
=== root is now known as ObiWanQueNoob
pooliehello igc01:05
pooliespiv, (garyvdm): so what was the outcome re that patch and 1.12?01:08
igchi poolie01:09
lifelessigc: hi01:12
lifelessigc: is it ok with you if I rename 1.12-preview to development4, or whatever the current sequence number is up to ?01:12
lifelessigc: (its why we use a different namespace, the problem of predicting when-ready)01:12
igclifeless: the format's ready. It's just not reviewed :-) :-)01:13
igclifeless: seriously ...01:14
igcmy concern with developmentN in this case is that ...01:14
igcit's not related to any of the other development formats in any meaningful way ...01:15
lifelessigc: why is that a concern?01:15
igci.e. it's not built on N-1, not is it an experiement towards N+101:15
igcpotential confusion01:15
igclifeless: I'm happy to rename it btw ...01:16
igcjust not sure developmentN is the best choice but it's no big deal01:16
lifelesscan you read the rationale in doc/developers/development-repo.txt01:16
igcI did01:16
lifelessits a little repo centric, but I did envisage branch and tree doing the same thing01:16
igcat the time, new development formats were coming thick and fast in brisbane-core01:17
lifeless1.12-preview is just as confusing as devN IMO - see the question from Karl01:17
lifeless1.12-preview as named appears more solid than dev4, when its really a separate dimension, as we both know01:17
lifelessI'd personally prefer devN because we have docs about that, and a defined way for people to find out what it does differently01:18
lifelesslower learning curve01:18
igcfair enough. I don't want to waste our time arguing about this btw ...01:19
lifelessalternatively, if you want a different approach, perhaps use a namespace that maps to tree ;P01:19
lifelessigc: me neither, was just trying to be clear01:19
lifelessigc: thank you01:19
igc"maps to tree"?01:19
lifelesswell, development-wt101:19
lifelessor something01:19
igcok, that's better by me01:20
lifelesscool, its fine by me.01:20
igclifeless: would development-wt5 be ok you think?01:20
lifelessigc: yeah, thats fine IMO.01:21
igclifeless: I'll put a patch up.01:21
lifelessigc: it does lead to 'how do we do a new tree+branch+repo' as a question, but we can cross that another time, or just collapse back to developmentN01:21
igclifeless: just reviewing your unshelve patch now btw01:21
lifelessigc: thanks01:22
igclifeless: did you get any feedback from abentley on it so far?01:22
lifelessnone that I can see01:23
PhillHey, I used the bzr remove command on something I shouldn't have removed, how can I find the file and bring it back from the death?01:27
Odd_BlokeGood evening.01:28
igchi Odd_bloke. Nice to see the patches flowing from you again!01:30
PhillUp, nevermind, I figured it out.01:30
igcOdd_Bloke: ^^01:30
Odd_Blokeigc: It's nice to have found some time to send them. :)01:30
Odd_BlokeThanks for the reviews, BTW.01:31
jelmerhey Odd_Bloke01:31
jelmerManaged to get home safely?01:31
Odd_Blokejelmer: Yup.01:31
jelmerhi Ian01:31
Odd_Blokejelmer: How was your journey?01:33
jelmerOdd_Bloke, pretty good01:33
jelmerOdd_Bloke, there was some power blackout01:33
jelmerwhich meant that the train was redirected *through* my home town, saving me some transfers01:33
jelmer(and causing them for most of the others)01:34
Odd_BlokeHeh, nice.01:34
Odd_BlokeWell, not so nice for them. :p01:34
igchi Jelmer01:35
garyvdmpoolie,spiv: I've hacked a quick fix for qbzr re:TooManyConcurrentRequests bug.01:35
pooliein to bzr or into qbzr?01:36
garyvdmpoolie: into qbzr01:37
poolieso we're ok to merge that if we want?01:37
Odd_BlokeThe test suite seems much slower than it used to be.01:43
lifelessthanks igc01:44
KhaZOoh.  Just encountered that TooManyConcurrentRequests error.  Is there a good end-user work around for it?01:51
KhaZ(Win32, bzr 1.11)01:51
garyvdmKhaZ: is it in qbzr?01:54
lifelessKhaZ: using the gui?01:54
garyvdmKhaz: if you are using bzr 1.11 -  then it can't be the same bug I was talking about just now. Please could you file a bug report.02:00
Odd_Blokegaryvdm: Thanks for the pointer to the upload stuff, I'll look at that when I'm next looking at stuff.02:19
Odd_Blokegaryvdm: On a sidenote, are you aware that your Reply-To is set to qbzr@googlegroups.com?02:19
garyvdmOdd_Bloke: Pleasure02:20
Odd_BlokeI think I shall call it a night.02:20
garyvdmgmail does not allow you to change you reply-to for 1 msg :-(02:20
garyvdmForgot to change it back02:20
KhaZOK.  I'm using bzr from the command line on windows02:22
KhaZIf anyone wants to have a look: http://pastebin.com/m6670608202:23
KhaZI'll put it into the tracker however.02:23
lifelessKhaZ: from the CLI it probably indicates a permissions issue or something similar02:25
lifelessKhaZ: it *may* be a bug02:26
KhaZHrmm.  I suppose that's a possibility.  I mean, I'm accessing a linux repo from windows, so anything's possible.02:30
KhaZAlthough the authentication I'm using is ssh, and I've always accessed the share the same way02:30
lifelessis there a backtrace on the server in its .bzr.log02:31
KhaZOoh, you're a clever one lifeless.  lemme check.02:32
KhaZHrmm, doesn't appear to be.02:32
KhaZBut I imagine it wouldn't be anyways.  THe backtrace in the client is barfing on '_send_request'... I'm guessing the server hasn't even been involved yet.02:33
KhaZWhat is a 'SMartSSHClientMedium' anyhow?02:33
lifelessone step up from serialisation, its a broker for requests to the server02:34
garyvdmNight all02:35
fullermdAbout halfway between SmartSSHClientRare and SmartSSHClientWelldone.02:38
* KhaZ drums a rimshot02:39
KhaZAh, you know what, I bet you're right and this is a permissions issue.  I just rebuilt my MSYS on windows, and I bet it's trying to log me in with the wrong case....02:39
KhaZHrmmm.. Now where do I set my ssh username in bzr...02:39
KhaZOh holy hell.  The whole concept of --local just made sense to me.02:41
KhaZSo if I bzr branch off some other server to my local copy, I'm essentially commiting against that 'other server's copy of code, yeah?02:41
fullermdNot if you branch, no.02:41
lifelessif you checkout02:41
KhaZANd --local emulates as if I've got a local repository on my HD, until such time as I commit normally?02:41
fullermd--local is for shooting yourself in the foot if you checkout.02:41
lifelessKhaZ: --local is for treating a checkout like a branch for a short period of time02:42
