hggdh | stpere, probably, yes. I do not consider 2.24.3 stable enough, so it will probably be a SRU | 00:12 |
stpere | SRU? | 00:12 |
greg-g | Stable Release Update | 00:13 |
stpere | oh ok | 00:13 |
stpere | thanks | 00:13 |
stpere | because I'm having a very bad bug here | 00:13 |
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greg-g | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | 00:13 |
stpere | a sent email that get sent over and over again | 00:13 |
stpere | everyday | 00:13 |
stpere | it doesn't get out of outbox | 00:13 |
stpere | it's marked as deleted in the outbox, so it's hidden | 00:14 |
stpere | but is sent again anyway | 00:14 |
stpere | very embarrassing | 00:14 |
hggdh | indeed, and I have not heard of such before | 00:31 |
savvas | the pythonistas bugs really need a check for incomplete/invalid/outdated bug reports: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~pythonistas/+packagebugs | 00:36 |
Rocket2DMn | can somebody who knows something about backtraces have a look at bug 325903 and tell me if they think the root of the problem is in lib4vl | 00:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 325903 in telepathy-stream-engine "telepathy-stream-engine crashed with signal 5 in g_object_ref()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/325903 | 00:40 |
Rocket2DMn | im terrible at reading down traces | 00:40 |
sectech | why does it have a "Medium" and a "new" status? | 00:41 |
Rocket2DMn | bug 322368 actually crashes at the same line in telepathy's nain | 00:41 |
ubottu | Bug 322368 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/322368 is private | 00:41 |
Rocket2DMn | main* | 00:41 |
Rocket2DMn | sectech, i think apport does that when it gets a complete backtrace | 00:42 |
sectech | Ahh ok... | 00:42 |
sectech | explains a few that I have seen previously then | 00:42 |
Rocket2DMn | yaeh its actually getting fairly common | 00:42 |
sectech | I actually had a person report a bug against a "known problem" which he even quoted was in the release notes. | 00:42 |
sectech | I guess he didn't read to NOT report bugs related to those. | 00:43 |
Rocket2DMn | lol | 00:43 |
sectech | I didn't want to spend too much time for that one so I kindly explained that it was a known issue, hence his quote of the release notes and set it to "Won't fix" so he couldn't fiddle with the status | 00:44 |
sectech | I could have dup'd it by searching for the original issue, but the point would seem kind of moot | 00:44 |
Rocket2DMn | heh, well, any ideas about those traces? | 00:44 |
sectech | Hmm let me pull up the bug | 00:45 |
Rocket2DMn | im thinking actually since there are 2 bugs crashing initially at the same line in the program, it is a program problem | 00:45 |
Rocket2DMn | not a lib4vl issue | 00:45 |
sectech | First I would look through the traces for sensitive information, and if there is none mark it public | 00:46 |
sectech | I'm not the best at traces but I'll see if anything pops out at me | 00:46 |
hggdh | Rocket2DMn, this seems to be an abort signal from glib | 00:46 |
Rocket2DMn | good to know hggdh , how can you tell that glib is the source of the problem? | 00:47 |
Rocket2DMn | i mean, glib is in practically every gnome crash report | 00:47 |
hggdh | oh, I cannot. signal 5 is sigabrt, a request to abort the programme | 00:48 |
hggdh | glib generated it | 00:48 |
hggdh | probably as a result of the processing in first entry in the BT | 00:48 |
sectech | hggdh, where did you see the sig 5? | 00:49 |
hggdh | in the title and the description of the bug | 00:49 |
sectech | heh, helps if I scrolled up | 00:49 |
sectech | I was looking though the traces | 00:49 |
hggdh | this is more probably an issue in the package itself (telepathy) | 00:50 |
Rocket2DMn | ok hggdh , but the big question is: how do i know the true source of the problem | 00:51 |
hggdh | heh | 00:51 |
nschembr_ | I think I found a bug in the livecd boot process. I need to talk to some before I submit a bug report. | 00:51 |
Rocket2DMn | hggdh, both bugs i listed crashed at the same line in the program's main.c, a lot of the traces are similar, but they end differently at 0 | 00:52 |
