
=== Zorix_ is now known as Zorix
ngirardHi all. Since my update from hardy to intrepid, my <down> key only works in console. It generates no X event. How to fix this ?00:05
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
ActionParsnipngirard: check system settings so that your keyboard is correct00:13
ActionParsnipngirard: or set it to something diferent, then back00:13
ActionParsnipngirard: are you running compiz?00:14
ngirardActionParsnip: I fixed the problem. Thanks for your assistance !00:14
vita todos00:14
ActionParsnipngirard: was i right?00:15
vitakqguien de venezuela00:15
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:16
ngirardActionParsnip: Yes you were. Silly enough, the layout was defined correctly inxorg.conf but I had to specify it again via kde control panel. Weird...00:16
ActionParsnipngirard: well you got the score so wtg :)00:16
cbwcjwI thought venezuelans spoke spanish, not portuges :P00:21
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ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:30
ActionParsnipcbwcjw: they speak a few i'd imagine00:31
cbwcjw!ActionParsnip :P Alrighty00:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:31
jalsis there anything that ships with Interpid that monitors system temperatures?00:36
hubarI know kde 4.2 has applet that monitors that. :)'00:39
cbwcjw!hi | kubaik00:40
ubottukubaik: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!00:40
kubiakhaha, it seems cbwcjw is not a bot00:40
jalshubar, do i need to install anything to make that applet work? it doesn't seem to be finding any sensors00:41
kubiaki have one question, it's about the full kcontrol panel, i now i was not included before, but now i'm running the latest kubuntu and it would seem it's still not ported ?00:41
kubiakanyone know what i'm even talking about ?  :D00:41
ActionParsnipkubiak: i think you mean systemsettings ?00:41
kubiakActionParsnip: something like that, but in kde i've often seen two panels, one being alot more complete00:42
kubiaki can only find the one that looks like the mac os panel.00:42
kubiakhi danielq00:42
ActionParsnipkubiak: systemsettings has basic and advanced options (see tabs) at the top00:42
danielqspeak spanish00:43
cbwcjw!es | danielq00:43
ubottudanielq: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:43
kubiakActionParsnip: thanks :P  however that is the minimal panel or so it should seem00:44
cbwcjwdanielq: de nada00:44
danielqhasta luego00:44
ActionParsnipkubiak: do you not have an advanced tab ?00:45
yoolaohello, does some one knows how to suspend to ram from command line?00:45
kubiakActionParsnip: there is the advanced tab00:45
kubiakbut i'm wondering if things aren't just a bit "hidden"00:45
ActionParsnipkubiak: not sure, what are you after?00:46
kubiakActionParsnip: do you "remember" the kcontrol panel and kde 3.X ?  the one that had a whole bunch of things00:46
kubiakfor starters, i'm looking for an option to change the color of the panel  :p00:46
Sp0tKubuntuIf i got 2 acpi and acpid installed, can that be why me battery status dosent work?00:47
ActionParsnipkubiak: yeah i know what you mean, as far as I can see it's all there00:47
kubiakokay ActionParsnip00:47
kubiakwell maybe it's just organised differently and i have to look closer into all the tabs and options and such00:47
willianvallesome people know if konqueror not run orkut.com? because here stay in one blank page x.x00:48
kubiakthank you for confirming that you have found all you need in there, i'm going to take a closer look00:48
ActionParsnipkubiak: if theres something you can't find it may be set elsewhere00:49
ActionParsnipOrkut is a social networking service which is run by Google and named after its creator, an employee of Google00:51
ActionParsnipwillianvalle: does it work in other browsers like opera?00:51
kubiakbye bye :)00:51
kubiaksee you later00:51
willianvallei used opera browser, but it have others problems , like problemens with  my college website.00:52
ActionParsnipwillianvalle: or try firefox00:54
willianvalleyes, i am using. nobody knows how to run orkut in konqueror?00:58
shadowhywinddoes anyone know how to change the font color of a current session in konsole01:09
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JontheEchidnaSettings -> Edit current profile -> appearance01:10
shadowhywindsorry, I should have been more clear, from a console command01:11
Sp0tKubuntuCrazy, when i was on 32 bit on my machine, i used only 700Mb RAM ca, now im on 64 bit, almost same appz, and using over 1Gb01:11
Sp0tKubuntuIs that because its converting to 32 bit from 64?01:11
JontheEchidnashadowhywind: oh, I have no clue then01:11
shadowhywindJontheEchidna: thanks anyways, hehe I had it setup nicely for kde 3, just haven't had the time till now to try to get it working on kde 401:12
Gun_SmokeSp0tKubuntu: yes because of 64 bit01:14
Sp0tKubuntuGun_Smoke: Ok, Thanks! :-) I thought i was that, just have to be sure01:14
Gun_Smokethere is no real benifit to using 64 bit over 32.. 64 bit is really good a crunching massive numbers better and handeling more ram than 32 and that's about it.01:15
Sp0tKubuntuIs there a nice program for linux to see hardware details, like in windows, RAM, HDD, CPU, TEMP, and so on and so on?01:15
Gun_SmokeSo unless you have more than 3G mem or do a lot of scientific caculations on a regular basis.. 32 is usually better bet01:16
Sp0tKubuntuGun_Smoke: Thats ok, i have 4Gb, and want to use them .-D01:16
Gun_SmokeYou can also still use 32 bit but then you'd need the big_mem kernel.01:17
Sp0tKubuntuGun_Smoke: Converting DVDś, unpacking rar archives and so on, so i think i will be happy for 6401:17
Gun_Smokenot sure if that's how it's labled.01:17
Sp0tKubuntuGun_Smoke: The big-mem?01:17
Gun_SmokeI have used both 64 and 32 on my T61 and don't really notice a difference..01:17
Gun_Smokebig mem kernel will address more than 3G or mem for 32 bit01:18
Sp0tKubuntuI do, i see i works faster, and more stable01:18
Sp0tKubuntuHmm ok, and i can go back as easy to 32 from 64 as the other way??'01:18
Gun_Smokeit's a reinstall01:19
Sp0tKubuntuI know01:19
Sp0tKubuntuBut i have my /home with all my stuff01:19
Sp0tKubuntuSo i just format /01:19
Sp0tKubuntuHave 2 partitions01:20
Sp0tKubuntuWell 3, with the swap01:20
Gun_Smokeyeah pretty much..01:20
Sp0tKubuntuThen i can go back that easy? format / and reinstall 32 bit?01:20
Sp0tKubuntuOk, thats easy! :-D01:21
Sp0tKubuntuIm surprised01:21
Gun_SmokeI just looked at it again.. I can't find a bigmem kernel image for buntu01:21
Gun_SmokeI know debian has one.01:21
Gun_Smokeyeah if you have your home folder you'll be up and running in what.. 25 min01:21
Sp0tKubuntuHmm, try to ask at the danish ubuntu forum then01:21
Piciubuntu-server supports PAE01:21
Picier, the ubuntu-server kernel rather.01:21
Gun_Smokegood call01:22
Gun_Smokethen just build from there01:22
Sp0tKubuntuThink it took 15 min, my root is only 15 gb :-)01:22
Gun_Smokeso yeah they fly..01:22
Sp0tKubuntuThanks for the help :-)01:22
Sp0tKubuntuMS could learn alot inhere :-D01:23
Sp0tKubuntuOnly reason to have windows, is for playing games, hope that will have a end. and linux taking over .-D01:23
Gun_Smokemight as well just get a consel01:24
Sp0tKubuntuNah, thats plain and boring :-D01:24
shadowhywinddoes anyone know how to send leyboard strokes (like a keepass) to a konsole01:24
Sp0tKubuntuI like playing with alot of graphic details01:24
Gun_Smokeerrr console01:25
Sp0tKubuntuSpecielly in L4D :-)01:25
Gun_Smokesp error01:25
Sp0tKubuntuConsole is not enough, the graphic is not so good like PC01:25
Gun_Smoke42" plasma and HD games?01:26
Sp0tKubuntuyeah, still not good enough, the graphic on PS3 and Xbox is lame agains PC gaming01:27
Sp0tKubuntuHave you seen the comparising of doom 3 on PC and xbox?01:27
Sp0tKubuntuHell of alot of graphic material missing on xbox01:27
Sp0tKubuntuPC + HDTV ;-)01:27
Sp0tKubuntuThats the way01:27
Sp0tKubuntuDual 42" .-P01:28
* Sp0tKubuntu dreaming01:28
Sp0tKubuntuAnyhow, PS3 is Sony, and Xbox i MS, so fair, no change! LinuxBOX plz!01:29
Sp0tKubuntuThen i buy a console01:30
shadowhywindJontheEchidna: Btw, for future refrence, in case someelse wants to know, in the konsole, konsoleprofile colors=<profile name>01:30
Gun_SmokeI believe I saw something on digg a few days ago about ubuntu running on a ps301:36
cbwcjwWell, my KDE crashed and wouldnt start...01:36
cbwcjwJust reinstalled it. It would hang at start and I was too lazy to fix it.01:36
Zorixyou broke it :/01:37
cbwcjw!hi | dragos01:38
ubottudragos: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:38
cbwcjwZorix: Yea :( All I was doing was setting up VNC enterprise though...01:39
Zorixwonder what broke01:39
cbwcjwSomething about ICE01:40
dragoshe carolina01:43
PSiL0so, how is the experience of upgrading fglrx to 9.1?01:43
PSiL0especially using amd's installer..01:43
dragosdon't install ist; savage gk01:44
dragosjust follow the --help01:45
willianvalleum brasileiro do nada n.n01:47
kuruminsim, sou brasileiro kkk01:48
willianvallei think, in this canal the peoples just talk in english oO01:48
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:49
kuruminquero amor de mulher :D01:50
kurumini love you01:50
kurumincade mulherada nova???01:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:52
cbwcjwInglés solamente \ só Inglês01:53
erpoFor technical reasons, I can't upgrade past nvidia driver 173. Have there been any stability/performance improvements made in the latest kubuntu-experimental PPA to address the problems that KDE 4.2 has with older nvidia drivers such as the one I'm using?01:53
kuruminyou is woman?01:54
dragoshi ho01:54
willianvalleaeuheau. no woman use linux Oo01:55
cbwcjwExcept for my mom.01:55
cbwcjwUbuntu default, completley. Works just fine for her. Her words: "Why dont more people use this?"01:56
kurumin25 and you?01:56
kurumini use in kurumin of linux01:57
willianvallemy programming teacher USA01:57
kurumini not speak english01:57
willianvallemy programming teacher use*01:57
kurumini speak only portuguese01:57
kurumini am brazil01:57
cbwcjw!pt | kurumin01:58
ubottukurumin: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:58
cbwcjwThere are brazillian Channels01:58
kurumini used in program is kubuntu irc01:59
willianvalleuse the #ubuntu-pt01:59
cbwcjwHes brazillian, he should use #kubuntu-br02:00
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:00
cbwcjwkurumin: Type /join #ubuntu-br02:01
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:04
cbwcjwSo, How am I supposed to make my taskbar transparent02:05
cbwcjwIt was before...02:05
Pyles17my intel 3945 wireless card only works occasionally. the driver comes with ubuntu, but "lshw -C network" says the card is "UNCLAIMED". i've given up, i don't know what to do02:06
cbwcjwSo, How am I supposed to make my taskbar transparent.. It was before I re-installed KDE02:06
dragosfor taskbar: setting -> Desktop -> Panels -> Apperance02:12
dragos->set transparent -> choice color int the advance option02:13
deeverwhy the hell can knetworkmanager establish the connection to my wlan, but the standard debian ipupdown tools can't?02:15
Pyles17it doesn't work02:16
Pyles17anyway, all-ages room, watch your language please02:16
kaddi_i would have sworn that was the right one XD02:17
Pyles17it is, ubottu isn't in the room02:17
jimdbis there a way with kde 4.2 to show mounted volumes on the desktop (hard drives and network drives)?02:17
kaddi_where did he go? :o02:17
cbwcjwWhered ubotto go to :(02:17
cbwcjw[21:10] *** ubottu quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))02:18
erpodeever: Your wlan probably uses WPA. IIRC, that requires launching wpa_supplicant to connect, which is a major pain when you have to do it without networkmanager.02:18
cbwcjwYay! Hes Back!02:18
cbwcjw:( He didnt accept my snack. Sigh.02:18
cbwcjwWell, it was worth a try.02:19
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:20
deevererpo: even if i have the parameters in the /etc/network/interfaces?02:21
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:21
PSiL0laggy lag...02:21
_olafwhen upgrading to kde 4.2 through the third party repo02:25
_olafit errors02:25
Pyles17no clue on the intel 3945 wireless then?02:25
_olafit didn't 2 nights ago02:25
_olafanyone know what's up?02:26
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deevererpo: ?02:31
keresdeever: he was active on #ubuntu 10 minutes ago02:33
_olafi googled it02:35
_olafi think this might be the problem02:35
_olaffor future reference if anyone else asks02:35
etfbFirefox has started closing randomly, usually as it's opening a new page.  It didn't used to do that, and I don't think I changed anything.  I'm on Intrepid with KDE4.2.  Any guesses where to start debugging?02:36
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etfbAlso: I tweaked some UI settings in KDE4.2 using some kind of GUI tool that I now can't find.  It had stuff about making the windows wobble as you drag them (which doesn't work, BTW).  Does that ring a bell for anyone?02:40
astrommeetfb: Right click a window title, configure window behavior -> Desktop Effects -> All effects02:42
etfbastromme: That was it! Thanks!02:43
astrommeetfb: np02:43
deeverkeres: ?02:43
deeveryes, and...?02:43
deeverah mmt02:43
keresdeever: yeah>?02:44
keresdeever: i was inquiring about burning a dvd02:44
deeverkeres: sorry, didn's see that you were saying #ubuntu instead of #kubuntu! ;)02:45
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Brandon_Xhello everyone I have a ?02:48
al3x-adminHi all! I have a prob. Some days ago I remove one item from the Kmenu (KDE4.2) (right click > edit menu > remove item > save) and since then when I install/remove an app the Kmenu doesnt get updated, and I have to update it with kbuildsycocoa4. Any ideas how could I fix this? Its not really a big thing, but its anoying...02:49
Brandon_XI'm attempting to run UT2004 with WINE, apparently when I try to run it, it logs me out of kubuntu, someone please help!02:49
erpoBrandon_X: I think UT2004 has a native linux version. You might try that.02:49
astrommeBrandon_X: Sounds like an X crash. But yeah I'd try the native version02:50
Brandon_Xme and a friend tryed installing it with installer.sh no luck02:50
Brandon_Xand I don't have the native version02:50
Brandon_XI ordered the windows/linux version off ebay02:50
erpoBrandon_X: If you have the windows discs, I think you can download the rest of what you need.02:50
Brandon_Xall I wanna do is be able to play my games, ever since I switched over from xp, i've had nothing but problems02:51
erpoBrandon_X: Ubuntu/Linux is not the OS for trouble-free gaming.02:52
erpoBrandon_X: FWIW, I've found that games that crash X in KDE 4/4.2 work fine in Gnome.02:53
Brandon_Xwell anyways as I said earlier, me and a friend tryed using the installer.sh that came on the cd, which is the install file for linux02:53
Brandon_Xwell that is bs02:54
Brandon_Xwhy can't we the community, develope kubuntu like windows, at least make it more easier to use02:54
erpoBrandon_X: I don't know what's up with KDE. I want to love the new look, but it crashes every 15 minutes for me.02:55
Brandon_Xit seems gnome was a more reliable desktop02:55
erpoBrandon_X: That's my experience.02:55
Brandon_Xis there anyway I can switch to gnome without changing os02:56
werskde 4.2 doesnt wake up from sleep properly. any idea why? it works fine on gnome. when i wake up from kde 4.2, it goes back to sleep then wakes up then goes back to sleep then wakes up over and over again02:56
erpoBrandon_X: Yes. You can go to a command line and run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop.02:56
erpoBrandon_X: When it's finished, you can log out and log back in using gnome.02:56
Brandon_Xunder kubuntu?02:56
erpoBrandon_X: Yes.02:56
erpoBrandon_X: The only difference between kubuntu and ubuntu is which packages are installed by default.02:56
erpoBrandon_X: I started with Ubuntu and converted to KDE using the command sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.02:57
Brandon_XWell i like kubuntu, because it's easy to use. but I know theres a way to make this work02:57
Brandon_XI mean i try loading the game I get slammed with all kind of crazy colors etc on the screen02:58
Sp0tKubuntuIve just installed a packet called hwtest, but i cant find the program anywhere?02:58
olskolirchey guys how come I can't edit my menu?  and what is the command to update my menus?02:59
erpoSp0tKubuntu: You can run the comman dpkg-deb --contents FILE.deb on the package to find out what files it installs.02:59
Sp0tKubuntuerpo: Ok, thats to complicated for me :-D03:00
Sp0tKubuntuIm used to press a button, and then i runs :-)03:00
jimdbtime to get a mac03:00
erpoSp0tKubuntu: Sorry. Linux isn't that good yet. :)03:00
Sp0tKubuntuOk, u say linux dosent work? :-)03:00
jimdbi've used all, linux, mac, and windows.  linux is excellent.  if you don't know how to get it working then you should get someone to set up windows for you.03:01
Sp0tKubuntuI hope it will be then, the other thing is TO hard for most common ppl03:01
erpoSp0tKubuntu: It usually works for me, but it isn't always as easy to use as it could be.03:01
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Say hello go ignore, jerk03:01
Sp0tKubuntuerpo: Then its not fair ppl telling ppl linux is know for all03:02
Sp0tKubuntuThats NOT true then03:02
erpoSp0tKubuntu: Linux is definitely good enough for some people.03:02
jimdbi wasn't being a jerk.  I was being realistic.  if linux is harder than clicking the icon to launch the program then so is windows and so is the mac.  and if it's hard to do other things then someone else should set it up for you.  i was being honest.03:02
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Sorry, i just used to ppl flaming noobs like me, im a windows user you see ;-) Want to run linux! :-D03:03
Brandon_Xok me and my friend are gonna go gnome03:04
Brandon_Xwe gonna get the pckage03:04
Brandon_Xwhich package is the BASE for gnome03:04
Sp0tKubuntuerpo: I think its ok, but still to hard at some points! I cant even get it to play DVD proper, its lagging BAD03:04
jimdbafter 25 years in computing, and after spending 15 years in technical support and then spending the past 5 years running my own shop, I have found that people that have difficulty with linux really have problems with adjusting their thinking.  It's not linux.03:04
eatThisAndDiejimdb: You can move mountains before you move people03:04
erpoeatThisAndDie: Well said. :)03:05
jimdbwhat I said wasn't moving?03:05
Brandon_Xdoes anyone know which package for GNOME is the primary package03:05
Brandon_Xwhich contains everything GNOME03:05
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Its like starting from scrath, thats what i see, forget windows, yes! BUT, its still not easy using linux yet, but i hope it will be, because i like freedom :-)03:05
jimdbmost everyone using windows today has had it set up for them.  if linux was the same we'd not be disputing ease of use.03:05
erpoSp0tKubuntu: That is true. Part of the DVD problem is related to messed up laws in the U.S. and other places. If LInux weren't handicapped, its DVD playback support would probably be adequate for 90% of the people out there.03:05
Sp0tKubuntuerpo: Are you telling me i cant get it to run then? :-((03:06
jimdbboth windows and linux have the same dvd issues.03:06
eatThisAndDiebrandon-x: do u mean gnome-desktop?03:06
Sp0tKubuntuWindows?? Plays DVD like a dream here03:06
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »03:06
jimdbno one is entitled to watch the dvd unless they have a legit codec.  the issue is where does the legit codec come from?  you can buy products such as windvd for linux.03:06
erpoSp0tKubuntu: It depends on what your problem is. If you live in the U.S. and you're willing to break a few laws, you can get DVD playback to work just fine.03:07
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: problem is on ORIGINAL DVDs ti03:07
Brandon_Xi dont want a link03:07
Brandon_Xim in my package manager03:07
Sp0tKubuntuerpo: Live in DK, and i give a .... about the law :-D03:07
Brandon_Xjust tell me the name of the gnome03:08
Brandon_Xthat i need for the whole gnome base desktop03:08
Sp0tKubuntuerpo: Pm please03:08
erpo!dvd | Sp0tKubuntu03:08
ubottuSp0tKubuntu: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:08
jimdbif you aren't worried about the laws, linux has all the necessary stuff to playback any/all dvds (not blueray).03:08
kaddiSp0tKubuntu you usually not only have to pay for the dvd you also have to pay for the program that reads the dvd03:08
Sp0tKubuntuOk, but how, and where? .-)03:08
Sp0tKubuntukaddi: Not in DK03:09
jimdbadd medibuntu to your respository then install libdvdcss203:09
Brandon_Xdoes any user in here know the package name that contains the WHOLE GNOME desktop03:09
kaddiwhich is way Ubuntu can not ship the software by default03:09
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Dont understand? Im new! But i have installed that one!03:09
erpoBrandon_X: ubuntu-desktop03:09
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Medibuntu? Where do i find? :-)03:09
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:10
Sp0tKubuntuWhere to find on danish? Its a little to hard for me to understand all this new terms in eng.03:11
stdin!dk | Sp0tKubuntu03:11
ubottuSp0tKubuntu: For at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.03:11
gartral1hello all03:12
Sp0tKubuntuWant support for medibuntu, not ubuntu03:12
Sp0tKubuntuSame thing maybe?03:12
jimdb100% of all windows users have the same issue with dvd playback.  what they get to overcome this is:  typically the company they purchased the computer from (dell, hp, gateway, etc) paid the dvd playback software company to provide you with a cd such as windvd.03:13
