
jonathan__help installing isight00:00
anima_newp.  and I'm not sure if I'm looking atll. the right spot 'cause now I don't see anything at a00:00
nkei0fluffybacon: It said configure was an unknown option.00:00
anima_hahaha.  System, Prefs, SpashScreen00:00
anima_nothing installed.00:01
Slartanima_: it looks like this? http://imagebin.org/3757800:01
wannabnkei0: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI00:01
Slartanima_: no, system, administration, startup manager00:01
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crxthanks... the lights on , but i cant seem to find how to connect to a network, just says lo, eth1, and thats it???00:01
nkei0wannab: Thanks.00:01
ubottunkei0: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:02
wannablol yoyoned00:02
wannabwish I knew that sooner00:02
mikeshollenIs there anyone out there who can help me get my wireless card working with 8.04?00:02
_VIM_is there anyway to have irssi not show 'nick is now known as newnick' I really dont care to see nick|away nick|eating nick|laptop who cares about your status anyways?? it's just flooding my screen </rant>00:02
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:02
yoyonedanima_: install  usplash-theme-ubuntu00:02
anima_ok...it has the new one I wanted listed, but not the old one.00:02
nkei0mikeshollen: What's wrong with it?00:02
nkei0err afk00:03
Slart_VIM_: isn't there an ignore option?00:03
_VIM_Slart: i hope so, else i might have to go back to xchat it has that feature :)00:03
Slartanima_: ok.. try this.. "sudo apt-get install --reinstall usplash-theme-ubuntu"00:03
mikeshollennkei0: When I tried to install 8.10 it just worked right away, but I was having some other major issues and so I tried 8.04 which solved all the other problems but now the wireless card doesn't show up.  I can see the wired connection, but not wireless.00:03
fluffybaconnkei0: Sorry -  dpkg-reconfigure xorg-driver-fglrx00:04
wannabmikeshollen: maybe the kernel does not support your wireless card?00:04
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SonicComKidI still havn't found a way to remove boot loaders from MBR's without destorying the partition tables00:05
mikeshollenAs in this distro of Ubuntu will not ever work with my wifi card?00:05
anima_Slart:  thank you, that looks like what I goofed up - lemme reboot and see if that did what I wanted.00:05
fluffybaconfailing that try apt-get --purge remove <fglrx> && apt-get install <fglrx>  #sorry I have no idea what the ATI driver package is called00:06
mikeshollenI have a Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20) according to the hardware tester00:06
anima_Slart:  Nope, still there.  If I want to reinstall the whole thing, just reboot with the disk in the cdrom, yes?  Or does that hose things?00:10
oobemikeshollen, the 8.04 uses an older kernel which probably does have the driver for you wifi card you can compile a newer kernel or search google for the specific driver source code project and compile that00:10
Slartnope... you'll have to press the install button for it to hose your system00:10
Slartami: but try this first.. open the startup manager in system, administration00:10
Slartbah.. I can't type today00:10
Slartanima_: look above.. that was for you00:11
anima_it's open00:11
genewitchis anyone here intimate with libpcap? i have to use a --with-pcap= when i configure, and i am wondering where to get a list of all the possible values of that variable00:11
oobemikeshollen, out of curiosity could you pm me the other problems you had with 8.10 im still using 8.04 and am planning to upgrade one day00:11
Slartanima_: in appearance.. do you seen the usplash-theme-ubuntu?00:11
anima_yes!  select and close?00:12
anima_then reboot again?00:12
Slartanima_: yes, but make sure "show boot splash" checkbox is checked in "Boot options" first00:12
mikeshollenoobe: The major problem I ran into was that my graphics driver wouldn't work properly.  I tried all the suggested drivers and each time it killed the gui00:12
The-Compilerhi, got a strange problem, my pc's cpu is at or around 100% all the time, and it displays 70-80% at system. Why?00:13
oobemikeshollen, ok thanks00:13
SlartThe-Compiler: use top or the system monitor to see what is using all the cpu time00:13
anima_Slart:  brb00:13
The-CompilerSlart, i did, but it's nothing...00:14
The-Compilerslart, and I only run Transmission, ran fine and now it started to rum at 100% cpu00:14
SlartThe-Compiler: huh? you don't see anything using the cpu?00:15
The-Compilerslart, yeah, only around 3%00:15
SlartThe-Compiler: you are sorting it by cpu-% ?00:16
geffislegendso hey everyone , my computer is officially broken, i shrunk another parition in my computer yesterday then windows decides to not work anymore and anytime i startup now it gets a bluescreen error and shuts down, all i can run is this live version of ubuntu, i tried reformatting but it wont even let me do that, i get a error every time i try that also00:16
The-Compilerslart, sure00:16
deadbatteryanyone has ever used mod_bw for apache200:16
anima_Slart:  You're a miracle worker...I just wish I was smarter with linux.  OK, but it's still showing me the big blue Gnome footprint.00:16
DelvienAnyone else getting redirected to  http://tutorialvid.com/ when going to  gnome-look.org?00:17
jken146geffislegend: What error?00:17
Slartanima_: it's not a background picture you're seeing? it is the actual splash screen?00:17
jken146Delvien: no00:17
Slartanima_: just to separate the sucking up from the actual reporting here.. did anything change in the boot appearance? it's the same as before? better still not good? all fine?00:18
DelvienIm getting redirected after 3-4 seconds00:18
austin666_hey guys, question:  I have my server on my network list, but i don't know how to transfer files.. i drag and drop it and it won't copy....any advice?00:19
geffislegendim not sure what error i get when i try to start windows it flashes then stops and restarts and trys the process again00:19
SlartDelvien: works for me here.. no redirection00:19
DelvienIts only gnome-look.org that is doing it to me00:19
anima_Slart, Just so you know, I'm southern.  Trust me when I start sucking up it's way hard to miss.  This time was more like ubuntu is normally.00:19
DelvienThey are ridden with adds now a days..00:19
DelvienIts sad00:19
anima_It's loading gnome.00:19
anima_And i'm getting their logo.00:20
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Slartanima_: ok.. according to swedish tradition we're almost married now.. ;).. so there is still this blue foot thingy to get rid of?00:20
jken146geffislegend: I meant when you try to do something with the live cd00:20
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anima_Yes sir.  That's the only thing left.00:20
Slartanima_: back to the startup manager.. there are options there for setting a background image.. are those enabled?00:21
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deadbatteryhey guys how do i get httpd-devel for apxs, i need to install a mod00:21
Slartanima_: on the second tab, Boot loader themes00:21
geffislegendoh nvm guys its actually going to let me full install ubuntu this time, but its asking if i want to install a boot loader, should i do it? what is it?00:21
wemdowemdWhen installing off the alternative CD (with various boot related areas, partitions, and so on in various atypical places), is it made clear when overwriting MBRs and boot-sectors is imminent? I want to avoid overwriting either on the internal hard drive of the laptop I'm using. In fact, I don't want that hard-drive touched at all. I'd set it to 'read only' for the duration of my tinkering...00:22
wemdowemd...if I could.00:22
BanDiTYou will need a bootloader because that's what tells your computer how to start Ubuntu00:22
Slartgeffislegend: it's the thing that starts booting ubuntu when the computer starts.. it's called grub and yes you want it00:22
anima_The middle section for bootloader themes is empty.00:22
jken146geffislegend: yes, you should00:22
jken146!grub | geffislegend00:22
ubottugeffislegend: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:22
deadbatteryhey guys how do i get httpd-devel for apxs, i need to install a mod00:22
Slartanima_: and if you press "manage boot loader themes"? still empty?00:22
N-ASeveral events/applications make a sound through my PC's internal speaker, is there any way to get these events/applications to use the sounds defined in the ubuntu settings?00:22
anima_Slart:  yes00:23
geffislegendoh okay thanks a lot ^^00:23
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd the alternate is a text based installer. NOT a livecd00:23
jken146wemdowemd: install the bootloader to the same partition as / if you don't want to overwrite the mbr.00:23
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Baattiis Intrepid the latest stable release?00:23
geffislegendi shall be back when it is done installing, thanks for the help!!00:23
deadbatterycan anyone help =(?00:23
Slartanima_: this blue foot .. it shows before the splash with the ubuntu logo?00:23
SlartBaatti: yes00:23
BaattiSlart: thank you00:24
wemdowemdJack_Sparrow: So I can't use it to make a LiveUSB? Or at least, I'd have to install it somewhere first and then use the installation to make one?00:24
anom01yI am trying to install bitchx-gtk / bitchx using hardy but there is no package for hardy, only feisty. Is there a way to convert it ?00:24
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd I dont think the alternate has that feature.  I thought that was only on livecd00:25
jken146wemdowemd: you can use unetbootin to make a live usb00:25
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:25
Slart!bitchx | anom01y00:25
ubottuanom01y: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines00:25
jken146wemdowemd: but not from the alternate cd00:25
jribanom01y: bitchx was removed for the repositories because it was maintained and it had numerous open issues.  Consider using irssi or weechat instead00:25
ceil420irssi > bitchx00:25
anima_Slart:  OK, it's not the one that comes up with the orange bar showing load/unload.  You just fixed that one.  It's after it brings up my mouse/desktop, and immediately before it loads my wallpaper image.  Does that help?00:25
jribanom01y: s/maintained/unmaintained00:25
Slartanom01y: bah.. that wasn't the factoid I wanted.. well.. apparently bitchx has been removed.. something about bugs not getting fixed00:25
Jack_Sparrowceil420 That is why we discourage people taking polls or asking best00:25
anom01yirsii is as good as bitchx ?00:26
Slartanima_: ah.. actually it does.. is it the background where you enter your username to login?00:26
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:26
ceil420Jack_Sparrow, but it's factual, in this case00:26
jribanom01y: irssi and weechat are both pretty good.  Try them out for yourself00:26
Slartanom01y: I haven't used bitchx but irssi works nicely for me00:26
anima_No, it's after that - that one is normal peachy pink solid color00:26
ceil420Jack_Sparrow, notice i didn't compare irssi to xchat, or any other actively maintained IRC client00:26
daedraHow do you quit telnet irc?00:26
wemdowemdjken146: OK then. I've read the LiveUSB stuff on the help pages. Crucially though, MBR overwriting will only occur on the partition where Ubuntu is installed? As in, if I run it and tell it to install ubuntu on a partition on an external hard drive, it WILL NOT touch anything on the laptop itself?00:27
ceil420daedra, quit :quit message00:27
anima_daedra:  /quit if I remember right.00:27
Slartanom01y: ok.. let me search a bit for that...00:27
ceil420(message optional)00:27
Slartanom01y: sorry.. wrong nick00:27
ceil420anima_, don't need slashes in telnet00:27
anima_*shrug*  My bad.  Sorry.00:27
Slartanima_: ok, let me check something00:27
ceil420why anyone would use telnet for IRC i'll never know00:27
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd But you wiull have grub errors or other booting issues00:27
ceil420privmsg #ubuntu :this stuff is a PITA00:27
anom01yI wanted to check out the bitchx-gtk but I guess thats a no go now..00:27
ceil420privmsg #ubuntu :i wouldn't wanna do it more than once or twice a decade <_<00:28
Jack_Sparrowceil420 Please stop00:28
ceil420anom01y, you can probably still install it from other sources00:28
anima_Jack:  tnx00:28
Jack_Sparrowanima_ np00:28
ceil420Jack_Sparrow, you please stop00:28
jken146wemdowemd: yes, you can tell the installer to install grub to any partition you choose.  If you choose a partition on an external hard drive, your internal drives won;t be touched.  But you'll have to use your BIOS setup to boot from your external drive.00:28
* anima_ opens door for ceil42000:29
ceil420Jack_Sparrow, i'm just warning people that are considering using telnet for IRC what they're in for00:29
N-ASeveral events/applications make a sound through my PC's internal speaker, is there any way to get these events/applications to use the sounds defined in the ubuntu sound settings?00:29
ceil420Jack_Sparrow, which is on topic, as at least one user mentioned using it while another is actively seeking an IRC client00:29
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* anima_ continues to hold door open just in case.00:29
kindofabuzzwhy does my NFS not automount on boot? i always have to sudo mount -a for it to mount00:30
lampoonIs it a removable disk?00:31
jken146kindofabuzz: Have you added it to /etc/fstab?00:31
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kindofabuzzjken146, yes, otherwise mount -a wouldn't even mount it00:31
wemdowemdjken146: That's fine. But presumably there will be some MBR-style overwriting at the beginning of the external drive as well as GRUB itself on the selected partition? As in, if there are 2 part's on the external and I tell it to install Ubuntu on P #2, it will do so + grub, but overwrite the *first few* kb also to make the external bootable?00:31
Slartanima_: if you start gconf-editor in a terminal and check in "apps, nautilus, preferences" what is the value of the key "background_filename" ?00:32
jken146kindofabuzz: yes, of course.00:32
Daemon_having trouble adding themes to ubuntu any help appreciated00:32
kindofabuzzjken146, i can't figure out why it's not. maybe the nfs service is not started before fstab is read?00:32
anima_Slart:  could you bust that down a little further...is the terminal command "start gconf-editor"?00:32
dxdemetrioucan I start gui application as another user without asking for a password? I did it with sudo but I can't find how it works with gksudo00:32
Slartanima_: just "gconf-editor", it will open a small editor with a tree like structure on the left side00:33
jken146wemdowemd: it won't overwrite the mbr unless you choose the first partition of that disk, akaik00:33
Slartanima_: browse to apps, nautilus, preferences there.. then check the right side for background_image00:33
jken146kindofabuzz: you could put mount -a in an init script and see if that does it00:33
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Slartanima_: sorry.. background_filename00:33
wemdowemdjken146: So I'd be needing some other way to start the boot process, that would point to GRUB in the relevant partition? Like a removable media bootdisc or something?00:34
anima_No entry there.00:34
anima_Slart:  no entry there.00:34
kindofabuzzjken146, yeah, but i'd like to know why it ins't working when everything else is mounted during boot00:34
jken146wemdowemd: yes, like another bootloader.  Can't you just put it on the mbr?00:34
Slartanima_: hmm.. back to searching then.. I'll be back when I find something new to try00:34
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd You could do it with a bootable cd but then you could not use that cd drive during the session00:34
mikesholle1Hey I got it fixed oobe00:34
usseranybody uses intel wifi cards, iwl3945? connection doesnt come back after kill switch, i have to rmmod iwl3945 modprobe iwl3945 every time00:35
Slartanima_: you might as well try looking at Desktop, gnome, background in the same program00:35
N-ASeveral events/applications make a sound through my PC's internal speaker, is there any way to get these events/applications to use the sounds defined in the ubuntu sound settings?00:35
GNUtoohello,does someone know well ubuntu boot process? because i've a tricky problem: my raid array is too slow(4-50MB/s instead of 110MB/s) with gentoo but not ubuntu...I've tried gentoo's kernel on ubuntu rootfs...it's fast...and ubuntu's kernel on gentoo's rootfs...it's slow...so it's not the kernel...ubuntu does somehting during the boot process that makes my raid array fast...and I'd like to know what...00:35
Slartanima_: that one will probably hold the current wallpaper00:35
wemdowemdjken146: Given that there's already 1 partition at the beginning of the external drive, and said drive is currently non-bootable, would writing a MBR to it screw up the existing partition table somehow? Jack00:36
wemdowemdJack_Sparrow: I can live with that00:36
anima_Slart, pm me your paypal addy....I can see I've almost won the "stump the tech person".  OK what am I looking for in the desktop one?00:36
Slartanima_: =).. desktop, gnome, background00:36
futekiAnyone know of any good tool(s) to burn data to DVD's in order to archive it? I need to be able to encrypt and password protect it, even though the DVD's will be stored in a fireproof safe.00:36
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd I can give you the basic instructions but you may need to work out details based on your hardware00:36
anima_slart:  ya looking at it....00:37
Slartanima_: there's  a key called "picture_filename"00:37
oscarhey do anyone know how to make the acpi work for my Acer Aspire 5050 AMD Turion 64 laptop... I have hardy heron00:37
wemdowemdJack_Sparrow: That's OK. I'll probably just go with a SuperGrub disc or something. I'm fielding a few ideas at the moment so the details can wait.00:37
oscarI tried installing acpi modules... but nothing seems to work00:37
anima_Slart:  pasting in pm00:37
Slartanima_: ok00:37
wemdowemdJack_Sparrow: I haven't even got to the full-partition encryption yet...00:38
dxdemetrioucan I use "gksudo -u <user> <program>" for specific programs without password?00:38
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd Bad idea00:38
fearful1I'm using audacious and I right click to show visible on all worspaces, but when it closes it doesn't save it so I gotta re do this everytime I restart audacious, can it remember it automatically?00:38
wemdowemdJack_Sparrow: How so?00:38
wemdowemdNot even with LUKS?00:39
Slartanima_: ok.. and that's not the blue foot?00:39
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd Just encrypt your data00:39
fearful1There anyway to remember that setting?00:39
usseranybody uses intel wifi cards, iwl3945? connection doesnt come back after kill switch, i have to rmmod iwl3945 modprobe iwl3945 every time00:39
Sylphiddxdemetriou, visudo will let you set users to not require sudo00:40
usserdxdemetriou, you should be able to specify it in /etc/sudoers00:40
usserdxdemetriou, for example ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/halt00:40
wemdowemdJack_Sparrow: I understand ubuntu leaves several usage tracks throughout the filesystem rather than just in /home. Installed programs are also stored outside /home. There is a rationale for doing the filesystem as well00:41
N-ASeveral events/applications make a sound through my PC's internal speaker, is there any way to get these events/applications to use the sounds defined in the ubuntu sound settings?00:41
_cbclonezilla stops at "collecting the disk info in this machine" how do I get around this?00:41
fearful1Can I remember that setting anyone?00:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pcspkr00:41
dxdemetriouSylphid, usser, I tried everything I know but it works only with sudo and not grapgical sudoes00:41
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd I know what I need to protect, how to protect it and where it is.. Just no need to do more00:41
ezerhodenN-A: blacklist the pcspkr module00:41
wemdowemdJack_Sparrow: I can't be so sure00:42
=== Teiseii is now known as Teisei
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd NOt a problem, just no crying in here when it goes boom..00:42
N-Aezerhoden: How? And will that make it use the right sounds, or just make it stop using the internal speaker?00:42
ezerhodenN-A: in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist00:43
wemdowemdJack_Sparrow: This is an experiment. So long as it doesn't do it all over my laptop's Vista install there's no milk spilt00:43
deadbatteryhas anyone one in here installed mod_bw??00:43
fearfulI need to figure out how to remember a programs setting to show visible on all workspaces.00:43
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd Look at my notes at how I did it for my installed system and you should be able to get it to do your external00:43
usserwemdowemd, hm just worked here gksudo halt :)00:44
N-Aezerhoden: OK, but will it start playing the right sounds by doing that? I still prefer the internal beep rather than no sound at all00:44
Sylphiddxdemetriou, sudo visudo    add  %<groupname> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL     logout and back in00:44
wemdowemdusser: Pardon? Jack_Sparrow: Sounds useful, where can I find them?00:44
mikesholle1Is anyone familiar with enabling SLI on Ubuntu Hardy?00:44
Jack_Sparrowwemdowemd look in your PM from me00:45
wemdowemdAh, sorry00:45
ezerhodenN-A: well, i am not quite sure00:45
N-Aezerhoden: Is there any way to just unload that module temporarily to test?00:46
fearfulFeel like I'm being ignored00:47
ezerhodenN-A: rmmod pcspkr00:47
snowveilI've got a USB HDD currently mounted on my system that is no longer connected, and am unable to unmount.  How can I manually unmount it?00:47
mikesholle1Does anyone know what the error message " Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'. " means?00:47
dxdemetriouSylphid, if it's because of logout/login I'm soo stupid.. I'm trying it now00:47
N-Aezerhoden: Hmm, now I just get no sound, can I reload the module?00:47
askvictorWhen I start gvim, no text appears - it's 'there' - when I select stuff I can see it for a second, but then it's gone. It's related to compiz - any workarounds?00:47
ezerhodenN-A: modprobe pcspkr00:48
N-Aezerhoden: Thx00:48
ezerhodenN-A: np00:48
baghyaycan someone help me to use my webcam (  i don't know the mark cuz in windows it didn't need driver00:48
darkh0rseanybody know how to reset sound preferences for mixxx?00:48
Baattiwhy is it bad for firefox to be open when using the package manager?00:48
Baattibaghyay, did you try using Cheese?00:49
dxdemetriouSylphid, now I remembered. I tried it with logout and login but with username instead of group.00:49
fearfulI need to remember a programs setting of 'Always on visible workspace' so I don't have to every time I restart it00:49
wemdowemdJack_Sparrow, jken146: Thanks for all the advice, I'll go do some thinking...00:49
dxdemetriouSylphid, it's on ubuntu 8.0400:49
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baghyaycheese didn't find my webcam00:49
Mozilleroalguien es español00:49
N-ASeveral events/applications make a sound through my PC's internal speaker, is there any way to get these events/applications to use the sounds defined in the ubuntu sound settings?00:49
fearfulYo hablo espanol00:49
Mozilleroque bien00:49
baghyaylsusb === Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1871:0306 Aveo Technology Corp.00:49
tuxfanlol , quien no00:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:49
Mozillerosabe quien se encarga del soporte de firefox?00:50
fearfulAqui solo pregunta jaja00:50
fearfulNobody is answering me tho :(00:50
Slartdoes anyone know where you can enable/disable the gnome splash screen, there is a setting in gconf-editor but there has to be an easier way to change it00:50
AngryElfwhat's the package name for the advanced desktop settings?00:51
Slart!ccsm | AngryElf00:51
ubottuAngryElf: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion00:51
jken146AngryElf: compizconfig-settings-manager00:51
baghyaylsusb give that == Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1871:0306 Aveo Technology Corp.00:51
Mozillerogracias me voy ael español00:51
fearfulWill anyone kindly help me...00:52
Slart!es | Mozillero00:52
ubottuMozillero: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:52
Mozillerocoko me cambio de canal para no tener que ver toda esa listota?00:52
Slartfearful: what is your problem?00:52
Slart!english | Mozillero00:52
ubottuMozillero: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:52
baghyaywhy ubuntu didn't detect my webcam have i install driver00:52
fearfulI'm using audacious and I like the option of Always on visible workspace00:53
fearfulBut everytime i close it and restart the program it forgets this00:53
_cbclonezilla stops at "collecting the disk info in this machine" how do I get around this?00:53
fearfulAnyway to make it remember it automatically00:53
cratelquestion: I thought the point of libasound2-plugins was to route apps using alsa to use pulseaudio. But it seems that is not the case? And when pulseaudio is grabbing the sound card for flash or whatever, not even alsa apps are able to also output sound. ???00:53
anima_Just so everyone knows, Slart is a genius.00:54
Sylphiddxdemetriou, hmm ... not sure that its gonna be an easy task to get rid of graphical sudo00:54
Slartfearful: where is this setting?00:54
Slartfearful: somewhere in audacious?00:54
fearfulWhen you right click the icon on the window list00:54
jken146fearful: have a look at devilspie00:54
dtchencratel: the default libasound2-plugins + pulseaudio configuration in 8.10 on 32-bit works as such, yes00:54
dtchencratel: on 64-bit, it is messier due to ia32-libs00:55
Slartfearful: ahhh.. yes, devilspie might be the right thing00:55
fearfulI have no idea what that is...00:55
Slartfearful: there is probably some kind of switch you can use in the command that starts audacious too.. I'll look around00:55
Slart!info devilspie00:55
ubottudevilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22-1 (intrepid), package size 28 kB, installed size 128 kB00:55
crateldtchen: I'm on 32 bit but my alsa apps don't seem to be using pulseaudio. I deduce that from looking at the pa vu meter.00:55
jken146fearful: there is also a gui, gdevilspie00:56
fearfuljust sudo apt-get install gdevilspie00:56
dtchencratel: well, there are a number of things to check. firstly, make sure you're using updated 8.10, including intrepid-proposed. secondly, make sure you're not using /etc/asound.conf or ~/.asoundrc.00:56
Slartfearful: are you using compiz? if so there might be a setting in there too00:57
furythorI have strange problem with wine, with wine all text either does not render or is unreadable00:57
fearfulYes I am00:57
crateldtchen: already using proposed. for asound stuff, just delete the files?00:57
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?00:58
dtchencratel: move them out of the way for now (don't rm yet)00:58
crateldtchen: actually they already didn't exist.00:58
dtchencratel: ok, good00:58
crateldtchen: good except...what's wrong then?00:58
fearfulI don't think my compiz is loading automatically tho, I just typed compiz on a terminal and everything changedc00:58
aiuwHow do I force Ubuntu to re-download the package files when I re-install them?00:58
Slartfearful: you can use the "windows rules" plugin in compiz to do it00:59
dtchencratel: pastebin the output from `sudo fuser -v /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* /dev/seq*'00:59
Slartfearful: system, preferences, appearance.. last tab.. set it to the middle one00:59
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:59
Slartaiuw: you can use apt-get clean to delete downloaded packages00:59
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dxdemetriouthis I'm trying to do is running a shell script with as another user without password. with sudo it works, but with "sudo -u <user>" it can't find display. gksudo, gnomesu and sux asks for password00:59
Slartfearful: then install the compizconfig-settings manager..01:00
Slart!ccsm | fearful01:00
ubottufearful: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:00
crateldtchen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113842/01:00
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:00
furythorcan anyone say, why in wine (including winecfg) I have text almost unreadable01:00
jken146aiuw: run apt-get clean first to remove all the old package files01:00
Slartfurythor: have you installed the msttcore fonts?01:00
aiuwYup, got it. Thanks.01:00
fearfulOk downloading now01:01
snowveilcurrently Ubuntu has /dev/sdb1 mounting at /media/GAMES ... sdb1 is not listed in my fstab file, so how would set it to mount somewhere other than "GAMES"?01:01
Slartfearful: when that is done you'll get a new menu-item in system, preferences called Compizconfig settings manager01:01
danbhfiveN-A: have you tried looking in the sounds dialog01:01
furythorSlart I did not have this problem with 8.04, so I am bit confused that where problem could be01:01
N-Adanbhfive: In system settings?01:02
darkh0rsewhy does toem movie player freeze up whenever i try to play a dvd?01:02
N-Adanbhfive: Yeah01:02
jken146snowveil: change the entry in fstab01:02
Slartfurythor: I don't know if it's the fonts.. but that's one thing that can cause problems.. still might be something else01:02
N-Adanbhfive: That's precisely what I want, the settings from there to work...01:02
Slart!dvd | darkh0rse01:02
ubottudarkh0rse: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:02
dtchencratel: sec01:02
furythorI place my money guessing that it is something else, but what. I really would like to know01:02
furythoranyhow is there other way to see wine version that that "about" tab in winecfg ?01:03
snowveiljken, fstab doesn't have sdb1 listed01:03
Slartfurythor: wine --version might work01:03
jken146furythor: wine --version01:03
cratelfurythor: 'wine --version'01:03
=== harry is now known as Guest36872
dubbyhey anyone, I am trying to open a document that had mathtype inside of it01:03
dtchencratel: looks like pulseaudio failed in module-suspend-on-idle01:03
dubbyand they symbols do not show up correctly01:03
On0bihow do i change the selection coloring on my themes appearance?01:03
dtchencratel: try: pulseaudio -k && pulseaudio -D -vv01:03
jken146snowveil: oh, I thought you said it did.  See psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux01:04
furythorI have 1.0.101:04
fearfulOk it is opened01:04
dubbyCan someone tell me how to get true type symbols to work?01:04
Slartfearful: near the bottom there is a plugin called window rules01:04
furythorexactly same version that I had in 8.0.4 which did not have this problem01:04
GeffIsLegendhey everyone, I just recently installed full ubuntu , someone mind telling me how to install a Gnome theme now? to be more specific, the Willibex 0.501:04
ZoffixIs there a way to tell the system to move all the data stored on swap to the free RAM? Daily I run resource hungry apps when I am not home and then when I come back I kill those apps but all my editors and such get really laggy when I switch to them (I guess they were moved to swap and then moving back to RAM). Right now I have 41% of 3.9GB used RAM and 50% of 1.9GB used swap.01:04
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:04
jken146!changethemes | GeffIsLegend01:05
ubottuGeffIsLegend: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes01:05
funkyHatOn0bi: go to system > preferences > appearance, then on the 'Theme' tab click 'Customise', then click the Colours tab01:05
crateldtchen: pulseaudio -k returns "W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader."01:05
Slartfearful: you want to add audacious to the "sticky" line01:05
GeffIsLegendthnx jken01:05
crateldtchen: that's weird because it was running before. I checked with pgrep. now it isn't.01:05
furythorI did install those fonts, no help01:05
Slartfearful: so click on the plus.. then click the grab-button and click on the audacious window and "+Add"01:05
fearfulas a class?01:05
dtchencratel: ok, then just invoke pulseaudio -D -vv01:05
Slartfearful: well.. you can select it by title too.. might be easier01:06
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:06
fearfulthank you so much!:D01:07
crateldtchen: pulseaudio now running, pavumeter back up, my alsa app still doesn't show sound coming through vu meter.01:07
Slartfearful: don't forget to enable the plugin when you're done configuring it01:07
fearfulThanks a lot!01:07
hubakerHello everyone!01:07
linux_guyWhen did 'boot from usb drive' become popular?  I got a free computer tonight, and want to install ubuntu01:07
Slartfearful: you're welcome01:07
fearfulYou are a genious lol01:07
dtchencratel: and you're using native Flash 10, correct?01:07
linux_guyits got windows 98 lol01:07
daedraanyone here use ROX-filemanager? I need to know the command line switch for the Set Run Action As... setting. For example, the default (the active file) is "$@"01:07
hubakerI have a quick question about *nix in the server enviroment01:07
hubakerIn the fallowing weeks, im going to be putting together a website and be hosting it localy01:08
daedralinux_guy: free computar!01:08
crateldtchen: flash does show through the meter. but if I play flash, non of my alsa apps work anymore. Which is why I started this process of researching what is going on.01:08
hubakerIve been doing my research for a good server os01:08
icefyrehubaker: what's the question?01:08
daedralinux_guy: look up unetbootin01:08
daedrahubaker: depends on what you need it for01:09
hubakerand the three ive came up with is server 03, free bsd, and ubuntu server01:09
dtchencratel: make sure all your alsa apps are configured to use 'default' instead of 'plughw' or 'hw'01:09
hubakerill be hosting 1 or 2 websites01:09
dtchencratel: that last bit is *essential*01:09
linux_guyoh i got unetbootin01:09
daedrahubaker: depends on what you need the websites to do01:09
icefyregenerally linux webservers stay up a VERY long time01:09
jken146hubaker: use Ubuntu LTS or debian stable01:09
linux_guyim curious if that oLD BIOS supports boot from usb?01:09
icefyrebut, yeah depends on the website01:09
crateldtchen: well maybe the problem is the app then because there's 2 options: plugin and hdware.01:09
daedralinux_guy: maybe not. flash it01:09
lwhackeranybody have problems with the ati catalyst app?01:09
linux_guywhen did boot from usb become a popular bios option01:10
daedraanyone here use ROX-filemanager? I need to know the command line switch for the Set Run Action As... setting. For example, the default (the active file) is "$@"01:10
icefyrestill,  much better option than a Microsoft server01:10
daedralinux_guy: in 200101:10
dtchencratel: which app?01:10
jken146linux_guy: more than 5 years ago01:10
* linux_guy says D'OH!01:10
icefyreboot from USB is always flaky for me01:10
crateldtchen: puredata01:10
hubakerwell, nothing flashy. ill be dev'ing the website on adobe contribute, so php, http, css would be the makings of the website01:10
hubakernow a consern for me is the ease of use for managing the website01:10
linux_guyburn it is01:10
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:10
icefyreare you expecting heavy traffic on the site?01:10
linux_guylol @ Ricky Ticky Tavy01:11
daedrahubaker: not heard of adobe contribute01:11
crateldtchen: audacity too.01:11
furythorcould my problem with wine be related to graphics card driver ?01:11
jken146hubaker: LAMP is pretty easy to set up01:11
icefyreif nothing crazy, it shouldn't be hard to set up01:11
hubakerno, less then a hundred hits a month01:11
hubakermore like 50 at best01:11
icefyrejust be sure to secure it!01:11
dtchencratel: ah, that's due to both PulseAudio and JACK requiring exclusive (hw) access01:11
icefyreif you are exposing your machine to the net you have to make sure your server is tight01:11
crateldtchen: I'm not using JACK though.01:11
dtchencratel: JACK does not like (default) or (plughw)01:11
daedraanyone here use ROX-filemanager? I need to know the command line switch for the Set Run Action As... setting. For example, the default (the active file) is "$@"01:11
dtchencratel: yes, and puredata falls back to (plughw) or (hw)01:12
icefyresorry, I use Rox with puppy linux01:12
hubakerthats my next concern, how secure is ubuntu server compared to free bsd and server 200301:12
icefyrebut I don't know the command line option01:12
crateldtchen: with puredata I can choose OSS, ALSA or JACK.01:12
icefyredude, that's completely up to you01:12
dtchencratel: your audio hardware simply doesn't have native multiopen, so you can't have multiple apps using (plughw) or (hw)01:12
icefyreNetBSD is very secure out of the box01:12
icefyrebut normally you need to secure your own server01:12
icefyrenot trust the defaults01:12
Slarthubaker: no server is secure enough that you can skip doing backups01:12
ari_stressgood morning all ^_o01:12
icefyrea hardened linux box can be any distro01:13
icefyreit is up to you to harden it01:13
daedrahubaker: make sure to snip the ethernet cable once you're on the net01:13
crateldtchen: ok. I think I was expecting too much. Some day Linux apps will truly share the sound card they way OS X can.01:13
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:13
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crateldtchen: I do appreciate your help and I am glad to know how to restart pulseaudio01:13
hubakeruhh, well if i snip the ethernet...i dont think i would be getting very far now would i?01:13
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Slarthubaker: but it would be secure =)01:14
hubakerit would be quite secure no dobt01:14
=== Octoroks is now known as Octoroks__
daedraanyone here use ROX-filemanager? I need to know the command line switch for the Set Run Action As... setting. For example, the default (the active file) is "$@"01:14
=== Octoroks__ is now known as Octoroks
daedragah this is hopeless01:14
Jack_SparrowI would like to speak with someone that has ubuntu installed on an external drive01:14
daedralike usb?01:15
jken146daedra: http://rox.sourceforge.net/Manual/Manual/Manual.html#types01:15
RyanPI need some help with installing Warcraft 3 on Ubuntu 8.10, I've got Wine installed and all that etc. But whenevr i try to run "wine /media/cdrom0/install.exe" I get an cannot mount error etc, and it says it protected and can only do something to the read only files.01:15
furythorJack I don't have but know something about it.. what kind propblem you got ?01:16
SlartRyanP: try #winehq.. or the application database.. !appdb for more info01:16
jken146Jack_Sparrow: I have done it in the past01:16
N-ARyanP: Did you mount the CD?01:16
RyanPI've scoured the internet01:16
Jack_Sparrowfurythor Not a problem actually.  I was working on a question earlier about having an external that you could boot to through a cd01:16
Slart!appdb | RyanP01:17
ubottuRyanP: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:17
salototem alguem br ae01:17
Jack_SparrowSo you could take your external to almost any pc and without modifying the mbr get it to boot the external.01:17
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:17
nsgngoodevening all. currently booted off the live cd on my living room computer, evaluating ubuntu for use on my TV01:17
daedrajken146: not quite sure what you're pointing to jken01:17
salotopor favor01:18
nsgni'm having visual tearing and stuttering issues playing back full screen video content01:18
vigoJack_Sparrow: Lilo? or Grub?01:18
salotoeu queria saber como voltar no terminal, nas pastas01:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:18
nsgnthe graphics card is fairly recent (but not cutting edge) nvidia. does the live-cd load all nvidia stuff?01:18
salotovc pode me ajudar..01:18
daedrajken146: so "$@" is the active file. is there a "$_" for the active directory?01:18
zelrikriando!es | saloto01:18
ubottusaloto: please see above01:18
nsgnif so, what are my options? if not, will installing fully give me accelerated video?01:18
zelrikriando!es  saloto01:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es  saloto01:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr01:18
jken146Jack_Sparrow: sometimes.  In many cases, the BIOS was not set to boot from usb first, so that had to be done each time.  Otherwise, Ubuntu tends to do a fairly good job with changing hardware.  A live-USB persistent install might be better though01:18
C4N!pr saloto01:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr saloto01:18
jken146daedra: I don't know01:19
ussernsgn, no, it starts up with opensource noveau driver01:19
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:19
spencerquestion regarding network in 8.10... i've a computer which can't resolve dns.. ping www.google.com failed.. but ping google by it's IP works..01:19
C4Nthere we go01:19
C4Ne ai cara01:19
C4Ntem que ir pra #ubuntu-br01:19
C4Nninguem fala portugues aqui01:19
tuxedocurlyhey guys!  heres my question, i have a file in /var/www/wordpress/ that i want to delete, but it wont let me, is there any way to do this from the terminal?01:19
daedrajken146: ok thanks anyway ;)01:19
jken146daedra: $@/.. might work01:19
usserspencer, do u use dhcp to get an ip address or is it static?01:19
ussertuxedocurly, sudo rm /var/www/wordpress/filename01:19
C4Nnao sei te ajudar cara01:19
Jack_Sparrowjken146 THe project was originally to be able to quicky restore the mbr of my system after each of the many reinstalls of XP.  And it works quite well for that.01:19
C4Nmas pode /join #ubuntu-br01:19
FloodBot1C4N: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:19
nsgnusser: are you saying just on the live-cd?01:19
tuxedocurlyusser: thx! ill try that01:20
tweak66does anyone know where i can change the number of desktops?01:20
nsgnand that installing will give me accelerated nvidia?01:20
spencerusser: wanna get static config.. but don't know how in 8.10.. so use to the /etc/network/interfaces01:20
salotoc4n>> valew01:20
Raylzhow do i find out if im using ipv4 or ipv6?01:20
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:20
jken146Jack_Sparrow: if that's all you need, a live cd or live usb with no frills should be sufficient01:20
spencerRaylz, usually it's ipv401:20
backgenhey guys i'm having trouble opening a jpeg file that a friend sent me...anyone know a good linux supported image software that opens anything? (kind of like vlc for images i guess)01:20
salotoc4n>> será que nao tem como criar server br nao hehehehe01:20
N-Atweak66: Right click on the desktop selector widget and go to settings01:20
jken146tweak66: right click on the desktop changer thing01:20
Jack_Sparrowjken146 It was nice to have a bootablecd with my old mbr sitting there ready to just dd it over01:21
jovehello all, does anyone know why Ubuntu 8 is very slow whenever launching Fire fox ? Is there any thing need to tune the network ?01:21
spencerRaylz, for ipV6, the ip are not in 4 sets of numbers seperated by .01:21
Jack_Sparrowsaloto English only please01:21
nsgnjove: is it slow getting firefox on screen01:21
johnjohn101will ubuntu run on a system with 2 GB ram?01:21
nsgnor slow loading your home page?01:21
ussernsgn, on livecd and when u initially install ubuntu it defaults to opensource driver, if your card is supported by ubuntu it'll prompt you to install a proprietary nvidia driver, if its not you can always get the driver from nvidia.com, heres instructions to install it manually from nvidia.com https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual01:21
Jack_Sparrowjohnjohn101 of course01:21
spencerusser, where i can look at how DNS resolves in 8.10?01:21
nsgnusser: awesome. just wanted to ensure i'd have smooth as butter playback on my HD tv01:21
usserspencer, with static ip its easy add your dns servers to /etc/resolv.conf01:22
jken146johnjohn101: oh yes01:22
ussernsgn, what resolution?01:22
drashbackgen: have you tried opening the file with the GIMP ?01:22
furythorJack_Sparrow I think that it would not be easy to make such external HD to boot ubuntu, but not impossible either, propably difficulty would be getting that HD to look like a USB stick for most computers, and that would contain all needed information ....01:22
jovensgn, open FF is okey, but launch any thing takes 5m - 10minutes01:22
backgendrash: yeh didn't work...gimme a sec i'll copy error message01:22
usserspencer, ie nameserver
nsgnusser: agh, i forget exact WxH. its 720p01:22
backgendrash: Error interpreting JPEG image file (Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x1b 0xab)01:22
Jack_Sparrowfurythor the boot partition on the cd takes care of that01:22
spencerusser, that's EXACTLY it..01:23
nsgnusser: i'm connecting via a DVI to HDMI cable01:23
ussernsgn, shouldnt be any problems, nvidia is usually pretty good at detecting resolutions, got pretty nonstandard 1360x768 detected out of the box01:23
spenceris that a bug with the new NetworkManager on not reporting the nameserver by default?01:23
=== kevin__ is now known as uvacav
vigoJack_Sparrow: Das U boot?01:23
nsgnusser: awesome. hows video playback under ubuntu? i've never used it for HD playback01:23
nsgni'll need it to be absolutely beautiful for me to stick with it01:23
nsgni'm planning to use VLC for playback01:24
usserspencer, if you defined your connections in /etc/network/interfaces, Network Manager igoners01:24
Slartbackgen: what do you get if you run "file <filename of the image>" in a terminal?01:24
n8tuserspencer -> what does your /etc/resolv.conf file ahve?01:24
usserspencer, ignores it01:24
jovensgn, do u have any idea ?01:24
tuxedocurlyhmmm alright i followed this tutorial online to show me how to create a LAMP server (http://maketecheasier.com/setting-up-a-lamp-server-in-ubuntu-hardy-heron/2008/08/06) and when i get to the step at the end where i go to http://localhost/wordpress to configure my settings... i get a "database error" why is this? Any ideas on how to fix it?01:24
nsgnjove: if ff loads fast but once you give it a URL it takes 5 to 10 mins to load a page you have a serious network issue01:24
nsgnor you're on 8kbps dialup :)01:24
Raylzspencer: so it would only use ipv6 if i deactivated it in the kernel right?01:24
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:25
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:25
backgenslart: let me give it a shot01:25
jovensgn, where should i fix it ?01:25
furythorI am thinking that newer computers do support boot from USB memory sticks, I am just wondering that would it be possible to get that external HD to look like one for most of new computers01:25
drashbackgen: do you have imagemagick installed ? i'd suggest trying to convert it with the mogrify command to investigte further01:25
backgenslart: although wait whats the exact command to do that? (i'm a terminal noobie :D)01:25
jken146furythor: it will look the same to the bios01:25
nsgnjove: what kind of internet connection do you have? how are you getting it into this computer? you gotta give us some relevant details for us to even start01:25
tuxedocurlyAny ideas? =]01:25
Slartbackgen: "file awesomeimage.jpg" or whatevr it's called01:25
furythorso basically it should be possible with usb2.001:26
xonpathosI've got a problem: I installed Nexuiz (through Synaptic).  When I start the game, it sort of acts like it isn't getting focus.  anybody know what I'm talking about and/or how to fix it?01:26
furythorbecause transfer rate of 480 Megabits/second is enough for most usage01:26
backgenslart: i get "data"01:26
jovensg, can I run netstat to show U ?01:26
Slartbackgen: and you're sure it's an image?01:26
backgenslart: should be! its my friends drawings i believe01:27
backgenslart: most likely just scanned pictures01:27
tuxedocurlyhmmm alright i followed this tutorial online to show me how to create a LAMP server (http://maketecheasier.com/setting-up-a-lamp-server-in-ubuntu-hardy-heron/2008/08/06) and when i get to the step at the end where i go to http://localhost/wordpress to configure my settings... i get a "database error" why is this? Any ideas on how to fix it?01:27
furythorI am wondering, why I get unrendered or bad text in wine, when I did not have that problem in 8.0401:27
Slartbackgen: I guess you had better talk to your friend and ask what format it's in.. you could try opening it as a raw image in gimp but you would have to guess the height and width etc01:28
Jack_Sparrow!info msttfonts01:28
ubottuPackage msttfonts does not exist in intrepid01:28
Slart!info msttcorefonts01:28
ubottumsttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.5 (intrepid), package size 30 kB, installed size 188 kB01:28
backgenslart: eek...ok well thanks for the help anyways!01:28
carpii_msttfcorefonts ?01:28
mustanggIs anyone successfully using mondorescue?01:28
tuxedocurlyNo ideas?01:28
Jack_Sparrowtuxedocurly Patience.. please01:29
tuxedocurlysorry >.<01:29
carpii_it probably means 1) either mysql isnt running 2) your login details are bad 3) you didnt run some script to create the initial database01:29
carpii_i suspect your question is better aimed at a wordpress channel01:29
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Jack_Sparrowtuxedocurly Ask the full question every few minutes..  someone will know..01:29
jovensgn, how do I find out that I run 8kbps ?01:29
tuxedocurlyalright =] thanks mate01:30
nsgnjove: it's a joke unless you live in the most remote place on earth01:30
Raylzso when would you say ipv6 becomes necessary?01:30
tuxedocurlywit... what is the wordpress irc channel?01:30
Raylzwill become*01:30
Jack_Sparrowcarpii_ I agree there is a wordpress channel or apache etc01:30
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:30
uvacavtuxedocurly: is database error all that it says?01:30
Raylzdo i need it in 2009?01:30
ussernsgn, with a powerful graphics card and cpu you shouldnt have any problems. although i dont think bluerays are supported01:30
jovensgn: I have comcast running 10mbps01:31
Spirits-SightI was wondering does any one know of a good program to do website makeups with out doing the code01:31
furythorso there is some problem with MSTTcorefonts with 8.10 ?01:31
tuxedocurlyuvacav "error establishing database connection"01:31
Raylz Spirits-Sight: quanta plus01:31
RaylzSpirits-Sight: but i really recommend coding01:31
xonpathosI've got a problem: I installed Nexuiz (through Synaptic).  When I start the game, it acts like it loses focus immediately (sound stops, in-game mouse pointer won't move).  Any ideas?01:32
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:32
nsgnusser: i'm not doing bluray disks, but am playing back 1080 HD mpeg4 files. its a core 2 duo with a nice nvidia and 2gb ram. should be ok i'm guessing01:32
jken146Spirits-Sight: There is no good way to do this.  Everyone here will probably recommend learning html.  It's really not that hard.01:32
rahdukemy ethernet connection drops randomly while streaming video through my network and while downloading sometimes, can someone help me out?01:32
tuxedocurlyuvacav: so yeah.. the title on the page says "database error" but the actual content in the page reads "Error establishing a database connection"01:33
jovensgn, download speed is 6.1kb/s, transfer download is 480KB01:33
Spirits-SightRaylz: jken146: see I need to create a visuals for a presentation, I know html, I just don't do good in the layout of coding or I would just create it that way01:33
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ussernsgn, yea you should be fine, take a look at extra codecs though01:34
usser!medibuntu | nsgn01:34
ubottunsgn: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:34
uvacavtuxedocurly: I suspect this may help, http://www.railshostinginfo.com/blog/2007/03/19/wordpress-installation-error-establishing-a-database-connection/01:34
nsgnjove: is this what you pay for or what you're getting? you're not giving us clear information at all01:34
RaylzSpirits-Sight: do you need to have it online?01:34
SlartSpirits-Sight: I guess openoffice drawing could be used for quick stuff.. depends on how good you want it to look01:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:34
nsgnusser: thanks01:35
jovensgn, what specific information that you need me to provide ?01:35
Spirits-SightRaylz: no I needed it more for sending to people in email or giving as a print out01:35
jovensgn, I have no clue if you don't ask.01:35
asparaguii have [sda1/winxp (250gb) sda5/ubuntu (50gb)] on my primary hard drive, is there a way to resize the ntfs smaller and ubuntu larger without reinstalling?01:35
tuxedocurlyuvacav: thanks a lot! ill check it out and see if i can fix my problem01:35
RaylzSpirits-Sight: do it in open office impress then and export it as pdf01:35
RaylzSpirits-Sight: i did my presentation that way too01:36
Spirits-SightI am think about making different graphics and put into a google doc presentation01:36
RyanPCan someone link me something for instructions on installing warcraft 3 on ubuntu 8.101:36
N-Aasparagui: try gparted01:36
nsgnjove: i asked what your network setup is like. i  asked who your internet service provider is and what speed they are providing you01:36
furythorI think that my problem is related to different handling of data previously in xorg.conf01:36
asparaguiN-A: it doesn't like going downward it seems01:36
furythorso I need relog to test something01:36
usserRyanP, shouldn't need no instructions anymore01:36
usserRyanP, its a smooth ride01:36
RyanPHow so01:37
rahdukeryanp http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1415401:37
N-Aasparagui: downward?01:37
RyanPit's been anything but01:37
uvacavtuxedocurly: np hope it works. I also so a reference about problems with underscores in the db name, so consider that too01:37
rahduketheres nothing 2 it01:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about exit01:37
RyanPThat is WoW,01:37
jovensgn: how to. find out network setup ? the network provider is Comcast01:37
asparaguixp(249)(1gb free)(<-ubuntu)01:37
RyanPI need warcraft 3, every single website has different instructions01:37
slewhow can i add a usb drive as a boot option in grub?01:37
mustanggcan anyone suggest a backup solution on par with mondorescue?01:37
usserRyanP, just pop in the cd and run wine install.exe01:38
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Spirits-SightRaylz: so you would use oo impress and export to pdf01:38
nsgnjove: physical network setup...like do you have a router? wireless? switch? hub? laser beams bouncing around? how is it connecting to this machine01:38
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RyanPit says it cannot mount01:38
usserRyanP, what exactly is the error?01:38
jovensgn, I have 2 others laptops running window XP is so fast, no complaint...except Linux Ubuntu01:38
RaylzSpirits-Sight: aye, mind that no effects are possible01:38
RyanPOne second01:38
furythorno change01:38
rahdukemy ethernet connection drops randomly while streaming video through my network and while downloading sometimes, can someone help me out?01:38
nsgnjove: ok. wireless or wired?01:38
RaylzSpirits-Sight: effects are not possible*01:38
jovensgn, I run this linux box with hardwire connection01:39
rahdukei'm on a wired connection onboard asus p5gcmx motherboard i think it uses the rtlk8187 driver01:39
nuubuntuHaving trouble getting ubuntu to install build essentials from disk. Doesnt mount my drive. any suggestions?01:39
Spirits-SightRaylz: I can of figured that, see I wish there was a good HTML / CSS graphic designer for gnome01:39
RyanPInvalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'Warcraft III'01:39
nsgnjove: ok. look into the interface information. see if it's running half duplex or some screwed up method. also swap the network cable01:39
VoodooDancehowdy all..01:39
nsgnjove: also check logs. it's probably telling you whats happening somewhere01:39
RaylzSpirits-Sight: its always better and cleaner to do it by hand01:39
VoodooDancecan anyone tell me what the name of that program that installs video drivers is called?01:39
RaylzSpirits-Sight: since not all browser show it in the same way01:40
usserRyanP, ok with cd in drive, type sudo umount /dev/cdrom01:40
rahdukejove:  i think we maybe having the same issue01:40
=== rachel is now known as Guest33435
usserRyanP, sudo mount /dev/cdrom01:40
tuxedocurlyuvacav: hmm... i try to edit the files there, but it says access denied, how do i make changes to the files and save them in the files that they are located?01:40
usserRyanP, is it by any chance one of those pc/mac cds? i know WoW ships on those it was giving me trouble.01:41
jovensgn: here is the network interface information: eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:46:c8:72:1c01:41
jove          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
jove          inet6 addr: fe80::a00:46ff:fec8:721c/64 Scope:Link01:41
jove          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:101:41
jove          RX packets:12094 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:001:41
jove          TX packets:17548 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:001:41
FloodBot1jove: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:41
nuubuntuif that does work how can I proceed to install the bulds from disk?01:41
RaylzSpirits-Sight: i really recomend learning it, its not that hard01:41
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help01:41
RaylzSpirits-Sight: and use this service to validate your code: http://validator.w3.org/01:41
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:42
xonpathosis it common for nVidia drivers to perform much more poorly in ubuntu than, say, windows?01:42
VoodooDanceanyone know the name of the program that helps you manage video drivers?01:42
Raylzxonpathos: ofc :)01:42
usserxonpathos, no, in fact i'd say they perform better on linux01:42
RyanPIt's just the regular cd: This is also where i run into the error "block device /dev/scd0 is write protected, mounting read-only."01:42
Spirits-SightRaylz: see my problem is the laying out the information using CSS / Tables I don't know when to use tables, and I seemed in the pass had issue with CSS either not lining up right or the box would not do what I wanted01:42
=== kevin_ is now known as uvacav
eper3zcan any1 help me with setting up usb headset drivers?01:42
RaylzSpirits-Sight: may we use query?01:42
bobbyygxonpathos, I had trouble with Nvidia and changed to ATI and everything is fine now01:42
usserRyanP, well yea, its a cdrom you cant write to it, but why does it detect it as block device?01:43
xonpathosusser: strange... I just found that my problem is that the comp can't handle Nexuiz in 1024x768, yet under windows I can run it 1280x1024 no prob01:43
usserRyanP, this is weird01:43
uvacavSpirits-Sight: you really aren't supposed to use tables for layouts. use css.01:43
RyanPI don't know what a block device is, so no idea.01:43
joveI need some help and advice to resolve the network issue....please help01:43
xonpathosbobbyyg: see, I've had even more problems with ATI :/01:43
tuxedocurlyhm hey guys i want to edit a php file in the directory /vir/www/wordpress/ but every time i open it in text editor and make then changes, i click save and it says access denied. Any help?01:43
n8tuserjove -> what exactly is the issue?01:43
xonpathosbobbyyg: but it's been a looooong time since I tried them01:43
nsgnjove: that didn't tell me much. i'm looking for whether it is running full or half duplex. beyond that you'll probably have to ask someone more knowledgeable about your specific hardware and the kernel01:43
uvacavtuxedocurly: you will need root access. you can run the text editor with sudo for example01:43
usserxonpathos, nexuiz is a bit weird, it doesnt perform well for on any os01:44
PseudoOnehey guys .. seems my computer is resolving all non-existent DNS records to a certain IP... e.g http://gdfgdfsgfdsgdfsgdf, what can I do to fix?01:44
jovensgn, how to find out half or full duplex ?01:44
tuxedocurlyuvacav: how do i do that?01:44
usserxonpathos, try something like Enemy territory: quake wars, that'd be a more appropriate benchmark01:44
nkei0Anyone want to help me with this?  I'm trying to install the newest ati drivers and it's just not freaking working...  I've installed them, ran aticonfig --initial and it changed the xorg and the directions said to reboot.  I did and X wouldn't start, apparently the Xauthority file had an error with locking or unlocking, i'm not sure...01:44
xonpathosusser: that might explain it.  I've not really had a problem running WoW in Wine (except a weird mouse issue)01:44
tuxedocurlyuvacav: im sorry ha ha, im totally new to this01:44
uvacavtuxedocurly: well I dont know if this is really the recommended way, but its possible to just run 'sudo gedit'01:45
drashtuxedocurly: use gksu instead of sudo for graphical applications that need root permissions01:45
joven8tuser, launching FF is soooooo slow.01:45
nsgnjove: you'll have to get someone else to help from this point. i'm not extremely linux experienced. i was just lending generalized troubleshooting until it got too linux specific01:45
uvacavtuxedocurly: oops drash is correct01:45
VoodooDanceAhh... I found the app that handles video driver installation: envy01:45
nsgnjove: it's likely a compatibility issue your kernel has with your network card01:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about envy-ng01:45
tuxedocurlyok! =D01:45
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk01:45
nsgnalso, on another note...crappp. i burned a whole ubuntu CD and the other computer won't read it01:45
nsgnit fails half way through the install every time01:46
joven8tuser, do U get my info and having any idea ? do you need any info from me ?01:46
n8tuserjove -> once launched what happens?01:46
uvacavtuxedocurly: so run "gksudo gedit" and then it should save no problem01:46
nkei0nsgn: How does it fail?01:46
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:46
nsgnnkei0: messages come up claiming things have crashed, partitioner is right now just frozen at 12% forever01:46
usserRyanP, i dont know what to suggest short of installing it on windows and copying over01:46
joven8tuser, launching FF is fast, but get into URL as yahoo.com , taken 5 - 10 mins01:46
nsgnnkei0: i've had a history of this computer screwing up CD burns. can i install from a USB key? that'd make my evening01:47
nsgni hate wasting CDs on this stupid burner01:47
ussernsgn, yes you can01:47
RyanPdamn, i already did a full partition install of ubuntu01:47
ussernsgn, get unetbootin, it even has a windows version01:47
nkei0nsgn:  Ahh, Yes, actually you can install from a usb key.  You need the program called unetbootin01:47
ruediixHello, does anyone know additional popular secondary archives other than medibuntu?01:47
furythorI wonder why wine text is unreadable but then in ubuntu everything works flawlessly01:47
usserRyanP, run windows in virtualbox01:47
usser!virtualbox | RyanP01:47
ubottuRyanP: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:47
n8tuserjove -> am confused, first you said launching FF is so slow and now it is okay? or just getting the url resolve as very slow?01:47
nkei0nsgn: Retry installing it with acpi=off first though01:47
nsgnusser: i'm on a mac :/01:48
ardchoillehow do I check for SSE2 support ?01:48
nsgn(the computer with burning/downloading ability...not the target machine)01:48
ryanpriorWhen I return from suspending my computer, my sound card (Creative Soundblaster, info here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/113854/) doesn't work anymore until I reboot. How can I fix that?01:48
nsgnnkei0: oh? where do i issue it that?01:48
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RyanPusser: is that compatible with 8.10, it's not listed.01:48
nkei0nsgn: When you get the first menu up on whether or not you want to install or try it out, you can press F6 and select it.01:49
jken146ryanprior: try restarting pulseaudio when you return, i.e.   sudo /etc/init.c/pulseaudio restart01:49
usserRyanP, yea its in intrepid's repos, but dont get it from synaptic, download the deb from virtualbox.org, its more recent with many tasty improvements01:49
joven8tuser,  using Opera or FF are the same issue: open google.com or yahoo.com or else is very slow to to bring it up01:49
nsgnnkei0: ok, i hit F6 and added acpi=off to the end of it01:50
n8tuserjove -> can you post your /etc/resolv.conf  and /etc/nsswitch.conf ?01:50
VoodooDancedoes anyone know how to properly upgrade to the latest nvidia drivers on hardy?01:50
ryanpriorryanp: Oh lawd. Two of us? =D01:50
nsgnnkei0: we'll see how it does01:50
bobbyygQUESTION - I burn MP3s from old 45s - is there a "scratch filter" out there somewhere?01:50
n8tuserjove -> include your /etc/hosts  file01:50
nkei0nsgn: Good Luck.01:50
coop_ecdoes anyone know how to set up 5.1 surround? i copied and pasted a command to get it to work. I have sound from all speakers but when i play a movie I only have sound from center and rear01:50
melwtech35can someone help me with some PHP code01:50
drewbaccaHello, if anyone is willing to help I am in sore need of it.01:50
nsgnnkei0: thanks. how can i create a USB key to install from when i'm on a mac?01:50
nsgni can DD an image onto a flash drive, if such an image is available01:50
rahdukeHi all... I'm running 8.10 currently and im having connection issues. My connection drops randomly while streaming video to my wireless htpc and xbox running XBMC. It also fails occasionally when downloading, I've tried a different card replaced my verizon fios router and all the cables. Nothing has worked, searched everywhere for help couldn't find the same problem.01:50
rahdukeI'm using the onboard NIC on ASUS P5GC-MX board.01:50
ryanpriorjken146: Tried it, doesn't change anything.01:50
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:51
ardchoillehow do I retreive info about my mobo and cpu?01:51
ryanpriorjken146: Also, I've been through the Audio Debugging page (suggested by Ubottu's factoid) and nothing there was useful.01:51
joven8tuser: nameserver -- search hsd1.ca.comcast.net01:51
ryanpriorardchoille: lspci -v01:51
drewbacca_Hello, I am in need of some help.01:51
nkei0nsgn: google unetbootin, i'm not sure if it runs on a mac or not...  You could always borrow a buddy's computer to make it though, if i remember correctly it's not very big01:51
drashardchoille: sudo ,lshw | grep sse2 .. if it turns up empty you haven't got the sse2 support01:51
drewbacca_I am having issue with graphics, I keep booting into low graphics mode01:51
nsgnnkei0: i have windows PCs available, just don't feel like booting them up :P. i'd like to do it from the mac if possible01:51
coop_eccan someone help with 5.1 surround issues01:51
n8tuserjove -> you post what i requested, the file contents please01:52
miketoshCan I rip MP3's from musical jewelrybox drum?01:52
ussermiketosh, what is musical jewelrybox drum?01:52
N-Amiketosh: Jah, joo need lazers for diz!01:52
joven8tuser, there is a guy does not want me to paste the file content....01:53
miketoshusser: I was kidding.  You know, that little metal drum with pimples on it?  They pluck a metal comb to make noise01:53
n8tuserjove -> what guy?01:53
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
N-Ajove: use pastebin01:53
ardchoilledrash: seems I do have sse2 support but not sse3, thanks :)01:53
joven8tuser, okey let me post the content in a moment01:53
joveN-A what is pastebin01:54
drashardchoille: you're welcome01:54
tuxedocurlyuvacav: it says "WordPress apparently isn’t to keen on the new password structure of MySQL 5, so I had to run the following query to give my WordPress user an “old” password. SET PASSWORD FOR some_user@some_host = OLD_PASSWORD('your_old password_here');" how to i make it do this?01:54
n8tuser!pastebin | jove01:54
ubottujove: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:54
nkei0nsgn:  If the acpi=off trick does work you'll have to go into your menu.lst after installing and edit it to always have that option.  It does limit your system a bit however, particularly if you're on a laptop you won't have a battery meter and there are a few other things that don't quite work.01:54
savidHi, I'm getting a "The following packages have unmet dependencies" error when trying to install lilbfaad-dev package.  I'm using ubuntu Hardy.  How can I fix this?01:54
bobbyygmiketosh, do you have a quiet room, and a microphone01:54
nsgnnkei0: ok01:54
coop_eccan someone help with 5.1 surround issues01:55
nsgnsavid: install it's required dependencies?01:55
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?01:55
savidnsgn,  umm,  apt is supposed to do that for me :-P01:56
nsgnsavid: :P well something didn't work01:56
nsgnsavid: you're saying apt is giving you that?01:56
X-tremAl_RavenSince I upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 my wifi stopped working. Now I have 8.10 and still no wifi. It seems that in 8.10 it supposed to work out-of-the-box, but it doesn't. Likely because of some manipulations I did in 7.04 to make it work. How can I undo my manipulations to get wifi working?01:56
savidnsgn,  yes, apt-get gave me that error...01:56
nsgnnkei0: no worky. just got "consolesetup failed with exit code 2"01:56
nsgnand it won't proceed01:56
nsgnand advises me to check my CD, or re burn it slower01:57
BaattiX-tremAl_Raven, what wireless card do you use?01:57
nsgnit's just a crappy burn01:57
nsgni hate CDs01:57
X-tremAl_Raven<Baatti> Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG01:57
n8tuserX-tremAl_Raven -> post your /etc/network/interfaces  file contents;  ifconfig;  iwconfig; /etc/resolv.conf; /etc/hosts01:57
savidnsgn,  http://pastebin.com/m4445a1801:57
tuxedocurlynsgn: cheers to that, mate! ha ha01:57
coop_eccan someone help with 5.1 surround issues01:57
usserX-tremAl_Raven, do you iwl3945 module loaded, lsmod | grep iwl394501:58
drashcoop_ec: if you want 5.1 surround sound using pulseaudio and ALSA http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4451132 might be usefull (if you haven't seen that already) ...01:58
nsgnsavid: read the upper part of what it's saying. it says some packages needed either don't exist or aren't compatible with your install01:58
nsgnthen it proceeds to try anyway and that's when it says it can't find what it needs on your machine01:58
tsrkI am trying to use rsync to remotely backup files.  I need it to have root access to the remote filesystem (which is running Ubuntu, and so has no root password).  Should I set a root password or is there a better way to allow rsync to have remote root access?01:58
mustangghow does the concept of an "NFS Mount" compare to mounting a samba/windows network share to mnt ?01:58
nsgnapt is doing it's job. the packages aren't there for some reason01:58
tuxedocurlyWordPress apparently isn’t to keen on the new password structure of MySQL 5, so I had to run the following query to give my WordPress user an “old” password. SET PASSWORD FOR some_user@some_host = OLD_PASSWORD('your_old password_here');  -----------> my question is... how do i make it do this?01:58
uvacavtuxedocurly: ok. its a command to run from mysql client so run that with "mysql -u root -p" then enter your root password when prompted. Then run the command putting in your username for "some_user" and localhost for "some_host" (i think) . and then enter what you want your password to be in the inside old_password01:58
n8tusermustangg -> much easier01:59
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Yes. But I read that now Ubuntu uses iwlwifi.01:59
ussermustangg, it remounts if the server gets restarted, samba mount just freezes01:59
joven8tuser, I paste it in the paste.ubuntu.com under name: jove01:59
uvacavtuxedocurly:  from what I understand its basically that your password for access to the db has to formatted with some old style instead of the format thats current in mysql501:59
usserX-tremAl_Raven, that is the iwlwifi module iwl3945 prior to 8.10 ubuntu used ipw01:59
nkei0nsgn: Well sorry, it was worth a shot.  Try another cd or do the usb key install. It's pretty fast and the instructions are fairly easy.01:59
n8tuserjove give me the url please so i can click01:59
ruediixDoes anyone know a good list of secondary repositories for Ubuntu 8.10?01:59
mharvey-pleis there any gui tool i can use to mount my ntfs drive in 8.1002:00
coop_ecthx drash, I have alsa but i'm lookin at pulse02:00
joven8tuser: it's posted at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113856/02:00
tsrkmharvey-ple, when you connect it it should offer to mount it, does it not recognize it at all?02:00
nsgnnkei0: i'm doing the USB thing02:00
mharvey-pleNo this is one existing on the laptop02:00
N-Amharvey-ple: NTFS configuration tool02:01
xonpathosok, time to really show my noobishness:  is there a way to stop the "has joined" and "has left" messages?02:01
mustanggusser - but are the two compatible? can I mount a samba share locally as nfs?02:01
tsrkmharvey-ple, it should be in the "places" menu02:01
n8tuserjove I requested several info, but you only posted two,  anyhow.. i dont believe your nameserver is working02:01
nkei0Anyone here have any experience with Xauthority?02:01
X-tremAl_Raven<n8tuser> http://pastebin.com/mbefe9d0 http://pastebin.com/d4387fe75 http://pastebin.com/d3feaffe602:02
n8tuserjove -> and neither is
ruediixxonpathos, no, that's not too newbie of a question for IRC.  It varies by client, it should be in one of your menus.02:02
ussermustangg, no, im not sure what you mean by compatible, in other words both can be mounted on the local filesystems and treated just like regular directories, but commands to mount them are different02:02
X-tremAl_Raven<n8tuser> These are interfaces file, iwconfig and ifconfig02:02
linux_guyWill Ubuntu run pretty smoothly on 199MB of RAM?02:02
joven8tuser, should i remove the IP ?02:02
mharvey-plewell here is the thing. I chose the install of " install this under windows " when I put in the ubuntu cd02:03
tsrklinux_guy, probably not by default, you might want to try xubuntu which uses the xfce window management which uses less resources02:03
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> http://pastebin.com/d5edaee1102:03
n8tuserX-tremAl_Raven -> missing info, kind provide what i requested02:03
xonpathosruediix: thanks, I'll head to the docs for irssi then02:03
mharvey-pleso im looking to see if i can view tha prttition with all my windows files on it02:03
n8tuserjove use a known working name server02:03
usserX-tremAl_Raven, what does iwconfig say?02:03
n8tuserX-tremAl_Raven -> missing info, kindly* provide what i requested02:03
mustanggusser - I have a small NAS being shared out by samba. my app (mondorescue) prefers actual nfs mount. I can't change the samba end but can change my workstation settings.02:03
tsrkmharvey-ple, is there something in your Places menu that says "100.0 GB Media" or something (the correct size)?02:03
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker?02:04
X-tremAl_Raven<n8tuser> hosts and resolve are ok, my ethernet connection works fine.02:04
ruediixlinux_guy depends on your configuration.  I've run Linux variants with under 64MB of RAM, if I use a lightweight desktop environment instead of GNOME or KDE.02:04
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> http://pastebin.com/d4387fe7502:04
ussermustangg, theres nothing you can do on the client's end to treat samba share as nfs02:04
tsrkmharvey-ple, ok, then I don't know, sorry, you'll have to find someone else who knows more about this stuff02:04
joven8tuser, I removed all 129.145 network....what else should be done ?02:05
Khronoshow do I default all my sound settings in ubuntu?02:05
mharvey-pleits all gooodill try later02:05
n8tuserX-tremAl_Raven -> i cannot give you good advise if am missing info.. please provide as requested02:05
tsrkmharvey-ple, well, one thing that you might need to do is make sure you have installed NTFS software02:05
tuxedocurlyuvacav: it says "cant find matching row in the user table"02:05
linux_guyso the gui is the pig?02:05
ruediixLinux_guy, if you have USB, you may want to just use a flash-drive to create a swap partition, that'll really help with the speed.02:05
n8tuserjove it seems only is working02:05
mharvey-pleahh word.. thanks tsrk02:05
usserX-tremAl_Raven, well i see eth1 is being detected as wireless interface02:05
tsrkmharvey-ple, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700902:05
joven8tuser.....greeting, it resolved...Thanks so much for your kindness help!!!!02:05
nkei0How do I see the hidden files/folders in a directory in terminal?02:05
ussernkei0, ls -a02:06
tsrknkei0, ls -a02:06
tsrkyou win02:06
FloodBot1tsrk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
n8tuserjove -> alright dude,  next time provide info as requested to avoid delays..02:06
joven8tuser, outstanding help...I am helping02:06
X-tremAl_Raven<n8tuser> http://pastebin.com/d22bf4195 http://pastebin.com/d5b7e39f202:06
usserX-tremAl_Raven, does it show up in network manager?02:06
nkei0thanks guys02:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Xauthority02:07
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker? Any troubleshooting help appreciated...02:07
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> No. And it cannot see any wifi access points.02:07
usserX-tremAl_Raven, can you do sudo iwlist scan02:07
usserX-tremAl_Raven, also is old ipw module loaded? lsmod | grep ipw02:08
mustanggusser - so if I want access to my NAS I have no choice but to mount as cifs..?02:08
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> http://pastebin.com/d459db5e002:08
linux_guywe'll see how well 8.10 runs on 199MB of RAM in about 4 years when the install finishes.  =)02:08
ruediixLinux_Guy, in desperate measures the PC compialation for GPE (developed for palmtops) which is in there for use in nettops and media centers.02:08
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> lsmod | grep ipw returns none02:08
usserX-tremAl_Raven, can you try sudo ifconfig eth1 up02:08
n8tuserX-tremAl_Raven -> i will defer to usser for now.. dont want to be cause of confusion02:08
_VIM_8.10 on 199 ram? O.o02:09
linux_guy_VIM_, is it going to suck?02:09
ruediixlinux_guy, I'd recommend against the default install, that will take forever on an archaic machine.02:09
CyberaiI just bought a new monitor that says it's max native resolution is 1920x1200. But I can't get the monitor to that res. Both the ubuntu monitor res app and the nvidia X Server Settings app say the max res is 1600x1200. Can anyone help?02:09
_VIM_you must like pain02:09
linux_guyit sure is02:09
* linux_guy got a free computer tonight. 02:09
nsgnCyberai: you may not have a capable video card02:10
nDuffCyberai, if you get the X server's startup logs, does it say anything about why it's discarding some modes?02:10
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> sudo ifconfig eth1 up - SIOCSIFFLAGS: Connection timed out02:10
Cyberainsgn, it's an Nvidia 520002:10
linux_guyPentium III, 199 Ram, 40 GB, Win98 hahaha02:10
Cyberainsgn, hold on, you may be right, let me look that up02:10
linux_guy1x CD Rom02:10
ruediixCyberai your video card might not support the resolution (some nvidia cards don't support over 1600x1200 due to the hack they use to handle full screen antialiasing.)02:10
usserX-tremAl_Raven, is it define in /etc/network/interfaces? cat /etc/network/interfaces | grep eth102:10
nsgnlinux_guy: wow...i stop taking things less than P402:10
_VIM_would 8.10 even run on that?02:11
ussernsgn, p3s are still great!02:11
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> No.02:11
tuxedocurlyuvacav: i ran that command... but now that? it has a "-->" in the terminal02:11
tuxedocurlywhat do i type?02:11
linux_guyinstall is at 50%02:11
nsgnusser: im in the resale business02:11
nsgnthey arent worth enough to me02:11
nsgna P4 or greater i can make a decent bit off of02:11
nsgnless than P4 nobody will pay worth my time to refurbish it :P02:12
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker? Any troubleshooting help appreciated...02:12
nsgnbut for a little monowall box or something, sure02:12
nsgngood use of old hardware :)02:12
linux_guyit weighs 150lbs too!02:12
ruediixlinux_guy, is it a laptop?  If so grab an external CDROM, if it's a desktop, just grab a spare.  (I keep hundreds of spare CDROMS drives around, mainly because I never know when I'll need crappy parts for some project.)02:12
usserX-tremAl_Raven, cat you pastebin /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules02:13
n8tuserlinux_guy -> stanford is selling bunch of their old 1 unit - 2 P3 1GHz servers.. 80 bux02:13
GeffIsLegendsomeone mind telling me how i can drag and drop a file i have into a directory without it saying "Access Denied" ??02:13
Cyberainsgn, check thsi out -- "DVI support for compatibility with nextgeneration flat panel displays with resolutions up to and including 1600×1200" from the nvidia web site.02:13
nkei0Anyone want to help me with installing the new ati drivers AND my Xauthority issues OR reverting to my old ones??02:14
WebcamWonderGeffIsLegend: Where are you dragging the file to?02:14
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> http://pastebin.com/d5fd7c10002:14
n8tuserGeffIsLegend -> denied at destination?02:14
GeffIsLegendicons for a theme i have02:14
ruediixGeffIsLegend, try using a directory that you have authority to access with your standard user.02:14
Cyberailooks like I'm off to Best Buy in the morning02:14
GeffIsLegendhow do i make my account the admin user?02:14
linux_guyI'm trying to get this going for a family member.  They currently use my Asus/Core2/MuchRam rig as a web browser and solitaire.  YIKES!02:14
DIFH-icerooti amm looking for a tool which increase the volume of my soundcard over 100%02:14
ruediixCyberai, you could just run at a lower resolution, but I recommend using one that is the right ratio.02:15
Cyberairuediix, yeah, I'm doing graphics work in GIMP. I need native res02:15
noah_Ok... I am having trouble with the extra effects, but I know that it's not my graphics card.02:15
nsgnCyberai: i was right? :)02:15
Cyberainsgn, yes02:15
usserX-tremAl_Raven, can you try renaming eth1 to SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:1c:bf:19:ce:4c", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan0"02:15
n8tuserlinux_guy -> the key is make them happy02:15
nsgnCyberai: bummer for you02:15
Cyberainext step will be getting the dual monitor setup working02:15
usserX-tremAl_Raven, ie comment out the eth1 and put this one02:15
DIFH-icerootGeffIsLegend: please use sudo instead of root as login02:15
mikesholle1I was having problems with my wireless card earlier, so I did some research and I found a patch that Will Daniels created on this forum page Bug #196285 in linux (Ubuntu): “[Regression] Realtek RTL-8185 Wifi not recognized in Hardy 8.04 Alpha 5” <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/196285>.  I read the instructions, ran ./makedrv and then ran sudo ./wlan0up and it installed the wifi card, however whenev02:15
usserX-tremAl_Raven, oh and mac address too02:16
Cyberainsgn, nah, I'll just go get another nvidia card in the morning that can do 1920x120002:16
ruediixCyberAI, by the way I'd recomend Cinepaint over GIMP.\02:16
usserX-tremAl_Raven, ie ATTR{address}=="00:1c:bf:19:ce:4c" should be ATTRS{address}=="00:19:d2:3c:64:a9"02:16
GeffIsLegendiceroot im not sure i know what that means ":[02:16
DIFH-iceroot!sudo | GeffIsLegend02:16
ubottuGeffIsLegend: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)02:16
GeffIsLegendkk thnx ^^02:17
* linux_guy is OT, back on topic. Apologies02:17
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Done. Now what to do to test?02:17
ruediixCyberAI, Cinepaint is a Gimp derivative with higher bit quality, and some additional features.  It got branched due to compatability frustrations with several other branches of the GIMP project.02:17
usserX-tremAl_Raven, try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart02:17
bigmbHow do you install the c, c++, and ruby libraries? Also, does this support pthreads?02:17
mustanggis anyone familiar with mondo(rescue) for backup/restore?02:18
usserbigmb, pthreads is in POSIX standard any linux distribution supports it02:18
fragsworthhow do I make ubuntu boot into a terminal by default so I have to start the window manager manually02:18
WebcamWonderbigmb: build-essentials, has gcc and g++02:18
DIFH-icerootmikesholle1: anyone what?02:18
ari_stresshi guys, anyone uses Avant Desktop Manager? How to prevent it from "rearranging" the windows list everytime we do maximize-minimize of window02:18
