sirderigo_ | good night, i want to know if here is somebody what can help me to create a DEB to FGRUN; install this is a very high level hell | 03:11 |
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth | ||
=== sirderigo_ is now known as sirderigo | ||
savvas | uscan warning: In watchfile debian/watch, reading webpage failed: 403 Forbidden | 10:03 |
savvas | does anyone know what's going on? | 10:03 |
Hobbsee | savvas: well, it 403's in a browser too | 10:05 |
savvas | darn | 10:05 |
directhex | works here | 10:05 |
Hobbsee | is what it redirects to, for me | 10:06 |
directhex | only works for sexy britlanders? | 10:06 |
savvas | same as Hobbsee here | 10:06 |
directhex | Index of /sourceforge/pywebsvcs | 10:06 |
directhex | [ ] ZSI-2.1_a1-py2.5.egg 01-Nov-2007 23:32 432K | 10:07 |
savvas | directhex: you're in UK? | 10:07 |
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying | ||
directhex | savvas, i think it redirects to a random SF mirror, and some are broken | 10:08 |
directhex | heanet is fine | 10:08 |
directhex | garr is not | 10:08 |
savvas | ok got it, seems random like you said | 10:09 |
savvas | thanks :) | 10:10 |
DktrKranz | iulian, ScottK: I've prepared a first draft of motu-release charter (, could you please have a look? I'll ping sistpoty too when he is online | 11:20 |
RainCT | DktrKranz: "has not discussed" | 11:23 |
RainCT | DktrKranz: last line "by MOTU community" -> "by the MOTU community" | 11:25 |
DktrKranz | RainCT, typos corrected :) | 11:42 |
Hobbsee | DktrKranz: s/weight/weigh/ | 11:46 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
DktrKranz | Hobbsee, got it, thanks :) | 11:50 |
* RainCT reviews fsniper | 11:50 | |
* DktrKranz has flu... sorry for the typos | 11:50 | |
Hobbsee | ;) | 11:50 |
quadrispro | DktrKranz: could you take a look at | 11:53 |
quadrispro | * | 11:53 |
DktrKranz | quadrispro, I guess not, I just take some chemical stuff and I plan to sleep soon :) | 11:54 |
quadrispro | ok DktrKranz, thank you :) | 11:57 |
iulian | DktrKranz: OK, thanks. I'll have a look at it in a minute. | 12:01 |
iulian | Looks good. | 12:04 |
quadrispro | ehi guys! mandvd needs some love -> :) | 12:04 |
quadrispro | hi mok0 | 12:13 |
RainCT | uhm.. what do you think about adding -I to lintian on REVU? | 12:24 |
hefe_bia | I uploaded a new version of the tomboy-blogposter package after an extensive review from dpaleino. I think the mono packaging should be much better now. (See Also I changed it to the new copyright format. I'd be very happy about a review ;) | 12:25 |
jpds | RainCT: +1. | 12:26 |
brennion | I've uploaded a nvclock package which solves some issues about nvidia8/9 cards, but I've seen there are some packaging mistakes, how can I uploaded a second time ? | 12:29 |
brennion | do I need to increase the version number, even if it is not published ? ubuntu1 to ubuntu2 ? | 12:30 |
Laney | brennion: No, just upload a new debdiff to the bug | 12:30 |
jpds | brennion: Sure, and no. | 12:30 |
Laney | or .diff.gz, whatever it is | 12:30 |
Laney | preferably with a comment saying what's different | 12:31 |
* Laney jumps on hanksa | 12:32 | |
brennion | ok thank you, I'm going to search for debdiff tuto..., do I've chances to have it included in jaunty, or it's already too late ? | 12:32 |
Laney | not at all | 12:32 |
Laney | there's still time | 12:33 |
maxb | Regarding mandvd, I wonder if it would be worth trying to talk upstream into some better versioning and changelog practices | 12:34 |
pochu | RainCT: sounds good. I'd also add --show-overrides if it's not already there | 12:35 |
RainCT | pochu: but REVU will then complain about lintian not being happy | 12:35 |
maxb | The primary release format seems to be a SRPM, and the author seems to be abusing the VERSION-RELEASE numbering format by using RELEASE for non-packaging changes too | 12:35 |
RainCT | and if there's a debian/*overrides file the reviewer should look at it anyway | 12:36 |
brennion | last question for now ;p, do I have to upload twice, for jaunty and intrepid ? I could not find infos on the packaging howto | 12:36 |
pochu | RainCT: well it will only show them... some people tend to abuse overrides | 12:36 |
pochu | RainCT: but that's fine too | 12:36 |
pochu | RainCT: what about --pedantic? :P | 12:36 |
* pochu hides | 12:36 | |
Laney | brennion: For Intrepid you will have to follow the SRU procedure | 12:37 |
Laney | !sru | 12:37 |
ubottu | Stable Release Update information is at | 12:37 |
brennion | thx | 12:37 |
RainCT | OK, -I added | 12:46 |
* hefe_bia has to head for work. see you later... | 12:48 | |
jfcgauss_ | i inserted a scratched cd into my cd/dvd drive, and im unable to eject the cd. eject button of the drive doesnt work, nor does the 'eject volume' from the icon on my desktop. i also cannot kill the file browser instance that popped up when i inserted the cd. the only way is to restart the computer. is there a better way to get the cd out and kill the file browser instance without restarting? is HALD responsile for this? thx... | 12:50 |
kolby | I want to be added to revu uploaders | 13:13 |
maxb | kolby: reports that the team is no longer necessary. | 13:15 |
kolby | maxb: thank you | 13:15 |
henrik-hw0 | Anyone feel like giving libmirage a second advocate? | 13:16 |
RainCT | kolby: Just log into REVU, and account for you will be automatically created. | 13:16 |
kolby | RainCT: alright. I knew I uploaded to revu, but it didn't show up under the new packages and now I know why. | 13:17 |
RainCT | kolby: Uhm. I don't see any upload here.. | 13:19 |
kolby | RainCT: I'll try soon and let you know then. | 13:20 |
kolby | in my /etc/ file, I have "anonymous" for the revu login name, should I change this? | 13:21 |
kolby | Should I use my launchpad ID for <login = (anonymous)> | 13:23 |
RainCT | kolby: no, it is correct | 13:23 |
kolby | alright. Thx | 13:23 |
RainCT | kolby: Just upload, it should work now that REVU knows you :) | 13:24 |
kolby | okay ^^ | 13:24 |
kolby | The package has been uploaded | 13:26 |
kolby | I was told to join the uploader group in launchpad by an official looking ubuntu guide | 13:32 |
kolby | Here is the link: | 13:32 |
kolby | | 13:33 |
hefe_bia | re | 13:34 |
Laney | kolby: whereabouts does it say that? | 13:35 |
* RainCT wonders if anyone uses revu-tools | 13:37 | |
kolby | Laney: I missread the "Register as a REVU uploader" section | 13:37 |
* Laney has never heard of revu-tools | 13:38 | |
