
owhluckyone: You could of course install lighttpd instead of apache to save some serious RAM :)00:15
ivoksthat's a myth00:15
twbowh: or thttpd00:15
ivoksand a flase one00:15
owhivoks: Can you elaborate on that please?00:16
twbOr use inetd to avoid consuming any RAM at all, except when you get a request00:16
ivoksapache worker uses less ram than lighttpd00:16
owhtwb: At the expense of speed, but yes.00:16
ivoksand still is much powerfull00:16
ivoksor more :D00:16
owhI figured :)00:16
kgoetzi find that suprising. it also doesnt match my experiance :/00:17
owhivoks: Well, that's really interesting. On a low memory VPS I have been advised to install lighttpd rather than apache.00:17
owhkgoetz: Hiya - melting in SA yet?00:17
ivoksowh: there is apache and there is apache00:17
kgoetzowh, 'yet'? with luck we'll stop melting in 2 days00:18
ivoksapache has different MPMs00:18
owhivoks: for me it's *always* apt-get install apache :)00:18
ivoksworker is fast, but PHP doesn't work on it00:18
kgoetzowh, feel free to come and mop us up after00:18
owhkgoetz: s/melting/melted/00:18
kgoetzowh, s/big rants/yes00:18
twbPHP doesn't ever *work*, but it might *run* on some MPMs00:18
owhkgoetz: ROTFL00:19
twbIf you are trying to run PHP code you have bigger problems than apache's memory consumption00:19
owhtwb: Heh00:19
twb  PID  Uid     VmSize Stat Command00:19
twb  617 root        428 S   httpd -p 80 -h /srv/www -r OpenWrt00:19
ivoksowh: by default, ubuntu installs worker00:19
twb...that's busybox's http.  And since you are using initramfs-tools, you already have busybox installed.00:19
owhWhen I have a spare life I'll do some tests with lighttpd/php and apache/php00:19
ivoksowh: unless you ask for php, stupid non-threed safe language00:20
owhivoks: Hey, I just write 'm.00:20
owhOne day I'll have a whole spare hour to learn python :)00:20
twbPython's not exactly a huge step00:20
kgoetzowh, i hope that too. want to write my website in it ;/00:21
ivoksi wrote couple of them in python00:21
ivoksmod-python acctually00:21
* twb is not a fan of dynamic websites.00:21
owhtwb: I'm sure it's not, however, my existing PHP library won't "just work".00:21
* kgoetz was a bit put off by the lack of a cpan for python00:22
twbkgoetz: that's called cheeseshop00:22
twbIt's not as "one click" as cpan(1), but it has the same general role.00:23
nschembr_is there a group handling the livecd?00:23
* kgoetz goes to look00:23
twbnschembr_: #ubuntu-installer00:23
luckyoneI am trying to install ebox on my new NAS, but I am getting a no pubkey error from http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid main00:24
luckyoneany idea how I can get around that?00:24
nschembr_kgoetz: twb: thank you00:24
kgoetzluckyone, find the pubkey and import it00:24
twbluckyone: yep, you want to /msg dpkg !apt-key XXXXXX, where XXXXX is the key's hash.  But you'll need to /join #debian-bots first.00:24
twb11:27 <dpkg> gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys x ; gpg --export x | sudo apt-key add -00:25
luckyoneis the hash of the key listed after the NO_PUBKEY error?00:30
luckyoneGPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 30B02BFA99E5A6E700:30
ScottKLook at the LP page for that team's PPA and it'll have instructions.00:31
nschembr_twb: I've never submitted a bug report before. I'm looking to talk it over before I do.00:31
ScottKnschembr_: What's up?00:31
nschembr_I'm remastering the livecd.00:32
nschembr_I needed to include a static ip address00:33
nschembr_I used a working /etc/network/interface file00:33
nschembr_the disk continued to boot dhcp00:33
nschembr_I found the option ip=frommedia00:34
nschembr_the text file for isolinux for this option is blank00:34
nschembr_that is not the bug00:34