mikesholle1I was having problems with my wireless card earlier, so I did some research and I found a patch that Will Daniels created on this forum page Bug #196285 in linux (Ubuntu): “[Regression] Realtek RTL-8185 Wifi not recognized in Hardy 8.04 Alpha 5”.  I read the instructions, ran ./makedrv and then ran sudo ./wlan0up and it installed the wifi card, however whenever I reboot the card is missing again and I have to start o02:18
_VIM_there's no 's' at the end of build-essential02:18
usserX-tremAl_Raven, actually try restarting02:18
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jmk2Want to rename my user from 'bobx' to 'bob', could i simply edit the /etc/passwd file and rename from there then change the 'bob' password or i must create the new user?02:19
_VIM_!away > FireFox|deviant02:19
ubottuFireFox|deviant, please see my private message02:19
bigmbWebcamWonder, what's the command? I'm too windowsized lately :(02:19
WebcamWonder_VIM_: Nice catch. I always end up doing it twice, the second time without s :)02:19
bigmbusser, What's the library I'll include?02:19
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Nothing changed. Same on ifconfig and iwconfig02:19
WebcamWonderbigmb: sudo aptitude install build-essential, installs gcc and g++ required to compile c and c++ programs02:19
WebcamWonderbigmb: Among other programs02:19
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Oh. Ok. Be back in a few minutes02:20
usserbigmb, pthread.h02:20
sn007akeDo i need to UN INSTALL drivers be 4 installing new ones? or will it automatically do this? *display driver*02:21
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=== Guest29650 is now known as tdawgedogg
WebcamWondersn007ake: Depends, which driver are you trying to install?02:21
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker? Any troubleshooting help appreciated...02:21
mikesholle1N-A: I can help you turn that sound off02:22
sn007akeWell Currently i have the Open source and im switching to the Propriety drivers.02:22
N-Amikesholle1: Ah, yes, but can you help me turning on the defined sounds? ;-)02:22
RyanPWhenever I try to run windows XP out of VirtualBox it gives me a "No bootable medium!" error02:22
WebcamWondersn007ake: From the Hardware Devices? If so, then it should take care of everything02:22
mikesholle1N-A: System -> Preferences -> Sounds -> System Beep02:22
_VIM_N-A: yeah it's in sound prefs02:23
mikesholle1N-A: Uncheck the system beep box02:23
L_Ya L_Y |02:23
N-Amikesholle1: I don't see that there02:23
mikesholle1N-A: Then hit the system sounds tab and have fun02:23
mikesholle1N-A: What version of Ubuntu are you using?02:23
scientesj #xchat02:23
sn007akeWell im downloading it strait from the mfg website...... and will need to install them. Im not doing it through ubuntu02:23
N-Amikesholle1: Intrepid02:23
chuy_maxhi guys, how is the latest ubuntu 64bit working nowadays?, I just got a centrino duo laptop and I would like to install ubuntu, but heard that 64 bit ubuntu was having some problems in the past02:24
furythorokay, that font problem is not just with wine02:24
WebcamWondersn007ake: ATI or nVidia?02:24
furythorjust noticed that also open office has bad fonts02:24
mikesholle1N-A: Maybe it's in a different spot with Intrepid than Hardy02:24
mustanggcan anyone suggest a good backup application which would allow me to backup at / but specify exclusions02:24
WebcamWondersn007ake: Also, it is recommended that you use the drivers from the repositories02:24
mustanggand not need scripting?02:24
sn007akeATI sir,02:24
WebcamWonder!ati | sn007ake02:24
ubottusn007ake: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:24
mercutio22when will that right mouse button click bug in firefox be fixed for chrisakes?02:24
N-Amikesholle1: I don't see anything like that02:25
nsgnmercutio22: what is this bug? i've not seen it02:25
nsgnmercutio22: new user here, so i'm curious02:25
mikesholle1N-A: I run 8.04 so maybe it was relocated in Intrepid, I don't know N-A02:25
bigmbI feel really dumb, does gcc not work for .cpp files?02:25
WebcamWonderbigmb: g++ or .cpp files02:25
N-Amikesholle1: What I've got in there is devices (where I've got everything on pulseaudio) and the sounds (the different sound events that I want it to play, but that it doesn't but instead just beeps the internal speaker)02:25
WebcamWonderbigmb: for*02:26
mercutio22nsgn> right clicking triggers random actions like adding a link to the bookmarks or sending it via email instead of popping up the menu. It happens annoyingly often02:26
plaziaWhat is the canonical method for installing Firefox extensions for which no ".deb" package exists? Is it to simply let Firefox install the ".xpi" file from the add-on site? and how will this be managed in subsequent upgrades of the main Firefox package?02:26
nsgnmercutio22: really? wow...sounds like i'll have a fun time browsing02:26
N-A_VIM_: Where in sound prefs, do you know (in intrepid)?02:26
WebcamWonderplazia: Handled pretty well. Firefox manages its own addons then02:26
bigmbok, it doesn't recognize the pthread library. Do I have to install this for cpp programs?02:27
_VIM_plazia: just install extensions normally02:27
mercutio22nsgn> try it out a couple times. Right click some links and come back02:27
plaziaWebcamWonder, so it's all cool to install .xpi files and I shouldn't stay awake at night worrying about the consequences?02:27
frank23I have an issue where the "system tray" icons are not where they should be besides the clock but instead are in their own little window. This in ubuntu intrepid. any ideas?02:27
nsgnmercutio22: trying to install right now, but i will02:27
plazia_VIM_, kewl thanks02:27
plaziaWebcamWonder, thanks02:27
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> didn't help. Same on ifconfig  and iwconfig. The only thing that changed that in fwconfig instead eth1 it has wlan002:27
jmk2Want to rename my user from 'bobx' to 'bob', could i simply edit the /etc/passwd file and rename from there then change the 'bob' password or i must create the new user?02:27
WebcamWonderplazia: Nope. And above all, Ubuntu has yet to backport new versions of firefox, so you might not even see any :P02:27
n8tuserjmk2 -> yes just rename it in /etc/passwd  no need to create a new user02:28
mikesholle1Disable system beep on Ubuntu Intrepid | otype.net <http://otype.net/2009/01/disable-system-beep-on-ubuntu-intrepid/>02:28
WebcamWonderbigmb: can you do: locate pthread.h02:28
wassy121_jmk2: You need to edit /etc/passwd, etc/shadow, /etc/group, and ensure the home directories match up.02:28
_VIM_N-A: sorry, I'm a 8.04 user too, i guess 8.10 really moved a lot of things around :(02:28
usserX-tremAl_Raven, ifconfig wlan0 up doesnt help02:28
N-Amikesholle1: Yes, I got that explanation earlier, but if I do that, I just disable the beep, I don't get the right sounds02:29
bigmbWebcamWonder: there is no return to the statement when I type it in terminal, just the next prompt02:29
N-A_VIM_:  OK, thx neway02:29
usserX-tremAl_Raven, does dmesg say anything? when you try to bring it up?02:29
WebcamWonderbigmb: That means you don't have pthread, wait let me search which packages offers it02:29
nickrudjmk2, and your first step is to back up all three files, Just In Case02:29
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> wlan0 up still says SIOCSIFFLAGS: Connection timed out02:29
eper3zhey can some1 help me installmy usb soundcard?02:30
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> http://pastebin.com/d3b48b21002:30
mikesholle1N-A: I would imagine, with the way Hardy is set up, that it's the same format.  Disable the beep first, then add the sounds you wish to play in for the specific errors.  In Hardy, we have a check box to disable the system beep, which is the command I just sent you.  Then you have to find somewhere in your system preferences or administration a place where all your system sounds show up.02:30
HoNgOuRuis there any application in linux to open "ntuser.dat" file or the SOFTWARE file of windows?02:30
_VIM_N-A: but by disabling the system beep and enabling a custom sound file should do the trick...02:30
senecaanyone in here running UME?02:30
WebcamWonderbigmb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=659279 suggests you need to install glibc02:30
mikesholle1_VIM_: Correct02:30
N-Amikesholle1 && _VIM_: Yes, but it doesn't work02:31
Merkidemisi have a ubuntu server and am on a ubuntu laptop.  i want to mount a sever drive on the laptop.  i have a windows box that can do it with samba, but how do i do the mount from one linux to another?02:31
N-Amikesholle1 && _VIM_: I've got the sounds selected, checked, and tested playback, but they don't play02:31
bigmbWebcamWonder: sudo apt-get install glibc ?? it said couldn't find glibc02:31
_VIM_N-A: you might have to restart pulse02:31
WebcamWonder!find glibc02:31
ubottuFound: glibc-doc, libc6, libc6-pic, glibc-source02:31
adantehey guys is the ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso  appropriate for intel based 64-bit architectures?02:32
usserX-tremAl_Raven, try sudo rmmod iwl3945 mac80211 cfg8021102:32
WebcamWonder!info libc602:32
ubottulibc6 (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu8 (intrepid), package size 4262 kB, installed size 10552 kB02:32
N-A_VIM_: After rmmod'ing pcskr?02:32
usserX-tremAl_Raven, one by one if it complains about dependencies02:32
WebcamWonder!info glibc-doc02:32
ubottuglibc-doc (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu8 (intrepid), package size 3409 kB, installed size 8640 kB02:32
mikesholle1N-A: I honestly don't have any other suggestions for you at this time N-A. Maybe someone else running Intrepid does.02:32
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> ERROR: Module mac80211 does not exist in /proc/modules ERROR: Module cfg80211 does not exist in /proc/modules02:32
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> says nothing about iwl394502:32
WebcamWonderbigmb: Do a, sudo aptitude search glibc, and tell me which packages you get02:32
_VIM_N-A: not sure. maybe worth a try though02:32
usserX-tremAl_Raven, can you pastebin lsmod | grep iwl again, this doesnt seem right02:33
joveHi ALL, does anyone use WD 1TB formated with NTFS that mounted to Linux fine ?02:33
WebcamWonderbigmb: umm, don't sudo that, just aptitude search glibc02:33
N-Amikesholle1: Maybe :) Thx for the effort, I'm really confused if this is standard intrepid behaviour or not though, I can't find anything about it no matter how I search on google O_o02:33
Tapouthey guys... what do you guys use in Ubuntu to make flowcharts02:33
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> lsmod | grep iwl - non02:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Nautilus02:33
joven8tuser, Are U still online / around ?02:33
GeffIsLegend1urhg someone give me the command in terminal to open Nautilus please02:33
usserX-tremAl_Raven, sudo modprobe iwl394502:33
WebcamWonderGeffIsLegend1: nautilus &02:34
xonpathosadante: yes02:34
Merkidemistapout: dia02:34
usserX-tremAl_Raven, also pastebin modinfo iwl3945, maybe you're running older version or something02:34
adantexonpathos: cheers02:34
n8tuserjove yes for a few more02:34
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:34
N-A_VIM_: I restarted pulse with -k and restarted with -D an no go, is that the right procedure?02:35
n8tuserjove am off now..you're too slow02:35
draedayhey i want to edit the gnome panel02:35
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> http://pastebin.com/d77c3854302:35
joven8tuser,  I have 1TB WD usb external drive and unable to mount to linux Ubuntu, because formated as NTFS, however it mounted to XP fine02:35
_VIM_N-A: im not sure, i dont use flags with restarting pulse02:35
mikesholle1Can anyone help me create a start up script so I don't have to manually run stuff from terminal every time my computer boots to make my WiFi card work?02:35
bigmbWebcamWonder: ok, sudo aptitude install glibc worked. Afterwards, I tried to g++ again and still doesn't know of pthread02:36
N-A_VIM_: how do you restart it then?02:36
furythorwhat I should search for if there is similar bug report in launchpad already as I got mine with text in multiple programs02:36
joveHi All,  I have 1TB WD usb external drive and unable to mount to linux Ubuntu, because formated as NTFS, however it mounted to XP fine02:36
cirv9jove: have you unmounted it correctly in XP?02:36
WebcamWonderbigmb: What version of ubuntu are you on?02:36
jovecirv9, it mounted to XP fine, but Linux02:36
bigmbWebcamWonder: in c++, I just include <iostream> so I just <pthread> but do I have to <pthread.h> instead?02:36
Merkidemishow do i mount a drive on one linux box to another?02:36
_VIM_N-A: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart02:37
ubottujove: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:37
kazagistarso, um, is there any definite TIME for Alpha 4 to come out? or is it just "sometime on the fifth" :P02:37
eper3zhey guys i need help installing my usb headset lil help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/113865/02:37
usserX-tremAl_Raven, it doesnt look like the driver from the distribution, did u install backports-modules or compiled the driver for intellinuxwireless.com at some point?02:37
VoodooDanceAll, I've been trying to install the 180.22 NVIDIA driver... every time I try to do it, following every forum thread I can find I still get the error with the mismatched kernel module version..02:37
bigmbWebcamWonder: Ubuntu 8.0402:38
WebcamWonderbigmb: I don't know. Haven't worked with pthreads02:38
VoodooDanceDo I have to sacrifice chickens and make incantations or something>?02:38
joveubottu, thx02:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thx02:38
N-A_VIM_: curious, that does nothing on mine :-S02:38
Titan8990VoodooDance: did you try the restriected driver manager (jockey-gtk)?02:38
WebcamWonderbigmb: Are you have glibc package? :S Weird... are you sure it insatlled it?02:38
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> installed backport-modules. Should I remove them?02:38
_VIM_N-A: or the 'new school' way of doing it maybe something like sudo invoke-rc.d pulseaudio restart?02:38
plaziasacrificing chickens does sound appealing.02:38
usserX-tremAl_Raven, yea02:38
VoodooDanceTitan8990,  no, I haven't seen that one in a forum... how do I do it?02:38
bigmbWebcamWonder: Yeah, I installed. I just put .h and it compiled fine...I'm going to make sure the functions work fine. Silly  mistakes02:38
N-AHow can I get Ubuntu warning beeps to play the defined sounds (from sound settings) instead of just beeping the internal speaker? Any troubleshooting help appreciated...02:38
WebcamWonder_VIM_: pulseaudio -D, spawns PA as a new daemon02:38
bigmbwebcamwonder: thanks for the time, sorry for wasting yours02:38
Planet_xNeed advice about an AirCruiser N300 wireless card on Ubuntu 8.10. Having trouble installing madwifi drivers as in i dont know how.. seems there are generic drivers working as it works but i need the mad wifi for injection. thanks for help on how to install02:39
WebcamWonderbigmb: No problems. Thats what I am here for :P02:39
Titan8990VoodooDance: open up the terminal, type the following:   gksu jockey-gtk02:39
_VIM_WebcamWonder: ok well i didnt use flags02:39
_VIM_so i donno02:39
mikesholle1Can anyone help me create a startup script?02:39
VoodooDanceok.. I need to reset my video drivers... dong that as quick as I can02:39
Titan8990VoodooDance: what do you mean reset?02:39
yoyoned2mikesholle1: for what?02:39
VoodooDanceenvyng -t02:39
VoodooDanceremove the manually installed driver and use envyng to install the packaged one.02:40
Titan8990VoodooDance: if I'm not mistaken envyng is no longer supported02:40
nikumikesholle1- the easiest way to do it is look at /etc/init.d and find the simplest startup script you can and edit it02:40
Titan8990!envyng | VoodooDance02:40
ubottuVoodooDance: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk02:40
ZiRiSHi. Anyone home?02:40
mikesholle1yoyoned2: My Wifi card doesn't work by default with 8.04 so I downloaded something to remedy the problem.  However, every time I restart, I seem to lose the card again and have to open terminal back up and rerun the commands.02:40
yoyoned2mikesholle1: i agree with niku,copy and  edit an existing one02:41
VoodooDanceTitan8990, well it will get me usable video drivers02:41
VoodooDancethen I can try the jockey-gtk02:41
ZiRiSAnyone else still running 7.04? Tried an update?02:41
niku/etc/init.d/vbesave looks like a nice simple one to munge02:41
Titan8990VoodooDance: I have used it with good results as well, but like the bot says, it should be a last resort02:41
WebcamWonderVoodooDance: Are you asking for help after a kernel upgrade broke envy?02:41
furythorwhat could cause my font problem, as multiple applications are affected by it, but not all02:41
racecar-56dang my sound server died gotta restart02:41
nsgnwahoo, i'm USB installing :)02:41
nsgndeath to CDs02:41
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer02:41
VoodooDanceWebcamWonder, no... Im trying to use later video drivers.02:41
mikesholle1niku: so all the files in that directory are startup files?02:42
redcapI've setup kvpnc to run a vpn to a remote box, ifconfig tells me that I now have a IP address on that subnet on the ppp0 interface.  However, when I try and ping the machines on the remote network, nothing happens.  Is there someway to state what interface I want to use to be able to do stuff like ssh?02:42
nikuthose are all startup scripts and then there are different runlevels which call them02:42
mikesholle1niku: do you have a recommendatino for which one I should use?02:42
nikuthat vbesave one is pretty good02:43
ZiRiSAnyone else getting 404 not found on about 7 or 10 of the files it's trying to fetch while trying to find out if I need an update? I'm running 7.0402:43
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Done. Now what should I do to check?02:43
usserX-tremAl_Raven, you can rmmod iwl3945 and all the modules it depends on ie those: #02:44
usserdepends:        lbm_cw-mac80211,led-class,rfkill,lbm_cw-cfg80211,lib8021102:44
usserX-tremAl_Raven, you'll have to figure out which order cause some of them depend on others02:44
nickrud!feisty | ZiRiS02:44
ubottuZiRiS: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.02:44
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:44
jovedoes anyone know what URL to download itunes for linux ?02:44
Titan8990jove: doesn't exist02:45
ZiRiS!upgrade | ZiRiS02:45
ubottuZiRiS, please see my private message02:45
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Done sudo rmmod iwl3945 and sudo rmmod  lbm_cw-mac80211 led-class rfkill lbm_cw-cfg80211 lib8021102:45
usserX-tremAl_Raven, lsmod | grep 80202:45
joveanyone know what URL to download "itunes" for Linux ?02:45
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xonpathosok.. I was messing around in another channel and missed it.  did anybody ever answer the person asking about the beeping coming from the internal speaker?  mine's doing it too :(02:46
WebcamWonderjove: There is no Linux version of iTunes02:46
nickrudjove, doesn't exist02:46
joveall, thx.02:46
Titan8990jove: I believe rythmbox is the free alternative02:46
nickrudjove, amarok or banshee are usable replacements02:46
Titan8990!rythmbox | jove02:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rythmbox02:46
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> None02:46
Titan8990!amarok | jove02:46
ubottujove: Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok02:46
usserX-tremAl_Raven, k try sudo modprobe iwl394502:46
* usser man they should really enable bash autocompletion in xchat02:47
EagleScreenWebcamWonder: banshee,02:47
jovetita8990, do U know what URL for download rytmbox ?02:47
EagleScreen[03:46] <X-tremAl_Raven> <usser> None02:47
FloodBot1EagleScreen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:47
WebcamWonderEagleScreen: ?02:47
Titan8990jove: you should install all your programs via synaptic02:47
frank23Is anyone who is running gnome with dual screen seeing this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-panel/+bug/31102702:47
EagleScreenWebcamWonder test banshee or amarok02:48
Titan8990jove: and throw that windows mindset of "must use web browser to download programs to install" out the window02:48
Titan8990!synaptic | jove02:48
ubottujove: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:48
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Done. Nothing happened.02:48
WebcamWonderEagleScreen: I wasn't the one asking for iTunes for Linux02:48
VoodooDanceTitan8990,  I ran jockey-gtk02:48
usserX-tremAl_Raven, lsmod | grep iwl show anything?02:48
Titan8990VoodooDance: howd it go?02:48
VoodooDanceTitan8990, It claims there is no proprietery drivers in use.02:49
Merkidemishow do you mount a drive that is on another macine?02:49
jovetita8990, I installed all program twice which corrupted my graphic display....so I didnt konw what program caused.02:49
Titan8990VoodooDance: any available?02:49
EagleScreensorry, i am sleeped yet02:49
VoodooDanceTitan8990, yes, one with an unchecked box02:49
furythorI will check if my font problem exists with live session ...02:49
usserMerkidemis, with nfs or samba02:49
Titan8990jove: what programs, and how did you install them?02:49
usserMerkidemis, or ssh02:49
Titan8990VoodooDance: was it your nvidia drivers?02:49
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> http://pastebin.com/d750808e802:49
VoodooDanceYes, "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (Latest cards)02:50
usserX-tremAl_Raven, cool that looks right02:50
Merkidemisussr: nfs or shh.  theserver is running ubuntu, as is the client02:50
usserX-tremAl_Raven, modinfo iwl394502:50
Titan8990VoodooDance: yes, install your nvidia drivers my checking that box, click apply, and restart02:50
usserX-tremAl_Raven, do you have a wifi/off switch on your laptop btw??02:50
Titan8990VoodooDance: I wil still be here when you get back if you are still having problems02:50
fsufitchhi. is there someplace i can find a command line OOXML to ODF converter?02:50
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Yes, I do have it.02:50
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> http://pastebin.com/d181affd702:51
usserX-tremAl_Raven, did you try flipping it?02:51
VoodooDanceTitan8990, restarting02:51
ndowensi have a quick question, i want to run a server, but no internet, i know what is the fun in that, but is it possible to run web/ftp/file servers w/o internet. of course local only02:51
WebcamWonderndowens: Yup02:51
usserX-tremAl_Raven, yep thats the driver, sudo iwconfig?02:51
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X-tremAl_Raven<usser> http://pastebin.com/d31fd040e02:52
ndowensWebcamWonder: is there any special configs i have to do, i tried searching google for ubuntu server without internet but couldnt spot anything that really said anything of what i was looking for02:52
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Switched wifi off and on.02:52
usserX-tremAl_Raven, sudo iwlist scan?02:52
ndowensWebcamWonder: or point to where to look02:52
WebcamWonderndowens: Nope. Regular configs should work just fine02:52
ndowensWebcamWonder: ok thanks02:52
Titan8990ndowens: what is the purpose of a server that doesn't have internet??02:52
frank23Is anyone who is running gnome with dual screen seeing this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-panel/+bug/31102702:52
VoodooDanceTitan8990, lol, that installed the driver I was already using... but now gdm wont start :)02:52
Mike9022I was thinking about getting a laptop along with my current computer, but I was wondering if it would be possible to put user accounts over a network, instead of on a computer. In other words, I want to be able to use the same user account on my laptop that I use with my regular computer so I can access all the same files. Is this possible with Ubuntu?02:53
usserX-tremAl_Raven, after you switched it on, do sudo rmmod iwl3945 sudo modprobe iwl394502:53
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> http://pastebin.com/d7c7b990802:53
ndowensTitan8990: i knew somebody would say that, just to play around with it. never did much server stuff, so something to play with02:53
Titan8990VoodooDance: it sends you to the console?02:53
tdawgedogghey im trying to update nvidia drivers to 1.77....i see it in the list...i choose activate and it freezes02:53
usserX-tremAl_Raven, hm...02:53
Titan8990ndowens: thats understandable, it will be somewhat of a pain to install your server apps w/o internet though02:53
tdawgedoggim currently using 17302:53
yoyoned2Mike9022: yes, but there are easier ways than that02:53
ndowensi am getting ubuntu server, so it has the apps atleast02:54
Mike9022yoyoned2: Such as what?02:54
hikenboothello typing metacity --replace & causes title bar to appear while enabling compiz causes it to disapear...How do i fix this so it always appears?02:54
yoyoned2Mike9022: just have the data(docs, media) stored on a network server02:54
VoodooDanceTitan8990, no, I boot to console, but when I start gdm it fails to start the x server02:55
Titan8990VoodooDance: what is the error that it gives?02:55
Mike9022yoyoned2: Do you know of any tutorial for doing something like this?02:56
polywafflecan someone pastebin a default sources.list file for intrepid ibex (8.10) please02:56
ubottu: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:56
VoodooDanceTitan8990, API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 173.14.12, but this NVIDIA driver component has version 169.1202:56
hikenbootalso alsamixer shows sound not muted..desktop icon shows sound not muted. volume is up system beeps work but otherwise no sound lsmod shows all the sound modules running any ideas?02:56
ubottuMike9022:please see above02:56
linux_guyok my ubuntu install stinks02:56
Titan8990VoodooDance: it sounds like there were drivers left over from your old installation02:56
linux_guy75% cpu and 75% memory at idle02:56
* Loco_aullador bona nit a todos nos vemos en los bares02:57
VoodooDanceTitan8990, probably so, how do I clean it up02:57
ubottuMike9022: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:57
WebcamWonderlinux_guy: Consider a lighter desktop enviroment? XFCE perhaps?02:57
_VIM_linux_guy: i was affriad of that...you're more than likely going to have to use the alternative cd, and do a minimal install with like a minimal window manager like Fluxbox02:57
linux_guycan i install xfce to a flash drive and do it that way?02:57
_VIM_!minimal | linux_guy02:57
ubottulinux_guy: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:57
Titan8990VoodooDance: to fix it so it will boot, make a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf   then edit it so the line that says: Driver "nvidia"    to   Driver "nv"02:57
Titan8990VoodooDance: once you are back in the GUI we can work on getting that cleaned up02:58
linux_guythis computer doesnt even have a network card02:58
linux_guyi have an external usb thing from linksys02:58
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels02:58
hikenbootanyone? Thanks in advance for the help!02:59
Titan8990hikenboot: I missed your question, sorry03:00
usserX-tremAl_Raven, i am lost here, everything seems to be in order03:00
frenchydoes anyone subscribe to any computer magazines?03:00
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leandroalWhat do I need to do if I want to submit a package to ubuntu repository of my project?03:00
Titan8990frenchy: slashdot is all you ever need....03:00
_VIM_linux_guy: i seriously doubt the bios on that old P3 could even boot into USB...03:00
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Can killswitch cause malfunction?03:00
WebcamWonderhikenboot: take a look at your window decorator in the advanced compiz settings. Make sure it is turned on03:00
WebcamWonder_VIM_: I think even P2 could do that03:01
frenchyTitan8990 id like to have something to take to work and read, or when im on the john03:01
_VIM_my 4 year old dell cant even boot into USB without a CD that has the drivers to force it to boot the usb first03:01
Guest28464can someone please help me, everytime I try to check my email, or just recently i tried to use k9copy, i get a message that pops up requesting the default password for the keyring something or other. Does anyone know what is happening?03:01
Titan8990frenchy: sounds like you need a cell phone and a media plan :)03:01
tty01anyone know how i can find out the version of a module built for apache?03:02
_VIM_WebcamWonder: well that's very general of you to say that, as all manufactures are not alike... :P03:02
Titan8990frenchy: pc mag   is the only one that I know of, I read it early high school about 7 years ago03:02
frenchyTitan8990 whats wrong with printed mags? does everything have to be digital?03:02
WebcamWonder!offtopic | frenchy03:02
ubottufrenchy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:02
Titan8990frenchy: for some people it does03:02
WebcamWonder!hello | Fortex03:03
ubottuFortex: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:03
_VIM_in this day and age, yes everything has to be digital...03:03
frenchyTitan8990 thats one i was looking at but i read they were only offering it online somewhere but theie website  says nothing of this03:03
FortexI'm having a little problem03:03
DoleragonGreetings all, does somebody knows why I can't use any sound application in the same time if I use Second Life viewer ? got a message saying that something gone wrong with Xine, but any sound program launched alone works fine.03:03
FortexWhen the CPU is running really high, the fans don't kick in faster03:03
FortexMy laptop becomes an oven on my lap after.03:04
DIFH-icerootFortex: its not a ubuntu problem i think03:04
FortexI'm on Ubuntu 8.1003:04
FortexDIFH-iceroot: It didn't happen with Windows XP PRO SP3 / Vista SP103:04
Guest28464fortex, bios controls your fans im pretty sure03:04
Guest28464get a chill mat03:04
DIFH-icerootFortex: ubuntu is not handling your fan-speed03:05
DIFH-icerootFortex: its the bios/hardware/sensors03:05
Fortexwell it's odd that it happened only when I had it installed.03:05
Guest28464walmart $2003:05
Fortexand not when otherwise.03:05
Guest28464is your in us of course03:05
xonpathosfortex: I seem to recall a bug report about something like that... but think it was more general than just ubuntu...  gimme a sec03:06
frenchyactually i do have an ubuntu related question are there any wireless cards compatible with ubuntu/linux offered by phone comnpanies03:06
frenchylike the wireless broadband service03:06
dbenx86i wanna ask about infrared modem03:07
VorondilHowdy, #ubuntu.  I'm curious about X11 forwarding.  I use matlab for some school work, and rather than buy a copy of it, or use a Free work-alike, I like to ssh to a school machine that has matlab on it.  When I need the gui for viewing graphs and junk, I do it with ssh -X.  My question is, how come it's as slow as it is?  I, nor the school machine seem to be bandwidth-bound, and I get sub 50ms latency to it.  Where's the hold up, and is there an03:07
Fujisancan i use the ubuntu bot through aim or msn?03:08
VorondilIf that got cutoff anywhere, let me know. :-P03:08
_VIM_x forwarding is exremely slow... you're better off with VNC if you can03:08
WebcamWonderVorondil: Where's the hold up, and is there a ... lost :P03:08
WebcamWonderVorondil: And you can use -C for compression, but yes, it is generally slow03:08
Vorondil"Where's the hold up, and is there anything I can do about it?" (end)03:08
_VIM_god WebcamWonder is the flag master LOL geesh is there a flag you dont know about? ;)03:09
Fujisancan i use the ubuntu bot through aim or msn?03:09
tdawgedogghey how do i terminate x server and all open GL applications so i can install new nvidia drivers?03:09
xonpathosfortex: check: http://linuxrevolutions.org/2008/05/13/ubuntu-804-laptop-heat-solved/03:09
VorondilWebcamWonder: Like, is it just making a crapton of round-trips or something?03:09
unopVorondil, X is not bandwidth friendly -- and there's the overhead of encryption over the SSH connection03:09
furythor1hmm, I think that my font problem with wine is somehoe related to compiz03:10
xonpathosfortex: it's basically enabling ubuntu to monitor your temp and adjust things accordingly03:10
WebcamWonder_VIM_: aptitude -vvvv :)03:10
furythor1is there any way to entirely toggle compiz off ?03:10
Fortexxonpathos: why didn't they add this in 8.10 :P03:10
xonpathosfortex: was just about to type I dunno why in hell it isn't the default, lol03:10
Titan8990furythor1: from terminal:    metacity --replace03:10
WebcamWonderVorondil: The entire X-forwarding technique itself is slow. And I am not aware of any mechanism that can make ti speed it up03:11
Titan8990furythor1: or disable extra effects from   right click -> change desktop background, far right tab03:11
Vorondilunop: That's just it, my gkrellm is showing hardly any bandwidth usage.  Thus my confusion.03:11
Guest28464can someone please help me, everytime I try to check my email, or just recently i tried to use k9copy, i get a message that pops up requesting the default password for the keyring something or other. Does anyone know what is happening?03:11
Titan8990furythor1: right click on desktop that is03:11
Fortexxonpathos: Well someone should spam the ubuntu path with that so they add it03:11
NerosHey can someone help me with installing the JDK on Ubuntu 8.10 with support for 32 and 64 bit?03:11
VorondilWebcamWonder: Hrm, I gotcha.03:11
Fortexxonpathos: Thanks.03:11
xonpathosfortex: but I've only been on ubuntu about 5 days now... I've learned the first place to look for any problem I'm having is the bug tracker, lol03:11
dzuphi can some one helpme with googleearth?? here is my paste: http://pastebin.ca/132768703:11
xonpathosfortex: np03:11
laughyn1nj4anyone know any specifics about the --newer-mtime option issued to tar?03:11
EtFbI've got a new laptop running Intrepid, and it's not handling suspend/hibernate very well.  How do I begin debugging that?03:11
unopVorondil, what i mean is its worse off compared to things like VNC03:12
unopVorondil, but the key overhead is the encryption, that's what causes the slowdown03:12
Titan8990EtFb: your not going to get very far with that unless you are using a toshiba or dell, which are the only that seems to suspend/hibernate well03:12
Vorondilunop: Mm, I see.03:12
frank23Is anyone who is running gnome with dual screen seeing this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-panel/+bug/31102703:12
Titan8990EtFb: because they are the only ones with support in the 2.6.27 kernel03:13
EtFbTitan8990: It's a Toshiba, like my previous one (which had no problems)03:13
furythor1Yeah, I did disable those effects and it made texture to appear, but still hardly readable03:13
unopVorondil, this might help you - http://samat.org/weblog/20060508-best-ssh-options-for-x11-forwarding.html03:13
EtFbTitan8990: Toshiba Satellite A300.  A very nice machine except for that.03:13
Titan8990EtFb: search synaptic for toshiba utilities03:13
WebcamWonderfrank23: Any specific reason? If someone is experiencing that bug, he/she will report it to launchpad, and confirm it as "Me too"03:14
Paddy_EIREfurythor1: have you actually installed the correct ms fonts?03:14
dbenx86howdy, i have a mobile phone (nokia 6610i).03:14
dbenx86can i connect to the internet using ubuntu with this phone?03:14
Vorondilunop: Ah, I'll check it out, thanks. :)03:14
Titan8990EtFb: http://www.buzzard.org.uk/toshiba03:14
EtFbdbenx86: I've connected successfully using a Nokia N95 as a modem, so I would expect it's at least possible.03:15
furythor1going to install now03:15
nsgnok, i've gotten Ubuntu all installed and activated the nonfree nvidia driver03:15
Titan8990EtFb: you are looking for those utils03:15
nsgnwhile video playback is smooth03:15
frank23WebcamWonder: I confirmed the bug. I'm just wondering if everyone who has dual screen is affected by it.03:15
nsgnit still has sync issues/tears03:15
dbenx86unfortunately my mob phone dont have bluetooth03:15
Titan8990EtFb: I use gentoo on my toshiba so I can comment on ubuntu specifics03:15
Paddy_EIRE!enter | nsgn03:15
ubottunsgn: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:15
furythor1Yeah, I got newest version now03:15
WebcamWonderfrank23: I don't think you will find people like that. It is just best to wait for upstream to confirm it03:15
X-tremAl_Raven<usser> Still nothing works. Any suggestions?03:15
dbenx86only have infrared connection03:16
EtFbTitan8990: Thanks - I03:16
furythor1nsgn are you certain that you have decent codecs installed ?03:16
EtFbTitan8990: Thanks - I'll read it.03:16
furythor1because those can impact decode(display of video alot903:16
nsgnfurythor1: it's via flash10-nonfree on hulu.com in firefox03:16
Xaero1Hey, I'm kind of a noob here but I'm looking at upgrading the kernel in 8.10, I've got the kernel compiled from source, but I'm not sure what step to take next.03:16
nsgnfurythor1: i'll test in VNC with a downloaded file now. i still need it working on hulu though. i use that a lot03:17
Titan8990Xaero1: use a distro that supports vanilla kernels03:17
nsgnand i really dont want to go back to windows on this machine03:17
furythor1on some website ?03:17
frank23WebcamWonder: Yeah I just confirmed it upstream too. original bug reported 2007-12-21. there were 2 duplicates as well. nothing moved since then03:17
Titan8990Xaero1: because it is unlikely you will get that to work in ubuntu03:17
Titan8990Xaero1: ubuntu does a lot of patching to their kernel03:17
nsgnfurythor1: *VLC. god i did so much work in VNC today03:18
Xaero1Titan8990 I see, so I'm probably not going to be able to upgrade the kernel to the latest then?03:18
Titan8990Xaero1: I would say gentoo or slackware, but there are others03:18
seacnboyhello! firefox can not download,who know why?03:18
EtFbTitan8990: Looks like that Toshiba page is six years out of date, sadly.  Never mind, you've given me exactly what I need: an idea of what to search for.03:18
Gnea!kernel | Xaero103:18
ubottuXaero1: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages03:18
Titan8990EtFb: I still use those utils, they work even if they are 6 years old :)03:18
EtFbseacnboy: Given the amount of information you've supplied, I can confidently say it's a case of demonic possession.  Take your computer to a priest immediately.03:18
Xaero1Gnea: thanks for the link, I'll check it out :)03:19
X-tremAl_RavenI got Ubuntu 8.10 and Intel 3945ABG wireless which is not working. Could anyone help?03:19
ZiRiSAhem. I've, ah, got a newbie question. I need to edit a text file, but don't have permissions. So how do I do that form a command line?03:19
Xaero1X-tremAI_Raven: have you tried compiling the linux_wireless drivers?03:19
Gnea!wireless | X-tremAl_Raven03:19
Xaero1the latest ones?03:19
ubottuX-tremAl_Raven: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:19
ZiRiSI know I can use sudo, but, what else do I need?03:19
WebcamWonderZiRiS: sudo nano -w <file_name>03:19
Titan8990Xaero1: are you actually trying to 2.6.28 kernel??03:19
dzuphttp://pastebin.ca/1327687   i need help here03:19
unopZiRiS,  or.  gksudo gedit /path/to/file03:19
Xaero1yes Titan8990 I am03:19
X-tremAl_Raven<ubottu> Read it. Still nothing.03:20
WebcamWonderZiRiS: the -w is my annoyance with nano, you don't have to particularly use it03:20
Xaero1I've got it compiled to binaries my only problem is that I'm too much of a noob to setup a vmlinuz03:20
ZiRiSthank you, unop, that's the one I needed, gksudo03:20
_VIM_-w omg WebcamWonder lol there goes another flag :)03:20
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: perhaps you could explain the problem here, in more detail03:20
Titan8990Xaero1: I believe that is still considered a development release, it is feature in the ubuntu 9.04 if you are feel up to it03:20
tty01anyone familiar with modsecurity for apache?03:21
WebcamWonder_VIM_: I am only a newb in Linux. Quite literally :P03:21
Titan8990Xaero1: that is another thing, vmlinuz and initrd are made for kernels that are not custom compiled.... its just overhead you don't need03:21
Gneatty01: the people in #apache probably are03:21
tty01no one talks in there03:21
tty01and i need to patch a vulnerability damnit03:21
Titan8990Xaero1: sort of makes the kernel "one size fits all"03:21
Gneayou have to be patient.03:21
Xaero1Titan8990 I'm trying to do this with as little reconstruction of my system as possible, would 9.04 install on top of 8.10 without overwriting to much?03:21
eper3zhey guys getting this usb sound card working has been a real problem for me, im running 8.10 Intre..http://paste.ubuntu.com/113880/    any suggestions?03:22
Titan8990Xaero1: no, and it still beta, it is likely you will run in to issues03:22
furythor1what could cause that font corruption in mostly wine programs ?03:22
X-tremAl_RavenMore detail: http://pastebin.com/d1b33beb http://pastebin.com/d7bb08c1b http://pastebin.com/d63093dd3 - these are iwconfig, ifconfig and lsmod | grep iwl03:22
Titan8990!jaunty | Xaero103:22
Gneatty01: sometimes it can take minutes or hours before i get a response - that's just how it is sometimes03:22
ubottuXaero1: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.03:22
jigphello guys what is the alternative of notepad++ in ubuntu 8.04? and also what are the alternative of dreamweaver and photoshop for ubuntu?03:22
ZiRiSI stand corrected, that didn't work, and I'm sorry, i missed the command about nano, can you please copy paste that for me?03:22
genewitchis anyone here intimate with libpcap? i have to use a --with-pcap= when i configure, and i am wondering where to get a list of all the possible values of that variable03:22
Xaero1Titan8990 when I finished compiling my kernel and ran the sudo make 0=/home/xaero/build/kernel install it installed binaries to the /boot directory, I should just have to add it to grub to get it to boot correct?03:22
ZiRiSI'm in BitchX and don't know how to scroll up to get it myself.03:22
Gneajigp: gedit, screem, gimp03:23
WebcamWondergenewitch: check the help of the configure itself. ./configure --help03:23
jigpGnea : you can code php in gedit?03:23
Titan8990Xaero1: Ubuntu comes of with the wierdest, most off the wall ways to accomplish those tasks....03:23
_VIM_notepad++ would be bluefish alternative03:23
tty01genwitch the only value you can pass to --with-pcap would be the location of pcap03:23
Gneajigp: you can code php in any text editor03:23
Titan8990Xaero1: I have never took the time becuase that knowledge does not carry over to other distros and is pretty worthless in ubuntu03:24
genewitchtty01: i'm trying to cross-compile libpcap0.803:24
ZiRiSAhem. I've, ah, got a newbie question. I need to edit a text file, but don't have permissions. So how do I do that from a command line?03:24
Gneajigp: altbough, I prefer vim or gvim03:24
Titan8990Xaero1: but, it is worth a try, just write the grub entry03:24
ZiRiSI know I can use sudo, but, what else do I need?03:24
carpii_ZiRis, sudo nano filename03:24
VoodooDanceTitan8990, I've finally got back to into gui03:24
ZiRiSThank You, carpii!03:24
Xaero1Titan8990, so basically if I'm trying to get a different kernel for F@H purposes (the kernel that 8.10 comes with lower folding performance DRASTICALLY) I might be better off with a distro switch?03:24
tty01ah thats a different story03:24
jigpGnea : how to run the file.php after using those applications?03:24
carpii_Ctrl-O to save, Ctrl-X to quit :p03:25
nikushow of hands - how many people still compile their own kernels?03:25
carpii_not me03:25
Gneajigp: you don't 'run' a php file, it's like an .html file - it has to be interpretted03:25
carpii_especially not on ubuntu03:25
* Gnea cannot show his hand on irc, it is physically impossible03:25
Titan8990Xaero1: well, that would depend on other needs that you have03:25
nikuGnea - actually, you could run it if you specified an interpreter #!$(which php) or whatever03:25
carpii_you can still run a php file as a script. Its not always run from a webserver03:25
Titan8990VoodooDance: did you have to do anything other change that line in xorg?03:26
carpii_or just php-cli filename03:26
VoodooDanceyeah.. had to use envyng to get back up and running.03:26
Fujisancan i use the ubuntu bot through aim or msn?03:26
VoodooDanceso Im probably completely fubar now :)03:26
Xaero1Titan8990 should I use the uuid or drop to device names in my grub for my kernel compile?03:26
frank23Xaero1: Why is there a drastic performance difference for F@H? And how much is 'drastic'? just curious03:26
Gneawell, yes, that's true, but if you're doing it for a web app, you might as well be using a browser and a server for that purpose03:26
tty01compiling your own kernel teaches you a lot!03:26
jigpGnea : how to view my coded file.php? just like in dreamweaver I can view the output03:27
carpii_maybe Gnea, but its also often you want to run maintenance php scripts from cron jobs03:27
carpii_but yeah youre right, most likely he wants to run it from a browser03:27
Fujisancan i use the ubuntu bot through aim or msn? iteration; Please answer, even if you don't know the answer, thanks in advance...r03:27
Xaero1There is an incompatibility with the way F@H starts its subprocesses in SMP and manages their cpu usage, it reduces the Point-Per-Day output of F@H 20-30% on dual-core processors and more for quad and i7 platforms03:27
Gneajigp: well, I'm not familiar with dreamweaver, but you can easily open a terminal and type:  cat file.php03:27
_VIM_Fujisan: you mean ubottu ? no... ubottu is a python bot made for IRC it's called Supybot.03:27
genewitchniku: i've had to do a custom kernel for an older laptop every release of ubuntu, to get the mouse to work properly, and with 8.04 to get the machine to boot at all03:27
Titan8990Xaero1: personaly preference, they both have ther +s and -s, I use the device name03:27
Fujisanok _VIM_03:28
ari_stresshi guys, when we format using vfat, why it runs so fast? as if it's not formatting at all, is it normal?03:28
Fujisanso it's not possible to pipe messages from python to aim?03:28
Titan8990Xaero1: UUIDs can change when moving ports that the drive is plugged in to, device names can change when adding additional devices03:28
nikuok, I guess maybe it does have some validity03:28
_VIM_Fujisan: never say not possible...03:28
VoodooDancetine more minutes of this kind of crap and I'm deleting this distro and going Linux from Scratch03:28
_VIM_just difficult :)03:28
Gneaari_stress: it's kind of like choosing NTFS (quick) or FAT32 (quick) during a WinXP install03:29
Titan8990VoodooDance: Linux from Scrath.....  Gentoo ftw03:29
frank23Xaero1: Is it a kernel problem more than a F@H problem? (Still single core here, so I guess no problem for me)03:29
genewitchFujisan: aim as in aol instant messenger? have you tried looking at chimmy's aim client?03:29
nellmathewhey anyone know what's up with intrepid asking for wpa password over and over? (broadcom)..03:29
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> More detail: http://pastebin.com/d1b33beb http://pastebin.com/d7bb08c1b http://pastebin.com/d63093dd3 - these are iwconfig, ifconfig and lsmod | grep iwl03:29
Xaero1Frank23: Its an ubuntu-specific problem more than a kernel problem, and its a kernel problem more than it is a F@H problem03:29
Fujisannope i havent genewitch i have been using pidgin and kopete03:29
VoodooDanceGentoo's code base is managed by 12 year old monkies03:29
genewitchFujisan: are you trying to make a bot?03:29
frank23Xaero1: I see03:29
Fujisanno trying to use the ubotto bot through aim03:30
Xaero1Frank23: other people running other distros with the same kernel have not run into the same performance drop, although it is still noticeably lower than older kernels03:30
genewitchFujisan: bots usually don't run in a graphical environment03:30
Fujisanis it possible to forward ubottos messages from irc in PM to aim?03:30
_VIM_Fujisan: ask in #ubuntu-bots03:30
Titan8990VoodooDance: please list the methods that you tried to install you nvidia driver03:30
Fujisanok ty03:31
VoodooDanceTitan8990, envyng, and the binary from NVIDIA.03:31
[biabia]please any help installing iptables modules ip_nat_ftp and ip_conntrack_ftp  ?03:31
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: nicely done. :)  what is the result of this command:  iwlist wlan0 scan03:31
X-tremAl_Raven<Xaero1> No, I didn't try to compile linux-wireless drivers. Believed that "native" Ubuntu modules should be fine.03:31
VoodooDanceTitan8990, Oh and jockey-gtk 30 minutes ago03:31
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: (you may need to run it a few times)03:31
_VIM_Fujisan: you wanna talk to jussi01 if he's around...03:31
Titan8990VoodooDance: you need run the nvidia script with --uninstall03:31
VoodooDanceI did that once, but I will do it again.03:32
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> wlan0     No scan results03:32
loner269hi all03:32
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> Tried 20 times :)03:32
Xaero1frank23: for example my i7 system is only getting 1800 PPD, where as other people's i7 systems with similar/lower specs are getting upwards of 7k PPD03:32
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: could you paste the output of the dmesg command?03:32
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: *pastebin03:32
VoodooDanceTitan8990, uninstall runs successfuly stating "There is no NVIDIA driver installed"03:32
nellmathewhey anyone know what's up with intrepid asking for wpa password over and over? (broadcom)..03:32
Gneanellmathew: tried saving it?03:33
Titan8990VoodooDance: and the envy uninstaller again03:33
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> http://pastebin.com/d5ae67bbf03:33
nellmathewgnea: yeah.. it's saved, i used fwcutter, it's connecting (first dot turns green) but then prompts again.. i saved the correct password03:33
loner269my sounds screwd but on a + side my cam works yea lol03:34
FortexKhello again03:34
VoodooDanceTitan8990, "attempting to remove the packages"03:34
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: hrmmmmm, that is not a good message.... checking03:35
nellmathewgnea: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after 3 weeks it finally works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all i had to do was disable wireless and renable this WHOLE TIME!03:35
Gneanellmathew: cheers :)03:35
FortexI'm having another problem, videos run fine in different apps but when I fullscreen them alot of frames skip, they're not HD or anything, normal small and crappy vids do that too (within diferent apps) and my nVidia 8400m GS is badass, any suggestions03:35
frank23Xaero1: I see03:35
genewitchFortex: what drivers are you using? ubuntu's or nvidia's03:36
drgnuHello trying to tweak a Motion Computing LE1600 to get it to work.  How does one make an on-screen keyboard show up during login, how do I get it's buttons to be recognized and do something?03:36
Titan8990VoodooDance: is it hanging there?03:36
VoodooDanceTitan8990, lots of log msgs but it appears to have completed.03:36
Fortexgenewitch: This is the part where I'll go like no idea.03:36
Titan8990VoodooDance: now uninstall from jockey-gtk and reboot03:36
genewitchFortex: go to nvidia.com, grab the linux drivers for your card, follow the directions.03:37
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: okay, what is the output of this command:  lshw -C network03:37
FortexHokay, sounds good.03:37
genewitchFortex: there's a part where you have to close xwindows, you do that by saving your work, closing all windows, pressing ctrl-alt-backspace, and03:37
genewitchFortex: selecting "failsafe terminal" as your session03:37
genewitchthen run the nvidia.sh script that you downloaded from nvidia.03:37
brettley_ok i have a delema, ive already looked online for it, but arch isnt seeing the rackmount unit of harddrives (the controller is LSI Logic / Symbios Logic 53c875)03:37
VoodooDanceTitan8990, the box in jockey-gtk is unchecked03:38
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> http://pastebin.com/d426a921903:38
genewitchFortex: by typing chmod +x NVI<whateveritis>; then ./NVIDI<whateveritis>03:38
genewitchFortex: make sense?03:38
brettley_i want to install a partition to the rack row, but i cant because it cant see it in cfdisk03:38
Fortexgenewitch: will probably will once I find the driver.03:38
Titan8990VoodooDance: alright, reboot, then attempt to install via jockey-gtk again03:39
genewitchFortex: ok, well highlight me if you have an issue.03:39
Titan8990VoodooDance: make a backup of your current xorg before you do so you can just restore it if it doesn't work03:39
Fortexgenewitch: Gracias03:39
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: okay - these may seem like really odd questions, but please bare with me. :)  is this a laptop? if so, is there an on/off switch for the wireless device on it somewhere?03:39
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: the reason I ask: *-network DISABLED03:40
Xaero1X-tremAl_Raven: which wireless card did you have again, I may have had the same one?03:40
VoodooDanceTitan8990, ok... I'm back into the GUI.03:41
Titan8990VoodooDance: try jockey-gtk again now03:41
tdawgedoggsomeone i need help...I just attempted to install new nvida drivers and now when i restart its just a big black screen. I can control alt f1 and get to a command prompt though....what next?03:41
tritiumtdawgedogg: you installed the ubuntu-packaged drivers?03:41
Titan8990a lot of people with nvidia driver problems tonight....03:42
RoboPhredurg, it seems all variants of linux abhore video drivers, came here for the same thing03:42
VoodooDanceTitan8990, restarting03:42
tdawgedoggi went to nvida.com download the x86_64 drivers03:42
tdawgedoggthen ran the .run file03:42
RoboPhredin the new xorg config setup, how do I manually set screen resolutions03:42
Titan8990tdawgedogg: you need to run that again but with --uninstall03:42
Xaero1tdawgedogg: it sounds like you have a bad xorg.conf try running sudo nvidia-xconfig and going through the options03:42
loner269genewitch, i got a problem got a few to help me or no ?03:42
loner269if not its ok03:42
Titan8990!nvidia | tdawgedogg03:42
ubottutdawgedogg: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:42
tdawgedoggit said i did everything right...i thin there is problems with the config file03:42
tritiumtdawgedogg: we don't support nvidia downloads.  We strongly advise you to use the ubuntu-packaged drivers.03:43
pratiki m new to ubuntu03:43
nikuRoboPhred try xrandr03:43
jedi06how come there is an error occurred when i try to play my dvd?03:43
jedi06error read03:43
Xaero1tdawgedogg: or run that file with --uninstall like he said O.o03:43
Titan8990!codecs | jedi0603:43
ubottujedi06: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:43
d35i9nhello, is there a desktop recorder that has zoom? recordmydesktop does not03:43
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> Yes, I do have a laptop with switch on it. But the switch is turned on. Additionally, I tried to set this switch to manage only BT with wifi always turned on.03:43
pratikthere is error message03:43
genewitchloner269: what's up03:43
=== FireFox|deviant is now known as b-man
X-tremAl_Raven<Xaero1> Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)03:43
pratik(EE) problem parsing the config file03:43
loner269sounds screwd on here03:43
Titan8990d35i9n: you can zoom using compiz, if you have that enabled03:43
loner269but cam works im so happy03:43
RoboPhredI have an ancient crt that apparently linux cannot talk to.  Last time, I set somthing in xorg.conf, but isnt there a new way now?  The dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg corrupts the hell out of my setup03:43
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: okay, is linux-firmware installed?  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep linux-firmware03:44
Titan8990X-tremAl_Raven: that card should work otb03:44
tdawgedoggits most def a config problem...i told it to make me a new config file for some reason03:44
loner269i tryd alsaconf but it didnt work03:44
Xaero1X-tremAl_Raven: I have the same card in my Toshiba x205-sli1 and I got wireless working, iirc I had to compile the linux_wireless drivers from linuxwireless.org03:44
nanotubepratik: where are you seeing that error message?03:44
hospodgis there any way to get skype to ring on my laptop speakers while my headset is plugged in anyone?? pls help pls pls pls pls pls03:44
Xaero1X-tremAl_Raven: mine was also tied to bluetooth via switch03:44
RoboPhredxrandr shows max as 1024x76803:44
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> ii  linux-firmware                             1.2                                                  Firmware for Linux kernel drivers03:44
RoboPhredthe crt's max is 1600xsomthing03:44
Titan8990tdawgedogg: when you install manually, you do have to creat a config, I am telling you to do it the ubuntu way03:44
RodolfoHi! I'm trying to install Ubuntu (any 8.04 or 8.10 {32 and 64}) on a computer that I have just build, but it hangs at " loading, please wait" after rebooting from another OS and choose "install" . I have been waiting for as long as 30 minuts and nothing else happens. Any ideas. Thanks.03:45
VoodooDanceTitan8990, ok... the driver version is 169.12, which is less than the 173 that was installed and not the 180.22 I'd like to install :D03:45
joshjtlooof, i am  beginning to have an unflattering opinion of the fedora community03:45
nanotubejoshjtl: how come?03:45
X-tremAl_Raven<Titan8990> I know. It worked in 7.04 with some manipulations (i.e. not otb), and stopped working since 8.04.03:45
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: what kernel?  uname -r03:45
tdawgedoggso  how do i install the 180.22 nvidia drivers..I need them for gnome-do03:45
Titan8990VoodooDance: all 2.6.xx kernels have support for that card03:46
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> 2.6.27-11-generic03:46
nanotubeRodolfo: does it work when you choose "boot livecd" instead of install?03:46
tritiumVoodooDance, tdawgedogg: 180 is in the repositories03:46
tritium!info nvidia-glx-180 | VoodooDance, tdawgedogg03:46
ubottunvidia-glx-180 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 180.11-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 9046 kB, installed size 26444 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)03:46
d35i9ntdawgedogg:system-administration-hardware drivers, if its not in there then use search in synaptic03:47
Rodolfonanotube no same message "loading, please wait"03:47
VoodooDancetritium, how do you install it?03:47
hospodgis there any way to get skype to ring on my laptop speakers while my headset is plugged in anyone?? pls help pls pls pls pls pls03:47
tritiumVoodooDance: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18003:47
nanotubeRodolfo: did you check the cd for integrity?03:47
hospodgis there any way to get skype to ring on my laptop speakers while my headset is plugged in anyone?? pls help pls pls pls pls pls03:47
Rodolfonaotube yes I did03:47
tritiumVoodooDance: you can also use synaptic or aptitude, of course03:47
Thurin1hospodg, That's a hardware issue - not software.03:47
Thurin1hospodg, Look at your laptop's manual03:48
izinucswhen transferring a file from one ubuntu machine to another via ssh, what is the correct syntax?  is using scp the right tool?03:48
loner269ok guess not no worries im off thanks anyway genewitch03:48
VoodooDancetritium, tried that but it says it couldn't find the package03:48
nanotubeRodolfo: hrm... well, could be anything really... you can try an alternate boot cd, see if that works out better for you.03:48
Titan8990VoodooDance: you have to enable restricted repositories if the bot is to believed03:48
tdawgedoggi ran the .run file again...but i cant uninstall....how do i get back into x so i can download via symnatic03:48
fuzzehdoes anyone know alot about the grub bootloader?03:48
nsgnok, that worked well (NOT). my new ubuntu install never wakes up from sleep03:48
fuzzehi think i broke mine03:48
nsgnwhen i press sleep it shows a blinking _ and will never return03:48
Titan8990fuzzeh: what do you need help with?03:48
fuzzehactually im pretty sure03:48
Titan8990!grub | fuzzeh03:49
ubottufuzzeh: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:49
RyouHey guys - I got a question03:49
Rodolfonanotube thanks!03:49
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: can you sudo rmmod iwl3945 && sudo modprobe iwl3945 debug=0x43fff  , try again and repeat the dmesg pastebin?03:49
VoodooDanceTitan8990, I have no idea how to enable restricted repositories03:49
fuzzehya ive been to those sites03:49
nanotubeRodolfo: hope that helps.. good luck :)03:49
Titan8990VoodooDance: uncomment it in /etc/apt/sources.list or uses the software sources GUI03:49
tritiumVoodooDance: as you can see above, it's in the restricted component.  Make sure you've enabled it.  Are you running intrepid?03:49
nDevastatorcan anyone tell me how to add a program to the open with options03:50
RyouIf I type "emacs driver.c &" where driver.c is a c file, shouldn't emacs open in a new terminal window?03:50
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> http://pastebin.com/d53de44ac03:50
VoodooDancetritium, hardy03:50
Titan8990Ryou: you should see the emacs IRC03:50
R34L1TYHey guys, i have another quick question about sound in ubuntu03:50
tritiumVoodooDance: I believe 180 is only in the intrepid repo03:51
razaccouris there a tv tuner/video capture software for Ubuntu?03:51
frg22hello, I am trying to change the mode my wireless device is operating under, but i get "Device or resource busy". I've tried doing this in recovery mode, but the settings just reset. the command I am using is `iwconfig wlan0 mode managed`03:51
tritiumrazaccour: yes, a few: tvtime, zapping, xawtv03:51
razaccourthe one I have requires direct x, and i really don't wanna install microshit03:51
Titan8990razaccour: mythtv03:51
R34L1TYEverything is working great, except for if i turn up PCM under the sound settings, it produces a really loud hum noise, whats up with that?03:51
razaccourwhich is the best?03:51
FloodBot1razaccour: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:51
VoodooDanceis it possible to upgrade to intrepid?03:51
Titan8990razaccour: experiment :)03:51
tritiumVoodooDance: of course03:51
tritium!upgrade | VoodooDance03:51
ubottuVoodooDance: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:51
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: try to scan again03:52
Titan8990VoodooDance: yes, but there are many who run in to issues, fresh installation is the recommended method03:52
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> Already did. Nothing.03:52
lwizardldoes Ubuntu 8.10 support tablet pc's?03:52
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: anything different in dmesg?03:52
tritiumlwizardl: yes03:52
Titan8990VoodooDance: everyday there are new "upgrading to intrepid broke my crap" posts on the forums03:52
tritiumlwizardl: note that some configuration/tweaking is required03:52
Titan8990VoodooDance: I personally didn't have any problems03:52
lwizardlsweet I just bought one and plan to install Ubuntu on it03:52
Rodolfonanotube thanks again. But in a quick watch to all those differents kinds of intall methods, that one looks complicated. Do you think maybe it could cause my CPU is not recognized by the kernel?03:52
Aayushi have problem install vmware 6.0.5 in ubuntu 8.10 it says some unable to compile some modules for this kernel03:52
nikulwizard1 - a friend of mine had some issues w/ 8.10 on a lenovo tablet, whereas 7.10 worked out of box03:52
Aayushwhat to do03:52
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> No. The same iwl3945: Wait for START_ALIVE timeout after 2000ms.03:52
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: o.O  that's new...03:53
tdawgedoggdamnit can i boot into safe mode or something...im still stuck in command prompt03:53
nanotubeRodolfo: unless you have something really exotic, that wouldn't be the problem...03:53
Titan8990tdawgedogg: the command prompt is "safe mode"03:53
jedi06when i tried to play my dvd it says i don't have the codec so it give me an option to download some gstreamer codec package and i install it then it say error read when i try to play it, maybe i need the regionset package to initially set the drive's region?03:53
arghh2d2< tdawgedog> damnit can i boot into safe mode or something...im still  stuck in command prompt03:53
X-tremAl_Raven<Gnea> Oh, wait. It's not caused by scan03:53
tdawgedoggtitan8990: can i pm you?03:53
arghh2d2sorry, wrong03:53
Titan8990tdawgedogg: sure03:53
bazI am about to install ubuntu on 10 PCs. I have one PC perfectly configured with all the proper apps installed, keyboard shortcuts set, compiz configured, updates installed, power settings chosen, etc... How can I save this state and deploy it to all 10 machines given that they all have differing hardware?03:53
mic_lovinmy windows box can see my samba shares ... but my other ubuntu box can not ... why this is?03:54
usserbaz, how big is the hdd?03:54
nanotubeAayush: well, first, unless you are really tied to vmware for some reason, try virtualbox instead.03:54
lwizardlniku, tritium, ok i'll keep that in mind this is a Toshiba Protege03:54
Titan8990baz: with initrd, different hardware is not much of an issue03:54
Rodolfonanotube haha no, I dont think it is a really exoctic one. it's a Phenom II03:54
usserbaz, is it the same size?03:54
bazusser, the hard drives will all be big enough (min 180gb) but of differing sizes and one will even have RAID03:54
GneaX-tremAl_Raven: check this out and give it a whirl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/24832103:55
bazTitan8990, so should a straight HD image do the trick?03:55
nanotubeRodolfo: should be ok... could be anything else though. if you built your own comp, often poor memory seating causes problems. did you run the memtest?03:55
nanotubeRodolfo: or just bad chips, too03:55
usserbaz, you can you use dd but it'll take quite a while, partimage is a great choice, not sure how it'll work with raid though03:55
X-tremAl_Raven<Xaero1> Seems like I should compile iwl3945. But this driver is already in the system.03:55
Titan8990baz: yes, if the partition sizes are to be the same03:55
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:55
Titan8990baz: dd, partimage, clonezilla, take your pick03:56
mibhi.anyone knows how to adjust partition space in ubuntu?03:56
Aayushhow to minimize evolution to system tray03:56
razaccourtvtime seems to be pretty good03:56
Rodolfonanotube I'm afraid that the second choice could be the one (foxconn A7DA S)... maybe that... ok I'll see03:56
bazTitan8990, usser, so the only limitation is that all physical partitions have to be the same03:56
jedi06however i have not installed ubuntu-restricted-extras yet which i will try now03:56
tritiummib: gparted03:56
arghh2d2mib, cfdisk works03:56
mibtritium: i did try gparted03:57
bazTitan8990, usser, I could maybe live with that - perhaps just a different /home if possible03:57
miblet me paste a snapshot here03:57
tritiummib: that's the most commonly used03:57
nsgnok, i've tried various BIOS settings for standby. in all cases unbutu crashes and wont recover without full power cycle if i try to suspend/sleep03:57
R34L1TYDoes anyone know why raising the PCM under my speaker settings produces a very loud high pitched buzz?03:57
nanotubeRodolfo: the boot cd also has a memory test option - so try running that. might take a while, but it's worth it to run that on a freshly built com.03:57
Aayushhow to minimize evolution to system tray03:57
nanotubeRodolfo: *comp03:57
Titan8990baz: that might be a bit more difficult03:58
usserbaz, not really size doesnt matter, only that the the partition that you have currently setup on the image has to fit on the smallest hdd on all the clones, ie master hdd should be smaller than that of the clone03:58
VoodooDanceTitan8990, I should be fine with the upgrade... I haven't really done anything with the distro that didn't use the package manager03:58
mibthis is my current snapshot of my harddisk.i have sda4 which is my current working spce. And another 68GB of unallocated space03:58
mibi wanted to trasnfer some of the 68GB of unallocated to my sda4. But there seems no easy way out03:59
LanaI'm making a custom folder icon in inkscape but I'm not able to save it. it says "file could not be saved". anyone know what could be the problem?03:59
Titan8990VoodooDance: just be careful about what config files you tell it to keep03:59
arghh2d2mib: , you cant send partition space to anothe drive03:59
Titan8990VoodooDance: that is often what give people grief03:59
Rodolfonanotube ok looks like I should try that... even if same rig have W7 beta running on it without any problems...maybe linux kernel is as much picky like that!! I will try the mem test though!!03:59
gralcoCode::Blocks vs Anjuta... just trying to decide, any advice?03:59
tty01mib next time use lvm204:00
Titan8990anyone that I am currently helping:  I have to go afk for 15min04:00
mibbecause the current sda4 space is limited which is 20GB and only left few GB..i plan to find ways to absorb some unalocated space to there04:00
nanotubeRodolfo: ok, give that a shot, and see what it reports. :) could be all good, you know... no guarantees that that's the problem.04:00
mibany thing i could do currently to do that04:00
Depressedwhy won't the ubuntu installation detect my harddrives on my eeePC04:00
Rodolfonanotube cool!!04:01
arghh2d2mib what do you need the new space for? system files or storage?04:01
nsgndangit...googling tells me that suspend/sleep is really lame in Ubuntu. is this true?04:01
nsgnbecause i really assumed it'd be ok. it's a dealbreaker for me if it can't work04:01
mibmy main current space is 20GB (sda4) which contain the bin...etc..04:01
adantehi guys i am trying to install ubuntu server edition - it says it can't find a network interface and i may need to specify a module, but there it no place to specify a module? how can i do it?04:01
nanotubeRodolfo: good luck :)04:01
tty01why not just format then mount it as extra storage? 0_o04:01
cast|lirsuspend/sleep is often enough broken in any OS, unfortunately :(04:02
arghh2d2mib:, just mount that drive and make a link to it in your home folder04:02
bazusser, thats perfect, will more than comfortably fit on the smallest HD. My aim is to have the "/" partition be 25gb (4-5gb used) and the rest /home. Would the tools Titan8990 mentioned earlier (dd, partimage, clonezilla) be the first place to start?04:02
mibmoutn which dirve? the unaalocated space?04:02
arghh2d2mib: yeah04:02
mibmount as a new drive arghh2d2?04:02
mibmeans i will have 20GB as one drive (sda4) and another 68GB as another drive04:03
arghh2d2mib: well format it first if you havent already04:03
tty01and dont forget to add it to fstab04:03
kompi07    04:03
arghh2d2tty01: adding it to fstab is easy04:03
mibis that formatting them using gparted?04:03
arghh2d2errr tty01 that was for mib04:03
tty01if he doesnt know how to format/mount what makes you think its easy for him?04:03
arghh2d2mib: adding it to fstab is easy04:04
arghh2d2mib: yeah, gparted04:04
arghh2d2or qparted04:04
ph0rensicwhats the off-topic room?04:04
usserbaz, dd would probably be simplest, it copies byte by byte, but can be a pain to clone, you have to go around with master hdd and hook it up to each of the slaves, or you can make an image and dd it through nfs or samba(you'll have to boot clones into livecds)04:04
mibarghh..you mean create new partition from the 80GB?04:04
arghh2d2mib: yes04:05
Lanaah I figured it out, it's because the folder I want to save it in says I don't have permission. how do I bring up the login so I can make the folder see I'm the owner?04:05
tty01mib: sudo fdisk -l and paste that into pastebin then provide the link....ill type it out for ya04:05
arghh2d2resise make a new filesystem, ext3, or whatever you choose04:05
mibbut argghh, that would create a separate drive instead of transferring some space to the existing sda404:05
jedi06does the ubuntu-restricted-extras have libdvdread3 in it?04:05
usserbaz, partimage has extensive network support, and is faster since it doesnt copy empty space on the hdd, but can be a little tricky to learn/use04:06
arghh2d2mib: thats what i dont understand...you CANNOT put free space from one drive to another drive, it's not a virtual filesystem04:06
arghh2d2or whatever, maybe i just dont understand you well enough mib04:06
usserzfs ftw04:07
arghh2d2you can easily store files on any drive and/or partition, mib04:07
dougemdhey, I'm trying to mount a brand new 4g USB key from microcenter. I put it in my mac and dropped a 700meg file on it. I just put in in my ubuntu machine and I can see it in dmegs, but its doesn't auto mount04:07
dougemdanyone help?04:07
cast|lirid see if it mounts  manually04:08
tty01logical volume you can!04:08
arghh2d2tty01: is that whats up? i did not know that04:08
arghh2d2i just put my /home folder on a seperat drive or partition and be happy04:09
Xaero1So I compiled the kernel and put it in grub, but it panics on me complaining about not being able to mount root?? anybody got any ideas?04:09
tty01yessir! i have 3 seperate 500GB as one04:09
kc8pxyi need some help. i'm trying to compile approx, for use in caching ubuntu packages. my insanity shows when i say I'm compiling it on a non-debian-based distro. but I've ironed out all but the final few bugs in compiling it.04:09
R34L1TYCan anyone explain what PCM is in the volume mixer?04:09
=== brettley_ is now known as brettley
kc8pxywhy is there .cmxa file in the syslog-ocaml package?04:10
bazusser, clonezilla looks sweet04:10
jedi06ok just installed ubuntu_restricted-extras and i try to play my dvd with totem and totem just closes?04:10
kc8pxys/is there/is there NOT a /04:10
bazusser, "can clone up to 40 computers simultaneously"04:10
xonpathosok, if I think I have it set up to run metacity, but I suspect compiz has taken over again, how can I tell for sure?04:10
* BlinkyToon has enough trouble with just TWO ! 04:11
usserbaz, it all depends on your network connection, sure you can clone 40 comps, but its gonna be mad slow, im judging from my experience with ghost, a 40gb partition clones in about 40 minutes over 100mbps with about 20 computers going, 25 with 204:12
Frijolieanyone know of a decent iPod transfer application. I'm drawing blanks here. I've already tried gtkpod and hipo04:12
kc8pxyis thee anyone aware of this?04:12
Frijoliegpodder is cool for podcasts but that's all it's capable of04:12
qcjnhi, Is it possible to name the different desk04:12
Mike9022I ran this command a few days ago to turn on VNC:  'x11vnc -forever -usepw -httpdir /usr/share/vnc-java/ -httpport 5800'. Now I'm wondering how I can turn it off04:12
cast|liralways the option to install free firmware on your ippod :)04:12
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, you could try winamp via WINE04:13
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, yeah thanks, I was counting out WINE...if I do that I may as well just use iTunes04:13
usserMike9022, killall -9 x11vnc04:13
bazusser, thats pretty good04:13
jedi06same with vlc04:14
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, Nooo.. dont go to the dark side! I know they have cookies, but we do good muffins?04:14
Xaero1<< this guy might just be retarded04:14
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, yeah I"m here to find the muffin(s)04:14
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, try something like Amarok or Rythmbox04:14
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, i've only found burnt old brownies so far04:14
Xaero1Is flaming one's self prohibited?04:14
drashFrijolie: have you tried gtkpod ?04:14
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, aww.. im sorry, il try make some fresh ones next time you are on04:15
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, tried Rhythmbox only drag-n-drop works...too much hassle04:15
arghh2d2rythmbox is good for ipods04:15
Frijoliedrash, yes gtkpod is the worst04:15
arghh2d2almost identical to itunes04:15
kreinohelp, may i know what key to view 3d desktop after i set up it in comfiz04:15
kreinohelp, may i know what key to view 3d desktop after i set up it in comfiz?04:15
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, what exactly are you looking to do with it?04:15
drashFrijolie: odd, works great here04:15
Frijoliegtkpod has one good feature, reencoding on-the-fly04:15
arghh2d2gtkpod does its job, rythmbox is much smoother04:15
solexiousHow can I check if jumbo frames is enabled on my card?04:16
Frijoliemost of my music library is .flac gtkpod converted it to .mp3 for transfer04:16
b3z3rk3rkreino, do you have the CCSM instaled from thr Repos?04:16
Frijoliegktpod's UI wasn't very intuitive and it corrupted my filesystem on the iPod04:16
kreinoyes, i already installed it in my ubuntu04:16
Frijoliewould transfer duplicate files, wouldn't preserve id3 tags04:16
Frijolieplus there's an older version in the repos04:16
usserbaz, i got my numbers wrong 25gb image sorry04:16
b3z3rk3rkreino, then you just need to enable 4 workspaces and you are all set. unless you have sone that already?04:17
Neroshey all I have a question. I really like that when ubuntu detects removable media it auto mounts it and makes the launcher on the desktop..... how do i make it make those launchers on the right hand side so they dont just get stuck with my regualr icons04:17
arghh2d2Frijolie: rythmbox corrupted my ipod a few times too, it's annoying but real mp3 players should be drag and drop to begin with.04:17
Bikeguydoes anyone know how to change your default display manager without removing kdm or gdm ?04:17
kreinowhat that 4 workplace04:17
tritiumBikeguy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm (or kdm, if you prefer.  same effect)04:18
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, they also have an older version of Amarok in the repos04:18
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, not even 2.004:18
imprezivHow would I go about adding more desktops if i have removed the bottom panel with the desktop wall image on it?04:18
Bikeguythanks tritium04:18
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, you could always dual boot, or even put custom firmware on your pod if you are unhappy with the other solutions?04:18
Frijoliedrash, maybe I'm just having bad luck?04:18
kreinowhat that 4 workplace, b3z3rk3r04:18
arghh2d2impreziv: re-add the applet04:18
b3z3rk3rkreino, PM me and il explain for you04:18
usseramarok 2 is no good for ipod syncing support for audio devices is not present in it as of yet04:18
jedi06well i can't get either totem or vlc to play my dvd i installed libdvdread3 gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly ubuntu-restricted-extras and ran install-css.sh04:18
arghh2d2impreziv: right click applet, add applet04:18
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, i do have XP in a VM...i thought about going that route. I'd just prefer to stay native to my host OS04:19
arghh2d2right click panel, add applet04:19
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, if at all possible04:19
arghh2d2amarok sucks04:19
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, I have also contemplated going RockBox04:19
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, sure, thats understandable. What ipod do you have, and what version is the software? i have a 6th Gen and its just fine with both Amarok and Rythmbox04:19
zerko6anyone here actually rent dedicated servers?04:19
* linux_guy orders one of those Ubuntu stress balls with rush delivery04:20
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, I have an older 40GB 4G Grayscale iPod classic04:20
imprezivThank you guys04:20
drashFrijolie: dunno, depends on your specific iPod model perhaps, and setting up gtkpod's preferences04:20
xonpathosanybody know how to make metacity permanently replace compiz?04:20
arghh2d2Frijolie: hell, you could probly just put linux on that puppy04:20
jedi06in totem i select play dvd and it immediately closes vlc doesn't seem to do anything after i say play04:21
jedi06is there some logs i can look at?04:21
Frijoliedrash, that was my main complaint about gtkpod it's user interface wasn't very intuitive for me04:21
=== christiekoehler| is now known as christiekoehler
usserjedi06, do you have libdvdcss2?04:21
linux_guyarghh2d2, puppy linux!04:21
arghh2d2not that puppy04:21
jedi06usser how do i check but i think so04:21
arghh2d2that puppy meaning his old ipod04:21
Frijoliearghh2d2, I do like the UI of the iPod though. iPod Linux right?04:21
usserjedi06, dpkg -l | grep css204:21
Frijoliearghh2d2, I haven't checked that one out yet04:21
alienseer23does the microsft Zune player work out of the box with intrepid?04:21
arghh2d2Frijolie: yeah, ipodlinux.com04:22
linux_guyalienseer23, thats just wrong man04:22
arghh2d2err ipodlinux.org04:22
jedi06yes i do 1.2.10-0.2medibuntu104:22
nanotubelinux_guy: haha04:22
jedi06usser yes i do04:22
Frijoliearghh2d2, I'll check that out04:22
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, have you tried the forums on this one? It sounds to me like a specific prob with that model04:22
alienseer23linux_guy: it's for a friend...trying to convert ... and I agree, it is wrong04:22
jedi06it was in the ubuntu-restricted-extras04:23
alienseer23but does it work?04:23
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, as most of the ipod issues have been worked out now, they were bad a few years ago04:23
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, well that's the problem...there's WAY too much info on iPods on the forums04:23
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, I used to use Rhythmbox until a week ago. Rhythmbox seems to be a dead project04:23
tritiumjedi06: it's in the medibuntu repository for legal reasons04:23
Frijoliethey're not updating it frequently at all04:23
usserjedi06, something like that ii  libdvdcss2                                 1.2.10-0.2medibuntu104:23
Frijolieso now I'm trying Songbird and that wont even recognize my iPod04:23
Frijoliethe only app that won't recoginze it04:24
jedi06yes usser it is there04:24
usserjedi06, libdvdread3?04:24
jedi06yes it is04:24
arghh2d2Frijolie: did you try rhythmbox?04:24
jedi06yes it is usser i installed it04:24
Frijoliearghh2d2, yeah that was my first attempt04:24
[T]ankmy laptop mic seems to be working. When i crank it up all the way in alsamixer, I can hear my typing and other noises amplified back out the speakers. However... I cannot get ANY applications to use it. I am testing with the sound recorder app in the application menu as well as a few other programs like zoiper (softphone). any ideas?04:25
usserjedi06, hm, should work, try running vlc from the terminal and playing dvd see what errors it gives you04:25
jedi06how so04:25
arghh2d2well if rhythmbox didnt work then you might have other issues04:25
xonpathosanybody know the permanent version of metacity --replace?  seems that only persists until reboot :/04:25
Frijolieprimarily I use my iPod for podcasts and then music second. Drag-n-drop was awfully messy not much automation04:25
arghh2d2hotplugging or something04:25
jedi06where does the dvd mount to?04:26
Frijoliegtkpod allowed for more automation but then wound up corrupting library and would transfer duplicate songs04:26
nsgnargh, can anybody help me with suspend? i'm having a hard time even following tutorials on s2ram/s2both/s2disk04:26
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, cant find anything on your issue on the forums, and i honestly have no idea how to progress now either. Do anyone else know anything about this?04:26
usserjedi06, /media/cdrom or /media/dvd04:26
=== crunchbang_ is now known as Fajii
[T]ankanyone able to help me with that laptop mic question above?04:27
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, i know, that's why I came here hoping to have someone with experience. Thanks for trying though04:27
jedi06how do i get vlc to play it in terminal04:27
xonpathos[T]ank, could it be that you've got it set up for playback, but not recording?04:27
usserjedi06, just open the terminal and type vlc04:27
Frijolieone other question while on the iPod topic...04:27
arghh2d2Frijolie: honestly, if i had one of the old ipods, i would at least try ipodlinux, if it doesnt work you can just reload the firmware with itunes, if it does work you'll have a kick ass drag and drop mp3 player04:27
jedi06what about vlc /media/cdrom04:28
Frijolienow that I've uninstalled gtkpod and rhythmbox i do not have a player associated or set as default player for music04:28
