
IntuitiveNippleahhh, temporary issue... reboot of the VM solved it00:04
histoThere is a bug with compiz right now and nvidia02:04
histoJust kill compiz.real and you can get in.02:04
histoctrl+alt+F1 killall compiz.real   then CTRL+ALT+F7 and log in.02:05
histowow very little activity on this channel for this release?02:41
histoare we losing that many users?02:41
macois dinner on the US west coast, and bedtime on the east coast02:41
macoand "kids, do your homework that's due monday!" time all across the US02:42
macoand its way past bedtime for europe02:42
histoI've just never seen this channel so slow with a release at this stage.02:48
histohell even the ubuntu channel is slow02:48
|syockit|it's monday morning in east side of the globe02:49
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackelope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule02:54
Chriz212Hi ya people =)03:42
Chriz212how can i restore grub from usb?, i installed windows 7 after jaunty =\03:43
|syockit|Chriz212: mount your root partition somewhere (eg /mnt/ubuntu), mount boot inside the root (eg /mnt/ubuntu/boot)03:49
|syockit|*boot partition03:49
|syockit|Chriz212: i wish I could show you a good page on that03:50
|syockit|Chriz212: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435103:51
Chriz212|syockit|i am outta cds =(03:52
Chriz212i need to uuse usb =\03:52
|syockit|no, it's for livecd/liveusb all sorts03:52
|syockit|Chriz212: do you have liveusb?03:52
|syockit|as long as you can boot, you can fix03:53
Chriz212i should be able to boot my usb =)03:53
|syockit|does it have a shell?03:53
|syockit|ubuntu shell of course03:53
Chriz212i am on windows 7 =\03:54
Chriz212the usb drive i blank....03:54
|syockit|okay, if it's at least 1gb, then use unetbootin to install livecd on it03:54
Chriz212woot brb 3hours....03:56
Chriz212gotta dl ubuntu....03:57
|syockit|If I only knew a smaller distro with the tools needed...04:02
|syockit|maybe DSL was good enough04:02
ubottuWant to suggest or discuss ideas of a future project/feature?  With Launchpad you can track blueprints (feature specification summaries) from discussion through review, approval, and implementation.  See https://blueprints.launchpad.net/04:12
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john_hello all04:55
john_how can you recover ubuntu when it is booting only to (initramfs), can anyone help please please please04:55
FFForeverhow do i regenerate my config for grub to add windows 7?05:02
kabFFForever, boot with your ubuntu cd05:07
kabopen a terminal05:07
kabdo sudo05:07
kabsudo su -05:07
kabmount your ubuntu root partition05:07
kabif your partition is /dev/sda305:07
kabmkdir /media/sda305:07
FFForeverkab i am already in ubuntu =)05:08
kabmount /dev/sda3 /media/sda305:08
kabbind your dev and proc in /media/sda305:08
kabcd /media/sda305:08
FFForeverhow do i add run the grub auto configuration?05:08
kabmount -t proc proc proc05:08
kabthen mount your dev05:08
kabmount -bind /dev /media/sda3/dev05:09
kabafter you have that, you chroot your partition sda305:09
kabchroot /media/sda3 /bin/bash05:09
kaband reinstall your grub05:09
kabgrub-install /dev/sda05:09
kaband that's all05:10
|syockit|kab: does it detect win7 partition?05:13
kab|syockit|, you need to configure your menu.lst05:13
kabin your /boot/grub/menu.lst05:13
|syockit|I take it as no then?05:13
kabyou need to configure your Windows05:13
kabtitle Your WIndows, XP, Vista, etc05:14
kabthis is a simple example, but you can get the idea05:14
kabwhere sda1 is a windows partition05:14
kabif your windows partition is in sda2 you need to setup your rootnoverifi (hd0,1)05:15
john_I got it fixed never mind thank for looking05:26
clpanyone successfully installed office 2003?05:39
ryanpriorclp: appdb.winehq.org05:41
peterzgah, the gnome plop plop sounds are back!!08:26
scizzo-peterz: its a feature08:26
peterzscizzo-: no its not, its driving me insane08:26
peterzscizzo-: worst part is, I had them disabled, but they came back after an upgrade08:27
macoredisable them?08:28
peterzmaco: that gnome-volume-control doesn't appear to have the switch anymore :/08:28
peterznor could I find anything usable in gconf-editor08:29
macosorry, i just missed krunner08:30
macoit just went back to the old one08:30
macoprobably because if you dont use pulseaudio the new one breaks *completely*08:30
peterzI also noticed I don't have to kill pulse anymore, because it stopped starting itself ;-)08:31
macohm gnome-sound-properties doesnt exist anymore?08:31
peterznot on my machine apparently08:32
