
uplinkedthat's *after* work00:00
burkzzzST47, You should be able to run it during boot... I am not 100% sure how to do that right now though, give me a moment. ;)00:00
austin_burkzzz: alright cool!  one more question....or two.  how do i view my files in a browser (running off the server) and ultimately get the online fully..i have  a static IP00:00
tritiumuplinked: please stick to an appropriate topic00:00
guntbertST47: use the live CD00:00
carlitos__somebody   can help me  out  with  this  http://www2.one-eyed-alien.net/~mdharm/linux-usb/00:00
lanzellothhow do I disable "these files are on a picture cd" on nautilus?00:00
austin_burkzzz: error just accoured O.o not enough space??00:01
burkzzzaustin_, Assuming you have a webserver running, all you really need to do is use a browser and type "" in the address-bar. Server will most likely default to showing index.html.00:01
burkzzzaustin_, ...that sounds odd. What's telling you that?00:01
_dbd_l12cousteau: http://tinyurl.com/bj444a00:01
vltHello. How can I modify the time the kernel waits for its root fs before dropping into initramfs shell?00:01
austin_burkzzz: It says "error while copying to "webroot".  Not enough space on the destination.  there is 0 bytes availbe, but 6.3 mb is required00:02
burkzzzaustin_, Hmm... Well, are you sure the drive isn't full on the server? :)00:02
austin_I only have ubuntu server ed. installed, and apache lamp, and i think a few other thigns00:02
austin_but its like a 18 GB HDD00:02
austin_so its got plenty of room00:02
ST47I'm actually having the exact same issue, everything tells me I have no disk space left, even though I have plenty00:03
true\falseFor a netbook.. Normal or netbook remix ubuntu?00:03
cousteau_dbd_l12: lol... (ok, I got the message)00:03
ST47Someone suggested I should fsck, but I can't look up how, because I can't get any programs to run00:03
burkzzzaustin_, Hmm... Sounds strange. Does your user have rw access to the directory on the box?00:03
Syzothermyturns out it wouldn't even connect after doing that00:03
austin_burkzzz:  Rw?  i don't know, austin is the only account on it00:04
burkzzzST47, Found something interesting, you could try running `touch /forcefsck` and rebooting. Apparently Ubuntu checks for the existance of /forcefsck and if it's there, fscks on boot.00:04
burkzzzaustin_, hmm... well, it could be that the user austin doesn't have rights to write to the /var/www directory. what OS is the server running?00:04
ST47burkzzz: Though that brings me back to the no space left on device error. I'll go and fudge about in the recovery console...00:04
guestwhat caommand can i use to stream log content? ( program adds lines in log and i want to see newly added lines)00:05
monthlylovest47 can you boot into single user mode00:05
burkzzzST47, ouch, annoying situation. :P Should be a GRUB option somewhere as well!00:05
monthlyloveand fire up fsck?00:05
austin_burkzzz: I'm running ubuntu server ed.00:05
guestfsck you00:05
skyboundvlt: beyond changing kernel source i only know one way: create an initrd image with your own linuxrc script (and busybox or such) which calls "sleep x", mounts the real rootfs and execs /sbin/init00:05
ST47I'm going to try that. bbiab.00:05
Brett_LaptopI'm moving from Windows to Unbuntu, though I am having troubles.. can someone help me.00:05
monthlylovebest of luck00:05
guesttry to fsck :)00:05
burkzzzguest, looking for `tail -f file` perhaps? Updates when the file does.00:05
_dbd_l12Syzothermy: what does iwconfig give (you can paste at http://paste.pocoo.org)? Can you do a iwlist wlan0 scan ?00:06
guestburkzzz: thnk you!00:06
burkzzzguest, You're welcome. :)00:06
Brett_LaptopI need to install it from USB stick, but im not sure how to put the ISO on it so it is bootable..00:06
Brett_LaptopDoes anyone know how to do this, so I can install ubuntu?00:06
CyberGabberNormally i see in Gnome a Panel at the top and a panel at the bottom of my screen. Now i hev to move my mouse up/down the screens to see them. It looks like there's 1 row to few on screen. howto set to original?00:06
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: do you have a windows box lying around?00:06
Brett_LaptopIm on windows right now00:06
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: http://pendrivelinux.com has bat files00:06
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: that will download the iso, unpack it, and make your drive bootable00:07
Syzothermyyou mean with a changed /etc/network/interfaces or not, _dbd_l12 ?00:07
burkzzzaustin_, Hmm... Alright, if you SSH into the box again using `ssh`, and run `ls -l /var` you should see a line containing www.00:07
elhoirhello, i have problems installing ati propietary drivers in Ubuntu 8.1000:07
_dbd_l12Syzothermy: yes00:07
elhoirit slowdowns my computer a lot00:07
SyzothermyK, changing again :P00:07
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: you can also use UNetBootIn, which is additionally multi-platform and supports TONS of distros/versions, but i've found that the pendrivelinux bat files work more reliably from windows00:07
elhoirmay someone help please?00:07
SyzothermyActually, can you send the wep thing's link again? <.<00:08
Brett_Laptopahhh okay00:08
slusk88anyone know how i get ctrl alt f1-f6 working i just get a blank screen (ubuntu 8.10)00:08
_dbd_l12elhoir: the open ati are quite good iirc (i'm on nvidia, so i'm not 100% sure), why would you want to install the proprietary ones ?00:08
Brett_Laptopso these bat files i place on my usb stick along with the ISO?00:08
Brett_LaptopDo I need not format the USB stick to work properly?00:09
_dbd_l12elhoir: open ati drivers i mean00:09
Syzothermynvm, got it00:09
austin_burkzzz: yes, i see the line...its the lst one, www is written in blue00:09
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: format the stick to fat3200:09
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: download the proper bat file for ubuntu 8.10 to your desktop, and run it00:09
joblessHey, can anyone help me with adding startup programs in ubuntu?00:09
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: it'll download the iso to your desktop, unpack it, move it to your flash drive, then make your drive bootable00:09
burkzzzaustin_, run `ls -l /var | grep www` and paste the result here, should just be 1 line.00:09
elhoir_dbd_l12 - i tried them also, with same results.. my computer is slowed down too much00:09
binarymutantjobless, startup meaning from the time the computer starts or from the time you login?00:10
unopburkzzz, heh.  ls -l /var/*www*00:10
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: if you're on Vista with UAC enabled, making the drive bootable will fail- after it's all done, then navigate to the drive, manually, right click on "makeboot.bat" and click "run as administrator." it'll tell you to do this.00:10
_dbd_l12elhoir: are you sure it is the video drivers? If your machine is aging you could give xubuntu a try...00:10
unopburkzzz, your grep could throw up very strange results00:10
alabamahitcan ubuntu be install on a Mac?00:10
austin_burkzzz: here we go : drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 2009-01-04 11:06 www00:11
joblessbinarymutant, yes, I added a startup program in ubuntu using system->preferences->session .. the program runs fine, but I cannot redirect the stdout of the program00:11
uplinkedalabamahit: briefly, yes.00:11
burkzzzunop, well your version just gave me "/var/*www*: no such dir" :P00:11
elhoir_dbd_l12 - pretty sure, its performance is ok when i uninstall drivers, and it was ok with my old nvidia card00:11
alabamahituplinked: without abunch of work?00:11
binarymutantjobless, um let me try and see00:11
burkzzzaustin_, ah, there's your problem. the user austin is not authorized to write to the folder.00:11
Brett_LaptopUPLINKED is this it?00:11
tritiumalabamahit: yes00:11
binarymutantjobless, you might just want to put it in .xinitrc00:11
ST47It works now.00:11
uplinkedalabamahit: i've never tried, personally, but if i had to guess, i'd say "yes"00:11
austin_burkzzz: xD how did you find that out with that line i gave you?00:11
tritiumalabamahit: intel or PPC?00:11
alabamahitsweet :)00:11
ST47Turns out the recovery console has a 'fsck' command00:12
unopburkzzz, i really wonder why that is .. not00:12
alabamahittritium: PPC00:12
tritium!ppc | alabamahit00:12
_dbd_l12alabamahit: if you have a PPC processor you may have a look at yellow dog linux00:12
burkzzzaustin_, the "drwxr-xr-x" part is very telling ^^00:12
ubottualabamahit: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ00:12
tsrkhow can I see the default config files of a server application?  and how can i tell it to restore all the default config files?00:12
elhoir_dbd_l12 - i have an Athlon 64-bit 3000+ wit h2 Gb RAM, using Ubuntu 8.10 32-bit00:12
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: use this00:12
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-810-install-from-windows-non-persistent/00:12
alabamahitThanks Everyone :)00:12
burkzzzunop, *doh* wrong box... I fail as usual :p00:12
joblessbinarymutant, so I added this line in the sessions /pathtomyprogram/program options > /pathtomylogfile/mylogfile 2>&1 .. I don't see the log :(00:12
_dbd_l12elhoir: this shouldn't be a problem then, can't help you any further with this ati-specific issue i'm afraid00:13
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: it's 8.10 instead of 8.04 :) unless you wanted LTE. the first link under "Step One" is the only thing you need to download, it'll automate the rest for you00:13
austin_burkzzz: eh,... o.o idk, anyway how do i get it to let me have permission?00:13
elhoir_dbd_l12 - its ok, thanks anyway00:13
burkzzzaustin_, hmm... I'm not actually sure what the best way to proceed would be. i've always managed to weave a tangled web of permissions, but never really looked into the proper way of solving the issue. Anyone else have suggestions? Should he just go for a `sudo chown austin:austin` or chmod? or create a group?00:13
binarymutantjobless, let me try, I'm going to log in and out brb00:13
Brett_Laptopso i want 8.1 instead?00:14
_CWMS_ 00:14
burkzzzand unop, I just realized why your plan was a bad idea... my server lists the contents of www, which are completely irrelevant!00:14
unopburkzzz, heh.  ls -dl /var/*www*00:14
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: 8.10 is the newest stable release. 8.04 is "long-term support edition", which will have technical support for a garunteed 3 years. if you intend to upgrade to newer versions as they're released, LTE (8.04) is nothing more to you than "an old version"00:15
burkzzzunop, Better. Thanks for the tip, will remember that. ;)00:15
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Brett_LaptopHmm, now comes the problem. I have a friend who highly recommends linux mint over ubuntu (even though they are the same practically)00:15
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Brett_Laptopwhich would you choose, since you have a lot of experience00:16
burkzzzaustin_, you could just change ownership of the folder to austin, which might not be a great idea if you're going to be working with a bunch of others on the server, but if it's all yours... then i don't really see any obvious problems.00:16
tritiumBrett_Laptop: obviously, the answer you'll here is ubuntu.00:16
burkzzzBrett_Laptop, asking in the Ubuntu channel? I'm guessing ubuntu ;)00:16
austin_burkzzz: ok, yes, i'm the only one.. how do I go about doing this?00:16
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: I used mint for ~1 month, didn't like it much00:16
Brett_LaptopOkay, so which one is the proper distro? http://www.pendrivelinux.com/category/new-usb-linux-tutorials/00:16
Brett_Laptopfor installing a partition beside vista on my HD00:16
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: it felt like Ubuntu with a sack over it's head.00:17
Brett_Laptop(Still need to keep vista for my visual studios!)00:17
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: use this one -- http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-810-install-from-windows-non-persistent/00:17
burkzzzaustin_, `sudo chown austin /var/www` should do the trick.00:17
binarymutantjobless, I would use ~/.xinitrc instead00:17
joblessbinarymutant, thanks for doing this00:17
burkzzzaustin_, actually, you might want to run `sudo chown -R austin /var/www` to make sure you can edit the files in there too. ^^00:18
icqn!info jin00:18
ubottuPackage jin does not exist in intrepid00:18
swatTXcan someone help me with a screen resolution problem?00:18
burkzzzswatTX, Describe it and we'll try :)00:18
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: have you partitioned your disk for dual booting yet? or is vista taking up the full thing?00:18
austin_burkzzz: alright, it uh, just moved on...like no other text came up when i pressed enter.  is this right?00:18
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: i'd advise against trying to resize the NTFS drive, i just did that yesterday and wound up hosing my vista install00:18
joblessbinarymutant, so just add the command to ~/.xinitrc?00:18
tsrkWhenever I reload proftpd it starts having problems...00:18
swatTXcan only get max 800x600 resolution00:18
burkzzzaustin_, yeah, means everything went perfect :)00:18
russia213I just had to reinstall windows because GRUB screwed up my hard drive, can I get help with it now?00:18
binarymutantjobless, yep :)00:18
burkzzzaustin_, try putting a file in ~/webroot on your client now!00:19
elhoiranyone else has any idea?00:19
austin_burkzzz: eh, still same problem00:19
joblessbinarymutant, let me try it :) .. oh can I create the file if it doesn't already exist?00:19
unopaustin_, burkzzz, it's not a good idea changing the permissions of /var/www like that00:19
binarymutantjobless, ya, I'm going to try it too just to make sure00:19
joblessbinarymutant,  cool00:20
burkzzzunop, yeah, but I asked and nobody gave me a better suggestion. :/00:20
austin_unop: what do you suggest?00:20
burkzzzunop, What is the proper way of doing it?00:20
rblsti have a loud buzzing noise before playing any youtube video, before each one, but if i go back to the beginning of one while playing or after it is finished, there is no noise00:20
unopaustin_, burkzzz -- use the apache mod_userdir and place things in your ~/public_html00:20
swatTXburkzzz, i can't get more than an 800x600 resolution00:21
austin_unop: eh, well how do i do that....I don't understand all that linux lingo just yet00:21
Brett_LaptopThanks a lot uplinked00:21
unopaustin_, burkzzz -- if you absolutely insist on putting files in /var/www .. use sudo - there's a reason root owns that directory, it's so it doesn't become compromised00:21
Brett_Laptopim doingthis now00:21
binarymutanthow come .xinitrc doesn't work?00:21
burkzzzunop, Hmm... Could you explain that to austin_ then, I'm fairly inexperienced at digging around in httpd.conf... Aliases and SymLinks I get. ^^00:21
mun_how do i dynamically limit bandwidth per process in ubuntu? i've tried trickle, but it doesn't seem to allow speed changes after the program has been open.00:21
binarymutantdo I need to link .xinitrc to .Xsession?00:21
unopaustin_, have a read here - http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_userdir.html00:21
burkzzzswatTX, what graphics card?00:22
uplinkedBrett_Laptop: Glad to help, good luck!00:22
swatTXburkzzz, how can i find out?00:22
Droopsta915Why are all the smaller pictures on the internet blurry?00:22
burkzzzaustin_, To change things back like they were before I went in and broke stuff (sorry :/ ), type `sudo chown -R root /var/www` and listen to unop. ^^00:22
binarymutantjobless, it didn't work either hang on, .xinitrc works in other distros I use00:23
burkzzzswatTX, To be honest, I haven't got a clue. I'd guess Google does though...00:23
austin_burkzzz: its all good, thanks for your help :)00:23
austin_unop: i read it, and don't really understand it00:23
Droopsta915What can I do to improve the quality of the pictures online?00:24
burkzzzaustin_, You're welcome. :) I guess I'm just too used to setting up testing servers to play around with... Quite inexperienced at proper UAC. Anyways, good luck if you're digging into httpd.conf. :P00:24
austin_unop: I don't know anything about apache00:24
austin_and burkzzz: yah man, thanks00:24
_dbd_l12swatTX: could you paste the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:24
Droopsta915Everything was fine untill I installed 8.10 from 8.04.00:24
_dbd_l12swatTX: into http://paste.pocoo.org00:24
Syzothermy_dbd_l12 : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/V4TOuU5zSgkesbSuQwwB/ <-- network-manager completely doesnt work with it being edited00:25
binarymutantwhy doesn't .xinitrc work for me? I've linked it to .xsession, what's going on?00:25
swatTX_dbd_l12, its on a different laptop w/ no internet00:25
unopaustin_,  here http://microwavebiscuit.wordpress.com/2007/03/31/apache-mod_userdir/00:26
joblessbinarymutant,  It did not work for me either, so added it to ~/.profile and made it run in the background. It works!00:27
_dbd_l12Syzothermy: could you try sudo ifup wlan0 to see what that gives00:27
binarymutantjobless, .profile aye, well thanks for the help :)00:27
joblessbinarymutant, I still don't understand what happens to the stdout and stderr when the programs are added to the sessions00:27
unopaustin_, though, it might be better to edit  /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default  instead of the one he recommends there00:27
rblsti have a loud buzzing noise before playing any youtube video, before each one, but if i go back to the beginning of one while playing or after it is finished, there is no noise00:27
Syzothermy_dbd_l12 : anything else while I edit it again and reboot yet again? (the restart command doesnt seem to do anything)00:28
binarymutantjobless, no clue, but I think it's because the sessions thing doesn't run it from a shell00:28
joblessbinarymutant, hmm, maybe they are sent to the endless void called /dev/null ;)00:28
Syzothermyoh, is that to ge network-manager working?00:29
_dbd_l12Syzothermy: hang on for a while, could you try "ps -el | grep dhcp" after booting ?00:29
austin_unop: eh, trouble in step one x(00:29
binarymutantwhy does .profile autostart programs but not .xinitrc linked to .xsession?00:29
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SyzothermyK, brb again00:30
unopaustin_, gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default  # then place   UserDir public_html   on a line below the ServerAdmin directive00:31
unopaustin_, once done.   sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart  # to restart apache00:32
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austin_unop: i'm getting this: gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default #00:32
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austin_unop: wrong thing: -bash: gksudo: command not found00:32
austin_sorry about that00:32
unopaustin_, what distro? version?00:33
austin_unop: i'm using GUI ubunut 8.04 64 bit00:33
austin_unop: 8.10 scuse me00:33
austin_unop, 8.10 server ed. for the server comp.00:33
unopaustin_, sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default  #then00:34
OnyxIs it possible to pull up historic pages on the ubuntu help wiki?00:34
austin_unop: EEEK lots of text.00:34
austin_unop: what with this now?00:34
_dbd_l12austin_: if nano is not installed, try pico00:34
unopaustin_, place   UserDir public_html   on a line below the ServerAdmin directive - probably line #200:34
adubzhas anyone been able to get dolphin emulator working in ubuntu00:35
unopaustin_, or #3 even00:35
brutos1sthi can someone tell me pls whats the german ubuntu channel00:35
nikrudunop, wouldn't sudo a2enmod userdir get the results you're looking for?00:35
jtajibrutos1st: #ubuntu-de00:35
austin_unop: what, do i just scroll down to the botton and type that in?00:35
unopnikrud, the module is loaded by default - but you still need the directive in your site for it to be enabled and working00:35
swatTX_dbd_l12: anything?00:36
austin_unop: oh i think i see it00:36
unopaustin_, no, not at the bottom - just somewhere after line #1 will do  (btw, aren't you reading me well?)00:36
nikrudunop, that's provided in mods-available/userdir.conf iirc (don't have apache installed in this vm at work)00:36
bryanbHas anyone looked at this iMagic OS distro? lol00:36
IntuitiveNipplenikrud: That is correct... there's a .conf file associated with most mods00:37
austin_unop: yah, sorry about that.  and yes, now i have it type in there.  under ServerAdmin webmster@localhost00:37
unopnikrud, that's what i said - the module is loaded by default, but it doesn't automagically work with your site - you still need the directive00:37
* nikrud wonders why he only ever used the a2enmod command then00:37
unopaustin_, right00:37
swatTXcan anyone help me figure out why i can only get max 800x600 resolution, here is my xorg.conf http://paste.pocoo.org/show/103023/00:37
_dbd_l12swatTX: i just pm'ed you suggestions for the /etc/x11/xorg.conf file00:37
austin_unop: excellent, now what do i do00:38
unopaustin_,  save the file and restart apache00:39
Syzothermy_dbd_l12 : I just realised that although the network-manager icon says i'm not connected to anything, I do indeed get a connection00:39
austin_unop: save? lol cntrl+s?00:39
unopaustin_, ctrl+x  i believe .. you should see a legend at the bottom of the screen00:39
_dbd_l12Syzothermy: with the new /etc/network/interfaces of without ;-)00:39
austin_unop: ^x just says exit00:40
SyzothermyI'm not sure what it'll do if it disconnects yet though00:40
unopaustin_, might be ctrl+o then .. i'm not sure00:40
austin_unop: write out?00:40
_dbd_l12Syzothermy: well you can check that in the future with "ifconfig" in the terminal00:40
unopaustin_, yep, that's it00:40
IntuitiveNippleThe userdir module's .conf file sets public_html up for all /home/*/public_html directories, so it should apply on *all* sites/virtual domains by default00:40
SyzothermyYeah, I just figured that the "not connected" icon means that i'm not connected00:41
Syzothermykind of a linux noob here =P00:41
Watkinsi have a question, what is it to install vncserver? sudo apt-get install ??00:41
austin_unop: alright, it gave me a new legend, Get help, to fils, mac format, prepend, backup file, append, dos format, and cancel00:41
austin_unop: i want to say its ^T to files?00:41
BrianTheCoderok, I used to know how to do this, but its been a while since I setup a box, how do I give a user sudo privleges?00:42
unopaustin_, now, exit .. ctrl+x00:42
n8tuserWatkins -> if you can get hold of x11vnc  its a slightly better vnc server00:42
_dbd_l12swatTX: can you check if you have xrandr installed (try typing it in the terminal)00:42
austin_unop: there is not control x, its confiming my file name to write00:42
IntuitiveNippleBrianTheCoder: sudo visudo00:42
joshjtlhi, can anyone tell me what i need to install to be able to extract an rpm ?00:42
austin_unop: i think00:42
BrianTheCoderplus this is my first time setting up a box with ubuntu, used to gentoo00:42
IntuitiveNippleBrianTheCoder: See man sudoers00:43
unopaustin_, maybe you didn't write_out successfully .. confirm it anyway00:43
jtajiBrianTheCoder: on Ubuntu, add the user to the admin group00:43
SyzothermySo I assume that network-manager is completely unneeded, correct? any way to get rid of that icon up at the top right? just uninstall it?00:43
austin_unop: confirm with what??00:43
_dbd_l12BrianTheCoder: adding to /etc/sudoers file with the sudoers command iirc00:43
austin_unop: Get help, to fils, mac format, prepend, backup file, append, dos format, and cancel00:43
Xae8kooI have a bunch of music, what program can sort it, give it the correct metadata, and that kind of stuff?00:44
IntuitiveNippleBrianTheCoder: jtaji has the better way, if *all* you want is additional admin's00:44
Xae8kooI am currently using Music Player00:44
unopaustin_, ctrl+x  should just take you out - i'm not sure why you are seeing this00:44
swatTX_dbd_l12: it is installed and list the max at 800x60000:44
nikrudXae8koo, banshee, amarok <-- players with some metadata manipulation; easytag is the swiss knife of metadata handling00:45
austin_unop: xD i didn't click enter when it asked me to over right.. god i'm a noob...ok its all closed now :)00:45
_dbd_l12swatTX: well then i'm afraid i'm out of suggestions...00:45
BrianTheCoderIntuitiveNipple: I just need a user to run certain commands with sudo when doing a deploy00:45
Xae8koonikrud: banshee sounds cool00:46
joshjtlhello, does anyone know what i need to install to be able to extract an rpm file?00:46
IntuitiveNippleBrianTheCoder: If you want to restrict them to commands, then what I said originally is best... add specific options to the sudoers file using "sudo visudo" and read "man sudoers" to figure out the syntax00:46
nikrudXae8koo, that's my preferred; handles my nano well00:46
BrianTheCoderIntuitiveNipple: cool, thx00:46
cn28hjoshjtl, try alien00:46
unopaustin_, ok. restart apache and create a directory ~/public_html  .. you should be able to see the contents of it at http://localhost/~yourusername00:46
jtajiBrianTheCoder: in that case you might want to add entires to sudoers with just what you need... as IntuitiveNipple said, and here are some handy examples too http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/sample.sudoers00:46
russia213Can someone help me reinstall GRUB?00:47
nikrud!alien | joshjtl cn28h (you know, eats the guts of it's host)00:47
ubottujoshjtl cn28h (you know, eats the guts of it's host): RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)00:47
Xae8koonikrud: I have only 2.6 GB of music, so it is not that much to import.00:47
Decepticonwhat is this ~/Public dir00:47
XDS2010does anyone here use SSH or SSHD   religiously ?00:47
joshjtlnikrud: I don't want to convert it I just want to extract it00:47
Osah_!seen ubuntu00:47
ubottuI have no seen command00:47
Decepticonis it safe to delete ~/Public00:47
perilluxa motherboard GPU has an integrated video card right?00:47
nikrudXae8koo, banshee can leave the music in place and just index it00:47
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:47
austin_unop: ok, how to i turn apatche back on00:47
joshjtlcn28h: I don't want to convert it, just extract it00:47
swatTXanyone else have any ideas on how to set my max resolution above 800x600?00:47
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: I use ssh atheistically :)00:48
nikrudjoshjtl, alien is ok then. Or just right click the file and select open with archive manager, I think it handles rpms00:48
unopaustin_,  sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart00:48
Decepticonis it safe to delete ~/Public ?00:48
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  can you understand the following question ........ http://www.netonecom.net/tbchat/pastebin/files/f1d1c6b4e5a1_THO.html00:48
nikrudDecepticon, sure.00:48
Xae8koonikrud: I want it in a sensible folder structure.00:48
joshjtlnikrud: it doesnt, and i don't want to install all the alien deps00:48
Decepticonnikrud why do you say that, what uses this and who made it and why is it there and why can i delete it00:49
nikrudjoshjtl, install mc then, it can read rpms fine00:49
nikrudDecepticon, it's something you can use with samba00:49
gatewarstrekwindow 100:49
Decepticonnikrud i dont care about samba, i have my own shares that ive defined00:49
Decepticonso its safe to rm without screwing something up royally00:50
jtajiDecepticon: yes00:50
nikrudDecepticon, I think I just said that00:50
Decepticonnikrud i wanted to understand why you said that, not just trust your statement00:50
austin_unop: i make the new folder in my HOME?00:50
Decepticonnikrud is it a crime to do that, to have you repeat/explain yourself00:50
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: I can't understand what the phrase ""non prejudice"" means00:50
russia213In Places ----> Computer I see a drive called "filesystem" what is it?00:50
unopaustin_, yes,  a directory named  ~/public_html  where you put all your content00:51
austin_unop: i put in all the conten now? rght00:51
nikrudDecepticon, I expect you to read what I say, then make a decision on whether or not you trust what I said. I'm not here for an inquisition of my ideas.00:51
unopaustin_,  right00:51
_dbd_l12russia213: it's the root folder of your filesystem00:51
wet-kunwhat does USB error 110 means?00:51
nikrudrussia213,  that's the equivalent of   /   directory in the terminal00:51
Decepticonnikrud i need to determine wheter your statements are trustable or not by asking you the reason you think why it is safe to do such a thing, which you didnt initially provide a reason, you just said yes00:51
russia213_dbd_l12, nikrud: Thank you ^^00:52
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  do you know what it means to be prejudice ?00:52
austin_unop: alright, i dragged the folder into it.....(could i have used the webroot folder?)00:52
nikrudDecepticon, then I told you what it was for. Then you went into inquisition mode. Waste of my time00:52
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: I *think* what you're getting at would be dealt with by creating an ssh key locally, and then installing that on each user@server you want to connect to.00:52
BrianTheCoderIntuitiveNipple: how do I add a user to the admin group?00:52
Decepticonnikrud lets drop this, let me ask another question00:52
Xae8kooCan banshee automatically figure out what the name of the song is?00:53
unopaustin_, i dunno what webroot is .. but yea, anything with html, css, js, images, etc (if that's what you mean)00:53
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  no not really00:53
BrianTheCoderIntuitiveNipple: just add the user name in the group file after adm?00:53
Decepticonnikrud, by the same token, what is ~/Documents ~/Examples ~/Music ~/Pictures ~/Private ~/Public and ~/Templates00:53
nikrudXae8koo, you mean query a cddb? No, that's done from the cd track id.00:53
IntuitiveNippleBrianTheCoder: sudo adduser <user> <group>00:53
Decepticonnikrud also ~/Videos00:53
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  I want to make sure that  access/modification/creation times keep there "chains" when using multiple hosts00:54
Xae8koonikrud: Like music brains stuff00:54
nikrudDecepticon, the titles of each of those are self explanitory. Some apps use those by default; but all apps let you choose your own default00:54
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: "chains" ? You mean you want to ensure the modification times are accurate?00:54
pcuserhi does ubuntu have driver support for the Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT?00:54
austin_unop: alright, the files are in, what now? i type that thing in the address and my website shoudl show?00:54
Kenginemy laptop isnt getting wifi in networkmanager00:54
nikrudpcuser, excellent support00:54
Decepticonnikrud would you say they are safe to rm as well, i see a ~/.Private/ as well, what of it?00:55
russia213I have windows XP installed on my C:\ (sda1) drive and Ubuntu on my external HDD (sdc1) Last time I tried to install GRUB it messed up my drive C:\ it messed it up, does that have something to do with the Unallocated partition on my C:\ and if so, can I install GRUB while avoiding said partition?00:55
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  so one access/modification/creation time for one file (whatever file that might be) is not changed when i connect to one host but it IS changed when i connect to another.00:55
unopaustin_,   navigate to http://localhost/~yourusername00:55
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  understand ?00:55
swatTXanyone else have any ideas on how to set my max resolution above 800x600?00:55
pcusernikrud, so i am safe to get it:-}00:55
CMooneySit really close to the screen?00:55
nikrudDecepticon, I see no private. And yes, you can rearrange your home dir visible folders as you see fit. Myself, I'm not thrilled with a windows like home00:55
CMooneySorry, sarky answer.00:56
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: hmmm, that sounds weird to me, and no, I can't think how you'd do that without somehow encapsulating the ssh client session in some kind of wrapper00:56
nikrudDecepticon, for example, my equivs are all lowercase00:56
Decepticonnikrud me too00:56
nikrudXae8koo, I've never actually noticed00:56
austin_unop: says the URL is not found on this server :(00:56
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  a strace might help with this  BRB00:56
Draciehi I can't seem to get the proper HD rez on my desktop running with the nv binary driver, has aonyone noticed this?00:56
nikrudXae8koo, and my music is on my home machine, I'm just killing time listening to the senate and messing around in this vm at work00:56
IntuitiveNippleDoes anyone else understand what XDS2010 is trying to do? It's totally confused me!00:57
Decepticonnikrud i think there is some bit of the screensaver that llooks in ~/Pictures for slideshow screensaver... is this true?00:57
austin_unop: lol i typed in the thing with /index.html and it dispaleyd the text "it works!"00:57
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  but DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION ?00:57
unopaustin_,   no, that's not it00:57
XDS2010sorry for caps00:57
unopaustin_, that's still reading /var/www/index.html00:57
=== apc_ is now known as Peddyt
austin_unop: oh ok, well then, what now? this is what i typed in:
unopaustin_, make sure you've typed your username correctly.  e.g.  http://localhost/~austin00:58
Xae8kooDoes banshee have an export feature? To just export to a random foldder?00:58
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: As I said, no, it sounds weird and the phrases you use aren't generally understandable English... is your first language something other than English?00:58
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple: unfortunately no it isn't00:58
nikrudDecepticon, no clue, never used glslideshow00:58
XDS2010My first language is english00:58
hikenbootdoes ubuntu any longer have an alternatives cd and does it support LVM on RAID one for system partition00:58
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  sorry i don't speak anything else but english00:59
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: OK, that would explain the confusion...maybe we'd better sort the communication out first :)00:59
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010:  what's your first language?00:59
austin_unop: yah, i typed it all in right00:59
=== john is now known as Guest17230
unopaustin_, preceded your username with a ~ ?01:00
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple: english01:00
loner269how do i go back to 8.04 i made a mistake going to 8.1001:00
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: ahhh, I misread your reply.  Well, your phrasing in your question is something I've never seen before01:00
austin_unop: did that too:
nikrud!downgrade | loner269 (reinstall)01:00
ubottuloner269 (reinstall): Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.01:00
russia213I have windows XP installed on my C:\ (sda1) drive and Ubuntu on my external HDD (sdc1) Last time I tried to install GRUB it messed up my drive C:\ it messed it up, does that have something to do with the Unallocated partition on my C:\ and if so, can I install GRUB while avoiding said partition?01:00
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  sorry01:00
hikenbootdoes ubuntu any longer have an alternatives cd and does it support LVM on RAID one for system partition01:00
Decepticondecepticon@decepticon:~$ rm -rf Private/01:01
Decepticonrm: cannot remove directory `Private': Device or resource busy01:01
Decepticonwhat does it mean01:01
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  well i posted my question here >01:01
_dbd_l12austin_: is apache running?01:01
loner269i dont want to loss what i got just go back to 8.0401:01
nikrudDecepticon, sounds like you may have a terminal open in there, or some file in there in use.01:01
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  read the bottom01:01
Decepticonnikrud i do not use that dir at all01:01
Decepticonnikrud maybe the system is using it in some whay im not aware of01:01
bbryantdoes anyone know where the gnome settings manager is that stores the wireless networks for NM?01:01
nikrudDecepticon, I don't have a Private or .Private at all ...01:01
canthus13Are there any strange things I should be aware of before I upgrade to intrepid from hardy?01:02
austin__dbd_l12 yah i typed this in austin@SanchezServer:~$  sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart01:02
austin_ * Restarting web server apache2                                                 ... waiting01:02
redvamp128loner269:  upgrades are easy-- downgrades as stated above would break too much things--01:02
Decepticonnikrud i remember when in stalled unbutnu it asked if i wanted a Public and/or Private dir01:02
Decepticon*i installed01:02
nikrud!upgrade | canthus13 they go over that on the upgrade pages01:02
ubottucanthus13 they go over that on the upgrade pages: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:02
_dbd_l12austin_: look in httpd.conf to see what port apache is running on. it may well be http://localhost:8080/~austin01:02
loner269my problem is now i got flash10 an cam dont work but on flash9 everything worked fine01:02
Decepticonnikrud any idea how to stop that option01:02
nikrudwork day is done, I am going home. Decepticon   lsof | grep -i private should show you if some app has a lock on that path01:03
Decepticonanyone know how to get rid of the ~/Private dir01:03
redvamp128loner269:  pm01:03
Decepticonnikrud ok01:03
canthus13nikrud: I mean, are there any particular problems with intrepid.01:03
Decepticongtk-windo 6089 decepticon mem REG 8,1 157588 23531813 /usr/lib/libmetacity-private.so.0.0.001:03
nikrudcanthus13, for me, zero. But I pick my hardware carefully01:03
* canthus13 would stick with hardy if he could get sound to work again in DDO.01:03
Decepticonwho or what is libmetacity-private01:03
austin_unop: where to i type in httpd.conf01:03
canthus13nikrud: I wish I had.01:03
nikrudDecepticon, metacity is the software that controls window borders01:04
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple: the question really isn't that bad01:04
canthus13nikrud: My next laptop will be from system76, most likely.01:04
nikrudwhy it would be there ....01:04
_dbd_l12austin_: it's supposed to be in you apache/conf directory01:04
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: I did read the bottom... but I still can't make out *what* you're trying to achieve or *why*.01:04
nikrudcanthus13, heh. I booted a live cd on the machine I wanted before I bought it. Luckily the salesman understood what linux was ;)01:04
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple: all that i need is a way to keep ssh/sshd backend file chain times seperate01:04
austin__bdb_l12: um....?01:04
nikrudanyway I am gone01:04
canthus13nikrud: I'd rather not upgrade, but so far I haven't found anything to get sound working on DDO again.  It worked fine until 8.04.101:05
Decepticon!encrypted private dir01:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:05
XDS2010....  for multiple hosts01:05
austin__bdb_l12 direcotry? where do i look at that?01:05
unopaustin_,  you don't need to do anything in httpd.conf01:05
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple: all that i need is a way to keep ssh/sshd backend file chain times seperate when using multiple hosts01:05
_dbd_l12austin_: try typing "locate httpd.conf" in the terminal. What does that give01:05
unopaustin_, from a terminal.   mkdir -p ~/public_html && firefox "http://localhost/~$USER"01:05
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: I think what you need to do is patch the sshd/ssh code to do what you want01:05
unop_dbd_l12, httpd.conf is deprecated  - it's no longer used01:06
austin__dbd_l12 this is what yours gave me: locate: can not open `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db': No such file or directory01:06
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  can't i just setup multiple users in linux ?01:06
austin_and unop: it says firefox command no found01:06
_dbd_l12unop, austin_: sorry if i am interrupting a conversation. the new dir-like conf structure was new indeed, sorry about that01:06
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  ..... to stop gap this ?01:06
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple: multiple linux users wouldn't accomplish this ?01:07
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: maybe you need to use an ssh key server and agent01:07
austin__dbd_l12 ok so what does that mean...01:07
unopaustin_, ahh, sorry, you're working on the server, i forgot01:07
perilluxI'm confused about NVidia's  Hybrid-SLI.  Do the motherboards come with an integrated video card?01:07
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  what good would that do ?01:07
austin_unop: no i'm working on my gui machine01:07
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: why not set up a test environment on your local PC and test it ... a small number of guest virtual machines01:07
unopaustin_, which machine is apache installed on? and running?01:08
austin_its installed on my ubunuter sever ed. machine01:08
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  i don't have the patience for that right now01:08
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  thats why i posted the question01:08
unopaustin_, so you created ~/public_html on that macine, right?01:08
XDS2010and put a tip as a reward IntuitiveNipple01:08
austin_unop: no i created it on my GUI machine01:09
swatTXcan anyone help me figure out why i can only get max 800x600 resolution, here is my xorg.conf http://paste.pocoo.org/show/103023/01:09
unopaustin_, ohh lord - sorry, i'm too tired for this now, ask someone else01:09
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: Well, in these kind of situations, the one thing you're going to need is patience, and to do *a lot* of investigation and testing. That's the joy of open-source... you can play with it until it does what you want01:09
austin_unop: O.O01:10
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  i don't have the time or else i would bud01:10
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  do you understand what im trying to acomplish ?01:11
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  do you understand what im trying to accomplish ?*01:11
austin_alrighty then, anyone want to help me where unop left off???01:11
tsrkHow can I see what is bound to what ports?01:11
_dbd_l12tsrk: netstat01:12
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  do you understand what im trying to accomplish ??????????????01:12
tsrk_dbd_l12, ok, thanks :D01:12
XDS2010keeping access times on a "track" for each host01:13
IntuitiveNippleXDS2010: It's something for you to solve yourself, I don't have the time or inclination to do it for you01:13
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  i don't want you to solve it for me01:13
XDS2010i just want someone to understand the question01:13
austin_anyone wan't to help mee??01:14
perilluxcould someone just tell me real quick if I would be able to connect an NVidia card with PCI express to this motherboard?  http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4352193&CatId=413901:14
dyfhello.. what is the command that runs the the system updater?01:14
IntuitiveNippledyf: Do you mean to update installed packages? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:14
XDS2010i can't  bloody beeeeeeeeeeeeeelive  you guys01:15
dyfIntuitiveNipple: nevermind.. i got it.. thanks01:15
XDS2010< sigh >01:16
XDS2010IntuitiveNipple:  do you understand what im trying to accomplish ?01:16
XDS2010yes or no01:16
Flannel!patience | XDS201001:16
ubottuXDS2010: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:16
_dbd_l12XDS2010: this kind of attitude will get you no closer to any answer01:16
XDS2010Patience | ubottu01:17
XDS2010!Patience | ubottu01:17
ubottuXDS2010: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:17
XDS2010ok ill calm down01:17
austin_alright let me try this again01:17
CodyHello room. Im having problems connecting wirelessly to local connections. I installed Ubuntu on this machine activated the hardware driver then restarted and it was picking up connections. Now, on another machine installed ubuntu, activated the driver restarted and it did not work. Can someone help me out please.01:18
plaziaRelax, you'll live longer.01:18
austin_Can anyone help me get my server up and running displaying web pages?????????????????01:18
XDS2010plazia: aint that the truth :)01:18
Josshill[OA]Hey can anyone help me? I cant hear sound when Im using a flash on firefox? (IE when playing Flash games or watching videos)01:18
stefgCody not all wireless hardware is equally well supported by the linux kernel01:18
brettleydoes ubuntu properly have support for the 9800 GTX yet?01:18
stefg!wifi | Cody01:18
ubottuCody: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:18
NakotaDinzeoi have a really quick and prolly really old question.... when i first installed intrepid x64 in my laptop alsa would crash and would keep the computer from shutting down i was wondering if that bug had been fixed01:19
NakotaDinzeoi downgraded to hardy and alsa works fine in hardy01:20
esworpso..  I was wondering..  this laptop, running intrepid, has a built-in webcam..  what is a reccomended app to use it with?  just to see it's output, while i figure out how to enable it?01:20
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:20
brettleydoes anyone know if it supports it?01:21
NakotaDinzeotry installing cheese and if you see your face it works01:21
unopaustin_, create ~/public_html on the server (not the client), make note of the user name   echo $USER   then from your client machine navigate to http://server/~user01:22
austin_unop: whats the comand for creating a folder?01:23
Josshill[OA]Hey Guys, Every time I download a file.. (Using terminal) I get google earth... How do I fix that?01:23
dmhardisonI am having trouble playing "encrypted" dvds in ubuntu, how can I resolve this?01:23
Josshill[OA]Or how do I select ok?01:23
unopaustin_, mkdir01:23
CodyIf i get a responce back from iwconfig showing information on wlan0 does that mean that the wireless card is installed properly?01:24
rfzeroCody, check your dmsg01:24
XDS2010ok for those of you who are just joining us does anyone here fluently use SSH or SSHD ?01:24
rfzeromore reliable01:24
Gatedmhardison: look for medibuntu01:24
unopJosshill[OA], how are you downloading the file (at the terminal) ?01:24
Gateits a set of instructions an repos01:24
Josshill[OA]unop sudo apt-get install mplayer mozilla-mplayer01:24
Codyrfzero:  whats dmsg. command doesnt work in terminal.01:25
Gatedmhardison: http://medibuntu.org/01:25
rfzeroCody, dmesg, sorry01:25
_dbd_l12Cody: try iwlist wlan0 scan01:25
unopJosshill[OA], that only installs mplayer and the plug in -- but doesn't explain how you're download the files?01:25
austin_unop: still not showing up :(01:25
Codyrfzero:  What am i looking for. Im a beginner at this.01:25
unopaustin_, what's the username you connect to at the server?01:26
austin_unop: this is what i typed up:
Josshill[OA]unop hang on wrong code im sorry, and I dont know how Im getting this file..01:26
austin_user name is austin01:26
Josshill[OA]unop this is the file Im attempting to get: sudo apt-get remove kaffeine-mozilla mozilla-helix-player mozilla-plugin-vlc totem-mozilla xine-plugin01:26
Josshill[OA]When I try to get that Google earth end user agreement comes up01:27
rfzeroCody, it shows the whole hardware recognition messages... try to look for your wi-fi card01:27
Codyrfzero:  When i find it what am i looking for to know its installed properly and working.01:27
_dbd_l12austin_: what does the file /etc/apache2/ports.conf contain ?01:27
unopaustin_, copy and paste this on the server.   sudo aptitude install pastebinit;  { cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*; ls -ld ~ ~/public_html; } | pastebinit01:28
unopaustin_, the command will return a URL - paste that here for me to see01:28
Codyrfzero:  Thank you so much it says b43-phy0 ERROR: You must go to <website> and download latest firmware (version 4)01:29
austin_unop: http://pastebin.com/f4eda1f1f01:29
rfzeroCody, is b43-phy0 your card?01:30
sagredoHow can I manual refresh my db that 'locate' uses01:30
ardchoillesagredo: sudo updatedb01:30
sagredoardchoille: thanks01:30
CodyWell no but the b43 is, Thats the beginning of the card.01:30
rfzerohm, that might be it01:30
mcsuedeanyone here familiar with the secure-delete package?  i had an sfill fuckup and now my boot drive thinks it's totally full01:31
rfzerodmesg is always a nice way to know what's up with your hardware01:31
blimp420the new ubuntu looks nice when is the newest one coming out?01:31
unopaustin_, how about this.  ls -ld /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/* | pastebinit01:31
austin_unop: http://pastebin.com/f69d6a97201:31
austin_unop: (how do you know what i should type in? its like majick!"01:32
Codyrfzero:  It says phy0: Broadcom 4311 WLAN found. its a b43-4311 wireless card so meaning i need to update firmware. YES! finally Thanks bro.01:32
unopaustin_, you seem to have two config files in there with the same directives - that could be causing the conflict01:32
austin_unop: o.o what do i do about that?01:33
unopaustin_, i'd say delete the first one.  sudo rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default01:33
SimplySethis there a kernel command line that forces a kernel to recognize dual core ?01:33
unopaustin_, then, restart apache and try again.   sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart01:33
ezerhodenSimplySeth: no01:33
SimplySethezerhoden: great01:33
ezerhodenSimplySeth: it is a kernel option that has to be set when compiling the kernel01:34
austin_unop: alright, all tasks complete...now what01:34
SimplySethezerhoden: thanks for the response though :)01:34
unopaustin_, navigate to  http://server/~austin01:34
ezerhodenSimplySeth: you are not using an ubuntu kernel?01:35
SimplySethezerhoden: yeah the RT kernel01:35
ezerhodenSimplySeth: what is RT, realtime?01:35
SimplySethezerhoden: yes01:35
austin_unop: still nill01:35
AmishNinjais there anyone in here who is good with bluetooth on intrepid??01:35
unopaustin_, let's try again to verify01:35
blimp420i'm not01:36
austin_unop: the refresh button?01:36
ezerhodenSimplySeth: cat /proc/cpuinfo does not show multiple processors?01:36
unopaustin_, copy and paste this on the server.   sudo aptitude install pastebinit;  { ls /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*; cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*; ls -ld ~ ~/public_html; } | pastebinit01:36
SimplySethezerhoden: no it does not .. unless I'm delusioned01:36
SimplySethezerhoden: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5470  @ 1.60GHz01:36
Josshill[OA]Hey can anyone help me fix a problem im having, Every time I do something (Try to add something mostly) I get the Google earth end terms can someone tell me how to hit ok on them01:36
Josshill[OA]Nvm I Just figured it out :P01:37
CodyHow do i updare firmware if i do not have an internet connection on my other computer?01:37
unopaustin_, on the server. what does this give you?   echo $USER01:37
rwwSimplySeth: You only get one paragraph of output? You should get one chunk for each core.01:37
SimplySethrww: correct .. "SHOULD"01:38
ezerhodenSimplySeth: hmm, the generic kernels it is default01:38
AmishNinjaCody: wifi firmware?01:38
fabiohello everyone, this is my problem01:38
austin_unop: its giving me a blank01:38
CodyAmishNinja:  Yes i need to update firmware for a wireless card.01:38
fabiofrom the gnome menu i can't open the Home location01:38
CodyAmishNinja:  Other computer is dead until i do so. So im doing it from this computer.01:38
AmishNinjaCody: you can install the firmware cutter from the install CD as well as ndiswrapper01:39
rwwSimplySeth: Oh, I see. Googling reveals: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-rt/+bug/290498 and http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810#UbuntuStudio%20real-time%20kernel%20support01:39
SimplySethezerhoden: okay lemme boot with the generic kernel and see01:39
CodySo pop the live cd in and how do i do it from there?01:39
XDS2010so does anyone here even use ssh allot ?01:39
rwwSimplySeth: summary: RT kernel doesn't do SMP (multi-core support). Generic kernel does.01:39
fabioapplication not regeistered "for file:///home/fabio"01:39
unopaustin_, ok. when you say 'nill' what do you mean exactly?01:39
XDS2010so does anyone here even use ssh allot ? (like allot allot)01:39
AmishNinjaCody: you put in the CD and add it to the repository list01:39
SimplySethrww: ahhhhh .. my worst fears have come upon me .. thank you for the response01:39
CodyAmishNinja:  Sorry never done that. Can you tell me how to do it a bit more detailed?01:40
austin_UNOP:as in, like no there, not working, or blank01:40
AmishNinjaCody: check IM01:40
sagredohi. can someone help me get my irssi to connect to freenode? when I /server irc.freenode.net it returns: 17:38 -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.freenode.net port 6667 [Cannot  assign requested address:]01:40
unopaustin_, hmm, try this on the server.   echo '<b>Test page</b>' > ~/public_html/index.html  # and then navigate to the url again01:40
austin_unop: nothing still shows :(01:41
austin_unop: (NOt Found)01:41
SimplySethezerhoden: thanks for respondin'01:41
unopaustin_,  hmm, very strange01:41
rwwsagredo: What's the output of /set hostname?01:42
unopaustin_,  { sudo tail /var/log/apache2/{access,error}.log; } | pastebinit01:42
sagredorww: yourmom.com01:42
scuniziI just created a symbolic link that I need to change.. how do I delete it?01:42
sagredorww: did someone root me :[01:42
unopscunizi, rm /path/to/link01:43
austin_unop: http://pastebin.com/f53e385c301:43
sagredo(this is forsure going to end up on bash.org)01:43
rwwsagredo: You should probably figure out why irssi thinks that's your hostname. See http://dragoncat.net/lists/irssi-users/2004-01/0028.html for more information. The IP address in the error message is the address of the server hosting yourmom.com.01:43
helix_hello, just wondering, how do i execute a command (via ssh), and when leaving the terminal, that the commands still goes on.01:44
jtajihelix_: use screen01:45
scuniziunop: thanks01:45
jtaji!screen | helix_01:45
ubottuhelix_: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen01:45
KingOfDoscan someone say anything about the postfix/sasl configuration? i think that it's using another file for the mysql setup.01:45
jtajihelix_: or possibly nohup01:45
helix_jtaji, nohup?01:45
unopaustin_, it says the last one you've tried is  http://server/austin instead of  http://server/~austin01:45
novokhi all01:46
jtajihelix_:  nohup - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty01:46
xonpathosanybody here experienced (or know anything about) the problem where a usb mouse stays on after you shut down the computer?01:46
KingOfDosif i enable query logging on my database. after changing the sasl script in /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf so it wil use a query like "SELECT aaaapassword..." the query log stil gives me "SELECT password..."01:46
austin_unop: no man, i'm doing the ~austin01:47
unopaustin_, well, your logs say otherwise -- - - [06/Feb/2009:20:26:04 -0500] "GET /austin HTTP/1.1" 404 261 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008101315 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.3"01:47
helix_ok thanks :)01:47
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odinsbaneWhat does it mean to preced a command with a dot ie, ". /usr/file/stuff.sh"01:47
austin_unop: well idk whats going on then...i can prove it with a screeny01:47
SimplySethezerhoden: confirmed  cat /proc/cpuinfo  | grep processor |wc -l = 201:47
odinsbanenote there is a space there.01:47
austin_unop: can you type exactly whats supposed to go in my serach bar?01:48
unopodinsbane, at a terminal.  help .01:48
SimplySethezerhoden: generic sees both RT does not01:48
unopaustin_, or whatever your IP address is01:48
SimplySethrww: ezerhoden I boot into generic and sees both cores .. thanks again01:49
unopaustin_, sorry i mean - the server's ip address01:49
russia213Can I have help with installing GRUB on my main ntfs hard drive with windows on it?01:49
austin_unop: i thouhgt it was
unopaustin_, well, if thats the servers IP address - use that01:49
austin_unop: ether way , its not working :(01:49
unopaustin_,  ok, again.   { sudo tail /var/log/apache2/{access,error}.log; } | pastebinit01:49
austin_unop: the server IP address is what i use to remote conect though the terminal right?01:49
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unopaustin_, i guess so - you can always verify what the IP address is with   ifconfig01:50
cyadhey guys do you know how to pass hulus ip detection01:50
austin_unop: yah theres where i got the number: http://pastebin.com/f2df8f3601:50
scuniziunop: I actually did a "ln -s /var/www/joomla /home/joomlaUser so the path to the link is /var/www/joomla right?.. then I need to redo the link so the path will actually be /var/www (this is for ftp access with joomla).  If I want to eliminate that link I have to delete that directory?01:51
unopaustin_, on the server.  what does this give you?  id01:52
unopscunizi,  all you have to do is remove the link and recreate it01:52
austin_unop: uid=1000(austin) gid=1000(austin) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),117(lpadmin),118(sambashare),119(admin),1000(austin)01:52
cyadhey guys do you know how to pass hulus ip detection01:53
austin_cyad: proxy?01:53
jumpkickevening all...  I'm about to file a bug and I wondered if someone might confirm they also have it on interpid...   specifically, that the package virtualbox-ose does not create a menu entry for the "virtualbox" app which starts/stops virtual machines01:53
cyadi am not that familiar with it01:53
unopaustin_,   ok.   sudo a2enmod userdir && sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart  #and try again01:53
cyadany help link01:53
coldsilence27does atheros work wit ubuntu01:53
n8tusercoldsilence27 -> yes01:53
unopcoldsilence27, with some coaxing, yes01:54
coldsilence27even the 1 one the aspire 101:54
unopcoldsilence27, yes01:54
coldsilence27how can i get mine working01:54
austin_unop: :D it says "test page"01:54
unopcoldsilence27,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne01:54
unopaustin_, bahh, finally01:54
coldsilence27gud looks01:55
unopaustin_, now you can copy all your stuff into ~/public_html  (on the server)01:55
cyadguys can you give me any proxy help links01:55
whufforI have an Acer Aspire 3102, and on that, the atheros card is fully supported on a fresh install01:55
austin_unop: o.o how do i get the files onto the server?01:55
russia213Can I have help with installing GRUB on my main ntfs hard drive with windows on it?01:55
cyadi am a newbie01:55
scuniziunop: I guess my confusion comes in when I visit either directory I don't "see" anything in either.01:55
jumpkickanyone play with virutalbox that they could confirm?01:55
luapzorQUestion, how do I change to a local mirror for UBUNTU for apt-get?  I am downloading at sub 7kb per sec01:55
austin_cyad: gimmi a few man01:55
_dbd_l12coldsilence27: if your aa1 comes with linpus, you could also just unlock the fedora core 8 (and xfce) under the hood ...01:55
unopaustin_, use scp or something similar.   on the local machine.   scp -r /path/to/webroot server:/home/austin/public_html01:56
scunizijumpkick: confirm what? I missed it..01:57
unopaustin_, or with ssh.   cd /path/to/webroot && tar cf - . | ssh austin@server 'cd ~/public_html && tar xf -'01:57
Osah_ab ?01:57
Osah_or tab01:57
AgrOsah_: Please stop.01:58
Agrcyad: Please stop.01:58
luapzordo you change sources.list to change where the packages are downloaded from?01:58
cyadok told you i am a newbie01:58
Flannelluapzor: that's one way, yes.01:58
Agrluapzor: You may choose to.01:58
xonpathosanybody know a fix for the problem where your usb mouse stays on after your computer shuts off?01:58
sagredohow can alias a shell script into a command01:58
cyadso can i get some help01:58
sagredolike so I don't have to type . xxx.sh01:58
jumpkickscunizi: I was going to file a bug that virtualbox-ose doesn't have a menu icon....  it actually does have one packaged but I see it is categorized as "Emulators;Utility" neither of which I have a menu for...01:58
sagredojust xxx01:59
_dbd_l12sagredo: chmod +x01:59
luapzorThe default from the iso, is making me download at about 5-10kb per second01:59
jumpkickscunizi: do you have menus for either of those?01:59
Agrsagredo: chmod -x file.sh01:59
unopsagredo,  alias foo='. xxx.sh'01:59
luapzorits horrid01:59
luapzor6 hours to update it says. and my connection is 10 megabit here01:59
AgrEr, chmod +x file01:59
jumpkickI'm pretty sure it used to be under the "System" menu in previous releases01:59
austin_unop: ok great! there uploaded *drool*01:59
_dbd_l12sagredro: make a symlink in /usr/bin ?01:59
austin_unop: how do i view them and stuff02:00
sagredo_dbd_l12: Agr unop thanks all02:00
cyadman you are like total awesomemly geeks here02:00
scunizijumpkick: I installed the version off the site.. it landed in Applications>System Tools..  I don't have either of the directories/menu's you mentioned.02:00
Agr_dbd_l12: Unnecessary.02:00
cyadhow long do you guys use linux02:00
aarHi, my room mate and I share a connectin through a router. I can see his subnet address in the router configuration page, but how can I find his public IP from his subnet address?02:00
unopaustin_,  well, that depends on the webpage. but refresh the page and all should become obvious02:00
cyadi just 2 years02:00
scunizi!pole | cyad02:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pole02:00
Agrcyad: Long enough.02:00
jumpkickscunizi: k02:00
jumpkickit's a bug then02:00
jumpkickI'll file it02:00
austin_unop: it still shows test pag02:01
cyadso it is clear i am a newbie02:01
unopaar, it's quite likely that your router is a NAT router .. in which case, you both will share the same public IP address02:01
unopaustin_,  rm ~/public_html/index.html02:01
RichardBronoskyI need a runlevel or other way to boot an Ubuntu into a state with no Xorg02:01
austin_unop: in the browser?02:01
aarunop, I see, thanks02:01
gwarkswidowski, thanks for the mount help before ... all working now, had to 'safely remove hardware' in winblows02:02
_dbd_l12RichardBronosky: ctrl-alt-f502:02
cyadso guys can you help with my hulu problem02:02
unopRichardBronosky, on debian/ubuntu -- runlevels 2-5 are the same and runlevel 2 is the default -- so customize runlevel 3 or something02:02
cyadi just cant make it work02:02
unopaustin_, no, in the shell - on the server02:02
austin_unop: says no file/direcotry exists02:03
RichardBronoskyI've wrote some SDL code that needs to manipulate the FrameBuffer directly. I must be booted into a non-graphical state.02:03
austin_unop: and i'm refresshing like a mo fo and its stilll showing "test page"02:03
unopaustin_, hmm.   what does this give you?    ls -ld ~/public_html/*index*02:04
RichardBronoskyI'm prototyping for systems that will have no X at all.02:04
luapzorAgr: How do i changed my downloading for packages?02:04
xonpathosaustin_ refreshing a web page?  hold down the shift key to make sure it's not pulling from cache02:04
jtajiRichardBronosky: you can stop X with 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop', you can disable it using update-rc.d, or by changing the contents of /etc/X11/default-display-manager to FALSE02:04
cyadguys can you help just tell me what to google02:04
cyadubuntu is making me crap02:05
austin_unop: -rw-r--r-- 1 austin austin 17 2009-02-06 20:41 /home/austin/public_html/index.html02:05
austin_and xonpathos: i'm doing that, stil the same02:05
unopaustin_,  rm /home/austin/public_html/index.html02:05
RichardBronoskyYeah, I did gdm stop but the framebuffer isn't freed.02:05
austin_unop: :D YES I SEE MY INDEX THING02:05
_dbd_l12RichardBronosky: disabling x = update-rc.d -f gdm remove02:05
shawnmstouthas anyone here tried out ubuntu media center?02:05
austin_omg omg omg omg i came :D02:05
austin_unop: i've been working on thsi stuff the past 3 weeks....thanks a ton man02:06
xonpathosanybody know a fix for the problem where your usb mouse stays on after your computer shuts off?02:06
unopaustin_, np - have fun now :)02:06
RichardBronoskyI'll try update-rc.d... sound like chconfig on RHEL.02:06
shawnmstoutxon, yes unplug and replace02:06
austin_unop: now, with this...how do i get it to work with the actuall internets?02:06
RichardBronosky_dbd_l12 jtaji, thanks02:06
cyadok guys thanks for nothing02:06
unopaustin_, you mean you want people to access this page from the internet?02:07
xonpathosshawnmstout: yeah... but every time I shutdown/restart?02:07
jtajiRichardBronosky: yes it is similar, no prob02:07
suamme1does anyone have any advice for an onboard intel NIC that stopped working in ibex?02:07
austin_unop: yah, and eventually get a domain for it02:07
shawnmstoutthats why you replace02:07
shawnmstoutreplace the mouse, sounds like a hardware issue or a port issue02:07
xonpathosas in get a new mouse?02:07
xonpathosit's not02:07
xonpathosworks perfectly in winblows02:07
shawnmstoutyou have tried a different mouse?02:07
Guestjust installed ibex on a Thinkpad T500 - sometimes it boots into GUI, but more often into shell: "kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot... Ubuntu 8.10 ... tty1"  -- startx doesnt work02:07
unopaustin_, you'll need to configure your router/firewall/whatever to forward port 80 to the server's IP address - how that is done varies from device to device, i'd consult the documentation02:08
shawnmstoutso has anyone used ubuntu media center here?02:08
shawnmstoutany thoughts on it?02:08
shawnmstoutjust wanted to know before i install02:08
austin_unop: alright, so i gotta foward port 80....then what? ( and should all my files be showing up in my index?)02:08
xonpathosshawnmstout: it's actually a bug first reported in 2005, I'm just hoping someone knows some fix I can't find...  I find it hard to believe such a crippling bug has gone uncorrected for 4 years02:09
shawnmstoutxon, sorry dont have any info on it bud02:09
xonpathosnp, thanks anyway :)02:09
=== Guest is now known as dzcom
austin_unop: yah, none of the fils are showing up in the web thing02:10
unopaustin_, pretty much yea - though you might eventually want to move your files to /var/www  ( sudo cp -r ~/public_html/* /var/www )  and create an index.html  to make it easier for people02:10
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shawnmstoutso i guess no answer mean noone has tried it02:10
luapzorHow do you change your download of packages for apt-get? anyone know02:10
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Flannelluapzor: What do you mean?02:10
luapzori do an apt-get update02:11
luapzorthen do an apt-get upgrade02:11
luapzorafter installing from the base cd02:11
suamme1would working with 1394 devices kill my NIC, or did i happen upon a bug?02:11
luapzorand its downloading at 5kb per second02:11
dzcomMy new install of Ibex just goes to a shell - no GUI.  Message is: "kinit: trying to resume from..."  "kinit: no resume image doing normal boot" -- then there is a login prompt but no gui.  Any ideas?02:11
luapzorI need to change my download source to a local mirror :)02:11
Flannelluapzor: Right, you want to change your repositories.  Editing your sources.list is one way to do it (and the easiest, as far as I'm concerned, assuming you're comfortable editing a text file)02:12
rwwluapzor: System > Administration > Software Sources > Download from: Other > Select Best Server (or choose your favorite)02:12
austin_unop: none of my files are showing up in my public_html but the terminal shows they all uploadeed 100%'02:12
RoyallWhat is weird is that I somehow got Dell Wireless 1395 WLAN MiniCard working on Ubuntu02:12
luapzorI installed server so I dont have access to the desktop02:12
Flannelaustin_: ARe they world readable?02:12
austin_Flannel; world readable? whats that02:12
Flannelaustin_: chmod a+r ~/public_html/*02:13
unopaustin_,  chmod -R o+r ~/public_html/02:13
shawnmstoutanyone know of a place where i could ask about ubuntu media center?02:13
rwwluapzor: then edit /etc/apt/sources.list to use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors02:13
rwwto use one of the servers at **02:13
austin_Flannel, unop: i'm doing that, still nothing02:14
unopaustin_,   ls -ld ~/public_html/* | pastebinit02:14
luapzorFlannel: Do you know of a good place for mirrors? I have found some distro mirrors, but I dont know if they offer the packages02:14
Flannelluapzor:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors02:15
Flannelaustin_: Make sure ~/public_html is +x itself02:15
austin_unop: http://pastebin.com/f9859fee02:15
RoyallHow do I run a .patch?02:15
austin_flannel: ???02:16
unopaustin_, you've got a public_html in ~/public_html02:16
austin_unop: what does that mean?02:16
=== Bloodflake is now known as kalakouentin
unopaustin_,   mv /home/austin/public_html/public_html/*  /home/austin/public_html/  &&  rmdir /home/austin/public_html/public_html/02:16
erUSULRoyall: patch [options] < file.patch02:16
unopaustin_, you have this  - /home/austin/public_html/public_html/02:16
austin_Oh ok....now the extra folder is gone02:17
austin_still no files x(02:17
unopaustin_,   ls -ld ~/public_html/* | pastebinit02:17
AmishNinjaI need help with Bluetooth... Ibex screwed everything up02:17
unopaustin_,  chmod -R o+rX ~/public_html/02:19
Shanixanyone knows how to partition/add the SAN drive to Ubuntu ??02:20
TheFunkbombhey, have any of you guys gotten any updates in the last two days?02:21
TheFunkbombthought something was messed up02:21
austin_unop: well its getting there...i see my subfolder, and i clikc on that and it sends me to the index page...but no images/links02:21
suamme1I haven't because my wired connection stopped working.02:21
suamme1but it was the first time rebooting in weeks so who knows what killed it02:22
austin_unop: what else could be wrong02:23
unopaustin_, no images/links?  what does that mean?02:24
unopaustin_,   mv /home/austin/public_html/HTML/*  /home/austin/public_html/  &&  rmdir /home/austin/public_html/HTML02:24
BentFrankYou're closing in on it unop, keep going!02:25
swatTXcan someone please help me get my resolution working properly? i can't get more than 800x60002:25
tethridgeis there a channel just for ubuntu server questions?02:25
dyf1i am running fluxbox on ubuntu.. but i can't get my sound to play through audacious.. anyone knows why?02:25
unopaustin_, maybe you used absolute paths when referring to images and links??  i.e.   <img src="/path/to/image" />   rather than  <img src="path/to/img" />02:25
austin_unop: what i'm saying is, my web page comes up when i click on the folder, but none of the web pages or links02:25
austin_like, it won't show me seperate files eather02:25
unopaustin_, well, what do you use to design these pages?02:26
rwwtethridge: #ubuntu-server. You can ask server questions in #ubuntu too, though.02:26
austin_unop: XHTML and CSS02:26
tethridgelet me try there first02:26
unopaustin_,  do you use absolute or relative paths ?02:27
austin_unop: the good stuff...all written by hand in note pad :D and um02:27
unopaustin_, in your html code?02:27
austin_lemmi see02:27
unopaustin_, notepad?02:27
SaderBiscutQuestion guys02:27
austin_unop: xD damnit i uploaded the wrong folder02:27
AmishNinjaI need help with bluetooth in Intrepid02:28
SaderBiscutWhat is the best way to partition a harddrive for a XP/Ubuntu multiboot?02:28
austin_unop: i thought my changes where saved in my USB....*tear*02:28
unopaustin_, ahh, well. i'll let you play on now - you should be able to figure out things yourself now02:28
SaderBiscutI have a Linux Partition, a XP Partition (both primary) and a 2GB Linux Swap partition02:28
dzcomSaderBiscut: do you mean how to do it, or what sizes?02:28
unopi'm off02:28
austin_unop: anyway, it shold stil give me a list right?02:28
SaderBiscutThe structure of it02:28
austin_unop: ah alright man thanks02:28
danbhfiveSaderBiscut: I would make a /home too02:28
unopaustin_, list? depends02:28
SaderBiscutI only have a 36gb drive though :/02:28
austin_unop: yah, i have more then one HTML file02:29
SaderBiscutBut uhm, hm.02:29
austin_unop: but don't worri about it, u helped mor ethen enough02:29
danbhfiveSaderBiscut: how much ram do you have?02:29
SaderBiscutIt's a older laptop02:29
dzcomSaderBiscut: do you need some Windows software? with 36gb there isnt much room02:29
austin_unop: i gotta go switch off to windows and retreive my files....so yah thanks a crap ton man.02:29
russia213Could I get help installing GRUB? http://www.unix.com/linux/12636-grub-cannot-boot-ntfs-partitions.html02:29
dzcomI would go ubuntu only02:29
unopaustin_, if there is a index.htm or index.html files in the root - it is displayed .. otherwise a list is02:29
SaderBiscutI can make due with that.02:29
danbhfiveSaderBiscut: maybe shave that swap down to 1g, 6g for / , 15g for windows, 14g for /home  ?02:30
SaderBiscutIt's not really a main usage computer02:30
austin_unop: and ok...si i'll just rename it to home02:30
austin_unop: cool man...well ttyl i gotta head off to02:30
austin_unop: gracias brohan02:30
SaderBiscutUhm, so 1gb SWAP, 6gb Linux, 15GB Windows and 14Gb /home?02:30
swatTXwhat is the command to see what chipset you have?02:31
SaderBiscutI would rather have it run faster than have a few extra gigabytes02:31
SaderBiscutBut if two gigabyte swap won't do much, then I can scale it down to one02:31
austin_Alright room, thanks for it all, specially u unop02:31
austin_i'm out02:31
curtI've got a question if it's appropriate to ask here02:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:32
russia213Can I get some GRUB help? http://www.unix.com/linux/12636-grub-cannot-boot-ntfs-partitions.html02:32
machineI want to change the PDF preview icon....I would like to see only a small icon, not the first page of the pdf02:32
suamme1so, anyone with intel nic experience before I start backing up db's and remembering where i put all those symlinks?02:32
redvamp128russia213:  add to your line with root this instead rootnoverify02:32
danbhfiveSaderBiscut: yeah.   you could shave 1g off of linux and move it elsewhere (my install which is fairly default takes up only 3.2g atm).  You could also shave off several gigs off /home.  I'm not sure about how much you need for windows.02:33
redvamp128russia213:  any way to pastebin your menu.1st file so that we can look at it02:33
russia213redvamp128: ??02:33
draeday_is there a way to compile c++ source code created on windows  on my ubuntu system02:33
b33rHello I have a mini SD 2GB but it's showing 7MB does it mean it's broken? I also can't format it02:34
curtwasn't sure if this was a community support channel or what... I've not had sound in flash movies (but I have with rhythmbox, movie player, etc..) and always assumed it was a flash problem. By freak accident I've realized that if I kill the pulse audio process, flash sound suddenly works. I figured I'd remove pulse audio to see if that was the magic fix, but when I got to mark it for uninstallation, synaptic wants to also remove ubuntu-desk02:34
curttop, obviously I don't want to do that. Any suggestions?02:34
marko-_--draeday_, ask on #c++02:34
cjaeis there a problem with copying FROM ntfs (usb external hd) to reiserfs?02:34
danbhfivecurt: its ok to remove ubuntu-desktop.  You may want to upgrade to 8.10 if you haven't also02:34
xonpathosok... this might sound weird, but anybody know of a command I can use to make linux "forget" that my (usb) mouse exists?02:35
redvamp128cjae:  try adding from synaptic package manger the ntfs config...02:35
kthakoreubuntu intrepid is not recognizing blank dvdroms02:35
SaderBiscutThat would work, my biggest concern is if a 2GB SWAP would improve performance02:35
xonpathosand then, of course, a command to get it back?02:35
SaderBiscutUbuntu has been running strangely sluggishly on my computer as it is02:35
russia213redvamp: ??02:35
kthakoreI can't burn anything02:35
redvamp128russia213:  is there a way you can paste to a site like www.pastebin.ca your menu.1st file02:35
dyf1how do i restart the sound server?02:35
cjaeredvamp128: though ntfs was supported in kernel?02:35
dyf1i'm on fluxbox02:35
danbhfiveSaderBiscut: no, but more RAM would.  the sluggishness is from the usage of swap instead of ram02:36
redvamp128cjae:  it helps you mount it and set write permissions02:36
russia213redvamp128: Yes, give me a minute to boot live CD02:36
SaderBiscutAh, ok.02:36
machineQuestion: Is there a way to change PDF icon. My current icon shows the first page of the pdf file. I want to show only an icon02:36
redvamp128cjae:  also make sure you have the ntfs3g installed-02:36
cjaeredvamp128: usb... it automounts and I can see and access all of it except copy02:37
redvamp128cjae:  also I think in synaptic there is a reiser in there as well02:37
danbhfiveSaderBiscut: and there is always xubuntu.  You may want to give that a try02:37
SaderBiscutI did, it didn't help.02:38
redvamp128cjae:  that ntfs config -- if you let it mount the usb then click on it -- will allow you to read and write02:38
DemonZerohello ubuntu maniac02:38
binarymutantmachine, its in Nautilus under Edit->Preferences and under the preview tab02:38
redvamp128cjae:  when I click on it-- put sudo password- there is a box to enable write support for drive..02:39
SaderBiscutMy biggest annoyance was it didn't really gracefully slow down, it would randomly lock up and fun stuff like that. I have some older laptops that are significantly slower, yet run smoother02:39
sigmahey fellas. i just installed windows xp on this computer, which wiped out grub. i reinstalled grub but there's no menu option to boot into windows xp. anyone know what to do?02:39
=== sigma is now known as Guest18827
cjaeredvamp128: I may be wrong but it thought you didn't need those apps since kernel (well the newer ones) or is it just that I have read access and no write or execute permission02:39
redvamp128cjae:  it looks to me like in order to write to NTFS you have be sudo (or have higher permissions)02:40
=== Guest18827 is now known as sigma92
sigma92hey fellas. i just installed windows xp on this computer, which wiped out grub. i reinstalled grub but there's no menu option to boot into windows xp. anyone know what to do?02:40
machinebinarymutant,thank you02:41
xonpathosanybody know the command to remove a (usb) mouse from linux?02:41
kalakouentinyes /me unplug mouse02:41
cjaeredvamp128: I have not installed either of those programs and I was just able to create a new folder on the ntfs drive so it must an issue with ntfs ->reiserfs copy02:41
xonpathoskalakouentin I'm trying to do some debugging... so kinda hoped to leave the mouse actually connected02:42
redvamp128sigma92:  is xp on your first partition of your drive?02:42
SaderBiscutAlso, neither the SWAP or Home partitions need to be primary, do they?02:42
SaderBiscutAnd would it be a good idea to have a seperate boot partition?02:42
kalakouentinxonpathos I was joking02:42
machineQuestion: My internet runs fast if wired, but very slow if wireless.02:42
tomboggleI need to ask a simple question.....somehow the floppy drive has disappeared from the "compputer" listing in Ubuntu. It was there yesterday and I think I did something to remove it.  Now I need to get it back, can anybody tell me how????02:42
ubottureiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html02:42
xonpathosI figured as much02:42
kalakouentinstart by doing an lsusb02:43
usserxonpathos, you can remove the relevant device section that pertains to your mouse from /etc/X11/xorg.conf, if it is there in the first place, ubuntu doesnt rely on xorg.conf that much anymore, other than that i dont know02:43
kalakouentinto check in which port BUS you got it02:43
redvamp128sigma92:  is xp on the first parition-- because I have currently open in the browser the lines to add to your menu.1st file if so to get windows to boot02:43
sigma92redvamp128: sda302:44
xonpathosusser: thanks.  I think I'm headed a bit more general than that though...  I'm more hoping to emulate what linux does as it shuts down (just not in C)02:44
redvamp128sigma92:  pm?02:44
sigma92redvamp128: huh?02:44
ubottuEn la mayorƭa de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglƩs. Para ayuda en EspaƱol, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:44
xonpathoskalakouentin: bus 003, device 00602:44
usserxonpathos,you can try rmmod psmouse or whatever module is used for your mouse02:45
redvamp128sigma92:  I was asking to pm you so we can goto a pastebin page to get it working02:45
sigma92redvamp128: winxp is on my /dev/sda302:45
sigma92oh whoops02:45
L|nuxPS2anyone decent with databases and reading from them as they are created (can it even be done?... i know i suck with databases)02:45
usserxonpathos, scratch that it didnt work02:45
joljamI have a set of links from different e-mails over a period of time.. I want to click on this links one by one and print pdfs of this... can this be automated with scripts02:45
machineMy internet runs fast if wired, but very slow if wireless, any suggestions?02:46
L|nuxPS2@machine upgrade to wireless n02:46
xonpathosusser: alrightly02:46
tonisiusHow do I go about debugging issues with my installation of 64bit 8.10?  when I select to "install ubuntu" from the server installation CD, it does nothing, I'm unable to make another selection, but the numlock works still02:46
tonisiusHow do I go about debugging issues with my installation of 64bit 8.10?  when I select to "install ubuntu" from the server installation CD, it does nothing, I'm unable to make another selection, but the numlock works still02:46
