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savvasif anyone has some spare time, can you answer the packaging-related questions at the last comment: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libmtp/+bug/31567901:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315679 in libmtp "Please merge libmtp 0.3.0-1ubuntu3 (main) to 0.3.6-1 from Debian (experimental)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]01:13
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savvaswell, done my good deeds for tonight, laters!01:49
nhandlerNight savvas01:49
* ScottK tosses out that the last Main depends on boost have been transitioned to boost1.35, so it's open season of anti-cruft minded MOTU to push it on out of the archive.....02:44
darkacehello i want to get involved with motu can somebody please help me get my basics up and running as i am not quite familiar with linux or debian03:55
ScottKdarkace: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted03:56
ScottKDo your best to get yourself started, but feel free to ask questions.03:56
ScottKWe're all volunteers here and we're glad to help you on your journey, but aren't generally inclined to put more into it than you do.03:57
darkacethanks Scott03:58
ScottKdarkace: You're welcome.03:58
darkaceany ideas on how i can get confidence in running terminal commands03:58
darkacei am quite new so any help is appreciated03:58
nhandlerdarkace: The best way is to keep a terminal open all the time. Instead of using nautilus (or whatever GUI tool you use) to manage your files, try using the terminal04:00
ScottKWhich is the short version of what nhandler said.04:00
nhandlerThe man pages also provide valuable information04:00
darkacethanks guys i will try my best04:00
darkacei have read that there is a motu school on irc is it going to be helpful for me ?04:01
santiago-vealso, learning to use screen would be usefull...04:01
nhandlerdarkace: MOTU school isn't like a normal school. They hold sessions every now and then that explain various MOTU-related tasks.04:02
nhandlerdarkace: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School04:02
nhandlerdarkace: There is also a mentoring program that you might be interested in: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring04:04
ScottKBut it's completely optional.04:04
ScottKYou can also just get help here.04:04
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pochugood morning07:52
DktrKranzmorning pochu08:08
pochuhi DktrKranz :)08:13
thekornhi, I need some help with packaging a python script. This script is using sqlite, so it needs either python2.5 or python2.4 and pysqlite08:37
thekornthis is my debian/control: http://paste.ubuntu.com/114506/08:37
thekornbut it does not work as I expect08:38
thekornso my question is: what do I have to change to get something like: "use python2.5, if not available use python2.4 and also install pysqlite"08:40
pochuhi thekorn08:42
pochuthekorn: why it doesn't work? looks fine to me08:42
pochuyou may want "XS-Python-Version: >= 2.4"08:43
thekornhi pochu08:43
thekornpochu, first, it always installs python2.4, even on intrepid08:44
thekornalso this |pythonpysqlite does not seem to work, pysqlite is not automatically installed08:44
pochuthekorn: how does the Depends line on the binary package look like?08:45
thekornyou mean this line? Depends: ${python:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python-libxml2, python (>= 2.5) | python-pysqlite208:46
pochuthekorn: no, in the control file in the .deb08:46
quadrisprodoes anyone have some time to spend in reviewing this? :D http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gnome-format08:46
thekornpochu, Depends: python-central (>= 0.6.7), python2.4, python-libxml2, python (>= 2.5) | python-pysqlite208:48
pochuthekorn: there you have, python2.408:49
thekornpochu, where did I get this from?08:50
pochuprobably from XS-Python-Version08:50
pochutry s/current/>=2.4/08:50
thekornok, let me try it08:50
thekornthanks pochu08:50
pochupython-central expands ${python:Depends} with some value from XS-Python-Version08:51
pochuactually ISTR "current" is deprecated08:51
* thekorn needs to learn packaging some day, copy and paste from other packages is bad ;)08:51
* POX suspects hardcoded python2.4 in hashbang08:51
* pochu waves at POX :)08:52
* POX waves back08:52
thekornI got this 'current' from apport ;)08:52
pochuthekorn: yeah, if you have some #!/usr/bin/python2.4 or similar, pycentral will add a python2.4 dependency08:52
* pochu didn't remember that08:53
pochueven if I had that problem in the past... :/08:53
thekornI have #!/usr/bin/env python and #!/usr/bin/python let me try to change it to #!/usr/bin/python in both cases08:54
* POX suspects `python2.4 setup.pu ...` in debian/rules08:54
thekornno, nothing like this in debian/rules08:55
POXpaste debian/rules somewhere (not that I don't believe you ;)08:56
thekornhehe, sure08:57
thekornPOX, http://paste.ubuntu.com/114514/08:57
POXsee, you have it in debian/rules :P08:58
POXin /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk08:58
POXalso "Architecture: any" looks suspicious08:59
POX(that's why CDBS compiles for all python versions, 2.4 included)08:59
thekornok, so what's the plan to fix it?09:02
POXI'm 75% sure you want "Architecture: all"09:03
POX.... and that's all what you need to fix it09:03
thekornok, cool, let's try it09:03
pochuquadrispro: is that the replacement of gfloppy?09:22
pochuquadrispro: I'll review it later on09:22
quadrispropochu: yes, it should replace gfloppy09:23
pochuok cool09:23
quadrisprook pochu, thank you09:23
pochuquadrispro: thanks for packaging it ;)09:24
directhexi'm building my first floppy-free desktop at the moment09:25
directhexpartly because the secondary os is vista, which can load disk drivers from non-floppy media09:26
directhexpartly because i have no floppy disks anymore & no idea where to find some09:26
savvaswhich one is the correct conf destination? /etc/udev/libmtp8.rules or /etc/udev/rules.d/45-libmtp8.rules ?09:34
thekornpochu, POX, it worked, thanks again for you help09:52
zMooGood morning, everybody10:02