macomine either08:32
peterzI tried apt-cache search, but that didn't find it either08:32
macoi dont know what's going on08:32
macoand dtchen is sick, so probably sleeping instead of going online all the time. maybe themuso would know?08:32
peterzwhat actually generates the plop plop stuff?08:33
peterzis that gtk?08:33
peterzor some gnome lib08:33
macoi dont know08:33
peterzright,... because I'm almost at the point where I'm going to leech the source package and teach it to not plop08:34
peterzof course, that requires knowing which source package...08:34
macowhy not just rename the sound file in /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/ so it cant find it?08:35
peterzok, let me do that08:36
peterzyay, that did it08:37
peterzrm -rf /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu ftw!08:37
maconow you have no login sounds either you know08:37
peterzI don't care ;-)08:37
macoor the little drums when it tells you "go put in your password"08:37
macooh. um. ok.08:38
peterzthose didn't annoy me as much, because that only happens like rarely08:38
howlingmadhowiehi everybody :) jaunty is cool :)08:50
CoreyOnHey guys, I just updated my system (already had jaunty) and now when I boot I get a black screen before the login. I have a geforce card, and I'm 100% sure it's something to do with nvidia, can anyone help with this? I've tried changing the driver to nv in xorg.conf, but no luck.08:52
syockitif nv doesn't work, then I don't think it's just nvidia. but just in case, try vesa09:02
Crusterhi there...I have a problem...when I try to disable vsync or direct rendering in advanced effects menu, effects cannot start. What could be the problem? Should I provide xorg.conf?09:12
syockitYou can't have effects with direct rendering disabled. no comment on vsync though09:47
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Sergeant_PonyI trued in #ubuntu and got no reply... sorry. but I need to know about xforms. I need it to compile echolinux and can't seem to find any help.? please?10:33
syockitwhy does it need xforms? no gtk/qt?10:38
Sergeant_Ponyaccording to the doc's it's required and doesn't compile without it10:38
Sergeant_Ponythere is no gui for the program, it's all command line10:39
syockitbut xforms got something to do with x11 gui10:41
syockittry libx11-dev10:41
syockitfound it: libforms1-dev10:44
syockitSergeant_Pony: pinging you for answer10:44
Sergeant_Ponyok, cool. I'll give it a shot. thanks10:44
syockitSergeant_Pony: sorry it's libforms-dev10:44
Sergeant_Ponythanks... now hopefully it compiles ;)10:46
Sergeant_Pony:) it worked. thanks10:48
BUGabundogood morning everyone10:59
|ns|nR8CPU- +57°C Fan: 4192 RPM | M/B- +39.0°C | GPU- +51°C | HDD- +38°C11:22
gourgihi i have a problem  with ecryptfs11:57
gourgii installed ecryptfs-utils , i created a second account to test --encrypt-home option, and i could login to the  2nd account butu i couldn't login to my primary11:59
gourgiactually i could login from my virtual terminals but not from GDM, it  just return back there12:00
gourgiwhat i did : uninstall ecryptfs-utils, login through GDM, install ecryptfs-utils and generate passprhase for the primary account12:01
gourgiso both work well now :D12:01
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nblracerhavinge some problems with Jaunty13:03
nblracerjust did an upgrade last night to oo it, and i hate to say it broke my system13:03
nblraceri have a feeling the problem is with X but unsure13:03
nblracerWhen i boot up it is unresponsice  on the login screen13:04
nblracerthe user name text and icon are un clear13:04
nblracerI'm also not able to drop down to a terminal screen at this time13:05
nblracerAfter several tries i was able to login once, but then it froze while loading my user data13:07
nblraceris therea simple way i can repaire this13:15
nblraceror should i down grade?13:15
platiusnblracer;  you might look at this post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106191913:17
platiusnblracer; the forumache post worked for me.13:22
ali1234well it seems like the DPI thing has opened up a huge can of worms13:23
nblracertaking some notes now, and will give it a go in a few13:25
vbgunzhas Kubuntu Jaunty updating broke? I have not gotten an update in 4 days :/13:26
vbgunzI do sudo apt-get update && upgrade and nothing is coming down.13:26
vbgunzahh getting them now. unusual though. I've tried the last 3 days this being the 4th and I've never seen a development version go a day without an update. things slowing down?13:28
