
fta[reed], would it be possible to have revids somewhere in http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushlog ?00:27
ftain addition to those ugly changesets00:27
ftaasac, 1st round, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa00:41
ftaasac, i just started my improved bot with just xul/ff 3.2, daily for now00:42
ftathis is for hardy->jaunty00:43
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[reed]fta: does http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/pushloghtml have what you need?02:17
[reed]oh, that's not a feed02:17
ftai don't really need a feed02:18
ftai need a way to get the revid of the tip with the date02:19
ftapreferably in a unique timezone, unlike what is available today02:19
ftathe xml feed is fine for the date but lack the rev id02:19
[reed]file a bug under mozilla.org :: Hg Customizations02:20
ubottuMozilla bug 449691 in Mail Window Front End "improved message (view) reader pane" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]07:15
asacfta: yeah. when i wanted to commit it the tree was frozen08:04
asacfta: so how much mem do we need ffor the daily ppa?08:09
ftaasac, depends, what for? the ppa size, or archives?08:32
asacfta: 20:22 < toddw> asac: for the Python, Komodo requires a shared Python build (which should  be okay as system Python)08:32
asac20:23 < toddw> asac: then the build scripts "build.py" would need to be tweaked to  override the siloedPython setup08:33
ftajust xul + ff = 1G already08:33
asaci guess that doesnt really help though08:33
asacfta: yeah. so what size should we ask for to get started?08:33
ftadepends of what we want to put in there08:35
ftalol, 20 is enough, as there's only two versions of each binary at any given time (and only 1 once the superseded ones are removed)08:40
asacfta: really? ... ok. thought we would at least have  abit of history08:42
ftawe want to but that's not how the ppa quota is working, afaik08:42
ftaarchives in librarian is a different thing08:43
ftathis is 30 days max of superseded binaries08:43
ftadisregarding the size08:43
ftaif we want more, we need to backup those ourselves, or request an exception08:44
asacso you say the superseeded bits are not in the quota08:47
ftai think so08:47
ftabut maybe i'm wrong08:48
asacok. i will tell mrevell that we want 2008:48
ftaBug 316773 :(09:09
ubottuBug 316773 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/316773 is private09:09
asacwhat bug is that=?09:20
asaci mean ... how did you get it?09:20
ftai filed it09:20
asacfta: i think we should also do comm-central nighlies09:20
asacfta: why did you mark it private?09:20
ftait was about branch whiteboards editable by anyone09:21
ftait's Won't Fix now09:21
asacthats not security ;) ... really09:21
asacopen it up09:21
asacat least its not severe enough to hide it ;)09:21
ftabug 31677309:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316773 in launchpad-bazaar "branch whiteboards should be editable only by their owners" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31677309:22
ftastill security but visible now09:22
asachmm ... i think both side have valid arguments09:24
asacimo everybody should be able to add stuff to whiteboard09:24
asacbut not overwrite old things09:24
asacfta: i think we want dailies for tbird 3 and ffox 3.1 too09:26
asacthat should be enough i guess09:26
asacotoh ... having 3.0 too would be nice09:26
ftaif i'm upstream, i don't want anyone not in the team touching to the whiteboards09:29
ftafor the dailies, yes, sure, i just want to be sure my bot won't do nasty things09:33
asacfta: cool09:33
asacfta: ok commented on bug09:33
asacfta: imo if they dont reconsider wont fix we should open a bug that allows branch owners to disable whiteboard09:34
ftaasac, at what time do we want the bot to run? midnight? noon?09:49
asacfta: yeah 4am is a good time i think ;) ... so we have an update every morning ;)09:53
asacfor breakfast09:53
ftaremember i don't test build, it also means FTBFS for breakfast09:54
mconnormpt: so, if you're not at FOSDEM, will you be back in London next week?10:06
mconnorwe could discuss this in front of a whiteboard, or over pints, or both :)10:06
mptHi mconnor, I don't think I'll be going to Fosdem, but yes I will be in London next week10:10
