
sven777would a MOTU be so kind as to review my package? Thanks in advance! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=lmalinux01:25
jsmidtHow do you convert a patch, my.patch, into a format dpatch will understand?02:11
ScottKjsmidt: Use dpatch-edit-patch.  See it's man page.02:29
jsmidtScottK, thanks02:33
ScottKtxwikinger: Would you please update ichthux-meta to drop arts.  We're trying to get it removed from Jaunty: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/RemoveArts03:19
ScottKPlease mark on the wiki page when you've done it.03:19
txwikingerScottK: ok.. will do03:19
chrismurfI just started trying to package a new package today for Universe - is Jaunty still worth targeting? Is it possible to add new packages to Jaunty?04:10
nhandlerchrismurf: New packages can still be added. But Feature Freeze is coming up soon. So if you want to get it into Jaunty, you might want to get it finished and uploaded to REVU asap04:11
chrismurfnhandler, thank you -- first package, so I will do what I can -- just wondering if I should try and target Jaunty or go +104:13
nhandlerchrismurf: You can try and target Jaunty. Worst case scenario is that you have to change one word in your changelog for Jaunty+104:15
chrismurfFair enough :-)04:15
nhandlerchrismurf: You could also upload it to your PPA until the Jaunty+1 repositories open up04:16
chrismurfdone for intrepid ;-)04:16
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chrismurfCan somebody recommend an MIT licensed package to use as a reference for 'debian/copyright'?  All examples seem to be GPL/GPL.05:09
chrismurfbetter yet, a way to use apt-cache or otherwise to find such a package :-)05:09
chrismurfAnybody up for reviewing a first package?  It's a python library for doing geographical projections, pyproj.  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pyproj05:53
dholbachgood morning06:33
chrismurfgood morning06:34
dholbachhi chrismurf, hi iulian06:35
iulianMorning dholbach.06:35
fabrice_spHiya dholbach !06:35
dholbachhi fabrice_sp06:35
fabrice_spMorning iulian06:35
iulianHey fabrice_sp.06:35
dholbachhow's life, guys? :)06:36
fabrice_spdholbach, as usual (even if a bit colder than usual, with snow some days ago in Madrid :-) )06:38
chrismurflife's good - just got my first package into REVU, getting towards bedtime, and had a pleasant weekend :-)06:38
dholbachchrismurf: nice06:38
dholbachfabrice_sp: it's snowing here too right now06:39
fabrice_spdholbach, but it's more normal, in your case, isn't it?06:39
dholbachI guess so :)06:39
fabrice_spHow are you doing?06:40
dholbachgood good, thanks :)06:44
chrismurfIf any MOTU's have an interest in reviewing said package, it'd be much appreciated : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pyproj (it's a python library for doing geographical / map projections)06:45
fabrice_spchrismurf, please don't ask each hour for a review07:04
chrismurffabrice_sp, I'm off to bed soon, figured I'd try one more time before crashing07:04
chrismurfapologies if I'm over exuberant, I promise not to saturate motu with "pay attention to ME" :-)07:04
chrismurfthanks for the friendly reminder07:05
chrismurftake care all, thanks for the guidance today07:05
fabrice_spchrismurf, the more you request attention, the less you will have :-)07:05
fabrice_spI'll try to have a look at your package this evening07:06
chrismurfOK - not what the tutorial left me thinking - I'll bear that in mind07:06
fabrice_sp(even if I'm not a MOTU)07:06
chrismurfthe tutorial suggested it was beneficial to ask in MOTU07:06
chrismurfis it better to just leave it sitting in REVU?07:07
chrismurflet people get to it when they do?07:07
fabrice_spchrismurf, yes, but no more than 2 times a day, I think07:07
chrismurfokay, well I've used my two ;-)07:07
chrismurfthanks - take care07:07
didrocksgood morning08:23
quadrisprohi dholbach08:25
slangasekRainCT: hrm, why are you writing 'acked' in your own sync requests? :-)08:46
iulianslangasek: For karma? ;)08:56
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dholbachLaney: does the new openarena need the new -data?09:30
quadrisprodholbach: have you read my messages? :)09:47
dholbachquadrispro: yes and I replied :)09:47
quadrisprodholbach: doh, my connection was lost :(09:49
dholbachjust replied again09:49
quadrisprodholbach: thank you very much ;)09:50
dholbachanytime :)09:50
stefanlsdDoes anyone know when debuild stopped ignoring .bzr directories?10:27
sorendid you pass -i<something> to it?10:28
stefanlsdsoren: i am doing -i.bzr now, but it always used to work without it. so was just wondering when it changed10:32
sorenstefanlsd: How exactly were you invoking debuild before?10:32
sorenkeyword being: "exactly"10:33
stefanlsdsoren: debuild -S -sa10:33
sorenIn that case, I'm clueless.10:33
stefanlsdsoren: hehe. yeah. wierd. cause i've always made bzr trees of packages im working with, it always used to ignore the .bzr stuff. now it fails. shrug10:34
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Laneydholbach: I don't think it needs it, but there is a sync coming up for that anyway11:05
Laneyactually I can't request it until tonight, so it'd be good if you could11:05
Laney(it works fine)11:05
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lamotheHi all, if there's a package that I have in Debian but it's way old because Debian has been in freeze for a while, is it too late to ask for universe to be updated with a more recent release?11:25
jpdslamothe: Not at all, you have until the 29th.11:27
mok0lamothe: what is it11:27
lamothemok0: jpds: me-tv.11:27
* mok0 looks11:27
lamotheI've been kinda keeping experimental up to date ... but I'm not a DD ... and my uploader is AWOL.11:28
roccowow.......this room seems bigger than I remember11:28
mok0lamothe: it's in experimental?11:28
lamothemok0: Debian experimental.11:29
mok0rocco: this is not a room, it's achannel ;-)11:29
lamothemok0: Did I say the wrong thing?11:29
mok0lamothe: no11:29
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cbx33ahh that's better11:29
cbx33maybe it's not a room in the physical sense11:30
mok0lamothe: why do you think that?11:30
lamothemok0: Oh, no reason, I think that you couldn't find it in experimental.  I misinterpreted your question.11:31
mok0lamothe: he, I found it. OK, you need to file a sync-request bug on LP, see here:11:32