JontheEchidnawell, there are probably not enough Danish speaking people to justify a medibuntu-dk channel03:13
stdinSp0tKubuntu: medibunti is just a software repository03:13
JontheEchidnaquite specific03:13
JontheEchidnathat too^03:13
jimdbif you follow the instructions in the link i provided you will accomplish what you want.03:13
gartral1my fried brandon needs help, i remember there once was a way too run the components of both gnome and kde side by side, what does he need too do that?03:13
Sp0tKubuntuThen i just choose the 8.10?03:13
jimdbwhen you are done, install VLC.03:13
Sp0tKubuntuIts for 64 bit also?03:13
jimdb8.10 is the version of k/ubuntu that you have?03:14
Sp0tKubuntuI have VLC, as my favorit03:14
Sp0tKubuntuYes, but 64bit03:14
Sp0tKubuntuAnd Kubuntu yes03:14
jimdband are you using programs that require more than 4 gigs of ram?03:14
jimdbif not, then you should have 32bit03:14
Sp0tKubuntuNot more, but i use much RAM03:15
Sp0tKubuntuMy computer works better now than before, after i installed 64 bit insted of 3203:16
stdinSp0tKubuntu: yes, there are packages for 64bit too03:16
Sp0tKubuntuThen the command will not work for 64bit?03:16
Sp0tKubuntuThe same package?03:16
stdinit'll work on both03:16
Sp0tKubuntuAhh ok, thx :-)03:16
Sp0tKubuntutesting then :-)03:16
gartral1my fried brandon needs help, i remember there once was a way too run the components of both gnome and kde side by side, what does he need too do that? sorryy for the repost03:17
stdinwhat do you mean "components of both" ?03:17
Sp0tKubuntustdin: Now i got the list, what do i do then? See in my packetmanager for new packet?03:18
* barbar__conan is away: Gone away for now03:18
khalidmianfirefox says i have missing plugins called video/x-msvideo03:18
Sp0tKubuntuMaybe add GBG key also03:19
khalidmianany idea what that means?03:19
gartral1stdin: i mean, hes trying too run something thats better suite or gnome, but he has kubuntu instaled, what packages does he need too make it work?03:19
stdinSp0tKubuntu: for encrypted DVD support install libdvdcss203:19
wil__hay algien ke able03:19
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:19
stdingartral1: it should work in both gnome and KDE the same, just run the application03:20
Sp0tKubuntustdin:  have already03:20
Sp0tKubuntustdin: Should i also run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update03:20
khalidmianfirefox says i have missing plugins called video/x-msvideo  - when i pointed to the missing plugins it took me to divx page - any idea on how i can instal divx plugins in kubuntu?03:20
stdinSp0tKubuntu: if you want apt to stop complaining, then yes03:20
Sp0tKubuntustdin: Complaining? About what? :-)03:21
=== phma_ is now known as phma
wil__pero no ha nadie ke able español03:21
gartral1stdin: its the windows version of UT-04, and it doesnt want too work...03:21
gartral1stdin: the linux installer compleltly locks the drive...03:22
stdingartral1: for windows applications, use wine03:22
stdinSp0tKubuntu: about the missing gpg key03:23
kaddiwil__ hablo un poco espanol, pero aqui solamente se debe hablar el ingles. si necessita ayuda en esponal por favor dirige se por los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es03:23
Sp0tKubuntustdin: ahh03:23
gartral1stdin: what do you think were having trouble with03:24
Sp0tKubuntustdin: Should i do more than the 2 steps in the guide? Maybe get some packets+03:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:25
gartral1we have not been able too get this game too load, weve tryed just about everything, comeon, theres got too be something03:25
stdingartral1: wine help is in #winehq03:26
gartral1stdin: ide really wrather have the linux one running03:27
gartral1what more can i ask you for, all i need is name of the base package too get the gnome components installed03:27
jimdbsudo apt-get install gnome-desktop?03:28
gartral1without using the command line?03:28
stdingartral1: open Adept or Synaptic and install the "ubuntu-desktop" package03:28
jimdbgksu synaptic and then find gnome-desktop.  mark it and then apply.03:28
stdinjimdb: it's "ubuntu-desktop"03:29
jimdbgksu synaptic and then find ubuntu-desktop.  mark it and then apply.03:29
gartral1from KDE? wont that overwright KDE completly?03:29
jimdbalt+f2 does the same thing (launches the run window) as win+r under windows03:29
stdinit'll install both Gnome but leave KDE03:29
jimdbyou can have multiple desktops installed and they won't interfere with one another.03:30
stdinjust install the ubuntu-desktop package and you can choose which to login to03:30
gartral1you relise, im not the one doing this, Brandon_X is03:30
stdingartral1: but you're the one asking questions03:30
gartral1right, Brandon_X is completly new too linux, which is why i was wondering how too do this without a command line03:31
jimdbi believe that installing ubuntu-desktop will change the splash screens tho03:31
stdinfrom KDE, KMenu -> System -> Adept Manager, search for "ubuntu-desktop" and choose to install03:32
kaddi!es | wil_03:33
ubottuwil_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:33
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gartral1wil_ this is an english channel...03:34
kaddihi :)03:35
=== harry__ is now known as harry_haha
harry_hahaGood Day guys I am harry this is my first time using IRC :)03:35
harry_hahaI am excited my first experience using Linux03:36
harry_hahai like it its great03:36
Sp0tKubuntustdin:  It seems like no matter what i do, it still lagg03:36
kaddiwb harry ;)03:37
harry_hahathanks mate kaddi03:37
jimdba commercial dvd is lagging?  or a user made dvd is lagging?  or both?  do you have the proper video drivers installed for your video card?03:40
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Me?03:41
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Its a homemade, from a original, BUT, original, same problem03:42
Sp0tKubuntuI think i have the right driver for my stuff? Dont know for a fact03:42
jimdbput a commercial dvd in and tell us if that plays back with or without lag.03:42
Sp0tKubuntuI have just told u03:42
gartral1thank you\03:43
Sp0tKubuntuit does it all time, alle DVD03:43
jimdbso it plays back commercial encrypted dvds then.03:43
jimdbwhat motherboard?03:43
Sp0tKubuntuWhen i play the same DVD on my stationary DVD, it works fine03:43
Sp0tKubuntuHmm, Santa Rosa, laptop03:43
jimdbdo you know which chipset?03:44
Sp0tKubuntuIts a MSI PR20003:44
jimdbati, intel, nvidia, etc03:44
PSiL0hmmm, I've been messing around with appearance (system settings), and then switched back to defaults.  Now, whenever I'm using dolphin, a small info box pops up when hovering over any button on the toolbar.  I made I turned off the window button tooltips03:44
cbwcjw2Has anybody used RealVNC Server?03:44
Sp0tKubuntuCan go chek03:44
Sp0tKubuntuIts Intel chipset03:44
PSiL0This info box is really annoying03:44
jimdbwhich desktop are you running?  kde or gnome?03:45
PSiL0kde 4.2.003:45
jimdbwas asking spotkubuntu03:45
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: This machine: http://global.msi.eu/index.php?func=prodtmpspec&maincat_no=135&cat2_no=270&cat3_no=&prod_no=1208#menu03:45
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: KDE03:46
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: K-buntu :-)03:46
jimdbi looked it up alerady03:46
khalidmianlooking for divx solution for kubuntu03:46
jimdbdo you also have compiz running?03:47
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Not sure, how do i check?03:47
jimdbrun system monitor and see if it lists compiz.03:48
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: I dont think i have, its a part of KDE 4.2 right?03:48
jimdbnot by default, no03:48
jimdbdo you know how to turn off desktop effects under kde 4.2?03:48
Sp0tKubuntuOk, i dont have KDE 4.2 but 4.103:48
Sp0tKubuntuNot for sure no03:48
Sp0tKubuntuBut i go chek, system settings, desktop?03:48
cbwcjw2Compiz is not part of KDE03:48
Sp0tKubuntuSystem settings, desktop effect, right? No compiz there at all03:50
jimdbi started with gnome then switched to kde.  i was loading compiz --replace in sessions under gnome.  that carried over to my kde 4 when i switched desktops.  so though it wouldn't be a problem for a clean install i can be a problem for those switching.03:50
Sp0tKubuntuCan it have something to do with Open GL options??03:51
jimdbunder system setting then desktop under the general tab uncheck the "enable desktop effects".03:51
Sp0tKubuntuThat one?03:51
foozlebamboozleUhum my GL screensavers crash the system kde 4.203:51
Sp0tKubuntuTesting again then03:52
jimdbsee if that makes a difference.  and test with commercial dvds for the time being.  if you can get them to play back without lag then you can work on the homemade ones later.03:52
jimdbyeah, lots of bugs still in kde 4.2.  switching the scaling method for wallpapers and then attempting to switch back (for me) it causes kde to crash.03:53
jimdband my version of kde 4.2 doesn't have screensavers.  just blank.  i've been looking for a way to add them.03:53
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Also lagg03:54
foozlebamboozlejimdb: apt-cache search kde03:54
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Original Dual DVD03:54
jimdbif you enable desktop effects do they work?03:55
Sp0tKubuntuTalking to me?03:55
jimdbi'm trying to determine if your video drivers are the issue, which they most likely are.  your motherboard is modern (core 2 duo), so it should handle anything thrown at it.  but if the drivers for the video suck then you'll have issues such as that.03:56
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: No matter what i do, LAG!03:57
jimdbyou get lag with desktop effects loaded?03:57
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Boring! then i cant do anything? :-(03:57
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: yes, while playing original DVD03:58
Sp0tKubuntuAnd homemade copy03:58
jimdbi'm testing not dvd playback03:58
Sp0tKubuntuSame crap :-(03:58
jimdbi just need to know if desktop effects owrk03:58
jimdbturn on wobbly windows and tell me if the windows wobble wh en you move them.03:58
Sp0tKubuntuSeems like it? Not sure what you mean?03:58
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: wobble windows?03:59
jimdbunder system settings, under desktop, then under "all effects" you should be able to scroll the list and find the plugin called wobbly windows.04:00
jimdbcheck that box and click apply.04:00
jimdbthen grab a window's title bar and move it around the screen.  if it wobbles as you move it then it works.04:00
Sp0tKubuntuThay become wobbly perfectly04:01
jimdbthat tells me that your 3d accelerated drivers are working.04:01
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: I see04:01
jimdbunder the advanced tab, what does it say for compositing type.04:02
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Advance tab, in where?04:02
jimdbunder system settings, desktop, advanced.04:03
Sp0tKubuntuWobbly window or?04:03
Sp0tKubuntuHmm, 2sec04:03
Sp0tKubuntuType of composite: OpenGL04:04
Sp0tKubuntuin there?04:04
jimdbyes, there04:04
jimdband what does it say for opengl mode?04:04
Sp0tKubuntuOpen GL Condition?04:04
Sp0tKubuntutexture from mipmap04:05
jimdbunder 4.2 it is called "opengl mode"04:05
jimdbenable direct rendering checked?04:05
Sp0tKubuntuShould it be?04:05
Sp0tKubuntuX Server restarts if i change04:06
Sp0tKubuntuPut direct rendering on?04:06
jimdbi have it on,turn it on.04:06
jimdbdid you test this with "enable desktop effects" unchecked?04:07
Sp0tKubuntuTest what? The moving windows, or DVD playback?04:07
jimdbi have vsync on04:07
qcjnwhat is katapult, is it like alt + F2 or avant window manager04:07
jimdbdvd playback with desktop effects unchecked.04:07
Sp0tKubuntuYeah, lagging04:07
jimdbwhat program are you using to playback your dvd?04:08
jimdbhow does it play back an avi file?04:08
Sp0tKubuntuHave tryed others, same problem04:08
jimdbsuch as a divx movie?04:08
Sp0tKubuntuHavent got any avi, but mov, same crap :-(04:08
jimdbis the .mov file a clip or a full movie?04:09
jimdband .mov are old apple quicktime.04:09
Sp0tKubuntuIts a movie, of pictures, 30 fps04:09
Sp0tKubuntuI know, its a windows made movie, homemade04:09
jimdbstored on a HDD or dvd?04:09
Sp0tKubuntuSame thing04:09
Sp0tKubuntuNo matter where i play from, lag04:10
jimdbi'm trying to find a file such as a divx movie that is stored on some other media than a dvd to test playback to see if it lags.04:10
olskolirchey guys how come I can't edit my menu?  and what is the command to update my menus?04:10
Sp0tKubuntuNo matter what i play04:10
jimdbeven from a file on your hdd?04:10
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: yes, i made a backup of DVD, and played it, lags04:11
Sp0tKubuntu5400 rpm harddrive04:11
Sp0tKubuntuIn Vista, on same machine, 2Gb less, play DVD PERFECTLY!04:12
jimdbmy thoughts are this.  boot from a kde live cd and try to play back some media such as a file and tell me if it plays.04:12
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Ok, i try that then, be back ASAP04:13
jimdbno doubt your's is a weird issue.  i've never seen it before.  i've set up linux on 20+ computers and never had that issue.04:13
Sp0tKubuntuStrange, i have seen some ppl having same problems, but not solutions04:13
=== cbwcjw2 is now known as cbwcjw
Sp0tKubuntuBut BRB04:13
cbwcjwIs there any eay way to make it so Kopete only shows online contacts?04:14
stdincbwcjw: (un)click the "Show All" button04:16
cbwcjwstdin: You are awesome. Thanks04:16
etfbFirefox keeps shutting down - when I run it from the console, it just says "Aborted".  How do I debug that?  (Preferably without using gdb; I'm looking for higher level diagnostics.)04:28
DaSkreechetfb: run it in safe mode04:29
ubuntu_jimdb: Still here? Its me, Sp0tKubuntu, it dosent work on the live CD eighter04:29
etfbDaSkreech: Tried that; it still happens.  You attempt to open a page in a new tab and WHAM.04:30
DaSkreechWhat's the sequence that makes it collapse ?04:30
etfbDaSkreech: At this stage I suspect something fundamental to Qt in KDE4.204:30
etfbDaSkreech: Follow a link, Ctrl+clicking to make it open in a new tab.  It starts loading but before it renders it shuts down Firefox completely.04:31
DaSkreechNot sure how since Firefox doesn't care about KDE 4.204:31
DaSkreechWhat happens if you middle click ?04:31
etfbDaSkreech: No, but it still uses windows and UI controls, and if it's doing something mildly suspicious, it could cause problems.04:31
ubuntu_jimdb: Did you leave?04:32
jimdbubuntu_ you haven't logged back into your install yet?04:32
ubuntu_jimdb: No04:32
DaSkreechYeah but it's Firefox that's aborting04:32
ubuntu_jimdb: Im on the live session user pt04:32
jimdbdo so, then look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see if anywhere in there there's a line that says DRI = false (or something like that)...or have you already looked?04:33
etfbDaSkreech: Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  Opening a bunch of tabs at onces crashes too, so it's not the kind of clicking that's doing it.04:33
ubuntu_jimdb: Go back to my install, from the live session?04:33
DaSkreechetfb: Just trying to figure out if it's the tabs that's making it crash04:34
jimdbyes.  i am just looking at web pages related to your problem.  so, you may have tied some of this already.04:34
etfbAh, frak it.  I'll purge and reinstall.  I've got all my bookmarks in FoxMarks, so it won't lose anything much.04:35
etfbWill apt-get remove --purge foo get rid of all associated .foo config files, or do I need to do that manually?04:35
ubuntu_jimdb: Ill be back soon then04:35
DaSkreechetfb: Purging won't make you lose your bookmarks or plugins04:36
etfbDaSkreech: Hmmm... I'll try opening in a new window (laptop mousepad doesn't have middle click, so I didn't know that's what it did)04:36
DaSkreechYou can just close firefox and then mv ~/.mozilla ~/mozillatest04:36
DaSkreechThen restart firefox04:37
DaSkreechThough i'm guessing the issue may be you don't have the gtk-qt engine installed04:37
etfbDaSkreech: It worked before about midday yesterday.04:38
etfbDaSkreech: You were right, tho - gtk-qt-engine-kde4 wasn't installed.04:39
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Back04:40
etfbDaSkreech: gtk-qt-engine was though (or at least it is after I installed g-q-e-kde4, but I didn't check before doing that)... and it's still happening, so that's not the immediate cause04:41
jimdbat the bottom is a line by someone essentially describing your problem.04:41
jimdbi used compiz-check to resolve some issues but it was a while ago.  frankly I have no idea where they are on that older bug04:41
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: i lost you, sorry?04:42
jimdbyour problem is that you can't play back video.04:42
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Im in the file you told me to04:42
jimdbit has nothing to do with your dvd player, codec, etc04:42
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: ? No?04:42
jimdbjust search that file for DRI and see if it says that it has been disable in some way04:43
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Cant see it anywhere?04:43
jimdbit will say something like DRI = off, DRI=false, etc04:43
Sp0tKubuntuSearch for DRI, nothing04:44
jimdbnear the top of the file does it say  load "DRI" anywhere?04:44
Sp0tKubuntuJust i sec, ill paste it04:44
jimdbdon't paste in here04:44
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:45
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: i know: http://pastebin.com/m544f3a2804:45
jimdbread that web page near the bottom04:46
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Not sure were to read?04:47
jimdbis your ubuntu install a wubi install or a wipe of vista and fresh install?04:47
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Do i understand it correct if its not to fix?04:48
jimdbit says:  Our card (x3100 on intel 965 chipset) is blacklisted cause with compiz enabled they couldnt enable hardware video acceleration which resulted in poor or even no video playback. But I was able to use compiz normally on ubuntu (apart from being unable to watch movies).04:48
jimdbthat's the part of the page i was pointing out.04:48
Sp0tKubuntuMy Kubuntu install, is new, deleted all things, and started all over04:48
Sp0tKubuntuAhh sorry04:48
jimdbthey say there was a bug that caused that issue, but it was supposed to be resolved in an earlier release of ubuntu (kubuntu as well).  but sometimes those problems crop back up.04:49
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: all in all, no DVD playback before its fixed in next release in like 6 month? :-(04:49
Sp0tKubuntuIF its fixed at all :-(04:50
jimdbwhat is your commitment to kubuntu so far?  everything moved over or are you just beginning?04:50
Sp0tKubuntuI have only linux on this machine if thats what you mean?04:50
Sp0tKubuntuI like it alot, and want to use it for all things, also playing DVD's :-)04:51
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:51
jimdbi asked that question because if you just started then you won't mind wiping and starting over.04:51
jimdbstart over with 32bit ubuntu and see if your video plays back.  try with an older version such as hardy rather than intripid.04:51
jimdbthat'll give you an older kernel04:52
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: If i do that, should i delete home as well? .-(04:52
jimdbit will also use compiz instead of KDE's compisiting manager.04:52
jimdbas a test, not as a solution.04:52
Sp0tKubuntuNEVER! I have tryed Ubuntu, and specially 8.04, DOSENT work at all04:52
Sp0tKubuntuREALLY sux at this machine04:53
jimdbi'm not saying use it.  i'm saying try to find out, using the older version, if video playback works or not.04:53
Sp0tKubuntuTrust me, i gave it over one month, and then VISTA :-D04:53
Sp0tKubuntuAhh.. To much work for me i think, i got my desk and things set up as i like, dont like to start ALL over04:54
jimdbif you won't go that far back then wipe and start with 32bit kubuntu.  add nothing new and play back a media file.04:54
Sp0tKubuntu./ i dont care about,but my /home .-/04:54
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: If i do that, it restores my /home, and settings.04:55
Sp0tKubuntuThen i have to KILL home to04:55
jimdbi read a few pages about similar problems and they seem to indicate the chipset.  i don't have a computer based on that chipset in order to test with.04:55
Sp0tKubuntuThats also ok, but it sux for me1:-/04:55
jimdbi have about 10-15 laptops around here but none with that configuration.04:56
Sp0tKubuntuI will not help that i just clear /?04:56
Sp0tKubunture-mount home04:56
jimdbthere are guides that show you how to move your home to a seperate partition.04:57
jimdbthey apply to kubuntu and ubuntu alike04:57
jimdbwww.ubuntu-unleashed.com has a guide04:57
Sp0tKubuntuI have home at its own04:57
Sp0tKubuntuI have 3 partitions, /, /home, /swap04:57
jimdbif you already have it done then yeah, clear your / and try again.  but don't zap the partition with your home04:58
Sp0tKubuntuOne harddrive04:58
Sp0tKubuntuDont zap home? zap=format?04:58
jimdbzap=format/erase/delete, etc04:58
Sp0tKubuntuOk :-)04:59
Sp0tKubuntuI format only /04:59
Sp0tKubuntuNot even swap, that is not an issue i guess?04:59
jimdbi would just test with a clean install wthout adding anything.  i know ubuntu better than kubuntu and i know it uses compiz.04:59
Sp0tKubuntuMaybe "zap" that to?04:59
Sp0tKubuntuAhh, u want me to install clean Ubuntu, and not Kubuntu, but dont mount my /home then, just leave it to i install Kubuntu again? Or?05:00
