
ftaseems those 'events suppressed' are what's making the sound crappy /w alsa00:06
ftaE: module-hal-detect.c: D-Bus error while parsing HAL data: org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchProperty: No property info.capabilities on device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_45e_29_noserial00:52
ftaE: module-hal-detect.c: D-Bus error while parsing HAL data: org.freedesktop.Hal.NoSuchProperty: No property info.capabilities on device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_45e_29_noserial_if000:52
asacfta: my guess is that its ppp ... need your /etc/ppp/options and the command line arguments for pppd you see in syslog09:45
asacfta: so lets create thunderbird-3.1.head ;)10:03
asacI don't think we should build that yet daily ... but well; if its just a matter of adding a line to your build config, just do that i would say10:04
fta<fta> asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/115742/10:09
ftaasac, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa10:11
asacfta: and the command line? (it was cut off in the log paste you gave me)10:11
ftatb3 needs a better nss in hardy/intrepid10:11
ftaasac, NetworkManager: <debug> [1234114356.551458] nm_ppp_manager_start(): Command line: /usr/sbin/pppd nodetach lock nodefaultroute ttyUSB0 noipdefault usepeerdns lcp-echo-failure 0 lcp-echo-interval 0 ipparam /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/PPP/0 plugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.4/nm-pppd-plugin.so10:12
fta<fta> same for both10:12
ftaasac, i guess you're not getting the error logs of the daily ppa, right?10:15
asacfta: seems not ... hmm10:23
gnomefreakwas the last meeting in september?10:23
asaccant find anything to subscribe10:24
asacgnomefreak: probably yes.10:24
gnomefreakok im gona clear adgenda and fix link in topic10:24
gnomefreakwhat are we doing with NCommander's Membership request?10:26
asacgnomefreak: drop it10:27
asacor ping him10:27
asacgnomefreak: he probably is on -motu or -devel10:27
ftaasac, this is a problem then (the logs)10:29
asacfta: asked on #launchpad10:31
=== gnomefreak changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com | Please help Mozilla QA tracker: http://tinyurl.com/6yo6g7 | Next meeting TBA, if you would like add a topic for the next meeting please add it to the agenda. The agenda is available at: http://tinyurl.com/2ekzoq.
gnomefreakwe really need tinyurl back in repos10:42
* gnomefreak goes for smoke since nothing is working atm.11:02
BUGabundoeheh gnomefreak... smoking is bad11:03
BUGabundoyou should _want_ to stop11:03
gnomefreakok now i can go for smoke and coffee and maybe breakfast ;)11:36
asacfta: filed a bug11:39
asacfta: 32713411:39
asacbug 32713411:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327134 in soyuz "add support to subscribe to PPA uploads/build failures" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32713411:39
AnAntHello, why is the xulrunner package not synch'ed with Debian ?11:44
AnAntI see xulrunner & xulrunner-1.9 source packages in Ubuntu11:44
AnAntI see xulrunner (1.8) & xulrunner-1.9 source packages in Ubuntu11:44
AnAntwhile the xulrunner in Debian (testing & unstable) is 1.911:45
asacAnAnt_: because xulrunner in debian is a mess ;)11:57
AnAnt_asac: ok, I have a problem, I need the libmozjs 1.911:58
AnAnt_asac: yet it does not exist in Ubuntu11:58
gnomefreaknone of our packages are synced from debian normall we push ours to debian at lease some of them11:58
asacAnAnt_: yes. thats intentional. libmozjs is not a first-class lib as there are no ABI/API guarnatees upstream11:58
gnomefreakok back to morning break11:58
asacwe will work on improving that together with upstream11:59
AnAnt_asac: well, is that the reason that in Debian libmozjs 1.9 is libmozjs1d (not 0d as in 1.8) ?12:00
asacAnAnt_: no. thats ok if it was underlined by an official upstream policy; the problem is that there is even no guarantee that will have no ABI breakage over
