
paltCool, I didn't know about ebox. Looked pretty handy for folks who don't like the config files :)00:04
erichammondHow do I find out the timer frequency in the current running kernel (e.g., 1000Hz)?00:12
erichammondivoks: Thanks.00:25
erichammondWhat if the system in question has a mostly empty /boot (EC2, xen)?00:25
ubuntuBGWhich is the best FTP server for Ubuntu?01:08
Deepsis what's recommended in the documentation01:08
jtajivsftpd is also the only ftp server in main01:09
jtajibeyond that one, I think proftpd is popular01:09
Deepsin main == officially supported01:10
ScottKubuntuBG: Also consider an alternative that doesn't send passwords in the clear.01:10
* jtaji nods01:10
* ScottK is a fan of sftp.01:10
DeepsScottK: vsftpd supports auth tls01:11
maw_what do you guys use to track software/hardware inventory?01:11
ubuntuBGis it work in Ubuntu 6401:11
maw_just in general, production systems / office01:11
erichammondmaw_: Emacs01:12
jtajiubuntuBG: absolutely01:12
maw_I am hoping there is some bling commerical software solution that makes it easy01:13
ubuntuBGIs its configure easy?01:13
Kamping_Kaisermaw_, i suspect having a search in the repos will turn something up01:17
maw_it doesn't need to be ubuntu related, just in general01:20
ubuntuBGis vsftpd included in Ubuntu 8.10?01:20
maw_I thought that sysadmins live here as it is a "server" channel01:20
ubuntuBGnobody is in server channel01:24
jtaji!info vsftpd01:25
ScottKPeople not answering your question is not the same as not here.01:25
ubottuvsftpd (source: vsftpd): The Very Secure FTP Daemon. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.7-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 96 kB, installed size 400 kB01:25
jmarsden|workmaw_: Look at OCSng and maybe GLPI for the inventory tracking stuff -- open source, not closed... you can probably use the (commercial) service from Canonical called landscape; it depends exactly what you are looking for.01:32
maw_something, probably DB driven to track hardware/software inventory for the enterprise01:33
maw_excel is working... but that's getting old :\01:33
maw_ill check those products out - thanks01:34
jmarsden|worknp.  They are more network-oriented than a spreadsheet or a database ... auto updates as machines boot, etc.01:34
maw_do they use agents or snmp?01:35
jmarsden|workAgents (run at boot or login, not necessarily continuously).01:35
jmarsden|workYou *can* use them by hand, at least OCSng you can, but it seems a bit pointless unless you are tracking non-networked machines.01:36
maw_hm, boot would be good... OCS looks like it has a lot of functionality01:36
* ScottK suggests to consider that after transition to a FOSS software base software inventory is a pretty meaningless concern.01:36
ChipzzScottK: it may not be depending on your POV01:37
jmarsden|workScottK: Maybe not if you have to support everything your end users install??01:37
maw_luckily I don't01:37
ScottKBut that's a different set of requirements than "BSA will put me out of business if  I mess up".01:37
Chipzzor if you lack manpower, and want to hire, but need to know what exactly you're running01:37
maw_I think most private companies have an understaffed IT dept.01:41
maw_so good sysadmins are always looking to centralize management and maintenance01:42
Kamping_Kaiseri disagree with that assertion.01:42
maw_even if you have 30 sysadmins and 30 servers... still smart to centralize >.<01:42
Kamping_Kaisercentralising should be done out of necessity, not for its own sake. it makes life extremely hard for those whos services get removed, and reduces the number of people able to fix things (eg, local admin can no longer unbreak things effectively)01:43
maw_if requirements are properly compiled, local requirements can remain intact through GPO01:44
maw_and I am more talking about a one site setup01:44
maw_office / datacenter and X admins to manage both01:44
Kamping_Kaiserthe concept of centralising when you only have one location seems somewhat bizzare to me if i'm honest01:45
maw_so you would rather log into 20 windows server one at a time to patch them, or use WSUS to push patches to all of the boxes with one click?01:45
ScottKIn my experience working for a big company the less central IT had to do with what I was doing, the better off I was.01:46
* ScottK has been in more than one "How about I stop paying for your 'support' and you stop breaking my stuff" meeting.01:46
Kamping_KaiserI would rather not deal with windows servers. but it looks like we use 'centralise' in different ways01:46
Kamping_KaiserScottK, agreed.01:46
KingOfDoscan someone say anything about the postfix/sasl configuration? i think that it's using another file for the mysql setup.01:47
KingOfDosif i enable query logging on my database. after changing the sasl script in /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf so it wil use a query like "SELECT aaaapassword..." the query log stil gives me "SELECT password..."01:47
KingOfDosi want to change the login check so it uses the "where email = '%u@%r'" instead of "where email = '%u'"01:49
ScottKThis is Cyrus SASL, right?01:50
ScottKYou know you can only have one realm, right?01:50
KingOfDoshow do you mean?01:51
ScottKI assume your 'r' is the SASL realm.  You can only have one.01:52
KingOfDosi've got a virtual mail setup. a user in mysql is info@domain.com, sasl then denies the login because the user is 'info' and the realm is 'domain.com'. so i thinked that i just had to change the query01:52