jimdbdon't do anything y ou aren't comfortable with.  i am not trying to encourage you to go 32 bit.  i'm just saying that in order to figure this out  you will have to try different things.05:00
jimdba 32bit install that's clean then try playback.05:01
Sp0tKubuntuI have 32 bit in today, change to 64 bit today :-)05:01
jimdband ensure that a compositing manager isn't neabled.05:01
Sp0tKubuntuSame problem before05:01
Sp0tKubuntuBut, where do i see if its enabled? I had compiz, but that was BEFORE i reformatted ALL of the disk05:02
jimdbcompiz isn't enabled by default in kubuntu05:02
jimdbkubuntu uses it's own compositing manager.05:02
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:02
jimdbyou don't want nor need both.05:03
DaSkreechYou may want both05:03
Sp0tKubuntuBut i got it, an enabled it, but guess its not there anymore then, i reformatted the hole disc and reinstalled05:03
DaSkreechCertainly don't need both05:03
jimdbyou need neither to have kubuntu work.05:03
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Maybe theres the problems is, in kubuntus "compiz"05:04
jimdbto test, you should ensure neither are working.05:04
jimdbit says:  Our card (x3100 on intel 965 chipset) is blacklisted cause with compiz enabled they couldnt enable hardware video acceleration which resulted in poor or even no video playback. But I was able to use compiz normally on ubuntu (apart from being unable to watch movies).05:04
Sp0tKubuntuIt is gone, i cant find it anuwhere05:04
DaSkreechThere is no "kubuntu's" compiz05:05
jimdbwhat that line says is that they knew of a problem with the 965 chipset where compiz type application was enabled and video wouldn't play back.  if you can find a way to get kubuntu working without a compositiong manager then try05:05
Sp0tKubuntuIknow, used ubuntus05:05
Sp0tKubuntuHmm, is that possible at all?05:06
jimdbdisable desktop effects and ensure compiz isn't loading and reboot, then try again.  that's about all i can suggest wtihout actually having the computer in front of me to work through the issues.05:06
etfbDaSkreech: I just renamed .mozilla, and FF is still randomly shutting down.  About to try purge-and-reinstall05:06
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Did u see my past before?05:06
jimdbi looked at your pastebin page05:07
jimdbit held no information.05:07
Sp0tKubuntujimdb: Ok, thanks ALOT for all of your help :-)05:07
jimdbit was of no use05:07
Sp0tKubuntuI se05:07
jimdbthe key here spotkubuntu, is to ensure that you have NO compositing manager in use.05:07
Sp0tKubuntuBut it was the right stuff i pasted?05:07
jimdbthen try playback.05:07
jimdbwhat you posted was fine05:08
Sp0tKubuntuOk, ill try to see if i can find out of it :-) Thanks again05:08
Sp0tKubuntuok :-)05:08
jimdbit just wasn't of use.  everything auto-configured, etc.05:08
Sp0tKubuntuYeah, thought sp05:08
jimdbbut your problem has nothign to do with dvd playback.05:09
Sp0tKubuntuBut thanks anyways :-) Hope i can come back with the solution to help others05:09
jimdbthis is evidenced because you can't play back an movie file from your hard drive.05:09
Sp0tKubuntuChipset related05:09
jimdban older version of ubuntu/kubuntu won't have that stuff all auto-configured i'd bet.05:10
Sp0tKubuntuMaybe Kubuntu 8.04 then05:10
jimdbit'd have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file that actually has something you could read.05:10
Sp0tKubuntuWont go Ubuntu :-D05:10
jimdbi didn't suggest going back to stay there.05:10
jimdbi suggested going back because it had an older kernel05:11
jimdband just as a test.05:11
Sp0tKubuntuI know :-) But if that works, thats fine :-)05:11
jimdbif it worked under the older verison then the problem is with the newer version of kubuntu.05:11
Sp0tKubuntuThen i try 8.04, but should it be 32 bit or 64 bit? Want to use my RAM fully05:11
jimdbi've only seen a similar problem to this on a very small motherboard used generally in car computers.  video playback just wouldn't work.05:12
jimdbyou are testing, so how much ram you have isn't at issue.05:12
Sp0tKubuntuShould not be a problem playing in 1280x800? (Screens resolution)05:12
jimdband how much ram is set aside for your video on that laptop?05:12
Sp0tKubuntuThats right05:12
Sp0tKubuntuBut i think, if it works, then i have to reinstall again if i install 32 bit, and want 6405:13
jimdbif it works under 32 bit via the older verison then install with 64bit with the older version.05:13
jimdband test again.05:13
Sp0tKubuntuBut what the heck05:13
Sp0tKubuntuWhy not start with the older 64 bit version?05:14
Sp0tKubuntuThen i save one reinstall05:14
jimdbbe systemmatic.05:14
Sp0tKubuntuOk, first the old 32 bit, and then the old 64 bit, and then the new 32 bit, and then the new 64 bit? :D05:15
etfbAnyone using KVPNC?  It doesn't appear to know how to disconnect any more.  I have to use xkill to make it disconnect.05:17
etfbWhat's the "correct" way in Kubuntu to connect to a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?  I get the feeling that KVpnc is abandonware, or at least isn't maintained by anyone who cares about integration and presentation.  Is there something better now?05:19
jeponghello... im having problem with kubuntu login screen... its not maximize on my msi wind05:27
DaSkreechWhat resolution is it running at?05:27
jepongmsi wind supposedly 1024x60005:28
jepongbut the login screen seems smaller than that05:28
jepongim just new in kde after being using gnome for a year05:29
jepongleft and right of the login screen show part of the default wallpaper05:30
DaSkreechDoes the screen after login fit correctly?05:30
jepongno problem with the desktop05:30
DaSkreechHow much of the screen is shown on either side ?05:31
jeponghmmm... let say half of an inch?05:32
DaSkreechHmm :-/05:33
DaSkreechI'm not even sure how to address that I dont know where in the stack that would fall05:34
jepongi have no idea either... hehehehe05:35
jeponganyway... what matters is i love kde 4.205:35
jepongwhat should i so this can be addresssed on jaunty?05:36
DaSkreechjepong: file a bug on launchpad05:37
jepongok... thanks05:39
jepongwhat the link for the launchpad? same as ubuntus?05:42
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:43
jepongthank you... i thought there was diffrent site for that. thanks again05:44
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jepongis there an easiest way to mount my ipod nano to amaroK? thanks06:56
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Sp0tKubuntuWhen installing Kubuntu, if i choose a / and a /swap, and a /home, will settings be stored in user, if i make a /usr?07:21
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DaSkreechUser settings will be in /home/username system wide settings will be in /etc07:23
Sp0tKubuntuDaSkreech: Ok :-)07:24
DaSkreech /etc must be on the same partition as /07:24
* stdin teaches DaSkreech about '//' in IRC07:25
DaSkreechDoes it really annoy you that much?07:26
Sp0tKubuntuNow i have my /home for storage, but i dont like there is alot of backup files laying around in there, what should i name my store so its not a part of the system were settings are stored?07:26
stdinDaSkreech: no, not at all07:26
DaSkreechYour "store" ?07:26
Sp0tKubuntuYes, for my own files, dont want system files in there07:27
DaSkreechYour own files are in /home/username07:27
Sp0tKubuntuI have /home on 80gb ca as it is now, and i want to make /home smaller, only for settings gettings stored, and then i want to make another for my own stuff, dls and so on07:28
Sp0tKubuntuNo, there are hidden files in there07:28
Sp0tKubuntuNot only MY files, files i made07:28
Sp0tKubuntuUnderstand where im going?07:28
Sp0tKubuntuWant to use /home for storing settings only, from users, and then another partition for storage07:29
Sp0tKubuntuStorage for pictures, mp3, DVD, etc07:29
Sp0tKubuntuJust another filesystem than ext3? Or is that not the solution07:30
DaSkreechSp0tKubuntu: those hidden files keep your settings You can remove them but then you have to reconfigure every application every single time you open it07:31
Sp0tKubuntuI think you misunderstand me07:32
DaSkreechIf you want to share something like Muic amongst everyone that's what /usr/share is for07:32
DaSkreechYou want to have a like a 500 meg ~ for settings and all your stuff elsewhere ?07:33
Sp0tKubuntuI want 4 partitions insted of 3 only, a root, a home, a swap, and then one to my stuff, but wat to call that so its not a part of the system?07:33
DaSkreech/mnt/something works07:33
Sp0tKubuntuNot sharing07:33
DaSkreechthen make it so that only you can access it and it mounts with rights for you07:33
Sp0tKubuntuThat will say, i just choose /mnt? Can i rename it later then?07:33
DaSkreechthen do a lot of messing around in ~ and /usr07:33
Sp0tKubuntuSo its not called /mnt?07:34
DaSkreech/mnt is where you mount file systems that you expect to be there the entire time the computer is on07:34
DaSkreechso you would create sub directories and mount the filesystems under there07:34
p_quarlesSp0tKubuntu: you can mount it wherever you like, really, as long as its not interfering with something else; /mnt is just specifically for that purpose07:34
Sp0tKubuntuOk, but i have to be mounted in something under root?07:35
yao_ziyuanwould like to know you guys' strategy on handling gtk+/gnome/mozilla apps in kde4. do you use gtk-qt-engine to make them look like kde (but firefox tabs would look ugly), or use a cross-DE style like QtCurve or BlueCurve, or use a separate gtk style from your current kde theme, and which gtk style is that?07:36
Sp0tKubuntubecause /mnt is in /root07:36
DaSkreechYeah but he's going to have to make sure that permissions and masks are set properly then change all the default paths for $HOME for data there while making sure that the paths for $HOME for settings stay at /home/username07:36
DaSkreechWhich may be possible but that is a lot of headache07:37
p_quarlesSp0tKubuntu: I don't see how you could mount it in a directory outside of /07:37
yao_ziyuanyet another possibility is to use gtk-qt-engine and a custom firefox theme that draws a custom firefox tab appearance07:37
Sp0tKubuntuNo, i see, my bad07:37
DaSkreechEither that or just add the created mount to the sidebar in KDE and click on it everytime you need to save something07:37
Sp0tKubuntuI must make a / first, then /swap, and so /home, and then a /mnt07:37
DaSkreechno you make a 4th partition then make a /mnt/something07:38
DaSkreechfor eg. /mnt/data07:39
Sp0tKubuntuYeah, so i have 4 partitions07:39
DaSkreechthen a headache07:40
Sp0tKubuntu./, /swap, /home /mnt/spot07:40
Sp0tKubuntuJust trying to get around with DVD Playback, chipset bug :-/07:40
Sp0tKubuntuTry to go back to 8.04, live cd, and if that dosent work, then i try ubuntu07:41
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ct529hi everybody .... I have some serious difficulties with skim/scim on 810 .... anyone who can help?07:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about skim07:55
ubottuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM07:55
ct529stdin: no I have read the wiki, does not solve the problem07:56
stdinmaybe #scim can help07:57
ct529I think it is "Kubuntu last version" related because it worked well on previous versions ....07:58
syockitct529: got scim daemon running?07:59
ct529syockit: yep ....08:00
syockitwhat's your "im-switch -c" set to?08:00
ct529syockit: works well in externally installed applications .... for example, I use eclipse last version, installed manually. There scim/skim works fine. It does NOT work in the desktop applications .... kmail, kate, opeoffice .... :(08:01
ct529syockit: im-switch -z all_ALL -s scim-bridge08:01
syockitfor some reason I too find that scim-bridge doesn't work on those apps08:01
ct529syockit: shall I choose skim? what do you use? I followed the wiki, sorry.08:02
syockitIf I uninstall bridge, then kate/openoffice runs fine, so does opera, but no more on eclipse/firefox08:02
syockitEven if you choose skim, it will select scim-bridge if detects one08:02
syockitskim goes by the order of: scim-bridge > scim > none(xim)08:03
syockitSo I ended up installing uim08:03
ct529syockit: does uim work well?08:04
syockitwell, it works it seems08:04
ct529syockit: :)08:04
syockitoh, it doesn't work on firefox :((08:05
syockitMaybe because I haven't installed uim-gtk2.008:06
ct529syockit: nothing .... how do you install / configure uim?08:07
syockitI just sudo aptitude install uim uim-qt uim-applet-kde08:08
syockitRIght now I'm trying to make it work correctly08:08
ct529syockit: :) but it looked like working!08:09
ct529syockit: wait .... restarting X again08:09
ct529syockit: nothing .... that is bad ....08:12
ct529syockit: I thought your uim was working fine ....08:12
syockitOkay, I've tested on almost everything08:12
ct529syockit: what is missing?08:12
syockitafter installing uim-gtk2.0,08:12
syockitworks in the following: kate, opera, firefox, eclipse (ganymede), yakuake, plasma08:13
syockitYay! One solution for all!! Install your own copy of uim now08:13
ct529syockit: does not work in ....08:13
ct529syockit: does it work fine in everything including kmail?08:14
ct529syockit: and skype?08:14
syockitsorry, I don't have kmail. nor skype08:14
syockitAh, I remember skype having some glitches with input methods... but seeing it works on opera, I suppose it will work on skype08:14
ct529syockit: did you uninstall scim before installing uim?08:15
syockitAh, forgot to mention that after installing, you have to run uim-pref-qt, do some settings, then im-switch -c08:15
ct529syockit: thanks08:15
syockitand select uim-toolbar-qt. yes, I uninstalled scim08:15
syockitOh, by the way, if you don't like floating toolbar, you can always use uim-systray08:16
syockitgtk isn't that scary, you know08:16
ct529syockit: it does not let me install uim-qt08:17
syockitThat's strange?08:17
ct529 Depends: uim-qt but it is not going to be installed08:18
syockitI'm starting to suspect uim-qt build on intrepid failed08:18
ct529syockit: what do you mean?08:18
syockitI think uim-qt doesn't exist on intrepid at this point. Try sudo aptitude install uim-qt08:20
ct529syockit: ther eis something weird going on here08:21
syockitct529: I suggest you get jaunty's uim instead. That intrepid version still has a critical kde4 bug08:23
ct529syockit: how do you do that?08:24
ct529syockit: are you using jaunty's uim?08:25
ct529syockit: restartig X08:25
syockitI'm on jaunty08:25
polishpaulHey guys, Can someone give me a hand with laptop? I just put on Kubuntu and i don't see any network settings interface (wired or wireless)? I added dhcp manually to /interfaces but it didn't work08:30
polishpaulI'm looking in the help and i don't see the KDE Control Center either..?08:34
jstanleypolishpaul: system settings08:42
jstanleyin kde 4 it is called system settings08:42
jstanleygood luck with wireless though08:43
jstanleyi wish i had more luck with it08:43
jstanleyDoes anyone know how to use mknod?08:49
jstanleyAnd/or does anyone know how to find out the major and minor numbers of a hard disk?08:49
jstanleyI have a second hard disk and I'd like to use it, but Kubuntu hasn't made a device file for it08:50
ct529syockit: nothing ....08:51
jstanleyactually, kubuntu hasn't made a device file for my first hard disk either08:51
syockitct529: about installing from jaunty: you have to add the repo in your sources.list08:51
syockitct529: then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install uim uim-qt uim-qt308:52
syockitct529: then remove/comment out the jaunty repo in sources.list and do sudo apt-get upgrade again08:52
jstanleyalright i've found my device files. kubuntu seems to think i'm using scsi disks08:54
polishpauljstanley, yeah... i finally got the wired working, but i see no options for wireless?08:57
jstanleypolishpaul: do you have a little globe in the try?08:58
jstanleyhi aldo08:58
jstanleypolishpaul: i meant 'tray'08:58
jstanleyif so, try right-clicking it and see if there are options for wireless08:58
jstanleypolishpaul: what wireless card do you have?08:58
jstanleyif it's broadcom then count yourself lucky that you can get wired08:59
aldoexcusem i have one question08:59
aldodo you know how i can make a network between two kubuntu09:00
jstanleyaldo: do you have a crossover cable?09:00
polishpaulits an intel i believe - i had it working wtih ubuntu and the like... found the globe .. checking...09:00
jstanleyaldo: if both computers have ethernet ports, then you should be able to stick a crossover cable between the two and be ready to go09:01
aldoi just wanna share my date folder09:01
jstanleyi've never used a crossover cable, so i can't say how easy it'll be09:01
jstanleyaldo: are they already on a lan?09:01
aldoyes i have the computer and the lap top connected by the ethernet cable09:02
ct529syockit: thanks!09:02
jstanleyaldo: are they connected directly to one another?09:02
jstanleyif so, you need a crossover cable. a normal ethernet cable won't work because09:03
polishpauldang, can't see my own wireless network :# argh09:03
aldook so i have to change the composition of the cable?09:05
aldodo you know it?09:05
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jstanleyaldo: i don't know how to do it09:07
jstanleygoogle can probably point you in the right direction09:07
jstanleybut it's easier to buy a ready-made crossover cable09:07
aldojstanley: here in mexico is chepear to build it whit an older cable09:08
aldothanks very much09:08
jstanleyno problem09:08
aldois more difficult but cheaper09:09
jstanleyaldo: i know the theory of converting the cable; you need to swap the send and receive wires of one end of the cable09:09
jstanleyi don't know exactly which wires it is though09:09
jstanleyyou just need to make it so that the send line of one machine ends up at the receive line of the other09:10
aldoi have already found it, thank you very much09:10
jstanleyno problem09:11
aldoexcuseme are you helping people all time?09:12
jstanleyi'm not a regular09:13
aldoah ok09:13
jstanleyi only came here to get help with my graphicd09:13
polishpaulok.. got the knetwork manager going.. found my w-lan, still nothing... no dhcp offers...09:13
polishpaulgear icon spinning...09:13
polishpaulbah! it works..09:14
polishpauli guess it just took forever...09:14
polishpauli feel kinda lost with KDE.. but i think i'm liking what i see...09:15
aldo_I want to connect mi lap to my desktop computer by ethernet09:17
aldoi have the same problem09:17
aldojstanley can help you09:17
jstanleyok, just checking that you actually were the same person :P09:18
aldo_jaja i just kidding09:18
noaXesshi all09:23
noaXessi have a prolem with my firefox 3.0.5, if i upload a pdf file on any webpage, i get a mimetype application/unknown... with konquerror or opera i get application/pdf, have also started ff in safe-mode, no change09:24
noaXessany idea.. help?09:24
aldogive right click and then save as09:25
aldoand you select the folder noaXess09:25
noaXessaldo: if i upload, not download09:25
noaXessalso if i upload it in my webmail client.. i get (application/unknown09:26
jstanleynoaXess: the server shouldn't be trusting your browsers mime-type anyway...09:26
aldonoaXess:you most format your computer09:27
aldoim kidding09:27
noaXessbut, if i do the exact same with konquerror or opera in my kunbuntu, it works fine09:27
noaXesskubuntu ^09:27
jstanleythere's probably a mime-type file for firefox09:27
jstanleyi don't know where it is though09:27
jstanleyi don't use firefox09:27
jstanleynoaXess: try #firefox09:28
aldostanley for real is better konkeror than firefox?09:28
jstanleyin my opinion? yes09:28
aldofirefox is fastly09:28
aldoisn't it?09:29
polishpaulin ADEPT, is there a way to show only installed / not-installed packages?09:29
jstanleyaldo: in my experience firefox is too slow to be usable09:29
noaXessjstanley: thanks09:29
jstanleypolishpaul: dpkg -l in a terminal will show installed packages09:29
jstanleynoaXess: no problem09:29
polishpaulbut no gui filter?09:30
jstanleyi don't use adept09:30
jstanleythere might be a filter in it09:30
jstanleykpackage has a filter thing09:30
jstanleybut kpackage is too slow for my liking09:30
aldostanley: so what do i most do for getting the konker faster?09:30
jstanleyaldo: if konqueror is slower than firefox then i don't know what's gone wrong09:31
jstanleyif konqueror is slower than firefox then just go with firefox09:31
jstanleyfirefox has more features and is better-supported09:31
jstanleyit's a 'better' browser, it's just too slow to be usable for me09:31
aldoah ok, i get it, so it depends of the usage of each one09:32
jstanleycan anyone remind me how to make an ext3 filesystem?09:33
jstanleyit's something like mke2fs -j, but i can't remember09:34
jstanleyyou know how to make an ext3 file system daedalus_?09:34
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daedalus_Where may i find useful motherboard compatibility info ? Gygabyte ssays nothins, nor do the Ubuntu forums09:35
aldoi know how to do it, but i dont remmeber exactly09:35
jstanleydaedalus_: i think there's an ubuntu hcl09:35
jstanleymaybe try that09:35
daedalus_hcl ?09:35
jstanleyhardware compatibility list09:35
daedalus_ok, on the main site thus09:35
jstanleyyeah probably09:35
jstanleyi'd use google though09:35
jstanleyi don't have a web browser atm, so i can't find it for you09:36
daedalus_already done, it's like gygabyte didn'teven exist09:36
daedalus_And what do you want to do about ext file system ? You are not wanting to make a new partition with gparted ?09:37
jstanleyi don't trust gui tools with this sort of thing09:38
syockitmkfs.ext3 should be good enough for default settings09:38
jstanleyand i looked at the man page09:38
jstanleyi was right about -j09:38
jstanley hope09:38
