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NafaiI uploaded packages to a PPA about 15 minutes or so ago and I can't find them in the build queue anywhere on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds02:05
Nafaidput claimed the upload was successful02:05
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NafaiThe package was mpfr 2.4.0-1ubuntu1 for the PPA named "nafai"02:09
NafaiThis is my first time trying to use a PPA02:09
jmlNafai: all the soyuz guys are asleep right now, it seems.02:13
* jml looks around for bugs / questions that might be relevant here02:13
NafaiI'm patient02:13
jmlNafai: do you have a link for the build page?02:14
Nafai        try:02:14
NafaiWhoops, wrong paste02:15
NafaiSomething other than https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds or are you referring to something else?02:15
jmlI don't really know what I'm referring to :)02:15
mwhudsonNafai: a link to your ppa maybe?02:15
jmlhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~nafai/+archive/ppa is empty02:16
NafaiMaybe the instructions on the PPA howto were wrong02:17
jmlNafai: got a URL for the howto?02:18
NafaiWhat should incoming be in my ~/.dput.cf ?02:18
maxbPPA builds don't show up on /ubuntu/+builds02:18
mwhudsonNafai: i'm pretty sure that if something went wrong in the initial processing, you should have got a mail about it02:18
Nafaimaxb: Ah!  That's my problem :)02:19
Nafaimwhudson: Ah, there's the mail, just took a while getting here02:19
NafaiNevermind me :)02:19
mwhudsonthe usual mistake being accidentally trying to upload a package to ubuntu02:19
maxbBetween the freeze, and having two hppa buildds again, the primary ubuntu build queue is the nearest to empty it's been for a long time :-)02:21
jmlNafai: please feel free to update the wiki page or file some bugs about this.02:21
Nafaiwill do02:21
mwhudsonmaxb: i guess a new architecture will do that02:22
NafaiDo the PPAs have a build page?02:25
NafaiOh, n/m.  I see it02:26
NafaiYay, it is working this time.02:26
NafaiThanks for the help guys02:26
pooliejml, is bug 293710 really Low?04:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293710 in launchpad-bazaar "Merge proposal page truncates comments too soon" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29371004:41
stdinit's an inconvenience rather than a blocking issue, Low is probably appropriate04:45
jmlpoolie: in a choice between "High" and "Low", I'd pick "Low"04:47
jmlpoolie: There are about 50 open code review bugs (see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bugs?field.tag=code-review). Not all of them can be high priority, sadly.04:49
pooliethat list does look sensibly sorted04:50
jmlpoolie: so, if I were doing the work, I'd probably just get a list of code-review ui bugs and then do them in chunks that makes sense re implementation.05:07
OsamaKHello. I just uploaded a po translation file, it's marked as 'blocked'. What does that mean?05:11
jmlpoolie: ping05:51
jmlpoolie: why do you think https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/238453 is intermittent?05:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238453 in launchpad-bazaar "Recent revisions page does not show most recent revision" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:52
mwhudsonjml: that's another way of saying "the scanner sometimes runs slowly" i think06:02
jmlmwhudson: hmm. in that case, I will close the bug and make sure we have another bug about fixing the scanner.06:03
thumperjml: it may also have been mirror delay hitting06:09
jmlthumper: well, that was the original cause, for sure.06:09
mwhudsonnot if loggerhead had a different view to the branch page06:13
mwhudsonbut anyway06:13
mwhudsonmake scanner part of puller, make puller scheduling smarter, optionally add message queue pixie dust --> win06:13
spmany leftover pixie dust for loggerhead?06:17
spm... no particular reason for asking06:17
OsamaKAny idea about my question?06:24
mwhudsonOsamaK: sorry, no06:33
OsamaKfine what about the other 120 people :P06:33
mrooneyWhat is considered the proper way to push to a newly created project? bzr push lp:~lpname/proj/trunk, then go into launchpad and set trunk as that branch?06:34
mwhudsonmrooney: yes06:41
mwhudsonmrooney: possibly one day it will be automatically set as the trunk, but not yet06:42
mrooneyyeah, that would be slick06:42
mrooneyat least if the pusher is the project owner06:42
mwhudsonyes, i think that's one of the reasons it hasn't happened yet06:42
mrooneymwhudson: what is one of the reasons?06:43
mwhudsondepends-on: telepathy06:43
mwhudsonthis kind of fuzzy thinking06:43
mwhudsonif it's pushed by a project maintainer and is called trunk though, that would be a start06:43
mrooneythat doesn't seem fuzzy or depending on telepathy06:45
mrooneythat was my first intution, to push to lp:projname, then I tried lp:projname/trunk, then I gave in and did it the other way :)06:46
mwhudsonmrooney: an interesting data point :)07:23
jms1989anyone know why the staging server is not working?07:54
jms1989anyone know why the staging server is not working?08:44
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domasbazaar.launchpad sick?10:54
james_wdomas: seems so10:54
domas64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=48 time=2152.608 ms10:54
domas64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=48 time=1153.349 ms10:54
elmowe're working on it10:56