Laney | RainCT: Can REVU run that on new uploads? | 13:38 |
kolby | when do I change the [needs-packaging] bug report to indicate packaging completion? | 13:40 |
RainCT | Laney: nope, that'd most likely kill the server (it downloads the orig tarball with uscan and also builds the package with pbuilder - I think everything else it checks for is already done by REvu) | 13:40 |
Laney | heh | 13:41 |
Laney | well apart from the building part then | 13:41 |
Laney | it can run uscan --report to not download, etc | 13:41 |
RainCT | uscan can also be run by the reviewer :) | 13:42 |
RainCT | the problem about adding it to REVU is that there may be a new release since the package was uploaded | 13:43 |
kolby | Alright. _my_ lintian detected no errors or warnings in my package. | 13:43 |
kolby | Once I uploaded it, there was a lintian error notice about having no "debian/watch" file. | 13:44 |
Laney | Well things that can be termined statically (uscan can take a version number btw) should be | 13:44 |
Laney | no point in wasting reviewers' time with stuff that can be automated | 13:44 |
pochu | kolby: lintian -I | 13:45 |
kolby | RainCT: a person I know that is helping me with packaging has aliases set for the uploading process he goes through. I copied this method. | 13:45 |
kolby | pochu: thank you | 13:46 |
RainCT | kolby: the "debian/watch" error is not from lintian, but from REVU | 13:47 |
kolby | RainCT: I didn't phrase it correctly. I meant REVU's lintian. | 13:48 |
__Ali__ | anyone knows what happened to the fix for skype for 8.10? | 13:48 |
Laney | what fix for skype? | 13:48 |
__Ali__ | a few days ago someone here was celebrating the skype fix, but he left soon | 13:48 |
RainCT | Ah, didn't know that lintian checks for it :) | 13:49 |
pochu | skype isn't in the repos, is it? | 13:49 |
__Ali__ | Laney, it is known that the pulse audio driver doesn work with skype | 13:49 |
kolby | after I add the debian/watch file, I upload using the exact same process right? | 13:49 |
Laney | no idea | 13:49 |
RainCT | Laney: < RainCT> the problem about adding it to REVU is that there may be a new release since the package was uploaded | 13:49 |
RainCT | kolby: remove the README.Debian if you don't have anything important to write there | 13:52 |
Laney | you can pass --download-version to uscan! | 13:52 |
kolby | RainCT: I'll look at it. | 13:53 |
RainCT | Laney: Ah. But then we don't know if there's a new upstream version, so the reviewers must run it anyway | 13:54 |
Laney | rofl | 13:54 |
Laney | well it depends what you want to achieve | 13:54 |
brennion | Laney: I've made a debdiff, how should I upload it to revu, so that it is linked with my first upload ? | 13:55 |
Laney | brennion: Hmm? Is this the nvidia thing? | 13:55 |
_16aR_ | I got an upstram package written in iso-8859-15, do I must provide a patch system with iconv before compiling ? (only comments and french manpage got accent like é) | 13:55 |
RainCT | brennion: upload it just like you do the first time | 13:56 |
brennion | yes | 13:56 |
Laney | brennion: This package already exists so you should be uploading to launchpad, not revu | 13:56 |
brennion | ? but the version 0.8b4 isn't packaged | 13:57 |
Laney | then you should upload the .diff.gz to launchpad | 13:58 |
Laney | revu is only for new packages | 13:58 |
kolby | what does a watch file look like? | 13:58 |
RainCT | kolby: man uscan | 13:58 |
brennion | ok, revu is only for brand new packages, but where do I make it in lauchpad, do I need to follow the sponsorship process, or is there another way ? | 13:59 |
RainCT | brennion: Yes, just file a bug, attach the .diff.gz and subscribe ubuntu-*-sponsors | 14:01 |
kolby | how do I check if I wrote the watch file correctly? is the a lintian option for this? Do I use uscan itself to check? | 14:02 |
brennion | but if the package available is another version, then a diff is not enough ? | 14:02 |
RainCT | (note that REVU can also be used for updates, but this is currently not the recommended workflow and updates should only be uploaded there if a MOTU asks you to do it) | 14:02 |
RainCT | kolby: run uscan --verb | 14:02 |
RainCT | (--verb = --verbose) | 14:02 |
kolby | alright | 14:02 |
brennion | <RainCT> (note that REVU can also be used for updates, but this is currently not the recommended workflow and updates should only be uploaded there if a MOTU asks you to do it) | 14:03 |
RainCT | brennion: No, as the debdiff will show *all* differences between both versions, including the changes which upstream did between both versions | 14:03 |
_16aR_ | Anyone know when is the next package freeze ? (for jaunty, so) | 14:03 |
jpds | _16aR_: 29th, I believe. | 14:04 |
RainCT | brennion: and a diff of debian/ would not work as something stuff outside debian/ is also touched | 14:04 |
RainCT | hey jpds :) | 14:04 |
jpds | Hey RainCT. | 14:04 |
ScottK | DktrKranz: Thanks for doing that. I'll have a look later today. Is the status of the ghc6 transition "Done"? | 14:04 |
_16aR_ | ok jpds, thanks. I can't find the info on revu/wiki again :) | 14:05 |
RainCT | jpds: I filed a backport request for lintian. Could you have a look at it when you like? (You can find a .deb in my PPA, no need to test-build it again) | 14:05 |
RainCT | _16aR_: | 14:05 |
_16aR_ | RainCT: thanks. So the feature freeze is on 19th ? | 14:07 |
brennion | how can I know that a motu as noticed about my uploads in launchpad ? | 14:07 |
RainCT | _16aR_: right | 14:08 |
jpds | RainCT: I'll look at it later today. | 14:08 |
kolby | so I took the example file and I don't know what to change. | 14:08 |
kolby | This is my watch file: | 14:08 |
kolby | | 14:08 |
RainCT | brennion: I don't understand your question.. | 14:09 |
RainCT | jpds: Cool, thanks | 14:09 |
RainCT | kolby: that's not a watch/file | 14:09 |
kolby | ohhhh | 14:09 |
brennion | If I upload my files on the bug in lauchpad, can I check somewhere the status, to see if a motu have seen it, works on it... | 14:10 |
RainCT | kolby: look at the section "FORMAT of debian/watch files" in man uscan | 14:10 |
kolby | alright. I'll be back shortly | 14:10 |
kolby | should the ftp part come from launchpad ? | 14:11 |
DktrKranz | ScottK, all done | 14:11 |
ScottK | DktrKranz: Thanks. | 14:14 |
kolby | I found a place: | 14:14 |
mok0 | We'd like a second advocate for libmirage on REVU, there's a bunch of other entries in the queue that depend on it (cdemu stuff) | 14:21 |