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, had issues with mine a few years back, but its all been fixed now04:28
[T]ankxonpathos: what do you mean? The mic set up for playback? Or the app... im using sound recorder.04:28
b3z3rk3rFrijolie, have you considered putting in a bug report???04:28
bbzezhow come when i go to gnome-look.org it redirects me to tutorialvid.com??04:28
bbzezhow come when i go to gnome-look.org it redirects me to tutorialvid.com??04:28
Frijoliehowever evertime I insert/mount my iPod VLC loads and randomly starts playing a song04:28
xonpathos[T]ank, the mic04:28
bruenigarghh2d2: wut04:28
FloodBot1bbzez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:28
Frijoliehow/wher can I stop this from happening?04:28
[T]ankxonpathos: how can i check?04:28
arghh2d2bruenig: wut wut04:28
Frijoliei've checked System > Preferences > Preferred Applications04:28
bbzezhow come when i go to gnome-look.org it redirects me to tutorialvid.com??04:28
jedi06oh its talking about suspect rce region protection04:29
jedi06do i need to set my region04:29
jedi06menu languages en not found04:29
bruenigarghh2d2: in the butt?04:29
jedi06menu languages available: ??04:29
arghh2d2ya momma04:29
Frijolieb3z3rk3r, yeah I've thought about submitting a bug report but that doesn't do anything for me now...only down the road and by the time they fix it I'll already have moved on to another more linux friendly player04:29
=== Fajii is now known as Fuzz
solexiousHow can I check if jumbo frames are enabled on my card?04:30
xonpathos[T]ank, in the Volume properties -> Preferences, make sure you're showing the Capture04:30
usserjedi06, did you try a different disk, maybe the problem is a faulty disk04:30
Xaero1bbzez: your not the only person experiencing that, it looks like their site might be under attack or have been exploited in some way... in the meantime for your non gnome (emerald and the like) kde-look.org should have the majority of the same stuff04:30
xonpathos[T]ank and then make sure that the mic isn't showing as muted04:30
Xaero1except that kde-look.org does the same exact thing04:30
jedi06i think it is the region04:30
xonpathos[T]ank it'll be on the Recording tab04:30
[T]ankxonpathos: that I have done04:30
bbzezkde-look.org also redirects04:30
[T]ankits all showing like i would expect it should04:31
xonpathos[T]ank then you set the program to use Capture?  and turned the volume up?04:31
kc8pxyok, i have i need help from someone who knows ocaml. I'm trying to get sha.cmxa for use in compiling approx. for some reason it's the ONLY file not being created from the make files. and it's the only thing keeping me from making this work. why is it not being made, and how does approx compile for ubuntu w/o it?04:31
Frijolieany ideas on VLC loading and randomly playing a track when i mount my iPod? How to stop that?04:31
xonpathosgot more than 1 capture possible?04:31
arghh2d2yall should listen to bruenig now, he knows everythig there is to know about the great wonderful phenomanon that is "Ubuntu"04:31
=== cmdshftn_ is now known as cmdshftn
[T]ankjust the HDA Intel (Alsa mixer)04:32
jedi06thats gay you can only change the region code 5 times04:32
rdancerwhat are the alternatives for viewing embedded flash in firefox?04:32
xonpathosI meant on the Recording tab, you should have a channel listed called "Capture"04:32
Teutonicsolexious, use the ifconfig command and look at the MTU. If its greater than 1500 you're getting into jumbo frames range04:32
jagadeesh_what software is good for syncing symbian phone data with desktop04:32
jedi06US region code is 1 right?04:32
b3z3rk3rjedi06, you could always jsut get region free data? :)04:32
xonpathosI have 2, "Capture" and "Capture 1"04:32
jedi06well it says some dvds won't play if you haven't initialized the region04:33
[T]ankxonpathos: what are you looking at that has tabs?04:33
jedi06region 1 is USA?04:33
rootHi friends04:33
rootroot here04:33
rootI was wondering04:33
xonpathos[T]ank Volume Control.  got it by double clicking the volume slider in the task bar04:33
rootIn "keyboard shortcuts"04:33
solexiousTeutonic, >1500? im getting 1500 to i take it not?04:33
Flannel!enter | root04:33
ubotturoot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:34
rootI can bind switch to workspace 1 and 204:34
arghh2d2USA is always number 104:34
[T]ankxonpathos: ok... so I only have a playback and switches tab04:34
kylefoxhow can i change another user's password from the command line?  (I am root)04:34
rootin "keyboard shortcuts", I see the fields to allow binding to switch to workspaces 1 and 2, but there are no fields for Workspaces 3 and 404:34
nsgnanyone with help for uswsusp and suspend on a new install on modern intel hardware? can't suspend04:34
jedi06well it says the region is already set to 104:34
rootwhere can I program those shortcuts :D04:34
xonpathos[T]ank go into Preferences and see if you can find anything listed as Recording04:34
[T]ankmicrophone is on the playback tab04:34
Flannelkyledr_: passwd user04:34
drashFrijolie: in Nautilus, try checking your settings under Edit > Preferences > Media04:35
Teutonicsolexious, that just means that you don't have it enabled. You can enable it by setting your MTU size through ifconfig if your card supports it04:35
[T]ankxonpathos:: capture and capture 104:35
kyledr_Flannel: what?04:35
xonpathos[T]ank check those04:35
xonpathosthen you'll get a Recording tab04:35
Flannelkylefox: passwd user04:35
Flannelkyledr_: Sorry04:35
[T]ankrecording muted... testing now...04:35
Sylphidroot, add workspace 3 and 4 to your workspace switcher and they will be added to your keyboard shortcut menu04:36
rootSylphid: Let's see if you're right04:36
=== kyledr_ is now known as kyledr
[T]ankxonpathos: that did it... thank you very much04:36
xonpathos[T]ank np04:36
rootSylphid: You're right! Thanks04:36
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html04:37
Sylphidroot, np04:37
arghh2d2how'd he get the nick name 'root'?  i figured that'd be the first nick registered.04:37
rootSylphid: another question my friend04:37
kaoHello, I am trying to get Logitech Quickcam For Notebooks working on Hardy. lsusb lists as ID 046d:08dd Logitech, Inc.04:37
kaoThe video in cheese is weird colours04:37
Teutonicsolexious, the command you are looking for goes as follows, ifconfig mtu mtuSize where mtuSize is the number you would like to set it to04:37
rootSylphid: When I try to use irssi under my regular account, I encounter this error while /server irc.freenode.net'ing: 20:37 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot  assign requested address:]04:38
nsgnis there a quick command/method for finding the UUID of one's swap partition?04:38
Frijoliedrash, yeah, I think that will do it. I can say that I've never even looked at the preferences in Nautilus04:38
rootSylphid: any idea on how I can get that working?04:38
rdancer_i have installed libflash-mozplugin, but youtube still telling me i don't have flash installed?04:38
Frijoliedrash, I did try right-clicking on the media and removed everything from the "open with"04:38
nathanhelpI need some guidance on how to download and install a program. As far as I can tell only a source is available for my platform (Ubuntu 8.10 with Gnome).04:38
=== rdancer_ is now known as rdancer
Light-rdancer_, use flashplugin-nonfree04:38
Flannelnathanhelp: What program?04:38
nathanhelpFlannel:  pidgin04:39
linux_guynibbles wont run, what should i do?04:39
rdancerLight-: i have to restart ff too much with that one04:39
Frijolienathanhelp, sudo apt-get install pidgin04:39
Light-rdancer, or go grab flash 10 from adobes website, they have a linux version04:39
Flannelnathanhelp: pidgin is available for 8.10, in fact, it should already be installed.04:39
solexiousTeutonic, thank you, tired it but it appears my card doesnt support bgger than 900004:39
Frijolienathanhelp, from a terminal04:39
linux_guylinux_guy, get a life04:39
Sylphidroot, 1 sec ... got an idea04:39
jedi06so vlc uses qt and it says APainter::begin Paint device returned engine ==0, type: 104:39
kylefoxIs there any kind of guide anywhere for setting up SFTP?  I have a client who needs access to a folder on our server, i have *no* idea how to set it up04:39
solexiousTeutonic, thank you for your help04:39
rootSylphid: holding :)04:39
drashFrijolie: yep, confusing in my opinion, I use xfce & thunar instead of nautilus04:39
rdancerLight-: why does libflash-mozplugin not work?04:39
nathanhelpFlannel: It is installed however the latest version isnt available in the repositories.04:39
=== rj_x is now known as rj_x|away
Frijolienathanhelp, Applications > Accessories > Terminal04:40
Light-rdancer, I have no idea, having never used it04:40
Flannelkylefox: just install openssh-server, and connect with a sftp client04:40
linux_guySylphid, whats up04:40
Teutonicsolexious, no worries.04:40
Flannelnathanhelp: What do youwant the newer version for?04:40
Pyles17my intel 3945 card only works occasionally. the driver comes standard with ubuntu, but "lshw -C network" usually gives the card "unclaimed" status04:40
rootlinux_guy: I'm encountering this bug: 20:37 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot  assign requested address:]04:40
kaoHello, I am trying to get Logitech Quickcam For Notebooks working on Hardy. lsusb lists as ID 046d:08dd Logitech, Inc. Cheese displays the video output in weird colors.04:40
nathanhelpFlannel: To be updated to latest :)04:40
kylefoxFlannel: I already have SSH access.  I'm just not sure how to add a user, set proper perms etc.04:40
Sylphidlinux_guy, how goes it04:40
kylefox(as in, I have root ssh access)04:40
linux_guySylphid, i got that free computer04:41
rootdoes Mark Shuttlesworth ever chill here?04:41
nathanhelpFrijolie: Thanks. But im thinking if they arent in the repos, that wont work.04:41
Flannelkylefox: the same way you add a regular user to the system, adduser is the easiest way.04:41
Frijoliedrash, XFCE is too mac'ish for me imho04:41
linux_guySylphid, installed 8.10 on it (199mb ram) it runs 75% cpu and 75% memory at idle lol04:41
nathanhelpFrijolie, & Flannel: i guess what im asking is more this... teach me how to work with source files so i can learn how to do it myself. are you able to do that with me?04:41
Frijolienathanhelp, yeah I saw after I typed that you're looking for the most up-to-date04:41
ben44bdoes anyone know what Error 21 at Grub Loading means?04:42
Flannel!highno | nathanhelp04:42
ubottunathanhelp: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.04:42
Frijolienathanhelp, if you install by source it won't auto update in the future04:42
kaoHello, I am trying to get Logitech Quickcam For Notebooks working on Hardy. lsusb lists as ID 046d:08dd Logitech, Inc. Cheese displays the video output in weird colors.04:42
kylefoxFlannel: right, i did that too. the next steps (enabling ssh access, setting folder perms) are the part i have no idea about04:42
Flannelkylefox: What sort of folder permissions?04:42
jedi06ok usser i took it out and put the cd back it and it seemed to work now04:42
rootSylphid: anything coming to you?04:43
usserjedi06, hm the same one? thats weird04:43
Teutonicben44b, try http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grub/2003-02/msg00082.html04:43
jedi06actually it played a little intro and totem says an error occurred failed to connect stream: OK04:43
kaoAnyone know? :(04:43
Sylphidroot, not very familiar with irssi but try using port 8001 instead of 666704:43
rdancerwhat can i do to stop flashplugin-nonfree from stopping to work? i have to restart ff all the time in order to view flash, and often i have to reload a page few times to have the flash components display?04:43
ben44bthanks Teuton04:44
=== tyler is now known as joetheplummer
usserjedi06, did u try running vlc in terminal?04:44
jedi06i'm doing that now04:44
MethinXHello Ubuntu users04:44
jedi06it seems to work now04:44
jedi06totem didn't work04:44
Pyles17my intel 3945 card only works occasionally. the driver comes standard with ubuntu, but "lshw -C network" usually gives the card "unclaimed" status04:44
kylefoxFlannel: I only want him to have read/write access to /www/hisdomain.com/files04:44
Flannelkylefox: You do that with regular unix file permissions04:44
kylefoxFlannel: and of course the web server (www-data) still needs to read that folder as well04:44
jedi06also totem can't see the menus of another disc i had04:44
GateAnyone help with a GRUB setup problem on a software RAID? Forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105741204:45
jedi06anyway i guess this will work for me now it all seems a little buggy to me04:45
nsgninformation for 8.10 and suspend/sleep on intel chipset, anybody? i've actually gotten s2both/s2ram working and they just crash the system just like normal suspend/hybernate04:45
MethinXI was just wondering if anyone knew of a program, instead of kb2skype or skypemate, that works the same? Just trying to find a gnome version of Skypemate or kb2skype04:46
lilkuz85hey guys...im having a problem getting ubuntu to boot on my pc, it has something to dowith the intel onboard graphics, ive also tried to run backtrack 3 final, and they both have problems with the graphics...any ideas on this ???04:46
kylefoxFlannel: okay, but as-is his user seems to be able to see *everything*04:46
kylefoxso like... how can I disable him from accessing everything else?04:46
kaoWould anyone happen to know why my Webcam in Skype Appears to be very Dark?04:46
ph0rensickao: turn the lights on???04:47
tanto_i'm having a problem with my ubuntu+screen+irssi character encoding04:47
kaofunny :)04:47
Sylphidlinux_guy, lol sounds like a beast =P04:47
kaoph0rensic: but really >_>04:47
tanto_it's turning a little dot in the center of the line into a block04:47
tanto_without screen it works great, but inside of screen it's all messed up04:47
Sylphidlinux_guy, tried xubuntu?04:47
kaoph0rensic: If i flick my lighter and put it near it I can see the flames and if I point it at light sources i can barely see them04:47
ph0rensickao: What i mean is try turnong the lighting up and see what happens to the output04:48
linux_guySylphid, i'll try that next, think it will be THAT much difference?04:48
ph0rensickao: hmm weird04:48
kaoph0rensic: I put a light source right in front of it and its barely visible and you cannot see my face less than 10 inches away with 3 lights on in the room04:48
Sylphidlinux_guy, you would be surprised04:48
nathanhelpFlannel & Frijolie: pidgin 2.5.4 fixes some crashes when communicating with MSN clients. Since I communicate with MSN clients lots, i would like to upgrade from 2.5.2 to 2.5.4. And the 2.5.4 is not in the repos yet, (I assume since updater doesnt register the 2.5.4 version). Can you recommend a course of action for me?04:48
jedi06in vlc can you change the font of subtitles? cuas that looks horrible04:49
Gatenathanhelp: I believe pidgin runs their own repo04:49
Frijolienathanhelp, get your "buddies" to install pidgin! it's cross platform04:49
Gateall you have to do is add it to your apt list04:49
nsgnis it just not worth using ubuntu on a laptop because you freaking can't sleep...?04:49
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nsgnthis is rediculous04:49
linux_guySylphid, i would much rather install from iso or usb next time, i think its a 1.2x cdrom04:49
nathanhelpFrijolie: I'm talking about me...upgrading to the latest version...using a source file.04:49
Sylphidlinux_guy, lol usb install is ftw04:49
ph0rensickao: thats terrible.. i have no ideas sorry04:49
linux_guySylphid, unfortunately, it's so old, i dont think it will support anything else besides cd04:50
linux_guySylphid, I cant even find the bios04:50
Sylphidlinux_guy, id have to look for it but there is a bootable cd that just loads modules to let you boot from usb04:50
hospodghow do i change my default mail application?04:50
Teutonicnsgn, what laptop are you using?04:50
Frijolienathanhelp, compiling from source can be opening a can-o-worms sometimes04:51
Frijolienathanhelp, what they call "dependency hell"..i'm hesitant to recommend that04:51
arghh2d2on ubuntu04:51
drashnathanhelp: download pidgin debs from getdeb.net, that has 2.5.4 i believe04:51
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tanto_i'm having a problem with my ubuntu+screen+irssi character encoding, in ubuntu+screen it's turning a little dot in the center of the line into a block.. without screen it works great, but inside of screen it's all messed up04:52
GateCan anyone assist with a GRUB problem on a software RAID? I get file not found, after reinstall it just gives me the grub prompts04:52
nathanhelpdrash: I have been specifically *strongly* encourage to not use getdeb.net04:52
nsgnTeutonic: i'm actually on an intel 945GC chipset desktop. just seems the issue of such broadly lacking support for this would be even worse for a laptop user. i, however, installed ubuntu on here specifically because i was hoping it'd support suspend better than the hackintosh osx install i had on it. if i cant get suspend, i'm gonna have to dumb ubuntu04:52
nathanhelpwb bazhang04:52
Teutonicnsgn, let me look really fast04:53
nsgnTeutonic: thank you very much. i really am loving ubuntu...but this machine can't run 24/7. i need it to suspend04:53
questions___Hi. I know this is not the place but I cannot connect to #java. Could anyone help me quickly w/ one line of code?04:53
drashnathanhelp: perhaps that advice was referring to setting getdeb.net as a repository, installing a .deb file doesn't hurt dpkg imho04:53
Gatequestions___: yes, use a better language ;)04:53
arghh2d2questions___: i got in04:54
Flannelquestions___: Try #ubuntu-offtopic04:54
nsgnTeutonic: running 8.10, have s2both installed (it fails just like built in suspend does), and have tried under AHCI S1 and S3. all just shut down computer cold when activated04:54
Gatequestions___: if you are registered on freenode, you can PM me with the question, I can maybe help04:54
freq18hznsgn: take it up with Linus04:54
arghh2d2questions___: maybe #java klined your isp04:54
nsgnfreq18hz: ?04:54
questions___no it says i need to identify, but when I try to, it says wrong password04:55
binskipy2uhey guys, what is the full command syntax to install a full "gnome" desktop on a Kubuntu machine.. so i can enjoy both04:55
freq18hznsgn: the sleep issues, Linus is working on them, and last I heard, stumped.04:55
Gatethat means someone else owns your nick, questions___04:55
binskipy2uso i get it "all" so to speak04:55
Gatejoin me in #su3g04:55
nsgnfreq18hz: that is a huge huge issue for linux....04:55
corigo3where are the fonts stored?04:55
freq18hznsgn: indeed.  Its not new however, and its so far unfixable.04:55
jedi06is there a way to tell the sound that you have desktop speakers or headphones or laptop speakers?04:55
nsgnfreq18hz: it's a dealbreaker for anyone with a laptop, and those with secondary PCs they dont want sucking power 24/704:55
freq18hzwell, linux isn04:56
prince_jammysbinskipy2u: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:56
SpinachHeadhi, I initially installed the NVIDIA drivers from website and then tried glx when problems occurred, but now I can only get 800x600 and system-->administration hardware drivers doesnt show any graphics drivers to enable.   How can I start all over and get the graphics working correctly?04:56
freq18hznsgn: linux is a laptop os, comes with the territory.04:56
nsgnfreq18hz: ..?04:56
freq18hznsgn: sorry typo, linux isnt a laptop os.04:57
nsgnhah, there04:57
drashnathanhelp: "sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin" will install all the needed dependencies to build pidgin manually, after that it's down to the usual configure, make, sudo make install routine (read ./configure --help for specifics is always usefull also)04:57
Teutonicnsgn, this is a really generic thing but its the best I could find. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47185504:57
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:57
nsgnTeutonic: i've tried that. s2ram is depreciated and removed. it's replacement, s2both, crashes the machine hard04:57
Gatequestions___: you can join me in #su3g if you want04:58
Teutonicnsgn, yikes. I'm sorry. I guess I was one of the lucky ones and mine just worked :( I wish I could help... sorry04:58
nsgnTeutonic: god dangit. i was really excited about having ubuntu loaded up on this thing04:59
nsgnbut a major intent was to have the computer sleep when not in use. i'm an energy efficiency nut04:59
freq18hznsgn: http://torvalds-family.blogspot.com/2008/12/debugging-hell.html04:59
nsgnso this is probably a deal breaker04:59
binskipy2udoes anyone know the full command apt-get install ubuntu-desktop? or something like that04:59
deadbatterycan some one help me with an error i am going crzy..04:59
binskipy2uto get the full ubuntu gnome experience04:59
Teutonicnsgn, I know what you mean04:59
binskipy2uon this kubuntu machine04:59
deadbatterymy apache server breaks and when i check error.log i seen tons of apache2 child pid exit signal segmentation fault, how do i fix it??04:59
freq18hznsgn: his next entry says they fixed it, but no idea if that is rolled into the current kernels05:00
nsgnfreq18hz: ugh. can i build a newer kernel without screwing up the rest of the system? if i cant get this, its bye bye linux and back to windows for me05:00
nsgnwhich would be depressing05:00
Teutonicnsgn, freq18hz has a good point. 2.6.28 might have a nice fix for it05:00
prince_jammysbinskipy2u: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:00
deadbatteryany help?05:01
zgmf-x20ahey all, im trying to find an rss feeder for my desktop, anyone know a good one?  and DOES NOT look like an email account.  ideally single line display05:01
freq18hznsgn: whats the message/failure when you try to suspend05:01
prince_jammysdeadbattery: try #ubuntu-server , or even #apache05:01
nsgnfreq18hz: it gets no chance to write one, just like his entry says. the system cuts power hard05:01
nsgnliterally cuts power05:01
cast|lirzgmf-x20a: i used to use snownews i believe it's called05:01
nsgnas if i pulled the cord out05:01
zgmf-x20acast|lir: cool thanks, will check it out now05:02
nsgnresume sometimes is a black screen, othertimes is as if i turned it on from a complete shutdown05:02
nsgnand must be done by power button on front. keyboard is completely gone05:02
deadbatteryhow do u move a folder to a place using SSH?05:02
freq18hznsgn: so youve checked messages, and syslog, nothing is there?05:02
deadbatterywhen i drag, it says permission denied05:02
nsgnfreq18hz: its all like "yay we're sleeping now everything is successful"05:02
nsgnjust talk of going into good suspend05:02
nsgnthen BAM the thing cuts off hard05:02
nsgnall power lights off, as if it is shut down05:02
nsgncause it is05:02
zgmf-x20acast|lir: nawww not eactly what i mean.  anyone else?  single line is ideall, like a stock ticker05:03
deadbatteryhow do i move a folder using console in ubuntu?05:03
deadbatteryi cant drag it, it says denied05:03
nsgndeadbattery: sudo mv05:03
nsgnor cp, if you want to copy instead of move05:03
deadbatterysudo mv then what? cud u give an example?05:04
cast|lirdeadbattery: could tarball it anf sftp/scp it. if you want to use ssh then you can do something like 'tar c dir/|ssh user@host tar xv' perhaps05:04
Sylphidlinux_guy, here we go... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB05:04
nsgnmv /first folder/ /second folder/05:04
nsgnpath syntax can vary ever so slightly between OSes05:04
nsgnbut its right along those lines05:04
nsgnmight need to throw -r if there are subfolders05:04
albertodhi guys new with linux05:04
Teutonicdeadbattery, if you use the cp command on a folder make sure you use -r for the recursive function.05:04
freq18hznsgn: odd...you might want to make sure the kernel supports your acpi setup....but truthfully there are just a ton of bugs in that area, very hard to troubleshoot because you cant tail logs, or get any feedback, because once the machine tries to sleep, or thinks it is, nothing is written etc05:05
Teutonicnm nsgn got it :)05:05
deadbatterythanx it worked05:05
freq18hznsgn: are you running the latest 8.10, with updates including the new kernal that came out last week?05:05
albertodcan anybody help me about networking05:05
nsgndeadbattery: no prob :)05:05
albertodusing crunchbang linux 8.1005:05
nsgnfreq18hz: i believe so. it is not offering me more updates05:05
nsgnfreq18hz: "your system is up to date"05:06
nsgnso unless its a manual update, i've got all the update manager ones05:06
freq18hzwell, make sure you have your powermanagement settings set right...and make sure the suspend script is working for your hardware....make sure to check /var/log for any kernel panics, stack traces etc05:07
nsgnfreq18hz: advice on power management settings? there are hardly any relating to this in the GUI05:07
ZombieAnyone here use Ubuntu with Dell's E1505 Series?05:09
freq18hznsgn: yeah make sure that what you have set in the GUI, corresponds to any relevent .conf files, or the scripts in /etc/acpi05:10
ubottuvista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows05:10
freq18hznsgn: basically rule out that even though you have your gui set to suspend when you suspend, that maybe something isn't actually set, so it just shuts off instead etc05:10
rdancerhow do i connect from a remote machine to this X session, using vnc?05:10
Fujisani made that happen05:10
nsgnfreq18hz: i'm not sure what to check. i'm pretty new to linux overall05:11
kochii?msg nickerv identify hahaPawn3d05:11
Teutonicnsgn, best of luck to you on that one. I'm out05:11
nsgnTeutonic: thanks05:11
Gneakochii: lol05:11
nsgnkochii: nice05:12
nsgnhack! hack!05:12
GneahahaPawn3d, indeed05:12
kochiilol...i always wonder of a typo on a main channel05:12
wolterhey kinja-sheep, another thing: has your computer ever totally freezed and stayed with blinking [CAPS LOCK] and [SCROLL LOCK] ??05:12
* Gnea wonders why people call it 'pawn', when 'pwn' is short for 'own' or 'pown'05:13
freq18hznsgn: Blogger  Linus said...05:13
freq18hzLimbClock: it's too late to hit the 2.6.28 release (the fix is fairly small, but very invasive), so it will go in early in the 2.6.29 merge window.05:13
freq18hznsgn: youd want to look at /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog05:14
lilkuz85can anyone help me with a boot error. its something to do with the onboard intel graphics unit on my mobo05:14
freq18hznsgn: and make sure that any gnome power management settings, are actually set in the corresponding .conf files, and make sure the scripts in /etc/acpi/ like suspend.sh look good05:14
freq18hznsgn: otherwise wait for the kernel fix05:15
freq18hznsgn: or use different hardware.  Which laptop are you using anyway?05:15
nsgnfreq18hz: i'm actually on a desktop. intel 945GC chipset05:15
nsgnwas just amazed it doesnt work for the sake of laptop users05:15
nsgnto whom this would pain more than me05:15
ben44bis my CMOS setup the same thing as BIOS setup?05:17
nickrudben44b, most likely they're just terms for the same thing05:17
freq18hznsgn:ah well...yeah it works fine on this netbook.  Its an intel 945 variant.  Anyway...try waiting for the next kernel.  Or if you cant wait, grab it from the respoistory and roll it yourself.  If its a desktop, why do you need to suspend it, just leave it on =)05:18
inktrihey guys i replaced my NIC and the new one is eth1 instead of eth0. how can i make this new card eth0?05:18
ZombieAnyone here use Ubuntu with Dell's E1505 Series? I am wanting to run Intrepid on it,. and I am concerned about hardware compatibility05:19
nsgnfreq18hz: because its used only about an hour a day and i'd love to save the $$ on my power bill05:19
joveHi All, how to prevent overwrite the file /etc/resolv.conf after each reboot ?05:19
lilkuz85/bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off  ????05:19
nsgnfreq18hz: my math says i'd save $5/mo on power05:19
nsgn$60 a year05:19
freq18hznsgn: just shut it down then.  Safer for your disks, and saves more power anyway.05:20
nsgnfreq18hz: its a television computer. i need it instantly recallable. i'm going to windows if it wont work in ubuntu05:20
nsgni like ubuntu better for this purpose, but windows actually works05:20
nsgnand will sleep all day long and come back in an instant no issue05:20
nickrudjove, you'd set it in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf05:21
freq18hznsgn: well, ubuntu works, it just has a bug with your hardware. But if sleep is your #1 priority, you should go back to windows.  Unixes have had ongoing problems with sleep since sleep was incepted.  Its pretty cool that it actually works now.  It used to be impossible.  A lot of unixes, BSD for instance, has sleep disabled by default.05:22
tuxedocurlyhey guys, any info on creating a LAMPP server here on my ubuntu machine?05:22
nicholashubbardis it possible to add a package to an ignore list or something so that it can never be installed. I need to make sure that apt-get never installs rubygems but would also like it to think that it is there so anything that depends on it can still be installed05:22
nanotube!lamp | tuxedocurly05:22
ubottutuxedocurly: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:22
nsgnfreq18hz: i'm just really sad to go back to windows. i'm much wanting any hack or fix for this05:23
nsgnbut i've tried the few i can find on google to no avail05:23
macvrhi all, i'v been downloading a 36GB file, using torrent , my /home drive is a 60gb partition, with my other stuff i have in my /home, i should have a a spare of only around 2 gb but when i check the free space it says i have 6.8 gb ! would my file have been downloaded properly? why is there a difference of 4 gb ???05:23
nickrud!equivs | nicholashubbard05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about equivs05:23
tuxedocurlyYeah LAMP* ha ha05:23
nickrud!equiv | nicholashubbard05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about equiv05:23
nsgnthis is really not uncommon hardware is what kills me. everything else, every little tiny feature on the mobo, works out of the box05:23
nickrud!info equivs | nicholashubbard05:23
ubottuequivs (source: equivs): Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.7-0.1 (intrepid), package size 19 kB, installed size 136 kB05:23
nanotubemacvr: did it finish downloading? :)05:23
tuxedocurlyi had some info i found on the net, but it doesnt seem to be working for me =S i keeep getting a database connection error that i cant fix05:23
freq18hznsgn: well without more specific info from you, I cant help your troubleshoot.  Try posting on the ubuntu.com forums. Or wait for the next kernal.  Or get different hardware.  Or go back to windows.  Its likely a kernel bug, which can05:24
macvrnanotube: there is still 400mb left, but most of the .avi files that have finished downloading work...05:24
freq18hzcannot be fixed by a hack.05:24
jovenickrud, do you mean to copy the content of /etc/resolv.conf into /etc/dhcp3/dhcleint.conf ?05:24
[T]ankso when i unmute my capture channel in the volume applet things do what they are supposed to. When i close and reopen the volume applet, the capture channel is muted again, how can i make it stay unuted?05:24
nsgnfreq18hz: what more specific info do you need? i just read the logs you mentioned and they dont give any errors. no panics. all config files look decent05:24
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nickrudjove, no, set the domain servers you want dhcp to use in that file.05:24
tuxedocurlyAlright well im going to see if i can manipulate the scripts to see if i can get it to work now05:25
tuxedocurlybut if not ill be back05:25
nickrudjove, when dhclient gets a lease, it will fill resolv.conf for you05:25
macvrnanotube: but why is there this 4 gb difference? i didnt understand ... thats y i'm puzzled!05:25
freq18hznsgn: its probably a kernel bug then.05:25
nsgnfreq18hz: can you give me an idea how to compile the latest kernel into my OS?05:25
nsgni'm gonna last ditch effort it with that05:25
nsgnthen cry and go windows05:25
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cast|lircompiling a new kernel is easy enough05:26
jovenickrud, I am not understand clear, so what file need to add the domain in ?05:26
freq18hznsgn: search ubuntu.com, or read tutorials on kernel replacement.  Consult the googles.05:26
andrew_hello, can someone help me. I'm trying to go back to windows XP but when I try to boot to it before Ubuntu it keeps cycling me back to the boot option screen. How modify the boot sector to give me the windows boot options?05:26
nsgnnot as easy as an apt-get then, eh? :P05:26
macvrnanotube: even funny is when i check with partition editior it says that i have 9gb free!!! that would be 7gb difference!05:27
freq18hznsgn: its not released yet.  You'll have to see if you can get the code itself from their repository, and compile it05:27
nsgnfreq18hz: bummer. ok05:27
hena2hello everyone05:28
andrew_My primary partition is winXP. I had to reinstall ubuntu just to get anything runninng. How do I get rid of the ubuntu boot loader and go back to windows XP?05:28
nsgnwould something like this work? : http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2007/09/upgrade-to-latest-kernelorg-kernel-with.html05:28
hena2i need help setting up a broadcom wireless card05:28
nickrudjove, you would edit and uncomment the prepend domain-name-servers in the dhclient.conf file. When dhclient sets up the connection, it will put that/those addresses in resolv.conf05:28
hena2activating it from the hardware drivers app doesn't do anything05:28
hena2it's a bcm4311 rev(02)05:28
hena2i did install b43-fwcutter05:28
hena2still, network manager doesn't find any networks05:29
usserandrew_, boot into windows recovery console, from windows cd and type fixmbr05:29
andrew_thanx much05:29
andrew_I will try that right now05:29
hena2under wireless networks it says "device is unmanaged"05:30
nanotubemacvr: hmm... not sure :)05:30
hena2any clue what i should do?05:30
macvrnanotube: :)05:30
macvr hi all, i'v been downloading a 36GB file, using torrent , my /home drive is a 60gb partition, with my other stuff i have in my /home, i should have a a spare of only around 2 gb but when i check the free space it says i have 6.8 gb ! would my file have been downloaded properly? why is there a difference of 4 gb ???05:30
bazWhen I switched from pop to imap, evolution began to crash (close abruptly without warning) whenever I click on a msg to see the msg preview. What would be a good way to trace the root cause of this? Are there, perhaps, system logs that can be inspected?05:30
hena2can anyone help me?05:30
nickrudbaz, evolution is crap with imap. I (and many others) ended up moving to thunderbird or kmail because of it.05:31
Sylphid!broadcom | hena205:31
ubottuhena2: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:31
hena2ubottu, i couldn't find anything there that fixed my problem05:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:31
MTecknologyAnybody have any clue how I execute a command when my laptop lid closes?05:31
hena2Sylphid: I couldn't find anything there that fixed my problem05:32
maxxistMTecknology ssh into it?05:32
MTecknologymaxxist: huh?05:33
nickrudMTecknology, /etc/acpi/lid.sh05:33
baznickrud, thunderbird would have been great if it weren't for one major flaw... it doesn't check any subfolders for new messages! So I have to click and load each folder under /index to see if I have any new mail... crap.05:33
Sylphidhena2, have you cut your firmware out ?05:33
maxxistMTecknology you can log into it with another computer using a telnet like system.  but secure called openssh05:34
MTecknologynickrud: there's only a powerbtn.sh05:34
MTecknologymaxxist: I think you're confused ;)05:34
hena2Sylphid: what do you mean?05:34
nickrudbaz, it does that for me; only problem is you have to right click each folder and mark it as one to be checked. A pain, but only necessary once05:34
kylefoxFlannel: I really hate to bug you, but I'm absolutely stuck trying to figure out the perms to restrict a user to only one directory with SFTP.... :S05:34
MTecknologynickrud: would it work if I just created that file?05:34
bazi love people who reply to ubottu05:34
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maxxistMTecknology maybe05:34
Sylphidhena2, 1 sec...05:35
baznickrud, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! If thats true you would have just solved a huge problem in my life... checking...05:35
nickrudMTecknology, odd. I have a score of files in there, with 6 directories. I've never traced the execution there, so I'm not sure what would happen05:35
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izinucshow do I find out the permissions of a file at terminal and relate the results to the number that represents those permissions?05:36
tuxedocurlyhey guys im back. When i go to http://localhost/wordpress/ i get the error "Error Establishing Connection To Database" Any ideas on how to fix this? I was given a link on the internet to try, but that doesnt seem to work, since i didnt know how to execute the command... any help? (the command i was supposed to run was   "SET PASSWORD FOR some_user@some_host = OLD_PASSWORD('your_old password_here');"05:36
MTecknologynickrud: I don't use kde/gnome05:36
drgnuHello trying to tweak a Motion Computing LE1600 to get it to work.  How does one make an on-screen keyboard show up during login, how do I get it's buttons to be recognized and do something?05:36
nickrudMTecknology, ah. a sec05:36
nickrudMTecknology, that file is in acpi-support , not a gnome/kde specific file05:37
jovenickrud, in dhclient file, do I need to replace the IP after uncomment "prepend domain...." ?05:37
freq18hznsgn: so yeah, good luck05:37
nickrudjove, yes.05:38
drgnuTablet PC (Motion Computing LE1600) running Ubuntu 8.1005:38
maxxistthis might be a dumb question.  but is there a project like wine, to run OSX apps in linux??05:38
nsgnfreq18hz: i'm currently compiling new kernel with that tool i linked05:38
MTecknologynickrud: alrighty, thanks - I'm modifying the powerbtn.sh script since I think I found something I love there :)05:38
tuxedocurlyAny ideas?05:38
adantehi i am trying to install ubuntu server on a system with the realtek 8111c chipset and apparently i need to recompile the driver?? is this at all possible from a livecd?05:38
Sylphidhena2, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#fw-b43-new ... start at download and extract firmware05:38
freq18hznsgn: cool you downloaded the whole .29 kernel, or just the fix from their repository?05:38
[T]ankWhen you adjust the volume settings on the applet in gnome... where does it actually save the settings?05:39
Sylphidhena2, replace sudo ../../b43-fwcutter-011/b43-fwcutter -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" wl_apsta_mimo.o with  sudo b43-fwcutter -w "$FIRMWARE_INSTALL_DIR" wl_apsta_mimo.o05:39
nickrudMTecknology, glad to point you in the right direction :)05:39
freq18hznsgn: if it works, you should still upgrade to the full release kernel when it shows up05:39
nsgnfreq18hz: of course05:39
[T]ankthere seems to be a bug in one of the channels. if you close the applet the settings go back to muted on the capture 1 and capture 2 channels05:39
jovenickrud, I'll reboot and update to you the status.05:39
[T]ankgoogle finds tons of references to a bug. Anyone have a different take on that?05:40
izinucshow do I find out the permissions of a file at terminal and relate the results to the number that represents those permissions?05:40
tuxedocurlyhey guys im back. When i go to http://localhost/wordpress/ i get the error "Error Establishing Connection To Database" Any ideas on how to fix this? I was given a link on the internet to try, but that doesnt seem to work, since i didnt know how to execute the command... any help? (the command i was supposed to run was   "SET PASSWORD FOR some_user@some_host = OLD_PASSWORD('your_old password_here');"05:40
* drgnu waiting on anyone who may know how to tweak Ubuntu 8.10 to have an "On-Screen Keyboard" at the LOGIN and when requiring ADMIN password entry05:40
hena2Sylphid: ok05:40
radsyix205, running   ls -la   will show the file permissions05:41
MTecknologynickrud: HOLY CRAP - that's a lotta stuff05:41
radsyizinucs rather05:41
* andrew_ is trapped in linux and can't get out. 05:41
radsyizinucs, and http://www.perlfect.com/articles/chmod.shtml will help you understand the permissions.05:42
andrew_OK so I tried fixmbr in windows repair console and it said it fixed it but.............05:42
freq18hzandrew_: whats the issue?05:42
andrew_it keeps booting to ubuntu. the windows option cycles back to ubuntu boot loading screen05:42
izinucsradsy, thanks. but first I need to see what a file is set at.. from there I can make the change I need and then change it back to what it was.05:42
andrew_It just keeps saying "starting up... grub loading stage 2..."05:42
tuxedocurlyany ideas on  helping me fix this LAMP server problem?05:42
freq18hzandrew_: did you install windows first, and then linux?05:42
[T]ankanyone on the capture volume issue?05:42
radsyls -la will show what it's set at, izinucs05:43
andrew_On a separate partition05:43
freq18hzandrew: and you configured grub properly?05:43
Gatetuxedocurly: what is the problem?05:43
nickrudtuxedocurly, is this wordpress from the ubuntu repos?05:43
radsyizinucs, if you do ls -la, paste the rwx.. values, i'll tell you what number it is.05:43
radsyyou can go from there05:44
tuxedocurlynickrud: yea05:44
tuxedocurlynickrud: i think05:44
rishavhey guys, I installed my ubuntu inside windows05:44
tuxedocurlygate: hey guys im back. When i go to http://localhost/wordpress/ i get the error "Error Establishing Connection To Database" Any ideas on how to fix this? I was given a link on the internet to try, but that doesnt seem to work, since i didnt know how to execute the command... any help? (the command i was supposed to run was   "SET PASSWORD FOR some_user@some_host = OLD_PASSWORD('your_old password_here');"05:44
rishavand for some reason my grub isn't able to load, how do i restore it?05:44
nickrudtuxedocurly, did you sudo apt-get install wordpress , or use synaptic to install it :)05:44
jovenickrud, it does not work, do you want me to show you the line of prepend....?05:44
izinucsradsy, thanks.. ls -l also seems to report the values..   -rw-r--r-05:45
nsgnfreq18hz: it offered me a jillion kernel options i didnt understand. sure hope defaults are ok :)05:45
nickrudjove, show me the whole file, on http://paste.ubuntu.com .05:45
nsgncause thats what i accepted05:45
izinucsradsy, 766?05:45
radsyyep :)05:45
tuxedocurlynickrud: i have wordpress, and i unpacked it in my home directory, my problem is that when i go to http://localhost/wordpress/ to install, it doesnt work =\05:45
radsyizinucs, now check that link i pasted, it'll help explain how it all comes together.05:45
radsyhang on izinucs05:46
freq18hznsgn: the defaults are usually just maximum support...youd really only need to worry if you were trying to enable support for something super specialized, or trying to make a leaner kernel05:46
nickrudtuxedocurly, ok, then you should check with the irc channel #wordpress for help on the install. They are intimately familiar with wordpress installation from their site05:46
radsythat's 64405:46
izinucsradsy, I know that the first 3 postitions are root, the second is group and the third is user.. am I close?05:46
nsgnfreq18hz: i did scan over them for sleep related options. didnt see any05:46
* andrew_ needs help removing ubuntu alltogether and going back to the windows xp installed on the primary partition05:46
nsgni guess thats considered core05:46
radsyizinucs, check the link, that file is 64405:46
radsyowner, group, others05:47
tuxedocurlynickrud: how do i get to the wordress channe? "/join #wordpress ?05:47
nickrudtuxedocurly, yes05:47
hena2Sylphid: tar fails to extract the files05:47
tuxedocurlynickrud: alright im on my way there, thanks a lot!05:47
jovenickrud, its http://paste.ubuntu.com/113909/05:47
Sylphidhena2, whats the error?05:47
=== spartakus is now known as Guest7806
andrew_is there a way to get rid of the Grub boot loader screen?05:48
andrew_<andrew_> and force my PC to boot to c: with windows?05:48
arghh2d2andrew_: you can set the timer to like 1 second05:48
nickrudjove, you are using network manager to set up your wireless, right?05:48
Titan8990andrew_: uncomment hidemenu05:48
Altariandrew_; trying to remove linux altogether?05:48
freq18hzandrew: make sure you have follow the setup steps to configure grub, on ubuntu.com community documentation page05:48
Titan8990andrew_: and set default to windows on the line:  default #05:49
andrew_i tried that. it didn't work05:49
MTecknologynickrud: well, it almost works. but the script is kinda poorly written so...05:49
andrew_default doesn't matter. it doesn't DO ANYTHING when i chose winxp05:49
freq18hzandrew: otherwise, you might need to reinstall grub if it isnt working right05:49
arghh2d2you can put windows at the top of the list (barf)05:49
hena2Sylphid: should i be downloading this driver?05:49
andrew_it doesn't matter where it's at on the list. it won't boot at all05:49
andrew_how does one remove Ubuntu?05:50
Altariandrew_; you have incorrectly configured grub05:50
putrefyim using ubuntu 8.10 im trying to figure out how to change the default runlevel why isnt it in /etc/inittab?05:50
nsgnholy poop, building the kernel says it wants to take 2 to 4 hours05:50
Sylphidhena2, yes that is what the wget line is doing05:50
andrew_ok, how do I tell the portion of grub to load windows properly?05:50
nsgni've only done this once before, ages ago05:50
nickrudjove, I mean the icon on the top panel animates, then says you have a connection05:50
nsgnthe kernel has gotten big05:50
hena2Sylphid: i was asking if that was the correct version05:50
russia213_Grub error 21 while my external is plugged in, help?05:50
Altariandrew_ depends on your config05:51
Altariwhat is this grub day :S05:51
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:51
freq18hzandrew: read the howto05:51
Sylphidhena2, doesnt look like it05:51
izinucsradsy, I guess what I find confusing is the file is in the root of /var/www and is the php configuration file for Joomla.. however when in the control panel of joomla and I make a change I get "configuration.php" unwriteable .. I would think that Joomla should be able to write to it's own configuration... I might be wrong05:51
jovenickrud, yes. I had the wireless connection well.  Let me explain, every time rebooting, the file /etc/resolv.conf had overwritten the unwanted IP addreses.05:51
Pyles17apparently it is not intel 3945 day05:52
nickrudjove, yes, that's what happens. Normal05:52
hena2Sylphid: k05:52
hena2let me see if tar gives me the error again05:52
* andrew_ has read the Grub howto. Has anyone actually ever removed Ubuntu and gone back to XP?05:52
jovenicirud, do you see the dhclient that I sent to U correct ?05:52
nickrudjove, ok, then we should be in the right place. I forgot to mention, remove domain-name-servers from the next line group, 'request'05:52
putrefywhere did inittab go?05:52
nickrudputrefy, /etc/event.d05:52
Pyles17my intel 3945 only works occasionally. of course, the driver comes with ubuntu. i don't understand. any ideas?05:53
ZombieAnyone here use Ubuntu with Dell's E1505 Series? I am wanting to run Intrepid on it,. and I am concerned about hardware compatibility.05:53
putrefynickrud, thanks man!05:53
radsyizinucs, it still depends who owns the file05:53
nickrud!laptop | Zombie05:53
ubottuZombie: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org05:53
radsyizinucs, try chmod 777 the file then do your joomla config to prove it05:53
nickrudZombie, erm, I'm guessing laptop :)05:53
radsythen change back to 644 as a test05:53
hena2Sylphid: k, i followed all the steps in the code box sucessfully, except the ones you told me to replace05:53
hena2Sylphid: now what?05:53
izinucsradsy, sure 777 makes it writeable by everyone.. right?05:54
russia213_Grub error 21 while my external is plugged in, help?05:54
freq18hznsgn: still compiling? =)05:54
Sylphidhena2, reboot05:54
nsgnfreq18hz: heck yeah i am. this takes a long time05:54
hena2Sylphid: ok05:54
radsyizinucs, i really recommend you read that link ... it will help you understand it for the future.05:54
hena2hope it works05:54
nsgnit says "2 to 4 hours" but i'm hoping it may be faster since i'm on a core 2 duo05:54
izinucsradsy,  k..05:54
radsyvery simple once you have your head around it05:55
freq18hznsgn: heh well let me know, I want to know if linus fix works05:55
izinucsradsy, is there a way to find out who owns the file?05:55
nsgnfreq18hz: there was a newer stable available. if that doesnt work, i'll try the development patch one05:55
Gatecan anyone assist getting grub working on a software RAID?05:55
nsgnif that doesnt work its windows for me :(05:55
radsyizinucs, strangely enough, http://www.perlfect.com/articles/chmod.shtml explains that, too05:56
MTecknologynickrud: I'm getting closer05:56
izinucsradsy, ok.. I get the point.. thanks05:56
rdancerthe remote desktop viewing just doesn't work05:56
drashZombie: besides a websearch, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Dell might have some info on that05:57
* russia213_ sighs05:57
rdancerit doesn't work with crypto enabled, and the server doesn't even start with the crypto disabled05:57
jovenickrud, okey...I am going to reboot and let you know.05:57
rdancerit is impossible to log in with the unix passwords, and it is only possible to use an 8-char password05:58
rdancerubuntu sux05:58
Buttonswhat is the easiest way to create a image of ubuntu, so that I don't have to install and repeat the same steps every time to get my system back to the way it was?05:58
frk2rdancer, ubuntu is awesome05:58
cast|lirif you say so rdancer, the user is always right!05:58
b3z3rk3rrdancer, why dya say that?05:58
Gatehes flaming05:58
MTecknologynickrud: :D05:59
hena2Sylphid: awesome, it worked05:59
b3z3rk3rGate, sure, i was just looking for his justification05:59
Sylphid!ghost | buttons05:59
ubottubuttons: On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>05:59
quietasHowdy folks05:59
nickrudMTecknology, success?05:59
SylphidButtons, oop ... sorry wrong factiod05:59
rdancerb3z3rk3r: can you read?05:59
hena2Sylphid: hate to pester you further.  but do you think you could help me install my nvidia driver? for a geforce go 7150?05:59
MTecknologynickrud: yup05:59
Buttonsi was gonna say...05:59
^cheekyhello iam using the command   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to check if i can fix a problem i have, as i enter i have this menu asking me about "Use kernel framebuffer device interface?  " i am not sure if should say yes || no ? thank you06:00
frk2Some time ago we embarked on a project to develop something like AD for linux - I just wanted to get a feel of how many people think thats a worthwhile solution (or a requirement)06:00
russia213_Grub error 21 while my external is plugged in, help?06:00
hena2at the moment, i'm stuck at 800x600 resolution06:00
quietasfrk2: take a look at Samba4, they are almost ready with the betas06:00
Pyles17no one has any ideas on intel 3945 wireless not working?06:00
Buttonsso, i'm rdy for my factoid now, the correct one please06:00
frk2so you know, combine Ldap, kerberos, NFS, DNS, DHCP, NTP into one nice GUI06:00
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nickrudButtons,  dpkg --get-selections > mypackages, put mypackages on the new machine ; sudo dpkg --set-selections < mypackages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade . Assuming you've saved & moved $HOME, and made no changes to /etc06:00
Sylphidhena2, proprietary drivers installed ?06:01
frk2quietas, we are developing something that would sit on TOP of samba406:01
frk2what i wanted (or thought was missing) was a extensible GUI06:01
SylphidButtons, the one i thought it was is wrong.. looking06:01
hena2Sylphid: I tried installing them after ubuntu couldn't06:01
quietasahh, even better yet. If there was a full GUI to configure it similar to the MS MMC for AD that would be perfect06:01
hena2Sylphid: didn't work out very well06:01
hena2had to default to standard ubuntu video drivers06:02
frk2quietas, MMS is nothing compared to the power of dojo- webbased! :)06:02
frk2so what do you think of the idea?06:02
frk2its not just the ldap/kerberos/samba part though06:02
BeerCanany good visual basic programming packages for Ubunut ?06:03
quietasheck, I've been looking for a good tool to configure dns, dhcp, smb, apache, squid. Essentially a GUI for a home gateway/router/fileserver06:03
SylphidButtons, look into partition http://www.partimage.org/06:03
frk2i want it to seamlessly administer my postfix/cyrus and my asterisk and everything and anything else thats required in a organization06:03
marty__this campus has port 6667 blocked for me06:03
frk2quietas, problem is that my GUI would get too complex for home use06:03
^cheekyiam not sure if iam doing this right , i went with yes in the configuareation that is executed with this command :  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. but i only was asked about the keyboard layout. am i doing something wrong here ?06:03
marty__pisses me off so much06:03
Sylphidhena2, what do you get from lspci | grep VGA06:04
nickrud^cheeky, no, that's all that configure command does for X anymore06:04
quietasfrk: complex I don't care about, but a enterpise webmin replacement would be be great06:04
Anonyme34769hi all06:04
BeerCanhello anonyme06:04
^cheekynickrud, so , it does not do anything for the video feature06:04
hena2Sylphid:  00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 7150M (rev a2)06:05
jovenickrud, it does not work after its reboot. can you take a look at this file at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113910/06:05
nickrud^cheeky, correct.06:05
Anonyme34769is it normal that i can't see icons on my desktop any more ? Yesterday, I've updated some packages and now, when I want to launch nautilus, it don't works06:05
jovenickrud, do you any idea if you take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/113910/06:06
nickrudjove, if you're usiing dhcp that should be all you need to do. I did some reading while you were away, and some people claim that it's not working for them. http://www.thejackol.com/2008/05/20/fixing-networkmanager-dns-issue-in-ubuntu-hardy-herongutsy/ shows a hack that prevents resolv.conf from being overwritten06:06
Sylphidhena2, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules06:06
Anonyme34769BeerCan: Now, nautilus is working and when i go in Desktop, I can see icons, but they are not on my desktop06:06
jovenickrud, it seems a new bug though06:07
hena2Sylphid: is that it?06:07
nickrudjove, yes it does. Why it happens, I don't know.06:07
swolchok1where'd all the feisty packages go?06:07
nickrud!feisty | swolchok106:08
ubottuswolchok1: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.06:08
jovenickrud, yes I have to modify /etc/resolv.conf everytime to reboot06:08
swolchok1nickrud: so i'm boned if i've got good reasons for not wanting to update the distribution?06:08
Sylphidhena2, after its done installing you will need to restart X06:08
nickrudswolchok1, you can use old-releases.ubuntu.com for a repo, but there will be no security upgrades. Use at your own risk.06:08
nellmathewuhm... what are those coolers for laptops called again?.. the mats w/ the fans?06:09
ari_stresswhich ntp server we can use?06:09
jeeves_Mosshow do I cat the info from dmesg into a txt file?06:09
swolchok1nickrud: good enough; I just want to test a MITM attack06:09
nickrudjeeves_Moss,   dmesg > file.txt06:09
jeeves_Mossnickrud, thanks.  I thought it was something like that, but it turns out that I didn't need cat in there06:10
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nickrudjeeves_Moss, you could use cat /var/log/dmesg > file.txt if you must use cat ;)06:10
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jovenickrud, I remember that after I configured vpnclient-cisco -- that how it happens...do you know what file trigger to it.06:12
andrew_Can someone who understand GRUB and dual booting please look at my menu.lst on http://paste.ubuntu.com/113912/06:12
izinucsIf apache2 is installed should there be a group corresponding to it?06:12
nickrudjove, ah, no. I'm real low quality network help, just the basics ;)06:12
andrew_i'm trying to get to windowsXP and it's just not booting right06:12
jeeves_Mossnickrud, I'd prefer not to.  it was late last night, and I didn't feel like looking it up06:12
jovenickrud, thanks so much for your time.06:13
andrew_i pasted my boot grub  info on http://paste.ubuntu.com/113912/     and everytime I try to select windows it just keeps cycling back to GRUP06:13
andrew_errr GRUB06:14
hena2Sylphid: ok, so i installed the restricted modules, now what?06:14
Sylphidhena2, restart X06:14
nickrudandrew_, thats a correct grub file for a one disk dual boot, assuming ubuntu is booting correctly ....06:14
Sylphidhena2, ctrl + alt + backspace06:14
andrew_nickrud UBUNTU boots fine, XP won't boot at all!06:14
nickrudandrew_, I'd look into booting from an xp disk and making sure that windows is booting correctly at all06:15
hena2Sylphid, after just installing the modules?  do i need to enable anything?06:15
hena2or is that it?06:15
^cheekyhi,.. umm i have this new mother board, intel DG45id and using its inbuilt video card and i am running ubuntu 8.10 and i have the resolution at 1024 X 768 and i need to get it to be even smaller, this is what my xorg file looks like : http://pastebin.ca/1327769. is there anything i can do to fix this?06:15
andrew_I can't I've tried It just keeps going to UBUNTU06:15
nathanhelpI need to install some drivers from Sony...what is an rpm file?06:15
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)06:15
nickrudandrew_, then it's probably a problem with windows not grub. the super grub disk (google) is a good tool for testing windows/grub boot/installations06:16
nathanhelphttp://www.sony.net/Products/Linux/Download/DSC-H3.html which one should i DL for Ubuntu 8.10?06:16
nickrudandrew_, wait a minute. you can't boot an xp boot disk? and you're sure you have the cd as the first boot device?06:16
Sylphidhena2, you can verify by looking in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and looking at the module06:16
hena2Sylphid: k06:16
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^cheekyi dont seem to see and xorg file for that motherboard06:17
casey_What's up?06:17
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hena2Sylphid: it doesn't say anything about nvidia06:18
nickrud^cheeky, you should check system->prefs->screen resolution06:18
graydoti am trying 'sudo usermod -aG www-data userid; groups' but there is still no www-data in my groups. am i doing somethingn wrong?06:18
Sylphidhena2,  can you pastebin your xorg.conf06:18
russia213I have grub error 21 and my external is plugged in06:18
^cheekynickrud, i did , thats the highest i can go06:18
hena2Sylphid: sure06:18
tonyyarussograydot: You have to log out and back in again for group changes to take effect.06:19
claybustrI was playing with ldap and screwed up password auth. How do I reenable password logins? Right now the only way into this machine is ssh public key. Even sudo is screwed (I guess I'll have to boot from CD to get root)06:19
graydottonyyarusso, thanks06:19
nickrud^cheeky, take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log , see if it's using the vesa driver or the intel one.06:19
claybustralso - on a related curiosity tangent - is there any way to use ssh public key (like on a thumb drive) for console or gdm login ?06:19
Lanaanyone know much about thunderbird?06:19
nathanhelphttp://www.sony.net/Products/Linux/Download/DSC-H3.html which one should i DL for Ubuntu 8.10? Since, rpm's are seemingly dangerous.06:19
^cheekynickrud, ok i will thank you06:19
LanaI just want to know if it's possible to do this: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/3380/emailee1.jpg06:19
orsonjLana: some, what is your question?06:20
hena2Sylphid: http://pastebin.com/m39dcf5b606:20
Lanawhen I add email accounts it only lists them06:20
LanaI need to separate them into subcategories, etc06:20
nickrudnathanhelp, I'd guess (without knowing more about what it is or the code is supposed to do) that you need all of them. And they're written especially for red had06:20
Lanaeither in thunderbird or any other email client that can run on ubuntu06:20
macvrhi all , how do i password protect a certain folder, so that every time i have to view the contents i need to enter the password?06:21
tonyyarussoLana: um, if you need categories for your accounts, perhaps you have too many accounts...06:21
orsonjLana: I haven't tried that myself, I'd check for addons that might do it.06:21
tonyyarussomacvr: GPG and a script of some sort.06:21
nathanhelpnickrud: It's for a digital still camera. I dont think I need all of them...but...even so... if it's for redhat that doesnt help me on debian does it? unless...theres a way to convert?06:21
russia213Pleas help me ;_;06:21
nickrudone can never have too many accounts ...06:21
macvrtonyyarusso: GPG?? i'm just a linux noob could u elaborate?06:21
LanaI run several sites, each with several email accounts, and more sites to come in the future, so I really want to organize the treebar that way06:22
tonyyarusso!gpg | macvr06:22
ubottumacvr: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts06:22
LanaI checked addons for thunderbird and couldn't find any06:22
^cheekynickrud, hey, it seems it has both ... is that possible ?06:22
R34L1TYHey guys, Ive just downloaded another backup of Ubuntu, but this time the md5sum is completely different06:22
Sylphidhena2, run jockey-gtk06:22
nickrudnathanhelp, there's alien, but I spend more time than I like helping people do surgery on broken systems because they broke their system with alien06:22
nickrud^cheeky, nope, if you see (VESA) in a *lot* of lines, you're using the VESA driver and not the intel one06:22
O__ohow to find words in man page?06:23
macvrtonyyarusso: and anything i could read up about the scripts?06:23
eweb100Hay, sleep and hybernation doesn't work, it just goes black and freezes any ideas?06:23
hena2Sylphid: and which of the two nvidia drivers do i activate?06:23
hena2173? or 177?06:23
Sylphidhena2, 17706:23
nickrudO__o,  /<word>   that is, hit the slash key then type what you're looking for then enter06:23
R34L1TYAnyone know what could cause the md5sum to be so different if the file was downloaded from the same source?06:23
O__onickrud, thx06:23
tonyyarussomacvr: The Advanced Bash Scripting guide will give you more information than you could possibly need, so you'll just need to figure out which bits you actually want to use.  Happy reading!06:23
hena2Sylphid: tried that when i said brb a little while ago.  it wouldn't work. ubuntu said there was a problem and the only option that let me log in was to revert back to defaults06:24
cast|lirR34L1TY: corruption06:24
tonyyarusso!abs | macvr06:24
ubottumacvr: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/06:24
nickrud^cheeky, I'm not much of an intel guy ... I'm mostly just trying to help you narrow your question for the next person ;(06:24
cast|lirR34L1TY: or the NSA is trying to backdoor you, or the md5 you have is wrong06:24
lakeofteaomg its a party in hear06:24
kc8pxythis will sound weird. how do i go about forcing approx to fill /var/cache/approx with a mirror of the live repositories?06:24
russia213I have grub error 21 and my external is plugged in I can't boot windows directly either06:24
macvrtonyyarusso:  thank you... :)06:24
eweb100everyone, I can't get my labtop to sleep or hybernate, it just goes black and freezes? help?06:24
R34L1TYCan anyone run a md5 on ubuntu-8.04.2-desktop-i38606:24
O__oi have a rdesktop question, i read the man page but still dont understand.  how do u get sound from windows xp to rdesktop?06:25
On0bi_how do i change the hovering/selection color in my theme?06:25
nickrudR34L1TY, you can find official md5sums at releases.ubuntu.com/8.0406:25
O__ordesktop -r sound xx.xx.xx.xx  ??06:25
tonyyarussomacvr: If you want to be really comprehensive about it you could implement it as a Nautilus plugin, but the easiest way would be to do something like have your folder ~/private_stuff, and then a script ~/open_private.sh, and just click the script to run before entering the folder.06:25
R34L1TYthey only liste 8.04.1 as far as i seen nick06:25
^cheekynickrud, hey your helping me and thank you , i dont see it in alot of lines .. kinda seem them both, is there particular line i should look for in the log ?06:25
On0bi_how do i change the hovering/selection color in my theme?06:25
nickrud^cheeky, why not just put it on http://paste.ubuntu.com ?06:25
tonyyarussomacvr: Alternatively, if you're running 8.10 there's some sort of built in ~/Private directory feature that I think uses LUKS, but I haven't played with that yet since I'm on 8.04.06:26
O__ordesktop -r sound:local xx.xx.xx.xx ??06:26
hena2Sylphid: you're taking a bit to respond.  so i'm going to try out the 173.  as i dont have too much time to get this sorted out06:26
Sylphidhena2, 17706:26
nathanhelpnickrud: I'd prefer to not use alien if possible.06:26
macvrtonyyarusso: but if some one clicks on the folder instead of the private.sh , wouldnt they have direct access?06:26
Sylphidhena2, sorry said it earlier musta missed it06:26
hena2Sylphid: i tried that last time, and it failed06:26
On0bi_how do i change the hovering/selection color in my theme?06:26
Sylphidhena2, ok try 173 then06:27
orsonjR34L1TY: it shows .2 for me, try a reload.   589f13da46e34789cb13b7dc574ccc6c06:27
nickrudnathanhelp, I'd google your device model number with the word ubuntu for more info. I'd hate to see you try alien :)06:27
hena2Sylphid: k06:27
tonyyarussomacvr: Well, the way I'm envisioning this is that you'd "unlock" it, use stuff, and "lock" it again.  While unlocked, yes.  Although of course you can use the built in folder permissions stuff so that they would have to first have access to your user account.06:27
R34L1TYOh, nevermind, Thank you nickrud, the md5 is indeed correct. Not sure what i did differently this time around :)06:27
eweb100everyone, I can't get my labtop to sleep or hybernate, it just goes black and freezes? HElp pl0x??06:27
izinucsshouldn't there be a group for apache? like <something>-www or similar?06:28
R34L1TYorsonj - thank you as well :)06:28
tonyyarussoizinucs: www-data by default.06:28
AnaisCareMaizI suddenly cannot see any image in Flickr, I am using firefox, does anyone know why could that be happening? its happening only on that site06:28
R34L1TYAlrighty then, Thanks for the support everyone. Im off to burn a lovely copy of ubuntu :D06:28
izinucstonyyarusso, that's what I thought!  I'm looking for it in groups and don't see it listed event though apache, mysql and php are installed.06:28
cast|lirAlysum: test recieved over, continuing with project alpha06:29
On0bi_how do i change the hovering/selection color in my theme?06:29
nsgnshoulda told him to use a USB stick06:29
nsgnCDs suck06:29
VoodooDanceTitan8990, apparently my upgrade worked06:29
Titan8990VoodooDance: nice06:29
tonyyarussoizinucs: "looking for it in groups" meaning /etc/group ?06:29
Titan8990VoodooDance: drivers too?06:29
russia213Pleas help me ;_;06:29
jeeves_Mosshow can I track down this error?  "usb 1-1: device not accepting address 2, error -71"06:29
macvrtonyyarusso: oh... ok... i'll read up about it , n maybe things would be clearer, also could this be used only any type of partition? or only ext3 , i ask since i have an XFS partition also...06:29
izinucstonyyarusso, no.. in the gui appelate06:30
tonyyarussomacvr: Any Linux/Unix type.06:30
On0bi_how do i change the hovering/selection color in my theme?06:30
macvrtonyyarusso: ok... thanx06:30
^cheekyi think i found it :)06:30
VoodooDanceits using 177 now06:31
VoodooDancewhich is better than 17306:31
tonyyarussoizinucs: Those are the groups you belong to already, not the ones that exist on the system.06:31
fazlurdoes IRC Supports dynamic port ???? Can any body have idea on this ... ???06:31
tonyyarussoizinucs: I think06:32
fazlurdoes IRC Supports dynamic port ???? any body have idea on this ... ???06:32
tonyyarusso!repeat | fazlur06:32
ubottufazlur: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:32
fazlurthank you06:33
Tarakonasso what can I do about CD i/o error when trying to do full install? install-over-windows works fine. cd burned at lowest speed06:34
eweb100everyone, I can't get my labtop to sleep or hybernate, it just goes black and freezes? HElp pl0x??06:34
russia213I have grub error 21 and my external is plugged in I can't boot windows directly either06:34
VoodooDancehow do you determine ubuntu version?06:34
^cheekyVoodooDance, System - about ubuntu ?06:35
tonyyarussoVoodooDance: or for CLI, lsb_release -a06:36
VoodooDancethe ubuntu release name06:36
VoodooDanceI did the auto update and don't recall what I was supposed to end up as06:36
* drgnu Ubuntu 8.10 on TabletPC Motion Computing LE160006:36
drgnuDoes anyone know how to tweak Ubuntu to get an on-screen keyboard on LOGIN & when ADMIN password is required (i.e. when starting synaptic)?06:36
ali__im trying to get xdmcp working over wifi... i can login fine using a wired connection but wifi doesn't work (no serving hosts found)... how do i get it to use my saved wireless configuration?06:38
nickrudVoodooDance, lsb_release -a06:39
VoodooDanceok... cool. 8.10 intrepid06:40
On0bi_how do i change the hovering/selection color in my theme?06:40
VoodooDancenow to try to install 18006:41
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^cheekyhi how would i be able to check what bios version i have in ubuntu ?06:42
roccityhey guys06:43
ali__anyone know how to get xdmcp working over wireless?06:43
dimension128I have a P4 Cedar Mill Single-Core Processor. It has hyper threading.  /proc/cpuinfo shows it as if it were 2 physical cpu's. (processor : 0 and processor : 1). The "System Monitor" shows one 'thread' at almost 100% always, and the other at almost zero. Sometimes they switch around, and the graph itself is interesting to watch, as one 'cpu' goes down, the other goes up almost at the exact same rate. "top" is showing th06:43
dimension128My question is,  Is this normal? Should one 'cpu/thread' on a single-core cpu always appear to be at 100% usage?06:43
Circsdimension128: For single threaded applications that is normal load behavior06:44
lwizardlanyone here use a toshiba protege 3500 with ubuntu or linux06:45
tonyyarusso^cheeky: sometimes lshw will show you that.06:45
VoodooDancetritium, ok.. I did the sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 what next?06:45
tonyyarusso^cheeky: if not you'll have to reboot and look06:45
^cheekytonyyarusso, well.. mine has the huge intel thing .. does not show me my specs06:46
ali__anybody here know anything about xdmcp?06:46
ali__i will paypal $20 usd to anyone who fixes my problem...06:47
dayo_ali__: $2506:47
tonyyarussoali__: I appreciate the gesture, but unfortunately I don't know the answer.  :S06:47
freq18hzwhats the issue06:48
ali__i can't get xdmcp working over wifi06:48
dayo_ali__: :P06:48
ali__it works fine over ethernet but not over wifi06:48
ali__im using a laptop as a client so ethernet kinda defeats the purpose of having a laptop in the first place06:48
dimension128Circs: So how do I know what kind of load a process is really imposing on my machine? When top says something is using 80%CPU, does that mean I have 20% unused or 120%?  Or better yet, do you know of any place I can read up on this kind of stuff? I tried googling phrases like "Ubuntu Hyperthreading, always at 100%" But the results are pretty much useless.06:49
n8tuserali__-> when you use the ethernet on your laptop it works with xdcmp?06:49
ali__n8tuser: yeah06:50
Circsdimension128: Hyperthreading doesn't mean you actually have two cpus, it only shows up like that, so when it says 80 used, you only have 20% free06:50
n8tuserali__-> the remote host is on same subnet?06:50
ali__n8tuser: yeah all my stuff is on 192.168.1.*06:50
Circsdimension128: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper-threading06:50
dimension128Circs: thank you06:51
O__ohi how to get sound in rdesktop?06:51
O__oi did rdesktop -r sound:local but no sound06:51
n8tuserali__-> can you post the results of  iwconfig;  ifconfig ;  route -n  ?06:51
Circsdimension128: That should give you a good groundwork for understanding, but basically HTT is a way to combat the excessively long pipeline of the Netburst processor arch.06:51
O__ordesktop -r sound:remote i can hear sound from my remote xp machine06:51
harrisonyis there a way to make update-manger when doing a dist-upgrade force to use a mirror06:51
ali__n8tuser: ok brb w/ a pastebin url...06:52
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Circsdimension128: If you have any questions after reading that just ask me and I'll explain06:52
lahorihow can i completely remove ubuntu... i wanna install windows xp back... could somebody help me06:53
tanto_i'm having a problem with my ubuntu+screen+irssi character encoding, in ubuntu+screen it's turning a little dot in the center of the line into a block.. without screen it works great, but inside of screen it's all messed up06:54
roccitylahori: reinstall winxp06:54
tonyyarussolahori: You just install Windows - that should be plenty.06:54
lahorithank you06:54
roccitylahori: it should reinstall if not use the live cd and partition the disk as ntfs and then install winXP06:54
nightrid3rlahori: insert windows cd and reboot, erase all partitions a create new one for windows06:54
ali__n8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113917/06:55
roccitylahori whay do you want to just  curious06:55
n8tuserali__-> your laptop is .69 and you're connecting to which ip?06:56
ali__n8tuser: .106:56
frk2he's a lahori thats why06:56
n8tuserali__-> can you ping that .1 ip now from your laptop?06:57
dbuiviethi all, I'm using Hardy, kernel 2.6.24-23, just upgraded the latest ATI driver, version 9.1, and my suspend/hibernate function doesn't work anymore, I'm on Thinkpad T60, with ATI Mobility X1300, anyone has any idea or info on my issue? :-)06:57
ali__n8tuser: yeah no problem at all... im wondering if it's because the wireless doesn't connect until logon, and xdmcp is started before logon?06:57
ali__n8tuser: that was a string of assumptions by the way... i don't really know what i'm talking about06:59
n8tuserali__-> when you do  X :8 -query    does that work?06:59
harrisonywow the quality of supports really droped over the years06:59
dbuiviethi all, I'm using Hardy, kernel 2.6.24-23, just upgraded the latest ATI driver, version 9.1, and my suspend/hibernate function doesn't work anymore, I'm on Thinkpad T60, with ATI Mobility X1300, anyone has any idea or info on my issue?06:59
ThingsHi, I keep getting a Exit 127 message when I try to "start a proccess"07:00
ThingsAnyone know what it means ?07:00
zeroshadedbuiviet check http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkWiki =) thats how i fixed issues on my R6107:00
tonyyarussoThings: something is failing in the code. That's about all you know.  What process?07:02
n8tuserali__ are you there?07:02
bossn8tuser: that worked fine i was amazed to see that07:02
bossn8tuser: that worked fine i was amazed to see that07:02
eigma_I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 server and I want to customize iptables to add a pom (patch-o-matic) module (the ROUTE target).. I'm following these steps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=489011&postcount=2. any idea what's the proper way to get all the p-o-m patches in the tree so I can build it?07:02
bossn8tuser: is there any way of getting that to work before login?07:02
* tcindie yawns07:02
tcindiehey all :)07:03
n8tuserboss-> is that $20 bux ready for you to deposit?07:03
dbuivietthanks zeroshare, I will check it :-)07:03
dimension128Circs: Interesting. So would I gain anything by compiling the kernel with some kind of options for my cpu? Or is the standard Ubuntu precompiled kernel already doing the best job that can be done?07:03
bossn8tuser: i'm a man of my word... but can i get that working without having to first login to the laptop?07:04
Thingstonyyarusso, a SA-MP server07:04
Things***@***:/home/Things/samp02X# ./samp02Xsvr &07:04
Things-bash: ./samp02Xsvr: No such file or directory07:04
Things[1] 504707:04
Things[1]+ Exit 127 ./samp02Xsvr07:04
FloodBot1Things: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:04
n8tuserboss that command using X  -- you must be logged on07:04
Circsdimension128: There is almost always something to be gained by compiling on your specific machine, but unless you spend a lot of time with multithreaded apps of multi tasking with high IO waits your performance won't increase by any measurable amount07:04
bossn8tuser: in the options menu at login you can choose xdmcp... i guess that's off limits unless you're wired, or am i wrong?07:05
n8tuserboss-> the login screen on the laptop only allows you to login to your laptop,07:05
peepsaloti have a front panel jack for headphones on my computer.  I can't figure out if there is a way to mute the normal spekaer output when this is plugged in.  can anyone help?07:06
peepsalotas it is, when I plug in headphones, it plays on both the normal speakers, and my headphones07:06
n8tuserboss-> what that meant is your laptop can be logged on remotely using  xdcmp, it does  not meant you can use your laptop's login prompt to login to a remote system07:06
Circsdimension128: Did that answer your question?07:06
bossn8tuser: i tried it wired and it worked07:07
dimension128Circs: Aye, ok. Its so nice to have a place to ask questions like this. You have been very helpful thank you.07:07
tonyyarussopeepsalot: There is..a sec07:07
n8tuserboss-> perhaps i dont follow, when your laptop is wired, you then do what?07:07
Circsdimension128: Not a problem. I actually have a workstation with a 3.8 P4 and I turned off hyperthreading for my purposes.07:08
bossn8tuser: choose xdmcp from the options menu at the login screen, and it gives a list of available hosts (which i have 1, which is i click it and i get to the same screen i did with the X command07:08
tonyyarussopeepsalot: Right-click or double-click the volume applet, go to the "Switches" tab in the Volume Control manager, and select "Headphone Jack Sense".07:08
dimension128Circs: Does it really work better to turn it off when your running non ht apps? Did you see a noticeable performance gain?07:09
topo_1968Italian or english only?07:09
JakPetecan I ask for help here?07:09
peepsalottonyyarusso, hmm, mine doesn't have that switch.  i wonder if it's just a crappy sound card.  it's onboard Asus m2n-e07:10
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)07:10
tonyyarussopeepsalot: could be yeah07:10
Circsdimension128: Not really, but I kept getting strange errors when the load would climb and I'd try to use something else at the same time.07:10
n8tuserboss-> when you just have wireless on your laptop, do you have to do anything to get it associated and have wireless access or just turn it on and get a wireless outright?07:10
topo_1968OK grazie a n8tuser>07:10
dimension128Circs: Well gotta get to bed. Thanks again.07:11
bossn8tuser: when i turn it on and i'm logged in, it connects automatically to my router with the network-manager applet.  but that's because i have a saved configuration there... before i set that up in network-manager (which isn't started until login) it would ask me for the wpa key07:11
JakPetecan I ask for help in this room?07:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:13
bossn8tuser: pm me your paypal email and i'll transfer the $ now... i trust you won't disappear :P07:13
n8tuserboss-> then you need to setup your /etc/network/interfaces  so it auto connects upon boot (withou you needing to login)07:13
n8tuserboss may I request.. donate it to a very good cause.. like st jude or salvation army ( i dont know if they have these in uk)07:14
AgentHeXi'm having a problem with pulseaudio.  it seems when i play a youtube video through Adobe Flash Player 10, i cannot get audio playback from any program.  it simply hangs.  so far, i've only been able to revive playback by rebooting my system.  anyone have a workaround?07:14
bossn8tuser: half to a good cause, half to you?07:14
n8tuserboss all of it07:14
MoLE_AgentHeX, which ubuntu are you using?07:15
bossn8tuser thanks for your help, i'll stay in the channel and let you know where it's gone07:15
n8tuserboss you're welcome07:15
AgentHeXMoLE_: and i've enabled hardy-proposed as well as hardy-backports, but i doubt this has any relevance.07:15
n8tuserboss  getting back to your issue, the auto connect at boot should be configured in /etc/network/interfaces07:15
nuxildonate to ubuntu07:15
MoLE_AgentHeX, IIRC it's a known issue for 8.04, have you read the wiki.ubuntu.com entry on pulseaudio and flash?07:16
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
bossn8tuser any idea how i can do that?07:16
AgentHeXno.  i'll check that out.  i looked on launchpad for bug reports but didn't find anything.07:16
wwbwwbin my home,2pc,one xp,another xubuntu.when the two connect the internet,the xubuntu is wrong.when the xubuntu connect the internet alone,it's good.what's the matter?07:16
n8tuserboss hang a few...let me check something07:17
bossn8tuser i looked at an example file online and it looks pretty daunting...thanks07:17
n8tuserboss->  you are using 8.10 ?07:17
=== dzup-beback is now known as dzup
syntachi, my wireless connection is slow for some reason. it stays around 25kB/s where as my wired connection is limited by my ISP (over 1MB/s).  What is the deal with the wireless?  I'm using 8.10 new install07:18
MoLE_AgentHeX, http://humanpenguin.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/pulseaudio-and-flash-issues-in-ubuntu-804-resolved-at-last/07:18
bossn8tuser yeah07:18
AgentHeXMoLE_: thanks for the find.  i'll see if it fixes my problem.07:18
n8tuserboss hang a few...let me check something07:18
KyleKhey my ubuntu box is acting as a masq gateway, and i want to limit one ip on the network to just 15kbps upload rate, what do I want to use?07:19
MoLE_np AgentHeX07:19
JakPeteI am new so forgive me if this is stupid.  Yesterday my ubuntu indicated that there was updates available.  I clicked on it as usual and it started downloading.  It came up with an error and since then can't open open office, can't remove or reinstall it.  Says I have 9 broken packages.  Tried doing as the error box says, which is open package manager.  When that opens it says to use the broken filter to locate them.  I tried Edit, Fix Broken Packages.  Sa07:19
n8tuserboss you said wpa2 ?07:20
bossn8tuser yeah personal07:20
KyleKsyntac: is there any network services that you can test against? like a web server on your lan or something? I've heard of some drivers causing like a bandwidth limitation of that much07:20
n8tuserboss thats wpa2 or wpa1  i dont remember07:20
KyleKtheres one for eahc :)07:21
wwbwwbin my home,2pc,one xp,another xubuntu.when the two connect the internet,the xubuntu is wrong.when the xubuntu connect the internet alone,it's good.what's the matter?07:21
wwbwwbxubuntu 8.1007:21
bossn8tuser wpa2/psk07:21
* aceat64 is away: not here07:21
syntackylek, yes, whenever i run the update software (my mirror is a server on campus here) it runs at ~20kB/s on wireless but at 120kB/s when wired07:21
n8tuserboss did you post your /etc/network/interfaces file earlier?07:21
FlannelJakPete: You got cut off.  But, go to a terminal, do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and it'll likely give you a command to perform regarding broken packages07:21
KyleKwwbwwb: might want to clarify on "wrong"07:21
bossn8tuser no i'll do that now07:21
n8tuserboss if not, canyou post it?07:21
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KyleKsyntac: whatever wireless driver you're using is crap then07:21
KyleKtry ndiswrapper if you're not using it, or the other option if you are (i think its atheros that has that issue)07:22
syntachow do i determine what i'm using?07:22
KyleKlsmod |ndis?07:23
KyleKwwbwwb: exactly07:23
KyleKwwbwwb: "wrong" is very vague, like when all the computers are hooked up, are the images upside down for the xubuntu machine?07:23
bossn8tuser http://paste.ubuntu.com/113925/ i think it's pretty much default07:23
n8tuserboss add these lines07:24
syntackylek, i have the intel 5100 wireless controller.  have you heard anything bad about it?07:24
n8tuserboss     auto  eth107:24
