuff18:48
superm1henrik-hw0, is the udev rule actually necessary?  I think udev should automatically be looking at modinfo without it18:48
superm1and modprobing when you hotplug18:48
superm1you can try removing it from your system and then reboot and see if  the module loads on it's own with that device plugged in18:49
henrik-hw0it didn't seem to. it loaded when i first did matching on device id.18:49
superm1that's really odd then18:50
henrik-hw0is anyone here good at hotplug/udev stuff?18:51
superm1henrik-hw0, you might check with Keybuk on that udev stuff then too18:51
superm1#ubuntu-devel usually18:51
geserslytherin: any reason why not depend on default-jre but instead on this list of -jre's?18:51
slytheringeser: yes, sun specific image processing apis are used. Similar to batik18:52
ScottKjames_w: I was looking at adjusting the depends in python-wadllib to fix Bug #321713 and discovered that if you try to build the source package in Jaunty it's using ez_setup.  Since you've done the work on the package so far, I thought I'd give you first crack at beating ez_setup into submission.18:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321713 in ubuntu-dev-tools "ubuntu-dev-tools should not depend on python-elementtree and python-celemettree" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32171318:54
geserslytherin: and "default-jre | sun-java5-jre | ..." doesn't work?18:55
slytheringeser: it will work for Ubuntu. But not for Debian, where I plan to submit the package eventually.18:55
RainCTslytherin: uhm.. I don't know if it's still active, you could ask in #ubuntuwire. I can add a "global feed" if you're happy with atom18:55
slytherinRainCT: I received a mail when I uploaded package. To: motu-reviewers@lists.ubuntuwire.com, CC: myself.18:56
geserslytherin: Debian has also "default-{jdk,jre}"18:57
slytheringeser: yes, but for now it points to java-gcj-compat-dev and not openjdk-6-jre18:58
slytherinjava-gcj-compat I mean18:58
geserah, ok19:00
RainCTslytherin: can you paste it somewhere?19:00
slytherinRainCT: yup19:01
RainCTmok0: re-ping19:01
slytherinRainCT: pasted with all the headers - http://paste.ubuntu.com/113727/19:02
RainCTslytherin: so it says FROM motu-reviewers@ and TO you19:05
slytherinRainCT: I now realised I am too sleepy. :-(19:06
RainCTslytherin: and the list is here: http://lists.ubuntuwire.com/listinfo/motu-reviewers19:06
slytherinRainCT: isn't it weird that it is sending a mail to me instead os those subscribed to the list?19:07
RainCTslytherin: No. It's sending you a mail because you're subscribed to e-mail notifications19:07
RainCTAnd the list is not used anymore, though if it still works I'll fix REVU to CC it19:07
geserslytherin: advocated19:11
slytheringeser: Thanks. :-)19:11
slytheringeser: is a needs-packaging bug necessary?19:12
RainCTslytherin: is the package ready to upload?19:13
slytherinRainCT: yes19:14
RainCTslytherin: don't listen to me, but in this case I think it isn't. IMHO the main value of needs-packaging bugs is only to signalize that someone is working on a package (so that someone else doesn't do the same work)19:14
slytherinRainCT: I packaged this library as dependency of jmeter. I am still working on jmeter and this library was one of the major hurdles.19:16
YokoZarRainCT: Yes, that would be a bug in Wine's manpage.19:18
YokoZarRainCT: I haven't looked at wine's manpage status in a while, I suspect it's very very bad19:19
* slytherin goes to bed.19:21
RainCTYokoZar: So should I file a bug on LP (or somewhere else?) or will you remember? :P19:23
YokoZarI'll put it on my wine tomboy note page ;)19:23
directhextomboy? that evil .net app? it destroys teh freedom!19:25
* RainCT hugs YokoZar :)19:26
zMooiulian: Do I need to change the version number of the package, with my new .orig.tar.gz?19:37
* RainCT adds fancy graphics to REVU :)19:37
RainCTif someone has ideas on where a graphic would be useful let me hear..19:38
zMooRainCT: Do you know what means "Warning! This package could not be extracted; there's no browseable directory for it on REVU. "19:45
RainCTzMoo: yes, that  dpkg-source -x   didn't work19:46
zMooRainCT: the .orig.tar.gz has changed, it's probably the reason19:46
RainCTzMoo: I don't get that error19:47
orospakrpochu, alas, the same error: pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: seamonkey-dev (>= 1.1.12) but it is not installable19:48
zMoo:) there is no error anymore :)19:48
RainCTzMoo: then I guess it means that you were too fast and looked at the page before REVU finished processing the upload :P19:48
pochuorospakr: and if you login and try to install it, it works, with that version?19:48
zMooRainCT: I guess so19:49
orospakrthis is interesting.  packages.ubuntu.com claims version 1.1.1219:52
orospakrbut my apt-get install inside pbuilder actually installed 1.1.919:52
pochuwhat mirror are you using?19:54
pochuand is that jaunty?19:55
orospakrpochu, nope, hardy.  gulus.usherbrooke.ca.  I suspect there's a newer, uninstallable, version of the package in the repository.19:55
orospakranyway, it was an easy fix. ;)19:55
^SpearDoes anyone fancy packaging http://code.google.com/p/yubico-openid-server/20:15
^Spear? :)20:15
RainCTTheMuso: Hey. Are you familiar with espeak?20:17
