
FFForeveris there any other archive manager besides fileroller?00:00
Zettowhait a moment00:00
ZettoFFForever, you are running Ubuntu 9.04 alright ?00:02
ZettoFFForever, try 'sudo apt-get install p7zip'00:03
ZettoFFForever, and try open the file left00:03
FFForeverthanks =)00:04
ZettoFFForever, you are wellcome :)00:04
FFForeverhow come that is not installed by default?00:05
ZettoFFForever, Bug #26111700:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261117 in p7zip "p7zip package should be installed by default" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26111700:05
ZettoFFForever, its not installed in 8.04 too00:05
FFForevermaybe i installed it dunno =\00:06
FFForeverit just worked fine for me =)00:06
ZettoFFForever, Thanks to Mark ^^00:07
AmaranthZetto: That takes too much disc space00:07
AmaranthZetto: We have to have zip/unzip and such installed anyway as other things need them so we just use those in file-roller00:07
FFForeverwhy do i have to download the windows crud (abiword, oo) when i want linux not windows =P00:08
AmaranthFFForever: transition00:09
FFForeverthats what 100mb i could save?00:09
ZettoAmaranth, i really wanna see Bug #251173 solved in ubuntu+1, but the Feature Freezes already pass ... what do you think ?00:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251173 in netbeans-ide "Update NetBeans to 6.5" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25117300:11
AmaranthFFForever: no, less then that00:11
AmaranthZetto: #ubuntu-motu, if you're willing to do the packaging00:12
ZettoAmaranth, thanks00:12
ali1234FFForever: do a network install if it bothers you that much00:21
FFForeverwhat is the difference from aptitude and apt?01:06
dtchenFFForever: "apt" really refers to a suite. it's normally referred to as "apt-get" or its dselect method.01:10
dtchenFFForever: "aptitude" relies on apt but is arguably more intelligent in attempting to resolve dependencies01:11
FFForeverdtchen, are the pa updates safe 2 install... last time i upgraded pa i load audio lol01:12
FFForeveri lost audio***01:12
dtchenwhich pa updates?01:13
FFForeverthere are a bunch of them in my update manager right now =)01:14
dtchenfor jaunty proper or for luke's ppa?01:14
FFForeverjaunty and what is luke's ppa?01:14
dtchenthe jaunty ones are fine; i run them for at least a day before luke grabs my changes and uploads them to jaunty proper01:15
dtchenluke's ppa has the latest upstream test snapshot, which currently is 0.9.15-test101:15
FFForeverdtchen, you are the one in charge of pa?01:15
dtchenbeware that his current ppa packages have a bug; i've already sent him a patch01:16
dtchenFFForever: i'm historically the audio maintainer; i stepped down some releases ago, but i still work within the audio team01:16
FFForeverahhh cool so why did ubuntu move from alsa to pa?01:16
dtchenwell, the timing for that was beyond my control. i would have wished it to occur in ubuntu 8.10 instead of ubuntu 8.04, but that's water under the bridge.01:17
FFForeverbut why make the change?01:17
dtchenand - ubuntu moved to PA because it is the future of Linux desktop audio.01:17
FFForeverdtchen, did the problem with sound being played by more then 1 app ever get fixed?01:18
FFForeveri know on 8.04 pa locks my audio to only 1 app =\01:18
dtchenit was (and in some ways continues to be) a chicken-and-egg problem: without testers, bugs won't be caught as quickly, but migrating to it will cause growing paints01:19
dtchenFFForever: well, that symptom is the notorious lack of hardware multiopen01:19
dtchenWindows and Mac OS spoil their users by exposing one layer for sound abstraction regardless whether the underlying audio hardware supports streaming multiple things simultaneously01:20
FFForeverdtchen, i just wish ubuntu supporters/helpers would move from rtfm in every response... i think ur the first one to actually not tell me rtfm =\01:21
dtchenhistorically, only Sound Blaster and Turtle Beach cards were famous for offering that01:21
FFForevercool =)01:21
IntuitiveNippleFFForever: I used the forums guide to pulseaudio configuration and never had any issues with it, on Hardy or Intrepid.01:21
dtchenALSA has offered a software abstraction called dmix (playback) and dsnoop (capture) since 1.0.9b, but it doesn't work for all audio apps01:21
dtchenFFForever: so your issue is that not every alsa app uses those abstractions01:22
FFForeverdtchen, do u know how i can get my mic working (i have never been able 2 lol) i don't know if its a pa or an ubuntu thing =\01:23
dtchenfor example, JACK, Audacity, Timidity, and PulseAudio all really, really, really want raw hw (called hw:) access01:23
dtchenso on audio hardware that only supports one outgoing stream at a time, if PulseAudio has grabbed hw:, then JACK, Audacity, and Timidity will fail to start01:24
FFForeverwell raw hw access is better right since it can just route everything itself and not have 2 code for drivers, etc01:24
FFForeverdtchen, yeah i always have 2 start audacity as root =)01:24
dtchenhw: is exclusive access; to be able to use it with multiple apps, your audio card needs to support hardware multiopen, and currently only certain Creative, Ensoniq, Turtle Beach, C-Media cards do so01:25
dtchenonly a handful of Realtek HDA hardware does, but that support has not been added to the alsa driver for most of them01:26
FFForeveri have a high definition audio card =\01:26
FFForever(the default one for hp products)01:27
