
hggdhstpere, probably, yes. I do not consider 2.24.3 stable enough, so it will probably be a SRU00:12
greg-gStable Release Update00:13
stpereoh ok00:13
stperebecause I'm having a very bad bug here00:13
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stperea sent email that get sent over and over again00:13
stpereit doesn't get out of outbox00:13
stpereit's marked as deleted in the outbox, so it's hidden00:14
stperebut is sent again anyway00:14
stperevery embarrassing00:14
hggdhindeed, and I have not heard of such before00:31
savvasthe pythonistas bugs really need a check for incomplete/invalid/outdated bug reports: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~pythonistas/+packagebugs00:36
Rocket2DMncan somebody who knows something about backtraces have a look at bug 325903 and tell me if they think the root of the problem is in lib4vl00:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325903 in telepathy-stream-engine "telepathy-stream-engine crashed with signal 5 in g_object_ref()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32590300:40
Rocket2DMnim terrible at reading down traces00:40
sectechwhy does it have a "Medium" and a "new" status?00:41
Rocket2DMnbug 322368 actually crashes at the same line in telepathy's nain00:41
ubottuBug 322368 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/322368 is private00:41
Rocket2DMnsectech, i think apport does that when it gets a complete backtrace00:42
sectechAhh ok...00:42
sectechexplains a few that I have seen previously then00:42
Rocket2DMnyaeh its actually getting fairly common00:42
sectechI actually had a person report a bug against a "known problem" which he even quoted was in the release notes.00:42
sectechI guess he didn't read to NOT report bugs related to those.00:43
sectechI didn't want to spend too much time for that one so I kindly explained that it was a known issue, hence his quote of the release notes and set it to "Won't fix" so he couldn't fiddle with the status00:44
sectechI could have dup'd it by searching for the original issue, but the point would seem kind of moot00:44
Rocket2DMnheh, well, any ideas about those traces?00:44
sectechHmm let me pull up the bug00:45
Rocket2DMnim thinking actually since there are 2 bugs crashing initially at the same line in the program, it is a program problem00:45
Rocket2DMnnot a lib4vl issue00:45
sectechFirst I would look through the traces for sensitive information, and if there is none mark it public00:46
sectechI'm not the best at traces but I'll see if anything pops out at me00:46
hggdhRocket2DMn, this seems to be  an abort signal from glib00:46
Rocket2DMngood to know hggdh , how can you tell that glib is the source of the problem?00:47
Rocket2DMni mean, glib is in practically every gnome crash report00:47
hggdhoh, I cannot. signal 5 is sigabrt, a request to abort the programme00:48
hggdhglib generated it00:48
hggdhprobably as a result of the processing in first entry in the BT00:48
sectechhggdh, where did you see the sig 5?00:49
hggdhin the title and the description of the bug00:49
sectechheh, helps if I scrolled up00:49
sectechI was looking though the traces00:49
hggdhthis is more probably an issue in the package itself (telepathy)00:50
Rocket2DMnok hggdh , but the big question is: how do i know the true source of the problem00:51
nschembr_I think I found a bug in the livecd boot process. I need to talk to some before I submit a bug report.00:51
Rocket2DMnhggdh, both bugs i listed crashed at the same line in the program's main.c, a lot of the traces are similar, but they end differently at 000:52
hggdhRocket2DMn, you would have to go to the source, and look it up in the glib docs on why it would generate an abort00:52
hggdhhuh -- I had not noticed the second bug00:52
nschembr_any one working on the livecd00:53
hggdhRocket2DMn, yes, both of them ended in sigabrt. Also both BTs show that glib is processing an assertion, and that this assertion failed00:54
hggdhperhaps the users were running with --g-fatal-warnings ?00:54
Rocket2DMni have no idea what that option is00:55
hggdhany failed assertion will cause the programme to terminate00:55
Rocket2DMnso you think the bug needs to be filed against glib?00:55
Rocket2DMnglib2.0 to be specific00:56
hggdhRocket2DMn, I do not think so, not so far00:56
hggdhI do not know telepathy, so this can still be a telepathy issue00:57
hggdhalthough glib bugs do happen, they are quite rare00:57
Rocket2DMnthat's what i would hav einitially thought00:57
Rocket2DMnlook at the bottom of both stacktraces, they crash at the samea line in main00:57
hggdhyes -- this is probably where it is registering itself with glib01:00
Rocket2DMnso i guess i should file this against telepathy on freedesktop01:01
hggdhyes, sounds so01:02
Rocket2DMnman there are a fair number of bugs reported, how the heck am i supposed to find dups01:03
Rocket2DMnwish they had a dup-finder like gnome01:03
Rocket2DMnhmm none jump out at me01:05
hggdhyes, this would help -- the dup finder rocks01:07
