
stevencxri'm installing  adobeReader to my 8.10, the package offered on their offical website is rpm, so i use alien to convert it to deb, but after installation, i can't find the executable file?00:00
TMLstevencxr: dpkg -L thepackagename00:00
TMLit probably went somewhere under /opt or something00:00
stevencxrso i dpkg it?00:00
stevencxrand then?00:00
stevencxrreinstall it?00:00
TML"dpkg -L" lists all the files in a given package00:01
Cpudan80Why does everyone insist on using acrobat?00:01
TMLTells you where stuff got installed00:01
Schuenemannstevencxr,  why don't you use apt to install it?00:01
Cpudan80It's slow and not very good00:01
stevencxri want to read chinese...00:01
Cpudan80evince is much better00:01
redvamp128TML i thought the alien (rmp to deb) would create the deb in the same folder where it was run.00:01
Schuenemannstevencxr,  and have you tried a different pdf reader? I prefer lighter ones00:01
robfapt is slow?00:01
TMLredvamp128: It does00:01
stevencxrlike ?00:01
Cpudan80Oh reading chinese ......00:01
stevencxri just need one that supports chinese T_T00:01
prince_jammysTML: dpkg will work even on packages that weren't installed through apt?00:02
stevencxrthe one come with ubuntu doesn't =(00:02
Cpudan80Schuenemann He wants to read chinese though ...00:02
robfprince_jammys: yes00:02
TMLprince_jammys: Yes00:02
jokkahred linux00:02
SchuenemannCpudan80,  ahh...00:02
robfdpkg can also pick up finer ladies than you or I at the cities top night spots.00:02
Cpudan80I think he might be stuck00:02
MTecknologymakes sense00:02
Schuenemannwell, better use apt anyway, right?00:02
robfSchuenemann: don't have to,  but doesn't hurt00:03
robfSchuenemann: or synaptic00:03
ozlHow can I tell what xorg video driver I'm using (since x.org is practically empty)?00:03
TMLYeah, I'm not savvy enough on Ubuntu yet to know why his apt couldn't find it00:03
robfTML: whats he lookin for00:03
prince_jammysbecause he didn't install it through apt00:03
ozlxorg.conf*, rather00:03
robfTML: cos I was missin00:03
Schuenemannsynaptic is apt00:03
robfozl: xorg now runs confless so if its not there its doing xorg magic =\00:04
robfthough .conf entries supercede confless generation I think00:04
robfit's mystical and shouldnt be done if you ask me,  but00:04
stevencxri tried dpkg -L adobereader-chs_8.1.3-1_i386.deb00:04
ozlrobf, I'm trying to figure out what video driver it uses so I can take note if I install another distribution :)00:04
stevencxrbut it says the package is not installed00:04
jokkahanybody seen my dog ?00:05
TMLSerge2: Not '.deb'00:05
ozlrobf, it's an onboard ati card, and 3d works very well, so I'm just curious if there's a name for the driver or00:05
TMLTry "dpkg -L adobereader-chs"00:05
robfozl: you using the restricted driver?00:05
robfit may be atis binary driver00:05
ozlrobf, according to "Hardware drivers," it's not activated.00:06
Schuenemannit seems apt has only a few ocidental languages00:06
robfozl: oh...00:06
robfozl: hrm00:06
stevencxrit works, and then what should i do?00:06
ozlrobf, which is amazing considering that if it's not restricted, must be open source? :)00:06
robfozl: yep00:06
robfthe OSS ati drivers aren't so bad00:06
robfthe prop ati drivers are nicer imho though00:07
EvertonAlgum Brasileiro online ?00:07
prince_jammys!br | Everton00:07
ubottuEverton: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:07
Evertonprince_jammys Obrigado. :)00:07
prince_jammysde nada00:08
trent1hi , i have a simply yes-no-answer question00:08
ozlrobf, is the xorg conflessness a ubuntu-specific thing? or is this what xorg's switching to?00:08
Wunderbarkubuntu was okay but ubuntu is far less resource intensive00:09
Wunderbara much better feel to it overall00:09
mercutio22I wonder why I get no desktop sounds?00:09
binarymutantmercutio22, do you get any sound?00:09
trent1is it possible to have two different wallpapers? like when you go from one workspace to another, can they independent background?00:09
dalekleaderhow do you get networkmanager to pickup a new interface00:09
mercutio22binarymutant> I do, yeah...00:10
binarymutantmercutio22, System->Preferences->Sound  might help00:10
prince_jammystrent1: i think they're implementing that in the next version of ubuntu. i don't know if it exists already (i don't have gnome)00:10
binarymutanttrent1, not possible with gnome :/00:10
trent1bummer, ok. thank you00:10
binarymutantthey should change that, I need different wallpapers00:11
mercutio22binarymutant> I checked. The checkboxes are all selected, yet I get no login sound and such00:11
prince_jammysi believe they are changing that00:11
trent1it would be nice to have a change of pace when swithing workspaces00:11
SchuenemannI would like gnome to confirm deletion of files00:11
binarymutantmercutio22, what's sound playback set to?00:11
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prince_jammys!brainstorm | trent1 binarymutant : you can vote for it here00:11
ubottutrent1 binarymutant : you can vote for it here: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!00:12
trent1like "playspace" and "workspace"00:12
trent1i think i will00:12
prince_jammysthere's already an entry for your idea. you can vote for it at that site00:12
binarymutanttrent1, don't quote me on it but I think compiz might have a plugin that can do that00:12
prince_jammystrent1: check if it's in the 'to be implemented' list00:12
prince_jammysi think it already is00:12
mercutio22binarymutant> Pulseaudio sound server. I do hear the sounds when I press the little play buttons, but they are not played otherwise00:13
gmapcan I install and run ubuntu from a micro sd card?00:13
binarymutantmercutio22, maybe change to alsa00:13
binarymutantgmap, yes if your computer can boot from it00:13
ozldoes anyone know how to revert to how 8.04 handled a camera being plugged in? It takes forever on 8.10, but on 8.04, it would also instantly come up with something like "There are photos on the camera.. Import?"00:14
mercutio22binarymutant> If I do that, Its not possible to listen to sound from two apps simultaneously. I need that sometimes. Looks like I have to make a compromise...00:15
Schuenemanngmap,  www.pendrivelinux.com00:15
ozlnow I see it mounts the camera and then unmounts it... and then freezes for like 2 minutes, and then f-spot finally loads (and freezes for a while as well), and THEN finally the pictures come up00:15
binarymutantmercutio22, you can't listen to 2 apps using alsa? that's kind of weird...00:15
SirYoshuaAny one know how to set this damn ati mobility 9600 on 8.1000:16
mercutio22binarymutant> yep, if firefox has youtube on, then rhythmbox can't access the audio device.00:16
brianwillis1984hey need some help im installing ubuntu server in my server and well it wont autoconfig it..what should i do?00:16
Cpudan80set it to do what SirYoshua ?00:16
Cpudan80SirYoshua: just enable the restricted driver00:16
binarymutantmercutio22, that's weird I can00:16
robfok upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10,   lets see if it works or not this time....00:16
binarymutantmercutio22, and I don't have pulseaudio00:16
SirYoshuaI got prob with open Gl.00:16
Schuenemannis anybody here using the graphic card intel gma x3100? I would like your xorg.conf00:17
SirYoshuaIam using driver from ati website.00:17
robfif not I'm going to send a steamy pile of my dogs feces to the first ubuntu dev I can find's address00:17
brianwillis1984hey need some help im installing ubuntu server in my server and well it wont autoconfig it..what should i do?00:17
binarymutantrobf, #ubuntu-motu :P00:18
prince_jammysbrianwillis1984: try also the #ubuntu-server channel00:18
brianwillis1984the network'00:18
robfbinarymutant: whats that00:18
mercutio22binarymutant> Supposedly pulseaudio is implemented in order to solve these issues. Apparently in the process gnome system sounds are disabled00:18
robfbinarymutant: mortuary?00:18
prince_jammysrobf: masters of the universe00:18
binarymutantrobf, where the devs hang out00:18
robfskeletor there?00:18
redvamp128robf:  or #ubuntu-dev00:18
robfI doubt they'd gimme their addys for a pack of poo00:19
robfI'll have to hunt it down on the net ;)00:19
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  that's he-man's cartoon00:19
robfit'll be all cakes if it works00:19
binarymutantrobf, launchpad.net00:19
prince_jammysSchuenemann: i know. it's also what motu stands for (no joke)00:19
robfby the power of greyskull... I upgrade my kernel00:19
Joker_-_ModeLine "768x576"     50.00  768  832  846 1000   576  590  595  63000:20
SirYoshuaGo fck yourself.00:20
Joker_-_ModeLine "768x576"     50.00  768  832  846 1000   576  590  595  63000:20
Joker_-_(WW) RADEON(0): Option "TVOutput" is not used00:20
robfSirYoshua: such harsh language you otaku slag00:20
Joker_-_this is the line :P00:20
dakirahi.. can I temporarily disable a user? I'm not talking about setting the shell to /bin/false.. because in that case e.g. port forwarding with ssh would still be possible..00:20
MoLootI'm contemplating a dedicated server for a webhosting co I'm starting... any reason why I wouldn't want to use Ubuntu 7.1?00:21
robfdakira: change his passwd00:21
Joker_-_I found a few answers from 3 years ago on howto make that tv-out work, but what about NOW?!00:21
robfdakira: or set to inactive00:21
trent1all i see are changeable background for the bootscreen and and a slide show wallpaper00:21
prince_jammysMoLoot: try at #ubuntu-server00:21
robfdakira: man usermod   (see -L option)00:21
dixonionthedemonso is anyone sure how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work with ubuntu? i can get a video feed but its just static, which means that ubuntu is reading the camera, but not ... sumthing00:21
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trent1but i may be wrong, if i dont find it can i post my idea?00:22
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trent1I'm going to keep looking tho00:22
Joker_-_/var/logXorg.0.log: http://pastebin.com/f202cd9b8  -- pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/f392866b000:22
prince_jammystrent1: yes. but i bet you anything it's already there. i saw it00:22
trent15th one done00:23
trent1most similar one i can find at the moment00:23
PocketIRCanyone know if the logitech mx revolutions additional buttons work with stock ubuntu?00:24
trent1but i will definitely keep looking and wont post until i'm sure00:24
oholiabHi, I'm trying to get dhcpd3 to serve up a bootable image using tftp00:25
oholiabbut it's having none of it00:25
Schuenemannis anybody here using the graphic card intel gma x3100? I would like your xorg.conf00:25
dakirarobf: thanks alot.. that was exactly what I was looking for.. passwd -l wouldn't do it because ssh key authentication would still be possible.. useradd -L and setting the expire does it!00:25
Joker_-_Please, I'm burnt: /var/logXorg.0.log: http://pastebin.com/f202cd9b8  --  /etc/X11/xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/f392866b000:25
robfdakira: yeh00:25
zeededYesterday night before I went to sleep I installed and setup a new GDM login screen. Now when I try to boot up it keeps me in the screen right before the login screen and will not load it. (The Beige colored screen). So my question is if there is any way to switch or disable the login screen from a terminal?00:26
robfdakira: also,  if you want to just lock his password00:26
robfdakira: go to his home dir and mv his keys00:26
robfdakira: I mean its not like you can't move the public keys out of there.00:26
prince_jammystrent1: you'll see it under "ideas in development". the title is "Different wallpapers on different monitors/workspace"00:27
dakirarobf: ohh.. yeah.. didn't think of that.. stupid me ;)00:27
robfexpiring his account works also00:27
robfor you could add a disallow in sshd conf for his user00:27
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  is there voting for implementing confirm-before-delete for nautilus?00:27
robfmany routes to the same end00:28
prince_jammysSchuenemann: haven't seen that. there probably is00:28
Mabus_question: I want reinstall my OS, do I have to erase my hd first or will the ubuntu-setup do that?00:28
weatherkidMabus_: it should do that00:28
prince_jammysMabus_: the installer can do that00:28
dixon2008so is anyone sure how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work with ubuntu? i can get a video feed but its just static, which means that ubuntu is reading the camera, but not ... sumthing can anyone help me out with this, if so plz pm me00:29
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ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:29
=== rods is now known as laughalots
laughalotsGot an interesting question involving folder permissions if anyone has the time00:30
xSlack_can someone here give me a hand with mySQL00:30
_C_KodeJust ask!00:30
prince_jammysask away00:30
Schuenemannspit it out00:30
weatherkidlaughalots: go00:30
laughalotsWell, I am unable to open my cd to install via wine (permission denied both in terminal and using GUI)00:31
stevencxr-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15130 2008-10-07 22:59 acroread*   what does the * mean?00:31
_C_KodexSlack, there is a MySQL channel, but I *might* be able to help you00:31
laughalotsI can GKSudo to see the folder contents00:31
laughalotsbut I can't reset the folder permissions00:31
ScuniziIf I configure/make/make install.. will the package be included in synaptic or apt to uninstall? or do I have to create a .deb to do that?00:31
zeededstevencxr: * usually means "all"00:31
_C_Kodethey are owned by root.  You must be root to change them00:31
laughalotsI can install using GKsudo, but it installs to the wrong directories with WINE00:31
zeededYesterday night before I went to sleep I installed and setup a new GDM login screen. Now when I try to boot up it keeps me in the screen right before the login screen and will not load it. (The Beige colored screen). So my question is if there is any way to switch or disable the login screen from a terminal?00:31
prince_jammysstevencxr: it appears you have a file named 'acroread*' (literal asterisk)00:32
laughalotsLike I said C-Kode--I can gksudo in, but when I can't change the folder permissions00:32
PiciScunizi: You may be able to make uninstall, or make remove. But normally, no entry in apt/dpkg. You may want to look into !checkinstall00:32
SchuenemannScunizi,  there is generally a target called uninstall. So, make uninstall00:32
weatherkidsudo {your app here} to run as sudo laughalots00:32
laughalots(I'm on my own home computer)00:32
laughalotswhen I sudo, it won't run00:32
laughalotsgksudo is the only way I've been able to get it to work00:32
trent1wow i feel like my IQ dropped a few points back there, thanks for pointing this out, I will vote00:32
weatherkidkernel maybe then?00:32
stevencxrthe acroread* is under bin, so it's this mean this is the one i should run the adobereader?00:32
Y3K_sshhm, anyone know of some terminal based network manager?00:32
laughalotsusing a new install of ubuntu 8.1000:33
ScuniziThanks Pici & Schuenemann .. I think checkinstall might be the way .. I might just use this program for a while and when I want to dump it the original source won't be around..00:33
Picilaughalots: How are you trying to change the permissions?00:33
prince_jammysstevencxr: there's something wrong there. you must have run a command that named the file this way, or this is a weird hack00:33
prince_jammysstevencxr: i have never seen a literal '*' as part of an executable's file name00:33
stevencxr..... so what should i do here? i just wanna run adobbereader 8 T_T00:33
binarymutanthow long are LTS supported?00:33
laughalotsPici--its been a few days since I've looked at the issue specifically--don't remember the exact process. I was using the advice in Ubuntu pocket guide00:34
mrocsimple question...what are files with a ~ at the end all about? i thought i deleted a file, but i see a file with the same name and a ~ at the end that i hadn't noticed before.00:34
geniibinarydigit: 3 years on gui version, 5 years on server versiojn00:34
Picilaughalots: Oh, I see, you're trying to run an installer through Wine. You may want to ask in #winehq as we do not support the actuall process of running apps in Wine here. Also /msg ubottu appdb00:34
binarymutantgenii, so is Dapper still being supported?00:34
prince_jammysmroc: they are often backup files created by text editors such as vim00:34
stevencxrxiaoran@xiaoran-laptop:/opt/Adobe/Reader8/bin$ ls -laF00:34
stevencxrtotal 2400:34
stevencxrdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 2009-02-03 16:03 ./00:34
stevencxrdrwxr-xr-x 6 root root  4096 2009-02-03 16:03 ../00:34
stevencxr-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15130 2008-10-07 22:59 acroread*00:34
FloodBot1stevencxr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:34
stevencxrsorry , Mr. bot00:35
geniibinarydigit: The desktop version for a couple more months. The server til 201100:35
laughalotskind of, but the biggest problem is that I don't have permission to the folder00:35
mrocprince_jammys: so, certainly safe to delete, especially in the case of the regular file existing and saved?00:35
prince_jammysmroc: they are safe to delete once you're done editing, or if you don't want the file any more. they are created automatically by some editors00:35
trent1thank you for the help. made the jump like a week ago and am still getting used to it00:35
trent1and now i have to go, bye00:35
prince_jammysmroc: yes00:35
mrocprince_jammys: thanks.00:35
Harighi have a question for anyone to answer. I completely formatted my second HDD to install ubuntu, if i want to use it again in windows do i need to reformat it into NTFS?00:36
binarymutantwow how does Gaim still get support?00:36
weatherkidHarigh: yup00:36
binarymutanterr wow how does Gaim still get support in dapper?00:36
Harighthank you00:36
Picibinarymutant: 'Support' only means security fixes generally.00:36
prince_jammysmroc: the editor should have an option to remove that behavior, if you don't like it00:36
stevencxrhere is the paste, how can i run this file?00:36
Harighdo i need to remount it in windows and if so how would i?00:36
mrocprince_jammys: good to know.  i'll look through some options/preferences.00:37
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prince_jammysstevencxr: try to run your prog as 'acroread*'00:37
SchuenemannHarigh,  if you want windows to access it, you should use a suitable FS00:37
dakirarobf: oh.. I just figured out "passwd -l" sets the EXPIRE_DATE to 1 und -u resets it.. so that is the way to go, I guess00:37
prince_jammysstevencxr: or acroread\*00:37
thomcHey I'm trying to get lm-sensors setup but it only detects cpu temperatures, nothing else. Is there a way I can get it to show more info - fan speeds etc.?00:37
Harigha suitable what?00:38
Schuenemannfile system00:38
Harighoh ok00:38
stevencxrcould i have a full command of how to do this? please?00:38
prince_jammysstevencxr: simply type ./acroread\*  in that directory00:39
Harighone last question... is there a way to make GRUB boot an OS by default rather than needing to pick one each time?00:39
prince_jammysstevencxr: the funny name is almost definitely the result of a flawed command.00:39
_moro_bana_any VHDL  environments  in ubuntu?00:39
HalitechHarigh, just edit grub00:39
stevencxrxiaoran@xiaoran-laptop:/opt/Adobe/Reader8/bin$ ./acroread\*00:40
stevencxrbash: ./acroread*: No such file or directory00:40
prince_jammysstevencxr: are you in the directory where that file is?00:40
HalitechHarigh, what OS do you want it to boot?00:40
Pici_moro_bana_: apt-cache search vhdl gives me a few results, ghdl for example00:40
prince_jammysstevencxr: don't they have proper directions for this in the adobe web site?00:40
dixon2008so is anyone sure how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work with ubuntu? i can get a video feed but its just static, which means that ubuntu is reading the camera, but not ... sumthing can anyone help me out with this, if so plz pm me00:41
stevencxrlets me check00:41
HalitechHarigh, then you would set vista as the default in grub00:41
prince_jammysstevencxr: ok, in that directory, type:  file acroread\*00:41
Harighthats what i was asking how do i do that00:41
mercutio22i can't receive skype calls when Rhythmbox is on. Anyone here found a fix for that? I know the forums have a lot of info, but I never got it to work following those00:41
vockJust wondering about how to get a windows computer to see my samba share on ubuntu? I'm pretty sure the samba setup is correct, I can connect to it from my Xbox XBMC, but the windows computer can't see it00:41
_moro_bana_Pici: forgot my friend aptitude-search, thanks for reminding me :)00:42
HalitechHarigh, follow the directions here - http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm#osprefernc00:43
=== laughalots_afk_c is now known as laughalots
* Joe_namath bona nitt cuidense hasta pronto00:45
xSlack_Whats the command to see if php and mysql are speaking to eachother00:45
xSlack_how do i test that00:45
petllamamake a php test page00:45
petllamawill tell what modules or w/e are running properly00:45
xSlack_petllama: are you busy atm00:45
xSlack_care if i msg you00:46
petllamano, but im pretty noob00:46
petllamago head00:46
DmoleFireFox fails to open save as dialog or save at all if last saved spot was on a drive that dose not auto mount (none seem to other than /) ideas?00:46
kbrosnanDmole: open about:config in the address barand reset the last download directory00:47
dixon2008so is anyone sure how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work with ubuntu? i can get a video feed but its just static, which means that ubuntu is reading the camera, but not ... sumthing can anyone help me out with this, if so plz pm me00:47
_C_KodeI can't for the life of me figure out how to add virtual desktops.  (not extend the current desktop)  Can someone point me in the right direction?00:47
_C_KodeThis was never an issue before00:47
Dmolekbrosnan: was looking for something more permanent as I have to do this every time I turn on my laptop00:48
_moro_bana_i have problems with my audio, skype cant call and  bad movie-sound play, upgraded to ibex yesterday over the internet. advice?00:48
Dmole_C_Kode: workspaces?00:49
vockcan anyone think of a reason why my linux computer can't ping my windows computer, but windows can ping linux?00:49
_C_Kodesubnet not set right?00:49
nDuffvock, almost certainly firewall settings00:49
n8tuservock-> same subnet?00:49
petllamafirewall settings on the windows box blocking icmp?00:49
laughalotsWhen I try to change folder permission using sudo chmod, I get a Read-only file system error00:49
NerosI have a problem.... when booting ubuntu if I dont hold down the enter key the whole time it hangs00:49
petllamayea.. what nDuff said00:50
SirYoshuaBecause if u wanna Ping windows u need to use "pong" instead.00:50
_C_Kodeone of those two are probably right00:50
vocknDuff,n8tuser,_C_Kode; it's all automatic DHCP00:50
zerko6sup people00:50
laughalotsyet unless i sudo, I'm unable to view any files in the folder00:50
SirYoshuaThen U need to hold enter.00:50
nDuffvock, yar, but Windows has its built-in firewall00:50
_C_KodeI can't for the life of me figure out how to add virtual desktops.  (not extend the current desktop)  Can someone point me in the right direction?00:50
petllamaif subnet wasnt set right, windows wouldnt be able tp ping the nix box00:50
nDuffvock, IIRC, it blocks ICMP out-of-the-box.00:50
vocknDuff:ah crap, forgot about that00:50
n8tuservock -> you have xp sp2 and above? by default it will not respond to ping00:50
ScuniziI need gtk+ 2.10+ to compile something.. looking in synaptic there's lots of gtk references.. which one is it?00:50
vockn8tuser: also didn't know that00:50
Picilaughalots: You can't change the file permissions on a file on a read-only device, like a cd00:51
_C_Kodepetllama: not exactly true in all cases.  You would be surprised what works with an incorrect subnet applied00:51
laughyn1nj4is there some way i can see what kind of hard-drive i have using the command line?00:51
vockIn either case, if I can get pinged that's sufficient to say that the computers can see each other probably?00:51
Scunizilaughalots: yep.. sudo lshw00:51
SirYoshuaOpen pc, go look there.00:51
NerosI have a problem.... when booting ubuntu if I dont hold down the enter key the whole time it hangs00:51
laughalotsK, what is lshw?00:51
_C_Kodesmartd if it's installed00:51
geniilaughalots: sudo lshw | more00:51
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zerko6does anyone here rent dedicated servers?00:52
mercutio22laughyn1nj4>  "sudo fdisk -l" will list every driver and partition you have00:52
lwhackertrying to get xinerama running, fglrxinfo just outputs errors, is the ati driver not installed correctly? any ideas?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113401/00:52
DmoleNeros: look in your log files for errors00:52
Picilaughalots: The lshw answer was for laughyn1nj4, not you.00:52
petllama_C_Kode, how would that be possible? wouldnt it be on a seperate network than the machine correctly configured... they wouldnt have a route to each other00:52
geniilaughalots: It's: LiSt HardWare00:52
Picigenii: laughyn1nj4 not laughalots00:52
NerosDmole there is no error.... it just dosent go00:52
laughalotsfun times00:52
geniiPici: Apologies. Tab-complete, etc00:52
JeffedHey guys, I'm running a fujitsu T4010 tablet and ubuntu is making this high pitched noise either through the speakers or headphones, even if sound is muted. I've tried a few of the things i've been able to find on the site. Anyone have any ideas?00:52
Nerosand its not with just ubuntu... any *nix does it00:52
laughalotswell, is there any way to view a read only device, like a cd, when the folder permission does not allow me?00:53
_C_Kodepetllana: poor programming.  I've seen it happen.00:53
SirYoshuaDisconnect the speakers.00:53
DmoleNeros: you checked all 4 log files and there was nothing in them?!00:53
vockjeffed: Turn off the digital output00:53
laughyn1nj4hmm .... fdisk -l gives a list of partitions ... but are they ata?  scsi?00:53
Jeffedbut i want to use the audio00:53
dixon2008so is anyone sure how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work with ubuntu? i can get a video feed but its just static, which means that ubuntu is reading the camera, but not ... sumthing can anyone help me out with this, if so plz pm me00:53
NerosDmole No errors..... ifi  hold down enter everything starts normally.... other wise its just a hang00:53
vockJeffed: It won't turn off the audio, just digital audio, which you probably don't have anyway00:53
geniilaughyn1nj4: You have some scsi host adapter?00:53
Jeffedthanks vock, i'll try that00:53
Picilaughalots: sudo -i will give you an 'interactive' root session. Is that what you're looking for?00:53
DmoleJeffed: try the mute option then look for new drivers00:53
laughalotsthat might work pici00:54
laughalotsI'll try it00:54
=== SirYoshua is now known as MrGoodIdea
_C_Kodehow do you add virtual desktops to 8.10?  (not extended)00:54
laughyn1nj4genii: i dont' know .. i got this machine by sheer luck ... it was free00:54
DmoleNeros: and what is in the log files?00:54
NerosDmole just the normal startup routine....00:54
laughyn1nj4so i put ubuntu on it ... so the OS is free to00:54
NerosDmole no errors....00:54
zerko6no one here rents a dedicated linux server?00:54
laughalotspici, do you know if I use WINE to install a program if it will install to the root folder again if I use the sudo -i00:54
MrGoodIdeaZerko6 - NO ONE RENTS.00:55
DmoleNeros: I would paste the boot log then ask for help00:55
centaur5I like how easy Ubuntu has made windows file sharing through samba.  Although I don't see that it automatically adds any users to smbpasswd so I was wondering if there is a way to do that through the gui?00:55
dark_and_sexyB81Hey guys.  I've got a little catch 22 here.  I need to install restricted wireless drivers on a laptop, but I can't because I'm not connected to the internet.  What do I need besides the fwcutter package?00:55
=== eric is now known as talntid
dumb_dumbi`m new @ ubuntu00:56
MrGoodIdeadark_and_sexy U NEED ANOTHER PC WITH NET :)00:56
dumb_dumbi`m getting dificulties on installing nvidia on my laptop00:56
dumb_dumbany one could help00:56
laughalotsD and Secy00:56
laughalotsSexy rather00:56
mercutio22dumb_dumb> try envy00:56
laughyn1nj4i'm having trouble getting my OTHER ubuntu box to see the samba shares on my main ubuntu box00:56
laughalotstry this:00:56
geniilaughyn1nj4: Because these days Ubuntu maps ATA and other drives to a SCSI driver layer. So they all seem like sdX  (SCSI Device A, B, C, etc). But if you have a real SCSI card they are really SCSI devices00:56
laughalotsplug in with a wired network connection00:56
laughyn1nj4ahh... so there really is no way to tell if they're scsi or not ... k00:57
dark_and_sexyB81I am on a pc with net right now, I want to know what packages I need to download to my flash drive00:57
vockOkay, so got the Windows computer nad the Ubuntu computer pinging each other, samba server running, and the ubuntu computer has been connected to by XBMC before and still works, how do you get the windows computer to see the samba share? Tried just doing \\linuxboxip\sharedfolder, and it says it can't find it00:57
geniilaughyn1nj4: lspci   should tell if you have a SCSI host adapter or no00:57
laughyn1nj4vock: you running xp or vista?00:57
vocklaughyn1nj4, running xp00:57
vocklaughyn1nj4, sp300:58
theczarhey does anyone know how to get sshd to listen on another port, i edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config but no luck00:58
storrgie1does the bibliography database even work in OO 3.0?00:58
vockerr wrong window00:58
ScuniziI need gtk+ 2.10+ to compile something.. looking in synaptic there's lots of gtk references.. which one is it?00:58
sancasi need help00:59
geniitheczar: Did you yet: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart                   ?00:59
sancasmi sound card not found00:59
laughyn1nj4ok .. i have SOME experience getting Vista to see samba, but windoz is always tricky in the networking dept.00:59
theczargenii yes of course00:59
laughyn1nj4Vock: what is the actual NAME  of your share ... could be different than the folder name00:59
laughyn1nj4actually...don't tell me, just keep it in mind00:59
dumb_dumbi already download nvidia driver00:59
evolhi room, could anyone tell me why my printer is printing ascii chars instead of the text in document heh?00:59
dumb_dumband success00:59
austin666anyone know anything about ubuntu server eddition00:59
vocklaughyn1nj4, the computer name is Ubuntu, workgroup is Abode and shared folder is the \media folder00:59
laughyn1nj4vock then try \\linuxbox\shareNAME01:00
KenBW2i have an error at login: "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds..." Error: "mkdtemp: Private socket dir: permission denied". What's causing this and how can i fix it?01:00
binarymutantwhen's the last time Dapper had a security update?01:00
geniitheczar: Changing the port there should be all you require. You are going pc-pc within a lan or entering from internet to a lan?01:00
laughyn1nj4vock: samba lets you name the share regardless of what the actual folder name is ... it's that name you need to look for in your nw resources on the windows box01:00
dumb_dumbbut after i download update the kernel01:01
dumb_dumbmy nvidia not working01:01
dumb_dumbany could help me?01:01
theczargenii well the computers are on my LAN but I'm issuing the command with the domain name so it should be going out and coming back in01:01
binarymutantdumb_dumb, what do you mean not working?01:02
dumb_dumbi can enable my nvidia driver on the hardware driver01:02
dumb_dumbi can`t sory01:02
theczargenii I keep getting:  ssh: connect to host siliconsoundninja.com port 442: Connection refused01:02
laughyn1nj4genii: thanks...01:02
vocklaughyn1nj4, made the share name media to point to the media directory, still can't see it01:02
evolprinter problem anyone? printing ascii chars instead of the text in doc?01:02
laughyn1nj4vock: have you opened "my network places"01:03
geniitheczar: Check port-forwarding on router etc. Also test lan-lan by using IP specifically01:03
vocklaughyn1nj4, yeah, it's empty01:03
vbabiyDoe any one else have problems with ubuntu 8.10 networking on an virtual box vm01:03
theczargenii: OF COURSE!!! port forwarding, thanks so much01:03
geniitheczar: np\01:03
dumb_dumbwhen i try to install it again it say already in the newest version01:03
laughyn1nj4vock: it could be a firewall setting on the ubuntu machine ... are you useing 'firestarter' by chance?01:03
dumb_dumbi`m using 8.1001:04
vocklaughyn1nj4, yeah, have firestarter01:04
webbhawk_h4x0r15hello, is "gnome do" a part of gnome?01:04
laughyn1nj4make sure your rules allow connections FROM your windows box's IP01:04
dumb_dumbbinarymuttant could you help me?01:04
binarymutantdumb_dumb, open a terminal and type `gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf` and then pastebin it to paste.ubuntu.com so I can see please01:04
vbabiywebbhawk_h4x0r15: npe01:04
prince_jammys!medibuntu > stevencxr101:05
ubottustevencxr1, please see my private message01:05
_C_Kodeanyone have the compiz cube working on 8.10?01:05
binarymutant_C_Kode, use ccsm to do it01:05
_C_KodeHmm. I can't get the virtual desktops to work at all.01:05
webbhawk_h4x0r15vbabiy: is gnome Do FLOSS ?01:05
KenBW2should "sudo rm -rf /tmp" cause any problems?01:06
vbabiywebbhawk_h4x0r15: yeap01:06
_C_KodeI have ccsm installed, but my VDs don't work01:06
vocklaughyn1nj4, yeah, that IP is allowed, but it's not working still :(01:06
_C_KodeI cannot select them01:06
laughyn1nj4vock: what are you using to config the samba server?  are you just editing the file manually?01:06
petllama_C_Kode, i got compiz dube (and cylinder) runnign on 8.1001:06
vocklaughyn1nj4, yeah, manually configured it, and the windows IP is on the IP allowed list01:07
_C_KodeI don't even know what dube is or cylinder for that matter.01:07
Jack_Sparrow_C_Kode If your video card drivers are not working right you will not get effects01:07
binarymutantdumb_dumb, I don't see any problems with it, how do you know it's not working?01:07
petllamacompiz cube... and it deforms it into a cylinder if you want01:07
twistedghost_what is the best file transfer program for me to transfer files from my linix to my friends windows computer?01:07
_C_KodeJack_Sparrow: I have effects, just not virtual desktops01:07
Jack_SparrowInstall ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse01:08
_C_Kodeor I can't select them.  I can add them01:08
laughyn1nj4k...well you must allow guests also ... not sure what to tell you how to edit the file since I use the web-interface to configure my samba....you should try it...i t makes it much easier01:08
twistedghost_nick TwistedGhost01:08
vocklaughyn1nj4, I have guests ok on all the shared folders too,01:09
rconanhello there, is there a way I can make a script start a terminal in a particular place on the screen or at a particular size?01:09
rconan(gnome-terminal that is_01:09
laughyn1nj4is it marked as "available" ... i think default is NO ... must have that set to YES01:09
dumb_dumbbinarymutant do you mind if i pm you?01:09
vocklaughyn1nj4, what web-interface do you use? Maybe i can try that if it's a bit easier to configure and compare the files?01:10
binarymutantdumb_dumb, it's better to do it in #ubuntu so that other people with the same problems can hear the answers01:10
_C_KodeJack_Sparrow: On Virtual Desktops it won't allow me to change it from 1.  I can set Virtual Size to whatever I want01:10
rdw200169rconan, see gnome-terminal --help01:10
Jack_Sparrowrconan Window placement. System... Pref...CompizConfig... Window Management... Place Windows... Placement Mode... "Centered".. to have applications open centered in the screen and not half hiding under the top menu01:10
rdw200169rconan, also, you can use the --geometry option for gnome related apps01:10
Jack_Sparrow_C_Kode Perhaps /join #Compiz01:10
dumb_dumbok no prob, I keep get error after rebooting the ubuntu01:10
laughyn1nj4vock: i pm'd you01:10
dumb_dumband it say error on x server configuration01:11
marek_hi, how can i compile latest blueman?01:11
rconanrdw200169: liking the look of --geometry01:11
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:11
twistedghost_whats the easyest way for me to send files with ubuntu01:11
Schuenemannhas anybody sucessfully configured the intel gma x3100 graphic card? I can't get mine done01:11
rconanrdw200169: shame I can't do it for ff or tb01:11
marek_Jack_Sparrow ups i forget to mention01:12
dumb_dumbis there a correlation on kernel version to?01:12
twistedghost_whats the easyest way for me to send files with ubuntu?\01:12
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marek_there is no .configure script01:12
dumb_dumbsince after rebooting i got 2 kernel01:12
Guest86407if i have manually installed the ati drivers from the ati webpage, do i need the package xserver-xorg-video-ati and xserver-xorg-video-intel?01:12
marek_i downloaded source with svn01:12
binarymutantdumb_dumb, ok pastebin this /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:12
ryanpriorWhenever I reboot my computer, my software audio resets to full volume, which is bad because then my speakers are very loud. How can I make it remember the volume between sessions?01:12
Jack_Sparrowtwistedghost_ Please hold down the repeating, every few minutes is more than often enoough01:12
dumb_dumbwith the old kernel it works fine01:12
dumb_dumbon the new kernel it error01:12
Guest86407if i have manually installed the ati drivers from the ati webpage, do i need the package xserver-xorg-video-ati and xserver-xorg-video-intel?01:13
binarymutantdumb_dumb, shouldn't matter01:13
twistedghost_Jack_Sparrow yes but noone is answering01:13
rconanrdw200169: do you know much about the --geometry option, it says to see the "X" manpage but I don't appear to have it01:13
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:13
binarymutantdumb_dumb, but paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log into paste.ubuntu.com for me to see01:13
Guest86407if i have manually installed the ati drivers from the ati webpage, do i need the package xserver-xorg-video-ati and xserver-xorg-video-intel?01:14
CurseorangeSo would someone please take the time to help me for a little bit?01:14
binarymutant!ask | Curseorange01:14
ubottuCurseorange: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:14
Sylphidryanprior, just a sec... ran accross this a few days ago .. .looking for a link01:14
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Curseorange:p lol bots01:14
boogedoes anyone use mythtv as a dvr? looking to build a dvr and want to know which software is the best01:14
ryanpriorGuest86407: Manually installing the drivers is not a great idea. I suggest you uninstall them and then use the restricted driver manager to install the needed driver.01:14
Jack_Sparrowbooge /join #mythtv01:15
usserGuest20455, no01:15
BerserkurI installed linux-crashdump today because I'm getting random kernel panics. I installed the package and rebooted and left the computer running. Now when I came back the kernel had paniced but did not boot into the "panic-kernel" to save the core. Do I need to do take additional steps to enable this?01:15
Curseorangeok so im wondering all about shells im new to the whole linux thing (obviously and im trying to open a wargame, link is posted, i want to know how to open this. http://www.intruded.net/leviathan.html01:15
Guest86407ryanprior, but they work flawlessy and i would like to keep them. is it safe to remove thoose 2 packages?01:15
Sylphidryanprior, sudo alsactl store 001:16
binarymutantdumb_dumb, where'd you get the new kernel? did you compile it yourself or what?01:16
dumb_dumbno after i install the restricted driver01:17
ryanpriorCurseorange: I suggest reading Rute (http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz) to learn how Linux systems work, including how the shell works.01:17
dumb_dumbit`s there buy them self01:17
rdw200169rconan, try this: gnome-terminal --geometry 100x10-10-1001:17
dumb_dumbi don`t now how01:17
CurseorangeOkay, i will give that a try thank you.01:17
rdw200169rconan, that makes  a 100x10 window 10 pixels from the lower right corner on ea. axis01:17
binarymutantdumb_dumb, did you update your system?01:17
_C_KodeJack_Sparrow: It helps to ask in the right channel ;)01:17
dumb_dumbnot yet01:18
ryanpriorGuest86407: "It works" isn't a very good answer. It may work now, but at some point the system may make a decision based on the drivers it thinks you have, things will break, and we will have trouble helping you because you didn't install the drivers the "right" way.01:18
Jack_Sparrow# Free Ubuntu Book:    http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download.html01:18
binarymutantdumb_dumb, well update your system and then see if it works, if not tell me01:18
dcidergoing to install ubuntu, is there a way to have /home in its own partition?01:18
Jack_Sparrowdcider yes, easy to do in the installer01:18
ryanpriorSylphid: That's neat. Do you know how I can make the sound controller applet do that automatically?01:19
Jack_Sparrowdcider If you premake your partitions you can assign them as needed in the installer01:19
BerserkurDoes noone know anything about kernel panics around here?01:19
Jack_SparrowBerserkur they are not common01:19
CurseorangeAlso, i have this being run on a live Cd, how do i save settings so when i pull up ubuntu on the live Cd again it stays?01:19
vbabiywhat files says the eth0 belongs to this nic card01:19
dciderJack_Sparrow: thx01:19
rconanrdw200169: doesn't seem to be able to make the y bigger than 5201:19
rconanis this a known bug01:20
Jack_SparrowCurseorange You need a recordable media.. persistence mode01:20
Sylphidryanprior, looking for another link ... there was one that adjusts the volume immediatly after loading the sound module01:20
redvamp128ryanprior:  try this page-- for your sound issue though you have to set the volume where you want it first Volume Control does not save my settings after reboot - Ubuntu Forums <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207107>01:20
ryanpriorBerserkur: We usually don't have a whole lot of kernel hackers in here. If you're looking for expertise, mailing lists (or possibly ##linux) are better options.01:20
KenBW2I'm planning to sync my .purple folder across two computers (using Dropbox). Should this cause any problems if either/both are running simoultaneously?01:20
Sylphidryanprior, just fyi thought this looks to be a known bug01:20
CurseorangeJack please be a little more in depth.01:20
dumb_dumbbinarymutant  : but why on the old kernel it works fine?01:21
ubottuTo have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence01:21
redvamp128ryanprior:  set the sound where you want it then run this command if you are using alsa" sudo alsactl store 0"01:21
dumb_dumbi already try to remove the driver using apt-get remove01:21
binarymutantdumb_dumb, because a driver is actually just a modification for a kernel (short answer)01:21
eidolonhi folks - anyone had a problem (this is Ubuntu 8.10) where the system bell reverts to the hardware beep (which cannot be volume-downed or muted).  It's a HELLISHLY loud sound, and I don't know why it just started happening.01:21
dciderJack_Sparrow: going to use a 640 gig hd, any recommendations to a % or size for the OS ?01:21
ryanpriorredvamp128: That's neat. Do you know how I can make the sound controller applet do that automatically?01:21
eidolonmy  next step is to try a reboot, but i'm in the middle of several things, would prefer not to.01:21
dumb_dumbthen try to install it again on the new kernel01:21
redvamp128ryanprior:  if ussing oss or pulse (then substitute the proper sound)01:22
dumb_dumbbut it`s still not working01:22
ryanpriorSylphid: Do you have a bug URL?01:22
dumb_dumbok now i`ll update the system and let see the result01:22
redvamp128ryanprior: - not really but I just did a search and followed the link on the sound config (troubleshooting)01:22
Sylphidryanprior, yea 1 sec01:22
_C_KodeAnyone use KDE 4.2 on 8.10 yet?  I heard there is a problem with libplasma2 vs libplasma301:22
rconanrdw200169: oh... that's only with no position set01:23
Sylphidryanprior, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-utils/+bug/20453601:23
binarymutantdumb_dumb, do this on a terminal `sudo modprobe nvidia` see if that works, if not I suggest reinstalling it01:23
BerserkurBut I'm actually asking about ubuntu functionality. I've tried asking about the random panics and searched the databases. There seem to be identical problems with no solutions. What I'm asking now is how to enable the crashdump option. This was added to ubuntu in june or july01:23
rconansorry odd01:23
eidolonKDE 4.x is not stable yet01:23
ryanpriorSylphid: Thanks much!01:23
Sylphidryanprior, no prob01:23
binarymutantdumb_dumb, it meaning the driver not reinstalling the operating system :)01:23
_C_Kodeeidolon: Then why is 4.2 in full release?01:23
Jack_Sparrowdcider three primary 50, 50 100, one huge extended cut into one 50 and the rest in 100 chunks plus swap01:23
BerserkurAnd the reason for doing that is that I want to provide a proper bug report01:23
matt123Hi, if I have a question about mdadm, which support group would I ask it in?01:23
Schuenemannhas anybody sucessfully configured the intel gma x3100 graphic card? I can't get mine done01:23
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto01:24
ryanprior!ubuntu+1 | _C_Kode01:24
ubottu_C_Kode: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:24
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde401:25
JesperHansenHow do I figure out which video driver ubuntu is using if its not defined in xorg.conf?01:25
binarymutantJesperHansen, lsmod  (?)01:25
dciderJack_Sparrow: ok..back in a flash and a half I hope....01:25
xsgcan yall help me01:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:25
JesperHansenbinarydigit: now thats a useless list01:25
binarymutantJesperHansen, your driver will be listed in it01:26
BerserkurJesperHansen: It has to be defined in xorg.conf. Otherwise it's not used01:26
ryanpriorJesperHansen: Use grep to search the lsmod list for the various possible options.01:26
xsgI am looking for a video editing software for ubuntu 9.04 so i can edit my video files etc or a video editing suite01:26
JesperHansenbinarydigit: but I see radeon pops up in my eyes when looking at it01:26
ryanpriorBerserkur: I'm not sure that's true anymore. Lots of things have been moved out of xorg.conf and are being autodetected now.01:26
BerserkurJesperHansen: If it's not defined then you would be using the vesa driver I would suspect01:26
binarymutantJesperHansen, you use ati?01:26
yoyonedxsg: kine kdenlive pitivi blender01:26
JesperHansenBerserkur: 9.04 builds use autodetect in hal to find the best possible driver01:27
xsgthanks yoyoned01:27
CurseorangeOk, im looking for someone to directly help me with jus tone thing, how to open a shell.01:27
matt123is there a ubuntu server channel?01:27
yoyonedxsg: aptitude search video01:27
Berserkurryanprior: The only thing I know is autodetected is resolution and stuff like that. Stuff that randr handles01:27
redvamp128matt123:  yes #ubuntu-server01:27
JesperHansenbinarydigit: ati yes. Wanna use vesa01:27
xsgwhat is apitide search video ?01:27
Harighis dial up supported in ubuntu?01:27
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up01:28
binarymutantJesperHansen, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to use vesa then, it's under the Device section01:28
binarymutantJesperHansen, oh ya and backup xorg.conf first, etc.01:28
BerserkurJesperHansen: Fair enough, you probably have better knowledge about that then me01:28
Harighwell im using gnome01:28
BerserkurJesperHansen: Since I've not used 9.04 at all01:28
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
xsgPeach i will be one later01:28
xsgthanks for help01:28
JesperHansenbinarydigit: its completely blank (almost) in 9.0401:29
Harighand theres something about it in the help files but it tells me to go to preferences admin network but it doesnt exist01:29
yoyonedxsg: type that into a terminal to see all the video applications, or search in synaptic01:29
JesperHansenwhats that line for the driver?01:29
binarymutantJesperHansen, you can get an xorg.conf file by typing this in a terminal `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`01:29
JesperHansenJust: Driver "vesa"01:29
Jack_SparrowJesperHansen cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)01:29
xsgOK will do yoyoend01:29
binarymutantJesperHansen, and ya under the device section Driver "vesa"01:30
CurseorangeWhat does this mean?    Access:01:30
FloodBot1Curseorange: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:30
dumb_dumbbinarymutant: module nvidia not found01:30
Jack_SparrowCurseorange That is NOT a ubuntu support question.01:30
Curseorangeno jackim sure it is.01:30
Jack_SparrowCurseorange it is a login and password to ssh in and start the game01:30
CurseorangeIm wondering how to open it.01:30
yoyonedCurseorange: where did you find that01:30
binarymutantI think I just saw a username and password for a server01:30
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/01:31
Curseorangeall i want to know is how to open it.01:31
wolterhow will using mono instead of gtk improve the portability of my application?01:31
ryanpriorCurseorange: We aren't interested in helping you with the game. Perhaps try #ubuntu-offtopic01:31
wolterI know this is not the right channel for that, but I won't get answers on ##mon01:31
amikropHello. How can I convert an MKV file to an AVI file, using "ffmpeg"?01:31
yoyonedCurseorange: type the following into a terminal ssh -p 10101 level1@leviathan.intruded.net01:32
usserwolter, it wont in the slightest, although mono devs claim that it supports .net 2.0 its nowhere near it.01:32
binarymutantdumb_dumb, hm... try removing the driver and reinstalling it01:32
binarymutantdumb_dumb, you can login to the GUI right?01:32
Piciwolter: Then don't ask here.  There are other channels for this. #ubuntu-offtopic ##programming, etc01:32
wolterusser, so, what does .net provide?01:32
CurseorangeSo yoy all i have to do is copy and paste the info i pasted here into the terminal?01:32
JesperHansenhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/615362 now this is how a xorg.conf file looks like in ubuntu 9.0401:32
ryanprioramikrop: man ffmpeg01:32
binarymutantdumb_dumb, kinda weird if you ask me, because if you had the wrong driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf you shouldn't be able to log in at all01:33
binarymutantdumb_dumb, what version of Ubuntu?01:33
kenalexi am trying to build a  home server (file sever /developent database server) and wonder if the 2GB install on it would be sufficient for it . the processor installed is 64 bit (e2180)01:33
usserwolter, its a framework, supposedly crossplatform, that contains gui widgets network api, other apis for software development01:33
yoyonedCurseorange: yes, then you will be asked for the password01:33
amikropryanprior: ok01:33
Jack_SparrowCurseorange You are offtopic.. Please stop .. now01:33
binarymutantJesperHansen, http://pastebin.mozilla.org/61536401:33
Sylphidryanprior, still looking for that link ....01:33
yoyonedCurseorange: and change you password01:34
usserwolter, but really gtk is ported to everything, you name it, it'll run, linux, windows,mac osx,freebsd01:34
ryanpriorSylphid: Much appreciated.01:34
binarymutantyoyoned, lol01:34
CurseorangeOk thank you yoyo you have been the upmost help.01:34
bb_is there a support channel?01:34
sirhcjwhi anyone able to help me with sun-java5-plugin for 8.10 x64?01:34
ryanpriorbb_: You found it! Welcome.01:34
BerserkurCurseorange: This is not a ubuntu question and you should take it elsewhere. Also, if you can't figure out how to connect to an ssh server, you're not going to be able to find cracks in systems01:34
JesperHansenbinarydigit: already done.01:34
binarymutantJesperHansen, should work01:34
gaintsuraO.o I can't bring my screen brightness up or down, any ideas?01:34
wolterusser, yeah, i guess i'll stay with gtk until i need .net01:34
dumb_dumbi can login01:35
bb_how do i get my mx5000 desktop to work with ubuntu?01:35
gaintsuracorrection, all of my function keys are messed up01:35
dumb_dumbbut i think it not using the driver01:35
xsgi need some recommendations for some good games for ubuntu cause i wanna play somthing01:35
zelrikriandogaintsura, did you try with the tool on the taskbar?01:35
ryanpriorbb_: It should work automatically.01:35
redvamp128xsg:  assault cube -- getdeb.net01:35
yoyonedxsg like       what01:35
bb_it doesnt i dont know what to do01:35
bb_im a beginner obviously01:35
wolterxsg, some REALLY good games, like commercial games? Otherwise there is a funny 3d game called extreme tux racer01:35
Jack_Sparrowxsg We discourage polls in here..  try world of pagman but see the link on games01:35
zelrikriandogaintsura, are you using a laptop01:35
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php01:35
binarymutantdumb_dumb, I don't understand then01:35
yoyonedxsg search synaptic for games01:36
wolterxsg, you can play unreal, and basically any implementation of the q3 engine01:36
Jack_Sparrowxsg World of Padman01:36
ryanpriorbb_: We get lots of beginners, that's no problem. Do you have the receiver plugged into the USB port?01:36
redvamp128xsg:  http://www.getdeb.net/01:36
Gorlisthow can you find out where your partition starts and ends on the harddisk?01:36
bb_yes it is plugged in to the usb port01:36
Jack_SparrowGorlist gparted01:36
binarymutantGorlist, fdisk -l01:36
Schuenemannxsg,  alien arena, return to castle wolfenstein, doom301:36
Gorlisttrying to adjust a size of var using parted, so want to shrink home01:36
gaintsurazelrikriando: yes I'm using a laptop.. and there is no tool on my taskbar, if you'd call it that01:36
Gorlistssh :) remote01:36
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dixon2008so is anyone sure how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work with ubuntu? i can get a video feed but its just static, which means that ubuntu is reading the camera, but not ... sumthing can anyone help me out with this, if so plz pm me01:37
yoyonedGorlist: get the gparted livecd01:37
zelrikriandogaintsura, you should add the tool....right click 'Add to Panel'01:37
Gorlistcan't :)01:37
Jack_SparrowGorlist be prepared for broken fstab and grub01:37
binarymutantGorlist, sudo fdisk -l01:37
gaintsurazelrikriando: I dont have a panel01:37
gaintsuraknow the nameo f the tool?01:37
zelrikriandogaintsura, get one...01:37
gaintsuras/nameo f/tool01:37
doink12121I am have encountered an infinite error message using wine and Magic workstation01:37
doink12121any help?01:37
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help01:38
gaintsurazelrikriando: thats not very helpful.. I'm not going to modify my desktop for an application01:38
NickUKHello, I am currently having problems with my WI-FI Connecting. On boot sometimes i will get - USB 0-3: Device descriptor read/64 error -110 then my Wi-fi will not connect, However if i dont get those my wifi will connect and then maybe disconnect again after some time or some little time.01:38
zelrikriandogaintsura, 'brightness applet'01:38
binarymutantdoink12121, good luck, I don't think it will work01:38
zelrikriandogaintsura, on gnome01:38
doink12121i found a post on forums but it happens to be in spanish01:38
bb_can anyone find mx5000 drivers for ubuntu? its not working01:38
doink12121I may not have good spanish but it looks like they might have had a solution01:39
ryanpriorbb_: I just realized it's bluetooth. Did you install bluetooth support?01:39
gaintsurazelrikriando: this pertains to a larger problem than just my brightness. none of my Fn keys work01:39
lianimatoris it possible to create my own keyboard layout?01:39
bb_hmm perhaps not, how should i do that?01:39
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts01:39
zelrikriandogaintsura, I know, I had the same kind of problem01:39
ryanpriorbb_: Have you installed a package before?01:39
NickUKHello, I am currently having problems with my WI-FI Connecting. On boot sometimes i will get - USB 0-3: Device descriptor read/64 error -110 then my Wi-fi will not connect, However if i dont get those my wifi will connect and then maybe disconnect again after some time or some little time.01:39
gaintsuraand it pertains to brightness applet?01:39
yoyonedlianimator: http://www.columbia.edu/~djv/docs/keyremap.html01:40
ryanpriorbb_: Okay. Install the bluez-utils package.01:40
zelrikriandogaintsura, the brightness applet will be a temporary fix as it works better than the Fn key01:40
bb_it just started working i messed around with the bluetooth manager, thank you ryanprior01:40
doink12121so anybody help with magic workstation, or wants to tell me what these guys on saying on a spanish language linux forum01:40
gaintsurazelrikriando: I don't need a temporary fix,01:40
gaintsurabut thanks =)01:40
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zelrikriandogaintsura, if you find a permanent one, tell me, I am interested01:41
ryanpriorbb_: Excellent. It's too bad they don't have better bluetooth support automatically.01:41
redvamp128doink12121:  you could copy the text and paste on this website Google Translate <http://translate.google.com/>01:41
Jack_Sparrowdoink12121 Please find a web page translator website..  see also #WInehq since it seems to involve wine01:41
lianimatoryoyoned: I'm more interested in editing a specific keyboard layout. I suspect it's coded with the wrong layout.01:42
bb_ryan, for some reason my mouse works but not my keyboard01:42
zelrikriandogaintsura, and I think you should be patient because I had that issue for a while and never found a bulletproof fix01:42
jriblianimator: read /usr/share/doc/xkb-data/README.Debian01:42
binarymutantdoink12121, it will run but magic workstation has a lot of problems with wine too graphically and through the network, I liked apprentice better01:42
doink12121winehq had nothing about this bug on the Workstation01:42
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yoyonedlianimator: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/01/31/changing-the-system-keyboard-mapping-on-ubuntu-dvorak-vs-qwerty/01:42
doink12121i have workstation working fine it just wont connect to online servers01:42
zelrikriandogaintsura, I think some of my fn keys work though01:43
doink12121I hit an infinite bug01:43
bb_ahh mx5000 works fully for me now01:43
binarymutantdoink12121, what about the cards I never got mine to display correctly01:43
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=== Serge2 is now known as Serge3
doink12121they display fine01:43
ryanpriorbb_: Well bust my buttons. I don't know why that would be -- is there some way you can reset the keyboard?01:43
ryanpriorbb_: What did you do to make it work?01:43
Jack_Sparrow!enter > doink1212101:43
ubottudoink12121, please see my private message01:43
_VIM_Where to download world of padman? their site appears to be down01:43
yoyoyoyoI installed skype, but when I run it it gives me error "skype: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv"01:44
bb_just re plugged the usb01:44
bb_how do i register again?01:44
Sylphidbb_, laptop?01:44
lianimatorjrib: thanks. I'll try this first.01:44
doink12121but when i try to connect to an online server i get this error message once per second "access violation at address 70D09697 in module 'gdiplus.dll' read address 00000048"01:44
Sylphidbb_, if so there is a bug when adjusting brighness via keyboard shortcuts01:44
ryanprior_VIM_: http://www.getdeb.net/app/World+Of+Padman01:45
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Scunizi_VIM_: try www.getdeb.net01:45
_VIM_ryanprior: i jus tlooked there01:45
Cyr4xhi is there any virtual camera software for linux?01:45
bb_how do i register again?01:45
Sylphidbb_, the workaround is to click on power manager in your toolbar01:45
dixon2008so is anyone sure how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work with ubuntu? i can get a video feed but its just static, which means that ubuntu is reading the camera, but not ... sumthing can anyone help me out with this, if so plz pm me01:45
ryanprior_VIM_: GetDeb isn't down. I just checked.01:45
jribbb_: /msg ubottu register01:45
yoyonedCyr4x: what is virtual camera software01:45
_VIM_ryanprior: no not saying getdeb.net was down01:45
Scunizi_VIM_: works for me too01:45
Cyr4xi mean an app01:45
Cotowardixon, what are you trying to do with the camera?01:45
dixon2008use it01:45
_VIM_was saying world of padmans site seems down01:46
Cyr4xi can use a photo or a video as a webcam01:46
Cotowarlike as a webcam, or just to record videos to the computer?01:46
Cyr4xas a webcam01:46
bb_sylphid what did u say?01:46
Cotowaryou should be able to use it with the client program01:46
Jack_Sparrow_VIM_ http://www.gamershell.com/download_18561.shtml           plus you need the patch01:46
dixon2008well, i use it mainly to post vids on youtube, but i cant get it to work properly, i was trying to get the program that lets me record a vid straight from the cam01:47
Cotowari have a quickcam and it works fine under aMSN01:47
Cyr4xi don't have01:47
ianm_hrm, bluetooth used to work in 8.04, now (still in 8.04) it doesn't.  the icon doesn't show up when the setting is "Only while adapter is present" and wmgui (for wiimotes) immediately returns error "Unable to connect".  any ideas?01:47
Cyr4xand i want to use video file as a webcam01:47
Jack_Sparrow_VIM_ http://www.gamershell.com/download_18561.shtml           plus you need the patch      http://games.softpedia.com/progDownload/World-of-Padman-Patch-Download-32927.html01:47
ryanpriorCotowar, Cyr4x: What you need is to figure out how the webcam system works, then just stream the video file to that device or whatever.01:47
_VIM_ok ty Jack_Sparrow and ryanprior01:47
Cotowari dont have the problem with it.01:47
spritleungh, nvidia drivers are driving me bonkers01:48
Cotowaridk what program you want to use, so i cant take a look at it01:48
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Sylphidbb_, if you adjust the lcd brightness via the keyboard there is a known bug that ubuntu does not see the release of that key so you loose your keyboard.. the workaround is to click on the power manager in your toolbar01:48
Scunizispritle: what's up..01:49
xsg_GUys i am looking for a limewire like app or limewire or whatever for my ubuntu01:49
icmp_requestgreetings! How do I see the MESSAGES recorded from last shutdown/reboot? (not only when rebooted but the messages displayed by it like "shutting down xxxx...")01:49
Scunizi!p2p | xsg01:49
ubottuxsg: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information01:49
x83guys, i have problem with flash player 10, anyone help me?01:49
Cyr4xthere is limewire for linux01:49
Cotowarxsg_ what version do you have?01:49
Cyr4xit's java so it's for everything01:49
spritleit says 180 is installed and activated, but i cant switch to large resolutions01:49
Cotowarokay, try googling limewire for linux01:49
Cyr4xfrostwire o limewire your choice first is open source second is commercial01:50
Jack_Sparrowspritle I had same issue.  I could not even get back to my old driver without reinstalling my system from backup01:50
racecar56i gtg see you guys later01:50
Scunizispritle: did you install from System>admin>hardware drivers? or from nvidia direct?01:50
spritleive tried both ways01:50
redvamp128sprite have you tried-- sudo nvidia-settings?01:50
baz_is there anyway to UNINSTALL a screensaver?01:50
spritleeven envyng01:50
xsg_ook thanks and man i love 9.04 and i am starting to realy love ubuntu but i am wondering will ubuntu ever make a video editing suite or anything like so or no or they just sticking on main os and develepers to creat such a thing01:50
ubottugift is a peer-to-peer filesharing engine supporting several networks and protocols by means of plug-ins. It's available in !Universe. Clients include gifTui, giFToxic (GTK), Apollon (KDE), giFTcurs (terminal-based) - See also !P2P01:50
Scunizispritle: did I talk with you yesturday about this?01:50
spritleno, wasnt me01:51
x83guys, i have problem with flash player 10, care to help me?01:51
binarymutantx83, is it webcam issues?01:51
xsg_i installed flash with no problem from adobe site01:51
baz_xsg_, thats more of a developer concern, not OS01:51
xsg_OK thanks baz01:51
x83no, i've download ed but on youtube don't detect it01:52
xsg_i will be back soon01:52
spritlenvidia-settings did the trick01:52
Scunizispritle: ok.. here's the run down.. things are probably a bit muddy in your system with everything you've done.. first thing is to probably uninstall envyng using the uninstall including configuration files01:52
spritlethank god01:52
baz_xsg_, once ubuntu/linux gets big, all the apps will flow01:52
icmp_requestgreetings! How do I see the MESSAGES recorded from last shutdown/reboot? (not only when rebooted but the messages displayed by it like "shutting down xxxx...")01:52
Jack_Sparrowspritle glad to hear it..  it didnt for me01:52
nikuicmp: "dmesg"01:52
SudoKinghey my /var/run is broken, most programs are failing to run b/c of permission errors .. I chmod it to 777 which works for some apps but others want it to be 700.  How do I set it to the defaults?01:52
Scunizispritle: good.. glad it's fixed.01:52
nikuor /var/log/dmesg01:52
baz_in my autoupdates, I have an unclickable entry that won't go away and won't update - anyone know what thats about01:53
spritlethanks much redvamp01:53
icmp_requestniku: isn't it for boot log ?01:53
icmp_requestI mean a "dmesg" for shutdown, last shutdown01:54
xsg_when will ubuntu get big enough too where if will they ever start selling there os or no or will they ever start selling software they made or will it all stay open source and is there a way caus ei know the basics of c++ and i was wondring if wher ei can get started in coding games for linux01:54
amikropAny graphical video format converter?01:54
Jack_Sparrowxsg_ offtopic.. this is support01:54
Jack_Sparrow!info ffmpeg01:54
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg-debian): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component main, is optional. Version 3:0.svn20080206-12ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 232 kB, installed size 864 kB01:54
Sylphidryanprior, found it finally  http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Sound-HOWTO.html#AEN85501:54
doink12121i am getting a gdiplus.dll error on wine01:54
x83<binarymutant> i've downloaded from adobe.com01:55
xsg_sorry jack i thought it was general support01:55
binarymutantxsg_, g++ dude byw01:55
baz_xsg_, 1. by the end of this year :), it will always be free, code away - we welcome you01:55
Scunizixsg_: your question is best asked in #ubuntu-offtopic01:55
ryanpriorSylphid: That looks like a great resource. I'll bookmark it.01:55
xsg_where is offtopic01:55
Jack_Sparrowxsg_ #ubuntu-offtopic01:55
redvamp128xsg-- though the money would be in the following-- release games for mac Os sell them and port them to linux for free01:55
ryanpriorSylphid: Linux sound being the morass it is, I need every bit of help I can get. =D01:55
Sylphidryanprior, crap... not ubuntu specific so the file it references doesnt exist01:56
xsg_ok thanks and i have one other problem to unrar files how do i is there a gui program01:56
binarymutantxsg_, unrar in the restricted repo01:56
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:56
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: may I pm?01:56
Jack_SparrowScunizi yes01:56
Sylphidryanprior, although the rc.local part would work01:56
xsg_ok thanks01:56
baz_no-one knows how to to debug the fact that i have an update sitting in pending updates that is not updating?01:56
linux_guydoes anyone know a command to run when 'wlan0' does not start on startup?  It starts and connects like it's supposed to, but only about 40% of the time.01:56
yoyonedbaz_ what is the update?01:57
Sylphidryanprior, ok not positive but you should be able to add those lines to /etc/modprobe.d/options01:57
linux_guyi use the b43 driver, and i believe the problem is that sometimes it just doesnt start01:58
doink12121access violation at address 70D09697 in module 'gdiplus.dll' read address 00000048....... any idea how i can fix this?01:58
Sylphidlinux_guy, sudo modprobe b4301:58
redvamp128doink12121:  ask that in #winehq01:58
xsg_i need a screen video recorder for it which is the best and i on 9.04 Alpha 301:59
Sylphidlinux_guy, if network manager is trying to connect thought that seems like the module is loaded01:59
Sylphidlinux_guy, you can verify if it is loaded by running sudo lshw -C network01:59
ryanpriorlinux_guy: sudo modprobe b42s | head -n 13 | grep towels | xargs match02:00
linux_guySylphid, when this happens, i show NO networks, mine, my neighbors, none, restart a few times and it will fix02:00
linux_guySylphid, but its a pain02:00
wolterhi, I added a path to ${PATH}, but when I try to run a file that is in there, the system doesn't find the file..02:00
Sylphidlinux_guy,  you can try just unloading and reloading the module02:00
yoyonedwolter: logout and back in02:00
Sylphidlinux_guy, saves a reboot02:00
baz_yoyoned, "gnome-do-plugins"02:00
linux_guySylphid, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6540617#post654061702:01
linux_guythere is all my output02:01
Sylphidlinux_guy, sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b4302:01
wolteryoyoned, already.. I printed the ${PATH}, and my path was there..02:01
yoyonedbaz_: pastebin the output of sudo aptitude upgrade02:01
ubottubaz_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:02
FireTalonanyone here able to get the gspca module in the ubuntu repositories to compile sucessfully?02:02
Cotowari did,02:02
Cotowarbut i have no idea how02:02
FireTalonhow did you do it?02:02
Sylphidlinux_guy, are you using ndiswrapper?02:02
Cotowarit just worked02:02
FireTalonI get 5k errors02:02
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ryanpriorMy scroll lock button doesn't seem to work. How can I figure out why?02:02
_VIM_!away > rconan|sleep02:03
yoyonedwolter: type 'which command' and see if it's found.02:03
ubotturconan|sleep, please see my private message02:03
Cotowari just added gspca through synaptic and it just worked02:03
baz_yoyoned, there is nothing to pastebin, when I open the update manager, "gnome-do-plugins" (with description) is displayed but greyed out and unclickable.02:03
linux_guySylphid, i really dont believe so02:03
Sylphidlinux_guy, is your wireless working right now02:03
linux_guySylphid, yes02:03
yoyonedbaz_: open a terminal type sudo aptitude upgrade and pase the output02:03
Sylphidlinux_guy, run sudo lshw -C network and see if there is anything there that is different from when its not working02:04
wolteryoyoned, look: I am saving my applications (non at-get installed) under /home/all/Applications.. and games under /home/all/Games02:04
Cotowarokay, i have a router running DHCP, and I want to use a webcam through Kopete, but my router blocks the data from going out02:04
Sylphidlinux_guy, specifically the driver listed under your wireless interface02:04
wolteryoyoned, I added /home/all/ to the PATH, succesfully, so when I want to execute something, I type $ Applications/SomeApp/launcher.sh02:04
CotowarI tried disabling firestarter, and i tried running in the DMZ on my router, but firestarter did nothing, and the DMZ blocked all my other computers from using the router02:05
wolteryoyoned, but that's not working, I don't know why02:05
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:05
zcat[1]andone know of a free xdmcp client for windows?02:05
Cotowarhow do i get a webcam working under kopete through a router?02:05
yoyonedwolter: the path is not recursive, it doesn't dig into directories02:05
wolteryoyoned, oh, thats it..02:06
linux_guySylphid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/113423/02:06
wolteryoyoned, so, is there a way i could accomplish what I am seeking?02:06
yoyonedwolter: i have a /home/bin in my path full of links to the apps I want to run02:06
linux_guySylphid, i don't see anything about ndiswrapper02:06
yoyonedwolter: do you know how to make symbolic links02:07
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Sylphidlinux_guy, its there02:07
Sylphidlinux_guy, line 1402:07
I-I4x0rcan you ddos with ubuntu?02:07
I-I4x0rcan you ddos with ubuntu?02:07
Sylphidlinux_guy, driver=ndiswrapper+bcmwl502:07
linux_guyoh wait yes i do02:07
* linux_guy is a moron02:07
jribI-I4x0r: that's offtopic here02:07
iShockI have xubuntu 8.10 and im trying to print from a computer shared on Windows, but the printer wizard isn't finding anything from windows ...02:07
Sylphidlinux_guy, heres the problem you have a race condition02:07
I-I4x0roh okay srry02:07
wolteryoyoned, well yeah, I am doing it that way, but for example, I like to apps from .desktop shortcuts that lay on my ~/bin/, but those on my ~/bin/ link to  /home/all/(...). I wanted to make it not so laberynthical, but I guess its ok.02:07
tritiumI-I4x0r: don't ever ask that here02:08
wolteryoyoned, I do.02:08
linux_guySylphid, sorry a 'race' condition?02:08
I-I4x0rsrry im new to the irc wasnt sure :(02:08
iShockI have xubuntu 8.10 and im trying to print from a computer shared on Windows, but the printer wizard isn't finding anything from windows ...02:08
Sylphidlinux_guy, ndiswrapper and b43 are trying to control the wireless and whichever gets loaded 1st takes it over02:08
tritiumI-I4x0r: it's unethical02:08
lerodoes anyone knows if 2.6.29 will be included in jaunty?02:08
bb_guys i need help  my usb drive wont mount02:08
linux_guySylphid, well, b43 is obviously the unreliable one02:08
I-I4x0rsrry bout that bro02:08
linux_guyin my case*02:08
Sylphidlinux_guy, so what we need to do is make sure that b43 will never take control02:08
baz_yoyoned, it showed that an update was available under 'gnome' called "gnome-do-plugins". I continued with the process to install it and bumped into this line highlighted in red: "gnome-do (>= 0.7.96~) (UNAVAILABLE)"... So it seems that the core file is not available. The next question then is how to get rid of it from the pending updates list, and why it showed up in the first place...02:08
Sylphidlinux_guy, good news is that this is an easy fix02:09
linux_guySylphid,  let me guess.....02:09
iShockI have xubuntu 8.10 and im trying to print from a computer shared on Windows, but the printer wizard isn't finding anything from windows ...02:09
linux_guySylphid, sudo -F ndiswrapper02:09
yoyonedbaz_ sudo aptitude remove gnome-do-plugins02:09
Sylphidlinux_guy, no sry lol.... gotta blacklist b4302:09
bb_guys i need help  my usb drive wont mount02:10
iShockI have xubuntu 8.10 and im trying to print from a computer shared on Windows, but the printer wizard isn't finding anything from windows ...02:10
baz_yoyoned, for real? am i not using them02:10
yoyonedbb_: are you using gnome?02:10
linux_guySylphid, sorry wanted to guess02:10
iShockI have xubuntu 8.10 and im trying to print from a computer shared on Windows, but the printer wizard isn't finding anything from windows ...02:10
linux_guySylphid, how can we blacklist02:10
yoyonedbaz_ do you use gnome-do?02:11
iShockI have xubuntu 8.10 and im trying to print from a computer shared on Windows, but the printer wizard isn't finding anything from windows ...02:11
wolteryoyoned, offtopic, how do you like that idea of storing apps and games?02:11
baz_yoyoned, big time - my single favorite app02:11
linux_guyiShock, chill out02:11
wolterbaz_, mine too... its soo perfect02:11
Sylphidlinux_guy, sudo -i; echo 'blacklist b43' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist; exit02:11
bb_guys i need help  my usb drive wont mount, im using gnome02:11
iShockI have xubuntu 8.10 and im trying to print from a computer shared on Windows, but the printer wizard isn't finding anything from windows ...02:12
yoyonedbaz_: try updating the repo info.  sudo aptitude update;sudo aptitude upgrade     Post any errors02:12
linux_guySylphid, why the 'i'... just curious, trying to learn02:12
linux_guythats root02:12
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Sylphidlinux_guy, sorry... i missguided you02:12
bb_guys i need help  my usb drive wont mount, im using gnome02:12
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Sylphidlinux_guy, sudo -i logs you in as root02:13
philsfI'm having trouble having my root logical volume recognized (it just stopped working after an apparently normal reboot). Is there a way to manually deactivate and reactivate it?02:13
linux_guybb_, what filesystem is it?02:13
yoyonedwolter: I try very hard not to install anything thats not in the native package format02:13
dforbinare there any known/common issues with 8.10 and burning audio discs?02:13
linux_guySylphid, right it will look like root@matt-laptop$02:13
iShockI have xubuntu 8.10 and im trying to print from a computer shared on Windows, but the printer wizard isn't finding anything from windows ...02:13
Sylphidlinux_guy, the following commands wont work though as they will try to run as the initial user not root02:13
wolteryoyoned, not to be rude, but that doesn't answer me :s02:13
spritlehave ntfs config tool installed?02:13
Sylphidlinux_guy, should have been sudo -i02:13
yoyonedwolter: no, i don't02:14
Sylphidlinux_guy, then after your in as root02:14
baz_yoyoned, there were some "GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release:..." errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113424/02:14
wolteryoyoned, thanks02:14
Sylphidlinux_guy, echo 'blacklist b43' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist; exit02:14
bb_im downloading ntfs config tool ty02:14
linux_guyiShock, have you tried #xubuntu????02:14
iShocklinux_guy: It's still ubuntu02:14
spritlebb: should be all you need02:14
iShockand #xubuntu is dead useless02:14
bb_thanks spirlte..02:14
bb_guys i have a   question, again. lol. how do i set up dual displays in ubuntu ?02:15
yoyonedbaz_ it's not updating because it can't verify the package02:15
SylphidiShock, you have the printer shared on windows correct?02:15
rdw200169bb_, what video card?02:15
linux_guyiShock, its difficult to read when every other post is about your printer, can you chill out for a few?  =)02:15
bb_asus radeon 4870 1g ddr502:15
iShockSylphid: Yes02:15
baz_yoyoned, is one of my sources not good perhaps? I have a lot of custom sources...02:15
tritiumbb_: the screen resolution applet didn't help?02:16
iShocklinux_guy: Not till I get an answer02:16
baz_yoyoned, it seems like oofficial ubuntu sources though, no?02:16
SylphidiShock, windows firewall turned off?02:16
iShockSylphid: Yes, it shows up on Windows ...02:16
=== rachel is now known as Guest17280
tritiumbb_: it's located under System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution02:16
kthakorewhen u open multiple files with vim a.out b.out c.out02:16
SylphidiShock, on another windows box or the one the printer is connected to02:16
yoyonedbaz_ i think you need to import the key, but I can't remember how02:17
kthakoreafter the first file how do u continue to the next one02:17
bb_no, only shows only display connected.    i have a 1680 1050 display and a 1024 768 display and the smaller one  just copies the 1680, it wont let me extend02:17
iShockSylphid: Another box, this one (Dual boot)02:17
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ryanpriorkthakore: It loads the rest in different buffers. Read man vim for more info on buffers.02:17
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Guest63191i can't get my dcc send to work... anyone help please?02:17
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tweak66i can't get my dcc send to work... anyone help please?02:18
Sylphidtweak66, are you registered ?02:18
linux_guySylphid, the command ran successfully02:18
tritiumtweak66: please don't repeat so frequently02:18
DanaGAnyone know how to get a Ricoh R5C832 SD card reader to recognize my SDHC card?02:18
Sylphidlinux_guy, that should be all you need to do02:18
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts02:18
Sylphidtweak66, yes02:18
tweak66i changed from guest id, sorry02:18
tritium!xrandr | bb_02:18
ubottubb_: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1202:18
tritiumbb_: see xrandr info above, please02:18
paolwonanyone here using smartlink modem driver ?02:19
bb_thank you ubottu02:19
yoyonedbaz_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=666390502:19
bb_i downloaded ntfs config tool and still cant mount my usb drive02:19
baz_yoyoned, hey thanks alot man!02:19
bexamousDanaG: does the reader supposed hc cards?  old readers don't, new ones do and it just works02:19
DanaGIt works fine in Windows Vista / Windows 7.02:20
DanaGIn addition, my laptop's firmware can even boot from it.02:20
zcat[1]andone know of a free xdmcp client for windows? (Sorry, didn't see if anyone already answered this, scrolled off my history)02:20
tweak66my dcc doesn't work.. using any irc software.. anyone help?02:20
Level_5can anyone here help me configuring my broadcom wireless card?02:20
tritiumbb_: ubottu is a bot.  I had him send you that info.02:20
Bogaurddoes the ubuntu 'passwd' binary update SMB passwords too?02:20
tritiumBogaurd: no02:20
DanaGBut... if the kernel doesn't recognize it, I can't get anywhere beyond initramfs.02:20
DanaG... when trying to SD-boot, that is.02:20
bb_yeah i saw that sorry tritium thanks02:20
rdw200169Bogaurd, i think you need to use smbpasswd for that02:21
bb_i downloaded ntfs config tool and still cant mount my usb drive02:21
Bogaurdtritium: hmm, that's what I would have thought. but when i change my password with passwd, the smb password is changed also...02:21
DanaGis libpam-smbpasswd, or whatever it's called, installed02:21
new2ubuntuok.. so i just bought this computer (custom built) how do i find what video card i have.. without opening it up?02:21
new2ubuntu..so i can get drivers02:21
tritiumBogaurd: ordinarily, you set the samba password with smbpasswd02:22
BogaurdDanaG: let me see02:22
paolwonanyone here using smartlink modem driver ?02:22
paolwonnew2ubuntu: since its custom built, ask the vendor.02:22
fsufitchhey guys how do i make ubuntu set the $PATH to include ~/bin for the whole X session? (not just for xterm, so not .bashrc)02:22
yoyonedfsufitch: put it in .profile02:23
new2ubuntupaolwon: isnt there just some code i can type in terminal?02:23
BogaurdDanaG: I have libpam-smbpass installed02:23
DanaGAah, that's why it does it automatically.02:23
yoyonednew2ubuntu: lshw02:23
new2ubuntuyoyoned: thx02:23
fsufitchyoyoned, ty02:23
DanaGlshw sucks.  I prefer gnome-device-manager.02:23
paolwonnew2ubuntu: if its pci card, lspci.02:23
Sussa_hey there :)02:23
Sussa_hey there :)02:23
yoyonednew2ubuntu: any of thiose will work fine02:24
=== MIOW is now known as miow
BogaurdDanaG: so with libpam-smbpass installed, passwd will update my samba passwords too? that's the correct behaviour?02:24
lostnhellhas anyone here setup a USB based wireless internet card on ubuntu?02:24
Sussa_could you please help me with 2 issues on 8.04? :)02:24
=== miow is now known as MIOW
ubottuSussa_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:24
new2ubuntuyoyoned: thx02:25
DanaGBogaurd: yes, I believe that's the intent of libpam-smbpass.02:25
Bogaurdthanks DanaG :)02:25
Sussa_I've got an Atheros AR2413 wi-fi, but the connection is too slow (using 8.04)02:26
lostnhellI have a sprint 598U wireless broadband card that I am having problems setting up, can someone help me with this issue?02:26
new2ubuntuyoyoned: i came up with the driver on the website.. which one do i want?? http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon-prer200.html02:27
yoyonedlots of wifi issues02:27
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:27
Sussa_yep :P02:27
DanaGI still wonder what's up with my SDHC card.02:27
ubottunew2ubuntu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:27
Cotowari might be able to help with SDHC02:28
Cotowarwhat seems to be happening?02:28
IndyGunFreakAtheros devices(AR) are usually pretty solid under Linux... using madwifi.. i've got an AR242x, and it works fine.02:28
DanaGExactly nothing happens, in fact.02:28
jer3myLooks like i am not the only one with wifi issues, i have a Atheros AR242x card that for the life of me, i can not get working, have tried back ports, madwifi, ndiswrapper, and other things... not sure if i am doing something or what, Looks as if my card might be disabled... but no idea how to enable it. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/113426/02:28
Cotowardid it ever work?02:28
DanaGNot a single thing in dmesg when I insert the card.02:28
IndyGunFreakSussa_: how did you set up the device?02:28
DanaGAbout all I get is the driver reporting that it's loaded and found an SDHC reader.02:28
IndyGunFreakjer3my: that device should work fine.. you say you've tried the backports..02:29
Cotowarhmmm, have you tried a different card?02:29
Sussa_IndyGunFreak: it was up automatically, using 'proprietary drivers'02:29
Cotowarperhaps the card is a dud?02:29
DanaGNope, same happens for a friend's SDHC card I borrowed for a moment.02:29
IndyGunFreakSussa_: i see.. i honestly don't know much of that card02:29
DanaGThe card works fine in Windows, and even my BIOS boot thingy sees it, interestingly enough.02:29
Sussa_IndyGunFreak: in fact, the card works, but the connection speed is very slow02:29
IndyGunFreakSussa_: really don't know what would cause that.... assuming the connection is solid under Windows.02:30
jer3myIndyGunFreak: I doesn't, on a fresh install, did the blacklisting, disabling, rebooted, installed backports, then rebooted again and still no wifi.02:30
Cotowarwhat drivers do you have for the card reader?02:30
jer3myit doesnt^02:30
Sussa_IndyGunFreak: yes, it is. I've used Mandriva for a while and it was good, as well02:30
IndyGunFreakjer3my: are you using 64bit/02:30
Cotowaridk, never had that problem myself, so i couldnt tell you how to go about fixing it02:31
IndyGunFreakjer3my: are you using 8.10, or 8.0402:31
jer3my8.10, i thought about installing 8.04 and trying02:31
Cotowardid anyone have a stability problem with 8.10 until recently?02:31
lostnhellI attempted to follow the online guide from sprint for setting up the 598U broadband card, but when following the guide it appears that dmesg is not displaying the device under a tty device.02:31
IndyGunFreakjer3my: should be unnecessary.. it works w/ a patched version of madwifi under 8.04.. but it should work just by installing the backports under Intrepid. (8.1002:31
