
IntuitiveNippleHave you guys seen the tuxradar comparision of Ubuntu versions vs Windows versions? It's very flattering00:02
EagleScreenUbuntu can skip a routine file system check with ESC key, it is necessary to use usplash to have this feature?00:04
EagleScreenis this a Ubuntu specific patch or a feature from upstream?00:05
sladenEagleScreen: read /etc/init.d/check*.sh00:10
sladenEagleScreen: the actual magic is in /lib/init/usplash-fsck-functions.sh00:11
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gimpscape_I have installed one package using this command: sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture qbittorrent_1.3.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb00:55
gimpscape_and know I'm unable to remove it, it simply doesn't show in any package manager, just like it would not be installed00:55
gimpscape_but I can see qbittorrent file all over the system00:56
gimpscape_isn't it a very serious bug?00:56
gimpscape_s/and know/and now00:57
Hobbseegimpscape_: i believe you want #ubuntu for support.01:00
gimpscape_Hobbsee: so this is not dpkg bug? I have done something wrong?01:02
ion_Also, you probably shouldn’t blame dpkg for something going wrong with --force.01:02
Hobbseeion_: exactly01:02
gimpscape_I thought that --force-architecture is safe...01:02
directhexdpkg --purge qbittorrent01:02
gimpscape_directhex: already tried that01:02
gimpscape_directhex: E: Couldn't find package qbittorrent01:03
ion_“Warning:  These  options  are mostly intended to be used by experts only. Using them without fully understanding their effects may break your whole system.” –dpkg(1)01:03
Hobbseedpkg -r qbittorrent, then.01:03
Hobbseeaccording to man dpkg.01:03
directhexi blame qt. this wouldn't happen with some nice arch-all mono stuff ;)01:04
gimpscape_Hobbsee: ohh... you are right01:04
gimpscape_Hobbsee: that fixed the problem01:04
gimpscape_sorry for asking lame questions here, I should read the man01:04
Hobbseeyes, probably.  and failing that, there's #ubuntu for support ;)01:05
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calcdoes our rpm2cpio not extract modern rpms (eg OpenSUSE rpms)?08:21
calcug debian bug 50944408:23
ubottuDebian bug 509444 in rpm "rpm2cpio unable to unpack SLES10 rpms" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/50944408:23
* calc needs to be able to unpack them :\08:24
sbeattiecalc: odd. What do you need?08:31
calcsbeattie: i found the solution with some help from #opensuse08:35
calcyou now have to do 'cat | rpm2cpio | lzma -d | cpio -ivd'08:35
calci followed up to the debian bug report about the issue as well08:36
ion_UUOC ;-)08:37
calcwell makes it more clear ;-)08:37
calcso currently rpm2cpio is actually rpm to blob ;)08:40
Riddellmathiaz: I uploaded amarok, do you want to revert the changes to mysql-dfsg-5.1?  (I'd do it but I see you made changes in the mean time so probably best you re-merge those in)08:49
mathiazRiddell: I'll take care of the mysql package now that amarok has been updated.08:49
loolseb128: Hmm bug-buddy recommends gnome-dbg; that's kind of pulling a lot09:14
seb128lool: that's coming from debian09:17
loolseb128: I know :)09:21
loolseb128: I'm pushing a fixed package09:21
loolseb128: I wanted to tell you so that you check for such recommends in the future09:21
directhexis alpha 4 done? can i administer a mild poke for a couple of sync bugs?09:22
seb128lool: well the idea was to try to make sure upstream gets decent stacktraces I think09:23
seb128directhex: yes and later09:23
loolseb128: That might be a good idea on Debian, but shouldn't Ubuintu users use -dbgsyms instead?09:23
seb128lool: ubuntu users should use apport ;-)09:24
seb128I've no real strong opinion on bug-buddy in ubuntu09:24
loolI don't know why I got bug-buddy at all in fact09:24
Riddellmvo: update-notifier-kde uploaded, you can mark your branch as merged09:36
mvoRiddell: what was the branch url again?09:36
Riddellmvo: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/update-notifier-kde/mvo09:37
mvothanks Riddell09:37
GyrosGeierI'm packaging a web app, targetting hardy. Is there infrastructure for web apps in hardy already that I could use (webapps-common doesn't seem to exist) or do I need to reinvent the wheel10:23
seb128StevenK: could you look at bug #294271, it's a tsclient sponsoring request for a bug in the hildonize changes11:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294271 in tsclient "version of the RDP protocol inversed" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29427111:14
StevenKseb128: Good idea. I'll drop the hildonfm change while I'm at it11:17
seb128StevenK: ok ;-)11:17
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dholbachseb128: where's your magic "this needs updating" page?12:41
dholbachor norsetto's rather12:41