asacso debian tries to track ABI/API (like you said with libmozjs1d ...), but nobody has a plan what happens if a security update breaks it12:01
asaci think its unlikely that this happens, but we have to stay hard so upstream starts thinking about proper ABI procedures for mozjs12:02
asacAnAnt_: didnt we talk about all this before?12:02
AnAnt_asac: we did ?12:03
AnAnt_asac: we talked about firefox plugins before12:03
AnAnt_asac: extensions that is12:03
AnAnt_so, Debian guys weren't hard about that matter, right ?12:04
asacAnAnt_: yes. its most likely ok. but not suitable for our main archive12:05
asacAnAnt_: also if we do that we break upstream binary compatibility too12:05
asacwhich debian doesnt care about either12:05
asace.g. stuff build against debian mozjs wont work with upstream builds or anywhere else12:06
asacAnAnt_: so the goal is that upstrea mozjs gets proper so version and ABI/API policy12:06
asaconce thats there we will make mozjs a standalone packjage12:06
asacAnAnt_: which app needs mozjs?12:07
asacAnAnt_: if its for universe you can use the approach google-gadgets took -> e.g. use a glue12:07
AnAnt_asac: elinks (for javascript support)12:07
asacbut thats not suitable for main12:07
AnAnt_asac: it's a special build that I do by myself12:07
AnAnt_asac: neither the debian nor ubuntu packages of elinks enable javascript support12:08
asacAnAnt_: i would suggest that you robb the google-gadget glue code ... in that way your builds will work on all distros that have a proper xulrunner build12:08
AnAnt_asac: what do you mean by "use a glue" ?12:08
asacAnAnt_: look in google-gadgets12:08
asacand what they do12:08
asacAnAnt_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116019/12:09
asacthats in google-gadgets. you need to steal them, build and link them statically against your stuff and maybe adjust the codec12:09
asacwell ... most likely12:10
asacif you are not a developer you need to ask upstream about that12:10
AnAnt_steal them ?12:10
AnAnt_isn't it GPL ?12:10
AnAnt_or so12:10
asaclook at the files. stealing == copying12:10
asac(without breaching licensing of course)=12:11
AnAnt_in this case, I won't need to get mozjs 1.9 ?12:12
asacAnAnt_: you need to depend on xulrunner-1.9 then ... yes.12:15
AnAnt_huh ?12:16
AnAnt_oh, ok12:16
asacAnAnt_: http://identi.ca/notice/2208082 ... hope we get a solution for jaunty+112:36
gnomefreakasac: i got to thinking about patch in SM2. if i edit it in /mozilla/ it wont apply. i'm fairly sure we cant edit it in our debian/patches dir. and if so autoconf will fail(i think) is there an easy way around this?12:48
asacgnomefreak: sorry ... let me fix12:50
asacgnomefreak: ok committed ... rev 19212:52
gnomefreakthanks. damn that was fast12:53
asacgnomefreak: i had it fixed here ... just forgot to committ on friday12:55
asacit was just a strip-leve thing in the patch12:55
gnomefreakok gonna let it build ill be back to check on it in a bit.13:28
AnAntasac: thanks for the help, I decided that the glue would be too much, so I fixed the upstream code to be compatible with mozjs 1.8 (I just had to comment a single line)13:46
asacAnAnt: well 1.8 will die now ;)14:07
asacit has to be removed from #jaunty14:08
asacactually should already have happened in intrepid14:08
BUGabundoasac: ping14:16
BUGabundois there a wiki page I can bookmark14:17
BUGabundoto know EXACLY how to debug NM connection time outs?14:17
BUGabundohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingNetworkManager is this it?14:21
asacBUGabundo: yes but that doesnt/cannot give you infos on all14:36
gnomefreakbug 21436614:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214366 in mozilla-thunderbird "Can't delete a folder if Trash already contains a folder of the same name" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21436614:38
gnomefreakwhat the hell i cant put upstream tb bug on LP bug15:02
gnomefreakwhat link should i be using?15:02