KhaZHrmm..  So checkout is more akin to svn co, I guess.02:42
lifelessKhaZ: checkout is intended to be identical to svn co/cvs co/etc02:42
KhaZCan I see whether I have a branch or a checkout somehow?02:42
lifelessbzr info02:42
KhaZHrmm, so apparently I am bound with the right username.  Bizarre.02:43
lifelessKhaZ: two things02:46
lifelessKhaZ: firstly you don't need '.' in your commit line02:47
lifelessits the default ;)02:47
lifelesssecondly, the 'bash: bzr: command not found' says to me bzr can't find bzr on the server02:47
KhaZHrmm.  Good catch.  Definitely tr...02:50
KhaZOh damn02:50
KhaZI switched the server over from using gentoo's version of bzr to the copy I have with a patch.02:50
KhaZI bet that's got something to do with it.02:50
KhaZTHank God, too.  Traversing that smart ssh code was making me feel dumb.02:51
fullermdYou should try starting with ReasonablyIntelligentSSHClientMedium and working up.02:52
lifelessfullermd: slow day? :P02:53
fullermdWell, it's early morning, and I'm desperately trying not to have to get into the work I need to do...02:54
KhaZfullermd: You in Australia/NZ?02:54
fullermdOh, no.  US.02:54
fullermdI'm just surrounded by people who keep weird hours   :p02:54
fullermd(~300 million of them to be precise.  My life would be so much easier if they'd just stay in sync with me...)02:55
KhaZfullermd: Try ReasonablyIntelligentRSync and work up. ;)02:55
KhaZHeeHee, it is fun!.02:55
KhaZHrmm.  Does bzr do it's actions in some sort of different usermode than if I were to ssh in manually?  It must, I just can't figure how to emulate it.03:03
lifelessKhaZ: no, 'ssh host bzr --serve --allow-writes /' or something like that03:04
lifelessthere is an environment variable to control what it thinks bzr is called - BZR_REMOTE_SSH or something like that03:04
KhaZRight.  Just weird - bzr exists on the command line in the path.  I'm guessing that it's in /usr/local/bin that's the problem.  Just not sure where/who I have to say "Hey!  Look in /usr/local/bin, douche!" to.03:06
KhaZRight, but that's a per repository or per client setting, yeah?03:06
KhaZI'm thinking it's better if I just fix my server.. This *was* working.03:06
lifelessyes :P03:06
KhaZ... now if only I could find out where. ;)03:08
lifelesslate fooding03:19
* igc lunch03:45
poolielifeless: ping?03:50
poolielifeless: i'm thinking about whether to push for an SRU for a whole bzr release03:50
poolieor just to get it into backports03:50
lifelesspoolie: well, backports is a good start04:21
lifelessbut an SRU isn't done trivially04:21
Demosthenesi've done some searches with little luck. what is the status of nesting repositories?06:31
vilahi all07:15
mwhudsonin a test suite, i want a revision object08:14
mwhudsonoh hm08:15
davidstraussIs it possible to clean up unused revisions stored in a shared repository?08:57
Lo-lan-dodavidstrauss: Not yet, but LarstiQ and I (but mostly LarstiQ :-) started a gc plugin two days ago at FOSDEM.08:58
davidstraussLo-lan-do: gc plugin?08:59
Lo-lan-doI'm about to migrate to a proper workplace in a few minutes, but I'll be online again later.08:59
Lo-lan-dogarbage collector08:59
Youssefhi guys!08:59
Youssefhow are u?08:59
davidstraussHappy that the Drupal Paris sprint is underway09:00
lifelessdavidstrauss: excellent09:01
lifelessdavidstrauss: hey, we haven't reproduced that windows users bug yet09:02
davidstrausslifeless: Let me email him for his directory09:02
lifelessdavidstrauss: but a different issue I've found which caused the 'corruption' is something I will be fixing, which at least would mean things get pushed correctly09:02
lifelessdavidstrauss: I think you gave us a copy already?09:02
davidstrausslifeless: Not *his* checkout09:02
davidstrausslifeless: I'd be happy implementing something that would have caught this pre-commit.09:02
davidstrausslifeless: If there's an immediate error, it will be much easier to catch in the future09:03
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dholbachhi guys09:18
dholbachjelmer: where does Debian get python-subvertpy from?09:18
dholbachjelmer: just checking out the bzr* sync requests09:18
dholbachbug 325930 is the one I was stumbling over09:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325930 in bzr-svn "Please sync bzr-svn 0.5.0-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32593009:19
lifelessdavidstrauss: indeed, but we need a good theory of what happened to do that :P09:21
davidstrausslifeless: We know it failed bzr check after that revision got added.09:21
davidstrausslifeless: So it's detectable, albeit inefficiently.09:22
jelmerdholbach, hi09:36
jelmerdholbach, subvertpy is in NEW09:36
dholbachjelmer: hrm :-/09:36
dholbachmakes it somewhat hard to sync :-/09:36
jelmerdholbach, I can upload to REVU if that makes things easier for Ubuntu09:37
dholbachjelmer: or just put it up somewhere and link to it in the bug report - I'll review and ask the archive admins what needs to be done09:38
dholbach(the source package)09:38
dholbachluckily the bzr-svn is in universe so we don't need to write a main inclusion report for subvertpy :)09:38
jelmerdholbach: :-)09:39
dholbachjelmer: thanks for helping out there!09:39
jelmerdholbach, I'll upload a source package this afternoon, gotta run now09:39
dholbachrock and roll09:40
dholbachhave a great day09:40
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Youssefhi guys10:53
YoussefI have a problem10:53
Youssefim working with vista10:54
* Lo-lan-do sympathizes10:54
Youssefyes but10:54
YoussefI explain10:55
Youssefim creating a folder it looks like this check10:55
YoussefI would like to create a folder with my project10:57
Youssefbut i want it to work in a server10:57
Youssefim working with my computer10:57
Youssefi there someone?10:57
* Lo-lan-do doesn't understand the problem10:58
Youssefi repeat more clearlly10:59
Youssefjust a second10:59
Yousseflocaly I create a server10:59
Youssefwith a shared foler10:59
Lo-lan-doWhat's a server?11:00
YoussefC:\>mkdir MyOfficialProject11:02
YoussefC:\>cd MyOfficialProject11:02
YoussefC:\MyOfficialProject>bzr init11:02
YoussefStandalone tree (format: pack-0.92)11:02
Youssef  branch root: .11:02
YoussefC:\MyOfficialProject>bzr add11:02
YoussefAdded files11:02
YoussefC:\MyOfficialProject>bzr commit -m "Initial Commit"11:02
YoussefCommitting to: C:/MyOfficialProject/11:02
YoussefAdded files.11:02