mok0 | RainCT: wow I like the new graph! | 14:24 |
RainCT | mok0: Thanks :) | 14:26 |
kolby | Here's my new watch file : | 14:26 |
RainCT | kolby: you can delete the "debian uupdate" part | 14:26 |
kolby | RainCT: okay | 14:27 |
kolby | RainCT: alright. Should I upload then? | 14:29 |
RainCT | kolby: If the watch file works fine and you've fixed everything, sure. (I haven't looked at the package). | 14:30 |
kolby | RainCT: thanks | 14:30 |
_16aR_ | anyone has an idea about converting upstream package to utf8 ? | 14:43 |
_16aR_ | do I need to provide a patch ? | 14:43 |
Laney | hyperair: here? | 14:51 |
hyperair | Laney: yep. what's up? | 14:51 |
Laney | Do you have access to the gnome-do PPA? I see you uploaded notify-sharp there | 14:52 |
hyperair | Laney: no i don't, they copied it from banshee-team | 14:53 |
Laney | oh, nm then | 14:53 |
hyperair | alright | 14:53 |
hyperair | why don't you post in #gnome-do? | 14:53 |
kolby | uscan --verb passed my watch file | 14:53 |
brennion | I've checked the doc about sponsoring, but as I'm not sure what "upstream version" means, In the repository there is the version 0.8b3-0ubuntu1, if I'm proposing 0.8b4-0ubuntu1, is that an upstream version ? | 14:53 |
Laney | will do | 14:53 |
kolby | I uploaded the .changes | 14:53 |
Laney | I was trying to take a shortcut | 14:53 |
_16aR_ | brennion: upstream version is the original software version | 14:56 |
_16aR_ | so the 0.8b3 and 0.8b4 are 2 differents upstream version | 14:57 |
_16aR_ | the -0ubuntu1 and -0ubuntu2 for example is package version | 14:57 |
_16aR_ | so the upstream version is taken on the official website of the soft/sources | 14:58 |
brennion | ok ! And so if I wan't to propose a new upstream, I need to upload a diff.gz file to lp ? | 14:59 |
_16aR_ | yes | 15:03 |
_16aR_ | because the debian/ directory shouldn't be in an upstream version | 15:03 |
_16aR_ | the debian directory should be created in the diff.gz by the debian scripts | 15:03 |
_16aR_ | (debuild -S -sa, etc) | 15:03 |
_16aR_ | what you can do to create a new version from new upstream is to have one tree with the old package 0.8b3, with the debian/ folder in it, and one tree with the 0.8b4 version (naked, without the debian folder/ in it) | 15:05 |
_16aR_ | then copy the 0;8b3/debian/ folder into the 0.8b4/, then try to see if the version build like that with pbuilder, if it does, modify changelog, add that you've taken new upstream version, etc | 15:06 |
_16aR_ | it is quick and dirty way, so you may need adjust a lot more parameters | 15:07 |
_16aR_ | i'm gone now | 15:07 |
_16aR_ | bye | 15:07 |
RainCT | cya _16aR_ | 15:08 |
RainCT | - nice, eh? :) | 15:10 |
brennion | many thx | 15:10 |
kolby | one of the errors were that I do not have an email address. | 15:19 |
kolby | I don't even know where revu gets these lintian errors. | 15:20 |
kolby | I ran lintian -I and found nothing | 15:20 |
RainCT | kolby: those displayed on REVU are not from lintian, those are checks inbuild in reVU | 15:20 |
kolby | RainCT: oh... | 15:21 |
kolby | where do I change which version of ubuntu it's for? | 15:22 |
RainCT | kolby: debian/changelog, first line | 15:22 |
jcfp | RainCT: cool graph, sure makes one wonder what made feb'08 such a good month | 15:23 |
RainCT | That's when I became a MOTU.. Muahaha :P | 15:24 |
jcfp | hehe | 15:25 |
kolby | where do I put (LP: 307928) ? | 15:25 |
RainCT | kolby: in your changelog entry | 15:25 |
RainCT | next to "* Initial release" or whatever you wrote | 15:25 |
kolby | okay | 15:25 |
kolby | like this, right? : | 15:26 |
kolby | * Initial release (LP: 307928) | 15:26 |
RainCT | kolby: yep | 15:26 |
RainCT | kolby: but with a # before the number | 15:26 |
kolby | now what do I do about not having a maintainer address? | 15:26 |
kolby | okay | 15:26 |
RainCT | kolby: do what the messages tells you to do - set MOTU as the maintainer | 15:27 |
kolby | thanks | 15:27 |
RainCT | kolby: Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <> | 15:27 |
kolby | awesome | 15:28 |
kolby | leave the address on the next line, right? | 15:29 |
RainCT | kolby: no, all together | 15:29 |
kolby | okay | 15:29 |
RainCT | kolby: and on the line below you can list yourself as XSBC-Original-Maintainer | 15:29 |
kolby | yay ^^ | 15:29 |
RainCT | kolby: please tell me before you upload, I want to try something out | 15:30 |
kolby | alright. | 15:30 |
kolby | XSBC-Original-Maintainer on the same line? | 15:30 |
RainCT | kolby: no, on the line below | 15:30 |
kolby | with a Maintainer: tag? | 15:31 |
kolby | this is what I put: | 15:31 |
kolby | Maintainer: XSBC-Original-Maintainer <> | 15:31 |
RainCT | kolby: it should just be: XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Your Name <> | 15:32 |
kolby | alright. | 15:32 |
kolby | I'm uploading now then | 15:32 |
RainCT | kolby: OK | 15:33 |
surfaz | Adri2000, | 15:35 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 326578 in filezilla "Please update FileZilla package to latest stable version (3.2.1) in Ubuntu 9.04" [Wishlist,In progress] | 15:35 |
kolby | dang | 15:35 |
kolby | what do I put for the distrobution name | 15:35 |
RainCT | kolby: jaunty | 15:36 |
kolby | I put jaunty and it said no | 15:36 |
kolby | whatever. I'm leaving it. I must have an older lintian | 15:36 |
RainCT | kolby: Yes, ignore that. | 15:36 |
RainCT | kolby: or get the latest lintian from | 15:36 |
kolby | I'll do that soon | 15:36 |
xoox | How come I can't pull-lp-source conkeror-spawn-process-helper | 15:39 |
xoox | ? | 15:39 |
xoox | (does not appear to exist in Ubuntu) | 15:39 |
RainCT | xoox: it doesn't | 15:40 |
xoox | | 15:40 |
kolby | I tried to upload and I got this: | 15:40 |
kolby | Already uploaded to | 15:40 |
RainCT | kolby: dput -f | 15:41 |
kolby | alright | 15:41 |
kolby | I'll upload and work on it after breakfast | 15:41 |
RainCT | xoox: Ah. Because the name of the source package is just "conkeror" | 15:41 |
kolby | I have to go. | 15:42 |
kolby | I will upload it in 30 minutes | 15:42 |
xoox | RainCT: Thanks | 15:43 |
RainCT | xoox: You're welcome. FYI, you can find out the name of the source package by running: apt-cache showsrc conkeror-spawn-process-helper | grep Package | 15:44 |
xoox | RainCT: Thanks, useful tip. | 15:45 |
kolby | it's uploading now. The person waiting on me waited | 15:45 |
kolby | be back in 30 minutes | 15:45 |
Adri2000 | surfaz: I'm writing an answer | 15:55 |
