genii | Asked this in ##linux already but no takers, maybe on the offchance someone here knows: Any way to execute(not redirect it's output) an app on a different tty/pty ? Something like: echo -e "ls -l\r" doesn't work. Also noticed if you use for instance \010 and then hit Enter on the other terminal, it does not register as a command either. Some way to stuff the keypress buffer perhaps of another tty? | 01:05 |
UndertakerX2 | what are hgfx shares? | 02:10 |
ziroday | Hi, anyone familiar with snort? I can't work out how I am meant to include all the rule sets | 03:17 |
ropetin | ziroday: are they in the rules path? | 03:20 |
ropetin | If so, just put an include statement in the snort.conf file for each rule you want to include | 03:20 |
ziroday | ropetin: no, do I have to list each rule manually or can I do include $RULE_PATH/community* ? | 03:21 |
ropetin | I /believe/ you have to list each one manually, which is how I do it and it works | 03:21 |
ropetin | I don't 100% know though | 03:21 |
ziroday | ropetin: urgh, okay thanks! | 03:22 |
ropetin | NP! | 03:22 |
ziroday | ropetin: well I tried the /community-* and that didn't work | 03:22 |
ziroday | so time to go write out a bunch of include lines | 03:22 |
ropetin | :D | 03:22 |
UndertakerX2 | i cant seem to access phpmyadmin | 03:25 |
UndertakerX2 | even though it is installed and configuered for apache 2 | 03:26 |
ziroday | UndertakerX2: permissions? | 03:26 |
UndertakerX2 | not sure but its not showing up in var/www/ at all | 03:27 |
ziroday | UndertakerX2: err where did you save the phpmyadmin file then? | 03:27 |
UndertakerX2 | I have no idea, i did sudo apt-get phpmyadmin, it asked me if it was apache2,apache,something else and light | 03:28 |
ziroday | UndertakerX2: okay | 03:28 |
UndertakerX2 | i chose apache 2, and it said it was done | 03:28 |
ziroday | UndertakerX2: and going to http://myhost/phpmyadmin doesn't work? | 03:28 |
UndertakerX2 | nope | 03:28 |
ziroday | UndertakerX2: sorry, only ever install phpmyadmin manually | 03:29 |
UndertakerX2 | by downloading the php files? | 03:30 |
ziroday | UndertakerX2: yep | 03:30 |
ropetin | UndertakerX2: apparently you have to add something to the apache config file to make it work; | 03:31 |
ropetin | | 03:31 |
ropetin | Canonical have some good help documents | 03:31 |
UndertakerX2 | oh ok i found another tut but didnt mention the apahce config edit | 03:32 |
UndertakerX2 | thanks very much to both of you | 03:32 |
UndertakerX2 | all though i would have though selecting apache 2 should have doen that for me, double checking now | 03:33 |
UndertakerX2 | can i add that line nay where in apache.conf? | 03:35 |
ropetin | Looking at it, that appears to be for apache. You have Apache2, right? | 03:36 |
UndertakerX2 | yes | 03:36 |
UndertakerX2 | that code worked all the same, thanks again ropetin | 03:41 |
ropetin | NP! | 03:44 |
UndertakerX2 | ropetin: maybe you can help me with another roadblock? I am running ubuntu in wmare as guest on my xp machine(wired) however I have a laptop on my lan running win 7(wirless) and cant seem to access my server. Any ideas? | 03:51 |
UndertakerX2 | the xp machine can access the server | 03:52 |
ropetin | routing issue? Are they all on the same subnet? Firewall issue? | 03:53 |
UndertakerX2 | subnet, yes. As ofr firewall i run comodo pro in xp, and when it detects new netowrks it has an option to enable access from other pcs on the network. I check marked this if memorey servers me right. | 03:54 |
UndertakerX2 | hmm then again i do have a firewall in my router. | 03:55 |
ropetin | Can you at least ping the server? | 03:56 |
UndertakerX2 | maybe thats the culprit? | 03:56 |
ropetin | Could be | 03:56 |
UndertakerX2 | havent tried | 03:56 |
ropetin | Go for it | 03:56 |
UndertakerX2 | k | 03:56 |
UndertakerX2 | request timed out when i pinf from win 7 | 03:58 |
UndertakerX2 | ping* | 03:58 |
ropetin | OK, so try disabling the firewall and try again | 04:00 |