YoussefCommitted revision 1.11:02
YoussefC:\MyOfficialProject>bzr serve11:02
Yousseflistening on port:  4155 ...11:03
Lo-lan-doPlease use pastebin for pasting stuff!11:03
Youssefthis is what a do for a dedicated server11:03
YoussefOops sorry11:03
Youssefreally sorry11:03
YoussefI prefer rafb11:04
YoussefLogically my folder is a shared folder11:05
Lo-lan-doI don't know.  What do you mean by shared folder?11:05
Lo-lan-do(I'm clueless with Windows, you'll have to forgive me)11:05
Youssefhmm :)11:06
=== awilkins_linux is now known as awilkins
YoussefI imagine11:06
Yousseflisten i just want to create a project in a distant server from where ill be able to simply checkout it to my laptop11:07
Youssefhow a can do that please?11:07
Lo-lan-doCan't you connect to your server?11:07
Youssefno no i can connect but when I chek it out he is the server log11:08
Youssefwhat is it?11:10
Lo-lan-doNot sure.  Firewall?11:13
Lo-lan-doHow did you try to access the server?11:13
LarstiQLo-lan-do: thanks, I branched bzr-gc11:18
Lo-lan-doLarstiQ: You probably saved yourself, oh, I don't know, at least five minutes of work :-)11:18
Youssefin localhost11:18
* LarstiQ grins at Lo-lan-do 11:19
* Youssef hope in Lo-lan-do11:19
Lo-lan-doLarstiQ: Thanks by the way, bzrlib is no longer a scary monster to me.  It's just a large unknown beast now.11:19
Lo-lan-doYoussef: Command line?11:19
LarstiQLo-lan-do: the motivational aspect is the important bit, I'm going on a ~24 hour trip now, so I'm hoping to hack more on it if the power is with me.11:20
Lo-lan-doWhat was the command like you used?11:20
LarstiQLo-lan-do: that's good to hear11:20
Youssefokay check11:20
Youssefwhen i do => C:\LocalCopy>bzr branch bzr://localhost/11:21
YoussefBranched 1 revision(s).11:21
Youssefand it copy the folder where i am11:21
Youssefis it correct?11:22
Lo-lan-doLooks like so.11:22
YoussefC:\LocalCopy>bzr checkout bzr//localhost11:26
Youssefbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "C:/LocalCopy/bzr/localhost/".11:26
Lo-lan-doMissing :11:27
YoussefLo-lan-do! juste come back to : http://rafb.net/p/FHobII85.html11:29
Youssefis it correctly done?11:29
Youssefwith my computer it seems to be correct11:30
Lo-lan-doIt looks like it is, and since you managed to branch from it I don't see what the problem is.11:30
Youssefhhmm okay11:30
Youssefstay there im comming11:30
Youssefforgot the branch11:31
Youssefwhen my server works11:32
Youssefas client what do i have to do to get a copy of the project11:32
Youssefbzr checkout bzr://localhost/MyOfficialProject ?11:34
YoussefC:\LocalCopy>bzr checkout bzr://localhost/MyOfficialProject11:35
Youssefbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr://localhost/MyOfficialProject/".11:35
Lo-lan-doYou did it already: bzr branch bzr://localhost/11:35
Youssefyeah but do I have to do it first i chekcout?11:36
Yousseflol okay in english now11:37
Youssefdo I have to do a branch before a checkout?11:37
Lo-lan-doDepends on what you want to do.  Do you want a branch or a checkout ?11:37
Yousseffirst a checkout11:37
Lo-lan-doThen just do a checkout.11:38
Youssefin a simple directory ? or a have to do sometings before a ckekout11:38
Lo-lan-doJust do a checkout :-)11:39
Lo-lan-doYou're not using git, things are supposed to just work here.11:39
Youssefloooool the checkout successed ppfff11:40
Youssefokay stil stay with me11:40
YoussefI have done a "C:\LocalCopy>bzr checkout bzr://localhost/"11:41
* Lo-lan-do → food11:47
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matkorHi ! I did bzr push bzr+ssh://<remote>/<dir>         Now how can I see WT in <dir> ?14:15
beunomatkor, no, push to remote locations doesn't produce WT14:15
matkorbzr update   gives:   bzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for <dir>14:15
matkorbueno: So how can I get WT in <dir> ?14:16
beunomatkor, via a plugin14:16
awilkinsssh me@remote ; cd <dir> ; bzr up14:16
beunoyou have either push-and update14:16
beunoor, bzr-upload, which *just* uploads the WT14:17
matkorawilkins: I get bzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///<dir>/.bzr/checkout/"14:18
jdonghe meant bzr co14:18
jdongyou run bzr co the first time, bzr up subsequent times :)14:18
jdong(check out a working tree, update existing working tree)14:19
matkorAh ! Right. Thank you very much jdong, awilkins14:20
matkorand bueno14:20
ToksyuryelI just thought of something. for a "clone" checkout (i.e. where the user is downloading the tree for the very first time and does not currently have a working copy) is it really necessary to send each file one-by-one? would it be better to compress and archive them first and just send that?14:32
Lo-lan-doI think what goes over the network is actually the repository, and the files are checked out of the new copy.14:33
phinzehey so how does bzr play with symlinks in a repository?  i'd like to have a "latest" symlink in my "releases" subdir that points to the last release branch14:34
phinzewill that confuse bzr?14:34
Lo-lan-dophinze: It my experience it seems to work.14:34
Lo-lan-doBut that may confuse users, since the contents of a stable URL may change.14:34
phinzeLo-lan-do: it's for internal use in a department where we have a weekly release cycle14:35
Lo-lan-doI'm jus' sayin' :-)14:35
phinzeright, this is true14:35
Lo-lan-doIt's basically the same as rebasing a public branch.  If your users expect it, no problem.14:36
phinzealso, thanks :)14:36
phinzesounds good14:36
phinzeso now if i have a local branch of "latest", and the symlink has been moved to a new release, i can "bzr pull"? or must i remove and rebranch?14:41
Lo-lan-doYou can pull if the new one is a direct descendant of the previous "latest".14:42
phinzehmm... new one will be branched off a later revision of trunk14:42
Lo-lan-doIf histories have diverged, you'll need to either merge or pull --overwrite.14:42
phinzenot sure if that constitutes "direct descendent"14:42
fullermdpull --overwrite will probably be faster and easier than removing and rebranching...14:43
phinzeprobably pull --overwrite will be what i want, as it will just be used as a mirror for diffing14:43
fullermdRoughly speaking, if the "release branch" is an older version of trunk, the history isn't diverged.14:43
fullermdIt diverges if a commit is made on the release branch that wasn't pulled from trunk.14:44
fullermdSo it really depends on what "release branch" means.14:44