hggdh | Rocket2DMn, you would have to go to the source, and look it up in the glib docs on why it would generate an abort | 00:52 |
hggdh | huh -- I had not noticed the second bug | 00:52 |
Rocket2DMn | /headdesks | 00:53 |
nschembr_ | any one working on the livecd | 00:53 |
hggdh | Rocket2DMn, yes, both of them ended in sigabrt. Also both BTs show that glib is processing an assertion, and that this assertion failed | 00:54 |
hggdh | perhaps the users were running with --g-fatal-warnings ? | 00:54 |
Rocket2DMn | i have no idea what that option is | 00:55 |
hggdh | any failed assertion will cause the programme to terminate | 00:55 |
Rocket2DMn | so you think the bug needs to be filed against glib? | 00:55 |
Rocket2DMn | glib2.0 to be specific | 00:56 |
hggdh | Rocket2DMn, I do not think so, not so far | 00:56 |
hggdh | I do not know telepathy, so this can still be a telepathy issue | 00:57 |
hggdh | although glib bugs do happen, they are quite rare | 00:57 |
Rocket2DMn | that's what i would hav einitially thought | 00:57 |
Rocket2DMn | look at the bottom of both stacktraces, they crash at the samea line in main | 00:57 |
Rocket2DMn | stream-engine-main.c:335 | 00:58 |
hggdh | yes -- this is probably where it is registering itself with glib | 01:00 |
Rocket2DMn | so i guess i should file this against telepathy on freedesktop | 01:01 |
hggdh | yes, sounds so | 01:02 |
Rocket2DMn | man there are a fair number of bugs reported, how the heck am i supposed to find dups | 01:03 |
Rocket2DMn | wish they had a dup-finder like gnome | 01:03 |
Rocket2DMn | hmm none jump out at me | 01:05 |
hggdh | yes, this would help -- the dup finder rocks | 01:07 |
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Rocket2DMn | ok, i have question about defining an upstream link on LP | 01:24 |
Rocket2DMn | telepathy-stream-engine package has no upstream links defined, and i think "stream-engine" is what is needed | 01:25 |
Rocket2DMn | I was going to add that as an upstream series, but i'm not 100% sure | 01:25 |
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hggdh | Rocket2DMn, sorry for the delay, in a work technical discussion | 02:39 |
hggdh | Rocket2DMn, you copy copy & paste the link to the bug upstream | 02:39 |
hggdh | s/copy copy/just copy/ | 02:39 |
Rocket2DMn | hggdh, say again? | 02:48 |
Rocket2DMn | i asked in #launchpad and they said to go ahead and make the connection | 02:48 |
Rocket2DMn | hggdh, bug 322368 - i connected that ubuntu package with stream-engine (which is part of Telepathy) | 02:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 322368 in telepathy-stream-engine "telepathy-stream-engine crashed with signal 5 in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/322368 | 02:49 |
Rocket2DMn | that package didnt have an upstream project associated with it yet | 02:50 |
Rocket2DMn | anyway, thanks for the help, im signing off now. peace | 02:52 |
saivann | bdmurray : In case you're here, my membership in the bugcontrol team is about to expire and I would like to ask you to renew my membership if possible. I've not been as active with bugs in 2008 compared to 2007 but I'm still contributing when I have time and I expect to continue in that way in the next years. | 05:39 |
saivann | bdmurray : I'm going outside now but if you want, you can email me at anytime or ping me on IRC | 05:41 |
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shankhs | was navigating through LP to prepare for the Global Bug Jam I ran into this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/294991 the page says that its confirmed then triaged and I think its an upstream bug(right?) is there any more information I can get about this bug? | 10:30 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 294991 in telepathy-sofiasip "SIP/Ekiga accounts don't store contacts" [Unknown,Confirmed] | 10:30 |
shankhs | anybody there? | 10:33 |
dholbach | shankhs: what do you want to know exactly? | 10:38 |
dholbach | it's an upstream bug, yes | 10:38 |
dholbach | one part of it seems to be fixed upstream already | 10:38 |
dholbach | just click on the links in the "assigned to" column | 10:39 |
shankhs | dholbach: there are 2 links. both of them are trying to fix the bugs? Or is it that the bug affects both of them? | 10:50 |