dtchen(i'm not going to discuss oss, because that's a wider scope - for instance, Nvidia has a proprietary oss driver that correctly mmaps their native soundstorm hw)01:27
dtchen(not to mention that their oss driver doesn't particularly play well with the alsa-lib oss routing - i.e., the pcm.oss routing, not alsa-kernel's oss emulation)01:28
FFForeveri remember getting xp to have sound was fun lol =)01:28
FFForeverdtchen, any idea on how i can get my mic 2 work in ubuntu?01:29
dtchenanyhow, the audio stack itself is very convoluted (i.e., http://www.trilug.org/~crimsun/linuxaudio.png), but pulseaudio is one component that is the way forward01:29
dtchenFFForever: well, does it work with alsa (i.e., without pulseaudio running or grabbing the sound card(s))?01:29
FFForeverdtchen, it has never work in linux for me =\, i don't play with configs since i tend 2 break them and well i can never fix them =)01:30
dtchenFFForever: it's a known issue for some Dell hardware01:30
dtchencertain Sigmatel HDA 92xx codecs don't have the fix yet01:30
FFForeverthis is a hp dv6000 something =\01:30
dtchenwhich dv6000 model?01:31
FFForever00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1)01:31
dtchenlook on the underside of the laptop and read out the model no. right above the warranty bit01:31
FFForeverdtchen, i think its a dv6810us01:31
dtchenthat should be supported just fine in 1.0.1901:32
FFForever=\, nope audacity cant record =(01:32
dtcheni don't think the additions have been backported to jaunty's linux source yet01:32
FFForeverdo i need 2 install something extra?01:32
dtchenare you using jaunty's linux for alsa-kernel, or did you compile 1.0.19 from alsa-project.org yourself?01:33
FFForeverdtchen, this should be nearly a stock 9.04 i just upgraded from 8.1001:34
dtchenright, your sound driver doesn't have the necessary fixes yet01:35
FFForeverany idea when i should see the fixes? (in a month, 2, tmw?)01:35
dtchenFFForever: have you run the http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh tool?01:36
FFForeverdtchen, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=76ead5ae08acf626e52df335bba932be946a633101:38
ccookeNew install of jaunty. Just updated for the first time.01:39
ccookeI've been waiting for it to log in for about five minutes. It got as far as setting the wallpaper, but that's the only thing it's done01:39
dtchenccooke: on kubuntu, it seems to be manifest, yes01:40
ccookethis is ubuntu, not kubuntu01:40
abarbacciais gdm broken? i havent had time to read the lists01:40
dtcheni can't reproduce this on an upgraded ubuntu01:40
dtchenhowever, i am *not* using gdm ATM01:40
ccookeNot sure if it's gdm, the gnome startup or something else, yet01:41
killbillkillccooke: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106191901:41
abarbacciaccooke: was that to me?01:41
FFForeverill brb 10-15mins01:42
dtchenFFForever: yeah, you seem to be missing a quirk01:42
ccookekillbillkill: ah, thanks. Trying it...01:42
ccookethank you01:44
dyf1i installed the latest partial upgrade and i can't log in using gnome02:02
dyf1i see the desktop and then everything goes black02:03
dyf1any ideas?02:03
Amaranthdyf1: Broken driver02:10
Amaranthdyf1: login in the failsafe gnome session, it won't start compiz02:11
dyf1Amaranth: i'll try that later.. thanks02:18
dyf1Amaranth: but... but.. i want my SPINNAN CUBEZ02:19
dyf1isn't there another way?02:19
Amaranthdyf1: not if you use fglrx02:22
dyf1Amaranth: do you have a minute to tell me what that is?02:24
dyf1excuse my ignorance02:24
Amaranthdyf1: driver needed for Radeon HD cards to get 3d02:24
dyf1but i have nvidia02:28
dyf1nvidia geforce 7150M02:28
dyf1Amaranth: ?02:31
Amaranthdyf1: In that case it should have already been fixed02:32
Amaranthdyf1: But I guess it may take a couple days02:32
dyf1Amaranth: couple of days to what? to get more fixes?02:35
Amaranthdyf1: yeah02:35
dyf1i see02:36
dyf1thanks Amaranth02:36
d-bhi there in jaunty there is only kde 4.11 ?02:51
d-boh nevermind kubuntu has 4.2...02:53
d-bso question then -> the repos for kubuntu are the same as ubuntu right ? like my isp doesn't have a special kubuntu repo....02:58
FFForeverdtchen, you still around?03:14
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo
zirodaydyf: dont zap is a change where ctrl+alt+backspace has been disabled04:06
dyfziroday: lol.. seriously?04:06
dyfwhy disable it.. and what's the alternative04:06
tritiumdyf: type /topic, and read the Alpha 4 release notes04:06
tritiumLike I said, if you're running jaunty, at least read the release notes at the very least.04:07
dyftritium: ok04:07
dyfso if i installed some updates, can i rollback to a time before i installed them?04:23
Amaranthdyf: Not really, no04:24
Amaranthdyf: You want to go back to intrepid, I'm guessing?04:24
dyfAmaranth: no.. i just installed some updates today that screwed up gnome.. i can only login using fluxbox04:24
DanaGAh, you can go to /var/cache/apt/archives04:25
DanaGthen manually use dpkg to install older package versions.04:25
dyfwould be great if i could rollback to before i installed today's updates04:25
dyfactually it was a "partial distro upgrade"04:25
DanaGIf it's just one day, chances are the old versions will still be there.04:25
syockityup, that'd be pardus linux or something04:25
AmaranthOf course downgrades are not supported and can be complicated, even going back a day04:26
syockitSo far, I haven't seen any good intuitive rollback solution for dpkg/apt-based distro04:26
dyfi found this which talks about the same issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58541004:27