ScottKI think you want #ubuntu-installer to discuss that.00:35
nschembr_ScottK: twb: thank you for your time00:41
ScottKYou're welcome.00:42
twbnschembr_: many of the options for the live CD's boot: prompt are not properly documented, due to the rate at which which the live-initramfs/casper teams add them.00:52
nschembr_twb that is not the bug00:55
nschembr_twb: The bug, if I've included a /etc/network/interface file00:55
nschembr_/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-bottom/23networking should use it without the option ip=frommedia00:55
nschembr_twb:  It's a small issue. I just spent 4 hours correcting it for myself00:56
nschembr_twb: I just can't tell if anyone else thinks this is a bug.00:56
twbOK, you want to report that either to the live-initramfs package (Debian) or casper package (Ubuntu).  The latter is a fork that periodically pulls in changes from the former.00:57
twbYou can find the live-initramfs team on #debian-live on irc.oftc.net.00:58
nschembr_how do I find the casper pack00:58
twbnschembr_: in launchpad?  I don't know.00:58
nschembr_twb thank you00:58
twb(Personally I boycott launchpad because I can't even "log in" to it using w3m.)00:59
twbThat guy needs to learn how to connect to two servers at once.00:59
BangersAnyone know an automated way to build ubuntu-server, so that it works in VMWare ESX?  vmbuilder doesnt seem to support ESX01:15
twbBangers: cdebootstrap?01:17
twbBangers: or better, just booting the alternate CD within the VM, and doing a normal install?01:18
BangersI want an automated way to spit out a VMWare ESX Image to be imported into ESX and started01:22
BangersFor regression testing01:22
=== kgoetz is now known as Kamping_Kaiser
deadbatteryanyone uses litespeed web server?01:56
twbBangers: sorry; I'm assuming that ESX works in much the same way as kvm or vmware-server, in that you just give it some arbitrary boot media to boot from.02:22
=== jetole_ is now known as jetole
orudiecan someone recommend a webmail  ?03:38
antdedyetI hear squirrelmail can be useful03:42
twbIf you want "overkill", then zimbra's webmail bit tries to be like Outlook Web Access.04:28
deadbatteryhas anyone used litespeed?04:49
twbdeadbattery: never heard of it.04:57
snuxollWould anyone happen to know how to setup php5 with mod_fastcgi?  I've been trying for the past hour to no avail06:45
=== _Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
kansanonce you pop a gnome-terminal out... how do you pop it back in?06:51
suigenerisgood morning06:55
suigenerisScottK, are you there?06:58
CrummyGummyHiya, I would like to control a service using upstart. It does however need an lsb compliant init script because of heartbeat. Any advice?07:21
twbCrummyGummy: what is heartbeat?07:38
CrummyGummytwb: high availability suite for linux.08:01
twbAnd it needs it to be a sysvinit script in order to restart it?08:28
suigeneriscan "Reply to all" be disabled on the server-side?08:36
kansansudo: unable to resolve host ec2-67-202-1-110.compute-1.amazonaws.com  .... this looks very bad.... should i be concerned?08:50
=== sloopy is now known as Guest87271
suigeneriskansan, could be your dns is not functioning properly09:06
Nafalloec2-67-202-1-110.compute-1.amazonaws.com has address
=== kansan is now known as kansan-zzz
snuxollhow predictable09:16
snuxollgot drupal working with lighttpd, now I just need to write a cronjob to start thin for my merb app09:35
Nafallokirkland: btw. unicode doesn't work in screenrc ;-). tried to change \o/ to \☺/ ;-)10:00
loofiHi everyone. Can someone give me some input on how to mount NTFS correctly in /etc/fstab on my server. I want to connect an USB-drive for backup. It is to be maounted in /media/storage and everyone can read/write.10:02
loofiBy the way I am running Hardy10:02