stgraber | What do I need to do to appear as a MOTU on revu ? | 16:04 |
RainCT | stgraber: ask for it :) | 16:05 |
stgraber | who do I need to ask ? :) | 16:06 |
RainCT | stgraber: you already did :) | 16:06 |
RainCT | stgraber: ok, you're marked as MOTU :) | 16:07 |
stgraber | hehe, looks like I'm lucky today :) thanks | 16:07 |
Adri2000 | surfaz: done. tell me if there is anything unclear or you don't agree with | 16:16 |
mok0 | stgraber: go go go! | 16:18 |
=== jcfp is now known as Guest38390 | ||
kolby | alright. | 16:45 |
kolby | There appears to be no errors in my upload. | 16:45 |
kolby | please let me know if there are any reasons md4sum shouldn't be included in jaunty. | 16:51 |
kolby | | 16:51 |
kolby | thank you all. | 16:51 |
savvas | should we send packages of merge requests to revu? | 16:53 |
Laney | no | 16:53 |
surfaz | hi all, Why are addons of iceweasel in ubuntu repositories? | 17:00 |
ScottK | surfaz: We sync from Debian, so we get those. Most of them can be easily adjusted to work with Firefox. | 17:01 |
ScottK | Just needs someone to do it. | 17:01 |
quadrispro | could anyone review this? | 17:01 |
surfaz | ScottK, how? | 17:02 |
RainCT | surfaz: | 17:02 |
ScottK | There you go. | 17:02 |
surfaz | not, I refer how I should adjusted for Firefox, by revu or by launchpad bug? | 17:02 |
RainCT | surfaz: debdiff attached to a LP bug | 17:03 |
surfaz | but I should change name of package, no? | 17:03 |
RainCT | surfaz: how is it called? | 17:03 |
savvas | is there a link with the merging process? I read about using some tools called MoM and DaD, are those restricted to motu developers only? | 17:03 |
DktrKranz | !merge | 17:04 |
ubottu | | 17:04 |
Adri2000 | no, anyone can use them | 17:04 |
DktrKranz | savvas, --^ | 17:04 |
surfaz | RainCT, iceweasel-dom-inspector iceweasel-firegpg iceweasel-linky iceweasel-vimperator | 17:04 |
savvas | thanks :) | 17:04 |
surfaz | RainCT, by debdiff is the correct way to do that? | 17:05 |
surfaz | I'm not talking about change dependencies, I talking about change name of package | 17:05 |
RainCT | surfaz: Yes. And yes, those packages should be renamed to remove the "iceweasel-" (but just remove it, don't add "firefox-" nor anything else) | 17:05 |
surfaz | ok | 17:05 |
RainCT | surfaz: About FireGPG, I think the firefox-extensions team is working on it.. Best check in #mozillateam | 17:06 |
surfaz | there is nobody in that channel | 17:06 |
RainCT | surfaz: err, #ubuntu-mozillateam | 17:06 |
RainCT | surfaz: and look at the wiki page I told you or you will most likely miss something :) | 17:07 |
=== Guest38390 is now known as jcfp | ||
=== Czessi__ is now known as Czessi | ||
tdomhan | what's the best way to package a python program, that doesn't use distutils, and expects that all needed files reside in the executable's directory, e.g. icons/translations etc.? two solutions I could think off: putt all stuff in /opt or write patches in order search for the files in the appropriate FHS locations? what's the best solution? any other solutions? | 17:39 |
Laney | patch it if you want it to get into Ubuntu | 17:41 |
RainCT | tdomhan: Packages are not allowed to touch /opt, in any case the correct folder would be /usr/share/<package name> | 17:41 |
tdomhan | ah ok | 17:42 |
kolby | Do you think my package will get in to Jaunty before the feature freeze in 11 days? | 17:43 |
lfaraone | tdomhan: you could give it a /usr/share folder. | 17:43 |
RainCT | tdomhan: You can put the .py files, images, etc. there, but documentation should go into /usr/share/docs/<pkgname> and translations to the correct place to | 17:43 |
=== asac__ is now known as asac | ||
tdomhan | RainCT, I'm not really that familiar with python, but is "gettext.translation('gpicsync-GUI', "locale",languages=['de])" looking in /usr/share/locale/$LANG/LC_MESSAGES/ for the translation files, instead of the program folder? | 17:47 |
alex-weej | struggling to publish my GPG key to ubuntu keyserver | 17:58 |
alex-weej | gpg --keyserver --send-keys | 17:58 |
alex-weej | returns 0 | 17:58 |
alex-weej | but doesn't seem to have worked. my key isn't on the server according to Launchpad | 17:58 |
alex-weej | | 17:59 |
mok0 | alex-weej: try another keyserver | 18:01 |
alex-weej | but it needs to be on this for it to work with launchpad right? | 18:01 |
mok0 | alex-weej: the keyservers exchange data | 18:01 |
alex-weej | but i gotta wait right | 18:01 |
mok0 | alex-weej: yes | 18:02 |
alex-weej | lame | 18:02 |
alex-weej | published to | 18:02 |
mok0 | It might still have worked. What is your keyid? | 18:03 |
mok0 | alex-weej: I've only ever published my key there | 18:04 |
alex-weej | 0x05F6BB59 | 18:04 |
ScottK | alex-weej: Have you added your key to your Launchpad account? | 18:05 |
alex-weej | scottK: i am trying... this is the problem | 18:05 |
ScottK | I don't mean send it to the Ubuntu keyservers, I mean add it to LP via the LP U/I. | 18:05 |
alex-weej | ScottK: i am on this page: | 18:05 |
alex-weej | i put in my fingerprint 8DFC 7C8E BAD7 B419 17AD 0D78 2351 04A2 05F6 BB59 | 18:06 |
mok0 | Ubuntu's keyserver seems to be down | 18:06 |
alex-weej | that would explain it then | 18:06 |
ScottK | alex-weej: OK, but that doesn't have anything to do with the keyserver. | 18:06 |
alex-weej | ScottK: it says Have you published your key to a public key server? You can do that by by entering in a terminal: | 18:07 |
alex-weej | gpg --keyserver --send-keys | 18:07 |
alex-weej | Has your key been automatically mirrored to the Ubuntu key server? Keys sometimes take up to an hour to be synchronized between servers. You can check if it has by querying the Ubuntu key server directly. If it hasn't, you can publish directly to our server by entering in a terminal: | 18:07 |
alex-weej | gpg --keyserver --send-keys | 18:07 |
alex-weej | "querying the Ubuntu key server directly" is a link | 18:07 |
alex-weej | to the URL i posted above | 18:07 |
ScottK | Hmmm. OK. It's been some time since I did it. | 18:07 |
mok0 | Me too. But Ubuntus keyserver is completely unresponsive | 18:08 |
mok0 | times out | 18:08 |
mok0 | Canonicals network really sucks | 18:09 |
alex-weej | bla | 18:09 |
alex-weej | screw it, i'll try it tomorrow | 18:09 |
alex-weej | no PPA for me | 18:09 |
mok0 | alex-weej: your key is published | 18:10 |
alex-weej | mok0: yeah i see it on mit's server | 18:11 |
mok0 | alex-weej: it should migrate to ubuntu's keyserver then | 18:12 |