phinzeahh okay14:44
phinzeyeah we're still developing our software release procedure w/ bazaar, but we're thinking in the case of an emergency we'll have a commit directly to the release branch that we merge back into trunk14:45
phinzeso in that case we may have diverged14:45
fullermdIf it's merged back into trunk, then trunk becomes a superset of the release branch, so pull can work.14:45
phinzeah wow14:45
fullermdIt's all revision based.  If trunk contains the head revision of the release branch, it's a proper superset, and if it's a proper superset, you can pull.14:46
phinzeman i'm still only scratching the surface of this domain of knowledge :)14:46
fullermdAn alternative would be to use tags for the releases, and a sliding tag for the latest.  If it's very rare that you commit onto a release branch, that may be simpler.14:47
fullermd(or it may not, considering tag propogation issues)14:47
phinzeyeah we looked into that, but we were hesitant because of a bug we encountered having to do with tags not being pulled until a revision is bumped in some other way14:48
phinzeperhaps that is referring to the "tag propogation issues" you mention14:48
fullermdMmm.  I'm pretty sure they always pull.  Maybe they don't propogate with merge unless there are revs to merge.14:49
fullermdI was thinking more of the lack of versioning causing headaches when they change.14:49
phinzeah yeah that's another issue14:49
fullermd(wihch doesn't matter for the release tags, but sure as heck does for a slider)14:50
* fullermd waves at bialix.14:51
phinzeright right14:51
* bialix waves at my here14:51
bialixhi fullermd14:51
bialixI wish to have nested trees year ago14:51
bialixLarstiQ: new layout almost finished14:54
bialixLarstiQ: i.e. Ive started using it. I think nested trees should be killer feature. Sad they are not here14:54
bialixsorry for noise15:00
Odd_Blokejelmer: Thanks for the reviews. :)  I'll look at the tweak this evening.15:03
kirklandis it possible to edit an existing commit message, for a previous revision?15:12
beunokirkland, no15:14
beunobut you can uncommit15:14
beunoand commit again with a new message15:15
kirklandbeuno: beuno15:15
beunorecursive me!15:16
awilkinskirkland: Problem with uncommit is if other people have branches based on the revision(s) you've uncommitted15:26
kirklandawilkins: thanks, gotcha.  i think this is just a one time deal15:33
vilaabentley: ping15:58
abentleyvila: pong15:59
vilais read_bundle_from_url still useful or can it be deprecated ?15:59
vilaabentley: the reason I ask is that it causes problems in tests15:59
abentleyvila: lemme see...16:00
vilabecause it's an url based API, it fools the test framework when special purposes transports must be used16:00
vilathe root cause is the get_transport call in read_mergeable_from_url (i.e. we have read_bundle_from_url -> read_mergeable_from_url -> read_mergeable_from_transport)16:01
abentleyvila: So read_bundle_from_url is a problem but read_mergeable_from_url is not?16:04
vilait's a problem too but I found a work around for it in the tests ;-)16:04
vilabecause it accepts a possible_transports parameter !16:05
abentleyvila: That does not sound good, but I'm okay with deprecating read_bundle_from_url.16:05
vilaI can add a possible_transports parameter to read_bundle_from_url too, but I thought that if some cleanup was possible it was better to do so16:05
vilaI agree, that's not the proper fix, the problem is that there are tests that are buggy today16:06
vilai.e. they declare to test a transport while in fact they use another16:06
abentleyvila: You may also be able to eliminate the _do_directive parameter.16:06
vilanobody can detect that yet, I ran into it while using a special https transport16:07
vilaeliminate the _do_directive parameter ?16:07
abentleyvila: I believe it's only false when called by read_bundle_from_url.16:08
vilaaah, you mean once read_bundle_from_url is deprecated ?16:09
abentleyI did, but actually, that must wait until it's removed.16:09
vilathanks, I'll do that (deprecate) then16:09
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theAdib_does bzr handles svn branches via https? i.e. bzr branch https://server/pathtorepos16:45
jelmertheAdib_, yes16:47
theAdib_jelmer, so how can I enter username and password for that connection? I get: Unable to handle http code 401: Authorization Required17:02
jelmertheAdib_: make sure you have a new bzr-svn (0.5.0) and specify the username in the URL17:07
theAdib_I am on win32 using latest bzr 1.11,17:15
theAdib_and that worked thx, jelmer ! :-)17:16
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KhaZThere's no way to do partial checkouts of a tree in bzr, correct?17:32
santagadaKhaZ: partial checkouts of a branch is not supported ATM17:34
jelmerKhaZ, there's a partial implementation waiting to (hopefully) go into 1.1217:36
phinzea partial implementation of partial checkouts? ;D17:37
KhaZHow partial, exactly?17:46
santagadajelmer: will it need changes on the repo format or is it only a client thing?17:46
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santagadaor is it client/server thing but not repo format dependant?17:46
jelmerit needs a new repository format (which will not be stable as of 1.12)17:47
jelmerit's partial in that it is specific to the working tree17:47
jelmeryou'll still need the full branch history17:47
KhaZjelmer: Is 'full branch history' just everything under .bzr ni a repo?17:57
jelmerKhaZ, yeah, basically17:58
KhaZOK, I supopse that's not so bad.  A bit bizrre to think that one directory will sync almost 900 MB, but not as bad as the 2 GB in the full repo!17:58
=== ObiWanQueNoob is now known as Wowbagger
phinzewhat's a good way to get patch-level confirmation of a merge?18:35
phinze"yes this, not that, not that, yes this" etc18:35
nDuffphinze, ...patch-level, not hunk level? AIUI, it's most common to do cherry-picking (what that workflow is called) on the commandline setting up the merge, not afterwards but prior to committing.18:38
phinzenDuff: sorry i meant hunk level18:38
asabilphinze: check the bzr-interactive plugin18:39
nDuffphinze, (actually, doing it patch-level *is* supported, too: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/index.html#reverse-cherrypicking)18:39
asabilwell the bzr-interactive only gives you interactive commits for now18:39