dholbach | that's what I think | 10:50 |
dholbach | but I did not investigate it muchly and am no expert | 10:50 |
shankhs | dholbach: it also says that the bug is triaged and is confirmed that its an upstream bug then why ubuntu bothers to keep it in LP why not let gnome tackles it ? | 10:52 |
dholbach | shankhs: we still track it in LP, it's not resolved yet | 10:52 |
bdmurray | In case there is a fix upstream that we want to add as a patch to the ubuntu package. | 10:53 |
pedro_ | shankhs: btw empathy bug is already fixed on jaunty, but a task in Ubuntu for telepathy-sofiasip needs to be open to keep tracking of the upstream one | 11:03 |
calc | a couple bugs that i noticed that make triaging a bit harder are bug 291968 and bug 291980 | 13:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 291968 in malone "status_upstream=hide_upstream seems to hide bugs with 'invalid' upstream status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291968 | 13:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 291980 in malone "bug incorrectly listed as pending_bugwatch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/291980 | 13:23 |
calc | bdmurray: do you know how to escalate issues like the above to the launchpad team? | 13:26 |
calc | bdmurray: i didn't know if this meeting was the appropriate place to raise the above issues | 13:26 |
kagou | Hi | 14:45 |
kagou | where should I report bug for the gnome login sound (glitches)... pulseaudio ? | 14:46 |
kagou | in 9.04 | 14:46 |
bdmurray | mvo bug 274737 | 14:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 274737 in update-manager "Changelog url bug" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274737 | 14:53 |
mangilimic | kagou: I think that the best place for that kind of bugs is gnome-control-center , although I'm not an expert so... let's wait for some more suggestions! | 14:59 |
kagou | may be seb128 have a better idea ? | 15:01 |
seb128 | no clue, open a pulseaudio bug on launchpad | 15:02 |
kagou | thanx | 15:03 |
kagou | cya | 15:03 |
mangilimic | kagou: :) | 15:03 |
mangilimic | kagou: I told you that it was better to wait for some more suggestions! | 15:04 |
allquixotic | With the new updates, Kubuntu networkmanager works in Jaunty again :) | 15:39 |
kagou | mangilimic, at leat my bug report is confirmed by someone else :) | 16:16 |
thekorn | MrKanister, I updated the hugday-tools package in my PPA this morning, I should work now without pulling py2.4 | 16:36 |
thekorn | this sqlite thing should also be fixed | 16:37 |
MrKanister | thekorn: Thank you very much. The "hugday init" now works with "--cookie" (the ppa version), I will try the "--moinmoin-id" way later | 16:40 |
thekorn | super, thanks fr testing | 16:41 |
MrKanister | thekorn: Great. "--wiki-id" is working like a charm :) | 16:42 |
thekorn | cool, if you have any ideas how this tool can be improved, I'm happy to hear about them | 16:49 |
pedro_ | thekorn: I've added an agenda item to the QATeam for next week asking for testing on the hugday-tools | 16:50 |
pedro_ | btw folks if you have something to discuss https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings | 16:51 |
pedro_ | something new and cool you want to talk about just add it | 16:51 |
pedro_ | gotta run now, see you later guys | 16:51 |
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mbwjr12 | hey all | 17:41 |
mbwjr12 | on Ubuntu's website, under the BugSquad section, under Getting Involved, I think there is a bug in the link to bugs without a package. | 17:46 |
mbwjr12 | the entire top part of the list are bugs that need packaging, and i believe this is a different problem | 17:46 |
mbwjr12 | or, it might be a bug in the search for bugs without a package, as requests for packages inherently have no package | 17:47 |
thekorn | mbwjr12, I think the problem here is that an important part is missing in the descriptive text of this section on the wiki page | 18:02 |
thekorn | something like "there are also some workflow related bugreports, like needs packaging bugs" | 18:02 |
thekorn | I'm bad in phrasing such texts | 18:05 |
mbwjr12 | thekorn: using the advanced search function to find bugs without packages also returns bugs with [needs-packaging] in them | 18:10 |