mok0 | when it comes up :-) | 18:13 |
=== dickydoo2 is now known as WelshDragon | ||
RainCT | tdomhan: Sorry, I was away. In case nobody has answered yet, change "locale" to '/usr/share/locale'. Also, there's a typo ("['de]" should be "['de']"), but I guess you can remove that "languages=.." chunk altogether | 18:17 |
tdomhan | RainCT, ok your solution would be: use a folder in /usr/share with all except docs/translations. and write a patch in order to point to the new location of the translations? | 18:18 |
RainCT | tdomhan: yep | 18:19 |
alex-weej | ok so the keyservers back | 18:27 |
alex-weej | now i'm waiting for LP mail to send me my encrypted message | 18:27 |
alex-weej | this feels more like one of those ARGs than anything else... | 18:27 |
alex-weej | ok all done | 18:35 |
alex-weej | so i've apt-get source'd a package | 18:35 |
alex-weej | made some changes to the sources, and now i want to publish those to a PPA | 18:35 |
alex-weej | says here i should just be able to dput the .changes file | 18:36 |
alex-weej | | 18:36 |
alex-weej | hm, debsign wants to sign the changes file with someone else's key | 18:36 |
alex-weej | how do i tell it to use mine? | 18:36 |
pochu | use -k | 18:36 |
alex-weej | same thing | 18:37 |
pochu | debsign -k12345ABC foo.changes | 18:37 |
alex-weej | where is it getting this default key ID from then? | 18:37 |
alex-weej | shouldn't i change that instead? | 18:37 |
pochu | change what? | 18:37 |
pochu | it looks at the Changed-By in the .changes AFAIK | 18:37 |
alex-weej | gpg: skipped "Andrew Starr-Bochicchio <>": secret key not available | 18:37 |
pochu | then looks for a key with the same id | 18:37 |
pochu | to use a different key (e.g. yours), you have to use -k$KEYID | 18:38 |
alex-weej | i see | 18:38 |
alex-weej | is this the proper way to go about this then? | 18:38 |
pochu | it's the same with dpkg-buildpackage | 18:38 |
pochu | yeah | 18:38 |
pochu | oh well | 18:38 |
pochu | are you Andrew? :) | 18:38 |
alex-weej | nope | 18:38 |
alex-weej | :) | 18:38 |
pochu | then it is ;) | 18:38 |
alex-weej | ok it successfully uploaded packages | 18:39 |
alex-weej | but it isn't showing in the web interface -- does it lag? | 18:39 |
RainCT | alex-weej: check your inbox. If you got no rejection mail, then it is | 18:40 |
alex-weej | Rejected: | 18:41 |
alex-weej | Upload rejected because it contains binary packages. | 18:41 |
alex-weej | fail | 18:41 |
pochu | you need to upload only the source | 18:41 |
pochu | e.g. dpkg-buildpackage -S | 18:41 |
* alex-weej has been using debuild | 18:41 | |
pochu | check the .changes file, it shouldn't reference any .deb | 18:41 |
pochu | alex-weej: I think debuild -S does the same | 18:41 |
alex-weej | ok i figure i should do the versioning properly | 18:42 |
pochu | alex-weej: the same version will work, as it wasn't accepted | 18:42 |
alex-weej | i am supposed to use dch right? but that's just bumped the version to 0.9-2build2 | 18:42 |
pochu | you will need "-S -sa" if the orig.tar.gz isn't in Launchpad, btw | 18:42 |
alex-weej | i think it is | 18:42 |
sven777 | would a MOTU be so kind as to review my package? Thanks in advance! | 18:42 |
pochu | then -S will save bandwidth ;) | 18:43 |
alex-weej | ok i used dch to create a changelog entry | 18:45 |
alex-weej | then dpkg-buildpackage -S | 18:45 |
alex-weej | and it said | 18:45 |
alex-weej | gpg: skipped "Alexander Jones <>": secret key not available | 18:45 |
alex-weej | gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available | 18:45 |
alex-weej | oh arse i used my middle name in my key | 18:46 |
mok0 | alex-weej: the secret key is on your own computer | 18:46 |
alex-weej | that was a fail. | 18:46 |
alex-weej | anyway, i should still be able to sign with debsign right? | 18:46 |
pochu | alex-weej: btw you don't need to bump changelog in this case, as the upload was rejected and is not on your ppa | 18:46 |
mok0 | alex-weej: then use -kKEYID | 18:46 |
alex-weej | alex@fizz:~/Desktop/nautilus-open-terminal-0.9$ debsign -k05F6BB59 | 18:47 |
alex-weej | debsign: Can't find or can't read changes file ! | 18:47 |
pochu | you miss the .changes file :) | 18:47 |
pochu | debsign -k$GPGKEY foo.changes | 18:47 |
alex-weej | it worked before... | 18:47 |
pochu | alex-weej: cd .. | 18:47 |
alex-weej | when it was the i386.changes file it just figured it out | 18:47 |
alex-weej | i guess there's 2 files now so i need to tell it | 18:47 |
mok0 | The email in the top changelog entry must match your key | 18:48 |
alex-weej | ok i've made a total hash of this then | 18:48 |
alex-weej | but i don't understand because the top changelog entry wasn't even me before | 18:48 |
alex-weej | yet it still signed | 18:49 |
alex-weej | alex@fizz:~/Desktop$ debsign -k05F6BB5 *_source.changes | 18:49 |
alex-weej | signfile nautilus-open-terminal_0.9-2build2.dsc 05F6BB5 | 18:49 |
alex-weej | gpg: skipped "05F6BB5": secret key not available | 18:49 |
alex-weej | gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available | 18:49 |
alex-weej | guh... 3 and a half bytes | 18:49 |
pochu | alex-weej: 05f6bb5 is 7 char long :P | 18:51 |
alex-weej | yeah i just realised. my eyes are failing | 18:51 |
* pochu can't study anymore :( | 18:51 | |
alex-weej | so why wouldn't i need to bump the changelog? | 18:51 |
pochu | alex-weej: you need if the files are in the server, so they don't clash. they aren't though, as the upload was rejected | 18:52 |
alex-weej | "if the files are in the server"? | 18:53 |
pochu | in the PPA | 18:54 |
pochu | e.g. in | 18:55 |
alex-weej | hm | 18:57 |
alex-weej | more gpg fun | 18:57 |
alex-weej | i've added my name "Alexander Jones" without the "Mark" to my key, and added a photograph | 18:58 |
alex-weej | but now it won't sync anymore :( | 18:58 |
alex-weej | <big><b>Couldn't publish keys to server</b></big> | 18:58 |
alex-weej | Error decoding keyblock | 18:58 |
alex-weej | oh it doesn't like the photo | 19:00 |
alex-weej | i see | 19:00 |
pochu | some keyservers don't AFAIK | 19:02 |
nhandler | If a package gets removed from the repositories, what is the procedure for getting it added again? | 19:11 |
DktrKranz | nhandler, do you know why it has removed? | 19:12 |
nhandler | DktrKranz: It was removed in Debian, and we were syncing the Debian package. | 19:13 |
DktrKranz | which one? | 19:13 |
nhandler | DktrKranz: ( Someone uploaded a new version to REVU, and I want to be sure I'm giving them accurate information | 19:14 |