GneaI've got a [Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)] with 8.10, and it works only to a certain extent... it's using the b43legacy.ko driver, but instead of doing the full 54g, it's only at 1Mbps (the slowest setting) and the antenna is within 30 feet. I've tried changing channels to no avail. the AP is a netgear. How can I troubleshoot this to get the speed it should have?02:46
FloodBot1tonisius: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:46
dzcomjoljam: you could grep your mail for *.pdf -- then print to a list and delete lines you don't want02:46
tonisiuswoops, sorry02:46
usserjoljam, wget linktopdf | lpr02:46
dzcomjoljam: then run through the list with a simple script02:46
=== mgolisch is now known as naruto_uzumaki
tonisiusSOrry about that.02:47
OmletteI'm getting the following error when I try to run qBittorrent: "cannot mix incompatible qt libraries". Can anyone help?02:47
=== naruto_uzumaki is now known as mgolisch
DemonZeroaqui nadie sabe nada02:47
danbhfiveOmlette: is that in the repos?02:48
Logikoshi i have a usb audio controler that i plug in when i want to use headphones because there is no headphone jack on my speakers and they wont reach from the back of my pc, this works good after changing settings in System>Preferences>Sound but in firefox flash videos still play though my speakers and not the USB device ... I've looked though firefox and cant find any revelant settings?02:48
L|nuxPS2do you have the proper versions of qt installed (eg. does it require 3 and you have 4)02:48
machineWhere do I upgrade to wireless n?02:48
L|nuxPS2machine: the store02:48
L|nuxPS2get a wireless-n router and card02:48
machinegot it now02:48
b33rHello I have a mini SD 1GB but it's showing 7MB does it mean it's broken? I also can't format it. fdisk -l shows http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/115037/02:49
mikeshollenWhy is it that sometimes my system stops playing wav files until I reboot?02:50
tombogglecan anyone tell me how to get my floppy drive back? It has disappeared from the "computer" panel02:50
lstarnestomboggle: try sudo modprobe floppy02:51
tonisiusHow do I go about debugging issues with my installation of 64bit 8.10?  when I select to "install ubuntu" from the server installation CD, it does nothing, I'm unable to make another selection, but the numlock works still02:51
smoalnewhat is the command to authenticate to the server?02:51
xonpathosanother question:  in /sys/bus/usb/devices, how would I tell which listed thing is my mouse?02:51
lstarnessmoalne: which server?02:51
smoalneisn't it /msg nickserv identify (password)02:51
lstarnessmoalne: yes02:51
tombogglewonderful lstarnes...it worked like a champ02:52
lstarnestomboggle: if that works, you might also want to do this: echo "floppy" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules02:52
winmutti need some help with hostname -f. /etc/hostname is www.creativesyndrome.com /etc/resolv.conf search is creativesyndrome.com yet hostname -f returns creativesyndrome.com02:52
winmuttam i missing something idiotic here02:52
tonisiuswinmutt: use:  hostname www.creativesyndrome.com02:52
tonisiusthat should update it02:53
winmuttton: same result02:53
winmuttwww is a cname02:53
jtajiwinmutt: : /etc/hosts needs edited appropriately also02:53
winmuttmight this have something to do with it02:53
tonisiuswinmutt: yeah, the www. needs to be in there too02:53
tonisiusin your hosts02:54
jtajiwinmutt: xx.xx.xx.xx www.creativesyndrome.com www02:54
progre55_hey people, just a simple stupid question, please.. my nickname w/o underscore (progre55) got stuck, and I cant change back to it.. how to kick him out? :)02:54
jtajiwinmutt: don't touch the line: localhost02:54
winmuttthere we go02:55
winmutti had to change localhost for sendmail idiocy02:55
rwwprogre55_: /msg nickserv ghost progre55 yournickservpassword02:55
progre55_rww, thanks man, appreciate02:55
winmuttforgot about that02:55
winmuttht tnx02:55
nizarany idea ?02:55
winmuttjt even02:55
rwwprogre55_: btw, #freenode is a better place than here for Freenode or IRC questions :)02:56
mercutio22this page crashes my firefox http://homepage.mac.com/simx/.Movies/MPlayer_movie.mov >> something wrong with the mplayer plugin or a bug?02:56
nizarwhere can i ask about g++ or gcc ?02:56
nizari mean g++ c++ compiling02:56
progre55_rww, hehe :) thanks, I'll keep that in mind next time :)02:56
lstarnesnizar: maybe #gcc02:56
winmuttshouldnt hostname just return www?02:56
jtajiwinmutt: yes02:57
jtajiwinmutt: /etc/hostname should contain only: www02:57
jtajicommon misconfiguration02:57
CyBurnettAbout six months ago I install a "theme" called carbon red. I tried it and didnt like it so i used another theme. Today my window borders and title bars (only) have gone back to carbon red and I cant change it? Any help appreciated.02:58
=== progre55_ is now known as progre55
winmuttjt: thats how i thought it should02:59
winmuttmust have had a few to many pints when i set that up02:59
winmuttyou would think after 17years of linux use i should know this :)03:00
winmuttsysadmin skillz are so gone03:00
_VIM_lost art03:00
cast|lir17 years is a longass time03:00
jtajiI still find new stuff myself, 11 years in03:00
Gnea'skillz'? clearly, gone.03:01
RichardBronoskywell, "update-rc.d -f gdm remove" stopped it from booting into a graphical environment03:02
winmuttgnea : my 6month old has more skillz than i do :)03:03
RichardBronoskybut now it boots into a black screen.03:03
RichardBronoskyI can ssh from another machine, but the local display gets nothing.03:03
Gneawinmutt: :)03:03
RichardBronoskyI failed to mention that this is a PPC install.03:04
brettley_have the nvidia 9800gtx drivers been fixed to work now?03:04
usserRichardBronosky, try pressing ctrl+c or enter sometimes login prompt doesnt show up03:04
=== n is now known as SuperN
winmuttmaybe not 1703:04
winmuttit would have been 9203:04
RichardBronoskyyeah, I worked it over03:04
winmuttya 1703:05
winmutthow lame03:05
RichardBronoskyctrl+c, ctrl+alt+f[16]...03:05
SuperNHello, I created a share of my windows partition , that shows up as /media/disk/ , and it works fine after I go to places -> and click on the drive.  It shows the drive on the desktop too03:05
winmuttrichard: altf203:05
LogikosPlease help: i'm trying to get auido from flash objects in firefox to go to my usb audio controler, i've changed the settings in system>prefs>sound to point to my usb but flash uses the ļ»æfirst OSS/ALSA audio device ... is there a way to change the order to make the usb first03:05
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
SuperNHowever, when  I don't go to places -> and click on the disk , it will not show on the desktop and share correctly03:05
noiesmojust upgraded from gutsy to hardy and having problems getting my nvidia card working again with the nvidia driver I am currently on nv, my card is a geforce8600gt03:05
RichardBronoskytried logging in blind03:05
SuperNHow would I make it act like I have already "clicked" on the drive03:05
redvamp128russia213:  so you want to get xp booting again03:05
russia213redvamp128: Sorry for taking so long, could you help me, now?03:06
rulliehi, i have a question regarding syslog-ng. How exactly do I configure a sql destination?03:06
SuperNIs this called "auto mounting" ? or do I need to edit samba's config ?03:06
RichardBronoskyI was able to log in as myself and touch a file in /tmp03:06
redvamp128well russia213: explain your issue again so the room can see03:06
russia213redvamp128: I formatted and reinstalled XP so it boots now, so what I need to do now is setup GRUB to boot Ubuntu03:06
winmuttjt: i am trying to fix postfic03:07
winmuttpostfix, which is no longer showing anything in ANY logs03:07
razaccourhow do i convert my tv tuner broadcast with TVTime into html?03:07
winmuttany sugg what to look at03:08
Manix1I'm trying to set an automount command in Sessions so that I can have my Vista drive auto mounted when I log in. Problem is to do the command it requires the root password. Is there a way around this?03:08
razaccouri need to stream for my website03:08
redvamp128russia213:  okay we have options03:08
russia213redvamp: go on03:08
Meestercan someone please help me with this error message "E: system-tools-backends: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"03:08
Meester  03:08
redvamp128I am trying to remember there is a way to get grub to boot from the MBR03:08
redvamp128russia213:  without it taking over03:08
rww!ntfs | Manix1: Set your fstab up properly, rather than making a command in Sessions.03:08
ubottuManix1: Set your fstab up properly, rather than making a command in Sessions.: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE03:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub4dos03:09
LogikosPlease help: i'm trying to get auido from flash objects in firefox to go to my usb audio controler, i've changed the settings in system>prefs>sound to point to my usb but flash uses the ļ»æfirst OSS/ALSA audio device ... is there a way to change the order to make the usb first03:09
inertialdoes nautilus file browser have an 'open terminal in this directory' option?03:09
razaccourhow do i convert my tv tuner broadcast with TVTime into html?03:09
tritiumrazaccour: please don't repeat.03:09
Manix1rww: the command I need to run is 'sudo mount /dev/mapper/nvidia_dibaffbh1 /vista' is has to be done so because of the Raid5 I have setup03:09
razaccouri wasn't sure if some people here read it the first time03:10
redvamp128russia213:  the other option is the fix everyone else wants to send you to03:10
Manix1rww:  that can still be done in the fstab?03:10
regeyaokeydoke, I'm officially impressed by the latest gnome-do...03:10
usserManix1, any mount command that you can do from terminal can be put into fstab03:10
rwwinertial: Try installing nautilus-open-terminal package03:10
rww!info nautilus-open-terminal | inertial03:10
ubottunautilus-open-terminal (source: nautilus-open-terminal): nautilus plugin for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-2build1 (intrepid), package size 31 kB, installed size 756 kB03:10
russia213redvamp128: I think the reason it didn't work is because my C:\ is nstf03:11
rwwinertial: I haven't used it, but it looks promising.03:11
inertialrww: thanks03:11
darkacehelp i am not able to get sound in amarok03:11
redvamp128russia213:  I think -- the grub4dos there is a version that can run on ntfs03:11
darkacesystem sounds are working03:11
WebcamWonderinertial: Yeah, I have that package. WOrks pretty well03:12
=== BentFrank is now known as BentFranklin
darkacehelp please03:12
russia213redvamp128: Well then could you help me get and install it?03:12
redvamp128russia213:  try this page WinGrub and Ubuntu <http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p9.html>03:12
Djmellissehello all03:13
Djmellisseim a new user of ubuntu03:13
Djmellissei have install k ubuntu03:13
inertialWebcamWonder: i just installed it.. how do i use it?03:13
Djmellisseits very great03:13
jerodoes me going back in kernels/distros raise my chances to get my laptop (nc8000) to properly suspend, or is the implementation same in most distros?03:13
WebcamWonderinertial: Right click on any folder in nautilusin the background empty area, open terminal command should pop up03:13
darkacehey can anyone please help me with sound in Amarok I have Kubuntu Intrepid03:13
redvamp128russia213:  it is a long process but I have seen it work -- it lets MBR transfer to Wingrub -- which then boots your distro03:13
redvamp128russia213:  and the main thing is that it can run on NTFS without compromising the MBR03:14
inertialWebcamWonder: ah i just needed to restart nautilus again03:14
WebcamWonderinertial: Oh, yeah... and that :P03:14
Djmellissei just want to know if i can manage a network system for a call center with k ubuntu or i installe genome03:14
WebcamWonder!sound | darkace03:14
ubottudarkace: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:14
redvamp128russia213:  that page again WinGrub and Ubuntu <http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p9.html>03:15
Djmellissei just want to know if i can manage a network system for a call center with k ubuntu or i installe genome03:15
Djmellisseany understand french language Ā§03:16
WebcamWonder!fr | Djmellisse03:16
ubottuDjmellisse: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr03:16
CodyFrom my understanding after gmesg "Firmware file b43/ucode.5.fw" not found i have to download the latest firmware where do i find it? and how do i properly install it?03:16
=== patrick is now known as Guest650
WebcamWonder!broadcom | Cody03:18
ubottuCody: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:18
WebcamWonderCody: Also take a look at the b43-fwcutter, it downloads the firmware, extracts it and installs it03:19
WebcamWonder!info b43-fwcutter03:19
ubottub43-fwcutter (source: b43-fwcutter): Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component main, is optional. Version 1:011-4ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 15 kB, installed size 100 kB03:19
CodyThanks il look into it.03:19
russia213redvamp128: I'll try this and let you know, Thanks ^^03:19
LogikosPlease help: i'm trying to get auido from flash objects in firefox to go to my usb audio controler, i've changed the settings in system>prefs>sound to point to my usb but flash uses the ļ»æfirst OSS/ALSA audio device ... is there a way to change the order to make the usb first03:20
WebcamWonderLogikos: asoundconf can set the default card. But I have never worked with it, so I know very little03:21
WebcamWonderLogikos: asoundconf list, to get a list of all the cards, and asoundconf set-default-card <parameter>03:21
xonpathosok guys, what do you make of this:  surfing through my Xorg.0.log file, I find a line that says "Razer Copperhead Laser Mouse: Configuring as Keyboard" and several lines to support that it did just that (incidentally my mouse didn't work)03:23
GneaI've got a [Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)] with 8.10, and it works only to a certain extent... it's using the b43legacy.ko driver, but instead of doing the full 54g, it's only at 1Mbps (the slowest setting) and the antenna is within 30 feet. I've tried changing channels to no avail. the AP is a netgear. How can I troubleshoot this to get the speed it should have?  The problem I'm having is like th03:24
LogikosWebcamWonder: i know you said you wernt that fimilar with it, but i did asoundconf list and it gives only 2 options: CK8 and Audio03:25
seam0nstercan someone please help me ?03:25
LogikosWebcamWonder: those optiosn arnt very descriptive ... should i just set default to audio ?03:25
Gnea!ask | seam0nster03:25
ubottuseam0nster: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:25
seam0nsterokay sorry...03:25
WebcamWonderLogikos: And I believe one of them has to be your USB03:25
LogikosWebcamWonder: alright then, i'll set default to the 2nd one and see what happens, thanks03:26
WebcamWonderGnea: sudo iwconfig <wlan0 or whatever interface > rate auto, (to force auto), sudo iwconfig <wlan0> rate 54M (force it 54)03:26
WebcamWonderGnea: Usually, it is down to 1 MB/s for a reason, check your fragmentation, rts, and other settings03:26
WebcamWonderGnea: Also, broadcom, has personally, never given me the good old full 54m, might just be b/c of the proprietary firmware03:27
=== |Zippo|_ is now known as |Zippo|
GneaWebcamWonder: thanks, I'll give that a shot. actually, I got the full speed, sustained just fine, with a belkin AP.03:28
seam0nsterurmm, i need to copy and paste a error out of terminal, is it ok to multiline ?03:28
WebcamWonderseam0nster: Yes, but done paste it in irc03:28
WebcamWonder!pastebin | seam0nster03:28
ubottuseam0nster: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:28
seam0nsterokay thanks03:28
WebcamWonderGnea: Interesting. I got it to 36M with changing it to the proper fragmentation and rts values. They always conflicted slowing it down to crawling speed03:29
WebcamWonderseam0nster: don't*03:29
LogikosWebcamWonder: that worked, thanks!03:29
jeroi ve tried now every ubuntu distro from 7.04 to 9.04 all having issues with suspend on a laptop03:29
WebcamWonderGnea: Sorry for the stupid gramar, apparently my ability to form sentences has fallen apart today03:29
WebcamWonderLogikos: No problems, glad to help03:30
GneaWebcamWonder: no worries :)03:30
WebcamWonderjero: You might have some better luck googling for your specific model of the laptop. There might be some workarounds, if ntohing works, you can always report a bug in launchpad03:31
seam0nsterokay here is my problem in pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/115042/ thanks03:31
WebcamWonderseam0nster: sudo apt-get install -f (that should fix broken packages)03:32
jeroreporting a bug is a great idea, but that does not help me atm to get my suspend to work03:32
seam0nsteri will try that, thankyou03:32
arvind_khadrihi, my grub loads but when i boot ubuntu , the orange bar makes to and fro forever....03:32
jeroand i checked various tutorials on my laptop, specifically the xorg.conf stuff, it all works only soso as in sometimes suspend working, and other times it does not03:33
jerothis isnt a system you can trust to work with with other words03:33
sensaeCould someone suggest a music player that's GTK and supports album artist tags?03:33
seam0nsterstill the same error -_-03:33
jeroi would almost go as far to assume the hardware has a problem, if it would not work 100% in winXP03:33
WebcamWonderseam0nster: Which distro are you using?03:34
jerothe problem is clearly linux or its implementation03:34
seam0nsterim sorry, what ?03:34
WebcamWonderseam0nster: Which version of ubuntu. Sorry for the grammar, apparently, my brain has decided to turn off today03:34
seam0nster^_^ np, how can i find out?, i am a three day old windows escapee03:35
tritiumjero: actually, the real problem is often that hardware vendors don't support driver development on linux.03:35
WebcamWonderjero: Linux fully support ACPI, but the hardware vendors sometimes don't. While I agree with you that you cannot trust it, I don't see a viable option other than waiting for upstream to fix it if you report a bug03:35
jeroits old hardware, nc800003:36
xonpathosanybody know why X would try to configure my mouse as a keyboard?03:36
WebcamWonderseam0nster: System -> about ubuntu03:36
WebcamWonderxonpathos: No clue, did you try going through kernel ring buffer?03:36
seam0nster Ubuntu 8.1003:36
bdelin88hey i have a problem here, i am trying to delete trash anywhere on my desktop but it skips the trashcan and gets deleted forever, what's the deal?03:37
WebcamWonderseam0nster: And you seem to be failing on the install build-essential line, right?03:37
xonpathosWebcamWonder: what you mean?03:37
WebcamWonderxonpathos: dmesg03:37
Brando753does anyone know how to install ubuntu oem?03:37
GneaWebcamWonder: getting some mixed results, so I'm going to play around with it and see what I can figure out - thank you :)03:37
xonpathosWebcamWonder oh you're evil...  gimme a min I'll see what I can find03:37
dyfhello.. i have ubuntu with fluxbox, how can i handle my sound? what multiplexing and mixing software can i use?03:38
WebcamWonderGnea: No problems. BTW the forced to 54M won't ensure that it actually transfers it at 54M. I might even go further and say that forcing it to a speed would degrade the speed itself03:38
bdelin88hey i have a problem here, i am trying to delete trash anywhere on my desktop but it skips the trashcan and gets deleted forever, what's the deal?  It says: cannot move file to trash, do you want to delete immediately?03:39
Djmellisseany one can help me to know how installe asterisk in my k ubuntu ????03:39
xonpathosWebcamWonder: Ok, if I'm reading this thing correctly, it's listing my mouse 4 times:  2 as a mouse, 2 as a keyboard03:39
sensaeNobody has any suggestions for music players?03:39
WebcamWonder!info asterisk03:39
ubottuasterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (intrepid), package size 2397 kB, installed size 6512 kB03:39
xonpathosWebcamWonder: if it helps any, when I booted my mouse wasn't working, but I unplugged + plugged and it started working03:39
bdelin88yea.... anyone?03:39
WebcamWonderDjmellisse: sudo aptitude install asterisk03:39
GneaWebcamWonder: yeah, that's pretty much what happened, but it's given me a good place to start figuring out what the real problem is :)03:40
jerowhen i ask question about how to develope drivers i get answers like "why would you want to do it?" - i guess this is why i would want to do it03:40
Djmellisseok will test sudo03:40
WebcamWonderxonpathos: Yeah, the unplug and plug would cause the entry to be registered in dmesg. But it should be with a later timestamp for you to identify03:40
tylerI have recently upgraded NVIDIA drivers and are having trouble, would osmeone look at this? http://pastebin.com/m4ae5850d03:40
=== tyler is now known as Guest38474
Brando753does anyone know how to install ubuntu oem, i keep getting busybox?03:40
bdelin88hey i have a problem here, i am trying to delete trash anywhere on my desktop but it skips the trashcan and gets deleted forever, what's the deal?  It says: cannot move file to trash, do you want to delete immediately?03:40
seam0nsterIs this going to be so hard i should buy just buy a new usb wifi ?03:40
StargazerHow do i get into a shared folder/path from a windows computer ? (the shared folder being in Ubuntu)03:41
=== Guest38474 is now known as Kidfork
macmanim trying to put windows 7 on a new parition .. im using gparted to try to resize it but i get no options to resize my main parition .. any ideas ?03:41
WebcamWonder!samba | Stargazer03:41
ubottuStargazer: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:41
WebcamWonder!gparted | macman03:41
ubottumacman: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type Ā« sudo apt-get install gparted Ā» in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:41
xonpathosWebcamWonder: ok, I'm going to show my severe ineptitude. does [  148.000123]  look like a timestamp?03:41
WebcamWonderxonpathos: Yeah, that would be the seconds since the PC was up03:41
macmanWebcamWonder, i already have gparted installed03:42
WebcamWonderxonpathos: Was it seconds or minutes, I forgot. Ithink it was seconds03:42
xonpathosk, then yeah, the 4 entries are grouped in sets of 2: one mouse and one keyboard per group03:42
WebcamWonderseam0nster: Hold on, I am a little crowded here :)03:42
xonpathosshould be seconds03:42
Brando753How does one do a oem install for netbooks using unetbootin?03:42
seam0nsterno problem, i can see that :)03:42
WebcamWondermacman: Make sure you are doing it from a livecd. you cannot resize active partitions (partitions that are currently mounted)03:42
rwwmacman: GParted can't resize active partitions. If you're trying to resize the partition you're currently running Ubuntu from, you'll need to boot from an Ubuntu or GParted Live CD to do it.03:42
macmanlol ok03:43
WebcamWonderxonpathos: That is definitely the kernel/xorg picking it up as mouse. I would suggest googling your specific model, if not definitely file a bug03:43
doggyslobber anyone know how to delete a qEmu machine completely? I deleted the directory and now it complains about it03:44
WebcamWonderseam0nster: Can you try doing, sudo aptitude install build-essential03:44
Brando753:( i need some help here :(03:44
WebcamWonder!info build-essential03:44
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB03:44
seam0nsterWebcamWonder: sure :)03:44
KidforkI have recently upgraded NVIDIA drivers and are having trouble, would osmeone look at this? http://pastebin.com/m4ae5850d03:44
jerodoggyslobber install the same package and then properly remove it?03:45
doggyslobberthere is not option to remove it03:45
WebcamWonderBrando753: Theoretically, it shouldn't matter. Just get Ubuntu, and make a usb out of it03:45
Djmellissei have a crach when i change page, my driver for my ati card is installed and activated correcly03:45
xonpathosWebcamWonder: Thanks!  I think I'm going to reboot to try to get a bit cleaner log file and see what I can come up with... might post a bug or 3 :D03:45
seam0nsterOh this looks promaising03:45
WebcamWonderxonpathos: Yeah, and in the bug, relevant parts from Xorg, and dmesg :)03:46
Brando753webcamwonder im trying to make a oem install but everytime i do i just get busy box rather then an installer\03:46
seam0nsterThanks WebcamWonder i honestly don't know how you have the patience for all us noobies :)03:46
xonpathosWebcamWonder:  Thanks for your help!03:46
WebcamWonderKidfork: You do have a nVidia video card right?03:46
WebcamWonderseam0nster: Did it work?03:46
KidforkWebCamWonder: Yes of course03:46
seam0nsteri think...03:47
WebcamWonderKidfork: What model? And where did you install the drivers from?03:47
seam0nsteroh wait, no.. sorry premature celebration -_-03:47
seam0nstersame error03:47
smoovepHELP: I mount.cifs to a windows server share and set ubuntu user home folder to /windowserver/directory ...when the user create a file its created with rw-,r--,r-- and can upload files but can't download or read the files03:47
WebcamWonderseam0nster: Yeah. Apparently, it cannot install that package, wait let me digg some stuff up03:48
=== elpargo_ is now known as elpargo
seam0nsterWebcamWonder: thank you so much :)03:48
seam0nsteryou're a saint03:48
WebcamWonder!info dpkg-dev03:48
ubottudpkg-dev (source: dpkg): Debian package development tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.14.20ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 597 kB, installed size 1904 kB03:48
KidforkWebcamWonder: Nvidia GeForce XFX AGP 6200 , installed from stoping the x-server and -sh the driver. Driver downloaded directly from Nvidia Site03:48
WebcamWonderseam0nster: Do a sudo aptitude update && aptitude show dpkg-dev, as pastebin it please03:49
smoovep HELP: I mount.cifs to a windows server share and set ubuntu user home folder to /windowserver/directory ...when the user create a file its created with rw-,r--,r-- and can upload files but can't download or read the files03:49
seam0nsterokay :)03:49
arronhi, i just installed xubuntu, i'm loving it so far, but i have a very limited list of screen resolutions available... i want to add more, how can i do this ?03:50
WebcamWonderKidfork: And did you download the version of the nVidia drivers that, that card was actually supported for?03:50
WebcamWonderarron: What video card do you have?03:50
smoovepQyestion: How can I set ubuntu defaul umask to 002 ?03:50
KidforkWebcamWonder: Correct03:50
arronim running in a VirtualPV07SP103:51
arronim running in a VirtualPC07SP103:51
WebcamWonderarron: Virtual PC?03:51
bdelin88how can i look up my UID and GID?03:51
WebcamWonderKidfork: lspci | grep nVidia, tell me if you see the card there03:51
arronyeah it's like VMware03:51
tritiumbdelin88: they're listed next to your user name in /etc/passwd03:52
bdelin88tritium: isn't there a command though?  i guess i am thinking of something else03:52
KidforkWebcamWonder: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] (rev a1)03:52
WebcamWonderKidfork: Very interesting, did you get the 180.22?03:53
KidforkWebCamWonder: Yes03:53
arronanyway i know it's capable of 1650x1050, and it should just be a case of configuring X i assume03:53
PowerGoatsHow would I disconnect from the internet? sudo ifconfig eth0 down ?03:54
arronsettings manager -> displayer only lists like 800x600 tho03:54
dyfsensae: which DE?03:54
seam0nsterWebcamWonder: thanks, i must leave now. -_-03:54
seam0nsteranother time maybe03:54
seam0nsterthanks again03:54
WebcamWonderKidfork: Did you try getting the drivers from the ubuntu repos first?03:54
WebcamWonderPowerGoats: Yup, that should do it03:55
zirodayarron: one sec03:55
PowerGoatsWebcamWonder, even if a download is going ?03:55
KidforkWebcamWonder: i did and they worked fine, however, i was trying to play a virtual world called Second Life. and It was always crashing03:55
WebcamWonderPowerGoats: Yup03:55
smoovep HELP: I mount.cifs to a windows server share and set ubuntu user home folder to /windowserver/directory ...when the user create a file its created with rw-,r--,r-- and can upload files but can't download or read the files03:55
PowerGoatsWebcamWonder, Should I put it in roots crontab or my own03:56
KidforkWebcamWonder: It worked fine on Hardy, so im thinking of downgrading03:56
WebcamWonderPowerGoats: But that would interrupt the download if it is going on. It needs to be root in order to bring the interface down, so root03:56
ksovierois there a room for just server support?03:56
zirodayarron: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToConfigureUbuntuForMicrosoftVirtualPC2004 also you should seriously consider virtualbox or vmware or wubi instead of virtual pc03:56
zirodayksoviero: #ubuntu-server?03:56
PowerGoatsWebcamWonder, that's what I want.  I have a "Fair Access Policy" on my ISP.  I only have a few hours to download unlimited03:57
WebcamWonderPowerGoats: Yeah sure, that would bring it down03:57
ChaorainCompiz question. On the desktop cube with deformation how do I get it to proprtionaly shrink the cube caps?03:57
PowerGoatsWebcamWonder, I am guessing I could also set it to killall program , just in case03:57
ksovieroziroday: thank you03:57
WebcamWonderPowerGoats: Use pkill please :P03:57
PowerGoatsWebcamWonder, Never heard of it03:57
WebcamWonderPowerGoats: Much.. saner.. than killall :)03:57
smoovepQuestion, why all my ftp user create files with 0644 permission ? Thanks03:58
sensaedyf: Gnome03:58
PowerGoatsWebcamWonder, something like pkill wget ?03:58
WebcamWonderChaorain: Do you have the advanced compiz settings manager?03:58
WebcamWonderPowerGoats: Yup, that should do it03:58
corywaltzerTotally new to Linux here, can anyone help me with installing my wireless card driver?  I have tried the built in help but it seems I am missing the package(s) that I need...03:58
PowerGoatsWebcamWonder, I'll see if it kills xchat then03:58
dyfsensae: do you want it to handle libraries? like do you want it to sort your music, or you sort your music yourself?03:58
WebcamWondercorywaltzer: More info please. Which card?03:59
corywaltzer...and the proprietary drivers dont install....03:59
brettley_laptopi just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my desktop, and i never saw grub, it went straight for the windows bootloader03:59
sensaedyf: I want it to handle libraries, and I want it to support the album artist tag. So far rhythmbox and exaile are fail.03:59
zirodaycorywaltzer: okay, do you know what wireless card you have?03:59
SuperGoatslooks like it.03:59
corywaltzerit is a Broadcom 802.1103:59
WebcamWondersmoovep: Check your ftp server. It might be giving out the permissions03:59
WebcamWonder!broadcom | corywaltzer03:59
ubottucorywaltzer: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:59
WebcamWonderSuperGoats: Will you be running multiple wget?04:00
jeroi just read someone reporting the same laptop worked with ubuntu dapper out the box. so  i will now try ubuntu dapper on it04:00
corywaltzerI am going to stay connected here in case I can't get it......so far I am extremely impressed with Linux04:00
SuperGoatsWebcamWonder, no, I will be wget -i files04:00
ChaorainWebcamWonder: I think so is that System>Preferences>Compiz Settings config manager?04:00
corywaltzerother than the learning curve...lol04:00
jeroconcerning going to ubuntu dapper, should i be carefull with updates screwing my suspend up again possibly?04:00
brettley_laptopany ideas why grub didnt show up?04:00
SuperGoatsWebcamWonder, probably more like -c -i files -b blah blah blah, but yes 104:00
WebcamWonderChaorain: Same path, but Advanced Desktop Settings (something like that... Advanced...)04:00
dyfsensae: i don't know really.. i was going to suggest rythmbox.. i organize my own music and Audacious is a very good choice.. many people (including me) swear by amaroK, but i don't know if you want to download the necessary KDE libraries for it04:01
WebcamWonderSuperGoats: Great, I just wanted to say that I don't know what pkill does with multiple instances, whether it kills all or not04:01
dyfsensae: i don't use it now, but when i was using it, i liked it04:01
SuperGoatsWebcamWonder, Ok, let me open up 2 xchats then04:01
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WebcamWondercorywaltzer: Just look at b43-fwcutter, it downloads the firmware, extracts it, and installs it for you04:01
brettley_laptopi realy need to get this working tonight04:01
sensaedyf: Yeah, I'm trying to avoid it but if that's the only choice I have, so be it.04:01
WebcamWondercorywaltzer: If your card is compatible with the new b43 firmware that is04:01
joshjtlhi, does anyone use USP (Ubuntu Sytem Panel menu)? Where can I find the current release to download?04:02
SuperGoatskilled'em all04:02
WebcamWonderjero: dapper is no longer supported IIRC04:02
SuperGoatsWebcamWonder, killed'em all that is04:02
WebcamWonderSuperGoats: Good :)...04:02
SuperGoatsseems I wouldn't need to worry about taking down the network, unlike windows's download managers I can't rely on being dead04:02
SuperGoatsI'd come back and they'd still be downloading if I didn't ipconfig /release04:03
jerowebcamwonder - where can i read up on dapper not being supported on irc any longer?04:03
WebcamWonderSuperGoats: I would do it, if I really wanted to not cross that border, but personal prefernce I guess04:03
SuperGoatsWebcamWonder, I don't think my computer could use up 425 MBs just sitting here04:03
ChaorainWebcamWonder: hm I don't see it04:03
ziroday!eol | jerone04:03
ubottujerone: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases04:03
zirodayerr jero ^04:03
SuperGoatsWebcamWonder, That's the "Rolling 24 hour" bandwidth limit besides 1-6 AM04:03
WebcamWonder!find compiz-config-manager04:03
ubottuPackage/file compiz-config-manager does not exist in intrepid04:03
WebcamWonder!find compiz config manager04:04
ubottuconfig is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']04:04
dyfwhy is ctrl+alt+backspace not restarting fluxbox?04:04
WebcamWonder!find compiz04:04
ubottuFound: compiz-fusion-bcop, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compizconfig-backend-gconf, libcompizconfig0, libcompizconfig0-dev (and 13 others)04:04
zirodaydyf: what version of ubuntu?04:04
dyfziroday: 9.04 alpha04:04
jerone-mobileziroday: ??04:04
ksovieromy server hates me04:04
zirodayjerone: sorry, tab complete fail04:04
WebcamWonderChaorain: Wait, let me get the package name, I always forget it04:04
tritiumdyf: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty, please04:04
zirodaydyf: jaunty help in #ubuntu+1. Also see dont-zap04:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dont-zap04:05
WebcamWonder!info compizconfig-settings-manager04:05
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.8-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 619 kB, installed size 4048 kB04:05
dyfziroday: what's don't zap04:05
WebcamWonderChaorain: ^^04:05
zirodaydyf: in #ubuntu+1 :)04:05
ChaorainWebcamWonder: k04:05
tritiumdyf: if you're running jaunty, you should be reading enough to know what they changed regarding dontzap04:05
ksovieroi tried to install cups, but when i do it kills that server04:05
WebcamWonderChaorain: Install that package to get the glories of everything compiz can offer :P04:05
dyftritium: i'm just using it because it has support for my hardware out of the box.. nothing special04:06
dyftritium: i had troubles with 8.1004:06
XaeroI have a question about compiling and running a program, if I were to download the program source could I compile it for 32-bit OS even though I'm using x86_64 and if I can, can I then run that 32-bit binary under my 64-bit linux?04:06
jerowhat are the implications other than not having support anymore, when installing an old ubuntu distro ?04:06
jerowould i have trouble finding packages for it?04:06
smoovepQuestion? how to let ftp users keep their permissions on uploaded files04:06
WebcamWonderjero: No updates... You would have to compile stuff yourself04:06
DSSA1Does anyone know if I want to install the server version of 8.10 and already have the desktop version on a computer if I can just copy over it?04:06
zirodayjero: you don't get updates (like security updates) for it anymoer04:07
jerook, thats not too hard, but is there anything else i have to consider?04:07
WebcamWonderDSSA1: Copy it over? What do you mean? The entire fs?04:07
DSSA1I'm not sure04:07
Xaeroanybody know how to compile 32 bit binaries in x64 linux?04:07
ChaorainWebcamWonder: apt-get says its installed with the latest version04:07
WebcamWonderjero: Nope. Old versions of ubuntu are just, older kernels with older paackages04:07
DSSA1built a new computer to use as a file server at home here04:07
Xaeroand if its possible using ia32-libs to run said binary in x64?04:07
zirodayjero: and its a pita to upgrade04:07
WebcamWonderChaorain: System -> Prefs -> Advanced Desktop Effect Seettings, you don't see it?04:08
DSSA1loaded Ubuntu Desktop, but found that I really need the server edition instead04:08
jeroin my case the upgrade was a downgrade04:08
DSSA1I apologize---I'm really computer retarded04:08
jeroif you cannot get suspend to work on a laptop, the OS in question is useless04:08
WebcamWonderDSSA1: So, you want GUI on your server, or GUI off your server?04:08
brettley_laptopwhy did grub not load on startup after i installed ubuntu?04:08
DSSA1Just want to load the server edition on the right wat04:08
qcjnhi, does it make a difference when i close with sudo poweroff instead of shutting down with the upper right icone ? does it close the same way ?04:08
nickrudDSSA1, it doesn't matter: you can just install the server packages you want04:08
zirodayDSSA1: you can remove the desktop packages with sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop and then install the file server packages04:08
corywaltzerI tried to edit the file  add the following lines to                  /etc/apt/sources.list but I cannot open it with a text editor...any help?04:08
ksovieroi tried to install cups, but when i do it kills that server04:09
nickrudcorywaltzer, gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:09
DSSA1I want GUI on my server eventually, and want to follow this: http://www.corey-m.com/blog/?p=33204:09
zirodaycorywaltzer: tried doing gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:09
ChaorainWebcamWonder: no just the Compizsettings manager.04:09
DSSA1But I have the desktop version on there already, and this is my first instance of using/trying Ubuntu04:09
WebcamWonderChaorain: That, my friend, is very weird04:09
ksovieroDoes anyone know why cups would hurt a server04:10
nickrudqcjn, it causes your desktop to abruptly stop, without the normal shutdown; the rest of the system shuts down normally04:10
dyfdoes anyone know if the current ubuntu has support ofr boradcom wireless cards in the restricted drivers manager?04:10
ben44banyone know what Error25 at Grub loading.... is?04:10
DSSA1Gotcha.  Anyone have any good 'how to's' on loading the required server apps onto the desktop04:10
nickrudDSSA1, the server version uses the exact same packages as the desktop, except for the kernel. Unless you're running heavy hardware, it makes no diff04:10
zirodaydyf: depends on the card, however yes it has improved since hardy04:10
ChaorainWebcamWonder: I think it is the same thing04:10
nickrudDSSA1, what are you trying to run on your server?04:11
WebcamWonderChaorain: Does it give you a rteally big window with many diff plugin support optins?04:11
DSSA1nickrud: Just trying to set this box up as a file-server for quickbooks and storage for 3 other computers.04:11
ksovierodoes anyone know anything about cups here?04:11
WebcamWonder!cups | ksoviero04:11
ubottuksoviero: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:11
qcjnnickrud: ok, thanks04:11
nickrudDSSA1, what type of storage? samba?04:11
ChaorainWebcamWonder: yes. Let me find a picture of it04:11
DSSA1nickrud: Err...not sure yet04:11
DSSA1trying to figure this all out04:11
nickrudDSSA1, samba is essentially the same as windows file sharing04:12
WebcamWonderChaorain: Ok, that means you have it. They must have renamed it in Intrepid, anyways.. you can go into the settings of the 3d cube plugins and tweak with them04:12
DSSA1probably not the best for me to try to figure out my first home-built file server this way, but I'd really like to learn how to set it up04:12
DSSA1Ahh, gotcha04:12
sagredowhat is the terminal cmd to "run" an executable file04:12
georgeMy first time here..so..listening..04:12
DSSA1I've been using stupid things like NAS devices which constantly fail04:12
nickrudDSSA1, and, I'm clueless with samba :)04:12
zirodaysagredo: if its a bash script then ./<filename?04:12
DSSA1trying to get away from that04:12
WebcamWondersagredo: Current directory? ./filename04:12
sagredonickrud: how long did it take you to learn everything04:12
nickrudsagredo, someday I expect to be competent04:13
zirodayDSSA1: are any of the computers accessing the file share windows or is just unix's?04:13
DSSA1nickrud: I appreciate the input regardless.  Your "cluelessness" as you claim it to be is lightyears ahead of me.04:13
nickrudsagredo, but probably after a year or so I knew enough to know how to answer my own questions04:13
corywaltzerok I am in there now, do I just add the lines at the bottom of the sources.list?04:13
sagredoWebcamWonder: ziroday: I want to use alias songbird='/home/sagredo/Songbird/songbird-bin04:13
DSSA1ziroday: They're all windows XP computers04:13
zirodaycorywaltzer: correct04:13
corywaltzerok thank you....04:14
WebcamWondersagredo: just type: songbird04:14
sagredonickrud: how long ago was that first year... just curious, I remember seeing you here quite some years ago04:14
zirodayDSSA1: all right, well then samba is really the only option you have :). I can guide you through the install if you want04:14
smoovepAnyreason why all my ftp users files belongs to root?04:14
sagredoWebcamWonder: bash: cmd not found04:14
nickrudsagredo, my first ever linux install? March 19, 2000 :)04:14
DSSA1I'm basically trying to just set up a more-reliable, faster, glorified network device04:14
sagredonickrud: what continent are you located on?04:14
DSSA1ziroday: If you have the time, I'd appreciate it04:15
sagredodo you know Mr. Shuttles04:15
nickrudsagredo, Los Angeles CA04:15
zirodayDSSA1: no problem, are you familiar with the terminal?04:15
WebcamWonder!fr | bilel04:15
ubottubilel: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr04:15
DSSA1I'm pretty helpless though, let me forewarn you04:15
sagredonice I'm in Orange County :)04:15
DSSA1ziroday: I just loaded ubuntu for the first time about 2 hours agoo04:15
nickrudsagredo, no, I know no one personally. Just enjoy helping out. You might like #ubuntu-california , there's a loco team with some members in OC04:15
DSSA1been reading what I can find on it for the last 24 hours04:15
sagredonickrud: thanks I'll scope it04:16
Quicken2kI lost my GUI only text now...why?04:16
zirodayDSSA1: got it :), okay most of the stuff you'll be doing is from the terminal. If you don't understand anything ask me :). First open a terminal from Applications > Accesories > Terminal04:16
sagredonickrud: how can I alias a executable file? The only way I've been able to figure out how to run it is with the guis04:16
corywaltzersomething else is wrong, I am trying to find out what Ver. of Ubuntu I am using, but when I click About Ubuntu, it says starting about Ubuntu, then disappears04:16
spritlewhat's a good usenet client for linux?04:16
DSSA1ziroday: Doing that now04:16
zirodaycorywaltzer: you can also find that out by doing lsb_release -a in a terminal04:16
corywaltzerok cool04:17
zirodayDSSA1: great, then we're going to install the samba packages04:17
DSSA1ziroday: done04:17
ChaorainWebcamWonder: ok, when I don't use distortion the image is the right size but when I use distortion it looks better but is out of proportion. can you help?04:17
nickrudsagredo, add a line to your .bashrc , for example   alias  ac='/usr/bin/apt-cache'   When you log in, the alias will automatically be there04:17
sagredonickrud: will I be able to use it instantly?04:17
zirodayDSSA1: with sudo apt-get install samba04:17
WebcamWonderChaorain: Compiz specific stuff, nope? I don't even run it. Plain old metacity for me :)04:17
CodyHow do you obtain privlidges to extract files to /lib/firmware/ ?04:17
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:17
WebcamWonderCody: sudo04:17
CodyI do not know how to extract files through the terminal.04:18
Quicken2kneed to re-enabled gnome service04:18
nickrudsagredo, no. but, if you type   source ~/.bashrc , your shell will re-read the file and then you'll have access04:18
zirodayDSSA1: and it should be installing the samba packages correct?04:18
georgeanyone running Ububtu on a presario laptop??04:18
WebcamWondergeorge: Yes04:18
sagredonickrud: thanks04:18
georgedoes achilles work?04:19
DSSA1ziroday: Yessir..it's loading now04:19
DSSA1I'm sliding across the room to so this04:19
WebcamWondergeorge: And what is "achilles"?04:19
zirodayDSSA1: great, tell me if anything pops up04:19
sluskenhmm my powermizer wont go beyond performance level 1 using ubuntu 8.10 and Nvidia 9600M GT with 177.82 drivers04:19
DSSA1Do you mind giving me one second?  I'll load MIRC on the Ubuntu box instead of going back and forth across the room.04:19
georgeachilles is game of evolution graphically04:19
corywaltzerafter I added the lines it says I cant save because I dont have permissions04:20
zirodayDSSA1: sure, but its not mirc you want. Start pidgin instant messenger instead04:20
WebcamWondergeorge: A game should not be dependent on your motherboard. it shpould be dependent on your hardware/drivers/kernel04:20
WebcamWonderziroday: irssi, xchat :)04:20
zirodayDSSA1: its in Applications > Internet > Pidgin Instant Messenger04:20
CodyWebcamWonder:  Can you tell me how to extract filed from the terminal>04:20
arronmotherboard is hardware04:20
WebcamWondercorywaltzer: You have to edit that file with gksu previledges04:21
zirodayWebcamWonder: new user, trying to take it easy :)04:21
ChaorainWebcamWonder: thanks anyway. I really want good graphics04:21
sluskenwill give cake for help <304:21
georgeachilles is only 2 colours and is un understandable according to the website explanation04:21
WebcamWonderarron: Arghh... sorry, meant video card, not hardware04:21
corywaltzerWebcamWonder: how do I do that? sorry for being ignorant04:21
russia213redvamp128: I did that tutorial, but unfortunately for some reason the Grub that was installed through that tutorial doesn't see my external04:21
WebcamWondercorywaltzer: Alt+F2, a run dialog should come up, type in: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:22
sagredonickrud: it returned ' error while loading shared libraries: libjemalloc.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'; is there another command to "run" a file, like a shell script or executable?04:22
redvamp128russia213:  it was worth a try-- though I don't know quite why -- grub is not seeing the external-- or installing--04:22
CodyCan anyone tell me how to extract files using the terminal?04:22
WebcamWonderziroday: Oh, I get it. Don't worry, now that he has seen the light, he will be compiling his own vanilla kernel within 2 weeks :P :)04:22
DSSA2ziroday: Got it04:22
georgeok webcam..seems video is not cooperating with the program04:22
nickrudsagredo, I'm not sure what you did there. what command gave that error?04:22
zirodayDSSA2: awesome, samba finished installing?04:23
DSSA2back at my server command line.  says " Starting Samba daemons"04:23
zirodayDSSA2: thats fine04:23
WebcamWonderCody: You can do it using the, tar command, I forogt the exact params, let me chek04:23
russia213redvamp128: the grub from that tutorial works just fine at the prompt it'll boot Windows easily, but once it searches for an OS to boot it only sees XP04:23
CodyIts not a .tar04:24
corywaltzerWebcamWonder: this is what I get when I do that.....Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file04:24
redvamp128well if we knew-- the location of the usb device-- then we can add that to its grub04:24
zirodaycorywaltzer: what version of ubuntu are you using?04:24
WebcamWonderCody, you can use nautilus directly, extract here on the file, and that should do it04:24
redvamp128russia213:  that last comment was meant for you-- about the location of the usb device and editing the grub on that one04:25
zirodaycorywaltzer: okay, try installing the b43-fwcutter package04:25
zirodaycorywaltzer: and then reinstalling04:25
JooobaaAnyone around to help with a ubuntu 8.10 toshiba a70 sound problem? had been running fine for 4 months then after a reboot no sound?04:25
Jooobaaalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory04:25
redvamp128russia213:  at least with the wingrub-- it does not overwrite the MBR04:25
corywaltzerok I'll give it a try...thank you04:26
zirodaycorywaltzer: err restarting sorry04:26
russia213redvamp128: Ubuntu sees it at sdc1 or (hd2,0) but when I tried to root it in the console it said it couldn't find it04:26
DSSA2ziroday: you mind if I PM you?  That way I can keep up with the conversation and just wait until you have time.  I see that you're in high-demand. ;-)04:27
redvamp128russia213:  I have to refrerence more about grub configs--04:27
russia213redvamp128: ok04:27
zirodayDSSA2: I would actually prefer it if we keep in channel. That way if I give you bad advice (it happens far too often) someone can correct me04:27
Chaorainanyone know how to watch a .nuv file (MythTV recording) that was on an old comp?04:27
DSSA1Oh, okay04:27
austin987anyone here ever used ddrescue? I've got it recoverting a 140 GB partition, and now it's on 'Splitting error areas...' trying to get a ETA on completion04:28
DSSA1I appreciate the help--can't be any worse then what I'd do on my own.04:28
zirodayDSSA1: anyway, has samba finished installing04:28
redvamp128russia213:  I did find this and am currently reading USB Boot using GRUB <>04:28
zirodayDSSA1: awesome, now you need to edit the config file in /etc/samba/smb.conf04:28
zirodayDSSA1: that is where you can define that shares04:29
giacowhere's the xinitrc of ubuntu?04:29
JooobaaAnyone around to help with a ubuntu 8.10 toshiba a70 sound problem? had been running fine for 4 months then after a reboot no sound?04:29
Jooobaaalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory04:29
zirodayDSSA1: you can edit it with gksu gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf04:29
DSSA2says "permission denied"04:30
zirodayDSSA2: you need the gksu infront04:30
DSSA2A big screen full of text popped up when I entered that04:30
zirodayDSSA2: thats fine, thats the config file. Its where you configure the program04:31
zirodayDSSA2: now what folders did you want to share and to who?04:31
sagredonickrud: alias songbird='/home/sagredo/Songbird/songbird-bin'04:31
DSSA2ziroday: Sorry....I didn't set up any folders yet to share.  I just loaded the program a little bit ago04:32
DSSA2should I import them off of the network and put them in a folder now?04:32
brettley_laptopdoods i need sereous help! i cant get grub to load ubuntu! ive tried 2 times, do i have to install it over the windows bootloader?!04:32
zirodayDSSA2: one sec. How many shares do you plan to create?04:32
nickrudsagredo, but if you do    cd /home/sagredoSongbird && ./songbird-bin, it runs?04:33
DSSA2Just one folder that everyone can access for now.  3 XP terminals on a network04:33
nickrudsagredo, with the right cd dir, of course04:33
DSSA2Only have two three other users besides myself which I trust to access everything04:33
Anacranom!grub | brettley_laptop04:33
ubottubrettley_laptop: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:33
wolterhow do i get the new version of gnome-do with docky?04:33
DSSA2two three = three, sorry04:33
zirodayDSSA2: okay, and you want the users to have to use a password?04:33
DSSA2That's not even neccesary at this point04:34
nickrudwolter, try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic, some of them were talking about docky there earlier04:34
DSSA2just so they can access the files04:34
redvamp128russia213:  i have found something04:34
DSSA2Basically, they'll just access the quickbooks file from this terminal and be able to save files here04:34
zirodayDSSA2: okay, and will they be able to write to the folder, or just read them?04:34
zirodayDSSA2: okay so write as well04:35
zirodayDSSA2: right. well copy the files from your current network server and onto your ubuntu server04:35
redvamp128russia213:  have  look around the booting via grub-- possibly add it to the grub wingrub created ... BootFromUSB - Community Ubuntu Documentation <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB>04:35
DSSA2Can I just put them in a new folder on the desktop for now for sake of ease?04:35
zirodayDSSA2: thats fube04:36
zirodayDSSA2: err fine04:36
DSSA2Okay, I'll do that now.  Will take a little bit.04:36
CodyI still can't figure it out sorry but i have all the firmware for b43 wireless cards and i want to put them in /lib/firmware/ how do i do that the folder containing the files is on my desktop with a lock above the icon.04:36
JooobaaAnyone around to help with a ubuntu 8.10 toshiba a70 sound problem? had been running fine for 4 months then after a reboot no sound?04:36
Jooobaaalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory04:36
zirodayDSSA2: no problem, I should be here, if not am at lunch. And someone else can always help you04:36
brettley_laptopAnacranom: that didnt help at all04:37
redvamp128russia213:  did you catch that? BootFromUSB - Community Ubuntu Documentation <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB>04:37
Anacranombrettley_laptop, why not?04:37
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brettley_laptopbecause its installed, but its not showing up -.-04:37
corywaltzereverytime I try to download something it tells me there is no room for the download04:37
brettley_laptopi cant even get in to my OS to edit it04:38
DSSA2ziroday: Where are you located?04:38
Anacranombrettley_laptop, then its not installed where it needs to be, which is what the link shows how to do04:38
lokieeehi guys if i want to tar some files together, what exactly would i type?  i googled but there are so many commands, i am taring .c files, and other files04:38
* DSSA2 thinks ziroday already went to lunch :-D04:39
Anacranombrettley_laptop, and yes, you hae to install grub over the windows boot loader04:39
brettley_laptopAnacranom: great, so that means windows needs to stay?04:39
caveman26I installed ubuntu to a USB hard drive, now it wont boot, it loads grub, but when I try to boot I get error 17... I cant get beyond that at all04:40
p1_lokieee: something like "tar cvf outfile *.c"04:40
caveman26plz help04:40
Anacranombrettley_laptop, ?04:40
ice_creamlokieee, just put them all in a directory and tar that04:40
brettley_laptopAnacranom: if i try uninstalling windows, wont that delete the boot loader too?04:40
Anacranombrettley_laptop, windows will be added to the grub list04:40
brettley_laptopAnacranom: i know, bit i am thinking ill uninstall windows04:41
Brando753is there a way to save your oem configuration so you dont have to keep repeating the configuration process on different machines04:41
Anacranombrettley_laptop, you dont have to uninstall windows04:41
brettley_laptopbut what if i want to?04:41
lokieeeice_cream is it just like: tar cvf panda.tar panda/  if panda was my directory04:41
p1_lokieee:  the "c" is for create, the "v" for verbose, the "f" to spec ur destination file.04:41
lokieeek thanks04:42
Anacranombrettley_laptop, then at least install the grub first04:42
ice_creamlokieee, well yea, just as it says on line 12 or so of man page04:42
Anacranombrettley_laptop, it wont help04:42
mib_pib40xtfhello is anyone available for help? just a quick question04:42
Sinbizlcan anyone help me out? i have a creative x-fi surround 5.1 usb sound card. whenever i click test in sound settings the speakers work yet for some reason no matter what i do my laptop always outputs to the laptop speakers insted of the ones pluged into my soundcard.04:43
brettley_laptopAnacranom: so as long as i put grub where it sais windows vista (longhorn) loader04:43
Sinbizlcan anyone help me?04:43
brettley_laptopAnacranom: it will work?04:43
ice_creamalthough that might be line 3004:43
boxmib_pib40xtf: don't ask if you can ask, just ask04:43
Anacranombrettley_laptop, grub is not currently installed to the 1st sector (MBR) ... so either way you need to install grub to the main04:43
mib_pib40xtfok thanks04:43
mib_pib40xtfI need to know04:43
mib_pib40xtfif squid works04:43
boxmib_pib40xtf: and somebody MIGHT answer04:43
mib_pib40xtfon ubuntu server 8.104:43
mib_pib40xtfwithout any editing04:43
bthorntonFor the Hardy repositories, is it possible that the maximum nvidia-glx-new version is not the same as the linux-restricted-modules?04:43
Anacranombrettley_laptop, yes04:44
brettley_laptopAnacranom: ok so where it sais windows vista, put the bootloader there, got it04:44
bthorntonI have no video because my nVidia driver version does not match the kernel module version.04:44
mib_pib40xtfok thanks04:44
Anacranombrettley_laptop, is that what the link says/04:44
brettley_laptopi think?04:44
jdsandesonhelp my screen went dark04:45
brettley_laptopjdsandeson: is it a laptop?04:45
Brando753is there a way to save your oem configuration so you dont have to keep repeating the configuration process on different machines04:45
brettley_laptopjdsandeson: is it older?04:46
caveman26I installed ubuntu to an external USB hard drive that I boot from, now it wont boot anything, grub give me error 1704:46
zirodayDSSA2: and the cat and dog were misbehaving :)04:46
jdsandesonnot as old as this one04:46
zirodayDSSA2: how are you copying the files over?04:46
jdsandesonacer aspire 320004:46
brettley_laptopjdsandeson: is it just dark in the os or is it dark all the time?04:46
sagredonickrud: that, however, does not work when I alias the command, any suggestions?04:46
Brando753anyone know?04:46
BrentonEcclesCan someone help me? I have an acer aspire with the most recent ubuntu installation. Why does it keep crashing?04:46
jdsandesonall the time everything is there if you hold a strong light up to it04:47
brettley_laptopjdsandeson: if the light is away from it, can you see the stuff on the screen SLIGHTLY04:47
brettley_laptopif you look carefully?04:48
sagredonickrud: nevermind, I was directing it to the wrong file when I wrote the alias command, it's working04:48
brettley_laptopjdsandeson: i think the backlight on your LCD screen went out04:48
jdsandesoni can vnc to it from this one and everything is ok04:48
brettley_laptopdoes it look kind of like if your playing a gameboy in the middle of the day?04:49
brettley_laptopyep your backlight is out on the laptop screen04:49
Brando753guys can someone help me out04:49
PajamaSam1hey guys04:49
jdsandesonguess just have to make him a print server04:49
brettley_laptopyour pc isnt effected at all, exept for that you cant see the screen hardly04:49
Brando753is there a way to save your oem configuration so you dont have to keep repeating the configuration process on different machines04:49
PajamaSam1quick question:04:49
BrentonEcclesi am so sick of this system crash. :(04:50
PajamaSam1can i install ubuntu studio w/o a dvd drive?04:50
NonesitoHi, I need a way to say my whole Ext3 partition as it is right now and be able to copy it into a different hard drive (disk image04:51
Nonesitoand probably the other hard drive would have more space ...04:51
UnixDawgok looking into ubunto but not shure what ver to go with04:51
p1_How can I find out what graphics driver is being used ???04:52
* bizkit is away: Sorry I'm AFK04:52
Nonesitoyou can check your graphic card driver04:52
CodyCan anyone tell me how to extract files through the terminal?04:52
Nonesitoby going to your xorg.conf file04:53
Nonesitoand looking what is in the " "  after Driver04:53
AnacranomCody, what type of file04:53
jdsandesonsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf   will display the video driver info04:53
CodyAnacranom:  .fw files.04:54
beaglesnufCody: extract what files?04:54
Nonesitoso what about backing up my actual ext3 filesystem?04:54
Nonesitowhat software should  I use?04:54
CodyI download firmware off the internet on this computer. Burnt the data to a cd. Put it on another computer and am trying to place those files in /lib/firmware04:54
NonesitoI need to restore it into a new hard drive04:54
Nonesitoboth SATA04:54
PajamaSam1did my question get lost in the haze?04:54
CodyBut it says i need permission to extract04:55
Nonesitosudo before04:55
AnacranomCody, try sudo before the cmd04:55
CodyI do not know how to extract files in ther terminal referring bck to the original question ;p04:55
Brando753is there a way to save your oem configuration so you dont have to keep repeating the configuration process on different machines04:55
PajamaSam1can i install ubuntu studio (dvd image only) without a dvd drive?04:55
* bizkit is back (gone 00:03:42)04:56
Brando753ya you will need a jump drive04:56
AnacranomPajamaSam1, only if you know how to burn the image to a 4+gb flash drive04:56
CodySo can anyone tell me how to extract files through the terminal?04:56
RokenAre packages that run inside of a terminal window (BitchX, vi, etc) called anything specific? I'm trying to find a list of packages that run inside of a terminal window04:57
Nonesitoguess there is nothing like norton ghost!04:57
seacnboyhello, everybody,here is a problem. when i use "airmon-ng ",it's shows "/usr/local/sbin/airmon-ng: 17: Syntax error: "(" unexpected",someone knows how to correct this?thanks04:58
caveman26How do I eject the cd whenim running off a live cd, I need to burn a grub disk, and thoe only way this works atm is from the live cd04:58
Nonesitowrong channel04:58
CodyCan anyone tell me how to extract files through a terminal?04:58
Nonesitouse a memory key04:58
caveman26dont have one04:58
RokenCody, you use the tar command and switches for the command depending on the type of file04:59
Manix1need some help installing Cairo Dock please04:59
lokieeeguys if i had a make file....and i had to use the makefile to create the tar, and it looked like this how would i do it exactly?  http://pastebin.com/mdec9ab904:59
Nonesitoand you want o reinstall the grub?04:59
tristan_hi, is there a way to lock the volume control on a G3 imac?04:59
tristan_i'm trying to rickroll a friend of mine, and i've already got a shell script, but i just need to lock the volume so that he can't mute it.05:00
wassy121tristan_: pull the volume knob off his speakers.05:01
usserCody, what archive format/extension?05:01
AnacranomCody, see if you can find a .gz or .bz2 file05:01
Anacranomusser, hes trying .fw05:02
tristan_wassy121: lol yeah, I would have (and soldered the speaker jack in place)  but it's an imac and it's all integrated and controlled by keys on the KB05:02
wemdowemdnewbie to ubuntu here, my external drive won't mount. What's the terminal command to a) list all available drives, and b) mount a drive?05:02
Brando753is there a way to save your oem configuration so you dont have to keep repeating the configuration process on different machines05:02
usserAnacranom, hm wth is .fw?05:02
Anacranomusser, its a win-firmware05:03
usserBrando753, you dont have to do anything special to save config just use backup software like partimage or even dd05:03
jj_galvezstupid question I home someone can explain, I have a python file written in dos, so I added #!/usr/bin/env python to the top and made it executable, but I get an error : No such file or directory, but the file will run if I simply do python <file>05:03
wassy121Brando753: Depends on what you want to "save".  There is a process called FAI (fully automated install), which is debian-based.  That will install a specific set of packages.  But, it is a bunch of work just for 2-3 machines.05:03
Anacranomwemdowemd, look in /media, if not there then its not recognizing, try sudo lsusb05:04
brettley_laptopAnacranom: big problem05:04
wassy121jj_galvez: the file is in dos format, and the top line looks like "#!/usr/bin/env python<CR><LF>"  The CR/LF is what is messing things up.  Run 'dos2unix' on the file, reset the perms to 755, and try again.05:04
jj_galvezwassy121: thanks for the info I'll do that05:05
wassy121CR = Carriage Return, LF = Line Feed.  This is the windows version of \n (Newline).  The bash shell doesn't interpret it properly.05:05
jj_galvezwassy121: Oh I get it thanks05:06
Gokee2_officeHello all, I have a brother printer and I can`t get it to print from tray two with openoffice.  Openoffice states is has two trays but its not in the Paper Tray selection.  Any ideas?  Thanks05:06
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highlevelcodeI installed Ubuntu Server, but, it does not show me the GUI login05:07
highlevelcodeits command line ...05:07
usserhighlevelcode, yes05:07
highlevelcodehow can I get the gUI05:07
usserhighlevelcode, server doesnt have a gui05:07
usserhighlevelcode, it doesnt need a gui05:08
aixenvhey guys is it possible to mount a lil NAS ntfs network partition in ubuntu?05:08
highlevelcodecan a gui be installed?05:08
Nonesitofur sure05:08
aixenvlast i remember dealing with this type of thing, ntfs wasnt supported in nix but i figure there might b ea project out now05:09
Nonesitolong time...05:09
lstarnesaixenv: ntfs-3g and other NTFS drivers have been around for a while05:09
aixenvi have a lil nas array i wanted to mount to my ubuntu laptop so i can download stuff from nix and not have to acces smy doze laptop05:10
Nonesito3g you can write05:10
aixenvis there native ntfs kernel sup?05:10
lstarnesaixenv: I believe so05:10
lstarnesaixenv: I think ntfs-3g might use the fuse framework in the kernel for that with a userspace driver05:11
Nonesitoinstall the storage device manager05:11
Nonesitoso you can automount then05:11
aixenvi found this, ill try this out05:11
lstarnesaixenv: which version of ubuntu are you using?05:11
Nonesitoya 3g its coming with intrepid05:12
Nonesitoso don't bother05:12
Nonesitoi have some problems with nvclock... someone can help?05:13
=== keres_ is now known as keres
lstarnesaixenv: this is an ubuntu support channel, not a debian support channel05:13
aixenvwell this is ubuntu lol05:13
aixenvit has a debian_version tho05:13
aixenvwheres the ubuntu version file lol05:13
aixenvmotd talks about ubuntu05:14
Nonesitosomeone tried configuring a mx revolution mouse with rhythmbox?05:14
lstarnesaixenv: check the output of lsb_release -a05:15
rww!version | aixenv05:15
ubottuaixenv: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type Ā« lsb_release -a Ā» in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, Ā« apt-cache policy <package> Ā»05:15
aixenvah ty.. 8.04 /hardy05:15
lstarnesaixenv: ntfs-3g is installed by default in ubuntu 8.0405:16
aixenvsweet :)05:16
tryoSo ntfs-3g is supposed to be stable?05:16
tryoI had file corruption using it >:(05:16
lstarnestryo: it likely wouldn't be default if it didn't work05:17
aixenvntfs-3g is already the newest version.05:17
aixenvok cool i already have it05:17
tryoIt works it just doesn't work 100% properly05:17
tryoIn my experience05:17
lstarnesaixenv: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G might be useful05:17
aixenvthe fact its a networked drive might make it harder..05:18
aixenvlstarnes : thanks reading05:18
Nonesitowhen i tried to send a file trought amsn or using other program's Open File option i just can go to /  and look for media in /media   but where should I got to have access to my other computers in my network?05:19
aixenvahh there's a new version 8.10 (intrepid).. i didnt even know that heh05:20
Nonesitolike.. i already mounted a folder from other computer05:20
Nonesitowhere is it ? what is the real path?05:20
Nonesitoguess noone can read me05:22
lstarnesNonesito: you have to actually mount those computer's shares on your computer05:23
Nonesitoyes and after they are mounted... (they appear in the desktop)05:23
Nonesitohow can i access them.. what is their real path05:23
lstarnesNonesito: have you checked /media?05:23
joanki123does ubuntu respositories have something like quicken?05:23
Nonesitoyes nothing change after mounting network folders05:23
Nonesitoguess media is just for real media05:24
jtajijoanki123: there's gnucash, and probably others05:24
=== Tetracomm is now known as Prehistoric_bug
redvamp128Nonesito:  unsure of what you are asking but most of the time when you mount a drive-- it could possibly be in /mnt05:24
joanki123is gnucash really goood?  like ... shows you graphs abouot your debt to asset ratio and stuff?05:24
Nonesitook let me check05:24
Nonesitoyes you got my question right.. looking for the path of the network folders...05:24
Nonesitocuz some programs don't have the NETWORK option when you wanna open a file05:25
Nonesitook nothing on /mnt05:25
lstarnesNonesito: you might need to mount it with smbmount instead of nautilis05:25
Nonesitohow to do that05:25
redvamp128Nonesito:  I also find that it makes it easier in nautilus if you click on the pencil on the paper to show a true path instead of the  icons05:25
lstarnesNonesito: man smbmount05:25
gunspojagday all05:25
=== JamesMowery is now known as JamesMowery|away
gunspojaI'm trying to do a network boot and I'm having a very difficult time :/05:26
ziroday!pastebin > DSSA205:26
ubottuDSSA2, please see my private message05:26
gunspojadoes anybody have any experience with PXE/TFTP/etc05:26
Nonesitothat is the location05:27
lstarnesNonesito: that isn't mounted to the filesystem05:27
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Nonesitook how to mount it to the filesystem?05:28
Nonesitoman smbmount?05:28
lstarnesNonesito: that gives you the manual05:28
aixenvhrmm let me login and see if theres a format i could get working05:28
ubottuEn la mayorƭa de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglƩs. Para ayuda en EspaƱol, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:28
Nonesitoso how do I mount it in my filesystem?05:29
lstarnesNonesito: wait please05:29
Nonesitosorry.. take your time05:29
lstarnesNonesito: sudo smbmount user=workgroup-name/user-name gatk\\shfolder /path/to/mount/point05:31
Nonesitomy god... ok thanks!05:31
lstarnesNonesito: you first need to create an empty directory for the mount point05:31
cphillipsdoes anyone know how to solve LAN killswitch issues? mine is not working05:31
lstarnesNonesito: btw, this was all documented in the manual page05:31
Nonesitomanual page url?05:31
=== redspire_ is now known as redspire
lstarnesNonesito: man smbmount05:31
Nonesitoman smbmount  in the console???05:34
Nonesitono manual entry for...05:34
themolesterI just moved my system drive to a new computer, and now eth0 has disappeared, and eth1 is the new (and only) eth int. How do I unset eth0 so that it will work normal05:35
lstarnesNonesito: try man mount.cifs05:35
sluskenmy powermizer performance level wont go beyond 1 using ubuntu 8.10 Nvidia 9600M GT 177.82 drivers will give cake for help05:35
kriyaswhat is command to uninstall a software using terminal05:36
lstarnesNonesito: make sure you have the smbfs package installed05:36
lstarneskriyas: sudo aptitude remove package-name05:36
fazuka_why is the wireless internet slow on my linux but not my windows05:38
Out_Coldfazuka_, your linux box works so fast it appears like it's slow motion?05:39
usserthemolester, probably edit the relevant line in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules05:39
fazuka_Out_Cold, its not even a different box seperate partition05:39
Manix1Can someone help with Cairo install? when trying to install the plugin's I get, 'E: /var/cache/apt/archives/cairo-dock-data_1.6.2.3-0ubuntu1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/cairo-dock/emblems/charge.svg', which is also in package cairo-dock'05:40
Out_Coldno idea mate... perhaps try a different net manager05:40
sluskenmy powermizer performance level wont go beyond 1 using ubuntu 8.10 Nvidia 9600M GT 177.82 drivers will give cake for help05:40
hollyw00dis network manager generally crap or is it just that i am running it off the ubuntu install on my eee pc that it acts up so frequently?05:40
usserhollyw00d, what does it do?05:40
Out_Coldi usually don't have a problem with network manager...05:41
* usser yea works fine for me05:41
Out_Coldalthough i don't use it for my server..05:41
hollyw00dusser: if the computer sits idle for a while on my desk, it will drop the current network connection and won't pick it up again unless i restart05:41
usserhollyw00d, might be drivers, is it intrepid?05:41
hollyw00dusser: it is intrepid05:42
usserhollyw00d, and what eee model is that?05:42
hollyw00dusser: 1000ha05:42
szrhawaiidoes anyone know how to change the usplash screen everytime i do it the things doesnt exist no more05:43
usserhollyw00d, ah, i got old one, there was some tricks you had to do to get wireless going on mine, dont know about 100005:43
Out_Coldszrhawaii, try here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplash05:44
linuxmongerAssuming that I install all my software through apt-get or synaptic, is there any reasonable way to get a list of what files (eg. /etc/ssh/sshd_config) I have changed from their original installed version?05:44
hollyw00dusser: hmm, alright...i'll poke around the forums a bit more - thanks05:44
rotkeppchengood morning :)05:45
Out_Coldgeez... six hours of apt-get downloading and it's only 74%05:45
Nonesitohow to check the size of my swap partition?05:46
Out_ColdNonesito, fdisk -l05:46
GneaNonesito: free05:46
NonesitoCannot open /dev/sda05:47
themolesterusser that looks like that was the problem, thank you05:47
skeeboIf I have a FAT16 fs on my external hard drive, and I use it on my ubuntu 8.10, I'm assuming my external drive still fragments, and was wondering if there was some ubuntu software I can use to defrag my external. Or is it necessary?05:47
GneaNonesito: try:  sudo fdisk -l05:47
usserthemolester, no problem05:48
Nonesito/dev/sdb5           21892       22012      971901   82  Linux swap / Solaris      why i cant put my system to sleep?? I got 4gb of ram05:48
Manix1 Can someone help with Cairo install? when trying to install the plugin's I get, 'E: /var/cache/apt/archives/cairo-dock-data_1.6.2.3-0ubuntu1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/cairo-dock/emblems/charge.svg', which is also in package cairo-dock'05:50
Manix1I have no icon for Cairo-dock in System Tools and when I run cairo-dock from terminal is stalls at some point and doesn't bring up the gui05:51
szrhawaiii downloaded startupmanager and when i did my splash screen doesnt work anymore when i put the new splash screen in i know the splash works cause it worked before but now the text shows not sure why05:51
szrhawaiiany help05:51
Nonesitohow much swap space i need to put my system to sleep??? i got 4gb of ram05:51
linuxmongerIs there any way to get a list of what files I have changed from their original installed version? Are the md5sums stored in with the package information?05:51
FD_Fhi i cant work in skype with  webcam type 120spacecam lsusb output :  "Divio Chicony TwinkleCam" , thanks for help05:53
BactaHi my CD drive is buggered but I've got an 8 gig iPod. Can I install Ubuntu?05:58
dr_WillisIm not sure you can make an ipod 'bootable' - if ya had a 1gb thumbdrive or so.. you could do it...05:58
rww!usb | Bacta: You could install from USB. I think an iPod will work for that.05:59
ubottuBacta: You could install from USB. I think an iPod will work for that.: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:59
PC_Nerdafter editing /etc/bash.bashrc my normal users have access to the modified PATH variable.  however sudo does not  any suggestions on getting sudo to inherit from that /etc/bash.bashrc ?05:59
dr_WillisPC_Nerd,  are you using sudo -s or sudo -i ?  or what exactly?05:59
BactaThank you mam :)05:59
PC_Nerdsudo mysql05:59
jribPC_Nerd: read 'man sudo' and 'man sudoers'05:59
PC_Nerdthat is the command05:59
dr_WillisPC_Nerd,   that may becase the mysql user has no .bashrc or .bash_profile - thus those files never read the system wide /etc/bash.bashrc06:00
jribPC_Nerd: why would you want to run 'sudo mysql' anyway?06:00
PC_Nerdas in mysql is the commadn06:00
PC_Nerdi need to run it as root.06:00
jribPC_Nerd: mysql is in the repositories.  Is that what you are using?06:01
dr_Willisisent the right way to start mysql 'sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start' or similer?06:01
PC_Nerd* sry, its actually sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_secure_installation06:01
PC_Nerd* compield it from source.06:01
rwwPC_Nerd: why aren't you using the repository version?06:01
jribPC_Nerd: ok, but it's in the repositories.  Why not use that?06:01
PC_Nerdinitially there was a configuration with apache that needed to compile mysql from source to get its driver in a specific format.....   which is why I have it as source... but back to the sudo path?06:02
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dr_Willistheres some reason to use sudo -s or sudo -i , in these cases...   PC_Nerd  that keeps the existing enviroment.. but i forget hwich one does what.06:02
gmathewsHi can someone show me how to add 'mount -o bind' rules into fstab?06:02
dr_WillisPC_Nerd,  see --> http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/06:02
jribPC_Nerd: you're being really vague.  I really think you should just use mysql in the repositories.  Anyway, the man pages I pointed you to discuss how sudo treats PATH (just search the pages for "path")06:03
tomlikestorockif I have a box that has multiple domains pointing to it, am I able to ssh into any of those domains and still end up at the same place?06:03
Brando753hey if you have a ubuntu laptop on wifi interntet and a ubuntu netbook not on wifi, is there a way to give that netbook internet by conecting the netbook and laptop by ehternet?06:04
tomlikestorockugh, it's a dns issue. nm06:04
rww!ics | Brando75306:04
ubottuBrando753: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php06:04
PC_Nerdhow to i search them for "PATH", I'm not great on teh grep etc. ?06:04
dr_WillisPC_Nerd,  man pages use more, or less.. use /pattern06:05
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jribPC_Nerd: /path<enter>06:05
dr_Willisman more :)06:05
dr_Willisman man heh...06:05
jribman intro06:05
dr_Willisman im am tired. :)06:05
PC_Nerd/pattern?   as in man sudo /PATH   ?06:05
jribPC_Nerd: try it?06:06
PC_Nerdoh right :P run man sudo, and then type /pattern.... gotya06:06
Brando753rww !ics ?06:06
dr_Willis ! commands are commands to the BOT06:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:06
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:06
dr_Willisread what the bot says06:06
rwwBrando753: see the message right after mine. Messages in this channel beginning with ! are usually bot commands :)06:06
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:07
adantehi are there recent guides for asterisk on ubuntu? everything seems to  be a year or so old06:07
webbhawk_h4x0r31hello.. i have a question. How can someone take ubuntu and remaster it.. for commercial use and charge to use it?06:08
jrib!remaster | webbhawk_h4x0r3106:08
ubottuwebbhawk_h4x0r31: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility06:08
webbhawk_h4x0r31jrib: im not interested in remastering.. someone else has remastered ubuntu .. for commercial use and they are charging to use it06:09
skeeboIf I have a FAT16 fs on my external hard drive, and I use it on my ubuntu 8.10, I'm assuming my external drive still fragments, and was wondering if there was some software I can use to defrag my external. Or is it necessary?06:09
jribwebbhawk_h4x0r31: so?06:09
webbhawk_h4x0r31this is kosher ? to take a opensource product, remaster it and charge to use it?06:09
jribwebbhawk_h4x0r31: sure, licenses like gpl allow for that06:09
lstarneswebbhawk_h4x0r31: only if the licensing allows it06:09
billyi used a hammer to defrag my last ft3206:10
Flannelwebbhawk_h4x0r31: #ubuntu-offtopic would be the best place to discuss this, not here06:10
webbhawk_h4x0r31jrib:  lstarnes  thats crazy .. seems like ubuntu would be upset06:10
lstarneswebbhawk_h4x0r31: under gpl-like licenses, you must offer the source for free or for the price of shipping/handling to anyone who has the executable copy06:10
skeebobilly: i wish that were an option :P06:10
jribwebbhawk_h4x0r31: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#DoesTheGPLAllowMoney06:11
nikoHey guys, My videos wont play smoothly. I dont know whats wrong, theyll play and I can hear it but the video keeps skipping frames06:11
draeathWhere has inittab/getty tab gone?06:11
lstarnesdraeath: ubuntu uses a slightly different init system06:11
jtaji!upstart | draeath06:12
ubottudraeath: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/06:12
jtajidraeath: take a look in /etc/event.d/06:12
Adnanhi everyone06:13
Adnanmy friend here needs some help06:14
Adnanhe has crashed his laptop while installing ubuntu!!!!06:14
Adnannow he has no pc to run to ask help!06:14
GneaAdnan: the word 'crash' can mean any number of things, please be specific.06:15
=== prince_j2mmys is now known as prince_jammys
skeeboDoes file fragmentation in a FAT32 file system only occur if a file size changes? Or does file fragmentation in a FAT32 file system occur other ways too? e.g. adding and deleting files?06:16
scuniziskeebo: yes to both06:17
skeeboscunizi: thank you06:17
Mainfiyelhello everybody. can somebody tell me where apt stores its config? ich assigned a proxy systemwide but i cant change it back06:17
cn28hskeebo, consider what happens when writing a large file and there isn't a large enough chunk of contiguous space to store it06:18
scuniziskeebo: it's also not journaled.. so if you unplug without unmounting it there is the possibility of loosing data06:18
cn28hit also doesn't support holes, which is annoying06:18
skeebocn28h: yes that makes sense, didn't think about it that way. scunizi: thankyou for the info06:19
Adnanwell... he says that he was just checking out the live cd (via usb install) the graphics were amazing! everything went fine when he says that he tried to partition some free partition (other than C:). when he installed ubuntu the installer ran halfway then gave an error and quit. since then the BIOS is showing the harddrive but NO software can access it. we cannot even format it! plz guide06:19
