
Flannelnickrud: I didn't know Los Angeles was a continenet ;)04:15
nickrudheh. It's a world to itself :)04:16
tritiumDepending on seismic activity, it might be someday.04:16
Flanneltritium: That's just because CA is going to break off to go hang with Hawaii.04:18
FlannelAnd Alaska can come too.04:18
tritiumFlannel: ah, is that it?  ;)04:18
nickrudyep. All the west coast will break off, and we can finally have a sane country :))))))04:19
Flannelnickrud: Yeah, west coast land.04:19
tritiumnickrud: yeah, but which side are you calling sane?04:19
Flanneltritium: West Coast land.  Perhaps... The Republic of WOAH04:20
nickrudtritium, need you ask? I've lived in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Monterrey area, Ventura, Los Angeles. The whole west coast is nice04:20
nickrudwe'd be what, the 5th largest economy in the world?04:20
tritiumnickrud: of course I need to ask.  I lived in the Seattle area for a while.04:20
Flannelnickrud: Sixth, I believe.  Although that's just CA.  With the other states, I'm not sure.04:21
nickrudtritium, what part? Hopefully not east of the lake04:21
nickrudi'm a geographic snob, if you haven't scoped that out yet :)04:21
tritiumnickrud: near Everett.  I worked at the Boeing plant for a while.04:21
nickrudah. That makes you an honorary Washingtonian, no matter where you live or do after that. Boing Boing rules all04:22
tritiumThe left coast is too liberal for my taste ;)04:23
nickrudlike they say, all the fruits nuts and flakes roll downhill till they hit the west coast. Makes for an interesting place04:25
tritiumThat it is.04:25
nickrudFlannel, been meaning to ask: everything still on for storage Sat night at scale?04:26
Flannelnickrud: Saturday night?04:27
Flanneloh storage04:27
FlannelSaturday night is also our in-person LoCo meeting04:27
tritiumYou guys have a good night.04:28
Flannelnight tritium04:28
nickrudnight tritium04:29
tritiumNight, Flannel, nickrud.  Good luck at scale.04:29
nickrudhttp://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=5400+West+Century+Boulevard,+los+angeles+ca&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=93.619094,111.269531&ie=UTF8&ll=33.955962,-118.370819&spn=0.024918,0.036478&z=14&iwloc=addr&source=embed Flannel 04:30
Flannelnickrud: oh, is that the location?  Nice... on the way and everything.05:01
demolitianhello so yesterday i thought the ban on my line was off when i tried but when i went on just now it wont let me send anything 05:14
demolitianwhy is that 05:16
Flanneldemolitian: Because there's still a mute on your account.  The op who unbanend you yesterday asked you to join and say something to verify you could (exactly for this reason).  Give me a second to remove it.05:20
Flanneldemolitian: Try now05:20
elky_e71myrtti, topyli... I am looking at some bags of licorice... One called 'double salt' and one called 'salmiak rockies' ... The latter is tubes of dark stuff with caramel colored stuff inside. which for salmiakkikossu? 05:35
topylielky: a good salmiakkikossu salty liquorice is strong, and easy to break into tiny bits with a hammer. turkish peber, the "official" one, contains some liquorice powder inside the candies, which will dissolve into the vodka particularly well06:59
elkytopyli, well this stuff is dutch apparently, and i got the 'double salt' one. i figure it means 'double sal ammoniac'07:01
topylisounds strong enough, are they hard so you can smash them?07:02
elkythey're hard, but bendable07:03
elkyif i hit it with a hammer it probably would, but i dont have a hammer07:03
elkythey list 'sal ammoniac salt' as part of the ingredients07:04
elkytopyli, email address?07:10
topylijuha at siltala dot net07:11
topyliapparently sal ammoniac is ammonium chloride, which is salmiakki07:13
elkysalmiakki is the finnish lay name for sal ammoniac, according to wikipedia at least07:14
elkytopyli, i sent you a photo of the back of the pack07:14
elkyi'm just trying to figure how many rocks to put in07:15
elkygyah... i just licked the rock. stroooong07:15
elkyand fizzy07:15
topyligood, dood :)07:16
topylierr s/dood/good/07:16
elkyhttp://www.slashfood.com/2006/03/02/dutch-double-salt-licorice/ is exactly what it looks like07:17
topyliwell if they dissolve and turn the vodka into black, it works. if they don't completely dissolve, that's probably okay too. you can't really ruin a vodka :)07:18