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Rocket2DMnok, i have question about defining an upstream link on LP01:24
Rocket2DMntelepathy-stream-engine package has no upstream links defined, and i think "stream-engine" is what is needed01:25
Rocket2DMnI was going to add that as an upstream series, but i'm not 100% sure01:25
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hggdhRocket2DMn, sorry for the delay, in a work technical discussion02:39
hggdhRocket2DMn, you copy copy & paste the link to the bug upstream02:39
hggdhs/copy copy/just copy/02:39
Rocket2DMnhggdh, say again?02:48
Rocket2DMni asked in #launchpad and they said to go ahead and make the connection02:48
Rocket2DMnhggdh, bug 322368 - i connected that ubuntu package with stream-engine (which is part of Telepathy)02:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 322368 in telepathy-stream-engine "telepathy-stream-engine crashed with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32236802:49
Rocket2DMnthat package didnt have an upstream project associated with it yet02:50
Rocket2DMnanyway, thanks for the help, im signing off now.  peace02:52
saivannbdmurray : In case you're here, my membership in the bugcontrol team is about to expire and I would like to ask you to renew my membership if possible. I've not been as active with bugs in 2008 compared to 2007 but I'm still contributing when I have time and I expect to continue in that way in the next years.05:39
saivannbdmurray : I'm going outside now but if you want, you can email me at anytime or ping me on IRC05:41
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shankhswas navigating through LP to prepare for the Global Bug Jam I ran into this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/294991 the page says that its confirmed then triaged and I think its an upstream bug(right?) is there any more information I can get about this bug?10:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 294991 in telepathy-sofiasip "SIP/Ekiga accounts don't store contacts" [Unknown,Confirmed]10:30
shankhsanybody there?10:33
dholbachshankhs: what do you want to know exactly?10:38
dholbachit's an upstream bug, yes10:38
dholbachone part of it seems to be fixed upstream already10:38
dholbachjust click on the links in the "assigned to" column10:39
shankhsdholbach: there are 2 links. both of them are trying to fix the bugs? Or is it that the bug affects both of them?10:50
dholbachthat's what I think10:50
dholbachbut I did not investigate it muchly and am no expert10:50
shankhsdholbach: it also says that the bug is triaged and is confirmed that its an upstream bug then why ubuntu bothers to keep it in LP why not let gnome tackles it ?10:52
dholbachshankhs: we still track it in LP, it's not resolved yet10:52
bdmurrayIn case there is a fix upstream that we want to add as a patch to the ubuntu package.10:53
pedro_shankhs: btw empathy bug is already fixed on jaunty, but a task in Ubuntu for telepathy-sofiasip needs to be open to keep tracking of the upstream one11:03
calca couple bugs that i noticed that make triaging a bit harder are bug 291968 and bug 29198013:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291968 in malone "status_upstream=hide_upstream seems to hide bugs with 'invalid' upstream status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29196813:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291980 in malone "bug incorrectly listed as pending_bugwatch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29198013:23
calcbdmurray: do you know how to escalate issues like the above to the launchpad team?13:26
calcbdmurray: i didn't know if this meeting was the appropriate place to raise the above issues13:26
kagouwhere should I report bug for the gnome login sound (glitches)... pulseaudio ?14:46
kagouin 9.0414:46
bdmurraymvo bug 27473714:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274737 in update-manager "Changelog url bug" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27473714:53
mangilimickagou: I think that the best place for that kind of bugs is gnome-control-center , although I'm not an expert so... let's wait for some more suggestions!14:59
kagoumay be seb128 have a better idea ?15:01
seb128no clue, open a pulseaudio bug on launchpad15:02
mangilimickagou: :)15:03
mangilimickagou: I told you that it was better to wait for some more suggestions!15:04
allquixoticWith the new updates, Kubuntu networkmanager works in Jaunty again :)15:39
kagoumangilimic, at leat my bug report is confirmed by someone else :)16:16
thekornMrKanister, I updated the hugday-tools package in my PPA this morning, I should work now without pulling py2.416:36
thekornthis sqlite thing should also be fixed16:37
MrKanisterthekorn: Thank you very much. The "hugday init" now works with "--cookie" (the ppa version), I will try the "--moinmoin-id" way later16:40
thekornsuper, thanks fr testing16:41
MrKanisterthekorn: Great. "--wiki-id" is working like a charm :)16:42
thekorncool, if you have any ideas how this tool can be improved, I'm happy to hear about them16:49