mptWould be good to meet you and discuss this more10:10
mconnormpt: where is Canonical, anyway?  I have an appt in Soho Monday morning, and theoretically flying home Wednesday, but that's all up in the air10:12
mptmconnor, Millbank Tower, just south of Westminster10:12
mconnorI just realized I have no idea how far apart those are!10:14
mptHow far apart they are depends on whether it's snowing ;-)10:15
mconnorI'm Canadian, I'm used to snow10:16
mconnoralso, isn't that the point of, y'know, a subway system?10:16
mptNo, it isn't <http://severe-delays.livejournal.com/67893.html>10:16
mpt(summary: if subway drivers can't get to the station, there's no-one to drive the trains)10:17
mptWith buses running, though, Soho Square to Millbank Tower takes about 40 minutes10:18
mconnorhmm, that's entirely doable10:18
mconnorwhat about to LHR from there?10:20
mconnorI was kinda thinking I'd take the Monday night flight home instead, if I can make that workable and still get stuff done :)10:20
mptDepends on your budget. 1h20m to Terminal 1/2/3 if you're ok with shelling out £16.50 for the Heathrow Express. 1h30m with £6.90 for the Heathrow Connect.10:23
mpt(Either way, add about 5 minutes for Terminal 4 or 5.)10:24
mconnorten pounds to save ten minutes seems excessive, wow10:25
mconnorI guess location matters10:25
mconnormpt: dare I ask what an airport car costs?10:26
mconnorsince driving is apparently 34 minutes with traffic10:27
mptThat I don't know, sorry, your googling would be as good as mine10:27
mconnor37 pounds10:28
mconnorthat seems reasonable-ish to save an hour, given what I'm spending already to be in London...10:29
mconnoror I can just fly home Tuesday and spend Monday night in a nice pub :)10:30
asacgood to see that you two are going to discuss this. Thanks!11:14
gnomefreakanyone have a clue as to where i can change where the quoted text is in TB. I want my message to be above quoted text but cant seem to find the setting13:08
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakasac: fta anyway to generate upstream tarball using the version in debian/changelog?14:44
asacgnomefreak: just use the date term there14:45
asacand use DEBIAN_DATE=xxxxxxxxtyyyyyy14:45
ftadepends if it comes from a tag or not14:45
gnomefreakhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/616311 using from what #bzr told me to try14:46
gnomefreakseamonkey-2.0: remote site does not even have current version  << bothers me the most from the error14:47
ftadebian/rules get-orig-source DEBIAN_DATE=20090201r181514:52
gnomefreakthanks trying now14:53
gnomefreaki thought DD used =20090301txxxx15:01
gnomefreakbut r is working fine it looks15:01
ftait does, but from cvs only, for all other vcs that has a concept of revision id, it's 'r' (revision) instead of 't' (time)15:01
gnomefreakah thanks i saved it in my file for commands and friends15:05
asacfta: may i upload latest 3.1.head?15:35
asacor do you want to do that?15:36
ftaI can do it but it's a snapshot15:36
asacfta: just do  ... i mean the b3 will be out soon15:36
asacand we can bump again then15:36
asacits just that i need unversioned .pc files so seb can esily test ephy15:36
saivannasac : ping15:38
asacsaivann: png15:38
saivannasac : I'm about to have lightning-extension-locales and sunbird-locales ready for jaunty (in around 1 hour). I'll subscribe you to bug 324635 so you can review the packages.15:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324635 in sunbird-locales "lightning-extension-locales needs update" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32463515:39
asacsaivann: ok thanks. also add info what you did for testing15:39
asacfta: oh ... is .head already psat b3?15:40
saivannasac : I will do, thanks :)15:40
asacor still b3 pre?15:40
* asac wonders whether they did a mini branch on 1.9.1 branch for b315:40
ftai don't think so15:40
asacthen all fine15:40
asacfta: just push the stuff  ... and tell me when you hvae closed -devscripts15:40
ftawill do15:42
ftai'm sick of fighting with gvfs: gnome bug 57065915:42
ubottuGnome bug 570659 in webdav backend "davs not working with gvfs" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57065915:42
ftaasac, can we push m-d now? i mean, with the freeze going on16:36