cn28hMainfiyel, /etc/apt ?06:20
tekteenCan someone help me with my bash script? I am trying to create an array from a file with each element being a line of the file. http://pastebin.com/m1db49fa. The output it appended to the end of the script.06:20
cirv9Adnan: what error did you recieve? did you make a defrag before trying to partition?06:21
risefromasheshi i have an issue with azureus, i cannot get it to resolve the NAT error, where it shows as not open. and my speed goes up and drops06:21
Sourcexubuntu LTS doesn't have a 8.04.2 version?06:21
scuniziSource: may not have been needed. or it's not released yet.. when it is normal updates will get you there anyway06:22
jtajiSource: they might not have made a new cd, but if you perform normal updates on an 8.04 xubuntu system you have 8.04.206:22
Sourceyes but you need 200MB updates06:22
aixenvok so options are UPnP server or an itunes server, either of those accessible via ubuntu?06:23
Sourcethere are some bugs in install cd06:23
Sourcein ubuntu 8.04.2 they fixed it06:23
friedtofuhm. do i need a firewall in linux?06:23
AdnanI wasn't there when it all happen nor he so technical to explain what went wrong!! He did not follow any Ubuntu guide. Now he is crying!!!06:23
Sourcekubuntu LTS doesn't have a 8.04.2 version too06:23
scunizifriedtofu: it's already built in.. ufw using iptables06:23
tekteenfriedtofu: If you need to ask, the answer is no06:24
cirv9Adnan: well, boot from the Live CD and try accessing the hard drive(s) that way.06:24
Brando753hey i downloaded the firestart but it keeps saying error device not ready :(06:24
Adnanhard drive is seemingly inaccessible. even the boot-usb says theres no hdd!!06:25
draeathHrm. /etc/event.d doesn't have anything for tty7 and tty8, but there are ttys up on them.06:25
Sourceubuntu LTS DVDs images don't have a 8.04.2 version too, T_T06:25
tekteenfriedtofu: If you needed a firewall on linux, you would already know weather you need it06:25
draeathand one of them is preset by this DC to have root open.06:25
cn28htekteen, for the loop you should use while read line ... do < tables.txt06:25
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs06:25
draeathAny ideas how that would be set up with upstart?06:25
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tekteencn28h: I will try that06:25
Sourcewhy this people always do whatever they want06:26
cn28htekteen, er sorry, the < tables.txt goes after the done06:26
gurudrewHello all06:26
Brando753how do i shRE MY internet betwen laptops with an ethenet cable :(06:26
cirv9Adnan: do you "see" the hard drive at all when running Live CD? for example under "Places"06:26
Brando753and only 1 has wifi06:26
friedtofutekteen scunizi - yeah. just checking again. haha06:26
Adnanit says something that there's no hdd06:27
tekteencn28h: thanks, it worked06:27
tekteen!helpersnack | cn28h06:27
ubottucn28h: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!06:27
mikecan someone please help me?06:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:28
tekteen!ask | mike06:28
ubottumike: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:28
=== mike is now known as Guest59713
scunizimike you have to ask a question first06:28
bullgard4In help.ubuntu.com I cannot find help for the GNOME > System > Preferences > Network Proxy. Did I overlook it, or can you advise me a help for this 'Network Proxy Preferences' window?06:29
Brando753how do i shRE MY internet betwen laptops with an ethenet cable :(06:30
scunizi!ics | Brando75306:30
ubottuBrando753: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php06:30
cn28hcreate a bridge06:30
cn28hah, link, good ;P06:31
aixenvinet connection sharing always sucks06:31
nikoHey guys, My videos wont play smoothly. I dont know whats wrong, theyll play and I can hear it but the video keeps skipping frames06:31
aixenvjust use a lil linksys wrls rtr or something06:31
Brando753i alredy did that, it didnt woek06:31
nikoany ideas?06:31
cn28hniko, which player?06:31
cn28hwhich video driver?06:32
scuniziniko: flash videos.. it's a sound issue making it do that .. I wish I knew the answer06:32
nikorunning an ati card06:32
friedtofui think.. thats the problem -.-06:33
friedtofuvimperator is pretty awesome06:33
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:33
nikoflash in browser work fine, but vids in vlc, mplayer, totem or banhee skip frames06:33
floppyearshi guys06:33
floppyearswhat do people outside of the US use to host projects ?06:33
cn28hniko, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and make sure you are using the radeon driver, or something appropriate06:33
brettley_laptop_is there a way to force mount something that had an unclean shutdown?06:34
nikohow do i read this?06:35
nikosorry for noob question06:35
cn28hless /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:35
nikoive got it open, but what am I lookin for?06:35
cn28h(II) RADEON: Driver for ATI Radeon chipsets:06:35
cn28hsomething like that06:35
cn28hif you're using the VESA driver instead, it would explain choppy video06:37
=== brettley_laptop_ is now known as brettley_laptop
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop_,  if you are refering to a NTFS filesystem . yes.. theres the -o force option to ntfs-3g06:37
cn28hI have an ATI card that's about 6 years old and the video is quite smooth here06:37
nikothink im using the fgrlx driver06:38
skeeboIn my terminal history, how many lines will it save before my command history is over written? and if there is a default, how could I change it?06:38
nikodunno, thats what the Hardware drivers window sais06:38
risefromashescan anyone help me with azureus and no incoming connections?06:38
cn28hthe proprietary one?06:38
skeeboor where would i change it, rather06:38
cn28hhm, I haven't used the proprietary driver06:38
cn28hI have had good luck with the open source driver06:39
brettley_laptopis there a way to force mount a harddrive after an unclean shutdown?????06:39
nikowhere i get it an use iot?06:39
=== Lincid is now known as false
cn28hyou'll have to play with /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:39
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop_,  What is the filesystem on the hard drive?06:39
earthlingany JBoss experts here.. having problem viewing lately edited changes on the page to be displayed06:40
cn28hman xorg.conf .. it's not the simplest config file ;P06:40
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop_,  if you are refering to a NTFS filesystem . yes.. theres the -o force option to the ntfs-3g command that can force it to mount06:40
nikotell me about, i can hardly read it06:40
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop,  if you are refering to a NTFS filesystem . yes.. theres the -o force option to the ntfs-3g command that can force it to mount06:40
brettley_laptopdr_Willis: what would the command be if linux sees it as say, /dev/sda106:41
galvanizehi al06:41
cn28hDriver         "fglrx" <-- you should see a line like that.. change fglrx to ati06:41
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Out_Cold sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /home/user/mountpoint/ -o force06:41
cn28hthen restart X06:41
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop sudo ntf-3g /dev/sda1 /media/whatever -o force    Or similer.. check the ntfs-3g man page/guides for other options you may want to use06:41
cn28hbut be warned, a bad xorg.conf will cause X not to load06:41
Guest59713I downloaded a song on limewire and I just tried to play it and i don't hear anything out of my speakers.  what should i do?06:42
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop,  BEST thing to do wqoule be to reboot to windows or some how have windows 'check' the drive and shut down properly06:42
cn28hGuest59713, unmute your audio06:42
brettley_laptopdr_Willis: the thing is, windows wont start06:42
Guest59713but it isn't muted06:42
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop,  yep. Been there, done that.. had to recover stuff via linux.. and reinstall windows06:42
brettley_laptopdr_Willis: i screwed up the bootloader =)06:42
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop,  bootloader should be easy to fix.  depending on the windows version06:42
Out_ColdGuest59713, how did you try to play the file?06:42
Moodhelp! i tried installing openvpn, now my ubuntu fails to boot :-( gets stuck at Now Configuring Network Interfaces...06:42
nikowait, i see something in the Xorg abooooooout VESA06:43
Moodmy ubuntu cannot boot!!06:43
Guest59713i played it from within limewire06:43
cn28hMood, try cleaning up /etc/init.d06:43
bullgard4In help.ubuntu.com I cannot find help for the GNOME > System > Preferences > Network Proxy. Did I overlook it, or can you advise me a help for this 'Network Proxy Preferences' window?06:43
brettley_laptopdr_Willis: sudo: ntf-3g: cpmmand not found06:44
Out_ColdGuest59713, limewire is a bit different on linux, try launching the file then playing it. or try to open the file using VLC or mplayer06:44
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/whatever -o force    Or similer.. check the ntfs-3g man page/guides for other options you may want to use06:44
* dr_Willis hits his keyboard06:44
Moodcn28h, what do you mean "cleaning"?06:44
Guest59713ok i'll try06:44
cn28hMood, remove any scripts that openvpn put there06:44
Moodcn28h, i have the ubuntu CD booted, but i cannot get access to the hard drive06:44
blueravencan anyone remember the default login name for ubuntu?06:44
dr_Willisblueraven,  you mean on the live cd?06:44
cn28hMood, you should still be able to mount it06:44
scuniziblueraven: for the live cd?  there isn't one06:44
Out_Coldblueraven, it's what ever you set the default to06:44
brettley_laptopwhat would the mountpoint be?06:44
cn28hMood, look in /media, it may have even auto mounted06:45
blueraventhere was one already chosen06:45
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop,  whatever you want it to be.. MAKE the directorry first06:45
Moodcn28h,  it's not automounted :-( i have all my notes on my hard drvive06:45
blueraventhis was super ubuntu06:45
cn28hMood, well, mount it manually ?06:45
blueravenand this was installed through windows06:45
blueraventhere was a username already chosen06:45
dr_Willisblueraven,  look in /home and see what user exists06:46
cn28hMood, sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdX /media/sdX06:46
blueravenk I'll try that06:46
cn28hwhere X is the drive/partition, like sda1 for example06:46
Moodcn28h, what is sdX?06:46
scuniziblueraven: super ubuntu? a modified version of "the real thing?"06:46
Moodcn28h, just generic storage device X, your shorthand?06:46
blueravenwhere is /home?06:47
cn28hMood, yes, since I don't actually know the partition layout of your box06:47
brettley_laptopdr_Willis: you are a lifesaver man06:47
Moodcn28h, (sorry all my mounting notes are on the harddrive so please forgive the noob questions). how do i find the name of my partition and/or harddrive?06:47
bobblybookcan anyone help me with enabling wireless via hardware button?06:47
blueravenscunizi: super ubuntu is the real thing, it just comes with the most popular apps people usually install06:47
cn28hMood, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sd? and pastebin the results06:48
Out_Coldsuper ubuntu = bloated06:48
Guest59713it isn't working in vlc either.  what do i do?06:48
aixenvso whats the word on 8.10?06:48
Out_ColdGuest59713, open a terminal and run alsamixer06:49
blueravenanyone know how I access /home from vista?06:49
bullgard4bobblybook: Press the hardware button. Then dmesg | tail > dmesg.log20090207. Then Nopaste this log.06:49
blueravenit's not listed on the hd06:49
cn28hblueraven, you don't06:49
Guest59713i typed that in.  now what do i do?06:49
blueravenok, how do I access it without being able to login to ubuntu06:50
cn28hblueraven, boot a livecd and mount it06:50
goodmamiblueraven, you need to get an ext2 driver for windows06:50
Moodcn28h, http://paste.ubuntu.com/115061/06:50
goodmami(assuming /home is ext2 or ext3)06:50
Moodcn28h, i'm guessing /dev/sda2 is my hard drive06:51
mikeshollenHey, would someone be willing to help me get my Mic working?06:51
Out_ColdGuest59713, look for something that has a low volume or MM06:51
skeebocd /06:51
skeebowhoops my bad06:52
cn28hMood, /dev/sda is your hard drive, you probably want /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda6.. /dev/sda2 is an extended partition entry that is used to store the extended partitions06:52
Guest59713the volume is at 100 for master06:52
Out_ColdGuest59713, is that the only bar?06:52
Moodcn28h, i think it's sda6 then06:52
Guest59713yes, that is the only bar when i type alsamixer06:52
cn28hMood, okay, so sudo mkdir /media/sda6 && sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda6 /media/sda606:52
Out_Coldyou could try kmix but it may not be installed..06:53
Out_Cold* Guest5971306:53
cn28hassuming you used ext306:53
Moodcn28h, it worked!06:53
cn28hGuest59713, you're probably uswing pulseaudio, try alsamixer -c 006:54
FlynsarmyI installed seamonkey-composer. how do i run it?06:55
Guest59713i just downloaded and installed kmix but i can't find where to open it06:55
mikeshollenCan anyone help me get my mic working?06:55
Out_Coldmikeshollen, try alsamixer -c 006:55
goodmamiblueraven, this might be useful http://www.howtoforge.com/access-linux-partitions-from-windows06:55
mikeshollenOut_Cold: Is that a Terminal Command?06:56
Guest59713that doesn't work either :(  i have the volume turned up for all of them06:56
Out_Coldyes mikeshollen06:56
cn28hGuest59713, press m also and make sure they are not marked mute06:56
mikeshollenOut_Cold: says bash: alasmixer: command not found06:56
quibblerGuest59713: have you tried playing another music file? maybe the download is just no good,06:56
Out_ColdGuest59713, the ones that are blank with MM try pressing the M key06:57
cn28hmikeshollen, spelling it correctly helps06:57
Moodcn28h, my installation of "openvpn" screwed things up (i think). do you think it's safe to delete from /etc/init.d? i'm trying to remove it from my system06:57
Guest59713no i haven't tried more than one.  i will attempt that now along with pressing m06:57
Guest59713m didn't help06:57
cn28hMood, no, you can't delete the whole thing, that's a terrible idea ;P but you should look there and see if you find anything obviously added by it and remove it (or move it to a location where it won't run until you can isolate it)06:57
bullgard4In help.ubuntu.com I cannot find help for the GNOME > System > Preferences > Network Proxy. Did I overlook it, or can you advise me a help for this 'Network Proxy Preferences' window?06:58
Out_ColdGuest59713,  keep pressing the right arrow key...06:58
Moodcn28h, or instead of "rm openvpn" do you recommend me doing a sudo apt-remove?06:58
Out_ColdGuest59713, go as far as you can.. and look for an input06:58
mikeshollenOut_Cold: Man I'm a jerk.  Ok, command done, the Mic bar has no coloring in it06:58
cn28hMood, if you installed it using apt then yes, use apt to remove it06:58
cn28hMood, you will need to chroot into your install and do it, though06:58
Out_Coldmikeshollen, does it say MM below it?06:58
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Out_Coldmikeshollen, so unmute it with M06:59
Guest59713i did that already :(  everything is turned up.  i am currently downloading another audio file06:59
Out_Coldpress the M key06:59
Moodcn28h, i can't just sudo?06:59
bryant_Oh, MP3 blaster is HAWT STUFF06:59
cn28hMood, if you just do it from the livecd you'll be running it on the livecd, not on your install06:59
* bryant_ makes love to console applications06:59
mrglinuxi connected to vpn server but no website opened ? what's wrong my vpn server is pptpd06:59
goodmamiGuest59713, in some setups (eg mine) a single app can commandeer the sound output... if you have firefox running, or any other app that can use sound, try closing them.06:59
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FlynsarmyI installed seamonkey-composer. how do i run it?06:59
Moodcn28h, oh-- that's a problem... i cannot get the harddrive to boot06:59
cn28hMood, what all is in /media/sda6?06:59
cn28hMood, yes, this is why you need chroot06:59
aixenvwhats the best gui app to manage mounting remove network samba fs's?07:00
Out_ColdGuest59713, check to make sure that your speakers are correctly plugged in and powered on07:00
Moodcn28h, not sure what you mean. chroot from the liveCD?07:00
cn28hMood, yes07:00
PC_NerdHi, I have a partition that is always mounted to /data.  How can I get it to appear in the Places menu alongside Home and Documents and Photos etc?07:00
goodmamiGuest59713, then try playing the file. sometimes you'll actually forcefully kill a process (like flash), or restart the machine.07:00
Guest59713they are powered on and connected properly.  i have been using them for months and i haven't moved wires around or anything.07:00
goodmamiGuest59713, of course, this might not be your problem at all... just a guess.07:00
Moodcn28h, ok, let me google chroot07:00
Out_ColdGuest59713, have you installed gstreamer pluggins?07:01
mikeshollenOut_Cold: Ok, it is unmuted and the input is all the way up in the red.  Still not getting anything from sound recorder.  I have the record from input set to Microphone and I tried all 4 of the Record as options.07:01
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Guest59713no i haven't.  how can i do that?07:01
cn28hMood, k, I might be not watching the channel, you can pm me if you want07:02
Moodcn28h, ok. thanks for all your suggestions by the way -- the last resort for me may be to reformat (eek!!!)07:02
cn28hchroot should work though ;P07:02
Out_ColdGuest59713, search in the synaptic package manager for gstreamer-plugin you want one from the good, bad and ugly installed07:02
cn28hif you get stuck I can tell you the commands07:02
Moodcn28h, can i pm you?07:03
Guest59713i am doing that now07:03
cn28hyeah, go for it07:03
Out_Coldand sorry mikeshollen i'm at a loss from there..07:03
mikeshollenOut_Cold; thanks for getting me this far bro07:03
Guest59713they are now downloading07:04
Out_Coldmikeshollen, it's a desktop or laptop?07:04
mikeshollenbuilt in mic07:04
Guest59713they are installed.  now what should i do?07:05
Out_Coldand you are using the built in?? you might wanna try using kmix also... it has more options than alsamixer..07:05
mikeshollenOut_Cold: I am using the built in, too poor to afford a good headset atm.  How can I activate kmix07:06
Out_Coldkmix has been the best gui i've found and it's in the repos i think... try sudo apt-get install kmix07:06
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Guest59713my sound still isn't working07:06
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Out_ColdGuest59713, did you try kmix??07:09
Guest59713yes i did07:09
Guest59713actually, no.  where do i find kmix07:09
Dat1Hi. I am having a problem installing a package with synaptic package manager.  I get "some packages could not be retrieved from the server. Do you want to continue , ignoring these packages?  I select "No"  and see linux-libc-dev_2.6.24-23.46_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]  Should I just try again later?07:09
mikeshollenOut_Cold: It still doesn't seem to work07:09
Out_Coldgksu kmix07:09
creek23_hi!... I can't create AVI, tho I can create OGG. How can I resolve FFMPEG to produce AVI?07:10
bullgard4In help.ubuntu.com I cannot find help for the GNOME > System > Preferences > Network Proxy. Did I overlook it, or can you advise me a help for this 'Network Proxy Preferences' window?07:10
rwwbullgard4: I'm assuming you tried the "Help" button in the bottom-left corner of the window already?07:11
rwwDat1: Open the file /etc/apt/sources.list and copy its contents to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, then say the link to the page it creates in here, please.07:11
Dat1rww, thanks, one sec07:12
bullgard4rww: Pressing the 'Help' button tells me in my native language: "File could not be analyzed. No valid XML document."07:12
Dat1rww, here is the paste : http://paste.ubuntu.com/115062/07:13
rwwbullgard4: that's odd. I guess you're missing a documentation package somewhere. Here's what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115063/07:13
rwwDat1: thanks. You're using Ubuntu Hardy/8.04, right?07:14
Dat1rww, yes07:14
mikeshollenOut_Cold: Should I be using Alsa as my default sound capture device?  I have a handful of other options under sound.07:14
Out_Coldmikeshollen, alsa should be ok07:15
russia213Does anyone know how to configure WinGrub to see another hard drive?07:15
lain_wiredHiya all, I've forgotten the name of that app that is used to create bootable usb drives.07:15
bullgard4rww: Did you obtain http://paste.ubuntu.com/115063/ by pressing the Help button in the lower left?07:15
rwwDat1: Press the "Reload" button in the Synaptic toolbar, then try again.07:15
skeebounetbootin lain_wired?07:15
rwwbullgard4: yes07:16
Dat1ļ»ærww: ok will try07:16
bullgard4rww: Thank you very much for your help.07:16
lain_wiredskeebo: no, that wasn't it.07:16
mikeshollenOut_Cold: Any other ideas?07:16
skeebolain_wired: sorry then, i'm not sure07:16
Out_Coldmikeshollen, alsa should be ok07:16
Out_Coldno sorry mate07:17
lain_wiredskeebo: unless unetbootin had another name?07:17
Dat1rww: it worked.  I guess I should have tried that first.  What did the reload do if you don't mind me asking?(besides the obvious)07:18
vince778Hi, someone save me.07:18
Dat1rww: or was it just the obvious; reloading the list?07:19
rwwDat1: The package manager keeps a list of all the packages available on the server on the computer. It looks like the list on the computer was too old, and references old packages that weren't on the server any more. Hitting reload fixes that.07:19
rwwreferenced **07:19
rwwDat1: On an unrelated note, it looks like you have Ubuntu's security repositories disabled. You might want to consider going to System > Administration > Software Sources, clicking the "Updates" tab and checking the boxes for security and recommended updates.07:19
vince778theres this process events/0 thats eating the whole of my cpu, and VirtualBox is crawling. Ubuntu 8.10 P4 3.2 1gigram07:19
rwwDat1: that doesn't have anything to do with the problem you were having, but is a good idea :)07:19
skeebolain_wired: maybe barts mkbt utility then? I'm not familiar with any others07:19
IndyGunFreakvince778: did you try killing it"07:19
russia213Does anyone have experience with WinGrub?07:20
lain_wiredskeebo, wasn't that either :( It came installed on 8.10 though.07:20
vince778IndyGunFreak, ... lol07:20
IndyGunFreaki guess thats a no07:20
vince778I thought it was funny tho07:20
Dat1rww, thanks for the explanation.  I will enalble the security repositories.  :)07:20
highlevelcodehow do I page on command line?07:20
zaapielmy x11 is messed up but im not connected to my network07:20
rwwlain_wired: The USB installer thing that comes with Intrepid is in the package usb-creator07:20
zaapielhow can i connect with iwconfig?07:20
rww!info usb-creator | lain_wired07:20
zaapielim using wep07:20
ubottuusb-creator (source: usb-creator): Ubuntu USB desktop image creator. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.10 (intrepid), package size 23 kB, installed size 200 kB07:20
highlevelcodeif I want to list the help of a command ?07:21
vince778IndyGunFreak, I tried ending, Stopping, Killing and genicideing it.07:21
highlevelcodeit goes off the screen ... I need it to stop and prompt me to continue07:21
rwwhighlevelcode: add " | less" to the end of the command07:21
IndyGunFreakvince778: dunno..07:21
rwwhighlevelcode: (without the quotes)07:21
skeebolain_wired: it should be sudo apt-get usb-creator07:21
nikocn28h: hey man, got it working07:21
vince778IndyGunFreak, Me neither07:21
skeebofor ubuntus default, at least i think so lain_wired07:22
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:22
cn28hniko, yeah? what was it?07:22
skeebosudo apt-get install usb-creator lain_wired07:22
mikeshollenCan anyone help me get my mic working?07:22
vince778For the rest "events/0" on my process list jacks up when i start Vbox. It doesnt seem natural for it to be there. Can anyone point me in a direction its... bugging me07:22
nikowanna thank you huys for pointing me to ati driver issues. turns out repo drivers are outdated, and ati allready fixed an issue where opengl wont run simultaniously with compiz.07:23
nikogot the new drivers and its all working perfectly now07:23
cn28hah, cool :)07:23
rwwniko: heh, that got fixed in the latest fglrx drivers? Awesome :)07:23
nikoyup, ver 9.1 available from the ati website07:24
nikoanyways just wanted to leave my feedback and thanks all those who helped me out07:25
lain_wiredskeebo: ah yes, my next issue is finding a deb for 8.0407:25
vince778What is events/007:25
sluskenmy powermizer wont go above performance level 1 using ubuntu 8.10 Nvidia 9600m gt 177.82 driver. will give cake for help :)07:26
skeebolain_wired: check out this link http://ubuntuliving.blogspot.com/2008/11/usb-creator-for-hardy.html07:28
vince778help, what is "events/0" and why is it eating every inch of my cpu?07:29
mikeshollenCan anyone help me fix my microphone?07:29
highlevelcodewhat would happen if the server power went off during the installation of gnome?07:31
highlevelcodeit did07:31
highlevelcodenow it wont run the install command anymore07:31
highlevelcodewants me to run a kdb07:31
GSF1200Si dont know what kdb is, but are you sure youre FS didnt get damaged?07:32
GSF1200Smaybe a fsck is in need?07:32
highlevelcodeI opened up a package manager and I think I told it to reinstall07:32
Moodcn28h, no dice :-( it didn't boot07:32
GSF1200Syou cant run any commands?07:33
aarmhey all...having a little trouble with first time ubuntu sound07:33
aarmi can't get sound to play out of the mini jack only plays on the pc speaker07:33
cn28hMood, hm, it locks up when it says starting network?07:33
highlevelcodeyes I can ..07:33
GSF1200Sso the cli boots, you just cant use apt?07:34
highlevelcode.. currently I think its attempting to re install or install gnome07:34
Moodcn28h, it fails in several places, but first in Configuring Network Interfaces... it hangs for about 10 minutes and then fails with the message "Error connecting to socket"07:34
GSF1200Sso whats the issue.. apt?07:34
GSF1200Ssorry, i must be dumb right now.. not following07:34
highlevelcodewhat is apt?07:35
highlevelcodethe package manager?07:35
cn28hMood, ok, mount your partition again and post /var/log/messages from it on a pastebin07:35
achilleshello, I set the system clock using hwclock, but web applications like sugarCRM still not adjusted, is there specific apache config ?07:35
GSF1200Sso what fails exactly?07:35
Moodcn28h, ok07:35
GSF1200Swhat does it say when you do "sudo apt-get install gnome" etc..07:35
highlevelcodeI was able to reinstall it I think.07:36
cn28hMood, and /var/log/dmesg07:36
highlevelcodeit did not show up on the installed packages, so I just told it to install.07:36
Moodcn28h, ok07:36
highlevelcodehow do I invoke it now?07:36
GSF1200Syou mean start gnome?07:36
highlevelcodegee nome07:36
GSF1200Sdid you install gdm or just gnome itself?07:36
highlevelcodeI think only gnome07:37
GSF1200Stry startx and see what it says07:37
highlevelcodek brb07:37
Moodcn28h, it was "chroot /media/sda6 /dev/sda6"?07:37
anom01yis it advantagous to upgrade from 8.04 or 8.10 ?07:37
highlevelcodeokay ... it tried to create and authority file07:38
Moodcn28h, i mounted the drives, but i forget the chroot command07:38
cn28hMood, you don't really need to chroot for this07:38
Moodcn28h, oh ok07:38
cn28hMood, just post /media/sda6/var/dmesg07:38
highlevelcodethe message: exec: 5: /usr/bin/X11/X not found07:38
cn28hwell /var/log/dmesg07:38
cn28hbut you get what I mean07:38
GSF1200Sohh.. you need to install xserver as well07:38
GSF1200Sdo this07:39
GSF1200Ssudo apt-get update07:39
GSF1200Ssudo apt-get install xserver-xorg07:39
GSF1200Sgnome runs on top of the X window system, the predecessor of the W window system07:40
highlevelcodeokay installing ...07:40
highlevelcodethank you btw07:40
GSF1200Swhat vid card you have?07:40
luciddr34m3rhey, i'm running ubuntu server 8.10 and having a heck of a time adding myself to a new group. when i cat /etc/group, it lists my username in the group i joined, but the "groups" command does not list me in it. any ideas what i'm doing wrong?07:40
GSF1200Shighlevelcode: not a prob07:40
GSF1200Shighlevelcode: need to know what video card you have so we can setup the driver/xorg07:41
Flannelluciddr34m3r: You'll need to log in again for new groups to take effect (also, you can use adduser to easily add a user to a group, no editing needed)07:41
cn28htest failed07:41
E3bdose ubuntu support 5.1 sound card?07:41
luciddr34m3rah relogging will simply do it? i feel lick such a noob, ok thanks07:41
blueravenanyone know how I can find out my username? I looked in /home but it's not on the surface07:41
cn28hblueraven, echo $USER07:42
E3bblueraven: whoami07:42
blueravenwell, this won't be logged in as me, it's the livecd bootup shell07:42
blueravenI installed ubuntu and I don't know what my username is07:43
cn28hif /home is on a different partition you'll need to mount it also07:43
E3bdose ubuntu support 5.1 sound card?07:43
blueravensame partition as far as I know07:43
The_SpazzzHey, I was wondering if some kind soul would  be willing to help me crack Ubuntu's imfamous screen resolution glitch.  I've been googleing and tweaking all day and just been beating my head agianst a brick wall07:43
sluskenmy powermizer wont go above performance level 1 using ubuntu 8.10 Nvidia 9600M GT and 177.82 driver anyone know what the prob might be? will give cake for help07:43
blueravenwell, it's called a loop partition07:44
blueravenit's not a real partition07:44
mikeshollenI am trying to set up a second monitor for my system, but when I try to activate it in the nvidia-settings panel, it tells me i need to save to X config file and restart the x server.  When I try to save, it tells me unable to remove the old xconfig backup.  How do I solve this?07:44
luciddr34m3rFlannel: thanks for the newbie tip. i thought i wasnt properly in the group because i couldnt join to the NT domain i've been building. it must be my smb.conf, but at least i have the group thing figured out now. thanks again.07:44
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blueravenso, in /home where are the users located?07:44
Flannelluciddr34m3r: You can use "groups username" to show it (and it'll update, even if 'groups' doesn't)07:44
Moodcn28h, i have it07:45
Flannelblueraven: What do you mean?07:45
Moodcn28h, can i pm you?07:45
cn28hMood, yeah07:45
blueravenI used the livecd to boot into ubuntu and I looked in the home folder and I can't find my actual username07:45
aarmDoes anyone out there have time to assist with an audio issue?07:45
luciddr34m3rFlannel: ha ha, man, this just makes it painfully obvious how much i've been spoiled by the gui's i've been using. /sigh. good to know. i was trippin after cat-ing the group file07:46
The_SpazzzI have an old Toshiba Satalight Laptop with a Trident video card.  The issue I'm having is that I can only get 800x600 Screen resolution.  When I attempt to run dpkg --reconfigure all it does is ask me questions about my keyboard but it does not allow me to manually force it.  Also I am very unframilar with the way Ubuntu manages the xorg.conf file now07:46
PrebenRI have a 16Gb Corsair GT stick. I formated it to ext3 because I need to transfer an ubuntu.iso image to an offline computer. But after formatting it with ext3 the stick is extremely slow! It is 4 times slower than FAT32 which gives it a speed of regular usb sticks. Is this a fs problem or driver provlem?07:46
olethri0sHey guys... to set up a ramdisk on intrepid I'd just add ramdisk_size *whatever to /boot/grub/menu.lst, right?07:46
blueravenI'm trying to find out my username for ubuntu and I can't log in to do it without it07:46
AbsZeroI've been working on getting this fixed for 3 days or so, with not measure of success. I initially had Windows XP installed on my computer, eventually installing linux a few months later. The GRUB boot loader was fine with this, and I never had any problems whatsoever. I recently decided to install the Windows 7 beta for kicks and giggles. I repartitioned my hard-drive by "stealing" some of the free space from the larger of my 2 Windows p07:46
PrebenRubuntu 8.0407:46
Flannelluciddr34m3r: Fear not.  Everyone starts out new, and you can only get better (and it only gets easier)07:47
blueravensigh, does anyone know where the users are listed in /home?07:47
durtThe_Spazzz: You might want to try the vesa driver07:47
Flannelblueraven: What do you mean?07:48
blueravenI forgot my username for logging in to ubuntu07:48
The_Spazzzdurt : Ok, How would I force it to use that driver though?  Im used to doing it in the xorg.conf but it looks totaly different now07:48
blueravenhow do I find out what it is?07:48
olethri0sOr is it easier than that... or is it just that? And if it is that, is there a specific section that I need to add it into?07:48
rwwblueraven: If you're booting from the LiveCD, /home/ contains the LiveCD's users, not your hard-disk Ubuntu's users. You'll want to mount your Ubuntu partition and look in its home directory instead.07:48
Adnanlight went off!!!!!07:48
aarm_is this forum just totally flooded or am I being ignored?07:49
Flannelblueraven: Ah.  You're on the liveCD, you need to view the mounted partition and then it'll just be in /path/to/mount/home/07:49
durtThe_Spazzz: xorg.conf works the same way, xorg first tries auto config and then parses xorg.conf07:49
blueravenhow do I mount my partition(it's a loop partition)07:49
The_Spazzzdurt : Ok.... The thing is i'm used to EDITING the xorg config but not writing one from scratch07:50
AbsZeroHow about this: Does anyone know any GRUB commands which will help identify which position my Windows partitions are in? I know there's a command to help find the Linux partitions...07:50
durtThe_Spazzz: what satallite?07:50
russia213Can someone help me install GRUB?07:50
blueravenhow to mount my partition?07:50
durtThe_Spazzz: I can pastebin mine.07:50
=== JamesMowery|away is now known as JamesMowery
Flannel!grub | russia213, first link walks you through installing stage1 if thats what you're needing.07:50
ubotturussia213, first link walks you through installing stage1 if thats what you're needing.: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:50
rwwblueraven: sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>07:50
Flannelblueraven: It's likely already mounted.  Just look in places07:51
rwwblueraven: eep, that should be loop-, rather than ISO-. Same way for both.07:51
russia213Flannel: Thank you07:51
The_Spazzzdurt : I guess its the best I can ask for..07:51
amaureaI just compiled a new kernel using dpkg-make. though the file that appeared had another name than expected (linux-xen instead of linux-kernel) I added it using dpkg -i. However, I then got the message "Please manually create an initrd image". How does one do this, and what is it used for?07:51
galahadI have a problem with bluetooth. I can send files from the laptop to the mobile phone but when i try to send files from the phone to the laptop, it is not visible. Browse device does not work either.07:52
aixenvhey guys, i got a "folder on nas" thats accessible via my places>network, how could i go about mounting it so it'd show up via df -h?07:52
blueravenI have to manually mount my partition? I don't know the loop filename or mountpoint etc07:53
Aero_hey guys, I want to disable the touch click on my macbook intrepid. what do it do?07:53
rwwblueraven: is it a partition on your hard disk, or is it (as you just said) a loopback partition?07:54
blueravenit's a loopback partition07:54
Bobblybookcan anyone advise me on how to enable (or disable, rather) rf_kill?07:54
russia213Flannel: Can you help me with this?07:54
Flannelrussia213: What's your question?07:54
rwwblueraven: then yes, you have to do it from the command-line. The GNOME program to do it sucks. Loopback partitions aren't really a "novice" thing =/07:54
russia213Flannel: This tutorial is seriously confusing me07:55
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:55
blueravenit's funny because the installation program chose my username for me07:55
blueravenI think it was Owner07:55
lain_wireduh, disconnected. Anyone have any idea how I can import outlook files into evolution? (the drive has a broken install on it. :\07:55
blueravenlet me ask a better question..how do I remove ebuntu from my hard drive so I can start over07:56
Out_Coldblueraven, if you want to start over, use the live cd and create a new file system07:56
PrebenRI have a 16Gb Corsair GT stick. I formated it to ext3 because I need to transfer an ubuntu.iso image to an offline computer. But after formatting it with ext3 the stick is extremely slow! It is 4 times slower than FAT32 which gives it a speed of regular usb sticks. Is this a fs problem or driver provlem?07:57
Flannelblueraven: Generally you just pop in the liveCD and reboot to it.  This technically isn't the right channel for ebuntu (and they may very well have chosen a username fr you, we wouldn't know)07:57
russia213Flannel: ??07:57
Flannelrussia213: What are you confused with?07:58
rwwblueraven: Okay, let's back up a bit. You can boot into Ubuntu just fine, but you've forgotten your username and therefore can't log in, right?07:58
blueravenok so sudo mount -o loop <loop-filename> <mountpoint>...how do I find out the loop-filename and mountpoint?07:59
durtThe_Spazzz: That's for a very very old 490XCDT07:59
russia213Flannel: GRUB has not been installed at all therefore there is not stage1 file to find07:59
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
zer0c00lhi room, i would like to download the whole ubuntu and its third party repository to my computer and use them in internet connectivity starved computers, how can i do that,which download tools should i use08:00
zer0c00lis it possible08:00
PC_Nerdhow can I add group access to all files and directories in /home/apache, so that there is always (always!) no difference between the user and the group....   ie, the lowest level distinctive permission is teh group?08:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:00
Flannelrussia213: Alright, what did you do to get to this point?  Did you install Ubuntu? through what method, etc?08:00
rwwblueraven: It'd be useful if you answered my question so I check we're on the same page. You can boot into Ubuntu on your hard-drive just fine, but you've forgotten your username and therefore can't log in, right?08:01
russia213Flannel: I installed Ubuntu on my second internal drive, beause the external installation was a lost cause08:01
Flannel!mirror | zer0c00l08:01
ubottuzer0c00l: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!08:01
cn28hPC_Nerd, chgrp them to a group that all your users belong to?08:02
PC_Nerdhow can i do a  "chmod g+x /home/apache" recurseively, where the u=x ?08:02
Flannelrussia213: Alright, that should have installed GRUB, did you tell it not to?  did it perhaps install to your second harddrive?08:02
rwwPC_Nerd: chmod -R is recursive08:02
PC_Nerdyes, both users belong to the group08:02
szrhawaiidoes anyone know of a program that is similar to acronis08:02
FlannelPC_Nerd: You ikely want to do +X not +x08:02
Out_ColdPC_Nerd, try chmod -R 777 /home/apache08:02
cn28hthen they will be matched on the group permissions08:02
russia213Flannel: I told it not to because last time it did, I had to format me C:\ and reinstall windows08:03
PC_Nerdok thanks. and whats the difference between -x and -X ?08:03
toaderHI, my filesystem is full, how to clean it to make some space? thanks08:03
cn28htoader, rm08:03
szrhawaiidoes anyone know of a program that is similar to acronis for ubuntu08:03
Flannelszrhawaii: What is acronis?08:03
Out_ColdPC_Nerd, in linux the difference between capitals and lower case is huge..08:03
szrhawaiiFlannel AcronisĀ® True Image Echo Server for Linux delivers greater flexibility and value for SMB, Remote Office for LinuxĀ® server backup and disaster recovery08:03
toadercn28h: of course, but i dont know which one can be delete08:04
PC_Nerdyes, its all caser sensitive unlike windows, but as a flag/option to chmod etc what does it do that is different to -x ?08:04
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
rwwblueraven: Okay. Rather than mess around with mounting and LiveCDs and everything, you can just use rescue mode on your hard-disk install. Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword . Once you get to a root prompt, you can do "cat /etc/passwd" to display a list of all users on the system (including system users). Yours will probably be near the bottom of the output.08:04
FlannelPC_Nerd: +X will only give execute to stuff that's already executable for something (such as a binary file or a folder), +x just does it on everything (including text files, image files, etc, etc)08:04
Out_Coldszrhawaii, why not use that app?08:04
PC_Nerdah awesoem thanks :)08:04
szrhawaiiwas wondering if there was one similar on the package list Out_Cold08:04
szrhawaiiFlannel here is the website on it is you can point me in the right direction to something similar in the package manager http://www.acronis.com/08:05
The_Spazzzdurt : Thanks I'll give it a try08:05
durtThe_Spazzz: np08:06
russia213Flannel: Hello?08:06
Flannelrussia213: So, you told GRUB not to install to any MBR, correct?08:08
russia213Flannel: correct08:09
Flannelrussia213: Right, you can still follow those instructions.  You have GRUB installed, and it can do its thing to install to a MBR just fine as is currently.08:09
vishIve got a 845 motherboard p4 computer which is running on 8.10. However, it is using xvesa I think. Glxgears gives me 90 FPS. Any solutions? Thanks.08:09
zirodayvish: not use vesa?08:10
russia213Flannel: Which hard drive should I install to?08:10
Flannelrussia213: You can choose either.  If you install to your secondary harddrive, you'll need to change your boot order in your BIOS (but you won't overwrite your windows bootloader)08:10
The_Spazzzdurt : That got it friend.  Thanks a lot :-)08:11
russia213Flannel: For some reason my BIOS will not allow a boot from my secondary drive08:11
TTxTanybody know a repository with qt 4.5?08:11
vishziroday, please pardon?08:11
zirodayvish: you want to get a higher fps in glxgears correct?08:11
Flannelrussia213: then you'll need to install it to your primary08:11
zirodayTTxT: #kubuntu might know08:11
TTxTthanks ziroday08:12
vishziroday, It is not using the inbuit graphics chip. Videos are sttuttering.08:12
vishziroday, I dont have any special graphics card too.08:12
zirodayvish: okay, can you pastebin your xorg.0.log and lspci please08:12
amaureahow do I make an initrd.img?08:12
russia213Flannel: Please help me with the commands I get to the point where I'm supposed to find the right partition, but from there I get completely lost08:13
vishI am typing this from an other computer, I dont have access to the one I am talking about, sorry. Anyway, can I do something about it?08:13
zirodayvish: well you need to make sure that your graphics drivers for your card are loaded and working08:14
zirodaynorman_: Hi!08:14
rishahey all08:14
Bobblybookcan anyone please help me with disabling rf_kill?08:14
brunnerwould someone help me figure out why ekiga fails to register with ekiga.net?08:14
vishziroday, How do I do that?08:14
zirodayvish: look at your xorg.0.log and make sure its loading the right driver08:14
vishziroday, If it isnt?08:14
toaderHI, any good tools for disk cleaning??08:14
Flannelrussia213: There's no magic to it.  You literally just follow that webpage step by step.  You'll use (hd0,0) and (hd0) or /dev/sda depending on which method you're using.08:15
toaderI have no space left on my root filesystem08:15
zirodayvish: then you will need to edit your xorg.conf and enter the drivers in there08:15
rishai am facing some problem in my ubuntu system actually can any one tell me how to restore the factory settings using command line as i am not able to start x-session08:15
Flanneltoader: sudo apt-get clean, check your log files (/var/log) for runaway logs08:15
zirodaytoader: err Disk Usage Analyzer (baobab?)08:15
zirodayrisha: what errors are you getting?08:15
vishDo you need any special drivers for 845 inbuit graphics chip?08:16
russia213Flannel: ok...which step do I start at then?08:16
zirodayvish: it should use the intel drivers08:16
vishziroday, Can you point me to some drivers for it? Is it in the repos?08:16
norman_hi ziroday08:16
zirodayvish: they are already installed08:16
Flannelhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#Quick%20Start  Follow that.  Ask if you have questions.08:16
rishaziroday actually my ubuntu hangs so i use to start in single mode08:16
vishziroday, then what to do?08:16
brunnerfolks, I have two applications complaining that they can't listen on port 5060, but netstat -a | grep 5060 shows no output!08:16
zirodayvish: make sure they are loading08:17
vishziroday, how?08:17
toaderFlannel: can I delete all the files in /var/log ?08:17
bryantBrunner, what applications?08:17
zirodayvish: by looking in xorg.0.log :)08:17
brunnerbryant: ekiga and twinkle08:17
Flanneltoader: It won't break anything (don't delete the folders, but you can delete the stuff in the folders).08:17
zirodayrisha: ah. Well do you know where it hangs at?08:17
bryantBrunner, are you behind a router?08:17
dayo_toader: why would u want to delete them?08:18
russia213Flannel: I am looking at that page, but I can't exactly follow perfectly when the first steps provide me with errors08:18
Flannelrussia213: What step are you doing that gives you an error?08:18
brunnerbryant: yes, but I would think my local box could still listen on the unused port, unless it's talking about my router08:18
bryantBrunner, also, if both applications are trying to use the same port on the same commputer, it can't be done08:18
vishziroday, specifically, what entry should I enter in Xorg.conf to make it discover my hardware(for 845)08:18
toaderdayo_: I have no space left on my root filesystem08:18
brunnerbryant: I'm only trying to run one at a time08:18
russia213Flannel: Step 408:18
brunnerbryant: so you think it's trying to configure my router and failing?08:19
Flannelrussia213: Ok, and which command did you just type that gives you an error?08:19
dayo_toader: let me give u a script that i use to run a weekly cron that deletes backups of files in /var/log08:19
bryantbrunner, try to open up the port on your router and try again. Depending on the router, it may lock down all ports but the well known ports08:19
zirodayvish: something like Section Device Drive intel End Section08:19
rishaziroday is there any command to restore it or using live CD08:19
bryantbrunner, no, its not trying to configure your router. You have to do that yourself08:19
russia213Flannel: find /boot/grub/stage1 and find /grub/stage108:19
vishziroday, thanks, any reference I can read up?08:19
zirodayvish: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/08:20
brunnerbryant: then why is it complaining that it can't listen on a UDP port?  you're saying it's testing it, then?08:20
zirodayvish: or more like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:20
zirodayrisha: not that I know of. You can do a reinstall08:21
toaderdayo_: ok, thanks08:21
Flannelrussia213: What errors do they give?08:21
vishziroday, Thanks a lot.08:21
bryantbrunner, UDP or TCP doesn't matter. If you're port 5060 is closed on your router, your packets arn't going anywhere08:21
russia213Flannel: error 15 file not founf, and yes I am in grub08:21
dayo_toader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115082/08:22
Flannelrussia213: Your second harddrive is connected, correct? And we know it works?  Can you browse its files in the liveCD?08:22
dayo_toader: basically, run a weekly cron that deletes just the backups.08:22
russia213Flannel: Yes08:22
dayo_toader: things like /var/log/debug.0  /var/log/syslog.1.gz   and so on08:24
Flannelrussia213: Alright, and in that folder (the harddrive) do you see a /grub/ folder (likely inside of /boot/)08:24
russia213Flannel: No08:24
Flannelrussia213: How did you install Ubuntu?08:25
dayo_toader: on my firewall, it is /var/log/squid/access.log that takes up a lot of MBs worth of space, and so I run a weekly delete. but recently there has arisen the need to have more than a week's worth of internet logs, and so i'm probably going to need to cron it as a weekly scp to the backup server or somewhere such.08:25
bryantFlannel, I think she got it pre-installed08:25
russia213Flannel: Off of the Live CD?08:25
Flannelrussia213: The liveCD?  Or the alternate CD?08:25
russia213Flannel: Live08:26
Flannelrussia213: this doesn't make sense.  It's not possible to use anything other than GRUB with the liveCD.  Did you give yourself a separate /boot partition by any chance?  What are the contents of the /boot folder on that harddrive?08:27
Bobblybooklooking for help changing rf_kill value via software..08:28
russia213Flannel: abi-2.6.27-7-generic,config-2.6.27-7-generic,initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic, memtest86+.bin, System.map-2.6.27-7-generic, vmcoreinfo-2.6.27-7-generic, vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic08:29
vegombreii have an issue with f-spot .. is there a image viewer thats a plug in for fspot ?08:30
Flannelrussia213: Alright.  That doesn't make any sense.  But, ok.  The easiest thing for you to do is just reinstall.  And just have the installer write the bootloader to the MBR.  I don't know who told you you needed to reinstall windows before, but that shouldn't need to be done (and in fact, the thing the installer does is what you would be doing with the grub commands anyway)08:31
vegombreii have an issue with f-spot .. is there a image viewer thats a plug in for fspot ?08:31
v3traesup guys08:31
d-bhi can some one tell me which packages in ubuntu are compiled in a  hardened manner ?08:31
d-b(i know non-free wouldn't be unless there is code ...)08:31
etechfor a little enterprise desktop, would you recommand ubuntu 8.04 or 8.10?08:31
etechthe desktop should work every day08:31
d-betech: 8.0408:31
d-bits an lts08:31
zirodayetech: well depends what you value more stability, or newer programs08:32
dayo_etech: 8.04.208:32
luciddr34m3rwould anyone possibly be able to help me pin down a bug in my samba implementation? i have it set up as a pdc based on the tutorial, but when i try and join a windows box, it says the specified user cannot be found. i have wireshark running and the pdc doesnt say anything back to the client... i know this isnt a samba room, but i'm pretty stuck...08:32
etechthe persons who will work just needs something he can use every day, he doesn't even care if new firefox versions are out etc...08:32
russia213Flannel: I had to reinstall windows because EVEN after writing the wondows boot loader back onto C;\ It would not boot and I would still get a GRUB error08:32
dayo_etech: 8.04.208:32
etechdoes openoffice 3 work in hardy?08:33
Flannelrussia213: Then you weren't writing the windows bootloader back properly (or you were booting to the other harddrive, which had GRUB)08:33
dayo_etech: yes OOo3 works on hardy08:34
etechdayo_, ok, should i upgrade with the ppa or the openoffice debs?08:34
russia213Flannel: I used the fixmbr on the rescue cd of windows and I used it on the primary hard drive08:34
dayo_etech: our systems admin would know more about that. i usually deal with just the servers and the network. mail him at bigbrovar (at) gmail (dot) com, and tell him dayo from #ubuntu sent u. we're colleagues08:35
brunner1sorry, I was disconnected when I made changes on my router.  I have two clients complaining that they can't listen on UDP port 5060 because they're in use, but netstat -a | grep 5060 yields no output08:36
=== brunner1 is now known as brunner
vegombreii need help with f-spot ... ive inported like 50k pictures .. all it lets me do is view it in thumbnails .. if i right click it has an option to open with but no viewer .. is there some sort of plug in or mebbe a way to configure f-spot to open images in a viewer08:39
O__ohello i can not type anything in maple12, how to fix?08:39
etechis kbunutu 8.04 with kde3 now a LTS release or not?08:40
russia213How do you change permissions on a root file?08:40
Matr|Xim serching for some thing to play moives ext rmvp files08:40
prince_jammysMatr|X: try vlc or mplayer08:40
Matr|Xits not working bro :(08:41
amaureaok, I have solved some of the problems. I have compiled vanilla 2.6.28 with .config copied from my current system, and made debs for the kernel image and kernel headers. I then installed these using dpkg. I unde08:41
Matr|Xi tryed befefor vlc not working with me08:41
prince_jammysMatr|X: try mplayer08:41
amaureaoops, wasn't supposed to hit enter there08:41
Matr|Xsudo apt-get install mplayer08:42
prince_jammysMatr|X: yeah08:42
Matr|Xis this the command08:42
FloodBot1Matr|X: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:42
Moodis there a place i can get default files for /etc/network/*?08:42
vegombreiMatr|X: isnt there a real player for linux ?08:42
amaureaI understand that the rest of the process is supposed to happen automatically, but this did not happen in my case. 3 files were generated in /boot: System.map, vmcoreinfo and vmlinuz, but abi, initrd and the grub setup were not. I have now made initrd myself, but how do I generate the rest? and why do I have to do this manually?08:43
Matr|Xi dont know vegombrei  but i cant play rmvp files08:43
prince_jammysMatr|X: if mplayer doesn't work, you should try installing realplayer08:43
prince_jammysMatr|X: but i'd try mplayer first08:44
Matr|Xi need one program to use for all i wont 100 programs runnung on my pc08:44
russia213How do you change permissions on a root file?08:44
Matr|Xchmod +x * russia08:44
Matr|Xafter i download and install mplayer should i restart my pc ?08:45
psicobrahi all i have a canon printer ip4200 using the gutenprint drivers and it prints great i just don't know how to clean the print heads any ideas?08:45
vegombreiMatr|X: i dont think so08:45
ag90Matr|X, no need to restart08:45
Matr|Xthx brothers:D08:45
brettley_laptopim in the live boot and i just made a new partition on sdb1 and named it Media, why cant i see it in Computer?08:46
Matr|Xsound without screen08:46
Matr|Xcannot find codac08:46
vegombreiMatr|X: hey you got medibuntu ?08:46
psicobrabrettley_laptop, have you mounted it?08:47
ag90Matr|X, Either get medibuntu or run the video file in Movie Player (totem) and it will ask if it can install the codecs08:47
vegombreiMatr|X: get medibuntu08:47
Matr|Xfrist medibuntu08:48
russia213Flannel: I think you can help me now08:48
toaderHi, how to see how much space is used and left on my root file system?08:48
prince_jammys!medibuntu > Matr|X08:48
ubottuMatr|X, please see my private message08:48
russia213Flannel: I just restored the /bbot/grub/ folder08:48
safianhi :]08:49
vegombreii need help with f-spot ... ive inported like 50k pictures .. all it lets me do is view it in thumbnails .. if i right click it has an option to open with but no viewer .. is there some sort of plug in or mebbe a way to configure f-spot to open images in a viewer08:49
brettley_laptophow do i change a folder permissions as root?08:50
Matr|Xhow to install it mediubtu08:50
vegombreiMatr|X: google it they have a url and instructions on how to install08:50
Bobblybookcan anyone tell me how to change rf_kill value from 2 to 008:50
fubuhttp://www.student-portal.org/   i cant see this web site by using opera08:51
fububut firefox is ok08:51
fubucan anyone tell me why?08:51
fubusite is being built by using joomla08:51
ag90fubu, try clearing your cache in opera08:52
fubuok, i am trying08:52
=== anthony is now known as Guest45665
brettley_laptopwhat should i rather use as a storage drive? ext2 or ext308:53
ag90brettley_laptop, folder permissions can be changed by using chmod. Look up the man page ( man chmod ). Or google how to use it.08:53
fubuno it didbt work08:53
ag90brettley_laptop, ext3 is suggested08:53
brettley_laptopag90: thanks08:53
Matr|Xi cant find :L*(08:53
ag90fubu, then I am not sure. Check the preferences. Might help.08:53
prince_jammys!medibuntu | Matr|X08:54
ubottuMatr|X: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:54
ag90Matr|X, http://medibuntu.org/08:54
vegombreiMatr|X: shit hold on lemme look for the link08:54
Matr|Xyea shit im holding on:P08:54
ag90vegombrei, I believe he googled "mediubtu" ..08:54
Matr|Xtke ur time: )08:54
ag90Matr|X, http://medibuntu.org/ has the instructions08:54
Matr|Xi cant see ?08:54
vegombreiMatr|X: www.medibuntu.org08:54
ag90Matr|X, or here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu08:55
Matr|Xag thx08:55
Guest45665i wnat to install suse-11.1 Live iso image to thumb drive by using programs like "usb-creator" in ubuntu, but this suse is not happening which suse i have to select for that??08:55
ag90Guest45665, Use UNetBootIn for that. http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/08:55
Matr|Xis it working with hardy :P08:55
vegombreiag90: can you help me with f-spot ?08:56
Talon^anyone installed apache2 on ubuntu?08:56
ag90vegombrei, not sure about that problem08:56
Guest45665can i install Unetbootln in ubuntu?08:56
ag90vegombrei, will have to restart08:56
ag90Guest45665, Unetbootin does not need to be installed08:57
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ag90Guest45665, Just download and run it08:57
Talon^im trying to get perl working but it wont work without mod_perl, but mod_perl doesnt support disabling perl buffering, which is a problem... on suse i had it working right out of the box, no mod_perl, and it used the shebang08:57
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/08:57
UndertakerX2is this right coamnd to download from an svn? svn checkout http://blah.com/trunk usr/www08:58
ag90Heh. I think git is better than svn08:58
prince_jammysTalon^: try also #ubuntu-server and/or #apache08:58
baddogUndertakerX2, that looks right08:58
toaderHi, how to see how much space is used and left on my root file system?08:58
UndertakerX2baddog thanks08:58
jim_pdoes anyone know a good tutorial on how to use svn?08:59
ag90toader, go to Computer and check the drive properties08:59
ag90jim_p, http://artis.imag.fr/~Xavier.Decoret/resources/svn/index.html08:59
prince_jammystoader: there's a gui app in Accessories called 'disk usage analyzer'. there's also the cli commands 'du' and 'df'08:59
jim_pag90, it may be, but what i need to compile is on svn08:59
Flanneljim_p: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/  And yes, svn co repo-path local-path is correct08:59
jim_phey hey09:00
jim_pone at a time09:00
jim_pi dont want to build my own svn repo or whatever, i want to use some other guys repo09:00
Flanneljim_p: That book covers all aspects, including just using, etc.  If you're literally just  interested in checking stuff out, then you already know all you need to know.09:01
brettley_laptopag90: i cant find anything on making a harddrive accessible by non-root users09:01
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ploomjim_p, isn't command svn all you need to check out something?09:01
ag90brettley_laptop, what do you mean ?09:01
ploomjim_p, there is also quite good svn support in eclipse for ex09:02
Matr|Xim new09:03
Matr|Xi cant do that :S09:03
brettley_laptopag90: I just formated a harddrive to ext3 to use as storage, and i cant move anything there from any other harddrives, im making the swap from windows, im moving all of my files from a ntfs filesystem to a ext309:03
UndertakerX2baddog: thanks09:03
MyWayhi all09:03
baddogUndertakerX2, no problem09:03
olethri0sAnyone know what I need to do to set a ramdisk to mount when I boot?09:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ramdisk09:03
ag90brettley_laptop, have you mounted it ? And if its still not working, chmod 777 the mount point. Say you have mounted it to /media/sda2, you will do chmod 777 /media/sda209:04
UndertakerX2baddog: it downloaded the svn to usr/www/trunk, how can i copy all of trunk to www?09:04
ag90brettley_laptop, or you can chown -R bretty:bretty /media/sda2 ( where bretty is your username ). I suggest this approach as you *own* the files now09:05
brettley_laptopnoone else will use this PC09:05
brunner1two applications are complaining that they can't listen on UDP port 5060 because it's already in use, but nothing shows up about port 5060 in netstat -a... how could this be happening?09:06
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop,  make a direcory on the drive.. chown it to be owned by the usser you want to have access...  and there ya go.09:06
brettley_laptopag90: you just saved me the loss of 120gigs worth of files09:06
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop,  or 'sudo chown USERNAME /media/MountpointOfthedrive'09:06
vegombreii need help with f-spot ... ive inported like 50k pictures .. all it lets me do is view it in thumbnails .. if i right click it has an option to open with but no viewer .. is there some sort of plug in or mebbe a way to configure f-spot to open images in a viewer09:06
ag90brettley_laptop, you're welcome :)09:07
ag90vegombrei, I think (not sure) if you check the image properties, you can see where they actually are stored. Might help.09:07
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop,  note that this chown stuff.. does NOT apply if you are using NTFS filesystem.09:07
brettley_laptopdr_Willis: screw NTFS09:07
bn43hi anyone using virtualbox here? Everytime I start up full screen I can't get back to my ubuntu desktop - I have to shutdown the session09:08
ag90dr_Willis, brettley is using ext3 :)09:08
dr_Willisbrettley_laptop,  i constantly see people that dont realize  you cant chown ntfs. :)09:08
* brettley_laptop wants to get every sign of windows off this PC09:08
* dr_Willis just wants to be clear.09:08
vegombreiag90: i know where they are stored.. i wanna be able to vew them thru f-spot .. all i can see is thumbnails there09:09
ag90vegombrei, I think thats all you get with it. Never used it. I suggest going for Picasa. That shit will get you high ;)09:09
zer0c00lif i have to maintain a local mirror of all ubuntu repositories which things should i download...intrepid ? intrepid-security? intrepid-backports? intrepid-updates?09:11
vegombreiag90: really .... can i sudo apt-get install picasa ?09:11
MyWayi have a question: can i use RAID 0 with ubuntu x64?09:11
zer0c00lwhat about canonical additional mirrors09:11
aixenvhey how do access via the command line a places > network > "file system" ?09:12
Matr|XThere is no matching application available.09:12
shepherdhow do i open up a channel list?09:13
aixenvit doesnt show up in 'mount' or df09:13
ag90back sorry. vegombrei get it from http://picasa.google.com/linux/09:13
shepherdnvm i found it thanks thoguh09:14
aixenv(+JLcfnt)   (Mail: 129) (W: 4,3,2)09:15
shepherdhow are you all doing?09:15
ag90vegombrei, i believe medibuntu has picasa too. Though the thing has heavy dependencies ( including wine )09:15
brettley_laptophorrible =)09:15
brettley_laptophow about you shepherd?09:15
jim_pis there some other app for opening pdfs? i mean other that evince or acroread09:16
shepherdwhy so bad battery?09:16
bullgard4Synaptic writes about ubiquity: "This is a simple live CD installer designed to integrate well with Debian-09:16
bullgard4and Ubuntu-based systems, and to reuse code from d-i for ease of09:17
FloodBot1bullgard4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:17
shepherdi'm good becuase live is wonderful09:17
brettley_laptopthats good to hear =)09:17
Matr|Xi will restart to windows xp to watch movies09:17
shepherdmatrix i know the feeling09:17
Matr|Xnone good very hard for newbe like me to09:17
shepherdall you have to do is.. to get movies to work is09:18
ag90jim_p, http://www.linux.com/feature/5859209:18
shepherdwho the f knows ubuntu is so hard, windows works peroid09:18
ag90Ubuntu works just fine for me09:18
ag90Even windows needs codecs. Those are commercial codecs09:18
shepherdubuntu gives me 1 fps on tf2/css/any other game even the ones built for linsuck09:19
Matr|Xklite mega codac09:19
jerosudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal  -- this package should be included in the default installation. it is very convenient to be able to just right click a folder and get a terminal opened with exactly that path09:19
brettley_laptopme=just deleted every trace of windows on my system, going with linux 100%09:19
O__ohello i cant type in maple12, why?09:19
Matr|Xis veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy cooooooool09:19
JuryrigHi, my /etc/network/interfaces got messed up and hangs my Ubuntu boot. Does anyone know if the "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" entries are necessary?09:19
shepherdcant game on linux peroid09:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:19
Matr|Xyea cant09:19
ag90shepherd, flaming linux on a linux irc channel is not a good idea :)09:19
prince_jammyscan't type on linux either, apparently09:19
Matr|Xbut i loved ubntu09:19
jim_pag90, thanks09:19
Matr|Xwindows is sucks09:20
shepherdand my biggest problem with linux is that i can view pronographic  images.09:20
Juryrigdoes anyone know if "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" are necessary in /etc/network/interfaces?09:20
shepherdi tried apt-get porn09:20
shepherdddint' work09:20
tonyyarussoSeriously, this channels is for support questions.  Keep your other chatter elsewhere please.09:20
jerois it possible to run compiz with the opensource driver?09:20
Matr|Xjoin #copiz-fusion09:21
elkytonyyarusso, sorry. lag09:21
jeroopenarena works, but compiz doesnt09:21
shepherdsomething happend.09:21
shepherddid i get booted?09:21
jeromatr they will tell me to join #ubuntu09:21
ag90jero, I think not. Commercial driver = 3D acceleration. Not sure09:21
elkyshepherd, yes, you've been asked to take your smut talk elsewhere09:21
shepherdelky: where is a good place?09:21
Matr|Xjero this the offcial channel for compiz09:21
jeronope, 3d acceleration works since i can play openarena with it09:21
elkyshepherd, somewhere other than this irc network09:21
bullgard4 Synaptic writes about ubiquity: "This is a simple live CD installer designed to integrate well with Debian-  and Ubuntu-based systems, and to reuse code from d-i for ease of maintenance." What does 'd-i' mean?09:21
jeroat reasonable fps...09:22
Matr|Xgo ther they will help u im new and i installed compiz and working with me without eny problem wno09:22
ag90jero, What graphics card are you using ?09:22
tonyyarussojero: Depends on your graphics chipset.  Generally speaking, Intel graphics can do compiz with open source drivers, the new Radeon HD ones often can, while other ATI and NVidia ones require proprietary drivers.09:22
Just_Slowhello, anyone here with Thinkpad x200 or similar?09:22
Matr|Xjust slow i have nokia 3210 is this cool :O09:23
jeroati mobility 9600 64mb - ubuntu 8.04 install perfectly on this nc8000 except the suspend function not working properly, but i gave up on that09:23
ag90jero, my ATI Radeon x1200 needed the commercial drivers for 3D Acceleration09:23
rwwbullgard4: debian-installer09:23
Matr|Xbrb guys09:23
tonyyarussobullgard4: debian-installer, the old-style text-mode interface found on the alternate cd09:23
jeroi get 3d acceleration out the box without any installs, since openarena runs properly09:23
Just_SlowMatrix, sure that phone is hard as rock.. i remember when i was a kid it was really hard to break lol..09:23
bullgard4rww, tonyyarusso Thank you for your help.09:23
jeroag90 - the commercial drivers introduce too many other problems, like crashing on logging into gdm09:23
jeroi try to avoid those09:24
=== Blacki is now known as Guest81925
bmgenghello everyone09:25
bmgenghi fofel09:25
fogelwill ping in conky slow my system a lot?09:25
Matr|Xgo to ther jero spcialest for compiz fuison09:25
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puneeth1how can i get KDE4?09:28
Just_Slowcould anyone help with this: i have tried to install intel graphic drivers but they don't seem to work09:28
dr_Willispuneeth1,  install 'kubuntu-desktop' is one way09:28
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dr_Willispuneeth1,  see the topic in #kubuntu for  other info on kde4 :)09:28
ag90puneeth1, sudo apt-get install kde4-core is another if you don't want all the extra bloat09:28
puneeth1what will sudo apt-get install kde-baseruntime give me?09:30
dr_Willispuneeth1,  install it and see.. i imgine not a whole lot. :)09:31
Bobblybookcan anyone help me with setting RF_KILL to 0?09:32
prince_jammysBobblybook: what's that, an environment variable?09:32
Pirate_Hunteris there a bug with configuring static ip in 8.10, if so what is it?09:32
dr_Willisnetwork manager can be a little goofy i hear if you set a static ip. Ive not tried it.09:33
Matr|Xfrist thing when i have some money i will go to studdy this all this:D09:33
Bobblybookprince_jammys: it's to detect the wireless button state09:33
Just_Slownoone here familiar with intel graphics?09:33
Matr|Xand will be the good one here:D and come to help ppl:d09:33
AppiHi please help me, Ubuntu is running with abnormal, how should I identify.09:34
ag90Pirate_Hunter, I hear that theres a chance it will work anyway. Put up the settings on it, restart and try. If it doesnt, get rid of the settings and restart back to dynamic IPs.09:34
Pirate_Hunterdr_Willis: what do you mean by goofy, does it crash the machine :s?09:34
Pirate_Hunterag90: oh I see so it doesnt keep the settings weird09:35
dr_WillisPirate_Hunter,  not that ive heard. :)09:35
ag90Pirate_Hunter, not sure. I suggest you try it out. If it breaks, go back to the current settings.09:35
ag90Pirate_Hunter, though let me assure you, it won't crash the machine :)09:36
dr_Willisyea - that sould be a bit hardcore - if setting to static ip crashed the machine09:36
Just_Slowyo guys, any hint where to find someone who could help with intel graphic drivers?09:36
Matr|Xi have intel vga09:37
ag90Just_Slow, what is the exact model ( lspci )09:37
dr_WillisJust_Slow,  check the forums?  Ive no issues with my Intel  chipset laptop here.09:37
prince_jammysBobblybook: it's mentioned a lot in the forums and bug reports. try googling for example 'ubuntu intrepid rf_kill' if you haven't already09:37
shepherdi'm so sorry, i love linus09:37
Just_Slowmy intel graphic are not shown on the "drivers" section under administratioin09:37
Bobblybookprince_jammys: I have been googling it for quite a while, however none of the fixes seem to work09:37
prince_jammysBobblybook: ah, ok09:38
ag90Just_Slow, no no. Go to the terminal. Do "lspci" ( or "sudo lspci" if it gives you an error about permissions ). And check the list for information on your graphics card.09:38
tavii have a ubuntu hardy heron and i can't listen any radio?09:38
tavii can't listen any radio...why?09:38
Just_Slowno errors here, ag9009:39
tavineither aac or mp309:39
ag90Just_Slow, check the list that comes when you do lspci. Need information on the graphics card.09:40
prince_jammystavi: using what application?09:40
tavii tried all09:40
taviamarok, vlc, totem....09:40
taviand others09:40
Matr|Xim thinking to studdy programming  shell script is this good ?09:41
Just_Slowag90,  VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)09:41
Matr|Xperl &shell script is this enogh ?09:41
hateball!restricted | tavi09:42
ubottutavi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:42
ag90Just_Slow, give me a moment (consulting my friend google :P)09:42
Matr|Xbrb guys09:43
Matr|Xhave best time all :)09:43
tavii have both ubuntu restricted extras and xubuntu restricted extras09:43
sezoomq question09:43
=== jose is now known as JoSSeTeSERVER
prince_jammystavi: try running one of the apps from the command line, try to listen to radio, and paste any error messages in the pastebin. maybe then somebody can help09:43
Just_Slowbut i have already installed drivers for this from internet tutorial, its said: newer drivers already installed. but i cannot get anything work =(09:43
tavii have mocp09:43
taviand whit him the files that are in pc work09:44
tavion players don't work09:44
prince_jammystavi: i mean like run 'vlc' from the terminal, so it displays errors on the terminal09:44
tavibut ....the internet radio don't work09:44
taviso how i do that?09:44
prince_jammystavi: type 'vlc' in the terminal and then do whatever you would do to listen to radio09:45
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi
ag90Just_Slow, sorry no solution yet. But on my old laptop, I had an intel 945gm and an older Ubuntu. The fix for the graphics card was simple in my case. First download the intel driver ( sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel ). Then in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, where it said "Driver i810", just had to change it to intel. Though don't try this out. Might break X.09:45
puneeth1will i be able to run kde4 smoothly on a p4?09:45
sezoomVLC is the best09:45
prince_jammystavi: if there are error messages, someone here might get an idea of how to fix it09:45
taviopened a gui too09:45
CK-TECHwhy i play RMVB file on mplayer it only have sound but no video out ? i using ubuntu 8.1009:46
prince_jammystavi: yes, but now errors will be printed on the terminal09:46
UndertakerX2whats the terminal command to see your ip?09:46
savvasUndertakerX2: wget -q www.whatismyip.org09:46
puneeth1CK-TECH, go for an alternative09:46
Just_Slowi read that people with open suse have even type of this screen indentified and such :D thats why i was a bit confused why this didn't work.. since ubuntu is probably the most popular distro..09:46
prince_jammysCK-TECH: just a moment ago somebody had the same problem. apparently that file type is troublesome09:46
ag90Just_Slow, if you have soem time, hit google or the  ubuntuforums.09:46
tavitavi@tavi-desktop:~$ vlc09:47
taviVLC media player 0.8.6e Janus09:47
tavi[00000293] main input error: no suitable access module for `/home/tavi/dosar fără nume/123.srt'09:47
tavi[00000320] access_http access: Raw-audio server found, m4a demuxer selected09:47
tavi[00000318] main input error: no suitable access module for `/home/tavi/dosar fără nume/123.srt'09:47
tavi[00000325] packetizer_mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 1 samplerate: 2205009:47
FloodBot1tavi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:47
savvasUndertakerX2: sorry: wget -q www.whatismyip.org -O-09:47
CK-TECHprince_jammys, problem solved o never ?09:47
prince_jammystavi: paste the output in the pastebin paste.ubuntu.com09:47
puneeth1Undertaker ifconfig eth009:47
CK-TECHpuneeth1, any alternative? i new09:47
prince_jammysCK-TECH: he didn't solve it, i think09:47
prince_jammysCK-TECH: you may try installing realplayer09:48
puneeth1CK-TECH, try VLC09:48
sezoomhow use scp +kerberos ticket09:48
UndertakerX2prince_jammys: thanks09:48
CK-TECHpuneeth1, thx09:49
CK-TECHwhy my numberic pad suddenly cant use ? my numlock is on09:49
d-bok i'm being stupid but how to set hostname -> i'm using the server install and it doesn't like my /etc/hosts...09:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wget09:50
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview09:50
Moodcn28h: still awake?09:50
josebabuenos dias09:50
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:51
prince_jammystavi: heh, i don't know. i'm just suggesting to get more information for someone in the channel to help09:51
prince_jammystavi: is that what you see when you try to listen to radio, or just when you open vlc?09:51
taviwhen i try to listen radio09:51
prince_jammystavi: are you able to listen to an mp3 in your hard drive with vlc?09:52
tavibut all players don't work09:52
tavii have tried09:52
taviworks only whit mocp a console player09:52
prince_jammystavi: strange. the main difference is that mocp is not an X app09:52
Jewbaccahii, i have a radio server and i need a program which connect to it and let me shoutcast, on xp i just used winamp+plugin what is the best option for ubuntu? thanks guys :)09:52
tavii do not know09:52
tavii do not handle well linux09:53
eastrayHello~ when amule is still runnging  I shutdowned. and  I reboot but amule is no run, How do i fix it. sorry, poor english. I am korean.09:53
prince_jammystavi: well, mocp is not an X client (graphical app), whereas the others that you mentioned are09:53
prince_jammystavi: are you able to get any sound from any graphical app?09:53
taviyoutube works09:54
tavigames works09:54
O__ocan ubuntu installed in sparc 1 computer?09:54
CK-TECHi using ubuntu 8.10 gnome why my numberic pad suddenly cant use09:55
AndrosĆ§Ć¤Ć„Ć±Ć¼ ĆµĆ®Ć²Ć¼ Ć°Ć³Ć±Ć±ĆŖĆØĆ© ĆŖĆ Ć­Ć Ć«-Ć²Ć®?09:55
transportereastray why don't u try to run it09:55
Androsi russian.09:55
=== micro is now known as micro-_
=== micro-_ is now known as micro`
transportereastray press alt + f2 and type gksu amule09:56
Androsnicht verstehn09:56
AndrosƱƮƱĆØĆ²Ć„ ĆµĆ³Ć©09:56
sezoomany1 has information about using kerberos with scp09:57
highlevelcodeokay gnome is all up and running09:57
taviprince_jammys: another ideeas?09:57
highlevelcodeI found a script that basically gives all the commands to install it and other apps09:57
eastraytransporter, Thank you~ it work.09:57
highlevelcodequestion ... how do I install a C compiler and which one is the best?09:57
transportereastray: you're welcome09:57
sezoom<hightlevelcode> gcc09:58
CK-TECHm... cant watch RMVB file on ubuntu 8.10 ?09:58
sezoomsudo apt-get install gcc09:58
prince_jammystavi: sorry, i don't. but mention all the stuff we talked about when you ask again09:58
highlevelcodesezoom lemme try dat09:58
sezoomand install build-essuntial   as well09:58
prince_jammystavi: mention that you can't hear ANY sound with graphical apps, but you can with mocp (a command-line app)09:59
taviwell is a channel for audio issues?09:59
d-btavi: what's the problem ?09:59
tavii can;t hear anything on radio09:59
taviwhit players like vlc totem amarok.....10:00
prince_jammyshe can't even listen to an mp3 with any X audio player, but he can with mocp (a CLI audio player)10:00
prince_jammys(and has codecs)10:00
=== diego is now known as Guest72806
=== Rabbitbunny is now known as mylarwonder
brettley_laptopcan i just format 1 partition with the mount point of / or do i need to make a /home/ or other directory too?10:03
Moodcn28h: it was a bad /etc/network/interfaces file :-s10:03
Pirate_Huntercan someone give the command to install PHP as a LAMP?10:03
brettley_laptopi take that as a i can just make one partition at /10:04
tavithsi is when i try to get a listen.aac file from a radio10:04
tavi  mocp: common.c:131: sec_to_min: Assertion `seconds >= 0' failed.                           ā”‚ā”‚                                      ā”‚10:04
taviā”‚           Aborted                    ā”‚ā”‚                                      ā”‚10:04
tavitavi@tavi-desktop:~$                   ā”‚ā”‚10:04
FloodBot1tavi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:04
bryant 10:05
clouder`grrbrettley_laptop: you can use one big partition if you want10:08
clouder`grrbrettley_laptop: you should also make a swap partition though10:08
brettley_laptopok good10:08
brettley_laptopi did10:08
tavisomeone help?10:10
Pirate_Huntercan someone give the command to install PHP as a LAMP package?10:10
marlohello, I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 but its crashed, i dont know how its happen. Then I switched WinXp partition and trying to get files from corrupted ubuntu. The problem is I cannot see disks. files. how can i access them?10:10
=== mylarwonder is now known as Rabbitbunny
bryantMarlo, windows XP will not read a ext3 partition10:10
brettley_laptopmarlo: use an ubuntu live disk, windows cant see ext3 or most any linux partiton, you need to use another linux OS of some kind10:11
magentarmarlo, normally you can't. if your lucky you can use ext2 drivers like fs-driver.org10:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifs10:11
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org10:11
rwwPirate_Hunter: Just PHP, or all of LAMP?10:11
marlobryant: This partition ntfs, I can access them but , I cannot access disks folder10:11
highlevelcodehow do I make a directory command line?10:11
magentar... but i think ubuntu 8.10 uses a sector size fs-driver can'T cope with10:11
rwwhighlevelcode: to make a directory on the commandline, use mkdir. Example, mkdir /home/rww/test10:11
dr_Willismagentar,   that fs-drver has worked here for me.10:12
magentardid you create the partition during the 8.10 setup?10:12
* dr_Willis wishs to tell everyone that tries the fs-driver.org 'driver' for winows - to be VERY carefull with it.10:12
marlomagentar: yes, ntfs partiton for ubuntu10:12
dr_Willismagentar,  yes.  if i recall correctly10:12
Pirate_Hunterrww: all of LAMP10:13
marloError is for disks folder: "Files or directories are corrupted and cant read"10:13
marlois any way to backup ?10:13
rwwPirate_Hunter: According to http://bit.ly/kcXO , you should run: sudo tasksel install lamp-server10:13
taviany help?10:13
bryantmarlo, it should be a ext3 parition, not ntfs. Thats why Windows thinks its "corrupted"10:14
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marlobryant: hmm, and also I tried with DiskInternals Linux Reader, cannot reach again.10:15
magentarmarlo, did you try fs-driver?10:15
marlomagentar: I'll try10:16
Pirate_Hunterrww: saw that but im sure that isn't correct especially since it failled the first time i tried :/10:16
bryantmarlo, I wish I could help you futher, but the most I can say is boot into the live CD and see if it reads the partition. Maybe mount it and fsck?10:16
brettley_laptopforce mount =)10:16
marlobyrant: yes, I have to try with livecd10:17
bryantMarlo, goodluck.10:17
brettley_laptopget the cia10:18
marlomagentar: I cannot use fs-driver, error returns "Service database lock" what is this?10:18
marlobryant: thx10:18
rwwPirate_Hunter: do you happen to have the error messages from when you tried that?10:18
