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mvotseliot: hey! do you want me to sponsor nvidia-common (from your bzr branch)?13:35
tseliotmvo: thanks for your offer. I haven't tested it yet though. Give me a few minutes to see if nvidia-detector does what it's supposed to do13:41
mvotseliot: thanks, much appreciated13:50
tseliotmvo: ok, it seems to work well13:58
tseliotI installed driver 177 and now nvidia-detector says:13:58
tseliotand having nvidia-177-modaliases installed won't confuse nvidia-common13:59
tseliotmvo: I think you can upload it now. Furthermore you can remove driver 96 from the blacklist13:59
tseliotsince it works with Jaunty's xserver now14:00
tseliottherefore you won't have to set the driver to "nv" any longer for 96 during a dist-upgrade14:00
tseliotmvo: let me repeat what I wrote14:06
tseliotmvo: I think you can upload it now. Furthermore you can remove driver 96 from the blacklist14:06
tseliot(03:00:21 PM) tseliot: since it works with Jaunty's xserver now14:06
tseliot(03:00:49 PM) tseliot: therefore you won't have to set the driver to "nv" any longer for 96 during a dist-upgrade14:06
mvotseliot: ok, thanks14:06
* tseliot restarts X14:07
macohey, i'm trying to do the UXA testing for Intel graphics, but I don't really understand the wiki directions...mostly because I don't *have* a Device section, so I don't know what all's supposed to go in there besides Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"19:39
macoon here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/UxaTesting19:39
macoand if i try to have an empty (but for that option) section like on the wiki page, it tells me error parsing config file19:43
maxbmaco: odd that you don't have a Device section.... do you have anything at all there?19:46
tjaaltonit needs an Identifier19:46
macothere was nothing at all19:46
macountil i added DontZap19:47
macoso now there's ServerFlags with DontZap disabled19:47
tjaaltonthe default installation has a minimal xorg.conf19:47
macoin installed intrepid and upgraded to jaunty. as far as i know, the xorg.conf was always a 0-byte file19:47
tjaaltondexconf -o foo19:48
tjaaltonwill create one for you19:48
macofoo? literally foo?19:49
tjaalton'xorg.conf' if you like19:49
macothe comments probably should stop recommending dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg since that's been useless since gutsy19:50
tjaaltonprobably so19:50
macook ill try restarting X now then19:51
macothank you19:51
maco_thanks again. uxa is definitely an improvement on here20:04
tjaaltonwhat chip do you have?20:05
tjaaltonah, same as here20:05
tjaaltoncompiz seems to trigger the crash on resume20:06
anderskAnyone else have their logins freeze with compiz spinning after the xorg (and ubuntu3) upgrade? 20:21
* maxb raises hand22:04
maxbWell, I have a hanging login22:05
maxbJust started debugging now22:05
maxbandersk: I confirm. Have you filed a bug yet.22:17

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