saivannasac : the locales are ready for your review : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sunbird-locales/+bug/32463516:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324635 in sunbird-locales "lightning-extension-locales needs update" [High,In progress]16:38
asacfta: oh ... good point ;)16:38
asacfta: its not on CD though16:38
asacfta: if its closed i will push it together with sec update to jaunty16:38
asaceither tonight or tomorr morning16:38
ftaasac, ok, what do you need, just the branch or a diff.gz/dsc16:41
asacfta: ok its open16:47
asacfta: i just need moz-devscript branch with closed changelog on top16:47
ftaPushed up to revision 195.16:48
asacok updating from lp:mozillateam/mozilla-devscripts/mozilla-devscripts16:49
ftaoh, in xul 1.9.1, i have -testsuite* now.. it means 2 NEW bin16:50
ftaasac, too bad the testsuite package is not fully operational16:52
asacfta: what is Carp?16:52
ftain perl?16:52
asacfta: thats not a problem16:52
asacfta: just push now16:53
asaci have all the folks around here to push that through16:53
asacfta: yes16:53
asacfta: maybe check that we really have removed the versions from the .pc files on 1.9.116:53
ftaCarp is a module providing carp/cluck/croak/confess, ~ equiv of warn/die for classes/objects16:54
asacnot sure what that is  though ;)16:54
asacsounds cryptic ;)16:54
ftait reports errors from perspective of the caller16:55
ftaand even provides a stack trace16:55
ftaman Carp (if you have perl-doc installed)16:56
asacok ;)16:56
asaci think the info you gave is enough ;)16:56
asacfta: done16:58
ftawith warn and die, you see the file/lineno of that particular line, you sometimes want to expose the caller instead, or a full stack16:58
asacfta: two weeks until feature freeze17:00
asac10 days even17:00
asachmm ... two weeks ;)17:00
asacok trying uxa now17:01
asacfor intel cards17:01
asac(new accellmethod)17:01
ftaasac, 1.9.1~b3~hg20090117r22878 not the freshest but it will do17:07
ftapushing the huge xul...17:10
ftai should update prism too. it's damn old :(17:11
ftaasac, xul 1.9.1 is still b3pre upstream20:54
asacfta: fine20:58
asaci think its safe to deliver that to jaunty then ;)20:58
ftai pushed the one that was in my ppa21:00
asacfta: did you also push ffox or just xul?21:01
ftaotherwise, gre would have failed21:02
ftab2 vs b3pre21:02
ftait's nice to push those tarballs in 1sec :)21:08
ftaEstimated archive size: 777.9 MiB21:10
ftastrange, it was 990M this morning21:10
ftaand nothing should have been removed21:10
ftaasac, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa  step 2, ff3.121:11
asacfta: thats great21:21
asacso ... tbird 3?21:22
asacnot sure if we should also do 1.9/3.0 xul/ffox21:22
ftanot today21:22
asacno need to21:30
asacfta: yeah. rendering issueß21:33
asaci dont see it here21:33
asacfta: did we drop symbolic-functsions yet?21:34
asacfrom 3.1?21:34
ftai don't remember, my day was looooong and i'm falling asleep21:35
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/114188/21:36
ftathat's how the conf of my (~new) bot looks like21:37
asacfta: hmm ... i dont have a release on the .head branch yet21:37
asacxul 1.9.121:37
asacits still unreleased21:38
asacTree is up to date at revision 416.21:38
ftaoops, pushed; i thought i did it21:38
ftaUsing saved push location: bzr+ssh://fta@bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.1.head/21:39
ftabzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  Try using "merge" and then "push".21:39
ftaoh damn, my fault21:40
ftadon't pull 3.1 just yet21:41
asacfta: you bzr bind ;)21:46
asacerr use i ment21:46
asacnot you21:46
ftaok, #39321:49
ftai didn't overwrite21:49
ftawe'll see if my bot will survive to this21:49
asacso you merged?21:51
ftai worked in the bot, i should not do that21:53
ftathe problem of not bumping *.head daily is that xul and ff will now diverge regarding their versions, when we have something to fix in one but not in the other21:54
ftabtw, i have a bunch of *.daily* branches now, i will push them in the ~umd21:55
asacfta: what purpose do they have?21:55
ftajust showing history21:55
asacok ... as long as we dont merge from there21:56
asacso when we change .head those probably need to be overwritten or force-merged or sometjing21:56