enygmataim having problems to upgrade to intrepid.. ive set the system to check for normal releases.. it shows the intrepid release but when i try to upgrade the system i get some errors that the updater cant find some packages.. anyone know how to solve it? i have also tried to upgrade from cdrom but i get a authentication error10:18
etechubuntu 8.04 LTS updated with 8.04.2 KDE to version 3.5.1010:18
etechis kubuntu 8.04 now LTS or not?10:18
etechwith kde310:18
rwwenygmata: what version of Ubuntu are you using right now?10:18
enygmatai instaled ubuntu 8.04 but now its 8.04.2.. but ididnt choose to upgrade to it10:19
Pirate_Hunterrww: yup it said taskl apptitude: failed (at least on those lines)10:19
brettley_laptopwhy can i never get my computer to boot ubuntu?!10:19
bryantetech, all Kubuntu is is Ubuntu with a KDE Desktop Environment (DE) on it instead of gnome.10:19
etechyou maybe already downloaded 8.04.210:19
brettley_laptopcan someone help me install ubuntu? it jsut doesnt wana install for me no matter what i do10:20
etechbryant, yes, but when i install kubuntu 8.04 with kde3, is it also supported as long as ubuntu 8.04?10:20
bryantYes, etech10:20
marloI'll try with livecd , If not successful again, I'll re-install everything, quick question which is the best partition for ubuntu (ext3,ext2 or ntfs) ?10:20
bryanti believe the LTS is 10 years or something like that, no?10:20
enygmatamarlo ext310:21
marloI hate damn data loses, I tried before with fat and ntfs, data loss happens10:21
rwwenygmata: Ubuntu 8.04.2 is just 8.04 with normal updates. It's not something you choose to upgrade to. Anyway. So you're trying to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 and you're getting errors. Can you copy and paste those errors to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and copy the link to the newly-created page here?10:21
prince_jammysmarlo: the recommended file system is ext310:21
etechnot 10 years o.O10:21
marlothank you10:21
rwwbryant: 3 years on the desktop, 5 on the server10:21
brettley_laptopcan someone help out with ubuntu instalation? i have literaly installed it over 10 times and grub just wont load it!10:21
chibiacebrettley_laptop: why cant you install?10:21
etechso kubuntu 8.04 with kde3 is supported to 2010?10:21
bryant>.> So much for my Ubuntu class. I remember that question... lol10:21
marlogood day to all, I'm gonna work :D bb10:21
brettley_laptopchibiace: i cant get it to boot no matter what i do10:21
etechor is kubuntu 8.04 with kde3 supported to 2011?10:22
chibiacebrettley_laptop: duel booting with or just the one install?10:22
bryantbrettley, how far are you getting into the install?10:22
rwwetech: Was Kubuntu 8.10 an LTS? I thought only Ubuntu 8.10 was.10:23
brettley_laptopim getting the install, not a dualboot, and once it installs im getting a bios message saying "no opperating system"10:23
etech8.04 is lts, not 8.1010:23
rwwetech: sorry, 8.04, not 8.1010:23
enygmatanww the errors are just that some xorg drivers and some libelf binaries cant be found (its less than 10 packages).. i checked the ftp repository and the files doesnt exist on the mirror... and doesnt exist on the archives.ubuntu.com mirror also10:23
brettley_laptopif someone would like to remote desktop in and take a look at it that would be more than amazing =)10:23
chibiacebrettley_laptop: doesnt get up to the grub screen then?10:23
rwwetech: Okay, here we go. Kubuntu 8.04 is supported until October 2009. So no, it wasn't an LTS.10:24
bryantbrettlry, if you're able to remote into a box that isn't running anything, that would just be more than magical :)10:24
brettley_laptoplive CD10:24
etechtoo bad :(10:24
chibiacebrettley_laptop: on the install are you using use entire disk option?10:24
brettley_laptopno, i have 3 disks =P10:25
chibiacebrettley_laptop: 3 disks, the bios set to boot the same one you are installing to? :P10:25
brettley_laptopim not sure, it doesnt give me that option i dont think lol10:26
brettley_laptopill look at it]10:26
rwwPirate_Hunter: You could try "sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server" That should about cover all of LAMP.10:26
chibiacebrettley_laptop: it gives many partition options. you can even do it manually10:26
brettley_laptoplllets see if that did the trick10:27
chibiacebrettley_laptop: i once had a problem that i needed to change where the boot loader was installed to i think thats on the confirm choice before installing page10:27
enygmatawell.. be back in around one hour.. the updater didnt save the downloaded packages...10:27
brettley_laptopall i had to do is have my mobo re-search my drives to find a bootloader10:27
rwwchibiace, brettley_laptop: It is. Advanced button on the confirmation page.10:28
baraondaciao a tutti10:28
brettley_laptopall day today10:28
brettley_laptopive been trying to get ubuntu, and i lost half my data from windows in the process, but the bitchy part is finaly done10:28
rww!it | baraonda10:28
ubottubaraonda: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:28
bryantbrettley_laptop, I've lost ALL of my data on windows playing around too much >.>10:29
chibiacebrettley_laptop: in the bios there is usually a page where you can select which hard drive boots10:29
brettley_laptophow do i make all my harddrives mount on startup?10:29
prince_jammysbrettley_laptop: add entries for them in your /etc/fstab file10:30
rww!fstab | brettley_laptop10:30
ubottubrettley_laptop: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:30
rwwbrettley_laptop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions is also useful10:31
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Guest87107which command i should use to download only all the packages of a repository which i mension on command line??10:32
chibiaceGuest87107: uh10:32
amaureaI use ubuntu interpid, and would like to upgrade to kernel 2.6.28. I am on an x86_64 machine. is there an easy way to do this?10:33
brettley_laptopyay for updates10:33
rwwamaurea: not really. The latest supported kernel version for intrepid is
Guest87107chibiace: are there any commands i can use?10:34
chibiaceGuest87107: i didnt really unstand what you just said10:34
brettley_laptopim going to bed, its 4:30 and i told my self i would sleep once i got an OS working =) thanks for all your help guys, i owe you all10:34
chibiaceGuest87107: understand even10:34
amaurearww: how about patching it?10:34
chibiaceamaurea: usually if there arent any packages you have to compile yourself10:35
amaureachibiace: that's ok, as long as it is relatively simple10:35
rwwamaurea: Basically, if you want .28, you'll have to compile it yourself, which isn't particularly easy. What do you need it for, if I may ask?10:35
nero__help: i am using ubuntu 8.10 last night i updated my ubuntu since then my alsa and pulse have stopped working. i am now using the oss driver and its working fine with it what can i do to fix alsa and pulse?10:35
archmanIs it ok to install jack 0.116.1 built for intrepid even though it's not in repositories? Do i need to remove an older version first? (i'm on intrepid)10:36
Jewbaccaplz  help me here :p http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106263610:36
Slartarchman: I don't think jack is instaled by default.. if you've installed it yourself I'd recommend removing it first10:36
archmannero__: are they enabled in preferencies->sound?10:36
nero__archman: yes they are10:37
puneethunable to install KDE4... :((10:37
archmanSlart: jack 0.109 IS installed by default, he's updated my older release, since i upgraded from gutsy...10:37
rwwpuneeth: What version of Ubuntu are you using?10:37
chibiaceamaurea: yeah its a learning curve and not usually not worth it, but there are guides out tehre10:37
puneethit says "KDE4 cannot be installed on your computer type (i386). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type." please tell me what to do10:37
Slartarchman: oh.. you're right.. it is installed.. then I'd recommend using checkinstall or similar to make it easier to remove if needed10:38
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: Ā« sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop Ā», or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde410:38
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!10:38
archmanSlart: sudo apt-get checkinstall <package> ?10:39
amaurearww: well, I have tried compiling the kernel myself, and the steps seemed pretty simple, actually. but when I tried following them, the first snag I hit was that I needed to specify --arch=x86_64 to make make-kpkg work. then after I had cleaned and compiled, the next snag was that dpkg -i would not do everything it's supposed to do: it did not create an initrd image, and it did not register with grub, and also didn't produce an abi file10:39
Slartarchman: I'm not really sure.. I've never used it myself, only heard it being recommended10:39
Jewbaccacan someone help me here :O) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106263610:40
amaurearww: so I thought that the instructions might have been outdated, and not applicable to interpid10:40
howdoidothisHow does this work?10:41
prince_jammyshowdoidothis: this channel?10:42
howdoidothisI didn't even enter a password10:42
chibiacehowdoidothis: you seem to have worked it out10:42
klasikahluh oh! /quit before someone takes your password10:42
zleapJewbacca, there is a package called ie4linux, which installs IE on Linux,  but its not in the repositories, so not sure how well it works with ubuntu10:42
Jewbaccazleap: what is repositories?10:42
zleapwhere ubuntu stores all the programs you download10:42
zleapits where synaptic looks for stuff10:43
prince_jammys!repositories > Jewbacca10:43
ubottuJewbacca, please see my private message10:43
howdoidothisI'm not running Ubuntu.  Is this against the rules?10:43
zleapbut ie4linux is not in there10:43
rwwhowdoidothis: This is a public server; you don't need to create an account to talk here. You *can* register your account if you want to, though (and we can give you instructions for that!). Anyway, you're currently in #ubuntu, which is the Ubuntu support channel. For offtopic discussion, /join #ubuntu-offtopic. For help with Freenode (this server) or IRC, /join #freenode.10:43
Slarthowdoidothis: it's not against the rules.. but this isn't a channel for idle chat.. try #ubuntu-offtopic for that.. this channel is for support of Ubuntu only10:43
nero__help: i am using ubuntu 8.10 last night i updated my ubuntu since then my alsa and pulse have stopped working. i am now using the oss driver and its working fine with it what can i do to fix alsa and pulse?10:43
howdoidothisOk thanks10:44
zleaphowdoidothis, i just joined the #ubuntu-offtopic and will see if I can help10:44
Jewbaccazleap: is there a way to check how it will work?10:45
zleapJewbacca, ie4linux is pulls down IE for you, its slower but it will work10:46
chibiacenero__: updated packages ?10:47
zleapyou may want to join #offtopic too10:47
nero__chibiance:i don't know if alsa was updated or not10:47
archmanHow long is the actual version ubuntu supported after the release of the newer version?10:47
archmanof ubuntu*10:47
nero__chibiance:but i do remeber seeing the kernel being updated10:47
uni4dfxis there any way to reduce CPU usage for scrolling in ubuntu? it's so demanding it can halt my music playback10:48
nero__chibiance:but i do remeber seeing the kernel being updated so tried 27-9 but that did not work either10:48
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chibiacenero__: doubtful if the kernel was updated and you lost support for your sound driver you would have sound at all in oss10:48
prince_jammysarchman: depends on whether the version is an LTS version10:48
ravn_hi all10:49
Mooddoes ubuntu work with openvpn bridging? or routing?10:49
prince_jammysarchman: hardy was an LTS version and is supported for 3 years (desktop) and 5 years (server).  i don't remember how long the other versions are supported for10:49
Jewbaccaon xp i could set my monitor hz to 85, how i do that on linux?10:49
clouder`grruni4dfx: you could try disabling th desktop effects if you have them on. not sure if that'll do it though.  If this is in firefox try disabling smooth scrolling10:50
chibiaceMood: yes10:50
rwwprince_jammys, archman: 18 months for non-LTS10:50
Moodchibiace: yes = both?10:50
rwwarchman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases has a nice list of releases and their support periods10:50
chibiaceMood: dunno. i never tried. but there are some packages that work with NetworkManager so you can configure them from there10:50
nero__chibiance:ok my oss is working perfectly just pulse and alsa are down tried reinstalling alsa packages didn't help every configuration is same as yesterday i didn't change anything except the update10:51
Moodchibiace: ok thank you10:51
Moodwhy is my ubuntu "Configure VPN" just greyed out? do i need to install NetworkManager in order to get VPN to configure?10:51
chibiacenero__: everything in system / prefs / sound prefs correct?10:52
archmanso until April 2010, nice!10:52
uni4dfxclouder`grr: thanks, well it is firefox but the smoothscroll is disabled; also, it works 50% better without compiz, but i want to use it :/10:52
nero__chibiance: yes everything is correct i just changed the default for everything to oss to get it working10:53
horroreyesHi, I've got a problem. I've a atheros wlanchip. But I can't get it work. Is there anyone who can help me?10:54
chibiacehorroreyes: pci? checked out madwifi?10:55
con-man#nerdpickuplines Hey baby, how about we sudo -rm yourpants ?10:55
rww!ot | con-man10:55
ubottucon-man: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:55
chibiacenero__: well other then reinstalling all the alsa packages, ive got a mental block on what to do, had the same problem before though.10:56
horroreyeschibiace: pci, yes. have already tried madwifi, maybe I did it wrong. last try was ndiswrapper.10:56
chibiacehorroreyes: on my mother's laptop i had to use a beta version of madwifi, did you get ndiswrapper working?10:58
horroreyesit works... but there is no wlan-modul loaded... I don't know if the problem is ndiswrapper itself10:59
chibiacehorroreyes: ndiswrapper likes to spew errors messages out into 'dmesg'10:59
spencercornynhi my laptop worked fine off the box w/compiz.. i don't know what i did and compiz cannot be enabled. help!10:59
chibiacehorroreyes: usually you need to put ndiswrapper in /etc/modules, and load the right files with ndiswrapper and do a reboot, dmesg | grep -i ndiswrapper should show errors then if its not going11:01
matterazihelp. can't load the task bar :(11:01
gerryxiaohello, any chan for jaunty?11:01
spencercornyni think its b/c xlg is disabled; how do i re-enable xlg?11:01
gerryxiaoafter updated, ubuntu 9.04 can't start up with ext411:02
horroreyes chibiace ndiswrapper (link_pe_images:604): DLL initialize failed for athw.sys11:02
gerryxiao Error 24 : Attempt to access block outside partition11:02
gerryxiaokernel version: 2.6.28-611:03
rwwgerryxiao: #ubuntu+1, not here. Thanks :)11:03
chibiacehorroreyes: do you have windows 98 or xp drivers you can load?11:03
horroreyeschibiace, xp11:04
chibiacehorroreyes: you need to load an inf i think and somethign else11:04
horroreyesyes, there are two inf-files, tried both...11:05
clouder`grrmatterazi: you mean panels?11:05
chibiacehorroreyes: what is the name of the other files11:05
matterazino the little bar on the bottom where the apps go11:05
horroreyeschibiace: netathw.inf and netathwx.inf11:06
chibiacehorroreyes: and the other ones?11:07
clouder`grrmatterazi: why can't you load it?11:07
spencercornynhow to i know if i have nvidia or ati grapics?11:07
matteraziI dunno where :x11:07
chibiacespencercornyn: lspci might work11:08
clouder`grrmatterazi: right click the panel and choose add to panel11:08
clouder`grrmatterazi: you want window selector11:08
horroreyeschibiace, the same as .sys and a lot other... data1.cab, data2.cab ISSetup.dll _setup.dll seems to be important11:08
clouder`grrmatterazi: no sorry you want window list11:09
spencercornynchibiace: is there a gui program for it.. i want compiz to work again..11:10
Kellersitterx-trdid anyone speak german11:10
Kellersitterx-trspricht wer deutsch11:10
horroreyesKellersitterx-tr, ich!11:10
matteraziclouder`grr: yep it wotked, but the windows shoiw in the same panel11:10
matteraziI wanted a new one in the bottom :(11:10
chibiacespencercornyn: you can just open a terminal from the applications menu and type lspci11:10
clouder`grrmatterazi: right click an existing panel and choose new panel11:11
Kellersitterx-tr@ horroreyes: kannst du mir sagen wieich meine Soundkarte konfigurieren kann11:11
chibiacespencercornyn: there is a hardware profiler thing in system somewhere too11:11
horroreyeshabs geahnt... bin selbst noch neuling, sry11:11
Kellersitterx-trah okay..11:11
Kellersitterx-trtrotzdem danke11:11
horroreyesschon mal in ubuntuforum.org geguckt? steht echt viel!11:12
spencercornynchibiace: i did.. i don't know which it is. ati or nvidia.. VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)11:12
matteraziclouder`grr:  thaaaannkksss so easy, yet so different form windows :x11:12
chibiacespencercornyn: neither ati or nvidia then11:12
matteraziTy TY11:12
uni4dfxwho can scroll this site on ubuntu without lag? http://lubosz.de/Firefox3PerformanceBug/11:12
spencercornynchibiace: no restricted drivers were needed when i first installed the system.. compiz worked off the box..11:13
clouder`grrmatterazi: not a problem.  Different yes, better... I think so :D11:13
horroreyeschibiace, the same as .sys and a lot other... data1.cab, data2.cab ISSetup.dll _setup.dll seems to be important11:13
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-KanƤlen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. FĆ¼r deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke fĆ¼r Ihr VerstƤndnis.11:14
chibiacespencercornyn: what were you doing when it stopped?11:14
chibiacehorroreyes: have a another go at madwifi, if its atheros and pci it should be easier to setup and run better then ndiswrapper11:14
spencercornynwell the person that owns this laptop installed some new screensavers, themes, and stuff off gnome look.. and compiz stopped working11:15
nero__help: i am using ubuntu 8.10 last night i updated my ubuntu since then my alsa and pulse have stopped working. i am now using the oss driver and its working fine with it what can i do to fix alsa and pulse?11:15
horroreyeschibiace, ok, I'll try. thx.11:15
archmanguys I entered the backport repos of launchpad, some guy made na build of jack 0.116.1 for intrepid. Will there be problems if I update my repos with his additional updates and then install jack, and then remove his repos? Will packages conflict?11:16
Jewbaccai need a program to shoutcast myself (not music!)11:16
chibiacespencercornyn: in the desktop pref thing where the themes and backgrounds are there is a tab to use the desktop effects is it not there?11:16
spencercornynchibiace: now compiz doesn't work. i don't want to do another clean install. this is a really nice laptop. it has more power than my desktop.11:16
chibiaceJewbacca: like internet radio?11:17
chibiaceJewbacca: talk show? :P11:17
toaderhi, could anybody help me at http://paste.pocoo.org/show/103047/11:17
Jewbaccachibiace: yea, i have a 500 slots radio, i need a program to connect to his ip:port+password and broudcast :>11:17
matteraziclouder`grr: how do I remove the windows listo from the first panel?11:17
JackWintercan anyone tell me how to install the latest closed src nvidia drivers ?  have 173.14.12 installed, but would like to try the 177.82 or 180.22 drivers11:18
spencercornynchibiace: it is and i click normal to enable. and here is the msg Desktop effects could not be enabled11:18
chibiacespencercornyn: does it give any reason?11:18
clouder`grrmatterazi: just to the left of it there is like a dotted bar looking thing.  Right click it and remove from panel11:18
spencercornynchibiace: no11:18
JackWinteram on 8.0411:18
spencercornynjust the msg above11:18
FalstafI just downloaded the Slcreator software but it says I have a deprendency error with the gambas  runtime ... I have gambas on the computer ... what is the problem?11:18
chibiaceJackWinter: envy works nice11:19
neggeI have a slight problem getting my dual-head setup to work. I have an Ati Radeon 9550 card, I've got it all set up perfectly except that everytime I start the computer, I first have to turn off overscan and then turn it on again, otherwise the TV behaves like it's getting the wrong format (NTSC instead of PAL). Any idea on how to solve this (except for making a startup script which does all this automatically)?11:19
matteraziclouder`grr:  :D Ty11:19
JackWinterchibiace: have envyng installed, but only shows me 173.14.12 as latest driver11:19
spencercornynchibiace: i wonder if i need envy or something like that? i ran some commands from google and it says xlg not enabled.11:19
archmanSlart: you know maybe?11:19
toaderhi, could anybody help me at http://paste.pocoo.org/show/103047/11:21
chibiacespencercornyn: envy is only good if you have ati or nvidia graphics card11:21
Jewbaccai need a program to shoutcast myself (not music!)11:23
leohartxi have problem with LAN game in warcraft3 using wine, can someone helpme ?11:23
=== diego is now known as Guest61661
JackWinterand medibuntu seems to only have 173.14.12 too, so no way through apt..11:24
toaderHi, how can i know which /dev/sda2, /dev/dsa5, /dev/sda6 is C, D, and E in windows?11:24
toaderwhich is which11:24
leohartxtoader: dev/sda 1-4 is primary11:24
toaderJackWinter: as i want to format one of them11:24
lockdis it bad to use feisty repos if that's the only available repository?11:24
leohartxtoader: 5-... is extended11:25
lockd(on intrepid)11:25
leohartxtoader: that mean 5,6 is D, E11:25
archmanlockd: i believe it is11:25
rwwlockd: yes. You should only use intrepid repositories with intrepid.11:25
JackWintertoader: maybe you can use the labels to see, or possibly drop a special file on one to recognise it.  i have them labeled, but use kubuntu...11:25
archmanJackWinter: you know the answer to my question maybe? above11:25
leohartxtoader: 2 is C ( because it is primary)11:25
seacnboy_hello, guys. who knows how to get hotmail from a client such as evolution?11:26
dave__hi, new to ubuntu.  i'd just like to convey what a pain in the arse it was to set up the atheros wifi driver on this aspire 5315, and i still having got my prism2.5 rev e working on my other machine, i've been trying for 2 weeks11:26
leohartxtoader: and sda1 is / (root)11:26
JackWintertoader: or check with gparted ?11:26
archmanJackWinter: at 12:1611:26
toaderleohartx: but what is /dev/sda111:26
leohartx i have problem with LAN game in warcraft3 using wine, can someone helpme ?11:26
rwwlockd: incidentally, the feisty repositories aren't being updated any more, so using them with Intrepid would be pointless.11:26
IgramulIs there a way to configure the disk checks to run on shutdown instead during boot? (e.g. if mount count reached or time since last check elapsed -> check on shutdown, if filesystem not clean -> check during boot)11:26
lockdrww: okay, so I guess it's time to manually build some stuff...11:27
leohartxtoader: it's your root directory if u r using linux11:27
mokiIRC de ububtu en espaƱol?11:27
rww!es | moki11:27
ubottumoki: En la mayorƭa de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglƩs. Para ayuda en EspaƱol, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:27
matterazihow can i get AWN to load on sistem start?11:27
leohartxtoader: and it's C: if u r using live cd11:27
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toaderleohartx: my computer has two system, WINXP AND UBUNTU11:27
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JackWinteri'm still using jack 109 from reps.  don't know anything about backports, but installed jack2 for a while from svn.  wasn't very hard.11:27
leohartxtoader: so, sda1 is root directory (/)11:28
Kyleso have I11:28
JackWinterarchman: ^^11:28
chibiacetoader: def check in the partition editor11:28
leohartxtoader: you should check partition editor11:28
archmanJackWinter: so you removed your rep installation and installed with subversion?11:28
spencercornynok thanks chibiace for your help11:28
leohartxtoader: sudo apt-get install gparted11:29
chibiacetoader: your windows partitions should be fat or ntfs and linux usually ext 2 and 311:29
JackWinterarchman: you can also checkout #jack, or possibly this link: https://launchpad.net/~khashayar/+archive/ppa11:29
Kyle你们 儽 ꈑ ę˜Æ ꖰꉋ11:29
archmanJackWinter: yeah thats the rep i wanted to enable, it has 0.116.1, but how secure it is to install this?11:30
leohartxKyle: english please, we dont understand what u r saying11:30
JackWinterarchman: yes, i think i removed qjackctl and jack, and then isntalled both of them from svn.  got more xruns with jack2, so backed out of that one and installed 109 again from a package, but left the new qjackctl11:30
archmanJackWinter: in terms of stability*11:30
chibiacethey are saying satay is yummy11:31
KyleI'm sorry11:31
chibiacemeh later11:32
JackWinterarchman: no idea :)  just try it, and if it breaks you should always be able to backout and install the older packages.  but svn is also not very hard.  just svn xxxxx, then configure, and make install.11:32
archmanJackWinter: ok, i'll try with ppa now11:32
JackWinterarchman: good luck :)  let me know how it went, am also interested...11:33
archmanJackWinter: ok, but i wont try it for the x-runs now, aint got a time...another time11:33
gmathewsHi I would add two 'mount -o bind' entries into fstab. There are two examples :  I want to bind /media/disk/folder (it is NTFS) to my /home/ftp/download and the other case is /media/disk/folder (an ext 3 partition) to /home/ftp/download2. What will be the 2 fstab entries?11:33
archmanJackWinter: I'll install it now...11:33
M3ta|ph03n1XHow does one get an ubuntu cloak ?11:33
seacnboy_who knows how to use thunderbird to get hotmail?just tell me ,thanks11:33
EugenMayeris there any way to get ext4 working under ubuntu witout compiling his own kernel ?11:33
M3ta|ph03n1XEugenMayer, yes there is11:34
M3ta|ph03n1Xuse a friend's kernel11:34
rwwM3ta|ph03n1X: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Cloaks11:34
EugenMayerM3ta|ph03n1X: i would rather make my own oen.11:34
M3ta|ph03n1XEugenMayer, its a simple task. you can even get .deb packages11:35
M3ta|ph03n1Xand installing a friend's kernel wont take more than a few 60 seconds11:35
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EugenMayerM3ta|ph03n1X: you simply dont understand, that you dont answer my question. I dont need to know how to deb-build kernels, i know that. I asked if there are ubuntu supported ones11:35
qdbdoes ubuntu dvd include all video drivers needed?11:36
EugenMayerqdb: medibuntu11:36
qdbcan be needed for any general computer with ati or nvidia11:36
M3ta|ph03n1XEugenMayer, OK.11:36
rwwEugenMayer: the current stable version of Ubuntu doesn't support ext4, no. The next version, which comes out in April, will.11:37
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type Ā« /nick <nickname> Ā» to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode11:37
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dwarderhow to ad 3d to my kubuntu desctop?11:39
bluerayqhow to reach a prompt in ubuntu?11:40
fosco_bluerayq: Apps - Accessories - Terminal11:40
dwardercan someone suggest something?11:40
fosco_dwarder: kde3 or kde4?11:40
dwarderfosco_: latest kubuntu, kde 4.111:41
HEP85Hi. I got a problem setting up dual-boot: Windows is unusable because drive C and D are switched around11:41
MrWhammyHi all, I messed around with my partitions and grub to install Windows on a small partition for work use. I managed to get it all working, only my usplash-thing is gone. There 's a splashscreen where the progressbar bounces left to right, but then it switches to text mode ('Reading files to boot [OK]' and so on...) Anyone knows how to fix this?11:41
fosco_dwarder: menu system preferences - desktop - effects11:41
HEP85My setup: /dev/sda1 --> D, /dev/sdb1 --> C, /dev/sdb2 --> Ubuntu11:41
archmanJackWinter everything works excellent! Synaptic did not complain, qjackctl start the engine normally; packages didn't conflict; http://www.imagesforme.com/out.php/i342508_Screenshot.png11:42
archmanJackWinter: I'm gonna restart my system now...to see that everything's fine!11:42
HEP85In menu.lst I first had root(1,0) but I got "Missing BOOTMGR". So I set root(0,0) and now Windows boots but with wrong drive order11:42
EugenMayerrww: thank you. I guess then i just wait. No need for the own kernel again an start to fix all the drivers etc11:43
HEP85It is probably important that /dev/sda is IDE and /dev/sdb is SATA11:43
amorosoI am having trouble installing Ubuntu11:43
amorosoI keep getting this partition error11:44
herathMrWhammy have you changed the swap partition?11:44
bluerayqis change directory terminal  cd <dir>?11:44
bluerayqin terminal rather11:44
fosco_bluerayq: yes11:44
dwarderfosco_: what else can be added, maybe with installing other software, to add more cool 3d effects?11:44
MrWhammyherath: yes indeed. I made my home partition larger, moved the swap to the back11:44
fosco_dwarder: more? it has more than 50 different effects!11:45
EugenMayerI hope some day the soundcards get proper support under linux, like the video cards start to have. Its the most anoying thing that a i use linux for over 5 years and still have trouble with microphone and skype or whatever.11:45
MrWhammyit used to be a logical and i made it a primary, or what 's it called11:45
amorosoAre there many black Ubuntu programmers?11:45
herathMrWhammy it happened to me last night for the exact same reason... this link helped https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/20599011:45
EugenMayeramoroso: how would this matter?11:46
MrWhammyherath: great, thanks, I'll have a look11:46
dwarderfosco_: ok thanks11:46
amorosoWell I would be surprised if more than 4% of Ubuntu developers were black considering that the average negroid has an IQ of 85!11:46
EugenMayeramoroso: leave the channel.11:46
enygmatawtf lol11:46
amorososo am I wrong?11:46
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amorosoare more than 4% of Ubuntu programmers, despite its "diverse" name11:47
fosco_amoroso: please stop that11:47
amorosoif you feel uncomfortable with blacks in general11:47
amorosoyou might be interested in my website11:47
EugenMayercoud someone ban him?11:48
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!11:48
ikoniawhat's the problem11:48
olavimmanueldwarder:  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/compiz/ubuntu intrepid main11:48
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EugenMayerjussi01 thank you11:49
naaddeI bought an acer aspire one. I tried to get wlan working and I installed a package called linux-backports-modules-intrepid and now neither ethernet or wlan works11:49
EugenMayerfosco_: ( did not know about the o-p-s command )11:49
MrWhammyherath: made the changes, the UUIDs were wrong indeed, now rebooting :) thanks again11:50
jsfoxtoncan anyone help with a printer failure pdftoraster?\11:50
naaddeplease anyone? Why is it such a trouble getting wlan working on acer aspire one a15011:50
sky_Hi i need a packet editor / sniffer....i want see packets which i get from any games liek MMO11:50
EugenMayernaadde: in that cases google or use the forum.11:50
EugenMayersky_: wireshark11:51
archmanJackWinter: everything works! you here? :)11:51
archmanseen a screenshot? hehe11:51
qdbhello. does medibuntu dvd include drivers for nvidia geforce 9600 gso?11:51
JackWinterarchman: we could go to #jack11:51
sky_EugenMayer: can i manipulate with packets ?11:51
archmanJackWinter: i told them already11:52
qdbwhere i can download medibuntu dvd?11:52
archmanJackWinter: you go, and say it more technically, if you want ;)11:52
JackWinterarchman: did you update alsa too ?11:52
archmanJackWinter: nope, don't want to mess with ALSA11:52
VirusInjecti cant find theme manager in ubuntu 8.1011:53
JackWinterarchman:  :)  which ubuntu are you on ?11:53
archmanJackWinter: updated pulseaudio and libsound211:53
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archmanJackWinter: intrepid ibex, you going over to #jack?11:53
qdbis not there medibuntu dvd iso?11:53
qdbto download?11:53
JackWinterarchman: i nuked pa here, since it made problems for me.  kubuntu 8.04.11:54
VirusInjectwhich is the package for installing theme manager11:54
enygmatarww finaly... heeh i have the error text http://paste.ubuntu.com/115136/11:54
TADShi all is there anywhere to download ubuntu 8.10 other then http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download as i have downloaded 8 iso from diffent links and all are corrupt11:54
fosco_VirusInject: go to system - preferences - appearance menu11:54
qdbtads do you know torrent?11:54
qdbtorrent should work11:55
TADSnever used them11:55
enygmatarww the upgrade stop at this point..11:55
_moro_bana_is it possible to do a network install from one computer?11:55
enygmatathose are the last packages11:55
qdbi used flashget for torrent in windows. also opera browser includes it11:55
VirusInjectafter that11:55
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate11:55
VirusInjecthow to install new gnome theme11:56
qdbplease say is not there medibuntu as separate dvd to download?11:56
qdbor other modification with drivers included?11:56
VirusInjecti have downloaded the theme "creamy",how to install it11:56
enygmataVirusInject: drag 'n drop the theme to the application settings window11:56
VirusInjecti cant find application settings option ,whr is it??11:58
forceflowpreferences -> themes11:58
VirusInjectcant find themes in preferences11:59
enygmataVirusInject: appearance11:59
VirusInjectya after appearance...11:59
=== blu is now known as blusky
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enygmatadrop the theme file in the window and it will install the theme12:00
VirusInjectya after appearance... which tab12:00
enygmatathe first one12:00
VirusInjectwhich window12:00
enygmatathe one that has just appeared.. the Appearance Settings window (its located at System -> Preferences -> Appearance)12:00
VirusInjecti hav it in bz2 format12:00
VirusInjectwhr i have to extract the folders??12:01
shakysono un nuovo utente ubuntu12:01
shakypotete aiutarmi?12:01
VirusInjectwhich folder to extract??12:01
kyselejsyrecekhi, does anybody know whether there is a simple gui program in ubuntu to backup specified files, according to modificaion time of these files - making a new copy every time these files change?12:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:04
VirusInjecti cant drag and drop it,its not dropping12:04
linux_guynew to wine here, what is this error?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/115137/12:05
VirusInjecti am trying to drop whole folder in theme tab12:05
maverickprowls@VirusInject:  What's the format of the file you've downloaded?12:05
maverickprowls@VirusInject:  And you can't click on install and see it as a .tar.bz in the folder view?12:06
matterazihow do I check if my graphic drivers are correctly installed12:07
VirusInjectthr is no option for install12:08
maverickprowls@VirusInject Oh?  System > Preferences > Appearance >"Theme" Tab, button on the bottom right.12:09
Hans-Martinhi folks, I have an external USB disk with NTFS file system. When I attach it the automatic mount mechanism says "Unprivileged user cannot mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library". Can I tell the desktop to use a specific command to mount this disk (I have set up a sudoers entry for this)?12:10
worrehow to fix this? (EE) config/hal: couldn't initialise context: (null) ((null))12:10
Hans-Martin(I'm using the Gnome desktop)12:11
VirusInjecthey i got it, thank u maverickprowls12:11
VirusInjectapplied it12:11
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VirusInjectit was such a small damn thing!!12:12
worrehow to fix this? (EE) config/hal: couldn't initialise context: (null) ((null))12:12
farkgisdes francais ici?12:12
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maverickprowls@VirusInject:  Glad I could help.12:14
farkgissalut ca va Ā§?12:14
daredevilthereHey whn i boot ubuntu i get busybox screen12:14
daredevilthereHow do i boot ubuntu from busybox.wht is busybox12:14
farkgisj'ai un probleme12:14
farkgisavec ma distribution12:14
erUSUL!fr | farkgis12:14
ubottufarkgis: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:14
Chapaihow do i let disable the nm-applet always asking for password when i turn my laptop on.12:15
erUSULdaredevilthere: is a minimall shell like env that you land into when ubuntu is anble to boot for some reason12:15
daredevilthereerUSUL: How do i check whts the problem12:16
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daredevilthereerUSUL: How to i boot frm busybox12:17
erUSULdaredevilthere: is a installed system? or the livecd ?12:17
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bono178hello i would like to translate a french word into english but i can't find it12:17
rick0713# debian12:17
bono178i know it is written in the nautilus menu so if someone could look up for me12:18
ihdfuiaheftiuqweis there a blog like tuaw.com , but about linux/ubuntu to add to my google reader[insert question mark here]12:18
mib_ugeaw2how do i patch from http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/iwlwifi-2.6.git;a=commit;h=c12b222b32f02fbfaab76b354471791036dafb1512:18
daredevilthereerUSUL: installd using wubi12:18
TheGhosThi all, when i try to mount an hard disk, it give me an error : failed to mount...12:18
erUSULdaredevilthere: :| i do no have any experience with wubi installs sorry...12:18
bono178can someone look up a word for me in the english nautilus menu?12:19
TheGhosTdare wubi have a lot of bugs12:19
erUSUL!boot | daredevilthere sometimes adding a boot option like allgeneric-ide helps12:19
ubottudaredevilthere sometimes adding a boot option like allgeneric-ide helps: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:19
erUSULdaredevilthere: but sunno if that's possible on a wubi install12:19
daredevilthereerUSUL: k thanks12:19
erUSULdaredevilthere: no problem12:19
TheGhosTMy harddisk can't be mounted....why???12:20
bono178TheGhosT, did you unmount properly before removing it?12:20
bono178can someone look up a word for me in the english nautilus menu?12:20
TheGhosTi did'nt removed it12:20
mib_ugeaw2how do i patch from http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/iwlwifi-2.6.git;a=commit;h=c12b222b32f02fbfaab76b354471791036dafb1512:20
bono178TheGhosT, can you paste the error message?12:21
bono178can someone look up a word for me in the english nautilus menu?12:21
mib_ugeaw2bono178: what do you want?12:21
TheGhosTbono178 sei italoiano?12:21
erUSUL!repeat | bono17812:21
ubottubono178: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:21
bono178mib_ugeaw2, hello i would liike the translation of a word that is in the nautilus menu12:22
z3r0hi guys12:22
mib_ugeaw2bono178: yes what? !ask12:22
z3r0need a little help with acer wireless problems on ubuntu intrepid12:23
bono178mib_ugeaw2, edition > background and ...>  " the word in bold at the top followed by the :"12:23
bono178TheGhosT, no i'm french12:23
z3r0need a little help with acer wireless problems on ubuntu intrepid12:24
bono178mib_ugeaw2, ok i thought it could be that12:24
z3r0anyone know anything?12:24
bono178mib_ugeaw2, needed to be sure thanks12:24
galahadHello, I have enabled automatic login on my laptop and whenever it enters gnome Network Manager asks for permition to access the keyring. Is there a way to give it permanent permitions? Thanks.12:24
erUSUL!details | z3r012:25
ubottuz3r0: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:25
qdbwhat good does include ubuntu dvd except additional languages? games?12:25
juntui have a partition in which i cannot create a new file it says it is readonly even with sudo also12:25
niloHi, everyone12:26
erUSULqdb: more packages from thew repos afaik12:26
z3r0i have a problem with ubuntu 8.10. I've installed it on an acer 5930g and after update it doesn't recognize my wireless card anymore12:26
erUSULjuntu: what type of partition ?12:26
temotoHello. I'm actually running debian lenny but i thought security is somewhat close to ubuntu's...12:26
karim>>>>Can someone help me extend some unallocated disk to ubuntu?12:26
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temotoMy web application daemon runs as user appman. What should i write to /etc/security/limits.conf to       ā”‚ AciD12:26
temoto                          ensure that web app never eats more than 24MB of memory?12:26
temotosorry, bad copy-pasting12:27
Guest38454>>>>Can someone help me extend some unallocated disk to ubuntu?12:27
z3r0i have a problem with ubuntu 8.10. I've installed it on an acer 5930g and after update it doesn't recognize my wireless card anymore12:27
niloI'm running virtual box on intrepid, all was ok but I had the great idea to install the guest applications and xp don't start any more12:28
juntuhow to change permission of a folder which has been shown as readonly even with sudo nautilus12:29
niloI tried to run in safe mode and it worked12:29
nilobut I can't start in normal mode12:29
nilowhat can i do?12:29
erUSULjuntu: if it is read only you can not "change permissions" to make it read/writte you have to remount it12:30
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warlocop me12:30
juntuerUSUL: how to do that12:30
warloc                                   12:30
erUSULjuntu: but you first should find out why it got mounted RO becouse sometimes that indicates a serious error12:30
Guest38454>>>>Can someone help me extend some unallocated disk to ubuntu?12:31
juntuerUSUL: i have unmouted it now12:31
herathnilo: have you tried to uninstall guest tools while you run in safe mode and then try again to reboot?12:31
z3r0Guest38454, use gparted12:31
qdbwhat good does include ubuntu dvd except additional languages? games?12:31
Guest38454I am12:31
erUSULjuntu: i ask again; what type of partition are we talking about12:31
Guest38454I have unallocated space from windows vista, but I can't move it to ubuntu- no option :S12:31
erUSULqdb: already answered that12:31
z3r0you have to extend the ubuntu partition12:32
niloherath: I try it right now12:32
z3r0drag it with the mouse12:32
erUSULGuest38454: is this from a livecd ?? mounted partitions can not be edited12:32
niloherath: I'll try it right now12:32
Guest38454yes live cd12:32
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WatkinsI have a question, I installed kubuntu onto my server, when I vnc into it I am getting no prompt, how do I fix this12:32
Guest38454ffs I have no space! I only gave it 8 gig12:32
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z3r0erUSUL, i have a problem with ubuntu 8.10. I've installed it on an acer 5930g and after update it doesn't recognize my wireless card anymore...know anything??12:33
erUSULz3r0: did you have to do anything to get the car recogniced when you installed ubuntu?12:33
Guest38454Is there any way I can increase space? Or reinstall ubuntu (i know how) and "import" my current logon some how12:34
z3r0no,it hen,when i updated ubuntu it stopped wirking erUSUL  :(12:34
z3r0it waas working on normal install12:34
erUSULz3r0: what wifi card it is ? Ā« lspci | grep -i net Ā» should tell you12:35
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z3r0erUSUL, 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8071 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 16)12:35
z3r003:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 510012:35
erUSULz3r0: thats the wired one... no other result ?12:36
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erUSULz3r0: ooops  Wireless WiFi Link 5100 <<< that's it...12:36
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erUSULz3r0: when you do "iwlist" no wlan0 shows up?12:37
z3r0erUSUL, no,no wlan0 shows12:37
erUSULz3r0: Ā« lsmod | grep iwlagn Ā» returns anything ?12:38
z3r0erUSUL, i get this12:39
z3r0iwlagn                113668  012:39
z3r0iwlcore               107844  1 iwlagn12:39
z3r0mac80211              253440  2 iwlagn,iwlcore12:39
z3r0cfg80211               37136  3 iwlagn,iwlcore,mac8021112:39
FloodBot1z3r0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:39
erUSULz3r0: please use a pastebin if the output is more than 2-3 lines12:39
FalstafI installed slcreator but I can't find it in the system -- how do I find it?12:40
=== blu is now known as blusky
z3r0erUSUL, -> http://pastebin.com/d33a607bd12:41
pippuccio761Ciao ho un nuovo pc devo passare+ cose possibili da uno all altro12:41
JampiterI have put my laptop on an external monitor with a resolution of 1680x1050. As my laptop's screen resolution is 1280x800, the screen resolution dialog will not go further than 1280x800. How can I fix this and make the resolution go up to 1680x1050?12:41
erUSULz3r0: i see that the driver got loaded but still no wlan0 :|12:41
z3r0how is that possible erUSUL ??? how am i supposed to solve the problem??12:42
erUSULz3r0: dunno :|12:42
dxdemetrioucan I select and lock the dhcp server used on client? I'm trying to make the clients to not taking an IP from some accidentally connected router12:42
erUSULz3r0: try installing the backported drivers...12:42
erUSULz3r0: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-$(uname -r)12:43
z3r0erUSUL, after that??reboot??12:45
niloherath: yeeee,  Xp work now thanks a lot12:46
JampiterI have put my laptop on an external monitor with a resolution of 1680x1050. As my laptop's screen resolution is 1280x800, the screen resolution dialog will not go further than 1280x800. How can I fix this and make the resolution go up to 1680x1050?12:46
erUSULz3r0: yep although Ā« sudo modprobe -r iwlagn && sudo modprobe iwlagn Ā» may work too12:47
herathnilo: glad it worked... i had trouble with the guest tools VBox downloaded from the menu. the ones i downloaded from the VirtualBox web site worked... so whenever you feel brave you can give it another try ;)12:47
iPeter-Hi, i need some help. I'am using ubuntu 8.04.2 and i just booted to windows, it started to check the drive.. then i tought it froze and i did reboot my comp, now windows wont start and i need to know how to mount windows drive to get backup to install windows xp..12:47
sven_Hello. I've just recently mounted speakers to this computer running Ubuntu. Sound seems to work in general. But the non-free flash doesn't seem to have audio. Anyone got a solution to this?12:47
erUSULdxdemetriou: looking at the man pages it looks like you can do the opposite... put a list of servers to reject12:47
z3r0erUSUL, i get errors with sudo manprobe.i'll try rebooting12:48
qdbwhat good does include ubuntu dvd except additional languages? games?12:48
porkpiehi guy's is there a php5.2.8 pkg available12:48
JampiterAnyone at all..!?12:48
erUSULqdb: i told you.... more packages from the repositories12:48
shakyc e qualkuno?12:48
porkpieI have tried to upgrade but tells me no upgrade available12:48
qdbno connection there erusul12:48
qdbon that comp12:49
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:49
niloherath:  ok, I'll try it12:49
sven_iPeter-, I think you could just mount it like a regular disk. mount /dev/disk(sda1,sdb3,hda1 etc) -t ntfs, or -t ntfs-3g12:49
shakyitaliano ubunut=12:49
qdbi want to install linux dvd with drivers and some games12:49
iPeter-sven_, How do i know what drivers i have on computer to know what sda/sdb it is?12:50
jacekowskiiPeter-: fdisk -l12:50
* porkpie needs php 5.2.8 or 5.2.5 :S12:50
jacekowskiiPeter-: /proc/partitions12:50
erUSULqdb: i do not really know wich extra packages includes12:50
qdb(i want to install linux dvd with drivers and some games incuded in dvd because there is no connection. erusul)12:50
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:51
dxdemetriouerUSUL, I'm trying to do exactly the opposite.. I want to allow only one server name and reject everything else12:51
JampiterI have put my laptop on an external monitor with a resolution of 1680x1050. As my laptop's screen resolution is 1280x800, the screen resolution dialog will not go further than 1280x800. How can I fix this and make the resolution go up to 1680x1050?12:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:51
porkpie? php 5.2.812:51
porkpie!php 5.2.812:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about php 5.2.812:52
erUSULdxdemetriou: my investigation was light only looked the man page... look further do a few googlwe searches and you will come up with something12:52
porkpie!php 5.2.212:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about php 5.2.212:52
erUSUL!resolution | Jampiter12:52
ubottuJampiter: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type Ā« sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart Ā» in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:52
sven_Is there anyone that had problems with non-free flashplayer and sound?12:52
erUSUL!fishing | porkpie12:52
ubottuporkpie: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:52
JampiterThanks erUSUL12:52
iPeter-sven_, Umm.. i cant mount it with that way as you said, or i dont know how to give that mount point?12:52
erUSULJampiter: np12:52
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:52
porkpieerUSUL:can you help with php 5.2.812:53
erUSULporkpie: the problem is?12:53
z3r0erUSUL, nothing,it still doesn't recognize my wireless card12:53
porkpieerUSUL:need to upgrade from 5.2.3 to either 5.2.5 5.2.812:54
erUSULz3r0: :| i can not help further... maybe posting a bug report (it is a kernel bug) helps12:54
olavimmanuelhow do i kill only one x11vnc session? I get disconnected, and cant cet back into the session (running with java-vnc). When i run x11vnc -forever -usepw -httpdir /usr/share/vnc-java/ -httpport 5800 it only starts a new x session, and let both old once run...12:54
erUSUL!bugs | z3r012:54
ubottuz3r0: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:54
erUSULporkpie: intrepid has 5.2.6 afaics12:55
erUSULporkpie: you are in hardy ?12:55
erUSUL!info php5 hardy12:55
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.4 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB12:55
erUSULporkpie: you wont get newer official packages for gutsy your options are upgrade to intrepid (hardy has 5.2.4 as you can see)12:56
porkpiedam :S12:57
sven_Anyone that could help me get sound working in non-free flash?12:58
lianimatorif a script is in /etc/init.d/ shouldn't it run on startup?12:58
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto12:58
ezerhodenlianimator: you still have to add it to a runlevel12:59
caleb_I'm have a recurring problem. Often when I'm opening up a few programs I get a error message which says "Could not launch application" " Failed to fork child process (Resource temporarily unavailable) From other forums it's suggested that it's usually a problem with lack of memory or swap space. however system monitor show I'm using onjly 620mb of my 1001mb of memory and 4% of my swap. anyone help? it's driving me mad12:59
WatkinsI have a question, I installed kubuntu onto my server, when I vnc into it I am getting no prompt, how do I fix this13:00
lianimatorezerhoden: please help me further? the script is ddclient.13:00
ezerhodenlianimator: try sudo update-rc.d ddclient defaults13:00
SimonLarsenHey guys. Suddenly my graphics is very slow, but only in games. Elsewhere there's no problem. The video test fails, but not with a liveCD. XGL-gears works. I have an Intel GMA945 card.13:01
stefgcaleb_: 1 Gig of Ram is enough for ubuntu, so i don't think it's lack of free ram, but could indicate a hardware problem. YOu might want to check if setting your Ram timings in the BIOS more conservative changes something13:02
=== Nick is now known as Guest6067
lianimatorezerhoden: there was a warning. missing LSB style header then 7 lines of output13:02
ezerhodenlianimator: you can pastebin the error and someone may be able to help.13:02
lianimatorezerhoden: I guess it's added. let me try restarting X.13:02
Kynahey whenever i open firefox, or open an outside link in firefox it goes full screen13:02
caleb_stefg, thanks, I'll take a look. havnt changed my bios settings in some time but will take a look. thanks again13:03
=== KterinK is now known as dou213
caleb_maybe I should run memtest..13:03
the-ermI screwed up and I have a newline in a file, it won't let me delete it with rm filename*13:03
the-ermany help?13:03
FuzzyKyna, press F10 or F11 or F1213:03
the-ermor should I say newline in a filename13:04
FuzzyKyna,  i cant remember what key it needs13:04
olavimmanuelhow do i kill only one x11vnc session? I get disconnected, and cant cet back into the session (running with java-vnc). When i run x11vnc -forever -usepw -httpdir /usr/share/vnc-java/ -httpport 5800 it only starts a new x session, and let both old once run...13:04
lianimatorFuzzy: Kyna, F1113:04
noonwhen i plug my ipod touch 2nd gen in, it rapidly mounts and dismounts giving 2 errors each time13:04
lianimatorKyna: I also have this problem sometimes.. not sure why13:04
IndyGunFreakthe-erm: so open the file w/ gedit, and delete the last line?13:04
Kynalianimator i have this problem constantly but it just started out of nowhere13:04
ezerhodennoon: what are the errors? if they flash too quickly, check dmesg for the errors13:05
GeffIsLegendhey everyone , im installing World Of Warcraft on ubuntu, i dont know what directory to install it to, should i make a new one? the support page on the ubuntu website for installing WoW isnt too much of a help13:05
KynaFuzzy: lianimator: i know about F11 but i dont want to have to press that every time i open something13:05
lianimatorKyna: try reseting our preferences in firefox?13:05
KynaGeffIsLegend: locate wow13:05
Kynain bash13:05
bundzc1how do i add windows 7 to the grub menu ?13:05
stefgGeffIsLegend: according to the FHS it should go to /usr/local/games13:05
GeffIsLegendoh okay thanks Stefg, it confused me so much13:06
noonezerhoden, 1) DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)13:06
IndyGunFreakin /usr/local/games. for a game that requires wine?13:06
noonezerhoden, 2) Error initializing camera: -53: Could not claim the USB device13:06
FuzzyKyna, i haved that prob too.. then it was fixed i dont know. i think herself13:06
stefgGeffIsLegend: so that mwans you should put a subdir (like WOW) there13:06
KynaFuzzy: what?!?!13:06
WatkinsI have a question, I installed kubuntu onto my server, when I vnc into it I am getting no prompt, how do I fix this13:06
FuzzyKyna,  i sayed i haved that prob too, then it was fixed. i think by herself.. sorry that was broken english13:07
GeffIsLegendi just started installing it in on my desktop, then ill just move it when its done, oh okay13:07
olavimmanuelWatkins: what client?13:07
Kynahaved > had ...... herself > itself13:07
Watkinsoh great13:07
Watkinsthe one person to answer me dc's13:07
FuzzyKyna,  yes whatever : )13:07
FuzzyKyna,  the main thing is that you have understanded..13:08
bundzc1how do i add windows 7 to the grub menu ?13:08
the-ermthe-erm: you can rename it with mv filename* tmp.file then rm tmp.file13:08
the-ermthanks the-erm13:09
=== crash is now known as crashmax03
ihdfuiaheftiuqwewhy cant the people who make apps for ubuntu, and the people that make ubuntu focus a little bit more on better ui, and cosistency13:09
FuzzyKyna, you'll be asking questions/helping or teaching me an english language? : ))13:09
bundzc1http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5726832  --- this doesn't work13:09
KynaFuzzy: i thought i'd do a little of both.13:09
stefgIndyGunFreak, GeffIsLegend ... wait, IndyGunFreak is right.... a wine-driveb game should be installed automatically to the emulated wine c:-drive in ~/.wine13:09
FuzzyKyna, in offtopic channel bro ; )13:10
sven_gah, fixing pulseaudio stuff from dapper is a paaain13:10
crashmax03hi all13:10
GeffIsLegendwhen i look for the .wine directory, the folder is hidden though..13:10
crashmax03i've just installed a brand new Ubuntu 8.1013:10
=== Kyna is now known as Dexi
stefgGeffIsLegend: that's right and correct13:10
IndyGunFreakGeffIsLegend: so choose "view hidden directories".. but you can create a link to it in your games menu pretty easily13:10
Fuzzycrashmax03, so?13:10
stefgGeffIsLegend: wine will create a starter...13:11
GeffIsLegendso installing to a folder on my desktop should be fine? just paste it to that directory when its done?13:11
crashmax03with ati drivers, and i get a watermark "AMD Unsupported Hardware". But it works fine ... How to remove this one ?13:11
* ihdfuiaheftiuqwe is aijfhwaieh uwaiehgfaw13:11
savvasihdfuiaheftiuqwe: ?13:11
stefgGeffIsLegend: i wouldn't move it post-installation ... links could break13:11
noonezerhoden, http://paste.ubuntu.com/115158/13:11
WatkinsI have ubuntu 8.10, just downloaded kubuntu onto it to get the desktop interface when I vnc (it's a dedicated server), what is it that I have to do to get the cmd prompt to be available when I start the vnc13:12
GeffIsLegendoh ok13:12
Fuzzycrashmax03, drivers are working right?13:12
ihdfuiaheftiuqwewhy cant the people who make apps for ubuntu, and the people that make ubuntu focus a little bit more on better ui, and consistency13:12
crashmax03Fuzzy: yes13:12
stefgGeffIsLegend: actually if you install it through wine, wine should take care of putting it somewhere13:12
funkyHatihdfuiaheftiuqwe: do you have a question about a specific issue?13:12
Fuzzycrashmax03, then what you want from it?13:12
savvasihdfuiaheftiuqwe: Document your idea at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com13:12
=== Dexi is now known as Kyna
KynaFuzzy: it was greasemonkey13:12
ihdfuiaheftiuqwedo they actually read what people post there?13:13
ihdfuiaheftiuqwei mean13:13
ihdfuiaheftiuqwethat must be13:13
ihdfuiaheftiuqwebut still13:13
crashmax03Fuzzy: i have a watermak logo AMD (about 200px) at the right bottom of my screen13:13
Watkinsihdfuiaheftiuqwe sometimes13:13
crashmax03i want to remove it13:13
GeffIsLegendoh yeah really good point stefg , thats what it did with steam automatically when i installed it13:13
Kyna!enter | ihdfuiaheftiuqwe13:13
ubottuihdfuiaheftiuqwe: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:13
ihdfuiaheftiuqwethats what i said13:13
helix1hi, i need some help13:14
josinalvois there a special channel about creating personalized versions of the ubuntu live cd ?13:14
GeffIsLegendoohhh i see now, i got it to work, because when the world of warcraft installer showed up asking me what directory i wanted to install into .wine was showing up at my C: disk :P thanks much guys!13:15
helix1i am new to ubuntu13:15
helix1i am using last ubuntu ver. 8.10 64 for desktop13:15
GeffIsLegendi might be back at a later time to find out how to actually get ti workin ^^13:15
GeffIsLegendone more thing fellas, is there a way i can make my log-in a administrator log-in so i wont have to put a password every time i want to install something on my computer?13:16
stefg!wow | GeffIsLegend13:16
ubottuGeffIsLegend: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php13:16
helix1after activating nvidia graphic drivier and rebooting i get no GUI13:16
stefghelix1: what chipset is that13:16
fran69question : i have to share my inet conection from ubuntu to win, anybody can help me?13:16
helix1it is Geforce 7600 GS13:17
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php13:17
fran69anybody home?13:18
GeffIsLegendis there a way i can make my log-in a administrator log-in so i wont have to put a password every time i want to install/edit something on my computer?13:18
ikoniayes, 1300+ people13:18
ikoniaGeffIsLegend: sorry, can you explain that again13:19
helix1after activating nvidia graphic drivier and rebooting i get no GUI13:19
helix1whats wrong?13:19
fran69ikonia: can you help me?13:19
ikoniafran69: if you ask a question we can try13:19
bauer_GeffIsLegend, have you tried "sudo bash"13:19
ikoniahelix1: what video card do you have ?13:19
GeffIsLegendevery time i want to perform a "administrative task" i have to put a password for it to allow me to do what i was doing, is there a way i can stop that?13:19
GeffIsLegendtype that in console?13:20
GeffIsLegendill try now13:20
ikoniaGeffIsLegend: ok - so you need to edit the sudoers file to not prompt for a password for your user13:20
Daemonicfairly simple question here.. is there a /simple/ way to monitor any incoming connections? lets say I wanted a nice transparent term in the corner with tail -f running showing incoming connections. can that be done easily?13:20
fran69ikonia: ļ»æquestion : i have to share my inet conection from ubuntu to win, anybody can help me?13:20
noonim having problems with my ipod touch 2nd gen, here is a paste from dmesg, can anyone look? http://paste.ubuntu.com/115158/13:20
ikoniaGeffIsLegend: the command is "visudo" to edit the sudoers file13:20
ikonia!ics > fran6913:20
ubottufran69, please see my private message13:20
ikoniafran69: check the pm ubottu sent you13:20
GeffIsLegendokay ill do it now, 1min13:20
fran69yes, i have cheked it out13:21
GeffIsLegendit says permission denied :[13:21
stefgGeffIsLegend: i'd rather get used to that behaviour.... it's bad practice to disbale the password prompt13:21
fran69but i have some questions13:21
ikoniaGeffIsLegend: you have to use sudo13:21
ikoniafran69: then ask them13:21
GeffIsLegendoh okay, ill leave the password on then sense you suggest it, i dont want to ruin my systme13:21
savvasGeffIsLegend: you may want to read: http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/distrib/ubuntu/unleashed/opensource/0672329093/ch14lev1sec5.html13:22
savvasGeffIsLegend: you can enable the password for a group of people, say "wheel" or "admin"13:22
GeffIsLegendkk sounds good xD13:22
fran69first of all y have my eth0 in dhcp to get the internet conection13:23
savvasGeffIsLegend: actually, you just have to uncomment a line in sudoers file (it's a small file, read the comments): gksu gedit /etc/sudoers13:23
ikoniafran69: ok13:23
GeffIsLegendoh alrighty, that sounds simple13:24
hoskman i would never flash my 36013:24
fran69ikonia: right? then i have to configure the second NIC as an static IP13:24
ikoniafran69: yes, that would be a sensible move13:24
josinalvodoes anyone know what does the boot.cat file in the ubuntu live cd is for ?13:24
stefghelix1: as i read on the forums there is some cases where the 7600 GS isn't recognized correctly. Try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 to make sure you got the latest driver13:25
fran69ikonia: question... which command in linux show me the ip that is configured in al my NICs ?13:25
ikoniafran69: ifconfig -a13:25
savvasGeffIsLegend: but be warned, don't blame anyone here if your system is intruded and you see various fishy things happening to your files :)13:26
ikoniafran69: however you can just use the gui in "system -> preferences -> networking configuration" to make it easy13:26
Tomas___I have a quick question regarding a issue with my audigy 2 zs card. After around two days uptime the sound suddenly crashes and all i hear is one second of sound looping over and over again13:26
GeffIsLegendlawl okay dokey ^^13:26
Tomas___restarting sound system does not help13:26
crist1hello, i have a bit of a problem. I partitioned the hard disk so i'd have a partition for / one for /home and one for /opt. However, after installing i get a gruub error 15, or something like that. First i had gruub installed in the default hdd, after that i tried installing it on my root partition and it still doesn't work. I am running from the virtual cd right now... how can i get things to work?13:26
Tomas___i never had that problem when using the integrated soundcard13:26
fran69ikonia: i am using just coommand lines... it is faster13:26
ikoniafran69: not if you don't know what you're doing13:27
fran69ikonia: my eth0 says this: inet direcciĆ³n:  DifusiĆ³n:  MĆ”scara:
noonim having problems with my ipod touch 2nd gen, here is a paste from dmesg, can anyone look? http://paste.ubuntu.com/115158/13:28
ikoniafran69: ok ?13:28
stefgcrist1: would help if you run a 'sudo fdisk -l' and paste the result to http://paste.ubuntu.com/13:28
crist1stefg: one moment13:28
fran69ikonia: I did not tell linux use that ip13:28
ikoniafran69: it's dhcp - you told me it was dhcp13:29
paul68hi Is there a way to add different themes to cairo docks if so how to do so and secondly is there a way that I can make the icons "standup" while the background of the theme is flat instead of sticking against the icons13:29
crist1stefg: http://pastebin.com/m537d4e8e13:29
mswrmshello world13:29
fran69ikonia: no, y use DHCP in eth0... the internet conection use that conf13:29
robertgI'm having trouble making a live usb, I've used the create startup program and everything seems to install fine - but now trying to boot it all i get is a flashing cursor in the top left of the screen. any ideas?13:30
ikoniafran69: what ?13:30
Tomas___I guess no one knows the solution to my sound problem?13:30
ikoniafran69: eth0 is dhcp - so that's why that IP address is on your eth0 config13:30
Tomas___i really dont want to go back to using my integrated soundcard13:30
stefgcrist1: see the 'Partition table entries are not in disk order' ? that might confuse grub13:30
pitssomebody spek spanish?13:31
erUSUL!es | pits13:31
ubottupits: En la mayorƭa de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglƩs. Para ayuda en EspaƱol, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:31
crist1stefg: and what might be the solution to that? i partitioned in gparted13:31
rakudavepaul68: I don't know, but Avant Window Navigator (another dock) can do it13:31
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help13:32
stefgcrist1: to correct that, run sudo fdisk /dev/sda, then 'x' (expert mode) 'f' (fix errors), then 'w' (write corrcted part-table)13:32
fran69ikonia: you are RIGHT! ,well,  i have tu use eth1 to share with win xp... what should i do then? do i have to configure eth1 ?13:32
stefgcrist1: the run sudo fdisk -l again and paste result again, along with your /boot/grub/menu.lst (the one from the installed system)13:33
crist1stefg: so that's "sudo fdisk /dev/sda -x -f -w" ?13:33
ymeHi can somebody help with screen resolution?13:33
stefgcrist1: yup ... but i'd not run that as comand line switches, but pree the keys in the fdisk cli... so you notice if something goes wrong13:34
fran69ikonia: i think i have to read the link you sent me, and then come back if I have any doubt...13:34
crist1stefg: ok done that, let me get output13:35
fran69ikonia: tks very much...13:35
xzakoxno las tires13:36
xzakoxeepps wrong channel13:36
crist1stefg: http://pastebin.com/m35f57da213:36
=== luxus is now known as anglxs
stefgcrist1: looks better now... now /boot/grub/menu.lst13:37
=== techsupport is now known as orudie
anglxsHey guys I was wondering if someone can tell me how to run win XP on xVM13:37
Jewbaccawhere do i see my monitor refresh rate ?13:37
crist1stefg: i don't have /boot/grub13:37
Tomas___I will ask again.. Does anyone know a solution to my sound problem? I replaced my internal soundcard with a audigy 2 zs and everything seemed to work perfectly fine until 2 days later. I was playing mp3 as usual and then suddenly sound starts looping and player freezes up. This is not related to the player since it happens randomly after around 2 days no matter what player i am using.13:38
stefgcrist1: you have to mount your  system partition to the Live environment ... so it'll probably something like /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst13:38
Tomas___the only fix is to reboot the pc13:38
CQhello, what's the best way to search and replace strings in a bunch of files? find . -name "*" -exec sed 's/orig_string/replace_string/g' {} \; dowsn't write it intot the files...13:39
Tomas___the last split second of the sound keeps looping like "da da da da da" until i reboot or turn off the sound system13:39
crist1stefg: i was looking on the root partition when i searched..13:39
Tomas___very annoying to have to reboot every 2 days13:39
linuxman410is there a irc channel for ubuntu christian edition13:39
stefgcrist1: so there is no /boot directory? Did you use a separate /boot partition?13:40
crist1stefg: nope..13:40
crist1stefg: uhm not a separate boot partition13:40
crist1stefg: i have a / /home and /opt partition13:40
crist1stefg: + swap partition13:41
stefgcrist1: then something went quite wrong with the install... i'd start over with a new install, now that your part-table is fixed13:41
bob123How do I find out if the Ubuntu 8.10 already supports this: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_protect_the_harddisk_through_APS#How_APS_works_in_Linux ?13:41
crist1stefg: ok, i'll do that13:41
crist1stefg: where should i install grub if asked? on the root partition?13:41
crist1stefg: if you'll stick around i'll tell you my options13:42
anglxsHey guys I was wondering if someone can tell me how to run win XP on xVM13:43
stefgcrist1: the installer will take care of that... the actual boot loader goes in the mbr of /dev/sda , the config file goes to /boot/grub/menu.lst (which is probably /dev/sda1)13:43
orudiehi i have a problem with screen , accidently opened 2 screen sessions so now i have this http://paste.ubuntu.com/115172/13:44
savvasanglxs: #windows or #vbox13:44
crist1stefg: so i don't click advanced to select where to install grub? i leave it by default13:45
FiremanEdorudie: choose the screen you want via screen (the number listed)  -r13:45
savvas!virtualbox | anglxs13:45
ubottuanglxs: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox13:45
stefgcrist1: right13:45
orudieFiremanEd, thats what i thought but what is the numbers ?13:46
Decepticonhow can i make read/write access to a usb hdd faster without buying hardware?13:46
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing13:46
wemdowemdUbuntu newbie having problems mounting an external drive here. Ubuntu doesn't seem to think it exists when plugged in & turned on. There's no automount and no listing in fdisk. Vista can see it fine. It's a single NTFS partition13:46
anglxsnice thnx guys13:46
FiremanEdorudie: just ID numbers13:47
stefgDecepticon: by avoiding usb and connecting the disk internally :-)13:47
Decepticonits one of those seagay usb hdds13:47
SuperGuy_9000When I try to remove/add apps, I get the error message "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:47
SuperGuy_9000E: _cache->open() failed, please report." When I type it into the terminal, it says I need superuser privileges.  Anyone know  what to do?13:47
orudieFiremanEd, screen 18928 -r ?13:47
FiremanEdorudie: correct13:48
mcmoher59hi guys13:48
stefgSuperGuy_9000: put 'sudo' in front13:48
linuxman410 is there a irc channel for ubuntu christian edition13:48
orudieFiremanEd, give me no such file or directory13:48
stefg!sudo | SuperGuy_900013:48
ubottuSuperGuy_9000: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)13:48
cahaya-03 nnjh13:48
FiremanEdorudie: sorry, flip the ID#13:49
orudieFiremanEd, yup got it , thanx dude13:49
wemdowemdCan anybody help me with a non-mounting external HDD?13:50
* matterazi fui fofos13:50
rakudavewemdowemd: is it a ntfs drive?13:53
anglxsI Want to create ISO from a file in my HD how can I do it?13:54
stefgwemdowemd: see 'dmesg' and try ro figure out if the drive is recognized at all13:54
Unguidedgood morning13:54
Unguidedanyone got time for a general newb quest13:55
znhUnguided, shoot13:55
=== X3n0n_ is now known as X3n0n
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:55
anglxsI Want to create ISO from a file in my HD how can I do it?13:56
wemdowemdstefg: How do I interpret the output? 'dmesg' in terminal just creates a massive list of text13:56
rakudave!repeat | anglxs13:56
ubottuanglxs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:56
wemdowemdstefg: all saying the same thing by the looks of it13:56
Unguidedhow does ubuntu handle multiple hd's. i have a windows home server that i am going to migrate to ubuntu with multiple drives13:56
anglxssorry about this :)13:56
stefgwemdowemd: just paste the last 10-20 lines (after you put the drive in)13:57
ymeHi can somebody help with screen resolution?13:57
jribUnguided: fine, just mount them wherever you want13:57
stefg!paste | wemdowemd13:57
ubottuwemdowemd: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:57
jrib!x | yme13:57
ubottuyme: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type Ā« sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart Ā» in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:57
Tomas___Does anyone know a solution to my sound problem? I replaced my internal soundcard with a audigy 2 zs and everything seemed to work perfectly fine until 2 days later. I was playing mp3 as usual and then suddenly sound starts looping and player freezes up. This is not related to the player since it happens randomly after around 2 days no matter what player i am using.13:57
Tomas___the only fix is to reboot the pc13:57
tekteenUnguided: linux has one root file system and then "mounts" other drives onto emty folders in the file system13:57
Unguidedjrib: I dont understand what mount means13:57
BlueJaCkHello.. is someone here to help me ?13:58
savvasanglxs: if it's one file, why don't you .zip it?13:58
rakudaveanglxs: have you tried "ISO Master"? I've never used it myself, but i think it can pack/unpack iso's13:58
tekteenUnguided: you know how Windows uses C:\ D:\ ect?13:58
anglxsi want to make an iso so i can run XP into xVM13:58
stefgUnguided: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_(Unix)13:58
anglxsrakudave:  I will try that, thanks!!13:58
UnguidedTekteen: yep. Unfortunately thats all I know13:58
tekteenUnguided: linux has one "C:\" named /13:58
tekteenUnguided: linux then puts "D:\" on an empty folder you chose on /13:59
UnguidedTekteen: So linux doesnot assign drive letters13:59
tekteenit assigns mount points14:00
stefgUnguided: Linux can use proper names.... indeed14:00
tekteenwhich is a folder on your "C:"14:00
dwarderdoes kubuntu got firewall that blocks outgoing ssh connections by default, enabled14:01
Unguidedtekteen: So I can make one drive for say movies and it will show up as a folder named movies14:02
jribUnguided: sure, you can set it up that way14:02
tekteenUnguided: you would need to originally assign it to a folder14:02
tekteenUnguided: when you install ubuntu. It will ask you how you would like to partition. From there you are able to set mount points for each partition14:02
wemdowemdstefg: [ 1559.632779] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Sense Key : No Sense [current]14:02
wemdowemd[ 1559.632786] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Add. Sense: No additional sense information14:02
wemdowemdThat's the 2 lines repeated ad infinitum from dmesg. Tried to pastebin it but firefox won't start at the moment because I'm updating in the background. I think 'sdc' is the external I want to mount, given 'sda' is my internal HDD and 'sdb' is my first external I'm booting ubuntu from14:02
FloodBot1wemdowemd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:02
Unguidedtekteen: ok . thanks i will also check out the wiki14:03
ber2hi everybody... could someone tell me how to setup a proxy in gnome?14:03
tekteenUnguided: come back if you have any questions14:04
dwarderwhy i can't do outgoing ssh connection from newly installed kubuntu, what should i check, i can ping, i can login from another box14:04
jribber2: system -> preferences -> network proxy14:04
oskar-ber2, do you want the machine with gnome to be a client to the proxy or a proxy server?14:04
stefgwemdowemd: what version of ubuntu are you running ?14:04
UnguidedTekteen: not leaving just trying to figure out the differences. I wan to run ubuntu but think that is my big hold up14:05
ber2jrib: thanks...!14:05
wemdowemdstefg: 8.10, fresh installed yesterday. Hence why it's all updating now. I installed the ntfs 3g config tool as well14:05
tekteenUnguided: you can assign mountpoints in the ubuntu installer14:06
crist1stefg: uhm i still get error 15 when gruub loads14:06
asa ser a quoi ce chat14:06
jrib!fr | a14:06
ubottua: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:06
stefgwemdowemd: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/27337214:06
dwardercam default non root kubuntu user do outgoing ssh connections?14:06
Stefanohi, I cannot start Open Office documents from Gnome in a Samba shared directory. I can star images and create files. Any help?14:06
ikoniadwarder: yes14:06
Unguidedtekteen: I have the ubuntu pocketguide someone recommended. do u know if that answers those types of ques.14:06
dwarderikonia: thanks14:07
=== ggyy is now known as VZ
tekteenno, but I can look it up14:07
stefgcrist1: show me your /boot/grub/menu.lst on pastebin14:07
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:07
crist1stefg: i still don't have one .. omg14:07
crist1stefg: and i left it default14:08
Guest59713My speakers doesn't work when I play a sound?  what do i do?  they are plugged in correctly and they are on and they aren't muted.14:08
Unguidedtekteen: I was hoping to find maybe a book that can tell me the difference between windows and linux ie: drive letter assignments14:08
stefgcrist1: but there is a /boot dir, isn't it?14:08
wemdowemdstefg: Is that it then? Intrepid simply does not mount external drives ATM?14:08
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
crist1stefg: yes there is14:08
tekteenUnguided: that does not exist as far as I know14:08
stefgwemdowemd: it seems that certain controllers cause problems14:08
wemdowemdI see14:09
Tomas___One last try: Does anyone know a solution to my sound problem? I replaced my internal soundcard with a audigy 2 zs and everything seemed to work perfectly fine until 2 days later. I was playing mp3 as usual and then suddenly sound starts looping and player freezes up. This is not related to the player since it happens randomly after around 2 days no matter what player i am using.14:09
Tomas___sees like no one knows :\14:09
Tomas___not found anything at all using google either14:09
anglxssweet ISO master works like a charm thanks rakudave again14:09
tekteenUnguided: I am reading the pocket guide14:09
wemdowemdstefg: I'll search the forums for any workarounds then. Thanks for your time14:09
rakudaveanglxs: np :-)14:09
crist1stefg: i have /media/disk/boot but no grub directory14:09
Unguidedtekteen: ok. looks like i start all over and forget everything i know about windows14:10
Tomas___one of the main reasons i use linux is because of stability, so rebooting every 2 days is insanely annoying.14:10
rambo298just did latest update with Ubuntu, and my back arrow on Firefox is grayed out all the time; any ideas?14:10
Stefanohi, I cannot start Open Office documents from Gnome in a Samba shared directory. I can star images and create files. Any idea?14:10
tekteenUnguided: lol. look at page 67 of you booklet14:10
* Tomas___ is feels ignored14:10
=== mike is now known as Guest64238
tekteenUnguided: chapter 414:11
stefgcrist1: hmmm... so there's not much risk involved in trying to set grub manually... it's jsust a default install14:11
Guest64238Hi lynne14:11
tekteen!patience| Tomas___14:11
ubottuTomas___: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:11
dwarderin plasma workspace installer, what directory does it download wallpapers to?14:11
Tomas___tekteen, i have been here for a hour now.. I just wanted a response :P At least i aint completely ignored then14:12
stefgcrist1: so grab a terminal and cd to /media/disk , then 'chroot .'14:12
VZhi all, who can tell me how to remove msttcorefonts, thank you.14:12
Unguidedtekteen: Damn. Just hadnt read that far yet. i guess my excitement and eagerness got in the way. thanks14:12
rambo298just did latest update with Ubuntu, and my back arrow on Firefox is grayed out all the time; any ideas?14:12
jribVZ: use synaptic for example14:12
hmwTomas___ for chat go to #ubuntu-offtopic ;-)14:12
Tomas___hmw, how is that question off topic?14:13
hmwTomas___ sorry, i might have overseen your question. even scrolled up. what is your question?14:13
dwarderi got wallpapers downloaded, but i don't know where i can find them to set them as a background picture14:13
Tomas___<Tomas___> One last try: Does anyone know a solution to my sound problem? I replaced my internal soundcard with a audigy 2 zs and everything seemed to work perfectly fine until 2 days later. I was playing mp3 as usual and then suddenly sound starts looping and player freezes up. This is not related to the player since it happens randomly after around 2 days no matter what player i am using.14:13
jribdwarder: where did you download them to/14:13
stefgcrist1: btw, what's in that /media/disk/boot dir? some kernel and initrd.img ?14:13
dwarderfrom ssh fulketerr@
tekteenUnguided: before you install, you should know where you want to mount which partitions. I also suggest you do not skip info about users.14:13
Tomas___this always happens after around 2 days.14:13
crist1stefg: chroot: cannot change root directory to .: Operation not permitted14:13
Unguidedtekteen: i guess i will go read. back in a little bit14:14
muni'm trying to run a script with the line if[ "$1" == "safe" ] then safe=yes fi. how come i keep gettin gthe error saying == unexpected operator?14:14
jribtekteen: you don't need to repeat every 4 minutes, please wait a bit more14:14
stefgcrist1: oh ... sudo chroot .14:14
VZjrib, yes. but i can not run synaptic success.14:14
jribTomas___: you don't need to repeat every 4 minutes, please wait a bit more14:14
hmwhmm. cant really say, i knew whats going on. it might be some interrupt collision (but i doubt it). did you change anything else? hardware, config, driver?14:14
dwarderjrib:plasma workspace installer14:14
jribVZ: why...?14:14
oskar-Tomas___, have you looked for setting kernel module options? have you tested, if the problem also exists with other software?14:14
ymeHi can somebody help with screen resolution? I have already tried the Wiki but with no effect14:14
jribdwarder: is that some kde thing?14:14
dwarderjrib: it sais that it downloaded and installed pictures14:15
jribyme: well what exactly did you try from the wiki that had no effect?14:15
