
Junowathi all02:29
Junowatis there a moderator for this channel?02:29
Rocket2DMnJunowat, what you need to talk to mdke02:31
Rocket2DMnis something wrong?02:31
Junowatwell I had a question02:31
JunowatI had a problem with one of the ubuntu wiki pages (something was unclear)02:32
Rocket2DMnwhich page?02:32
Junowatso I went to the page to create a new revision02:33
Rocket2DMnok, wiki.ubuntu.com isn't really our domain but we can help you with editing02:33
Rocket2DMn(we primary do official docs and community docs on help.ubuntu.com)02:33
Rocket2DMnso you went to edit, then what?02:34
Junowatwell do you know who that domain belongs to?02:34
Junowatyes so I edited the page the way I liked02:34
Junowatthen I hit preview to see what my edits looked like02:34
Junowatthen I hit submit/change (I forget the name of the button)02:34
Junowatbut instead of going through some approval process, the page changed automatically02:35
Junowatwhich surprised me because I didn't know I had full access to do that.02:35
JunowatI just want to make sure I didn't do anything wrong02:35
Junowatin the worst case scenario, the admin can simply revert the page to the previous version02:35
Rocket2DMnwhen you Preview it doesnt update the page yet, but after you click submit it does02:36
Rocket2DMnthere is no approval process02:36
Junowatoh I see.02:36
Rocket2DMnif somebody were to royally mess up a page, it can be rolled back to an older revision02:36
Junowatoh okay02:36
Junowatso then "anyone" can edit the wiki.ubuntu.com pages?02:36
JunowatI was looking to join that particular team.02:36
Rocket2DMnthe same is true on the (more official) community docs at help.ubuntu.com/community/02:36
Junowatspeaking of which, how do I join the docs team?02:37
JunowatI do a lot of documentation in my career02:37
Rocket2DMnthe actual official system docs are at help.ubuntu.com , and to edit those you need to commit changes to the ubuntu-docs bzr branch.  for that you need training and to have permissions02:37
Junowatoh I see02:37
Junowatfair enough02:37
Junowatwell then I have no problems02:38
Rocket2DMnthat is the team for working on the community docs, you dont have to be on it, but if you do like to contribute, its nice to be there.02:38
Rocket2DMnits a subteam of ubuntu-doc02:39
Rocket2DMnif you want to be on the doc-team, then you apply for https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-doc-students02:39
JunowatI see that now.02:39
Junowatwell that's great02:40
Junowatis there any rule of thumb for what I need to do to join this team?02:41
Rocket2DMnyou should have a smal portfolio of pages that youve worked on that you can show the team admins02:41
Rocket2DMnthere is a section on the WikiTeam wiki page02:41
Rocket2DMnApplying to the WikiTeam02:42
Rocket2DMnyou should also get on the mailing list02:42
Rocket2DMnthere is a pretty in depth set of pages on the team wiki for the doc-team and its subteams - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam02:42
JunowatI got it all now02:43
Junowatthanks for your help02:44
Junowatthere is so much info there02:44
JunowatIt is sometimes hard to find it all02:44
Junowat<tree search>02:44
Rocket2DMnno problem, i understand02:44
Junowatthanks a bunch Rocket2DMn02:44
JunowatIs that a "honeymooners" reference?02:45
Rocket2DMnits not a reference to anything, its just an old name that stuck02:46
Junowatha okay (gave it a shot)02:46
Junowatthanks again02:46
Rocket2DMnno problem man02:46
=== Gwaihir_ is now known as Gwaihir
icheynehi all21:21
icheyneI tried to add some tags to the wiki, but they won't load when I refresh the wiki page21:21
icheynehave they been disabled or something?21:21

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