
twbThe "server" and "alternate" CDs are subtly different, e.g. the tasksel list provided is different.01:44
twbI'm doing installs using the bare netinst kernel and initrd, which seem to behave like the alternate CD.01:44
twbCan I make them behave like the "server" CD, i.e. things like offering the server tasksel list?  If so, how?01:45
twbI'm having trouble appending preseed.cfg to a gunzipped initrd.04:34
twb$ cpio -o --append -F initrd </dev/null04:34
twbcpio: premature end of file04:34
twbLooks like I need -H newc...04:38
davmor2Morning guys are you around I have a query about reinstall grub in rescue mode?10:06
davmor2evand, cjwatson: ^ Forgot to add your names D'oh10:07
cjwatsonwhat is your query?10:08
davmor2is /dev/hdxx still relevant on an ubuntu system being as all drives are now /dev/sdxx10:09
davmor2or is grub specific to a fault?10:10
davmor2cjwatson: ^10:12
cjwatsonfirstly, (hdN) in grub does not mean /dev/hdN10:17
cjwatsonsecondly, some systems do still use /dev/hdN10:18
davmor2cjwatson: I know that (hd0) isn't specific but the text also says you can type in /dev/hda as an example.  I was just checking that this information was still relevant and not out of date as it may of been missed :)10:21
davmor2Now I know I can carry on :)  Thanks10:22
cjwatsonyeah, it's still relevant; only IDE controllers which have been converted to the PATA subsystem use /dev/sd*10:22
cjwatsonit may not be the *best* example nowadays, but it isn't wrong10:22
davmor2cjwatson: Cool, I only really noticed it because I'm writing up the testcase and wondered about it :)10:23
loolcjwatson: Just FTR we've looked at the NSLU2 boot issue last week and ogra is continuing research on this; there are misc hints we're trying out10:53
loolSuch as endianess of the kernel, apex fis partitioning, apex script10:54
loolHmm right CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN is set on Ubuntu and not on Debian10:55
cjwatsonlool: ok, thanks11:29
davmor2cjwatson: is it best to enable pc cards if you have them at the find cd stage in expert mode?12:05
cjwatsonit's best to accept the defaults in expert mode unless you have specific requirements12:08
davmor2cjwatson: Thanks12:09
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3000 ubiquity/debian/ (57 files in 2 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.12:39
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3001 ubiquity/debian/po/ (58 files): more complete translation update12:43
CIA-3user-setup: cjwatson * r151 ubuntu/debian/ (64 files in 2 dirs): Update translation templates.12:52
CIA-3user-setup: cjwatson * r152 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.23ubuntu1012:59
tjaaltoncjwatson: ok to add the multipath patch for grub? (bug 312447)14:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312447 in grub "support for multipath" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31244714:50
cjwatsontjaalton: that seems OK15:03
tjaaltoncjwatson: thanks15:06
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3002 ubiquity/ (10 files in 5 dirs):15:11
CIA-3ubiquity: * Replace the previous iteration of the timezone map (zoommap) with a new15:11
CIA-3ubiquity:  version (timezone_map) that should be easier to use, in accordance with the15:11
CIA-3ubiquity:  JauntyUbiquityUsability specification.15:11
CIA-3ubiquity: * Use wrap_label, a replacement for GtkLabel from libview that does15:11
CIA-3ubiquity:  height-for-width text wrapping to work around bgo 101968.15:11
evandThat still needs quite a bit of polish and bug fixing, but I wanted to make sure it landed ASAP15:12
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3003 ubiquity/bin/ubiquity: Create the debug log if it does not already exist.15:34
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3004 ubiquity/gui/glade/stepLocation.glade: The first drop down box on the timezone selection page now describes a region, not a time zone.15:38
cjwatsonevand: r3003> oops, good point15:43
cjwatsonevand: could you do that to oem-config too?15:43
evandwill do15:43
davmor2evand: so that'll be in the installer tomorrow correct so I can see if I can break it :)15:45
CIA-3oem-config: evand * r606 oem-config/oem-config: Create the log file if it does not already exist.15:48
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3005 ubiquity/debian/ubiquity.templates: Change the first drop down box to reflect the region in the templates file as well.15:49
evanddavmor2: only if we release a new ubiquity today.  I wouldn't worry too much about hammering it just yet.  There are a few glaring issues that I need to fix first (the timezone points do not line up properly and we need to remove the country borders, for example)15:50