DanaGCotowar: there's the ricoh_mmc module to disable the mmc part of the chip, and there's sdhci to drive the SD interface.02:32
IndyGunFreakjer3my: go to system/admin/hardware drivers02:32
linux_guySylphid is awesome you guys02:32
DanaGOh yeah, speaking of stability... any time I try any fglrx newer than 8.543, I get a lovely kernel panic.02:32
Zygotjer3my: I don't see a wireless interface on your pastebin02:32
ari_stressmorning all :)02:32
linux_guyI've been working on that for weeks, and its been at the forum for weeks too02:32
cdavismy printer claims insufficient memory when sending big jobs, can I just have cups keep the jobs and hand them to the printer slowly?02:32
Cotowarcdavis, you could get more printer memory...02:33
usserCotowar, howd that transcoding/renaming go?02:33
Level_5come someone here help me out with my broadcom wireless card?02:33
jer3myzygot, i know, someone was telling me its disabled... but i have no clue how to enable it. the wifi switch is on, but i dont think thats the problem02:33
Cotowarstill going02:33
Cotowari was retarded and accidentally closed the terminal02:33
jer3myIndy, The only one in there is disabled.02:33
Cotowarso i had to start over02:33
cdavisCotowar, the printer already has a hard drive, I think something just isn't quite right02:33
HoNgOuRuhi, I need to install "libgtkmm-2.4-1" how can I do it if "sudo apt-get install libgtkmm-2.4-1" can't find it?02:33
IndyGunFreakjer3my: what is there.. "Support for Atheros 802.11 wireless lan cards"02:34
DanaGheh, any time I hit rfkill, it actually disables the card's interrupt.  =P02:34
Zygotjer3my: can you give me a sudo lsmod |grep ath02:34
Cotowaroh, and its making copies of copies now. i think im going to delete these files and restart with fresh copies of the originals02:34
IndyGunFreakZygot: i can already tell you (i've got extensive experience w/t hat device), if he doesn't have two options in hardware drivers for that device, he's blacklisted something wrong, or hes' not set it up correctly02:34
johnwittleif I have a unix su password set, just removed myself from access to it, is there any way to fix it?02:35
underdog_does anyone know how to change the ubuntu's system language?02:35
Level_5IndyGunFreak,  hey guy, can you help me out with my broadcom wireless card?02:35
DanaGOh yeah, incidentally, the PCI-based SD interface is actually SLOWER than the built-in USB interface of the same card.02:35
IndyGunFreakjer3my: if you don't have two options there for that atheros device, you've nto followed instructions properly02:35
IndyGunFreakLevel_5: no.. i suck w/ broadcomm.. sorry02:35
jer3myIndy, Yes, there is only one option02:35
jer3myZygot, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/113433/02:35
IndyGunFreakLevel_5: i've only dealt w/ this pain in the ass atheros device, a lot.02:35
IndyGunFreakjer3my: again, what does that option say there..02:36
jer3myIndy, Support for Atheros 802.11 Wireless LAN cards.02:36
Cotowaroh usser, i was going to tell you my laptop does NOT like transcoding either.02:36
eternaljoyIptables is a firewall, installed by default on all official Ubuntu distributions (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu). When you install Ubuntu, iptables is there, but it allows all traffic by default.   <--- is this statement true?02:36
Level_5anyone here have experience setting up broadcom wireless card?02:36
Cotowarit is extremely hot, and i had to get a small fan to blow into the heatsink02:37
usserwhat? oh02:37
usserCotowar, lol02:37
IndyGunFreakjer3my: you're doing something wrong... you should also have there.. "Support for 5xxxx series of Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards"02:37
Zygotjer3my: Ok, so ath5k, looks to me like you might be missing firmware?02:37
vockwhat can go wrong from changing the root password? (not a user password with root priveliges)02:37
IndyGunFreakjer3my: you say you've tried the backports... what did you try02:37
eternaljoyLevel_5: I cant connect my internet Three wireless USB card02:37
IndyGunFreakZygot: lol its not a firmware issue02:37
Cotowarvock, you can forget it02:37
vockCotowar: but i thought normally you don't know the root password to begin with02:38
eternaljoywhen I install ubuntu, is it true that Iptables is a firewall and allows all traffic by default?02:38
jribeternaljoy: yes02:38
Cotowarvock, you should know the root password, unless you are not allowed to install software02:38
eternaljoyjrib: thats bad :( I didnt realise that.. I been using Ubuntu for years assuming the firewall is always ON02:38
tritiumvock: there is no root password unless you explicitly unlock the root account02:38
tritiumCotowar: ^^02:38
jribeternaljoy: why do you think it is bad?02:39
jer3myhmm back in a sec02:39
ZygotIndyGunFreak: Ok, if you say so, what kernel ver is he? .24?02:39
Cotowartritium, i set mine on the install02:39
Sussa_other issue.. I've got a VIA Chrome video card. It works on 8.04.2, but it doesn't at 8.10. Nothing appears, just a blank screen :(02:39
Cotowari can log in as root if i want too02:39
IndyGunFreakZygot: positive its not.02:39
eternaljoyjrib: because allows all traffic by default :(02:39
jribeternaljoy: there are no services listening by default...02:39
vocktritium: what password are you changing with the command sudo passwd ?02:39
tritiumCotowar: that option is not given during install02:39
paolwonone script i have specifies /etc/init.d/functions. but there isn't such file or dir. what is this 'functions'?02:39
Cotowarand sometimes i do just to live on the edge02:39
IndyGunFreakZygot: not to be a smartass, but i've set that device, on probably 10 different laptops.... its not a firmware problem02:39
tritiumvock: your user's.  sudo passwd root would change root's.02:39
eternaljoyjrib: what you mean? you said it allows all traffic by deault, now u say no services listening by default.. what u mean?02:40
jribeternaljoy: exactly what I said.  What part isn't clear?02:40
eternaljoyjrib: be nice please02:40
brettleyi need a little help, is there a way i can get ubuntu to run on 128mb memory, 500mhz processor, and a server GFX card, oh yah, and 15 SCSI harddrives?02:40
neil_dcan I get the F1 (for example) to output some text (i.e. "This is a test") when pressed?02:40
Picieternaljoy: Lets say that ssh isn't installed. 22 isn't being blocked, but nothing is listening on 22 either.02:40
eternaljoyjrib: explain to me nicely or not at all, thanks.02:40
brettley(i was thinking server edition with X)02:40
tritiumCotowar: ubuntu's installer doesn't provide that option.  You must be mistaken.02:41
ZygotIndyGunFreak: lol, OK, what's the trick? there is an ath5k driver problem02:41
jribeternaljoy: I'm asking you to tell me which part isn't clear.  Do you understand what I mean by "firewall" and "service"?02:41
BassKozzHow can I setup a script I created to run as root (sudo) on bootup?02:41
eternaljoyjrib: no, pls explain02:41
jrib!startup > BassKozz02:41
Cotowarim pretty sure it is, it asked me for two passwords, one was the user and the other was the root. it has too otherwise you cant install anything or get to the login window manager to enable root login02:41
ubottuBassKozz, please see my private message02:41
neil_dBassKozz: see /etc/rc.local02:41
IndyGunFreakZygot: more or less.. he says he installed the backports, usually that fixes it, but i can already tell you he didn't, just by what he's got in "hardware drivers"02:41
TheComradeIn Rhythmbox when browsing music, sometimes a new track starts playing immediately on a single click, other times it does not.  How do I make it only play on double-click?02:41
IndyGunFreakCotowar: are you using ubuntu?02:42
BassKozzjrib: won't run as root that way :(02:42
jribBassKozz: read closer02:42
BassKozzneil_d: will it run as root (sudo)?02:42
Cotowar1 sec, ill install it again02:42
IndyGunFreakCotowar: then it didn't ask you for two passwords02:42
paolwonwhat is /etc/init.d/functions all about?02:42
BassKozzneil_d: using /etc/rc.local?02:42
eternaljoyjrib: ?02:42
Cotowar1 sec02:42
tritiumCotowar: as I said, you're mistaken02:42
neil_dBassKozz: yes, as a test put in "whoami > /tmp/name" and reboot.02:43
underdog_does anyone know of an easy way to change the system language?02:43
ZygotIndyGunFreak: does his ver ship with ath-pci? (modprobe -r ath5k, modprobe ath-pci?)02:43
tritium!locales | underdog_02:43
ubottuunderdog_: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf02:43
IndyGunFreakZygot: yes.02:43
jribeternaljoy: by firewall, I mean some software that permits or denies network traffic.  By service, I mean some software that actively listens on a certain port and accepts connections.  So for example, you can have port 80 open in your firewall, but if you don't have a service like apache listening on it, then it doesn't matter whether port 80 is open or not02:43
eternaljoyjrib: ok ty02:43
Cotowarim gonna install a virtual machine quick. i could have sworn it asked for two passwords02:43
BassKozzjrib: !boot, gotcha, Thanks :-D02:43
BassKozzneil_d: Thanks :-D02:44
Cotowarmaybe that was when i had fedora?02:44
tritiumCotowar: it does not.  Trust me.02:44
new2ubuntuok id like to be able to share movies accross a network with two ubuntu computers (one is a laptop the other is a desktop) how could i set up such a network?02:44
Cotowari believe you, im afraid im losing my mind though02:44
BassKozznew2ubuntu: samba02:44
tritium!root | Cotowar02:44
ubottuCotowar: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:44
BassKozz!samba | new2ubuntu02:44
ubottunew2ubuntu: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:44
new2ubuntuBassKozz: were would i get samba??02:44
Cotowaryou can do su though as well02:44
tritiumCotowar: nope, not without first enabling the root account02:45
BassKozznew2ubuntu: see the links above02:45
BassKozznew2ubuntu: from ubottu02:45
Cotowarand say you go to System > Administration > Login Window. how do you get in there to enable the root account without an admin password?02:45
neil_dCotowar: you can use the command "sudo -i" to get a root shell.02:45
DanaGsudo -i02:46
DanaGgives root shell.02:46
AussieGuyhi, I have a server across the internet and I want to limit its bandwidth speed. It can never go over 3mbps, otherwise I get billed more. how would I go about doing it?02:46
Cotowarthats good to know02:46
tritiumYes, "sudo -i", Cotowar.02:46
neil_dDanaG: snap02:46
BassKozzdoesn't 'su' do the same?02:46
underdog_tritium: thx.  i'll try and give that a go02:46
tritiumunderdog_: ok02:46
mankashI have added a new secondary hard drive to the system for additional space02:46
lstarnesBassKozz: su is less secure and requires the root password02:46
tritiumBassKozz: no, the root account is locked by default.  You'd have to enable it first.02:46
mankashHow to add it into the system02:46
DanaGnope, su makes you root by logging in as root.02:46
DanaGsudo -i gives a sudo'd shell.02:46
neil_dmankash: you need to format it, then put an entry in /etc/fstab to mount it.02:47
BassKozzall too confusing, I'll take your words for it: lstarnes tritium DanaG :-P02:47
ramirandDanaG: Wow, I've been doing "sudo su" for years, sometimes an old dog needs to learn a new trick.02:47
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mankashI deleted all the partion on it02:47
Cotowarright, but how do you enable the root account initially? you need an admin password to do that, which means you cant get to it without already having it02:47
mankashnow it is blank02:47
BassKozzramirand: me too02:47
Cotowarunless im seriously mistaken02:47
mankashwhat format should I use02:47
tritiumBassKozz: it's simple.  The root account is locked, so use sudo.02:47
DanaG'tis better not to set a root password.02:47
tritiumCotowar: I've given you the URL for that already.02:48
PiciCotowar: The link ubottu gave you explains it all if you absolutely need to unlock the root account.02:48
ryanpriorMy scroll lock button doesn't seem to work. How can I figure out why?02:48
binarymutantCotowar, your initial user has admin privileges, did you happen to delete the initial user?02:48
tritium!rootsudo | Cotowar, BassKozz02:48
ubottuCotowar, BassKozz: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)02:48
BassKozztritium: I am still confused thou, how is 'sudo -i' different from 'sudo sh' ?02:48
tritiumBassKozz: that URL above explains the differences between sudo -i, sudo -s, etc.02:48
neil_dCotowar: if you have admin privilages sudo will ask for your password02:48
PiciBassKozz: It properly sets up the environment variables for the resulting shell.02:48
Zygotjer3my: can you manually unload ath5k, load ath-pci, and still not play?02:48
BassKozztritium: roger, looking at link now, thanks ;-)02:49
xubuntujoin ?02:49
Cotowarright i know what sudo is, but ive had to use su before because sudo didn't work. i think that was when i tried installing virtualbox in 7.10?02:49
jer3myZygot, mean with modprobe?02:49
mankashI have added a new drive for additional space which format should I use?02:49
Zygotjer3my: yes02:49
tritiumCotowar: please just read the URL above.02:49
node357mankash, if it were me I would use ext302:49
Cotowarits going...slowly...02:49
dr_Willismankash,  depends on wha tyou want to use it for.? Linux user storage? ext3 most likely02:49
* DanaG growls at Ricoh.02:49
neil_dI want the F1 key to insert a set text string whenever pressed can I do this ?02:49
ryanpriorCotowar: Sudo works the same was as su does for all intents and purposes. If you want a root terminal, use sudo - i02:50
MeshezabeelCan anyone tell me if this site crashes their firefox: http://www.strictlyamish.com02:50
BassKozzPici: ok, thx02:50
jer3myZygot, not sure but i can try and now it says Support for Series 5XXX Atheros... in the hardware drivers.02:50
ApOgEE-where is the mount point when i use "Places > Connect to Server..." ?02:50
ryanpriorstrictlyamish does indeed crash my Firefox02:50
node357Meshezabeel, no crash here02:50
DanaGOh yeah, and Synaptics has started actively REMOVING features from newer touchpads.02:51
usserMeshezabeel, yep02:51
Zygotjer3my: OK, does ifconfig show ath002:51
PiciApOgEE-: There isn't one. Its only valid within some gnome aware applications.02:51
DanaGMy old laptop could do 2-finger and 3-finger detection; my new one can't!02:51
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Meshezabeelhmmm, node357 any particular plugins it is trying to run on that page?02:51
alibalMeshezabeel: +1 yeah.02:51
node357Meshezabeel, not that I can see...02:51
jer3myzygot, no, just eth002:51
Cotowarthat clears a lot up...lol02:52
usserwell its amish, i'd expect as much02:52
node357I am using Windows Firefox02:52
ApOgEE-thanks Pici02:52
node357so obviously it's specific to GNU/Linux Firefox02:52
Meshezabeelyeah, they never did like technology, and something as advanced as linux, I dunno.02:52
Cotowarthe amish have a website? isnt that sort of...oxymoronic?02:52
Zygotjer3my: ok, how about iwconfig02:52
ryanpriorMeshezabeel: You don't know what is causing the crash?02:52
jer3myZygot, still no wireless extensions -.-02:53
Meshezabeelryanprior: no clue02:53
ryanpriorMeshezabeel: In theory, nothing should be able to crash Firefox.02:53
usserseriously how the hell they managed to crash firefox02:53
ryanpriorMeshezabeel: Have you reported it as a bug yet?02:53
CurseorangeWhat is a good file for me to read to learn how to use ubuntu? i know someone linked me it earlier.02:53
crdlbjer3my: you definitely want ath5k02:53
sp0ttehanyone know how i can get ubuntu 8.10 dekstop to load without a screen attached, i keep getting "No Screen attached" in xserver logs.. im trying to setup a headless system02:53
jer3myCrdlb, thats the madwifi right?02:53
DeeDotDeeWould it be possible to take the CD image and burn it to a DVD correctly? Or should I just bunker up and download a huge DVD ISO ?02:53
jribCurseorange: help.ubuntu.com02:53
Meshezabeelryanprior: no, I have no idea what the bug is with, and didn't know if it was related to something specific with my machine or not02:53
crdlbjer3my: make sure that the support for 5xxx entry in the hardware drivers manager is enabled, and the other one disabled02:53
Titan8990sp0tteh: don't run the GUI....02:53
crdlbjer3my: no, madwifi is ath_pci02:54
jer3myThere is only that one in the Hardware drivers and its enabled02:54
Titan8990sp0tteh: it shoudln't be running on a headless system02:54
DanaGshouldn't it be athwifi?02:54
DanaGor mad_pci?02:54
ryanpriorMeshezabeel: Well, you got about a half-dozen people here to confirm that it does indeed crash on our boxen.02:54
DanaGI don't see how they get from "mad" to "ath"/02:54
DanaGThe naming makes no sense.02:54
Titan8990DanaG: no, it is ath_pci02:54
DanaGIt's not Madtheros.02:54
crdlbDanaG: it's ath for atheros ...02:54
DanaGSo what's mad?02:54
DanaGThe users, when it doesn't work?02:54
crdlbwho cares?02:54
sp0ttehshorly there is a way you can do it tho, used to work for 7.10 and i think 8.0402:54
crdlbit's dead anyway02:55
jcapincdoes anyone know if there is a C programming channel on this server?02:55
lstarnesjcapinc: ##c02:55
DanaGThe name has never made sense to me.02:55
Titan8990crdlb: madwifi is not dead02:55
ryanpriorLast I heard madwifi was dead.02:55
crdlbjer3my: and it says support for 5xxx? If so, please reboot02:55
crdlbmadwifi.org said that last I checked02:55
Cotowarhow do i install emerald as opposed to metacity?02:55
Zygotcrdlb: can he reconfigure netbase?02:56
Meshezabeelthis one also crashes firefox: http://www.rempel-furniture.com/index.php?id=102:56
vockAnyone know how to get a windows machine to see the samba server?02:56
jer3my<-- is lost and no idea what to do. haha02:56
Meshezabeelguess it is the same place02:56
Zygotjer3my: what is lost?02:56
IndyGunFreakjer3my: i've tried to ask you, and you left before i had the chance02:57
Titan8990crdlb: I just checked, madwifi is not dead but they intend of the built-in atht5k modules to replace madwifi02:58
Titan8990crdlb: which they also develop02:58
jer3myIndy, Sorry had to move the computer. It does say the 5XXX Series but still no wifi.02:58
DanaGgrr, stupid Ricoh.02:58
IndyGunFreakjer3my: ok, are both of them enabled, or both disabled, or what?02:58
Cotowaranyone here use ubuntustudio?02:58
jer3myIndy, There is only one, i redid the steps and yes its enabled.02:59
Cotowaralso, does anyone here have experience with BSD?02:59
ramirandAnyone here submitted a patch to Ubuntu?02:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:59
crdlbTitan8990: sounds dead to me, or at least dying02:59
IndyGunFreakjer3my: i thought you said there were two, and it was disabled?02:59
ubuntu_Could i have someone private chat me and help me with (1) ssh and (2) basic commands?02:59
jer3myIndy, I redid the steps and i guess it took the other one out? I can link to what i did.02:59
IndyGunFreakjer3my: yes03:00
usserCotowar, some03:00
_VIM_Cotowar: check in #openbsd or maybe #freebsd03:00
jer3myIndy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6092590&postcount=303:00
Cotowaractually im looking at dragonfly bsd03:00
Cotowarand i cant get it installed in my VM03:00
ubuntu_That could mean anyone?03:00
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Curseorange
_VIM_Cotowar: well this is a channel for Ubuntu not BSD :)03:01
Cotowarthats why im asking in the ubuntu support channel, i cant figure out how to get it installed in Vbox03:01
PiciCotowar: Like ubottu said, Ubuntu is the only support topic valid for this channel. Try #ubuntu-offtopic or /msg alis help03:01
Titan8990crdlb: people will still use it, even if/when it does die because of injection patches...03:01
_VIM_Cotowar: #Vbox then03:01
IndyGunFreakjer3my: so you installed the backports, ...and disabled support for athoers 802.11.. cards" right?03:01
Cotowarahh, okay03:02
mankashdoes ubuntu supports ext4 file system03:02
CurseorangeI know ssh and basic command have little to do with this stuff i can figure out the basic commands my self but if anyone knows anythign about ssh please help me out.03:02
Picimankash: Not currently.03:02
crdlbTitan8990: people still use xmms, that doesn't make it any less dead ...03:02
jer3myIndy, yep, disabled the one that was in there, rebooted then followed the steps and rebooted again03:02
lifenovamankash: as of next release ;)03:02
lstarnesmankash: I think ubuntu 9.04 will03:02
Picimankash: Although it is backwards compatible with ext3, so it sort of does.03:02
IndyGunFreakjer3my: open a terminal, what is the output of lsb_release -a03:02
Titan8990crdlb: people still use IBM AIX....03:03
mankashhow to format new drive with ext303:03
DanaGext4 is only somewhat backwards-compatible.03:03
Cotowarwhat exactly is the journaling that ext3 has?03:03
jer3myIndy, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/113444/03:03
DanaGOnce you use extents, it's no longer backward compatible.03:03
mankashit is safe to format with ext303:03
Titan8990makkbe: mke2fs -j /dev/sdxx03:03
IndyGunFreakjer3my: i honestly don't know.. you've probably done something in your fumbling to get this working.. but those instructions you were looking at, should work perfectly03:04
Titan8990mankash: mke2fs -j /dev/sdxx03:04
usserCotowar, it basically records all the file operations that are to BE performed but not yet carried out, so if the system powers down unexpectedly it finishes those operations on startup03:04
Picimankash: Its the default Ubuntu filesystem03:04
usseror something like that03:04
Cotowarah, sweet03:04
IndyGunFreakjer3my: what model is your laptop?03:04
Cotowari always wondered that03:04
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jer3myindy, Sony Vaio VGN-N220E/W03:04
IndyGunFreakjer3my: i'm really not sure what all you've done, but those instructions should work perfectly03:05
IndyGunFreakjer3my: i've got that device on 3 different laptops, not to mention i've set it up on several others.. and thats exactly what i've done (what those instructions say)03:05
ZygotIndyGunFreak: he got it working?03:06
jer3myZygot, no03:06
IndyGunFreakZygot: no, i'm not sure what he's done..03:06
crdlbjer3my: please reboot if you haven't done so since playing with modprobe03:06
crdlbthen we will have a better idea of what it going on03:07
jer3myCrdlb, yeah i am about to, I think i might reinstall 8.04 cause i got wifi working that way before. then i just updated to 8.10... But it seems when i formated and installed straight to 8.10 the wifi doesnt work03:08
jer3myWas just trying to figure out a way instead of doing that =p03:08
mankashhow to mount this new partition automatically03:08
IndyGunFreakjer3my: that device was harder in 8.04 than in 8.1003:08
jer3myBut it worked for me in 8.04, thats the weird part.03:09
ryanpriorMy scroll lock key isn't working. How can I figure out why?03:09
jer3myIndy, maybe i'll try ndiswrapper >.>03:09
IndyGunFreakjer3my: maybe you should try a shotgun...03:10
crdlbryanprior: in a VT?03:10
IndyGunFreakits silly to keep trying all this crap... when you've found what works, you just need to do it properly03:10
jer3myYeah. Well ill try again, I got to get headed home soon, but ill hop back in here and let everyone know what worked and etc.03:10
ryanpriorcrdlb: Would you expand VT for me?03:10
jer3myThanks so much for the help. ^.^03:10
mankashhi titan03:11
crdlbryanprior: Virtual Terminal, aka TTY (Ctrl+Alt+F1-6)03:12
mankashhow to mount new drive automatically03:13
ryanpriorcrdlb: The scroll lock key doesn't work when I'm in X. Are you suggesting I should switch to a VT and try it?03:13
Potjiehai cw boleh kenalan ga03:13
crdlbryanprior: I didn't think it did anything in X03:14
bb_how do i register again?03:15
ryanpriorcrdlb: It doesn't. That's the problem.03:15
crdlbryanprior: what do you expect it to do?03:16
bb_how do i register again?03:17
harleydoes anybody here use amarok03:17
lstarnesbb_: did you already register?03:17
rod_i need some major help. I accidently copied a cd iso to /etc/fstab03:17
rod_what can I do?03:17
lstarnesbb_: try http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup03:17
bb_     /msg nickserv register deychak bb.deychak@gmail.com03:18
ryanpriorcrdlb: Well, I've got a KVM switch that expects me to press scroll lock twice to switch between machines.03:18
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lstarnesbb_: don't include the spaces before the /, and change your password03:18
ryanpriorcrdlb: But whenever I'm in X, scroll lock seems to be disabled.03:18
crdlbryanprior: well, how could anything be intercepting that?03:19
bb_agg yeah thanks lol03:19
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mbourd25hi everyone, need help concerning updating the menu.lst.03:19
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laughalotsi need some major help. I accidently copied a cd iso to /etc/fstab03:19
ryanpriorcrdlb: Well, somehow it is. When I press scroll lock twice in x, nothing happens -- when I do it at a TTY, it switches computers.03:19
laughalotsi need some major help. I accidently copied a cd iso to /etc/fstab and not my computer will not restart03:20
mbourd25I updated the ubuntu 8.10 kernel yesterday and the menu.lst didn't update to include the new kernel, how can I add it?03:20
Cpudan80How did you accidentally do that laughalots ?03:20
ryanpriorlaughalots: lol. Well, just rewrite your fstab.03:20
laughalotsi was cut and pasting commands to mount an iso03:20
laughalotsand I made a wrong assumption03:20
crdlblaughalots: restore it from your backup :P03:20
ryanpriorlaughalots: Lesson learned: cut and paste is highly correlated to fail.03:20
Cpudan80laughalots: boot off live CD, copy /etc/fstab to your local drive03:21
laughalotsnow I know03:21
Cpudan80Unless there is some crafty way to have the OS regenerate one03:21
Cpudan80I dont think there is though03:21
Cpudan80The live CD will work03:21
laughalotsI have another computer running Ubuntu 8.0.4 and the messed up one runs 8.10--are the fstab files compatible?03:21
laughalotsI could log in as root and rewrite it?03:21
Cpudan80laughalots: ehh no they are not03:21
Cpudan80laughalots: they would be if they were the same computer03:21
laughalotsis it the UUid thats different?03:22
laughalotsso the live cd should be browsable, and I could find fstab there?03:22
Cpudan80laughalots: I should say - it could just be the UUID - it could be ... more stuff03:22
Cpudan80laughalots: yes - boot off of it - find /etc/fstab -- mount your own HDD (should be mounted for you) and replace /etc/fstab03:23
bbzezso how do you set up dual displays again?03:23
Cpudan80NVidia or ATI ?03:23
Cpudan80or intel03:23
Cpudan80What model ATi ?03:23
bbzezasus radeon 487003:23
robsona package told me to do a dkms build of my kernel source or something. how do i do that? i have no graphical interface to easily google this03:23
laughalotsi may need some help in a bit--im not sure how to mount the HDD from the root command03:23
Cpudan80bbzez: Well first enable the restricted driver03:24
bbzezit is enabled03:24
Cam-hey i added a boot option flag in gnome to one of my drives, and now i cant mount the drive.. how do i remove that option because i cant right click it anymore?03:24
ryanpriorrobson: Google works well with lynx. Also, dkms is used to build kernel modules.03:24
Cpudan80bbzez: are both monitors detected in System --> Prefs --> Screen Res?03:24
laughalotsand from that point, do I just mv <new fstab> <old fstab directory>?03:24
platipiiI'm getting the following error "Write error in the file /home/bruno/Desktop/filename.avi [R]etry, [A]bort " when trying to extract an .avi from a rar to my desktop, any ideas?03:24
bbzezno both arent03:24
crdlbryanprior: try using numlock instead03:24
Cpudan80platipii: better run a check on the drive03:24
Cpudan80platipii: Sounds like it is gonna die03:25
bbzezno infact it says unkown03:25
Cpudan80bbzez: you have to use xrandr then03:25
Cpudan80!xrandr | bbzez03:25
ubottubbzez: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1203:25
bbzezthank you03:25
ryanpriorcrdlb: I was ready to tell you that wouldn't work, that my KVM switch manual specifically says scroll lock, but then I tried it and it worked.03:25
Cpudan80platipii: well - it's gonna develop Alzheimers I guess03:25
Cpudan80platipii: IE. Data loss may occur03:25
crdlbryanprior: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-253397.html :)03:25
platipiiCpudan: ideas to get around this to extract?03:26
Cpudan80They never really die hard drives, they continue to live on03:26
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girasquidHello, all - I'm running a ubuntu server with the traditional LAMP stack - but for some reason, apache2 is *chewing* through my available memory. Restarting apache2 via stop && start frees up about 75% of my memory - can anyone point me in the right direction for what's breaking?03:26
Cpudan80platipii: not without first fscking the drive03:26
platipiiwhat if I slap the drive?03:26
bbzezCpudan80, im new to linux and  the   directions on the wiki are a bit scary03:26
platipiior put oil on it?03:27
MeshezabeelFirefox bug report added: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=476768  (just in case someone is remotely interested) :p03:27
Cpudan80bbzez: ok gimmie just one second03:27
bbzezCpudan80,  thanks03:28
ryanpriorcrdlb: I never really thought I'd buy a KVM switch because usually they're made for Windows, and expensive. Then I was in Radio Shack, saw this little one for $20, and it says "Linux-compatible" right on it, so I grabbed it. Works perfectly. :-)03:28
mbourd25I updated the ubuntu 8.10 kernel yesterday and the menu.lst didn't update to include the new kernel, how can I add it?03:28
Cpudan80bbzez: In the meantime figure out: A) The config of your screens (easiest if all same res) B) The res of your screens03:28
ramirandplatipii: I just had my boot disk die. Do yourself a favor, get a new one, and copy stuff before it's completely dead.03:28
Cpudan80C) where the screens are plugged in03:28
Cam-anyone know how to remove the mount options off a drive in gnome?03:28
bbzezCpudan80,  one screen is  1680x1050 and the other is 1024x72803:29
bbzezCpudan80,  they  are all plugged in to my graphics card03:29
notsureDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 003:29
Cpudan80bbzez: thats not going to dual screen well at all03:29
bbzezCpudan80,  worked well for me in vista?03:29
ryanpriorCam-: There's a package called pySDM that lets you remove entries from your filesystem configuration file graphically.03:29
Cpudan80bbzez: it would be advised to turn off the 1024x768 monitor03:29
Cpudan80bbzez: Im assuming this a laptop?03:30
bbzezCpudan80,  this is a desktop03:30
Cpudan80good grief03:30
Cpudan80Then why is one screen so much lower?03:30
bbzezCpudan80,  old monitor03:30
Cpudan80Well I mean03:30
bbzezshould i just not dual screen?03:30
Cpudan80the desktop is gonna get all stretched and out of proportion03:30
Cpudan80Windows renders each desktop separately, linux does not03:31
Cpudan80It just sees one giant desktop03:31
Cpudan80Each way has its benefits and pitfalls03:31
ryanpriorCpudan80: unless you run multiple X servers. =D03:31
Cam-ryanprior: i installed that but it tells me that the drive hasnt been configured yet...03:31
spritleyou could just set the resolution to the lowest that both monitors support03:31
vockIf i change the permissions on a folder on my computer, does samba automatically inherit the same permissions?03:31
Cpudan80ryanprior: with an old ATI card ? :-P03:31
mankashI have formatted a new drive with ext3, How to mount this drive03:31
spritlesounds awful that way though03:31
Cam-ryanprior: i just need to remove the option i added to it when i right clicked the drive in gnome and added an option03:31
bbzezCpudan80,  so your saying  i should just use the ubuntu  desktop multitasking instead of a new monitor03:32
crdlbryanprior: I think you mean screens03:32
ryanpriorCam-: What type of option are we talking about here?03:32
mbourd25Can anyone help me, I'm trying to update the menu.lst to add a new kernel I installed yesterday, is there an easy way to do this? Thanks.03:32
Cam-i tried to add -force03:32
redvamp128mbourd25:  gksu gedit then open the menu.1st03:32
Cam-but i made a mistake03:33
ryanprior!grub | redvamp12803:33
ubotturedvamp128: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:33
Cpudan80bbzez: I would just throw the old one away03:33
crdlbCpudan80: so your only concern is with the rendering of the wallpaper image?03:33
Cpudan80bbzez: I have a similar situation with my laptop and my connected external monitor03:33
redvamp128ryanprior:  again not I but answering someone else03:33
Mr_Cool59does anybody know how to get a x-fi notebook to work with ubuntu 8.1003:33
bbzezCpudan80,  seriously?03:33
Cpudan80crdlb: no ... that is a concern though03:33
Ian00is there a way to install a single 9.04 package on 8.10 ?03:33
crdlbCpudan80: what are you referring to, then?03:33
Cpudan80crdlb: the bigger concern is that there a whole bunch of dead space around the screen03:33
crdlbeach monitor will have its own panels and such03:34
Level_5can someone help me configure my broadcom wireless card? This thing is kicking my ass!03:34
unopIan00, you'll need to backport it03:34
redvamp128ryanprior:  but than again -- if it was a custom kernel -- the grub update would probably not see it..03:34
ryanpriorCpudan80: I tried using a 10-year-old PCI ATI card in my new computer and it wouldn't even take it. I was disappointed - I figured it would be a gimmie, and supported by open source drivers to boot.03:34
Cpudan80crdlb: bbzez wants to dual screen with 2 monitors at wildly different resolutions03:34
unop!prevu > Ian0003:34
ubottuIan00, please see my private message03:34
mbourd25redvamp128: I tried to update the menu.lst manually but I have to add the uuid lines I that just list me.03:34
bbzezCpudan80,  my usb drive wont mount i dont know what to do03:34
redvamp128!gurb | mbourd2503:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gurb03:34
Cpudan80ryanprior: if ATI would get their head out of the sand it would be fine03:34
Cpudan80bbzez: do something as root (eg. sudo echo "hi") then plug it in03:35
redvamp128!grub | mbourd25:03:35
ubottumbourd25:: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:35
Ian00thanks unop03:35
spritlebb: did you run ntfs config tool?03:35
crdlbCpudan80: it should work just fine, at least with xrandr 1.2; I'm not sure what fglrx multihead looks like nowadays though03:35
xubuntuhi all03:35
xubuntuI have a question about network set up03:36
redvamp128ryanprior:  I thought I directed that at mbourd25: (10:32:54 PM) redvamp128: mbourd25:  gksu gedit then open the menu.1st03:36
bbzezspritle,   it just says one thing03:36
Cpudan80crdlb: I just dont think it looks very good -- that and all the dead space03:36
Cpudan80crdlb: unless xrandr fixed that now?03:36
robsonwow i got X to start using aticonfig but neither my mouse nor keyboard work. i have an idea about the mouse. any of you know why the keyboard won't work with X but will work right now?03:36
xubuntuI would like to know if it's posible to do this : Set up my laptop to be a router itself and going through it before going outside ?03:37
mbourd25thanks redvamp12803:37
xubuntuI saw something about virtual interface but I don't know if it's the solution ?03:37
mbourd25redvamp128, I tried the update-grub command but it doesn't do anything.03:38
crdlbCpudan80: where would there be dead space? technically, the screen would be the size of a rectangle containing both outputs, but the space around the smaller one would only be apparent in the pager03:38
nellmathewanyone here got intrepid and a 4306 rev 3 wifi card? or even hardy?..03:38
n8tuserxubuntu -> possibly, can you draw a layout of what you wanted?03:38
redvamp128mbourd25:  you have to do that from a live cd03:38
mbourd25redvamp128: update-grub?03:38
Cpudan80crdlb: I dunno --- Im not thinking straight this eve03:39
xubuntufor example: Firefox->Laptop->internet but using only one NIC03:39
redvamp128mbourd25:  since you made a new kernel -- you should follow the comands for the Recovering Ubuntu after windows install03:39
rod_ /nick laughalots03:39
wafflesHey, I installed Ubuntu on a machine with Vista and XP on it, Grub can't find either of the installs. I've tried editing them into the menu.lst file, but that doesn't seem to help. I get an MBR Not Found, or something to that affect. I think it might be because I have the Windows in an extended partition and getting the HD(0,x) wrong. Any advice short of using Vista to repair the install?03:40
rod_okay, same question about the fstab--I need to rewrite it, I can't get liveCD to work I think.. thats the option on the CD that says "Use Ubuntu without making changes to your computer"03:40
spardaubuntu is no very good.03:40
n8tuserxubuntu ->  firefox would run on the laptop,  now can you take the effort to draw a picture to layout what you wanted?03:40
rod_ /nick laughalots03:40
nellmathewsparda what's wrong with it?03:40
=== rod_ is now known as laughalots
laughalotsokay, same question about the fstab--I need to rewrite it, I can't get liveCD to work I think.. thats the option on the CD that says "Use Ubuntu without making changes to your computer"?03:40
mbourd25thanks redvamp12803:40
xubuntuok and where I put it ?03:40
Demiosdoes anyone know why exe files are opening with archive manager instead of wine?03:40
spardaI can't get my wlan card to work on it.03:40
laughalotssorry new nick for all you who like to private message03:40
Demiosvery odd indeed.03:41
mib_ribrwqt8Hi all03:41
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
nellmathewsparda, i have the same problem.. that's the ONLY problem people seem to have (that and some graphics issues), everything that isn't open-source and free is causing the issues lol.. there's a solution somewhere, just takes some time and effort finding it, i've been trying for 2 weeks, i feel like giving up but i KNOW it's there03:41
mib_ribrwqt8I'm behind office router03:41
laughalotsCpudan80 you mind if I private msg you?03:42
Cpudan80Fire away captain!03:42
nellmathewsparda, what's your wifi card btw?03:42
* Demios fumes.03:42
Cpudan80but I'll brb03:42
mib_ribrwqt8we have a damn awesome file server I want to make public so I can use from home03:42
spardaI have a couple (both don't work), a westell, and linsys03:42
mib_ribrwqt8I've already used curlftpfs to mount the ftp as my drive03:43
=== marsha is now known as mg
mgHow do I make wifi a system setting03:43
spardaI'm thinking of just trying another distro.03:43
Demiosnothing wrong with that sparda03:43
nellmathewsparda, do : lspci -nn in terminal and pastebin the results, i'll see if i can help03:43
mib_ribrwqt8how do I go from here????03:43
mib_ribrwqt8i cannot ask the sysadmin to open port03:44
laughalotslivecd is the option when you put your Ubuntu install disk in as it boots and it says "Try Ubuntu without making any changes to your computer?"03:44
nellmathewsparda, most distros are similar (they all use pretty much the same packages).. if you can get it to work in one, it's the same method in the other (MOST!)03:44
mib_ribrwqt8there is no way he will agree03:44
mgHow do I make wireless a system setting03:44
mib_ribrwqt8he will kill me rather03:44
n8tuseror get fired03:44
ramirandmib_ribrwqt8: Do you have any access from the outside? Like ssh?03:44
nellmathewmg, do you have intrepid?03:44
mib_ribrwqt8ramirand: hmm03:44
mgnellmathew: No Hardy03:44
mib_ribrwqt8wad do u mean?03:44
Picimib_ribrwqt8: Then we cannot help you. Questionably legal topics are not supported here.03:45
mib_ribrwqt8ramirand: no actually03:45
bbzezguys, i need help with gparted03:45
mib_ribrwqt8Pici: u work for msoft eh? ;)03:45
ramirandmib_ribrwqt8: Then you are probably out of luck.03:45
bbzezi have mint and ubuntu installed and i want to get rid of mint03:45
nellmathewmg, well for me when i edit my wireless connection settings there's 2 checkboxes on top, that say "connect automatically' and "system setting"03:45
mib_ribrwqt8ramirand: i was thinking that if my machine sends out a signal and another remote responds to it03:46
mgnellmathew: you mean when you right click on the wireless icon?03:46
mib_ribrwqt8the router will probably allow that traffic03:46
xsgi GUys i am on ubuntu 9.04 will they release all updates for later versions via update or will i have to redownload another image to proceed futher03:46
mib_ribrwqt8only if a remote is trying to access without invitation the router will block ..03:46
nellmathewno in "network connections", when i right click and goto "edit connections" i don't know if it's the same in hardy03:46
mib_ribrwqt8or am I off ..03:46
WebcamWonderxsg: updates03:46
tritiummib_ribrwqt8: stay on topic, please03:46
xsgso it will just keep updating till its the final release03:47
mib_ribrwqt8tritium: ??03:47
Pici!illegal | mib_ribrwqt803:47
ubottumib_ribrwqt8: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:47
WebcamWonderxsg: Yup03:47
mgnellmathew: Is it supposed to update the settings you change as soon as you exit or do you have to reboot or something?03:47
xsgTHats great i love 9.0403:47
robsonany tips on getting my keyboard or mouse to work with ion and X? is it an ion configuration problem or X? i'm going off a minimal install so i may need various things03:47
mib_ribrwqt8i'm not pirating .. I want to access office file server from home ..03:47
nellmathewmg, it should update then and there, but if it doesn't work then try rebooting03:47
mib_ribrwqt8i dun have any interest on opening to public ok?03:48
xubuntuI have my image where I send it ?03:48
mib_ribrwqt8it's just a very interesting challenge03:48
xsgokk i have bfme 2 originial disc i bought game and can i install the game on ubuntu via wine03:48
ramirandmib_ribrwqt8: Just not really an #ubuntu topic.03:48
mgnellmathew: I have access to an encrypted router and an unencrypted router and it always takes the unencrypted - can that be specified to the encrypted first?03:48
redvamp128xsg:  you ahould probably ask that in #winehq03:48
WebcamWonderxsg: You should first check whether the game is supported by wine or not03:48
Cpudan80mib_ribrwqt8: networking doesnt work like that03:48
mib_ribrwqt8ramirand: huh why?03:49
xsgok thanks man03:49
tritiummib_ribrwqt8: stop asking here, please03:49
nellmathewmg, i'm really not sure.. sorry buddy03:49
Cpudan80mib_ribrwqt8: I mean you can send invitations I guess, but that would require some fancy stuff03:49
mib_ribrwqt8Cpudan80: ah .. why?03:49
mgnellmathew: Thanks for your advice - I'll go give it a try :)03:49
robsonis the keyboard and mouse supposed to work in ion by default?03:49
xsgwhat is th eofftopic room03:49
Cpudan80mib_ribrwqt8: What would have to happen (on consumer grade routers) would be for your server to open a connection to the guy on the other end03:50
Cpudan80mib_ribrwqt8: then the guy on the other end can do whatever needs to be done03:50
WebcamWondermib_ribrwqt8: Further questions regarding to networking can be addressed at ##networkign03:50
Picixsg: #ubuntu-offtopic03:50
bbzezCpudan80, i have mint and ubuntu installed and i want to get rid of mint03:50
Cpudan80ok ... so do it?03:50
mib_ribrwqt8Cpudan80: Oh thanks03:50
bbzezright..... uhhh :P03:50
bbzezim in gparted03:50
Cpudan80mib_ribrwqt8: ##networking if you want to talk more03:50
bbzezit says linux-swap whats that03:50
mib_ribrwqt8Cpudan80: So it will have to be a socket connection?03:51
WebcamWonder!swap | bbzez03:51
ubottubbzez: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info03:51
* Cpudan80 points to ##networking 03:51
n8tuserxubuntu do not send me porn, its inappropiate to send me files i have not asked for03:51
Cpudan80 /join ##networking03:51
mib_ribrwqt8Cpudan80: thanks .. u've helped enuff! :D03:51
xubuntulol it's my set up file :-)03:51
mib_ribrwqt8and a big FU to all the other wankers :D03:51
xubuntuyou asked for what i wanted to do03:51
EagleScreenhow I do to all terminal output to be in English?03:51
n8tuserxubuntu you post it in pastebin for everyone to see03:52
Cpudan80It is in English ?03:52
bbzezCpudan80,  when i delete the partition does the grub change also03:52
Cpudan80well the new ubuntu would fix it03:53
Cpudan80but yes03:53
xubuntuhow I do this ?03:53
crdlbxubuntu: use http://picpaste.com if you have an image03:53
bbzezCpudan80,  is there any way to make your current ext3 bigger by adding  the unallocated space03:53
robsoncan someone point me to help for why my mouse and keyboard don't work in X?03:53
Cpudan80bbzez: please ask the whole channel03:53
sirhcjwCAn anyone help me with sun-java5-plugin for 64bit 8.10?03:53
Cpudan80bbzez: and yes - gparted03:53
n8tuser!pastebin | xubuntu03:54
ubottuxubuntu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:54
bbzez is there any way to make your current ext3 bigger by adding  the unallocated space03:54
WebcamWonder!java64 | sirhcjw03:54
ubottusirhcjw: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:54
n8tuserxubuntu or per crdlb03:54
bbzezim in gparted cant find what to do03:54
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:55
sirhcjwahh i see thanks03:55
robsonhow can i configure xorg to use a keyboard and mouse if it is supposed to auto detect them now? i tried manually adding them but it fails03:57
xubuntupicpaste.com seems to be slow03:57
usserrobson, Xorg -config03:57
=== christiekoehler| is now known as christiekoehler
robsonusser: do you recommend any flags to get going? there's tons03:59
robsonnevermind i got it i think03:59
usserrobson, well Xorg -config should generate the file for you03:59
xubuntuthis is the link for my set-up http://picpaste.com/setup.jpg04:00
robsonusser: it said it requires another option, so i gave it a location and it popped up an X session04:00
robsonusser: i can't seem to do anything in this session though04:00
usserrobson, oh my bad Xorg -configure04:01
wolteris there a way i can assign an icon to a folder from the terminal, or from a python script (preferable)04:01
Sa[i]nTWhat do I gotta do to see windows shares on a lan network?04:01
usserrobson, kill that session with ctrl+alt+backspace and rerun the command with -configure04:01
P_Kablehi there04:02
xubuntusomebody has an idea ? http://picpaste.com/setup.jpg04:03
Laughalots_altif I run livecd for ubuntu 8.10, where does my hard drive mount to?04:03
P_KableI used to be able to chose another driver doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but it is no longer among the options ... did I miss something ?04:03
robsonusser: can't ctrl+alt+backspace, but i got it killed. -configure failed because it said "fglrx: no matching device section for instance (busid pci:0@3:0:0) found"04:04
wolterLaughalots_alt, it should be mounted under /media/<drivename>04:04
n8tuserxubuntu -> ummm...what you wanted done?04:04
crdlbxubuntu: is there some practical goal for this?04:04
Laughalots_altwolter, not seeing it...04:04
wolterLaughalots_alt, if it was mounted, you would see it under the places menu.04:04
xubuntuyes to try firewall,dhcp server config etc04:04
Laughalots_altwolter I accidently deleted my fstab, so I've been directed to copy the one from livecd and paste it to my hard drive04:04
Laughalots_altdo you know of a better way?04:04
Sa[i]nTWhat do I gotta do to see windows shares on a lan network?04:05
usserrobson, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:05
P_KableWhat is the new command to change driver used by Xorg please? I used to be able to chose another driver doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but it is no longer among the options ... did I miss something ?04:05
vockSa[i]nT, on the windows side or linux side?04:05
Emulashundoes anyone have a workaround for the "sr0: CDROM not ready.  Make sure there is a disc in the drive" I/O buffer problem in Intrepid Ibex???04:05
Sa[i]nTvock, I have Ubuntu. I wanna see the windows users on my network.04:05
wolterLaughalots_alt, how many partitions does it have?04:06
Laughalots_altshould only have 104:06
wolterLaughalots_alt, do you remember its /dev/<drive ID> address?04:06
robsonusser: i did that as well as aticonfigure. i tried with just the dpkg and also with both04:06
xubuntufor example setting up a DHCP server on my laptop and get an IP adress from that server but on my laptop04:06
Laughalots_altwolter can I private msg you?04:06
usserrobson, so you should have xorg.conf in place already04:06
wolterLaughalots_alt, open terminal and type /dev/, then press tab twice04:06
usserrobson, aticonfig --initial too?04:06
wolterLaughalots_alt, don't, this thing is going under the log04:06
robsonusser: yes04:06
=== technicallyhesri is now known as technicallyrite
usserrobson, and it still doesnt start?04:07
xubuntuto divide my laptop in both router servers and clients but with only one physical interface04:07
Laughalots_altk, I see quite a few options04:07
usserrobson, can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:07
Laughalots_altdisk/ ?04:07
robsonusser: i'd think it's due to me possibly installing fglrx incorrectly but the mouse and keyboard are what're broken. X starts but with no keyboard or mouse04:07
robsonusser: does ubuntu have a command line tool to paste like wpaste for gentoo?04:07
usserrobson, pastebinit04:08
Laughalots_altwhat is this telling me wolter?04:08
Mr_Cool59does anybody know how to get a x-fi notebook to work with ubuntu 8.1004:08
wolterLaughalots_alt, did you get any autocompletions? This is telling you what physical drives your computer is detecting04:08
robsonusser: http://pastebin.com/f72597c6c04:09
wolterLaughalots_alt, you could also run $ cd /dev/ && ls04:09
Laughalots_altthere were a few options04:09
wolterLaughalots_alt, which?04:09
Tortelare any firewalls installed by default?04:10
usserrobson, hm this doesnt look right, it tries to load every module there is, probably result of Xorg -configure command04:10
usserrobson, can u back up your xorg.conf04:10
Laughalots_altblock/ disk/ input/ shm/ .udev/ bus/ fd/ net/ snd/ usb/ char/ .initramfs/ pts/ .static/04:10
robsonusser: that was Xorg -configure. aticonfig --inital is: http://pastebin.com/f7eef5f1804:10
usserrobson, and run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with blank xorg.conf04:10
Mr_Cool59does anybody know how to get a x-fi notebook to work with ubuntu 8.1004:11
=== dyCrazyEd is now known as CrEddy
robsonusser: and dpkg is: http://pastebin.com/f727b592804:11
wolterLaughalots_alt, i messed up, sorry, let me search for something to help you04:12
wolterLaughalots_alt, that was the wrong directory04:12
usserrobson, hm it looks like it cant load dri, can u uncomment the line module dri04:12
usserrobson, err comment it out04:12
ubuntu_wolter, chat to this. I got my live cd up and xchat installed04:13
kyleyochumhello, i'm running fiesty fawn, and i can't seem to install the kde bluetooth framework04:13
=== ubuntu_ is now known as laughalots
c0rrupt0rI have Ubuntu 8.04 and a Logitech USB Headset and my sound is only being detected though my tower speaker, I am using the Default sound drivers. and have tried to switch over though the volume control and the sound settings under system preferences to configure my headset and no go any suggestions?04:13
kyleyochumusing the add/remove apps interface (synaptic i think) i get an error, should i show in chat? forums seem not to be working04:13
wolterubuntu_, what do you mean with chat to this?04:13
dirtheaddoes fglrx not work with the latest ubuntu kernel?04:14
wolterLaughalots_alt, run $ sudo mount /dev/sd (press tab twice)04:14
Laughalots_altsorry wolter im signing in with livecd on my actual computer04:14
tritiumdirthead: it does04:14
wolterLaughalots_alt, ok, but do that04:14
squidlyi've got an issue with my Lenovo y510 sound. For some reason it wont be loud. It's always quite. I've checked the forums and the solutions there did not help04:14
dirtheadthen I'm doing something very wrong04:14
robsonusser: i don't see any mention of DRI or dri in any xorg.confs i have made04:14
squidlyalso my google foo is not good either :(04:14
laughalotswolter its not in my fstab or mtab04:15
robsonusser: if the problem is dri then perhaps it's a problem with my fglrx install, but i didn't think that'd stop the mouse or keyboard from working when the video does04:15
usserrobson, yea thats weird04:15
robsonusser: i got some error when trying to install fglrx saying to do something i didn't understand04:15
usserrobson, was it trying to build module?04:15
wolterlaughalots, what? just run now $ cd /dev/ && ls sda*04:16
laughalotsI have sda1 sda sda2 sda5 sdb sdc sdd sde04:16
robsonusser: something like that, i'm re-installing to remember04:16
kyleyochumanyone who can help: i cant seem to install kde bluetooth framework on my system using fiesty.... when i try to install via add/remove apps (synaptic) the following errors are returned:04:16
Tortelwhats a command to display my private ip address?04:16
laughalotsnothing shows04:16
wolterok, now $ mkdir /media/Drive && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Drive04:17
wolterlaughalots, that should mount your drive04:17
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
n8tuserTortel -> ifconfig04:17
kyleyochumW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/arts/libartsc0_1.5.6-0ubuntu1_i386.deb04:17
kyleyochum  404 Not Found [IP: 80]04:17
kyleyochumW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/arts/libarts1c2a_1.5.6-0ubuntu1_i386.deb04:17
kyleyochum  404 Not Found [IP: 80]04:17
kyleyochumW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/avahi/libavahi-qt3-1_0.6.17-0ubuntu3_i386.deb04:17
FloodBot1kyleyochum: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:17
xubuntuMy situation : I get an IP from a DHCP server on eth0 (192.168.0.X). I would like to set my laptop as a (router,server etc..) and provide an other IP inside my laptop (Virtual interface ? tunneling ?) in order to test the implementation of servers or firewall etc. Any idea ?04:17
kyleyochum  404 Not Found [IP: 80]04:17
ramirandTortel: ifconfig -a          should be good enough.04:17
laughalotsso first hte command $ sudo mount /dev/sd04:17
wolter!who | laughalots04:17
ubottulaughalots: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:17
laughalotswolter so first hte command $ sudo mount /dev/sd04:18
kyleyochumi;m sorry i did not realize i'd flood the room04:18
xubuntuin order to have like two PC but in one :-)04:18
wolterlaughalots, run this $ sudo mkdir /media/Drive && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/Drive04:18
ushyou should have thought of that before you chose such a stupid nick04:18
n8tuserxubuntu -> why are you trying to make it more difficult than necessary?  all can be served on same ip address04:19
ushubuntu sucks04:19
ushwhat are you people thinking04:19
ushit's like windows with a linux kernel04:19
kyleyochumush why are you here?04:19
DeeDotDeeush: What do you suggest, Debian?04:19
laughalotswolter so now all I need to do is copy the fstab from the live cd to the hdd?04:19
ramirandxubuntu: Consider a virtual machine>04:19
Tortelthanks ramirand04:19
xubuntuyes if I consider a virual machine it has its own IP on each interface04:20
tritiumbruenig: why do you allow your arch friends in here to troll?04:20
wolterlaughalots, yes, but in the right path, make sure you get that right04:20
=== tabris|away is now known as tabris
bruenigtritium: ush is out of my control, I didn't even know he was in here04:20
robsonusser: it's not giving me the error again, but it told me to use a 4 letter command to build something probably a module and it mentioned my kernel04:20
tritiumbruenig: I know you can't control them...04:20
ush_i'm here to offer guidance04:21
ush_not to criticize04:21
wolterlaughalots, before anything, check if you have a /media/Drive/etc/fstab.backup ..04:21
ush_but to correct faults, first you must acknowledge the faults04:21
bruenigslightly funny though, must admit04:21
usserrobson, im not sure what you talking about with 4 letter command? what was it exactly dkms?04:21
kyleyochumcan someone try downloading kde bluetooth framework using the add/remove... interface located under the applications menu, it wont download for me, just curious if thats just me, or if their server is down...04:21
robsonusser: yes04:21
Baattihey folks, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to solve this problem...04:21
=== tabris_ is now known as tabris
robsonusser: i tried googling it and following some directions but it told me to do a command ending in what i think was an fglrx module and it wasn't there04:22
bruenigprobably going to have to block the whole syracuse subnet04:22
c0rrupt0rI have Ubuntu 8.04 and a Logitech USB Headset and my sound is only being detected though my tower speaker, I am using the Default sound drivers. and have tried to switch over though the volume control and the sound settings under system preferences to configure my headset and no go any suggestions?04:22
laughalotswolter thanks so much for the help. I had already completely overwritten my previous fstab--if there is a backup I'll be very lucky04:22
tritiumbruenig: I was just going to say, he's making a bad name for syracuse04:22
wolterlaughalots, is there any?04:22
robsonmodprobe fglrx does nothing either04:22
laughalotswolter no fstab.backup04:22
usserrobson, do u have build-essential and kernel-headers packages installed? as well as dkms04:22
BaattiI am unable to load flash games like at kongregate.com ... Flash videos are playing fine though, like at Youtube and CNET04:22
wolterlaughalots, well, you know where the fstab from the live cd is?04:22
laughalotswolter /etc/fstab04:23
xubuntuI don't know if I use the loopback interface it will work04:23
laughalotscopied over now04:23
tritiumbruenig: why did you think that was odd?04:23
laughalotswolter should I make any edits to the fstab?04:23
wolterlaughalots, ok, nicely done.. normal boot now, and tell me how it went04:23
Tortelheres something funny for you all: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y283/Tortel/SSPX0101.jpg04:23
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Torteldeal of the century!04:23
wolterlaughalots, well, you could open it and pastebin it, ill compare it with mine04:23
laughalotswolter will do--if I'm 20 minutes getting back then I had to restart with the live cd04:23
bruenigtritium: think what was odd? that you sort of said I was aiding his trolling?04:24
wolter!paste | laughalots04:24
ubottulaughalots: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:24
robsonusser: yes to the first, but kernel-headers doesn't exist but is referred to by another package04:24
xubuntuif my interface eth0 got how can I set up a DHCP server inside my laptop to test ?04:24
laughalotswolter so I type !paste | laughlots "text here" ?04:24
robsonusser: linux-libc-dev is possibly kernel-headers and i have that04:24
n8tuserxubuntu -> to which hosts are you going to served it too?04:24
wolterlaughalots, no, thats just for ubottu to tell you how to do it04:25
usserrobson, yea its actually linux-headers-2.6.27-11-generic but that depends on your kernel04:25
xubuntuthat is the question04:25
laughalots!paste | laughalots04:25
ubottulaughalots, please see my private message04:25
usserrobson, do uname -a to find out the version of the kernel and install appropriate headers04:25
izinucsHow do I find my ssh password on a box on my lan?  I accessed it yesterday from the lan but today it doesn't like the password?04:25
xubuntuif it is possible to create a virtual network inside the laptop04:25
kyleyochumtortel, where did you find that? they should be reported to the better business beauro (sp?)04:25
avgeneralhelp! M6827, X3100 my fn keys for brightness up/down do not work04:25
robsonusser: i did apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r` but found nothing04:25
robsonoh woops04:26
usserrobson, its linux-headers my bad04:26
xubuntufor example a virtual passing through a router,DHCP,firewall and outpout on eth0
xubuntuand all inside one machine04:26
robsonusser: i missed that, now it's installing04:26
n8tuserxubuntu -> then a vm like vmware or vbox would fit04:26
Tortelkyleyochum: that was at bestbuy, where else would they do something stupid like that?04:26
laughalotswolter http://paste.ubuntu.com/113471/04:27
avgeneralhelp! my brightness keys up/down don't work04:27
xubuntuI have to use a VM, you think there is no other option ?04:27
bpunlaughalots: not autofs instead of autfs?04:27
robsonusser: it indicated at the end that it was installing the fglrx module and now modprobe doesn't error when i do modprobe fglrx but X still fails04:27
bpunlaughalots: that's funny!04:27
laughalotsbpun what do you mean04:27
xubuntuwhich soft for VM under xubuntu live USB ?04:27
avgeneralavgeneral: is my name04:28
n8tuserxubuntu -> even though it does not make sense, your clients for your dchp has to be serving 10.x.x.x.04:28
bpunlaughalots: never seen an autfs for /04:28
n8tuserxubuntu -> even though it does not make sense, your clients for your dchp has to be getting ip address of 10.x.x.x.04:28
usserrobson, so after u installed headers you reran the installer?04:28
usserrobson, pastebin your xorg.conf04:28
laughalotsbpun I overwrote my fstab with an iso image--using livecd to replace the fstab on the hard drive04:28
yaris123456789is there an emule/edonkey client for linux ?04:28
bpunlaughalots: hahahhaahaahha04:28
robsonusser: after doing aticonfig or dpkg?04:28
laughalotsbpun wolter took off--he was helping me with it04:28
usserrobson, dpkg04:29
bpunlaughalots: hahahahahahaha04:29
laughalotsbpun is there an error then in the fstab?04:29
marko-_-yaris123456789, there is amule04:29
bpunlaughalots: everything04:29
yaris123456789i am looking for a simple command line04:29
wolterlaughalots, it is very strange...04:29
laughalotsbpun ?04:29
yaris123456789for dling from emule04:29
bpunlaughalots: hahahahahaha04:29
xubuntubut it will work if I have my VM with 10.X and gateway my real eth0 192.168.004:29
wolterlaughalots, can you open gparted?04:29
laughalotswolter whats that04:29
bpunwolter, gparted and not gfarted? hahahahaha04:29
robsonusser: http://pastebin.com/f5db7d99104:29
n8tuserxubuntu -> again it does not make sense, why would you do such04:29
wolterbpun, ok, the guy is having problems, would you like to help or not?04:30
yaris123456789i am looking for something close to rtorrent, but for downloading from emule / edonkey04:30
wolterlaughalots, run $ sudo gparted04:30
bpunwolter:  i just did hahahaha... no such thing as autfs04:30
Level_5any wireless experts in the channel? I need some help configuring a broadcom wireless card04:30
usserrobson, hm add keyboard and mouse sections something like that04:30
xubuntuto implement server without using an other PC04:30
n8tuserxubuntu -> one thing i can tell you, your nic can have  multiple ip addresses at diff subnets04:30
wolterlaughalots, that will tell you which partitions do you have, where, and which filesystem they have04:30
yoyit2ok so i kant play mp4 files.. how do i play them? (through totem)04:31
xubuntuthat's why i was thinking about virtual interface04:31
laughalotswolter --open--I can tell that sda1 is my main partition with my files--im assumming the rest are from LiveCD04:31
xubuntufor example eth0:0 and eth0:104:31
wolterlaughalots, is sda5 a swap?04:31
bpunlaughalots: "/" should be somthing like this "<guess> /                       ext3    defaults        1 1"04:31
laughalotswolter yes04:32
n8tuserxubuntu you need to read up more on networking..04:32
xubuntuon possibility to do this on linux more :-)04:32
usserrobson, http://pastebin.com/m6525021e04:32
xubuntuwith a VM no problem it works04:32
squidlyxubuntu: that is called sub interfaces04:32
squidlymost times you dont want/need them04:32
Baattihi, firefox is loading and playing flash videos, but not games. I'm not having much luck on forums either04:32
bpunBaatti: maybe cuse u have no game!04:33
bpunBaatti: hahahahah04:33
wolterlaughalots, ok, then the fstab you have is not completely wrong..04:33
wolterlaughalots, hold on04:33
xubuntuyes but I believe that routing was not working for sub interface04:33
kbrosnanBaatti: link? might be shockwave director which has no native linux player04:33
bpunxubuntu: subinterface is one word beyatch04:33
Baattikbrosnan link to a game that wont work?04:33
tritiumbpun: language, please04:33
laughalotswolter will do04:34
kbrosnanBaatti: yes please04:34
whileimhereHi. Okay I see that I cannot use iTunes under Ubuntu. Is there any good alternative to purchase my mp3s ?04:34
usserwhileimhere, magnatunes with amarok04:34
bpunBaatti: shockwave last i heard not avail for *nx04:34
usserwhileimhere, magnatune sorry04:34
usserwhileimhere, amazon04:34
xubuntubut if I want to set up a VM on linux what is the best way ?04:34
usserxubuntu, virtualbox04:34
bpunxubuntu: there is no best way..04:35
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:35
bpunxubuntu: but use a vm hypervisor and kernel that support vm..04:35
xubuntuok and I have to DL a linux image ?04:35
bpunxubuntu: and of course the processor vm feature04:35
xubuntuI am under xubuntu live USB at the moment04:35
whileimhereI found this site http://www.mp3va.com/ it seems to have everything I want and its really cheap. Is there a way to tell if its legal for this site?04:35
xubuntuI know how works VMware under windows but linux :-(04:36
Baattikbrosnan ok what the heck....for some odd reason, it works fine now.04:36
Baattikbrosnan: heh, thanks anyway thoguh04:36
bpunwhileimhere: see if they have a real phone# u can reach them and leave a burp message04:36
kbrosnanBaatti: well glad i could fix that for you :)04:36
c0rrupt0rI have Ubuntu 8.04 and a Logitech USB Headset and my sound is only being detected though my tower speaker, I am using the Default sound drivers. and have tried to switch over though the volume control and the sound settings under system preferences to configure my headset and no go any suggestions?04:36
whileimheremoscow phone #04:37
xubuntuso I will try to figure it out, thank you for your support04:37
oneeyedelf1is there any way to kill a process when kill -9 doesn't work?04:37
bpunlol.. it's russian.. definitely untrustful mafia business04:37
robsonusser: the mouse works for sure! the keyboard may, but i have no clue how to use ion04:37
robsonusser: nothing i typed did anything except ctrl+alt+backspace which didn't work before04:37
xubuntuso good bye all04:37
tuxedocurlyhey guys i need some quick help, give me a moment an i will type my problem04:37
robsonusser: oh it does work, i hit some random keys and menus popped up. thanks so much!04:38
nanotubetuxedocurly: take your time :)04:39
tuxedocurlyI have a 1TB calvalry external hard drive that i recently tried to install ubuntu server edition onto. It partitioned the drive and worked fine, but then i found an internal drive that i decided to install ubuntu server edition on instead. Now i am stuck with a 1TB hard drive that wont register in windows and is seperated into 4 different partitions. How can i unpartition (or reformat) it and make windows register it again? all help would be app04:39
robsonusser: i have to restart now though because ctrl+alt+backspace made the creen almost unreadable04:39
usserrobson, do you 3d acceleration though04:39
usserrobson, what do you mean what happened, ctrl+alt+backspace should drop you to terminal04:40
usserrobson, or to the login screen04:40
usserrobson, if u use gdm04:40
robsonusser: it did, but the screen was all fuzzy04:40
usserrobson, hm thats fishy04:40
laughalotswolter you still around?04:41
robsonusser: i fixed it somehow. it happened in gentoo too btw, my gfx card probably sucks, it's a laptop04:41
ChaorainCan two versions of linux share the same swap partion? Both are Ubuntu (8.10) based04:41
usserrobson, i gots to go buy some smokes, try running glxinfo | grep direct if it says yes and fglrx module is loaded you're all set04:41
tuxedocurlyany ideas on how to fix my problem? =]04:41
usserrobson, still just to be safe run aticonfig --initial04:41
c0rrupt0rok guess no one can answer my question04:42
wolterlaughalots, yeah sorry, i am making it for you04:42
laughalotswolter oh! okay! I appreciate that04:42
zacCan any1 help me with an ubuntu problem??04:42
robsonusser: alright thanks a ton04:42
tuxedocurlyany ideas about my hard drive problem guys?04:42
nanotubetuxedocurly: windows only recognizes ntfs or fat32 partitions... so delete all the partitions, and reformat it into ntfs or fat3204:43
zacim haven troble opening alot of my programs like firewox,, any ideas04:43
tuxedocurlynanotube: how?04:43
wolterlaughalots, do you have a separate home partition?04:43
ramirandtuxedocurly: In Ubuntu? Try gparted04:43
laughalotswolter what do you mean04:44
nanotubetuxedocurly: well, you could connect it to your linux box, and use either a nifty gui tool like "gparted", or a combination of commandline tools04:44
ChaorainCan two linux OS's share the same swap partition?04:44
laughalotswolter will giving all results from gparted give you the information you need?04:44
Light-Chaorain, yes04:44
nanotubetuxedocurly: (namely, fdisk, and mkfs)04:44
zacany1 want to help me?04:44
tuxedocurlynanotube: i have gparted but i dont nknow how to work it04:44
wolterlaughalots, no no04:44
laughalotswolter k04:44
nanotubejust plug in the drive, open gparted, and things will become evident :)04:44
ChaorainLight-, ok. any special setup?04:44
nanotubetuxedocurly: and you could probably find some gparted tutorials on the web, if they don't.04:45
Light-Chaorain, no, just tell them both to use the partition as swap04:45
tuxedocurlynanotube: yes.. but is there any way i can take my 4 partitions and turn them into 1 again?04:45
ChaorainLight-, Woot linux is so much easier than windows. and cooler04:45
nanotubeChaorain: yes, as long as they both aren't running at the same time :)04:45
ramirandtuxedocurley: gparted lets you edit the partitions.04:45
Light-nanotube, is that even possible?04:45
tuxedocurlyim going to go try to fix everything now! if i need further help, i will return04:46
Chaorainnanotube, lol not a problem there04:46
ramirandtuxedocurley: You can delete them all and make a new one. You will, of course have to move anything off it that you want to keep.04:46
nanotubetuxedocurly: yes. delete the existing partitions, and create one big one instead of them, to take up the whole disk.04:46
nanotubeLight-: well, if it's on a network share or something, maybe ? :)04:46
c0rrupt0rI have Ubuntu 8.04 and a Logitech USB Headset and my sound is only being detected though my tower speaker, I am using the Default sound drivers. and have tried to switch over though the volume control and the sound settings under system preferences to configure my headset and no go any suggestions?04:46
titsandass17192GNAA IS FUN04:46
titsandass17192GNAA IS FUN04:46
titsandass17192GNAA IS FUN04:46
titsandass17193GNAA IS FUN04:46
titsandass17193GNAA IS FUN04:46
titsandass17193GNAA IS FUN04:46
titsandass17194GNAA IS FUN04:46
titsandass17194GNAA IS FUN04:46
titsandass17194GNAA IS FUN04:46
FloodBot1titsandass17193: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:46
nanotubetuxedocurly: right, remember that all your data would be gone - so if you have anything you want to keep, copy it over to somewhere else.04:46
Light-lol spammer got pwned04:47
nanotuberamirand: good catch... i just assumed that since he wanted to reformat, he didn't want the data... but you never know. :)04:47
Chaorainwhat was that?04:47
tuxedocurlynanotube: no worries, i already did that before i partitioned it the first time... okay.. so in gparted... do i just click on all of the partitions and delete them or what?04:47
wolterlaughalots, it looks unorganized, but it will look better on gedit, http://paste.ubuntu.com/113474/plain/04:47
ryanpriorHow do I disable 3-button mouse emulation (where right click + left click = middle click)?04:47
c0rrupt0rdamn spammers04:47
zelaktis there a simple, lightweight text editor that looks native on gnome that _doesn't_ suck (i.e. not bloated, runs fast, has syntax highlighting) and is not vim/emcas?04:47
laughalotswolter just cut and paste directly?04:48
wolterlaughalots, save that page as fstab on your desktop04:48
ryanpriorzelakt: gedit is the shit04:48
titsarefun17242GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17242GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17242GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17241GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17241GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17241GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17243GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17243GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17243GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17245GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17245GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17245GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17240GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17240GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17240GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17244GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17244GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17244GNAA IS FUN04:48
wolterlaughalots, you could04:48
titsarefun17241GNAA IS FUN04:48
titsarefun17241GNAA IS FUN04:48
FloodBot1titsarefun17244: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:48
wolterman, this spammer..04:48
nanotubetuxedocurly: right04:48
FloodBot1titsarefun17242: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:48
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wolteri bet titsarefun is bill gates mad because windows sucks..04:49
nanotubewolter: lol04:49
BigMikeand God made microsoft04:49
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.04:49
Light-wolter, I think bill gates would just buy freenode04:49
laughalotswolter it may be missing a few things -- I have a lot of card readers, for example...04:49
woltercan somebody help me transfer files from vista to ubuntu?04:49
nanotubetuxedocurly: just make sure you have the right drive selected. you don't want to accidentally delete partitions from the wrong drive :)04:49
zelaktryanprior:  gedit actually takes a couple of seconds to launch on my core 2 duo, 2gb ram computer -- not acceptable when equivalent software on win32 runs instantly.04:49
tuxedocurlynanotube: i apologize for my ignorance, but when i delete all of the partitions, there is one left called "unallocated" this is what i should partition in fat32?04:49
nanotubetuxedocurly: exactly!04:50
wolterlaughalots, well, that should give you a start04:50
tuxedocurlynanotube: okay!04:50
tonyyarussotuxedocurly: yes04:50
nanotubetuxedocurly: take the unallocated space, and make a partition on it. :)04:50
wolterlaughalots, does it look organized on the text editor?04:50
Vozzy311hey guys04:50
nanotubetuxedocurly: you're getting there :)04:50
laughalotswolter cool deal :-) I appreciate it. Will it be able to detect ubuntu. It looks mostly organized.04:50
ryanpriorzelakt: Sure, but once it launches, it runs quite fast.04:50
laughalotswolter not ubuntu--usb04:50
ryanpriorzelakt: Are you closing and opening your text editor a lot for some reason?04:50
sammichweaselMight as well try.  I have never used Linux before - how do I run patches to applications?04:50
nellmathewafter a clean install do i need to get RID of anything before using ndiswrapper? (i'm not talking about blacklisting)04:51
Vozzy311i don't mean to interupt, but any of you skilled with wifi drivers?04:51
ryanprior!wifi | Vozzy31104:51
ubottuVozzy311: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:51
c0rrupt0rno one can help my issue with Audio?04:51
ryanprior!audio | c0rrupt0r04:51
laughalotswolter I organized it--do the numbers of spaces and the like matter?04:51
ubottuc0rrupt0r: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:51
jokkahc0rrupt0r: whats your issue'?04:51
zelaktryanprior: yeah, just force of habit. on your recommendation i'm tweaking it a bit and it's not bad04:51
ramirandc0rrupt0r: Wish I could, man, never tried USB audio.04:52
jokkahc0rrupt0r: ?04:52
tuxedocurlynanotube: hmm.. well now that all i have left is "unallocated" it wont let me select partition--->format to--->fat32 why is that?04:52
tuxedocurlynanotube: and what should i do?04:52
wolterlaughalots, no04:52
nellmathewmeaning, the default wireless connections thing that comes up (which doesn't work).. do i need to uninstall that somehow?.. i'm guessing after blacklisting it'll just stop loading altogether right?04:52
Light-tuxedocurly, gotta create a partition on the unallocated space, THEN format to fat3204:52
tonyyarussotuxedocurly: you have to create a partition first, then format the partition04:52
ryanpriorzelakt: If you can change your habits somewhat, ctrl+n opens a new buffer, and ctrl+w closes a buffer.04:52
Droopsta915What ubuntu program will burn avi to dvd?04:52
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ryanpriorzelakt: Those actions occur instantaneously.04:52
nanotubetuxedocurly: first, /create/ a partition in the unallocated space04:52
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nanotubetuxedocurly: /then/ format that partition04:53
wolterlaughalots, to be honest, my fsab has some strange numbers called UIDS instead of the "/dev/sda1" stuff, but i think it doesn't matter..04:53
nanotubetuxedocurly: you can't skip the step of creating partition :)04:53
c0rrupt0rubottu ok i will try that thank you04:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:53
Vozzy311that's the readme on the file i need to install04:53
Vozzy311idk howto04:53
Light-wolter, its a "security" feature I think, so someone cant look at your /etc/fstab and figure out what drives to steal04:53
jokkahGNAA IS FUN04:53
FloodBot1jokkah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:53
Light-jokkah, I agree04:54
tuxedocurlynanotube: sorry.. i've never dealt with this partition stuff before.. ha ha, yes.. im ignorant to much of this. alright.. select primary or extended partition?04:54
Light-tuxedocurly, if its the first partition on the disk, primary04:54
spritleis there any reason the vbox steals the audio while its open?04:54
nanotubetuxedocurly: we all started from there at some point. :)04:54
nanotubetuxedocurly: primary04:54
tritiumjokkah: warning04:54
spritleany way to make it so ubuntu and vbox can use sound simultaneously?04:54
tonyyarussoLight-: No, it's so that the same drive always mounts the same way.  It's possible for the /dev/sda1 variety to get switched around, whereas UUID is a unique identifier.04:54
Hurley_i have a nforce chipset 750a. I installed a mirrored drive (raid 1) and i installed ubuntu 8.10. I see on the installation dialog two hard drive. Why can i see two hard drive on RAID 1 mirrored?04:54
Droopsta915WHat application can I use  to burn .avi movies into dvd?04:54
jokkahtritium: i just noticed the flood04:54
Light-tonyyarusso, ahh thankyou for that, I always wondered about it04:55
tritiumjokkah: please don't repeat it04:55
jokkahtritium: sure, i dont do that kind of things..04:55
tritiumjokkah: thanks04:55
linduxedim having a problem with java that ive only encountered on ubuntu, so far other linuxes, mac and even windows have not had this:04:55
linduxedthis java based app called bluej has its menus dissapearing (all... rigthclick, top-bar...) as if all menus had OnReleaseMouse = close.04:55
linduxedalso the window is odd, cant be resized and isnt showing up as an open app in the taskbar...04:55
jokkahtritium: are you a bot?04:55
tritiumjokkah: no04:55
CyBurnettI have 3 icons on my desktop that correspond to HDD that has been divided into 3 partitions. How con I rename them rather than have the default name like 158GB Media?04:55
sammichweaselAnyone?  Running patches for apps?04:55
jokkahtritium:why do you say i do that kind of things? are you drunk?04:55
Flanneljokkah: Please stay on topic.04:56
tonyyarussoCyBurnett: set the "label" on the partition with a partition editor.04:56
Light-sammichweasel, to04:56
tritiumjokkah: stay on topic, please04:56
Light-sammichweasel, are you patching the source?04:56
wolterHi, can somebody explain me/point me to documentation to know how to transfer files from a vista machine to ubuntu machine through a usb cable?04:56
ryanpriorsammichweasel: I'm not sure what you mean. Is it a source patch?04:56
sammichweaselLight- :: To tell you the truth, I have no clue.  I just got up and running04:56
CyBurnetttonyyarusso, Like Gparted?04:56
tonyyarussoCyBurnett: yeah04:57
sammichweaselI've never used Linux before.04:57
Light-sammichweasel, what are you being asked to patch?04:57
CyBurnettThank you :)04:57
sammichweaselLight- :: I'm trying to patch up Wine ^.^04:57
CyBurnetttonyyarusso, Thank you :)04:57
tonyyarussowolter: I don't know, but I can tell you that it would probably be way easier over a network cable than USB.04:57
Light-!wine | sammichweasel04:57
ubottusammichweasel: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help04:57
Flannelsammichweasel: patch it for what?04:57
Light-sammichweasel, the wine binary should work with no patches04:57
ryanpriorsammichweasel: Don't bother patching Wine. It's updated with the latest source code every 2 weeks or so. :-)04:57
lucaxi got some parts of nautilus in english and i want them to be in spanish... dont know whats wrong... ive installed support-es gnome-es bla bla bla but no changes, plus dont have any other language installed... any ideas?04:57
woltertonyyarusso, well, i've been told usb is faster04:58
sammichweaselLight-, ryanprior :: Then I guess I have a different problem - DirectX and .Net Frameworks don't appear to work, leaving multiple programs without the means to run04:58
tonyyarussowolter: USB 2.0 is faster than 100Mbit, but slower than gigabit.  But, I've at least heard of ways to do it with ethernet.  :P04:58
Light-sammichweasel, theyre not supposed to, thats Microsoft crap that only runs on windows04:59
ryanpriorsammichweasel: Don't try to install Microsoft's DirectX -- Wine has its own implementation.04:59
ryanpriorAs far as .Net, I think efforts to get that working fully are ongoing, and any patches you find will only solve the problems partially.04:59
Light-sammichweasel, WINE has its own implementation of DirectX, and you can use Mono to run .NET apps04:59
woltertonyyarusso, yeah well, I tried to do it with ethernet but i wouldn't get more than 2mb/s04:59
sammichweaselryanprior :: Then, if something that works with DirectX isn't functioning in Wine, should I go find a Wine channel or something?04:59
Jack_Sparrowsammichweasel correct04:59
marissacan someone give me a hand please? i just installed ubuntu and im trying to get skype to work. it seems to be able to pick up my mic when i plug in an external mic but when i pull it out it doesnt seem to pick up the mic thats built into my laptop04:59
tonyyarussowolter: old card?05:00
ryanpriorsammichweasel: Wine has a great resource called the AppDB (you can google it) that tells you what programs work well and what ones don't.05:00
ramirandwolter: I think USB 2.0 is something like 480Mb/s, so gigabit ethernet is faster, and 100Mb/s ethernet isn't THAT much slower - how much data are you moving?05:00
Jack_Sparrow!appdb > sammichweasel05:00
ubottusammichweasel, please see my private message05:00
ryanpriorsammichweasel: So, they may already know that the app you're trying to run isn't well supported yet. If you're familiar with bug trackers, they can use your help in reporting bugs.05:00
sammichweaselryanprior :: Thanks for the info05:00
L_Yhow can i change the splash ?05:01
laughalotswolter worked like a charm05:01
Light-sammichweasel, you also cant expect to run windows applications on Linux properly. Look for a linux alternative05:01
sammichweaselJack_Sparrow :: Thanks for the heads up05:01
laughalotswolter thanks SOOOOO much for the help05:01
tonyyarusso!splash| L_Y05:01
ubottuL_Y: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.05:01
c0rrupt0rwould it be causing a problem with audio if everything is saying pulseaudio at the end of it in sound settings..and im not using pulseaudio?05:01
ramirandwolter: I just moved 160GB pretty quick over 100Mb/s ethernet, didn't take that long.05:01
ryanpriorsammichweasel: However, you should realize that Wine is still very incomplete software and that in many cases you're better off looking for a Linux equivalent of Windows software rather than using Wine.05:01
sammichweaselLight- :: Oh, I know, just trying to get my games workin' right ^.^05:01
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.05:01
Sussa_http://paste.ubuntu.com/113477/ :)05:02
Jack_Sparrowsammichweasel dual boot.. dont think wine or those will get you the performance you will expect05:02
marissacan someone give me a hand please? i just installed ubuntu and im trying to get skype to work. it seems to be able to pick up my mic when i plug in an external mic but when i pull it out it doesnt seem to pick up the mic thats built into my laptop05:02
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sammichweaselJack_Sparrow :: Le sigh.  Guess that means I need to actually throw the other HDD in here.05:02
sammichweaselAlright, thanks everyone!  Guess that'll do for tonight05:02
Light-Sussa_, do you have build-essential installed?05:02
CyBurnettI tried to rename my partitions with gparted but I cant find an option to rename05:03
tuxedocurlynanotube: how long should this take with a slow 1.8 GHZ processor? ha ha05:03
Light-Sussa_, those missing .h files are standard C headers05:03
ryanpriorHow do I disable 3-button mouse emulation (where right click + left click = middle click)?05:03
Jack_SparrowCyBurnett I am busy .. but you would to manually LABEL them, or setup mount points in fstab05:04
nanotubetuxedocurly: could take a while... depends on the filesystem type you are putting on it...05:04
nanotubeCyBurnett: what is the filesystem type of your partitions?05:04
wolterramirand, linux-to-linux? vista gave me only 2mb/s ...05:04
tuxedocurlynanotube: putting it to a fat32 format is that what you mean?05:04
Sussa_Light-: hum, I don't :(05:04
CyBurnettnanotube, Fat05:04
ramirandwolter: Ah, yeah, linux to linux.05:05
nanotubetuxedocurly: right. that's what i mean.05:05
robsonis there an opera package? i did apt-get install opera to no avail05:05
Jack_Sparrownanotube 3 primary ntfs ext3, ext3, huge extended with a few ext3 and swap05:05
Sussa_Light-: I'll install it, just a minute :)05:05
ramirandwolter: All my Vista to Ubuntu experience is via wifi, so not really a good comparison.05:05
Light-Sussa_, ok :)05:05
tuxedocurlyokay, well hey, thanks for your help!!!!05:05
nanotubeCyBurnett: you need mtools, then. see here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive05:05
CyBurnettnanotube, they are not usb drives though does that matter?05:06
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Sylphidryanprior, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101343005:06
