
mdkeryanakca: I can try, but you need to send me unencrypted email, I can't read that with gmail08:05
mdkeryanakca: and yes, RT is the only way to get the sysadmins to do stuff. I don't know what the likely response time is08:06
=== BugMaN1 is now known as BugMaN
seraph-oshi everyone23:12
seraph-osam i logged in anyone see me type?23:13
MadsRHyes :-)23:15
seraph-osso where is everyone?23:18
seraph-osnew to ubuntu and was looken for some help(s)23:18
MadsRHWell, 12 people here. What kind of help?23:19
seraph-osummm where to begin...23:19
seraph-osim trying to use compiz and my system crashes when i try use options23:20
seraph-osand cant seem to get my optical drivvvvve to regognise copied media23:20
rxMokkaseraph-os: this is a chat about the _website_23:20
seraph-osi just cant find anything lol23:21
MadsRHseraph-os -> I have to say, I feel the forum is the best place to get help. But other people like other ways. Have you tried the #ubuntu23:21
MadsRHseraph-os -> here's a few ways you could go: http://www.ubuntu.com/support23:23
seraph-oswell in any case considering this is the website then is their a way not only to download the ubuntu iso but also all the updates and media etc. in something close to one file or 2?23:24
rxMokkaseraph-os: why not just get iso, then immediately run system update?23:26
seraph-osi did23:27
seraph-osexcept lol ive done it about 15 times23:27
seraph-oslol i guess it wants to crash on me23:27
seraph-osjust wondered if i was possible to download everything u need somhow23:28
rxMokkacopy the downloaded .deb files to an external source for easy re-installation of the updates23:28
rxMokkayou don't "need" updates23:28
seraph-oswhere are the deb files?23:28
seraph-ossry i don't mean toaste ur time a newb...23:29
rxMokka/var/apt/archive I believe? run a search for *.deb under /var23:29
rxMokkathere's probably an apt-backup or something that you can install that'll do it for you23:29
seraph-oswell now that i know i can just move those files i guess it would be easier lol23:30

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