
Myrttipiccies tagged and renamed, ankle rewrapped01:13
Myrttichatted with Duncan01:13
MyrttiSeeker`: http://flickr.com/search/?q=fosdem&w=78835633%40N00 or so01:14
Myrttior perhaps http://flickr.com/photos/myrtti/archives/date-posted/2009/02/ is better01:15
MyrttiI'm off.01:15
Myrttitata kids.01:16
ubottuIn ubottu, rgotten said: your answer is more confusing, i am trying to decide which way to go between ebox and webmin to manage a ubun tu server, the open chat room goes very fast and is hard to follow, i simple ask a question and isntead of getting some hint, direction or idea, get this type of answer, freedoms also includes helping each other01:31
ubottuIn ubottu, rgotten said: english is not my primary language, what is a but01:32
ubottuIn #ubuntu, austin_ said: ubottu: so, is my make older or newer?02:58
FlannelAnyone alive with -ot?04:08
FlannelGuruDrew could use a kick04:08
tritiumFlannel: say the word04:11
seam0nster1*gets popcorn*04:19
weternalseam0nster1 me too04:19
tritiumseam0nster1: please see the /topic04:19
vVvHACKERvVvlisten people04:20
Flannelweternal: This isn't a place for spectators.  Please leave.04:20
vVvHACKERvVvstop nagging everyone04:20
vVvHACKERvVvthats all04:20
seam0nster1yeah sorry about that, you carry on doing what you like doing, i will shut up04:20
vVvHACKERvVvpeople just wnat to talk without you throwing rules in their face all the time04:20
FlannelvVvHACKERvVv: The rules are in place to make #ubuntu usable.  Without them, it wouldn't be useful to anyone.  We have places to chat, #ubuntu is not that place.04:21
tritiumseam0nster1, weternal: is there something you need?04:21
vVvHACKERvVvFlannel: that is not why you are posting them04:21
vVvHACKERvVvyou are because you dislike me 04:21
seam0nster1you entered a room name in the man chat04:21
seam0nster1people will join04:22
seam0nster1lr2 pm04:22
Flannelseam0nster1: Please don't force us to remove you from this room.04:22
tritiumryanprior: and you?04:22
ryanpriorI wanted to ask something, I can wait until you guys are done.04:22
vVvHACKERvVvman 04:23
seam0nster1yeah, i have a `uestion04:23
vVvHACKERvVvthis is like children with big sticks04:23
seam0nster1for the ops04:23
FlannelvVvHACKERvVv: Again, those rules are the same for everyone.  Not just you.04:23
Flannelseam0nster1: How can we help you?04:23
seam0nster1why so serious ?04:23
vVvHACKERvVvFlannel: you really need to understand the reality of society04:23
tritiumLife is serious.  I don't have time for nonsense.04:23
vVvHACKERvVvnonsense is censoring people becuase you dont like them04:24
tritiumseam0nster1: please leave04:24
FlannelvVvHACKERvVv: This isn't a philosphical discussion.  #ubuntu as rules, we expect you to follow them.  They're publically posted, and you were warned a few times.04:24
seam0nster1lol k04:24
seam0nster1just lighten up guise srsly04:24
vVvHACKERvVvFlannel: you ar enot god04:24
vVvHACKERvVvthe sooner you realize this the better04:25
FlannelvVvHACKERvVv: If you can't follow them, we ask you take leave of #ubuntu04:25
vVvHACKERvVvI do follow them04:25
vVvHACKERvVvI dont follow you04:25
vVvHACKERvVvand you hate it04:25
FlannelvVvHACKERvVv: I could care less if you 'follow me', as long as you obey the rules of the channel.04:25
tritiumryanprior: what's up?04:25
FlannelIf I'm clarifying a rule for you, I expect you to listen to that portion of what I'm saying.04:26
vVvHACKERvVvMan you ar elost04:26
ryanpriortritium: In what ways, if any, do the Ubuntu code of conduct and the IRC guidelines intersect?04:26
Flannelbut regarding the rest of what I say, I could care less.04:26
vVvHACKERvVvPeople are here because it makes them feel more freedom, freedom from microsoft04:26
vVvHACKERvVvand you go right ahead and do the same thing with your nonsense04:27
vVvHACKERvVvattempt to censor and take that away04:27
Flannelryanprior: Theoretically, the Code of Conduct + Common Sense encompasses everything in the IRC guidelines.04:27