KingOfDosi'd added a clean user, with only the name 'info' and the same password as the 'info@domain.com' account. then it works01:53
KingOfDosbut indeed, i want a multi-domain env. so i guess that i've got to use another package then?01:53
Deeps"$customer advises server is down. When he tries to login he sees a Colonel Panic"01:59
ScottKI'd suggest looking into dovecot sasl.01:59
KingOfDosdo i need to setup an complete dovecot config, or can i only use the sasl methods with my postfix/courier setup?02:04
KingOfDosoh, i'd read over a line at the wiki. now it's clear :)02:07
ScottKIf you look at the server guide, dovecot sasl is what's mostly in the docs.02:10
Shanixhi all, How do I manage the SAN device from Ubuntu?02:22
Shanixafter running the scsiadd -p command, I get the following result:02:24
downhill_"the SAN device"...02:24
ShanixHost: scsi3 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 0002:24
Shanixdoes this look right? or is there are any package that I should install??02:24
tethridgeI'm having a problem with my headless server02:25
Kamping_Kaiseroh yes?02:26
tethridgemy logs keep filling up with "Feb  6 21:26:10 fs1 kernel: [80179.115092] printk: 1 messages suppressed."02:26
tethridgeI've unplugged all usb devices02:26
tethridgeany idea how to stop it?02:27
Shanixdownhill_, anything that I should know about related to the SAN management in Ubuntu? or suggestions?02:27
tethridgeif I do lsusb it locks my console02:27
downhill_"the SAN" there are many types of SANs.02:27
Kamping_Kaisertethridge, can you give us some context for the printk?02:27
tethridgeKamping_Kaiser, I'm not sure what you mean by context.02:27
Shanixdownhill_, it's the HP storagework connected with fibre channel02:28
Kamping_Kaisertethridge, i dont see an inherant problem with messages being suppressed. what about that line worries you?02:28
tethridgewell, I've had the box working as a cups server and it recently stopped02:29
tethridgeI had applied security updates02:29
downhill_oh, I wouldn't know anything about that off the top of my head, Shanix.02:29
tethridgeI thought that maybe it was just a problem with the kernel, but I tried the previous one and it won't work either02:29
downhill_I simply didn't understand the context of your question.02:29
tethridgeplus, lsusb is locking up.  That doesn't seem right.02:29
tethridgeI only use this box for samba, nfs, cups, and a headless virtualbox instance of windows xp so my wife can sync her ipod02:30
tethridgeI've shutdown everything and I still get the messages and lsusb still doesn't work.02:30
tethridgeKamping_Kaiser, here is my post on the forums.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106156502:30
Kamping_Kaisersounds like bad hardware, but the timing is strange. check dpkg's log and see what security updates you installed. perhaps it'll give you some clues02:30
tethridgemaybe that would supply some context.  I have the kernel, lspci and dmesg on there02:31
Shanixdownhill_, the first question would be, what is the command that I need to use to see how the storage device is being recognized in the system? I tried dmesg, didn't find anything02:31
KingOfDosScottK: all the howto's/other type of documents that give me information about dovecot sasl within postfix ar thinking that the user is using local mail. but im using a virtual mail setup02:31
downhill_Shanix: look in /var/log/dmesg then02:32
ScottKI'm not sure what advice to give you.02:32
downhill_the boot info from the command "dmesg" can easily run off the scrollback if your machine has been booted a while02:33
Shanixdownhill_, ok, done that, and grep the word scsi, it shows: http://pastebin.com/m15fc84b702:35
KingOfDosScottK: i won't give up searching. i've got a few suggestions found on the internet, using dovecot in a simular env.02:36
downhill_Shanix: you should read the context of those lines as well, not just grep it ;)02:36
KingOfDosthanks anyhow :)02:37
downhill_anyway, I'm still the wrong person to ask.02:37
KingOfDosi'm going to sleep now (it's already 03:37)02:37
ScottKMay I suggest filing bugs against ubuntu-doc or talking to sommer about what you learn so we can improve the experience of the next guy.02:37
ScottKHe does most of the work on the Server Guide.02:37
tethridgeKamping_Kaiser, I'm not sure what I'm looking for in the dpkg log.  Any other suggestions?02:38
Kamping_Kaisertethridge, to check what packages you installed from security before your sysstem broke. it might give you some idea where to look02:40
Shanixdownhill_, thanks02:59
downhill_sure :p good luck. hopefully someone knows03:01
ksovieroi am having a problem with cups03:57
ksovierowhen ever i install it, on a server in kills that server... all processes, everything stopped when i install cups03:59
mib_6cdwrsb0anyone available for help04:48
ScottKDepends on what kind of help you need.04:48
ScottKBest just to ask your question and see.04:48
mib_6cdwrsb0 a question bout sqiud04:48
mib_6cdwrsb0does it work04:48
mib_6cdwrsb0without editing anything04:48
mib_6cdwrsb0on ubuntu server04:48
mib_6cdwrsb0Soz Squid*04:49
Nat_RHDefine 'work', depends what you want it to do04:49
mib_6cdwrsb0Just run as it should for my windows pcs04:49
mib_6cdwrsb0thanks so much04:50
Nat_RHDefine the networks and you should be good...I'd spend a little time reading up on it however04:50