jstanleysyockit: does that exist?09:38
jstanleyso it does09:38
yaa_hope so09:39
jstanleyi always thought you had to use mke2fs with some option09:40
jstanleybut i could never remember the option09:40
integer Hello all, i have 8.10, while setting screen resolution that went wrong and now, each applications window i run are opening maximised by default and they dont have close, minimize buttons, i tried to reset the resolution but its not happening as original, can any one help me please??09:40
aldowell see you later guys thank you stanley bye09:41
jstanleyinteger: do the windows have title bars?09:42
polishpaulwhat's the name of the app that has a small bar on the bottom of your screen with icons ... they enlarge as you mouse over...09:43
integerbut all application window open maximised, without close/minimize buttons on corner09:43
jstanleypolishpaul: avant-window-navigator?09:43
jstanleyinteger: are you sure they don't have buttons?09:44
jstanleyit might just be that the picture stretches over the edges of the screen09:44
jstanleyand so they appear to be buttonless09:44
integeryess that may be the case i think09:45
integerbecase the panel icons also dispersed here09:45
jstanleyinteger: your screen probably has buttons for adjusting the vertical/horizontal size09:46
integeryaa it has09:47
polishpaulok.. no to get my proprietary nvidia drivers to work...09:49
integerjstanley: but with thats its not possible09:49
polishpaulumm.. so i log out and.. x dies? should i be able to log in agian?09:50
polishpauli[m probably just being impatient09:51
jstanleypolishpaul: proprietary drivers?09:55
jstanleyi had that problem too09:55
jstanleynever fixed it09:55
daedalus_Well, i found an official ubuntu HCl but with few (empty) entries with outdated chipsets09:57
daedalus_among others09:59
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:00
Orbjinzoanyone around?10:04
tom_whats up?10:04
Orbjinzoknow anything about audacious10:05
Orbjinzohaving problem its when i installed it locks when i play something10:05
tom_ive used it10:05
Orbjinzoi have tried deleting the file in the config10:05
ct529syockit: good! it works ....10:05
Orbjinzoadjusting the sound driver to alsa.10:05
ct529syockit: thanks for your help10:05
Orbjinzoand removing and reinstalling it10:06
tom_everything works but when you play?10:06
Orbjinzoya it loads fine10:06
Orbjinzojust when i load a file10:06
Orbjinzoor a radio playlist.10:06
tom_i had a simular prob... had to do with a switch in kmix10:06
tom_ill poke aroudn and see if i can remember which one10:07
ct529I have another problem here .... anyone using lxde as light weight desktop environment when doing computation intensive tasks? I cannot visualise the icons properly .... and there is an error appearing at login saying that I have either to run xsetting fromgnome or xfce or set the dircetory .gtkrc-2.0 .... I have done all those thinsg but the messag is still there10:07
tom_Orbjinzo: what kde / kubuntu are you o?10:07
Orbjinzoand the kde verison is 3.5.10 if i recal10:08
ActionParsnipOrbjinzo: by default yes, but 4.1 can be installed on it10:10
Orbjinzoheh i dont wanna install kde 4.110:11
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tom_Orbjinzo: are you using the same adio device for recording and playback?10:12
Orbjinzoyes alsa.10:12
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Scott_331How can I control my fan speed?10:13
Orbjinzosome how it was set to use my mic as output.10:13
tom_on my older dell laptop, i had to use oss for reccording. and disable software playthough10:13
Orbjinzothats with an mp3 track10:13
Orbjinzolets try raido10:13
Orbjinzogot it10:14
Orbjinzoi was an old xmms user10:15
jstanleyScott_331: put a variable resistor somewhere on the cable10:15
Orbjinzobut its aging and had to upgrade.10:15
Scott_331jstanley: windows manages to control the fans down... but in Ubuntu they constantly run at full speed10:15
jstanleyScott_331: is it a laptop?10:16
jstanleydid your oem write custom fan control software?10:16
Scott_331no, desktop10:17
Scott_331no idea about fan control software10:18
ActionParsnipScott_331: what motherboard do you have?10:18
Scott_331Asus M2N-SLI10:20
Scott_331This one: http://www.eclipsecomputers.com/product.aspx?code=MBA-M2NSLI10:20
Scott_331Maybe there's a setting in the BIOS10:22
ct529I have another problem here .... anyone using lxde as light weight desktop environment when doing computation intensive tasks? I cannot visualise the icons properly .... and there is an error appearing at login saying that I have either to run xsetting fromgnome or xfce or set the dircetory .gtkrc-2.0 .... I have done all those thinsg but the messag is still there10:22
jstanleyct529: #lxde10:23
ct529jstanley: thanks!10:23
ActionParsnipbet cool n quiet is disaled in the ios10:24
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ct529jstanley: are you not using kubuntu now?10:36
jstanleyi have the livecd running10:36
jstanleybut it's not installed yet10:36
GSF1200Sanyone here know anything about hdmi?10:37
ct529jstanley: is xfce very efficient, compared let's say with lxde? I need an environment for intensive computation10:37
ct529jstanley: at the moment I use kde for general purpose10:37
jstanleyct529: i've never heard of lxde, but from what i can see it's lighter than xfce10:37
GSF1200Slxde is awesome10:37
ActionParsnipfluxbox is light10:37
ct529jstanley: why so?10:37
jstanleybut ct529, if you're doing computationally expensive stuff, why use x at all?10:37
jstanleyct529: xfce has more features10:37
jstanleyand therefore bloat10:37
jstanleyfor example, it has a compositing window manager10:37
ct529GSF1200S: I have tried it but I cannot visualise the icons properly .... and there is an error appearing at login saying that I have either to run xsetting fromgnome or xfce or set the dircetory .gtkrc-2.0 .... I have done all those thinsg but the messag is still there10:37
ct529jstanley: Oh I see10:38
GSF1200Sarghh.. ct529.. I run lxde on arch.. i cant help you there..10:38
ct529jstanley: just because some times you have to use ide for some programming10:38
ct529GSF1200S: arch?10:38
ActionParsnipct529: what spec machine is this running on?10:38
GSF1200Sarch linux.. another distro10:39
GSF1200Sran kde on kubuntu, obviously :)10:39
ct529GSF1200S: what is arch?10:40
ct529GSF1200S: I mean what type of distro? tailored for what?10:40
ActionParsnipct529: http://www.archlinux.org/10:40
GSF1200Slightweight, rolling release, no extra crap, no specific DM, uses pacman as a package manager10:40
ct529ActionParsnip: I have a "mobile ws" where I do testing and so on .... and high spec machines or the grid when I need10:41
GSF1200Sprolly the fastest binary distro.. some people have issues with packages not being downgradeable due to rolling release, but its worked for me...10:41
ActionParsnipct529: xfce will not impact much on high spec machines, yu're probably quibbling over a few hundred hz of cpu power10:42
ct529ActionParsnip: ok ....10:42
ct529ActionParsnip: what about icewm and lxde?10:42
ct529GSF1200S: what does it mean "rolling"?10:42
ActionParsnipct529: about the same10:43
GSF1200Sinstead of doing releases like kubuntu, packages are constantly screened by devs and placed into testing.. once the packages are marked stable, they are placed into the core, extra repos.. Basically, you install arch in 2009, and in 2011 its up to date without ever reinstalling...10:44
ActionParsnipct529: unless you really get down to which will save you an extra 10hz or so i dont think there's much in it10:44
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: sounds like bsd10:44
GSF1200Spretty much, although it doesnt really have ports, and its binary10:45
GSF1200Sif I have what BSD is pegged right10:45
easyfithey, sorry for asking since you guys must get this question all the time now, but any idea when kde 4.2 will be considered stable for kubuntu 8.10?10:45
GSF1200Sit has the AUR which allows you to build packages from source, and including this makes the arch repos pretty huge.. its a cool distro overall, prefer gentoo myself10:46
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: you can do that in ubuntu with apt-build10:46
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: i prefer gentoo too10:46
GSF1200Sindeed.. ran ubuntu for 2 years ;)10:46
GSF1200Snever really used apt-build- the repos had all I needed..10:47
GSF1200Ssometimes I need to dip into the AUR for stuff.10:47
GSF1200Sanyone in here know anything about HDMI?10:47
ct529ActionParsnip: well, also the ram they use is important10:47
GSF1200Sim trying to build a desktop and im trying to pick the right components10:48
ct529GSF1200S: so it works similar to gentoo10:48
ct529I have found kubuntu not brilliant for performances .... but it is not optimised .... never tried to recompile tough .... is it complicated?10:49
GSF1200Swell, yes, but the AUR doesnt have the convienience of use flags (youd have to edit the build) and pacman itself is binary (core and extra repos)10:49
ActionParsnipct529: they are all super small, i wouldnt sweat it. if you are really interested, install a load of differrent systems and make a note of system useages10:50
GSF1200Sbut on the plus side all packages installed through the AUR is installed through pacman, so even the source installs are tracked by the package manager...10:50
syockitpacman that good?10:51
jstanleypacman is win10:51
jstanleyi played it in a pub once10:51
syockitdarn, not that one :)10:51
GSF1200Seh.. nothing is good compared to portage + gentoolkit, but pacman is very good10:51
jstanleyGSF1200S: you used gentoo?10:51
jstanleydid you install from source or from ebuilds?10:52
jstanleyi tried to use gentoo once but it took sooooo long to compile everything10:52
ct529GSF1200S: what are use flags10:52
GSF1200Swell, i compiled flux10:52
GSF1200Suse flags allow you to control support for options in the things you install10:52
GSF1200Sfor example10:52
GSF1200Sif you want kde to have hal support, you need to add the hal use flag before emerging..10:53
GSF1200Sthe kernel only took my lappie about 15 minutes10:53
GSF1200Sbut X took about 4510:53
=== jstanley is now known as jamesstanley
GSF1200SI imagine KDE would not be fun to install10:54
ct529GSF1200S: like when you ./configure10:55
GSF1200Swhat do you mean?10:55
ct529how good is kubuntu at recompiling?10:55
ActionParsnipct529: as good as any distro10:55
ct529GSF1200S: when you install manually you can do the same with ./configure10:55
GSF1200Sbasically portage tracks  a ./configure10:55
ActionParsnipgotta love emerge :)10:55
ct529ActionParsnip: well .... more or less ....10:55
GSF1200Syes, you can install source on kubuntu no prob10:56
ct529GSF1200S: does it work well with cmake?10:56
GSF1200Sbut apt doesnt track it10:56
ActionParsnipct529: its the compiler which will be identical for your arch so its as good10:56
GSF1200Sportage does...10:56
ct529GSF1200S: no, I meant rebuilding deb packages with optimised flags10:56
ActionParsnipGSF1200S: yeah thats really annoying how apt doesnt keep up10:56
GSF1200Si dont know.. i havent used cmake10:56
ct529ActionParsnip: no really .... it depends on CFLAGS settings and so on10:57
ActionParsnipct529: yes i know but the compiler is the same unless you compile that first10:57
GSF1200Sthats why gentoos repos are so ungodly large... anything thats source can be tweaked by gentoo devs to work with portage10:57
ct529ActionParsnip: I do not understand what do you mean .... you do not have to compile the compiler first to optimise compilation .... -march=native for example10:58
ActionParsnipct529: but as to "how good" it is at compiling,it'll go as fast as any other compile on the same system in the same circumstances10:58
GSF1200Sof course their are certain things that can be installed (and are recommended) as binary, such as OOo10:58
ct529ActionParsnip: clearly if you recompiled the compiler you would have better compiler's performances10:58
ActionParsnipct529: exactly but i assumed you meant with an identical compiler so the test is of the distro and not the compiled compiler10:58
jamesstanleyanyone know how to tell the kubuntu installer that there are hard disks in the computer?10:58
jamesstanleyit doesn't seem to detect any10:59
ct529ActionParsnip: not really .... if you recompile it with the appropriate flags, on a recompiled kernel it should go faster10:59
ActionParsnipct529: otherwise the test is moot10:59
GSF1200Sjstanley: install is really easy for gentoo.. you just have to realize whats happening10:59
jamesstanleyi got it to install fine10:59
jamesstanleyit just took forever10:59
ct529ActionParsnip: same compiler, different flags, can give different speeds10:59
ActionParsnipct529: im not contesting that, i'm saying that the stock compiler on identical systems with different distros will perform near identically10:59
ActionParsnipct529: which answers your initial question11:00
GSF1200Sjstanley: ahh ok.. its pretty cool though- you learn how linux is installed- that fancy liveCD is merely unpacking a tarball just like you do manually...11:00
ct529ActionParsnip:.... it depends on the compilation flags .... for example mandriva outperforms most of the others ....11:00
ct529ActionParsnip: my intial question was about the process of building the package11:01
ct529ActionParsnip: I never built a deb package before ....11:01
ct529ActionParsnip: in this case, rebuilt11:01
ActionParsnipyou said: ct529: how good is kubuntu at recompiling?11:01
ActionParsnipct529: it compiles well, just like the others11:01
ActionParsnipct529: you need to be specific in your question11:02
ct529ActionParsnip: reformulated question: how good is the process of recompiling a package on kubuntu compared let's say with rpm based distribution or manual configuration? is it very convoluted? is it irksome? is it simple?11:03
ActionParsnipsimple enough11:03
ct529jamesstanley: have you try parted?11:03
jamesstanleycfdisk sees both disks11:03
ActionParsnipct529: apt-build install <something>11:04
ActionParsnipct529: it uses deb-src instead of deb repos11:04
ct529jamesstanley: install qtparted or gparted and then run it .... it should allow you to see the new disk and partition it11:04
ct529ActionParsnip: interesting .... is it possible to pass flags on?11:05
ct529ActionParsnip: during the build process ....11:05
ActionParsnipct529: not used flags in ubuntu, the sudo dpkg-reconfigure apt-build can specify heavy optomisation/light optomisation/normal optomisation11:06
ActionParsnipct529: but otherwise not sure11:06
ActionParsnipct529: i use heavy and it makes firefox not drag its ass like an overweight dog with worms (normal install)11:07
ct529ActionParsnip: thanks .... I will have a go!11:07
ct529ActionParsnip: I imagine it passes som -O211:07
ActionParsnipyeah id imagine11:07
ct529ActionParsnip: try -march=native  (but you have to install cpuid)11:08
jamesstanleyct529: it seems ubuntu had mounted the disks; i umounted them and it is working11:09
jamesstanleynow, an important part, if i tell the installer not to format a partition, will it leave all the files intact?11:09
jamesstanleyi need to be sure it won't destroy my /home11:09
ct529jamesstanley: yes, it should .... but I would back up first11:09
jamesstanleyi don't actually have anywhere i can back up 30GB of studd to11:10
ct529jamesstanley: that said I never do it .... but I am good at giving recommendations .... :)11:10
ct529jamesstanley: tar -cvjf11:10
ct529jamesstanley: should solve you 30Gb problem11:10
ActionParsnipi have a nihtly backup, its funny when people crythey lost their stuff and dont have a backup11:10
ct529jamesstanley: yes, I do daily backup ....11:12
ct529I am not good at doing backup before running parted11:12
ct529jamesstanley: after you have tar -cvjf, yu should have a 10Gb - 15Gb file that I hope you can store somewhere11:13
ct529jamesstanley: sometimes even less (I reduced a similar amount down to few GB)11:13
ActionParsnipi just use a cron'd cp to a usb drive11:13
ct529ActionParsnip: I use svn, so I can keep the versions11:14
ActionParsnipct529: its all music + video so i dont care of versions :)11:15
ct529ActionParsnip: you are rigth :)11:15
ActionParsnipplus a child can restore lost data, just cp what was lost11:16
ct529ActionParsnip: :)11:17
ct529yaa: nope what?11:20
yaa_that is the only english word i know))11:22
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cobra-the-jokerHey there guys11:32
cobra-the-jokerAny body know how to change to KWM ?11:32
ct529cobra-the-joker: kwm>11:34
cobra-the-jokerwhen i switched on desktop then switched it off ....it turned to metacity11:34
cobra-the-jokerHow can i get KWM back11:35
cobra-the-jokeror the KDE default11:35
ActionParsnipkwin --replace &11:37
cobra-the-jokerct529 , you know how to switch that ?11:37
cobra-the-jokerActionParsnip , Ok11:38
cobra-the-jokerActionParsnip , mmm....so it was kwin ...no kwm :D11:38
ActionParsnipcobra-the-joker: all better?11:40
cobra-the-jokeryeah ....now better ...thanx :D11:41
ct529cobra-the-joker: kwin sounds like a bit better ....11:41
ct529cobra-the-joker: metacity?11:42
cobra-the-jokermetacity for gnome only ....doesnt work very well with kde11:42
cobra-the-jokerct529 , metacity ...default window manager for gnome11:42
* robin0800 Kubuntu Jaunty Alpha 4 Released see http://www.kubuntu.org/11:42
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.11:43
cobra-the-jokerdont think they will release something better than ubuntu 711:43
ActionParsnipcobra-the-joker: yeah i miss my gibboon11:44
ct529cobra-the-joker: :)11:44
cobra-the-jokerit was the only linux that was announced in my country ...lol11:44
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ct529cobra-the-joker: ubuntu 7?11:46
syockitdoes ubuntu 7 come with 6 editions?11:47
syockitIs it only going to have one release candidate?11:47
butterflygirlhi. anyone know why I can't change my screen brightness in kubuntu? (the F7/F8 function keys don't work)11:49
ct529syockit: cobra-the-joker: ubuntu 7? but ubuntu 7 was a year and a half ago ....11:50
cobra-the-jokerct529 , yeah i know .... actually linux isnt popular @ all  in here11:51
ct529cobra-the-joker: where do you live?11:51
syockitah, but that one's got 'point something'.... .04, .10 etc. I want plain 711:51
cobra-the-jokerso they found that ubuntu 7 was a great release ...so they announced it and gave it for free on computer magazines11:51
ct529syockit: now I get it .... like ms virus 711:52
cobra-the-jokerct529 , Egypt11:52
ct529cobra-the-joker: I see .... yu can get the CD sent to you for free from Canonical  do you know that?11:52
cobra-the-jokerct529 , send it 4 Free ??????11:53
butterflygirlcobra-the-joker: yep, I got one from them (i'm in south africa)11:54
ct529syockit: yes11:55
ct529syockit: wait11:55
cobra-the-jokerbutterflygirl , but i think that ubu's home is south affrica ....so its like an advatnage to you11:55
cobra-the-jokerbut here ???11:56
ct529syockit: https://shipit.kubuntu.org/login11:56
ct529sorry cobra-the-joker: https://shipit.kubuntu.org/login11:56
syockitct529: yay! but I prefer them downloaded11:56
butterflygirlI'd agree, but the package was from the netherlands11:56
ct529cobra-the-joker: just fill the form11:56
ct529syockit: sorry, mistake11:56
cobra-the-jokerct529 , Ok11:56
ct529have to go .... have a nice day11:57
mishgoshHi...I'm on 8.10 and saw the announcement for KDE4.2.0...followed the instructions on the kubuntu.org news article, and now when logging in, after the KDM screen, I get a black screen with a mouse pointer (responsive) and that's it. Any suggestions?12:00
giuseppe_hello... anyone can help me aoput acpi problem on toshiba mobile?12:01
chris-rc1this is getting really annoying. i wanna write an iso (bin) image with k3b, but cdrdao complains it cannot find the file. just burning a data cd seems ot work fine. can anybody pls help me?12:03
hansyhttp://rafb.net/p/LrF6s728.html << skype says "problem with audio playback... i'm running kubuntu 2.6.27-11-generic i68612:19
kavurthansy go to skype options/sound devices, and change "sound in" and "sound out" options12:22
hansyit's set to headset12:22
hansyand i'm using a normal headset (non BT or USB)12:23
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=== Alt is now known as `Alt`
cobra-the-jokerHey there every one ....the alt-tab thing that switches between windows ...not working :(((12:41
cobra-the-jokerany body can help12:41
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:43
dr_Willis  check the kde keyboard shortcuts? try win-tab? try alt-ctrl-tab?    if all else fails.. try a new user... see if it also affects them...12:43
dr_WillisOr just leave befor someone can answer..... that works12:44
ActionParsnipif i run an X app minimised, is the window still drawn ready for the maximise, or is it not drawn until the window is maximised12:45
dr_WillisI fail to understand the differance ActionParsnip  :)12:46
dr_Willisif a window ia minimized its not drawn i think untill its visable in any case..12:46
dr_WillisUnless i totally missunderstand how X works12:46
* dr_Willis wonders how many FPS quake 3 gets when its minimized12:46
Andrew``hey all... dont know if this is the right place to be, but I have just installed mplayer and mozilla-mplayer soI could listen to a radio stream (.asx file) .. but now I cant play my .mpg and .avi files. can anyone help me ?12:47
dr_WillisYou could play them befor Andrew`` ?12:47
Andrew``yes dr_Willis12:47
cobra-the-jokerAny one knows How to activate the alt-tab thing ?12:49
ActionParsnip1cobra-the-joker: in kde or compiz?12:50
dr_WillisAndrew``,  run the viewer program from a terminal. - look for error messages.12:50
cobra-the-jokerActionParsnip1 , it was disabled when i tried to enable the desktop effects :(12:51