evandStill if you test it and find some other issue, I'm keen to hear about it15:50
davmor2evand: I'm smoke testing each afternoon so if it's in it'll get tested :)15:51
evandmpt: http://people.ubuntu.com/~evand/tmp/ubiquity-timezone-9.04-dev.png - if you have a free moment and see any glaring errors in that design, do let me know.  Alternatively I'm a few desks away and can give you a quick demo, but I suspect you're too busy for that.  Do note that we're going to remove the country borders and use better colors in the next cut of the image.  I also still have to render a clock in there somewhere and possibly brin16:04
evandg in the right edge a bit to make the spacing even.16:04
evand^ cjwatson likewise :)16:04
mptevand, it's very ... colorful16:05
evandindeed, the colors on the terrain will be removed16:06
evandwell, merged into a single color16:06
evandbut noted :)16:06
mptgood good16:06
mptThe intro blurb says "the indicated current time" but I don't see any16:07
evandindeed, I have to add a clock still16:08
evandmy current thought it to put a rendered analog clock with a digital clock embedded in that either in the bottom left of the map or between south america and africa16:08
evandbut suggestions welcome there16:08
evandworst case scenario, I could always add the text clock back in16:09
evand(it was removed to allow more space for the map)16:09
mptIdeally the instructions for what to do if the time is still incorrect should be pretty close to wherever the clock ends up16:10
mptThe whole map is off-center16:12
mptand (therefore?) so are the menus underneath16:12
evandindeed, I believe that was originally done to be in line with the HIG (indenting underneath the explanatory text)16:13
evandcjwatson: suggested indenting the right side as well16:14
evandmy personal preference would be to remove the indentation altogether16:14
mptI agree16:14
evandwith which?16:14
mptremoving it altogether16:14
mptI think indentation is intended more for showing which controls belong to which heading when there are multiple headings16:15
mptHere there's only one16:15
evandok, noted.  Wonderful, that will provide even more space for the map to grow into.16:15
mpt(Do the other installer steps have the same indentation?)16:16
evandMost do (http://people.ubuntu.com/~evand/screenshots/ubiquity/)16:17
CarlFK2 part question: what is the right way to change:  /boot/grub/menu.lst:85 # defoptions=quiet splash16:19
evandugh, glade-3 is thoroughly annoying sometimes (deletes custom widgets, renames things foowidget1)16:19
CarlFKso that when a new kernel gets added, I don't get a .conf collision - and is there some way to drive this from the preseed file so that I don't have to even edit the file16:20
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3006 ubiquity/gui/glade/stepLocation.glade: Remove the GtkAlignment (and thus the left padding of the map) from the timezone selection page.16:22
mptevand, the only other one that jumps out as wrong is the keyboard layout step16:22
mptoh, now I see that the "Where are you" map isn't centered either16:23
evandmpt: you would suggest removing the indentation on the keyboard selection page as well?16:23
mptand the "Where are you" page16:24
evandthe map isn't centered?  It's a projection of a sphere :)16:24
mptIt's not horizontally centered within the window16:24
evandahh, indeed16:24
evandok, I've made the where are you page change as r300616:24
evandI'll take care of the keyboard layout page now16:25
mptCIA-3 said 3006 was about timezone, not where are you16:25
mptbut thanks :-)16:25
mptI wonder if a nice way to show the selected time would be as text, overlaid at the bottom of the selected timezone16:26
evandwhere are you is the timezone :)16:26
mptoh, sorry16:26
evandthat could easily be done.  I can at least mock it up as one possible option.16:26
mptLooking at the old screenshots I thought it was a completely separate stage for some reason16:27
mptMaybe that's why the DX team have started calling me Muppet16:27
mpt... Because if the selected time is near the bottom of the map, and the "If the selected time is wrong..." text is underneath the map, that will achieve the goal of having those two things near each other.16:28
evandah, indeed16:29
mptThe whole set of instructions could stand being under the map, even16:29
mptFor "Selected region" and "Selected city", what does the word "selected" achieve?16:30
evandnot sure, I think I was just trying to be consistent with the old design16:31
evandbut if "City:" and "Region:" works, I'm fine with changing that16:31
mptI think it would work16:32
mptHeh, looking at this map I can see why Xinjiang has its own unofficial timezone16:32
