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Laneychrisccoulson: What are you doing with f-spot? just saw your comment on mono-addins11:13
seb128tseliot: hi, could you update your gnome-desktop changes to the new upstream tarball http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-desktop/2.25/gnome-desktop-2.25.90.tar.gz14:57
seb128tseliot: they did changes to have a dialog asking if you want to apply the setting or not before writting the config but that conflict with your changes14:58
tseliotseb128: ok, I'll work on it14:59
seb128tseliot: thanks15:00
pochuhi seb12815:01
seb128hello pochu15:01
pochuI'm about to upload gnome-format from a contributor, any opinion? http://live.gnome.org/gnome-format15:01
seb128opinion on what?15:02
seb128do it15:02
seb128that will probably be a nautilus feature next cycle but for jaunty that seems good if that's working correctly15:02
chrisccoulsonhi Laney - are you about?18:56
Laneyyes sir18:56
chrisccoulsonjust saw your question about what i was doing with f-spot18:56
LaneyDid you see the version in experimental?18:57
chrisccoulsonthere's a patch that we were going to apply to fix a bug (i'll dig out the bug report number in a second) and seb128 suggested we re-based our f-spot package with debian (seeing as experimental has all of our changes now)18:57
Laneyyes, that was intentional18:57
chrisccoulsonso i prepared a merge with experimental18:57
LaneyI'd very much rather that changes happened in experimental though18:58
chrisccoulsonno problem, i was going to send the patch to debian anyway18:58
chrisccoulsoni just havent got round to that yet18:58
chrisccoulsonbug 293305 is the one18:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293305 in f-spot "[patch] Inactive import folder in f-spot" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29330518:59
chrisccoulsonLaney - i submitted the patch to debian. if it gets uploaded, we can just sync it19:15
chrisccoulsoncool, thats good19:15
chrisccoulsoni noticed another delta with the package in experimental actually19:16
Laneyyeah, got that19:16
chrisccoulsonwhen i initially upgraded ubuntu to, i bumped up the build-depends on mono to 1.2.419:16
chrisccoulsonthat hasn't been carried acorss in to experimental19:17
chrisccoulsonprobably not too important though19:17
Laneychrisccoulson: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/f-spot/trunk/debian/?opt=dir&sc=120:31
chrisccoulsonthanks Laney. who are we meant to subscribe to sync requests? is it ubuntu-main-sponsors or ubuntu-archive (or someone else)?20:43
Laneythe sponsors20:43
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks20:43
Laneychrisccoulson: It hasn't been uploaded yet, probably will be some days more20:43
chrisccoulsonthat's ok. it's still waiting on mono-addins anyway20:43
Laneyif you want any more patches in then we can do it20:44
LaneyI just don't want to bug meebey (Debian sponsor) for uploads too often20:44
chrisccoulsonno problem. i've got a patch for another mono package as well actually (which fixes a bug exposed by f-spot)20:45
chrisccoulsonbug 288070 should probably go to debian too i think20:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288070 in libflickrnet "f-spot crashes when exporting to Zooomr" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28807020:47
LaneyDebian likes bug fixes too20:50
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll send this bug to debian too. the patch is taken from the f-spot bundled version of libflickrnet, which doesn't suffer this bug20:53
LaneyGenerally I would prefer working to get patches done in Debian, to stay (or get back) in sync if possible, but it is often harder/longer to get sponsorship for uploads.20:57
chrisccoulsonyeah, i appreciate that. in this case, it might be quicker to go through the debian route. these patches have been sitting around a fair while;)21:00
chrisccoulsoni'm wondering why we link f-spot against an external libflickr? it seems pretty quiet upstream, and the version bundled with f-spot seems to be better maintained21:01
Laneyfeel free to come to #debian-mono. We have some packages you might have heard of - http://pkg-cli-apps.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/pet.cgi21:01
Laneyand s/apps/libs/21:01
calcjoin #kubuntu-deel22:53
calctyping over lagged ssh isn't particularly good22:53

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