DktrKranz | nhandler, Debian removed it because he was superseded by kernel-implementation, do we have such package? | 19:16 |
DktrKranz | uh, it's not a package, it's kernel itself | 19:17 |
nhandler | I was planning on asking the uploader if there was any reason to add the new version since the old version was superseded. But if there is a valid reason, what would be that process? | 19:18 |
DktrKranz | I'd ask archive-admins to restore it and removing any blacklisting, then upgrade it as usual | 19:19 |
nhandler | So it would follow the normal package upgrade procedure and not the new package procedure? Would the same go for Debian? | 19:21 |
DktrKranz | I have a similar experience upgrading php-imap | 19:22 |
DktrKranz | it was removed, I asked pitti to restore it and upgrade it as usual | 19:22 |
DktrKranz | I'm not sure if Debian can restore packages, though | 19:22 |
hanska | DktrKranz: may I help? ;) | 19:27 |
DktrKranz | hanska, do you have any ftp-master handy? :) | 19:28 |
hanska | DktrKranz: what happened? Maybe a $deity is not needed ;) | 19:28 |
DktrKranz | s/$deity/$deity_is_nothing_they_can't_process_NEW/ | 19:29 |
hanska | ahahah :P | 19:29 |
hanska | well, NEW is in hard-suck mode right now | 19:29 |
DktrKranz | hanska, I was wondering if a removed package can be restored with a "click here to restore it" button | 19:29 |
hanska | but in a but more than a week everything should end ;) | 19:29 |
DktrKranz | or it has to go through NEW again | 19:30 |
hanska | DktrKranz: no, it needs NEW | 19:30 |
DktrKranz | hanska, I HOPE SO | 19:30 |
hanska | eheh | 19:30 |
DktrKranz | I want to clear my exp queue :) | 19:30 |
hanska | DktrKranz: if a user needs it, is --> ;) | 19:30 |
hanska | DktrKranz: uh? | 19:30 |
DktrKranz | I have several packages in exp right now | 19:31 |
DktrKranz | and I want them to be in unstable :) | 19:31 |
=== Spear is now known as jhg | ||
ScottK | Going from Experimental to Unstable doesn't need New (IIRC), just a new upload. | 19:31 |
hanska | ScottK: right, just a new revision suffices | 19:31 |
DktrKranz | hanska, there was a request of a package upgrade, which got removed. Not sure if it is useful with recent kernels, just curious about Debian way to manage this case | 19:32 |
hanska | DktrKranz: if you have foo 1.0-1 in exp, upload 1.0-2 to unstable, and the package from exp will automagically disappear | 19:32 |
hanska | DktrKranz: name? | 19:32 |
DktrKranz | (and yes, no NEW for exp -> unstable, just looking forward to see lenny released!) | 19:32 |
hanska | eheh | 19:32 |
DktrKranz | hanska, socketapi | 19:32 |
hanska | DktrKranz: why would you want that package? | 19:34 |
hanska | "RoQA; Superseded by kernel-implementation" | 19:35 |
hanska | I don't believe QA guys would be happy :P | 19:35 |
DktrKranz | user requested it again ( | 19:37 |
hanska | did the user reply to nhandler ? | 19:38 |
DktrKranz | not yet, his statement is about 15 minutes ago | 19:39 |
hanska | ah, I missed the date/time :P | 19:39 |
hanska | well, if there's a *real* reason, then I believe it could be re-added to Debian (through NEW, that is) | 19:39 |
hanska | otherwise, I believe there could be grounds for REJECTion | 19:40 |
DktrKranz | $deity_is_nothing_they_can't_process_NEW to REJECT(tm) something? Impossible :P | 19:40 |
hanska | DktrKranz: are you sure?... in debian-mono we got a REJECT because we forgot to add the text of MPL to debian/copyright... | 19:41 |
hanska | DktrKranz: (remember, there are two new ftp-assistants training, and they must be picky enough to convince other ftp-$deities ;)) | 19:41 |
DktrKranz | sarcasm ;) | 19:41 |
DktrKranz | they do their job | 19:42 |
hanska | yep, but you start hating them when your package has to re-go NEW... | 19:42 |
* DktrKranz passed it | 19:42 | |
DktrKranz | a silly error of mine, though :( | 19:42 |
hanska | it happens ;) | 19:43 |
Rafik | Hello guys. I spent the weekend between the wiki pages and the terminal learning packaging. I have a question. Can we ask for merges from debian experimental ? | 20:06 |
ScottK | Rafik: Yes. | 20:07 |
Rafik | ScottK> thanks | 20:07 |
ScottK | YW | 20:08 |
xoox | How do I get prevu to use my gpg key for signing packages? | 20:42 |
chrismurf | Hello - I have built a package for pyproj ( It's currently on my Launchpad PPA -- how do I go about getting it into Universe? | 21:49 |
chrismurf | also - a related question - what's the typical place for storing the /debian/ directory contents? Upstream? In my own personal SVN/BZR? Elsewhere? | 21:50 |
maher | hello guys | 21:56 |
maher | we are trying to create new linux distro that is based on ubuntu, | 21:57 |
maher | and I want to add new bookmarks to firefox to be ready in the new distro | 21:57 |
maher | can anyone help me? | 21:58 |
maher | or direct me to something? | 21:58 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: Hi! Did you file a needs-packaging bug for pyproj? | 22:01 |
alex-weej | my ppa build is failing with checking for GCONF... configure: error: Package requirements (gconf-2.0) were not met: | 22:03 |
alex-weej | No package 'gconf-2.0' found | 22:03 |
alex-weej | but my package is just a slight modification of what is already in the archives | 22:04 |
alex-weej | i haven't changed the dependencies or anything | 22:04 |
alex-weej | is it possible that a package may build in the main system but not in PPA? | 22:04 |
alex-weej | or are they the same system? | 22:04 |
directhex | only if your package is wrong | 22:06 |
directhex | i.e. a PPA does a fresh build environment using your build-depends | 22:06 |
directhex | so if your build-deps are wrong, then it won't pull in everything it needs | 22:07 |
chrismurf | quadrispro, no - I have no idea what I'm doing :-) | 22:08 |
chrismurf | I am gaining comfort with the debian packaging process in general | 22:08 |
chrismurf | but know absolutely 0 about the process / politics / community side :-) | 22:08 |
chrismurf | teach me, oh master ;-) | 22:09 |
alex-weej | directhex: ok, so it's possible the upstream package is broken too then? | 22:09 |
alex-weej | directhex: by upstream, i actually mean the original debian package i am deriving from | 22:09 |
directhex | alex-weej, and you build-depend on libgconf2-dev ? | 22:10 |