seb128pochu: ^ do you know the url?12:41
seb128dholbach: let me look for it12:41
pochuyeah, sec12:42
dholbachseb128: want to show an "update" example - give me an easy one :)12:42
dholbachseb128: ... for jcastro12:42
pochudholbach: http://norsetto.890m.com/desktop_packages.php12:42
jcastroseb128: make it easy. ;)12:42
seb128dholbach: vinagre12:42
dholbachhttp://norsetto.890m.com/desktop_packages.php ?12:43
seb128http://download.gnome.org/sources/vino/2.25/vino-2.25.90.tar.gz should be easy too if you want an another one12:43
dholbachthanks a bunch seb128 :)12:43
dholbachthanks pochu too12:43
seb128you're welcome12:43
seb128dholbach: otherwise since that's jcastro you can update the rhythmbox snapshot to current svn if you want ;-)12:44
directhexwhy does norsetto's page track sid for some & exp for others?12:45
directhex'cos debian has a cleaner newer f-spot than ubuntu12:46
seb128directhex: "cleaner"? the version uploaded to debian is basically the jaunty version no?12:48
directhexseb128, it bundles a private copy of mono.addins iirc. and there's the whole NBS issue too12:48
seb128we should just stop using mono in the default install ;-)12:49
directhexseb128, or core devs should stop leaping behind desks & hiding whenever i open my gob and the word "sync" comes out12:51
directhexone or t'other12:51
directhexmono-related blocking sync/merge bugs can take a rather long time before anyone goes near them, unless i sit & poke people individually, IME12:53
seb128directhex: should f-spot be synced?12:53
seb128directhex: we do syncs several times a week12:53
directhexseb128, f-spot blocks on mono.addins 0.412:53
seb128directhex: there is no mono syncs waiting13:01
directhexbug 32379013:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323790 in mono "Please sync mono 2.0.1-4 (main) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32379013:02
directhexbug 32474113:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324741 in mono-addins "Please sync mono-addins 0.4-2 (main) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32474113:02
directhexbug 32394813:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323948 in cli-common "Please sync cli-common 0.6.0 (main) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32394813:02
directhexbug 32354213:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323542 in ndoc "Please merge ndoc 1.3.1-5 from Debian Experimental" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32354213:02
seb128directhex: ubuntu-archive is not subscribed so they are not listed on the ubuntu-archive todolist13:02
seb128no wonder it takes a while13:03
StevenKMaybe they need sponsorship13:03
seb128yeah just pointing that ubuntu-archive is not the blocker there13:03
StevenKu-m-s is the blocker13:04
directhexi wasn't moaning at -archive, i was moaning in general. it's cathartic13:04
StevenKMoan at dholbach13:04
ScottKcathartic/demotivating for sponsors.13:04
dholbachStevenK: ?13:04
dholbachpochu, seb128: I'll just upload jcastro's vinagre update - it's good work!13:19
seb128dholbach: excellent!13:25
dholbachvino next!13:26
slangasekmvo: bug #247130 :)13:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247130 in update-manager "funny output when a package gets downgraded via pinning" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24713013:27
slangasekmvo: so maybe that only applies to downgrades13:27
slangasekand maybe it's not an update-notifier problem at all13:27
slangasekmvo: ok - I've confirmed that this problem doesn't show up with pinning a package at an earlier version13:34
slangasekmvo: so you can continue to ignore that bug ;)13:34
mvoslangasek: :) excellent! I *think* there is a bug with packages on hold though, so your concern is very valid13:35
ScottKmvo: I did some discussing with other backports people and I think everyone is behind the not-automatic idea for backports.  Do you think there's a chance for getting that merged in this cycle?13:37
mvoScottK: thanks for leading this discussion, I think chances are very good13:38
mvoscottK especially if there is interesst like this in it now13:38
ScottKmvo: There is.  It's our biggest usabiltiy problem in backports.13:38
ScottKIt's the reason that for many users places like getdeb are better for them than official backports even though the packages are technically inferior.13:39
mvoright, I will cleanup/merge the branch soonish (hopefully early next week)13:41
pochudholbach: cool :)13:42
ScottKmvo: Great.  I appreciate the effort.  We all do.13:43
hwildeanybody happen to know how to supress this alarmist error from syslog   TCP: Treason uncloaked!13:47
StevenKFix the sender's TCP stack13:47
hwildenote I said supress the error from syslog, not resolve the remote tcp window issue13:49