clpAfter installed ubuntu alpha 3, my touchpad cann't work on my notebook. How to do?04:31
clp9.04 alpha304:31
syockitdyf: wow, thanks for the link!04:33
dyfsyockit: what did you find that was useful?04:33
syockitclp: probably because synaptics drivers aren't installed by default04:33
syockitdyf: mentions of timevault/flyback04:33
syockitdyf: at least that got me to know that something is being worked on04:34
syockitclp: ctrl-alt-f1, do sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-all, then restart x04:35
clpthanks. let me have a try.04:36
clpafter action of ctrl-alt-f1, how to return back?04:36
syockitclp: ctrl-alt-f704:39
syockitclp: then select restart X session04:39
clpWhy has so much problem in ubuntu 9.04 alpha 3?04:43
dyfclp: because it's alpha?04:44
clpWhen can ubuntu release chinese version?After installation, It always spent me much time to download language package and input method?04:46
clpThen there is some noise in my intel-hda sound effect?04:49
clpIn startup, there is a problem of /var/...dhcp3.(lease|listen?) readonly problem?what's about it?04:52
clpwhere to view the log?04:52
Amaranthclp: The noise is probably because you have a realtek codec in there04:54
AmaranthHopefully that'll be fixed but no one knows04:54
Amaranthsyockit: I used to work on timevault, it's dead04:54
syockitcrazy nepomukservice04:55
clpOk, after alter the /etc/dhcp3/dbclient.conf, it worked well.05:02
syockitclp: about chinese version, that's up to the chinese, whether they have LoCo or not05:04
syockitclp: for example, Japanese have their own ubuntulinux.jp05:04
clpalpha3 problem I found: 1 firefox cann't resolve domain name-->ipv6=False;    2 updatation cann't resolve name-->/etc/dhcp3/dbclient.conf: prepend domain-name-servers ..., ...;   3 touch pad no response05:05
clpWhich driver version I should use? video card: Geforce go 7400, option: 180, 173, 96?05:17
clp180 recommended?05:17
lymecaOkay so it seems maybe xserver-xorg-core being at messes up my video drivers05:18
lymeca(EE) module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1)05:19
clpAfter I set view effect to normal or extended, then ubuntu is continuing run....05:19
lymecaI tried fglrx and radeon, both packages updated jaunty versions05:19
dyfis there a pdf viewer that shows white text on black background?05:19
clpOk, I used 180 version, it worked ok.05:20
clpNow my ubuntu worked well, I am very appreciated.05:23
clpI want to back up ubuntu partition to image file. Can ghost used for ext4 partition's backup?05:24
FFForever2how do i reconfigure a package?05:40
syockitFFForever2: sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package name>05:44
AdysCould someone running jaunty go to System=>Shut Down and confirm you get an unstyled window? something like this http://devcub.com/~adys/shutdown.png06:22
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anderskYes, but that happens during every Ubuntu release; I wouldn't worry about it.06:27
Adysnever noticed, its not like i ever use this menu ...06:30
taavikkoanyinfo about x-fi soundcards working in jaunty/ubuntu in general, alsa support?07:00
emetnot sure but there is hope: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=creative_xfi_gift&num=107:05
taavikkothanks, read through creatives, own opensource wiki, but not too much info... does it need to be compiled and such07:08
taavikkomaybe I'll buy products from vendors that do support linux :D07:09
bullgard4taavikko: /join #ubuntu+107:09
taavikkobullgard4: this isn't it, joined and this is where i was thronw :)07:11
taavikkoand about x-fi, alsa doesn't yet support it http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzAwMw07:13
zniavrei can't start compiz but drivers seems correctly installed07:35
DanaGCreative is also scum -- take a look on their forums if you want to see why.07:46
Adysgnome-appearance-properties segfaulting on icon theme install for anyone?07:47
macoevolution users?07:51
macoanyone finding that some of their memo or task lists in evolution are missing?07:52
macoby missing i mean, they're unchecked (so not visible) but they refuse to be checked (and made visible). attempts at creating a new task/memo results in "unable to open tasks in 'Personal'" (or whatever list it is)07:52
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
DanaGugh, stupid gnome video thumbnailer was taking 112% CPU usage.08:03
DanaGyup.  More than 100% of one core.08:06
DanaGAt least that's what htop was reporting.08:06
Adysadys@azura:~$ glxgears    Error: glXCreateContext failed08:23
Adysi guess this is due to last xserver-core update (nv 180.27)08:23
clpAfter I setted the visual effect,then I cann't enter into desktop. How to do?08:27
clpI used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, then it ok. But then?When it will go wrong?08:28
clpAfter I active the nvidia 180 driver, I can login but cann't enter Desktop. Now I used the default driver.    How to do?08:46
clppint 508:50
zniavreclp:  i experienced this it's compiz the issue08:54
zniavreyou should make compiz start in indirect rendering08:54
clpWhere to start compiz?08:56
zniavrein fact i do not know i started with nv driver unactivated compiz and rebooted with nvidia drivers08:56
zniavreand gnome session can start normally08:57
clpok, thanks. I go to google08:57
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
Unggnuhi all09:50
UnggnuDoes Gnome in Jaunty support reverse vnc connections?09:50
gerryxiaoafter updated  januty cant start up11:03