shankhsI was navigating through LP to prepare for the Global Bug Jam I ran into this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/294991 the page says that its confirmed then triaged and I think its an upstream bug(right?) is there any more information I can get about this bug?10:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 294991 in telepathy-sofiasip "SIP/Ekiga accounts don't store contacts" [Unknown,Confirmed]10:26
shankhsif its triaged then why its not removed from there ???10:27
shankhswhat is triaging of bug?10:29
iulianshankhs: Please join #ubuntu-bugs and ask there.10:29
shankhsiulian: ok thanx10:30
syockitHow do I check a build flag, e.g. @APPLET_GNOME_CFLAGS@? I seem to be having a problem where gnomeui-2 is always missed10:48
pochusyockit: I'm not sure, but maybe config.log helps10:55
zMoohi, iulian11:06
iulianHey zMoo.11:26
zMooiulian: yesterday I have receive a mail from a maintainer of a swac-tools package for ArchLinux :)11:28
directhexdid he say "you ubuntu guys are always so awesome, please teach me your mighty ways"?11:31
iuliandirecthex: Hehe.11:32
iulianzMoo: That's nice.11:32
iulianArght, I have just installed Jaunty on a Toshiba Satellite and touchpad didn't work at all.11:33
* iulian wonders if this bug is already filed.11:34
iulianI can't find any.11:34
directhexyes, it's in the release notes11:36
directhex"The X.Org synaptics driver is absent from the liveCD, which may prevent touchpad devices from working on laptops. As a workaround, use Ctrl+Alt+F1 to switch to console, log in, run sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-all to download the drivers from the network, and then return to your session with Alt+F7."11:37
* iulian couldn't find any errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:38
syockitno synaptics in live? that shucks11:40
iulianWhat does 'lp' mean?11:46
iulian[   18.544046] input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input711:46
iulian[   19.303365] lp: driver loaded but no devices found11:46
mok0iulian: line printer?11:48
iulianmok0: Right.11:50
directhexyay, parallel port!11:51
* slytherin tries to remember how parallel port looks. :-/12:00
directhexhttp://www.detto.com/ecomm/images/cpuback-parallelPORT.jpg ?12:01
maxbWhat a hideous shade of pink12:04
syockitisn't that win99 standard or something?12:05
slytherindirecthex: I guess I have on on my PC at home. :-)12:07
mok0Any of you kids know what a lineprinter is?12:08
directhexsyockit, PC9912:08
maxb"Burgundy" heh, no, that's sick pinnk12:10
syockitnever used burgundy as a colour name in my life12:12
iulianmok0: (wikipedia) - The line printer is a form of high speed impact printer in which one line of type is printed at a time.12:14
mok0iulian: heh12:14
mok0and it makes one hell of a noise doing it12:15
* ScottK knows what a lineprinter is.12:16
* mok0 hasn't seen one in about 15 years12:17
* iulian doesn't even know how it looks.12:18
mok0They were pretty large, about the size of a freezer12:19
mok0found mostly in computer-centres12:20
mok0It has a rotating drum with 132 wheels and each of those wheels prints a character on the line12:21
mok0there are 132 hammers on the backside of the paper that slams the paper against the wheel12:22
mok0so essentially, the whole line is printed at once12:22
iulianThat is so... old-fashioned.12:23
mok0iulian: well, it was new technology back then :-P12:23
ScottKIt was a sledgehammer approach, but it was also very fast.12:23
iulianHeh, indeed.12:23
mok0Yeah, it could spit out a page per seecond or so12:24
mok0iulian: show me a laserprinter that can do that ;-)12:24
pochumok0: those you find in stationer's? :)12:25
mok0pochu: ok, I haven't seen those12:26
mok0pochu: but usually, the laserprinter needs to render the page first in the RIP and that takes time12:26
mok0These days, computer systems are faster but also about 10000 times more complicated12:28
mok0The first mainframe I worked on had 8K of memory12:28
mok0but it was still able to run an operating system and run jobs12:29
* pochu feels young ;)12:29
mok0Programmers were *smart* back then, you didn't just malloc(10000000) bytes12:29
directhexi don't malloc anything. i use JIT and garbage collectors!12:30
sorenYeah. Back then, the argument to malloc was a float.12:30
mok0you had to use temp files on one of the 10MB disks12:31
* ScottK once served on a ship with systems sufficiently capable to take on and stop a big chunk of Soviet Naval Aviation that did it with less than 2MB of RAM.12:32
mok0... and a 500 line program most likely ;-)12:33
mok0Amazing that it could be done12:34
mok0I have more computer power in my wrist watch than they had on Apollo 1112:34
* jcfp withnesses the early stages of the #ubuntu-geriatrics channel :)12:36
mok0lol :-D12:36
orly_owlwalking stick required12:36
pochuquadrispro: commented on REVU, it looks quite good12:48
quadrispropochu: i will work on it very soon, thank you!12:49
pochuquadrispro: ping me once you're done and I'll advocate it ;)12:51
quadrispropochu: uploaded to REVU, you can see the buildlog here -> http://home.alessiotreglia.com/jaunty/result/gnome-format_0.1.1-0ubuntu1/12:57
pochuI'm more interested in the debdiff ;)12:58
quadrisprosure :)12:58
pochuquadrispro: I have my doubts about the repackaging...12:58
quadrispropochu: tell me13:00
pochuquadrispro: if it's not really needed, it's better to avoid it13:00
pochujust poke upstream to not do that again in the next tarballs13:00
pochuquadrispro: is there a technical or legal reason, or was it because of a lintian warning?13:01
pochuwell, that's my opinion13:01
quadrisproSince I have added waf license in debian/copyright, there's no license problem..13:02
pochuso it would be ok to leave the .waf directory?13:03
quadrisproIMHO there's no problem13:03
pochuI think so too13:04
quadrispropochu: take a look at my first upload13:04
pochuthe .waf directory looks like autogenerated code..13:04
quadrisproyes, it's containing all autogenerated code13:04
pochuthen it's fine13:04
pochuso what I would do is not repackage the tarball, and tell upstream about that13:05
quadrisproyes, you're right13:05
pochuand while at it, tell them that putting the tarballs somewhere else than a wiki page would be nice :)13:05
pochuI'm not sure if we can make a watch file for that13:05
quadrispropochu: probably I've found a solution for moinmoin compatibility issue with uscan13:05
pochuI've tried it but didn't worked, maybe there are tricks for that13:06