pedro_thekorn: I've added an agenda item to the QATeam for next week asking for testing on the hugday-tools16:50
pedro_btw folks if you have something to discuss https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings16:51
pedro_something new and cool you want to talk about just add it16:51
pedro_gotta run now, see you later guys16:51
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mbwjr12hey all17:41
mbwjr12on Ubuntu's website, under the BugSquad section, under Getting Involved, I think there is a bug in the link to bugs without a package.17:46
mbwjr12the entire top part of the list are bugs that need packaging, and i believe this is a different problem17:46
mbwjr12or, it might be a bug in the search for bugs without a package, as requests for packages inherently have no package17:47
thekornmbwjr12, I think the problem here is that an important part is missing in the descriptive text of this section on the wiki page18:02
thekornsomething like "there are also some workflow related bugreports, like needs packaging bugs"18:02
thekornI'm bad in phrasing such texts18:05
mbwjr12thekorn: using the advanced search function to find bugs without packages also returns bugs with [needs-packaging] in them18:10
thekornmbwjr12, right, because all this needs packaging bugs are not targeted to any package/project yet18:13
thekornand this is what should be explained on this wiki page, that there are alot of easy to triage bugs where the reporter was unable name a package,18:15
mbwjr12thekorn: right, the search function is correct, they don't have a package. however, i think it would makes more sense not to list them because they will never have a package, they will be closed whenever they do get a package18:15
mbwjr12can i just assign them a package with the name of whatever they want packaged?18:17
thekornbut there are also this "needs packaging" workflow bugreports18:17
thekornno, because this package does not exist in ubuntu, and so it does not exist in launchpad18:18
thekornunfortunatly it is impossible to exclude this kind of bugs in the searchresults in launchpad18:18
thekornbecause there is no "exclude" tags (or similar) option in the search (yet)18:20
thekornrule of thumb is: don't touch such workflow bugs unless you know what you are doing18:22
thekornand this has to be added to this "getting involved" page18:23
mbwjr12using the same page to show bugs, and according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/ under the section "Needs Packaging Bugs", there are number of bugs which need to have the wishlist status assigned to them if they aren't already in ubuntu or debian18:25
mbwjr12for instance, this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/263554 needs to be confirmed and set to wishlist importance.18:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 263554 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Kaltura - video editor server for online collaborative editing" [Undecided,New]18:26
mbwjr12i see that i have permissions to confirm it, so should i confirm it and then let someone else come along and decide the importance? what is the proper course of action to take?18:27
charlie-tcaNormally, you mark it confirmed and then request here it be marked wishlist18:28
mbwjr12i have another question, brb18:29
sectechI marked that bug as wishlist18:30
* thekorn is wondering if the reporter of this bug is a (spam) bot or something18:30
sectechAlthough the license part needs to be corrected. "open source" is a  little vague18:31
mbwjr12thekorn: lol, this is what my next question was going to be18:31
thekornhe filed about 600 bugs, almost all of them seem to be autogenerated needs packaging bugs18:31
mbwjr12why do people think that will somehow make ubuntu more likely to include the package?18:31
thekornmaybe this is the reason why is account has already been deaktivatid18:32
charlie-tcaThat would seem logical18:33
mbwjr12so what would be the thing to do with this bug?18:34
sectechWhich bug?18:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 263554 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Kaltura - video editor server for online collaborative editing" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:34
sectechAs in here and bug-control will mark it as wishlist18:34
sectechIf it looks complete, which it wasn't.  It had the license as being "open source". I found the package source and verified it as GPL18:35
sectechand corrected it18:35
thekornI think we should talk to the motu guys how they would like to handle this 600 bugs, maybe close them all as invalid by a script18:35
thekornand ask to reopen it if somebody really wants to have this package in ubuntu18:36
mbwjr12i also just found the source and it looks to affero gpl v318:37
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maxbThere isn't any way to get apport to attach its stuff to an existing bug report is there?22:26
charlie-tcanone that I know. Usually just have to use duplicate22:26

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