mib_6cdwrsb0ok thankyou04:51
mib_6cdwrsb0now, on to ndiswrapper ppl who don't talk to me :(04:51
Nat_RHWas that a question?04:54
mib_6cdwrsb0not really :D04:54
mib_6cdwrsb0well depends, if anyone here can help, yes, if not, no04:54
mib_6cdwrsb0arg! downloading ubuntu server is a trek @ 151 kb/s04:55
Nat_RHBetter than some others with 6 CD's04:56
mib_6cdwrsb0How come we're the only people talking04:56
mib_6cdwrsb0you, scottk and me04:56
Nat_RHEverybody else is sleeping...shhhh or you will disturb them04:57
mib_6cdwrsb0so why are they still here?04:57
mib_6cdwrsb0I see :D04:58
mib_6cdwrsb0In that case, XKCD.com04:58
mib_6cdwrsb0Now to give you blow by blow of my instalation of ubuntu server04:59
mib_6cdwrsb0inserts dusty gparted cd04:59
Nat_RHFun stuff04:59
mib_6cdwrsb0ya :D05:00
mib_6cdwrsb0now to boot from disc...05:00
mib_6cdwrsb0my cpu...05:01
mib_6cdwrsb0Ive been cheated out of about 170mhz....05:02
mib_6cdwrsb0from 900 to733 :(05:02
mib_6cdwrsb0I'm scaring you all away...05:04
p_quarlesmib_6cdwrsb0: this is a support channel; take your inane banter elsewhere pls?05:07
mib_6cdwrsb0ok sorry05:08
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
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Lord_DeviI've recently suffered a terrible raid5 failure. Interested in improving the reliability of my fileserver when i rebuild it, I've been looking harder into raid10 and even zfs's raid-z. However I am still left wondering which solutions provide the best protection for me. (Yes.. backup.. I know) Anyone have any advice for me?06:33
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tolgai need help with roundcube. can someone help?08:09
agentktolga: Never heard of it but I do see it in the repos. How about you just throw your question into the fray here.08:16
ropetintolga: based on the recent spate of security issues with it, I'd avoid it :)  Although it is pretty cool.  What's your problem?08:19
UndertakerX2How can i download files from a svn server to my ubuntu lamp server08:38
ropetinUndertakerX2: svn checkout08:41
UndertakerX2svn checkout url ?08:45
ropetinsvn checkout file:///repository_name/project/trunk project08:47
erichammond1UndertakerX2: Or, if you just want a copy without all the .svn subdirectories (with no chance to commit changes): svn export ...08:48
UndertakerX2sorry im trying to learn shell commands still. so i do i download an svn from http://svn.what.cd/repos/project_gazelle to my usr/www folder?08:50
UndertakerX2so how do i*08:50
UndertakerX2svn checkout file:///svn.what.cd/repos/project_gazelle08:51
UndertakerX2is this right? svn checkout http://svn.what.cd/repos/project_gazelle usr/www08:53
UndertakerX2how do i make my ubuntu lamp server avaliable to my LAN only?09:15
ropetinUndertakerX2: don't give it a WAN IP and/or don't port forward to it?  What is handling your Internet connection?09:18
Talon^does anyone know how to get apache2 to work as a common gateway interface with perl, without enabling mod_perl?09:36
Talon^mod_perl has a problem, which doesnt allow perl buffering to be disabled, thus causing a blank screen on any browser for my streaming content09:36
d-bhi there how do i disable the add for landscape in 8.10 ?09:41
UndertakerX2how can i access my ubuntu server with in my network?09:51
d-bUndertakerX2: ssh ?09:51
UndertakerX2i want to actually access the content in usr/www like through a web browser on another pc09:52
d-b/var/www ?09:52
d-bwell what is your other pc running there is winscp or you can use nautilus / other file browsers (which often have support for this).09:53
d-balternatively share it using samba or ftp....09:53
UndertakerX2I dont want it browsed for files, i want it to look like a web site, i want to be bale to access from a win xp computer on the network as if it were a website09:54
UndertakerX2er actually win 7 comp but you get the idea i suppose?09:56
ropetinUndertakerX2: You mean what software do you need on the server, what software do you need on the client, or what do you have to type on the client to access it?09:57
UndertakerX2I want to know what to type for other clients to access it, i have lamp and open ssh, would i really need samba?09:57
ropetinNo, they would use a web browser, like Firefox09:58
d-byou want to export / via apache ?09:59
ropetinIf the IP of your server is, they would type into their browser09:59
UndertakerX2how can i figure out mylocal ip rather then my isp ip?09:59
UndertakerX2nevermind, i got it but i cant access it via
ropetinopen a terminal and type, 'sudo ifconfig | more' and look for the one that starts 10,192,17210:01
ropetinWhat do you get when  you type that?10:01
UndertakerX2server not found, does it matter that ubunru is being run as a vm(guest)?10:02
UndertakerX2sorry it says connection interupted10:02
=== erichammond2 is now known as erichammond
ropetinUndertakerX2: it shouldn't matter that it's in a VM, are they both on the same subnet?10:03
=== erichammond2 is now known as erichammond
UndertakerX2yep same pc for that matter, im trying to acces it on my xp machine which has ubuntu guest10:04
=== erichammond2 is now known as erichammond
ropetinAre you sharing an IP maybe?  How do you have the networking configured in the VM?  What about firewall maybe?10:05
UndertakerX2let me check but it does seem to be sharing an ip10:05
ropetinThat would be a problem then10:05