pochuquadrispro: ah cool!13:06
quadrispropochu: MoinMoin reject some kind of user agent13:06
pochuthey should be using ftp.gnome.org anyway...13:06
quadrispropochu: as you can see in debian/rules I have added a --user-agent option to wget13:06
quadrisprowget command *13:06
pochubut getting the watch file to work now would be cool ;)13:07
quadrisproeh, I'm workin on it, I need sometime and the feature freeze is coming13:07
quadrispro(in the last period i'm studying hard :P)13:08
syockitwhat is the tool for checking the headers provided by a specific flag? e.g. APPLET_GNOME_CFLAGS13:08
pochusyockit: pkgconfig?13:12
quadrispropochu: uploaded to REVU13:15
pochuwith orig tarball?13:16
slytherinany java packagers around? I need helping hand.13:18
directhexbuild-depends: ikvm!13:19
quadrispropochu: re-uploaded with orig tarball13:19
quadrisproand some little changes (updated changelog, removed README.source, now unnecessary)13:19
slytherindirecthex: what all good java programs have you built with ikvm till now?13:21
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quadrisprohi mok0!13:38
mok0quadrispro: hi13:38
quadrisprocould you take a look at this? -> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gnome-format13:38
mok0quadrispro: sure13:38
mok0quadrispro: will just fetch a cup of coffee13:39
quadrisproeh! fetch one for me too :D13:39
* mok0 hands quadrispro a virtual cup of coffee13:44
mok0quadrispro: what's that .waf-1.5.0-* directory?13:46
quadrisproi'm here13:47
quadrisprooh, .waf* containing autogenerated code13:47
mok0quadrispro: ok, looks ugly13:47
quadrispromok0: yes, in fact in the previous uploads I used get-orig-source to repack the tarball13:48
pochumok0: yeah, but it's better than repackaging ;)13:48
pochubbl, lunch13:48
mok0quadrispro: does it mean you no longer use the get-orig-source target?13:52
quadrisprono no, get-orig-source is needed to retrieve the tarball13:53
quadrisproand repack it13:54
mok0quadrispro: uhm, you said above that you used to repack (to get rid of the .wap-* stuff I thought)13:56
* mok0 fires up his trusty sbuilder13:57
quadrispronow I used get-orig-source to retrieve the tar.bz2 and repack it as orig.gz13:57
quadrisprowithout dropping .waf dir13:58
* mok0 wonders wft wap is for13:58
slytherinquadrispro: are you removing anything from upstream tar ball while doing repacking?13:59
mok0slytherin: not anymore14:00
slytherinthen a simple uscan --repack should be sufficient, right?14:00
quadrisproslytherin: uscan has some problem with moinmoin14:01
mok0quadrispro: ah?14:01
quadrisproslytherin: at the moment I can't use a watch file14:01
* mok0 picks up the challenge14:01
quadrisproas you can see, I used a --user-agent option for wget command, moinmoin seems reject some kind of user agent14:02
mok0quadrispro: ah, they are getting smart huh?14:02
quadrispro:D eh, I've noticed that moinmoin developers upload new release to a static site ;)14:03
quadrispromok0: anyway I will send an email to upstream authors, in order to ask them to not include the .waf* dir in the next releases14:07
mok0quadrispro: ok... can we rebuild these files using waf?14:08
c_kornhello, I am currently opening bug reports for syncing scilab-5.0.3 into jaunty. unfortunately scilab-5.0.3 requires jeuclid which is currently in debian-science. I have compiled all necessary packages in this PPA. https://launchpad.net/~getdeb.packages/+archive/ppa everything works fine. but can jeuclid make it into jaunty?14:08
quadrispromok0: yes14:09
mok0c_korn: I've been tracking that too14:09
mok0c_korn: it seems Debian's NEW queue is completely halted14:09
LaneyIt's still moving14:09
mok0How long has jeuclid been in it?14:09
Laney1 month14:10
LaneyI reckon it'll get done before FF14:10
mok0c_korn: of course, you might play with it and test if it builds14:10
mok0c_korn: to be prepared for a quick move @FF14:11
quadrisprocoming back soon14:11
c_kornmok0: all packages required for scilab-5.0.3 are already built and work fine. they are available in this PPA. https://launchpad.net/~getdeb.packages/+archive/ppa can these packages be QAed for making it into jaunty? they are required by scilab-5.0.314:12
slytherinc_korn: Why not take the Debian package add a jaunty changelog entry and upload to Ubuntu?14:13
mok0c_korn: file a lp bug, giving the PPA, subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponors and we can take a look14:13
Laneyit's near the front of the queue; should be done within a few days14:14
mok0Oh that sounds good14:15
LaneyI'd say wait until the middle of next week and then ~ubuntu1 the debian version14:15
c_kornmok0: here it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/32617914:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 326179 in ubuntu "Please sync jeuclid 3.1.4 from debian-science" [Undecided,New]14:15
c_kornI will compile version 3.1.4 now14:15
mok0c_korn: I am subscribed to the bug, and I will keep tracking it14:16
c_kornok, thank you14:17
mok0c_korn: since it's new package we need 2 ACKs for it14:17
c_kornok. I am sorry that I subscribed ubuntu-archive to the scilab sync request before reading the wiki. https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/scilab/+bug/272264 any chance of unsubscribing them?14:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 272264 in scilab "Please sync scilab-5.0.3 (multiverse) from PPA" [Wishlist,Confirmed]14:20
mok0c_korn: yeah, they can do it themselves14:20
mok0c_korn: especially if you make a note to that effect14:21
c_kornnote added14:23
mok0Hi RainCT14:27
quadrisproright here again14:32
quadrispromok0: what do you think about it?14:32
mok0quadrispro: looks good14:32
mok0quadrispro: fsck'ing around with that watch file :-P14:33
quadrisprofine, thanks, but perhaps I've found a solution ;)14:33
quadrisprouscan has --user-agent option too14:34
henrik-hw0Any MOTUs here want to give libmirage a 2nd advocate?14:40
mok0quadrispro: I can't get uscan to do web scraping, the href's are hidden inside <link> tags14:57
mok0quadrispro: and uscan wants <a href=...> AFAIK14:57
quadrisproyes, it's true14:58
quadrispromok0: I'll send a mail to upstream14:59
quadrisproI would ask them to 1) remove .waf* from next release tarballs 2) look for an external host where put the source tarball :)15:00