nanotubeJack_Sparrow: well, ext3 can be labeled with e2label, ntfs with ntfslabel05:07
sauvinMy girlfriend is trying to install mythbuntu by first booting into the livecd. She gets STUCK with this message: (initramfs) [ 98.378061] end_request: I/o error, dev sr0, sector 1311872. What is 'sr0'?05:07
CyBurnettCotowar, Hi :)05:07
nanotubeCyBurnett: you can label any partitions... don't have to be on usb.05:07
Cotowarum, whats the command to rename files using mp3rename?05:07
ramirandsauvin: In my experience, that's a problem reading the livecd.05:07
Cotowarits the one that comes after mp3rename -s '&t'05:08
the_dark_warriodoes glxinfo comes by default on ubuntu?05:08
the_dark_warriomy friend is trying to run it, but the command is not found05:08
CyBurnettnanotube, ok thaks, i'll go to the site you mention05:08
nanotubeCyBurnett: ok good luck :)05:08
Sylphidryanprior, i would try adding  Option "Emulate3Buttons" "false" to you xorg.conf 1st though05:08
tritiumthe_dark_warrio: it's in mesa-utils05:08
CyBurnettnanotube, "I'll be Baaack!!"05:09
nanotubeCyBurnett: :)05:09
skate2what's the best way to see all the services that are currently running ?05:09
sauvinramirand, you may be right.05:09
bmhAnyone tell me how can I solve my bug. The problem here is I could not empty the trash folder in evolution05:09
the_dark_warriotritium: thanks05:09
nanotubeskate2: "ps ax" shows all processes05:09
ramirandsauvin: If you search on google a bit, you'll find a lot of people who hit that have luck burning the CD again, or they need other options to the boot so IO with the CD/DVD drive works better.05:10
nanotubeskate2: though they are not all necessarily "services"... but linux doesn't really distinguish between a "service" and a regular process.05:10
skate2nanotube but that shows all process, including non services05:10
skate2nanotube i think i found it "service --status-all"05:10
the_dark_warriotritium: he have mesa-utils, but no glxinfo..05:10
sauvinramirand, she burned the ISO with brasero under ubuntu 8.10 64-bit. I've had crappy luck with debian lenny's brasero :\05:10
tritiumthe_dark_warrio: that doesn't make sense.  That's where it is.05:11
riegersnmy add/remove programs app is empty!? but synaptic is working fine, so is good old apt-get, did I screw something up ?05:11
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ramirandsauvin I'd try burning it again, maybe at a lower speed, or from another system. If that doesn't work, you'll probably have to search for problems with that particular motherboard and/or drive.05:12
linlinwhat can be used to fill a raid array with random data for stress testing?05:12
linlinwhat can be used to fill a raid array with random data quickly for stress testing?05:12
sauvinramirand, the mobo/drive were OK, but we've had go-arounds with this system burning media before :\05:12
nanotubeskate2: ah cool... didn't know about the "service" command. hell, it's not even documented in the man pages...05:13
node357I can't mute my microphone, and when I turn on mic boost I get high pitched squeeling feedback05:13
c0rrupt0rmy audio settings show all accessible audio hardware but it will not work with no audio other then my tower speaker..even if i change other settings it still only will alow my tower speaker to work any suggestions please?05:13
skate2nanotube well there seems to be a manpage for it if you type 'whereis service' however it doesnt load for some stupid reason05:13
ramirandlinlin: First thing that comes to mind is using dd, from /dev/random to the raid block device.05:13
the_dark_warriotritium: its seems he should run glxgears before... but that doesn't make sense either05:13
ramirandlinlin: don't know if that's optimal, though. Just a guess.05:13
skate2nanotube try: man /usr/share/man/man1/service.8.gz05:14
linlinramirand: how would i go about un-doing that afterwords05:14
ramirandlinlin: That's also going to be sequential... that's not "realistic" really.05:14
ramirandlinlin: Well, that'd obviously trash anything on the array... so you'd just build a new filesystem on it when you're done.05:15
nanotubeskate2: hm, yea, that works... i guess the manpage index is messed up...05:15
lyraewhen using vsftpd, where is the default dir?05:15
bmhcan anyone tell me how can i fix the problem to clean the trash folder in evolution?05:15
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linlinramirand: id like to try to create a random "file" on the array, that can simply be deleted when done05:15
node357I cannot mute my microphone05:15
ramirandWell, dd can write to files, too.05:16
ramirandlinlin: Sorry, that last was to you.05:16
linlinsomething like cat /dev/random > garbage.file ? or would dd be better05:16
ramirandlinlin: I'm pretty sure dd would be better.05:16
ramirandlinlin: something like dd if=/dev/random of=garbage.file05:17
amazinand urandom05:17
ramirandlinlin: amazin's right, I think random will block waiting for more "entropy"05:17
riegersnall apps are missing from add/remove app, can anyone help me out ?05:17
ramirandlinlin: urandom doesn't block.05:17
c0rrupt0rmy audio settings show all accessible audio hardware but it will not work with no audio other then my tower speaker..even if i change other settings it still only will alow my tower speaker to work any suggestions please?05:18
linlinramirand: sorry what do you mean by doesnt block05:18
Guest75893hello.  I am using a Huawei E160G modem to connect to 3 australia.  It is much slower on xubuntu than on windows on the same computer.  any ideas??  I have tried google and got nothing.05:18
ramirandlinlin: If you want it to be "fast", then you don't want the source device (/dev/random) to stop sending data while it calculates better random values. You want to take from /dev/urandom instead - it will give "good" random values right away instead of trying to come up with "better" random values.05:19
linxuz3rGuest75893: is that a 3g modem?05:19
robsonis there a package for the opera browser?05:19
linxuz3rdoes the 3g connect to a satellite or tower?05:20
linxuz3rrobson: try synaptics05:20
skate2why would anyone want to use opera in linux :P05:20
Sylphidskate2, light weight05:20
linlinramirand: oh ok great, i just kinda figured that out just now by catting /dev/urandom....much more garbage than /dev/random05:20
robsonlinxuz3r: what's that have to do with the opera browser? i'm using the synaptics mouse driver anyway05:20
skate2we need google chrome05:20
bmhDid anyone meet the bug with evolution? Could not empty the trash folder05:21
jedi06is there a way to run memtest from inside ubuntu or do i need to put in a livecd05:21
jedi06and run it from there/05:21
ph0rensic_is this chat different than freenode???05:22
Flannelph0rensic_: No, this is freenode.05:22
jedi06this is freenode05:22
supersakothis is freenode05:22
robsonph0rensic_: this is05:22
linxuz3rrobson: usually you use apt-get to search for ubuntu packages05:22
Flannellinxuz3r, robson: apt-cache search [stuff]05:22
linxuz3rrobson: try sudo apt-cache search opera05:22
jedi06do i need to restart and boot from livecd to run memtest?05:22
ph0rensic_so does irc.ubuntu.com forward to freenode.net then?05:22
Sylphidjedi06, you dont need a live cd however to the best of my knowledge you cannot run memtest on a running system05:22
robsonof course i know that05:22
mikeshollenDoes Ubuntu have a built in firewall?05:22
jedi06ok thank you05:22
Sylphidjedi06, there should be a memtest option in grub05:23
Flannelph0rensic_: Yes.05:23
robsonfirst of all, searching "opera" gets way too many results, and if you filter them out, there's no opera browser i can find05:23
c0rrupt0rmikeshollen yes ubuntu has its own built in firewall05:23
linxuz3rmikeshollen: there is a software firewall. try firestarter05:23
robsonand apt-cache search just sucks in general, i find it misses packages based on what their name is way too often05:23
robsonso i'm just wondering if anyone knows it exists, cause i googled it and thought it should be "opera", but that fails05:24
linduxedim having a problem with java that ive only encountered on ubuntu, so far other linuxes, mac and even windows have not had this:05:24
linduxedthis java based app called bluej has its menus dissapearing (all... rigthclick, top-bar...) as if all menus had OnReleaseMouse = close.05:24
linxuz3rrobson: then try synaptic. the front end for apt05:24
linduxedalso the window is odd, cant be resized and isnt showing up as an open app in the taskbar...05:24
mikeshollenHow do I access the firewall?  I believe it's interfering with a game I'd like to run in Wine05:24
Sylphidrobson,  opera is not in intrepids repos05:24
robsonSylphid: thanks05:24
Droopsta915What is the uninstall command for ubuntu. I know sudo apt-get ?05:24
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.05:25
ramiranddroopsta915: to uninstall a package? Or to uninstall ubuntu?05:25
neal_sudo aptitude remove <yourpackage>05:25
Sylphidrobson, it was grandfathered in for previous distros ... but now you have to get it off the opera site... although i believe there is a repo on there site you can add05:25
linxuz3rDroopsta915: apt-get remove packagename05:25
robsonseems crazy they wouldn't include it. it's a decent browser05:25
Droopsta915Ahh remove, lol, i was typing uninstall. thanks05:25
ramiranddroopsta915: Sometimes you want to "purge" instead of "remove" a package (I've seen some where the config files that get left behind are a problem)05:26
c0rrupt0rmikeshollen go to synaptic and do a search for firestarter and install that05:26
linxuz3ri want to try kde05:26
Sylphidrobson, there was a reason for it...lemme see if i can find it05:26
phorensicramirand: does purge remove all config files? For some reason it doesn't with some packages05:26
c0rrupt0rmikeshollen ubuntu has its own built in firewall thats already installed..firestarter is just the gui so you can see whats going on and change a few settings..its already configured to default settings05:26
nellmathewhey.. i just followed directions to install ndiswrapper & my driver w/ ndisgtk, the driver is loaded (hardware present), driver installed device (14E4:4320) present (alternate driver: ssb) .. but iwconfig doesn't show wlan0..05:27
nellmathewanyone know what's wrong?05:27
ramirandphorensic: Well, I think it's supposed to... that doesn't mean all packages work 100%.05:27
linlinramirand: would it be faster to run multiple instances of dd to make more garbage? or is it limited to whatever /dev/urandom can crap out anyways?05:27
Guest75893I am running xubuntu 8.10. Trying to get my 3G modem working faster.  what commands can i use to find out connection speeds and do some problem solving. most info i found is to do with configuring wvdial.05:27
ramirandlinlin: I'm not 100% sure on that. I doubt it would help to run more than you have cores, at least.05:28
wolterwhy does my screen brightness change all by itself?05:28
skate2is there a reason to use firestarter if your router has a firewall?05:28
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:28
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Sussa_hey dudes, I've got an Atheros AR2413, but the connection is too slow. I've just compiled madwifi, do I need to do anything else for it to work better? :P05:28
wolterit always gets to like 90% of brightness, and I always change it to 100%...05:28
c0rrupt0rmy audio settings show all accessible audio hardware but it will not work with no audio other then my tower speaker..even if i change other settings it still only will alow my tower speaker to work any suggestions please?05:29
linlinramirand: yeah it appears no, im running 10 instances it doesnt seem to be filling any faster05:29
ramirandlinlin: You might check out the package called "stress" - I haven't tried it for disk stress, but the description says it can do it.05:30
ramirandlinlin: I've only used it for CPU and I/O stress.05:30
Droopsta915Why is it that when I am in the terminal, I cd Desktop. Then I type ls and I see a file that is not on the desktop? At least not that I can see.05:30
phorensicDroopsta915: is it hidden? Not all files will show up on normal ls.. try ls -al05:31
phorensicDroopsta915: or ls -l, ls -a05:32
marissacan someone give me a hand please? i just installed ubuntu and im trying to get skype to work. it seems to be able to pick up my mic when i plug in an external mic but when i pull it out it doesnt seem to pick up the mic thats built into my laptop05:32
Droopsta915Yeah it has a .  ..  Filename05:32
Droopsta915How can I get it to unhide?05:33
phorensicctrl+h in nautilus05:33
arvind_khadrihi, does binaries and executables mean the same?05:33
linxuz3rin linux and windows05:33
skate2it tends to mean the same thing, but technically a jpeg is a binary file, but not necessarly executable05:34
arvind_khadriskate2: i got it :)05:34
MSymptomush, what specifically is it about ubuntu that is like windows?05:35
nellmathewi blacklisted b43, bcm43xx, ssb, ect.. and added ndiswrapper to modules, and used ndisgtk to install the inf driver, now.. how come iwconfig doesn't have "wlan0" ?..05:35
Tom_Fari'm sorry, but I wonna have knows about "Why ubuntu community is not suppored mc?"05:36
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amt2my sound was working great but after some point it just started working and now I can't hear anything. I didn't change any settings directly. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks05:36
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mikeshollenDoes Linux run any other security software besides the firewall?05:37
mikeshollenSpecifically Ubuntu05:37
Sylphidmikeshollen, apparmor05:38
sauvinbastille, selinux, there are tons of others.05:38
nellmathewhey guys : in cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules - wlan0 is being used by "b43-pci-bridge", that's why it's not showing up with ndiswrapper, what should i do?05:39
nellmathew# PCI device 0x14e4:0x4320 (b43-pci-bridge)05:39
nellmathewSUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:90:4b:5a:e4:d5", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan0"05:39
Sylphidsauvin, however those are not on a default ubuntu install05:39
wolterdo people need an ebook manager?05:40
Sylphidnellmathew, your using ndiswrapper for a broadcom wireless card correct?05:40
nellmathewSylphid, nothing else seems to work.. so i'm trying ndiswrapper in intrepid05:40
Sylphidnellmathew, add 'blacklist b43' to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist05:41
Sylphidnellmathew, you will need to reboot afterwards05:42
rkviranignome-do rocks :D05:42
nellmathewSylphid, i already blacklisted bxm43xx, b43, b43legacy, ssb & added ndiswrapper to modules though..05:42
rkviranithought admittedly 512MB is not enough for compiz05:42
Sylphidnellmathew, what driver does  sudo lshw -C network  show that your wireless interface is using05:43
* usser you kids and your fancy guis :)05:44
allan_say is there a control , alt ,del for ubuntu like windows05:44
nellmathewSylphid, my problem is iwconfig doesn't show "wlan0".. i read on the forums to check if it's being used by anything else by doing "Check the contents of the /etc/iftab file and make sure that no other device has the wlan0 driver name reserved for it: cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules" .. it is being used by something else.. no further info though05:44
lyraewhen using vsftpd, where is the default dir?05:44
On0bi_my movie player flashes a black checkerboard mesh throughout movies all the time, how do i fix that?05:44
mikeshollenDoes anyone have any experience with Mac-on-Linux?05:45
nellmathewSylphid: driver=b43-pci-bridge latency=64 module=ssb05:45
jigphello guys how to install mass message to my group?im using pidgin 2.5.005:45
Sylphidnellmathew, and your sure that b43 is blacklisted?05:45
Sussa_hey dudes, I've got an Atheros AR2413, but the connection is too slow. I've just compiled madwifi, do I need to do anything else for it to work better? I'm using 8.04.2 :)05:45
nite_johnboyHi - Currently using a Nvidia PCI Express 7300DF Geforce - Using Nvidia restricted drivers - Going to remove this card and install a ATI EAH 3450 HDMI PCI Express - Do I need to uninstall the Nvidia drivers before installing the new ATI card ? ?05:46
nellmathewSylphid, it's definitely on the list.. let me try another reboot then, should i try to blacklist b43-pci-bridge too maybe?05:46
Sylphidnellmathew, you should not need to05:46
Sylphidnellmathew, try this first05:46
allan_do anyone know, is there a control alt delete for ubuntu like if you stuck in a program05:46
mikeshollenyes allan05:46
nanotubelyrae: in vsftpd.conf, the option local_root is set to the root dir.05:46
Sylphidnellmathew, sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper05:47
nanotubelyrae: and that's also where you can change it to anythin gyou want.05:47
mikeshollenUse the system monitor05:47
phorensicallan_: you can kill the pid05:47
allan_i used that :P05:47
mikeshollenYou can kill processes directly through system monitor05:47
d33dwhat do i do if i've lost my IRC password?05:47
allan_but is there are short cut to system monitor05:47
lyraenanotube: doesnt seem to work05:47
mikeshollenI don't know, maybe someone else does05:47
jrjrkill a process?05:48
homecablei need some to test my site it isnt loading on my end http://joey.ath.cx05:48
allan_yep yep i know how to do that ,,i just thourt there was a shourt cut thats all05:48
nanotubelyrae: you need to restart vsftpd for changes to take effect.05:48
d33dwhat do i do if i've lost my IRC password?05:48
lyraenanotube:  id id05:48
mikeshollenkill, terminate, cause the act of ceasing to exist in memory05:48
nite_johnboyGoing to replace my Nvidia card with ATI card - Do I need to uninstall Nvidia drivers 1st ? ?05:49
nanotubeallan_: you can set a shortcut yourself if you go to system-> preferences -> kb shortcuts :)05:49
arvind_khadrid33d: talk to the staff at #freenode05:49
rkviraniI have 512MB RAM  but Im pretty sure I have a 54K RPM drive will another gig help any with a drive that slow?05:49
nanotubelyrae: so what does it do, then?05:49
ramirandnite_johnboy: I think the answer is no.05:50
phorensicAnyone using solid state drive with their ubuntu?? speed difference??05:50
rkviraniphorensic: yeah its SUCKS05:50
nellmathewSylphid, done.. iwconfig still doesn't show wlan0, let me try rebooting.. brb 2 min, thanks for you help btw!05:50
rkviranisolid state has VERY VERY slow writes05:50
phorensicrkvirani: no way? how come05:50
rkviraniphorensic: I dunno05:50
rkviraniAcer Aspire One 8GB SSD05:50
rkviraniand its dog ass slow05:50
lyraenanotube: nothing...i go ftp://localhost and the file i put in home/lyrae/ftp/ insnt there05:50
Until_It_SleepsWhat is Ubuntu's command for the equivalent of Window's "ipconfig /all"?05:50
lyraenanotube: the directory listing is empty..i should see a file05:50
nite_johnboyramirand; thanks - will just shutdown and swap out cards ....05:50
SylphidUntil_It_Sleeps, ifconfig05:51
rkviraniUntil_It_Sleeps: ifconfig05:51
ramirandnite_johnboy: A friend of mine did something similar recently (Nvidia 9600 => some ATI card)05:51
Light-Until_It_Sleeps, ifconfig05:51
phorensicUntil_It_Sleeps: ifconfig05:51
nanotubelyrae: did you put the initial '/' for the dir conf?05:51
Until_It_Sleepslol, so helpful. Thanks05:51
phorensicrkvirani: hmm thats an acer though.. what about one of those 32gig flash drives??05:51
ramirandnite_johnboy: Obviously, on the next boot, the nvidia x server didn't start, but it brought up the regular server, and he was able to config the ATI correctly from there.05:51
nanotubelyrae: (it's not home/lyrae..., its /home/lyrae05:52
rkviraniphorensic: hahaha like the ones that are hundreds of dollars05:52
lyraenanotube: yep: local_root=/home/lyrae/ftp/05:52
baz_it is said that the passwords stored in *revelation password manager*, can be retrieved remotely thru gnome-fs (which i think was replaced) - anyone know how i would go about doing this?05:52
rkviraniIf my acer sucks so bad what makes you think I Want to buy a more expensive one hahaha05:52
phorensicrkvirani: oh speaking of the AAO- did you get your wireless working natively?05:52
lyraenanotube: when i type 'ls' in ftp, i get /05:53
phorensicrkvirani: no i like the AAO's foo! I got my friend to buy one so i could play with it05:53
phorensicrkvirani: I thought they were around $80 or so now05:54
wafflesHey, how can I find out what partition is what on an HD? I'm trying to figure out what mount something is in HD(0,x) format.05:54
nite_johnboyramirand; cool - the newer ATI has DVI/VGA/HDMI Out - going to use with the HDMI with my wide screen High Def TV - Will probably turn off onboard sound in bio's - HDMI is supposed to carry sound so maybe should not need the 1/8" out for audio....05:54
lyraenanotube: not 'ls', i mean pwd05:54
phorensicwaffles: hmm sudo fdisk -l?05:54
EternalEndingwas wondering if anyone could help me with a hardware compatibility question, im kinda thinking my hardware wont run ubuntu :(05:54
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wafflesphorensic, gives sda1, sda2, sdax05:55
arvind_khadriwaffles: sdax??05:55
nanotubelyrae: well yes, it sets the ftp root "/" to whatever you set local_root to. (well, supposedly. apparently it doesn't work for you...)05:55
wafflesphorensic, I know my boot is HD(0,0) and that gives it as SDA105:55
Until_It_SleepsAnyone know which ports I should forward for Transmission bittorrent client so that it runs faster?05:55
Until_It_Sleepspm me with it plz05:55
wafflesarvind_khadri, I mean sda1, sda2, ect.... x as in up to 8 for me atleast05:56
nite_johnboyEternalEnding; Have you tried using the Live CD ?05:56
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EternalEndingyes :( it wont get past the cd check on 8.005:56
ramirandnite_johnboy: Does that card have a digital audio input to put on the HDMI?05:56
arvind_khadriwaffles: oh ok... so what are you trying to achieve now?05:56
phorensicwaffles: hmm i dunno then05:56
EternalEndingi think its partly my blu-ray drive05:56
lyraenanotube: any other ftp daemons i could try?05:56
wafflesarvind_khadri,  the end goal is dealing with Grub, but right now trying to find out what HD(0,1) is, what HD(0,2) is, ect. I have some logical partitions inside an extended partition.05:57
nite_johnboyramirand; ah - no - ummm might have something there - the sounds has to get there somehow - didn't quite think this through all the way yet.05:57
arvind_khadriwaffles: sda2 would be hd(0,2)05:58
=== error404notfoun1 is now known as error404notfound
arvind_khadriwaffles: sorry i mean hd(0,1)05:58
Flannelarvind_khadri, waffles: hd0,105:58
ramirandnite_johnboy: I know some cards have that. I haven't tried. My Nvidia doesn't have HDMI out, and I've never tried using the digital audio output yet.05:59
ramirandnite_johnboy: (on my motherboard)05:59
wafflesarvind_khadri, Flannel, so just subtract 1 from the sdaX to get HD(0,x)? Alright then.05:59
arvind_khadriwaffles: ya05:59
Flannelwaffles: and a == 1, b == 2, etc, subtract one from that too.05:59
wafflesarvind_khadri, Flannel, Thanks for the help.06:00
EternalEndingso supposing I can beat the CD check by using an external drive, what is the compatibility with the i7 processor looking like?06:00
nite_johnboyramirand; yea - just opened the box an looked at it - No audio in - so will be using standard motherboard 5.1 audio - looks like huh?06:00
nanotubelyrae: hmm... well thereis proftpd06:01
nanotubelyrae: there's the regular "ftpd"06:02
dixonionthedemoni back06:02
NoSoundHelpHey my sound just stopped working...i didnt change anything06:02
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lyraenanotube: thank you06:02
nanotubebut really i don't know why vsftpd isn't working... maybe you can ask on #vsftpd if that channel exists, or if not, just regular #ftp.06:02
nanotubelyrae: just check what channels relating to ftp are out there, you might find some helpful folks :)06:03
dixon208anyone know how to get a quickcam messenger from logitech to work?06:03
wafflesI installed Vista, Xp, then Ubuntu, but used the alternate install. I had a 100 meg boot partition in Fat16, but then when I installed Ubuntu I thought it was empty and formated over to Ext3. It's now my boot partition. Is there any way to add Windows to Grub without "repairing" Windows then reinstalling Grub? I tried booting from HDA(0,6) and HDA(0,7) where they are and get MBR not found. From what I've read, I need a boot folder/file and neither06:03
wafflespartition have them.06:03
nanotubelyrae: helpful folks who know what they're doing, even. :)06:03
dixon208ubuntu 8.1006:03
NoSoundHelpHey my sound just stopped working...i didnt change anything... ubuntu 8.10......06:03
lyraenanotube: i will as last resort =)06:04
inktriwhy is /etc/ called etc if it's for config files?06:04
nanotubelyrae: good luck :)06:04
TheOrzAnyone know when this important bug fix will get into Ubuntu 8.10? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/29616706:05
TheOrzThis bug is killing me06:05
NoSoundHelpalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: Connection refused06:05
nanotubeinktri: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki//etc06:05
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codenameIf i want to install 180.25 nvidia driver06:06
EternalEndingx-fi supported yet?06:06
codenameWhen I dist upgrade does that mess anything up06:06
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codenameI heard when it's time to update it can cause kernel issues06:06
nanotubecodename: only if it messes something up. otherwise, no. :) many people have no trouble... some do... it's a good idea to back up your data just in case. :)06:07
NoSoundHelpHey my sound just stopped working...i didnt change anything... ubuntu 8.10......alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: Connection refused06:07
codenameOh ok, so it's fairly simple installing NVIDIA drivers then well at least off their website06:07
codenameI have 17706:07
codenameBut I also have a NVIDIA GeForce 9800GTX people told me I should update since I have a newer card06:07
codenameNoSoundHelp: Did you update?06:08
IntuitiveNipplecodename: If you use the nvidia packages instead of the Ubuntu restricted drivers packages, then YES, you may have issues since the upgrader will not 'know' about the nvidia package, so won't rebuild the kernel interface06:08
[biabia]any help installing iptables modules ip_nat_ftp and ip_conntrack_ftp  ?06:08
[biabia]ubuntu 8.0406:09
powertool08Is this a normal command to be run every day at 7:35 am? /usr/bin/gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/use_http_proxy, then ~/host then ~/port?06:10
nadim_codename: yeah, I installed nvidia drivers by hand in 8.04, because my card was too new for the drivers that came with the distro...worked fine, except after every kernel update, graphics failed to safe mode, and you'd need to go to the terminal, stop gdm, and rerun the driver install...06:10
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nickrudhum de dum de dum06:13
wakestany idea why this would not work?06:14
wakest tar cvpzf ubuntuantitype.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found -exclude=/mnt --exclude=/media --exclude=/sys --exclude=/tmp /06:14
dixon208anyone know how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work? pm me if u know how plz06:15
wakestall it tells me is  tar cvpzf ubuntuantitype.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found -exclude=/mnt --exclude=/media --exclude=/sys --exclude=/tmp /06:15
wakestI mean06:15
wakesttar: invalid option -- e06:15
wakestTry `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information.06:15
wakestcan anyone help?06:16
wakestjust trying to do a back up06:16
ANTRatwakest: the -exclude=/mnt looks like its missing a -06:16
phorensicwakest: you onlly have one - instead of -- on one of the exports?06:16
wakestfucking a06:16
wakestthanks so much06:16
FloodBot1wakest: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:16
* nickrud has had too many blindness errors to chide wakest for language this time ;)06:17
* phorensic comforts nuckrud06:17
nickrudme must CHIDE!!!06:18
wakestwas staring at that line for like 20 minutes trying to figure out why it wouln't work06:18
wakestthanks alot ANTRat!06:18
phorensicwakest: fresh eyes are a good thing06:18
wakestI agree, I should have gone outside to smoke my cigarette instead of staring at commands that wouln't work06:19
wolterhas anybody used emesene without expiriencing frequent application freezes>06:20
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harleywhat music player should I install besides rythmebox or amarok?06:20
phorensicharley: vlc? audacious?06:20
nickrudharley, you might want to take a look at banshee06:20
usserharley, foobar2k06:21
shingalatedbanshee is good stuff06:21
dixon208 anyone know how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work? pm me if u know how plz im trying to figure it out... but i get nothing.... im testing it out on skype.. it reads the camrea, but all i get is popcorn - blank like when u dont have the cable or sattelite hooked up to ur TV06:21
wakestwas just gonna suggest banshee,06:21
flashkiddharley: I think banshee is a good one06:21
arvind_khadridixon208: you might need to have gpsca ... i guess i got that order right06:21
dixon208pm me plz06:21
harleyfoobar looks pretty good06:22
harleybanshee looks a little plain06:22
arvind_khadri!cam > dixon20806:22
ubottudixon208, please see my private message06:22
wolterharley, banshee is perfect for you, if you used itunes and love simplicity06:22
whatevwill windows explorer give me problems if i have a samba server on a linux laptop that's not always connected to my network?06:22
harleywolter: I never used itunes :P06:23
harleywolter: I have, but I don't like it.06:23
YooPhGluPanyone use tv cards in ubuntu???????06:23
DigitalSithhow do I change the run levels in ubuntu so I boot directly to a console instead of gdm06:23
phorensicwhatev: i think it will cause a delay n certain instances when it tries to searc the network.. are you having it mounted as a network drive?06:23
flashkiddharley: banshee uses few resources to run06:24
whatevphorensic yeah06:24
dixon208spca5xx  is the driver06:24
dixon208how do i get it?06:24
dixon208using the terminal?06:24
phorensicwhatev: yes i think it will hang when the drive cannot find the volume06:24
phorensicwhatev: its been a while since ive done it but i think i had that problem06:25
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
DigitalSithhow do I change the run levels in ubuntu so I boot directly to a console instead of gdm06:25
phorensicdixon208: you can locate the file and use wget http://whatever.come/file06:25
YooPhGluPi was thinking about switching to ubuntu from vista but i can't get my pvr-150mce to work so now i am not sure if its worth it06:26
robsoni can't get alsa to work for snd-hda-intel. i tried modprobe snd-hda-intel after compiling alsa for that module and it failed06:26
wowis there any way to copy a screeshot to the clipboard instead of opening that "save screenshot" window?06:26
kinja-sheepYooPhGluP: Buy a supported PVR.06:26
phorensicYooPhGluP: did you check in the myth channels?06:26
Ga_Boiok. I got a kingston 8 gig sdhc micro card and when i used it with my adapter it worked the first time. HOwever, after copying a directory straight to the card it no longer is no longer read by any of my devices except my phone however, my phone can't format it or do anything with it.. and when i connect my phone to my comp via bluetooth it still doesn't register. any ideas?06:27
dixon208--2009-02-04 00:27:07--  http://whatever.come/file06:27
dixon208Resolving whatever.come... failed: Name or service not known.06:27
dixon208wget: unable to resolve host address `whatever.come'06:27
dixon208--2009-02-04 00:27:07--  http://spca5xx/06:27
dixon208Resolving spca5xx... failed: Name or service not known.06:27
FloodBot1dixon208: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
dixon208wget: unable to resolve host address `spca5xx'06:27
arvind_khadridixon208: google for the driver06:27
usserwow, prt scr06:27
phorensicdixon208: you have to input the name of that file.. u gotta find it first06:28
wowthat doesn't copy it to the clipboard06:28
robsonis there an easier sound alternative than alsa? i went thru everything and for whatever reason it still won't work06:28
usserwow, sure does06:28
YooPhGluPyeah myth just shows a blank screen06:28
nadim_DigitalSith: runlevel --set will set your runlevel, however I think runlevels 2-5, by default, are all configured the same06:29
wowusser: not for me.  it opens a window giving me the option of where to save it06:29
usserwow, oh really...06:29
phorensicYooPhGluP: What i mean is did you ask for help in myths channels. They work with pvrs all the time and would know better if yours is supported or not06:29
kinja-sheepdixon208: I'm giving you an example -- "cd ~/Desktop && wget -c http://tinyurl.com/dixon208"06:29
nadim_DigitalSith: look up chkconfig for how to easily configure your runlevels to, say, disable gdm in one of them06:29
YooPhGluPok i'll ask them06:30
phorensicYooPhGluP: myth tends to support only cartain hauppage cards06:30
whatevwhat's the mouse service called in ubuntu? it used to be called gdm but now that stands for gnome display manager :/06:31
Neroshey guys.... can someone tell me how to setup gmail in evolution.. the guide in the wiki dosent work cause gmail uses non standard ports06:31
tuxedocurlyhey what is that disk unpartitioner program called again?06:31
tuxedocurlyha ha06:31
DigitalSiththank you06:31
IntuitiveNippleMythtv supports PVR-150 well (see http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Hauppauge_PVR-150)06:31
robsoni compiled alsa for my sound card but i still can't load the module. any clue why?06:31
IntuitiveNippleNeros: I use IMAP4 to access it06:31
tuxedocurlythanks mate06:32
NerosIntuitiveNipple: Thats well and good but I need pop access06:32
freq18hznp, sry crap netbook keys =)06:32
phorensicNeros: I think google has a howto within your email.. use that06:32
kinja-sheepNeros: Be sure to enable POP3 (if any) in your Gmail setting.06:32
freq18hzgmail really sucks at pop, if at all possible use imap06:32
kinja-sheepfreq18hz: Agreed.06:32
NerosOk... let me refine my question06:32
IntuitiveNippleNeros: "POP is nice, but IMAP is a much better option" (http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2007/10/gmail-supports-imap.html)06:32
YooPhGluPyeah everywhere i look it says it should work but i can't get it to do anything i can record a test.mpg by typing a command but can't use any tv viewers06:33
NerosHow do I set non standard ports in Evolution?06:33
nickrudwhatev, gpm (for console mice)06:33
harleywhy do my media players do this!?06:33
harleyI click play and the song sits at 0:0006:33
arieltavhey all06:33
kc8pxywhatev: isn't that gpm ??(general purpose mouse)?06:33
nickrudNeros, append,for example:  mail.com:58706:33
IntuitiveNippleYooPhGluP: Best to ask on the mythbuntu or mythtv-user mailing-lists (http://www.mythtv.org/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users/)06:33
arieltavso, anyone feeling helpfull tonight?06:34
tuxedocurlywhat the heck... i used gparted to turn my USB hard drive into fat32 but windows still wont read it06:34
tuxedocurlyAny ideas why?06:34
tuxedocurlyor do you think i just need to try to plug it in again and wait for it to register?06:34
Nerosnickrud: thanks06:34
arieltavtotal newb looking for help w/GRUB, anyone?06:35
YooPhGluPthanks im going to reboot now06:35
nickrudarieltav, the only people that hang out here are the ones who never help any one ;)06:35
nickrud!detail | arieltav06:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about detail06:35
freq18hztuxedo: just because its formated fat32, doesnt mean it has a dos compatible MBR on it06:35
nickrud!details | arieltav06:35
ubottuarieltav: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:35
freq18hztry deleting the partition, creating a new fat partion with MBR06:36
freq18hzand then formatting it06:36
arieltavwell, i just installed ubuntu 8.106:36
harleydoes anybody know why my songs don't play?06:36
freq18hzMaster Boot Record06:36
amt2my sound was working great but after some point it just stopped working and now I have no sound. I didn't change any settings directly. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks06:36
arieltavand on first boot after step 1.5 it stops on error 2106:36
tuxedocurlyhow do i do that?06:36
nadim_harley: are you sure they're valid audio formats?06:36
arieltavi'm dual booting w/xp06:36
harleyoh there mp306:36
arieltavubuntu is on disk 206:37
arvind_khadriarieltav: state your problem in a single go, dont use enter as a punctuaction06:37
wowhow can I get it so prnt scrn copies the screenshot to my clipboard instead of prompting me to save it?06:37
nadim_harley: try, for example, "mplayer -identify <filename.mp3>" on the command line and see what it says06:37
arieltavsorry, and thanx. should i try again than, or did you get that?06:37
freq18hzamt2: open your volume control panel and make sure you have your speaker volume, pcm volume, and master volume up06:37
IntuitiveNippletuxedocurly: There is an issue where VFAT file-systems created on Linux *are not* understood by Windows. I forget the solution now (the 'easy' way is to format the file-system on Windows)06:38
arvind_khadriarieltav: i think i got it... you have installed 8.10, and you get grub error 21?06:38
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spexiHi! I was trying to test Ubuntu 8.10 yesterday with live cd on my computer. Everything went well until X was loaded. It was blank screen with text "out of range", but I was still able to hear the sounds. Specs: 2gt ram, ATI HD3850, AMD X2 5800+. Could this be issue with ATI or..?06:38
Bobblybookhi :) is anyone here prepared to help out a linux newbie with some drivers?06:38
arvind_khadriarieltav: do you have dual boot?06:38
freq18hztuxedocurly: its because you dont have a windows readable parition table06:38
arvind_khadriarieltav: as in you have windows too installed on your machine?06:39
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freq18hztuxedocurly: aka Master Book Record06:39
kinja-sheepspexi: I'm throwing a guess -- Wrong resolution size.06:39
adieallow semua06:39
IntuitiveNipplefreq18hz: What you said makes no sense! *All* (standard) DOS-format partition tables are readable by Windows!06:39
amt2freq18hz, I'm so stupid, the volume was actually down lol. Thanks!06:39
harleynadim: The program 'mplayer' can be found in the following packages:06:39
harley * mplayer-nogui06:39
harley * mplayer06:39
harleyTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>06:39
harleybash: mplayer: command not found06:39
FloodBot1harley: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:39
lyraeHow can i completely remove a package? --purge isnt working...because when i re-install, it doesnt re-download06:39
kc8pxyspexi:  seems like a driver issue. particularly with the settings that were autodetected.06:39
arvind_khadriharley: sudo apt-get install mplayer06:40
arieltavi did after installing with wubi, but after selecting ubuntu it was stopping at grub. so i uninstaled wubi in XP and reinstalled ubuntu from CD. now i can't even run XP. it just stops w/error 2106:40
freq18hzIntuitive: it makes perfect sense. you can have a non dos partition table,formated fat3206:40
kinja-sheeplyrae: It didn't redownload because the package (.deb) is still on your system.06:40
nadim_harley: go ahead and install it then with the command it provides (use mplayer, not mplayer-nogui)06:40
lyraekinja-sheep: id like it to be gone06:40
kinja-sheeplyrae: sudo aptitude autoclean / sudo aptitude clean06:40
arieltavBTW xp is on primary disk. ubuntu on second disk.06:40
arvind_khadriarieltav: so you must be on the live cd now... just re-install grub,...06:40
Bobblybookcan anyone please explain to me how to install an intel 2100 802.11 driver?06:40
spexiWhat I have to do with that driver issue06:40
nadim_harley: not the best player in the world for general use...but powerful for seeing what's really going on with your files06:41
arvind_khadri!grub > arieltav06:41
ubottuarieltav, please see my private message06:41
arieltavhow do i reinstall grub06:41
IntuitiveNipplelyrae: Locate the package's .deb file in/var/cache/apt/archives and delete it (using  'sudo rm' to get admin permissions)06:41
arvind_khadriarieltav: look into the pm from ubottu06:41
spexiwell if live cd doesn't work, there's no reason to install ubuntu..06:41
lyraethank you06:41
kc8pxyfreq18hz: possibly true, but what sane, modern partitioner (sentient or automated) configures them that way anymore??06:41
arieltavi installed ubuntu after windows06:42
harleynadim_: downloading now, what is mplayer used for?06:42
spexior is there different settings when you install ubuntu and don't run it on live cd06:42
arieltavthere's no way windows overwrote my MBR because windows hasn't ran since i installed ubuntu06:42
arvind_khadriarieltav: ya i know...but to recover from the problem you are facing we need to re-install grub :)06:42
spexiso if just try to install, could it work06:42
crudson1Would anyone have ideas as to why XDMCP session is really slow (gnome or xfce) with 8.10. I have identical hardware running 7.10 that is plenty fast with XDMCP. A number of things work fine (window resizing, dragging) but things like navigating menus is terribly slow.06:42
kc8pxyarieltav: why is grub not working to boot your windows?06:42
freq18hzkc8pky: no singular partitioner, but perhaps doing something like sticking it in a mac, partitioning for guid, formating for dos06:42
robsoni forgot, does a user have to be in a certain group to use sound?06:42
the_gamerhi filks, i installed kde and now i can't shut down the pc from gnome anymore. in what group do i have to be or what could be the problem?06:43
freq18hzkc8pky:there are lots of ways to screw up disks06:43
lstarnesrobson: possibly the audio group06:43
arieltavit is stopping at error 21 i never get to the CLI06:43
robsonarieltav: check /boot/grub/menu.lst06:43
veritosI don't have a parallel port. Is there some weird reason why I should leave 'lp' in /etc/modules?06:43
robsonarieltav: i had that same error today and had to change hda1 to be hda006:43
IntuitiveNipplefreq18hz: I'm afraid you don't appear to understand the subject. A partition table is 4 x 16 bytes in sector 0 of a disk, describing the layout of partitions on the disk. A *file-system* (FAT32, NTFS, ext3, etc.) is written into a partition. A partition table is universally understood06:43
nadim_harley: it plays music and video files...note that you can get information on what any package is for by typing "aptitude show <package>"06:43
arieltavrobson: how did you do that06:43
dixon208ok.... anyone know how to get the file = gspca   and then get the driver spca5xx?06:44
arieltavi'm looking at menu.lst but it means nothing to me.06:44
robsonvim /boot/grub/menu.lst, go to the bottom, find the windows part at the bottom06:44
kc8pxyfreq18hz: agreed,  but that makes sense how?? and please spell my nick right, it makes conversion simpler.06:44
harleynadim_: does it help me to play mp3's on banshee?06:44
arvind_khadrirobson: he is on a live cd...06:44
arvind_khadriarieltav: you have to re-install grub06:45
kinja-sheepdixon208: You're talking about the package?  aptitude search gspca06:45
dixon208the package06:45
arvind_khadri!find spca5xx06:45
dixon208does that go into the terminal?06:45
ubottuPackage/file spca5xx does not exist in intrepid06:45
arvind_khadri!find spca506:45
ubottuFile spca5 found in ia32-libs, libgphoto2-2, libgphoto2-2-dev, linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic, linux-image-2.6.27-11-server (and 5 others)06:45
nadim_harley: it's a totally different player...but if you can't play with banshee (your original problem), then a good thing to try is another player, that may shed more light on your problem06:45
dixon208ubuntu 8.10 here06:45
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IntuitiveNippledixon208: I seem to recall the gspca driver is part of the V4L project, but over the past year or more it has been in a state of flux as it moved and there are *two* distinctly different versions depending on which kernel version/distro you're using06:45
=== PuTrA_caem is now known as co_085745961777
arvind_khadridixon208: there seems to be one in the repo...the gspca-source...06:47
harleynadim_: it also sometimes happened on rythmebox06:47
robsonis there a way to update the groups one's in w/o closing terminal? i tried closing it and it won't work anyway06:47
Blaenk`hey guys whats the disk editor called, i want to install it06:47
arieltavrobson: where did you change that. i see two entries for windows06:47
Blaenk`the partition editor06:47
spexihmm.. Maybe my problem has something to do with my 19" LCD monitor06:47
dixon208ok so this is what i got = aptitude search gspca06:47
dixon208p   gspca-source                    - source for the gspca v4l kernel module  note i am not flooding06:47
veritosrobson: run 'exec bash'06:47
Blaenk`is it gparted?06:47
IntuitiveNipplerobson: No, you need to log-out of all sessions with that user ID to get new groups to take effect06:48
robsonarieltav: root           (hd1,0) i had to change to root           (hd0,0), but on the livecd I don't know, are you editing your install with the livecd?06:49
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robsonIntuitiveNipple: thanks, brb06:49
kinja-sheepBlaenk`: Yes.  Gparted.06:49
kinja-sheepspexi: LiveCD may assume you're using 20" or above -- Hence the larger resolution.06:50
Bobblybookcan anyone help me through installing a wireless driver in ubuntu? I'm a bit lost06:50
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spexikinja-sheep: yep. I've had some other issues also with linux when using 1440x900 with that monitor06:50
arieltavnot sure what you mean, it says i have xp home on hd0,1 and nt/2000/xp on hd0,3. but i only have xp home???06:51
spexiweird ~150px black area on the left of the screen06:51
speximaybe i should try to run live cd with my 15" lcd06:51
jrjrso whats new with ubuntu 9.04 jaunty06:51
kinja-sheepspexi: You might have better luck with this -- http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=ubuntu%2C+out+of+range06:52
harleymplayer doesn't work :\06:52
ramirandharley: How'd it fail?06:53
dixon208aptitude search gspca06:53
dixon208p   gspca-source                    - source for the gspca v4l kernel module   anyone know what to do next? plz pm me if u do, help would be appreciated ty06:53
harleyramirand: what you mean?06:54
JRustois there anyway in linux to do lock contention measurment06:54
ramirandharley: Well, first, what command did you issue? Then, what did you see as a result? An error message? Did mplayer ever exit?06:54
cherylcan somebody for the love of god PLEASE tell me how to remove broken packages in ubuntu?06:55
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robsoncheryl: a specific one or all?06:55
nadim_cheryl: purge doesn't work?06:55
cherylnadim_: no... its notletting me reconfigure remove or install them06:55
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uspenokdoes any one knows how to fix pidgin ?06:56
SwitchMon44My built in microphone on my eeepc doesn't work.  it doesn't register any sound in Skype or with the sound recorder.  Any thoughts?06:56
robsonSwitchMon44: google ubuntu eee asus, there's a great website to get it all working06:56
harleywell I used the command mplayer -identify 04_Shake_It.mp306:56
ASrockhttp://omploader.org/vMngx/snapshot9.png                                       can anyone tell me where i can download a sidebar that shows system stats and stuff like in the pic on that page?06:57
jrjrhow do i install programs in wine06:57
jrjrim new to ubuntu06:57
mrhHi fellows06:57
harleyjrjr: open with... wine06:57
nadim_cheryl: try the aptitude GUI (just type aptitude), and search for broken packages06:57
robsonASrock: i didn't look, but google conky for a start06:57
cherylnadim_: totaly a good idea06:58
cheryli didnt think of that06:58
* cheryl goes off to try06:58
mrhSay, I have been looking to confirm that Terminal (the terminal emulator) does indeed run bash, but . . . can't find the info to confirm06:58
ASrockrobson: i remember trying conky a while back but it didnt work right i will give it another shot though06:58
jrjrharley: thanks06:58
kinja-sheepASrock: I'm guessing Conky but it could be different one.06:58
uspenokso what about pidgin ? how to use icq ?06:59
ASrockdo you know names of any other ones off the top of your head?06:59
pixelatedi use conky on my laptop with no problems...06:59
robsonAsrock: conky is based off torsmo, so you could try that, but i wouldn't bother06:59
nadim_ASrock: gkrellm also will put a sidebar of system stats07:00
robsonah yeah that's the other main one07:00
nadim_ASrock: I've been using gkrellm when torturing my new system (flaky HW issue)...haven't tried conky though07:00
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LokinCan someone help me get my internet working? It's command line Intrepid connected via ethernet07:01
pixelatedLokin, whats wrong with it?07:01
Lokincan't CURL or lynx07:01
nadim_Lokin: there's a million things that could be...care to give a hint as to what you're seeing and what you have tried so far?07:01
pixelatedLokin, try 'ifconfig' and see if its up and has a ip07:02
yoyit2ok.. so i have a few "updates" sitting in my system updater, but it wont let me check them for install07:03
yoyit2how do i install then?07:03
Lokin(6) Coudn't resolve host 'www.google.com'07:03
Lokinlink encap:Local Loopback \n inet addr: Mask:
Lokinfirst 2 lines07:03
FloodBot1Lokin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
LokinThat's a newline mr.Botyy07:04
pixelatedLokin, look for eth0 (or any number after eth)07:04
nadim_Lokin:  Local Loopback won't get you to google...do you see eth0?07:05
Lokinnor eth107:05
kinja-sheepWhat's the command to display all installed packages (in aptitude).07:05
pixelatedLokin, do you get your ip automatically? (via DHCP)07:06
pixelatedtry 'sudo dhclient' and see if that gets you an ip07:06
Lokinone sec think I found the problem in interfaces07:07
Lokinyar got it, was just being stupid07:07
Lokinthanks guys07:07
pixelatedeth0 not listed or set to manual?07:07
LokinLadies maybe07:07
nadim_kinja-sheep: aptitude search ~i07:08
kinja-sheepnadim_: Thanks.  Can you tell me what ~ does?07:09
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DigitalSithis there anyway to stop the system for checking for a swap partition during boot07:10
dixonionthedemonaptitude search gspca07:10
dixonionthedemon p   gspca-source                    - source for the gspca v4l kernel module   anyone know what to do next? plz pm me if u do, help would be appreciated ty07:10
ramirandkinja-sheep: See /usr/share/doc/aptitude/README in the section called "Search Patterns"07:10
nadim_kinja-sheep: ~ is the prefix for special search patterns in aptitude...it's all explained in the exhaustive, but hard to find, aptitude manual... open the poorly named /usr/share/doc/aptitude/README07:10
kinja-sheepdixonionthedemon is dixon208. =\07:10
yoyit2how do i update my system, when i cant check off some of the updates?07:10
jrjrkinja-sleep: the shell expands it to your home dir07:10
nadim_oops, too slow07:10
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kinja-sheepramirand + nadim_:  Will take a look at the said manual.  :)07:11
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ari_stressguys, what's the difference between apt-get upgrade, apt-get update?07:12
pixelatedari_stress, upgrade upgrades from one version to another, update updates packages that have newer bug/security fixes07:13
ari_stresspixelated: thanks :)07:13
nadim_pixilated: actually, I think update only updates the list of available packages07:14
* aceat64 is away: not here07:15
pixelatednadim_, ahh yeah it does...07:15
sirhcjwanyone got any ideas quadro fx 770M no dvi out in hp 8530w?07:15
dixon208aptitude search gspca07:16
dixon208(12:53:23 AM) dixon208: p   gspca-source                    - source for the gspca v4l kernel module   anyone know what to do next? plz pm me if u do, help would be appreciated ty07:16
pixelatedari_stress, sorry got that wrong, updates package info in the cache, and upgrade upgrades the packages that have newer versions07:17
sirhcjwI am running nvidia drivers 180.1107:17
arieltavi'm back07:17
arieltavanyone remember me? i'm troubleshooting grub on ubuntu 8.107:18
pixelatedarieltav, whats the problem?07:19
lyraehow do i find out whos running a process?07:19
kinja-sheepdixon208: aptitude --help07:19
ari_stresslyrae: ps aux07:19
IntuitiveNipplelyrae: ps -ef | grep <processname>07:19
ari_stressIntuitiveNipple: very nice nick! :)07:19
lyraethank you07:19
kinja-sheepdixon208: You need to learn how to use aptitude / apt-get first.  It's easier to install packages instead of relying on synpathic(sp?)07:19
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ramirandarieltav: technically, it's 8.10, because the 10 = october, when it was released. Just figured I'd point that out to avoid confusion someday in the future.07:20
arieltavpixelated: i get error 21 in grub. i just followed the instructions @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub, to no avail.07:20
skate2is there a reason to use firestarter if your router has a firewall?07:20
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jrjrdoes anyone know how to get the visual effects working with an ati 9000 video card07:20
cakeydownload compiz fusion07:20
ari_stressskate2: do you control the router? if yes, then i think you're safe07:20
jrjri did that07:21
nadim_jrjr: you have flgrx installed already?07:21
phorensiccakey: compiz is installed by default.. you just need the manager07:21
arieltavthanks ramirand07:21
robsonwhat will tell you what graphics driver is being used currently?07:21
jrjri have the manager too07:21
kinja-sheepskate2: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/security (Look under Firewall).07:21
phorensic3d rendering enabled?07:21
kinja-sheepskate2: Or just read the whole thing.07:21
arieltavrobson: remeber me?07:21
yoyit2how do i tell if my ATI graphics card's driver is installed? (non-restricted)07:22
robsonarieltav: yes07:22
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mshadlemy /sys shows "d????????? sys/"  - how do i fix that? im in single user mode mounted to the disk... it wont boot07:23
nadim_jrjr: preferences -> appearance -> visual effects -> extra07:23
jrjr how do i tell if the flgrx driver is working07:23
nadim_jrjr: I usually tell because my windows wobble :)07:24
robsonjrjr: glxinfo might work07:24
robsonglxinfo won't tell me though07:24
Slartjrjr: run glxgears -info, look at the top part there... see what renderer you're using07:24
arieltavso i reinstalled grub and got the same problem, but i have a theory. i have the grub folder under my HD but when i look in "file system " it's not there. also when i followed the instructions on the link you suggested (gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst) it brought up an empty doc. because as i said, the folder isn't even there!? does that make any sense?07:25
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robsonSlart: glxgears gives me an error: X error of failed request: BadRequest...07:25
arieltavrobson: you catch that?07:25
pixelatedarieltav, yes, /boot probly isnt in your root filesystem, look for a partition that is ~100mb in size07:25
arieltavpixelated: not sure what you mean.07:26
robsonarieltav: no, i'm confused. i didn't hear the whole story, but someone mentioned you're trying to edit a livecd?07:26
pixelatedarieltav, can you boot the machine with a live cd?07:27
MarupaIs there a way to ssh into Ubuntu and grab a screenshot of the current screen?  I've tried scrot, but it doesn't recognize that X is running.07:27
robsonarieltav: did you pop a livecd in to try and fix your ubuntu install or are you trying to install ubuntu?07:27
yoyit2ok i downloaded the ATI driver but its a .run (bin i think) and it wont open with anything.. how do i install it??07:27
arieltavno, i'm trying to get grub to let me boot xp/ubuntu. i'm working on from the livecd now.07:27
robsonyoyit2: try ./atidrivername07:27
ari_stressMarupa: i dont think we can do that? grabbing screenshot from ssh?07:27
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robsonyoyit2: where atidrivername is the filename of the .run file07:27
IntuitiveNipplearieltav: A single hard drive, or more than one?07:27
jrjrslart: in using  Mesa DRI R200 20060602 AGP 4x x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL07:27
ddoomI've just updated my ubuntu 8.04.2 box and it has broken X (nvidia onboard) any ideas on how to fix?07:28
Marupaari_stress, I know scrot can grab a screenshot from X from the terminal.07:28
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories07:28
arieltavi was running xp, than i added a second drive and installed ubuntu on it. now i just get error 21 when i boot.07:28
nadim_yoyit2: what's wrong with just having Ubuntu manage the driver through Administration -> Hardware Drivers07:28
robsonwhat's it mean if glxgears errors instead of running at all?07:28
nightrid3r!nvidia | ddoom07:28
ubottuddoom: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:28
robsonarieltav: so you're using a livecd to try and fix it?07:28
nadim_robson: dunno...maybe it can't find a suitable renderer?07:29
bobblybookcan someone tell me what the default root pw is? I don't recall setting it up, yet it gives me an invalid PW when I login with root07:29
robsonarieltav: and do you get the 21 error on windows or linux?07:29
prince_jammysbobblybook: there is none. it's disabled07:29
arieltavon step 1.507:29
bobblybookoh, how can I enable the account/give my account root access?07:29
jtaji!root | bobblybook07:29
ubottubobblybook: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:29
bobblybookA script file said I needed it.07:29
ActionParsniprobson: you'll get an error on terminal when you run it, websearch for it07:29
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robsonyou can set the root password if you want07:29
yoyit2nadim_: nothing shows up at all if i do that07:30
prince_jammysbobblybook: use 'sudo' ... eg sudo somecommand07:30
ActionParsniprobson: its not advised in ubuntu07:30
Fracturedsudo isnt always good enough07:30
bobblybookok thanks, I'll look it up.07:30
robsonwell when sudo isn't just do sudo su -07:30
arieltavrobson: it's hanging on error 21 right after step 1.507:30
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robsonarieltav: what the heck is step 1.5?07:30
yoyit2nadim_: thats only third party.. not supported drivers\07:30
MarupaIs that at all possible?07:30
harleywhen I click the media launch shortcut on my keyboard it attempts to open rythmebox, how do I make it open banshee?07:30
ActionParsniprobson: sudo -i is advised over sudo su07:30
robsonarieltav: that's part of the error message you mean?07:30
bobblybookwhat is the difference between su, su - and sudo?07:30
Fractureddont for get sue07:31
bobblybookI read something about su - clearing something but I really didn't understand it07:31
arieltavthats what it says right before the error.07:31
IntuitiveNipplearieltav: From the LiveCD, can you 'see' the installed Ubuntu file-system?07:31
arieltavand right after cmos07:31
robsonarieltav: ok, but are you trying to boot into windows or linux?07:31
ActionParsnipbobblybook: use sudo <command> and you'll be fine. gksudo <command> for ui commands like gedit07:31
harleydoes anybody know how I can make my media key open banshee and not rythmebox?07:31
IntuitiveNipplearieltav: info: GRUB Error 21 means that the stage 1.5 code can't be found07:31
ActionParsnip!shortcuts | harley07:31
ubottuharley: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts07:31
arieltavat this point i'll take what i can get. it just goes CMOS -> STEP 1.5 -> ERROR 21!07:32
jordan_how come when i change my monitor it doesn't work? do i need to restart my computer?07:32
bobblybookthe only thing is, I'm actually running a script file - how do I execute it with sudo?07:32
ActionParsnip!grub | arieltav07:32
ubottuarieltav: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:32
robsonoh. i had that happen with a bad livecd07:32
ActionParsnipbobblybook: put sudo for the commands in the script, then run the script with: sudo <scriptname>07:33
ActionParsnipbobblybook: make sure you chmod +x the script07:33
arieltavthanx actionparsnip but i tried that. and i loaded ubuntu after windows.07:33
bobblybookActionParsnip: hold on I'll pm you, I have a few questions07:33
arieltavrobson: i did the diagnostic on the livecd and it said the cd was good07:34
jordan_is there a way to set up dual monitors?07:34
ActionParsniparieltav: thats fine, the fact grub is loading and erroring means the menu.list isnt right07:34
arieltavso how do i fix it?07:34
Osarisdude i get a error about my sources for apt-get for 8.10 x64 . Where can i get default repositries for it. I did try and change it to uk.archive.ubuntu ect and also us but the same prob07:34
arieltavshouldn't the grub folder show up in "file system"?07:34
ActionParsniparieltav: it does, its in /boot/grub/menu.list07:35
arieltavbut mine has no grub folder.07:35
ActionParsniparieltav: you will need to look into grub to make sure all settingsfor boot are correct07:35
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ActionParsniparieltav: then you need to install it and configure if you dont have it at all07:36
IntuitiveNipplearieltav: In the LiveCD session, you'll need to mount the hard-disk file-system that has Ubuntu installed in it.07:36
arieltavi have a grub folder on my hardrive, but it doesn't show up under "file system"07:36
OsarisW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  universe/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)07:36
IntuitiveNipplearieltav: There will be no /boot/grub/ when running the LiveCD07:36
arieltavah, that makes sense. so how do i mount the file system?07:37
yoyit2PLEASE RESPOND: why cant i check off the updates in the update manager.. some will update.. but theres about 20 that will not update (they just sit there and i cant chcke them off)07:37
ActionParsniparieltav: access it via yerminal07:37
arieltavyou're talking to a total newb here. how do i do that?07:37
ActionParsnipyoyit2: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:38
ActionParsnip!mount | arieltav07:38
ubottuarieltav: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap07:38
IntuitiveNipplearieltav: Think carefully to avoid getting yourself confused... When running the LiveCD what you see in the 'File System' is what is mounted from the LiveCD only... to see the contents of another file-system from a hard-disk partition you'll need to mount the hard disk partition to a directory in the LiveCD session. Usually they will be mounted in /media/07:38
EkipsHm, my mirror seems to be broken too atm07:38
Osarisi did try and change it07:39
roccity_yoyit2, have you tried updating from the cli07:39
Osarisbut us, za, uk still the same07:39
Ekips64 bit?07:39
IntuitiveNippleari_stress: So, for example, if in the LiveCD session you mount the Ubuntu file-system from the 2nd hard disk, it might be mounted to /media/disk/ so you'd find the grub files at /media/disk/boot/grub/07:39
EkipsFailed to fetch http://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-libc-dev_2.6.27-11.27_amd64.deb  404 Not Found07:39
EkipsFailed to fetch http://ftp.belnet.be/mirror/ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic_2.6.27-11.27_amd64.deb  404 Not Found07:40
yoyit2roccity_: whats cli??07:40
EkipsI think it's globally broken07:40
EkipsAt a guess07:40
FloodBot1Ekips: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:40
macoyoyit2: because theyre not available. possibly they were built and added to the repository but things they depend upon are not finished yet.07:40
Ekips2 lines, silly botthing07:40
IntuitiveNippleoops s/ari_stress/arieltav/07:40
roccity_yoyit2, if you open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade see if that helps07:40
yoyit2maco: some of them were for updating mp4 codecs.. and even tho i have all of them installed.. now that i cant use the "pending update" i cant use mp4 files at all :(07:41
neil_ddoes the aoe 'vblade' work in 8.10 ?07:41
Osarisits just this that i have Unable to find expected entry  universe/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)07:41
Osarisbut think i had that prob the last time 207:41
roccity_yoyit2, cli stands for command line interface07:41
macoyoyit2: old versions shouldnt stop working just because a new version exists07:41
req-Does the latest ubuntu come with gamepad drivers? If not, are they difficult to install? I couldn't get them working on my laptop (linpus)07:42
yoyit2maco: well for some reason i cant play mp4 or mp3s and ive re-installed the codecs and programs and plugins MANY times.. and they still dont work.. they jsut spontainiously quit working on me07:42
Osaristhen i changed it over to uk07:43
EkipsMain server seems to work07:43
roccity_yoyit2, what program are you using?07:43
jrjris it worth upgrading from hardy to 8.1007:43
kinja-sheepHow can I resolve this?  Did the GPG code change or something?  http://sheep.pastebin.com/f25b6caa707:44
lockdis there a *theme-switch for gtk?07:44
crdlblockd: for which version of gtk? and are you using any desktop environment?07:44
jrjris it worth upgrading from hardy to 8.1007:44
pZombiejrjr - i found its not07:45
pZombie8.04 is faster on my vbox07:45
pZombiemuch faster...07:45
yoyit2roccity_: totem, and vlc07:45
lockdcrdlb: GNOME, but for gtk-1 apps07:45
harleyActionParsnip: keytouch doesn't have my keyboard :|07:45
roccity_yoyit2, have you checked the preferences and seen what sound engine they are using?07:46
pZombieI installed 9.04 on my HP laptop with an ati 9600 to test it. Compiz worked but openarena was not accelerated.07:46
pZombieSo i tried to install the original ati drivers07:46
crdlblockd: try gtk-theme-switch07:46
jrjrpZombie: it working well on my 600m but the extra effects dont work07:46
ActionParsnipharley: do the keys generate events in xev?07:47
crdlblockd: which should provide 'switch' and 'switch2' commands; you want the former07:47
lockdcrdlb: doesn't exist, I guess I'll have to build by hand07:47
roccity_yoyit2, can you hear other sounds?07:47
pZombieI remember i got all to work on this laptop, including playing WoW via wine07:47
harleyActionParsnip: sorry I don't understand what you mean07:47
crdlblockd: hardy has it at least07:47
jrjrpZombie: hows is 9.0407:47
pZombiejrjr so far it seems 8.04 is the winner07:48
lockdah, that's why.07:48
yoyit2roccity_: yeah it starts playing the sound.. then shows the visualizer, then comes up with a window saying that it cant find the codec... then it says "search for codec". so i click search, and then its says there are non07:48
kinja-sheep!show gtk-theme-switch07:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:48
kinja-sheep!info gtk-theme-switch07:48
ubottugtk-theme-switch (source: gtk-theme-switch): GTK+ theme switching utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.5 (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 108 kB07:48
IntuitiveNipplekinja-sheep: That key ID is the "Launchpad PPA for OpenOffice.org Scribblers" key. You just need to add that to your local key-ring07:48
kinja-sheeplockd: What do you mean?  It doesn't exist?  >_>07:48
ActionParsnipharley: run terminal, type xev, press enter, try youor keys07:48
lockdkinja-sheep: doesn't exist in intrepid's repositories, which means I have to build it07:48
roccity_yoyit2, you can try the medibuntu repo07:49
jrjrpZombie: do you know about the ati rv250 9000 driver07:49
harleyalright, now what?07:49
pZombiejrjr - If you dont need some feature which 8.04 does not have, i d stick with it07:49
kinja-sheeplockd: I'm using intrepid -- How is it in my list?  Maybe what roccity_ just said.07:49
new2ubuntui cant install the .run file for my ati driver how do i run a .run file?07:49
harleymy keys are working, but keytouch wasn't finding things like media07:49
IntuitiveNipplekinja-sheep: 'gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com  --recv-key 60D11217247D1CFF07:49
yoyit2roccity_: how do you do that??07:49
pZombiejrjr i know that i will spend 1 day now trying to figure out how to install a stupid driver07:49
kinja-sheepIntuitiveNipple: How would I?  It never showed up before....07:49
roccity_yoyit2, go to www.medibuntu.org I think it is and just copy and paste the code there in a terminal07:50
pZombieHow do you uninstall old ati drivers completely, and how do you check if you really removed all?07:50
roccity_yoyit2, then type sudo apt-get install non-free-codec07:50
robsonif i've decided to get the fgrlx driver from ati, do i have to apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx first?07:50
roccity_yoyit2, haveyou install the ubuntu-restricted-extras?07:50
crdlblockd: well, you can always just edit the ~/.gtkrc if intrepid has no gui available07:51
roccity_that has most codecs and some other things like flash07:51
lockdcrdlb: well I'll have to build some theme engines anyway07:51
jrjrpZombie: hey i forgot the command to show what version of ubuntu im running07:51
pZombierobson - i advice you to stick with what you have no if its running...07:51
arieltavOMFG i thought this was supposed to be easy!!! so i use the Desktop/Live CD to install Grub into my MBR (Master Boot Record). and i still have the same error 15!!!07:51
yoyit2roccity_: yes i have07:51
robsonpZombie: it's not... following hardy instructions (latest... using intrepid tho) and insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko fails not finding the fglrx.ko file07:52
roccity_yoyit2, what version on ubuntu you running? 8.10 or 8.04?07:52
arieltavsombody please give me an easy answer! PLEASE!!!07:52
yoyit2roccity_: 8.10 .. and sudo apt-get install non-free-codec doesnt work07:52
roccity_yoyit2, type that after you get the medibuntu repo07:52
IntuitiveNipplekinja-sheep: See https://edge.launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa (note the "This repository is signed with...")07:52
jrjr i forgot the command to show what version of ubuntu im running07:53
roccity_what happens when you type sudo ala-utils in a terminal?07:53
new2ubuntuhow do i install a .run (bin i think)???07:53
roccity_yoyit2, does it show your sound card?07:53
robsonnew2ubuntu ./filename07:53
pZombierobson oh yeah, long ago i remember doing similar stuff to get mine working. aint it fun what you have to do to get proper acceleration going?07:53
robsonif you're in its directory07:53
IntuitiveNipplejrjr: lsb_release -a07:53
arieltavthere's 1301 people in this room is it possible that not one of them is knowlegable and kind enough to help with what i can only assume must be an easy problem!!??07:54
new2ubunturobson: including the location of the file??07:54
yoyit2roccity_: im totally lost.. im failry new to linux still07:54
robsonnew2ubuntu: if the installer is in your homedir, and it's called ati-driver-installer..., do ./ati-driver-installer07:54
jrjrIntuitiveNipple:thanks thanks07:54
lockdarieltav: error 15 means file not found. essentially means someone messed up the configurator, as you didn't configure it07:55
pixelatedarieltav, are you still getting error 21?07:55
robsonnew2ubuntu: assuming you're in the same dir as the file. otherwise type the full path07:55
lockdI thought ariel said error 1507:55
ActionParsnipharley: please put my complete name at the start of the line so its highlighted, you can tab complete names07:55
arieltaverror 2107:55
harleyActionParsnip: how do I tab names?07:55
kinja-sheepIntuitiveNipple: I take it that the deb src changed for the said package?07:55
robsonnew2ubuntu: and if that doesn't work, do chmod +x ati-driver-installer*07:56
ActionParsnipharley: type acti then press tab07:56
pixelatedarieltav, are you booted on it with livecd? and does it have inet access in the livecd?07:56
chinmayhello, i a new on IRC and dont know much about using it, I have a question about gnome-do where do i ask07:56
ActionParsnipharley: in irc07:56
new2ubunturobson: its in /home/amy/downlaods/ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run07:56
harleyActionParsnip, ah ok, is this highlighted?07:56
IntuitiveNipplekinja-sheep: No idea but if you're getting an update then check the changelog for it07:56
arieltavno new ideas?? anyone?07:56
ActionParsnipharley: yes, and in a room of 1300 people it kinda helps07:56
pixelatedarieltav, are you booted on it with livecd? and does it have inet access in the livecd?07:56
arieltavyes and yes.07:56
harleyActionParsnip, haha ok sorry, thanks for the tip07:56
IntuitiveNipplearieltav: Yes, but there's too much distraction in this channel to focus on guiding you through fixing it07:57
robsonnew2ubuntu: type this exactly (without quotes): "cd ~amy/downloads; chmod +x ati-driver*; ./ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run"07:57
ActionParsnipharley: ok, make a note of the keycodes they create and you can use those to make stuff happen07:57
lockdarieltav: I don't know if you are able to install it, but the ONLY solution for me on one install was using lilo07:57
pixelatedok under applications  run terminal07:57
crdlbnew2ubuntu: whoa, version 8.28.8 of the proprietary ATI driver (aka FGLRX) has absolutely zero chance of working on any recent version of ubuntu07:57
pixelatedarieltav,  ok under applications  run terminal07:57
arieltavlockd: never heard of it.07:57
harleyActionParsnip, where do I enter the code?07:57
arieltavpixelated: ok.07:57
lockdarieltav: it's the only alternative to grub, really07:57
jtajirobson: (new2ubuntu) I believe you mean ~/downloads07:57
chinmayi want to install gnome-do, but synaptic is showing version 0.6 and 0.4 only, (i am using hardy)07:58
robsonjtaji: no ~amy cause what if she's doing it as root?07:58
arieltavpixelated: now what?07:58
pixelatedarieltav, in that terminal run 'sudo fdisk -l' and put that into a pastebin07:58
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:58
crdlbnew2ubuntu: if your ATI card is really older than the radeon 9500, the only driver choice is the one you're already using07:58
ActionParsnip!compile > bobblybook07:58
ubottubobblybook, please see my private message07:58
robsonjtaji: ~amy is the same as ~ if she's logged in as amy anyway07:58
prince_jammysrobson: ~amy expands to amy's home directory07:58
ninomhey guys, how are you doing. i installed avant manager and removef all my other panels now i want my top panel to have same original links it had when i just installed ubuntu 8.10 same as bottom panel. anyone can hep ?07:58
arieltavwhat's a pastbin?07:58
jtajirobson: true, true07:58
ActionParsnipharley: go websearch it out, i only know how its donr in fluxbox07:59
chinmayi want to install gnome-do, but synaptic is showing version 0.6 and 0.4 only, (i am using hardy)07:59
robsonprince_jammys: just test it, they're the same07:59
arvind_khadrichinmay: dont repeat07:59
prince_jammysrobson: well, you asked what if she was root?07:59
arieltavpixelated: i'm looking at the result in the terminal but what's a pastbin?07:59
arvind_khadrichinmay: so whats the problem?07:59
robsonprince_jammys: it doesn't matter, what i told her will work on any account08:00
DJones!pastebin | arieltav08:00
ubottuarieltav: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:00
chinmayi tried installing from source08:00
pixelated!pastebin | arieltav08:00
robsonprince_jammys: tho the installer probably needs to be run as her with sudo or as root08:00
harleyActionParsnip, KeyTouch doesn't let me edit the value of the media key08:00
arvind_khadrichinmay: why??? there is gnome-do in the repo's08:00
chinmaybut it asking for notify-sharp package, which is not available anywhere08:00
jtajirobson: I never knew that one, cheers08:00
arvind_khadrichinmay: open the terminal and type sudo apt-get install gnome-do08:00
prince_jammysrobson: if she was root (really root), ~amy/foo would run the file in amy's homedir, ~/foo would look for the file in foo's rootdir08:01
arieltavok. http://paste.ubuntu.com/113506/08:01
ninomdoes anyone know how can i return all settings doen on desktop to original. like top panel bottom panel links on top panel clock open programs and links on top left08:01
prince_jammysrobson: root's home dir, i meant08:01
chinmayyeah but whenever i try to install, it is installing .608:01
=== ivanoats|away is now known as ivanoats
b4chiphi there, I have a lib in php which help me generate excel files but i get an error when I need to override on existing (previous) xls file08:01
robsonprince_jammys: yeah and she said it's in amy's so that's why i told her ~amy08:01
ActionParsnipharley: maybe it needs gksudo?08:01
d3xterhey guys08:01
arvind_khadrichinmay: it will install whats there in the repo'08:01
b4chipwhat right to use on that dir?08:01
arvind_khadri!tab | chinmay08:01
ubottuchinmay: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:01
chinmayarvind_khadri,  Thanks for tip08:02
prince_jammysrobson: apologies. i totally misunderstood you and thought you were saying the opposite.08:02
robsonubottu: nice tip! i asked people for a good way and noone ever knew. sure it depends on client tho08:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:02
arvind_khadrichinmay: np :) and ya try to avoid compiling from the source08:02
sekyourboxFor some reason all the games I have on ubuntu, have really crappy video.. How do I find out if there are better video drivers for my video card?08:02
arieltavpixelated: does that tell you anything08:02
linny1on boot up i get a verbose boot with an error : cannot enumarate usb device on port 1 anyone know what this means ?08:02
arvind_khadrirobson: almost all the clients have the tab stuff :)08:02
robsonwow i just complimented a bot very sincerely08:02
pixelatedarieltav, you need to paste the url for the pastebin here so i can see it08:03
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:03
chinmayarvind_khadri: i had no choice, i tried adding repository from gnome-do site but it still installs .608:03
linny1sekyourbox what card and drivers you got ?08:03
pixelatedsry didnt see it, looking now08:03
AnnonyMouse1hi guys. building a box to host hypervisor/VM, ala Xen. starting out with mini.iso, 64-bit server, with LVM partitions08:03
arvind_khadrichinmay: after adding the repo from there you must run sudo apt-get update08:03
AnnonyMouse1LVM installation is asking me for partition type08:03
sekyourboxlinny, cant remember what onboard card i have, think nvidia... And I just used whatever installed with ubuntu08:04
marek_hi, i have a problem with connecting to my bluetooth phone - in order to connect to the internet, can you help me?08:04
ActionParsnipsekyourbox: lspci | grep -i vga08:04
arvind_khadri!bluetooth | marek_08:04
ubottumarek_: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:04
AnnonyMouse1options: aix amiga bsd dvh gpt mac msdos pc98 sun loop08:04
kinja-sheepIntuitiveNipple: I'm still experiencing errors -- I have it on the list.  Is the GPG file missing?  I'm not sure why this is occuring.08:04
sekyourboxIntel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)08:04
AnnonyMouse1what do I pick? ext3 or 4 not avail08:04
sekyourboxYea, i guess thats the correct one08:04
sekyourboxMy other box has nvidia08:05
chinmayarvind_khadri: already done08:05
pZombienot sure how i did it, but now the damn acceleration works08:05
AnnonyMouse1thinking bsd or sun, as those are the only ones that seem to make sense08:05
wolterhey kinja-sheep, its the xps guy again.08:05
crdlbsekyourbox: sounds like a bumper sticker :)08:05
IntuitiveNipplekinja-sheep: Not sure then; assuming gpg imported the key to the public keyring it should be using that08:05
wolterkinja-sheep, is your shutdown button soft, or clickable?08:05
ninomanyone knows how to return panels to its original state08:05
arvind_khadrichinmay: so then in there repo's too .6 might be the latest08:05
DizzyDooHi, I'm trying to build a server box with Linux (having never used Linux before) how do I know if the mainboard/processor I'm buying is compatible or not?08:05
IntuitiveNipplelinny1: See https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/25676708:05
ActionParsnipsekyourbox: then you need to install whatever drivers fit the card lspci says you have08:05
prince_jammys!hardware | DizzyDoo08:06
ubottuDizzyDoo: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:06
mactimeschinmay: This should provide you full update and cleanup before trying the new package you wan to install:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove --purge && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get clean08:06
linny1sekyourbox i think the drivers for those are called xserver-xorg-video-intel08:06
AnnonyMouse1ninom : there may be some config files in ur ~ u can delete/rename08:06
arvind_khadriDizzyDoo: linux is compatible with all the processors08:06
ActionParsnipsekyourbox: for nvidia read:08:06
ninomhow to return panels to its original state with all the links for accessories programs hard drive links08:06
linny1thanks IntuitiveNipple08:06
kinja-sheepwolter: Using the laptop.  I think it's... both?  As long as the button does its purpose.08:06
ActionParsnip!nvidia | sekyourbox08:06
ubottusekyourbox: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:06
pixelatedarieltav, in the terminal type 'mkdir /mnt/linuxroot'08:06
d3xteri've got a little problem. sometimes my system-fan is working at max-speed, cpu is throttled to 1ghz and cpu-load goes up to nearly 100%, here is my dmesg: http://pastebin.com/f2df4703e08:06
crdlbsekyourbox: but you can't expect much of anything from an intel 86508:06
Flannelmactimes: Half of those commands don't make any sense.08:06
chinmayarvind_khadri: they are saying that .8 is launched....i should mail them i think08:06
kinja-sheepIntuitiveNipple: How would I know if GPG is imported?08:06
nightrid3rDizzyDoo: get one with a realtec NIC those are supported08:06
chinmaymactimes: thanks i will try that08:07
DizzyDooarvind_khadri: what about motherboards? I'm interested in a very low power VIA board (also cheap)08:07
ActionParsnippixelated: you'll need sudo for that08:07
mactimesFlannel: For updating and cleaning up packages?08:07
sekyourboxyea, but this is Quake 3 we are talkin08:07
wolterkinja-sheep, I mean, when you press it, does it sound like a click, or does it just push softly?08:07
arieltavpixelated: permission denied08:07
ActionParsnippixelated: /mnt is not writable by users08:07
pixelatedarieltav, and then type 'sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt/linuxroot'08:07
arvind_khadriDizzyDoo: yup i have the same :)08:07
kinja-sheepwolter: I don't want to press the power button.  You dig me? ;)08:07
Flannelmactimes: Right.08:07
arvind_khadrichinmay: ya :)08:07
d3xterevery time this happends, i get those hpet increasing min_delta_ns08:07
pixelatedarieltav, sry put sudo in front of it...08:07
ninomis there a way to return ubuntu to its original state desktop like when it just installed?08:07
kinja-sheepwolter: I think just softly.08:07
sekyourboxHow do I find out what driver im using08:07
mactimesFlannel: You'd better check yout man pages ^^08:07
pixelatedActionParsnip, i know08:07
DizzyDooarvind_khadri: what model of VIA motherboard are you using?08:07
arieltavpixelated :mount: mount point /mnt/linuxroot does not exist08:08
wolterkinja-sheep, good thing. My mom's 1330 does it by click, and I got scared that mine was wrong.08:08
pixelatedActionParsnip, remembering while doing is one thing, remembering while telling someone is different08:08
pixelatedarieltav, yes you need to do 'sudo mkdir /mnt/linuxroot' first08:08
arieltavpixelated: ok, dir made.08:08
pixelatedarieltav, then the mount08:08
Flannelmactimes: I'm well aware of what the commands do.  You're just not recommending them in a way that makes much sense.  Why would you upgrade and then dist-upgrade? or autoclean and then clean?  generally "try everything in the manpage" isn't a good blanket recommendation.08:08
arieltavpixelated: done08:08
arvind_khadriDizzyDoo: i dont remember the chipset , sorry... but motherboard has got nothing to do with OS compatability..the other parts like ethernet cards may have...but the latest kernels have great support :)08:09
pixelatedthen cd /mnt/linuxroot/boot08:09
ActionParsnippixelated: its second nature, users have very little access so unless its in ~/ its gonna need sudo to mkdir anywhere else, simples08:09
DizzyDooarvind_khadri Thanks!08:09
marek_arvind_khadri i have succesfully set up bt conncetion, problem is while connecting08:09
AnnonyMouse1anyone able to help me w LVM pls?08:09
pixelatedActionParsnip, uh yeah... read what i said again...08:09
arieltavpixelated: ok08:09
kinja-sheepwolter: Your mom... Lol.   So you have 1530.  Right?  Everything is going good for you tho?08:09
Flannel!anyone | AnnonyMouse108:09
ubottuAnnonyMouse1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:09
pixelatedarieltav, see if there are files in there, and a directory named grub08:10
arieltavpixelated: now what?08:10
arvind_khadrimarek_: i dont have much idea about it ..sorry...08:10
arieltavpixelated: how do i do that?08:10
kinja-sheepIntuitiveNipple: I got it working now.  Apparently It didn't do well on the terminal.  I have to import the file manually.08:10
pixelatedarieltav, 'ls'08:10
the_gamerhi filks, i installed kde and now i can't shut down the pc from gnome anymore. in what group do i have to be or what could be the problem?08:10
AnnonyMouse1ubottu :  r u turin?08:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about r u turin?08:10
scienteswhy is synaptic refusing to upgrade, it will remove dependanciesinstead of upgrading them , and many libraries are relying on specific version instead of allow versions to be newer08:10
wolterkinja-sheep, yeah, today actually my gstreamer-properties webcam test worked.08:10
arieltavpixelated: yes08:10
AnnonyMouse1ubottu : all ur base r belong 2 us?08:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:11
IntuitiveNipplekinja-sheep: This should confirm that key is in the keyring: gpg  --list-public-keys 60D11217247D1CFF08:11
pixelatedarieltav, then 'cd grub'08:11
wolterit gave me a fullscreen playback of the webcam, but just once.08:11
arvind_khadrithe_gamer: sudo shuthow -h08:11
d3xteri've got a little problem. sometimes my system-fan is working at max-speed, cpu is throttled to 1ghz and cpu-load goes up to nearly 100%, here is my dmesg: http://pastebin.com/f2df4703e08:11
arieltavpixelated: ok, now?08:11
sekyourboxxserver-xorg-video-i810 is already the newest version. so I guess that open quake just sucks...08:11
kinja-sheepIntuitiveNipple: Yup.  It displayed the name.08:11