lamotheYou wouldn't guess but English is my first language. ;)11:32
lamothemok0: Ta!11:32
mok0lamothe: Ah, well that explains it :-)11:32
mok0lamothe: plz check to see that it builds on Jaunty also11:33
mok0lamothe: because we are well past DIF11:33
lamothemok0: Sure, without a doubt I will do that.  I think that it's always a good idea to build it on the target system.11:34
mok0lamothe: great! Thanks!11:34
lamotheBut should I then use Utnubu ... is it still around.11:34
* lamothe looks11:34
mok0lamothe: eeerr?11:35
mok0lamothe: your app is already in Debian11:35
lamothemok0: I thought that Utnubu synced changes back into Debian.11:36
james_wScottK: could you explain what you mean by "tame ezsetup"?11:36
mok0lamothe: but are there changes? I thought you just want to bring the version from Debian experimental to jaunty11:36
lamothemok0: Oh .. yeah, I didn't think of that11:37
lamotheI just thought that I could build one for Jaunty.11:37
lamothemok0: Either way, I'm easy.11:37
mok0lamothe: I already checked to see that there are no Ubuntu-specific changes in me-tv, so what we need to do is a straight sync. Archive admins have scripts for that11:38
ScottKjames_w: Sure.  ezsetup will try and download updates from the internet if they are missing.  In my case I didn't have python-setuptools installed on my system where I was building it, so it tried to install it from cheeseshop.11:38
lamotheI'm mostly on Ubuntu nowadays and sometimes I lose my Debian uploader.11:38
ScottKjames_w: Generally we patch packages to not do that.11:39
james_wScottK: so what not add python-setuptools as a Build-Depends?11:39
ScottKNo, just disable the ezsetup part.11:39
mok0lamothe: theres a cli-tool called requestsync if your'e into that sort of thing11:39
ScottKjames_w: You'll see I just commented out two lines in setup.py.11:40
mok0lamothe: if you invoke that with the --lp switch it talks directly to LP11:40
james_wScottK: yeah, I can see it, but ezsetup is about more than just downloading dependencies11:40
lamothemok0: Wow that's pretty neat.11:40
mok0lamothe: yep :-)11:40
ScottKjames_w: If it's trying to download updated packages from outside the repositories, then it's wrong.11:41
james_wScottK: I agree.11:42
mok0lamothe: I think the default is to sync from "unstable", you have to thrown another switch to say "experimental"11:42
james_wI'm not suggesting that we let it11:42
* lamothe is foofling11:42
ScottKThat's what I was trying to prevent, if there's a better way, I'm quite OK with it.11:42
jpdslamothe: Add: -d experimental11:42
mok0There you go11:42
mok0jpds, the online manpage :-P11:43
lamothejpds: Thanks ... I'm just trying to find the actual script ... not in repos?11:43
jpdslamothe: It's in the ubuntu-dev-tools package11:43
freeflyinganyone try the latest alternate cd with hd-image?11:43
jpdsmok0: Morning to you too :-p11:43
mok0jpds: heh11:43
lamothejpds: Thanks again11:44
mok0I am looking at a blue sky for the first time in weeks11:44
mok0Makes me all cheery11:44
lamothemok0: Thanks for your help also.11:45
mok0lamothe: I don't think Utnubu is active11:46
mok0lamothe: np11:46
lamotheOk, off to find a uploader11:47
Rafik_hello. I'm trying to merge wordpress_2.7-1 from debian experimental with our 2.5.1-8ubuntu1... I'm learning yet (first merge tentative). I'm trying to view the diffs with Meld. but before that I have to apply the debian's diff first.. can any one please help me on that ?11:51
LaneyRafik_: Do you mean 11ubuntu1?11:54
LaneyYou should just look at the diff that was applied between -11 and -11ubuntu1 and then see which of those changes we still need11:54
Laney(also, thanks for letting me know that this was uploaded. /me runs off to update his blog)11:54
Rafik_Laney> apt-get source downloaded from intrepid-updates/universe wordpress 2.5.1-8ubuntu1.111:55
Rafik_Laney> btw, thanks for your blog post, I was reading it :)11:56
Tonio_hi there :) someone to revu this please ? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/skrooge12:01
* mok0 takes a look12:08
mok0Tonio_: The shared object libraries are not meant for development work, right? In that case, we might prefer them to go into /usr/lib/scrooge12:10
mok0Tonio_: I can't yet see if it's possible to make that happen12:11
Tonio_mok0: I can ping upstream about the issue, indeed, and will make it12:11
Tonio_mok0: but I'm not ready to maintain such a patch, to be honnest :)12:11
mok0Tonio_: heh, well just a thought12:12
Tonio_mok0: and btw, it should go /usr/lib/kde4/12:13
Tonio_mok0: but you're right, upstream has to be notified on that point :)12:13
mok0Tonio_: yes I guess you're right12:14
Tonio_mok0: how's the packaging appart from that ? :)12:41
mok0Tonio_: It looks alright, I am putting the final words into the review now12:42
Tonio_mok0: super, thanks :)12:42
mok0Tonio_: OK, have fun ;-P12:44
Tonio_mok0: thanks fot the revu :)12:47
Tonio_mok0: one thing I don't understand is about the man page12:47
mok0Tonio_: np!12:47
mok0Tonio_: ok?12:47
Tonio_mok0: when was it decided that desktop apps should have a super-overdocumented man page ?12:47
Tonio_mok0: they already have docs btw and are not intended to be used the command line way ;)12:48
mok0Tonio_: at least it wasn't decided that the manpage is a formality12:48
Tonio_of course it's fine to describe all options when they are to be used that way, but writting a complete book about generic kde/qt options...12:49
mok0Tonio_: no that's not the point, you don't need to explain options, but what the program can do12:49
Tonio_hum oki :)12:49
Tonio_and about lintian, that drives me nuts :)12:49
mok0Can you use it for business? What are the principles it works on? Does it rely on a database? Webpage?12:50
Tonio_oki :)12:50
mok0What banking system does it communicate with12:50
Tonio_everyone has different expectations, override/no-override, etc.... this is very likely to the guy revuing :)12:50
Tonio_mok0: is there is clear policy for this ?12:50
mok0Tonio_: those are things I want to know as a user, explained in a plain language12:51
mok0Tonio_: Well, I think it's up to the disgression of the MOTUs and I like to see well written man pages12:51
Tonio_mok0: well as a user, you would go in the app documentation :) but that's just a personal feeling ;)12:51
mok0Tonio_: I always check the man page12:52
Tonio_mok0: but I get your point, sure :) I just have the feeling that everyone has different expectations with packaging on revu :)12:52
