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_MMA_dashua: Was it you who has been using Breathe?15:02
dashua_MMA_: Yep.  For quite some time actually.15:07
_MMA_Ok. You get yesterdays updates?15:08
dashuaYep.  Looks good15:08
_MMA_Ok. Cool.15:08
_MMA_I gotta do some work to the index.theme file soon. Though it works, it's a bit messy I think.15:09
_MMA_funny: http://www.zdnet.com.au/insight/software/soa/Is-it-Windows-7-or-KDE-4-/0,139023769,339294810,00.htm15:09
dashuaYeah.  I noticed them in Banshee once I pulled.15:10
dashuaTheme is coming along great15:10
_MMA_dashua: Thanx. Sebastian is rockin' it ATM. I wish we had some others involved. :(15:12
dashuaI would help, but I'm no artist =/15:13
_MMA_Sure. :)15:13
_MMA_I'd even like someone that could hack on the mimetypes. We have a base one for now. Just need someone to put them together.15:14
_MMA_Maybe I'll take this to a wider audience. Blog about it or go to the forums.15:15
_MMA_kwwii: You lurking?15:20
dashuaYeah.  People will bite on this theme.15:20
dashuaI use it in all my of screenshots.15:20
dashuaPeople are digging this it seems.15:21
dashuaAlmost 2000 downloads in less than a week.15:21
dashuaStill needs a lot of work.15:21
dashuaNo feedback at all on the ml, but I guess that is to be expected.15:22
* _MMA_ looks15:23
_MMA_dashua: I guess I gotta get the icons for the USB drives done. :P15:24
dashuaYeah :)15:25
_MMA_That and the archives. I'm gonna take those from Oqygen for now.15:26
_MMA_Hmm... Or maybe I'll as Sebastian to do a base one, then I'll make the rest.15:26
dashuaIt seems fairly complete, just a few missing here and there.15:27
_MMA_I'm glad you think so. There's *TONS* to do in reality. :P15:27
dashuaI bet.  I know there's a lot of work involved.15:30
_MMA_dashua: I got updates for the user-trash-full (paper on floor wasn't shadowed) and folders going up soon.15:31
dashuaAwesome.  The trash icon is one of the best attributes of the theme.15:34
_MMA_dashua: You might wanna pull rev.30 of Breathe. I did some cleanup. Removed icons where their shoulda been simlinks and such.18:21
dashuaSweet.  I'll pull it when I get home.19:17
thorwilsavvas: counting track now on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase, not one bit to soon, as today is deadline :)20:04
_MMA_dashua: Crap. The updated folders Seb gave me had a typo in the metadata so I gotta push a new rev.21:14

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