fta2asac: feel free to fix tb3, otherwise, it will keep failing everyday15:02
fta2gnomefreak, you can't, it's not in the repo yet15:03
gnomefreakfta2: tb 2 is15:03
fta2oh, thought you meant tb315:03
gnomefreakcant link to upstream bug report15:03
asacfta2: do you use .head for all ?15:04
gnomefreakok that did it :)15:05
fta2asac, yes, fix head, the bot will catch it15:05
fta2asac, you wont see the daily bump in .head, it's in .daily15:06
gnomefreakasac: mark the bug you forwarded upstream from bug 214366 since mozilla bug 66763 was already reported15:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214366 in thunderbird "Can't delete a folder if Trash already contains a folder of the same name" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21436615:08
ubottuMozilla bug 66763 in Backend "Deleting a folder fails when there is already a folder with the same name in Trash" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6676315:08
gnomefreaks/from/as a dupe/15:08
gnomefreaki cant mark dupes upstream15:10
asacfta2: yeah. but i guess the build failure is not new on hardy/intrepid ... so .head will do15:11
fta2well, b1 worked15:11
fta2hm, maybe not, my ppa has a fresh nspr/nss couple15:11
asacyeah. probably15:15
asaci will commit the fix15:15
asacjust want to get the proper orig ;)15:15
fta2get it from the daily ppa15:23
sveinungWhy is Firefox 3.0.6 in the jaunty archives and in the bazaar branches for Intrepid and Hardy but not in their archives (as in security) yet?15:24
sveinungAnywhere I can get it?15:24
sveinung(without building it myself from the bazaar branches)15:25
sveinungOr is the security problems fixed in 3.0.6 not relevant for Ubuntu?15:25
sveinung(Sorry if I sound inpolite, English is not my first language)15:26
asacsveinung: please help ou ttesting15:30
asacsveinung: we have a security preview archive15:30
sveinungwhere can I help?15:30
asacadd that to your sources and keep it ... when you have issues you should always escalate here15:31
asacsveinung: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive15:31
asacsveinung: take that ... add that to sources.list15:31
sveinungasac: thank you15:31
asacsveinung: there is also a testplan15:31
asacsveinung: if you could run that it would be grate15:31
* asac looks15:32
asacsveinung: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/QA15:32
gnomefreaki fucking hate LP15:50
gnomefreakis ther eno upstream info for seamonkey? only thing i get is chatzilla when i change it to seamonkey it gives me our package15:53
asacgnomefreak: maybe15:54
asaclet me check15:54
gnomefreakfor some reason its not letting me mark it upstream15:54
gnomefreakbug 327214 is the problem one15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327214 in seamonkey "seamonkey does not support gpg signing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32721415:54
asacfta2: can you hand over seamonkey maintainer ship to mozillateam :) ... and update the package info ;) so the bugs get automatically a good upstream target15:55
gnomefreakah thatsd why15:55
gnomefreaki needed to report another bug but cant recall on what :(15:55
gnomefreakgood news SM2 is still building :)15:56
* gnomefreak wonders what i have to do to get upstream duplicate powers16:00
fta2asac, I just changed the maintainer16:01
gnomefreakstill no way to do it16:04
gnomefreakif i add Seamonkey it doesnt give me upstream option16:05
asacgnomefreak: ok i think it should work now16:05
asactry again16:05
gnomefreakgot it16:06
gnomefreaktook a littl etime for it to change16:06
gnomefreakok off to wait for build to finish its freezing me up too much16:08
paranfta2: I just figured out what caused the firefox 3.1b3 instant segfault on my machine16:12
paranfta2: I had a pacakge named "libxul-dev" installed. after removing that it works fine, currently running 3.1 from the daily ppa16:13
fta2hm, so the pkg-config files were mixed up16:13