mok0Tonio_: We all have our favourite horses to whiip12:53
Tonio_mok0: sure :)12:53
Tonio_mok0: that's not personal, just that for example, when I package, I NEVER know if I have to override or not lintian warnings12:53
Tonio_cause some people like it, some don't, some expect it etc...12:54
mok0Tonio_: Sometimes lintian warnings are not relevant12:54
mok0Tonio_: but I just prefer to switch them on when the package is finished12:54
Tonio_mok0: so do I12:55
mok0Tonio_: and one of yours is not used by lintian anywat12:55
Tonio_mok0: I just get lost are packaging expectations.... changing every 2 weeks... I'm packaging for 4 years, and I'm still lost when it comes to revu :)12:56
mok0N:    Lintian discovered an unused override entry in its database. Please12:57
mok0N:    remove it from the overrides file if it is not needed anymore.12:57
Tonio_mok0: anyway, let's fix te points :)12:57
mok0Tonio_: It's obvious that you are experienced. You just have to roll with the punches12:57
mok0Tonio_: We have to find out if it's relevant to make a .symbols file for plugins12:58
Tonio_mok0: I have no opinion on that point to be honnest...12:59
mok0Tonio_: Yeah... it's only a recommendation so far, anyway12:59
Tonio_mok0: about debian/watch, the issue is the debian side.... sometimes working sometimes not12:59
mok0Tonio_: just use sf.net/13:00
mok0Tonio_: oh, and use ([\d.]*) instead of what you have13:00
Tonio_mok0: stupid man pages :) hehe13:01
Tonio_mok0: http://sf.net/skrooge/skrooge-([\d.]*)\.tar\.gz this way ?13:01
mok0Tonio_: yeah looks right13:03
Tonio_mok0: won't be relevant with the 403, since that's random :)13:03
Tonio_mok0: just tried twice, one 403, and one working :)13:03
mok0Tonio_: ydrk, what a nuissance13:04
mok0Tonio_: I've never had the Debian PHP service work for me13:04
Tonio_mok0: yup, I'll ping debian if that continues all day long13:05
stefanlsdAnyone seen this ftbfs before - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22389029/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.gromacs_4.0.3-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:05
stefanlsdessentially libtool: Version mismatch error.  This is libtool 2.2.6 Debian-2.2.6a-1ubuntu1, but the libtool: definition of this LT_INIT comes from an older release13:05
Tonio_mok0: http://pastebin.com/m7ef2029d not working13:05
mok0Tonio_: sh*t13:06
Tonio_mok0: http://pastebin.com/m618428fe works :)13:06
Tonio_mok0: just need to be patient, I'd say :)13:06
mok0Tonio_: Guess so :-/13:06
* mok0 wishes Debian would get Lenny off the shelf so we could all get on with things13:07
Tonio_what I don't get is the 403.... that's an authorization issue, not an overloaded service or so...13:07
mok0For example, fix webservices that are borken13:07
Tonio_a 500 error would be more understandable13:07
mok0stefanlsd: hmm, strange13:09
mok0It's libtool acting up13:10
mok0stefanlsd: libtool issues some warnings in the beginning13:11
mok0libtoolize: Consider adding `AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4])' to configure.ac and13:11
mok0libtoolize: Consider adding `-I m4' to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in Makefile.am13:11
stefanlsdmok0: mm. we dont have a m4 directory. will make it and try add that stuff tho13:13
mok0stefanlsd: well, ok, wonder why it issues that statement then13:13
mok0stefanlsd: perhaps you should avoid libtoolize13:14
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stefanlsdmok0: yeah. thanks. not doing that seems to "fix it".13:41
mok0stefanlsd: great13:42
mok0stefanlsd: There are some issues with libtool 2.2 and aclocal13:42
sven777would a MOTU be so kind as to review my package? Thanks in advance! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=lmalinux14:28
sven777oh mok0 - thanks for advocating!14:28
mok0sven777: you're welcome14:29
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sven777is revu supposed to send out emails when comments are posted?14:37
sven777nm - didn't realize you have to set the preference before emails happen14:38
sven777I thought the "subscribe" was enough to make it happen14:38
slicerHi. I could use a bit of help with a build failure report. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22413534/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-powerpc.mumble_1.1.7-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz seems to indicate the problem is in the libqt4-opengl-dev package. The package has successfully built on lpia, and the other archs are still "needs to be built". The package did build successfully on i386, amd64 and lpia in my PPA. I don't have personal access to a PPC machine, so I can't try to15:04
dholbachnixternal: THANKS :)15:05
dholbachhey huats15:05
huatshey dholbach15:05
dholbachhow's life in France? :)15:06
bddebianHeya gang15:08
ScottKslicer: Likely you need to wait until the package is built on ppc and then ask a MOTU to retry the build.15:08
slicerScottK: Ah, so the packages I'm depending on might not be built yet? That explains a lot :)15:10
ScottKI didn't actually look, but from your decscription that's what it sounds like.15:11
slicerScottK: Hmm. Googling around and looking at other packages didn't reveal anything. I'll wait and see how the other builds go, and if they work fine, I'll request a rebuild. Thanks for your help :)15:21
henrik-hw0Hi. Need a second advocate for libmirage.15:30
mok0henrik-hw0: *sigh*15:38
henrik-hw0mok0: hi.15:38
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* henrik-hw0 attempts bribing with waffles & jam. 15:42
mok0henrik-hw0: I don't think there are any MOTUs in revuing mode present ATM15:43
savvaser.. how do we specify in the changelog the changes used in Ubuntu? Something like "* Kept Ubuntu changes:" and I start laying them out?15:52
savvas(talking about a merge)15:52
Amaranthsavvas: Something like "Remaining Ubuntu changes:" and this a list under that15:53
savvasRemaining! And I was wondering about that, thanks Amaranth :)15:54
savvasI thought remaining meant the changes that had to be done, which didn't make much sense heh15:58
nixternaldholbach: no problemo!15:59
* nixternal hugs #ubuntu-motu 15:59
DktrKranzmok0: re latest motu-meeting, did you have chance to obtain REVU db?16:01
mok0DktrKranz: yes I did16:01
mok0I have it now :-)16:02