nDuffphinze, ...but hunk level, I most often cheat and rely on shelve.18:39
phinzenDuff: yeah i was wondering if it could be used in that way18:40
phinzehow does that work for you?  (i.e. what commands are you running roughly in what order?)18:40
phinzeasabil: that looks promising, but atm i'm interested in interactive merge18:40
asabilphinze: adding interactive merges shouldn't be difficult18:41
asabilyou can try to extend it, that would be pretty neat18:41
phinzeasabil: cool, perhaps i'll look into it18:42
phinzenDuff: nm i can imagine it pretty well... bzr merge, then bzr shelve, and shelve things you dont want to commit18:43
jdobrienis there any clearer guidance available about the --no-trees option for init-repo?18:49
jdobrienthanks rockstar ^^^ nice post http://theironlion.net/blog/2009/01/23/more-advanced-bazaar-concepts/18:55
rockstarjdobrien, thanks!18:56
rockstarjdobrien, did that answer your questions, or do you still need help?18:56
jdobrieni think so.18:57
jdobrienrockstar: can I push my (feature) branches to launchpad from the lightweight checkout?18:59
rockstarjdobrien, yeah.  I almost never have to go into the ~/Projects/repos folder at all.18:59
jdobrienrockstar: sweet, that's what I'm looking for18:59
garyvdmjdobrien: you can run bzr push -d :bound19:01
garyvdmThen it will use the saved push location of the bound branch.19:02
jdobrienthanks garyvdm, i'll have to look that up.19:02
jdobrieni wonder how long it will take to master bzr .. probably never will19:03
jdonggaryvdm: what other :names are available?19:06
* jdong didn't know bzr supported those19:06
garyvdm:push, :pull19:06
nDuffAre the bzr and bzrtools releases in the PPA out-of-sync?19:07
garyvdmThere must be a list somewhere, but I don't know where.19:07
garyvdmnDuff: yes19:07
jdonggaryvdm: are those documented somewhere?19:07
garyvdmjdong: probably - but I don't remember where.19:08
bialixgaryvdm: well done, thanks19:11
garyvdmHi bialix - Everything correct?19:12
Peng_jelmer: ping?19:12
jelmerPeng_, pong19:12
bialixgaryvdm: well, one tiny detail: you forgot to update QBzr page at bazaar-vcs.org/QBzr19:12
bialixbut this is easily fixable19:13
garyvdmbialix: Oh - Do I still need to do it?19:13
bialixI can do it19:13
bialixgaryvdm: actually I have  a question to you about qlog19:13
Peng_jelmer: Oh hi. Errm.19:13
garyvdmjdong: from the source code:19:14
bialixis it possible to show not all history, but revision range instead in the qlog?19:14
garyvdm:parent, :submit, :public, :push, :this, and :bound are currently supported.19:14
garyvdmbialix: there is no ui19:15
jdonggaryvdm: good sleuthing; thanks :)19:15
bialixgaryvdm: do you mean command-line interface UI?19:15
garyvdmand if we add a ui to do it - it would not improve the performance19:15
Peng_jelmer: I used bzr-svn 0.4 to branch an svn branch, and committed locally a few times, but never pushed back. Now that I'm using 0.5, it wants to use svn-v4 revids, confusing everything. Advice?19:16
garyvdmbialix: command-line nor gui19:16
bialixgaryvdm: let's say specific example: is it possible to show qlog for pending revisions?19:16
garyvdmbialix - not yet - but I'm hopeing to do that soon - so I can reuse the new log_list widget in qcommit19:17
bialixgaryvdm: or if I want to implement cherrypicking dialog to show selected revisions for picking?19:17
bialixI'm thinking exactly about situation with revision range for some spefic use cases19:18
garyvdmbialix: if you just want to filter, that easy. What tricky is to filter, and not have to load the whole revision graph.19:18
bialixat least it's the start19:19
bialixGood evening, dear bzr hackers! Is it possible to collect code coverage info for the tests?19:21
garyvdmbialix: I've just merged my log refactoring into trunk.19:22
bialixgaryvdm: cool19:22
bialixgaryvdm: one more question about qlog: can we create revision picker dialog based on qlog?19:24
* bialix mulling this idea very long time19:24
bialixit was super-optimistic!19:25
jelmerPeng_, 0.5 wants to use svn-v4 revids when?19:25
garyvdmShould be very easy now.19:25
bialixgreat! really-really great!19:25
Peng_jelmer: Whenever. "bzr merge" or whatever.19:25
garyvdmI want to use the log widget in qcommit, qannotate, and make a revision selector for push, pull, tag, merge etc...19:26
Peng_jelmer: Since I never committed back to the svn repo with 0.4, it doesn't know any better.19:26
bialixjam who knows everything: can you suggest something about coverage? mensieur vila? anybody?19:26
bialixgaryvdm: you simply read my mind19:26
jelmerPeng_, "bzr svn-upgrade" should fix that19:27
bialixjelmer: hi, can you suggest something about coverage statistics?19:27
vilabialix: I think selftest has a --coverage option but AFAIK it's broken for plugins19:28
jelmerPeng_, merge isn't aware of foreign branches (yet)19:28
bialixvila: I've thoughts so, but I've re-read selftest -h 5 times and I don;t see this option19:28
bialixbroken for plugins: :-[19:29
bialixit's not my day then19:30
vilabialix: That's because it's not in the online help, that's for devs, they don't read help :-)19:30
vilaseriously, that's a bug, it should be documented19:30
bialixoh no19:30
vila    --coverage19:30
vila        Generate line coverage report in the specified directory.19:30
bialixit's not bug19:30
vilathat's a global option19:31
bialixyep, PEBKAC19:31
bialixI need addtional module I guess19:31
bialixcoverage.py from Ned Batchelder, is it?19:31
beunopoolie, hi. Are there still known problems with the new progress bars, or should I report the bug that status text concatenates instead of replacing eachother?19:32
bialixvila: why you said it's broken for plugin?19:32
vilabialix: I don't think it's a very serious bug, I don't remember the details but I think it has to do with the fact that the plugins aren't in PYTHON_PATH or something19:32
vilabialix: did you try it ?19:32
vilaMy memory may be wrong, it may have been fixed...19:33
bialixI'd like to19:33
Peng_jelmer: "svn-upgrade" sounds a little scary. And wouldn't I need to install the rebase plugin?19:33
jelmerPeng_, yeah, that depends on the rebase plugin19:33
vilabialix: bzr --coverage cover selftest -s bp.qbzr19:33
bialix-s bp.qbzr?19:33
vilabialix: don't tell me you don't know -s bp.qbzr !!!19:34
vilaJust try: bzr selftest -s bp.qbzr19:34
bialixme me me19:34
bialixI don't remember19:34
bialixI've not followed your bzr toys many months19:34