JakPeteFlannel: tried it and comes up with the following:07:24
JakPeteW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60D11217247D1CFF07:24
JakPeteE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:24
JakPeteE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:24
FloodBot1JakPete: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:24
n8tuserboss ill paste in private..07:24
bossn8tuser, cool07:25
wwbwwbi'm a beginner.not  very catch your mean.but thank you very much07:25
JakPetesorry floodbot07:25
FlannelJakPete: You'll need to close synaptic, update-manager, and whatever other package managers you have, and try again.  (And ignore the GPG error for now)07:25
KyleKsyntac: nope, did you do "lsmod | ndis"?07:25
KyleKmay or may not list ndiswrapper07:26
raevolmy pulse audio isn't remembering my default device between reboots07:26
kreinohelp, what command i want to use root07:26
kreinohelp, what command i want to use root in terminal?07:26
bossn8tuser, is that all?07:26
bossn8tuser, is that all?07:26
bossn8tuser, sorry07:26
zeroshadekreino: looking for sudo?07:26
n8tuserboss in private..a bunch of lines07:26
bossn8tuser, cool i'll add those now07:27
kreinonow i am in my profile.. when i want to do 'echo...', it neet to be root07:27
zeroshadekreino: put 'sudo' before the command07:27
kreinoin terminal07:27
Flannelkreino: What command are you trying to do?07:27
JakPeteFlannel: can I speak to you in private so I can copy/paste the message i got?07:28
Flannel!paste | JakPete07:28
ubottuJakPete: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:28
kreinonow.. kreino@ubuntu:~$ ....................07:28
kreinobut i want use like root:~$ .............07:28
kreinosomething like that07:28
zeroshadekreino: use sudo -i07:28
Flannelkreino: No, you want to perform a command.  What command is it?07:28
kreinook thanks07:29
Flannelkreino: You'll likely end up doing something like echo "foo" | sudo tee -a /bar/baz07:29
JakPetesorry...noob here that has only recently moved from xp.  I don't understand what you want me to do07:29
FlannelJakPete: Copy the text and paste it to the pastebin, hit 'submit' or whatever, and you'll get a new URL (with your paste) give us that URL07:29
JakPeteoh ok07:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cbq07:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about htb07:30
pinguinoi use a server with only CLI, problem is with my video card is a 7800gs and a LOUD fan, under console it spins 100%, but with drivers loaded and in xserver its quiet(no longer have xserver installed), how do i  shut it the hell up in cli?07:30
harleyme being a newby to ubuntu, should I download a self extracting file or an RPM self extracting file?07:31
arvind_khadriharley, neither07:31
MoLE_how did you go AgentHeX07:31
arvind_khadri!deb | harley07:31
ubottuharley: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.07:31
harleyarvind_khadri, ? :S07:31
FlannelJakPete: Oh, you're adding PPAs for OOo 3?07:32
ronskyhey how can i get aircrack-ng installed ???07:32
arvind_khadriharley, you should install stuff from the repositories07:32
harleyarvind_khadri,  then how should i go about installing java?07:32
MoLE_ronsky, sudo aptitude install aircrack-ng07:32
arvind_khadriharley, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre07:33
ronskyAwesome thanks07:33
MoLE_harley, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras will also give you mp3 support and other stuff like flash07:33
kreinohow to stop the terminal from downloading something...? i cant stop it. before i just test mttcorefonts.. but i want to cancel..?07:33
arvind_khadriharley, substitute jre with jdk if you want jdk... type that in the terminal07:33
MoLE_kreino, press control-c07:33
arvind_khadri!java > harley07:33
ubottuharley, please see my private message07:33
harleyMoLE_, I did that yesterday, thanks anyway :)07:33
JakPeteFlannel: I don't know...ubuntu said I had updates available so I clicked to install\07:34
MoLE_harley, in that case you will already have java installed07:34
JakPetetold you I was new to this07:34
kreinoi have pressed ctrl+c, but after i download something, it will continue back.. how come?07:34
ronskyAwesou Mole  for MP#07:34
harleyarvind_khadri, well I'm not sure if you've heard of it. But I want to play a java based game. What java will I need?07:34
kreinook.. it done.07:35
FlannelJakPete: Ok, Lets take a step back, did you add something to try and get OOo 3?07:35
arvind_khadriharley, if you have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras java must be playing... i think you may need jdk too07:35
arvind_khadriharley, which game?07:35
harleyarvind_khadri, RuneScape07:36
JakPeteFlannel: I never added anything.  As I see the icon appear up the top of ubuntu, i simply click and download the latest updates07:36
ronskyHey alot of this info is great07:36
FlannelJakPete: Is this computer shared with other people?  This might not have been today07:36
lost_and_unfoundgreetings, how do i see what ports are open on my ubuntu system ? in FreeBSD I was used to sockstat -4l07:36
arvind_khadriharley, is it a online game or something07:36
harleyarvind_khadri, I have been playing it but it has been freezing a lot and down the bottom it said java applet failed, so I thought it may be due to java07:36
ronskyF&^K Windows07:37
harleyarvind_khadri, yes a java based game.07:37
arvind_khadri!language | Ronald07:37
ubottuRonald: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:37
FlannelJakPete: Ok, so... in the past, you tried (perhaps succeeded) in adding a repository to allow you to get a newer OpenOffice.org?07:37
arvind_khadriRonald, sorry07:37
Slartlost_and_unfound: I think you can use netstat with a suitable switch07:37
harleyarvind_khadri, and uses some kind of java applet, and it keeps failing on me07:37
arvind_khadri!language | ronsky07:37
ubotturonsky: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:37
arvind_khadriharley, which ubuntu?07:38
MoLE_ronsky, you're welcome07:38
ronskyhey it wasn't spelled correctley07:38
arvind_khadrironsky, but even then :P07:38
JakPeteFlannel: I guess i may have.  I am sorry to say that I never really take much notice, but just click update and let ubuntu do the work07:38
harleyarvind_khadri, 8.1007:38
MoLE_lost_and_unfound, nmap perhaps?07:39
arvind_khadriharley, hmm.. no idea sorry...07:39
harleydoes anybody else here possibly know why my java applet is failing?07:39
MoLE_harley, which version of java does it require?07:40
MoLE_some java apps only work with specific versions harley07:40
FlannelJakPete: This wouldn't be something as simple as clicking the update button.  That wouldn't have done this.  But, alright.  Somehow you added an unofficial repository, and thats what's causing the issues.  Please pastebin the output of `apt-cache policy openoffice.org-core python-uno openoffice.org-writer`07:40
harleyMoLE_, I'm not sure07:40
ronskyi just installed ubuntu 810 a few hours ago and just got my realtek usb drivers installed   this is nice07:40
JakPeteFlannel: I can tell you when I first got unbuntu about two weeks or so ago i did download the newest open office myself and install it07:40
MoLE_harley, well this information would help you troubleshoot07:40
harleyMoLE_, I'd say the latest version :S It's a pretty big game07:40
arvind_khadriharley, maybe you should try iced-tea07:41
harleyarvind_khadri, iced-tea?07:41
MoLE_harley, is it an in-browser java applet?07:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about icedtea07:41
harleyMoLE_, Yes07:41
MoLE_harley, URL?07:42
harleyMoLE_, www.runescape.com07:42
Kingsid3Runescape is damnn awful07:42
harleyKingsid3, I like it :)07:42
AgentHeXMoLE_: ty much.  problem solved.07:43
freq18hznsgn: any luck?07:43
JakPeteFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113930/07:43
arvind_khadriharley, its also a java jre like the ones sun issue...07:43
Kingsid3Fare play07:44
harleyarvind_khadri, So I need java jre?07:44
FlannelJakPete: alright, try `sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-core`07:44
arvind_khadriharley,  sudo apt-get install icedtea-java7-jdk07:44
arvind_khadriharley, ya you need jre07:44
harleyarvind_khadri, or iced tea? orr...? (I'm confused) :P07:44
harleyarvind_khadri, then should I download a jre version of icedtea?07:45
JakPeteFlannel: Install these packages without verification?07:45
arvind_khadriharley, first try with the sun-java jre's if its still crashing, then go for icedtea07:45
FlannelJakPete: If you'd like, you can hit no and we can fix the verification problem, or we can hit yes and then fix the problem aftewards.07:46
harleyarvind_khadri,  Okay, I'll have to wait for jdk to finish downloading firs07:46
arvind_khadriharley, ok... try once after the jdk is done too :)07:46
harleyarvind_khadri,  Alright, thanks for your support :)07:47
TrinithisI want to undelete files on a FAT32 filesystem. What program should I use?07:48
arvind_khadriharley, np...07:48
JakPeteFlannel: Clicked yes and got this result - http://paste.ubuntu.com/113931/07:48
russia213Can anyone help me? I installed Ubuntu on my external and I get Grub error 21 even when the external is pligged in07:49
arvind_khadrirussia213, you need to re-install grub07:49
arvind_khadri!grub > russia21307:49
ubotturussia213, please see my private message07:49
FlannelJakPete: Alright, do `sudo apt-get clean`, lets take care of the validation issue, and then lets reinstall OOo-core after that.07:49
russia213arvind: I did reinstall07:50
dzupintrepid here; does someone knows why googleearth goes soo slow?07:50
arvind_khadrirussia213, the grub??07:50
JakPeteFlannel: did that and it just went to a new line07:50
FlannelJakPete: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system   Explains how to do it, and you look on this page for the key itself: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x60D11217247D1CFF07:50
FlannelJakPete: right.  In Linux no output is a good thing07:51
jtajidzup: you'll want to disable compiz (visual effects in appearance prefs) if it's enabled07:51
russia213Yes, through the live terminal07:51
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok . so you on live cd now?07:51
dzupjtaji: compiz its off07:51
russia213arvind: yes07:51
arvind_khadrirussia213, you the full name so that messages dont get lost... could you paste menu.lst ?07:52
Industrialif I remove something completely with synatic I don't see the dependancies which were also installed being removed. Why? Doesn't this leave lots of garbage (:p) on my system?07:52
dzupjtaji: first googleearth stall on startup, but i did mv some libXxxx to libXxxxx.bak ...now works but its very slow, you know why?07:53
JakPeteFlannel: I will read the info and try to work it out07:53
adantehi guys I'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/285392  <- the last post suggests bios "turn off SATA/IDE option" what does this refer to?07:53
russia213arvind_khadri: Could you help me with that?07:53
FlannelJakPete: it's just copy/paste, should be straightforward, but be sure to ask if you have questions.07:53
quibblerIndustrial: what garbage?07:53
igorHey guys, anyone here can spare a few moments to help me figure out why the Remote Desktop Viewer wont desplay the remote desktop?07:53
=== jpg is now known as jpeg
Industrialquibbler: the packages which were dependancies of the one I installed which no longer have any use because they aren't being used by something else07:54
arvind_khadrirussia213, sure... 1)do you have dual booting? 2) run sudo fdisk -l on the terminal and the paste the output on pastebin07:54
arvind_khadri!paste> russia21307:54
ubotturussia213, please see my private message07:54
JakPeteFlannel: so the pages you sent me to are to help with validation issue?07:55
Industrialquibbler: eg package a needs b, I install a which also installs b first, I uninstall a but b is still on my system, I install package c, it doesnt have anything to do with b. Why is b still there?07:55
gfatheris there a way a can get linux certificate for free ?07:55
FlannelJakPete: yes.   Once you import that key, you won't get the validation issue.07:55
quibblerIndustrial: you can get rid of them in synaptic under the custom filter orphans07:55
Kingsid3Anyone know a way to map volume keys on my keyboard in Ubuntu so that they work with Rythmbox?07:56
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
Industrialquibbler: which one?07:56
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
Industrialoh I got it, Status -> Installed (euto removable)07:57
quibblerIndustrial: make a new filter orphans07:57
russia213arvind_khadri: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113939 I do have doual booting07:58
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok ... now do sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc1 /mnt07:59
JakPeteFlannel: What name do I save the document as?08:00
russia213arvind_khadri: done08:01
arvind_khadrirussia213, now gksu gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst ... paste the contents to pastebin08:02
Sam_IRCi just installed post fix and i get this:08:02
Sam_IRCpostdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory08:02
Sam_IRCand someone help me fix it and so i can be able to mail() in php?08:02
Kingsid3Hey iam08:02
quibblerFlannel: here is a script to get all  launchpad keys:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1047743&page=408:03
Sam_IRCanyone a postfix expert?08:03
JakPeteFlannel: you still there?08:04
russia213arvind_khadri: there is nothing in the file08:05
arvind_khadrirussia213, do ls /mnt do you see something as boot,home,etc, ......08:06
JakPeteFlannel: Hello08:07
undef022<Sean> anyone know the proper ip for svn.madwifi.org, it doesn't seem to resolve :s08:07
arvind_khadriundef022, ping it08:07
undef022<Sean> it doesn't resolve08:08
russia213arvind_khadri: In the terminal? Sorry, *is a n00b*08:08
dzuphi, i did sypnatic install of googleearth-package my questio where is the  executable??? whats his name :s ?08:08
arvind_khadrirussia213, ya ... dont be sorry about it :)08:08
arvind_khadrirussia213, type ls /mnt in the terminal08:08
licantrupI have a disc partition with windows that I can see from Ubuntu. I was trying to share this partition to another linux computer in my local network but nfs complains that the partitio doesn't support nfs08:09
russia213arvind_Khadri: No I only got another ubuntu@ubuntu line08:10
viktorkAZhello.. im trying to install the zlib library.. when i try.. it appears an error: E: Couldn't find package zlib08:10
arvind_khadrirussia213, had you formatted the linux installation drive as ext3 or ext4?08:10
cast|lirzlib1g perhaps08:11
cast|lirdo a aptitude search zlib :)08:11
licantrupDoes anyone know how can I share the windows partition to another computer?08:11
arvind_khadrilicantrup, samba08:11
PastorBonescan anybody recommend a program for making a windows installer thing?08:11
arvind_khadri!samba | licantrup08:11
ubottulicantrup: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:11
russia213arvind_khadri: Partitioner says ext308:12
PastorBoneseverything I've found only works on windows08:12
arvind_khadrirussia213,  sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdc1 /mnt after doing this did you get any errors?08:12
licantrupI have tried Samba through but it can't change the permissions of the partition08:12
ActionParsnip2PastorBones: i cant imagine microsoft creating one, have you tried the windows app in wine?08:12
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licantrupI am trying to share from Ubuntu to Ubuntu08:13
licantrupbut I wan to share a windows partition08:13
PastorBonesActionParsnip2, I'll see if I can get one of these install creators to work in wine I guess08:13
licantrupnfs complains it is not nfs compatible08:13
licantrupSamba tries to change the permission of the partition to 77508:14
licantrupand it doesn't succeed08:14
ActionParsnip2licantrup: I've only set up a samba share of Linux partitions for flexibility08:14
arvind_khadrilicantrup, run samba with sudo ...08:14
ActionParsnip2licantrup: you can make samba change ownerships etc of written data08:14
russia213arvind_khadri: none08:14
ActionParsnip2or was that proftpd08:15
arvind_khadrirussia213, sudo mount -a ... what does it return08:15
licantrupSsmba tries to change /media/sda7 (the partition I want to share) from 770 to 77508:15
licantrupand it can't08:15
licantrupI tried myself with sudo08:15
licantrupbut it doesn't suceed08:16
ari_stresshi guys, why my network card both wireless and cable active at the same time? both gets ip address from the network08:16
arvind_khadrilicantrup, try asking in #ubuntu-server08:16
russia213arvind_khadri: nothing O.o08:16
arvind_khadrirussia213,  sudo mount  /dev/sdc1 /mnt lets try this08:16
arvind_khadrirussia213, and am sorry there was no -a in the mount command... its just sudo mount08:17
viktorkAZcast|lir: when i try to install any of the libraries i need.. it appear in the terminal that couldnt find the packages08:17
viktorkAZcast|lir: so i wonder how can i get the packages first08:17
yao_ziyuanwhen i close an app, the clipboard can be cleared. how do i change this behavior (and retain the clipboard content)?08:18
arvind_khadrirussia213, will be back in a jiffy08:19
russia213arvind_khadri: ok08:19
milligan_How can I check what program is using my soundcard ?08:20
Imaginativeone_can I reinstall ubuntu without knocking out my disks?08:21
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FlannelJakPete: It doesn't matter what you save the file as08:22
cast|lirdefien knockin out08:22
kevin_ok... so i got myself a 64-bit machine with 4 gigs of ram. I installed 8.10 (32-bit) and i only see 3 gigs of ram. Can I just install a 64-bit kernel package in here rather than do a whole new ubuntu install?08:22
MoLE_Imaginativeone, definitely08:22
Imaginativeone_I would like to save ALL of my existing information08:23
MoLE_Imaginativeone, always do a backup first08:23
cast|lirkevin_: i believe you can run a 64bit kernel with a 32bit userland fine enough08:23
PeddytI'm trying to compile some c++ source code, but I'm getting multiple errors: http://pastebin.com/m7d8ee989 Can someone please tell me what they mean and how to fix them?08:23
Imaginativeone_Mole: thanks!08:23
Imaginativeone_I don't know how to do a backup08:23
Imaginativeone_can I just risk it?08:23
kevin_perhaps i should just dl the 64-bit version and go with it08:23
MoLE_Imaginativeone, I wouldn't08:23
Imaginativeone_so, what do I do?  just NOT partition the drives?08:24
JakPeteFlannel: ok.  saved it08:24
kevin_i do want to run 32-bit apps with wine though08:24
MoLE_Imaginativeone, you might want to investigate Clonezilla to solve your backup problem08:24
Imaginativeone_Mole thanks VERY much!!08:24
Imaginativeone_I will check that out08:25
cast|lirkevin_: one can create a 32bit chroot, though what would be better from a compatibility perspective would be to just run windows in a vm08:25
MoLE_Imaginativeone, you're welcome08:25
JakPeteFlannel: and completed the rest of the task08:25
MoLE_Imaginativeone, http://clonezilla.org08:25
FlannelJakPete: alright, do sudo apt-get update again, (this time, you shouldn't have the authentication errors) and then try sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-core08:25
kevin_i mostly want to run windows games though, so a vm is not an option. it came with vista, but vista is slow and i don't want to learn a new UI :)08:25
Imaginativeone_I hope Clonezilla compresses...08:25
Imaginativeone_I have to back up 600GB08:26
MoLE_Imaginativeone, it does08:26
MoLE_what are you backing up to Imaginativeone08:26
MoLE_dvd or hard drive Imaginativeone08:27
JakPeteFlannel: it said the following packages could not be authenticated.  But, it is downloading now so that seems to be more than before08:27
Imaginativeone_Mole: DVD08:29
Imaginativeone_should I use CloneZilla live?08:29
MoLE_Imaginativeone, yes08:29
Imaginativeone_let's see...600GB/4GB per DVD08:30
Imaginativeone_150 DVDs08:30
MoLE_imachine, cheaper to buy a portable hard drive08:30
Kunalagonhello, does somebody knows how to create Ad-hoc network using NetworkManager? I mean, I can create, but what next? I cannot see that network from another computer?08:30
Imaginativeone_yeah...better in the long run08:31
Imaginativeone_I bought a WD 1TB, but I had to return it08:31
Imaginativeone_my system wouldn't recognize it08:31
kevin_oh ok... i was gonna ask why... i just got one tonight :)08:31
izmaelis!loli status08:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about loli status08:32
Imaginativeone_kevin: let me know how it works out for you...08:32
cast|lirsome bios have trouble with the big hard drives08:32
kevin_it works fantastic08:33
Imaginativeone_would you give me a link?08:33
kevin_i just shifted all of my wine installed apps to it, simlinked .wine to my home dir, and now they're movable between systems easily08:33
russia213arvind_khadri: The last command returned "mount: can't find /dev/sdc1/mnt in etc/fstab or etc/mtab08:33
Imaginativeone_back to the originial task, how do I install Ubuntu over my existing system while keeping it?08:33
Imaginativeone_I wish I knew what "symlinking" is...08:34
Imaginativeone_I see that term all the time08:34
cast|lirImaginativeone_: you can't 'keep it' an install over it. you can keep a subset of it though08:34
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MoLE_Imaginativeone, it depends on how you set it up originally08:34
cast|lirImaginativeone_: what do you want to keep?08:34
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:34
MoLE_!symlink > Imaginativeone08:34
ubottuImaginativeone, please see my private message08:34
Imaginativeone_I want to keep the gobs of data I've amassed over the last two years08:35
kevin_woops i'm sorry08:35
FloodBot1kevin_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:35
cast|lirImaginativeone_: so what, the contents of /home?08:35
MoLE_Imaginativeone, you need to tell us what configuration you have with your partitions on your drive then we can give you better information08:36
Until_It_SleepsDoes anybody know any programs that can burn AVI files to a DVD-rw so it can play in a regular DVD player?08:36
MoLE_Until_It_Sleeps, I would suggest k3b08:36
Imaginativeone_Mole: Partition A - Master HDD08:36
Imaginativeone_Partition B - Secondary Master08:37
MoLE_!partition | Imaginativeone08:37
ubottuImaginativeone: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap08:37
Imaginativeone_Partition C - Secondary Slave08:37
dayo_how do i restart pulseaudio08:37
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dayo_i followed this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 and STILL my pidgin sound dies after watching a movie on kaffeine08:38
dayo_rhythmbox won't even play08:38
flubuntume burid08:39
SmokeyDhey all, which compiz effect makes a window transparent when the mouse moves to another window below it?08:40
SmokeyDnevermind, fount it, opacify08:41
Until_It_SleepsSmokeyD: Join #Compiz08:41
SmokeyDUntil_It_Sleeps: ok, thanks, didn't know it existed. But found it already08:41
Until_It_Sleepser, #compiz-fusion08:42
gmathewsHi, using ntfs-config I have manged to get my ntfs partition to auto mount into /media/295GB. However How can i auto bind /media/295GB/My Documents/Work to /home/Documents each time my computer starts?08:42
SmokeyDUntil_It_Sleeps: by the way, do you know if there is a good place to ask for apparmor help?08:42
Until_It_Sleepsum... I dunno08:42
prince_jammysgmathews: you mean make a link?08:42
SmokeyDUntil_It_Sleeps: ok, thanks anyway. I'll look around a bit08:43
SmokeyDgotta run now08:43
gmathewsprince_jammys: like mount -o bind, but make it do it each time I startup08:44
jackmayoljust reinstalled yesterday ubuntu 32 --> 64 but I cant mount the ntfs partitions. I have everytime to start nautilus as root at double click the partition names. is there a way to make them "browsable" as default when my ubuntu boots up?08:45
rdanceramarok says "No suitable input plugin." when playing a remote mp3 stream (plays local mp3's ok) 8.1008:45
adamsanyone able to help troubleshoot a wireless connection08:46
adamshalf-showing up but not connected to the network08:46
zgmf-x20aanyone using kmail here?08:48
zgmf-x20ahaving a sending issue that cant seem to resolve08:49
quibblerjackmayol: in synaptic install ntfs-config08:49
prince_jammyszgmf-x20a: write out the details of your problem , and hopefully someone can help. also try in #kubuntu08:50
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tcindieReading the release note for 8.04 it mentions something about DELL RAID firmware compatibility... anybody know if the perc5 is affected by this?08:50
ziroday!fstab | jackmayol you need to add them to here08:50
ubottujackmayol you need to add them to here: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:50
JakPeteFlannel: If you are still out there...thank you very much.  I now have my Open Office back!08:51
JakPeteFlannel: You are a legend08:51
FlannelJakPete: No problem08:51
jackmayolthx guys, gonna take a watch08:51
pogayI installed a ubuntustudio 8.10 and with iscan I have a dependency problem. it depends from an "older" lib, but works find with the new one.08:51
andrew_hi. why are the respositories soooooo slow ?08:52
andrew_it was default ca.archive, i changed it to us.archive08:53
andrew_same thing08:53
pogayI was looking for a workarround, to have no problems after installing with the update (which does'nt work afterward).08:53
cast|lirandrew_: if they're all slow, amybe you're slow :o08:53
norbert79Good morning08:53
pogayequivs and metapackeages seem to complicate, as I just need the package on one laptop08:53
zgmf-x20aprince_jammys: trying to setup gmail type accounts on kmail, cant get sending to happen though, keep getting this error:  Transport 'Unnamed' is invalid.08:53
andrew_no im not slow08:53
pogayist possible to edit .deb packages? How?08:53
andrew_im talking 28.8 - 6kb/s slow08:54
norbert79pogay: dpkg-deb08:54
prince_jammyszgmf-x20a: direct it to the whole channel. i don't know about kmail.08:54
zgmf-x20aprince_jammys: ok, thanks though :)08:54
zgmf-x20ahey all, trying to setup gmail type accounts on kmail, cant get sending to happen though, keep getting this error:  Transport 'Unnamed' is invalid.08:54
Slartandrew_: try another mirror again.. you should get better speeds from almost any mirror in the world... might be on your end though08:54
zirodayzgmf-x20a: for kde apps you might have better luck in #kubuntu08:55
andrew_whats a good mirror08:55
zirodayandrew_: there is a "Select the best mirror for me" button08:55
andrew_and is there a tool to change it easier then line by line in the sources.list file08:55
Slartandrew_: there is a list in the "software sources" dialog08:55
norbert79andrew_: Which has the highest speed, and is close to your area08:55
zgmf-x20aziroday: tried, no one home.  lol.  im running ubuntu though, gnone, kontact is justa  superior app08:55
pogaynorbert79: thanks, I follow this hint08:55
norbert79pogay: Depending on you would like to accomplish... What exactly are you trying to do?08:55
flubuntui wqant to reques ubuntu dimaan08:57
norbert79flubuntu: You would like to do what with what?08:57
zirodayflubuntu: dimaan?08:57
andrew_what program08:57
rdzhi all. i would like to configure sudo in away that a certain user can start an /etc/init.d script as root08:57
andrew_are you talking about ,  seleccct best mirror08:57
andrew_synaptic ?08:57
zirodayandrew_: in software sources. Look in System > Administration > Software Sources08:58
MNZcan I set up a local directory as a source in apt?08:58
rdzbut this should be the only action this user can do with root privileges08:58
norbert79rdz: check /etc/sudoers! It's the file for conmfiguring sudo08:58
arvind_krdz, we advise you not to08:58
norbert79rdz: "man sudoers" explains a lot08:58
rdznorbert79, yeah.. i nkow sudo and the /etc/sudoers, but i don't understand how to set it up for what i want08:58
zirodayandrew_: and then where is says "Download From:" select other.08:58
rdzarvind_k, why do you do so?08:58
rdznorbert79, thanks.. i'll try08:59
andrew_ziro ahhhh, thanks08:59
norbert79rdz: try to read that one through, if you get stuck, come back to us again08:59
pogaynorbert79:  iscan is dependet libltdl3 (>= 1.5.2-2) ubuntu8-10 provides libtdl7 (which is compatible)09:00
arvind_krdz, sorry i hadnt completely understood what you wanted to say...sorry about it09:00
andrew_anyone know how to make my ubuntu with the big icons on the bottom instead of the task  bar ? what modification is that  ?09:00
norbert79pogay: I see... Did you check the packages which package would get you the libltdl3 compatibility?09:00
MNZis it possible to set up a directory as an apt source? I mean can I make it look for packages in a directory where I have downloaded them before trying to download?09:00
zirodayandrew_: you can increase the panel size or use a dock09:00
norbert79andrew_: Avant-Window navigator is the one you are looking for09:00
_jester_you guys know any soulseek client for terminal09:01
SlartMNZ: it's possible to use a cd as a repository.. so it ought to be possible to add a folder.. don't know how to do it though09:01
rdznorbert79, already the very beginning is very challenging... talking about the grammar of it09:01
norbert79rdz: It's pure english :)09:01
zirodayMNZ: you can put them in /var/cache/apt but not sure if that will work09:01
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MNZI think the current directory will do09:02
pogaynorbert79:  I made a symplink iscan works perfektly, but the dependency-error is unpleasant, disturbs upgrade and further installation09:02
Ravenorlinux-headers-2.6.24-23 causes a kernel panic on my Aspire One. if I remove the 24-23 headers via synaptic, will linux default to the  24-22 headers?09:02
ActionParsnip2yo yo yo09:02
norbert79pogay: I see... Lets see if there are compatibility packages09:02
_jester_looking for soulseek client for console, anyone knows one?09:02
prince_jammys_jester_: museek09:03
rdznorbert79, don't you get frightened, when reading the term "Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF)"?09:03
SlartRavenor: I doubt the kernel headers are causing a kernel panic.. it's just text files..are you talking about the kernel?09:03
norbert79rdz: No, I just Google a bit, or check SUDO's webpage :o) http://www.sudo.ws09:03
zirodayRavenor: you can pick the -22 kernel from grub, and have grub boot up to that by default09:03
andrew_nicce 900kb/s now09:03
RavenorSlart, No. as detailed here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/322867 Aspire One owners have gotten panics after installing the recent header update.09:03
SlartRavenor: and no, you'll need the correct kernel headers for the kernel you're running09:04
ActionParsnip2_jester_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10914209:04
andrew_new zealand ftw09:04
prince_jammys_jester_: museek, which works in tandem with museeq. personally, i think it kind of sucks, but check it out.09:04
_jester_prince_jammys: thx, ill check it09:04
ActionParsnip2_jester_: theres an ncurses client there09:04
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norbert79pogay: What application does this library require?09:04
Ravenorziroday, provided the kernel itself is still present on my computer (which I assume it is, as I'm using it. It just defaults to 24-23 right now, and I switch it in grub)09:04
Ravenorziroday, correct?09:04
SlartRavenor: read that page again.. it's probably the new *kernel* that is the problem09:05
zirodayRavenor: correct. You can manually select -22 in grub when booting up. If that works you can have grub always use -2209:05
rdzoh jeese.. that is way too much of a n overkilll..09:05
andrew_is there a good mp3 album manager for linux ?09:05
rdzsorry... but the sudoers man page is for people who spend their live trying to understand sudo09:06
zirodayandrew_: as in?09:06
norbert79andrew_: Well, Amarok is nice, but not exactly an album manager09:06
andrew_like i could point it at a bunch of directories, and it'd list all the albums for me for easy clicking09:06
nathanhelpnickrud: Are you still about?09:06
andrew_nothin to fancy09:06
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eper3zhey guys why is it so hard to share a folder on my network ubuntu to vista?09:06
rdznorbert79, i don't wnat to start another religion.. i would like to just want a user to let execute one little script..09:06
SlartRavenor: but you can use the older kernel if you want.. and the older kernel headers will be used automatically..let them sort out the problems before you switch09:06
norbert79rdz: I get you, don't worry... :) Check your privates09:07
RavenorSlart, My bad. Me being stupid, I figured 24-23.48 was the only one I had. I'd need to find a way to roll back to 24-23.46, right?09:07
nathanhelpHow can I tell if my USB ports are working or not?09:07
RavenorSlart, or be lazy and just use 22.09:07
SlartRavenor: I would just stick with the second newest kernel and set that to default in grub09:08
zirodayandrew_: something like rhythmbox?09:08
cast|lirnathanhelp: plug in a usb drive and see if anything happens?09:08
SlartRavenor: they will probably release a new upgrade later when they've found out what is wrong09:08
jtajirdz: it's pretty easy, make a line 'user ALL = /etc/init.d/whatever' or '%group ALL = /etc/init.d/whatever'09:08
cast|liror a mouse, or a kb09:08
rdzjtaji, thanks a lot09:08
RavenorSlart, Right. My thanks.09:08
nathanhelpcast|lir: I have no usb kb/mouse09:08
SlartRavenor: you're welcome09:09
jtajirdz: hmm, here I found some examples too http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/sample.sudoers09:09
nathanhelpi do have a printer though. that would be a good test09:09
Until_It_SleepsMoLE_: How would I go about burning a .AVI to the dvd so that it's playable?09:09
alberto2000which is the best irc client for ubuntu?09:09
ActionParsnip2!best | alberto200009:10
ubottualberto2000: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:10
andrew_alberto xchat probably09:10
ActionParsnip2alberto2000: best doesnt exist09:10
pogaynorbert79: there are, what I have seen,   libltdl3-sources in the web, I didn't like the idea to install old versions.09:10
andrew_or irssi if you like something simple09:10
Slartalberto2000: type !best here in the channel for more info09:10
andrew_its solid09:10
prince_jammysalberto2000: there are many. xchat, pidgin, konversation ... also irssi for a command-line one.09:10
MoLE_Until_It_Sleeps, K3B - read the manual and it details how to09:10
norbert79pogay: No, what application does require libltdl3?09:10
ActionParsnip2!irc | alberto200009:10
ubottualberto2000: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines09:10
alberto2000ok thanks09:11
SlartUntil_It_Sleeps: you can also try devede.. easy enough that you don't have to read a manual =)09:11
pogaynorbert79: it think it's more for gui's an configuration, but I don't know09:11
thenebAnyone know anything about modprobe.d ?09:11
Slart!anyone | theneb09:11
ubottutheneb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:11
Until_It_SleepsSlart: I think I installed that, but I can't find it anywhere09:11
norbert79pogay: But what was the name of the package you tried to install which asked for liltdl3?09:11
SlartUntil_It_Sleeps: open a terminal, type devede09:11
Until_It_SleepsO_o oh..09:12
thenebubottu: oops, wrong channel. It's a gentoo question ;)09:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:12
pogaynorbert79: iscan  for epson scanners09:12
ubottua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org09:12
=== kansan is now known as kansan-zzzzz
norbert79pogay: Whats iscan? There should be a support for Epson printers in Ubuntu09:13
Slart!away > kansan-zzzzz09:13
ubottukansan-zzzzz, please see my private message09:13
* Until_It_Sleeps hugs Slart09:14
thenebubottu: Meant for a general channel, Anyway if anyone does know how to get alsactl to run restore with a module load. Ie post-install snd-ymfpci /usr/sbin/alsactl restore then let me know09:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:14
Until_It_Sleepsubottu: Why does my computer suck?09:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:14
pogaynorbert79:  yes, printer works out of the box, but scanner http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl?manu=&model=sx400&bus=any&v=&p=09:15
norbert79pogay: Oh, so xsane does not provide you the support for your Epson then?09:15
pogaynorbert79: ican brings the modul to recognise the scanner, then xsane works09:16
norbert79pogay: I see...09:16
norbert79pogay: Hang on... Googling a bit ;-)09:17
pogaynorbert79: for me would be a workarround just to adjust the lib-dependecie in the package.09:17
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
norbert79pogay: Do you have libsane-extras installed? dpkg -l | grep libsane09:19
ArgonHow to begin the rich? http://www.ruspatriot.tk09:20
L_Yhow can i update my openoffice from 2.4 to 3.009:20
L_Yi'm now under ubuntu8.0409:20
ActionParsnip2!ot  | Argon09:20
ubottuArgon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:20
arvind_khadriL_Y, you need to install the PPA's09:20
gordonjcp!spam | arvind_khadri09:21
ubottuarvind_khadri: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...09:21
gordonjcp!spam ! Argon09:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spam ! Argon09:21
gordonjcp!spam | Argon09:21
ubottuArgon: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...09:21
norbert79gordonjcp: Damn TAB, right? ;-)09:21
gordonjcparvind_khadri: sorry, disregard09:21
gordonjcpnorbert79: tab + lack of caffeine09:21
ArgonNo spam09:21
arvind_khadrigordonjcp, :) got scared for a second though09:21
gordonjcp!ru | Argon09:21
ubottuArgon: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:21
joshjtlhi, anyone try fedora 10? I've been trying it out lately but I'm pretty sure I'm coming back to Ubuntu, the distro feels reallllly solid, but the package system is a real hassle!!09:21
shubbarcan someone tell the the command to change files of one extension to another09:22
arvind_khadri!ppa > L_Y09:22
ubottuL_Y, please see my private message09:22
prince_jammysjoshjtl: try at #ubuntu-offtopic09:22
ActionParsnip2joshjtl: its good to try different distros09:22
Slartshubbar: you mean rename? try "mv"09:22
Kingsid3I found Yum really easy to use09:22
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ActionParsnip2shubbar: depends on the file type you are changing from09:22
gordonjcp!ot | joshjtl09:23
ubottujoshjtl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:23
ditch64hi, could someone help me burn a DMG image to a dvd-dl?09:23
ActionParsnip2shubbar: you cant simply rename files and it convert the data09:23
joshjtlok ok, sheesh09:23
c_nick!do-it | gordonjcp09:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about do-it09:23
ditch64im trying to burn OSX onto a disc09:23
gordonjcpjoshjtl: seriously, there's #ubuntu-offtopic, they love that sort of stuff in there09:23
norbert79!ot | joshjtl09:23
ubottujoshjtl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:23
Slartjoshjtl: no need for name calling.. especially those kinds of names09:23
prince_jammysjoshjtl: try #ubuntu-nazis09:23
Bobblybookcan anyone help me with getting an intel wireless card connecting to a network?09:24
arvind_khadriL_Y, you there??09:24
norbert79ok, anyone would like to kick the back of this idiot? Thank you09:24
ActionParsnip2Bobblybook: lspci will identify it, you can websearch from there09:24
L_Yarvind_khadri yea09:24
shubbarSlart, can you give me an example using mv09:24
arvind_khadriL_Y, http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml you can use this...just replace hardy with every instance of interpid09:24
L_Yarvind_khadri: you mean that i have to download it by myself?09:25
ActionParsnip2ditch64: http://baghira.sourceforge.net/dmg.htm09:25
ActionParsnip2ditch64: i wouldnt go advertising illegal activity in here09:25
BobblybookHi again parsnip :) Yes I've got drivers and firmware all updated. It's listed as eth1, but not as wlan0 anywhere, and won't find my networkk09:25
ditch64ActionParsnip2, well its a student version and i have legal rights to it09:25
Until_It_SleepsWow, DeVeDe takes a long time to convert. But I'll wait as long as neccesary :D09:25
Slartshubbar: mv awesomefile.txt awesomefile.data will change the name from awesomefile.txt to awesomefile.data ... it will still be the same text file though09:25
lucio12345hello i have a CUPS-PDF printer installed as default09:26
lucio12345but a program doesn't see it and i cannot print09:26
suigenerishow do I get the total size of the files I list with find?09:26
ditch64ActionParsnip2, will that help me burn it to a disc though?09:26
arvind_khadriL_Y, not really, program apt-get so that it does it for you :)09:26
ActionParsnip2ditch64: read the link09:26
lucio12345is there a way to declare the PDF printer visible to all?09:26
SlartUntil_It_Sleeps: it does.. but afaik that's the only way to do it.. re-encoding takes time09:26
Until_It_SleepsHeh. By my calculations, it should be done at about 4 A.M. :P09:27
ActionParsnip2Bobblybook: http://www.usenet-forums.com/linux-networking/61712-change-eth1-wlan0.html09:27
L_Yarvind_khadri,i typed in the terminal "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org",but when the program finished,it's still 2.409:27
SlartUntil_It_Sleeps: sounds reasonable for a large avi.. running on single core?09:27
Until_It_SleepsRunning on a 700 MHZ Celeron09:27
ActionParsnip2L_Y: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml09:27
SaoukaJust tried to use the make command on 8.10, but the all the files in the directory I used the make command in appear to just go, they don't even appear in trash, nor are they hidden. Was during trying to compile a wireless driver.09:27
SlartUntil_It_Sleeps: ouch..09:28
Until_It_SleepsThis is only about 200 MB, so... yeah.09:28
L_YActionParsnip2,i'm under 8.0409:28
arvind_khadriL_Y, i had given you a link right? you just need to follow the instructions there...and replace the instances of interpid with hardy09:28
Until_It_Sleepsabout an hour an a half.09:28
Until_It_Sleepsit would be done.09:28
shubbarSlart, i tried batch converting and it gave me file finemane.ext is not a directory09:28
BobblybookActionParsnip2: thanks, but that doesn't really help - I have no conflict on eth1, I'm just worried it's not being detected as wireless properly..09:29
Slartshubbar: I never said you could use that straight away on several files at once09:29
ActionParsnip2Bobblybook: it will help you rename it to wlan009:29
arvind_khadriL_Y, the one which ActionParsnip2  gave is the same which i gave, so just follow it and remember about changing the name09:29
L_Yarvind_khadri,okay,i'll have a try09:29
ActionParsnip2Bobblybook: i think (as you say) it doesnt matter09:29
Slartshubbar: what are you trying to do?09:29
arvind_khadriL_Y, sure..go ahead :)09:30
shubbarSlart, batch convert some files with ext1 to ext209:30
Slartshubbar: my example was only for one file09:30
BobblybookActionParsnip2: hmm Ok. iwconfig shows "unassociated" under access point. I think that might be the problem09:31
shubbarSlart, how about using wildcards mv *.ext1 *.ext209:31
Kohelethis there a channel for Jaunty?09:31
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ikoniaKoheleth: #ubuntu+109:31
KohelethThank you09:31
|tom|could anyone make sense of this problem: when using "Processing" (visual code writer thingy), the program will occasionally just not recognize key strokes, and seems to randomly switch between working and not09:31
ikonia|tom|: what application is visual code writer thingy09:32
Slartshubbar: I don't think it's that easy.. have you searched in synaptic for "rename files" ? I think there are a couple of utilities09:32
|tom|its called Processing09:32
ActionParsnip2Bobblybook: you could try manually populating /etc/network/interfaces to test09:32
ikonia|tom|: the application is called "processing" ?09:32
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ikonia|tom|: where did you get it as I can't see that application in the ubuntu software repository09:33
BobblybookActionParsnip2: I will try that, brb a couple of mins.09:33
ikonia|tom|: ok - so it's not built/packaged by ubuntu so not much we can really do to support you09:33
ikonia|tom|: I suggest you use the contact details on that website09:33
PeddytHow would I reconnect a USB device as if it were physically unplugged and replugged?09:34
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ActionParsnip2Peddyt: sudo umount -a09:34
|tom|ah just thought i would try, thanks09:34
ikonia|tom|: no problem, it just looks very custom written09:34
shubbarSlart, did it,  using this command:   for f in *ext1 ; do mv $f `basename $f ext1`ext2; done09:35
shubbarthat was complicated09:35
Slartshubbar: but still kind of elegant =) I would probably have made it uglier =)09:36
cast|lirshubbar: just for future reference, its a good idea to wrap filenames in quotes, for if say one contains a space09:37
prince_jammysfor f in *.ext1; do mv "$f" "${f%ext1}ext2"; done09:37
ActionParsnip2shubbar: if its all files with one extension to another, use: mv *.jpg &.png09:38
ActionParsnip2shubbar: and they will all switch file extension09:38
ActionParsnip2mv *.jpg *.png09:38
BobblybookActionParsnip2: just got told I don't have permission to edit interfaces09:39
=== Until_It_Sleeps is now known as UIS_Of_Borg
ActionParsnip2Bobblybook: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces09:39
gordonjcpActionParsnip2: that doesn't work09:39
ActionParsnip2or sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces09:39
ActionParsnip2gordonjcp: bah09:40
gordonjcpActionParsnip2: you can't just say "mv *.jpg *.png", because for one thing globbing doesn't work like that09:40
gordonjcpshubbar: What exactly are you trying to do?09:40
f0rmattried installing ubuntu 8.10 this morning and when shown the partition table it doesn't show any partitions even though i have one NTFS partition 1 fat32 and several others it couldn't see any it just said use whole drive :S09:40
pirx_hi! i use a 8.10 ubuntu desktop. so does a collegue of mine here at work. for both of us the sound often just stops working. is this some common problem?09:40
BobblybookActionParsnip2: thanks, all saved. Do I need to restart or reload ubuntu?09:40
PeddytActionParsnip2, umount -a just lists my home partition and system partitions...09:40
ActionParsnip2gordonjcp: it works under win, it was an educated guess09:40
ActionParsnip2Bobblybook: you need to run: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:41
shubbarActionParsnip2, thanks, thats simpler so i just had to use & for the target09:41
ActionParsnip2Peddyt: does it not show up again in nautilus?09:41
Boo_gghi all ))09:42
PeddytActionParsnip2, it doesn't unmount anything. It just lists (in the terminal) a list of devices and says 'device is busy'.09:42
PeddytActionParsnip2, it doesn't list any USB devices.09:42
shubbargordonjcp, just like actionparsnip2 showed it09:42
gordonjcpshubbar: weird, that shouldn't work09:42
andrew_ziro if i delete my default taskbar/panel (at the bottom) in ubuntu, to replace it with this avant window manager thing09:42
andrew_will i be able to get it back easily ?09:42
ActionParsnip2gordonjcp: doesnt work here either09:43
prince_jammysit doesn't09:43
dreamworkandrew: yes09:43
gordonjcpActionParsnip2: nor did mv *.jpg &.png, it just tried to fork off a bunch of mv09:43
is_nullhello everybody, i've created a usb stick from 8.10 livecd. How to dist-upgrade? /cdrom is only half-full but i get this error: debconf: DbDriver "templatedb": could not write /var/cache/debconf/templates.dat-new: No space left on device09:43
prince_jammysit's like saying mv foo.mp3 bar.mp3 baz.mp3 *.wav   (it only works if there happens to be a directory named '*.wav')09:43
is_nulldpkg: unable to fill /var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i with padding: No space left on device09:44
gordonjcpprince_jammys: that's what I thought09:44
gordonjcpis_null: you've run out of space09:44
ActionParsnip2rename is a better command http://txt.binnyva.com/2007/03/change-the-extension-of-multiple-files-in-linux/09:44
BobblybookActionParsnip2: All done, still nothing new though.09:44
shubbargordonjcp, i did it with another more complex command "for f in *ext1 ; do mv $f `basename $f ext1`ext2; done"09:44
prince_jammysfor f in *.mpg; do mv "$f" "${f%mpg}avi"; done09:44
is_nullgrowy, are you sure you've read my question?09:45
gordonjcpshubbar: aha, I was coming to that09:45
is_nullgordonjcp, *09:45
ActionParsnip2is_null: run df -h  do you have free space?09:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:45
gordonjcpActionParsnip2: if you really wanted to convert a bunch of images from .jpg to png, you might do "for i in *.jpg; do convert $i `echo $i | sed 's/jpg/png/'`; done;09:45
prince_jammysshubbar: what i just typed will do it. yours will break if filenames contain spaces09:46
ActionParsnip2gordonjcp: i love the convert command, its badass09:46
is_nullActionParsnip2, yes on the persistent data file: http://pastebin.com/m4605809a09:46
is_nulli though that the ubuntu usb created would have made it for ubuntu to use hasn't it?09:47
ActionParsnip2is_null: rootfs                505M  505M     0 100% /09:47
ActionParsnip2is_null: you / is full to capacity09:47
ActionParsnip2is_null: try running: sudo apt-get clean09:47
f0rmatI tried installing ubuntu 8.10 this morning and when shown the partition table it doesn't show any partitions even though i have one NTFS partition 1 fat32 and several others it couldn't see any it just said use whole drive :S09:47
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is_nullActionParsnip2, wouldn't that just temporarly solve the problem that ubuntu isn't using the space it asked me too?09:48
ActionParsnip2is_null: i'm guessing you /home is on / so you may want to delete some knitting patterns / Cat attacking child / cousins wedding you hated pics09:48
is_null*asked: when i created the usb live system09:48
is_nulldid anyone read my question please?09:48
is_nulli don't have anything in /home, i just created the ubuntu live usb system and told it to use a couple of G for persistent stuff, now i just booted on it and i'm trying to dist-upgrade09:49
ActionParsnip2is_null: you have no more space on the / partitioon to do any sort of package install, if you have never ran that command you will have a bucket of debs that are just sat taking up space09:50
shubbarprince_jammys, now what was that, python?09:50
prince_jammysshubbar: no. bash09:50
ActionParsnip2is_null: you could always symlink the cache folder (or whatever) to a partition with lots of space09:51
is_nullindeed, i'll mount a tmpfs on the cache folder, thanks ....09:51
plumaI'm trying to get WLAN working on my Acer notebook. Everything's okay, except when I try to log in to a network. The network uses WPA/WPA2 (Personal, not Enterprise). When I enter the key, it fails to auth and shows me what seems to be an encrypted version of the key I entered. Am I being daft or do I smell something fishy?09:51
jedi06i just installed this new theme and i'm getting /home/jordan/.themes/SlicknesS-black/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:101: Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "/handles/handle-v.png"09:51
prince_jammys!cn | ambitoun09:52
ubottuambitoun: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:52
ActionParsnip2pluma: have you installed and configured wpa supplicant?09:52
plumaActionParsnip2: Yupp, it was installed by default.09:52
jedi06it looks really hard to read chineese09:53
ActionParsnip2pluma: is it configured though?09:53
ambitounmy english is very poor09:53
plumaActionParsnip2: I had to add the network via the settings as the network picker wouldn't let me select WPA, though.09:53
PeddytHow would I reconnect a USB device as if it were physically unplugged and replugged? ie, dropping all power to the device and everything.09:53
Myrttiambitoun: then try the chinese channels09:53
sexcopterpluma: which version of ubuntu are you using?09:54
plumasexcopter: Intrepid09:54
plumasexcopter: Intrepid Ipex 8.10 64bit, to be exact.09:54
is_nulli think this command should be run before updating a liveusb system: cd /var/cache/apt && mv archives/* /tmp/ && rm -rf archives && ln -sfn /tmp archives09:54
ActionParsnip2!wpa | pluma09:54
ubottupluma: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:54
sexcopterpluma: hmm, my only guess can be problems with 64-bit drivers... i'm not very savvy on this topic though09:54
sexcopterpluma: do you know the wireless chipset?09:55
ActionParsnip2is_null: not sure duder09:55
pogaynorbert79: canditate  - I can uninstall iscan and try to install09:55
is_nullActionParsnip2, then i'm telling you ;)09:55
is_nullthanks for the help09:55
ActionParsnip2is_null: i'd make a folder withinn tmp to use09:55
ActionParsnip2is_null: np man09:55
prince_jammysis_null: you'll have a bunch of loose files in /tmp09:55
is_nulli don't care because ubuntu liveusb mounts a tmpfs in /tmp, which means that /tmp is in the ram, and  those data will die when i shut down09:56
nathanhelpdoes anyone have any experience with digital still cameras and glibphoto2?09:56
prince_jammysis_null: move the whole dir if you're going to do that, and link to the dir09:56
plumaActionParsnip2: Keyring and WPA seem to be working. Only problem is when I try to log in it seems to encrypt the key I enter and show me that when it fails to connect rather than the key I entered, which leads me to believe that it doesn't handle the key as it should.09:56
plumaI'll try that then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo09:57
plumaBummer I have to wait until I get home before I can give it a try.09:58
cheekywhats a good graphics card that would work with ubuntu and would be able to handle the latest games pretty well ?09:58
plumaThanks for the help, though.09:58
plumacheeky: Nvidia09:58
is_nullprince_jammys, that works as well09:58
plumacheeky: Almost any nVidia card should do. Just stay away from ATI if you want to avoid trouble.09:58
ActionParsnip2!hcl | cheeky09:58
ubottucheeky: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:58
Slartcheeky: at the moment, nvidia09:58
ActionParsnip2nvidia all the way here09:59
plumacheeky: In theory any card should work, but nvidia saves you some trouble with 3D stuff.09:59
ActionParsnip2depends if you need 3D09:59
ActionParsnip2if its not needed, any card will fly09:59
cheekyany model number, with nvidia ?09:59
sexcoptercheeky: i think nvidia is better supported, but ati is more open and in the spirit of open-source, and support for it is improving10:00
pogaynorbert79: was on the wrong conole, but not installed cand:
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pogayhaving iinstalled libsane extras, epson sx400 scanner is not recognised.10:06
joshjtlare there different packages installed if I install ubuntu from dvd than if I installed with a cd iso?10:07
ActionParsnip2joshjtl: none at all, the only difference is the DVD has the other DE's on, KDE, XFCE10:08
joshjtlgreat thanks ActionParsnip210:08
BobblybookActionParsnip2: Any ideas? I added the network in Network Connections -> Wireless, but no luck. Should it be finding the network automatically?10:09
echo__hi. I just used the 'Hipo' ipod software, any now my ipod shows no music, yet Hipo still shows it all there. Any ideas?10:11
biomasswhy is there no libXxf86dga.so in ia32-libs ?10:11
abhi__how to remove completely pidgin files10:12
Slartabhi__: sudo apt-get remove --purge pidgin ought to do it10:13
ActionParsnip2Bobblybook: if you rename the interfaces file you editted and reboot you will have no network config which may help, you wil get a blank config which you can resetup10:13
abhi__thanks dude10:13
Slartbiomass: afaik not all libraries are made available in ia32-libs.. perhaps they didn't see a reason to include it10:13
biomassSlart: yeah most likely I guess, too bad its the only library i need to get this 32bit app running =)10:14
jedfox- connect irc.oftc.com10:14
Slartbiomass: you can't compile it yourself? or get the 32-bit library from packages.ubuntu.com ?10:15
BobblybookActionParsnip2: Ok, how would I do that?10:15
ruediixHello, I'm back.  Does anyone know how to override the refusal of x64 Ubuntu to install i386-i686 packages.10:15
Slartruediix: you can use dpkg with a force option.. but think twice before doing it10:16
biomassSlart: that's my next step I guess =) is there a way to use a 32bit package and get it properly installed in /usr/lib32 ?10:16
ActionParsnip2Bobblybook: sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces_old10:16
ruediixSlart, Yes, always check that you have the compatability libraries installed.10:16
minatower spricht deutsch?10:16
Slartbiomass: I don't know really.. I've never had to do it myself10:16
BobblybookActionParsnip2: Thanks, rebooting.10:17
biomassSlart: hmm, this looks interesting, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=474790, gonna give that a go10:17
shitali have downloaded all the packages for 8.10 manually, now i want them to be installed through Synaptic on system which do not have net connection, so how i can tell the SPM, to look a folder for the extra packages?10:17
ruediixSlart they should make the compatability libraries package add i386 as a supported architecture.10:18
Briareos1can i configure ubuntu so that if a user creates a file in a specific directory the permissions are set to GROUP1 and if they create a file in another directory it will be set to GROUP2?10:18
Slartbiomass: ah.. looks interesting.. please let us know if it worked10:18
fw1Briareos1, i think you want to set the group sticky bit10:18
Briareos1fw1 what does that do?10:19
shitalis that possible??10:19
RaverWildhello guys. question: is it normal the system monitor gnome applet to indicate almost 100% network usage when i do nothing? i have a hardy installation at work - never happens there. intrepid installation at home - never happens when i do something. as i stop (nearly fresh installation, with everything closed) the network indicator goes at almost 100%. is there a daemon in intrepid which does that?10:19
Slartshital: take a look at aptoncd, it might be helpful10:19
shitalok fine10:19
SlartRaverWild: I think it sets maximum to whatever max activity has been.. so if you're not using the network it would stay very high10:20
BobblybookActionParsnip2: OK, I have no interface file now, but my wired and wireless connections are still saved10:21
jtajiBriareos1: change the group owner of the directory, and then chmod the directory setgid, i.e. chgrp group1 directory1 && chmod g+s directory110:21
echo__hi. I just used the 'Hipo' ipod software, any now my ipod shows no music, yet Hipo still shows it all there. Any ideas?10:21
ActionParsnip2Bobblybook: ok now fire up your connection manager software and setup10:21
biomassSlart: it worked =) only problem I noticed was that it referred to its own man page which wasn't available.10:23
Slartbiomass: ah.. I can live without a man page as long as it works =)10:24
scienteshow can i get ubuntu to stop messing with ctrl alt f110:26
scientesit grabs it and pulls me back to X10:26
scienteswhen something goes wrong this prevents me from fixing10:27
Briareos1jtaji cool! it even works via samba :) ... but now i got the problem that files created via the file system get the permissions -rw-r--r-- .... but i'd need -rw-rw---- instead10:27
scientesand its another example of the computer trying to tell me what i want10:27
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Slartscientes: how do you mean, it pulls you back to X?10:27
scientestry it10:27
scientesyou have to do it twice10:28
Slartscientes: ah.. ok.. I've always blamed nvidia for that... for a while it didn't work at all10:28
jtajiBriareos1: the umask needs to be changed from 022 to 002, you can set it for the file system in /etc/fstab10:28
jtajiBriareos1: with a umask=002 option10:28
scienteswhy would nvidia grab my keystrokes10:28
scientesit pisses me off cause a few times X has frozen and i cant fix it10:28
Slartscientes: I think it was a bug in the nvidia driver when switching to "text mode"10:29
scientesmakes me want to turn ssh on so i can remote log in and fix it10:29
scientesso if i use the framebufer driver i wont have it?10:29
Briareos1jtaji hmm okay so it's not possible directory-specific?10:29
scientescause i hve witnessed the same problem with the framebuffer10:29
Slartscientes: I have no idea.. I have ssh server enabled for fixing things =)10:30
jtajiBriareos1: I don't think so.. but it won't hurt with ubuntu, since the default is to use private groups (group with same name as user)10:30
Briareos1jtaji yeah i just about it - furtunately everything i want to have that permission is on one and the same partition anyway. thanks a lot!10:31
jtajiBriareos1: I'm wrong...10:31
jtajiBriareos1: you can set the umask in ~/.profile or /etc/profile10:32
cappizis it possible to install ubuntu on a software raid?10:32
jtajiBriareos1: for all users change the umask at the end of /etc/profile, or use the individual users .profile10:33
shitalis it possible to add the locally saved .iso image to the synaptic package Manager??10:33
Slartcappiz: yes.. using the alternate install cd  or  using other tricks10:34
Slart!alternate | cappiz10:34
ubottucappiz: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent10:34
jtajiBriareos1: and I bet there's a way to do it per directory that I'm not aware of10:34
Briareos1jtaji nice10:34
shitalis that possible?10:35
jtajiBriareos1: ok maybe not per dir :p10:35
ActionParsnip2shital: you could mount it using loop device and update from it after you add it as a repo10:41
Briareos1jtaji actually i needed umask 006 ;)10:42
shitalActionParsnip2: even then there is no way to add right?10:42
ActionParsnip2shital: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:42
ActionParsnip2shital: that tells you you can mount the iso10:42
Briareos1jtaji ehm 007 i mean10:43
Briareos1jtaji no license to kill for "others"10:43
Shannonhey everyone10:46
TecnaTranuxI just upgraded to intrepid, and now my nvidia-glx-96 driver isn't working.  I tried versions 96.43.09 and
Shannontry resetting your modem10:46
Shannoni got mixed up10:47
mygirlCOXi just installed10:47
cobra-the-jokerHey Guys ....when i click on 3D View in the chess game .....it tells me that i dont have a python openGL support .....How can i get that ?10:47
mygirlCOXmilk in the fridge10:47
mygirlCOXnot sure what module to use10:47
Shannontry module 310:47
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: i'd reset xorg.conf back to failsafe with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:48
mygirlCOXShannon: what fps do you get when playing mario ?10:48
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: then reinstall the nvidia driver and then run: gksudo nvidia-settings10:48
mygirlCOXi wrote that game completely in html10:48
Shannonon linux?10:48
mygirlCOXShannon: na on minix10:48
Shannonabout 6 fps10:48
mygirlCOXthats enought to get laid right ?10:49
cast|liryou wrote a game in html? sounds painful [manualy, at least]10:49
Shannoni wrote a book10:49
Shannonin english10:49
Shannona page10:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:50
step21cobra-the-joker: probably your graphics card doesn't support it10:50
Shannonsorry sir10:50
Shannonspeaking of graphics card support10:50
cobra-the-jokerstep21 ,  you sure of that ?10:50
Shannonever since the rape charge my parents stopped supporting me10:50
mygirlCOXShannon: do you need help10:50
step21cobra-the-joker: no, because I don't know your graphics card, ofc I'm not sure10:50
mygirlCOXor ipchair10:50
cobra-the-jokercoz i have intel ^-^10:50
Shannoni open terminal10:51
Shannonand click terminal cancer10:51
step21cobra-the-joker: it could also be that it would need a proprietary driver or special configuring to support it10:51
Shannonand the brain tumor fails to install10:51
TecnaTranuxTroll detected10:51
mygirlCOXis there10:51
mygirlCOXa ubuntu10:51
mygirlCOXsocial ?10:51
mygirlCOXchannel ?10:51
FloodBot1mygirlCOX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:51
Shannonmen you flooded10:51
cobra-the-jokerstep21 , know something about that that could help ???10:51
step21cobra-the-joker: well, intel integrated graphics is pretty much the worst, so it might not support it10:51
Shannonmy floor is wet10:51
mygirlCOXFloodBot1 g i am not flooding10:52
Shannonoh step21 shove your support up your ass10:52
step21cobra-the-joker: only if you can tell me the exact model etc, then maybe I can look up if it is supported10:52
Shannonyour not helping anyone with your pansy explanations10:52
jussi01mygirlCOX: please change your nick, and you can join #ubuntu-offtopic10:52
mygirlCOXjussi01: thanks10:52
=== mygirlCOX is now known as Elite23
incorrecti just noticed something very strange, I've been installing servers for some time, and the admin group has always been uuid 119,  however i just installed again and its changed to 11210:54
cast|lirmaybe packages got configured in a different order10:55
TecnaTranuxbrb, restarting x server10:56
jussi01incorrect: ask in #ubuntu-server ;)10:56
TecnaTranuxnothing's improved11:01
TecnaTranuxstill low-graphics mode, and nvidia-settings says I'm no using the nvidia driver11:02
ziroday`TecnaTranux: can you pastebin your xorg.0.log please11:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:04
ziroday`quibbler: thanks :)11:04
shitali am Getting this error "dpkg-scanpackages: error: Binary dir /dev/null not found" whats the problem??11:05
ziroday`shital: what are you running?11:05
TecnaTranuxalso, where is xor.0.log?  I thought it was in /etc/X11/ but I don't see it.11:05
matt427does any1 no where i can play online games like pool and backgammon on my ubuntu box against my friends windows box11:05
prometheus77hi, anyone knows how to set up font antialiasing for qt3 apps in intrepid? I used qt3configurator but there is no options for this11:05
SlartTecnaTranux: /var/log/X1111:05
Elite23TecnaTranux: var/log11:05
ziroday`TecnaTranux: root around in /var/log11:05
TecnaTranuxhive mind?11:06
shitalto create package list11:06
SlartTecnaTranux: don't make us play out the ending scene from body snatchers =)11:06
shad_any one can help me out ...i just installed ubuntu on my sony vaio laptop but my cam is not working11:06
ziroday`shital: is that the command you are executing? just dpkg-scanpackages? No options11:06
Slart!webcam | shad_11:06
ubottushad_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:06
ziroday`shad_: do you know what your webcam model is?11:07
shad_ziroday, it is VGN-CR24G11:07
shitalziroday: its this  dpkg-scanpackages /dev/null |gzip > Packages.gz11:07
ziroday`shad_: this is the laptop right, not the actual camera?11:07
ziroday`shital: right, well /dev/null is nothing. dpkg-scanpackages will never find anything there11:07
shad_ziroday, yes it is inbuilt with my laptop11:08
shitalnow what to do for that error?11:08
prometheus77also for qt4 there is no font antialiasing setting in qt4configurator. How to make fonts look normal in qt4/qt3 without installing kde?11:08
ziroday`shad_: okay, can you pastebin the output of lspci please?11:08
ziroday`shital: well you can use /dev/null as a scan source. What exactly are you trying to do?11:08
shad_hey how can i pastebin11:08
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer11:08
ziroday`prometheus77: its probably best asked in #kubuntu :)11:08
Slart!pastebin | shad_11:09
ubottushad_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:09
ziroday`Slart: thanks :)11:09
Slartshad_: just copy paste to that webpage11:09
Bi-Manwhere am I11:09
shitalziroday': whanted to create my own local repository11:09
prometheus77ziroday`: maybe, but i am using gnome and some of qt based apps11:09
Slartziroday`: you're welcome =)11:09
Bi-Mani am in th chat for the first timeat11:10
ziroday`prometheus77: sure, but the great folks in #kubuntu know most about qt* related stuff :)11:10
Bi-Manlooks very complicated11:10
ziroday`shital: okay, which instructions are you reading?11:10
SlartBi-Man: not really.. once you get used to it11:10
ziroday`Bi-Man: do you have a question for us?11:10
TecnaTranuxziroday`: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113984/11:10
ziroday`TecnaTranux: thanks!11:10
ActionParsnip2Bi-Man: just type and press enter ;)11:11
ziroday`TecnaTranux: okay, you're running the vesa driver not the nvidia one.11:11
Bi-Mansomeone else answer under my nickname ?11:11
shitalziroday`: i have all packages locally stored and with that dpkg-sca... i am creating Packages.gz which should have all package list11:11
shitalso that i can add that to /etc/apt/sources.list11:12
shad_ziroday, it is asking for configure evoluation11:12
quibblerBi-Man: if you are having a problem in ubuntu just state what it is11:12
Bi-Manis it possible to eclipse all that technical by-work11:12
ziroday`shad_: sorry, what are you doing?11:12
askandWhen I try to record something with the internal microphone on my asus eee pc, the sound is all choppy, any ideas on why?11:12
Bi-Manin order to see just the essential conversation lines ?11:12
ziroday`shital: okay, take a look at aptoncd.11:12
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers11:12
shad_ziroday, i just open your link in new tab11:13
ActionParsnip2Bi-Man: do you mean remove leave/enter messages?11:13
ziroday`askand: #ubuntu-eeepc might know, but remember to wait a while they're quiter there :)11:13
crekarasuany one can help me ? ------- >>>>>>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/113985/11:13
tparcinahi channel!11:13
Kottizentparcina: Hi11:13
KottizenI am trying to log in as "root", but is does not works. How will I do?11:13
shitalziroday`: that will create an iso, which we need to burn and then add to SPM, but i have all packages locally saved11:13
TecnaTranuxziroday`: I installed to nvidia driver, ran nvidia-xconfig, and restarted gdm.  why would vesa still be active?11:14
tparcinaI'm having problem finding driver for Konica Minolta bizhub 163. Can someone help me?11:14
Bi-Mannow good folks i think i am leaving now11:14
ziroday`shad_: right. You shouldn't have to configure anything. In a terminal run lspci and then go to pastebin.com and copy the output and paste it in the site and hit send. Then pass the url on to us.11:14
askandziroday`: thanks11:14
Bi-Manmy head is swirling11:14
shitali dont want any extra things like CD and all11:14
tparcinaBi-Man: Bye!11:14
ziroday`TecnaTranux: do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf?11:14
PeddyIs there a command that reconnects a USB drive as though it were physically unplugged and replugged?11:14
shad_ziroday, ok thanx i just pasted it11:14
crekarasuany one can help me ? ------- >>>>>>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/113985/11:15
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: sudo apt-get install tcl-devel11:15
zirodayPeddy: umount <drive> and then mount <drive> <mountpoint>11:15
TecnaTranuxziroday`: yes, I was just looking at it a few minutes ago11:15
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: I wouldnt be logging on as root either ;)11:15
zirodayshad_: okay, you need to give us the url.11:15
zirodayTecnaTranux: any chance you can pastebin that too please?11:15
crekarasuActionParsnip2 E: Could not find package TCL-devel11:15
tparcinaKonica Minolta bizhub 163 (copy, scaner, printer), does anybody know where can I find drivers?11:16
shad_ziroday, http://pastebin.com/m5719ec0011:16
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: its lower case11:16
zirodayshad_: thanks!11:16
Peddyziroday, is it possible to do that with a device that's not mounted?11:16
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: linux is hugely case sensitive so you cant just throw in caps when you feel11:16
TecnaTranuxziroday: I had a feeling... :)11:16
zirodayPeddy: well then you would just need to mount it?11:16
quibblertparcina: try here: http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=KONICA_MINOLTA-bizhub_16311:17
zirodayshad_: I can't see a camera in there. Is it connected via usb?11:17
Peddyziroday, would that umount disconnect power and everything to it? Is it even possible for software to close down power to a single USB port?11:17
tparcinaquibbler: thank you for link, I'll check it right now11:17
crekarasuActionParsnip2 yes E: Could not find package tcl-devel11:17
zirodayPeddy: not sure sorry.11:17
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: apt-cache search tcl | grep -i dev11:17
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: you need the dev package for tcl11:17
Peddyziroday, thanks for your help, it's just my device is not 'mountable', it doesn't have a filesystem on it.11:18
TecnaTranux*facepalm!*  Why didn't I notice this before?? xorg.conf is missing ALOT!!11:18
zirodayPeddy: you can still see it with sudo fdisk -l11:18
zirodayTecnaTranux: thats normal11:18
zirodayTecnaTranux: however you might have to define that is needs to use the nvidia driver11:18
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: in intrepid its very minimal as HAL controls a lot now11:18
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: looks ok11:19
crekarasuActionParsnip2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/113990/11:19
zirodayTecnaTranux: okay you've told it to use the nvidia driver. Did you just edit that?11:19
Peddythanks for your help ziroday11:19
zirodayTecnaTranux: all right. Does nvidia-settings open without errors?11:19
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: 4th line has: tcl-dev - The Tool Command Language (default version) - development files11:19
TecnaTranuxno.  I already said that is gives me, "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. "11:20
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: you need one of those. I'd suspect one of the top 1011:20
TecnaTranuxI followed those instructions, and it didn't help11:20
jedi06how do you increate the volume is there a setting for that becuase my laptop doesn't get very loud at all i can barely hear it11:20
zirodayTecnaTranux: okay, have you tried restarting your xserver?11:20
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: did you restart x after running sudo nvidia-xconfig?11:20
jedi06there is a multimedia button to turn up volume mayber there is a master volume setting11:20
ActionParsnip2jedi06: there should be a volume icon someplace which you can crank with11:21
TecnaTranuxyes.  please note "(2009-02-05 10:56:06) TecnaTranux: brb, restarting x server"11:21
jedi06so i can turn it up louder11:21
zirodayjedi06: try opening the gnome mixer by right clicking on the volume and then make sure PCM and Front are near max11:21
crekarasuActionParsnip2 What should I do now? I know very well with Linux11:21
zirodayTecnaTranux: sorry I didn't see that :)11:21
jedi06ok that was it thanks11:21
TecnaTranuxbut what I notice missing is that there is a second device (not in use) that should be configured.11:22
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: read the readme in your source or the website from where you got the source, it will tell you whats required11:22
jedi06what is the diff in pcm and from11:23
crekarasuActionParsnip2 required tclConfig.sh but I installel tcl-dev ... and it works !11:23
zirodayjedi06: they are just volume settings. Make sure they're at max11:23
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: awesome11:23
jedi06yes what do they stand for11:23
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: you said it couldnt find it before....11:23
zirodayjedi06: well Front is just the front speakers, and pcm is part of the output.11:24
crekarasuActionParsnip2 i resolved the problem! tank you11:24
crekarasuActionParsnip2 how to install gmake?11:24
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: ahh it was dev, not devel11:24
jedi06ok thanks11:24
crekarasuyes ActionParsnip2 dev not devel ;)11:24
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:24
askandCan someone with a eee pc 900 and a working internal mic check their values in volumemixer?11:25
TecnaTranuxziroday: This is my xorg.conf from before I upgraded: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113992/11:25
crekarasuActionParsnip2 and "build-essential" is gmake?11:25
TecnaTranuxnote the sis device11:25
zirodayaskand: also sorry, #eeepc and #debian-eeepc on irc.oftc.net are great places to ask too :). Sorry forgot about them before11:26
TecnaTranuxshould I restore the old xorg.conf?11:26
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: no it will install a whole environment for compiling including a lot of libs that compiling takes11:26
zirodayTecnaTranux: err I don't think the nvidia drivers support cards that old11:26
crekarasuok ActionParsnip2 tanks !11:26
TecnaTranuxziroday, what do you mean?11:27
zirodayTecnaTranux: do you have a Geforce 2?11:27
zirodayTecnaTranux: the nvidia drivers don't support that. Nv might11:27
askandziroday: thanks found the error now, stupid pulseaudio11:27
zirodayTecnaTranux: there's your problem :)11:27
zirodayaskand: awesome!11:27
TecnaTranuxhow do I install nv?11:28
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: are you using nvidia-glx-7111:28
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: supports all the way down to RIVA TNT11:28
TecnaTranuxActionParsnip2: let me check synaptic11:28
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: you need to sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-7111:28
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: just use that command, synaptic takes forever11:29
zirodayActionParsnip2: oh really? Cause from nvidia.com they don't support past Geforce 411:29
ActionParsnip2ziroday: read it yourself; https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/i386/nvidia-glx-71/71.86.04-0ubuntu511:29
tparcinaquibbler: I have followed the instructions but it doesn't seem like the driver is installed11:29
TecnaTranuxziroday: I had the device working once before I downgraded.11:30
zirodayActionParsnip2: never doubted ya :). Sweet never realised that thanks!11:30
ActionParsnip2ziroday: I dont use the nvidia site. I always use off repos so upgrades are smooth11:30
tparcinaquibbler: first I have installed lsb package, then I have installed that package that I have downloaded from that web page - openprinting-ppds-postscript-konica-minolta_20081112-1lsb3.2_all.deb11:30
ActionParsnip2ziroday: but yeah its rocked in that driver :)11:30
TecnaTranuxI was using glx-96 before the downgrade to hardy, but there was a glitch that scrambled text in wine11:31
tparcinaquibbler: and when I try ti set up new printer, in the list there is KONICA MINOLTA, but inside KONICA MINOLTA there isn't my model11:31
tparcinaKnoica Minolta bizhub 163, can anyone help me with driver installation?11:32
ActionParsnip2tparcina: try dpkg -x ./openprinting-ppds-postscript-konica-minolta_20081112-1lsb3.2_all.deb11:32
quibblertparcina: is there a model close to yours?11:32
ActionParsnip2tparcina: and find the ppd file11:32
tparcinaI have tried driver from this web page, but id desn't seem to work (or I have done something wrong - http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=KONICA_MINOLTA-bizhub_163)11:32
ActionParsnip2tparcina: that will extract the data from the deb11:32
=== dzup-beback is now known as dzup
tparcinaActionParsnip2: I have tried that one, and it seams that I have installed that package corectly, but when I try to set up the printer I can see KONICA MINOLTA, but inside KONICA MINOLTA I don't see my model11:33
TecnaTranuxah, yes... I now remember why I stopped trying to use glx-7111:34
ActionParsnip2tparcina: what model is it?11:34
TecnaTranuxit removes nvidia-xconfig11:34
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: then use your old xorg.conf and then its not needed ;)11:34
TecnaTranuxI was in the middle of renaming and copy/pasting it just now11:35
ActionParsnip2great minds eh11:35
quibblertparcina: did you read the how to install here: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/OpenPrinting/Database/DriverPackages11:36
TecnaTranux(I always have to rewrite something in xorg.conf whenever I run nvidia-xconfig, anyway11:36
tparcinaActionParsnip2: I have extracted that deb package, but it seamse that there is no 163 model11:36
tparcinaActionParsnip2: Can I use some other model driver?11:37
ActionParsnip2tparcina: well just try one of the others, one in the same range should be fine11:37
tparcinaActionParsnip2: it's Konica Minolta bizhub 16311:37
ActionParsnip2tparcina: like a 162 or 16411:37
crekarasuActionParsnip2 can help me to install gmake ? build-essential it`s already installed and updated11:37
ActionParsnip2just 16*11:37
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: sudo apt-get install gmake11:37
tparcinaquibbler: yes, I have followed those instructions11:37
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: or try: apt-cache search gmake11:38
crekarasugmake no found11:38
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: if you dont have a package you can apt-cache search for it11:38
crekarasuActionParsnip2 root@florin-desktop:/var/tmp/postgresql-8.1.13# apt-cache search gmake11:38
crekarasucfgstoragemaker - MRTG config generator for storage monitoring via SNMP11:38
tparcinaActionParsnip2: there is no 162, 164 or any 16*11:38
ActionParsnip2tparcina: any others from te 160 range?11:39
YlandeFaranWhat programs are suitable for some simple video editing? Cutting, fusing together, adding music/text etc?11:39
tparcinaActionParsnip2: no :811:39
TecnaTranuxbrb, restarting x server again11:39
YlandeFaranNothing fancy needed!11:39
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake11:39
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38984111:40
crekarasuActionParsnip2 root@florin-desktop:/var/tmp/postgresql-8.1.13# ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake11:41
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: yep, in linux, no news is good news11:41
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: why are you logged in as root?11:41
ActionParsnip2!info postgresql11:41
ubottupostgresql (source: postgresql-8.3): object-relational SQL database (supported version). In component main, is optional. Version 8.3.5-0ubuntu8.10 (intrepid), package size 218 kB, installed size 256 kB11:41
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: and why are you compiling an older version of postgresql? 8.3 is on the repos11:42
tparcinaI guess, the only problem is that on those web pages http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=KONICA_MINOLTA-bizhub_163 and in this file openprinting-ppds-postscript-konica-minolta_20081112-1lsb3.2_all.deb there is no driver for Konica Minolta bizhub 16311:42
crekarasuActionParsnip2 it's inconvenient for sudo11:42
tparcinaso, I'm still at first stage - searching for Konica Minolta 163 Linux driver :(11:42
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: well all the commands i'm giving have sudo11:43
crekarasuActionParsnip2 i need only this version11:43
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: by enabling root you have severely lessend your security, just an fyi11:43
cast|lirActionParsnip2: quite open to debate that is ;P11:44
crekarasudoes not matter, it can only access locally installed with vmware workstation , i user windows11:45
cast|lirnotice the seurity paranoid openbsd comes with root enabled :)11:45
ActionParsnip2cast|lir: well its to be dis-advised11:45
ActionParsnip2crekarasu: thought so11:45
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:46
=== rosha is now known as RoozbehOnline
chris2salut la room11:47
nathanhelpNeed help fixing Grub. How can I delete it completely? I took out a 2nd HD that Grub was, and now I'm getting Grub error 21. I've looked up the error code but...dont know what to do next.11:48
=== adam is now known as Guest72393
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:48
nathanhelpCannot find file11:49
ActionParsnip2nathanhelp: if you want to get rid of grub you need to write a new bot sector to the drive11:49
ActionParsnip2nathanhelp: if you want to reinstall grub, follow those guides11:49
TecnaTranuxI'm still getting errors.  I'd bet it's because I'm using an old xorg.conf11:50
cobra-the-jokerHEy guys ...... when i check the sticky switching .....it unchecks automaticlly again when i click Ok11:50
nathanhelphmm.. I have a winxp HD. Do i need Grub?11:50
Robbie_Crashhow can I delete all copies of desktop.ini from everywhere in my fs?11:50
ActionParsnip2nathanhelp: as long as there is a windows boot sector on the drive it will boot windows hapily, you just need to configure your bios to boot that drive instead11:50