evandok, I'll make the change there as well16:34
mptThe main remaining thing that puzzles me is why two of the areas look selected16:34
mpttwo of the timezones, I mean16:34
evandone is selected and the mouse is over the other16:34
evandthe highlight moves with the mouse16:34
evandcurrently, anyway16:35
mptah, hmm16:35
mptSo is there any mousedown feedback?16:35
evandthe x appears over the nearest timezone point to the cursor16:36
evandother than that, no16:36
evandthere are two ways to get to the same place.  You can select a timezone point by using the map, or using the drop down menus.16:37
evandUsing one or the other reflects the selection in both.16:37
mptI think it's confusing for the selection appearance and the mouseover appearance to be 99% the same16:38
mptI'm not a fan of mouseover effects in general, unless they clarify things in a way that really would be too cluttersome if applied even when you weren't mousing over16:39
evandso your preference would be for the timezone highlight to only appear when the user clicks on the map?16:40
mptSo if you'd decided that showing all the timezone boundaries all the time was too cluttersome, I could understand showing the border of the hovered-over timezone on mouseover16:40
mptbut you're showing all the timezone boundaries all the time anyway16:40
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3007 ubiquity/gui/glade/stepKeyboardConf.glade: Remove the alignments next to the keyboard selection widget and the 'type here' GtkEntry box, per mpt's suggestion.16:40
mptyes, I think so16:41
mpthighlight just the selection16:42
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3008 ubiquity/debian/ubiquity.templates: Remove 'Selected' from the labels on the timezone page.16:42
evandmy only concern there is that it's then not obvious that you can interact with the map16:42
evandas it does nothing at all when you move over it.  You have to click on it to realize that it's interactive.16:43
mptCould you use the pointy-hand cursor?16:44
mpt(the one Web browsers use for links)16:44
davmor2evand: can you not change the cursor to be a pointy hand or something as you hover over the map16:44
davmor2and a cursor the rest16:44
evandHrm, I could indeed16:45
mptsnap :-)16:45
evandmpt: did he beat you to it?16:45
mptNot from where I'm sitting, maybe I'm lagging16:45
davmor2I was typing it as mpt posted :)16:45
mptWhat are the dark dots west of Greenland?16:45
mptI was thinking they were cities that use the next-door timezone, but according to Google Maps there's nothing there16:46
davmor2evand: for colours could you not just use a green/blue/lightish grey and pick a slightly light colour for the adjoining time zone and then back to the darker version and so on16:48
evandhrm according to the map we're using they appear to be part of -516:48
* evand digs16:48
evandhrm, it indeed appears to be a bug with the image.  I'll make a note to mention that to Ken.16:49
evanddavmor2: the colors are going to change, but I'm leaving the selection mostly up to Ken as he's designing the image.16:49
* mpt guesses supporting Xinjiang time probably would upset more people than it would delight16:49
davmor2ah okay16:50
evandmpt: xinjiang time?  Isn't that just +8?16:51
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3009 ubiquity/debian/changelog: Changelog entry for the alignment removals.16:52
mptevand, officially yes, unofficially it's +616:52
* evand shakes his head at the mess that is timezones16:53
davmor2evand: And you said it would be easier ;)16:53
mptWhat timezone you use depends on what form of transport you're using, among other things16:53
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3010 ubiquity/ubiquity/timezone_map.py:17:15
CIA-3ubiquity: Display a hand pointing cursor when over the timezone map.17:15
CIA-3ubiquity: Remove the timezone mouseover highlights.17:15
CIA-3ubiquity: evand * r3011 ubiquity/ubiquity/timezone_map.py: Add the current time to the bottom left of the selected timezone on the timezone map page.17:50
evandwhoops, that should say bottom right17:51
cjwatsonCarlFK: easiest way is just to put the extra parameters you want at the end of the kernel parameters when booting the installer itself, after the "--" separator parameter18:04
CIA-3usb-creator: evand * r75 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/backend.py):18:06
CIA-3usb-creator: Better handle filesystem-on-disk in the bootloader installing code.18:06
CIA-3usb-creator: Thanks Loïc Minier (LP: #325375)18:06
CarlFKcjwatson: awesome.  thanks.18:23