the_gamerarvind_khadri, i know i can shut it down like that08:11
arvind_khadrithe_gamer: sorry shutdown08:11
mactimesFlannel: Just rollback and see what he is trying to do.  I think having the system up-to-date can provide him with better chances to install whatever package he is trying to get, once he added new repos in his list.08:11
kinja-sheepwolter: Still running the webcam under the lowest resolution?08:11
koshar2could anyone suggest a script that would delete all charactors on every line in a text file OTHER than the text between 2 differnt charactors?08:11
mactimesFlannel: Don't you?08:11
pixelatedarieltav, and the file there called 'menu.lst' put into a pastebin08:11
arieltavpixelated: ps. thanks so much for doing this!:-D08:11
the_gamerarvind_khadri, i wish i could do it over the gui like i could before i installed kde08:11
pZombieomg, there exists a ton of openarena quake3 servers for linux and my acceleration works now !!!08:11
Flannelscientes: Without more information we can't say for sure.  Do you have mixed repositories?  That could be an issue with mixedv ersions of your repos.08:11
kinja-sheepIntuitiveNipple: Thanks. :)08:12
arieltavpixelated: how do i open it from the terminal08:12
scientesyes im trying to install a specific package from jaunty08:12
pixelatedarieltav, i was a noob at one time too... (about 15 years ago, but still a noob at one time)08:12
IntuitiveNipplekinja-sheep: Ahhh... I just clicked... you're trying to use apt-get so you'd have to import the key into apt too... duh!08:12
scientesbut nothing depends on it, and it relys on little08:12
arvind_khadrithe_gamer: just a wild guess maybe things are getting lost in the D-bus... just a guess... its a long call.. try rebooting and see08:12
wolterkinja-sheep, also, my computer has a shorter 'leg', or rubber piece that acts as one08:12
Flannelscientes: You can't mix repositories like that, if you absolutely *have* to have that package, try backporting it for yourself with prevu08:12
scientesand instead up upgrading packages synaptic trys to uninstall them08:12
Flannel!prevu | scientes08:12
Orchid`how do i access Gpartition on UBuntu hardy heron, when ti not showing up in system tools?08:12
ubottuscientes: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details08:12
pixelatedarieltav, 'gedit menu.lst'08:12
wolterkinja-sheep, so it can't 'stant' firm.08:12
arieltavpixelated: so how do i open the file from the terminal?08:12
wolterkinja-sheep, stand*08:13
the_gamerarvind_khadri, already rebooted, didn't change anything08:13
wolterkinja-sheep, and yes, still in low resolution, do you?08:13
AnnonyMouse1have query re LVM: have 2 specify primary partition.08:13
AnnonyMouse1options: aix, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, msdos, pc98, sun, loop08:13
AnnonyMouse1what do I pick?08:13
arvind_khadrithe_gamer: you cant see the button at all? try adding it...08:13
AnnonyMouse1the VG08:13
arieltavpixelated: ok, http://paste.ubuntu.com/113509/08:14
scientesok ill just download and use dpkg then08:14
Orchid`how do i access Gpartition on UBuntu hardy heron, when its not showing up in system tools?08:14
kinja-sheepwolter: As I recall telling you this -- I don't use webcam + fingerprint.  I tossed the bad cheese out the window for the sky rats. :P08:14
Flannelmactimes: Being up to date won't really provide any benefit to installing things from a new repository, no.  And there's absolutely no reason to do an upgrade before a dist-upgrade, or an autoclean before a clean.08:14
wolterkinja-sheep, hahaha lol08:14
the_gamerarvind_khadri, i can see the button at the top right but i can only get into standby, log out or lock my screen there, reboot and shut down is missing, looks like i don't have the right to do it08:14
^cheekyhi. is there a way in ubuntu to find out if all my hardware(the inbuilt video card in my motherboard) is being utilized properly as in windows one would have to install the drivers. the reason been my screen resolution is 1024 X 768 (4:3)  and everything is  huge . would like to have it smaller08:14
d3xterOrchid`: maybe install it with synaptic?08:14
ActionParsnip^cheeky: run lspci | grep -i vga08:15
prince_jammysOrchid`: you mean gparted ?08:15
kinja-sheep^cheeky: You installed Ubuntu recently?08:15
ActionParsnip^cheeky: it will show you what video card you have and you can websearcj it to see how its setup08:15
wolterkinja-sheep, how would you describe someone that walks strangely because one of his feet is shorter?08:15
Orchid`prince_jammys,  i used synatic to isntall it. wle the add/remove thing, it sjsut not showing up08:15
arvind_khadrithe_gamer: thats a D-bus issue... i had faced it...it seems to be a bug.... you can report it... the way i came over it was re-installing...08:15
prince_jammysOrchid`: probably will appear in the menus as 'partition editor'08:16
the_gamerdammit -.-08:16
kinja-sheepwolter: A fake drunk?  I don't know.  That's issue with your laptop.  You can buy something rubber at your local Walmart.08:16
FlannelAnnonyMouse1: You need to format those partitions as 'lvm' type, then they're pvs, which you will add to a vg, separate out into logical volumes, and then partition those (as ext3, etc)08:16
wolterkinja-sheep, there is no local Walmart, thats the problem08:16
arvind_khadrithe_gamer: i know...08:17
^cheekyActionParsnip, ok i got it .. seems to rev 03 dunno if its updated08:17
AnnonyMouse1Flannel : thanx 4 the response08:17
arieltavpixelated: you still w/me?08:17
IntuitiveNipplekinja-sheep: As a note. to export a key from your personal keyring to apt, use this format (replace the key ID with the one to add to apt): "gpg  --export  60D11217247D1CFF | sudo apt-key add -" (note the final "-" which causes apt-key to accept input from stdin08:17
the_gamerarvind_khadri, how to change my login-manager from kdm back to gdm?08:17
pixelatedarieltav, yes i am multitasking ;')08:17
^cheekykinja-sheep, yeah i installed ubuntu 8.10. i just built this puter08:17
kinja-sheepwolter: Check your local RadioShack and/or computer stores.  Sure you can buy something small -- a rubber something.08:17
ActionParsnip^cheeky: well off you go to websearch for the card, maybe you need extra options in xorg.conf or an extra package or two08:17
arieltavpixelated: i'm patient. especially when the service is free!:)08:18
kinja-sheep^cheeky: Enable the restricted drivers + restricted hardware.  Etc.08:18
kinja-sheep^cheeky: Update everything first.08:18
arvind_khadrithe_gamer: you installed KDE on ubuntu right? so gdm is your login-manager still08:18
AnnonyMouse1Flannel :  I'm not that far in yet (defining sub-part's). I'm referring to the primary container.08:18
AnnonyMouse1gives me few options: aix, amiga, bsd, ...08:18
kinja-sheepActionParsnip: He installed Ubuntu recently.  Everything is "default" -- This is why everything is so big for him. :P08:18
pixelatedarieltav, i charge 1 sacrificial virgin per 4 hours ;')08:18
arvind_khadrithe_gamer: are you by any chance talking of how to login into KDE?08:18
^cheekykinja-sheep, there does not seem to have restricted drivers for me to install08:18
the_gamerarvind_khadri, yeah, i installed kde on ubuntu but when installing it asked me what login-manager to use... and now i dunno how to get gdm back08:18
kinja-sheep^cheeky: Did you update everything already? "sudo aptitude update"08:19
FlannelAnnonyMouse1: You mean the physical volumes?08:19
ActionParsnipkinja-sheep: i know and im advising s/he looks up the card and how to set it up correctly08:19
arieltavpixelated: your system makes tipping complicated eh?08:19
prince_jammysthe_gamer: change the line in the file /etc/X11/default-display-manager to 'gdm' and log back in08:19
the_gamerarvind_khadri, no, i know how to login into kde08:19
the_gamerprince_jammys, ty08:19
^cheekykinja-sheep, i just ran sudo apt-get update // :S...08:19
the_gamerarvind_khadri, ty :)08:19
arvind_khadrioh ok :) never laid hands there :) the_gamer , prince_jammys08:19
pixelatedarieltav, not really, i am married so i just use them to do things i dont want to, like clean my car, do the dishes, etc...08:20
kinja-sheep^cheeky: That's fine... I prefer aptitude myself.  More power to you. :)08:20
wolterkinja-sheep, thanks, bye08:20
prince_jammysthe_gamer: arvind_khadri : the "proper" way is probably with the update-alternatives command, but i forget how. what i said should work08:20
AnnonyMouse1Flannel : new HDD in new machine. disk in unpartitioned.08:20
AnnonyMouse1SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sdf) - 160.0 GB ATA ST....08:20
AnnonyMouse1Flannel : <enter>08:21
lyrae_oops. connection dropped08:21
^cheekykinja-sheep, well i did it , and does not seem to do anything different ..08:21
arvind_khadriprince_jammys: brute force is cool sometimes ;)08:21
AnnonyMouse1Flannel : "create new empty part..." -> Y08:21
FlannelAnnonyMouse1: Create a single partition on that disk, with the type of 'lvm'; you're using the alternate CD, right?08:21
ActionParsnip^cheeky: what does lsci | grep -i vga say you have?08:21
Lou__I need to format a blank usb drive to use ext3 file-system. Should I create a MS-Dos partition table? or?08:21
zirodayLou__: ms-dos is fine08:22
AnnonyMouse1Flannel : LVM is not given as option . I'm installing from mini iso with a local LAN repository cache08:22
arieltavpixelated: you sound like my uncle... (he's the head of IT for Cesna aircraft, and taught me everything i know about computers... which contrary to this conversation is rather substantial, so long as the context is limited to Windows PCs and Cisco routers)08:22
Lou__ziroday, Thanks.08:22
IntuitiveNippleLou__: Usually yes, a standard DOS partition table is required (many times a file-system-only install will cause problems later with some utils unable to detect it (they assume a partition table)08:22
ActionParsnipLou__: no need if you are using ext308:22
AnnonyMouse1Flannel : has "alternative" options dynamicall avail08:22
raevolneed help with my audio. unable to get sound from multiple applications, have upgraded with the alsa upgrade script in the forums due to my card not being supported in intrepid. details: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/5958608:22
ActionParsnipLou__: i'd recommend ext2 for usb drives08:22
^cheekyActionParsnip, 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)08:22
tazA room with people08:23
FlannelAnnonyMouse1: Hmmm, I... was under the impression that the mini ISO is the same as the alternate one (except missing the packages).  LVM is the filesystem you want.  Is there an LVM item above the 'regular' partitioner menu?  Let me do some research re: mini iso08:23
neil_dusing the 8.10 desktop CD, the aoetools module doesn't work, I get    aoe-discover: /dev/etherd/discover does not exist...    what is wrong?08:23
pixelatedarieltav, i disavow any knowledge of windows unless i am paid cash ;')08:23
pZombiebah, enough of 9.04 - now i got gfx working, sounds starts skipping08:24
Lou__ActionParsnip, Is MS-Dos partition needed for ext2?08:24
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dixonionthedemonhow do i install the driver for a logitech quickcam messenger, i got most of it figured out, but i am getting no feed from it all sorts of errors pop up08:24
FlannelpZombie: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support/discussion/etc thanks08:24
arvind_khadripZombie: that should be #ubuntu+108:24
=== dixonionthedemon is now known as dixon208
ActionParsnipLou__: no, ext3 and ext2 are nothing to do with dos08:24
pZombienot anymore08:24
d3xteri've got a little problem. sometimes my system-fan is working at max-speed, cpu is throttled to 1ghz and cpu-load goes up to nearly 100%, here is my dmesg: http://pastebin.com/f2df4703e08:24
pZombiei am done with 9.0408:24
lyrae_how do i add a new user/password to passwd?08:24
zirodayLou__: ActionParsnip: are you talking about a parition table or a partition? As I believe the former you do need08:24
ActionParsnipLou__: you will need to partition yje device to format it08:25
zirodaylyrae: useradd08:25
arvind_khadripZombie: ok...08:25
AnnonyMouse1Flannel :  thnx. I use the mini, as it installs the most current bits & tailors install tightly 2 machine . choice of main, alternate, ubuntu, bubuntu, mythbuntu is then fairy arbitrary08:25
arieltavpixelated: why didn't i think of that before i became the designated volunteer pc repairman-head banger against bricks- for everyone i know!??08:25
Lou__ziroday,  partition table08:25
ActionParsnip^cheeky: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowtoSetupExternalMonitorForIntel91508:25
arieltavpixelated: in spite of my patience, i think i'm going to go finnish my cigg. if you promise you'll still be here and helpful in 6 minutes?!08:25
FlannelAnnonyMouse1: You can do the same with the alternate CD, actually.  The only difference is that the alternate CD has (some) packages on the CD (and apparently also supports LVM)08:25
pixelatedarieltav, because it sneaks up on you08:25
zirodayLou__: well then as far as I know you need that, ActionParsnip is that so as you seem to be saying before that you didn't?08:25
arieltavpixelated: sure does.08:25
ActionParsnip^cheeky: that gives some xorg.conf which you can browse and append parts you your xorg.conf08:25
zirodaycattt: do you have a question we can help you with?08:26
ActionParsnip^cheeky: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:26
raevolneed help with my audio. unable to get sound from multiple applications, have upgraded with the alsa upgrade script in the forums due to my card not being supported in intrepid. details: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/5958608:26
FlannelAnnonyMouse1: I don't see anything that indicates the mini iso shouldn't be able to install to LVM though.  But it is the partition type you're looking for.08:26
IntuitiveNippleLou__: The 'standard' partition table used by Linux, DOS, Windows and others is called "MS-DOS" - just to confuse you :)08:26
arieltavpixelated: you had a chance to peek at that paste yet?08:26
AnnonyMouse1Flannel : yea08:26
pixelatedarieltav, have been looking at it...08:26
^cheekyActionParsnip, mine is a desktop , not a laptop08:26
kang_I am a freshman08:27
Lou__Ok. Thanks to all you guys.08:27
ActionParsnip^cheeky: its an xorg.conf file, its the same layout08:27
arieltavpixelated: yaeeks.08:27
AnnonyMouse1Flannel : but I'm speaking 2 the guys @ the LVM grp. seems to be a fairly arb value initially08:27
ActionParsnipziroday: you dont need an "msdos partition" it just needs partitioning in the standard way and formatting08:27
pZombieFlannel - which ubuntu distro works on laptops with the powermanagement turning off both fans of the radeon ati 9600 and pentium m chip? thanks08:27
ActionParsnip^cheeky: those lines would work on an apple mac too08:27
pixelatedarieltav, in the terminal type this 'vol_id /dev/sdb5' and check the UUID from the mneu.lst to make sure its right08:27
zirodayActionParsnip: right, were talking about a partition _table_ here08:27
AnnonyMouse1Flannel : I'll try sum options & if it breaks, I'll know I'm doing something wrong08:27
ActionParsnip^cheeky: you need to wrestle with xorg.conf til you get the desired display08:28
ActionParsnipziroday: yes08:28
arieltavpixelated: /dev/sdb5: error opening volume08:28
^cheekyActionParsnip, you think maybe i am using a converter as my motherboard only supports hdmi and dvi , and my crt only .. vga .. so i had to use a converter, might this be the cause.. i dont think so but just wondering08:28
pixelatedarieltav, sry 'sudo vol_id /dev/sdb5'08:29
ActionParsnip^cheeky: no...I'm saying you need to add lines about the resolution you want08:29
d3xterwhen will be the release of 2.6.29?08:29
arieltavpixelated: ID_FS_UUID=354408fb-2c02-48ce-b22b-2c0f1d423ea908:29
Flanneld3xter: It'll have to be in jaunty+108:30
zirodayd3xter: well its in rc3 so soon I presume08:30
arvind_khadrid3xter: #kernel will know08:30
zirodayd3xter: however it won't be in jaunty08:30
arieltavpixelated: i believe that's a match.08:30
d3xterok thx :)08:31
^cheekyActionParsnip, oh ok , because this what my xorg file looks like right now08:31
pixelatedarieltav, yes it is... hmmm everything seems to be in order...08:31
ActionParsnip^cheeky: use pastebin08:31
Thisdudewhat number chmod would i use for read only08:32
idyllic744 i think08:32
^cheekyActionParsnip, http://pastebin.ca/132697808:32
dixon208anyone know how to get the driver for logitech quickcam messenger? and is there anyway that i could get it thru the terminal? if so plz pm me08:32
ActionParsnip1 is read08:32
arieltavpixelated: i should note that i have redone the grub reinstall process listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub since lastime i rebooted, but i did that before too and it didn't seem to help.08:32
prince_jammysno, 1 is execute08:32
ActionParsnipThisdude: i'd suggest 5 though to allow read and execute08:32
ActionParsnipprince_jammys: you is right08:33
nightrid3rThisdude: man chmod08:33
prince_jammysActionParsnip: hehe. you too08:33
nutmegwhat's a very small wav player for my netbook?\08:33
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zirodaydixon208: I would make sure the module quickcam is running08:33
prince_jammysActionParsnip: the original question was, of course, totally ambiguous08:34
idyllic744 lol.. i told you08:34
dixon208how do i do that?08:34
ActionParsnipnutmeg: aplay08:34
ActionParsnipprince_jammys: little bit :)08:34
dixon208pm me plz - ziroday08:34
zirodaydixon208: do lsmod | grep quickcam to see if the quickcam modules are running. Your camera should require that08:34
nutmegis aplay one of the smallest (in terms of hard drive space) players, ActionParsnip ?08:34
ziroday!pm > dixon20808:34
ubottudixon208, please see my private message08:34
prince_jammysread only .. for a directory? for a file? for what users?08:34
pZombieIs anyone here using an Ubuntu distro, working for laptops with a pentium m cpu and an ati 9600 or comparable card as in spinning down both fans in idle? I was using one back then which worked fine but dont remember the version08:35
ActionParsnipnutmeg: i cant think of anything smaller08:35
ActionParsnip!info aplay08:35
ubottuPackage aplay does not exist in intrepid08:35
nutmegoh no08:35
ActionParsnipnutmeg: seems to be part of alsa stuffs08:35
nutmegyou mean that i gotta get alsa stuffs. meaning not small.08:35
ActionParsnipnutmeg: its a cli based player08:35
nutmegbut how big is alsa stuffs?08:36
ActionParsnipnutmeg: alsa is currently making your soundcard work08:36
ActionParsnipnutmeg: so theres no additional install needed08:36
nutmegso how do i get aplay?08:36
nutmegoh. great08:36
ActionParsnipnutmeg: type it in terminal08:36
nutmegActionParsnip, ty.08:36
ActionParsnipnutmeg: aplay /path/to/file.wav08:36
dixon208ziroday - it didnt say anything08:37
dixon208just got a new line08:37
ActionParsnipnutmeg: and robert will very much be your fathers brother08:37
zirodaydixon208: okay then its not running. Try do sudo modprobe quickcam08:37
nutmegrobert? what r u talking about, ActionParsnip ??????08:37
ActionParsnipnutmeg: bob's you uncle :)08:38
nutmegwho's your mama? 8-)08:38
pZombieIs anyone here using a Ubuntu distro, working for laptops with a pentium m cpu and an ati 9600 or comparable card as in spinning down both fans in idle? I was using one back then which worked fine but dont remember the version08:38
ActionParsnipnutmeg: i see you dont have that phrase where you are08:38
Dillizari just brought homr me new mp3 and my ubuntu doesnt recognize ! is there a usb driver pack or smt i can install08:38
ActionParsnipDillizar: does it show up in lsusb08:39
ActionParsnipDillizar: or dmesg | tail08:39
nutmegyeah, i Don't08:39
nutmegActionParsnip, aplay says " can't play non PCM encoded Wav files" 8-(08:39
dixon208ziroday, i still have nothing08:39
ActionParsnipnutmeg: its like "ta-dar" or "and there you have it"08:39
joshjtlhi folk, I have a laptop (dell inspiron) with an intel pentium t2330 dual core processor, which apparently is 64 bit (http://processorfinder.intel.com/DetailsPrinterFriendly.aspx?sSpec=SLA4K) seeing that this is on a laptop... (not sure if it makes a difference or not) should I be using a 64 bit distro?  I ask because this laptop came with x86 ubuntu preinstalled from dell...08:40
zirodaydixon208: thats fine, in linux no news is good news (usually)08:40
ActionParsnipnutmeg: install vlc then, its pretty small but pretty good for the average user08:40
zirodaydixon208: now can you see your camera in whatever you're using?08:40
nutmeghow small is vlc, ActionParsnip ?08:40
dixon208i just get a greenscreen08:40
nutmegi don't have much room on netbook.08:40
ActionParsnip!info vlc08:40
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1628 kB, installed size 3616 kB08:40
ActionParsnipnutmeg: 3.5mb08:40
nutmegok. 4mb is small08:40
joshjtlbtw i only have 2gigs of ram08:40
zirodaydixon208: what app are you using?08:41
ActionParsnipjoshjtl: how much ram do you have and what is the amin use of the system?08:41
nutmegActionParsnip, oh, but aptget wants to install 54 mb!!! big difference08:41
ActionParsnipnutmeg: are the others vlc related?08:41
epauli have installed skype in my ubuntu 8.108:41
epaulbut audio is not working in it08:42
nutmegActionParsnip, not sure. how do i do update?08:42
dixon208ziroday i just updated my system as well08:42
robsonis there a way to boot interactively or to somehow stop something from stalling out when booting up?08:42
imdeveloperHello Ubuntu friends  !!!08:42
nutmegActionParsnip, by that i mean the software update08:42
dixon208im not sure wat app08:42
ActionParsnipnutmeg: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade08:42
nutmegimdeveloper, hello.08:42
epaulis shows problem with audio play back08:42
epaulany idea.. ?08:42
DillizarActionParsnip, on the box there is a big sign Compatible only with XP08:42
zirodayjoshjtl: unless you are doing heavy video work or (de)compressing 64bit doesn't have that many advantages. You can use it if you want but there is nothing wrong with 32bit08:42
[[thufir]]why does java.com report that I don't have java installed and working?  I do:  http://pastebin.com/m462ea48e08:43
zirodaydixon208: okay, what app are you using to view your camera's picture?08:43
joshjtlziroday: how about for games?08:43
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: you havent installed a plugin08:43
kaperi would like to install file sharing server on Ubutu. Anyone pls advise me on the software i should u?08:43
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: it's installed08:43
ActionParsnipjoshjtl: same08:43
harleywhy is it when I open firefox there is no close, minimise, maximize and so on?08:43
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: then its not configured08:43
=== dixonionthedemon is now known as dixon208
zirodayjoshjtl: slight speed increase08:43
harleyand it covers both panels08:44
imdevelopernutmeg how is going ?08:44
^cheekyActionParsnip, how do i know what i need to add, also from google it seems that 8.10 does not have a driver for this motherboard08:44
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: I rand the java config scripts repeatedly, but, yeah, I think it's not configured.08:44
nutmegstill updating08:44
joshjtlActionParsnip: same as what?08:44
nutmeg... lists08:44
ActionParsnip^cheeky: there is no driver for the motherboard08:44
joshjtlthanks ziroday08:44
ActionParsnip^cheeky: you are driving the components attatched to the board08:44
epauli have installed skype in my ubuntu 8.108:44
epaulhello friends08:45
epauli have installed skype in my ubuntu 8.108:45
zirodayepaul: hi, what is not working?08:45
epaulbut audio is not working in it :(08:45
ActionParsnipjoshjtl: 64bit, unless you are encoding stuff you dont gain much08:45
epaulis shows problem with audio play back08:45
dixon208epaul does it say problem with audio hardware?08:45
zirodayepaul: have you swapped around its input? What is the error?08:45
zirodaydixon208: what app are you using to view your webcam's picture?08:46
joshjtlActionParsnip: thanks08:46
epaulno error.. .. while calling it shows problem with audio playback08:46
=== dixonionthedemon is now known as dixon208
zirodayepaul: what does it say?08:46
nate1how do i reset my wireless drivers?08:46
zirodaydixon208: okay can you install cheese and try that please?08:47
zirodaynate1: what do you mean?08:47
raevolneed help with my audio. unable to get sound from multiple applications, have upgraded with the alsa upgrade script in the forums due to my card not being supported in intrepid. details: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/5958608:47
dixon208im on 32bit software08:47
^cheekyActionParsnip, so kinda i write the driver for it in the xorg or tell what to use ?08:47
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dixon208will that work?08:47
zirodaydixon208: its a webcam picture app, you can install it from the repo's08:47
ActionParsnip^cheeky: the fact you have 1024x768 means a driver has been install08:47
epaulit just write a message in the .. "" problem with audio playback""08:47
nate1my wifi adapter worked out of the box but i tryed getting the drivers from aircrack to work and now i cant get on the internet so i want to go back to my defalt08:48
dixon208ziroday what is the terminal code to get it?08:48
zirodayepaul: okay, what have you got the audio input as?08:48
ActionParsnip^cheeky: i think you need to just add an extra resolution to xorg.conf to tell it to use the higher resolution08:48
zirodaydixon208: sudo apt-get install cheese08:48
epaulhead set08:48
ActionParsnip^cheeky: can you please pastebin your xorg.conf08:48
prince_jammysapt-get install slice-of-pizza08:48
dixon208ziroday - E: Couldn't find package cheese08:48
^cheekyi dunno what higher res i would use . i though that would be pretty small and nice .. but its quite big08:48
^cheekyActionParsnip, i did08:49
zirodaydixon208: you are using 8.10 right?08:49
=== namasamaran is now known as BIASA
^cheekyActionParsnip, hold on08:49
dixon208ubuntu 8.1008:49
ActionParsnip^cheeky: then choose one, if its widescreen it'll be 1200x102408:49
DillizarActionParsnip, where i can find lsusb08:49
ardchoilledixon208: cheese is in universe08:49
zirodayepaul: okay try set it to http://forum.skype.com/index.php?s=1fe25b5c109a7da3da09fa3dcf2ee09a&showtopic=231961&view=findpost&p=112156108:49
ActionParsnipDillizar: its a terminal command, just type it08:49
zirodaydixon208: then that app should be there, one sec08:49
^cheekyActionParsnip, http://pastebin.ca/132697808:49
zirodaydixon208: that app is there. You are doing sudo apt-get install cheese correct?08:50
^cheekyActionParsnip, i have a 19 inch crt or 20 inch i dunno i was given this screen08:50
mbn_18Hi, I need the livecd to be able manage LVM2 on various of Linux systems. Do I need the Server or the Desktop edition?08:50
dixon208correct ziroden08:50
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: the java plugin seems to report being configured:  http://pastebin.com/m46fa101608:50
mshadlehow do you fix a broken /sys directory? my RAM went bad and corrupted it and the system won't boot now.08:50
ActionParsnip^cheeky: ok you arent loading any driver right now, if you look at the site I gve you it appears your card uses the i810 driver08:50
zirodaydixon208: okay try sudo apt-get install xawtv08:50
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: if its not working in your browser though then its not fully done08:51
DillizarActionParsnip, yeah it found it now what08:51
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: you may need to symlink a .so to your plugins dir08:51
dixon208ziroday - E: Couldn't find package xawtv08:51
_-XPERT-_Hi all08:51
ActionParsnipDillizar: does anything look like your new device08:51
Goldy9 MORE PEOPLE08:51
FloodBot1Goldy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:51
_-XPERT-_anyone got any clue about syslogd08:51
mshadleEPIC4-2.6 (Plebiscite) + LiCe v4.2.0 (bitchx)08:51
zirodaydixon208: you need to enable the universe repo08:51
Goldywe need 1337 users!!!!!!!08:51
ziroday!universe | dixon208 read these instructions08:52
ubottudixon208 read these instructions: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories08:52
zirodayGoldy: do you have a question we can help you with?08:52
fearfulhello everyone08:52
DillizarActionParsnip,  yeah Bus 005 Device 005: ID 0471:014b Philips08:52
_-XPERT-_anyone got any clue about syslogd08:52
Goldyno questions :)08:52
fearfulI have a question08:52
ActionParsnipDillizar: ok cool08:52
^cheekyActionParsnip, hmm ok ill have to come back to this i have class in 3 hours... and havent slept :/08:52
ActionParsnipDillizar: does the partition show up in: sudo fdisk -l08:52
zirodayGoldy: chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic :)08:52
zirodayfearful: ask away08:53
_-XPERT-_anyone got any clue about syslogd08:53
Dillizarno ActionParsnip and its 30gb08:53
fearfulI can't use the following command: sudo chmod +r benjamin:benjamin-laptop /home/benjamin08:53
^cheekyActionParsnip, thank you so much i think i know what i need to do but my xorg is soo lil ill back it up and add some of the stuff i might think i need and ill show it to you after class , thank you again08:53
fearfulI just changed my home to a separate partition and it won't let me login08:53
Gumbyis there something other than top that will show me system wide memory usage?  I'm using ubuntu as a mythtv backend and when I boot up, the system uses around 250mb of 1.5GB of memory and 0 swap but then slowly the memory usage creeps up to 1.4GB08:53
ActionParsnipDillizar: doesnt matter how big, does it show up in the fdisk output?08:53
zirodaydixon208: specifically the last link to make sure you have universe ticked08:53
DillizarActionParsnip, no08:53
_-XPERT-_anyone got any clue about syslogd08:53
[[thufir]]how do I find out what/which file, a .so?, to link to my java plugin directory?  (thanks for helping me find the question, actionparsnip, I think that may lead to a solution)08:54
ActionParsnipDillizar: then i'd websearch for that ID that you gave, it may turn up some gold08:54
Dillizarhahaha ActionParsnip  ok thanks08:54
dayo_fearful: your usergroup is benjamin-laptop? not benjamin? u sure benjamin-laptop is not just your hostname08:54
robsonafter compiling alsa what do i have to do to make it useable?08:54
fearfulI tried doing benjamin:benjamin too08:55
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: you need to find whatever .so is used by firefox and make a symlink in your plugins folder. I always use ~/.mozilla/plugins08:55
fearfuland no luck08:55
_-XPERT-_no one has any syslogd clue?08:55
fearfulIt says the directory doesn't exist.08:55
dayo_fearful: what does the error say? also do this: vim /etc/passwd08:55
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: the plugins directory doesnt exist by default, it has to be made08:55
zirodayfearful: are you on the same machine as the file you want to change permissions of?08:55
dayo_fearful: then look for the user benjamin and see what group you're in08:55
fearfulYea in the live CD because I can't loging08:55
SmokeyDanyone knows if there a any issues running apparmor on hardy server as a xen guest (DomU)?08:56
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: thanks08:56
fearfulAnyway I can check form the live CD?08:56
zirodayfearful: well you have to mount that partition, it should be a matter of clicking that drive08:56
_-XPERT-_anyone got any clue about syslogd08:56
fearfulMount my new home, or where ubuntu is installed?08:57
zirodayfearful: your new home08:57
prince_jammysaren't you trying to change ownership with chmod instead of chown?08:57
nate1is there somthing easier to use then aircrack to break wep and wpa encriptions?08:58
fearfulWell yes that's one issue I shall try, I also noticed that my new home is /home/ubuntu, anyway I can make it /home/benjamin again?08:58
robsoni compiled alsa and have a module for sound at /usr/src/modules/alsa-driver/modules/snd-hda-intel.ko. now what?08:59
ActionParsniprobson: read the readme with the source code09:00
rainabbaI'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 in VMWare Workstation 6.5 and it appears to have hung at "Preparing libsmbios1". I want to say that I've seen something like this in the past also. Anyone familiar with this problem?09:00
ActionParsniprainabba: did you md5 check your iso file after download?09:01
fearfulI will try and get back thanks09:01
ActionParsnip!md5 | rainabba09:03
ubotturainabba: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:03
ActionParsniprainabba: what distro cd have you downloaded??09:03
ActionParsnipoh well09:05
=== pessixsixsix is now known as Tuna-Fish
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robsoni can't find any install documentation in the source09:07
pZombiewhat is the oldest ubuntu distro supported still ?09:08
robsonActionParsnip: looks like all i have to do is modprobe at this point, but that is hanging. i had it working before, btw, but either alsa or fglrx was causing ubuntu to hang on boot so i uninstalled alsa09:08
d3xteron desktop09:08
d3xteras desktop-edition09:09
d3xter6.06 is still supported as server-edition09:09
fearfulOk I'm half way there, I just need to know how to change, home/ubuntu to /home/benjamin09:10
dixon208ziroday ty my cam works now09:11
dixon208ziroday - now i am having issues with skype problem with audio playbak09:12
dixon208might need to reboot09:12
wemdowemdCan I install ubuntu on an external hard-drive, including MBR, bootloader etc.? I don't want anything on my laptop's internal hard-drive changed save for the BIOS (so it knows to look for the external on startup09:13
niereanyone here running his own [complex] repository, and using priority pinning with it?09:13
fearfulso how can i change the name?09:13
[[thufir]]too bad actionparsenip left, I just got java working and wanted to thank him.  oh well.  (I re-installed the plugin)09:13
pZombiewemdowemd - is it a usb external?09:14
fearfulI'm trying to change the home folder's name I currently have /home/ubuntu and I want it /home/benjamin I'm on the live CD because I can't login any suggestions?09:15
wemdowemdpZombie: Yes09:15
pZombiewemdowemd - in theory you can... if you manage to write the bootloader and your bios supports booting of USB, it just boots like any other drive09:15
pZombiewemdowemd worst case scenario, you pull the drive out :D and insert it into your pc internaly, then put it back into your usb case09:15
crekarasuhi, i want to encrypt a password but i don`t know the command ... please help me !09:16
prince_jammysfearful: how come you can't log in?09:16
pZombiewemdowemd - does this drive except of USB have any other conncetors?09:16
wemdowemdpZombie: Yes, but the firewire connection has been giving me some problems recently so I don't use it.09:16
crekarasuhi, i want to encrypt a password but i don`t know the command ... please help me !09:17
pZombiewemdowemd - firewire was the only way i was able to write a bootblock on my old maxtor onetouch. usb wouldnt work09:17
pZombiewemdowemd then later i just switched back to usb for booting09:17
haphi. I installed ubuntu-8.10-mid-lpia on my eeepc 701 but wifi does not work and the UI is very ugly, is there a better thing i could install on that eeepc (and I m currently in burkina so internet is slow as hell, a way to just upgrade specific packages would be welcome)09:18
wemdowemdpZombie: I see. Couldn't I theoretically use that 'GRUB on a disc' package you can get to boot from CD, with the filesystem on the external?09:18
fearfulBecause I cahnged the home folder to a seperate partition and having $HOME errors.09:18
pZombiewemdowemd - in theory yes, but i have never tried that09:19
wemdowemdOK, thanks. I'll do some reading.09:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about blueray09:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about blue-ray09:20
sidewalkhow do i play blue ray movies in ubuntu? :P09:20
askandsidewalk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD :)09:21
raevolaskand beat me to it09:21
* raevol sing "OH NIIINE EFF NIIINE"09:21
prince_jammyswas about to paste the same link09:22
prince_jammyshint: google works well09:22
raevoli wrote a paper on the digg revolt for a class i took09:23
zirodayraevol: there is an offtopic channel in #ubuntu-offtopic, this is strictly for support :)09:25
raevolsorry :D09:25
raevolspeaking of support09:26
raevolneed help with my audio. unable to get sound from multiple applications, have upgraded with the alsa upgrade script in the forums due to my card not being supported in intrepid. details: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/5958609:26
=== luxus is now known as anglxs
nuubuntuanyone up to explaining this Acer 5515 wifi issue?09:26
doktorhi to all09:27
doktoranyone saw sberla?09:27
zirodaydoktor: there is likey to be some people in #ubuntu-ru09:27
nuubuntucan somebody help me figure out an issue im having setting up my drivers for my wifi card. the issue being i have no clue what Im doing09:28
doktorziroday -->what's mean??09:28
zirodaydoktor: sorry I don't follow09:28
pramada apa ya..09:29
doktoritalians people?09:29
doktorwhat's mean ada apa ya?09:30
pram"what happen"09:30
scizzo-nuubuntu: think you need to be a little more specific of what card and so on you are using for people to be able to help09:31
grobda24Hello. I have followed the instructions to use Medibuntu repository but now I cannot find http://packages.medibuntu.org/hardy/mplayer-nogui.html even though I can see other packages.09:31
scizzo-nuubuntu: going to the doctor saying "I hurt" without giving a little more info about what hurts is pretty much the same result... :P09:31
ziroday!id | pram09:31
lockdnuubuntu: and things like what sort of encryption you're trying to use, etc09:31
ubottupram: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia09:31
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scizzo-!it | doktor09:32
ubottudoktor: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:32
lockdscizzo- when I touch here and here and here it hurts...09:32
anglxscan you guys tell me how to run a setup in Wine? I have put the adobe suite in the folder and I want to run the setup to put photoshop09:32
doktorubottu-->thanks man! see you..09:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:32
scizzo-anglxs: run winesetup first then wine [theexefile].exe09:32
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RocknRollanglxs: install wine then double click the exe file u want to run..09:33
=== dixonionthedemon is now known as dixon208
dixon208got the camera working, fixed my skype issue, but the cam is way too pixleated, and cant fix the video settings09:34
anglxsRocknRoll:  oh thnx it was my fault i was trying to open it with the archive manager09:35
RocknRollanglxs: u r welcome09:35
anglxsalthough the application closes after the splash screen :S09:36
hak5fananglxs, check appdb.winehq.org and search for your app to see if it's supported by wine09:37
pZombienice, the 8.04 version was just 1 click to install the restricted driver, and now all is fine...09:37
robsonalsa is making my system messed up if i don't put it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist even though i uninstalled it. what more must i do to actually obliterate alsa?09:37
pZombie...except how do i make the fans spin down?09:37
nate1whats the code for moving files in bash09:38
robsonnate1 mv?09:38
pZombiei need a power managements utility for my gfx card(ati 9600 mobility) . Is there such a thing for ubuntu?09:38
doktoror cp09:38
zirodaynate1: mv /path/to/orginal/file /path/to/new/location09:38
doktorto copy files09:38
robsonpZombie: check out fglrx-amdcccle09:39
robsonpZombie: may not do what you want, i odn't know09:39
TunNetworkcan i get some help plz09:39
doktoryes if i can09:40
zirodayTunNetwork: sure. but we need to know whats wrong09:40
robsonhow can i completely remove alsa from my system?09:40
TunNetworkthnx,im tryin' to setup server edition to host an erp server09:40
VirtualHunterEvening all, anyone run Compiz with an ATI X1300 and experience grainy rendering? Just curious if its to do with the cards capacity or a bad driver?09:41
TunNetworkit needs some bases like glib, gtk09:41
pZombierobson nice too, checking it out09:41
zirodayVirtualHunter: you running the closed or open source drivers?09:41
robsonpZombie: wish i could try it... won't run on my system for some odd reason09:42
TunNetworkhow can i use more than 1 version of gtk or how can i disable 1 and activate other without erasing09:42
arvind_khadrirobson: you can't remove it actually as some other packages depend on it09:42
robsonarvind_khadri: what would? i've apt-get removed it but that wasn't enough09:42
pZombierobson - if it is 8.10 or 9.04 i wouldnt be suprised....09:42
pZombieanyway, the tool has no powermanagement09:43
arvind_khadrirobson: didn't you get any warning messages?09:43
VirtualHunterziroday: Thanks (like the name), I'm running which ever work when you enable restricted driver in Ubuntu 8.0409:43
crdlbTunNetwork: there are only two incomatible versions of gtk: gtk1 and gtk2. any program designed for an older version of gtk2 will work with the latest09:44
zirodayVirtualHunter: okay, thanks :). Those would be the restriced drivers.09:44
TunNetworkziroday can we meet in pv ?09:44
anglxshak5fan: thnx mate, I was trying to run the setup of the whole suite not photoshop :)09:44
zirodayTunNetwork: no.09:44
ziroday!pm > TunNetwork09:44
ubottuTunNetwork, please see my private message09:44
zirodayVirtualHunter: you might want to try the open source drivers you _might_ get better performance09:45
AdvoWorkhi there, ive got about 20 machines on my network, im trying to find which machine name has the ip .158  is there a command i can use to find the pc name?09:45
Some_HerbertHi, I've just started with Ubuntu. Downloaded the Live CD and installed it. Now when I select Ubuntu from the boot options it starts to load and then I just get a black screen and the caps lock and scroll lock just flash at me. I then have to power down manually. Any suggestions please?09:45
TunNetworkthnx ubottu09:46
nate2need help09:46
TunNetworkis it simple to disable gtk 2.14 and setup 2.1709:46
robsonMTA takes a long time to start when i'm booting up. anyone know why?09:47
arvind_khadrinate2: whats the problem?\09:47
hak5fananglxs, ok which version are you trying to run?09:47
nate2it wont compile right09:47
nate2and i dont know why09:48
crdlbTunNetwork: there is no gtk 2.1709:48
TunNetworkziroday the problem is i use some progs that need 2.1409:48
arvind_khadrinate2: state your problem here... no one is going to look into the paste...09:48
VirtualHunterziroday: Thanks09:48
arvind_khadrinate2: and state in a single line, if possible...09:48
crdlbTunNetwork: gtk 2.x is fully ABI/ABI stable, which means that you can upgrade it and apps using it should continue to work09:49
anglxsCS2, the problem i got now is that: You are not allowed to continue because your account does not have the proper priviledges. Please login with an admin. account...09:49
crdlbTunNetwork: what exactly are you trying to install?09:49
anglxshak5fan:  I have only 1 admin account the one I am running at the moment :S09:49
nate2im trying to make drivers for my usb device and i followed the guide and it says that if i got the problem i got that i needed to delete all the patch files and install a fresh verison of my kernel and i have no idea what that means or how to do it09:50
doktorcan i have a link to a website fo to learn the most important bash command a time for all please?09:51
arvind_khadrinate2: which device?09:51
arvind_khadri!tab > nate209:52
ubottunate2, please see my private message09:52
arvind_khadrinate2: a network device wi-fi?09:52
nate2arvind_khadri: yes09:52
arvind_khadrinate2: what does dmesg | tail spit when you insert the device...09:53
niereany idea why my Release index file of a local ("complex") repository is being ignored? it's downloaded, apt-get update says "hit", but there's no corresponding /var/lib/apt/lists/...-Release, and apt-cache policy doesn't show the release info (only an origin line)09:53
arvind_khadrinate2: paste its out09:53
tuna-fishI'm having really weird hdd problems. I have 3 disks, 2 of them sata, one ata. The sata disks work fine, but the ata disk has really abysmal performance - hdparm -t says it's about 3 MB/sec09:53
arvind_khadri!anyone | Some_Herbert09:54
ubottuSome_Herbert: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:54
timahvo1doktor: tldp.org09:54
timahvo1doktor: look for the Bash Bigginers guide09:54
hak5fananglxs, http://wiki.winehq.org/AdobePhotoshop <<-- Have a look here09:54
prince_jammysdoktor: go to #bash, and /msg greybot guide09:54
tuna-fishSome_Herbert: have you tried testing the disk for burn errors?09:54
arvind_khadriniere: it should be numbered higher than the one in the repo's09:55
Some_Herbertubottu - I have no idea what you're talking about09:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:55
Some_Herberttuna - the disk seems fine09:55
nate2http://pastebin.com/m501865ef arvind_khadri09:55
tuna-fishSome_Herbert: but did you test it with the included "check disk for defects" tool?09:55
Some_HerbertI read that you're supposed to be able to press F6 after choosing Ubuntu from the boot menu to get boot options, but that did nothing09:56
Some_Herberttf - I don't recall09:56
nierearvind_khadri: what should be numbered? i'm not talking about the pinning; my problem is that my own Release file is being ignored (so e.g. i cannot use release o=... for my pins)09:56
tuna-fishSome_Herbert: if there are errors in some of the files that are supposed to be copied to the disk, it might result in a broken installation even if the disk seemed to work fine09:56
Some_Herberttf - thanks, I'll check that09:57
nierehm, well, gone he is09:57
niereanyone else with some ideas? :)09:57
AdvoWorkhi there, ive got about 20 machines on my network, im trying to find which machine name has the ip .158  is there a command i can use to find the pc name?09:57
tuna-fishSome_Herbert: I managed to burn 2 coasters recently and nearly tore my hair out trying to figure out why the machine didn't work :D09:57
Some_Herberttf - I'll give it a go09:58
arvind_khadrinate2: got disconnected sorry... seems like your device isnt being recognized...whats the output of lsusb... and ya which ubuntu?09:59
nierearvind_khadri: i'm not talking about the pinning (and the version numbers of my packages); my problem is that my own Release file is being ignored (so e.g. i cannot use release o=... for my pins)09:59
arvind_khadriniere: no idea sorry .. :|10:00
timahvo1AdvoWork: can install nmap and try doing sudo nmap -sP <ip range> or something like that10:00
nierearvind_khadri: ok, thx anyway :)10:00
nate2i disabled it it was part of the instructions ifup wlan1 down and im using ubuntu 8.10 32 bit10:00
blackkiltHello room10:01
arvind_khadrinate2: which is the tutorial you are following? can i have that link?10:01
arvind_khadri!hi | blackkilt10:01
ubottublackkilt: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:01
blackkiltThanks.  arvind and ubottu10:02
blackkiltI am new to the Linux world and new to Ubuntu10:02
EkipsI don't think ifup takes "down" as an argument?10:02
arvind_khadriblackkilt: he is just a bot :)10:02
nate2arvind_khadri: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=r8187#blacklisting_mac80211_driver_version10:02
scientes_how can i convince synaptic that packages that are broken are actually not broken10:02
scientes_it makes everything not like to work10:03
=== scientes_ is now known as scientes
blackkiltsorry a little rusty on the chat rooms haven't been in a chat room in 11 years.10:03
arvind_khadrinate2: mind telling me the device name again10:03
arvind_khadri!wifi | nate210:03
ubottunate2: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:03
nate2enuwi-g2  chipset is rtl818710:03
blackkiltI don't know if I am going to start messing with the command line just yet.  Last time I did that I crashed my OS.10:04
jk7Does anyone knows why does i cant ifdown ppp interface.  An error message is ""ifdown: interface ppp0 not configured?10:04
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blackkiltSorry jk7 I am new to Linux not going to be much help.10:05
arvind_khadrinate2: a better way to go around, do you have the device's cd with you?10:06
osfameronjk7: I think it's because nm-applet messes with your interfaces and doesn't let you tweak them the normal way.  Never worked out how/why though10:06
arvind_khadrinate2: then why didnt you try the ndiswrapper way10:07
nate2arvind_khadri:  im doing this install to be able to use aircrack10:07
mohshamihey guys, I'm trying to use cpio to copy a 4GB sparse file, but it's complaining the file is too big, am I missing something?10:07
nate2in the guide that i was using it tells me how to fix the problem i just dont understand it10:07
timahvo1jk7: do you have ppp0 in /etc/networking/interfaces ?10:07
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81010:08
nate2arvind_khadri: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=r8187#blacklisting_mac80211_driver_version passed 3 argument is the problem and i just dont undertand on how to fix it10:09
timahvo1network* sorry10:09
sagredoHi... super weird error, when I try to /server irc.freenode.net10:09
arvind_khadrinate2: if you scroll down you can how to do it..10:10
sagredoI encounter this: 02:10 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot  assign requested address:]10:10
blackkiltQuickest way to learn to pay attention with Linux is crash the OS and have to reinstall everything.  Boy will I watch what I do from now on.10:10
sagredoCan anyone help me get irssi working again?10:10
arvind_khadrinate2: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)10:11
arvind_khadriblackkilt: its not so easy to crack it10:11
nate2arvind_khadri:  already have the newest version10:12
blackkiltNot talking about cracking the OS I crashed the damn thing.10:12
arvind_khadriblackkilt: crashed what ?10:13
arvind_khadrinate2: do you have build-essential , libc6 ?10:13
arvind_khadri!complie | nate210:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about complie10:13
blackkiltSuSe Linux10:13
AdvoWorktimahvo1, tried that, just says the ip is up, thats it, any other ideas?10:13
arvind_khadri!compile | nate210:13
ubottunate2: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:13
sagredoI encounter this: What if you had to pay for every letter that you received thru the postal service or every package you received by UPS, while the person who sent them to you also10:14
sagredoI encounter this: 02:10 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot  assign requested address:]10:14
sagredoCan anyone help me get irssi working again?10:14
arvind_khadrinate2: why do you want to compile when aircrack-ng is in the repo???10:14
nate2arvind_khadri:  everything is all up to date10:15
arvind_khadrinate2: assuming thats what you want10:15
timahvo1AdvoWork: beats me, I would make sure I have /etc/network/interfaces right then restart networking and see what it tells you10:15
nate2arvind_khadri: mydrivers dont support packet injection so i am pretty sure i need to compile my own correct?10:15
timahvo1AdvoWork: ther than that can't be of more help10:15
dtharvind_khadri: you would more likely have to find drivers that support packet injection and compile / install those.10:16
arvind_khadrinate2: ya...find drivers which support packet injection10:16
arvind_khadridth: to nate2 not me :)10:16
nate2arvind_khadri: thats what im doing lol10:16
doktorsagredo: http://freshmeat.net/projects/irssi/10:16
Fracturednothing beats powerpoint on windows10:16
dthok, i got you both mixed up ;)10:17
dthpardon me ;)10:17
arvind_khadrinate2: what error do you exactly get ? paste it10:17
nate2the error i orginaly got? this one http://pastebin.com/m3277a3c6 arvind_khadri10:18
neggecould someone help me out a bit with getting VNC to work? I have a computer to which I need to be able to connect with VNC. I've configured Vino to allow connections etc. and opened up port 5900 in UFW but I still can't connect. I have previously used X11 forwarding, could this be causing issues?10:19
dthnegge: X11 forwarding doesnt interfere with VNC at all. Could it be possible that you allowed only local connections in your vino settings?10:20
sagredodoktor: I'm looking for an immediate solution10:20
neggedth: dth the computers I'm connecting from are all on the same LAN so that should matter.10:20
robsoni had sound working earlier today but now it's broken (alsa). i compiled alsa myself from alsa-source. modprobe snd-hda-intel segfaults10:20
neggeI tried both with and without checking the "allow internal connections only" checkbox10:21
neggedth: when I run "sudo /usr/lib/vino/vino-server restart" I get this: (vino-server:20669): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: localhost:10.010:21
doktori hope you can find the right thing10:22
EkipsHm, xhost +?10:22
dthnegge: ok, that tells is that youre probably running as DISPLAY 10, thus when connecting you would have to use hostname:10 as "target" plus .. add port 5900 + 10 in the firewall.10:22
neggedth: I'll try that10:22
neggedth: I've temporarily disabled the firewall and tried to connect with <ipaddress>:10 but it still won't work. I've tried with both TightVNC and UltraVNC10:23
nate2i need help the guy helping me got disconnected10:24
doktorlol i'm sorry nate10:25
Ekipsnegge: Tried xhost +?10:25
nate2can you help me with my compiling error doktor10:25
neggeEkips: should I just run that or what?10:25
neggeEkips:  xhost:  unable to open display "localhost:10.0"10:26
dthnegge: what does netstat -al --numeric-ports|grep :59 show you?10:26
doktornate2: i think no...10:26
=== acuster is now known as avc_work
dthnegge: and please give me the output of echo $DISPLAY10:26
nate2lol thanks anyways man doktor10:26
neggedth: it gives me one line saying it's listening10:26
neggedth: echo $DISPLAY gives me localhost:10.010:27
neggeI think it's set to 10 because in sshd_config I have set X11DisplayOffset to 10 (can't remember why)10:27
dthnegge: and on what specific port is vino now listening to?10:27
nate2how do i delete all patch files and install a fresh version of my kernel10:28
anglxsi have a problem with streaming video etc someone can pm me?10:28
neggedth: netstat -tap tells me it's listening on 590010:28
doktoranglxs: with what browser?10:28
doktor*sorry for my english men lol10:29
neggedth: I got it! Just had to change the port in vino to 591010:29
dthnegge: ok.10:29
neggeI thought it would somehow be smart enough to listen on the correct ports...10:29
arvind_khadrinate2, you there?10:30
nate2arvind_khadri: your back yay10:30
arvind_khadrinate2, send me the paste again :)10:30
doktoranglxs: have you installed Adobe Flash Player plugin for firefox?10:31
nate2arvind_khadri: http://pastebin.com/m3277a3c610:31
arvind_khadrinate2, i lost it ... i was on windows...and it was crashing FF whenever i opened paste.ubuntu.com ...10:31
anglxsyes, I think i have installed loads of players tho so they conflict somehow, imo10:31
neggedth: thanks for your help by the way10:32
arvind_khadrinate2, the tutorial too... does the tutorial ask you to run any other script before sudo make??10:32
nate2arvind_khadri: yea patch -Np1 -i rtl8187_2.6.24v3.patch then make then make install10:32
rbowesMorning all10:32
rbowesCan anyone help with Canon MP160 printer installation on Intrepid x86_64 ?10:33
arvind_khadrinate2, does the patch work perfectly?10:33
abyss_lo everyone! i  installed apache2 and php5mod awell as php5 mysql and phpmyadmin but it seems that php is not working!10:33
arvind_khadrinate2, the patch seems to be for a older kernel...10:34
nate2i didnt get any errors or warning the only one is the one we are diagnosing arvind_khadri10:34
doktoranglxs: have you the latest ver. of FF, the 3.0?10:34
abyss_i already did : sudo a2enmod php5 but no success10:34
dthnegge: youre welcoe10:34
arvind_khadrinate2, the tutorial seems to be speaking about ubuntu 7.10 ...10:34
abyss_it says php5 already enabled10:34
anglxsit might be the case that pulseaudio is causing all this mess?10:34
arvind_khadrinate2, that tutorial wont work... you need to find something else... sorry to say this10:35
nate2arvind_khadri: that really sucks thanks10:35
anglxsdoktor:  I dont have sound in youtube and streaming video is not loading10:35
arvind_khadri!language | doktor10:35
ubottudoktor: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:35
doktori'm sorry arvinf_khadri10:35
arvind_khadrinate2, when googling mention your ubuntu name and kernel number too... it might help ...10:35
fazlurubottu .... just kick off him from this channel10:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:36
anglxsdo you guys recommend having pulseaudio or should i remove it completely10:36
Ekipsnate2: It's broken for the current kernel it seems10:36
fazluranglxs:pluse audio has some bugs on some h/w s10:36
fw1i am looking for something to draw network diagrams with, would would people suggest?10:37
neggewhat's the name of the package that contains the GNOME theme that Debian uses by default (the light-blueish you know)?10:37
Out1anderwhat's the best tool under linux to convert vob files to xvid?10:38
rakudaveanglxs:  i did remove it completely, it's no big deal, just "sudo aptitude purge pulseaudio"10:38
nate2arvind_khadri: this would be what i want http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-963923.html10:38
dthOut1ander: dvd::rip is doing a very nice job.10:38
Out1anderso i have existing vob files not a dvd10:38
rakudaveOut1ander: Use AcidRip or dvd::rip in the repos10:39
dthOut1ander: dvd::rip can also take a VIDEO_TS directory and work with the VOB files there, they dont have to be on a DVD.10:39
arvind_khadrifw1, ever heard of nctuns?10:39
Out1anderah me see "choose dvd image directory"10:39
fw1arvind_khadri, nope but i have now10:39
arvind_khadrifw1, thats used for what you said... but not in the repo's10:40
arvind_khadrinate2, try it out ...10:41
redspikehi, anyone have get DirectJET printer to work frmo ubuntu? i can add the printer but not print to it from ubuntu, if ill telnet to teh print server on port 9100 and type text in the telnetr session the printer prints it out.10:41
Out1anderok told dvd::rip where the vobs are and it's cool with that, but can't start the encode10:41
arvind_khadrinate2, are you on 32 bit?10:41
redspikei get cannot connect to printer from printer admin tool when ill try to print out a test page10:41
Out1anderI think it wants to read the DVD table of contents10:41
Out1anderwhich it cant do10:41
Out1anderok I set it to not "encode on the fly" and now it can read the table of contents, success10:43
abyss_anyone can help me get php5 work with apache2? i installed all needed packages and the apache2 works but phpfiles are unknown and give it to me for download!10:44
the-ermis there a way to get an sd card to auto mount *without* the gui running?10:44
abyss_i already did : sudo a2enmod php5 but no success10:44
abyss_it says php5 already enabled10:44
mihaabsyss libapache2-mod-php510:45
mihadid you install this too10:45
mihathat's module for apache to use php10:45
TIVjust got done watching hackers with angelina jolie10:45
the-ermabyss_: usually sudo apt-get install php5  will install everything you need.10:45
TIVlove that movie10:45
arvind_khadrithe-erm, it does auto mount i guess.... sudo fdisk -l after you place it in10:45
the-ermarvind_khadri: thanks I'll try that.10:45
IntuitiveNippleabyss_: Which threading model worker is apache2 using? one of them (the default in Ubuntu packages) is incompatible with the php apache module (or was last time I had to deal with it)10:46
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ikoniaTIV: chat about it in #ubuntu-offtopic10:46
shaunothe-erm: http://www.debianhelp.org/node/9937  should be pretty helpful.  short version, you want to add rules to hald10:47
TIVdoes anyone know any good books for learning about the linux kernel10:47
TIVdoes anyone know any good books for learning about the linux kernel10:47
the-ermShanixthanks I'll lok into it.10:48
IntuitiveNippleTIV: Depends on how deep you want to go10:48
arvind_khadriTIV, you can find a lot of documentation at tldp.org10:48
pZombie you can get a full screen preview of all 4(or more) desktops with compiz?10:49
IntuitiveNippleTIV: In that case you'll want the source-code since the kernel is a moving target. As soon as a book is published it will be out of date. In the kernel source the ./Documentation/ directory contains a lot of details10:49
richypZombie : super + e10:49
pZombieuh, nice10:49
richypZombie: never mind thats expose prob not wat u want10:49
pZombiebtw, 8.04 is full of love <310:50
TIVarvind_khadri: thats the linux document page right10:50
arvind_khadriTIV, yup ...10:50
ukmuki have a strange behave on my ubuntu samba server10:50
ukmuki use different passwords for the ssh login and the samba login10:50
ukmukbut when is login with ssh the samba password is reset to the ssh login password10:50
pZombiei got all working at last with aticonfig --set-powerstate=1 - now my lappy has no fan spinning10:50
ukmukor in other words10:51
TIVarvind_khadri: cool thanks10:51
ukmukI'm able to connect shares on the Samba server without10:51
ukmukproblem until I login as the linux user with SSH10:51
O__omy laptop doesnt even a fan :)10:51
ukmukAfter that the password of the Samba user has been reset to the one of the linux user.10:51
magooocan anyone helpme with samba??10:51
pZombieO__o; this must be a stoneage laptop :D10:51
arvind_khadriTIV, welcome :)10:51
O__onot stoneage10:52
O__obought it 2 months ago10:52
magooohow to auto-share when starting up system?10:52
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: Are you using the same username for the log-ins? It sounds like something on the local client is caching the username/password combinations for all remote connections10:52
mihaukmuk well samba can either use linux password db or its own10:52
mihaukmuk it's configuration option10:52
pZombieO__o: does it have a 3d capable card?10:52
O__oit is a netbook10:52
pZombieah ok then10:53
O__oi dont know if it does 3d or not10:53
ukmukIntuitiveNipple: yes the same username10:53
O__obut can install compiz10:53
TIVarvind_khadri: what about a good programing lang to learn10:53
mihacompiz isnt exactly 3d :)10:53
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: Or, do you mean the samba server has actually changed the password it requires to the same password used by ssh (the user's UNIX account password) ?10:53
O__oit can install any os throw into10:53
mihait just needs composite extension10:53
magooorichy: how to auto-share when starting up system?10:53
O__oubuntu, winxp, osx, etc ...10:53
arvind_khadriTIV, which in particular...10:53
TIVarvind_khadri: im knew to linux10:53
ukmukmiha: is this set in the samba conf file?10:54
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: How are you doing the shh connection? From a gnome-terminal or xterminal session?10:54
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:54
arvind_khadriTIV, all the programming languages have their own powers and faults too...10:54
TIVarvind_khadri: dont know this would be my first10:54
abyss_the-erm, php5 ist schon die neueste Version.10:54
CaesiHi, does anyone know why openoffice tries to recover documents everytime I start it?10:54
Boohbah_TIV: x86 assembly10:54
abyss_the-erm, thats what apt-get says10:55
mihaukmuk my samba config says: # "security = user" is always a good idea. This will require a Unix account # in this server for every user accessing the server. See # /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/Samba3-HOWTO/ServerType.html # in the samba-doc package for details.10:55
arvind_khadriTIV, there are lots... C,C++,python, ruby.... python and C are in10:55
abyss_IntuitiveNipple, what you mean?10:56
TIVarvind_khadri: k i will look into it10:56
ukmukIntuitiveNipple: from another windows computer via putty for example10:57
scienteswhy does xulrunner 1.9.1 depend on asound?10:57
mihaukmuk: i dont use that option, and it seems to me, you dont like it either10:58
mihaukmuk: just guessing:)10:58
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: Hmmm, so the problem with the ssh/SMB connections is when doing them *from* a Windows OS?10:59
ukmukIntuitiveNipple: no ether windows with putty or linux with ssh10:59
gastlyhi all, can anyone recommend a good NES emulator?11:00
ukmukmaybe i found the issue in the smb.conf11:00
rakudavegastly: zsnes11:00
Ekipsgastly: zsnes11:00
cobra-the-jokerHey there Guys11:00
gastlycool, thanks rakudave and Ekips :)11:00
ukmukthere is an option called unix password sync11:00
ukmukand it was set to yes11:01
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: Hmmm, so the issue is that the samba server appears to *change* the acceptable password *after* an ssh client log-in ?11:01
ukmukIntuitiveNipple: right11:01
HarveyHi room. Does anyone know whether the Dell 1397 Wireless-G Card is compatible with 8.10 ? I about to buy a new laptop from Dell. Or where I can find out ?11:01
arvind_khadri!hardware | Harvey11:02
ubottuHarvey: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:02
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: The password sync is usual to prevent stale password issues11:02
Harveyoh thanks ubottu, really helpful11:02
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: Is the issue triggered immediately upon the ssh client log-in?11:03
ukmukIntuitiveNipple: yes11:03
cobra-the-jokercan i use ubuntu as programming platform ??11:04
ikoniacobra-the-joker: yup11:04
arvind_khadricobra-the-joker, thats a very weird nick...11:05
ukmukthe way is like this: i have a user called john and lets sey the linux password is "12345" and i use smbpasswd john to set the samba password to "abcde"11:05
rakudavecobra-the-joker: it's the best there is ^^11:05
cobra-the-jokercoz i need some OS to be stable and @ same time Helpfull and functional11:05
Zalan88guys, my ubuntu can't connect via wireless in a AD-HOC web with my sister's PC... Its something about the autentication.11:05
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: I like these kind of examples11:05
ukmuknow i login with samba and use "abcde" as his password, everything is fine11:05
rakudavecobra-the-joker: dev-env I mean11:05
cobra-the-jokeri use fedora right now ....but Bugs are annoyinh11:05
ukmuknow i login with ssh and use the passord "12345"11:05
otokoyamawhere can i go for some Python Help?11:06
ukmukafter that the password for samba is set to 12345!11:06
magooomount error 6 = No such device or address11:06
magoooRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g.man mount.cifs)11:06
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: Have you examined the log-files (/var/log/auth.log and /var/log/samba/*) ?11:06
TIVfor some reason i cant ssh into my desktop anymore?11:06
ukmukit will not give any hint about this11:07
cobra-the-jokeri have the ordinary ubuntu11:07
TIVany help11:07
cobra-the-jokerbut i want it with KDE11:07
ikoniaTIV: what happens when you try11:07
cobra-the-jokercan i install it after the system is installed11:07
TIVno route11:07
ikoniacobra-the-joker: ubuntu is an OS - so it's best to install it as an operating system11:07
ikoniaTIV: so your networking route to the host is not valid11:08
TIVit was working fine11:08
ikoniaTIV: something has changed in your routing11:08
cobra-the-jokerikonia , i am installing it as an OS :-/11:08
TIVwhat should i do11:08
cobra-the-jokernot on a VM ....if that what you meen11:08
arvind_khadricobra-the-joker, install kubuntu :) its ubuntu with KDE11:09
Mohammad[B]how to i can config squid 2.7 for a proxy server in a web server ? please help me :-s11:09
ikoniaTIV: check your routing11:09
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: "With this option enabled, Samba will attempt to change the user's regular password (as  root) when the encrypted version is changed with  smbpasswd. However, there are two other options that have to be set correctly in order for this to work.With this option enabled, Samba will attempt to change the user's regular password (as  root) when the encrypted version is changed with  smbpasswd. However, there are two other options that hav11:09
arvind_khadri!squid | Mohammad[B]11:09
ubottuMohammad[B]: squid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org11:09
ikoniaMohammad[B]: use squid as a stand alone proxy server, not a web server11:09
TIVikonia: k11:10
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: (that is with regard to the unix password sync)11:10
ikoniaMohammad[B]: if you wnat to use it within a webserver, use the apache prox module11:10
cobra-the-joker:D....but cant i install it on the ordinary one ....coz i have very slow connection here :D11:10
arvind_khadricobra-the-joker, ya sure you can11:10
monihow to record voice ??11:10
cobra-the-jokerso ...whats the command ?11:10
arvind_khadricobra-the-joker, sudo apt-get install kde411:11
Mohammad[B]ikonia, mean is if i have apache do not use of squid ?11:11
otokoyamawhere can i go for some Python Help?11:11
arvind_khadricobra-the-joker, but get it confirmed ...11:11
BlueEaglemoni: audacity is nice for recording.11:12
arvind_khadriotokoyama, #python ?11:12
ikoniaMohammad[B]: no - I mean use squid as a proxy server, and apache as a web server11:12
monibut its not detecting the mic?11:12
cobra-the-jokerarvind_khadri , confirmed ??11:12
arvind_khadricobra-the-joker, as in ask someone else too...11:12
cobra-the-jokerOk ...ty11:12
Mohammad[B]ikonia, yes i know, now i have apache2 and squid2 and want to setting up squid for a proxy server11:13
* cobra-the-joker is installing ubu :D11:13
arvind_khadricobra-the-joker, its the correct one :)11:13
gfatherhello guys11:13
arvind_khadri!hi | gfather11:13
ubottugfather: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:13
gfatherhow can i chek my sd from terminal ?11:14
tynarhi folks, I need some help with ssh. I am trying to authenticate public key on localhost, but sshd won't grant an access11:14
monisound recorder is not detecting mic11:14
ActionParsnipgfather: define "check"11:14
SpinachHeadi hate open suse11:14
Mohammad[B]my server IP is how set this? :"acl our_networks src"11:14
ActionParsnipSpinachHead: don't use it then11:14
BlueEaglemoni: Then you need to unmute the mic and turn up the recording level.11:14
gfatherActionParsnip like i want to know how many partitions are in my sd and info about them11:15
SpinachHeadi wanted to get the latest mono updates, the only reason I was trying to get it to work11:15
BlueEaglemoni: Also, it helps if you prefix the line with my nick when you attempt to say something to me.11:15
ActionParsnipgfather: sudo fdisk -l11:15
tynarSpinachHead: what is your machine?11:15
ukmukIntuitiveNipple: i set the sync option to no and it still change the smb password back to the unix password after login with ssh11:15
gfatherActionParsnip thanks11:15
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: Is samba configured to use some form of PAM for password control?11:16
tynarSpinachHead: if x86 then you could build it yourself11:16
moniblueeagle there r 2 capture devices11:16
moniwhich one 2 select11:16
BlueEaglemoni: Which two are they?11:16
tynarssh users, please help11:17
BlueEaglemoni: Try one first and if that doesn't work, try the other.11:17
ukmukIntuitiveNipple: yes11:17
SpinachHeadthis is xandros, but I usually use ubuntu.  but some of the latest mono releases appear to not be on ubuntu, no?11:17
moniblueeagle alsapcm and monitor source11:17
SpinachHeadso I tried open suse, but no one helps much as here11:17
BlueEaglemoni: Which mixer are you using?11:17
tynarSpinachHead: you are wrong, dude11:18
moniblueeagle alsa11:18
SpinachHeadwrong about what?11:18
SpinachHeadmono updates?11:18
tynarSpinachHead: about no one helps, i11:18
SpinachHeadno, in suse the help is allot slower11:18
tynari spend there much time, and they help me everytime11:18
ActionParsnipSpinachHead: gentoo has cool support, ive not needed mandriva support for ages but from what i remember its fine11:18
tynarhuh, I thought you are about the room )11:19
IntuitiveNippleukmuk: haha! progress... for clues see http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/pam.html11:19
tynarSpinachHead: anyway, I can help you with the mono,11:19
ronnyanyone aware of a nice backup/filesync tool for gnome11:20
deanyI`m gonna try follow this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 , to compile newer ffmpeg/x264 but im unsure about the deps that are installed.  when tryin to remove ffmpeg/264 i get "libswscale0 libtwolame0 libdc1394-22 libxvidcore4 libamrnb3 libmp3lame0 libamrwb3 libenca0 liblzo2-2 libimlib2 libmpcdec3 libfaac0 libavdevice52"  no longer required.  is it safe?11:20
BlueEaglemoni: start alsamixer with this command: alsamixer -V capture11:20
ActionParsnip!backup | ronny11:20
ubotturonny: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:20
ikoniadeany: why do you want a newer ersion11:20
BlueEaglemoni: That should show you all capture controls.11:20
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/11:20
deanyrepo is like a year old, and im told x264 encoding has come a long way since11:20
BlueEaglemoni: Now, check taht the ones you do want to use are not muted (press M to toggle) and that they are set active with CAPTUR in red below them.11:21
JackWinterjust installed some new drives.  what is the best way of moving /home to a new disk ? it's already on it's own partition11:21
ikoniadeany: I wouldn't say that much, I've tried the almost bleeding edge versions and the 8.10 packaged version and there is pretty much nothing in it11:21
BlueEaglemoni: If you have more than one sound card (ie a usb cam with a mic) then you may need to specify that card with the -C flag to alsamixer11:21
BlueEaglemoni: Also try the command: man alsamixer11:21
moniblueeagle i can see only one capture device here11:21
BlueEaglemoni: It will show you the manual for alsamixer.11:21
BlueEaglemoni: Is it muted?11:22
moninlueeagle not now11:22
moniblueeagle not now11:22
faria_786any game lover arround11:22
BlueEaglemoni: (ie. does it have one or more uppercase "M" with an underscore below it?11:22
ukmukIntuitiveNipple: oh, well i will read this now11:22
moniblueeagle no11:22
BlueEaglemoni: Is the volume set at a sensible level?11:23
faria_786any game lover arround11:23
BlueEaglemoni: ~70% is usually good.11:23
moniblueeagle yes11:23
magoooI'm having trouble to set samba share on fstab..11:23
BlueEaglemoni: Is the sound application registering sounds from the mic now?11:24
ActionParsnipmagooo: you dont set shares there,  you map them with smbmount11:24
moniblueeagle no it still isnt:-(11:24
magoooActionParsnip: ok, i had mounted the disk on fstab.. so, where i have to go to autoshare it?11:25
BlueEaglemoni: Do you have more than one soundcard? (ie. a usb microphone or a camera with a mic)?11:25
ActionParsnipmagooo: /etc/samba/smb.conf11:25
moniblueeagle no jus one onboard intel soundcard11:25
ActionParsnipmagooo: or you can rigt click folders and select sharing11:25
=== abuchbinderDCC0 is now known as abuchbinderDCC
magoooActionParsnip: If i try to share acessing /media/sda1 (where hd is mounted), i receive an error telling that i can set permissions11:26
adamscan anyone help me config a wireless NIC?11:27
BlueEaglemoni: Are you in the audio group btw?11:27
ActionParsnipmagooo: i'll give you my file for smb.conf, its insanely simple11:27
magoooActionParsnip: OK!11:28
moniblueeagle: whats that btp??11:28
ActionParsnipmagooo: http://pastebin.com/fcd1f12f11:28
moniblueeagle: btw???11:28
ActionParsnipmagooo: head to the bottom of the file11:28
ActionParsnipmagooo: the stuff in the brackets is the share name, the rest is self explanatory11:28
diffredI have an image of 800x600, I want to resize it to 600x240, how can I do it?11:29
jacushey, could someone help me? I m a complete n000b in linux and am trying to install x64 java, I found how to install it but it's asking me to remove the previous version first and I have no idea how to do it11:29
BlueEaglemoni: btw = by the way11:29
ActionParsnipmagooo: you will need to run: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart when you change it11:29
moniblueeagle: no...i don know what that is11:29
rakudavediffred: use GIMP, it's photoshop for linux11:30
moniblueeagle: i mean audio group11:30
ActionParsnipmagooo: also run: sudo smbpasswd <your username> and type your login password for all password querys11:30
diffredrakudave: I've tried it, but I can only scale it to 600x45011:30
BlueEaglemoni: in a terminal type: groups11:30
BlueEaglemoni: Does it list "audio" there?11:30
moniblueeagle: no11:31
BlueEaglemoni: Do you have any sound at all then?11:31
moniblueeagle: lol yes..11:31
adamscan someone help me config my wireless - NIC shows up but can't see any networks11:32
rakudavediffred: use the crop-tool to cut things out or adjust the canvas-size. In order to change width and height indepenantly, you need to remove the "lock" located to the side of the textboxes where you enter the new resolution11:32
BlueEaglemoni: Do you know if you're using pulseaudio or another software sound manager?11:32
ActionParsnipadams: does: sudo iwlist scan    show any networks?11:32
diffredrakudave: thanks gonna try :D11:32
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions11:32
moniblueeagle: i know its alsa mixer v1.0.1711:33
ronnyubottu: nothing i'd qualify as nice in that list11:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:33
BlueEaglemoni: Well, pulseaudio is a layer that lies between the applications using sound and alsa if I understand it correctly.11:33
TIVany one running ubuntu on a think pad?11:33
adamsActionParsnip: no. 3 interfaces don't support scanning, and the wireless (eth1) says no scan results.11:33
zax1any one know where and how i can check for open ports on a remote computer11:33
TIVany one running ubuntu on a think pad?11:34
moniblueeagle: yes it is pulse audio11:34
zax1like a port scanner, but  one that will check a diff ip address then mine11:34
ActionParsnipTIV: doesnt matter what case its in, its the hardware that matters, "thinkpad" means less than nothin11:34
ronnyeh ActionParsnip11:34
ezerhodenTIV: T6011:34
lokix-zazax1, nmap is a good portscanner11:35
tynaranyone using SSH SSH SSH11:35
mihanmap is cool:)11:35
ActionParsnipadams: how about moving closer to the AP11:35
TIVActionParsnip: point taken11:35
BlueEaglemoni: Then I assume that it is pulseaudio or the way your sound recorder uses alsa that is cause of your fault. I do not use pulseaudio so I am afraid I cannot help you further.11:35
mihawireshark is good sniffer and analyzer11:35
adamsActionParsnip: I'm 50cm away ;)11:35
BlueEaglemoni: But you may want to try to add yourself to the audio group as it might help.11:35
zax1lokix-za: i need a web based one or a windows based one11:35
ActionParsnipTIV: just ask your question for what hardware you are having problems with11:36
BlueEaglemoni: To do that you use the command: usermod -aG audio <your username goes here>11:36
moniblueeagle: ok11:36
BlueEaglemoni: You need to run that command as superuser (!sudo) and replace <your username goes here> with your actual username.11:36
O__otynar, i am using ssh here11:36
TIVActionParsnip: no problem just in the market for one and was wondering how it runs11:37
ezerhodenand dont forget to use -a with usermod, sucks to only belong to one group11:37
ActionParsnipadams: i'd check you are using the right driver, are you fully updated11:37
ActionParsniptiv: that sort of thing is offtopic here11:37
ActionParsnip!ot | TIV11:37
ubottuTIV: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:37
BlueEagletynar: I know my pal has gotten shared keys working with ssh, but unfortunately he's locked up at a mental institution and unable to help atm.11:37
moniblueeagle i did11:37
BlueEaglemoni: You need to log out and back in for the group changes to take effect.11:38
ronnyguess there just isnt any nice 'dont care' backup tool that just takes everything in ~ and backs it up in aporiate ways (dvcs repos, evolution data, files, boomarks, settings, other stuff)11:38
TIVdidnt know11:38
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ezerhodenTIV: if it is on older model it is probably well supported. some of the new wireless chips may not be, if is not intel.11:38
adamsActionParsnip: I do have a bunch of updates to download, but nothing obviously networky.11:38
moniblueeagle ok11:38
adamsI guess I'll try it out first though11:38
ActionParsnipadams: i'd get those and test11:39
ActionParsnipadams: if its still bad, run lspci and lsusb which will show what the device is11:39
adamsI ran lspci11:39
ezerhodenTIV: what graphics card and wireless. wireless is probably the only thing you may have an issue with.11:39
ActionParsnipadams: you can then websearch for the device in hcl and forums etc11:39
adamsActionParsnip: okay, I'm off to sleep now. I'll be back tomorrow if thing's don't work out I guess :) thanks.11:40
ActionParsnipadams: np man11:40
ezerhodenActionParsnip: you scared TIV away :(11:41
ActionParsnipezerhoden: just maintaining the rules of the room11:41
slim_hi, what is needed to play .mov files ?11:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mov11:42
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:42
officeslim_: quicktime codecs11:42
slim_thanks, ActionParsnip , office11:42
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moniblueeagle: the group audio is now made11:44
doktor! es | cjcampos11:44
ubottucjcampos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:44
moniblueeagle: the group audio is now made11:46
req-onkoh /names11:46
vigoIs early ,,good morning11:46
vigoCan Real Player be had from Synaptic?11:48
albuntuhow can i find a uid and a gid of a user from the terminal ?11:48
Stroganoff!medibuntu | vigo11:48
ubottuvigo: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:48
vigoThank you11:48
ZmAYhello, i have problems with my letters, i installed dc++ yesterday, and now there are everywhere rectangles instead of letters, in all aplications, and some errors are shown like..  GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_get_qdata: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed ... any help?:)11:50
ezerhodenStroganoff: echo $UID11:50
ZmAYalso Pango-CRITICAL **: _pango_engine_shape_covers: assertion `PANGO_IS_FONT (font)' failed11:51
vigoZmAY: Restore or have you made a backup?11:52
ZmAYi dod not make a backup, how can i restore?11:53
flemcoI lost  my gui display (gnome-session) and all I can get is my terminal display.. Any help would  be appreciated,  btw it is 8.1011:53
vigoZmAY: At boot is an option to restore11:53
ukmukIntrepidOne: i got it, i need do delete the lines in files in the folder pam.d/... which included pam_smbpass.so11:53
ZmAYok i will go and try, brb11:54
evgeniyсложности с видеокартой radeon 9700 pro11:54
slim_ActionParsnip , office , i installed codec, and still .mov files not play with all players11:54
ukmukIntrepidOne: and in smb.conf pam password change = no11:54
ukmukIntrepidOne: thank you very much for your help!11:54
ActionParsnipslim_: if it plays with some you have succeeded some, you just need to work out how to get the other players to use the newcodec11:56
slim_ActionParsnip:   no player can play , i mean that i try all players i installed, but no success11:57
robsonwhat's a good font to use for the terminal/what package is it in?11:57
vigoSans is ok11:58
phantomcircuithow can i increase the number of files i can have open?11:58
albuntucan anyone tell me how to find the user id and the group id of that user from the terminal ?11:58
miharobson: i liked Terminus  or something like that.. you want monospaced font probably11:58
robsonmiha: do you know the package name?11:58
robsonmiha found it, thanks11:58
vigoYes, fonts depend on users, I am almost blind, so I use large/bold11:59
ActionParsnipslim_: what are you trying to play?11:59
pZombiecompiz is wonderful and working nice in ubuntu, but i want the expo view to be available on middle mouse button, not on super+e - is that possible to change it?11:59
slim_ActionParsnip:   i have some training course for drupal i try to play it12:00
ikoniapZombie: use the compiz tools to change the shortcuts12:00
pZombieikonia - kk, i ll try that12:00
streetchariotIs anyone else having issues with broadcom wireless cards after the kernel update?12:00
robsondoes anyone know where the xfonts-termins fonts are found/how to use them?12:01
ikoniastreetchariot: nope, on one now, now problem12:01
ikoniastreetchariot: sorry - I'm telling lies, I'm not, my current card is intel, my wired one i broadcom12:01
streetchariotI had to do the firmware pull to get it working several weeks ago, and it was working up until Monday afternoon12:02
pZombieikonia which compiz tools do you use?12:02
streetchariotI have been trying to sell my with on Ubuntu but she is not happy that her laptop quit working. :(12:02
ikoniapZombie: I don't really, I configured most of it by hand12:02
ActionParsnipslim_: what format is it?12:03
ikoniapZombie: ccsm is supposed to be good and looks good too12:03
streetchariotWhere would any logs for networking be kept?12:03
slim_ActionParsnip:   the extension is .mov12:03
ikoniastreetchariot: it won't be anything to do with network if the card isn't working12:03
ikoniastreetchariot: check the syslog for a good start12:03
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slim_ActionParsnip:   i see now when i try play with mplayer from command line i get this error ... Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll12:04
vigoslim: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683&highlight=.mov <<<is covered there,,,or should be12:05
streetchariotFeb  4 06:04:46 SYSTEMNAME kernel: Inspecting /boot/System.map-2.6.27-11-generic12:05
streetchariotFeb  4 06:04:46 SYSTEMNAME kernel: Cannot find map file.12:06
streetchariothow about a missing map file?12:06
ActionParsnipslim_: download the dll and put it where it is expected12:06
ikoniastreetchariot well thats not good12:06
slim_ok ActionParsnip i do now12:06
bytesalguien español?12:06
robsonhow do i tell xterm to use the terminus fonts?12:06
nowhow to open pubring.gpg with a txt file or in a txt format12:07
ActionParsnipnow: gedit /path/to/pubring.gpg12:07
vigoIs gstreamer better than Totem?12:08
ActionParsnipvigo: better and best are individual opinions12:08
nowActionParsnip; what i did was pubring.gpg > asd.txt  but the asd.txt file was a load of rubbish12:08
ActionParsnipvigo: try both, see which you prefer12:08
shaunoI thought totem used gstreamer?12:09
nowcat pubring.gpg > asd.txt12:09
vigoLet me rephrase, which is the most common and used?12:09
ActionParsnipnow: if you run file pubring.gpg   what sort of file is it?12:09