fta2asac, how come your tb3 patch will help? it will move to dep-wait, that's it. or did I miss something?16:15
sveinungasac: I did step 1 to 10 on the testplan on Firefox 3.0.6. Since I don't use GNOME I can't do step 11. I also tested the plugin Gnash on youtube, and VLC on Wikimedia commons. Gnash on Youtube worked, VLC worked for a time once without finishing and once crashing Firefox16:15
sveinungexcept that all worked16:15
asacsveinung: ok. so is vlc a regression?16:17
asacor did you get those with 3.0.5 too?16:17
asacfta2: yes you missed something ;)16:17
asacfta2: i touched rules not control16:17
asachence, "soft-depends" like i named it in changelog16:17
sveinungasac: I think I also had it in 3.0.516:17
asacsveinung: thats ok then. we are mostly intersted in regressions16:18
asacthats the focus of all the -security testing16:18
asacsveinung: are you running hardy?16:18
asacor intrepid?16:18
dorgananyone know how to get the from address of a selected message?16:18
sveinungasac: Intrepid16:18
BUGabundoasac: do you have a min?16:19
asacBUGabundo: ask ... and i will decide ;)16:20
asaci have to run to post-office as my tax declaration had missing parts which are now overdue16:20
asacwill run in 5 minutes after this security stuff has finished and i can give it a quick test16:21
BUGabundojust need guidelines on how to debug NM16:21
BUGabundobeen reading this16:21
BUGabundoI'm at Tokamak, and the eduroam here is not connecting16:22
BUGabundowith PPA NM16:22
BUGabundonow a friend arrived16:22
BUGabundoand can't connect either with interpid16:22
BUGabundothought you might want fresh logs16:22
BUGabundofrom ibex and jaunt16:22
asacBUGabundo: what type of accesspoint is that?16:22
asaca b g n?16:22
BUGabundoand yes, I know u want new bugs for jaunty to new reports16:22
BUGabundolet me check nm-tools16:23
asacwell nm-tools doesnt show if you are not connected i presume16:23
asaccheck whether iwconfig gives a hint16:23
asacwhen associated16:23
BUGabundoso if I can't connect (or at least autenticate)16:23
BUGabundohow can I know?16:23
asacwhat is that wpa-psk ? or -eap?16:24
BUGabundo    eduroam:         Infra, 00:1C:C5:7B:14:D0, Freq 2412 MHz, Rate 54 Mb/s, Strength 51 WPA WPA2 Enterprise16:24
asacBUGabundo: manually wpasupp works?16:25
BUGabundolet me ask my friend16:25
asacand chipset also16:25
BUGabundokill NM first?16:25
BUGabundointel iwl 394516:25
BUGabundokill NM first?16:26
asacBUGabundo: for manually? sure16:26
asackill NM and wpa16:26
BUGabundowpa_suplicant -i ipw bla bla?16:27
asacBUGabundo: on that chipset for some disable_hw_scan=1 helps as module parameter16:28
BUGabundowhere is that?16:28
asacBUGabundo: read the wpasupplicant README.modes.gz16:28
asacBUGabundo: add the option from above to /etc/modprobe.d/options for your chipset16:30
asacok have to run now16:30
dorgananyone know the overlay in thunderbird for viewing a message16:32
dorgani am trying to extract the from/to/subject of the currently selected message16:32
gnomefreakasac: what is your user name on bugzilla?16:48
* gnomefreak finally figured out how to follow you16:49
gnomefreakim going to lunch. Sm 2 succeeded will push it after lunch to PPA.16:56
gnomefreakalso does tb support hotmail, yahoo and friends?16:56
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacgnomefreak: asac at jwsdot.com17:47
gnomefreakcant push unreleased to PPA :(18:14
gnomefreakfixing than pushing than off for a bit maybe take this afternoon and spend with amily18:14
asacfta: oh also if you want ppp debugging (probably one of the causes) add "debug" to /etc/ppp/options18:20
jcastrofta: hey, can you push your updates from now on into the "debian" branch for gwibber instead of "packaging"?19:18
jcastrofta: for gwibber I mean19:18
ftajcastro, do you mean *.packaging is dead now?19:18
ftai use it for the daily builds19:19
jcastroI didn't know you were making daily builds!19:19
ftajcastro, https://edge.launchpad.net/~gwibber-daily/+archive/ppa19:20
jcastrooh dude, neat!19:21
