
Kamping_Kaiserhi all. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements has some /very/ low minimum requirements for "ubuntu desktop" with a note "The minimum requirements are only likely to allow a server (non-graphical) installation to run well"10:08
Kamping_Kaisershouldnt these 'no GUI' specs be moved under a server heading, and the minimums for desktop adjusted?10:08
Kamping_Kaiseri think its wrong to say ubuntu desktop runs on <500mhz processor - bits will still flip, but its not usable by any stretch of the imagination.10:09
mdkeKamping_Kaiser: that seems sensible22:34
Rocket2DMnlots of activity on the mailing list today22:35
Rocket2DMnhey mdke , do we still want to fix bug 243797 for hardy?22:39
Rocket2DMnbah no ubotu here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/24379722:39
mdkeRocket2DMn: I'm still of the same opinion as my last comment, tbh22:41
jpdsRocket2DMn: Pardon?22:41
Rocket2DMnjpds, what?22:42
jpdsmdke: Good evening.22:42
jpdsRocket2DMn: Nothing I just made ubot4 join the channel after your last sentence.22:43
Rocket2DMnah, cool22:43
jpdsIf it falls off the internet or something, just grab us in #ubuntu-irc.22:43
mdkejpds: evening22:45
Rocket2DMnmdke, i think we should implement using lshw for that bug since what is described currently doesnt even exist in hardy22:45
Rocket2DMnthough i think there are some problems with explanations of the output22:46
mdkeRocket2DMn: right, I understand the bug, I just am not sure how invasive the changes are, so that's why I said I'd like to see a patch22:47
Rocket2DMnok, ill see if i can follow the directions on the wiki later this week and upload a proposed patch to the bug22:47
mdkeRocket2DMn: awesome. don't forget to use the hardy branch for that one22:48
Rocket2DMnyeah, i have hardy, intrepid, and ubuntu-doc branches downloaded and up to date22:48
Rocket2DMnyou just need a diff right?22:48
mdkeRocket2DMn: sure, bzr diff can do the trick22:50
Rocket2DMnyeah thats the command i see on the wiki22:50
Rocket2DMnso ill make the change is minimal as possible then22:50
mdkethat's great.22:51
Rocket2DMnguess i should dedicate some time during the bugjam to checking out ubuntu-docs bugs22:51
mdkeif you're up for it, that would be great; there are probably a few bugs that would be easy to fix22:52
Rocket2DMnyeah, easy bugs would be a good place to start.  we have a bugjam meeting set for the 21st with our loco22:53
Rocket2DMnyeah, we'll see how much time i end up spending helping others triage bugs rather than working on them myself, but ill do my best22:54
mdkeeither way, sounds good22:55
Kamping_Kaisermdke, since its on help.u.c does that make changing it the docteams job? (and or finding similar places it needs changing)23:30

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