^Spearif not, can somone point me in the direction of the 'Needs packaging' help file for launchpad so that I can submit it20:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about needspackaging20:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about needs-packaging20:19
^Spear!needs packaging20:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about needs packaging20:19
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports20:19
^Spearthanks ubottu20:20
pochu^Spear: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages20:20
^Spearalready there ;)20:20
pochuoh :)20:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325465 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Yubico OpenID Server" [Undecided,New]20:25
^Spear^^ :D20:25
^Spearty pochu20:25
iulianzMoo: I've just commented on swac-play again.  In the meantime you might want to look for another MOTU to review it.21:15
* iulian is going to bed now.21:15
zMoohave a good night!21:16
sven777hi there - I've checked out the MOTU wiki pages but I do not see where it says which files need to be included when uploading to MOTU - I'm assuming the deb, changes, dsc, original tar, diff tar - is this correct?21:32
maxbyou mean uploading to REVU?21:32
sven777yes, sorry21:32
sven777I'm new :)21:32
dtchenthe source package only: orig.tar.gz (if non-native), diff.gz, dsc, and source.changes21:32
maxbYou must use a special tool that you point at the .changes file - it uploads that, and all the files listed in the .changes21:33
sven777aha - missed that one - thanks much21:34
hyperairmaxb: how about "you must use dput"21:39
maxbWell, yes, but that begs the question "How do I use dput", hence pointing to the wiki21:40
hyperairmaxb: well yes, but it'd have cut the whole chase of "special tool that you point at the ..."21:50
maxbI guess I was feeling wordy. :-)21:50
maxbBut the point was that you specify the changes file and the rest Just Happens21:51
_16aR_need a MOTU on REVU to advocate the fsniper package (daemon to watch new/modified files to apply a rule based on inotify) : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=fsniper22:09
_16aR_1 advocate left ;)22:10
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
RainCTlook at some profile on REVU and tell me if that's cool :P22:21
ScottK_16aR_: You need air, water, and eventually food.  You don't NEED a review.22:21
RainCT(okay, not very useful, but I felt like creating a graphic :P)22:22
pochuRainCT: link?22:22
RainCTpochu: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/profile.py?user=rainct22:23
RainCTpochu: btw, you haven't merged your account with the old one22:23
pochuRainCT: the page looks cool :)22:24
pochuRainCT: I didn't know I had two accounts :)22:24
nhandlerRainCT: Cool graph22:25
pochuRainCT: how can I merge them?22:25
RainCTpochu: "Merge accounts" in the menu :P22:25
nhandlerpochu: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/merge.py22:25
RainCTafter loging in22:26
pochuRainCT, nhandler: thanks, merged :)22:27
nhandlerYou're welcome pochu22:28
RainCTbtw, I've just enabled mod_deflate on REVU (compression for HTML, CSS, JS...), tell me if there's any problem22:28
* jpds goes to look at mok0's page.22:29
ScottKThat's not going to affect md5sums of files is it?22:29
jpdsRainCT: What are weeks 10, 20, 30 ... ?22:30
RainCTjpds: well, weeks :)22:30
RainCTthat's how the DB gives them to me22:30
jpdsRainCT: In relation to?22:30
RainCT(/me is doing  TO_CHAR(dateofcomment, 'WW')  )22:31
RainCTScottK: which files?22:31
RainCToh, for dget?22:31
RainCTIt's still working.22:33
RainCTI think deflate only does something if the browser has gzip in the Accepts header, so it shouldn't be a problem22:33
ScottKIt'd be handy if you'd test and make sure after ....22:34
RainCTYes, I've just tested fetching something with dget22:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 41301 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Mouse clicks stop working sporadically" [Medium,Confirmed]22:36
sharmsI just attached a debdiff to that, can anyone take a look at it?22:36
sharmsFairy severe issue for those with xinerama and multiple monitors22:36
RainCTjpds: if you know how to get a proper value for the weeks please tell me :P22:36
jpdsRainCT: So when I see: Week 20 - what does it mean?22:38
RainCTjpds: ah, about your question, it's the week of the year.. not sure how it handles multiple years though22:38
sharmsif I attach a debdiff to a bug, is there a tag I should apply to it to get it reviewed?22:40
RainCTsharms: no, just subscribe ubuntu-{main,universe}-sponsors22:43
RainCT(universe if it's in universe/multiverse or main if it's in main/restricted)22:43
sharmsRainCT: thanks22:44
RainCTjpds: ok, I've almost got it to display proper names :)23:00
_16aR_ScottK: my package needs a review :p23:02
_16aR_you're right :)23:02
ScottKYou have a different definition of need than I do then.23:02
_16aR_it needs a review to access a higher level of life23:02
surfazThere is any news about this bug?23:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244670 in amule "[hardy] Request of update of aMule to 2.2.2 final release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:05
surfazI don't think that this is a Wishlist...23:05
surfazIt should be High or Critical23:06
dtchenit is a wishlist, because it must go into hardy-backports23:06
dtcheni.e., jaunty's 2.2.3-1 would be backported23:06