streetchariotwhat would a missing kernel map do?12:09
ActionParsnipvigo: i'd say totem as its part of te default install12:09
nowhow do I run it in a no x box12:09
ActionParsnipnow: its a terminal command....?12:10
nowwell its ubuntu server no x12:10
nowbut i can ssh inti it from xp12:11
ActionParsnipnow: thats fine, its the same12:11
ikonianow: host keys different ?12:11
ActionParsnipnow: whatever, just get a command line interface and its the same command12:11
nowwhats that command please12:11
vigoWhere is a How To on man or terminal stuff, I know my way around DOS, BASIC, but has been so long I forgot all the common structures.12:12
ActionParsnipnow: file pubring.gpg12:12
ikoniavigo: man man12:12
ikoniavigo: or man $command12:12
vigoThank you12:12
ActionParsnipvigo: man <some command>12:12
ikoniavigo: keep in mind a linux shell is very differnt than dos apart from "cd"12:13
SPFI'm trying to use ssh -D (Dynamic forwarding) but unfortunately I cannot get it to work. It works with putty, but then I can select socks5. Command I use atm: ssh -D 8080 user@host12:13
Stroganoffvigo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:13
KenBW2i take it elisa is compatiblew with MP3s?12:13
zash_SPF: afaik, this works: ssh -N -Dport user@host12:14
rakudaveKenBW2: provided you have the necessary gstreamer-plugins, yes12:14
streetchariotis there a way to launch recovery from gnome12:14
vigoNifty, Thank you12:14
SPFzash_: thx, I will try12:14
KenBW2rakudave: i take it if it plays in Rhythmbox it should play in Elisa?12:15
nowActionParsnip ; when i run file pubring.gpg it gives pubring.gpg : GPG key public ring12:15
rakudaveKenBW2: yes12:15
Pirate_Hunterhi im trying to copy the contents from one directory to another, ive tried cp -r -s * /home/[user]/Music/ but it wont allow it keeps giving me (can make relative symbolic links only in current directory), which is the correct command i should use?12:15
KenBW2rakudave: any reason why Elisa should try to play the track but simply doesnt progress past 0:00?12:16
ezerhodenalbuntu: echo $UID12:16
rakudaveKenBW2: no? can't think of why it should do that12:16
michaelyaomy screen keeps crashing, where can i find the bug log to fix it?12:18
frankg05how to i disable the cd/dvd source ???12:18
michaelyaocurrently using a nonpropriaty video driver, which is def causing the problem, nvidia12:18
robsonhow do i use new fonts? i copied someone else's .Xdefaults that used the fonts i just installed and they dont work12:18
michaelyaohave you tried looking online robson12:19
michaelyaotry googling "guild to installing fonts ubuntu"12:19
Pirate_Hunterhi im trying to copy the contents from one directory to another, ive tried cp -r -s * /home/[user]/Music/ but it wont allow it keeps giving me (can make relative symbolic links only in current directory), which is the correct command i should use?12:19
ActionParsnip!fonts | robson12:20
ubotturobson: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer12:20
robsonmichaelyao: i did actually read a font installation guide but it gave no info on how to actually put them into use12:20
timahvo1_michaelyao: /var/log/xorg ?12:20
nowActionParsnip; any ideas12:20
michaelyaoty tima, robson like you want all you're text to show the same font?12:21
StroganoffPirate_Hunter: don't use the -s switch12:22
ActionParsnipnow: its going to be an encrypted file, so catting it will only show garbage, what are you trying to achieve?12:22
adam_I plugged a usb device in and selected the wrong application to load each time on boot (and hit always). How do I reverse this?12:22
adam_each time when I plug it in*12:23
nowActionParsnip: i want a txt copy of my pubring.gpg12:23
lulemurfani've got a problem when using xubuntu and no one is helping me there - when I log in Xfce keeps asking me which session and there is only one opition the default, can some one me to stop it doing that?12:23
ActionParsnipnow: then you need to find a way to decrypt it12:23
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:24
ActionParsnipnow: why do you want to get the text?12:24
nowActionParsnip: ok I dd not relise it was encrypted but thanks12:24
michaelyaoyou mean you wanna skip the login screen?12:24
mibhi, anyone knows how to enable to see hard disk partition ?12:24
lulemurfanno I want it not to ask me what session do it want12:24
ActionParsnipmib: sudo fdisk -l12:24
jakswathis an ok digg? i leave anything out?  http://digg.com/linux_unix/Spread_Ubuntu12:25
adam_Is there any way that I can wipe all traces of GVFS off my system? I can no longer mount my camera because of this crap in Intrepid.12:25
michaelyaosession? like o/s?12:25
pZombieack, compiz would have been so perfect, if one you did not have to double click the desktop in expo view mode, to get inside. middle mouse button for getting in expo mode and middle mouse button for selecting the desktop would have been nice12:25
vigoPirate_Hunter: From Stroganoffs help I got, cp -r directory foo,,,wich is from a link that is Ubuntu12:25
ActionParsnipadam_: dpkg -l | grep -i gvfs12:25
nowActionParsnip; so I can send it to someone to use12:25
lulemurfanno which Xfce session12:26
michaelyaoquestion: how do i know whats an error in the log?12:26
Pirate_Huntervigo,  ok12:26
nowto send me encrypted messages12:26
adam_ActionParsnip, will removing this cause problems?12:26
ActionParsnipadam_: not sure, i dont use it12:26
mibActionParsnip, actually i have two OS, one UBuntu and another one is Vista. I removed the Vista but now i could not view the partition. I wanted to view the partition so that I want to create new drives from the hidden space12:26
nowi can decrypt them as i have the secret key12:26
lulemurfanmichaelyao: do you know whats worng?12:27
vigoHow can I stop KDE stuff from showing up in Synaptic?12:28
snowhiteswedish or english?12:28
ActionParsnipmib: ntfs3g is what you need12:28
blip-hi all,    running ubuntu 8.04.   i had an older kernel + the nvidia 169 drivers installed from the repos.   So i installed the .22-server kernel with higher RAM support and it runs fine but X cannot start nor does the shell because of the Nvidia driver kernel module problem.    After this i removed the nvidia-glx-new package from the repos and then modified  " /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common" to disable nv and nvidia modules from compiling12:29
blip-on boot.    After that I tried to install the latest drivers from the nvidia website but it complains that it can't find my kernel source.   I installed linux-headers-2.6.24-22, linux-kernel-devel and linux-source-2.6.24 but I'm still getting the same complaint from the nvidia installer tool... any idea why ?    thanks12:29
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:29
snowhiteneed to know why I accont anymore vist websites from my mailprogramme EVOLUITON I need to pate and clipp now??12:29
jribblip-: why are you using the -server kernel exactly?12:30
snowhitepaste and clip12:30
mibso its sudo apt-get install ntfs3g?12:30
quibblerlulemurfan: i'm not sure, but try system/perferences/sessions/session options and uncheck automatically remember..maybe that will help12:30
mibi recalled i did installed before12:30
blip-jrib: it's a server machine with 8GB ram.  the kernel works perfectly... i'm currently sshed into the machine because I can't get to tty1 or kdm12:30
blip-it just cannot see my kernel source... is there a way to check it installed correctly ?12:31
lulemurfanquibbler: I don't have a systems menu, i'm using xubuntu12:31
snowhiteanyone here who could help me with evolution mailprograme?12:31
blip-not the kernel... i mean to check that i have the correct source installed ?12:31
mibi got it installed..how can i proceed from this?12:31
quibblerlulemurfan: sorry..than i have no idea12:31
kk_ubuntuhello can some one solve this.  I have a lenovo thinkpad R60 on which I am running the second upgrade of ubuntu hardy (8.04.2).  I have a battery which was reporting 3 hours 15 minits a month back (the battery is 4 months old ) now suddenly every time it gets discharged, it looses the time by 5 minits and now it is resting on 2 hours 50 minits backup when fully charged.  I am sure this is not the way battery works. Even surprise a couple of days back th12:31
lulemurfanquibbler: i've sorted it anyway!!12:33
quibblerlulemurfan: how??12:33
lulemurfanquibbler: i've found a website:- http://www.xfce.org/documentation/4.2/manuals/xfce4-session12:33
vigokk_ubuntu: Actually, that is the way a battery 'works', it is called a life cycle or something12:34
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lulemurfanquibbler it's about the chooser12:34
quibblerlulemurfan: google is your friend ;-).. i,m glad for you12:34
kk_ubuntubut how does the life go up?12:34
HybridVigo it shouldnt drop that much that fast.  kk_ubuntu have you actually timed the laptop to see if its really losing time?12:35
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jribblip-: all you should need is linux-headers-$(uname -r)12:35
Jewbaccahi hmm can anyone help me :O) im new to linux ^_^12:35
vigokk_ubuntu: There are some Battery Saving things in Ubuntu12:36
brett__Jewbacca: whats up?12:36
Jewbaccaim fine brett12:36
Jewbaccahow are you12:36
Jewbaccacan we talk in private msg mode?12:36
brett__what do u need help with?12:36
brett__just ask here!12:36
kk_ubuntuno I must do it i believe12:36
Jewbaccawell cant write or see hebrew letters12:36
Jewbaccaon irc12:36
Jewbaccai found an israeli linux community website12:37
Jewbaccaand they wrote a guid to download font12:37
Jewbacca1 second12:37
jribblip-: are you sure you installed the headers for the -server kernel?12:37
jrib!enter | Jewbacca12:37
ubottuJewbacca: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:37
Jewbaccaok :D12:37
StroganoffJewbacca: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HebrewLocalizationHowto12:38
kk_ubuntucould it be that the acpi is wrongly reporting the battery status?12:38
cobra-the-jokerHey there every one12:38
Rencxwhich program on ubuntu for torrents is good?12:39
jrib!torrent | Rencx12:39
ubottuRencx: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P12:39
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cobra-the-jokeri installed ubuntu right now ......but i cant make my wireless card work12:39
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streetchariotwhat brand card cobra?12:39
Jewbaccahmm its like chainese for me :< i need to do every step?12:39
cobra-the-jokerbroadcom :D12:39
streetchariotsame here12:39
streetchariotmine was working up until sunday12:39
cobra-the-jokerWhy is that ?12:40
jribblip-: in any case, the repository version should work afaik.  There is a bug about tty1 being blank with the nvidia drivers on bugs.ubuntu.com.  As for X not starting, you have to paste logs and errors12:40
streetchariothere is an excellent guide: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-b43-new12:40
streetchariot 12:40
streetchariotI am not quite sure12:40
streetchariotthats why i'm on here12:40
streetchariotI'm using the lan port now12:41
Rencxjrib: but which one of them are sugested?12:41
cobra-the-jokerHow did you got it installed ?12:41
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:41
streetchariotever since the kernel .11 update it quit working.12:41
blip-jrib: turned out i intalled linux-headers-22 not 22-server.  it's compiling now so i'm gonna reboot the server and check it.   i need the new 180 drivers due to 2D acceleration issues that are important here.   thanks for the help :)12:41
jribblip-: 180 is in the repositories12:41
streetchariotubottu: thanks for the info12:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:42
=== lmr_ is now known as lmr[away]
vigoThank you for the help.12:42
jribRencx: none, use what works best for you.  The default is transmission12:42
jribblip-: never mind, I forgot you were on hardy12:43
=== robson is now known as kyl3dr
Jewbaccathat guid is not working for me, and btw im on live cd12:43
silv3r_m00nhi there12:44
Jewbaccano metter, i will call my friend for that help, but i got few more questions 1) im now on live cd, how i make ubuntu my only operating system?12:44
silv3r_m00neven a small editor like kedit takes 1-2 secs to popup.....is there an editor which pop instantly like notepad in windows12:44
ikoniasilv3r_m00n: vi12:44
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: leafpad maybe12:44
streetchariotjewbacca: reboot using your live cd and pick install ubuntu to hard disk12:44
HybridJewbacca:  There should be a icon on the desktop.  all you do is double click it and follow the steps12:44
Jewbaccathat will format my harddrive yes?12:45
streetchariotjewbacca: make sure you've got everything you need off of the disk12:45
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streetchariotjewbacca: yes12:45
HybridJewbacca: if you want it to it can.12:45
Jewbaccaoh good :> and i pressed that and he ask me how to devide the partition so whats your advice?12:45
Jewbaccamenuall or first option :x12:45
HybridJewbacca: make a "/" "/boot" "/home"12:45
zleapanyone in and around exeter in here12:45
ActionParsnip!ot | zleap12:46
ubottuzleap: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:46
spritleexeter? assy mcgee?12:46
Jewbaccawhats that :X12:46
ActionParsnipspritle: its a town in the uk12:47
Jewbaccanice guys :D you rly doing a great job, i guess linux community are nicer than xp community ;D12:47
zleapwhat xp community,12:47
Jewbaccayou know xp users :(12:48
HybridJewbacca:  Whats what?  the "/" is the root volume "/home" is your home partition "/boot" is where your kernel is stored for booting12:48
ActionParsnipzleap: in ##windows12:48
Jewbaccabut what i do with that12:48
riegersnMy add/remove programs is EMPTY!? Can anyone help me out here?12:48
HybridJewbacca: enter private chat12:49
ActionParsnipriegersn: does dpkg -l | grep gedit     show anything?12:49
Terrasqueriegersn: start a terminal, run "sudo apt-get update" - see if that helps12:49
riegersnMy synaptic is perfectly fine12:49
ActionParsnipriegersn: then wassup?12:49
HikeractiveAre there any performance downsides to installing via Wubi? I'm installing on my girlfriend's computer and she wants to test it out for a bit first. The Live CD isn't adequate for her to commit. So I'm just curious if installed, will it perform as it would on it's own partition.12:50
riegersnsynaptic is full of packages, but add/remove is completely empty12:50
ActionParsnipriegersn: they are the same thing, that menu item launches synaptic12:50
ActionParsnipHikeractive: its nice to try but as a standing OS i'd do a proper install12:51
riegersnActionParsnip: no menu item launched gnome-app-install12:51
ActionParsnipriegersn: then edit the item to launch gksudo synaptic12:51
riegersnActionParsnip: thats not a solution12:52
HikeractiveThat's the longterm goal, I'm  just wondering if she'll get a good feel for the OS, that's it's not laggy, slower, etc.; I use Ubuntu and Crunchbang Linux, and I'd like her to convert, so I'm just wondering how it performs for casual use for a week or so.12:52
ActionParsnipriegersn: why isnt it? both programs allow use of a gui to emove and install apps.12:52
mihahikeractive ubuntu loads significantly faster than windows xp12:53
riegersnActionParsnip: im looking for a valid reason as the why the app list is empty and a valid solution not 'Just make it like to a similar app'12:53
ikoniamiha: that experience is very user specific12:53
mihaikonia i amdit :)12:53
ikoniariegersn: your sources.list is wrong12:53
riegersnikonia: ok, but everything else is working fine12:54
riegersnle me check12:54
HikeractiveActionParsnip, do you have any idea as to how a standard install might affect her Vista Recovery Partition. If I do a manual partition setup, leave it untouched, etc., would it still work if needed?12:54
ActionParsnipriegersn: try: sudo apt-get --reinatll install gnome-app-install12:54
ikoniariegersn: define "everything else"12:54
riegersnikonia: apt-get update, upgrade install remove, synaptic12:54
ActionParsnipHikeractive: it wont affect it, it will only use space on the drive12:54
ikoniariegersn: ok - so your sources.list is fine12:55
=== more is now known as less
HikeractiveActionParsnip, thanks for the help. Now I'm just going to have to tackle her12:55
HikeractiveAtheros card.12:55
ActionParsnipriegersn: the command will reinstall the installer app and may sort things out for you12:56
riegersni will try12:56
Omar87How do I make sure my webcam is working?12:56
ActionParsnip!webcam | Omar8712:57
ubottuOmar87: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:57
ActionParsnipOmar87: you can test it with cheese12:57
ActionParsnip!info cheese12:57
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.2-0ubuntu0+intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 2339 kB, installed size 7152 kB12:57
blip-jrib: worked perfectly.  thanks.12:58
streetchariotthis bc4318 card is driving me nuts12:58
jribblip-: out of curiousity, tty1 now works with no more fiddling?12:59
Terrasquewebcampicturetaker (source: fairyland): A tool to categorize and keep track of your cheese collection.12:59
streetchariotthe led will light up on the .9 or .7 kernel but not .11 however any of the kernels will not let me configure or anything12:59
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ...i want to install KDE 3.5 on my ubuntu ...How can i12:59
streetchariotlspci shows the card so it isn't dead12:59
streetchariotinstall all of the KDE packages12:59
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde412:59
streetchariotsee above /\13:00
ikoniastreetchariot: are you not missing the system.map for the 11 kernel though ?13:00
streetchariotI am missing it13:00
streetchariotWhere would I go about finding it?13:00
riegersnActionParsnip: i owe you one that worked! Sorry if I snapped at you earlier, i just woke up :)13:00
ikoniastreetchariot: should have been installed with the kernel13:00
Repateriontar.gz vs tar.bz2 whats the differens exept for the name?13:00
streetchariotthats what I figured.13:00
ikoniaRepaterion: gzip and bz2 compression13:01
MyrttiRepaterion: compression efficiency13:01
MyrttiRepaterion: speed13:01
MyrttiRepaterion: algorithms13:01
jxanderis there a way to find out the names of the files that were deleted from a certain location a few minutes ago? i don't need to recover them, i just need to know what was deleted... is there a history of events like this?13:01
streetchariotI read online that the kernel maps disappear when you switch kernels. True?13:01
jribjxander: how did you delete them?13:01
ikoniajxander: no13:01
ActionParsnipriegersn: np man13:01
streetchariotand if so can I re-install 11?13:01
ActionParsnipriegersn: i dont use either, i use apt, gui takes too long13:02
jxanderjrib: uTorrent running through wine did...13:02
ikoniastreetchariot: no - they dissapear when you remove the kernel13:02
streetchariotI didn't show any errors when I got the kernel13:02
streetchariotcan I re-download the kernel somehow?13:02
streetchariotI am running 9 right now13:02
ikoniastreetchariot: yes, use the package manager and the "re-install" option13:02
streetchariotno wifi though13:02
ikoniastreetchariot: use a cable13:03
jribjxander: then only if utorrent keeps track of that13:03
ex-chatgays i need drivers voor draadloos for netgear wg111t13:03
streetchariotthats what I am doing now13:03
ikoniaex-chat: gays ?? really ?13:03
ikoniaex-chat: I hope you mean "guys"13:03
streetchariotso stupid that the BC4318 is both WIFI and LAN and only LAN works easily13:03
diffredhi! to create a favicon.ico, I've just created an 16x16 image (jpg,png...) how can i convert it to the ico format to use in my website?13:03
ex-chatyes sorry englis not good13:03
ikoniaex-chat: ok, no problem13:03
streetchariotdiffred: you need to edit metadata and make sure it is in root directory of site13:04
streetchariotlook online13:04
streetchariotGoogle FAVICON13:04
diffredstreetchariot: isn't a jpg to .ico converter or sth13:04
streetchariotI can't recall13:04
diffredI've googled it, but all demos use photoshop and Export as .ico13:04
streetchariotthere is a tool online that will spec the file for you13:05
ActionParsnipex-chat: run lspci13:05
streetchariotlook for free online favicon creator13:05
jribdiffred: usually, I add "linux" as a search term when that happens13:05
ex-chat<are i run it13:05
ikoniaex-chat: official report from net gear is "no linux drivers"13:05
diffredjrib: thanks gonna try!13:05
ex-chati now13:05
ikoniaex-chat: ok - so there are no drivers for linux then13:05
ActionParsnipex-chat: i use the 311T and it works out of the box13:06
jribdiffred: you might be able to use "convert" from imagemagick too, but I've never tried13:06
lulemurfanWhen my laptop boots up it get to the stage saying 'Press 'ESC' to enter the menu.. 2' At this point it stops, the only way to boot is pressing 'ESC' and enter. Is there a way of stopping this?13:07
ikoniaex-chat: you may want to look at ndiswrapper13:07
streetchariotdifferd: http://www.favicon.co.uk/13:07
streetchariot1st listing on google13:07
ex-chatdont work13:08
ex-chattray it13:08
streetchariotdiffred: http://www.favicon.co.uk/13:08
ikoniaex-chat: your out of luck then13:08
lulemurfanWhen my laptop boots up it get to the stage saying 'Press 'ESC' to enter the menu.. 2' At this point it stops, the only way to boot is pressing 'ESC' and enter. Is there a way of stopping this?13:08
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ActionParsnipex-chat: what does lspci say the crd is, paste the SINGLE LINE that identifys the card13:08
jribdiffred: and apparently, you can just use gimp too13:08
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Chocotoff When i try to browse samba-shares in XBMC it crashes giving this output: http://pastebin.com/m4c85e9e5. Anyone a clue?13:09
dayo_What does the 's' in this permission scheme stand for? drwxr-sr-x13:09
lulemurfanCan I have some please when i boot up i get to the stage saying 'Press 'ESC' to enter the menu.. 2' At this point it stops, the only way to boot is pressing 'ESC' and enter. Is there a way of stopping this?13:09
ActionParsnipChocotoff: are they mounted with smbmount?13:10
quibblerdiffred: try: http://www.coolutils.com/Online-Image-Converter.php13:10
jribdayo_: setgid13:10
ChocotoffNo, i´m supposed to mount them in xbmc itself13:10
MikeherI am trying to install ubuntu 8.10 but the installation doesn't even start until i'm stuck at a this black screen -> http://www.mher.dk/ubuntu.jpg - What is wrong? What to do? :(13:10
dayo_jrib: what is setgid?13:10
ikoniaActionParsnip: it's a Atheros chipset, just checked, but it says unsupported by madwifi13:10
jribdayo_: 'man chmod' has a decent explanation13:10
dayo_jrib: ok thanks13:10
ActionParsnipChocotoff: you mount them with either mount or fstab and then it will appear as a standard folder in xbmc13:11
jribdayo_: here, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid13:11
ActionParsnipikonia: i simply install the restricted modules and its there13:11
ikoniaActionParsnip: you have that same card ?13:11
milligan_lulemurfan, sounds like your grub install is broken13:11
ActionParsnipikonia: but thats 311T not 111T13:11
streetchariotmikeher: looks like you have no desktop manager13:11
lulemurfanmilligan_: how can i fix it?13:11
ikoniaActionParsnip: ahh the 111t is listed as not supported by madwifi13:12
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.13:12
milligan_lulemurfan, try reinstalling grub from a livecd or similar.13:12
ActionParsnipikonia: 01:09.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)13:12
Mikeherstreetchariot: desktop manager? :(13:12
streetchariotmikeher: !KDE13:12
ChocotoffActionParsnip, it should be possible to add the samba location in XBMC itself. Also when rebooting remaining in XBMC as a folder with the media. I´ve done this on another setup13:12
lulemurfanmilligan_: isn't that going to wipe my system?13:12
Chocotoffor else the Browse function should not be there in the first place13:12
milligan_lulemurfan, no if you just reinstall grub13:12
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde413:12
lulemurfanmilligan_: and will work?13:13
ActionParsnipChocotoff: ive always mounted stuff i was going to access so i couldnt tell you, if its going to be a regular thing I would have it mounting13:13
streetchariotmikeher: use sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:13
ActionParsnipChocotoff: log it as a bug with the team then13:13
streetchariotif you like KDE better use sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:13
RepaterionI wonder if theres a way to repair a system thats not working properly, or should i just re install Ubuntu instead?13:13
ActionParsnipChocotoff: but if it wont browse like you want, you may have to mount it to get it to work how you wish13:14
Chocotoffas an alternative13:14
streetchariotRepaterion: as long as your network iface is up, boot recovery mode on your kernel13:14
kroffeis there any app that can make a viruelle system like vmware for ubuntu?13:14
streetchariotyou can have the recovery system search for damaged packages13:14
ChocotoffActionParsnip thank you anyways :)13:14
Mikeherstreetchariot: i don't know the difference, but i typed it with "kubuntu".. i'm new to ubuntu13:14
ikoniakroffe: vmware - is available in ubuntu13:15
streetchariotRepaterion: if your net connection works, it should find and replace damaged packages13:15
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware13:15
ikonia!virtualizaion > kroffe13:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualizaion13:15
nick|heremy sudo is broken. no errors, does not asks for password. in example, nano works for normal users, but i can't sudo nano. no errors appear, no password prompt. just waits..13:15
ikonia!virtualization > kroffe13:15
ubottukroffe, please see my private message13:15
Repaterionok will that help even with driver problems?13:15
streetchariotnick|here: you are logged in as root.13:15
nick|herestreetchariot: nope, as a normal user13:16
streetchariotnick|here: or your sudo list is damaged13:16
ArepaKinggood morning everybody. Does anyone knows where can I find all the AGP Low Profile video cards that are compatible with Ubuntu?13:16
RepaterionWhy i'm asking is because i cant get my NV7600GS to work properly in Wine..13:16
nick|herestreetchariot: /etc/sudoers?13:16
Mikeherstreetchariot: it says i haven't got enough free space.. how can i format? i don't have to save anything from the harddrive13:16
kroffeikonia: is that any more appz that are grafical?13:16
streetchariotnick:here: correct13:16
streetchariotmikeher: did you by chance boot a live cd of ubuntu-server?13:17
kroffehow do i open tar.gz?13:17
ikoniakroffe: untar it13:17
ikoniakroffe: gunzip it then untar it13:17
kroffeokey tnx13:18
Mikeherstreetchariot: no i'm pretty sure that it is the desktop version13:18
streetchariotdid you happen to edit the file with something other than visudo as root?13:18
ikoniastreetchariot: ubuntu server install cd isn't a livecd13:18
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streetchariotMikeher: attempt to type : startx13:18
streetchariotIkonia: Yeah.. Duh. :)13:18
Mikeherstreetchariot: fatal server error: no screens found13:19
streetchariotMikeher: are you booting off of CD13:19
jacuscould any1 help me please with setting 5.1 speakers in my sound blaster x-fi? I get sound but not 5.113:19
DizzyDooAnyone have a recommendation for a low priced modem that gets along happily with Ubuntu Server?13:20
jacusand how do i turn my mic on ?:D13:20
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ikoniaDizzyDoo: look for any hardware modem - and they are normally not cheap13:20
Mikeherstreetchariot: yes i am.. i even tried burning the cd twice; same result13:20
streetchariotDizzyDoo: look at a used Computer store. they have tons, usually for 5-10$13:21
DizzyDooikonia: So any modem works with Ubuntu?13:21
streetchariotDizzyDoo: might cost you 10$ I'd buy 2 to be safe.13:21
streetchariotMikeher: where did you D/L from?13:21
Mikeherstreetchariot: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download13:22
streetchariotx64 or x8613:22
streetchariotMikeher: x64 or x3213:23
Mikeherstreetchariot: ehm 32bit.. x32 i guess?13:23
streetchariotMikeher: When you boot from the CD do you get a graphical menu?13:23
streetchariotMikeher: what options do you have available?13:24
streetchariotMikeher: and what kind of graphics card do you have?13:24
mariushello ppl13:24
Mikeherstreetchariot: i've tried both "trying" ubuntu and installing it.. both ended up with the black screen13:24
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Mikeherstreetchariot: well as i recall: try ubuntu, install ubuntu, test memory, test cd....13:24
Guest59653I installed a theme but it fails to apply when I'm root13:25
Guest59653what should I do?13:25
Mikeherstreetchariot: it's a laptop with onboard graphics so im not sure.. probably some ati13:25
magooowhat is the name os package chromium (google chrome) ?13:25
D--onboard is usually ati mobility, intel mobile or siliconmotion13:25
DizzyDooHow about Wireless routers/USB router sticks? Any recommendations for low cost ones that also get along with Ubuntu?13:25
dennissHey guys, is there a way to add a group to another group. I want for example the group "media" to have subgroups "music" and "movies". So that members of "media" implicitly are members of "music" and "movies", but "music" members do not have access to the "movies". What is the common way to solve this?13:26
StroganoffDizzyDoo: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/?lang=english13:26
ikoniadenniss: anah, can't add groups to groups13:26
Guest59653when  I open a folder as root, the theme doesn't apply...hoe can I make it apply when I'm root?13:26
streetchariotmikeher: sounds like you may have to use the vga=791 switch13:26
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ....How can i make a server over my router ?13:27
Imaginativeonehow do I burn an iso in KDE?13:27
ikoniastreetchariot: why 791 ?13:27
riegersnHow can i check dependencies of something if I only have the source? i don't want to compile it, just need a dependency list somehow13:27
ikoniastreetchariot: how do you know his card supports that resolution13:27
DizzyDooStroganoff: I have already found myself there, but the majority are either only really available in the US (I'm British) or very expensive13:27
ikoniastreetchariot: and what makes you think this is a framebuffer issue ?13:27
streetchariotThat is to force standard res correct?13:27
Mikeherstreetchariot: how do i apply switches? :s13:28
gnubieMikeher;  I believe when the booting CD gets to the slection menu there are function key choices across the bottom of the scren. I think f4 or 5f let you choose a safe graohics mode.13:28
streetchariotIkonia: No screens found applies to a mismatch in video config. forcing "Deafult VGA" should allow X to function13:29
ikoniastreetchariot: no that doesn't force a "standard" res - that hard codes the frmaebuffer to  a specific resolution13:29
ikoniastreetchariot: no screens found is nothing to do with the "vga" option13:29
ikoniastreetchariot: no screens found is "xorg"13:29
esayyou should try Pardus-linux distrobution13:29
StroganoffDizzyDoo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported13:29
streetchariotIkonia: nVidia and ATI cards are notorious for the issue.13:29
Guest59653help pls...why a theme won't apply when I open sth as root?13:30
cobra-the-jokeri want to make this PC as a server for my router ...How can i ?13:30
ikoniastreetcharios I think you are getting vvery confused13:30
ikoniastreetchariot: xorg is nothing to do with the "vga" option13:30
IntuitiveNippledenniss: You can do that using "extended attributes", by enabling the "acl" file-system option for ext3 and similar when mounting. I believe XFS supports them natively. Use the {set,get}facl utilities to control them. (see man {set,get}facl)13:30
ikoniastreetchariot: and vga=791 is a very specific resolution - not a "standard" resollution13:30
streetchariotIkonia: I might be. I've not been to sleep since yesterday13:30
ikoniastreetchariot: that command is for the frame buffer - not xorg13:30
ikoniastreetchariot: don't pretend it's because your tired - just say "I don't know"13:31
Mikeherstreetchariot & ikonia: what do i do? :P13:32
streetchariotMikeher: what graphics card do you have?13:33
humsHi. I need to configure flash to accept webcam. But when I right click on the flash web-application, the application hang. Any suggestions are much appreciated.13:33
Mikeherstreetchariot: i think its ati mobility13:33
Mikeherstreetchariot: or savage something :s does it matter? :|13:34
streetchariotMikeher: try using the Secure Graphics mode option when the CD boots up.13:34
ikoniastreetchariot: secure graphics mode ?13:34
streetchariotMikeher: this should detect your display as a VESA Compatible display13:34
gnubieMikeher;  f4 (modes) lets you choose safe graphics mode(vesa)13:35
streetchariotMikeher: I believe it is F4 on the boot menu to get to the advanced options. I haven't used it in some time.13:35
ikoniaMikeher: boot from the CD - in theboot menu there should be on screen an option for "safe graphics mode" or "failsafe Graphics mode"13:36
Mikeherstreetchariot, gnubie: i will try that.. but it's quite slow to start up :s13:36
ikoniaMikeher: select the "failsafe" graphicss mode13:36
streetchariotMIkeher: Look on Google for info re: ATI cards and correct drivers once you get booted.13:36
dennissIntuitiveNipple, ah so you mean that rather than having subgroups, I set my files to have multiple groups?13:36
hawodihow do I browse documentation files in /usr/share/doc? I need to browse the php documentation downloaded there And I don't know how.13:37
ikoniahawodi: open them in any text editor13:37
humsHi. I need to configure flash player to accept webcam. But when I right click on the flash application, the application hang. If any one has suggestion or info on this issue please?13:37
kj4msg nickserv identify kj4 istillpoopmypants13:37
inetHow to  install anon-proxy (00.02.39-8.2).deb  and  how include it in iptables rules13:38
kj4hello all13:38
ikoniakj4: careful -I hope that wasn't your real password13:38
kj4ikonia what?13:38
IntuitiveNippledenniss: Yes... the same end result, it's the POSIX way13:38
ikonia13:07 < kj4> msg nickserv identify kj4 istillpoopmypants13:38
kj4hey!!! how dd you do that?13:38
ikoniakj4: you pasted it into the channel13:39
zash_kj4: you missed /13:39
kj4no i didn't13:39
Picikj4: Yes. You did. 1400 people saw it.13:39
ikoniakj4: yes you did13:39
dennissIntuitiveNipple, thanx a bunch man, this solves my problem and will give me a convenient structure! bye13:39
kj4and i don't still poop my pants, thats an old password13:39
ikoniakj4: you just pasted it -13:39
kj4well please forget it13:40
hawodiHow do I read documentation files in /usr/share/doc pls?13:40
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ikoniahawodi: open the docs in any text editor13:40
remoteCTR1err... my apt tells me i cannot install anything as it cannot resolve the ubuntu sources, but i can ping them so name resolution is ok, any ideas please?13:41
CrownAmbassadorHey guys. I'm considering getting a LifeCam VX-5000. How do I check if this is compatible with Ubuntu?13:43
StroganoffCrownAmbassador: http://www.google.com/search?q=LifeCam+VX-5000+ubuntu13:43
nyaawhen I use dual monitors, sometimes I lose my mouse.. it can move around but I can't click anything.. is there a fix for that?13:44
gnubieCrownAmbassador; http://moinejf.free.fr/webcam.html13:44
remoteCTR1netsplit or why is it so quiet in here?13:48
dr_WillisWe are Hunting Wabbits. :)13:48
dr_Willisso its werry werry qwiet.13:48
hawodianybody here?13:49
Mikehernice. after i enabled graphics safe mode it has frozen :/13:49
lantjiehey guys how are you13:50
CaesiCan anyone help me with gtkpod? It doesn't recognise my iPod Touch13:51
remoteCTR1sudo apt-get update returns Err http://at.archive.ubuntu.com hardy Release.gpg   Could not resolve 'at.archive.ubuntu.com' how can i fix that?13:51
lantjiedo you guys know how xlock works?13:51
gnubieMikeher; do you have at least 512mb of system memory?13:52
h0rnmangood morning, everyone13:52
lantjieremotectr: are you connected>13:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gtkpod13:52
Mikehergnubie: i have exactly 512mb13:52
StroganoffCaesi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone13:52
remoteCTR1lantjie: sure am, phunny thing is i can even ping http://at.archive.ubuntu.com13:52
xlukasxwoah, #ubuntu via ajax website... AWESOME13:52
Caesicheers Stroganoff13:52
Jewbaccawhere is hybrid13:53
fosco_remoteCTR1: gksu software-properties-gtk, and choose any other repo13:53
HybridJewbacca: everything gone smoothly?13:53
gnubieMikeher; memory shold not be a problem then13:53
remoteCTR1fosco_ but as said i can ping them, i can also access the archives via firefox...?13:53
new_usercan anyone help with sudo apt-get13:53
new_useri m using a repo on my local server13:53
new_userbut it connects to it for once13:53
new_usernd then it doesn't connects at all13:53
new_userplz help13:53
FloodBot1new_user: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:53
gnubieMikeher; you said the CD passed the check CD for defects test?13:54
fosco_remoteCTR1: you can ping me also but i'm not a repo :-)13:54
remoteCTR1fosco_ fair enuff but as said the repo is deffinitely there i can browse it, and after that security.ubuntu.com also don't work, so its not source related, somehow apt seems to be broken...?13:55
fosco_remoteCTR1: do not spend your time in that, change the repo or just wait till it gets OK again13:56
gangasSomeone needs help?13:56
shakaponkhey guyz, anyone can tell me please how to make putty using colors? little bit offtopic... but help appreciated13:56
remoteCTR1fosco_ how do i change the security repo? ther eis only one, and one more thing this works on all other machines exept for that one, as said it is an apt problem obviously13:56
Mikehergnubie: i'll try to run the test on the new cd i have made13:56
jacushow do i kill a process?13:57
jacusi started a speaker test in console13:57
jacusand...how do i kill it ?13:57
dr_Willisshakaponk,  putty  under windows here.. uses colors  - well the ls and other apps  can display the terminal color codes just fine for me13:57
dr_Willisshakaponk,  ive not had to do anythng to it.13:57
remoteCTR1jacus ctrl +c13:57
lantjieremotectr: then you are connected, but bring down your network card and then bring it up again13:57
gangasIf someone needs my help please call my name13:57
jacusI ve already closed the console but i can stioll hear the sound13:57
remoteCTR1lantjie: already restarted the whole server, to no effect13:57
remoteCTR1jacus:  do you remember the command that you entered?13:58
fosco_jacus: killall -9 program_name13:58
h0rnmanjacus, use kill13:58
shakaponkdr_Willis: hmm, that's strange, i also had the experience to to work with colors, but now if i log on on a new server its all unicolor13:58
gnubieMikeher; you might set the safe graphics b4 you do the test13:59
remoteCTR1ikonia: are you there dude?13:59
jacusdoesnt work13:59
dr_Willisshakaponk,  you sure its not your ls command/alias thats not handling the colors?  or is set to nocolor by default.. or  perhaps the TERM setting is not gettting set right13:59
remoteCTR1jacus: do you remember the nae of the command?13:59
jacussudo speaker-test13:59
ikoniaremoteCTR1: yes, only for a moment though13:59
remoteCTR1so then do ps aux | grep <commandname> that returns you in the second column the process id14:00
shakaponkdr_Willis: unfortunately, i'm a linux newbie, so how to check wether it is the ls command?14:00
remoteCTR1jacus: kill -9 process id should do the job14:00
dr_Willisshakaponk,  try 'alias ls' and see14:00
dr_Willisalias ls='ls -hF --color'14:00
dr_Willisshakaponk,   the commands must be told to use, or not to use the 'color' - and many check the shell/terminal settings to see if colors are allowed14:00
remoteCTR1ikonia: nice! i got a rather awkward problem here; apt tells me it cannot resolve the sources, but i can ping them and browse them in ff, also they work on other PC, so an apt related issue, got any idea how to fix this?14:01
jacusso kill -9 speaker?14:01
jacussorry I m a bit of a nooob14:01
remoteCTR1jacus: do ps aux | grep speaker14:01
shakaponkdr_Willis: you are the best :-D what does alias do? any references?14:01
dr_Willisshakaponk,  bash is documented in 100000000000+ web sites. and the advanced-bash-scripting guide.14:02
remoteCTR1jacus: first word you see then as output is your username, second is a number like 2863014:02
fosco_jacus: speaker is the name of the program you ran?14:02
BlinkizHi. Am looking for a tool that can create a video index picture. Like, I input a video and it will take small snapshots and put it in a index picture. Any suggestions?14:02
remoteCTR1jacus: do kill -9 28360 then14:02
lantjieremotectr: have you done it already14:02
jacusi got root      7647  0.5  6.6 183244 135892 ?       Sl   13:48   0:04 speaker-test -c6 as output14:03
remoteCTR1lantjie: as i wrote above i have even restarted the whole server14:03
paranoid_ndroidhow do I find out which wireless card I have?'14:03
jacusso 7647?14:03
remoteCTR1so kill -9 7647 it is14:03
kalimerosudo kill ...14:03
remoteCTR1paranoid_ndroid: lspci | grep wire14:03
shakaponkdr_Willis: thx alot, i'll take a look14:04
remoteCTR1jacus: kalimeiro is right; sudo kill -9 764714:04
jacus:D thank you :Dd14:04
paranoid_ndroidremoteCTR1, didn't show anything14:04
remoteCTR1jacus: hehe np14:04
lantjieremoteCTR1: oke then i don't know14:04
remoteCTR1paranoid_ndroid: do only lspci then and see if you find anything with wifi or what ever in its description that reminds of a wireless card14:05
remoteCTR1lantjie: thanks for trying tho14:05
jacusbtw, do you guys now any good online book or something like a noob guide to ubuntu but with commands and how do do stuff and where to find it ?14:06
lantjiehey guys do you guys know how i can configure xlock14:06
Stroganoffjacus: http://wiki.ubuntu.com14:06
kalimerojacus: sec14:06
mircerwhere can i download ubuntu mobile?14:06
remoteCTR1jacus: the term you are looking for is howto, what ever youre looking for put howto infront of it in google and you will find tons...14:06
eper3zhey, howcome i cant achieve 1920x1200 with my virtual OS, with vbox..?14:06
h0rnmanhas anyone else tried installing Jaunty in a VM?14:07
Picih0rnman: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.14:07
doctorowI'm running Intrepid Ibex with Compiz and Static Application Switcher. After an hour or so of running this, the miniature application icons next to the window thumbnails in the alt-Tab display go all weird -- sometimes the icons are transposed (Gedit has Thunderbird's icon) and sometimes they're just scrambled or blank. Is there a fix for this?14:07
h0rnmanah....good idea  :)14:07
Mikeheri have an acer aspire 1350.. can that be the cause of my problems with the installation?14:08
Mikehergnubie: the cd is OK14:08
remoteCTR1Pici: nice to see ya, could you help me with an apt issue meaning apt not finding sources, please?14:08
jacushowto works but I want to learn general things and for howto I have to know what I m looking for14:08
remoteCTR1Mikeher: depends on what problems you got?14:09
remoteCTR1jacus then follow kalimeiros and stroganoffs suggestions14:09
jacusgreat I will do that14:10
MikeherremoteCTR1: when trying to start the installation i get to this screen -> www.mher.dk/ubuntu.jpg14:10
gnubieMikeher; hmm search for you notebook http://www.google.com/linux14:10
lucascarvalhoONe tar gz file has 3 folder inside, A B and C... I want to extract only the C folder, how can I do that?14:11
Mikehergnubie i tried and found that quite a lot also experienced problems.. all though i have not found any similar to my problem :s14:11
remoteCTR1Mikeher: looks perfect to me, what are you missing? (exept for the graphics:D )14:11
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bn43hi I've installed ntop on my internet gateway server and would like to know how to get it to continue from its stats on reboot14:11
MikeherremoteCTR1: some suggested that it was the graphics adapter and proposed i tried with safe graphic mode, which caused it to freeze14:11
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bn43google says refer to man, thats confusing me14:12
MikeherremoteCTR1: i want graphic :P14:12
gnubieMikeher; let me think about it14:12
jacusone last thing, I m trying to enable my 5.1 speakers with my sb x-fi, I got the drivers from creative and everything works but as 2.1, I ve tried quite a few things but I don't know how to turn it on14:12
remoteCTR1Mikeher: the jpeg you pasted shows a console login, what happens if you press ctrl+alt +f7?14:12
remoteCTR1jacus: creative xfi are known to have "issues"..14:13
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MikeherremoteCTR1: i'll try that when i get to the screen again14:13
jacusI know but it works fine, just not 5.114:13
jacusand all the solutions I found were different than what i see in my system14:13
Mikeheri also experience unbelievable long load times.. is that normal?14:13
remoteCTR1Mikeher: what cd have you installed, do you happen to have picked the server version? in that case log in and do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:13
remoteCTR1Mikeher: basically not, should load smoothly14:14
MikeherremoteCTR1: filename for the iso -> ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i38614:14
remoteCTR1gosh can noone help me with my apt sources?:-/14:14
remoteCTR1Mikeher: that would me the graphical version14:15
BlinkizI there. I looking for a tool/program that can create thumbnail index picture of a movie. A picture containing snapshots from different positions in a movie. Any recommendations?14:15
carpii_blinkiz, i think ffmpeg can do that14:15
Blinkizcarpii_, yeah, what should I search for in google?14:15
MikeherremoteCTR1: i'm at the black screen again.. just before i saw a quick glimp of some tests which one of them failed. the screen dissappeared to quickly for me to read the text but i noticed it was the first test og 4 or something :s14:15
kj4msg nickserv identify kj4 istillpoopmypants14:16
carpii_rtry searching for 'ffmpeg'14:16
* carpii_ blinks14:16
remoteCTR1Mikeher: tests? that doesnt sound typical14:16
* Boohbah_ looks at carpii_ 14:16
carpii_Blinkiz, http://gallery.menalto.com/node/2952814:16
MikeherremoteCTR1: maybe it's checks.. i don't know :/14:16
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MikeherremoteCTR1: pressing ctrl+alt+F7 has resulted in a black screen with a textmarker in the upper left corner.. i guess it's working :s14:17
remoteCTR1Mikeher: well if you have graphics issues normally x falls back to a basic configuration with some unsufferable 640*480 resolution14:17
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Blinkizcarpii_, I believe that will only create thumbnails.14:17
remoteCTR1Mikeher: :D try siwtching back to ctrl+alt+f7 and then press ctrl+alt+backspace, and then tell me whats happening14:18
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carpii_blinkiz, yes thats wat you asked for isnt it?14:18
Blinkizcarpii_, No14:18
BlueEaglelucascarvalho: Good question. As far as I understand it the files (and folders) are compressed with gzip and then rolled together into one with tar.14:19
carpii_ok you want one big picture with several thumbnails14:19
Blinkizcarpii_, yes14:19
BlueEaglelucascarvalho: Thus you need to untar all the gzipped files and then remove the ones you do not want and then uncompress the remaining.14:19
carpii_use ffmpeg to create the thumbnails, then use imagemagick to stitch them all into one big pic14:19
hayig2000is there a visual keyboard program other than viki?14:19
Blinkizcarpii_, I do believe it exist a easier way14:19
MikeherremoteCTR1: switching back like pressing ctrl+alt+f7 again?.. i just did that and afterwards pressed ctrl+alt+backspace.. none of these commands made the computer react :/14:19
lucascarvalhoBlueEagle: no, you just need to specify, tar -xf file.tar C     ... where C is the folder14:20
carpii_maybe Blinkiz, but i dont think this way is particularly difficult either14:20
BlueEaglelucascarvalho: There may be some tools that lets you select distinct files inside a tape archive (tar) file, and tar may support individual file extractions, but that would in such case be in the manual.14:20
lucascarvalhothank you dude!14:20
m0RrEdoes anyone of you use raid0 ?14:20
c0p3rn1cI can't get my ALT key working anymore, I tried switching keyboard layouts, but nothing seems to work14:20
BlueEaglelucascarvalho: Well then you know more than I do.14:20
remoteCTR1Mikeher: ok switch back to tty1 or 2 with ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 then login there and do "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" (without the quotes of course) and write down the exact error message and report back with it14:21
lucascarvalhoBlueEagle: eheh, I just got this 'googleing'14:21
IntuitiveNipplelucascarvalho: tar -xzf archive.tar folderC/14:21
lucascarvalhoI tested and it works :P14:21
remoteCTR1m0RrE: i use raid 5 can i also help you?14:21
lucascarvalhoIntuitiveNipple: :D14:21
Blinkizcarpii_, Am looking for this: http://www.dotcomunderground.com/blogs/2006/09/20/how-to-make-sequential-thumbnails-of-a-video-using-free-tools/14:21
Blinkizcarpii_, But for linuz14:21
m0RrEremoteCTR1: i was just wondering if it does any good to use it.. i was wondering if it will give me any performance boost using raid014:22
remoteCTR1m0RrE: sure will as you read and write on two disks simultaneously14:22
carpii_Blinkiz, I dont know. But Id rather use commandline tools for this rather than some fancy gui app anyday. So you can simply automate it all14:23
remoteCTR1m0RrE: the downside of it is if on of the two disks crashes all data are gone14:23
m0RrEyes i know14:23
Blinkizcarpii_, Me two14:23
m0RrEremoteCTR1: i have a new motherboard, will i be able to use the integraded raid controller when i install ubuntu?14:23
ubuntu_How  can I find out the graphics card installed on this machine?14:23
m0RrEubuntu_: lspci -v14:23
MikeherremoteCTR1: stopping gnome display manager [OK]; starting gnome display manager [OK]14:23
ubuntu_And Is there a way to detect the network card installed?14:24
m0RrEubuntu_: lspci -v14:24
remoteCTR1m0RrE: wel then the answer to your question is, it doesnt quite doulbe read and write speeds but about 1,7 time faster you can count on14:24
hawodiikonia: Thanks. I was able to browse the docs using firefox browser.14:24
ubuntu_m0RrE: thanks14:24
StroganoffBlinkiz: install ffmpegthumbnailer using apt-get. more info here: http://code.google.com/p/ffmpegthumbnailer/wiki/FFMpegThumbnailer14:24
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remoteCTR1Mikeher: aha ok, that is interesting and what do you see now on tty7?14:24
BlinkizStroganoff, Aaa, nice. Thank you :)14:24
m0RrEremoteCTR1: but do you know if the "hardware controller" on my motherboard will be supported or is it just software raid?14:24
MikeherremoteCTR1: what is tty7? a command? :P14:24
remoteCTR1Mikeher: you have basically 7 consoles, you switch them with ctrl+alt+f1-7, f7 delivers graphical output14:25
hawodiMikeher:tty could be ur command line.14:25
MikeherremoteCTR1: neat.. ctrl+alt+f7 = blank black screen14:26
remoteCTR1m0RrE: software raid iworks just fine with ubuntu,  you can of course try to set up a hardware raid in bios but to find out if that is being supported by ubuntu...14:26
m0RrEremoteCTR1: aight, i tried to install on a raid0 setup with the ordinary disc, but then i read that i have to use the alternative cd14:27
remoteCTR1Mikeher: do the following: "sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep error"   or alternately replace the word error by fail14:27
remoteCTR1m0RrE: that can be i dunno precisely if the standard supports it as i use the alternate per default...14:28
heatmzzrwhere do I find the file or program SPDP to restore bluetooth?14:28
m0RrEburning right now14:28
remoteCTR1m0RrE: go for it!14:28
BlinkizStroganoff, Thanks for the tip about ffmpegthumbnailer. But it does not seems like it can create a index picture of the complete movie. Do you know a program that can do this?14:28
m0RrEremoteCTR1: btw, is it necessary to create the swap disk?14:29
remoteCTR1m0RrE: sure as hell is14:29
remoteCTR1m0RrE: know what the swap is?14:30
MikeherremoteCTR1: (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown; fatal server error:14:30
m0RrEremoteCTR1: a backup when i run out of ram?14:30
MikeherremoteCTR1: with fail it returns nothing14:30
void_Anyone who is good at crontab ?14:30
DizzyDooHow can I be sure a Wireless Router is compatible with Ubuntu? (Not meaning Wireless cards, actual router boxes)14:31
ishaihybrid where are you again xD14:31
LeLhry all14:31
remoteCTR1m0RrE: backup, well  yes linux writes back information from your ram into the swap to free some space in the ram in case you need som, if it cant write the infos back to somewhere youre in deep sh**14:31
Hybridishai: yeah?14:31
=== ishai is now known as Jewbacca
m0RrEremoteCTR1: but i have 6gb ram so i think i'll be fine?14:32
LeLanyone knows if it's possible to connect to checkpoint ng1 with openvpn?14:32
LeLi've been trying to configure it but had no luck14:32
heatmzzrwhere do I find the file or program SPDP to restore bluetooth?14:32
remoteCTR1Mikeher: not very self explanatory, do it once again and use less /var/log/Xorg.0.log, you can scroll up and down in there with page up page down keys and you quit it with the "q" key, see if you find something in there that could be a littlebit more speaking14:33
uberspacedwhat command line jabber chat client is good?14:33
remoteCTR1m0RrE: no matter how much ram you got always use a swap partition14:33
m0RrEthx, afk14:33
wilsonnckvoid_ you have a crontab question?14:33
LeLanyone knows if it's possible to connect to checkpoint ng1 with openvpn?14:34
remoteCTR1DizzyDoo: do you mean you would like to install ubuntu on the router?14:34
gnubieMikeher; seems a few years ago turning off the framebuffer fixed this problem. Don't know if ubuntu sets the framebuffer.14:35
DizzyDooremoteCTRl No, I mean, iis a router like the Netgear WG602 compatible with Ubuntu Server?14:35
void_wilsonnck: Yeah. I want a job to be runned every day (every 2 minutes) between the hours 04-2114:35
MikeherremoteCTR1: am i better off trying to install ubuntu on another laptop? i have one with similar hardware14:35
Boohbah_DizzyDoo: the best way to find out would be to hook it up and try it out14:36
remoteCTR1DizzyDoo: communication between network devices is determined through several standards, linux follows those standards just as any other operationg system, so the answer is yes14:36
DizzyDooBoohbah: Indeed, I would love to, but unfortunately I haven't purchased it yet14:36
LeLanyone has got a solution to connect to a checkpoint gateway from ubuntu?14:36
remoteCTR1Mikeher: you can of course try that but you can also google your error messages;)14:37
remoteCTR1DizzyDoo: if you wanna learn about communication between network devices see this here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/OSI14:38
LeLno one here knows how to connect to a checkpoint gateway using vpn??14:38
stickystyleAnyone know how I can tell what size RAM sticks (and count) I have in my computer while it's still running? /proc/meminfo really only tells me the total.14:38
LeLstickystyle: type top14:39
remoteCTR1LeL: sorry, ipcop gateway o'er here...14:39
remoteCTR1stickystyle: free14:39
fosco_stickystyle: lshw14:39
remoteCTR1ahh kk14:39
LeLdamn... how stupid of checkpoint not to make a client14:39
LeLfor linux14:39
void_wilsonnck: */2 04-21 * * * Should do it, right?14:39
remoteCTR1LeL: there is an openvpn for linux, the client must not be of the same brand as the server as the communication is standardized14:40
stickystylefosco_:  lshw is the winner, thanks!14:40
LeLremoteCTR1: i've installed it using easy-rsa keys14:40
LeLbut it's not working14:40
LeLand i dig'ed google the whole day, i can't find any article saying it works14:41
rnkIs there a way to mirror a ps file with pstops?14:41
LeLah sorry already got confused.. i used the easy-rsa for my private network vpn14:42
LeLnot the checkpoint one14:42
mendozaPUSH! http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?1139712455 (THIS IS THE BEST GAME IN THE WORLD))14:42
mendozaPUSH! http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?1139712455 (THIS IS THE BEST GAME IN THE WORLD))14:42
=== ishai is now known as Jewbacca
LeLlooks like im gonne have to install winxp @ virtualbox and configure checkpoint vpn from there14:42
Jewbaccahybrid ?14:42
mendozaPUSH! http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?1139712455 (THIS IS THE BEST GAME IN THE WORLD))14:43
mendozaPUSH! http://www.lostworlds.lv/go.php?1139712455 (THIS IS THE BEST GAME IN THE WORLD))14:43
FloodBot1mendoza: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:43
wilsonnckvoid_: sorry, got interuppted. The pattern you're looking at will be this: for minutes */2, for hours 4-21, for day of month *, for month *, for day of week *14:43
Boohbah_LeL: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/48914:43
rbd_hey guys, using ubuntu 8.10 (alsa I believe by default). I have an old app, wavesurfer that wants to write to /dev/dsp. I tried doing a modprobe snd_pcm_oss and the module is loaded fine, /dev/dsp exists...but the app still gives an error of "cannot open /dev/dsp for writing". any ideas?14:43
erUSUL!ops | mendoza14:43
ubottumendoza: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!14:43
remoteCTR1lel easy-rsa should be ssl certificates, that should work with openvpn14:44
burgeverytime i try to install ubuntu 8.10, the setup crashes. i have asus notebook with core2duo t5800, nvidia geforce 8200 videoboard14:44
void_wilsonnck: */2 04-21 * * * Should do it, right?14:44
milligan_find /mnt/backup/zips/* -mtime +6 -type f -delete <- That command will only remove files from /mnt/backup/zips/ folder ,right ?14:44
burgizinucs told me to add pci=nomsi to the options, but this didn`t fix it14:44
wilsonnckvoid_: yes I believe so14:44
void_wilsonnck: Great! Thanks.14:44
LeLBoohbah_: thanks alot mate, looks like that what i was looking for... now all i need is to set up this linux machine at work14:45
Boohbah_rbd_: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup14:46
Boohbah_rbd_: padsp14:46
wilsonnckvoid_: np, enjoy the freedom!14:46
Boohbah_rbd_: "padsp wraps audio playback and capturing (/dev/dsp), mixer controls (/dev/mixer) and sound status (/dev/sndstat)."14:46
burgcan anyone tell me what else should i do, please/14:46
rnkHow would I go about turning a pdf file into a jpg, png or similiar?14:47
Stroganoffburg: try telling us which asus model it exactly is (so we might google for you). additionally you could try the alternate install ISO14:48
Stroganoff!alternate | burg14:48
ubottuburg: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent14:48
wilsonnckrnk: If i'm not mistaken you can open PDFs in gimp now and save them as any imagetype you'd like14:48
rnkwilsonnck, ok, I'll try that. thanks.14:49
Boohbah_burg: at what point does the setup crash?14:49
burgStroganoff: asus x50gl: core2duo t5800, 3gb ram, nvidia geforce 820014:49
chalcedonyrnk i had to get star office to take pdfs to other formats .. it's not nice and wasnt completely effective14:49
burgusually it crashes when the partitioner starts, but not always, sometimes it crashes before14:49
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werswhat repo will give me the latest flash? i'm on intrepid14:50
wersmebeam webcam doesnt work for me. i assume it's because of flash14:50
burgi tried to install it from 2 different discs, and both worked for my friends14:50
Slartwers: I don't think there is a repository for the latest flash14:50
Slartwers: are you using 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?14:51
wers32 bit Slart14:51
Davedanis there a video effects software for ubuntu to create effects similar to animoto.com?14:51
charchilhay alguien en este chat????14:51
=== ishai is now known as Jewbacca
charchilola jewbacca14:51
Slartwers: then you can get the latest flash plugin from adobe and install that..but you'll have to be prepared to fix any problems yourself.. going with the one in the repos is always the easiest way14:51
Hybridishai: does it work?14:53
bugrahi everybody14:54
Jewbaccahybrid :~>14:56
HybridJewbacca: hey14:56
burgBoohbah_, Stroganoff: if i remember well, i could finish the install for 7.10, but after i installed video board driver, the screen was all black. can i install now 7.10, then update to 8.10, then install video driver?14:56
gafirHi, is anybody familiar with Inkscape on Ubuntu: It appears I cannot use any of the raster effects - even though I try uninstalling and reinstalling Inkscape using Synaptic Manager - Any idea why I can't use Blur effects, colorize effects, etc? Thanks for your help14:57
Slartgafir: hang.. let me try.. see if it work for me14:57
gafirSlart: thanks14:57
gafirSlart: If I try to blur a shape or colorize a shape, nothing happens, I get the dialog box, but no effect14:58
gafirSlart: I don't think it ever worked on my machine.14:58
ahmed\j hacking14:59
wotshi ... i got problems sending emails from my shell15:00
Slartgafir: have you checked the status bar text when you select a tool from the raster set?15:01
gafirSlart: at the bottom, you mean?15:01
Slartgafir: yes15:02
gafirSlart: well I try blur, it says : "Path" (9 nodes) in layer glossy.15:02
ahmedHi guys15:02
gafirSlart: I have my shape selected15:02
Slartgafir: no, before that.. when you just hoover above the blur option15:02
Slartgafir: it says "Blur selected bitmaps".. do you have any bitmaps selected?15:03
gafirSlart: well it's a shape, so I guess it's not a bitmap, sorry not very familiar with this15:03
Level_5anyone here using a broadcom wireless card model bcm4312?15:03
gafirSlart: I guess I have to convert the shape into a bitmap15:03
Slartgafir: I guess those filters only work on bitmap objects.. not the general vector objects you play around with in inkscape15:04
Slartgafir: yes, I think so too15:04
mnihi all15:04
gafirSlart: Ok, I'll try to find how to convert the shape into a bitmap, and then maybe it will work, thanks for your help Slart, I couldn't see the message in my status bar well because the drop down menu was hidnig it on my screen15:04
mnii need a q?15:04
Slartgafir: you're welcome15:05
mnii want to ship a free ubuntu CD.15:05
Pici!shipit | mni15:05
ubottumni: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Intrepid (8.10) CDs15:05
ahmedGuys, can anyone tell me if there is any room for security , and how can I join it?15:06
wotsdoes anybody know how to send an email from a shellscript15:06
fearfulHello good morning, all my files in the / folder have a lock on it how can I fix this it?15:06
zaggynlpay your parking tickets15:06
jribfearful: that's normal, there's nothing to fix15:06
mnipici,ubottu:but we need up to 500 or more15:06
zaggynlerr I mean, sudo chown /home/<username> <username>15:07
zaggynlwait, it'snormal?15:07
mnicos we are having a conference at nigeria on ffree and open source15:07
jribmni: so click on "special request"15:07
mniwe want to distribute it freely15:07
calcfearful: regular users can't write to / (root filesystem) that is a good thing15:08
Picimni: See http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/shipit-faq15:08
zaggynloh, the / folder15:08
Level_5anyone here using the broadcom bcm4312 rev 2 driver with Hardy? If so please advise...Need some configuration help15:08
* zaggynl should read a little slower15:08
jribfearful: did you do anything to modify the permissions of things outside your home?15:08
jungarhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone ... where do i download the new firefox .deb file ?????????????????????15:08
mnibut i coulnd locate special request15:09
Slartwots: there are lots of small mail sending apps15:09
=== [perry] is now known as [pErry]
Picijungar: Wait for the an updated package to appear in the repositories.15:09
calcjungar: update-manager15:09
Slartwots: sendemail is one15:09
Slart!info sendemail15:09
ubottusendemail (source: sendemail): email-from-console sending tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.55-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 32 kB, installed size 164 kB15:09
jungarPici, ok thanks man :)15:10
jungarcalc, any idea when it will be released in the update manager?15:10
mnibut can i reciebed the cds b4 1st march?15:10
Duk_workis there a reason why ubuntu would be restarting mysql once a day, every day?15:11
SlartDuk_work: not that I know of.. does it crash? or it's just a restart?15:11
ikoniaDuk_work: conjob ? crash and auto restart15:11
Picimni: You need to contact the address on the page I linked you for that info.  We don't have the information to give you to answer it.15:11
ikoniaDuk_work: what makes you think it's restarting mysql ?15:12
Jewbaccahey guys, i need a little help, i need irc client that read culums font, so i could see ppl writing in hebrew :)15:12
bugrahello guys15:12
ikoniaJewbacca: most clients will read any language if your language pack on the OS supports it15:12
SlartJewbacca: tried irssi? it shows all kinds of fonts for me.. I think xchat does that too15:12
Jewbaccamine support hebrew15:12
etechis there a ubuntu package for the original gnome wallpapers?15:12
Jewbaccaeverything its in hebrew15:12
Jewbaccabut i cant see ppl write in hebrew15:13
bugracould i ask a question15:13
ikoniaetech: nope15:13
Jewbaccaon xchat15:13
ikoniabugra: please do15:13
Slartbugra: just ask15:13
Jewbaccaslart? aka slarto? :DDDDDDDDD15:13
SlartJewbacca: nope15:13
Jewbaccayou have the same nick like a guy i know15:13
SlartJewbacca: it happens.. Slart isn't a very original nickname15:13
detrixhello all.  I am having problems with playing ANY video.  mplayer just closes when it tries to play any video. I have downloaded all codecs.  any help appreciated15:14
bugrai have hardy and i want to upgrade kernel to latest release. is there easy way or deb package at least?15:14
ahmedGuys I need to know about security channels15:14
Slartdetrix: start the player from a terminal, play video, watch it crash.. check terminal for error messages15:14
ahmedcan anybody tell me about it?15:14
Piciahmed: /msg alis help or ask in #freenode15:14
Slartahmed: there is a channel list15:14
mniif we want to invite people from ubuntu to attend the conference where should we channel the invitattion?15:14
Slart!irc | ahmed15:14
ubottuahmed: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:14
ikoniabugra: no, only updates for what ubuntu pushes out15:15
detrixSlart: thanx will try that15:15
Jewbaccaso what can i do in order to see my friend write in hebrew? :(15:15
bugrathanks ikonia15:15
chalcedonydoes anyone know of a way to save and close open office files from command line?15:15
Slartchalcedony: do you mean use openoffice from a command line? or control an already running copy of openoffice from the command line?15:16
ikoniachalcedony: nope, it's gui only15:16
cristihey, uhm i think i have a video driver problem, i have a nvidia geforce 9500m gs, can anyone help me see if they work properly?15:16
chalcedonySlart: i have a bunch of open office files open, some i'm sure i saved, or never altered, and some i'm not sure of. is there a command line way in LINUX to save and exit ?15:16
Slartdoesn't openoffice have some non-gui stuff included? for use in scripts and such?15:17
mniany person interested in coming:http://dot.kde.org/2009/01/07/invite-kde-free-and-open-source-nigeria-200915:17
bugraanother question. there are always older versions on the software channel. is is related to stability and security. i mean they update the channel when they are sure that the software is ok?15:17
Slartchalcedony: no idea.. I doubt it15:17
Jewbaccaso what can i do in order to see my friend write in hebrew on xchat? :x15:17
chalcedonyit will *probably* save automatically if i killall it or kill -9 it .. i would rather be sure.15:18
kitcheJewbacca: install the correct language pack like we told you to do?15:18
Slartchalcedony: I think using kill -9 on it most probably will *not* save it15:18
Duk_work090203  6:26:05109052277 Connect     paymutual_forumc@localhost on15:18
chalcedonyJewbacca: i have that same question15:18
Duk_workthats what15:18
Jewbaccakitche: i done that already15:18
kitchebugra: packages will only get a verison bump if it's a security issue and htat's it or until the next version release15:18
Duk_workit got restarted at system time 6:2615:19
Pici!latest | bugra15:19
ubottubugra: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.15:19
jribchalcedony: I'm pretty sure that if you try to close a window for an unsaved document oo will tell you15:19
Slartchalcedony: it will probably offer to recover the files when you start it again though.. if you've enable the auto save recovery data option15:19
chalcedonySlart: that's what i meant15:19
bugrathanks guys ;)15:20
chalcedonykitche: which language pack gives someone hebrew?15:20
Slartchalcedony: but why can't you just close it normally? did X crash? computer in some other end of the world?15:20
chalcedonyfor me hebrew shows up really strangely in xchat15:20
SlartJewbacca: can you write hebrew in xchat? could you just write a small sample so we can see if it works?15:21
SlartJewbacca: I just mean a couple of characters.. absolutely not more than one line15:21
mniany body interested:http://dot.kde.org/2009/01/07/invite-kde-free-and-open-source-nigeria-200915:21
JewbaccaSlart: מה קורה15:21
chalcedonySlart: i do a LOT of writing and research. OO can be the last thing i need to close to resart the thing. it's just frustrating to need to wait half an hour for each file doing dumb steps to close 20 windows.15:21
Jewbaccalook there are channels that i can see and write15:21
Jewbaccathe guys there told me their channel support tfs8 something like that15:22
SlartJewbacca: I think that worked for me.. of course I don't know hebrew so I could be wrong15:22
chalcedonyJewbacca: that looks fine .. hebrew15:22
Jewbaccayea cuz your channel prolly support it15:22
Jewbaccabut im on other server15:22
chalcedonyJewbacca: undernet ?15:22
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about imagebin15:22
calcchalcedony: afaik no way to save from the command line for OOo15:23
fearfulsudo: must be setuid root I'm getting this error as I try to run a sudo command15:23
ikoniafearful: did you change the permissions on the sudo command ?15:23
fearfuluh no15:23
ikoniafearful: you must have as it's no longer setuid15:23
Picifearful: Are you in the admin group?15:23
SlartJewbacca: this is what is looks like on my screen, http://imagebin.org/3752115:23
SlartJewbacca: I run regular ubuntu 64bit, english version15:24
ikoniafearful: ls -la /usr/bin/sudo15:24
fearfulI don't know, I just changed owners of a lot of folders and stuff because I moved them to a new partition, like home15:24
chalcedonycalc: ty does anyone know kill -5 ?15:24
calcchalcedony: thats not a 100% certainty but if you can do it would be some sort of weird headless command sequence, killing it definitely doesn't save15:24
fearful-rwxr-xr-x 2 benjamin benjamin 115136 2008-09-01 07:17 /usr/bin/sudo15:24
Pelosome of my menu entries in nautilus are in the wrong language , anyone else get that ?15:24
Slartchalcedony: have you checked the man page for kill? I think there is a list of them somewhere15:24
Jewbaccayea its hebrew15:24
calcchalcedony: not sure what sig 5 is not documented in man 7 signal15:24
izinucsSlart, awesome.. how did you post that image to image bin with irssi?15:25
Slartizinucs: i run irssi in a gnome-terminal.. so no magic I'm afraid =)15:25
calcchalcedony: er yea it is, SIGTRAP15:25
calcchalcedony: i just overlooked it15:25
fearfulikonia: any ideas?15:25
calcchalcedony: SIGTRAP        5        Core    Trace/breakpoint trap15:25
izinucsSlart, cheeter :)15:25
ikoniafearful: ls -la /usr/bin/sudo15:26
ikoniafearful: lets see the permisions15:26
fearfulI did15:26
Slartizinucs: hehe.. surely there is a screen capture app for the command line?15:26
fearful-rwxr-xr-x 2 benjamin benjamin 115136 2008-09-01 07:17 /usr/bin/sudo15:26
fearfulit's set to benjamin benjamin, shouldn't it be root benjamin15:26
ikoniafearful: it's not setuid15:26
fearfulThis is new for me :(15:26
ikoniafearful: it should be root:root and setuid15:26
* calc runs irssi instead screen over ssh in gnome-terminal from ~ 10K miles away :)15:26
* russia213 needs help with dual booting x.x15:26
calcfun lag15:26
ikoniafearful: you have changed the permissions15:26
fearfulYes I did when I moved home to a new folder I did, sudo chown -R benjamin:benjamin /15:27
Slartcalc: irssi over ssh.. when you just have to run your irc client on the ISS =)15:27
JewbaccaSlart: how to use this irssi15:27
izinucsSlart, maybe .. not sure that's why I was asking.. do you know if there is an command line app like pastebinit for images?15:27
Jack_Sparrowrussia213 INternal or external drives15:27
calcSlart: heh, i'm from Houston and in Berlin for the Jaunty sprint15:27
ikoniafearful: no - sudo is not in your home dir15:27
Jack_Sparrowrussia213 How may I try to help15:28
fearfulI changed the permissions of / not just /home15:28
SlartJewbacca: it's like xchat..but run in a terminal.. look at http://irssi.org15:28
Picifearful: Thats not a good thing.15:28
calcirssi is much better than ircII :)15:28
h0rnmanfearful: not good15:28
Slartizinucs: actually I'm looking for that right now.. it would be useful15:28
JewbaccaSlart: im new to ubuntu, i dont know any of these stuff15:29
HoNgOuRuwhere do I get "PNM-TOOLS" ?15:29
izinucsSlart, you running screen too?15:29
fearfulanyway to rollback my actions, I had a lock on all the folders so I thought that would fix it15:29
Jack_Sparrowrussia213 the problem with OS on external is when you remove the external and mbr points to a non  existent grub15:29
russia213I successfully installed Ubuntu on my 750GB external but when starting up it goes strait to windows15:29
Slartizinucs: nope... there are limits to my geekiness =)15:29
russia213Grub can see my external though15:29
HoNgOuRuwhere do I get "PNM-TOOLS" ?15:30
Jack_Sparrowrussia213 YOu did not install grub to your mbr of the bootable drive15:30
Picifearful: There really isn't anyway to undo that. Sudo bypasses everything.15:30
calcwow irssi is now 10 years old :)15:30
fearfulSo I gotta reinstall15:30
russia213can you help me with that? ^^()15:30
Slartizinucs: I tried using quassel for a while.. but it will have to evolve a bit more before it becomes useful for more than random visits to irc15:30
izinucsSlart, I just fired it up a couple days ago.. kinda tough working through some of the /helps out there. but once you have some of the basics down it's pretty cool15:30
ikoniafearful: you can boot into "safe mode" and re-set the permissions on sudo15:31
h0rnmanrussia213:  what version (specifically) of windows do you have installed?15:31
russia213XP sp315:31
ikoniafearful: however if you did a chown -R it won't just be sudo that you need to reset - it will be the whole file system15:31
Jack_Sparrowrussia213 My soultion is to boot /boot partition on the internal drive have mbr point to that which will let you boot both.  You can also make a bootable CD that will let you get to your external but you would lose the ability to use the cd15:31
h0rnmanis it a corporate edition install, or did it require activation?15:31
fearfulHow could I do that? through the recovery terminal15:31
ikoniah0rnman: what does that matter ?15:31
* russia213 is a total n00b15:32
ikoniafearful: well, you can do it through the recovery console, however as I said you would have changed every file - which will need manually resetting back to the right permisisons which is a big job15:32
h0rnmanikonia:  I have had a problem with the corporate edition of XP reqriting the MBR every time you boot into it15:32
russia213Could you help me with that, Jack15:32
ikoniafearful: it is probably easier/quicker to re-install15:32
Jack_Sparrowrussia213 sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo blkid >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)15:32
Duk_worksyslogd is restarting mysql i think15:32
Jack_Sparrow!who > russia21315:32
ubotturussia213, please see my private message15:32
fearfulThank god I moved my home folder15:32
Wunderbarhow do I remove xubuntu from my machine?? I installed it from the synaptic in ubuntu and attempted to uninstall via the same means but it appears to still be there...15:33
ikoniaDuk_work: no it's not15:33
ikoniaDuk_work: syslog can't do that15:33
Duk_workwhy can't it15:33
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »15:33
ikoniaDuk_work: because it's a logging daemon, nothing more15:33
ikoniaDuk_work: it has no idea how or permissons how to restart mysql15:33
izinucsJack_Sparrow, you must have had that line in a buffer/file someplace.. :)15:33
=== burkzzz is now known as burkmat
n8tuserWunderbar -> perhaps an additional step is to remove  ~/.config  and re-log in15:33
fearfulikonia: If I have moved /home to a seperate partition will it keep all my codecs and settings when I just wipe my filesystem/15:33
Duk_workikonia: what else could it be?15:34
Jack_Sparrowizinucs yep, with many others15:34
Wunderbarthanks, Ill try that15:34
HikeractiveI'm using wubi and have installed Intrepid. Why can't I change the default GDM theme? I CAN, it just doesn't stick. I managed to swap out the default Human theme with the custom theme so that it loads the new one as "Human", but I can't change the background color to anything other than brown. Anyone heard of this?15:34
ikoniafearful: your codecs are installed in the system - not your home dir normally15:34
ikoniaDuk_work: what is the problem exactly ?15:34
unopJack_Sparrow,  { cat /etc/fstab ; sudo fdisk -l ; sudo blkid ; lsb_release -a ; cat /boot/grub/menu.lst } | pastebinit  # :)15:34
Duk_workikonia: once a day, at the same time every day, mysql restarts15:34
fearfulOk thanks15:34
ikoniaDuk_work: and how do you know that ?15:34
Duk_workikonia: the DB is unaccessible for that time frame15:34
Duk_workabout 4 minutes15:34
ikoniaDuk_work: that doesn't mean it restarts15:35
n8tuserHikeractive -> if you are ready for a permanent install, do it, some stuff in wubi are just demo i believe, so its time to make it persistent install ?15:35
Duk_workthe last log shows it as having started on that day15:35
ikoniaDuk_work: what last log ?15:35
russia213Jack_Sparrow: Can you help me with your instructions?15:35
ikoniaDuk_work: be exact - expalin to me how you got to this conclusion15:35
Duk_work head /var/log/mysql/mysql.log15:35
izinucsrussia213, cut and paste into a terminal15:35
Duk_work090203  6:26:05109052277 Connect     paymutual_forumc@localhost on15:35
ikoniaDuk_work: you need tail not head15:35
xsgHey guys do any of the movie editors support the .mov codec or no do i have to install seperatly15:35
Jack_Sparrowrussia213 Please /join #Jack_Sparrow so we dont spam the channel15:36
ikoniaDuk_work: thats a connect log - not a shutdown/startup log15:36
Wunderbaranother question, how do I make abi word connect with firefox instead of epiphany?15:36
HikeractiveI plan on it. n8tuser.. I'm a linux only user, but I just got a new computer last night and must wait until I get to the store and purchase DVDs (I need 3) to make backup restore disks for Vista and other software drivers. I want them just in case, since this Atheros wifi seemed touchy.15:37
Duk_workikonia: hmm, well, messages is empty15:37
ikoniaDuk_work: look in the syslog15:37
TheBaseI'm running gutsy and the a library called libnl-dev. Gutsy only has the 1.0 but I need the 1.1 which is only available on the distro above Gutsy. I can't just install another distro. Is there anything that I can do about it?15:37
ikoniaTheBase:  not really15:37
fosco_Wunderbar: menu system - preferences - preferred apps15:37
xsgHey guys do any of the movie editors support the .mov codec or no do i have to install seperatly15:37
ikoniaTheBase:  you need to upgrade to the distro that supports that package15:37
Duk_workikonia: cat syslog | grep mysql  returns nothing15:38
Hikeractivexsg, I think VLC might.15:38
TheBaseikonia, :(15:38
ikoniaTheBase: or log a bug to request a backport - but as gutsy is almost EOL - I don't think they would do it15:38
TheBaseikonia, why is it still using the 1.0?15:38
xsgyeh it does i said movie editor like a video editor15:38
izinucsTheBase, upgrade.. is your /home in a seperate partition? if so upgrading can be easy15:38
ikoniaTheBase: why should it upgrade ?15:38
jribTheBase: gutsy is only supported for 2 more months anyway, so you might as well update15:38
ikoniaDuk_work: what dir are you in ?15:38
Wunderbarfirefox is already my preferred browser- and there's not option for browsers in abiword...15:38
izinucs!upgrade | TheBase15:38
ubottuTheBase: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:38
Duk_workikonia: /var/log15:38
oCean_Duk_work: check processID in /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid .. Use "ps -ef | grep <mysqlpid>" to see when it's started15:39
xsg yeh it does i said movie editor like a video editor that allows you to import a .mov video and edit15:39
ikoniaDuk_work: grep mysql syslog.*15:39
=== _Lucretia__ is now known as _Lucretia_
niscwho wants to be my native-english-speaking read-some-400-words-of-mine-and-look-for-wrong-style-slave15:39
TheBaseizinucs, I can't. I'm running a distribution full of Mobile IPv6 stuff that was built with a Gutsy15:39
Duk_workikonia: on the 18th15:40
ikoniaDuk_work: ok - so it's not been restarted since the 18th15:40
jrib!ot | nisc15:40
ubottunisc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:40
TheBaseikonia, so that's what backport is... anyway I'll see what I can do15:40
ikoniaduck anything in mysql.err or mysql.log ?15:40
Duk_workikonia: what would cause 4 minutes of inaccessability once a day at the same time every day?15:40
izinucsTheBase, what are you going to do at end of life for Gutsy?  At least Hardy has 3 yrs support15:40
TheBaseizinucs, I know.15:41
Duk_workikonia: error log is empty15:41
vincent040does anyone know how to run .exe files in ubuntu? ps: I hate to use wine or virtualbox ......15:41
ikoniaDuk_work: a batch job, a network issue, have you tried accessing the database from the mysql command line while it's "unavailable" or just through the front end ?15:41
ikoniavincent040: then you can't15:41
ikoniavincent040: wine/crossover is the only solution15:41
TheBaseizinucs, I think I'll try to run a newer Ubuntu with the MIPv6 stuff.15:41
robocopIs gnome of ubuntu use special application to improve the wireless connection, because, since I revomed gnome and installed openbox, my wifi is very instable.15:41
jribvincent040: use a native linux alternative15:41
TheBaseizinucs, thanks15:41
izinucsTheBase, got any room on the HD. partition and install Hardy for dual boot then take your time porting all you've done across.15:41
izinucsTheBase, that works.. remember everything that isn't LTS gets 18 mths support15:42
TheBaseizinucs, yes. That will be my workaround for a few days15:42
Level_5anyone here using the broadcom bcm4312 rev 2 driver with Hardy? If so please advise...Need some configuration help15:42
Duk_workikonia: just through the websites that use it, that can no longer access it15:42
ikoniaDuk_work: then I would try accessing it directly while it's supposed to be down15:42
ikoniaDuk_work: rarther then through a front end15:43
Duk_worki think i will attempt to be logged in for the duration, see if it's accessible15:43
rainmanp7is it possible to have 2 connections to the internet 1via a cable and the other via a usb adapter ?15:47
ikoniarainmanp7: multi connections routing to the internet is not a good idea, why do you want two ?15:47
rainmanp7ikonia so I can test to see if the USB wireless is working or can work at all15:48
Duk_workmulti homing and BGP FTW! \o/15:48
ikoniarainmanp7: disconnect your cable to test it15:48
darkoi wanna connect to website thru ssh on a diffrent port then 22 how?15:48
rainmanp7ikonia I need it to work on a differn't machine across the house so i can install ubuntu and plug it in and know it's going to work15:48
n8tuserdarko -> the other end (server) has to serve it on a diff port than 2215:48
rainmanp7ikonia K will try that15:49
ikoniarainmanp7: ok - so why do you need both connections active at the same time to test it ?15:49
rainmanp7one so i can search on the net for error crap and the other reason so I can talk and just plug it in and test it with out lossing internet cabaility15:49
insurinfor some reason after about 2 days of my ubuntu being on, I lose sound. To get it working again I do a reboot, is  there a way to restart sound via /etc/init.d15:49
darkon8tuser: it is, on port 100, but i dont know to change the port from ubuntu15:50
ikoniarainmanp7: as soon as you plug it in and it works your routing will be messed up and it will kill both connections15:50
ikoniarainmanp7: hence why you need to test with one connection at a time15:50
ikoniaCo_Cuppid: what's the problem ?15:50
rainmanp7ikonia ok so uplug the cable and boot up ?15:50
ikoniarainmanp7: with the usb key in, yes15:50
jken146insurin: /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart15:50
rainmanp7ikonia ok here go's :)15:51
n8tuserdarko -> your ssh client has the option -p    man ssh  to get an overview of all options15:51
jken146insurin: that is, if you're on intrepid15:51
insurinI am15:51
darkon8tuser: it is -R option, but cant figure out the syntax15:52
heshamwhitehi i am new to ubuntu and i have problem can anyone help me?15:52
ikoniaheshamwhite: depends what the problem is15:52
darkon8tuser:  [-R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [-S ctl_path]15:52
izinucs!ask | heshamwhite15:52
ubottuheshamwhite: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:52
heshamwhitei have a oroblem with the screen reslu15:52
ksamrat_ i have an issue with libtool 2.2.6. Some of the devel packages im using were providing .la files for linking. Now .la files have been removed and im forced to use .so files instead. Is there any way to force libtool to use .so names instead of .la?15:53
richyheshamwhite: again, expand on your question15:53
ksamrat_ which is the best channel for libtool related queries?15:53
n8tuserdarko -> thats if the server is at your end15:53
ikoniaksamrat_: not here15:53
insurinjken146: can you shed any light on why the sound suddenly stops working, I alwyas leave it logged on, i'll finish watching a new world order documentry on the night, go to work the day after and it stops working15:54