UndertakerX2well the router says im sharing an ip but ipconfig in win and ifconfig in ubuntu report diffrent ips10:07
ropetinThats better then10:08
ropetinDO you have a firewall running on the server?10:08
UndertakerX2i got it!10:08
UndertakerX2thanks for all the help ropertin10:08
UndertakerX2hmm i cant seem to access a sub dir in www? permision prob?10:09
UndertakerX2dir reports the folder there but win wont access it10:10
UndertakerX2dir in ubuntu*10:10
UndertakerX2ubuntu shows me theres files in the the dir10:12
asteynHi, I know it's not officially supported, but is it possible to upgrade ubuntu server lts dapper to the latest one?  Some rough guide somewhere?  I'm fairly skilled with linux so I'll be able to fix whats not supported, but would like to follow some official procedure as far as possible10:44
asteynAlso, it's mostly running as a lamp type server, any estimates on how many things will break? :P10:44
ikoniaasteyn: just upgrade through the releases10:44
asteynikonia: whats the proper way to do that?10:45
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:45
asteynupdate-manager-core ?10:45
ikoniawell if your running a server with xwindows you can do that10:45
asteynnah, no x ..ok but that link seems to be what I'm looking for10:46
asteynthanks :)10:46
ikoniano problem10:46
UndertakerX2how do i move a set of files and folders from one folder to another10:49
ikoniaUndertakerX2: with the "mv" command10:50
ikoniaUndertakerX2: if your unsure of basic command line interaction, running the ubuntu desktop CD maybe a better learning experience as you can use a solid desktop environment while experimenting with the command line10:51
UndertakerX2yes im aware but im not interested in a desktop.10:52
UndertakerX2thanks for the tips though :)10:53
ikoniathe desktop may make your learning experience easier10:53
ikoniaeg: if there is a problem you can use some of the tools to fix the problem then go back and understand how that happened10:54
ikoniaif you're lacking basic command line awareness of commands like "mv" then it will not be possible for people to talk you through fixing all things with a command line as you'd be lacking the experience10:54
ikoniawhere as using a desktop to fix a problem people can walk you through that, but then can also explain how that would be done through the command line, but in the mean time you'll have a working system10:55
UndertakerX2im aware just forgetfull10:55
UndertakerX2I already have a working system10:55
ikoniaas I said the desktop has an excellent command line interface through terminals, and for learining having  multiple terminals on screen is excellent10:55
ikoniaeg: two terminals open, one to "do" the commands and the other to say check a man page, or the "--help" option of the command etc etc10:55
ikoniajust food for thought10:56
UndertakerX2ikonia, i apreciate the advice, and i dont want to sound rude, but can you accept that i want to run server edition?10:57
ikoniaI can totally accept that, I find it foolish to do unless you are running on enterprise class kit, as the "home user" kit is really better suited to the desktop vesion, but it's your call if you wish to not use the best tools for the job, and make things hard for yourself10:58
ikoniaand of course you can totally disable X server on the desktop version10:59
UndertakerX2well lets see, server installs lamp and works out most of the major configuration for me as oposed to hours in desktop10:59
ikoniaUndertakerX2: it's one command in the desktop version "sudo apt-get install mysql-server apache2 php5"11:00
ikoniaUndertakerX2: not really hours of working out11:00
Deepsactually, it's tasksel install lamp-server11:00
Deepsor apt-get install lamp-server^11:00
UndertakerX2well from the tuts i read it never mentioned that11:00
Deepsto install the lamp-server task11:00
ikoniaDeeps: yes, you can use the meta package11:00
Deepswhich will also perform all post-installation configuration that the server install does too11:00
UndertakerX2thats cool, and informative, but im quite happy with the server edition, slowly but surley getting the hang of things. how is it that the server is enterprise strength though when there esentially the same thing11:03
UndertakerX2i am open to learn ;)11:03
Deepsdepends on your definition of enterprise strength11:04
UndertakerX2well i didnt use the word so i dunno :p11:04
UndertakerX2use it initally*11:04
DeepsI believe ikonia meant that it wouldn't be advisable to run ubuntu-desktop on a machine that should be a server in an enterprise environment11:06
UndertakerX2desktop or server? i understood it as server was enterprise strength?11:07
DeepsI dont see anyone mentioning enterprise strength in here?11:07
Deeps(other than you, that is)11:07
UndertakerX2|04:58| »» [ikonia] I can totally accept that, I find it foolish to do unless you are running on enterprise class kit, as the "home user" kit is really better suited to the desktop vesion, but it's your call if you wish to not use the best tools for the job, and make things hard for yourself11:08
ikoniasorry was away from the keyboard for a moment11:09
Deepsindeed, read what I believe to be clarification of what he was saying11:09
UndertakerX2thats ok just getting educated :)11:09
Deepsah the man himself is here now, he can clarify himself :)11:09