Andrew``ok.. do you know the command to open Dragon PLayer from cli?12:52
dr_WillisNot a clue Andrew``  i never use dthat program. I perfer mplayer or vlc12:52
ActionParsnip1cobra-the-joker: it may be in keyboard settings in systemsettings. I tried to forward x to get the gui but it doesnt like it12:52
dr_Willissee if the video files can play in mplayer or vlc Andrew``12:52
cobra-the-jokerActionParsnip1 , mmm...will try12:53
ActionParsnip1cobra-the-joker: you could try defaulting the key settings, see if that works12:54
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kaddihello :)12:55
Andrew``dr_Willis,  I can play files now if I open Dragon first, but theres  no sound now.. but i have sound from my mp3s12:56
ActionParsnip1has nayone seen this, cracked me up12:58
dr_WillisAndrew``,  with video files - its all about the codecs most of the time. be sure you got w32codecs package installed from medibuntu12:58
Andrew``its only just now that they have no sound12:58
Andrew``everything worked ook till just now12:58
ActionParsnip1Andrew``: try a reboot12:58
dr_Willisbe sure to select the 'alsa' sound server perhaps.12:59
dr_Willisin the settings12:59
isomeHi, can any body suggest me solution for kscope in kbuntu8.10?12:59
isomei got this error, kscope: error while loading shared libraries: libkateutils.so.0: cannot open shared object file12:59
ActionParsnip1isome: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kscope/+bug/29590013:00
ActionParsnip1was anyone timing that?13:01
khalidmianis there such a thing as divx webplayer in kubuntu if not is there an alternate solution ?13:06
ActionParsnip1khalidmian: just make sure you have the medibuntu plugins and you can play anything13:07
khalidmianActionParsnip1: i tried running divx file via firefox but it said i had missing plugins when i asked firefox to install the missing plugins it took me to divx page13:08
dr_Williskhalidmian,  mplayer plugin plays them for me.13:08
dr_Willisdo install all the w32codec pack13:09
khalidmiandr_Willis: missing plugin video/x-msvideo13:11
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:11
Andrew``Ok, I rebooted and sstill the same.. its a fatal error "error opening/initialising selected video_out (vo) device13:11
khalidmiandr_Willis: yes i did install codecs 3213:11
Andrew``I am just wondering if I uninstall the mplaer and mozilla-mplayer (not that I k now how) if that would fix the problem?13:13
dr_WillisAndrew``,  select a different video out device in the preferances13:13
Andrew``ok I am using Kaffiene to open files... is there a way to tell kubuntu to open kaffiene when I click an avi or mpg file?13:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about computers13:17
PiciActionParsnip1: stop13:18
ActionParsnip1just spreading the love13:18
khalidmiandr_Willis: any suggestion on missing plugin x-msvideo13:18
dr_WillisNope. I rrely use kde4/kaffine, i tend to launch gmplayer/vlc/mplayer and tell it what video files to load/make a playlist13:19
dr_Willisor i launch the player and drag/drop the videos onto it13:19
ActionParsnip1khalidmian: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=2800627&highlight=13:20
kaddiAndrew`` there is probably a nicer way to do this, but you could rightclick on the avi-file, select open with, select others, select "kaffeine" from the menu and check the box "always open file with this application"13:21
kaddithen every file of the same type will be opened with kaffeine :)13:21
* dr_Willis tends to delete 'kaffine' from that list13:21
kaddi:o why ?13:21
dr_Willisbecasue i hate kaffine :) i tend to use mplayer or vlc13:22
kaddiis that just a personal preference or are there good reasons to not use kaffeine?13:22
Andrew``okI have another question..... I have Kubuntu on the one drive (SATA) but I now want to re-install Winblows on a new 2nd drive . I have found instructions on how to do it if you are installing windows onto the SAME drive.. but nothing about the way I want to do it13:25
dr_Williskaffine rarely works properly for me.. and i use mplayer/vlc in other OS's so i perfer them13:25
dr_Willisplus i couldent get kaffine to play .rmvb videos.. mplayer did13:26
kaddinever heard of rvmb-videos :D13:26
kaddiI've used vlc on windows for a long time, but lately they have become quite a security issue :p13:29
kaddiand kaffeine does play some of the rather obscure asf-videos I have where vlc won't get any sound13:29
Andrew``dr_Willis,  can you help me with my other question?13:29
dr_Williswhat was the other question?13:29
Andrew``scroill up slowly13:30
khalidmianno streaming video play supoprt atleast divx realated that i can see for linux13:31
dr_Willisgot a web site to test?13:31
dr_Willisi find that many video stream sites are the 'problem' not the  the codec/players13:32
Andrew``okI have another question..... I have Kubuntu on the one drive (SATA) but I now want to re-install Winblows on a new 2nd drive . I have found instructions on how to do it if you are installing windows onto the SAME drive.. but nothing about the way I want to do it13:32
yaa_whats up13:32
yaa_kъak djela13:32
khalidmiandr_Willis: http://www.watch-movies-links.net/movies/the_day_the_earth_stood_still_2008/13:32
dr_Willisthat thing is playing in FLASH player here on the windows box..13:38
dr_Willisafter it pops up a commercial13:38
Andrew``dr_Willis,  did you see my other question?13:42
Andrew``or anyone else?13:43
dr_WillisIjust unplug the other hd.. and install windos to the one i want13:43
chris-rc1 i am trying to reinstall my mbr with a kubuntu live-cd. i mounted the root partition and did chroot, but now i cannot mount /boot. can sb help me pls?13:46
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JackWinteranyone have an idea why i can no longer shutdown or relogin again.  all apps close and the screen goes black, but the cursor keeps working and at that point the process ends.  kdm keeps running.  the only way to shutdown is changing to a virtual term and do it manually...13:54
JackWinterif i do a sudo reboot now, then kde will finish shutting down and the computer will shutdown and then reboot.  it's just from kde that i can't do it...13:55
JackWinterhardy with kde 3.5.1013:55
torkianohello, I'm trying jaunty and I have problems with my touchpad, anyone else?13:56
jalshi, i have 2 machines on my local network running ubuntu variants (k|xubuntu) but only one set of mouse/keyboard/monitor to go with them; what would be an easy way to access the other machine remotely?14:02
ugajals: google for freenx14:06
jalsthanks uga, will do14:06
ugajals: or nomachine14:06
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX14:06
ugajals: ^^^14:06
jalsthanks :)14:07
ugajals: there's windows clients too at nomachine.com site14:08
jalsboth  machines are linux, so no need14:08
jalsi just built a new machine and need to keep the old one about for a little while14:09
ugajals: what makes freenx especial compared to others like VNC is that you can use it through the internet too, with rather low bandwidth14:11
jalsyeah, sounds good if you need that functionality14:11
jalscommand line access would do tbh14:12
ugawhich means sure you'll want to access it through a remote internet windows computer at some point ;)14:12
ugajals: then why not just install ssh14:12
jalsuga, no reason, except i'm not that familiar with ssh heh14:12
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ugajals: apt-get install openssh-server14:13
ugajals: /etc/init.d/ssh start14:13
ugaand you can remotely do "ssh machinename", it'll ask you username and password14:13
ugaan dyou have command line access14:13
jalsi need to hook up the other machine to install that, brb14:13
ugajals: it's secure connection (encrypted)14:14
ugaits' similar to telnet, if you know it14:14
dou213jals, but it is more secure with pub keys14:14
ugadou213: how did you type that almost at the same time I wrote "it's similar to telnet"? =)14:15
uga1 sec to write the whole sentence, or you predicted what I wanted to type? =)14:15
khalidmiandr_Willis: heres another link14:15
khalidmiandr_Willis: http://www.movshare.net/video/luom0sf2hqhfr14:15
khalidmiancannot play streaming video14:15
ugaoh well, I have ot go now. if jals has any trouble with ssh, can anyone help him out? I won't be able to respond14:17
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bindaashow to create shortcut or any symbolic link in intrepid?14:18
dou213bindaas, 'man ln'14:18
bindaasdou213: i dont have problem with *ln*14:19
bindaasmy problem is even when i create or stroe anything in desktop dir, i cant see in desktop14:19
bindaashmm different behaviour in kde 4?14:20
JackWinterbindaas: the ~/Desktop dir isn't what you see on the desktop...  the is some plasmoid that shows what you put in Desktop14:22
kaddiso how do you create a shortcut on your desktop? I've been wondering that as well :D14:22
JackWinterkaddi: don't know, am still on hardy :)  just playing with a vbox install of inteprid at times :)14:23
bindaasJackWinter: say i created a ln to a application in desktop ,how to see it ?14:23
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bindaasaha late :(14:23
JackWinterbindaas: just telling you that there are 2 desktops.  one that you see, and another one in ~/Desktop.  what the correlation is i don't know14:24
bindaasdifferent behaviour in new version,previously it was not like that14:25
kalorinbindass, I remember reading something about that14:26
kalorinadn they had a reason for doing it this way14:26
kaddibindaas: i've been told, that you could just add a widget showing the content of the "Desktop"-folder to your dekstop. so you see it's content and the links14:26
kaddibut that wasn't really what i wanted :)14:27
yaa_IT CANT BE TRUE14:29
marwan_ist hier jemand aus Deutschland ?14:29
kaddi!DE |marwan_14:29
ubottumarwan_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:29
kaddiund ja ;)14:29
marwan_kaddi, ich versuche jetzt auf anderen Rechner zu greifen, wollen wir das zusammen versuchen ?14:30
JackWinterjust booted a virtual 8.10, and you can drag and drop icons from the "desktop" widget to the real desktop.  maybe a good workaround ?14:30
kaddienglish only marwan_ ... hier soll nur englisch gesprochen werden, damit alle anwesenden die themen verfolgen können.14:31
bazhangyaa_, stop14:32
yaa_what/ what stap14:32
bazhangyaa_, this is kubuntu support14:32
bazhangyaa_, this is NOT a chat channel.14:33
Sp0tKubuntuI have a bug i dont know how to fix! I run Kubuntu 8.10 64bit, and playback DVD, its lagging very much! Its the same in the 32 bit version, BUT, the bug is NOT present under Ubuntu 8.10 32Bit! So its a KDE bug!14:33
yaa_i got14:33
marwan_please i need some help, i try to connect with another computer, can some body help ?14:33
Sp0tKubuntuReally like this to work, so please speak up if you know any other solution than installing Ubuntu14:34
Sp0tKubuntuIn my case i think its eighter chipset related, but then its only problems with KDE14:35
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manumarcan someone helpme?14:38
manumarwith sound drivers14:38
manumarcabrones ayudadme14:39
manumarfrikazos del kubuntu14:39
khalidmianusb device doesnt show in vbox scenario any help there?14:39
manumarhelpme helpme14:39
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curanhow can i get flash in konqueror working (intrepid 64-bit)?14:44
khalidmiancuran: http://linuxlab.dk/tipsntricks/flash-konqueror14:46
khalidmiancuran: also see http://freebsd.kde.org/howtos/konqueror-flash.php14:47
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Sp0tKubuntucuran: Drop konquer, it's a known issur14:49
Sp0tKubuntuFF and Opera dont have thoose issues14:49
Sp0tKubuntuMaybe thay do, but not so known14:50
curankhalidmian: thanks14:50
techbwhi all, how can I get ctrl+alt+f1 to drop me in console, I have not used it in a long time, but would like to be able to use this, but now when I try ctrl+alt+number, it does nothing, what can I change to get it back the way it was14:51
curanSp0tKubuntu: maybe, but 64-bit FF has problems with java too14:51
Sp0tKubuntuI have no problems in FF, with Java14:51
Sp0tKubuntuUsing it for netbanking14:51
Sp0tKubuntuUsing Kubuntu 8.10, 64 bit, and ff package + java + flash14:52
khalidmiancuran: i saw virtually no difference between 64 bit kubuntu and 32 bit so now i have 32 bit version14:52
Sp0tKubuntuJust running, the only thing i CANT get running, i DVD Playback14:52
curankhalidmian: true, i think i will switch too14:53
Sp0tKubuntuOk, i have just installed 64 bit yesterday, from 32, and theres a hell of a difference14:53
khalidmianSp0tKubuntu: did u get restricted codecs?14:53
Sp0tKubuntukhalidmian: I works fine i Ubuntu14:53
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Sp0tKubuntuSo its KDE dont liking my chipset, i think14:53
Sp0tKubuntuI ran Ubuntu 8.10 from live CD, and installed 2 codecs, the "Bad and "ugly", and it worked fine14:54
Sp0tKubuntuBut in Kubuntu 8.10, 32 AND 64Bit, no go!!14:54
Sp0tKubuntuLike to watch DVD on your machine? Do you have Santa Rosa chipset? DONT GO KUBUNTU!14:55
Sp0tKubuntuGo Ubuntu! :-)14:55
Sp0tKubuntuBut! Me like Kubuntu! Dont want to change just to get that little part to work, thats a BIG issue for me14:56
Sp0tKubuntuI have tryed all kind of things changing around in the desktop effects in Kubuntu, without luck! Still cant play DVD!14:57
ye||owdoes anybody know why my kontact shows my to-dos three times?14:58
khalidmianCouldn't find package libxine-main1 any help there?14:58
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techbwanyone able to help dropping to virtual terminal, ctrl+alt+f1-f6 not working for me, it used to though14:59
bazhang!info libxine114:59
ubottulibxine1 (source: xine-lib): the xine video/media player library, meta-package. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.15-0ubuntu3.1 (intrepid), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB14:59
khalidmianwhere and how do i get streamripper for kubuntu or something similar/better?15:02
techbwno one able to help with dropping to virtual terminal problem???????????15:02
Sp0tKubuntukhalidmian: I think its medibuntu?15:03
bazhang!info kstreamripper15:03
ubottukstreamripper (source: kstreamripper): kde frontend for streamripper. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4.debian1-2 (intrepid), package size 46 kB, installed size 248 kB15:03
bibsthai just installed few kde apps like15:03
bibsthaand amarok15:03
bibsthabut not kubuntu-desktop15:03
bibsthanow the fonts are extremely small in kde apps15:03
bazhangalso see info streamripper15:03
bibsthaand systemsettings > appearence doesnot have a font configuration15:03
bibsthacan anyone help15:03
bibsthabtw where does KDE4 store font settings?15:04
techbwugh! f&($* this is useless, trying to get help from inside this room, everytime I ask for help not even a single reply, not even nope sorry can't help there nothing.15:05
khalidmianmy virtualbox project was unsucesssful i was not able to use xp under vbox to sync with my iphone :(15:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pancake15:10
juan_i have some strange problem15:11
juan_when my Kubuntu installation boots (the same with LIVE CD)15:11
juan_get frizzed, but continue if i press a key15:11
juan_if i hold the key, the boot continue, if not, freeze15:12
juan_some idea?15:12
cadman21can someone help me with activating my graphics card drivers?15:12
jamesstanleycadman21: k menu... applications... system... hardware drivers15:13
jamesstanleythen pick the one for your graphics card15:13
adi_hi all15:14
trappisthey what's the util I launch with alt-space that... opens stuff?15:14
adi_can anyone help me with usb wireless dlink dwl-g122 in kde 415:14
trappistcan't remember what it's called15:14
adi_i cant connect15:14
cadman21jamesstanley: I did that but they won't activate..15:15
adi_hat should I do in kubuntu with kde 4 to connect to this usb dlink15:15
jamesstanleycadman21: did you restart x?15:15
cadman21jamesstanley: x?15:16
adi_lsusb gives this: Bus 005 Device 005: ID 07d1:3c03 D-Link System DWL-G122 802.11g Adapter [ralink rt73]15:16
bartvkHi.. I run Kubuntu LiveUSB and every two, three minutes, it halts for 2 to 3 seconds (mouse pointer does not respond). Any idea what this causes?15:16
cadman21Jamesstanley: no15:16
jamesstanleylog out, press Ctrl-alt-backspace, then log in15:16
jamesstanleywhat do you mean by 'activate' drivers?15:16
jamesstanleydid it download them and install them?15:17
adi_does this ralink rt73 is included by default in kubuntu 8.10?15:17
adi_anyone any idea?15:19
cadman21jamesstanley: I just installed kubuntu last night,  and a window popped up and told me to activate me Graphics card drivers. so I click activate and the loading bar went back and forth a couple of times then stopped and the % stayed at 015:19
adi_I can see the light on the usb but cant connect to network15:19
jamesstanleyadi_: i would suspect that kubuntu comes with it, as there is a free driver for it, but i don't know15:20
jamesstanleycadman21: in that case i don't know what happened15:20
adi_this was wat happend in ubuntu15:20
adi_but here in kubuntu I dont know15:20
cadman21jamesstanley: is there a way to activate them through the command line?15:21
adi_but normally it should be included in kernel in kubuntu...15:21
jamesstanleycadman21: apt-cache search nvidia15:21
jamesstanleyor ati if you have ati15:21
ubottuFor at få dansksproget support til Ubuntu, bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal forefindes kun engelsksproget support.15:21
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JuJuBeeI downloaded the latest kubuntu image yesterday (32bit) but cannot get anything other than mirror on my dual head setup.  BUT with the ubuntu live CD I can get spanning desktop with ability to drag window from one to the other.15:28
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Talking about compiz?15:28
palbuddyhi! newbie!  I love using my keyboard, and I was wondering if anyone had a webpage on key combinations for kde 4.215:28
palbuddylike how do I open kickoff with the keyboard?15:29
JuJuBeeSp0tKubuntu: whatever is default on live cd.15:29
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Ubuntu have compix, kubuntu got KDE15:29
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Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Ubuntu is Gnome that is15:29
Geggelehello give me plaese an german sever15:30
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Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: And Kubuntu KDE. I think you talk about compiz effect? Desktop cube?15:30
JuJuBeeSp0tKubuntu: thought they both use xorg?  Why would it matter then?  Pardon my ignorance.15:30
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:30
Geggelemany thx15:30
JuJuBeeNot desktop cube.  I want (eventually) 2 separate monitors with 2 separate desktops Separate panels etc...15:30
lolipopHi folks, I'm using kubuntu 8.04 kde 4.1, is that possible to upgrade to kde 4.2?15:31
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Im newbie to! I just try the same thing, and only works in Ubuntu, not Kubuntu15:31
JuJuBeeI use ATI Mobilitiy 9600 card in laptop.15:31
JuJuBeeHmmm, that is weird.  That means I will be switching back to Gnome then.  I prefer KDE, but not so much 4.x15:31
jamesstanleypalbuddy: alt-f1 for kickoff15:32
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: You can get compiz for kubuntu, just allow the other source in software sources15:32
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: I hae same problems, using Kubuntu, cant play a simple DVD; lagging!15:32
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: I Ubuntu, no problems!15:32
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Have* In*15:32
burn_anyone havig problems with ati radeon grafic cards and fglrx drivers?15:33
JuJuBeeI thought the display manager was independant of the drivers in use?15:33
JuJuBeeburn_ : yes.  What is your problem?15:33
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: I dont know it for sure, i have just tryed the same, and got confused, and then i left compiz to be15:34
JuJuBeeburn_: my problems started with latest update to xorg15:34
burn_i downladed newest drivers from ati [9.1] and installit, work perfecly with resolution 1280x1024 and evriting worked, afted 3 or 4 restarts kde cannot be runned15:34
palbuddythanks james!15:34
burn_showing some debugging simols and [stat] error15:34
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: That is because i like KDE15:34
JuJuBeeSp0tKubuntu: Me to.  But I require dual head to work.15:35
JuJuBeeAt least in some capacity other than mirror.15:35
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Dual head? 2 desk?15:35
JuJuBee2 desktops.15:35
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: That should work in all systems15:35
JuJuBeeeach with own panel15:35
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: I have 10 desks15:36
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: That is a configuration question i think15:36
jamesstanleyanyone know what device 'sr1' is?15:36
jamesstanleybecause i'm getting lots and lots of errors about it15:36
JuJuBeeSorry, not the multiple desktops switcher for a single screen, I mean 2 separate screens with own desktop config, panel, /home/me/Desktop and /home/me/Desktop115:37
f1yh1 all15:37
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: You can tell everything where it should be shown, exsample, Desk2 firefox15:37
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ares28ultraCiaooo a tutti..15:37
JuJuBeeNot talking about the Pager at the bottom in panel,15:37
ares28ultraHello at all!15:38