adam_can anyone explain why 'sort -n' will sort '0,t,4' and 'sort -g' sorts it 't,0,4'. Does 't' have a higher numeric value than 0?15:54
adam_the man page is terribly helpful15:54
richyadam_ the ascii value of t is higher than 0?15:54
vincent040my WINE can open an exe file's cover page, and that's all..... how to configure WINE to make it run exe files right?15:54
epictetusinsurin: that happens to me too, on a Dell laptop15:54
jken146insurin: I don't know15:54
richyvincent040: what are you tyrin to run?15:54
darkon8tuser:  my webhost says that he opened the 100 port so i can connect to the website, i just need the correct syntax to out in the terminal15:55
vincent040an exe book15:55
adam_richy: what's the difference between general numeric value and string numeric value?15:55
JewbaccaSlart: i asked on israeli forum, they told me to write charset windows-125515:55
Jewbaccaand now its working15:55
SlartJewbacca: ah.. nice15:55
insurinepictetus: jken146 has sent the command to restart sound15:55
n8tuserdarko -> you can ssh -p 100 -l username@remoteip15:55
richyadam_: general numeric i would presume would be lik 1 for the number 1 whereas string numeric value mayb the ascii value15:55
adam_richy: Gotcha, thanks15:56
vincent040wine can open the cover page, but can not open any pages in the contents when I double click the cover page15:56
richyvincent040: have you checked for your .exe file in wines appdb15:56
vincent040could anybody help me to figure this out, I am really appreciate  !15:56
vincent040wines appdb... no15:57
richyvincent040: what are you trying to run? lik what executable?15:57
vincent040how can I check that as you said body?15:57
vincent040an exe book~~~~15:57
judgenWhy does the mount -t ntfs-3g process use a all my cpu power when running a vmware workstation from the ntfs drive?15:57
vincent040like this: abc.exe15:58
calcjudgen: because ntfs is slow15:58
ikoniavincent040: #winehq maybe a better channel for wine specific help15:58
richyvincent040: open terminal -> goto directory, and enter wine abc.exe15:58
kitchejudgen: because you should not be running a vmware workstation from a ntfs drive15:58
richyand post any errors etc?15:58
vincent040thank you very much! I will try!15:58
judgenkitche: well.. the computer does not have a large enough ext partition to run it from there...15:59
darkon8tuser:  thanks dude/dudete that worked15:59
fucuHelp please having trouble connecting to the net read the help pages but still unable to connect how can i change the default internet connection from eth 2 to eth 1 and change the settings ie primary setting are wrong.15:59
NicDumZjudgen, actually, a high level VM access drives a lot more thant usual OS. Since ntfs is slow, and... a bit experimental under linux, you should not do this I guess.15:59
heshamwhiteok i have Laptop Fujitsu Siemens V5535 with Vga  sis661/671 chipset and the resolution stuck at 800*600 and there is no more resolutions in preferences>> "screen resolutions" so i want to use my default resolution 1280*102415:59
Mikeherwhile starting up the ubuntu installation i run into a lot of "buffer i/o error on device x, logical block" errors before it proceeds to the gui where it freezes :s15:59
ikoniaheshamwhite: sis video chipsets have poor xorg support, especially around 3d graphics16:00
MatBoydoes someone know a embedded touchscreen where I can run ubuntu on ?16:00
failersMikeher sounds like a faulty disc16:00
failersMikeher either a broken disc or it just cant read a file from the disc by some reason16:01
spzI got xfce, but gnome-desktop starts up everytime I boot16:01
heshamwhitenow i know that but it is integrated so it would be harmful to get a new laptop for this problem16:01
jken146spz, click on Change Session before you log in16:01
izinucsheshamwhite, you might look in System>admin>synaptic package manager and search for sis.. see if the drivers are loaded.. if so you may need to edit xorg.conf and see what driver is listed there... you may just have to change it to sis.16:01
rainmanp7ok If I'm installing allot of linux workstations to help a company out and they want to keep the microsoft server with users and usernames etc.. is it possible to have the workstations log into the domain ?16:02
spzjken146: I start in xfc environment, but the desktop is beeing set from xfdesktop to gnome-desktop16:02
ikoniarainmanp7: yes16:02
ikoniarainmanp7: via samba/openldap/kerberos16:02
Slartrainmanp7: it used to be possible.. not sure with vista and all that16:02
erUSUL!samba > rainmanp716:03
ubotturainmanp7, please see my private message16:03
XrcPostHowto disable all tooltips in gnome16:03
h0rnmanheshamwhite:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg .. then try to set your accepted resolutions manually16:03
=== TheOther is now known as Tinyboom
Mikeherfailers: harddisk? i already have windows on and it works like a charm16:04
HUNTER_byteHow to force installation of 32-bit packages from repository for my 64 system? I'd like to do it with aptitude(or similar) so it could pull in depended packages.16:04
Frederickfolks I got ubuntu working great in my box but I want to buy a secon hd and install another distro on it. Can I install the distro, do not install lilo and somehow just reconfiguire lilo automatically from ubuntu?16:04
ikoniaHUNTER_byte: you don't16:04
richyFrederick:You wouldnt jus partition?16:04
ikoniaHUNTER_byte: you install 64bit software on a 64bit system, or 32bit package from teh 32bit repo as they will have been setup to use 32bit compatability libraries on a 64bit system16:04
KarliciousHey. Where is the command line/terminal window on Ubuntu desktop?16:04
izinucsFrederick, you're using lilo?  if it was grub I know on install it will set itself up16:04
failersMikeher no i meant your installation dvd or cd disc is by some reason either broken or unreadeble it can be ubuntu that has problems using the cdrom16:04
BassKozzHello, I have a WOL script (http://pastebin.com/m5199e61a) that I would like to run at bootup; I've added it to /etc/init.d and ran 'update-rc.d wake-NAS.sh default' and rebooted and it worked, however there are 2 problems. (1) it also runs at shutdown, which I DON'T want (2) because it contains "sleep 5m" it also makes my bootup time 5minutes longer... Is there a way to get this script to run in the background at bo16:05
BassKozzotup so that it doesn't make my boot 5minutes longer? and how can I get this to NOT run at shutdown?16:05
ikoniaKarlicious: applicatons -> accessories16:05
Karliciousthank you16:05
Frederickizinucs: it is grub16:05
calcBassKozz: read man update-rc.d16:05
spzjken146: it seems that gnome-desktop starts because of the gnome-powermanager in the xfce-panel16:05
izinucsFrederick, then it's easy.. when you install it will update grub for dual boot..16:05
calcBassKozz: edit the script to remove the sleep 5m16:05
rainmanp7ikonia that dumb usb adapter trennet thing never got picked up on boot I have to put the MAC Address in the router anyway I wanted to see if it would pickup the device and it did but labled it somthing differn't16:05
Frederickizinucs: in fact try-boot ;)16:05
Mikeherfailers: but the disc passes the cd test :s16:05
ikoniarainmanp7: ok16:06
izinucsFrederick, nice.. if you're just playing you might consider doing all that in a VM16:06
calcBassKozz: or set it to be the last thing started in the run level16:06
BassKozzcalc: the 'sleep 5m' line is nessesary because it needs to wait for 5minutes for my NAS to bootup before trying to 'mount -a'16:06
calcBassKozz: ah ok16:06
calcBassKozz: set it to be the last thing in the run level to run16:06
Frederickizinucs: no infact I want to see if gentoo is worth using if there is some real gain on speed and stuff16:06
Jack_SparrowMikeher If you are working on a Dell or HP then reburn the iso at the slowest possible speed.. Yes, even though it passes the self test16:06
failersMikeher ok im not the best person to ask but that error is meaning it have problems reading some data from the cd16:06
BassKozzcalc: does 'man update.rc' explain 'run level' ?16:06
rainmanp7ikonia is there like a plug in and not worry about configuration for hardware webpage16:07
vincent040how to check winedb?16:07
izinucsFrederick, since I think you're compiling everything for your machine, you'll probably see a speed increase..16:07
ikonia!hcl > richy16:07
ubotturichy, please see my private message16:07
ikonia!hcl > rainmanp716:07
ubotturainmanp7, please see my private message16:07
Frederickizinucs: not sure how much I would feel it, as ubuntu is also architecture aimed.16:07
Mikeheri'm using iso recorder v3.. could that be a problem?16:07
failersMikeher if you got plenty of cds home i suggest you should reburn it and use lower speeds16:08
calcBassKozz: not sure where run levels are documented16:08
Jack_SparrowMikeher no, that is a good program.. What type of PC or laptop?16:08
vincent040how to check winedb?16:08
failersMikeher but it still might be that ubuntu just got problems using your cdrom16:08
spexiHi. I got finally x started properly, I started live cd with safe graphics mode. If I now choose to install ubuntu with safe graphics mode, will the first restart be also with safe graphics mode and then I can try reconfigure some settings to get it working normally?16:08
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:08
MikeherJack_Sparrow, failers: i actually used my last cd on ubuntu :P i have a dvd-rw.. i'll try reburning that16:08
zenitMikeher: iso recorder should work, but I have had the same problems as you.16:08
ikoniavincent040: you may want to ask in #winehq for wine specific help16:08
izinucsFrederick, but not built specifically for your machine16:08
Jack_SparrowMikeher  What type of PC or laptop?16:09
failersMikeher if you got a usb stick near by why not use that one :P ?16:09
jken146spexi: no16:09
failersMikeher if your bios ofc support usb boot ^^16:09
zenitMikeher: try to burn the cd in disk at once mode (dao) if you have a program to do it with16:09
zenitMikeher: cdrecord -dao works16:09
GnimshI just wanted to ask about reinstalling when you have /home on its own partition16:09
calcBassKozz: google ubuntu run levels might help you out16:09
zenitor.. burn a dvd :)16:09
Jack_SparrowGnimsh Sure, what is the question16:09
BassKozzcalc: ok, thx16:09
GnimshI'm not sure if I would have to tell the installer to use the pre-existing home partition, and if I did that, if it would be rewritten.16:09
Frederickizinucs: yup16:10
MikeherJack_Sparrow: a laptop.. medion16:10
Gnimshor how to preserve the data on home, and still use it in a new install16:10
jken146Gnimsh: It will only be reqwritten if you tell it to format that partition.  Don't tick that box.16:10
ikoniaGnimsh: back it up - or use /home on a seperate partition16:10
kaankanathi guys :P16:10
Mikeherfailers: i have a usb disc but don't know hos to use it for installing ubuntu16:10
Jack_SparrowGnimsh It will use pre-existing /home, just partition manually select /home for the mount point under manual partitioning and do not put a check in the box that says format this partititon16:10
Frederickbut I need an extra disk I got only 320gb on hd16:10
spexiSo what should I do to get ubuntu working well.. I'm not sure why I get blank screen and "out of range" text but safe graphics mode helps with that..16:10
Fredericktoo few for windows and 2 linux16:11
vincent040:(  no one in the #winehp channel16:11
Frederickas I have a lot of data16:11
Mikeherzenit: cdrecord -dao.. what is that for?16:11
jken146spexi: Is this only with the live cd?16:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin16:11
ikoniavincent040: #winehq16:11
spexijken146: also when I try to start install16:11
vincent040yes, no one in that channel16:11
spexiit load with the scrolling bar and then nothing16:11
failersMikeher http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNetbootin16:11
Gnimshalso, my / partition is 15 BG and it says 1.1 GB is free16:11
jken146spexi: use the alternate CD16:11
GnimshI didn't realize the system took up so much space16:11
failersMikeher its even easier to use then a burning program :D16:11
spexithat cd works with my laptop16:11
Gnimshbut 1.1 GB should be enough right?16:11
cemchi. i just upgraded my ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 on my laptop. now when gnome starts i get some xkb starting error, and my left arrow key isn't working16:11
spexiso I think that it's problem with my 19" lcd/ati hd 385016:12
ikoniaGnimsh: the system by default is just under 2GB16:12
jken146Gnimsh: A fresh install takes about 2.2 GB16:12
zenitMikeher: disk at once mode, that solves the buffer i/o errors for me at least. I burned several cd's and got buffer i/o errors on them, but after the drive settled they were readable.16:12
Gnimshso everything else is probably just repos I added, etc16:12
zenitMikeher: it's of course possible that there is something wrong with the cd you made, but I doubt it since you used iso recorder.16:12
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Jack_SparrowGnimsh YOu need to trim that down.  burn to a cd.. /var/cache/apt/archives16:13
speximaybe ubuntu somehow is thinking my lcd monitor to be bigger than it really is, so that's why it tries wrong resolution or something16:13
Gnimshwhy do I need to save those, Jack_Sparrow?16:13
adam_!terminal > adam_16:13
ubottuadam_, please see my private message16:13
Jack_SparrowGnimsh so you dont have to download them again after you reinstall16:14
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers16:14
Skriptkiddiecan any 1 help me?16:14
Gnimshwhoa neat16:14
GnimshWill that work even between 8.04 and 8.10?16:15
ikoniaSkriptkiddie: if you ask a question we can try16:15
vigoSkriptkiddie: ask away16:15
Gnimshthat entire folder is only 42.8 MB16:15
Skriptkiddieany 1 knows how to make windows transparent in ubuntu?16:15
jken146Gnimsh: you don't need aptoncd if you're just going to use the packages once.  Just copy the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives to a usb stick and back into the same place on the new install.  Then run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade16:16
ikoniaSkriptkiddie: in gnome-termina, do edit, -> profile -> change the profile and move the transparancy slider16:16
jken146Skriptkiddie: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager then run ccsm and play around16:16
izinucsspexi, it typically either the wrong driver, or it's not reading the refresh rates correctly or something when wrong when trying to figure out what the native resolution is.16:16
Jewbaccaanyone here is into video games?16:16
ikoniaJewbacca: why ?16:16
ikoniaJewbacca: does this have to do with ubuntu upport ?16:17
ikoniasupport ?16:17
Jewbaccahmm yes, i want to install enemy territory16:17
Skriptkiddiei tried that all. I need every windows to be transparent16:17
wolterWhy is windows networking so unstable on ubuntu? Sometimes I am able to see shares, others I am not.16:17
ikoniaSkriptkiddie: then you need to use compiz settings manager16:17
Skriptkiddievolta use samba16:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libgphoto16:17
SlartJewbacca: always ask the real question.. starting off with a "does anybody use " or such just creates more text to read16:18
Jewbaccadoes anyone know how to install enemy territory on linux16:18
Skriptkiddiethank you16:18
GnimshSkriptkiddie, its easy with compiz16:18
Dillizardoes any body knows what is  libgphoto ??16:18
SlartJewbacca: yes.. you download a big file from somewhere.. it's an installer.. you run that and it installs the game for you16:18
Gnimshjust hold down alt and pull the mousewheel back16:18
Vincemanwhy doesn't it say how big the programs are in synaptic? nowadays people have overkill big harddisks anyway?16:18
SlartJewbacca: do you have the install file?16:18
Jewbaccayep, but do i need to use the terminal?16:19
izinucsJewbacca, I think you can get a .deb on www.getdeb.net16:19
SlartJewbacca: yes16:19
Jewbaccawhats that?16:19
Skriptkiddiebut how? I tried it many times.16:19
Skriptkiddieany website?16:19
vincent040sorry to bother~ where to check the channel list?16:19
Slart!irc | vincent04016:19
GnimshInstall the compiz settings manager firt16:19
ubottuvincent040: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines16:19
SkriptkiddieI searched google16:19
ikoniavincent040: join #freenode to ask for freenode help16:19
jken146Skriptkiddie: I told you16:19
russia213Anyone willing to give me VERY specific advice?16:19
Gnimshopen up synaptic and type ccsm16:20
Slartvincent040: or /list16:20
Skriptkiddiebut no solution16:20
Slartrussia213: just ask16:20
Jack_SparrowSkriptkiddie /join #compiz     It is easy enough to do16:20
jken146Skriptkiddie: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager, then run ccsm16:20
vigoI wish to make another user account, I do want some admin or root accesses, I wish for the other user to download and play, how do I do that?16:20
Skriptkiddieok I will try16:21
mayanki have compaq, cq40, just installed ubuntu 8.10, but no audio..any can help?16:21
russia213I installed Ubuntu on an external hard drive, and I don't know how to configure/fix Grub and/or my BIOS to boot the external16:21
jken146vigo: Use the Users and Groups thing, in System > Administration.  Tick the box Allow this user to 'administer the system'16:21
vigoThank you16:21
Skriptkiddierussia , can you see the boot menu16:21
mayankwhenever i start ubunttu,,,drum music comes..and continue...............??????????????????16:22
rainmanp7anyone Know if Samba is fast enough to handle undreds or more users at a time ?16:22
russia213ScriptKiddie: No16:22
gordonjcprainmanp7: depends on the server, and the connection16:22
gordonjcprainmanp7: SMB itself typically doesn't scale well to hundreds of users16:22
jken146russia213: can you get into your BIOS setup?16:22
filthpigJewbacca: then ask your question if you're having problems.16:23
Jewbaccaok i got a question, i have DeathAdder mouse, how i set 500hz polling rate and 400dpi? also how to get my G15 keyboard drivers?16:23
Jack_Sparrowrussia213 Install again but this time write grub to the MBR of the internal hard drive16:23
filthpigsorrrrry all16:23
russia213Jack_Sparrow: I need help with that, please be more specific16:23
rainmanp7gordonjcp well if not samba then what should I use ? to ahndle allot of people16:23
filthpighaaa! my scrollbar had stopped following the progression here some time ago. /me runs and hides in shame16:23
Jack_Sparrowrussia213 Install again,                     but this time when the installer asks where to install grub      write grub to the MBR of the internal hard drive16:24
gordonjcprainmanp7: try it and see16:24
mayanki have compaq, cq40, just installed ubuntu 8.10, but no audio..any can help?16:24
Jack_Sparrowrainmanp7 What are you trying to do on that server?16:24
vincent040I /list16:25
Jewbaccahow to install thunderbird on linux16:25
spexiizinucs: ok16:25
StroganoffJewbacca: you have to edit xorg.conf like this guy did: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39303316:26
rainmanp7Jack_Sparrow all the users need to do is login have there own wallpaper etc.. and bookmarks for the internet and there are mabey like 897 users in the windows 2000 server and this company is sick and tired of all the mallware and viruses so they want to try ubuntu16:26
whatevi read that ubuntu has all networking ports by default. how can i open some, say port 80, for installing an apache server?16:26
Dillizarhow can i update my usb drivers16:26
StroganoffJewbacca: you can install thunderbird with synaptic or apt-get16:26
Jewbaccayea apt-get thats terminal, now let me do this myself16:26
Jewbaccadoes the cmd is sudo apt-get install thunderbird16:26
Jewbaccayea im learning ^_^16:26
Stroganoffstop using asian emoticons ;)))16:27
izinucs!resolution | spexi16:27
ubottuspexi: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:27
jamiHi. I have a problem after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10. I'm using a nvidia graphic card and the windows displayed in gnome have no borders and no titlebar. I've read about some solutions but they won't work. If you call a window it will be created with titlebar but after loading it disapears16:27
rainmanp7Kack_Sparrow it has to do with users dowloading all sorts of screwed up crap and slow login like anyware from 15-45 second login times16:28
Commie_Caryis there a alernitive to pluseaudio>16:28
jamino pulseaudio16:28
rainmanp7Jack_Sparrow it has to do with users dowloading all sorts of screwed up crap and slow login like anyware from 15-45 second login times and I can boot ubuntu before they even see there desktop16:29
Commie_Caryjami, but then ill have no sound...16:29
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yao_ziyuani ls /tmp and found there is a "ssh-XXXXXXXXXX" folder16:29
jamiwhy? you can use alsa directly16:29
yao_ziyuanin it there is a file "agent.5745"16:30
yao_ziyuandoes this mean i am hacked?16:30
Commie_Caryjami, if I remove pluseaudio will everything automadicly work16:30
wolterhi, i am having this error <Unable to start backend "smb" - No such file or directory.> while trying to print to a windows machine on my network... what does it mean?16:30
jamihm i don't think it will work automagical16:31
jamiwhich applications you want use16:31
frankiCommie_Cary: i removed pulseaudio a few days ago and everything worked automagically for me, but it depends on your soundcard's ability to hardware mix, i believe..16:31
Commie_Caryfirefox, urban terror, xchat, nxuiz, scortch 3d, and much much more16:31
jamioften there are configuration where you can set soundengine or output plugin16:32
jamipulseaudio is not the same like alsa16:32
wolterCommie_Cary, do you have alsa enabled for all?16:32
jamipulseaudio is a layer above16:32
Commie_Caryjami, well I can just reinstall PA if it dosnt work right16:32
Commie_Carywolf2385, wha?16:32
Commie_Carywell what package is pluseaudio16:33
rainmanp7 I have 3 devices that are USB and 2 Wireless USB adapters I would like see supported. I own them and can scan them etc.. and give reports ->any ideas16:33
Commie_Carywell what package is pluseaudio!16:33
Commie_Caryjami, what package is pluseaudio16:34
blckhi, how can i start servives without login16:34
whatevi read that ubuntu has all networking ports by default. how can i open some, say port 80, for installing an apache server?16:34
jken146blck: put them in initscripts16:34
jamiCommie_Cary  in the pulseaudio package. btw alsaconf unset-pulseaudio / set-pulseaudio16:34
Jack_Sparrowrainmanp7 One suggestion is to buy supported hardware when you are having hundred plus users16:34
blckso same for the internetconnection?16:35
jken146whatev: just install apache16:35
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:35
jken146! apache | whatev16:35
ubottuwhatev: please see above16:35
hardcorelamerwhat package do I install to get the program "aticonfig" ?16:35
TwigathyI have a weird problem with pulseaudio. I have a digital and an analogue output on my sound card and I use pulse to mix together sounds and vomit them out of the digital port. A recent update to pulse seems to have broken this for flash - I get sound from flash out of the analogue outputs and not digital ones, and the pa volume meter shows nothing ...16:35
TwigathyCan anyone help? :D16:35
rainmanp7Kack_Sparrow hehe I know16:35
Commie_Caryjami, what is it called16:35
blckjken146 how to i do that?16:35
rainmanp7Jack_Sparrow hehe I know16:35
Commie_Caryjami, dosnt exist16:35
whatevlamp is a terrible term because postgres is superior open source database to mysql in almost all ways. it's good marketing though for mysql, ugh16:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about init.d16:35
Commie_Cary!info pluseaudio intrepid16:35
ubottuPackage pluseaudio does not exist in intrepid16:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about initscript16:36
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:36
Jack_Sparrowrainmanp7 Seriously, you can save yourself a lot of headaches and frustration16:36
Jewbaccaok i got a question, i have DeathAdder mouse, how i set 500hz polling rate and 400dpi? also how to get my G15 keyboard drivers? the forum link you gave me, i dont understand a thing there sorry16:36
blckso link them into init.d?16:36
jamiCommie_Cary: aptitude show pulseaudio returns nothing?16:36
wodenDoes anyone know of an ERD Commander type program that runs on linux?16:36
Commie_Caryjami, bash: alsaconf: command not found16:36
jamisry asoundconf16:36
komputesAfter pairing a bluetooth headset, how can I test audio input/output to the device?16:37
whatevwoden what's ERD16:37
rainmanp7Jack_Sparrow I know but when people have already bought stupid shit it makes me wonder ,and sometimes I even try to do that but I don't do that lol or rather sometimes16:37
whateventity relational diagram?16:37
=== ThatMole1 is now known as ThatMole
jamientity relationship diagram16:38
filthpigJewbacca: afaik the G15 driver is available in the repos (sudo apt-get search logitech g15), the mouse part I'm not sure about, but you might have to edit xorg.conf. Tried google?16:38
nanotubewhatev: lol, probably not...16:38
komputesAnyone here use a bluetooth headset?16:38
filthpigkomputes: I've tried to, at least ;)16:38
rainmanp7Jack_Sparrow Like sometimes I will go over and someone wants me to fix a windows thing then I'm telling them about linux stuff and they always seem to have some fcked up hardware running or cheap cheap hardware installed and there turning around and telling me how much they spent on the machine and it should be running like a Gold Medalist16:38
komputesfilthpig: how far did you get?16:38
mneptokkomputes: second base.16:38
Jewbaccafilthpig: i google but i just dont get what they want :(16:39
filthpigkomputes: I have got it to work on hardy, but the sound quality out was quite poor16:39
wodenwhatev:  It's a boot CD that you run on your computer and it lets you change the password on your windows administrator account.  You never heard of ERD Commander?16:39
wolterwas cupsys replaced by cupsys?16:39
rainmanp7Jack_Sparrow Like a Gold Medalist Super Computer and doing everything they need... and it's always someones fault rofl!!! what do you say to that ?16:39
nanotubewoden: ah, in that case, you can use any linux livecd to boot from.16:39
nomegohow can I check what packages depend on a specific package?16:40
whatev what's the diff between dmesg and boot.log?16:40
noone00110011Does anyone know of any program to make a resume that works with ubuntu. I'm kind of new...16:40
nanotubewoden: and no, never heard of erd commander... it seems like it's just your regular livecd, but with windows? :)16:40
wodennanotube:  Yea, but is there a linux program that does what I want?16:40
komputesfilthpig: you got it to pair and it worked with any program on hardy or did you only test it with a specific program?16:40
filthpigkomputes: and it also depends on your headset if it's easy to fix or not :( Bluetooth audio is a mess. You can try fetching BlueMan which made my day back on hardy16:40
mneptoknoone00110011: any text editor16:40
Jack_Sparrowrainmanp7 Where there is a fault.. there is a reason..16:40
nanotubewoden: yes, it's called a text editor to edit the /etc/passwd file :)16:40
KenBW2on login i get an error: ""User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored...", but i can still log in. I can't find a ~/.dmrc file, so i suspect that's the problem. What should I do?16:40
wodennanotube, yea its a livecd with a windows environment, but the thing i want is the app that lets you change admin password on the windows install.16:40
Commie_Caryjami, no pluseaudio]\16:40
rainmanp7Jack_Sparrow hehe me knows16:40
filthpigkomputes: used it with skype and it worked. quite a lot of tweaking was needed though16:40
wodennanotube:  No it's a change of the password on the local windows hard drive.16:41
JenniferB2what is the grouping word of letters, numbers,!*/  and etc in the English language? tokens ?16:41
nanotubewoden: oh you want to change a /windows/ password using a linux bootcd, is that what youre saying?16:41
komputesfilthpig: ok, i'll try to reproduce that in jaunty (which apparently has much better BT support)16:41
wodennanotube:  Yep.16:41
nanotubehuh, well, in that case... just use erd commander :)16:42
nanotubewoden: if it's windows, and erd commander works on it, why not use it?16:42
wodennanotube:  I don't want to use erd commander though.  I want to know if there a program that runs on linux that has the equivalent functionality.16:42
nanotubewoden: why are you looknig for something else?16:42
jamiwoden: dia16:42
nanotubewoden: ah so you have a dual boot system, and you want to access the windows partition and change the password there?16:43
JenniferB2what is the grouping word of letters, numbers,!*/  and etc in the English language? tokens ?16:43
wodennanotube:  Because I have a custom linux live cd that I am using that has a bunch of other tools on it like clonezilla, gparted, and a special shredding program for hard drives, and I want to add this other tool also.16:43
wodenjami:  dia?16:43
jamino forget it16:43
rainmanp7woden why not use wine and hack the registry for the user and whipe out the user login section ?16:43
nanotubewoden: aha, in that case... you are looking for program called "chntpw"16:43
filthpigkomputes: Lets hope it does :) I think the ubuntu development should focus more on smaller details in the upcoming releases, such as bluetooth and other periferal devices, because in my opinion that's the last thing keeping them back from really making a serious claim on the desktop market16:43
nanotubewoden: (stands for "change nt password" :) )16:44
KenBW2on login i get an error: ""User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored...", but i can still log in. I can't find a ~/.dmrc file, so i suspect that's the problem. What should I do?16:44
nanotubewoden: see this link for some info: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml16:44
NicDumZnanotube, what about rm -Rf windows/ ?16:44
wodennanotube:  Ok thanks for finding that16:44
rainmanp7woden find the encrypted file it sotres and smoke that 2 because it will rebuild the login information somtimes trying to find the encrypted file or files or infromation stored in the registry16:44
nanotubewoden: sorry wrong link16:44
nanotubewoden: http://rhadimas.wordpress.com/2006/10/15/reset-windows-password-w-knoppix/16:44
wodennanotube:  Thanks again16:44
nanotubeNicDumZ: haha, that's also a good one. :)16:44
nanotubewoden: no prob, good luck :)16:44
JuJuBeeI have an external monitor conencted to my laptop. I cant seem to get it to set to 1280x1024.  I used xrandr it shows 1024x768 as teh maximum, but it used to do 1280x1024.16:45
nanotubeprince hello 2u216:45
Azazel-AZUnable to print to CUPS server printer from Open Office, printer not shown as an option, any help would be appreciated.16:46
unitedpotsmokershello and good evening..16:47
ktHey all, have a question about a trac configuration on ubuntu, may I ask here?16:48
Azazel-AZeverning.  Can anyone help with inability to print to cups server from open office?16:48
Jack_Sparrownanotube There are stand alone disks out there that are much easier than doing it than from a knoppix livecd16:48
Level_5anyone here had success with broadcom bcm4312 wireless card configuration? If so please help16:48
nanotubeJack_Sparrow: yes... he was asking for a specific tool he could use from linux to change a windows password on a windows partition. i told him about chntpw, and pointed to the link as an example of its usage.16:48
woltergreat, my cups doesn't work.16:49
wolterwould it be safe to restart cups/16:49
Jack_Sparrownanotube good link btw16:49
nanotubeJack_Sparrow: he is not using knoppix himself, he just wanted to know the tool16:49
nanotubeJack_Sparrow: indeed... and it happened to be the second hit in a google search for "linux change windows password". :)16:49
Azazel-AZI connect fine and set my default printer but open office doesn't see the cups networked printer16:49
Jack_Sparrownanotube I have used my stand alone password eraser countless times..16:49
nanotubeJack_Sparrow: do you really forget your windows password that much? :)16:50
wolterAzazel-AZ, go under System > Administration > Printing16:50
unitedpotsmokerscan someone show me how to load my wallpaper automatically when i log in ubuntu. the picture locatted in drive d (document). what i can do i need to open (mount) the drive first then the picture will display.. how to set my wallpaper load automatically16:50
Azazel-AZI did this, even printed a test page, but printer does not show up under open office16:50
wolterAzazel-AZ, hm..16:50
mib_5k898iI am having a problem booting from Ubuntu server CD, I tried both 8.04 and 8.10, after choosing install ubuntu server I get a black screen with a white cursor... thats as far as it goes.16:50
Azazel-AZthe samba ones do show, but not the non local cups ones16:50
mib_5k898iThe same CD's work perfect in any other machine16:51
gfatherhelo guys16:51
gfatherwell i want to delete some files from my sd16:51
jken146unitedpotsmokers: see psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux for instructions on adding that partition to fstab16:51
gfatherbut i get permision denied ., how can i delete them from command16:51
Azazel-AZCan anyone help me figure out what it wrong with this command, I want to see if this is a work around16:52
Azazel-AZssh -L 631:localhost:631 vincent@abaddon16:52
rdw200169hardcorelamer, xorg-driver-fglrx16:52
MasukaI lost it16:54
Masukasomeone help me16:54
FloodBot1Masuka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
MasukaOMF i lost all of it16:54
jamissh -NfL 631:localhost:631 vincent@abaddon16:54
Bubba69Anybody know what is wrong if 'n get a blue screen on my ubuntu boot?16:54
SlartMasuka: calm down.. you'll only get kicked and banned if you keep this up16:54
MasukaPLEASE HELP ME!!! its all gone :(16:54
MasukaFucking IP tables16:54
komputesAzazel-AZ: ssh -LN 631:localhost:631 vincent@<IP_address>16:54
veritosIs there any particular reason to leave the 'lp' module in /etc/modules if I don't even have a parallel port?16:54
Masukahow do i reconstruct them16:55
SlartMasuka: ok, that's it.. I'm not helping you until you calm down16:55
MasukaZMG my boss is going to kill me :(16:55
wodenhttp://home.eunet.no/pnordahl/ntpasswd/  This thing is command-line.  Is there a GUI equivalent?16:55
unitedpotsmokersthanks jken146  i will try16:55
mib_5k898iI am having a problem booting from Ubuntu server CD, I tried both 8.04 and 8.10, after choosing install ubuntu server I get a black screen with a white cursor... thats as far as it goes. any Ideas?16:55
Azazel-AZssh -NL 631:localhost:631 vincent@abaddon; Could not request local forwarding16:55
spideryummyis there a danger if my application will restart dbus? (/etc/init.d/dbus restart) ??16:55
Bubba69lol Masuka ur a idiot16:55
Slartmib_5k898i: tried using noapic, noacpi etc etc?16:56
Bubba69Rather not do linux16:56
Masuka*an idiot you fucktard :/16:56
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:56
Bubba69What, linux ppl has families?16:56
SlartBubba69: if you don't have anything constructive to say being silent would be the better option16:56
mib_5k898ihow do I do no ACPI?16:57
jamiAzazel-AZ: and your nameserver knows about abaddon ?16:57
Slartmib_5k898i: it's a boot option.. hang on.. let me find a nice webpage about it16:57
Slartmib_5k898i: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions16:57
mib_5k898iwhen I boot to rescue system it stops on TIMER apic=1 ...16:57
Slartmib_5k898i: it's got pictures and everything =)16:57
StOrM_NWanyone know if the usb dongle (Hercules) HWGUSB2-54 is working stable at ubuntu 8.10 ... using ad-hoc mode?16:57
mib_5k898iThats great, thank you16:58
Azazel-AZno name server.  hosts.conf is manually set. abaddon abaddon.domain so it resolves fine16:58
Slartmib_5k898i: I would try "noacpi" first.. see if that works16:58
nomegohow can I check which packages depend on a certain package?16:58
Azazel-AZssh -L 631:localhost:631 me@abaddon works but I don't see printers under system --> admin --> printers when I connect to localhost16:59
hardcorelamerso, seems like the free r300 radeon driver has a two year old bug in it, and the nonfree fglrx driver has a bug in it... does anyone use ati gfx under ubuntu?16:59
spideryummyquestion: I have now ubuntu 8.10 and I am regularly updating my files via web synaptics..Will I keep my ubuntu at par with any later version release such as version 12..in the future..i mean, iL just stick with 8.10 and update it always....so i wont have to reinstall16:59
komputesAzazel-AZ: try localhost:631 perhaps?16:59
nomegospideryummy: update manager will tell you when a new release arrives16:59
bfigi'm having a problem with two things. first and most important, madwifi uninstalls itself after a couple logins (or blasts modprobe to hell), then i also have a problem where two roguelike games open in windows that are too big for my resolution and i don't know how to resize them16:59
IntuitiveNipplenomego: apt-cache rdepends <package>17:00
Slartspideryummy: nope.. debian works that way.. if you just keep updating you'll still be running intrepid... but there will be an "update to next version" button when it's released17:00
jamikomputes and where is the source port of the tunnel17:00
nomegoIntuitiveNipple: thank you17:00
Jewbaccain windows xp, i could enter my ftp from the explorer, how can i enter my ftp with ubuntu?17:00
jamithe same way17:00
spideryummySlart: you mean, i can jump from 8.10 to 9.0 by just updating via synaptics??17:00
SlartJewbacca: there is a "places" menu you can use.. or do the same thing in nautilus17:00
nomegoIntuitiveNipple: is there a way to only show installed packages?17:01
Slartspideryummy: yes.. there will be a little button when the new version is released17:01
komputesjami: source ->631:localhost:631<- dest17:01
g_Is there a ppc live cd for intrepid or hardy?17:01
komputesjami: more like local/remote17:01
Slartspideryummy: I think you can see it in the upgrade documentation.. try typing !upgrade here in the channel for some info from the bot17:01
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ17:01
Jack_Sparrowg_ no but there is #ubuntu-powerpc17:01
IntuitiveNipplenomego: apt-cache --installed rdepends <package>17:01
Azazel-AZbad local specificiation 'localhost:631'  I'm confident the format is local_port:local_ip:remote_port user_name@remote_ip17:02
hardcorelamerhow do you find the version of an installed package?17:02
IntuitiveNipplenomego: It helps to use the man pages: "man apt-cache"17:02
nomegoIntuitiveNipple: oh yeah, sorry17:02
bfigi'm having a problem with two things. first and most important, madwifi uninstalls itself after a couple logins (or blasts modprobe to hell), then i also have a problem where two roguelike games open in windows that are too big for my resolution and i don't know how to resize them17:02
Slarthardcorelamer: apt-cache policy will give you some info17:02
IntuitiveNipplehardcorelamer: dpkg-query -s <package>17:02
komputesg_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/8.10/release/17:02
spideryummyif i add a new dbus service, must I restart the dbus for it take effect??17:03
woltercan somebody help me with the drivers for "Epson Stylus Photo R200"? I don't find any.17:03
g_komputes what link is that?17:04
mib_5k898iacpi=off worked! Thank you17:04
Azazel-AZhttp://staff.washington.edu/corey/fw/ssh-port-forwarding.html ok, I did this ugh..17:04
Slartwolter: there might not be any available.. have you looked at http://linuxprinting.org?17:04
Slartmib_5k898i: you're welcome17:04
Slartmib_5k898i: read through on how to add that permanently so you don't have to do it manually every time17:04
Duk_workikonia: alright, it seemed to have autorun a mysqldump and is now taring a few things....17:05
Duk_workikonia: this is the time that it is reported to be down17:05
komputesg_: ppc cd for intrepid17:06
Azazel-AZok ssh -L 632:localhost:631 me@remote does work and I can connect, but open office is only looking at 631 on localhost :(  the cups server on localhost is conflicting with the attempted capture and forwarding on 63117:06
komputesg_: oh sorry, but it's not a LiveCD17:06
Duk_workroot      2585  2547  0 Jan18 ?        00:00:00 logger -p daemon.err -t mysqld_safe -i -t mysqld17:06
g_is there a program that can make a ppc live cd in ubuntu?17:06
blckwhat should i put into the /etc/hosts.allow for samba?17:07
komputesAzazel-AZ: should have seen that one ;p (although it never happened to me)17:07
albuntuhello to all. when i try to compile a c file i get some warnings. can someone please point me in to the right direction on what headers are missing ? here it is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/113690/  Thank you17:07
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:07
Jack_Sparrowg_ no17:08
IntuitiveNipplealbuntu: You'd need to show your source code too!17:08
jamialbuntu: and the code17:08
Azazel-AZtheory confirmed.  sudo pkill cups; sudo ssh -L 631:localhost:631 me@remote and now open office see the printer :(17:08
albuntuIntuitiveNipple: ok. i'll give it to you17:08
spideryummyalbuntu: code17:08
Jack_Sparrowg_ For help with that................   /join #ubuntu-powerpc17:08
wolteri plugged my printer and everything was automatically detected, then, after reinstalling cups, i plug it and i get to choose the drivers manually, which do not exist. is there some package i need to install?17:08
Azazel-AZwolter hp printer?17:09
albuntuhere it is the source code http://paste.ubuntu.com/113693/17:09
qdiihello. I've got an USB drive whhich name, when mounted, is automatically "My Passport". I wonder how one can change that ?17:09
wolterAzazel-AZ, epson stylus photo r200 (there are only drivers for photo 750, but there used to be for my printer.17:09
Slartqdii: change the label for it17:10
jamialbuntu: oha17:10
qdiiwhat command do you use to do that Slart ?17:10
Slartqdii: there are different tools to do that depending on what file system it uses17:10
albuntuqdii: i change the label using gparted. its in system , administration , partition editor17:10
Azazel-AZyeah, I intentionally bought HP this time.  http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/hplip as hp maintains a commerical drive for linux.  Sorry, can't help with the epson17:10
qdiiSlart right now it's formatted on vfat17:10
IntuitiveNipplealbuntu: on line 49 you're comparing the pointer, not the derefenced value: it should be *ptr < ( ...17:11
albuntujami: sorry for the ignorance. what do you mean by oha17:11
Slartqdii: gparted might be the easiest..  I think mtools does it for fat drives17:11
qdiiokay i'll check it out . thanks for the fast&deadly accurate  answer :)17:11
jamialbuntu: nothing only too much asm :)17:11
dou213hi, why isn't this channel logged officially at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ ?17:11
Jack_Sparrowdou213 it is17:12
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/17:12
albuntuIntuitiveNipple: i have to change that line from "for (; ptr <" to "for *ptr <" ?17:12
wolterAzazel-AZ, its fixed now, I just had to install the cups-drivers-guttenprint or something like that17:12
jamialbuntu: line 49 you really want to compare integer with a pointeraddress17:12
dou213Jack_Sparrow, thx just saw it :)17:12
PurityOfEssenceHello. How can I read the messages that appear at boot once they have gone off the screen?17:12
IntuitiveNipplealbuntu: For the "missing sentinel" I think it is because you're passing "0" not "(char *)0" to execl()17:13
guuPurityOfEssence:  dmesg17:13
Azazel-AZgodo news and bad news.  been saying I was low on ink.  I'm our of magenta when printgin black.  ugh, what a waste of a color cartridge but I shouldhave a full reserve of black then :017:14
albuntuIntuitiveNipple: i know you will laugh at me but i have no idea of c. i just wanted to get that file compiled so can you please tell me the exact things i have to change in there ? thank you17:14
mib_5k898iWhen I try to partition it sticks at 33%, I tried use whole disk.17:14
PurityOfEssenceI mean the init messages, not the kernel messages17:14
PurityOfEssenceeg. starting x [FAIL]17:14
=== squidly_ is now known as squidly
zimbresIs the make utility installed by default? How would I install it from apt-get install?17:14
Slartzimbres: sudo apt-get install build-essential17:14
mib_5k898ithis is on a scsi raid 5, not sure if that matters17:14
Slartzimbres: I think that does it17:14
ikoniazimbres: install the automake package17:14
jamialbuntu: how do you no that there is a header file missing17:15
PurityOfEssencezimbres, for any program, type it in the terminal, it will tell you what package you need to install17:15
erUSULzimbres: buid-essential includes make and other packages for building c progams from source17:15
judgenwhat is the keyboard shortcut to witch workspaces?17:15
PurityOfEssencecontrol alt left / right judgen17:15
jamialbuntu: there are only warnings17:15
Slartjudgen: ctrl+alt+left or right arrow?17:15
judgenPurityOfEssence: does not work17:15
albuntujami: i googled a little about a file i compiled before and adding a header to that file solved my problem before. os i just thought. i was not sure about that :)17:16
IntuitiveNipplealbuntu: I did just tell you!17:16
PurityOfEssencecheck in gnome shortcuts system / preferences /keyboard shortcuts17:16
Moodhow come "sudo echo 'TEST' > README.txt" fails?17:16
judgenPurityOfEssence: im in that preferences pane, and does not see anything regarding worspace swtiching17:16
SlartMood: becayse only the echo part is done as root.. not the redirection to the file17:16
judgenPurityOfEssence: what would be a proper entry?17:16
SlartMood: look at "tee"17:16
MoodSlart: ok thank you17:17
Frederickfolks ive installed a new hd how do I do ubuntu add it to fstab?17:17
PurityOfEssencejudgen if you are using gnome, the entries are switch to work space left and switch to workspace right17:17
balrog__how do i change to using sun java instead of gcj?17:17
SlartMood: you're welcome17:17
erUSULbalrog__: sudo update-alternatives --config java17:17
judgenPurityOfEssence: those entries does not exist17:17
mib_5k898iWhen I try to partition it sticks at 33%, Is there anything special I need to do for a scsi raid 5?17:17
KenBW2what happened to the Device Manager-like app Gutsy used to have?17:18
PurityOfEssenceyes they do, under window management, what versions are you running?17:18
balrog__erUSUL: thanks.17:18
judgenPurityOfEssence: jaunty17:18
za119hey is ssh a TCP protocoll?17:18
famioi need from someone with experience on netfilter/iptables for a simple port forwarding that isn't working17:18
za119famio ... one word firehol17:18
naratyIs anyone familiar with DD-WRT router firmware , i am trying to run 2 SSID system based on it and I am having problems with DNSMasq and second wl0.1 interface. Can anyone help me ?17:18
PurityOfEssencessh uses tcp port 2217:18
famioza119 what's that?17:18
za119famio I have lost my mind with iptables... just reasearch and deploy firehol17:18
goldeliteHi; I can't get my Realtek 8169 Gigabit card working...ifup just compains "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Invalid argument" and nothing I can find on the internet helps...does anyone here have any pointers?17:18
jamialbuntu: the compiler will only halt on errors and without errors i can't help17:18
za119famio I connect to my ubuntu server through ssh, so I only have a CLI command of my server, and I use firehol to take care of my firewall... it does everything for your once you configure its SIMPLE  config file17:19
famioza119 looking at it...menawhile if someone can help with direct iptables would be so nice17:19
bfigi'm having a problem with two things. first and most important, madwifi uninstalls itself after a couple logins (or blasts modprobe to hell), then i also have a problem where two roguelike games open in windows that are too big for my resolution and i don't know how to resize them17:19
judgenWhat is the command for the preferences then?17:20
wikkedfindoes the driver in ubuntu 8.10 support ath9k g/n support?17:20
linuxman410KenBW2 you can install device manager sudo apt-get install gnome-device-manager17:20
jon_high9000hi there. i am currently on DSL but expecting to possibly downgrade to slower connection in June. i have been looking for a way to backup the upgrades/updates and the operating system in general. any ideas?17:20
famioza119 problem is, for just *one* port forwarding i'll have to install a full package, is only a couple of iptables statements, even more: the port opens, but it shows as "filtered" (on nmap) and i can't connect to it whatsoever17:21
jamiza119: The configuration of iptables is also simple17:21
albuntujami: yes i know that. the file gets compiled. i just wanted to know if the warnings make any difference in the functions of the file. there is no problem if the warnings doesnt affect what the file has to do17:21
KenBW2linuxman410: thanks17:22
IntuitiveNipplealbuntu: The warnings mean the program won't work as expected17:22
linuxman410you are welcome17:22
za119famio very true.. the simple way would be to do iptables i guess.. but just from personal experience i got sick of those17:22
mikeshollenSometimes when I open a program or a window, it gets off the screen and I can't see the minimize, maximize and close buttons, nor can I grab the title bar and move the window.  How can I get around this problem?17:23
albuntuIntuitiveNipple: than i have to find a way on how to resolve them17:23
IntuitiveNipplealbuntu: I already told you how to solve all the problems... scroll back and reread17:23
unitedpotsmokershey guys, how to know a version type of ubuntu that we currently using now?17:23
IntuitiveNippleunitedpotsmokers: lsb_release -a17:23
jamialbuntu: its difficult because i'm not the programmer. What I can say is that the comparison between integer and uncasted pointer are not a good idea17:24
albuntuIntuitiveNipple: thank you. i read what you said but i cant understand them because i dont understand c. i just wanted to get that file compiled17:24
IntuitiveNipplealbuntu: on line 49 you're comparing the pointer, not the derefenced value: it should be *ptr < ( ...17:24
IntuitiveNipplealbuntu: For the "missing sentinel" I think it is because you're passing "0" not "(char *)0" to execl()17:24
jamialbuntu: execute them you will see the quality ;)17:24
Jack_Sparrowalbuntu Find a programming channel.  this is not the place for you to work out those issues17:24
janisozaurhi! i'm updating my home server to ubuntu 8.10 (desktop) and i'm having some problems with my network card. it's an old SFF compaq with integrated NIC that worked perfectly fine in my previous installation (i think it was ubuntu 7.04) and even after first boot with new system. however now i have to issue a manual start for this interface (that's not good, my parents can't handle linux and it's our home gateway). Pastes: dmesg (filtered f17:25
albuntuJack_Sparrow: you are right. sorry. IntuitiveNipple and jami thank you very much17:25
doktor! ubuntu-it | lol17:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-it17:26
mihaalbuntu warnings are warnings. errors are errors. most C code around has lots of warnings. means type checking is not done properly, but could work, if programmer knew what he/she was doing17:26
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Torikunjanisozaur: you can add the module to /etc/modules17:26
doktor! @ubuntu-it | lol17:26
jamiI have a problem after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10. I'm using a nvidia graphic card and the windows displayed in gnome have no borders and no titlebar. I've read about some solutions but they won't work. If you call a window it will be created with titlebar but after loading it disapears17:26
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:26
mihaalbuntu: after all pointer is just a memory address.. and CPU doesnt exactly care if C code labels it as char* or void*17:26
janisozaurTorikun: e100?17:26
Torikunnot sure the drive name17:27
Jack_Sparrowmiha Please drop the topic17:27
janisozaurTorikun: according to dmesg it should be this one17:27
Torikunadd that17:27
za119hey whats the terminal command to find infor about your system real quick17:27
janisozaurok, be back soon, have to restart17:28
ekimus_hi, I got myself the 8.10 i386 DVD image, and per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview there should be an OEM option available (as I understand it) -- am I missing something or is OEM only for LTS releases available?17:28
erUSULza119: what type of info ?17:28
doktorthank's captain!17:28
jamiza119: uname -a17:28
za119erUSUL operating system info, hardware info, versions etc...17:28
s0101Does anbody have a cluehow to make a firmware update for dlink 604 connected to Ubuntu?17:28
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erUSULza119: uname -a && lshw && lspci && lsusb && lsb_release -a17:29
erUSULza119: ;P17:29
jamiza119: dmesg17:29
mihas0101 generally you get appropriate new image and upload it to router over web interface. take right, compatible image and always upload it over cable, never over wireless. if something goes wrong doing upgrade, you have dead router and you will have much problems restoring it:)17:30
mib_5k898iWhen I try to partition it sticks at 33%, I tried manually creating the partitions, same problem17:30
blip-hi all,  after moving to the kernel from the repos of ubuntu 8.04 I lost sound on my server machine.  any ideas how to go about resolving this ?17:30
mihas0101 did that with linksys, not dlink17:30
jamimib_5k898i: have u checked the device17:31
s0101it says on the web that there  should  doit straight from the router settings but in my router i only have the option to upload the correct file17:31
jamimib_5k898i: fsck17:31
unitedpotsmokersthanks IntuitiveNipple , it work17:31
mib_5k898ii will try that17:31
mihas0101 no idea, and personally i didnt like dlink routers i saw :)17:31
mib_5k898ido i have to have ubuntu installed to do that?17:32
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jamimib_5k898i: live cd17:32
KenBW2i want to get my TV card working with Ubuntu, but don't know where to start. Can anyone help?17:32
on-the-wayis it possible to install both windows and ubuntu on the same PC?17:32
_VIM_miha: the new dlinks are nice :)17:32
marcini need  the fonts.txt file  from there : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4456&highlight=sub+pixel+font+rendering17:32
marcincould you ?17:32
jim_pKenBW2, by identifying it perhaps...          pastebin the output of lspci17:33
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jamiKenBW2: detect your cards chipset. install driver/tuner. install tvtime and done17:33
mihakenbw2 you sure kernel didnt recognize automatically?17:33
s0101which one would  you say is the best  to buy if  you are looking at  prices between 50-80 euro?17:33
mihajust try tvtime17:33
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s0101i dont need wireless17:33
KenBW2miha: thats what i mean - i dont know17:33
jim_pon-the-way, yes, provided that you have a large drive and know what partitioning is17:33
mihakenbw2: dmesg | less17:34
s0101but i  want a good options regarding settings ports block etc17:34
mihaand check if anything is about video or tv17:34
Azazel-AZopen office and remote cups printing.  if anyone in intrested the answer is to goto system --> admin --> printing and add a lpp printer and that will add a remote printer to the local cups server :D  later all17:34
janisozaurTorikun: i didn't help. this interface didn't start, even though the module is now loaded (without manually settig iface up)17:34
Torikunhow would you start the interface now to make it work>17:34
KenBW2jim_p, miha: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2403217:34
mihas0101 i'm part of fanclub of linksys linux routers + dd-wrt or tomato :) my answer might be biased :)17:34
janisozaurTorikun: ifconfig eth0 up netmask
Torikunjanisozaur: add it to /etc/rc.local17:35
janisozaurTorikun: /etc/network/interfaces contains entry that should start it17:35
Torikunand it will do it at boot17:35
jim_pKenBW2, give me a sec to google17:35
jamiKenBW2: Brooktree you need bttv17:35
s0101I need it to have a good connection to the other computer on the router so i have a  clue what my  kids  do on the web, on my dlink somebody told me i cant use  wireshark17:36
KenBW2jim_p jami: on Windows i founbd out it was AverMedia DVB-T 77117:36
mihakenbw2 do you have /dev/video0 and you dont have webcam too?17:36
IntuitiveNippleKenBW2: can you redo that so we see the device IDs as well?  lspci -nn17:36
janisozaurTorikun: when does this script execute? i have a firewall and dhcpd depending on that interface, so i would like it to start prior to them17:36
jim_pKenBW2, doesnt the bttv module work for it?                sudo modprobe bttv                      and open a video capture app live tvtime to check17:37
on-the-wayjim_p: is there any specific steps to be followed?17:37
s0101I only see my computer  network  traffic with wireshark17:37
KenBW2jim_p: sudo modprobe bttv outputs nothing#17:37
jamijim_p: don't forget modprobe tuner17:37
jim_pon-the-way, hmmmmm... make 1 partition for ubuntu, one for the swap and install17:37
jaminothing is a good sign17:37
qdiis0101: wireshark will only give you the rough network data, it's a network-admin oriented tool17:38
mihas0101 well linux based routers are linux based, 2.4 kernel+busybox, you can ssh to them and do iptables if you like17:38
jim_pKenBW2, good!17:38
mihas0101 with closed source you get what they offer you17:38
KenBW2jami, jim_p: so what now17:38
on-the-wayjim_p: actually i don't know exactly how to do this17:38
jamiKenBW2: test it17:38
jim_pKenBW2, open a video capture app like tvtime and check17:38
KenBW2IntuitiveNipple: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2403317:38
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Torikunjanisozaur: that is your system startup script17:39
jim_pon-the-way, you will need a partition making app17:39
on-the-wayjim_p: will u help me please?17:39
Torikunjanisozaur: put any special commands in there and it will be executed at boot17:39
jim_pon-the-way, sure, can i pm you?17:39
xsgHow do i enable the cube effect in ubuntu 9.0417:39
KenBW2jim_p, jami: how will i know if it's working?17:39
s0101sounds good to me, but is there a good way for me today using my dlink 604 router to see exactly whats going on in the other end?17:39
_VIM_s0101: most newer dlinks have parental controls in the routers config17:40
jim_pKenBW2, with some video capturing app like tvtime!!!17:40
on-the-wayjim_p: sorry i didn't understand your question17:40
KenBW2jim_p: i have it open17:40
jamiKenBW2: <jim_p> KenBW2, with some video capturing app like tvtime!!!17:40
jamisorry i'm too lazy17:40
mihatvtime firsts needs you to run tvtime-scanner, check tvtime site for example:)17:40
jim_pKenBW2, doesnt it have options? i never had a tvcard on my pc to tell you how each app works17:40
janisozaurTorikun: i know, but will it start before or after /etc/rc0.d/K89shorewall and /etc/rc1.d/K40dhcp3-server ?17:40
mihawith tuners you dont just get video17:40
mihayou must tune them first17:40
mihalike on tv17:40
mihareal tv17:41
jim_pon-the-way, can i analyse the partitioning procedure in a private message?17:41
xsgHow do i enable the cube effect in ubuntu 9.0417:41
jamimiha:thats why modprobe tuner17:41
KenBW2jim_p: does tvtime have DVB?17:41
Torikunjanisozaur:  Not sure, I think after. You can always tell /etc/rc.local to turn on service instead of the standard way17:41
IntuitiveNippleKenBW2: useful info... to determine what driver supports hardware, get the PCI vendor:device ID (in this case you'll see 109e:036e) and search the kernel's pcimap: "grep -i '109e.*036e' /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.pcimap"17:41
jim_pxsg, ask in ubuntu+117:41
jim_pxsg, are you on ati?17:41
KenBW2IntuitiveNipple: that all means nothing to me17:41
xsgi have nvidia17:41
Level_5anyone here got experience with setting up a broadcom wireless card bcm4312 rev 2?17:41
jim_pKenBW2, i dont know17:41
on-the-wayjim_P: sure, i use pidgin, so shall i add u?17:42
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Sa[i]nTHow do I change a folders owner to me instead of root with the terminal?17:42
KenBW2jim_p: it's scanning the channels but picking nothing up17:42
janisozaurTorikun: are rcX.d files ran in alphabetical order? if so i could put a symlink there, because starting firewall is a bit lenghty process17:42
jim_pon-the-way, wait! what irc app do you use now?17:42
jim_pKenBW2, is it connected to some antenna?17:42
KenBW2jim_p: yea17:42
jamiKenBW2: paste your lsmod17:42
jim_pKenBW2, then i cant help more17:43
jamiKenBW2: try sudo modprobe tuner17:43
xsgi have nvidia17:43
KenBW2jami: sudo modprobe tuner output nothing17:43
jamiKenBW2: scan again17:43
Torikunjanisozaur: Ubuntu has a funky way of managing services, disable it with the GUI and tel /etc/rc.local to turn it on17:43
on-the-wayjim_p: i use irc.freenode.org server17:43
Torikunjanisozaur: X wil stil load before /etc/rc.local is done17:44
jim_pon-the-way, on which application? if you take a close look you will see a window or a tab with my message in17:44
KenBW2jim_p: thanks anyway17:45
Sa[i]nTHow do I change a folders owner to me instead of root with the terminal?17:45
jim_pKenBW2, you are welcome17:45
KenBW2jami: lsmod: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2403417:45
SxNDaveHi all, I have a problem. How is it possible to stop a program I ran from console that is stuck in a infinate loop?17:45
KenBW2SxNDave: killall <appname>17:45
carpii_Sa[i]nT, chown username.username dirname -R17:45
janisozaurTorikun: weird, this service manager says that shorewall firewall is already turned off. Could it be because it's not running currently?17:46
jamiKenBW2: hm looks good17:46
Knoedel2hi, all i'm trying to compile a kernel and getting this msg: http://rafb.net/p/13PKVc78.html17:46
musikgoat|mainSxNDave: or check ps -aux  for the pid of the program, and sudo kill -9 pid17:46
KenBW2jami: what have you established from that?17:46
Jewbaccawhat sudo nautilus does?17:47
_VIM_dont use sudo use gksu for that Jewbacca17:47
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:47
mikesholle1Where can I get some assistance on installing Mac-On-Linux?17:47
CaesiHi.. anyone know a PDF client where I can change the background and font colours?17:47
Jewbaccawhat does that mean _VIM_ :o17:48
SxNDaveKenBW2: I tried that but it says no process killed17:48
jamiKenBW2: ich see i2c and video for linux and the generic bttv and the tuner. that are good conditions for tv17:48
_VIM_Jewbacca: use gksu nautilus NOT sudo nautilus17:48
KenBW2jami: so does that mean ubuntu supports my TV card/vice versa?17:48
raphamikesholle1: what kind of assistance do you need? Just download it, unpack it, and execute the shell script. If you're still not satisfied, study the PDF that comes with it.17:48
SxNDavemusikgoat|main: that does not show up the app17:48
Jewbaccaoh i see thanks :>17:48
adam_is there an ignore space flag for grep? I don't see one on the man page17:49
musikgoat|mainSxNDave: are you sure the app is running?  ps -aux  should show every running process in the system17:49
adam_or can I exclude it with [^ ]17:49
janisozauradam_: -v17:49
janisozauradam_: though... it reverses match17:50
jamiKenBW2: i don't know but somewhere are lists with supported chipsets17:50
mikesholle1I'm still new with Linux and all the file extensions, I wasn't sure what to run after unpacking it17:50
mikesholle1it's the .sh file?17:50
jamiKenBW2: are the connections ok antenna etc17:51
SxNDavemusikgoat: I wrote a little app and compile it and it just looped around filling to console i was in. I closed the console in the hope of killing the process but failed. Since then the CPU usage accross all cores is huge and rising steadily but constantly.17:51
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becomingGuruHi I need to install Skype... But I dont see a version for Intrepid Ibex... Anyway i can do it?17:51
KenBW2jami: not great, but it worked reasonably with Windows17:51
musikgoat|mainSxNDave: then something else may be doing it, check in top17:51
janisozaurmikesholle1: usually it is the file marked as executable (if you issue "ls" in console it should be green with default settings)17:51
KenBW2jami: although that only picked up analogue channels, and my TV card is meant to support DVB-T as well17:51
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: .sh is a shell script17:52
adam_actually. [^ ] does exclude spaces17:52
becomingGuruAnd How do I enable a LAN at a local office17:52
jamiKenBW2: are you running parallel ?17:52
KenBW2jami: sorry?17:52
jamiKenBW2: Windows17:52
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: it needs to be executable, then, if you have permissions, you can run it with sh name.sh   or simply ./name.sh17:52
KenBW2jami: do you mean is Windows on the same PC?17:52
jamiKenBW2: yes17:53
KenBW2jami: it is17:53
mikesholle1Hmm, it doesn't work17:53
jamiKenBW2: and the card did work there17:53
KenBW2jami: yea17:53
jabarEvening everybody...17:53
mikesholle1The only shell script in the root folder of what I unpacked is autogen.sh17:53
mikesholle1I told it to run, but nothing happened17:53
janisozaurmikesholle1: however beware, unpacking files from tar.bz2/.gz archive in a windows file system will make all files lose their attributes and all would probably become executable17:53
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: what are you trying to do?17:53
jamiKenBW2: then the connections are ok17:54
janisozaurmikesholle1: you have to run it in terminal probably17:54
mikesholle1I don't understand your warning Janisozaur17:54
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: are you trying to build something?17:54
mikesholle1Can you explain further17:54
KenBW2jami: so what could be the issue?17:54
mikesholle1I just want the option to be able to run Mac programs on my linux system17:54
janisozaurmikesholle1: you may lose file attributes on a windows (fat/ntfs) file system17:55
mikesholle1Doesn't Ubuntu use ext3?17:55
musikgoat|mainon a default install, yes17:55
SxNDavemusikgoat: I can't find it. I'll just restart. thanks for the "ps -aux" thing. will come in handy in the future i reckon :)17:55
janisozaurmikesholle1: it does, but you can also mount your windows partitions17:55
musikgoat|mainSxNDave: sure17:55
mikesholle1Oh I see17:55
mikesholle1No I didn't install that way17:55
jamiKenBW2: something is missing or was configured badly17:55
mikesholle1I did a reformat ext3 install because I want the full experience17:55
janisozaurmikesholle1: then run terminal (app > accesories > terminal)17:56
jabaranybody here using Ubuntu on virtualbox - have a question about sharing folders?17:56
mikesholle1Sick of windows17:56
KenBW2jami: something softwarey?17:56
janisozaurmikesholle1: cd /path/to/dir/with/autogen.sh17:56
janisozaurmikesholle1: ./autogen.sh17:56
mikesholle1Thank you17:56
Khirr_Warfieldhello, i have ubuntu server running in home server with openssh installed, i have open port 22 on my router but i cant connect from internet, what should i do?17:57
jamiKenBW2: the hardware is the same so yes :) what exactly is the cards name17:57
blip-hi all,  after moving to the kernel from the repos of ubuntu 8.04 I lost sound on my server machine.  any ideas how to go about resolving this.    I have ssh access to the machine.      lspci -n |grep 00:0f.1     --->  00:0f.1 0403: 10de:0371 (rev a2)  which apparently uses the snd-hda-intel.... however   lsmod | grep snd-hda-intel   returns nothing.     I don't have /proc/asound/cards or /proc/asound/card0/codecs...  running a powerful17:57
blip-server here.   sound  was working fine before moving to this new server kernel.  any ideas what else could be tried ?   thanks17:57
janisozaurKhirr_Warfield: is it openssh-server?17:57
KenBW2jami: Avermedia DVB-T 771 i believe17:57
Khirr_Warfieldjanisozaur yes, is open ssh server17:58
rainmanp7Ok i got a strange problem :) I have a sound blaster sound card and a usb Cmedia headphone device How can I change devices as 2 Devices and not all the channel stuff listed ?17:58
xsgare there any better photoshop applications then gimp for ubuntu or no thanks in advance17:58
Moodis it recommended to use iptables as a ubuntu firewall if i already have a firewall built-in in my router?17:58
janisozaurKhirr_Warfield: also make sure that in /etc/ssh/sshd_config you have set it up to proper interface17:58
mikesholle1so the command I would use is "cd home/michael/Desktop/mol-"17:58
janisozaurmikesholle1: no, "cd /home/michael/Desktop/mol-"17:58
_VIM_xsg: i dont think there is17:58
Reformer81My max volume in Ubuntu is MUCH lower than in Windows.  I need to have everything on maximum to even be able to listen to music comfortably.  Any ideas?  alsamixer and the gnome mixer are both on max.17:58
janisozaurmikesholle1: and then "./autogen.sh"17:58
_VIM_xsg: photoshop works in wine17:59
xsgok thanks ill get cs317:59
mikesholle1Oh yeah, change directory first then execute, thank you17:59
Khirr_Warfieldjanisozaur what should i do in sshd_config, i was looking for17:59
_VIM_xsg: i donno bout cs3 though17:59
_VIM_xsg: i know cs2 works for sure17:59
hyphenatedxsg: what features do you actually need?17:59
janisozaurKhirr_Warfield: ListenAddress17:59
xsgcause i love gimp but i thought ubuntu made a photoshop app or in gimp there main one17:59
_VIM_xsg: also you could use Virtualbox17:59
jabaranybody here using Ubuntu on virtualbox - have a question about sharing folders?18:00
mikesholle1it says "autoheader failed"18:00
KenBW2jami: http://www.avermedia.com/avertv/uk/Support/Download.aspx?Type=APDriver&tab=APDriver&id=404 <-- that one18:00
janisozaurmikesholle1: then use synaptic to find such a package and install it18:00
Khirr_Warfieldjanisozaur i see in ListenAddress: #ListenAddress:: and #ListerAddress
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: is this a new install of ubuntu?18:00
mikesholle18.04 installed 2 days ago18:01
janisozaurKhirr_Warfield: what does "/etc/init.d/ssh status" say?18:01
jabarsorry, got to shoot... will be back on later...18:01
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: have you "sudo apt-get install build-essential" yet?18:01
mikesholle1What does that do18:01
Khirr_Warfieldjanisozaur is running the server, but, what line should i change?18:01
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: that gives your system tools to build applications18:01
janisozaurmikesholle1: you will probably need to install "build-essential" package18:01
mikesholle1Ok, is it just that single command?18:01
janisozaurKhirr_Warfield: none, by default it listens on all interfaces18:02
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: yes, the one i gave above18:02
musikgoat|mainyour asking apt to install the build-essential package18:02
Khirr_Warfieldjanisozaur but i cant connect from internet, ListenAddress is width comment18:02
janisozaurKhirr_Warfield: are you near this machine perhaps?18:03
Khirr_Warfieldjanisozaur i'm connect with ssh from myu local network18:03
janisozaurKhirr_Warfield: so you can ssh to it from local network but not from the internet?18:03
mikesholle1Ok, I ran the command successfully, now should I try running the shell again?18:04
Khirr_Warfieldjanisozaur exactly18:04
Mohammad[B]Hi All18:04
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: yes18:04
janisozaurKhirr_Warfield: then use this website: https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 to verify that your firewall is set up properly18:05
Mohammad[B]i setup squid on my web server and user of that port and IP in my firefox for tunneling and i see this error: "http://paste.ubuntu.com/113708/" how to i can resolve this problem ?18:05
mikesholle1I'm still getting autoheader failed18:06
Khirr_Warfieldjanisozaur the port is open, i think is sshd configuration18:06
Reformer81My max volume in Ubuntu is MUCH lower than in Windows.  I need to have everything on maximum to even be able to listen to music comfortably.  Any ideas?  alsamixer and the gnome mixer are both on max.18:07
janisozaurKhirr_Warfield: then check it and consult it with "man sshd_config" if in doubt18:08
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: most applications you build are built with the following commands,  ./configure    then   make     then  (sudo) make install18:08
PhotoguyHow can I get Dvds to work?18:08
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: is there a configure file?18:08
sipiorReformer81: which channels on the mixer are maxed? check the pcm channel as well18:08
PhotoguyVLC and Totem don't play any DVDs18:08
musikgoat|maintry ./configure18:08
Reformer81sipior: In alsamixer, there is only one channel, "Main"18:08
amonxzhow can i play mp3 on the terminal?18:09
Reformer81err "Master"18:09
mikesholle1autoheader failed18:09
jamiKenBW: i think we forgot to specify bttv module. http://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=43596 thats a list with the supported settings. but i can't find the chipsetnames for your card. On the avermedia site you get a manual with 50 sites and no informations :)18:09
romain_anybody talk french?18:09
sipiorReformer81: there should be at least a master and a pcm channel. does gnomemixer show anything?18:09
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:09
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: its probly going to do a whole lot of lines of stuff...  if it completes without any errors at the end, then you can move to the next command "make"18:09
mikesholle1my gf does romain18:09
Khirr_Warfieldjanisozaur well i will read, thanks18:09
mikesholle1do you need a translator?18:09
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romain_why not!18:10
PhotoguyVLC and Totem don't play any DVDs, what should I do?18:10
Reformer81sipior: okay, in Gnome mixer, PCM was down slightly.  But it is still much quieter than Windows.18:10
musikgoat|mainPhotoguy: install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:11
sipiorReformer81: make sure to check all the channels...18:11
romain_mes boutons de lancement rapide ne fonctionne pas, comme augmenter ou diminuer le son.. quelqu'un à une idée?18:11
mikesholle1It failed musikgoad18:11
KenBW2jami: found this on that mandriva site: "123 -> AVerMedia AVerTV DVB-T 771 [1461:0771]". relevant?18:11
Jack_Sparrow!fr > romain_18:11
ubotturomain_, please see my private message18:11
Jack_Sparrowromain_  /join #ubuntu-fr18:11
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: can you pastebin the errors?18:11
Reformer81sipior: I did.18:11
romain_o right18:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:12
sipiorReformer81: well, looks like you're stuck sitting close to your speakers :-)18:12
mikesholle1as in copy paste them to you?18:12
musikgoat|mainthanks Jack_Sparrow18:12
kinja-sheepWho here successfully run Eclipse Platform 3.4.0 ?18:12
mikesholle1It's only 2 lines.  Invoking autoheader and autoconf.18:13
aisasHello i have i prob installing a ubuntu18:13
jamiKenBW2: no  but you can look on the card. its written in fontsize 2 on the chips18:13
Gnimshhey I'd like one more opinion...  Every time I upgrade to 8.10 (from 8.04) my webcam never works.18:13
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: also paste the stuff when you did ./autogen.sh18:13
KenBW2jami: for what?18:13
GnimshI find people who've got it to work, but their steps don't work for me18:13
Gnimshnot sure if its worth it to give it one more try18:13
musikgoat|main!ask | aisas18:14
ubottuaisas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:14
aisascan someone help me?18:14
=== geo_ is now known as geo
unitedpotsmokershey guys, now i want to download java jre. which file to choose Linux RPM (self-extracting file)  filesize: 18.66 MB   or  Linux (self-extracting file)  filesize: 19.18 MB ... i need to install it automatically because i dont know to use command line18:14
lucio12345hello i need to rename files in a folder MOV???.MOD in MOV???.mp4 how to do?18:15
lamzakscan somebody help me with ubuntu server 8.10 and ffmpeg18:15
jamiKenBW2: to find out the name of the chipset.18:15
lucio12345Bareword "MOV001" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1.18:15
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: try "make menuconfig"18:15
lucio12345what does it mean?18:15
KenBW2jami: ill have a look. What am i looking for though?18:15
mikesholle1exact same result18:16
aisasI was installing a ubuntu OS to my computer i maked boot 1st from CD when it loaded i pressed install ubuntu, then it loads after it loads it show my only black font and white window? Maybe my video card bad? Because while it loading it show image sensor not suported.18:16
sipiorlucio12345: you mean from the shell?18:16
jamiKenBW2: Brand name like phillips and panasonic18:16
Jack_Sparrow!res > aisas18:16
ubottuaisas, please see my private message18:16
lucio12345is there another way not in the shell to rename lot of files extention?18:16
KenBW2jami: Avermedia isn't it?18:16
mick_laptopdoes anyone know of a good way to get an audio connection from osx to ubuntu? i know the yahoo messenger (the official one) does audio on osx, does anyone know if it works on their linux client?18:16
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: hmm, wierd,  where did you save this to?  pastebin what you get from ls -al18:16
lucio12345a simple rename command ?18:16
jamiKenBW2 i don't think that such a company produce there own chips18:17
mick_laptopi need to just listen in on a meeting that will take place in a few hours, and the person on osx isn't that computer literate18:17
sipiorlucio12345: "from i in MOV???.MOD; do mv $i ${i%MOD}mp4; done" should do it18:17
mikesholle1I unpacked it to my desktop18:17
KenBW2jami: ah, you think it's rebranded18:17
mick_laptopbut it has yahoo messenger on it (which she can use)18:17
jamiKenBW2: exactly18:17
Reformer81Could someone suggest a good place to buy Ubuntu-ready laptops?  I'm looking for something cheap but fully compatible with Ubuntu.18:17
janisozaursipior: shouldn't it be "for" instead of "from" ?18:18
KenBW2jami: probably shouldnt open up the case while its running, but here goes18:18
sipiorjanisozaur: lucio12345 yes it should, my apologies18:18
Bloodhounderok, I'm amazed I'm here.18:18
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: ahh, there is one more dependency that you need, so sudo apt-get install autoconf18:18
=== Bloodhounder is now known as anima1
aisashow to open console?18:18
mikesholle1It gives me an error when I try to run that command musikgoat18:18
janisozauraisas: apps > accessories > terminal18:18
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: that was LS -AL in lowercase18:19
adam_how can I find where the 'cosmos' screensaver stores its images? it's a default install on 8.1018:19
lucio12345rename *.MOD *.mp4 is it too simple?18:19
anima1how do I change my themes and stuff?18:19
jamiKenBW2: magnifier is also a good idea18:19
gnubieReformer81; http://system76.com  not sure what you think is cheap18:19
KenBW2jami: is it that bad?18:19
janisozaurlucio12345: that would mess up badly i think if it did anything18:19
Reformer81gnubie: Specifically, I'm looking for something basic under $50018:19
adam_hah nvm i found it, locate cosmos18:19
Reformer81gnubie: Thanks for the link.18:19
mikesholle1Sweeeeet.  Now we're in business.  I have to marvel at how teeny tiny some of these files are.18:19
jamiKenBW2: no but my eyes :)18:19
aisashow to open console while the ubuntu loading before install18:20
becomingGuruHi Where is Firefox installed in Ubuntu... Like C:\Program Files\ in Windows18:20
askandHi! Would I be able to play the sims 2 on Ubuntu if I install vmware?18:20
mikesholle1I ran ./autogen.sh and now it says "next step is make"18:20
Reformer81gnubie: But all those laptops cost more than the Windows PCs I've seen lol18:20
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: follow that then18:20
adam_askand:  you can probably it under wine18:20
janisozaurmikesholle1: then issue "make" command18:20
jamiaskand: i guess not18:20
sipiorlucio12345: you could try that as well. be sure to consult the man page first, to assure yourself of the syntax.18:20
KenBW2jami: its pretty dusty in there lol18:20
mick_laptopbecomingGuru: type in "which firefox" in the commandline and it will tell you the path to the binary18:20
mikesholle1just type "make" by itself?18:20
astro73I just installed the latest postgresql package on ubuntu 8.10, but the server mysteriously won't start. I have no idea why or for what reason. Any suggestions?18:20
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: yes18:20
mihaastro73 check logs under /var/log/... ?18:21
poetcan anyone suggest a reason for why plug and play doesn't work on supported hardware?18:21
mick_laptopastro73: read the logs (hint: look in /var/log/)18:21
lamzaksffmpeg is having problem ffmpeg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libavformat.so.51: undefined symbol: av_crc04C11DB718:21
hejdixonThe "mail" command isnt avaiable in ubuntu by default right? what program should I use for sending simple log mails?18:21
mikesholle1It ran through a ton of stuff, with a bunch of warnings and 2 or 3 errors at the end18:21
lamzakscan some boy help18:21
askandjami: why are you guessing no?18:21
janisozaurastro73: chech /var/log/messages18:21
askandadam_: sadly not :(18:21
Jack_Sparrow!helpme > lamzaks18:21
ubottulamzaks, please see my private message18:21
hejdixonIs it enough with a mail client then?18:21
mick_laptoppoet: look in the logs18:21
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: pastebin it?18:21
astro73miha: mick_laptop: /var/log/postgresql is empty, can't find it in syslog18:21
KenBW2jami: i can see an LG logo18:21
jamivmwares are awful in hardware accelerated tasks18:22
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience18:22
Walrus17Sveiki, ar yra is lietuvos kasnors?18:22
poetmick_laptop: which logs?  If 'lsusb' shows no change when I plug the hardware in, will anything be in the log?18:22
becomingGurumick_laptop: Thanks. But I suppose some bookmark files are present in the installation directory18:22
lucio12345bah in the man page there is nothing that works18:22
jamiKenBW2: aha :)18:22
becomingGuruBut /usr/bin lists only binaries18:22
Walrus17Please help me18:22
KenBW2jami: no refer to mandriva page?18:22
KenBW2jami: now*18:22
Jack_Sparrow!helpme > Walrus1718:22
ubottuWalrus17, please see my private message18:22
jamiaskand: have you tried wine18:22
albuntuhow can i open a port to my pc because when i try to connect from a reverse shell it says to me connection refused even if i have done : nc -v -n -l -p myport18:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:22
Walrus17There is hacker in this chat18:23
mick_laptopbecomingGuru: they are in your profile directory /home/<your name>/.firefox/<some long string> and then look in there for bookmarks.html (that has everything in it)18:23
Cotowarhi, i was wondering if anyone knows the command to run mp3 rename recursively on a folder?18:23
Walrus17`Colin2508` was send me an message with exploit18:23
albuntucan someone please ban ColiN250818:23
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: one moment18:23
albuntuthank you Jack_Sparrow :)18:23
mick_laptopalbuntu: what do your iptables rules say: iptables -L18:23
Jack_SparrowWalrus17 got it handled18:23
Walrus17Okey then :)18:24
poetdos anyone know where network-manager stores the wpa_supplicant config files?18:24
tayazuHey! If I'm building my own *.deb-packages with apt-get --build source packetname only one of my two cores is used - Is there any way to let them both do the work? :)18:24
Walrus17Hmmm, please help me. How i can increase my screen resolution to 12**x1024?18:24
albuntumick_laptop: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/113715/18:24
Walrus17Drivers does'nt hel me. I'm using 8.1018:24
jamiKenBW2: stop 123 -> AVerMedia AVerTV DVB-T 771 [1461:0771] you found it already18:25
KenBW2jami: im sure i mentioned that lol18:25
Cotowaryes, i got the same message from colin2508, please ban him?18:25
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:25
Walrus17My monitor is very old and is not reconized... I get "Unknown monitor"18:25
MagnaZXonemikesholle1: "curses.h: No such file or directory." That package seems to require a header file from the ncurses package. Are you missing ncurses-dev something ?18:25
Jack_SparrowCotowar Already handled18:26
goldeliteDoes anyone know why my new RealTek 8169 Gigabit card isn't being assigned a valid MAC address? It was only ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff...18:26
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: your trying to install mac-on-linux?18:26
mikesholle1I don't have a clue MagnaZXone18:26
KenBW2jami: so what am i doing with that info18:26
mikesholle1Yes I am musikgoat18:26
MagnaZXonemikesholle1: Im 100% sure youre missing that.18:26
Cotowarsorry, i mega lagged out, and didnt realize it18:26
poetdos anyone know where network-manager stores the wpa_supplicant config files?18:26
Cotowardoes anyone know the command to run mp3rename recursively on a directory?18:26
mikesholle1Can you give me the sudo command to install it please MagnZXone18:26
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: and you said you switched from windows to linux,  so i'm assuming your on an intel platform?18:26
poetCotowar: a little googling for a bash script will tell you the answer18:27
Walrus17Hmmm, please help me. How i can increase my screen resolution to 12**x1024?18:27
Walrus17Drivers does'nt hel me. I'm using 8.1018:27
mikesholle1I am using an AMD Athelon18:27
Walrus17My monitor is very old and is not reconized... I get "Unknown monitor"18:27
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: or x86 i should say18:27
Walrus17What to do? :(18:27
Cotowarwell i had it the other day, but it wasnt a bash script someone said18:27
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1:   Mac-on-Linux is a Linux/PPC program that virtualizes MacOS or MacOSX in Linux.18:27
Walrus17I have Nvidia FX550018:27
becomingGurumick_laptop: Thanks! Got it!!18:27
mikesholle1I think it's x8618:27
mihawalrus17: try googling your monitor model for 'modline'18:27
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: you can only run that application on old macs that have been converted to linux18:27
becomingGuruAnyway I can install Skype on Ubuntu 8.1018:28
mihawalrus17: that's what i did with my old Iiyama Visionmaster, audodetect produced crap18:28
Cotowaridk, im googling, but was wondering if anyone knew what i was talking about right off hand.18:28
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: PPC is a different processor architecture than x8618:28