vVvHACKERvVvyou are the primary reason why chats fail04:27
tritiumvVvHACKERvVv: give it a rest04:27
Flannelryanprior: but, its safer to spell things out, since some people aren't familiar with IRCs etiquette, etc.04:27
vVvHACKERvVvdont invite me in here and tell me to give it a rest04:27
tritiumvVvHACKERvVv: I didn't04:28
tritiumI only did the latter04:28
vVvHACKERvVvFlannel did04:28
tritiumNo, he did the former04:28
FlannelvVvHACKERvVv: We invited you here so that we can talk to you without putting this in #ubuntu04:28
ryanpriorFlannel: Relatedly, if something is approved as an Ubottu factoid, does that make it law, or are many of those just suggestions?04:28
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
Flannelryanprior: Are you familiar with roberts rules?04:28
tritiumryanprior: depends on if it's conduct related, or suggestions for installing apps, etc.04:28
ryanpriorFlannel: I'm not familiar with them by that name. Should I paste that into Google?04:29
Flannelryanprior: Nah.04:29
ryanpriortritium: I mean the conduct-related ones specifically.04:30
tritiumryanprior: do you have one in particular that is in question?04:30
ryanpriortritium: My big one is !enter, which people abuse pretty frequently. I don't want to be mean to anybody, and I know it's common in IM, but it bugs me in a big way when people do it in IRC.04:31
Flannelryanprior: The code of conduct + IRC guideines are rules, and the factoids are generally an application of those rules.  (regarding Roberts Rules:) CoC could be seen as a Constitution, with the IRCguidelines as Bylaws, and factoids as standing rules.  At least, that's how... I'd do it, if I absolutely had to make such an analogy.  Obviously in real life, its not that cut and dry04:31
ryanpriorFurthermore, it goes along with the general principals of good communication in the Ubuntu COC, etc.04:31
tritiumryanprior: me too04:31
Flannelryanprior: that's a rule, etc.  The factoids generally spell out good etiquette, because people are unfamiliar with IRC, etc.04:31
Flannelryanprior: It doesn't make sense to put that in the IRC guidelines as itself, because there's a few parts of the IRCG that cover it (Don't flood, don't be annoying, etc)04:32
tritiumWhat is it with people tonight?04:33
Flanneltritium: full moon04:33
tritiumI guess.04:33
ryanpriorI can't help my gut feeling that people need it spelled out a little more explicitly, though. I'd put it in the topic. =P04:33
tritiumryanprior: that's a good suggestions, actually04:33
Flanneler.  If anyone read the topics, they'd get to it eventually.04:33
FlannelThey used to... where is guidelines in it right now?04:34
FlannelIt used to be in the topic!04:34
ryanprior IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC04:35
ryanpriorIt's in there.04:35
ryanpriorBut not directly linked.04:35
FlannelAh ha04:35
ryanpriorAnd here we are, using enter as punctuation. =D  It's so darn easy.04:35
Flannelryanprior: It's habit for a lot of people.  It takes a lot of people a lot of time to not hit enter at every period, since that's what they've done with IM for so long.04:36
FlannelWell, except they don't even use punctuation in instant messaging.04:36
ryanpriorWell, thanks for the info, and +1 usability points to y'all for putting a direct link to the IRC guielines, or COC, or note about "enter" in the topic.04:37
FlannelYay ban evasion!04:38
FlannelI don't think adding guidelines to the topic is a bad idea04:39
FlannelI just don't know if it ought to be at the end or the middle, with install at the end:04:39
FlannelOfficial Ubuntu Support Channel Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | Channel Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:39
FlannelAnyone have better suggestions than whack a mole?04:41
Flanneltritium: seamonster is back too.04:42
tritiumFlannel: sorry, stepped away to do laundry04:42
FlannelNo worries04:42