hwildeit looks scary and gets people all excited for no reason...13:49
RainCTmvo: Hey14:51
mvohey RainCT14:56
RainCTmvo: what do you think about adding an option to apturl to enable PPAs? (ie, fetching the key et all)14:58
ScottKRainCT: How about we add getdeb too?15:00
RainCTScottK: that's ironic?   (if not, that option should work for any archive, not only Launchpad PPAs)15:01
ScottKRainCT: Yes it's ironic.  PPAs are not at all more trusted because they are hosted on Launchpad.15:02
ebroderDoes anyone know if Ubuntu's changes to xserver-xorg-video-ati are in a git repo anywhere? They don't seem to be in the repo in the Vcs-Git field15:02
ScottKThere's no reason they should be treated specially and lots of reason they should not.15:02
ebroder(Or a not-git repo anywhere)15:02
ScottKRainCT: I guess I don't understand the rationale for simplifying addition of untrusted repositories.15:03
RainCTScottK: So? Where's the difference between copying a line inside the box in System -> Administration -> Software Sources or clicking on a link and then on a confirmation dialogue explaining what adding a repo means (and that it can be dangerous)?15:03
RainCTThe later one is more convenient as it saves some clicks (especially those for the GPG key, which else many people may just leave out), but having to do those extra clicks won't stop anyone from adding repos15:04
ScottKI can see a benifit from making it easier to get the gpg key as that gives assurance you're at least getting what you asked for.15:05
RainCTRelated to this, is there some reason why apt has it's own keys and doesn't use those which gpg has available?15:07
sorenStrictly speaking, I do think PPA's are more trusted because they're hosted on Launchpad. It's a trusted build environment, and if you're concerned you can go look at the source.15:07
pochuRainCT: it runs as root and your own keys are in /home/me could be one of them15:08
RainCTpochu: ah, of course :P15:08
sorenOther provideres of repositories could be putting backdooers or whatever into the binaries even if they publish the source.15:08
ScottKsoren: It is a trusted build environment, but since anything can be in the source, unless you know and specifically trust the PPA owner the trust level is still none.15:08
sorenScottK: You can go look at the source, if you please.15:09
ScottKIf you're going to audit the source before installing then it's more trusted.15:09
RainCTScottK: Yes, but having to do like 5 clicks more won't change the trust level someone has when he adds a repo.15:09
sorenThat's the point. You're guaranteed to be able to do that.15:09
ScottKI think the fraction of the user base that's relevant to is nil.15:09
RainCT(Ah, and is there anything new about the "trusted PPAs" idea?)15:10
ScottKRainCT: There is a spec for trusted third party repositories.15:11
sorenScottK: I disagree.15:12
ScottKsoren: The source is of zero use to viritually all users.15:13
sorenScottK: This is not a unique properrty of PPA's.15:14
ScottKThis is true, but in the distro archive we have certain processes in place to minize risk of something unfortunate ending up in the archive.15:14
ScottKNone of which there is any assurance exist for some random PPA.15:15
sorenScottK: To me, it makes a big difference that if I had concerns of any kind, it's guaranteed that I can go look at the source.15:16
ScottKsoren: Sure, for you, but not for the average user.15:16
sorenI'm not talking about average users..15:16
soren"PPAs are not at all more trusted because they are hosted on Launchpad." does not mention average useres.15:17
sorenIt speaks in absolutes.15:17
sorenI don't like absolutes.15:17
ScottKThe topic at hand is making it easier for end users to add PPAs, so that's the relevant audience.15:17
ScottKFor that audience, I think that source availability is irrelevant.15:18
Turlwhat's the difference between cruft remover and "computer janitor" packages, if any?15:18
sorenScottK: Again, that is not a unique feature for PPA's.15:18
sorenScottK: and to the group of individuals where it makes a difference, it is a very signification difference.15:19
sorenI must be tired.15:19
Turlcruft-remover=system-cleaner, computer janitor=computer-janitor(-gtk)15:19
RainCTScottK: My point is that making it easier is not going to increase the number of people using PPAs (as if they want one they'll add it even if it requires a few clicks more), but it is going to improve their experience.15:19
ScottKsoren: I agree that for people who can make use of the source it's a significant difference.  A very significant difference.15:20
pochuTurl: it's the same one, has been renamed15:20
Turlpochu: ok, thanks :)15:20
Turlpochu: btw, the new one doesn't have an icon15:20
ScottKRainCT: Of course the easiest user experience would be to have a feature to enable all PPAs by default.15:21