domasthanks, folks! :)10:57
domasno urge, just wanted to show a new Feature to the world! :)10:57
amondolaunchpad bzr was down a few minutes ago11:03
amondoi got "connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: No route to host"11:03
amondobut now it is back11:04
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amondois there like a server status page for the launchpad servers?11:04
philni'm trying to push a branch but there's a lock on the server and i can't remove it with that break-lock command.. can someone help me?11:06
philnlock is lp-45632656:///~elisa-developers/elisa/tv_movie_db/.bzr/branch/lock11:06
beunophiln, bzr break-lock lp:~/user/project/branch?11:21
philnbeuno: ok that worked, but bzr break lp-45632656:///~elisa-developers/elisa/tv_movie_db/.bzr/branch/lock (which was the command suggested  by bzr) did not11:25
beunophiln, yeap, it's a bug in bzr, I think it's filed, but if not, i will11:26
jpdsShould there be a text field on Launchpad bugs saying: "This bug affects %d people". ?11:27
jpdsOr somewhere I can find the data?11:27
beunojpds, it's currently not exposed11:28
beunoyou can order bug listings by number of affected users11:28
beunobut the actual number isn't exposed11:28
jpdsbeuno: Ah, thanks.11:29
philnthanks for the help beuno, seeya11:31
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domasghm, loggerhead is actually laggerhead :)13:01
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=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: leonardr| launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
domaswill loggerhead ever start working again?14:16
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Ursinhabeuno, ^14:19
beunodomas, it's down?14:19
domasbeuno: lagged for multiple (>12)h14:19
domascompare https://code.launchpad.net/~mydumper/mydumper/trunk and http://dammit.lt:8080/mydumper/changes14:19
domaswell, maybe not 12, but definitely >414:21
beunodomas, ah14:22
beunothat's not loggerhead14:22
beunobut I see what you mean14:22
domasbeuno: ghm, thats the only implication I see, I can successfully clone/branch up-to-date trees14:22
beunologgerhead is the *only* think that's working!14:22
beunoit's Launchpad's branch scanner14:22
domassorry for confusing14:23
beunono worries14:23
beunowe're following up on the branch scanner problem14:24
domashehe, oki!14:24
beunohopefully we'll get it back up soon14:24
domastoday it was some bigger crash, I noticed14:24
domasI should brush up my UI skills and add 'hide column' functionality to loggerhead :)14:25
beunooh, patches are very wlecome on Loggerhead  ;)14:26
domasbeautiful thing so far :)14:26
domasiterating colors, etc, yummy! :-)))14:26
intellectronicabeuno: speaking of which, what do i need to do to get my download link branch merged? can you review it? or should i ask rockstar?14:36
beunointellectronica, file a merge request, and I'll try to get to it first14:39
beunoif rockstar does, he can get the karma14:39
beunomaybe even mwhudson, who is currently playing around in LH14:39
domashehe, feature request, in 'add file' -> "make tarball out of bzr branch" :))14:43
domaswould allow me to release more than 5 times a day! \o/14:43
beunodomas, sounds like a great idea14:43
beunoif you file a bug requesting it14:43
beunoit just may happen...  ;)14:43
domasbeuno: bug#325761 \o/14:48
beunobug 32576114:48
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: Unknown host. (https://launchpad.net/bugs/325761/+text)14:48
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domaspoor ubott14:49
rockstarintellectronica, request a review from me.14:49
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cgreganDoes anyone know if there is a way to search bugs for milestone=none?15:06
leonardr^-intellectronica, maybe you can help cgregan15:13
intellectronicacgregan: unfortunately not. iirc someone filed a but about this just a few days ago. let me try and find it15:14
cgreganthanks leonardr, intellectronica15:14
domasheeee, branch scanner is there!15:20
domasyay people15:20
bebrawsounds useful15:20
intellectronicacgregan: i can find that bug. maybe i imagined it. care to file one?15:28
intellectronicacgregan: "can't", that is15:28
cgreganintellectronica: I would be happy to15:30
matsubarabug 7070915:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 70709 in malone "Can't search for bugs without a milestone set" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7070915:33
matsubaracgregan: ^15:36
cgreganmatsubara: thanks.....I will dup the one I just entered15:37
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intellectronicamatsubara, cgregan: i knew i remembered _something_ about such a bug :)15:47
cgreganintellectronica: It has a rather low number.....any chance it is getting fixed any time soon?15:47
intellectronicacgregan: can't promise anything, but the renewed interest in this bug means that yes, we'll probably try to do this soon15:48
intellectronicacgregan: b.t.w you can try and use the webservice api to get this data. are you comfortably doing this sort of thing? if yes i'm happy to help15:49
cgreganintellectronica: excellent15:49
cgreganintellectronica: Unfortunately I am no where near a coder.15:50
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Dal90Hi -- I have a new project that there was license question on.  I've fixed that license, but it's still in limbo with translations under review.  What needs to be done to fix this?  https://translations.launchpad.net/getmiro/3.0/+imports16:30