vbgunz27 updates in 4 days :|13:31
vbgunzbrb, hopefully it fixed kwin compositing crash :)13:32
nblracerbrb goinging to try this13:33
nblracerstill having problems13:56
nblraceri tried deleting xorg.conf13:57
=== custombrush_ is now known as custombrush
nblracerand killing compiz13:57
nblraceralso im using an intergrated on board vid by intel not nvidia13:58
ali1234my intel video has suddenly become really flaky too14:00
ali1234not to the point of being unusable though14:00
nblracerwell my whole sytem seems to lock up14:01
ali1234compix is going really slow and the sound is crackly like it's using 101% cpu...14:01
nblracerbut i dont know what my problem is14:02
ali1234a reboot seems to have fixed it actually14:02
nblraceri think it is X, since sometimes when i can enter my PW, i get a black screen of flashing colors, then it locks up14:03
nblraceri think  i fond the probelm14:11
nblracerhere is my problem14:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed]14:23
nblracerand it is on the main page of jaunty as a known big14:24
nblracerbaw cant type14:24
nblracermay have to down grade :(14:25
nblracerlet me try a few things..14:25
incubiiwill jauntys new kernel come with update iwl3945 drivers ?14:31
bardyrHey, im going to install jaunty on a laptop with two disk in a raid 0 with ext4, the raid is going to hold 2 partitions one for the system one for data. one of the disk are going to have a /boot partition and the other a swap14:31
bardyrhas anyone tried this or have any comments?14:32
incubiii have 4 disks in raid 0 with ext4 running, but its hardware raid14:32
bardyrincubii, did you use the alternative cd?14:32
bardyrincubii, how is it running?14:33
incubiii dont know of any other way to install with ext414:33
incubiiruns good, no hiccups yet14:33
incubiifile operations feel a little snappier14:33
Likei have a truble shot hard14:34
IntuitiveNippleext4? Yes... deletes on large trees are impressively fast (e.g. linux kernel)14:34
IntuitiveNippleExt4 can be selected in the Ubiquity desktop installer14:34
Likerhythmbox dont work dont launch the link14:34
Likeoff any link14:34
Likethe suport has faded14:35
Likeim out14:35
incubiium ok14:36
bardyris jaunty going to have kernel 2.6.29?14:48
custombrushso now i will booting jaunty and check updates14:51
incubiibardyr, it looks like it will15:07
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unixdawgok I just ran the upgrades that came out and they failed.15:48
vbgunzhow in the world do you set 256 colors for vim in screen? screen keeps botching my colors down to 8. why?15:49
alex-weejbecause vim is rubbish, use gedit15:51
Volkodavanybody else has this uprgade that can not be fully installed &15:57
gnomefreakdepends on what upgrade you mean15:59
Volkodavwell whatever popped up this morning with update manager16:02
charlie-tcaI used apt-get and it ran all of them16:03
Volkodavsome packages are not marked for download and install16:03
charlie-tcaI know. Running "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ran all of them, though16:04
VolkodavI wonder if I wait or go with partial16:04
unixdawgjaunty is turning out nice16:04
unixdawgI just got realplayer installed and it works great16:07
unixdawgbut still need koffice216:07
fujimitsunew driver version 180 is active but visual effects will not run. blank screen with a cursor.16:07
fujimitsuhad to force a shutdown. it turned unresponsive. but could restart normally without visual effects16:08
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fujimitsuthis is nvidia16:10
syldeb35fujimitsu: known Bug #32634416:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz/kwin freezes on login as of xorg-server" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634416:11
unixdawgok mplayer wont install on jaunty16:13
SebastianSome update from the last 24 hours broke something for me. When GDM starts on my ThinkPad X60s, all I see is a blank screen. Known issue?16:17
kuaeraAnyone have any information on enabling desktop window transparency? I feel it might be a driver issue, as I am running "ati" and the composite X extension is loaded.16:19
vbgunzscreen doesn't see .screenrc *unless* I use the -c switch to point to it. anyone know why?16:21
unixdawgany idea when mythtv will install and work on jaunty16:27
VolkodavI am getting this error after recent upgrade ==> http://pastie.org/38406316:35
Volkodavany ideas guys ?16:35
rainmanp7I got errors where the Nvidia driver wouldn't even let me boot into the desktop16:40
Volkodavhappenned too16:41