mok0DktrKranz: working on my mockup16:02
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DBOdoes anyone know why OO.o is packages with a shell script (/usr/bin/ooffice) that simple calls soffice with the same arguments.  That is all the script does (well it also obfuscates other applications ability to identify OO.o)16:03
mok0DktrKranz: I have a few issues with the schema, however. Some relations are _very_ complicated to extract16:03
mok0DktrKranz: ... which also makes them quite slow16:04
DktrKranzmok0: do you know if mysql or postgres is required?16:05
mok0DktrKranz: postgresql16:05
mok0DktrKranz: fortunately16:05
DktrKranzfor REVU yes, not for my hosting16:06
DktrKranzit only has mysql :(16:06
mok0DktrKranz: don't you have an account on spooky?16:06
mok0You'll have to run a server on localhost16:07
RainCTlike me ^^16:08
DktrKranzI can setup a VM for that16:08
mok0... and me16:08
DktrKranzVM with sid...16:08
RainCTDktrKranz: You don't really need a VM for that (unless you want to imitate the setup on spooky so that the incoming uploads processing scripts work)16:09
hyperair                                  -czf codelite_$(UPSTREAM_VERSION)+dfsg.orig.tar.gz \16:09
hyperair                                  codelite-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION)+dfsg16:09
hyperair <-- what could possibly make this end up as codelite_+dfsg.orig.tar.gz followed by codelite-1.0.2579+dfsg?!16:09
* hyperair curses16:09
hyperairit's the same damn variable why doesn't it substitute the same damn value?!16:09
RainCThyperair: calm down :P16:10
mok0hyperair: It's not our fault :-(16:10
DktrKranzRainCT: so, only apache and postgres is needed to run a REVU instance?16:10
hyperairyeah yeah it isn't.16:10
* hyperair yells at the wall and hammers on it16:10
RainCTDktrKranz: for the web interfaces, yes16:10
mok0DktrKranz: yes16:10
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RainCTDktrKranz: and you can configure apache and pg to only run when you start it (that's how I have it on my laptop)16:11
DktrKranzI see16:11
DktrKranzRainCT: are you able to process uploads with that instance?16:12
RainCTDktrKranz: No, but if necessary you can import them semi-manually :P.16:12
DktrKranza feature I'd like to see is sending mails about preferred procedure to upgrade a package16:12
DktrKranzwhich is attaching .diff.gz to bug repotrs16:12
RainCTDktrKranz: fixing the scripts is on my TODO (actually, I've already started doing some work on them)16:12
RainCTDktrKranz: Uhm.. Like a "Hurray! You upload has been sponsored! Now don't forget to continue watching for it, and .. <instructions for fixed/upgrades here>"16:14
RainCTDktrKranz: or rather when someone uploads a package which is already in Ubuntu?16:14
DktrKranzboth :)16:15
DktrKranzbut REVU is designed for NEW packages, using it for already available packages is a waste of time/resources16:17
RainCTHehe. Oaky. So the first one is blocking on detecting when a package is sponsored, and the second one is blocking on the new/upgrade detection code properly working ;)16:18
DktrKranzso, we should encourage contributors to use LP instead16:18
RainCT*Okay, even16:18
chrismurfWill a MOTU please peek at pyproj?16:18
chrismurfI'd certainly pay you homage16:18
chrismurfit's my very first .deb16:18
chrismurfbut my excitement will ebb16:18
chrismurfif nobody responds to my barrage16:18
DktrKranzLP is not the right place itself, but that's it16:18
RainCTDktrKranz: I've heard of people (don't remember whom) that at some cases prefer to look at packages on REVU16:18
mok0DktrKranz: yeah, or ppa's16:18
chrismurf(http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pyproj) :-)16:18
* DktrKranz proposes to use mentors.debian.net16:19
* RainCT proposes Debian to use REVU for mentors.debian.net *g*16:19
DktrKranzRainCT: TBH, I prefer REVU too. But we need an unique place to manage such things16:20
DktrKranzREVU for all16:20
DktrKranzREVU for NEW only16:20
DktrKranzcore-devs from Canonical usually look at LP only, though16:21
RainCTActually, making revu.ubuntuwire.com more Debian friendly (like showing DDs as such and giving them review permissions and the like) is something I've been thinking about a bit.. Not sure if anyone would make use of that, though16:22
DktrKranzwell, REVU is free software, I think they could use it as well, even if I heard of some issues with mentors16:23
mok0REVU FTW16:23
RainCTDktrKranz: Anyway, so you want to contribute to REVU? :)16:24
DktrKranzREVU would fix a recent discussion on debian ML about using a new Debian revision to fix sponsor's comments16:24
RainCTheh, right16:25
DktrKranzRainCT: I'd like to16:25
DktrKranzthis cycle I'm more code-oriented :)16:25
DktrKranzless packages, more commits16:26
RainCT(They also have that GSoC thing, though. But I've no idea what is happening with it)16:26
RainCTDktrKranz: that's good for your LP karma ;)16:26
mok0DktrKranz: we were chatting about the advantages of having the REVU source packages in bzr repo16:26
DktrKranzRainCT: I used to have > 35 million karma, I had karma stomachache :)16:26
RainCTDktrKranz: About wanting to contribute, that's great :). Just ask if you have any question (and if you don't know what to do just ask, too, and I'll give you something from my TODO :P).16:27
* mok0 thinks as long as a source package has revision -0ubuntu* we should maintain them in bazaar16:27
DktrKranzRainCT: do you have anything stupid enough to be fixed by a dumb Ubuntu developer like me? :)16:28
DktrKranzmok0: mmmh... explain it better16:28
mok0DktrKranz: ok16:28
mok0DktrKranz: source package is sitting in a repo in LP. Uploader fixes stuff in own branch, pushes to repo16:29
RainCTDktrKranz: There is a syntax eror in your messsage. "dumb", "Ubuntu developer" and "you".. how can those concepts be related? ;P16:29
mok0DktrKranz: REVUer pulls changes evaluates, posts comment on REVU16:29
mok0DktrKranz: Reviewer can fix tiny bits and pieces if necessarty16:29
DktrKranzI think REVU itself is similar to VCS16:30
mok0DktrKranz: sometimes you feel cruel by asking for a tiny fix before advocation, e.g. spelling mistake or something16:30
mok0DktrKranz: It is16:30
mok0DktrKranz: we just need to have revu on top of bzr instead16:31
mok0DktrKranz: this is a proposal for the long term though16:31
DktrKranzif distributed-development stage5 takes place, it's not that long term :)16:31