UndertakerX2 | software firewall off and it gave me ping time out again | 04:01 |
ropetin | What are the two IPs? | 04:01 |
UndertakerX2 | 2 ips? which 2? :S | 04:02 |
UndertakerX2 | obviously the server ip.. | 04:02 |
UndertakerX2 | and? | 04:02 |
UndertakerX2 | oh the 2 ips ubuntu gives me? | 04:03 |
ropetin | The server IP and the one you're trying to connect from | 04:05 |
UndertakerX2 | server = | 04:06 |
UndertakerX2 | ip from notebook= | 04:08 |
ropetin | And what netmask do they have assigned? | 04:10 |
UndertakerX2 | on server | 04:11 |
UndertakerX2 | notbook = | 04:11 |
UndertakerX2 | guest the subnet is diffrent :p | 04:12 |
ropetin | Yup yup | 04:12 |
UndertakerX2 | err wait | 04:12 |
UndertakerX2 | eth0 has the same subnet bu lo has | 04:13 |
ropetin | Which is fine | 04:13 |
ropetin | You mean both have | 04:13 |
ropetin | If so, the two won't be able to talk to each other | 04:13 |
UndertakerX2 | the server and win7 yes | 04:14 |
UndertakerX2 | ohh? | 04:14 |
UndertakerX2 | but how come my xp machine can access it? | 04:15 |
UndertakerX2 | it has the same mask? | 04:15 |
ropetin | You're using VMWare correct? It installs one or more 'fake' network adapters to communicate with the VMs, depending on how you have the virtual NICs configured | 04:15 |
UndertakerX2 | yeah it has 2 installed | 04:16 |
ropetin | And one of those will have the same subnet configured as teh server, even if the physical NIC is different | 04:16 |
UndertakerX2 | oh? ok so how do i proceed? | 04:17 |
ropetin | You could change the networking configuration of VMWare to use bridged mode, but this is REALLY beyond ubuntu-server support, I'd refer you to the VMWare documentation and their support | 04:18 |
UndertakerX2 | that works, i have soemthing i gotta do anyways :p your a life saver though, thanks for taking an hour or so to help a noob, your help is more apreciated then you know! | 04:19 |
ropetin | NP! | 04:20 |
roy_hobbs | Is there some sort of repository server or cache to facilitate updating many clients on a local network? | 05:05 |
roy_hobbs | Slightly related, the Ubuntu server guide is great, but has anyone seen anything similar about managing desktops on a network (other than the authentication section) topics such as options for where to store system files (network or local) and where to store user files... | 05:07 |
ropetin | On the first question, apt-mirror might hel | 05:07 |
ropetin | p | 05:07 |
hads | Check out apt-cacher-ng | 05:07 |
roy_hobbs | thank you | 05:08 |
hads | There's also apt-cacher, apt-proxy, apt-something-else-which-i-forget but apt-cacher-ng has served me the best so far. | 05:08 |
roy_hobbs | what does the ng stand for? | 05:11 |
ziroday | roy_hobbs: new generation | 05:12 |
=== TechN9Ne_1730 is now known as UndertakerX2 | ||
UndertakerX2 | whats the best way to assign permisions to var/www ? | 05:34 |
UndertakerX2 | sorry permisions so i can ftp to | 05:34 |
UndertakerX2 | i can log in via ftp, just not transfer | 05:35 |
UndertakerX2 | should i use apt-get install memcached php5-memcache to install memcache? | 06:51 |
ropetin | UndertakerX2: Sounds sensible | 06:54 |
ropetin | Are you using php5? | 06:54 |
UndertakerX2 | yep | 06:55 |
UndertakerX2 | i got it installed and working just checking if there was a better version for apche or soemthing yea know? :p | 06:56 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #326792 in openldap (main) "package libldap-2.4-2 2.4.11-0ubuntu6.1 failed to install/upgrade: package libldap-2.4-2 is not ready for configuration" [Undecided,New] | 07:55 |
Hellsheep | Hey, how do i transfer a file from a windows machine onto a Ubuntu server? | 10:11 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i'd recomend ssh, try samba if you need 'integration' with 'doze though | 10:13 |
Hellsheep | i have samba and ssh installed | 10:13 |
Hellsheep | But i dont know how to use samba | 10:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | neither. | 10:16 |
Hellsheep | Do you know how to use SSH to do it? | 10:16 |
