
nightrid3rS4nD3r: might be an hybernation problem00:00
mrpocketsGYAHHH WAHT THE H!LLLL!!!00:00
Dartelblizzle: TY00:00
S4nD3rIs it possible to correct?00:00
DartelMy bad00:00
S4nD3rI'll turn off screensaver !!00:00
blizzleDartel, And yes, you can nominate where it installs to. Not sure you can run it "portably" if you install to USB, though.00:00
=== Commie_Cary is now known as gTroll
DartelI cn not wait to install this on a quad core system00:01
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MrBCCan gnome's desktop icon text be changed so that all the icons line up?00:01
DartelWell the USB is mounted so it SHOULD work like a hard drive, Yes?00:01
MrBCMaybe a hint of a filename?00:01
blizzleDartel, GoogleEarth on quadcore? *laugh* It's running oon Wine, so you'll only be exploiting a single core afaik.00:01
blizzleMrBC, Have you tried right clicking on the desktop?00:02
DartelGoogle earth has Linux versions00:02
MrBCSome options are there...00:02
sluskenumm hi! anyone know how i disable my powermizer override options in xorg.conf? :P00:02
S4nD3rim not using nvidia, its an Intel G985. How to change it?00:02
G-BluntedSo do you use Synaptic installer to install new kernels?00:02
MrBCBut not the options I'm looking for...00:02
blizzleDartel, No, GoogleEarth has Linux versions which are actually wine installations with the Windows version. *chuckle* You've been suckered.00:02
MrBCIf a filename is big, the whole filename is displayed under the icon.00:03
MrBCI'm trying to get that to reduce without renaming.00:03
nightrid3rDartel: like corel did with coreldraw00:03
DartelLOL I have a S3 Virge M+ graphics chip00:03
mrpocketsI can't become root in my overall X session, can I?00:03
prahal_Pyles17, I would try to upgrade (move old one out or /lib/firmware and install new one from http://intellinuxwireless.org/?n=Downloads00:04
ussermrpockets, you can but its not recommended00:04
Dartelblizzle:  Oh did not know that00:04
mrpocketsusser, I know its not recommended, and I know this chan doesn't suggust even telling peopel how00:04
prahal_as the config80211 is  by default configured for US this cannot be the issue00:04
blizzlemrpockets, Login as root, you are root. Except by default root on ubuntu has no password set, so you'd need to address that first.00:04
prahal_and the other side (what was in the daemon for ipw version) is now in the firmware00:04
isaseyou can't login GUI as root without setting AllowRootLogin to true in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf00:05
mrpocketsblizzle, It says I cannot log in this way with the administrator when i try to log into the session as "root"00:05
isasemrpockets: you have to edit, as root, /etc/gdm/gdm.conf00:05
isasesearch for the line that says "allowroot"00:05
Pyles17prahal_: right. next computer i'm getting is going to have hardware that doesn't suck00:05
isaseand change "false" to "true" (without quotes, mind you)00:05
isasethen you have to restart gnome00:05
Pyles17with linux00:05
mrpocketsisase, thanks00:05
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DartelSome of this reminds me of my old Amiga days but its differant enough to slow my learning curve00:06
blizzlemrpockets, You could just sudo apt-get install slim00:07
mrpocketsisase, need to reboot after editing said .conf?00:07
prahal_Pyles17, well as it seems it not only sucks with linux .( it is hardcoded in hardware for the US when bought in the US .  And the firmware only vallidate this . This means that if one travels then boom no way to switch the regulatory settings00:07
isasemrpockets: no, just restart gnome00:07
DartelI will delete the Google earth files will be too much for system to run I think00:07
blizzlemrpockets, gdm is a bit heavier, slim is a lighter login manager. Just a thought :)00:07
blizzleAh, he gone.00:07
prahal_though I like Intel hardware next time I ll take a close look at what they are selling before buying00:07
Pyles17prahal_: i saw that. ridiculous00:07
isasemrpockets: as root ,run gdm-restart from command line00:07
toddI was wondering if there is an easy way to "back up" user accounts (IE: there password and files)?00:08
mrpocketsThis would be a whole lot easier if it just told me which goddamn machien it wants the password for00:08
Pollywoghello, I upgraded a hardy system to Intrepid but the old image will not boot (file not found error) and the new image asks for a LUKS password and the old LUKS password does not work.  Is this a common upgrade problem with Intrepid?00:08
DartelWB mrpockets00:08
mrpockets"localhost" isnt very specific when networking whathaveyou00:08
mrpocketsand its not the local host, because its not accepting the password00:09
isasemrpockets: it wants the password for the machine the printer is connected to00:09
blizzleDartel, On your machine, it will be too heavy without doubt.00:09
mrpocketsisase, its a networked pritner over ethernet00:09
mrpocketsand it won't take the password for the server supporting it00:09
isasemrpockets: what's server OS?00:09
isasemrpockets: and hte printer is shared, right?00:10
isase(jsut making sure)00:10
skate2anyone use znc? i dont get how to use it and cant find any good howto on it00:10
blizzlemrpockets, user/pass for an account on the win2k3 box.00:10
and2I'm having a heck of a time adding a display and was hoping someone might be able to tell me how to gracefully restart the x server?  I keep getting pushed into low res display moe when I try ctrl alt backspace00:10
isasewas about to suggest that, blizzle00:10
mrpocketsno problems on the other windows machines00:10
isasewindows != ubuntu00:10
owner_i have the same problem as and200:10
owner_i found one way to fix the error, but it doesn't fix the resolution00:11
mrpocketsI'm just saying the problem is with the Ubntuy machien, not the network or the share00:11
blizzlemrpockets, also check permissions in /etc/samba.smb.conf00:11
Dillizar!ultimate edition00:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:11
isasemrpockets: what is the error that it's hrowing up, exactly/00:11
toddhow can I backup my users accounts so I can "restore" after a resinstall?00:11
mrpocketsi enter password00:11
blizzlemrpockets, * /etc/samba/smb.conf00:11
Pollywoghello, I upgraded a hardy system to Intrepid but the old image will not boot (file not found error) and the new image asks for a LUKS password and the old LUKS password does not work.  Is this a common upgrade problem with Intrepid?00:11
mrpocketsand it says "adding pritner" for a few secconds00:12
Dillizaris ultimate edition a real ubuntu?00:12
mrpocketsthen asks for the password again00:12
and2anyone?  graceful x server restart00:12
nightrid3rDillizar: not officialy00:12
isaseand2: ctrl+shift+backspace00:12
PollywogI guess I should just do a clean install of Intrepid00:12
Pollywogwould that be best?00:12
blizzleisase, You know that's deprecated in jaunty, right?00:12
and2isase: thats not graceful00:12
isaseblizzle: it works :P00:13
Dillizarnightrid3r but will still have support form the ubuntu comunity00:13
isasealthough i didn't know that00:13
nightrid3rDillizar: yup00:13
blizzleisase, Not in jaunty.00:13
isaseand2: apologies, then00:13
isaseblizzle: i stand corrected then, still using Intrepid00:13
owner_my server gives me a low graphics error during bootup because i dont' have a monitor attached, how do i fix the resolution00:13
mrpocketsblizzle, i'd edit smb.conf if i wanted to share it out from this location00:14
freazerMy system was shut down abruptly and now I've got bad inodes!! I've used a livecd to repair them but some of my programs aren't working! firefox is giving me "illegal instruction" from command line, and I reinstall it but it still doesn't work. I've noticed other important system files like /etc/init.d/rc were damaged in small ways - can anybody help me repair and salvage my system??00:14
toddhow can I backup my users accounts so I can "restore" after a resinstall?00:14
prahal_todd, 1/ the data (well /home/* ) second the permissions (tricky but you can count on any user/group above 1000 to be users and users'groups ... if you also want to retain the system groups where your users belongs - audio, netdev, plugdev, etc ... hard to tell how to best achieve that00:14
Dillizarnightrid3r what about gedubuntu or smt like that00:15
isaseDillizar: why not jsut use Ubuntu?00:15
GeffIsLegendanyone mind helping me to install fonts on my system? the stuff on the support fourms  istoo complicated....00:15
S4nD3rhow to discover which video driver is installed?00:15
toddprahal: Thats exactly what I am looking for groups, and passwords, I mean there has to be a way right???00:15
Dillizarisase lol :D i am00:15
nightrid3rDillizar: any ubuntu or derived system can be supported as far as its the ubuntu part that gives problems00:15
MrBCCan gnome's desktop icons only show part of the text insteadl of ALL of it so that the icons like up better?00:15
MrBCline up00:16
Dillizarlol nightrid3r00:16
nightrid3rDillizar: the other parts will depend if people in here use it00:16
drashtodd: there are numerous backup options available (do a websearch for more info i guess) ... but if you put your /home in a partition of its own (separated from the / system files) you can update or reinstall without the need for 'restore'. You might want to websearch for partition schemes in ubuntu (or linux in general)00:16
isaseDillizar: to answer what I think is your question, the "official" ubuntu distros are ubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu, xubuntu, and ubuntu server00:16
GeffIsLegendanyone mind helping me install fonts on my system please ? ubuntu8.1000:16
freazerWhen I try to run firefox (even in safemode) it says "illegal instruction" - so I tried sudo apt-get purge firefox and then sudo apt-get install firefox and I'm getting the same errors - I've run e2fsck -fy and it's not fixing any new inodes - any tips?00:16
todddrash: I know how to back up user files, how do I backup users???00:17
DillizarGeffIsLegend go to home and show hiden folders and find the .fonts and put them there00:17
isasetodd: it's not an easy, straightforward process - you're probably better off jsut recreating them after a reinstall00:17
Cpudan80Hello all00:17
todddrash: Already did a bunch of google searches, need more to go on00:17
drashtodd: cfr isase00:17
Cpudan80How do I reload bash so that the new path variables take effect?00:17
prahal_todd, you could backup /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/shadow /etc/gshadow ( withstanding the security issues)00:17
freazerdrash: That isn't true at all! I've put my /home in another partition, and when i reinstalled _none_ of the users could login saying they could not have write permissions to their own folders!00:18
GeffIsLegendDillizar i only see a .fontconfig, should i make a .font myself?00:18
Dillizaryes GeffIsLegend00:18
GeffIsLegendok thanks ill try it00:18
meoblast001why does " pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device=bluetooth" cause pulseaudio t crash?00:18
mrpocketsyou guys where fullashit00:18
mrpocketsit actually wanted the password for localhost00:18
* Dartel pulls out his linux to english dictionary and tries to follow along00:18
prahal_but yes this is not straightforward . You d be better of exporting users and groups (non system ones ) to ldap/kerberos00:18
_VIM_!language | mrpockets00:18
ubottumrpockets: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:19
isasemrpockets: you said you tried that and it didnt work?00:19
Pollywogmrpockets: that is no way to get help00:19
DillizarGeffIsLegend if you want to install the new vista font or other typical windows fonts i think you cant well the vista one you cant :D00:19
MoTecyou all are awfull and useless! now someone help me with my problems, NOW!00:19
mrpocketsisase, what i did, is click "connect to server" before trying to add the printer00:19
toddprahal_: Assuming I am root/admin if I drop in /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/shadow /etc/gshadow, and install the same software, and the users files I should get the same system... basicly? are there any other files?00:19
isaseMoTec: LOL00:19
mrpocketsselect connect to "Local Host"  and entered Root as the user00:19
Kryzlerlol MoTec00:19
freazerCan anyone recommend a browser besides Firefox to use within ubuntu? I really need to browse google but this machine can't run firefox still ^^!!!!00:19
prahal_todd, no  sadly00:19
mrpocketsthen added it, and used the local root password when it prompted me00:19
isasefreazer: lynx00:19
Kryzlerwhat he said ^_^00:20
toddprahal: You mentioned security issues???00:20
Kryzlerlynx is awesome00:20
dellsucksanyone have their entire system freezing with NetworkManager causing the problem when connecting to a certain network?00:20
dellsucksso annoying00:20
Dillizarwhat is your problem MoTec00:20
n8tuserdellsucks -> yes I can confirm00:20
isaseDillizar: sarcasm :P00:20
MoTecDillizar: no problem, actually.. trying to help others.  that was sarcasim :)00:20
G-Bluntedthis system-tools-backends package never installs right....how can i fix that?00:20
DartelMoTec: Take a seditive with half glass of whater pour rest on computer, problems solved00:20
prahal_todd, but you could add everything above 1000 uid without issues (for the system groups ownership , I guess one have to do it by hand ... but still ldap or nis seems better fitted00:20
MoTecDartel: how about multiple beers?00:21
dellsucksn8tuser: how do i fix it? right now i'm updating packages00:21
Dillizarhelp me MoTec :D00:21
n8tuserdellsucks -> nothing you can do, just do not switch networks00:21
DillizarMoTec i have a big 8.10 problem00:21
isasetodd: unless you're suing LDAP or something similar, it's not really practicalyl doable00:21
freazerIs there a command I can run that will scan my system files and programs and repair any that were damaged? basically a full reinstall without losing my settings or users?00:21
prahal_G-Blunted, you mean you are installing from sources ?00:21
RavenorHas anybody got hibernate to work on Hardy through uswsusp?00:21
RavenorOn a laptop00:21
dellsucksn8tuser: i have to connect to this network00:21
DartelDont drink and Linux how do you think windoze was created?00:21
isaseDartel: lots... and lots... and LOTs of booze00:21
n8tuserdellsucks -> your own?00:21
DillizarRavenor just close the laptop :P00:21
dellsucksn8tuser: nah, school's00:21
MoTeclol, it's worse than that.. apparently i bought a new car online last night after I'd been drinking :)00:22
toddprahal: what would you recommend I do? I need to be able to wipe machines completely, and restore ALL user info00:22
RavenorDillizar, Thats not the point.00:22
prahal_ldap with luma is quite easy by the way00:22
n8tuserdellsucks -> make it your default at boot, then dont attempt to switch to another00:22
nightrid3rfreazer: restore from that precious backup you made00:22
archmancan i somehow see session runtime?00:22
dellsucksn8tuser: when i go to different places around campus it connects to the school network, but when i'm at the lib it freezes00:22
DartelSo what do you all suggest to relive bordem with a system that seems to be just good for surfing and chatting LOL any decent games?00:22
n8tuserdellsucks -> i can confirm that,  nothing you can do about it00:23
DillizarDartel i am playing CS :D00:23
dellsuckswell someone should fix that bug00:23
meoblast001Ubuntu makes me want to punch babies00:23
todddartel: bosswars!00:23
badfish69so punch babies00:23
rporterDoes anyone have an idea why ./configure for the newest bluez would tell me that DBUS isn't there, but DBUS is clearly installed on my system?00:23
sambagirli am so frustrated. i cannot for the life of me get a single cd/dvd to burn. could the whole spindle of optical media be bad?00:23
DillizarDartel and WOW and warcraft00:23
=== sether is now known as ploceidae
* Dartel hides his beanie baby collection00:24
n8tuserdellsucks -> you are in school, you have the time, contribute and fix such issues00:24
blizzlesambagirl, Have you tried burning at minimum speed?00:24
badfish69sambagirl, try k3b, brasero seems to suck00:24
todddartel: yea for games, windows has more of a selection... look into WINE00:24
dellsucksn8tuser: no you have it wrong, i'm in school and i don't have time00:24
=== Dillizar is now known as LaGeek
archmanbrasero is awesome for me00:24
sambagirlbrb l3b?00:24
andypls1guys i created a new windows live ID but when i try to login to msn, it says service unavailable00:24
badfish69it's in the repos00:24
sambagirlthat is in the respository00:24
RavenorHow do I go about reenabling wireless after hibernate kills my wireless functionality. nm-applet doesn't give me any options for wireless. Like the entire device disappeared. ath_pci still shows up in lsmod though.00:24
andypls1my other account can login without any problems, anybdy knows why?00:24
blizzlesambagirl, apt-get install brasero00:24
fearfulandypls1: What client00:24
badfish69sudo apt-get install k3b00:25
prahal_todd, ldap with backups of the ldap db .Managing users through "luma". Don't know about ubuntu but unnder debian it was manageable to setup . I never had time but keeping password in kerberos is more secure (though this could be added in a second step00:25
NativeAngelshas ubuntu desktop got a screensaver where it goes to the password after a cirtain00:25
freazern8user: what sort of pathetic uni did you go to where you actually had free time?00:25
andypls1fearful i tried kopete00:25
badfish69blizzle, ubuntu comes with brasero, and it sucks00:25
DartelCS I might be able to run... I was running halflife on windows before I went to Ubuntu00:25
S4nD3rits installed xserver-xorg-video of a lot of video cards in my laptop, is it necessary???00:25
n8tuserRavenor -> sudo ifdown wlan0; sudo ifup wlan000:25
S4nD3rMy one is Intel 965G00:25
InSAnE_hello  everybody00:25
blizzlebadfish69, Apparently it doesn't suck for all. :)00:25
badfish69it sucked for me on hardy and intrepid00:25
archmani always burn with brasero, and it's doing me good00:25
fearfulandypls1: Try Pidgin or aMSN00:25
LaGeekDartel but only CS i dont hink you can install CDS but i think halflife2 can not sure00:25
DartelHi InSAnE_00:25
InSAnE_i need  some help00:26
sambagirlit was already installed let me try it.00:26
LaGeekhit me InSAnE_00:26
InSAnE_im a very newbe ubuntu user00:26
zcat[1]just wondering if there's any hope of getting the dialup modem in my laptop working. It identifies as 'SiS AC'97 Modem Controller', can't find much about it on google except a few vague references to 'alsa' having some support (but no actual clues like what package to install)00:26
andypls1fearful i also tried with windows live msn. is it because it's a newly created windows live ID?00:26
DartelI dont like pidgion00:26
LaGeek!ask InSAnE_00:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask InSAnE_00:26
fearfulandypls1: It shouldn't be because of that00:26
NicarkQuick question: how much swap space should i configure for a 4GB ram desktop amd64 system? (1gb?)00:26
archmanzcat[1] i managed to get mine working on gutsy00:26
zcat[1]archman: how?!!00:26
LaGeek!ask | InSAnE_00:26
ubottuInSAnE_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:26
archmanzcat[1] just a sec...00:26
andypls1fearful both programs fail, the problem must be somewhere else00:26
InSAnE_i installed ubuntu studio 8.10 on my PC00:27
sambagirlwhat a neat program00:27
freazerNicark: depends on what you do - if it was me with 4 GB ram I wouldn't use any swap - you could run 3 World of Warcraft's at once and not need swap - Swap is just slow slow slow backup memory00:27
LaGeek!line | InSAnE_00:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about line00:27
InSAnE_installation is works fine whitout problem00:27
DartelBRB looking for CS00:27
beefcircuitInSAnE_: did it install cinepaint by default?00:27
LaGeekInSAnE_ try to make your question with one ENTER00:27
fearfulandpls1: Its probably an error with MSN servers, since they use so many it maybe that the one which your new account is logging in is messed up00:27
InSAnE_but the first  is not  i only see black bicture after the boot00:27
fearfulandpls1: Give it a few minutes and try again00:28
prahal_what is the way to hibernate under ubuntu ? uswsusp is broken under ubuntu so I don't know00:28
andypls1feaful it's been about an hour now...00:28
prahal_by broken I mean it corrupt generated initramfs00:28
freazeris there a command to sudo apt-get remove all and then reinstall all? like could I export my package list somehow?00:28
fearfulandpls1: What error code does it give you00:28
blizzleprahal_, Hibernation is still a hit and miss affair.00:28
InSAnE_ok i try and sorry for the gramatic mistakes  im hungarian00:28
freazerand for the record, Seamonkey was a Firefox wannabe that is a GUI web browser that works and is not Firefox, lynx was just a silly suggestion for a newbie00:29
freazerI didn't ask for CLI00:29
nightrid3r!hu | InSAnE_00:29
ubottuInSAnE_: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál00:29
sambagirlumm it doesnt write dvds00:29
andypls1416 fealess00:29
andypls1416 fealful00:29
blizzlefreazer, dpkg I think you'd need.00:29
=== leeis is now known as isase
drashNicark: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-swap-space.html has a recent 'view' on that exact topic00:29
archmanzcat[1] it's for intel8x0m modules: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d26d91db8 it could help you ; be creative! ;) cheers!00:29
n8tuserfreazer -> look into  tasksel ubuntu-desktop  or the tasksel in general -- google for it00:29
prahal_blizzle, it is not like it is not working under debian ... that s why I am asking for ubuntu00:29
Nicarkfreazer: Thanks, I don't use any high ram usage software, nor do i use this computer as server, i guess i'll go with as many as possible if not any swap at all.00:29
DartelI am American and still can't type.00:29
sambagirlwow what a cool program00:29
Nicarkthanks drash will see00:29
prahal_sid I mean I don't know about lenny itself have not checked00:29
freazerblizzle, n8tuser: thanks will look into both00:29
zcat[1]archman: hmmm.. SiS not intel but I'll take a look00:30
blizzlefreazer, sudo dpkg --reinstall -a or something similar. try man dpkg00:30
tekteendoes anyone know what channel to go if you want help with GCC?00:30
alex_mayorgaI have an ubuntu install that stales on libslp1, I've checked the image md5 hash and verified the CD, what can be wrong here?00:30
archmanzcat[1] yes, but you could get on the trace...good luck :)00:30
fearfulandypls1: Thats the error code from the msn client or Pidgin/Kopete00:30
archmanzcat[1] you done that modem diagnostics?00:30
LaGeektekteen what is that00:30
prahal_ok I ll use sid packages under ubuntu of uswsusp and hope the ubuntu way of patching pm-utils won't make it kill the system00:31
DartelWas that CS or CSs?00:31
isaseGCC is the Gnu C Compiler00:31
andypls1that's the error Kopete is reporting fearful00:31
archmanzcat[1] scanmodem i believe...dunno00:31
LaGeeklol Dartel00:31
InSAnE_i have an ati 3870 GPU    i thint the problem is coused the default linux GPU driver  i cant fint a solution  whit the black picture    i dont knox the safe mode command on the grub menu00:31
fearfulandypls1: Can you give me one from the msn client please00:31
LaGeekcounter strike and source00:31
archmanoh i'm getting drunk here while studying at the same time...00:31
LaGeeknice work archman :D00:31
DartelCS= Counter Strike CSs= Counter strike source00:31
andypls1fearful Kopete is the msn client00:31
S4nD3rSo... I had  XP installed, in dual boot system. BUt, now, when I choose Windows XP, this reboot and do not start windows. What to do?00:31
archmanLaGeek: you mean, the modem? :)00:32
prahal_ie https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/uswsusp/+bug/132603 quite old no news00:32
S4nD3rId like to have XP ready to use sometimes.00:32
usr13What needs to be installed to see Flash Plugin images like the ones on this page: http://shopv-twincycles.com/productdetail.htm?browse=194816&productId=5819034&shopBy=6291&catalogId ?00:32
sluskenumm "I disabled my powermizer override options in my xorg.conf  " anyone know how to do this? :P thanks00:32
fearfulandypls1: I know but can you login to the MSN Client like, Windows Live 8.0 or w/e version it is at now, and show me that error?00:32
LaGeekS4nD3r how did you installed ubuntu inside the windows or.......00:32
manguyIs there some sort of ssh log file in ubuntu?00:32
andypls1feaful unfortunatelly i am on linux nonw00:32
S4nD3rIn another partition.00:32
S4nD3rIts is separated partition.00:32
fearfulandypls1: Try logging in at www.meebo.com00:32
andypls1fearful: ok00:33
nightrid3rmanguy: look in /var/log/00:33
lstarnesmanguy: /var/log/auth.log00:33
archmanS3nD3r: if youre not a gamer it's no use, use vmware...or any vm-server00:33
manguyAhh auth.log, thanks!00:33
LaGeekS4nD3r put the windows cd and see if the windows misses some dll files dunno its a ubuntu channel00:33
S4nD3rI know. But I need windows to my researches.00:33
archmanS3nD3r: you can install win on vmware...00:34
archmanand have it00:34
S4nD3rIf I need to re-install Windows, which procedures to re-install grub without lost windows MBR?00:34
LH{hey how do i run photoshop in ubuntu?00:34
LH{is it called wine?00:34
archmanLH yes00:34
nightrid3rLH{: wine00:34
blizzleLH: apt-get install wine00:35
andypls1fearful: ok00:35
andypls1fearful: it doesn't login00:35
fearfulandypls1: Did it work?00:35
archmanor synaptic?00:35
blizzleLH: And then get Wine to run the Photoshop installer.00:35
fearfulandypls1: Error?00:35
chetnickhow can i remove Shockwave plugin for firefox?00:35
_VIM_I was only able to get CS2 working on Wine00:35
archmanno need to be a geek ;);););)00:35
LaGeekvmware archman???00:35
andypls1fearful: it doesn't say any error00:35
andypls1fearful: it just appears as nothing happened00:35
blizzleLH: If you want more up to date Wine, you'll need to add the wine repository.00:35
LaGeekarchman dunno what is that lemme check00:35
Darteldo the counter strike games need wine?00:35
archmanLaGeek: virtual machine, like you have computer inside computer ;) LL00:36
fearfulandypls1: Ok give me one sec00:36
archmanpretty awesome app00:36
LaGeekinside?? WOW00:36
LaGeeki was thinking it was a emulator00:36
archmanchech vmware unity on youtube!!00:36
archmanyou'll get impressed00:36
LaGeekarchman but i need a windows cd??00:37
_VIM_cd or iso00:37
fearfulandypls1: The error just says 461 or is there a message?00:37
archmanLaGeek: depends on xp00:37
DartelI have Linux pro mag on lap issue on Virtual enviroments00:37
blizzleLH: Google for wine hq application database00:37
archmanLaGeek: take the one password-free00:37
LH{blizzle, how do I install photoshop on that? would it say run via wine or something00:38
andypls1"unhanded msn error code 416" fearful00:38
LaGeekarchman thats a crime :D00:38
archmanLaGeek: breathing will be a crime in ten years ;)00:38
archmanLH{> wine <app>00:38
FiReSTaRThey guys.. i'm getting the msg saying "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60D11217247D1CFF" what does that mean and what do i do about it?00:38
archmanFiReSTaRT: you need to enter gpg key00:39
archmanin software sources00:39
nightrid3rFiReSTaRT: get the gpg key from the site00:39
DartelIn 4-8 years not breathing may prove to be a blessing00:39
FiReSTaRTso i go to http://ppa.launchpad.net?00:39
bioshakeRe:  ubuntu and swap:  I'm just wondering if I should make my swap bigger than 1.4 gigs (I have 2 gigs of ram) to avoid any protential issues with suspend / hibernation00:39
Joker_-_Hey my DVD drive can't play DVDs, any tutorial on why this would happend? (It's on a mythbuntu media center box).00:40
nightrid3rFiReSTaRT: yes00:40
archmanFiReSTaRT: there where you found your reps00:40
LaGeekarchman wow its good i will try it when i will come nack home00:40
DartelHow do I change my password for when I log onto my wireless connection?00:40
LaGeekis it free??00:40
FiReSTaRTi think these are just standard ubuntu reps00:40
sambagirlk3b doesnt burn dvd?00:40
archmanLaGeek: yes, mainly00:40
nightrid3rJoker_-_: libdvdcss2 <--- needed for encrypted dvd's00:40
archmanLH{> put your setup file on desktop00:40
Joker_-_night, thx I already found a tutorial talking bout that but I cannot find in what repos it is?00:40
Joker_-_nightrid3r: thx I already found a tutorial talking bout that but I cannot find in what repos it is?00:41
fearfulandypls1: One second please00:41
nightrid3rJoker_-_: medibuntu repo00:41
LH{archman, what happens if its on a dvd00:41
Joker_-_nightrid3r: this is not in the source.list by default?00:41
nightrid3rJoker_-_: no00:41
Joker_-_nightrid3r: do you have a quicklink for me or something ;)00:41
FiReSTaRTnightrid3r: i have 2 apps that use ppa.launchpad.net.. how do i find out which one the key is for?00:41
nightrid3rJoker_-_: medibuntu.org00:41
Joker_-_nightrid3r: thx00:41
archmanLH{> then go to dvd location, open terminal there and run: wine <your setup file>00:42
LH{oh ill try that! :D00:42
nightrid3rFiReSTaRT: look on the apps pages, there should be instructons on whch key you need00:42
LH{archman, does it do isos?00:42
FiReSTaRTi'll give it a shot :)00:42
fearfulandypls1: And you can login to other accounts using the same computer?00:43
archmanLH{> nope, you need to mount iso; you have an iso?00:43
andypls1fearful yes00:43
LH{yes i have an iso of photoshop on my hdd00:43
LH{ill just extract it or something00:43
archmanLH{> mount it, with acetoneiso2, or some built-in app for it00:43
blizzleLH{, You can mount an iso with mount. man mount00:44
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:44
andypls1fearful what are you thinking?00:44
archmanLH{> if you need help, let me now, i'm here, drinking and studying :D:D:D00:44
LaGeekhow can i make my a installisation of a ubuntu ! with my themes and stuff! so when it will be installed will be lets say looking as  mac os??00:44
LH{LOL archman00:44
LH{what you drinking, oj?00:44
fearfulandypls1: It usually means theres an error with the msn server, but I find it awkard thats been an hour and you can login fine with others.00:44
archmanLaGeek: what??00:45
archmanLH{> a beer ;)00:45
archmanit's ok00:45
andypls1fearful ok i'll try tomorrow again00:45
LaGeekarchman like linux xp00:45
fearfulandypls1: I'll keep searching for answers will you be logged in?00:45
archmanLaGeek: i don't know if it's possible, sorry00:45
LaGeeka ubuntu but will look just like xp :D or vista :D and i can sell it like them :D00:46
andypls1do you want to email me fearful?00:46
fearfulandypls1: Is your clock set to 2009?00:46
andypls1fearful yes00:46
fearfulandypls1: Please I will e-mail you with a response00:46
ethana2How does one put their machine to sleep via the CLI?00:46
archmanLaGeek: why don't simply google for xp ubuntu theme?00:46
ethana2(suspend to ram)00:46
andypls1fearful ok thanks, did you get my email?00:47
freazerhey all! I just wanted to brag: thanks for the help!  for pkg in `dpkg --get-selections|awk '{print $1}'| egrep -v'(dpkg|apt)'`; do sudo apt-get install --reinstall $pkg -y; done    -- it's crunching through my package list right now!00:48
archmanLaGeek: planning some intrusion with this trick? ;)00:49
Joker_-_nightrid3r: it works for VLC and all, but mythbuntu won't play the DVD trough the interface... any tips?00:49
ethana2freazer: that would be amazing functionality in an OS if it had a gui...00:49
ethana2and launchpad integration00:49
tekteenfreazer: that is nothing. I made a bash script to parse the faa site. :-P.00:49
LH{archman, instead of mounting the iso im just extracting it then using the setup00:50
zcat[1]W00T! Modem is answering AT commands. Will assume that probably means it's working (no phone line here so can't actually test it any further ;)00:50
LH{just wondering who here uses photoshop on ubuntu00:50
archmanLH{> i don't think it'll work...00:50
EisenhornHow do I go about reenabling wireless after it was killed by failed hibernating? nm-applet doesn't do anything.00:50
archmanLH{> you can't extract an iso00:50
archmanyoull get nothing00:51
LH{ill have to mount it then xD00:51
archmanLH{> !iso00:51
_VIM_LH{: i was only able to get CS2 working on wine :(   so I use CS4 in a win xp VM00:51
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:51
_VIM_Virtual Machine00:51
LH{whats the mountpoint00:51
zcat[1]actually my phone line at home is also VOIP so it might be a while before I get to test it... need a plain analog line ;) Why I want this modem working is a total mystery to me...00:51
archmanLH{> /media/cdrom ??00:52
LH{oh i was used to d drive lol00:52
DartelAny idea why Ubuntu sees and mounts my cheap 16 gig flash drive but not my 4 gig?00:52
archmanLH{> LOL00:52
yoyonedLH{: you can mount it inywhere you want.  U normally use .mnt/iso00:52
archmanzcat[1] welcome to the club!00:52
LH{archman, IT WORKED00:53
archmanLH{> enjoy00:53
LH{cdrom0 popped up00:53
archmanLH{> now...u see setup file00:53
FiReSTaRTnightrid3r: it was openoffice.. they must have changed something up b/c the key wasn't necessary b400:53
FiReSTaRTthanks :)00:53
DartelLH: shouldn't it slide out not pop up?00:53
archmanLH{> nope, other00:53
LH{I see the setup.exe00:53
archmanLH{> thats the one!!00:53
FiReSTaRTand thank you archman :)00:54
zcat[1]archman: Mostly just because I have everything else on the laptop working, it never even occured to me that there was a modem but having just noticed it, I now feel compelled to have that working as well!00:54
archmannp fire00:54
LH{do I wine setup.exe in terminal00:54
SafeIf I have 2 NICs, how do I disable eth1?00:54
archmanLH{> that's right!00:54
freazerthanks for all the help over the past two days everyone!00:54
archmanyoure welcome00:55
LH{so  wine /media/cdrom/setup.exe00:55
archmanfreazer here are some nice people willing to help, i get help often, im a noob, lets say00:55
archmanLH{> cdrom0?00:55
zcat[1]zcat@mbeki:~$ date -d @123456789000:55
zcat[1]Sat Feb 14 12:31:30 NZDT 200900:55
=== elementz_ is now known as elementz
LH{cd yeh00:55
LH{thats where the iso is mounted00:56
archmanLH{> if its mounted to cdrom0, then that.00:56
SafeIs it even possible to disable it?00:56
MoTecheh, yeah.. unix date 1234567890 coming soon :)00:56
LH{how do I access that? do i need root00:56
archmanLH{> no, did you cd to it?00:56
LH{i can only cd to /home/user00:57
archmanLH{> LOL, you cant use root with wine, write:00:57
archmancd /media/cdrom000:57
LH{worked lol00:58
LH{yay cheers00:58
archmancant=you shouldn've00:58
archmanyou did wine setup?00:58
rk_when  i start sshd it says could not load host key:/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key ... its not important, isnt it? i mean... thats the comp who is running the server, it only need authorized_keys and thats all00:58
=== WooD is now known as woodaway
archmanLH{> i'm out of beer...:(00:58
Stefanosorry, I use sudo smbmount // Desktop/dirStefano -o rw to mount a remote samba share on 8.10 from a 8.04. Can I put it as it is in /etc/fstab?00:58
LH{ok it popped up with wine00:58
LH{I think its working00:59
LH{raging archman !00:59
_VIM_!away > woodaway00:59
ubottuwoodaway, please see my private message00:59
archmanLH{> ok, you're on your own now, good luck ;)00:59
LH{hahah thanks alot!!00:59
LH{linux community is awesome00:59
archmannp youre welcome to ubuntu community!00:59
LH{i already got compiz and new themes etc01:00
LH{and this is my first day haha01:00
archmanwow, you enjoy01:00
archmanand be prepared to be pissed off, sometimes ;)01:00
_VIM_that's a given01:00
LH{yeh lol01:00
archmanLH{> intrepid?01:00
LH{whats that01:01
archmanLH{> what version of ubuntu LOL?01:01
archmanintrepid ibex then01:01
LH{its fun01:01
archmanLH{> i upgraded from gutsy yesterdy01:01
LH{hotkeys for everything01:01
LH{how do you find it01:01
archmanand i can tell you, believe my, ubuntu is better nowadays01:01
LH{i like it, i just need to get photoshop up and IM sorted!01:02
StefanoI use sudo smbmount // Desktop/dirStefano -o rw to mount a remote samba share on 8.10 from a 8.04. Can I put it as it is in /etc/fstab?01:02
hoonteke1I'm running intrepid on a dell vostro.  The blue blinking wireless led is ... annoying at best.  Is there a way to turn it off *while still using my wireless*?01:02
LH{im on dualboot with xp so its good01:02
archmanLH{> i'm out of here, been a pleasure, night all! ;)01:02
LH{bye bye thanks for the halp01:02
archmanif youre not a gamer, believe me, no use of dual boot01:02
archmanits vintage!01:02
archmanuse virtual machine, like vmware...01:03
MoTecStefano: yes.  Add a line something like:  //ntserver/docs /mnt/samba smbfs username=docsadm,password=D1Y4x9sw 0 001:03
DartelI will miss WOW :-(01:03
_VIM_wow works on wine01:03
archmanWOW works on wine, i believe01:03
StefanoMoTec, username and password are the ones from the PC where I do the mount, isn't it?01:04
_2is it possable to mount an audio cd ?01:04
MoTecStefano: yes, for the remote system.  whatever credentials you'd enter when you map that share.01:04