nathanhelpattempting to tell bios to boot HD11:51
ActionParsnip2Robbie_Crash: sudo find -name *.ini -exec sudo rm {} \;11:51
ActionParsnip2Robbie_Crash: cd to wherever you wish to start the search and run the command11:51
TecnaTranuxdoes anyone have any more ideas on how to get my driver going?11:52
Robbie_CrashActionParsnip2 yikes, not *.ini, just desktop.ini, thanks though11:52
ActionParsnip2nathanhelp: if you have no boot sector for the windows you will need to fix that with the xp cd11:52
Entelinhow do i disable that search that happens when you misspell a command? its irritating to wait for it11:52
ActionParsnip2Robbie_Crash: its customisable11:52
ActionParsnip2Robbie_Crash: find -exec is hugely powerful11:53
Robbie_CrashI was totally on the wrong track trying to pipe stuff through locate and crap11:53
Robbie_CrashActionParsnip2 thanks, will check manpage now. :)11:53
TecnaTranuxActionParsnip2: using the old xorg.conf didn't work11:53
YlandeFaranWhat programs are suitable for some simple video editing? Cutting, fusing together, adding music/text etc?11:54
ActionParsnip2TecnaTranux: i'd work out how to manually populate the file, weird how you cant get xorg-nvidia11:54
nathanhelpActionParsnip2: I hav eno XP CD. I have recovery partition (which i cant access yet)11:54
nathanhelp*have no11:54
ActionParsnip2YlandeFaran: avidemux11:54
cobra-the-jokercan i use xkb instead of Kxkb ?11:54
zimnyxDo you know any PEM certificate viewer? Running openssl * commands is exhausting just for viewing cert.11:55
=== MrHeavy_ is now known as MrHeavy
zimnyxDo you know any PEM certificate viewer for linux? Running openssl * commands is exhausting just for viewing cert.11:55
TecnaTranuxwait, let me retype the error I got when restarting.11:55
ActionParsnip2nathanhelp: i see, you may need a small partition (1mb say) for grub to live11:55
orudieis it hard to set up mail server ?11:56
AkramHelp needed .. Wubi install fails with "No root file system defined"11:56
hateballorudie: Setting up something like Zimbra is very easy11:56
nathanhelpActionParsnip2:  I've booted the HD, but still the grub error. Do I need to Live CD > ram grub?11:57
orudiehateball, what is the most common mail server used by ubuntu-server ?11:57
AkramXP on Dell p3 system 256MB Ram11:57
=== rudolf_ is now known as rudolfs
nathanhelpEven if I get grub working that would be fine.11:57
vladHello i Whant to make one of my Application to start automatic when i open my pc ... Can enywhone help whit that?11:57
ActionParsnip2!info zimbra11:57
ubottuPackage zimbra does not exist in intrepid11:57
TecnaTranuxnathanhelp: what's the error?11:57
hateballorudie: No idea, but I'd say sendmail or postfix11:57
=== dixonionthedemo1 is now known as dixon208
nathanhelpTecnaTranux:  grub 2111:57
Akramwubi install from XP .. help needed?11:58
nathanhelp(disk not found)11:58
dixon208how do i find the driver for my video card?11:58
adantei am using smbpassword to create accounts for samba - where is it storing them? man page says smbpasswd file but where is this? i cannot see it in /etc ?11:58
ActionParsnip2Akram: did you md5 the file you downloaded?11:58
DIFH-icerootdixon208: which card?11:58
vladHello i Whant to make one of my Application to start automatic when i open my pc ... Can enywhone help whit that? In what Folder Shod i go ? Where in my system file are all my Aplications?11:58
hateballActionParsnip2, orudie: Zimbra isnt in the repos, but you can grab an installer for 8.04 from their site. It's opensource :)11:58
ActionParsnip2!startup | vlad11:58
ubottuvlad: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot11:58
dixon208video card11:58
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto11:59
TecnaTranuxnathanhelp: that sounds familiar11:59
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:59
Akram@ActionParsnio2 well wubi downloaded it itself11:59
orudiehateball, i have server 8.1011:59
TecnaTranuxI think I might know what's wrong11:59
nathanhelpdo tell :)11:59
nathanhelpI'll let you know how hot or cold you are.12:00
Akram@ActionParsnio2 i even tried doing it by manually downloading the iso and putting it in the wubi folder12:00
hateballorudie: Well there's always the source if you want to build... or look into some other solution. I was just mentioning it :)12:00
TecnaTranuxnathanhelp: are you on that machine right now?12:00
TecnaTranuxor is it a separate box?12:00
nathanhelpi have access to it12:00
talto1hello all! i've done this, the only problem is that i need to get the last dir that created.. any idea? find . -name '*.sql' ls *.sql-print12:00
vladActionParsnip2:  Where are located all my aplications?12:00
nathanhelpTecnaTranux:  different machine12:00
ActionParsnip2vlad: how do you mean?12:01
vladActionParsnip2:  i know ... that sessions.... but my programs in what sistem file... are?12:01
ActionParsnip2vlad: if you want to launch a program, you can execute: which <application name>12:01
nathanhelpusually in usr arent they ActionParsnip2?12:01
ActionParsnip2vlad: and it will tell you12:01
TecnaTranuxgood.  after the error, can you see the menu,12:01
siropiohello guys i was wondering where i can find a copy of UNIX OS not Unices like Ubuntu12:02
nathanhelpTecnaTranux: I cannot12:02
ActionParsnip2vlad: e.g.  which pidgin  will return /usr/bin/pidgin12:02
vladi want my awn Dock to open at every startup....12:02
vladYeah :D12:02
vlad ActionParsnip2 thank u12:02
ActionParsnip2vlad: np man12:02
TecnaTranuxnathanhelp: does it say anything about pressing any keys to do something?12:03
nathanhelpTecnaTranux: Nope it just hangs...12:03
nathanhelpin mid space.... :D12:03
TecnaTranuxcan you boot to a live cd?12:03
nathanhelpI can12:03
AkramWubi install fails "No root file system defined" .. tried bot the ways 1. wubi downloading the iso itself 2. manually downloading the iso12:03
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.12:03
nathanhelpTecnaTranux: Doing so now12:03
ActionParsnip2Akram: did you md5 the wubi installer?12:03
TecnaTranuxok, boot to the live cd, and then tell me when its up12:04
AkramNo.. not he wubi installer12:04
ActionParsnip2Akram: did you md5 check the iso?12:04
ActionParsnip2Akram: go md5 check it, i bet its bad12:04
spaceninjahow do I enable roaming mode in 8.10?12:04
nathanhelpTecnaTranux: Do you want a live session or the install menu?12:04
TecnaTranuxlive session12:04
spaceninjaI don12:04
nathanhelpTecnaTranux: Going there now12:05
TecnaTranuxand you may want to connect it to the internet12:05
corigo3Is there any way to add Jaunty Jackalope repositories so I can install go-OO 3.01, and then remove them?12:05
spaceninjaI don't know how to enable my wireless, do I really need the mac address of my router?12:05
TecnaTranuxnathanhelp: what version is your live cd?12:05
ActionParsnip2!jaunty | corigo3:12:05
ubottucorigo3:: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.12:05
ActionParsnip2spaceninja: you need drivers first to get the wireless adapter running12:05
spaceninjaI think I need a proprietary driver12:06
ActionParsnip2spaceninja: lspci and lsusb will tell you what it is12:06
nathanhelpTecnaTranux: 8.1012:06
TecnaTranuxok, is it up yet?12:07
licantrupHow can I use the 'mv' command to move directories/files that were created yesterday for example?12:07
dinesh372i typed ns in terminal and it said this program is currently not installed in your computer what does ns stand for12:08
Jewbaccahelp, im trying to install a minimizer for my viedo game enemy territory and i get this error configure: error: The path for the X11 files not found! Make sure that X11 is installed and devel12:08
TecnaTranuxto start with, go to your live session's filesystem root and tell me how much free space it shows in the status bar12:08
nathanhelpTecnaTranux: 480mb12:09
nathanhelpthats ram12:09
nathanhelpless a few12:09
ActionParsnip2licantrup: you'd need to use find then exec, i'd look into find first12:10
Jewbaccahelp, im trying to install a minimizer for my viedo game enemy territory and i get this error configure: error: The path for the X11 files not found! Make sure that X11 is installed and devel12:10
TecnaTranuxnathanhelp: PM12:10
ActionParsnip2Jewbacca: apt-cache search x11 | grep dev12:11
spaceninjaActionParsnip2: thanks, found a proprietary driver12:12
dixon208 how do i find the driver for my video card? it is an intel the laptop is an acer travelmate 248012:12
JewbaccaActionParsnip2: i have too many results, which one to download12:13
madadamHi guys, I followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firebird2.1, but when I try to reach http://localhost/ibwebadmin, my browser doesn't show me the php page, but try to open it with "gnome-open", can you help me?12:13
alanbshepard70How can I recursively chmod all folders in a given dir to a given value and do the same for the files but using a different value i.e. chmod 777 -R /folders/only and chmod 644 -R /files/only12:14
askandHello, I am using Ubuntu 8.10 on an asus eee pc and when I record sounds with my internal mic the sound is all choppy, this goes away when I kill pulseaudio but I rather be able to use pulseaudio, ideas?12:14
ActionParsnip2Jewbacca: i'd try libx11-dev  but im not sure12:14
notwistis there an easy way to make sure a user on ubuntu-server can only run specific programs? for example, i want a user that can only run irssi12:15
Ace2016_-Hi all12:17
ActionParsnip2notwist: itd be hard but you could12:17
notwistActionParsnip2: i mean, for example, i want to be nice to someone i know so they can irssi through my server but i dont want them to be able to run nmap or whatever and h4x around12:17
JewbaccaActionParsnip2:  now i need configure: error: Please install Xmu libs12:17
ActionParsnip2Jewbacca: play along12:17
Jewbaccai did and i still get this msg12:18
=== werd__ is now known as werd_
Jewbaccai did sudo apt-get install xmu libs12:18
Ace2016_-how do i go about creating a custom ubuntu install disk? a custom theme, colour scheme, a few tweeks, a general install disk12:18
notwistActionParsnip2: how hard is it?12:18
ActionParsnip2notwist: you could set a different owner group of the file to run, then add users to the group who have access and have zero access for people not in the group12:18
=== gdfgdfb is now known as apollo2
ActionParsnip2notwist: it could get messy but its possible12:19
notwistActionParsnip2: but i would have to do that for all files on the computer right?12:19
ActionParsnip2notwist: just the ones you are restricting access to12:19
dinesh372i typed ns in terminal and it said this program is currently not installed in your computer what does ns stand for12:19
notwistsounds like there must be another way. can't i force a user to just use sbin (thats user bound bin right?)12:19
ActionParsnip2dinesh372: man ns12:20
apollo2how can I install ubuntu on a system with 128 ram? is there any command or just by booting with the live cd and click install? it takes to much and I don't think it will install??12:20
dinesh372notwist: no manual entry for ns12:20
ActionParsnip2notwist: not sure, sounds like another solution. I'd make sure you backup stuff before playing so you can rollback12:20
ActionParsnip2dinesh372: then its not a command12:20
ActionParsnip2!info ns12:21
ubottuPackage ns does not exist in intrepid12:21
Jewbaccahelp, configure: error: Please install Xmu libs12:21
Jewbacca i cant find it :(12:21
ActionParsnip2Jewbacca: apt-cache search xmu12:21
dinesh372notwist: but info ns give some information but i was unable to understand12:21
notwistdinesh372: i didn't write anything to you12:21
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:24
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:25
FreshPrince!How are you?12:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about How are you?12:25
FreshPrincedamn it12:25
FreshPrince!search synergy12:25
ubottuFound: synergy-#ubuntuforums12:25
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vlad.info bluetooth12:26
Anarhisti need to convert WMA file to WAV what command could do that?12:26
mikeshollenI have a group of .wav files that I downloaded from a website with the intent of using them as system sounds.  Sometimes they work when I hit play in sounds, and sometimes not.  Also, some of them launch in movie player and some of them ask for a codec called GSstreamer but when I installed those I lost all system sounds.  Also it doesn't open in Rhythmbox Music Player.12:26
Jack_Sparrowroi English only please12:26
vladi have a problem... my laptop has bluetooth but doesen`t see`s it .... Can enywhone help me ?12:27
Jack_Sparrow!cn > roi12:27
ubotturoi, please see my private message12:27
McEnroeQuick question: is the ubuntuan pulseaudio per-user or system wide?12:27
roii don't know12:28
vladbluetooth Problem enywhone12:28
ActionParsnip2vlad: do you have bluez installed12:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about atience12:28
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:28
sandGorgonhow do i configure desktop effects in intrepid ?12:29
vladActionParsnip2:  No i don`t have it shod i instal it? I know ubuntu see`s all utilitis and installs drivers automatic....12:29
Jack_SparrowFor those that have not seen it.. # Free Ubuntu Book:    http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download.html12:29
Jack_SparrowsandGorgon If your video driver is working right.. ccsm is what you want12:29
vladActionParsnip2:  sorry bluez is instaled ...12:29
ActionParsnip2vlad: apt-cache search bluetooth | grep -i gnome12:30
Atanhello, anyone here who could help me with a GRUB related problem?12:30
Jack_SparrowsandGorgon Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....12:30
mib_5k898iI am trying to install ubuntu server on a gateway server with hardware raid 5, everytime i reboot after install i get error 17 at grub12:30
Jack_SparrowAtanaWhat is the question12:30
vlad ActionParsnip2 see private12:31
ActionParsnip2vlad: sudo apt-get install gnome-bluetooth bluez-gnome gnome-vfs-obexftp12:31
AtanI have a MSI P965 Neo motherboard with a JMicron controller and after installing ubuntu on a sata disk GRUB gives error 21 in stage 1.5, I googled and it appears to be an infamous problem...12:31
Jack_SparrowAtan YEa, you can try setting bios to treat sata as ide..  not sure which MSI board I am on at the moment12:32
mib_5k898iI am trying to install ubuntu server on a gateway server with hardware raid 5, everytime i reboot after install i get error 17 at grub, any ideas?12:33
ActionParsnip2Atan: you could try turning off acpi at bootup12:33
ActionParsnip2!bootoptions | Atan12:34
ubottuAtan: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions12:34
Jack_SparrowAtan I am on neo 945 here and yes acpi needs to be off12:34
AtanI am trying to set up a dual boot with Vista, won't that complicate things?12:35
mib_5k898iJust change your boot flag to acpi=off12:36
Atanok, tyvm I'll get right on it :)12:36
Jack_Sparrowtina Please dont do that12:36
chack-1hello every body12:37
ActionParsnip2!hi | chack-112:37
ubottuchack-1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:37
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:38
chack-1i have a server that don't start12:38
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:38
chack-1in this ligne XFS quotacheck sda7: Please wait.12:39
chack-1sda7 is the home partition12:39
Jack_Sparrowchack-1 XFS and not the default ext3  ?12:39
chack-1jacekowski, yes is XFS12:40
adantehi, i have added 'wins' to my nsswitch resolv: line, i still can't resolve windows netbios names, what else do i need to do12:40
dixon208 how do i find the driver for my video card? intel laptop = acer travelmate 248012:40
Jack_Sparrowchack-1 XFS and not the default ext3  .. then you might try to find a channel that works with that...12:41
Akram@ActionParsnio2 .. checked the wubi and iso MD5.. it matches .. no problem with it12:41
Jack_SparrowAkram wubi.. ugh.. I hate that method12:42
ActionParsnip2Akram: good least we know the installer is sound12:42
Akrami dont have a cd writer on the old dell system thats why taking the wubi root12:42
cpachhi all! i've played around with my /etc/pam.d/* files on an experimental box and would like to reset them to some good defaults. does anyone have a clue on how to do this?12:43
Jack_SparrowAkram Burn the cd at the slowest possible speed.. Dell and HP require it.. even if the md5 is correct and it tests ok12:43
Jack_SparrowAkram Rethink the wubi thing12:43
dewwJack_Sparrow: nice freebie download. thanks for the heads up.12:44
sammmmy1357hi guys....am on ubuntu 8.10...awsome OS.. loving it... got one tweeny weeny problem... or rather two... blue tooth aint working and how do i use my windows mobile 5 in ubuntu????12:44
Jack_Sparrowdeww np, that is a good book on ubuntu12:44
Akrami tried wubi so many time and always failed .. i guess i have to get the CD burned..12:44
dr_WillisAkram,  or use unetbootin tomake a bootable/installable thumbdrive :)12:45
ActionParsnip2sammmmy1357: how do you mean "use" do you mean synchronise?12:45
Jack_SparrowAkram To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"12:45
sammmmy1357yes actionparsnip...syunch and open...my sony ericsson w810i opens like a storage device the moment i connect it...12:46
ActionParsnip2sammmmy1357: please be specific like that in future :)12:46
dewwsammmmy1357: this might be useful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup12:46
AkramOk.. let me try12:46
Akramdr_Willis: let me check unetbootin also12:46
ActionParsnip2sammmmy1357: its cool..http://jabasite.ej.am/blog/2008/02/06/sync-windows-mobile-with-ubuntu/12:47
sammmmy1357thanks dew...heading right there12:47
sammmmy1357thank you actionparsnip....12:47
slacker_nlcan someone point me to documentation regarding the change from upgrade to safe-upgrade and dist-upgrade to full-upgrade for aptitude?12:47
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:48
Jack_Sparrowslacker_nl not sure if that is the factoid you wanted..12:48
erUSULslacker_nl: probably the aptitude man page12:48
Jack_SparrowMorning erUSUL12:49
mophiaxWhen will jaunty alpha4 will be avaliable ? Does anyone know ?12:49
erUSULJack_Sparrow: Morning! \o/ ( althought 13:49 in my timezone ;P )12:50
Jack_Sparrow4:50 am here12:50
Jack_Sparrowmophiax 9.04  year and month of release12:50
Jack_SparrowEvery 6 months a new one12:51
tparcinalinux driver, konica minolta 163. the one from openprinting are not working for noone on the forum and for me nither12:51
mophiaxJack_Sparrow: I know ,but alpha4 is scheduled for release today.I'm a little impatient12:51
tparcinaany other driver that I can use instead?12:51
Jack_Sparrowmophiax Then #Ubuntu+112:51
mophiaxJack_Sparrow: no answer from there....maybe they are working on it?I will just try and relax my mind ,while waiting then xD12:52
pogayactually I could resolve my iscan  in 8.10 dependency problem with modifiing the package with this script http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63672412:52
Jack_SparrowFor those that have not seen it.. # Free Ubuntu Book:    http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download.html12:52
sammmmy1357deww.... everything's done...my mobile is detected by my PC...but i just cant send any file from my pc to mobile or vice versa12:53
slacker_nlJack_Sparrow: I know how to upgrade packages and do dist-upgrades, I want to know why they made those changes to aptitude/apt..12:53
slacker_nli was curious, since upgrade is deprecated and safe-upgrade should be used, but they do exactly the same12:54
slacker_nlsame as full-upgrade and dist-upgrade12:54
sammmmy1357thanks actionparsnip...it works fine now...12:54
ActionParsnip2sammmmy1357: uber12:54
ActionParsnip2sammmmy1357: good skills getting it sorted :)12:54
ActionParsnip2slacker_nl: i've never heard of safe-upgrade12:55
sammmmy1357that site offered crystal clear steps....all thanks to the author...12:55
ActionParsnip2sammmmy1357: send him/her a mail saying thanks :D12:55
sammmmy1357sure i will12:56
watcherHi, I'm having problems of ubuntu suddenly freezing (nothing is responsive screen, keyboard, mouse) when using compiz...12:56
watcherAnyone knows how to fix it? help will be appreciated12:57
mibhi.i just mount my hard space in ubuntu but i did not have permission to read/write to the drive normally12:57
mibany solution to this?12:57
ActionParsnip2mib: better mount options12:57
sammmmy1357any idea on the bluetooth connection bug in ibex?12:57
mibi used gparted12:57
ActionParsnip2watcher: i'd make sure you are fully updated, head into #compiz and ask there12:57
watcherThanks i'll do that12:58
ActionParsnip2mib: i'd browse round for mounting guides12:58
ActionParsnip2!mount | mib12:58
ubottumib: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap12:58
mibive done the partitioning12:58
mibits just the permission to read/write im facing now12:58
ActionParsnip2mib: or you can add a line to fstab12:58
ActionParsnip2mib: thats specified at mount time12:59
mibhmm..how ar?12:59
ActionParsnip2mib: ok what file system are you using on the partition12:59
ActionParsnip2and what partition name is it?12:59
mibpartiton name?13:00
mibits /dev/sda213:00
ActionParsnip2mib: run sudo fdisk -l to see all partitions13:00
sammmmy1357the error i get when i try sending a file from pc to my mobile using bluetooth is "org.openbox.error.connectionattemptfailed".13:00
ActionParsnip2ok and where are you mounting it to13:00
mibqlet me paste it in pastebin13:00
zgmf-x20ahe all, how do i change associations?  ie, im trying to change from transmission to ktorrent13:01
jrib!defaultapp | zgmf-x20a13:01
ubottuzgmf-x20a: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.13:01
Jack_Sparrowmib First, check the ownership: Open a terminal and type cd /media ...then type... ls -la ...then, do the following, replacing “yourPartition” with the name of the partition (e.g. /sdb1)... sudo chown -R username:username /media/yourPartition  (On a live system you must create a user name first) followed by... sudo chmod -R 755 /media/yourPartition ... Finally, check to see if it worked by doing another ls -la to verify the perm13:01
Jack_Sparrowissions are set13:01
ActionParsnip2mib: ok where are you mounting it to?13:01
sammmmy1357any idea on my query????13:02
jrib!helpme | sammmmy135713:03
ubottusammmmy1357: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience13:03
sammmmy1357oooops! sorry about that.... will wait...13:03
zgmf-x20ajrib: yes ive tried that, doesnt work.   how do i set it so when i click on a torrent, trasmission is NOT the default13:03
ActionParsnip2mib: try /dev/sda2    /media/storage    ext3    users,exec,rw,umask=000 0 013:03
mibAction: i try sudo chown -R mib:mib /media/storage/13:04
ronnyanyone aware of a way to send the password to hardware-locked harddisks13:04
mibis it same?13:04
jribzgmf-x20a: you right clicked, then clicked on properties, then clicked on the "open with" tab?13:04
ronnymy laptops hd had a password to access it from the bios13:04
zgmf-x20ajrib: yup, that will only make it associate with downloaded torrent files13:04
ronnynow i have it in a external sata rack and it wont read anything off it13:05
orisdove posso trovare ubuntu a 64bit per il mio acer aspire 6935 intel core duo?13:05
jribzgmf-x20a: no, should work for any file of the same type13:05
ronnyim completely lost13:05
ActionParsnip2mib: thats file permissions on the files, its worth a try13:05
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:05
jribzgmf-x20a: do you mean in firefox or something?13:05
mibAction: and whats the difference with your solution?13:05
ActionParsnip2mib: you could also chmod -R 755 /media.storage13:05
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels13:06
mibAction: your solution to the fstab also fix the permission file simialry?13:06
zgmf-x20ajrib: well it does work fine, whenever i dl the torrent to desktop then double click to open.  but i want to be abel to click it, and the default is set to ktorrent, not transmission, and yes this is thru firefox13:06
jribzgmf-x20a: then check your firefox preferences13:06
ActionParsnip2mib: try the chown first, but i'd try the fstab if its no good13:06
mibive tryt the one suggested by Jack _Sparrow13:07
mibnow i could see the Create fdolder/file13:07
mibso im not sure whats the difference with the one with the fstab ones13:08
zgmf-x20ajrib: ok, when selecting use other it opens me up in my home folder, how does one associate it to ktorrent from that point?13:08
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:08
jribzgmf-x20a: navigate to the ktorrent binary.  Probably /usr/bin/ktorrent13:09
slacker_nlActionParsnip2: man aptitude :)13:09
ActionParsnip2slacker_nl: its not on my system. neither is synaptic13:09
sammmmy1357the error i get when i try sending a file from pc to my mobile using bluetooth is "org.openbox.error.connectionattemptfailed". any fixes or workarounds???13:09
ActionParsnip2sammmmy1357: have you websearched the error some?13:10
zgmf-x20ajrib: sweeeeeeeet!  bingo.  thanks man!13:10
slacker_nlActionParsnip2: chmod -R 755 /path/to/stuff is actually not really a good tip13:10
sammmmy1357yup action they say it as a bug but no one suggests a workaround...13:10
ActionParsnip2slacker_nl: its a purely data directory13:10
Chiliredanyone know if during ubuntu install it can handle booting OSX86 thats allready installed13:10
slacker_nlActionParsnip2: better to then do chmod 755 /path/to/stuff ; find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;13:11
orisdove posso trovare ubuntu a 64bit per il mio Acer Aspire 6935 intel core duo?13:11
slacker_nluhh find /path/to/stuff13:11
ithinkminusHello :)13:12
Jewbaccayou guys, on xp i used nero in order to burn and rip, what is my uber alternative on linux? ^_^13:13
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Jewbaccahello ithinkminus13:13
ithinkminusMy friend recently installed ubuntu and there is no internet connection on his PC.13:14
sammmmy1357gnome or KDE jewbacca???13:14
ithinkminusAnd he wants to play some songs but there are  no codecs on thatPC13:14
ActionParsnip2Jewbacca: k3b imho but there are lots of cd burners13:14
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto13:15
dinesh372i tried to install network simulator but it says Tcl is not part of the ns project. how to correct it i tried on google but unable to find answer please tell me about a good link or help me13:15
ronnydoes anyone have a clue how to deal with ata disk passwords on linux?13:15
ActionParsnip2Jewbacca: nero went lame after ver 613:15
Jewbaccayou are so right ActionParsnip213:15
sammmmy1357i would suggest brasero in gnome and k3b in KDE13:15
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ithinkminusHow to install ( gstreamer) codecs on some PC that is not connected to internet?13:16
Jewbaccacan someone help me understand that guid ? im new to ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173713:16
slacker_nlJewbacca: k3b is really nice13:17
Jewbaccaslacker_nl: im downloading it, 85 mbit thanks :>13:19
Jewbaccacan someone help me understand that guid ? im new to ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173713:19
Nooooovahi all, how i can configure eth0 without ip?13:19
Nooooovaonly in mac layer13:19
ActionParsnip2Nooooova: it has to have an ip, or be disabled13:19
ActionParsnip2Nooooova: weather or not your lan uses the ip or not is another matter13:20
Nooooovaeth0 used for pppoe13:20
Nooooovaafter some time i have   ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available13:20
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE13:20
AslanManHI, can I find a program for linux that works exactly like Adobe ImageReady in windows?13:21
ActionParsnip2AslanMan: what does ImageReady do?13:22
Nooooovado gifs13:22
AslanManActionParsnip2, it's part of photoshop that create gifs13:22
notwistvivi_: english only, try the local channels like #ubuntu-[country code]13:22
Jack_Sparrow!cn >  vivi_13:22
ubottuvivi_, please see my private message13:22
AslanManActionParsnip2, animated gifs13:22
ActionParsnip2AslanMan: you can create animated gifs with gimp13:23
AslanManActionParsnip2, yes, I see, but it's not that good!13:23
slacker_nlthen I don't think you will find an alternative13:23
AslanManActionParsnip2, it doesn't even play the animation13:23
slacker_nlgimp == the open source photoshop :)13:24
ActionParsnip2AslanMan: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Simple_Animations/13:24
ant0ndidnt even think ubuntu had a big channel like this one13:24
Jewbaccacan someone explain me, how to get this guid to work plz? on private msg http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173713:24
goliatesalut all13:24
ant0nwhat are we slauting to13:24
licantrupHow can I know what processes are these?13:25
AslanManActionParsnip2, thanks .. I wasn't asking specifically about gimp, just wondering if there is any thing more similar to Image ready for linux and available in ubuntu13:25
licantrupCurrent registered services:13:25
licantrup    100024    1   udp  39731  status13:25
licantrup    100024    1   tcp  50826  status13:25
FloodBot1licantrup: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:25
fiftyonehody how is everyone here?13:25
ActionParsnip2AslanMan: all i can suggest is browse round, gimp seems to be hailed as useful13:25
fiftyoneanyone use hellanzb? or have any suggestions for a good all purpose news reader?13:26
goliatesalut all13:26
fiftyoneglad to hear it ant0n13:26
ant0nok once again13:26
ant0nwhat are we saluting to13:26
fiftyone@ ant0n Lol13:27
ant0nadsl phiberoptik LMAO13:27
phiberoptikfrensch server please !13:27
ActionParsnip2ant0n: salut == hi in french13:27
Pici!fr | phiberoptik13:27
ubottuphiberoptik: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:27
ActionParsnip2!fr | phiberoptik13:27
ant0nsalut == cheers in russian13:27
ant0nand im russian13:27
ant0nsalut also means cheers in italian13:28
ant0nfrench people got it all backwards heh13:28
fiftyoneanyone know anything about file splitting? what is the best way to re constrct a video file i downloaded . i have 10 parts to the video 1.001 - 1.010 all 50mb parts of the video and i have no ideaa how to combine them.13:28
notwist!ja | vivi_13:28
ubottuvivi_: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい13:28
ant0nU ARE NUT TENAKA13:28
FloodBot1ant0n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:28
gizmolol whats up13:29
ActionParsnip2fiftyone: cp file.avi1+file2.avi+file3.avi resultfile.avi13:29
licantrupHow can I know what service is this:  "100024    1   udp  39731  status"13:29
Praveenwhen i type ls in the terminal i get:13:29
Praveenls: unrecognized prefix: do13:29
Praveenls: unparsable value for LS_COLORS environment variable13:29
ActionParsnip2fiftyone: there is a mencoder command you need to resync the audio though13:29
zirodayPraveen: do you have something regarding to ls in your .bashrc?13:29
fiftyonehelli dont want to do that... is there not a program that can just throw them back together for me?13:30
fiftyonethats too much like work lol13:30
notwistbitlbee is awesome!13:31
ithinkminusWell, Is it possible to install gstreamer codecs on some PC that is not connected to internet?13:31
Praveenziroday: i have "# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases"13:31
kinja-sheepfiftyone: Too much work? Commands make things easier...13:31
Praveenziroday: then some other stuf below it13:31
jrib!offline | ithinkminus13:31
ubottuithinkminus: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Intrepid support)13:31
Praveenziroday: but some of them are commented out13:32
ant0nziroday: warezmonkey13:32
ActionParsnip2fiftyone: if they are mpeg you can use mpgjoin13:32
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ithinkminusthanks jrib13:32
ActionParsnip2!info mpgjoin13:32
ubottuPackage mpgjoin does not exist in intrepid13:32
ant0nactionparsnip2: pay attention he said .avi13:32
nick|awayi have one wireless and one ethernet connection on my laptop. each connected to different routers, and have different subnets.(eth0 192.168.2.*  wlan1 192.168.1.*) i use azureus, and bind it to eth0. everything is ok. but how can i tell all other applications to use wlan1 as default internet connection?13:33
edgyping6 ipv6.google.com13:34
edgyconnect: Network is unreachable13:34
edgywhat's wrong please?13:34
FloodBot1edgy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:34
ActionParsnip2fiftyone: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-85718.html13:34
ant0nthat floodbot1 is very annoying13:35
edgysorry for that13:35
ant0nno you made no mistakre13:35
ant0nyou were only typing13:35
ant0nthe bot has some lame flood ratios13:35
jrib!enter | ant0n13:35
ubottuant0n: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:35
edgyant0n: good to  hear it13:35
ant0njrib: that was lame13:35
ActionParsnip2ant0n: it just makes the screen scroll like mad when folks put 2 words on a line then feel the urge to press enter13:36
jribant0n: breaking up your thoughts by using the enter key makes them hard to follow when several people are talking at once13:36
ant0ntheres not 1 sentence that ive typed yet... that has 2 words on 1 line.13:36
ant0nwell my lines are one after another... if you cant understand that then you're a retard.13:37
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jribant0n: I'm not discuss it anymore as I don't really care for your attitude.  Just don't do it13:37
ant0nthats great...13:37
ant0nhey jrib you got quite some broken english there... i know you foreign13:38
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Praveenhmmm where did ziroday go?13:38
ant0nhe went to get more warez :D13:39
edgyany one can ping ipv6?13:39
ant0n"can anyone"13:39
ActionParsnip2edgy: i dont use it so no13:39
edgyActionParsnip2: I though it's working by default and just tried ping6 ipv6.google.com13:40
ActionParsnip2edgy: depends if your internal LAN can handle it13:41
ninomhello all. i just installed a firewall last night, and had some Ip from china trying to connect. i have firestarter firewall. how safe is that? what can i do to fully protect my ubuntu 8.10 from these attacks.13:41
Hewninom: firestarter is old and unmaintained, try gufw13:42
ninomgufw, thank you13:42
ninomi will download it right now13:42
edgyActionParsnip2: I have no lan I am connecting to the internet directly!13:42
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derspanksterI get no output from DVI after X starts. Nvidia 6600 using Nvidia driver.13:43
archman_hello buds...If I update my ubuntu via Update Manager to newer version, will my vmware workstation work or will i need to reinstall it?13:43
ninomHew is there a way to see if someone is connected to my computer right now from this chinese ip address ?13:43
wick2onetstat -a13:43
jribninom: what are they trying to do?  ssh?13:44
Hewninom: Do you understand what a firewall does?13:44
hairy-slutboyhello guys13:44
ninomwell it blolcks incoming connections i guess13:44
Hewninom: If it's just random port hits then there's nothing to worry about13:44
ninomit was port 2389513:44
Hewninom: You're running ubuntu for starters so you're already very secure13:44
hairy-slutboymy housemate share a movie, how can i access files? any GUI tool for that?13:45
Hewninom: Don't worry about it, it's the internet, there is a lot of noise like that13:45
ninomhew where do i find these firewall you gave me i went under internet and its not there13:45
hairy-slutboymy housemate share a movie, how can i access files? any GUI tool for that? or anyone knows a good HowTo???13:46
ActionParsnip2hairy-slutboy: you can access it if the system the file is on is shared13:46
Hewninom: gufw is in the universe repository13:46
jribhairy-slutboy: how is he sharing it?  If you are using samba, then you can use nautilus13:46
hairy-slutboyActionParsnip2 :  it is...13:46
Hewninom: sudo apt-get install gufw13:46
ninomno clue what that means. sorry13:46
kinja-sheepninom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portscanning -- It's likely that your machine rejected the connection.13:46
ninomi installed gufw already from synaptic13:46
Hewninom: Open a terminal13:46
ninomsudo gfw?13:47
ThinkMinusIS "gparted" installed by default with Ubuntu 8.10?13:47
hairy-slutboyjrib : don't make it complecated, we are in the same network, he used windows to share it...13:47
Hewninom: Oh you're asking how to run it, it's under System > Admin > Firewall Configuration13:47
kinja-sheepThinkMinus: No. Not default.13:47
jribhairy-slutboy: then try nautilus...13:47
mib_4dg4mup9I have a gateway server with dual zeon and LSIMegaRaid SCSI card, I can install ubuntu fine, but when I reboot I get error 17, any idea how to get this to work?13:47
ninomthanks hew .13:48
ninomand i ve read somewhere i dont need antivirus for ubuntu is this true or not13:48
ThinkMinusthanks kinja-sheep13:48
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hairy-slutboyjrib : thanks... donno what is natilus, but will search it before i get RTFM... cheers dude...13:48
Hewninom: No worries, you should be ridiculously secure now, for a home desktop.13:48
Hewninom: That is true13:48
Praveenwhen i type ls in the terminal i get:13:48
Praveenls: unrecognized prefix: do13:48
jribhairy-slutboy: nautilus is the name for the default file browser13:48
Praveenls: unparsable value for LS_COLORS environment variable13:48
jribPraveen: echo $LS_COLORS13:49
kinja-sheephairy-slutboy: Try Places --> Connect To Server --> Samba --> Connect from there13:49
ninomhew i just enabled gufw, i hope, i hope thats all i have to do it says enabled and i am denying incoming traffic13:49
kinja-sheep!samba | hairy-slutboy13:49
ubottuhairy-slutboy: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:49
edgymib_4dg4mup9: what happened before you got this error?13:49
Praveenjrib: done that. it spews out the colour codes13:49
SoyoI am trying to obtain superblock info by using dumpe2fs and there are over 500+... too many for Shift+PgUp. Is there another way to make stop one page at a time?13:49
derspanksteranyone have any ideas about my issue of no DVI output?13:49
jribPraveen: right, pastebin13:49
Hewninom: ufw will be enabled for each start, yes. Gufw (the interface part) can be started manually each session.13:50
savaloyhi is sudo pronounced 'soodoo', 'ess you do', 'soodoh' or..13:50
mib_4dg4mup9@edgy Fresh install, reboot and get to grub loading... error 1713:50
jribSoyo: COMMAND | less13:50
hairy-slutboyjrib : wow, you guys are wonderful... no RTFM, but i have 4 answers... thanks all of u... i check it out to see how it is...13:50
vertxhairy-slutboy: you can try File->Connect to Server on Nautilus' menu13:50
ninomnow if anyone help with this question. i have my ps3 connected to my network wireless.. when i use to run windows i was able to stream media from my pc to my ps3 over media player 11. is there a way to do that in UBUNTU,13:50
Praveenjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/114029/13:51
edgymib_4dg4mup9: you have windows installed already?13:51
adi1hi all13:51
ninomHEW, i appreciate your help. it means a lot. i am just starting with Ubuntu. i like it a lot but from windows to this its like 2 different worlds.13:51
mib_4dg4mup9edgy I am only using linux, entire drive for ubuntu13:52
mib_4dg4mup9edgy entire raid 5 for ubuntu13:52
jribPraveen: do you still receive an error after « unset LS_COLORS »?13:52
mib_4dg4mup9edgy ubuntu server*13:52
nailtons__oi (hi)13:52
adi1how can I make ubuntu recognize the default resolution in boot screen'?13:53
edgymib_4dg4mup9: normally this error means the boot loader it looking in the wrong disk for the root!13:53
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kinja-sheepninom: It's different.  Linux is far superior operating system... as Windows is the opposite thing... inferior operating system. :P13:53
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edgymib_4dg4mup9: may be raid 5 is not recognized in linux?13:53
adi1in hardy it was ok now in interpid the resolution of boot screen is to high13:53
ninomis there a program in ubuntu that checks for hard drive errors. and fixes them, i have a 250 sata hard drive13:53
phanterhi there13:53
mib_4dg4mup9edgy is there anyway the same raid drivers are not being loaded as are in the install cd?13:53
ninomi cant partition this hard drive it gives me an error13:53
derspanksteradi1: modify usplash to reflect your resolution13:54
adi1any idea?13:54
Hewninom: Yes, it's very different, but there are a great deal of advantages which I'm sure you are aware of. I hope you have success in learning about it!13:54
ninomkinja-sheep i can see that. i like it, i just gotta learn.13:54
edgymib_4dg4mup9: I don't know hope some one else can help you13:54
adi1is it usplash ?13:54
Siph0nDoes anyone have a problem with Pidgin, where you send an IM and than pidgin immediately freezes?13:54
mib_4dg4mup9edgy thx13:54
Praveenjrib: i dont get an error after i do that. but when i restart the terminal the error comes up again13:55
ninomwell one advantage that i ve noticed so far is that my ubuntu under the same system is like 100 times faster than when i ran windows.13:55
edgymib_4dg4mup9: if you booted from the livecd can you paste your menu.lst and fdisk -l output?13:55
jribPraveen: what version of ubuntu?13:55
adi1im talking to the screen before usplash13:55
derspanksteryes, /etc/usplash13:55
Praveenjrib: 8.1013:55
adi1the screen with ubuntu logo on orange and the line that indicates that the sys is charging13:55
phanterI just setup my ubuntu 8.04 server with a software raid1. Now it complaints at every reboot that: "md0: raid array is not clean. Starting background reconstruction". What does this mean and how can I resolve this?13:55
jribPraveen: amd64 or i386?13:55
mib_4dg4mup9edgy will do that, be back in a bit13:56
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:56
Praveenjrib: i38613:56
jribPraveen: md5sum /bin/ls13:56
etechi installed openoffice 3 from the ppa13:57
Praveenjrib: 0f104e011ddccc70113d30b89147e330  /bin/ls13:57
adi1how to modify the usplash resoultion ?13:57
adi1in interpid13:57
etechi selected german as language but it underlines every german word in red13:57
ninomany programs in ubuntu that can stream to PS3 ?13:58
etechhow can i enable the correction for the german language? even english words are underlined in red13:58
derspankstersudo gedit /etc/usplash13:58
^cicciuzzo^Un Saluto a tutti «  #ubuntu » [Þrison-ßreak][§cript]       13:58
^cicciuzzo^ÇÏÅØøØø a tutti13:58
jrib^cicciuzzo^: turn that off please13:58
jrib!it | ^cicciuzzo^13:58
ubottu^cicciuzzo^: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:58
adi1ok thanks13:58
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:58
CQetech: is the german dictionary extension installed?13:59
unopderspankster,  gksudo gedit ...  # don't use sudo with GUI apps13:59
derspanksterthat's gedit /etc/usplash.conf  sorry13:59
nogeekHow can I search for content in files?13:59
adi1ah ok :)13:59
CQnogeek: man grep13:59
etechCQ, yes14:00
derspanksterunop - you are correct, it's early yet14:00
JEEBczninom, should you have googled with "ubuntu ps3 media streaming" you would've gotten quite a lot of tutorials on f.ex. mediatomb14:00
jribPraveen: well hits on google have people claiming their computer was compromised, but your md5sum for ls matches mine.  Is it a possibility though?  Do you have a weak password for someone to ssh or similar?14:00
nogeekCQ: with GUI please14:00
CQetech: look at the default format, and see what language is set there... it's like a font property that gets set.14:00
adi1derspankster | this is all what i got in usplash.conf:  # Usplash configuration file14:01
adi1# These parameters will only apply after running update-initramfs.14:01
JuJuBeeCan someone help me with kdm.log growing out of control?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/114032/14:01
Praveenjrib: lol you want me to type my password and let you judge14:01
adi1what can I do?14:01
gordonjcpnogeek: what kind of search, what kind of files?14:01
etechCQ, german :/14:01
Ian_Daniher|XOMy attempts to apt-get software are met with failures to get headers and incredibly slow speeds14:01
Praveenjrib: i got a feeling this is linked to me installing KDE4. now my VLC controls look different14:01
Ian_Daniher|XOhas anyone else experienced this?14:01
Ian_Daniher|XOare the repos having trouble?14:01
CQetech: then. no clue, or go ask in #openoffice14:02
Ian_Daniher|XOcan I disable gpg-checking?14:02
wet-kunare there any video editing software that has horizontal flip function? execpt Lives and Kino14:02
gordonjcpnogeek: you could try using Search->Find in gedit14:02
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gordonjcpnogeek: the best way to search for things in files is to use grep14:02
Praveenjrib: im just gonna restart and hope the kinks work out themselves14:02
jribPraveen: erm, is that "yes, it's possible" or "no, I don't use ssh"?14:02
gordonjcpnogeek: trying to do it with a GUI is just a waste of time14:02
kinja-sheepPraveen: jrib was only asking questions.  Did he ask for your password?  No.  Do you have a weak password?  Perhaps.  Do you use openssl-server?  We don't know.14:02
derspanksteradi1: no xres or yres?14:03
adi1thats all14:03
Praveenjrib: yes i have been experiementing with SSH14:03
PiciPraveen: can you pastebin the output of alias | grep ls14:03
adi1two lines14:03
PraveenPici: alias ls='ls --color=auto'14:03
PiciPraveen: hm14:04
phanteranybody who has experience with software raid and who can help me hunt down some problem(s)?14:04
jribPraveen: and: « which ls »?14:04
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Praveenjrib: /bin/ls14:04
derspanksteryou should probably add xres=(your monitor's x resolution and then on the next line yres=(your monitors y resolution.  Then run update-intiramfs.14:05
CQPraveen: what is ls doing or not doing?14:05
adi1is this "update-intiramfs" the command for terminal or....?14:06
derspanksteradi1 - yes14:06
PraveenCQ: ls: unrecognized prefix: do14:06
Praveenls: unparsable value for LS_COLORS environment variable14:06
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Guest17455hello ppl, I need to instal GD2 on my php, how do I do that?14:06
adi1ok mine is 1440x90014:06
CQtype file /bin/ls14:06
derspanksterxres=1440  yres=90014:07
CQsounds to me like a x86/amd64 issue, or something with glibc14:07
adi1so it's yres=144014:07
PraveenCQ: /bin/ls: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped14:07
notsiauch .. well i didnt expect this place to be so full .. infact its the first time i ever see a room with SO meny ppl!!14:07
adi1ok i got it14:07
adi1do i need to reboot?14:07
CQPraveen: and you're running 32 bit x86, right?14:07
derspanksteradi1 - restart14:07
CQdoes \ls work?14:07
notsiumm how do i  ask for support and help here in the room ? is there some kind of a system for it?14:07
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org14:08
CQnotsi: just ask a question, someone will answer if they know14:08
jribPraveen: I'd run chkrootkit and read the google hits for "ls: unrecognized prefix: do" as some of them are quite detailed (for example: http://www.jiny.kr/jiny/tag/365 )  If you do have some sort of rootkit, then I'd just reinstall (and be more careful with ssh and whatever other services you run).14:08
notsithank u CQ and i came here thru "http://ubuntu.com/support" btw14:08
PraveenCQ: yes 32 x86. yes \ls works.14:08
AngryElflet's say I use gnome-terminal to ssh to some box -- when I open a new tab in taht terminal I'm not on the remote box, is there any way to make that automatically open a shell to the original tab?14:08
Guest17455any idea of how to install GD2 in php?14:09
CQok, then try unalias ls and then run normal ls again14:09
PiciAngryElf: Not really. You could ssh in to the remote server and then run screen there...14:09
Pici!screen | AngryElf14:09
ubottuAngryElf: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen14:09
CQlike jrib says, this is weird... esp. since \ls works14:09
raviousI've got an ubuntu 8.10 server setup. I would like to connect an ext3 formatted external usb hard drive, but i can't seem to find any information on how to do it. The systems not to be detecting it when installed. Any ideas?14:09
adi1I have this output after "update intiramfs command: root@ubuntu:~# update-intiramfs14:09
adi1bash: update-intiramfs: command not found14:09
Deadboysim trying to change my ulimit value how do i go about doing tha14:09
derspanksteranybody have any ideas why I get no DVI output with my nvidia 6600?14:09
notsii have a server with a sas card model "lsisas1064e" and i wish to install ubuntu 8.10 64 bit onto it and i would liek to have details about the driver.. if its in the install .. if not how to i det it .. and how do i install it (befor the unbuntu installtion or after)14:09
AngryElfPici: I knew someone was going to say screen :/14:10
Deadboysi tried editing /usr/include/bits/typesizes.h but it doesnt seem to exist14:10
AngryElfPici: thanx14:10
unopadi1, update-initramfs14:10
linux_guyi have an internal hard drive sitting on the desk, hooked to a usb cable.  ubuntu wont recognize it, and i need to format.  what now?14:11
derspanksteradi1: gksudo update-intiramfs14:11
archman_how much space do i need to update ubuntu? will managed inform me?14:11
CQPraveen: pastebin the output of strace ls14:11
ViperBorg_TERMarchman_: Yes, the manager will let you know.14:11
adi1now it says: You must specify at least one of -c, -u, or -d14:11
unopadi1, so, read the manpage and decide which one of those options suits you best14:11
Deadboyscan anyone tell me how to change the ulimit value?14:11
linux_guywhat happened was i installed ubuntu, but it used too much memory / cpu, so i started to install xubuntu... and it crashed 15% through14:12
notsii have a server with a sas card model "lsisas1064e" and i wish to install ubuntu 8.10 64 bit onto it and i would like to have details about the driver and support .. sould i expect any problmes in the installation?14:12
Deadboysi tried editing /usr/include/bits/typesizes.h but it doesnt seem to exist14:12
linux_guynow there is no OS and i need to format14:12
unopDeadboys,  /etc/security/limits.conf14:12
PraveenCQ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/114033/14:12
_polto_hello all14:12
CQlinuxguy: fdisk -l to see the drive. That'll show you what the partitions look like14:12
unopDeadboys, you should read the manpage first tho.   man 5 limits.conf14:13
linux_guyCQ, cannot open /dev/sda14:13
CQpraveen- wait, that worked, that didn't give the error you pasted earlier14:13
Deadboyscan i pm you14:13
CQlinuxguy: sudo fdisk -l14:13
unopDeadboys, I'd prefer if you kept it in here - other people can assist too14:14
_polto_any Idea on what is resetting /etc/network/interfaces on a liveCD ? I made a bootable CD/DVD with remastersys. In the squashfs the file contain a definition for my eth0, but after booting the liveCD this file does not contain any reference to eth0 and the card still not configured.14:14
archman_ViperBorg_TERM will all system settings remain the same? some tweaks i maybe made...like compiz and stuff14:14
MacGyverNLOn a laptop with an ATI Mobility Radeon 9600/9700, I want to enable dual monitor support, without regression of functionality. I'm not interested in Compiz, but I do want to use different monitor resolutions on the monitors. Should I use the proprietary ATI drivers or free ones?14:14
=== sean is now known as Guest57527
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:15
Deadboysi added  root hard nofile 502014:15
Deadboysand root soft nofile 502014:15
Deadboyswhen i do ulimit -n it still shows 102414:15
unopDeadboys, did you log out and back in?14:15
linux_guyCQ, http://paste.ubuntu.com/114036/14:15
Deadboysi never had to before14:15
Guest17455ppl, php5-gd installs the latest version of GD?14:15
linux_guyCQ, sda1 is my main hd14:16
adi1ok it worked out very well14:16
linux_guyCQ, im not sure what 2 and 5 are14:16
adi1thanks again14:16
CQlinux_guy: thats the only drive it sees...14:16
linux_guyCQ, because of the star?14:16
xyzzyhi all14:16
CQlinux_guy: 2 is teh extended partition, and 5 is sitting in it (look at the start and end blocke) and 5 is swap14:17
linux_guyCQ, what do i need to do to format this thing?14:17
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
linux_guyCQ, does it matter that its hooked up via usb?14:17
Deadboysunop do i have to space it like its spaced in the conf?14:17
Deadboysor is one space fine14:17
archman_ViperBorg_TERM: you here?14:17
Deadboysbeen age since i changed the ulimit :S14:18
CQthat's teh drive hooked up via USB? there's only one physical disk showing14:18
adi1does anyone knows how to get rid of the terrible beep when you click on shutdown button?14:18
linux_guyCQ, that is my main 250gb hd14:18
fuser120ciao a tutti14:18
fuser120c'è qualcuno?14:18
linux_guyCQ, there is a 40gb hd that is hooked up via usb.  i need to format14:18
CQlinux_guy: it's also the only drive seen by the system14:18
fuser120sono nuovo di ubuntu14:18
adi1yes we are all here14:18
unopDeadboys, no, but you do need to log back in14:18
archman_2gb's is enough for ubuntu update, no? :D14:18
CQlinux_guy: it's not seen by the system14:19
Deadboysalright ill restart then14:19
* linux_guy gets out the hammer14:19
fuser120i'm italian14:19
* linux_guy smashes hdd14:19
adi1me too14:19
fuser120why speack english?14:19
Deadboysthank you14:19
xyzzydoes anybody know how to make a harddrive image with "dd" ?14:19
_polto_any Idea on what is resetting /etc/network/interfaces on a liveCD ? In the squashfs the file contain a definition for my eth0, but after booting the liveCD this file does not contain any reference to eth0 and the card still not configured.14:19
CQFuser: join #ubuntu-it14:20
linux_guyCQ, ideas?14:20
Deadboysdo i have to install unrealircd as root?14:20
unop_polto_, that's probably by design -- as the next machine you use the liveCD on might not even have a network interface (that is named eth0)14:20
Deadboysor can i install it as a normal user14:20
Jewbaccacan someone guid me on private msg about how to use this guid? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173714:20
CQlinux_guy: unplug and plug back in, power it on, use the hammer, in that order ... :)14:21
c0rrupt0rhello when i open my terminal i get this error: bash: Use: command not found  its right above my c0rrupt0r@c0rrupt0r-desktop:~$  any ideas please and thank you14:22
_polto_unop: I am doing an installation CD for always the same kind of machines. How can I make it keep the network config ?14:22
furythorI have this weird text/font corruption problem when running windows applications with wine, but not in native linux applications, most effected are menu texts and it seems to be somehow related to some package that is distributed with 8.10 as in 8.04 I do not have this problem14:22
RaNdYHello, is there a command to list all users who are running only 1bg on a shell server?14:23
_polto_unop: and on the squashfs the file is correct .. Who/what does modify it ?14:23
Deadboysfurythor  wine does have bugs14:23
unop_polto_, i dunno to be honest - i was just speaking my mind14:23
=== jmworx_ is now known as jmworx__
shad_please anybody help me out.My cam is not working.I am using ubuntu on my laptop.It is sony vaio14:24
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Cristovaobuntubom dia a todos!!14:24
furythorDeadboys it can't be related to wine, rather something with desktop as I do have this issue with wine 1.0.1 and latest beta while running 8.1014:25
lvlefisto!pt| Cristovaobuntu14:25
ubottuCristovaobuntu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:25
Jewbaccacan someone guid me on private msg about how to use this guid? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173714:25
Cristovaobuntuok!! thanks!14:25
c0rrupt0rhello when i open my terminal i get this error ( bash: Use: command not found )  its right above my c0rrupt0r@c0rrupt0r-desktop:~$  any ideas please and thank you14:26
rysiekhi guys14:26
macilacihello mindenkinek14:26
sorin44hi all14:26
rambo3!docs online installation14:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:26
rysiekI am having some strange issue with static network configuration in Intrepid14:26
rysiekI have two ifaces - eth0 (static) and eth1 (dhcp)14:27
rambo3What was the address to that online installation script14:27
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
Ace2016_-Is HP's Mini Mi available for download? i want to test it out in my vm before thinking of ordering one14:27
rysiek/etc/init.d/networking start prints "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Device or resource busy" when bringing eth0 up14:27
bling4mmHi- I'm sorta new to Linux... I have one question. I still have a lot of diskspace left on my harddrive but it says I can't downlaod anything anymore because I need to free some diskspace. I dual boot (window & Linux). Does anyone know what to do?14:27
rysieketh1 gets up AOK14:28
rysieknetwork-manager is removed from this system, so it doesn't interfere14:28
rysiekno idea, wtf14:28
furythorRysiek, you are using this computer you have problem to use it as nat hub for your Lan ?14:28
Jewbaccacan someone guid me on private msg about how to use this guid? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173714:28
rysiekfurythor: indeed14:29
giuliocan someone help me?14:29
giulioi'm fuser12014:29
bling4mmHi- I'm sorta new to Linux... I have one question. I still have a lot of diskspace left on my harddrive but it says I can't downlaod anything anymore because I need to free some diskspace. I dual boot (window & Linux). Does anyone know what to do?14:29
giulioc'è qualche italiano?14:29
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:29
Deadboysbling4mm you might have ran out of space on your linux partition of your harddrive14:30
rysiekfurythor: a hint or a shove in the right direction will really suffice here14:30
Maharaja18join #ubuntu-pl14:30
bling4mmso how do I allocate more?14:30
Dillizardoes any body knows a player that imitates Windows media player14:30
c0rrupt0rhello when i open my terminal i get this error ( bash: Use: command not found )  its right above my c0rrupt0r@c0rrupt0r-desktop:~$  any ideas please and thank you14:30
Deadboysim not sure of that bling4mm14:30
Deadboysgoogle should help if nobody here tells you14:30
kitchec0rrupt0r: why not check your bashprofile or your bashrc file in your home directory both are hidden14:31
CQbling4mm: pastebin the output of df14:31
CQc0rrupt0r: grep Use ~/.*14:31
furythor!nat rysiek14:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nat rysiek14:31
furythorthen there should be quite much of documentation howto setup nat into your lan, but I supose you get something more unusual as problem14:31
phanterI just setup my ubuntu 8.04 server with a software raid1. Now it complaints at every reboot that: "md0: raid array is not clean. Starting background reconstruction". What does this mean and how can I resolve this?14:32
rysiekfurythor: thing is: I have set-up a few dozen of nats during last few years, on debians, ubuntus, whatever; this here is something very strange and ubuntu-intrepid-specific, as it would seem14:33
rysiekfurythor: exactly the same setup works on my laptop for example14:33
UbuntuUserhi all14:33
furythorthen I recomend that you use some older version, like 8.04 since 8.10 seems to break some things ...14:34
=== Cristovaobuntu is now known as MuzicFreedom
JuJuBeeCan someone help me with ATI driver and kdm.log file growing out of control?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/114032/  This seems to be related to a bug with recent xorg-server?14:34
lost_and_unfounderror: Installed distribution Paste 1.7.1 conflicts with requirement Paste>=1.7.2 ... how do i upgrade a package in ubuntu? Synaptic Package Manager states I have the lastest version (1.7.1) but it seems there is a later version available14:34
UbuntuUseri`ve got problem with card reader integrated to my notebook on ubuntu 8.10 . in previous relase i have not that problem. what i should do?14:35
dominic_bredotodoes anybody know how to install novell client on ubuntu (hardy)14:36
Deadboysrevert back to the previous version UbuntuUser14:36
Jewbaccacan someone guid me on private msg about how to use this guid? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173714:37
UbuntuUserDeadboys: now this is impossible14:37
furenkuhi! How do I open the 'Hardware Drivers' interface in 8.10? My resolution is broke so I can't look for it in the menu, help please14:37
c0rrupt0rCQ i have done the following command in terminal grep Use ~/.* its bringing up few of xsession errors14:37
Mozillerohola, alguien sabe cual es la extension de los archivos donde estan almacenadas la libreta de direcciones, inbox y correos enviados de thunderbird?14:37
=== sima is now known as nikolam_jaunty
Dillizarwitch players can find mp3 players14:37
furenkuwhat command opens the Hardware Drivers interface??14:37
UbuntuUseranyone have another solution for me?14:38
mattiahi all14:38
mattiai'm trying to use sketchup6 with wine, can someone help me?14:38
JackWinterwhaat is the pro mattia ?14:39
Mozillerowhat is the file extension where the address, inbox and sent mails are saved by thunderbird14:39
furenkuhi! How do I open the 'Hardware Drivers' interface in 8.10? My resolution is broke so I can't look for it in the menu, help please14:39
mattiaJackWinter, when i start google sketchup, the working area is completely black14:40
StroganoffMozillero: ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/14:40
c0rrupt0ri have done the following command in terminal grep Use ~/.* its bringing up few of xsession errors14:40
JackWinteri'm want to run the following from cron: sudo rsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/sdc2/.    how do i get it to run as su ?  since i won't be around to type in the password...14:40
linux_guyi need to format an external drive, but ubuntu doesnt recognize it.  now what?14:40
Titan8990linux_guy: it doesn't show up in fdisk -l??14:41
unopJackWinter, su will want you to type the password in too14:41
linux_guyTitan8990, nosir14:41
Titan8990linux_guy: what about lsusb?14:41
Dr_willislinux_guy,  try 'sudo fdisk -l' and prove it dosent  recogonize it?    if  the bios can see it.. then ubuntu should be ale to fdisk/format it.14:41
linux_guyor windows14:41
unopJackWinter, setup sudo to not prompt a password  .. see  man 5 sudoers  and /etc/sudoers14:41
dominic_bredotoNovell Client on Ubuntu/Any ideas?14:41
Titan8990linux_guy: if it doesn't show in windows either then you have other problems....14:42
Dr_willisI thought most cron jobs ran as root anyway?14:42
mattiai think its caused by ati proprietary drivers, but i'm not sure14:42
Sylphid|worklinux_guy, morning14:42
Titan8990Dr_willis: cron is user specific14:42
linux_guySylphid, hey whats up14:42
Mozilleroplease, someone know the file extension where the address, inbox and sent mails are saved by thunderbird W-XP14:42
Sylphid|worklinux_guy, same ol same ol14:42
Dr_willisfrom my crontab --> 17 *    * * *   root    cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly14:42
beamsjredgy Just got live cd and booted it up (im the one with grub error 17) what was I getting you? The contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst correct?14:43
Dr_willislooks like it has a 'user' setting :)14:43
Jewbaccacan someone guid me on private msg about how to use this guid? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173714:43
StroganoffMozillero: just follow this guide: http://fosswire.com/2008/03/04/migrate-your-thunderbird-emails-from-windows-to-linux/14:43
kitchedominic_bredoto:    http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1447914:43
edgybeamsjr: yes and fdisk -l output14:43
linux_guyTitan8990, i got an old computer for linux testing purposes.  i installed ubuntu last night which was a pig.  only because of 199mb ram hahaha.  anyway, i started to reformat and install xubuntu.  the install froze up at 15% for hours.  so i restarted and now i have nothing14:43
hdibanihi, i am using ubuntu netbook remix on my dell mini 9. i am using maximus, but at the same time the metacity window border is still active, does anybody know how i can get rid of it?14:43
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:43
RaNdYHello, is there a command to create a file "process.txt" with all the running process on the box?14:44
linux_guyTitan8990, the plan was to pull the hdd out, connect to linux machine (or windows) via usb cable and format the drive... try again14:44
unopDr_willis, your crontab's syntax is different to the syntax of /etc/crontab  -- the latter has an extra field for the user14:44
linux_guyTitan8990, nothing recognizes the drive14:44
unopRaNdY,  ps aux > process.txt14:44
Dillizarwhat is error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libid3-3.8.314:44
Dr_willisunop,  cnt say that ive ever ran a cron job as a user.  then again.. if the thing needs to be ran as root.. well. should a user be doing it and trying to use sudo?  Cant say ive messed with that cron issue befor.14:45
edgybeamsjr: also I don't want the /boot/grub/menu.lst of your live CD  I need the one in your linux partition which means you need to mount your partition before reading that file14:45
c0rrupt0rwhen i open my terminal i get this error ( bash: Use: command not found )  its right above my c0rrupt0r@c0rrupt0r-desktop:~$ then i have put the following command in terminal grep Use ~/.* its bringing up few of xsession errors14:45
kitchec0rrupt0r: you want grep -Ri Use ~/14:45
unopDr_willis, the user's crontab is run as the user -- if a job needs to be run as root -- it should belong in /etc/crontab really14:46
Dr_willisunop,  yea. thats my logic also14:46
phanterWhy do I always see: md0: raid array is not clean. Starting background reconstruction14:46
unopDr_willis, though, it's sometimes necessary to use sudo in the user's crontab14:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:46
Jewbaccacan someone guid me on private msg about how to use this guid? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173714:46
Dr_willisunop,  one could also set up a specific command to get ran by sudo without needing a password I recall.14:46
hdibanihi, i am using ubuntu netbook remix on my dell mini 9. i am using maximus, but at the same time the metacity window border is still active, does anybody know how i can get rid of it?14:47
unopDr_willis, yea, sudo is quite flexible14:47
linux_guyTitan8990, Dr_willis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/114052/14:47
kitchehdibani: just kill metacity14:47
beamsjredgy root (hd0,0)14:47
furythoris compiz used in kde ?14:48
Dr_willishdibani,  i recall the eeebuntu pages/docs  discussing that -  but i converted my netbook-remix back to a more normal Ubuntu today14:48
JackWinter_unop: had a hickup with my router so didn't see all the discussion.  are you saying that i should run my backup job from /etc/crontab and that it will be running as root then ?14:48
kitchefurythor: compiz can work along side of kde but they are seperate projects14:48
Dr_willisfurythor,  its not really needed..kde4 has its own effects14:48
hdibanikitchie: i did try killing metacity (killall metacity), but it just reloads14:48
edgybeamsjr: and fdisk -l?14:48
=== sale_ is now known as sale
linux_guyis this hdd gone?14:49
linux_guysurely not...14:49
Jewbaccacan someone guid me on private msg about how to use this guid? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173714:49
beamsjredgy can not open sda114:49
furythoryeah because I am starting to think that my font issue is related to compiz14:49
unopJackWinter, that would be ideal, yes14:49
Matir`linux_guy, which HD?14:49
unopJackWinter, and easier too14:49
Dr_willislinux_guy,  looks like you got one HDD to me.. if its usb. try unplug/plugging it in and check dmesg out put over the cources of a few seconds. (you should see some info about it) run dmesg a few times in a row.14:49
beamsjredgy sda not sda114:49
beamsjrto mount it was /dev/sda114:50
JackWinter_unop & Dr_willis: makes sense, thanks for doing my thinking for me :)14:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libid14:50
devilljhi - i have a problem installing ubuntu server.  It keeps winging about pae support on the cpu. im using a mini-itx board with a c3 cpu - it have no pae support. Ive tried loading the virtual and generic kernels - they all have the same problem.  Is there a stock kernel i can use for ubuntu 8.10 or must i learn the black art of compiling my own ?14:50
UbuntuUserit is strange for me but card is "seen" by ubuntu: http://paste.org/524014:50
kitchebeamsjr: yes since it's really a bad idea to mount a raw drive14:50
Dr_willislinux_guy, For some reason  a person in here had his usb-hard drive module not get loaded  You may want to check that also.14:50
Dillizardoes anybody know more bout his error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libid3-3.8.314:50
linux_guyDr_willis, im on a laptop atm, it has its own hdd and the internal of the clunker machine sitting on the desk hooked up via usb14:50
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter
linux_guyDr_willis, it won't show in windows vista either14:51
santiago_hola mens14:51
linux_guyi have two laptops on my desk atm14:51
beamsjrkitche so sda is raw and sda1 is ?14:51
Dr_willislinux_guy,  sounds like a dead hard drive to me.. or bad usbcable/converter/adaopor thing14:51
furythoror my problem may also be related to resticted graphics card driver ...14:51
ScixI have http://paste.ubuntu.com/114053/ as a part of a userlogin script in /etc/profile.d/, but when i log in, I'm getting syntax error at line 15. "(" unexpected (expecting14:51
Scix* 'fi'14:51
linux_guyhdd worked last night..14:51
Scixanoyone who can explaing me why?14:51
linux_guylet me get another drive and see if linux recognizes it at all even though its ntfs14:52
Jewbaccacan someone guid me on private msg about how to use this guid? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173714:52
Dr_willislinux_guy,  you should at least see some message aobut the usb thing getting plugged in - i would imagine14:52
beamsjredgy, is my menu.lst wrong? since my boot drive is sda1 and the meny.lst shows hd0,0?14:53
ScixWhen i run the scripts manualy, after login, it works :S14:53
kitchebeamsjr: nope that's correct14:53
beamsjrkitche :(14:54
ViperBorg_TERMlinux_guy: run dmesg .. anything about a USB port being scanned?14:54
bdubncOk everyone, I have tried to get this to work, but to no avale.  I absolutley need to disable soap within the php that comes with Ubuntu 8.04.1.  I am using VirtualMin to install my LAMP stack.  I have come to find out that our programming staff, who I no control over, has decided to use nusoap.  Nusoap does not, I repeat, does not work with php 5.2.4 if soap is enabled.  I know there code does work because I am trying to move our CentOS installation over14:55
bdubncto Ubuntu and the code works great on that platform.  Any help will be appreciated!14:55
linux_guyViperBorg_TERM, terminal just wrote a novel14:55
beamsjrkitche is it possable that installed linux does not have the same drivers as the install cd? my LSIMegaraid shows up fine during install and live cd, but I get grub error 17 after install14:55
ViperBorg_TERMClear the logfile. Plug in the drive, and run dmesg again... still a novel worth?14:56
Dr_willisbeamsjr,  grub 'enumerates' drives differently then Linux does.14:56
Dr_willisbeamsjr,  hd0,0 = first hd , first parittiion. which is most likely sda114:57
linux_guydmsg here ---> http://paste.ubuntu.com/114055/14:57
beamsjrDr_wells ok, thank you for the clarification14:57
Dr_willisbeamsjr,  thing to rember with grub. is it starts coutnting at ZERO :)14:57
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:58
mw-homeI want to set up https with my apache server.  If I put in a passphrase, then reboot my machine, how do I type in the passphrase?14:58
=== _Lucretia__ is now known as _Lucretia_
JackWinterso adding this to /etc/crontab will run the backup every day at 1.00 ?     0 1* * *rootrsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/sdc2/.14:58
Jewbaccacan someone guid me on private msg about how to use this guid? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41737 im new on ubuntu :>14:58
c0rrupt0rkitche i did the following command grep -Ri Use ~/ and it took a while to write a full book14:58
slusk88Hi! im having problem getting sound working in ubuntu 8.10 it works fine when i test it in sound option but in games/youtube/mp3 i just hear crackles. tried messing around with the mixer but doesnt seem to help. thanks!14:58
beamsjrSo is there any other troubleshooting I can do to try and figure out why I get error 17 at grub?14:59
ViperBorg_TERMlinux_guy: That looks like a bad drive. I just ran into that this morning with a sata drive that wont read on my windows box.14:59
JackWinterargh tabs :)     0 1 * * * root rsync -axS --exclude='/*/.gvfs' /home/. /media/sdc2/.14:59
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok14:59
ViperBorg_TERMlinux_guy: Plugged it in here, got basically the same stuff. Formatting doesn't do anything except hide it from Linux after that. I'm RMA-ing that drive now.14:59
linux_guyViperBorg_TERM, is there a tool to tell for sure? because it worked last night15:00
beamsjrI have used this raid 5 on windows and it came up fine/15:00
kitchebeamsjr: windows does not equal linux15:00
Dr_willislinux_guy,  hard drives can die at any time.  had a 500gb - just go click-clack-poof last week.15:00
JackWinterbeamsjr: i don't know grub all that well.  but the supergrub cd has come in handy at times :)15:01
c0rrupt0ri did the following command grep -Ri Use ~/ and it took a while to write a full book15:01
ViperBorg_TERMlinux_guy: Not that I know of off the top of my head. But my logs look similar to yours. It's a drive I've been trying to fix for the past 2 weeks that hasn't gotten me anywhere. That's why I'm returning it now.15:01
linux_guyis there anything in the repos to fix it?  gtk_fix_my_drive15:01
adi1what brand of usb wireless G or N is working out of the box in interpid?15:01
Dr_willisI would have to say Hard Drives may be the Most Unreliable part of a PC these days. :()15:01
ViperBorg_TERMDr_willis: Too true.15:01
adi1I need to buy one wireless usb to connect to internet15:01
ViperBorg_TERMlinux_guy: Let me take a quick look.15:01
linux_guyViperBorg_TERM, i have a hammer if that helps15:02
distant_voiceadding 3rd party repositories doesn't work for me. When are the new versions of Open Office or GnomeDo going to be available via the regular servers?15:02
linux_guyand a brick shaped like a hdd15:02
adi1but i need to know what brand of usb is suported on interpid15:02
kitchedistant_voice: next release maybe15:02
ViperBorg_TERMlinux_guy: Those things always work wonders. lol15:02
nikuadil - I got a usb netgear 802.11G that worked, but I don't remember the model #15:02
JeruvyJackWinter: if supergrub boots for you, it has hardware detection issues...15:02
JackWinterDr_willis: and cheap that's why i bought 2 1tb disks the other day.  just to keep a backup copy...15:02
scunizidistant_voice: for Intrepid maybe never.. Jaunty.. probably15:02
distant_voicekitche, these things never happen between releases?15:03
Dr_willisIf you have a dead hard drive.. and take it apart.. you get some neat shiny disks.. and some really cool STRONG magnets to hold stuff on the fridge..15:03
c0rrupt0rkitche: i did the following command grep -Ri Use ~/ and it took a while to write a full book15:03
ViperBorg_TERMDr_willis: Niiice.15:03
* linux_guy remagnets the kitchen cabinets15:03
kitchedistant_voice: nope unless it fixes a security hole15:03
Dr_willisAmazing strong magnets in the ones ive taken apart..  - Id say too strong for cabinets. :)15:03
ViperBorg_TERMlinux_guy: Oh, yeah, the inside bits of a HDD are some strong-butt magnents.15:03
slusk88any linux pro can help me get my sound working? :P15:04
ViperBorg_TERMlinux_guy: Havn't found anything for repairing HDD's in the repos.15:04
linux_guythis hdd is spinning smoothly and everything15:04
linux_guyhas a nice hummm15:04
ViperBorg_TERMlinux_guy: Google might help you, off a quick search, I found a fix if your IDE keeps resetting on the drive, other than that, my Google-fu is failing hard.15:04
Dr_willislinux_guy,  electronics in the HD could  of died also. had that happen befor.15:04
JackWinterJeruvy: oh my grub is fine, i even have /boot on it's separate partition so that no os can mess with my menu.lst :)  have already forgotten more than i wanted to know about grub, but it really does work well...15:04
Dr_willisIf the BIOS isent even seeing the Hard drive - thats a bad sign15:05
distant_voicekitche: whenever i try to add new repositories and click ->reload there's an error message. something about a security key and launchpad I think. is this a bug, and is it known?15:05
c0rrupt0rslusk88: what distro version you using?15:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libmtb15:05
kitchedistant_voice: nope not a bug you just don't have the keys for the new repositories which you can find on the repsitories pages15:05
JeruvyJackWinter: grub is god...but supergrub is really not even good.  Better to use ubcd15:05
c0rrupt0rkitche: i did the following command grep -Ri Use ~/ and it took a while to write a full book so what would i happen to look for?15:06
distant_voicekitche: I don't understand. where do I get them? I'd really like to try the new GnomeDo and get updates for Open Office...15:06
furythorOkay, I decided to test that does my problem persists without nvidia 96 driver which is recommended driver for my graphics card, and problem does not continue15:06
ViperBorg_TERMAll right, I'll be back in a bit. Breakfast is calling.15:07
kitchedistant_voice: as I said from the repo's webpage15:07
JackWinterJeruvy: don't know ubcd.  have to google that.  i only thought that the guy with the grub problem could use the supergrub cd.  only use it when something has clobbered the stage1 loader15:07
kitchec0rrupt0r: for anything dealing with .bashprofile and .bashrc15:07
c0rrupt0rok i will do that ty kitche15:07
JeruvyJackWinter: use ubuntu desktop (livecd) for that...better.15:07
distant_voicekitche: oh my bad. well, I'll try to figure that out. thanks for the help15:07
notsiSORRY i got d/c .. if anyone answered me thank but i ned the answer again:P15:09
derspanksterAnyone have any idea why I get no DVI output after X starts?15:09
notsii have a server with a sas card model "lsisas1064e" and i wish to install ubuntu 8.10 64 bit onto it and i would like to have details about the driver and support .. sould i expect any problmes in the installation?15:09
furythorso what could cause that font corruption with nvidia driver ? driver it self ?15:09
notsii need to know how to install the sas driver befor the installtion15:10
lorenzosuHi is there a simple notification software for ubuntu?15:10
notsidoes ANYONE here know about SAS cards and unbuntu install? i Really need help here:(15:11
donkeyboylorenzosu: inotify15:11
jusama14_is there anyway I can get the via driver for ubuntu 8.10? The openchrome freezes and so I'm on vesa15:12
=== dzup is now known as dzup-beback
EagleScreenjusama14_ look for the driver15:13
jusama14_I've tried searching but haven't found any luck15:13
jusama14_closest I got was this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97246015:13
donkeyboyI have looked on the ubuntu juanty release page and search all over and can't find any infomation about python2.6 inclusion. I only get results for py3k and py2.5, is python2.6 being skipped?15:13
sueHow do I make Ubuntu the defaukt boot?15:13
fosco_sue: startupmanager15:14
EagleScreensue /boot/grub/menu.lst15:14
suefosco_ care to elaborate?15:14
c0rrupt0rshould there be a .bashprofile in home folder? because there is not a .basprofile there at all...there is only .bashrc ?15:14
cast|lirmenu.lst has a 'default' line15:14
ikoniasue: change the option "default" to 0 in /boot/grub/menu.lst15:14
fosco_sue: startupmanager is a frontend to manage grub options15:14
ikoniasue: normal ubuntu installs set ubuntu to default anyway15:15
jusama14_EagleScreen, I've searched several places but cannot find any for 8.10.15:15
Spectrehi, I have a problem. I just don't get this: http://pastebin.com/d1eee455a help me please.15:15
jusama14_no Unichrome driver.15:15
EagleScreenjusama14_ are you looking for a xorg driver for via graphics crad?15:16
jusama14_EagleScreen, I'm looking for the unichrome drivers for my via integrated chip15:16
lorenzosudonkeyboy: Thanks15:16
EagleScreenjusama14_ did you searched for via website?15:16
jusama14_EagleScreen, yes I only found the one for 7.1015:17
Jewbaccacan someone please guid me on private msg, im new with ubuntu :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173715:17
c0rrupt0rshould there be a .bashprofile in home folder? because there is not a .basprofile there at all...there is only .bashrc ?15:17
kitchec0rrupt0r: no there can be but if you did not create one then there would not be one15:19
mdeslaurc0rrupt0r: look for .profile15:19
geirhaSpectre: I'm guessing it's a symbolic link that doesn't point to a file. See what "ls -l" says15:19
EagleScreenjusama14_ do you mean openchrome?15:20
unopc0rrupt0r,  ~/.bash_profile   not  ~/.bashprofile15:20
jusama14_EagleScreen, openchrome freezes my computer. It will not work.15:20
jiffe92anyone used preseeding with netboot?  Wondering if there's a way to do it without needing to setup the network on the new ubuntu machine15:20
fosco_vivi_: please use english here15:21
|TheBarold|on Hardy, having trouble getting Firefox to load JRE Java plugin15:21
fiftyonehi i was wondering if someone could help me with a lil command line ... i have a folder with 400 .rar files, how can i use cmdline to unrar them all at one time?15:22
cast|lirfiftyone: for i in *rar; do unrar e "$i"; done15:22
giuliohi i have a problem15:22
Jewbaccacan someone please guid me on private msg, im new with ubuntu :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173715:22
Spectregeirha: output is: ls -l: -rwxr-xr-x 1 rotacak administratori 452999 2008-09-26 01:16 tremdedtest.x86, I don't know if it looks like symlink...?15:23
notsidoes ANYONE here know about SAS cards and unbuntu install? i Really need help here:(15:23
notsii need to know how to install the sas driver befor the installtion15:23
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:24
EagleScreenjusama14_ look this http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=2&OSID=45&CatID=322015:24
Mpolehi all. can anyone tell me how to troubleshoot my network? since i upragded to 8.10 i have seen a drastic slowdown in my laptop's access speeds... downloads take forever!15:24
Nooooovahi all... what i can do with this? http://paste.org.ru/?3hddei15:24
notsior IF i need to .. i am takeing down a public server and i dont want to screw up .. Pls help me guys  there are 1452 ppl here .. i never seen such a HUGE room .. someone Gutta know the answer15:24
linux_guyi go from one extreme to another.  my ubuntu laptop is awesome, my (attempted) ancient desktop build DIED15:24
fiftyone<cast|lir> so it would look like this  cd dir/ $ *rar; do unrar e "$i";    ?15:24
EagleScreenjusama14_: what is your model?15:24
jusama14_EagleScreen, yes this is where I went earlier to get my driver. However, it's only available for ubuntu 7.10 and below.15:24
geirhaSpectre: That looks like a regular file. Symlinks start with an l, while that line starts with a -. It's a bit odd that you would get that error message. What does "file tremdedtest.x86" say?15:25
EagleScreenjusama14_ what is your model?15:25
jusama14_EagleScreen, K8M80015:25
PerseusDKhello channel.15:25
fiftyoneor is "do unrar" where i put the dir?  part  *rar; do unrar e "$i";15:25
PerseusDKAnyone who knows about IPv6 support for security.ubuntu.com ?15:25
jusama14_EagleScreen, it's K8M800. It's not listed on the site you gave me but any unichrome pro integrated driver will work with the card.15:25
notsidoes ANYONE here know about SAS cards and unbuntu install? i Really need help here:(15:28
notsii need to know how to install the sas driver befor the installtion15:28
Spectregeirha: tremdedtest.x86: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped.15:28
notsior IF i need to .. i am takeing down a public server and i dont want to screw up .. Pls help me guys  there are 1452 ppl here .. i never seen such a HUGE room .. someone Gutta know the answer15:28
jusama14_also I did dpkg --configure -a and it's trying to download an exe file....15:28
jusama14_ http://puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/arial32.exe15:28
jusama14_Resolving puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net...