jcastrofta: if you push your changes into just "debian" then I'll make builds like weekly or something based off of it19:21
ftawhere is that branch?19:22
ftai need to see if my bot is able to use it19:22
jcastrofta: you have all this automated?19:22
ftayes, i'm not crazy ;)19:23
jcastrogot all that up someplace?19:23
ftasame as https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa19:23
ftai'm tired of updating my own ppa, and i'm good at scripting so here we are19:25
jcastrofta: have you chatted with james_w at all? He wants to do this as part of distributed development19:26
ftajcastro, hm, it's flat, my bot is not able to use it as it is19:27
ftajcastro, over gwibber, yes, when he announced he was writting a spec about the same thing19:27
james_wyeah, I'm still drafting it :-)19:27
jcastroah, he's here. :p19:27
james_wI was going to chat to you when I had something ready to look at19:28
jcastrook I just wanted to make sure you were both aware of each other19:28
james_wit sounds more and more like you've already done it all though :-)19:28
ftai had the daily PPA in mind for a long time, even before PPA ever existed, even before i joined ubuntu19:28
ftawell, i have two scripts doing all the work, with a few requirements19:29
asaci would think that our scripts are as of now quite tailored to the way we do maintain branches and how our get-orig-source is implemented19:30
ftai need a package maintained in bzr, and if it's not native, it should have a get-orig-source target that knows how to fetch and name a fresh tarball, and it should be mergeable with bzr bd --merge19:31
ftathat's all about it19:32
asacfta: ok. so what is next is probably a quick "probe if something new exists"19:32
ftait does that too19:32
asacso you dont need to pull full sources in case there is no fresher tarball19:33
asacfta: is that probe quick? is that available as a separate "functioN" ?19:33
asacno function or not quick? ;)19:33
ftanot separate and in fact, it's still pulling the sources, preferably from a local branch, before it realizes there's no new snapshot available19:34
ftayet, it still checks for updates in the packaging branch19:35
asacfta: yeah. i think when thats fixed without pulling sources we could ask james_w to provide hooks so we can plug-in your logic at some point in his "full ubuntu" thing19:35
ftaso the debian branch from jcastro doesn't fit, it doesn't work for the bzr bd --merge step19:35
asacjames_w: in your plans: do you have a quick-probe for new stage? or are you using "get latest" and then check whether thats newer than existing?19:36
ftaasac, not sure, my stuff is half in shell, half in perl.. I think james_w wants 100% python or something19:36
james_wasac: don't know19:37
asacjames_w: can you comment on that? do you need everything to be reimplemented in python?19:37
asacso preferably != mandatory ;)19:38
james_wit will be useful to have access to bzrlib for one thing19:38
fta(you can ignore build-ppa.pl for now, it's not used by the bot)19:38
james_wwell, it's mandatory I guess19:38
ftayeah, i figured that out a long time ago, lp = python19:38
james_wthanks for the scripts though, I'll look at how they work19:39
asacjames_w: is it realistically that we get mozilla daily builds within a year?19:39
james_wthat's up to you guys, or someone else19:40
asacnow that we have our own, i dont really think its urgent ;)19:40
james_wI'm not going to maintain them19:40
ftajames_w, don't bother reading the code, i plan to write a small spec when i can find so time19:41
asacjames_w: ok different viewpoint: when will the framework land so someone could start to impelement the mozilla backend parts etc.19:41
james_wit's a spec for jaunty19:42
asacjames_w: well. the spec reads "proof of concept" ;)19:43
asaci would think mozilla wouldnt be part of that ;)19:44
asacstill drafting19:45
ftaasac, from UDS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSJaunty/Report/Foundations (look for "Daily Upstream Builds POC")19:45