tritiumFlannel: under a new nick?04:44
Flanneltritium: 20:41 -!- seam0nster1 [n=an0nym0u@] has joined #ubuntu04:44
FlannelIsn't that the same guy?04:44
FlannelHi seam0nster104:47
seam0nster1sup ?04:47
Flannelseam0nster1: you know ban evasion isn't the best thing to do.04:48
seam0nster1it's either that or recive no futher help04:48
seam0nster1i need this room, as im new to ubuntu04:48
Flannelseam0nster1: Alright, I'll put it another way:  ban evasion only lengthens your ban04:48
tritiumseam0nster1: if you need help, I will allow you back in.04:48
seam0nster1but.. i will just evade again..04:49
Flannelseam0nster1: I strongly suggest you part #ubuntu right now, and then come here to discuss your ban04:49
tritiumPlease, however, don't spam the channel with smart-aleck remarks.04:49
tritiumYou'll evade again?  Not what I was looking for...04:49
seam0nster1inb4 b&04:49
tritiumEspecialyl after I offer to allow you to stay.04:49
seam0nster1whats the point, we don't see eye to eye, i will stfu in future04:50
Flannelyeah.  That's... not really the right way to go looking at this.  This isn't a forum of idiots04:50
seam0nster1i know, and i DO need help04:50
seam0nster1but i just got sucked into the thing04:50
seam0nster1i have a problem with authority04:51
Flannelseam0nster1: Do you understand why you were banned?04:51
tritiumseam0nster1: you seem to be good at heart.04:51
seam0nster1i am, and yes i do04:51
tritiumIt just doens't help to be egging on trolls, spamming the channel with unnecessary offtopic comments.04:51
seam0nster1alright, i understand that.. i just can't help myself sometimes04:52
FlannelBecause it just makes the channel unusable for those who actually need help (such as yourself)04:52
tritiumseam0nster1: I'd like to give you the chance to get the support/help you need04:52
seam0nster1it was kinda lulzy04:52
tritiumPlease don't make me regret it, ok?04:52
tritiumThanks.  I appreciate it.04:53
tritiumPlease re-join #ubuntu.04:53
tritiumI will remove the previous ban.04:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.04:53
seam0nster1yea me too, would of sucked if i was perma b&04:53
tritiumYou're most welcome.04:53
seam0nster1should i leave here ?04:54
Flannelseam0nster1: Please do, yes.  Thanks again.04:55
FlannelWhoever codes floodbots : Make them comment regarding automated mibbit bans in the BT06:31
Flannelsince many of those aren't necessary as bans (and need to be cleaned out after a few months, etc), and it'd make it easier if they had something to search on.06:31
tritiumFlannel: how was your LoCo meeting?  And, was scale this weekend?  How did that go?06:32
Flanneltritium: It's in two weeks.  Same weekend as GBJ (and we're actually participating all weekend!)06:33
tritiumFlannel: oh, ok.06:34
FlannelIn addition to our booth, we're going to be running a room with bug jamming going on, with two presentations, one on how to bug jam, and the other on how to do bugwork itself (what normally happens at a bug jam).  We figure some of the people would find the former much more useful, given the audience.06:34
tritiumGBJ = Global Bug Jam?06:34
tritiumSounds like something I would like to attend.06:35
FlannelWe're not exactly a large team.  I'm pleasantly surprised at how its turning out.  Since when we heard GBJ was that weekend, we figured we'd just write it off.  And then Jorge volunteered us, heh.  But it should all be good.06:35
tritiumJorge the Gnome developer?06:36
FlannelMr Castro, one of the key evangelists of the GBJ (the others being mumbach and jono)06:37
tritiumAh, yes.06:37
tritiumBed time.  Have a good night, Flannel.06:38
Flannelnight tritium06:39
Myrttigood morning07:59
jussi01no, no, its not a good morning. grrrrrrr08:35
Myrttijussi01: my ankle doesn't feel *that* bad, so it's fairly good one08:37
MyrttiI managed to walk to the bathroom without too much cussing08:38
elkyMyrtti, whaddidyado?09:02