elkyyeah, the sample i got from the stuff Monty had at LCA had a few bits of undissolved candies.07:19
elkytopyli, how much though?07:20
topylii don't know if boiling them in a little bit of water would help any07:20
topyliafter cooling they might as well get together in one big lump07:20
topylilet me see how much in the original recipe07:21
topyli30-40 of the original turkish pebers07:22
elkythis pack is 100g07:23
topylihalf at least, basically as much as the vodka will take in07:25
elkytheres about 55 or so buttons07:26
topylihere are somebody's instructions, look at the candy in step 3: http://www.scene.org/~melwyn/sucemasaucisse/suce1.html07:26
topyliyours are small, they could all go in if they dissolve well07:26
topylithose are big, very tough and half empty07:27
elkyso, about 30 you reckon? that'd be half a pack07:28
topylii would think so. after tasting, you can always add some07:30
topylii'm reading at some finnish forums. many people recommend dissolving them to a bit of hot water first07:30
elkyprobably because they're impatient?07:31
topylipossibly :)07:31
topyliwell the main thing is to get taste and color to dissolve into the vodka. boiling might leave you with a nice thick cyrup that's easy to add in the vodka07:34
topylisomeone has a nice trick: salmiakki in the bottle, seal bottle, throw in dishwasher, do your dishes07:38
elkythe heat?07:38
topylii think i've heard that before as well07:38
topyliyeah it will dissolve well07:39
elkyalthough, this is australia, and it's summer...07:41
topylioh yes, probably no need to heat things very much07:42
elkythis stuff isn't coloured with carbon black, it's brown, so it's not going to look terribly like the stuff monty had07:44
Flannelubottu: tell JamesMowery|away about away07:45
topyliwell it doesn't have to be black as long as it's good :)07:48
topylibest if you can make the drink with something locally available, never mind a little color difference07:49
topyliif all else fails, we'll start sending bags of turkish pebers!07:50
elkyi tell you what though, licking one of these on it's own is an intriguing experience07:51
topyliheh, most finns are crazy about salmiakki, most other people don't know about it and are terrified when they taste it07:52
topyli"what? even your kids eat this?"07:52
topylii think it's wonderful, much better than sweet candy and keeps you awake at work, or at the wheel or wherever07:53
elkywell, linus wrote about it back at halloween iirc07:53
topylion the blog?07:54
topylioh yes found it. a candy rant07:56
elkyhttp://torvalds-family.blogspot.com/2008/10/candyland.html yeah07:57
topyli"this needs to change!" ooh linus can get political, he just needs an issue serious enough07:59
elkyhrm, there's alot of floaties in this vodka. is it supposed to have floaties?08:01
topylii don't think so08:01
elkyprobably part of the dissolving process08:02
topyliyes something's coming off the candy08:04
elkythere's a few stuck to the bottom, and they look fuzzy grey in the areas not stuck to the glass, so that'd be what it is08:04
elkywhere the sal ammoniac is dissolving and leaving a fur of the candy08:04
topyliat least they're dissolving, and so soon too08:06
topyliperhaps vodka is a better stuff for dissolving things than water to begin with08:07
elkyalcohol is a good 'cleansing' agent, remember08:08
Flannelyay solvents!08:09
elkythis ruskov vodka is good. i could have got finnish vodka, but it didnt say how many times it was distilled. this stuff is double distilled, and only $2 more than the cheap single-distilled crap08:09
elkyand $10+ less than triple distilled stuff08:09
topyliyeah and if you're about to mix the vodka with something, you don't really have to get the best stuff08:11
elkywell, even the uber cheap stuff has 'that taste'08:12
elkyi'm talking AUD$20 bottles of vodka. it has that nasty chemical taste to it, even in OJ or whatever08:12
topylilooking at the second  photo, seems to be working08:13
elkyit clouded up after i had a dozen buttons in and whirled it around a bit08:13
elkyi actually work with a turkish guy who could probably tell me where i could get the turkish pastilles08:15
topyliactually they're swedish i think, they just call them turkish :)08:15
Flannel"which step do I start"?  honestly?08:16
elkyi'm sure if i asked around i could find a finn08:17
Flannelstart at, that is.08:17
topyliwell i do know there are lots of finns in brisbane, not sure about the rest of the country08:18