fta"For 9.04, we will do a simple proof of concept with a small number (approx. 5) of upstream projects."19:46
asacyeah. so a year seems not that too far away19:46
fta"however the projects we choose will also depend on the anticipated difficulty in implementation" :) the mozilla packages are probably on the difficult side19:47
asacespecially considering that things that involve launchpad often take ages to sink in19:47
ftayeah, that's why i finally decided to start with my own bot19:47
ftaand my own server19:48
ftai will be limited by disk space if i start doing archives, not by bandwidth19:49
ftanor by cpu, unless i add a lot more packages19:49
ftafor ff and xul, i think it's good enough, for tb (and sm, sb, chromium, ..) it needs more work as sources come for several vcs, my local branch feature is not enough19:51
asacok resurrected from swap o rama20:07
asacreset button pushed20:07
ftawhere/when did you quit?20:08
asacfta: i have everything in my irssi20:24
asacjust couldnt answer ;)20:24
asaci disabled swap now20:25
asacrather want OOM kills20:25
ftamy desktop experience has never been so bad20:31
ftaasac, tb3.1 means forking the tb3 branch20:33
ftait's the same comm-central, by different xul20:34
ftamoz1.9.1 for tb3 and moz-central for tb3.120:34
asacfta: hmm. sounds like thats not the final setup20:46
asacfta: lets wait until upstream has forked comm-central or something20:47
asacfta: if its the same comm-central, how do you get the 3.1? thought that client.py just gets whatever is right for that branch20:47
ftathey said they want their nightly based on moz-central20:47
ftamozilla bug 46983520:47
ubottuMozilla bug 469835 in Build Config "Change version number to 3.1a1pre for Thunderbird comm-central+mozilla-central builds" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46983520:47
ftathere's an ugly hack in there: version.txt vs version-191.txt20:48
ftaso it's easy for me to use in mozclient .conf20:48
asaci dont care much then for 3.1 ... i guess 3.1 will take 4 years ;)20:55
BUGabundoby then, I'll be using what?20:56
BUGabundo5.2 ?20:56
asaconly $DEITY knows that20:56
ftagwibber crashed, again21:02
ftanow, i can't connect anymore21:07
BUGabundofor me, its identica21:08
BUGabundoit won't connect21:09
BUGabundojaiku and tw are fine21:09
ftaoh, good, i'm not alone then21:09
BUGabundobut it was just now21:09
BUGabundoin the last 2 hours21:09
BUGabundomaybe something is bad on identica servers21:09
BUGabundoaltough XMPP works21:09
BUGabundoidentichat and gwiber don't21:09
BUGabundohumm API change?21:09
asaci doubt it21:21
asacidenti.ca is just under high load imo21:21
asacbut #gwibber crashing isnt really good imo ;)21:21
BUGabundolots of my Apps crash21:22
BUGabundowhen I have HUGE IO21:22
BUGabundopidgin, gwibber, kmail, blablalbla21:22
BUGabundobad coding I guess21:22
BUGabundoI should file bugs against that, but it would fall under wish bugs or something21:23
ftathat's also my view of bugs in lp, they won't move unless you move them yourself. sad21:24
BUGabundoif I really care for a bug, I have to nag the QA team or the mantainers21:25
BUGabundoand I really hate to nag ppl21:26
BUGabundo_as you have found from what I do here on the # _21:26
asacerrr ... "Microsoft's decision to limit Windows 7 Starter Edition to running only three concurrent applications"21:28
ftareminds me of windows 2 :)21:29
asaci mean i thought windows 7 could really be a good thing and compete with ubuntu21:29
asacbut now that i read this ;)21:29
* asac wonders how users feel when the first dialog pops up stating: "ETOOMANYAPPSRUNNING: select which one to kill: firefox, word, skype"21:30
asacor icq + skype ;)21:30
asacthe firefox/IE -> done21:31
asacnow open word -> ETOOMANYAPPS21:31
asacor even chrome: open 3rd tab -> two many processes running ;)21:31
asaci think now i get why windows 7 will be less resource hungry and better suitable for netbooks ,)21:31