dwarderjrib: yeah14:15
jribdwarder: no idea, try #kubuntu14:15
crist1stefg: i don;t have any of those.. i have some generic stuff and a memtest14:15
dwarderjrib: thanks14:15
Tomas___oskar-, it happens with any kind of software. I just let ubuntu autodetect the drivers/modules and everything seemed to work fine until after 2 days14:15
ymejrib: to create an .xprofile with the resolution14:15
VZjrib, it show the error message. All done, no errors.14:15
VZimpact32.exe: No such file or directory14:15
Tomas___never had that problem when using my integrated soundcard.14:15
gmathewsHi what program can I use in Kubuntu to create/format partitions. Using Kubuntu 8.1014:15
crist1stefg: btw i finished with that chroot14:16
stefgcrist1: is there a file like vmlinuz-2.6.... ?14:16
Tomas___the last sound that was playing keeps looping over and over again until i reboot the pc.14:16
crist1stefg: yes14:16
stefgcrist1: so that's the kernel14:16
jribVZ: erm.  What happens when you type "gksu synaptic" in a terminal?14:16
crist1stefg: mkay14:16
jribgmathews: qtparted, gparted14:16
stefgcrist1: now run 'sudo grub-install /dev/sda' and tell about errors, if they occur14:17
hmwTomas___ usually this doesnt happen without reason. if you _really_ didnt change anything, and you didnt update anything, then i would suspect the soundcard to be broken. if you can, get another card of the same model and check it. did you look into the kernel log? did i understand you right, it starts to happen after 2d uptime?14:17
Tomas___i guess it aint a known problem then at least.14:17
gmathewsta jrib14:17
MBCI cant install ubuntu, when I get to the screen where it says Install Ubuntu It wont let me do any of the options. I can Highlight the options and use the Fkeys but  can install. Help?14:17
oskar-Tomas___, does it also happen with windows, for example?14:17
Tomas___hmw, yeah. It works perfectly fine for two days and then just suddenly crashes.14:17
Tomas___i sadly dont have windows installed, so no way to check.14:18
jribTomas___: you can check if it happens on an updated live cd14:18
Tomas___i am using 8.10 which i believe is latest version?14:18
Tomas___i got this sound card only a few weeks ago.14:18
ymeyme, isn't there a simple place (e.g. a file) where I can put a resolution of 1920x1080 instead of having the default 800x600?14:18
crist1stefg: http://pastebin.com/m2dd5ac9f14:18
jribTomas___: yes, but I'm suggesting you use a live cd.  Not your installed ubuntu14:18
rambo298just did latest update with Ubuntu, and my back arrow on Firefox is grayed out all the time; any ideas?14:19
Tomas___ah i see14:19
hmwTomas___ a problem that starts after 2 days is usually hard do itentify. you could try with a different linux distro, or maybe ubuntu 8.04.14:19
gmathewswtf after installing qtparted and running it it says command not found ???14:19
Igramulyme, /etc/X11/xorg.conf - but I strongly recommend to use the admin tools to modify that file.14:19
Andrilhello all14:19
jribgmathews: hash -r14:19
Andrili need help with BusyBoy errors14:19
VZjrib:when i remove msttcorefonts in synaptic, there is the error. E: msttcorefonts: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 114:19
Tomas___thanks for suggestions14:19
MBCI can't install ubuntu, when I get to the screen where it says Install Ubuntu It wont let me do any of the options. I can Highlight the options and use the Fkeys but can't install. Can anyone help?14:19
ymeIgramul, which tool is that?14:19
hmwTomas___ did you watch the syslog? i'd suggest you let it run with tail and hope for finding a pattern.14:20
gmathewsjrib: what does hash -r do?14:20
jribVZ: pastebin /var/lib/dpkg/info/msttcorefonts.prerm14:20
stefgcrist1: ... i have a suspicion..  your bios is flipping drives around... quit the chroot and run 'demsg > output.txt' then paste output.txt to pastebin14:20
jribgmathews: help hash14:20
stefgcrist 'dmesg' that is14:21
MBCHello? Am I in the right place?14:21
ymeIgramul, which is the Xserver which is running on my Ubuntu. Is that gdm or kdm? I am a newbie14:21
jribMBC: depends what you are looking for I suppose14:21
MBCI can't install ubuntu, when I get to the screen where it says Install Ubuntu It wont let me do any of the options. I can Highlight the options and use the Fkeys but can't install. Can anyone help?14:21
tekteenyme: gdm on *U*buntu14:21
ymetekteen, thanks14:22
tom_eats_livesanyone know an alternative to windiff wih gui for linux ?14:22
tekteenyme: kdm on *K*ubuntu14:22
crist1stefg: bash: demsg: command not found14:22
gordonjcpMBC: so you can move the highlighted selection, but not actually select it?14:22
jribMBC: did you "check the CD for defects" from the cd's boot menu?14:22
Igramulyme, gdm and kdm are "window managers", they do not directly interact with your graphic card.14:22
stefgcrist1: typo ... that's <dmesg>14:22
hmwMBC - silly question - did you check for CapsLock?14:22
Tomas___hmw, not found anything that seems related there.14:22
jribtom_eats_lives: meld, kdiff3, vimdiff, there's some more I can't remember14:22
crist1stefg: ok uhm one moment14:22
tom_eats_livesjrib, excellent , thanks14:23
ymeIgramul, I'm lookint at the Wiki on changing the resolution. It says that I can add a xrandr command to the gdm init file in /etc/gdm. Is that correct?14:23
crist1stefg: http://pastebin.com/m648045214:23
MBCgordonjcp: Yes     jrib: I cant but I am running it on a virtual PC  hmw: Capslock is off14:24
hmwTomas___ hmm... i'd let it run in a terminal anyways, maybe you get lucky. on the other hand, 2 days sounds more like hardware problems than software to me.14:24
jribMBC: why can't you?14:24
MBCNothing happens14:24
fiftyonehowdy, ubuntuers! hows everyone today?14:24
jribMBC: you run "check the cd for defects" and nothing happens?14:24
tekteenfiftyone: exelent!14:25
hmwTomas___ does restarting X solve the problem, or did you have to do a full reboot?14:25
Igramulyme, I guess so.14:25
fiftyonethis may seem like a stupid question but where is my "network Manager"14:25
VZjrib: #!/bin/sh14:25
fiftyonetekteen thats good :)14:25
VZset -e14:25
VZ# Automatically added by dh_installdefoma14:25
VZif [ "$1" = remove ]; then14:25
FloodBot1VZ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:25
VZtest -x /usr/bin/defoma-font && /usr/bin/defoma-font purge-all $FILE14:25
Tomas___hmw, only full reboot14:25
ymeIgramul, do you which which file is that? Is it gdm.conf?14:25
jribMBC: oh, I thought you were farther along.  Did you check the md5sum of the iso?14:25
MBCI cant run it I highlight it, hit enter and nothing happens14:25
Tomas___stopping alsa gets rid of the looping sound though14:25
hmwTomas___ a wild guess: you could put the sound card to another pci slot.14:25
Tomas___but it will continue once i restart it14:25
MBCjrib: "md5sum"? What is that?14:26
stefgcrist1: unfortunately that looks quite normal14:26
jrib!verify | MBC14:26
ubottuMBC: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:26
crist1stefg: can't i reinstall grub?14:26
hmwTomas___ i dont know the sound stuff in linux really. it might be a bug related to your sound card. maybe google tells you more about this.14:26
Murphy1Hi ppl! can someone help me in Samba??14:26
Murphy1i cant understand why printers, nautilus etc. cant localize the  "net folders" of other PC if i give them the "name pc path" es. smb//Workgroup/pcname/ but only if i give them the IP path es: smb//***.***.*.*/14:26
fiftyoneI was trying to connect to my friends wifi yesterday and I realized I have no network manager, like how do i search to connect to his wireless?14:26
Nicanor5Good morning14:27
hmwMurphy1 you probably will need the nbm service (netbios name thingy)14:27
fiftyoneNicanor5 mornin'14:27
Nicanor5I have some problems with ubuntu and my internet connection14:27
hmwMurphy1 nmb14:27
Tomas___I did a google search and found nothing similar, which is why i joined here.. I know a friend who have the same model of the card, so i will see if i can test that14:27
crist1stefg: so .. what do i do now ?14:27
stefgcrist1: yes... but you have to be in a chroot on the installed system, with /proc and /sys mounted and all the right nodes in /ev14:27
Nicanor5It appears conected always, even if I disconnect the cable phisically14:27
Murphy1@hmw: what's this, how it works? just apt-get it?14:28
hmwMurphy1 gah... i forgot the name of the thing. "netbios name something"14:28
Nicanor5But it doesn't connect to anything14:28
hmwMurphy1 wait a second, i look it up14:28
Tomas___I just found it weird that it always happens after around 2 days14:28
crist1stefg: uhm tell me what to do in terminal...14:28
jribTomas___: well pulseaudio will consistently crash on me within 2 days I've found14:29
niloHi fiftyone: Network manager has been changed by Network configuration in ----system, preference in intrepid14:29
stefgcrist1: the trouble is that you need a working /boot/grub/menu.lst .. and it didn't got generated for some misterious reason14:29
Tomas___jrib, interesting14:29
MBCjrib: I can't do that (too thick) I downloaded it today though from http://www.ubuntu.com/14:29
MBCthe iso14:29
jribMBC: check the md5sum14:29
Nicanor5fiftyone, maybe you can help me, my internet connection appears conected always, even if I disconnect the cable phisically, But it doesn't connect to anything14:30
ronnyhelp, my dpkg db broke - see http://paste.pocoo.org/show/103065/14:30
jribVZ: paste.ubuntu.com, not here14:30
hmwMurphy1 cant find it right now, would have to get my notebook and look, what it was... ANYONE KNOWS what the name of the NETBIOS NAME RESOLUTION daemon is?14:30
VZjrib: oh, sorry.14:30
crist1stefg: the thing is that the installer simply stopped around 79%, and didn't output any errors... however it was stopping after generating groups or smth like that14:31
ronnyanyone has an idea how to fix my system?14:31
fiftyoneNincanor5 you don't have an internet connection ever? even with the line connected?14:31
Nicanor5No, the connection is always on14:31
stefgcrist1: no wonder that you don't have grub then...  it's the final part of the install. Did you error check the CD?14:31
hmwMurphy1 in my case, "nmbd" does the trick14:31
crist1stefg: not quite, i'll do it now14:32
Nicanor5fiftyone the Is an ethernet connection and it appears always connected even if disconect the cable phisically14:32
crist1stefg: please stick around14:32
hmwMurphy1 but i use a DNS server in my net, so if you need a DNS anyways, i'd let it do the work14:32
MBCjrib: I can't I don't know how14:32
Murphy1mhh ok14:32
Murphy1ill' look14:32
jribMBC: did you read the link ubottu sent you?14:32
Murphy1just apt-get nmbd?14:32
VZjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115221/14:32
MBCYes but it is too hard14:33
Guest59713what do i type to cd to my desktop?14:33
jribMBC: so start by asking me about the first thing you need to do that you don't understand....14:33
fiftyoneanyone know why I don't have network-admin on my distro?14:33
jribGuest59713: cd ~/Desktop14:34
jribfiftyone: what distro?14:34
jribVZ: so now figure out which part is failing14:34
fiftyonelooking at the ubuntu docs they say go to system/admin/netwoking14:34
fiftyone i dont have it there..14:34
jribVZ: actually, pastebin the full output you got with the error14:35
MBCjrib: when I enter "cd \path\to\cddir" into cmd it come back with "The system cannot find the path specified."14:35
jribfiftyone: system -> preferences -> network configuration maybe?14:35
fiftyonei was trying to connect to wifi yesterday and i realizzed i had no configuration tools for wifi14:35
Buzzzzdoes anyone know why kde keeps starting so many loginprocesses? like 3 skype sessions and not only one14:35
jribMBC: you are on windows?14:36
MBCYes vista14:36
fiftyoneJrib ubuntu website says this As mentioned before Ubuntu ships with a fantastic GUI network tool called network-admin. It can be run from a terminal but it is also readily available under the system menu. (System)->(Administration)->(Networking).14:36
Leon_NardellaHello. Is there a way to install sun-java6-jdk without human interaction ( the user is given a dialog to accept the Sun license )?14:36
jribfiftyone: link?14:37
fiftyonejrib nevermind its not even installed14:37
jribMBC: you are supposed to replace "\path\to\cddir" with the path to the directory containing your .iso that you want to check14:38
JediMasterhey guys, it's been years since I've needed to use iptables (as behind nat firewall router until recently), what am I doing wrong here: iptables -i eth3 -A INPUT -j DROP14:39
Xae8kooI need a program like CowBell, but I need one that doesn't fail every time.14:39
JediMasterI want to block all incomming traffic to eth314:39
MBCjrib: So i replace "\path\to\cddir" with "C:\Users\MBC\Downloads\ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386" ?14:40
jribMBC: if that is the directory containing the iso, sure14:40
MBCthat is the iso14:41
jribMBC: then chop off the end14:41
KevDogHey all14:42
VZjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115225/ this is the output when i run the command 'sudo apt-get remove msttcorefonts'14:44
jribVZ: is line 44 output from something else?14:46
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VZjrib: no, it is all the output of the command.14:47
VZjrib: i don't know why it should down the exe files.14:48
SylphidJediMaster, you need to specify the table before the interface14:48
MBCjrib: a load of sh*t came up including:14:48
MBC* bahram has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))14:48
MBC* lethu has quit ("Leaving")14:48
MBC* nico_ has quit ("Quitte")14:48
MBC<JediMaster> hey guys, it's been years since I've needed to use iptables (as behind nat firewall router until recently), what am I doing wrong here: iptables -i eth3 -A INPUT -j14:48
FloodBot1MBC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:48
jribVZ: seems like it's trying to download the files again but they aren't available and the fonts aren't registered anymore.  I would just put "exit 0" as your 3rd line and then remove the garbage manually (the stuff the .prerm script is doing)14:48
SylphidJediMaster, iptables -A INPUT -i eth3 -j DROP14:49
* JediMaster blocks himself from his router by accident14:50
Decepticonwhy cant i have more than 1 thing going on (disk read/write) without Slowing all my other disk operations down. i cant copy/move 2 things at the same time without experiencing massive slowdown14:50
JediMasterbah, at least nat is still working lol14:50
JediMasterany iptables gurus about?14:51
JediMasterbasically want to block all inbound traffic on eth3 (except ssh on port 22), but allow everything on eth014:51
MBCjrib: all this (http://paste.ubuntu.com/115230/plain/) appeared in my cmd14:51
jribMBC: you are showing me a copy of random lines from this irc channel14:52
=== sale_ is now known as sale
MBCbut it was in my cmd!14:52
zashMBC: accidental paste?14:52
jribMBC: well something is really wrong if the md5sum of your iso is random lines from irc, don't you think :)  Try again14:53
Baba_B00ieDecepticon, you might be having a hard drive failure or hd controller failure..14:53
Decepticoncan someone recommend a hardware for allowing/connecting SATA hdds on a old pc that definitely works with ubunto linux14:54
Decepticonwith no problems14:54
jribhandriyadi: please stop14:54
Baba_B00ieDecepticon,  go to ubuntu.com and checkout the hw compat list14:54
Baba_B00iethen go to newegg.com and match it up14:54
MBCjrib: how do I know the name of the MDsum thingy?14:55
DecepticonBaba_B00ie is this it: why cant i have more than 1 thing going on (disk read/write) without Slowing all my other disk operations down. i cant copy/move 2 things at the same time without experiencing massive slowdown14:55
DecepticonBaba_B00ie is this it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/14:55
SylphidJediMaster, iptables -F && iptables -A INPUT -ieth3 -p tcp -dport 22 -j ACCEPT && iptables -A INPUT -ieth3 -j DROP14:55
dwarderMBC: md5 your.iso14:55
jribMBC: the guide tells you (and gives you a link to it, so you can download it)14:55
dwarderi guess14:55
=== handriyadi is now known as ndogbosok
Baba_B00ieDecepticon, but you're also gonna need to make sure you're psu supports the sata power plug.. eide or pata as its now called.  uses another type of connector14:55
Decepticonso this computers useless without spending massive bucks14:56
Decepticoni need a new psu AND a sata controller???14:56
Baba_B00ieDecepticon, yes it could be.. but without actually being physically in front of the machine its hard to tell.. you could also be simply low on ram14:56
Decepticonjesus christ, im poor14:56
Baba_B00ieDecepticon, yes that is the site i do believe..14:56
DecepticonBaba_B00ie theres only 1 listed14:56
DexterFregarding nvidia drivers: if I devide to use the NV installer all I have to do when a new kernel comes in is boot to maintenance mode, rerun the installer, all is fine - right?14:57
MBCjrib: I get "'md5sum' is not recognized as an internal or external command,14:57
MBCoperable program or batch file."14:57
macvrhi all.... is there any way to password protect a single folder , so that when i try to oprn the folder it prompts me for a password[not the root password] similar to the password prompt when we try to open a gksu app...14:59
Baba_B00ieDecepticon, google is your friend.. look around find a controller then google that controller, and or chipset mixed with a boolean string of ubuntu.. see what comes up14:59
dwarderMBC: find / -name md5sum14:59
jribdwarder: he is on windows15:00
dwarderjrib: whoa15:00
MBCdwarder: huh15:00
jribMBC: did you download it and drop it where the tutorial said? (first line)15:00
dwarderMBC: download md5 exe for windows15:00
dwarderMBC: google15:00
VZjrib: msttcorefonts has removed. thanks.15:00
MBCjrib: No, missed that line :(15:01
dwarderMBC: then put md5.exe to the same dir where iso located and in cmd.exe cd your folder and md5 your.iso15:01
IndyGunFreakDecepticon: you probably won't need a new power supply, but you'll need an IDE to SATA adapter (most sata drives come w/ them I do believe)15:01
maverick340is there an app to sync your wordpress blog ?15:02
Leon_NardellaHello. Is there a way to install sun-java6-jdk without human interaction ( the user is given a dialog to accept the Sun license )?15:02
maverick340to publish articles15:02
marloHello, I am attempting load Ubuntu 8.10 on a ASUS F3F laptop. It is currently running WinXp. The install moves along well until step 3 where I select the keyboard (usa and usa). The keyboard test works, but the installation never moves forward. I can quit the installation with no problems. How can i fix it ?15:02
DecepticonIndyGunFreak why should i get a ide-to-sata adapter. i wnt a sata card so i can plug in sata hdds from now on, instead of buying expensive ide15:02
DecepticonIndyGunFreak i want to go away from ide15:02
IndyGunFreakDecepticon: you said you were poor, i was trying to give you the cheapest solution.15:03
zashmaverick340: search for "blog" in Add/Remove Apps15:03
IBNOOBIEI am in desperate need of technical assistance with my synaptic package system15:03
DecepticonIndyGunFreak ah ok15:03
necrolanceranyone here running jaunty with ext4 as rootfs?15:03
MBCjrib / dwarder : I get "md5sum: ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.md5: No such file or directory"15:03
macvr.. is there any way to password protect a single folder , so that when i try to open the folder it prompts me for a password[not the root password] similar to the password prompt when we try to open a gksu app...15:03
maverick340zash, thansk15:03
marloAnother thing is, why Wubi not recognize Ext3 drives ?15:03
zashmacvr: almost15:04
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zashmacvr: cryptkeeper15:04
macvrzash: how could i do it?15:04
jribMBC: where did you put md5sum.exe?15:04
MBCIn with the iso15:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cryptkeeper15:04
IndyGunFreakDecepticon: have you considered just saving the bones to build a new cheap PC?15:04
jerodoes anyone know if pm-suspend calls any scripts ?15:05
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/15:05
jribMBC: I don't know if that works (it might, but I haven't used windows in a while).  Try doing what the tutorial says15:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext415:05
DecepticonIndyGunFreak i got this pc for $50 bucks, gettign a new one would be $150 over that, with the sata and such capability at least15:05
zashmacvr: it is a frontend to encfs15:05
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info15:05
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org15:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext215:05
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unreal15:06
Max-PHi, I'm having trouble with nm-applet. Just refuses to save my WEP key (and put a random one). Can someone help me?15:06
IndyGunFreakDecepticon: well how old is the $50 PC?15:06
macvrzash: oh... ok... i'll check it out15:06
DecepticonIndyGunFreak its a pentium 415:06
danieleho un problema nel visualizzare un video msg erro: Cannot find codec for audio format 0xA15:06
danielecome risolvo?15:06
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type Ā« sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop Ā» in a !terminal.15:06
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macvrzash: why did u say almost? what does it lack?15:06
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org15:06
n8tuserMax-P -> you can edit the /etc/network/interfaces to store your wep key   man  iwconfig for additional details15:06
IndyGunFreakDecepticon: yeah... well, by the time you buy all the crap to make it work w/ SATA, you probably could have built a cheaper one.15:07
DecepticonIndyGunFreak im seriosuly consiodering a new one15:07
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:07
zashmacvr: it's a panel applet, you click it and choose what folder, and then it prompts for password15:07
n8tusercpp32 -> stop that..15:07
DecepticonIndyGunFreak i just hate having to buy old hardware, i keep getting gyped15:07
IndyGunFreakDecepticon: well, yeah..15:07
IndyGunFreakDecepticon: it doesn't have to be bleeding edge..15:08
DecepticonIndyGunFreak i got a dead pvr150 and no way to refund15:08
Decepticonit shows up on lspci but doesnt do anything15:08
Max-Pn8tuser -> the file is almost empty, and I use multiple WiFi spots depending on where I am. is there an other way?15:08
macvrzash: will the folder be accessible from nautilus?15:08
IndyGunFreakDecepticon: how are you attempting to use it?....15:08
DecepticonIndyGunFreak pvr150, to record tv15:08
zashmacvr: yes15:08
necrolancerI want jaunty 64-bit, is it best to download http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/alpha-4/jaunty-desktop-amd64.iso or should I download the daily build?15:08
IndyGunFreakDecepticon: what program are you trying to use it w/?15:08
DecepticonIndyGunFreak oh you mean my pc? as a fileserver and expandable up to a htpc if need arises15:09
macvrzash: oh... ! ok thanx i'll check it out15:09
n8tuserMax-P -> not that i knew of15:09
jrib!jaunty | necrolancer15:09
ubottunecrolancer: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:09
DecepticonIndyGunFreak mytht15:09
DecepticonIndyGunFreak mythtv15:09
wemdowemdI'm trying to copy my firefox profile from Windows over to ubuntu - that's bookmarks, extensions, the whole profile folder. I've found the correct one in windows, where should I copy it to in ubuntu to overwrite the 'blank' preexisting one?15:09
IndyGunFreaki never had much luck w/ myth.... alays used VLC w/o issue.. but i dont' record TV15:09
Dante123former student wants me to install ubuntu on his Dell Inspiron 1501 with AMD Sempron Processor-  is there a specific version of 8.10 that I need to install (in other words is there an intel vs amd build) or does i386.iso work for both?15:09
wemdowemdI tried etc\firefox 3.0 but it doesn't appear to have made a difference15:10
blizzlewemdowemd, You can place it anywhere and point to it with the profile manager. firefox -P15:10
Max-Pn8tuser -> ok =[   It was working before but for I reason I don't know, it only save one random key.15:10
wemdowemdblizzle: OK, I'll have a go...15:10
blizzlewemdowemd, Also, try locate places.sqlite15:10
IgramulDante123, the i386 works for both.15:10
blizzleThat will tell you where your existing directory is.15:10
MBCjrib: I got something http://paste.ubuntu.com/115249/15:10
Dante123Igramul great, thanks15:11
blizzlewemdowemd, Either ~/.mozilla or ~/.firefox usually.15:11
IgramulDante123, however, there is also a 64-bit edition (just in case that this processor happens to be 64bit)15:11
n8tuserMax-P -> maybe the newer wicd does it.. i have not used it myself for multiple hotspots15:11
wemdowemdblizzle: thanks, the profile manager showed me where it was15:11
perl_monkeyHello all, I am currently trying to find out how to do an NFS export as a different user (I want my exported directory to be mountable as a specific user only, regardless of client settings). Unfortunately I do not know what to google to find something reasonable15:11
Max-Pn8tuser-> I am using nm-applet (the default thing in the system tray), I will try that15:12
sky_hi ppl :)15:12
Dante123Igramul since he will be new to ubuntu I am inclined to stick with 32 bit....however what is the command so that I can see what the specs of his processor from terminal?15:13
sky_can i format Windows under linux ?15:13
jrib!md5sums | MBC15:13
ubottuMBC: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.15:13
Max-Pn8tuser-> There is nothing called wicd in Synaptic15:13
jribMBC: just md5sum the file and check the hash against the one ubottu gave you15:13
mneptoksky_: fat and fat32 yes. ntfs no.15:14
Dante123Igramul  Are there still issues (flash etc.) still with 64-bit ubuntu that would make a person shy away from using it?15:14
sky_so how i can destroy windows ?15:14
n8tuserMax-P -> which version are you running?15:14
billgoldbergHi, using the terminal how can I find out what my internal ip adressess on the network is?15:14
blizzlesky_, Delete the partition and create an ext3 one, perhaps.15:14
mneptokbillgoldberg: ifconfig15:14
nickrudsky_, fire up gparted and delete :)15:15
blizzlesky_, Assuming you don't have grub installed there.15:15
MBCjrib: I didn't get a hash thoufgh15:15
sky_eh i have there grub15:15
jribMBC: get rid of the "-c" in your command15:15
Max-Pn8tuser -> Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10) with latest updates and nm-applet reports "Applet NetworkManager 0.7.0"15:15
nectarhey everybody iam just a new ubuntu user iam gettin some errors http://pastebin.com/m482acd11 can anybody help me with that?15:15
nickrudnectar, the real errors come before that:  could you put the output of    sudo apt-get -f install on http://paste.ubuntu.com15:16
medflyhi, I got a problem with sound. I can hear what I input, but somehow capturing it doesn't work as well. does anyone have a calue what I should/could do?15:16
sky_so if i convert ntfs with windows partition to ext3 i can get some error for grub yeah ?15:16
n8tuserMax-P -> i dont know which repository that wicd is located15:17
nickrudsky_, it's very unlikely you put grub on an ntfs partition; are you sure it wasn't the mbr of the disk?15:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd15:17
MBCjrib Its different, what does that mean?15:17
Max-Pn8tuser -> They are all enabled15:17
sky_nickrud: i dont know...15:18
nectarnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115253/15:18
jribMBC: it means there was something wrong with your download.  Download the iso again15:18
BormyHello All15:18
BormyHave a nice Day15:18
IBNOOBIEE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. ---Could someone help me with this please.15:18
Xae8kooI have approx 600 songs. All poorly tagged. What program identifies and tags without to much work from me?15:18
Max-Pn8tuser -> I think I will just wait for the next updates, maybe it will be fixed.15:18
jribIBNOOBIE: did you try running Ā« sudo dpkg --configure -a Ā»?15:18
MBChow could that of happened?15:19
BormyI'm using 8.10, and i want to add a new keyboard layout. Any advises?15:19
exodus_ms I need to back up my home directory. I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 in vmware server console 1.0.6 -build 91891. I'm trying to move my files to a usb flash drive but I am unable to access the usb flash drive. If I go to VM>Removable Devices>USB, it shows 'empty' and no check next to it. I have tried editing fstab as well as /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh Could someone please take a look -->http://paste.ubuntu.com/115250/15:19
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n8tuserMax-P -> http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3099106.015:19
nickrudnectar, looking15:19
shishiohi ive just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my pc... before i can detect burn files on my disk and now i can... cant even see my optical drives please help15:19
jribMBC: some sort of error, or maybe the download didn't finish completely?  Either way, you need to redownload15:19
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IBNOOBIEOH i was just typing su rather than sudo thanx15:20
IBNOOBIEyeah it says I have 1 broken file15:20
Dante123Are there still issues (flash etc.) with 64-bit ubuntu that would make a person shy away from using it? (especially if the person is new to linux )15:20
IgramulDante123, there are some issues. I even discovered some kernel drivers that assumed that a pointer and a integer have equal sizes (only true on i386).15:20
shishiohi ive just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my pc... before i can detect burn files on my disk and now i can... cant even see my optical drives please help15:21
Dante123Igramul thanks for reply15:21
Dante123Igramul I think I will stick with 32 bit15:21
nectarnickrud: waiting thanks15:21
BormyAny ideas on adding new keyboard layout in ubuntu 8.10?15:21
nickrudnectar, type   cat /etc/defoma/hints/ttf-dejavu-extra , is it empty?15:21
Dante123Any laptops issues (suspend hibernate) still with Ubuntu 8.10????15:22
nectarnickrud. No such file or directory15:22
Dante123Igramul Any laptops issues (suspend hibernate) still with Ubuntu 8.10????15:22
jeroDante you have trouble with suspend as well?15:22
ymeHi can somebody with X server good knowledge help me with screen resolution pls? I've tried the Wiki (creating ~/.xprofile, changing /etc/gdm, using xrandr to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf) but nothing seems to work15:22
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jeroi managed to get my laptop to suspend out properly, but the screen stays blank. yet the laptop does everything in the background still15:23
MBCIs there an amin passworsd on ubuntu?15:23
IgramulDante123, I do not know.15:23
medflyDante123, works for me on 64bit.15:23
nickrudnectar, that's very odd. do ls /etc/defoma/hints , do you see any other files?15:23
BodsdaHi, when i want a script to run on login i would put it into the sessions thing in the menu, but i was wondering, is there a folder that holds all the things that gets loaded at login? could i just copy my scripts to this folder?15:23
hmwMurphy1 still here... any luck?15:23
ninuuzMBC, do you think of the sudoers password?15:23
enzotib!sudo > MBC15:23
ubottuMBC, please see my private message15:23
Murphy1hmw: not... i cant.. samba cant find  names.. and i have not found packet u suggested to me..15:24
nectarnickrud: there are some files15:24
Dante123Laptop has 80 gb hard drive- I'd like to create a separate "home" partition so that future upgrades are easier.  What sizes do you recommend for home partition and for rest of ubuntu?  (Laptop will be used primarily for word processing, email, web browsing, some music)15:24
shishiohi ive just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my pc... before in 8.04 i can detect and burn files on my disk and now i cant... cant even see my optical drives please help15:24
niloDantel23: I've a acer aspire 9500 and after to suspend my laptop no start again15:25
Guest59713i am trying to install america's army and the terminal keeps scrolling saying the same thing.  it says loki_setup: short write on /usr/local/games/armyops//Sounds/S-CampMackall.uax and it just keeps repeating.  why is this and what do i do?15:25
Dante123medfly Igramul What size you recommend for home partition (so future upgrades of ubuntu are easier)15:25
MBCninuuz ages ago I was asked for a password thats all15:25
jondecker76are there any mdadm experts here?15:25
hmwMurphy1 hmm... i repeat: you have Samba running, and stuff like smb://IP_ADDRESS works. You can not access the ubuntu machine by smb://NAME_OF_UBUNTU_PC?15:25
jribjondecker76: best to just ask the channel your question15:25
Dante123nilo you have to disable the suspend feature then??15:26
Guest59713i am trying to install america's army and the terminal keeps scrolling saying the same thing.  it says loki_setup: short write on /usr/local/games/armyops//Sounds/S-CampMackall.uax and it just keeps repeating.  why is this and what do i do?15:26
IgramulDante123, I never have /home on a separate partition, therefore, I cannot answer Your question.15:26
ninuuzMBC, well - dno what you mean? :(15:26
Murphy1hmw: Yes..that's problem :(15:26
jondecker76I was growing a 4 disk mdadm array to a 5 disk array, and someone rebooted the computer while it was reshaping15:26
jondecker76now I can't get mdadm to respond15:26
hmwMurphy1 do you have some time now, i will try to help you through this, but i need some preparation here before15:26
jondecker76i'm willing to pay if someone can help fix it15:26
nilodantel23: yeap15:27
necrolancerjondecker76: maybe takin the new drive out of raid would help?15:27
Murphy1I have..^^ if u can i'll be very thankful15:27
n8tuserjondecker76 -> that hurts..you have how many sys admins?15:27
medflyI have a problem with recording: I can hear playback, but I can't capture it. I'm using xubuntu 8.10-amd64 and I tried to remove pulseaudio and some other stuff I found while googling, but it doesn't work so well. I'm certain the other devices work fine, as I've tested them on other things.15:27
* medfly asks for help :-)15:27
jondecker76I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting drives15:28
jondecker76and rebooting15:28
hmwMurphy1: how many pcs do you have in your network? routers? operating systems?15:28
jondecker76I'm quite familiar with mdadm, but I need a true expert on it to fix it I'm afraid15:28
hmwMurphy1: is some machine already running a samba server who tries to be local master?15:28
Murphy1desktop, linked to usb printer and Eth to router running Win Xp15:29
Dante123 medfly i have had issues too.  Have you tried fiddling with alsamixer from terminal?  Also the folks at #alsa are pretty helpful.15:29
medflyDante123, yes, I'll try. thanks :-)15:29
hmwMurphy1 your inet-router is a win XP machine?15:29
hmwMurphy1 Internet Connection Sharing?15:29
Murphy1Laptop eepc 100h Wi-fi wicd running ubuntu15:29
n8tuserjondecker76 -> dont know man, but if you have a backup...try to recover from it?15:29
necrolancerjondecker76: and you tried to run with 4 disk setup only already? this is the only no-expert trick that could be reasonable. just my 0.1 cent15:30
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jondecker76thanks - wish I did have a backup15:30
georgegodaddy in locust grove??15:30
Murphy1hmw: cant unsderstand question?15:30
jondecker76I try to reassemble the array and mdadm segfaults15:30
georgegodaddy would unnerstan15:30
hmwMurphy1 what role does your XP play? is it just a workstation, or does it forward the internet to your LAN?15:30
mikeshollenCan anyone help me get my Mic working?15:31
star-affinitywhat file system is recommended to use for ubuntu desktop?15:31
Murphy1XP is linked to router by ethernet..but i think that's the router the forwarder..15:31
mikeshollenstar-affinity: I think ext3?15:31
mikeshollenstar-affinity: you might wanna get a second opinion on that15:31
star-affinitymikeshollen: k. :)15:31
Murphy1router has ip ***.115:31
Murphy1and Xp has **.515:31
Murphy1ubuntu **.315:31
hmwMurphy1 looks like it is just another workstation in your LAN15:31
necrolancerjondecker76: but I would assume the data is untouched - just the mdm.conf shows an not fully enabled disk-entry, am I wrong?15:31
necrolancerjondecker76: shows = tries to use15:32
jondecker76mdadm.conf appears to be blank for some reason15:32
MoLootany1 have any opinions on CMSs - good/bad/ugly?15:32
necrolancerjondecker76: any mdadm.conf.bak? ;-)15:32
mikeshollenstar-affinity: I can't remember where I think I saw that so don't take my word for it.15:32
georgehas anyone success in making Usoft Flight Simulator work in Ubuntu15:33
jondecker76damn... the backup file is empty too15:33
hmwMurphy1 can your Ubuntu machine ping your XP machine by name? (ping myxpworkstation)15:33
Atlantiswhats the difference between the "gnome-Xchat" n "xchat" ?15:33
Gaming4JChello all. I'm not sure if this is related to a dual boot. But after running Linux and Windows for a few months I now find my entire Drive C:\ on Windows in Read-Only mode. Is there any way to restore attributes?15:33
Murphy1hmw: Yes15:34
necrolancerjondecker76: but well md uses autorecognition for such scenario, right? so... it should be able to setup 4-disk array and 5-disk should fail, is that NOT the case?15:34
jondecker76its not the case15:34
jondecker76anything I trie segfaults15:34
Murphy1hmw:  i think... it said 7 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 6014ms15:34
jondecker76necrolancer, can you help me via PM so I can show you the results of some commands?15:35
Gaming4JChmm ?15:35
jondecker76so I don't flood the chat here15:35
hmwMurphy1 i just wanted to check, if there is ANY name resolution... didnt work with ubuntu for a while, so i need a little time to remember, how it works here15:35
true\falseOk, so if I extract the ubuntu iso onto my usb pen .. Will that allow me to install it via the pen?15:35
Gaming4JCWindows XP = ReadOnly mode. The whole drive. Can this be repaired? :s15:35
necrolancerjondecker76: sure but I am no expert I run some mds but with no errors yet ;-)15:35
Murphy1hmw:  ok i'm here if u need info and tests15:36
hmwMurphy1 i take it, you already installed the samba server explicitly?15:37
* Gaming4JC is googling for results but not finding much...15:37
Gaming4JCseems to be related to Ubuntu dual boot tho15:37
Murphy1hmw: explicitly= you means? it ruins..it shares, i think yes15:37
hmwMurphy1 there is some sort of SMB support already active, when you install ubuntu. I wanted to know, if you additionally installed samba15:38
wemdowemdCan anyone recommend a GUI for Tor on ubuntu? I'd prefer vidalia but it's not in the repositories so if there's one that's at least as good I'll take the easier route and use that one15:38
fdrwhat is the recommended way to install ruby on rails on ubuntu intrepid? There seem to be several procedure...15:39
Murphy1many times ^^  and at last upgrade i let him change sambalog to update it completely15:39
BodsdaHi, when i want a script to run on login i would put it into the sessions thing in the menu, but i was wondering, is there a folder that holds all the things that gets loaded at login? could i just copy my scripts to this folder?15:40
hmwMurphy1 please try to open your win xp share list by typing "smb://nameofXPmachine" into the address bar of Nautlius15:41
Guest59713i am trying to install america's army and the terminal keeps scrolling saying the same thing.  it says loki_setup: short write on /usr/local/games/armyops//Sounds/S-CampMackall.uax and it just keeps repeating.  why is this and what do i do?15:42
unopBodsda, it's actually a file in ~/.gnome2 somewhere (can't remember what it's called). this might find it.   find ~/.gnome* -iname "*session" -type f15:43
Gaming4JCill run chdsk i guess15:43
Bodsdaunop, unfortunately that returns nothing15:44
Murphy1cursors loads for  a while...at the end folder is empity... if i type "smb://" share list is there15:44
unopBodsda,  grep -inHR 'some_word' ~/.gnome*    # some word being a unique thing you placed in the session preferences dialog15:45
medflyDante123, sweet, I looked at their wiki and I found something that made it work!!15:45
Murphy1(same empity folder if i type smb://nameofworkgroup/nameofXPmachine)15:45
hmwMurphy1 that's to be expected. i guess, you need winbind. but let me check more stuff before you install anything15:46
Bodsdaunop, bod@bod-ubuntu:~$ grep -inHR 'awn' ~/.gnome*15:46
Bodsda returns nothing15:46
Murphy1ok i'll wait15:46
Dante123medfly i have had to kill pulseaudio in hardy and ibex because it causes more troubles than it solves for me.  #alsa folks are pretty good at helping.  Glad you got it fixed.15:46
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adams42Is there an Ubuntu server channel or am I in the right spot?15:47
micahhay how do i install compiz fusion?? im using xubuntu15:48
Bodsdaadams42, your in the right place15:49
hmwMurphy1 darn... no matter, what i turn off, the name resolution keeps working here...15:49
exodus_mswow, I was trying out 8.10 through vmware server console on xp. I decided I would install 8.10 on another computer but first I need to backup my home directory. I created a tar file about 1gb in size but i am unable to burn this file to disc or move it to a usb flash drive15:49
krazyFingerz47i get this error when ubuntu is starting up.. "no resume image"15:49
unopBodsda,  grep -inHR 'RestartCommand' ~/   # let's try this15:50
adams42Bodsda, thank you.15:50
shampooHi there i have got some Latex issue i cant fix/handle:  if create a pdf file and open in in okular or acrobat the fonts seem to be in bad quality. any ideas?15:50
`MatirkrazyFingerz47, does it not start up then?15:50
krazyFingerz47`Matir, yes but just the command line15:50
krazyFingerz47`Matir, no graphics15:51
Murphy1hmw:  mhh.. so? misteryous cause?15:51
unopBodsda,  the file should be .gnome2/session  # but i guess i can always be wrong with gnome :)15:51
hmwMurphy1 usually, no. but i am not in best shape today *g* i will continue working15:51
Bodsdaunop, grep is still searching, but i have no ~/.gnome2/session  file/folder15:52
arusselhow can I run a foo-i326.deb on an amd64 ?15:52
hmwyou do use a WINS server for that usually, as far as i remember, Murphy1. but i just stopped mine, and it still works !?15:52
adams42exodus_ms, Why are you unable to move it to flash drive?15:53
Murphy1hmw: you do use a WINS server for that usually, as far as i remember, Murphy1. but i just stopped mine, and it still works !?15:53
jribBodsda: ~/.config/autostart/ but you would need to create a desktop file (see the freedesktop.org spec).  Depending on what you want to do, you can use ~/.gnomerc or ~/.xprofile instead.15:53
Murphy1i saw in smb.conf wins is # commented15:53
hmwMurphy1 a WINS is similar to a DNS server, but made by microsoft and using a proprietary protocol. It is MS's name resolution server.15:54
exodus_msadams42: flash drive is not available anywhere, I have tried adding it to fstab editing /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh and using sudo mount -a15:54
Murphy1oh yes.. i forgot to say15:54
arusselor is there a spanish speaker that could help me: http://liamngls.wordpress.com/2007/11/04/zattoo-en-ubuntu-amd-64-bit/15:54
Murphy1if i check in "net" the murphy (ubuntu) share list..it opens..15:54
arusselthatĀ“s what I am trying to do15:54
Bodsdajrib, im writing a qotd script. is graphical and i want it to run when i log in, i also plan to make it into a .deb so automation of the starting at login is pretty crucial15:54
Murphy1just for others needs ip15:54
Bodsdajrib, thanks for the links, il check em out15:54
exodus_msadams42: Vmware shows the usb flash drive as listed and available under VM>Removable Devices>USB>Toshiba USB Device15:55
SliMMi ran low on space on the system partition and the other partitions are xfs, which gparted cannot resize anymore15:56
exodus_msadams42: --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/115258/15:56
adams42exodus_ms: Eek. I wish I could help more with that one. I remember having USB trouble in VMWare, but I can't remember if I got it solved. Sorry.15:57
hmwMurphy1 - good news, i killed my SMB name resolution. now i can try to re-enable it for finding out, what is needed15:57
popcornPanichi i have a computer with an audigy sound blaster installed. i turned all of the meters up in alsamixer but there is still no sound15:57
exodus_msadams42: ok, thanks anyway15:57
krazyFingerz47Im getting this error, http://envezdelpsiquiatra.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/error.jpg , somebody knows how to fix it?15:57
Murphy1hmw: lol.. no we're in same ship XD15:57
hmwMurphy1 a cheap solition would be to put all names and ip addresses to the file /etc/hosts. should work immediately. if you like dirty and half done solutions, i could help you with this, too. but i would like to get it automatically15:58
Murphy1hmw: but..names and IP addres are not same each time..ip addres are dinamic..15:59
hmwMurphy1 i see.15:59
hmwMurphy1 darn. name resolution still works here, it wont die!!16:01
s0101I have a router with 2 computers both ubuntu 8.10 i have wireshark what do i need yo install to see the other comp?16:01
hmwMurphy1 type "smbtree" into a terminal window, does it list any shares?16:02
bazhangDjmellisse, #ubuntu-fr16:02
s0101i want to see all network activity, chat logs etc my router is dlink and it dosent support wireshark to sniff16:02
RickXanyone know if adept and synaptic can co-exist on a system?16:02
jribRickX: of course16:03
theunixgeekI have some broken packages and don't know how to get rid of them: http://pastebin.com/m20439bd116:03
RickXjrib: will usinf the adept updater screw up anything in synaptic?16:03
Murphy1hmw: \\LUCYEN   timeout connecting to                       timeout connecting to
Murphy1cli_start_connection: failed to connect to LUCYEN<20> ( Error NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED16:03
pupeno_Does anybody know how to manually geotag pictures with the program exif?16:04
Murphy1others are shown good16:04
hmwMurphy1 i take it, \\lucien is your XP machine?16:04
theunixgeekI'll check with Synaptic16:04
popcornPanichi i have a computer with an audigy sound blaster installed. i turned all of the meters up in alsamixer but there is still no sound16:04
theunixgeekhurray for synaptic! :D16:04
hmwMurphy1 disable the XP firewall temporarily, and check, if it starts to work then16:05
hmwMurphy1 or other firewalls running there16:05
Necrathexis it possible to move my /home dir to a new partition?16:05
Necrathex(so i can enable encryption)16:05
hmwNecrathex yes, it is possible16:06
dr_pilipslt a tous et toutes comment parametrer le chat voila sur ce logiciel Xchat16:06
Necrathexokay good16:06
dr_pilipmerci d'vaance16:06
baabahi, i'm trying to install ubuntu from a 8.10 burned image (media is dvd-r) and am getting dropped into busybox during the install, and can't proceed; here's dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115283/ and here's casper.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115285/16:07
sky_dr_pilip: english16:07
hmwNecrathex you need to set a mount point for the new /home. if i remember right, it is something with /etc/fstab16:07
Murphy1hmw:  nothing..16:07
exodus_mstrying to burn a data dvd to a dvd-rw located at    '/media/cdrom0'    when I try    dvd+rw-format -force=full /media/cdrom0      I get the following error:      :-( unable to open("/media/cdrom0"): Block device required16:07
baabathe messages at 309.something are from trying to do 'mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom'16:08
Necrathexhmw: cool, starting to create a backup first then hehe16:08
yeahbuddythis question isn't for ubuntu but I have a auvi phip65 dual mode phone and I can't find the program (windows) for it anywhere.  Does anyone happen to have the install?16:08
WatkinsI have ubuntu 8.10, just downloaded kubuntu onto it to get the desktop interface when I vnc (it's a dedicated server), what is it that I have to do to get the cmd prompt to be available when I start the vnc16:08
exodus_msusing     dvd+rw-format -force=full /dev/scd0    produces the following results     :-[ READ FORMAT CAPACITIES failed with SK=5h/INVALID COMMAND OPERATION CODE]: No such device16:09
theunixgeekdr_pilip: #ubuntu-fr16:09
theunixgeek!fr | dr_pilip16:09
ubottudr_pilip: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:09
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Necrathexwhat if i have music&video i don't want to be encrypted, can i put them outside my homedir?16:10
Necrathexlike in /usr/share or something16:10
Necrathexor is that wrong16:10
sagredocan someone please tell me how to disable the onboard speaker sound16:10
hmwMurphy1 okay, i am getting nervous, usually i should be able to do this *g*... i would like you to check the following: does your XP run a WINS service, does your ubuntu's samba act as WINS? does your windows have NetBIOS over TCP/IP enabled?16:10
sagredoit is driving me mad16:11
mhd720@sagredo you could unplug the speaker from inside your computer case16:11
sagredomhd720: it's a laptop16:11
Necrathexsagredo: i fixed that once16:11
n8tuserWatkins -> doesnt the remote end have a .vnc/config  file or directory?16:11
Necrathexlemme think :p16:11
mhd720sagredo oh ok sorry. have you tried searching the ubuntu forums?16:11
sagredomhd720: no need to apoligize, your input is appreciated :)16:11
Watkinsn8tuser don't thinkso16:12
sagredoNecrathex: save me some time?16:12
n8tuserWatkins -> or maybe  ~/.vnc/xstartup  ?16:12
hmwMurphy1 check network settings (where you can set a static IP) of your XP, where you see the IP address (or "automatic"), there should be a button labeled something like "extended"... in there you got some tabs, one is named "WINS" - is "LMHOSTS ..." checked?16:13
sagredomhd720: no but it looks like that question has been answered already, thanks16:14
Necrathexsagredo: nah don't remember, but i found it on the forums16:14
bn43hi - I'm trying to configure ntop to show all hosts connecting to the gateway for a week before it resets - not getting it right - anyone an ntop guru here?16:14
Murphy1hmw: wait.. i'll shearch for16:15
hmwNecrathex - i just remembered: i mounted another partition over my /home and it worked, quite simple. after unmounting /home, the old content was there again. (i used /home as the mount point) - so i think, it is very easy to move your home data to another partition16:16
Murphy1hmw: network settings = router?16:16
wemdowemdI'm playing around with privoxy but it won't start. I get the following message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115290/16:16
wemdowemdWhere is this '/home/x/.\Data\Privoxy/' directory?16:16
true\falseHow much do I want to give my Ubuntu partition?16:16
Necrathexhmw: sounds good, thanks16:17
true\falseIt's telling me 5.6GB .. About right?16:17
hmwMurphy1 no... uhm... open start menu, right click network and select "properties" (it might not be in start menu, but an icon on your desktop, depending on your settings) ... your network card should be something like "LAN connection" (i dont have an english XP here)16:17
exodus_mstrying to burn a data disc to a dvd-rw so I can get off this stupid vmware server console and install ubuntu as my primary os. The blank dvd-rw shows on my ubuntu desktop when I insert the disc but I am unable to format it with either      dvd+rw-format -force=full /media/cdrom0       or        dvd+rw-format -force=full /dev/scd016:18
plumaMy consoles (F1-6 and F8) are blank (pure black, no backlight) after installing the Nvidia driver. Help?16:18
jribpluma: there's a bug with workarounds on bugs.ubuntu.com16:19
=== bod_ is now known as Bodsda
torstefan_Hi, I'm running a dual-screen setup. I would like to have an individual background at each screen due to different resolution on each of the screens16:19
Murphy1hmw:  yes LMHOSTS CHEKED16:20
Numusi am getting a flicker refresh in all my videos... any idea what codec iis doing this16:20
plumajrib: Can you be more specific? I'm not sure I'm searching correctly because I couldn't find anything relevant.16:20
jondecker76*looking for an mdadm expert. willing to pay to get my array working again16:20
bazhangNumus, tried without compiz?16:20
Numusbazhang no...16:20
Numus yup that did it16:20
bazhangNumus, install fusion-icon, can click compiz on and off very easily16:21
OldMonki'm the author of kbbdb, looking for someone running kde/ubuntu to validate a fix i made16:21
OldMonkyou'd need to run a script with some parameters16:21
wemdowemdCan anyone tell me where '/home/x/.\Data\Privoxy/' is?16:21
hmwMurphy1 in your system administration, find the service with a name like "TCP/IP-NetBios Help Program" ("help program" is a literal translation from my german xp()16:21
OldMonkjondecker76: what's the problem?16:22
wemdowemdI can't see the file in /home/x/16:22
hmwMurphy1 is it active?16:22
rabis amarok2 not in the universe for intrepid?16:22
jondecker76was growing from 4 to 5 disks in sfotware raid 516:22
jondecker76someone rebooted the computer16:22
jondecker76not the array is screwed16:22
exodus_mstrying to burn a data disc to a dvd-rw so I can get off this stupid vmware server console and install ubuntu as my primary os. The blank dvd-rw shows on my ubuntu desktop when I insert the disc but I am unable to format it with either      dvd+rw-format -force=full /media/cdrom0       or        dvd+rw-format -force=full /dev/scd0   get the following errors:    ( unable to open("/media/cdrom0"): Block device required     or      [ READ FORMAT CAPACITIES fa16:22
exodus_msiled with SK=5h/INVALID COMMAND OPERATION CODE]: No such device16:22
fluitfriesdoes gparted support live partition resizing of both ext and ntfs formats?16:22
jondecker76all mdadm commands I use fail16:22
OldMonkjondecker76: what's the error?16:22
jondecker76everything from segfaults16:22
jondecker76to /dev/md0 does not appear to be active16:23
SkriptkiddieI got a problem16:23
Bormythanks, bye16:23
Skriptkiddieplz help me16:23
OldMonkwick2o: linux doesn't show files beginning with . by default.  have you enabled that feature?16:23
Murphy1cant find :( i'm not able in windows...16:23
OldMonkwemdowemd: linux doesn't show files beginning with . by default.  have you enabled that feature?16:23
AxzHi there guys, i tryed to install Google Earth but somehow getting this error on start up http://pastebin.com/m2b6be17516:24
SkriptkiddieHow to connect to other display in ubuntu?16:24
exodus_mswemdowemd: in terminal type    ls-a16:24
OldMonkjondecker76: mdadm segfaults too?16:24
SkriptkiddieI need it like multidesktop16:24
hmwMurphy1: go to control panel, Administration, Services16:24
jondecker76yes, if I try to --assemble16:24
OldMonkjondecker76: what if you try to get status or extended status?16:24
jondecker76OldMonk - will you move to private chat so I don't flood everyone in here?16:25
OldMonkjondecker76: i'm just ok at md, someone here may be a better problem solver so let's continue here16:25
shawnmstouthow do u check to see what version of java u are running?16:25
Ben_Cswhen trying to run the ubuntu 8.10 livecd my screen is blank and shoing "out of range". On the other hand with ubuntu 6 the desktop is shown. What's going on?! (BTW i have nvidia graphic card)16:25
pupeno_Does anybody know of a command line tool to geotag images?16:26
mhd720Ben_Cs: try the 8.04 live cd16:26
mhd720Ben_Cs then you could just update to 8.1016:26
Numushow do i switch it using X11 drivers16:26
OldMonkjondecker76: i'm just ok at md, someone here may be a better problem solver so let's continue here16:26
Ben_Csmhd720: same thing: "out of range"16:26
jondecker76dcerouter_104856:/# cat /proc/mdstat16:26
jondecker76Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]16:26
jondecker76unused devices: <none>16:26
hmwBen_Cs - your video card is creating a signal with too high frequency - you probably need to check out your xorg.conf16:26
FloodBot1jondecker76: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:26
exodus_mstrying to burn a data disc to a dvd-rw so I can get off this stupid vmware server console and install ubuntu as my primary os. The blank dvd-rw shows on my ubuntu desktop when I insert the disc but I am unable to format it with either      dvd+rw-format -force=full /media/cdrom0       or        dvd+rw-format -force=full /dev/scd0   get the following errors:    ( unable to open("/media/cdrom0"): Block device required16:27
Ben_Cshmw: ok, i'll do that. thanks16:27
DasEiļ»æexodus_ms: you now run ubuntu in vm ?16:27
Murphy1hmw:  i found Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services16:27
exodus_msDasEi: yes16:27
DasEiļ»æexodus_ms:install k3b and try with that, choose slow burning speed16:28
exodus_msDasEi: please dont tell me to go to #vmware :)16:28
OldMonkjondecker76: try mdam --detail /dev/md016:28
Murphy1hmw: active and automatic avviation16:28
Ben_Cshmw: btw as far as i remember on ubuntu 8.10 xorg.conf isn't the file that counts. i mean, they changed the system and now it's some other file, no?16:28
DasEiļ»æexodus_ms: in the vm-ubuntu , open a console : sudo apt-get install k3b16:28
exodus_msDasEi: yeah, I'm getting right now16:29
hmwBen_Cs youre right. i had to put some uncommon "options" in there to make my frequencies higher. i cant really help you much more on this topic. but i am sure, your monitor tells you, that it doesnt like the frequency16:29
fluitfriesdoes gparted support live partition resizing of both ext and ntfs formats?  i may need to resize my XP partitions but don't want to lose them16:29
jondecker76running detail, device /dev/md0 does not appear to be active16:29
drashshawnmstout: late reaction ... but entering "java -version" on the commandline will give you that info16:30
OldMonkjondecker76: are you including the fifth (new) disk?16:30
__wrthello people. does anyone know if the people behind cwiid / wminput is present on freenode?16:30
DasEifluitfries: yes, and even advanced support gives the gparted live cd16:30
OldMonkjondecker76: why don't you try with the original 4 disks?16:30
Ben_Cshmw: ok thanks16:30
hmwMurphy1 how about the service "Computerbrowser"?16:30
OldMonkjondecker76: we know the 4th disk is fscked16:30
OldMonker, the 5th disk16:30
fluitfriesDasEi: will i have to use repair console on XP after resize?16:30
Murphy1hmw:  SAME16:30
AgrWhat's the preferred cli rss reader?16:30
jondecker76OldMonk: segfaults still16:31
DasEifluitfries: not until you put grub in mbr, but defrag it from windows before, and as there's always asmall risk, back up valuable data16:31
plumajrib: Do you mean https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/129910 ?16:31
OldMonkjondecker76: my capabilities don't extend beyond this point.  if you can't find someone here with more knowledge to help you i'd recommend taking it to an MD-specific mailing list16:31
jondecker76ok thanks16:32
saurabhhow can i have my graphics programming done in ubuntu16:32
fluitfriesDasEi: ok, i can put grub back easy.   thanks for the tip on defrag.  once i do grub, will i have to use repair console or not?16:32
rabwhats your mdadm --assemble line look like?16:32
OldMonkrab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115293/16:32
makito249I have some questions about email setup. Right now I use evolution, but I want to set up a more unixy email setup. Most places recommend procmail, but I am not running a server?16:32
hmwMurphy1 hmm... now i have to start guessing. i found a forum entry, where they said, you would need winbind on your linux box. Another tip: your samba can act as WINS server, and it can act as Master Browser. Try "wins support = yes" or "wins sercer=IP_of_XP_PC" and restart samba16:33
mojocan someone help me change my hostname (fqdn) on my server?  I have been following http://www.debianadmin.com/change-hostname-or-server-name-of-a-linux-machine.html and am not sure it's working right16:33
OldMonkmakito249: procmail and evolution are for completely different things16:33
saurabhhow can i have my graphics programming done in ubuntu16:33
mojoit is ubuntu hardy i386 server16:33
makito249OK, if I wanted to have a daemon running that would check my mail, but not be running evolution all the time, what would I use?16:33
hmwMurphy1 typo,,, "wins server=" - in your /etc/samba/smb.conf16:33
OldMonkmojo: put it in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts (edit those files)16:33
hmwMurphy1 did you ever play around with the samba config file?16:34
wemdowemdOldMonk: I have tried with CTRL+H, there is no such file called '.' listed in my /home/ directory, but I can't create a file named that either because nautilus tells me one already exists. exodus_ms: 'ls-a' returns command not found16:34
OldMonkmakito249: if you're on a pop3/imap account, fetchmail16:34
hmwMurphy1 i mean, do you know it a little=16:34
mojoOldMonk:  do i put the fqdn in /etc/hostname or just the host name part?16:34
OldMonkwemdowemd: ls -a16:34
OldMonkmojo: fqdn in both16:34
Murphy1i know but that's the "updated file" not modified ^^16:34
makito249fetchmail, OK. Thanks OldMonk!16:34
velkomakito249, procmail is used just to sort the mail into different mail boxes. you'll need also something to get the mail from the servers (fetchmail), something to sent the mail (msmtp is  easy one) and a mail client (mutt if you are at ease on the command line)16:34
hmwwemdowemd: in linux, every file beginning with a dot (.) is "hidden", so you wont see it in nautlius, unless you tell it to show hidden files. ls-a wont work, it is "ls -a" (space missing)16:35
exodus_mswemdowemd: sorry it is ls -a  'there is a space between ls and the -a option'16:35
saurabhcan anyone help me pls16:35
saurabhhow can i have my graphics programming done in ubuntu16:35
Ben_Csanyone knows what file i should edit instead of xorg.conf for screen resolution? cause in 8.10 dependencies of xorg.conf were reduced16:35
mojoso i put it in the server's own hosts file too huh?  maybe that's why sudo keeps saying it can't resolve the name every time i type a superuser command16:35
makito249wait, so I need both procmail and fetchmail for email?16:35
OldMonkmojo: hehheh16:35
OldMonkmakito249: you need at least fetchmail16:35
mojoOldMonk:  thanks16:35
exodus_mswemdowemd: what file are you trying to locate16:35
OldMonkprocmail is an optional extra16:35
saurabhhow can i have my graphics programming done in ubuntu16:35
Murphy1hmw: ;   wins server = w.x.y.z16:35
rabjondecker76: give me a second im looking at some documentation, that uuid is probably wrong at this point16:36
hmwMurphy1 yea, i guess, your XP is already acting as a WINS server. give your samba its IP address and restart samba16:36
makito249OK, I am a little confused. OldMonk, can you explain what procmail and fetchmail each do?16:36
OldMonkrab: would that segfault?  i've had that problem and it just complains about uuid and exits normally16:36
wemdowemdexodus_ms: privoxy returns a fatal error upon startup: can't open logfile: '/home/x/.\Data\Privoxy/privoxy.log'16:36
wemdowemdwhere is that file?16:36
DasEifluitfries: sry, had phone..16:36
OldMonkwemdowemd: whose machine are you trying this on anyway?16:37
nectaris there anybody who can help me with that error http://paste.ubuntu.com/115296/16:37
c0p3rn1cpfff I'm having trouble connecting to my wireless router :s16:37
Murphy1hmw: give your samba its IP address and restart samba = ?16:37
wemdowemdOldMonk: Mine?16:37
saurabhhow can i have my graphics programming done in ubuntu(like we do in turbo c++)16:37
quibblersaurabh: repeating the same thing over and over is not getting results..maybe try explaining what your problem is in more detail16:37
saurabhhow can i have my graphics programming done in ubuntu(like we do in turbo c++)16:37
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:37
saurabhlike we do in turbo c++16:37
_Boten_tell me please, why I can't create new posts on ubuntu forums and reply to existing? the forum engine tells me that I haven't enough permission to do it. how can i post?16:37
nectaris there anybody who can help me with that error http://paste.ubuntu.com/115296/16:38
nectaris there anybody who can help me with that error http://paste.ubuntu.com/115296/16:38
DasEifluitfries: mostly grub detects existing win-install and puts in, a good tool for it is super grub disk, or see the !grub trigger16:38
rabOldMonk: probably not still reading, i had a similar problem one time, trying to refresh16:38
saurabhi want to do graphics programming in ubuntu16:38
saurabhi hope now its clear16:38
bob123do most airplanes come with some sort of laptop power connectors these days?16:38
hmwMurphy1 my fault. your XP's ip is dynamic. i had another solution: you can tell your DHCP server, to serve the network card with a certain MAC address (hardware id) with the same IP everytime. then you could use /etc/hosts.16:38
bob123sorry wrong channel16:38
OldMonkbob123: isn't that like a normal power connector?16:38
wemdowemdSo any ideas what the listing '/home/x/.\Data\Privoxy/privoxy.log' is supposed to mean?16:39
bob123not sure I thought there were special ones for airplanes16:39
hmwMurphy1 tbh, i am out of ideas16:39
fluitfriesDasEi: thanks!16:39
mojoOldMonk:  Okay now hostname -s = "alchemy", hostname -a = "alchemy.homelinux.org", and hostname -y = "homelinux.org" but hostname -d and hostname -f return nothing?!?16:39
_Boten_tell me please, why I can't create new posts on ubuntu forums and reply to existing? the forum engine tells me that I haven't enough permission to do it. how can i post?16:39
Murphy1hmw: how to set static ip each mac?16:39
hmwMurphy1 what piece of hardware is doing DHCP server in your net? the router?16:39
OldMonkmojo: you'll need to restart the system once, or just hostname foo.bar.com; /etc/init.d/networking restart16:40
rabjondecker76: can you do a mdadm -Q on each of the devices (block or partition) in your array16:40
mojoOldMonk:  uname -a is returning "alchemy.homelinux.org" too16:40
saurabh;like we use int86 function in turbo c++ for 8086 graphics support16:40
OldMonkmojo: uname usually doesn't have anything to do with the local hostname16:40
mojoOldMonk:  appreciate the help16:40
saurabhhow can i do that in ubuntu16:40
mojoold okay16:40
OldMonkuname -a returns the name of the host the kernel was built on, which isn't you unless you compiled it yourself16:41
velkosaurabh, you seem pretty confused. but maybe the thing you are looking for is called ncurses16:41
Murphy1hmw: i think yes16:41
saurabhwats  ncurses16:41
saurabhexplain pls16:41
hmwMurphy1 i dont know your routers setup. it is usually done with a browser. can you access the admin menu of your router?16:41
OldMonksaurabh: decide whether you want to use QT or GTK, and study their documentation16:41
abyss_lo everyone! someone can help me to get spamassassin work with evolution?16:41
velkosaurabh, google it and if my guess is wrong, come back and explain your need better16:41
DasEiļ»ænectar:I nebver ran in that prob with vbox, but it looks likes you miss a library, maybe look with apt-cache search or in synaptic | which os you try to install ?16:41
abyss_i already installed spamassassin and checked the option in evolution but everytime i select a mail as junk the failure-notice "spamassasin not aviable" appears!16:41
abyss_what can i do to get it work?16:42
OldMonksaurabh: well, you learn gtk and write programs in it :)16:42
mojoOldMonk:  hmm... hostname -d and -f both return just "alchemy"... is that right???16:42
OldMonkmojo: did you run this command?  hostname your.host.name16:42
mojoOldMonk:  yep16:42
_Boten_tell me please, why I can't create new posts on ubuntu forums and reply to existing? the forum engine tells me that I haven't enough permission to do it. how can i post? there are 1409 users on this channel, nobody knows, is it?16:42
jrib_Boten_: #ubuntuforums16:43
DasEiļ»æ _Boten_: register with valid email16:43
mojoOldMonk:  brb restarting net again16:43
Murphy1hmw: yes i can.. i'll sherach ,myself..thanks a lot16:43
OldMonkmojo: that won't help16:43
nectarDaisEi yes it is a missing library16:43
hmwMurphy1 you think, you can add the MAC now on your own?=16:43
rabOldMonk: guess jon left, well at least i know what the mdadm -Q looks like again16:43
bthorntonhow do I add an existing user to an existing group?16:44
Murphy1and sorry for time spent... that's i0m very bad in net configuration16:44
OldMonkbthornton: usermod -G...16:44
Murphy1i have the mac allowed table16:44
mojookay well your right, it didn't16:44
bthorntonOldMonk: Thanks16:44
Murphy1just to find ip static setting16:44
OldMonkbthornton: be dure to RTFM first16:44
mojo^ @ OldMonk16:44
nectarDasEi, but i dont know libQtGui.so.4 is in which library and also getlibs does not work :(16:44
OldMonker, be sure...16:44
OldMonkmojo: what's your host name?16:44
jribpluma: possibly, I don't remember the exact bug.  But try the workarounds and see16:44
hmwMurphy1 - i feel sorry, because i couldnt really help. feel free to type my name here again, if you need anything16:45
exodus_msDasEi: you still around16:45
abyss_doesn anyone got a clue?16:45
wemdowemdOK, fresh install of ubuntu it is then. Nearly lasted 12 hours this time. Linux is truly infuriating.16:45
mojoOldMonk:  it used to be zen.dyndns.net and i changed it to alchemy.homelinux.org16:45
fluitfrieswhat is a good suggested amount of space to use for a long-term ubuntu install?16:45
mojoOldMonk:  or trying to16:45
fluitfriesmaybe 30 gigs?16:45
sagredohi ubuntu friends, it is time for another query: how may I program my own keyboard shortcuts?16:46
mojoOldMonk:  the howto i followed was http://www.debianadmin.com/change-hostname-or-server-name-of-a-linux-machine.html16:46
OldMonkmojo: give this command first: sudo hostname alchemy.homelinux.org16:46
OldMonknow just type hostname.  it should show the full host name.16:46
hmwMurphy1 what i dont understand is, that i had hard times to get my smb name resolution working. now i cant turn it off anymore... i am confused.16:46
saurabhvolko:actually i want a platform where we can run different graphic functions like getpixel(),or set pixel().Like we have in turbu c++ thers a 8086 support and int86 function that runs graphics programms16:46
Murphy1hmw: oh..i'm really thankful to you...i'll solve thhis problem..thanks a lot..i'm going working on router ;)16:46
exodus_msDasEi: kb3 worked! burned 1079MB at 2770KB/s with no problems, thank you16:46
mojoit does16:47
mojoOldMonk:  yep16:47
saurabhvelko:actually i want a platform where we can run different graphic functions like getpixel(),or set pixel().Like we have in turbu c++ thers a 8086 support and int86 function that runs graphics programms16:47
OldMonksaurabh: see if there's a turboc compatible library for linux16:47
DasEiļ»æexodus_ms:nice, buntu more16:47
sagredoLOLs: what was I thinking of course teh googles has teh answer <316:47
abyss_i already installed spamassassin but evolution tells me that spamassassin is not aviable! Anyone can tell me why?16:47
OldMonkmojo: have you put alchemy.homelinux.org in /etc/hosts?16:47
exodus_msDasEi: will do16:47
mojoOldMonk:  yes16:47
OldMonkmojo: in /etc/hostname too?16:47
mojoOldMonk:  http://www.debianadmin.com/change-hostname-or-server-name-of-a-linux-machine.html16:48
DasEiļ»ænectar: when hacking libQt in synaptic, many libs are shown, check there16:48
mojoOldMonk: alchemy.homelinux.org zen.dynalias.net zen16:48
OldMonkmojo: that's /etc/hosts16:48
mojoOldMonk:  my bad16:48
luciddr34m3rI'm getting a really frustrating error with samba. trying to set it up as a PDC. i followed the ubuntu help guide and everything seemed fine, but i can't join machines to the domain. when i look at the log file for the connection, it says: [2009/02/07 11:38:17,  1] passdb/pdb_tdb.c:tdbsam_new_rid(1427)16:48
luciddr34m3r  Could not open idmap: Permission denied16:48
luciddr34m3rDoes anyone have any idea about this? Sorry, I know this isnt a samba help channel, but that room wasnt very helpful...16:48
mojocat /etc/hostname16:48
OldMonkand you better add localhost localhost.localdomain into that line in /etc/hosts too16:48
quibblersagredo: open comfiguration editor>apps>metacity>global_keybindings16:48
mojoOldMonk:  yeah, it is alchemy.homelinux.org16:48
OldMonkmojo: now you should be ok if you restart networking16:49
mojoOldMonk:  okay will try it again.16:49
=== esay is now known as esay_yemek
DasEiļ»ænectar: libqt3-mt looks interessting16:49
true\falseWhat exactly is the 'Mount Point' ?16:49
true\falseIn reference to installing Ubuntu16:49
abyss_exists on this server a support channel for evolution and/or spamassassin16:49
kereshow do you check what chipset your motherboard has?16:49
DasEiļ»æ true\false:the dir where a partition is mounted to16:50
Emme_NKHi! I am looking for a compact music player like xmms was. What could you recommend?16:50
velkosaurabh, maybe the thing you want to do is to program directly for the X window system (http://tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/)? or opengl?16:50
nectarDasEi: virtualbox requires qt416:50
mojoOldMonk:  hey i tried changing the order in /etc/hosts to put the fqdn first then the hostname and now hostname -f and -d work right16:50
sinananyone can recommend a console-based browser?16:50
mhd720keres: google your motherboard model number and you should find it16:50
OldMonkmojo: congratulations :)16:50
Emme_NKsinan: try w3m16:50
sinanEmme_NK: thanks16:50
hmwtruefalse - in unix, you dont use drive letters, but mount points. a m.p. is a location in the directory tree (like /cdrom), where a device (file system in fact) is placed (mounted).16:50
true\falseDasEi: So for my Ubuntu partition.. What do I want?16:50
mhd720sinan tinyapps.org might help16:50
mojoOldMonk:  thanks so much.  now run away before i start asking how to set up bind ;)16:50
keresmhd720: how do i grab my mobo model number?16:50
OldMonkmojo: that i'll charge for ;)16:50
DasEiļ»æ true\false:/   is root, mostly16:51
true\falsehmw.. Ah, right16:51
mojoOldMonk:  yeah i am not ready to tackle it just yet, but soon.  i will do the howto searches first of course16:51
mhd720keres do you have a laptop or desktop? are you using ubuntu?16:51
true\falseSo I want to mount point to be /?16:51
keresmhd720: desktop, 8.0416:51
DasEiļ»æ true\false:is ubu the only os on the hd ? then just take defaults16:51
jondecker76$100 to anyone that can fix my mdadm software array - please PM me16:51
OldMonktrue\false: did you select manual partitioning during install?16:51
hmwtruefalse you often do a thing like "mount /dev/hda1 /mnt" to mount the first partition of IDE hard disk A to the place "/mnt"16:51
true\falseNo it's not, XP is already installed16:51
true\falseOldMonk: Yes16:51
ribasushiwhen one does `init N`16:52
OldMonktrue\false: why?16:52
ribasushiwhere does all the output go from the executed init scripts?16:52
ribasushiit doesn't show up on the console16:52
true\falseOldMonk: It wanted to split up my XP partition with the other ones16:52
OldMonktrue\false: ah, ok16:52
mhd720keres you could open the case and look on the motherboard itself or you could run Sysinfo16:52
mojoOldMonk:  so do you take $USD, Euros, or the "Amero" ??? lol16:52
hmwtruefalse for the ubuntu install: the system needs to know, where you want to place your main partition. in standard setups, you create a linux ext3 (or similar) partition and set the mount point to / (the root dir)16:52
mihamojo we dont take $, its losin value too rapidly. amero would do yes.16:53
true\falsehmw: That simple eh? And should it be primary or logical?16:53
mhd720keres "sudo apt-get install sysinfo" i believe16:53
mojomiha:  ha ha16:53
hmwtruefalse shouldnt matter. i personally prefer primary16:53
pete_hey guys16:53
pete_having real trouble....16:53
mojomiha:  maybe i'll stick with gold.  at least the price fixing is familiar16:53
pete_ubuntu isn't detecting my monitor16:53
mihamojo yes!:) gold and land and women16:53
pete_and hence I can only use 640x480 with NVIDIA driver16:53
mihamojo: shares... worthless16:53
pete_any helpers?16:53
mojomiha:  reminds me of o brother where art thou "you ain't no kind of man if you don't own land"16:54
hmwtruefalse for a better understanding: you could create another partition for your home data, and mount that partition to /home16:54
sagredoi am who i am because of who we all are16:54
mojosagredo:  namaste16:54
mhd720hmw absolutely! i have done that16:54
sagredomojo: *g*16:54
mhd720hmw there are a few guides on the net on how to do it16:54
miha "It's because they're stupid. That's why everyone does everything." - Homer Simpson.16:54
OldMonkkeres: dmidecode|less16:55
true\falsehmw: Well the idea is to have four partitions, one for each OS, shared, and swap drive16:55
hmwmhd720 - huh?? you referring to the mount thing?16:55
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.16:55
mhd720hmw yes16:55
miha(next will be.. i will be told to go to -offtopic) so i stop now16:55
ubottuEn la mayorƭa de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglƩs. Para ayuda en EspaƱol, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:55
hmwtruefalse if you plan on using 4 partitions, and make them all primary, you will be stuck with 4 partitions. for flexibility, at least one of your four partitions should be extended.16:55
mihapete: it's not ubuntu's fault not to detect older monitors. older monitors do PlugNPlay badly. you can set it manually (modline and stuff) or buy  new one16:56
mojohmw:  i thought you could only do three primary partitions and the 4th had to be logical16:56
m7669Hello all16:56
true\falsehmw: Erm well I have 80% HDD space free still, for my shared.. Should I just leave that for now, and sort it after I have ubuntu installed?16:56
pete_miha, it's a newish 19inch lcd monitor16:56
pete_it worked flawlessly in previous versions16:56
kfkckkcchi everyone16:56
hmwmojo truefalse thats right, only one partition can be extended (holding logical partitions)16:56
mihapete search bug reports on launchpad and file new one if there's none16:56
pete_I'm wondering if my VGA cable is not allowing EDID data16:56
pete_but how can i test and set manually16:57
KaptenRodSkagg_anyone having problem with reciving speed with pidgin?16:57
hmwtruefalse i recommend to create one swap and one root partition for the start. you can add a new partition for eg. /home later.16:57
pete_i remember a utility that tested monitor modes16:57
pete_anyone remember it16:57
m7669I am running ubuntu under virtualbox and cannot get the visual effrcts to work.  The question is, can it work or is that a limitation?16:57
pete_m7669, i don't think so16:57
true\falsehmw: Ok, so I have 2GB swap (logical) and 10GB ubuntu (primary) .. So install now, and sort out the /home later?16:57
pete_it needs hardware 3d acceleration16:57
miham7669 visual effect require composite16:58
mojom7669:  you need access to the hardware for acceleration16:58
mihai cant get it to work with ati on real hardware16:58
mihaati either supports composite or fglrx but not both16:58
DasEipete_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115311/16:58
mihaand i value later much more16:58
m7669Okay, thank you.  The interface is pretty darn cool anyway.16:58
hmwtruefalse thats my idea. another hint: if youre using your linux heavily (running many processes), the swap will be used often. it will work slightly faster, if the swap partition is on the beginning of your hard drive (meaning, it should be the first partition on the hard disk)16:59
pete_thanks DasEi16:59
DasEipete_: section for /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:59
pete_i see it16:59
true\falsehmw: Ok ta.. I think I have it down now17:00
hmwtruefalse have fun!17:00
true\falseOk nice, looks fine now :)17:01
pete_DasEi, got the modilnes for 1280x1024?17:01
pete_i know this can support it17:02
DasEipete_: I can't have it, but may check : /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:02
JC_Denton_Is there a way to setup raid 1 like functionality between 2 partitions?17:02
pete_DasEi, I need the modelines information17:03
pete_to put into the config file17:03
pete_don't I?17:03
DasEipete_: open that file and check for existing modelines17:03
hmwJC_Denton_ look into the "logical volumes manager" topic (LVM)17:03
DasEipete_: you can use modelines, but as they are specific for each model, you'll either use the ones given or generate em (I#d have to google it, too)17:04
KaptenRodSkagg_anyone having problem with reciving speed with pidgin?17:04
mojom7669: i am not up on the progress of xdmx / dmx2 or chromium, but those are technologies you might look at if your host os is also linux.  you can, theoretically, forward the opengl an such from the VM linux box to the X server on the host17:04
DasEipete_: there is no must for modelines17:05
JC_Denton_hmw: thanks for the pointer17:05
pete_how do you genereate them?17:05
mojom7669: theoretically it is supposed to allow accelerated x on thin clients, or making a multi-head display where some heads live on different computers17:05
JampiterMY laptop has a built in keyboard volume control with the fn key and another key. For some reason, even with the sound at it's maximum and with the slider on the volume control all the way up, it is still very quiet, and does not work at all if I plus in headphones. How can I remedy this?17:06
DasEipete_: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=ubuntu+generating+modelines&btnG=Google-Suche&meta=17:06
JampiterOh, never mind, fixed it17:06
DasEipete: did you check your Xorg.0.log for them ?17:07
JampiterActually I would like headphones to work17:08
JampiterHow can I fix this?17:08
ugliefroganyone here have a problem with brasero wher you cant back up a dvd you own17:08
Gord1morning folks17:08
DRagonRagehey , ive installed ubuntu inside windows and then deleted the windows files , now the ubuntu wont boot - what can i do?17:09
kshadowInside windows?17:09
mhd720DRagonRage if you don't have any important files, just reinstall Ubuntu fresh ?17:09
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
DRagonRagemhd720 nah ive custimized it17:10
kshadowIf I was to install someone from source, should I delete the original version of it first?17:10
DRagonRagei think it is not a problem to find the missing files17:10
kshadowLike, delete it from synaptics package manager before I instal the source version?17:10