kirklandNafallo: LoL :-)10:03
ScixAnyone who now why sh is wining about a unexpexted "(", expecting "fi" at line 27? http://paste.ubuntu.com/114554/10:54
Scixits works when i run as bash, but its a script who is automaticaly called from /etc/profile.d/ at login, and then it doesn't help to set #! /bin/bash10:56
Deepsat a guess, because the ( ) syntax as you're using there isn't in sh, but is a bash feature instead10:56
Scixwhat should i use in sted?10:57
Deepsumm, bash10:57
Scixi've tried, but xsession is uses sh, and then the file is called, it's prosessed as sh, even when i set #! /bin/bash in the header. Sory bad english10:58
Deepsi dont know enough as to whether that should be the case or not, sorry11:03
Deepsit doesn't sound right to me though11:03
sorenScix: Arrays are a bash thing; you can't use them in dash11:05
sorenScix: However, it seems to be a rather pointlesss use of arrays.11:06
Scixsoren: Why is it pointles? How can I scan tro the users groups, and do something, whithout having them in a array?11:07
sorenWhat's wrong with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/114571/ ?11:08
Scixsorry, i've postet wrong pastebin:P http://paste.ubuntu.com/114554/11:08
sorenWell, you might need to put some extra quotation marks in there in case you've got something returning grouop names with spaces in them.11:09
sorenScix: No, that's what you posted.11:09
Scixso i dont need the array :)11:09
sorenScix: What I just sent you was a patched version of your script.11:10
Scixsoren: yes, you removed line 27?11:12
Scixand changed 2911:12
Scixbut now i'm getting bad substitution at line 3911:13
sorenI didn't test it.11:14
Scixsry, pebcak11:15
sorenI don't have the environment that it's made for, you know :)11:15
Scixtank you so much :)11:16
ScottKsuigeneris: I am now.11:17
suigenerisScottK, if you are following postfix-users, I am having problem with using the new TLS certificate I have generated11:19
ScottKI hadn't (I tend to skim it).  What's the subject?11:19
suigenerisTLS certificate11:19
ScottKOK.  I'll look.11:20
suigenerisScottK, I've to go have lunch, will you be here in 1hrs?11:41
ScottKMore likely in two.11:42
suigenerisbrb, lunch11:42
suigenerisi am back12:51
ScottKI am sort of here, but trying to get my youngest off to school.13:03
ScottKI haven't had a chance to look at postfix-users yet.13:03
suigenerisokay, chill13:04
suigenerisi'll be lurking13:04
suigenerislet me ask you something. is it possible to disable "reply to all" with postfix?13:06
ScottKReply-to-all is a mail client function.13:11
ScottKBy the time it gets to Postfix, there's no way to know that's what happened.13:11
lamont"reply to all" is in the client's user agent (evolution, etc), not in the MTA13:11
WoLf_LoonieHello, and sorry to disturb.. I'm having a couple issues with some web scanner that is clogging my apache2 logs.. I know how to avoid the logging itself, but I would like to completely block the requests containing this "Toata dragostea mea pentru diavola" header.. Anyone could point me to the correct resource or help me with that issue?13:57
ivoksso, it's causing denial of service?13:58
WoLf_Looniemore like, it's a major issue trying to check the logs, as I have thousands of those lines every day.13:59
alex_joniWoLf_Loonie: "diavola" looks like a typo, wrong gender13:59
ivokswell, start with blocking those request on iptables level13:59
ivoksinstal fail2ban and configure it14:00
WoLf_Loonie192.89.36.220 - - [05/Feb/2009:22:28:58 +0100] "GET /wikis/bin/configure?action=image HTTP/1.1" 403 192 "-" "Toata dragostea mea pentru diavola"14:00
WoLf_Loonieone example14:00
alex_joniWoLf_Loonie: ok..14:00
=== paul_ is now known as orudie
orudieivoks, hi my friend14:06
orudieemail is working :)14:07
ivokszul: .de? :D14:07
