johnc4510 | tyche: kennymc0 has anyone checked the updates and security?? that's not very many links there | 16:50 |
tyche | I haven't. | 16:51 |
kennymc0 | i havent yet | 16:52 |
kennymc0 | but from the updates that i have had this week it seems like it's most likely accurate | 16:52 |
kennymc0 | i can double check though | 16:53 |
kennymc0 | i have one more ITB to write first though | 16:53 |
johnc4510 | just seems shy | 16:53 |
kennymc0 | yeah i was kinda thinking that when i looked at it | 16:53 |
tyche | johnc4510: Do you want me to drop that into ITB, or ITP. It makes a difference. If I put it in ITP, then I want to include a reference to the ITB teaser | 16:54 |
kennymc0 | security updates are correct | 16:55 |
kennymc0 | there werent any new ones | 16:55 |
johnc4510 | well, jaunty has a ton for feb. looks like they're concentrating on it | 16:55 |
johnc4510 | tyche: we should put them together | 16:55 |
kennymc0 | there was a dapper update that should have been included in the last uwn but wasnt | 16:56 |
johnc4510 | tyche: put them both ION please | 16:56 |
kennymc0 | same with gutsy | 16:56 |
tyche | OK, I'll move the one in ITB to ION, and add mine in under it. | 16:57 |
johnc4510 | tyche: k | 16:57 |
kennymc0 | for this week the updates and security are correct | 16:57 |
kennymc0 | there were 2 missing from last week though | 16:57 |
johnc4510 | kennymc0: k thx | 16:57 |
johnc4510 | kennymc0: we'll just skid them then | 16:58 |
kennymc0 | one from dapper updates and the other from gutsy updates | 16:58 |
johnc4510 | okd news | 16:58 |
johnc4510 | and all | 16:58 |
johnc4510 | old | 16:58 |
* kennymc0 is going back to last ITB link | 16:58 | |
johnc4510 | k | 16:58 |
tyche | johnc4510: Do you want them in first in ION? | 16:59 |
tyche | (I'm in edit right now) | 16:59 |
johnc4510 | sure | 16:59 |
johnc4510 | that's fine | 16:59 |
kennymc0 | did i do ok on the second link that i summarized | 17:00 |
johnc4510 | kennymc0: looking | 17:00 |
kennymc0 | probably was close to the same length as the article | 17:00 |
tyche | Saving. | 17:00 |
tyche | This ought to create some interest in commercialism in the Linux community. Hee hee | 17:01 |
tyche | saved | 17:01 |
johnc4510 | k | 17:01 |
kennymc0 | i figured you would spin it the way that you want better than i could tyche | 17:01 |
kennymc0 | you do have a BA in BS | 17:01 |
kennymc0 | lol | 17:01 |
tyche | Groklaw comes through again. LOL | 17:01 |
kennymc0 | that's setup as your home page when you open firefox isnt it? | 17:02 |
tyche | Yep | 17:02 |
kennymc0 | thought so | 17:03 |
tyche | And they often have interesting news articles listed in the right side-bar | 17:03 |
nizarus | johnc4510, can i report a clarification | 17:03 |
johnc4510 | nizarus: sure | 17:04 |
johnc4510 | :) | 17:04 |
nizarus | johnc4510, Ubuntu Event in Monastir Tunisia | 17:04 |
nizarus | this event was not held under the tunisian loco | 17:04 |
johnc4510 | ah | 17:04 |
nizarus | it was a personnal initiative and it's reported in a personel blog :) | 17:05 |
boredandblogging | morning | 17:05 |
johnc4510 | we can move that to "In other News" section | 17:05 |
johnc4510 | nizarus: thx | 17:05 |
nizarus | so i beleve that the right place is "In The Blogosphere" | 17:05 |
tyche | Yes, and we can add the words "personnal initiative" in front of "install fest" in the first line, if you like. | 17:06 |
johnc4510 | nizarus: well, it is a blog but, it's about an event so we'll put it "In Other News" section | 17:06 |
nizarus | what do you think about that boredandblogging ? | 17:06 |
boredandblogging | do whatever john says :-) | 17:07 |
johnc4510 | kennymc0: what summary were you asking about? | 17:09 |
tyche | Moved and updated. | 17:09 |
johnc4510 | tyche: thx | 17:10 |
tyche | Shoot! I've got 2 hot links in one I put up. I never noticed. :-( | 17:12 |
kennymc0 | i am drawing a blank on how to summarize the last itb link | 17:13 |
tyche | OK, I've got a version ready, if you want me to toss it in. | 17:14 |
kennymc0 | ok go ahead | 17:14 |
johnc4510 | tyche: sure | 17:14 |
kennymc0 | probably will dawn on me how to summarize it after seeing yours | 17:14 |
johnc4510 | tyche: while you're in there.. | 17:14 |
kennymc0 | lol | 17:14 |
johnc4510 | i've changed my mind on the HP articles | 17:15 |
johnc4510 | move them up to ITB please | 17:15 |
johnc4510 | both of them | 17:15 |
tyche | OK, I'm in. I'll get them in just a second. | 17:16 |
johnc4510 | k | 17:16 |
johnc4510 | thx | 17:16 |
tyche | Any particular place in ITB? | 17:17 |
johnc4510 | at the tail end is ok | 17:17 |
johnc4510 | kennymc0: there's a link after ubuntu podcast #19 we haven't done yet | 17:17 |
johnc4510 | it's on Full Circle Magazine | 17:18 |