CarlFKcjwatson: pxe booted installer with:     append initrd=ubuntu/jaunty/initrd.gz root=/dev/rd/0 rw locale=en_US console-setup/layoutcode=us netcfg/wireless_wep= netcfg/get_hostname= DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 url=http://shaz/ubuntu/jaunty/preseed.cfg tasksel:tasksel/first="ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-desktop" -- vga=620:09
CarlFKmenu.lst still has: kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-7-generic root=UUID=a5e2a23e-a2ea-4aa8-8d20-72e43612e99c ro quiet splash20:09
CarlFKdoes the installer save the kernel params it used to /var/something?20:10
cjwatsonvga= is explicitly excluded20:10
cjwatsonare you *sure* you want it?20:10
cjwatsonit breaks suspend/resume20:11
CarlFKI can live without vga - more important just to get rid of the splash so that if the boot hangs I can see the last thing it was doing20:11
cjwatsonsounds as though the easiest approach would be to sed defoptions in preseed/late_command and run update-grub20:12
cjwatsondebian-installer/framebuffer=false will also disable splash, but may have other consequences you don't want (or you may not care)20:12
cjwatsonoh, I think I've said before, but you can replace your tasksel preseeding there with tasks=ubuntu-desktop20:13
CarlFKso after menu.lst gets changed (sed of vi) I run update-grub,  and that will get rid of the "menu.lst has changed, what do you want to do? " when apt-get installs a new kernel?20:13
CarlFKoh yeah... forgot to touch that up]20:13
cjwatsonyou'll only get that if you change the comments and the autogenerated options separately20:13
CarlFKah - I should just change the # defoptions=quiet splash and let update-grub update the kernel line?20:15
cjwatsonthe file format sucks, sorry about that20:17
cjwatson(not that it's my fault, but collectively ...)20:17
CarlFKi can cope.20:17
CarlFKthanks for the tips - 'i'll give it a shot20:17
CIA-3partman-partitioning: cjwatson * r694 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog free_space/new/do_option):20:18
CIA-3partman-partitioning: Don't default to logical if an extended partition already exists, only20:18
CIA-3partman-partitioning: if a real primary partition exists.20:18
CarlFKand the project I am working on has an issue tracker where I am pasting what you tell me - if we are lucky I will remember where to look when it comes up in 6 months ;)20:18
CIA-3ubiquity: cjwatson * r3012 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs):20:21
CIA-3ubiquity: Don't default to logical if an extended partition already exists, only20:21
CIA-3ubiquity: if a real primary partition exists.20:21
CIA-3partman-auto: cjwatson * r279 ubuntu/ (72 files in 25 dirs):20:47
CIA-3partman-auto: Add support for $default_filesystem as the partition type in a recipe,20:47
CIA-3partman-auto: and $default_filesystem{ } as an internal specifier. These are20:47
CIA-3partman-auto: equivalent to FS and filesystem{ FS } respectively, where FS is the20:47
CIA-3partman-auto: value of partman/default_filesystem. Requires partman-base 128ubuntu6.20:47
CIA-3partman-crypto: cjwatson * r675 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog debian/control init.d/crypto): Honour partman/default_filesystem. Requires partman-base 128ubuntu6.20:50
CIA-3partman-partitioning: cjwatson * r695 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog debian/control free_space/new/do_option):20:52
CIA-3partman-partitioning: Honour partman/default_filesystem when creating new partitions. Requires20:52
CIA-3partman-partitioning: partman-base 128ubuntu6.20:52
CIA-3debian-installer: cjwatson * r1037 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog doc/devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt):21:00
CIA-3debian-installer: Document new $default_filesystem substitution and $default_filesystem{ }21:00
CIA-3debian-installer: internal specifier in partman recipes.21:00
CIA-3partman-auto: cjwatson * r280 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 83ubuntu321:33
CarlFKcjwatson: how do I update-grub in the installer?  update-grub=  -sh: update-grub: not found21:33
CIA-3partman-crypto: cjwatson * r676 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 36ubuntu421:34
CIA-3partman-partitioning: cjwatson * r696 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 64ubuntu321:34
cjwatsonCarlFK: chroot /target update-grub21:36
cjwatsonactually maybe 'in-target update-grub' would be better; that also mounts a bunch of filesystems and hooks up debconf plumbing21:36
CarlFKworked at the prompt - added to late_command, from the top...21:41
* CarlFK does happy grub dance 21:57
CarlFKcjwatson: thanks bunches - this little grub issue has been bugging me for a long time21:58
cjwatsonglad to help22:00

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