jamiKenBW2: *he now rmmod bttv and modprobe bttv card=12318:28
lamzaksdo some on know something about ffmpeg18:28
Walrus17Well, i came here to get help with it. Dont you think that i was been in google?18:28
mikesholle1Oh darn, I was thinking this was a work around for that18:28
gsystem-desktopciao è  uscito un nuovo sistema operativo http://youtube.com/watch?v=OkVoXXHtKp018:28
mihawalrus: 'modline' ?18:28
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4359594&postcount=2818:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:28
MagnaZXonemikesholle1: ask someone what the ncurses development package is called. Probably ncurses-dev. Install it and continue compiling. good luck!18:28
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: unfortunately no18:28
Walrus17What is modline?18:28
gsystem-desktopciao è  uscito un nuovo sistema operativo http://youtube.com/watch?v=OkVoXXHtKp018:28
KenBW2jami: how much of that message was a command?18:28
mihawalrus: manually specifying frequencies for horizontal and vertical refresh and stuff18:29
mihathat monitor survives18:29
Reformer81I'm looking for a decent laptop with Ubuntu compatibility for under $500.  Anyone have any sites to recommend?18:29
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: your welcome to follow MagnaZXone's advice, but i dont know if its going to get you very far18:29
mikesholle1I understand.  That being said, do I have any options with my system to install Macintosh programs?18:29
Walrus17Hmmm, i will try for My monitor is very old and is not reconized... I get "Unknown monitor"18:29
mihawalrus: that was used before 'plug and play' was a fashion:)18:29
Walrus17Sorry... :D I will try for `modline` :)18:29
Level_5anyone here got an HP pavillion laptop model dv9819wm with a Broadcom wireless card BCM 4312 (rev2)?18:29
mikesholle1No I understand your point musikgoat, I don't think what I'm trying to do will work.18:29
aisasi make 1st boot from cd it loads and then i press install ubuntu, while it loading i press CTRL+ALT+F1 then it show a lot of crap ;D but it says image sensor not suported and when it loads it show only white window and black font, that maybe for my monitor because it is syncmaster, i read in forums that other peoples have same problem with these monitors. PLEASE PM ME IF YOU KNOW WHAT IS WRONG :(18:29
jamiKenBW2: sudo rmmod bttv; sudo modprobe bttv card=12318:29
rellisHi everyone. Is there an easy way to get Ubuntu 8.10 to switch from x86 to x86_64 arch? I guess I just want it to go and download/replace all my existing apakcages with x86_64 variants..18:29
PhotoguyI tried installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, but VLC and Totem still don't play DVDs.18:29
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: i'm not sure of any options for running apps made for mac,  sorry18:30
MagnaZXonemusikgoat|main: ? .. i build Linux systems all day long, what do you mean ?18:30
KenBW2jami: "ERROR: Module bttv is in use by bt878"18:30
Cotowarim trying to rename files based on id3 tags18:30
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: look for a linux equivelent18:30
Cotowari cant remember for the life of me what the command is though18:30
musikgoat|mainMagnaZXone: he's trying to build mac-on-linux   for PPC only systems18:30
=== Mud|afk is now known as Mud|shower
jamiKenBW2: hm18:30
musikgoat|mainMagnaZXone: i'm not doubting your advice to fix that one compilation error, but he's just going to run into more18:31
mikesholle1I don't have the proper hardware to do what I was trying to do Magna18:31
PhotoguyI tried installing ubuntu-restricted-extras, but VLC and Totem still don't play DVDs, what should I do  now?18:31
askandjami: yes18:31
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arch18:31
thibault# /join ubuntu-fr18:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about archictecture18:31
Jack_Sparrow!fishing > rellis18:31
ubotturellis, please see my private message18:31
=== norman_ is now known as amonxz
aisasi make 1st boot from cd it loads and then i press install ubuntu, while it loading i press CTRL+ALT+F1 then it show a lot of crap ;D but it says image sensor not suported and when it loads it show only white window and black font, that maybe for my monitor because it is syncmaster, i read in forums that other peoples have same problem with these monitors. PLEASE PM ME IF YOU KNOW WHAT IS WRONG :(18:32
jamiKenBW2: sudo rmmod -f bttv18:32
MagnaZXonemusikgoat|main: He is building a mac system as lfs onto a linux child system ? (mac -> linux/tooldir) ?18:32
jamiaskand: and it didn't work?18:32
jim_paisas, use the alternative installation cd18:32
KenBW2jami: "ERROR: Removing 'bttv': Resource temporarily unavailable"18:33
aisasjim_p how ? sorry i am new18:33
musikgoat|mainMagnaZXone: mac x86 != mac ppc18:33
rellisJack_Sparrow: go fuck yourself18:33
MagnaZXonemusikgoat|main: Pretty cool even if its the other way around18:33
joshwhatAfter installation, how might I be able to change the keyboard layout for the X Server?18:33
jim_paisas, how to download it or why download it?18:33
sipiorbit touchy...18:33
MagnaZXonemusikgoat|main: simple cross compile ;)18:33
linxuz3rhow do you save the current settings in evolution?18:33
musikgoat|mainMagnaZXone: simple is different for everyone :-P18:33
za119hey whats the URL to the post bin so I can post some script instead of pasting it in here18:34
linxuz3rso that i dont have to setup my account again and again?18:34
za119i cant remember hwo to ask the bot18:34
mikesholle1Very true, I'm totally lost in a Linux environment lol18:34
prince_jammys!paste | za11918:34
ubottuza119: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:34
musikgoat|main!paste | za11918:34
za119you the man prince_jammys18:34
jamiKenBW2: hm now i've realy no idea18:34
MagnaZXonemusikgoat|main: Yes, kinda time consuming but once you know the ins and outs of all sources its no big task :) .. granted this will take around 10 years to master atleast ;)18:35
KenBW2jami: is it gonna be a giving up job?18:35
za119hey when trying to start my new xen VM.. I get an error http://paste.ubuntu.com/113717/18:35
za119can someoone help me with this18:35
astro73where did postgresql.conf go?18:35
=== crekerasu is now known as crekarasu
linxuz3rhow do you save the current settings in evolution?18:36
linxuz3rso that i dont have to setup my account again and again?18:36
mibanyone knows how to do gpart partition on unallocated disk18:36
NET||abuseHI all,,, i just got a new 320GB drive for the laptop, my old 120GB in there i need to move all the content across in a simple way, is it possible to move the image and then resize the /home partition out to the extra space?18:36
askandjami: no it didnt, the sims is kind of famous for not working with wine :)18:36
=== luxus is now known as anglxs
anglxshey guys is it possible to make VCL the default mozilla player?18:37
NET||abusei think i had it setup as root / was 40GB and /home was 80GB, but now i could have 280GB /home partition.18:37
gfatherhello guys18:37
NET||abuseso could i just do a dd copy of the 120->320 and then resize the /home part18:37
NET||abuseor is there a better method?18:37
jamiKenBW2: never18:37
gfatheranyone knows where i can find some learn linux videos , from meduim to advanced ?18:37
mestoriahi there18:38
linxuz3rhow do you save the current settings in evolution?18:38
mestoriadid you know this http://tinyurl.com/b78xqg ?18:38
KenBW2jami: just for my own curiosity, what have we so far established?18:38
linxuz3rso that i dont have to setup my account again and again?18:38
KenBW2linxuz3r: copy ~/.evolution i think18:38
wahcordian|Workis there a good dictionary application that runs in bash? I want to look up words quickly in sh rather than using kdict and the like.18:38
NET||abusegfather, not really.. watch some of the linux action show stuff. but otherwise you'd have to try get your hands on some cpan training videos for certain linux based accreditation like ubuntu or LPI cert18:38
urbandsevolution export settings18:38
anglxshey guys is it possible to make VCL the default mozilla player?18:38
sipiorNET||abuse: another possibility would be to make the partitions as big as you like on the new disk, and simply use rsync to move your /home data over.18:39
NET||abusesipior.. hmm, guess so..18:39
musikgoat|mainmikesholle1: you can visit ##mac to see if there are other options for what you want to achieve18:39
gfather<NET||abuse> how do i join those , do they cost ?18:39
xsgHey guys i have a digital camera but how can i manage or upload stuff off my camera to pc18:39
mibi hve http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/3751/ubuntuqj3.th.png18:39
NET||abusesipior, need to boot up on a live cd, then mount the internal disk, mount the new disk on usb adapter. then do all that stuff,, hmmm ok, i guess that's the way to go :)18:39
musikgoat|mainxsg: plug it in18:39
jamiKenBW2: we have your chipset and it is supported. Have you dvb-utils installed?18:40
musikgoat|mainxsg: f-spot should load up and give you the option to import18:40
xsgi did but when i go to copy the video off it it wont transfer it stays at 0%18:40
gnubieReformer81;  the 12" mini @dell runs ubuntu  and starts at $39918:40
NET||abusegfather, cpan is wrong, sorry, that's the perl library repository :P hehe18:40
xsgill try fspot18:40
KenBW2jami: i have18:40
NET||abusegfather, i'll try remember where i saw them before, but yeh, they do cost.18:40
Reformer81gnubie: Sadly, that's not a REAL notebook :).  I'll just buy a Windows laptop and wipe it.18:40
KenBW2jami: so we know Ubuntu supports my TV card?18:40
musikgoat|mainxsg: yeah try that,  but also check your camera in its settings for PTP or USB18:40
sipiorNET||abuse: another option is to use partimage, but i don't believe it's on the ubuntu live cd. you can download a live cd from the partimage folks, however.18:40
NET||abusesipior, partimage eh?18:40
NET||abusesipior, i'll have a look18:41
NET||abusesipior, thanks :P18:41
xsgi cannot insall f-spot wnt let me18:41
chalcedonyi traded up monitors and swapped the smaller monitor to the LEFT side.. but even though i switched plugs. .  it still thinks my secondary monitor is on the LEFT.. how can i fix that in unbuntu 8.4 please?18:41
gfather<NET||abuse> u got me lost ?18:41
jamiKenBW2: yes18:41
sipiorNET||abuse: have fun. and make sure your backups are up-to-date...18:41
=== bibuz94 is now known as PETERPORKER
musikgoat|mainxsg: do you get an error,  f-spot is installed by default in intrepid i thought18:41
xsgill take a screen of error i get18:41
Walrus17Now i have line 'Modeline "1280x960@60"     105.68  1280 1312 1712 1744    960  979  989 1009'18:41
Walrus17Where to put that?18:42
KenBW2jami: so it's definitely not a lost cause?18:42
kervalahi there !18:42
chalcedonyhi keres18:42
NET||abusesipior, cheers :) will do18:42
chalcedonyer kervala18:42
ubuntu_Hai buddy18:42
musikgoat|main!hi | ubuntu_18:43
ubottuubuntu_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:43
anglxshey guys is it possible to make VCL the default firefox player?18:43
NET||abusegfather, i was thinking of a company we used to have in the consultancy i was in 3 years ago :)18:43
chalcedonymy son's former monitor is a Trinitron .. the image seems concave.18:43
xsghere is a screen of the error i get when trying to install f-spot http://i42.tinypic.com/16aurgl.jpg18:43
ubuntu_ubuntu here18:43
gfatherNET||abuse :S18:43
disiHi, I think about installing Kubuntu and want to know, how hard it is to enable ext4 support in 8.10, since I need it for my external drives...18:43
chalcedonyi traded up monitors and swapped the smaller monitor to the LEFT side.. but even though i switched plugs. .  it still thinks my secondary monitor is on the LEFT.. how can i fix that in unbuntu 8.4 please?18:43
gfatherNET||abuse is there like free elearning for ubuntu ?18:43
ubuntu_i want to chat with someone woman here18:43
macrobadHello, #ubuntu! How do you think, is it better to install Ubuntu or Xubuntu on a laptop with 1.6GHz AMD Sempron, and 512MB of RAM?18:44
Walrus17Where to put that line? :(18:44
musikgoat|main!offtopic | ubuntu_18:44
ubottuubuntu_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:44
jamiKenBW2: theoretical i should work yes18:44
NET||abusegfather, anyway, just remembered a bunch of sites for interesting howto video.. www.showmedo.com - mostly python stuff,, www.ilearnlinux.com - i found this on a bit slow though.18:44
KenBW2jami: thats good news18:44
jamiKenBW2: it should work18:44
xsghere is a screen of the error i get when trying to install f-spot http://i42.tinypic.com/16aurgl.jpg18:44
NET||abusegfather, then the one that is really the leader in online video but is pay service http://www.cbtnuggets.com/18:44
ubuntu_i have computer p318:44
KenBW2jami: i take it you dont know how though :(18:44
musikgoat|mainxsg: that is interesting... try updating first18:44
xsgupdating what18:45
ubuntu_what the best linux distro to install18:45
musikgoat|mainxsg: or "Reload"18:45
Walrus17WHERE TO PUT MY MONITOR CONFIGURATION LINE "Modeline "1280x960@60"     105.68  1280 1312 1712 1744    960  979  989 1009"??????18:45
Piciubuntu_: This is the Ubuntu support channel, do you have a support question?18:45
xsgim update via update manager18:45
NET||abusegfather, hmm, ilearnlinux is dead :P18:45
musikgoat|mainxsg: good18:45
Jack_Sparrowubuntu_ Please dont ask those questions in here18:45
Jack_Sparrow!caps > Walrus1718:45
ubottuWalrus17, please see my private message18:45
Walrus17!caps Jack_Sparrow18:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:46
disidistrowatch says linux ( would be available for Ubuntu ... that would have ext4 stable18:46
Jack_SparrowWalrus17 Please behave18:46
Walrus17behave? What this means?18:46
jamiKenBW2: do you have your region code like at-Klagenfurt18:46
xsgUpdate manager found 7 updates should i insall18:46
nanotubeubuntu_: well, it's a reasonable question - but only if you tell us your requirements. otherwise, what answer can you expect from a channel named #ubuntu :)18:46
musikgoat|mainxsg: yes18:46
KenBW2jami: erm... i live in NW-England18:47
xsgk installing now then should i reboot18:47
Picidisi: That is only in the development release, not the released version.18:47
Jack_SparrowWalrus17 Dont use caps..  like the bot asked..18:47
esa-petri what should one do when update-grub returns expr: non numeric argument and wont install never version of kernel in ubuntu18:47
gfatherNET||abuse thanks18:47
disido I need to switch to a totally unstable Installation of Ubuntu to get this?18:47
Walrus17So where to put that line?"18:47
Besogonubuntu_: Попробуй ВыньХР18:47
disior can I just choose the newer kernel?18:47
Pici!ru | Besogon18:47
ubottuBesogon: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:47
musikgoat|mainxsg: but the fact that you updated might let you install f-spot,  try again18:47
jamiKenBW2: yes but the tool 'scan' needs a region. scan at-Klagenfurt > channels.conf18:47
NET||abusegfather, np18:47
Jewbaccahi, i backup my config file from my video game enemy territory and now i cant open them on ubuntu18:47
xsgi will when it done updating18:48
musikgoat|mainxsg: k18:48
Walrus17Every time i try to install newer version of ubuntu i have resolution probems that isn't solved. Do you this THAT THIS DOESN'T SUCK?18:48
xsgo and a another question im on UBuntu 9.04 when will the new background for the jacky jakalope be availibe18:48
Picixsg: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.18:48
mihawalrus17: Logitech told me my webcam, bought 3 years ago, is too old for Vista. now that's attitude:)18:48
dmi3oni have problem with vnc4server and xinted, when i use just vnc4server :0 or :2 every thing is working on same LAN or from deffernt ISP, but when i try to connect to xinted server i get in ultranVNC "Error reading Protocol Version" and from ubuntu i get "Connection Reset by peer (104)" i cant find18:49
Walrus17Oh yeah18:49
musikgoat|mainxsg: ohh,  why didn't you say so,  you need to get help in #ubuntu+118:49
Walrus17There coms ubuntu zombie :D18:49
Jack_SparrowWalrus17 If you manually install drivers you MUST re-install the new drivers with each kernel/os upgrade18:49
PiciWalrus17: Please try to stay constructive.18:49
KenBW2jami: scanning at-Klagenfurt; using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0'; main:2247: FATAL: failed to open '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0': 2 No such file or directory18:49
KenBW2jami: ; = newline18:49
disiPici, thanks but can I install just a 2.6.28 kernel without switching to unstable repo in Ubunut?18:49
xsgok thnx musicgoat18:49
Picidisi: No.18:49
Walrus17You can always use Windows Xp18:50
Pici!latest | disi18:50
ubottudisi: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.18:50
macrobadWould Ubuntu 8.10 work not sluggishly on a laptop with 1.6GHz AMD Sempron, and 512MB of RAM, or should I better install Xubuntu 8.10?18:50
Jewbaccahi, i backup my config file from my video game enemy territory and now i cant open them on ubuntu (they were notepad files)18:50
Piciubuntu_: stop18:50
Walrus17Your camerea would work for Windows Xp :)18:50
PiciWalrus17: Please try to stay on topic.18:50
Walrus17Or as manifuckerls for drivers for vista18:50
=== qwerty is now known as Guest29621
m3st3ss0good evening people18:51
Level_5anyone here got an HP pavillion laptop model dv9819wm with a Broadcom wireless card BCM 4312 (rev2)?18:51
Jewbaccahi, i backup my config file from my video game enemy territory and now i cant open them on ubuntu (they were notepad files) here is the link btw http://cohenishai.wippiespace.com/etpro.rar18:52
Jack_SparrowLevel_5 getting those to work can be tough as there are at least 4 versions of the bcm43 chipset18:52
Jack_Sparrowqwerty2009 Please go change your password.. NOW18:52
DJonesqwerty2009: Time for you to change your password18:52
PiciJewbacca: What are you asking? Thats a rar file.18:52
ubuntu_hai friends18:52
ubuntu_i am aloone18:52
JewbaccaPici: explain :(18:53
Level_5Jack_Sparrow, well I've got bcm4312 rev 2.....I found a how to on it but it's still kickin my ass!18:53
Piciubuntu_: This is still a support channel, if you want to talk you can join #ubuntu-offtopic18:53
ubuntu_just talk sometihing with me18:53
qwerty2009thats not my password18:53
adam_is there a channel for bash shell assistance?18:53
Jack_SparrowLevel_5 Lose the profanity to begin with18:53
Piciadam_: #bash18:53
Jewbaccabut i download a rar from terminal i believe it was sudo apt-get winrar-free18:53
Jewbaccasomething like that18:53
PiciJewbacca: So whats the problem?18:53
Jewbaccai cant open them18:53
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free18:53
za119hey while tring to completly remove ubuntu-xen-server I deleted the files inside /etc/ and they are not coming back even after i install ubuntu-xen-server18:53
PiciJewbacca: You can't unrar them?18:54
StroganoffJewbacca: you mean unrar-free18:54
Level_5Jack_Sparrow, dude please! spare me18:54
KenBW2jami: how do i find my region?18:54
Jack_SparrowLevel_5 I am serious18:54
Jewbaccai can view the files in the rar18:54
janisozaurKenBW2: look at map? :P18:54
Jewbaccabut i cant open them18:54
Level_5Jack_Sparrow, so am I18:54
Jewbaccaor extract them18:54
KenBW2janisozaur: hilarious, not :P18:54
m3st3ss0I cannot open .rar too18:54
racecar-56what did chanserv do that for18:55
jtajiJewbacca: install unrar, unrar-free can't open every rar18:55
qwerty2009i was just testing it wasnt letting chat b418:55
Jewbaccasudo apt-get install unrar ?18:55
m3st3ss0I've got some problem with ioctl18:55
poetdoes anyone know where network-manager stores the wpa_supplicat configuration files?18:55
=== miguel is now known as Guest4316
za119anyone know why installin ubuntu-xen-server wont give me the /etc/ files18:55
PiciJewbacca: yes18:56
jamiKenBW2: google i don't know18:56
jtaji!pm > Jewbacca18:56
ubottuJewbacca, please see my private message18:56
Ian_Daniher|XOI'd like to use ubuntu server as the basis for a desktop system - does it support installing w/o server packages but /with/ all the drivers?18:56
Jewbaccathanks working18:56
Kingsid3Ahh ok i have got this working properly18:56
StroganoffIan_Daniher|XO: you want to use the alternate iso and select "install a command line system" that's the most minimal you can get and it includes all the drivers.18:57
Jewbaccadidnt know it wasnt ok, cuz sometimes i dont want to spam and its hard to follow between all these msgs18:57
Ian_Daniher|XOStroganoff: excellent! thanks!18:57
Ian_Daniher|XOStroganoff: I've been building my own systems via debootstrap but ubuntu supports all of my netbook's hardware by default18:57
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Jewbaccai installed wget18:58
Jewbaccahow do i use it18:58
jtajiJewbacca: best thing is just prefix what you say in here with the intended targets nickname18:58
Moodcan anyone recommend a good protocol to automatically move files from an FTP server to another? maybe a watch daemon? or a cron job?18:58
racecar-56wget url18:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wget18:58
Jewbaccaand where does it save the files18:58
Kingsid3Hey all!18:58
poetdoes anyone know where network-manager stores the wpa_supplicat configuration files?18:58
racecar-56where u are18:58
jtajiJewbacca: the current directory18:58
racecar-56if ur in ~ it puts them in ~18:58
Kingsid3I'm new on this IRC stuff18:58
Jewbaccawhich is?18:58
jtajiJewbacca: type pwd18:58
prometheus771hi, what should i type instead device-name in "alsamixer -D device-name" to get controls of specific sound device? Now iam only able to see pulse-audio controls18:58
Jewbaccai see18:58
mneptokJewbacca: it saves to the pwd18:59
BesogonJewbacca: You may install GWget too18:59
mneptok(present working directory)18:59
Kingsid3Does anyone on here use CrunchBang?18:59
racecar-56gwget fails18:59
mneptok!info gwget18:59
ubottugwget (source: gwget2): GNOME front-end for wget. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-3ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 217 kB, installed size 1280 kB18:59
racecar-56i hate gwget18:59
za119can anyone tell me why installing ubunt-xen-server isint givine me the files in /etc18:59
racecar-56it has dropdown of what u download D=18:59
theunixgeekIs there a way to graphically modify/create a keyboard layout?18:59
Jewbaccaand in order to use it "gwget url"18:59
BesogonJewbacca: Its like wget but more simple and used GUI19:00
mneptokJewbacca: Gwget is a GUI app.19:00
KenBW2jami: i take it im looking for a DVB region code?19:00
Jewbaccaand for download with it i type gwget url ?19:00
macrobadpoet, I believe, it doesn't. Instead network-manager stores the wi-fi settings in DE-specific location. For example, in Ubuntu 8.04 these settings are placed into gconf database at /system/networking/wireless/networks19:00
Jewbaccaand someone here said it fails, so should i stick with wget?19:00
jtajiJewbacca: I'm sure it can't do everything wget can do on the command-line, but it might be useful to you19:01
sproatyerr should holding down printscreen generate about 10 "save screenshot" dialogs?19:01
poetmacrobad: hrm, I don't have a /system/networking folder in '/'.  Is it different for 8.10?19:01
sproatyI just cleaned my prnt scrn key and created like 100 dialogs19:01
mneptoksproaty: depending on your key repeat rate, yes19:02
jtajipoet: that's in gconf-editor19:02
Jewbaccahaha owned xD19:02
usr13sproaty: If you hold down page down, it will keep paging down on the screen too.19:02
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help19:02
macrobadpoet: I've typed the path relative to the gconf root. Use gconf-editor to access it or check ~/.gconf.d19:02
jamiKenBW2: grep -i dvb /var/log/messages19:02
Jewbaccasproaty: next time clean it while computer is turned off :>19:02
bakarati got a buddy who likes linux, and he wants to learn some CLI stuff, does anyone know a _very_ basic tutorial that explains seriously basic stuff (like difference between relative & absolute path etc)19:02
sproatyI figured the screenshot app would have some limit on number of instances or something19:02
BesogonJewbacca: but it have got supporting in Mozila19:02
sproatyJewbacca: yeah, I'll pop the key off instead :p19:02
KenBW2jami: nothing19:03
tweak66anyone know how to get the 3d windows working in compiz? I turn them on and.. no 3d windows?19:03
jtajibakarat: http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz19:03
fosco__tweak66, 3D windows are only shown when manually rotating cube19:03
Jack_Sparrowtweak66 Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse19:03
poetmacrobad: jtaji: excellent, this is exactly what I need. thanks :-)19:03
jtajibakarat: this too http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html19:03
oCean_za119: sorry, I never used/installed xen, but shouldn't the files be in /etc/xen/ directory and not /etc ?19:03
yaibahello everybody can somebody help me about tux droid ?19:04
macrobadpoet: you are welcome )19:04
tweak66yes i've checked them on and everything19:04
za119oCean_ there is not xen folder in /etc ... THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING BUDDY THANK YOU.. can you help me get it back19:04
KenBW2jami: what is the region in relation to? im searching for DVB regions but its not giving me much luck19:04
usr13bakarat: SOmething like:  http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/commands.htm  ?19:04
lantjiewho know how to disable the gui in ubuntu 8.1019:04
usr13bakarat: or google.com/linux19:05
fosco__lantjie, forever?19:05
jtajilantjie: temporarily or permanently?19:05
Besogonlantjie: вудуеу птщьу19:05
oCean_za119: as I said, I never used/installed xen.. Is uninstall/re-install an option for you?19:05
yaibalantjie > for ever remove gnome19:05
usr13lantjie: Same way you did in 8.0419:05
Besogonlantjie: delete gnome19:05
jtajilantjie: sudo service gdm stop19:05
yaibasomebody can help to tune tux droid on ubuntu  intrepid19:06
za119oCean_ I have been trying to apt-get install ubuntu-xen-server and it wont bring the file back19:06
usr13lantjie: Perminately or just for the session?19:06
za119oCean_ I manually deleted it from /etc/ by accident19:06
za119but after i installied ubuntu-xen-server the first time it put it there and now it wont oCean_19:06
lantjieusr13: for the sesion19:06
usr13jtaji: just told you19:07
oCean_za119: ok. Did you apt-get purge to uninstall?19:07
Piciza119: ubuntu-xen-server is a metapackage.  You need to purge the xen-tools package and then reinstall it.19:07
=== Mud|shower is now known as Mud
tweak66no luck on the cube either19:07
za119ill try that thnx19:07
lantjieusr13: isn't it this: ./init 319:07
yaibasomebody can help to tune tux droid on ubuntu  intrepid ?19:07
lantjiein sbin19:07
jtajilantjie: no, debian systems don't use the runlevels 3 and 5 for no-x/x, it uses 2 by default always19:08
mustanggWould anyone one be familiar with "mondo", and know why the repo version has "citadel-server" installing as a depends..?19:08
usr13lantjie: I don't think just changing runlevel will kill X19:08
Besogonlantjie: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop19:08
macrobadjtaji: "sudo service gdm stop"... where does "service" come from? I've always thought it was "invoke-rc.d"19:08
tweak66i've enabled cube and 3d windows, and changed the numbers t 4, 1, 1... still nothing19:08
usr13lantjie: sudo pkill X    will prolly do it. OR yes, /etc/init.d/gdm stop19:08
Picitweak66: Compiz configuration help in #compiz-fusion19:09
Moodanyone know of an easy tutorial on inotify? scanning the internets, resources are scant19:09
stathamI'm trying to reinstall grub, but fdisk -l on the ubuntu live cd reports that none of my previous drives were bootable (grub is located on /media/disk/boot/grub, and find /boot/grub/stage1 doesn't report anything. fdisk -l shows two partitions on my drive with very similar sizes... how do I know which one i need to install grub onto? (they both start on the same block and end closely)19:09
jtajimacrobad: technically invoke-rc.d is not supposed to be used by people, just scripts, so it should have been /etc/init.d gdm stop, but ubuntu 8.10 has added the service command as a handy shortcut19:09
lantjieoke guys i will try it19:09
jtajimacrobad: err /etc/init.d/gdm19:09
usr13lantjie: If you only kill X it will only present you with login again I think19:09
macrobadjtaji: kk, thanks19:09
KenBW2jami: i think ive found it19:09
jtajimacrobad: the service command used to be found only on redhat systems19:10
=== Snorungen is now known as regex-hater
Jack_Sparrowstatham I can help you with some of that19:10
=== poet_ is now known as poet
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:10
outliermustangg: maybe it needs a mail service;  I noticed mdadm wants to install citadel also.19:10
usr13macrobad must have forgot what distro we were working with here....19:10
zmanningin your guys opinion what is the most stable virtualization software for 8.10?19:11
KenBW2jami: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2403819:11
stathamJack_Sparrow, please :) (I've done this before but last time it found where grub used to be installed)19:11
macrobadusr13: :) I'm using Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS, and there is no "service" command. Hence the question.19:12
lucio12345rename .MOD .mp4 *.MOD19:12
lucio12345it doesn't work19:12
Jack_Sparrowstatham Do you have a pastebin of your fdisk19:12
lucio12345syntax error at (eval 1) line 1, near "."19:12
stathamis there a IRC client on the live cd?19:12
nanotubestatham: yes19:12
stathamthat isn't pidgin19:12
Jack_Sparrowstatham yes, pidgin.. not good but it works19:12
jtajistatham: you can install packages in the livecd (won't touch harddrive)19:13
linux_guyhow can i open one of these pdf's in terminal?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/113729/19:13
Jack_Sparrowstatham If you have net just install xchat in live19:13
nanotubestatham: actually... xchat was on the livecd for some of the older releases... but it may not be on by default anymore. i recall i had to install it manually after i installed intrepid...19:13
stathamjtaji, sudo apt-get install xchat found nothing in the packages list19:13
stathamhow do I update the live packages list?19:13
jtajistatham: sudo apt-get update19:13
Jack_Sparrowstatham xchat-gnome will be there19:13
linux_guyI'm just trying to learn terminal =)19:13
nanotubestatham: enable the universe repository first19:14
Jack_Sparrowstatham regular xchat was in a different repo19:14
noiseI have Matlab installed and it has always worked well. Now I have installed wine and Matlab doesn't work anymore. When I do ./matlab in the bin folder I get the following error message:19:14
noiseexec: 1: ./matlab.exe: not found19:14
Jack_Sparrow!info xchat19:14
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 315 kB, installed size 840 kB19:14
jtajilinux_guy: exactly as the dir command has printed them, with \ in front of spaces, or you can quote the whole "file wiht spaces.pdf"19:14
=== nick|away is now known as nick|here
stathamJack_Sparrow, installing xchat-gnome now thanks19:14
noiseWhy does it say anything about .exe?19:14
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mustanggoutlier - I thought maybe so at first but can't find anything referencing "mail" on the mondorescue site..19:14
=== geennarix is now known as mascalucia
kitchenoise: because it wants to run the .exe file .exe just means executable doesn't necessary have to be a Windows exe19:15
=== mascalucia is now known as geenna
Jack_Sparrowkitche but it probably is a windows exe19:15
noisekitche: ok. though why would it start complain about that all by a sudden?19:16
kitchenoise: because it's looking for the .exe file19:16
regex-hater ls -C1 /usr/bin | egrep "^a" this list all files thar start with a right?19:16
joshwhatI've changed my X Server Login Window Preferences to Launch the Chooser instead of the Greeter, and I don't know how to change it back.  Please help me.19:16
kitcheJack_Sparrow: true but there is a lot of things that are .exe now in the Linux world just can't think of one besides mono related ones19:16
noisekitche: and why doesn't it find it? :)19:16
pashai am having trouble with setting "date" on am ubuntu server. When i run the date -s command it displays the new time, but then returns to the old value.19:16
statham2Jack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/d422f603619:17
stathamI assume the two devices starting on the same place are the same physical area of memory, I just don't understand how there can be two partions in one space19:17
Jack_Sparrowstatham2 sdb1 or sdb6 is what we need to mount and look at19:17
Seldaeki enabled some stupid effect in kde and now i cant view anything anymore in window mode19:18
Jack_SparrowMay we take this to PM/  if so /join #Jack_Sparrow19:18
Jack_Sparrowstatham May we take this to PM/  if so /join #Jack_Sparrow19:18
Seldaekany clue how i can reset it from the console ?19:18
zmanningATTENTION: kvm vs virtualbox??? :)19:18
stathamJack_Sparrow, I may be able to solve it from here19:18
macrobadnoise: try one of the following: "locate matlab" - to find all files with such a name; "which matlab" - to identify where what shell starts when you type matlab; or "type matlab" to verify there are no aliases for this word.19:18
Jack_Sparrowstatham You have two choices..19:18
* statham hadn't tried mounting the drives... he assumed they were already mounted19:18
linux_guyjtaji, command not found?19:19
regex-hatercan someone give me a little help with regex in a private chat?19:19
=== poet is now known as poet[work]
mneptokzmanning: is there a support question there?19:19
mib_5k898iJust installed Ubuntu server, on reboot i get grub error 17, any idea?19:19
zmanningmneptok: just a general enquiry regarding preference19:19
mneptokzmanning: -offtopic is better suited for such things.19:20
Jack_Sparrowstatham sudo mkdir /media/sdb1 && mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1&& sudo mkdir /media/sdb6 && mount /dev/sdb6 /media/sdb619:20
stathamit is sdb6, thanks19:20
Seldaeki enabled some stupid effect in kde and now i cant view anything anymore in window mode, any clue how i can reset it from the console ? or someone give me the kde4.2 source url so i can install it and hopefully it resets that crap ?19:20
mneptokzmanning: and unless you're virtualizing a server, go with Virtualbox19:20
stathamJack_Sparrow, just did that ;D19:20
Jack_Sparrowstatham np..19:20
commander_has anyone have OPENOFFICE 3.0?19:20
Seldaekplease? :)19:21
wick2oplease what?19:22
Seldaekwell read up a few lines19:22
macrobadSeldaek: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh asdf" would reset the settings of package "asdf" to default, I just don't know which package you want to reset.19:22
xjuniorHi all. I'm on a ubuntu 8.10, using a 17" CRT monitor, but the max resolution I can set is 1024x768. how to fix it?19:22
racecar-56get video card drivers19:22
Seldaekmacrobad: well im not sure which package kde4.1 is in kubuntu by default19:22
wick2oxjunior: my guess based on that information would be get a new videocard..assuming its as old as the crt :)19:22
racecar-56apps>admin>hardware drivers19:22
racecar-56crt is ancient19:23
xjuniorracecar-56: I'm using nvidia proprietary video driver19:23
racecar-56get nvidia off of the nvidia.com site19:23
wick2oxjunior: did you verify the max resolution on your vid card?19:23
KenBW2xjunior: ditto - you need to install the graphics drivers19:23
racecar-56because the repo ones are fail19:23
_VIM_its not apps>admin>hardware its system>administration>hardware isnt it?19:23
xjuniorwick2o: it's old, but it's 17" and should handle 1280x102419:23
komputesis there an equivalen to lsusb/lspci for bluetooth devices?19:23
mneptokracecar-56: i'm guessing you're under the age of 15.19:23
xjuniorKenBW2: it's installed19:23
KenBW2xjunior: nvidia/other?19:23
wick2oxjunior: just because your monitor handles a resolution, does not mean your videcard can push the same resolution19:23
xjuniorwick2o: it can handle 1280x102419:23
komputesmneptok: now now, no need to go instlting microp....19:23
xjuniorKenBW2: nvidia19:24
xjuniorwick2o: I said that the video card can d it19:24
wick2owhat brand model number is the crt? its at least worth looking it up using google to verify19:24
KenBW2xjunior: is it enabled in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?19:24
macrobadSeldaek: I have a hate relationship with KDE, but someone could suggest you the name if you tell us which effect you've enabled.19:25
xjuniorKenBW2: yes19:25
linux_guyi cant seem to open a file in terminal...?19:25
linux_guyis there an 'open' command?19:25
_VIM_!Details | linux_guy19:25
ubottulinux_guy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:25
KenBW2xjunior: and System > Preferences > Screen Resolution only allows up to 1024*768?19:26
quassel73hi i have two computers - one downstairs with kde and openssh-server, and second - my laptop, now i have only shell access to the first computer - it doesnt have any monitor or keyboard, so my question is, how can i set up desktop sharing by using ssh only?19:26
xjuniorlinux_guy: "a file" ? yes you can.... but which file?19:26
linux_guy_VIM_, !scroll_up haha19:26
_VIM_no im too !lazy19:26
xjuniorKenBW2: yes, only up to 1024x76819:27
mneptoklinux_guy: are you referencing the "open" command from OSX/Darwin?19:27
linux_guyi would like to open one of the pdfs19:27
mneptoklinux_guy: gnome-open /path/to/that.pdf19:27
KenBW2xjunior: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings19:27
linux_guymneptok, even if i am in the directory currently?19:28
mneptoklinux_guy: gnome-open that.pdf19:28
* macrobad uses $fh = fopen($filename, "rb"); to open files =)19:28
TejedorI want to install ubuntu, but not overwrite my MBR19:29
linux_guyTUI can be difficult man19:29
xjuniorKenBW2: I have this installed already19:29
KenBW2xjunior: change it in there19:29
mneptoklinux_guy: "CLI" not "TUI" :)19:29
linux_guycommand line interface, gotcha19:30
poetI'm using network-manager-pptp to connect to a VPN network.  Everything works, but I'm experiencing periodic disconnects.  Can anyone help me interpret the log file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113742/19:30
petskiTejedor: if you want to run both Ubuntu and Windows, http://wubi-installer.org/ might be interesting for you19:30
mneptokatta boy. :)19:30
KenBW2xjunior: System > Administration > NVIDIA X Server Settings > X Server Display Configuration > Resolution19:30
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nanotubelinux_guy: TUI is a good one, though. :) we should start using it.19:30
xjuniorKenBW2: wow! it's working19:30
KenBW2xjunior: :D19:30
mib_5k898iJust installed Ubuntu server, on reboot i get grub error 17, any idea?19:30
mneptoknanotube: terrible term. sounds like spitting.19:30
xjuniorKenBW2: thank you! ;)19:30
linux_guythats what my book says19:31
Moodwhat's the latest Database Utilities for Ubuntu 8.10? db4.2-util?19:31
gonlinuxshould I be abel to do voice chat with Yahoo folks when I use Gizmo?19:31
linux_guytext-based user interface19:31
Tejedorpteski thank you, but my problem is that i only have one hard disc and that i will get into problems if i overwrite the mbr, so i want to install ubuntu, but not grub19:31
ChousukeCLI != TUI19:31
mneptoklinux_guy: you just described every book and magazine ever published.19:31
linux_guyexcuse me for reading?19:32
rainmanp7so what MMorpg plays good on this system ?19:32
fuzzyi got a problem19:32
KenBW2!ask | fuzzy19:32
ubottufuzzy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:32
fuzzyfor some reason my bootloader (grub) broke19:32
mneptoklinux_guy: no, no. i mean "text based user interface" is excessively vague. that could mean a Unix shell or grafitti on a bridge. ;)19:32
poetI'm using network-manager-pptp to connect to a VPN network.  Everything works, but I'm experiencing periodic disconnects.  Can anyone help me interpret the log file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113742/19:33
* linux_guy throws his book across the room19:33
gonlinuxanyone using Gizmo?19:33
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_VIM_my books are pdf's, cant throw them across room linux_guy :P19:34
fuzzydoes anyone know how to fix a grub bootloader?19:34
* fuzzy panics19:34
janisozaurfuzzy: grub-install ?19:34
janisozaurfuzzy: provide more details19:34
fuzzywell i installed linux and then my bootloader broke19:35
mib_5k898iIs there a text editor i can use when booted into rescue mode?19:35
janisozaurcan i take a screenshot of console?19:35
KenBW2_VIM_: unless linux_guy is next to you a PDF allows for better digital throwing - more likely than physically throwing to hit him19:35
gonlinuxwhat is everyone using for voice chat?19:35
ubentufuzzy: vi or nano19:35
ubentusry. not fuzzy, but mib_...19:36
_VIM_KenBW2: i could just throw the entire computer that has the pdfs , would that work? :)  ok im shutting up before one of the ops does !OT | _VIM_  or worse :)19:36
* fuzzy is using a live cd now19:36
macrobadfuzzy: Are you looking for something like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows ?19:36
oCean_janisozaur: PrtSc19:36
ubentufuzzy: did you backup menu.lst19:37
mib_5k898iok, nano does not work, vi does...19:37
gigasofthi all19:37
mib_5k898iI guess I'll have to figure out how to use vi!19:37
_VIM_mib_5k898i: you make that sound like that's a bad thing19:37
ubentumib: yep. check out manual pdfs provided on the net19:38
blanc19hi people19:38
mneptokmib_5k898i: "does not work?"19:38
nanotubemneptok: :)19:38
mib_5k898ihaha, just used to nano19:38
ubentuvi rocks!19:38
janisozauroCean_: my system doesn't know such command and neither does apt. should i fetch source and compile or is there already some package?19:38
fuzzyubentu, no i didnt19:38
fuzzyi think this guy has the same problem19:38
oCean_janisozaur: I meant the PrintScreen key (PrtSc)19:38
macrobadmib_5k898i: just press "i", use like notepad, then press "Esc", type ":wq" - and your changes are saved19:38
mib_5k898iI get error opening terminal: bterm. when i try nano19:38
fuzzyi tried to load fdisk -l but it gives an error19:38
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mib_5k898i@ macrobad Thanks19:39
janisozauroCean_: err... it did nothing19:39
mikeshollenI don't seem to have the option to connect to my wireless network but when I had Ubuntu 8.10 installed it automatically picked it up.  What can I do to fix this?19:39
KhisanthoCean_: I don't think that works from the console :)19:39
oCean_janisozaur: Khisanth ...ow 'console' .. i didn't get that19:40
janisozaurKhisanth, oCean_: so do i, but it's worth a try ;)19:40
AJC_Z0When trying to add a JRE to OpenOffice under Tools > Options... > OpenOffice.org > Java any path I add around /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre results in "The folder you selected does not contain a java runtime environment". What am i doing wrong?19:40
=== rubydiamond is now known as intelligent
AJC_Z0I have sun-java5-jre installed19:40
oCean_janisozaur: no gui!?19:41
Khisanthjanisozaur: what are you trying to do with a screenshot?19:41
Mikeheri finally succeded in installing ubuntu on my laptop by using wubi.. but now i am stuck at the login screen.. it has not frozen but i can't use either the keyboard or the touchpad.. nor can i change to any of the virtual consoles19:41
pZombieMy ubuntu 8.04 install on this pentium m/ ati mobility 9600 notebook works perfectly, including proper gfx accel and sound. Except loging out doesnt work anymore... just gives me a blank screen and the laptop requires a hard power off. any ideas?19:41
janisozauroCean_: just console (well, i have xfce, but i want a screenshot of a console)19:41
janisozaurKhisanth: i want to take a "screenshot" of htop19:42
homecabledo any of u all run denyhosts ?19:42
janisozauri know of scrot and fbgrab, not sure if either works in console19:42
_VIM_Mikeher: wubi is like eating only a half of a cookie...why not fully install it using dualboot ?19:42
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:42
janisozaurand i have completely no idea how could i use them with htop anyway... still i'd like to do that19:43
oCean_janisozaur: you could start htop from terminal on xfce right, then take screenshot19:43
janisozauroCean_: yes i know, but like i said i want to take a screenshot of console19:44
gonlinuxanyone doing voice chat with ubuntu ??19:44
kapipiWhats a good method to move ubuntu system from my current disk which is starting to get bad sectors, to a new larger harddrive?19:44
Break-condonsomebody knows how make work silverlight ?19:44
mib_5k898ivi is useless in rescue console, it does not work correctly19:45
jken146kapipi: Use gparted to copy the partition.19:45
kapipijken146: Will it be able to do that despite bad sectors.19:45
Sa[i]nTIs there a text editor for Ubuntu that can do FTP like Crimson Editor?19:46
Mikeher_VIM_ i tried.. but i dont know what went wrong.. i have been using my whole fuckin day installing ubuntu and it seems like it does not like to use my cdrom reader19:46
FlawHi! -- I'm a network engineer, I'm used to running OS X and using Apple Remote Desktop to view/control all of our network's computers in work. We are moving to ubuntu, and our server to ubuntu-server, what's the best equivalent to use?19:46
janisozaurSa[i]nT: i believe you can mount ftp path and use gedit and anything that uses gvfs in gnome19:46
reggiehow i configure audio driver for sound card ? ...why there isnt alsaconf in ubuntu ?19:46
kapipiMikeher take a deep breath, computers treat you like that once in a while.19:46
Sa[i]nTjanisozaur, I did'nt think of mounting an ftp path.19:47
FlawHi! -- I'm a network engineer, I'm used to running OS X and using Apple Remote Desktop to view/control all of our network's computers in work. We are moving to ubuntu, and our server to ubuntu-server, what's the best equivalent to use?19:47
Break-condonsilverlight in ubuntu?19:47
mikeshollenFlaw, have you played with Remote Desktop viewer?19:47
StroganoffFlaw: it's called "vino"19:47
StroganoffFlaw: it's based on VNC19:47
Flawmikeshollen: No, is that like Apple Remote Desktop?19:47
FlawI like seeing all the computers in a grid format.19:48
kapipijken146: I assume you mean running gparted from a livecd right? Or will it copy mounted partitions?19:48
janisozaurSa[i]nT: try browsing ftp with nautilus, i think it should mount it automagically19:48
pahaloomBreak-condon, what about silverlight? .Net applications in general work through mono19:48
mikeshollenStroganoff: wouldn't vnc open up security issues compared to the remote desktop feature?19:48
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janisozaurpahaloom: there is moonlight by novell19:48
Stroganoffmikeshollen: the remote desktop feature = vino = vnc19:48
jken146kapipi: It might copy them, not sure.  It won't delete, move or resize them though.19:48
pahaloomBreak-condon, silverlight is claimed to work on other platforms too, but haven't had any reason to try19:49
mikeshollenFlaw: go to your applications menu19:49
mikeshollenFlaw: select internet - Remote Desktop19:49
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Break-condonnetflix ask for silverlight and i want work in ubuntu19:49
pahaloomBreak-condon, what is netflix? some web page?19:49
hejdixonwhere can i find the file I'm editing with the command "crontab -e" ?19:50
janisozaurBreak-condon: last time i entered a website that required silvelight i clicked to install it, it directed me to microsoft and then i clicked "install" and was redirected to novell website with moonlight19:50
Break-condonis a web server and u can watch movies online19:50
Flawmikeshollen: That will show all networked pc's in a grid format?19:50
FlawAnd let me install software remotely, etc.19:50
meyouBreak-condon: www.mono-project.com/Moonlight ?19:51
mikeshollenFlaw: I don't use the feature yet, I honestly couldn't tell you one way or another.  I would imagine it would allow for remote software installation.  Most VNC clients do.19:51
Break-condoni install moonlight but dont work19:51
mikeshollenFlaw: And if you're an Apple Guy, you can get Jaadu VNC for your iPhone and you could probably get that sync'd up to Remote Desktop Viewer to administer from anywhere :-)19:51
mib_5k898iDoes any one know how to fix error 13 when booting, I cant even get to the grub menu, it gives this error first, I need to add acpi=off in grub, but I cant get to it19:51
mib_5k898ivi in recovery mode is useless19:52
Flawmikeshollen: OK! The only thing I was worried about, is Apple Remote Desktop is SO good at the moment, it does everything we need and it's so simple to use. I don't want to be typing local IP addresses, entering username and passwords just to connect to a network PC.19:52
FlawOur current software just shows all computers in a grid format, double-click and it appears.19:53
_VIM_Flaw: that sounds like neat software :)19:53
Flaw_VIM_: it is.19:54
_VIM_whats it called?19:54
mikeshollenFlaw: Maybe someone else knows?  The VNC stuff I used with Windows required you to enter the username and password for each device one time.  After that it would show up in list format and you could connect to everything with one click.19:54
FlawApple Remote Desktop, _VIM_19:54
Flawit's a good piece of kit!19:54
Break-condonWatching instantly on your computer19:54
Break-condonOur apologies — instant watching is not supported for your operating system.19:54
Break-condonNote that your current Internet browser is fully compatible with adding titles to the Instant Queue for later watching on compatible devices.19:54
Break-condonComplete System Requirements19:54
Break-condonTo watch instantly, you'll need a computer that meets the following minimum requirements:19:54
FloodBot1Break-condon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:54
Break-condon    * Windows19:54
pahaloomFlaw, isn't that because mac's have bonjour or something similar to discover eachother running by default??19:56
mikeshollenDoes anyone have any idea why my wireless card just showed up with 8.10 but with 8.04 it only seems to recognize my ethernet connection?19:56
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MicroBillBreak-condon, ubuntu installing moonlight  <--- google try the im feeling lucky button19:56
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mikeshollenPahaloom: Yes, I don't believe Bonjour uses IP addresses.19:56
Break-condoni install fro the web site them u give me, but its the same problem19:57
pahaloommikeshollen, why not?19:57
Flawpahaloom: we don't use the Bonjour functionality, we're spread out over three complexes.19:57
mikeshollenPahaloom: I don't really now.  I use it in a school that I administer and it works great for one intranet but as Flaw points out, I don't believe it works over the internet.19:58
MithsirHi! Sound over my USB soundcard is kind of choppy (I hear cracks). How can I fix that (ubuntu 8.04)?19:58
pahaloomBreak-condon, when some web site's custom application does not work on every platform, thent it's their problem. You can write them a letter or smthing...19:59
Flawok, thanks for your time!19:59
toughmindjobHas anyone a running ubuntu on a thinkpad w500?19:59
pahaloommikeshollen, indeed, it is supposed to be only in the local intranet - but i'm not an expert... what other thing could make remote desktop software to "ping for any nearby remote machine"??20:01
cb122Break-Condon from what I read netflix only uses silverlight 2 whereas moonlight is built on 1.X20:01
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Jack_Sparrowstatham Im back20:02
mikeshollenPahaloom: I don't know.  Mine didn't ping for it, you just made a list of all the stuff you wanted to be able to connect to during the setup process, and whether or not it was active, it showed up in the list.  If you tried to connect to a computer that was, say turned off, it would hit you with an error letting you know your connection timed out.20:02
cb122google ubuntu netflix moonlight for more details20:02
mikeshollenPahaloom: I'm sure it's possible, I just never really went looking for that kind of software.20:02
MicroBillnoob question incomming... any one else has problems mounting samba shares in 8.10? get permission denied when im trying to brows the folder i mounted the share to? (works lika a charm in opensuse, xp, and previous ubuntu installations iw had)20:03
SxNDavetoughmindjob: Google believes yes.20:03
AAETPIOyes i have trouble browsing samba shares in 8.10.  i'm glad i'm not alone.  i wasn't sure if it was a service i accidentally turned off or not.20:04
red_Hey, I have a HP 6735s laptop with an ATI Radeon HD 2300 video controller.  Whenever I try to do something in 3D fullscreen, the screen goes all scrambly. Can anyone help?20:04
ubentuSxNDave: lol20:04
MicroBillnighter mount -t cifs / smbfs or smbmount works...can however softmount in nautilus...20:05
nathanhelpI've been hearing about "dont use root" or "use a low level login". What does this mean?20:05
mariais this the official ubuntu channel?20:05
erUSUL!sudo | nathanhelp20:05
ubottunathanhelp: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:05
erUSULmaria: yes20:05
AAETPIOred_, can you define scrambly ?  that only thing i can suggest, that if the default drivers do not work, then give the restricted drivers for the ATI card a shot.  you can always turn off the restricted drivers.  by default ubuntu tries to use open source drivers20:05
wolterhi, if i get asked for boost, do i have to download boost-jam?20:06
MicroBillAAETPIO, lol looks like its just the two of us20:06
nathanhelpSo installing things needs root?20:06
red_AAETPIO, I'm already using the restricted drivers.  The default drivers don't provide 3D acceleration at all. By "scrambly" I mean "I can't make out anything at all, it's so mixed up"20:06
Andraihow can i build my own ubuntu's .deb package?20:07
erUSULwolter: afaik you should install libboost-whateveryouneed20:07
pahaloomMicroBill, try using "nautilus smb://" style URL from command line. man pages of smb* commands help too20:07
erUSUL!packaging | Andrai20:07
ubottuAndrai: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports20:07
erUSULnathanhelp: yes20:07
mikeshollenI can't seem to see my wireless card when I click on the internet connection icon at the top right of the screen.  With 8.10 it automatically picked up my network but with 8.04 it's not showing up.20:07
illsortedwhere should I keep source code files for packages that I have to download/configure/make after I install them?20:08
AAETPIOred_, ooh.  hmm.  i'm not sure.  you might try radeonhd drivers, either experimental or otherwise.  there is a link on the phoronix forums on how to use those.  its worth a shot, at least, when all other options fail.  granted, thats given i dont know how to tweak your existing settings.  who knows you might find someone on those forums that can be of help to you20:08
erUSULmikeshollen: well hardware support may be better on the newer ubuntu20:08
kaktuskattaHi! I need some help finding out whether I have the required software needed to upgrade my display drivers or not. How do I check wheter I have kernel module build environment?20:09
wolterthanks erUSUL20:09
erUSULillsorted: you do not need to keep the code araund20:09
red_AAETPIO, Thanks for the tip20:09
erUSULkaktuskatta: you need build-essential and 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'20:09
nickrud_kaktuskatta, sudo apt-get install build-essential  linux-headers-$(uname -r) , and you wll have the right env.20:09
kaktuskattaok thanks20:10
mariajust that i see another channel saying it's the official channel of ubuntu20:10
nathanhelperUSUL: How do I know if I'm logged in as root / admin user or not?20:10
kaktuskattathis is necessary to do for every upgrade of the kernel in other words?20:10
mariaTopic:  Ubuntu's official community and professional support channel.20:10
nickrud_maria, this is most definitely the official support channel.20:10
nathanhelperUSUL: Let me rephrase20:10
famionathanhelp: in a terminal type "whoami"20:10
erUSULmaria: tere are other "official" channels... loco teams has channels xubuntu and kubuntu has they own channel #ubuntu-server etc...20:11
AAETPIOred, there are also some other, uhm, expermental drivers that are referenced, that are open source, on the phoronix site.  i've had better luck with the open source drivers for ATI cards, than the official ATI drivers, especially with 3d support, but if all else fails, envyng-gtk is in the repo20:11
erUSULnathanhelp: in ubuntu you do not log as root (you can't the root account is disabled) you use sudo20:11
erUSUL!irc | maria20:11
ubottumaria: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines20:11
nickrud_maria: if they are on freenode irc server, and start with #ubuntu* then they are offical channels; all others are pretenders20:11
mariaoh ok20:12
mikedep333hey, how do I change the domain/workgroup name of my 8.10 box?20:13
ubentu!irc | ubentu20:14
ubottuubentu, please see my private message20:14
Thisdudehey i'm using private files and content profile, i want the admin to be able to upload files that only the user the admin specifies can see and download the documents (users cannot upload) i used CCK to add a user dropdown list to the Content_Profile node add page; but when after i've uploaded a file to say test's account all registered users can see it not only test. Anyone have any ideas how i could accomplish this?20:14
Thisdudemaybe if someone knows how i can alter the create a content profle page's code i can add some php20:15
nickrud_mikedep333, edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and change the workgroup; then sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart20:15
famioThisdude, maybe you want to ask that @ #drupal ??20:15
Thisdudeyah, damn sorry20:15
wolterhow do i get ownership of all files and folders through the terminal?20:15
blip-hi, i'm running noobuntu 8.04,  for some reason some of my keyboard shortcuts for the openbox wm i'm using stop working after the system is put into suspend2ram and then woken up.  any ideas ?    thanks20:15
Thisdudethat was not intended for this channel20:15
erUSULwolter: all?20:15
mikedep333nickrud_: isn't there a way to change it for the entire system?20:16
woltererUSUL, everything... even files inside folders of the folders.20:16
blip-under kde,  alt-f2 and altf4 work fine though20:16
famiomikedep333: nickrud's way is for entire system20:16
mikedep333linux gets its domain name from samba?20:16
erUSULwolter: you mean a folder and its subfolders including files... use the -R switch for chown/chmod20:16
MartinIIHello people20:16
erUSULwolter: but only use it inside your home folder....20:17
abchirk_isn't there an equailizer for rhytmnbox?20:17
woltererUSUL, yeah, thanks!20:17
mikeshollenerUSUL: The reason I switched to 8.04 is because i was having trouble with graphics drivers for 8.1020:17
erUSULwolter: unless you really know what you are doing20:17
nathanhelpfamio, erUSUL: I want to "secure" my computer. I am the Admin for this computer with direct login from bootup. My kids have little access to the computer physically and only go on when I'm around (all three are under 6years old). I trust my wife explicitly - so don't want to restrict her. Physically I'm secure from intrusions. What about the Net? Ubuntu is a completely different environment from Windows and I'm slowly becoming used to it, however I don't20:17
mikeshollenDo I have any options for getting my wireless card working in 8.0420:17
nathanhelpDo I need to have another login for my computer?20:18
mikedep333nathanhelp: ubuntu will automatically prompt you to install security updates20:18
mikedep333that will keep you pretty secure over the net20:18
mikedep333it has no services running by default, eg, file sharing20:18
famiomikedep333: short answer "yes", IOW samba is the software you use to connect to all kinds of "microsoft" networks20:18
joconathanhelp: There are some packages that make it child safe.. there is also user switching,,put them on a non admin account20:18
nanotubenathanhelp: well... make a non-admin account for your kids20:18
erUSULnathanhelp: for you wifes and kids ? well that's how i canfigured my computer (there is no dirct loging on boot) and all the users have its own account20:19
macomikedep333: itd help if you stated what wireless crd you have20:19
StEaLtHtHiEfI have a programming gig and I need to time the response from an echo server.  I don't have an echo server to test with.  Anyone know of one I could send a few messages to?20:19
mikedep333maco: wrong person20:19
macomikedep333: sorry20:19
MartinIII just installed Ubuntu as my first Linux distro ever and right now I'm trying to get my TV capture card to work. The guide tells me to add a line to /etc/modules.d/dvb but the folder modules.d does not exist in /etc - Did I miss something?20:19
mikedep333alright I'll just use smb.conf, thx20:19
Jack_SparrowStEaLtHtHiEf Wrog channel.. this is Ubuntu Support20:19
macomikeshollen: helps if you tell which NIC is the trouble20:19
nanotubenathanhelp: other than that... the only thing an "admin" account can do than a non-admin cannot is use sudo.20:19
StEaLtHtHiEfwhere should i go?20:19
nickrud_mikedep3m33, not an expert with samba by any means; http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/domain-member.html has details20:19
mikedep333ok, thanks20:20
erUSULMartinII: use /etc/modprobe.d/20:20
rubenI can't mount my dvd drive, can anybody help me?20:20
yoyit2for some reason i cant get mp4s to play on totem anymore (i have all the codecs/pluings) ..it worked a few days ago.. but now when i try and play mp3's it says Error. so then i tried sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and that just said that another program might be using it so i couldnt view it... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:20
MartinIIOkay, thanks erUSUL20:20
LuXorhey guys how to create a ubuntu theme?20:20
AAETPIOmikeshollen, of course you do.  you need to find the exact chipset of your wireless.  if it doesn't "just work"  then see what other solutions others have had for that chipset through google.  if its upsupported, madwifi, works for atheros chipset, or for broadcom, there have been some reverse engineered solutions that have worked better for me, than the ones included in restricted drivers20:20
nanotubeStEaLtHtHiEf: look at the channel list... maybe #programming exists. or #yourprogramminglanguageofchoice20:20
joconathanhelp: There is also a fast user switching agent, widget, do-dad, keeps the admin logged in but password protected and the other users can play all day.20:20
LuXorsomebody will tell me?20:21
Jack_SparrowLuXor try gnome-look.org20:21
nickrud_LuXor, gnome-look.org has some tutorials20:21
mikedep333nathanhelp: http://ubuntuce.com/20:21
CzarAlexmy `top` shows 0.00  server load for all three values. I know its not accurate as I have several things running. Did something break?20:22
mikedep333Ubuntu Christian Edition also includes fully integrated web content parental controls powered by Dansguardian. A graphical tool to adjust the filter settings has also been developed specifically for Ubuntu Christian Edition. These features are truly what sets Ubuntu Christian Edition apart.20:22
Jack_Sparrowmikedep333 Drop it20:22
AAETPIOmikeshollen try sudo lshw -c for the chipset for your wireless.  i believe thats what people use to look those sort of things up20:22
nathanhelpWhyd you give me that mike?20:22
erUSULmikeshollen: «lshw -C Network»20:22
KenBW2what's KERNEL_DIR?20:23
pZombie which file do i need to edit(or is there a menu) to set gdm as my default dm?20:23
PicipZombie: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm20:23
erUSULKenBW2: usually a env variable that points to the kernel source directory iirc20:23
KenBW2erUSUL: where is it in ubuntu?20:23
erUSULKenBW2: if you do not install the linux kernel sources it is nowhere... better tell us what are you doing or trying20:24
famiopZombie, i haven't tried it, but maybe you could do that easiliy with the alternatives system, check "update-alternatives" command20:25
LuXornickrud, please url, i cant find it20:25
KenBW2erUSUL: http://web.archive.org/web/20061001095523/http://www.averm.co.uk/avermedia/docs/pdf/linux.txt <-- "In KERNEL_DIR, % make menuconfig"20:25
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:25
zerotruthsHi, would anyone per chance happen to know how to permanently remove compcache?20:25
famiopZombie: alternative to select would be "x-session-manager"20:25
erUSULKenBW2: you are recompiling a kernel ?20:26
KenBW2erUSUL: erm, i dont really know20:26
cyrus__how do you permanently set the cpu_frequency scaling_governor to a certain value20:26
KenBW2erUSUL: i'm trying to get my TV card working20:26
famiocyrus__: is that a sysctl value?20:26
danbhfiveanyone here happen to have a working webcam, but doesn't work in cheese?20:26
erUSULKenBW2: the driver is already built in ubuntu dvb-bt8xx20:26
cyrus__it is in the /sys directory20:27
erUSULKenBW2: just try « sudo modprobe dvb-bt8xx »20:27
pZombienice picci, that worked20:27
cyrus__doesn't sysctl conrol the /proc values?20:27
KenBW2erUSUL: no output20:27
LuXornickrud, will you?20:27
pZombiebut what exactly does dpkg-reconfigure do? does it call some standard configure script most packages have with them?20:28
erUSULKenBW2: good do «tail /var/log/messages » post the output to paste.ubuntu.com20:28
PicipZombie: Yes.20:28
erUSULpZombie: exactly20:28
pZombieah nice, good to know20:28
Skaagis there something better than Zimbra as a mail server? :)20:28
SkaagI'm contemplating what to install20:28
nathanhelpIn Ubuntu, I have pidgin running, but the main program window has disappeared. I also have experienced this in other programs when I know a program is running, but can't find them via alt+tab. How do i go about getting those windows back?20:28
erUSULSkaag: postfix20:28
KenBW2erUSUL: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2404020:29
SkaagI've used postfix, exim, qmail/vpopmail, etc...20:29
SkaagI know them all very well20:29
famiocyrus__ yes, i asked cause i don't know if cpufreq is a value that can be controlled via sysctl, as in that case it would be permanently settable in sysctl.conf20:29
carpii_what do you need that postfix isnt doing well ?20:29
step21nathanhelp: is there an icon still in the statusbar? upper right normally20:29
Jewbaccahi, how can i set my mouse configerations to default20:29
pZombiehm, thats really weird. my ubuntu doesnt like gdm it seems. using kdm i can logout, but with gdm i just get a blank screen, even after reinstalling the package20:29
pZombieit hangs and i have to do a hard power off20:30
wolterhi, I am trying to play a game that uses fmod, where can i get that?20:30
nathanhelpstep21:  um....I customised my panels. :)20:30
erUSULKenBW2: can you post the output of « ls /dev/video* » ?20:30
nathanhelpstep21: But i dont know what panel or "program" monitors running programs.20:30
Skaagcarpii_: calendar sync, global address book, iphone push mail, outlook integration, etc.20:30
KenBW2erUSUL: "/dev/video0"20:30
carpii_oh i see.20:31
Jewbaccahi, how can i set my mouse configerations to default20:31
erUSULKenBW2: do you have a wecam or something like that?20:31
DavedanI'm installing a package with apt-get install. If this package has config files, can I find out where these files are using a script?20:31
KenBW2erUSUL: nope20:31
pZombiewhat can cause such behaviour? gdm itself the login screen works fine. its just when i logout it hangs completly. Any logout script i can edit ?20:31
=== Eber_ is now known as Eber
erUSULKenBW2: seems you tv capture card is already "working" /dev/video0 is the device file asociated with it20:31
Jack_SparrowDavedan synaptic will show you filenames and folders20:32
step21nathanhelp: the task panel/bar and the status bar (hope that'swhat they're called) especially pdgin might remove itself from the normal task list to save space, then double clicking its icon in the status panel should bring it back20:32
erUSULKenBW2: have you tried any software with it ?20:32
KenBW2erUSUL: oh, so what do i need to do with it?20:32
=== poet_ is now known as poet
nathanhelpstep21: Would that status bar be "notification" area?20:32
KenBW2erUSUL: yea, tvtime, MeTV20:32
DavedanJack_Sparrow: I need to do it programatically20:32
erUSULKenBW2: tvtime and the like shold be able to use the device to work20:32
step21nathanhelp: yeah20:33
Jack_SparrowDavedan If you are trying to write a program to do it.. you have the wrong channel20:33
redvamp128Quick question -- Can anyone see any problems installing Fedora 10  on a second hard drive-- and would it add itself to my current grub or would I have tom manually add ubuntu to its grub later.20:33
nathanhelpstep21: I dont think i was clear enough. When i customised my panels I dont have the notification area anymore. :)20:33
KenBW2erUSUL: MeTV tells me "Failed to open tuner: No such device"20:33
KenBW2erUSUL: tvtime simply doesn't pick up any channels on a scan20:33
nathanhelpstep21: So if i add "notification area" to a panel it might be there?20:33
step21nathanhelp: well, then either tell the programs not to do that, or re-add it20:33
step21yeah it might be there20:33
Jack_Sparrowredvamp128 It will not add itself to your grub, it will use its own bootloader that may or may not see and connect ubuntu to its' bootloader20:34
erUSULKenBW2: :| i do not have uch experience with tv cards... but the driver is installed seems like a program configuration issue20:34
KenBW2erUSUL: something as simple as using the wrong PAL perhaps?20:34
redvamp128ahh so I should just stick with what I have currently -- Ubuntu 8.04,2 and puppy 4.1.220:34
ChaorainI am trying to boot to a sata herad drive(secondary) with ubuntu but I get "cannot find boot device"20:34
erUSULKenBW2: http://tvtime.sourceforge.net/usage.html#configure <<<< maybe tvtime-configure --norm=pal --frequencies=europe20:34
Moodanyone know the latest db util for ubuntu? or how i can check?20:35
xsgOK guys how do i enable the cube effect in ubuntu and another question how do i enable the fire effect also ?20:35
erUSUL!ccsm | xsg20:35
ubottuxsg: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:35
Jack_Sparrowxsg Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse20:35
erUSULMood: db util ??20:35
Jack_Sparrowxsg For Animations like Burning windows..Open CCSM  Under Effects.. Enable Animations and Animations add-ons... Close CCSM, Reopen CCSM, Double click Animations.. You will see tabs for Open, Close, Minimize etc... On the tab marked Open Select.. New.. Where it says open Effect Select... Burn.. Set Duration to 150.. For Window Match.. Type (type=Normal | Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog)20:35
MooderUSUL: i.e. db4.3-util (for PAM)20:35
Moodtrying to install PAM, but need to know which db util is the latest so i can install20:36
_VIM_Jack_Sparrow: what irc client are you using for those scripts/macros?20:36
_VIM_i know you dont type that fast ;)20:36
nathanhelpHow do I know what panel is what type? (Notification area, status bar, open windows etc) if it is blank? I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 with Gnome.20:36
Jack_Sparrow_VIM_ My open notepad20:36
erUSULMood: apt-cache poñicy package-name20:36
erUSULMood: apt-cache policy package-name20:37
MooderUSUL: yes, i know about apt-cache policy. the problem is that the version of the package is in the name itself :-/20:37
MooderUSUL: db4.3-util, or db4.4-util, etc20:37
Chaorainbooting from a sata hard drive gives a "cannot detect boot device" help?20:37
letalisis there a command that will allow you to search the package database from the cli to search for something like the dev headers for xlib?20:37
KenBW2erUSUL: that didnt work, but ill keep fishing. thanks :)20:37
erUSULMood: so what is the problem exactly ? you know the version aviable20:38
MooderUSUL: i do not know what version is available20:38
IntuitiveNippleMood: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=db&searchon=names&suite=intrepid&section=all20:38
nDuffletalis, apt-cache search xlib?20:38
nathanhelpoh! The notification panel is the status bar and it fills up automatically! cool.20:38
letaliscool ty20:38
MoodIntuitiveNipple: thank you kind sir20:39
CarlFKanyone know what flavor of linux this ships with?  http://www.buy.com/prod/acer-emachines-520-2496-notebook-intel-celeron-m-575-2ghz-15-4-wxga/q/loc/101/209114569.html20:39
russia213I'm installing Ubuntu right now on an external hard drive, where do I install the boot loader to?20:39
nathanhelpstep21: cool thanks for you help :)20:39
step21nathanhelp: your welcome20:39
abstortedmindsis kde-nightly the closest to kde 4.2 release there is in ubuntu20:40
nDuffrussia213, if your BIOS can boot directly off that external drive, I'd install the bootloader to the MBR of the drive itself.20:40
Jewbaccahow can i set my mouse settings to default?20:40
abstortedmindskde 4.2 was released 2 days ago20:40
abstortedmindsso why  is it still nightly20:40
blip-hi, how can i change the font size of skype under ubunt 8.0420:40
fuzzwell that was fun20:40
russia213nDuff: My BIOS doesn't support boot from USB port20:41
AAETPIOCarlFK, i'm not sure the answer to your question.  my laptop though, is a rebranded acer, and it works really well with intrepid.  it was made in 2008 or 2009, if your looking to put ubuntu on it, chances are, you'll have good luck.  you might want to research the chipset of the wireless on it though.  mine is atheros, which is problem free.  there might be others, that require, minimal extra effort every kernel update20:41
=== tmi is now known as ChronosZA
Jewbaccawhere can i configure my monitor resulotion and hz ?20:41
ubentublip: no idea, but would be good to know20:41
fosco_Jewbacca: system - preferences - screen20:41
chris____Hey guys, ive just removed a couple of user accounts - but there crontabs are still executing?20:42
AAETPIOJewbacca, try system-preferences-screen resolution20:42
Jewbaccai dont have it20:43
chris____And when I try to remove the crontab manually it complains about -u username as the user has already been removed..20:43
chris____any ideas? :)20:43
Jewbaccaor i have it but i fail to translate it from hebrew xD20:43
Jewbaccais there a cmd to get there?20:43
nDuffrussia213, ...then you'll need to install it somewhere your BIOS *can* boot from, or use something like SYSLINUX to bootstrap from DOS.20:43
abstortedmindsis kde-nightly the lastest in ubuntu repository?20:43
abstortedmindsor is the official one available yet20:43
fosco_Jewbacca: just run gnome-display-properties20:43
Jewbaccafosco_:  how do i do that?20:44
CarlFKAAETPIO: thanks.  trying to figure out if I can recommend it to a waiter at a restaurant i go to.  i could install ubuntu on it, but im not looking to become this guys tech support20:44
fosco_Jewbacca: wow man, open a terminal and type gnome-display-properties20:44
cris_hi, guys20:44
ChronosZAare the foomatic printer drivers intended primarily for locally connected printers or should it be irrelevant that the printer is on another, windows machine?20:44
cris_need help to use linux on ipaq20:44
Jack_SparrowCarlFK # Free Ubuntu Book:    http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download.html20:44
immortaly007Hello everyone!20:45
* nDuff wonders how Wubi bootstraps20:45
russia213nDuff: Would I install it on the primary C:\ drive then?20:45
Jewbaccaok it worked, now plz how can i set mouse settings to default20:45
immortaly007uhm i installed ubuntu today using wubi but apparently20:45
Jack_Sparrowcris_ Wrong channel..  there is a channel for netbook20:45
immortaly007But I have no sound in lots of apps20:45
misohi , exist some easy way how to extract license names from curently instaled packages20:45
AAETPIOCarlFK, i see.  hmm, well to be honest, i've no idea what they put on acers for their linux notebooks.  if he can handle ubuntu, it works fine, its literally, easier to support, in general, even if he doesn't go through you, than other distributions (through say, google)20:46
Jack_Sparrowimmortaly007 You wont catch me running a wubi based install20:46
fosco_Jewbacca: system-preferences-mouse20:46
wolterhow do i mass search text in a directory? I want to get results from text files that have that text20:46
immortaly007Does it really matter that much Jack Sparrow?20:46
fosco_wolter: grep text files20:46
Jack_Sparrowimmortaly007 Absolutely20:46
lstarneswolter: grep -nHR "text" directory20:46
immortaly007Hmm ok20:46
Jack_Sparrowimmortaly007 Do a regular partition install..20:47
nDuffrussia213, ...there are probably much more modern ways to do this, actually, than what I'm thinking of -- SYSLINUX has been around ages. That said, it's just visible as a DOS app, so you can run it off of any drive you can see when at a prompt.20:47
Jewbaccafosco_:  i dont have an option to bring it to default20:47
CarlFKAAETPIO: if I knew it shipped with ubuntu, I would feel ok recommending it.  otherwise I kinda wanna stay out of it20:47
Jewbaccai change something there and now the mouse move weird20:47
chris____can I get a full list of all users cron tabs on a machine?20:49
immortaly007I was just using dus wubi install to try Ubuntu you know20:49
cris_Jack_Sparrow: ok, sorry, have a good day20:49
Jack_Sparrowcris_ netbook remix or something like that20:49
AAETPIOCarlFK, a simple google search suggests they are using ubuntu  at least, the ones they sell in singapore (official acer with linux laptops)  http://laptoping.com/acer-aspire-5710z-ubuntu-linux.html20:49
russia213nDuff: At the installation page, which I'm looking at right now, it asks me which device to install my boot loader, which one should I choose?20:50
Jack_Sparrowimmortaly007 YEa, I am touchy about people using wubi,  too many people trash thier systems just by powering off.20:50
immortaly007But does anyone have a clue why I have sound in using Java in mozilla (for example RuneScape) but not in Pidgin, VLC player and rythmbox?20:50
AAETPIOCarlFK, seems they are competing with Dell.   cool :)20:50
immortaly007Ow Yeah @ Jack I had that once already xD20:50
Jack_Sparrowimmortaly007 Be happy it didnt take down your ntfs windows install with it20:51
nDuffrussia213, if you don't mind having your computer always come up with a menu to ask if it should boot Linux or Windows, just put it on the hard drive you normally boot from20:51
erUSULMood: sorry away for a while... " i do not know what version is available " -> apt-cache policy tells you20:51
immortaly007:O COuld it do that ...20:51
CarlFKAAETPIO: thanks.  that's encouraging20:51
immortaly007Hmm perhaps I should make a partition then...20:51
immortaly007But first I want this version to wrok xD20:51
nDuffrussia213, if you decide you don't want it later, you can tell Windows to rewrite the MBR and get rid of it.20:51
Jack_Sparrowimmortaly007 read the fine print on the wubi faq page20:51
=== blu is now known as blus
KenBW2anyome with knowledge of TV cards want to help me through http://web.archive.org/web/20061001095523/http://www.averm.co.uk/avermedia/docs/pdf/linux.txt ?20:52
russia213nDuff: Thank you for your help ^^ That answers my question20:52
fosco_Jewbacca: these are my options (default) http://picasaweb.google.com/fosco222/FlockPhotos#529904766434306238620:52
MatToufoutuhello, does anyone knows if there will be an update for firefox soon?20:53
anders_Hi, I have a problem with my sound, it worked yesterday, but I've managed to screw some settings up. Are anyone interested in helping me, maybe even try out the remote desktop thing :)20:53
dtchenanders_: run http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh first, then tell me the url it generates20:53
=== jwhite^ is now known as meyou
immortaly007Jack, does the usual Dual Boot Windows XP - Ubuntu doesn't crash If i shut down the PC while ubuntu is closing down?20:54
Jewbaccafosco_:  i dont know something is rly weird with my deathadder20:54
[coda]excuse me, does anybody know how to configure 82865G's svideo (intel driver)?20:54
Jewbaccahow can i set mouse dpi and polling rate20:54
[coda](on intrepid)20:54
jonstetlerwhat is dd? does it have something to do with writing the hard byte to zeros?20:58
fosco_       dd - convert and copy a file20:58
fosco_dd is used to raw-copy files and devices20:59
thebishophello, my open file dialog always opens too small and cramped.  it also shows hidden folders/files.  how can i fix this?20:59
alien_every time i boot up ubuntu 8.10, my window control buttons are gone, there is no close, maximize ,and minimize buttons, how to fix this?20:59
jonstetlerfosco_:I need to fix my hdd becuase I can't get windows to install and someone told me about dd just I was just wonder if that might help?21:00
fosco_jonstetler: it may help, and it can destroy all your data, take care21:00
_VIM_jonstetler: i'd try clonezilla21:00
statham<alien_> <-- type alt+f2 then "metacity --replace", do the window decorations come back?21:01
alien_statham, what I usually do, I go to settings, appearance, and try to enable advanced graphics, and that fixes the thing, let me try to put this command in auto run, thanks21:02
=== marko-_-- is now known as GusarMarko
Feuerklingei have openoffice calc and if i press "m3" it gives me "m³". does someone know how i can get "m3" to the screen?21:03
nibHello, I'm trying to share folder, but I would like to add a password (samba)21:03
nibI'm able to add one password21:03
jonstetler_VIM_: I got a virus and it crashed everything I had dual boot with vista and ubuntu 8.10 and nothing would work. so I just wiped everything out but now windows will not install. so clonezilla sets bytes to all zeros?21:03
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nibbut I want a different password/user per folder21:03
=== buxl is now known as marko-_-
[coda]does anybody know why xrandr could be missing my svideo output?21:04
[coda]I have a intel's 82865G integrated video card, and xrandr is not detecting it :(21:04
=== eric is now known as talntid
_VIM_jonstetler: im not totally postive, but i think clonezilla uses dd, it's just ncurses interface (so it's sort of a GUI) to dd... maybe some of the pros in here could explain more21:05
Feuerklingecoda is your screen 100% campatible with pc?21:05
jonstetler_VIM_: ok thanks21:05
couchcould anyone tell me how to install the network drivers for virtualbox?21:05
Feuerklingecoda is your screen 100% campatible with pc?21:06
_VIM_np jonstetler be very careful clonezilla can be dangerious21:06
linkmaster03how can I set a window to urgent in compiz?21:06
_VIM_i accidentally wiped my 300 gig external hdd wit clonezilla :)21:06
ezerhodenhow to trouble shoot what is holding audio hostage? i may have played a feed over the internet the other day, now skype can not use the audio device. is this pusleaudio or some mixer problem?21:07
Feuerklingei have openoffice calc and if i press "m3" it gives me "m³". does someone know how i can get "m3" to the screen?21:07
[coda]Feuerklinge: yeap.. at least I can see all the boot process through the TV21:08
Johne5is anyone in here running ubuntu on an ibook g4 ppc?21:08
[coda]Feuerklinge: even the ubuntu logo while it loads21:08
alexeiWhere do I start configuring mail transfer agent? I get this on Intrepid: "Mailing to remote domains not supported .... Received: from alexei by novo with local (Exim 4.69)"21:08
Jack_Sparrow!ppc > Johne521:09
ubottuJohne5, please see my private message21:09
[coda]Feuerklinge: and then, when the intel driver takes control, it stops working.. and for example, xrandr doesn't shows a tv/svideo output..21:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:10
Feuerklingecoda then i have no idea21:10
[coda]Feuerklinge: lol21:10
Feuerklingecoda is it realy a screen problem?21:10
[coda]Feuerklinge: thanks anyway :D21:11
[coda]Feuerklinge: I think it's most a configuration problem..21:11
nomasteryoda|w[coda], yes that would be the issue ... i have ubuntu on a desktop and its fine with the svideo cable to tv21:11
nomasteryoda|wbut i had to tweak the xorg.conf file to get it right21:12
[coda]nomasteryoda|w: yeah.. :( I know on 8.04 it works just out of the box, but it seems something changed from Hardy to Intrepid..21:13
Skaagis it possible to downgrade 8.10 server to 8.04 server?21:13
BULLESkaag: no21:13
Skaagok thanks21:13
fearfulwhen I login I get an error saying something about my $HOME and that its the dmrc file that it needs 644 permissions, and I have already changed it any ideas?21:14
mustangghi.   I'm looking for an alternate to the samba client in the repo.. when I try to apt-get smbfs or smbclient I get an "E: Brojken packages"21:15
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:15
Feuerklingei have openoffice calc and if i press "m3" it gives me "m³". does someone know how i can get "m3" to the screen?21:15
mmmiiikkkeeeyou can downgrade ubuntu; but it's very pain-full and breaks a lot of packages; it's not automatic at all; there is a wiki on how to do downgrades21:15
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.21:16
prince_jammysfearful: what's the output of: ls -l ~/.dmrc21:16
fearful-rw-r--r-- 1 benjamin benjamin 28 2009-02-04 04:30 /home/benjamin/.dmrc21:16
mmmiiikkkeeeyes it not supported, but you can do it...21:17
BULLEmmmiiikkkeee: its easier to just reinstall the older version21:17
prince_jammysfearful: so what error message do you get now?21:17
nomasteryoda|w[coda], yes it did and I think its how they handle the xorg automagic crash-proof x but I don't know exactly how to fix it21:17
prince_jammysfearful: what's the output of: ls -l ~/.ICEauthority21:17
[coda]nomasteryoda|w: oh :(21:17
fearful-rw------- 1 benjamin benjamin 4083 2009-02-04 15:07 /home/benjamin/.ICEauthority21:18
prince_jammysfearful: ok21:18
fearfulI still get the same error, its annoying because no logging21:18
mustanggso that aptfix solution was for me?21:18
prince_jammysfearful: what's the output of: ls -ld ~21:18
fearfuldrwxrwxrwx 50 benjamin benjamin 4096 2009-02-04 15:15 /home/benjamin21:19
Samus_Aranis there any way to use an older style .fnt file on Ubuntu, which seems to use only .psf fonts ?  I tried converting the font with some tools, but it wouldn't convert to .psf21:19
prince_jammysfearful: ok. all that looks fine21:19
Feuerklingecoda is it realy a screen problem?21:19
Feuerklingei have openoffice calc and if i press "m3" it gives me "m³". does someone know how i can get "m3" to the screen?21:19
fearfulThen why is it giving me the error at logon21:19
Samus_AranUbuntu uses 512 character fonts in text mode, causing it to lose bold colours, which I need21:19
SlartFeuerklinge: that sounds weird.. you're not talking about m^3?21:20
Samus_Aranfearful: I'm not in a Unicode terminal right now, so I don't know what you just pasted21:20