topyliwikipedia says it's "tyrkisk peber" and it's danish08:18
elkywell, i'm laying it on it's side now, and i'm going to go have a bath, since i stink08:21
prince_jammyssheperd: 'linux sux' troll, #ubuntu09:21
prince_jammysoops, kicked already09:21
* jussi01 waves to all!09:31
topylii'm pretty sure howdoidothis is failtroll, kewln00b, failfailtroll etc11:39
topylion -ot11:39
ikoniaI don't think he is as he's talking about a solid topic with reasonable information11:41
topylimore clueful perhaps, yes11:42
ubottufosco_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()11:48
ikoniajpds: well spotted11:48
ikoniajussi01: well spotted11:48
jpdsubot2: lobs-#ubuntu-classroom12:22
jpdsubot2: logs-#ubuntu-classroom12:22
ubottuChannel logs can be found at Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - See also !OpenWeek - See also !OpenWeek12:22
Nafalloehrm. say what now12:26
elky-classroom is where Open Weeks are held12:27
jpdsThe factoid seems to repeat itself a bit though.12:27
topyliit's a chorus12:28
Escsunelky, pm 1 min12:37
ikonianice parting message12:37
ikonialjl has been quite for a while, anyone know if he's ok12:46
jpdsis idle : 0 days 0 hours 0 mins 3 secs12:48
ikonianot seen him speak for ages12:48
bazhangyou woke him :)12:48
elkytopyli, can you please explain to snuxoll what this moron is doing13:21
elkytopyli, oh goodie, here comes the guilt card13:22
topylifortunately i think snuxoll gave up13:23
ikoniaeyes on tavish - he's been a problem in #ubuntu 13:25
ikonia(now in ot)13:25
topylia bit dodgy sometimes on ot too13:25
ikoniaI've given him a reasonably serious talking to in the past13:26
ikoniaalthough I can't remember all the details13:26
topylihe doesn't do outrageously bad offenses, there's just a certain style13:27
elkytopyli, he's what we call a pseudotroll13:34
topylii call them "jerks" :)13:36
stefgsomeone please kick cahaya-03 from #ubuntu ... he's harrassing people with unsolicited pm requests and generally freakin13:50
bazhang<shawnmstout> sudo apt-get install pathtofile/filename.rpm15:41
* nickrud wishes that actually worked15:41
bazhangnow playing in #kubuntu !!!15:42
bazhangonly time I have ever been tempted to say: "man apt"15:44
bazhangerr +get15:45
nickrudjust in the last week, I've trained 2 beginners not to use alien. Or, they provided their own aversion therapy, I just cleaned up behind :)15:45
* genii brews some extra-strong coffee18:38
* nickrud breaks out the antacids18:38
geniinickrud: We're all set then ;)18:39
ikoniaoops sorry jussi01 20:51
stdinikonia: it probably won't work in /msg unless you set a hostmask20:55
stdinbut then there's nothing stopping everyone setting a hostmask and not using @login at all20:55
ikoniaI assume a cloak is a vald hostmask20:55
stdinyeah, it's just whatever the bot will see20:56
stdinmine is *!*@ubuntu/member/stdin20:56
ikoniaI can use that niceley then20:57
stdinthen the bot'll recognise you whenever you connect, whatever your nick (as long as you have your cloak)20:58
stdinand you will, as the bot'll ignore you if you're not identified to NickServ anyway ;)20:58
ikoniawhich is handy20:59
ikoniacould I post this list of users that have bans ranging from Jan 2008 to the end of November 2008 21:23
ikoniaand see if anyone knows/has any objection to removing them, I've left out any I recognise as a known problem, or with obvious comments, a lot are dhcp addresses, and I've checked with chanserv on some of the nick /cloak based bans and they haven't been seen for a while, 21:24
ikoniais it acceptable to post a URL to a list of bans (knowing the channel is logged)21:24
ikoniait just contains the channel/ip of the ban21:24
stdinanyone can see the banlist in #ubuntu anyway21:25
ikoniait would be a good bit of house keeping as there are 64 bans21:25
ikoniastdin: fair point21:25
ikoniaI've left my own bans out as I'm dealing with them now21:25
ikoniaif there are any you recognise or know are a bad idea shout in the next few days and if no-one objects and the council are happy I'll remove them21:26
ikoniamost are dyanmic IP's that will have changed by now21:26
ikoniabe good for the ban list21:26
ubottusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu (dffdgh repeatedly flooding)21:46
ubotturedvamp128 called the ops in #ubuntu (dffdgh:)21:46
FlannelOh... that was ... the channel topic21:47
ikoniaalready done21:47
Flannelyeah, I saw trying to figure out if it was just a language issue or not21:48