c0rrupt0rok thank you all i figured it out :)15:28
jusama14_and it's stuck on - HTTP request sent, awaiting response...15:28
notsii have a server with a sas card model "lsisas1064e" and i wish to install ubuntu 8.10 64 bit onto it and i would like to have details about the driver and support .. sould i expect any problmes in the installation?15:29
c0rrupt0rwas a simple #export SDL_audiodriver=alsa .....i did not put the # before hand so it was erroring that code15:29
EagleScreenjusama14_ be patient15:30
jusama14_EagleScreen, hmm it started downloading but I don't know why it's getting an exe file.15:30
jusama14_EagleScreen, it finished. Got an error - http://pastebin.com/m2ac1ba3c15:31
notsimaybe i am simply not asking right:(15:31
notsii'll try again retypeing it diffrently15:32
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
achilleshello, whenever I set my system clock using date -s <time> it keeps changing .. any help ?15:32
notsiguys i have an hp server thats running public servies .. i dont want it to be offline for long and the only detail i needis about the SAS card driver. can someone PLS help is thi sissue?15:32
geirhaSpectre: Quite puzzling. That really should've worked, or at least given a different error message.15:33
Myrttiachilles: you don't set your system clock with that...15:33
EagleScreenjusama14_ what are you doing to obtain that error?15:33
notsi.. is it possible that out of a 1452 pool of ppl // no one knows the answer?15:33
jusama14_EagleScreen, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:34
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:35
EagleScreenjusama14_ are you upgrading to jaunty?15:35
jusama14_EagleScreen, well I was reading this page - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/+bug/27434015:36
scunizinotsi: is nobody here has an answer you could try #ubuntu-server or ##linux15:36
achillesMyrtti,ah thanks very much15:36
notsii refuse to belive no one here knows the answer... :P Pls can someone help me with ubuntu 8.10 and SAS driver issue?15:36
jusama14_EagleScreen, and one fellow suggested to do a distupgrade15:36
scunizinotsi: however, your question is a bit vague.. what about the driver?15:36
ikoniajusama14_: there is no way apt-get uppgrade with standard ubuntu repos on will got to sourceforge for an exe15:36
Spectregeirha: Thank you.15:36
ikoniajusama14_: please pastebin your sources.list15:36
notsiYAY someoneis helping me Thank u SO much scunizi!!15:36
notsiok so this is the car's model lsisas1064e and i want to install ubuntu 8.10 64 bit .. i was told that i need to install this driver BEFOR i install the linux .. how do i do that please?15:37
jusama14_ikonia, here is my sources.list - http://pastebin.com/m17726ee15:38
ikoniajusama14_: there is no way that would go to sorceforce to download an exe15:38
* wikkedfin if a new version of ubuntu comes out do i need to download the iso and do an upgrade or will it auto update to say 9?15:38
EagleScreenjusama14_ do u know what is dist-upgrade command for?15:38
jusama14_EagleScreen, no.15:38
EagleScreeni am sure15:39
=== mel_ is now known as mel
jusama14_ikonia, I think it's trying to download fonts15:39
ikoniawick2o: if you're on 8.10 it will offer 9.0415:39
ikoniajusama14_: fonts are not .exe15:39
scunizinotsi: how do you install a driver on any system without an OS..? I don't have the answer for that... unless you're talking about the desktop version .. is that what you're referring to ?15:39
jusama14_ikonia, yeah I really don't know what it's doing. What do you think?15:39
ikoniajusama14_: I think you need to pastebin the whole of the error from the upgrade process15:39
EagleScreenthere is a new openchrome driver version in jaunty repository, you can use it along your intrepid, it may fix your problem15:39
=== lantizia is now known as Lantizia
ikoniajusama14_: it should say what pacakge it's trying to update15:40
Quicken2kwhere can I find a driver for ubuntu?15:40
ikoniaQuicken2k: driver for what ?15:40
jiffe92when using netboot, does it have to use a mirror?15:40
jusama14_ikonia, here is the entire process - http://pastebin.com/m6ce5c0f915:41
EagleScreenjusama14_ paste the complete output of your error15:41
jusama14_EagleScreen, here it is -> http://pastebin.com/m6ce5c0f915:41
notsiscunizi:thats where i got confused.. see the SAS controle the hard drives if the installation dosnt recognize the card.. it wont find drives ot be installed onto ..  its a lsisas1064e perhaps u allready know if its compatibal?15:42
wikkedfinok cool so it will offer to update to the latest version... sweet15:42
wikkedfinwill i lose all my settings etc..?15:42
scunizinotsi: could be you need the desktop live cd.. install the driver into that environment.. install the system.. manually make changes to the new system from the live cd to insure the driver will be present and work in the new system, boot into the new system and install the server bits you need and if wanted uninstall the desktop stuff.15:42
ikoniajusama14_: windows fonts packages by the looks of that, what is the line before the one you started the paste with15:42
jusama14_ikonia, that's as high as terminal goes.15:42
jusama14_ikonia, I was running the same command. dist-upgrade15:43
Leppers i want to install the programming toolkit for ubuntu but i forgot what it was called.?.15:43
ikoniajusama14_: I'd look at "dpkg -l | grep font" find any packages that are referenced in this error and remove them before upgrade15:43
ikoniaLeppers: what programming toolkit ??15:43
notsiscunizi: i have copy pasted everythign u said and i will send this to my admin .. hopefulyl u just gave us the answer we needed.. i'd liek to thank u VERY MUCH if i need more assistance i will return .. once again THANK you@:):)15:44
Leppersikonia: i know it has g++ compilers but i think it has more15:44
saihey recently i installed KDE and then i unistalled it buut still at login session i can see KDE also i cant get my display15:44
ikoniaLeppers: yes, gcc is another compiler, but what is the "toolkit" you want15:44
jusama14_ikonia, several are listed -> http://pastebin.com/m7d76c13615:45
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:45
scunizinotsi: np :)15:45
* wikkedfin >:( @ kde15:45
jonstetlercan anyone tell me if it is posible to download just OO writer?15:45
ikoniajusama14_: msttcorefonts remove it15:45
faberleeany PINOYS here?15:45
ikoniajusama14_: then check in the error to see if the error changes15:45
ikoniafaberlee: pinoys ?15:45
harrykarhi all15:45
saii want to completely remove my kde can any  one suggest?15:46
faberleefaberlee, where are you from?15:46
saiim now logged  iiin as safe mode15:46
jpds!removekde | sai15:46
ubottusai: Want to remove gnome/kde/xfce completely? Look at debfoster, it's a great help15:46
jusama14_ikonia, so after removing it you want me to try an upgrade?15:46
ikoniasai: dpkg -l | grep kde - then apt-get -purge $packages15:46
ikonia!cn | vivi_15:46
ubottuvivi_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:46
ikoniajusama14_: yup15:46
=== faberlee is now known as ony
saiikonia what the commad will do ?15:46
ikoniasai: first lists all the kde package, then you remove then15:47
jusama14_ikonia, I got this output while removing -> http://pastebin.com/m556a2f9d15:47
onyanyone from the Philippines here?15:47
ikoniajusama14_: that's ok15:47
ikoniaony: why - it doesn't matter, just ask your support question15:47
saiok the what can i type to list it all15:47
onyi'm using Intrepid Ibex. any chance of running Yahoo Messenger here?15:47
ikoniasai: dpkg -l | grep kde15:47
unopsai,   sudo aptitude remove $(dpkg -l | awk '/kde/{print $2}')15:47
tom17bombadil_hello. after I activated an the advanced ati-driver with my notebook, the standby-mode fails: the machine keeps a gray srceen with one underscore in the upper left corner. That is (ati-related) from the syslog: [fglrx:firegl_init_pcie] *ERROR* Invalid GART type 0.15:47
Quicken2k(ikonia): Display driver Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Control15:47
ikoniaony: it's available from yahoo.com for linux15:47
EagleScreenjusama14_ you cannot install openchrome jaunty driver in intrepid, sorry15:47
tom17bombadil_any ideas, what that is about?15:48
Quicken2kinternel video card15:48
ikoniaQuicken2k: xorg normally has working drivers for intel cards built in15:48
Leppersikonia: i think it was build-essentials or something like that15:48
jusama14_ikonia, I think the dist-upgrade is working now15:48
ikoniaQuicken2k: yes the "visual" part of linux15:48
ikoniaLeppers: build-essential15:48
jusama14_EagleScreen, oh. Should I cancel it upgrade?15:48
onyhow about SKYPE?15:48
ikoniaony: yup,15:48
ikonia!skype > ony15:48
ubottuony, please see my private message15:48
wikkedfinI must say i got a Acer Aspire laptop and i installed Ubuntu 8.10 and everything works out of the box.15:48
EagleScreenjusama14_ what upgrade?15:49
EagleScreenare you upgrading to jaunty?15:49
onybut Skype is only available for Hardy Heron, obottu15:49
Quicken2khaven't installed ubuntu yet need the driver to get the install to work15:49
ikoniaony: no it's not, read the link15:49
jusama14_EagleScreen, apt-get dist-upgrade15:49
saiikonia here is the output for that command http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4183223e15:49
=== Milosz is now known as protozoa
EagleScreenjusama14_ that does a regular update unless you change sources.list15:49
ikoniasai: so apt-get remove them15:49
jusama14_EagleScreen, oh ok.15:50
ikoniasai: or remove them in the package manager of your choice15:50
unopsai,   sudo aptitude remove $(dpkg -l | awk '/kde/{print $2}')  # should combine both steps15:50
RPSHello Guys, I'd like to find out if anyone knows of a good radio stream recorder? A program that can capture a radio stream would be awesome.15:50
jusama14_EagleScreen, I read through https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/+bug/301403 and it tells me to add 2 lines into xorg.conf I'll try that after the upgrade15:50
saiok then will it completely remove kde and then can i safely login into gnome?15:50
EagleScreenwell done15:50
ikoniasai: you can safley login to gnome with kde installed15:51
sluskanyone feel like helping a newbie getting sound working in ubuntu 8.10 pm please, thanks! =)15:51
saiya by changing session at login prompt is it?15:51
ikoniasai: yes15:51
saiok  any how ill try at one ok will be back thank u15:52
harrykarI have a problem with seahorse on intrepid. He can't public my keys any help?15:53
michel_join #fedora.fr15:53
michel_Bonjour, suis-je bien sur le canal fedora?15:54
scunizi!fr | michel_15:54
ubottumichel_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:54
obstIf I invoke for example gcc, how can I find out which version the system will actually use? I want to know the full path, is the PATH environment variable just searched from start to the end?15:54
saiwell now im decided to completly remove kde along with its install packages from my  hard disk...............i no  more want kde to eat up my space well how can i do it,can some one help with this15:55
michel_ubottu, ok, mais pourront-ils me renseigner sur "fedora?"15:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:55
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »15:55
pratikhow to download vga driver15:55
michel_join # fedora.fr15:56
scunizisai: see ubottu's link above15:56
michel_join # ubuntu.fr15:56
geirhaobst: readlink -f $(which gcc)15:56
scunizimichel_: type ... /join #ubuntu.fr15:56
obstgeirha, thank you very much!15:57
sluskAnyone know how to get my audio working. It works in the sound test through settings but mp3's/games/youtube etc wont play any sound just crackling. tried messing with the mixer and disabled audiopulse but no luck.15:57
saiwell i completed two commands as bot said but for the last  command will it download any thing frrrrrom internet?15:57
sai sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:57
scunizislusk: if you haven't already installed it you might need the extra codecs for mp3, as well as flash15:58
wikkedfinis there a way i can open office 2007 .docx under ubuntu?15:58
scunizi!sound | slusk15:58
ubottuslusk: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:58
sluskthanks alot!15:58
geirhaobst: And, yes. bash searches each directory in PATH, starting with the first listed, until it finds an executable called gcc, and runs that. "type -a gcc" will show all hits15:58
scunizisai: yes15:58
scunizi!multimedia | slusk15:58
ubottuslusk: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications15:58
wikkedfinWhen i play a .flv video the video seems to be in FF mode wile the audio is normal. Is there a way i can fix this?16:00
Gneawikkedfin: 'Firefox' mode?16:01
michel_Bonjour, suis-je sur un site francophone?16:01
Gnea!fr | michel_16:02
ubottumichel_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:02
rmunnTry #ubuntu-fr16:02
michel_ubottu, j'essaye16:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about j'essaye16:02
adi1hi all16:03
wikkedfinGnea, No this is a .flv file on the hdd16:03
adi1what brand of wireless usb is known to work aout of the box on interpid16:03
* wikkedfin has ath9k wifi16:04
stigertenHello, I got my new fujitsu siemens amilo pa3553 laptop today, and when im trying to install ubuntu there comming a message about somw wiki end root commands. a black screan with text. On my last latptop that dident come. the installation dossent start.. What can be wrong?16:04
|TJH|hello, anyone know a way to remove case sensitivity for the username?... perhaps option on pam_unix.so module?16:05
adi1what is "ath9k wifi"?16:06
ldiamondDoes anyone know why Ubuntu sometimes freezes when I plug my ethernet cable16:06
adi1the chipset?16:06
ViperBorg_TERM|TJH|: Doubt it. The entire Linux system is based on case sensistivity.16:06
cast|lir|TJH|: dont knwo offhand of away that doesn't involve patching, why would you want to do that?16:06
nDuffstigerten, ...well, we can start trying to look at what's going on. Is the text on screen a login prompt? If so, can you log in with the username "root" and the administrator password you set during installation?16:07
wikkedfinAtheros chipset16:07
nDuffstigerten, ...actually, strike that, I was thinking older distros, just log in as yourself.16:07
adi1wikkedfin | yes but how to find out who have a atheros chpset?16:07
adi1there are so many brands out there16:08
|TJH|cast|lir: to reduce help calls. I use pam_ldap.so and/or pam_krb5.so on centos machines - no case issue. Setting up ubuntu workstations with pam_unix, case issue came up.16:08
nDuffstigerten, ...once you're in, run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm status"; that should tell whether the GUI is uninstalled, or installed but not working.16:08
ichbinesderelchadi1: is it a usb or pci wireless card?16:08
ichbinesderelchadi1: than check output of "lsbusb" to find out which one16:08
ichbinesderelchadi1: sry "lsusb"16:09
GnimshAnyone know when jaunty alpha 4 will be released?16:09
|TJH|cast|lir: can use diff module, just hoping...16:09
adi1i have to go usb cause mi internal wireless card has left me16:09
DarkSmokehey guys16:09
stigertennDuff: The installation dossent start. When i reboot the computer the ubuntu cd-rom is booted.. I can deside language, and thehn i can choose if i want to try before install, og install. I choose install.. The ubuntu loading screen comes.. When its done i only get some text, where it stands something about ubuntu, and i can try commands like sudo_root and --install help :S16:09
DarkSmokehow much big should i set /var and /tmp if doing them on a seperate partition ?!16:10
cast|lir|TJH|: ahh. well, if you dont find a module that already does it would be trivial to patch one to convert to uppercase or lower case before creating the hash16:10
Quicken2ktrying to install ubuntu using Wubi but it keeps giving me an error saying cdrom in use16:10
unop!9.04 | Gnimsh16:10
ubottuGnimsh: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.16:10
adi1lsusb it just give some info about my usb ports16:10
|TJH|cast|lir: sounds good... will keep looking. thx.16:10
ichbinesderelchadi1: and one of them should be your wireless dongle16:11
harrykarI have a problem with seahorse on intrepid. He can't public my keys anyone can  help me please?16:11
adi1i need to know if I should buy a netgear,dlink,3com,belkin,altlantis or something elese that will work out of the box on interpid16:11
adi1I have not bought jet16:12
Jewbaccahi im new to ubuntu, could someone guid me in private msg about this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173716:12
arvind_khadriadi1, netgear does... you can check out the community page16:12
adi1im asking in general what brand of usb wireless is known to work on interpid16:12
arvind_khadri!hardware | adi116:12
ubottuadi1: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:12
adi1netgear ok16:13
arvind_khadriadi1, check that page out16:13
adi1ok thanks16:13
arvind_khadriadi1, welcome .. :)16:13
=== jwhite^ is now known as meyou
DarkSmokehow much big should i set /var and /tmp if doing them on a seperate partition ?!16:14
stigertenCan someone help me with this: The installation dossent start. When i reboot the computer the ubuntu cd-rom is booted.. I can deside language, and thehn i can choose if i want to try before install, og install. I choose install.. The ubuntu loading screen comes.. When its done i only get some text, where it stands something about ubuntu, and i can try commands like sudo_root and --install help :S16:15
cast|lirDarkSmoke: use LVM and not worry about it16:15
jmcan anyone tell me what's the best web cam to use to ubuntu 8.0416:15
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts16:15
DarkSmokecast|lir so what if i use LVM ? i still ned to know the size16:15
strkwhat's the default user/password for mysql 'root' on ubuntu Intrepid ?16:16
=== luxus is now known as anglxs
cast|lirDarkSmoke: sure, a size. that you can change online later. how about a 500mb /tmp and a 1gb /var16:16
linuxman410jm i use playstation eye toy webcam works fine16:16
WyHiWyLhow to burn an .iso file onto a DVD from terminal?16:16
cast|lirWyHiWyL: i use growisofs16:17
jmthanks linuxman41016:17
=== kurumin is now known as danadinha20
saihello i still can get kde -nightly at loggin session but i dont wanna it how can i completely remove it16:17
=== danadinha20 is now known as danadinha22
ViperBorg_TERMstrk: There isn't one.16:18
saias bot said before i   runned some commands in terminal  to remove kde but still i can see kde-nighty at login session .............how can i completely remove it16:18
strkViperBorg_TERM: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)16:18
ViperBorg_TERMstrk: Right, because there is no password.16:19
Jewbaccahi im new to ubuntu, could someone guid me in private msg about this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173716:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about purgegnome16:19
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:19
WyHiWyLcast|lir: can you give me the command? i looked into the manual but still don't know what command to use16:19
ViperBorg_TERMstrk: !root16:19
ViperBorg_TERMstrk !root16:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde-nightly16:19
ViperBorg_TERMEh, strk, type !root and see what I mean.16:20
strkViperBorg_TERM: I know about the system root, but I'm talking about the mysql root :)16:20
Picisai: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm16:20
jmany other suggestions for a webcam for 8.0416:20
ViperBorg_TERMI see.16:20
saiok pici16:20
stigertenwhere can i download ubuntu 8.10 dvd? the link http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/release/ubuntu-8.10-dvd-amd64.iso dossent work16:20
RPSGuys I found a stream ripper but it's a KDE program ...is it possible to use a KDE program in Gnome?16:20
ViperBorg_TERMOkay, sorry, running my IRC client in terminal, can't really scroll up.16:20
PiciRPS: Yep16:20
cast|lirWyHiWyL: look atthe examples in man growisofs16:20
ViperBorg_TERMRPS: Yes, it'll work no problem.16:20
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:20
unopstrk, you looking to reset the password?16:21
RPSPici, does it require any extra knowledge?16:21
strkunop: to set, or leave as is, just looking to *use* mysql (just installed)16:21
saiwell pici i did it  will it wont show kde-nightly at next login session16:21
strkthe information on help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP doesn't match reality16:21
saican restart x-16:21
unopstrk, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow $(dpkg -l | awk '/mysql-server/ {print $2}')  # to reset16:21
PiciRPS: No. KDE and Gnome are just different desktop environments, you can use a program designed for kde in gnome and vice versa16:21
RPSSWEET ...you guys rock and I've learned something else.16:22
saipici how can i remove kde-nightly completely out of my hard disk i  feeeel its just gnome more than enough for me16:22
strkunop: it's *just* installed. now also "reset" (dpkg-reconfigure)16:22
strkstill, the 'mysql -u root' command doesn't let me in16:22
strkkeeps saying ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)16:22
cast|lirRPS: its quite impressive how you can do most things you can imagine :)16:22
nDuffstigerten, ahh; I misunderstood where you were, then -- I thought you'd already installed, but it was text-only afterwards. Unfortunately, I don't know the Ubuntu installer as well as I know the Red Hat one. (Sorry for the lapse there, btw -- a coworker happened into my office)16:22
stigertennDuff: So you don't know how i can install ubuntu? :(16:23
saipici : i am waiting for you reply can you please16:23
unopstrk,  mysql -u root -p16:23
Picisai: How did you install it?16:24
RPScast|lir, the thing that is TRULY impressive is ...no trial software or keygens or well any of that nonsense since its all open source!16:24
saithrough command16:24
strkunop: -p just prompts you for a password16:24
Picisai: What command?16:24
nDuffstigerten, ...I can't give you a surefire fix knowing only what I do right now, no. It may be that your video chipset is one that isn't autoconfigured correctly, but it'd be a bit of doing to work through diagnosing that.16:24
Picisai: Please prefix your replies with my name so that I notice them.16:24
strkah, 'root'16:24
porter1Anyone know of anf cheap boards that can run linux for embedded devices?16:25
KaiForceis there an IRC channel for rdesktop?16:25
unopstrk, so, enter your password  - or pass it on the command line16:25
strkroot/root then16:25
strkit's not *my* password !16:25
saisudo apt-get install kde-nightly16:25
cast|lirRPS: no, not having to worry about that BS is good. no trojans in anything you download either. and i put up a livecd image full of sotware and im not even breaking the law :)16:25
saithis one pici16:25
nDuffstigerten, ...does the GUI work if you choose the option to boot off the CD without installing?16:25
strkis the default, not mentioned anywhere ! :/16:25
Piciporter1: You may want to try asking in ##hardware or ##linux16:25
unopstrk, password for the mysql role called root then ..16:25
cast|lirRPS: welcome to freedom! and free software.16:25
unopstrk, you set a password when you install mysql16:25
saipici : sudo apt-get install kde-nightly   i used this one16:25
stigertennDuff: I  have just packed the computer up from the box, (got it today) completed the windows vista installation, then i tryed to install ubuntu... on my last computer there where no problem :/16:26
stigertennDuff: I can try to select "try before installing"16:26
Picisai: You can try sudo apt-get remove kde-nightly16:27
saiok pici thank you16:27
saiill try it16:27
=== j2sly2 is now known as JimboOmega
nickUK``LaptopHello, I am currently having problems mounting my external hard drive, Please can somebody help.16:28
strkunop: I didn't get prompted for a password on install16:28
ichbinesderelchask ! nickUK``Laptop16:28
strkfor sure I didnt' on remove/install or on dpkg-reconfigure16:28
nDuffnickUK``Laptop, when you plug it in, does the output from dmesg show it recognizing the drive?16:28
saipici it showed like this "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 46 not upgraded."16:29
penelaCan I test a dual head setup with live CD?  with different desktop on each display?16:29
ichbinesderelchask  | nickUK``Laptop16:29
ichbinesderelchBOT? :P16:29
nickUK``LaptopYes it shows that its there but it says it cannot mount the drive16:29
nickUK``LaptopCAnnot mount volume16:29
nickUK``LaptopUNable to mount the volume16:29
arvind_khadriichbinesderelch, you missed the ! before ask :P16:29
nDuffnickUK``Laptop, OK -- do you have a partition table on the drive? If so, does it see the individual partitions?16:29
unopstrk, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow $(dpkg -l | awk '/mysql-server/ {print $2}')  # to reset16:29
nickUK``LaptopI dont know i have just plugged it in16:29
vigo_Bot kicked itself?16:29
lorenzosuIn ubuntu 8.10 I discovered I have no ~/.fonts directory :o is it me or is this a change in the current version?16:29
jiffe92anyone generated a gpg key? it's gotten to the point where it's asking me to do work to create more entropy, I've been typing forever and it doesn't seem to do anthing16:29
ichbinesderelcharvind_khadri: ah damn :P16:30
nDuffnickUK``Laptop, can you pastebin the dmesg output from when the drive is plugged in?16:30
nickUK``LaptopWhere would i get that16:30
nickUK``LaptopIt is just a popup box16:30
nDuffnickUK``Laptop, run the command "dmesg" in a terminal window16:30
nickUK``LaptopCannot Mount volume16:30
FloodBot1nickUK``Laptop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:30
Jewbaccais there a way to lock my monitor hz and resolution? seems like everything time i set it, it change to another velue when i reboot :X16:30
=== me is now known as Guest59403
nickUK``LaptopJewbacca,  - I think you can change that in the xConf. something16:31
specledx2 Is it possible to run FF3 using xulrunner 1.8.1 on ubuntu 8.10?16:31
nickUK``LaptopI did it a long time ago16:32
cast|lirJewbacca: dunno if ubuntu has automagic thatll overwrite changes, but you can set such things in /etc/xorg.conf16:32
silv3r_m00nhi there16:32
cdavisCan someon suggest a page to read that indicates how I might automatically select an xorg.conf file based on it I am docked or not?16:32
nickUK``Laptopthats it cast hit it on the head xorg.conf16:32
LostGuyhello all16:32
silv3r_m00nI upgraded some packages from synaptic and after that the panels in gnome desktop are not coming ...16:32
nickUK``LaptopnDuff, http://pastebin.com/m3243701216:32
nDuffnickUK``Laptop, OK -- so it sees one partition, /dev/sdb1. What happens if you try to do a "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt" in the terminal window?16:32
Jewbaccacast|lir:  i cant find it16:33
LostGuycan i ask anyone what file systems ubuntu 8.04 supports?16:33
usr13_Need to control user so as to give permissions to all but truly admin stuff, (I have created a second user for a real novice).  SO I should exclude that user from adm and admin both?  or just one, if so, which one?16:33
usr13_What is adm16:33
nickUK``LaptopMount : SPe16:33
KingJamesIIusr13,  that's admin account16:33
archmanguys, i have upgraded from gutsy to hardy. can i now upgrade it to intrepid?16:33
arvind_khadriLostGuy, it supports all... what exactly are you trying to ask?16:33
nickUK``LaptopMount : Special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist16:33
s0nixhi ppl....... i installed the "mailx" package........ and trying to send a mail via /usr/bin/mail... doesn't seem to work.. but i don't have any message... is there something else to do ? here's what i typed: echo "TESTING" | mail -s "test" theAddress16:33
usr13_In other words, I need to limit sudo priviledges so as not to let the user damage the system.16:33
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: You should be able to, yes.16:33
Jack_SparrowLostGuy ext3 is default16:34
igor__is there a ubuntu eee pc chat on this server?16:34
nickrudusr13, it's a sub admin account, most commonly used for logging. sudo privs are given by putting someone in admin group16:34
usr13_Any advise?16:34
penelaAnybody?  Can I get dual head going from live CD with different desktop on each?16:34
nDuffnickUK``Laptop, hmm -- there was some other talk about a USB device being disconnected after the point where it recognized it; does running "lsusb" show the drive still attached?16:34
vigo_LostGuy: It is based on Debian/Linux, so it supports or can use just about anything16:34
MacGyverNLThis might be something of a weird question. Using gnome on Ubuntu, I got dual display to work on an ATI 9600 (surprisingly easy, I should add, past experiences weren't this good). Now I'd like to have the application bar (the bar which contains all running screens) spread over or present on both displays, each listing only those applications which are actually present on the display. Dualhead windows users might be familiar with this behav16:34
MacGyverNLiour provided by an app called Ultramon. Any tips?16:34
nickrudusr13, no loss, not putting them in either group16:34
=== Snigepige_ is now known as Snigepige
usr13_nickrud: I should probably edit sudo16:34
LostGuyi was just trying to find out what filesystems ubuntu supported16:34
stigertennDuff: The same thing when i try "try before install"16:34
archmanViperBorg_TERM in update manager it doesn't give me "upgrade" option. should i "partial update" ?16:34
nickrudusr13, no, don't edit sudo. just don't add a user you don't want using sudo to the admin group16:34
=== Bruce is now known as Brucee
usr13_nickrud: Ok16:35
gnominociao tutti16:35
usr13_nickrud: What is adm ?16:35
usr13_gourp adm16:35
igor__Anyone run ubuntu on an eee pc?16:35
vigo_LostGuy: Linux16:35
gnominomi date il link pastebin?16:35
lvlefisto!it | gnomino16:35
ubottugnomino: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:35
nDuffstigerten, OK -- so at least it's consistent. While it's in that state, it should be possible to look at some logs to figure out what might be going on, though that's something that would be easier if you had a friendly expert nearby rather than trying to do it over IRC. Incidentally, a bit of googling indicated that someone else has done a successful Ubuntu install on the same model laptop, so it should be possible *somehow*.16:35
LostGuyalso has anyone had any luck installing nvidia graphics drivers in a computer with more than 2 gigs of memory16:36
nickrudusr13, sor of a sub admin acount; mostly used to limit access to system  logs that I've seen16:36
cast|lirLostGuy: sure, i have 4gb16:36
LostGuyhow did u do it?16:36
arvind_khadriLostGuy, 2gb as in RAM?16:36
archmanViperBorg_TERM ?? YOU HERE?16:36
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: No, you need to go to System > Administration > Sortware Sources16:36
ViperBorg_TERMJust typing.16:36
archmanok, sorry16:36
cast|lirworked fine. was an amd64 bit debian install16:36
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Select the Updates tab.16:36
nickrudusr13, for example, if your user is not in the adm group, they can't see /var/log/syslog16:36
archmanyes, done16:37
stigertennDuff: Can you give me link to the google site? i havent found anything :(16:37
usr13_nickrud: Actually, the user does not even know how to use command line, so sudo is not really the issue. I jsut don't want her to be able to mess up the system via GUI abilities.16:37
arvind_khadriLostGuy, install the restricted drivers16:37
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Then you can select what type of updates you want there.16:37
BarnoseAnyone know if there is a chat like #Ubuntu but for windows xp?? If so could you tell me HOW I could get into it. ty16:37
usr13_nickrud: Is that possible?16:37
nickrudusr13, no sudo, no writing outside of their own personal home.16:37
LostGuythose fail for me as well16:37
arvind_khadriLostGuy, which card16:37
archmanViperBorg_TERM thanks! i'll try it16:37
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Under "Release upgrade", select Normal Releases instead of Long Term Releases.16:37
arvind_khadriBarnose, ##windows16:37
nickrudusr13, not giving sudo is exactly what you want to do. No sudo = no synaptic, no access to anything in the admin menu, etc16:37
ViperBorg_TERMNo problem.16:38
nDuffstigerten, the post at http://forum.fujitsu-siemens.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=34804#p112231 talks about getting the wireless working -- and indicates that the rest of the install prior was already done successfully.16:38
LostGuyi have an nvidia 9500m gs in an asus laptop with 4 GB of ram16:38
usr13_nickrud: Ok, very good.  I'll exclude from admin16:38
archmanViperBorg_TERM yes, did it already ;)16:38
arvind_khadriBarnose, type /join ##windows16:38
ViperBorg_TERMOkay. :) Good luck!16:38
nDuffstigerten, ...unfortunately, it doesn't give details (within that same post, at least) on how they worked around the X problems.16:38
Barnosearvind_khadri, ty16:38
arvind_khadriBarnose, np16:38
archmanViperBorg_TERM btw.: my sound and movies don't work no more, it's ok ill upgrade and then seek for help...16:38
Barnosearvind_khadri, Cool, I can be in both places at once, tyvm16:38
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Yes, that's fine.16:39
danielbwwhat does mmh mean?16:39
darius_guys, is there a way I can set gedit to open all text files as default and I wouldn16:39
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: The update may even come with drivers to fix that, or they may become available after the update.16:39
kwsnok, I have an issue, that being whenever I try to view a flash object in firefox (the bigger it is, the more likely this happens), it locks up and crashes16:39
danielbwsomeone used that in a conversation and I am embarrassed to ask16:39
arvind_khadriLostGuy, which ubuntu?? and please use name so that the message doesnt get lost16:40
arvind_khadri!tab | lost_and_unfound16:40
ubottulost_and_unfound: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:40
archmanViperBorg_TERM btw.: when i tried to play the movie, whole gdm crashed to login screen...16:40
arvind_khadri!tab | LostGuy16:40
ubottuLostGuy: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:40
LostGuyi tried 8.04 and 8.1016:40
usr13_nickrud: Ok, done.  But... just realizing, that if one had done that and there was only one user on a new ubuntu system, it would be hard to do any sort of administrative tasks, and how would you fix such a situation?16:40
arvind_khadrilost_and_unfound, sorry not for you16:40
arvind_khadriLostGuy, which one are you using now???16:40
danielbwwhat does mmh mean? someone used that in a conversation and I am embarrassed to ask16:40
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Ok. Give the update a shot and try again. It may be as simple as a fixed bug.16:40
archmanViperBorg_TERM btw.: for the sound, it was used or so...16:40
LostGuyim in windows right now16:40
nickrudusr13, boot into recovery mode, and run in the console  adduser <user> admin . recovery console is a root account16:40
usr13_nickrud: In other words, at least one user needs to be in admin group if there is no root account.16:41
LostGuyarchman im in windows right now16:41
archmanViperBorg_TERM btw.: ok, see you (do i need to shut terminal during the update?16:41
usr13_nickrud: Oh, ok. very good. thanks.16:41
nickrudusr13, off to work, have fun :)16:41
archmanLostGuy: what?16:41
MacGyverNLNever mind, I've found it. Quite... Intuitive, I guess.16:41
usr13_nickrud: Now that I have exlcuded that user from admin, will she be able to install new applications?16:41
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Shutting the terminal won't matter during the update, the machine will need a restart after it's done. It'll prompt you for the restart.16:41
|REM|I have an ubuntu desktop that I am going to access remotely only.  Right now, when I reboot, it complains because there isnt a monitor hooked up and I have to go to it and hook the monitor up to get it to finish booting.  How can I fix this?16:41
vigo_usr13: Yes, there has to be one root/sudo to administer it.16:41
kwsnok, I have an issue, that being whenever I try to view a flash object in firefox (the bigger it is, the more likely this happens), it locks up and crashes, anyone know why and/or how to fix this?16:42
LostGuyarchman: are you asking what operating system im using right now?16:42
archmanLostGuy: no... didnt ask you anything16:42
usr13_vigo_: But if a user is not in the admin group, can he/she install new apps?  (Use synaptic package manager)?16:42
LostGuyarchman: oh sorry then16:42
arvind_khadriLostGuy, then how can we help you.... he is not asking you anything... its me... arvind_khadri16:42
vigo_kwsn: Do you have JavaScript enabled and or any flash blocks installed?16:43
LostGuyarvind_khadri:oh im sorry16:43
arvind_khadriLostGuy, thats ok... which ubuntu have you installed?16:43
kwsnvigo_: javascript is on, and i'm also runnign adblocker (though it wasn't caught in the filter)16:43
arvind_khadrirussia213, were you able to fix the grub error?16:43
vigo_usr13: Sortof, yes, one can switch to the sudo with usr and pwd16:43
LostGuyarvind_khadri: i have tried using 8.04 and 8.10 with no luck16:43
russia213arvind_khadri: No I still have error 2116:44
arvind_khadriLostGuy, am just asking that which you have installed right now??16:44
seacnboywho knows how to install libnet? just give me a help16:44
vigo_kwsn: Might be adblocker, toggle it off and test it16:44
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok... are you on the live cd now?16:44
kwsnvigo_: if I DC you know what happened :P16:44
russia213arvind_khadri: yes16:44
vigo_kwsn: I have no idea16:45
Yancohi havin problems installing 8.10 when i press install menu freezes??16:45
LostGuyarvind_khadri: i have 8.10 installed through WUBI16:45
kwsnvigo_: It means it crashed and didn't work16:45
arvind_khadrirussia213, open the terminal and type sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt16:45
MarkJonesHello can anyone tell me if there are mirrors that host ubuntu packages and are organised by release? Such as a repo of just the packages for Ubuntu 8.04.2, so that one doesnt have to guess as to what package goes with which release?16:45
arvind_khadrirussia213, when you try to re-install do you get it done successfuly?16:46
vigo_kwsn: was worth a shot, that is what backups are for,,,,,16:46
MarkJonesSeems to be the standard for other distros and Im not sure if Ubuntu has that.16:46
arvind_khadriLostGuy, ok which laptop model?16:46
Yancowhen i press any option it freezes any help?16:46
LostGuyarvind_khadri: asus G1Sn16:46
kwsnvigo_: well, I'm using Mibbit16:46
porter1Has everyone heard about the HP Mi running? Pretty badass.16:46
kwsnsadly not a stand alone client16:46
LostGuyarvind_khadri: with a NVidia 9500m GS16:46
arvind_khadriMarkJones, ya they come in the sources.list16:46
archmanViperBorg_TERM btw.: i believe that the problem with videos is that i need to choose from the list the drivers i want to use with that app (sort of...)16:47
porter1running ubuntu*16:47
vigo_kwsn: I have never used Mibbet, but it sounds like a fun one16:47
arvind_khadriMarkJones, as in what exactly you want?? the mirror site?16:47
kwsnvigo_: it has its flaws, but it's simple enough and gets the job done16:47
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Which app?16:47
MarkJonesyes like a URL to a mirror so I can see whats available.16:47
archmanViperBorg_TERM smplayer16:48
MarkJonesOnly mirrors I have been seeing only host release ISOs and not packages.16:48
russia213arvind_khadri: "can't find /dev/sdc1/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"....Yes it installed correctly16:48
vigo_kwsn: I no longer have a job, so I just play around on these boxes that use to be my job, now it is just fun16:48
thiebaudeMarkJones:what are trying to download?16:49
arvind_khadrirussia213, there is a space after /dev/sdc116:49
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: After the update, open terminal and type: sudo apt-get install vncviewer16:49
arvind_khadriLostGuy, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/28884316:49
kwsnvigo_: yeah, runs slow still16:49
MarkJonesWell just packages for manual installation fo software.16:49
ViperBorg_TERMUse VNC to play the videos, that's the program I use... has yet to fail me. And it's not driver dependant.16:50
kwsnwhich is odd, cause my friend runs it just fine on ArchLinux16:50
vigo_Oh ratso,,I have a tail...see ya16:50
archmanViperBorg_TERM ok ill try. has subtitle support?16:50
thiebaudeMarkJones:you didn't want to use synaptic?16:50
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Yes.16:50
arvind_khadriPici, why doesnt the bot tell about the bugs as it used to do whenever a bug page is posted?16:50
archmanViperBorg_TERM also stream support?16:50
ga_boihey guys any idea if there is a way to force my built in card reader to read a corrupt sdhc card on my laptop? my phone can read it but, for whatever reason my laptop can't..16:50
MarkJonesI have an install on a PC without internet.16:50
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Yes, it can even record the stream, if you'd like.16:51
archmanViperBorg_TERM WOW!!!16:51
ga_boior rather my phone registers it as unformated and can't do anything with it.16:51
usr13_ViperBorg_TERM: Did you mean to say vlc16:51
thiebaudeMarkJones,oh ok16:51
russia213arvind_khadri: "mount point mnt does not exist"16:51
ViperBorg_TERMusr13_: Yes. Sorry.16:51
arvind_khadrirussia213, its /mnt16:51
ViperBorg_TERMDang typos.16:51
MarkJonesSo I cant seem to find a package mirror for
wikkedfindoes anyone have any feelings about Pulse Audio?16:52
archmanViperBorg_TERM: oh VLC? i don't love that one...16:52
LostGuyarvind_khadri: thnx for the link i will read and see if i can fix my problem16:52
ViperBorg_TERMWhich, post brain-fart, is sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc16:52
russia213arvind_khadri: Sorry....ok16:52
=== richard is now known as Guest42988
ViperBorg_TERMNo love for the VLC?16:52
archmanViperBorg_TERM: nope :D16:52
arvind_khadriLostGuy, sure... :) if you cant ... they try envyng... but keep it as a last resort16:53
thiebaudeMarkJones:if you had or will install 8.04, then 8.04 will update to 8.04.216:53
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Ah, I see. Oh, well, that's what I use. Works fine here. :D16:53
archmanViperBorg_TERM: i'm just hoping that i'll sort out this problems i've seen (i'm upgrading from gutsy, got pissed off because of those ubuntu release cycles)16:53
MarkJonesI already downloaded the ISO for
usr13_ViperBorg_TERM: I use vlc but also use mplayer16:53
MarkJonesI need a package mirror so I can download packages to install stuff like K3B and VLC etc.16:54
LostGuyarvind_khadri: ok will do16:54
archmanViperBorg_TERM: smplayer goes for me! :)16:54
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Ah, gotcha. Yes, the Ubuntu release cycles are something else all right.16:54
MarkJonesAnd transfer to other PC with flashdrive16:54
LostGuyseeyall later16:54
ViperBorg_TERMusr13_: I'll use mplayer sometimes, but if it's giving me issues, I'll revert to VLC.16:54
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Glad it works for ya. :)16:54
archmanViperBorg_TERM: on gutsy i got everything working fine, i hope it'll be here the same. or else, i'll cut my throat :D16:54
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Woah, don't go that far. :D16:55
lvlefistoMarkJones: you can manually download packages for your ubuntu version from http://packages.ubuntu.com16:55
arvind_khadri!hi | ronny16:55
ubotturonny: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:55
usr13_ViperBorg_TERM: Yes, that is why I have both. I also have totem.  Some videos play better on one or the other...16:55
archmanViperBorg_TERM: it's always me looking for problems when i don't need them :D16:55
ronnyis there any limit on usable ram on the kernel? my laptop has 4gb now, the bios says 4gb, but linux has only 3,5 gb16:55
russia213arvind_khadri: Sorry....ok no errors16:55
ViperBorg_TERMBRB, damn phone going off again.16:55
zagabarYo guys!16:56
archmanViperBorg_TERM: usr13_ right, and that's a minus for gnome apps, you need to have 10024123 of them for one work...16:56
usr13_ViperBorg_TERM: Totem plays most every thing pretty well nowdays so...16:56
zagabarIf I want to add a hdd and mount it to the current home folder, is that possible?16:56
ichbinesderelchzagabar: it is16:56
ronnyanyone has an idea?16:56
usr13_zagabar: Please restate your question.16:56
zagabarichbinesderelch: is it easy?16:57
ichbinesderelchzagabar: i would say yes16:57
zagabarusr13_:  I have ubuntu server edition installed on a ftp server and want to increase the space.16:57
zagabarWithout formating or such.16:57
fosco__!home > zagabar16:58
ubottuzagabar, please see my private message16:58
usr13_zagabar: You need a specific folder to to maount to, but yes, that mount point can be located in home16:58
* russia213 waits16:58
usr13_zagabar: Formatting and mounting are two seperate issues.16:58
usr13_zagabar: You can place the mount point where ever it pleases you.16:59
zagabarYeah, the thing is that all users has their stuff in different directories in home, and I want to increase the space for everyone.16:59
usr13_zagabar: You can move /home  or /home/one-user to the new drive.16:59
zagabarAnd if I want all users to benefit from the space?17:00
chicaomodprob load the module, and how I unload th module ?17:00
zagabarKinda extending the space of the current disk.17:00
usr13_zagabar: You have 2 drives in the machine now?17:00
zagabarI have, but I am not sure that the hardware has recognised the new one. ATM i am only able to get to it by ssh17:01
usr13_zagabar: You just need to decide what should stay on the old drive and what you want to have on the new one.17:01
sachettochicao: modprobe -R17:01
usr13_zagabar: fdisk -l17:01
usr13_zagabar: fdisk -l Will show you what drives are recognized by the system.17:02
archmanwhat output driver should i use in smplayer? when i used "user defined" it crashed back to login screen...17:02
hairy-slutboyHello guys, how can i format my USB?17:02
chicaosachetto,  not here .. root@chicao-laptop:~# modprobe -R ath_pci17:02
chicaomodprobe: invalid option -- R17:02
usr13_hairy-slutboy: use the format command17:02
zagabarfdisk -l outputs nothing.17:02
usr13_hairy-slutboy: mkfs.???17:03
sachettochicao: rmmod also works17:03
usr13_zagabar: sudo fdisk -l17:03
adi1this is my chipset on lspci:  0b:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)17:03
hairy-slutboy??? anyone can help ???17:03
adi1can anyone help17:03
sachettochicao: modprobe -r17:03
adi1it does not work anymore17:03
usr13_hairy-slutboy: mkfs.msdos /dev/sda117:03
zagabarIt only found the current drive. =/17:04
arvind_khadrirussia213, did it go well?17:04
usr13_hairy-slutboy: Or something to that effect, depending on what type of filesystem you want on it.17:04
zagabarI guess there is nothing to do until I have plugged it in correctly?17:04
chicaoFATAL: Module ath_hal is in use. sachetto17:04
usr13_hairy-slutboy: but make sure you select the correct drive.  fdisk -l  to see what you have.17:04
sachettochicao: the module is in use... so you can't unload it17:05
cdavisCan someon suggest a page to read that indicates how I might automatically select an xorg.conf file based on it I am docked or not?17:05
arvind_khadriadi1, if you ask your question someone may17:05
chicaosachetto,  but I need to unload the module to install a new one, how can I do this ?17:05
beamsjrIf I add a new drive to a box can I format it and make it's mount point /var?17:05
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: True17:05
wlrjgjkdDoes anyone recommend any good shared hosting companies? The one I'm with now is a right pain. Thanks.17:05
hairy-slutboyusr13 : how can i know its sda1 or sda2 or usbdev1.1_ep00 or so?17:05
avisis it possible /dev/sr0 is my dvd burner ?17:05
usr13_zagabar: do you have it jumpered correctly and powered and plugged into the ide or scssi port etc...17:05
ViperBorg_TERMusr13_: True as well, but I have my preferances. :)17:05
sachettochicao: try to start ubuntu in recovery mode17:06
=== mini-man is now known as miniature
adi1ok Khadri | i need someone to help  me to make this wireless internal card work17:06
sachettochicao: maybe you can unload and recompile the new module17:06
adi1i had the dell minicard 1500 draft N17:06
hairy-slutboyusr13 : how can i know mu usb is sda1 or sda2 or usbdev1.1_ep00 or so?17:06
adi1it broke so i bought this new one intel pro wireless 3945 draft g17:07
zagabarusr13_: That is the thing that I am very unsure of... I have had really annoying problems with connecting hardware to that computer. I think it is some faulty IDE-cables or so... But the computer is in another home now, so I cannot look into it right now. Nothing to do then I guess?17:07
adi1now i installed as a hardware but interpid cant see it17:07
arvind_khadri!wifi | adi117:07
ubottuadi1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:07
sachettochicao: you can do a rmmod -f to force... but its note recommended17:07
Jewbaccahow to change mouse dpi on ubuntu17:08
Rioting_pacifistis it possible to replace root with an lvm snapshot of root in order to fsck it17:08
usr13_zagabar: Is it IDE?17:08
zagabarThat changes somethign?17:08
arvind_khadriRioting_pacifist, use a gparted live cd to fsck root17:08
=== miniature is now known as mini-man
* cwillu_clone pants in exhaustion17:09
* cwillu_clone mimics hateball17:09
usr13_zagabar: Do you have it plugged into an IDE port by itself?17:09
usr13_zagabar: Or is it sharing an IDE port with another drive?17:09
zagabarNo, it is sharing.17:09
* cwillu_clone pokes hateball with a stick17:10
Rioting_pacifistarvind_khadri: using a liveCD to fsck seams a bit excessive there must be a better way. will a fsck of an lvm snapshot show coruption on /17:10
usr13_zagabar: Ok, the other drive on that port, is it the [only] other Hard Drive?17:10
arvind_khadriRioting_pacifist, you should not fsck when / is mounted... i dont have any idea about the lvm snapshot thing...17:11
hairy-slutboyi want to fdisk my USB drive. how do i know which block special device is that, i mean sda or sdb or any other in /dev ?17:11
mallawhello every body17:11
usr13_zagabar: If so, the existing  old drive needs to be jumpered as master, and the new one needs to be jumpered slave.17:11
chicaosachetto, tks :)17:11
nierei'm having problems with the Release file of a local repository being ignored; it's pulled from the repository (as seen in a "Hit" with apt-get update, and in the apache logfile), but there's none of the release information added to the index (which i wanted to use for version pinning). is anyone running a local repos, and might have a hint what's going wrong?17:12
hairy-slutboyhello guys, i want to fdisk my USB drive. how do i know which block special device is that, i mean sda or sdb or any other in /dev ?17:12
usr13_hairy-slutboy: sudo fdisk -l17:13
usr13_hairy-slutboy: You know the size of it, right?17:13
arvind_khadrihairy-slutboy, you mean you want to fsck it?17:13
hairy-slutboyusr13_ : done that, i have sda and sdb , donno which one is it...17:13
usr13_hairy-slutboy: You know the size of it, right?17:14
blizzlehairy-slutboy: You could alternatively launc gparted which should show you which drive is which.17:14
Rioting_pacifisthairy-slutboy: it might show up in dmesg listing where its listed but im not sure, try dmesg | tail17:14
hairy-slutboyarvind_khadri : yes17:14
wikkedfinhairy-slutboy, i would just use gpart to fdisk it17:14
arvind_khadriRioting_pacifist, that isnt needed...17:14
daniel-vlchairy-slutboy ... dmesg shows the las device conected...17:14
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
=== nickrud_ is now known as nickrud
PrayinMantisHey I'm havin folks I'm havin some problems getting things to compile on ubuntu I was wonderin if anyone was free to help me17:15
hairy-slutboyusr13_ : thanks, done...17:15
=== ichbinesderelch_ is now known as ichbinesderelch
zagabarusr13_:  I know that stuff about master and slave =) However when I tried to practically apply it to that computer, nothing made sense.17:15
Gnea!ask | PrayinMantis17:15
ubottuPrayinMantis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:15
zagabarIt did not act accordingly to logic.:P17:15
Rioting_pacifistarvind_khadri: but how can you tell which one it is (Well other than size) i dont think lsusb or mount will help dmesg is the best thing for seeing whats pluged unpluged?17:15
zagabarSometimes it recognized the drives wierdly, and sometimes not at all.17:16
hairy-slutboyblizzle, wikkedfin, daniel-vlc , and all others thank u too...17:16
arvind_khadriRioting_pacifist, sudo fdisk -l :)17:16
zagabarAfter hours of work I managed to get it to recognize a cd-drive and a harddrive. That was enough for installing ubuntu.17:16
wikkedfinhairy-slutboy, np i really didnt help... i just used Gparted yesterday17:16
wikkedfinwhen i installed ubuntu via usb drive17:16
mallawممكن حد عربي اتفاهم معه17:17
usr13_zagabar: When you have 2 drives on one IDE port, one needs to be jumpered as master, the other as slave.  So in your case, just jumper the existing drive as master, and the new one as slave.  That should do it.17:17
arvind_khadri!ar | mallaw17:17
ubottumallaw: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe17:17
arvind_khadrimallaw, sorry17:17
* blizzle laughs.17:17
arvind_khadri!arabi | mallaw17:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about arabi17:17
usr13_zagabar: Doesn't matter what computer it is on, if it is IDE it will work the same.17:17
arvind_khadri!arabic | mallaw17:17
ubottumallaw: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية17:17
jabarEvening All....17:18
zagabarusr13_: I know. :P I read alot about it and I could not find out what was the problem. I think I did everytyhing corretly. I have never failed in those connections before. My friend agrees, that is the wierd thing. :S17:18
hairy-slutboywikkedfin , u teach me sth bc i'm installing it right now!!! thanks dude...17:18
usr13_zagabar: You know what I'm talking about, right?  The jumpers on the back of the drive..?17:18
zagabarBut I changed one of the IDE-cables and some of the wierdness went away.17:18
CrocoJetis possible play Blu Ray in linux with GGC-H20L LG ?17:18
anteayawho or what contact is the best person group to inform of the Canadian Government's call for and RFI on FOSS?17:18
mallawhEY COME ON I can speak english very well but I need to talk with arabic guy17:18
zagabarOn those metal-spikey-thingey17:18
mallawthat's all17:18
wikkedfinhairy-slutboy, make sure you select your usb drive cuz you can erase your ubuntu with that app17:19
NowNamethat's allright too17:19
wikkedfinit can be a evil app17:19
ViperBorg_TERMMallaw, then you need to go to the Arabic channel.17:19
zagabarLittle pieces of plastic.17:19
mallawwhere is it?17:19
ViperBorg_TERMtype /join #ubuntu-arabic17:19
ronnyanyone can tell me if the 32 bit ubuntu kernel is build with pae suppoert?17:19
jabarLooking for some help with virualbox - Vista Host with Ubuntu guest... Basicly need help with sharing folders, so if anybody understands.. please reply17:19
usr13_zagabar: If the drives are jumpered correctly and are plugged into a good data cable and if both the drives are in good working order, it should work.17:19
=== NowName is now known as nimajneb
zagabarYeah I think so too.17:20
PrayinMantisok I'm trying to compile qc-usb-source using the module-assistant and I keep getting errors during build... It looks like this:  make: *** [kdist_build] Error 2 what am I doing wrong?17:20
archmanViperBorg_TERM: :) the sound is done! working! I just needed to set everything on alsa and in xine. probably the same is for the vids, but i wont experiment now to end up crashing in the middle of upgrade :)17:20
zagabarThats why I suspect the cables.17:20
arvind_khadrijabar, you should be looking in ##windows17:20
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Excellent!17:20
mallawwhere should I type it?17:20
blizzlejabar: You'll find running Ubuntu as the host much better.17:20
usr13_PrayinMantis: Need more info.  Ues pastebin17:20
arvind_khadrijabar, where does the problem lie... in ubuntu or windows?17:20
nimajnebmallaw: just in the line you type everything else in17:20
IntuitiveNippleronny: The -server kernels support PAE, but not desktop (although we're discussing changing it for K.K.)17:21
archmanViperBorg_TERM: yeah ;)17:21
mallaw /join #ubuntu-arabic17:21
zagabarBut however, I cannot mixture with it now since the computer is in another apartment. I will move it here in some days and then I can go back here.17:21
jabarIn ubuntu, i cannot copy to windows17:21
zagabarThanks for the help though.^^17:21
nimajnebwithout the mallaw: space17:21
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Glad you got it working, yeah, I'd wait for the upgrade to complete before I started tweakin stuff. ;)17:21
blizzlejabar: I had the same issue.. Vista doesn't seem to want to see Shared drives from Vbox.17:21
mallawit's like a programming language17:21
wipsI am connected to a server throug ssh, can I somehow upload something from my local hard drive through ssh to the server I am connected to?17:21
krishnanhow can i use voice and video chat in ubuntu. iam using hardy17:21
blizzlewips: scp17:21
archmanViperBorg_TERM: btw: vmware installation doesnt work though, i will need to reinstall...17:21
nimajnebwips: you can17:22
usr13_wips: Yes, scp17:22
arvind_khadrikrishnan, skype17:22
wipsThank you guys :)17:22
jabarfunny enough, i can see the files in ubuntu, that i put in the windows folder...17:22
ronnyIntuitiveNipple: ah k, then thats why im missing ~500 mb of my ram17:22
usr13_wips: scp filenlme user@192.168.x.x:Documents/17:22
ViperBorg_TERMYeah, VMWare is strange like that. I think it manuplates some system files, or something is not compatable with the newer version, I know I had to reinstall after upgrading mine to Intrepid.17:22
krishnanarvind_khadri: is skype available for ubuntu users? if yes tell me how can i install it and use17:22
IntuitiveNippleronny: you can install the -server kernel variants if you need them17:23
nimajnebkrishnan: yes skype-homepage17:23
ViperBorg_TERMEr... archman :  Yeah, VMWare is strange like that. I think it manuplates some system files, or something is not  compatable with the newer version, I know I had to reinstall after upgrading mine to Intrepid.17:23
usr13_krishnan: yes17:23
archmanViperBorg_TERM: yeah? ok then im sure now:)17:23
aletinelHi all, I've upgraded my ubuntu 7.10 to 8.10 and wireless connection doesn't work anymore! My wireless interface is a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG, it's able to see the networks but doesn't connect..17:23
arvind_khadrikrishnan, ya it is... your friends must have a account in that... in skype17:23
aletinelany help?17:23
arvind_khadri!skpye | krishnan17:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about skpye17:23
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Yeah, after the re-install it worked fine.17:23
nimajneb!skype | krishnan17:23
ubottukrishnan: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto17:23
ronnyIntuitiveNipple: is there any bigger difference betwen these kernels than pae?17:23
archmanaletinel: hope my fate isn't the same: im doing the same thing now ;)17:23
usr13_krishnan: sudo apt-get install skype17:24
archmanViperBorg_TERM: workstation? studio?17:24
usr13_krishnan:  Should be in the repositories17:24
wipsusr13, I'm trying to copy a directory but all it says is no such file or directory.17:24
usr13_usr13: I use skype, works find for me.17:24
IntuitiveNippleronny: mostly the -server variant is optimised for the kinds of workloads expected17:24
IntuitiveNippleronny: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid-updates/linux-image-2.6.27-11-server17:24
THE_GFR|WORKhey I have a question is there a way on ubuntu when you load up a PDF in firefox and want to print it to prevent changing the number of copies printed away from 1 copy?17:24
PrayinMantisok here's the pastebin for my problem I've tried everything I know but I'm newb http://pastebin.com/m24c3601817:25
mallawCan I find any java coder here?17:25
wipsusr13_, I'm trying to copy a directory, but all it says is "No such file or directory"17:25
usr13_wips: you mystyped.17:25
archmanViperBorg_TERM: btw.: i've seen an old and the new kernel in GRUB. Can i remove an old entry after the upgrade? What's it for anyway?17:25
wipsscp /var/www/ ?17:25
jabarcan ubuntu annotate..?17:25
usr13_wips: you mystyped, try again and correct yoru typing.  (use tab key)17:25
arvind_khadrimallaw, #java17:25
ronnyIntuitiveNipple: any negative effects for laptops?17:25
usr13_wips: The tab key is your friend.17:26
wipsusr13, ok..17:26
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: VMServer. - You can remove it, but it really doesn't harm anything. It's a fallback if the new one doesn't work.17:26
arvind_khadriusr13, no it isnt...its in medibuntu17:26
archmanViperBorg_TERM yeah lol ;)17:26
THE_GFR|WORKor at least only allow you to print one copy, then have to press the print button again to get it to print another copy?17:26
IntuitiveNippleronny: possibly slightly less responsive to user input, but it'd need to be busy to really feel that.17:26
russia213arvind_khadri: hello? ^^()17:26
usr13_arvind_khadri: What is in medibuntu?17:26
IntuitiveNippleronny: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition17:26
archmanViperBorg_TERM ok, back to studying here, i'll stay tuned and report everything to you when i upgrade. cheers ;)17:26
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:26
arvind_khadri!medibuntu > usr1317:27
ubottuusr13, please see my private message17:27
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: I have VMWare Server running on here, with the console. But I normally control the console remotely. The box just hosts the VM's.17:27
arvind_khadrirussia213, ya am here... did the mount command go fine?17:27
ViperBorg_TERMarchman: Okay, study hard. :)17:27
IntuitiveNippleronny: Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/features/kernel17:27
russia213arvind_khadri: yes, the terminal is still waitng17:27
GorlistIve just updated my motherboard and graphics card - desktop won't load (tried a xorg reconfig), and ive got no network either through the motherboard.. ATI HD 4870. Sitting in recovery at the moment, any suggestions?17:27
wipsusr13_, oh, I didn't know I had to log out of the ssh connection.. it was lookin for the folder on the server's root. not on my local machine, that explains.. anyway, I figured now. Thank you17:27
usr13_wips: You do not have to log out17:28
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok sorry... when you re-install grub does it work fine?? how did you re-install it?17:28
usr13_wips: scp user:192.168.x.x:Document/file.name .17:28
Piciwips: user@ip:dir17:28
TADS_AWAYhello all17:28
usr13_wips: or    scp user:192.168.x.x:Document/file.name Documents/17:28
usr13_wips: or    scp user:192.168.x.x:Desktop/file.name Desktop/17:29
Piciusr13_: there should be a @ between user and ip/host17:29
Tropnevadhi all17:29
usr13_Pici: no17:29
usr13_Pici: Yes, sorry typo17:29
TADS_AWAYhi all im trying to find out how to give wine more disk space on c:17:29
usr13_wips: or    scp user@192.168.x.x:Desktop/file.name Desktop/17:29
dethstaranyone know how I can go about installing the drivers for a Radeon HD 3450?17:29
dethstarI tried using envy.. but no luck17:30
russia213arvind_khadri: I opened grub in the terminal and told it to set up on (hd0)17:30
wipsI'm going to copy a folder from my machine to the ssh connection.. So I write : scp /var/www/ login@blabla.blabla.com: /www/dev/17:30
russia213arvind_khadri: and not it does%mt work17:30
PrayinMantiswas the information i submited via pastebin a good enough example of my problem?17:30
wipswithout the space on the end >.<17:30
usr13_wips: I made a mistake before, there should be a @ between user and ip/host17:30
arvind_khadrirussia213,  you didnt do root(hd0,x) did you?17:30
mallawhow can I search for existing rooms?17:31
derspanksteranyone have any idea why I have no DVI output to screen after X starts? Using a Nvidia 6600 and the restricted (Ubuntu) driver.17:31
Picimallaw: /msg alis help17:31
wipsusr13_, I understand, just like when I connect to the server with ssh..17:31
usr13_wips: if you put the . at the end, that means that you want to copy the file to the current directory.17:31
jken146wips: if you want to copy the contents of the folder as well, yype scp -r /var/www login@domain:/www/dev/17:31
russia213arvind_khadri: no17:31
wipsok, ty jken14617:31
usr13_wips: Other wise specify directory name.17:31
sampbarhi all17:31
THE_GFR|WORKhey I have a question is there a way on ubuntu when you load up a PDF in firefox and want to print it to prevent changing the number of copies printed away from 1 copy?17:31
arvind_khadrirussia213, :) you should have done it... follow the tutorial word to word...17:32
arvind_khadri!grub > Russ--17:32
ubottuRuss--, please see my private message17:32
arvind_khadri!grub > russia21317:32
ubotturussia213, please see my private message17:32
shibini have got a problem17:32
arvind_khadriRuss--, sorry17:32
shibinPXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable17:32
shibinPXE-061: Media test failure, check cable17:32
shibinPXE-M0F: Exiting Intel PXE ROM17:32
arvind_khadrishibin, ask17:32
TADS_AWAYany one good with wine?17:32
ViperBorg_TERM!grub | ViperBorg_TERM17:32
ubottuViperBorg_TERM, please see my private message17:32
usr13_wips:   scp user@192.168.x.x:Desktop/file.name Desktop/   would be same as  cd Desktop ; scp user@192.168.x.x:Desktop/file.name .17:32
arvind_khadri!anyone| TADS_AWAY17:32
ubottuTADS_AWAY: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:32
mallawtads_away yes17:32
russia213arvind_khadri: I rooted (hd2,0)17:33
dethstaris there a channel for jaunty?17:33
TADS_AWAYi asked the question17:33
usr13_wips: In other words, .  means place the file here.17:33
arvind_khadrirussia213, re-install the grub properly17:33
usr13_wips: as in this directory17:33
arvind_khadridethstar, #ubuntu+117:33
shibinactually this is an error my friend got on installing debian etch17:33
TADS_AWAY<TADS_AWAY> hi all im trying to find out how to give wine more disk space on c:17:33
dethstararvind_khadri, k17:33
arvind_khadrishibin, this is ubuntu channel... go to #debian17:33
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
mallaw\msg tads_away me17:34
shibini didnt get any answer their17:34
russia213arvind_khadri: Will you help me with that, then?17:34
arvind_khadrishibin, only they can help17:34
mallaw\msg Java_Coder17:34
arvind_khadrirussia213, you just have to follow the tutorial that i gave you...17:34
shibinok then thank you17:34
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok open the terminal and do sudo grub17:34
mallawalis JavaCoder17:35
BaattiWhat is some good software for video screen captures?17:35
THE_GFR|WORKhey I have a question is there a way on ubuntu when you load up a PDF in firefox and want to print it to prevent changing the number of copies printed away from 1 copy?17:35
blizzleTADS_AWAY, The size of Wine's C partition is, I think, conditional on the size of the partition where it's stored..17:35
jken146THE_GFR|WORK: firefox doesn't open pdfs17:36
StroganoffTADS_AWAY: http://tamastarjanyi.blogspot.com/2007/11/insufficient-disk-space-reported-under.html17:36
THE_GFR|WORKjken146: ok whatever is used for the PDF viewing is there a way to prevent changing the number of copies printed?17:36
Stroganoffblizzle, TADS_AWAY: there are loads of seemingly unsolved "disk space" problems with wine noted on the internet (use google: wine disk space)17:36
jken146THE_GFR|WORK: yes, File > Print should bring up a window where you can do that17:37
wipsjken146, Now it tells me /www/dev: Permission Denied. I tried changin chmod but no help..17:37
blizzleStroganoff,  Ok. noted. Thanks.17:37
THE_GFR|WORKjken146: I ment how do I make it so the number of copies number cannot be changed from 1?17:37
xfmhello! has anyone completed the level 15 of epiphany? (the game, not the browser ;)17:38
jken146wips: you obviously don't have write permissions on /www/dev on that maching17:38
_VIM_THE_GFR|WORK: you can install Adobe reader , it probably has more advanced features but i think you need the !medibuntu repos for it...17:38
blizzleBaatti,  I vaguely recall "Istanbul" being a screen capture app.17:38
Baattiblizzle alright, I'll start there thank you very much17:38
superchrisTHE_GFR|WORK why do you want to limit the number of copies to 1, what's to prevent them from using a copier to make copies after they print their 1?17:38
THE_GFR|WORKsuperchris: we don't have a copier17:38
computa_mikeCan I ask a really stupid question - I am working on a bash script - i start it #!/bin/bash but it throws the error line 1: #!/bin/bash: No such file or directory.17:39
ChronosZAok, im at a loss. i have a lexmark 5650 and a samsung clp-310 - and neither will work on ubuntu. does anyone know of other drivers than foomatic?17:39
xfmIs there a (cheat) (shame on me) to access directly to levels for eiphany?17:39
jken146THE_GFR|WORK: or pressing print several times, or saving the pdf and printing it again or...17:39
_VIM_computa_mike: ask in #bash17:39
computa_mikewill do17:39
russia213arvind_khadri: same error 21 I just reinstalled grub again17:39
blizzlexfm: I think you're in the wrong channel, somehow. Try google.17:39
eximorHi all!17:39
eximorI need help With rhytmBOX please17:39
THE_GFR|WORKyou all miss my point I just want to prevent that number from changing! that is all.17:39
eximorHow I can delete all MP3s only from rhytmbox please?17:40
THE_GFR|WORKeither it can be done or it can't. simple as that.17:40
blizzleTHE_GFR|WORK,  I don't think you can lock the number of copies printed.17:40
xfmblizzle: mmm epiphany's a bit underground, very few info in google17:40
jken146THE_GFR|WORK: ok, sorry.  I can't think of anything that would help I'm afraid]17:40
superchrisTHE_GFR|WORK: you'd need to use PDF DRM but its easily breakable and you have to pay a company for their software. Someone could just print it to a pdf and then print as many copies as they wanted...17:40
PrayinMantiswhen I try to run make on qc-usb I get the following errors http://pastebin.com/m4a2c789417:40
eximorHow I can delete all MP3s only from rhytmbox please?17:41
kitcheblizzle: you can but it's very easily breakable17:41
=== eximor is now known as ExiMoR
jken146eximor: find the directory where your music is stored, cd to it in a terminal and type rm *.mp317:41
ChronosZAanoyne, other drivers than foomatic?17:41
ChronosZAanyone, even17:41
THE_GFR|WORKsuperchris: I don't care how many copies they print I just don't want the number of copies changing away from 117:41
nschembrI'm running ubuntu server without xwindow. I'm looking to install xterm so I can push a xterm to a third box. I have no need to install x11 and will never run x on this box. apt-get wants to install the world.  Is there a way to force the install without all of the dependencies.17:41
ExiMoRjken146: I need to remove MP3s only from rhytmbox program not from ubuntu17:42
blizzlekitche, Yeah, I suspect there might be mickey mouse methods, but nothing sensible :/17:42
jken146ExiMoR: ok, I see17:42
__mikemExiMoR: always be careful with the rm command when using wildcards17:42
GorlistDo i have to enable a repo to install Envy?17:42
ExiMoRSo... Can anyone help me?17:42
kitcheblizzle: sure just use pdf2ps :)17:42
elrik_i have a question, my firefox is starting with bigger window than it should. I have to change it to fullscreen and back to see my ubuntu panels again. what can be wrong?17:42
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:42
=== spy is now known as Guest30104
__mikemExiMoR: what are you trying to acomplish?17:42
ExiMoR_mikem: I need to remove songs ONLY from rhytmbox app... :|17:43
blizzlekitche, Trivial to tell the printer to print more copies of a ps doc.. just edit the header :)17:43
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as RoozbehOffline
simplexiofhrmm.. why  make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers dosent want to work17:43
PerseusDKAnyone who knows about IPv6 enabled repositories for security updates?17:43
ExiMoR_mikem: Because I have "clons"17:43
etechi installed openoffice 3 from the ppa17:44
PerseusDKit seems securuty is not IPv6 enabled yet17:44
beamsjrafter installing ubuntu server I get prompt with grub>17:44
ExiMoR_mikem: so... I have all tracks twice17:44
PrayinMantisah I guess no one can help me17:44
gnuyenI did "windows middle click" and it zoomed in, how do I zoom out?17:44
__mikemExiMoR: you have to figure out where rhythm box stores the copies17:44
etechwill i be able to ubuntu 9.04 in april or will there be conflicts with openoffice?17:44
arvind_khadrirussia213, i need to look at the menu.lst17:44
gnuyenI can't find the keybinding17:44
ExiMoR_mikem: ?17:44
wolterhi, my login sound sounds very awful...17:44
blizzleetech, Should be fine with OpenOffice.17:44
wolterit sounds like ripped apart and repositioned on a wrong way17:44
__mikemExiMoR: Rhythmbox probably stores its own copy of each track in a separate dirrectory. Thats probably why you have clones17:44
arvind_khadrirussia213, there is something wrong with it17:44
gnuyeni zoomed to most of the window but everything is fuzzy17:45
russia213arvind_khadri: help with that?17:45
beamsjrat grub> what do I type to start ubuntu?17:45
blizzleetech, I've got Jaunty running on a few systems, and it seems fine already.17:45
ExiMoR_mikem:  damn .:!CENZORED!:. rhytmbox... I'll try to remove him and install again... BTW: Where Rhytmbox store his files, please? I'm noob at linux :(17:45
blizzlebeamsjr, Try: startx17:45
ccookebeamsjr: don't you get a menu?17:46
etechblizzle, did you upgrade from imtrepid with ppa oo3?17:46
__mikemExiMoR: I don't know, probably somewhere in ~/.rhythmbox,17:46
beamsjrcookie no17:46
ccookeblizzle: Grub is the bootloader - startx won't work17:46
beamsjr@cookie just grub>17:46
ccookebeamsjr: are there any error messages you see before getting the grub> prompt?17:46
blizzleOh, grub? I thought he was in a console.17:47
beamsjrcookie: no, I didnt see any, It has moved up now so i cant tell17:47
ccookebeamsjr: try rebooting and checking for any?17:47
beamsjrcookie: ok17:47
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:47
blizzleetech, No, just left whatever was installed in the standard repositories.17:48
=== tuxlinux_ is now known as tuxlinux
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.17:48
Luigiis there anyone who can help me with a c++ problem?17:49
arvind_khadrirussia213, sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt17:49
sachettoLuigi, what is the problem?17:49
IntuitiveNippleLuigi: There are no problems in C++, just overloaded operators :p17:49
Gorlistive installed envy, but when I ron envy -t from command line I get command not found (im in recovery mode)17:49
Gorlistron - run17:49
Luigiwell, a bit hard to explain :P17:49
Luigiwait i'll put the source online17:50
russia213arvind_khadri: done17:50
sachettoLuigi, pvt me17:50
blizzleGorlist, Try locate envy and/or apt-cache search ency17:50
arvind_khadrirussia213, ls /mnt17:50
arvind_khadrirussia213, what does it show?17:50
ldiamondCan anyone tell me why sometimes, when I plug my ethernet cable, Ubuntu freezes completely (I cant even move my mouse anymore) and I have to shut down my computer.17:51
=== |DarkSmoke| is now known as DarkSmoke
beamsjrcookie: No errors, just boots to GNU GRUB version 0.97 (638K Lower / 2096000K upper memory) [Minimal BASH-like line.........] grub>17:51
Gorlistblizzle: it appears to be installed17:51
Gorlistgot a location and atp cache listing17:51
zeeany chance to upgrade from edgy?17:51
zeeI have this machine that havent been touched in years, and it requires php 5.2x and some new stuff, and I just found out that support for edgy is no more17:52
PrayinMantishey guys I'm running Ubuntu 8.1 and I'm trying to compile the source but everytime I run make I get something that looks like this http://pastebin.com/m4a2c7894 can anyone help?17:52
russia213arvind_khadri: bin cdrom etc init.img lost+found mnt proc sbin sys usr vmlinuz boot dev home lib media opt root srv tmp var17:52
zeeis there a easy way out of this or I am in for some fun17:52
blizzleGorlist, If it's installed, then run the command as root. Also, maybe try installing some other envy stuff.. envy-ng etc.. you should find you get a gui if you install the correct package.17:52
wolterwhat is wxgtk?17:53
Gorlistim ive got something strange going on17:53
blizzlezee: sudo update-manager -d17:53
beamsjrNo errors, just boots to grub>  Can I boot from here?17:53
zeeblizzle: is that gui?17:53
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok,.... now do cd /mnt/boot/grub17:53
blizzlezee: That'll launch the gui update manager and offer to update your distro.. should do, anyways.17:54
zeeblizzle: because I have server version, shell only17:54
zeeupdate-manager command not found17:54
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes17:54
blizzlezee: You could try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:54
ezerhodenPrayinMantis: this is a quickcam module?17:54
=== Bodsda is now known as lukjad|failed
russia213arvind_khadri: done17:55
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro17:55
zeeblizzle: thanks, let me try that17:55
=== lukjad|failed is now known as Bodsda
PrayinMantisezerhoden: yeah17:55
jabari cannot unmount a device when its busy, is there a way to force it to unmount17:55
=== NowName is now known as nimajneb
zeeworks so far17:55
arvind_khadrirussia213, gksu gedit menu.lst17:55
ezerhodenPrayinMantis: there is already support in the kernel17:55
zeei had to change all references to edgy to feisty in sources.list though17:55
zeebecause edgy is no more17:55
zeehope this turns out well17:56
^hashban1^jabar: what device?17:56
PrayinMantisezerhoden: ok that's why it's throwing the error?17:56
blizzlezee: I'm not sure what happens if you skip a distro version when you update, I got the impression you needed to update versions in sequence.17:56
russia213arvind_khadri: pastebin?17:56
ezerhodenPrayinMantis: no. i dont think so.17:56
arvind_khadrirussia213, ya :) can you see the contents17:56
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:57
ezerhodenPrayinMantis: the device does not work just by pluging it in?17:57
geniiblizzle: You can update from LTS to LTS versions directly. But otherwise not17:57
jabarsudo mount -t vboxsf Recorded /media/Downloads17:57
russia213arvind_khadri: yes17:57
^hashban1^jarbar: try fuser -kuc /media/Downloads17:57
beamsjrhow do i load a linux kernel from grub>17:57
blizzlegenii, Ok, thanks for the headsup.17:57
arvind_khadrirussia213, earlier you werent so asked :)17:58
PrayinMantisezerhoden: it's been throwin something similar everytime I try to compile something17:58
Gorlistokay, ive installed a new motherboard, and network is not working - and because of the ati 4870 no desktop - anyway to redetect17:58
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:58
ezerhodenPrayinMantis: you are root doing this ?17:58
^hashban1^!ati | gorlist17:58
ubottugorlist: please see above17:58
russia213arvind_khadri: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11411317:58
ahmed_I said hi17:58
PrayinMantisezerhoden: yeah sudo -s17:58
Gorlistno no17:58
^hashban1^hi ahmed17:58
ahmed_I need hellp17:59
Gorlistwithout network i can't fix ati17:59
ahmed_how r u?17:59
^hashban1^Gorlist: what chipset is the motherboard?17:59
=== DarkSmoke is now known as DS-Away
jabaram using gksudo nautilus to delete the folder in the /media/Downloads17:59
arvind_khadrirussia213, gimme a moment17:59
ahmed_I'm new user here17:59
^hashban1^ahmed: well hi, and welcome!17:59
russia213arvind_khadri: ok17:59
GorlistASUS M3A79 - Delux17:59
Chinmaymy eclipse and firefox both greys out17:59
ahmed_can u tell me how can I learn this OP18:00
GorlistM3A79-T Dekux18:00
jabarits just won;t let me delete it, says device is busy18:00
SeySayuxhello. On Mac, Ubuntu uses GPT by default for the partitioner. Is there a way so I can force it to use MBR?18:00
zeeblizzle: yeah, but edgy repos are dead18:00
dude7064I have a folder in my system, when trying to execute the ls command on it, the console just hangs and doesn't display anything,,18:00
dude7064what could be the reason for this ?18:00
CQlook in #grub18:00
Chinmaythey recover after some time, but what can be the reason from greying18:00
dude7064also, when trying to view its contents, it just hangs,,18:01
blizzlezee: You might want to find an iso of the next version you need and upgrade from that, if possible.18:01
regeyadude7064, you might need to reboot from a livecd and run fsck on the filesystem in question18:01
^hashban1^Gorlist: run "18:01
TyggisOh shiet we're talking english !18:01
arvind_khadrirussia213, did you paste it full?? i cant see the rest ...18:01
ahmed_ok bye bey18:01
jabarlol @ tyggis18:01
AshUi'm using dovecot with squirrel mail in ubuntu and receive imap connection  error frequently what could be the issue. Using dovecot 1.1.18  with nfs.18:01
^hashban1^Gorlist: run "lspci | grep Ethernet18:01
donehi ubuntu folks!18:02
ezerhodenPrayinMantis: what about sudo su and then trying?18:02
^hashban1^hi done!18:02
zeeblizzle: that's thhe main problem, that machine doesn't have cd drive, and I can't get into bios because ps/2 port is fried, and until OS actually loads I can't touch anything, can't even get to enabling usb support so I can browse trough bios18:02
Gorlist^hashban1^ Ethernet Controller: Marvel Tech.  88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit18:02
dude7064is there a way/command to view/know if a folder is locked or not ?18:02
blizzlezee: If you can find the iso, you should be able to mount it.18:02
Jewbaccawhats the best torrent program for ubuntu? :~>18:02
sachettoJewbacca: I like transmission18:03
=== jabar is now known as JabarISaway
russia213arvind_khadri: http://paste.ubuntu.com/114114  Sorry there is the full file I didn't see it18:03
blizzleJewbacca, Best is a relative term.. Transmission works well enough.18:03
Gorlistso its detected?18:03
zeeblizzle: machine literaly wasn't touched for looooooooooong time (but it worked like a charm), you mean I could download iso, mount it, and update from there?18:03
wipsIn shell, how do I make a folder ignore if there are contents in it when I use rmdir?18:03
Siph0nJewbacca, u are going to get tons of responses, of peoples different opinions :) I used azerus18:03
tv7497Jewbacca: azures is good18:03
Jewbaccahahaha :D18:03
Jewbaccalets make a poll18:03
zeeblizzle: excellent idea, hopefully I find, next version should be feisty fawn right?18:03
blizzlezee: That's the idea.. download iso, mount, point apt at the mount point and away you go, That's the theory, at least.18:03
_VIM_!away > JabarISaway18:03
ubottuJabarISaway, please see my private message18:03
ChinmayJewbacca: Azureus......18:03
^hashban1^Gorlist: yes18:03
Gorlist^hashban1^: how could I test web connection then?18:04
blizzlezee: If you're on edgy, yup, feisty is what you'd want.18:04
tv7497Jewbacca: polls to offtopic please :)18:04
^hashban1^Gorlist: do `ifconfig`18:04
done^hashban1^: I was wondering if you could point me to new docs about the network-manager18:04
zeeblizzle: thanks a lot man, great idea. I owe you18:04
^hashban1^without the ` `18:04
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.18:04
Picizee: Feisty is no longer supported as well.18:04
PrayinMantisezerhoden: I'll try that18:04
Gorlist^hashban1^: got some information, what should I be looking for?18:04
blizzlePici: The idea is to get his endgy system updated, one version at a time.18:05
zeepici: but I can't skip distro if upgrading, can't upgrade directly to something newer18:05
Chinmayis there any way to transfer firefox profile from windows to ubuntu.........18:05
^hashban1^Gorlist: inet address: anything there?18:05
done^hashban1^ I know exactly the wpa_supplicant settings I would like to use, but I can not find a way to feed them through network-manager to wpa_supplicant18:05
Gorlist^hashban1^: ive got an ip18:05
Chinmayapart from reinstalling addons from website[:D]18:05
tv7497guys could you help me little fixing my broken sound in ibex its really horrible now well it works fine in vista not a glitch last time when i installed ibex a guy name nyaa helped me out but sad part is he is not here little bit help guys18:05
blizzleChinmay, Sure, try FTP. You might want to try the FEBE addon, also.18:05
^hashban1^gorlist: ok.. type route -n18:05
Chinmayblizzle: thanks...18:05
^hashban1^Gorlist: lol that's not your IP...18:05
zeePici: blizzle: so idea is to go edgy > feisty > gusty > hardy or whatever order it is (think i got it right)18:06
^hashban1^Gorlist: that's your loop back address... do a ifconfig eth018:06
arvind_khadrirussia213, does grub reach stage 1.5 ??18:06
HSNewsPeople, who Use miranda+irc-protocol, tell me please, how to disable icon blinking in contact-list when channel has received message18:06
Gorlist^hashban1^: :) device not found.18:06
^hashban1^Gorlist: do you see network lights blinking at all18:06
PrayinMantisezerhoden: it still doesn't work18:06
^hashban1^ok gorlist:18:06
russia213arvind_khadri: yes then it errors18:06
blizzlezee: Yup, that's the idea.. the names advance aphabetically. Ideally you'd want to end up on Hardy or Intrepid.18:06
ezerhodenPrayinMantis: same error?18:06
ahmedI'm here18:07
Gorlist^hashban1^:  hard to tell, lights are difficult to see im afriad18:07
ahmedhellp me18:07
Pici!ask | ahmed18:07
ubottuahmed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:07
zeeblizzle: yeah that's what i thought. in other words, let me double check if everything is backed up because I can feel the pain coming :P18:07
tv7497ahmed: !ask18:07
zleapahmed, what u need help with18:07
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok ... i need a moment18:07
russia213arvind_khadri: ok18:08
^hashban1^Gorlist: I would look online to see if the kernel supports that chipset18:08
THE_GFR|WORKtimecist: or should I add in a "maxcopies=1" or something?18:08
Finnish_My sounds have disappeared twice today. var/log/messages says : hda_intel: azx_get_response timeout18:08
Gorlist^hashban1^: rgr, any site you could recommend off hand?18:08
PrayinMantisezerhoden: yeah18:08
^hashban1^Gorlist: Google =)18:08
gmathewsHi is there an flv -> anything else converter for ubuntu?18:09
Gorlist^hashban1^: side question. Whats the correct apt fix command?18:09
^hashban1^Gorlist: that's what I use for my companies new products when we get new chipsets ... =)18:09
Chinmaycan anybody suggest php/css/html ide which includes code completion........wysiwyg is not required18:09
zeeblizzle: this seems to be working, I am (almost) at feisty :D18:09
Gorlist^hashban1^:  :)  I should have checked before ordering18:09
blizzlezee: Fingers crossed!18:09
Picigmathews: I believe that mencoder can convert flvs18:09
Altdread where are u?18:10
gmathewsThanks Pici18:10
^hashban1^Gorlist: it's cool, happens to the best of us. as for apt, I would try apt-get autoclean for apt-get -f18:10
Gorlist^hashban1^: thank you again.18:10
ahmedhey bory I just wanna any one 2 chat him18:10
^hashban1^Gorlist: anytime18:11
Piciahmed: This is a support channel. If you just want to tak you can /join #ubuntu-offtopic18:11
ahmedI wanna to learn myself18:11
ahmedwhere can I go??18:11
jimgrowzfs for ubuntu?18:11
Piciahmed: This is not a social chat channel.18:11
^hashban1^ahmed: Google is a good place to start18:11
ahmedI know18:12
Chinmayis there a addon in gnome-do which lets us add our own keywirds18:12
^hashban1^ahmed: then I would suggest you start there!!18:12
THE_GFR|WORKhey anyone know where I should add maxcopies 1 if I want to limit printing to 1 copy in ubuntu?18:12
ahmedI wanna 2 learn myself18:12
THE_GFR|WORKcupsd.conf or printers.conf?18:12
AltDREAD where are U?????????????/18:12
tv7497ahmed: dude be specific about what you wanna learn18:12
AltDREAD where are U?????????????/18:12
AltDREAD where are U?????????????/18:13
AltDREAD where are U?????????????/18:13
FloodBot1Alt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:13
ahmeddo u know this is a first time I chat in this hell OS18:13
