
ubottuTo change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.00:18
nickrudthere should be something about edit->prefs->media tab there as well, for default media and device apps00:18
ubottuyoyoned called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:47
=== nikrud is now known as nickrud
Flannelprince_j1mmys: How can we help you?01:54
prince_j1mmysFlannel: came here a long time ago to report something, and never left01:55
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
prince_jammysshould i leave?01:55
Flannelprince_jammys: We ask people don't idle here, yeah.  So we can keep track of who hasn't been helped, etc.01:57
prince_jammysok. adios01:57
Picirestarting bot... hopefully02:18
Tm_Telky: ok, problem is, in some way, I am nazi, but perhaps not in a way you assume by the word05:06
MyrttiHUI KAUHEETA. oh horror.06:06
elkyTm_T, describe how exactly, since i'm pretty certain there's a far better word to use06:42
Tm_Telky: hmm, perhaps there is better word, have to try to find one as soon as R-girl is sleeping07:44
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (hackybg)09:20
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (gavila (advertising))10:15
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:58
jussi01please peoples, do your @login and @btlogin in PM with the bot - no sense creating trafic in here when you dont need too!!13:09
Picijussi01: @login doesnt reply if I do it in PM13:10
elkydoes for me13:11
elkyjust leave off the @13:11
elkyactually, no, even with the @13:11
* jussi01 wonders whats wrong as it works for me...13:12
ikoniajust worked for me13:12
ikoniaas a test13:12
* Pici shrugs13:12
elkypici probably smells :P13:12
ikoniaprobably ?13:12
jussi01Pici: and elky you are not special enough :P13:12
elkyjussi01, no, it works either way for me13:13
elkyand i always do that stuff in PM to avoid giving users the idea to try13:13
PiciOther commands work, like bansearch 13:13
jussi01Pici: ask stdin, maybe he has an idea13:20
bazhangworks here occasionally; not today though13:25
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:24
mneptokdoes not wortk in /query15:24
bazhangdidnt work here first time; closed PM window with the bot and worked 2nd time15:25
mneptoki have a unified /query window15:27
mneptokwell, while i'm in the bantracker, might as well remove some cruft15:28
PiciGreat. Now mneptok and I are 'special'15:31
ikoniaPici: you've always been special.....mneptok is new15:33
mneptokuhhh .... i'm pretty sure the card the police make me carry in my wallet says "thepthul"15:34
mneptokthpethul, even15:34
* mneptok checks15:34
mneptokyeah, that's it.15:34
nickrudis that one with the biohazard warning?16:23
mneptoknickrud: leave my underpants out of this.16:25
nickrudmneptok don't try to change the subject; I'm sure your wife knows you well enough to not let you out of the house without checking. What about the card?16:34
mneptoknickrud: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Hazard_N.svg16:42
jussi01stupid internet company did nt connect me today...17:16
jussi01no net for the weekend now...17:16
jussi01just 3g17:17
Flannelmneptok: What time of day is 'gronk' a greeting for?20:35
Seeker`mneptok o'clock20:40
mneptokFlannel: half-past funth20:41
FlannelSeeker`: I'm afraid of a clock with the Great Old Ones on it20:42
* mneptok spews gods and heros from his reptilian cloaca20:45
naliothany gronking time of the gronkin' day, of course20:49
ubottuCpudan80 called the ops in #ubuntu (Anon8283)20:51
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
ubottuIn #xubuntu, Odd-rationale said: !xfce-panels is Did you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panels | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/22:23
Odd-rationaleHello! I was just checking on the factiod I submitted earlier on !xfce4-panels. Just wanted to make sure i did everything right... Thanks!22:34
Amaranth!panels-#xubuntu is <reply> Did you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panels | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/22:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:43
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:43
Amaranth!panels-#xubuntu is <reply> Did you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panels | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/22:43
ubottuI'll remember that, Amaranth22:43
AmaranthOdd-rationale: there you go :)22:43
AmaranthOdd-rationale: that'll work as '!panels' in #xubuntu22:43
Odd-rationaleAmaranth: Thanks!22:43
Odd-rationaleWell, see ya guys later!22:44
mneptokoy tritium 22:54
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
tritiumHi mneptok!23:09
jpdsHey tritium.23:10
tritiumhi jpds23:10
tritiumjpds: how are you?  What's new?23:13
jpdstritium: Mostly packaging a new app for a friend, great ta, yourself?23:14
tritiumjpds: Doing well, thanks.23:14
jpdstritium: Good :)23:15
tritiumjpds: It's looking like it'll be a while before we hear anything about our request23:54

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