gerryxiao Error 24 : Attempt to access block outside partition11:04
gerryxiaokernel version: 2.6.28-6-generic11:04
gerryxiaoany ideas?11:04
gerryxiaoi'm using ext411:05
gerryxiaoanyone here?11:06
BUGabundowe have some big prob11:07
BUGabundodo you remember yesterday everyone coming here and complaining with probs with X and NVidia?11:07
BUGabundowell, while I was replying to someone right here, my X froze, and I couldn't login again11:08
BUGabundoonly after setting the noveu driver GDM session worked11:08
BUGabundonot even startx worked11:08
BUGabundogathereing now logs, and opening a bug11:12
maxbBUGabundo: It's already filed...11:31
BUGabundomaxb: thanks... do you have the ticket for it?11:31
maxbAnd the workaround is to downgrade xserver-xorg-core to -0ubuntu111:31
* maxb hunts bugnumber11:31
BUGabundoor to not use nvidia11:32
maxbLP 32634411:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz freezes on login as of xorg-server" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634411:32
BUGabundosubing now11:32
BUGabundomaxb: thanks11:33
BUGabundomaxb: those are all about compix11:34
BUGabundobut I don't even have my on11:34
maxbbug summary probably needs clarifying11:34
BUGabundoall of the dupes?11:35
maxbThe main bug has comments from someone reporting the same issue with kde11:36
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idorock89hey guys will 9.04 have internet sharing feature which is there in fedora 10?12:03
fosco_every linux can share internet connection12:09
miikanyone experienced problems today?12:35
miikyesterday works fine, today GNOME dont start, it freeze when you login and gnome-panel never appear12:35
BUGabundojust the X one12:35
miikalso KDE freezes too...12:35
BUGabundothat's the one miik12:35
miikhowever, KDE using the OpenBox window manager works12:36
BUGabundojust run the xfix from recovery12:36
BUGabundoand you will be fine12:36
BUGabundobut without 3D12:36
fosco_kde4.2 is working fine here12:36
miikright now, im running LXDE, it works, and its nice12:36
miikwhat is xfix?12:36
virtuelvanyone notice significant increases in memory use?12:36
BUGabundoits an option on the recovery console12:37
miiki dont know what is recovery console12:37
BUGabundothat runs dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh12:37
BUGabundovirtuelv: I did!12:37
BUGabundono need miik12:37
BUGabundojust boot into recovery console12:37
miikhow do i do that?12:37
BUGabundoonce you it GRUB12:37
BUGabundomiik: BOOT the PC, and once you get to GRUB, it ESC12:38
virtuelvBUGabundo: any known reasons at this stage?12:38
BUGabundoand select recovery12:38
miikah, okie12:38
BUGabundothen choose xfix12:38
BUGabundono idea virtuelv12:38
virtuelvI'm testing on a laptop with 1GB, it's downright painful12:38
BUGabundobut it is disturbing12:38
BUGabundo4GiBs on 64bits12:38
virtuelvX alone is using over 100MiB now12:38
BUGabundothat's not much12:40
BUGabundo$ top | grep X12:41
BUGabundo 5165 root     137m  16m 355m  20   0 S  4.8  3.5   3:38.25 /usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten12:41
syockithoho I have it at 154m13:00
miikxfix worked.. but it made new xorg.conf file, that did use nv instead of nvidia proprietary driver13:00
miikso then i changed back the xorg.conf file to my old one, that used nvidia proprietary driver13:00
miikand then it dont work again13:00
miiki wanted to use the proprietary cuz it has 3D and can play games13:00
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miikbtw, LXDE is crazy fast...13:03
miikGNOME is horrible slow13:03
virtuelvmiik: that's a known issue at this stage13:14
virtuelvread the changelog13:15
virtuelvor it was, at least in alpha3, the note is gone from alpha 413:17
BUGabundomiik: if you want a stable system use a stable release!13:18
BUGabundodevel version can and WILL cause breakeage13:18
virtuelvfwiw, I _really_ dislike this change: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HugeFonts13:19
virtuelvas much as we may dislike it, the web is built around 96 DPI, and anything else will break how the web looks13:19
BUGabundovirtuelv: diff bug13:21
BUGabundothe one in A3 was the abi ignore13:21
BUGabundothis one is new13:21
BUGabundojust started yesterday with new Xorg13:21
miikvirtuelv, win and mac use 96 dpi?13:23
miikBUGabundo, yeah, i thnik so13:23
BUGabundomiik: not always13:24
BUGabundoand so shouldn't Linux13:24
BUGabundonow, FINALLY GNOME is fixed13:24
BUGabundomy X recomened 112DPIs for my 13.3" laptop13:24
BUGabundohad to set 96 again13:24
virtuelvBUGabundo: 112DPI is probably correct for 13.3" at 1280x800, or so13:26
virtuelvthe problem is that how designers have used pixels on the web doesn't jive with that13:27
virtuelv(The CSS pixel does not correspond to a device pixel, but instead is a relative unit based on a view angle)13:27
SwedeMikehm, mine (1280x800 12.1") says 96 DPI.. .but after the last update I have larger system font than before (both in the toolbars and in Firefox), and I dont think the DPI setting has changed13:28
BUGabundoSwedeMike: make sure of the value13:30
SwedeMikewhich value? DPI?13:30
SwedeMikemy Xorg.0.log.old says 96 DPI which is the same as Xorg.0.log13:31
SwedeMikexdpyinfo says resolution:    125x125 dots per inch13:33
SwedeMikewhich I think is correct13:34
SwedeMike125 is also in the System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts > Details13:34
BUGabundoso its not 96 as u said13:35
SwedeMikeso now I have changed all fonts in Appearence > Fonts to size 7, and now everything looks more propotional. They were set to 10 before13:35