pochuquadrispro: be nice to them :)15:02
jpdsquadrispro: Hey, you wanted a pigin-facebookchat backport to hardy, can you test the package I uploaded to the ppa for it?15:02
quadrisprohi jpds! at the moment I can't, I use hardy at work, I'll do it really soon ;)15:03
mok0quadrispro: heh get it to work15:06
mok0quadrispro: GOT it to work I meant to say15:06
quadrispromok0: ehehe15:07
mok0quadrispro: can you receive files via DCC?15:07
quadrispromok0: boh! I don't know15:07
quadrisprosend me via jabber/gmail15:07
mok0quadrispro: what's your irc client?15:07
mok0quadrispro: you can15:08
mok0quadrispro: do you get a dialogue box?15:09
quadrisproi've accepted15:09
quadrisprobut nothing happens15:09
mok0quadrispro: meh15:09
quadrispromok0: listen to me, jabber ;)15:09
mok0quadrispro: I'll pastebin it15:10
quadrisprooh good15:10
mok0Simple, huh? :-P15:10
quadrisprotoo simple :D15:11
mok0quadrispro: I'll finish the review now....15:11
quadrisproyeah, it works :)15:12
quadrisproI'll update debian/rules now15:13
pochuquadrispro: if that works, remove the get-orig-source ;)15:14
mok0pochu: quadrispro, well it might just be rewritten using uscan with the proper parameters15:14
mok0Otherwise, we need a Debian.source file or something saying how to repackage15:15
pochumok0: uscan --repackage15:15
mok0uscan does not do it by itself15:15
quadrisprommm... it could be used with the syntax: uscan --force-download --repack15:15
pochuuscan --repack rather15:15
mok0quadrispro, pochu, right15:16
pochuthat will `bunzip && gzip -9` afaik15:16
mok0quadrispro: ... perhaps --user-agent "" ?15:16
quadrisproi'm just making some test15:17
anakronhi all15:17
anakronhi rainCT15:17
RainCThi :)15:17
anakronhi Scottk15:17
anakronim working in a catfish bug15:18
anakroni confirmed that i use like home path his installation path15:18
anakronthe path where catfish is being loaded15:18
quadrispromok0: uscan downloads a file with a wrong name...15:22
quadrispro"gnome-format: Successfully downloaded updated package Download"15:22
anakronand catfish does not create any configuration file, so its more difficult to follow the bug15:22
anakronsomeone have sound problems in jaunty?15:23
anakronsomeone solved it?15:23
anakroni dont have sound15:23
mok0quadrispro: argh15:24
ScottKanakron: I haven't looked into the catfish thing.  I wouldn't feel obligated to stick with it if it turns out not to be a good one.  There are plenty of others.15:25
mok0quadrispro: at least it tells you if there's a newer version :-)15:25
quadrisproeh, it downloads the page, not the tarball15:25
anakron:) ij15:25
quadrisprosure, it is a good result :)15:25
mok0quadrispro: anyway I submitted my commetns15:26
quadrisprooh perfect mok0, I'm workin on it now15:28
mok0quadrispro: what's the story with w-scan?15:32
anakronwhich is the name of root terminal package?15:34
quadrispromok0: it has been uploaded in debian NEW and superm1 told me that it's better wait until 2-3 days before FF15:34
mok0quadrispro: did you upload to Debian? Or did someone hijack the package?15:35
quadrispromok0: no, a guy worked on it some time ago, but he isn't sure if there's very much interest for that package15:37
quadrisproafter our request he has reviewed the package and uploaded it to NEW15:38
mok0quadrispro: then he probably is not a good maintainer for it15:38
quadrisprommm he isn't the maintainer...15:38
mok0quadrispro: ah, so it15:38
mok0it's essentially the same package15:38
quadrispromok0: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=42639015:39
ubottuDebian bug 426390 in wnpp "ITP: w-scan -- Scans DVB-T and DVB-C transponders for channels" [Wishlist,Closed]15:39
quadrisproyes mok0, it's almost the same15:39
mok0quadrispro: good15:40
mok0I hate it when someone hijacks a package we've worked on in REVU and uploads some worthless hack to Debian15:40
mok0DD's thinks their packages are better than Ubuntu's, but they're not15:41
RainCTmok0: wise words :P15:41
mok0RainCT: everything that comes out of REVU is completely lintian clean15:42
quadrispromok0: uploaded another time :P15:42
mok0quadrispro: ok15:42
sven777http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=lmalinux is lintian clean - anyone care to help me out with advocating it?  :)15:44
ScottKmok0: I think Debian is a collective of individuals.  Any time you refer to Debian or DD's collectively you're likely partly right and partly wrong.15:44
mok0ScottK, yeah I shouldn't generalize15:45
mok0The fact is that many Debian packages ain't too pretty15:45
ScottKThat's generally true, but even more so for Debian.15:45
ScottKSome of ours suck too.15:46
mok0I think the packages that come out of REVU are generally very carefully done15:46
mok0... and checked by several people15:47
mok0sven777: this is software for music?15:48
* RainCT wonders whether the authors of cheese intentionally gave it as much build deps as they could :P15:48
sven777mok0 - there is a hardware device called Logitech Music Anywhere - which is a USB dongle (which is basically an audio card) and the other part is a handheld receiver/remote control15:49
sven777this package interprets the remote control data and allows the user to have commands executed when the buttons are pressed on the remote control15:49
mok0sven777: Oh, I've not heard about that device before... sounds cool15:49
mok0sven777: you are upstream author?15:49
mok0sven777: great that makes things a lot easier :-)15:50
sven777it's a neat little device because it's small and silent15:50
sven777me and the wife use it in the bathroom15:50
mok0sven777: kinky :-)15:50
sven777the wife and I, rather15:50
sven777hehe :)15:50
mok0sven777: I'll take a look15:50
sven777thx v. much :)15:51
mok0sven777: I thought it was some special linux version or something15:52
mok0sven777: perhaps lma4linux would be a better name?15:52
mok0sven777: up to you of course15:52
sven777heh - I got caught up in the 8-character name15:52
sven777but yeah that might be a better name15:53
sven777of coruse, I don't think anyone's going to know what either of those mean just from that abbreviation15:53
mok0sven777: yeah15:53
sven777but I couldn't come up with something short and also descriptive15:54
surfazAnybody can have a look of this?15:54