mok0DktrKranz: I think there's a bunch of MOTUs who still does not want to work that way16:31
DktrKranzRainCT: no syntax error, it's core language now :)16:32
mok0DktrKranz: What's the current status of distrib-devel?16:33
RainCTDktrKranz: bug #172895 should be easy16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 172895 in revu "have link to dsc file in mails" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17289516:33
DktrKranzmok0: I don't know, james_w is the rockstar there.16:33
mok0DktrKranz: I can grep the mailing lists16:34
RainCTbtw, does someone know which month the next UDS will be?16:34
DktrKranzRainCT: mind subscribing myself?16:34
james_wit is progressing16:34
mok0RainCT: Isn't it usually about a month or two after a release?16:34
RainCTDktrKranz: done16:34
james_wshould have some more announcements soon I hope16:34
mok0james_w: exiting!16:34
mok0james_w: ... err exciting is what I wanted to say :-)16:35
RainCTmok0: yep, but I'd like to know something more exact to see how it fits my schedule :P16:35
james_wheh :-)16:35
RainCTbut well, nvm16:36
mok0james_w: So, is the idea to have one "upstream" trunk, with a branch off that containing debian/ and other branches containing patches?16:37
RainCTuhm.. what's the URL of that ubuntu-nl uploads feed?16:37
james_wmok0: that's one possibility16:37
james_wmok0: the main effort at the moment is to get an "upstream" branch, then a "debian" off that, then an "ubuntu" off that16:38
mok0james_w: ah cool16:38
james_wonce we have that then we can start to get more adventurous16:38
mok0james_w: what about branches originating in Ubuntu?16:38
mok0james_w: they only have the debian branch I guess16:39
RainCTjames_w: Ah, I wanted to ask.. Why is the NoMoreSourcePackages spec called like that? Is it that source packages will continue existing, but being generated by bzr-buildpackage; or is there something more?16:39
mok0james_w: how do you achieve that in practise? You need a separate directory for each branch?16:39
james_wdebian native packages won't have the upstream branch, ubuntu native packages will just be an ubuntu branch16:40
james_wRainCT: that's one proposal for what could happen. We're not directly working towards it right now.16:40
james_wRainCT: though some plans may make it that most Ubuntu developers never really touch source packages, they are just created by launchpad as needed16:41
james_wmok0: yeah, you currently need one directory per branch.16:41
mok0Yeah, source package are just a transport mechanism anyway16:41
mok0james_w: Hm, ok, I am used to working with git, where you check out branches in the same directory16:42
mok0james_w: so you need another level of directory to contain the branches for a project, I guess16:42
james_wmok0: that's the way most people do it16:44
james_wthere is a proposal currently for how to do the git-style branching16:44
RainCTthat is, the loom stuff?16:45
mok0Another problem we have is that more and more upstream don't have regular releases, because they ask users to pull from their VSCs16:45
mok0james_w: that would be cool16:45
=== hefe_bia_ is now known as hefe_bia
mok0So the whole concept of "watch" files etc. is in trouble16:46
james_wRainCT: nope, different to that, but looms allow you to simulate it in certain situations16:47
hefe_biamok0: Thanks for uploading tomboy-blogposter!16:47
james_wmok0: they may still be useful as notification that upstream has released something, but there may be other ways to do it16:48
mok0hefe_bia: it still has to go through an archive admin16:48
mok0james_w: yes, perhaps some kind of tagging convention16:48
hefe_biamok0: I know. Just got another package rejected a few days ago... ;)16:49
mok0hefe_bia: which one was that?16:49
hefe_biamok0: gebabbel. But it is back in. It was an error in the copyright file.16:49
mok0hefe_bia: ah, yes, I think I uploaded it myself16:50
hefe_biaJust when it was already in the queue I read an interview about "how to not make archive admins unhappy". Right after that I spotted the error...16:51
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mok0hefe_bia: It's called "Murphy's law"17:00
DktrKranzmok0: exactly "If a package could be REJECTed(tm), it's sure it will be"17:02
mok0DktrKranz: he, yeah17:02
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RainCTUploads aren't announced on jaunty-updates@ once they passed NEW, or?17:07
jpdsRainCT: They are, why?17:07
chrismurfhefe_bia, where is said interview? :-)17:09
hefe_biachrismurf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek0809/Archives17:10
RainCTjpds: Oh, OK. I was looking on the ubuntu-nl feed and didn't see any package from REVU, but now that I look right I see that the last sponsored package is already to old to be on it17:11
hefe_biaIts with Steve Langasek17:11
slangasekhmm, not so much an interview as a presentation. :)17:11
hefe_biaslangasek: Yes right. I mixed things up ;) Anyways - an informative read...17:13
james_wthe sponsors' queue is getting out of control again17:19
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mok0james_w: you mean with > 180 entries?17:20
mok0james_w: you're right17:21
iulianWe should have a UUS day.17:22
mok0iulian: good idea.17:23
iulianInstead of one REVU day, let's have a UUS one.17:23
mok0A lot of those are sync requests though17:23
mok0and aRts stuff17:23
iulianA lot of them are package upgrades.17:23
mok0iulian: like "oh, upstream has changed the name of a variable, please upgrade"17:24
* mok0 wonders why "Unknown Importance" sorts first in the UUS list17:26
mok0james_w: why is bug 325076 in High status?17:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325076 in mahara "Please sync mahara 1.0.9-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32507617:30
Laneymok0: security problem17:30
mok0I se17:31
james_wmok0: I just bumped it off the -archive list, I'd agree with Laney though17:31
mok0james_w, Laney, don't you think we should ask for the bugs list to be changed to "Unknown Importance" sorts _last_ ??17:32
Laneymok0: Think of it as a "needs triage" list ;)17:32
mok0We can't do anything about them anyway17:32
Laneya lot of contributors can't change bug importance17:32
mok0They belong to other projects17:32
Laneyah, then you need to refine your search17:33
mok0Laney: this is just the default bug page of uus17:33
LaneyI agree that it should only show bugs which affect Ubuntu packages17:33