Volkodavsecond reboot helped16:41
Volkodavcompiz is the least of the concerns really16:42
Volkodavsomething you can live without16:42
Volkodavthat's for sure16:42
fujimitsunpviewer just crashed web surfing16:58
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nblracerhello i was on earlyer this morning, reporting a problem with X, just wont to state that i was able to use the workaround provided17:28
^hashbang^I just installed Alpha 4 amd64  and I can't for the life of me get the 173, 177, or  the 180 drivers to work. I can logon to GDM but then  my screen goes to a black background, and a mouse  arrow and nothing else happens. if I go to a console I  can see that the gnome bar has started, along with  other gnomeish bits..17:36
^hashbang^nvidia card that is =)17:36
^hashbang^any idea's? thoughts...17:37
nblracerhmm yes17:37
^hashbang^cool ok..17:37
nblraceri had a simmilar problem and there is know bug with nvidia, Some one gave me the link, to the work around17:38
^hashbang^btw, this is a quadro fs 56017:38
nblracerlet me look though the logs17:38
^hashbang^ok cool, ty17:38
^hashbang^ty, i'm reading now =)17:39
nblracerhow ever that was not my problem17:39
nblracermine was this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/30487117:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed]17:40
nblracerthats if you had a intel vid card, so dont worry about that17:40
^hashbang^funny enough, I didn't see any errors... just a black background... and I didn't have compiz enabled. I had just installed from apt-get and then rebooted...17:41
^hashbang^ah so it's a compiz and glx driver issue?17:42
nblraceri think compiz is on by defult17:42
^hashbang^ok well, let me try it again... thanks for the link17:42
maxb^hashbang^: bug 32634417:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz/kwin freezes on login as of xorg-server" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634417:42
nblracerif there a highly recomended GUI for xorg.conf?17:45
^hashbang^ok brb17:46
maxbnblracer: Your favourite text editor! :-)17:46
* charlie-tca thought gedit would be the wrong answer...17:48
macoer, gui....uh....gvim?17:49
* syockit vims17:50
charlie-tcayeah, gvim for gui17:57
^hashbang^cool guys that worked18:00
^hashbang^export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 did the trick18:00
vbgunzcompositing is broken in the latest jaunty. been like this for several days. anyone know whats going on?18:07
macovbgunz: be more specific18:07
macowhat video driver?18:08
vbgunzmaco: I enable effects, I see the login wallpaper, and boom, stuck ... nothing happens at all. I have to edit .kde/share/config/kwinrc and disable compositing, restart X just to get it work again18:08
vbgunzNvidias 180.22 I believe18:08
macook so it could be kwin or nvidia18:08
macolemme install myupdates and ill tell if it affects my intel system18:09
vbgunzmaco: I have an AMD system if it makes a difference :)18:09
vbgunzeffects were working fine until a few days ago. I don't know why, but effects make everything feel faster18:11
zdobersekIs anybody having a working wireless connection in Jaunty Alpha4? With Belkin's USB adapter, NetworkManager appears to be connected to the wifi network with ~90% signal strength, but no packages seem to transmit and loading any page in firefox fails. Anybody having same problem or even solution for it?18:12
vbgunzzdobersek: are you mac filtering on the router? just curious. my only tip really :|18:13
macozdobersek: did you use wireshark to confirm that no packets are moving?18:13
zdobersekmaco: I saw incredibly low amount of packages receives/sent when looking at wlan0 connection properties.18:14
macocan you try doing "sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop" then connect using iwconfig?18:15
nikolamHI. Can I add EXT4 support to my current Hardy install?18:16
nikolamliko compile module or soemthing?18:17
BUGabundonikolam: you are better asking in #ubuntu-server18:17
BUGabundonikolam: you are better asking in #ubuntu-kernel18:17
BUGabundoor the kernel ML18:17
macosounds like a bad idea...18:18
macodefnitely need to move the data and copyit back if you DO do it18:18
fujimitsufirefox is behaving pretty well. i'll even postpone installing galeon18:18
vbgunzI would love to convert my ext3 to ext4 ... I just haven't found a definitive up-to-date trusted guide or walkthrough on it :/18:19
vbgunzmaco: I just did an update that requires a reboot, maybe this will fix it?18:19
vbgunzone sec, going to check for latest nvidia drivers18:19