ziroday | Hellsheep: using scp | 10:17 |
Hellsheep | Thanks | 10:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Hellsheep, or since its a doze box, try 'WinSCP' | 10:21 |
Hellsheep | Would this work: | 10:24 |
Hellsheep | scp -r /pathtofolder/ name@host:/targethetfolder/ | 10:24 |
Hellsheep | Sry | 10:25 |
Hellsheep | This one: scp -r C:/vent.tar.gz hellsheep@Icarus:/vent | 10:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | try it and see. unless you've installed ssh/scp specially it wont work though | 10:25 |
Hellsheep | I have SSH | 10:26 |
Hellsheep | not sure about scp | 10:26 |
Hellsheep | ill try it | 10:26 |
Hellsheep | ssh: C: Name or service not known | 10:26 |
Hellsheep | What does that mean? O_O | 10:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | I guess it sees : in the file name, and assumes that the bit in front ( C ) is a hostname | 10:30 |
Hellsheep | Oh | 10:31 |
Hellsheep | Hmmm | 10:31 |
Hellsheep | I wonder how to tell it to find the file then | 10:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no idea how ssh/scp CLI tools work on windows | 10:33 |
* Kamping_Kaiser has only used winscp for it | 10:33 | |
Hellsheep | This is soo annoying | 10:36 |
Hellsheep | How long will it take me to setup WinSCP | 10:40 |
Hellsheep | to get this damn file transfered | 10:40 |
Hellsheep | i dont want to spend 10 hours trying to transfer a single file to my server | 10:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 2 mintutes to download the 'run anyware' exe, and then double click | 10:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ok | 10:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | er, sorry. ok not for you :S | 10:42 |
Hellsheep | ? | 10:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i was saying ok to someone else | 10:43 |
Hellsheep | kk | 10:43 |
Hellsheep | Who knew transferring a file would be so difficult =P | 10:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | not me :p | 10:44 |
Hellsheep | i thought it'd be like | 10:44 |
Hellsheep | "Click a button or two and look the file is copied! YEY" | 10:44 |
quizme_ | hellsheep: switch to linux | 10:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | quizme_, beat me to it ;) | 10:45 |
Hellsheep | Wish i could | 10:45 |
quizme_ | kamping_kaiser: lol | 10:45 |
Hellsheep | When i get my new computer | 10:45 |
Hellsheep | it'll have Ubuntu x64 on it | 10:46 |
Hellsheep | I hate windows | 10:46 |
Hellsheep | Don't even get me started on Internet Explorer. | 10:46 |
Hellsheep | Microsoft = fail | 10:46 |
Hellsheep | Finally | 10:52 |
Hellsheep | Thank you! | 10:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) np | 10:52 |
afief | I keep getting "can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct" on my Ubuntu server, could anybody tell me how to fix this? | 13:06 |
=== tuxlinux_ is now known as tuxlinux | ||
=== bomana is now known as aboman | ||
Adri2000 | what's the plan for samba in jaunty? | 14:45 |
Adri2000 | update to 3.3? update to 3.2.x x>=6 ? | 14:47 |
ezimir | hello. i'm following Ubuntu Documentation > Ubuntu 8.10 > Ubuntu Server Guide > Network Authentication > OpenLDAP Server, and i have trouble with "LDAP replication" section... anyone here can spend some time with me finding out what's wrong? | 15:00 |
ezimir | 'ldapmodify -x -D cn=admin,cn=config -W -f syncrepl_cn-config.ldif | 15:02 |
ezimir | gives | 15:03 |
ezimir | ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21) | 15:03 |
ezimir | additional info: objectClass: value #1 invalid per syntax | 15:03 |
ezimir | anyone? | 15:03 |
candrews | Can someone please bump tomcat-native? Right now, tomcat-native is useless due to bugs regarding ssl and ipv6 | 17:22 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 290078 in tomcat-native "bump tomcat-native to 1.1.15" [Undecided,New] | 17:23 |
=== MohammadBoozary is now known as Mohammad[B] | ||
=== _AshTray- is now known as AshTray- | ||