Laneybut that's an LP bug, and for now you can bookmark a custom search17:35
james_wmok0: do you know http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/ ?17:35
RainCTDktrKranz: On bug #109289 you ask "What about change in src/main.c? You dropped it, is there a reason behind this choice?", but I don't see that it has been deleted17:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 109289 in naim "Naim returns erroneous error messages" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10928917:36
Laneyjames_w: With your archive admin hat on, what do you think to pulling some packages from Debian NEW that aren't likely to make it in before FF but we want anyway?17:36
mok0james_w: ah nice! I didn't know that one17:36
RainCTDktrKranz: Actually, only the changelog is touched. Did you just post that by mistake or was there some reason for the comment?17:36
maxbI thought it was impossible to download packages in NEW?17:37
Laneybut you can get them through other means17:37
james_wLaney: they're still knitting the hat17:37
* Laney fails to comprehend17:37
james_wLaney: but I think it would be appropriate to upload them if it makes sense17:37
james_wLaney: are these NEW leaf packages, or NEW libraries?17:37
RainCTDktrKranz: err wait, I can't read :P17:38
Laneyone of each17:38
Laneyalso would they need to be REVUed?17:38
james_wLaney: probably ok17:38
james_wLaney: I'm not sure17:39
Laneymoonlight because that's the kind of thing we should have and sublib because it blocks gnome-subtitles17:39
james_wwow, who wants to fix a three-digit bug?17:45
james_wbug 33417:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334 in gnupod-tools "otg_sync not called" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33417:45
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quadrispronixternal: thanks for your feedback!17:50
RainCTSomeone already working on 334?17:54
DktrKranzRainCT: I'll look at that bug when I come back home17:55
RainCTjames_w: I see why nobody has fixed #334..    $ ls    debian  gnupod-0.99.7.tgz18:08
RainCTAnyway, I'll have a go at it :)18:11
RainCTjames_w: I guess we should also SRU this?18:20
james_wRainCT: probably appropriate, but I'm not sure it's worth it, given how long it has been broken :-)18:22
henrik-hw0It's nuking time! rt28xx-linux-sta, rt2860-linux-sta and rt2870-linux-sta. i have it on good authority that there will be updated drivers in the jaunty kernel (staging area).18:30
RainCTMeh.. Already fixed in Intrepid. Now I can't upload my fix :(18:30
* Laney fixes RainCT 18:32
savvasfix him on Friday, it's the 13th :p18:35
superm1henrik-hw0, that's good but too bad since all the packaging was in shape :)18:35
Laneywoah, someone made the bash-completion for pbuilder-dist better18:36
LaneyRainCT: !!! was it you?18:36
henrik-hw0superm1: it makes sense to have the drivers in kernel. in any case... libmirage needs some love. *hopeful*18:37
jpdszsh > *18:37
LaneyI keep meaning to try it18:37
RainCTLaney: if "better" means recognizing *-jaunty and cowbuilder-*, then yes :)18:38
Laneyjaunty, that's probably it18:38
RainCTLaney: bah, I fix the auto completion for *you* and you don't even give me a hug?   :P :P18:40
LaneyFirst I fix you, now you expect a hug18:40
* Laney cuddles RainCT18:40
henrik-hw0i like the "archive" feature, is it a new one?18:47
RainCThenrik-hw0: on REVU?18:47
henrik-hw0rainct: yes. used it to archive 3 now obsolete packages.18:48
jpdsCan we upload new package versions, even though they have not been uploaded to Debian first?18:49
RainCThenrik-hw0: Nope, it has always been there, but I think it was only available for MOTUs until I reworked it like 1 month ago.18:49
RainCTjpds: just check how many upgraded packages with -0ubuntu1 revision there are :)18:50
jpdsRainCT: Just check before someone hunts me down.18:50
RainCTjpds: oh, if someone complains kick him from #ubuntu-motu ;)18:51
hyperairsupposing i'd like to submit a new upstream release to a packaged i submitted through revu (and is already in ubuntu) i just file a bug and then create a debdiff for it right?19:05
hyperairthough admittedly it is kinda big19:05
hyperairand there are some files which are binary19:06
ScottKhyperair: Not a debdiff, the updated diff.gz.19:06
hyperairokay then19:07
ScottKWhoever uploads the package will fetch the tarball from upstream.19:07
hyperairit requires repacking19:07
hyperairthere's a get-orig-source target so i guess it should be fine19:07
ScottKget-orig-source rules are good for this reason.19:07
hyperairScottK: do i need to put the bug number in the changelog?19:08
Laneyhow does calling a get-orig-source from a diff work?19:09
Vest84hello, guys. I've got many similar messages: /var/revu/revu1-incoming/gnome-quod-0902052312/gnome-quod-0.2.2/src/statistics.h: GPL (v2 or later)    [Copyright: 2006-2009, Vlad Volodin <vest.84@gmail.com>]19:09
Vest84what's wrong with my code?19:09
hyperairLaney: you patch it onto an empty directory then call get-orig-source?19:10
hyperaircan someone try accessing http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/codelite and see where it redirects to?19:15
hyperairsometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't19:15
hyperairuscan's messing up big time here19:15
ScottKhyperair: The Debian SF redirector is not the most reliable thing in the world.19:17
hyperairScottK: so i should avoid it?19:17
ScottKhyperair: No.  Use it, but don't worry if it's not working at the moment.19:17
Vest84hyperair: for me it works, I've sent you the link above19:18
hyperairVest84: ah i see thanks19:18
hyperairright now debian's redirector is sending me to garr.dl.sourceforge.net19:18
hyperairwhich throws up a 403 error19:18
hyperairprobably sf's fault19:18
hyperairScottK: after i attach the diff.gz i subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors?19:20
ScottKhyperair: For Universe/Multiverse packages, yes.19:20
hyperairScottK: okay then19:20
hyperairbug #327216 =p19:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327216 in codelite "[needs-upgrade] CodeLite 1.0.2759" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32721619:21
directhexhyperair, some sf mirrors are broken19:22
directhexgarr is known-buggered19:23
mok0hyperair: did you manage your troubles?19:34
RainCTVest84: The messages on the "legal" page on REVU don't necessarily say that there's something wrong.19:40