DartelSystem wont run wowo01:04
LH{WOW WOW lol01:04
ZeniturDoes anybody play Worms Armageddon?01:04
h00kI am having some lag problems with Docky (nVidia 177.82, x86_64 kernel), has anyone had problems with docky lagging?01:04
StefanoMoTec, thank you very much01:05
LH{Zenitur, back in the day!01:05
DartelNever played Worms01:05
LH{is that the 2d one01:05
MoTecYou're welcome01:05
DartelMakes the BASS ignore them01:05
G-Bleezywhats another terminal text editor that's installed by default besides 'vi'?01:06
G-Bleezyvi is so unintuative it makes no sense01:06
_2anyone know if it's possable to mount an audio cd ?01:06
Ace2016_-Hi all01:06
ZeniturLH, this game does not die with time. This is all time game like an quake01:06
MoTecG-Bleezy: nano01:06
* _VIM_ smacks G-Bleezy hey now! 01:06
Ace2016_-if gnome has tasks on the bottom bar, what does it have on the top bar?01:06
_VIM_there is a GUI vi you know01:06
ZeniturG-Bleezy, pico01:06
Zenituror nano01:06
zashAce2016_-: whatevery you want01:07
h00kG-Bleezy: vim is pretty powerful if you take some time to get to know it01:07
DartelOk... I need to stop that01:07
G-Bleezypico = nano01:07
kholerabbican I label my ntfs partition? (rather than 80gb media)?01:07
zashAce2016_-: you can move most stuff around and customize all you want01:07
Ace2016_-zash: oh ok01:07
G-Bleezyhow do i get Xchat to save my nick name and stuff?01:07
LH{does notepad++ work with ubuntu, anyone know a good coding program01:08
LH{css php etc01:08
FlannelLH{: Try SCiTE, it's based on the same thing as notepad++01:08
zashLH{: scite is based on the same lib as notepad++01:08
ZeniturLH, KDevelop01:08
G-BleezyLH{: i saw an editor for coders listed in the packages list01:08
G-Bleezyi think KDevelop is what i saw...01:08
LH{cool ill try them all haha01:08
MoTecscite is good stuff for windows01:08
Ace2016_-ever wonder if we'll run out of app names?01:08
Ace2016_-sry offtopic01:08
MoTecLH{: Eclipse might do what you want01:08
LH{ace2001ac7, theres always numbers haha01:08
zashLH{: vim ftw!01:09
tekteenace2001ac7: I have seen some programs with the same name that do the same thing, very confusing "-)01:09
MoTecLH{: kate, scite, gedit, geany, quanta+01:09
_2LH{ nah i already used the first 10k numbers as command names.01:09
LH{just gotSCiTE01:10
LaGeeki am going home i have a new ubuntu ultimate edition to play with01:10
LH{_2 :P01:10
LaGeekFUN TIME01:10
_2LH{ for real01:10
LH{scite looks good for the moment hehe01:10
LaGeekyeah 2.0 zash01:10
DartelNow all I need is to figure out how to get usenet working and a decent free usenet provider and this will be maxed out for comunication and information01:11
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ZiRiS
=== hoonteke1 is now known as not2sober
=== paulj1 is now known as pauljw
LH{I never tried usenet in years01:12
DartelComcast dropped it01:12
_VIM_comcast stopped their usenet :(((  so I too am looking for one01:12
_2anyone know if it's possable to mount an audio cd ?01:12
_VIM_omg Dartel get out of my head :)01:12
=== toga30 is now known as ToGa
DartelEcho echo01:12
h00kG-Bleezy: vim is pretty powerful if you take some time to get to know it01:12
h00kach, wrong button01:12
h00kI am having some lag problems with Docky (nVidia 177.82, x86_64 kernel), has anyone had problems with docky lagging?01:13
LH{h00k, what is VIM01:13
ZiRiSwould someone please tell me the command to 'copy' a file from one location to another inside a term window, please?01:13
DartelDidn't I read that 20 min ago?01:13
Tr3y-ZiRis cp01:13
LH{i keep thinkin its _VIM_ haha01:13
h00kLHC: vim, vi, same thing01:13
MoTecastraweb.com still do free usenet access?01:13
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code01:13
LHCoh btw01:13
LHCi logged in as lhc and lh{01:14
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, netbeans, pida, monodevelop01:14
LHCopps lol01:14
MoTeckate, quanta, eclipse... i win!01:14
ZiRiSTr3y-: tyvm01:14
Tr3y-I've never been a fan of vim usually use nano :-P01:14
* _2 just uses mc for his editing01:15
DartelI still do not understand virtual machines.. they still need real life resources like memory and such right?01:15
ScuniziI've got an iso of ubuntu server.. usually I use k3b to burn but since it's not installed on this box I'd give whatever the native app is a shot.. where do I find it and how do I use it?01:15
DexiDoes such a thing exist that would allow me to right-click on a picture and upload it to imageshack or something like that? the same as "Send file" but "upload"01:16
ScottG489I just created a new lager partition for swap space so that I could hibernate, but when I hibernate and start back up its just as if im doing a fresh restart. I'm guessing hibernate doesnt know the new location of my swap partition? What do I need to do?01:16
_VIM_Dartel: oh yeah theres no getting around that01:16
rgottenanybody has try webmin agains ebox01:16
ScuniziNevermind.. Brassero and once loaded it's pretty self explainitory..01:16
Zenitursuse 10.1 have nice programs. And many. By default. 15 text editors, 10 media players, 5 3D-editors... I like this path, not a minimal. But since 10.2 (Microsoft agression) it is minimal too.01:16
[T]anki need a good, easy, n00b friendly program to burn a mp4 video to a dvd disk to play in a dvd player. Can anyone make a recommendation?01:17
_VIM_Dartel: VM's just let you use different OS's inside other OS's, so like you can run Windows XP inside Ubuntu and viceversa, of course you'd need the Windows cd or .iso file...01:17
_2ouch oomk !                 kooka seems to have a bug01:17
fearful[T]ank: Have you tried Brasero? I don't know if it burns mp4 but you can try01:17
DartelSo say I have a quad core system 4 gig ram per core I can set up 4-8 Vrt Machines?01:17
ZeniturThey want to make distros low power and make windows 7. They are not partner of gnu/linux.They are killers01:17
Scunizi[T]ank: k3b01:18
[T]ankbrasero looks like it may do it.01:18
_VIM_Dartel: easily01:18
ZeniturTank, TkDVD.01:18
rgottenwhich is better to use webmin or  ebox to manage ubuntu server01:18
_VIM_Dartel: and oddly enough, Win xp runs FASTER in Virtualbox than without Virtuualbox01:18
Tr3y-Anyone have any suggestions for 3d editing for *nix01:18
Tr3y-and don't say blender please01:18
MoTecebox, apparently webmin isn't supported for ubuntu01:18
DartelHmm. Ubuntu/xp/vista/amiga/Mac machine :-)01:18
ZeniturVIM, cool01:19
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.01:19
_2maybe i'll try to do all my "kooka" stuff on debian  ;/01:19
fearful[T]ank: You can also try DeVeDe01:19
rgotteni know that ebox is supported, but: ebox does not have command line line like webmin, and you are installing like a server on top of a server01:19
h00k[T]ank: I've had good luck with DeVeDe, also01:20
DartelWell VIM that makes sense, as its not running the resourse directly but has a more efficient OS supplying it right?01:20
_VIM_Dartel: something to that effect, yes.01:20
endeavormacso i'm looking at all the traffic coming out of my machine when i connect it to a network. What daemon is spitting out ssdp packets?01:20
DartelI am a 2 day old Linux user VIM forgive my ignorance LOL I am struggling to learn the new and wonderful01:21
_2_VIM_ "runs faster" most likely for some of the same reasons that games run too fast and are uncontrolable, i.e. timers are emulated poorly or not at all.01:21
rk_how do i generate /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key and /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key ?01:21
_VIM_!pm | rgotten01:21
ubotturgotten: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:21
MoTecrk_: installing sshd package should generate those01:21
netdurlatest ubuntu & firefox, firefox freeze few seconds every two/three minutes01:21
_VIM_Dartel: you're doing just fine... :)01:22
rgottenplease explain your comment since i am new into this01:22
LHCoh shit .avi is glitchy when played01:22
MoTecrk_: meaning, since it's installed by default, they should be already generated.01:22
LHCis this the norm?01:22
h00kI am having some lag problems with Docky (nVidia 177.82, x86_64 kernel), has anyone had problems with Docky lagging?01:22
rk_MoTec,  ive got it installated, but when i run it it says could not load host key:  /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key01:22
DartelSurely someone has come up with a step timer to emulate what speeds are needed?01:22
endeavormacnevermind, tracked it down to pidgin01:22
ZiRiSI installed a fresh install of kubuntu after the same issue happened in ubuntu. I installed the recommended driver for my vid card (nVidia 8600GT) and rebooted, but xserver won't load. So I'm trying to copy the files listed previously and a few others to try to fix this. anyone else have a suggestion?01:22
MoTecrk_: do a ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key01:23
ZiRiSSorry, listed previously in #kubuntu, Xorg.conf.*01:23
MoTecand a ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key01:23
_2LHC .avi is only a container. the format makes lots of differance   and the short answer is NO, not if you use the correct libs and codecs01:23
_VIM_LHC: you're probably just missing the good codecs, have you tried sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and enabled the medibuntu repos?01:23
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:24
LHC_VIM_, ill try that now01:24
LHC_2 thanks01:24
DartelUbuntu did restricted extras just for my wireless01:24
rgottenubottu:  please explain your comment since i am new into this, i am trying to find why everybody likes ebox compare with webmin, i have play with the 2 and it seems that webmin is more complete and friendly, i am a newby and since _answered Webmin, i was trying to get more information, i did not know that that was such a bad think, anyway, can somebody help me clarify01:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:24
LHC_VIM_, does that give me all the codecs01:25
_VIM_LHC: Most of the more popular ones, I donno bout "all" of them though...01:25
looterhow do i know which desktop environment i'm using?01:25
LHCthanks for that!01:25
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.01:25
LHChopefully itll play my avis01:25
fearfullooter: lsb_release -a01:25
fearfullooter: on the terminal01:25
ZiRiSlooter: what color is your bootup screen? blue or orange?01:26
MoTecrgotten: I prefer webmin also.. but it doesn't handle config files like unbuntu does.01:26
lstarnesfearful: I don't think that shows the current desktop environment01:26
_2!freedom > rgotten01:26
ubotturgotten, please see my private message01:26
fearfullstarnes: It should say Ubuntu or Kubuntu01:26
rk_MoTec, i did, and i think the files are there but it keeps sying could not start sshd :S01:26
looterand lsb said "no lsb modules are available"01:26
_2rgotten you might find part of your answer in the idea of freedom01:27
ZiRiSlooter: you're running gnome01:27
lstarnesfearful: I think it always says ubuntu01:27
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Spotify01:27
Kryzlerdamn ¬_¬01:27
fearfullstarnes: Really, well good to know I thought it said specifically01:27
looterok... but is there a way i can verify that?  not that I don't believe you01:27
DartelGnome here too01:27
lstarneslooter: do you have a bar at the top and the bottom of the screen?01:27
KryzlerAnyone know if there is a Linux release of Spotify?01:27
lootertop and bottom01:27
ZiRiSlstarnes: no, kubuntu says kubuntu01:27
kjellKryzler: Run spotify under wine, works great.01:27
MoTecrk_: did you install sshd by running 'sudo apt-get install sshd' ?01:27
DartelI set both mine at the top01:27
ZiRiSkde here, and I like it so far, if i can get my vid working01:27
lstarneslooter: do you see "Applications", "Places", and "System" in the top bar?01:28
looteri'm  running ubuntu 8.10 btw and I'm pretty sure its gnome but I just wanted to verify01:28
MoTecrk_: hmm, might be apt-get install ssh01:28
looterlstarnes: yes01:28
LHC_VIM_, this screen came01:28
Kryzlerk thanks kjell :D01:28
rodsQuick question -- does 3d virtualization mean hardware acceleration?01:28
lstarneslooter: then that is gnome01:28
LHCup sayin configuring sun-java6-bin01:28
kjellKryzler: No problem.01:28
rk_MoTec, well yeah, ssh01:28
* ZiRiS is running kubuntu after ubuntu failed01:28
_2looter  the command requires a switch.  "lsb-release -a01:28
lstarneslooter: also, check system > about gnome01:28
fearfulZiRis: Why did Ubuntu fail?01:28
_VIM_LHC: yeah you have to hit TAB key so it goes to the "OK" or what not01:28
looter2: i did run it with the switch01:28
_2looter  the command requires a switch.  "lsb_release -a"   sorry.01:28
ZiRiSI installed a fresh install of kubuntu after the same issue happened in ubuntu. I installed the recommended driver for my vid card (nVidia 8600GT) and rebooted, but xserver won't load. So I'm trying to copy the files listed previously and a few others to try to fix this. anyone else have a suggestion?01:28
DartelVid works but not all the resolutions I had in windows stuck at 800x600 60hz01:28
ZiRiSSorry, listed previously in #kubuntu, Xorg.conf.*01:28
looterlstarnes: ty01:29
LHCahah _VIM_ i was scared there01:29
LHCenter didnt work haha01:29
ZiRiSand xorg.*01:29
_VIM_lol yeah that Java agreement gets everyone01:29
seam0nstercan someone PLEASE help me install my install edimax ew-7318usg  usb wifi thing, for the love of god! or whom ever would also be nice to be loved by...01:29
h00kI am having some lag problems with Docky (nVidia 177.82, x86_64 kernel), has anyone had problems with Docky lagging?01:29
mib_e3nmyphi guys, I was wondering if someone could help me with instaling ubuntu 8.1001:29
kjellmib_e3nmyp: Do you have any special problem or just need guidance?01:30
_2looter you can also look to see what code name is in your etc/apt/sources.list01:30
ZiRiSmib_e3nmyp: whatcha got? whats the issue, specifically?01:30
LHC_VIM_, what player do you use?01:30
mib_e3nmypMy question is: can I install ubuntu from my HD and not a CD Drive01:30
seam0nsteri googled this up and down, what am i doing wrong ?01:30
ZiRiSmib_e3nmyp: or are you just in need of guidance?01:30
mib_e3nmypbecause I dont have any more CD-R01:30
seam0nsterHALP PLEEZ!01:30
_VIM_LHC: VLC01:30
ZiRiSmib_e3nmyp: ooooo! good question. I don't know, perhaps someone else does?01:31
Dartelalso under SYSTEM there is a "about Gnome" in mine should be in yours01:31
kjellmib_e3nmyp: If you run Windows you can install it through there and still have windows on the computer.01:31
fearfulmib_e3nmyp: You can also boot out of a USB01:31
kjellmib_e3nmyp: Or USB as fearful says01:31
_VIM_!players | LHC (but there's many others...)01:31
ubottuLHC (but there's many others...): Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs01:31
mib_e3nmypkjell: how do I do that01:31
kjellmib_e3nmyp: I would do USB if I were you.01:31
LHCso sudo apt-get install VLC01:31
freazerHi all! One more issue. When I try to install packages, dpkg tells me I must run "dpkg --configure -a" first -- so I do that: update-initram is broken and won't let me continue: Fatal: Not all RAID-1 disks are active; use '-H' to install to active disks only" - "dpkg: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" - how do I clear this from my cache? I want to skip over this one - I've found that this is a known 01:31
_VIM_LHC: , yep01:31
_2LHC no caps01:31
_VIM_yeah no caps with apps01:31
kjellmib_e3nmyp: Wubi does it. Although I think ubuntu came with an official application?01:31
DartelVLC rocks01:31
ZiRiSmib_e3nmyp: go get the iso, install alcohol (if in windows presently) and then run it, it will allow you to install from within windows, without rebooting.01:32
_VIM_good catch -201:32
LHCkk _201:32
_VIM__2 even01:32
mib_e3nmypI am currently running a dual boot if Vista and XP and would like to delete Vista ( I knwo you guys can't help out there) and dual boot ubuntu and xp if possible01:32
kjellZiRiS: Ah, so the ISO contains the windows-installer aswell?01:32
seam0nsterIf someone can help me i shall name my first born after you, or anything you decide !01:32
fearfulZiRis: I don't recommend him using Wubi tho, might as well dual-boot01:32
DartelWhat is the BEST lossless audio format?01:32
kjellseam0nster: With what?01:32
h00kI am having some lag problems with Docky (nVidia 177.82, x86_64 kernel), has anyone had problems with Docky lagging?01:32
LHChow come you can just type a programs name and it goes installs it, are these files hosted on ubuntu's own servers01:32
ZiRiSmib_e3nmyp: I'm a windows expert, ubuntu newB01:32
freazermib_e3nymp: that's easy, use a LiveCD and Gparted (System -> Administration -> Partition Editor) and just delete the Vista partition. the installer will then let you guide through to install Ubuntu on the free partition01:32
fearfulWindows blows really01:33
seam0nsterKjell: i need to install an edimax ew-7318usg usb wifi device01:33
ZiRiSfearful: agreed, hence the switch to ubunutu01:33
mib_e3nmypwait, so I can still keep X01:33
fearfulI haven't used windows since Fiesty01:33
ZiRiSmib_e3nmyp: yes01:33
The_Rebelwhats the best app for mounting images? (what has the most support all the image types out there?)01:33
mib_e3nmypso I download the new ubuntu 8.1001:33
mib_e3nmypthen what?01:33
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_2The_Rebel mount01:34
fearfulmib_e3nmyp: You need to create a new partition to install your ubuntu system01:34
seam0nsteri have the tutorial i can paste bin in the linux driver folder, i just don't understand it!01:34
LHC_VIM_, vlc still flickers01:34
Jungle_Manext2 or  301:34
mib_e3nmypfearful: can I do that from XP01:34
_2fearful or use wubi01:34
kjellJungle_Man: I'd use 301:34
fearfulOr use wubi01:34
mib_e3nmypand can I delete Vista from XP01:34
ZiRiSmib_e3nmyp: install Alcohol 120% and then mount the iso, run the official app, and you're good, however, I would suggest another method than using the linux app to delete the partition01:34
rgottencan anybody expalin to me how is an easy way to follow this irc, i am a newby and is hard to follow any question posted here01:34
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:34
The_Rebela frontend would be nice..01:34
freazerNo help for my question above? I just want to tell dpkg to forget about configuring initramfs-tools, I've already ran LILO -H and it's fine now - so I can continue on installing other packages01:34
_VIM_LHC: hmm no clue lol01:35
_2The_Rebel a frount end for the mount command...   </rolls eyes>01:35
fearfulmib_e3nmyp: I would suggest you try installing it through wubi, and I would download MagicISO instead, free and specifically to mount images.01:35
rgottenubottu: do you want me to close the PM01:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:35
mib_e3nmypZiRiS: but when I do that won,t my boot order be screwed?01:35
chalcedonyI'm trying to backup my files to upgrade to 8.10. does this mean that these are in root?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/115836/01:35
prince_jammysrgotten: use tab completion to autocomplete the nickname of whoever you're talking to, so the nick is highlighted. example: prin<tab key>01:35
_2!bot | rgotten01:35
ubotturgotten: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:35
fearfulmib_e3nmyp: Not if you use Wubi, it won't install the GRUB you'll use windows boot loader01:35
Dartelrgotten: Gets ruff, I was a Channel admin so used to fast scrolling01:36
mib_e3nmypok, so fearful: last question, do you know how to delete the vista partition from xp01:36
mib_e3nmypwithout corrupting the boot order01:36
mib_e3nmypbcz when I do that b4 I cant boot into XP anymore01:36
fearfulmib_e3nmyp: As I said I don't use windows so I wouldn't know :S01:36
ZiRiSmib_e3nmyp: check your pm01:36
rgottenDartel: i am 78 year old who is trying to learn all this new technology, i can bet you is not easy01:36
KryzlerDartel how come "was" an admin, not "is" an admin?01:36
mib_e3nmypsorry, checking pm01:37
chalcedonyrgotten: congratulations for trying new things :)01:37
fearfulafk having dinner01:37
_2mib_e3nmyp maybe you could just change the partition type and format it to something linux could use ?   just a thought.01:37
drashchalcedony: the paste indicates these files are in /var and owned by root yes01:37
seam0nsterWhy so complicated ubuntu?!01:37
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:37
chalcedonydrash: ty much :)01:37
Jungle_ManHow to use grub if I install Ubuntu before XP01:37
* The_Rebel mounts _2's backend01:37
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:37
Dartelrgotten: LOL Age and technology are wonderful companions both need patience01:37
Jungle_ManIt cannot boot01:38
freazerJungle_Man: use a LiveCD to reinstall GRUB into the MBR01:38
drashchalcedony: you're welcome ... try running your backup routine with sudo (or gksudo for GUI app) and you're good to go01:38
zcat[1]pretty easy to put grub back. tricky part is setting it up to boot windows afterwards. if you install windows first that gets done for you01:38
seam0nsterthanks anyway :(01:38
DartelKryzler: Was several years ago and not on a Linux Channel but still a busy one01:38
KryzlerI see01:38
xenocide21how does apt-get work?01:39
_2zcat[1] tricky ?01:39
xenocide21*is used to SourceMage*01:39
freazerNobody knows how to get rid of this silly dpkg --configure -a issue? I thought you all said Windows was trash but I've never had an automatic update cause this much trouble!01:39
zcat[1]less-easy than having the installer do it for you.01:39
_2!apt | xenocide2101:39
ubottuxenocide21: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)01:39
rgottenprince_jammys: if i port a question how can i track who answer me, therre is a lot of answer at all times01:40
DartelKryzler: Was several years ago and not on a Linux Channel but still a busy onewhat are you using to access IRC now?01:40
chalcedonyrgotten: my best friend on undernet is 73, can you accept msg?01:40
zcat[1]rgotten: use an irc client that highlights messages with your name in them..01:41
SafeIt can't matter if I have 32bit or 64bit version if I'm having connection troubles, right?01:41
KryzlerDartel I'm using xchat01:41
Kryzlerwhy do you ask?01:41
chalcedonyi use xchat01:41
rgottenzcat[1] any examples01:41
DartelSame here01:42
endeavormacdoes interpid come with gnome dock?01:42
drashfreazer: have you read through "man dpkg" to check if there's a relevant option for your predicament ?01:42
KryzlerI like making pointless custom commands in xchat01:42
The_Rebelrock out with your dock out.01:42
Jungle_ManChose Ubuntu 32 or 64 if I have Intel dual core01:42
rgottenzcat[1]: is it free?01:42
DartelWas a Mistake actually I ment to direct to rgotten01:42
The_Rebeland no it doesn't01:42
lstarnesrgotten: almost everything on ubuntu is free01:42
endeavormacwell why when i apt-get install gnome-dock, it tells me it's already installed?01:42
_2anyone know if it's possable to mount an audio cd ?01:42
zcat[1]freazer: so sudo dpkg --configure -a isn't fixing the problem?01:42
The_Rebelwait.. i think your talking about a different dock..01:42
ZeniturDoes somebody play Worms Armageddon?01:43
The_Rebeli thought you meant gnome-do's dock..01:43
_2rgotten free as in speach and free as in beer01:43
endeavormacwait nvm01:43
tsrkwhat does a backslash after a command do?01:43
DartelIs Xchat as macro friendly as mIRC?01:43
The_Rebelwhich is still a work in progress i thinks..01:43
tsrklike "man ls \"01:43
lstarnesDartel: xchat does have scripting01:43
The_Rebelawn-dock is the best i can find01:43
rgottenDartel: that is what i am trying to do with a lot of pacience01:43
lstarnesDartel: however, I personally think irssi has the best irc scripting01:43
Kryzlertsrk in thatsense it does nothing01:44
xmedexhello world01:44
zcat[1]freazer: have got myself into situations like that before.. can't remember how I found my way out though01:44
freazerdrash: I just did dpkg -r -a and despite not doing what the man page says it does (it was not pending to be removed, it was pending installation) dpkg --configure -a is now saying nothing - which is what I wanted, thanks01:44
_2tsrk bash: command " not found01:44
arghh2d2tsrk: i think it waits for more input01:44
tsrkKryzler, no, it did something, it just gave me a prompt that said ">" instead of opening the man page01:44
rgottenso who can help me to compare ebox from webmin01:44
tsrkarghh2d2, oh, so multiple lines of text for one command?01:44
xmedexsomeone can help me??01:44
eriscoI am having huge problems with wireless. After an arbitrary amount of time, but often, I am completely unable to access anything on my network as though I was disconnected. However, Ubuntu still states that I am indeed connected. After disconnecting and reconnecting the connection comes back. what is going on?01:44
Kryzlertrsk, that > probably means that you'c01:44
chalcedonyxmedex: try asking a question instead of just saying hi :)01:44
drashfreazer: odd indeed, yw01:45
freazerzcat[1]: thanks for the assurance ^^ it's a known bug with dpkg and update-initramfs with a partially functioning raid array - there's no way to pass the -H parameter that it insists on to continue the installation. I'm slowly muddling through01:45
_2tsrk what exactly are you trying to do ?01:45
Kryzler*you've altered the directory >.<01:45
arghh2d2tsrk: somtin like that, the command preceding the backslash affect your options at the >01:45
tsrk_2, i accidently added a backslash and wanted to know what it's doing01:45
tsrkarghh2d2, ok01:45
_2tsrk ok press   ctrl+d01:45
xmedexi've a trouible using 3com switch baseline 2226 plus01:45
zcat[1]> means you have an unfinished command; usually a missing " or ' or mismatched ( somewhere01:45
tsrk_2, i already used ctrl-c, what's ctrl-d do?01:45
arghh2d2you mean ctrl-c01:45
ZeniturIt is possible to applyWA patch to wine 1.1.14?01:46
The_Rebeldidn't gnome-dock become cairo-dock01:46
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xmedexwhen i use 3com switch, i cant run my thin client01:46
_2tsrk the ctrl+d is EOF   ends the input string.   also logs you out of a shell if there is nothing else reading stdin01:46
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DartelIf your using Ubuntu there is no comparrasion as webmin is not compaitble from what I seen discussed earlier01:46
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_2arghh2d2 no i meant ctrl+d01:47
freazerhow do I search my commandline/bash history for old commands? I thought I could push a key combo, type part of the command, and have it find it?01:47
fernandofI may need help on a problem with Printer HP Deskjet 895Cxi01:47
xmedexi have a problem with thin client01:47
xenocide21apt-get sucks -_-01:47
=== gwark is now known as g_wark
zcat[1]freazer: ctrl-R01:47
fernandofI have other 2 printers working01:47
[T]ankok, so... i used devede to burn my mp4 to dvd. It plays on my laptop just fine, but if i put it into a dvd player it says that it cannot play the disk. any tips anyone can offer?01:47
arghh2d2_2: what's ctrl-d do?01:47
Zeniturpackage not found01:47
=== VoX is now known as vox
_2arghh2d2 the ctrl+d is EOF   ends the input string.   also logs you out of a shell if there is nothing else reading stdin01:47
xmedexmy thin client wont running if im using 3com switch.....why???01:48
xenocide21any one know why the PM doesnt have a conky package?01:48
zcat[1]ctrl-D is end-of-input, ctrl-c is 'break'01:48
[T]ankactually, i burned the disk using the iso that devede created, but burned it with brasero01:48
fernandofwith HP 895cxi I got "Unable to start backend "hp" - No such file or directory."01:48
g_warkhi folks ... i've just installed 8.10, and I still cant get my wireless working...    the icon says wireless disabled. can someone please point me in the right direction ?01:48
arghh2d2_2: so  ctrl-d would be useful if you actually typed a list of commands at the > prompt?01:48
_2zcat[1] you could have went ahead and added that ctrl+z is backgorund01:49
_2arghh2d2 yep01:49
kindofabuzzanyone tried Get-You?01:49
zcat[1]arghh2d2: no, > will go away once the command is 'complete'01:49
DartelTime for Dinner01:49
zcat[1]eg $echo "this is my first line"01:49
Rafaelzcat[1]: i just install xchat01:49
zcat[1]sorry, try again...01:49
zcat[1]eg $echo "this is my first line01:49
zcat[1]> this is the second line"01:49
zcat[1]Will be one big echo with a <cr> in the middle01:50
Rafaelzcat[1] were do i see my name to follow easy the irc01:50
mib_2ii0w6we got disocnnected01:50
_2zcat[1] but you are using quotes.   and echo recognizes them.   something like -- grep blah \n01:50
freazeris there a way to determine where a package has been unpacked too while it is being installed/reinstalled? I've tried dpkg --unpack mypackage  ---- but it doesn't like that, it wants a package _file_ in that case and not the package name01:50
drash[T]ank: an obvious one ... you did check DeVeDe's PAL or NTSC format setting ?01:50
zcat[1]Rafael: lines with your name in come up in red, I think.. not sure, I may have changed the default01:50
_2zcat[1] will need ^d01:51
fernandofwith HP 895cxi I got "Unable to start backend "hp" - No such file or directory."01:51
[T]ankdrash: what should it be set to?01:51
[T]anknever done this before01:51
zcat[1]_2: yes, true01:51
* Dartel hopes some one wakes him when 1TB solid State drives are affordable01:51
xmedexhello...my thin client wont running...why???01:51
[T]ankdrash: its set to pal... i am guessing it should be ntsc01:51
mib_2ii0w6ziris: hey01:52
drash[T]ank: depends on your geo-loaction, if you're in the US, set it to NTSC01:52
Rafaelzcat[1]: thanks i see it. anybody is able to give me some help with webmin against ebox?01:52
Droopsta915What's a good movie player, the default movie player is a bit pixely.01:52
hacker_kidhow can i format a partition with jfs or xfs, i see gparted cannot01:52
zcat[1]vlc is pretty good.01:52
[T]ankdrash: starting over :-D01:52
fearfulDroopsta915: VLC, sudo apt-get install vlc01:52
vVvHACKERvVvdroopst: xine is good01:52
_2Droopsta915 vlc01:52
zcat[1]but if your video is pixely it's probably the file, not the player01:52
vVvHACKERvVvor mplayer01:52
DartelRafael: If your using Ubuntu there is no comparrasion as webmin is not compaitble from what I seen discussed earlier01:52
fernandof system  8.10 - o Intrepid Ibex. with HP 895cxi I got "Unable to start backend "hp" - No such file or directory."01:53
drash[T]ank: :) experimenting with settings is a good thing ;)01:53
fearfulyea zcat[1] has a point. My personal favorite is vlc all the way01:53
julmummahi! if I use the usb-creator on the livecd to create a liveusb, will the changes made when running the livecd (installs etc) be written to the usb?01:53
zcat[1]mplayer has it's place but I mostly use vlc too01:53
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_2anyone know if it's possable to mount an audio cd ?01:53
g_warkhow do I find out what type my wireless card is please ?01:54
vVvHACKERvVvgtk-recordmydesktop blurry when uploaded to youtube any solutions?01:54
RafaelDartel: this is what i read all over, but i have try webmin and it seems morte friendly, olso has the option of command line, that is why i was looking for people experience?01:54
zcat[1]hardly ever use totem .. bloody silly default, they should make vlc the default player ;)01:54
fearful_2: Why don't you just open it with rythmbox01:54
_2g_wark  lspci   maybe.   or  lshw -C network01:54
fearfulzcat[1] I totally agree01:54
MoTecRafael: I've been using webmin but am switching to ebox because of the potential problems i've heard with ubuntu and webmin.01:54
_2fearful doesn't answer my Q for one, and for another thing that requires a gui01:55
g_wark_2 thankyou01:55
zcat[1]Canonical have some hangup about patents which i think is the reson they steer clear of vlc01:55
Droopsta915thanks for the help everyone01:55
fernandofdoes anyone know why I I got "Unable to start backend "hp" - No such file or directory." with HP 895cxi01:55
DartelRafael: Wish you luck It seems to be an ongoing discussion here so keep watching01:55
_2g_wark personally i like the later of the two01:55
RafaelMotec: do you know if you can use the command line on ebox?01:56
MoTecRafael: i've not installed it yet.. but even with webmin I always used ssh for a command line.01:56
vVvHACKERvVvsome solutions for gtk-recordmydesktop for blurry upload to youtube01:57
fearful_2: Well, why can't you mount it? Is there an error or something?01:57
_2fearful do you know a way to mount them ?01:57
vkumaranyone using the latest gnome-globalmenu .deb package from their PPA?01:57
ugliefrogdoes anyone here uses xvidcap01:57
vVvHACKERvVvI used xvidcap01:57
vVvHACKERvVvand Instanbul01:58
RafaelMotec: my problem ios that my box is on a closet far from my laptop, so i access it thu webmin and use the comman line, how can i use ssh if am conected with a wireless laptop?01:58
ugliefrogdid it record video for ya otr just individual pic files01:58
vVvHACKERvVvuglie: yes it recored video01:58
vVvHACKERvVvbut it was shitty01:58
ugliefrogwell dang01:58
_2does anyone know a way to mount an audio cd ?01:58
vVvHACKERvVvgtk-rcm is better01:58
vkumar_2: pop it in01:58
ugliefrogI cant get it to record video..it makes the file but nothing is in it01:58
MoTecrafale: ssh hostname from any *nix box01:58
MoTecRafael: or use putty on windows01:58
_2vkumar and ?01:59
vVvHACKERvVvuglie: its junk01:59
Tr3y-Rafael: I came in kind of late to your issue but it sounds like ssh would work for what you want to do01:59
vVvHACKERvVvtry what I use01:59
vkumar_2: hal should take care of it for you and mount it automagically01:59
ugliefrogwhats junk xvidcap01:59
MoTecRafael: I'm always using ssh first, as generally I am tunneling the http over ssh anyway01:59
ugliefrogwhat ya use01:59
Jungle_ManIs there any one known how to check is a port locked by IPtable?01:59
_2vkumar thanks for trying.01:59
Droopsta915PuTTY is good01:59
fernandofanyone can help me with A printer?01:59
ugliefrogwork in ubuntu01:59
fearful_2: If you pop it in nothing happens?01:59
fernandofUnable to start backend "hp" - No such file or directory.01:59
vVvHACKERvVvgreat quality except when uploaded to youtube01:59
vVvHACKERvVvI use 8.102:00
Tr3y-Jungle_Man: give me one second I had to do this before02:00
_2Jungle_Man iptables -L02:00
vVvHACKERvVvso yes02:00
vkumar_2: if not, try mounting /dev/scd0 or whichever device it is on /media/disk02:00
ari_stresshi guys, i've just shared a folder using nautilus, where does it keep the config? i check in /etc/samba, there's none related02:00
Rafaelmy laptop is a windows laptop and witrh webmin or ebox i connect thru the ip address, can i do with any of the other options you are mentioning?02:00
_2fearful of course not.02:00
ugliefrogill give it a whirl real quick02:00
_2vkumar it's audio cd02:00
MoTecRafael: sure.  You can get a command line on your ubuntu machine from a windows machine by using puTTY02:00
vVvHACKERvVvuglie: it records to .ogv, use DeVeDe to encode to AVI or mencoder02:00
fernandof HOW can I solve this issue? Unable to start backend "hp" - No such file or directory.02:00
fearfulIs it burned _2?02:00
_2vkumar is it possable to mount them ?02:01
vkumar_2: right. so pop open a terminal and type "man mount"02:01
_2fearful no.02:01
vkumar_2: yes02:01
_2vkumar oh really ?02:01
vkumar_2: yep, though normally I don't need to go to cmdline for it02:01
_2vkumar this i have to learn, ....  or you do one,02:01
fearful_2: this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82896502:01
DartelMotec can it be done through a simple terminal program?02:02
MoTecDartel: putty is a simple terminal program02:02
fearful_2: after the fifth post I beleive02:02
fearfulI'll brb02:02
vkumar_2: actually, I'm wrong02:02
vVvHACKERvVvman, is this room a bunch of newbies?02:02
vVvHACKERvVvor it it jsut me02:02
_2vkumar :)02:02
DartelOk LOL let me restate to default terminal program on windows02:03
Hok30vVvHACKERvVv: It's a support channel....02:03
MoTecI'm using putty now, to connect to my ubuntu machine where I'm running irssi and another bash session under 'screen'... Very cool stuff.02:03
vVvHACKERvVvok Hok02:03
MoTecIf you're a geek.02:03
fernandof HOW can I solve this issue? Unable to start backend "hp" - No such file or directory.02:03
Hok30vVvHACKERvVv: =D02:03
vVvHACKERvVvthought things were a bit simple here02:03
Hok30OK i'm having problems02:03
DartelDefine Geek?<ducks>02:03
MoTecIf you think putty/ssh/screen is cool you just might be a geek :)02:04
_2fearful mount is never mentioned in that post02:04
vVvHACKERvVvI jsut finished my video tut for youtube on cracking WPA and WEP02:04
vVvHACKERvVvdamn thing is blurry02:04
rww !ot02:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:04
DartelMoTec LOL02:04
fearful_2: Its an audio CD It should mount automatically to a player.02:04
MoTecvVvHACKERvVv: did you use aircrack or something different?02:04