epsyAre there any icons for blueprints?16:54
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spitfire_evening :P17:29
AlexC_I'm wondering how LP handles changing translations files. Does it merge them in with the older uploaded ones, and any strings added/deleted will be handled correctly17:29
AlexC_spitfire_, evening here to =)17:29
intellectronicaAlexC_: maybe henninge can help you?17:32
henningeAlexC_: Uploading new files updates previous *uploaded* translated strings. Strings *changed* in Launchpad are not updated, unless they were untranslated before.17:34
AlexC_henninge, ok thanks. One other thing, how does the process work for copy files into a new series? I'm a little confused about which way to do this. If we were to do translations for 'trunk', when we come to release say, 2.3 of our software - what do we do with the translations?17:35
henningeAlexC_: You will have to re-import them. There is copying of translations between product series.17:41
henningeAlexC_: *no* copying. Sorry.17:41
AlexC_henninge, and we'd then loose all translations once we re-import?17:42
AlexC_unless we can also upload the .po files?17:42
henningeAlexC_: Oh yes, you can!17:43
AlexC_ok cool, kind of a ball ache but it'll do I guess =)17:43
AlexC_thanks very much17:43
henningeAlexC_: hang on, there is a help page for uploads, trying to find it17:44
ArepaKingHello Everyone.. I am trying to register my GPG key in lauchpad but I keep getting the same message over and over.. can somebody give me some guidance?17:44
ArepaKingthe message is: The signed content does not match the message found in the email.17:44
mrevellleonardr: Are you able to help ArepaKing?17:50
ArepaKingthanks mrevell17:51
henningeAlexC_: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject17:53
AlexC_henninge, thanks17:53
henningehenninge: Please read the section "Ensuring a successful import"17:53
henningeAlexC_: ^17:53
henningeAlexC_: That is about the naming conventions for the files so that the import runs smoothly. Prepare a tarball like that and upload it, should work fine.17:54
AlexC_henninge, is there any further explanation of: "you upload templates in a tarball, so the system can see what directories you want them in; give each template its own directory."17:54
leonardrArepaKing, what client are you using to send the mail?17:54
leonardrif you have a copy of the mail, send it to leonard.richardson@canonical.com and i'll look at it17:55
henningeAlexC_: No :-( I just saw that, too...17:55
henningeAlexC_: I was too quick in my judgement.17:55
AlexC_henninge, hum, ok. hehe, no worries =)17:55
ArepaKingHi leonardr.. I will forward you the email right away..17:56
henningeAlexC_: But it is easy: name the template like the translation domain (domain.pot) and the po files with the language code (de.po, fr.po, etc).17:56
AlexC_henninge, yeah, just generating all of those now. Thing is, we have many .pot files (one for each module within our project) - how will Launchpad handle that?17:57
henningeAlexC_: put the po files in a directory that is named like the translation domain, too. You can put the template in there, too.17:57
ArepaKingleonardr.. done17:57
AlexC_henninge, we currently have no .po files, was just thinking ahead17:57
henningeAlexC_: yeah, one directory per translation domain/template. Do not mix pofiles for different translation domains.17:58
RinchenArepaKing, give leonardr the bug number too please if you have not17:58
ArepaKingall right17:58
ArepaKingthis is the bug number: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-documentation/+bug/323283/17:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323283 in launchpad-documentation "Confirm openPGP text is very confusing" [Undecided,New]17:59
AlexC_henninge, so for example, 4 modules = 4 directories (each named of the translations domain), with a single .pot file in them?17:59
ArepaKingthanks Rinchen..17:59
henningeAlexC_: It only gets important for the po files later.18:02
AlexC_henninge, ah ok, so I can just throw all of these .pot files in a .tar.gz archive and put that up?18:02
henningeAlexC_: I was gonna say: but that structure is OK.18:03
henningeAlexC_: Yes, as long as they are named domain1.pot, domain2.pot, etc18:03
AlexC_henninge, they sure are. Awesome, thanks for the helps18:03
henningeAlexC_: pleasure18:04
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BUGabundois this a LP high load /timeout or a apport one ?18:42
BUGabundoleonardr: ping18:43
matsubaralooks like apport18:44
matsubaraBUGabundo: and it's just a warning, so I don't think it was fatal18:44
matsubaraseems like apport completed the upload successfully18:45
matsubarawell, at least it started upload, not sure if it finished18:45
BUGabundoit did finish, matsubara. at least it looks like everything (or somethings) got attached to the report18:48
BUGabundobut since you guys are changing EDGE timeouts18:49
BUGabundoI thouth it would be better to let you know18:49
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matsubaradoes apport use edge?18:51
matsubaraBUGabundo: it's not related to performance work but thanks for letting us know18:51
BUGabundoI do...18:51
BUGabundoso I think it will use it too, once Firefox logins18:51
BUGabundomatsubara: np18:51
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