fujimitsuconvert? wouldnt you have to check off that option on installation18:19
nikolammaco, I am not using ext4 for anything but testing jaunty on another partition18:20
nikolamI know ext4 is not recommended in present time for default fs18:20
vbgunzfujimitsu: yeah, you can do it like that but I believe it is also possible to "convert" ab exisiting ext3 installation18:20
nikolamI just want access to ext4 from hardy18:20
macofujimitsu: you can move teh data off it, format the partition, and move the data back on. it cannot upgrade in-place because the inode sizes change (or something like that)18:21
maconikolam: might wnat to wait til they figure out that thing where files saved on ext18:21
macoon ext4 magically become 0-byte files18:21
fujimitsuright. that sounds more like the way to do it. but since i dont know how much time vs. doing a fresh install... well18:22
vbgunzgoing to reboot18:22
nikolammaco yes, ext4 is not god for use now, bur read only or something is ok for me.18:22
fujimitsuwhen is that web integration thing happening (havent checked milestone)18:24
macoweb integration?18:24
fujimitsuwell.. thats what jaunty is about fast startup and web apps from desktop type thing.. i guess i have to read some more18:25
fujimitsuone thing i know for sure.. its still not faster than 8.10 startup yet18:26
_MMA_Any ides why desktop effects cannot be enabled on Intel 82852/855GM atm?18:27
fujimitsuvisual effects are a no-go even on nvidia driver version 18018:29
_MMA_fujimitsu: Ok. Haven't tested Jaunty on nVidia yet. Thanx for the heads up.18:30
Alexia_Deathfujimitsu: visual effects are entirely a go. but not with alpha4.18:30
Alexia_Deaththe X in that version is buggy. two versions back works nice.18:31
vbgunzmaco: I just upgraded the kernel, reinstalled the nvidia driver and kwin compositing still doesn't work. I see the login screen, login, and the default splash freezes with the last 3 items still fuzzy :/18:31
* Alexia_Death is using kwin with visual effects.18:31
fujimitsudriver is active.. just cannot enable visual effects properly18:31
vbgunzAlexia_Death: you're having problems with compositing too?18:31
anderskbug 32634418:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz/kwin freezes on login as of xorg-server" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634418:31
Alexia_Deathvbgunz: known bug18:31
maxbAlexia_Death: 3 versions back now18:32
vbgunzawesome, link?18:32
Alexia_Deathmaxb: Still there?18:32
maxbWell, I'm extrapolating from the changelog not touching anything relevant at all18:32
Alexia_Deathfujimitsu: I could not enable it either some time back but it does work wuith 180.27 and the xorg version that ended in 1ubuntu018:32
andersk0ubuntu1.  It’s all in the bug report.18:33
vbgunzam going to try it without direct rendering... see what happens18:34
vbgunzif I log out, something went horribly wrong, call police!18:34
vbgunzhmm, disabling direct rendering works18:35
vbgunzI see my shadows and things are smooth :)18:35
Alexia_Deathdoesnt disabling direct rendering kill performance?18:36
vbgunzAlexia_Death: not sure, it seems good so far *but* I believe it should18:39
unixdawgok having a issue on jaunty with oss/alsa/arts fighting for audio18:39
unixdawgcant get any softphone to work18:39
ryoushi19anyone having trouble starting gnome on 9.04?18:40
ryoushi19Like, I actually can't start gnome whatsoever the normal way.  I have use a failsafe terminal session, start gnome-panel, go in and start the network manager and metacity, etc etc.18:42
ryoushi19it's kind of a pain.18:42
ryoushi19and then my sound doesn't even work.18:43
ryoushi19anyone have any suggestions at all?18:43
macoevolution is using 99% CPU on trying to send an email18:43
macoit uses 38% just sitting there, then i hit send and it spikes to 101% then settles down to 98%18:44
ryoushi19so, does anyone know any way to get gnome to start normally?18:47
maxbbug 32634418:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz/kwin freezes on login as of xorg-server" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634418:47
macoas opposed to abnormally?18:47
custombrushby putting this line in your ~/.gnomerc:18:48
custombrush  export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1  it works18:48
macowhat about for kde users?18:48
historyoushi19: ctrl+alt+f1 kill compiz.real then switch back18:48
ryoushi19well, starting abnormally would be having to open an xterm session, starting gnome panel, then starting everything else from there.18:48
ryoushi19but thank you for your suggestions, I'll try them.18:48