ikoniaI meant things like the kernel has been tweaked for things like large memory configuration ( I doubt your running 32GB of ram in your home desktop) home hardware modules such as nvidia chipsets (forcedeath I think - from memory ) are not present11:10
ikonia(just as an easy example)11:10
UndertakerX2i actually have 40 gb :p11:11
ikoniaUndertakerX2: you've got 40GB of ram11:11
Nafallonafallo@wizard:~$ grep FORCEDETH devel/kernels/ubuntu-hardy/debian/config/i386/config.server11:11
UndertakerX2and i dont care much for nvidia chipsets :p11:11
ikoniaNafallo: oh, it is there - there are others removed11:11
UndertakerX2but i understand what you mean11:11
UndertakerX2one last question if ewither one of you kind souls will assits, when i use mv usr/www/trunk /usr/www it says there the same file11:12
ikoniacheck if it's a symlink11:13
ikoniaI'm not away of /usr/www/trunk11:13
UndertakerX2it shouldnt be, i downloaded a svn repo and it downloaded trunk folder into www11:13
UndertakerX2dir shows the folder is there and files inside11:14
ikoniaUndertakerX2: you've probably messed up the svn checkout11:14
Deepsmv /usr/www/trunk/* /usr/www/11:14
Deepsmay be what you're looking for11:14
ikoniaooh this is the move command you where looking for11:14
ikoniaI thought you said you wheer familier with it - just forgot ?11:14
UndertakerX2deeps it says cant start, no such filer or dir11:15
Deepsyou cant move /usr/www/trunk /usr/www becuase it's attempting to move the dir 'trunk' from /usr/www to /usr/www, which isn't a move at all11:15
ikoniathen look at the path11:15
DeepsUndertakerX2: are you sure your www dir is in /usr and not in /var?11:16
UndertakerX2smacks myself in the head11:16
UndertakerX2i think your right11:16
ikoniacome on11:16
ikoniayou said you knew how to do this11:16
ikoniathe error says "no such file"11:16
UndertakerX2its only 5 am here11:16
ikoniaso ?11:16
UndertakerX2know , yes , its called forgetting and lack of sleep :p11:16
Deepsikonia: easy now11:16
UndertakerX2thanks deeps11:17
UndertakerX2actually it is in usr, just checked11:18
ikoniaUndertakerX2 your svn checkout is probably in usr as that's what you told it to do11:18
ikoniabut the apache root should be /var/www11:18
UndertakerX2hmm alright, usr is the only dir that shows up when i use dir from root11:19
ikoniaI suggest you go to sleep and look at this with fresh set of eyes11:19
UndertakerX2well once this is done i just need to set up a db and then everything ready to go and ill be working with php which im more a custom to11:20
ikoniawell if your making mistakes due to being tired, go sleep and look at it in the morning with fresh eyes11:21
UndertakerX2nah for some reason any time i had a major bug in a php script i always figuered it out when i was real tirerd11:22
ikoniathen do it11:22
ikoniayou seem to have conflicting information11:22
ikoniayou said you know what you do - but forget11:22
ikoniathen you know what to do but your making mistakes11:23
ikonianow you always fix it ?11:23
UndertakerX2but i have been working with php for years, linux months off and on11:23
UndertakerX2no i said i fix php errors11:23
UndertakerX2not linux probs11:23
ikoniaexaclty - so working on it while tired with little experience is not a good idea11:23
UndertakerX2ok thats nice11:23
ikoniaif you sleep on it, and come back with fresh eyes you'll probably see the problems your self11:23
ikoniaand if not you'll be able to debug it easier with us11:23
UndertakerX2atleast im trying here but lets come down hard on the new guy for trying11:25
ikoniano-one is coming down hard on you11:25
ikoniatrying is great,11:26
UndertakerX2well it looks like im not the only one who see it that way11:26
UndertakerX2but whatever11:26
ikoniabut if your new and your making mistakes becauase your tired it's not a good idea11:26
UndertakerX2grub time11:26
psteynHi, I just upgraded my ubuntu dapper server to latest lts, and when I try start mysql I get: /etc/init.d/mysql: ERROR: The partition with your_home_directory/mysql/var is too full!12:38
psteynbut df -h shows my /var parition as only 38% used...and the others are also below 30% use12:39
ikoniapsteyn: have you looked at the file system sizwe ?12:39
ikoniapsteyn: /mysql/var is not /var12:39
ikoniapsteyn: are any of the file systems close to full ?12:39
psteynikonia: no12:39
psteyn./var is the fullest at 38% use12:39
ikoniapsteyn: firt thing to do is look at the init script and see what it's actually calling, then run that yourself to get better output12:40
ikoniapsteyn: also look at the syslog and the mysql.err log in /var/log12:40
ikoniathat may give you a better clue12:40
ikoniapsteyn: also look at your /etc/my.cnf (mysql config) to see what directories are required, "too full" could mean "can't write" which is a permissions error12:41
psteynnah its an init script error, just commented out the exit for now and seeing if it starts12:41
Deepspsteyn: might wanna check what datadir is set to in /etc/mysql/my.cnf12:42
=== KterinK is now known as dou213
psteynok, now my php5 isn't loading its modules..even though the Loaded Configuration File /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini  has extension=mysql.so  extension=mysqli.so  extension=libgd.so  extension=gd.so13:13
psteynany ideas?13:13
UndertakerX2are there any other file editors for command line, tried using the default vi but doesnt play well with my keyboard when suing vi in vmware or win xp13:20
Deepsemacs, nano, pico13:20
Deepsare all popular choices13:20