ivokszul: you're in berlin! you dirty bas... :D14:07
ivoksorudie: great14:07
zulivoks: da im in berlin like everyone else14:08
orudieivoks, do you think you can help me out with webmail ?14:09
suigeneriszul, I'm not in Berlin14:14
orudieivoks, can you recommend a webmail client ?14:17
orudieivoks, what do you think about roundcube ?14:20
suigenerisScottK, are you free now?14:34
ScottKI was just looking at my setup and it's a bit different.14:34
henkjanorudie: roundcube is nice14:35
ScottKsuigeneris: For the cacert, I just smtpd_tls_CAfile=/etc/postfix/certs/cacert.pem14:35
ScottKThat seems to be sufficient for me.14:35
ivoksorudie: roundcube is great14:36
orudiecan you guys help me to get that set up ?14:41
suigenerisScottK, I edited my main.cf to have that, and I still get the warning at http://people.sabanciuniv.edu/mtozses/cert.png14:49
ScottKsuigeneris: That's an error of your desktop not understanding the cert, not on the server.14:51
ScottKYou need to install the cacert.pem on your desktop where your mail client can find it.14:51
suigenerishow can I offer the new certificate?14:52
ScottKI put the cacert on my web server and give clients the chance to download it.14:53
ScottKThat or you can pay a commercial CA to sign it for you.14:53
* soren likes roundcube as well14:59
sorenIt's the only webmail client I can tolerate.14:59
MadChopryou don't like squirrelmail?  if so, why?15:03
Faust-Ccause its fugly15:03
sorenThat sums it up pretty well.15:03
sorenroundcube doesn't get in my way and it does the whole ajax thing.. It's just very convenient.15:05
Faust-Cbut roundcube is featureless15:05
Faust-Cwell for my company anyway15:05
MadChoprwhat features does your company expect in a mail program, and what do you use for your company Faust-C ?15:06
Faust-CMadChopr: i need a groupware suite, and atm i have nothing but shitty MDaemon pop3 and outlook15:06
ivoksugliest software on the planet15:07
MadChoprwhat groupware software are you looking into?15:07
ivokssquirrel also doesn't do groupware15:07
ivoksbut roundcube does have a support for common addressbook :)15:07
Faust-Cphpgroupware, egroupware15:07
MadChoprFaust-C: you have a sway with which one to go with yet?15:09
Faust-Cnot yet15:09
Faust-Chavent tested any out15:09
Faust-Ci was looking at horde but its too odd15:09
ivoksit's desktop app15:09
ivoksunison server + unison desktop15:10
ivoksbased on thunderbird15:10
ivokslooks good15:10
Faust-Cdoesnt it cost $15:10
ivoksi've downloaded it15:10
Faust-Civoks: like it so far?15:10
ivoksdidn't use it yet :D15:10
ivoksi which days have 48 hours15:10
ivoksAll downloads above are of our sponsor-supported version. You may use it without charge. For our paid version, without ads, you can purchase Unison licenses here.15:11
orudieivoks, i'm currently looking at this http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Howto_Install15:13
ivoksyou can install roundcube with:15:13
ivokssudo apt-get install roundcube-mysql15:13
suigenerismy roundcube has no installer dir in it. why?15:14
ivoksyou apt-get it?15:14
ivoksFaust-C: fwiw, it start 20-30 seconds on my laptop15:15
ivoksthen it is installed15:15
suigeneristolga@ozses:/usr/share/roundcube$ ls15:16
suigenerisbin  config  index.php  logs  main.inc.php.dist  program  skins  temp15:16
ivokssuigeneris: it's installed15:16
ivoksyou installed it with apt-get15:16
ivoksno need to do all that stuff15:16
suigenerisI don't need installer/15:16
ivoksjust go to the web page15:16
ivoksyou should configure it, though15:17
orudieok i installed it15:17
ivoksin /etc/roundcube/15:17
ivoks /m nickserv change-channel-name-to #not-roundcube-support15:17
orudieivoks, i love you15:17
ivokslol nickserv15:18
orudiei dont see roundcube in /etc/15:18
suigenerisat last i have a webmail15:18