RainCTVest84: What that page does is try to autodetect what license each of the files has (using "licensecheck")19:40
nixternalquadrispro: no problemo, good work, keep it up! :)19:41
Vest84RainCT: oh, I see. But I can't find the corrent template for GPL v3. yes, I use this license in COPYING file, but I don't know what and how should I write in *.[ch]?? files19:42
RainCTVest84: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116166/plain/ (without the #'s)19:44
Vest84RainCT, should I write the new adress of the FSF, too?19:45
Vest8451 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.19:45
RainCTVest84: no, the GPLv3 header doesn't include that address, but instead the URÑ19:45
RainCT* URL19:45
hyperairmok0: yeah i figured out it was something to do with uscan acting up on me19:46
hyperairmok0: by the way, could you sponsor #327216 for me please?19:46
mok0hyperair: good19:46
hyperairit's a new version of codelite19:47
mok0hyperair: I'll take a look later19:47
hyperairmok0: alright thanks19:47
* hyperair is off to bed19:47
jpdsnixternal: You around/have time for a main upload?20:04
nixternaljpds: unfortunately no...at work20:13
chrismurfquadrispro, if you've got some time to review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pyproj, I'd much appreciate it.  Thanks for your help yesterday.20:30
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VestRainCT: thank you, I'll change my sources20:47
fabrice_spchrismurf, I'm not able to build your package20:52
fabrice_spdpkg-source: error: File ./pyproj_1.8.5-0ubuntu1.diff.gz has size 2075 instead of expected 205220:53
chrismurffabrice_sp, well that does seem like a negative.20:53
fabrice_spchrismurf, I think you should build again the package (debuild -sa -S) and upload it again to revu20:54
chrismurfdoing it right now20:54
chrismurffabrice_sp, done20:57
fabrice_spchrismurf, also, it seems the copyright is not given to the right persons: the copyright in src/PJ_aea.c is claimed by Gerald Evenden, but in debian/copyright, it appears Frank Warmerdam20:59
chrismurfOkay - Frank Warmerdam claims copyright over everything in the PROJ distribution20:59
chrismurfbut he acknowledges that Gerald Evenden wrote a lot of the code20:59
chrismurfshould I list both as copyright holders for src/*20:59
chrismurfor give explicit file copyrights for the ones claimed by Gerald E21:00
fabrice_spI would say gives the copyright to the right person, but let's see if someone else answer21:01
chrismurffabrice_sp, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/pyproj-0902092157/pyproj-1.8.5/LICENSE_proj421:02
chrismurfActually, the right answer is probably to copy from the PROJ package itself21:02
chrismurfI will look at what the copyright file for that says21:02
fabrice_spyes, but according to Franck: Essentially all work was done by Gerald Evenden21:03
fabrice_spso Gerald's name should appear :-)21:03
chrismurfagreed :-)21:03
fabrice_spcheck if src/* is is copyrigthed to Gerald21:03
chrismurfwell, src/* is a static copy of a particular version of PROJ, which is a seperate library21:04
chrismurfand the debian/copyright for that library is an old-style free-flowing copyright21:04
fabrice_spI still ahve the same problem with diff.gz size :-/21:05
fabrice_spdid you run again debuild -sa -S?21:05
chrismurf??? I've deleted everything and did that, yeah21:05
fabrice_sp?! I'll try to delete everything also21:05
chrismurfthe .changes file lists 2052 for me, and that's the size of .diff.gz on my filesystem21:06
chrismurfboth .changes and .dsc list the size as 205221:06
chrismurfso - the real problem with the copyright is that Gerald wrote 99% of the src/* files, but in his own words: "The software was developed by the USGS and has no copyright nor license.  Do with it what you will.  :-)"21:08
RainCTgood night21:08
chrismurfso I'm going to list them both as copyright holders, with an X-comment explaining.21:08
fabrice_spchrismurf, can you try to open the one in revu? I'm getting garbage when downloading it21:11
chrismurfIt's definitely 2075B on REVU ...21:12
chrismurfis there a "JUST DELETE IT" button on REVU?21:12
chrismurfseems like it's getting messed up in the transfer, or didn't replace it21:12
fabrice_splet's wait for a REVU admin21:13
fabrice_spand about copyright: some sources claims to be MIT like licensed, but other are 'public doamin' like21:13
chrismurfokay - I'm fixing the copyright bugs21:13
jpdsWhat do you want deleted/archived?21:14
chrismurfI am going as close to the PROJ package as possible21:14
chrismurfjpds, could you kill pyproj please?  It seems to be corrupted, and isn't taking the .diff.gz correctly21:14
jpdschrismurf: Nothing by that name in the FTP queue.21:15
jpdsUpload in  /srv/archive/revu1-incoming/pyproj-0902092157 appears to be fine.21:16
chrismurfwhat's the size on that file?21:16
jpdschrismurf: You should be able to reupload.21:17
ScottKAt least in US copyright laws, works created by the US federal government cannot be copyrighted and are public domain.21:35
ScottKOf course in many countries authors have certain 'moral' rights, so listing both the author and public domain is probably correct.21:36
asacScottK: btw, are you on the (new) ~ubuntu-mozilla-security archive for your dapper install? or didnt i inform you about that change ;)?21:37
asacpreviously i did previews in ~asac21:38
ScottKasac: I don't think I am, but I'll check when I get back to my desk.21:38
ScottKasac: Thanks for mentioning it.21:38
asacthanks. there is a new build available ... we plan to roll out later. if you have a chance to run a quick test that would be awesome21:38
ScottKShould be able to do that tonight or tomorrow.21:39
asacyeah. we probably will roll that tonight.21:39
asacif you dont get to it ... next time ;)21:39
* ScottK is seriously considering finally upgrading that machine.21:39
directhexScottK, workds subcontracted by the govt to private companies are not covered by that exemption. yay!21:41
asacScottK: heh ;) ... you are my best tester ;)21:41
asacScottK: well ... at least the only one i know how to reach ;)21:42
ScottKdirecthex: It depends on the terms of the contract.21:42
asacbut dapper will be EOL in jun ... so well. hopefully there will be only one more round (or maybe two)21:42
ScottKdirecthex: In the case that the contractor owns the work it's not then a USG produced work.21:42