vilabp.qbzr expands to bzrlib.plugins.qbzr it will speed up running your plugin tests by orders of magnitude19:35
vilaI'm sorry I didn't publicize that much :-/19:35
bialixI recall it now19:35
bialixit was your patch19:35
bialixin first half of 2008, yes?19:35
* bialix using full form -s bzrlib.plugins.scmproj19:36
vilaCould be, can't remember that sort of date generally :-)19:36
vilabialix: haaaa, ok, so the shortcuts are far more recent yes.19:36
bialixfound in the HACKING.txt19:36
bialixTest coverage19:36
vilaAs are the ability to specify mutiple ones19:36
bialixAll code should be exercised by the test suite.  See `Guide to Testing19:36
bialixBazaar <testing.html>`_ for detailed information about writing tests.19:36
bialixnot so many info19:36
vilabialix: that's right --coverage is underused :-/19:37
bialixvila: -s bp.xxx -- it's worked! nice!19:37
bialixI have obscure feeling it was the patch from spiv19:38
vila--coverage is from spiv yes19:38
bialixoh no, it soo loong to wait for oz people to wake up19:38
bialixwell, thanks, you gave ne a clue19:39
bialixwill test how it selftest :-)19:39
vilabialix: are you in the Kiev TZ ?19:39
vilabialix: I see, yes, waiting for NZ will be a bit hard for you :-/19:41
bialixvila: bzr --coverage FILENAME -- that's right?19:41
bialixvila: are you not in Europe?19:41
vilabialix: no --coverage DIRECTORY19:41
vilabialix: I am in France19:42
bialixwhat DIRECTORY?19:42
vilabialix: one that will contain files whose names are the python modules19:42
bialixvila: should I think waiting is not so hard to you? ;-)19:43
vilatry it on a sample and look (you may have to create it first, I don't remember) looking at the results things should be obvious19:43
vilabialix: one hour less :)19:43
* bialix downloading coverage.py19:43
vilahuh ?19:44
bialixyou think I should not?19:44
vilaI don't remember needing an additional package... I may be wrong, checking19:44
bialixvila: I'd like to not start using python-based bzr if I can19:44
bialixbzr.exe is much pleasure19:45
vilahaaa. sry19:45
bialixI knew only one actively maintained coverage lib: http://nedbatchelder.com/code/modules/coverage.html19:46
bialixI suppose spiv used it19:46
vilacan you just try ./bzr selftest --coverage cover -s bt.test_read_bundle19:47
* bialix trying19:47
vilaA quick look seems to imply using the standard trace python module19:48
vilaOk, I just run it, no need to create the cover directory, it's created automatically19:48
bialixPermissionDenied: blah-blah-blah: I've almost forgot this stuff19:49
vilarats, tests failing ?19:49
bialix51 tests, tests passed19:50
bialix16 leaking tests :-P19:50
vilado you have a cover directory ?19:50
bialixhave the "cover" dir full of files19:50
* bialix m-m-m19:51
* bialix looks19:51
vilabialix: get it ? '>>>' not executed, 'n' number of executions19:51
bialix>>> not executed? you kidding19:52
bialixor the result id weird19:53
bialixhow it can't execute def blah(foo):19:53
bialixvila: you're right19:54
bialixvila: about plugins19:54
bialixit don;t see my plugin19:54
bialixonly launchpad19:54
vilaA workaround can be to install your plugin in a directory XXX/bzrlib.plugins with XXX in PYTHON_PATH19:55
bialixso... if I'm put it inside bp, perhaps it will collect the info19:55
vilabe aware to *not* leave it in .bazaar/plugins though...19:56
vilaBah, that's gross, we should really fix that19:56
bialixthis makes my job harder19:56
bialixbut actually I keep my plugins in the BZR_PLUGIN_PATH dir19:56
vilaI know, that's the bug :)19:57
* bialix will try suggested hack19:57
bialixmerci beaucoup19:58
* bialix mutters: "I just need to create special lightweight checkout and blow"19:59
vilaI'm off, report your results, I'll read it tomorrow !20:00
imnotparanoidhello all! I'm a new bzr user, and need some help with my "workflow" (just a quick question). can anyone spare a few minutes?20:02
Peng_jelmer: svn-upgrade doesn't edit the subversion repo or anything, right?20:04
jelmerPeng_, no20:04
bialixshoot your quick question20:04
Peng_jelmer: Alright.20:04
imnotparanoidi have a shared repo, a checkout using bzr-svn. i branch and work on them, etc. how can i create a branch on a flash drive, for example, so I can work at home?20:05
imnotparanoid(i have copied a normal branch.. but, the revisions were in the repo.. so i could not use it at home)20:06
bialixwhat's your OS?20:06
imnotparanoidXP @ work (where i have the repo), linux @ home. bzr 1.11 on both20:06
ericvwWhere should I post about getting an appropriate version of bzrtools in the PPA?20:07
Peng_Ergh, wait a minute. I branched off of the bzr branch too. How do I svn-upgrade the child?20:07
Peng_An idmap-file?20:07
bialix1. create treeless repo at flash: bzr init-repo --no-trees E: (or other drive letter of your USB)20:07
jelmerPeng_, no, the upgraded ids are consistent20:07
bialixerr, actually you need sensible patg20:08
jelmerPeng_, Just run svn-upgrade there as well20:08
Peng_jelmer: Oh, nifty.20:08
imnotparanoidok.. next step20:08
bialixthen do bzr push from your branch to the repo on flash20:08
imnotparanoiddo i need to use the --create-prefix ?20:08
bialixyou'll get the new branch inside repo on flash with full history20:08
bialixmore specific example, let's say your flash drive letter E: and you create repo/ dir20:09
bialixbzr init-repo --no-trees E:/repo20:09
bialixcd your-local-branch20:09
Peng_Argh, how the heck do I tell svn-upgrade where the original svn branch is?20:09
bialixbzr push E:/repo/trunk20:10
jelmerPeng_, it's the first argument20:10
bialixthis will create new branch called trunk20:10
Peng_jelmer: You mean the one that causes it to say "No repository present"?20:10
jelmerPeng_, ah, you have to give it a repository URL20:10
jelmerPeng_,  not a branch URL20:11
imnotparanoidthank you! I think I can handle it from here!20:11
bialixbecause you're using bzr-svn you need to specify format --rich-root-pack (or more recent) for init-repo20:11
Peng_jelmer: Oh.20:11
imnotparanoid(it hasn't crossed my mind to create another repo on the flash drive)20:11
Peng_jelmer: Indeedy, that worked.20:11
Peng_jelmer: Thank you for the help. :)20:11
imnotparanoid(yes, i know about the --rich root-pack from the initial repo)20:11
bialixyou may want to look at repo-push plugin20:11
bialixand/or multi-pull command (from bzrtools)20:12