poloipoihi, I downloaded ubuntu alternate cd for that I could install LTSP. I don't see cd's boot menu LTSP install option when I press F4... Can anyone help me? thanx21:20
Feuerklingei say m3 is going to m³21:20
Samus_Aranfearful: if OO.o autoformats anything, just press Undo immediately after it converts it21:20
nuubuntucan someone who knows anything about the Acer 5515 wifi issue in ubuntu send me a PM?21:20
Feuerklingesame with m221:21
Samus_AranFeuerklinge: that was meant for you21:21
Samus_AranFeuerklinge: if OO.o autoformats anything, just press Undo immediately after it converts it21:21
fearfulAll the permissions seem to be correct, but when I login to ubuntu I get an error message somewhat the following; Permisions of $HOME and something with dmrc that they should be 644 and I should be owner, which is true21:21
nuubuntucan someone who knows anything about the Acer 5515 wifi issue in ubuntu send me a PM?21:21
mmmiiikkkeeeBULLE: it can be, but i my case that was the harder thing to do.  i had stuff i compiled by hand; i had the list of all the packaged i had installed; i had all of my configuration files(not all were in my home dir!); i had a big mess; i had hand edited system config files.  some times its easier to do a downgrade.  i my case it WAS.21:21
Feuerklingewhere can i find autoformats?21:21
erUSULnuubuntu: describe the "Acer 5515 wifi issue" or you want get any help21:22
erUSUL!details | nuubuntu21:22
ubottunuubuntu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:22
erUSULnuubuntu: s/want/wont/21:22
mustanggSo what alternate exists for the smb client? (that "Broken packages" thing..)21:22
klenzhi i need some help i have the all of my /media folder share but i am unable to access any file in my /media folder it says i do not have the permission needed??? can any one help me here21:23
KenBW2if i upgrade to hardy through Update Manager will i be able to downgrade afterwards if needed21:23
misieqis there any (relatively) easy way to set up qos/traffic shaping in ubuntu?21:23
nickrud_mustangg, run   sudo apt-get -f install  , then the install you're trying to do and put the full output on paste.ubuntu.com21:24
erUSUL!downgrade | KenBW221:24
ubottuKenBW2: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.21:24
sergehi, once again, how to change mac address on ubuntu via /etc/network/interfaces , it is possible?21:24
KenBW2erUSUL, nickrud: not recommended then :P21:24
erUSULserge: via a pre-up line ?21:25
SlartFeuerklinge: ah.. it's probably some kind of autocorrection21:25
misieqserge: man interfaces21:25
misieqserge: hwaddress21:25
Feuerklingethanks i found it21:25
jocoKenBW2: Not that I know of, but I have not searched the forums on it, I was on Intrepid and reverted back to Hardy, tip: download and burn the ISO for Hardy now, also make backups, if all works well, then you have some christmas tree ornaments21:25
Feuerklingewas autocorrection21:26
liviu_i have an kubuntu 8..and when i type something like apt-get install synaptic...it doesn;t work....it won't connect to the internet and search for the software..21:26
poloipoihi, I downloaded ubuntu alternate cd for that I could install LTSP. I don't see cd's boot menu LTSP install option when I press F4... Can anyone help me? thanx.... Do I need to download diffrent cd????21:26
erUSUL!lstp | poloipoi21:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lstp21:26
mustanggnickrud - hmm, everything is clean -  all 0s...21:26
misieqliviu_: do you have proper repos in /etc/apt/sources.list? have you ran "sudo apt-get update"?21:26
erUSUL!ttsp | poloipoi21:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ttsp21:26
klenznow its telling me failed to mount windows share21:26
erUSUL!tsp | poloipoi21:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tsp21:26
liviu_misieq i didn't21:27
erUSUL!ltsp | poloipoi21:27
ubottupoloipoi: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project21:27
KenBW2joco: how did you "revert"?21:27
Jack_Sparrowpoloipoi https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall21:27
beejay77i have big problem - it looks like ubuntu acces rights are broken - i chceck rights in /home/user folder - everything looks ok21:27
Cpudan80access rights arent broken21:28
prince_jammysbeejay77: so what's broken?21:28
fearfulAny ideas why i still get the error21:28
Cpudan80beejay77: what problem are you experiencing21:28
poloipoiI found that link and it did say that I need to download alternate cd but it doesn't work... :(21:28
erUSULJack_Sparrow: seems like the ltsp factoid can get an edit...21:28
jocoKenBW2: After the intrepid upgrade, I used the ISO's that I made on Hardy and just reinstalled, sorta.21:28
KenBW2joco: you effectively wiped Intrepid and installed Hardy?21:29
beejay77it looks like i have no rights to.mozilla folder21:29
misieqliviu_: consult with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine21:29
Jack_SparrowerUSUL My link or the actual factoid21:29
liviu_apt-get update failes to fetch the addresses21:29
erUSULJack_Sparrow: well the factoid should include your link imho21:29
noiseWhat folder would be recomendable to have as a program root directory?21:29
jeff_01Hi All ; if anyone can try to connect and tell me if he sees the server. Thanks.21:30
wkidhello, how do i list all my devices mounted and unmounted(not lspci)?21:30
noiseInstalling Matlab and it asks for "MATLAB root directory location:"21:30
prince_jammysbeejay77: what's the output of: ls -ld ~/.mozilla21:30
jocoKenBW2: Yes, the Hardy reformatted over the Intrepid and it worked, I am now on Hardy 8.01.221:30
misieqjeff_01: it pings21:30
jeff_01ah fine. I see from here tx21:30
KenBW2joco: i was trying to avoid a reinstall21:30
DasEiServer seems now Open !, jeff_0121:31
beejay77drwx------ 4 bartek bartek21:31
jocoKenBW2: What are you on now?21:31
Jack_SparrowerUSUL I made a note in -ops to check it21:31
beejay77inside everything looks the same21:31
KenBW2joco: hardy21:31
jeff_01fine DasEi21:31
erUSULJack_Sparrow: thanks21:31
nickrud_mustangg, missed your comment (I'm nickrud_ at the moment) what about the package you're trying to install?21:31
wkidhello, how do i list all my devices mounted and unmounted(not lspci)?21:32
erUSULwkid: cat /proc/mounts21:32
jocoKenBW: ok, it kinda remembers your login and settings, but that is where the backups come in as a fail safe.21:32
wkiderUSUL thnx21:32
KenBW2joco: i have /home on its own partition if that's what you mena21:33
beejay77there is another problem - i go System -> Administration -> Users and group and try to unblock21:33
beejay77i can not21:33
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mustanggnickrud/ nickrud_ :) I think the problem with apt is actually secondary to what I'm trying to do.. S'ok. thank you.21:33
amaureaI can't seem to find liblua51 and liblualib51, but only the (relatively ancient) 50 versions (from 2003, it seems). will I have to download these manually? if so, how do I install them without making the package manager confused?21:34
jocoKenBW2: No, I mean a Home backup, on CD-R or DVD-r, I like to play it with all options covered.21:34
spooktinohas anyone set up Alfresco on Ubuntu?21:34
erUSUL!search liblua5.1 | amaurea21:35
ubottuFound: trash, neon-#kubuntu-kde4, wobblywu-#ubuntu-offtopic, kdesu, neon, xfce-panels, kde4, gtalk, wink, vcs21:35
AutoMatriXni moi ;)21:35
thefluffofitgHi, I have a mailserver, and I am trying to disable it to be a open relay, butspammers can stil send mails from xxxx@mydomain - can anyone help me? can give more info21:35
erUSULamaurea: i find a lot of liblua5.1-* packages21:35
amaureaerUSUL: hum, are those results packages?21:36
amaureaso I should install "trash"?21:36
nDuffthefluffofitg, I've had good luck using ASSP as a filtering proxy in front of my mailserver21:36
KenBW2joco: just had a thought... the reason i'm wary about upgrading to Intrepid is because i installed it only to find it doesnt support my network card. Would it work to install Intrepid in a VM and troubleshoot it there, and then apply the fix(es) to a real install afterwards??21:36
amaurea!search liblua5121:36
spooktinoor does anyone know when Alfresco will be available in the partner repository?21:36
erUSULamaurea: no the results of the bot are trash ;P do "apt-cache search lua5.1" on your ubuntu box21:36
nDuffthefluffofitg, ...that said, are you sure these spammers are actually sending these messages *via* your server, or sending them from elsewhere and forging the from address?21:36
nickrud_KenBW2, no, the vm will be using a virtual network card, not your actual one21:37
amaureaerUSUL: oh, I find lua5.1, that's not the problem21:37
KenBW2nickrud: balls21:37
amaureaI just don't find liblua51 or liblualib5121:37
misieqamaurea: Filename: pool/universe/l/lua5.1/liblua5.1-0_5.1.3-1_i386.deb21:37
FreakCERSHi all, I I helping a friend install kubuntu 8.10, and I've run into a few problems - most notably, I cannot get the machine to run the proper resolution21:37
erUSULamaurea: liblua5.1-0 <<<21:37
KenBW2nickrud_: is there something i could do along those lines, short of installing Intrepid on a seperate partition (means restarting all the damn time)?21:37
thefluffofitgnDuff - yeah im sure they are sending from my server - i can see that in the logs21:37
amaureamisieq: that's odd. since I have lua5.1 installed21:37
* amaurea goes to look again21:38
nickrud_KenBW2, none that I'm aware of ...21:38
erUSULamaurea: a lot more just run the command i gave21:38
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:38
jocoKenBW2: That sounds very logical, and perhaps you could workaround the error, it must be solve able becuase it is an upgrade, or it could be broken for the same reasons.21:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about regression21:38
amaureaerUSUL: which command was that?21:38
nDuffthefluffofitg, setting up filtering on your server is probably beyond the scope of #ubuntu (you might try a channel specific to the mailserver you're using), but do also see http://assp.sourceforge.net/21:38
FreakCERSThe machine in question is an IBM Thinkpad T40, with a radeon mobility 750021:38
erUSULamaurea: "apt-cache search lua5.1"21:39
misieqamaurea: apt-cache search <pkgname>21:39
sharefim wondering how i could get a remote vnc desktop embedded on one side of my compiz cube21:39
amaureaok, I will try21:39
KenBW2joco: i installed Hardy with the intention of trying an upgrade to Intrepid21:39
guntbertthefluffofitg: please shut down you mail relay and then ask in the channel for that server, what program is it?21:39
KenBW2joco: but ive invested too much time into this install to bork it now21:39
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amaureaerUSUL, misieq: ok, I am convinced21:40
jocoKenBW: That is easy to do. there is even a GUI for that in Software Sources21:40
KenBW2joco: ?21:40
thefluffofitgguntbert: postfix21:40
amaureaerUSUL: the only lua.h I can find, though, is in /usr/include/lua50/lua.h21:40
amaureaI do have a /usr/include/lua5.1/, but that does not include lua.h21:41
mustanggTo mount samba or windows shares, what is the correct smb util?21:41
thefluffofitgnDuff: yeah i am already on the way on installing that =)21:41
misieqamaurea: if you need that you need -dev package21:41
jocoTo upgrade to Intredpid,,,but I am in the same path as you, I put alot of time into getting Hardy to work like I wanted, and I still like it.21:41
amaureamisieq: so that would be lua5.1-dev?21:41
Jack_Sparrowjoco then.. backup now21:41
guntbertthefluffofitg: then please ask in #postfix (about 200 people right now)21:41
KenBW2joco: i take it you mean Update Manager?21:42
misieqamaurea: apt-cache search liblua | grep -dev21:42
jocoKenBW2: Yes21:42
guntbertthefluffofitg: but I'm sure, that topic is extensively covered in the docu too, look for "open relay" or so21:43
jocoJack_Sparrow: I still need a ride to a store to buy CDrs,,,no buses are running here21:43
misieqamaurea: actualy grep thinks it's an option, so it should be more like grep \\\-dev21:43
KenBW2joco: taxi :D21:44
jocohhehe...I cannot afford those!21:44
mustangg!smbfs /me21:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smbfs /me21:44
amaureamisieq: I just removed the -, but it is nice to know that the - can be included like that21:44
ortsvorstehermustangg: try /msg ubottu !smbfs21:44
jocoawe heck,,let me walk there, back in about 2 hours.21:45
misieqamaurea: in the same way you can include other "meanigful" characters in searches, but to me number of backslashes is usually a guess...21:45
mustanggd'oh.. shouldn't the channel bot know what smbfs is?21:45
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:46
nuubuntuI'm having some issues after installing ubuntu 8.10 on an acer laptop. I've done alot of reading and have figured some of the problems out, but I'm at loss at this point. Can anyone give me some ideas?21:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:47
nuubuntuI don't have enough room21:47
nuubuntuIts complicated21:48
jeff__1981Hi all. Could someone please try to connect at jfsimon1981.dyndns.org and tell me if this works ?21:48
MacGyverNLI have a problem with Synaptic. I entered a proxy during Ubuntu 8.10 installation, because I was behind one at that time. Currently, though, I'm on a direct internet connection. Even though I set that and applied system-wide in Preferences -> Network Proxy (Gnome), Synaptic still attempt to connect through the proxy when downloading the packages. In synaptic itself, though, "Direct connection" is also checked.21:48
MacGyverNLAny thoughts?21:48
misieqjeff__1981: it pings and serves21:48
DasEiServer seems now Open ! jeff__198121:48
jeff__1981I have 4 conneections21:48
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jeff__1981all right it goes. Thanks all.21:49
amaureaerUSUL, misieq: thank you, my lua problems seems to be gone (though having to specify 5.1 all the time is a bit irritating)21:49
Dillizarmy pc cant find my new mp3 player can any body help me21:49
nuubuntuNo build essentials after ubuntu 8.10 install. can't read from disk to install essentials. Ubuntu won't mount e drive. Help.21:49
erUSULamaurea: no problem21:50
timbellomoAfter my last reboot, I've been unable to login to Ubuntu.  The best way to describe it is a "login loop."  As soon as I enter the password, the screen blacks out, and then reloads the login window.  When trying at the terminal login, I get similarly repeating login prompts.  I asked on ubuntuforums (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1047692) and they referred me here after initial troubleshooting failed.  Thanks21:50
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:50
SmileDayMy MP3 is when add files, haed bing bing... Help...21:50
stroyanMacGyverNL: Look for a proxy config file using      grep -ir proxy /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/21:50
fearfulThis is extremly annoying, I can't get that error message of $HOME direct to be fixed21:50
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:51
Dillizar!english | SmileDay21:51
ubottuSmileDay: please see above21:51
MacGyverNLstroyan: That turns up nothing.21:51
MacGyverNLHowever, I just noticed I have entries in xsession-errors, which go "reset_proxy() returned: 1"21:52
nuubuntuNo build essentials after ubuntu 8.10 install. can't read from disk to install essentials. Ubuntu won't mount e drive. Help.21:52
Dillizarmy pc cant find my new mp3 player can any body help me21:52
MacGyverNLI don't mind recursively grepping the entire filesystem for the proxystring I'm looking for, but then I need a command which won't stall for some reason in /proc or /dev or anything.21:53
amaureaI have another question: I am trying to compile a 32-bit program. I have gotten most of the things to work now, but ld can't find a 32-bit compatible libXext. where can I find this?21:53
MacGyverNLWhich I never was able to come up with in the past, so if anyone could help out there...21:53
SmileDayoh my stress. help me. hahaha21:53
nuubuntuNo build essentials after ubuntu 8.10 install. can't read from disk to install essentials. Ubuntu won't mount e drive. Help.21:53
kyledrDillizar: plug it in and type "dmesg|tail" and see if it's getting recognized21:54
nuubuntuits not a usb drive. Its a dvd drive with a live disk iso on it.21:54
guntbert!repeat | nuubuntu21:55
ubottunuubuntu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:55
nuubuntuI''ve loaded ubuntu on a partitioned disk if that helps21:55
Dillizarkyledr,  nope dude just some agp stuff21:55
MacGyverNLHmm. A recursive grep of /etc turns up entries for the proxy in /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.system/%gconf-tree.xml"21:55
MacGyverNLIf I manually edit that, will those changes stick?21:55
Until_It_SleepsAnybody know of any TCP Optimizers for Ubuntu21:56
nuubuntui've googled my ass off and I know what the problem is. Basicly I just need a build of the essentials for 8.10 that I can trust21:56
ortsvorsteher!enter | nuubuntu21:56
ubottunuubuntu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:56
nuubuntuI can load it myself21:56
ortsvorsteher!language | nuubuntu21:56
ubottunuubuntu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:56
nuubuntuoh sorry21:56
Jabi_BasqueCountalgun hispano ?21:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:57
Dillizarkyledr,  well my mp3 works only with xp well thats on the box it says it need windows media player do ya know any program that imitate WMP21:57
timbellomoAfter my last reboot, I've been unable to login to Ubuntu.  The best way to describe it is a "login loop."  As soon as I enter the password, the screen blacks out, and then reloads the login window.  When trying at the terminal login, I get similarly repeating login prompts.  I asked on ubuntuforums (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1047692) and they referred me here after initial troubleshooting failed.  I _can21:57
Jabi_BasqueCountcan anybody help me ?21:57
misieq!ask | Jabi_BasqueCount21:58
ubottuJabi_BasqueCount: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:58
Jabi_BasqueCountwhen playing music in ubuntu, the sound volume is very low21:58
Jabi_BasqueCountcan anybody help me ?21:58
DillizarJabi_BasqueCount, try to put the PCM21:58
Jabi_BasqueCountwhich can be the problem to sound music so low in my ubuntu ?21:58
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Cpudan80Jabi_BasqueCount: crank up the PCM mixer21:58
DasEiJabi_BasqueCount:alsamixer installed ?21:59
ortsvorsteher!enter | Jabi_BasqueCount21:59
ubottuJabi_BasqueCount: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:59
fearfulAny one got answer for why the error message won't come off even though I changed the permissions?21:59
Jabi_BasqueCountuff, what is the PCM mixer ?  how can I put that ?21:59
stroyanMacGyverNL: That may not be the proxy that you are looking for.  Does  "env | grep -i proxy" show any environment variable specifying a proxy?22:00
Cpudan80Jabi_BasqueCount: right click the volume icon, open volume controls22:00
ortsvorsteher!sound | Jabi_BasqueCount22:00
ubottuJabi_BasqueCount: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:00
DillizarJabi_BasqueCount,  open the volume control22:00
Cpudan80Jabi_BasqueCount: Click preferences and select PCM. Crank it up to 75% or so22:00
Jabi_BasqueCountthanks ubottu !!! I will try it !!!!22:00
Cpudan80Jabi_BasqueCount: dont push it up all the way, then it distorts the sound22:00
=== marcos_ is now known as w525aa
Cpudan80Jabi_BasqueCount: ubottu is a robot22:00
La_Cremhmmmm, somebody can help me please?22:00
ortsvorsteher!anybody | La_Crem22:01
ubottuLa_Crem: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:01
Cpudan80La_Crem: gota ask your question first22:01
* amaurea gives up for now, and goes to bed. perhaps fixing the program to compile on 64 bit platforms would be easier thank compiling it as a 32-bit program22:01
La_CremI have a external usb hard disk, but when I connect it with Ubuntu 8.10, it doesn't recognize it22:02
Cpudan80does it do anything?22:02
La_Cremit doesn't have any dev/sdbx22:02
Cpudan80like maybe come up with an error about no permissions?22:02
La_CremI use lsusb22:02
misieqLa_Crem: "tail -f /var/log/messages" and disconnect and reconnect it22:02
La_Crembut it doesn't appears22:02
DasEiLa_Crem: does a  sudo fdisk - l find it ?22:02
ortsvorsteher!enter | La_Crem22:02
ubottuLa_Crem: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:03
La_Cremok, I'm going to probe it22:03
MacGyverNLstroyan: Nothing.22:04
MacGyverNLYou know what, I'll do the windows-way and see if it persists.22:05
sav1o1sup hackers, it seems kernel 2.6.24-19-generic is deprecated in ubuntu 8.10. I upgraded from 8.04. I really need build-essential package for that kernel, tho. How can I retrieve this old package from 8.10?22:05
* MacGyverNL reboots his ubuntu.22:05
Until_It_SleepsAnybody know of any TCP Optimizers for Ubuntu?22:05
speakmanHow can one tell apt-get NOT to install recommended packages?22:05
speakman--no-install-recommends did the trick22:06
Slartsav1o1: why do you need an old build-essential package?22:06
sav1o1Slart: because I need to build a module to that kernel.22:06
Slartsav1o1: it's not available from the hardy repos?22:06
La_Cremok, with 'tail /var/log/messages it seems works, but when I connect it, it shows: 'Add. Sense: No additional sense information...22:07
sav1o1probably it is. is the an "easy" way to check that besides mixing both hardy and feisty in same source list?22:07
beamsjrquestion, If I boot from a live CD to edit the menu.lst file on my local HD how do I make that drive NOT read only?22:07
=== apc_ is now known as Peddyt
Slartsav1o1: package.ubuntu.com might be able to help you22:07
MacGyverNLRight, didn't persist.22:07
Slartsav1o1: or packages.ubuntu.com22:08
MacGyverNLSynaptic working fine now. If the problem turns up again I'll see again.22:08
sav1o1damn >:) of course! thanks a lot slart22:08
psionI'm running 8.10 on a laptop with a geforce 8700 and I'm trying to connect a secondary display.  I change the settings in nvidia x server settings, they tell me to restart x, I do, but nothing happens22:08
PeddytI compiled a .cpp source file to create some .o files, how would I use (install?) the .o files?22:08
sav1o1I'm so tired I couldn't spot22:08
sav1o1Slart: thanks a lot bro :)22:08
werwolfhi, please could somebody help me with wacom tablet?22:08
DasEi beamsjr: check where drive is mounted and edit as root22:08
werwolfI don't know how to configure xorg.conf22:09
mheathpsion: you need to run nvidia-settings as root, and click on the "save configuration" button below the dual monitor configuration area.22:09
beamsjrdrive gets mounted in /dev/disc22:09
ortsvorsteher!somebody | werwolf22:09
ubottuwerwolf: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:09
Slartsav1o1: you're welcome22:09
La_CremDasEi , it doesn't detect with fdisk22:09
psionmheath: thanks22:09
mheathpsion: run it from a console as "sudo nvidia-settings"22:09
Slartmheath,psion: if it's a gui program run it using gksudo instead22:10
psionyep, gotcha, I just assumed it was being ran as root, I vaguely remember it asking me to put in my pass the first time but I guess I was mistaken22:10
La_CremIf I add the mount line to fstab could works?22:10
DasEiLa_Crem: you plug it in (2,5"" or 3,5"" ?), then what happens (not ?)22:10
Slart!gksudo | psion, mheath22:10
ubottupsion, mheath: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:10
werwolfok, my wacom talbet was not recognized by start. I am afraid to make something wrong by editing xorg.conf22:10
Deviltryhow could i redirect the output of a program written in ruby to a file? usual "program.rb > output.file" doesn't work22:10
iHomehowto read a.rar file ? apt-get install rar ?22:10
psionorly, I was unaware, I've always just sudo'd it22:10
Slart!rar | iHome22:11
ubottuiHome: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free22:11
oobe/j #poo22:11
Kabron32anyone can help me with something plz?22:11
Slartpsion: it can make bad things happen.. it usually works but still..22:11
Slart!anoyone | Kabron3222:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about anoyone22:11
mheathpsion: Yeah, he's right. Most situations they'll work identically, but in some situations there are settings needed for GUI stuff to work correctly that aren't 'copied over' to the root session correctly qwhen you just run gksudo.22:11
Slart!anyone | Kabron3222:11
ubottuKabron32: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:11
Deviltryhow could i redirect the output of a program written in ruby to a file? usual "program.rb > output.file" doesn't work22:12
mheathpsion: strictly speaking, in this case, with nvidia-settings, it makes no difference, but gksudo is best practice.22:12
iHomeubottu: ok thanks.22:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok thanks.22:12
Deviltryubottu ruby22:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ruby22:12
SlartDeviltry: oh, come on.. we didn't know 2 minutes ago, do you think we've gotten smarter since then? wait at least 15-20 minutes before repeating22:12
ortsvorsteher!ruby | Deviltry22:12
psionmheath: does it just copy over environmental parameters?22:12
DasEiLa_Crem: your usb drive, is it a stick or a hd ?22:13
DeviltrySlart oki dok22:13
mheathpsion: I'm not sure of the details of what it does, but I'd imagine that would be it.22:13
La_CremMy usb hard disk is not detected by Ubuntu 8.10. fdisk doesn't detect... somebody help me please :S ?22:13
psionmheath: gotcha, thanks22:13
psionbrb, restarting x22:13
gordonjcpLa_Crem: what does dmesg say?22:13
pZombieso i got this ati radeon mobility to work properly with all acceleration features, by just clicking to allow proprietary drivers in 8.04. Yet the only problem was that gdm would crash the whole system on logout.22:13
pZombiei uninstall the drivers and try to reinstall them, and it just wont recognize them anymore22:14
MacGyverNLSeems I have the exact same problem as La_Crem, or at least very similar. I connect my external USB disk, tail -f /var/log/messages indicates it's attached as sdb, then the next message says Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0. There's an entry for /dev/sdb, but not for sdb1. It also doesn't show up in GParted.22:14
La_Cremgordonjcp Sense Key : No Sense [current] - Add. Sense: No additional sense information22:14
sharefquestion: i have the weather applet on my gnome panel, how can i pull specific data off it from a shell script??22:14
viktorkAZhey hi22:14
misieqDeviltry: perhaps it's using stderr instead of stdout? try program.rb 2> file then22:14
viktorkAZone quick question..22:14
gordonjcpLa_Crem: can you unplug then reconnect the USB drive, and then pastebin the last few lines?22:14
viktorkAZwhat is the default font of ubuntu?22:15
Deviltrymisieq tried that as well22:15
viktorkAZi mean with gnome22:15
viktorkAZdefault font22:15
Slartsharef: it gets the data from ... wheather.com I think.. I guess it would be easier to do that yourself too22:15
Deviltryi don't know where it is outputing22:15
pZombiegetting this ubuntu is running in low graphics mode.. allowing me to check the right gfx card. I check my card, it still doesnt work. how can it be so hard to install a gfx card?22:15
DasEiMacGyverNL: occurs in mount ?22:15
Deviltryonly to the screen22:15
misieqDeviltry: | tee ?22:15
Peddytwhere should .so files usually be?22:15
pZombieand if they add such automatic guis for installing a gfx card, why the hell dont they work?22:15
Kabron32ARP linktype is set to 1 (Ethernet) - expected ARPHRD_IEEE80211,22:15
sharefwell that was alotta help ><22:15
Kabron32plz ?22:15
MacGyverNLDasEi: I don't give any mount commands yet.22:15
Deviltrymisieq ? tee ?22:16
SlartPeddyt: they can be almost anywhere... there's no special place for them22:16
DasEiPeddyt: /usr an sub's22:16
MacGyverNLJust attach, which should result in listings in /dev. Or am I completely wrong there?22:16
misieqDeviltry: program.rb | tee file22:16
MacGyverNLBesides, I need to repartition it, so mounting isn't an option. GParted doesn't pick it up at all.22:16
pZombieubuntu got worse over the years22:16
Optimus55hey i read on download squad that hp released its customized ubuntu linux for the mini 1000 netbook. Any idea where i might be able to download it???22:16
DasEiMacGyverNL: youst type mount without parameters to see your mounted drives22:16
pZombiethings that worked in 6.xx now are a pita22:16
Deviltrymisieq thanks i will try now22:16
PeddytSlart, and DasEi, a program said 'error opening shared library... could not find...', but I moved the .so to /usr/lib, now it works. Thanks :)22:16
SlartPeddyt: ah.. good22:17
misieqDeviltry: be warned that you may lose input then22:17
MacGyverNL/dev/sda1, /proc, sysfs, varrun, varlock, udev, tmpfs, devpts, fusectl, lrm, securityfs, binfmt_misc and gvfs-fuse-daemon.22:17
Optimus55Does anyone have a clue where i can get Hp's customized version of ubuntu??22:17
La_Cremgordonjcp [ 3248.584738] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Sense Key : No Sense [current] - [ 3248.584750] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Add. Sense: No additional sense information22:17
Deviltryinput? i am interested about the output22:17
pZombieanyone know a good linux distro which has no trouble with mobile laptops and recognizes the gfx cards properly?22:17
SlartOptimus55: I wild guess.. from HP ?22:17
Deviltry!anyone | Optimus5522:18
ubottuOptimus55: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:18
gordonjcpLa_Crem: okay, looks like it's detected as sdb22:18
viktorkAZcan someone tell me the default font of ubuntu?22:18
gordonjcpLa_Crem: what does "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb" say?22:18
Optimus55Deviltry: hey i read on download squad that hp released its customized ubuntu linux for the mini 1000 netbook. Any idea where i might be able to download it???22:18
MacGyverNLDasEi: I can pastebin the /var/log/messages output if it might be of any help.22:18
SlartpZombie: I think ubuntu actually is one of the friendlier ones.. but try some others.. check distrowatch to see what other people are using22:18
StonebrewviktorkAZ: Bitstream Vera I think22:18
Deviltrymisieq may I priv you ?22:18
Optimus55posted that a few lines up22:18
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DasEiMacGyverNL: check !who, ... so it's not mounted and gparted also doesn't find it (see choice in it's upper right corner)22:18
pZombieslart it was... now it is just a complete mess22:19
misieqDeviltry: just a sec, i have to identify for that22:19
La_Cremgordonjcp it says nothing22:19
gordonjcpLa_Crem: just returns silently?22:19
gordonjcpLa_Crem: nothing at all?22:19
misieqDeviltry: brb22:19
Jabi_BasqueCounthei people ! I do it and my sound now plays quite high !!! many thanks to all !22:19
La_Cremgordonjcp nop22:19
MacGyverNLDasEi: That's right, on both accounts.22:19
psionI gksudo'd nvidia-settings and hit save to x config file, but it's still not doing anything22:20
MacGyverNLDasEi: In fact, fdisk plainly refuses to open it.22:20
DasEiMacGyverNL: sudo apt-get install pastebinit usbutils22:20
gordonjcpLa_Crem: okay, what does "sudo fdisk /dev/sdz" say?22:20
gordonjcpLa_Crem: sorry, "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdz"22:20
misieqDeviltry, go on22:20
Ubuntunais there a way that i can increase the audio coming from adobe flash?22:21
La_Cremgordonjcp Unable to open /dev/sdz22:21
poetis there away to associate the skype: prefix with the skype program?22:21
MacGyverNLDasEi: "usbutils is already the latest version"22:21
psionwhen I open nvidia-settings it still shows the second monitor as disabled.  it recognises the monitor fine, the app just doesn't seem to save anything I do22:21
gordonjcpLa_Crem: okay22:21
gordonjcpLa_Crem: so it sees that there's some sort of drive there22:21
MacGyverNLDasEi: What info do you want pastebinned?22:21
DasEiMacGyverNL: sudo fdsik -l > fdi.txt && pastebinit fdi.txt && rm fdi.txt                 (one long cmd, give url from it here)22:21
gordonjcpLa_Crem: does the drive require an external power lead?22:21
orissono in possesso di acer aspire 6935 ho installato ubunt ibex ma non riesco a sentire l' audio22:22
La_Cremgordonjcp yes, and it works fine with windows. It's a NTFS volume22:22
MacGyverNLDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f7a55081722:23
MacGyverNLAlso, why not just | pastebinit?22:23
gordonjcpLa_Crem: don't know then, it looks like it's not being detected properly22:23
gordonjcpLa_Crem: is the power lead connected properly?22:23
DasEiMacGyverNL: seems not be recognized (I assume it's plugged in) | sometimes doesn't work22:24
DasEiMacGyverNL: sudo apt-get install hwinfo22:25
DasEiMacGyverNL: sudo hwinfo > pastebinit22:25
La_Cremgordonjcp yes, but when I connect it, it doesn't read anything, the led doesn't ¿wink?22:26
gordonjcpLa_Crem: there's something odd there, usually USB drives are entirely hassle-free22:27
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
La_Cremgordonjcp what means hassle-free, my english is too bad for this jeje22:29
freesoftHolaa a Todos :D22:29
La_Cremun español!!22:30
freesoftuhh sorry #ubuntu y no ubuntu-es jojo22:30
racecar-56im back22:30
DasEiLa_Crem:see !es, too ; hasslefree= easy22:31
freesoftbye frends22:31
aviswhat american city would i choose in a ubuntu install for a EST time zone (or eastern time zone)?22:31
EviltechieNew youk22:31
MacGyverNLDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f72cd4fe622:31
avisoh ?  new york ?  thank you22:31
Eviltechieavis: New York22:31
EviltechieDoes anyone know when the new nvidia drivers will be added to the restricted drivers program?22:32
ryan__is there a way to increase the audio output from Adobe Flash?22:32
DasEiMacGyverNL: stiil one : pastebinit /var/log/syslog22:32
SxNDaveIs there anyone around who is versed in editing the grub menu list?22:32
La_CremDasEi thanks!22:32
Jack_SparrowSxNDave Sure, how may I help22:32
Jack_SparrowSxNDave gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst                       LST at the end there22:33
MacGyverNLDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f507e125122:34
EviltechieDoes anyone know when the new nvidia drivers will be added to the restricted drivers program?22:34
psionlogging out and logging back in restarts x right? I have never really used gdm before ubuntu22:34
La_CremDasEi it means the same of plug and "play" or use it??22:34
SxNDavehi Jack. I have an install of Ubuntu and have just installed Kubuntu on another drive but need to add it to the existing grub. I have the menu list from both drives open. Is it ok to just copy directly the 2 entries from one to the other, changing the title to reflect which kernal belongs to which22:34
Jack_SparrowSxNDave sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && pastebinit /boot/grub/menu.lst       (Provide Pastebin link in channel)22:35
Jack_SparrowSxNDave Once I see the pastebin and your proposed edit.. I will know for sure.  But I think you will be fine22:36
DasEi La_Crem: easy use mens no specific configuration needed, so no hassle22:36
SxNDaveJack_Sparrow: Ill up them now.22:36
Jack_SparrowSxNDave If you installed kubuntu last then your mbr is pointing to grub on that partition.. which would be kubuntu coerrect22:37
jose__j #xbox360_scene22:37
SxNDaveJack_Sparrow: thats what I expected but its the other way around. I suspect its as a result of my mobos priorities. the original installation is on the 1st IDE channel with the Kubuntu on the second Sata channel.22:38
Jack_SparrowSxNDave If you created a sep /boot partition you would not have quite the issues if you intend to run multiple nix etc22:38
Jack_SparrowSxNDave Ok so this may be a bit more to untangle yet22:38
rodolfo_guys, I'm using Pidgin and I want to RECEIVE a file. Once I accept it, a folderitem window will pop-up but it hangs when choosing a directory/folder. Is this a GNOME issue? if it is, what's going on? dependency missing?22:39
ryanpriorI just noticed that a PowerPC build of Ubuntu is still available for the newest versions through the site. I thought I heard that Ubuntu cut PPC support awhile back -- what gives?22:39
Daemon_how can i change the theme on ubuntu?22:40
Vonorhi, is there a known issue with the live cds? i have the amd64 livecd and i kernel-panics all the time22:40
Jack_SparrowSxNDave Are you in one of the installed butu's now or on livecd22:40
SxNDaveJack_Sparrow i only just installed and partitoned the new drive addition so im quite happy to start all over again. Ive had the ubuntu install for a few days and am happy to do a full switch. with that in mind what would you suggest as the best course of action to start on a freesh system and allow for multiple nix systems and the addition of others in the future?22:40
Jack_SparrowSxNDave Please /join #Jack_Sparrow so we can talk partitioning22:41
ryanpriorDaemon_: System -> Preferences -> Appearance22:41
xenocampanoli I have a system 76 64bit laptop, and add ons says I have a shockwave flash plugin configured, but I need to use the nonfree adobe one.  What do I do?  I have the adobe one installed on the box, but it's not seeing it on my firefox...??22:41
Jabi_BasqueCountubuntu in spanish ?22:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:41
ryanpriorDaemon_: If you've downloaded a theme file and want to use it, drag+drop it onto the theme browser there and it'll be added automatically.22:42
rodolfo_Jack_Sparrow hi22:42
psionlogging out and logging back in restarts x right? I have never really used gdm before ubuntu22:42
DasEiMacGyverNL: nothing to find; there seem to be a lot of usb devices on that machine, more specs ? also, does the hd wind up (turns) while it's connected ?22:42
wasutton3i have windows xp and osx 86 installed on two seperate hard drives, is there a way for me to use the install cd to install grub on  the osx86 drive?22:42
ryanpriorpsion: Incorrect. Ctrl+alt+backspace restarts X.22:42
xenocampanoli I have a system 76 64bit laptop, and add ons says I have a shockwave flash plugin configured, but I need to use the nonfree adobe one.  What do I do?  I have the adobe one installed on the box, but it's not seeing it on my firefox...??22:42
psionah, thanks22:42
rodolfo_Jack_Sparrow tell me what IM program do you use?22:43
ryanpriorpsion: Or, `invoke-rc.d gdm restart` restarts x.22:43
psionryanprior: thanks!22:43
Jack_Sparrowrodolfo_ none actually22:43
viktorkAZhello, i need help and here is the thing.. i install xfce before and thast what im using.. but for some weird reason i decide to uninstall gnome.. and now im trying to install gnome again and im getting this error: Could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade. The following packages have unresolved dependencies.22:43
Jack_Sparrowrodolfo_ I did have pidgin, but use it seldom22:43
MacGyverNLDasEi: Yeah, it does. And it's a laptop, so that might explain the abundance of USB a bit. Also, this is becoming weird. An hour ago I hooked up this disk to my windows box, the partition on it was detected fine, but now it's not.22:43
viktorkAZDepends: gnome-desktop-environment but is not going to be installed22:43
rodolfo_Jack_Sparrow what if you are uploading a file using GMail and the filechooser hangs...what can t be?22:44
MikyMouseHi, is there any fix for the probelme with Compiz??? After certain time working with the ssystem, whenever I start scrolling in Firefox, or Buelfish or whatever that has text, the lines srtat to dissapear or to mees up..????Any idea??22:44
ryanpriorwasutton3: There is a way to do it, but there isn't a convenient graphical utility or anything.22:44
Jabi_BasqueCounthei one question, anybody know if is posible to see my contacts webcam using pidgin for my messenger count ?22:45
DasEiMacGyverNL: have you got a live cd handy to boot the lappi from it and then try again getting the usb ?22:45
ryanpriorwasutton3: You basically need to read the Grub documentation and figure out where to put all the files.22:45
spillI need to change the default program that opens when I insert a blank CD anyone know how.22:45
MikyMouseAn in KDE I dont have problems, in XFCE either, just in GNOME and with compiz, also I have an NVDIA card with the latest drivers22:45
Jack_Sparrowrodolfo_ I use thunderbird and gmail imap not pop, and I have never had an issue, except when something trigger4ed security and I had to use firefox to manually login and enter a graphic string22:45
MacGyverNLDasEi: Only a Xubuntu LiveCD I burned yesterday, my Ubuntu CD is at work.22:45
Jabi_BasqueCountis it posible seen my contacts webcam using pidgin for my msn accounts ?22:45
MikyMouseAny help or idea will be really appreciated gus22:45
wasutton3ryanprior, would it be easier to put a temporary ubuntu partition on there?22:45
MacGyverNLDasEi: But there's no real difference, right22:45
SlartJabi_BasqueCount: I don't think so..22:45
DasEiMacGyverNL: same, if its desktop version22:45
jribspill: edit -> preferences -> media22:45
SlartJabi_BasqueCount: afaik pidgin doesn't support video22:46
spilljrib: thanks, I'll give it a shot.22:46
Jabi_BasqueCountthanks slart22:46
rodolfo_Jack_Sparrow that doesn't help...but thank you anyway22:47
ngauthierhey anyone ever seen passwd just say "password updated successfully" and just quit without asking for a current/new password?22:47
SlartJabi_BasqueCount: perhaps amsn does webcams.. not sure.. the new skype client does video if you really want it22:47
MacGyverNLDasEi: Booting now.22:48
ryanpriorwasutton3: I'm not sure what you mean by a temporary partition. Once a partition is on there, it's somewhat permanent, unless you're going to delete it and grow another partition alter.22:48
Slartngauthier: perhaps if you run it as root22:48
ngauthierSlart, yeah, but it never asks for a new password!22:48
Harighdoes anyone know of a good, easy to install, modem dialer for gnome?22:48
ngauthierit's just: passwd \ password updated successfully22:48
Slartngauthier: to be honest I haven't changed my password from the terminal in a long time..22:49
viktorkAZcan someone help me please with that22:49
viktorkAZ Depends: gnome-desktop-environment but it is not going to be installed22:49
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: I just joined, so help you with what?22:49
viktorkAZthis is what appears22:49
viktorkAZwhen i try to install gnome again22:49
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: ah ok broken dependances22:49
ngauthierSlart, I've been doing this a lot recently, and it's only on this one computer that it doesn't ask me for a new pw22:49
MacGyverNLDasEi: But it's weird. I hooked this disk up to my windows box an hour ago, everything was fine, but now Windows can't find any partitions on it anymore than Ubuntu can. It says I need to Initialize Disk, but when I try that, it returns a device not ready error.22:49
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: your trying to install ubuntu-desktop?22:50
MacGyverNLDasEi: So the problem might not be Ubuntu after all...22:50
viktorkAZbecause for some weird reason i uninstall gnome when i install xfce and now22:50
viktorkAZi want gnome back22:50
spilljrib: the only option I can find allows me to change the audio program to play files for default but the not default burning when inserting a blank disk.22:50
viktorkAZi want gnome GUI again22:50
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: yes  ubuntu-desktop uses Gnome and that's the programs and things22:50
Slartngauthier: no idea.. don't know if passwd has settings in some secret file that could have changed... checked the man page?22:50
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: open a terminal and:  sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop22:50
viktorkAZwell but ubuntu comes with kde as well so im not sure if its all ubuntu desktop the one i need22:50
viktorkAZi just remember that i uninstall gnome22:50
viktorkAZand thats it22:50
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: that can help with dependances and broken packages as well22:51
misieqis somebodu running ubuntu server?22:51
jribspill: what ubuntu version?22:51
Slartmisieq: I think there is a channel for ubuntu server.. #ubuntu-server perhaps22:51
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support22:51
viktorkAZok i did22:51
viktorkAZnow what22:51
viktorkAZi try to install it again?22:51
DasEiMacGyverNL: both, xp an ubu set a mark if disk is unmounted unclean, but mostly xp will accfept it still or you can use -force, but the strange thing is it doesn't show up at all, so either you got a (st..) cable problem or a real hw-fail;;; does it spin  ? (noise ?!)22:52
viktorkAZwhere its unable22:52
ryanprior!enter | viktorkAZ22:52
ubottuviktorkAZ: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:52
viktorkAZE: Unable to lock the adminstrator directory22:52
spill 8.1022:52
MacGyverNLDasEi: Yeah, it spins.22:52
xenocampanoli I have a system 76 64bit laptop, and add ons says I have a shockwave flash plugin configured, but I need to use the nonfree adobe one.  What do I do?  I have the adobe one installed on the box, but it's not seeing it on my firefox...??22:52
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: ok you probably got the synaptic package manager open or the updater.  that would be why22:52
ryanpriorxenocampanoli: The shockwave flash plugin and the nonfree adobe one are one and the same. Shockwave is owned by adobe now.22:53
DasEiMacGyverNL: any lights on dis/-connect ? (LED-..) ?22:53
viktorkAZok is working now22:53
viktorkAZthanks a lot22:53
xenocampanoliOk.  Sorry....22:53
erle-does the kernel leak memory?22:53
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: how old are you and from by the way?22:53
Slarterle-: probably not22:53
MacGyverNLDasEi: Power and Data-LEDs are on.22:53
erle-Slart, i have big memory usage sind last kernel update22:53
DasEiMacGyverNL: any change when re-plugging it ?22:54
viktorkAZ22 and spain22:54
erle-i can kill x and every high level application and it is still high22:54
ldleworkI have a pair of Logitech 350 USB headphones. I have figured out how to set it as the default device so upon boot up sound is routed to them. But if I unplug them (to go home from work) when I plug them back in the sound does not work anymore. Anyone have a clue?22:54
Slarterle-: does it increase over time? how do you measure usage?22:54
erle-high means more then 1 gigabyte22:54
MacGyverNLDasEi: Nope, Xubuntu-Live does the exact same thing as Ubuntu.22:54
DasEiMacGyverNL:(just the data-cable)^22:54
yoyonederle-: use the sustem monitor to see what si using all the memory22:54
erle-Slart, different monitors22:54
xenocampanoliryanprior:  How can I make sure the version being used in my FF is the one I have installed?  I see no version numbers on my FF...?22:54
erle-"free" command, gnome monitor, htop22:54
yoyonedxenocampanoli: help-> about22:55
erle-yoyoned, no process is using much mem22:55
viktorkAZsebsebseb: 22 and spain and im interest in linux.. because i start my networking classes. and linux is very important.. im using vmware fusion on a macbook22:55
xenocampanoliryanprior:  Oh wait, I do see the versions.  They differ.22:55
Slarterle-: you're not talking about cache and buffers, right?22:55
erle-yoyoned, i can kill X completely, the memory usage stays high22:55
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: ok I thought you were younger22:55
erle-Slart, no, i am talking about really used mem22:55
xenocampanoliI have 9.0.152 showing from synaptic, but 9 100 on FF.22:55
yoyonederle-: open a terminal, type free, and pastebin the output22:55
xenocampanoliWhat gives with that?22:55
ldleworkI have a pair of Logitech 350 USB headphones. I have figured out how to set it as the default device so upon boot up sound is routed to them. But if I unplug them (to go home from work) when I plug them back in the sound does not work anymore. Anyone have a clue?22:56
DasEiMacGyverNL:last hope would be a check in bios (maybe the other win-box), to check hd-health22:56
xenocampanoliThere must be a way to upload the correct version, which is the one synaptic shows as installed.22:56
viktorkAZsebsebseb: why?22:56
PsynoKhi0hi, I intended to install unetbootin from the ppa, but synpatics kept complaining about unauthorized stuff.. wanted to check I had pasted the right openpgp key and I right-clicked on the file :/ any way I can get rid of the key?22:56
jribspill: look closer22:56
ngauthierxenocampanoli, "mlocate flashplayer.so" see if one is installed in your home dir22:57
lakinOk, so a friend of mine bought one of these - http://www.devwrite.com/archives/kingstronic-windows-ce-and-linux-epc-netbooks - and now we're trying to get Ubuntu onto it.  Problem is I have no idea if any of the stock ubuntu installers will work on the "400MHz XBurst processor" ...22:57
Slarterle-: I'm not saying the kernel absolutley cannot leak memory.. it's just very unlikely that you would be the first one to notice.. we're a fair bit down the line in ubuntu22:57
DasEiMacGyverNL:((I think you'd now about changed options in there, by the way))22:57
PsynoKhi0lakin: I htink that's a risc processor, not i38622:57
jribspill: I mean edit -> preferences -> media in the nautilus menu22:57
MacGyverNLDasEi: Right, the bucketloads of weirdness keep coming. I reattached the P-ATA connector to the drive (this external "drive" is a Conceptronic CSATAI23U cable, http://i00.twenga.com/p/98/92/199892vb.png should give you an idea.) while it was powered down. I then powered it up again, with the USB cable *unhooked*, then hooked up the USB cable.22:57
ngauthierxenocampanoli, you may want to run "sudo updatedb" to update your search database first22:57
xenocampanoliNope.  Only /usr/lib and /varlib shown.22:57
MacGyverNLNow it's found by Xubuntu.22:57
viktorkAZsebsebseb: so what does aptitude means?22:57
erle-Slart, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1d7baa4e22:58
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)22:58
yoyonedPsynoKhi0: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fanswers.launchpad.net%2Fdo%2F%2Bquestion%2F28492&ei=bx2KSZ2DDpiq-gb2z4XVBw&usg=AFQjCNHecYkefKAftSN4GKLjpfZqT50iZQ&sig2=ctn38N18jIXa7nm4iMFpaw22:58
Slartyoyoned: see above22:58
lakinPsynoKhi0: it came with a really awful version of linux on it - so I know linux runs on it.  Are there any version of Ubuntu that run on RISC? or shall I look for another distro?22:58
xenocampanoliStill, it shows only /usr/lib and /var/lib22:58
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: aptitude deals better with broken packages and dependances than apt-get22:58
viktorkAZsebsebseb: this is going to fix it and install it as well? after this i will be able to log using gnome?22:58
ngauthierxenocampanoli, you can also try removing all the versions you can find in apt, then search for the plugin again and assert that they are all gone, then install one from apt22:58
MacGyverNLDasEi: So it appears that there's an issue with how good it's connected, or in what order I power up the components.22:58
viktorkAZi see22:58
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: and syanpatic and add or remove programs are just a GUI for apt22:58
DasEiMacGyverNL:that should be the right way22:58
erle-Slart, i recently killed X, now there is just plain gnome running and xchat22:58
erle-usually it needs less than 300 mem22:59
xenocampanolingauthier:  That sounds dangerous.  I have lots of stuff installed.22:59
Slarterle-: ahem.. you're running gnome without X?22:59
ngauthiererle-, run "top" then hit F, then hit n22:59
erle-i killed x and restarted it22:59
Slarterle-: ah.. ok =)22:59
ngauthierxenocampanoli, I mean just uninstall the flash plugins22:59
erle-but while x is down it is pretty the same22:59
xenocampanoliHow about if I uninstall FF and reinstall it...?22:59
erle-800 mem or something in use22:59
xenocampanoliOk, so apt-cache search flashplugin?22:59
DasEiMacGyverNL: also with usb enabled in bios, you should be able to boot with all wires hooked on; is the drive 2.5 or 3.5 ?22:59
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: yep run the command I gave and you should be able to get in Ubuntu  based Gnome23:00
MacGyverNLDasEi: 3.523:00
ortsvorsteherxenocampanoli: sudo apt-cache search flash23:00
Slarterle-: well.. it looks kind of normal to me.. but I've got 4GB memory (2GB used)..23:00
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: Ubuntu does not use real Gnome it is based on it, for example Firefox is the default browser instead of Epiphany23:00
AbuYaseenHello, does anyone know a free touch typing software that runs on ubuntu and uk qwerty keyboard layout23:00
DasEiMacGyverNL: so external power needed, too (not just data-connector)23:00
Slarterle-: afaik gnome is a hog when it comes to memory23:00
rodolfo_OK I've installed Firefox 3.0.6 manually on my buntu 8.10 and now I want to make it "see" my flash and java plugin. SOMEBODY please tell me how to do that!!!23:00
jribAbuYaseen: gtypist?23:00
erle-Slart, it wasn like this a week before23:00
MacGyverNLDasEi: Yes, it is, but that's on otherwise it wouldn't spin up.23:00
jribrodolfo_: why did you install it manually? :/23:00
SlartAbuYaseen: search in synaptic for touch typing or something.. there are a couple23:00
DasEiMacGyverNL: external power must be own before data connection23:00
erle-it showed up with the last kernel update23:00
AbuYaseenjrib: will try23:00
deanHow do I swap capslock and control by editing xorg.conf23:01
xenocampanoliIs there one that just shows what I have installed?  I forgot.23:01
erle-Slart, when i run applications, it is normal too23:01
deanthere is no InputDevice section23:01
jribdean: I use xmodmap23:01
viktorkAZsebsebseb: ok.. by the way.. i uninstall the.. how you call it?? the main desktop where you type your name and password.. and there is where you can select the window manager.. so now how can i log in as gnome? is there another way23:01
Slarterle-: new kernel, new features, new requirements.. perhaps they included something that wasn't there before and is using more memory23:01
erle-Slart, but at the moment, when i run applications, i am close to 2 gigabytes23:01
rodolfo_jrib the source package was there for me and I couldn't resist23:01
deanOK how do I do it with xmodmap23:01
MacGyverNLDasEi: You saw the image? The power cable is a split between the data connector and the drive. When I power up the drive, the data connector is powered up automatically as well.23:01
jribdean: even easier, use system -> preferences -> keyboard23:01
jribrodolfo_: ok, well then I'd recommend just using the version in the repositories as it makes installing the plugins trivial23:02
Slarterle-: might be a configuration thing too.. perhaps the good ubuntu people decided we needed some big kernel module for some reason23:02
erle-Slart, but that does not make sense, it is just too much23:02
MacGyverNLDasEi: And when I then plug in USB, it didn't work at first. I think one of the pins might not have been making contact, or something like that.23:02
sebsebsebhome:  ok you will want to name change if you can23:02
erle-Slart, they should not change this within a release23:02
MacGyverNLDasEi: At least it's not an Ubuntu problem, which I thought at first because Windows initially said the drive was fine.23:02
sebsebsebhome: should say the name on the client  change it there23:02
anima_ok, I got splash manager thingie issues, and I'm retarded.  Please someone help23:02
myk_robinsonhaving trouble with gimp now doing transparency properly. If i have a transparent background, then add an image as a layer and erase part of it, white is shown instead of transparency.23:02
drguildodoes anyone know of a firefox 3.1 package for amd64?23:02
jribdean: system -> preferences -> keyboard -> layouts -> other options  to be even more specific23:02
Slarterle-: what happens if you kill gnome too.. ?23:02
erle-Slart, i dont think  they would23:02
DasEiMacGyverNL: nope, butr it takes a time to spin up /send drive ready, replugging just usb might help23:02
homesebsebseb where23:02
erle-Slart, gnome is killed automatically, too23:02
jribdrguildo: why don't you just use the firefox in the repositories?23:02
erle-Slart, when i kill x, all x-apps die23:03
drguildojrib: because it's not 3.1?23:03
rodolfo_jrib I know but wait for the version to be available @ the repos? don't you know how to get my problem solved?23:03
sebsebsebguys is there a command to change the name in a IRC client?23:03
Slarterle-: I can just compare to my server running xubuntu it uses about 85 MB memory23:03
MacGyverNLDasEi: But that didn't help, which was the problem. Thanks for everything :)23:03
SmileDayI'm sad...23:03
drguildojrib: i want <video> support and all that23:03
anima_sebseb:  /nick (whatever)23:03
deanjrib: but i'm not using gnome so i need it in plain X23:03
sebsebsebhome:  do this:   /nick  anewname23:03
jribdrguildo: right.  So why do you want 3.1 instead of what is in the repositories?23:03
Slarterle-: but that's running hardy23:03
jribrodolfo_: yeah, but the proper solution here is to just use the repositories23:03
erle-Slart, when i have a fresh booted system, it is not the same either23:03
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: ok sounds like you got rid of the GDM Gnome Display Manager the default Ubuntu screen23:03
anima_ok, so if someone could pm me about this, I'd appreciate it.23:03
=== home is now known as roberto
sebsebsebviktorkAZ: what havey ou got instead of it?23:04
rodolfo_jrib. I get it. and your solution?23:04
stroyanerle-: Shared memory can persist when processes are killed.  Check that with   ipcs -u23:04
erle-Slart, the usage grows over time23:04
=== roberto is now known as nock
jribdean: I switch caps lock and escape.  Here is my ~/.xmodmaprc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113820/ .  A combination of google and that should be enough23:04
=== nock is now known as oblio
PsynoKhi0lakin: well there's a risc version of ubuntu but it seems dedicated to one specific hardware, way beyond my current knowledge sry... I bet the netbook's manufacturer uses some home brewed 2.4 kernel distro no one else runs23:04
=== oblio is now known as oblioiii
Slarterle-: if I were you I would install several kernels.. there are a couple in the repos.. and make a small script that logs memory usage.. then compare different the kernels usage..23:05
anima_Actually, StartUp-Manager is what I'm having problems with...I fooled around trying to change the boot screen, and managed to really mess it up.23:05
sebsebsebplazia: oh interesting your  hostname says virginmedia.com  so your a newish customer?23:05
xenocampanoliNope:  it still says it is using 9.0 r100 instead of
sebsebsebplazia: where as the rest of us it seems get blueyonder.co.uk or NTL23:05
MacGyverNLRight, next stop... I now have a working drive. Why isn't NTFS a highlighted possibility when I want to create a new partition on an empty partition table in gparted? ntfs-3g is installed, do I need ntfsprogs or something?23:05
oblioiiihello one and all23:05
jribrodolfo_: look for the plugins folder wherever you installed your custom firefox to and drop the plugins in there.  Or just use ~/.mozilla/plugins/.  Really though, going outside the repositories without a good reason usually bites you later on23:05
lakinPsynoKhi0: thanks for the tip tho - came across this http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=Letux%20400 which looks like the exact same machine and lists the same processors etc.  It runs a debian etch OS - so it gives me hope23:05
viktorkAZsebsebseb: well i uninstall everything that took time and i dont need.. like spash screen.. i did it the rude way.. using command line and thats it.. im not using everything.. it just log in directly to the desktop environment (which im using xfce btw)23:05
erle-Slart, where can i read kernel memory usage?23:05
Slarterle-: I haven't seen any reports of memory leaks in ubuntu kernels but I might have missed them23:05
plaziasebsebseb, such remarkable deductive prowess :)23:06
sebsebsebplazia:   I didn't quite understand :d explain?23:06
erle-Slart, i dont have to compare - if the kernel uses more then 500 alone, it is obviously going wrong23:06
oblioiiii am just reading, this is bewildering to me23:06
Slarterle-: well.. "free" will get you one number.. there are probably other ways of getting more detailed data.. some file in /proc perhaps23:06
anima_<thump><thump> is this thing on?  If so, I'll wait patiently.23:06
psionhas anyone here setup two displays with an nvidia card?23:06
Slarterle-: you're still running gnome.. sure it's not a gnome problem?23:06
=== spooky-- is now known as ssantino
oblioiiisebsebseb : this also too fast moving for me23:07
rodolfo_jrib. It's the last time I ever do that. Just not enough patient to wait for that GOD DAMN update manager which gets everything, including what my machine DOES NOT have nor need to download it23:07
erle-Slart, yeah, when gnome is down, the memory usage is still high23:07
stroyanerle-: You can see more detail of kernel memory usage with the slabtop command from the procps package.23:07
Jack_Sparrow!language > rodolfo_23:07
ubotturodolfo_, please see my private message23:07
erle-and there are no processes eating more memory than they usually do, Slart23:07
rodolfo_HEY I use the bloody intel driver. why the hell does it get/install ati/nvidia driver as well?23:08
KebbIm having a weird network problem it seems, ping resolves addresses fine, but telnet does not and the proper dns server is in resolv.conf, any ideas?23:08
Jack_Sparrow!language > rodolfo_23:08
rodolfo_I got it Jack_Sparrow !23:08
ldleworkI have a pair of Logitech 350 USB headphones. I have figured out how to set it as the default device so upon boot up sound is routed to them. But if I unplug them (to go home from work) when I plug them back in the sound does not work anymore. Anyone have a clue?23:08
Jack_Sparrowrodolfo_ then please keep it polite.. these people are volunteers23:09
AbuYaseenjrib: thank you23:09
ldleworkI guess I'll just never unplug my headphones ever23:09
rodolfo_Jack_Sparrow its not their fault I didn't insult anyone here...it's update manager fault!23:09
PsynoKhi0lakin: np, I simply happened to have read about that netbook of yours, can't help much more unfortunately23:10
erle-stroyan, whats your total size there? mine is more than 450 megabytes23:10
Slarterle-: take a look at vmstat23:10
lakinPsynoKhi0: thanks - have a great day23:10
Slarterle-: that might provide some more info23:10
ldleworkIn the sound control panel when I do the test sound for the Alsa Logitech Headphones output it says:23:10
ldleworkaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.23:10
ldleworkEven though the kernel log shows that its being recognized23:11
erle-Slart, could you take a look, what slabtop tells you about size?23:11
ldleworkAnd if I select the OSS version of the Headphones23:11
ldleworkI hear the tone23:11
erle-Slart, i have 450 of 460 MB23:11
Slarterle-: you want a pastebin of that?23:11
erle-Slart, just the two numbers23:11
erle-Slart, just take a look and tell me, please23:12
Slarterle-: 16156.82K / 18079.10K (89.4%)23:12
erle-Slart, watch at mine:  455313.18K / 463766.46K (98.2%)23:12
erle-Slart, that doesnt look sane23:12
Slarterle-: can't you sort the list according to size? look at what's using all that memory?23:13
anima_OK, I'm having startup-manager issues.  I was goofing around with it, and hose my original config.  Can someone help me restore it, please?23:13
anima_hosed, even.23:13
viktorkAZhey tnanks a lot im in gnome now23:13
erle-Slart, the top line says "dentry"23:13
lchiI have a quick question, if anyone is available to answer?23:13
viktorkAZanyway.. im going back to xfce.. im so use to the speed of xfce.. gnome is to slow now for me23:13
erle-Slart, i have no idea what it is23:14
erle-Slart, about 380 MB23:14
jriblchi: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to help you23:14
lchiok. thx23:14
Slarterle-: mm.. dentry is here on mine too.. uses 2204K cache and 0.13K size23:14
lchiI want to install the nvidia 180 driver23:14
veritosWill 9.04 have native 64-bit flash (no nspluginwrapper) and Java (including plugin)?23:15
lchii've downloaded the file off of the nvidia site23:15
erle-Slart, now, i am pretty sure that my suggestion was right23:15
erle-i will track a bug tomorrow23:15
lchihowever, i have to remove the current nvidia driver.23:15
jriblchi: use the repositories to install the nvidia driver23:15
jrib!nvidia > lchi23:15
ubottulchi, please see my private message23:15
lchii have the binary driver installed23:16
xenocampanoliOkay, I always get 9.0 r100 showing on add-ons on FF, and I always get 9.0.152 on Synaptic, so presumably FF is just not able to work with 152 flash on 64bit Ubuntu yet....???23:16
lchibut the one in the repos isn't the latest one23:16
erle-Slart, thank you for your help; screw you for your "it cannot be the kernel" :)23:16
jriblchi: you installed it by downloading from nvidia?  The intrepid repositories have 180, are you not on intrepid?23:16
xenocampanoliI tried reinstalls, and deleting flash plugins too.23:16
lchii am on intrepid...23:16
Slarterle-: apparently dentry holds cached files and directories...23:16
lchii'm pretty sure the latest driver i have is 179?23:17
jrib!who | lchi23:17
ubottulchi: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:17
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava23:17
PsynoKhi0from gpg's commands: --delete-key name [...] "the key must be specified by fingerprint." what's the fingerprint they're referring to?23:17
erle-Slart, why is it so small on your system?23:17
xenocampanoliI have to admit I am way to squeamish to do reinstalls or uninstalls on all my flash stuff.23:17
jrib!info nvidia-glx-180 | lchi23:17
ubottunvidia-glx-180 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 180.11-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 9046 kB, installed size 26444 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)23:17
osielsome body can help me23:17
Slarterle-: I'm still not convinced it's a kernel bug =).. but perhaps I'll have to eat those words later .. check this link http://rackerhacker.com/2008/12/03/reducing-inode-and-dentry-caches-to-keep-oom-killer-at-bay/23:17
damienmay I ask a question about using 8.10 and an ATI X1400 and a SyncMaster 305t? :) anyone?23:17
veritosJack_Sparrow: Yes, I know. I'm talking native, not wrappers.23:17
ortsvorsteher!anybody | osiel23:17
ubottuosiel: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:17
Slarterle-: I have no idea.. I have 5 TB storage on this computers so there are a lot of files to cache if it really wants23:18
KebbIs there any reason why nslookup would resolve a name to an IP but Im only able to telnet using the IP not the name?23:18
veritosJack_Sparrow: That means no OpenJDK (or no Sun, that's fine too), no nspluginwrapper.23:18
Jack_Sparrowveritos I can agree with no wrapper..23:18
damienHas anyone gotten the ati x1400 working at 2560x1600?23:18
PsynoKhi0nvm case solved23:18
jribveritos: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty questions23:18
osielim using ubuntu 5 and i need to upgrade do you know who23:18
erle-Slart, my caches are more than 780 MB, they cant be in there23:19
acclivoushello! im having a problem with a new ubuntu installation.  just installed on a system with an onboard ati firegl video adapter, but the system doesnt seem to recognize the card, and im limited to 800x600 resolution.  ive added Driver "ati" to the xorg.conf file and restarted gdm to no avail.  All I really need is 1024x768 no hardware accelleration or anything crazy... im kinda surprised it didnt just autodetect 23:19
erle-according to "free", Slart23:19
osielyes any body can help me23:19
KebbIve tried testing with telnet but get the following on theinstall in question: telnet: could not resolve www.google.net/80: Name or service not known23:19
Kebbwell except not google.net, but you get the idea23:19
nickrud_osiel, you mean you're running 5.04 or 5.10?23:19
Slarterle-: wasn't dentry using 300MB according to slabtop?23:19
damienacclivous, I am working on getting my ati card working too... have you tried both the binary and the restricted driver?23:20
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:20
Slarterle-: here's another interesting thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103974423:20
nickrud_osiel, I strongly recommend that you don't upgrade, but rather get a much later version, 8.04 or 8.10 and do a fresh install23:20
austin666anyone know about ubuntu server?23:20
erle-Slart, yes, and thats the reason, i dont think it is the cache23:20
acclivousdamien:  yea, nothing seems to work23:20
nickrud_osiel, you have to upgrade to 6.04 then 8.04 then 8.10 if desired23:20
erle-Slart, i have an ibm laptop, too ....23:21
austin666can anyone helpme?23:21
acclivousis there some kind of utility that will auto-detect my video card and monitor?  i remember back in the days of Red Hat 7-9 there was a program that worked 99% of the time called Xconfigurator.. is there a similar utility in Ubuntu?23:21
damienacclivous, did you see they released a new driver? ati-driver-installer-9-1-x86.x86_64.run23:21
osieli been download the 8.10 but i donk know who to find23:21
damienoh man I miss Xconfigurator23:21
xenocampanoliI'm sorry.  I am not seeing the yellow bar mentioned, so it appears to not be working for me.23:21
damienthat was so awesome23:21
damienaustin666, what are you trying to do?23:22
austin666:) i have putty online, and trying to transfer files to my server23:22
nickrud_osiel, you mean you want 8.10, but can't find it?  releases.ubuntu.com/8.1023:22
austin666its got ubuntu server ed. and the files are on a vista PC, all connected on a network23:22
erle-Slart, dentry seems to refer to "directory entry"23:22
damienanyone have any luck getting ati drivers to do 2560x1600?23:22
xenocampanoliUh oh.  I got something going, but it says wrong architecture...23:23
doglinoHOW I DO TO watch a movie DVD in TOTEM?23:23
Slarterle-: yup..I saw a post on how to force it to clear that cache.. of course I closed the firefox window since then23:23
osieli have been downloaded, but i stil donk know qho to use it because i need to burn in a disk23:23
nickrud_osiel, did you download it in ubuntu or windows?23:24
erle-Slart, i will investigate tomorrow and open a bug, if it is appearently one23:24
nickrud_osiel, you should be able to right click the iso and select burn to disk23:24
erle-now i want to bed, Slart23:25
erle-Slart, ciao, thanks for your support23:25
Slarterle-: good luck witht he bug.. good night23:25
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anima_OK, I'm having startup-manager issues.  I was goofing around with it, and hose my original config.  Can someone help me restore it, please?23:25
SmegzorIn Nautilus, how do you select multiple files at once?  The traditional method of holding the control key doesn't work.  That just expands a directory (not what I want).23:25
jonreaganctrl-z I believe23:26
osielthis pc i have not a cd burner so i need to save in a memory23:26
jonreaganoh, nvm23:26
SlartSmegzor: ctrl works for me23:26
cybroctrl+a works for me23:26
doglinoSmegzor what is your nautilus/23:26
Smegzorhmm..  mine hasn't worked in a long time23:26
acclivousno i didnt see that - how do i get it?  im an old RHCE not familiar with ubuntu at all23:26
austin666so yah, anyone know how to tras. the files from computer to computer?23:27
Smegzordoglino: 2.24.123:27
SlartSmegzor: does shift work for you?23:27
ortsvorsteheraustin666: transfer from windows box to ubuntu server?23:27
doglinoyour keyboard must have a problem..23:27
nickrud_osiel, http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html has instructions for installing ubuntu without a cd.23:27
SmegzorNo that just expands the first subfolder as well23:27
SmegzorI do have some nautilus plugins.  It might be one of those causing this23:28
SlartSmegzor: it does this regardless of wether you use the right or left shift/ctrl?23:28
ortsvorsteher!pm | austin66623:28
ubottuaustin666: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:28
ortsvorsteheraustin666: you have winscp installed? or you use putty with sftp may?23:28
austin666>.> ok, sorry about all that.23:28
austin666um, i use putty23:28
ortsvorsteheraustin666: do you have putty sftp installed also?23:29
Smegzorhmm..  right shift works correctly.  I was wrong about control.  I got confused,  I meant shift, but left shift is still broken for me23:29
anima_OK, I'm having startup-manager issues.  I was goofing around with it, and hosed my original config.  Can someone help me restore it, please?23:29
SlartSmegzor: have you checked the settings in system, preferences, keyboard?23:29
austin666ortsvorsteher: I'm not sure.  I just have putty.exe, and type in my ip address, and that terminal window opens up on my windows pc23:29
Smegzorhmm..  odd.  now that I got it working with right shift, its working with left or right and both control keys do their thing correctly.  I'll quit nautilus and see if it reverts23:30
ortsvorsteheraustin666: with putty, which you have now, you are abel to connect to linux box and work there. but without an scp / sftp client, you will not be able to send files to linux box23:30
waylandbillaustin666, you would know because it there would be psftp.exe. :)23:31
austin666oh, well then i guess i don't have it xD.  I just look for it online and download it?23:31
waylandbillaustin666, you can get pscp.exe and psftp.exe from the same place you got putty.exe23:31
neil_dI have exim4 installed is listening on localhost:25 :(    I want to change this to listen on the interface,  how do I setup the SMTPLISTENEROPTIONS ?23:32
austin666great, lemmi go snag that real quick23:32
waylandbillaustin666, keep in mind that they are CLI... not like WinSCP.23:32
Smegzorcontrol and shift are still working after closing nautilus.  I'll have to restart X or reboot to break it again it seems.  Oh well..  a fix is a fix :)23:32
austin666waylandbill: I have no clue what that means23:32
wemdowemdI want to make a portable Ubuntu install on a flash USB - there are several options but I'm thinking the official LiveUSB creator is the best candidate. Thing is though, I want it all encrypted. Normal ubuntu installations can do this with LUKS, so is what I want possible?23:32
evenstarI'm running 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, and every time I modify my /etc/fstab it reverts on/before reboot, I'm trying to keep my NTFS partitions mounted with ntfs-3g intead of auto mounting them. could you help?23:33
osielnickrud i downloaded a ubuntu from ares thats was a good idea?23:33
waylandbillaustin666, you use them in a command prompt. They don't have a 'window' interface. They work similar to scp/sftp on a *nix system.23:33
ortsvorsteheraustin666: he means, if you like to drag and drop, than will be winscp better. otherwhise you have an command line interface23:33
Jack_Sparrowevenstar Are you editing manually?23:34
Slartevenstar: that sounds really weird.. you edit the fstab, it works alright, you reboot and it's back to where it was before??23:34
austin666Ok, great. Well, I already have pscp.exe and psftp.exe on my desktop now, so i guess i'll use them.  What do i do now?23:34
BugeyeDhi all. i accidentally deleted a default config file placed by a .deb package; is there a way to rewrite the file without a reinstall of the package?23:34
BugeyeDi mean, is it possible to retrieve a single file like in a tar archive?23:34
un_davei have ubuntu 8.10 installed on my dell mini 9, wireless working fine with the broadcom STA drivers, but when i type in iwconfig, i get a message about eth1, the wireless device like "Driver has no wireless extension version information." and hence, apps like conky, have trouble getting any wireless information for the system. Anyone have any ideas?23:34
osieland i downloaded from ubuntu pages23:34
nickrud_osiel, ubuntu is best23:34
evenstarYes, and through mountmanager.23:34
evenstarSlaart, Yes, and through mountmanager.23:34
anima_OK, I'm having startup-manager issues.  I was goofing around with it, and hosed my original config.  Can someone help me restore it, please?23:35
StargazerI have unrar installed... how do i create a RAR Archive ?23:35
evenstarSlart, Yes, and through mountmanager.23:35
anima_It's just the splash thing, but I want it like it was, not screwed up like it is.  Oh, and I'm blonde.23:35
anima_So let's not confuse me.23:35
waylandbillStargazer, unrar extracts rar files. You need rar to create rar archives.23:35
Slartevenstar: do you have a normal ubuntu setup? nothing weird like unionfs or so?23:35
nickrud_!usplash | anima_, well, I only help brunettes, sorry.23:36
ubottuanima_, well, I only help brunettes, sorry.: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork23:36
nickrud_anima_, that should reset your splash properly23:36
kansanis there an automated way to install sun-java-5?  without requiring me to say YES?  or is there any alternative that i can install in a scriptable way (without having to provide confirmation that i agree to their legal baloney_?23:36
SonicComKidanyone here familar with install-MBR?23:36
evenstarSlart: Actually, it's Kubuntu, as KDE 4.1 is installed, but other then that, nothing strange, ext3 fs.23:36
Monaro427Is there a way I can change eth2 to eth1 without rebooting the system? I changed the 70-persistent-net.rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ to remove a eth1 that was installed via a usb device.23:37
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austin666What do i do now that i have the two clients?23:38
osielok who can i find it to save a disk on burn in another machine with cd burnerchine23:38
kavehhi all23:38
Slartevenstar: I can't really think of anything that would revert your changes to the fstab.. unless your hard drive is silently dieing and refusing to accept writes23:38
waylandbillkansan, you can install an alternative java implementation that doesn't have a license to accept.23:38
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SlartMonaro427: perhaps restarting udev will work? it might mess things up though23:38
kansanwaylandbill, such as?23:38
kavehi have nvidia graphic card what is the best driver to insall23:38
Stargazerthank you, waylandbill.23:38
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kavehwhat i am suppose to do23:39
Slartkaveh: depends on if your first name is richard and you look like Santa Clause or if you want to use your computer for any kind of gaming =)23:39
CetiEelkaveh, just install the proprietary driver?23:39
CetiEelshould appear an icon asking if you want it installed23:39
evenstarSlart: So, other then fixing fstab, is there a way to make my NTFS partitions mount on boot instead of automount?23:40
netsurf3hi guys something weird is going on with my dvds when erasing/burning to dvd+rw's23:40
netsurf3they seem to just crash half way through23:40
Monaro427Slart: restarting udev didn't help. I also restarted the network which didn't help either23:40
Slartevenstar: not that I know of.. that's the recommended way afaik23:40
kavehCetiEel: i installed ubuntu right now but it seems to lack in driver23:40
lupciao a tutti23:40
Slart!ntfs | evenstar23:40
ubottuevenstar: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:40
waylandbillkansan, gcj or openjdk perhaps.23:40
SlartMonaro427: then I guess a reboot is needed23:40
netsurf3windows does not have this issue but it seems to be a problem throughout multiple burning programs23:40
CetiEelkaveh: weird. For me there is always an "install proprietary driver" icon appearing in the menu right after an install. I also hava an nvidia card23:41
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wannabCetiEel: yup! me to...23:41
cratelas soon as I play a flash video, no other app can access my sound card until I restart.23:41
Monaro427Slart: I guess so. Thanks23:41
kavehCetiEel: in menu?23:41
SonicComKidI need someone to tell me how to clear out a bad GRUB install to an MBR on the wrong disk without destorying the data on the disk23:42
CetiEelkaveh, if you use gnome it should be up there in the upper menu far right23:42
wannabkaveh: the top right of your screen23:42
timbellomoAfter my last reboot, I've been unable to login to Ubuntu.  The best way to describe it is a "login loop."  As soon as I enter the password, the screen blacks out, and then reloads the login window.  When trying at the terminal login, I get similarly repeating login prompts.  I asked on ubuntuforums (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1047692) and they referred me here after initial troubleshooting failed.  I can 23:42
CetiEelkaveh: I guess you can also search for "nvidia" in synaptic and manually install it23:43
kavehi dont see it23:43
kavehCetiEel: i am upgrading23:43
wemdowemdCan anybody point me in the right direction for getting a flash-USB portable Ubuntu install that is encrypted? Both are possible individually right off the LiveCD, so combining them should be doable.23:44
anima_OK, so did that, and it didn't work.  I still have scrolling text, and a big blue foot thing.23:44
CetiEelkaveh: is it a brand new card or some older model?23:44
kavehi see shutdown icon , then time ,then volume , then network23:45
CetiEelusually nvidia cards seem to work woithout problems as far as i know23:45
kavehCetiEel: new card23:45
wannabtimbellomo: well there are really 2 ways to fix this. 1. reload. 2. if you know how to use grub you could boot into single user mode with -s and then reset your password23:45
CetiEelwell, I suggest you do a search in synaptic for "nvidia" and there will probably be some driver packages there you can try installing if the proprietary driver icon does not show up23:46
nkei0So, I've broken my Acer Aspire 1680 laptop while running 8.10.  I updated to the new radeon driver and restarted without configuring it.  Now when I go to start up X will not come up, I can still log in with ttyl(sp?) though.  Also, if i sudo modprobe radeon and then startx it works.  How can I make that perm so I don't have to do it everytime?23:46
kavehCetiEel: it is nvidia 820023:47
anima_is there anyway to fix this, or should I just keep banging my head against the keyboard?23:47
funkyHatWhat's up with bzr and bzrtools dependencies?23:48
kavehCetiEel: i might need to upgrade23:48
funkyHat(in the bzr ppa)23:49
fluffybaconnkei0:  post your xorg logs on pastebin23:49
CetiEelupgrade what, kaveh?23:49
Jack_SparrowSonicComKid I can probably help with that23:49
kavehCetiEel: the system23:49
kavehCetiEel: i restart now see what happens23:49
nkei0fluffybacon: I'm still pretty new to this, what's the best way to view the logs of what you need to see?23:50
CetiEelshould always keep your system upgraded :)23:50
kavehthanks all23:50
wemdowemdOK, easier questions: Can I add new programs to a LiveUSB, given it's just a copy of the LiveCD + persistence? Is the storage of any persistent settings etc. completely separate from the LiveCD bit, such that the latter never changes? What is the nature of this separation? Pointing me to a page explaining the details or something will do23:50
fluffybaconcat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE23:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about persistent23:51
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:51
anima_I hate dumping this install when I don't have to just because I don't know this OS.23:51
wemdowemdJack_Sparrow: Thanks23:52
nkei0fluffybacon: What was that supposed to do?  I pasted it in and it gave me an error about an MIT screensaver... and reverting back to software rendering23:52
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fluffybaconthat's fine, just checking if there was a problem loading the driver23:53
Slartnkei0: cat prints a file.. grep searches for a certain string and prints lines that contain that string23:53
nkei0Slart: Thanks23:53
mikeshollenCan I get some help getting my wireless card working?  I have Ubuntu 8.04 and it doesn't seem to be registering like it did with 8.10.23:54
Slartnkei0: just write "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log" and you'll get the whole thing23:54
crxhey all, sum one help with a wireless question?? please23:54
Slartnkei0: the log file is from X starting up.. lines that contain an error starts with EE.. it's a good way to see why you don't have acceleration or other problems23:54
* anima_ taps her fingernails on the keyboard patiently.23:55
Slartanima_: what was your problem?23:55
nkei0How can I get the log of my bootup?23:56
Slartnkei0: some stuff ends up in dmesg, but not the very first text..23:56
anima_I was messing around trying to install a splash screen, I was in startupmanager...next boot gave me text and a big blue footprint.  I want the original back.  how do I do that, please?23:56
yoyonednkei0: why, what are you looking for>23:56
anima_slart:  thank you, btw.23:56
Slartanima_: oh, don't thank me yet.. I might make your computer explode or something23:57
anima_HAHA, I already did that with windows.  That's why I'm here.23:57
nkei0yoyoned: I can't start X when I first bootup, I have to first login via command line and then "sudo modprobe radeon" and "startx"23:57
wannabSlart: hehe good 123:57
kavehnow it works good23:58
crxif ubunti says there is a non free driver avalible for my wireless car, will it have to be downloaded or is it already in my system??23:58
wannabnkei0: did you include the radeon driver in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?23:58
kansanwhen i install sun-java5-jre  on ubuntu hardy ;; and then run java -v:  Could not create the Java virtual machine..... even after i did sudo update-java-alternatives correctly23:58
yoyonednkei0: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:58
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nkei0wannab: I have no idea how to do that.23:58
Slartanima_: ok.. so you installed a new usplash theme?23:58
fluffybaconnkei0: try using dpkg-reconfigure  --configure  xorg-driver-fglrx23:58
anima_I've reached the point where I'm invested and don't want to reinstall if possible.  What a pain.  Yes, well, I *tried*, yes.23:58
wannabnkei0: there you go.... good one fluffybacon23:59
anima_But I got a lot of boot text, and the gnome thing.23:59
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TwoDcrx, it'll have to be downloaded, but since Ubuntu knows about it, it should be done automatically.23:59
anima_Not my idea of results I was expecting.23:59
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nkei0fluffybacon: Should I do that from this terminal or shutdown and do it from the commandline?23:59
Slartanima_: and if you start the startup manager and go to Appearance, "Manage usplash themes" what do you see?23:59
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anima_Just the one I installed.23:59
Slartanima_: you don't have the usplash-theme-ubuntu?23:59

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