ScottKasac: Yes.  I do wonder though, after desktop LTS EOL, are such packages going to be removed from the archive?21:43
asacScottK: not sure. i am leading the upstream long-term support effort somehow ... so i will try to keep 1.8 branches alive as long as possible21:43
asacat best 4 more years ;)21:43
ScottKIf they aren't removed, then they'll still need 'support' of a kind.21:44
asacmaybe i can still upload to dapper. will ask security team, but since i usually do most work i doubt they have any issues21:44
ScottKI'm running into problems now with my clamav backports where some rdepends upstream is dead a the package doesn't work with the current.21:45
ScottKSo in extreme cases I turned the package into a transitional package to another one that was still supportable.21:46
ScottKAnd that was on Hardy.21:47
ScottKNow it looks like on Dapper it'll be several.21:47
directhexsounds like fun :(21:49
ScottKdirecthex: We got a while wiki page on it. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Clamav21:50
chrismurffabrice_sp, thanks for your review and comments, I've now updated pyproj to reflect your feedback.  Take care.22:02
VestGuys, I've uploaded my package without any errors. Can anybody of you review my project? or maybe tell me whom should I ask and possibly when (if the meeting of reviewers starts periodically)22:05
asacScottK: you made a transition in a SRU ?22:05
asacthats interesting ;) ... except for first bumps of firefox-3.0 beta 5 to final (which were sort of transitions), I didnt feel brave enough for that yet22:06
asaci should do that for intrepid NM actually ... but well ..22:06
ScottKasac: It was a backport (so far).  The path I've been taking with major clamav updates is backports -> proposed -> security/updates.22:06
ScottKAlso I've only done this for releases where clamav is in Universe.22:07
asacwhere is clamav in main?22:07
asacis that installed by default on server seeds?22:07
ScottKIntrepid and later.22:07
ScottKFor the mail server task.22:07
ScottKAll the GUI front ends are in Universe, but I still have to tend to them.22:08
asacback a few years when i worked a bit in universities anti-virus lab clamav was quite miserable ... especially finding new virus through heuristics (e.g. without signature)22:08
asacbut i guess that has improved now22:08
ScottKWe've got a major new upstream hitting in ~ one month that will break everything and so eventually I'll need to deal with 0.94 -> 0.95 in Intrepid.22:08
ScottKI think it has.22:09
ScottKIt's definitely the best FOSS solution available.22:09
ScottKEssentially it's the only one.22:09
asacyeah. i dont doubt that ;)22:09
lfaraonevorian: hi, can you sponsor https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sugar/+bug/327097 ?22:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 327097 in sugar "Remove "sugar" menu option" [Low,Confirmed]22:12
* gaspa looking for a sponsor of a sync...22:15
ScottKgaspa: Just subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors.22:16
lfaraoneScottK: Don't syncs require ubuntu-archive?22:23
ScottKlfaraone: After approval by a MOTU.22:23
ScottKThe MOTU will subscribe the archive.22:23
EagleScreenhello, i try to fix a bug in qtparted making a patch :D22:26
EagleScreeni have downloaded qtparted sources, but it has seven patches in debian/patches, and I need no know how to apply that patches to the sources before modifying it22:28
EagleScreenpatch -p1 debian/patche_name.dpatch hangs22:29
geserwhich patch system does it use?22:29
geserah, dpatch22:29
geseruse dpatch-edit-patch22:30
EagleScreenbut that is for edit a patch isn't it?22:32
ScottKEagleScreen: Read man dpatch-edit-patch22:34
EagleScreenreading man22:34
EagleScreengreat tool22:41
EagleScreeni have run dpatch-edit-patch patch debian/patches/00list, now i am in the "fake" shell, but i am reading the sources, and patches does not seem to be applied22:47
EagleScreeni have to leave now, see you later, thanks22:48
NCommanderScottK, ping?23:20
ScottKNCommander: Pong23:36
NCommanderScottK, I was going to ask you to REVU a package, but I need to check some things before hand23:37
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kolbyScottK you can revu md4sum while you wait, if you like.23:50
ScottKkolby: First explain to me why we want this in the archive?23:51
ScottKFrom the name it sounds like the thing that came before md5sum and that's already obsolete.23:51
kolbyScottK This program creates archives for eDonkey P2P networks23:52
kolbyIt uses a protocol that appearantly wasn't offered in md5sum23:52
huatsTonio_: you should go to bed my friend... you need to sleep !23:53
directhexshort version: edonkey sucks?23:53
Tonio_huats: je sais putain........23:53
kolbyMd4sum generates or checks MD4 checksums applying the algorithm specified in RFC 132023:53
Tonio_j'ai 38.7 de fièvre et je fais le geek.....23:53
Tonio_je suis sur le packaging de koffice la.....23:53
Tonio_huats: ca craint a ce stade la non ? :)23:53
kolbydirecthex: incorrect.  Nice try though.23:53
huatsTonio_: indeed :)23:54
huatsTonio_: go to bed...23:54
Tonio_huats: hehe, promises, in 6 minutes, at 1 am, I'm gonna sleep23:54
huatsTonio_: I hope...23:54
Laneykolby: md4 is broken23:54
kolbyLaney: Why would you say that?23:55
kolbyLaney: I packaged the program wrong?23:55
LaneyNo, there are collision attacks against it23:55
directhexkolby, as in "the hash is worthless, it's trivially circumvented these days"23:55
Laneyalthough md5 is heading that way23:56
kolbyIt could be a tool for learning how to circumvent hashed files.23:56
StevenKmd5 has already been broken, but it isn't trivial23:56
kolbyA person could learn the techniques of how encryption works / breaks23:57
directhexthis fast md4 collision generator i found takes ~7 seconds to generate a collision23:57
kolbyI think that's a great reason/23:57
kolbydirecthex: what's it called?23:58
kolbydirecthex: look for an md5sum breaking tool23:58
directhexcollision attacks section23:58
directhexkolby, there are some, but they take >7 seconds23:58
kolbydirecthex: lol.  Maybe for your pithy not-a-supercomputer.23:59
directhexkolby, wrong person to say that to.23:59
LaneyMD5 is in use now, and I'm sure people will move away from it in time.23:59
kolbydirecthex: You have a super computer?23:59

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