dtchenbecause hardy itself is frozen and cannot accept new versions of *any* source package23:07
dtchensignificant bug fixes that are unintrusive can go into hardy-updates23:07
surfazIt is a serious problem, I do not think it advisable to put it in backports23:07
dtchenif you're willing to backport the fixes from 2.2.3-1 to 2.2.0~svn20080218-0ubuntu4, go ahead23:08
surfazThat is, you prefer an svn version of aMule for a LTS version of Ubuntu that a stable version of aMule ..23:08
surfazPlease look for any errors in the svn version of aMule is in the trash of amule forum23:09
dtcheni *personally* don't care two licks, as i don't use amule. however, procedurally, one needs to follow wiki/StableReleaseUpdates23:09
surfazeven, there is a post of devs for this svn!!!23:10
dtchenthere are plenty of us willing to help you through the procedure if you're willing to put in the legwork23:10
surfazI think that this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amule/+bug/244670 pass all requirements of that wiki23:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244670 in amule "[hardy] Request of update of aMule to 2.2.2 final release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:12
dtchensurfaz: you need a full debdiff against intrepid's source package to hardy's source package23:18
dtchensurfaz: also, please clean up the description so that it adheres to the SRU description outline23:19
surfazBut there are too many changes23:19
dtchensurfaz: i.e., while i appreciate the amount of info currently in the description, it's far too verbose for the SRU and archive teams23:19
dtchensurfaz: "too many changes" -> normally not suitable for an SRU23:20
surfazah! What is best  than  a unstable version?23:21
surfazI think that stable version > svn version23:21
dtchensurfaz: it really depends how much work you're willing to invest23:21
dtchensurfaz: i agree; stable versions are preferable. however, if the changes are *that* intrusive, then you'll need to decide whether it's worth going the hardy-backports route for 2.2.3-1 instead23:22
surfazdefine intrusive23:22
dtchensignificant enough changes to structs, classes, methods, soname bumps, etc.23:23
dtchenrule of them is that if you can't eyeball the diff and understand it within a couple minutes, then it's likely too intrusive23:24
dtchensome people hold a far stricter definition including LoC23:24
surfazI do not know if I explained well. Versions 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 are stable and svn version is not. I do not understand why it's wrong or intrusive. All they understand is that the svn version is incomplete and unstable.23:25
dtchenjust because the version number changes doesn't mean it's automatically accepted as an SRU23:26
dtcheni *highly* recommend you stop hand-waving about the procedure and just enlist assistance in getting 2.2.2 into hardy-proposed, if that's what you wish23:27
dtchenas far as i can see from the bug report, that assistance includes:23:27
dtchen1) cleaning the description to follow SRU information23:28
dtchen2) providing a debdiff from the proposed source package to the existing hardy source package23:28
surfazdtchen, you read the bug report?23:29
dtchenyes, i did23:29
surfazyou want see changes of a Kad network incomplete support in svn to a complete support?23:30
surfaz I do not know if I explained well.23:30
surfazor, "Version 2.2.2 has fixes to defy routing attacks"23:31
dtchensurfaz: *i* do not make acceptance decisions23:31
dtchensurfaz: i am simply trying to help you get your proposed source package into hardy-proposed for further testing so it can be copied into hardy-updates23:31
surfazOk, but that is a debdiff of a svn version to a stable version can take many mb23:33
surfazI do not think it useful to see the changes.23:33
dtchensurfaz: the more succinct the description that conveys the importance of the fix, the better23:33
surfazAlthough I can not change the description of the bug23:34
dtchensurfaz: it is far more important to succinctly describe the problems, the fixes, the testing methodology, and potential regressions than it is to worry about the size of the debdiff23:34
surfazI'm tired of this annoying because I do not know about trying to fix something.23:41
surfazI go to sleep, bye23:41
dtchenwhat, you want someone else to do the work for you? hmm, ok.23:48
surfazdtchen, Sorry? If I could, I upload today a stable version. But I think the bureaucracy will cause Ubuntu 'Hardy' in their repositories have an unstable version of aMule for 3 years.23:53
surfazAnd do not tell me to upload it to the backports. New users have no idea of repositories and installing programs from the first source.23:54
dtchensurfaz: you fail to understand that i'm attempting to *work with you* to get your proposed version into hardy-updates23:54
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dtcheni am not going to drop patching alsa and pulseaudio to get amsn in, but i certainly am willing to assist you in any way that i can23:55
dtchennow, can we stop moaning and just get the debdiff and description updated?23:56
surfazI am tired23:56
dtchenheck, i'll even look at it later this evening23:56
dtcheni need a "bah humbug" option in tcp.23:57

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