DRagonRagei just dont know where to look for them17:10
DRagonRagei didnt remove the virtual drive file17:10
kshadowI fucked up my gentoo install mixing portage and manually installed files, and I don't want to do the same here.17:10
DRagonRageonly the boot files i think17:10
Gord1how does one get the onboard videocam to work i have a toshiba a20017:11
quibblerDRagonRage: did you install ubuntu via wubi17:11
nickrud!equivs | kshadow (and watch the language, please)17:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about equivs17:11
kshadowGord1: Is it supported?17:11
nickrud!info equivs | kshadow (and watch the language, please)17:11
ubottuequivs (source: equivs): Circumvent Debian package dependencies. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.7-0.1 (intrepid), package size 19 kB, installed size 136 kB17:11
ugliefrogis there a brasero channel?17:11
ugliefrogfor dvd17:11
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kshadowThe cam in my acer aspire doesn't have a driver.17:11
DRagonRagequibbler dunno how it called i inserted the ubuntu cd while in windows and then chose the "install inside windows" option17:11
Gord1i am running the live cd right now version 8.1017:12
kshadowGord1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EasyCam17:12
DRagonRagedoes anyone knows what i am talking about?17:12
kshadowDRagonRage: No, sorry.17:12
Gord1checking out easy cam page now17:13
quibblerDRagonRage: then you deleted windows17:13
kshadowGord1: If your cam will work in linux, that should do it for you.17:13
DRagonRageno actually i only deleted the files that was visible in windows ,17:13
nickrudDRagonRage, if you deleted all the windows files, you deleted ubuntu since it was a windows file, if you truly installed ubuntu 'indside windows'17:13
DRagonRagei left the17:14
=== bjames is now known as Guest85861
Guest85861Is there any way to recover files that have been deleted at the command line?17:14
Guest85861(From a Flash drive)17:14
blahblahxhey guys. i want to have wbar autostart so i made a .desktop file for it and put it in /etc/xdg/autostart. however, since it uses fake transparency, it adapts to the black background that shows up before my wallpaper, not my actual wallpaper. is there any way to change this, like have it not start for a few seconds?17:14
usserDRagonRage, im afraid your only option is reinstall17:14
arvind_khadriibex has .27 kernel right?17:14
DRagonRageomg .17:14
nickrudDRagonRage, ok, then you need to restore the windows boot system. Windows boot manager controlled the ubuntu/windows boot17:15
quibblerDRagonRage: installing ubuntu like that creats a large file that is your ubuntu and has to be run while in windows!17:15
DRagonRageit boots17:15
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.17:15
usserblahblahx, its a known issues, wbar loads before wallpaper is set use -sleep N option in wbar to set the timeout17:15
Gord1thank you now i see why i can not get it going with the live cd going i need an extra package or two, that solves that one for now, i am sure not used to so many people in a chat room17:15
unitedroadhi all17:15
blahblahxusser, how do i set timeout?17:15
troythetechguy I'm looking at buying a bluetooth usb dongle for my pc running Ubuntu.  Are there any brands that will not work with Linux, or brands that work great with Linux?17:15
bove2trying to ifup usb0 says device not found on 8.04. Has there been any kernel updates lately that could cause this?17:15
unitedroadis the package kernel-source obsoleted?17:16
nickrud!who | Gord1 (just about required here ;)17:16
ubottuGord1 (just about required here ;): As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:16
riochI'm getting slow ftp and samba speeds locally from ubuntu->ubuntu. Can anyone help?17:16
blahblahxusser, oh nevermind17:16
blahblahxusser, i get it.17:16
meoblast001can recordmydesktop capture 3d?17:16
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usserblahblahx, run wbar with wbar -sleep or wbar -wait i dont remember which17:16
Nixk490i need some help with samba can anyone help?17:16
rabis amarok2 available in ubuntu repositories?17:16
arvind_khadriibex has .27 kernel right?17:16
Gnea!samba | Nixk49017:16
ubottuNixk490: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:16
usserarvind_khaesdri, y17:17
jtajitroythetechguy: iogear ones seem to work well17:17
usserarvind_khadri, yes17:17
stefgbove2: usb0 is qui9te an unusual name for a nezwork interface... how cone?17:17
arvind_khadriusser: thanks...17:17
unitedroadhas the package kernel-source obsoleted? is there anything else I can use in its place?17:17
Guest85861Is it possible to undo "rm *" on a Flash drive?17:17
stefgbove2: usb0 is quite an unusual name for a network interface... how come?17:17
Gnea!kernel | unitedroad17:17
ubottuunitedroad: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:17
blahblahxusser, wait, there is no sleep parameter for wbar.17:17
failersGuest34180 no17:17
bove2stefg: It's configured as auto in interfaces17:17
pcusercan dual monitor set be done with ATI graphics card?17:18
failersGuest34180 on flash drives its gone forever17:18
usserblahblahx, there was something like this, hang on let me power my eeepc17:18
DRagonRageok so any one knows how to resore wubi files?17:18
troythetechguyjtaji: Thank you.  My goal is to use this for skype calls, along with the current bluetooh ear piece I have.  Do you know if this "should" work?17:18
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Guest85861failers: Cheers - I assumes there would be writeback delay until the drive was unmounted.17:18
stefgbove2: is that a usb-to-lan adaptor or some usb dsl modem ?17:18
blahblahxDRagonRage, you could use a file recovery tool for windows. google it17:18
unitedroadgnea : I need the kernel source to compile some dummy drivers given in LDD317:18
DRagonRageblahblahx i did finds nothing17:19
jtajitroythetechguy: it should17:19
bove2stefg: usbnet on laptop networks with usbnet on another device17:19
blahblahxDRagonRage, then no.17:19
failersGuest34180 lets say this there is nothing left on the flash drive but if the thing you erased is left in some cache on the computer or the trash bin its possible but the flash drive itself is lost17:19
usserunitedroad, you rarely need the entire source tree, most of the time kernel headers will do17:19
troythetechguyjtaji: Thanks again.17:19
DRagonRagei hope you are wrong cause there must be a way17:19
Gneaunitedroad: the URLs that ubottu have provided you explain the procedure in Ubuntu17:19
DRagonRagei have the image of the hard drive17:19
DRagonRageit even boots into grub17:19
DRagonRagebut then i stals17:19
quibblerDRagonRage: then restore the image and see17:20
KaptenRodSkagg_anyone having problem with reciving speed with pidgin?17:20
kshadowKaptenRodSkagg_: Nope, works fine for me.17:20
DRagonRagequibbler is there a way to use an image with a new install?17:21
stefgbove2: my theory is that for some reason udev decided to give it a new name . look in /etc/udev/rules.d/persistent-net.rules17:21
carmlDoes someone knows how to share folders with Virtualbox?17:21
FireJugglerhi, I just updated 7.04 to 8.10 but I cannot get my nVidia drivers back to work again. (not the 1.73/77/80) any tips?17:21
DRagonRagei mean a .fuse_hidden... file...17:21
Gord1KaptenRodSkagg_ so far for me it is coming in real fast and i am using the live cd.17:21
jrib!doesn't work | FireJuggler17:21
KaptenRodSkagg_kshadow, well i recive files in a very very slow ...  like 5k or something...17:21
ubottuFireJuggler: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:21
kshadowKaptenRodSkagg_: Sure it's not your conection?17:22
truthikonia: Hi, I dont know if you remember, but you helped me get skype working on my laptop. Now I'm on my mom's laptop, she has the same problem, and I lost the second half of our conversation... Do you think you can help me?17:22
FireJugglerubottu: as soon as X starts, the system crashes17:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:22
stefg!udev| bove217:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about udev17:22
quibblerDRagonRage: i have no idea, i have not done that ....17:22
stefg!udev rules | bove217:22
ubottubove2: Ever wanted to make your USB-stick /dev/usbstick? Go to http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html to learn more about this feature.17:22
blahblahxusser, hows it coming along?17:22
usserblahblahx, hm, cant find it, i'm pretty sure there was something like that in wbar options17:22
KaptenRodSkagg_kshadow, yeah..   dl with torrent with around 250k...17:22
blahblahxusser, i just took a look through, no sucess. let me google it17:23
KaptenRodSkagg_not at tehe same tiem.. ;-)17:23
kshadowKaptenRodSkagg_: Hrmm, well, I don't know :P17:23
jribFireJuggler: how did you install the drivers?  Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  ubottu is a bot by the way17:23
saulus(jaunty): since my x-server upgrade yesterday I cant use gnome/kde/xmonad any longer. Is there a solution available?17:23
csc_i d like to know whether is there a script which can tell if a device is removable given one of its partitions in the form of "/dev/xxxx", where xxxx is the file identifying the partition on that device17:23
stefgFireJuggler: nvidia-legacy doesn't work with 8.10's xserver (blame nvidia) if you dont wan't zo use the nv driver hardy is your only option currently17:24
DRagonRageok thanks for the info...17:24
olavimmanuelhow do i kill only one x11vnc session? I get disconnected, and cant cet back into the session (running with java-vnc). When i run x11vnc -forever -usepw -httpdir /usr/share/vnc-java/ -httpport 5800 it only starts a new x session, and let both old once run...17:24
yowshi1something thinks it is trying to read my dvd writer. probably some remnants of brasero disc burner i caNT FIND ANYONE GOT ANY IDEAS HOW TO FIND AND KILL IT?17:24
olavimmanuellike vncserver -kill:217:24
blahblahxusser, ah. the sleep command is used in your desktop, not in wbar.17:24
FireJugglerstefg: thanks...17:24
usserblahblahx, meanwhile try running it with -above-desktop17:24
Watkinshow do you install a package?17:24
jrib!synaptic | Watkins17:24
ubottuWatkins: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto17:24
blahblahxusser, unfortunately, i run lxde which i am not sure has an autostart file.17:24
kshadowWatkins: sudo apt-get FILE17:24
usserblahblahx, According to wbar's author, wbar might try to show itself before the desktop is ready. If the bar comes up looking weird (with window decorations, for example), try adding a short wait, such as sleep 5, just prior to the wbar command in your file.17:25
Watkinso lol17:25
kshadowOr if you ahve the .deb file, dpkg -i filename.deb17:25
bove2stefg: thanks. usb0 was eth1 in rules17:25
usserblahblahx, there you go, lxde uses openbox the autostart file is in /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart.sh17:25
sauluswhere do17:25
jribWatkins: you should avoid using debs when a package is in the repositories.  And even then, only use debs for the version of ubuntu you are using17:25
=== QZgPli6j1 is now known as Bigbucks
blahblahxusser, right i tried adding wbar to it to no avail, i just found out lxde has its own.17:25
quadaptorhi! i compiled libxml2 with zlib-support, but now it uses the system zlib.so instead of the given one. please take a look to http://dpaste.com/117807/   any idea?17:26
WatkinsI was just trying to unpackage one of the kde styles17:26
shubbari m doing a fresh install of 8.04 over 8.1017:26
Watkinsdidn't know it was as simple as 'sudo apt-get install qtcurve' :p17:26
shubbari hope this will not make me loss my data17:26
kshadowWatkins: What kind of file is it?17:26
BigbucksHow do I install ubuntu, but keep Vista on my system?17:26
kshadowBigbucks: Make a partition.17:26
jtaji!dualboot | Bigbucks17:27
jakobjsBigbucks: or use Wubi17:27
ubottuBigbucks: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:27
kshadowUseing partition magic or something, I suggest degragging your computer first.17:27
usserblahblahx, really? you can try putting it in ~/.xinitrc17:27
truthikonia: Hi, I dont know if you remember, but you helped me get skype working on my laptop. Now I'm on my mom's laptop, she has the same problem, and I lost the second half of our conversation... Do you think you can help me?17:27
gmapim trying to auto change the baud rate of my gps device to 4800 after plugging it in17:28
usserblackkatt, dont know if that file gets parsed if you run gdm, or any other login manager, but generally commands in this file get executed whenever X server is started17:28
gmapi wrote a udev rules17:28
gmapto run a shell program17:28
gmapbut it doesnt seem to work17:28
Bigbucksmy computer defrags it self every wed.17:28
TheShizzleI'm having some trouble booting for the first time...17:28
kshadowBigbucks: Then you shouldn't have any problem.17:28
TheShizzleit just goes to an orange screen17:28
kshadowCheck those links above.17:28
yowshi1whats would i look for if i were trying to find something reading the dvd drive so i could kill it? what would i lsof |grep ?17:28
Bigbuckscould this destroy a  crappy computer?17:29
KevDogquadaptor: what did your config statement read?17:29
jtajiyowshi1: try: sudo fuser -vki /media/cdrom17:29
kshadowBigbucks: Nah, if you use something like partition magic, it should set the partitions fine.17:29
jtajiyowshi1: assuming /media/cdrom is your dvd drive17:29
yowshi1jtaji: no something is still trying to read the dvd drive17:29
quadaptorKevDog: http://dpaste.com/117808/    "./configure --prefix=/opt/coach/usr --with-zlib=/opt/coach/usr --with-threads"17:30
kshadowBut it's always a good idea to back up just incase.17:30
yowshi1jtaji: i tried cdrom and cdrom017:30
BigbucksTHe CD part is a problem17:30
krishnanhow can i install picasa on hardy?17:30
truthCan somebody help me download skype?17:30
jrib!skype | truth17:30
ubottutruth: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto17:30
kshadowsudo apt-get skype17:30
mhd720truth you should be able to go to skype.com and download the .deb file17:30
kshadowsudo apt-get install skype17:30
jtajiyowshi1: make that fuser -vkim17:31
quibblerkrishnan: use synaptic17:31
BigbucksWhat iif my CD drive is F***** up and it cannot read or burn disks?17:31
truthUpon downloading Skype, i get a wrong architecture error17:31
peter_bztruth, are you on 64bit?17:31
jtaji!install | Bigbucks17:32
ubottuBigbucks: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate17:32
krishnanguibbler: give more detail pls17:32
yowshi1jtaji: whoa that gives a large list of [processes they cant all be trying to use the drive most have nothing to do with the dvd drive17:32
truthpeter_bz: yeah, i think so17:32
quadaptorKevDog: any idea?17:32
peter_bzk, hang on17:32
quibblerkrishnan: if you have the medibuntu repros just search for picasa in synaptic package manager17:33
truthpeter_bz: if it helps, i have half the work cut out for us... someone helped me with this before, but I lost the second half of the information17:33
TheShizzlerepeat: I'm having trouble booting for the first time17:33
KevDog_quadaptor: That paste wasn't very helpful == way too long17:33
truthpeter_bz: I'm trying to get it to work on my moms laptop now17:33
peter_bzsudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2 libasound2-plugins; wget -N boundlesssupremacy.com/Cappy/getlibs/getlibs-all.deb; wget -O skype-install.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu-amd64; sudo dpkg -i skype-install.deb; sudo dpkg -i getlibs-all.deb; sudo getlibs -p libqtcore4 libqtgui4 bluez-alsa  paste that into your terminal and it's done17:33
TheShizzleit just goes to an orange and/or black screen17:33
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=== KevDog_ is now known as KevDog
liam422anyone know of away to get paltalk to work on linux ?17:34
Bigbucksdoes someone have MSN that can help me with this?17:34
peter_bztell me if it works truth17:34
* cllaudyu heloo 2 all17:35
Hadidai just installed Windows xp for my another hard drive. i m running ubuntu live cd now. how can i reinstall grub_17:35
mihahadida just do install ubuntu, ubuntu will do that for oyu17:35
truthpeter_bz: no, I got it to work on my laptop, now I'm on my mothers, but with only half of the help I got from ikonia to work with17:35
kritter223does anyone know how to fix a firefox problem in ubuntu 8.04. where new bookmarks saved are forgotten the next time firefox is opened.  I have uninstalled all addons.  it just started yesterday.17:35
mihahadida oh17:35
mihahadida sorry17:35
TheShizzledid my question get lost in the haze?17:36
truthpeter_bz: I'm trying to get it to wrok on my mothers laptop, but ikonia isnt answering17:36
mihahadida : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435117:36
mihahadida take a look17:36
Gord1bigbucks pidgin does msn fine17:37
=== johnny_ is now known as Guest97161
enoksrdanyone know how to make aptitude (or some other package manager) restrict searches to a particular package source?17:37
yowshi1jtaji: hmmm would killing hald work17:37
mihaaMSN does MSN great17:37
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mihadevelopment version even has sound:)17:37
jrib!aptitude | enoksrd17:37
ubottuenoksrd: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide17:37
=== olavimmanuel_awa is now known as olavimmanuelaway
jtajiyowshi1: perhaps17:37
jribenoksrd: http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/projects/aptitude/doc/en/ch02s03s05.html is what I wanted17:38
laegdoes anyone know how i can play streaming real media in ff under ubuntu? i already have medibuntu real codecs installed17:38
yowshi1jtaji: would hald restart itself though or would i have to reboot?17:38
TheShizzleshould i repeat my question?17:38
jrib!helpme | TheShizzle17:38
ubottuTheShizzle: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience17:38
JC_Denton_there is suddenly a permanent stuttering sound coming through the sound output after starting a game in wine17:38
jtajiyowshi1: you could start it again with sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart17:38
froghi, how can i automatically start firestarter after user loged in? can i strat it for user (not for root). if i can't how do i do with the passord?i use gnome17:39
quadaptorKevDog: okay, here a short one: http://dpaste.com/117815/17:39
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blizzlefrog: try gksudo firestarter17:39
yowshi1jtaji: grrr didnt do it17:39
jtajifrog: you know you don't have to start firestarter for the rules you've set to be implemented?17:40
enoksrdjrib: thanks for the link, but I can't find the desired info on that page17:40
Hadidamiha thank you wery much i have it working now!17:41
Hadidai go now bye all17:41
mhd720i'm trying to do a motherboard upgrade, will ubuntu detect the new hardware and be able to boot? video card, hard drive ,wireless card will remain the same17:41
frogjtaji: blizzle: thanks, what i meant was : i log in and firestarter gui is started automatically for me.17:41
enoksrdjrib: are you sure it's on there, or just thinking that'd be the place to look?17:41
Brucehow do i make avant-manager to automaticaly start when ubuntu stats?17:41
frogjtaji: i wanna see the events17:42
frogjtaji: i'm afraid i don't get your question17:42
shubbarhow can i copy the list of games that i have?17:42
jtajifrog: I was pointing out that you don't have to start firestarter when you log in for the firewall to work17:43
mhd720i'm trying to do a motherboard upgrade, will ubuntu detect the new hardware and be able to boot? video card, hard drive ,wireless card will remain the same17:43
Sergeant_Ponyhow do I fix a bad symlink?17:43
frogjtaji: ok,yeah, i saw it... anyhow  i wanna see the events17:43
Brucehow do i start avant-manager to startup automatically when ubuntu starts?17:43
Brucei should restate that again17:44
quibblerfrog: go to system-perferences-sessions and add firestarter to startup programs17:44
jrib!startup | Bruce17:44
ubottuBruce: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot17:44
shubbarmhd720, video card will denfinetly need tweaking17:44
frogquibbler: oke, how about the password?17:44
stefgmhd720: although a chipset change is a tough task for the hardware detection i'm pretty confident that your box will just boot as if nothing has happened17:44
Droopsta915I'm using Evolution mail, I have a gmail account. If I empty my gmail accounts inbox messages, will evolution empty out too?17:44
mhd720shubbar thanks17:44
kritter223does anyone know how to fix a firefox problem in ubuntu 8.04. where new bookmarks saved are forgotten the next time firefox is opened.  I have uninstalled all addons.  it just started yesterday.17:44
shubbaroh, today's Saturday17:44
Droopsta915Saturday! YES!17:45
mhd720stefg thank you. if i have my /home on a separate partition of the same drive, will my /home be safe?17:45
=== oatmeal is now known as wendal
robert_zaccouri just installed IE for linux, but how do I open it? here's the tutorial i used http://santiance.com/kris/2009/internet-explorer-on-ubuntu-intrepid-810/ i just don't know what command to type in the terminal17:45
shubbarmhd720, what kind of mb?17:46
mhd720shubbar it's a biostar with a celeron D in it, and i'm installing another biostar that will have an amd 64 x2 in it17:46
Sergeant_Ponyanyone know how to fix a bad symlink?17:46
stefgmhd720: definitely... that's high level stuff, has nothing to do with your chipset (unless the disk controller isn't detected correctly)17:46
frogi mean is there any secure way to start prorams , that ask about password automatically without the password?17:46
scunizianyone try "date -d @1234567890"  ?17:46
Droopsta915Never mind gotta go buy me a beer. Ubuntu For Life!! Talk Later. Keep Up The Good Work..17:46
jribSergeant_Pony: give it the proper target?17:47
Sergeant_Ponyjrib I did and it didn't change17:47
shubbarmhd720, so you are changing the processor also17:47
mhd720shubbar stefg I think both have via chipsets in them. yes, new cpu17:47
jribSergeant_Pony: pastebin17:47
shubbarrorbert_zaccour, why do you need IE?17:47
stefgmhd720: you might have to deal with name changes.... eth0 might become eth1 or your harddisk might get a different name... but ubuntu uses uuid-based mounting, so shouldn't be an issue17:47
quibblerfrog:try reading this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54275617:48
kora-chanhi, im trying to get amarok play lastfm streams. mp3 and other streams like di.fm work fine. when i load a last fm stream, right after logging in i recieve a error that says: no plugin found to play media, any ideas?17:48
frogquibbler: thank you17:48
quibblerfrog: you are welcome17:48
mhd720stefg thank you :)17:48
odinsbaneI've got a dell vostro and it has started making a strange noise, it almost sounds like the hard drive is running, but the light doesn't come on.17:49
jtajirobert_zaccour: you didn't get a Wine menu in your applications menu?17:49
robert_zaccouroh yeah, i'll check that. thanks17:49
Gord1thank you folks will talk later17:49
stefgodinsbane: i'd install smartmontools and investigate if he disk is about to die...17:50
shawnmstoutwhere can i find drivers at for a ati rage 128 pro card?17:50
etechwhat is the command to install openoffice when i install a minimalist system?17:50
robert_zaccourthe wine c drive isn't opening17:50
shubbarrobert_zaccour, got disconnected ... firefox is good17:50
etechis there a meta package which installs everything as when i install ubuntu from the desktop cd?17:50
usseretech, ubuntu-desktop17:50
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robert_zaccouri have to use IE to download my recovery cd iso17:51
robert_zaccourthen i'm gonna delete it17:51
robert_zaccouris there any other way to open the wine c drive? it won't open17:51
LMJetech : something like ubuntu-desktop17:51
failersrobert_zaccour go into /home/user/.wine/drive_c/17:51
samsomhi everyone17:51
stefgetech: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-writer will pull all necessary dependencies... but you prolly want your language pack17:51
etechi meant which installs everything of openoffice as when i installed it from the live cd17:52
robert_zaccourfailers, i don't see that in the home17:52
shubbarrobert_zaccour, maybe Agent Switcher plug-in could help17:52
failersits a hidden folder17:52
failersrobert_zaccour tun on show hidden folders17:52
laegdoes anyone know how i can play streaming real media in ff under ubuntu? i already have medibuntu and xine-plugin installed17:52
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robert_zaccourfailers, where is show hidden folders?17:52
jtajirobert_zaccour: View menu17:52
jtajior ctrl+H17:52
usserlaeg, why are you using xine?17:52
samsomis it better to use a GUI client or Terminal based one? Sorry if its a stupid question...i am a newbie17:53
usserlaeg, are you on kubuntu?17:53
robert_zaccourthanks i'll look there17:53
jtajisamsom: for what?17:53
Brucein the totem movie player, how can i add many songs at once? holding down control+right click dont work17:53
mhd720robert_zaccour press CTRL+H17:53
laegusser: no i'm on ubuntu - according to this guide i need it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/StreamingVideo17:53
ussersamsom, client to what?17:53
shawnmstoutcan i get some help installing a driver please?17:53
shawnmstoutati rage pro 12817:53
stefgshawnmstout: the driver for a rage 128 is already in the dafult install17:54
csc_how would you do a script processing a text file line by line? like "for VAR in "$(cat myfile)"; do; [...]; done"   <-- this processes word by word, but i need llnes, not words17:54
jribSergeant_Pony: do you understand what you have to do?17:54
usserlaeg, i dunno, you have totem as your video player right?17:54
shawnmstoutstefg, then why do i have to boot up in graphics mode to see it?17:54
shawnmstoutim running 7.1-17:54
samsomi was browsing across the ubuntuforums and saw this a means to access the tutorials...was not sure which interface would be more useful for me to learn more about linux17:54
shawnmstout7.10 i mean17:54
stefgshawnmstout: see what?17:54
laegusser: yes, here is the link i'm trying to watch http://www.rte.ie/tv/latelate/ - click on rescue dogs17:54
shawnmstoutthe monitor17:55
shawnmstouti have to boot to safe graphics mode17:55
jtajicsc_: sed17:55
shawnmstoutits like its not loading the driver correctly from install17:55
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Talkeri nedd help to setup a wired connection to my ps317:55
jtajisamsom: it's very useful to learn the command line, but you can do it from a terminal in the GUI17:55
gfather1hello guys17:56
samsomthanks jtaji17:56
jtajisamsom: it really helps to have a web browser open to! ;)17:56
usserlaeg, hm doesnt open for me, its real media, hang on let me install w32codecs17:56
robert_zaccouri don't see the wine folder in hidden file menu17:56
gfather1any know new good interesting projects on the opensource scene , like embede devices or something17:56
robert_zaccourmaybe if i restart wine will open the c drive17:56
samsomjtaji: i have just installed xchat..do i need to install another client to use the terminal?17:56
shawnmstoutany ideas?17:56
Ultraputzon intrepid: if my laptop gets hot enough to turn on the fan, it also turns down the processor and won't let it speed back up, even once it's quite cool, and the fan tends to stick on17:56
stefgshawnmstout: it's probably not detected correctly. the driver is there, but your xorg.conf might use the vesa driver. Any objections to just use 8.04? gutsy will be end-of-life in 10 weeks anyway17:57
scunizisamsom: for terminal irc use irssi17:57
dragomirHello all17:57
GalacticCowboyAnyone know how to rename my computer?  Official docs say System > Administration > Networking, but I don't have that option (8.10)17:57
jtajisamsom: are we talking about learning Linux or learning IRC?17:57
shawnmstoutyes, im going to install linux mce on it17:57
dragomirI just installed this chat17:57
samsomboth :)17:57
shawnmstoutthats why i have used 7.1017:57
Ultraputzshawnmstout, i'm can't seem to see it either17:57
dragomirand what is it exactly17:57
robert_zaccourif only i knew what to type on the command terminal to open IE4Linux17:57
dragomirI am new here17:57
Ultraputzeither it's realplayer or it does something stupid with js.17:57
jtajisamsom: well I'd say don't worry about IRC, use xchat and learn Linux :D17:57
shawnmstoutultra, what?17:58
samsomthanks a lot, jtaji17:58
failersrobert_zaccour the folders name is .wine17:58
failersa dot infront17:58
jtajirobert_zaccour: .wine shouldn't be in the hidden file menu, it should show up in your home after you select show hidden files17:58
scunizisamsom: for ubuntu and some terminal stuff check out www.ubuntupocketguide.com.. you can download a free pdf17:58
archman_Did someone made a shockwave to work on his browser?17:58
jrib!shockwave | archman_17:58
ubottuarchman_: Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave17:58
laegusser: thanks, think i have that already, well i have mediubuntu17:59
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Ultraputztoo bad this doesn't work, i'm now genuinely curious about irish tv. :-)17:59
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shawnmstoutok ill take a look at the config file18:00
stefgshawnmstout: btw... you know mythbuntu ?18:00
robert_zaccour.wine isn't there18:01
ugliefroganyone here use brasero...I cant rip a dvd with it I need to rip a copy of my madagascar before the kids tear it up18:01
shawnmstoutstefg, i have heard of mythtv18:01
robert_zaccouri went to home, view, show hiddin files, not there18:01
usserlaeg, ok i got it working with mplayer18:01
shawnmstoutbut not mythbuntu18:01
quibblerdragomir: this is a chat room that gives support to people having problems with their ubuntu installations...if you have a problem just state it and someone will try and help you with it...if you just feellike talking then you should join #ubuntu-offtopics18:01
laegusser: hmm cool, hopefully without having to copy and paste links?18:01
robert_zaccourugliefrog, have you tried using k3b?18:01
shawnmstoutreading now though18:01
laegusser: i just installed helix and was about to restart firefox to see if that made a difference18:02
ugliefrogno ill try that18:02
usserlaeg, yea in browser, what you need is mplayer, w32codecs and mozilla-mplayer18:02
shawnmstoutok ya its an addon for mythtv18:02
stefgshawnmstout: http://www.mythbuntu.org/ ... don't waste your time:-)18:02
laegusser: ok, any reason i should remove helix?18:02
olavimmanuelhow do i kill only one x11vnc session? I get disconnected, and cant cet back into the session (running with java-vnc). When i run x11vnc -forever -usepw -httpdir /usr/share/vnc-java/ -httpport 5800 it only starts a new x session, and let both old once run...18:02
olavimmanuellike vncserver -kill:218:02
shawnmstoutlinuxmce sets up alot of different plugins18:02
laegusser: or xine-plugin18:02
robert_zaccouri went to home, view, show hiddin files, not there18:02
truthHi, Can someone please help me I am trying to add video to my SKYPE download?18:02
shawnmstoutso linuxmce is junk?18:02
etechsource of go-openoffice 3.0.1 is out18:03
odinsbanestefg: I have read some forums about sata drives and ubuntu, I am not sure how recent they were.  Ill try this smart tools though.18:03
lwfaI've only got Pidgin and system monitor open and my system is using 785MiB of RAM, how can I find out what's using up all that memory?18:03
usserlaeg, xine uses different engine, if you dont want to have a whole zoo of players on your system i'd suggest you remove totem and go mplayer its pretty decent18:03
etechwill  go-oo 3.0.1 be in intrepid backports?18:03
OriWBtruth: Hi MOM!18:03
odinsbanelwfa: top might help18:03
lwfaok, looks like its Xorg18:04
laegusser: and also remove helix right?18:04
shawnmstoutto open the xorg.conf file whats the command?18:04
shawnmstoutnm found it18:04
shawnmstoutsudo gedit18:04
olavimmanuellwfa:  running 9.04?18:04
usserlaeg, yea, mplayer with w32codecs should be able to handle everything18:04
lwfaolavimmanuel: no, 8.1018:05
robert_zaccouri don't see .wine in the home hidden files18:05
olavimmanuellwfa:  oh, ok18:05
shawnmstoutstefg u still here?18:05
shawnmstoutu was right its using the vesa driver18:05
failersrobert_zaccour thats weird18:05
robert_zaccourmaybe i should restart18:05
shawnmstoutso what do i have to do to get the correct driver noticed?18:05
nowyhello people18:06
nowyi need help with Sun Virtual Box when i updated..daoest works :(18:06
jtajirobert_zaccour: that will do nothing18:06
robert_zaccouroh ok18:06
robert_zaccourmaybe i should uninstall/reinstall wine?18:06
lwfaoch, I'll just do a ctrl-alt-backspace and see if that clears it18:06
failersrobert_zaccour yea do that18:06
stefgshawnmstout: yup... i don't know about linuxmce... but the ubuntu version it's based on will die in April. Mythbuntu is a well maintained and proven PVR solution...,18:06
shawnmstoutyes linuxmce is much different then ubuntumce18:07
twoheadedboyhello, I was wondering if anyone here knew if I installed 9.04 Alpha 4 if I would be able to upgrade to successive development versions (Alpha 5, etc.)?18:07
shawnmstoutgives u alot more capabilities18:07
s0u][ightdpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0030' near line 1:  newline in field name `#padding'  i get this as error while updating18:08
jtajitwoheadedboy: yeah sure but expect things to break... help in #ubuntu+1 for alphas/betas18:08
wolterhi, do my desktop items look for binaries inside $PATH filepaths?18:08
laegusser: ok man, let me try that and get back to you in a few mins and thanks18:08
Nom-hmm... i've got a ubuntu box here which is having serious problems with performance on a number of nfs mounted filesystems... any thoughts on how I can see what the point of congestion is ?18:09
robert_zaccourwine c drive still won't open18:09
Nom-other systems which are mounting the same nfs filesystems are having no problems, so it's no the server, it seems to be the client18:09
shawnmstoutim in the xorg.conf file what do i have to put in for a ati rage 128 pro driver, its using the generic vesa atm18:09
stefgtwoheadedboy: in general it's always a good idea to do a fresh install after official release. my expereince is that systems which went through the whole development cycle tend to show strange behaviour and bugs, which disappear after a fresh release install...18:10
twoheadedboyjtaji and stefg: thank you18:10
zaapiel-mobileis their an official way to compile your own kernel?18:10
zaapiel-mobilelike so it fit in with dpkg18:10
jtaji!kernel | zaapiel-mobile18:11
ubottuzaapiel-mobile: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages18:11
stefgshawnmstout: replace vesa with ati18:11
shawnmstoutok just the word ati18:11
fiftyonehi, how do i remove a file i compiled from source?18:11
Flannelfiftyone: delete it18:11
shawnmstout1 other thing i noticed is its pointing to a pci card, its actually an agp slot18:11
truthHI, Looking for help installing skype video18:11
KevDogfiftyone: how did you install it?18:12
fiftyonemake / make install18:12
fiftyonei usually never install anything from source but i didnt have a choice18:13
KevDogfiftyone: go into directory where you ran make then sudo make uninstall18:13
Flannelfiftyone: try make uninstall or make clean18:13
odinsbaneIll have to check, and let this computer run in windows I don't think it makes the same noise.18:13
nieretruth: there's a .deb package you can download from skype.com, which uses v4l(2?)18:13
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KevDogmake clean simply cleans the make files18:13
Flannelfiftyone: Ideally, things you compile from source go to /usr/local/* so manual removal eve nif you can't make uninstall shouldn't be too difficult.18:14
fiftyoneanyone know how to crack an rar password?  i have an rar file no idea what the password is any ideas?18:14
tryoYou can bruteforce it18:14
failersfiftyone if the password is over 7 characters forget it18:14
tryoMay taje anywhere from a few a hours to a few lightyears18:14
KevDogfiftyone: I think rar passwords are aes encrypted, so bruteforce the only way18:14
kora-chanhi, im trying to get amarok play lastfm streams. mp3 and other streams like di.fm work fine. when i load a last fm stream, right after logging in i recieve a error that says: no plugin found to play media, any ideas?18:14
KevDogJohn the Ripper18:14
Mordredmy girlfriend pressed some buttons and now my banshee is halway transparent18:15
fiftyonekevdog i downloaded rarcracker (which i compiled from source) but it dosent seem to be working18:15
Mordredhow do i get rid of that18:15
shawnmstoutwow i remember the JohntheRipper program18:15
fiftyonekevdog where can I get john the ripper?18:15
shawnmstoutthats an old cracking program18:15
tryoIf you think the password is strong, I wouldn't even bother18:15
Flannelfiftyone: sudo apt-get install john18:15
fiftyonetryo if i knew the password i wouldnt ask18:15
shawnmstoutheh, will take u ages man18:15
jimboJohn the ripper... wow antique there18:15
shawnmstoutthats what i was thinking18:16
shawnmstouthavent heard that in about 10 yrs18:16
laegusser: doesn't work, i have mplayer, w32codecs and mozilla-mplayer installed via synaptics, i also restarted ff, is there something else i need to do?18:16
fiftyoneFlannel kick ass its in the repos. You ever used it before?18:16
jimbowhat is in the rar that you so desperately want?18:16
Mordredmy girlfriend pressed some buttons and now my banshee is halfway transparent, how do i get it back to 100% visible18:17
fiftyoneits a file i downloaded from usnet that some asshole passworded one of the .rar files i dont have the time or patience to re-download18:17
shawnmstoutbefore i close out my xorg.conf, can someone tell me if just puting in ati where it says vesa at for the graphics card will make it notice my ati rage 128 pro card?18:17
shawnmstoutor is there more settings18:17
tryoSo it is warez?18:17
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shawnmstoutits a hacking program tryo18:18
shawnmstoutspecifically a password cracking program18:18
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shawnmstoutbut he is looking about a couple months before he will actually get close to getting it18:18
shawnmstoutthats if he is lucky18:18
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Flannelfiftyone: Please watch your language.18:18
mustanggfolks.      Is the default ubuntu crontab supposed to be empty?18:19
BrettI'm trying to install ubuntu from my flash drive beside my vista partition, but im getting an error.18:19
BrettNo root file system is defined18:19
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shawnmstoutso ur trying to crack a rar file18:19
Guest87342I only want to allocate like 20 GB or something for my ubuntu how?18:19
jimboi'd say you could re-download that file 1000x faster than you could bruteforcing that rar18:19
shawnmstoutwow, 256bit encryption18:19
shawnmstoutgood luck18:19
robert_zaccouri'm installing crossweaver demo to get it goin. once i download the iso i need, IE will be removed18:19
shawnmstoutya rars are pretty secure18:19
Watkinshey guys, I have 2 dedicated servers, both with ubuntu and kde, one has a shitty appearance style, onces decent, how do I install a new style?18:19
FlannelGuest87342: You need to choose a partition (20G will be fine) and mark it to be used as '/'18:19
shawnmstoutso are zips, just a fyi18:19
Brendandso wait.... your trying to crack a password on a passworded rar that contains a password cracking program?18:20
Watkinshey guys, I have 2 dedicated servers, both with ubuntu and kde, one has a shitty appearance style, onces decent, how do I install a new style? I've done "sudo apt-get install qtcurve" and it doesn't make it avaialable18:20
fiftyoneanyone know how to use this john the ripper program?18:20
shawnmstoutprobably one of those, go here, sign up for this sweepstakes, and we will give u the password18:20
shawnmstoutits probably bogus18:20
jimboah the classics18:20
Guest87342Can someone help me with installing Ubuntu??18:20
zaapiel-mobilethis is like the worse place you could ask that question fiftyone18:20
talntidWatkins: repeating your question will likely annoy people here and make them ignore you...18:20
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Flannel!anyone | Guest8734218:20
ubottuGuest87342: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:20
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Watkinstalntid i was adding more18:20
fiftyonezaaapiel-mobile why?18:20
shawnmstoutzaap, why do u say that18:21
shawnmstoutare u saying we are stupid?18:21
BrettSI am trying to install Ubuntu beside my vista parition, but im getting a parition error in ubuntu18:21
jimboanyone here use Ettercap? I'm having problems arp poisoning :'(18:21
shawnmstoutwow ok18:21
zaapiel-mobilelol j/k18:21
shawnmstoutwho wants to join me in rooting zaapiels system, joking18:21
zaapiel-mobilei meant it is shady i nature18:21
zaapiel-mobileim on windows18:21
zaapiel-mobiledoes it even have a root?18:21
talntidjimbo, I use it.18:21
shawnmstoutok so ur saying ur system is much easier to hack then18:22
talntidjimbo, msg me if you have a specific question18:22
shawnmstoutim just playing with u zaap18:22
zaapiel-mobilei know18:22
shawnmstoutms is the only company that i know of that can release a program, make u pay for it, then say well in a few years we will fix it18:22
Watkinshey guys, I have 2 dedicated servers, both with ubuntu and kde, one has a shitty appearance style, onces decent, how do I install a new style? I've done "sudo apt-get install qtcurve" and it doesn't make it avaialable18:22
shawnmstoutfifty, language man18:22
fiftyonewhy would this jerkoff password one file in th18:23
fiftyonesorry im just angry18:23
shawnmstoutfifty, its probably a bogus file man18:23
jimbohi there. I have only 1 other user on my network, i can detect the router & his ip/mac address just fine but when i try and poison it just seems to hang18:23
fiftyonewhy would this guy password lock one file18:23
fiftyoneno it workks18:23
OriWBIkonia: Are you there?18:23
shawnmstoutdoes it have instructions with it fifty18:23
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shawnmstouta nfo file?18:23
ikoniaOriWB: hello ?18:23
talntidjimbo, are you using the "remote poison" ?18:23
shawnmstoutdid u get it from a torrent?18:23
BrettSDo I need to reduce the parition size of my vista IN vista before I install ubuntu if I only want 30GB dedicated to the ubunutu partition install? YES / NO??18:24
fiftyonenever had this problem ever with usenet18:24
shawnmstoutdid u look at the comments?18:24
ikoniaOriWB: what's up ?18:24
UnixDawgok what is going on18:24
fiftyoneno comments18:24
mustanggIs ubuntu using something other than crontab for automating tasks?18:24
fiftyonejustt mine18:24
kazim59Which program runs when we execute the easter egg "free the fish" ?18:24
UnixDawgI installed kubunto18:24
Sadik_KhalidHi, How can I rename my harddisk?18:24
fosco_kazim59: gnome-panel18:24
talntidBrettS: NO18:24
shawnmstoutdid u do a specific file search for that particular rar file?18:24
OriWBIkonia: Hey I dont know if u remember me18:24
shawnmstouttype in the full file name and search in usenet18:24
UnixDawgI installed kubunto and then I run the upgrade and install java and it deinstalls kde18:24
OriWByou did the impossible and get skype to work on my laptop18:25
BrettSTalntid: can you assist me in my jouney in moving from windows >> linux18:25
UnixDawgand my system becomes unusable18:25
ikoniaOriWB: ha ha, I don't remember, but thank you18:25
fiftyoneshawnmstout i installed and ran this program rarcrack it took 5 seconds said cracked then i opened the file and there was nothing18:25
jimbotalntid, i'm just using unified sniffing on my eth0 - host search - add targets - mitm arp poison18:25
ulijoin #ubuntu-de18:25
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IndyGunFreakUnixDawg: it shouldn't uninstall kde.18:25
UnixDawgit does18:25
FlannelBrettS: No, you don't need to.  You certainly could though.18:25
shawnmstoutjimbo, on a different note, what to hear something wierd18:25
ParhelicTrianglemustangg: anacron18:25
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usserBrettS, ubuntu's partition manager can resize windows partition during installation but it is recommended that you run defragmentation utility on windows before you proceed with ubuntu installation18:25
shawnmstouti got spyware on my ubuntu box18:25
talntidjimbo, right, but when you do mitm arp poison, it gives you 2 checkboxes. are you checking the "remote poison" box?18:25
ikoniashawnmstout: how do you know that ?18:25
UnixDawgI now have to reinstall a 3rd time18:25
UnixDawgnot happy18:26
ussershawnmstout, can i have it?? pls pls pls :)18:26
shawnmstoutwhat the spyware18:26
OriWBIkonia: sok, u did it once, and now my mom needs help with the same thing on her laptop. I saved your help, but somehow lost the other half18:26
KevDogshawnmstout: I dont believe you about the spyware!18:26
ikoniaOriWB: well what's the problem18:26
OriWBI was wondering if we could retrace our steps on my moms laptop18:26
jimbotalntid, yes i've tried with & without & also one way poison18:26
talntidand it's just freezing, but it sees the host?18:26
shawnmstoutkev, seriously, every morning at 8am my gf wakes up to tits and ass in firefox18:26
shawnmstouttried to remove and reinstall ff and stil there18:26
OriWBIkonia: I'm going to talk to you from my mom's chat, it's truth. I'll brb ok?18:26
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shawnmstoutacts like a cron job but i cant seem to find it18:27
shawnmstoutwierd huh?18:27
BrettSBasically, I booted off my flash drive so I can install ubuntu. I want to dedicate 30GB to ubunutu. When I go to 'manual' partition option it says not root or something and fails18:27
shawnmstoutbtw, yes i looked at add-ons and such18:27
kazim59fosco_: didn't get that? I am asking about the easter egg where you press Alt+F2, and type "free the fish", press enter. A fish comes on your screen. What program does that?18:27
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ussershawnmstout, remove ~/.mozilla folder, spyware gone18:27
ikoniaOriWB: shout when you're ready18:27
fosco_kazim59: it is a gnome-panel process18:27
talntidshawnmstout: really, she's looking at porn, and just uses that as an excuse when you find her.18:27
shawnmstoutusser, tried that18:27
shawnmstoutsame thing18:27
kazim59fosco_: how to execute that from command line?18:27
tom_eats_livesspyware on ubuntu you sure ?18:27
shawnmstouttalntid, lol18:27
fosco_kazim59: you can't18:27
shawnmstouttom, yes18:28
shawnmstoutnever experienced that before18:28
shawnmstoutalways have been in ff or related to a plugin18:28
WolfmankurdHi, I'm trying to install 8.10 on a HP mini-note but xforcevesa doesn't seem to work18:28
talntidshawnmstout: cat daemon.log > grep firefox18:28
tom_eats_livesshawnmstout,  you could try clamav or aast18:28
shawnmstouttalntid, ok18:28
shawnmstoutthanks ill try that18:29
IndyGunFreakWolfmankurd: why are you needing xforce?18:29
archman_this for shockwave doesnt work, anyone tried at all?18:29
BrettSI will suck anyone off right now if they help me with installing ubunutu and partition my vista drive !!18:29
BrettSBecuase I aint getting any help :'918:29
tom_eats_livesshawnmstout, avast , clamav i mean18:29
truthIkonia: AHHH (a shout)18:29
kazim59okay, what application comes up when you press Alt+F2?18:29
IndyGunFreakBrettS: thats completely unecessary.. but type this w/o quotes.. "/join #indygunfreak" and i'll help you18:29
ikoniatruth: ahh so you're OriWB18:29
WolfmankurdIndyGunFreak, the graphics seems to go wierd, blank screen then scrolling wierd colours.18:29
talntidBrettS: do you use much teeth?18:29
truthIkonia:  yes18:30
ikoniatruth: ok, so lets take a look18:30
truthIkonia: great, thanx a lot18:30
WolfmankurdIndyGunFreak, I checked online and it says to use vesa drivers18:30
Quetschkehello - i need help to repair a dm-encrypted (luks) partition18:30
jimbotalntid, i get either No poisoning at all or No poisoning between -> .03 - wondering if there is ip forwarding problems or something18:30
BrettSOkay, I have vista installed, I want to install ubuntu, I am at the step where I booted off my flash drive (ubunutu) and am ready to install though i am at the partition part. I dont know how to allocate only 30GB for my ubuntu (which is what i want)18:30
shawnmstoutok will run those18:30
shawnmstoutsee if anything gets pickedup18:30
truthIkonia:  some of the things you made me do where: you made me make sure the terminal knew skype was on the desktop18:30
ikoniatruth: I don't remember the issue last time, so lets tackle it from fresh if that's ok ?18:31
IndyGunFreakBrettS: how much ram do you have?18:31
truthIkonia: ok, no prob18:31
ikoniatruth: what version of ubuntu is it (lets do the basics)18:31
jimbotalntid, i also didn't install fully.. it actually resides on a dirty windows installation. not sure if this causes problems in itself18:32
truthIkonia: latest version18:32
ikoniatruth: 8.10 ?18:32
IndyGunFreakBrettS: i guess i don't understand your question18:32
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truthIkonia: yeah18:32
tom_eats_livesshawnmstout, there are 30 different malware for linux your pretty unlucky18:32
talntidjimbo, no idea18:32
ikoniatruth: ok, 32 or 64 bit18:32
jimbotalntid, thanks anyway18:32
shawnmstoutya i know18:32
truthI'm pretty sure its 64, but how do i check?18:32
shawnmstoutconsidering i usually deal with removing from windows18:32
ikoniatruth: show me the output of uname -a18:32
truthIkonia: I'm pretty sure its 64, but how do i check?18:32
ikoniatruth: always good to check as you say18:33
RAMDACPlz i got a problem18:33
ikoniaRAMDAC: ask your question18:33
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truthikonia: Linux ubuntu 2.6.27-9-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 20 22:15:32 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux .... 64?18:33
shawnmstoutwhere is deamon.log located at?18:33
RAMDACok i have problems with permissions18:33
ikoniatruth: 64bit it is18:33
truthIkonia: ok18:33
ikoniatruth: ok so explain the problem18:33
niereshawnmstout: /var/log/ ?18:33
ronnyanyone aware of a install cd that can do ext4?18:33
shawnmstoutok will check18:34
ikoniaRAMDAC: explain18:34
archman_ikonia: you tried running shockwave in browser?18:34
RAMDACwhen i tried to install PlaneShift18:34
ikoniaarchman_: errr no, not at the moment, I'm sure I could if it's important18:34
truthIkonia: i downloaded the latest version of skype, and i got a worng architecture i 386 error18:34
ikoniatruth: ok - so that's the 32bit version which won't be happy on your 64bit18:34
RAMDACit said something about permissions so i said yes and continued installation18:34
truthIkonia: huh. ok18:35
c0p3rn1cis there a command to view all the wireless networks and there channel number ?18:35
skorasaurusi'm looking for an audio player that has great hotkey support.18:35
ikoniatruth: let me check on what's available for 64bit18:35
truthIkonia: how'd u know?18:35
Quetschkei'll really happy if somebody could help me to repair a broken /etc/crypttab18:35
ortsvorsteherc0p3rn1c: iwconfig18:35
truthIkonia: thanx sooo much btw18:35
skorasaurusortsvorsteher, beat me to it.18:35
RAMDACafter i restarted the system i found my user Desktop is empty18:35
c0p3rn1cortsvorsteher: ok thx18:35
ikoniatruth: look at the error, 1.) wrong arch 2.) i386 (32bit)18:35
shawnmstoutpermission denied on cat daemon.log > grep firefox18:35
shawnmstoutalso tried sudo before it18:35
ortsvorsteherskorasaurus: to what? :)18:35
ikoniatruth: just give me a few minutes,18:35
RAMDACand the root desktopn contains the data of the user desktop18:36
truthIkonia:.... i386 is 32 bit, ok. whats 64 bit?18:36
skorasaurusanswering the q.18:36
truthIkonia: ok18:36
ikoniatruth: ok, here you go18:36
ikoniatruth: http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu-amd6418:36
ikoniatruth: that's the 64bit version, down load that file18:36
truthIkonia: ok18:36
ikoniatruth: then we'll install it18:36
ortsvorsteherskorasaurus: there you are at wrong address :D i have no idea for audio players... :(18:36
RAMDACikonia: did u see my q?18:37
ikoniaRAMDAC: I didn't18:37
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:37
ikoniatruth: shout when you're ready18:37
IndyGunFreakBrettS: did you figure it out?18:38
mustanggParhelicTriangle - thanks.18:38
ortsvorsteher!media | skorasaurus18:38
ubottuskorasaurus: please see above18:38
c0p3rn1cortsvorsteher: I don't see how to list all networks with iwconfig18:38
Monacoferohi, i still have a problem with the letters in some programms, especially in wine menus. They are dizzy, like overwritten 10 times. When i activate advanced desktop effects i cant read them at all...18:38
skorasaurus !media18:38
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Monacoferocan anybody help me?18:38
albuntuhello to all18:38
kn100Hello, Are there any ubuntu developers here?18:38
truthIkonia: ready18:38
ortsvorsteherc0p3rn1c: you can also try a simple ifconfig. there will be shown all networks18:38
BrettSAnyone figure out my issue?18:39
RAMDACikonia: when i tried to install PlaneShift it said something about permissions so i said yes and continued installation after i restarted the system i found my user Desktop is empty and the root desktop contains the data of the user desktop.18:39
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kn100where can i post suggestions for ubuntu?18:39
ikoniatruth: ok, where did you install it to18:39
RAMDACikonia:do u see it now?18:39
ikoniakn100: what sort of thing18:39
ikoniaRAMDAC: I do18:39
c0p3rn1cI want to list all the local wireless networks in my area with their channel id number to see what channel is unused in my neighberhood18:39
ikoniaRAMDAC: looks like it's installed it to the root setup18:39
genii!brainstorm | kn10018:40
ubottukn100: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!18:40
IndyGunFreakBrettS: i'ev asked you 3x18:40
quibblerMonacofero: try turning off compiz and see if that helps18:40
shawnmstoutok clam is installed now how to i run it18:40
kn100ubottu - thanks18:40
Jewbaccahii, i downloaded a file via wget, and i had to restart before it finished, am i able to resume it?18:40
ubottuthanks aliases: thanks!, thank you, thankyou, ty, thanks., thanx, ok, thanks :) - added by Mez on 2006-09-09 08:48:3818:40
IndyGunFreakBrettS: i don't understand what yu're saying the problem is18:40
Jewbaccahii, i downloaded a file via wget, and i had to restart before it finished, am i able to resume it?18:40
Monacoferoquibbler: how can i turn compiz off?18:40
truthIkonia: ok, just a sec... i donwloaded a version without video successfully,but video is important, so when i open the file, i'm clicking on what now says reinstall package, ok?18:40
bigbucksok I need a bit of help18:40
nierec0p3rn1c: try iwlist18:40
ikoniatruth: re-install ?18:40
c0p3rn1cortsvorsteher: I want to list all the local wireless networks in my area with their channel id number to see what wireless channel is unused in my neighberhood, because there are alot of them18:40
ikoniatruth: did you install the first one ?18:40
RAMDACso ikonia?18:41
truthIkonia: yeah18:41
ortsvorsteherc0p3rn1c: no idea :/18:41
ikoniatruth: ok - best to uninstall the other one first so there is no conflict or confusion18:41
andyhey can anyone help me install hauppauge wintv ubs on ubuntu?18:41
geniiJewbacca: Yes, use -c18:41
quibblerMonacofero: system-preferences-appearences set visual effects to normal18:41
bigbucksI found a tut to run ubuntu in virtual PC and I dont know if it works with Vista HOME P18:41
truthIkonia: ok thanx18:41
truthjust a sec18:41
Jewbaccagenii: how do i do that ?18:41
bigbucksi found 2 things18:41
Jewbaccagenii: wget -c ?18:41
bigbucksi mean comments18:41
truthIkonia: through sinaptic ackage manger right?18:41
quibblerMonacofero: sorry to NONE18:42
ikoniatruth: no that won't show it18:42
geniiJewbacca: wget -c <the url you downloaded from before>18:42
MBCbigbuck: where is the tut18:42
bigbucksonly for windows xp Professional, hothis only for windows xp Professional, home edition, windows vista ultimate, buisness, enterprise. BUT NOT FOR HOME PREMIUM OR BASIC! i made that mistake and had to do a recovery for my PC. so dontme edition, windows vista ultimate, buisness, enterprise. BUT NOT FOR HOME PREMIUM OR BASIC! i made that mistake and had to do a recovery for my PC. so dont18:42
bigbucksand I used to have home premium. It worked fine!18:42
truthIkonia: so where?18:42
ikoniatruth: what you need to do is "dpkg -l | grep -i skype"18:42
c0p3rn1cortsvorsteher: iwlist says niere18:42
WolfmankurdAnyone have any ideas why xforcevesa isn't working? I'm just tagging it on to the end of the boot options.18:42
ikoniatruth: in  terminal18:42
MBC* bigbucks: where is the tut18:42
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:42
bigbucksone moment18:42
ortsvorsteher!wlan | c0p3rn1c18:43
ubottuc0p3rn1c: please see above18:43
Monacoferoquibbler: i already use them in NONE, in this mode i can read them but like overwritten, hard to read. with more effects they are completely away..18:43
Quetschkecan anybody help me to modfiy a /etc/crypttab using a live-system?18:43
truthIkonia: it didn't uninstall18:43
ikoniatruth: do you see anything ?18:43
ikoniatruth: it won't have done, I've not given you the command18:43
ikoniatruth: I've just told you how to find the package name18:43
truthIkonia: oh ok18:43
ikoniatruth: got the package name18:44
truthIkonia: wait in synaptic pacakege manager?18:44
ikoniatruth: no - you won't see it18:44
ikoniatruth: open a terminal and do "dpkg -l | grep skype"18:44
quibblerMonacofero: then i think it is a wine problem and you can better get help in #winehq18:44
ikoniatruth: that will get you the package named18:44
bigbucksso IBU?18:44
truthIkonia: ok, did that18:45
ikoniatruth: what is the package name ?18:45
niereQuetschke: what is the problem your facing, that reading `man 5 crypttab` does not solve?18:45
Nom-Can anyone suggest what I could look at to identify the cause of NFS slowness on one particular machine?  I'm pushing over 20MB/sec of NFS traffic on this box, but the server side is still twiddling it's thumbs...it's only this client which is slow18:45
Monacoferoquibbler: ok, ill look there, thx18:45
truthikonia: ii  skype                                                          Skype - Take a deep breath18:45
IndyGunFreakc0p3rn1c: what is your wireless device, and are you seeing any networks at all?18:45
quadaptorwhy uses libxml the system zlib.so instead of the given one? http://dpaste.com/117815/18:45
bigbuckswhat do you say IBU?18:45
ikoniatruth: ok - so now "sudo dpkg -P skype"18:45
Unreal_053hey is the nexlinks irc server not up anymore?18:45
Quetschkeniere: the problem is that i am not able to boot the system any more18:45
R0D0LF0Hello. Somebody here "does" have Ati's Hybrid Crossfire up and runing on a Dual Boot (Ubuntu/windows) system?18:46
ikoniatruth: then tell me how that looks18:46
truthikonia: its uninstalled18:46
kn100Is ther anyway to use windows mobile based devices in Ubuntu18:46
truthIkonia: ur amazing18:46
ikoniatruth: great, now do the other one18:46
ikoniatruth: as in install the other one18:46
truthIkonia: ok18:46
Quetschkeniere: using a live-system i can open the device, but how can i modify the crypttab that is used by the bootloader?18:46
niereQuetschke: you know of anything causing that?18:46
Monacoferoquibbler: oh, i've checked - its also a problem in open office, for example...18:47
niereQuetschke: with a current distribution, usually an update-initramfs will do (after you fixed your crypttab)18:47
Monacoferois there a possibility to reinstall the letters or anything like that?18:47
truthIkonia: first of all, its done. u got it to work. Thanx sooo much! Is there any way I can thank you?18:47
Quetschkeniere: mhm and how can i modify the crypttab using the live-system?18:48
ikoniatruth: just enjoy, that's thanks enough18:48
ikoniatruth: well done18:48
nierekn100: http://synce.org18:48
bigbucksnoone answered my question about Virtual PC18:48
ikoniabigbucks: virtual PC is supported in ##windows18:48
wolterhow do I change what appears in the console, like user@machine:~$ ??18:48
ikoniabigbucks: it's a microft project18:48
kn100thanks i18:48
bigbucksI know18:48
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ikoniawolter: $PS118:48
bigbucksbut look at the comment on the bottom of the page18:49
bigbucksone by SoftwareCoreToTheMax18:49
=== milostrifes is now known as milostrife
quibblerMonacofero: you can change your font go to appearences and check the tab fonts18:49
ikoniabigbucks: why ?18:49
truthIkonia: I am so grateful, I truly wish you all the best! (smiling from ear to ear) I owe you big time!18:49
bigbuckswhich do I believE?18:49
niereQuetschke: mount the partition?18:49
ikoniatruth: no problem, enjoy18:49
ikoniabigbucks: what is your question ?18:50
ikoniabigbucks: I dont base support resources on comments made on youtube18:50
nickrudwolter, that's called the bash prompt, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/ tells all18:50
ikoniabigbucks: so ask your question18:50
bigbucksCould I boot a Virtual PC on my comp then install Ubuntu?18:50
ikoniabigbucks: try it18:50
wolterthanks nickrud18:50
pauwels_Hi ppl18:51
ikoniabigbucks: virtual PC is a microsoft product so it depends how it emmulates hardware as to if ubuntu will work on it, I'd bet yes though18:51
pauwels_ive got a problem with my sound18:51
Quetschkeniere: that's what i did; but what i do not understand: if i modify the crypttab that is located at the encrypted partition how can it be used to mount the device on startup?18:51
pauwels_when i play something i just hear one channel of the sound18:51
pauwels_could someone help me with this?18:51
cdburgesscheck hardware by using a headphone18:53
pauwels_we did18:53
pauwels_still one channel:/18:53
niereQuetschke: your initramfs/initrd mounts your encrypted devices at startup, and that's created/updated with update-initramfs using scripts which look at parts of your configuration (e.g. /etc/crypttab) within the (encrypted) root partition18:53
iPeter-Hey, how i can reinstall grub? I had windows and linux, then windows messed up and i had to reinstall it..18:53
pauwels_is there a way to reset the sound drivers or something?18:53
shmuckhi, just upgraded xorg to 7.4, after 'startx' keyboard or mouse does not work, what could be causing this? thanks18:54
etkohello has somebody time to help me?18:54
ikoniashmuck: how did you upgrade18:54
ikonia!grub > iPeter-18:54
ubottuiPeter-, please see my private message18:54
ikoniaetko: ask and let's see18:54
shmuckikonia: portupgrade ;)18:54
pauwels_could you help me 2 :P18:54
ikoniashmuck: portupgrade ?18:54
MBC!grum > mbc18:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grum18:55
ikoniapauwels_: don't know, what's the issue ?18:55
iPeter-ikonia, I dont have livecd18:55
MBC!grub > MBC18:55
ubottuMBC, please see my private message18:55
etkook ikonia i have openbsd box with 3 nics18:55
pauwels_well .. if i play sound i just hear the right channel :|18:55
Quetschkeniere: ok thanks a lot, i'll try it this way18:55
etkoone connected to cable modem18:55
pauwels_we tried it with headphones18:55
ikoniaiPeter-: you're going to need one18:55
milostrifeanyone know how to install hauppauge wintv on ubuntu?18:55
ikoniaetko: ok18:55
pauwels_and no difference18:55
etkoand 2 connectet to switches18:55
iPeter-ikonia, i'am now on ubuntu, do i still need a livecd?18:55
shmuckikonia, yes fbsd's tool to upgrade stuff18:55
ikoniaiPeter-: you maybe able to get away with it using the grub binary on your current install, you should18:56
etkoone has of these nics has ip adresses 192.168.0.X18:56
Quetschkeniere: one question: if i want to use a keyfile to encrypt the device, where do i have to put it to make it accessable by the bootloader18:56
etkosecond 192.168.1.X18:56
ikoniashmuck: yes - but you're using ubuntu, so those tools won't be supported nor will building your own xorg binaries18:56
ndogbosokis that matter?18:56
etkothere is ubuntu box with
shmucki thought it is xorg related, and maybe someone experienced it before18:56
etkoand it cannot see windows box at
ikoniashmuck: 1.) no-one will be using bsd tools 2.) most people who have experience will know how to debug building their own binaries18:57
etkohowever internet through openbsd box as gateway is working18:57
ikoniaetko: sounds like the routing on your BSD box is not correct18:57
Lennoxanyone tell me please how to turn on assistive technologies in xubuntu18:57
RAMDACHow to change permission of a folder and all of its files18:57
ikoniaRAMDAC: chown -R or chmod -R18:57
netkevin_Hey folks, I'd like to locate files which don't belong to any installed package. Any ideas?18:57
schatzimausihallo keiner da18:58
shmuckikonia, im using bsd, i thought this issue could be xorg related .. that is i'm asking in this #18:58
amaureais it normal to have to add --arch=x86_64 to get make-kpkg to work when compiling the kernel? I am attempting to cimple the kernel I already have, with no modifications18:58
RAMDACikonia:chmod -R 775 ~/Desktop like this?18:58
etkohmm yah ikonia but when i connect two windows boxes they are working flawlessly18:58
ikoniashmuck: this is ubuntu - not xorg support18:58
etkoso routing works18:58
shmucki know18:58
niereQuetschke: don't know, perhaps it's mentioned in the documentation or a howto18:58
ikoniaRAMDAC: yup, that looks good18:58
RAMDACok thanx18:58
ikoniaetko: check the routing table on your ubuntu box18:58
ikoniaRAMDAC: (don't forget sudo)18:58
etkohowever when i try to ping anything on local network on ubuntu18:58
etkoit always ends pinging up itself18:58
RAMDACikonia dont worry and thanx very much18:59
ikoniaetko: yup, sounds like your ubuntu box does not have the correct routing setup18:59
etkoikonia : that is done by iptables?18:59
Quetschkeniere: ok thanks anyway18:59
ronnyagain: anyone aware of a unbuntu install cd with ext4 support?18:59
ikoniaetko: no, with the route command or your network cd18:59
ikoniaronny: none currently18:59
ikoniaronny: ext4 will be in ubuntu 9.0418:59
etkoikonia : yeah its friend ntbk, these routing table build up automatically?18:59
ikoniaetko: sorry - not network cd, network config18:59
niereQuetschke: np18:59
ikoniaetko: you'll probably have to manually add a route either using route or the network config file19:00
etkohmm how come that windows boxes work withou a prob?19:00
ronnyikonia: so another 2 months to wait?19:00
ikoniaronny: yup19:00
ronnysad for me19:00
ikoniaetko: they are on a different network range aren't they ?19:00
ikoniaetko: so that range may not require routing19:00
ronnyanyone aware of a tool that helps managing what files are where?19:01
ikoniaronny: the package manager deals with that for you19:01
robert_zaccourok i have crosswearer demo installed. where do i find the saved files?19:01
ikoniaronny: or nautlius in gnome is a file manager19:01
ronnyi got many computers and many harddisks and i lost track of evolution19:01
etkoi specified netmask in manual connection properties for ubox both and
etkoand it doesn't work19:01
etkoboth ways19:01
ikoniaronny: it's on the desktop menu bar at the top of your screen on any ubuntu install19:01
ikoniaetko: a netmask is not a route19:01
ronnyikonia: what do you mean19:02
etkook where can i find more info about this routing?19:02
ronnyikonia: im talking about personal files now, not packages19:02
ikoniaronny: on the menu bar in ubuntu it says "applications places system" then some icons19:02
ikoniaetko: the internet19:02
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ikoniaronny: ooh well nautlius is a fine file manager19:02
niereronny: if it's only files/filenames, try locate (which is kind of an indexed find)19:02
ronnyniere: multiple computers and portable harddisks19:02
niereronny: if you're interested in metadata as well, you might want to look at a desktop search engine, like beagle19:03
ronnyi havent been able to find a tool that helps keeping massive filesets + their partial replication in order19:03
ikoniaronny: rsync works excellent as replication19:03
etkoyeh great :))19:03
usserronny, niere tracker does metadata search too, no?19:03
etkothx anyway19:03
=== erle64- is now known as matt-
ronnyikonia: but this is partial replication to multiple destinations19:04
ikoniaetko: what do you want me to say, you asked where to learn about routing19:04
ikoniaronny: rsync an do that19:04
RAMDACikonia: how do i get rid from the lock mark what appears in upper right of the folder19:04
ikoniaRAMDAC: change the permissions to something your current user can read19:04
ronnyikonia: but it wont manage the combination if *what* and *where* in a nice way19:04
nellmathewis there a way to configure my DLink router w/ ubuntu?.. the config page's buttons aren't doing anything in ubuntu/firefox..19:04
Hiko96786RAMDAC that is a matter of the owner of the directory based on user permissions19:05
RAMDACok then what i do?19:05
ikoniaronny: it will you can say replicate file a to place b on box b and place c on box c19:05
ikoniaRAMDAC: re-open the file manager19:05
Hiko96786Right click and look at the user rights of the folder.19:05
RAMDACok guys do u mean that i change the owner type to the user name19:05
ronnyikonia: but it wont remember what i did place where and why19:06
ikoniaRAMDAC: the owner of the permissions19:06
ronnyikonia: i want cimplete automated *management*19:06
ikoniaronny: it will remember the place as you specify it in the config file, it won't tell you why19:06
RAMDACok i'll see19:06
ikoniaronny: then look into cvs or svn19:06
ronnynot just invoke rsync, keep track yourself19:06
ronnyikonia: those are entirely unsuitable for my suff19:06
ikoniaronny: then there is no tool19:06
ikoniaronny: use a pen and paper19:06
etkoikonia no problem i just have no clue where to start19:06
ronny1. they are centralized, 2. they completely suck for blobs at sizes up to 4-5 gb19:07
ikoniaetko: man route is a good start to understand how the routing command / setup works19:07
Hiko96786etko, what are you trying to do?19:07
etkowhy is even routing needed when other boxes work flawleslly19:07
RAMDACikonia:what is the chmod of the user name19:07
ikoniaetko: because the other boxes are on a visable subnet19:07
etkoHiko96786 : my ubuntu boz is unable to ping anybody19:07
ikoniaRAMDAC: chmod is not used with a username19:07
etkonot even the gateway19:07
ikoniaRAMDAC: chmod is set your permissions19:07
peepsalotfor some reason pidgin won't connect to google chat anymore, is this happening for other people?19:07
etkobut gateway works because internet is working19:07
RAMDACikonia:i mean is there anything rather than 77519:07
Hiko96786Wired or Wireless?19:08
ikoniaRAMDAC: 775 will make it read/write/exectable for the current owner, the current group owner and read executable for the rest of the users19:08
Hiko96786etko, wired network or wireless?19:08
etkoHiko96786 : wired19:09
samsomhow do i connect to other servers19:09
Hiko96786etko, Ok. Can you pull up webpages in Firefox?19:09
RAMDACikonia:ok how do i change the owner of the folder and all of its contents?19:09
ikoniaRAMDAC: chown -R $username:$groupname $folder19:09
Quetschkesansom: to which servers?19:09
etkoHiko96786 : can i query you?19:09
oddhere74hi, this is ubuntu hardy 8.10, I'm trying to get the kernel devel package for kernel 2.6.25-2, it doesn't appear to exist in the repository, any hints are greatly appreciated19:10
Quetschkesamsom: to which servers?19:10
tilman_hey guys! how do I log the whole boot process?19:10
Hiko96786etko, query me?19:10
Quetschketilman_: dmesg19:10
MBC!md5sum | MBC19:10
ubottuMBC, please see my private message19:10
samsomits to access the ubuntuforums beginner sessions19:10
Quetschkesamsom: /connect ?19:10
tilman_Quetschke: dmesg..am I supposed to just type in that command?19:10
samsom /connect freenode19:11
RAMDACikonia:thanx i've solved my problem19:11
ikoniaRAMDAC: well done19:11
jribsamsom: you are on freenode19:11
BrettSWho wants to help me install ubunutu beside my vista partition???19:11
oddhere74well, It's supposed to be called linux-kernel-devel-2.6.25-2 or something like that?19:11
Quetschketilman_:  dmesg - print or control the kernel ring buffer19:11
ikoniaBrettS: put in ubuntu cd, boot from ubuntu CD, click install on desktop, follow instructions, done19:11
samsomjrib: am i? Ok ...i thought i was on ubuntu19:12
tilman_Quetschke: ok that you very much!19:12
BrettSI want to specify how much GB I want to allocate for the ubuntu though19:12
jribsamsom: irc.ubuntu.com just redirects to freenode19:12
RAMDACikonia: i have a problem on my Laptop19:12
BrettSright now my vista thinks everything belongs to it19:12
samsomok..thanks...sorry..its my first time on irc19:12
ikoniaRAMDAC: ok ?19:12
BrettSsorry IndyGunFreak, I'm at work and juggling things around19:12
tilman_Quietschke: ok but I am looking for the log of the boot manager GRUB19:12
ikoniaBrettS: as in disk space ?19:12
Quetschketilman_: ah mhm19:13
BrettSYes, I want to partition part of my HD for my ubuntu, say 30GB or so.19:13
RAMDACikonia:i have Nvidia sound driver the problem is that sound comes from both the speakers and the headphones19:13
majestiki need help i have an error 17 with grub19:13
ikoniaRAMDAC: if you search ubuntu forums you'll find that's a common problem19:13
majestiki must to boot with my cd19:13
IndyGunFreakBrettS: are you on the live cd?19:13
majestikcan you help me19:13
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Which release (lsb_release -a) and kernel version do you need (uname -r)19:13
samsomhow do i use irc via terminal...i have installed ircii. but how do i open it in a terminal19:13
BrettSI am doing this through a flash drive19:13
oddhere74the one I managed to find in the repository was version 2.6.15-53.75, it's not even for the version of kernel installed now19:13
ikoniaBrettS: do you have any unallocated disk space (as in not allocated to the vista partition)19:13
BrettSNo I do not, that is my issue ikonia19:13
etkoikonia could it be caused by that ubuntu boax has also ip6 enabled?19:13
BrettSVista thinks it all  belongs to it19:13
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: I need kernel-devel package for version 2.6.25-219:14
ikoniaBrettS: that is a problem as you probably won't be able to resize the partition19:14
ikoniaetko: doubtful19:14
BrettSThough I do have FREE disk space that CAN be partitioned19:14
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: We didn't publish a 2.6.25 kernel19:14
ikoniaetko: unless you on an ip 6 network it wont matter19:14
req^I have a stange problem. My ubuntu desktop system has en_US.utf-9 locale and so does my server, and my characters are correct. However when I alt+[number] to change windows in irssi I get strange symbols like "Ā±Ā²Ā³Ā“ĀµĀ¶Ā·". How should I go about fixing this?19:14
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: mine is 2.6.27 but I got 2.6.25 and booted it19:14
ikoniaBrettS: free space is not unallocated space, so I doubt you'll be able to re-size your partition with the ubuntu tools19:14
RAMDACikonia:i've searched but all problems happens for people has intel hda but me having nvidia is the problem19:14
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: How !19:14
etkoikonia : okay thx19:14
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Wher'd you get 2.6.25 from? Not the Ubuntu archives?19:14
BrettSdo i need to unallocate some space with vista19:14
BrettSthen re-boot up?19:14
ikoniaBrettS: yes19:14
BrettSokay thanks ill try that out19:14
IndyGunFreakBrettS: you should be able to use gparted to create some unallocated space19:14
ikoniaBrettS: you need free partition space to be able to resize19:15
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: not if his whole disk is allocated,19:15
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: yes the Ubuntu repository19:15
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Show me the output of "uname -a" please19:15
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: OK19:15
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: it won't always allow it if there is all space allocated and the file system too full to swap it out19:15
IndyGunFreakikonia: i don't know, i've never had a problem w/ it19:15
beligerantJaunty is pretty good, just got it installed.19:15
rodsWhere/how can I get the latest Docky/Gnome Do?19:15
ikoniabeligerant: it's also discussed in #ubuntu+1 not here19:16
rodsI have the version that comes with the standard Ubunutu repositories19:16
hippieHello everyone. I want to setup a static IP for my workstation, so I edited /etc/network/interfaces to suit my needs, and I edited /etc/resolv.conf with openDNS servers... after reboot I can ping IP's but DNS doesn't work. When leftclicking on the network icon (gnome) I get the msg: Wired Network - device is unmanaged. What have I done wrong?19:16
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: Linux hostname 2.6.25-2-386 #1 date/time i686 GNU/Linux19:16
nellmathewthere a way to add the password to a sudo command instead of having it prompt you for it afterwards?19:16
OriWBIkonia: do you work for linux?19:16
ikoniaOriWB: no19:16
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: As I thought... the kernel you have isn't an Ubuntu kernel... I suspect you got it from kernel.org19:16
FeRcHoque onda que cuentan19:17
ikonianellmathew: yes, the /etc/sudoers file (edit it with sudo visudo) you need to tell it to not prompt for a password for your user19:17
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: I didn't actually19:17
rodsWhere/how can I get the latest Docky/Gnome Do? I have the version that comes with the standard Ubunutu repositories, but I understand that isn't  the latest release19:17
ikonianellmathew: well documented in the man page19:17
MacGyverNL|LTI have a feeling one of my USB ports is broken. Can anyone confirm this is a hardware and not a driver problem? syslog output at http://rafb.net/p/8dKAdA29.html19:17
reduzFeRcHo, no habla espanol19:17
ikoniarods: if there is no package you can't get one - you'd need to make a ackage yourself19:17
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Ubuntu kernels contains the Ubuntu build information in their version19:17
OriWBIkonia: ok, so your just an awesome person I can't praise to a superior... Ok, well then thanx again!19:17
reduzdamn pulseaudio to the bottom of help, as it keeps freezing19:17
reduzof hell19:17
IndyGunFreakBrettS: vista has a partitioning tool i do believe, it should let you change some free space to some unallocated space19:17
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: well I just need an earlier kernel than 2.6.27 which is the default I got with Ubuntu Hardy, to be able to run vmware19:17
ikoniaOriWB: no need, happy to help19:17
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Is it possible you got it from the Ubuntu Linux/ports for i386?19:18
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Take a look here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-ports/19:18
pauwels_Still have the same problem19:18
pauwels_could you help me with my sound?19:18
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Hardy (8.04) uses kernel 2.6.24 , Intrepid (8.10) uses 2.6.2719:19
caboosificationhey whats the best virtual machine for running ubuntu in xp ?19:19
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: well, it wasn't a port, but let's just forgot about it, if I could find the devel package then it's solved, but your hint in regards of vmware-server would be greatly appreciated to19:19
ikoniacaboosification: as in ##windows19:19
ikoniacaboosification: more important to get the host - rather than the guest supported19:19
pauwels_can i ask my question to you?19:20
ikoniapauwels_: sure19:20
pauwels_when i run with livecd19:20
pauwels_i get stereo sound19:20
caboosificationikonia: so its just better to use the default windows one ?19:20
pauwels_buth in normal  i get only the right channel19:20
pauwels_i checked my mixers19:20
pauwels_EVRYTHING :/19:20
FloodBot1pauwels_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:20
pauwels_i just cant find it19:20
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: I saw "linux-headers-2.6.25-2-386_2.6.25-2.3_i386.deb" in the archive ports - that looks close, but the "uname -a" looked like it was a custom-built kernel since it didn't include the Ubuntu name nor a build date/time19:20
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: yes you're right, sorry I'm using IRC on another machine which is 8.04, but the machine I'm trying to run vmware-server on is 8.1019:20
ikoniacaboosification: you can try it19:20
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: lol Ahhhhh! You were confusing me greatly there19:21
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: I'm so sorry yes I can imagine19:21
ikoniapauwels_: that's most odd19:21
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: I use KVM for VMs so I can't help you with vmware19:21
pauwels_y indeed  :|19:21
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: having lots of issues around here trying to sort out19:21
pauwels_cant i reset the sound somehow?19:21
caboosificationikonia: what would you suggest tho ? i have no experience with virtual machines so far19:22
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Maybe the vmware forums can help you more? They probably have more people with experience of these kind of issues than you're going to find here.19:22
=== laughalots is now known as rods
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: basically my problem is the linux-headers-2.6.x and devel packages19:22
ikoniacaboosification: vmware on a windows platform is popular, as the guys in ##windows19:22
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rodsHow do I ensure I have a 64-bit system install of Ubuntu? I have an amd-64 system (as far as I know)19:22
ikoniarods: show me the output of uname -a19:23
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: well yes you're probably right, and thanks so much you've helped me figure somethings out19:23