ksoviero | whenever i start my server, mediatomb starts before the my external hdd mounts, and therefore dosent see any music. how can i force mediatomb to wait until after the hdd mounts? | 18:51 |
ksoviero | there both init.d scripts | 18:53 |
ksoviero | anyone? | 18:53 |
=== Spear is now known as jhg | ||
imo | hello | 19:36 |
imo | how i can install samba server ?? | 19:37 |
jtaji | !samba | 19:37 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 19:37 |
imo | ok | 19:38 |
imo | thanks | 19:38 |
imo | i have mac osx leopard | 19:39 |
imo | and i want to share all files on my ubuntu server | 19:39 |
imo | what its the | 19:40 |
imo | what is to be accessed the easiest away over the files?? | 19:40 |
imo | ?? | 19:43 |
TTT_Travis | Hi I have a data hard drive that I moved from my old ubuntu computer, now on the new computer the files are all highlighted green in terminal, I Think that means sticky bit -- how do I get the files back to normal? | 20:12 |
jimcooncat | I'm having a heck of a time doing preseeding. It works fine, when it works. I have eth0 start the install fine every time, but when d-i goes through dhcp, it intermittently reassigns my second ethernet card as eth0 and stalls. What can I do? It seems that I'd have to pass a MAC address on the startup line, but I don't see how | 21:38 |
jimcooncat | I think i got it using IPAPPEND=3. thanks anyway | 21:44 |
dou213 | hi guys, i'm using ubuntu server and i wonder, a lot of programs, so i've read, provide a web interface for administration or else, can i use this kind of apps, e.g. Mailman, in server edition too (no X-Server) ? | 22:05 |
centaur5 | dou213: You might want to look into ebox for web administration. | 22:08 |
dou213 | centaur5, yes i've heard about ebox, it also provides a graphical interface or not? | 22:09 |
dou213 | centaur5, and can i use it with server edition even if no X? | 22:09 |
centaur5 | dou213: Yes, ebox works without X. | 22:13 |
dou213 | ok thx centaur5 | 22:14 |
centaur5 | no prob | 22:14 |
Alysum | hi - I would like some advice on whether I should use 8.04 or 8.10 for a small single server | 22:37 |
dou213 | centaur5, but i imagine you would need X for it to be graphical locally | 22:39 |
dou213 | remotely is another story :) | 22:40 |
centaur5 | dou213: Yes, well actually I've never tried it with lynx but it might work. | 22:40 |
dekkong | Hello guys! I have a computer with 300gb of storage and I would like to use the computer as a server storage for music and movies, would this be easy with ubuntu server 8.10? | 23:09 |
Nat_RH | dekkong: Certainly possible, but if thats all you want to do, there may be other options | 23:13 |
davexoxide | postfix vs exim?? or any other mail service. | 23:21 |
lamont | davexoxide: sure | 23:22 |
davexoxide | lamont: which one would you suggest? | 23:23 |
lamont | well, I maintain postfix, so I freely admit to being biased | 23:24 |
zul | hey lamont | 23:25 |
lamont | zul: sup? | 23:26 |
zul | lamont: not much | 23:26 |
zul | lamont: how are you? | 23:26 |
lamont | doing well | 23:27 |
owh | o/ | 23:29 |
* lamont sees what time it is, gets ready to run to town | 23:29 | |
lamont | davexoxide: either postfix (my pref), or exim4 are fine - I wouldn't recommend any MTA from universe | 23:29 |
lamont | laters | 23:29 |
davexoxide | thx | 23:29 |
owh | davexoxide: If it helps, postfix is installed by default :) | 23:30 |
davexoxide | owh: I'm setting up my server on slicehost, I decided to use ubuntu8.10... I configured postfix and restarted it... | 23:32 |
davexoxide | shouldn't I be able to do mail on command line to test it? | 23:32 |
owh | davexoxide: No, that's part of mailx IIRC. | 23:32 |
owh | davexoxide: The command-line mail tool I mean, in-case that wasn't clear. | 23:33 |
davexoxide | ok what's the best way to test if postfix is working? the website i have up and running is giving me "Unable to send e-mail." | 23:35 |
owh | What language is the site written in? | 23:44 |
twb | Which site? | 23:50 |
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