ScottKNow that's obviously not something we'd want to do.15:21
ScottKAnd I think all the same reasons we don't want to do that, we don't want to make it easier.15:21
Mithrandirsounds like we might want to have a way of signalling that some PPAs are more safe than others.15:21
Mithrandirlike, have the numbers of computers fetching from each of them publically visible, or something along those lines.15:22
ScottKPersonally, I'd place trust more in who has upload rights than how many people use it.15:22
pochufor stable software, we should rather encourage people to use backports15:23
ScottKI could see putting some kind of trust related seal on a PPA that only core-dev could upload to.15:23
MithrandirScottK: by choice from the owner of the PPA or something then.  I'd rather not have my personal PPA marked as high quality, since I might end up putting junk there.15:25
Mithrandir(given that I don't believe many/any other than I use it)15:26
ScottKIn Kubuntu we have a kubuntu-experimental PPA that we put all kinds of warnings all over.15:26
ScottKIt doesn't seem to stop anyone.15:26
pochuScottK: P3As for the rescue :P15:27
ScottKThat kind of limits your target audience and they're a pain to deal with with some of the usual tools.15:27
ScottKWe actually have one of those too for packaging new KDE releases where we get the tarballs pre-release.15:28
ScottKsoren: To get back to your question about absolutes, I think of trust as multiplicative in this case (for the average user) and so as soon as you have an untrusted uploader trust is 0 and it really doesn't matter what you multiply that by, it'll be 0.15:33
RainCTWell, leaving apturl for now, is there some reason why Software Sources doesn't get the GPG keys itself (other than, because nobody has implemented this)?15:47
cody-somervillepitti, ping15:47
pitticody-somerville: pong15:47
cody-somervillepitti, Apologizes for the lack of communication on my behalf about the Xfce4 updates in -proposed that Michael prepared. We're looking to push the Xfce 4.4.3 bug fix point release to -updates for 8.10.15:49
ScottKRainCT: You do want key adding to be manual because you don't want to automate the decision to trust a repo too much.  I agree though that it ought to be easy as we do want users to actually use the keys.15:50
calcwill we be putting up the release schedule for K anytime soon?15:51
RainCTUhm.. Perhaps just having a link to download a .key file on Launchpad15:51
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RainCTwould be enough. Having to go to the keyserver, select the text and save it as a new file is quite annoying.15:51
ScottKYou don't actually have to do that.15:54
* ScottK tries to remember where he found the other way ...15:54
ScottKRainCT: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding the keys in the terminal15:56
RainCTScottK: Yeah, I know. But, Ubuntu is GNU/Linux for human beings, remember? :P15:58
maxbBit overcomplicated. Just use: wget -O- 'http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0xB0BE17C2A0C914F086B7B8327D2C7A23BF810CD5&op=get' | sudo apt-key add -15:58
ScottKRainCT: Right, but in this case I think that's easier than the save a file approach.15:58
RainCTScottK: for us yes, but not for the average user15:59
ScottKLP could generate a per PPA snippet like they do for sources.list and just say, copy/paste this is a terminal.16:00
RainCT(The snippet it gives currently can also be pasted into Software Sources)16:01
mvoRainCT: sorry, I was disctracted. the problem with adding ppas easily is that it opens the door for all sorts of spyware/malware potentially16:07
cjwatsonRainCT: why it doesn't get the GPG keys> also that PPAs have only been signed for roughly five minutes, I would expect ;-)16:07
cjwatsonbut I agree with others, "is a PPA" is a ridiculously low bar for anything16:08
cjwatsonI do think we should add an easier *command-line* way to add a key16:09
cjwatsonapt-key recv KEYID or something16:09
cjwatsonactually, can't apt-key adv do that?16:09
cjwatsonaha, yes it can. We should simplify the PPA instructions16:10
cjwatson$ sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 8C6C1EFD16:10
cody-somervilleWhat about adding a dialogue to software properties to make that easy?16:11
cjwatsonscroll up16:12
cjwatsoncircular arguments get tiresome :)16:12
ograbut round :)16:12
slangaseka circular argument gathers no code16:13
cjwatsonmrevell told me he's going to update help.launchpad.net for that, since we apparently have a bit of parallel invention with cprov16:13
sorenI like circular arguments. They lack loose ends.16:15
pochuwhat about circular footnotes?16:16
ScottKIf the desk isn't level they'll roll off on the floor16:38
