
joumetalbug 319210 has fix available in ppa. nice.00:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319210 in xorg-server "[jaunty] segfault during X startup with randr < 1.2 drivers" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31921000:03
joumetaltormod: New xserver-xorg-core from your ppa works well with i815.00:15
tormodjoumetal: good. will you report upstream?00:16
tormodjoumetal: that is the ubuntu4~tormod version?00:16
joumetalyes that is ubuntu4~tormod.00:20
tormodjoumetal: i815, which driver is that?00:26
tormodoh confusing, I did not have the -intel package installed for some reason00:31
tormodbut I thought the "intel" driver would be used for i815 cards, and "intel" has xrandr 1.2... do you use the "i810" driver?00:33
joumetalno I am using intel-driver. Commenting upstream bug took a while.00:34
tormodjoumetal: thanks00:37
klasikahlhey there... does nayone know where i can find xf86Version.h18:33
klasikahli have found many wacom related posts lamenting its absence, but none seem to offer a solution18:34
klasikahlit's not in any of the many dev packages i have installed in search of it18:34
tjaaltonklasikahl: it's gone18:37
klasikahlyeah that's what i had feared... so any advice on how to compile somethign that explicitly requires it?18:37
klasikahllike the newest wacom driver?18:37
tjaaltonjust don't include it18:37
tjaaltonremove the includes18:37
tjaaltonor just look at what the package in jaunty does18:39
klasikahlwell the jaunty package is an older version.. i found someone seems to have the new version in their ppa18:40
klasikahloh look that person is you! ;)18:40
tjaaltonthe new version doesn't work for me, that's why it hasn't been updated18:40
klasikahltjaalton: what are you testing it with? what kind of laptop/tablet?18:41
tjaaltonan OEM tablet18:41
klasikahli have a tosh m70018:42
tjaaltonthe cursor doesn't move, and all I get is a lot of log noise because of a change made after
klasikahli will let you know how it goes, restarting X in a second here18:46
tjaaltonnot all models have that problem, but mine did18:47
tjaaltonbryce: looks like the intel vblank issue is fixed at last. I'll test the oneliner now18:48
klasikahltjaalton: holy hell it wokrs.18:59
klasikahlcalibration is a bit off... how do i calibrate this thing?18:59
klasikahlgot it19:05
klasikahltjaalton: you're the man....19:05
tjaaltonklasikahl: ok, good to hear21:02

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