Hok30I tried to install Ubuntu - it failed. So I tried to install WinXP, it failed also. Now when I start up, I get an error that says "NTLDR is missing" and it asks me to restart. I have the Ubuntu CD in, and windows tried to install, but it failed.02:04
vVvHACKERvVvMotec: yes aircrack-ng02:05
vVvHACKERvVvworks great02:05
MoTecYep, good stuff02:05
ugliefrogexcellent works perfectly02:05
_2fearful you don't mount an audio cd to play it.   i would like to mount it if it is possable.02:05
vVvHACKERvVvuglie: you're welcome02:05
s1amsonyea... that defiantly makes you a hacker02:05
vVvHACKERvVvyou can thank me later02:05
vkumarHok30: your best hope is to get a new ubuntu CD and install it02:05
_2fearful but i'm not aware of any way to mount an audio cd02:05
ugliefrogthank you02:05
MoTecHok30: If you want to install windows again, use the ubuntu cd.. Get to the point where you can partition the drive, and then remove all partitions.02:05
vVvHACKERvVvslam: I didn't say it did02:05
_2fearful that's why i asked.02:05
fernandofhelp "Unable to start backend "hp" - No such file or directory."02:05
fearful_2: I'm not either, but I'm also not sure your intension while mounting it, I thought it was for listening to it02:05
Hok30MoTec: I tried, but whenever I try to boot I get an error.02:06
MoTecAfter you commit those changes and reboot XP will be able to install.02:06
Hok30MoTec: I can't get past the start of booting =(02:06
DartelBooting from CD?02:06
MoTecYou can't boot the ubuntu CD?02:06
w4g3n3rHok30: Is your bios set to boot the cd before any other device?02:06
_2fearful maybe i want to break a copy right paten law thingy or something.02:06
vVvHACKERvVvslamson: you are more than welcome to put your wits against mine.02:06
ugliefrogwhat was the name of the file converter02:07
_2fearful it really doesn't matter why i want to mount it..02:07
vVvHACKERvVvugliefrog: deVeDe or mencoder02:07
DartelThat was my question LOL make me feel useless02:07
vVvHACKERvVvif you are new to this use DeVeDe02:07
Hok30w4g3n3r: I have no idea. How do I change it?02:07
ugliefrogVVvHACKERvVv: thank you sir02:07
ricochetI have a KDE menu/vdesktop question:  is there a way to configure an app/window to only appear on the taskbar IFF the desktop it is on is the active desktop?02:07
noonis itunes via wine even worth trying?02:07
vVvHACKERvVvnoon: no02:08
Hok30w4g3n3r: ?02:08
w4g3n3rHok30: Usually when you boot there will be a message similar to "Press DEL to enter setup". That will take you into your bios. From there you can set your device boot order.02:08
DartelHok30: When you boot the computer there is a msg hit <what ever key to enter Bios02:08
Hok30w4g3n3r: Is it under the setup Utility?02:08
noon:( i have ipod touch 2g02:08
fearful_2: I'm not sure how to then I'm sorry all the posts I read say that audio cd's aren't mountable but I don't thinkso02:08
graelinAnyone help me with a Virtualbox problem?02:08
s1amsonno vVvHACKERvVv i just thought it was funny... your nickname and using other peoples programs to work your magic. in my day we would call that being a script kiddie. thats all.02:08
luckyonewhat is the best tool to monitor my user directory and automatically backup files to my NAS?02:08
titaniumtuxhello world02:09
Hok30w4g3n3r: Is the setup utility the same thing?02:09
Zombie_GazHey... using gnome-terminal in X and need to figure out a way to get it to show ansi correctly. Do I need to use a specific font or term (and if so how to I install / change that)?02:09
Hok30OK good02:09
MoTecluckyone: you could set a crontab to run rsync02:09
Hok30I found it02:09
w4g3n3rHok30: Setup utility? Maybe.02:09
Hok30w4g3n3r: Yeah, it goes HD then CD02:09
vVvHACKERvVvslamson: you didn't give me a chance to explain that I had to reprogram the application to use my wireless device. also I had to reprogram it to grab proper transient keys while cracking WPA02:09
xenocide21Kubuntu doesnt run so well on my system, sucks up too much resources, will Xubuntu run better likely?02:09
w4g3n3rHok30: Reverse that if you can.02:09
Hok30w4g3n3r: To CD then HD?02:10
luckyoneMoTec: was hoping it would be a little more instant than that02:10
MoTecxenocide21: yes.  xubuntu uses less resources02:10
s1amsonvVvHACKERvVv, and you didnt realise im joking about your nick.02:10
fearfulxenocide21: Yes it surely will Xubuntu is made for less resources02:10
arghh2d2xenocide21: yes02:10
w4g3n3rHok30 yup.02:10
theshadowI'm looking for a software based sound board. any suggestions?02:10
vVvHACKERvVvslamson: I am not the joking type02:10
xenocide21P2 333MHz and 192MB ram >.<02:10
s1amson... so?02:10
titaniumtuxPII is old school02:10
xenocide21kubuntu sucks up so much just running the base system02:10
_2fearful yeah, that's the driving force behind my search really    "they said it can't be done"   so i set out to find a way.   just thought the last place that one might find it was the first place i would look.02:10
xenocide21its what i have right now02:10
s1amsoni am. deal with it mmk.02:10
MoTecheh, i run an AMD Geode LX :)02:10
vVvHACKERvVvslamson: I just want to educate people on Linux/UNIX, I want more people to use it02:10
Hok30w4g3n3r: Dang. I get the same error.02:10
vVvHACKERvVvthats whY i am here02:10
MoTecBecause I'm cool like that :)02:10
Hok30w4g3n3r: I'm booting off a windows CD though. Should I boot of a Ubuntu one?02:11
luckyoneAtom running here :)02:11
s1amsonso do i. it doesnt mean your nick isnt a bit funny :P02:11
w4g3n3rHok30: The ubuntu setup cd is in the drive right?02:11
s1amson'least to me.02:11
Jungle_ManCan I install U with 1Gb harddisk?02:11
Zombie_GazI'm using 'gnome-terminal' and need to display ansi characters... can anyone help me with that?02:11
w4g3n3rHok30: Not sure you should get that error on either cd.02:11
fernandofcan someone help me to fix a problem with a printer HP? I get this message under cups and no printing effect "Unable to start backend "hp" - No such file or directory."02:11
vVvHACKERvVvslamson: yea I do this to provoke people so they call me names and a noobie02:11
vVvHACKERvVvits funny02:12
zer0ohi guys is there anyone who knows a bit about skype?02:12
vVvHACKERvVvI get a kick out of it02:12
Hok30w4g3n3r: Well I do... Should I disable the HD bootup?02:12
Hok30w4g3n3r: Or just make it second to CD?02:12
DartelWell Hacker I am a new user of Linux and from what I seen so far a permanant one as well02:12
s1amsondidnt think you were the joking type :]02:12
MoTecif you are seeing an ntldr error it's not booting off of the cd.02:12
vVvHACKERvVvDartel: excellet02:12
Hok30w4g3n3r: Oh... I think I know why.02:12
graelinCan anyone help me with a mouse probplem in Virtualbox 2.1.2? Everything is working happily... except the mouse02:12
w4g3n3rHok30: Yes, you should boot the CD first, then the HD.02:12
vVvHACKERvVvDartel: I will answer any Q you have02:12
fearfulzer0o: I can help with skype02:12
_2Jungle_Man yes. a linux installation is possable with as little as 100m hdd space  but not ubuntu,  ubuntu needs about 500m for a server install02:12
Hok30w4g3n3r: It says the CD-ROM device is not installed02:13
w4g3n3rHok30: That would make sense.02:13
Hok30w4g3n3r: Yeah. How do I fix that?02:13
fearfulzer0o: What's your problem?02:13
DartelI am done questioning for the night, This system is so old it wond hold or handle much more... I need to remove some packages soon02:14
vVvHACKERvVvOh yea, for those if you with broadcom wireless cards, I am in the midst of writing drivers that will work with kisemt and the aircrack suite02:14
w4g3n3rHok30: Not sure. Are all the cables connected inside the box?02:14
prahalfreazer, sorry that s why I told <the channel we were in> not #ubuntu at first02:14
_2Dartel how old ?02:14
DartelUsing Dynex02:14
fearfulDartel: Try sudo apt-get autoremove it'll remove packages that are outdated02:14
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Hok30w4g3n3r: Eh. I don't know. It worked yesterday, before I tried to install Windows. Then I got a STOP error in the middle of the insatllation.02:14
stupidwhitemanhi all, my computer keeps crashing, and it wont boot up 60% of the time, I can't open a browser, I can run xchat for a while before it crashes. On boot up, I see things like "Kernel Panic : attempting to kill the idle task" I have a boot CD, but it crashes during that too!02:15
Hok30w4g3n3r: Freakin windows.02:15
freazerprahal: Thanks anyway ^^ goodness that was hard not to be construed as pure hostility02:15
freazerSo much for "At this point you will find yourself among the friendly crowd of #debian inhabitants." ...02:15
DartelIt is a sauger laptop 256 ram S3 Virge M+ Video and a whopping 6 gig HD and plain CD no burner02:15
w4g3n3rHok30: Doesn't sound like windows "caused" your problem. Just discovered it for you. I'm pretty sure it's just a hardware issue..02:15
vVvHACKERvVvman people just GET RID of windows02:15
Dartelcame origionally with Windows ME02:15
KevDogb43 drivers already work with aircrack02:16
DartelNo 9802:16
_2freazer heh.02:16
Hok30w4g3n3r: Really? Even though it was working before I tried to install windows? You think the cable just came out or something?02:16
vVvHACKERvVvKevDog: not for internal Dell vostro 151002:16
vVvHACKERvVvtrust me on this02:16
KevDogwhat's the chipset?02:16
_2freazer debian != ubuntu02:16
w4g3n3rHok30: I don't think your cable just disconnected itself, no. I think your cd drive just crapped out.02:16
Hok30vVvHACKERvVv: I'm trying O_o02:16
DartelTy Freazer02:16
Hok30w4g3n3r: So what should I do...02:16
vVvHACKERvVvHok30: good keep itup02:17
prahalfreazer, mind you abrotman is one of the best hackers and help for more than 10 years on debian channels ... only ubuntu people are not that easy to deal with and with time it went from a gap to that attitude02:17
macoprahal: its possible that your nvidia drivers are corrupting things on resume. my friend's laptop did that on intrepid. works fine in jauty though.02:17
w4g3n3rHok30: Hit it with a hammer? No, do you have a spare cdrom to hook up?02:17
Hok30w4g3n3r: Fraid not.02:17
macoprahal: almost warned you, but if you use sid, jaunty shouldn't be anything to worry about02:17
prahalfreazer, so what was the things after dpkg -r -a ?02:18
Hok30w4g3n3r: Theres nothing I can do?02:18
DartelTrying to decide if its worth upgrading the memory to 512 and a DVD drive or dump it soon as I can afford a better laptop02:18
vVvHACKERvVvfreazer: i will help you here, I do not do provate chats02:18
prahalmaco, ??02:18
KevDogGo buy an Atheros card then -- don't re-invent the wheel02:18
prahalI am using intel drivers02:18
w4g3n3rHok30: You can install ubuntu off a usb drive/key? Have one of those?02:18
vVvHACKERvVvKevDog: the point is not to buy anything new02:18
macoprahal: you were asking before about hibernate corrupting initramfs or something? oh intel. ok i have no idea then.02:18
vVvHACKERvVvbut to use what we already have02:18
Hok30w4g3n3r: I used to.02:19
_2KevDog reccomending ath ?02:19
Hok30w4g3n3r: If I bought one do you think that;d work02:19
Hok30w4g3n3r: If I just wrote the files to the USB stick?02:19
furqonapaa aku ra dong02:19
Zombie_GazLast time... I'm using 'gnome-terminal' and need to display ansi characters... can anyone help me with that?02:19
w4g3n3rHok30: if you going to buy something, get a new drive.02:19
prahaland I do not have corruption on resume ... only suspend does not happens correctly (first stage that is suspending itself . Resuming is another story I ll look afterwards02:19
vVvHACKERvVvI refuse to pay for new hardware when I can write a driver for an existing on02:19
KevDogI'm not saying I told you so, however when you bought your equipment, you should have done some research --- like anything else -- get compatible hardware -- live Nvidia > ATI (not starting a flame war here!)02:19
Hok30w4g3n3r: lol, but that costs 4x as much as a usb stick.02:19
prahalmaco, yes thanks . Only I left and get back so I wondered if you where talking about that :)02:20
_2KevDog maybe it's the ati chip on my ath card that makes it suck so hard.02:20
Hok30w4g3n3r: and I don't wanna screw it up when I hook it up02:20
vVvHACKERvVvKevDog: stop assuming, this laptop was purchased by my company I had no choice02:20
_2maybe ?02:20
vVvHACKERvVvnow I will make it work02:20
vVvHACKERvVvsimple as that02:20
KevDogIf you can write a driver -- you are a much better man than me and I will give you a lot of credit :)02:20
freazerprahal, vVvHACKERvVv: Suppose I try apt-get install firefox --> 1 not fully installed or removed. --> Setting up initramfs-tools (0.85eubuntu39.3) ... --> Fatal: Not all RAID-1 disks are active; use '-H' to install to active disks only02:20
macoprahal: i used /lastlog in an attempt to find the earlier message about "channel we are in" that you referenced a few moments ago02:20
Hok30w4g3n3r: So that's the only thing I can do?02:20
vVvHACKERvVvKevDog: its what I do at my job02:20
Hok30w4g3n3r: If so, thanks for the help =)02:20
KevDogati chip or atheros card?02:20
freazerprahal, vVvHACKERvVv: the joke is, I plugged the disk back in and did mdadm --assemble --scan , it's back and assembled and everything is fine! but it's still saying that not all RAID disks are active!!02:21
w4g3n3rHok30: It's really not that hard to install a new cdrom drive. And you can buy one for $20 US.02:21
KevDogCool -- well I'm sure a lot of people will be extremely happy02:21
vVvHACKERvVvKevDog: thats my hope02:21
Hok30w4g3n3r: I'll look into it02:21
Hok30w4g3n3r:  Thanks a bunch though :)02:21
KevDogwhich intel chipset are you going to address specifically?02:21
w4g3n3rHok30: Sure, sorry we couldn't get it working.02:21
vVvHACKERvVvmy job is to get as many people to use Linux/UNIX productively as possible02:22
freazerprahal, vVvHACKERvVv: I can run lilo -H and it installs just fine. But dpkg thinks it isn't!02:22
KevDogHmm, I like aircrack however I'm not sure if it falls in the productivity camp (still thinking about this!)02:22
vVvHACKERvVvfreazer: what exactly are you trying to do02:22
kindofabuzzI've tried Linux Mint, Fedora, Crunchbang, openSuse, Arch and a few more. i've settled back on ubuntu. ubuntu I love you! =)02:22
DartelWho makes the Dynex wirless cards? Dynex or they slap thier name to a pre made item?02:22
vVvHACKERvVvKevDog: this will serve other purposes as well not simply aircrack02:22
_2freazer you use lilo by choice ?02:22
stupidwhitemanhi all, my computer keeps crashing, and it wont boot up 60% of the time, I can't open a browser, I can run xchat for a while before it crashes. On boot up, I see things like "Kernel Panic : attempting to kill the idle task" I have a boot CD, but it crashes during that too!02:23
KevDogTried bt202:23
KevDogtried bt2?02:23
freazer_2: What's wrong with LILO? It is the _DEFAULT_ boot manager when using the Ubuntu 8.04 alternate install CD when using software RAID. Drop the elitist attitude!!02:23
freazer_2: Besides, this is an update-initramfs and initramfstools problem, and has nothing to do with LILO!02:23
_2freazer only reason i asked, i used to have to use lilo because grub was too weak, but what grub couldn't do   grub2 can.02:23
kindofabuzzstupidwhiteman, your memory or hard drives could be failing02:23
vVvHACKERvVvfreazer: I don't believe I have an elitist attitude02:24
vVvHACKERvVvar eyou referring to me02:24
stupidwhitemanthanks kindofabuzz02:24
ari_stresshi guys, i've just shared a folder using nautilus, where does it keep the config? i check in /etc/samba, there's none related02:24
_2freazer and yes i have fought many initramfs battels too.02:24
S4nD3r /msg NickServ identify sander9802:24
freazervVvHACKERvVv: my "elitist" message was directed towards _2, not you -------- what exactly am I trying to do? I'm trying to be able to use my package manager again. I just try to do apt-get install firefox and it says "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."02:24
prince_jammysS4nD3r: oopsey02:25
ezerhodenS4nD3r: time to change your password02:25
kindofabuzzwe know your password now02:25
seam0nstercan somone just answer me this: Why does nothing ever work for me ?02:25
_2freazer and doing what the error message said do, yelds what ?02:25
Kryzlerhaha fail02:25
vVvHACKERvVvfreazer: is another pkg manager running?02:26
ezerhodenseam0nster: user error02:26
kindofabuzzari_stress, ~/.nautilus02:26
RJG_just a quick question. my volume control thing up top has gone missing. how do i get it back?02:26
prince_jammysseam0nster: you're unlucky02:26
Kryzlerseam0nster: pebkac02:26
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fearfulfreazer: sudo dpkg --configure -a02:26
KevDogWhat happens when you run: sudo dpkg --configure -a02:26
arghh2d2seam0nster: biological error between the chair and the keyboard?02:26
kindofabuzzanyone know why NFS does not automount even thought it's in fstab and works when mount -a i sran?02:26
fearfulKevDog: Fixes errors on the package manager02:26
Kryzlerseam0nster: pebkac == problem exists between keyboard and chair02:26
vVvHACKERvVvkindo: is the a flag specified for auto moun02:27
freazer_2, fearful:  sudo dpkg --configure -a  -> yields:   Fatal: Not all RAID-1 disks are active; use '-H' to install to active disks only02:27
freazerdpkg: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 102:27
freazerE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)02:27
KevDogSorry, I meant that to freazer -- meaning I wanted him to do as it said!02:27
seam0nsteri am just following instructions, exaclty as they are written, terminal always has a problem02:27
fearfulfreazer: sudo dpkg -reconfigure -a02:27
freazerfearful: dpkg does not recognize -reconfigure .. I've tried -- and no - as well02:28
ezerhodenkindofabuzz: i have never used nfs but i have heard many complaints about having thing mount properly, boot order, and things related02:28
_2freazer so you will have to either edit the script to call lilo with -H or bypass that function.02:28
KevDogwhy are you installing firefox anyways - doesn't this come by default02:28
fernandofthx all02:28
kdorfWell, seam0nster, given that the instructions you're reading have probably worked for lots of other people, it's easy to conclude that pebkac.02:28
dibblegois there a non-pidgin IM client? it's full of typical amateur bugs02:28
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Commie_Carysomething deleted my init fail and caused a kernal panic and corrupted my /usr folder, good thing I backed it up 2 hours ago02:28
prince_jammysfreazer: fearful dpkg-reconfigure (all one word) is the command02:28
storrgieI would like to use evolution on two machines, but I want to be able to have the same contacts/emails etc... can I use unison to sync the .evolution directory?02:29
freazer_2: can you tell me where to look for that script? I've looked in /etc/initramfstools and /var/lib/dpkg/info/initramfs ...02:29
kindofabuzzezerhoden, yeah i mean it works fine like i said but i have to do a mount -a, it never automounts even though its in fstab, i may look into autofs02:29
vVvHACKERvVvany python programmers here?02:29
seam0nsterokay kdorf you tell me what i could of possibly done wrong in the following, gimme 2 mins to type02:29
kdorfdibblego: kopete (is for KDE though)02:29
prince_jammysfreazer: though i doubt you need to run that, anyway.02:29
dibblegokdorf, thanks02:29
kindofabuzzvVvHACKERvVv, i'm just learning python as we speak02:29
ezerhodendibblego: there is, but i think it comes with pidgin02:29
KevDogdibblego: gajim?02:29
* vVvHACKERvVv loves python02:29
TuxSympathiserDoes anyone understand how ACPI works02:29
jribvVvHACKERvVv: best to just ask your question, but if it's specific to python, you should ask #python02:29
ezerhodendibblego: another bird name? i can't recall02:30
kdorfdibblego: if you're looking for something command line, there's centerIM too02:30
_2freazer the most simple way would be to move the update-lilo script out of /usr/sbin/   and link /bin/true to where it was,  then run the --configure again.   but don't forget to undo the workaround02:30
vVvHACKERvVvjrib: I do not have a python problem02:30
vVvHACKERvVvit was a conversation starter02:30
fearfulfreazer: sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride and delete the postfix line02:30
kindofabuzzwell they don't like conversations here either unless it a linux question02:30
jribvVvHACKERvVv: this channel is just for support.  #ubuntu-offtopic for other (more fun) conversations :)02:30
KevDogIve never used python02:30
* vVvHACKERvVv is too lazy to change channels02:30
KevDogIts too bad for me too!02:31
S4nD3rHi there. I needed to re-install in my laptop. Now, grub disapears. What to do?02:31
kindofabuzzyeah because typing /join #channel is hard02:31
KryzlervVvHACKERvVv: or #defocus for more general socialising02:31
Kryzlerin xchat you can get away with just /j #channel02:31
S4nD3rI used fdisk -l to see my partitions02:31
vVvHACKERvVvkindofabbuzz: Oh is that how you change channels, I was trying to point and click somewhere02:31
S4nD3rI got to use chroot too02:31
Kryzlerface --> desk02:31
refdefHey guys. I have an 8.10 live cd. How can i boot it with a custom resolution or in vga hanks02:32
kindofabuzzvVvHACKERvVv, and you're a hacker? lol02:32
S4nD3rbut, find /boot/grub/stage1 do not works02:32
Kryzlerlol kindofabuzz :P02:32
phrostbiteWhere can I get some information on dual booting windows xp and ubuntu? I have ubuntu already and want to install winxp.02:32
TuxSympathiserI've got a problem with my acpi02:32
S4nD3rIs possible to get help about it?02:32
vVvHACKERvVvkindofabuzz: I guess sarcasm is not a prefected methodology within text chat02:32
prahalfearful, what the ??? why delete the postfix line ?02:32
_2freazer example: WHERE="`which update-lilo`" ;mv $WHERE / ;ln -s /bin/true $WHERE ;dpkg --configure -a ;rm $WHERE ;mv /update-lilo $WHERE02:32
MoTecrefdef: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions02:32
prince_jammys!dualboot > phrostbite02:32
ubottuphrostbite, please see my private message02:32
prince_jammys!grub > phrostbite02:33
vVvHACKERvVvthe hell with DUAL boot, just run windows inside Ubunutu with VMWARE02:33
h00kI am having some lag problems with Docky (nVidia 177.82, x86_64 kernel), has anyone had problems with Docky lagging?02:33
fearfulprahal: I've done it before and has fixed my dpkg error.02:33
seam0nsterI download a python script that claims to be able to finally install my driver FOR ME http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=757607 I read the readme file and it seems too good to be true! "To run the script you must have python installed ('sudo apt-get install python')." Okay i can do that! so i copy and paste that into terminal, oh great  alredy have python awesome! next ""python install_rt73_drivers.py" and the script should take over." SWEEET a02:33
_2freazer i don't promice that to work without error,   so use at your own risk,   it was intended as an example only.02:33
phrostbiteprince_jammys,  thanks for the info02:33
DartelIs there a decent Defrager for Ubuntu?02:33
seam0nsterwhat could i have possibly done wrong i ask you!?02:33
prince_jammysphrostbite: no prob. /msg ubottu grub for info about fixing grub after installing windows02:34
h00kDartel: defragging isn't necessary with ext2 or ext302:34
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: rt73 is the driver source I use for my USB WiFi card02:34
Lawrence_LanceNeed help? #freelinuxhelpline on irc.freenode.net.02:34
prahal\o/ fearful you made my day :D02:34
freazer_2: Well hold onto your hat _2!! I did it anyway! aww shucks. no go! reverting those symbolic links..02:34
_2Dartel not really,  ext4 will have one.02:34
seam0nsterive tried like 6 tutorials02:34
kdorfthat thread you linked to says Notice: As of Ubuntu 8.04, Most (If not all) RT73 based devices are supported out-of-the-box.02:34
DartelTY all02:34
seam0nsteri get to about step 3 before terminal hates me again02:34
vVvHACKERvVvseamonster: yo uare referring to wireless correct?02:34
vVvHACKERvVvmy speciality02:34
_2freazer example: WHERE="`which update-lilo`" ;mv $WHERE / ;ln -s /bin/true $WHERE ;dpkg --configure -a ;rm $WHERE ;mv /update-lilo $WHERE  <<<<< you did that ?02:34
seam0nsterOMG I LOVE YOU ALREDY02:35
=== kompulsa_dot_com is now known as Tetracomm
vVvHACKERvVvI assume you want to use monitor mode02:35
fearfulprahal: How did I make your day?02:35
alex87i am trying out shell scripting, is there a way to echo to the same line, without starting a new one?02:35
seam0nsteri just want it to work (but yes)02:35
vVvHACKERvVvI got ya02:35
vVvHACKERvVvgive me your sys specs02:35
_2freazer all as root right ?02:35
kindofabuzzalex87, don't put a /n?02:35
vVvHACKERvVvwe'll go form there02:35
FloodBot1vVvHACKERvVv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:35
seam0nsterhow do i do that, im a new windows escapee02:36
a1fais there a cpanel alternative for ubuntu?02:36
S4nD3rany help?02:36
vVvHACKERvVvwhat model USB card02:36
prince_jammysalex87: use printf or echo -n 'blahblah'02:36
seam0nsteralso apparently `uite stupid02:36
austin_Hey guys, I just installed ubuntu, and this driver upgrade is causign some serious screen resolution problems...help>?02:36
kindofabuzza1fa, webmin can do alot02:36
_2"new windows escapee"     i like the phrase  :)))02:36
freazer_2: err, you didn't tell me to do that, I did mv /usr/sbin/update-lilo to /usr/sbin/oldupdate-lilo   and then ln -s /dev/true /usr/sbin/update-lilo .. should I copy paste what you just said and try that?02:36
alex87prince_jammys, thank you! i'll try it02:36
alex87kindofabuzz, i haven't been so far, but thanks02:36
seam0nsteredimax ew-7318usg02:36
a1fakindofabuzz: i need something thats setup for hosting02:36
TuxSympathiserdoes anyone know how acpi effects the ethernet adapter?02:36
a1fawebmin cant do hosting02:37
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: you ar enot stupid only new to the system02:37
_2freazer that was a repost   ^02:37
kindofabuzza1fa, ISPconfig02:37
seam0nsterthanks :)02:37
vVvHACKERvVvI enjoy helping new linux users discover the power of their systems02:37
freazerfearful: I found that file /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride but could you explain what the "postfix" line is?02:37
prahalfearful, it  means you had a corruption that happened at the postfix line ... chance that the same line is to get corrupted on another station is well not high . But erasing a line that work on a station where something else is broken is meant to make things worst . ( Though I am impressed  you managed to find the exact line at fault when your file was corrupted02:37
kindofabuzz!autofs > kindofabuzz02:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about autofs02:37
a1fakindofabuzz: thanks02:37
seam0nstergood, because i find all this fasinating, the parts of it that work02:37
oDeskhello, i can't ping my Ubuntu laptop which is connected at the same LAN, i removed all firewalls on ubuntu like firehol and firestarter but still can't ping..!02:37
DartelBig differance between stupidity and ignorance of the unknown :-)02:37
vVvHACKERvVvseamonster: is the card plugged in02:37
vVvHACKERvVvrun iwconfig02:38
vVvHACKERvVvat terrm02:38
_2freazer i think you missed part of what i said.   maybe you were typing while text was scrolling,   i do that too.02:38
MoTecmeh, with 100,000 lines of code.. what are the odds that any single line is all that important? (lol)02:38
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: tell me if you see an entry names wlan002:38
seam0nsterit says no wireless extentions 4 or 5 times02:38
prahalbut telling somebody else to do the same thing because he had a corruption is to me like telling to someone with any illness , take aspirin it will cure you02:38
* _2 now takes his elietest attitude elsewhere.02:38
S4nD3rhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot Im following this tutorial. But, when I try to use setup, I got an error02:38
fearfulprahal: Oh I'm sorry, I wouldn't mean any harm to anyone I just thought it was like something general that could have gotten messed up. :S02:38
seam0nstern wlan002:38
S4nD3rError 17: Cannot mount selected partition02:39
DartelThe lines are not but that one , where the . should be is a pain02:39
vVvHACKERvVvhere is a neat tip, did you boot up with the card plugged in02:39
austin_can anyone help?02:39
maurerWhat package will give me asm/page.h02:39
vVvHACKERvVvare you using the dongle02:39
vVvHACKERvVvor is it plugged directly into the port02:39
vVvHACKERvVvdongle=bad with ubunut02:39
seam0nsterit's plugged into the usb02:39
vVvHACKERvVvok what window manager are you using02:39
seam0nsterwhats a dongle -_-02:39
seam0nsterhuh ?02:39
austin_no one at al wishes to assist me?02:40
vVvHACKERvVvdongle=basically extension cord02:40
prince_jammys!find asm/page.h > maurer02:40
ubottu is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']02:40
freazer_2: I just ran sudo -s and then: WHERE="`which update-lilo`" ;mv $WHERE / ;ln -s /bin/true $WHERE ;dpkg --configure -a ;rm $WHERE ;mv /update-lilo $WHERE02:40
fearfulaustin_ Shoot02:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:40
SafeFinally got my stupid connection working.02:40
prince_jammys!find asm/page.h02:40
seam0nsteroh no, i dont use that02:40
ubottuFile asm/page.h found in ppu-sysroot02:40
freazer_2: I got mv: missing destination file operand after `/' and rm missing operand and mv missing destination02:40
prince_jammysmaurer: ppu-sysroot, according to the bot02:40
vVvHACKERvVvgood, it WILL NOT wirk on Ubuntu02:40
vVvHACKERvVvspent 3 days figuring that out02:40
qnn007anybody got Trendnet TEW-631PCI working with Ubuntu?02:40
xtian_does anyone know why an awk command piped into another awk command stalls the output?02:40
linduxedaustin_: dont ask to ask, just ask02:41
xtian_i.e. sudo tcpdump -nnvvi eth1 net | awk '{print $17}' | awk '{print $1}'02:41
vVvHACKERvVvok now what I want you to do is take out the USB card02:41
maurerprince_jammys: Thanks, I'll see if that works.02:41
prahalfreazer, did you try dpkg-reconfigure -plow lilo  after adding back the "missing" disk ?02:41
vVvHACKERvVvplace it into a DIFFERENT usb port02:41
austin_fearful: I installed a grpahics driver, and made my screen black on reeboot.  a white window comes up and tells me my screen resolution is messed up02:41
prahalfreazer, your problem looks like http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=50736602:41
vVvHACKERvVvnow give a monite then re run iwconfig02:41
doug__trying to get DVD playback working in Ubuntu and I can't seem to get it. everytime I try to open a DVD totem and mplayer both just hard lock02:41
doug__using http://www.linlap.com/wiki/configuring+media+and+dvd+playback+in+ubuntu+8.10 as my guide02:41
TuxSympathiserI need some help with my acpi02:42
oDeskso if firehol is uninstalled, why i can't ping my Ubuntu laptop ?02:42
fearfulaustin_: Sorry someone else might be of assistance don't know much of graphics drivers mine simply works... :S02:42
freazerprahal: I found that error and that's why I went to #debian!02:42
h00kI am having some lag problems with Docky (nVidia 177.82, x86_64 kernel), has anyone had problems with Docky lagging?02:42
Droopsta915how do i open a movie with vlc02:42
seam0nsteralright, i should mention that my only usb 2.0 port is in use providing me with internet via wireless modem02:42
_2freazer ummm then you already have moved it out of your path.   if the dpkg command didn't error out you can now put it back where it was and you should be fixed.02:42
h00kDroopsta915: right click -> Open with VLC02:42
maurerprince_jammys: That doesn't seem to have dumped anything in /usr/include/02:42
vVvHACKERvVvusb 2.0 is irrelevant02:42
austin_fearful: :[ any idea where i can get better help, or different drivers02:42
vVvHACKERvVvcheck again02:42
fearfulaustin_: Here02:42
austin_fearful: yes?02:43
fearfulaustin_: Just not with me, someone else will have to help you with it.02:43
prince_jammysmaurer: in my system: linux-libc-dev: /usr/include/asm/page.h02:43
prahalfreazer, yup  anyway the solution is unknown there too (no comments) mostly I bet because lilo is getting abandonned since two years ago (when grub2 dev started)02:43
seam0nsterit's stil the same -_-02:43
fearfulaustin_: State your problem again, I'm sure someone here can help02:43
freazerprahal: I just tried your -plow lilo command and I'm still having the issue02:43
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: what we are going to do is get kismet and install it, this will assist the process02:43
prince_jammysmaurer: dpkg -S asm/page.h02:43
vVvHACKERvVvsudo apt-get install kismet02:43
seam0nsteri have it installed02:43
seam0nsteri have it anyway02:44
vVvHACKERvVvgood open the cofnig02:44
h00kI am having some lag problems with Docky (nVidia 177.82, x86_64 kernel), has anyone had problems with Docky lagging, and/or any ideas how to fix it?  Else, I'll just stick with AWN and use gnome-do02:44
seam0nsteri havent used it02:44
maurerprince_jammys: ppu-sysroot: /usr/lib/cell/sysroot/usr/include/asm/page.h02:44
vVvHACKERvVvI know you get an error02:44
maurerSeems to dump it elsewhere for that program.02:44
maurerThink it's safe to just copy it over?02:44
vVvHACKERvVvI 've been there02:44
SafeIf I uninstall network-manager, it wont remove any settings (resolv.conf for example)?02:44
seam0nsterhow do i go about opening the config (sorry)02:44
freazerprahal: is there a way to uninstall lilo and switch to grub or grub2? my /boot is wrapped inside an md0 mdadm raid mirror partition, and inside that further is an LVM2 of several partitions. the whole reason i used LILO was to be able to boot - it's the default way the Ubuntu 8.04 alternate CD installed my system02:44
vVvHACKERvVvok lets open a terminal seamonster02:44
Droopsta915hook: All I see is open with movie player. I don't see vlc. I do have it installed02:44
vVvHACKERvVvI use pico, so type suco pico -w /etc/kismet/kismet.conf02:45
prince_jammysmaurer: i don't know what you're doing, but that dpkg command will show packages that have installed that file02:45
_2freazer just install grub2    NOTE it is a little different,  you configure it in /etc/defaults/grub02:45
prahalfreazer, I cannot tell you about that (did not use md nor lvm yet)02:45
seam0nsterokay cool02:46
seam0nsteraload of stuff is up02:46
austin_so yah, anyone know anything about graphic drivers?  If i don't get this situated soon, i'ma have to switch back to windows -_-02:46
vVvHACKERvVvnow read me line number 3302:46
seam0nsterlooks nice to see that it looks asif somthings working02:46
prahalthough I may be able to take _2 example a step further . Did his tweak changed the error message ?02:46
vVvHACKERvVvto ge tyour line number in pico type contorl+c02:46
seam0nsterthe only thing i see that seems relvent is  Read 337 lines02:47
austin_Anyone know anything about graphic driver support?02:47
vVvHACKERvVvyou have to scroll sown02:47
vVvHACKERvVvuser your arrow keys02:47
zurnim sure that there have been several questions about this - do we need to worry about the unix time thing? the article says that it is fixed in linux...02:47
MoTecunix time will work fine, even past the epoch.02:47
MoTec1234567890 is coming in a week or so... Nothing to be concerned about.02:48
prahalfreazer, you should take a look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/lilo.postinst02:48
freazer_2, prahal, vVvHACKERvVv: please look at http://pastebin.com/m40a5e298 - this is a joke. I can't even install grub2 my system is completely crippled by this problem!!02:48
MoTecUnless the world ends, of course.. Then it might have been something worth worrying about.02:48
kdorfMoTec: How do you figure unix time will work fine when it overflows its data type?02:48
prahaland add the -H switch02:48
vVvHACKERvVvfreazer: I will take a look02:48
zurnbut when playing around with the number, and can get it to go to Tue May 17 23:33:19 203302:48
MoTeckdorf: it's not going to overflow for some time, yet.02:48
zurnand thats 1999999902:48
chu_Hi - I have a problem with power management, I've asked the question a few times on the Ubuntu help forums, but no responses.02:49
Javier17hello, i use ubuntu 8.04 hardy...i'm having some troubles playing and burning dvds.. as well as hearing musci cds... the thing is that in ubuntu 8.10 and in XP i'm able to do that freely,, i've checked the forums, and the lead i've got is this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=852673 can somebody help me with this.. thanks02:49
fearfulfreazer: If nothing is working, why don't you completely backup your system and re-install that will surely fix the problem02:49
kdorfMoTec: Well of course not, but I don't know that was the nature of his question.02:49
oDesk why i can't ping my Ubuntu from windows laptop ? all at the same LAN ? btw i can ping else pc's02:49
MoTec2038 is when it will overflow02:49
MoTecI plan to be drunk, then.02:49
danbhfiveJavier17: if its fixed in 8.10, whats the problem?02:49
chu_Basically, my laptop under 8.10 (though 8.04 worked) doesn't detected my battery, but it still runs when I pull the ac plug out.02:49