asacits similar to thought we had for the classmate PC and restricting ffox to just have 3 tabs ;)21:32
asacbecause 4 tabs would cause the system to lock down due to mem consumption21:32
ftahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_1.0 => that's LTS ! Release date: November 1985, Unsupported as of December 31, 200121:32
asacdepends on what "support means" ;)21:33
asacmost likely "hey, i have windows 1 and have this problem; A: please upgrade to windows 2"21:33
asacnow its "hey, i have windows 1 and have this problem; a: we dont support windows 1 anymore (hangs up)"!21:34
asac"Microsoft says the restriction is designed to ensure that users get the best possible performance from limited netbook hardware."21:35
asacjust like i said for the classmate21:35
asacjust that MS is either incompetent or pretending21:35
ftamore likely, "hold on, we're sending you a sales squad by jet"21:35
asacprobably ... but only if you have more thatn 100 installs i guess ;)21:35
* asac dancing21:50
asac~ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA is getting converted to a non-virtualized PPA ;)21:50
asacright now21:50
asacwith all archs even !!!!21:50
asacfta: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa O_O21:51
asachppa + powerpc sparc ia64 ... all spinning21:51
ftait's not a regular ppa then21:52
asac22:50 < asac> ~ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA is getting converted to a non-virtualized PPA ;)21:53
asacfta: ^^21:53
ftaoh, good for you21:53
BUGabundo1humm the PPAs were/are virtual machines?21:55
asacxen instances afaik21:56
asacthey get trashed after every build for security reasons21:56
ftayep, xen21:56
asacsandbox etc21:56
BUGabundo1didn't know21:57
ftaand the same hardware could be used for PPA or re-assigned to build other stuff, on-demand21:58
asacfta: what do you mean?21:59
asacafaik xen isnt available on all the other archs21:59
ftathe list of ppa machines varies as they get preempted for other tasks21:59
ftaso they come and go in the list of builders22:00
asacah yeah. most likely each xen instance has a name22:00
asacheh. everything idle except my builds22:01
ftabut not on the ppa machines, you're in the "Official distribution build machines"22:01
asacright. thats what i ment22:02
asacwell the ppa builds have bunch of idle too22:02
ftadepends, it's sometimes crowded22:02
asacyeah. most likely when folks start to build their own kernels ;)22:03
asacoh there is a intellinuxgraphics-2008q4 ppa22:03
ftaand they also keep dep-wait forever, there are hundreds now, retrying every 30min22:03
asacat least i see it building22:03
asacfta: how do you get that list?22:03
ftawhich list?22:03
asacfta: list of dep-wait packages22:04
asacso you can say "hundreds"22:04
asacor are you guessing from what you see on +builds?22:04
ftathere's no public list, I just watch this page often enough22:04
ftai'm not really guessing, i can see the queue refilling itself twice per hour with the same packages22:05
ftaand when i click, some are retrying since 200722:05
ftai asked 10+ times the lp guys to do something about it, nothing happened22:06
ftait's a waste of resources22:06
ftait's not green :)22:06
asacfta: yeah22:12
asaclets file a bug: "PPAs contribute to environmental hazard"22:13
ftap-a is a total mess right now22:30
asaci have my boxes connected to PS3 ;)22:41
asacfta: does alsa alone work?22:41
ftanot for everything22:42
asacwell. i mean except for parallel streams ;)22:42
ftamy testbed is openarena or mplayer while building something22:48
ftawith the new p-a, the sound from openarena is being rate limited22:53
ftaW: ratelimit.c: 305 events suppressed22:53
ftaasac, pm please22:56
ftagwibber still out :(23:32
ftaboom, ff3.2 crashed23:42
fta5 weeks away from work, not sure i'll be allowed to do that in one row23:43
ftagasp, the storm is close now, they announced it really bad, indeed it's bad and right on time :P23:53

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