
ogralool, in fact it migth not even matter which endianess the kernel is, seems its a simple switch in apex11:12
* ogra wonders if he can flip that without re-rolling the whole image11:12
loologra: We should use the same endianess as Debian otherwise multiple places will have to diverge11:15
loole.g. flash-kernel, d-i11:15
ograah, indeed11:15
Stskeepshow's the kernel project going btw?11:39
ograslow, we might not see omap kernels for jaunty11:40
ograthere is still hope though... 10 days to go until FF11:41
Stskeepsjaunty is freezing in 10 days? k11:41
playya10 days = at least 200h for working. no family. no sleep. and sitting on a big basket :)11:46
* ogra wonders why playya describes his day to day work11:46
* ogra lifts the cover of the basket and sees that it snows outside11:47
playyai sit on a very comfortable chair. but the rest: yes :D11:47
playyabut atm i have a few exams. so sometimes i have to learn  ;)11:48
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=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
=== ScriptRipper_ is now known as ScriptRipper
=== Omegamoon is now known as Omegamoon|away
=== Omegamoon is now known as Omegamoon|away
=== Omegamoon|away is now known as Omegamoon|Dozing

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