SwedeMikeswmike@swm-laptop:/var/log$ cat /var/log/Xorg.*.log  | grep DPI13:36
SwedeMike[1 sec: 567945 usec](==) intel(0): DPI set to (96, 96)13:36
BUGabundo7 is to small for my eyes13:37
SwedeMikewell, 7 means they're roughly the same size they were with a fresh alpha 3 install13:37
SwedeMikeI dont know what changed.13:37
SwedeMikewith 10 they were huuuuge13:38
BUGabundothat's what we are discussing here13:38
SwedeMikeand this came after me installing updates yesterday (I do this at least every two days) and rebooting13:40
virtuelvarve@galactica:~$  cat /var/log/Xorg.*.log  | grep DPI13:42
virtuelv(==) intel(0): DPI set to (96, 96)13:42
virtuelv(**) intel(0): DPI set to (99, 171)13:42
miik[1 sec: 271944 usec](--) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (93, 95); computed from "UseEdidDpi" X config13:43
miik(--) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (93, 95); computed from "UseEdidDpi" X config13:43
miik(WW) NVIDIA(0): Unable to get display device CRT-0's EDID; cannot compute DPI13:43
miik(==) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (75, 75); computed from built-in default13:43
miik(==) VESA(0): DPI set to (96, 96)13:43
BUGabundo[2 sec: 426220 usec](==) NV(0): DPI set to (96, 96)13:44
BUGabundo(**) VESA(0): DPI set to (68, 65)13:44
BUGabundo(==) VESA(0): DPI set to (96, 96)13:44
miik65, aeeeeeeeeh13:44
BUGabundomiik: makes sense for VESA13:46
BUGabundobut I'm on NV13:46
Q-FUNKhowdy!  I just upgraded my test host and dhcp seems to fail at adding the default route in Jaunty.  is there any known fix?14:05
BUGabundoQ-FUNK: is the interface managed or un-managed?14:06
Q-FUNKBUGabundo: everything is handled by n-m14:07
BUGabundocable or wifi?14:07
BUGabundoopen, wep, wpa, wpa2, enterprise?14:09
Q-FUNKthe interface correctly has an IP and /etc/resolv.conf shows appropriate content.  however, no default route exists.  manualy adding one with "route add default gw {router IP}" works.14:10
Q-FUNKI'd be lead to beleive that some dhcp3-client hook is not executed, but I'm not sure how I'd verify this.14:10
BUGabundodid you find any similar bug on LP?14:11
Q-FUNKnothing so far.14:11
BUGabundoplease open a new one14:11
BUGabundoand if you can, please run a live CD of a previous version14:12
BUGabundoand also try the version of NM, available on the NM PPA14:12
Q-FUNKteam NM has its own PPA?14:12
Q-FUNKanyhow, it's the only bug so far since uprading this to jaunty.  it's just that having to manually add the gw to the routing table obviously is a regression.14:14
BUGabundothats why we need you to test the PPA version14:15
BUGabundoso that asac can patch it14:15
BUGabundo$ xvinfo  \n  X-Video Extension version 2.2 screen #0 no adaptors present14:22
BUGabundoany idea what this means?14:22
ali1234some update in the past 24 hrs has broken my wifi15:18
ali1234wep 128 - it keeps asking me for the key over and over15:18
ali1234i'm using ath5k - and it worked fine yesterday15:19
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rtrhi there, i just installed the current Jaunty and after first boot i installed the drivers for my nvidia card. Xorg works because i can see the background wallpaper and my mouse but nothing else (like start menu, desktop icons) starts16:35
rtralt+f2 doesnt work, but i can switch to console using crtl+alt+f216:36
BUGabundortr: strange16:36
rtris there a logfile wich i should check for debuging?16:37
saulus(jaunty): since my x-server upgrade yesterday I cant use gnome/kde/xmonad any longer. Is there a solution available?17:27
BUGabundosaulus: start in recovery consolse17:27
BUGabundoand run xfix17:27
BUGabundoto reconfigure xserve-org17:28
BUGabundoyou will lose 3D17:28
saulushow do i start in recovery-console? I have my root - shell here17:28
BUGabundoreboot the laptop, when you hit GRUB, press ESC17:28
BUGabundoselect recovery console17:28
syockityou mean to select the second line?17:29
BUGabundoand then xfix17:29
syockitsome lucky people have two computers it seems17:29
saulusis there a command for starting xfix?17:29
BUGabundosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh17:30
BUGabundobut I my have made typo mistakes17:30
rtrthere is a problem known with 3d drivers on jaunty?17:31
syockitwhich? fglrx maybe17:31
BUGabundoI already said the same 10 times17:31
syockityes, but maybe different occasions17:31
BUGabundortr xorg update broke 3D17:31
BUGabundojust reconfigure xserver17:32
syockitbut my 3d works! glxgears with 778 fps17:32
BUGabundojust yesterday we were talking about /topic warnings! we need to have this bug there17:33
BUGabundoits CRITICAL17:33
BUGabundosyockit: did you upgrade»17:33
syockitI suppose everyone who jumps into the channel should be directed to read release note first17:33
BUGabundoare you running nvidia?17:33
syockitI'm intel17:33
BUGabundoits not in the release notes17:33
BUGabundojust came yesterday17:33
syockityay for intel! It's passed it's doomed period17:33
BUGabundointel uses the opendriver17:33
syockitnow only nvidia/ati left17:33
BUGabundonot proprietary17:33
BUGabundonoveu driver also works17:34
BUGabundoI'm using it right now17:34
saulusBUGabundo: thank you, it solved my problem - but I wonder: The nvidia driver gets loaded fine (at least the splash shows up) - so where does it fail?17:34
Welshmangeez Jaunty does demeted a drive :(17:34
BUGabundoI know17:34
Welshmandeleted even17:35
BUGabundoit must be a bug with X/gdm session17:35
BUGabundobut it also happens on KDE17:35