vVvHACKERvVvfreazer: thats a big problem02:49
freazerfearful: how is this any better than Windows? just teasing/trolling you guys a little bit02:49
fearfulfreazer: http://www.zimbio.com/the+ubuntu+guy/articles/47/Backup+Ubuntu+Easy+Way+Command+Line   > Will show you how to back up completley and restore02:49
Javier17danbhfive i have problems with openoffice in 8.1002:50
freazerprahal: I'm looking into that file now, thanks02:50
hev /server irc.islifecorp.com.br02:50
Javier17danbhfive i prefer to use 8.0402:50
zurnok, thanks MoTec02:50
danbhfiveJavier17: what problems do you have with OO?02:50
seam0nstervVvHACKERvVv i can't see it :(02:50
Javier17danbhfive 0002:50
fearfulfreazer: Linux, is not an easy system you have to be aware sometimes you will fail and will have to start from scratch, I think any real Linux users has had that experience02:50
seam0nsteri looked carefully02:50
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: what cant you see02:50
freazerfearful: I'll look into it. my biggest concern is that my /home is on another partition, and when I reinstalled none of the users could login because they didn't have write permissions to themselves. I'll be reading that URL now02:50
Javier17danbhfive ¿02:50
vVvHACKERvVvok listen02:50
seam0nsterline 3302:50
austin_*sigh* so no one knows anything about drivers?02:50
danbhfiveJavier17: OO = OpenOffice02:51
Safeaustin_: If noone knows, try asking a little later. :)02:51
ScottG489I just made a new swap partition because my old one was too small to hibernate. Now when I hibernate it seems to shut down normally but when I start back up its just like a normal freash startup. What could the problem be?02:51
vVvHACKERvVvwe are are looking for the section in that file that says...sources are defined here02:51
fearfulfreazer: If your home is in another partition, it'll be even easier just install and set the boot to the new partition as /home02:51
khoihi everybody02:51
Javier17danbhfive cannot open any document02:51
vVvHACKERvVvit is only 7% of the document down02:51
harushimoI'm having probably playing dvds02:51
Javier17danbhfive it duddenly closes02:51
seam0nsteri see what u mean now.. the 33rd line ?02:51
austin_whats the difference between ubuntu 64 bit and 32 bit02:51
austin_is it major?02:51
harushimoI just put in a new dvd rom not even 3 months ago02:52
austin_and are the drivers any different02:52
vVvHACKERvVvhere is what my config says...source=rt73,wlan0,wifiHACKED02:52
vVvHACKERvVvyou with me now02:52
okibisananyone have an account on ubuntuforums?02:52
G-Bluntedhey how do you do the cube mode in  COmpiz?02:52
Safeaustin_: A good thing would also to ask about the specific problem you have.02:52
seam0nster1 sec02:52
* vVvHACKERvVv has ubuntu forum acct02:52
keresis xubuntu more light weight than ubuntu? will it run better on a crappy pc?02:52
vVvHACKERvVvI take it that you did not edit this file before using kismet02:52
tabidachi_yes keres02:52
okibisancan you download cxmenu.tar from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=828651 for me?02:52
Kryzlerkeres yes02:52
prince_jammyskeres: allegedly yes02:52
Javier17keres, yes it will02:52
austin_My computer, when i install my driver for my graphics card, displays a black screen upon reboot02:52
okibisanit's attached to the first post02:52
russia213How do you partition a drive to ntfs qith gparted?02:52
vVvHACKERvVvokibisan: I will download that for you after you test out a binary program for me02:53
okibisani tried to sign up but it threw a php error at me02:53
DartelI am running Ubuntu on a pretty crappy machine no issues so far02:53
okibisanwhat binary?02:53
prince_jammysrussia213: probably select 'primary' for type, and 'ntfs' for file system02:53
seam0nster# Sources are defined as:02:53
Safeaustin_: I have no idea about your problem, but I've seen people in here with similiar problems.02:53
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster yes02:53
seam0nsteri havent used kismit at all02:53
Safeaustin_: I guess you've googled it?02:53
vVvHACKERvVvI know seam0nster02:53
linduxedaustin_: two things, did you install with the "Restricted Drivers" dialog or by manually downloading the drivers somewhere?02:53
vVvHACKERvVvI know your pain02:53
seam0nsteralright.. should i pm it to you ?02:54
austin_Safe: great.  yah , i don't really know what to google02:54
fearfulaustin_ You can also try posting on the forums02:54
okibisanwhat binary...02:54
austin_linduxed: I did the restricted drivers02:54
vVvHACKERvVvokibisan: its called system check02:54
linduxedaustin_: what card?02:54
freazerprahal: on line 69 of /var/lib/dpkg/info/lilo.postinst  -- it calls /sbin/lilo ! I'm going to edit this file to call /sbin/lilo -H ! I think this might force dpkg to ignore my raid issue!02:54
okibisancan you please just get the file for me? lol02:54
austin_linduxed: ATI...lemmi find the rest of the specs02:54
vVvHACKERvVvokibiasn: I was kidding02:55
Gneaokibisan: could you please just fix your account?02:55
vVvHACKERvVvI would never ask you to run an unsolicited binary02:55
okibisangnea: it's throwing a php error when signing up... what do you want me to do?02:55
vVvHACKERvVvor would I02:55
austin_linduxed: the driver is called : ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver02:55
prince_jammysaustin_: 'lspci' in a terminal will show you02:55
fearfulaustin_ He needs to know what YOUR graphic card is tho02:55
Gneaokibisan: fix it!!  try pastebin'ing the actual error?02:55
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: we need to get that card working so we can add a source in kismet conf02:55
Dartelask..never beg plead demand.....perhaps.02:56
seam0nsterokay :)02:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:56
seam0nsterhow do we do that ?02:56
austin_linduxed 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV770 [Radeon HD 4850]02:56
vVvHACKERvVvsea: thats what we are doing02:56
prince_jammys!ati | austin_02:56
ubottuaustin_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:56
vVvHACKERvVvits a process NEVEr a quick fix on Linux02:56
freazerquick easy question: I can ln -s /place mylink   and then rm mylink and it will just remove the link, not the actual file, right?02:56
seam0nstergreat... -_-02:56
vVvHACKERvVvbut once working, will work forever02:56
okibisan<vVvHACKERvVv> are you gonna get the file for me?02:56
prahalfreazer, yes that seems the best option . to have a working install before transitioning to grub2 (which in the long term seems a good switch)02:56
prince_jammysfreazer: yep02:56
seam0nsterwell, thats good to know02:57
ArtelusI have a question02:57
vVvHACKERvVvoki: you will ahve to wait for now I am helping seam0nster exploit wirless networks02:57
austin_eh, i'm not very linux savy, as this is only me second install (the first one uninstalled cuz of other problems on a differnet comptuer)02:57
ArtelusI managed to begin installing ubuntu, and it resized my windows partition and started to install it on the partition it just created, ok?02:57
seam0nsterlol wut, exploit ?02:57
ArtelusBut it got interrupted in the middle and I had to restart my computer02:58
vVvHACKERvVvI know exactly what you are trying to do02:58
vVvHACKERvVvdon't lie02:58
fearfulArtelus: In the middle of the installation?02:58
ArtelusI formatted the new partition, but I don't know how to get ubuntu to install on that parttion02:58
vVvHACKERvVvyou want to SEE if you can do it02:58
Gneaokibisan: he already told you no. if you want the file, you'll have to download it yourself. if you're unwilling to try and figure out the php error, then you're obviously up to no good.02:58
ArtelusYeah, in the middle of the installation02:58
SafeIs there a way to disable eth1?02:58
Safe(using eth0)02:58
okibisanup to no good?02:58
austin_ubottu: so, is my make older or newer?02:58
vVvHACKERvVvsafe: ifconfig eth1 down02:58
ArtelusWhen I started over, there's only the option to resize the windows partition again, but I can't tell it to install to the new ex3 partition02:58
Xeonhi everoyne, i have a quick question regarding the dualboot of ubutnu and xp02:58
okibisanhow can i possibly fix their php error?02:58
fearfulaustin_ ubottu is a bot, he will not answer :p02:58
SafevVvHACKERvVv: thanks.02:59
Gneaokibisan: i've already told you the first step. it's up to you to take it.02:59
ArtelusSo how do i do that?02:59
austin_fearful: x(02:59
fearfulArtelus: You have to choose a manual install then click the new partition and mount it as /02:59
austin_fearful: do you know if my make is older or newer?02:59
okibisangnea: does anyone in here actually have the authority to change files on that server?02:59
Xeonhi everoyne, i have a quick question regarding the dualboot of ubutnu and xp02:59
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:59
ArtelusI clicked on the partition and clicked next, and there was some kind of error02:59
fearfulaustin_: Wouldn't know sorry:(02:59
histo!ask | Xeon02:59
ubottuXeon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:59
ArtelusI don't really understand02:59
austin_anyone know?03:00
fearfulArtelus: What error?03:00
Gneaokibisan: what's it to ya? just pastebin the error already03:00
harushimoanyone know how to get dvds working properly03:00
Artelussomething about root03:00
SafeBtw, what is the problem when ping returns "unknown host" ?03:00
vVvHACKERvVvseamonter: post your iwconfig info to the PM window03:00
vVvHACKERvVvneed a look at that03:00
histoSafe: you can't resolve the hostname03:00
freazerprahal: it didn't work!!! I'm wondering if the problem is with initramfs-tools.postinst instead? I don't see how this is a Ubuntu problem and not a Debian problem btw ...03:00
prahalharushimo, switch to totem-xine , add medibuntu repos03:00
Xeonok, lol, well I am running XP on my whole HD and I would like to install Ubuntu, on half of it, how do I shrink my XP partition03:00
|syockit|Artelus: it says "root partition not formatted, might be dangerous" something?03:00
Artelusnot really03:00
ArtelusHow to I mount it as /?03:01
vVvHACKERvVvXeon: just delete windows03:01
harushimowill that work? mplayer isn't any good or vlc03:01
Safehisto: And why is that? Problems with DNS?03:01
TAC-ModRunning Apache2 webserver need help with creating authenticated login03:01
fearfulArtelus: It will give you an option that says mount to and a drop list, click the /03:01
harushimothe dvd plays but it comes out choppy03:01
freazerI think I'm just going to rm -rf / and see what happens03:01
Xeonuhh, why would I want to do that? I need it for compatibilty reasons and gaming03:01
vVvHACKERvVvTAC: apache is my speciality also03:01
histoSafe: mostlikely try resolving the hostname first. something like dig www.address your trying to ping.com03:01
prahalfreazer, this is also a debian pb but hey the only way to prove this point is to resolve  it :-/03:01
histoSafe: then see if you can ping that ip03:01
ArtelusAlright, can you explain what that does? :)03:01
vVvHACKERvVvXeon: compat my ASS, run windows in VMWARE under liunx03:01
Gneafreazer: sounds like a reasonable solution03:01
vVvHACKERvVvI will even give you a KEY03:02
prince_jammysaustin_: what version of ubuntu are you running?03:02
Xeonunder vmware can my games run at the same speed?03:02
Safehisto: it just shows nothing.03:02
Gnea!language | vVvHACKERvVv03:02
ubottuvVvHACKERvVv: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:02
vVvHACKERvVvusually, what system specs03:02
fearfulArtelus: It just tells it that there's where the system needs to be installed and run off on when you start the computer or click the GRUB option for Ubuntu03:02
austin_prince_jammys: 8.10 32 bit03:02
vVvHACKERvVvfamily friendly03:02
vVvHACKERvVvare you kidding me03:02
* Gnea blinks03:02
ArtelusAlright, thanks ^^03:02
Safehisto: How can I be on IRC when I can't reach anything else?03:02
histoSafe: dig isn't doing anything in console?03:02
Xeon2 GB RAM, ATI 3200, 2.5 GHZ AMD Dual COre03:03
TAC-Modvvvhackervvv is there a site i can goto to learn to create a login script and file containing usernames and passwords?03:03
Safehisto: well it timed out.03:03
vVvHACKERvVvTAC : you are referring to .htaccess03:03
Xeonati 780g03:03
histoSafe: try something known like dig www.google.com03:03
TAC-Modok thx03:03
histoXeon: no03:03
vVvHACKERvVvHTACCESS tutorials03:03
Safehisto: same.03:03
jrib!enter | vVvHACKERvVv03:03
ubottuvVvHACKERvVv: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:03
Xeonno what?03:03
* TAC-Mod has went to apache website and is not reading chat03:03
histoXeon: there are issues with 3d acceleration and virtual machines03:03
vVvHACKERvVvXeon: SOME not all 3d acc03:03
Xeonso my gaming won't be similar03:04
vVvHACKERvVvdont listem to him03:04
histoXeon: there are other options such as seeing if you games will run under wine. or use linux based games03:04
vVvHACKERvVvignore him03:04
histoXeon: it would be if they work with wine but not under vmware if they are 3d based games03:04
Xeoni am looking to play halo 1 multi. and maybe wow03:04
histoXeon: what games are we talking about here.03:04
Joker_-_anyone here has an idea why mythbuntu couldn't recongnize my DVD burner as a burner? (I can read CDs/DVDs but can't burn anything).03:04
Gnea!cedega | Xeon03:04
histoSafe: thats wierd can you browse the web on this machine?03:04
ubottuXeon: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega03:04
Xeonkotor, halo 1, wow03:04
histoGnea: Xeon cedega costs $03:04
vVvHACKERvVvwine will not work EVER correctly03:04
histoGnea: Xeon wine is free03:05
Gneahisto: so?03:05
histoXeon: wow works the others you can search on appdb.winehq.org03:05
Xeonwell lets get back to my original question since gaming isnt equal03:05
vVvHACKERvVvWB seam0nster03:05
Safehisto: No, but I noticed that network-manager removed my DNS.03:05
Gneaif you can afford $15/mo for WoW, you can afford $5/mo for cedega03:05
histoXeon: it may be if you check on wine03:05
prahalfreazer, /usr/share/initramfs/hooks/lilo03:05
linduxedaustin_: http://rafb.net/p/daQxkR85.html try those03:05
seam0nster1my laptop overheated -_-03:05
Safehisto: do you know if I can remove network-manager without it removing any of my settings?03:05
Xeongnea, i paly on a private server i odnt pay03:05
austin_linduxed: hey, i think there giving me the wrong driver. the information presented is not my card03:05
histoGnea: Xeon  why pay for cedega if wow works fine under wine?03:05
vVvHACKERvVvI am here seam0nster03:06
wikkedfincan ubuntu server handle Two Quad Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5345 @ 2.33GHz with 8GB ram?03:06
linduxedaustin_: could be03:06
austin_linduxed: this is the picutre of it:  http://www.dvhardware.net/news/asus_radeon_hd_4850_1gb_dh.jpg03:06
Gneahisto: if you can get it to work fine in wine, then great03:06
freazerprahal: You are very determined to help me, I can't thank you enough even if we don't crack this ^^03:06
ScottG489I just made a new swap partition because my old one was too small to hibernate. Now when I hibernate it seems to shut down normally but when I start back up its just like a normal freash startup. What could the problem be?03:06
histoSafe: if you add yoru settings to /etc/network/inerfaces03:06
freazerprahal: looking into it03:06
vVvHACKERvVvwine will ONLY SERVE to deter linux users03:06
austin_linduxed: Any idea on how to get the right one?03:06
Xeonok, well my main question is how can I shrink my XP drive to install ubuntu on the partition03:06
quadaptorexists a bash command, that runs a command for each line in file (like find -exec), e.g.   cat filelist.txt -exec basename {} \;03:06
histoSafe: then you don't need nm03:06
austin_linduxed: would updating all the software work?03:06
GneavVvHACKERvVv: so will your attitude.03:06
Safehisto: yeah, I've added them manually.03:06
vVvHACKERvVvits not attitude Gnea, it experience03:06
* Dartel fans seamOnsters laptop03:07
histoXeon: boot the ubuntu install cd and use gparted to shrink xp partition.03:07
prahalfreazer, well . It refresh my memory and prepare me for when I will finally make the step to raid and lvm :)03:07
Safehisto: just afraid that nm is gonna mess with my settings if I remove it. :D03:07
Xeonbut if you are saying gaming can be equal, how can i instlal ubuntu from xp and delete xp?03:07
GneavVvHACKERvVv: no, you've got a terrible attitude, and it needs to change, please.03:07
histoGnea: it works flawlessly along with countless other games.03:07
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
cjaehow do I tell what linux filesystem I have eg, reiserfs, ext3?03:07
Xeoni dont want to use a cd rom or a usb jsut str8 from the hd03:07
=== sigma is now known as Guest28254
vVvHACKERvVvWord of warning, the partition manager during ubuntu install has a tendency to fail when shrinking windows partitions03:07
Gneahisto: i heard about that, it can work quite well.03:07
prahalthough I am guessing from other scripts . I do not have lilo installed for years03:07
histoXeon: well then you need a program to resize03:07
seam0nster1it overheats when i have it on a fabric surface, i forgot (in bed)03:07
GneavVvHACKERvVv: for you. never had that problem here.03:07
s4nd3rHi. To reinstall grub, after reinstall XP, is just to run update-grub right???? But, I got an error:03:08
s4nd3rfindfs: Unable to resolve 'UUID=0015ea14-8c25-4aaf-9a84-bb5fb58190c1'03:08
SafevVvHACKERvVv: me neither.03:08
s4nd3rhow solve it?03:08
Xeonbut you guys are making me having second doubts on keeping xp lol03:08
histoXeon: and there is agoing to be an issue with resizing a partition that you are currently using.03:08
vVvHACKERvVvGnea: not for me, for about 30% of the corporate machines I have installed it03:08
GneavVvHACKERvVv: it would be better if you properly researched your problems and found concrete solutions before spouting your opinions as fact.03:08
austin_liduxed: I really don't know man, i think i'ma shove windows on this machine03:08
fearfulcjae: sudo cat /etc/fstab and look03:08
kopvVvHACKERvVv, remember the human03:08
vVvHACKERvVvGnea: these aren't opinions03:08
histoXeon: thats why most peole boot to something such as cd or usb to run a partitioning program to resize03:08
kopGnea, remember the human03:08
prince_jammysaustin_: see if this is useful: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide03:08
freazerI think vVvHACKERvVv is right in giving a warning. Be _very sure_ your data is backed up before performing a NTFS resize because there is a much greater chance during that operation that your data can be permanently lost03:08
histoXeon: how do you plan on installing ubuntu if you don't want to use cd?03:09
vVvHACKERvVvthese people don't understand that freazer03:09
Xeonif the gaming is very similar (which I hope) then can I instlal ubuntu from my XP HD and delete the XP in the process fo installing ubuntu03:09
histoXeon: wubi?03:09
GneavVvHACKERvVv: there's a time and a place for such statements. consider a URL.03:09
fearfulI would suggest every one to move to Ubuntu it will make the world a better place :)03:09
=== zero is now known as Guest36455
vVvHACKERvVvalways want to start a fight and assert idiocy03:09
Xeonhisto: i was going to use wubi and dual boot but now...03:09
Flannelfreazer: Don't ever say those sorts of commands in here.03:09
harushimoeverytime I play the dvd, it comes out choppy and plus I'm getting a CRC error03:09
h00khisto: you can with a USB drive, also03:09
Gneafreazer: that's actually pretty common knowledge around here03:09
cjaefearful: ok how do I tell if its reiser4 or not?03:10
Gneakop: we are human, are you not?03:10
Guest28254hey guys, i'm in preferred applications and i'm trying to write a custom line to have things get launched using firefox 3.1 beta. which i installed myself. what is the commandline switch i have to use to make it open a target instead of just the home page?03:10
KryzlerGnea what's the problem? vVvHACKERvVv is just reminding us to do something that a lot of people forget03:10
histoXeon: well youc an search online there are rescue cds that you can use or even put on a thumb drive to boot to and resize then go back in windows and use wubi after resizing.03:10
DartelFolks this is not being productive03:10
kopwe tend to type things here we would never say to someone in person , well at least not the way we type it here . just remember there is another human being on the other side of the conversation here03:10
freazerprahal: that path doesn't exist on my computer. I have /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/ which is close. the contents are "brltty, console_tools, fuse_utils, lvm2, ntfs_3g, udev, console_setup, dmsetup, kernelextras, mdadm, thermal, usplash" but no lilo03:10
vVvHACKERvVvFirst off I will say what I want, I will never be told by you or anyone what I can say, I am here to help people so just sit back an be quiet, perhaps you'll learn something03:10
fearfulcjae: Well it should say ext3 if it is ext3 or else what it is03:10
vVvHACKERvVvthanks for the backup guys03:11
Xeonhisto: but is it possible to install Ubuntu from the XP HD (mounting it) and then deleteing XP during the install?03:11
histoXeon: that i don't know of someone else may know the answer. I've never messed with the wubi install.03:11
cjaefearful: I just says reiser but would like to know if its the old one or not03:11
keresis xubuntu more light weight than windows 2000?03:11
histo!install | Xeon03:12
ubottuXeon: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate03:12
linduxedaustin_: "threatening" the channel with switching to windows doesnt help...might do the opposite but not help.03:12
prahalfreazer, find /usr/share/initramfs-tools/ |grep lilo . Sorry for the missing part of the path earlier03:12
fearfulcjae: I don't know sorry I thought it should have said there.03:12
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster you still here03:12
austin_linduxed: eh, i read it some where on digg that it would work.03:12
ubottureiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html03:12
vVvHACKERvVvmay we get back to your issue03:12
linduxedaustin_: it should also03:12
seam0nster1when you're ready good sir03:12
vVvHACKERvVvlets roll03:13
linduxedaustin_: but i dont think you got the right drivers thats all03:13
clay_the_arcanyone care to help me with a sound issue?03:13
vVvHACKERvVvlike I said, post your sys specs and iwconfig output to the private window03:13
itchydog!info | nmap03:13
ubottunmap: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>03:13
vVvHACKERvVvneed a look at that03:13
ubottunmap is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']03:13
XeonDoes any1 know the answer to this: is it possible to install Ubuntu from the XP HD (mounting it) and then deleteing XP during the install?03:13
freazerprahal: I'm starting to want to switch my majors :-D no more computers for me.. maybe I should study music? the command " find /usr/share/initramfs-tools/ |grep lilo " found no files with lilo in the name.. I dropped the grep and I can confirm03:13
austin_prince_jammys: do i just do all the commands on that page?03:13
fearfulWell I'm out for tonight guys good night see you tomorrow03:13
keresis xubuntu more light weight than windows 2000?03:13
itchydog!info nmap03:13
ubottunmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.62-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1031 kB, installed size 3644 kB03:13
linduxedaustin_: a system update is something one should always do so try that, might be the xorg package screwing stuff up03:14
fearfulkeres: I can assure you yes, its made for light resources.03:14
russia213How do you unlock a partition? >.< I've already used gksu but I still can't repartition my drive03:14
prince_jammysaustin_: i don't know. it just seemed like something worth checking out03:14
tabidachi_keres, yes03:14
clay_the_arcI'm getting a "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." Error message when i click on my volume control app on the top of my screen can anyone help?03:14
keresfearful: thanks03:14
vVvHACKERvVvXeon: Here is the answer, if you want to do ti from windows, use a partition manager to shrink partitions WITHIN windows, you do not want to lose data03:14
austin_alright well g2g then, i'll update03:14
kerestabidachi_: thanks03:14
prahalfreazer, geee . then the way to go could be grub2 ... by dpkg -P lilo03:14
vVvHACKERvVvXeon: simply then install into freespace its the safest way03:14
Xeonvvhacker: I wont, this is a fresh computer03:14
Gnea!partition | Xeon03:14
ubottuXeon: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap03:14
prahalbut this is dangerous . Do you have a boot disk ?03:15
vVvHACKERvVvXeon: your primary goal is dual boot correct?03:15
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:15
prahaldangerous in that if something goes wrong (could be misunderstanding of the question it asks , something not included in the questions , ...03:15
Xeonwell, now that you said vmware is similar, I won't mind to just use ubuntu only03:15
prince_jammysrussia213: use the gparted live cd, or the ubuntu livecd, and boot to that03:16
clay_the_arcI'm getting a "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." Error message when i click on my volume control icon on the top of my screen can anyone help?03:16
vVvHACKERvVvXeon: thats fine like I said I will even give you a key JUST TO SEE IT, you will then hav eto go buy your own hey...03:16
brandon_how can i check to see if my graphics card is running right?03:16
russia213prince_jammys: I'll try that03:16
vVvHACKERvVvactually, who cares, I will give yo ua perm KEY just for getting rid of windows03:17
=== vincent is now known as Guest97102
GneaXeon: you don't even need a key, just install vmware server or get virtualbox03:17
freazerprahal: were all the previous messages directed towards me? I already did dpkg -P lilo and it worked.. goodbye!! mwahaha! and now apt-get install grub2 still says lilo failed :-D har har. I am now doing find / |grep update-initramfs and I'm going to examine each script directly to try to find references to lilo03:17
Xeonvvhacker: ok but will the install corrupt when i want to delete XP03:17
Xeonsince it is running under XP?03:17
Gnea!vbox | Xeon03:17
ubottuXeon: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:17
vVvHACKERvVvXeon: not if you use the entire disk inside the installer partition mgr03:17
vVvHACKERvVvthe problems occur when resizing NTFS within installer03:18
prahalfreazer, oh so  try sudo update-initramfs -c -k <your kernel number> (note -c while installer try -u)03:18
vVvHACKERvVvthere is a 30% chance it wont work03:18
Xeonso as long as I take up all the space for ubuntu there willl be no prob, correct?03:18
SarthorHi, I am using this link for helping to use 2 gateways for my linux router, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IProuteRoundRobbin the 2nd gateway is not working, some sites opening and some not, I am here for help03:18
GneaXeon: if virtualization is a bit much, you might also want to consider wubi, especially since it's a new computer03:18
Gnea!wubi | Xeon03:18
ubottuXeon: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:18
G-Bluntedya partitionmanager resized my xp partition to 5GB with no problems...you could probably use it to delete the partition all together maybe?03:18
prahalfreazer, yep if I knew it was purged I won't have told you to look after lilo files :-(03:18
Xeong-blunted: that is the goal03:19
vVvHACKERvVvThe ubuntu installer will ahve 3 options03:19
Xeonwell do u game with vmware?03:19
prahalthe only remainings files are in the binary initramfs image (which will be erased by -c)03:19
vVvHACKERvVvuse entire disk, resize or specifiy, or manual03:19
G-BluntedXeon, ya i resized it to a real small size...not sure about deleting it tho03:19
G-Bluntedprobably could tho03:19
vVvHACKERvVvXeon: yes I use VMWARE for ONLY gaming its the only time I EVER run windows03:19
Xeonand what is the quality like03:19
vVvHACKERvVvand I love that I can run it within Ubunut/Linux03:19
vVvHACKERvVvXeon, no difference03:20
kindofabuzzwhat games?03:20
freazerI remember there was a system variable for my kernel number, or a way to determine my kernel number, but I don't remember the specifics, anyone?03:20
vVvHACKERvVvonly difference if you have a slow machine03:20
Xeonkotor 203:20
vVvHACKERvVvI run C&C Generals, Civ IV, COD, BattleField 194303:20
seam0nster1what ?03:20
kindofabuzzi'm so out of touch with new games, can't play any of them anyways, p4 1.5Ghz , WoW runs decent, about as new as i get03:21
seam0nster1okay.... ami still here ?03:21
miller_uname -a will give kernel number I believe03:21
seam0nster1generals zh is awesome03:21
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: AMEN03:21
Dartelyour there I am here03:21
vVvHACKERvVvLove C&C ZH03:21
Xeonok, and is openoffice comaptible with microsfot excel03:21
seam0nster1me too03:21
kindofabuzzvVvHACKERvVv, won't those run with Wine? why vmware?03:21
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:21
seam0nster1c&c3 pissed me off03:21
clay_the_arcI'm getting a "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." Error message when i click on my volume control icon on the top of my screen can anyone help?03:21
brandon_could someone help me get my visual effects to work ?03:21
MoTecXeon: I know it reads older excel documents no problem.. Miht still have problems witht he Office 2007 formats, tho.03:22
jerbearflash video is pretty choppy, but my computer is pretty fast. what might be causing this?03:22
vVvHACKERvVvkindofabuzz: I have tried every emulator, wine just does not work correctly03:22
G-Bluntedfreazer, uname -ro03:22
Xeonand how is video player03:22
vVvHACKERvVvXeon: what do you mean vid player03:22
Xeonhave you heard of elisa?03:22
Xeonis it good?03:22
DartelSeamOnster you get your issue fixed?03:22
vVvHACKERvVvwe are still working on seam0nsters' issue03:23
SarthorHi, I am using this link for helping to use 2 gateways for my linux router, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IProuteRoundRobbin the 2nd gateway is not working, some sites opening and some not, I am here for help03:23
vVvHACKERvVvgot sidetracked about C&C03:23
histoXeon: oo is compatible with excel and doc and everything03:23
seam0nster1^_^ np03:23
slamdnHey guys, im in a lot of trouble right now. My motherboard got fried so i transfered my  hdds to another mobo which only has onboard graphics (and does not have an agp slot for my gfx card) and now everytime i try to boot into ubuntu 8.10 everything is fine untill the little orange loading bar is done, then the screen goes batshit crazy display grey bars and what not. I think i should edit the xorg.conf file from a live cd but i dont know how to change it. 03:23
Gnea!effects | brandon_03:23
ubottubrandon_: Desktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu03:23
freazermiller_: uname -a worked great, thanks ^^03:23
seam0nster1wtf was that ?03:23
try2freewhy sudo apt-get update halt on 23% and continue after 2-3minute? how to solve this?03:24
danbhfiveslamdn: have you tried removing your graphics drivers?03:24
DartelI noticed thats why I brought your attention back to the VERY patient SeamOnster LOL03:24
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: its me in your system03:24
Guest28254hey guys, i'm in preferred applications and i'm trying to write a custom line to have things get launched using firefox 3.1 beta. which i installed myself. what is the commandline switch i have to use to make it open a target instead of just the home page?03:24
=== Guest28254 is now known as sigma92
seam0nster1my laptop just made the "duh DUH"  noise asif i plugged in a usb thingy03:24
seam0nster1zomg tits or gtfo03:25
kbrosnanGuest6067: firefox %u i think03:25
MoTecslamdn: After it boots up and freaks out hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 and you will get a standard, text mode, login prompt - no need for the live cd.03:25
Gneaseam0nster1: please don't say that again.03:25
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: I think I will need a shell account on your sytem...03:25
radsyfirefox '%s' sigma9203:25
seam0nster1sorrt GNea03:25
vVvHACKERvVvLoL, I am kidding03:25
seam0nster1lol i hope so03:26
radsyoh, sorry sigma92 - i misread. that's not it.03:26
Kryzlerheh, somebody asked me for my ip once03:26
G-Bluntedhow you make an account on your system?03:26
Aster0IDHi everyone03:26
G-Bluntedi wanna let someone login to a shell on my computer...03:26
seam0nster1me too, i gave it them too -_-03:26
freazerprahal: Thanks to your advice I fixed it.03:26
seam0nster1back in the days of sub703:26
MoTecG-Blunted: useradd or is it adduser03:26
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: you still didn't give me the sys specs and USB Wifi model03:27
DartelIf you just transfered the hard drives the info is set up for the other system you have to redo the graphic drivers to match the other board03:27
MoTecdamn this beer is good03:27
seam0nster1i didnt know any better at the time03:27
seam0nster1oh yeah03:27
slamdnmotec, thanks. im on a live cd right now. how should i edit my xorg.conf file_?03:27
vVvHACKERvVvsub7...LoL, I knoew the people that wrote that03:27
seam0nster1how do i do that ?03:27
seam0nster1u know mobman ?!03:27
freazerprahal: the offending file wasn't calling update-lilo, it was just calling lilo direct from the script at /usr/s-bin/update-initramfs - on line 16803:27
Dillizarhow can i record what i am doing on the desktop03:27
Aster0IDI want to install ubuntu and switch fro Vista to Linux. I want to buy an external hard drive and was wondering if encrypted hard drive would give me trouble with linux? this is the product I wanted: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4010243&CatId=13603:27
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: he's not mobman03:27
MoTecsladen: mount your file system and make the edit.03:27
vVvHACKERvVvthats all I can say03:27
MoTeci;m sorry i'm a bit intoxicated.. i have no details03:27
OxygenfadHey guys, I want to remote access ubuntu from an XP machine. What program would I use to have remote desktop ?03:27
vVvHACKERvVvOxygenfad: vncserver03:28
freazerOxygenfad: I highly recommend xvnc4server03:28
|ns|nR8Oxygenfad, i use vnc03:28
sigma92radsy: shucks =(03:28
MoTecmdkir /mnt/hd && mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/nd03:28
Dillizarhow can i video record what i am doing on the desktop03:28
sigma92radsy: out of curiosity, what did you misread03:28
freazerOxygenfad: and then on Windows use tightvnc to connect03:28
alotbterhow do you do that cube thing in ubuntu?03:28
clay_the_arcI'm getting a "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." Error message when i click on my volume control icon on the top of my screen can anyone help?03:28
MoTecsomethign like that.. then look for /etc/x11/wtfever under /mnt/hd03:28
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: I use gtk-recordmydesktop03:28
vVvHACKERvVvthat is actually what brought me here03:28
freazeralotbter: you are looking for compiz-fusion desktop effects, it requires 3d acceleration03:29
Kryzleralotbter you enable advanced graphics effects03:29
radsysigma92, when you said 'open a target'03:29
radsysigma92, do you just want it to open a particular site?03:29
Dillizaralotbter, sudo apt-get insyall compiz03:29
ktronI need to figure out the 'grub name' (hd0, hd1, etc) for a device and I'm running off of the live cd... suggestions?03:29
Kryzleralotber: although you may need to install a load of drivers03:29
alotbterwhere do you enable advanced graphics effects?03:29
KryzlerSystem -> Preferences ->03:30
vVvHACKERvVvalotbter: admin->appearance03:30
=== Leppers` is now known as Leppers
whatevhow can i make it so i can type http://foo.localhost/ and http://bar.localhost/ to create different subdomains on my apache installation?03:30
Kryzlerwhat vVvHACKERvVv said ^_^03:30
vVvHACKERvVvoops Kry is right03:30
KryzlerAm i?03:30
Dillizaralotbter, system->preferences>adfs03:30
vVvHACKERvVvthats funny03:30
sync350Is it possible to set up a user for ftp access and for them to not be able to use a shell, ex: ssh in.  I run an ftp server and an ssh server, but I want some users to be able to use their accounts as ftp only.03:30
FloodBot1Kryzler: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:30
slamdnHow do i rename files in the command prompt_? thanks03:30
vVvHACKERvVvI tihk you were right ROFL03:30
vVvHACKERvVvI din't use the menu03:30
FloodBot1vVvHACKERvVv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:30
DillizarvVvHACKERvVv, where can i get this gtk-recordmydesktop03:30
prahalfreazer, thanks for the info . Bye I am switching back to debian . I disagree with the way suspend is handled on ubuntu (and on a netbook this is pretty critical !) .03:30
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop03:31
kitchesync350: I should use virtual users for ftp server myself if you want them to be seperate from system users03:31