imnotparanoidi'm still reading the documentation (i'm not sure - yet - about the differences between push/commit/branch or pull/checkout).20:13
ericvwwhy isn't the new 1.11 version of bzrtools in the PPA?20:14
imnotparanoidthank you for your time. i'm going to give it a try tonight! have a nice evening!20:14
bialixgood luck20:15
Peng_jelmer: Thank you for the help. "bzr svn-upgrade" seems to have gone fine. :)20:19
jelmerPeng_, np20:21
jelmerPeng_, ideally "bzr merge" will do the right thing in the future20:21
jelmeronce revision-id aliases work :-)20:21
pooliehello all20:23
bialixjelmer: rev-id aliases?20:24
jelmer'morning poolie20:24
bialixhello poolie20:24
jelmerbialix, yeah, though hooks in the graph code might be sufficient for the moment20:25
bialixpoolie: I hope this patch will go into 1.12: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C497A0CD9.7030005%40arbash-meinel.com%3E20:26
bialixit should fix many problems20:27
poolieit looks good to me too20:27
poolieyou keep asking me about patches i've approved :)20:27
pooliealthough admittedly yesterday to say it caused breakage20:27
bialixno, yesterday it was garyvdm20:27
poolieis jam still around? he should be20:27
jampoolie: I'm around20:28
jambialix, poolie: It works for "shelve" but causes some tests for things like "diff" to break20:28
jamI can give specifics20:28
jambut basically, our lock ordering is a bit haphazard20:28
pooliediff probably has to work :)20:29
pooliei was going to start the release in about 5 hours from now20:29
jampoolie: yeah, I would guess it is something like "bzr diff -r branch:" not working correctly.20:29
bialixso, I'd better won't try to ping you both then20:30
jampoolie: you're up early, btw20:30
pooliei am20:30
jambialix: I'll see if I can't get it working today20:30
pooliei wanted to review ian's patches20:30
pooliei don't know if they'll land for this release but my review of them is pretty overdue20:30
bialixjam: I was in big hope about locks problem'20:30
bialixbut I can live without shelve220:31
jamI still have some hope for it20:31
bialixbut shelve1 required patch.exe to be present20:32
bialixanyway, I'd better stay on the side20:33
* bialix hides20:34
jambtw, poolie, you forgot to package bzrtools in the ppa during the 1.11 release, which seems to cause troubles for a lot of people, we should both get it packaged, and keep an eye out for that with the 1.12 release20:40
poolieyes, i saw :/20:41
pooliealso, i think it would be easier to just merge everything across20:41
pooliei wonder if people are actually using bzrtools features, or if (as one person said) they were just told it's good so they keep it installed20:41
jelmer    s = self.filesock.readline(size)20:55
jelmerTypeError: readline() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)20:55
jelmeranybody else seeing this?20:55
lifelessjam: pooliee: I believe that is what johnf wants to help by doing20:55
lifelessjelmer: yes, it was on the list, post b john on sunday20:55
jelmerlifeless, ah, thanks20:56
jamjelmer: vila and I have posted a fix. It has to do with https and python<2.620:56
=== AnMaster_ is now known as AnMaster
bialixjelmer: you've mentioned launchpadbugs recently. is it the separate library?21:09
jelmerjam, ah21:10
jelmerbialix, yeah - see lp:python-launchpad-bugs21:10
bialixjelmer: is it possible to use it to mark all bugs related to milestone to mark as "Fix Released"?21:11
jelmerbialix, not out of the box21:11
jelmerbut you could write a script using it that would do such a thing21:11
bialixit's very boring task, so I'm ready to write the script21:12
mwhudsonbeuno: hello21:13
beunomwhudson, howdy21:14
mwhudsonbeuno: do you know what History.get_merge_point_list is trying to do in loggerhead?21:14
mwhudsonand simplify_merge_point_list21:15
beunomwhudson, the latter, no idea. The former, IIRC, is used to find out what revisions to look at to get the files changed in a mainline revision21:16
beunobut I get dizzy everytime I try and go in there21:16
mwhudsoni guess it's time to step back and say21:17
mwhudson"what information is interesting to display"21:18
beunoI think the information we're displaying is fine21:18
beunowe *could* drop the merged in revno21:18
lifelessI'd like a datestamp21:19
beunoso we don't pay the cost of the dotted revno21:19
lifelessmore than a revno21:19
mwhudsoni have to say21:19
mwhudsoni have _no idea_ what's going to appear in the "merged in" section21:19
lifelessin a 'query again' interface, a revno is essential21:19
lifelessin a 'click through' interface, its noise unless requested21:19
beunomwhudson, good enough reason to drop it  ;)21:20
beunoif we do manage to load stuff more lazily, then the ajax bits would be a huge performance improvement21:21
beunoigc's new API makes it pretty easy, and if we can tweak the plugin to save the cache somewhere else, everything is going to feel *very* fast21:22
beunobut, AFAICT, we have to re-write quite a few bits in LH before being able to use it21:22
mwhudsonbeuno: well, i harbour a perhaps naive belief that there is something useful to display here21:22
mwhudsonso about revision numbering21:22
mwhudsonthe thing is that, in today's reality at least, numbering _one_ off-mainline revision does enough work to number them all21:23
mwhudsonso taking one revision number off the page doesn't really help21:24
beunomwhudson, if we don't fetch non-mainline revs in the changelog view, we can use jam's lazy revno API21:25
mwhudsoni think that would hurt usefulness too much21:27
phinzeeek! "[Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable"21:27
mwhudsonphinze: not as scary as it sounds, are you doing a diff during a commit or something?21:27
phinzebzr break-lock, bzr: ERROR: The lock for '/home/phinze/proj/uiris3/trunk' is in use and cannot be broken21:28
phinzebut bzr info doesn't list any locks21:28
beunomwhudson, really? The default changelog view doesn't really have to display dotted revnos. We could check to see if it's mainline revs being navigated or not21:29
phinzea ha21:31
phinzefound a zombie process21:31
phinzethat was running a diff | vim -21:31
phinzedisaster averted :)21:31
mwhudsonbeuno: the unexpanded view doesn't, i guess21:31
mwhudsonbeuno: can i ask you to step back some more?21:32
* beuno steps back more21:32
mwhudsonbeuno: i'm trying to think about what information we want to display, and it feels like you're trying to optimize revno display21:32