UndertakerX2ok thanks deeps13:20
andolUndertakerX2: If you are going to install emacs on a server you might want to take a look at the package emacs22-nox. That way you won't have to install all kinds of X dependencies.13:26
UndertakerX2cap lock sorry13:28
techsupporthi, little problem with screen13:37
techsupporterrrr , wrong nick13:37
=== techsupport is now known as orudie
orudiescreen -r13:37
orudieThere are several suitable screens on:13:37
orudie        18928.pts-0.linode      (02/06/09 20:42:17)     (Detached)13:37
orudie        2739.pts-0.linode       (02/02/09 21:43:42)     (Detached)13:37
orudieType "screen [-d] -r [pid.]tty.host" to resume one of them.13:37
UndertakerX2When i try to access my server on my xp machine(ubuntu guest), no problem, but if i try to access it from a win 7 pv on my lan i get connection interupted error. Whats wrong?13:38
Mohammad[B]ubottu, flood13:38
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:38
orudiebroblem ^ with screen13:39
UndertakerX2When i try to access my server on my xp machine(ubuntu guest), no problem, but if i try to access it from a win 7 pv on my lan i get connection interupted error. Whats wrong?13:45
psteynawesome, got the upgrade done...went very smoothly I'm impressed.  From dapper to latest, only a few nags.  Last thing, I'm running 64bit server with 4gbs of ram but it's only showing around 2.5...I know how to fix this in the kernel config, but whats the ubuntu way to get this done13:47
psteynI saw a post saying I should install: apt-get install linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server13:47
psteynWould that do the trick?13:47
UndertakerX2psteyn: are you running ubuntu as a a virtual machine?13:48
psteynno, live server13:49
UndertakerX2k just checking13:49
psteyncurrently my uname -r shows: 2.6.24-23-server13:49
psteynand its running a dual core opteron13:50
psteynhow can I get 4gb or more working on ubuntu server?14:03
LMJpsteyn : choose a 64bits system14:18
LMJpsteyn : by reading, i've seen you already have it14:19
psteynyeah, as far as I can tell it is 64bit already14:21
psteynbut still dont see all ram :|14:21
psteynoh well, im tired now, will worry about that later14:21
psteyncheers, tnx for the help guys14:21
Deepsbug 28354314:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 283543 in wlassistant "archive removal request: wlassistant is uninstallable due to kicker being dropped" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28354314:57
bn43hi all - I have been using ubuntu server for file serving and internet gateway but now have to monitory heavy internet users - draw up a weekly report on each host - loaded ntop and still tryin to figure it out - it loses data on reboot16:12
bn43is anyone an ntop guru here?16:12
CoolColdby users u mean ips ?16:27
CoolColdif yes, u can try to count bytes with iptables16:28
CoolColdthen read them and export data to rrd16:28
CoolColdbut i guess there should be more simple way16:29
imohow can i change my my DHCP to Static IP  ??16:30
imosorry i installed first time ubuntu server16:31
CoolColdnot sure about ubuntu, but in debian - edit /etc/network/interfaces16:31
Deepsimo: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html16:31
imowhere can i find a help file for ubuntu server  ?16:32
imomaybe in german :) ?16:32
Kartagiscan anybody help me about roundcube please?16:36
CoolColdand what the problem is?16:40
Kartagisdoes roundcube check IMAP folders automatically?16:42
imoi have open the file /etc/network/interfaces with nano and i have change the lines16:47
imobut now i dont get any ip :D ?16:48
imoi have changed auto eth016:48
imoiface eth0 inet dhcp16:48
imoiface eth0 inet static16:49
imocan anybody help me please ?17:04
imoi have read the instruction and id do this17:04
imobut i dont get any ip17:04
Nat_RHRestart networking?17:05
imoi restart the server17:06
alex_joniimo: check "ifconfig" and look what it says17:06
imoi checked17:06
imoi dont have any ip17:07
imoonly localhst17:07
imoits strange17:07
Nat_RH/var/log/messages contain any errors?17:08
alex_jonithat means it didn't detect the card17:08
alex_joniprobably a missing driver or such17:08
imothen i use dhcp17:08
alex_joniimo: check "dmesg | grep eth"17:08
imoi get a ip17:08
imohow i tip | ??17:09
Deepsimo: did you remove the 'auto eth0' as well?17:10
imoon ubuntu server i have only console or desktop ?17:10
imoyes i remove auto eth017:11
imoi have only17:11
Deepsyep you probably want that in there still17:11
Deepsauto eth0 means - automatically configure eth0 on boot using the settings in this file17:11
imoiface eth0 inet static17:11
Deepsput the auto eth0 back in and then restart networking and it'll work as you're expecting it to17:11
imono i need static ip17:12
Deepsi know17:12
Deepsauto eth0 means it will automatically configure eth0 on boot using the settings in this file17:12
imoahh ok17:12
imohow can i restart the network ?17:14
imoor must reboot ?17:14
Deepssudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:14
imoi have ip :)17:14
Deepsthe reason it didnt appear in ifconfig before was because it hadn't been configured17:15
Deeps`ifconfig -a` lists all network interfaces, configured and 'up' or not17:15
Deepsan alternative to restarting the entire network would have been to simply `ifup eth0`, and that would bring up the eth0 interface based on the settings in /etc/network/interfaces17:16