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Ahh, that i know nothing about! You want to use more monitors? Hardware?15:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jbo15:38
JuJuBeeSp0tKubuntu: correct.15:38
JuJuBeeI have 2 monitors.15:38
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Sorry for confusing you then :-)15:38
f1y_русские есть?15:38
Pici!ru | f1y_15:38
ubottuf1y_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:38
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: BUT! On my laptop, i choose "System settings" "Screen" and then config it15:39
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: In there, in Kubuntu, i see chooses for TV and extra monitors, like TV15:39
JuJuBeeHad it working flawlessly with kubuntu 7.10 each own resolution etc... when update to 8.04, can't get second monitor to 1280x1024.15:39
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Have you tryed some display programs for controlling that for you?15:40
adrian15bWhenever I try to install a package it asks me about choosing to preserve a local file or not. I do not want to be asked. I want the command to take a default action. assume-yes and force-yes did not work. Does anybody know?15:40
JuJuBeeSp0tKubuntu: System Settings -> Display on latest live cd wont allow me to anything but mirror.15:40
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: I have i program, dont know if it can be used, called, KRandTray15:41
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Hmm, i can do the same in the new almost like in the old, exept deleting windows partitions as they dont appear15:42
JuJuBeeSp0tKubuntu: tried xrandr but it shows max resolution for external monitor to 1024x768 which is incorrect.  It can do 1280x1024 and it did when I had kubuntu 7.1015:42
ares28ultrasomeone knows a naruto it chan??15:42
Sp0tKubuntuJuJuBee: Maybe the program? Try another app :-)15:42
burn_i need to use 1024x768 so i can see my desktop on tv, if u use 1280x1024 i dont see whole desktop15:42
burn_but ati drivers dont work well on 8.0415:43
Sp0tKubuntuSorry! BBL! have to go now15:43
ares28ultrasomeone can tell me a NARUTO chan?15:43
ares28ultraQualcuno conosce un canale relativo a Naruto???15:46
jamesstanleyares28ultra: donde este le pelicanoso?!?!15:46
bazhangares28ultra, this is kubuntu support15:47
jamesstanleyares28ultra: donde este mi pantalones?15:47
bazhang!irc | ares28ultra check last link15:47
ubottuares28ultra check last link: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:47
Novalgina2Fasthi,problem i have installed kde 4.2(before i had intrepid kubuntu with kde 4.1 and now i can't acces then the login15:47
JuJuBeeAnybody here good with squid acl's?15:47
alarm_anyone know how to make my external usb hdd to be read only ? on previous version of kubuntu/kde you could do that from dialog boxes, not anymore . how could i do them to be mounted read only ?15:47
alarm_Novalgina2Fast,  what do u mean ? :)15:48
khalidmianwhats the alternative for gk pod for kubunu something thats good and works well ?15:49
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: i have done the upgrade but then reboot i can do login but then kde4.2 don't start,only there is the wallpaper and i can move only the mouse15:49
khalidmianwhats the alternative for gtk pod for kubunu something thats good and works well ?15:50
alarm_so it appears the kde4.2 login and when you enter it shows what ?15:50
alarm_loading the stuff ? like the kde environment ? regional settings or not even this appears ?15:50
alarm_khalidmian, mean something like gtk-engine-kde4 ?15:51
burn_does new drivers from atiradeon [9.1] works with 8.10 interpid ibex? [i know before didnt worked]15:51
JuJuBeekhalidmian: I don't manage my ipod on linux, but I love mediamonkey on windows.  I heard it can run under wine.15:51
alarm_oh ipod, ok sorry :P15:51
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: then appear only the wallpaper of the login and stop,that's it,i can only move mouse15:52
alarm_no error i suppose .15:52
alarm_first what you can try is is:15:52
alarm_1) enter in console, login and type startx and see if an error appears15:52
alarm_2) check inside /var/log/kdm.log15:53
alarm_3) make sure you installed correctly kde4.215:53
alarm_try reinstalling it15:53
khalidmianalarm_: something to manage ipod with in kubuntu15:53
alarm_khalidmian, yeap i just got it, not familiar with external media devices15:54
FreakCERSHi, running aticonfig --initial on a IBM thinkpad T40 using kubuntu 8.10, I get: "Operating system policy has overriden aticonfig --initial" - anyone knoe what could cause that?15:55
khalidmianalarm_: just got an answer to my own problems http://wiki.ubuntu-id.org/IPodHowto15:56
jamesstanleyanyone know why the k menu button is an arrow pointing to the left?15:56
jamesstanleyalternatively, does anyone know why kde4's icons always get mixed up?15:56
ares28ultraQualcuno conosce un chan di Nauto???15:59
jamesstanleyares28ultra: donde estan mis pantalones?16:00
ares28ultrasorry, i'm searchin a chan of Naruto!!!!16:01
jamesstanleyares28ultra: donde estan les pelicanoso?16:02
jamesstanleyhabla espagnol?16:04
f1y_ðóññêèå êòî åñòü?)16:04
bazhangf1y_, /join #ubuntu-ru16:05
bazhangares28ultra, dont ask here; this is kubuntu support only16:05
student18Help.  A student removed all the panels on kubuntu.  When I make a new panel, the first widget takes the whole panel.  The second blocks everything and nothing is usable,16:08
ghostcubestudent18: is it possible to change the user or add a new user ?16:10
ghostcubeor maybe start a blank session so it would load defaults16:10
student18yeah I can add a user16:10
student18how would I load a blank session?16:11
ghostcubemaybe try the clean session16:11
ghostcubein systemsettings session management16:11
student18that sounds like the quicker of the two16:11
ghostcubeits in the advanced option tab16:11
student18I'll try that, brb16:12
burn_how to update hardy heron 8.04 to interpid ibex 8.10 using cd rom?16:12
chris-rc1how can i flush dns information on my client?16:13
ForeverWilsbyget a toilet16:13
ghostcube?? chris-rc116:13
surgyI am talking to you via irssi becuase kubuntu keeps freezing at the boot screen, Im running kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4.2 can anyone help me please?16:14
ghostcubesurgy: hmm sounds bad what grafic card is this16:14
jamesstanleysurgy: did you press alt-f1 to see what it was saying to you?16:14
alarm_anyone know how to make my external usb hdd to be read only ? on previous version of kubuntu/kde you could do that from dialog boxes, not anymore . how could i do them to be mounted read only ?16:15
surgyits an nvidia graphics card and no i didnt press alt f1 but i will now16:15
jamesstanleyalarm_: specify the option 'ro' when mounting16:15
jamesstanleyor in the fstab16:15
chris-rc1i want to access a site which according to ALL my browsers does not exist. but i can access the site via all other pcs in the SAME network. i can also access it from vista on the same machine that it is not working on when on intrepid16:15
alarm_jamesstanley,  there is no line for the usb devices in the fstab to modify it16:15
jamesstanleychris-rc1: are you specifying the fqdn?16:15
ghostcubechris-rc1: can u access any page ?16:15
surgycntrl+alt + F8 tells me that it froze on "checking battery state16:15
alarm_its being automounted from... udev ? i dont know16:15
jamesstanleyalarm_: probably hal, but if you add the line in /etc/fstab it will go from there instead of hal16:16
alarm_with read/write access and i wnat to change it to read only16:16
chris-rc1yes, i can. i can even access the site using the alternative web address, but i cannot even ping the other one16:16
jamesstanleychris-rc1: what is the web address?16:16
alarm_jamesstanley, that means i have to create also mountpoints and add flags for the mounting16:16
chris-rc1jamesstanley: fqdn?16:16
ghostcubechris-rc1: maybe an bug inside the dns server yu choosed inside linux client is it the same one as for the other pcs ?16:16
jamesstanleychris-rc1: fully-qualified domain name16:16
chris-rc1one is univis.ovgu.de, the other univis.uni-magdeburg.de16:17
jamesstanleyok then, that should work16:17
surgyjamestanley: it haulted on "checking battery state"16:17
ghostcubechris-rc1: btw warum gehst du nich in den de channel lol16:17
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jamesstanleysurgy: in that case i don't know how to help16:17
jamesstanleyperhaps there's a problem with your acpi hardware16:17
chris-rc1ghostcube: because it doesn't matter16:17
ghostcubejamesstanley: maybe he can boot without acpi enabled16:18
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: startx give me a lot of error and this is my var/log/kdm.log : http://pastebin.com/m3216711f ,i have done the right procedur to install kde 4.2 and i have installed it from repository so i don't know how renstall it16:18
chris-rc1thing is, that if this happens with sites without me noticing...16:18
jamesstanleychris-rc1: how long ago was the domain name registered?16:19
alarm_Novalgina2Fast,  did u take this procedure ? http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.216:19
jamesstanleyand are you using the same dns server as all the other machins on the network?16:19
chris-rc1i think it might be a dns problem, since my machine cannot resolve the hostname at all16:19
alarm_Novalgina2Fast, sorry http://pastebin.com/m3216711f doesnt show me anythinh16:19
chris-rc1jamesstanley: long ago16:19
surgywas kde 4.2 ever added to an oficial repo?16:19
alarm_oh ok, my mistake , now i got it16:19
jamesstanleysurgy: it's in 8.1016:19
jamesstanleyoh 4.2, my bad16:20
chris-rc1surgy: i think it's only in experimental16:20
surgyjamesstanley: no it was kde 4.1 when i downloaded it and i had to use an "experimental" repo to get 4.2 now i want to uninstall kde and reinstall it with the real repo16:20
chris-rc1surgy: there is no 'real' repo for kde 4.2 in intrepid16:21
surgyumm 4.2 was supposed to be officially released weeks ago16:21
kaddiit's in the jaunty res though, if you want to upgrade ;)16:21
PiciIts only in the 'experimental' PPAs currently.16:21
surgyman i wished i could get back to my desktop16:21
alarm_Novalgina2Fast, seems that your xorg.conf file is messed up. did you try to reconfigure it ?16:21
surgyi need to reinstall kde 4.2 how do i do this?16:22
chris-rc1surgy: kde 4.2 has officially been released, that doesn't mean it is 'official' in kubuntu16:22
Novalgina2Fastalarm_ : i take the procedure from kde.org-how i can reconfigure xorg?16:22
jamesstanleydoes anyone know the easiest way to get a broadcom wireless card to work in a kubuntu machine that doesn't have access to the internet?16:23
surgychris-rc1: ok how do i uninstall kde 4.2 from the terminal and then reinstall it?16:23
chris-rc1so can anybody tell me how i can dump the dns cache16:23
jamesstanleyi know i could either obtain the firmware for the b43 driver, or obtain ndiswrapper16:23
jamesstanleycan anyone suggest which is easier?16:23
chris-rc1surgy: why do you wanna uninstall it?16:23
surgychris-rc1: also did they change repos from the experimental repo?16:23
alarm_Novalgina2Fast,  back up your xorg.conf and try this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:23
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: this is the site http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.216:23
surgychris-rc1: i got an error from kde saying i need to "check my install"16:24
alarm_Novalgina2Fast, when installed kde4.2 did you just upgrade the packages or did you do a dist-upgrade ?16:25
surgychris-rc1: says "no write access to /home/surgy/.ICEauthority"16:25
chris-rc1surgy, i used the beta first and then got the final automatically, so no, i don't think they've changed the repos. but it might be easier to just reinstall the whole thing16:25
chris-rc1oh ok16:25
Novalgina2Fastalarm_only upgrade the packages,i had intrepid with kde4.116:25
surgychris-rc1: i cant just apt-get purge [kde package] and the apt-get install it?16:25
chris-rc1you might have started kde as root or so16:25
amews_ajHow do I install kde 4.2 on ubuntu 8.10 ? (Not compiling)16:26
chris-rc1surge, just go to your home dir and delete the file as root16:26
chris-rc1then try to restart kde16:26
surgychris-rc1: that file isnt needed by kde?16:26
alarm_Novalgina2Fast,  i think thats the problem16:26
alarm_try a dist-upgrade16:26
alarm_sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (after you update first)16:27
surgychris-rc1: im not even seeing that file in my /home/surgy/ LS16:27
alarm_and try again to login16:27
chris-rc1it is hidden, and it will be recreated automatically. do ls -l * to see it16:28
surgychris-rc1: nope not even with ls -l16:30
surgychris-rc1: whats the package name for kde 4.2 ?16:31
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde416:31
Novalgina2Fastalarm_ : so,i have done dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg now i have to do alt+E? dist-upgrade say me only that i have to update gnview only this package but i don't know how upgrade it XD16:31
alarm_did you do first apt-get update ? and then dist-upgrade ?16:32
alarm_what is alt+e ?16:32
surgyanyone know the package name of kde 4.2?16:32
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: yes i have done it, alt+E restart x session16:33
alarm_yeah u can try that16:33
chris-rc1surgy: wait16:34
chris-rc1sorry, try ls -la *16:34
chris-rc1so does anybody know how i can force my machine to forget its dns cache??16:35
chris-rc1this thing is kinda freaking me out...16:35
surgychris-rc1: that is just sorting it into its category like video, music, etc etc16:35
chris-rc1you are on the console?16:35
surgychris-rc1:  and i cant page up or page down becuase im running without a windows manager right now16:35
Novalgina2Fastalarm_ : i don't solve the problem XD16:36
surgychris-rc1: a console is all that i have...16:36
chris-rc1shift + page up/down allows you to scroll16:36
alarm_any changes ?16:36
surgychris-rc1: no it doesnt16:36
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: no16:36
alarm_can u upload the new kdm.log ?16:37
surgyi need help uninstalling kde 4.2 and then reinstalling kde 4.2 .....16:37
surgyif i only had the package name16:37
dvoidam i the only guy that has ecountered the "cant remove widgets" problem?16:37
dvoidi hav experienced the same problem in multiple kde 4.2 installations16:37
alarm_dvoid,  what do u mean cant remove widgets ?16:38
dvoidalarm_: i can add and move around plasma widgets, and remove , but when i restart kde the removed widgets are back again16:38
alarm_ok, i faced also. looks like a bug to me16:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about secondlife16:39
dvoidalarm_: yea seems like it16:39
alarm_i can give u a solution but its not the most ideal16:39
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: here: http://pastebin.com/m6b5e1921 and thank for all16:39
dvoidalarm_: hit me :D16:39
alarm_but thats what i did to get rid of some widgets that i did not want16:39
alarm_there are two plasma files16:39
alarm_plasma.rc and one more16:39
alarm_back the up. and delete those two files16:39
surgyman i really need help with this problem, i cant access kde at all...16:40
dvoidalarm_: kk tanx16:40
alarm_relogin. all ur settings for themes, desktop , widgets will be lost16:40
surgybetter yet how do i downgrade to kde 3.8?16:40
alarm_at least u can set them within 5 mins instead of strugling how to remove a widget.16:40
chris-rc1surgy, ther is no 3.816:40
alarm_Novalgina2Fast,  give me a min16:40
Novalgina2Fastalarm: yes sure16:40
surgywell the one that was stable before kde 4.116:40
chris-rc1one last thing. go to your home dir and do ls -l .ICEauthority16:41
surgyhow do i downgrade to the kde before 4.1 ?16:41
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chris-rc1why would you want to do that (except you got an nvidia card, but even then...). btw, there is no intrepid with kde (no official one)16:42
khalidmiani would like to ask some security admin realted questions16:42
surgychris-rc1: becuase kde 4.1 is super unstable, and 4.2 is barely any better, when the devs produce a decent product i wil lsupport it16:43
alarm_u here ?16:43
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: yes16:43
surgyfuck it ill just try kubuntu-desktop16:44
chris-rc1surgy, you should really get your facts right here. but if you want kde 3.5, then the best thing is to install hardy16:44
alarm_might be something wrong with the ati broken symlinks16:44
alarm_try this16:44
alarm_emerge -C ati-drivers16:44
ares28ultrasomeone used bespin kde4 theme?16:44
surgychris-rc1: and what about my 450gb of data stored in my home folder?16:44
alarm_eselect opengl set xorg-x11 (and remove any files that cause problems)16:44
alarm_emerge -av ati-drivers16:44
alarm_eselect opengl set ati16:44
chris-rc1surgy, that's why you should put home on an extra partition16:45
khalidmianwhy doesnt kubuntu detect my ipod16:45
chris-rc1if you wanna repair you current install let me know16:45
surgychris-rc1: well i didnt, becuase i expected kde to hold true to its name and be stable.16:45
chris-rc1what dns client does kubuntu use?16:46
alarm_Novalgina2Fast,  or try reinstalling ati drivers16:46
surgychris-rc1: i do want to repair it, but so far there have been no clues as to how to repair it other than the one kde gave me which says to reinstall16:46
ForeverWilsbyhas anyone gotten desktop search working?16:48
ForeverWilsbyI get an error message from Strigi Desktop file indexer16:48
khalidmianwhats with kubuntu andusb issue?16:49
ForeverWilsbyFailed to contact Strigi indexter (No such method 'currentFolder' in interface 'org.kde.nepomuk.Strigi' at .......16:49
khalidmianhow d i resolve usb issue in kubunu16:49
ForeverWilsbykhalidmian, can you be more specific, ie. what are you trying to do. What is not working?16:49
ForeverWilsbyWHAT ISSUE?16:49
ForeverWilsbya usb dildo?16:49
khalidmianForeverWilsby: kubuntu does not detect when i connect my ipod via usb16:49
ForeverWilsbykhalidmian, what software are you using to connect your ipod to kubuntu?16:50
Novalgina2Fastalarm_ : emerge command not found16:50
alarm_try reinstalling ati drivers16:51
khalidmianForeverWilsby: but that not the problem - problem in kubuntu isnt detecting my ipod period16:51
Novalgina2Fastalarm_:ok thanks16:51
ForeverWilsbykhalidmian, when you say not detecting.... what do you mean?16:52
ForeverWilsbykhalidmian, nothing on dmesg?16:52
khalidmianForeverWilsby: mean when i plugin my ipod - device notifier doesnt detect it16:52
khalidmianForeverWilsby: device notifier says nothing plugged in16:53
ForeverWilsbyThat's because it does not recognise the type of device16:53
ForeverWilsbyyou need to install some software that does16:53
alarm_i am still wondering how on earth to change the access on my partitions from read/write to read only (external usb hdd)16:53
khalidmianForeverWilsby: what software would detect my ipod?16:53
ForeverWilsbytry installing ipodslave16:54
alarm_isnt there on kubuntu 8.1 something similar like in previews version that you could go to Disk & File Systems through the system settings ?16:55
khalidmiani just installed ipodslave using adept but cant find it in programs16:57
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ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:00
surgyok so im downgrading my linux install to 8.04 and i want all of my bookmarks from firefox in a file so i can just add them to my new firefox can someone help?17:00
alarm_surgy,  back up the .mozilla folder17:01
alarm_restore it when done and u will have all the settings/bookmarks as before17:01
surgyalarm_: and then just copy/paste it over my new mozilla folder latter?17:01
alarm_that would do , yes17:01
alarm_as long it is the same firefox version u should not have any problem17:02
khalidmianinstalled ipodslave vie adept cant find program still ipod not being detected17:02
surgyalarm_: ok but .mozilla is locked...... as in i dont have permision to do anything to it, and im on a live cd right now, so how do i move it to another partition since its locked?17:03
alarm_now i am confused :P17:03
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alarm_u are running a live cd , and you want to back up ur .mozilla folder ?17:04
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alarm_so that u will keep the bookmarks that you created while using the live cd17:04
khalidmianwould like to know how to config ipod-convenience17:05
surgyi just chmod 777 the mozilla file all is good now17:06
surgythnx for your time17:06
surgyalarm_: no i wanted to backup my old bookmarks from my last install before installing 8.0417:06
alarm_thats the way to go then. keep the whole directory. bookmarks are said to be saved in html form, never tried it in that way. and there are also some j... something files17:07
FreakCERSHi, running aticonfig --initial on a IBM thinkpad T40 using kubuntu 8.10, I get: "Operating system policy has overriden aticonfig --initial" - anyone know what could cause that?17:10
FreakCERSit also says "Read below for instructions", then segfaults, because the file /etc/ati/initial-message.txt is missing17:10
Novalgina2Fastalarm_ : i can't login to kde 4.2 yet17:14
ForeverWilsby ok, DOES strigi work with kde 4.2?17:14
ForeverWilsbyor are those kde 4.2 packages and strigi broken17:14
ForeverWilsbyanyone know?17:14
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khalidmian_Error initialising iPod: Problem creating iPod directory or file: '/media/ipod/iTunes_Control'.17:28
khalidmian_any help there?17:28
dr_Willismake the directry?17:29
dr_Willisor perhaps its mouunted where a user cant make the directroys17:29
dr_Willisassuming the ipod is mounted to /media/ipod17:29