* RainCT saw a pad which you connected to the PC and then you could place objects (like a coffee cub or whatever, after adding a little chip to them) on it and it would execute a command :P15:54
maxbsurfaz: gparted is already included in Ubuntu. REVU is only intended for new packages.15:55
surfazAnd for updated?15:56
iuliansurfaz: Launchpad, attach the diff.gz file.15:57
surfazmaxb, and this16:00
surfazis a new package or not?16:00
surfaziulian, done16:00
surfazI don't know how fix "This package has no debian/watch file or get-orig-source rule."16:01
surfazbecause this package is a collection of skins of Audacious. In other words, this package is not a program.16:01
maxbWhere does the collection come from?16:02
surfazis a conversion of xmms-skins package (and added two new skins of gnome-look.org)16:02
surfazmaxb, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/20830716:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 208307 in audacious "xmms-skins package should be converted to audacious-skins" [Wishlist,In progress]16:03
maxbIf it's a logical continuation of the xmms-skins package, I think its version number should reflect that, and the old debian/changelog entries should be retained16:05
surfazmaxb, xmms-package is 0.6, audacious package should be 0.6 too or 0.7. I put 0.1 because is not a update, is a conversion16:06
quadrisprojpds: ehm... I didn't request the pidgin-facebook plugin backport for hardy :)16:07
quadrisproI'll test it, anyway :)16:07
surfazmaxb, ?16:08
quadrisprosoren: thanks for your feedback ;)16:10
maxbWell, it's up to you - if the skins are largely the same, just installed differently, it seems to me there's enough commonality to consider the new package a new version with a different name, and hence just increment the version number.16:10
maxbIt would be a good idea to check with the debian maintainer of xmms-skins whether he plans to do anything similar.16:11
surfazmaxb, last changes of old Debian mantainer are of 2005-07-1016:14
sorenquadrispro: Oh, don't mention it. Sorry I took so long. :/16:15
RainCTCan someone unsubscribe main-sponsors from bug #206280? I added it by mistake :/16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 206280 in lm-sensors "[hardy] Error opening config file: /etc/sensors.conf" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20628016:15
surfazmaxb, I think that Debian maintainer abandoned package or not has plans to convert it to Audacious.16:19
surfaz2005-07-10 -> 2009 Is too time16:19
surfazbut how I fix "This package has no debian/watch file or get-orig-source rule."16:20
surfazHow I should fix that "bug" when this package is a collection of skins for Audacious.16:20
mok0surfaz: gparted? That's already in Ubuntu16:21
surfazmok0, no16:21
surfazaudacious skins16:21
surfazaudacious-skins package16:21
mok0surfaz: uhm didn't you ask for review of gparted before?16:22
surfazyes, but maxb answer me "gparted is already included in Ubuntu. REVU is only intended for new packages."16:23
mok0surfaz: well...16:23
surfazBut I think that gparted should be updated to 0.4.2. That release adds ext4 support16:23
mok0surfaz: we prefer updates to packages through a LP bug report16:23
surfazmok0, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gparted/+bug/30528016:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 305280 in gparted "[need-update] Gparted to latest stable 0.4.2 in Ubuntu Jaunty" [Wishlist,In progress]16:24
surfazmok0, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gparted/+bug/305280/comments/816:24
surfazmy diff.gz16:24
mok0surfaz: ok, then you attach the diff.gz file to that bug and ask for sponsorship by subscribing u-u-s16:24
surfazfixed problems with patches and upstream, import changes of Debian and add Launchpad bugs fixed16:25
StevenKRainCT: Done16:25
surfazmok0, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22049788/gparted_0.4.2-1ubuntu1.diff.gz16:25
mok0surfaz: so go into the +Subscribe button16:25
RainCTStevenK: Thanks.16:25
mok0Ah you16:26
surfazUbuntu Sponsors for main already subcribed16:26
mok0ok so we can actually nuke gparted from REVU16:26
mok0surfaz: I removed gparted from REVU16:30
surfazmok0, and what about this http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=audacious-skins16:30
mok0surfaz: looking at it this very minute16:30
jcfphttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sabnzbdplus (popular binary newsreader, written in python) needs a second advocate - please consider for review.16:32
mok0surfaz: found all over the internet... don't you have the url's where they were downloaded?16:32
surfazmok0, audacious-skins is a conversion of xmms-skins of Debian16:33
surfazwell, a continuation16:33
mok0surfaz: done by... you?16:33
surfazehh, yeah?16:33
surfazthere is a problem?16:34
mok0surfaz: and you don't have a place where you are distributing a tarball?16:34
surfazconverted to audacious-skins16:35
surfazand added two new skins of gnome-look16:35
mok0surfaz: manually?16:35
surfazmok0, the package? yes16:35
mok0surfaz: no, I mean when you get an xmms skin from somewhere, what do you have to do to convert it?16:35
RainCT(In case someone wonders, if just got ride of the welcome message on REVU. It won't be showed by default anymore now, only if you click the "help" link.)16:36
surfazxmms-skins works in Audacious16:36
surfazplease, read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/20830716:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 208307 in audacious "xmms-skins package should be converted to audacious-skins" [Wishlist,In progress]16:36
mok0surfaz: oh, I see16:36
mok0surfaz: huge effort16:36
surfazI am build package for Intrepid now16:37
sven777mok0: doh I forgot to include the watch file!16:37
mok0sven777: just upload another version16:37
sven777mok0: is there a package that would have automatically checked the get-orig rule?  because I'm using uscan in it so I would think it would fail without the watch file16:37
RainCTsurfaz: can I unsubscribe u-u-s from that bug? having it subscribed isn't necessary for uploads to revu16:38
RainCTs/uploads to/stuff on16:38
mok0sven777: you don't need the get-orig-source file when youre not repackaging the tarball, which you don't need to do16:38
surfazRainCT, what bug?16:39
RainCTsurfaz: 20830716:39