ivoksorudie: you didn't install it; for the last time: sudo apt-get install roundcube-mysql15:19
suigenerisivoks, how do i set default mail server and remove the relevant field?15:19
orudieivoks, i did sudo apt-get install roundcube-mysql :)15:19
ivokssuigeneris: /etc/roundcube15:19
orudieright after you told me15:19
MadChoprwhere is the ubuntu pastie?15:22
orudieivoks, http://pastebin.com/m446f2f1b15:22
MadChopri don't see it in the topic15:22
orudieMadChopr, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/15:22
orudiemaybe this i'm not sure15:22
ivoksorudie: you are a fast learner :)15:22
MadChoprorudie: thank yuo15:23
ivokssudo apt-get install roundcube roundcube-mysql15:23
orudieinstalling 18 mb15:23
orudieConfiguring roundcube-core15:23
orudieivoks, Configure database for roundcube with dbconfig-common?15:24
orudieok done15:25
orudieivoks, now i'm in /etc/roundcube , open main.inc.php ?15:26
ivoksconfigure it to your preferences15:26
orudieivoks, ok i'm in main.inc.php15:27
orudieivoks, i'm lost in this config :)15:27
suigenerisbye all15:31
orudieivoks, help please?15:32
orudiehenkjan, around ?15:35
z0dethi when i try to sudo apt-get install irssi or any other progs, i only come to 0% [Connecting to se.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to ppa.launchpad.net (]15:40
z0detand it wont install any thing15:41
z0detany tips?15:41
maxbVerify that you can contact the servers in a browser15:45
maxbOr some wget/curl15:45
z0deti can15:47
z0detroot@dump:/home/dump# ping www.google.se15:47
z0detPING www.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.15:47
z0detor i dont15:48
z0detwtf :C15:48
z0detbut my friend kan ssh two it15:52
z0detthats sick 8]15:52
orudieivoks, back ?15:53
ivoksorudie: stop following me around15:53
ivoksorudie: what's the problem?15:55
piquadratHi! I want to set up fastcgi with suexec on apache. The docroots of the VirtualHosts are in /home/someuser/someproject/public_html. AFAIK, suexec doesn't allow wildcards in the path to the docroot, so I would have to compile suexec with docroot=/home. Would that be a security risk?15:57
orudieivoks, ummm, i'm not sure what to do after sudo apt-get install roundcube-mysql15:57
ivoksuse it?15:57
orudieummm whats the url though ?15:58
orudieivoks, url not found15:59
orudieivoks, http://www.selsovet.com/roundcube15:59
ivoksopen /etc/roundcube/apache.con16:00
ivoksand uncomment Alias /webmail /var/lib/roundcube16:00
ivoksreload apache 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload16:00
orudiei dont see Alieas16:02
orudiei see <Directory /var/lib/roundcube/>16:02
orudiehold on16:02
orudiesorry i see it now16:02
orudieivoks, only ucomment one line?16:03
ivoksthat's what i said16:03
orudieivoks, http://www.selsovet.com/roundcube/ really weired language :)16:04
ivoksit's your's system default16:04
ivoksi guess you are in georgia, usa?16:04
orudiewhat? lol16:04
orudiethe server is in NJ16:05
orudiei am in NY16:05
ivokswell, you choosed georgia as server location16:05
ivoksthat's country on the east of europe16:05
ivokssome would say even asia16:05
orudiegeorgia, USA  is in the USA16:05
ivoksah... americans16:06
orudieserver was migrated from state of georgia to the state of new jersey, all within US16:06
orudiei know where Georgia is16:06
orudiei'm Russian16:06
orudiei know some georgian immagrants here in the US16:06
ivokswell, whoever installed it, he set it up to be in georgia, Europe, not georgia USA16:06
orudieso how can i change it, caus i changed the timezone recently to eastern u.s.16:07
ivoksgood question :)16:08
tewmtenchange the /etc/timezone to point to the correct file16:08
orudiemaybe i can specify the language that used by roundcube ?16:08
ivokssudo /usr/share/locales/remove-language-pack gr?16:08