kennymc0 | my brain isnt working anymore | 17:18 |
johnc4510 | can you get it please | 17:18 |
kennymc0 | i dont know why | 17:18 |
johnc4510 | lol | 17:18 |
kennymc0 | i'll try | 17:18 |
tyche | I'm out. | 17:18 |
tyche | Move completed. Addition of the Ubuntu Berlin completed. | 17:18 |
johnc4510 | k | 17:18 |
johnc4510 | thx | 17:18 |
tyche | NP | 17:20 |
kennymc0 | it says you are in tyche so let me know when you are out of edit | 17:22 |
johnc4510 | tyche: first sentence of the berlin summary...after the comma the Ubuntu Berlin doesn't sound right | 17:23 |
tyche | Looking . . . | 17:23 |
johnc4510 | should it be just Ubuntu Berlin, or the Ubuntu Berlin LoCo ? | 17:23 |
nizarus | January 2009 Team Reports will be included on this issue ? | 17:24 |
tyche | It never says "LoCo" in the post. But I believe that's what they mean. I'll put it in. | 17:24 |
johnc4510 | tyche: thx | 17:24 |
johnc4510 | nizarus: most of them were in over the past 2 issues but i'll check again to see if any extras were added | 17:25 |
nizarus | johnc4510, we added our loco activity :) | 17:26 |
johnc4510 | k, i'll check that out thx | 17:26 |
nizarus | here is a direct link | 17:27 |
johnc4510 | k thx | 17:27 |
johnc4510 | ah, several new team reports | 17:28 |
kennymc0 | hey johnc4510 that link that you had me do was already done a little higher up in ion | 17:28 |
johnc4510 | nizarus: thx | 17:28 |
johnc4510 | kennymc0: looking | 17:28 |
nizarus | johnc4510, it's a pleasure :) | 17:28 |
kennymc0 | just noticed when i went into preview | 17:29 |
kennymc0 | it's above ubuntu podcast #19 | 17:29 |
kennymc0 | the link was for full circle magazine #21 | 17:29 |
johnc4510 | kennymc0: delete the extra twin link then pleaseee | 17:29 |
kennymc0 | ok will do | 17:29 |
tyche | Let me know when you're out. I saw a rough spot in one of the Launchpad news things I tossed up, and I want to correct it. | 17:30 |
kennymc0 | i'm out | 17:30 |
kennymc0 | wow tyche hasnt been putting any comments at all about what he is doing in the uwn | 17:31 |
tyche | That's because I do so much that it becomes repetitiously redundant. | 17:32 |
tyche | Hee hee | 17:32 |
kennymc0 | that's what you think | 17:32 |
johnc4510 | he's always been "lazy" about that | 17:33 |
johnc4510 | hee hee | 17:33 |
johnc4510 | but i'm watching you kennymc0 | 17:33 |
johnc4510 | lol | 17:33 |
kennymc0 | ah so that means i should start giving him a hard time about it so that he finally starts to do all aspects of his jobs | 17:33 |
kennymc0 | lol | 17:33 |
johnc4510 | :) | 17:33 |
tyche | Glossary of Terms is now in. | 17:42 |
tyche | Looks good. Anyone see any other place I might have screwed up? :-) | 17:44 |
johnc4510 | i'm in working on the team reports not already published is earlier issues | 17:57 |
johnc4510 | reformatting | 17:57 |
johnc4510 | :( | 17:57 |
johnc4510 | ok, the team reports not already report are in | 18:01 |
johnc4510 | reported | 18:02 |
johnc4510 | i'm going to start on the welcome and in this issue | 18:03 |
johnc4510 | we still need to proof the issue | 18:03 |
tyche | I ran a fast proof when I did the Glossary. Looked good, except for MY mistakes. Hee hee | 18:06 |
johnc4510 | lol | 18:06 |
johnc4510 | k | 18:06 |
johnc4510 | thx | 18:06 |
johnc4510 | after adding the welcome and In this issue i'm going to eat. I'll do my finals and publish after lunch | 18:07 |
johnc4510 | :) | 18:07 |
johnc4510 | ok, out for lunch bbs | 18:17 |
tyche | Time for me to go take care of haircut and etcettera. (Gotta look out for the etcetteras). Be Back Later. | 19:28 |
nizarus | johnc4510, can i correct a ponctuation error in this section : Team | 20:23 |
nizarus | ping johnc4510-laptop | 20:27 |
johnc4510-laptop | nizarus: sure | 20:27 |
johnc4510-laptop | refresh first to see if i've already done it | 20:27 |
nizarus | you are not editing that section ? | 20:28 |
nizarus | ok i'll do it | 20:28 |
johnc4510-laptop | i'm out now | 20:28 |
johnc4510-laptop | let me know when you're done please as i'm getting ready to publish | 20:28 |
nizarus | done for me | 20:30 |
nizarus | thx | 20:30 |
johnc4510-laptop | np | 20:31 |
johnc4510-laptop | thank you | 20:31 |
johnc4510-laptop | :) | 20:31 |
johnc4510-laptop | New UWN issue is out: | 20:52 |
johnc4510-laptop | . | 20:52 |
johnc4510-laptop | Nice work UWN team. :) | 20:53 |
tyche | I just get back, and it's already out. | 20:53 |
johnc4510-laptop | yeah i just finished up | 20:54 |
johnc4510-laptop | am doing all the other publishing now | 20:54 |
nizarus | good job johnc4510-laptop tyche | 20:56 |
johnc4510-laptop | thx | 20:56 |
johnc4510-laptop | w00t! done | 21:28 |
johnc4510-laptop | :) | 21:28 |
johnc4510-laptop | rest time bbl :) | 21:29 |
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