Deeps`ifdown eth0` would take it down too, so you can edit interfaces, ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 and update that interface witohut a reboot or restarting the whole network17:16
imohow can i install openVPN ?17:23
DogWaterI'm going to ask a quick / quirky question. If you guys ordered a hosted server from a datacenter with 8.10 - server on it would you expect them to install Gnome / vnc on it?18:52
PurplePlusNot really18:53
geniiIsn't that what ssh is for?18:54
DogWaterRight, I was just wondering. Someone wrote a bad review for a company because they just installed the base-os18:57
DogWaterkinda wierd that these RHCE guys get trained to be all GUI intensive19:00
geniiObviously the reviewer likes his gui tools or so.19:01
DogWaterI mean you can install that stuff from ssh is all i'm saying19:05
DogWateri believe its even all grouped together19:06
geniiDogWater: Yeah the point of having a barebones cli box is so you can set it up however you like19:07
geniiAlthough some web based gui would make more sense than Gnome/vnc or so19:07
DogWateryeah but then you run into security issues with webmin, etc19:08
antdedyetthere is also the ebox framework, which has had some comments about it's ability to manage a ubuntu server via apache serving an http front-end and with some of ebox's back-end management plugins.19:11
geniiWebmin was deprecated and i think now removed. ebox is the supposed replacement but I do not think 8.04 for instance shipped with a working package of it19:12
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.19:12
geniiFor the brave there is also manual install of cipux19:12
antdedyetgenii: not sure on the 8.04 version shipped, if any. it's in 8.10 though.19:12
genii!info ebox hardy19:13
ubottuebox (source: ebox): the eBox platform - Base framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.99-0ubuntu11 (hardy), package size 293 kB, installed size 2324 kB19:13
antdedyetthere you go.19:13
DogWaterive seen some people also try to install cpanel on ubuntu ;-)19:20
DogWatergood times19:20
antdedyetIIRC, some of ubuntu's developers were involved with the ebox development19:21
antdedyetit should gain a little functional merit, from that aspect, one could assume19:22
ethana2hello, wooooooo20:10
woooooooI installed ubuntu server on my computer and then installed a gnome desktop environment on top of that.  By doing so, I wished to be able to have just the CLI of the server for raw processing power, but also be able to open up a GUI to do other things.20:12
wooooooomy problem is that when I load up the ubuntu server, it automatically goes to the GUI.  I would like to go to just the CLI first.  Does anyone know how I can set the GUI to not load automatically????20:13
Deepsat a guess, update-rc.d -f gdm remove20:15
ethana2Deeps: so you're saying just put 'update-rc.d -f gdm remove' into the terminal?20:16
Deeps`update-rc.d -f gdm remove`, rather20:16
Deeps`sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove`20:16
woooooooI'll try it20:18
woooooooit partially worked, but now my sound is disabled 'either because you have no sound devices or your sound card is not configured'20:23
woooooooand my user switcher failed to load20:23
Deepsyour 'user switcher'?20:23
woooooooI guess that that'd be what asks for my user name and password20:24
woooooooand I could guess that that failed to load because I already logged into the server before going to the GUI20:24
ethana2wooooooo: yes.20:24
Deepsyou should just get a text login prompt at boot time now20:25
woooooooyeah, I did20:25
ethana2yeah, then it'd be a bug if you /did/ see the gdm login screen20:25
woooooooany idea what's going on with the sound card????20:25
ethana2generally servers probably don't need sound20:26
ethana2I'd guess it just skipped that20:26
woooooooyeah, but it worked in the GUI before I put in that line to get rid of the automatic GUI start20:26
Deeps`sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start` will start up the gui for you again20:27
ethana2Deeps: so not just 'gdm'?20:27
wooooooogdm didn't start20:27
woooooooI used 'startx' to get here20:27
Deepsthat may work too, but wouldn't be the recommended way20:27
ethana2is it a good idea to use 'sudo' for that?20:27
woooooooit said I didn't have the permissions when I tried to start with 'gdm'20:27
Deepsethana2: that may work too, but wouldn't be the recommended way20:27
Deepsethana2: and yes, you need to start a system service with sudo20:28
ethana2but it doesn't run it as root then20:28
ethana2oh, ok, good20:28
ethana2wooooooo: take that command and alias it20:28
wooooooo'sudo gdm'20:28
ethana2sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start20:28
Deeps`sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start`20:28
ethana2but first20:28
Deepswill bring up your login chooser screen20:28
ethana2gksu ~/.bashrc20:28
ethana2I'm going to make this simpler for you20:28
ethana2gksu gedit ~/.bashrc20:29
ethana2sorry about that20:29
Deepsbad idea btw20:29
wooooooowhat does that do????20:29
Deepsusing aliases to perform system tasks20:29
woooooooI don't mind it bringing up my chooser login screen if it wants to20:29
ethana2Deeps: wait, can non-root apps modify .bashrc?20:30
Deepsethana2: yep20:30
ethana2holy crap20:30
ethana2there goes all my security20:30
ethana2how do I change that?20:30
* ethana2 modifies permissions on his .bashrc20:30