mok0sven777: but the EHHS site tries to run the watch file and sees if a newer version is available16:39
surfazRainCT, audacious-skins is a new package converted from xmms-skins16:40
sven777mok0: oh ok - I was trying to follow standards - thought i read something about the get-orig rule being something that "should" be present16:40
RainCTsurfaz: but are you going to upload it again to revu or to attach a debdiff to the bug?16:41
mok0sven777: oh, not if the package is in tar.gz format and nothing has to be removed for license reasons16:41
mok0RainCT: I am reviewing it now16:41
surfazRainCT, I don't undestand you16:41
sven777mok0: ok gotcha - would it hurt anything to leave it in?16:41
mok0surfaz: You have subscribed u-u-s to the bug, which is not necessary when the package is being reviewed on the REVU site16:42
RainCTmok0: The wiki currently says that having it even if there's a watch file gives "extra points". Perhaps that should be ammended.16:42
RainCTmok0: (about the get-orig-source)16:42
mok0RainCT: ah, ok16:42
mok0RainCT: I think it's generally useless16:43
RainCTMe too16:43
mok0The new source format can deal with both .bz2 and .zip files16:44
mok0... and it applies patches when the package is unpacked16:44
jcfpplus uscan can convert when getting the source if need be16:44
RainCTmok0: you mean it's now possible to use .orig.tar.bz2?16:45
mok0jcfp: right16:45
mok0RainCT: not now, but when version 3.0 of the source package format is supported16:45
mok0RainCT: and debian/ can be stored in a tar.gz file16:46
mok0RainCT: diff.gz becomes redundant16:46
RainCTmok0: and what will happen with directly patching the source?16:47
mok0This format will also play much nicer with the VCS schemes for packaging16:47
mok0RainCT: I don't think it's possible, you need to have patches in debian/patches to do it16:48
mok0RainCT: pretty much what we enforce now16:48
RainCTmok0: yeah, but aren't there people who use VCS and patch the source directly?16:48
mok0RainCT: uhm, I don't know... you aren't supposed to16:49
RainCT(I've heard about that, but haven't seen it myself yet)16:49
mok0RainCT: I think the VCS is capable of creating the patches16:49
mok0RainCT: all fixes are kept in feature branches16:50
RainCTAh, nice16:50
mok0RainCT: so patches can be made by diff'ing to the upstream branch16:50
RainCTyeah, makes sense16:50
mok0RainCT: I think that's the idea, at least16:51
tonton_zMooYo, RainCT! I'm looking for an advocate for my second package "swac-scan"! :)16:58
surfazRainCT, mok0 then remove also this package of Revu16:59
jpdsquentusrex: Gah, for some reason I confused you with spinus..17:00
jpdsquentusrex: Sorry, I meant quadrispro ^17:00
mok0surfaz: ok will do17:00
RainCTtonton_zMoo: alright, I'll try to have a look at it later17:00
tonton_zMooGreat, Excellent :)17:01
RainCTtonton_zMoo: poke me again if I haven't told you anything in sth like 3 hours17:01
jpdsquadrispro: Hmm, same first name appartently. :)17:01
tonton_zMooRainCT: I'll not be there the next week (I'm in hollydays)17:01
tonton_zMoobut I can poke you on monday 16 fev17:02
quadrisprojpds: LOL17:03
quadrisproehm... gnome-format needs some love17:15
c_kornmaybe OT here but why keep I getting this mail although I have already deleted the package in the PPA? http://pastebin.com/m39ae179417:19
ScottKc_korn: Ask in #launchpad17:21
giftnudelhello, I'd like to raise your attention to bug #320797 Could that be taken care of fast?17:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320797 in hubackup "Remove hubackup from repositories (no GUI restore!)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32079717:24
giftnudel(fast: before releasing jaunty17:25
RainCTuhm.. where does python-central put the .pyc files?17:25
ScottKRainCT: I think in /var/lib17:26
RainCTScottK: There's only python-support starting with py* :P17:26
quadrispromok0, pochu: around here?17:26
mok0quadrispro: here17:27
mok0Looking at your gnome thing17:27
quadrisproah thank you17:27
mok0Still builds :-)17:27
quadrispromok0: give me you GPG key, I'll add you to quadromatic ring17:28
mok0quadrispro: 0x404825e717:28
quadrispro(quadromatic => http://home.alessiotreglia.com)17:28
quadrispromok0: added, that's dput configuration -> http://home.alessiotreglia.com/dput_configuration17:29
mok0you have a fast server?17:30
quadrisprofor the password in pvt17:30
quadrispromok0: no, it's my PC :)17:30
mok0quadrispro: as a matter of fact, I was just going to make a new build of gcc17:30
pochuquadrispro: yeah17:30
quadrispropochu: give me your gpg key please17:31
pochuquadrispro: it's 4A08B2FE, but I don't think I'm going to use that ;)17:32
quadrisprowell :)17:32
mok0pochu: you can use it for quadrispro's packages17:32
pochuquadrispro: does it run in a VM?17:33
quadrisprono no17:33
RainCTScottK: ah, /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/17:33
pochubecause the other day we were talking here about how to break out of chroots ;)17:33
quadrisproit's a debomatic server17:33
ScottKI knew there was a lib in there somewhere.17:33
pochuquadrispro: you should be careful to who you give access then ;)17:33
jmarsdenREVU Day: I'd welcome any review of my webgui package on REVU: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webgui -- MOTU or not, review would be appreciated :)17:34
* pochu had access to Andrea Veri & Luca Falavigna's server, but didn't use it17:34
pochuDktrKranz: how's Andrea?17:34
quadrisproeh, I give access to people who I consider "trusted" :)17:35
DktrKranzpochu: gone for good (searching for his gf's love)17:35
pochuquadrispro: but you can trust IRC! ;-)17:35
DktrKranzquadrispro: if trust is not enough, what about euros?17:35
RainCTquadrispro: so you don't trust me? ;(17:36
DktrKranzpochu: give him a bunch of euros, you'll gain trust he needs17:36
quadrisproRainCT: sure17:36
quadrisproDktrKranz: (good idea ;))17:36
pochuquadrispro: OTOH if you run the server on a VM, you won't loose much if somebody breaks something17:36
pochubut it'll be harder to setup :)17:36
RainCTVirtualBox is surprisingly easy to setup17:37
jdongIIRC the only thing annoying to configure is bridging17:37
jdongvmware was much more out-of-the-box for bridged network setups17:37
quadrisprowith VirtualBox is surprisingly easy to do everything17:37
jmarsdenjdong: That is fixed in the current version of virtualbox...17:37