ivokswithout ?16:08
tewmtenhave a look in /usr/share/zoneinfo/16:08
tewmtenwhere are the timezone files are16:08
ivoksorudie: what's the output of 'cat /etc/timezone'?16:09
tewmtenfind the one you need, symlink it to /etc/timezone16:09
ivoksnot symlink16:09
orudiecat /etc/timezone16:09
ivoksexport | grep LANG16:10
orudieso should i sudo /usr/share/locales/remove-language-pack gr  ?16:10
orudieexport | grep LANG - no output16:10
ivoksno output?16:11
tewmtenlocale -a16:13
ivoksthat's all supported locales16:13
orudiehmmm... ?16:14
ivokshow about 'locale'16:14
ivokshahaha probably his email server also responds with georgian translation :D16:14
tewmteni dunno, when it comes to locales Im really clueless.. C or GTFO I say! :P16:14
ivoksme too16:14
orudiedo you want to see the output of locale? http://pastebin.com/m3acc33f916:15
orudieivoks, i tried sending emails back and forth after you helped me last night, it was fine16:15
ivoksin /etc/roundcube/main.inc.php16:15
ivoksthere's a line16:15
ivoksit should be set to en_US16:16
ivoksthat's line ~13016:16
ivoksor ~12016:16
orudieyup found $rcmail_config['locale_string']16:16
ivoksif it is set to en_US, then you don't have en_US locale, and you can install them with:16:16
ivokssudo /usr/share/locales/install-language-pack en16:16
orudie/ the default locale setting16:16
orudie$rcmail_config['locale_string'] = 'am';16:16
ivoksam? :)16:16
orudieyeah whats that lol ?16:17
ivokswho set it to am?16:17
orudienot me16:17
orudiei didnt even know about it16:17
ivoksit didn't by it self16:17
ivoksok... change am to en_US16:17
orudiemaybe its not secure ?16:17
ivoksit probably read system default16:18
orudieok ok16:18
orudie$rcmail_config['locale_string'] = 'en_US';16:18
orudielike this ?16:18
ivoksyes, save that16:18
orudieok done16:18
ivoksnow install locale16:18
ivokssudo /usr/share/locales/install-language-pack en16:18
ivoksrestart apache :)16:20
ivoks /etc/init.d/apache2 restart16:20
ivoksbut, it should work by now :/16:20
ivokshm hm16:20
orudieok restarted16:20
ivokspaste the output of locale -a on the pastebin16:21
undefdid anything changed on intrepid related to xen ?16:23
orudieivoks, i think its $rcmail_config['locale_string'] = 'en';  , not en_US16:23
orudiei'm reading forums16:23
undefaptitude install ubuntu-xen-server apparently doesn't install a *-xen kernel anymore16:23
ivoksit's en_US16:23
ivoksorudie: who installed that server?16:25
orudieVPS company16:25
ivokscall them and tell them that they are in USA, not Georgia16:25
MadChopri'm thinking about reinstall ubuntu server from scratch cause i'm so ignorant with this stuff.16:25
orudiei should16:26
orudiei just did tell them that16:27
orudiei'm in the irc channel with them :)16:28
orudiei dont care those people are only nice to you before you sign up for their VPS, once you sign up they start acting like assholles16:28
orudieivoks,  should i sudo dpkg-reconfigure localeconf ?16:29
ivoksthis is an old article :/16:29
orudieoooh :(16:29
ivoksthat doesn't exist16:29
ivoksdo this:16:30
ivokscat /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local16:31
ivokswhat's in it?16:31
orudiethe list of en16:31
orudieen_SG.UTF-8 UTF-816:31
orudieen_US.UTF-8 UTF-816:31
orudieen_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-816:31
orudieen_ZW.UTF-8 UTF-816:31
orudieand others16:31
ivokssoren: http://sparklingdev.artruist.net/?p=3 'Gosh! What a jerk created this bloody virtual machine image for Amazon EC2?' :)16:32
orudieivoks, out of ideas... ?16:33
ivoksorudie: well, everything is as it should be16:33
ivoksorudie: you've restarted apache?16:34
ivoks/etc/init.d/apache2 restart16:34
orudiesudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart16:34