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Well, I i see the *Ubuntu* headers and devel packages for in that archive directory I pointed yo to19:23
hipzenHello everyone. I want to setup a static IP for my workstation, so I edited /etc/network/interfaces to suit my needs, and I edited /etc/resolv.conf with openDNS servers... after reboot I can ping IP's but DNS doesn't work. When leftclicking on the network icon (gnome) I get the msg: Wired Network - device is unmanaged. What have I done wrong? (sorry for the repost, got thrown off..)19:23
rodsikonia: Where/how can I get the latest Docky/Gnome Do?19:23
rodshang on19:23
rodsikonia: Linux dellicious 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux19:23
darkblue_BQ. bzlib.h not found.. What package to get bzlib.h ??19:24
ikoniarods: that's 32bit19:24
rodsI see19:24
ikoniadarkblue_B: bzip development19:24
mattva01does anyone know how to add a service to the Administration>Services menu?19:24
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: It's just that based on that uname output I'm suspicious that the running kernel wasn't built by Ubuntu... *unless* the ports build was broken in that regard and no-one spotted it19:24
rodsikonia: does that mean I'm not getting hte most out of my syste<19:24
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: which are the devel packages, aren't those headers?19:24
shawnmstoutanyone here use linuxmce?19:24
darkblue_Bikonia: apt-cache search doesnt show that ??19:24
ikoniarods: not at all 32bit systems will perform just as well19:24
shawnmstoutpretty nice addon19:24
ikoniadarkblue_B: search for bzip and look at the packages19:24
darkblue_Bikonia: yes, i did.. gambas something19:24
darkblue_Bsome ruby things19:25
ikoniagambas something ?19:25
rodsikonia: much thanks. I appreciate it19:25
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Yes, the 'headers' packages is the same thing as 'devel' - containing the include header files19:25
ikoniadarkblue_B: libbz2-dev19:25
darkblue_Bikonia: thx so much!!!19:25
pauwels_ikonia cant i reset the sound?19:25
pauwels_settings i  mean19:26
darkblue_Bikonia: how did you get that?19:26
ikoniadarkblue_B: apt-cache search bzip219:26
ikoniapauwels_: errr don't know off the top of my head, I'm not massivly up on sound19:27
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: exactly that is what drives me completely crazy here cause vmware's message is as follows:- The path "path" is a kernel header file directory, but it is  not part of kernel source tree.19:27
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: I have my doubts that it's not just a vmware issue, am I right?19:27
darkblue_Bikonia: thank you19:27
ikoniano problem19:27
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: and forgive my ignorance19:28
Nom-Does anyone know if "nfsstat -m" shows the options which are actually applying to the mountpoint?  I've tried to change a few options, and they show up in "mount" but not "nfsstat -m"19:28
MBCHello. After mounting the ubuntu standerd desktop iso and selecting my language (english). I am taken to a screen where I can select "Install". When I hit install the screen fills and ends with the text "end trace 4eaa2a86 etc" Help?19:29
oddhere74IntuitiveNipple: thanks so much for the help, it's greatly appreciated :-)19:29
MBCI have checked the md5sum thingy19:30
IntuitiveNippleoddhere74: Good luck with that :)19:30
ikoniaMBC: sounds like a hardware error and your getting a stack trace19:30
ikoniaMBC: try a different CD image19:30
MBCit is a virtual PC though ikonia19:31
mustanggdoes anacron poll for changes to anacrontab? or must it be restarted...?19:32
ikoniaMBC: sounds like a hardware error with the virtual PC in the way it presents pretend hardware19:32
ikoniamustangg: real time changes19:32
MBCikonia: What do you mean by a different CD image?19:32
ikoniaMBC: a diffent ISO image, but it sounds like it's not happy with the way virtual PC presents hardware19:33
MBCBut other people don't have this problem do they19:34
carebearserver irc.homelien.no19:34
fluitfriesso i'm trying to use gparted from the live cd, but xubuntu keeps auto mounting my disk...19:34
fluitfriesi unmount it, and then it gets mounted again in 30 secounds.19:35
fluitfrieshow can i stop this?19:35
fluitfriescan't use gparted when it's mounted obvously.19:35
DVA5912Supposedly Command and Conquer Tiberium works with wine, but ive got it installed and its just sitting at the title screen (an image) is their any reason its just sitting their or do i need to wait some more?19:35
mustanggikonia - thanks. And might you know how I can check if job/jobs listed there are running?19:35
RenfieldHello. I'm trying to install Ubuntu for the first time, and I have a fundamental problem.19:35
ikoniamustangg: not sure if there is an interface into anacron but you can look in /etc/jobs.daily jobs.weekly jobs.monthly to see what gets run19:36
ortsvorsteherRenfield: which one?19:36
RenfieldI can't get my computer to boot off of the CD-RW that I burnt of Ubunto 8.10.19:36
fluitfriesdo i need to remove the aufs line in /etc/fstab?  maybe this is what keeps remounting my filesystem?19:36
gredorianHey. Pidgin never warns me when I have new messages on open chat windows... is that a GNOME problem or what? can I fix it?19:36
ikoniaRenfield: you need to set your bios to boot from CD before hard disk19:36
DVA5912Renfield: check your bios19:36
Renfieldikonia: Yep, that works. I was able to boot another disk.19:36
ikoniaRenfield: then your disk has a problem19:36
RenfieldI get it to where it says ISOLINUX 3.63 ... and then it says Loading Linux....19:37
IntuitiveNipplefluitfries: Disable "browse media when inserted" in a Nautilus window via Edit > Preferences > Media19:37
threexkhello.  I changed my password using passwd, but my keyring password (for wireless) didn't change.  How can I update it?19:37
RenfieldThen the screen goes blank and nothing happens.19:37
fluitfriesIntuitiveNipple: this is xubuntu, is there an equivalent?19:37
MBCikonia: what can I do?19:37
ikoniaMBC: not use virtual PC ? try a different CD Image ?19:37
ikoniaRenfield: what video card do you have ?19:37
ikonia_brujo: ?19:38
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fluitfriesIntuitiveNipple: it is working now, i just hope the automount doesn't attempt whilst i am resizing this partition...  :/19:38
Renfieldikonia: Intel 945GC, I think is it.19:38
ikonia_brujo: what are you talking about "bones"19:38
lucasemmanoelola a todos mais cedo vim aqui pedir um help por causa do tecaldo e agora estou passando para dizer que resolvi, valeu pela forƧa galera19:38
ikoniaRenfield: really they are normally very well supported19:38
_brujosorry, ikonia?19:38
R0D0LF0Hello. Somebody here "does" have y Ati's Hybrid Crossfire  up and runing on a Dual Boot (Ubuntu/windows) system?19:38
ikoniaRenfield: for interests sake you may want to try the ubuntu alternative install CD19:38
Renfieldikonia: I don't think it is the video. The CD-ROM stops loading also.19:39
DVA5912Anyone play Command And Conquer19:39
ikonia19:07 < _brujo> bones19:39
ikonia_brujo: that's what you said19:39
ikoniaDVA5912: why ?19:39
ortsvorsteher!somebody | R0D0LF019:39
ubottuR0D0LF0: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:39
=== izibi_ is now known as izib
=== izib is now known as izibi
DVA5912ikonia: What version? I have tiberium and its sitting at the image loading19:39
ikoniaDVA5912: I don't play it using ubuntu19:39
ikonia_brujo: why do you keep saying random words ?19:40
_brujorandom words? do you speak catalan, ikonia?19:40
fluitfriesis it really a bad idea to rename the XP boot partition from F: to C: after you've installed XP (having installed Ubuntu first) ?19:40
magociao nessuno italiano?19:40
ikonia_brujo: no, you just said "bones" and "_silvia40" they make no-sense on their own19:40
ikonia!it > mago19:41
ubottumago, please see my private message19:41
caboosificationwhats a simple light weight linux distro for systems programming purposes ?19:41
R0D0LF0Hello. Does anyone here have y Ati's Hybrid Crossfire  up and runing on a Dual Boot (Ubuntu/windows) system?19:41
ikoniacaboosification: this is ubuntu support only - please ask in ##linux19:41
magobelin tuti stranieri19:41
lilendiancan someone please tell me why mplayer (and any other front-end that uses it) takes a long time playing back videos upon drag-n-drop or even in transit from one item on the playlist to the next?19:41
lilendianI am pretty sure that my system specs are more than enough to meet any requirements19:42
Renfieldikonia: I'm sorry, but I don't see an alternative install CD from the ubuntu.com website. It shows 8.10 desktop, 8.04 LTS desktop, 8.10 server and 8.04 LTS server. Also 32/64 bit options. I currently have 8.10 64 bit. Do you mean for me to try 8.04 LTS?19:42
foxjazzis there a way to use cp to cpy files and not prompt for overwrite?19:42
lilendianis this something thats triggered by some weird option? Double buffering? or perhaps audio options?19:42
=== malcolm is now known as Guest14404
nex__i would like to have some assistance on "multibutton" trying to get my v320 logitech mouse to work with back and forward in firefox.19:43
Renfieldikonia: Also, I am a bit concerned that the ISO image file is 699 meg, but my CD-RWs clearly say 650Meg on them.19:43
ikoniaRenfield: if you look a little further just before you start the download it will say "click here to download the alternative image"19:43
fluitfriesvery cool how gparted shows the actual commands it's using to apply changes.  :)19:43
=== Guest14404 is now known as h141
Renfieldikonia: Oh, do you mean the "text based alternate installer installation disk"?19:44
MacGyverNL|LTLooks like unsetting the proxy in System -> Preferences -> Network proxy, and applying systemwide, doesn't unset environment variables. How do I globally unset those so that Synaptic doesn't use them? Preferably without restarting X.org.19:44
DVA5912Ok got command and conquer installed to ubuntu but when i got to play it all i get is the title image displaying to maby three seconds then it dissapears and nothing else happens. What could be wrong?19:44
DVA5912the cd is in the drive soo..19:44
ikoniaDVA5912: you may want to ask in #winehq - I assume you're using wine19:45
ikoniaRenfield: that's it19:45
milostrifehow do i set up tvtime19:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tvtime19:47
RenfieldAlso, just to be sure, this is an Intel Core 2 Duo, which I believe is of the EM64T architecture, but I am downloading the AMD64 ISO image. Is this compatible?19:47
ortsvorsteher!info tvtime19:47
ubottutvtime (source: tvtime): A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0.3ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 676 kB, installed size 1928 kB19:47
ikoniaRenfield: fine19:48
=== [perry] is now known as [pErry]
pr1rhello all i have a quick question i have had ubuntu on this pc since 5.04 or something crazy like that and it dual boots ubuntu and windoze and ive always wanted to just redo the ubuntu partition.  my question is can i just write the new version of ubuntu over the partition w/o corrupting the windoZe install? thanks in advance19:52
pr1rwow not one person19:54
fluitfriesabout how long should it take to resize a 200g partition to 170?19:54
pr1rfriut you using gparted?19:54
miller_pr1r, I've never had a problem reinstalling a dual boot system if ubuntu was installed second by deleting and reformatting the ubuntu partition;  this will reinstall the boot loader to allow dual booting19:55
=== olibi_away is now known as olibi
pr1rmiller, i dont want to have to install windoZe again.  its a pain.  all i use that for is for my steam account you know? i basically want to write over this partition with a fresh install of ubuntu19:56
jrib!away > olibi19:56
ubottuolibi, please see my private message19:56
jribpr1r: not exactly what you asked, but you realize steam works fine in wine?19:57
pr1ri dont do wine19:57
jakswapr1r, me too, only for steam :-\19:57
pr1rjrib i would love nothing more than to use wine i have in the past19:57
miller_pr1r, as long as you installed windows first, and ubuntu second, you can reinstall ubuntu to your hearts content; as long as you don't format the windows partition of course;  I also found a VM for small things works wonderfully, I suggest virtualbox for ease of use19:57
pr1rmiller_ thank you very much, info is much appreciated19:58
miller_I run a VPN software for work in a VM and that's all I use it for19:58
Grinkocan't get the samsung Unified linux driver unpacked , tried using terminal, any help please?19:58
olibijirb: ok, however i would like an answer to my post...?19:59
krazyfingerz47Somebody knows about a nice black-high-tech theme for ubuntu? please let me know.19:59
{g}Hey People! In a script, how do i say "if commandline parameter 1 equals abc then x=def"?20:02
pr1ranyone have an eee?20:03
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mindrape{g} head over to #bash and read the topic... they reference lots of good tutorials that explain scripting in depth.20:03
gordonjcppr1r: lots of people20:03
ortsvorsteher!anyone | pr1r20:04
ubottupr1r: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:04
pr1ri dont have any questions about the eee im good on that20:05
pr1rjust askin if anyone has one20:05
pr1rno big deal20:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sweep20:05
cjaeisn't there a new thing in ubuntu that is similar to windows ccleaner?20:06
pr1ri have 3 of em and love em20:06
Flannelcjae: What's that?20:06
CodyCan anybody help me hook up my xbox live? I have a wireless connection on my laptop and am trying via ethernet to hook up the xbox from my computer.20:06
[TiZ]Hi. I'm having a weird problem with my gnome-panel, more specifically, the task switcher. Once in a random while, the ellipses that indicate that a window's title is too long are replaced with accented capital Es. This happens to Firefox tabs too. Can anyone help me with this?20:06
Flannel!ics | Cody20:06
ubottuCody: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php20:06
aixenvwhats the best torrent program for linux?20:07
helois it better to try to install 2.6.28 in intrepid, or install the devel version which includes it?20:07
Flannel!best | aixenv20:07
ubottuaixenv: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:07
helortorrent is nice...20:07
[TiZ]axienv: I prefer Deluge, myself. You just have to try them and see which you like best20:08
klasikahlthe Lock Screen item from the logout dropdown int he upper right hand corner of gnome -- does anyone know if i can invoke this from the command line?20:08
klasikahland how?20:08
KEBA1kde4 disabled my compositing because there are to slow... now i changed the settings and want to activate it, but under system settings i get this error: http://junemaster.ju.funpic.de/quote/index.php?id=881&delid=PUBVzPiyDQQmRSu20:08
cjaeFlannel: I regigtry scanner but primarily a system sweeper, cleans out temp internet files, cookies and such20:09
olibiaixenv: if you are member of private trackers you should check out the vlient allow/ban list20:09
Flannelcjae: Just use the clean temporary file thing in firefox, and then sudo apt-get autoclean20:09
chris-rc1is there an easy way to configure and use an ISDN connection in hardy?20:09
cjaeFlannel: thought there was supposed to be some great new system cleaner in intrepid20:10
adaptrchris-rc1: external ISDN modem ?20:10
commander_when is 9.04 out or has anyone got it?20:11
failersalpha is out20:11
Flannelcjae: There's not much to clean, package management keeps cruft down.  I haven't heard anything about that, nor do I see it: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810overview20:12
Flannelcommander_: Version numbers are year.month, so 9.04 comes out in April of 200920:12
vigoWhat is a good firewall for a desktop/server?20:12
Flannel!firewall | vigo20:12
ubottuvigo: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).20:12
haolehello there... i've just bought a new keyboard, but some of the keys won't respond even when I'm running "xev"... what should i do to map them?20:12
aixenviptables :P20:12
vigoThank you20:13
cjaeFlannel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/intrepid-changes/2008-October/008049.html20:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufv20:13
Nom-Oh... crap... noac implies sync... does it go the other way too?20:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufvw20:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw20:13
chris-rc1adaptr: no, it is an interanl fritz card20:13
aixenvso whats the word on intrepid? worth upgrading yet?20:13
zash!package ufw20:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package ufw20:13
=== nick is now known as hanuman
Nom-Bloody hell... hate Sun storage gear...never buy it... a bug in that stupid gear means we have to use sync on ur nfs mounts20:13
whatevis there a website where i can do the equivalent of 'apt-cache search <package>'? that way i can read about ubuntu packages even when i'm on my windows machine at work20:14
aixenvnfs mounts blow in general20:14
Flannelcjae: Alright, so install system-cleaner and go to town; from the description it sounds like it just automates the process of removing old packages in package management.  Not cookies, etc (which makes sense)20:14
Flannelwhatev: packages.ubuntu.com20:14
whatevaixenv everyone i know whose upgraded is happy20:14
whatevthanks Flannel20:14
aixenvwhatev : ok cool ty20:14
commander_can you use the Alpha one for now?20:14
updhi, where can i give source code of top program ?20:14
whatevupd give or get20:14
updget, sorry20:15
Flannelcommander_: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty questions, yes, you can.  But it's alpha software, so... it's not necessarily stable20:15
zashupd: apt-get source top20:15
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thomcany boinc users here?20:15
updzash: that don't work.20:15
cjaeFlannel: was just asking, did n't know what it did, is this the same as the autoclean command?20:15
cjaeFlannel: I just found that link two min ago20:16
AdyTclany 1 knows if anope services can be installed on ubuntu ?20:16
krazyfingerz47Somebody knows about a nice black theme for ubuntu 8.10?20:16
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Flannelcjae: no, autoclean removes old package files (the deb files), this removes old libraries that aren't required, and also the things in synaptic labeled "local or obsolete packages" (well, the obsolete part of those, anyway)20:16
carpii_hi all, im using ubuntu 8.04 and my houses central heating has packed up. can someone help me fix it :((20:17
commander_Cool .No pressure. Just want to see what's in store since I'm addicted to Linux20:17
quibblerupd: http://mailman.uclinux.org/pipermail/uclinux-dev/2004-February/024154.html20:17
Er2Kkrazyfingerz47:  Check the mythbuntu themes.  They have a couple of very nice black ones.20:17
updquibbler: thanks you20:18
krazyfingerz47Er2K, kk thanks20:18
quibblerupd: you are welcome20:18
whatevwhere can i read up on how the ubuntu keyring thing works20:18
zashupd: apt-get source $(dpkg -S $(which top) | cut -d: -f1)20:18
zashupd: dvs apt-get source procps :D20:19
JC_Denton__I think I have just lost all my photos 0_o was there a ctrl+t shortcut in nautilus that would delete a directory or something? strangely enough the drive says it still has the same amount of space free as it had before teh dissapearance of the files20:19
updzash: interesting20:20
zashJC_Denton__: check the trash?20:20
zashupd: bash is awesome!20:20
ConfettiI can't get Ubuntu to boot for the first time, either from the install or from live CD20:20
zashJC_Denton__: ctrl+t seems to open a new tab for me20:21
Guisepehola ubuntu.es20:21
JC_Denton__zash: just did. phew they're in there20:21
Seven_Six_TwoI'm trying to back up my / partition using "dd if=/dev/sda1 | gzip > of=/home/username/storage/backupfile.gz" and I keep getting "no such file or directory" for the "of" part of the command. do I have to touch the file first?20:21
aixenv"this computer is currently using the AMD 'fglrx' graphics driver. no version is avaiable that works in 8.10" is that somethign to be concerned about?20:21
aixenvor a false positive20:21
JC_Denton__zash: Don't know how they ended up in there though20:21
ConfettiPM me when it's my turn20:21
miller_Confetti, any error messages?20:21
JC_Denton__ironically enough they all dissapeared right now when I'm implementing my backup solution20:21
whatevhow can i get nm-applet to stop asking me for keyring password20:21
_VIM_JC_Denton__: you should get some sort of backup software20:21
Confettiit just boots to the Ubuntu orange, then goes black20:21
_VIM_!backup | JC_Denton__20:22
ubottuJC_Denton__: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:22
chocobananahi everyone!!!!20:22
JC_Denton__VIM_ I've just added another 500gb drive and am thinking of using rsync to backup my partition to the new drive20:22
jbmigelhey there chocobanana!20:22
deanySeven_Six_Two,  wouldnt that command try to backup your /home too..20:22
Er2KConfetti: Muck with the video options from the boot menu on the CD.  I've seen that a few times and going to 640x480 at least got it booted far enough to choose a real video setup.20:22
failerssudo cp / /media/sdb :P ?20:23
Confettiaight, bbiaf20:23
CodyIm sorry but i didnt understand the website i was directed to. I need to hook up my xbox360 to my computer? Can anyone help me. This compupter is wireless and im trying to conect from this computer via ethernet20:23
_VIM_JC_Denton__: ok good enough, if you need GUI for that it's called grsync and for cron you'll want gnome-schedule20:23
deanysudo cp -a20:23
Seven_Six_Twodeany, no, my home is on a different partition. and /home/username/storage is yet another20:23
JC_Denton__vim_ thanks20:23
deanySeven_Six_Two, it might be on another partition, but, its a directory inside /20:23
deanyhence, it`ll get included20:23
_VIM_JC_Denton__: np20:23
Seven_Six_Twodeany, that's why I'm not trying to dd /, but /dev/sda120:24
zashJC_Denton__: you could check out mrb, a makefile+rsync-script20:24
deanyyou arent specifying partitions20:24
AdamS42aI am setting up a proxy server with Ubuntu 8.04 server. eth0 is on the LAN side, eth1 is connected to the router. Only eth1 can ping my router, thus nothing on the LAN can get past eth0. What should I be looking at to pass traffic between eth0 and eth1? Squid? Routing? What?20:24
Necrathexhmw: just succesfully moved my /home to a new partition, thanks again ;)20:25
klasikahlAdamS42a: nat20:25
deanydoesnt it have to be unmounted first if you use DD?20:25
klasikahlAdamS42a: iptables nat20:25
Er2KSeven_Six_Two: You might find partimage or the imaging stuff in parted/gparted a bit more manageable.20:25
hmwNecrathex congratz!20:25
AdamS42aklasikahl, that's in squid, right?20:25
deanySeven_Six_Two, i use clonezilla myself.. live cd, nice and quick20:25
fluitfriesif i installed linux first, then XP second on my dual-boot system, can i change the drive from G: to C: ?20:25
Seven_Six_Twodeany, it is mounted. I wasn't sure if that would matter.20:25
BrettSi installed ubuntu on my 965g intel intregraded video card, and it says im missing XGL or something, anyone know what it means?20:25
deanySeven_Six_Two, i *think* it has to be unmounted.....20:26
Seven_Six_TwoEr2K, gparted does whole partition backups with compression?20:26
Seven_Six_Twoit's a 15gb partition with about 3gb of data and I don't want a 15gb file20:26
russia213Can I get help with GRUB? I get error 15 file not found20:26
Seven_Six_Twobut it's / so I'm worried about just backing up the directories20:26
JC_Denton__zash: not all that good with scripts20:27
Er2KSeven_Six_Two:  My bad.  Gparted won't, but partimage will.20:27
Er2Kusing dd to backup raw filesystems has not always been reliable for me.....make sure to test you restore before you announce it 'backed up'20:27
Seven_Six_TwoI'm checking out those links that ubottu dumped, and I'll check out partimage too. thanks20:27
deanySeven_Six_Two, if you dont mind rebooting i`d use clonezilla..20:28
deanydoes disk or partition images20:28
Seven_Six_Twodeany, lol. I have no blanks. I just spent about 8 hours getting 8.10 installed on a sata system with hybridSLI20:28
Seven_Six_Twoand I just want to make it safe.20:29
psionso I got dual monitors set up with it setup to use different x sessions, is there _any_ way to move a window from one screen to the other?20:29
Scunizi_How do I add one user to a different group at terminal?20:30
deanyalways nice to have a rewritable handy20:30
deanyman usermod20:30
jtajiScunizi_: adduser user group20:30
Er2KScunizi_:  usermod -G <group> -a <user>20:30
Scunizi_which would be better to add a user to www-data20:31
Scunizi_both the same?20:31
jtajithe same20:31
jtajiadduser is nicer as you see ;)20:31
jtajito type20:31
Seven_Six_Twopsion, I use that too, and I read about a way using xauth or xset or xhost or something like that. I never got it to work though20:31
FlannelScunizi_: `adduser user group` is the easiest, and best way to not break something.20:31
jtajiif you forget the -a, you screw up your groups20:31
jtajiwith usermod20:32
FlannelScunizi_: If you use usermod and forget the -a, you remove all the other groups its in20:32
psionSeven_Six_Two: ah thanks, it just annoys me because certain windows will only pop up on one screen20:32
Er2Kvery true...you took the words from my mouth jtaji20:32
piccajust edit /etc/groups20:32
Er2Kgood excuse to backup your passwd/group file20:32
Scunizi_Thanks Flannel20:32
TonikHow do I figure out if a machine is Ubuntu Server or Desktop?20:32
deanyuname -r20:32
Tonik2.6.15-52-686, and what does that tell me?20:33
piccauname -a20:33
russia213Can I get help with GRUB? I get error 15 file not found http://paste.ubuntu.com/115410/20:33
deanythought it would say server kernel20:33
ad1hi all20:33
FlannelTonik: They're not exactly different.  You can use uname like deany said to determine the kernel, but that won't tell you much anyway (you can have either kernel on either).  You can also check to see if X is installed20:33
deanyguess its not then20:33
whatevzash: how can i make this an alias: apt-get source $(dpkg -S $(which top) | cut -d: -f1)   and have the part where it says 'top' be an argument variable? so i can just type: "aliasname blah" to automatically run: apt-get source $(dpkg -S $(which blah) | cut -d: -f1)20:33
jtajiTonik: or check if ubuntu-desktop is installed20:33
FlannelTonik: That means you're running Dapper, and it's likely a desktop machine.20:34
jtajiTonik: apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop20:34
TonikFlannel: X is installed, but I may have installed it on top of a server edittion  :)_20:34
Tonikthe real question is, does it matter what .iso to use for upgrade to 8.04?20:34
zashwhatev: i think thats to complex to build an alias for, you could try writing a small function20:34
Er2KSeven_Six_Two:  If you are (or plan to) use dd to also image NTFS partitions, use ntfsclone instead.  dd images of ntfs partitions will often not work if put on a drive of different geometry, use it on a leap year, anger god, get up on the wrong side of the bed, etc.20:34
FlannelTonik: Indeed.  There isn't really a hard fast way to tell, because they're not different.20:34
ad1I have a question for anyone using ubuntu hardy - friefox 3.0.5 and have laptop with a touchpad....20:34
FlannelTonik: Use the alternate CD20:34
whatevzash where would the function go, in my bashrc?20:34
russia213Can I get help with GRUB? I get error 15 file not found http://paste.ubuntu.com/115410/20:34
TonikFlannel: alternate can also be server and desktop, right?20:34
deanylsb_release -a20:35
zashwhatev: yes20:35
Confettiback for some clarification: to boot the live cd in 640*480, i have to set the boot option manually?20:35
Seveasad1, if you actually ask the question, someone might even answer it :)20:35
hlfshellhelp! my ubuntu laptop which worked perfectly yesterday morning now can't start an xserver. I have no clue how to fix this  one...20:35
hlfshellover my head...20:35
FlannelTonik: It can install a desktop box with a GUI, or a CLI-only box, yes.  But it's not the same as the "server" flavor, which has a separate kernel20:35
psionis there anyway to recurse with sftp in it's native form?20:35
ad1how can i use horizontall scroll bar in touchpad as a back/forward button in firefox?20:35
tmartyMY connection is wireless on this laptop. Firestarter and ifconfig has it as eth1. Im trying to connect xbox to my computer to get on xbox live.20:35
micaelfala fi20:36
tmartyBy ethernet cable to my laptop from xbox. But its not connecting.20:36
ad1it's my favorite trick in ubuntu20:36
FlannelTonik: But the alternate CD has the most packages on it, and it'll result in you needing to download fewer from the internet during install.  Of course, you also will have updates after you upgrade, so if you're just using a CD to save on bandwidth, I say just go with the straight internet upgrade.20:36
Seveaspsion, I believe not, but try lftp instead (it supports sftp)20:36
psionSeveas: thanks20:36
ad1going back and forward in firefox using the horizontall scroll bar of my touchpad20:36
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hlfshellanyone have any clue why X won't start for me?20:37
micaeltudo bem20:37
tmartyanyone? help me please20:37
Seveashlfshell, the phase of the moon :)20:37
Flannel!br | micael20:37
ubottumicael: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Obrigado.20:37
ad1in hardy 8.04.1 i used to modify this line in firefox20:37
TonikFlannel: I'm just using a CD to save on traffic , and I have ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso and ubuntu-8.04-server-i386.iso20:37
piccahlfshell, my car won20:37
TonikFlannel: so whatever I use it shouldn't hurt anything, just affect the amount of stuff it downloads?20:38
ad1seveas | question served..:)20:38
FlannelTonik: You need the alternate CD.  Desktop can't be used to upgrade.  However, consider this:  You're going to download the 700MB alternate CD to save on about 500MB worth of packages (which you'll then need to upgrade anyway, since 8.04.2 was released a few weeks ago)20:38
russia213Can I get help with GRUB? I get error 15 file not found http://paste.ubuntu.com/115410/20:38
ortsvorsteher!anyone | hlfshell20:38
ubottuhlfshell: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:38
DanaGmy issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/31460020:38
Seveasad1, if I had an answer for you, I'd give it. Unfortunately, I don't :)20:38
DanaGNote that it's true for Intrepid for me, too.20:38
Confettihow do i boot into terminal?20:38
micaelHello everybody20:39
ad1seveas | thanks anyway20:39
psionConfetti: find a way to disable gdm20:39
hmwDoes anybody know, how to get rid of trolls?20:39
hlfshellmy xserver crashes on bootup - running X or startx returns "saw signal 11 server aborting". What can I do to fix this?20:39
shishiohi, im using ubuntu 8.10 and im on a router... how can i check my LAN ip address?20:39
FlannelTonik: Actually, you only have 8.04, so those packages are even older.  I honestly would just say do a straight upgrade from the internet.  Those packages are almost a year old20:39
TonikFlannel: I see. Thanks20:39
elhoirshishio - ifconfig20:39
ad1ok is anyone here using this trick ?20:39
shishioelhoir ok ty20:39
ad1the trick is: using horizontal scroll bar in touchpad as back/forward button in firefox20:40
Priceyhmw: check out http://freenode.net/catalysts.shtml This isn't really the channel thoguh.20:40
ad1I dont think i made a discovery... im just looking for guys who allready know it20:41
matrixhey is there any  tool program to burn a file movie.dvdrip.xvid.avi to a dvd, when i burn i burn in gnome as data dvd and when i play it on my dvd player it shows file search index .avi it does not burn as DVD what am i doing wrong20:41
elhoirhi all, im having troubles with fglrx..... can anyone help me?20:41
leandroHi. I have a Pentium 4 Presscott machine. I suspect that thermal throttling is active. How can I monitor if thermal throttling is being activated?20:41
leandroHi. I have a Pentium 4 Presscott machine. I suspect that thermal throttling is active. How can I monitor if thermal throttling is being activated?20:42
psiondoes anyone know how to bind commands to keys in gnome beyond the ones availible in the key bindings interface?20:42
zashmatrix: you have to convert it to dvd format or get a dvd-player that does .avi files20:42
infotek411does anyone know of functional stock ticker for ubuntu20:42
Seveaspsion, dig through gconf-editor to find them20:42
Seveasinfotek411, there's no such thing as functional stock nowadays ;)20:43
matrixmy dvd plays .avi files but what do i need to make this movie to be like a dvd20:43
leandrosorry about the duplicated message20:43
Tonikwhat's the safest way to do a remote distribution upgrade?  ssh + (detached) screen?20:43
matrixwhy to conver it the file is allready dvd20:43
matrixmovie.dvdrip.xvid.avi this is how the files look like20:43
^cheekyhi, i was playing music all night, and when i woke up , its making all this wierd nosies from from my speakers.. usually if i reboot it should stop. but is there away i can stop it without a reboot ? and besides i ran a ps aux | grep rhythm and killed it but still the noise is on20:43
russia213Can I get help with GRUB? I get error 15 file not found http://paste.ubuntu.com/115410/20:43
SeveasTonik, yeah, that'll do it. It's how I upgrade servers (often even forgetting about the screen part)20:44
zashmatrix: .avi = Audio Video Interleave, a container format. DVD uses another format20:44
Er2KI'm looking, russia...no promises20:44
matrixzash: so i need to convert this20:44
Seveas^cheeky, try killing/restarting bugaudio, err, pulseaudio20:44
arthusssh is taking me an ungodly amount of time to login20:45
arthusany idea what it could be?20:45
^cheekypkill pulseaudio ?20:45
Seveasarthus, reverse dns for the ip you're connecting from failing/timing out20:45
CyberGabberleandro: Maybe you can install the 'lm-sensors'-package to  () to20:45
Er2Krussia213: What type of fs is root?  You get the error before/in-lieu of the menu?20:45
zigovrhi all, I'm trying libvirt with virt-manager, it's nice, but I can't seem to be able to shut down my VM, anyone experienced this problem ?20:46
CyberGabberleandro: Its utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors20:46
arthusSeveas: sorry, I don't understand that20:46
russia213Er2K: I get it after selecting to boot the generic Kernel20:46
TonikSeveas: so doing it in screen works?   It shouldn't screw up when screen itself is being updated?20:46
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SeveasTonik, correct20:47
squarebrackethow do i chown files on a drive that's auto-mounted?20:47
TonikSeveas: thanks20:47
squarebracketor set a user/group to be able to read it20:47
abstortedmindsmy ubuntu takes up the whole HD currently, I want to make a 20 gig XP partition so I can play a game, how can I do this without trashing ubuntu (grub etc)20:47
squarebracketerr, write20:47
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wathekhello all20:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about auto-mount20:47
whatevdoes ubuntu have anything like launchy or quicksilver?20:47
wathekI got Ubuntu hardy and I've a prob with the install of virtualbox20:48
clouder`grrwhatev: try gnome-do20:48
pwincesstell me a good player to open video files..20:48
zashwhatev: gnome-do is awesome!20:48
fosco_whatev avant-window-navigator and many others20:48
leandroCyberGabber: I alread have lm-sensors. But there is no precise information about wich temperatrure activates thernak throttling20:48
Er2Krussia213:  Just for S&G, make sure that /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic and /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic both exist and seem of sane size.20:48
ortsvorsteherpwincess: vlc20:48
pupeno_Does anybody know what picture kind of keywords are these: http://pastebin.ca/1330180?20:48
Frijolieanyone want to venture getting my USB hub to work?20:48
wathekwhen I do sudo /etc/init.d/vbox setup it says Makefile:143: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again. ArrĆŖt.20:48
hlfshellmy x server is throwing "Saw Signal 11. Server Aborting."20:48
Frijolieit's not self-powered and Intrepid isn't recoginzing any USB devices plugged in at the moment20:48
hlfshellwhat could be wrong?20:48
whatevzash and fosco_ great i'll try them20:48
wathekhow ever I did install the linux-headers20:48
pwincessortsvorsteher : I have vlc, but the file which I am trying to open isn't working in vlc. Any other recommendations ?20:49
wathekany help please ?20:49
ortsvorsteherpwincess: how does the filename ends? .???20:49
Scunizi_How do I list all the different groups available at terminal. Not necessarily tied to the user20:49
Er2KFrijolie:  Most usb kernel modules have a parameter for current limit muck.  No guarantees, but that *may* help you.20:49
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Er2KDoes the hub work on other machines or in the same machine on other osen?20:49
squarebracketis adding services to the plugdev group a dangerous thing?20:50
pwincessortsvorsteher  .mpg format. it can play the file but I can't FF it.20:50
russia213Er2K: sda1 is an ntfs sdb is ext3 and /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic is 2.1mb and boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic is7.8mb20:50
redvamp128russia213:  I found something that may be a point in the right direction-- ignore the tittle -- read step6-820:50
FrijolieEr2K, thanks for the answer..but how/what do you do to fix that--whatever it is20:50
CyberGabberleandro: I think that the trigger-values for your fans are set in your BIOS. ( min/max-values )20:50
ortsvorsteherpwincess: sorry, my vlc plays .mpg files without problems. may you try to reinstall it20:51
Er2KFrijolie:  After verifying the hub *can* work, figure out what usb module you are using20:51
redvamp128russia213:  also add  step 920:51
pwincessortsvorsteher : ok20:51
redvamp128russia213:  I think that may be what is missing--20:51
Er2KFrijolie:  grep hcd /cat/modules20:51
Seven_Six_TwoI was going to try partimage, but the partition has to be unmounted. It's not on the ubuntu live cd either, and it's not in the repos...20:51
russia213redvamp128: what did you find?20:51
pwincessortsvorsteher : any other good players?20:51
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs20:51
ortsvorsteher!media  | pwincess20:52
ubottupwincess: please see above20:52
Scunizi_I installed vsftp.  on installation does the system automatically create an FTP user account? or group name?  How do I find it?20:52
redvamp128russia213:  SUCCESS - Breezy loaded on external USB drive ! - Ubuntu Forums <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80811>20:52
FrijolieEr2K, grep: /cat/modules: No such file or directory20:52
Seven_Six_Twoor at least they're not in the repos showing on the livecd. I got it installed just fine from my install20:52
Er2KFrijolie:  Also make sure you have ohci_hcd loaded if it's a usb2 adapter20:52
Er2K/proc/modules my bad, sorry20:52
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:52
maoduni accidentally deleted my mouse driver (appletouch.ko) - is there a place where i can redownload it?20:52
HAppyKAmikazesomeone wants to help me to configure a LAN?20:52
redvamp128russia213:  ignore the tittle ( I know breezy is an earlier distro) but it does not hurt to double check these options are there.20:52
thancbrxxcan someone help me with my Sony vaio vgn aw11m internal mic problem if someone can spent some time please help me thank you.20:52
Seven_Six_Twooh nevermind. I just had to enable another repo on the live cd20:52
Seveasmaodun, apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-$(uname -r)20:53
hmwpwincess ortsvorsteher mplayer plays a lot of stuff, but is a console progeram. the mplaygui is simple, but ok20:53
russia213redvamp128: I gave up on the external HDD installation and just installed on my seecondary hard drive20:53
arthusSeveas: thanks, turning off dns reverse-lookup fixed my issue :)20:53
ortsvorsteherthx hmw20:53
leandroCyberGabber: Hmmm... I will check this. BTW, How do Ia know the accuracy of the lm-sensors read. Some people say that depending on the case, they are not too much reliabel.20:53
FrijolieEr2K, http://paste.ubuntu.com/115413/20:53
Er2Kthancbrxx:  First place to check is your mixer settings.  I like alsamixer for interactive use and aumix for scripted, but there are dozens to choose from.20:53
sagredohi, can someone PLEASE help me 'enable an ad-hoc connection' through a bash script, like the demo'r does here at 15 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNQ6W_yUnII20:53
Er2KFrijolie: We might have some paydirt.  "sudo modprobe ohci_hcd" and see if things start lighting up.20:54
russia213Er2K: sda1 is an ntfs sdb is ext3 and /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic is 2.1mb and boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic is 7.8mb20:54
Seveasikonia, why are you unbanning trolls?20:54
ikoniaSeveas: are they known ?20:54
Seveaslunitik and mudkips most definitely. javid also rings a bell20:55
squarebracketis adding services to the plugdev group a dangerous thing?20:55
CyberGabberleandro: Did you also install 'sensord'? Is is for realtime sensortool for temperature, voltage, and fan speed sensors20:55
maodunSeveas: thank you very much, that worked20:55
quibblerrussia213: did this happen after an kernel update?20:56
Er2Khmmmmm, russia, so nothing odd there.....    does update-grub produce any nastygrams?20:56
FrijolieEr2K, nope...20:56
sagredoSeveas: can you tell me what might be in the contects of this bash script, run at 15 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNQ6W_yUnII20:56
FrijolieEr2K, i've got a thumb drive plugged in right now and there's no lights, :(20:56
Seveassagredo, I have no flash on this box20:56
FrijolieEr2K, but the USB hub has always had a power indicator light on20:57
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sagredoSeveas: thanks anyway20:57
Er2KFrijolie:  ohci_hcd appears in "grep hcd /proc/modules" though?20:57
leandroCyberGabber: Yes, I can read the measures. But for exemple, some gyu that display this measures (like ksensors, for example) allow you to calobrate the mneasures20:57
arpadany ideas why the nvidia drivers would all fail with two adapters on 8.04? using envyng the legacy and new-legacy drivers both give me rminitadapter failed and the latest driver segfaults xorg. the nvidia installer causes xorg to segfault20:57
FrijolieEr2K, but to make sure, it has a power cable which plugs in to a USB port on my lappy20:57
russia213Quibbler: No, I haven't been able to boot Ubuntu once20:57
arpadi had this same setup working fine in 8.10 so i'm certain it isn't a hardware issue20:58
RenfieldI think my problem is due to the fact that the Ubuntu ISO image is 699, but my CD-Rs clearly say that they are 650Mb. Is there a way for me to get a Ubuntu boot disk that can fit on a "regular" CD-R?20:58
Er2Krussia213:  I would do a "update-initramfs -cv && update-grub -y" as root....grasping at straws though20:59
FlannelRenfield: You can use the minimal CD, or another option would be the server CD (which you then install the desktop on later)20:59
FrijolieEr2K, "usbcore 149360 6 ohci_hcd,uvcvideo,usbhid,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd, Live 0xf88cb000", yes it does21:00
FlannelRenfield: Minimal CD will get you a full fledged desktop during the install (although it'll also need an internet connection while installing)21:00
Er2KFrijolie: Does 'lsusb' produce anything interesting?21:00
RenfieldFlannel: Hmm, I'm not seeing a minimal CD on this one mirror.21:00
russia213Er2K: Could you help me with that?21:00
RenfieldFlannel: It's not mid-lpia, is it?21:00
quibblerrussia213: try editing the first line when grub comes up by pressing e and change hd1,0 to hd1,1 then boot if that doeswork try hd1,2 or hd 1,3 etc21:01
rokumanxesHey everybody.  I've had ubuntu before, but I've always had it alongside Vista because I never could get the wireless in my laptop to work too great with ubuntu.  Right now I don't have a good internet connection, and I'm sort of freeloading off my neighbors, so...  how can I get it all so that I'm sure it will work?21:01
Er2Krussia213:  get booted into it, "sudo bash" to get a root shell, then those commands.21:01
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Flannel!minimal  | Renfield21:01
ubottuRenfield: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:01
Er2Kand what quibbler said...never thought about the drive ordering changing between the bios and linuxland21:01
FrijolieEr2K, "Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub" if that's any help21:01
quibblerrussia213: does not work*21:01
RenfieldFlannel: Thanks.21:01
FrijolieEr2K, along with other USB 1.1 root hubs21:01
sagredohi, can someone PLEASE help me 'enable an ad-hoc connection' through a bash script, like the demo'r does here at 15 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNQ6W_yUnII21:03
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russia213Er2K: I can't do that because I'm on liveCD21:05
abstortedmindsIf I Choose Pre-Released Updates, can I reverse any updates I made back to a more stable version afterwards?>21:05
centaur5Installing Intrepid via CD will complete on my system but Grub won't actually boot it just says "GRUB loading, please wait" but no error message. Upgrading from Hardy to Intrepid via apt-get caused Intrepid to boot fine but can't install with the CD.  I'm running a hardware raid card and wonder if the new raid support in Intrepid is the reason?21:05
Seveasabstortedminds, yes-ish. It's possible, but needs lots of manual fiddling21:06
paxlI've got a problem with the 8.10 install of ubuntu21:06
abstortedmindsah :\21:06
whatevyay gnome-do rocks21:06
RenfieldFlannel: Is it also possible to do stuff with the minimal CD? I.E, can I get a root prompt? I need to copy some stuff off of the hard drive onto another computer on my network before installing.21:06
RenfieldHmm, where do I get the MD5 sum of the mini.iso?21:08
prontoshouldnt the place where you downloaded it tell you21:08
FlannelRenfield: It should be possible, yes.  Mini.iso is just the alternate without any packages on it.21:08
josefriend's I have a problem to transfer mp3 to mi mp3 player in amarok 221:09
russia213Er2K: I can't use those commands because I'm on live CD21:09
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[rip]oinkrussia213 what commands?21:09
[rip]oinki'm here what's the problem?21:09
FrijolieEr2K, I think I got it.21:09
MBCHow do you get administrator privileges?21:10
usserMBC, sudo21:10
[rip]oinksudo su -21:10
[rip]oinkor in the alt+f2 use gksu21:10
Er2Krussia213:  You could chroot into your 'real' install from the bootcd.21:10
FrijolieEr2K, the hub requires 1 USB connection for power, and another for itself. Then you can begin plugging in USB devices to it. My thumb drive is mounted and is showing up on my desktop as an icon21:10
usser[rip]oink, sudo -i if you want permanent prompt21:10
* [rip]oink agrees with Er2K21:10
russia213[rip]oink: "(08:59:31 PM) Er2K: russia213:  I would do a "update-initramfs -cv && update-grub -y" as root....grasping at straws though"21:10
Er2KFrijolie:  Schweet.21:10
MBC"sudo" ?21:10
russia213Er2K: How would I do that?21:10
FrijolieEr2K, is that normal? 1 USB connection for power and another for connectivity?21:11
MBCusser what do you mean by "sudo"?21:11
quibblerrussia213: reboot and take the cd out and get to the grub menu and then edit the menu and try to boot from and partition like hd1,1  etc21:11
[rip]oinkoo sweet one there usser21:11
whatevwhat does sudo su - do?21:11
[rip]oinkcant believe21:11
wunnymushdoes "sudo apt-get update" install the updates to?21:11
Er2Krussia213: become root, mount your root somewhere, e.g. "mkdir /media/root && mount /dev/sdb1 /media/root" then "chroot /media/root"21:11
[rip]oinkprevents what u do as root being written to your normal user files21:11
[rip]oinkcan mess up permissions21:12
Er2Kand try quibbler's suggestion, he might be smoking the paydirt.21:12
usserMBC, sudo lets you elevate your priviliges from command line, you would use sudo to run a command with administrative priviliges ie sudo gedit21:12
TonikŠæусть Š²Š°Ń Š·Š¾Ń…Š°Š²Š°ŠµŃ‚ Š°Ń†Ń†ŠŗŠøŠ¹ сŠ¾Ń‚Š¾Š½Š°21:12
jrib!apt > wunnymush21:12
ubottuwunnymush, please see my private message21:12
[rip]oinkEr2K dont u need to chroot the proc and other?21:12
[rip]oinkTonik english in here21:12
ubottuŠŸŠ¾Š¶Š°Š»ŃƒŠ¹ŃŃ‚Š° ŠæŠ¾ŃŠµŃ‚ŠøтŠµ #ubuntu-ru Š“Š»Ń ŠæŠ¾Š»ŃƒŃ‡ŠµŠ½Šøя ŠæŠ¾Š¼Š¾Ń‰Šø Š½Š° руссŠŗŠ¾Š¼ яŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠµ  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:12
MBCusser: How?21:12
handalai have a very slow connection and i wanna download all the updates for ubuntu 8.10, how can i do it from a windows box and have ubuntu install it on its own??21:12
wunnymushwhere's your private message, ubotto?21:13
Er2Krip: sometimes /dev, but I don't think anything he is doing will require proc21:13
whatevhow do you guys know so much do you just sit around and read man pages all day? :p21:13
jribwhatev: use Ā« sudo -i Ā» instead.  Both give you a permanent sudo shell of sorts21:13
shawnmstoutmbc think of sudo is like running windows as an administrator21:13
[rip]oinkhandala not really..21:13
dayo_wunnymush: it's a bot.21:13
MoLootwhatev, and big thick text books and lots of google21:13
Er2Khis stuff will probably show up from the static /dev entries, otherwise he can mount /dev once he's in lalaland21:13
MBCOK how21:13
usserMBC, i dont understand? through magic. What do you want to know?21:13
wunnymushok, dayo_21:13
dayo_wunnymush: it sent you a private msg21:13
[rip]oinkhandala you wanna use a winbox thats on a faster connection without taking your computer there?21:13
handala[rip]oink, so its impossible21:13
wunnymushaha, tnx21:13
MoLootwhatev, plus computers are fun when you don't have to deal with crappy windows and having to pay for darn near anything21:13
MBCHow do you do "suso"21:13
[rip]oinkam i getting it right?21:13
handala[rip]oink, exactly21:14
fran69anybody knows how to turn off the graphic interface in ubuntu?21:14
[rip]oinkhandala can you just take your hard drive with you?21:14
russia213Er2K: I used those commands...nothing happened21:14
dayo_MBC: what are you trying to do?21:14
[rip]oinkwhats your hardware and the other machine's hardware21:14
Er2Krussia213:  No error messages, no output, ?21:14
[rip]oinkyou might be able to just boot from your disk ;)21:14
etko_hey guys how can i disable ipv6?21:14
russia213Er2K: none21:14
MBCdayo_: run something as administrator or as "sudo"21:15
[rip]oinkhandala is that an option?21:15
stdinMBC: it's a console command, if you want to launch a GUI app with administrator privileges press Alt-F2 and put "gksudo" before the application name21:15
fran69ļ»æ anybody knows how to turn off the graphic interface in ubuntu?21:15
handala[rip]oink, i'm planning to download everything from a netcafe, dont think the owner gona like me booting a diffrent os21:15
jribfran69: for what purpose?21:15
whatevi dont get what the difference is between apropos and whatis21:15
quibblerEr2K: he should have gotten an error message probably not 15 but something else21:15
[rip]oinkctrl+alt+f2 sends you to tty221:15
Er2Krussia213:  which part did nothing?  I don't know what stage you are at.21:15
eutfran69, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop21:15
usserMBC, open  terminal and type sudo command21:15
handala[rip]oink, cant i just build a list of all the packages to download21:15
[rip]oinklogin as your user and do:21:15
shawnmstoutsudo = administrator or in linux terms its called root21:15
dayo_MBC: what are u trying to run? usually, it's sudo <name of command/application>21:15
fran69it is heavy for may pc21:15
[rip]oinkwhat eut said21:15
Er2Krussia213:  if there was no response to the chroot stuff....  that is expected.21:16
[rip]oinkbut do it from the tty because it can freeze up sometimes otherwise21:16
Er2Kdo an ls / and see if you are in your real drive21:16
stdindon't use sudo with GUI applications, use gksu/gksudo21:16
dereinehow can i install php xml?21:16
[rip]oinkfran69 you might try the xubuntu then? its very good for lower hardware21:16
russia213Er2K: I entered sudo bash then entered your commands none of them returned any output21:16
[rip]oinkfran69 what cpu/ram/vid/etc do you have?21:16
shawnmstoutsudo isnt a command the command comes after, sudo just makes it run as administrator21:16
handala[rip]oink, are u talking to me21:16
jribwhatev: run Ā« whatis whatis Ā» and Ā« whatis apropos Ā» to see21:17
shawnmstoutapt-get install whatever is the command21:17
russia213Er2K: I'm talking about the chroot stuff21:17
Er2Krussia: ok, that's what is expected21:17
[rip]oinkhandala yes i was in the moving hard drive bit21:17
Er2Kdo an ls / and see if you are on your drive21:17
shawnmstoutwhatever being the name of the file21:17
[rip]oinkhandala what hardware is your machine, and what hardware is the winbox ?21:17
eutshawnmstout, sudo is a package in the repositories too :P21:17
MBCI am tring to run the Virtua;l box softwere21:17
shawnmstoutnow sudo apt-get install whatever makes it run as root21:17
[rip]oinkmake sure to add your user to the vboxuser or w/e group it is21:18
[rip]oinkthen log out and in21:18
jribMBC: you don't need sudo to run virtual box.  Have you installed virtual box yet?21:18
shawnmstouteut, yes but lets keep it basic for him21:18
[rip]oinkmay need to restart21:18
dayo_MBC: why do u need to run vbox as root?21:18
russia213Er2K: "bin   cdrom  etc   initrd.img  media  opt   rofs  sbin  sys  usr  vmlinuz  boot  dev    home  lib mnt    proc  root  srv   tmp  var"21:18
handala[rip]oink, same hardware21:18
[rip]oinkdayo_ a lot of default installs dont work quite rite untill the group bit is done manually21:18
Suburban_EdIs PartedMagic just another way to use Gparted or is there more to it?21:18
Er2Krussia: is that sdb or not?  "ls /home" do you see *YOUR* home directory?21:18
[rip]oinkhandala then just put your hard drive in the windows machine and update21:18
MBCI am running ubuntu in virtualbox and it said in the black window21:19
[rip]oinkhandala linux is very forgiving when changing hardware in my experience21:19
jrib!who | MBC21:19
ImSadI'm trying to install steam using WINE, and it needs to be installed to C:\Program Files\Steam\ , but when I try to install it says "Cannot install to root directory". Can anyone help?21:19
ubottuMBC: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:19
[rip]oinkMBC o:21:19
[rip]oinkthen that's sudo21:19
[rip]oinkwhat are you trying to do with the ubuntu console installation?21:19
Suburban_EdI'm in Parted Magic now because Gparted won't work, but all I can find is Gparted Partition Editor again21:19
shawnmstoutimsad, wine is extremely buggy21:19
[rip]oinkImSad try running winecfg first21:19
russia213Er2K: Yes it is my home21:20
[rip]oinkcheck what stream needs21:20
ImSadI tired that.21:20
soundraySuburban_Ed: what do you mean by "won't work"?21:20
Er2Kok, russia...this is good.  do the other commands now21:20
shawnmstouti believe it rights to the registry which linux has no registry21:20
[rip]oinkthen look on the ubuntuforums.org site for help because there are a lot of gamers there21:20
shawnmstoutwhich might cause the problem21:20
[rip]oinkif you can find a thread that looks promissing we can explain anything you dont understand21:20
[rip]oinkor at least try to ;)21:20
Suburban_Edsoundray: It can't see my current partitions. Shows both of my drives as "unallocated"21:20
ImSadOkay, I've been googling for a while, but I'll keep searching for a bit.21:20
[rip]oinkyouve tried a bit?21:21
Er2KImSad: Run winecfg, make sure C: drive is setup, then visit it in a shell and make sure "Program Files" is there and writable by you, etc.21:21
[rip]oinkok i'll break out the google then21:21
shawnmstouti havent had much luck with wine21:21
soundraySuburban_Ed: how did you create the current partitions?21:21
MBC<ubottu>  <[rip]oink> <jrib> <stdin> <dayo_> :I am running ubuntu in virtualbox and it said in the black window this program must be run with administrator privileges.21:21
shawnmstoutbut ill admit i havent spent alot of time on it either21:21
shawnmstouti run windows and separate ubuntu boxes21:21
shawnmstoutor a dual boot21:21
[rip]oinkshould be in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ blah21:21
[rip]oinkor something lik,e that21:21
* Er2K uses wine daily....but does not like it. I run TSE (http://www.semware.com) in it. I've finally gotten it working reasonably well, but wine leaves a bad taste in my mouth.21:22
shawnmstoutwell let me check21:22
Suburban_Edsoundray: I created them when I first built my PC. I can't even recall how I did it.21:22
shawnmstout1 se21:22
Suburban_EdI've been an XP user the whole time.21:22
MBC<ubottu>  <[rip]oink> <jrib> <stdin> <dayo_> : that is the Vbox softwhere21:22
dayo_!wubi | MBC21:22
ubottuMBC: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.21:22
russia213Er2K: "update-initramfs is disabled since running on a live CD"21:22
whatevvmware Er2K21:22
soundraySuburban_Ed: if you can't remember, isn't it likely that you used the Windows tools to create them?21:22
shawnmstout.       /home/username/.wine/drive_c21:22
shawnmstoutis where mine is located at21:23
dayo_MBC: quote the nicks without the pointy brackets21:23
yuri_hi, i want to buy an old beat up blackberry and use it as a modem for my laptop. any comments?21:23
Frijoliewhat file system should I partition an external HDD so both Windows and Linux can read/write to it?21:23
Frijoliedoes NTFS work?21:24
dayo_MBC: and i think u're probably in need of admin in *Windows* not ubuntu, by the sounds of it21:24
Er2Kyuri: I do that!  Make sure the device has OS4.5.  Bluetooth will work out-of-the-box purdy much, usb will need barry or xmblackberry to make ppp work21:24
shawnmstoutfri, in what aspect?21:24
soundrayFrijolie: NTFS works, but is proprietary21:24
quibblerFrijolie: yes21:24
dayo_yuri_: no comment at this point. next question21:24
yuri_Frijolie: yes, ntfs works for both but only windows can repair the partition21:24
=== _AshTray- is now known as AshTray-
shawnmstoutthere is a tool that you can use for ntfs in ubuntu21:24
[rip]oinkshawnmstout to show / as first char in xchat use double /: //omg shows as /omg21:24
soundrayFrijolie: you can use ext3, but then you have to download an extra tool for Windows (e.g. ext2fsd)21:24
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yuri_Er2K: is this reliabale or an ugly hack?21:24
[rip]oinkshawnmstout not sure for irssi tho; but mirc is ctrl+enter iirc21:24
Er2KFrijolie:  I've had issues with ntfs writes from linux, and issues with the ext2 driver for windows.  I would try fat32 even...yes, that's ugly21:25
Frijolieit will be used for external back-ups (i.e. music, photos, etc)21:25
FrijolieEr2K, I thought about FAT32 but I have some larger movies wich are > 4GB21:25
Er2Kyuri: Over bluetooth is perfect and easy, barry crashes on all of my machines, xmblackberry works okay, but is a gui app and takes some doing to script it21:25
shubbarI am doing a fresh installation of 8.04, and have the follwing option for preparing the disk:21:25
kotanbonsoir, premier fois.21:26
rodsSo, I'm not sure how to uninstall launchy since it doesn't show up in Synaptic Package Manager or in Add/Remove. I much prefer Gnome Do, but before I put that in I need to get rid of Launchy. Any ideas?21:26
shubbarmake new partition for 8.04; or Guided - use entire disk ; or Manual. Which one should i choose?21:26
soundrayFrijolie: I suggest you back up everything with Linux, even Windows data. Then you can use the best file system for large files and large contiguous reads and writes, which is currently XFS.21:26
bluerayqwhat application can stop ubuntu from looking like win 3.1?21:26
quibblerFrijolie: i have 2 external drives for music movies and backups both ntfs and no problems21:26
burguaHelp please. I decided create partition for /tmp (1Gb). Will I have some troubles later?21:27
Cpudan80How do I customize the visual effects in 8.10 ?21:27
Cpudan80I have them set to "normal"21:27
Cpudan80But is there some thing I can use to customize what normal is exactly?21:27
[rip]oinkburgua if you make seperate partition for temp its got to be larger than the largest thing it might need21:27
MBCdayo_ : I don't think21:27
Frijolieso, sounds like it's a matter of personal preference21:27
Er2Kbluerayq: switch to a different gtk theme....you can make it look like openwindows or vista or osx or whatever21:27
[rip]oinkso if you encode dvd9's then you might need 20GB21:27
soundrayFrijolie: no21:27
oneeyedelf1I don't like xfs, seems easily corrupted21:27
Frijoliei was going to go for ext3 but that would count out Windows21:27
kotanGraag hulp bij opwaarderen 7.10 >8.1021:27
[rip]oinkalternatively you can configure any application that uses that much /tmp to use another folder somewhere else most of the time21:28
Frijoliesoundray, I've never used XFS21:28
oneeyedelf1Frijolie: you can mount ext3 with windows21:28
wunnymushi like the function that force me password question, when i use NTFS in Ubuntu 8.1021:28
rodsSo, I'm not sure how to uninstall launchy since it doesn't show up in Synaptic Package Manager or in Add/Remove. I much prefer Gnome Do, but before I put that in I need to get rid of Launchy. Any ideas?21:28
soundrayFrijolie: it's a matter of technical limitations. ext3 is okay under Windows with ext2fsd21:28
Fracturedntfs ftw!21:28
[rip]oinkFrijolie actually i can access ext2|3 just fine from winblowz21:28
shawnmstoutfound it21:28
[rip]oinkhttp://www.fs-driver.org/download.html @ Frijolie21:28
MBCCan any give me a good link that tells me how to install the VBOXADDITIONS softwere?21:28
shawnmstoutis the ntfs program u need21:29
[rip]oinkshawnmstout i think windows support for ext3 is better than linux's support for ntfs21:29
[rip]oinkfar too often charactors in windows files/folders when loaded in linux kills the structure21:29
bluerayqI know vista is a piece of crap but  it looks 10 times better than ubuntu. what app greatly improves ubuntu visually?21:29
SylphidFrijolie, i hannot say that i have used it but you could try exfat21:29
[rip]oinkcreates files that cannot be removed without another format21:29
Er2Ksoundray:  I would disagree.  I've been down this road.  The windows ext* driver can read files about 95% of the time.....ditto the ntfs driver for linux....both are only about 99% reliable, which is a scarily low number for a filesystem!!!!!21:29
oneeyedelf1bluerayq: KDE21:30
=== [maurice] is now known as nitridr
wunnymushi don't find my ext3 partition, when i'm booting in windows21:30
[rip]oinkbluerayq: google21:30
_VIM_!themes | bluerayq21:30
[rip]oinkwunnymush http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html21:30
ubottubluerayq: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:30
audioHackI've never had issues with ntfs.3g21:30
[rip]oinkbtw for gnome: package gnome-art21:30
wunnymush[rip]oink, ok21:30
[rip]oinkmake sure all of compiz-fusion stuff is working then get down in the ocnfigs bluerayq21:31
[rip]oinkwunnymush :P21:31
RenfieldHow do I mount the filesystem from my hard drive at the shell prompt of the minimal CD? I see no /dev/hda nor /dev/sda. It's just an 80gig Seagate IDE drive.21:31
gsp2009hello folks. Can someone tell me where to learn about filesharing in ubuntu (between two ubuntu machines that is). Everything I find is about samba.21:31
shady what is this21:31
shadyi am new21:31
Er2Kyuri_: I use a curve 8320 on t-mobile with my laptop and my wife's dellintosh.  I have a dell latitude 131L, ubuntu 8.10.  Have done it under 32 and 64 bit with identical successes and failures.  ymmv.21:32
FrijolieI'm still at a loss here...21:32
_VIM_!welcome | shady21:32
ubottushady: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.21:32
FrijolieI've had each filesystem recommended to me21:32
soundrayEr2K: okay, tell Frijolie about it... If it was my machine, I wouldn't consider anything other than ext3 or xfs, and only access them with Linux for backup and restore21:32
shadyso here i can ask what i want live21:32
audioHackgsp2009: Windows File sharing is based on the "smb" protocol, The linux implementation of it is called Samba.21:32
soundray!ubuntu | shady21:33
ubottushady: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:33
_VIM_shady: as long as it's on topic for this channel yes21:33
Er2Ksoundray: You are preaching to the choir, my friend.  I was consolidating a tb or so of media from around the house onto the XFS partition on the media server.21:33
Frijoliesoundray, I would be the one performing all the backups from my Linux lappy. My wife is the one that uses Windows and has some photos that would need to be backed up mostly21:33
shadyso how can i go to a specific channel21:33
Er2Ksoundray: I eventually used the ntfs driver to get everything I could, then transferred the remaining files with the drive on a real windows machine21:33
audioHackXFS? You know, I've never really looked into it.  Was probably going to do 4 x 1TB in RAIDZ (ZFS) for my media server.21:33
Frijoliesoundray, I guess I could just transfer the photos from her Windows lappy to my Linux comp and then backup/sync them from here21:33
soundrayFrijolie: so why not backup the Windows data while you're booted into Linux?21:34
dayo_shady: /join #channelname21:34
dffdgh Wspomozcie znalezc prace w Polsce bede bardzo wam wdzieczny                                             Mam Polski Indefikaciini numer emerytalny rachunek medyczna komisje Teraz mam otwarta21:34
shubbarif i use the entire disk, will it delete all files on it?21:34
rodsIf I install a program from a .deb package instead of from a repository, and then want to uninstall it, and it doesn't show up in add/remove or in synaptic package manager, what do I do?21:34
soundrayFrijolie: oh, I see, you've got different machines21:34
dayo_shady: basically, same way u got here21:34
Flannelrods: It should show up in your package managers21:34
gsp2009audioHack, thanks. I have two 8.10 machines and I am trying to set shares up between them. I have no windows machines. My problem is that I am figure out the whole file permissions setup, and permanent links to shares. You know of a good tut?21:34
dayo_shubbar: yes21:34
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:34
Er2KaudioHack:  XFS is the best for large files, and can be defragmented.  It's been a dream for my mythcluster, but I haven't used it long enough to recommend it as a root or general purpose fs.21:34
quibblerrods: look in synaptic21:34
soundrayFrijolie: you could of course partition the backup drive and have both NTFS and ext3 on it21:34
Frijoliesoundray, I'm trying to get her to convert over to the dark side...and replace XP with Intrepid21:34
Suburban_EdHPFS/NTFS is not NTFS?21:35
shubbardayo_, then safest to use another partition21:35
Dante123hi all, setting up a dell inspiron laptop for a former student for typical uses of email, web browser, some music, etc.  Any suggestions in terms of security (other than default) or antivirus/spyware is appreciated.  What additional software or changes would you recommend so that this should be a trouble free computer for this person?  Your help and advice is appreciated.21:35
Frijoliesoundray, she just uses proprietary apps which require Window$ for her work21:35
leonbrusselsgsp2009: You probably want to use samba, because its built right into ubuntu. Just right click a folder and click "Sharing Options"21:35
shadyso what is the topic of this channel21:35
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:35
Frijoliesoundray, that's too much to have multiple partitions and filesystems21:35
audioHackEr2K: I'll definitely look into it, thanks.  Espescially considering most of my HD movies are ~4-5GB mkv's.21:35
usserDante123, dont give his account administrative permissions21:35
dayo_shubbar: u can resize or use the free space, if any/sufficient21:35
audioHackgsp2009: Give me a sec, I'll find you a nice tut.21:35
usserDante123, thats about it :)21:35
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:35
dayo_shady: ubuntu21:36
Frijoliesoundray, I think I'm just going to go ext3 and use that driver for Windows21:36
soundrayFrijolie: have you considered a NAS box for backing up?21:36
rodsquibbler: I'm not sure how to find it. I installed it from a .deb package, and as far as I can see its not showing up21:36
Frijoliesoundray, yeah I was looking into that originally, but it was cost prohibitive21:36
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:36
audioHackua: Most CPU's for a while have had SSE.21:36
gsp2009leonbrussels, ok thanks. Do you know if there is an easier way than manually editing fstab for links to shares across the network? Thanks audioHack.21:36
MBCDoes anyone know where to get clear instruction on how to install the vboxadditions software on  ununtu21:36
Frijoliesoundray, I'm using an external USB 2.0 HDD for now21:36
shadygeneral ubuntu topics21:36
audioHackgsp2009: Do you use Gnome?21:36
soundrayFrijolie: I found the Freecom offer reasonable21:36
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:36
dayo_shady: yep21:36
quibblerrods: system-administration-synaptic package manager search for your deb21:36
Frijoliesoundray, "Freecom"?21:37
audioHackIf so, you can create a bookmark on teh side, just like if you click "Documents" "Music", etc.21:37
dayo_shady: there's also #ubuntu-server. here are mostly desktop-related stuff21:37
shubbardayo_, can i later merge the partitions?21:37
gsp2009audioHack, yes... and I am not too partial to nautilus.21:37
russia213Quibbler: trying to boot from another partition didn't work21:37
dayo_shubbar: what do u mean by merge?21:37
dffdgh-> Tommeke Ć¢Ć®ĆøĆ„Ć« Ć¢ ubuntu21:37
dffdgh<- Tommeke Ć®Ć²Ć±Ć®Ć„Ć¤ĆØĆ­ĆØƫƱĆæ (ĆŽĆ±Ć¢Ć®Ć”Ć®Ć¦Ć¤Ć„Ć­ĆØĆ„ Client)21:37
dffdgh-> redvamp128 Ć¢Ć®ĆøĆ„Ć« Ć¢ ubuntu21:37
dffdghusserDante123, dont Ć¤Ć Ć¾Ć² Ć„Ć£Ć® ƠƤƬĆØĆ­ĆØĆ±Ć²Ć°Ć Ć²ĆØĆ¢Ć­Ć»Ć„ ưƠƧưƄĆøĆ„Ć­ĆØĆæ Ć±Ć·Ć„Ć²Ć 21:37
dffdgh23:35dayo_shubbar: u Ć¬Ć®Ć¦Ć„Ć² ĆÆĆ„Ć°Ć„Ć®ĆÆưƄƤƄƫĆØĆ²Ć¼ ưƠƧƬƄư ĆØĆ«ĆØ ĆØƱĆÆĆ®Ć«Ć¼Ć§Ć®Ć¢Ć Ć²Ć¼ Ć±Ć¢Ć®Ć”Ć®Ć¤Ć­Ć³Ć¾ ĆÆƠƬĆæĆ²Ć¼, ƄƱƫĆØ any/sufficient21:37
FloodBot1dffdgh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:37
dffdghĆ Ć³Ć¤ĆØĆ®Ć§Ć Ć°Ć³Ć”ĆŖĆ gsp2009: Ć„Ć Ć©Ć²Ć„ ƬƭƄ ƱƄĆŖĆ³Ć­Ć¤Ć³, Ćæ Ć­Ć Ć©Ć¤Ć³ Ć¢Ć Ć± ƵƮưƮĆøĆ„Ć© Ć°Ć Ć”Ć®Ć²Ć®Ć©.21:37
quibblerrussia213: did you try different partitions?21:38
soundrayFrijolie: Freecom FSG-321:38
dayo_what the hell was that?21:38
shadythats really amazing21:38
redvamp128MBC:  Unless you are using the Ose -- should be simple -- open the VM you want to install it on .. then select install virtul additions21:38
gsp2009MBC, http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/09/22/install-virtualbox-2-guest-additions-in-ubuntu/21:38
audioHackHaha, yea.  Well, bookmarks are the easiest route I know of, though, assigning the mount in fstab is nice for it's consitatncy and well, not having to use a GUI.21:38
leonbrusselsgsp2009: Select the "Add Bookmark" item from the Bookmarks menu while in the folder you want as a bookmark21:38
russia213Quibller: Yes21:38
audioHackI tend to just ssh into my media servers anyways.21:38
rodsquibbler: that is synaptic package manager--its still not there21:38
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:38
shadyevery day i love ubuntu more than before21:38
gsp2009leonbrussels, thanks. I will have a look now.21:38
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:38
quibblerrussia213: did you get different errors?21:38
dffdghFloodBot1dffdgh: ĆĆ„ Ć§Ć Ć²Ć®ĆÆĆ«ĆæĆ©Ć²Ć„, ĆØƱĆÆĆ®Ć«Ć¼Ć§Ć³Ć©Ć²Ć„ http://paste.ubuntu.com ƤƫĆæ Ć­Ć ĆŖĆ«Ć„ĆØĆ¢Ć Ć­ĆØĆæ, Ć­Ć„ ĆØƱĆÆĆ®Ć«Ć¼Ć§Ć³Ć¾Ć² Ć‚Ć¢Ć®Ć¤ Ć¢ ĆŖĆ Ć·Ć„Ć±Ć²Ć¢Ć„ ĆÆĆ³Ć­ĆŖĆ²Ć³Ć Ć¶ĆØĆØ.21:39
dffdghFloodBot1 Ć³Ć±Ć²Ć Ć­Ć®Ć¢ĆØĆ« ưƄƦĆØƬ +z21:39
dffdghFloodBot1 Ć³Ć±Ć²Ć Ć­Ć®Ć¢ĆØĆ« ưƄƦĆØƬ +b %dffdgh!*@*21:39
dffdgh-> DkySven Ć¢Ć®ĆøĆ„Ć« Ć¢ ubuntu21:39
dffdghĆÆĆ°ĆØƤĆØĆ°Ć russia213: Ć¢Ć» ĆÆĆ°Ć®Ć”Ć®Ć¢Ć Ć«ĆØ Ć°Ć Ć§Ć«ĆØƷƭƻƄ ưƠƧƤƄƫƄƭĆØĆæ?21:39
FloodBot1dffdgh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:39
dffdghsoundrayFrijolie: Freecom FSG-321:39
dayo_shady: i've been having some pulse audio issues, lately, that have dampened my love lol21:39
shubbardayo_, make the two parition back into one big partition21:39
MBCgsp2009: Thanks21:39
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:39
Suburban_EdI don't understand why my Parted Magic Live CD only has the option to run Gparted.... Every where I look it seems like people are talking about them as totally separate entities21:39
quibblerrods: what did you install?21:39
soundrayshady: do you have a question about ubuntu? If you just want to chat, there's #ubuntu-offtopic21:39
dayo_shubbar: what's on your partitions?21:39
rodsquibbler: launchy21:39
Frijoliedffdgh, soundray, thanks I'm looking it up now21:39
Dante123its his computer...of course he gets admin privilidges (hes in high school)21:39
rodsquibbler: its a poor Gnome-do replacement21:39
russia213Quibbler: No, "Error 15: file not found"21:39
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:39
shubbardayo_, photos and videos i shot21:39
shadyok its just my first time, so thx21:39
soundraySuburban_Ed: parted magic is a Linux distribution, and it is not really on topic here.21:40
Er2KaudioHack:  My main myth backend has 10-30GB of writes per day, about half of which are deleted by the next day.  XFS has been *wonderful* for that, just set an obscenely large allocation size.21:40
dayo_shubbar: u're trying to dual-boot?21:40
ImSadI got steam to install in Program Files, but now I have to re-install my games for some reason .21:40
Suburban_EdIt's a distribution?21:40
WolfmankurdDoes xforcevesa not work on 8.10?21:40
shubbardayo_, no, just go back to 8.04 after trying 8.1021:40
dffdgh3:28ƂƵƮƤĆØƬ Ć¢ ĆŖĆ®Ć¬Ć­Ć Ć²Ć³ Ć·Ć Ć²Ć ...21:40
dffdghĆĆ Ć·Ć Ć«Ć® Ć°Ć Ć§Ć£Ć®Ć¢Ć®Ć°Ć  Ć¢ ubuntu, Ć¤Ć Ć²Ć : Ć±Ć³Ć”Ć”Ć®Ć²Ć  07.02.2009 23:28:3121:40
dffdghƒƄƬƠ ĆŖĆ®Ć¬Ć­Ć Ć²Ć»: ĆŽĆ“ĆØƶĆØĆ Ć«Ć¼Ć­Ć»Ć© Ubuntu ĆŠĆ Ć­Ć Ć« ĆĆ®Ć¤Ć¤Ć„Ć°Ć¦ĆŖĆØ ĆĆ»Ć²Ć¼ Ć²Ć„Ć°ĆÆĆ„Ć«ĆØĆ¢Ć»Ć© ĆØ Ć¢Ć»Ć·ĆØĆ²Ć Ć­Ć­Ć»Ć© https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | ĆĆ®Ć¤Ć¤Ć„Ć°Ć¦ĆØĆ¢Ć Ć©Ć²Ć„ Ć¢Ć»Ć”Ć®Ć°: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | ƈƭƓƮưƬƠƶĆØĆæ IRC: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | ƍƠĆŖĆ«Ć„ĆØĆ¢Ć Ć„Ć² ĆŖ http://paste.ubuntu.com | Ć“Ć±Ć²Ć Ć­Ć®Ć¢ĆØĆ²Ć„ Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download21:40
dffdgh-> dark_age Ć¢Ć®ĆøĆ„Ć« Ć¢ ubuntu21:40
dffdgh<- spo0ok Ć®Ć²Ć±Ć®Ć„Ć¤ĆØĆ­ĆØƫƱĆæ (ĆŽĆ±Ć¢Ć®Ć”Ć®Ć¦Ć¤Ć„Ć­ĆØĆ„ Client)21:40
quibblerrods: when you installed it there were no errors?21:40
FloodBot1dffdgh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
gsp2009so let me get this straight. If I have two machines on the same network, both running ubuntu with shares, they are still going to show up as a windoze workgroup? So do I have to define the workgroup name for every machine, and then in smb.conf?21:41
audioHackHrm, that sounds particularly useful for my on-campus file share to the massives >_>21:41
rodsquibbler: no errors21:41
rodsnot sure why it wouldn't show up21:41
gsp2009MBC, no prob.21:41
dayo_dffdgh: wtf??!21:41
quibblerrods: try launching it from the terminal21:41
ImSaddayo_: I'm pretty sure he's already banned.21:42
YeaRighthow do you get g++ ?21:42
Er2KaudioHack: Some of the drives in question are usb.  The host CPU load is even significantly lower when using XFS.  All those unnecessary seeks create a lot of usb chatter.21:42
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:42
soundraySuburban_Ed: yes, it is a distribution21:42
shubbardayo_, thanks, i'll go with the two partitions21:42
audioHackEr2K: How big of a an allocation size are you talking?21:42
mikesholle1I can't seem to empty my trash.  There's an item in there that tells me I don't have permission to delete it.  Any ideas?21:42
rodsquibbler: synaptic package manager?21:42
quibblerrussia213: you should of had different errors21:42
ussergsp2009, the workgroup is specified in smb.conf. for windows networking.21:42
dayo_shubbar: so the pictures partion is your home directory?21:42
shawnmstoutcan someone give me a hand with manually installing a driver in xorg.conf21:42
dayo_ImSad: ok21:42
quibblerrods:  no launchy21:42
psiondoes anyone know a decent website editor for linux? I'm used to dreamweaver in windows21:42
Suburban_EdOkay, forget Parted Magic then. How do you recommend partitioning my drive for a Ubuntu install?21:42
shawnmstoutits an ati pro 12821:42
audioHackOh really? I've been having performance issues with USB drives lately, since the server their on is rather old.21:42
MBCsudo is asking me for a password, help21:42
soundraymikesholle1: in a terminal, run 'sudo rm .local/share/Trash/*'21:43
shubbardayo_, it was just one partition.21:43
dayo_MBC: use the password u use to login with21:43
gsp2009psion, google "linux alternative project"... Dreamweaver is in the list21:43
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:43
usserpsion, you can run dreamweaver in linux with wine, anything prior to cs3 will work21:43
rodsquibbler: opens21:43
soundrayMBC: so, enter your password (the one you use as a user)21:43
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help people totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:43
dayo_shubbar: i don't get it. i thought u said u have two partitions, one with pics and vids on it21:43
audioHackI've had CS3 worth rather well for me in Wine.  Though, hrm. I might have been CrossOver Linux.  I can't recall.21:43
psionusser: ah, I see... unfortunately I have cs3 lol21:43
Cpudan80does anyone know what compiz setting controls the window border transparency?21:43
MBCdayo_ : god I'm thick21:43
usserpsion, it might work hang on21:44
soundraySuburban_Ed: you reported a strangeness about your hard  disk drives. When I asked you about it, you stopped responding.21:44
eipipuzSorry to bother you guys, #openssh is mute... any one knows how to have user specific authentication?21:44
dffdghrosyjska Mafia21:44
quibblerrods: ok it's installed it should show up in synaptic21:44
dayo_MBC: ;-)21:44
Bramhello, I need to install ubuntu on a windows computer, but I can't boot up a cd, what can I do?21:44
shawnmstoutisnt it gdedit xorg.conf ?21:44
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help people totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help people totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:44
Gneaua: what about vlc?21:44
shubbardayo_, no, i m installing 8.04 on the new 2nd partition21:44
Suburban_Edsoundray, I responded to the last thing I saw21:44
Gnea!repeat | ua21:44
ubottuua: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:44
rodsquibbler: could it be named something else then? Something non-obvious? Any way to search synaptic by date?21:44
YeaRightanyone know how to get g++ compiler?21:44
psionmbc: visudo and %admin ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL21:44
soundraySuburban_Ed: I asked whether you used Windows XP tools to partition your disks21:44
psionMBC: then add your user to the group admin21:44
shawnmstoutisnt it gdedit xorg.conf ?21:44
dffdgh :'(21:44
gsp2009Bram, use the windows installer... anyone remember what it is called?21:44
quibblerrods: what was the deb called?21:44
uadon't install vlc yet21:45
usserpsion, well it got gold rating on appdb.winehq.org so it should work rather well http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=769421:45
gsp2009thanks audioHack. Bram use Wubi.21:45
audioHackWubi is what you're looking for gsp2009.21:45
Gneaua: I don't know then.  wait 5 minutes and ask again.21:45
Suburban_Edsoundray, I don't recall exactly how I partitioned it originally, I had help. Since I've only used XP on this computer I'm assuming it was XP tools.21:45
Bramgsp2009: no, I want to make sure there is nothing left of windows but have ubuntu21:45
rodsquibbler: launchy_2.1.2-1_i386.deb21:45
dayo_YeaRight: i'm not sure, but i think it's part of build-essential? sudo aptitude install build-essential21:45
soundraypsion: please don't recommend this here, it is not safe.21:45
dffdghĆ Ć³Ć¤ĆØĆ®Ć§Ć Ć°Ć³Ć”ĆŖĆ Wubi21:45
dffdgh<- Gate Ć®Ć²Ć±Ć®Ć„Ć¤ĆØĆ­ĆØƫƱĆæ (ƗĆØĆ²Ć Ć©Ć²Ć„ Ć®ĆøĆØĆ”ĆŖĆ³: 60 (Ć„Ć„Ć©Ć±Ć²Ć¢ĆØĆ„, ĆµĆ°Ć®Ć­Ć®Ć¬Ć„Ć²Ć°ĆØĆ°Ć®Ć¢Ć Ć­Ć­Ć®Ć„))21:45
dffdgh-> irbdavid Ć¢Ć®ĆøĆ„Ć« Ć¢ ubuntu21:45
dffdghuaĆ­Ć„ Ć³Ć±Ć²Ć Ć­Ć Ć¢Ć«ĆØĆ¢Ć Ć©Ć²Ć„ vlc Ć„Ć¹Ć„21:45
dffdgh<- shubbar Ć®Ć²Ć±Ć®Ć„Ć¤ĆØĆ­ĆØƫƱĆæ ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]")21:45
FloodBot1dffdgh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:45
dffdghusserpsion, ƵƮưƮĆøĆ® Ć½Ć²Ć® ĆÆĆ®Ć«Ć³Ć·ĆØĆ«Ć® Ć§Ć®Ć«Ć®Ć²Ć³Ć¾ ƮƶƄƭĆŖĆ³ Ć­Ć  appdb.winehq.org, Ć²Ć ĆŖ Ć·Ć²Ć® Ć½Ć²Ć® ƤƮƫƦƭƮ Ć°Ć Ć”Ć®Ć²Ć Ć²Ć¼ ƱĆŖƮưƄƄ ƵƮưƮĆøĆ® http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=769421:46
gsp2009Bram, so you want to completely delete your windows?21:46
audioHackWithout booting from any media?21:46
Bramgsp2009: yeah21:46
soundray!ops | dffdgh repeatedly flooding21:46
ubottudffdgh repeatedly flooding: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:46
dayo_shubbar: which means u're dual-booting hardy and ibex. after that u want to join both partitions and have just hardy? if so, why not backup your pics and then instal over the entire disk?21:46
Gneadffdgh: stop.21:46
redvamp128!ops | dffdgh:21:46
ubottudffdgh:: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:46
quibblerrods: and a search in synaptic can't find launchy?21:46
Gnea!pm | ua21:46
ubottuua: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:46
gsp2009Bram, and your bios doesn't support booting to CD?21:46
rodsquibbler: right21:46
YeaRightdayo_ tx21:47
Bramgsp2009: no, it doesn't it only makes strange sounds21:47
dayo_YeaRight: u're welcome21:47
gsp2009Bram, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy21:47
audioHackGood call gsp200921:47
kotanwere to look for help on upgrading to 8.10 from 7.1021:48
gsp2009Bram, livecd first, create floppy... boot to floppy. ;)21:48
Flannelkotan: You need to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 and then to 8.10 from 8.0421:48
rodsquibbler: got it21:48