jdongjmarsden: oh then I guess I need to put trying it on my TODO list :)17:38
pochubut you probably don't want VBox to build packages ;)17:38
jdongthanks for letting me know17:38
jmarsdenNo problem... I asked about it on #virtualbox or #vbox or whereevr their people hang out...17:38
sven777mok0: new lmalinux version, fixed all those issues you noted17:39
mok0sven777: thanks!17:39
sven777mok0: thanks very much again for looking at it!17:39
mok0sven777: np!17:39
* quadrispro coming back soon17:40
DktrKranzpochu: we have XEN to build packages ;)17:41
DktrKranzin PPAs, at least17:41
DktrKranzwe're not so good and we haven't money, so we use debomatic on some obsolete hardware17:41
quadrisproDktrKranz: tell mok0 the password for quadromatic ;)17:43
mok0quadrispro: you need a password even when the gpg key is installed?17:43
mok0quadrispro: errhh, it wasn't the ssh key you wanted was it?17:44
DktrKranzpassword is a little... hard17:44
mok0DktrKranz: is has the space character in it too?17:45
DktrKranzmok0: nono, a single word, but a "red light" one :)17:45
* DktrKranz is off, back in some hours17:46
szabgabhi, I would like to get Padre a Perl IDE I am developing into Ubuntu, most of its dependencies are already included in Debian and it has an entry in launchpad https://launchpad.net/padre17:50
szabgabbut it seems to be stuck there, how could I get someone to pick it up and make it sure it will be packaged into the next release of Ubuntu ?17:50
Tell360szabgab:  hi17:51
mok0szabgab: you're looking for someone to package it?17:51
szabgabmost of its dependencies are packaged in Debian already so I think those will need to be synced only17:52
mok0szabgab: that's not so easy to find17:52
szabgaboh yes it is written in perl and distributed as a CPAN package17:52
mok0szabgab: best chance is doing it yourself and uploading to REVU for review17:52
szabgabis there a forum or mailing list of people who deal specifically with Perl related issues in Ubuntu ?17:53
szabgabI have enough on the plate with the development and with the begging of others for help (which so far worked ok as it was already packaged in Fedora and Mandriva)17:54
mok0szabgab: there's a perl team in Debian17:55
szabgabyeah I know I am on their list17:55
RainCTWhy don't you ask them to package it, then?17:55
mok0szabgab: ubuntu is more python oriented17:56
szabgaband begged them so they already packaged every part of Padre, except they are stuck with an old wxWidgets17:56
szabgabbut Ubuntu - which I am also using - has the new version of wxWidgets so it won't have that problem17:56
mok0szabgab: right17:56
szabgabthat's why I think it should not be a big issue for someone familiar with the way packaging Perl modules for Ubuntu17:57
mok0szabgab: https://edge.launchpad.net/~perl-jam17:57
mok0Very small team :-)17:58
szabgabyeah, one member :-(17:58
mok0szabgab: but he's a MOTU17:59
mok0szabgab: https://edge.launchpad.net/~perl18:00
mok0quadrispro is a member of that one18:00
szabgabmok0, thanks a lot, looking around now18:01
* mok0 fetches coffe18:01
szabgabwho is quadrispro ?18:01
Tell360由網友發起、網友投稿的新 Debian T-Shirt 2009,即將於年底團製付印嘍18:03
* jcfp wonders who ordered dinner from the chinese take-away18:04
quadrisprobye guys, see you soon18:07
* mok0 wonders who ordered a Debian T-shirt from the chinese take-away...18:07
quadrisprobye mok0 pochu18:07
fabrice_spHi. Sync request should be left with the state New, right? I'm never able to remember that...18:10
RainCTfabrice_sp: Yep, MOTUs confirm them18:10
mok0fabrice_sp: yes until someone acks it18:10
fabrice_spok. And about merge requests, it doesn't matter, right?18:10
mok0fabrice_sp: right18:11
pochufabrice_sp: not really18:11
pochuwell, doesn't matter between confirmed and new. Fix released does matter ;)18:11
fabrice_sppochu, that's what I mean ,yes :-)18:11
fabrice_spthanks to all of you for your answers18:12
fabrice_sp(I'll check my sync requests and merge requests are ok)18:12
szabgabmok0, so I left a message in that perl group, thanks for your help so far!18:13
mok0szabgab: you're welcome, good luck with your project18:19
mok0Going to dinner, see you later guys!18:19
sven777would a MOTU be so kind as to review my package?  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=lmalinux18:20
sven777mok0: by mok0 - thank you for your help18:20
aboudreaulthi, if i am a member of a launchpad group, can i upload ppa on it ? or i need more permissions18:21
aboudreaultis this line: incoming = ~UbuntuGis/ubuntu/18:27
aboudreaultok  for upload a package to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis ? (sorry, i'm not familiar with launchpad)18:28
maxbaboudreault: That team doesn't appear to have a PPA (yet?)18:29
maxbI assume you have to do something in the web interface to activate it18:29
aboudreaultah, ok i'll ask the administrator18:29
asomethingaboudreault: any team member can upload, but I think an admin has to create it18:29
aboudreaultgood to know, i just sent an email to the administrator.18:31
aboudreaultalso... if dput tells me: Already uploaded to ppa.launchpad.net ... when the PPA will be activated, is there a way to by-pass this ?18:32
asomethingaboudreault: dput -f  or just delete the *.upload file18:39
RainCTGuys, I hope you'll be happy to hear that cookies on REVU last for one month since the last access now :).18:40
aboudreaultha ok... the info is local, i thought that it was the response of the server. Thanks a lot for your help.18:40
RainCTJust don't look at the code - it's a very ugly hack :P18:40
asomethingany one know of a good tutorial on pbuilder hooks? specifically I want to run dh_install --list-missing for everything I build18:41
ScottKasomething: Let me get you that hook ...18:46
ScottKasomething: If you look in kubuntu-dev-tools there's a hook for that, I'm pretty sure.18:46
asomethingScottK: thanks!18:46
aboudreaultoh btw, if anyone know well launchpad system.... is it possible to put a group PRIVATE.... but to have a PUBLIC mailing list ?18:46
ScottKaboudreault: Ask in #launchpad18:47
* ScottK needs a key binding for that.18:47
aboudreaulthmm... i even not tried if that channel exist. :)18:49
emgentNEWS: Utu is back online, until it is integrated into ubuntustats. (http://thc.emgent.org/utu/)18:49