alotbtervVvHACKERvVv, Dillizar i dont see that option03:31
freazerprahal: I can understand that. you were extremely helpful and I can't thank you enough03:31
Dillizarits called cube alotbter03:31
vVvHACKERvVvalotbter: System->Preferences->Appearance03:31
sync350kitche: alright, I was thinking something along those lines, haven't really messed with virtual users that much, it'll give me something new to read up on though, thanks :)03:31
sigma92radsy: i mean that if i just put the command firefox-3.1 it opens my home page when i click on a link in Evolution03:32
sigma92radsy: when i'd rather it open the link itself03:32
radsyoh sigma92, then it is %s03:32
try2freeplease help. why sudo apt-get update halt on 23% and continue after 2-3minute? how to solve this?03:32
prahallong live choice :) I wish you ... no more stupid bugs eating hours of your life and enjoy precious time03:32
Dillizaralotbter, wait i will record a video to you thanks to vVvHACKERvVv  :P03:32
sigma92radsy: it works, good show old chap03:32
jtajisigma92: yeah firefox %s03:32
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: You're welcome03:32
Dillizarje sais mon ami03:33
vVvHACKERvVvboy I am just saving the world tonight03:33
vVvHACKERvVvchcek out my video tutorials on youtube, seach for vVvHACKERvVv03:33
freazervVvHACKERvVv: you were no help to me :-p03:33
vVvHACKERvVvfreazer: sorry I am trying to help everyone I hav ea short attention span03:33
Dillizarhahahahahaa commercials  vVvHACKERvVv  SHAME ON YOU03:33
vVvHACKERvVvIts not a commercial03:33
vVvHACKERvVvits helpful03:33
alotbterwhat should i search for03:34
vVvHACKERvVvI do video tuts FOR linux on how to install and configure things03:34
vVvHACKERvVvSPECifically for Ubuntu and FreeBSD03:34
vVvHACKERvVvHey I even use my voice instead of playing that damn techno garbage everyone playes when doing a tut on linux03:35
=== drew_ is now known as GuruDrew
Aster0IDwill Ubuntu recognise and charge my iphone?03:35
GuruDrewTechno phails03:35
ryanpriorAster0ID: One way to find out. =D03:35
GuruDrewUbuntu works great with the G103:36
GuruDrewGo figure03:36
freazervVvHACKERvVv: here's a good one for you: Ubuntu 8.04, I run "firefox" in the terminal and I get the following output back: "Illegal instruction" so I try firefox -safe_mode -- and I get the same error. I don't have flash or any of that silly stuff, this is a fresh installation! does this mean my kernel is corrupt or something?03:36
GuruDrewWriting some custom apps in Eclipse for android lol03:36
GuruDrewPretty nice little OS03:36
Kryzlernice GuruDrew03:36
vVvHACKERvVvwhy in terminal freazer?03:36
Kryzlercos he is hardcore03:37
freazervVvHACKERvVv: so you bebop sing the techno sounds instead of play them in the background??03:37
ryanpriorfreazer: Does that happen when you use the LiveCD?03:37
GuruDrewvVvHACKERvVv, If it fails at terminal it's bound to fail at an icon, at least at terminal he gets output03:37
vVvHACKERvVvI said nothing about failing from an icon03:37
nDuffAster0ID, it recognizes mine as a camera03:37
vVvHACKERvVvit was a general question to get the mental state of the user03:37
Dillizaralo its almost ready03:37
freazerryanprior: liveCD works great, this is after I've tried reinstalling from the live CD.. I even do apt-get install --reinstall firefox or even purge firefox and then install firefox, and I get the same error.. is there a way to reinstall all dependencies?03:38
Aster0IDnDuff, does it charge it then?03:38
riz0ncan someone recommend a good howto on running scripts in ubuntu03:38
nDuffAster0ID, yup03:38
DillizarvVvHACKERvVv,  dude makes my pc ho SLOW03:38
freazervVvHACKERvVv: because when I run in the gui it doesn't give me an error.. it just says "Starting firefox..." for about 5 seconds and then closes03:38
Aster0IDnDuff, what do you do when you want to sync to itunes ?03:38
riz0ni want to write a shell script that will start another program from the shell03:38
GuruDrewThe wine team needs to get cracking in GTA4 so I can delete this XP partition03:38
Kryzlerriz0n terminal will run te scripts as long as you have the right stuff insatlled03:38
nDuffAster0ID, use my Windows box at home03:38
ryanpriorfreazer: Since this is a fresh install, how about just reinstalling the whole OS and seeing if that helps?03:38
vVvHACKERvVvfreazer: it could be a million things, believe it or not I don't have all the answeres03:38
freazervVvHACKERvVv: what sort of mental state have you perused from my answer?03:38
vVvHACKERvVvat this point its research time03:39
Kryzlerso riz0n e.g. you need java installed etc to run java03:39
GuruDrew86% completion with only 25 hours play time, I'm such a loser.03:39
austin_Hey guys, just did a system update, the same driver is being shown to me ;(03:39
ryanpriorfreazer: If something went wrong with the install, any number of things could be broken.03:39
riz0nKryzler: basically i want the script to run "BitchX"03:39
nDuffAster0ID, ...if I didn't have one, I'd probably set it up for USB passthrough to a Windows instance running in VirtualBox.03:39
freazervVvHACKERvVv: just trolling you :-) I've never had problems with firefox in Windows *tease*03:39
Aster0IDdoes that virtualbox run fast?03:39
sonoblaiseI've installed the new CATALYST driver from the ATI website.  I causes some problems with allegro in wine.  Guys on the  wine told me to remove the ATI drivers and get the latest open drivers that should be enough for me because the open drivers in ubuntu are too old.  How do I remove the ATI package... i didn't used synaptic so I dont know how.  thanks!03:39
riz0nKryzler: i will have some people connecting into my server through putty and i dont want everyone to have to type that entire command, so i want to create a command "chat" that will launch it.03:39
GuruDrewHaha, anyone got an invite for me to #wine? :)03:40
nDuffAster0ID, I don't use it for games or anything, but sure.03:40
try2freehow to get free support?03:40
lstarnesGuruDrew: try #winehq03:40
vVvHACKERvVvhow dare you take advantage of my kindness03:40
Aster0IDnDuff, ok, thanks03:40
GuruDrewlstarnes, Oh, that's right, thanks kindly03:40
freazerryanprior: I figured as much ^^ working on mass reinstalling now.. thanks to prahal03:40
alotbteri still cant find advanced effects03:40
Aster0IDI am going to switch to Linux, once and for all03:40
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: it it working?03:40
nDuffAster0ID, ...btw, while VirtualBox is ideal for desktop VMs, if you're going to be virtualizing servers or doing automated QA or somesuch, you might do well to look at KVM instead.03:40
Dillizarbut its f slow03:40
ryanpriorfreazer: If that doesn't work, I might suspect your hard drive, since that's a definite difference between the LiveCD and installed Ubuntu,.03:41
vVvHACKERvVvget a faster computer03:41
Dillizarit makes my ps SLOW03:41
Kryzlersorry riz0n I'm stuck on that one... although with IRC clients, normally the most popular way to do scripts that run automatically is to write a perl or python program and run it in IRSSI03:41
vVvHACKERvVvor switch to MAC03:41
benjamin_Hi can someone help me, I just get Ubuntu Server working and I need help setting things up.03:41
FloodBot1vVvHACKERvVv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:41
nDuff!ask > benjamin_03:41
ubottubenjamin_, please see my private message03:41
F4RR4RIf I'm going to use CVS/SVN to download the source code to the ogre/cegui/ode libraries and compile them myself, is there a specific place that ubuntu prefers I store that source code?03:41
Aster0IDnDuff, I would just need virtual vista to do some rare stuff03:41
MoTecF4RR4R: just download and extract to your home directory03:42
Kryzlerriz0n just so you know, I can't do Perl OR Python... so don't ask me :P03:42
MoTecwhen you do the make and make install it'll put it where it belongs03:42
Dillizaralotbter, i hope it will work :)03:42
F4RR4RMoTec: Thanks. :)03:42
nDuffAster0ID, ...yar, vbox should be fine for that; I keep it around on my work system for running Outlook and the occasional bit of win32 client testing, and it does that just fine.03:42
benjamin_Sorry.  Can someone help me set up my Ubuntu Server to support a website?03:42
MoTecwell, it's _supposed_ to put the stuff where it belongs.. YMMV :)03:42
nDuffbenjamin_, so -- just a simple Apache installation?03:42
nDuffbenjamin_, or something fancier?03:43
vVvHACKERvVvHow do I list files from the command line in Ubuntu?03:43
lstarnesvVvHACKERvVv: ls03:43
MoTecvVvHACKERvVv: ls -l --color if you wanna be cool :)03:43
sonoblaisevVvHACKERvVv: ls -l for the list mode03:43
alotbterDillizar, just upload it to utube03:43
vVvHACKERvVv...I get such a kick out of this03:43
seam0nster1i wonder why terminal told me "python install_rt73_drivers.py" file not found..03:43
freazerdo you guys honestly think vVvHACKERvVv didn't know that?03:43
alotbteri cant find it on my harddrive03:43
benjamin_well aparently I just installed mysql. but I don't belive that i have gotten around to Apache03:43
freazerafter he's been spamming this channel all day03:43
sonoblaisevVvHACKERvVv: first console experience ?03:43
Dillizarlol what do you use03:44
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster:  do NOT use that python script03:44
vVvHACKERvVvit will not work03:44
sonoblaisewe all remember this :p03:44
freazervVvHACKERvVv: wow it's like they don't even read the channel03:44
vVvHACKERvVvgreat isnt it03:44
GuruDrewvVvHACKERvVv, how can you use that alias and ask how to ls :|03:44
seam0nster1i am willing to try anything dood03:44
Dillizaralotbter, wait 10 sec03:44
Kryzlermy 6 year old brother knows what ls does :P03:44
alotbterDillizar, what is the name of the file03:44
vVvHACKERvVvhahah it never ands03:44
benjamin_nDuff: this is the tutorial (of sorts) that i've been following http://howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-8.10-p4http://howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-8.10-p403:44
Kryzlerand my 8 year old sister knows ls03:44
benjamin_nDuff: this is the tutorial (of sorts) that i've been following http://howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-8.10-p403:45
Flannelbenjamin_: The howtoforge walkthroughs are generally rubbish when it comes to Ubuntu03:45
GuruDrewif you're pro you've aliased ll03:45
vVvHACKERvVvwhere do I put "ls"03:45
KryzlerI sat them down and took them through basic terminal commands xD03:45
benjamin_Flannel:  Well thats good to know03:45
freazervVvHACKERvVv: I think all you're doing is testing people's willingness to help - which is a good thing. at least these guys can handle the simple stuff03:45
KryzlervVvHACKERvVv shh :P03:45
Chriz212how do i restore grub from usb?03:45
freazerI can tell you where to shove that "ls" ...03:45
nDuffbenjamin_, OK -- where are you having trouble with it?03:45
vVvHACKERvVvmy eyes are watering03:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:45
Dillizaralotbter, http://rapidshare.com/files/195803318/out.ogg.html03:45
Dillizarits not a porn but it looks good03:46
benjamin_well I'm not sure how to set up the IP address, I believe I need it to be static and then setting up a domain.03:46
alotbtercould downloading an ogg file allow someone to hack my computer?03:46
benjamin_nDuff:well I'm not sure how to set up the IP address, I believe I need it to be static and then setting up a domain.03:46
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: actually what brought me here was the blurr of my desktop video recordings when mposted to youtube03:46
vVvHACKERvVvi cant get around it03:46
Dillizaralotbter, lool03:46
vVvHACKERvVvI even encoded with mencoder and /or user specialized interlacing03:46
Dillizaralotbter, its a video file03:46
vVvHACKERvVvstill no dice03:46
alotbterwhos lool and what is he doing here03:46
seam0nster1vVVHACKERvVv: considering the results of iwconfig do you think i should reinstall ubuntu or somthing ?03:46
DillizarvVvHACKERvVv,  maybe because its a ogg03:46
nDuffbenjamin_, ...well, depending on what kind of connectivity you have, IP allocation and DNS setup may be out of your hands.03:47
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: its an ogv not an ogg03:47
Dillizarmine is ogg03:47
MoTecpfsense handles my ip's for me.. and it makes me happy.03:47
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: no03:47
benjamin_nDuff: how can i tell you what connectivity I have03:47
administratorHow to "fat"  floppy disk  Into a format "et2"03:47
vVvHACKERvVvgimme some time I am having fun rught now03:47
vVvHACKERvVvwe need your hardware specs seam0nster03:47
benjamin_nDuff: I'm not running wireless and connected through ethernet.  Does that help?03:47
vVvHACKERvVvif you do not know you need to find out03:47
Dillizaralotbter, just take the video and will show you were to find it03:47
sonoblaisewhat is the xfree version that comes with ubuntu 8.10?03:48
administratorHow to "fat"  floppy disk  Into a format "et2"03:48
nDuffbenjamin_, the config file controlling your server's local IP address is /etc/network/interfaces, but any static IP you set in there needs to be valid for the network you're on, and not be something the local DHCP server might hand to someone else.03:48
administratorHow to "fat"  floppy disk  Into a format "et2"03:48
Flannel!enter | vVvHACKERvVv03:48
seam0nster1how ? what exactly do u need to know ?03:48
ubottuvVvHACKERvVv: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:48
alotbterDillizar, why cant you just tell me?03:48
DillizarvVvHACKERvVv, does recording your desktop makes your pc SLOW??03:48
nDuffbenjamin_, who's your local network administrator?03:48
ryanprior!repeat | administrator03:48
ubottuadministrator: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:48
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: no03:48
benjamin_nDuff:  I don't know.03:48
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: use 15 FPS and NTSC methods03:48
Aster0IDOk, quick question: On Ubuntu site it says the curent version will be supported untill 2010. then what do I do?03:48
Dillizaralotbter ah #compiz03:48
nDuffbenjamin_, where do you get your Internet service from?03:48
vVvHACKERvVvI am running a Vostro 1510 and no issues03:49
nDuffAster0ID, upgrade to a newer one :)03:49
austin_Does anyone know how to fix ATI driver problems? the card was made by asus03:49
vVvHACKERvVveven the MEDAI panel works with Ubuntu03:49
vVvHACKERvVvI am extatic03:49
nDuffAster0ID, the upgrade process is shiny and clicky and automated.03:49
freazeradministrator: can you try to spell things correctly so that we can properly understand the question? did you mean "format" a floppy into "ext2" ?03:49
Aster0IDnDuff, Upgrade would mean reinstalling the OS?03:49
DillizarvVvHACKERvVv, where can i find the methods03:49
nDuffAster0ID, no, it means clicking a few buttons.03:49
nDuffAster0ID, ...and letting the OS reinstall all the components that changed.03:50
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: you have to re-encode with DeVeDe03:50
freazeradministrator: are you using Ubuntu? command line or GUI? either way I recommend either parted or gparted but I'm not sure if they work on hotswappable/removable  volumes03:50
Aster0IDnDuff, what is the version of the ubuntu on default download site? is it KDE ubuntu or Gnome?03:50
nDuffAster0ID, default Ubuntu uses GNOME.03:50
FlannelAster0ID: Gnome is Ubuntu03:50
administratorI have a floppy disk is formatted fat03:50
DillizarvVvHACKERvVv, and when i select a window? desktop ??03:50
vVvHACKERvVvGnome is NOT ubnut03:50
ryanpriorAster0ID: Ubuntu comes with Gnome by default, Kubuntu comes with KDE.03:51
Aster0IDnDuff, switching to KDE would not be much trouble I would assume?03:51
KryzlerGnom != Ubuntu03:51
administratorI would like to format it into ET203:51
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: you can choose window if you want less system resources03:51
Aster0IDwhich is "better"03:51
nDuffAster0ID, I don't know how much trouble is involved in switching between distribution variants, but I'd be surprised if it were very tricky.03:51
Aster0IDgnome or kde? for a beginner03:51
MoTecAster0ID: join do an apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to switch from gnome to kde03:51
F4RR4RWill it break things in ubuntu 8.10 desktop if i rename the directories in my home directory to be more conform? (I.e "Pictures"->"pictures", "Music"->"music")03:51
* Gnea wonders where vVvHACKERvVv's Ubuntu & FreeBSD videos are at...03:51
vVvHACKERvVvis there a freaking echo in here03:51
ryanprior!best | Aster0ID03:51
ubottuAster0ID: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:51
Kryzler!repeat | administrator03:51
nDuffAster0ID, both should work.03:51
ubottuadministrator: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:51
vVvHACKERvVvGnea, have not upload all of them03:52
vVvHACKERvVvonly have my new account open03:52
DillizarAster0ID, kde is better for begging you have the start menu and bla bla bla03:52
GneavVvHACKERvVv: I suppose it'd help if they existed :)03:52
Kryzleradministrator, clearly no-one knows... you'll have to ask somewhere else03:52
dmphotographyHey, does anyone happen to know where apache is installed on ubuntu, or even better, what the command to stop it is?03:52
Flanneldmphotography: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop03:52
benjamin_nDuff:  Can I tell you my IP address?03:52
MoTec/etc/init.d/apache2 stop03:52
Aster0IDMost of you would use Gnome then?03:53
vVvHACKERvVvif you read why I was originally here, you would have seen my question regarding blurry youtube videos, for someone whom constantly says to RESEARCH befor eyou talk you are awfully ignorant regarding your remarks03:53
MoTecguis are for the weak :)03:53
DillizarAster0ID,  here is gnome #kubuntu is kde03:53
Aster0IDI am installing it for my mom :) shes not so good with computers03:53
KryzlerAster0ID I use whatever happenes to be my preference at the time03:53
ryanpriorAster0ID: Most of us here use Gnome, or Gnome and something else.03:53
histomsg ubottu attitude03:53
ryanpriorAster0ID: I use Gnome and sometimes Xfce.03:53
vVvHACKERvVvjust an observation of course03:53
DillizarAster0ID,  let me tell you what i did for my mom ok03:53
MoTecbut, when i must, i use xfec4 :)03:53
histo!attitude | vVvHACKERvVv03:53
ubottuvVvHACKERvVv: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:53
nDuffbenjamin_, ...well, you *can*, and I can do a traceback to see who your provider is, but that's not really enough information. Are you plugged into a corporate network, or a home network?03:53
DillizarAster0ID, i installed a ubuntu and made it look just like vista with the menu button03:54
=== administrator is now known as Kyle4
GneavVvHACKERvVv: not everyone spends all of their time paying attention to everything in this channel all of the time.03:54
Aster0IDDillizar, how did you do that lol?03:54
DillizarAster0ID,  i can how you how cuz its good for moms and sisters :D and stupid brothers :P03:54
benjamin_nDuff: home network03:54
Dillizarwell Aster0ID03:54
vVvHACKERvVvGnea: we are never going to see eye to eye on anything, lets just not talk to each other03:54
nDuffbenjamin_, that being the case, you can log into your router and configure the IP range used for DHCP (and, thus, which IPs *aren't*)03:55
benjamin_nDuff: Would you mind walking me though?03:55
nDuffbenjamin_, ...so, pick one of the IPs that aren't in the DHCP range, and set it up in /etc/network/interfaces (see the output from "man interfaces" for documentation on that file)03:55
nDuffbenjamin_, I can't help you with your router -- that's well beyond the scope of supporting Ubuntu, and there are too many different models for me to know them all.03:56
benjamin_nDuff: Can you explain more in depth03:56
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: still here03:56
uman_Hey guys. My mobo recently got fried so i changed mobos, and now my cablemodem (usb) eth2 doesnt work anymore. I plug it into my pc and it doesnt show up. Also, i get an internet icon on my menubar,top right with an error that says SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device. What can i do. Thanks03:56
GneavVvHACKERvVv: please try to follow the guidelines... if ignorance is the way you prefer to go, then that's fine, but then again, you could simply re-state the original problem and leave your attitude parked at the door.. you might get a better response that way.03:56
MoTecI checked by the door.03:56
ryanprioruman_: Do any USB devices work?03:57
MoTecThe attitude section is WAY full.03:57
vVvHACKERvVvOk you can have the last word...03:57
GneaMoTec: didn't you know? we just point it to /dev/null - it's infinite :)03:57
uman_ryanprior, yeah, flash drives work03:57
vVvHACKERvVvcan I ask a question?03:57
Gnea!ask | vVvHACKERvVv03:58
ubottuvVvHACKERvVv: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:58
DillizarAster0ID, you need a vista theme! aero smt dunno download a start button and istall it and put it on the panel and just use emerald to make the buttons really really shiny ! :D and then go instal some icons et voila a vista for mom :D wiht no viruses :D03:58
ryanpriorvVvHACKERvVv: This isn't a shouting contest. Gnea wants to have a civil channel, and we have a legit body of channel guidelines that we expect people to stick to. Right now, you're straying outside and giving us attitude about it.03:58
ryanprior!guidelines | vVvHACKERvVv03:58
ubottuvVvHACKERvVv: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:58
DillizarAster0ID, go to gnome-look.org or smt like that03:58
Aster0IDDillizar, cool :)03:58
Dillizari am to lazy to change pc and show you03:58
vVvHACKERvVvI am helping anyone I can, i dnot need you throwing you garbage up everything I say something03:58
vVvHACKERvVvgrow up03:58
GneavVvHACKERvVv: stop.03:58
porkpieanyone had this before 'error while loading shared libraries: libltdl.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' ?03:59
try2freeplease somebody give some hints. why sudo apt-get update halt on 23% and continue after 2-3minute?03:59
FlannelAlright, vVvHACKERvVv, Gnea, that's enough out of everyone.  Regardless of who started, or whatever.  That's enough.03:59
nortyQuestion: I just changed my $PATH variable and i want to be able to use it but i dont want to logout to refresh it, what is another way to refresh it?03:59
chalcedonytry2free: think about resources and ram ..03:59
vigoFlannel: Thank you04:00
vVvHACKERvVvFlannel; thats what I attempted to do by stating "We shouldn't talk"04:00
simplemotives_I'm having major dns/resolv issues with intrepid. It seems to be a commonly reported issue, but I see no clear resolution.04:00
simplemotives_web requests take 20+ seconds and even timeout.04:00
simplemotives_IP6 is disabled in ff3 config04:00
uman_Hey guys. My mobo recently got fried so i changed mobos, and now my cablemodem (usb) eth2 doesnt work anymore. I plug it into my pc and it doesnt show up. Also, i get an internet icon on my menubar,top right with an error that says SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device. What can i do. Thanks04:00
chalcedonyhow can i find my largest files ?04:00
nDuffbenjamin_, see my PM.04:00
vVvHACKERvVvchalcedony: why do you want to do that04:00
DillizarAster0ID, http://maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-hardy-to-mac-osx-leopard/2008/07/2304:00
danbhfivechalcedony: Apps > Accs> Disk Usage Analyzer04:00
Dillizartry this04:00
Dillizarit will help you understand how to install some things you will need04:01
Aster0IDDillizar, thanks!04:01
chalcedonyvVvHACKERvVv: i have a lot to backup, maybe it's something i can do without (hoping)04:01
vVvHACKERvVvone sec chal04:01
chalcedonyvVvHACKERvVv: ty :)04:01
chalcedonyvVvHACKERvVv: i need commmand line if possible04:02
vVvHACKERvVvchal: I am talking to someone..gimem a sec04:02
cdeszaqHow can I get my Windows Media Center remote to work in Ubuntu?04:02
ryanpriorchalcedony: There's a built-in GUI tool that makes it very easy to do that.04:02
Dillizarno cdeszaq04:02
ryanpriorchalcedony: Applications -> Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer04:03
cdeszaqDillizar: What? I asked how...not if04:03
Dillizari dont think you can04:03
tritiumcdeszaq: lirc supports windows MCE remotes just fine04:03
ryanpriorchalcedony: It uses a simple method to find the large files, which you could replicate on the command line with a little scripting. Ask in #bash if you need help with that.04:03
Aster0IDwhat's the default user/password on ubuntu install?04:03
FlannelAster0ID: Whatever you set it up t be during the install04:04
ryanprior!root | Aster0ID04:04
ubottuAster0ID: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:04
centaur5uman_: I would try removing the eth devices from /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and reboot and see what that does.04:04
benjamin_tabidachi_:See my pm04:04
Aster0IDI emant in the Live cd04:04
ryanpriorAster0ID: Oh, I thought you asked for the default root password. Disregard that. =D04:04
Aster0IDthe download on website is tha live cd too right?04:04
vigoWho had the SIOCGIFNUM  error?04:05
FlannelAster0ID: The user for the livecd is 'ubuntu' and there's no password.  If the liveCD is asking you to login, it's likely a bad burn, or an unofficial Ubuntu spinoff04:05
chalcedonyryanprior: i'm looking at the gui .. we will see ty :)04:05
centaur5vigo: uman_04:05
vigoThank you04:05
uman_centaur5, vigo?04:05
swtaarrsis there a way to drag-and-drop support in file-roller?04:06
vigouman_: I found some stuff on that here: http://docsun.cites.uiuc.edu/sun_docs/C/solaris_9/SUNWdev/NETPROTO/p40.html04:06
ryanpriorswtaarrs: We've had that since Hardy Heron. Before that, there's no way to enable it without backporting code.04:06
vigoIs Solaris, but is still Linux, sorta04:06
CodyIm getting this error message: input: b43-phy0 as /devices/virtual/input/input11 > firmware: requesting b43/ucode5.fw > b43-phy0 ERROR : Firmware file "b43/ucode5.fw" not found. I couldnt get the correct address it referred me to (http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/drivers/b43#devicefirmware) so i got it else where. Can anybody help me place it in the correct location, or possible help me figure out the correct web address?04:07
ryanpriorswtaarrs: In terms of release numbers, it's supported in Ubuntu 8.04+04:07
swtaarrsryanprior: I'm running intrepid, and I can't drag files from an open archive into nautilus04:07
ryanpriorswtaarrs: Let me try to be sure I'm right. One moment.04:07
whatevhow come sudo apt-get install xnvc[tab] only shows xvnc4viewer and not xvnc4server?04:07
swtaarrsryanprior: does it not work on read-only archives?04:07
ryanpriorswtaarrs: drag+drop works fine for me on Intrepid. I don't have a read-only archive to try -- can you point me to one?04:08
vigocentaur5: There was also a post on the Ubuntu Forums about that.04:08
swtaarrsryanprior: this was one from an email I got, so not this particular one. maybe try chmod -w on one then reopen it?  it was a .zip archive if that matters04:09
vVvHACKERvVvok I am back04:09
ryanpriorswtaarrs: I went ahead and made an archive read-only, and I can still drag+drop from it.04:09
vVvHACKERvVvstill with me04:09
centaur5vigo: My first assumption was that it's looking for his old MAC addresses and still mapping those to eth* devices but can't find them.04:09
Dillizarwhere can i change witch programs to run on boot04:09
ryanpriorswtaarrs: You aren't using a non-standard archive manager, are you? You're using file-roller?04:09
CodyCan anybody help me with my question^^?04:09
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: /etc/init.d04:09
vVvHACKERvVvcody: shoot04:10
vigocentaur5: That is what most of the data I looked up said.04:10
swtaarrsryanprior: yeah, it's file roller 2.24.1 according the the about box.  I just tried a .zip archive that's not read-only and it still doesn't work04:10
Cody(11:07:02 PM) Cody: Im getting this error message: input: b43-phy0 as /devices/virtual/input/input11 > firmware: requesting b43/ucode5.fw > b43-phy0 ERROR : Firmware file "b43/ucode5.fw" not found. I couldnt get the correct address it referred me to (http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/drivers/b43#devicefirmware) so i got it else where. Can anybody help me place it in the correct location, or possible help me figure out the correct web addre04:11
vVvHACKERvVvCody: sorry for now I am working with seam0nster on his wireless issue04:11
try2freechalcedony: resources same as the other machine. ram?04:11
centaur5vigo: I've never swapped a motherboard with an Ubuntu installation but always assumed it would go really slick as long as you delete the contents of the 70-persistent-net.rules file. Now I'm curious and will have to try an experiment to see if switching boards with Ubuntu is more slick than XP.  :)04:11
Dillizarnot that vVvHACKERvVv like skype to be run when i log in the ubuntu you know simple stuff04:11
vVvHACKERvVvgeneral rule is one wireless problem a day for me04:11
try2freechalcedony: you mean my memory is low?04:11
seam0nster1sorry cody04:12
CodyvVvHACKERvVv:  I hear ya. Wish it was the same here.04:12
vVvHACKERvVvDillizar: i c04:12
Codyseam0nster1:  ??04:12
try2freechalcedony: resources same as the other machine and 3 or 4 days ago it's run smooth04:12
vVvHACKERvVvCody: he is what we call a user here04:12
seam0nster1i used up the 1 turn04:12
vVvHACKERvVvya know...like you04:12
seam0nster1flannel ??04:13
vigocentaur5: That is what backups are for, it should be smoot and painless with a good backup set and if the harwdware is compliant with the distro you select.04:13
seam0nster1now who will help me ;_;04:13
ryanprior!anyone | seam0nster104:13
ubottuseam0nster1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:13
GneaCody: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware04:13
CodyGnea:  May i ask why i need to do that?04:13
vVvHACKERvVvhow rude04:13
seam0nster1ohhh wb dood04:14
DillizarvVvHACKERvVv, so do you know04:14
vVvHACKERvVvthis is why children should not have boot powers04:14
vVvHACKERvVvsorry I missed the Q04:14
CodyvVvHACKERvVv: what did you mean hes just a user here?04:14
tritiumvVvHACKERvVv: enough, or it'll be a ban, and not a kick04:14
vVvHACKERvVvgo ahead, you will be hurting the users04:14
GneaCody: because it's not installed by default04:14
vVvHACKERvVvI have helped countless people here04:15
CodyHow would i install that on my other machine without an internet connection?04:15
seam0nster1jesus christ, he is helping more people than anyone else, you should +o him not ban him -_-04:15
CodyvVvHACKERvVv:  What are you doinf wrong?04:15
tritiumvVvHACKERvVv: I've been in this channel for years, and have never seen you before today.04:15
vVvHACKERvVvtritium: correction you have never seen this nick before04:15
|syockit|Cody: attitude problem04:15
tritiumvVvHACKERvVv: please just abide by the code of conduct, and you'll be fine04:15
CodyOh okay04:16
vVvHACKERvVvtritum: people want me here becuase I help04:16
vVvHACKERvVvjust get off your high horse04:16
CodyGnea:  How do i install that without an internet connection?04:16
vVvHACKERvVvand let me do my job04:16
vVvHACKERvVvthen everything will be fine04:16
GneavVvHACKERvVv: We do ask that people get off of their horse at the door.04:16
tritiumvVvHACKERvVv: calm yourself down.04:16
CodyYou singled me out vVvHACKERvVv :P04:16
GneaCody: do you have a USB thumbdrive?04:16
CodyYes and some blank cds.04:17
vVvHACKERvVvI don't even know how I got here, I was having a good time04:17
Aster0IDS.O.S - I tried to run live cd and monitor says "Video Mode Not Supported"04:17
whatevhow come sudo apt-get install xvnc[tab] only shows xvnc4viewer and not xvnc4server?04:17
vVvHACKERvVvCody: what do you mean singled you out?04:17
GneaCody: try copying it to the USB drive and then run this on the ubuntu-side:  sudo dpkg -l file.deb  (where file.deb is the linux-firemware-BLAH.deb04:17
CodyOnly 1 wireless problem a day :P04:17
seam0nster1some people are strange vVvHACKERvVv, don't worry about it04:17
n8tuserwhatev -> take a look at x11vnc  you may like it better04:17
centaur5vigo: Well the main reason XP crashes is when there are new boards and I was hoping since Ubuntu just detects hardware and loads modules that if I install an Ubuntu machine and have to replace the board that I wouldn't have to reformat. I buy good boards though so I've never had to do it but now I'm curious. Although copying the home and pasting it into a new installation is quite effortless!  I love Ubuntu!04:17
GneaCody: sorry, sudo dpkg -i file.deb04:17
seam0nster1they like to enforce silly rules etc04:18
whatevn8tuser can i connect to x11vnc from tightvnc on windows?04:18
n8tuserwhatev -> absolutely04:18
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: its a question of power. nothing more nothing less. Its not the rules they are enforcing, its the extension of supremicy04:18
tritiumseam0nster1: the channel's rules serve a purpose.  Please stay on topic.04:18
CodyGnea:  Where do i download this? Like the exact package from an internet based command of sudo apt-get install linux-firmware ?04:18
CyBurnettI installed Ubuntu 8.04 and setup user and root accounts with passwords. now i need to edit the settings for my network but it will not accept the password? Your thoughts please :)04:18
ryanpriorAster0ID: Sounds like it's detecting the monitor wrong. Are on an aged CRT, maybe?04:18
vVvHACKERvVvtritum: the rules are placed there to help the users04:18
FlannelvVvHACKERvVv: Please come to #ubuntu-ops so we can discuss this without creating so much noise.04:18
jp_sfAster0ID: what is your question ?04:18
vVvHACKERvVvon my way04:19
chalcedonyDisk Usage Analyzer:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/115864/04:19
|syockit|Cody: get them on packages.ubuntu.com04:19
vigocenataur5: Ibex is really good at new hardware, Heron ,'with updates' is also, still the backup rule is always in effect,04:19
Aster0IDI am using a 17 inch LCD monitor (Hyunday) and it says "Video mode not supported" when I try to use Live cd or install disc04:19
GneavVvHACKERvVv: everyone that /join's #ubuntu is a user.04:19
Cody|syockit|:  Thank you.04:19
Aster0IDit was fine when it was loading and language selection too, but then I got that message04:19
Aster0IDryanprior, jp_sf ^^^04:20
ryanpriorAster0ID: If you can figure out how, try booting into VESA mode. I don't remember how to do it off the top of my head, but try Google.04:20
CyBurnettAster0ID, at the screen that says "install Ubuntu without any change to your computer" etc, hit F4 key and select "safe graphics mode"04:21
Gnea!packages | Cody04:21
ubottuCody: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!04:21
GneaCody: check that website ^^^04:21
Aster0IDCyBurnett, I dotn get to that point04:22
CyBurnettAster0ID, you mean you dont get to the screen immediately following the language selection window?04:22
Aster0IDCyBurnett, yes, after language there is nothing04:23
Aster0IDor there was some loading bar... or was that before04:23
Aster0IDI get "Video mode not supported" monitor message04:23
CodySo linux-firmware doesn't come with ubuntu?04:23
CodyUbuntu 8.10 intrepid?04:23
CyBurnettAster0ID, Sorry, I'm a newby to linux but i had the same problem as you and I got around it with the steps I mentioned :004:24
n8tuserAster0ID -> try also the option vga=79104:24
tritiumCody: yes04:24
|syockit|Cody: it should if it's detected the hardware during install04:24
Aster0IDn8tuser, how do I do that?04:24
|syockit|tritium: it wasn't?04:24
rsdsoft sound on macpro...  anyone figured out how to make sound not really soft from headphones?   I've put the various mixers up to max, and on other ubuntu machines the sound works fine...  it's just really soft on this mac pro.04:25
tritium|syockit|: no, you're correct04:25
tritiumIt should be installed.04:25
=== rsd is now known as illume
n8tuserAster0ID -> i think when you press F6  and there is a long line of text.. insert it before the word quiet, and actually erase quiet to see the status while it is booting04:25
CyBurnettI installed Ubuntu 8.04 and setup user and root accounts with passwords. now i need to edit the settings for my network but it will not accept the password? Your thoughts please :)04:25
vVvHACKERvVvok i am back04:25
ArtelusI just got ubuntu!!! YAYYYY04:25
illumeCyBurnett: sudo su04:26
tritiumCody: sudo -i04:26
chalcedonyvVvHACKERvVv:  Disk Usage Analyzer:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/115864/04:26
sonoblaiseI installed the latest ATI proprietary drivers from their website.  How do I remove a package installed without synaptic?  it had a graphic installer... I want to put the open drivers back, fglrx is killing me!04:26
danbhfivechalcedony: are you using something non-gui?  what are you using?04:27
GneaCody: is intrepid what you're running?04:27
CyBurnettillume, Thanks but that opens my user folder :) I need to edit my network settings.04:27
seam0nster1hay vVvHACKERvVv04:27