* BUGabundo :( shrugs17:35
legodudeyou mean nvidia not loading kde?17:35
Welshmanlost a load of stuff, just on a simple partition thing17:35
BUGabundoor ati17:35
rtrBUGabundo do you know a bugreport on launchpad?17:35
BUGabundolet me get it17:36
BUGabundonot on my log17:36
BUGabundojust a sec17:36
WelshmanHas Jaunty a nown partition failure?17:36
BUGabundoWelshman: 1st time I ear about it17:37
syldeb35Bug #32634417:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz freezes on login as of xorg-server" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634417:37
Welshmanwent for the simple partition as I usually do with Ubuntu and it failed and wiped the whole drive clean17:37
rtrthanks alot  BUGabundo17:38
BUGabundothanks syldeb3517:38
BUGabundocan some one put that bug on /Topic?17:38
BUGabundoPici: ^^^17:38
saulushow do I change my system lang (the keyboard-set)?17:38
saulusin the CONSOLE17:38
legodudeI don't understand how that bug could have gotten out17:39
Welshmanyeah he does that17:40
WelshmanAnyway, thought you should know, I went to edit a partition with jaunty tonight as usual with Ubuntu and it failed, but it wiped the whole drive clean.  I saw a warning as ever but trusted but this time I should have listened.17:44
WelshmanNo idea why it did that?17:44
WelshmanAny majorr changes in the partitioning of Jaunty?17:45
fosco_ext4 support17:49
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syockitit's still not default, if I'm not mistaken17:58
BUGabundonot default17:59
charlie-tcasyockit: according to release notes, it won't be made default in jaunty17:59
syockithow did he edit the partition anyway...18:00
DanaGTime for testdisk, to recover partition table?18:07
DanaG!info TestDisk18:08
ubottuPackage TestDisk does not exist in jaunty18:08
DanaG!info testdisk18:08
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.10-1 (jaunty), package size 1451 kB, installed size 4532 kB18:08
twoheadedboyHello everyone, I was wondering if you all could give me some general info about upgrading Ubuntu development releases. For instance, has any tried upgrading from 9.04 Alpha 3 to Alpha 4 rather than doing a fresh install? I'm just curious because I'm very interested in trying Alpha 4, don't mind some bugs, but I find the process of installing a distro from scratch tediuous...18:11
twoheadedboy...so it would be more ideal for me if I could continue to upgrade through to the final release18:11
BUGabundotwoheadedboy: should be the same!18:14
BUGabundoand you dotn need to use milestones18:15
BUGabundothere are available dailies18:15
BUGabundo !dailies18:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dailies18:15
BUGabundo !daily18:15
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/18:15
twoheadedboybut don't the dailies have higher potential for install bugs? I thought the alpha releases were "more stable" at least on the install end of things?18:15
DanaGugh, stupid nvidia... it DOES give only the desktop background on Gnome login.18:18
BUGabundoit can have, sure18:18
BUGabundoDanaG: known bug18:18
BUGabundoBug #32634418:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz freezes on login as of xorg-server" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634418:18
BUGabundogrr someone should change that subject18:18
DanaGthat's why I said, "it DOES do it" -- a confirmation.18:19
DanaGOh, and Metacity is affected too.18:19
DanaG... if you have compositing.18:19
DanaGUgh, and it booted at 800x600, for some reason.18:19
DanaGOh, I know why...18:20
DanaGthe LCD claims to be 969x768.18:20
DanaGDamn Toshiba.18:20
* DanaG switches that system back to nouveau.18:21
DanaGLast time I tried the nvidia on X server 1.6, it just segfaulted the X server.18:21
DanaG969x768... that's just plain stupid.18:27
DanaGIn fact, that 966x768 even affects the Windows drivers.18:45
ccookethe flow of package updates for Jaunty seems different to previous releases (as in: I'm seeing a lower rate of updates than I'm used to at this point in the dev cycle)18:46
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beligerantjaunty's good prog.19:17
beligerantsorry, boring.19:18
DrHalanthere used to be a soudn applet in the notifcation area. with alpha 4 is igone..19:24
IntuitiveNippleHah! I see *two* different mixers applets19:26
IntuitiveNipplegnome-volume-applet and mixer_applet219:27
DrHalanyeah but mixer applet2 is nicer19:27
DrHalanit fit sinto the notification area19:27
BUGabundoDrHalan: you have to remove the .desktop of the older19:32
BUGabundosome ppl the update didn't go too well19:33
BUGabundothere is a bug for it on LP19:33
DrHalanBUGabundo: nice :) thanks19:33
DrHalanBUGabundo: i cant find the bug sadly :(19:36
imme-emosolTo change my password from the command-line I should be typing the command passwd , right?19:43
imme-emosolWhen I do this for a newly added user, or for the root user, it just tells me: password updated successfully19:44
imme-emosolWith m normal user-account it asks me my current password and the it tells me the password updated successfully .19:47
imme-emosolIs it something that still had to be worked out, or is my system weird?19:48
BUGabundoimme-emosol: it just changes the user pass19:48
BUGabundosudo passwd USERNAME will change ANY user pass19:49
imme-emosolBUGabundo: yes, it should, but it doesn't, normally it's like three stages, right?19:49
BUGabundostarts, you enter the pass, and its done19:49
imme-emosolBUGabundo: But It does not ask me for a new password.19:50