martijn81when will there be a backport of ktorrent in intrepid?18:53
asomethingScottK: is  kubuntu-dev-tools packaged some where or is it just the bzr branch?18:53
ScottKI thought it was in Jaunty, but not sure.18:54
ScottKAsk on #kubuntu-devel18:54
martijn81ScottK: are you talking to me?18:55
ScottKmartijn81: No19:05
ScottKmartijn81: For your question, I guess the question is has anyone asked?19:06
ScottK!backports > martijn8119:06
ubottumartijn81, please see my private message19:06
martijn81ScottK: i have the backports enabled, but there is no ktorrent backport yet19:10
martijn81and ktorrent 3.2 will come out in 1.3 weeks or so19:10
martijn81so if they would package that it would de awsome19:10
ScottKDid anyone request one (look in bugs in intrepid-backports)19:10
martijn81i don't think so, but let me check19:11
martijn81nope-> https://bugs.launchpad.net/intrepid-backports/+bugs?field.searchtext=ktorrent&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status:list=NEW&field.status:list=INCOMPLETE&field.status:list=CONFIRMED&field.status:list=TRIAGED&field.status:list=INPROGRESS&field.status:list=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=19:13
=== foursixnine is now known as santiago-ve
ScottKThen the way to get a backport going is to follow the instructions the listed on the page the bot PM'ed to you.19:20
asomethinghmm... the scripts in kubuntu-dev-tools are all in ruby19:25
JontheEchidnaI think the pbuilder-hooks might be in a separate branch19:26
asomethingah, I found them: ~kubuntu-members/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks19:28
JontheEchidnaasomething: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks19:28
asomethingJontheEchidna: thanks19:28
JontheEchidnayou're welcome19:28
henrik-hw0Any MOTUs here want to give libmirage a 2nd advocate?19:53
asomethingthanks all! the hook does just what i need...19:58
jpdsScottK: What was the lintian command you recommend using? (-Iv something?)20:30
ScottKlintian -iIv20:30
ScottKOne of the 'i' give you a good explanation and the other one gives you the info level tags.20:31
jpdsYep, thanks.20:31
* ScottK can never remember which is which20:31
khashayarI'm trying my luck packaging slv2 (which is a library that makes use of lv2). The idea is to build three debs (libslv2, libslv2-dev, and libslv2-bin). But packaging fails with "dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library libslv2.so.9 needed by debian/libslv2-bin/usr/bin/lv2_list". Any ideas where I can poke for more info?20:37
sven777would a MOTU be so kind as to review my package?  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=lmalinux20:44
hefe_biaHi! I believe tomboy-blogposter (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=tomboy-blogposter) is almost ready. It's been previously advocated by sikon and mok0. I followed suggestions for mono 2.0 transition. Maybe somebody is willing to have a look?21:08
directhexding ding21:22
directhexa package i can usefully comment on. hooray!21:22
hanskadirecthex: go sponsor it in Debian :P21:27
directhexhanska, o hai, what're you doing HERE? :o21:27
hanskadirecthex: ;)21:28
hanskadirecthex: /me would like to become a MOTU too, someday21:28
directhexand help to add bugs?21:28
hanskadirecthex: probably help by fixing21:29
hanskadirecthex: I also reviewed some packages in REVU ;)21:29
directhexhanska, spot anything i missed on the above?21:32
hanskadirecthex: err, remember I'm studying? ;)21:32
hanskaa sec, let me check21:32
directhexyou can't study at this late hour! it's bad for the brain21:35
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
hanskadirecthex: exam on 12..21:36
directhexyou're gonna feel pretty silly if the first question is "how many shotgun blasts does it take to kill a zombie" and you don't know because you didn't spend enough time studying videogames!21:37
hanskadirecthex, hefe_bia: reviewed :)21:57
hanskadirecthex: go see :P (my brain probably still works.)21:57
NCommanderStevenK, w.r.t to cvsconnect, do you know where the upstream is? I can't find an upstream site with actual tarballs22:05
StevenKNCommander: What does debian/copyright say?22:06
NCommandermcasadevall@blacksteel:~/tmp/cvsconnect-0.1.cvs20001202/debian$ ls -lah copyright22:06
NCommanderls: cannot access copyright: No such file or directory22:06
NCommanderWell ...22:06
NCommanderThat's new ...22:06
StevenKI think the copyright is in another debian file22:07
StevenKWhat other files are there?22:07
NCommanderchangelog, control, packages, rules22:07
NCommanderI don't see it at all22:08
StevenKdebian/packages should contain a mess and the copyright22:08
NCommanderUgh, found it22:08
NCommanderBut I only see cvssuck, and not cvsconnect; I guess the upstream authors plans to merge the two came to fruitation a long time ago.22:09
ScottKcvs and frustration do go together22:14
StevenKScottK: Add yada to the mix ...22:14
ScottKOh dear lord.22:15
jmarsden|workReview of webgui http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webgui would be welcomed.  It's a GPLed Perl-based CMS, with about 10000 known installations out there.  Thanks!22:18
RainCT(I've done some internal changes to details.py on REVU, tell me if you find that something broke.)22:20
sven777would a MOTU be so kind as to review my package?  Thanks in advance!  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=lmalinux22:41
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
RainCTrevu.ubuntuwire.com/p/<name> does now redirect to revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=<name>23:13
RainCTwell, good night23:18
jpdsnight RainCT.23:18
HobbseeRainCT: cool, thanks :)23:19
directhexthe conspiracy is back!23:23
maxbThe "Needs Work" packages on REVU seem to be ordered by date of upload, except for the 21 at the bottom of the list, which aren't. What's up with that?23:46
nhandlerFor packages on REVU, should we be advising them to change their debian/rules file to not require debhelper >= 7 if they aren't using the new features for any particular reason?23:53
cody-somervillenhandler, if they don't require debhelper 7 or higher but infact can use a lower version just fine and you know this for sure, then yea, I'd say you could suggest they change it23:58

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