histoJust basically kill compiz.real and it works for the time being.18:48
macocheck your xsession-errors because gnome-session sounds like not running18:48
macosure you didnt choose Run Xclient Script?18:48
ryoushi19no, I chose failsafe terminal.18:49
ryoushi19to get it to actually work.18:49
macoer....well that's what a failsafe terminal is supposed to be like...18:49
ryoushi19well, yes, I know.  I'm saying that was what I did to work around it.  the normal gnome session wouldn't start.18:49
ryoushi19and I was starting the normal gnome session.18:49
macowhat happens when you try to start the nomral one?18:51
ryoushi19K, the whole "kill compiz.real from a terminal" thing didn't work out.  what were the other methods again?18:59
kulighti have moved to jaunty today every thing went well except when trying to  enable nvidia 173 drivers it installs well but when booting up again i get only the desktop wallpaper and nothing else. any idea's ?19:03
kulight!Bug 32621519:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326215 in ubuntu "After today's updates I can't log in" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32621519:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Bug 32621519:04
anderskIt's happening to everyone.  bug 326344.  (Which I think I might have just figured out, by the way!)19:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz/kwin freezes on login as of xorg-server" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634419:04
anderskI'm currently testing a debdif that should fix it.19:04
kulightyay :)19:04
anderskWe'll know as soon as xorg finishes building...19:05
kulighti'll wait ill help test if you want19:05
kulightthere is pretty big performance boost...19:07
histokulight: ON WHAT?19:07
kulightjaunty jeneral fell19:07
histono big performance boost on what jaunty?19:08
histowith the new kernel and xorg?19:08
histoI don't see it.19:08
kulightno just the general feel of the system compare to intrepid19:08
kulighthisto: ^19:09
macoanyone reproduce: evolution uses ~ 100% CPU trying to send signed mails then fails to sign/send them anyway?19:10
custombrushi use thunderbird19:10
macowell that doesnt count...19:10
anderskHmm.  That debdiff didn't work.  I'll keep looking.19:12
maxbCould the "increase max clients" thing get reverted temporarily?19:34
macomaxb: what?19:37
maxbbug 32634419:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz/kwin freezes on login as of xorg-server" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634419:39
CoreyOnHello, I just updated my system (already had Jaunty) and now when I restart I get a black screen, and it'll never load the log in menu. I've read this is a problem with the latest xorg version. However I can't fix this, as no matter what I do it's stuck on this black screen.19:46
maxbIs your graphics hardware nvidia? Do you not even get to the login screen?19:47
CoreyOnIt is nvidia, no I can't get to the login screen19:47
CoreyOnEven tried changing my xorg.conf in a live cd to the driver mode as nv, that didnt work as well19:48
histoCoreyOn: try safe graphics mode19:48
kulightCoreyOn: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:49
maxbhrm, this is sounding somewhat different to what other people are experiencing19:49
CoreyOnI've read fixes for this problem, I can't seem to get out of the black screen19:49
CoreyOnHow do I get to safe graphics mode?19:49
histoYour botting the live cd or this is on your hd?19:50
maxbI suggest first attempting a rollback of the troublesome xserver update: dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg-core_2%3a1.5.99.902-0ubuntu1_*.deb19:50
CoreyOnhard drive19:50
histoCoreyOn: oh kill compiz.real19:50
CoreyOnmaxb: I cant get out of the black screen -> meaning I can't get to a terminal19:50
histoCoreyOn: boot up hit ctrl+alt+F1 the ps aux | grep compiz find hte pid number sudo kill thatpid  then ctrl+alt+f719:50
maxbYou can't even switch to a text VT ?19:50
CoreyOni've tried ctrl+alt+f1, that doesnt do anything either19:51
CoreyOnstill is a black screen19:51
CoreyOnit might be different from what other people said because it's loading kubuntu, with the kdm instead of gdm19:52
histoCoreyOn: well right now there is a problem with compiz and nvidia19:53
CoreyOnI knew this, but nobody else mentioned that they couldn't get to the terminal, where I can't seem to do it19:53
histobug 32634419:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz/kwin freezes on login as of xorg-server" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634419:54