Bramgsp2009: No I have xp on that one and I can get to internet etc. But I want to make it ubuntu21:48
quibblerrods: update synaptic21:48
soundraySuburban_Ed: it's very strange that gparted doesn't see your partitions. The first thing you should have is a backup of all important data.21:48
quibblerrods: got what21:48
Jan|Can you install ubuntu on a SATA hard drive and how would I do it?21:49
russia213I get grub error 15, help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/115436/21:49
Suburban_Edsoundray: I've backed it up already just in case.21:49
gsp2009Bram, oh sorry... hmmmmmmmm... lemme think about that.21:49
rodsquibbler: not sure why it wasn't showing up before, but its good now. Must have been the update. Did a general search instead of a quick search. Launchy showed up. All is good in the world. Appreciate the help!21:49
RenfieldOk, I have networking set up. My hard drive is mounted. Also, I can SSH into my Ubuntu minimal install setup. How, now, do I get data off of the disk?21:49
GneaJan|: the same way you install it to an IDE21:49
quibblerrods: ;-)21:49
unopRenfield, scp21:49
uapeople totem don't work after instalation nvvidia drivers ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run ) please help21:49
Er2KaudioHack:  I use an allocsize of 512M.  99% of the files on those drives are mpg and avi, most in the 0.75-2GB range, with 1.1GB being by far the most common size.21:50
owni need to create a new user with all rights, CLI is the only way i can login as root right now, i need to create a user account with almost all the rights, can anyone give me the commands?21:50
soundraySuburban_Ed: good. How is the machine running at the moment -- still booted to parted magic?21:50
audioHackHm, I did a ubuntu install a few years ago, before Wubi existed because I couldn't boot from CD... Let me go to my notes Bram.21:50
RenfieldIt appears that scp is not available in the minimal install (though ssh was downloaded and configured). And when I try to scp from my other computer in through SSH, I just get: Failed to open terminal.21:50
dayo_ua: try vlc or kaffeine.21:50
Suburban_Edsoundray: Yes, I'm still in Parted Magic21:50
russia213I get grub error 15, help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/115436/21:50
gsp2009Bram... so first thing is first. Did you download the Ubuntu image and burn it to CD?21:50
psionown: useradd21:50
ownpsion i have tried that21:51
Bramgsp2009: yeas I did, most recent version21:51
lakotajames I have this script: { find /share/Video/ -name \*.avi  | sed 's,^/share,stream =,'; echo palwsfix = 0: } > mplayerwii.conf21:51
lakotajames is there a way to make it list the files in alphabetical order?21:51
janwarihas anyone successfully been able to get Ubuntu to work with dual monitor using two graphic cards ?21:51
YeaRightI downloaded linux appliance, how do you find the ps for su21:51
soundraySuburban_Ed: can you open a terminal?21:51
Jan|Gnea how do I know if VIA VT8237 is supported?21:51
audioHackThanks Er2K21:51
gsp2009Bram, ok. Did you put the CD in the drive and browse it's contents in another OS?21:51
dayo_own: System-->Administration-->Users and Groups21:51
GneaJan|: what is that? a SATA controller?21:52
ownpsion, it creates a standard user only without any admin rights like opening "user and groups"21:52
Jan|gnea, yes21:52
=== jakswa is now known as jakswa|away
Suburban_Edsoundray: I think I have a Terminal open if this ROXTerm thing is a terminal.21:52
_VIM_!away > jakswa|away21:52
ubottujakswa|away, please see my private message21:52
olibihow can i run "mv .* .."21:52
russia213I get grub error 15, help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/115436/21:52
Suburban_EdI can't find anything that says "terminal"21:52
GneaJan|: is that an Asus A8V motherboard?21:52
soundraySuburban_Ed: can you run 'fdisk -l' in it, and does it create sensible output?21:53
Bramgsp2009: No, but it does act strange here as well21:53
RenfieldIs there a way for me to download scp into the minimal CDs environment or something?21:53
psionown: add the user to groups with usermod -G <groups> username21:53
RenfieldEr the minimal install's21:53
ikoniaRenfield: you'd have to re-master the minimal CD21:53
ikoniaRenfield: so you'd need all the scp dependencies (ssl etc)21:53
Renfieldikonia: But it downloads other things from the net that it needs.21:54
Er2Krussia213:  I think there is a repair option on the cd boot menu?  I don't have an unoccupied machine handy (dang kids...dang wife) to look21:54
Suburban_Edsoundray: It does give sensible output. Around 20 lines long. Should I post it?21:54
Jan|russia213 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29726121:54
gsp2009Bram, ok. Well it may be a bad disk. You will have to make sure that you can get an image onto a CD that works first. You should be able to browse the contents from XP or whatever. Then try and boot to it.21:54
Suburban_EdMaybe a screenshot would be less obnoxious21:54
soundraySuburban_Ed: not here -- can you put it on http://paste.ubuntu.com ?21:54
ikoniaRenfield: no it doesn't21:54
Bramgsp2009: well another ubuntu cd doesn't work either21:54
soundraySuburban_Ed: only if you don't have to type it all in.21:54
TonikWhat's the point of enabling the "dapper-updates" repository before upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04?21:55
ikoniaRenfield: it only downloads it if you are getting it real time, to include it on a livecd - you'd need to have it installed with all the working dependencies21:55
bluerayqanyone know why there is no kubuntu-desktop in my synaptics package manager?21:55
gsp2009Did you make them both Bram? What did you use to burn the image?21:55
Jan|Gnea, yes it's an ASUS A8V Deluxe21:55
soundrayTonik: it's essential. If you don't, you can't upgrade.21:55
ikoniaTonik: bring it as up to date as possible as the jump from 6.06 to 8.04 is a big jump21:55
Renfieldikonia: I don't need it included on a livecd. I just need it available during this install.21:55
gsp2009bluerayq, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-kde-41-on-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html21:55
Renfieldikonia: Sorry, maybe I mistyped.21:55
quibblerrussia213: are you editing the line correctly...21:55
ikoniaRenfield: then just install it the same as any other package21:55
Toniksoundray: well, I missed that step and it's downloading new packages happily now21:56
Er2KaudioHack: Took me a minute to find it, but this is the bible I used for XFS.  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Optimizing_Performance#XFS-Specific_Tips  If you are trying to optimize XFS for big-arse media files, that is probably the best concise resource on the net.21:56
soundrayTonik: it's not going to work, though21:56
Bramone is of ubuntu 8.4 I did get it from someone else, the other one I burned myself as an cd image and then iso 9090 (was one option with iso) in the program k3b21:56
Renfieldikonia: Oh, but I need it before installing, so that I may retrieve some data from my hard drive prior to installing.21:56
ikoniaRenfield: then it need to be installed before you start the install21:56
ikoniaRenfield: or included on the livecd as I said21:56
ikoniaRenfield: I do'nt see why you need to copy files before you install21:57
FlannelTonik: It *may* work, but hasn't been tested/verified to work.  Dapper-updates + full up-to-date ensures a known configuration pre-upgrade21:57
Suburban_EdOh, forgot to ping your name. soundray I added it at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115438/21:57
soundraySuburban_Ed: okay, fdisk seems to be able to read your first disk (/dev/sda)'s partitions at least.21:57
Bramgsp2009: one is of ubuntu 8.4 I did get it from someone else, the other one I burned myself as an cd image and then iso 9090 (was one option with iso) in the program k3b21:57
TonikFlannel: i see21:57
gsp2009Bram. Start over. If you can't read them in XP (I am assuming your drive struggles and "cruches") they are most likely bad.21:57
Jan|Gnea, yes it's an ASUS A8V Deluxe21:57
FlannelTonik: Are you using update-manager-core?21:57
redvamp128russia213:  I think I see why it is not booting21:57
GneaJan|: http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/browse/product+asus-a8v-deluxe?id=659321:57
soundraySuburban_Ed: maybe /dev/sdb really doesn't have any partitions?21:57
Bramgsp2009: can't I just download an installer?21:57
gsp2009Bram, I will dig up a name of an XP util to burn the image.21:57
TonikFlannel: mmm, yes, the do-* cli thing21:57
gsp2009Bram, no. You have to boot to media to install.21:57
=== dereine is now known as dereine[OFF]
Renfieldikonia: Well, then maybe i'm confused. There is a section "download installer components" I thought that meant that it literally downloads some software necessary for installation, and uses it as though it were already on a live CD. I thought maybe some other components could also be downloaded and used prior to installing on a hard drive.21:58
zwkDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
pyoDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
moiDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
awlDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
unuDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
xvrDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
aojDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
undDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
pimDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
bbmDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
myjDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
qrfDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
tdkDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
ufyDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
cliDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
kfeDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
emiDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
xpeDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
yqvDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
xusDave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock. Dave2 is a child molesting uber freak whilst DLange is nothing but a computer nerd and ugly mother-fucking cock sucker. evilchristel is christel, who is a lesbian bitch nerd who likes to cum on LoRez's small cock.21:58
=== und is now known as Guest9595
rj__how do i install a tar file?21:58
MIrrorIMageHi, I am new to Linux and was wondering how to download/install skype on Ubuntu 8.10 using the Synaptic Package Manager if possible21:58
soundray!skype | MIrrorIMage21:59
ubottuMIrrorIMage: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto21:59
rj__you may be able to dl it from the site21:59
whatevgvim in linux is showing me <92> where single quotes would be and stuff. any idea how to fix it?21:59
gsp2009MIrrorIMage, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/11/16/install-skype-20-on-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex/21:59
MIrrorIMageThanks guys, I will try that21:59
olibihow can i run "mv .* .." on ubuntu 8.1021:59
Er2Krj_:  tar is just an archive format.  File-roller will let you muck with it graphically, or "tar -xvf file" will extract it from the shell21:59
RenfieldOh, well. I'll just go out and buy 700Mb CDs later. I think the minimal CD is too minimal.21:59
GneaJan|: please, no dcc chat21:59
jribolibi: by typing it in and pressing enter?  What do you actually want to accomplish?22:00
=== etko_ is now known as etko
Jan|Gnea, Ive got an ASUS A8V Deluxe yes22:00
kotan%C13Flannel: thanks. I have in 810 iso image but do not know how to come by an upgrde 80422:00
etkoikonia : the problem was caused by ipv622:00
russia213rEDVAMP128: WHY?22:00
etkoon ubuntu22:00
Flannel!upgrade | kotan22:00
* gsp2009 is still perplexed at file shares and networking on 8.10. Ugh.22:00
ubottukotan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:00
rj__ok ill try that22:00
soundrayMIrrorIMage: please don't use the instructions on ubuntu-tutorials.com -- they are outdated22:00
etkoafter disabling it everything got working22:00
russia213redvamp128: why?*22:00
redvamp128russia213:  see pm22:00
soundrayMIrrorIMage: use the medibuntu repository22:00
ikoniaetko: no way !22:00
soundray!medibuntu | MIrrorIMage22:00
ubottuMIrrorIMage: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:00
GneaJan|: no need to repeat yourself. have you tried installing it yet?22:01
olibiand runnung it returns :mv: cannot move `.' to `../.': Device or resource busy and mv: cannot move `..' to `../..': Device or resource busy22:01
Jan|Gnea yes it would not work22:01
MIrrorIMagesoundray: which instructions should I follow then? Thanks22:01
GneaJan|: that's a bit too vague. any chance of clearing it up?22:01
jribolibi: so?22:01
Jan|Gnea however if I tried to install debian it worked..22:01
soundrayMIrrorIMage: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -- I favor the medibuntu method22:02
etkoikonia : i guess the problem vas caused by having ipv6 support in22:02
MIrrorIMageubottu: I read that medibuntu will remove some packages, which is not a good thing22:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:02
etkoopenbsd which on a small network i haven't configured22:02
ikoniaetko: I believe you - but I don't understand how as that should not effect anything22:02
cockroachhey, i'm looking for a place like snapshot.debian.net but for ubuntu, that is, a place to get older versions of specific packages. is there such a thing?22:02
soundrayHello Suburban_Ed -- is it possible that your second disk is not partitioned?22:02
etkoand i don't know how to22:02
jribolibi: it still moves .* to ...  It just tells you that it couldn't move . and .. for obvious reasons22:02
etkoand that propably got ubuntus ipv6 subsystem confused22:03
GneaJan|: it would be helpful if you could shed light on the exact problem(s) you ran into - simply stating that the sata controller was the problem doesn't say anything. do you have any evidence to back it up? any dmesg errors?22:03
soundrayMIrrorIMage: medibuntu won't remove anything. Where did you read this?22:03
olibijrib: ok. thanks.22:03
Suburban_Edsoundray: I don't see how that could be possible. My partitions are 100GB 100GB 200GB and 200GB and are on two 300 GB drives. So it has to be using both.22:03
gsp2009Just a thought. I use skpe everyday and didn't install it from medibuntu repos.22:03
* Debolaz is in love with foxit.22:04
soundraySuburban_Ed: okay, let me think22:04
etkoikonia : does ipv6 have precedence before ipv4 when routing?22:04
Jan|Gnea http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88571222:05
ikoniaetko: as you have no ipv6 address there is nothing to route22:05
soundraygsp2009: the best advice is to get it from medibuntu, nevertheless.22:05
etkoyah but openbsd has ipv6 enabled by default also22:05
olibijrib: was looking for somethin like "ls -A |grep "^\." |xargs -i mv "{}" .." Thanks :D22:05
etkoso maybe it was doing something with network packets22:05
MIrrorIMagesoundray: I am looking for the link now. It was a comment on a medibuntu forum22:06
etkobut it was nowhere mentioned it can cause such a problem and it is better to disable it on home network22:06
etkoif you don't have clue about it22:06
soundrayMIrrorIMage: I think you can safely forget that warning.22:06
MIrrorIMagesoundray: Thanks man!22:07
soundraySuburban_Ed: I think I have to pull out of this. If it was my system, I'd try to rewrite the partition table with Windows tools, but I'm not familiar enough with Windows to instruct you how -- sorry22:08
GneaJan|: wow, so that happened last summer... have you tried 8.10?22:08
Suburban_Edsoundray: Okay, I'll do some research on it. Thanks for your help.22:09
Jan|Gnea not yet22:09
GneaJan|: it has a newer kernel, you should try it out22:09
zaapielsay im on kubuntu and want to install ubuntu what is the command?22:09
Jan|Gnea like I said debian worked fine and I find this weird since ubuntu is based on it22:09
soundraySuburban_Ed: just out of interest, and to confirm: gparted sees no partitions on /dev/sda either?22:10
soundrayzaapiel: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'22:10
Suburban_Edsoundray: Right, Gparted shows both disks as "unallocated", seeing no partitions at all.22:10
Jan|Gnea, yeah will keep in mind to try it out22:10
soundraySuburban_Ed: so there are three opinions in total: the one from gparted, the one from fdisk and the Windows one. This is really weird.22:11
Suburban_EdHaha, I know22:11
GneaJan|: perhaps you've misunderstood what 'based on' actually means - yes, ubuntu uses the same package management system, but the packages, while some of them are rebranded from debian, are sourcefully different. therefore, ubuntu is not debian and different results are to be expected.22:11
gsp2009Bram, you get it worked out?22:12
soundraySuburban_Ed: what you could do, if you trust your backup, is to just write the partitions with gparted (and destroy the current partitions)22:12
Bramgsp2009: no, I don't have any idea about what to do...22:13
Suburban_Edsoundray: That would render Windows dead though, right? I would need to reinstall it.22:13
Bramgsp2009: since I really can't make a cd (well it doesn't work) and there doesn't seem to be another way of installing22:13
soundraySuburban_Ed: I've got one other idea: there is a tool called gpart (not gparted) that reconstructs partition tables. This wouldn't destroy anything.22:14
soundraySuburban_Ed: a similar one is called testdisk (but I haven't used that one personally)22:14
gsp2009Bram, ok. If you were to download the iso right now on windows, what would you use to burn it?22:14
Suburban_Edsoundray: Sounds good. I'll check it out. Is it a live boot kind of thing?22:15
redvamp128gsp2009:  a good free program to burn iso images is The Official ImgBurn Website <http://www.imgburn.com/>22:15
Bramgsp2009: I can't burn on windows, I did burn it in this ubuntu and then put it in windows, I did use a program called k3b22:15
soundraySuburban_Ed: on the assumption that Windows just wrote partition tables that are in some way non-standard and are therefore inaccessible to gparted, these tools might help. -- Yes, I think there is a live CD version of gparted. If not, you can install it into a Ubuntu live system.22:16
shawnmstoutwhats the command to find out how much ram is installed22:16
redvamp128gsp2009:  that that is for windows.22:16
JC_Denton__which software would you recommend for to remotely control my desktop on the local network? VLC? I'd obviously prefer software which would alter the desktop output to suit my resolution22:16
shawnmstoutjust want to make sure system is seeing it properly22:16
pepperjackshawnmstout: cat /proc/meminfo22:16
MBCI have a .sh file that I want to run, help?22:16
Gneashawnmstout: free22:16
pepperjackshawnmstout: or free22:16
gsp2009redvamp128, thanks.22:16
gsp2009Bram, so you have another linux machine?22:17
Suburban_Edsoundray: Okay, cool. I'll go try the goods out. Thanks again.22:17
soundrayJC_Denton__: VNC (not VLC)22:17
TelQuelI have a dual boot system with a windows partition on top of my ubuntu install and I was just wondering what the best way was to go about formatting one of the partitions?22:17
soundraySuburban_Ed: good luck22:17
redvamp128gsp2009:  though it is recomended not to burn - images at speeds greater than 12x22:17
JC_Denton__soundray: eh, that's what I meant22:17
JC_Denton__soundray: little slip of the brain :)22:17
shawnmstoutsweet thanks again22:17
CoJaBoHow do I disable the "hardware drivers" option on the menu in Xubuntu? Seems clicking this causes the system to lock up.22:17
Bramgsp2009: yes, I have the one that I'm using now with ubuntu (8.10) And my windows one is full with virusses etc. so I want to make it ubuntu as well22:17
pepperjackTelQuel: you can do a simple sudo mkfs.ext3 or whatever fstype so mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdc2 or whatever but make really really sure the partition you format22:18
MBCI have a .sh file that I want to run, help?22:18
gsp2009Bram, OH! I misunderstood. Sorry man. I thought you were on windows now and wanted to turf it for 8.1022:18
gsp2009Bram, brb.22:19
redvamp128MBC:  right click on the file-- choose properties-- then permissions then checkmark box for make it executible.22:19
TelQuelpepperjack, but formatting the windows partition won't break GRUB? I am going to reinstall windows but I want to make sure my nix partition is still intact.22:19
pepperjackMBC: open it with a text editor and look at the top line. itll say like #!/bin/sh or #!/usr/bin/bash or whatever so bash file.sh or just make it executable and then ./file.sh22:19
soundrayJC_Denton__: Ubuntu comes with vino by default for the "server" side -- configure it through System-Preferences-Remote Desktop22:19
gsp2009Bram, sounds to me like this is a K3b issue. brb22:19
soundrayJC_Denton__: for a client, try vinagre22:19
Bramgsp2009: ok22:19
redvamp128MBC:  then it should be able to run-- double click and choose run in terminal22:19
pepperjackTelQuel: no grub is installed to the hd mbr and it loads /boot/grub on the ubuntu partition you only need to maintain /boot partitition and mbr22:19
JC_Denton__soundray: thanks22:20
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository22:20
pepperjackTelQuel: now if you format the ubuntu partition this will result in badness22:20
MBC<redvamp128> thanks22:21
TelQuelpepperjack, ok, so no matter how I format the windows partition GRUB should remain intact and it should be fine to simply reinstall windows and GRUB should recognize it and run as usual?22:21
pronoyis there a way to obtain .deb packages of JRE ?22:21
slicslaki would like to try kde 4.2.  i have a default ubuntu install atm.  what's the best way to get kde4?22:21
pepperjackTelQuel: yep22:21
unoppronoy, why do you want the .deb ?  to install the JRE?22:22
redvamp128slicslak:  try syntaptic package manger and install Kubuntu-desktop22:22
russia213redvamp128: It worked...to a point22:22
pepperjackTelQuel: so grub exists on mbr which the system loads then grub loads the stuff in /boot as long as the partition number remains the same youre fine22:22
TelQuelpepperjack, alright, is it possible to format the windows partition from inside ubuntu?22:22
pepperjackTelQuel: yes very easy22:22
pronoyunop: i can access internet only through windows...long story....so i need .deb for JRE so that i can install your-freedom on int22:22
unixdawgwhen is kde4.2 going to be in pkgs22:22
redvamp128slicslak:  then log out-- choose options then window manger -- then - select KDE then log in choose just for session22:22
unixdawgis anyone working on it22:23
Deamoslo pepople22:23
Deamosdamn, that was hell trying to do the registration22:23
cdavis I am hunting a usb scanner that will duplex and auto feed multi-pagers. I don't need a flatbet. I am looking through the supported hardware list but having a hard time figuruting out what is new and what is long since discontinued. Can anyone make a suggestion?22:23
TelQuelpepperjack, well I am very glad that I went with the dual boot config, alright so what is the command to format C: from inside ubuntu? (windows is C: simply due to convention)22:23
pepperjackTelQuel: you can do a sudo fdisk -l to list all partitions then a sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/partitionnumber where partitionnumber might be sda3 or whatever22:23
unoppronoy, this should help - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OfflinePackageDownload22:23
RichardWolfVIHey all, I'm having an annoying issue with duplicate devices.22:23
pepperjackTelQuel: that is the command line option there are tools in the gui too22:24
RichardWolfVIMy network devices ar shown four times on the panel.22:24
DasE1pepperjack: gparted is a graphic tool for that22:24
nonix4which risks should I expect if/when I try to use a Hardy /home with Ibex for a while and then reboot back to Hardy?22:25
TelQuelpepperjack,  I generally prefer the terminal route as GUI is more buggy. Ok so my NTFS windows partition is the /dev/sda1 ...22:25
TelQuelpepperjack, but I want to format it for NTFS right?22:25
pronoyunop: DUDE i've been looking for this like forever.. !!! thanks !!!22:25
pepperjackTelQuel: depends. what do you want to use it for?22:25
DeamosI have a quick question regarding file systems.  I am looking for a setup to replace my current WHS to an open source solution.  Well, as for the file system I was hoping for one that works with Storage Pooling.  I add a new HDD and it adds it to the pool22:26
gsp2009Bram, I am not overly familiar with K3b, but it sounds like it is making coasters. If you can't read the contents of the disk after you have burned it in either ubuntu or windows, something is up. Can you use another app to mount the iso? Also, did you verify the checksum after you downloaded before trying to burn it?22:26
TelQuelpepperjack, this is the windows part... so it needs to be NTFS I am pretty sure ... or technically FAT32. heh.22:26
RenfieldOk, I need some additional assistance. I managed to get ssh and scp running in my minimal install. I started copying some files off of the hard drive onto my remote file server. Then it stalled. Now, I can't even ping anything from the minimal install.22:26
_VIM_nonix4: that doesnt sound to safe to me, have you concidered using virtualbox for testing ibex?22:26
DasE1nonix4: none22:26
tonsofpcsI want to create a playlist file (in any format that VLC can use) automatically when the contents of a directory change.  Is this possible or would it be easier for me to just set up a daily cron job that runs a script that I can also manually run to update this playlist?22:26
RenfieldHow do I determine why I have lost networking communications, and how do I get it back?22:27
pepperjackTelQuel: ah i wouldnt format ntfs for windows with a linux tool if i knew of one.  what i would do is use the windows install cd to do it. sorry didnt know you wanted ntfs22:27
Bramgsp2009: what is the checksum? And normally k3b just works fine for example with music22:27
nonix4_VIM_: already kinda done that but no, I don't support commercialish VM software, rather prefer using ubuntu-supplied kvm :)22:27
CoJaBoAny suggestions for unfreezing the system, or is hard reset the only option?22:27
moonwatcherhaving issues with a P5B Asus board and its on board NICs22:27
DasE1nonix: but why change it ? simply additional mount it on a dualboot22:27
DeamosAnyone have an idea other than doing a RAID0?22:27
Renfieldmoonwatcher: Oh, you too!22:27
moonwatchercan't seem to make them function at 1Gb22:27
moonwatcheris that a common thing?22:27
TelQuelpepperjack, ok so the windows install CD/DVD should be able to format the windows partition on its own anyway if I boot from CD correct?22:27
RenfieldI just got a P5GC.22:27
RenfieldAnd just now my network access is gone.22:28
pepperjackTelQuel: yeah just dont let it use the whole hd and reformat everything22:28
soundraytonsofpcs: make the playlist a named pipe that does a ls on the directory each time it is read22:28
nonix4DasE1: hmm, true... that'll be a lot safer :)22:28
_VIM_nonix4: I hear ya, open-source is always a better choice if we can avoid the alternatives :)22:28
RenfieldOh, but this is only 10/100.22:28
gsp2009Bram, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM22:28
moonwatcherth small thingy near the clock (network manager or something)  is completely not sure whats going on22:28
TelQuelpepperjack, and that way it will do NTFS. Yeah, I won't. I wish there was a way to get a common partition for storage that would read in both OSes.22:28
RichardWolfVInonix4: There's a open source version of VirtualBox on the repos22:28
slicslakredvamp128, right, so kubuntu-desktop uses kde4 now?22:28
AccesshaterGood evening (Netherlands :p), i have some problems with my desktop and would like to have some help. Everything works fine, but my desktop doesnt have any icons. And i cant use my rightsmouse button on the desktop. But the wallpapers are working just fine.22:28
AccesshaterIf i go to my home directory and look in the Desktop folder i see that there are enough files, but the arent being displayed.22:28
Accesshatercould someone help me22:28
tonsofpcssoundray: hmmm... interesting, how do I do that?22:28
Accesshaterhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/115445/ this is what is being logged in .xessesion-log22:29
nonix4RichardWolfVI: well KVM works well so I don't see a point in testing that out... unless it can do OpenGL :)22:29
soundraytonsofpcs: hold on, I have to look it up :)22:29
_VIM_RichardWolfVI: that doesnt make them any less "commercialish"22:29
moonwatcherRenfield: is this some ubuntu crap or some Marvell crap?22:29
pepperjackTelQuel: you can use fat32 that is fine for a media share22:29
Bramgsp2009: I didn't know it was that hard to install ubuntu...22:29
tonsofpcsthanks soundray :)22:29
RichardWolfVInonix4: It does. And is WAY faster and more stable that kvm.22:29
pepperjackTelQuel: you can format fat32 in ubuntu.22:29
RichardWolfVInonix4: kvm was hell for me22:29
frg221join #firefox22:30
Renfieldmoonwatcher: I'm not sure. I haven't gotten far enough to even get the desktop. I was just trying to scp files off of my hard drive prior to installation, and now I've lost all network communication.22:30
Dillizarhow can i format a usb22:30
nonix4RichardWolfVI: on h/w w/ VM support?22:30
gsp2009Bram, it's not. You just may have a bad install, or the burn process didn't go so well.22:30
DasE1Dillizar: gparted22:30
TelQuelpepperjack, alright, well thanks a lot. I am going to finish backing stuff up on DVD and then attempt the format. Thanks again.22:30
deanDillizar: try mkfs22:30
RichardWolfVInonix4: Yeah, Core 2 Quad Q660022:30
DillizarDasE1, gparted and after that the path??22:30
timahvo1is there  any way to fork rtorrent to the background so it doesn't have to run in a terminal22:30
deanDillizar: also fdisk. gparted is a GUI for these22:30
Bramgsp2009: ok, thanks for all your help, I got to go now, but I'll try again22:30
moonwatcherRenfield: there seems to be some talks about this that date to 200722:31
deantimavo1: gnu screen22:31
moonwatchernon with resultions22:31
RichardWolfVItimahvo1: Create a launcher, I guess.22:31
_VIM_timahvo1: does rtorrent & do anything?22:31
DasE1Dillizar: see above, just run it, choose usb-drive....22:31
moonwatcherjust people bitching on and on and then the tickets closing22:31
aixenvhey guys i have an issue, i upgraded to 8.10 and lost my video22:31
kotanFlannel & ubottu thanks Igo now and try to on this site22:31
deantimavo1: also try nohup and putting an ampersand at the end22:31
Renfieldmoonwatcher: Oh? I'll look.22:31
gsp2009Bram, ok. Good luck, and this should work better for you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:31
aixenvim lookin at the /var/log/org.0.log22:31
DeamosI have a quick question regarding file systems.  I am looking for a setup to replace my current WHS to an open source solution.  Well, as for the file system I was hoping for one that works with Storage Pooling.  I add a new HDD and it adds it to the pool22:31
RichardWolfVIaixenv: Try to reconfigure X22:32
rjune_Are there instructions for upgrading to Ibex?22:32
Stroganofftimahvo1: you can also press ctrl+f6 and run it from there (use f7 to go back to X)22:32
Bramgsp2009: ok thank you very much!   bye22:32
soundraytonsofpcs: still here?22:32
deanrjune_: update-manager works for upgrading22:32
rjune_dean: to non released versions?22:33
deanrjune_: also 'sudo sed -i 's/hardy/intrepid/g' /etc/apt/sources.list'22:33
tonsofpcssoundray: 24/722:33
deanrjune_: update-manager -d22:33
WTJust installed dual boot on Intrepid on Thinkpad T500. Two problems -- when I boot Linux, the Windows loses the ability to detect the ATI driver and I have to reinstall. When I boot linux, it wont start the gui unless I go boot the Windows XP partition first. any ideaS?22:33
deanrjune_: currently the latest is Jaunty Jackalope = 9.0422:33
RichardWolfVIrjune_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades22:33
soundraytonsofpcs: okay, assuming you have a directory ~/music and a directory in there that changes, let's call it ~/music/dyndir22:33
aixenvRichardWolfVI: dpkg-reconfigur xserver-xorg right?22:33
uavlc don't work22:33
DasE1rjune: prefer a frsh install, but : ļ»æ For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:33
RichardWolfVIaixenv: That's right.22:33
rjune_dean:  I know that, I want Intrepid Ibex22:34
nonix4RichardWolfVI: lol, there's virtualbox-ose-modules-openvz... two virtualization stacks on top of each other there?22:34
rjune_RichardWolfVI: thanks22:34
timahvo1"rtorrent &" seems to work just fine ty all22:34
ButtonsHi, I'm using NDISWRAPPER for my wireless driver.  It works most of the time, and most of the time it starts automatically when the boot.  However sometimes it doesn't, when it doesn't I'll try to use modprobe ndiswrapper, but this always causes the terminal to hang.  Rebooting usually fixes the issue, but it takes to long.  I have put ndiswrapper in /etc/modules already.  Does anyone have any futher suggestions?22:34
ghostwalkzHi all, I have setup a VPN connection, it authenticates and connects fine, assigns me my ip, everything is good, but when I go to whatismyip.com, it still uses my home IP - anyone know how to get to the outside world via the VPN instead of my router upstairs?22:34
deanrjune_: Ok it's just that you asked about development versions so I thought you wanted Jaunty22:34
soundraytonsofpcs: do a 'mkfifo ~/music/playlist' and run 'while true ; do ls ~/music/dyndir >~/music/playlist ; done'. Now each time you do a 'cat ~/music/playlist', it gives you an up-to-date listing of files in ~/music/dyndir -- am I making sense?22:35
rjune_ghostwalkz: you need to set your default route22:35
RichardWolfVInonix4: it's not necessary22:35
ghostwalkzahhaa what do I set it as?22:35
eth01ghostwalkz: are you trying to ask why your IP is still the same?22:35
rjune_the other end of the VPN22:35
rjune_eth01: no, why he's routing over his LAN instead of his VPN22:35
tonsofpcssoundray: yea, i'm just not sure where to put "while true" ...22:35
ghostwalkzthe other end as in ip.gotrusted.com22:35
eth01rjune_: ic.22:36
ghostwalkzI am trying to hide behind the vpn.22:36
RichardWolfVInonix4: If you don't mind closed source, there a Personal Edition which adds USB support, SATA and RDP22:36
ghostwalkznothing dodgy lol22:36
soundraytonsofpcs: it's a one-liner -- everything between the single quotes22:36
aixenvnope didnt work22:36
rjune_ghostwalkz: Doing so may cause problems in that changing your default route might cause your system to no longer be able to route to the vpn endponit.22:36
aixenvi guess i need to look at my video driver22:36
=== Buttons is now known as Buttons840
tonsofpcssoundray: right, but where do I run that?22:36
eth01ghostwalkz: there is an easier way. VPN's aren't designed for people in your shoes, clearly ... ever considered a proxy?22:36
tonsofpcsjust command line?22:36
LykkefeenCan anyone recommend a tool to backup the entire harddrive? My install is performing excellent and I would not like to start from scratch if something goes wrong :) I would strongly prefer a plain and simple GUI-program that just enables me to save the partitions into a image file and to restore it if needed...22:37
RichardWolfVIaixenv: Which video hardware do you have?22:37
rjune_Lykkefeen: tar, cpio, dd22:37
ghostwalkztoo slow, I also run tor here but its slow as hell.22:37
soundraytonsofpcs: yes. You may want to open a separate window for it, because it has to run permanently.22:37
deanLykkefeen: dd22:37
adaptrLykkefeen: clonezilla, systemrescuecd22:37
eth01ghostwalkz: not for people with 100mbit connections22:37
RichardWolfVILykkefeen: Ghost copies are the best for that22:37
RichardWolfVILykkefeen: I remember CloneZilla22:37
rjune_eth01: How do you know what he wants to determine a VPN is wrong for him?22:37
RenfieldSo any ideas on what I can do to get my network back?22:37
soundraytonsofpcs: I use this technique to put a timestamp in my email signature.22:37
ghostwalkzyou still rely on the the proxies connectio tho.22:38
eth01rjune_: you are making no sense.22:38
KoklocoHi eveyone22:38
tonsofpcssoundray: so tree it once on boot should work, ok, thanks :D22:38
ghostwalkzif the proxy is on 9,6kpbs then you are also lol22:38
KoklocoMy laptop's card reader WORKS pretty good EXCEPT for the Memory Stick Pro ones,...Does anybody know anything about this? I am using interpid 32 bits22:38
rjune_He's asking a very specific routing question. He has given no information about what he's doing other than his specific routing question. What do you know that I don't that lets you determin he's doing it wrong?22:38
GSF1200Sanyone in here have an offbrand nvidia card?22:38
aixenvRichardWolfVI: it's a laptop been a while, i wanna say an ATI card, im looking at dmesg now22:38
GSF1200Slike evga, sparkle, etc?22:38
soundraytonsofpcs: if you run it from /etc/rc.local, don't forget to put it in the background.22:39
rjune_GSF1200S: I do, old GeForce, use envy drivers22:39
IndyGunFreakGSF1200S: i have a BFGtech.. not sure if you consider that offbrand or not.22:39
ghostwalkzbrb gonna try that default route answer.22:39
GSF1200Syeah, well, do they use standard nvidia drivers?22:39
IndyGunFreakrjune: i'm not sure if i'd recommend envy to anyone..22:39
GSF1200Slike im looking at this card, which ill be running 2 of22:39
rjune_yeah, envy set up I think older drivers.22:39
adaptrGSF1200S: anything with an nvidia chip on it uses the nvidia drivers22:39
aixenvlooks like i might need a kernel mod22:39
JC_Denton__Is there a graphical terminal client?22:40
Cherepok ƂƂƂ22:40
adaptrJC_Denton__: you mean like...xterm ?22:40
rjune_GSF1200S: as I understand it, envy is flaky, not a good plan, and used as a last resort22:40
aixenvin dmesg i see "pci 0000:01:00.0: Boot video device , isapnp scanning for pnp cards... isapnp no plug & playdevice found22:40
deanJC_Denton__: xterm, gnome-terminal22:40
deanJC_Denton__: emacs22:40
RichardWolfVIGSF1200S: nVidia only designs their cads, and other companies buid them22:40
IndyGunFreakGSF1200S: so what is your sisue?... thats a very new card, its possible thats the problem.22:40
GSF1200Sim very well versed in installing nvidia :) I have a 7600 which ive installed many different ways22:40
machineQuestion: Anyone knows a Linux program to manager SQL databases?22:41
GSF1200Si dont have a problem yet.. im building a desktop22:41
[0x100]are there php MDB2 mysql drivers for ubuntu?22:41
GSF1200Si have one other question22:41
RichardWolfVIGSF1200S: *cards, you won't have any issues, no matter which brand22:41
AccesshaterHow do i get support here? Do i have to some command stuff for a request?22:41
ivanchomachine: phpmyadmin22:41
uapeople help ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run )22:41
uapeople help ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run )22:41
rjune_Accesshater: you ask a question.22:41
IndyGunFreakAccesshater: no, ask a question22:41
GSF1200Sif I buy 2 of these and run them SLI, or just on two pci slots, can I run dual monitors at 1080p?22:41
rjune_preferably with the relavant information to answer it22:41
machineivancho: that's a web utility....I am looking for an application22:41
JC_Denton__Must have worded my question poorly. No, like a remote client for X22:42
aixenvwell least it found my b43 stuff22:42
goenshi, I was wondering if anyone knew how to stop the live cd from trying to mount the fs' on my hard drive?22:42
rjune_machine: what are you looking for?22:42
uapeople help ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run )22:42
Accesshaterok lol, i did. How high is the chance that my question is being reviewed :p22:42
uapeople help ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run )22:42
rjune_JC_Denton__: Xnest22:42
crdlbua: unfortunately nvidia doesn't really support your configuration, so you'll have to use nvidia-glx-96, which doesn't requires SSE22:42
f0rmatI am having problems with the ubuntu partition editor on the 8.10 installation disk :S it doesn't show any partitions22:42
uapeople help ( NVIDIA OpenGL Driver requires CPUs with SSE to run )22:42
GSF1200Sor rather, will the two monitors be capable of 1080p should I have high enough definition?22:42
crdlbua: please stop repeating yourself22:42
crdlbI saw the first one22:42
rjune_Accesshater: it's busy in here, probably either missed or nobody knows. I missed it.22:42
aixenvok yea no vidoe,22:42
RichardWolfVIGSF1200S: Are you talking about two PCI or PCI express slots?22:42
aixenvlooking for the installer i used last time22:43
Accesshaterok, will try tomorrow :p22:43
Accesshatertnx rjune_22:43
uait's after i install new nvidia drivers22:43
JC_Denton__rjune thanks, that looks more like it22:43
goens hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how to stop the live cd from trying to mount the fs' on my hard drive?22:43
GSF1200Swell, ok, im not too good at this: ill give you the motherboard and vid card and you tell me..22:43
phrostbiteHow can I completly remove wine? I need to try a few things so i need to remove it.22:43
machineI am looking for a program similar to "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio"22:43
cristihy! can anyone help me out? i am having trouble installing ubuntu 8.04 64 bit version. When the install reaches 80% it suddelny stops (after creating user). After that, if i restart the computer grub exists with error 15 so i can't load the installed ubuntu. I have 3 partitions, one for /, one for /opt and one for /home. can anyone pls help me?22:43
jribolibi: why?  It does the same thing...22:43
RichardWolfVIua: Which CPU do you have?22:43
crdlbua: yes, anything newer than 100.14.19 requires SSE, which older AMD Athlons do not support22:43
KoklocoMy laptop's card reader WORKS pretty good EXCEPT for the Memory Stick Pro ones,...Does anybody know anything about this? I am using interpid 32 bits22:43
uawhat i need to do????????22:44
rjune_machine: what are you looking for?22:44
GSF1200Sand the two monitors are 1080p capable..22:44
IndyGunFreakcristi: well, first and foremost, if its only getting to 80%, there likely is no "installed ubuntu22:44
machinerjune_: >I am looking for a program similar to "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio"22:44
olibijrib:  to not get error... not that that really mattered if you are correct, witch i am inclined to belive you are :D22:44
Koklocomachine, mySQL?22:44
goens hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how to stop the live cd from trying to mount the fs' on my hard drive?22:44
crdlbua: if you installed the nvidia driver with system > admin > hardware drivers, then just install the nvidia-glx-96 package and reboot22:44
ivanchoKokloco: try to install discover2 or dmesg to check if you kernel can operate your slot22:44
GSF1200Ssince I know we can hack the blurays to decrypt on the HD, would this allow full 1080p from disk to screen?22:44
cristiIndyGunFreak: it is installed, it finishes the copy files, it just doesn't get to the grub part22:45
GSF1200Sthats my ultimate question...22:45
cristiIndyGunFreak: i think22:45
Koklocoivancho, ok, discover2 is in repositories, right?22:45
IndyGunFreakcristi: then try using the live cd t install grub22:45
aixenvisnt there soe cat /proc/ or something i can do to find out my video card?22:45
cristiIndyGunFreak: how?22:45
IndyGunFreakcristi: well, i'm guessing your thinking wrong...  because grub installs far after 80%.22:45
jken146aixenv: lspci22:45
deanaixenv: lspci and lshw might help22:45
IndyGunFreak!grub | cristi follow the instructions to restore grub after installing windows.22:45
ubottucristi follow the instructions to restore grub after installing windows.: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:45
nonix4RichardWolfVI: none of those being features I'd need that desperately :)22:45
rjune_machine: I don't know what MS SQL management studio is22:45
Koklocomachine, any program to manage mysql servers shoudl work with sq server22:46
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RichardWolfVIGSF1200S: It'll do just fine, I imagine22:46
machineMS SQL management allows you to connect to SQL databases and alter tables, backup etc22:46
machineKokloco: not really....22:46
GSF1200SRichardWolfVI: cool.. thanks.. now I gotta figure out how big to go on the power supply..22:46
rjune_machine: give a sec.22:47
RichardWolfVIua: use the previous driver, I guess22:47
Koklocomachine,ok, so SQL server is a Microsoft SOlution, it there is nothing in Linux to do so it is normal...is there any microsoft tool to manage Linux servers?22:47
uacrdlb senk man ;-)22:47
RichardWolfVIGSF1200S: 600 W is a safe point to start.22:47
Koklocomachine, try using wine if you dont find anything22:47
cristiIndyGunFreak: i am getting a file not found at the "find /grub/stage1" also22:48
aixenvok found it, mobility radeon 9600 M1022:48
cristiIndyGunFreak: the tutorial doesn't seem to cover that22:48
rjune_machine: open add remove software and search for sql22:48
machineKokloco: OpenOffice database can connect to SQL but it's not very good, slow and sluggish....Wine doens't like MS SQL Mang22:49
GSF1200SRichardWolfVI: im running an intel i7 and 2 of those vid cards, as well as 2 hard drives, one a Raptor2 and the other a WD TB drive.. sure 600w will do? I was thinking 85022:49
rjune_machine: there are multiple programs22:49
Koklocoivancho: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter22:49
Koklocoivancho, that's what Discover told me22:49
aixenvill see if i can find a new driver for it22:49
cmdr_awsomeļ»æif I want my classpath to be set everytime I start a new terminal, and I don't want to set it manually, can anyone help me out with how to make that happen22:49
aixenvi woulda thought 8.10 would have worked just fine22:49
shawnmstoutis the guy here that was asking about wine earlier?22:49
soundraycmdr_awsome: set it in $HOME/.bashrc with export22:50
goens hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how to stop the live cd from trying to mount the fs' on my hard drive?22:50
deancmdr_awsome: edfit ~/.bashrc22:50
machinerjune_: I guess your suggestion is the only way :(22:50
deancmdr_awesome: sorry edit22:50
rjune_machine: did you want the name of them?22:50
IndyGunFreakcristi: dunno.. somethings not right22:50
soundraygoens: I don't think you can22:50
cmdr_awsomesoundray: I just can't put it there with vim?22:50
rjune_I can point you to a few, you'll have to pick them;22:50
ivanchoKokloco: try modprobe mmc_core22:50
jochenhhey! how can i start programms on startup?22:50
Slart!session | jochenh22:51
ubottujochenh: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:51
goenssoundray: becuse it tries to and goes into an endless loop22:51
rjune_machine were you looking for command line instructions?22:51
soundraycmdr_awsome: it doesn't matter what editor you use22:51
cristiIndyGunFreak: i don't think i have grub installed at all22:51
RichardWolfVIGSF1200S: My, go 850, then22:51
soundraygoens: looping between what?22:51
machinerjune_: I am looking inside SYnaptic for an application...not command22:51
rjune_I just showed you how to search for software22:51
Koklocoivancho, nothing happens22:51
IndyGunFreakcristi: very likely22:51
ivanchoKokloco: try modprobe mmc_block22:51
goenssoundray: mounts them over and over again22:51
cristiIndyGunFreak: however it does run on startub but exits with error 1522:51
rjune_machine: Ahh, synaptic  works like apt.. you'll need to know a little more then the add/remove tool22:51
GSF1200SRichardWolfVI: haha, this thing is going to be damn expensive.. argh.. i shouldnt need to upgrade a while...22:51
RichardWolfVIaixenv: hmm, which driver is it using, radeon or fglrx?22:52
IndyGunFreakcristi: how are you attempting to install?22:52
jochenhStart: thx22:52
rjune_IndyGunFreak: You know of any tech work down that way?22:52
russia213When trying to boot Ubuntu I get get an error saying it gave up on waiting for the root system...help?22:52
cristiIndyGunFreak: ubuntu?22:52
IndyGunFreakrjune: negative22:52
IndyGunFreakcristi: ..... yes22:52
Koklocoivancho, nothing22:52
cristiIndyGunFreak: i am running the install from the live cd22:52
ivanchoKokloco: try modprobe ricoh_mmc22:53
soundraygoens: while this is going on, can you open Places-Home Folder ?22:53
IndyGunFreakcristi: i gathered that, hows your drive set up, do you have two drives or are you partitioning one drive, or what?22:53
cristiIndyGunFreak: however it might have something to do with the mounting points for / /home and /opt22:53
IndyGunFreakcristi: could.. i don't usually have different mount points, i just make swap and /, and away i go.22:53
cristiIndyGunFreak: yes, i have a primary partition for /, and as extended swap, a partition for /home and one for /opt22:53
ivanchoKokloco: try modprobe sdhci; modprobe sdhci-pci; modprobe sdricoh_cs(or sdricon-cs); modprobe tifm; modprobe wbsd22:53
Koklocoivancho, nothing, I dont get even a message on screen22:54
aixenvRichardWolfVI: how do i determine that?22:54
IndyGunFreakcristi: who knows...22:54
gsp2009see ya later all..22:54
goenssoundray: no, it does not boot. i had to turn off the quiet boot to see what was happening becuase it showed me some initramfs prompt22:54
RichardWolfVIaixenv: glxinfo22:54
aixenvi have that installed22:54
aixenvbut it wants to be in GUI22:54
russia213russia213: When trying to boot Ubuntu I get get an error saying it gave up on waiting for the root system...help?22:54
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RichardWolfVIaixenv Really? What's the output?22:55
aixenvi have libgl1-mesa-glx, libglitz-glx1, and rss-glx installed via apt-get22:55
aixenvError: unable to open display22:55
soundraygoens: are you booting the live CD in order to install?22:55
whatevdo you have to sudo to apt-get source?22:55
Koklocoivancho, neither of them worked22:55
RichardWolfVIaixenv: I'm dry on ideas right now,22:55
jeroen__can someone help me with rythembox?22:56
goenssoundray: yes, well from a usb actually using syslinux22:56
RichardWolfVIjeroen__: explain you problem right away22:56
nonix4Is there a safe way for installing Ibex from within a running Hardy? Already created some LTSP-images of Ibex, and that wasn't entirely safe (left some bind mounts around that could not be unmounted, etc)22:56
soundraygoens: don't think I can help you, sorry22:57
goenssoundray: ok thanks22:57
aixenvill look about getting an updated driver22:57
ivanchoKokloco: try dmesg and check for new lines at the end. If not, check for additional modules in your kernel: ls -R/lib/modules/KERNEL-VERSION/kernel/drivers/mmc/22:57
rjune_nonix4: define safe22:57
tsrdhey I need some wireless help...I can't connect to any WEP networks...I have a boradcom chipset22:57
adi1how to use horizontal scrollbar in touchpad as back/forward button in firefox?22:57
jeroen__i'm ripping to ogg but the extension says oga does this affect ther burn process in Brasero??22:57
adi1can anyone help?22:57
whatevwhen i apt-get source top, it downloads the source as 2 .gz files and 1 .dsc file but then says 'dpkg-source: not found. unpack command failed. child process failed'. any ideas?22:57
russia213When trying to boot Ubuntu I get get an error saying it gave up on waiting for the root system...help?22:58
WTI just installed Ibex on a Thinkpad T500 - dual boot with XP pro.  When I boot into XP it doesnt have the ati driver and has to reinstall it.  Ubuntu wont boot the gui unless I boot into Windows first (every time I want to boot ubuntu I have to boot windows, then boot ibex)22:58
cmdr_awsomehow do I type the end of file character22:58
Slartcmdr_awsome: ctrl+D ?22:58
adaptrcmdr_awsome: CTRL-D22:58
nonix4rjune_: 1. doesn't hose the running system; 2. doesn't make the running (lvm+raid) setup unbootable or corrupt data there22:58
jribwhatev: install dpkg-dev22:58
RichardWolfVIjeroen__: I doubt so. OCA is just the extension for OGG audio.22:58
jeroen__@richard ok :)22:58
zashadi1: go to "about:config" and search for "horizscroll"22:58
rjune_so you want to install to a chroot then, ya?22:58
adi1this was what I just did22:58
jeroen__thanks !22:58
aixenvshould i use opensorce drivers or the restricted-deriver management system that comes with ubuntu?22:59
jeroen__i think that ubuntu rocks !22:59
adi1zash | I just did and I put "2"22:59
adaptraixenv: do you want to use 3D-graphics ?22:59
adi1zash: but it wont work anyomre22:59
whatevjrib what will the command do then, just unpack the source or try to automatically compile it? i dont want it to try to compile or install it, just download it and unpack it at most22:59
nonix4rjune_: to /boot set to raid-1 of /dev/sd[a-f]2 and rest to a new lvm vg22:59
jribwhatev: just unpacks the source22:59
aixenvadaptr: i basically just want the best speed visually, i dont play games or anything, brwosers, email, shell sessoins, rdp sessions etc22:59
zashadi1: i guess what you want is mousewheel.horizscroll.withnokey.action = whatever means history22:59
rjune_nonix4: I'm not sure how to do it, might be able to create a loopback drive and install there23:00
jeroen__does someone got a clue to get a wacom bamboo working with pressure and the pen and absolute mode?23:00
adaptraixenv: nvidia or ati/amd ?23:00
rjune_that's long and involved and might not be what you want23:00
tsrdhey I need some wireless help...I can't connect to any WEP networks...I have a broadcom43xx chipset23:00
RichardWolfVIso, any help with my duplicate devices?23:00
adaptraixenv: opensource will do fine then23:00
pepperjack!broadcom | tsrd23:00
ubottutsrd: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:00
Necrathexaixenv: i'm using the opensourc drivers for ati23:00
pepperjacktsrd: may help23:00
adi1zash : mousewheel.horizscroll.withnokey.action I changed from value "0" to 223:01
Necrathexaixenv: performancewise better than the restricted ones23:01
zashadi1: does it work?23:01
aixenvNecrathex: are u on 8.10?23:01
adi1zash: but it wont work23:01
nonix4rjune_: also want to mount /var/spool/apt-mirror in both for "obvious" reasons23:01
adi1like in any ubuntu since feisty23:01
zashadi1: does alt+scroll work?23:01
tsrdpepperjack: I already checked that link...it's no help23:02
lupus_ciao a tutti23:02
Slart!it | lupus_23:02
ubottulupus_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:02
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:02
adi1zash: did not tried yet23:02
adi1alt+scroll is inside about:config?23:02
cristiļ»æhy! can anyone help me out? i am having trouble installing ubuntu 8.04 64 bit version. When the install reaches 80% it suddelny stops (after creating user). After that, if i restart the computer grub exists with error 15 so i can't load the installed ubuntu. I have 3 partitions, one for /, one for /opt and one for /home. can anyone pls help me?23:02
jribcristi: did you run "check the cd for defects" from the cd's boot menu?23:03
zashadi1: mousewheel.horizscroll.withaltkey.action23:03
cristijrib: yes23:03
cristijrib: it said that the cd is fine23:03
jribcristi: and it said everything was ok?23:03
adi1zash: to what value?23:03
ivanchojrib: check for 2,3 lines before this error 15 for more details23:03
jribivancho: huh?23:04
russia213When trying to boot Ubuntu I get get an error saying it gave up on waiting for the root system...help?23:04
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zashadi1: default seems to be that shift+vertical scroll = go back/forward23:04
adi1zash: right now is to value "2"23:04
jeroen__@cristi if you are using Evolution 32bit and did a backup of your mails it wont work in 64 bit23:04
cristijrib: i even tried to run the installer in command line and it simply exists with no error, even though that occours at 80%\23:04
RichardWolfVIbye then23:04
jribcristi: you mean you have tried the alternate cd?23:04
zashadi1: if you press alt+f2 and type "xev" and check the run in terminal checkbox and run that23:05
zashadi1: and then vertscroll in the white box that popps up23:05
jeroen__thanks !23:05
adi1zash : i have never dealt with "xev"23:05
cristijeroen__: i did a backup on one of those partitions, and it was on 32 bit before.23:05
adi1how to do this?23:05
jeroen__@cristi well if you want to import it it wont work23:06
jeroen__i tried it and failed23:06
zashadi1: run in terminal23:06
cristijeroen__: however i didn't use evolution, i simply created a new partition, moved my ex home and resize things again23:06
adi1zash: I have this event tester all white23:06
zashadi1: it dumps X11 events23:06
jeroen__@cristi ah ok ( sorry )23:06
xbyte1024anyone wand to help me repair an ati opengl?23:07
cristijeroen__:  so that's not the problem?23:07
adi1I runed from alt+f2 xev23:07
cristijrib: uhm, the live cd is ok, the test said so23:07
jeroen__@cristi no i understand that now (sorry for my offtopic jadda jadda)23:07
adi1zash: I have this windows all white with a black23:07
jribcristi: did you try the alternate cd?23:07
cristijerone: it's ok, np :)23:08
neatnikis there a dedicated channel for discussion of the Netbook Remix?23:08
cristijrib: i don't have any alternate cd what is that? i only have a cd copy of ubuntu on 64 bit23:08
jeroen__has anyone good results with an external soundcard?23:08
slideI just installed ubuntu and my wired connection works but the wireless doesnt seem to detect anything. Ubuntu installed proprietary drivers for the Broadcom wireless card but still nothing happens. can anyone help?23:08
zashadi1: if you run it in a terminal you should get a box with lots of text and a white box with a black square23:09
jeroen__@slide try to get acces while in wired mode23:09
TheLastDodoI don't believe so, although there's likely a more general netbook channel.23:09
lupciao a tutti23:09
ivancho!broadcom | slide23:09
ubottuslide: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:09
zashadi1: place the pointer in the latter box and test the scroll and se what text you get23:09
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slidejeroen__: im in wired mode (Im on the computer atm)23:09
adi1zash: ok23:09
stefgslide: you might need to download firmware. check 'dmesg' if it says something about missing firmware23:10
cristijrib: so.. what should i do?23:10
jeroen__@slide duh offcourse sorry im a little bit tired so forgive me23:10
crististefg: ha! cought you again xD! you left last time, i am having the same problem with grub23:10
crististefg: ļ»æi am having trouble installing ubuntu 8.04 64 bit version. When the install reaches 80% it suddelny stops (after creating user). After that, if i restart the computer grub exists with error 15 so i can't load the installed ubuntu. I have 3 partitions, one for /, one for /opt and one for /home.23:11
jrib!alternate | cristi23:11
ubottucristi: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent23:11
adi1zash: it have a lot of info23:12
jeroen__bye bye and thanks everyone !23:12
linnyanyone know if theres an irc chan for alsa ?23:12
adi1zash: but i cant understand much23:12
selocollinny: #alsa23:12
stefgcristi: if the installer doesn't finish, grub won't get installed... did you really wait long enough for the installer ? it downloads additonal language pack during install, which can be time consuming if you havn't lots of bandwidth23:12
slideivancho: that page doesnt show anything about Intrepid23:12
keen_i'm having problems getting my desktop effects to turn on, can someone give me some help?23:13
crististefg: i tried running the installer in command line and it exists with no errors23:13
selocolkeen_: graphics card drivers installed?23:13
ivanchohave to go23:13
zashadi1: you should be getting ButtonRelease events when you scroll23:13
crististefg: i used the "ubiquity" command23:14
stefgcristi: then it's hardware check time... memtest, cd self test...23:14
keen_selocol: i just did a fresh install of intrepid and installed the restricted nvidia drivers23:14
adi1zash: here is what i see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115472/23:14
selocolkeen_: what error are you getting23:14
keen_selocol: however i had to edit my xorg.conf file and add my card's busid to get it working...thats is the only wierd thing i had to do23:14
crististefg: uf, can't we try install grub manually? i think that is the problem23:15
keen_selocol: just says "desktop effects could not be enabled"23:15
zashadi1: this is what normal scrolling should give: http://p.zash.se/JvVW0g.txt23:15
adi1zash: when i scroll horizontal bar i get event notify23:15
keen_selocol: also i just noticed when i type "compiz --replace" into the terminal i get multiple errors saying "segmentation fault"23:16
stefgcristi: i doubt that.. if the installer quits you'll have a corrupt system anyway. not much use to fix grub just to find out yourn system doesn't work.23:16
crististefg: and how do i do the tests?23:16
stefgcristi: teh Live CD hs a selftest feature for the CD, and it has a memtest23:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cdcheck23:17
crististefg: the live cd is ok i used that test23:17
selocolkeen_: type compiz in terminal to troubleshoot23:17
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ectospasmI've got a problem with an SMP kernel only seeing one CPU core...  it used to work, I don't know what changed...23:17
pmitrosI installed python-qt4 python-qt4-ev python-qt-dev. I still cannot "import qt" in Python. Does anyone know what else I need to install or do to make Python+Qt work?23:17
crististefg: ok, i'll try the memtest, however i doubt that this is the problem23:17
adi1zash: i set the pointer inside and scroll horizontally.... ther terminal window is full of this data: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115473/23:17
stefgcristi: what can you tell about your hardware?23:18
crististefg: i don't really know what a good answer would be23:18
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g4lv4tr0nhi i recently installed 8.1023:18
stefgcristi: cpu? motherboard? ram?23:18
zashadi1: looks more like you're moving the pointer23:19
adi1zash: yes23:19
adi1should not?23:19
g4lv4tr0nthere seems to be a bug with firefox and flash youtube vids stop after a few seconds how do i fix this ???23:19
crististefg: i have a laptop with dualcore 2 duo T7500 at 2.2 ghz, and about 2gb ram23:19
adi1maby I got this wrong :)23:19
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stefgcristi: make? model?23:20
crististefg: asus motherboard23:20
g4lv4tr0nanyone know how i can fix the flash firefox bug ?23:20
adi1zash: so inside the small wihte window i sholud place the pointer from the touchpad right?23:20
zashadi1: normal scroll sends ButtonPress 4 and 5 events, and i think horizontal scroll should send 6 and 7?23:20
themiddlemanim going to be installing ubuntu on a friends computer and hes very noobish to computers, should i go with 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu?  any reason to stick to 32 bit?23:21
crististefg: i have some saved that on the partition that i was going to mount in /home, could that interfere? it's from the ex 32 bit version23:21
porter1themiddleman, flash is much better23:21
porter1Flash is unstable on 6423:21
crististefg: i had ubuntu running on 32 bit and now i wanted to go to 6423:21
zashadi1: yes, sould be titled "Event Tester"23:21
themiddlemanporter1,  i cant use 32 bit flash in 64 bit ubuntu?23:22
cristiporter1: you can download flash 10 from their site23:22
stefgcristi: not likely...  filesystem is filesystem... 64 or 32 bit23:22
porter1cristi' yaeh' and it's unstable23:22
adi1zash: yes this is the window where I should place the pointer from touchpad23:22
themiddlemani thought you could use 32 bit firefox and 32 bit flash?23:22
themiddlemanill google stiff, hold on23:22
adi1zash: i will try23:22
ectospasmI've got a problem with an SMP kernel only seeing one CPU core...  it used to work, I don't know what changed...23:22
ectospasmuname -a shows it's an SMP kernel23:22
ectospasmWinXP seems to see all four cores.23:23
zashadi1: if you do "normal" scrolling, does it spit out something similar to this:  http://p.zash.se/JvVW0g.txt ?23:23
stefgcristi: but you could try to just run the installer without using more than a / (root) and swap. you can add the mounts for /home and other stuff later23:23
tonyyarussoectospasm: What version of Ubuntu are you using?  Separate SMP kernels were phased out long ago.23:23
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Squidley_Spoochblargh honk!23:24
crististefg: ok, i'll try that, thank you23:24
freazerI have 8.10 installed from a live cd and there is no System -> Administration -> Networking .. only "Network Tools" I'm trying to change the name of the computer. I'm signed on the main account that the cd setup, what do I need to do to get full administration access?23:24
FlannelSquidley_Spooch: Can we help you?23:24
`Watkinshow do i extract .tar.gz files?23:24
ectospasmtonyyarusso: 8.1023:24
Squidley_Spoochnope, just finally starting up on IRC(literally first time) and don't really know what to do23:24
stivianyone know some irc about movies?23:24
jrib`Watkins: double click23:24
ectospasmI didn't think to look, but I swear it worked with this kernel23:24
jrib!ot | Sergeant_Pony23:24
ubottuSergeant_Pony: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:24
jrib!ot | stivi23:25
ubottustivi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:25
Squidley_Spoochbtw, ecto, 8.10 isn't a kernel...23:25
ectospasmand downgrading to the 2.6.27-9 kernel didn't fix it.23:25
adi1zash: i think i got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115475/23:25
ectospasmSquidley_Spooch: tonyyarusso asked which version of Ubuntu I was using, not my kernel version (-;23:25
tonyyarussoectospasm: ah, nvm - it does still print SMP in uname, even though that's not in the kernel name now.  Carry on.23:25
zashadi1: looks like what it prints when the pointer leaves the box23:25
Squidley_Spoochah, gotcha, my bad23:26
zashadi1: try scrolling up a bit in the terminal23:26
adi1zash: i move the pointer to copy paste23:26
adi1and the output changes23:26
zashadi1: yes, it produces a lot of output23:27
freazerhow do I change my Ubuntu 8.10 computer name? I was able to install SAMBA and change the workgroup in smb.conf23:27
crististefg: i have to go, thanks for the help23:27
Squidley_Spoochhow the hell do I get to a non-Ubuntu chan? don't get me wrong, if it asked, i'd let ubuntu bone me up the ass, but for right now it's not working for me23:27
ectospasmso, are there any ideas why the kernel doesn't seem to recognize multiple cores on my system?  I don't see anything in the BIOS which leads me to believe that I can even disable multiple cores, so Iunno23:27
adi1zash: in terminal i sholud look for button press ect?23:27
zashadi1: yes23:27
FlannelSquidley_Spooch: /join #whatever, and watch your language.23:28
nonix4ectospasm: default generic kernel w/ SMP support, right?23:28
Squidley_Spoochecto: at grub loader press F8 and type "cpus=(number of cores)"23:28
ectospasmnonix4: yep23:28
selocolfreazer: gksu gedit /etc/hostname then replace the current computer name with the desired one23:28
ectospasmSquidley_Spooch: cpus isn't a documented kernel option, and I've already tried maxcpus...23:28
ectospasmor at least, I didn't see a cpus option..23:29
nonix4ectospasm: and no sign of Processor #1 in dmesg nor /proc/cpuinfo?23:29
SherlawkDragon1hey, anyone know where the configuration stuff for Apache is on Ubuntu?23:29
adi1zash: i have this button press data like the one you sent tom me but cant copy/paste it so tell me what should i look in for?23:29
SherlawkDragon1I can't seem to find it with search...23:29
DVA5912Looking for a linux compatible mp3 player under $50 similar to Zune with video playback and podcasts. Any Ideas?23:29
Squidley_Spoochecto: despite being documented or not, that is what worked for me on my quadcore...23:29
ectospasmSquidley_Spooch: I'll try that, thanks...  bbiab23:30
stiviI have problem with network on ubuntu 8.1023:30
SherlawkDragon1DVA5912> I think the RCA Lyra might work...23:30
git_what do u guys use to build your firewall?23:30
DVA5912SherlawkDragon1: Checking it out23:30
stiviIt "forgot" network settings23:30
SherlawkDragon1most should, most MP3 Players seem to be simple file storage23:30
adi1zash: have a look...:) http://paste.ubuntu.com/115478/23:31
DVA5912SherlawkDragon1: No podcast support or video is their?23:31
rinuxhi zicho23:31
rinuxhello everyone23:31
freazerI have an ext3 partition wrapped inside an MDADM raid mirror and further inside an LVM, that I can repeatedly run e2fsck -fy and it finds new errors every time - is there a problem with MD0 + LVM partitions?23:31
FrijolieI don't know why everything is giving me a hard time today!23:31
Necrathexwhat does podcast support mean? aren't they just audio files?23:31
SherlawkDragon1that's something complicated.23:31
SherlawkDragon1but they might23:32
git_ext3 is poorly written, i prefer reiserfs23:32
DVA5912SherlawkDragon1: i need at least video playback for the plane ride23:32
SherlawkDragon1hey, anyone know where the configuration stuff for Apache is on Ubuntu?23:32
Frijolienow I'm trying to perform a backup with rsync from my local machine to an external USB drive23:32
chibiaceNecrathex: like mp3s in an rss feed23:32
Frijoliewhen I'm trying to rsync it fails and says that I don't have the permissions23:32
Frijoliedo you have to run rsync as super user?23:32
SherlawkDragon1DVA5912> I don't know, as I said, any one of them should work, unless there's something special about it...23:32
Necrathexyea, so every mp3 player has 'podcast support'23:32
zashadi1: probably easier if you open a terminal and run xev > afile, do some scrolling in the test-window, close it and paste the file23:32
DVA5912SherlawkDragon1: if anyof them are like the zune i cant do them23:33
freazerstivi: Can you elaborate a little more?23:33
adubzdoes anyone know where i can get a full debian package for xmms23:33
zichorinux, ???23:33
adubzone that will install to my apllications menu23:33
SherlawkDragon1hey, anyone know where the configuration stuff for Apache is on Ubuntu?23:33
adi1zash: the right command is "xev > afile"?23:34
DVA5912SherlawkDragon1: /etc/apache223:34
SherlawkDragon1thank you23:34
freazeradubz: Have you tried System -> Preferences -> Main Menu to see if your installed programmed are there, but simply unchecked?23:34
rinuxjust saying hello, zicho23:34
zashadi1: that redirets the output of xev to a file "afile"23:34
SherlawkDragon1I hate Linux's annoying file setup...23:34
Frijolieanyone a performing a backup guru?23:34
zichorinux, yeah, but why me when there is like 1400 other users? :D23:34
chibiaceadubz: i thought xmms version 1 was not available anymore23:35
RoryAnyone figured out the real solution to get Nautilus/all the GNOME errors solved when you first run Ubuntu 8.1?23:35
chris_xfceXFCE-Theme-Question: hi, there, i downloaded this "theme": http://browse.deviantart.com/customization/skins/linuxutil/xfce/  unzipped it and moved it to  /usr/share/themes .  The name of the theme, Mire v2 grime doesnt appear in the list of themes in the user interface preferences. but it appears in the list of available styles in the window manager. so my question: are those themes at deviantart actually just window decorations or what? w23:35
chris_xfcehen i inspect the zip file, there's p.ex. the wallpaper missing, etc.23:35
freazerSherlawkDragon1: You'll get used to it. Things are actually a lot more consistent than I first thought. Most programs are installed to /usr/ , logs and temp files to /var, program configurations in /etc23:35
adi1zash: root@adi:~# xev > afile23:35
adi1XIO:  fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0"23:35
adi1      after 30 requests (30 known processed) with 0 events remaining.23:35
adubzi dont see it what is it on the repositories23:36
adubzchibiace do you know what it is callled on the repositories23:36
x-ipHello, someone knows how is called the .deb from the 'add and remove apps' ? is done in python ?23:36
adi1zash: anyway the afile have a lot of data in here23:36
adi1zash: do u want me to paste it?23:36
zashadi1: yeah23:37
g4lv4tr0nhow do i fix flash in firefox it only play a bit of the vid ?23:37
chibiaceadubz: should be xmms, but as i said i dont think its available, you can check the debian repository frontend and try to resolve dependancy issues23:37
ectospasmSquidley_Spooch:  cpus=4 did not work on my system, I still only have one cpu active...23:37
adi1zash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/115480/23:37
adubzits installed but only doing command line?23:37
adubzits xmms223:38
FrijolieI guess that's a no23:38
chibiaceadubz: you want to add a menu entry?23:38
adubzwell i type xmms2 in terminal and it just shows command line options23:38
RussMx-ip: "Add/Remove Applications" is /usr/bin/gnome-app-install, which is written in python.23:39
RoryGNOME/Nautilus errors will not let me see the clock/trash can/open up many apps, no one seems to have the real solution for ubuntu 8.123:39
freazerFrijolie: be more specific about what you need? the more you know the more you know you don't know, so the less one will identify themself as a guru - what you may need may not be a real guru ^^23:39
x-ipthanks a lot RussM :)23:39
chibiaceadubz: xmms2 has a client/server model i think23:40
Cody__Is there a wireless help irc channel?23:40
Frijoliefreazer, thanks for the clarification23:40
adubzyes it does23:40
adubzthats what it says23:40
adubzso i need just xmms23:40
adubzand its not on the repositories23:40
FrijolieI'm trying to back up applications/files from my local machine to an external HDD in rsync (open to other options) and when I perform the rsync I get permissions erorrs23:41
chibiaceadubz: i dont think it has a gui23:41
adubzoh the xmms223:41
adubzit doesnt23:41
adubzi guess i need xmms23:41
ShakaGoldSainthi there, i'm trying to use chntpw but it seems that it always launches the registry editor and i'm not using the -e parameter, is this normal?... also, i just found out abou this tool 20 minutes ago, all howtos seem to work like magic but here it prompts me to what it seems to be the registry editor all the time =/23:41
adubzand i dont see it on the repository23:41
DVA5912Does this look as if it would be a good alternative to my 8 gb zune? http://www.amazon.com/Touch-Screen-MP4-Player-8GB/dp/B001AKVCSS/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top23:42
chibiaceadubz: dont you like muine, banshee or rhythmbox etc?23:42
brandon_I saw an article on digg about a dock similar to OS X, can anyone tell me what dock that is?23:42
=== brandon_ is now known as slide
adubzive used xmms for years23:42
adubzits kinda like winamp23:42
parthbakshibrandon: awn ,gnome-do23:42
freazerFrijolie: the obvious fix is to run rsync with sudo.. but I don't think you want that otherwise you wouldn't be asking ^^ what are the write permissions like on the external drive you've setup?23:42
slideparthbakshi: yea that was it, thanks23:42
adubznever used muine banshee or rhythmbox23:42
RoryGNOME/Nautilus errors will not let me see the clock/trash can/open up many apps, no one seems to have the real solution for ubuntu 8.123:42
ldleworkI am running Intrepid Ibex with the Broadcom STA drivers. I am getting horrible packet loss inside of Urban Terror. I have tried with and without the proprietary drivers and I still get this despite the proprietary ones seem to perform slightly better23:43
adubzwould be cool to have xmms23:43
Frijoliefreazer, yeah I don't want to use 'sudo' becuse won't that change the ownership? I'm not sure about the permissions on the external drive. I've just formatted and partitioned the drive 5 minutes ago using gparted to ext323:43
zashadi1: your touchpad does not seem to give out scroll-events?23:44
freazerFrijolie: the likely candidate is the way you're mounting the external drive - does it have an entry in your /etc/fstab and can we see it?23:44
ldleworkAnyone else play Urban Terror or get packet loss in other game?23:44
chibiaceadubz: if apt-get install xmms doesnt work look here http://packages.debian.org/23:44
xm89http://paste.ubuntu.com/115482/ - why Xorg stops work sometimes, when i am opening video from totem-xine ?23:45
ikoniachibiace: that's debian repo's not ubuntu23:45
Frijoliefreazer, no entry in /etc/fstab. it was automagically mounted when plugged in to my USB port23:45
chibiaceikonia: i dont think xmms is in ubuntu anymore. :S23:45
ikoniaFrijolie: hal and dbus does this23:45
ikoniachibiace: its not23:45
adi1zash: i had hardy 8.04.1 and it worked all ok since 2 days ago23:45
f0rmatI am having problems with the ubuntu partition editor on the 8.10 installation disk :S it doesn't show any partitions23:46
savhow can I know which compilation parameters AND "./configure" (if applicable) parameters were used when compiling a package?23:46
chibiaceikonia: its in the debian repo though23:46
adi1now in hardy 8.04.2 it wont work23:46
Frijolieikonia, right, so there would be no entry in /etc/fstab right?23:46
ikoniachibiace: so ?23:46
ikoniaFrijolie: correct23:46
ikoniaFrijolie: but there would be in mtab23:46
adi1something has change in gnome or something else23:46
ikonia(after it's mounted)23:46
Frijolieikonia, /etc/mtab? never heard of it23:46
thebloggucan i set a maximize margin in gnome ?23:47
adi1zash: but not in firefox or in my touchpad23:47
Frijoliefreazer, /dev/sdb1 /media/disk ext3 rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal 0 0 (/etc/mtab)23:47
vihriGood evening all, could anybody advise me how can I get a recursive filelisting in Nautilus?23:47
adi1neither in xorg.conf23:47
RoryGNOME/Nautilus errors will not let me see the clock/trash can/open up many apps, no one seems to have the real solution for ubuntu 8.123:47
adi1there is some thing new in this distro that mess all23:47
Frijolieikonia, thanks i've learned something today. These are ones that are automatically mounted (usb,firewire,etc)?23:48
ikoniaFrijolie: any hot plug device,23:48
Frijolieikonia, and not permanent internal HDD, Optical media, etc23:48
zashadi1: weird23:48
ikoniaFrijolie: well some of them well yes23:48
thebloggucan i set a maximized margin in gnome23:49
adi1zash: before i used to go mousewheel.horizscroll.withnokey.action and change the value from "0" to 223:49
Frijolieikonia, ok thanks. Ok so how are they mounted (what permissions/ownership)?23:49
adi1zash and i cloud go back/forward in touchpad23:49
ikoniaFrijolie: normally with the current user logged in, and the permissions on the file system are taken from the file ssytem23:49
adi1zash; now it wont work anymore23:49
zashadi1: any recent updates?23:50
uni4dfxjoin #wine23:50
Frijolieikonia, I've partitioned and formatted in gparted (which required sudo password) my external USB drive23:50
uni4dfxsory bout that23:50
adi1zash: besides 8.04.1 to 8.04.2 nop.23:50
thebloggucan i set a maximized margin in gnome ?23:50
ikoniaFrijolie: "ok"23:50
adi1zash: firefox is the same and hardware is the same23:51
Frijolieikonia, so does that mean that the filesystem's owner is root?23:51
andrew__just a quick question, im getting errors when trying to compile applications as a normal user, using 8.10 and i have gcc and build essentials installed at the current versions. but fails to compile anything (even a simple hello world application) unless im root then it works fine23:51
ikoniaFrijolie: yes, if you've not changed it23:51
adi1zash: oh maybe the gtouchpad?23:51
Frijoliethe properties in Nautilus, "could not be determined"...23:52
adi1zash: i think i found :)23:52
freazerFrijolie: open a terminal and type: cd /media/      and then ls -l   - is your ./disk folder writable by you? feel free to paste that line here23:53
RoryGNOME/Nautilus errors will not let me see the clock/trash can/open up many apps, no one seems to have the real solution for ubuntu 8.123:53
Frijoliefreazer, drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2009-02-07 15:03 disk23:53
adi1zash: this app for control touchpad have an option to enable horizontal scroll23:53
Frijoliefreazer, root owner root group! d'oh!23:53
adi1i will disable it23:53
adi1let see..23:53
savhow can I know which compilation parameters AND "./configure" (if applicable) parameters were used when compiling a package?23:54
Frijoliefreazer, so I need to 'chown' it right?23:54
andrew__just a quick question, im getting errors when trying to compile applications as a normal user, using 8.10 and i have gcc and build essentials installed at the current versions. but fails to compile anything (even a simple hello world application) unless im root then it works fine, anyone got any ideas?23:55
freazerFrijolie: it can't hurt to try! chown -R youruser:yourgroup media   - to recursively change the entire drive (you said it was freshly formatted) to your permissions23:55
ikoniaandrew__: depends on the error23:55
thebloggucan i set a maximized margin in gnome ?23:56
freazerFrijolie: and if you want other users in your group to be able to write to it, do:   chmod -R g+w media23:56
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freazerFrijolie: oops! with a sudo preceding those of course ^^23:56
andrew__well for a simple hello world application i get a load of errors regarding libraries23:57
andrew__eg /usr/include/stdio.h:34:21: error: stddef.h: No such file or directory23:57
ikoniaandrew__: pastebin the hello_world.c and the error on compile in a pasteinb23:57
andrew__compile as root fine23:57
andrew__ok doke23:57
ikoniaandrew__: you're missing basic libraries23:57
ikoniaandrew__: basic headers sorry23:58
andrew__ikonia: obviously im not if i can compile as root perfectly fine23:58
Frijoliefreazer, sorry, I'm new to this linux admin stuff..i'm still GUI bound. what is the suggested way to handle groups?23:58
ikoniaandrew__: then it's permissions23:58
ikoniaandrew__: check the permissons on the headers it's complaining about23:58
=== garrett__ is now known as Squidley_Spooch
kjellFrijolie: You dont want to use GUIs for user administration?23:59
ikoniaFrijolie: use the user admin gui23:59
ikoniakjell: why not - it's perfectly acceptable23:59
kjellikonia: It was a question.23:59
ikoniaFrijolie: system->administration->users and groups menu from the drop down on the top of your screen23:59
andrew__ikonia: all my headers / libs have -rw-r--r--  1 root root23:59
kjellikonia: not a statement23:59
ikoniakjell: apologies23:59

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