orudie * Restarting web server apache2                                                                      apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName16:34
orudie ... waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName16:34
orudie                                                                                               [ OK ]16:34
orudieyeah lol16:35
orudiewhat the hell16:35
orudiemaybe reinstall roundcube ?16:35
orudieand first make sure the default language is en_US of the system16:35
ivoksthere must be a reason why it's like that16:36
jtajinot sure what you guys are up to.. but the first thing I do on Ubuntu on Linode is: apt-get install language-pack-en && update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-816:38
jtajinever had issues after that16:38
ivoksit tries to autodetect16:38
ivoksorudie: purge roundcube16:38
ivoksorudie: apt-get purge reoundcube.*16:38
ivokspostinst:                 -e "s+^\(\$rcmail_config\['locale_string'\] = '\).*\(';\)\$+\1${language}\2+" >> $CONFFILE.ucftmp16:39
ivoksorudie: during installation of roundcube, it asked about the language16:40
ivoksand you hit ENTER16:40
ivoksselecting the first one - am16:40
ivoksor whatever16:40
ivoksnext time, select your language16:42
orudiei dont think it asked me about the language16:42
orudiebut i'll try again16:42
orudieDeconfigure database for roundcube with dbconfig-common?  Yes No16:43
orudieOK done16:45
orudiesudo apt-get install roundcube roundcube-mysql ?16:46
orudieor restart apache first ?16:46
ivoksjust install16:46
orudieok done16:47
orudieit didnt ask me for the language16:47
ivoksthen just uncomment Alias line in /etc/roundcube/apache.conf16:48
orudieok did it16:48
orudiesame thing16:49
orudie/ the default locale setting16:49
orudie$rcmail_config['locale_string'] = 'am';16:49
ivokssudo apt-get install language-pack-en && update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-816:49
ivoksdpkg-reconfigure roundcube-core16:50
orudieIMAP server(s) used with RoundCube:16:51
ivoksfor the questions you don't know the answer, just accept default16:51
orudieIf this is left blank, a text box will be displayed at login.16:52
ivoksput localhost16:52
orudieok dude16:52
orudienow i have option to change language16:52
orudieyay !!!16:52
orudiesame thing :(16:53
orudiemaybe i should have reinstalled the database16:53
orudiewhen it asked me to16:53
ivoksit didn't change settings in main.inc.php16:54
ivoksopen /etc/roundcube/main.inc.php16:54
ivokslook for am16:55
orudieneeded to clear cache and cookies in firefox16:56
orudienow its english dude16:56
ivoksso the problem is that guys in Linode don't setup locales16:58
orudiehang on17:01
orudieivoks, it works, but when sending message it says "error accured when SAVING"17:08
orudiebut the message is sent17:08
ivoksorudie: you're on your own17:10
ivoksi can't help you anymore17:10
ivokstake care guys17:10
orudieivoks, thanx for your help bye17:11
Adri2000is anyone here using samba as nt primary domain controller, with an interdomain trust relationship established with another nt domain?18:23
Adri2000with such a configuration, there is a bug making winbind crash when trying to retrieve the list of groups (getent group)18:25
Adri2000I found a patch fixing that, and am considering SRUing it. but I'm not sure if I'll find enough testers18:25
itsbthI'm having some issues connecting my server to the LAN18:49
itsbthIt's connected to a wireless access point, which is also used for a other computer that does connect18:51
orudiedoes anyone know how to change the logo in roudcube webmail ?19:21
=== kansan-zzz is now known as kansan
guichoi have a local domain in my network, thats call linux.local, and i activate a account20:31
guichowhith DynDns,20:32
guichothats called ubuntulnx.homelinux.net20:32