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charlie-tcaimme-emosol: I think because it ignores you if you did not include all the parts: Usage: passwd [options] [LOGIN]19:53
imme-emosolcharlie-tca: I type(newuser is the name of the new user): passwd newuser19:55
imme-emosolcharlie-tca: Then it just tells me it had updated successfully, which I don't understand.19:55
charlie-tcatype passwd --help19:56
charlie-tcaIt may be adding a new user without any password, and when you log in as the user, it will ask for the password. It is also possible to create a user without a password19:56
imme-emosolcharlie-tca: Yes, at the moment I have a user without a password, which I don't like and I want to change this.19:58
imme-emosolBut somehow that cannot be done.19:58
charlie-tcaTry logging into the terminal as root and changing it for the user?19:59
imme-emosolIt again just tells me it updated succesfully.19:59
imme-emosolI tried it using sudo su - and also with sudo -s20:00
imme-emosolboth unfortunately did not do the trick.20:00
charlie-tcaprobably have to use "passwd -ue LOGIN" to unlock the password. Then log in as that user and it should ask for a password20:02
DanaGodd... rebooting from X with Nouveau resulted in the next boot having completely corrupt video up until X started again.20:02
DanaG.... even the BIOS splash was corrupted.20:02
imme-emosolcharlie-tca: Also no luck.20:04
imme-emosolDanaG: What's even more odd is that x won't go past loading the background... :P20:04
DanaGFor me it did, on Nouveau.20:05
imme-emosolDanaG: Is there a way to be sure compiz is disabled from command-line?20:05
DanaGyou can sudo chmod -x /usr/bin/compiz.real20:06
DanaGMakes the compiz binary not executable.20:06
DanaGWhen you want to re-enable it, do +x instead.20:07
kabI have a problem starting my Gnome Session20:08
kabI get this error20:08
kab** Message: init gpgme version 1.1.820:08
kabx-session-manager[31997]: WARNING: Application 'seahorse-daemon.desktop' failed to register before timeout20:08
charlie-tcaimme-emosol: sounds like bug reporting time20:08
kabx-session-manager[31997]: WARNING: Application 'gnome-panel.desktop' failed to register before timeout20:08
kabx-session-manager[31997]: WARNING: Application 'nautilus.desktop' failed to register before timeout20:09
mphill_kab: can you not get gnome to get up the desktop environment?20:09
kabmphill_, yeap20:09
mphill_i'm pretty much locked out too20:10
kabI am using WindowMaker right now20:10
mphill_nice choice my friend20:10
kaband there run gnome-panel and it's working very well20:10
mphill_i'm just in the console, but i will try that out for sure20:11
kabmphill_, so you have exactly the same problem that me20:16
imme-emosolkab: Thanks for the perfect tip!   I am figurly speaking smashing my head in right now, not undertstanding why I did not myself come up with the idea to install another window-manager besides gnome...20:16
kabimme-emosol, it's not perfect but works :)20:17
BUGabundoimme-emosol: I said at the beginning: sudo passwd USERNAME20:19
BUGabundokab known bug20:19
kabI am searching the bug in launchpad20:20
imme-emosolBUGabundo: I know, I tried that but that does not work.20:20
BUGabundoBug #32634420:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz freezes on login as of xorg-server" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634420:20
BUGabundoshould be on !topic20:20
imme-emosolBUGabundo: It just prints out this      passwd: password updated successfully20:21
kabI am running my gnome with the bug tip thank you BUGabundo :)20:44
BUGabundoeveryone is20:44
BUGabundounless they own intel GPU20:44
legodude_<---- :)20:45
kabwhen I am playing mp3 I get pauses, I am using audacious20:46
* DanaG is using radeon.20:46
BUGabundokab: pauses or mutes?20:46
BUGabundoPA 9.14 or 9.1520:46
kabBUGabundo, mutes20:46
DanaGMy biggest gripe with it is not the lack of acceleration, but rather the lack of power management.20:46
BUGabundoGPM seem to be running here20:47
BUGabundodidn't test it dought20:47
centaur5I know I need to file a bug but I'm not sure what the culprit is going to be.  Installing Intrepid or Jaunty alpha 3 will complete on my system but Grub won't actually boot it just says "GRUB loading, please wait". Upgrading from Hardy to Intrepid via apt-get caused Intrepid to boot fine but now I want to try Jaunty.20:47
kabBUGabundo, pulseaudio 0.9.1420:47
DanaGMine is
DanaGWhere can I get 0.9.15?20:48
BUGabundo~/themuso PPA20:48
BUGabundofor testing ONLY20:48
DanaGAah, oddly enough, I do have that enabled.20:49
BUGabundowill not be ported to jaunty20:49
DanaGWhat's new in 0.9.15, anyway?20:49
BUGabundoDanaG: run apt-cache policy pulseaudio20:49
kabBUGabundo, Jaunty will be shipped with 0.9.14?20:49
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.9.15~test1-0ubuntu1~ppa420:49
BUGabundo  Candidate: 0.9.15~test1-0ubuntu1~ppa420:49
BUGabundo  Version table:20:49
BUGabundo *** 0.9.15~test1-0ubuntu1~ppa4 020:49
BUGabundo        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty/main Packages20:49
BUGabundo        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status20:49
BUGabundo     0.9.14-0ubuntu4 020:49
BUGabundo        500 ftp://darkstar.ist.utl.pt jaunty/main Packages20:49
BUGabundo        500 ftp://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main Packages20:49
BUGabundokab YES20:49
BUGabundowith many GIT patch20:49
DanaGoh yeah, I see... I have it in my intrepid sources.list, but not in my jaunty one.20:49