mwhudsonbeuno: so i actually think the unexpanded changelog view is more or less right already21:34
mwhudsonin the drop down thingy21:35
mwhudsoni think we could show a bit more about the merged revisions21:35
mwhudsonbeuno: do you remember this screenshot? http://people.ubuntu.com/~mwh/hacked_up_changelog_view_3.png21:36
mwhudsonobviously that's not right, but...21:36
beunomwhudson, yeap, showing more information would be good21:37
beunobasically, bzr log -v, I guess21:37
beunoI'd add the date next to the merged revs21:37
beunoas lifeless pointed out21:37
mwhudsoni do think branch nick is useful too21:39
beunosure, maybe even group commits by branch nick21:40
beunowould make weird sorting sometimes though21:41
mwhudsoni guess you need to be careful about displaying too much information too21:41
mwhudsonargh argh where to start21:41
beunomwhudson, I can think of two (very different) places:  1) start refactoring things so we can be clearer about what is being accessed, or, 2) finally implement your screenshot21:42
beunosomething basic intially, just the revno, author, shortened commit message and date21:43
mwhudsonwhat i was trying to do last night was removing history.py somewhat21:43
mwhudsoni hate the way you have template -> controller -> history.py -> bzrlib21:44
mwhudsonit makes the intent so hard to unpick21:44
beunothat sounds like my favorite thing  :)21:44
beunoof course, it's probably the hardest21:44
mwhudsonbut now i've bumped into this line of code21:45
mwhudson            merge_revids = self.simplify_merge_point_list(21:45
mwhudson                               self.get_merge_point_list(change.revid))21:45
mwhudsonwhich is where we started :)21:45
beunomaybe that flattens it into a list instead of a graph?21:46
beunoI remember debugging it at some point21:46
mwhudsonso one interpretation of a 'merge point' is 'oldest mainline revision that has it as an ancestor'21:48
mwhudsonwhich is actually something that's a little annoying to determine with the command line client21:49
pooliehello beuno21:51
beunohiya poolie21:51
* beuno goes home, bb in ~20'21:53
igcmorning beuno, mwhudson21:53
beunomhey ig21:53
beuno"hey igc"21:53
beuno"I hate my internet connection today"21:53
mwhudsonhi igc21:54
veritosIs it possible to pull just one directory from a repository, à la Subversion?22:25
veritosThank you.22:26
bob2well, you could bzr split, but that doesn't reduce the amount of downloaded date22:26
jmlyou know, that call was shorter than I expected :)22:34
mwhudsonwe only veered off once or twice, and not for very long22:35
jaminterestingly, it is easier not to veer off when you know there are 10 other people around22:35
jamthough it was still fairly long given that you have that many people to deal with22:36
jam(it wasn't *longer* than expected, just expectedly long)22:36
mwhudsonbeuno: i guess you're on the phone now?22:42
phinzeso i've got 6 distinct commits i want to pull out of trunk before we deploy, and i'm at a loss for how to proceed22:42
beunomwhudson, in theory, but not in practice22:42
phinzereverse merge each one and commit?22:42
beunothumper left me for abentley22:42
mwhudsonbeuno: heh22:43
abentleybeuno: It's alright, you can have him now.22:43
mwhudsonbeuno: how long are you going to be around for tonight?>22:43
mwhudsonnot necessarily for in depth discussion, just for sounding-board type stuff22:43
beunomwhudson, I have quite a few more things to do, so probably within the range of "hours", on and off while I go for a run and eat22:44
Peng_phinze: Probably, yeah.22:45
jmligc: the patch at http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3Cd06a5cd30901260349v321f27a8uc1ab6a75bacb0f06%40mail.gmail.com%3E has all the tweaks in it.22:52
phinzegah, some of the commits i want out of trunk are sub-commits of other commits23:07
phinzesigh, i think i'm just going to comment out the crucial changes we don't want deployed :(23:07
Odd_BlokeThere doesn't seem to be a great deal of shelve/unshelve blackbox testing.23:08
Odd_BlokeIs there ongoing shelve/unshelve work somewhere?23:12
spivOdd_Bloke: not that I know of23:17
spivOdd_Bloke: well, ISTR lifeless sent a small bug fix for it to the list recently.23:18
beunopoolie, hi. Are there still known problems with the new progress bars, or should I report the bug that status text concatenates instead of replacing eachother?23:19
spivbeuno: report23:19
beunowill do, thanks spiv23:19
Odd_Blokespiv: OK, cool.  It seems there are a few things that could be made nicer, so I wanted to check I wasn't duplicating effort.23:20
Odd_BlokeDo all new errors need a test in bzrlib.tests.test_errors?23:20
spivOdd_Bloke: yes, please.23:21
lifelessspiv: its merged23:21
spivOdd_Bloke: it's amazing how easy it is to create an Exception with a broken __str__ :)23:21
Odd_BlokeHeh, like the one I was about to commit. >.<23:25
lifelessjam: if you return tonight, I filed a bug on annotate on thursday I think23:26
lifelessvila: ^ or you23:26
Odd_BlokeTwo quick questions: 1: does 'shelf' seem like a reasonable bug tag to people (1.5: do we have a process for choosing bug tags?), and 2: what do people think of named shelves?23:28
lifelessOdd_Bloke: yes.no nice23:29
spivOdd_Bloke: what lifeless said23:30
igcjml: so merging that diff, the tip is "Jonathan Lange 2009-01-25 Blackbox tests, forgot to add these earlier."23:32
jmligc: yep23:32
igcjml: that include everything?23:32
jmligc: it does.23:32
jmligc: I just checked :)23:32
igcjml: cool. Sending it off now ...23:33
jmligc: thanks.23:33
lifelessspiv: sync(23:36
eydaimonI've got a checkout on a host blah@foo.com. I want to clone it to my laptop. bzr clone bzr+ssh://blah@foo.com/my_checkout  doesn't work. what am I doing wrong?23:38
eydaimonthe error is "ERROR: Not a branch"23:39
Peng_eydaimon: The path is relative to the root, not your homedir.23:39
eydaimonok, thank you23:39
Peng_eydaimon: So, unless you actually have a directory called "/my_checkout", alongside "/usr" and "/dev"...23:39
spivlifeless: the current code is at lp:~spiv/bzr/fetch-streaming23:47
Odd_BlokeWhat does 'f' in the shelve prompt mean?23:49
Odd_BlokeLooking at the code it means 'yes to all'.  So 'force'?23:49
lifelessOdd_Bloke: sounds plausible23:51
lifelessspiv: ok...23:51
lifelessspiv: I'm fooding; may I ring?23:52
spivlifeless: sure.23:52

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