ikoniauk ISP - so I would expect an awareness of english21:49
ikonia(not fact - just my opinion)21:49
ikoniaooh it maybe21:49
ikoniait's not the isp I thought it was21:49
FlannelHe ended up just repeating everything that was said to him in the channel21:50
Flannelbut, started out with polish (??) in latin21:51
Flannellatin being ASCII, of course21:51
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)21:58
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)21:58
PriceyWe're aware and dealing with it.21:58
ikonianaughty naughty21:58
ikoniathat's the same IP range as used on the bot attack channel on irc.geekpanties.com21:58
stdinwell, that's a new one21:58
ikoniathat server is just a giant bot host for attacking channels on freenode and its using the same IP range/isp as that attack and the last frew21:59
tomawthat was fun22:04
tomawyou say you've seen them before?22:04
ikoniaooh yeah22:04
ikoniairc.geekpanties.org channel #ubuntu 2000+ bots wating for an attack22:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 2000 in launchpad-foundations "System error on team hierarchy pages" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/200022:04
ikoniaclone of #ubuntu on freenode22:04
ikoniaroookee (user in #ubuntu) let slip about it - he's involved22:04
tomaware they still there?22:05
tomawwith all the bots?22:05
ikoniaI'm banned so can't check 22:05
ikoniajoin it and look 2000+ bots 22:05
ikoniairc server hosted on a home IP, bots hosted on multiple home ISP's 22:06
ikoniagot abotu 5 - 6 clones of freenode channels22:06
ikoniaall full of bots which if you wait around gets information to attack networks22:06
Seeker`ikonia: "clones"?22:07
ikoniaSeeker`: yup22:07
Seeker`what exactly do you mena by a clone22:07
Seeker`channel of the same name?22:07
Seeker`or more involved than that22:07
ikoniasame topic, name, modes on channels22:07
Seeker`what channels?22:07
tomawikonia: irc.geekpanties.org does not resolve here22:08
ikoniaerrr, #ubuntu, #fedora and a few others22:08
ikoniatomaw: hang on 22:08
ikoniaooh it's changed address too22:08
ikoniamaria is the user issuing commands22:09
ikoniamy IP got banned when I busted them22:10
ikoniathink ljl did too22:10
PriceyThey liked me when I took a butchers.22:10
PriceyCan't rememeber the oper I talked to over there, but they were here too. Might check logs when I get access to them later.22:10
ikoniaPici: they liked you ?22:11
ikoniahow nice22:11
ikoniaPricey: sorry - not pici22:11
PriceyAh it was Maria.22:11
ikoniathe comcast IP's you just banned highlighted in #ubuntu which where the same ones as the bots in geekpanties22:11
Priceyforget the nick here though22:11
ikoniarooooookeeeeeeeeeeee was one22:12
ikonia(change number of ooo's and eeee's22:12
tomawseems they have modified things22:12
ikoniaoh really22:12
tomawall clients I could see in #ubuntu were spoofed22:12
ikoniathe server IP has changed, that's for certain22:12
ikoniaI'll rephrase then, the ip's being spoofed some of them showed up as geekpanties #ubuntu bot IP's22:13
tomaw22:11 -!-    #ubuntu Kaze378   H   0  Kaze@378 [Kaze no. 378]22:13
tomawthat's all they show as now so nothing even slightly useful22:13
ikonialooks like a tidy up after being busted22:14
ikonia(in my opinion)22:14
ikonianot saying it is them, but the IP's highlighted22:14
ikoniawhich was a match22:14
tomawwhy did they ban you?22:15
ikoniabecause I busted them doing a bot attack22:15
ikoniaI had my nick as panties4274 or some other bot nick22:15
ikoniaand when they issues a command I didn't respond so they saw I wasn't a bot22:15
tomawthey do seem to have a few k clients22:16
tomawbut their ircd is hiding them addresses so it's not that useful22:16
tomawI'll poke around and see what I can find out22:16
ikoniaI've seen 2 - 3 bot attackes like that which showed a number of their IP addresses22:17
PriceyDid that website do hacked cable modems or am I imagining that?22:18
tomawDo you have a list of hosts before they started spoofing them?22:18
ikoniatomaw: don't know, I'll have to check my logs22:19
ikoniaPricey: the website always seemed to have very little information on it when I looked22:19
stdin#ubuntu still +r ?22:28
PriceyShould ok now.22:29
Seeker`ikonia: ever get your electronics sorted?23:49
ikoniasort of, playing with it23:49
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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