thekorn | mbwjr12, right, because all this needs packaging bugs are not targeted to any package/project yet | 18:13 |
thekorn | and this is what should be explained on this wiki page, that there are alot of easy to triage bugs where the reporter was unable name a package, | 18:15 |
mbwjr12 | thekorn: right, the search function is correct, they don't have a package. however, i think it would makes more sense not to list them because they will never have a package, they will be closed whenever they do get a package | 18:15 |
mbwjr12 | can i just assign them a package with the name of whatever they want packaged? | 18:17 |
thekorn | but there are also this "needs packaging" workflow bugreports | 18:17 |
thekorn | no, because this package does not exist in ubuntu, and so it does not exist in launchpad | 18:18 |
thekorn | unfortunatly it is impossible to exclude this kind of bugs in the searchresults in launchpad | 18:18 |
thekorn | because there is no "exclude" tags (or similar) option in the search (yet) | 18:20 |
mbwjr12 | ok | 18:21 |
thekorn | rule of thumb is: don't touch such workflow bugs unless you know what you are doing | 18:22 |
thekorn | and this has to be added to this "getting involved" page | 18:23 |
mbwjr12 | using the same page to show bugs, and according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/ under the section "Needs Packaging Bugs", there are number of bugs which need to have the wishlist status assigned to them if they aren't already in ubuntu or debian | 18:25 |
mbwjr12 | for instance, this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/263554 needs to be confirmed and set to wishlist importance. | 18:26 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 263554 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Kaltura - video editor server for online collaborative editing" [Undecided,New] | 18:26 |
mbwjr12 | i see that i have permissions to confirm it, so should i confirm it and then let someone else come along and decide the importance? what is the proper course of action to take? | 18:27 |
charlie-tca | Normally, you mark it confirmed and then request here it be marked wishlist | 18:28 |
mbwjr12 | ok | 18:28 |
mbwjr12 | i have another question, brb | 18:29 |
sectech | I marked that bug as wishlist | 18:30 |
* thekorn is wondering if the reporter of this bug is a (spam) bot or something | 18:30 | |
sectech | Although the license part needs to be corrected. "open source" is a little vague | 18:31 |
mbwjr12 | thekorn: lol, this is what my next question was going to be | 18:31 |
thekorn | he filed about 600 bugs, almost all of them seem to be autogenerated needs packaging bugs | 18:31 |
mbwjr12 | why do people think that will somehow make ubuntu more likely to include the package? | 18:31 |
thekorn | maybe this is the reason why is account has already been deaktivatid | 18:32 |
charlie-tca | That would seem logical | 18:33 |
mbwjr12 | so what would be the thing to do with this bug? | 18:34 |
sectech | Which bug? | 18:34 |
mbwjr12 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/263554 | 18:34 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 263554 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Kaltura - video editor server for online collaborative editing" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 18:34 |
sectech | As in here and bug-control will mark it as wishlist | 18:34 |
sectech | If it looks complete, which it wasn't. It had the license as being "open source". I found the package source and verified it as GPL | 18:35 |
sectech | and corrected it | 18:35 |
thekorn | I think we should talk to the motu guys how they would like to handle this 600 bugs, maybe close them all as invalid by a script | 18:35 |
thekorn | and ask to reopen it if somebody really wants to have this package in ubuntu | 18:36 |
mbwjr12 | i also just found the source and it looks to affero gpl v3 | 18:37 |
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maxb | There isn't any way to get apport to attach its stuff to an existing bug report is there? | 22:26 |
charlie-tca | none that I know. Usually just have to use duplicate | 22:26 |
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