ftawe should never touch them21:56
asacyes of course21:57
asacso are we resetting them when .head gets a new commit?21:57
ftano, the bot just merges and resolve conflicts in d/changelog (and d/control because i tweak versions in there)21:58
ftaasac, you will have the pleasure to fix the diverged patches every morning ;)22:02
ftahopefully not *every* morning22:03
ftathat will boost the motivation to get the patches upstreamed :P22:04
asacfta: yeah22:05
asacfta: one thing would habve been to forward the python stuff22:06
asacbefore pushing to .head ;)22:06
fta^upstreamed^committed ;)22:06
fta(csh syntax)22:06
asacfta: latest 3.1 seems to have better fonts22:07
asacthey look quite great here for me22:07
ftadtchen, my mplayer lost sound after I unpaused it22:09
ftaE: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large: 3221224932 bytes (18260912 ms) Most likely this is an ALSA driver bug. Please report this issue to the PulseAudio developers.22:09
ftaE: module-alsa-sink.c: snd_pcm_mmap_commit: Device or resource busy22:09
ftadtchen, ^^22:09
dtchenfta: yes, i have local changes that address it22:09
asacdtchen: new nick?22:10
dtchenthey didn't make it into the latest PA upload, but i can push to my ppa22:10
dtchenasac: "new" old22:10
asaci liked crimusn ;)22:10
asacerr ... flipflip22:10
ftame too :)22:10
dtchenfta: uploaded, queued, etc.22:11
ftaok, thanks. I'll try tomorrow.22:11
dtchenupstream git HEAD fixes quite a few of these issues, but the changes are very invasive22:11
dtchensoname bump, too22:12
ftajaunty is a dev version, isn't what dev versions are for?22:12
asac12 days till feature freeze ;)22:14
ftais that better to ship jaunty with crappy sound?22:15
asaci think we have a plan for that ;)22:16
asacwe will blacklist a bunch of things22:16
asacfor glitch free22:16
asacat least thatsa what came out of the sprint22:16
asacdtchen: is glitch free really the main issue we havehere?22:17
dtchenasac: it's one of them22:24
dtchenasac: there are a number of issues in the audio stack22:24
dtchenreaches all the way down from broken hw (e.g., HDA codecs) to how PA is configured by default to GUI apps to manipulate PA22:24
asacso blacklist glitch free + use alsa mixer is curreent way to move forward22:26
* dtchen contemplates how to wrangle it22:29
dtchenso, patch PA to check hal before enabling tsched?22:30
dtchenthat's gonna be a sick patch22:30
dtchenotherwise, we could revert to using alsa completely by setting tsched=0 for everyone22:31
dtchenglitch-free does tend to act more sensibly once the watermark has been set high enough; otherwise, with tsched=0, PA just uses alsa's interrupt-based scheme22:32
asacdtchen: isnt glicht free about finding a perfect buffer size?22:34
asacdtchen: (besides other things)22:35
asacwouldnt it be possible to ust use a big cache?22:35
asacfrom what i understood the problem is supposed to be that some drivers give a bad value for that cache heurisitc22:35
dtchenyes, and you can approach it from either the driver or from PA22:36
asacright. but from my experiences with drivers, they take ages to get fixed ... if not forever22:38
asacso we need some kind of workaround for now22:38
dtchensadly, there's no uninvasive workaround that will work for everyone22:39
asacat least for wifi i am waiting and waiting ... and while there are improvements they always get about the same mount of regressions22:39
dtchenif the tsched=0 was decided for all chipsets, that's a simple one-line change in etc/pulse/default.pa.in22:40
dtchenerr, src/daemon/default.pa.in22:40
dtchenif it's to be selective, well, that's going to be a weekend hackfest22:40
asacbut wouldnt tsched cause stuttering on a bunch of chips?22:41
asactsched=0 i mean22:41
asaccool ... new hal is there ... i can finally boot my 2.6.29 rc3 kernel again22:42
* asac reboots22:42
dtchenright now it causes stuttering on just about all hw depending on the user's workload22:42
dtchenthe stuttering is most noticeable immediately after the pulseaudio daemon has been invoked22:42
dtchenat that point, the buffering hasn't settled22:43
dtchenat some point (normally within a few seconds), it has settled22:43

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