khalidmian_dr_Willis: yes it is17:30
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dr_WillisI would check how its mounted. and with what options. I imagine its mounted where only root can write to it17:30
khalidmian_how will i know ipod is mounted?17:33
khalidmian_dr_Willis: device manager doesnt show anything pluggedin17:33
khalidmian_im wondering if i should switch to ubuntu or back to ewwwwwwwww  windows17:35
dr_WillisI never use device manager.. i just mount things manually, or via fstab17:36
dr_Willisor get rid of the ipod. :)17:36
khalidmian_dr_Willis: got to ask some security and admin question wondering if you might have solutions/answers17:37
dr_WillisMake it quick. its my bed time17:37
khalidmian_dr_Willis: i have a laptop kids have desktops in windows vista can i admin there unit via my laptop using kubuntu17:38
dr_WillisYou can use VNC to remote - controll WIndows machines17:39
dr_WillisI tend to use 'ultravnc' in windows17:39
khalidmian_dr_Willis: second question is how can i control cyberpatrol parental control related things via kubuntu17:40
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dr_WillisNo idea about tha tspecific one.. but there are firefox extensions that let you 'control' the sites and stuff the kids go to.17:41
dr_WillisI forget the names of the one i played with a year ago.17:41
ForeverWilsbyhey khalidmian_ where are you based?17:41
dr_Willisbest 'cybercontrol' thing to make the kids act responsability on the internet = Move the PC to the living room. not the kids room. :)17:42
khalidmian_ForeverWilsby: canada17:42
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JackWinterkhalidmian_: i use a firmware called rockbox on my ipod.  works great and i just drag and drop mp3s (or ogg and many other formats) straight on it (usb drive).  sounds better than the apple fw too...17:44
adi__hi all17:44
funkiwanhey, i'm on intrepid ibex, kde 4.1 and just tried to upgrade to 4.2 following the instructions here (http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2) and have run into some problems17:45
adi__how can i mount ntfs partition in kubuntu interpid kde 4.217:45
funkiwanhoping someone can help me out17:45
adi__anyone any ide?17:45
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions17:45
dr_WillisOr install/use with sudo  the ntfs-config tool :)17:46
adi__i allready have this ntfs-3g installed17:46
adi__i did that guide but no sucsess17:46
dr_Willistry -->   install/use with sudo  the ntfs-config tool :)17:46
dr_Willisif its internal - add entry to fstab.. if external that ntfs-config tool has a few check box's to allow users full access I think17:47
adi__I installed NTFS-config tool from adept17:47
adi__but it wont show up17:47
adi__it internal17:47
funkiwanhere are the errors i encountered during the upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/114847/17:47
adi__and i moded fstab file17:47
adi__but still no results17:47
dr_Willisyou may have to add a fstab entry for it  -  tell the channel the line you used?17:47
dr_Willisyou may have to add a 'correct' fstab entry for it   :)17:48
dr_WillisI mount mine by Label because Im special -->  LABEL="Videos300"    /media/Videos300    ntfs-3g defaults,umask=0       0 117:48
adi__this line added:/dev/sda1 /mnt/Windows ntfs-3g quiet,defaults,rw 0 017:48
adi__in fstab file17:48
dr_Willis the umask option may be needed17:49
adi__can you suggest the right line?17:49
mbwjr12funkiwan: i had errors similar to that17:49
funkiwanany luck resolving them?17:50
mbwjr12funkiwan: do an 'apt-get dist-upgrade -f', then a 'apt-get upgrade -f'17:50
mbwjr12kde started acting funky while it was upgrading, but i just killed the xserver and then everything went back to normal17:50
mbwjr12*killed the xserver after the upgrades finished17:50
xeon_can anyone help me with a problem?17:50
mbwjr12xeon_: maybe17:50
dr_Willisuse the umask=0 option adi__  would be my FIRST guess.17:50
xeon_how i make kopete work as a winpop up?17:51
xeon_it tells me something about samba...17:51
adi__how I can use this umask?17:52
dr_Willisadi__,  to get users to access ntfs  fully  with  ntfs-3g you must use some sort of uid/gid/or umask type options. other wise just root will be able to access them17:52
xeon_i need to install samba? how i do that?17:52
mbwjr12apt-get install samba17:52
dr_Willissudo apt-get install samba samba-doc17:52
adi__so in this line how should i modifiy :/dev/sda1 /mnt/Windows ntfs-3g quiet,defaults,rw 0 017:53
dr_Willisthen the samba books/docs are going to be in /usr/share/docs/samba-doc (I think) :) 3 books on the topic.17:53
dr_Willisadi__,  add the umask=  in there like mine... ive no idea what 'quite' does.17:53
funkiwanmbwjr12: just tried that, but received errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/114849/17:53
dr_Willis ntfs-3g defaults,umask=0      instead of    ntfs-3g quiet,defaults,rw17:53
xeon_ooh too hard i only neede winpop up to send a msg to someone who has windows on his pc...17:54
larsiviwith 4.2 on intrepid, how can I get both gwenview and digikam at the same time? ...17:54
dr_Willisxeon_,  theres similer tools like tht on linux.. but  most people HATE the winpopup stuff.17:54
dr_Willisxeon_,  and i seem to recall that its even blocked on a lot of windows machines. :)17:54
shadeslayerlarsivi: digikam is btoken17:55
shadeslayerin KDE 4.217:55
mbwjr12funkiwan: honestly i just kept running those two commands until it worked, and i managed to install 4.2 on 2 computers that way17:55
xeon_yeah but he still gets the msg from me...right? if i make it work?17:55
larsivishadeslayer: how? just in terms of packages? it works fine for me as long as I don't have gwenview17:55
mbwjr12funkiwan: i also got some errors after the dist-upgrade, which is when i then did the upgrade -f17:55
shadeslayerlarsivi: just read it on the site,no details as of now17:56
shadeslayeri am connecting to the net after a week,so no details17:56
xeon_ok thanx for the help17:56
xeon_good day/night17:57
larsivishadeslayer: where did you read it?17:58
adi__dr willis | so it should look like this; /dev/sda1 /mnt/Windows ntfs-3g umask=0 ,defaults,rw 0 017:59
shadeslayerlarsivi: kde.org17:59
zzzhi. i just installed 8.10. i need to know how to setup the network18:00
lovreis there a normal archive manager for kde, something like WinRar for windows, that lets me extract more files at once, compress files in new archive, and that integrates with dolphin, so i have it in a menu when i right-click a file??? PLease....18:01
adi__dr-willis          is this the right line to add in fstab  :    /dev/sda1 /mnt/Windows ntfs-3g umask=0 ,defaults,rw 0 018:01
shadeslayerlarsivi: Digikam will not install alongside these packages due to conflicting library versions.18:01
shadeslayerhere http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.218:01
malik_im using Kubuntu 9.04 Alpha4 its very stable18:04
malik_nomajor issues so far18:04
techbwhi, I have just upgraded to kubuntu 8.10, but don't like the menu system, is there a way to get it back to the way kde 3.5 used to be?18:05
malik_Try kubuntu 9.04 alpha 4 its great18:05
zzztechbw:right click on K18:06
malik_kde 3,5 is history, pls get used to kde418:06
Picimalik_: Please don't suggest to users to use unreleased versions of (K)ubuntu. Jaunty is not yet supported.18:06
techbwthere is no k...it looks like two arrows to the right.18:06
lovretechbw: right click on KMenu icon, click "Application Launcher Menu settings" and there select "Standard" for View18:06
techbwI left windows to get away from the vista style, and now kde4 goes and does a similar thing18:07
lovretechbw: you can customize kde any way you like. Make it look like win 3.11 if you want.18:07
zzzlovre: how do i set up the network in kde 4?18:08
lovrewhen i try to join #dolphin, it says: You must specify the channel key (+k).... how can i get the key?18:08
techbwdon't get that...right click has the following options menu editor...application launch settings...pannel options18:08
malik_gimp and firefox look wierd on KDE how to make it look better??18:08
lovrezzz: do you have KNetworkManager running?18:08
khalidmianweird how adept says amarok isnt installed once an update to amarok-kde4 is done18:08
shadeslayermalik_: yeah,FF3 looks betterin windows18:08
lovretechbw: click application launch settings18:08
techbwonly one option comes up switch tabs on hover18:09
alarm_Novalgina2Fast,  so?18:09
student19Howdy.  B/c a student deleted all my panels and making new one didn't work I've had to re-install Kubuntu 8.10 an an old compaq.  Just after I log in, the standard icon progression comes up, first the hardrive icon then is freezes bringing the other two up.  And there it hangs.  I didn't find much in the forums helping me.  any suggestions.  Thankyou18:09
mbwjr12malik_: i think it's because of the qt-gnome theme engine. it has bugs.18:09
malik_yeah thanks18:09
student19also xrandr tells me "Can't open display" so that's odd too I assume18:09
techbwlovre: i have been through the available options in the right click menu on kmenu...but none give the option to go back to standard view18:10
Novalgina2Fastalarm_ : so it doesn't work ç_ç18:10
malik_im reading this tutorial its says to to change a setting on system setting, use my kde style in gtk programs18:10
malik_i will see18:10
alarm_isnt there on kubuntu 8.1 something similar like in previews version that you could go to Disk & File Systems through the system settings ? or some way to set my external usb hdd on read only and not read/write18:10
Novalgina2Fastalarm_:i have reinstalled ati driver but nothing18:10
alarm_Novalgina2Fast,  u reinstalled ati and got the same results ?18:10
techbwlovre:sorry i am blind by the looks of it...it was in the right click menu :-)18:10
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: yes18:10
lovretechbw: well, look harder next time :)18:11
lovrezzz: cant you create a new connection?18:11
zzzi just did18:11
lovrezzz: and does it work?18:11
lovrezzz: how are you connected to internet?18:12
zzzi entered manually the ip, gateway and dns address and a name and clicked connect and save18:12
zzzbut it's not working18:12
alarm_did you install kubuntu-desktop ? actually its a stupid question since you got kde18:12
alarm_but try it18:12
whkingis there a way to turn xgl off temporarily?18:12
zzzlovre: wired18:13
shadeslayerzzz: if its Wifi,disable it and then reenable it18:13
zzzshadeslayer: it's a wired connection18:13
zzznot using wifi18:13
lovrezzz: try to set it up via konsole...18:13
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: i'm trying18:13
lovrezzz: maybe this would be helpful: http://nosrednaekim.wordpress.com/2008/04/25/static-networking-in-kubuntu-804-kde4/18:14
lovredoes anyone know if there will be any new nvidia drivers soon? With current drivers Compiz is not working properly... Evene with compiz off, some weird rendering occurs, like leftovers from buffer etc...18:16
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: i have to restart x XD18:16
alarm_okie do it18:16
alarm_lovre,  look for the latest in nvidia website18:16
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whkingis there a way to turn xgl off temporarily?18:20
whkingoops, sorry18:20
chris-rc1is there a way to tell networkmanager to rewrite resolv.conf completely, i.e. to erase it and to insert the new dns server(s)??18:20
zzzit's working now18:23
funkiwanmbwjr12: ended up getting some help and doing a force overwrite of the offending package: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_i386.deb18:25
techbwoh! SH%T I have enabled desktop effects by mistake, how can I disable them from command line, because I get blank screen when logging into kde18:25
funkiwanafter that, running your sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f command completed successfully18:25
funkiwangoing to reboot now and see how it goes18:25
techbwthats on kubuntu 8.10, tried to alt+f2 and run kwin --replace18:25
techbwno good though18:26
techbwany ideas??? stuck with window maker and not really fond of it...luckily it is installed otherwise I would not have access to a gui18:27
mbwjr12funkiwan good luck18:27
techbwthink I will just remove kde and install it again... hopfully it will sort things out18:28
ForeverSmurfArhh this sucks. Kubuntu maybe should have mentioned something about their kde 4.2 packages for intrepid. IE. There is no semantic desktop!!!. Wasn't that supposed to be the main feature of kde 4?18:29
ForeverSmurfIt was certainly the one I was looking forward to trying18:29
KEBAhello there18:31
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:31
KEBAid like to install the qt-version of firefox under kubuntu 8.10 - how to do it ;)18:32
david_Hello, Do someone know anny good compiler for programming c/c++ that are free?18:33
shadeslayerdavid_: kate18:34
KEBAdavid_: the gnu compiler, kate... ?18:34
ForeverSmurfKEBA, I don't think it is ready yet18:34
student19hi pearle18:34
david_Iv allready downloaded gnu, but I dont understand how I install it, pritty new with Linux, but hope Kate will work.18:35
KEBAForeverSmurf: hmm, then ive to use the gtk version, havent i?18:35
shadeslayerdavid_: kate needs some messing around,if youre new18:35
shadeslayerdavid_: here http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/gccintro/gccintro_9.html18:35
shadeslayerpretty helpful with kate18:36
david_Okay, thank you!18:36
mbwjr12i personally really like kde 4.2, but the whole semantic desktop thing is taking quite some time18:38
JackWinteranyone have an idea why i can no longer shutdown or relogin again.  all apps close and the screen goes black, but the cursor keeps working and at that point the process ends.  kdm keeps running.  the only way to shutdown is changing to a virtual term and do it manually...18:38
JackWinteram running kde 3.5.10 on ubuntu 8.04.  since a couple of days i can't log out or shutdown.  the logout closes all progs and then stops at a black screen with a working mouse cursor.  at that moment kdm is still running.  i think it's not something in my ~/.kde, since if i start a second session from a virtual terminal with export KDEHOE=~/.kde3 startx -- :3, then it has the same problem.  i have to kill that session with ctrl-alt-bkspace to exit it...18:38
JackWinteris there some log that might tell me where kdm is stopping the logout or what is going wrong ?18:39
JackWinteror if it might possibly be an xorg prob ?18:39
alarm_isnt there on kubuntu 8.1 something similar like in previews version that you could go to Disk & File Systems through the system settings ? or some way to set my external usb hdd on read only and not read/write18:44
toborHi all - anyone know how i can find out who maintains the "j-pilot" package for kubuntu?18:48
rbrunhubertobor: try packages.ubuntu.com or launchpad18:49
rbrunhubertobor: packages.ubuntu.com reports ubuntu motu as the maintainer(s). You find them in #ubuntu-motu18:52
ForeverSmurfmbwjr12, how did you get the semantic desktop working?18:53
ForeverSmurfmbwjr12, how did you install sesame2?18:53
shadeslayerhow do i update the kernel??18:54
rbrunhubershadeslayer: your kernel is normally updated with the apt-get runs.18:55
JackWintershadeslayer:  adept18:55
shadeslayerso no extra command needed??18:55
JackWintershadeslayer: well if it's a new kernel it gets added to /boot/grub/menu.lst so you can chose it when booting, and if an update of a already installed one then just reboot once18:56
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ForeverSmurfHas anyone here got strigi working under kde 4.2?18:57
ForeverSmurfor rather, semantic desktop working under kde 4.2?18:58
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horzaAnybody know why ntfsprogs is an empty package in Kubuntu (amd64)?18:58
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:00
toborrbrunhuber: thanks!19:00
rbrunhubertobor: you're welcome19:01
surgywhats the defualt directory to sources.list ?19:02
rbrunhubersurgy: /etc/apt/sources.list19:03
njus_anyone from indonesia?19:04
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FreakCERSHi, running aticonfig --initial on a IBM thinkpad T40 using kubuntu 8.10, I get: "Operating system policy has overriden aticonfig --initial" - anyone know what could cause that?19:06
FreakCERSit also says "Read below for instructions", then segfaults, because the file /etc/ati/initial-message.txt is missing19:06
rohanis there any way i can imitate a similar setup of panels on kde 4.2? http://bayimg.com/canpfaAbG - whenever i try to make a similar upper panel, the date field takes up so much space that it is always centered19:07
rohanthis is the same problem i had throughout kde4, but is it somehow solved in kde 4.2 by some setting or so?19:07
nonickname2rohan: there's some spacer plasmoid somewhere iirc19:07
rohanoh that's great19:08
nonickname2i don't think that it's included though19:08
njus_anyone from indonesia here?19:09
kaddihow can i create a shortcut on my desktop?19:09
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:10
surgywhats the package name for dvd playback?19:10
rohansurgy: sudo aptitude install libdvdcss19:10
rohanbut you need to enable medicuntu repository for that19:10
rohansurgy: you're trying to play a commercial encrypted dvd?19:11
surgyrohan: thank you that is the package i need19:11
rohangreat :)19:11
surgyrohan: i have done this a million times, just setting up my distro, been a while so i forgot the names of a few packages i want, also whats the extra restricted codecs package offered for kubuntu?19:12
surgythe one that include mp3 supoprt for amarok, its called xine-codecs-extra or something like that?19:12
njus_anyone from indonesia here?19:14
shadeslayernjus_: why???19:15
rohansurgy: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-restricted-extras19:17
yao_ziyuani'm glad to see adept die19:17
surgyrohan: thank you but i dont use aptitude19:17
surgywell i guess i might i just use a different command19:17
JontheEchidnathat would work^19:17
surgyi likes adept19:17
yao_ziyuanit doesn't warn about unsigned packages. so even if a package is originally signed, bad guys can still replace it with an unsigned malicious package in the middle of downloading19:17
surgyyao_ziyuan: for the paranoid maybe, i have never had that problem19:18
JontheEchidnayao_ziyuan: kpackagekit will also install unsigned packages19:18
yao_ziyuanJontheEchidna: without warning?19:19
rohansurgy: you can use adept to install that package too19:19
rohana package installs the same way, whatever you use to install it19:19
yao_ziyuani know now: kde is created by a german, and germans are nazis19:19
yao_ziyuannazi goes back alive through kde!19:19
surgyrohan: duh19:21
surgyyao_ziyuan: i am german, and am no nazi19:21
Tm_Tyao_ziyuan: stop right there19:22
kaddi_so, kde 4.2 just crashed the x-server... anything I should/can do to help avoid this in the future?19:23
njus__just wanna know how many indonesian people here...19:23
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___Adam____hello, I have a asus x59 laptop which i belive has a sis chipset, kubuntu dosnt reconise the ACPI, so i have no power managment any ideas?19:25
surgykaddi_: i also had that problem had to go back to the old kde to fix it19:25
yao_ziyuani can't judge kpackagekit until i personally test it19:27
surgyis it just me or is the multiverse really slow today?19:28
rohansurgy: so if you know enough to "duh" me, why did you announce that you don't use aptitude? what difference does it make?19:28
surgyrohan: i was being playful no ofense intended bro.19:28
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: now i have kde 3.5 with widgets19:29
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: o_O19:29
alarm_huh ? why19:29
Novalgina2Fastalarm_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop installed 3.519:30
alarm_at least u can now login heheeh19:30
___Adam____hello, I have a asus x59 laptop which i belive has a sis chipset, kubuntu dosnt reconise the ACPI, so i have no power managment any ideas?19:30
alarm_sorry, my mistake19:30
alarm_it is kubuntu-kde4-desktop19:31
alarm_thats the package name19:31
Novalgina2Fastalarm_ :don't worry19:31
alarm_u can give it a further try if u want19:31
BsimsI am having problems with the  mangle script for irssi  http://paste.ubuntu.com/114918/ any ideas19:35
Gun_Smokekde 4.1 how do I add application that are installed to the 'office' catagory? gnome was pretty straight forward.. but kde's way is evading me..19:40
carpii_you mean add a new menu item for an already installed app?19:42
Gun_Smokecarpii_: yes.. and I just found it.19:43
Gun_Smokebut it won't allwo the change to be saved??19:43
howlingmadhowiedoes anyone know how to get the javascript-loaded version of googlemail running in konqueror?19:43
carpii_i was gonna suggest right clicking any menu item19:43
carpii_but im on kde 3.5 anyway19:43
* howlingmadhowie is using konqueror in kde4.2 btw19:43
Gun_SmokeYou have to right click the "gear-K" thing-a-ma-bob19:44
Gun_Smokelauncher maybe.. haha..19:44
gorgonizerhowlingmadhowie: set konqueror to identify itself as Opera 9.0, seemed to work for me..19:44
howlingmadhowiegorgonizer: thanks, i'll try it. i set konqueror to identify itself as firefox2.0.8, but the javascript didn't work19:45
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howlingmadhowiegorgonizer: okay. opera9 seems to work. thanks :)19:47
gorgonizerhowlingmadhowie: no problem :)19:47
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howlingmadhowiegorgonizer: it seems to have problems refreshing the screen when i scroll. maybe that's a bug in 4.2. the scroll wheel doesn't work either, which is strange19:48
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gorgonizerhowlingmadhowie: yeah, I am having the smae scroll issues, wonder why I never noticed that before..19:50