illumeCyBurnett: with the gui tool?  you should be able to type in your users password.04:27
illumeCyBurnett: not the root one04:28
billybigriggerhow can i boot to command line?04:28
vVvHACKERvVvyea I am here04:28
vVvHACKERvVvwhat a joke04:28
|syockit|sonoblaise: website does not give uninstall instruction?04:28
vVvHACKERvVvanyway lets get back to helping04:28
Nom-Is the -virtual kernel from JeOS avaialable for a server install?04:28
CyBurnettillume, It doesnt seem to matter what I type it doesnt let me in :(04:29
sonoblaise|syockit|: I searched but found nothing04:29
ArtelusHey guys04:29
vVvHACKERvVvsocialism at its best04:29
Artelushow do you install Java on Ubuntu?04:29
billybigriggeri just installed a fresh copy of intrepid x86 and after install on first boot, i enter login/password, and it hangs on loading gnome, i can move my mouse but thats it...nothing...04:29
sonoblaiseatiis ceahp on the documentation for their linux drivers04:29
seam0nster1do u need my specs b4 we can continue ?04:29
|syockit|billybigrigger: on booting, during grub, press esc to bring up kernel selection, select single-user boot04:29
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster yes04:29
vVvHACKERvVvsystem, window manager ect..04:29
ArtelusHow do you install JRE?04:29
|syockit|billybigrigger: then you have selection of what to do04:29
billybigrigger|syockit|: thanks04:29
alotbteris there a way when you invert the screen colors to not invert pictures and videos?04:30
CyBurnettillume, I have one password for user and seperate for root, neither work. passwords work for everything else though??04:30
|syockit|Artelus: would that be Sun's, or OpenJDK?04:30
seam0nster1well i will look out for you tomorrow, i have work in a few hours -_-04:30
chalcedonydanbhfive i typed it from the GUI04:30
ArtelusUm...which one is better? :D04:30
vVvHACKERvVvyea me too 8am04:30
vVvHACKERvVvback to software devel04:30
tritium!enter | vVvHACKERvVv04:30
ubottuvVvHACKERvVv: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:30
hanzpasco Hola estoy tratando de ejecutar un juego .Jar usando como base este manual pero ala hora de poner java -jar no pasa nada aca la pagina (http://andalinux.wordpress.com/2008/12/17/ejecutar-aplicaciones-jar-en-ubuntu-linux/)04:30
tritiumhanzpasco: /join #ubuntu-es, please04:30
seam0nster1lol that guy loves you04:30
vVvHACKERvVvI tell ya seam0nster04:31
vVvHACKERvVvyou see this all the time04:31
alotbter!ru | hanzpasco04:31
ubottuhanzpasco: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:31
|syockit|Artelus: if you don't have anything against propietary, sun is better. apt-get install sun-java6-jre04:31
seam0nster1i have seen it many times in other places04:31
vVvHACKERvVvseam0nster: ruins the chats doesn't it..?04:32
|syockit|Artelus: if you need the plugin, don't forget sun-java6-plugin04:32
vVvHACKERvVvstaright from the user04:32
XaeroI have I question regarding bash scripting, say I wanted to parse a text file for urls that point to a certain domain name, I know the first step would be to grep for all lines containing the domain name in question, that match the pattern of a URL, but what would I do to get rid of the rest of said lines?04:32
tritiumvVvHACKERvVv, seam0nster1: one last warning to stay on topic04:32
ArtelusSo how do I install Sun jafva?04:32
vVvHACKERvVvhe's itching04:32
billybigrigger|syockit|: ok, i tried booting the recovery kernel image, and everything was fine, got to the recovery menu, and selected to fix x session, and then tried failsafe gnome and its still hanging after login04:32
seam0nster1i just hope you're not a cop irl tritium04:32
seam0nster1that would be scary04:32
|syockit|billybigrigger: what's the rig? what are you trying to recover?04:33
can-o-wormsDoes anyone know of a script or something to run so i can run bittorrent during off-peak times04:33
billybigrigger|syockit|: just trying to boot04:33
chalcedonydanbhfive can anyone answer the question about the number of items . what's an item?04:33
chalcedonyi was actually looking for which is the largest files04:34
billybigrigger|syockit|: i just did a fresh install on my desktop...install went fine, and couldnt even login to my first gnome session04:34
|syockit|billybigrigger: could be the compiz thing hanging up. login screen came up?04:34
alotbteris there a way when you invert the screen colors to not invert pictures and videos?04:35
danbhfivechalcedony: I don't know what you are doing.  The app is graphical.  Can;t you see what the largest files are?04:35
billybigrigger|syockit|: yeah gdm came up fine, entered user and password and it hangs, so then i tried failsafe gnome and it still wont work...stuck with a moving mouse thats it04:35
XaeroHow would I go about parsing a text file and returning JUST urls?04:36
chalcedonydanbhfive: it's showing directories which is nice.. ill have to do it again for files, i guess04:36
billybigrigger|syockit|: tried ctrl-alt-bkspace to restart gnome and nothing, ctrl-alt-del...nothing04:36
|syockit|billybigrigger: next time, at login screen, try killing compiz.04:37
|syockit|billybigrigger: use tty04:37
billybigrigger|syockit|: k, how do i kill compiz at login?04:37
billybigrigger|syockit|: oh, alt-f2 login, then killall compiz?04:37
vVHACKERvVDUMB ass I have thousands of IPs04:38
|syockit|billybigrigger: no, do not login04:38
|syockit|billybigrigger: ah, yu mean tty04:38
billybigrigger|syockit|: i have to login after alt-f2 to bring up a term right?04:38
|syockit|billybigrigger: yes. then sudo killall compiz.real04:38
billybigrigger|syockit|: haha alt f2 f3 f4 does nothing04:39
|syockit|billybigrigger: what about ctrl-alt-f1?04:39
porkpieguy's will this install the 32bit server debootstrap --arch i386 dapper04:39
billybigrigger|syockit|: nothing, and i know keyboard works cause i can type in the username box04:39
ryanpriorbillybigrigger: alt+f2 should bring up a little "Run" dialog in the top-left corner.04:39
|syockit|billybigrigger: if i'm not mistaken, you use ctrl-alt-<number> to change to tty04:39
uman_Hey guys i need help desperately. My mobo fried so i changed motherboards and am not using my nvidia gfx card anymore so i am using onboard video from ati. When i installed the ati drivers and the nvida ones were uninstalled my motorola usb cable modem stopped working. I mean, its as if it were not plugged in. How can i fix this.. what usb drivers can i install or go back to another kernel? Thanks04:40
ryanpriorbillybigrigger: ctrl+alt+f2 should take you to a plain-text TTY interface.04:40
|syockit|billybigrigger: sorry, ctrl-alt-f<number>04:40
billybigrigger|syockit|: ctrl-alt-f1 f2 f3 nothing ctrl-alt-1-2-3 nothing04:40
F4RR4RHow can I rename my {Desktop|Music|Pictures|Public|Template|Video} directories to their lowercase, linux consistant equivalent names w/o breaking my system?04:40
|syockit|billybigrigger: is that on fresh reboot?04:40
ryanprioruman_: No need to tell us about desperation - we only have so much capacity to help. Is the modem listed by lsusb?04:40
|syockit|billybigrigger: also, the kernel recovery mode is supposed to have "start shell" or something in the menu04:41
h4ck3ruh O I am back asshole04:41
sleepyowlHey guys, I have a quick command line problem/question that been struggling with for the past few hours.04:41
uman_ryanprior, no its not04:41
billybigrigger|syockit|: yes a root shell i think, ill try that, hold on rebooting now04:41
=== Daft_Punk is now known as you
* you like to touch yourself04:41
=== you is now known as Dwight_Schrute
sleepyowlWhy does this command work the first time, but fails the second time: http://pastie.org/38369004:42
tritiumDwight_Schrute: please stop that04:42
Dwight_Schrutetritium, yes sir04:42
grayi have a question04:42
ryanpriorAsk away, gray.04:42
n8tusersled -> what is the command?04:42
sleepyowlIf the doesn't exist, it should create it and if it does exist, it shouldn't attempt to create it04:42
grayi need to connect two computers via crossover cable04:42
grayjust for file transfer04:42
grayi have two separate computers04:43
Dwight_Schrute!ask | gray04:43
ubottugray: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:43
unopsleepyowl, you're testing for the existence of /mnt/app/currentconfig/database.yml  rather than  /mnt/app/current/config/database.yml04:43
graythanks, dwight?04:43
billybigrigger|syockit|: ok, im root, try killall compiz and startx? i know i shouldnt start an x session as root but i just want to see if it works04:43
grayhow to i configure this?04:44
grayis it graphical?04:44
grayor command line?04:44
ryanpriorgray: It's your lucky day! I just figured out how to do this a couple days ago, it's fresh in my brain.04:44
|syockit|billybigrigger: yes, but earlier I thought you just wanted a root session. if x doesn't start, compiz won't04:44
Dwight_Schrutegray, ask your question all on one line, and if anyone knows the answer they will most surely help you04:44
grayryanprior, thank you!04:44
sleepyowlunop: ah! need to stop late night programming but its so addicting! thanks!04:44
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|syockit|billybigrigger: so exit shell, should get to menu. start x as usual, then when gdm comes, ctrl-alt-f104:44
billybigrigger|syockit|: k, nothing again04:45
dmphotographyHey, what's the commnand to copy the contents of a folder and it's subfolders to another location?04:45
|syockit|billybigrigger: details?04:45
Odd-rationaledmphotography: cp -r ?04:45
Odd-rationaledmphotography: see "man cp" for more details.04:46
dmphotographycp didn't copy the subfolders.04:46
grayryanprior i'm so lost04:46
billybigrigger|syockit|: no details, i just cant get a tty04:46
billybigrigger|syockit|: ctrl-alt-f1 f2 f3 f4 nothing04:46
Scunizidmphotography: cp -R04:46
dmphotographyYeah, I think my syntax is wrong.04:46
|syockit|billybigrigger: gdm comes out, textbox working, but c-a-f1 doesn't work. Correct?04:46
dmphotographyI'm in the folder I want to copy and I was using *.*04:46
billybigrigger|syockit|: yes04:47
Flannelbillybigrigger: try `sudo chvt 1`04:47
billybigrigger|syockit|: also since first boot i noticed no usplash, if that has anything to do with this04:47
=== Dwight_Schrute is now known as Daft_Punk
|syockit|billybigrigger: cripes, somehow putty fails on boot04:47
ryanpriorgray: Plug in the crossover cable to both computers, then run one of these commands on each one: `ifconfig eth0 netmask up` and on the other, `ifconfig eth0 netmask up` -- (in both cases, don't actually type the `` s) Then, on the first machine go to Places -> Connect to Server, select SSH, and for the address type in -- and bam, you're...04:47
XaeroAnybody know how I would parse a text file to return ONLY urls?04:47
|syockit|billybigrigger: s04:47
|syockit|billybigrigger: that's strange too04:47
billybigrigger|syockit|: how about failsafe terminal and then startx from there?04:47
dmphotographyWhat do I use instead of *.*?04:47
|syockit|billybigrigger: hmm maybe you can?04:48
|syockit|billybigrigger: still won't solve gdm's failure after login tho04:48
WebcamWonderXaero: Regular Expressions. Look at grep04:48
dmphotographyNM, I figured it out.04:48
unopdmphotography, just *04:48
XaeroWebcamWonder: can grep reduce it to just urls even if there is other text in the line?04:48
dmphotographyIt dawned on me.04:48
billybigrigger|syockit|: $ startx               X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.04:48
dmphotographyThanks guys.04:48
billybigrigger|syockit|: probably why gnome wont start haha04:48
WebcamWonderXaero: You should be able to use sed to do that04:49
|syockit|billybigrigger: usplash doesn't come on kernel recovery, but should appear on normal boot04:49
XaeroWebcamWonder: Thanks, thats the one I couldn't remember XD04:49
grayi'm using xubuntu04:49
grayryanprior: i don't see a connect to server04:49
billybigrigger|syockit|: i dont think it comes on normal boot either04:49
ryanpriorgray: Ah, in that case you'll need to find a different way to do the last step.04:49
ryanpriorgray: I'm not familiar enough with xubuntu's GUI.04:50
|syockit|billybigrigger: no, if gdm came out, means user has authorization. gdm managed to start X04:50
|syockit|billybigrigger: sudo startx04:50
graythanks ryanprior04:50
ryanprior|syockit|: Start x as root?04:50
ryanpriorgray: No problem, good luck.04:51
|syockit|ryanprior: yup. dunno why04:51
billybigrigger|syockit|: server is already active for display 004:51
joljamI need help formatting a usb drive and then creating a ubuntu bootable disk out of it04:51
|syockit|billybigrigger: ah, I forgot that you restarted with x on04:51
|syockit|billybigrigger: now, you're on normal boot, right?04:52
john_how do you recover ubuntu initramfs04:52
mjcjoljam: many machines cannot boot USB, fair warning04:52
billybigrigger|syockit|: still in my failsafe xterm04:52
billybigriggerthats why its in use04:52
|syockit|billybigrigger: oh, failsafe x works04:52
Aster0IDcrap I cant view live cd, when things finish loading the "VIDEO mode not supportd message comes out on scren04:52
FloodBot1billybigrigger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:52
|syockit|billybigrigger: maybe need to remove compiz from startup04:52
billybigrigger|syockit|: failsafe gnome doesnt start, failsafe terminal (xterm) works though04:53
|syockit|billybigrigger: better yet, remove compiz and see if it can login with it04:53
billybigrigger|syockit|: sudo apt-get install -compiz04:53
joljammjc: I have been able to boot from usb before...but then I had to use that usb for another purpose..04:53
Aster0IDwhen i try t reconfigure xserver, it wont get past the keyboard04:53
john_how can you recover ubuntu when it is booting only to (initramfs), can anyone help please please please04:53
|syockit|billybigrigger: sudo aptitude remove compiz*04:53
|syockit|billybigrigger: actually there's an easier way to disable, but since I'm not on plain Ubuntu, I don't know the details04:54
|syockit|billybigrigger: it involves editing /etc/X11 stuff04:54
mjcjoljam: OK, just wanted to clarify that for you.  one sec I think I have a howto04:54
billybigrigger|syockit|: couldnt find any package whose name or description matched "compiz"04:54
mjcjoljam: I know there is a windows tool for doing this also haha04:55
billybigrigger|syockit|: im running onboard intel gfx, maybe i should reconfig xserver?04:55
|syockit|billybigrigger: but xterm runs?04:56
billybigrigger|syockit|: yes xterm runs, also i just did $ locate compiz and its installed04:56
billybigrigger|syockit|: so is there a better way of removing compiz? maybe without the *04:56
john_how can you recover ubuntu when it is booting only to (initramfs), can anyone help please please please04:56
seam0nster1right work in 4 hours g2g04:56
|syockit|billybigrigger: if you insist, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:57
|syockit|billybigrigger: i still think compiz is the culprit04:57
mjcjoljam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick04:57
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billybigrigger|syockit|: well maybe i should just try to uninstall compiz like you said?04:57
billybigrigger|syockit|: but is there another way? the command you gave me couldnt find compiz* should i try without the *?04:57
ryanpriorjohn_: The help you get has no correlation to the number of "pleases" you use. :-)   The answer to your question isn't straightforward; did you have a previously working system, and now it won't boot right?04:57
|syockit|billybigrigger: ok try04:57
billybigrigger|syockit|: ok, its removing the package compiz04:58
illumeHow do I report a bug for 'sound too soft on mac pro' ?04:58
illumeI'm not really sure which package is at fault04:58
Symbiotis running SMTP the same as running sendmail?04:58
billybigrigger|syockit|: should i restart gdm and try it or do a fresh reboot?04:58
ryanpriorillume: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs04:58
|syockit|illume: have you tried maxing out the volume through pulseaudio manager?04:58
mjcillume: works fine for me.... check your sound settings and make sure to enable the extra ones in the panel04:58
|syockit|billybigrigger: restart gdm should be good enough04:59
illumeyeah, I've tried maxing out the volume04:59
john_yes it was working fine ryanprior04:59
Yossarianhey peeps04:59
wolterhi, my login sound sounds aweful. like if someone mixed it up04:59
illumeI've got sound working on other ubuntu machines... I think it is specific to this mac pro.04:59
ryanpriorjohn_: What did you do that changed its behaviour?04:59
wolteris anybody else getting this problem?04:59
illumeryanprior: thanks for the bug link04:59
unopSymbiot, sendmail (the daemon) is an SMTP server -- but some MTAs like exim have a program called sendmail that is not an SMTP server, so - yes and no04:59
mjcillume: turn on the external amplifier in volume preferences and then untick it in options05:00
ryanpriorillume: The Ubuntu bugsquad helps people triage bugs, so it's a good idea to get your report in there and add more information as you find it.05:00
john_I was trying to get a 200gig hd drive working, and I was restarting it alot to test the jumpers05:00
illumemjc: thanks I'll give it a go05:00
Yossarianmy d-link router died, i think. i plug it in and on my windows machine, i get a 'limited connection' and on ubuntu it won't even connect. the router is supposed to be but i can't access it, doesn't respond to ping either. what can i do?05:00
mjcillume: by default sound is set to "external amplifier" to make sure that it is not loud enough for those who have an amp to blow their ears ;)05:00
ryanpriorjohn_: Is that an internal hard drive or an external one? Is it the hard drive that the root FS partition is installed on, or that /boot is installed on?05:01
illumeah ok05:01
illumemjc: I can't find that link...05:01
billybigrigger|syockit|: well i did a reboot anyway, and theres no usplash, wondering if that has something to do with onboard intel gfx?05:01
|syockit|illume: also through alsa tools?05:01
anima_Could someone help me with my bluetooth config, please?05:01
mjcillume: it's prefs -> sound -> preferences button -> external amp05:01
billybigrigger|syockit|: its kinda gay not seeing the boot process though, just a black screen05:01
FezzlerDon't know why, but 8.10 runs MUCH faster than 8.04 on my old, old AMD PC.  Why?05:02
|syockit|billybigrigger: probably. you have to check xorg's log05:02
dmphotographyWhat is a good firewall for Linux?05:02
whatevwhat's the linux equiv of netstat -b?05:02
unopYossarian, some routers have a reset mechanism (usually a switch or pin-hole at the back) - you could try that05:02
mjcFezzler: quite a bit of optimizations in the kernel, at the very least; 2.6.28 should help low memory boxes as well05:02
unopwhatev, what does netstat -b  do?05:02
illumemjc: doesn't seem to be that preferences button05:02
billybigrigger|syockit|: nothing again05:02
whatevunop in windows it shows the name of the program running on the port, ie apache instead of just 8005:03
Yossarianunop: tried, no avail05:03
Aster0IDhow do I configure xserver in live cd?05:03
john_ryanprior,  my ubuntu is on a sata 500gig drive and I was playing around with a 200gig that failed sometime back, and after not getting it to work I went to try to go back to ubuntu and allI can get now is this (initramfs)05:03
Yossariani think i need something a bit more hard-core :)05:03
Fezzlermjc: Seems like my wireless connection is more reliable too.  The upgrade from within 8.04 was stunning!05:03
illumesystem->preferences->sound   brings up a dialog "Sound preferences"  with Devices and Sounds tabs05:03
Yossarianis therre any way to track down its IP from the mac address?05:03
durtdmphotography: all depends what you want to do.05:03
|syockit|billybigrigger: live cd worked?05:03
anima_Could someone help me with my bluetooth config, please?05:03
dmphotographyRun an Apache server, protect myself against attacks.05:03
unopwhatev,  from the netstat(1) manpage - -p, --program  Show the PID and name of the program to which each socket belongs.05:04
ryanpriorjohn_: Is the 200G drive still in the box?05:04
mjcFezzler: a lot of wireless changes between earlier 2.6s and 2.6.27; there are even more coming in 2.6.2905:04
mjcFezzler: what card, if I may ask05:04
durtdmphotography: try arno's-iptables-firewall script05:04
whatevunop thanks05:04
john_no it is out and the only drives I have in now are the 500gig for ubuntu and an 80 gig for Windows05:04
Fezzlermjc: What wireless card?05:04
mjcFezzler: yes05:04
dmphotographyAlright, thanks.05:05
john_ryanprior, ^^^05:05
billybigrigger|syockit|: well the gui installer worked05:05
ryanpriorjohn_: Can you boot into Windows? Also, quit it with the double-posting. Just put my name before the response.05:05
ryanprior!anyone | anima_05:05
ubottuanima_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:05
billybigrigger|syockit|: i downloaded the desktop.iso and chose to install ubuntu right away, booted into what looked like a gnome session and installer ran fine05:05
john_ryanprior,  ok I will quit with double post05:06
illumemjc: sorry to bother... but I can't find the external amp option anywhere...   system->preferences->sound doesn't have a preferences button for me05:06
john_let me try to boot windows05:06
illumeI'll search the interweb some more... :)05:06
Fezzlermjc: From Goodwill.  D-Link Air Plus05:06
SarthorHi, I am using this link for helping to use 2 gateways for my linux router, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IProuteRoundRobbin the 2nd gateway is not working, some sites opening and some not, I am here for help05:07
mjcFezzler: USB, or PCI? if pci, what is the line for it output by lspci05:07
|syockit|billybigrigger: okay. this time, let's sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:07
|syockit|billybigrigger: and edit xorg.conf to use vesa05:07
|syockit|billybigrigger: find out more about your intel onboard05:07
anima_ubottu:  ok, I'll rephrase.  Basically I'm an idiot.  My pc was paired with my phone in order to exchange my contact list before I installed ubuntu.  Now it's not.  I've tried the system/control center/bluetooth thing with my phone in discovery mode but my pc doesn't see it.  What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it?  Thank you in advance.05:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:07
billybigrigger|syockit|: sounds good05:07
john_ryanprior,  it seems to be booting in to Windows05:08
anima_My phone doesn't see my pc, either, btw.  And yes the wireless switch is on.05:08
Aster0IDHow do I add the line for a resolution I want X to use?05:09
Aster0IDin /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:09
Aster0IDI get "video not supported" when I try to run live cd05:09
ryanpriorjohn_: If it boots into Windows fine, then it's either a problem with the 500G hard drive, or it's a problem with the software thereon. In the first case, you get to buy new hardware and reinstall; in the second case, you should boot into the LiveCD and use that to recover as well as you can, or failing that update your backups and reinstall.05:09
deaglehow can i make the side scroll mouse button not be backwards?05:10
deagleif i tilt it to the left, it scrolls to the right05:10
Yossarianbump: any way i can get a router's IP from knowing only the mac?05:10
deagleYossarian: do an IP scan and look for matchin MAC05:10
ryanprioranima_: Have you used the Bluetooth configuration applet (System -> Preferences -> Bluetooth) to configure your computer yet?05:10
billybigrigger|syockit|: hrmm..i just did a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade and it seems theres some updates for xserver-xorg-video-intel gonna try that and see what happens before i mess around with my x config05:11
john_ryanprior,  ok I  have found a post as well I am going to try a few things there before I buy another drive05:11
|syockit|billybigrigger: okay05:11
john_ryanprior, but I have been wanting a 1tb05:12
ryanpriorjohn_: It's likely that you'll be able to recover most or all your data from the disk, if it's booting as far as initramfs.05:12
brandon_is there a better theme manager than emerald?05:12
=== bizkit_ is now known as bizkit
anima_I tried, but it's not sticking - i.e. the name doesn't stay.  Hold on I'll try again.05:12
Yossariandeagle: how do you mean? do an ip scan for what? all i know is the router's physical address05:12
ryanpriorbrandon_: Pretty much any. Emerald is officially dead now - it's been dropped by the Compiz team.05:12
anima_yeah no that doesn't work because the settings don't stay put.05:13
Yossarianand i can't even connect to it, it won't give an ip address. i can connect wit ubuntu only if i specify a static ip05:13
ryanpriorbrandon_: The new hotness is Jasper I believe, but I don't think it is ready for prime time yet. I suggest using Metacity with compositing enabled, personally.05:13
john_ryanprior, I was not able to boot the live cd either I tried that before I grab my laptop05:13
billybigrigger|syockit|: don't worry this wont take long, only 225mb of updates to install haha about 3 mins ill report back to ya :P05:13
deagleYossarian: as far as I know, there's no such thing as a MAC address to IP address converter05:14
ryanprioranima_: I don't know how to help you then. I'm not much of a bluetooth debugger. My suggestions are: ask every few hours in this room, search the Ubuntu forums and Google, post on the Ubuntu forums if a few searches with different keywords turn up nothing, and just keep trying stuff out.05:14
ryanpriorjohn_: Really, can't boot the LiveCD?05:14
deagleYossarian: try finding a utility that sends packets to MAC addresses and traceroute the IP from there05:14
anima_k, thanks.  I hate stumping y'all.05:14
Yossariandeagle: any idea of an application lke this?05:15
ryanpriorjohn_: Being able to boot Windows but not the LiveCD is very strange IMO. You should be able to boot from the LiveCD without any hard drives in at all. (I've done it.)05:15
john_ryanprior,  yes I would not let me boot live cd05:15
SarthorHi, I am using this link for helping to use 2 gateways for my linux router, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IProuteRoundRobbin the 2nd gateway is not working, some sites opening and some not, I am here for help05:15
deagleYossarian: sorry :\05:15
brandon_ryaanyone know how to use metacity or were to find it on ubuntu?05:16
john_ryanprior, I have as well with out HD's I use XFLD thatway all the time05:16
ryanpriorbrandon_: If you disable visual effects in System -> Preferences -> Appearance, that will fall back to Metacity.05:16
ogrecan someone tell me how to cobtrol the brightness of my screen plz?05:17
Yossariani'm so glad i moved to ubuntu :)05:17
billybigrigger|syockit|: is there anyway to disable compiz totally? cause when i removed it it only removed 68k from my hdd it said, so most of the compiz packages are still there, how do i disable it from a cli?05:17
ryanpriorjohn_: Well, I have no knowledge of how a computer that had previously booted Ubuntu fine could boot Windows from HD but not Ubuntu from the LiveCD, unless the CD drive was bad. So, try with a different CD drive.05:17
koleinsanly random... all of a sudden  both firefox and openoffice arnt working right05:17
kolefirefox has a random java error and then has no backbutton, no way to add favourites etc05:18
|syockit|billybigrigger: try typing in sudo apt-get remove compiz, then press tab to see list of available packages05:18
koleand open office says something about not knowing the language and doesn't open at all05:18
|syockit|billybigrigger: or aptitude search ~icompiz05:18
kolei tried uninstalling and reinstalling and got nuttin05:18
|syockit|billybigrigger: better yet, aptitude purge ~icompiz05:19
billybigrigger|syockit|: how do i remove compiz and all the packages that depend on compiz?05:19
GaryDarkoHello, lol im getting a little aggravated now because it has been a straight week and i still have no success with trying to enable my nvidia 6600 GT GFX card on ubuntu 8.10... ive tried almost everything and it always ends up with me having to reformat and start with a new fresh version lol. can anyone help me out ? please.05:19
ryanpriorkole: Did you uninstall your language pack perhaps?05:19
RulerOfquestion:  I want to uninstall IETd from my ubuntu server, but can't figure out the package name for "apt-get remove"05:19
|syockit|billybigrigger: aptitude can find all those05:19
billybigrigger|syockit|: ok ill try that, btw whats the ~i ???05:19
koleryanprior,  - I didnt do anything... thats what's confusing me... one second it worked, the next, nothing05:19
RulerOfat least I think iscsi enterprise target is IETd :P05:19
|syockit|billybigrigger: it's a flag thing. searches for all installed packages05:19
john_ryanprior,  your not going to beilive this but after rebooting from windows to Wonderful UBUNTU it started back up thank you for your help, but I dont think either one of us fixed it05:19
ryanpriorGaryDarko: If the restricted drivers manager doesn't do it, then please file a bug and let the software guys work things out.05:20
mjcFezzler:  locating a summary of changes post 2.6.27 for you, so you can see what's coming :)05:20
|syockit|billybigrigger: other flags include: ~U for available upgrades, ~c for remaining config files05:20
|syockit|billybigrigger: other flags include: ~v for virtual packages05:20
ryanpriorjohn_: That is a strange tale, but at least it has a happy ending. =D05:20
GaryDarkoryanprior, lol theres already been bug post on this... many times over and over again, it so far has not done any good for any of those people that are having the exact same issue.. dropping to a shell after enabling a GFX driver.05:21
john_ryanprior,  I dont get it but I am happy to have it back05:21
G-BluntedHey can someone help me with this package problem?  libc, and system-backend-tools won't install correct....they are "half-configured" so dpkg tries to install them every time i install another package, and it fails every time:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/115866/05:21
Fezzlermjc: I continued to be floored by how well and fast Ubuntu runs on an old AMD Athlon PC with only 628 meg ram05:21
skeeboIs there a channel for virtual machines that anyone knows of?05:22
billybigrigger|syockit|: funny how ubuntu installs compiz on a system that can't even run it, should have better video detection than that you think?05:22
koleryanprior,  - ok im in synaptic.... which language pack for open office should i have installed?. theres hundreds here05:22
ryanpriorGaryDarko: That sucks. My best suggestion, then, is to go buy an ATI graphics card. Those guys have worked a lot harder on Linux support, they deserve it.05:22
john_ryanprior,  but I really wanted the 1tb hd05:22
mjcFezzler: looks like "access point mode" was added to ath5k in 2.6.29 so you could make your linux box an access point05:22
G-BluntedFezzler, "only" 628meg ram?05:22
mjcmaybe earlier than that, 2008-10-3105:23
ryanpriorjohn_: Buy one, then. I suggest Western Digital.05:23
GaryDarkoryanprior, lol thats kinda stupid though.. a free OS but oh wait sorry you have to buy a new graphics card while your at it.. ;p05:23
FezzlerG-Blunted: Well, my Tandy 100 has 32k and that runs fast too!  And I get 20hrs on 4 AA batteries.05:23
|syockit|billybigrigger: ya I think video detection failed. or maybe intel driver faulty. it would install compiz if it knows intel driver would run05:23
kolethe english language pack is here and installed05:23
mjcFezzler: here's a direct link to the changelog on linus' tree, if you're curious you can read the descriptions of some of the changesets http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=history;f=drivers/net/wireless/ath5k;hb=HEAD05:23
billybigrigger|syockit|: ok, well im looking at xorg after this update to see what video driver its using05:24
Fezzlermjc: Noob question.  Why would I want my Ubuntu PC to be an "access point"?05:24
ryanpriorGaryDarko: Unfortunately, not everybody's hardware works perfectly yet. A number of graphics cards have issues, a few Broadcom WiFi chips have issues, Creative X-Fi sound cards have issues, many webcams have issues... basically, it's a work in progress and since most manufacturers only support Windows, it leaves us with a lot of work to do. That's why I suggest that you support those...05:24
john_ryanprior,  I shall but thank you, thank you, thank you again.  I had to say it three time to w/ the please's05:24
ryanprior...companies (such as ATI) who are doing their part to help us out.05:24
ryanpriorjohn_: Hehe. Have a good evening. :-)05:24
|syockit|billybigrigger: if it's 8.10, probably xorg.conf doesn't exist05:24
mjcFezzler: you could use that to do your routing instead of using a buggy router as you mentioned05:24
shavinin pidgin what does right click menu of a buddy 'presence setting'>'Appear Permanently Offline' mean? Does it mean that I would appear offline to that buddy all the time?05:25
billybigrigger|syockit|: ??? /etc/X11/xorg.conf??? no longer? wtf05:25
mjcFezzler: and put the router in a mode such that it only does wireless <-> wired bridging05:25
Fezzlermjc: Does that mean instead of connecting directly to the wireless router, devices in the house can connect to the Ubuntu PC?05:25
|syockit|billybigrigger: it's 8.10 then05:25
GaryDarkoryanprior, oh yes i do understand that, im just saying when i was on 8.04 it worked flawlessly just on 8.10 it drops to a shell and i have to reformat lol.05:25
billybigrigger|syockit|: whats 8.10?05:25
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mjcFezzler: you'd essentially put the broadband connection in your ethernet port on the ubuntu box, and share it to other machines in the house yes :)05:25
billybigrigger|syockit|: or do you mean in 9.04 it doesnt exist?05:25
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|syockit|billybigrigger: ubuntu intrepid ibex. uses new xserver05:25
|syockit|billybigrigger: yeah jaunty too05:26
|syockit|billybigrigger: you can make it through the dpkg-reconfigure thing05:26
billybigrigger|syockit|: oh, yeah, well where can i find out what video driver xserver is trying to run?05:26
sigmahey guys, im looking to figure out why openoffice's fonts (in the menu bar and such) don't match with the fonts i choose for my gtk theme.05:26
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sigma92i assume it's because openoffice is a java app, but i dunno how to use that to my advantage.05:26
|syockit|billybigrigger: look up /var/log/Xorg.0.log . it lists the things Xorg's trying to load05:26
Fezzlermjc: Cool.  I don't leave the Ubuntu PC on all the time.  Old noisy power supply.  I'm sure it is an energy hog.05:27
cjaehow on earth do you make a full screen game like frets on fire, appear on just one of the screens when using twinview?05:27
|syockit|billybigrigger: use less for scrollable terminal viewer05:27
mjcFezzler: there might be some tools to help you do that but it's probably easier to locate third party firmware for the router first rather than learning how to set up linux routing... also note that a lot of power management improvements have been made recently as someone added a feature to track power consumption for debugging purposes to Linux within the past year or so05:28
kole...so no idea on either front?05:28
ryanpriorkole: I have language-pack-en, language-pack-en-base, language-pack-gnome-en, language-pack-gnome-en-base, language-support-en, language-support-writing-en, language-support-translations-en05:28
Fezzlermjc: one thing I like about modern computer is the noise level is down05:28
mjcFezzler: so a lot of developers have been working on drastically reducing power consumption :)05:28
billybigrigger|syockit|: haha this old p4 is working hard on these updates lol, not used to this haha my dual-core just zings in ubuntu05:28
ryanpriorkole: If any of those are missing, it could lead to some sort of problem, but I'm not an expert on those systems so please do not take my word for it.05:28
mjcFezzler: did you build your old system?05:28
G-BluntedHey how can i get Synaptic Package Manager logs??  It's giving me errors on a package install and i wanna copy/paste those but it won't let me out of the window...wheres the logs at?05:28
whatevi use tightvnc in windows, is tightvnc in linux good or is x11vnc better?05:29
mjcG-Blunted: you could do the same command in a terminal via: sudo apt-get install packagename05:29
Fezzlermjc: Sort of, I go to Goodwill and scrounge parts.05:29
billybigrigger|syockit|: so far boot time and what i've seen is not bad for a 2.0ghz p4 with 768mb ram :P05:29
|syockit|billybigrigger: cmon, p4 is not that weak05:29
mjcFezzler: did you install the heatsink by yourself? on the CPU05:29
ryanpriorwhatev: We suggest Vinagre as a VNC client for Ubuntu.05:29
mjcFezzler: if so there are companies that make silent fans / silent heatsinks05:30
billybigrigger|syockit|: not bad but this pc is like 5-6 years old05:30