kabBUGabundo, how I can install PulseAudio 0.9.15?20:50
DanaGLast time I tweaked my sources, the PPA didn't have Jaunty, so I commented out that entry to avoid 404 errors.20:50
BUGabundoI do that when I distupgrade20:50
BUGabundoand around A120:50
BUGabundothen I stop caring unless I get errors20:50
BUGabundountil the next pre-alpha release20:50
DanaGWhat's new in 0.9.15?20:53
lymecaIs fglrx broken in jaunty?20:53
surfazlymeca, yes20:54
lymecasurfaz: is it the kernel?20:54
lymeca2.6.28?  Or the xserver-xorg-core version?20:55
BUGabundoDanaG: no idea. ask grisum or themuso20:55
BUGabundolymeca: YES20:55
BUGabundoBug #32634420:55
surfazlymeca, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha3#Known%20Issues20:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz freezes on login as of xorg-server" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634420:55
surfazA new XServer, version 1.6, is included in Alpha 3. The binary proprietary drivers -fglrx and -nvidia are not yet supported for this server and will exhibit various serious issues if run against it. Users of these drivers are encouraged to wait or to switch to the corresponding open source drivers 4(-ati and -nv respectively) in the meantime.20:55
BUGabundosurfaz: that's another bug20:55
BUGabundothis was just yesterday20:56
lymecaHmm, I wonder if I can downgrde xserver to intrepid and keep everything else jaunty20:56
DanaGI've done it, but it results in X server eating 100% of one core for me.20:57
DanaGSo, it's not a viable option.20:57
BUGabundolymeca: no need to use ibex20:57
BUGabundoyou may still have the old one in cache20:57
BUGabundoso just go to synaptic and FORCE the old version20:57
BUGabundoDanaG: ibex X is not compatible with current jaunty stack20:58
DanaGYeah, I figured something like that.20:58
DanaGAt least radeon ⋙ nv.20:58
lymecaDanaG: This is true20:59
lymecaHowever, I have an HD 260020:59
lymecar6xx = no accel whatsoever with radeon20:59
DanaGI have an HD3650.20:59
DanaGfor me, the lack of power management is the bigger deal.20:59
lymecaSame generation.20:59
lymecaAh, interesting.20:59
lymecaI have a Mobility HD 2600 actually20:59
lymecain an Asus laptop=21:00
DanaGMobility for me, also.21:00
BUGabundowhat up with GPM for you DanaG?21:00
DanaGHP EliteBook 8530w.21:00
DanaGGPM meaning GPM (the console mouse thingy) or G-P-M (gnome-power-manager)?21:00
lymecagraphics power management?21:01
BUGabundohumm are you saying graphics?21:02
BUGabundois it even managed??21:02
lymecaBUGabundo: But yeah you think that ibex X.Org + jaunty fglrx 9.1 will fail21:02
DanaGBut I also tried the Intrepid LiveUSB, and 9.1 failed on that, too.21:03
DanaGAnything newer than 8.543 gives me a kernel panic, essentially.21:03
BUGabundodon't recommend it!21:03
BUGabundoeither use opensource drivers or try to downgrade from cache21:03
DanaGread my sentence.21:05
DanaGEven Intrepid breaks.21:05
DanaGActual Intrepid.21:05
DanaGSo anyway, I'm on open-source on Jaunty; so be it.21:06
DanaGI just pray they unbreak fglrx when they fix it for X server 1.6.21:06
DanaG... because for me, it's broken even for Intrepid.21:06
BUGabundoDanaG: my reply was to lymeca21:07
lymecaI wonder if Catalyst 9.2 will work with xserver 1.621:07
BUGabundoguys ask on #ubuntu-x21:08
DanaGNope, it won't.21:08
DanaGor rather.21:08
DanaG9.1. doesn't.21:08
DanaGAnd 9.2 has been leaked... and doesn't.21:08
lymecaaw damn21:08
miikgnome freezes at login since of today... is there any bug report about this21:37
kabmiik, yes this is https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634421:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz freezes on login as of xorg-server" [High,Confirmed]21:39
BUGabundoFri Feb 13 23:31:30 WET 200921:41
BUGabundokab: isn't there another bug for that, but with a much better subject21:41
kabBUGabundo, i haven't seen21:42
BUGabundocan you fix the subject?21:43
BUGabundoit has nothing to do with compiz21:43
miikhope its fixed soon21:44
BUGabundo36h and couting21:46
DanaGOdd.. .the PPA pulse 0.9.15 doesn't have all the 0.9.15 features.21:49
DanaGArgh, the PPA doesn't have the pulseaudio utilities!21:50
DanaGIn fact, the utilities are still 0.9.6!21:50
DanaGThat's 9 versions old.21:51
DanaGReally really really od.21:54
miiksomeone need update it, i cant :(21:54
DanaGAnyone know how to build a newer version?21:55
DanaGThat really rather irritates me.21:55
miikyou have to download it from website, compile it, then build a package, then upload it to PPA21:56
miikcomplex :(21:56
BUGabundoor simply ask crisum or themuso!21:57
DanaGNeither is here right now.21:58
DanaGAnyway, I don't need it to be "today", but I would like to see it upgraded "some time".21:58
miikyeah, agree21:58
syockityou should check out the motu pages on wiki21:58
syockitthen they'll lead to debian package maintainers guide that points out what you need to do to upgrade packages21:59
syockitI did a couple of package upgrades myself, but never had a working one to be published22:00
DanaGIt's also still not detecting my HDMI port.22:01
DanaGThat was one of the things it was supposed to fix.22:02
erle-how is filename encryption implemented in the "private home folder"?22:02
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DanaGOh yeah, the new PA 0.9.15 actually still doesn't add HDMI.22:30
DanaGFixed?  Not quite.22:31
ccookeOdd. I can't recall the last time I had no packages to update at all in a day this early in a release's life :-)23:27
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