quadrispro | hi chrismurf, that projec is really interesting, the first thing you have to do is filing a bug and tagging it as needs-packaging | 22:10 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: i.e. bug 105464 | 22:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 105464 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] mandvd" [Wishlist,In progress] | 22:10 |
quadrispro | or bug 199398 | 22:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 199398 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] w_scan" [Wishlist,In progress] | 22:10 |
alex-weej | directhex: i haven't brought that dependency in myself. it was always there. | 22:10 |
directhex | alex-weej, then check config.log | 22:11 |
chrismurf | quadrispro, okay - then attach the package there? | 22:11 |
alex-weej | directhex: so i can get away with it if it's a main package upload | 22:11 |
chrismurf | or a link to my PPA version? | 22:11 |
alex-weej | but not a PPA? | 22:11 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: no, you should upload the package to REVU (and paste the link into the bug report) | 22:11 |
directhex | alex-weej, always test in a pbuilder. anything you do with dpkg-buildpackage is effectively untested | 22:12 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: | 22:12 |
alex-weej | directhex: excuse my ignorance, i don't know what that is | 22:12 |
alex-weej | i mistakenly believed debian packaging wouldn't require more than about 5 minutes before i could start programming again | 22:12 |
alex-weej | :P | 22:12 |
chrismurf | quadrispro, thanks - sounds like a good place to get started | 22:12 |
chrismurf | Is there a good tut / document I should follow? | 22:13 |
directhex | alex-weej, it does the same thing as a PPA. it creates a clean build environment & installs all the build-deps into a folder, to ensure rigour | 22:13 |
chrismurf | I should I just come back here :-) | 22:13 |
chrismurf | ohh - REVU is interesting -- I understand now. Thanks~! | 22:13 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: that's it | 22:13 |
alex-weej | directhex: so what should i use? debuild? dpkg-buildpackage? pbuilder? | 22:14 |
* alex-weej is overwhelmed with tools | 22:14 | |
directhex | alex-weej, pbuilder or a wrapper for pbuilder. anything else is worthless to ensure whether a package will actually build on anywhere other than a desktop | 22:14 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: I've bookmarked the project homepage ;) | 22:15 |
alex-weej | are there any nice gnome/gtk tools for doing debian package maintenance? | 22:16 |
alex-weej | i just want something to hold my hand through one specific workflow | 22:17 |
chrismurf | quadrispro, if you want an intrepid package atm, | 22:17 |
chrismurf | :-) | 22:17 |
directhex | if it were trivial to do, it wouldn't need an army of packagers | 22:17 |
alex-weej | rather than just guessing "which tool next?" | 22:17 |
directhex | read the packaging tutorials on the ubuntu wiki | 22:17 |
alex-weej | i would do if i had a spare month or so | 22:17 |
alex-weej | :) | 22:17 |
alex-weej | I can't wait till everything is in bazaar | 22:18 |
alex-weej | and i could just push a branch and have it work automatically | 22:18 |
directhex | have you done the usual rigour checks? is the gconf dev package being pulled in in the build log? no missing commas in debian/control? | 22:20 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: mmm... there are some changes to do, but now I'm very tired (in Italy it's 11.30 pm)... I'll take look tomorrow ;) | 22:20 |
quadrispro | I'll take a look * | 22:20 |
chrismurf | quadrispro, thanks, I'm filing bugs now | 22:20 |
chrismurf | will try and get up to speed on the process via the wiki + REVU | 22:20 |
chrismurf | bug 326996 | 22:21 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 326996 in ubuntu "pyproj" [Undecided,New] | 22:21 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: perfect | 22:23 |
alex-weej | directhex: i haven't touched it | 22:26 |
alex-weej | directhex: this is literally an apt-get source, dput | 22:26 |
directhex | alex-weej, same release version? | 22:27 |
alex-weej | think so | 22:27 |
alex-weej | never mind, let's try another package | 22:27 |
alex-weej | i've modified a default value in compiz-fusion-plugins-main | 22:28 |
alex-weej | i've opened a bug for the problem | 22:28 |
alex-weej | how do i get a change "sponsored"? | 22:29 |
directhex | you didn't feel like sharing your build log? | 22:29 |
alex-weej | no | 22:30 |
chrismurf | quadrispro, one more question if you're around? | 22:30 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: yes | 22:30 |
RainCT | alex-weej: | 22:30 |
chrismurf | quadrispro, what's the typical location for packaging info to be stored? BZR/Launchpad? Upstream SVN? My own repo? | 22:31 |
chrismurf | the /debian/ directory should go someplace besides just bug reports I'm guessing? | 22:31 |
directhex | chrismurf, most packaging trams will have a shared repo of some kind | 22:31 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: what do you mean with "packagin info"? do you mean debian directory content? | 22:32 |
chrismurf | yes | 22:32 |
directhex | s/trams/teams/ | 22:32 |
alex-weej | RainCT: thanks | 22:32 |
RainCT | chrismurf: Packages are stored in the repos when they are uploaded. Additionally, you can of course also have it in a VCS of your choice. | 22:32 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: ah, beh, after package uploading, it's stored into the repository :) | 22:33 |
chrismurf | I see :-) | 22:33 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: (apt-get source PACKAGE) :) | 22:33 |
directhex | chrismurf, some packages don't have a central store of packaging info, the only repository is ad-hoc in the source package | 22:33 |
chrismurf | so - in progress, do whatever I want, and the outcome is all that matters | 22:33 |
chrismurf | :-) | 22:33 |
chrismurf | I see | 22:33 |
directhex | chrismurf, e.g. the teams i'm involved with have SVN repositories on the debian project's Alioth servers | 22:33 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: but I see a thing... did you include the debian dir in the tarball? | 22:34 |
quadrispro | (chrismurf: it's not so simple, anyway, there are a number of packaging rules we have to follow, if you're looking for a good guide -> | 22:35 |
chrismurf | right - I'm 100% sure the package is not ready for prime time | 22:35 |
chrismurf | just trying to figure out where I should be working as I get it ready | 22:36 |