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:~/tmp$ killall -9 gtk-gnash17:29
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:~/tmp$ ps -e|grep gnash|grep defunct|wc -l17:29
maxbbluefoxicy: A defunct process is not actually running17:31
bluefoxicymaxb: I killed firefox because it wasn't actually painting the window anymore.17:31
bluefoxicyit killed all the defunct gnashes17:31
maxbIt's one which has quit, but metadata concerning it is still occupying its PID, etc.17:31
bluefoxicythere's always a billion gtk-gnash processes running17:32
maxbThe metadata disappears once the parent process acknowledges it17:32
maxbOr the parent process disappears, in which case the defunct processes get reparented on init, which acknowledges them17:32
maxbHence why they disappear when you close firefox17:33
Notch-1excuse me, my cdrom drive it's gone, but i have ubuntu already installed on hda, how can i install ubuntu on hdb? (using the iso image and ubuquity, i suppose...)17:56
jpdsNotch-1: Make a bootable USB with System -> Admin -> Boot USB?17:57
jpdsAnd #ubuntu might be a better place to ask.17:57
Notch-1yes, is there another way? i'm running out of pendrive :P17:58
Notch-1nobody answer on #ubuntu...17:58
jdongwell it is a difficult question you posed with your set of restrictions17:59
Notch-1i know :P17:59
jdongsure there are ways, but fairly troublesome when you neither want to use a CD installer nor a bootable USB medium.17:59
jdongI'd honestly suggest copying your current installation to that drive17:59
jpdsNotch-1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation17:59
Notch-1ah fine, i saw ubiquity in the repository and so i was thinking if it's possibile to use it with an iso image...18:01
jdongthere no readily available way of doing so, though of course I won't say it's impossible.18:03
jdongit's probably just faster to obtain the materials necessary for a supported installation method listed above.18:03
Notch-1i see, this list it's pretty complete...18:04
Notch-1i think i should copy the iso to a partition and then boot from it, thanks18:05
maxbhrm, not sure whether that's doable18:06
maxbThe usb-creator method seems like the only reasonable supported method in this case18:07
Notch-1why not? anyway i hate usb-creator and i have no pendrive :D18:08
Alinuxcjwatson, hello, I've tested latest alpha 4 alternate version x64. As installation language I choose Georgian, but installer did not change, the strings remains in English. Should I file a bug against debian-installer ?18:14
emgentNEWS: Utu is back online, until it is integrated into ubuntustats. (http://thc.emgent.org/utu/)18:49
rbrunhuberI'm a bit worried now:  I just had an kernel oops and tried to report the problem with apport but it tells me my kernel is not a genuine ubuntu package?!18:53
rbrunhuberIs my setup compromised or is this due to not booting the latest kernel?18:53
taggartkees, doku, etc: do you know if intrepid's glibc has additional malloc safety testing above what lenny/sid do?20:22
taggartsomeone reported this debian bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=51402820:22
ubottuDebian bug 514028 in arrayprobe "arrayprobe: Crash due to memory corruption" [Grave,Open]20:22
taggartnote they are using a intrepid libc620:22
taggartI can't repeat it on lenny/sid, although it is a bug20:23
taggartso thus my question20:23
mib_p137wmoahi all...  i only have 1 question... if someone can help me on this...21:12
jpds!ask | mib_p137wmoa21:13
ubottumib_p137wmoa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:13
mib_p137wmoaops ok21:13
mib_p137wmoawhere is the page, email or other thing where i can make a sugestion to ubuntu?21:13
mib_p137wmoaoh, and sorry for bad english... i live in portugal21:14
jpdsmib_p137wmoa: brainstorm.ubuntu.com21:14
mib_p137wmoathanks ;)21:14
keestaggart: I'm not aware of anything extra wrt glibc malloc protections above what is in lenny.21:33
keestaggart: we do compile with -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2, so that may be enabling extra stuff in that region that I'm presently unaware of.  what're you seeing?21:33
ftaTheMuso, dtchen; just tested your new p-a, it doesn't work.21:34
ftaTheMuso, the daemon doesn't start. manually, i get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/114972/21:36
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=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
taggartkees: the output is in Debian bug 51402823:22
ubottuDebian bug 514028 in arrayprobe "arrayprobe: Crash due to memory corruption" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/51402823:22
taggartdammit I was trying avoid that, what does ubottu trigger on?23:23
Hobbseebug foo23:24
Hobbseeor <bugtracker> bug foo23:24

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