MyrttiI just fell on my face in Brussels, didn't look where I was going09:03
Myrttimy right knee is all scabby and my left ankle swollen09:03
tonyyarussoFlannel: last I checked LjL was behind the floodbots.09:03
* elky cuddles Myrtti's owies better09:17
prince_jammysbanisterfiend in #ubuntu, being an ass, sexually propositioning women09:46
ikoniapanarchy in #ubuntu offtopic10:11
ikonia@bansearch panarchy10:12
ubottuMatch: *!*@220-244-120-169.static.tpgi.com.au by ikonia in #ubuntu on Jan 17 2009 13:46:31 (ID: 9155)10:12
ubottuMatch: panarchy!*@* by ikonia in #ubuntu on Jan 18 2009 17:19:51 (ID: 9212)10:12
bazhanggordon just does not get it11:05
topylilooks like his mind is all made up11:10
bazhangI was talking about the legal authorities, not people's parents.11:11
topylii don't think he cares, the point is to prove elky wrong. that's the whole mission, the discussion itself is rather moot11:13
Myrttigordonjcp is an old regular user, been gone for quite a while on other channels and complained there about our rules etc...11:13
MyrttiI don't know what has brought him back11:13
elkyhe's peeved because i have something to back up what i say. 11:14
elkyMyrtti, step inside that certain Other Channel for a bit. you'll understand all too quickly11:14
Myrttielky: you mean That Other Channel? I've not been there, I've been #elsewhere and seen him complain there11:14
MyrttiI've not been #elsewhere since September myself11:15
Myrttibut I need to get my laptop packed and go to a meeting at the clients11:16
elkymuch hugs. dont break or bruise any new parts11:17
MyrttiI'll try not to. The roads are slippery :-/11:18
Tm_Thugs, kids11:39
bazhang [kewlsaltyfries] (n=hamburge@ FAIL TROLL TROLL TROL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL TROLL <-- wonder who that could be11:41
jussi01tonyyarusso: that failvid is _so_ wrong...13:24
MyrttiOMG I AM SO TIRED17:17
MyrttiI'm borderlining hysteria17:18
Myrttiopinions about the offtopic blabber at #u?17:28
Myrttiok, I can't babysit #ubuntu now17:48
Myrttiam too tired17:48
PiciI'll try to keep an eye on it, but I need to run to a meeting in 15 minutes -_-17:48
* Pici sighs19:07
topylimaybe i'll just remove it before the younglings get too excited19:13
topyliour youngsters, that is19:13
PiciI was concidering muting mikem for feeding earlier.19:16
topylioh i don't even know what to do with him19:17
topylihe's so paranoid i'm beginning to be afraid it's specifically me that's haunting him19:18
PiciGotta run to another -_- meeting. 19:27
ubottuIn ubottu, zash said: scares me is BOO!20:15
jpdsOK; who fell asleep on the power button?20:20
* Seeker` points to jussi01!!20:30
stefgsomeone watch Oni in #ubuntu please... he's asking for a kickban20:34
=== topyli_ is now known as topyli
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:10
nickrud_new high in generic questions:  "I can't use this OS"21:40
Seeker`nickrud_: I'll think you'll find that isn't a question21:43
nickrud_was in response to what !ask21:43
nickrud_that's one reason it ranks so very highly ;)21:43
nickrud_I wish stefg was right; just by longevity I'd have probably a few tens of thousand dollar bills22:10
ikonia@mark #ubuntu ^hashbang% being a bit noisey with random chatter, has an attitude in pm22:10
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:11
ikonia@mark #ubuntu ^hashbang^ being a bit noisey with random chatter, has an attitude in pm22:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:11
MyrttiI already mentioned his chatter earlier to him22:13
ikoniaquite frustrating22:13
ikoniareply to everything "chill out"22:14
ikoniain channel and in pm22:14
ikoniaalso could I remind everyone who's active to cast a glance over these old / uncommented bans in BT I'm planning to clear them out unless people recognise any and say "stop", they are all old and a lot dynamic ranges22:17
nickrud_ikonia, I have none that I haven't dealt with22:17
Myrttitwo first, don't take off22:17