Deepswell, it's typically owned by you20:30
Deepsso your user account can edit it20:30
ethana2yeah, I use that for all my system admin actions20:30
Deepsif your account gets compromised, it can be editted20:30
ethana2I can't have that able to be modified20:30
Deepsif you dont want your useraccount able to modify it, change ownership to root, but allow your user still able to read it20:31
ethana2k, set to read only20:31
* ethana2 does that20:31
Deepsbash may cry at login time though20:31
wooooooosudo /etc/init.d/gdm start20:31
woooooooI'll try that and see what it does20:32
Deepsdo that without X running20:32
ethana2k, done20:32
ethana2I'm glad you told me that, Deeps20:32
Deepsls -la ~20:33
Deepsshows you all the files in your home directory, and the relevant perms + ownership on them20:33
ethana2list -la ~20:33
ethana2ah, k20:33
Deepsls, not list20:33
ethana2list on my rigs20:34
* Deeps rolls eyes20:34
ethana2I just wish long arguments didn't have two dashes20:34
Deepsan alias to make a command longer, logic--20:34
ethana2an alias to support my mom over the phone20:34
ethana2the CLI doesn't have to be scary20:35
ethana2I also have a remove() function that moves files to the trash20:35
ethana2I want to start my own distro20:36
ethana2Ethbuntu : So easy to use, it's not unix anymore.20:36
ethana2wooooooo, I invoke thee20:37
Deepshave a look at linux mint, it's attempting to do that20:39
ethana2well, it goes the wrong way on several things20:39
woooooooThank you, Deeps20:40
woooooooit worked20:40
ethana2I'm going to test the permission changes I made to my .bashrc20:40
ethana2by logging out and in20:40
wooooooobut I have another question20:40
wooooooodo you have any idea how I could get wireless internet on here20:40
Deepsiwconfig i guess20:40
wooooooothe server doesn't seem to be detecting that20:41
Deepsnot sure how you'd go about configuring it in the interfaces file though20:41
woooooooshawn@ubuntu:~$ iwconfig20:41
wooooooolo        no wireless extensions.20:41
woooooooeth0      no wireless extensions.20:41
wooooooowmaster0  no wireless extensions.20:41
wooooooowlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:""20:41
wooooooo          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated20:41
wooooooo          Tx-Power=0 dBm20:41
Deepsnot many servers run on wireless20:41
wooooooo          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2352 B20:41
wooooooo          Power Management:off20:41
wooooooo          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:020:41
wooooooo          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:020:41
wooooooo          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:020:41
Deepsgoogle friend, google is your friend20:41
Deepsas is paste.ubuntu.com20:41
Deepsinstead of pasting it all in here20:42
ethana2works fine20:42
woooooooIt appears that I didn't have a driver that I needed20:57
Deepsiwconfig sees wlan0 as being a wireless device, that means you have wireless support, you just need to configure it21:09
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
woooooooit doesn't seem to be working21:17
=== _AshTray- is now known as AshTray-
wooooooo"unknown hardware address type 801"21:25
woooooooI tried to configure my wireless network, but it doesn't seem to be working21:25
woooooooany ideas????21:25
ethana2wooooooo: run 'lspci', put it on paste.ubuntu.com, and put the link here21:26
ethana2it's likely to be at least marginally helpful21:26
ethana2remember to use your mouse to copy and paste with the terminal21:28
ethana2as ctrl+c does something a little different...21:28
ethana2Deeps: any thoughts?21:30
ethana2ah yes, broadcom...21:31
woooooooDeep thoughts  :)  :)21:31
ethana2in gnome, try the restricted driver manager21:31
Deepswhat command gives you that "unknown hardware address type 801" error?21:31
woooooooshawn@ubuntu:~$ sudo dhclient wlan021:32
Deepshave you configured wlan0 onto an essid?21:32
Deepsyou need to do that first21:33
wooooooohow do I do that????21:33
Deepsgoogle iwconfig wireless ubuntu21:33
Deepsyou can skip past anything about driver configuration, your drivers are fine21:35
Deepsyou just need to configure with iwconfig21:35
woooooooI did lshw and didn't see a driver connected to the device21:40
woooooooconfiguration: broadcast=yes multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11bg21:40
Deepslast time: you dont have a driver issue, you simple need to configure wlan0 with iwconfig21:41
wooooooo1it still doesn't work22:14
wooooooo1shouldn't my wireless be able to just see the available connection????22:14
wooooooo1hm....and I have my network manager in the panel and it shows eth0 and lo as my only options22:15
wooooooo1shawn@ubuntu:~$ iwlist wlan0 scanning22:16
wooooooo1wlan0     No scan results22:16
hadsOh, if you're using network-manager you might get more help in a channel that uses GUIs more.22:16
wooooooo1ah.  The reason I'm here is that I'm installing a GUI on top of the server22:17
wooooooo1and I'm trying to get wireless capability22:17
Deepsif you're using the gui to configure anything, #ubuntu is where you need to ask22:18
larsweyHow do i disable the monitor sleep function?22:50
CoolColdbtw, is there is way to check which binaries/libs where installed 'by hand' ?23:31
CoolColdi guess it could be done with checking md5sums23:31

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