^hashban1^THE_GFR|WORK: I would say printers.conf, being that cupsd.conf is for the cups server18:13
_VIM_another 10 year old for ignore, cya Alt...18:13
ahmedReally I heat it18:13
THE_GFR|WORK^hashban1^: ok18:13
Chinmaycan anybody suggest php/css/html ide which includes code completion........wysiwyg is not required18:13
ahmedbecause more things18:13
^hashban1^Chinmay: Eclipse18:13
Chinmay^hashban1^: it keeps on crashing18:14
Piciahmed: I understand that you don't seem to be a native english speaker, but this channel is only for Ubuntu support.  If you want to chat then type: /join #ubuntu-offtopic18:14
^hashban1^Chinmay: hmm, you have the latest java installed?18:14
Chinmay^hashban1^: yep18:14
DreadAlt, Ukraine the best contry in the world?18:14
Altdread u can see me? bgg18:14
^hashban1^Chinmay: hmm... sorry man that's the only one I know of..18:14
THE_GFR|WORK^hashban1^: do I need to restart the printer server?18:14
enry_hi i have an usb wifi card WG111v3 the os find all green but sill firefox do not connect to internet, i ping my router sussesfuly18:14
PiciAlt: Please stop, this is a support channel and you are being disruptive.18:14
Chinmay^hashban1^: actually it crashes whenever i enable php function view18:15
blizzleAlt: Give it a rest, please.18:15
tv7497Pici:  sir could you help me with my broken sound i mean its totally broken its too hard to describe sir tried out everything in basic troubleshooting https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting still of no help well the sound perfectly works in vista sir18:15
Dreadusa ïàðàøà ïîáåäà áóäåò íàøà18:15
Chinmay^hashban1^: at other times it just keeps greying out for sme oments18:15
^hashban1^THE_GFR|WORK: yes, I would try that. Tho i'm not entirely sure that you need to, it can't hurt18:15
arvind_khadrirussia213, sorry for taking your time... what do you do root as ...as in root(hdx,x) whats it?18:15
Jewbaccahow to set mouse dpi to 400 ;(18:15
Picitv7497: I'm actually pretty bad at diagnosing sound problems, sorry :(18:15
dewwenry_: can you do nslookup on google.com? if not, check your /etc/resolv.conf18:15
Andraiis there a way to add my project on ubuntu's repositories ?18:15
Chinmay^hashban1^: thanks18:15
blizzleAlt: Try using the /msg username facility.18:15
marcelAndrai, whats your project?18:15
StroganoffAndrai: make a proper package and submit it to the debian guys18:15
Pici!newpackage | Andrai18:15
ubottuAndrai: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports18:15
THE_GFR|WORK^hashban1^: ok rebooting the server18:16
Dreadrussia213, ïðåâåä18:16
AndraiBRisa, an UPnP framework18:16
Pici!ru | Dread18:16
IntuitiveNippleAndrai: You could use the Ubuntu PPA (Personal Package Archive)18:16
ubottuDread: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:16
Dreadà þ ôðîì ðàññèéà? )18:16
=== Jorge_arbusto is now known as Loco_aullador
Andraithx anyway18:16
Tclwhats the commant to change ny  self as a root ?18:16
^hashban1^THE_GFR|WORK: rebooting? Or restarting cupsd?18:16
Chinmayis there a addon in gnome-do which lets us add our own keywirds18:16
russia213arvind_khadri: The commands from the tutorial returned for me to root (hd2,0)18:16
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
Pici!sudo | Tcl18:16
ubottuTcl: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)18:16
ChinmayTcl: su18:16
DreadPici, don abuse18:16
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:16
Altòóò åñòü ìîñêàëè è õîõëû??18:16
Altêðîìå äðåäà18:16
enry_deww,  it's the same pc that im using now18:17
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok...18:17
tv7497Pici: its okie sir there was this guy called nyaa who helped me last time when i installed ibex is this a bug sir every time i reinstall my ibex i get this headache sir18:17
PiciDread, Alt: Please join #ubuntu-ru . #ubuntu is English only.18:17
gmathewsPici - ffmpeg does the job to convert .flv :P18:17
tv7497Pici: i meant my sound gets broken everytime there is a reinstalltion18:17
Daemon_is there an easy way to change the u splsh?18:17
Pici!irc | Alt Dread18:18
ubottuAlt Dread: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:18
cellofellowI like to use ssh -fN blahblah when doing port forwarding. How do I put those options into my .ssh/config file?18:18
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:18
Chinmaydoes  anybody uses "HUAEWEI MT882 MODEM"..........i want USB drivers for hardy18:18
tv7497Daemon_: yes try sum (startupmanager)18:18
hubarhi all18:18
Picitv7497: Then don't keep reinstalling?18:19
hubarquestion,, how do I call up the gui font configuration from console? (What command it is?)18:19
THE_GFR|WORKthat did nothing :(18:19
zeeuh oh18:19
tv7497Pici okie sir !18:19
arvind_khadrirussia213, have you got the menu.lst opened?18:19
russia213arvind_khadri: yes18:20
zleaphmm hes gone,18:20
zeeyay Gutsy here I come18:20
Daemon_tv7497: were is startup manager?18:20
arvind_khadrirussia213, open it and jump to line 12718:20
Stroganoffhubar: try gnome-font-dialog18:21
zeeblizzle: I had to remove libdevmapper1.02 at one point, but it's currently upgrading to gutsy without problems18:21
russia213arvind_khadri: ok18:21
blizzlezee: Great stuff. Sounds like you'll be fine.18:21
zeethe part where you have to type "Yes do exactly as I say!" had me sweating18:21
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:21
tv7497Daemon_: sudo apt-get install startupmanger the you will get a gui interface where u can easily change upslash its pretty handy18:21
zeeblizzle: if this works, it will save me some MAJOR time, thank you very much18:22
zeeafk while download lasts18:22
zeethanks again18:22
_VIM_Stroganoff: that's not installed by default18:22
theunixgeekI have a CD-RW/DVD+RW drive. Does that mean I can't burn DVD-R discs? :(18:22
^hashban1^theunixgeek: no18:22
etechdoes anyone know if ubuntu runs well on a thinkpad t61?18:23
NET||abusehmm, i would love a diagram explaining how the layers of drive partition/physical volume, volume group, logical volume and file system all sit together and a why they all exist.. anyone know of any explanitory reading i could do?18:23
arvind_khadrirussia213, then type root (hd2,0) , it should appear as a single line18:23
Daemon_tv7497: couldnt find pkg startupmanager18:23
^hashban1^etech: ubuntu runs great most hardware.. if you are looking for speed.. try xbuntu18:23
Philip888_2Can some help me with an onboard ethernet connection issue?18:23
hubaretech, otherthan the retarded wlan driver, yes.18:23
theunixgeek^hashban1^: but my drive doesn't recognize my DVD-R disc18:23
arvind_khadrirussia213, btw have you enabled the bios to boot USB devices??18:24
blizzletheunixgeek, CD's and DVD's are different. You can burn CD's on a DVD burner, but you CANNOT burn DVD's on a cd burner.18:24
etechhubar, wlan will not work?18:24
andrew__is it possible to import my google chrome bookmarks (windows) into ubuntu ?18:24
hubaretech, no.18:24
hubaretech, even under intrepid, there is problem with it.18:24
russia213arvind_khadri: no I have not18:24
blizzletheunixgeek, As for your drive, DVD-R and DVD+R are different mediums, as is DVD+RW18:24
etechjust which ubuuntu or with newer linux kerlens?18:24
hubaretech, you can use ndiswrapper though.18:24
etech*with, not which18:25
nimajnebeeepc and working elantech-driver anyone?18:25
russia213arvind_khadri: I'm sorry, where do you want me to type that?18:25
arvind_khadrirussia213, then how can the grub be detected??18:25
theunixgeekblizzle: so I can't burn DVD+Rs either?18:25
hubarand please, put my name somewhere in your lines.18:25
Daemon_tv7497: command did not work18:25
hubarso it can be highlighted.18:25
KingJamesIIcan someone give me a good program to mange your IPOD with?18:25
Philip888_2ubutun does not see eth0?????18:25
blizzlenimajneb, Try the Easy Peasy distro (formely EeeBuntu).18:25
tv7497Daemon_: paste bin what you typed18:25
IndustrialHi. I want to install the vim full version but the minimal version is installed. If I want to remove it with synaptic It will remove ubuntu-minimal which is ofcourse not what I want18:25
darius_KingJamesII itunes :D18:26
PiciIndustrial: just install vim-full. You don't need to remove the other version.18:26
etechhubar, does ndiswrapper slow down the internet connection?18:26
blizzletheunixgeek, Your drive should at least support either DVD+R or DVD-R. Check the manufacturer's spec sheet for a full rundown.18:26
hubaretech, not from what I have experienced.18:26
KingJamesIIdarius_, i haven't found a version of itunes that works under ubuntu....have you?18:26
tv7497Industrial: i guess sudo apt-get remove ________ should work and why do you want to remove other version18:26
arvind_khadrirussia213, enable to boot from bios...and make sure that USB boots first18:27
etechhubar, then it is ok :)18:27
Daemon_tv7497: http://pastebin.com/m5702115518:27
kitchetheunixgeek: you can not burn DVD-R can only do DVD(plus) discs from what I can tell18:27
russia213arvind_khadri: What do you mean?18:27
lorenzosuanyone have a epson DX printer and ubuntu 8.10?18:27
theunixgeekthanks blizzle18:27
Industrialtv7497: because a minimal stripped down version is ofcourse inadequate for a text editor with a thousand bells and whistles :p18:27
hubaretech, but you need to find out yourself. :) I suggest, some friend told me that it won't work with WEP though.18:27
darius_KingJamesII sorry I was just kidding, actualy I am interested in managing ipo on ubuntu too.18:27
arvind_khadrirussia213,change the settings in bios so that the USB is recognised...18:27
Industrialtv7497: eg I load my config file and commands are not supported.18:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mame18:27
vigo_How do I get rid of this _ tail?18:27
hubaretech, I never tried though.18:27
tv7497Daemon_: manager dude sudo apt-get isntall startupmanager sorry if i had typed it wrong the last time18:27
IndustrialAnyway, installed vim-full and it works fine. thanks Pici18:27
etechcan you maybe recommand a good and cheap student notebook?18:28
KingJamesIIdarius_, it would be sweet if itunes worked...all the ones I've played all suck!18:28
blizzleetech: Try the EeePC 10 series.18:28
hubaryeah, I would recommend a netbook.18:28
lorenzosuWith Ubuntu 8.10 printing to an epson DX5050 text and colours are terrily faded.18:28
hubarIt is pretty stylish too. :)18:28
fdrHi! Isn't there a vmware-player package for Intrepid? I cannot seem to find it :(18:29
jim_pdoes anyone knoe how to install a mame emulator on my pc and make it work?18:29
tv7497guys anyone good with fixing sound problems here >18:29
etechblizzle, hmm the 10" displays are too small, isn't there something with 15"?18:29
russia213arvind_khadri: ok, I'm in my bios setup18:29
=== _s is now known as S[h]O[r]T
Daemon_tv7497: ivalid operation install?18:29
hubaretech, what is your budget?18:29
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok .. now make sure that the settings are such that USB boots...or are searched18:30
etechi would also by a 2nd hand, max. 400€18:30
arvind_khadri!usb | russia21318:30
ubotturussia213: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:30
blizzleetech, For school, 1024x600 sould be fine.. you get portability as well.. 15" screens are quite cumbersome to lug around..18:30
tv7497Daemon_: eh ? dude see it worked perfectly for me http://paste.ubuntu.com/114122/18:30
lorenzosutv7497: What's your problem?18:30
tv7497lorenzosu: just a min i had typed it a long time back :)18:31
etechblizzle, i want to use it for university :)18:31
wolfeySIblizzle: 15.4" 1680x1050 is great:)18:31
wolfeySIblizzle my laptop18:31
tv7497lorenzosu: (12:00:07 AM) tv7497: Pici:  sir could you help me with my broken sound i mean its totally broken its too hard to describe sir tried out everything in basic troubleshooting https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting still of no help well the sound perfectly works in vista sir18:32
=== cakey is now known as britneyspearspow
lorenzosutv7497: yea :)18:32
lorenzosuWith Ubuntu 8.10 printing to an epson DX5050 text and colours are terrily faded.18:32
russia213arvnd_khadri: My bios does not give me the option to boot froom18:32
blizzlewolfeySI, I'm sure it is, but you don't want to be lugging something that size to lectures every day..18:32
=== britneyspearspow is now known as cakey
wolfeySIblizzle in fact i did :) now end of lectures :)18:32
Daemon_tv7497: install spelled wrong18:32
russia213arvnd_khadri: My bios does not give me the option to boot from usb*18:32
Daemon_tv7497:  ok now what18:33
lorenzosutv7497: Guess we'd need a little more infp18:33
tv7497Daemon_: dude you are damn funny !!!!!!! wait go to system>administration >SUM18:33
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tv7497lorenzosu: pardon me what info you need sir to help me with this18:34
=== DigitalFiz_ is now known as Fiz
=== Fiz is now known as DigitalFiz
Daemon_tv7497: thanks i appreciate it18:34
Daemon_tv7497: like making ppl laugh!18:35
Dan9311I have the latest versdion of ubuntu, and my audio does not work. I have tried everything to get it to work. How do I get it to work ?18:35
=== nigrodamus is now known as Crust
Jewbaccahow to set mouse dpi to 400 ;(18:35
tv7497Daemon_: np have fun and most of usplash screen you need to make files to get .so files so cd to the directory make file and have fun18:35
Dan9311I have the latest version of ubuntu, and my audio does not work. I have tried everything to get it to work. How do I get it to work ?18:36
arvind_khadrirussia213, you following the guide the bot gave you>?18:36
noskloI am trying to upgrade feisty packages, but the mirror seems offline: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/ 404 not found. Where can I find a mirror with feisty packages?18:36
MortuisWhere would I find the log file for remotedesktop?18:36
* niku is going to kick someone if this compile doesn't finish soon18:36
blizzlenosklo, Try: sudo update-manager -d18:36
russia213arvind_khadri: which one?18:36
Dan9311I have the latest versdion of ubuntu, and my audio does not work. I have tried everything to get it to work. How do I get it to work ?18:37
noskloblizzle, That would upgrade to gutsy, it is not what I want18:37
^hashban1^niku: what ya compiling?18:37
MortuisI connect to an ubuntu computer via VNC and I want to check the log but I can't seem to find it.18:37
wolfeySIniku: DISTCC!18:37
blizzlenosklo, You might be better upgrading to a supported distro.18:37
noskloblizzle, I just want feisty packages, isn't it still supported?18:37
PrayinMantishey guys I'm running Ubuntu 8.1 and I'm trying to compile the source but everytime I run make I get something that looks like this http://pastebin.com/m4a2c7894 can anyone help?18:37
niku^hashban1^ - kernel. In a vm. Blech18:37
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.18:37
SlartMortuis: tail /var/log/syslog doesn't work?18:37
Dan9311I have the latest versdion of ubuntu, and my audio does not work. I have tried everything to get it to work. How do I get it to work ?18:37
tv7497Dan9311: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting try this mate if everything fails even i am you are on he same boat18:37
MortuisSlart: Don't think I tried that one yet. Thanks18:37
Dan9311tv7497: Thanks18:38
Philip888_2need help getting my ethernet connection going18:38
SlartMortuis: if you want a gui way I think there is a log viewer somewhere in the menus18:38
Jewbaccahow to set mouse dpi to 400 ;(18:38
tv7497Dan9311: i meant to say i and you would be on the same boat :D18:38
wolfeySIprayinmantis: sudo ?18:38
Dan9311tv7497: Ok, thanks18:38
arvind_khadri!usb > russia21318:39
ubotturussia213, please see my private message18:39
wolfeySIprayingmantis you compile without root, but you install with root, so sudo18:39
nikufeh, sudo su, then compile and install. laziness is a virtue18:40
wolfeySIniku yeah:)18:40
lorenzosutv7497: Guess we'd need a little more infp18:40
PrayinMantiswolfeySI:  it still gives an error18:40
lorenzosuWith Ubuntu 8.10 printing to an epson DX5050 text and colours are terrily faded.18:40
trippssi am SICK and TIRED of my laptop going into standby every time I unplug the power cord. started doing that with upgrade from gutsy IIRC. sometimes it doesn't ever come out of standby when that happens and I have to force reboot. frustrating!!18:41
Philip888_2then use another distro18:41
Philip888_2this one sux18:41
blizzlelorenzosu, Try tweaking your printer driver, might be a setting therein for enhanced printing.18:41
lorenzosublizzle: not sure wich though18:42
tv7497lorenzosu: sir what do you need sir o fix this thing18:42
regeyatrippss: is your battery going dead?  it's the first and most obvious question to ask18:42
arvind_khadrirussia213, got it now?18:42
blizzlelorenzosu, Also check the you've specified the right media/paper setting..18:43
trippssregeya, no not at all18:43
lorenzosutv7497: What sound card do you have?18:43
trippssregeya, 90%+18:43
regeyanot asking about the charge, trippss18:43
regeyahow old is the battery?  it could be discharging at an alarming rate18:43
lucaxi have some problems with nautilus language, ive configured language support dont have anyother langague but spanish installed and i still see some shurtcuts on nautlis in english, any ideas?18:43
trippssregeya, don't think so - still lasts 2 hours on full charge18:44
tv7497lorenzosu: in built intel just a min sir will paste bin it18:44
nikutrippss - man apmsleep, maybe?18:44
regeyabeyond this, check your power settings; you might have it set to do this when it's unplugged (still guessing)18:44
regeyaback to work for me...meh.18:44
ronnyhow do i get the kernel spource package for the server kernel ? dmks wont work else18:44
lorenzosutv7497: Have you tried System > Preferences > Sound. What does it say?18:44
trippssniku how would I tell if this is running18:45
tv7497lorenzosu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/114126/18:45
Slartronny: you've searched in synaptic?18:46
etechis it possible that more and more viruses will appear for linux when it's used more and more, like the windows viruses appeared?18:47
erUSUL!info linux-source  | ronny18:47
ubottulinux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB18:47
Slartetech: yes.. although linux makes it harder compared to windows I'm pretty sure it isn't immune18:47
JackWinteranyone who can give me some more information on this disk error from dmesg ?  http://pastebin.ca/132822918:48
blizzleetech, It's possible, but the inherent design of Linux makes it less likely they'll be very successful.18:48
JEEBczetech, of course, but the structure of the whole system means that in worst case as long as you don't give something root privileges you'll just see something changing in your own home directory18:48
* Slart puts on his asbesthos suit (that I don't even know how to spell)18:48
blizzleetech, For example, a recent survey suggests 92% of Windows exploits could be thwarted if the user wasn't running as admin..18:48
* erUSUL prepares his flametrower18:48
* erUSUL prepares his flamethrower XD18:49
a931bwHi alll any1 can help me? i'm haven't sound in skype Ubuntu linuix 8.1018:49
JEEBczYeah, majority of Windows users are still admin :/18:49
=== kansan-zzzzz is now known as kansan
arvind_khadrirussia213, you must follow that to setup ubuntu on a pen drive/USB18:49
IntuitiveNippleJackWinter: See http://ata.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Libata_error_messages18:50
SlarterUSUL: it seems we need more flamewars in #ubuntu.. we're forgetting how to even spell the most basic terms =)18:50
tv7497lorenzosu: and System > Preferences > Sound days like this
a931bwHi alll any1 can help me? i'm haven't sound in skype Ubuntu linuix 8.1018:50
Jewbaccacan someone help me with this guid, im new to ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173718:50
Slarta931bw: skype uses alsa, not pulseaudio iirc.. try changing the sound device settings18:51
russia213arvind_khadri: I'm still VERY confused18:51
erUSULSlart: very true... we can go first with the classics emacs vs vi first bsd vs linux next XXDD18:51
SlarterUSUL: =)18:51
IntuitiveNippleJackWinter: UNC = Uncorrectable error - often due to bad sectors on the disk18:51
flem0114I'm really new to Linux (my first couple of days).  I'm attempting to make my old computer into a home file sharing samba server.  I would like both my windows laptop and mac laptop be able to access the shared files.  I have several external usb hard drives that I would like to be able to access as well.  I've gotten sharing to work from the hard drive but I am not able to access my usb hard drives.  It seems like a permissions issue an18:52
arvind_khadrirussia213, try asking in the main channel... i am sorry i wasted your time18:52
Jewbaccacan someone help me with this guid, im new to ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41737 on private msg18:52
misohi i create deb package and want to run script (from postinst) which whil run xcomand, but its not working corectly, somabody have advice for me ?18:52
a931bwHi alll any1 can help me? i'm haven't sound in skype Ubuntu linuix 8.10 And Yes there's alsa18:52
JackWinterIntuitiveNipple: thanks, do you know some good utilities for checking disks under linux ?  just installed 2 new 1tb drives.18:52
IntuitiveNippleJackWinter: Usually the manufacturers will provide device-specific test utils. Usually they are DOS though18:53
Jewbaccacan someone help me with this guid, im new to ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41737 on private msg18:54
blizzleflem0114, For kickoff, open users and groups and make sure you have the correct permissions assigned to your user account(s).18:54
tv7497Pici: sir will you be staying here for some more time in #ubuntu irc ?18:54
russia213arvind_khadri: which is the main channel?18:55
ronnySlart: found nothing - only the source for the normal kernel18:55
Slartronny: hmm.. hang on.. let me look around, see what I can find... you're running ubuntu 8.10 server 32bit, right?18:55
arvind_khadrirussia213, where we are talking...i meant ask your question again..so that someone who knows better may help18:55
_dark_is there a step by step noob guide to install 180.22 nvidia drivers? im having a hard time doing it, it said it finished but everything got messed up after a reboot.18:55
ronnySlart: its not a actual server, i just need the server kernel for my 4gb of ram18:56
ronnyso desktop 8.10 + server kernel18:56
Slartronny: ok, but it's still 8.10 32bit?18:56
flem0114blizzle, what permissions should I enable?  Enable file sharing was checked?18:56
Slartronny: I'll be right back18:57
SegFaultAXjust install server then apt gnome-desktop18:57
blizzleflem0114, Access to external drives, mounting permissions.. anything that looks obvious.18:57
JackWinterIntuitiveNipple: urgh, i just spent several hours the other day to make a bootable cd and get my files to that i could flash the bios...  think i'm gonna go buy a bootable usb stick for such purposes.  can use it for installing vbox or vmware on cyber cafe computers and then boot my unix enviroment :)18:58
russia213I get grub error 21 when tring to boot my computer I have ubuntu installed on an external and I still get the error even when it is plugged in18:58
flem0114blizzle, ahhhh, I get it.  I'll let you know if that works.  Thanks!18:58
=== JabarISaway is now known as Jabar
noskloblizzle, thanks.18:58
Jewbaccacan someone help me with this guid, im new to ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41737 on private msg18:59
Slartronny: the server kernel and the desktop kernel seems to use the same source package18:59
Slartronny: at least according to what I can see18:59
rfmI like to browse the /usr/share/doc files remotely with firefox, so I have apache2 set to serve the files up.  However for gzipped files it doesn't display, instead firefox wants to save the file.  I'd like to have apache either unzip them or use the Content-encoding gzip header, but mod_headers isn't in the ubuntu builds.  Searching around didn't find anything.  Anybody accomplish this/have a pointer?19:00
Slartronny: so install linux-source-2.6.2719:00
Slart!info linux-source-2.6.2719:00
ubottulinux-source-2.6.27 (source: linux): Linux kernel source for version 2.6.27 with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.27-11.27 (intrepid), package size 50822 kB, installed size 50944 kB19:00
derspanksterCan't remember who I had the private convo with about DVI but option "UseFBDev"  "False" did not work.19:00
Jewbaccacan someone help me with this guid, im new to ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41737 on private msg19:00
ronnySlart: thats installed19:01
orudiehi, how do i set up a mail server on ubuntu 8.10 server ?19:01
ronnySlart: i tihnk dmks expects different paths19:01
Slartronny: tried installing the headers too?19:01
Slart!info linux-headers-server19:01
ubottulinux-headers-server (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel headers on Server Equipment.. In component main, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB19:01
werdnumHey, how do I figure out what the name of my wireless driver is? The intarwebs says grep /etc/modules.conf for my interface name, but that file doesn't exist. I'm trying to get WPA working on Ubuntu.19:02
russia213arvind_khadri: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/GrubOnRemovableExternalHardDiskNotBooting  could you look at that and help me with their tutorial?19:03
flem0114blizzle, I've got the correct user permission checked off.  I still can't access my usb hard drives from my windows machine over samba.  Any other suggestions??19:03
IntuitiveNipplewerdnum: You could try a script I wrote yesterday to do it: http://tjworld.net/wiki/Howto/MatchDeviceIDtoDriver19:03
roberto_anyone can say me how performed game on wine with a ati radeon hd 3450 512mb ?19:03
arvind_khadrirussia213, can try...but please dont be angry on me for the previous try19:04
Slartroberto_: that would depend on which game19:04
Slartroberto_: perhaps asking in #winehq might give you better answers19:04
russia213arvind_khadri: I'm not, you were the first to actually HELP me19:04
roberto_with all game based on direct3d19:04
JewbaccaSlart:  can you help me?19:04
werdnumIntuitiveNipple: But I have 'ath0', not the vendor:system ID.19:04
max12333334Hi, can somebody help me: I don't get a picture in VLC or tvtime, but sound is ok. whats the cause? thx19:04
SlartJewbacca: hello again.. ventrilo?19:05
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok looking at the wiki you gave i think i had made the progress correctly19:05
arvind_khadrirussia213, do you still have that menu.lst opened?19:05
JewbaccaSlart: i failed to make the guid work19:05
blizzleflem0114, Not sure what to recommend next, it's obviously a permission issue of some description.19:06
SlartJewbacca: never used it.. I have used teamspeak before.. but it was some time ago now19:06
JewbaccaSlart: i just need to get the guid to work19:06
russia213arvind_khadri: no I closed it on reboot19:06
SlartJewbacca: you could try asking about it in #winehq.. or try again here to see if anyone knows how to do it19:06
flem0114Thanks for trying Blizzle19:06
JewbaccaSlart: that channel is empty19:07
arvind_khadrirussia213, do you remember the process to get it back on?19:07
x_linkWhen will Firefox 3.0.6 come to the Ubuntu repo.?19:07
russia213arvind_khadri: Sorry, I don't19:07
Slartflem0114: see if you can't make samba print out some debug output.. you should be able to get some kind of error when you try to access that drive19:07
orudiei just installed postfix, how do i configure it ?19:07
wikkedfinWhere do i find lm_sensors for ubuntu 8.10 64?19:07
flem0114Does anyone have a suggestion for sharing multiple usb hard drives over a network?  I've been trying to use Samba I can't get the file permissions to allow access from a windows machine?  I'm very new, so no answer is too obvious...19:08
Hannes1Hello, anyone that could give a newbe a hand?19:08
Slartx_link: never actually seen anyone being able to answer those "when will X come to ubuntu" questions..19:08
gucklehi im havin some trouble. i just installed 8.10 and everything worked great, but i am finding it locks up/freezes randomly (can be 15 min after boot...or an hour). i can still move the mouse but i can't do anything and everything is frozen19:08
mithraicI see there's an xmonad package. Should I build from source anyway? My impression was that all configuration of xmonad takes place before compilation...19:08
wikkedfinHannes1, i can try to help?19:08
IntuitiveNippleorudie: http://www.postfix.org/documentation.html19:08
Slartx_link: I guess "when it's ready" is as good as it gets..19:08
x_linkSlart: Okey, thanks for your help.19:08
mithraicAnyone have another tiling window manager they prefer?19:09
x_linkCause I saw that it was released, so that's why I asked.19:09
nikuorudie: /etc/postfix/main.cf19:09
nikuorudie, it's actually a very simple system, generally you set myhostname & mydomain and that's all you need to do19:09
uplinkedhi, i'm having some trouble with my GMA X4500HD, all compiz transitions are super choppy and slow (even changing viewports with no animation takes ~3 seconds). i'm running jaunty, is there another driver available or something?19:10
arvind_khadrirussia213, just a min19:10
_VIM_guckle: try disabling effects and see if that helps things... system>preferences>appearance i think it is (Im on Openbox so not sure of the menu for it)19:10
russia213arvind_khadri: ok19:10
flem0114Does anyone have a suggestion for sharing multiple usb hard drives over a network?  I've been trying to use Samba I can't get the file permissions to allow access from a windows machine?  I'm very new, so no answer is too obvious...19:11
ronnyis there any neat way to make a 32 bit install to a 64 bit install?19:12
ronnyi'd like to avoid reinstall19:12
nschembr_flam0114 look at winscp for  the windows clients19:13
imprezivhow does I gets ubuntu on my pc'z?19:13
Pici!install | impreziv19:13
ubottuimpreziv: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate19:13
ViperBorg_TERMronny: No.19:13
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok booted into the live cd?19:13
gucklehi im havin some trouble. i just installed 8.10 and everything worked great, but i am finding it locks up/freezes randomly (can be 15 min after boot...or an hour). i can still move the mouse but i can't do anything and everything is frozen19:13
ViperBorg_TERMronny: You need to reinstall with the 64-bit CD image.19:13
flem0114nschembr, what is winscp?19:13
arvind_khadrirussia213, open the terminal, type sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt19:14
computa_mikei just upraded from gutsy to 810 - I don;t seem to be able to use the proprietary drivers for nvidia - it just doesn't seem to load.  Am i missing something?19:14
russia213arvind_khadri: done19:14
arvind_khadrirussia213, now gksu gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst19:15
rakudaveflem0114: samba shares are per default unix-password protected. window$ doesn't understand this, so you need to change the accesspermissions in /etc/samba/smb.conf to "share"19:15
etechwill firefox 3.0.6 be put in intepid?19:15
computa_mikei have 3.05.... in my interpid...19:16
blizzleetech, It will go in, just a matter of how long it takes to get into the repository.19:16
Picietech: After its tested, yes.19:16
russia213arvind_khadri: ok it's open19:16
flem0114rakudave: does that mean adding line "security = share" under global?19:16
guckleno support19:16
arvind_khadrirussia213, go to line 12719:16
rakudaveflem0114: yes that should do the trick, if I remeber correctly19:17
flem0114great, I'll give it a try,  Thanks!19:17
russia213arvind_khadri: there19:17
arvind_khadrirussia213, now type root (hd2,0)19:17
* niku wishes that ubuntu would put a dummy /etc/inittab in place so people who've been doing this for too long don't have their brain pop when they see it's gone19:17
arvind_khadrirussia213, make that look as a separate line19:17
_VIM_!latest > etchy19:18
ubottuetchy, please see my private message19:18
racecar56firefox 3.0.6 is out19:18
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
racecar56when will it go in my updates19:18
russia213arvind_khadri: I'm sorry, what do you mean?19:18
Piciracecar56: Afte rits been tested.19:18
_VIM_!latest | racecar5619:18
ubotturacecar56: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.19:18
* werdnum waves19:18
werdnumSo I';m trying to get wifi working with WPA and broadcast off, but my card still refuses to associate.19:19
racecar56firefox 3.0.6 has security fixes19:19
arvind_khadrirussia213, when you reach that line first press enter so that a new line is created...now type in the empty space you find :)19:19
russia213arvind_khadri: line 127 is uuid for me, is that correct?19:19
tanto_i'm having a problem with my ubuntu+screen+irssi character encoding, in ubuntu+screen it's turning a little dot in the center of the line into a block.. without screen it works great, but inside of screen it's all messed up19:19
Piciracecar56: Like I said, once it has been tested it will be released.19:19
arvind_khadrirussia213, ya19:20
arvind_khadrirussia213, shift that entire line down.... and then type that root (hd2,0)19:20
nschembr_ /window level -JOINS -PARTS -QUITS19:21
russia213arvind_khadri: ok, now what?19:21
arvind_khadrirussia213, hmmm delete that UUID stuff...19:22
misieqi'm considering upgrading memory in my laptop to 4GB. is there any difference that i could *feel* between 800 and 667MHz? i don't play games a lot, but use java based IDEs a lot and other similar programming memory-heavy tools.19:22
arvind_khadrirussia213, just please paste the two lines after the root which you inserted now... pm it to me.19:23
ubuntu_ciao a tutti19:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:24
jabarevening all....19:24
arvind_khadrirussia213, you there?19:25
jabarCan somebody tell me how to get read/write permissions for dr-xr-xr-x  1 root root 4096 2009-01-29 17:21 Downloads19:25
cdavis_I am trying to add a desktop item and remaster the livecd. I can remaster the CD with no problems, but I cannto figure out how to add an item to the desktop?19:25
misieqjabar, "sudo chmod a+rw Downloads"19:25
daniel-vlcchmod a+w Donwloads19:25
flem0114rakudave: it didn't seem to change anything, woud you mind taking a look at my smb.conf to see if there are any mistakes that could cause this?19:26
misieqjabar, alternatively you can take over this directory by "sudo chown username: Downloads"19:26
rakudaveflem0114: sure, use the pastebin at paste.ubuntu.com... ah, have you tried reloading samba? (sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart)19:27
arvind_khadrirussia213, ??? hello??19:27
jabarthat hasn't worked, trust me am typing it correctly19:28
russia213arvind_khadri: Yeah, but live cd isn't connecting to me router anymore19:28
harisundHello! Has anyone tried installing Ubuntu 8.10 on a EEE 701? The first problem I am having is that while the screen defaults to 800x480 (correctly) I am unable to move the window around. So while trying to install, I am not able to access the "Forward" button! (Moving the window while holding the alt key is supposed to make this work ....)19:28
archman_ViperBorg_TERM hello, everything gone fine, vids working, everything is nice! Only i do need to setup vmware.19:28
ViperBorg_TERMExcellent. Good to hear.19:29
jabarStill getting dr-xr-xr-x  1 root root 4096 2009-01-29 17:21 Downloads19:29
arvind_khadrirussia213, weird... ok just do one thing there... remove the line which is UUID blah blah... and then the next line which says kernel .......there you will see root=some long string..... replace it by /dev/sdc119:29
ViperBorg_TERMarchman_: Get fresh downloads for VMWare. Glad to hear everything went well and that everything is working now. :)19:30
arvind_khadrirussia213, did you get it?19:30
flem0114rakudave, ya, I've made sure to restart samba after changes and re map my network drive on windows.  I also just pasted smb.conf file19:30
Gneaharisund: #ubuntu-eeepc is the better place to ask about it19:30
archman_ViperBorg_TERM yeah, now i'm thinking where's my copy of vmware so i can uninstall it. Any other way to uninstall it maybe?19:30
rakudaveflem0114: i need the link :-)19:30
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware19:30
Rave1_harisund,   this may helphttp://www.array.org/ubuntu/19:31
tanto_i'm having a problem with my ubuntu+screen+irssi character encoding, in ubuntu+screen it's turning a little dot in the center of the line into a block.. without screen it works great, but inside of screen it's all messed up19:31
russia213arvind_khadri: no, it just keeps asking for the router password19:31
yowshigrrr sound is jammed...again and the asla utils command did not help19:31
jabaranybody know a another way, to get read/write permissions?19:31
ViperBorg_TERMarchman_: Best to follow the instructions that ubottu posted.19:31
archman_where to grab all the repos for ibex?19:31
ViperBorg_TERM!vmware > archman_19:31
ubottuarchman_, please see my private message19:31
yowshianyone know any other ways to unjam the sound drivers without rebooting?19:31
=== Caesi_ is now known as Caesi
arvind_khadrirussia213, i mean did you get what i meant by the lines i sent :)19:32
ViperBorg_TERMHeh... didn't realize my iPhone connected. Sheesh.19:32
whatevhow do you pronounce /usr/lib  ? "slash u s r libe", "slash user lib (rhymes with fib)" or what?19:32
drgnuHow does one get "dead keys" to be found by Ubuntu - I have a tabletpc (Motion LE1600) and the buttons on the machine don't do anything.  I've tried "xev" and nothing shows up when I use them. Thanks.19:33
archman_jaaaawww i want that shockwave already, adobe!19:33
russia213arvind_khadri: the paste the two lines after I wrote the root?19:33
nathanhelpwhatev: I use upthe hill user upthehill lib19:34
arvind_khadrirussia213, weird... ok just do one thing there... remove the line which is UUID blah blah... and then the next line which says kernel .......there you will see root=some long string..... replace it by /dev/sdc119:34
nathanhelp(reading left to right)19:34
_VIM_whatev: 'forward slash you zar lib' would be how it's prounounced19:34
rakudaveflem0114: looks ok from here, but you might consider using "guest ok = Yes" for the [Shares] as well19:34
harisundRave1_: thanks I will take a look at the optimized kernels there19:34
arvind_khadrirussia213, forget the weird and stuff...i just copy pasted what i had said earlier...weird was for the router...19:34
Leon_Nardella http://paste.ubuntu.com/114087/ <-- It essentialy works ( I pass my password as a parameter to the script ), but it hangs when it reaches the Sun JDK's license dialog. The terminal becomes useless and nothing works , not even Ctrl+C. Any ideas?19:34
soierhi there. can anybody help me how to setup russian layout on my ubuntu pc19:34
flem0114rakudave: I'll give it a shot19:34
nathanhelpsoier: Do you speak English well?19:35
soiernathanhelp: no actually. does it matter ?19:35
jabarI've create a mount and need to set the folder to read/write permissions? \Media\Downloads... any ideas?19:35
RPSdoes anyone have any idea why I cant seem to get VLC to update to the most recent version? I have tried about everything I know (except completely removing it)19:35
arvind_khadrirussia213, now did you get what i meant?19:35
nathanhelpsoier: Translation might. however we'll give it a go.19:35
rakudaveflem0114: ah, just came to my mind, if you use "valid users = flem0114, nicwitt", I think you need to set those up first using "smbpasswd", as they do not correspond to normal user accounts19:36
arvind_khadri!latest | vlc19:36
ubottuvlc: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.19:36
blizzleIt looks like some permissions have been borked for applications.. for example, even if I sudo users-admin I can't unlock or edit users.. I have to login as root to do so.. running jaunty.. any easy fix?19:36
arvind_khadri!latest | RPS19:36
ubottuRPS: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.19:36
nathanhelpsoier: what Ubuntu are you using?19:36
yowshigrrr sound is jammed...again and the asla utils command did not help, anyone know of another way to unjam the various sound drivers ubuntu uses without rebooting?19:36
soiernathanhelp: 8.1019:36
nathanhelpsoier: Go to System > Preferences >19:36
russia213arvind_khadri: yes, done19:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tabletpc19:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluray19:37
drgnu!latest | tabletpc19:37
ubottutabletpc: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.19:37
nathanhelpsoier: Keyboard > click on the layout tab19:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about blu-ray19:37
arvind_khadrirussia213, now save the file close it...reboot and reboot19:37
arvind_khadrirussia213, i mean reboot and wait19:37
nathanhelpsoier: Click the plus sign, and add your layout to the box.19:38
soiernathanhelp: that's what I've already done. Add russian layout but. How can I use it for example in mozilla browser19:38
Jewbaccais there something i need to do in order for ppl to hear me ? im talking with a microphone19:38
nathanhelpsoier: Made it the default?>19:38
flem0114rakudave:  I tried it and it still doesn't work.  When I check the permissions of the usb disk I am unable to change them.  Is there a way to do this as sudo?19:38
russia213arvind_khadri: The terminal just said it could not write the file, should I reboot anywa?19:38
arvind_khadriJewbacca, just make sure your voice goes through :)19:39
Jewbaccawell they cant hear me19:39
Jewbaccaim using ventrilo on wine19:39
Jewbaccahow can i check that the mic is working19:39
rakudaveflem0114: hmpf... strange. you could change them using "sudo chmod 777 /media/device"19:39
arvind_khadrirussia213, no... didnt you type gksu gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst19:39
GneaJewbacca: tap on it - can you hear it through the speakers?19:39
arvind_khadrirussia213, had you missed the gksu?19:39
soierHow to setup it like in XP using alt-shift to change layout.19:40
JewbaccaGnea:  is there a cmd or a program to test?19:40
russia213arvind_khadri: no it'19:40
nathanhelpsoier: Have you made your Russian layout the default?19:40
arvind_khadrirussia213, what?19:40
russia213arvind_khadri: no I typed it19:40
soiernathanhelp: I don't know how !19:41
JewbaccaGnea: i just used sound record and i still cant hear myself, do i need to install something?19:41
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok again open the file and see whether the changes have been made or not?19:41
nathanhelpsoier: Go back to your layouts window, and push teh radio button on the far right of teh screen19:41
russia213arvind_khadri: they were made19:41
=== danopia__ is now known as danopia
nathanhelpsoier: On the Russian layout19:41
tanto_i'm having a problem with my ubuntu+screen+irssi character encoding, in ubuntu+screen it's turning a little dot in the center of the line into a block.. without screen it works great, but inside of screen it's all messed up19:42
arvind_khadrirussia213, are you sure... as in the changes made are they saved?? i want to confirm it... can you please paste the file19:42
GneaJewbacca: try this: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/05/fixing-the-errant-microphone/19:42
flem0114rakudave: i ran the command and it didn't seem to do anything.  The GUI also didn't change.  The "others" folder access is labeled as "none"  whenever I try to change this it reverts back to none.  What do you think?19:42
misieqjabar, you should've told it's a mount19:42
nathanhelpsoier: Where are you up to now?19:42
req^sorry ;719:43
scuniziI'm looking for examples of terminal based mp3 or ogg players19:43
misieqjabar, read man mount then (perhaps "sudo mount /media/Dowanloads -o remount,rw")19:43
shiro__can someone help me ? when a buddy in pdgin tries to send me files it fails, it works over the MSN19:43
b3z3rk3rshiro__, thats a pidgin/msn incompatibility19:44
JewbaccaGnea: i fixed it ^_^19:44
MichaelKohlershiro__ : that's normal. at the moment Pidgin and WLM don't work really good together19:44
b3z3rk3rshiro__, try using skype instead19:44
Jewbaccain alea i add microphone and remove the mute19:44
GneaJewbacca: cheers :)19:44
arvind_khadri!yay | Jewbacca19:44
ubottuJewbacca: Glad you made it! :-)19:44
soiernathanhelp: OK. Now I've already add russian lay.. So I want it goes in a way like XP does. I mean changing layouts like in XP.19:44
nathanhelpsoier: ok, so your Russian layout is default?19:44
arvind_khadrirussia213, ???19:45
Fuzzyguys how to create my own themes?19:45
beamsjrok, I got past grub> by entering configfile (hd0,0)/boot/grub.lst, now i get (initramfs) prompt, any ideas?19:45
nathanhelp!themes | Fuzzy19:45
ubottuFuzzy: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:45
rakudaveflem0114: I just tried it on my own machine and it worked fine... I'm starting to run out of ideas ^^19:45
russia213arvind_khadri: I cannot paste the file because live cd refuses to connect to the internet19:45
Fuzzynathanhelp, what???19:46
nathanhelpsoier: You have added the Russian Layout. Have you mad it the default one?19:46
arvind_khadrirussia213, just make sure yourself that the changes you made to the file are present...19:46
jabarmisieq : i get this error "mount: can't find /media/Dowanloads in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"19:46
shiro__can someone help me ? when a buddy in pdgin tries to send me files it fails, it works over the MSN19:46
TJCRIhi everyone.  I am rather new to ubuntu and am trying to set up a "linmodem" on it.  The other day I downloaded ubuntu 8.10 and installed on my system.  My system has a pctel (PCI) modem on it, and I found this informational page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/PcTel   however in this page it tells me that I must switch to kernel or lower19:46
arvind_khadribeamsjr, restart and try a different kernel19:46
TJCRIdoes anyone know if that is still the case? (the page was last modified in august 08)19:46
b3z3rk3rshiro__, see above19:46
beamsjrhrm, ok19:46
Leon_Nardella http://paste.ubuntu.com/114087/ <-- It essentialy works ( I pass my password as a parameter to the script ), but it hangs when it reaches the Sun JDK's license dialog. The terminal becomes useless and nothing works , not even Ctrl+C. Any ideas?19:46
flem0114rakudave:  does it have anything to do with file format?  Could I be missing packages?  I'm really new to linux and servers so I really don't know how to begin to troubleshoot the problem?19:46
soierFrankly,  I'm not in ubuntu now. Can u tell me what should I do. I'll try after restart. If I'd have it as default how can i change it back to english by hot keys ?19:46
yowshigrrr sound is jammed...again and the asla utils command did not help, anyone know of another way to unjam the various sound drivers ubuntu uses without rebooting?19:46
misieqjabar, then correct it19:47
russia213arvind_khadri: they are19:47
Fuzzysomeone will help?19:47
nathanhelpsoier: I'm getting to that. Are you writint this stuff down?19:47
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok now reboot19:47
nathanhelpsoier: *Writing?19:47
soiernathanhelp: yeap ))19:48
soierSo ...19:48
russia213arvind_khadri:...error 2119:48
Moodyowshi: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart ?19:48
yowshiMood: that didnt work19:48
Jewbaccawhat anti virus and anti spyware can i download for linux ?19:48
Deviltry!sound | yowshi19:49
ubottuyowshi: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:49
=== TheOther is now known as Tinyboom
tmelkiIs there a 800 # I can phone to get info about ubuntu?19:49
nathanhelpsoier: Ok, lets pretend you have it as your default, now you need to 1) click on your Russian layout. 2) go to "Other options" > Layout switching > tick the box that you want 4) click ok, ok , ok! :D19:49
Moodyowshi: sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload ?19:49
Jewbaccawhat anti virus and anti spyware can i download for linux ?19:49
ViperBorg_TERMtmelki: No, there is no phone number. (At least not that I know of.)19:49
Moodif that fails, yes what Deviltry said :-)19:49
nathanhelp!antivirus | Jewbacca19:49
ubottuJewbacca: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:49
=== jokoon is now known as jokoon-out
Deviltry!anyone tmelki19:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about anyone tmelki19:50
Deviltry!anyone | tmelki19:50
ubottutmelki: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:50
ViperBorg_TERMDeviltry: He did... it wen't unanswered for a while.19:50
ruancarvalhoHello, I've updated Intrepid yesterday and some codecs stoped working (.flv, .rmvb)... I was able to use them before. Has this happened to anyone else??19:50
MHi! Anyone knows how to configure AverTV card under ubuntu?19:50
_VIM_!away > jokoon-out19:50
ubottujokoon-out, please see my private message19:50
rakudaveflem0114: you could give "system-config-samba" a shot, it's a GUI for samba shares.19:50
soierok nathanhelp thanks a lot ... I'll try. If something goes wrong, I'll be back ....19:50
nathanhelpDeviltry:  Thats not very helpful to his question ;)19:50
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»19:51
nathanhelpsoier: Ok mate. Goodluck19:51
tmelkiIs there a 800 # I can phone to get info about ubuntu?19:51
ViperBorg_TERMtmelki: No.19:51
flem0114rakudave: is that an apt-get install?19:51
Moodtmelki: google19:51
soiernathanhelp:  what about xorg.conf. should I put any strings here ???19:51
arvind_khadrirussia213, you there?19:51
nathanhelptmelki: I think you'll find most problems can be solved over the Net.19:51
nathanhelpsoier: I wouldnt know that one sorry.19:51
ViperBorg_TERMtmelki: What issue are you having with Ubuntu?19:51
Daemon_How do you change the screen after login?19:52
russia213arvind_khadri: yes19:52
jabaram sorry, how do i make me the owner of a folder?19:52
yowshimostly useless deviltry19:52
MoodDaemon_: what do you want to change the screen to after logging in?19:52
rakudaveflem0114: yes. there is also a package called "nautilus-share" which allows you to create shares using the right-click menu in the file browser. thisone also ensures you have all the necessary packages installed19:52
arvind_khadrirussia213, try re-installing grub again...19:52
princeduganI'm stuck on step 9 of <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/CanonPixmaIP2200> the "new printer" option is first asking Enter device URI19:52
russia213arvind_khadri: (hd2,0)?19:53
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:53
yowshimood i also tried the force reload neither vlc nor rythmbox nor the sound tes itself produce any sound though my sondcard and all that is detected19:53
Leon_Nardella http://paste.ubuntu.com/114087/ <-- It essentialy works ( I pass my password as a parameter to the script ), but it hangs when it reaches the Sun JDK's license dialog. The terminal becomes useless and nothing works , not even Ctrl+C. Any ideas?19:53
Daemon_mood something different19:53
ViperBorg_TERM!conky > ViperBorg_TERM19:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about conky19:53
arvind_khadrirussia213, sudo grub19:53
flem0114rakudave: I'll try that.  Also I've read a couple of threads around that say I cannot change permissions of FAT systems.   The suggestion is to set the permissions at the mount point.  I don't really understand what that means?  Does it make any sense to you?19:54
russia213arvind_khadri: ok19:54
Moodyowshi: some people mentioned their alsa settings for some reason had volume set all the way down. did you check?19:54
arvind_khadrirussia213, root (hd2,0)19:54
MoodDaemon_: do you have an x manager? or are you logging in via terminal?19:54
russia213arvind_khadri: ok19:55
ericmNEED HELP - have multiple scsi devices (USB) and need to reserve their /dev/ mappings between reboots, i.e. /dev/sdb is device x and /dev/sdc is device y19:55
arvind_khadrirussia213, your windows is on the first drive among the 3 drives you have right?19:55
beamsjrI get string descriptor 0 read error -71 twice, then cant set config #1 error 7119:55
yowshiMood: hmmmmm pcm somehow got turned all the way down in the time i had left this morning and came back an hour or so ago19:55
russia213arvind_khadri, yes19:55
Moodyowshi: aha19:55
Daemon_mood x manager19:55
arvind_khadrirussia213, first drive first partition?19:55
yowshiMood: thanks for the help19:55
MoodDaemon_: so what does "something different" mean? you mean a background image?19:56
arvind_khadrirussia213, first drive's first partition?19:56
Moodyowshi: no probs :-)19:56
geirhaericm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID19:56
Daemon_mood something other than a colored screen19:56
arvind_khadrirussia213, i need to know where exactly is your windows placed...19:56
ericmgeirha - looking now19:56
MoodDaemon_: you are being too vague. your computer (and i) cannot read your mind. can you be more specific?19:57
beamsjriop0 could not activate controller19:57
BobAlmightyDoes anyone know of a way that I can get the serial numbers and firmware versions of a harddrive with out booting into something like seatools.19:57
russia213arvind_khadri: I Think so19:57
Daemon_mood how do you change the look of the screen that comes up after login?19:57
ViperBorg_TERMDaemon_: You mean the background wallpaper?19:58
MoodDaemon_: I already asked whether you just want to change your background image. Is that it?19:58
Daemon_its a blank screen19:58
n8tuserBobAlmighty -> you tried  sudo lshal   ?19:58
MoodDaemon_: What are you trying to achieve? What do you use Ubuntu for?19:58
Daemon_no before it loads desktop19:58
tanto_i'm having a problem with my ubuntu+screen+irssi character encoding, in ubuntu+screen it's turning a little dot in the center of the line into a block.. without screen it works great, but inside of screen it's all messed up19:58
BobAlmightyn8tuser: No, I'll see what that does19:58
ViperBorg_TERMDaemon_: I get what your talking about.19:58
ViperBorg_TERMI'll help him.19:59
arvind_khadrirussia213, hmmm lets take a chance... setup (hd0,0)19:59
MoodViperBorg: thanks :-)19:59
StroganoffDaemon_: don't you have more important stuff to fix?19:59
Daemon_viperBorg geez do these guys even use linux lol19:59
ViperBorg_TERMDaemon_: Go to System > Administration > Login Window19:59
russia213arvind_khadri: I just checked it is on sda1 first partition19:59
ViperBorg_TERMDaemon_: Then click on the Local tab.19:59
BobAlmightyn8tuser: I don't have that tool.19:59
Daemon_no as a matter of fact my system works fine!20:00
ViperBorg_TERMDaemon_: Under the login style selection area, there is "Background Color", you can change what your looking for there.20:00
n8tuserBobAlmighty -> try to install it then20:00
rakudaveflem0114: ah I see, I didn't know you were talking about a FAT drive. Then it makes sense that a "chmod" doesn't work. the mount permissions are used in /etc/fstab to describe the permissions for internal harddrives. you can add you external there and define new permissions. there is a thread on fstab at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313120:00
BobAlmightyn8tuser: Did an aptitude search, and didn't find anything. Is it a part of a package?20:01
JeyPeyyHey there people! Why doesn't anyone update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule ? alpha 4 is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha420:01
geirhaBobAlmighty: it's part of the package "hal"20:01
n8tuserBobAlmighty -> i thought that tool is there already. look around /usr/bin20:01
arvind_khadrirussia213, ok... now type setup (hd0)20:01
PiciJeyPeyy: Because Jaunty is not intended for the masses. Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion.20:01
russia213arvind_khadri: installed20:01
ericmgeirha - how do I force a /dev/ mapping to a particular  UUID20:01
flem0114rakudave: great, that GUI Samba config tool is great!  I'll read through those forums, I have direction now.  Thanks for all of your help!20:01
arvind_khadrirussia213, type quit and rebott20:01
BobAlmightyn8tuser: Installed. Yikes it spit out a lot of stuff :P20:02
geirhaericm: when you create a filesystem on a partition, it gets a UUID. That uuid will stay the same "forever" ... until you reformat that is.20:02
verb3kwhat's the command that shows the dependencies of a certain executable?20:02
BobAlmightySweet, looks like it'll list my disks.20:02
n8tuserverb3k -> ldd20:02
=== phox is now known as Guest78145
verb3kn8tuser, Thank you :)20:03
JeyPeyyPici: I know it isn't for the masses, but still.. I try it on virtualbox. Ok, I'll join ubuntu+120:03
russia213arvind_khadri:...error 2120:03
rakudaveflem0114: no problem :-)20:03
ericmgeirha - i have a utility that connects to a device through /dev/sdx...if the devices are connected in a different order on next boot, none of my scripts work20:03
arvind_khadrirussia213, i am out of ideas and patience...sorry...may be try installing it in a different drive... a non removable one20:04
ericmgeirha - cannot force app to use UUIDs20:04
ericmgeirha - VMWare20:04
geirhaericm: then instruct it to use /dev/disk/by-uuid/... instead20:04
geirhaericm: or /dev/disk/by-label/... if you've given the filesystems labels20:04
nathanhelphow do I find menu.lst? Is that the correct file?20:05
ericmgeirha - I need /dev/sdb to always be UUID x, it does not give the option to select by UUID20:05
rcshaha very very basic question from a total novice: I'm looking for a log file in a folder /.config/bin...  Using find, I know it is there, but I can't find /.config...Where is this?20:05
=== Anthony is now known as Guest80877
Guest80877hello everyone20:05
nathanhelprcshah: using Gui?20:05
Dan9311Hey KDE20:05
KDE4000hey Dan931120:06
Dan9311Ok, what do I ask?20:06
KDE4000so everyone, Dan9311 needs help with audio20:06
nathanhelprcshah: view > show hidden files > should be in your home folder.20:06
Neroshey all... anyone use hte widget layer in compiz with screenlets?20:06
KDE4000he is using pulseaudio and its causing issues20:06
elninja_Does anyone know if there are counters for send/recv errors on USB interfaces, and how they can be viewed?20:06
geirhaericm: Hm. You'd probably have to create udev rules for it then. Don't know how to do that myself though.20:06
JeyPeyyNeros: I've tried, but it kinda sucks sometimes20:06
Nerosso im noticing.. my question is... how can i have an aplet on my desktop.. but bring it to the front when i call up the eidget layer?20:07
nathanhelprcshah: "./blah" folders are hidden because they are system folders or config. (usually not needed to be seen everyday)20:07
Nerosnathanhelp I think you mean /.blah :P20:08
nathanhelprcshah: Anything starting with a dot is hidden by default20:08
Neros./blah is an sh script :D20:08
Dan9311Hey guys! I need some help. I'm running the newest version of Ubuntu. I'm having problems with my audio. When I start up, i hear that weird drum beat. But when I try to watch a movie or something I can hear anything. The weird thing is that I hear the skype sounds. How can I fix it so I hear audio all the time?20:08
askandWhere is the irc-channel for brasero?20:08
nathanhelpNeros: Sorry yeah.20:09
rcshahnathanhelp, I found it! thanks!  Of course I need to look at this because a configuration went awry.  When redoing this, what is the best way to restart (ie in windows it is add remove program)...20:09
=== kupesoft is now known as kupesoft-class
nathanhelprcshah: Restart top right20:09
nathanhelprcshah: If default themes and locations20:09
Dan9311Hey guys! I need some help. I'm running the newest version of Ubuntu. I'm having problems with my audio. When I start up, i hear that weird drum beat. But when I try to watch a movie or something I can hear anything. The weird thing is that I hear the skype sounds. How can I fix it so I hear audio all the time?20:09
ozzloywhat does 'c' mean in the left hand column of an "aptitude search term"?20:09
ozzloyin the results?20:09
beamsjrquick question, can I use my 32 gig drive for / and my 400 gig raid 5 only for /var/www ?20:09
KDE4000i think pulse audio = fail20:10
ozzloyfor example 'v' means virtual20:10
rcshahok ok, but i dont' need to try and delete out folders before retrying?20:10
Nerosbeamsjr: yup sure can20:10
Nerosbeamsjr: just mount your raid as /var/www20:10
beamsjrNeros: ok, great20:10
Dan9311Hey guys! I need some help. I'm running the newest version of Ubuntu. I'm having problems with my audio. When I start up, i hear that weird drum beat. But when I try to watch a movie or something I can hear anything. The weird thing is that I hear the skype sounds. How can I fix it so I hear audio all the time?20:10
beamsjrThank you20:10
Nerosbeamsjr I take it youre doing a fresh install right?20:11
=== M is now known as TVGuy
beamsjrjust do manual partition and make my raid /var/www ?20:11
rcshahanother very basic question from total novice: I might not have been to clear, I ran ./Config on a source code.  That gave errors.  To retry should i wipe anything in particular?20:11
dou213hi guys, what is the maximum number of history-entries possible?20:11
pike_Dan9311: most likely just an audio setting in preferences of the app you are using to watch the movie i would think20:11
^hashban1^rcshah: what are you trying to build?20:12
KDE4000pike_: is it possible to remove pulseuadio entirely?20:12
Neroswhen youre installing and setting up your partitions just tell it to mount the 32gig as / and to mount the raid partition as /var/ww20:12
Nerosall that can be done in the installer20:12
^hashban1^rcshah: is there a configure script?20:12
geirhadou213: history entries for what?20:12
ezerhodenKDE4000: yes it is20:12
Squirrel_Zhow many clock ticks would 3 seconds be on a 32Mhz clock ?20:12
nathanhelpwhats the terminal version of gedit?20:12
beamsjrshould I make my swap on the mirror or the raid 5?20:13
KDE4000pike_: is there a good link for that for Dan9311?20:13
^hashban1^rcshah: ok do a `make clean`; ./configure20:13
dou213geirha, for the command line20:13
KDE4000pike_: i worked with him this morning and couldent get far with pulseaudio20:13
Nerosmake the swap on the same drive as / is what ive always done20:13
SegFaultAXSquirrel_Z: the oscilator is 18.2 ticks per second20:13
Nerosshouldnt impact performance20:13
Synx_hmAnyone know how to install partimage on the 8.10 desktop live cd, apt-get install says 'Package partimage hsa no installation canidate'20:13
pike_Dan9311: click system --> preferences --> sound and use the test buttons there if you hear something its just a setting in the app if not you can choose another device in dropdown20:13
Squirrel_ZSegFaultAX, how did you get 18.2 ?20:13
CrocoJetwhy "NetworkManager Applet 0.7.0" (intrepid Ubuntu) is always requesting one networking address for wired connection" when I start one new session ?20:13
Nerosyou are installing ubuntu server edition right?20:13
pike_Dan9311: KDE4000 ah.. im not too familiar with pulse20:13
SegFaultAXSquirrel_Z: because it just is20:13
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ezerhodennathanhelp: nano is an easy to use editor20:14
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geirhadou213: as much as you have space for I would imagine.20:14
Squirrel_Zisnt 32Mhz like 32 million ticks per second ?20:14
SegFaultAXnathanhelp: vim is better20:14
rcshahsays "no rule to make target 'clean'20:14
pike_KDE4000: Dan9311 perhaps the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio20:14
^hashbang^rcshah: ok just run ./configure20:14
JeyPeyyThere's a guy that doesn't stop asking me to share my desktop with him!20:14
rdw200169nathanhelp, learn nano first... i agree it's the easiest20:14
CrocoJeteveryone here use DHCP?20:15
beamsjrNeros Yes server 64 bit20:15
rcshahok, i will try..thanks!20:15
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^hashbang^JeyPeyy: type /ignore "his nice"20:15
SegFaultAXnathanhelp: no, vim is better. nano sucks20:15
geirhadou213: run "man bash", then "/HISTFILESIZE"20:15
Nerosbeamsjr yeah that can all be done in the installer for sure20:15
KDE4000pike_: yet its enabled by default20:15
^hashbang^Vim Rules!!20:15
rdw200169SegFaultAX, this is not the place for that.20:15
dou213geirha, ok thx20:15
SegFaultAXrdw200169: its not the place for nano fanboys then either20:15
FFForeverwhy do i have 2 hold a key to boot?20:15
beamsjrNeros :) Finally things are looking up for me thanks20:15
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ViperBorg_TERMAll right, I need help with something. Does anyone here know conky fairly well?20:15
JeyPeyyI can click on deny, but it's kinda annoying having that window popping up all the time20:15
NerosFFForever... you using an hp machine?20:16
FFForever(when i get to the ubuntu splash screen i have to hold a key for it to continue booting)20:16
FFForeverNeros, yeah a dv600020:16
nathanhelpI need some menu.lst help20:16
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:16
beamsjrNeros Do I want the /Var/WWW to be Primary or logical?20:16
^hashbang^!grub | nathanhelp20:16
ubottunathanhelp: please see above20:16
TimothyAwhat's the cli command to check how much a directory uses?20:16
MichaelKohlerFFForever: I have a dv6000 too, but I don't have to hold a key at that moment20:16
nathanhelpI'm already editing, and have read that. I need specific help not the UBuntu forums.20:17
NerosFFForever: Unfortunately I have been troubleshooting htis with the new kernel... its jsut a bug it has been reported and is being worked on... the only thing to do for now is suck it up and hold down the key20:17
^hashbang^Timothya: du -csh  .20:17
^hashbang^nathanhelp: ok so what do you need?20:17
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Nerosbeamsjr I would recommend logical in case you ever want to resize it.... just makes life easier20:17
TJCRIcan anyone point me in the right direction to switch my kernel on 8.10 installation to 2.6.15-23 ?20:17
TimothyAthank you very much!20:17
ViperBorg_TERMI'll take that as a no. Thanks anyway. :P20:17
^hashbang^timothyA: np20:18
nathanhelp^hashbang^:  I have three boots, I want Win XP to be the default boot in Grub. I see them, but dont know what number to set the default to.20:18
nathanhelp^hashbang^: correction. 5 boots20:18
FFForeverNeros, i have had to do this on EVERY kernel on 8.10..... 8.04 and 9.04 are fine (except 9.04 has no sound...)20:18
^hashbang^nathanhelp: use pastebin.com and then link that info here20:18
nschembr_I'm running ubuntu server.I want to install xterm without installing X11. Is there a way to use dpkg to install the base package and the dependances one at a time.20:18
nathanhelp^hashbang^:  uh...I'll try..last i knew the other computer wasnt on the Net20:19
rdw200169nathanhelp, you can use the savedefault option to select the default boot option20:19
^hashbang^rdw2000169: nice... didn't know ubuntu had anything like that20:19
scienteswhats the progrma that tells you what keys you are pressing?20:19
NerosFFForever & MichaelKohler: dv6000 is terribly innacurate.. the problem is with dv65xx series and above..... I would suggest that you simply tough it out and wait for the new release.... the audio problem will be fixed by then im sure the fact that you dont have to in 9.04 means that hte problem has been worked on and is makeing its way into the next release as a fix20:19
nathanhelprdw200169: Yes but what does that mean? im editing at with Vim20:20
rdw200169^hashbang^, it's more of a grub related thing20:20
nathanhelphow do I use it?20:20
spilli'm running 8.10 and every time I put it a blank cd it opens Brasero, anyone know how to change what program it auto loads.20:20
FFForeverNeros 9.04 is a long ways away =P20:20
nathanhelprdw200169: I see the savedefault...20:20
psionwhat configuration file can I set my static IP so that it's configured when I boot?20:20
^hashbang^nathanhelp: where is says "default num" if default 1 is there.. that means the second kernel listed. 0 is first..20:21
nathanhelprdw200169: savedefault=true? for default boot?20:21
yassinegood evening gents20:21
NerosFFForever Sad but true.... perhaps there will be an update released shortly then to fix it... but it is a problem that is well noted and being worked on... there is no solution currently20:21
rdw200169nathanhelp, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/savedefault.html20:21
flukxohowdy, i'm thinking about building a new pc based on the amd dragon platform. are the ATI drivers good?20:21
yassineis there a way to resume kernel compilation  if it fails at some points ?20:21
rdw200169nathanhelp, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/default.html#default20:21
spilli'm running 8.10 and every time I put it a blank cd it opens Brasero, anyone know how to change what program it auto loads.20:21
FFForeverNeros =(, i thought bugs that affect a major brand/hardware/etc would get the most attention this problem was in the beta of 8.04 also they have had more then enough time to fix it....20:22
Baattihi, I just replaced Evolution Mail client with Thunderbird, but now I can't get the Lightning software to use Google Calendar. My problem is I'm using a 64-bit version of Ubuntu 8.10. I can't find a 64-bit version of Lightning though. What is my solution?20:22
[TK]D-Fenderhello, quick Q : I've just installed 8.10 x386 on an AMD-1100 PC w/ an AT Radeon AIW and the video performance is a bit kludgy even without effects.  /etc/xorg.conf doesn't look like any I've seen on other distro's and I can't seem to confirm what driver is being used, or what is suggested.20:22
nathanhelp^hashbang^: so if my winxp boot is five...I ... rdw200169 I dont understand that. IT just looks like both are default.20:22
SegFaultAXflukxo: depends on how you define good. they work. how well is debatable depending on the build and which version of the os/kernel/drivers your using20:22
NerosFFForever  Ithink its jsut a resurfacing bug... actually it only affects a small percentage of the total users so it isnt exactly high priority20:22
^hashbang^nathanhelp: if you place default 5 then your default will change to winXP20:23
rdw200169nathanhelp, if you just want winxp to always be the default, you would set default 4 (0,1,2,3,4)20:23
spilli'm running 8.10 and every time I put it a blank cd it opens Brasero, anyone know how to change what program it auto loads.20:23
FFForeverNeros but on the ubuntu bug terms it would be a high priority since it does prevent new users from using ubuntu....20:23
nathanhelpwhere do I place it?20:23
Stroganoff[TK]D-Fender, use the restricted driver manager to install ATI's driver20:23
emehrkayI have a question about installing Ubutntu as a vm on my OS X box20:23
nathanhelpjust cahnge "default" value?20:23
Neros[TK]D-Fender The new xorg is being more smart about hardware use the restricted drivers20:23
^hashbang^nathanhelp: yes20:23
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^hashbang^nathanhelp: default 420:23
NerosFFForever No.... it does not prevent.... it merely annoys... I will agree that it is a pain to hold down that key for all of 8 seconds but it could be much worse.....20:24
^hashbang^also, might want to make a backup copy of menu.1st just in case =)20:24
nathanhelpUncomment hiddenmenu?20:24
rdw200169nathanhelp, savedefault works a little differently, it lets you set it to remember the last booted os20:24
nathanhelplol true20:24
[TK]D-FenderStroganoff: When I go in there isn't anything there...20:24
thedaytripperPHILIPPINES anyone?20:24
nathanhelprdw200169: Ah. then that isnt necessary in my case. thanks anyway.20:24
emehrkayI have a bunch of virtual named hosts set up on my osx install so that i can type in 'sitename.test' and it takes me to testing files. Can I do something with my Ubuntu vm that will allow the same sort of activity?20:25
psionmy network configuration doesn't save after reboot... where's the config for it located?20:25
flukxoSegFaultAX: phenom II 940 + 790GX northbridge + SB750 southbridge + ubuntu intrepid20:25
Baattinevermind, just got it20:25
flukxoSegFaultAX: never used ati drivers on linux though20:25
FFForeverNeros, if i didn't know anything about linux and i was going 2 use ubuntu holding a key EVERY boot would piss me off enough 2 not use it....20:25
nathanhelp^hashbang^: rdw200169: Safe to uncomment hiddenmenu?20:25
flukxoSegFaultAX: but not very happy with nvidia either20:26
^hashbang^nathahelp: I'd leave it alone.. not needed for what you are doing...20:26
programmeranyone online20:26
nathanhelp^hashbang^: I dont want the menu to appear.20:26
^hashbang^nathahelp: well, then again, you can open it up.. you will seee all your grub boot chocies20:26
programmerI have user in the school but when  I open firefox write firefox already running, because I forgoten to close before. how to kill firefox20:26
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^hashbang^nathahelp: oh.. ok then yea... use it... mine is set by default20:27
[TK]D-FenderStroganoff: In Synaptic I see xserver-xorg-video-ati & radeon as installed, but not sure whats in effect20:27
thedaytripperhello guys20:27
rdw200169nathanhelp, yes, you can uncomment it, then it just tells you to hit a key to see the menu during boot-up20:27
rdw200169nathanhelp, you can also just set a shorter timeout... if you don't do anything, the timeout selects the default20:28
NerosFForever yes I agree... but.... that is the state of the problem... if it still upsets you then perhaps you should try to fix it.... my only recommendation is to use the kernel from 9.04 or be on the bleeding edge an duse 9.04 nightly build :P20:28
Stroganoff[TK]D-Fender, sry can't help you.20:28
spilli'm running 8.10 and every time I put it a blank cd it opens Brasero, anyone know how to change what program it auto loads.20:29
nightrid3rprogrammer: ps aux | grep firefox will give you the pid's the kill pidnumber20:29
^hashbang^FForever: or if your really into it.. grab the src from kernel.org and roll your own kernel20:29
Neros[TK]D-Fender... Try getting the binaries from ATI and following their installation method20:29
^hashbang^!ati |[TK]D-Fender20:30
ubottu[TK]D-Fender: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:30
[TK]D-FenderNeros: When i suggested that for my home system I got jumped on :)20:30
nathanhelprdw200169: How do i quit from Vim?20:30
^hashbang^nathanhelp: :wq!20:30
psionprogrammer: another way is just to sudo killall firefox20:30
scienteswhats the progrma that tells you what keys you are pressing?20:30
Neros^hasbag^ that was my next suggestion.... the MCP67 southbridge in these laptops seems to be particularly hateful to all unixes.... i tried following the OSX86 project but the southbridge impeedes the boot20:30
[TK]D-Fender^hashbang^: Great, good looking doc, I'm sure I've got good odds it covers the one I need!20:31
Neros^hashbang^ that was my next suggestion.... the MCP67 southbridge in these laptops seems to be particularly hateful to all unixes.... i tried following the OSX86 project but the southbridge impeedes the boot20:31
[TK]D-Fender^hashbang^: I'll beat myself over the head with it for a while...20:31
^hashbang^Neros: yes I know about that all to well. =) we have a product here that we are using with southbridge and well... we rolled our own =)20:31
nightrid3rpsion: i suppose he's on a terminal server at school so he won't have root access20:31
psionah, didn't catch that part20:31
^hashbang^[TK]D-Fender: ok good luck and don't hurt your head to hard!20:31
Neros^hashbang^ that solved the boot problem?20:32
[TK]D-Fender^hashbang^: I heal quick :)20:32
[TK]D-Fenderok, off for now, thanks all!20:32
hoontekeI just tried to install the 180 version of the Nvidia drivers.  Now I'm unable to use the nvidia drivers as X refuses to start.  I'm fairly fluent when it comes to messing with xorg.conf stuff, so now I just want to go back to the working 177 versions.  That also seems to not work now, however20:32
^hashbang^Neros: yes20:32
hoontekeshort of a  reinstall of my / (system) partition, what would be the quickest way to get back use of the nvidia driver for my 3d support/acceleration?20:32
Neroshoonteke do you get a black screen on login but you can still hear the sounds?20:32
wolfeySIhoonteke 'envy' tool ?20:33
hoontekeNeros: no, X tries to start, and I even see the Nvidia logo flash, but then it drops back to a tty20:33
psionabout xorg.conf, has it changed significantly? mine was the auto generated one and it looks empty20:33
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Neroshoonteke what kind of error?20:33
^hashbang^hoonteke: run sudo nvidia-xconfig and then startx20:33
Nerospsion yes it has.... alot more hardware is being autodetected at boot allowing for some more flexibility20:33
hoonteke^hashbang^: did not try that ...20:33
hoontekeNeros: basically couldn't find screen20:34
^hashbang^hoonteke: it will create a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:34
hoontekethe error messages were pretty non descript20:34
hoontekeI tried both with my old xorg.conf file20:34
hoontekeand a new one20:34
rcshahseems to have worked, thanks hashbang20:34
Neros^hashbang^ so you got a link to a good guide on compiling youre own kernel? I'd really like to fix this problem but I have never compiled my own kernel20:34
^hashbang^rcshah: woot! congratz man =)20:34
hoontekepsion: I tried a bunch of different ones, including the old working one, and removing it entirely20:34
hoonteke^hashbang^: I'll go try the nvidia-xconfig, haven't tired that20:35
hoontekethanks al;l20:35
hoontekeback in a few with success or failure story20:35
^hashbang^Neros: hmm. well not really.. let me poke around for something for ya20:35
Neros^hashbang^ thanks man20:35
psionNeros: ah, gotcha.  it seems foreign to me now though and I can't get a secondary monitor working :\20:35
^hashbang^Neros: try this http://www.linuxforums.org/desktop/the_newbies_guide_to_compiling_your_first_kernel.html20:36
Nerospsion: ati or nvidia?20:36
Neros^hashbang^ lol how convienient and appropriate :P thanks20:36
psionneros: nvidia, I have messed with nvidia-settings, but to no avail20:36
^hashbang^Neros: np... anytime20:36
^hashbang^psion: what's going on?20:36
^hashbang^psion: I didn't catch your posts srry20:36
spilli'm running 8.10 and every time I put it a blank cd it opens Brasero, anyone know how to change what program it auto loads.20:37
psionNeros: my monitor is fully detected, I set it up to use it's own x, it tells me to restart x.  I save the changes and restart x and nothing has changed20:37
^hashbang^spill: sorry man... try googling that same question.20:37
psionand yes, I gksudo'd nvidia-settings so it should have no problem saving20:37
^hashbang^psion: how are you setting it up?20:37
dede43hi guys, in which package is rpc/rpc.h ?20:37
yassineany with a hint for this error guys: /usr/src/linux-2.6.27-xen.hg/mm/slub.c:3332: error: redefinition of ‘__kmalloc_track_caller’20:37
Nerossorry psion maybe hash can help ya... my nvidia settings just works20:38
nathanhelprdw200169: Number 4 is incorrect. 0 is defulat if not used, but it seems to count from 1,2,3,4,520:38
^hashbang^psion: ok good..when you set the monitor to use it's ok X did you hit "apply" then save?20:38
psion^hashbang^: I'm setting it up as a seperate x screen with nvidia-settings20:38
psion^hashbang^: yes, I tried it several ways several times, but none did anything different as far as the outcome20:39
^hashbang^psion: yea no worries.. I have dual displays with my quadro fx here..20:39
dede43hi guys, in which package is rpc/rpc.h ?20:39
^hashbang^psion: hmm20:39
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^hashbang^psion: 1 sec20:39
psion^hashbang^: ok20:39
^hashbang^psion: you only have 1 monitor? or 2? and your trying to use "Separate X Screen"20:40
psionthis is a laptop, I've got the lcd built in and a second lcd monitor.  and yes, seperate x screen20:40
Davedanif I'm writing a package that will be installed with apt-get, does it have to be GPL?20:41
^hashbang^psion: check out this link and compair it to your xorg.conf http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/appendix-p.html20:41
Davedancould it be properiaty?20:41
Hannes1Anyone know how to install a visualbox to wubi (ubuntu) ?20:42
^hashbang^what's wubi?20:42
Hannes1a thing that lets u use ubuntu on ur windows computer20:42
^hashbang^oh like vmware20:43
Hannes1i dont know :P20:43
Hannes1u good with ubuntu?20:43
psion^hashbang^: wubi is the windows based installer that doesn't require a partition20:43
Hannes1Anyone know how i could make my programming programs work on ubuntu?20:44
hoonteke^hashbang^: no love.  http://rafb.net/p/QpVGni31.html  It's like it dies, as the backtrace (at the bottom) is empty.20:44
psion^hashbang^: lol that looks nothing like my xorg.conf, holdon I will upload it.  I was incredibly surprised when I looked at mine for the first time, it has like nothing in it20:44
^hashbang^psion: oh. ok cool, didn't know such a thing was there for ubuntu =)20:44
con-man#nerdpickuplines Hey baby, how about we sudo -rm yourpants ?20:44
pike_Hannes1: can you be more specific?20:45
nathanhelplol Evo wont let me remove it. Sounds like explorer :D20:45
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^hashbang^hoonteke: dude.. that's very very strange... what driver are you using? 177?20:46
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hoontekeat the moment, yes20:46
psion^hashbang^: http://www.roamn.net/~psion/xorg.conf20:46
hoontekeand what's strange, it *used* to work before I messed with installing 180 ... this morning20:46
hoontekewell, not strange, telling20:46
^hashbang^hoonteke: hmm20:46
^hashbang^psion: doh!20:46
TelQuelhey, anyone here got a moment to help me with a small problem I'm having with recording from my microphone?20:46
^hashbang^psion: that's funny =)20:46
hoonteke^hashbang^: but I don't know what the nvidia installer does, so I don't know what to do to undo it.20:46
psionheh, yeah20:47
psion^hashbang^: it's sad but I actually laughed when I looked at it for the first time20:47
BriblesIs there a way to make apt-get ignore a package that needs re-installation?  holding adn pinning don't seem to work. http://bribles.pastebin.com/m4402c66620:47
^hashbang^hoonteke: the package that comes with ubuntu is a .deb installer so it does stuff differently than if you where to download and install the nvidia driver from nvidia20:47
hoontekemakes sense ...20:48
^hashbang^psion: yea I would too, then a ton of question would start to come up.. =)20:48
hoontekethe question is what...20:48
TelQuelMy microphone works in skype but when I try to record sound onto my hard-drive using audio software it says my settings are invalid. What's the deal?20:48
karimcan someone help me install wireless on my dell insperon 6400???20:48
pike_Hannes1: dreamweaver might be tougher but see http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=3482  komodo should just be a sudo apt-get install komodo20:49
hoontekehmm, I think I may just do a quick wipe / reinstall of my system partition20:49
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hoontekethank goodness for different partitions20:49
hoontekequickest route from point a to point b20:49
^hashbang^see I'm from the redhat side of linux, I've just moved over to the debain/ubuntu side because well, it's better so the way I would normally install the nvidia drivers is alot different.. I would have the kernel source in /usr/src/linux for my running kernel then I would download and run the nvidia install in runlevel 320:49
pike_Hannes1: see http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html  which is kinda a list of win app and then linux equivalent20:49
Guest48364can someone help me install wireless on my dell insperon 6400???20:49
psion^hashbang^: I don't know how it works without a ServerLayout section20:49
^hashbang^psion: yea I don't either... hidden macros or something20:50
Hannes1nice, isint it possible to make a 'viritualbox' and run any windows program in there?20:50
gngkaicore2 duo @2.50Ghz laptop asus m50s20:50
^hashbang^psion: no pointer section, or keyboard... no nothing lmao20:50
Guest48364can someone help me install wireless on my dell insperon 6400???20:50
gngkaicpu temp reach over 80'20:50
gngkaiisn't it too high?20:50
nightrid3rGuest48364: maybe if you tel us more about your wifi card and your problem20:50
Grim76__Is there a way to tell what the version number of a module is that is loaded?  modinfo does not appear to return the module version information.20:51
^hashbang^gngkai: that C or F for temp20:51
gngkai^hashbang^: C20:51
Guest48364I don;t know how to find out on ubuntu, only wndows, but it's broadcom or something like tat20:51
psion^hashbang^: yet it all works perfectly fine, that's what's weird.  even my side mouse buttons20:51
^hashbang^gngkai: yea i'd say that was a bit hot20:51
^hashbang^psion: that's just flat out spooky20:51
gngkai^hashbang^> I measue it through acpi20:52
^hashbang^psion: lol20:52
Guest48364when I follow tutorials it says can not uninstall because I have different distributions in different places20:52
^hashbang^gngkai: ah.. I've used windbond and lmsensors...20:52
^hashbang^gngkai: thats about it tho20:52
gngkai^hashbang^:  normally is 54' but if I start some application it raises to over 8020:52
^hashbang^gngkai: hmm, this happen right after a fresh boot?20:53
psion^hashbang^: do you recall where in /proc I could find the BUSID of my video card?20:54
gngkai^hashbang^>: usually it's at 54C, like now20:54
gngkaiif I start for example xmame, then it raise to 8020:54
psychohi all20:55
psychois it possible to get some help on this channel, or do i have to go to another channel?20:55
scunizi!ask | psycho20:56
ubottupsycho: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:56
psychook :)20:56
gngkaicannot load module coretemp for lm-sensors20:57
psychoI just installed ubuntu on my PC and got problems with my screen resolution. I have a geforce 9400 gt and I would like to work with a resolution of 1280 x 104020:57
gngkaiit says FATAL: Error inserting coretemp No such device20:57
denndapsycho: Install the driver.20:57
gngkaistill it's a Intel Core family thermal sensor20:57
psychodennda, i did, but the resolution i would like to use isn't in the list. beside it's at 60 hez and i'd like to use 80 hz20:58
scunizipsycho: you might be able to find the driver by going to System>Administration>Hardware drivers.. after installation/activation there restart the machine.. if the resolution hasn't changed to the native then install, nvidia-settings.  From there you'll have access to resoution & hz settings.20:59
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psychoactually the tool seems to be installed. I have System -> Administration -> Nvidia x server settings. it's in there I'm unable to set the correct resolution. DO you still recommend me to install nvidia-settings?21:01
scunizipsycho: yes21:01
psychook, i will21:01
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Hannes1hmm, i just downloaded a program called Komodo from the web, how do i install it?21:02
Kryzlerwhat form is it in?21:02
KryzlerIs it the binaries or what?21:02
DIFH-icerootHannes1: this? kmd - Komodo Manchester Debugger21:02
Ultraputzhow do you turn off that pc-speaker sounding error beep?21:02
psychoseems like nvidia-settings is already installed. do i have to re-install it?21:02
Hannes1nop, its a text programm for programming21:03
Hannes1Komodo Edit21:03
banttuHey I need help21:03
banttuI wonna download gammu21:03
denndapsycho: no, just run it21:03
denndapsycho: alt+f2 -> gksu nvidia-settings21:03
Hannes1i dont know what cind of installation it is :P .tar.gz file21:04
psychoah thx, i'll try21:04
banttuI need to update my sources.list21:04
banttuAnybody that could suggest anything?21:04
banttuCome onnnn21:05
psychook, thta's the Nvidia x server settings. That's where i'm unable to see the 1280x1024@80 setting21:05
pike_banttu: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  make sure to do a sudo apt-get update after you edit for the changed to take affect. also might want to create a backup copy of your current file21:05
askandWhere is the irc-channel for brasero? Or is there any braseropeople around here21:05
Leon_Nardellahttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debconf/+question/60052 <-- Any suggestions?21:05
archman_banttu: sudo apt-get update ?21:05
psychoas the resolution isn't in the list, is there any way to get it in ?21:05
banttupike and arch man...I need to get a repo21:06
pike_Hannes1: sudo apt-get install kmd i believe21:06
banttuI already know the whole sudo apt-get update routine :)21:06