Tr3y-So, I asked this earlier got no answers, Theres more people here so I'll try again. Whats a good 3d graphics editor that isn't blender05:30
Fezzlermjc: I think the PS fan makes more noise than the heat sink.05:30
|syockit|billybigrigger: ah i see. must be motherboard bus or something05:30
mjcTr3y-: blender is the only one I know of that works well and is open source. do you want to consider closed source as well?05:30
Tr3y-mjc: it doesnt bother me if it's closed source05:31
mjcFezzler: you can replace those as well with some effort but I really don't recommend it.  try craigslist for cheap PSUs05:31
Tr3y-i just don't like blender05:31
mjcTr3y-: Alias Wavefront makes Maya for linux05:31
Tr3y-guessing theres nothing like zbrush is there?05:31
mjcTr3y-: actually looks like they were bought by autodesk, I think05:31
mjcTr3y-: if you are interested in raytracing, povray is literally one of the best05:32
billybigrigger|syockit|: w00t haha just needed those updates i guess. seems to be working good now :P05:33
Tr3y-I'll check it out thanks mjc05:33
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|syockit|billybigrigger: then want to reinstall compiz? :)05:34
whatevi have 2 computers in my network. default gateway is i can ping my linux computer fine from windows, but can't ping my windows computer from linux. any idea why?05:34
LEO_Is there anything I can do to reconfigure X on live CD so that monitor will not say "Video more not supported"?05:34
binarymutantanyone ever use dvtm?05:34
billybigrigger|syockit|: nope this wont handle compositing, onboard video = gay :P05:34
ryanprior!anyone | binarymutant05:34
ubottubinarymutant: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:34
|syockit|billybigrigger: hey, my pc's also onboard video!!05:35
ryanpriorbillybigrigger: Please be mature with your comments. That's not appreciated.05:35
binarymutanthow do I use dvtm?05:35
|syockit|billybigrigger: not 6 years old though05:35
|syockit|billybigrigger: 6 years: i845 series I suppose. sux05:35
billybigrigger|syockit|: haha your good :P05:36
schnoootophello if i create a bin file in my home folder, will all those files be executable from terminal or will i need to link them to /usr/bin ?05:36
vineethwhat is dvtm?05:36
ryanpriorbinarymutant: To install it, go to Synaptic (System -> Administration -> Synaptic) and search for dvtm, select it, and click on Apply.05:36
binarymutantvineeth, it's like dwm but doesn't require Xorg05:36
mefisto__whatev: windows firewall?05:36
|syockit|schnoootop: yes, you need to, unless you include your bin in your bash profile05:36
ryanpriorbinarymutant: Then, once it's installed, read the dvtm documentation (http://www.brain-dump.org/projects/dvtm/) for more info.05:36
binarymutantryanprior, I've compiled it, but how do I use it? I've read the docs but they are lacking05:37
|syockit|schnoootop: I suggest editing bash profile, adding your bin to list of path05:37
ryanpriorbinarymutant: I'd ask their mailing list if I were you. I doubt there are many dvtm experts here.05:37
sk8ballis there something better than nictoine plus for p2p music sharing05:37
binarymutantryanprior, how do I open a new "terminal" with dvtm?05:37
ryanpriorbinarymutant: I've never used it. I'm a screens user, myself.05:38
binarymutantthanks anyways :/05:38
ryanpriorsk8ball: bit torrent > all.05:38
billybigrigger|syockit|: this old gal actually doesnt run too bad in ubuntu :P slower than molasses in january with xp on it haha, thanks for the help btw :P greatly appreciated05:38
Aperture_Science._. So, folks.. I have an issue. I just installed the nvidia driver package on ubuntu, (my video card set is SLI 2x nvidia 8800GT cards). when I restarted after installing the driver package, my GNOME won't start, or maybe it's X that won't start. I'm not sure.05:39
schnoootop|syockit|, how exactly do i do that :\05:39
emetI get an error when I do: cowsay -fduck "Hello children!"05:39
billybigrigger|syockit|: firefox loads in 4 secs with OO in about 7 thats not too shabby at all :P05:39
emetanyone know why this might be?05:39
emetBareword found where operator expected at /usr/share/cowsay/cows/duck.cow line 3, near ")_" <-- that's the error05:40
billybigriggercan anyone suggest a good piece of webcam software besides cheese? or is cheese about the only option i have?05:40
emetbillybigrigger: for talking with people?05:40
ryanprioremet: There's an error in the perl code for the duck printer. Time to put your hacking hat on.05:40
|syockit|schnoootop: in your .bashrc, add the line: export PATH=$PATH:<user bin path>05:40
|syockit|schnoootop: example: export PATH=$PATH:/home/shnutop/bin05:41
emetryanprior: this is a very serious bug, have the developers been alerted to it?05:41
billybigriggeremet: no just to use the webcam, skype is good for webcam chat05:41
emetjust to like take pictures?05:42
Aperture_ScienceAnyone have an idea what could be causing my problem?05:42
whatevcan vinagre use ssl?05:42
emetcheese is the only thing I know05:42
ryanprioremet: Feel free to open a bug against the cowsay package, but don't be surprised when those lamers mark it as a "low priority" bug.05:42
ryanpriorwhatev: Yes it can.05:42
|syockit|Aperture_Science: prob x failed with the driver. checked the forums?05:43
blueravenwhat's the best app site for ubuntu?05:43
blueravenis their an equivalent of something like download.com?05:43
emetblueraven: Applications -> Add/Remove Software05:43
mjcbuilt in :)05:43
G-BluntedAdd/Remove Programs05:44
ryanpriorblueraven: Ubuntu has a built-in app browser that you can access via Applications -> Add/Remove Software.05:44
G-Bluntedor Synaptic Package Manager05:44
blueraventhat has all of them?05:44
ryanpriorblueraven: For packages not available there, getdeb.net is a good place to look.05:44
|syockit|and if you still need more, getdeb.com05:44
|syockit|oh, .net05:44
Aperture_Science|syockit|, I did dpkg-reconfigure on xserver, and started it again, it says "Primary device is not PCI", "(EE) No devices detected" "Connection refused (errno 111)" and "Connection refused (errno 3)05:44
blueravenis there an app that can remove the need for manually doing things in the command line?05:45
|syockit|Aperture_Science: just what manner of error is that! never seen one before05:45
blueravenI'd like things to be more automated like in windows05:45
blueravenwithout all the terminal stuff05:45
kevin_can any1 help me out with my webcam?05:45
blueravenI haven't used dos in over 10 years05:45
Cpudan80Aperture_Science: the cake is a lie!05:45
Aperture_ScienceI don't know. I wish I could send you a screenshot, but I've got ubuntu installed on a seperate partition on my main machine. So I have to shut down and reboot into ubuntu to try any fixes.05:46
ryanpriorblueraven: The vast majority of administration tasks on the Ubuntu desktop can be accomplished without typing in any commands, luckily.05:46
G-BluntedWhat is the difference between packages:  squid and squid3??05:46
|syockit|Aperture_Science: I'm not qualified to help with nvidia errors though. I'm intel user05:47
ryanpriorblueraven: Many of the interfaces and wizards required to accomplish those tasks are already built-in, and yet more can be installed via add/remove.05:47
Aperture_ScienceOh that's okay. Do you think the nvidia driver install messed with xserver config?05:47
emetG-Blunted: squid3 is basically a different program05:47
emetG-Blunted: squad3 was a complete rewrite of squid, some people use the older version05:48
emetsquid is the older version05:48
G-Bluntedanyone know the difference between an Internet Object Cache (WWW Cache) and a Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP Cache)??05:48
|syockit|emet: not just bleeding edge?05:48
G-Bluntedso i should use squid3 and not squid huh?05:48
blueravenryanprior, what about sh and get-apt05:50
|syockit|damn should 've known earlier. installing squid3 now05:50
zendoI intend to boot with live version of ubuntu05:50
ryanpriorblueraven: Synaptic exists to remove the need to type in apt-get commands (System -> Administration -> Synaptic) and you can double-click .sh files on the desktop to run them as executables.05:51
LogicalDashI have a stale NFS file handle. This is odd because it's on a local ext2 file system, and I don't even have NFS installed. How do I get rid of it?05:51
ryanpriorblueraven: Some .sh files require input from the keyboard, in which case you can select "run in terminal" when you double-click.05:51
sk8ballryanprior, what bittorrent sites focus on music/mp3?05:51
zendoCan I boot from live ubuntu version on pc with SATA drive and be able to access all (NTFS) partitions?05:51
ryanpriorsk8ball: I suggest Jamendo and Magnatune.05:52
newubuntu-usrHi. I had a quick  question. Does anyone know whether the 250mb of "recommended updates" are worth installing or should I weed through them?05:52
tonsofpcsanyone know how to play a "pc friendly" dvd?05:52
billybigriggernewubuntu-usr: install them05:52
newubuntu-usr@billy: Will they slow down my system?05:53
ryanpriornewubuntu-usr: Refusing updates is a good way to get into trouble, since updates usually fix bugs and security flaws.05:53
binarymutanthow do I get smaller console fonts?05:53
billybigriggernewubuntu-usr: they are updates for software packages that are installed on your system05:53
ryanpriorbinarymutant: Depends on what console you're using. Are you on gnome-terminal?05:53
newubuntu-usr@billy @ryan : Thanks for the help guys.05:53
zendoCan I boot from live ubuntu version on pc with SATA drive and be able to access all (NTFS) partitions?05:53
Scunizihow do I discover the wireless adaptors desigantion.. ie wifi0 or ath0 from terminal..no gui on this machine05:54
binarymutantryanprior, not the terminal but the console, like ctrl+alt+f1 console05:54
emetzendo: can you? yes05:54
n8tuserzendo -> i believed you can05:54
kindofabuzzyou can change the size of your fixed width font in appearance05:54
billybigriggerScunizi: iwlist i believe05:54
billybigriggerScunizi: or ifconfig actually05:54
ryanpriorbinarymutant: That I don't know.05:54
n8tuserScunizi -> iwconfig05:54
zendothank you05:54
ryanpriorScunizi: Try them all until one works.05:55
Scunizi thanks. looks like theres a package I need to install for server to recognize the atheros card05:55
zendoI had problems with 8.04 before so I wanted to check...05:55
Don_Miguelnewubuntu-usr, is this a new install ? If it is NOT, that sounds like a LOT of updates !05:56
TTxTanybody knows why when I try this command: gksudo mount -o loop /path/to/ISO /path/to/mountpoint I got this error: gksudo: invalid option -- 'o'05:58
TTxTanybody knows why when I try this command: gksudo mount -o loop /path/to/ISO /path/to/mountpoint I got this error: gksudo: invalid option -- 'o'?05:58
kindofabuzzTTxT, man mount05:58
prince_jammysTTxT: try gksudo -- mount -o ....05:58
kindofabuzztry sudo, no need for gksuo on mount05:59
prince_jammysTTxT: it seems that gksudo thinks the -o option is a gksudo option05:59
tryggHow do I run something in a terminal silently?05:59
trygg-s didn't work.05:59
prince_jammysTTxT: ah, yeah, and just use sudo.05:59
kindofabuzztrygg, you could just put & after the command05:59
ogrecan someone tell me how to control the brightness of my screen plz?05:59
TTxTprince_jammys: thanks that worked06:00
kindofabuzzogre, you could use your monitor settings on the monitor itself06:00
tryggkindofabuzz: still is active in the terminal.06:00
tritiumogre: laptop?  Depends on the hardware.06:00
prince_jammysTTxT: yeah, but you didn't need gksudo to run 'mount'06:00
TTxTprince_jammys: dont know why gksudo thinks -o is a gksudo option06:01
ryanpriorkindofabuzz: That's for background processes.06:01
kindofabuzzyeah but it also doesn't put out any output06:01
ryanpriortrygg: ./myprog 2>&1 >/dev/null06:01
prince_jammysTTxT: some GNU utils accept options anywhere in the command line. a common way to say 'options are over' is --06:01
ryanpriortrygg: That will throw away stdout and stderr.06:01
tryggWell, not silently, I meant in background. :)06:01
TTxTprince_jammys:Thanks again06:01
TTxTprince_jammys: didnt know that06:02
ryanpriortrygg: It pays to be precise! kindofabuzz gave good advice then.06:02
prince_jammysTTxT: doesn't apply to all programs06:02
kindofabuzzTTxT, if you read the man of mount, it says you must use -a with -o06:02
tryggYeah, I'm sorry about that.06:02
tryggSo, any tip on making a program run in background in terminal? :)06:03
prince_jammystrygg: command &06:03
kindofabuzzi just told you06:04
tryggI want it to just execute and then free up the terminal. It isn't doing that with & atleast.06:04
tryggMaybe I'm being to vague.06:04
prince_jammystrygg: you want it to remain alive after you close the terminal?06:04
kindofabuzzyes & will work, if it keeps going you can just trlc it i think06:05
prince_jammystrygg: command & disown06:05
tryggAh, there it is.06:05
kindofabuzzctrl c i meant06:05
ryanpriortrygg: You mean you want to be able to log out and still have it active? In that case, you need to daemonize the process. One easy way of doing that is by using GNU screens.06:05
kindofabuzzor use screen =)06:05
tryggI got it now. Thanks. :)06:05
|syockit|is screen that good06:05
kindofabuzzscreen is pretty cool06:05
ryanpriorScreens is very useful. I'm gettin' that fo' sho'.06:06
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ScuniziHow do you get aptitude to tag something to install?06:06
prince_jammysScunizi: in the interface?06:06
prince_jammysScunizi: '+'06:06
Scuniziprince_jammys: just couldn't figure that one out.. thanks06:07
Daemonicwow. that bomb I just dropped in the toilet made my pants fit better. w00t!06:07
|syockit|Scunizi: you could read the help file, check the mneu06:07
|syockit|Scunizi: ctrl-t to access menu06:08
Scunizithanks |syockit|06:08
kindofabuzzDaemonic, drop the kids off at the pool? =)06:08
Daemonickindofabuzz: I took the browns to the superbowl06:09
tritiumDaemonic: please stay on topic.06:10
Daemonicwill do captain!06:10
harleywhy wont any of my music play?06:13
MeVsTheVoicesharley: Why won't we elaborate?06:14
harleyMeVsTheVoices, Sorry, what?06:14
gleesondis there a way to make it so drives and network drives don't show up on the desktop?06:15
MeVsTheVoicesharley: Why wont my music play is hardly terms for a diagnosis, what OS, do other sounds play, does the startup sound play, does it only happen with certain forms of music, what soundcard are we using06:15
MeVsTheVoicesgleesond: Look through the nat settings in gconf-editor06:16
harleyMeVsTheVoices, I have a realtek sound card, all sounds are playing besides my music (mp3 files and yes I have installed the codecs) and I'm using ubuntu 8.1006:16
gleesondMeVsTheVoices: thanks06:17
MeVsTheVoicesgleesond: No prob06:17
MeVsTheVoicesharley: so you have the good/bad/ugle plugins06:17
harleyMeVsTheVoices, and now there just working again. My songs usually sit at 0:0006:17
harleyMeVsTheVoices, when I turn the computer on again they most likely wont work again06:18
MeVsTheVoicesharley: totem, rhythmbox?06:18
harleyMeVsTheVoices, Banshee, I have tried with about 3 different media players.06:18
harleyMeVsTheVoices, they all do the same thing06:18
kindofabuzzanyone ever run badblocks? how long does it usually take?06:18
MeVsTheVoicesharley: So probably ALSA, does it start working when you restart, or only works after seemingly random reboots06:19
cellhi there06:19
MeVsTheVoicescell: hi06:19
harleyMeVsTheVoices, Just randomly :S it sometimes when I turn on the computer, sometimes it works fine06:19
SarthorHi, I am using this link for helping to use 2 gateways for my linux router, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IProuteRoundRobbin the 2nd gateway is not working, some sites opening and some not, I am here for help..firewall is here http://pastebin.com/m7f3c9ca106:19
DatzyHello.  Is there a way I can enter a static address for to be used for different wireless networks?  Say, a different one for each network that I would connect to?06:19
MeVsTheVoicesharley: Okie doke, weird had the same thing with windows a while back, gimme a minute, *utilizes googles powers*06:20
harleyMeVsTheVoices, haha thanks, I wasn't having much luck with google06:20
MeVsTheVoicesharley: Google is a skill, so is reading, and asking the right qustion06:21
Datzyis there a command I can use to set a certain static address for the pc?06:22
MeVsTheVoicesharley: try `sudo alsa reload` see if you get anything06:22
|syockit|Datzy: no, you edit the interfaces file06:25
MeVsTheVoicesDatzy: No, static addresses are assigned by your isp, if you want a new internal static, look into your router settings06:25
harleyMeVsTheVoices, if my music doesn't play again should I use that command?06:25
MeVsTheVoicesharley: Did it start working?06:25
DatzyMeVsTheVoices: Sorry meant internal address06:26
jzahi where can I find real-codecs06:26
jzaI wnat to transcode video from rmvb06:26
MeVsTheVoicesDatzy: Then diddle with your router settings06:26
harleyMeVsTheVoices, It was already working again as soon as I asked you why it wasn't working :P06:26
harleyMeVsTheVoices, that's how random it is06:26
mjcjza: ffmpeg or vlc should be able to do that06:26
jzaffmpeg lacks the real codecs06:27
nyaadoes anyone know what the dm in nodmraid stands for?06:27
mjcnyaa: device mapper06:27
ScuniziOk.. now my system recognized my atheros card and I've installed restricted extras to enable atheros cards.. I've done sudo ifdown eth0 to bring down the wired connection and tried sudo ifup ath0 with no results.. any ideas?06:27
Nom-Does anyone know of a good reason why linux-virtual doesn't exist on x86_64 ?06:27
jzaonce I have the codecs then, I would be able to transcode with ffmpeg06:27
|syockit|MeVsTheVoices, datzy's playing with several networks, not just one06:27
MeVsTheVoicesharley: Eggs thats weird, if it tries up again try specifying verbose (usually -v or --versbose) to whatever your using, then posting the output06:27
Datzy|syockit|: Would I be able to set certain wireless AP's to use certain local static addresses through editing that file?06:27
nyaamjc thanks =)06:27
harleyMeVsTheVoices, ok, thanks for all your help.06:28
mjcnyaa: "dmraid discovers block and software RAID devices (eg, ATARAID) by using multiple different metadata format handlers which support various formats (eg, Highpoint 37x series). It offers activating RAID sets made up by 2 or more discovered RAID devices, display properties of devices and sets."06:28
MeVsTheVoicesharley: No prob, hope I helped some06:28
mjcnyaa: and dm is used for a lot of other things as well but dmraid is a specific driver that uses dm06:28
Datzy|syockit|:  I think it would be a nice option if ubuntu could assign certain static addresses for saved wireless networks.  Saves things like keys and ssid.  I wonder where I could put in a request for such a feature..06:28
MeVsTheVoicesDatzy: Ubuntu doesn't have control over that06:29
* Datzy takes a look at the forums06:29
MeVsTheVoicesDatzy: Computers are assigned IP, only in special cases do they get a choice06:29
DatzyMeVsTheVoices: Thats why I would suggest it as an option :)06:29
jzamjc: I got unsoported video codec06:29
DatzyMeVsTheVoices: yes, in cases where ports are forwarded for certain addresses06:30
Datzyand probably other cases too06:30
nyaamjc thanks =)  I was trying to help a friend get his raid to work and that answers the problem he had with fakeraid06:30
|syockit|Datzy: hmm, I thought you could set manual ip config per connection?06:30
MeVsTheVoicesDatzy: Or its an old school router that remembers MAC06:30
mjcnyaa: no problem :)06:30
Datzy|syockit|: Thats what I'd like to know06:31
mjcnyaa: I wish people would quit making fakeraid06:31
winlowMy Ubuntu [8.10] installation is freezing after X is initialized.06:31
DatzyMeVsTheVoices:  Well, my friend has a new router that does that, and its quite nice06:32
winlowI see the pretty painting, but that's it.06:32
MeVsTheVoicesDatzy: HAHA, old school is new school06:32
DatzyMeVsTheVoices:  Don't have to set a static address for port forwarding.06:32
* Datzy looks for the interface file06:34
|syockit|Datzy: on second thought, network manager should be handling that06:35
celli ve a question. did anybody setup xubuntu on wirtual macihne like "virtual PC". that becasue i am new in ubuntu..06:35
|syockit|Datzy: you sure gnome's connection manager's got no manual ip config per connection?06:35
MeVsTheVoicescell: Yes, its possible06:35
Datzy|syockit|: Pretty sure06:35
cellMeVsTheVoices, thanks. i know it posibble. but you have expreience on it06:37
pwillmy keyboard seems to be registering buttons incorrectly....06:37
MeVsTheVoicescell: I've done a U/Kbuntu install should be the same06:38
pwillfor instance, down arrow is enter, and left, right, and up don't seem to do anything.... anyone know how to fix this?06:38
MeVsTheVoicescell: Is the same06:38
sk8ballis there a command to list all partitions on a given (or all hdds)06:38
whatevsk8ball df -m ?06:38
MeVsTheVoicessk8ball: fdisk -l06:38
unopsk8ball, sudo fdisk -l06:39
sk8ballwill that list ntfs paritions as well06:39
MeVsTheVoicessk8ball: Yes06:39
sk8ballnot just linux and swap?06:39
MeVsTheVoicessk8ball: Yes06:39
unopsk8ball, fdisk does not know about filesystems06:39
|syockit|Datzy: lol http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-set-a-static-ip-address-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html says remove gnome network manager. maybe it really sux06:40
MeVsTheVoicessk8ball: Thats wrong, it will show partition type06:40
MeVsTheVoicespesky unop06:40
|syockit|Datzy: says install wicd for good control06:40
unopMeVsTheVoices, no, the type assigned to a partition is not an actual reflection of the filesystem the partition is formatted as06:40
MeVsTheVoicesunop: Doesn't matter, you set the partition type w/i partition, then give it a FS06:41
jerbearis there a reason why QT apps don't respect the GTK2_RC_FILES variable?06:42
MeVsTheVoicesunop: So unless you botched the original fdisk, yes, it will06:42
zashjerbear: Qt is not GTK+06:42
unopMeVsTheVoices, you're right, the partition type doesn't matter - you can have a partition type of 0x83 (linux) but still format the partition as NTFS06:42
Datzy|syockit|: ha interesting06:43
unopMeVsTheVoices, so, i'll say again - fdisk doesn't know about filesystems - but it does know about partition types - which are two different things06:43
jerbearzash: i know this, but qt apps within gnome are obviously inheriting some settings from the gtk theme (colors, for instance). is there a way to override this?06:43
MeVsTheVoicesunop: You can, but you shouldn't, if you partitioned it CORRECTLY, it will06:43
unopMeVsTheVoices, that's not the point06:43
Until_It_SleepsI have been trying Ubuntu in a Triple-boot configuration for some time now on my laptop. Now I would like to have Ubuntu as the sole operating system. How can I do this? I have ubuntu installed in a secondary partition.06:44
Datzy|syockit|: at least I'm on 8.04 still06:44
MeVsTheVoicesunop: No, I came to the point before, fdisk will show partition type, which is what he asked06:44
|syockit|Datzy: doesn't hurt to try06:44
Until_It_SleepsAnd how can I do it without disturbing my current Ubuntu installation?06:44
macmanguys .. i want to resize a windows partition using gparted .. how would i do this ?06:44
|syockit|Datzy: check solution 2 or 306:45
n8tusermacman-> which windows?06:45
unopMeVsTheVoices, fdisk doesn't know about filesytems06:45
Datzy|syockit|: Thanks, I'll take a look06:45
MeVsTheVoicesGiggles: insult unop06:46
Gigglesunop: Thou art but a fobbing dismal-dreaming flax-wench06:46
macman. /dev/sda1 is ubuntu /dev/sda2 is windows 7 .. i try to resize /dev/sda1 but it just makes frees space .. when i try to resize /dev/sda2 to the free space it won't let me06:46
Until_It_SleepsMacman: I had that very problem just 5 minutes ago >.>06:47
macmanlol .. Until_It_Sleeps .. no luck right ?06:48
ScuniziI have a pci wireless card that worked in Gutsy and Hardy but I can't seem to get it activated in 8.10.  It's a server install and I've installed the restricted-server package containing madwifi for the atheros..iwconfig shows it as ath0 but it won't come alive with sudo ifup ath0.. what am i doing wrong?06:48
|syockit|just how big is the free space06:48
Until_It_Sleepsyup. no luck06:48
The_SpazzzI was wondering if someone could help me.  I need a basic XORG.conf file that uses the VESA driver and supports 1028x768 Screen resolution for an old toshiba laptop06:48
ScuniziThe_Spazzz: for the most part there's very little in xorg these days. .open it and change the listed driver to vesa and then restart x.  that might just fix things06:49
MeVsTheVoicesThe_Spazzz: If your on 8.10, ubuntu recovery should be able to set one up for you06:49
Until_It_SleepsIs it possible to combine partitions?06:50
MeVsTheVoicesUntil_It_Sleeps: Not without angering many, many unix gods06:51
quentusrexAnyone here know french?06:52
tritium!fr | quentusrex06:52
ubottuquentusrex: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr06:52
belespritI just switched to Linux from 20 years using of windows... no way I'm ever going back, this software is beautiful.06:52
The_SpazzzScunizi & MeVsTheVoices : I know but when I do that it always puts it in 800x600.  Someone was able to help me with this yeserday but my install was hozed by a system update and I had to do a reinstall06:52
MeVsTheVoicesThe_Spazzz: I take it the option is not under Screen Resolution?06:53
ScuniziThe_Spazzz: updates don't hose the system.. might break something but that fixable..06:53
LEO_are USB drivers mounted automatically in ubuntu?06:53
Poken_GabrielI have a problem with my keyboard on ubuntu 8.04, when I go to the right, this is what I get: - nb06:54
MeVsTheVoicesLEO_: usb drives, or drivers?06:54
Poken_GabrielSince a certain update. No change if I change the keyboard.06:54
Poken_GabrielAnd if I click "insert", I have: §6'06:54
Until_It_SleepsWell, I would like to have my Ubuntu installation as the sole os. I currently have a dual boot going atm. /dev/sda1 is an fat 16 partition, 23 MB in size, 18 mb used. /dev/sda2 is an NTFS partition with Windows XP Home installed. It's 23 GB in size, amount used is unknown. /dev/sda3 is an extended paritition 32 GB in size. In /dev/sda3 is /dev/sda7,5,and 6. sda7 is a Linux Swap partition. sda5 is now empty space, formatted06:54
Until_It_Sleepsas ext3, and sda6 is where my Ubuntu partition is located. (*Gasps for breath*)06:54
=== GaryDarko is now known as VoxJoo
LEO_MeVsTheVoices, drives06:55
MeVsTheVoicesUntil_It_Sleeps: This seems backwards, but foolproff, get another drive, put all the stuff you want to keep on it, re-install, move the stuff back across06:55
MeVsTheVoicesLEO_: Yes06:55
The_SpazzzMeVsTheVoices: Nope.  Autoconfig dosent' detect it for some reason.06:55
andresmhI have a problem with sound. Example: reboot system > last.fm app sound is normal > close last.fm > play sounds with java/flash applets on FF > close FF > sound in last.fm and any other app is really crappy (like an old radio)06:55
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VoxJooHey everyone, im having a problem with trying to change my default system sounds like the sound when i empty my trash bin on ubuntu 8.10, i did convert the file to a .wav at first and it played in system>pref>sounds fine, but when i close and delete something and empty my trash the sound does not play ?? i also tried .mp3 and .ogg    any help??06:56
MeVsTheVoicesThe_Spazzz: Theres always modelines, haven't had to use unn'a dem' in a while06:56
Until_It_SleepsI would like to have the Ubuntu installation  take up the entire hdd, with the linux swap included as well. I don't want to disturb any information on the last partition though.06:56
The_SpazzzScunizi : The system died in the middle and it hozed the repsoitory.  Fixible?  Probobly but not with the skills I have.  It was simpler to just reload it and do a net install06:56
Until_It_SleepsMeVsTheVoices: Hmmm. Is there something like, say, XP's "Files and settings transfer wizard" in Ubuntu?06:57
MeVsTheVoicesUntil_It_Sleeps: There is, I never did get that to work though. Always alternate install CD, are you game :-)06:57
BG_How many Linux can install in one computer with one HDD?06:58
MeVsTheVoicesBG_: 406:58
VoxJooHey everyone, im having a problem with trying to change my default system sounds like the sound when i empty my trash bin on ubuntu 8.10, i did convert the file to a .wav at first and it played in system>pref>sounds fine, but when i close and delete something and empty my trash the sound does not play ?? i also tried .mp3 and .ogg    any help??06:58
Until_It_SleepsMeVsTheVoices: And that program is?06:58
MeVsTheVoicesBG_: Technically, don't do that though06:58
MeVsTheVoicesUntil_It_Sleeps: Ubuntu alternate install CD06:59
MeVsTheVoicesUntil_It_Sleeps: Same install, just no gui and much manual involvement06:59
The_SpazzzMeVsTheVoices : I have no idea how to use modlines and I don't really want to start experimenting on this system.  I just need a baisc Xorg.conf file.  I know that works06:59
MeVsTheVoicesUntil_It_Sleeps: If you ever dun did' a gentoo install you'd be good06:59
Until_It_SleepsMeh, it will be less work to just format, reinstall, and look up all my themes again >.>07:00
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MeVsTheVoicesThe_Spazzz: http://dev.gentoo.org/~fmccor/docs/xorg/xorg.conf/xorg.conf.html use these to pile together your own, your gonna want your manual out, generally at the back there is a specs section07:00
The_SpazzzMeVsTheVoices: Thank you sir07:01
MeVsTheVoicesThe_Spazzz: No prob07:01
jtabyHey, is it possible to execute a remote script locally somehow?07:03
jtabymaybe through ss?07:03
MeVsTheVoicesjtaby: ssh07:03
jtabyMeVsTheVoices, well yeah but the script expect files to be submitted to it, and I don't want to have to upload the files07:03
prince_jammyseasiest is to copy it and run it locally07:04
MeVsTheVoicesjtaby: Yes, if you want it to run after you disconnect though your going to want to execute `nohup script` will ignore the SIGHUP recieved upon disconnect07:04
jtabyprince_jammys, won't run from a local machine07:04
prince_jammysyou want it to run on the remote machine or on the local machine?07:04
andresmhhow do I select whether I use ALSA or OSS or Pulse?07:05
belespritdoes the terminal store logs anywhere?07:05
prince_jammysbelesprit: logs of what?07:05
prince_jammysoutput or the commands you entered?07:05
MeVsTheVoicesandresmh: If your on 8.04 or 8.10 your compute will select pulse, by default ALSA, any reason you want to change07:06
belespritat least output07:06
prince_jammysbelesprit: the commands are stored in bash's history07:06
brjadamshey guys Some questions about web cams07:06
brjadamstrying to get my built-in laptop webcam to function07:06
prince_jammysbelesprit: output is not stored, unless you run a program like 'screen'07:06
belespritthank you07:06
LurkersAHey all, For some reason my CDROM is refusing to mount a CD through normal means, only reporting "Unable to mount location : Can't mount file". How Can I force the CD to mount?07:07
andresmhMeVsTheVoices, everytime I play sound on a Flash or Java applet the sound quality of my system turns very very low. So far the only way I can fix it is by rebooting.07:07
andresmhMeVsTheVoices, I was thinking if I switch to a different sound manager it might help, but I have no idea where or if that's even an good idea07:07
prince_jammysbelesprit: well, perhaps you can configure your terminal so it does that. mine doesn't. maybe gnome-terminal does07:08
coobrais there a nice homepage that has securety stuff that neeeds to be fixed07:08
andresmhMeVsTheVoices, and I am on 8.10 by the way07:08
MeVsTheVoicesandresmh: You sure its not just flash? Or does the quality keep, and come with other apps too07:08
brjadamsAnyone able to help with webcam support?07:08
andresmhMeVsTheVoices, no, it is not just flash. Everything sounds horrible after playing something flash and it never comes back to normal quality.07:08
harleyanother problem :(07:09
andresmhExample: reboot system > last.fm app sound is normal > close last.fm > play sounds with java/flash applets on FF > close FF > sound in last.fm and any other app is really crappy07:09
harleywhy is my openoffice.org all symbols?07:09
prince_jammysbrjadams: give some details of what you're trying to do, and what's going wrong, and maybe someone who knows can help07:09
andresmhharley, what do you mean with "all symbols" >07:09
brjadamsWell i am getting zero video07:09
MeVsTheVoicesandresmh: Huh... thats a good one you got there07:09
nyaaandresmh have you tried installing the libflash file from synaptic?07:09
prince_jammysbrjadams: if you want the generic link from the bot about webcams, do /msg ubottu webcam07:10
harleyas in the symbol font, bunch of stars, circles and everything07:10
brjadamsits a sony laptop on 8.10, built in webcam.07:10
andresmhnyaa, I don't think it's related to Flash. Also Java applets have the same effect. And yes, I think I installed flash via synaptic. Not 100% sure though.07:10
harleyandresmh,  as in the symbol font, bunch of stars, circles and everything07:10
Don_Miguelharley, ask that in  #openoffice.org   ... but it sounds like you have the wrong fonts installed somewhere07:10
brjadamsi dont know what type of webcam it is07:10
harleyDon_Miguel, ok thank you07:10
brjadamsits built into my sony laptop07:10
andresmhMeVsTheVoices, is there a way to "reboot" sound?07:11
prince_jammysbrjadams: gnome has a hardware browser somewhere in the menus. see if it's listed there07:11
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MeVsTheVoicesandresmh: Yea, best bet is `sudo alsa reboot` thats only a quick fix though07:11
harleyalso what irc client should I use?07:11
nyaaandresmh libflash fixed a sound issue I had, its not the player itself.07:11
Scuniziharley: irssi :)07:11
prince_jammysharley: xchat, pidgin, konversation (all graphical). irssi is a good command-line one07:12
Scuniziharley: but if you want a gui one.. xchat .. not xchat-gnome07:12
prince_jammysis pidgin an irc client?07:12
andresmhMeVsTheVoices, awesome! that worked. Well, it was actually sudo alsa reload07:12
nDuffprince_jammys, not a good one07:12
harleyScunizi, I'm using xchat, I can't stand it.07:12
Scuniziprince_jammys: yes but not a good one.. it's a better im client07:12
MeVsTheVoicesharley: Yea, best bet is xchat07:12
MeVsTheVoicesandresmh: Ahh, sorry, gumbybrain07:13
andresmhnyaa, how do I check if I have the libflash you suggest?07:13
Scuniziharley: once you get use to it it's cool.. try /window stick off07:13
prince_jammysharley: you can try konversation. it's a kde app07:13
Scuniziharley: then /window new07:13
harleyScunizi, says it isn't a command07:13
brjadamsum i dont see anythin that shows me my hardware07:13
brjadamsother than lspci, lsusb07:14
Scuniziharley: ok.. try .. /window new07:14
brjadamsbut neither showed me anything that looked like a camera07:14
nyaaandresmh system > administration > synaptic package manager then in there search for libflash,  there are 2 apps, libflash0c2 and libflash-mozplugin07:14
riz0nhello, what is a good version of IRC server to run on Ubuntu?? Thanks.07:14
prince_jammysbrjadams: there's also lshw , which you may have to install07:14
andresmhnyaa, is this the one you recommend: flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound Adobe Flash Player platform support library for Esound and OSS07:14
andresmhnyaa, i probably don't have the right sources because searching for libflash returns nothing07:15
Scuniziharley: once you do that use alt+<number> to switch to it. if you only have one channel open then alt+2 and then you can /join #<another channel>07:15
andresmhnyaa, are you on 8.10?07:15
nyaaandresmh yes07:15
harleyScunizi, Yeah that's a pretty good shortcut but it never wants to remember my nick names and such07:16
nyaaandresmh but how do I tell where a file in synaptic came from repository wise?  I don't have much enabled07:16
brjadamsnothing is sticking out07:16
andresmhyou can right click on it and see properties07:16
unopnyaa,  apt-cache policy package_name07:16
andresmhoh, unop  knows better07:17
brjadamsi see 4 usb items listed , but only have 3 usb ports07:17
andresmhnyaa, it's weird that you have libflash-mozplugin  because it doesn't show up as active for intrepid: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/libflash-mozplugin07:17
harleyDon_Miguel, there not answering, I think i'd get more support in here :(07:17
Scuniziharley: you mean on startup?  you need to read on www.irssi.org (I think that's the address).. irssi combind with screen I'm really getting use to.. over the last 4 days I've been trying to live more at terminal just to see what I can do or if I can do the same things as the gui.07:17
andresmhit does show active for hardy http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/libflash-mozplugin07:17