histoTry booting to recover mode.19:54
maxbCoreyOn: What about booting, choosing the recovery mode option at the bootloader menu?19:54
CoreyOnOk, but these people can get to the terminal19:54
CoreyOnalso i've tried recovery mode, that didnt do anything either19:55
maxbDefine "not do anything"19:55
CoreyOnblack screen19:55
maxbWell, I don't think recovery mode even goes into X, does it?19:56
CoreyOnsorry, i meant when it does boot after19:56
maxbWell, get a text mode prompt via recovery mode and fix things there, then19:56
CoreyOnit gives me the menu of choices, i've tried the one that trys to fix the graphics19:56
CoreyOnthat didnt fix it19:56
maxbBTW, I've pushed a package with the troublesome patch reverted to my PPA.19:57
CoreyOnwhich option is that?19:57
maxbBinaries haven't been published yet, I expect they will be at the top-of-the-hour publisher run.19:57
CoreyOnhow do i get to the prompt from recovery mode?19:58
maxbDoesn't it just give you that option?19:58
CoreyOni dont remember it being there, i guss i'll try it again19:58
CoreyOnif i do get in, what command shoudl i type?19:59
CoreyOni'm not using compiz, its kwin19:59
kulightCoreyOn: ןאד םמ ערונ צקמו19:59
kulightCoreyOn: its on grub menu20:00
CoreyOnkulight, i cant see that text20:00
kulightwhen booting up you dont see anything ?20:00
CoreyOnYes, I see my bootup screen as normal20:01
CoreyOn CoreyOn: ןאד םמ ערונ צקמו that I cannot read20:01
kulightoh sorry its the wrong lang (im switching between chats)20:02
CoreyUnok so i'm in root via the recovery option, what command should i use now?20:09
kulightCoreyUn: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:10
maxbMaybe try rolling back to the earlier x server first?20:11
maxbdpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/xserver-xorg-core_2%3a1.5.99.902-0ubuntu1_*.deb20:11
maxbassuming it's still in cache20:11
CoreyUnok well it says xserver=xorg isnt installed20:11
maxbThe name is xserver-xorg-core20:15
CoreyUnyes yours worked, i'm retarting now to see if its fixed20:15
CoreyUnnice its working20:16
CoreyUnok new problem, i can now login, but once i try logging into kde, it'll try to log in, and then go back to the login window... however i can log into gnome20:19
unixdawgok having random lockups in jaunty20:24
unixdawgruns fine then I open seamonkey or another app and it locks the system up20:24
_VIM_are there no Kubuntu version of Jaunty? When i go to this site, none of them are labeled Kubuntu, only Ubuntu-desktop-i386-iso20:58
BUGabundo !daily20:59
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:59
BUGabundo_VIM_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/21:00
_VIM_ok i was going by the site in the topic :D21:00
_VIM_lol they're labeled the same21:01
_VIM_they should have the word kubuntu in them :/21:02
BUGabundoI had to change my rsync scripts21:10
bardyr_Hey, does anybody else have a problem with compiz feezing the desktop environment?21:11
anderskbug 32634421:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz/kwin freezes on login as of xorg-server" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634421:12
BUGabundoandersk: eheh already on trigger?21:12
macoany evolution users experiencing extremely high cpu load when attempting to sign emails?21:12
anderskPGP sign?  No, seems to work fine for me.21:13
geserdoes somebody know what's the current way to setup the (gstreamer) audiosink in jaunty? I used till now gnome-sound-properties but it seems to be gone.21:15
BUGabundois there even sound working??21:15
macosound works for me in kde...'21:16
macohave not rebooted today though21:16
BUGabundomaco: are you on jaunty now?21:18
BUGabundoI have to kill PA a few times just for it to connect21:18
BUGabundoand then it fails to accept connections from any other app, other then the 1st21:18
geserI can use totem to play some mp4 from youtube, but I don't use PA but plain alsa21:19
geserbut I don't know where I can change from analog output to digital output21:20
gesertrying PA to get sound on both analog and digital output at the same time is on my TODO list21:20
macoBUGabundo: note the "kde" part of that21:20
macokde doesnt use pulse21:21
macoBUGabundo: if youre only getting connections from the first app, i really doubt pulse is in use21:21
macothats what happens when you use pure alsa with no dmix21:21
macoandersk: its using 100% cpu for a few minutes before finally bringing up the passphrase box. then i enter the passphrase correctly. then it always tells me i did it wrong.21:22