howlingmadhowiegorgonizer: it must be a javascript thing. maybe i'll just have to use firefox for googlemail. annoying :(19:51
gorgonizerhowlingmadhowie: I tend to use Opera/Firefox for web browsing, and Konqueror for file management..19:51
howlingmadhowiemon dieu. kde4 is huge! the desktop can do so much!19:51
gorgonizerhowlingmadhowie: yeah, I am very impressed in the improvement from KDE 4.1 -> 4.2 :)19:52
howlingmadhowiegorgonizer: i stopped using kde about 3 years ago. things have obviously changed a bit since then :)19:52
sparrKDE seems to only recognize mouse movement when computing the time to turn on the screen saver.  Keyboard input and even mouse button events have no effect.  What could have caused that, and how do I fix it?19:53
gorgonizerI used KDE 3.5.x, which I loved, but KDE4 was missing a lot of the features I used, until 4.2 came out..19:53
carpii_why has firefox turned from a nice capable browser, into a slog buggy piece of shit19:53
marcelhow can i install gnome if a have kde please ?19:53
gorgonizermarcel: you can install the ubuntu-desktop package, which I think will do it..19:54
marcelgorgonizer: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ??19:54
gorgonizermarcel: that should do it!19:55
marcelgorgonizer: thank you...19:56
gorgonizermarcel: np..19:56
marcelgorgonizer: ok...19:56
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gorgonizermarcel: it will install a lot of packages..19:57
sparrcarpii_: because it used to be a faster branch of the mozilla code, but then people who should have been using mozilla started using firefox so it got bloated too.  thats why there are new gecko-based browsers these days that are as lean as firefox used to be19:57
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surgyso whats the longest a single install of kubuntu has ran without needing a major overhaul?19:58
sparrsurgy: lost in statistical noise, kubuntu isnt old enough19:59
horza4.2 isn't in the repos yet19:59
carpii_hm yeah sparr, it might be time for me to switch again :/19:59
sparrmy current install is about 4 years old, and im reinstalling it (maybe kubuntu, maybe back to debian) soon19:59
horzaAnybody know why ntfs package is empty?20:00
horzantfsprogs I mean20:00
surgyanyone know of a fast gecko based browser that isnt bloated or slow? preferably something designed specificly for kde? and it cant be konq20:01
JontheEchidnaYou could try arora. (It's WebKit based)20:02
JontheEchidnamore lightweight than konq, and based on a better rendering engine20:02
shadeslayer hey found a way to get good graphics in FF320:02
surgyJontheEchidna: is it faster than firefox?20:03
JontheEchidnasurgy: I don't know20:03
JontheEchidnaIt's based off the webkit snapshot included with Qt 4.420:03
surgyill stick with the fox then20:03
shadeslayeri think everything is looking good now,literally20:04
dreisingerAnyone know how to import an existing cmake project into kdevelop4 beta?20:13
Stathis`σφαιρα μπηκε ... πως το επαθε;;; :))))20:13
Sp0tKubuntuARG! Now i get grey hair! HERE we go! I have just reinstalled Kubuntu 32 coming from 64bit, and i made 4 partitions, manually, / 15Gb, /swap 5Gb, /home 5Gb, and then i want to make a partition for my own files, one where system do NOT save files! :-) But how? On / i set ext3 "Beginning" "Primary", and choose format, swap i just delete and remake, and /home, i delete, remake, mount as /home, and format and heres the question, must that20:13
Sp0tKubuntube "End" for making my own partition after?20:13
Sp0tKubuntuHmm, did you get my LOONG text just before?20:14
Sp0tKubuntuOf was it too long??20:15
legodude_any clues as to why copying smb in dolphin is soooo slow? I'm getting .5 MB/s20:15
Sp0tKubuntuARG! Now i get grey hair! HERE we go! I have just reinstalled Kubuntu 32 coming from 64bit, and i made 4 partitions, manually, / 15Gb, /swap 5Gb, /home 5Gb, and then i want to make a partition for my own files, one where system do NOT save files! :-)20:15
Sp0tKubuntuBut how? On / i set ext3 "Beginning" "Primary", and choose format, swap i just delete and remake, and /home, i delete, remake, mount as /home, and format and heres the question, must that20:15
Sp0tKubuntube "End" for making my own partition after?20:15
dreisingerKubuntu Developers!!!: The packages for kdevelop-kde4 do not find the plugins required to actually use it, and I suppose it's a bug!20:16
Sp0tKubuntudreisinger: bugs.kde.org20:17
Sp0tKubuntuOpen source, free, like u have to help fix :-)20:18
dreisingerI will gladly help!20:19
Sp0tKubuntuThen post your bug20:19
Sp0tKubuntuMaybe its fixed in the next releas420:19
Sp0tKubuntuBut that have to know about it before thay can fix it! Maybe enable "status" in software sources20:20
horzaAnybody know about ntfsprogs?20:21
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howlingmadhowieis there an irc client in the kde suite?20:45
apakuHi, it seems that the kubuntu packages for KDevelop4 beta1 are somewhat buggy. Apparently kdevelop is unable to find any of its plugins, even after running kbuildsycoca4 manually. I don't have a kubuntu system myself, but we had about 6 or 7 people in #kdevelop in the last 24 hours having this problem. I haven't heard of problems from other distro's and of course source installs are fine.20:45
apakuis anybody from the kde-packagers aware of the problem?20:46
dreisingerapaku: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevelop-kde4/+bug/32634220:50
dreisingerapaku: Just submitted this bug report.20:50
apakudreisinger: ok, thanks.20:50
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:52
aldodoes anybody know why the /dev/sda9 can be checked ok20:53
aldoit named a failed20:53
aldoexcuse meeeeeeeeeeeeeee20:55
aldothe kubuntu does not start because the /dev/sda9 have an error20:55
aldodoes anybody know how can i fix it20:56
sn00zeraldo: What's the error?20:56
aldoerror: an automatic file system check (fsck) of of the root filesystem failed20:57
sn00zeraldo: Can you boot into the Recovery Mode and run a manual fsck?20:58
aldothe root filesystem is corrently mounted in read-only mode20:58
aldommm let me check20:58
aldotheres a eror in the system clock too20:59
hpecawho  di want conect21:00
hpecawho did you connect with /j informatica and /j p@p21:00
hpecai speak englih very bad21:01
sn00zerhpeca: There may be another channel in your native language. For example: spanish21:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:02
hpecabut i don't speak Espanol21:03
sn00zerhpeca: That was an example, what is your native language?21:03
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:04
aldono i cant no get in21:04
sn00zeraldo: Same error?21:05
utdmrhi i am using i want to default login screen's background(like desktop wallpaper but black instead of blue) as my desktops background, how can i find this?21:08
sn00zeraldo: Try running sudo fsck /dev/hda9 from a live cd as per: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-401714.html21:08
sn00zeraldo: You can also ask in #ubuntu, it is typically more active and might have other suggestions21:10
shadeslayerutdmr: login manager maybe21:11
utdmri can see the theme in login manager but i cant see its background alone21:12
sn00zerutdmr: What is the theme's name?21:12
athlon1aldo: Have you solved the problem?21:13
sn00zerathlon1: aldo left the channel21:14
sn00zeru want is in /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes/21:17
sn00zerutdmr: that was for you, somehow the first part was cut off21:18
kaddi_!hi | siekacz21:22
ubottusiekacz: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:22
utdmrthank you soo much snoozer21:22
utdmri found this21:22
sn00zerutdmr: No problem.21:22
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siekaczdo you have any problem with strigi(kubuntu experimental packages)21:23
=== Sapphire is now known as toxxxa13
`Alt` hi21:24
legodude_siekacz: it crashes all the time?21:24
siekaczi know what's the problem21:25
siekaczStrigi needs seasame21:27
siekaczand seasame needs closed-source java21:27
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williamare their source packages for kde 4.2 available21:30
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stdinForeverSmurf: add a deb-src line for the ppa21:33
siekaczhow to fix strigi?21:33
siekaczin 4.1 it worked21:34
ForeverSmurfsiekacz, that is what I am trying to work out21:36
ForeverSmurfstdin, how do I add a deb-src line for the ppa.21:38
stdinForeverSmurf: it's the same as the line in http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 except you replace the part "deb" with "deb-src"21:38
stdinForeverSmurf: then you can just use "apt-get source <package>" and it'll download the source21:39
ForeverSmurfoh, ok. I did that21:40
ForeverSmurfnow I just need to work out which package sesame2 is in21:40
ForeverSmurfit is really anoying, I read in lots of places that people have managed to compile soprano sesame2 from source but they never say how they did it!21:42
siekaczso they released not-working strigi21:45
yaa_good night21:45
=== nonickname2_ is now known as nonickname2
UsErK|LeRhello All I Install a Kubuntu In My Machine But Cant enter To Internet .... i have a root with Ip and Switch After My Pc With can u help me21:46
yaa_its unhelpable case21:46
lovrei have a huge problem. I tried to install a video driver (nVidia GeForce 7 series) that i downloaded from nvidia.com, version 180 (i had 177 before), and now i have problems with graphics, i cant use nvidia drivers, everything is messed up. How can i reset everything back to normal21:46
yaa_reallyit is21:47
lovrecan someone help with this21:49
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szrhawaiihey does anyone know how to swap out a usplash screen properly22:00
kaddi_!hi |fosco22:11
ubottufosco: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!22:11
kaddi_how can i create a shortcut on the desktop in kde 4.2?22:12
fosco_i'm trying to compile a plasmoid for the first time and i get this error message ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in  /home/dani/.kde/share/apps;blablabla22:12
fosco_do i need some extra packages?22:13
lovreim back. everything is sooo messed up. i cant even turn on my comp, i hav to go dpkg-reconfigure xorg-conf or something like that22:14
kaddi_is there a way to report a bug without creating a new account and everything? plasma just crashed but I really don't feel like creating yet another account on yet another site22:16
nonickname2kaddi_: shortcut: that depends22:19
kaddi_nonickname2: on what?22:19
nonickname2when widgets are unlocked, you can drag some icon from kickoff onto the desktop for example22:20
nonickname2will have that handle then though22:20
nonickname2to rotate it etc.22:20
nonickname2you can also switch the desktop activity to have "normal" icons22:20
nonickname2then you cannot add widgets any longer though as far as i know22:20
nonickname2and then there's the folder view widget22:21
bobbob1016_My KDE panel is acting up, as in freezing.  It shows whatever apps were open when it froze, but if I click them, it reacts with current apps.  My K menu works, but the time is frozen, how can I restart the panel?  Google gave me "dcop kicker kicker restart" but that doesn't seem to work.22:22
kaddi_nonickname2: yes I know that one, but I don't want it. :p So there's no direct way to create/put a file on the desktop?22:22
nonickname2probably with switching the desktop type/activity/whatever22:22
nonickname2didn't try that one though22:22
fosco_kaddi_: yes, many ways, right clic on the desktop - add - application launcher22:22
fosco_but drag and drop from kicker is the fastest way22:23
kaddi_what's the command to restart plasmoid?22:25
kaddi_-.- add->application-launcher only crashes plasmoid on my pc :p22:25
fosco_try lancelot launcher plasmoid or any other22:26
fosco_any way to hide the yellow plasmoids desktop icon?22:26
kaddi_fosco_ my desktop just crashed and its all black now, what do i have to do to get my usual background back22:27
fosco_close session22:27
kaddi_got it: plasma worked :922:28
kaddi_not plasmoid :p22:28
nonickname2fosco_: the one in the upper right corner?22:29
nonickname2there's a plasmoid for doing that afaik (o.O922:30
nonickname2you also could drag it somewhere else22:30
fosco_i know, just wanted to know if it can be hidden22:30
fosco_mostly for screenshots22:30
fosco_i don't like that icon :)22:30
nonickname2i think that plasmoid is experimental or so22:31
nonickname2the one for hiding the cashew22:31
fosco_well, no matter22:31
fosco_most important is that i can not compila a plasmoid22:31
fosco_I get this error message ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in  /home/dani/.kde/share/apps;blablabla22:31
nonickname2well, no idea, never compiled a plasmoid up to now22:32
fosco_sudo aptitude install kdelibs5-dev did the trick22:37
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cbwcjwWhat the...22:43
compilerwriterLadies and Gents is Kubuntu not supposed to automatically mount cd-rom drives when we put media into them these days or is that something I had set up and lost when I did a clean install?22:47
Sp0tKubuntuWhen installing Kubuntu, and choose manual harddisc partition, then there is alot of choices, / /home, and so on! Now i have made a partition for each one of them, is that stupid?22:53
cadaverpimpIs there an app that can mirror my partition? I got a new HDD and I want to leave WinXP on it (500GB) and put Kubuntu on the new drive (1TB)22:55
Sp0tKubuntuI have / = 15Gb, and /boot =5Gb and /home 53Gb and /tmp 5Gb and /usr 5Gb, and /var 5Gb, and /srv 5 Gb, and /opt 5Gb. and /usr/local 5Gb, and then /swap 5Gb22:55
FatherCarbonSp0tKubuntu: you should really only need a partition for root (/), and optionally home (/home) (having /home on a separate partition is always a good choice)..and another partition for swap, you don't need one for each22:56
Sp0tKubuntuFatherCarbon: Ok, but what if i want to save packets? Not only settings stored in home? Then i make a?22:56
FatherCarbonwhat do you mean by packets? tcp packets?22:57
Sp0tKubuntuFatherCarbon: Appz and system settings there is NOT saved in home?22:57
WaltzingAlongSp0tKubuntu: for desktop linux i have done both one partition for everything and split / and /home22:58
Sp0tKubuntuI have also before22:58
Sp0tKubuntuBut i dosent save appz, only the settings for them22:58
FatherCarbonoh, you mean packages? well all your important settings and files will be on /home..downloaded packages will be stored somewhere on /22:59
Sp0tKubuntuHmm ok, but where in root?22:59
Sp0tKubuntuThats different from packAGE to packAGE?22:59
erle-why are you using adept in kubuntu? it really sucks23:00
FatherCarbonusually /usr/bin or somesuch23:00
WaltzingAlongerle-: what do you suggest?23:00
martijn81is there a kpackagekit for intrepid available23:00
Sp0tKubuntuIf i then make / + / home + /usr, then its ok?23:00
erle-i don't know but even synaptic is better, WaltzingAlong23:01
erle-WaltzingAlong, appearently it was more important for the kde crew to have a kde/qt-app23:01
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WaltzingAlongerle-: user otherwise it means bundling other libraries just for that one program23:02
erle-WaltzingAlong, yeah, but adept is really unusable23:02
erle-it is ugly and user unfriendly23:02
WaltzingAlongerle-: yeah not a fan myself23:02
erle-everybody is not23:02
erle-the few kubuntu users i know install synaptic and firefox right after installing kubuntu23:03
Sp0tKubuntuThen make a even better one yourself? .-)23:03
erle-Sp0tKubuntu, i am not using kde23:03
erle-Sp0tKubuntu, it was just a suggestion23:03
Sp0tKubuntuThen dont whine? Or make it for them, help them :-)23:03
Sp0tKubuntuIm just teasing you :-)23:04
erle-i don't want to touch the c++ crap, sorry ;)23:04
Sp0tKubuntuI dont have a clue about programming at all23:04
erle-i am just trying out kde4.2 / kubuntu jaunty alpha4 in virtualbox23:05
Sp0tKubuntuI just want to know wich dir in root to make partitions for saving downloaded and installed packages23:05
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Sp0tKubuntuI cant playback DVD, only in Ubuntu23:05
erle-any dvd?23:05
Sp0tKubuntuKDE have problems with my chipset i think23:05
erle-or hollywood dvds?23:05
erle-with css copy protection23:05
Sp0tKubuntuDosent matter23:05
Sp0tKubuntuHave the css file, still lagg23:06
Sp0tKubuntuIts a known problem with Santa Rosa chipset i surpose23:06
Sp0tKubuntuAnd KDE23:06
Sp0tKubuntuBecause, when i boot Ubuntu 8.10, install 2 codes, it runs fine, no lagg23:06
erle-by the way, german localisation of kubuntu sucks, too :D23:06
Sp0tKubuntuAnd that from live CD23:07
Sp0tKubuntuThe danish is "OK" but not totally good23:07
WaltzingAlongerle-: :(23:07
erle-but nice job, kde4.2 / kubuntu looks good23:08
Sp0tKubuntuWell. then i delete my system/disc again and start all over! See you in a couple of hours23:08
Sp0tKubuntuHeey! one more thing i forgot! Is there a fix for 32 bit to run 4Gb RAM?23:09
Sp0tKubuntuJust want to know before i go 64bit again23:09
Sp0tKubuntuNah, maybe i just go Ubuntu then :-)23:10
erle-Sp0tKubuntu, you can not have 4 gig ram in 32 bit23:10
fosco_Sp0tKubuntu: yes23:10
erle-because of crappy hardware design of pcs23:10
Sp0tKubuntuTheres no fix?23:11
erle-this is not a software problem23:11
fosco_Sp0tKubuntu: you can manually recompile your kernel with activated HIMEM option or use server-kernel23:11
Sp0tKubuntuHmm, in Windows u just have to get SP123:11
Sp0tKubuntufosco_: U lost me there :-D23:11
Sp0tKubuntufosco_: Im new in linux23:11
fosco_that's the way it is :)23:12
erle-Sp0tKubuntu, it just displays 4 gig23:12
erle-it cannot use it23:12
Sp0tKubuntuAhh ok23:12
erle-Sp0tKubuntu, this is just a fix for microsofts support problem23:12
Sp0tKubuntuThen i go 64 bit again! :-)23:12
erle-Sp0tKubuntu, everybody called them23:12
Sp0tKubuntuAnd install 8Tb RAM :-D23:13
erle-you cannot have that, too23:13
Sp0tKubuntuI know :-)23:13
erle-256 gig is limit of amd6423:13
Sp0tKubuntuBut thats the limit in 64 bit23:13
Sp0tKubuntu64 bit = 8Tb RAM support23:13
erle-Sp0tKubuntu, yeah, but the memory adresses are just 40 bits physical and 48 bits virtual23:13
erle-no 64 bit adresses in amd6423:14
erle-or intel's copy23:14
compilerwriterCan one edit ones /etc/fstab/ and change the noauto to auto on cdrom0 and cdrom1 so that those drives will be mounted when one puts in media or will that cause issues and needless error messages on bootup if there is no media present.23:14
erle-Sp0tKubuntu, 40 bit memory addresses mean 1 terabyte ram possible23:15
Sp0tKubuntuWell. be back later :-)23:15
Sp0tKubuntuOk :-)23:16
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WaltzingAlongnovolinux: cioa23:21
novolinuxsolo inglese?23:21
novolinuxmale per me allora ciao23:22
WaltzingAlongbut there are channels for other languages too23:22
matt123hi!  Do you know if you still use fstab to manually mount a drive? or is there a new way?23:23
HardheadI'm an Ubuntu user, and I just installed KDE Desktop to give it a try.  It looks awesome, but I can't get my dual monitor setup to work on my desktop.  No matter what I do in the Display setting, the monitors are always  clones of each other (I have a Thinkpad with a monitor plugged in, and it worked fine under the default Gnome).23:27
astrommeHardhead: You should be able to use the gnome tool if that worked for you23:28
astrommeHardhead: I'm not sure exactly what it's called but it's something like gnome-resolution-configuration or gnome-xrandr-something23:29
HardheadHrm.  OK, thanks.23:30
HardheadOK... I have the monitor set at the right resolution, but I still can't get it to go dual setup.  If I go into the Display GUI setting, I try to set the built-in laptop screen to the right of the VGA screen, hit "Apply," and... it's still a clone.23:35
blueravenis kubuntu slower than ubuntu?23:37
blueravenhi itewsh23:39
blueraventhis channel is all bots23:39
blueravenhi vince bot23:40
blueravenitewsh are you actually there?23:40
itewshyes ?23:40
blueravenk, is kubuntu slower than ubuntu?23:41
itewshhmm, it depends on the way you use your environment23:41
siekaczfor me KDE is a little bit faster than gnome23:42
blueravenwell, why would I want to use one over the other?23:42
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blueravenjust the way it looks?23:42
itewshand the way you have to use it !23:43
blueravenso the interface23:43
blueravenmostly I surf the web, listen to music, and download stuff23:44
tim56hey i'm trying to install 4.2 and can't do step 3:23:44
tim56You can add the package signing key with this command:23:44
tim56but I get an error23:45
itewshblueraven: you should try each of them and keep the one you'll prefer23:46
lovreerm, how do i change themes? (kubuntu 8.10)23:47
lovrei dont see themes manager in system settings23:47
tim56lovre: mines under -> look & feel -> appearance.23:49
lovretim56: when you go in appeareance, what then? How do i install a custom theme to change complete windows appeareance?23:53
tim56lovre: my computers on the fritz right now (upgradeing to 4.2 at the moment) but i see both a "get new themes" and a "instal theme file" inside splash screen and icons tab. Maybe they are in the other tabs too (i'll check but its not working)23:57
lovretim56: i see23:57
lovreby the way, how can i upgrade to 4.2? if its out of beta....23:58
gorgonizerlovre: there are instructions here: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.223:58
lovregorgonizer: ok, ty23:59
tim56lovre: if I get it work properly I'll share how I did it.23:59
gorgonizerno problem, if you have any issues, let me know..23:59

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