guichomy question is, i have to configure this name in my local domain or simple20:34
guichoupdate the ip with DynDNS20:34
guichowith inadyn20:35
downhill_that wasn't really a question, you know...20:35
downhill_heya dazman20:56
dazmandownhill_, hi. :)20:56
downhill_what's crackin'?20:56
dazmannot much20:57
dazmanjust sat staring at an IRC window it seems.20:57
dazmanI found someone had blueprinted my ruby idea already, which is good.21:00
dazmanaltho, nothing seems to be done21:01
jlcanyone use schroot?22:00
maxbschroot is wonderful!22:03
agentkdazman: Turns out the problem with iptables you tried to help me with was that connections compleatly on localhost do not go through nat PREROUTING. Rules must be put in nat OUTPUT instead.22:04
dazmanI thought that afterwards.. but you said it worked, so I dunno.. Haha.22:06
maxb^ Very useful diagram22:06
uvirtbotmaxb: Error: "Very" is not a valid command.22:06
hansinIs eBox considered the best (or at last a good choice) for a web-based configuration option for Ubuntu Server?  I had trouble trying to install it on 8.10.23:12
ScottKThere are some known problems on 8.10 that we're trying to get fixed right now, but generally yes.23:12
ScottKsommer: Did the ebox sru get uploaded yet?23:13
hansinOkay, thanks.  So here is a question/input I have.  I may be off basis here (not fuller versed), but it appears eBox wants a full Apache install with FGI perl.  Wouldn't it be nice to have something similar but which had its own lightweight webserver built into core, and even set up to run via inetd like Samba's Swat so that it only was loaded when needed?  Also, I wonder about Perl as the core language since many seem to lean toward23:16
* ScottK just uses vim for his server gui.23:17
ScottKIf you want lightweight, do it by hand.23:17
ScottKNot that the http gui couldn't be done in a lighter way ...23:17
* antdedyet hasn't yet tried ebox... how did that come along, wondering...23:19
hansinScottK: Good point, and these were just thoughts I had.  I don't have enough knowledge of eBox to make such judgements but I was doing some thinking after looking into it and these things came to mind (mostly build a webserver into core, but the language question was just an afterthought).23:21
dazmanI reckon theres a real opening, as discussed the other night in here, for a fully wizard driven(?), configuration interface for Ubuntu server.. much like Windows SBS "Server Management".. but thats no small task :)23:46
ivoksyou do realize that's impossible?23:50
ivokseven newer windows don't have wizzards for services configuration23:50
ivoksit's impossible to put all apache/postfix/sendmail configuration options into GUI wizzard23:51
dazmannot really impossible.. you just have to limit the functionality they enable.23:51
dazmanThe Windows SBS wizards do just that.. they get common tasks working, based on a few configuration options given by the user.23:52
ivoksyou already have that with postfix, for example23:52
ivoksif you install it, it will ask couple of questions and set everything up23:52
ivoksi just moved to 9.04 and ext423:54
dazmantrue.. but thats postfix.  You still have users, samba/nfs, etc,etc.  The first thing you see on a Windows SBS box is the server management window and tools to set various stuff up..  I could give ubuntu server to most people, and they would't know how to create a windows share for example, to their network.23:55
dazmanI could give most people a SBS box, and they'd be able to create users and the share I would guess pretty quickly.23:56
dazmanbut anyway... :)23:56
ivokswe have ebox for that23:56
ivoksit covers dhcp, mail, openvpn, smb...23:57
ivoksand it is very easy to use23:57

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