chrismurf | sounds like the answer is "whatever works for you, we just want working packages :-)" | 22:36 |
chrismurf | I'll start reading through those various guides and try to get the package ready | 22:36 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: ok, I'll try to give you my support :) | 22:37 |
chrismurf | quadrispro, thanks for that given so far :-) | 22:37 |
quadrispro | chrismurf: you're welcome: this is ubuntu :) | 22:38 |
quadrispro | I'm going away, chrismurf: see you soon | 22:38 |
quadrispro | bye guys! | 22:38 |
RainCT | btw, which of those is correct: "and so on" or "and soon" (for the same meaning as "etc.")? | 22:47 |
mok0 | RainCT: the first | 22:47 |
RainCT | mok0: thanks :) | 22:47 |
alex-weej | when i use "dch" it adds the line: nautilus-open-terminal (0.9-2build2) jaunty; urgency=low | 22:49 |
alex-weej | where is jaunty coming from? | 22:49 |
alex-weej | i'm running intrepid | 22:49 |
alex-weej | and when i upload it to my PPA it only builds for jaunty | 22:50 |
mok0 | alex-weej: yep | 22:50 |
alex-weej | i want it to build for intrepid too | 22:50 |
alex-weej | and i want the changelog to be correct | 22:50 |
alex-weej | the change pertains to no particular ubuntu release | 22:50 |
mok0 | alex-weej: add ~intrepid1 to the release in a new changelog entry, and make the distro intrepid | 22:51 |
alex-weej | mok0: do i just need to change it in the changelog? | 22:52 |
mok0 | alex-weej: yes | 22:52 |
alex-weej | so everything is literally parsed out of the changelog | 22:52 |
alex-weej | the new version number | 22:52 |
alex-weej | target distro | 22:52 |
alex-weej | everything? | 22:52 |
mok0 | yes | 22:52 |
alex-weej | if i make it intrepid, will it still build it for jaunty? | 22:53 |
alex-weej | (as well) | 22:53 |
directhex | maybe | 22:53 |
directhex | not guaranteed, if the build-deps have changed | 22:53 |
mok0 | alex-weej: no, only intrepid, we don't have multi distro builds yet | 22:53 |
alex-weej | so if i want more than one distro i need to add another changelog entry!? | 22:53 |
mok0 | alex-weej: exactly | 22:54 |
alex-weej | :( | 22:54 |
alex-weej | i take it for real packagers it just works? | 22:54 |
directhex | right. | 22:54 |
alex-weej | so should i even bother wasting my time writing a proper changelog? | 22:55 |
directhex | well, old packages cascade through into newer releases, anyway. unless they're superceded | 22:55 |
mok0 | alex-weej: just write "compile for intrepid" | 22:55 |
alex-weej | the previous version was 0.9-2build2. should it now be 0.9-2build3~intrepid1? or 0.9-2build2~intrepid1? | 22:55 |
alex-weej | or 0.9-2~intrepid1? | 22:55 |
jcastro | you can keep seperate distros in seperate branches in bzr, that's what I do | 22:56 |
mok0 | alex-weej: 0.9-2build2~intrepid1 | 22:56 |
alex-weej | when i run debuild -S it always asks me for my gpg passphrase twice | 22:57 |
directhex | +intrepid1. | 22:57 |
mok0 | alex-weej: yes it signs 2 files | 22:57 |
directhex | if you use ~, then it will be numbered lower | 22:57 |
alex-weej | +intrepid1? | 22:57 |
alex-weej | aw. | 22:57 |
alex-weej | now i gotta do it again | 22:58 |
directhex | and overwritten by 0.9-2build2 | 22:58 |
directhex | if you want to overwrite 0.9-2build2 then use 0.9-2build2+foo if it's based on 0.9-2build2 or 0.9-2build3~foo if it's based on 0.9-2build3 | 22:58 |
alex-weej | i've gone 2build2 to 2build2+intrepid1 | 22:59 |
mok0 | tilde is used for backporting | 23:00 |
directhex | mok0, amongst other things | 23:00 |
directhex | mok0, it's generally useful in other situations. e.g. upstream "beta" versions -> 1.0~beta1 | 23:01 |
directhex | -1 | 23:01 |
RainCT | yay, I'm 18 :) | 23:04 |
mok0 | RainCT: happy birthday! | 23:05 |
RainCT | thanks :) | 23:05 |
directhex | :o | 23:06 |
directhex | OLD! | 23:06 |
directhex | i'm not sure i can respect packaging work done by a wrinkly geezer like RainCT | 23:07 |
RainCT | lol | 23:08 |
balor | Ubuntu specifically links some low level libs against libpcre (Debian does not) eg: libpthread libglib. I'm wondering why this is so in order to rule it out as the cause of a but in QT? | 23:10 |
RainCT | (In case somebody wants to learn about pbuilder, I've just written a post explaining the basics on how to use it: | 23:18 |
RainCT | Now, good night :) | 23:18 |
sven777 | happy birthday RainCT! | 23:27 |
piegod | Hi, will the 'ngircd' package in Jaunty be configured with ssl support on? | 23:29 |
geser | piegod: I just gave it a quick look, and it looks like it's GPL w/o a OpenSSL exception, so no. Unless it supports also GnuTLS | 23:31 |
piegod | geser: well it does support TLS, but I'm not sure if I do :| | 23:32 |
piegod | If I were to apt-get source it, and then configure it --with-openssl, when I used make/install would it install the init scripts in init.d? | 23:33 |
geser | piegod: depends, if the init script comes from the debian packaging than no, if it's from upstream perhaps. | 23:38 |
piegod | ok :/ | 23:38 |
geser | A better way is to modify the package as you need it and build a local deb for you, so you still have the advantages from the package management | 23:39 |
piegod | how do I go about doing that? | 23:40 |
piegod | hmm, just looked at the configure script in Jaunty's ngircd source... the option for both GnuTLS and OpenSSL is *not there* !? | 23:44 |
geser | got perhaps SSL support got included in a more recent version than is available in jaunty? | 23:45 |
piegod | Jaunty is 0.12 right? 1sec - reading changelog | 23:45 |
piegod | ah | 23:46 |
piegod | 0.13 included SSL/GnuTLS support, wasn't in 0.12/0.12.1 | 23:47 |
piegod | or in this case, 0.12.1-2 | 23:47 |
piegod | so how do I go about building a local deb? | 23:47 |
alex-weej | my package built in my PPA, but it doesn't show up in synaptic under the PPA origin, and it doesn't show up as a version of the package i'm upgrading | 23:48 |
alex-weej | oh wait, i had locked it | 23:48 |
alex-weej | never mind | 23:48 |
geser | piegod: updating to a new version can be easy or not (depends on the package) and I don't know of top of my head if there is a good description in the wiki | 23:49 |
piegod | ok :/ I'd like to be able to use 0.13 without losing package management on ngircd, that's all :) | 23:50 |
geser | perhaps someone else in this channel can help you out as I'm not in the condition right now (got back home from FOSDEM one hour ago) | 23:52 |
piegod | Okay :) | 23:52 |
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