Myrtti*!*@martha.stuart.is.gonna.innovateyour.com either22:18
ikoniaMyrtti: removing from the list22:18
ikoniathank you22:18
nickrud_now that sounds like an interesting person22:18
Myrttihow do I get the feeling that minicity*!*@* might be good to keep on the list as well22:18
Myrttididn't we have those minicity spammers sometime in the past22:18
ikoniaMyrtti: any doubt - I'll leave it alone22:18
MyrttiI somehow also get the idea smallfoot is a repeated offender22:19
nickrud_interesting that bullgard4 is on a ban list; I see him regularly.22:19
ikoniasome of them are known problems, but I checked a lot with chanserv and some haven't been active for 6 months22:20
ikonianickrud_: he's been banned in ubuntu and OT a few times22:20
ikonianickrud_: nothing major, he just can't grasp ubuntu is not "linux" support22:20
ikoniahe seems to have gotten a lot better22:20
nickrud_strange. he's odd, true. I would hesitate to diagnose by net, but I've dealt with him for years and never saw bad behavior22:21
ikonianickrud_: it's not bad behaviour22:21
ikonianickrud_: he just thinks #ubuntu is "linux" 22:21
ikonianickrud_: eg: the header blah blah, is built into X, why does X use this header22:21
ikonianickrud_: or why does the kernel contain blah, I don't see a need for it22:22
ikoniabut normally a lot of questions of that nature22:22
ikoniahis behaviour is certainly not bad, just on occasion can be distruptive22:22
nickrud_I guess I started with him when things weren't quite so busy and the channel tightened up. Sorta like the frog in the water on the stove22:23
ikonianickrud_: he's really gotten on top of it, I think he just gets frustrated when ##linux doesn't answer quick enough for him so comes to here where he knows there will be X people active and more odds of someone having a clue22:23
nickrud_you're right about the general trend of his questions though22:23
ikoniaMyrtti: removed from the list, thank you22:24
nickrud_for me it's usually a pleasure to see him: his questions are phrased well, and he researches the answer you give :)22:24
ikonianickrud_: yes, he certainly listens, I enjoy some of the discussions in ##linux with him22:25
ikoniajust really can't start letting "linux support" become his core resource for ubuntu22:25
ikoniaopens the gates for everyeone22:25
ikoniaat the start he had a problem getting his head around it, but seems fine now22:25
ikonia(I've not seen him do it for a long time)22:25
nickrud_not arguing with that. Just a matter of 'used to' for me and him22:25
nickrud_'gotten used to'22:25
ikoniaif the channels dead, I don't normally pick up on it, but normally it's when it's full flow22:26
nickrud_that's not as easy as it used to be, that's for sure. Seldom slows down now22:27
ikoniayes, very rare22:27
ikoniait's nice that it's busy more than not though22:27
nickrud_so, does that count as a ban evasion (which is where I was intending to go, but got sidetracked)22:28
ikonia@bansearch bullgard422:28
ikonianickrud_: I think I may have pasted a mark 22:28
ikoniarather than a ban for him22:28
ubottuNo matches found for bullgard4!n=detlef@p5b258335.dip0.t-ipconnect.de in any channel22:28
ikoniaor a ban that was removed22:28
ikonianickrud_: I'm far from a perfect copier22:28
nickrud_ah, that's good :)22:29
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:30
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:30
geniiJack_Sparrow: I'm not quite sure if the car PC guy is trolling23:40
Jack_Sparrowyes. trolling and about to get the boot23:41
nickrud_we should keep a couple pet trolls around, so we have a scale to kick by23:46
* nickrud_ trolls ;)23:46
bazhangone sken = ??23:46
nickrud_is that measurable?23:46
nickrud_interesting, xchat actually crashed23:48
geniiMaybe it has anti-trolling protection23:48
nickrud_heh. a useful addition. Should have a toggle though23:49

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