Hannes1is there some list of famous programms and what to write in the terminal to install them?21:06
pike_banttu: you can do this in the gui too. system --> admin --> synapic then tools repos or somesuch21:06
quentusrexDoes anyone know of a tutorial for 8.04 that shows how to properly setup samba?21:07
banttulemmi try synaptic....21:07
quentusrexI need to replace my 6.04 server that's been running samba happily for a few years now...21:07
banttuquent...in ubuntu unlke other distros samba is almost automatic...21:08
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:08
uffohello how i can fix synaptic package manager that shows lot of errors and i cannot install anything, it even CANNOT FIX, please give simple solution or i just reinstall whole ubuntu21:08
Grim76__Is there a way to tell what the version number of a module is that is loaded?  modinfo does not appear to return the module version information.21:09
quentusrexbanttu: I realize it is, but I like having a tutorial handy21:09
IntuitiveNippleLeon_Nardella: Why not remove all the "sudo" calls in the script and run the script with sudo ?21:09
banttuthe samba service is started at startup I should think21:09
neuratixanyone know anything about autodesk maya freezing all input to the os except mouse movement when using the right-click-menu?21:09
quentusrexbanttu: my setup is that everyone on the network should have full read write access...21:09
quentusrexbanttu: I need to create a samba share, from the command line.21:09
Leon_NardellaIntuitiveNipple: Because the script takes a long time to execute, longer than the sudo timeout to remember the password.21:09
quentusrexthere won't be a head on this machine.21:09
banttuI have a bunch of tutorials...21:09
banttuquent edit the smb.conf file21:10
melwtech35someone is hacking my computer, where do i report the IP21:10
banttudo man smb.conf21:10
IntuitiveNippleLeon_Nardella: Once the script starts, it runs with su privileges - no time-out applies21:10
Grim76__melwtech35, to their isp21:10
psychodoes anyone know how to add a custom resolution/frequency to the "Nvidia x server settings" ?21:10
IntuitiveNippleLeon_Nardella: in other words, "sudo post-install.sh"21:10
banttuIt should have everything you need21:10
quentusrexbanttu: there is no man entry for smb.conf21:11
melwtech35Grim76__, its not in my country, how can i find their ISP?21:11
Leon_NardellaIntuitiveNipple: Doesn't work. Try it yourself.21:11
Grim76__melwtech35, There are place on the net that will tell you where the IP address goes back to.21:11
banttuHow come?21:11
DayOldPorridgeIs there a good camera viewer for openbox?21:11
melwtech35Grim76__, like dnsstuff.  i did that it just says "EU"21:11
banttuOk. Go to packages.ubuntu.com/dapper and poke your nose around there, you're bound to get somethig21:12
IntuitiveNippleLeon_Nardella: I do all the while... as I said, *remove* all the "sudo" commands from inside the script21:12
melwtech35traces back to www.gandi.net21:12
Leon_NardellaIntuitiveNipple: OK. I'll try once more to be sure.21:13
Grim76__melwtech35, Try a whois on the ip address and most of them have an abuse email address in the information.21:14
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derspanksteranyone have any idea why I get no DVI output when X starts?21:14
uffo hello how i can fix synaptic package manager that shows lot of errors and i cannot install anything, it even CANNOT FIX, please give simple solution or i just reinstall whole ubuntu - or i start deleting all files that contains word apt21:15
melwtech35Grim76__, i found a phone number, its in france so i will have to wait for my colegue who can speak french21:15
Grim76__melwtech35, ok21:15
AlabamaHitIn your option what is the best Dock station to use?21:16
guntbert!best | AlabamaHit21:16
ubottuAlabamaHit: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:16
MNZare there any meta packages that download a bunch of gtk and emerald themes?21:17
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nat2610how do you know the size of your swap ?21:18
mib_dnr9ayyehello, where are ubuntu support in spanish21:18
AlabamaHitguntbert: how do i ask a bot a question?21:18
denndanat2610: sudo fdisk -l21:18
guntbert!es | mib_dnr9ayye21:19
ubottumib_dnr9ayye: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:19
oCean_nat2610: "free" command21:19
oCean_nat2610: "swapon -s" specifies per swapdevice21:19
derspankster! nvidia21:19
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:19
psychothx ubotto21:20
Jewbaccaoh hi, on xp i shoutcast games using winamp, what are my options on ubuntu? :>21:20
IntuitiveNipplenat2610: cat /proc/swaps21:20
guntbertAlabamaHit: this channel is for ubuntu support, not for "general" questions, you can talk to ubottu in "private" with /msg ubottu help21:20
CmdPrmtMdnssanyone have any prob upgrading to 8.10 from 8.0421:21
mib_dnr9ayyeubottu, gracias ppor el link, te debo una compadre21:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:21
AlabamaHitguntbert: God forbid eveyone don't know as much as you.21:21
CmdPrmtMdnssanyone have any prob upgrading to 8.10 from 8.0421:22
IntuitiveNippleCmdPrmtMdnss: Thanks for asking; no :)21:22
aroach31291i don't have the latest version of ubuntu, but select multiple files and right click > properties21:23
aroach31291it should say "totalling" and not "totaling"21:23
aroach31291it does*21:23
aroach31291not should21:23
guntbert!enter | aroach3129121:23
ubottuaroach31291: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:23
Davedancan you recommend an app that I can use to backup my ubuntu computer? something like ghost21:23
aroach31291ok, well totaling is spelled wrong, just letting you know21:23
uffoi reinstalled system, looks like ubuntu biggest fault is that if apt is damaged then only option is to reinstall21:24
CmdPrmtMdnssintuitivenipple haha21:24
racecar56gtg, i might be on my laptop21:24
guntbertaroach31291: this is a support channel, not for bug reports21:24
scuniziDavedan: partimage which is available in the repos and as a live cd called Rescue CD21:24
Davedanscunizi: thanks21:25
IntuitiveNippleDavedan: Or the raw way, use "dd"21:25
stefg!backup | Davedan21:25
ubottuDavedan: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:25
IntuitiveNippleDavedan: yes... try "man dd" for more info... the power-pack for many data-moving jobs21:26
DavedanI'll read that. just looking for an easy one :)21:26
guntbertuffo: how does one "damage" apt?21:26
adaptrguntbert: simple. rm -f `which apt-get`21:27
IntuitiveNippleDavedan: As a simple example (but please don't try this until you understand it) you could do "dd if=/dev/sdz1 | gzip drive-sdz1-compressed.gz" and compress the entire file-system from sdz1 into a file21:27
GaMbi_DKdamn.. first real problem in 2 month of ubuntu 8.10 (for me atleast;) I logged windows XP to check some stuff.. when I logged back onto ubuntu I was unable to go to my shared drive.. "you are not privileged to mount the volume 'HUUUGE'" ( HUUUGE being my shared device) anyone knows what might be wrong? :O21:27
^hashbang^what's the volume control app for 8.1021:27
guntbertadaptr: ;-)21:27
Jewbaccaon xp when i wanted to connect to a radio and shoutcast, i used winamp + plug in, what can i do in ubuntu ?21:28
cheekyhello, can anyone help me with my xorg.conf file, the motherboard i am using is a Intel Desktop Board DG45ID, and i dunno what i need to do so it makes use of the  Intel i810 driver. i am currently using ubuntu 8.10 please some one help me , i cant code everything looks so big.  here is my xorg.conf file its pretty empty :  http://pastebin.com/m30156d9  please some one help me.21:28
GaMbi_DK^hashbang^, if talking to me.. I got no idea :)21:29
JeruvyGaMbi_DK: what can you tell us about your permissions?21:29
FloodBot1buiu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:29
Jeruvy!language | buiu21:29
ubottubuiu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:29
GaMbi_DKJeruvy, ben able to go to any of my paritisions right from the start.. I got root21:29
mr9518.10 server, text-mode login accepts correct user/pass w/o error but no shell, just username prompt again.....worked ok yesterday.21:30
Grim76__Jewbacca, did you look at icecast http://www.icecast.org/21:30
thorsten11Jewbacca: have you tried vlc?  I'm not sure how it is with shoutcast but i have used it to stream radio before21:30
_lummcould anyone give me a hint on how to create more then 7-8 loop-aes devices.?21:30
uffoguntbert: i tried install packages at once but after that even synaptic did not worked and option to fix broken packages did not work too - now is late and i reinstalled system21:30
adaptrmr951: boot into rescue mode and examine /etc/passwd to see if you HAVE a shell21:30
JeruvyGaMbi_DK: how are you authenticating?  Guest or user permissions?21:30
IntuitiveNipplemr951: Could it have run out of disk space on /tmp/ or /var/ ?21:30
niklauzit seems like this chan grows by 400 hundred ppl after every release :)21:30
mr951shell is there. Log file I can check?21:31
niklauzi remember when it was still around 60021:31
_lummHow to Mount more than 8 loopback devices??21:31
mr951Problem exists for all usernames21:31
GaMbi_DKJeruvy, user I guess.. my own private computer..21:31
JewbaccaGrim76__: which file there am i suppose to download ?21:31
JeruvyGaMbi_DK: I need you to check or know.  If you don't I cannot troubleshoot (it doesn't work).21:32
IntuitiveNipple_lumm: tell the loop device module how many you want when it starts: see "modinfo loop"21:32
Picibuiu: Do you have anything to contribute to this support channel?21:32
guntbertuffo: so by now its ok again? (after reinstall?)21:32
GaMbi_DKJeruvy, never thought about auth since I never had any problems with access for anything at all.. where do I check?21:32
Grim76__Jewbacca, you might want to see if you can install it through apt, I was just pointing you to something that looked similar to what you were asking for.21:32
IntuitiveNipple_lumm: You can add the option to the /etc/modprobe.d/options file to take effect on every boot21:32
buiuYeah! My PENIS!!!!21:32
JewbaccaGrim76__: yea i already did apt-cache but i found many results :>21:33
JewbaccaGrim76__: how can i know which one is the right one?21:33
Ultraputzhow do you change the error beep in intrepid ?21:33
buiu1m back21:33
Ultraputzjewbacca -- rockin' handle. :-)21:33
Jewbaccawhat does that mean Ultraputz21:33
Ultraputz"nice screen name"21:34
Javierhello, i've got a question, is there a chance to have permanently a drive tied to linux... i've got two hard drives, and all my music is in the second one, and i was wandering if i have to search the drive all the times in order to listen to it21:34
JewbaccaUltraputz: and what does that mean? :D21:34
JeruvyGaMbi_DK: you can check the /etc/samba/smb.conf for configuration details21:34
Grim76__Jewbacca, looks like there is one that is the right one.  Look at icecast-server that looks like a pretty solid choice.21:34
uffoguntbert: yes it will be fine but 3 hours of customisation work is lost thanks to stupid apt system that was failed, i cant even install packages even more.21:34
mindframe-is there a way to install nvidia beta drivers from a ubuntu repo?21:34
Jeruvy!samba > GaMbi_DK21:34
ubottuGaMbi_DK, please see my private message21:34
Ultraputzjewbacca -- the secrets of the pyramids, if only you could understand it. :-)21:34
buiuOMG! STOP FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!21:34
prince_jammysPici: bazhang : tritium : ^ buiu21:34
_lummthanks IntuitiveNipple21:35
JewbaccaUltraputz: i read bizzar articals about how the atlantis ppl built them ^_^21:35
JewbaccaUltraputz: trough a star gate :p21:35
Leon_NardellaIntuitiveNipple: Is this the same thing partimage does?21:35
Leon_NardellaIntuitiveNipple: Er.. Sorry.21:35
mr951"df -al" is good, plenty of space21:36
=== lokix is now known as lokixza
_VIM_!fstab | Javier (this might help)...21:36
ubottuJavier (this might help)...: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:36
* IntuitiveNipple is confusulated21:36
AnarchyAngelis there a ubuntu help chan?21:36
guntbertuffo: I don't think you should blame apt, you must have done something serious to the packaging system, next time do ask for support a bit earler :)21:36
guntbertAnarchyAngel: its here :)21:37
AnarchyAngeloh ok21:37
JavierThanks VIM and ubottu21:37
_VIM_Javier: ubottu is a bot, but you're welcome :)21:37
AnarchyAngelhow can i get ubuntu 8.10 to keep my wep keys?21:37
IntuitiveNipplemr951: user's home directory permissions? Have you looked at /var/log/auth.log, and syslog, for any PAM-related problems?21:38
uffoguntbert: i tried to searc and all with these problems was unresolved from what i found from google, i hope ubuntu 9.04 has more robust21:38
GaMbi_DKJeruvy, thats nice.. I dont know what half of the lines in smb.conf means :) anyways.. the ones that matters looks fine.. but guess I will try on forums21:38
AnarchyAngeli have two places i use my laptop, work and home, putting the wep key each time i move is getting old21:38
oCean_mr951: how did you see the df output as all accounts face same problem?21:38
JeruvyGaMbi_DK: use the how-to's ubottu point at for good directions for setting up samba.21:38
guntbertAnarchyAngel: usually the keys are stored in the default key ring21:39
AnarchyAngelhmm so it dont save them in network manager like 8.04 did?21:39
GaMbi_DKJeruvy, I will look that up.. thx for your time :)21:39
IntuitiveNippleAnarchyAngel: NetworkManager should save them in the user's default key-ring. As long as that is being opened at log-in NetworkManager should access it. Your problem sounds like the user account password and keyring password have got out of sync21:39
JewbaccaGrim76__: i downloaded the icecast-server trough apt, now where is it installed? xD21:39
=== drew_ is now known as drewzf
mr951Did it in recovery mode.......Everything's good by rkhunter too....21:39
TruefireAnarchyAngel : Hmm... you should just be able to 'save' password on first login to the network.21:39
=== drewzf is now known as GuruDrew
AnarchyAngelthat so was way better i just pick the "profile" and thats it, it seems to be a bit more complex in 8.10?21:40
guntbertAnarchyAngel: as far as I know network manager uses the key ring21:40
Daemonhow do i change the splashscreen image size?21:40
IntuitiveNippleAnarchyAngel: Check System > Preferences > Encryption and Keyrings (if it's there!)21:40
AnarchyAngeland if it dont? it saves the rest of the info, like ssid and such21:40
JewbaccaGrim76__: i downloaded the icecast-server trough apt, now where is it installed? xD21:41
IntuitiveNippleAnarchyAngel: Yes, the password is stored in the keyring for security21:42
guntbertuffo: I'm sorry for you, but I haven't read about such a problem for a long time here, if it happens again try to describe clearly what you did before, that makes it easier to help21:42
AnarchyAngelok thanx ill try and work it out.21:42
kereshow do you chown every file in a directory?21:42
Grim76__Jewbacca, don't know....I have never used it.21:42
AnarchyAngelsud chown -R21:43
Jewbaccawhere would it prolly install it Grim76__21:43
AnarchyAngelor -r one of the two21:43
keresAnarchyAngel: thanks21:43
JewbaccaGrim76__: how can i search for it21:43
Grim76__Jewbacca, as I said before.  I googled and that is what came up that looked like it might work for what you were looking for.21:43
admin_masu3701do anyone know where i could get a book a TCP/IP?21:43
guntbertAnarchyAngel: why do you suggest sudo?21:43
Gneaadmin_masu3701: amazon.com21:44
oCean_mr951: In recoverymode you could type "login" (as command) -- and submit user/pw details and see what happens. Check the /var/log/ logfiles21:44
keresguntbert: there were root owned anyway, he probably figured21:44
IntuitiveNippleguntbert: uffo: There was a similar issue many months ago I recall. The solution was to manually re-download the correct version of apt-utils package from packages.ubuntu.com and install it using sudo dpkg --force-all -i <package>21:44
guntbertkeres: ok :)21:44
JewbaccaGrim76__:  i mean, if you install something, where would you find it?21:44
puffIs there any easy software method for blanking the screen?  I'm running ubuntu on an IBM t43p laptop and there's an odd whine that goes away when I close the screen.  I want to see if I can blank the screen without closing it, and see if that makes the sound go away.21:45
smqdsetwhat is the default shell username and password on ubuntu 7.10 gutsy21:45
AnarchyAngelyeah looking back it wasnt the best to put sudo in there21:45
ubottuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!21:45
puffsmqdset: normally htere isn't a default, you choose a username when you install.21:45
ViperBorg_TERMHoly cow, Pricey.21:45
PriceyViperBorg_TERM: ALl done21:46
=== sean is now known as Guest52419
ViperBorg_TERMPricey: Okay. :)21:46
GaMbi_DKJeruvy, It seams that ppl think that if windows crashes and I then boot onto ubuntu.. that might cause the problem.. that is what happend to me tbh :) so gonna try a reboot.. wish me luck ^^21:46
fearfulhey anyone know anything about crossover21:46
strlngI need to add a user to a system I currently do not have a user on. Is it possible to boot to install media and add a user that way somehoe?21:47
=== nick is now known as Guest4766
uffoguntbert: can you give some command that can safetly install all packages from folder, sudo dpkg -i /folderlocation/*.deb - i used this to install packages and that caused this, MY packages are ok because i have installed them manually click by click on lot of computers wqith 8.10.21:47
fearfulI'm getting an error that I can't find the default bottle, any ideas?21:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crossover21:47
guntbertuffo: did you see the message from IntuitiveNipple ? no, I stay within the "standard" system for software21:48
mr951oCean_: will run "login" command.  thanks....everyone21:48
butterflygirlfearful: what crossover are you referring to?21:48
oCean_mr951: good luck debugging!21:49
adaptr!xover office21:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xover office21:49
oCean_fearful: at least one bottle should be created.21:49
fearfulYea I did create one after the install and I get an error21:49
butterflygirlfearful: I've used it a bit.21:49
DIFH-icerootadaptr: crossover office?21:49
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest2910
fearfulI'm just actually trying to run an exe21:50
oCean_fearful: In crossover configuration any bottle can be set as default21:50
butterflygirlwhy not try wine?21:50
fearfulBecause it doesn't work that well with the program im running21:50
GaMbi_DKdamn.. no go :(21:50
genewitchi have a device that refuses to acknowledge my DCHP server's assertion that it gets a specific IP address, because i dualboot it, and one of them is dynamic, the other is supposed to be "static DHCP"21:51
IntuitiveNippleGaMbi_DK: Just before you left I think I grasped the issue. Is the share on an NTFS file-system?21:51
bazwhy r ubuntu version .04 and .10?21:51
linguiniI'm having trouble getting 'syslogd -r' (listen to syslog messages from the network) to work .  I've tried editing /etc/init.d/sysklogd so that it has SYSLOGD="-r", but it doesn't seem to take effect.21:51
oCean_fearful: crossover expects 'bottles' (being isolated images)21:51
fearfulThanks that works21:51
genewitchwhat's the ifconfig command to force a refresh of the IP21:51
fearfulSet as default21:51
Priceybaz: the month they were released21:51
JeruvyGaMbi_DK: can you show us the errors?  if they won't fit in a line use the pastebin (see topic, or ask ubottu about !pastebin)21:51
GaMbi_DKIntuitiveNipple, It is21:51
psionif I wanted to make VLC my default movie application when opening a file in nautilus, how would I do that?21:51
Priceybaz: the first number (like the 8 out of 8.10) is the year it was released21:51
bazPricey, ah21:51
GaMbi_DKJeruvy, just found a long error message.. but dont wanna post it.. what is the page for stuff like that? "past.ubuntu.org" or something like that right?21:52
bazPricey, thats awesome actually - since they are on a 6month release those numbers will always be the same then?21:52
IntuitiveNippleGaMbi_DK: OK... if Windows crashes the 'dirty bit' will still be set on the NTFS file-system. So when Ubuntu starts the ntfs-3g driver will notice that and usually only mount the file-system read-only until it has been fixed. According to the man-pages, that usually entails using Windows to do a chkdsk on the file-system21:52
genewitchbaz: there was a6.0621:53
JeruvyIntuitiveNipple: oh, GaMbi_DK is using ntfs-3g?21:53
Priceybaz: 6.06 was delayed 2 months to make it more stable as it was an LTS release21:53
genewitchbaz: i think it depends on if the version is an LTS version or just a fresh version21:53
Truefirebaz : but 6.06 was an exception.21:53
IntuitiveNippleJeruvy: If the share is on the NTFS file-system, sure21:53
puffIf anybody's curious, the software way to turn off the laptop screen was "xset dpms force off"21:53
stefggenewitch: which had actually been planned as 6.04... it was just 2 months late21:54
=== dzup-beback is now known as dzup
puffWhich worked, and also stopped the whining noise.21:54
Truefirepuff : Sweetness. Thanks/21:54
chupyi nedd hel i just install google earth 5 and when i run it http://paste.ubuntu.com/114205/21:54
GaMbi_DKJeruvy,  and IntuitiveNipple yea Im using NTFS-3g (I think)21:54
JeruvyIntuitiveNipple: I thought it was just a samba share.  Don't use ntfs-3g myself.21:54
admin_masu3701puff: what do the sofware do ?21:54
chupy* i need help i just install google earth 5 and when i try to run it http://paste.ubuntu.com/114205/21:54
partha_I am having problems when I use the ubuntu archives on debian based synaptic package manager21:55
Truefirechupy : you're not the only one.21:55
partha_I get the error:21:55
partha_W: GPG error: http://ubuntu.mirror.ac.za jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B521:55
stefgchupy: that means google messed up and it doesn't run...21:55
JeruvyGaMbi_DK: I'll let you find someone who's familiar with ntfs-3g for help.  I won't be much :)21:55
partha_please can someone help21:55
chupystefg: so there isnt solution??? know???21:55
IntuitiveNippleJeruvy: Yes, a samba share but the underlying file-system is, if I understand correctly, NTFS. If that is mounted Read-Only (because of the dirty bit) then samba may well have problems setting correct permissions21:56
Truefirepartha_ help what?21:56
GaMbi_DKJeruvy, okay :)21:56
stefgchupy: no solution... complain to google rogrammers21:56
partha_help on how to solve the problem21:56
JeruvyIntuitiveNipple: yes, hence I avoided it.21:56
Truefirepartha_ oh, I see... one sec.21:56
partha_of using ubuntu archives with debian synaptic21:56
chupypufff... stefg: welll thanks to all21:56
IntuitiveNipplechupy: What version of Ubuntu are you using? It may-be that the version of openssl package is older than the one google-earth expects21:56
chupyIntuitiveNipple: 8.1021:57
IntuitiveNipplechupy: Unlikely to be that, then.21:57
GaMbi_DKIntuitiveNipple, I have read and write on my NTFS :)21:57
IntuitiveNippleGaMbi_DK: You do? OK, scratch that idea then!21:57
IntuitiveNipplechupy: You might find more here: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/earth/thread?tid=7b1b524777b9b982&hl=en21:58
IntuitiveNipplechupy: note the comment that reads: "There's a workaround that seems to work for me. Just rename/delete the libcrypto that ships with Google Earth and create a symlink to the one installed in the system."21:59
chupyIntuitiveNipple: thanks i am gonna see22:00
puffTruefire: If you're curious about the whine noise, it turns out that setting the screen to max bright (using function-Home/function-End keys to adjust) also makes the whine go away.22:00
mithraicWhat's the difference between a "viewport" and a "workspace"?22:02
GaMbi_DKIf it can bring any light over my problem " sudo mount -a" shows "fuse: Failed to access mountpoint /media/HUUUGE: No such file or directory"22:02
mithraicI'm tinkering with devilspie, and at least with metacity, they seem to be the same thing...22:02
IntuitiveNippleGaMbi_DK: And, is there a directory called /media/HUUUGE ?22:03
IntuitiveNippleGaMbi_DK: If not, create it "sudo mkdir -p /media/HUUUGE"22:03
StevenXHello. Can I get the command to start a new x server session? I want to run a full-screen game on it.22:03
mihahello is there a way to get java 1.6 update 11 from apt?22:03
mihai tried openjdk and cocoa and they are crap:)22:03
mihaupdate 10 has some bugs though22:03
austin666I have samba installed on my Ubuntu serv. ed, and connected to my network.  Where do i go from here?  I would like to transfer my HTML files to it, and ultimatly have them on the internet22:04
JewbaccaGrim76__: i installed icecast, but i have no idea how to use it :x22:04
JewbaccaGrim76__: can you help me here22:04
GaMbi_DKIntuitiveNipple, kinda lame.. but that worked :)22:04
weatherkidwhere is my apache htdocs located?22:04
IntuitiveNippleGaMbi_DK: lol :D always the simple things22:04
GaMbi_DKany idea what might have ben tor problem then? :O22:04
mihaweatherkid: /var/www22:04
IntuitiveNippleGaMbi_DK: You somehow deleted that directory?22:05
JeruvyGaMbi_DK: most devices in /media are 'removable' so they may dismount on a reboot22:05
Grim76__Jewbacca, try icecast.org they have some tutorials there.22:05
plumaI just installed Intrepid (Ubuntu 8.10) on my new Acer Aspire 7730G notebook. Is there any place I can find a keyboard map for it? It has a couple of extra keys I'd love to bind.22:05
BaattiOk, last year there was a really in depth tutorial for using the Terminal. I can't seem to find it. This tutorial discussed even how to use your terminal as a browser, how to check system mail, how to use VI, and many many many more things. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It was something like, Linux Administrator's Guide.22:06
austin666Does anyone know anything about ubuntu server ed.22:06
GaMbi_DKIntuitiveNipple, Jeruvy, so It should work now? even when I reboot (the automount is still in fstab)22:06
mihahello is there a way to get java 1.6 update 11 from apt?22:06
Jeruvyaustin666: did you try to mount the drive on your desktop?  Places -> Connect to server (fill in the details)22:07
mihanot 1022:07
IntuitiveNippleBaatti: Could this be it? http://www.unixguide.net/linux/linuxshortcuts.shtml22:07
GaMbi_DKgonna give it a try.. brb with the answer and the cheers/thanks :)22:07
JeruvyGaMbi_DK: I would assume it should but check and test :)22:07
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austin666Jeruvy:  mount the drive? what do you mean.  I have it on a network, with my windows PC.  do i do it on windows?22:07
Jeruvyaustin666: read what I typed22:07
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neXyoncan someone with intrepid and blender installed on a 32 bit system please test something with me for a second?22:08
austin666Jeruvy: um....ok so lemmmi try it on my network thing, right?22:08
BaattiIntuitiveNipple, no, thats not quite it, but its a nice link, thank you22:08
chupyi solved google earth porblem yo only have to rename libcrypto.so.0.9.822:08
IntuitiveNippleJeruvy: austin666 did... you confused him. He wants to access the Ubuntu server+samba from Windows, not Ubuntu desktop22:08
austin666Ah, yes that its.  sorry22:08
neXyonanyone please?22:09
StevenXHello. Can I get the command to start a new x server session? I want to run a full-screen game on it.22:09
IntuitiveNippleBaatti: Was it "Linux in a Nutshell" ?22:09
JeruvyIntuitiveNipple: oops.  Sorry.  \\machine\share22:09
austin666I see my server name come up in  networks, but can't get it to trans. files22:09
Jeruvyaustin666: oops.  Sorry.  \\machine\share22:09
GaMbi_DKIntuitiveNipple, and Jeruvy .. all is back to normal! thx for the help!22:10
IntuitiveNippleaustin666: I think you'll be needing to configure some authentication on the server for the users to be allowed access22:10
BaattiIntuitiveNipple, hrm, maybe, it was an online guide, I seem to recall 'administrator' in the title22:10
JeruvyGaMbi_DK: you did all the work :)22:10
austin666IntuitiveNipple:  I'm new to the whole linux/ command prompt thing22:10
plumaHow can I define my own keyboard's layout (litterally, not just the characters, the actual layout of all available keys)?22:10
IntuitiveNippleGaMbi_DK: great! I was beginning to think it was gonna be a hard one!22:10
cdavis_Is there a file in the users home directory that I can place a command and it run when X starts?22:10
austin666IntuiitiveNipple: What would i type?22:10
plumaOr, how can I bind extra keys that are not part of the normal keyboard layout?22:10
IntuitiveNippleaustin666: "help" :p22:10
kevin__hello. can i use the alternate installer to install to a usb hard drive?22:11
IntuitiveNippleaustin666: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba22:11
Jeruvykevin__: does plugging it in not work?22:12
GaMbi_DKJeruvy, not much work ey? ;) IntuitiveNipple yea.. so did I when ubuntu startet up without background and no media working :) good thing it wasn't cause I need my sleep now :) cya later! and once again thx22:12
IntuitiveNipplepluma: You may need a device-specific kernel module for those keys, or it might be they are already delivered to the event system but aren't translated22:12
IntuitiveNippleGaMbi_DK: best wishes22:12
melfound a 4.7Gb "core" file on /dev. what do to do with it??22:12
DionysuZhey guys can anyone help me with my wireless pcmcia card?22:12
kevin__i haven't tried it yet. i was just wondering if others have done it before. i tried to install on an ipod but that didn't work. this is a real 1 tb external drive though22:12
pike_DionysuZ: its broken22:12
pike_DionysuZ: what card?  what do you see in lspci -v?22:13
DionysuZwell i can connect to any router if its not secured, but when there's WEP or WPA on it, can't connect to it22:13
DionysuZi installed wicd22:13
plumaIntuitiveNipple: So you're saying... there's no way I can access those extra keys, even though they are there and Windows has no problem?22:13
Jeruvykevin__: it should.  Give it a go, any errors let us know22:13
IntuitiveNipplemel: Don't touch it! That is a symlink to the system core (memory in other words)22:13
DionysuZwpa_supplicant is installed22:13
melIntuitiveNipple: but its hugh!22:14
Cpudan80IntuitiveNipple: The symlink shouldnt be 4 GB though22:14
pike_DionysuZ: wep doesnt work?  its usually just wpa.   so a command like sudo iwconfig ath0 essid routerssid key 123445566; dhclient ath0  doesnt work?22:14
IntuitiveNipplepluma: "Windows" probably has a device-specific driver that 'knows' about them, but do some Googling for the model number plus "keyboard" and "linux" and you might find some clues22:14
Cpudan80mel: The thing the symlink points at  is probably big22:14
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Cpudan80mel: No need to worry about it22:14
IntuitiveNippleCpudan80: The file at the other end might be though (/proc/kcore)22:14
m4rk 22:15
plumaIntuitiveNipple: Did that, found nothing, came here to find out more.22:15
m4rkhi Jampiter22:15
Cpudan80mel: It's just a link over to your memory, no biggie (it isnt actually taking up space)22:15
melCpudan80: tnx22:15
JampiterHi m4rk22:15
IntuitiveNipplepluma: oh dear! you could try using "xev" to see if the key-presses are recognised... if they are, all you need then is to catch them to make thme do things22:15
JampiterHow do I add fonts to my /home/user/.fonts directory? It's not showing up in Nautilus.22:15
austin666I'm a bit lost now22:15
plumaIntuitiveNipple: I have a vague idea how the xkb files work and have created my own mapping in the past ...22:16
plumaIntuitiveNipple: I'll try that.22:16
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DionysuZThere is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.pid22:16
IntuitiveNipplepluma: Chase the event codes then... that is your best hope for an easy solution I think22:16
mihanow i wanted to install update 11 manually and screwed all java in firefox22:17
austin666IntuitiveNipple:  What now?  None of these walkthews tell me what to do22:17
pike_Jampiter: use the fc-cache command to rebuild font cache22:17
JampiterThanks pike_22:17
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Raylzhow many logical volumes can i create on an extended partition?22:17
fearfulHey I moved the 'Windows Application' menu of cross over to inside the 'Office' menu by accident and now I can't move it back to where it was \:S22:17
JeruvyRaylz: as many as you want22:18
SlartRaylz: not sure there is a limit22:18
Jampiterpike_: /.fonts still isn't showing up22:18
IntuitiveNippleaustin666: I think you need to spend some time learning about it. Setting up a server isn't like flipping a burger22:18
RaylzSlart: Jeruvy: in the german ubuntu wiki it says max 15 partitions, german wikipedia says as many as you want22:18
* miha doesnt understand why ubuntu has 3 java plugins if just one works and it is lagging behind sun's release22:18
fearfulHow can I move back the menu22:18
austin666IntuitiveNipple: >.> Well, i do know some about linux, and i've gotten as far as getting my network to show the ubuntu PC.  I have done allot of research, and well, yah22:19
JeruvyRaylz: there may be some limitation based on distro, but theoretically, no limit.22:19
IntuitiveNippleRaylz: Usually each extended partition has 4 entries. The Linux kernel code can cope with extended partitions to a depth of 2 (in other words: sector-0 -> extended -> extended ->logicals)22:19
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slusk88Hi! I cant seem to get any sound. been reading faq's all day but nothing seems to work. I get sound when i have my headset plugged in and do the test thingy in settings but all other sounds are just crackling. Anyone know what the problem might be?22:19
RaylzIntuitiveNipple: ah ok ty22:19
IntuitiveNippleaustin666: What I mean is, samba and Windows networking isn't a simple thing, it has *a lot* of nuances that catch out even experts22:19
nbuntuhey can someone recommend a decent gui anti-virus program for ubuntu so I can scan my xp partition?22:19
plumaIntuitiveNipple: XF86Launch1 is the only one of the extra keys it recognised (apart from the usual HomePage / Mail stuff). So I guess the other keys are dead for Linux then?22:19
IntuitiveNipplepluma: I think, if you can find out the key-code, you can do something clever to make it emit an event you want to capture22:20
austin666intuitiveNipple: then how would i go about getting my files onto my ubunu machine.  thats all i want, i was refered to samba from another linux user22:20
Slartnbuntu: clamav22:20
plumaIntuitiveNipple: because it comes with sweet "$" and "€" keys in strategical positions that I would just love to define, but xev ignores them.22:20
DionysuZwhen i connect using wicd to a WPA secured network (filled in key and WPA type) it first says that its creating the WPA config file, then that its validating the credentials and after a while just doesnt connect and refers back to eth022:21
IntuitiveNippleaustin666: As I said earlier, the server needs configuring to authenticate the user's that need access, as well as most likely setting up shares with appropriate rights, etc.22:21
Jeruvyaustin666: ah, samba is a bit of a chore for a one time need.  Why not use a USB drive?22:21
fearfulI can't move the sub menu that was originally a menu back to the application menu any idea22:21
nbuntuSlart: does it have a gui?22:21
IntuitiveNipplepluma: I can't remember now but there's some utils that can do what you need but I just can't remember the names now22:21
nbuntuSlart: I dont see a gui option in synaptic22:22
Slartnbuntu: yes.. there is a gui22:22
austin666Jeruvy: I could do that, but what do i do about transfering?  how do i know what driectory it is in and everything22:22
javierAndresColohola link para ubuntu support in español22:22
Jeruvynbuntu: it's a separate package methinks, sorry don't know the package name22:22
Slart!info clamtk22:22
ubottuclamtk (source: clamtk): graphical front-end for ClamAV. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.11-1 (intrepid), package size 85 kB, installed size 528 kB22:22
mihanow i wanted to install update 11 manually and screwed all java in firefox22:22
plumaIntuitiveNipple: any idea how I could capture keys xev doesn't recognise? Or where I could find any documentation on that?22:22
howtoo_is there something like ctags for python which I can use in gedit?22:22
mihawhy apt-get never contains lates release version?22:22
Maharaja18jak się podłączyć na polski kanał'ubuntu22:23
slusk88I cant seem to get any sound. been reading faq's all day but nothing seems to work. I get sound when i have my headset plugged in and do the test thingy in settings but all other sounds are just crackling. Anyone know what the problem might be?22:23
Slart!latest | miha22:23
ubottumiha: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.22:23
IntuitiveNipplepluma: let me Google... it might job my memory22:23
Jeruvyaustin666: stick all your files in /home/{myself} directory, then all you need to worry about is that directory.  Makes life very simple and easy :)22:23
nbuntuSlart: clamtk ?22:23
JampiterHow do I show hidden folders?22:23
mihaSlart: i use 'proposed'22:23
Slartnbuntu: yes22:23
mihaSlart: it's not even there, either22:23
JeruvyJampiter: ctrl-u I think22:23
pike_Jampiter: this is in /home/$USER/.fonts directory is that right?  try this sudo defoma-font -v reregister-all  this will register it to the debian font manager im not entirely sure this is correct in ubuntu though then a fc-list should show em22:23
javierAndresColosupport in spanish please!!!!!22:23
mihaSlart: it seems update 10 is the buggy one22:24
plumaSorry. Somehow xchat seems to minimise at random. My LALT key seems to be malign.22:24
nschembr_Is there a group who work with the livecd22:24
mihaSlart: for some stuff22:24
Slartmiha: proposed isn't meant to be a repos for the version number people22:24
mr951oCean_: "login" command in recovery mode accepts user/pass and then generates a "segmentation fault". Corrective action?22:24
austin666Jeruvy:  I've heard people say to transfer them to /var/www.....but /home/ will work?22:24
mihaSlart: okey, i tried to manually link _11 to some firefox-extension dir, i cant find it now, but no java plugin works in firefox now, just displays empty space applet not inited22:24
blsecresdoes anyone know if it's possible to install on an existing partition structure without reformatting certain disks?22:25
nschembr_Maharaja18: #ubuntu-pl works on the livecd22:25
Slartmiha: if you want the latest and the greatest of everything you would be better off compiling everything yourself22:25
rakudaveMaharaja18: to connect to ubuntu-pl, use "/join @ubuntu-pl"22:25
Slartmiha: I have no idea what you are talking about.. update for what?22:25
mihaSlart: i used gentoo for long, it just takes so much time to compile. sorry... but ubuntu has 0 to do with sun java it could just ship latest release version22:25
plumaIntuitiveNipple: Thanks for your effort, mate.22:25
mihaSlart: no binary package from java.com22:25
Jeruvyaustin666: /var/www is a root directory and if you keep files there you'll have to deal with permissions.  Better to link a directory from home to there that way all your files are r/w and still work on a html page or server22:26
mihasome tutorial told me to link to some firefox-extension22:26
mihanow i cant find that page:)22:26
mihato see where that dir is22:26
fenn_is there an easy way to increase the NSF cache time for automounter in ubuntu?22:26
pike_blsecres: yes during install choose manual edit partition table option and set your mount points and make sure in the dropdown it doesnt say format22:26
austin666jeruvy: alright, great.....what is the comman used for transfering files?  (and how do i know the name of the drive i plugged in)22:26
pike_blsecres: useful for like /home and stuff22:26
JeruvyJampiter: sorry, ctrl-h ;)22:26
blsecrespike_: I'm only given that option if the partitions aren't on a LVM22:26
Jampiterpike_: I want to be able to install fonts by dragging them into this directory. I have done it before, but now the directory has vanished. I have tried making a new .fonts folder, but it says the folder alrealdy exists.22:27
DionysuZpike_: does wicd have a log file somewhere so i can see what's the problem?22:27
fenn_"easy!?! you call that easy!?!"22:27
Jeruvyaustin666: cp is the copy command, and mv is the move/rename command22:27
forceflowyou probably have hidden folders on22:27
JampiterJeruvy: Thanks, that's sorted it :)22:27
forceflowhit CTRL-H22:27
melalsa+dell sb live! emu10k1x+ No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.??22:27
blsecresI want to save /home and /var and overwrite / /usr and /boot22:27
Jampiterforceflow: I've done that now :)22:28
drgnuShould I ask my question again?22:28
pike_Jampiter: sure that your view isnt set to not see hidden files and folders?22:28
austin666jeruvy: well, O.o gimmi a sec lemmi see what the string is22:28
Slartdrgnu: if you don't get an answer you can repeat the question.. wait at least 15-20 minutes before doing it though22:28
blsecresI've got backups I could restore from, but would rather take the quick+easy way22:28
Jampiterpike_: It was, but I've fixed it now :) Thanks anyway22:28
NoTownKasperAny xorg.conf gurus around? Having a hell of a time trying to work this dual-monitor setup. :(22:29
Jeruvyaustin666: take your time, 'man cp' will give you instructions from a terminal.22:29
drgnuconsidering I have asked two different questions over the span of 2 days and the last being 3 hours ago with no answer... I will22:29
drgnuHow does one get "dead keys" to be found by Ubuntu - I have a tabletpc (Motion LE1600) and the buttons on the machine don't do anything.  I've tried "xev" and nothing shows up when I use them. Thanks.22:29
Swistak-mobilnydobrze ;)22:29
jstanleyCan anyone tell me where the X configuration file is in Ubuntu? It seems xorg.conf has been broken.22:30
Slartdrgnu: tricky question.. I know "special" keys can be hard to use with linux.. same thing with laptops with media keys and whatnot I guess22:30
austin666jeruvy: how do i exit the manual?22:30
Cpudan80jsalisbury: /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:30
Cpudan80jstanley: ^22:30
jstanleyCpudan80: xorg.conf has been broken22:30
jstanleyit is now ignored in ubuntu22:30
Cpudan80well it uses HAL now for a lot of things22:30
rakudavejstanley: /etc/X11/xorg.conf - back up before tinkering ^^22:30
Cpudan80jstanley: not all of it - but a lot of it22:30
jstanleyrakudave: it is ignored22:31
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Cpudan80jstanley: what exactly is broken with ?22:31
Cpudan80with it*22:31
drgnuSlart, thank you for replying I have searched the forums and didn't find anything on this22:31
jstanleythere is no picture22:31
IntuitiveNipplepluma: dumpkeys !22:31
tranceparanceis anyone here familiar with OpenVPN?22:31
enycDoes anybody recognize:   I have a working module option for '3c59x' in Ubuntu8.10 /etc/modprobe.d/options ... BUT -- it only works when i  rmmod/modprobe the module manually -- the file appears to be ifnored at boot-time22:31
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rakudavejstanley: have you tried the recovery mode yet?22:31
zash_what le hell, thunar takes almost 30 sec to start22:31
jstanleyrakudave: no22:31
jstanleyI'm on the livecd; I'll try some new startup options22:31
blsecresdrgnu: do you have the correct keyboard model set (pc101,pc105)?  are they character producing keys or special function keys?22:32
plumaIntuitiveNipple: I'll try that, then22:32
drgnublsecres, they are the hardware keys in the tabletpc (Motion LE1600) a pad for scrolling around and 2 function keys to each side of it.22:32
IntuitiveNipplepluma: That's not the tool I think you need (one to grab the scancode) but its in the ball-park22:32
plumaIntuitiveNipple: What does it do then?22:33
slusk88anyone feel like helping a newbie out pm please =)22:34
NoTownKasperOk, I'm trying to set up a dual-monitor system with Ubuntu. After googling for hours and wading through lots of several-year old forums I eventually cobbled together this xorg.conf ( http://pastebin.com/m65843138 ) which, oddly enough, shifts linux over to what is supposed to be the secondary monitor, completely ignoring the primary which just sits there black...HEEEEEEEEELP!22:34
IntuitiveNipplepluma: man dumpkeys   :)22:35
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Slartslusk88: just ask your question22:35
IntuitiveNipplepluma: This fragment of TCL will reveal scancodes: http://wiki.tcl.tk/1296922:35
NoTownKasperI should also mention, the desktop is quite a bit larger than the actual monitor, leaving me lots of room to scroll.22:36
slusk88well i cant seem to get my sound working properly been googling all day, i get no sound when i dont have headset plugged in and when headset is plugged in i get sound in the test in soundsettings but all other sounds are just cracklings.22:37
zsircusrhi all22:37
blsecresdrgnu: those are probably handled separately from the keyboard by a program similar to thinkpad-keys, toshkeys, etc22:37
jstanleyIt seems to work in safe graphics mode; Still takes 5 minutes to boot though22:39
jstanleyand does x do anything in ubuntu other than show me the little cross? this thing is taking forever22:39
zeeblizzle: still around?22:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thinkpad-keys22:40
thomcHey I reinstalled Ubuntu and now I can't access my Windows partition. When I select it in grub, it drops me into a grub prompt instead of booting. Help!22:40
hedkandihi there folks22:40
hedkandiI have a problem with gparted22:40
hedkandigparted doesn't recognize anything on my /dev/sda22:40
zash_okay, guessing thumbnails caused the slowdown, deleting ~/.thumbnails/*/* returned thunar to instant start22:40
hedkandinor indeed does fdsk22:41
hedkandiany ideas?22:41
MoLE_hedkandi, is the drive recognised in the BIOS?22:41
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hedkandioh no22:42
hedkandiactually fdisk is okay with it if I sudo.22:42
austin666How do I find out the name of my flashdrive so i can transfer files on it?22:42
hedkandigolly you would think it'd give helpful error message....22:42
austin666*transfer files from it22:42
blizzlezee: pong22:42
MoLE_hedkandi, then you need to run gparted with the same permissions - only root can alter partitions.22:42
MoLE_hedkandi, sudo gparted22:43
hedkandiwhy doesn't it tell you that is the problem for flips sake22:43
blizzlezee: Ah, you seemed to have got the updates sorted. Well done! :)22:43
hedkandiI've spent ages trying to get it to work22:43
MoLE_hedkandi, how did you install gparted?22:43
hedkandiall it needs to do is tell me it needs sudo22:43
slusk88i cant seem to get my sound working properly been googling all day, i get no sound when i dont have headset plugged in and when headset is plugged in i get sound in the test in soundsettings but all other sounds are just cracklings.22:43
hedkandiI installed gparted with apt-get22:43
MoLE_hedkandi, did you run it from System > Administration > Partition Editor?22:44
NoTownKasperOk, I'm trying to set up a dual-monitor system with Ubuntu. After googling for hours and wading through lots of several-year old forums I eventually cobbled together this xorg.conf ( http://pastebin.com/m65843138 ) which, oddly enough, shifts linux over to what is supposed to be the secondary monitor, completely ignoring the primary which just sits there black...HEEEEEEEEELP!22:44
loquitus_of_borgAnybody gotten the Intel 3945AMG wireless card to work in Intrepid? It used to work on hardy but on Intrepid it does not....22:44
hedkandiMoLE_: yes22:44
plumaIntuitiveNipple: Sorry, I pinged out. So, what do I do with the crapload of data dumpkeys -f spits out?22:44
MoLE_hedkandi, well on my system Ubuntu then prompts you for a password - which it needs for root privileges22:44
SyzothermyAnyone know how to auto reconnect to a network in network-manager? whenever I lose a connection it asks for the key again, kind of annoying for downloading22:44
kalakouentinhello anybody has a working Scilab installation ?22:45
hedkandiactually, maybe the sudo thing isn't the problem22:45
IntuitiveNipplepluma: no problem... I found the util: do man showkey (and try showkey -k)22:45
hedkandiIt seems fdisk correctly recognizes my partitions, but sudo gparted does not22:45
NoTownKasperWhy is something that took me 3 clicks in Windows...so bloody hard in Linux.22:46
* NoTownKasper whines.22:46
MoLE_hedkandi, that isn't a good sign - the partition table may be inconsistent22:46
aseeonCould you tell me what package contains the utility from (System -> Preferences -> Appearance)22:46
GuruDrewBecause Linux is like a helicopter, a bunch of instruments flying in formation. A ton of counterparts individually maintained but required for the whole.22:47
GuruDrewIt's an issue with communication, normally22:47
hedkandiMoLE_: is this the right place to discuss it or is there a better chatroom?22:47
MoLE_hedkandi, I would suggest doing a backup if you have anything critical on the drive22:47
hedkandiI have a habit of being banned from ubuntu anyway22:47
NoTownKasperI know...I know. :P I'm just venting. 48 hours tinkering with the same .conf file will make anyone cranky.22:47
hedkandiMoLE_: indeed, I will have to before I change anything22:47
MoLE_hedkandi, always a good idea before mucking about with partitions22:48
pluma434 and 435!22:48
hedkandibut it all operates okay except gparted which suggests the problem is with gparted22:48
GuruDrewKasper from TSW?22:48
meshuggahhello everyone22:48
austin666Can anyone tell me how to find out where my files are? i plugged in a USB and i want to copy them over...i'm only using the terminal22:48
SyzothermyAnyone know how to auto reconnect to a network in network-manager? whenever I lose a connection it asks for the key again, kind of annoying for downloading. "connect automatically" does nothing22:48
NoTownKasperTSW? 'Don't think so.22:48
GuruDrewAhh, ok22:48
patrikI have a wierd problem after installing ubuntu 8.10 (had 8.04 before) The thing is that my wireless network card doesn't even appear to be installed. The network connection manager cant enable it...22:49
hedkandiMoLE_: yes, and let me ask how do you put your home directory on a different partition?22:49
plumaIntuitiveNipple: Now I got the keycodes. Do I need to map them in the layout now or how do I get something I can reference in my charmap?22:49
aseeonok then another question, how to turn on subpixel smoothing from terminal22:49
hedkandiIs it straightforward?22:49
patrikIt finds it but cant enable it...22:49
IntuitiveNippleNoTownKasper: You haven't get told us what version of Ubuntu you're using, or the model of the graphics adapter, which video driver, what monitors and how they are connected. Detection of multiple monitors can often depend on using proprietary drivers and configuration tools (e.g. nvidia)22:49
GuruDrewpatrik: Have you looked into ndiswrapper? Most Linksys cards require it.22:49
hedkandiDo you just create a different partition and mount it /home/user?22:49
MoLE_hedkandi, it's more likely you have a problem with the drive.  One option you have is to open a terminal and run sudo gparted and see if any errors are logged to the terminal.22:49
GuruDrewWell, probably not 'most' anymore, but many.22:49
plumaIntuitiveNipple: Thanks for the help, man. Apparently the Acer Arcade key doesn't register, though22:49
IntuitiveNipplepluma: Cool! both keys issue a keycode? I guess you can add them to the system keymaps, and/or xkb now?22:49
hedkandiMoLE_: yes, okay it says this:22:49
IntuitiveNipplepluma: It *might* be passed via ACPI events22:50
hedkandi"cannot have overlapping partitions"22:50
poseidonI've been using windows for years and I've accumulated a lot of tricks to make it much more productive. I found a lot of them online.  Where can I get good productivity tips for ubuntu?22:50
MoLE_hedkandi, your partition table is screwed.  Backup ASAP and you will need to recreate partitions and restore.22:50
plumaIntuitiveNipple: Yupp, 434 is $ and 435 is €.22:50
GuruDrewposeidon, The forum has a lot. There's UbuntuGuide, but that's an unofficial source.22:50
ikoniaposeidon: just google22:50
blizzleposeidon, Plenty of places. http://ubuntugeek.com is a good place also.22:50
xyzzyhello, does anybody know how to turn on "docache" on the live cd ? icant seen to get it22:50
patrik!GuruDrew I'm using a nx9420 laptop22:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:50
meshuggahi am chatting with linux....wow..;)22:50
ikoniaposeidon: or read https://help.ubuntu.com or http://www.ubuntugorums.org22:50
slusk88i cant seem to get my sound working properly been googling all day, i get no sound when i dont have headset plugged in and when headset is plugged in i get sound in the test in soundsettings but all other sounds are just cracklings. Using ubuntu 8.10 and soundcard: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller22:51
hedkandiMoLE_: How about replacing the superblock?22:51
plumaIntuitiveNipple: dumpkeys only goes up to 255 tho22:51
SyzothermyAnyone know how to auto reconnect to a network in network-manager (Ubuntu 8.10)? whenever I lose a connection it asks for the key again, kind of annoying for downloading. "connect automatically" doesn't help.22:51
patrikGuruDrew im using a nx9420 laptop, it worked fine in ubuntu 8.04 without doing anything.22:51
NoTownKasperIntuitiveNipple: All that information should be in the pastebin link http://pastebin.com/m65843138 but in case it's not, it's an Gigabyte motherboard with onboard GeForce 6100 and an installed GeForce 8400 PCIe. The pastebin link has my complete xorg.conf file for Ubuntu 8.04.22:51
Raylzdo i need a bootflag?22:52
kindofabuzzSyzothermy, if you right click NM you should see a edit wireless or smething like that22:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bootflag22:52
HfuyI'm trying to connect to a USB hard disk on a ubuntu laptop, from a windows XP machine.22:52
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kindofabuzzi use WICD so don't really remember22:52
The_Joe_I installed OO 3.0.1 and autoremove tells me to remove openoffice.org-java-common, is this Ubuntu telling me have 3.0.1 is bad or that it's genuinely not needed?22:52
ikoniaRaylz: why do you think you need a boot flag ?22:52
ikoniaHfuy: just plug it in then22:52
MoLE_hedkandi, I wouldn't I would take the safe option22:52
HfuyI can see and access the machine's internal storage (it's an eee pc), but when I open up the icon for the USB disk, it says "not accessible... might not have permission..."22:52
Syzothermykindofabuzz: yeah, all it has is the "automatically reconnect", which doesnt help, and the passkey and such22:52
HfuyThis is presumably a samba thing - any pointers?22:52
Raylzikonia: i stumbled about some options in fdisk22:52
kindofabuzzSyzothermy, do you have the passkey in there?22:53
wimpiesanybody here that uses valgrind to attach to gdb ?22:53
Syzothermyi'm using the connection right now22:53
ikoniaRaylz: don't tough if you don't know - are you having a problem ?22:53
Raylzikonia: so when i partition normally, do i need to set a bootflag?22:53
HuufartedAnybody able to help me?  New Ubuntu installation, Atheros chipset wifi, unable to see it in a iwconfig and I'm not sure why.22:53
ikoniaRaylz: no22:53
GuruDrewpatrik, Do you know what the network card is? Is it an intel card?22:53
Raylzikonia: are there any cases where you have to set it?22:53
xyzzyHfuy :=> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba22:53
meshuggahhow can i download package faster with synaptic....i am getting 20k/s and with the connection i have, i can get 400k/s..22:53
ikoniaRaylz: not really22:54
The_Joe_meshuggah, Change to a server closer to you22:54
GuruDrewmeshuggah, Check your repository URLs, try to find a mirror near you22:54
hedkandimole: don't panic It's a problem with gparted:22:54
meshuggahok....i will try...first i will try to find the rep url list22:54
The_Joe_meshuggah, System - Administration - Software Sources22:55
GuruDrewmeshuggah: If you're comfortable with shell you can nano /etc/apt/sources.list22:55
GuruDrewOtherwise, use The_Joe's recommendation22:55
MoLE_hedkandi, sorry it's not.  that bug is invalid - gparted correctly reported a bad partition in that case - read the whole thread.22:55
MoLE_hedkandi, you might find this thread useful http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-988619.html22:55
IntuitiveNippleNoTownKasper: I run dual and triples routinely and don't have issue with them. Have you tried using nvidia-setting and using its detect and layout options to set things up?22:55
patrikGuruDrew hmm not sure, gimme a sec^22:55
The_Joe_Oook what did I come in here for...22:55
The_Joe_I installed OO 3.0.1 and autoremove tells me to remove openoffice.org-java-common, is this Ubuntu telling me have 3.0.1 is bad or that it's genuinely not needed?22:55
FloodBot1The_Joe_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:55
GuruDrewpatrik, Okay, when you find it I'll be happy to help you resolve the issue22:55
The_Joe_FloodBot1, Who's flooding?22:56
hedkandiwhere is the partition table held anyway?22:56
meshuggahok i am using the canada one...the only choice i hve is international or canada...and i live in the snow, so this one is neaer22:56
GuruDrewAnybody know when Ganymede will make the official repos?22:56
IntuitiveNipplepluma: Something of interest: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/31351422:56
NoTownKasperIntuitiveNipple: Fairly sure I did, but it couldn't hurt to try again I guess. Wish I knew what was borked in the xorg.conf though. :|22:56
IntuitiveNippleGuruDrew: I spent last week trying to get a new package together for it, but it is a *pig* !22:56
GuruDrewConsidering the number of PHP devels switching to Ubuntu lately, I'd really like to see the new eclipse and maybe even pdt make the repositories22:57
slusk88i cant seem to get my sound working properly. I get no sound when i dont have headset plugged in and when headset is plugged in i get sound in the test in soundsettings but all other sounds are just cracklings. have tried changing the alsamixer but no luck. Using ubuntu 8.10 soundcard:Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller22:57
GuruDrewIntuitiveNipple, Ahh, I see.22:57
patrikGuruDrew I dont really know where to find the info about a laptops wireless network card =S22:57
HuufartedI'm having an issue with wireless drivers.  Atheros 802.11g card.  Drivers say they're activated and currently in use.  Unable to see it in iwconfig22:57
patrikGuruDrew Built in crap22:57
hedkandiMoLE_: okay I'll read it avidly22:57
GuruDrewpatrik, Usually you can find specifications at the manufacturers website22:57
IntuitiveNippleNoTownKasper: If I were you I'd back up that current xorg.conf and then leave just an empty file, and let nvidia-settings create a clean one from scratch. You can always copy the backup back into place if that doesn't help22:58
GuruDrewI'd need to know the card manufacturer to truly diagnose the issue22:58
GuruDrewAnd moreso, the card model number22:58
NoTownKasperHrm...Apparently I didn't try the nvidia-settings...as I had to apt-get it. lol. I'll give that a whirl and be back in a few.22:58
GuruDrewI love how straightforward Ubuntu is becoming. Xubuntu needs some better Compiz integration, imho.22:59
linguiniWhat is the order of runlevel progression when a system boots?22:59
HuufartedCan someone help me real fast witha wireless issue?22:59
Huufartedwith a*22:59
Quack[stinkpad]oh snap! i fixed my ipod not being able to read/write in ubuntu!22:59
thomcWhen I try and access my Windows partition in grub, it just takes me to a grub prompt?22:59
The_Joe_Well thanks...22:59
GuruDrewHuufarted: You'll need to give us specific details, please don't ask to ask, just ask23:00
Quack[stinkpad]i just had to run fsck, it had some files it didn't like :>23:00
IntuitiveNipplelinguini: runlevel 2 for Ubuntu desktop23:00
SpinachHeadHi, I can only get low resolutions with NVIDIA glx drivers so should I try reinstalling glx?23:00
slusk88will give cake for help23:00
HuufartedGuruDrew, I did.  I will ask again, though.23:00
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HuufartedI'm having an issue with wireless drivers.  Atheros 802.11g card.  Drivers say they're activated and currently in use.  Unable to see it in iwconfig23:00
SpinachHeadmy xorg.conf is messed up to , how do I reconfigure?23:00
linguiniIntuitiveNipple: Does it go straight to runlevel 2 or does it go "through" runlevel 0 or something?23:00
GuruDrewAhh, I see it now, sorry Huufarted23:00
HuufartedNo worries.  :)23:00
GuruDrewWhat version of Ubuntu23:00
Huufartedfresh install23:00
plumaIntuitiveNipple: Am I thinking right that the names at the hex values corresponding to the numbers of the keys are those of the keys? i.e. F169 and F170?23:01
GuruDrewagh, xchat23:01
SpinachHeadanyone help with nvidia drivers?23:01
GuruDrewokay, one sec, let me see what I can find23:01
IntuitiveNipplelinguini: runlevel 0 is 'halt'23:01
patrikGuruDrew Cant find anything about it. It's more then 2 years old...cand find any speccs on it.23:01
GuruDrewHuufarted, please have a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=606892423:02
HuufartedGuruDrew, going23:02
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IntuitiveNipplelinguini: I'd suggest reading up on the Ubuntu system start-up deamon, called upstart, which replaces inittab23:02
plumaIntuitiveNipple: I hope the bug won't prevent me from doing what I'm trying to do. Good find though. Thanks for all the help. GF wants me to come to bed.23:02
Huufartedah, that explains a lot, GuruDrew.  I didn't find that.  I was going through the standard one-doc-fits-all documentation, not card specific23:02
IntuitiveNipplepluma: re: the names, I'm not at all sure about that23:02
plumaNN, all23:02
linguiniIntuitiveNipple: Thanks, I'll see if I can find that.23:03
IntuitiveNipplenight, and good luck23:03
plumaIntuitiveNipple: I guess I could test that by trial and error.23:03
IntuitiveNipplelinguini: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:03
The_Joe_Come on I need to know if this is safe! I want to get some disk cleaning done23:03
IntuitiveNipplepluma: It's usually quicker :D23:03
plumaAnyway. Bye all.23:03
meshuggahjmmmm 546kb/s now way better thank23:03
GuruDrewHuufarted, yeah, should solve your issue, let me know if it doesn't.23:03
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linguiniIntuitiveNipple: Ah, thanks!23:04
patrikI hate laptops......23:04
SpinachHeadanyone use the nvidia drivers?23:04
GuruDrewpatrik, Your card is an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG, which a quick google of your model number turned up, please learn to use Google as a primary resource before asking for help in #ubuntu23:04
hedkandiif I run fdisk on my /dev/sda it says i have 255 heads which is clearly wrong23:04
GuruDrewI will try to find your issue, one moment please, patrik23:04
meshuggahhow can i limit the bandwith i am using? else my landlord will unplug again my connection cause i am using all the bandwith?23:04
meshuggahhow can i limit to 100k/s for example23:04
IntuitiveNippleThe_Joe_: If the package is reported as unused, autoremove is safe to remove it23:04
rdw200169meshuggah, you're trying to limit *all* your bandwidth?23:04
hedkandiMoLE_: okay I understand the problem23:05
patrikGuruDrew I googled all over but all i found was that it had a network card =S23:05
The_Joe_IntuitiveNipple, I've had this problem before - I installed packages from somewhere else and Ubuntu told me to autoremove them all...23:05
meshuggahrdw : i dont want to be able to download faster than 100lk/s else i get problems with landlord23:05
The_Joe_Oh forget it23:05
hedkandiYou are correct in that the partition table indicates overlapping partitions.23:05
The_Joe_I'll just risk my coursework23:05
hedkandiI have to decide what partitions have which space23:05
SpinachHeadanyone have an nvidia card?23:05
rdw200169meshuggah, b/c you *can* limit your incoming bandwidth, but the commands for doing so are quite confusing23:05
IntuitiveNippleThe_Joe_: Ahhhh... well if they aren't hurting leave them be23:05
hedkandiand rewrite with fdisk23:05
hedkandishould be easy23:05
GuruDrewpatrik, Please check for 'Connect to hidden network', and see if your network is listed there23:05
DionysuZpfu i just can't get my wireless to work... :(23:05
slusk88i cant seem to get my sound working properly. I get no sound when i dont have headset plugged in and when headset is plugged in i get sound in the test in soundsettings but all other sounds are just cracklings. have tried changing the alsamixer but no luck. Using ubuntu 8.10 soundcard:Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller23:06
meshuggahrdw : ok....thank anyway, it is cause when i use allt he bandwith the other person in the appartment building cant get to internet :)))23:06
dimension128meshuggah: Not intended to sound rude, But your landlord should have some kind of load balancing if it is an issue, it shouldn't be your problem to limit your bandwidth.23:06
meshuggahit happened a few time yet, all my fault :)23:06
GuruDrewDionysuZ, What wireless card does your system use, and what version of Ubuntu?23:06
rdw200169meshuggah, do you want to know how?23:06
erikcwI have a long running cronjob that is using a ton of memory (making the machine swap).  When I run the script manually from the shell, it behaves.  In cron I'm redirecting output to >/dev/null -- could this be the cause?23:06
SpinachHeadi guess everyone is using runlevel 3 only23:06
PunkxGood night! Personally, I am having trouble activating the driver from nVidia (gforce4 mx 4000).23:06
meshuggahdimension : it is what i think, but she is computer illeterate23:06
meshuggahrdw : yes please :)23:07
patrikGuruDrew Well....the thing is that in network manager, it's not just the SSID or something like that, I cant even enable the wifi function.23:07
SpinachHeadhardware drivers now doesnt show any nvidia drivers.23:07
Blitzz|KubuntuHow to set mouse sensitivity adjusted through xinput as default? Hardy 64-bit23:07
GuruDrewFixing wireless problems in Ubuntu is EASY, someone should make a guide. All you have to do is google 'Ubuntu $version_number $card_number wifi'23:07
eweb100everyone, I can't sleep or hybernate, i get a flashing verticle line across the screen23:07
eweb100any help?23:07
Punkxinstalled the legacy driver, but when I restart the machine does not start the GDM23:07
patrikGuruDrew the "enable wireless" box and text are all gray.23:07
KenBW2Ubuntu is telling me to chkdsk /f on Windows, but Windows won't boot. Is there a way to check the partition with Ubuntu?23:08
rdw200169meshuggah, well, this site will get you started: lartc.org23:08
GuruDrewpatrik,  Please try http://www.subvs.co.uk/iwl_wifi_ubuntu_intrepid23:08
SpinachHeadthe only way i got my wireless to work was with ndiswrapper23:08
DionysuZgurudrew i did a minimal install of ubuntu 8.04.2 and manually installed all i need. I have a sitecom 54g turbo pcmcia card. i can get it to work, it even connects to the router if i turn off the security. but if i turn on WPA or WEP, it cant connect23:08
eweb100can i has sleep help?23:08
rocksfrowcan assist me in installing an old version of postgres on ubuntu intrepid?23:08
rdw200169meshuggah, you're looking to set up a policing-type q-disc on your wan interface23:08
GuruDrewDionysuZ, Yeah, that's been pretty common lately, a bug I think23:08
patrikGuruDrew Thnx ill check it out.23:08
rocksfrowi need to install 8.1.11 for testing purposes, but cannot find any packages to install it23:09
rdw200169meshuggah, this is *not* the best way, because it is passive, but it will work for restricting your bandwidth usage23:09
rdw200169meshuggah, honestly, your landlord should be doing this, but i understand that he/she may not know how, for obvious reasons23:09
abarai_renjieverthing works fine with ubuntu except for my modem and webcam (built in) how do i make them work?23:09
seastronhey @ all23:10
meshuggahrdw : ok...lol...i will check it...thank again...thank to everyone, you are making this place great23:10
GuruDrewDionysuZ, See if this url helps you at all, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75357723:10
DionysuZgurudrew: tnx i'll check it out23:10
GuruDrewNot very helpful at all, but the issue exists23:10
zeegood night everyone23:11
seastroni wonder if someone could help a recent windows escapee23:11
SyzothermyAnyone know how to auto reconnect to a network in network-manager (Ubuntu 8.10)? whenever I lose a connection it asks for the key again, kind of annoying for downloading. "connect automatically" doesn't help.23:11
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rocksfrowanybody know how I could get pg 8.1.11 on intrepid?23:11
rdw200169meshuggah, good luck!23:11
GuruDrewDionysuZ, Or maybe http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-wireless-networking-41/cant-connect-to-wpa-in-ubuntu-hardy-heron-8.04-650231/23:11
IntuitiveNipplerocksfrow: Build it from source23:11
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seastronanyone ?23:12
seastronwill pay in internets23:12
rocksfrownipple: okay.23:12
Brucewhats the command to restart network eth0?23:12
slusk88i cant seem to get my sound working properly. I get no sound when i dont have headset plugged in and when headset is plugged in i get sound in the test in soundsettings but all other sounds are just cracklings. have tried changing the alsamixer but no luck. Using ubuntu 8.10 soundcard:Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller23:13
LePHiSTOBruce: /etc/init.d/networking restart23:13
slusk88halp plixplox23:13
IntuitiveNipplerocksfrow: I know it's not the answer you wanted, but that's going to be the solution unless you're very lucky in finding a .deb package build against the Intrepid library versions23:13
CyBurnettUbuntu 8.04 wont load. I dont get the "grub" menu at all. How do I fix?23:13
seastronPLEASE can someone help me ?23:13
meshuggahrdw : i will learn and after i will make my landlord do it herself on the little server here(should be easier, it is windows something)_23:13
^hashbang^what's up seastron23:14
GuruDrewseastron, Don't ask to ask, just ask, how can we help you if you don't tell us what's wrong?23:14
rocksfrownipple: heh, i figured it would be the answer i got considering i've been searching for a package...i may just have to try to get a hold of a copy of rhel to setup a test server23:14
SyzothermyAnyone know how to auto reconnect to a network in network-manager (Ubuntu 8.10)? whenever I lose a connection it asks for the key again, kind of annoying for downloading. "connect automatically" doesn't help.23:14
dtchenslusk88: use `alsamixer -Dhw:0' to ensure all the sensible analog playback channels are unmuted, e.g., 'Master', 'PCM', 'Front', 'Surround', 'Side', 'LFE', ...23:14
IntuitiveNippleslusk88: You should search the launchpad bug database, look for the PCI vendor:device ID of the specific sound device in your PC, or Google the PCI ID for clues... there is likely a kernel module option to correct that issue.23:14
xyzzydoes anybody know how to turn on "docache" on the live cd ?23:15
slusk88okay thanks alot! =)23:15
IntuitiveNippleCyBurnett: Do you see "GRUB" top-right of the screen just after the BIOS POST, or any other messages?23:15
patrikGuruDrew Seems stuck on "Reading Database" for some reason.23:15
GuruDrewpatrik, Probably a large install23:15
IntuitiveNippleCyBurnett: I meant, do you see "GRUB" top-LEFT of the screen :)23:16
patrikGuruDrew Perhaps I should add yet another mirror.23:17
johntram1hey does it make much difference if i use sun-java6-jre or openjdk-6-jre?23:17
Davedancan I use the same usb-drive on windows and ubuntu?23:19
betz0rhey guys - can u tell me why i am banned in the ubuntu-de and offtopic channel? :(23:19
DavedanI want to use partimage to save an image of my ubuntu on usb that I regulary use on |XP23:19
johntram1Davedan: use fat32 filesystem23:19
Syzothermyif it's formatted as FAT for NTFS, yeah, Devedan23:19
CyBurnettIntuitiveNipple, No not at all23:19
CyBurnettIntuitiveNipple, last entry on post screen is "Verifying DMI Pool Data"23:19
_VIM_betz0r: ask in #ubuntu-ops23:19
bbzezwhats the coolest theme for gnome/23:19
lstarnesbetz0r: probably because you're logged in as root23:19
DavedanSyzothermy: I didn't format it, I just bought it from sandisk23:19
Syzothermyit's probably formatted correctly then23:20
patrikGuruDrew Humm, still stuck23:20
KenBW2Ubuntu is telling me to chkdsk /f on Windows, but Windows won't boot. Is there a way to check the partition with Ubuntu?23:21
bbzezwhats the coolest theme for gnome/23:21
DionysuZGuruDrew: tried suggestions on both links. restarted network but to no avail.. still the same23:21
^hashbang^bbzez: check out http://gnome-look.org23:21
wolfeyok deleted package and installed sun jre update 11 from java.com23:23
denndaWhich package contains xv? (The image viewer)23:23
Quicken2kI can't get Wubi to work with my externel 500GB hdd23:24
erUSULdennda: dunno if is packaged nowadays is old software....23:24
IntuitiveNippleCyBurnett: Sorry, was off doing kernel stuff.... re: your last comment... it sounds to me as if maybe the system's BIOS boot order has been changed and isn't trying the hard disk... have you checked it since the problem began?23:24
denndanot part of ubuntu because of its license23:25
Quicken2kwas that comment ment for me dennda?23:26
Jewbaccaanyone know how to set mouse dpi ?23:26
denndaQuicken2k: no23:28
patrikGuruDrew Worked like a charm! I have to say even though Ubuntu needs more work from the user then windows I have to say it's a thousand times more stable and much faster. When I actually have the time I'd love to learn more about this wonderful operative =)23:28
Quicken2kok sorry23:28
hlfshellSo I just installed Ubuntu onto a dell inspiron 9200 - for some reason the sound control doesnt work (though it says its lowering/raising volume) and the sound all sounds very bassy. what can i do fix?23:28
seastronHello everyone, may i request help on installing my edimax 7318USg wifi usb, i have the, it has a linux driver but i can't seem to make the package manager play ball, how do i move the files for the linux driver located on the cd to package manager, please private message me if you are willing to help a new windows escapee23:29
seastroni have the disc **23:29
rakudavehlfshell: ajust the settings in system - settings - sound23:30
Quicken2kUbuntu installs on ext drives correct?23:30
patrikGuruDrew Sorry about my idiocy and inexperience, but I'm learning with all my might. I thank you for your help and cheer for your good will to help people in need=)23:31
^hashbang^Quicken2k: yes23:32
seastronHello again everyone(you can't blame a man for trying), may i request help on installing my edimax 7318USg wifi usb, i have the disc, it has a linux driver but i can't seem to make the package manager play ball, how do i move the files for the linux driver located on the cd to package manager, please private message me (or not if you would prefer) if you are willing to help a new windows escapee23:33
seraph-oslolnew windows escapee23:33
seraph-osi wish i could help u mate?23:33
seastron:) no worries mate23:34
GuruDrewAhh, I'm glad it worked patrik23:34
hedkandiis there a partitioner with vista?23:34
rakudaveseastron: what file-format is the driver on the cd?23:34
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents23:34
^hashbang^!windows | rakudave23:34
ubotturakudave: please see above23:34
GuruDrewAhh, I'm glad it worked patrik23:34
seastronrakudave: hold on i will check23:34
GuruDrewI hope you enjoy Ubuntu23:35
GuruDrewI know I do23:35
rakudave^hashbang^: what was that for? ^^23:35
GuruDrewDionysuZ, Sorry to hear that you haven't fixed your issue, try posting a forum topic, and I'm sure someone will address it very quickly23:35
^hashbang^woot! http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/10/31/16024223:36
patrikGuruDrew Package manager stopped working though^23:36
GuruDrewpatrik: How so?23:36
^hashbang^8.10 kicks butt yet again!!23:36
animamundiI'm here to ask more blonde questions.  What's gnome?23:36
seastronrakudave: before i extract the driver for linux it says .tar.bz223:36
^hashbang^animamundi: it's called a windows manager....23:36
_VIM_animamundi: it's a windows environment23:36
patrikGuruDrew The source I added made it go mad. But I just removed it and then it was fine^_^23:36
animamundiok, and kde is the same?23:37
seastronunbuntu has been a thing a many wonders apart from a few little problems23:37
animamundilike they're too things that gui linux for me?23:37
animamunditwo, even?23:37
lstarnesanimamundi: it's a different desktop environemnt23:37
animamundiok, how do I know which one I have?23:37
kryptoanyone in here uses intrepid with  a 2.6.28 kernel and fglrx?23:37
rakudaveseastron: ok, after you extract it, say to your destop, you should be able to "./configure", "make", "make install" in the terminal. there is no way to import this into the package manager, you'll have to compile it23:37
^hashbang^anumamundi: there are a bunch of desktop enviorments... kde, gnome are 2 of the most widely used...23:38
meoblast001i accidently overwrote a VERY important file.. what do i do?23:38
rakudaveseastron: oops, "sudo make install"23:38
animamundiand thank you both for helping me, I'm very new...as you can tell.23:38
lstarnesanimamundi: do you have a bar at the top of the screen that has Applications, Places, and System in it?23:38
nickrudmeoblast001, a system file? Which one?23:38
animamundiit's at the bottom but yes.23:38
^hashbang^rakudave: he will need the kernel header files to complie a driver for the kernel23:38
lstarnesmeoblast001: did you have a backup of the file?23:38
IntuitiveNipplemeoblast001: cry... and then retrieve it from your back-ups :)23:38
seastronrakudave: thankyou very much.. i will try to figure that out23:38
lstarnesanimamundi: it is probably gnome23:38
Bodsdaanimamundi, but you have/had 2 bars? and it probably is not  blue?23:39
meoblast001nickrud, not a system file.... wxFormBuilder overwrites code when you change the GUI... i overwrote it.. went to copy the old stuff from gedit and accidently closed gedit23:39
erUSUL!undel | meoblast00123:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about undel23:39
animamundiit's at the bottom, and it's ubuntu colors.23:39
rakudave^hashbang^: right, thanks... what was that uname-trick again? can't remember just now23:39
IntuitiveNippleanimamundi: System menu, About Gnome ?23:39
nickrudmeoblast001, look for the backup, a hidden file with ~ at the end23:39
^hashbang^rakudave: uname -a23:39
GuruDrewpatrik: Probably a GPG issue, removing it should be fine though :)23:39
meoblast001nickrud, i have those23:39
meoblast001i cant open them23:39
animamundiyes, and thanks...is kde better?23:39
nickrudmeoblast001, meoblast001 ?? gedit file~ will open it ....23:40
meoblast001nickrud, you're a life saver23:40
_VIM_kde is heavier (kinda like windows) animamundi23:40
seastronrakudave: may i bug you in a private message just for a few little pointers ? i fully understand if not23:40
Dam0yay i am unbanned23:40
rakudaveseastron: no problem23:40
seastronthanks :)23:40
nickrudDam0, so don't go doing stuff that will get you rebanned ;)23:40
patrikGuruDrew Nah it was only a source to download the firmware. After the download it shouldn't be needed.23:41
=== JamesMowery is now known as JamesMowery|away
hedkandithanks folks bye23:41
fdrwhich directory is the gnome trashbin connected to? I thought ~/.Trash but I can't seem to find such dir...23:41
kindofabuzzwhen copying from a NFS share using nautilus, what protocol is that using? can i make it use ssh or scp? i know how to scp command line but just curious about this.23:42
gucklehi im havin some trouble. i just installed 8.10 and everything worked great, but i am finding it locks up/freezes randomly (can be 15 min after boot...or an hour). i can still move the mouse but i can't do anything and everything is frozen23:42
nickrudfdr, moved to .local/share/Trash23:42
patrikGuruDrew Now I only have one more little question for u then I'll leave u to the other needing =)23:42
patrikGuruDrew If I may.23:42
GuruDrewpatrik, Shoot23:42
|HSO|SadiQcan anyone tell me what this does : " >/dev/null 2>&1 "23:42
meoblast001nickrud, didn't backup one of my headers but i only made like 5 changes to that specific header23:42
fdrnickrud, thanks. Why did they move it?23:42
nickrudfdr, not sure, but I think it was a compromise between desktops23:42
seraph-osdoes anyone know how to get the matshita uj-850s optical drive to regognize copyed cd's? on ubuntu?23:43
kindofabuzz|HSO|SadiQ, something is being piped to /dev/null?23:43
Dante123hi all, having mic issues with 8.10 (upgraded from 8.04) particularly with TeamSpeak and also with Sound Recorder and Audacity.  Any suggestions?23:43
GeffIsLegendanyone mind telling me how to make it so i dont have to enter a password every time i want to modify something on my files?23:43
CyBurnetWhere is the grub menu in Ubuntu 8.04?23:43
DionysuZ_its working xD23:43
kindofabuzzCy-4, /boot/grub23:43
|HSO|SadiQkindofabuzz, yesy...but I don't know what the " 2>&1" part is for23:43
Dante123Part of my problem is pulseaudio so I killed it23:43
GuruDrewDionysuZ, You fixed it?23:43
IntuitiveNipple|HSO|SadiQ: redirects stdout from whatever is on the left of the ">" to /dev/null, and also redirects stderr to stdout, which in turn goes to /dev/null, so you don't see any stdout/stderr messages23:44
kindofabuzzCyBurnet, /boot/grub/menu.list23:44
Dante123But also get confused on what to select as audio playback and record devices23:44
patrikGuruDrew Googling about it, it seems like the ATI graphics cards are a pretty tricky to install. The question is. Does the EnvyNg drivers work good u think? I'm reading pretty splitted opinions about it.23:44
=== FFForever is now known as FFForver[away]
kindofabuzz|HSO|SadiQ, maybe try #bash or #perl or #python23:44
DionysuZ_gurudrew: it was just a silly little setting of mine. thanks for your help but it was just me setting the WPA supplicant driver to ndiswrapper some time ago. switched it back to wext and now all works23:44
GuruDrewpatrik, Go to Application -> System -> Hardware drivers, is there not a viable option here for you?23:44
GuruDrewDionysuZ_, I'm happy to hear that!23:45
IntuitiveNipple|HSO|SadiQ: stdout jas file descriptor 1 so, stderr has file descriptor 2, hence 2>&1  means stderr > stdout23:45
Jewbaccahow can i make my ubunbu desktop rly kick ass ;D rly nice effects and where can i find nice wallpapers?23:45
^hashbang^|HSo|Sadiq: check this out http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2006/06/06/what-does-devnull-21-mean/23:45
kindofabuzzJewbacca, i like socwall.com for wallpapers23:45
kindofabuzzthousands others23:45
KenBW2how do i check an unmounted NTFS volume?23:45
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
kindofabuzzthousands of others*23:45
seraph-osmatshita uj-850s anyone? understand if anyone does not know...23:45
CyBurnetkindofabuzz, Thanks :)23:46
kindofabuzzKenBW2, what do you mean? check it it fstab? export?23:46
^hashbang^kindofabuzz: cool man.. I'm checkin it out now...23:46
|HSO|SadiQIt's actually a game in my case...it logs everything to my .xsession-errors file...wanted to know how I can stop it from happening23:46
KenBW2kindofabuzz: for corruptions23:46
patrikGuruDrew Well...yes, but the driver is old, and limited. I tried it and. It worked like crap I'm afraid.23:46
KenBW2kindofabuzz: fsck?23:47
kindofabuzzKenBW2, yeah23:47
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot23:47
HyperDwhere can I find the installed icon themes to change the icon of a launcher?23:48
=== JamesMowery|away is now known as JamesMowery
sebatkarıt's on23:48
genewitchhow do i release IP with ifconfig?23:49
furythorWhich is more recomendable, installing graphics drivers what "hardware drivers" applet recommends which nvidia-96 or installing nvidia-71 by hand, as I do have very annoying font glitch with windows programs that I run with wine ...23:50
jken146furythor: use the restrictid drivers app preferentially, if it works23:50
patrikGuruDrew Hmm oh well, I can always experiment some more, I do have to learn more about linux after all=)23:50
furythoryeah, I have that weird problem with font, which does not effect everywhere, but particular windows programs that I run with wine...23:51
timany help with the cairo dock in here?23:51
GuruDrewpatrik, I usually either use the driver in the repo (working great with 8800gtx) or the binary drivers from ati.com or nvidia.com respectively23:52
jken146furythor: do you have msttcorefonts installed?23:52
furythorit is with and without that23:52
GuruDrewpatrik, Make sure you're using the restricted drivers from the Ubuntu system panel though, they're great23:52
CyBurnetWhat is the command to edit the grub menu on my boot partition from a live CD?23:52
furythorAnd I did _NOT_ have this issue with ubuntu 8.04, but current 8.10 better supports my mobile broadband connection23:53
misieqwhere do files received via bluetooth go?23:54
patrikGuruDrew The restricted drivers is what I'm using right now, not really what I expected. But I might have missed something to make it the way it's supposed to.23:54
GuruDrewCyBurnet, that depends on where your boot partition is mounted23:54
nickrudfurythor, may be a silly question, but do you have the package msttcorefonts installed?23:54
GuruDrewpatrik, There are a few options to help with installing the binary drivers, google 'automatix'23:55
timany help with the cairo dock in here?23:55
nickrud!automatix | GuruDrew patrik23:55
ubottuGuruDrew patrik: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe »23:55
patrikGuruDrew Disabling Compiz cleared out the flickering i just learnt^_^23:55
GuruDrewnickrud, what would you advise to help a newer Linux user install binary drivers without having to leave their comfort zone?23:56
meshuggahwhat is the best lightweight mp3 player for xubuntu ?23:56
CyBurnetGuruDrew, Thats the thing i dont understand that stuff?23:56
GuruDrewmeshuggah, I found Totem to be light weight and effective as it came, just had to install a few codecs23:56
nickrudGuruDrew, I'd strongly recommend using the ones that are provided with ubuntu device manager. Very very few users need anything else.23:56
jken146meshuggah: there are *loads* of media players.  mpc is pretty lightweight, if you can set it up23:57
fosco_meshuggah: you can try audacious23:57
furythorNickrud problem that I have does not seem to be connected to msttcorefonts at all23:57
jken146meshuggah: mpd*23:57
GuruDrewCyBurnet, It's quite difficult to do, or requires some experience, but you'll need to locate your boot drive and nano the grub conf there23:57
nickrud!envyng | GuruDrew very very few ever even need to know about this23:57
ubottuGuruDrew very very few ever even need to know about this: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk23:57
meshuggahjken : mpd or mpc ? :)23:57
rjune_nickrud: but those of us that don't know. often have problems finding it23:57
GuruDrewnickrud: Thanks for the reference.23:58
patrikGuruDrew Looks like something really useful. I'll note that and take use of it.23:58
rjune_gah, I mean do need to know23:58
m4zt3rAll of a sudden my mozilla browser no longer has the minimize, maximize, and close icons at the top, even after reboot. No other propgram is like this, just mozilla23:58
CyBurnetGuruDrew, I have booted with a live cd and can see my boot partition, and open it as well, but if i try to writ to it i get errors23:58
GuruDrewnickrud: Sometimes you have to help people in the way that they want to be helped... Please keep that in mind.23:58
nickrudfurythor, try sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts , if that succeeds and you couldn't see that package in synaptic run sudo update-apt-xapian-index23:59
GuruDrewCyBurnet, What errors, specifically?23:59
nickrudGuruDrew, true. But also remember that using unsupported methods often results in getting no support in this channel.23:59
GuruDrewnickrud: Duly noted.23:59
furythorI did get those drivers, and did install that propertiary graphichs driver, now I gotta reboot my machine23:59

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