anderskmaco: Yeah, I definitely don't see that problem.21:24
maco:-/ wonder if evo's having troube using gpg-agent instead of seahorse-agent... it *should* work. it worked yesterday.21:25
hggdhmaco, my experience is that gpg-agent slightly clobbers seahorse-agent (so I was getting the KDE password dialog instead of the Gnome one). But I do not know what else could happen21:27
quentusrexCan someone tell me how to delete a gconf tree?21:28
quentusrexI have a f***ing piece of software that improperly wrote to gconf, and now I can't remove it... I can't remove the tree....21:28
macohggdh: for some reason im getting the gnome one today. i guess evo is trying to use the not-running seahorse-agent even though it is *perfectly capable* of using gpg-agent...as it did before seahorse-agent existed21:29
quentusrexand the gconftool-2 --recursive-unset won't unset all of the keys... only half of them.... I need to delete the tree....21:29
BUGabundoquentusrex: gconf-editor ??21:29
macoBUGabundo: gconf-editor cant do that21:29
macoit can delete individual keys, but not folders21:29
quentusrexyeah, I need to delete whole folders....21:30
BUGabundowelcome RAOF21:32
quentusrexWhy would there be something that the root user can't erase???21:40
BUGabundoAO: [pulse] Failed to connect to server: Connection refused21:40
BUGabundoAO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)21:40
BUGabundothis is nice!21:40
quentusrexwhat's the grep command to search for text in a directory of files recurisvly?21:51
quentusrexI mean look inside each of the text files?21:54
anderskYou mean look only at text files and not binary files or devices?  See --binary-files and --devices in the grep(1) manpage.21:56
quentusrexWill I have to reinstall to get rid of glorified registry errors?21:57
quentusrexandersk: yes, only text files.21:57
quentusrexandersk: just in case you missed the original problem. gconf won't allow me to delete a particular tree... I need to delete the directory.21:57
quentusrexand I'm told it might do this if there is a default setting for gconf somewhere, but gconf won't tell me where that damn file is, or even if there is one....21:58
quentusrexSo because of the inability to delete a gconf directory I might have to install.... :(21:58
anderskYou almost certainly don't want to delete the defaults.21:59
anderskYou could try reinstalling the package that contains the defaults, if you suspect that the defaults have somehow been messed up.21:59
quentusrexI have purged an application from my system, but the gconf stuff isn't removed...21:59
quentusrexand I have no way to manually remove them.21:59
andersk`dpkg -S /usr/share/gconf/defaults` will print a list of packages that own files in /usr/share/gconf/defaults.22:00
anderskTry reinstalling those packages, then run sudo update-gconf-defaults.22:00
quentusrexthe app isn't in there...22:01
quentusrexthanks andersk somehow that worked....22:01
quentusrexI think it was the update-gconf-defaults...22:02
quentusrexit seems not to do that automatically....22:02
anderskWhich package?22:02
quentusrexI tried to install ekiga 3.022:03
quentusrexbut that failed...22:03
quentusrexand then I removed it, and tried to install ekiga 2.0 from package,22:04
quentusrexbut ekiga 3.0 left 'problems'22:04
brucealdridgerunning jaunty, ran updated, rebooted, blank screen, can still login/ssh ... just no display.22:05
brucealdridgerunning jaunty, ran updated, rebooted, blank screen, can still login/ssh ... just no display.23:04
quentusrexis it possible to take a package from jaunty and install it in intrepid?23:07
dou213hi guys, can somebody help me set up my ftp-server correctly? i am behind my router, trying to connect with FileZilla within the lan on an ubuntu server box, when i connect unencrypted it works just fine, when i do it with SSL it gives me an error: Connection timed out!23:14
bernzdou213, try to avoid cross-posting to unrelated channels -- this is not an appropriate one for general help  ;-)23:18
bernz(you can pm me and i can try to suggest some things to help, but i'm not an expert or anything)23:18
dou213ok thx bernz23:19
anderskquentusrex: Sometimes.23:22
anderskCheck the package dependencies for a good approximation of whether it's likely to work.23:23
bernzis jaunty the first release to use a moniker based on a non-existent animal?  :-)23:55
FFForeverhow do i find out what partition windows is?23:56
FFForever(so i can add it to menu.lst23:56
maxbTry "blkid"23:56

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