MeVsTheVoiceslibflashnonfree or something like that07:18
nyaaunop if I do that and it says version table: *** 0v4v13-9ubuntu1 0, then what repo did it come from?07:18
harleyScunizi, I'm talking about xchat, sorry for making you type all of that :P07:18
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Flannelnyaa: dpkg -S /path/to/file, that'll give you the package name.  then apt-cache policy package, or all in one:  apt-cache policy ${dpkg -S /path/to/file}07:18
nyaaandresmh I upgraded this from hardy a long time ago07:18
andresmhthat explains07:18
nyaayeah I didn't think about that07:18
brjadamsi dont see anythin that looks like a Webcam07:19
unopFlannel,  did you mean to use $() there ?07:19
brjadamsi cant tell anything07:19
Flannelunop: Erm, sure.  I always just use backticks.07:19
brjadamsthe only thing i can tell is that i have 4 usbs showing up and only have 3 physical usb slots07:19
Flannelunop: So much for moving into the 21st century.07:19
unopnyaa, is that all you get in the version table?07:19
Scunizixchat.. well for it to remember your nick and channels you like on startup you have to look in the server list section and add your neck and pass.07:19
belespritI can't figure out how to switch firefox's preference to use gnash spl and swf are not listed in the applications tab.07:19
MeVsTheVoicesFlannel: Should use $(), its a bigger pain, bt faster argument passing07:20
unopFlannel, yea, though $() has advantages of being nestable07:20
brjadamsany help prince_jammys07:20
harleyScunizi, I just don't like having to type in my nick every time, and it doesn't want to remember servers07:20
nyaaunop its hanging right now but thats all it showed aside from installed: #, and Candidate: #07:20
unopnyaa, maybe.  apt-show-versions -r package_name07:21
nyaa# being 0v4v13-9ubuntu107:21
unopnyaa, hmm, maybe you installed the package manually then?07:22
Scuniziharley: ok.. I'll walk you through this.. click on xchat in the upper left and then server list07:22
nyaaunop no chance, that would have been beyond me when I did it07:22
Scuniziharley: a box will open with a list of networks in it. look for Ubuntu Servers and highlight07:22
PeddyWhere can I download the Linux kernel 2.6.29-rc4 source?07:22
unopnyaa, another possibility is that the repository you installed it from is no longer available07:23
nyaaunop if there is a way to install stuff from hardy, thats gotta be where it came from. So far for me its been great, but I bet there's also another solution07:23
Scuniziharley: now click "edit" on the right of the box and a new box will open07:23
MeVsTheVoicesPeddy: kernel.org07:23
Scuniziharley: you following this?07:23
=== sean is now known as Guest5863
unopnyaa, what's the problem at the moment, exactly?07:24
Guest5863why dosent banshee play my music07:24
nyaaunop from what I've found it says there's no version in the archive07:24
nyaaunop the problem was originally yours lol!  you had sound issues with java etc07:24
unopnyaa, i don't have problems with sound07:25
unopnyaa, that was someone else apparently07:25
nyaaunop I'm drunk, give me your keys07:25
unopnyaa, fat chance :)07:25
unopnyaa, but i do have problems with java07:25
harleyScunizi, yes sorry was in openoffice07:26
Scuniziharley: did you read above and follow along?07:26
Templar_XionHow do you have Network Manager not have the keyring prompt when attempting to connect to an already known wireless network after login?07:26
=== Guest5863 is now known as sea1
nyaaunop it was andresmh! lol I got tricked somewhere along the way07:26
harleyScunizi, Yes I did07:26
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sean_1can any one help me07:26
PeddyMeVsTheVoices, I looked everywhere I could think of on the site, but I can't seem to find it... do you know where it might be?07:26
nyaaunop but I don't have his solution, so I guess I'm gonna stop clogging the channel and play streetfighter =)07:27
sean_1banshee doesnt play my music07:27
Scuniziharley: ok.. so you have the box open that says at the top "xchat: edit ubuntu servers" ?07:27
unopnyaa, :)07:27
Aperture_ScienceSo, I have a question. I've got an SLI setup with two nvidia 8800gt cards. Every time I install the drivers, it messes up my X app and it won't load X or GNOME, so I'm stuck with the CLI. Any ideas?07:27
harleyScunizi, yep.07:27
nyaagood luck =)07:27
unopTemplar_Xion, do you log in automatically?07:27
Templar_Xionunop yes07:27
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GuruDrewAny easy GUI-based ftp sync apps in the repos?07:28
unopTemplar_Xion, that's the problem - the current PAM implementation requires you to have typed your password out for keyrings, etc to be unlocked07:28
Templar_Xionunop, any hack around it?07:28
cishpixI've setup my proxy server with squid, when I check the log file, I can't see the IP that use the internet connection and it just use How can I set it?07:29
Scuniziharley: ok.. the server listed should be irc.ubuntu.com/8001.. there should be a tic mark on the following.. "Use global user..." and "Auto connect to this.." and "Use a proxy.."  .. in Channels to join add #ubuntu.. in Nickserv Pass. add your password.. now click close07:29
unopTemplar_Xion, i've not found anything (yet) - but it's also been sometime since i last looked hard07:29
whatevwhy am i getting 'chown: changing ownership of 'test/': Operation not permitted' when i run: sudo chown www-data test/?07:29
Templar_Xionunop, any suggestions besides manually logging in?07:29
unopwhatev, what filesystem is the file on?07:29
whatevunop a usb stick07:29
Scuniziharley: you'll be back at xchat: Network list07:29
unopTemplar_Xion, using no passphrases for the keyring07:29
whatevoh probably because it's fat32 doh07:29
unopwhatev, exactly right07:30
harleyScunizi, Alright 1 second, let me restart.07:30
nickrudwhatev, because www-data is a user, not a directory or file07:30
Scuniziharley: in this box under User Information.. Nick name: put your nick07:30
Templar_Xionunop, how do you reset the passphrase for the keyring?07:30
unopnickrud, eh? :)07:30
MilkehScunizi, Alright It's working now, thank you :)07:30
nickrudunop, eh, misread his line, was about to recind ;(07:30
whatevwhy does ubuntu use pgp for everything07:30
PeddyMeVsTheVoices, I found it at http://kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/testing/linux-2.6.29-rc4.tar.bz207:31
unopTemplar_Xion,  gnome-keyring-manager07:31
ScuniziMilkeh: AH you changed nicks.. nice to see it working07:31
brjadamsCan anyone help me fix my laptop webcam07:31
MeVsTheVoicesPeddy: Cool07:31
Milkehwhat was the channel for openoffice?07:31
MilkehScunizi, Thanks for the help :)07:31
ScuniziMilkeh: openoffice.org07:31
cishpixI've setup my proxy server with squid, when I check the log file, I can't see the IP that use the internet connection and it just use How can I set it?07:32
nickrudwhatev, because techy geeks like gpg and signing things for security07:32
ScuniziMilkeh: no problem07:32
Templar_Xionunop, thx07:32
nickrud!webcam | brjadams you should start here07:32
ubottubrjadams you should start here: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:32
ScuniziMilkeh: did you install a theme from someplace?07:33
The_SpazzzStill not having any luck with this XOrg issue :-(07:33
CAiRO__what do i have to do so i can use a scanner as user and not as root? when i run sane-find-scanner, it does only find it when i run it as root07:34
CAiRO__and there's no device file whose permissions i could change07:35
CAiRO__device `plustek:libusb:005:008' is a Canon CanoScan N670U/N676U/LiDE20 flatbed scanner07:35
CAiRO__if i run it as root07:35
dutchcould someone help me with my fresh intrepid install? trying to make pulseaudio (or any sound) work...07:35
oligostrange question: has anyone um.. reported headaches after installing ATI linux drivers w/ a LCD?07:36
regex-haterwhat does the exec command do?07:36
brjadamswell nothing is apperaing in my dev/video0 directory07:36
brjadamsyet xawtv finds my webcam07:36
Aperture_ScienceSo, I have a question. I've got an SLI setup with two nvidia 8800gt cards. Every time I install the drivers, it messes up my X app and it won't load X or GNOME, so I'm stuck with the CLI. Any ideas?07:37
unopregex-hater, that's not really a command but a shell builtin --  at your shell.  help exec07:37
unopregex-hater, basically - it replaces the current process with the one it is invoking07:37
GuruDrewAnyone know of a linux binary/gui that will quickly compare and synchronize an FTP local vs. remote?07:37
dutchGuruDrew: not ftp, but you could try rsync07:38
regex-haterunop, Okey Thanks :P07:38
regex-haterunop, any particulor reasons to use that builtin?07:39
nDuffGuruDrew, FTP doesn't have a mechanism for doing synchronization of that sort, as there's no way to get remotely-calculated checksum spans. As dutch says -- use rsync... but lftp will do almost anything that *can* be done over FTP, including recursive copies with support for ignoring files already present07:39
mhr3new AWN! http://digg.com/linux_unix/Awn_Awn_Extras_0_3_2_Released07:39
mhr3sorry for spam07:40
nDuffregex-hater, plenty. For instance: When you exec something else, all signals go to it rather than you, and its exit status is used in place of yours07:40
nDuffregex-hater, ...it's more efficient in terms of memory and such, since you don't have two processes in place...07:40
unopregex-hater, not particularly within an interactive shell .. but within a script, you might want to launch a process and terminate the script, or reset the script environment before launching a process or setup redirections for the script itself, etc07:40
nDuffregex-hater, ...and starting a subprocess does an exec under the hood *anyhow*, just with a fork preceding it (such that the invoking process isn't destroyed)07:40
smultronanyone here use GNOME-Do?07:41
unopsmultron, i do07:41
smultronhow do you get into the prefs once you enable docky, unop?07:41
regex-haterunop, thansk for the answer07:41
smultronall i can do is type things in the box07:41
regex-haternDuff, thanks :)07:41
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smultronunop: i'm on Xubuntu 8.1007:42
nDuffregex-hater, np. BTW, I take it there's a history behind your nick?07:42
unopsmultron, i don't use it on gnome - so i don't know what docky is .. but gnome-do should have a little arrow on the top right hand side that drops down a little menu07:42
diva076I have a problem with in installation of ubuntu07:42
diva076could anyone please help07:42
smultronunop: yeah, docky is an alternate interface (like Mac OS X's dock)... no little arrow anymore07:43
brjadamsok so xawtv finds my cam no problem07:43
smultrona 'skin'07:43
brjadamsbut, camstream and all the other apps cannot07:43
regex-haternDuff, Well actually no, I'm studying Linux and well when I got to the part with regex. Well lets say I think its really hard07:43
GuruDrewnDuff, dutch thanks I appreciate your help.07:44
MazaliGood morning07:44
diva076I am getting a black screen with mouse pointer after login07:44
LEO_is there any decent doftware to store passwords/sensitive data securely on linux?07:44
MazaliI was just about to ask about the same problem07:44
nDuffregex-hater, mmm. I've been doing this for ~15 years or so, and regexes (particularly PCRE-style ones) are my friends. I don't like seeing people hate my friends. :P07:45
diva076to ubuntu07:45
nDuffLEO_, I typically use keepassx07:45
unopsmultron, ah, no idea then - i've never had to mess with its preference, it somehow just works fine07:45
nDuffLEO_, ...it's a port of (and thus compatible with) the KeePass tool available on other platforms.07:45
smultronah, ok. thanks unop07:45
Mazalidiva076: if you get a solution, please pm me07:45
MazaliI reinstalled ubuntu already, didn't work07:45
diva076ok mazali07:45
MazaliWhich version did you install?07:46
regex-haternDuff, haha well im trying to learn but its hard07:46
LEO_nDuff, cool07:46
diva076yeah i've installed a few times very anouying07:46
MazaliAnd was it your first time login where it jammed?07:46
diva076version 8.1007:46
LEO_nDuff, I am trying to find something with autologon feature07:46
Mazalidid you install it from alternate cd or live cd?07:46
Mazali8.10 alternate07:46
unopsmultron, maybe this helps - https://answers.launchpad.net/do/+question/4432407:46
diva076i was sent the free desktop cd07:47
onobanyone here a dvb-guru on ubuntu?07:47
=== regex-hater is now known as learning-regex
learning-regexnDuff, is it better now? :P07:48
winlowMazali, I'm in the same boat.07:48
nDufflearning-regex, heh, just so. :)07:48
MilkehScunizi, thanks for all your support07:49
brjadamsok so it seems that getting flash and all that to recognize webcams is a no go07:49
brjadamsbecause they dropped the ball in 8.10 with the v4L2/1 mess07:49
diva076so is there a version of ubuntu that works07:50
smultronunop: ah yeah, i'm on the latest version too07:50
Aperture_Sciencewhois Relentless07:51
nickrudbrjadams, didn't want to be the one to tell you that ... you picked it up quickly enough though07:51
diva076as i am new to linux and wish to try it out07:51
brjadamstotal let down07:52
nickrudhey, mines working right now :)07:52
brjadamswell I am glad. I guess it also depends on the camera model07:52
brjadamsmaybe this external cam i have will work07:52
bullgard4'~$ ps auxww | grep 24002; ... 0:14 rhythmbox cdda://scd0/.' What means 'cdda://scd0/'?07:52
nickrudit comes and goes. sometimes unplugging it works. sometimes not. sometimes a boot fixes it. sometimes not07:52
brjadamssounds like my ex gf07:53
syockitdiva076: which did you try? I think it's safe to try Ubuntu Hardy Heron07:53
Shadow_Xhey guys. i'm having problems with my Wifi card in 8.10. It sees the card and sees the networks and all settings are right.....and it was connected moments ago. then upon reboot has disconnected. ideas?07:53
FloodBot1lmfao: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:53
Aperture_ScienceFloodBot1  just laid down the law.07:54
nickrudignore the man behind the curtain ;)07:54
Aperture_ScienceSo, I have a question. I've got an SLI setup with two nvidia 8800gt cards. Every time I install the drivers, it messes up my X app and it won't load X or GNOME, so I'm stuck with the CLI. Any ideas?07:54
ScuniziIs there a way to view a jpg at terminal?07:55
brjadamsok, so xawtv uses my cam07:56
brjadamsi just cant get blasted flash to read it or anything07:56
Poken_Gabriel@scunizi: http://www.google.ch/search?hl=en&q=jpeg+ascii+linux&btnG=Google+Search&meta=07:56
FlannelScunizi: install caca-utils, and then there's one, yeah.  It uses ASCII.07:56
brjadamsIf this laptop has a built in cam, but I want to utilize a usb cam instead, how would i manage that07:56
ScuniziFlannel Poken_Gabriel thanks. trying to see how long I can live at the terminal and get things done07:57
brjadamsso device 5 under lsusb is my built in camera07:57
brjadamsand i have my external cam plugged in. is there a way to force things to one or the other?07:58
MazaliIs there any way to get over the blank screen after login?07:58
syockitMazali: it's probably compiz causing problem07:59
prison_breakhello how can i remove supertux? i installed it via terminal and i cannot remove it07:59
Mazalisyockit: okay, what can I do for it?08:00
winlowsyockit, what's compiz?08:00
ScuniziFlannel: installed and looked at a jpg.. the first thing is it presented the exif data then just a bunch of gibberish.. did I miss something?08:00
syockitMazali: you on intel graphics?08:00
blizzlewinlow, OpenGL accelerated window manager, Compiz.08:00
FlannelScunizi: You're using cacaview, right?08:00
ScuniziFlannel: granted the jpg was a link on a webpage08:00
Mazalisyockit: no idea, it's integrated08:01
winlowI've got the same problem as Mazali.08:01
winlowI've tried safe graphics mode as well.08:01
blizzlewinlow, Search for Compiz on youtube for an idea of what to expect.08:01
winlowSo ubuntu is approximating OpenGL functionality on my graphics card?08:02
blizzlewinlow, Ubuntu no, Compiz yes. If you're using Compiz, that is.08:02
winlowIs that really a reliable way to initialize a GUI installer?08:02
Mazaliwell, can we say fuck off to compiz?08:02
Shadow_Xmy server's hostname is cerebellum. howcome everytime i run a command that involves networking, it errs with "cannot resolve host cerebellum"?08:03
unopMazali, easy with the language08:03
_ReadErrohello all08:03
_ReadErrois there a simple way to get into xconfig ?08:03
ScuniziFlannel: wow.. I saved the jpg and loaded it up in cacaview.. interesting08:03
_ReadErroI set some resolution that it should display08:03
=== glados_ is now known as Aperture_Science
_ReadErrobut, its a bunch of lines that are unreadable08:03
blizzleMazali, Sure, Compiz isn't required to run Linux. Up to you if you use it or not (and the spec of your graphics adapater).08:03
_ReadErroI dont really need xserver...08:03
unopShadow_X, is cerebellum listed in /etc/hosts ?08:03
rwwShadow_X: Do you have a line in your /etc/hosts file that mentions cerebellum?08:03
FlannelScunizi: commands/options are at the top.  vim controls, +- zoom, d cycles dithering options.08:03
Mazaliblizzle: ok, how do I unload it?08:03
blizzleShadow_X, Try editing your hosts file, perhaps.08:04
winlowWhat does ubuntu use to initialize its GUI installation?08:04
LEO_I have win xp on the machine right now, do I need to format it before I start installing Ubuntu08:04
blizzleMazali, apt-get remove compiz for starters.08:04
winlowWhatever it is, my ATI x800 doesn't like it.08:04
arcnewussmy wireless card works fine in gnome through some automated app; but i  always get error when starting it mannually08:04
ScuniziFlannel: how do you access teh controls?  alt+letter08:04
rwwLEO_: No, you can have both installed at once. Ubuntu can resize your Windows drive to make room.08:04
blizzleLEO_, If you no longer require XP, it's safe to remove the partition completely.08:05
blizzleLEO_, And of course, you can always run XP in VirtualBox.08:06
ScuniziFlannel: never mind I figured it out.. still not the best representation08:06
LEO_Will ubuntu install a boot loader if I choose to leave XP?08:06
arcnewussi solved it: I deleted everything in file 'ifstate'08:06
Aperture_ScienceIf my NVIDIA drivers cause my xsever to freak out, what are some possible solutions?08:06
ScuniziLEO_: yes08:06
blizzleLEO_, Yes, Ubuntu will install Grub.08:06
_ReadErrowhat grub command can I use to stop ubuntu from booting into X?08:06
ScuniziAperture_Science: how does it freek out?08:06
_ReadErrobut framebuffer08:07
_ReadErroor console08:07
arcnewussits my first day with dwm it seems pretty nice08:07
LEO_If I decide to get rid of Windows in future, would it be easy to do from Ubuntu portion of drive or would I have to reinstall from scratch?08:07
rwwAperture_Science: are you sure that the Nvidia drivers for Linux support SLI? I don't use them, but I vaguely remember someone saying that they don't a while ago.08:07
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, "Primary Device is not PCI", "(EE) No devices detected" "Connection refused (errno 111)" and lastly "No such process (errno 3)08:07
rwwLEO_: as long as you install Ubuntu to a separate partition, and don't use Wubi/"Install from Windows", then yes, you can do it from Ubuntu without reinstalling.08:08
houstondgood evening all08:08
ScuniziAperture_Science: when you boot and get the grub menu choose rescue and there is an option there to reconfigure X08:08
houstondneed help with ubuntu 8.10  world of warcraft problem08:08
Aperture_Sciencerww, I don't want to have to rip out my SLI config though, I'd like to leave it as is hardware wise.08:08
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, I've tried that.08:08
=== SPFhome_ is now known as SPF
houstondanyone here familiar with running world of warcraft on ubuntu?08:09
ScuniziAperture_Science: rww might be right.. the stock drivers might not support sli.. check nvidia's site in the linux section for more info on that.08:09
yojimbo-sanI've created some LVM logical volumes, done mkfs /dev/mapper/VG-lv all OK ... they mount by name, but the UUIDs are not in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ... how do I get this dir to refresh itself? vgmknodes doesn't seem to help.08:09
pike__wow so uh nvidia-legacy drivers arent supported in current xorg...08:09
Scunizipike__: you have to install them08:10
LEO_Ok, I dont know what to do. When I tried live cd, it would give me "video mode not supported" error, now that I try installing  it I get same08:10
xenocide21how do i install flash? sorry for the noob question08:10
pike__Scunizi: ah no see http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810#nVidia%20%22legacy%22%20video%20support they flat dont work in this version of x08:10
rooti don't know08:10
=== root is now known as Guest73299
Fracturedhey guys, my computers color is off on the monitor. is there a utility in ubuntu that can help me adjust the color like there is in windows? the color is like washed out08:11
gordonjcpn8tuser: ?08:11
gordonjcpn8tuser: mistab?08:11
rwwxenocide21: install the package "flashplugin-nonfree". From the command-line: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:11
Aperture_ScienceChecking now. Thanks for the support, Scunizi, rww08:11
xenocide21thank you08:12
tk3hi all - I'm having really weird sound issues in 8.04. just started this morning. VLC no audio, mplayer on CLI playing an mp3 literally stops when it gets to "starting playback" but audio in a flash player in browser and ubutu audio tests is fine - any thoughts?08:12
ScuniziAperture_Science: np.. you might end up installing 180.xx to get it to work.08:12
yojimbo-sanmmk, a restart of udev did the trick.08:12
Scunizipike__: maybe nvidia-glx-9608:13
Scunizican I shut down a machine remotely via ssh?08:14
MazaliSo, is there any solution for the blank screen after login08:14
yojimbo-sanScunizi: yep, just "sudo shutdown -P now"08:14
yojimbo-sanScunizi: that'll power it off. You need to touch the machine to power it back on :-)08:14
Scuniziyojimbo-san: what's the -P for? power?08:14
LEO_Would anyone like to help me install Ubuntu? I have problems with my LCD monitor08:14
blizzle"sudo shutdown -h 0" works just as well, if not better.08:15
yojimbo-sanScunizi: yes .. otherwise most Ubuntu servers will pause at a manual-intervention screen on the console, asking for a reboot08:15
scizzo-LEO_: maybe you could give us a little more information about what exactly is going wrong with the install08:15
blizzleOr "sudo shutdown -r 0" if a reboot is required.08:15
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, I'm kind of a linux newb. could you explain 180.xx to me?08:15
LEO_scizzo-, I get my monitor display "Video Mode Not Supported"08:15
houstondcan someone tell me how to make sure compiz??? is off08:15
scizzo-LEO_: after install?08:16
blizzlehoustond, apt-get install compiz-icon perhaps.08:16
scizzo-LEO_: what graphics card and so on?08:16
Larrxihow to make my HDA ATI SB to not load at boot?08:16
scizzo-LEO_: we need a little more information of exactly what is happening and when the error occur08:16
LEO_scizzo-, during install or live cd, ATI radeon 3600 if I'm not mistaken08:16
ScuniziAperture_Science: there is a driver on nvidia site for linux and the version number begins with 180.. the xx is for other version info. so a driver that's labeled 180.11 is older than 180.22 or .28..08:17
LEO_scizzo-, It happens when the loading bar fills up in live cd, or when I start installation08:17
scizzo-LEO_: intrepid?08:17
winlowWhat does "Safe Graphics Mode" actually do while loading the GUI installer?08:17
quibblerhoustond: system-preferences-appearence-visual effects choose none08:17
LEO_scizzo-, what is that?08:17
scizzo-LEO_: I mean which version of ubuntu?08:17
scizzo-LEO_: intrepid ibex?08:18
LEO_dont know, just the one that's on the download page08:18
Aperture_ScienceOh. Of course, I'm sorry I know about version numbers and all. Being brand new to linux is like trying to take everything I've learned about computers in the last 10 years, and throw it out. It's fun! But it's also challenging. Thanks for the tips, Scunizi.08:18
washedbunty fun fun08:18
scizzo-LEO_: right sounds like a problem that has come up before actually with the ATI card if I am not wrong08:18
LEO_scizzo-, so it's not the X setting or something?08:19
LEO_or monitor?08:19
Tr3y-Aperture_Sciend: do you do what you must because you can?08:19
The_SpazzzHas anyone else had trouble with Wired networking after a recent update?08:19
MeVsTheVoicesGiggles: movie -rating -duration Australia08:19
GigglesMeVsTheVoices: Rating: 7.2, Votes: 14286. Duration: USA:165 min.08:19
ScuniziAperture_Science: I made the conversion 3 years ago and it's been a never ending learning curve.. once you learn one thing its off to another..08:19
Aperture_ScienceFor right now, Tr3y- , I do what I can, because I must.08:19
scizzo-LEO_: try the things that winlow said08:20
MeVsTheVoicesGiggles: movie -title -year Australia08:20
scizzo-LEO_: 09:17     winlow What does "Safe Graphics Mode" actually do while loading the GUI installer?08:20
GigglesMeVsTheVoices: Title: Australia. Year: 2008.08:20
xenocide21woot!! my sound works!08:20
ScuniziIs there a way to view pdf's at terminal?08:20
MeVsTheVoicesGiggles: movie -awards Australia08:20
scizzo-LEO_: opps I mean try to install it in safe graphics instead08:20
GigglesMeVsTheVoices: Awards: Nominated for Oscar. Another 3 wins & 10 nominations.08:20
Tr3y-scunizi: you forgot to add that the learning curve gets easier as you learn more :-P08:20
xenocide21my system is still kinda sluggish but its bout the best i can do for optimum productivity :)08:20
scizzo-LEO_: there should be options for that if I am not mistaken....... *long time since I made a new install*08:21
Aperture_ScienceI wish I could have someone here to hold my hand while I break my computer multiple times trying to learn everything. o.O08:21
winlowscizzo-, I tried using safe graphics mode, checked the fidelity of the burn, and checked the hash of the ISO - and install still hangs after if fires up the GUI.08:21
Tr3y-Aperture_Science: what are you trying to do that will break your computer08:21
winlowIs there an issue with ATI cards?08:21
MeVsTheVoiceswinlow: Many, many issues08:21
Tr3y-winlow: from my use of linux in general nvidia has always been better supported and it's best to stick with them08:22
winlowThis is nonsense.08:22
mchelenwinlow, what model? and are you using proprietary drivers08:22
ScuniziTr3y-: can :) but depends on what you're diping yourself in.. I've been trying to live at the terminal as much as possible.. so. ssh, screen, irssi, mutt, elinks etc.. trying to find solutions to do what I did in the gui.08:22
winlowI fly through Gentoo installs on ATI hardware.08:22
LEO_scizzo-, let me know if you remember where it's at please08:22
The_SpazzzWhen I updated Ubuntu today on my laptop my wired connection now says "Unmanaged" I can connect wirelessly but trying to surf anywhere results in firefox saying Address Not Found.  I know its not my connection because all other machines work fine including the one i'm on now with the exact same software.  HELP!08:22
mchelenmy ati works great, you just need the right drivers installed08:22
Aperture_ScienceNvidia drivers, Tr3y- . SLI Nvidia drivers, specifically. When I install the package through Synaptic it for some reason makes xserver freak out and decide I don't want GNOME.08:22
Tr3y-scunizi: <3 irssi wouldn't use another client :-P08:22
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blizzleTr3y-, Now that amd/ati have open sourced significant portions of their driver libraries, ati cards are in the ascendant on Linux.08:22
scizzo-LEO_: during the startup of the CD...there are options where you can chose to install and so on08:22
nite_johnboyHi - I'am trying to add a new pci express video card - When I install it I can not boot back into Ibex using safe mode - Any idea's ?08:22
stixHi guys. Have any of you experienced flash movies played in firefox, only will play about 3 secs and then stops? I can play another 3 secs if I click the scroll-bar. This happens with youtube videos etc.08:22
ScuniziTr3y-: yes.. takes a while to get use to.  but I do like it.08:22
Aperture_ScienceAnd I'm stuck with a CLI after the install.08:23
Larrxihowto blacklist snd_hda_intel?08:23
scizzo-LEO_: there are various options for installing using different types of graphics....example safe graphics08:23
ScuniziTr3y-: so do you know of an app that will allow pdf viewing in terminal?08:23
MeVsTheVoicesAperture_Science: Boot that X!08:23
mchelenAperture_Science, you could try envy-ng08:23
Tr3y-scunizi: let me do a little looking never needed to view one in terminal08:23
scizzo-LEO_: otherwise I might suggest you to get hardy...then upgrade to ibex08:23
scizzo-LEO_: which might help with the problem08:24
Scunizi!resolution | Aperture_Science08:24
ubottuAperture_Science: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:24
winlowmchelen, so I need to burn the ATI drivers released for linux on a CD and select the driver CD option from the initial install menu?08:24
Aperture_Sciencemchelen, envy-ng? Could you explain that to me like I'm five years old? I'm -brand- new to linux.08:24
LEO_scizzo-, I need that setting to be added to install screen08:24
Tr3y-scunizi: sudo apt-get install pdftohtml use that on all of yoru pdf files and then open the output html file in lyn08:25
nite_johnboyI'am trying to add a new pci express video card - When I install it I can not boot back into Ibex using safe mode - Any idea's ?08:25
syockitAperture_Science: first, let's restore the X setting so that it uses nv instead of nvidia08:25
scizzo-LEO_: you are not trying to add some features before installing are you?08:26
Aperture_ScienceI'm on a clean install of Ubuntu right now, syockit. I just formated and reinstalled to get my GUI back for now. But I'm without video drivers.08:26
kaushalfirefox 3.0.6 is not back ported to Ubuntu 8.0408:26
Aperture_ScienceIs that a good starting poitn?08:26
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kaushalwhen it is going to be done ?08:26
ScuniziTr3y-: just found that in elinks..08:27
syockitAperture_Science: probably. then better find out if your problem is a known one or not08:27
MazaliAny solution for that black screen after login?08:27
blizzleMazali, What does startx do for you?08:27
syockitAperture_Science: Did you install through the Restricted Drivers manager, or some other method?08:27
syockitMazali: if you on intel driver, tryhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/115886/08:27
Aperture_Sciencesyockit, I've been bouncing around different forums. Haven't found anything specific to my issue, I installed using Synaptic.08:28
ScuniziTr3y-: pdftohtml is part of poppler-utils..08:28
LEO_scizzo-, no, not adding any features08:29
mchelenwinlow, it wont even install? are you using the alt install cd?08:29
Aperture_Sciencesyockit, specifically I followed System > Administration > Hardware Drivers08:29
LEO_scizzo-, I tried it with different monitor now, it works...08:29
Tr3y-Scunizi: I just told you the first thing I found on google never had the need for it :-P08:29
mchelen!envy-ng | Aperture_Science08:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about envy-ng08:29
syockitAperture_Science: where did you look for the howto? Have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:29
mchelen!envy | Aperture_Science08:29
ubottuAperture_Science: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk08:29
ScuniziTr3y-: that's probably the same link I looked at..08:29
winlowmchelen, I'm using the general release. I fires up the GUI, loads a pretty picture, then hangs.08:30
mchelenAperture_Science, it tries to find the right driver for your card08:30
mchelenwinlow, use the alt install cd08:30
Aperture_ScienceHmmm. I might try that, mchelen. syockit, I don't think (but I could be horribly, horribly wrong) that it concerns with the driver install, but rather how xserver acts AFTER the driver install.08:31
syockitAperture_Science: yup, me thinks so too08:31
mchelenAperture_Science, what model card?08:31
Aperture_ScienceNvidia 8800 GT08:32
mchelenwinlow, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate08:32
Scunizi!resolution | Aperture_Science Aperture_Science you might check /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what driver is actually listed08:32
ubottuAperture_Science Aperture_Science you might check /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what driver is actually listed: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:32
mchelenAperture_Science, thats a recent enough card, it should work fine, even without envyng08:32
yao_ziyuanhow do i open up udp and tcp port 8887 (for i2p)?08:33
scizzo-LEO_: strange08:33
ScuniziAperture_Science: I missed it.. what card do you have?08:33
blizzleyao_ziyuan, Use gufw or firestarter.08:33
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, Nvidia 8800 GT08:34
LEO_scizzo-, maybe it's not recognising the monitor properly and giving wrong resolution08:34
ScuniziAperture_Science: and when you activated the restricted driver in System>admin>hardware drivers .. which one did you choose?08:34
winlowUbuntu is definitely not automatic as advertised.08:34
syockitAperture_Science: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=698805 might have a clue?08:35
winlowI'm grabbing slackware. ttfn.08:35
LEO_If I choose to leave Windows and decrease the size of it, will I be able to erase it in future?08:35
blizzleLEO_, Sure you can erase in future.08:35
LEO_(without reinstalling ubuntu) erase windows partitiona nd add it to ubuntu08:35
LEO_blizzle, without reinstalling? just delete and append space to ubuntu's partition?08:36
mimiloonhi everybody, i am new to linux and i'm having a problem with firestarter starting automatically; i've read the faqs on the firestarter's website08:36
trippsshello. audacious became totally unresponsive so I had to kill -9 the process. Now restarting it won't play any music, locally or streaming. likewise, vlc doesn't play anything. is there some other process I need to kill or restart to listen to music?08:36
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, I've got two options: Version 173, and Version 177 (Recommended). I've tried both, and both resulted in me getting frustrated when X freaked out, and format/reinstall.08:36
blizzleLEO_, Either append the space, or reclaim the partition for Ubuntu. Whichever suits. Append might be slightly trickier, but doable.08:36
Aperture_Sciencesyockit, thanks. I'll take a look at that.08:36
^aDaMGood morning all :)08:37
^aDaMHow are we?08:37
quibblermimiloon: what is the problem08:37
syockitblizzle: can it resize backwards?08:37
Tr3y-^aDam: can't sleep is how we all are I think :-P08:37
yao_ziyuanblizzle: using gufw i enabled tcp and udp 8887 but i2p still says udp 8887 is not open08:37
blizzlesyockit, As long as the partitions are contiguous, shouldn't be a problem, I think.08:38
svenskoDoes anyone know where the C config file is for DWM in ubuntu?08:38
Vadononanyone know if/when 8.04.2 is coming to Kubuntu and Xubuntu?08:38
ScuniziAperture_Science: I have an onboard 8200 and neither of those worked well for me.  What I had to do was remove all programs referencing nvidia by looking in synaptic. Then installing the latest nvidia driver I got from their site.. there is a specific way to do it.. if you don't follow it it'll mess things up again..08:38
jim_pdoes anyone know how kpackage is used?08:38
blizzleyao_ziyuan, Would those ports be on your router or the firewall? Perhaps i2p requires port forwarding from your router..?08:38
mimilooni'm trying to open the sudoers file to edit, and it's telling me that i do not have permission to open this file and i'm logged in as admin08:38
LEO_blizzle, while running Live CD, it appears Graphics card or something else isnt working right, the portions of windows are left over the desktop, is this because it's live cd or some driver issue?08:38
yao_ziyuanblizzle: "WARN - Firewalled with Inbound TCP Enabled - You have configured inbound TCP, however      your UDP port is firewalled, and therefore it is likely that your TCP port is firewalled as well.      If your TCP port is firewalled with inbound TCP enabled, routers will not be able to contact      you via TCP, which will hurt the network. Please open your firewall or disable inbound TCP above.  "08:38
jim_pVadonon, they are out. i think i saw a relevant article in DW08:39
blizzleLEO_, That's a driver issue.08:39
yao_ziyuanblizzle: how do i do port forwarding?08:39
ScuniziAperture_Science: I would not use envyng08:39
quibblermimiloon: what has that to do with firestarter?08:39
blizzleyao_ziyuan, google for router port forwarding howto08:39
taconehow to disable the eth0 from the kernel ?08:39
jim_pyao_ziyuan, depending on your router, go to portforward.com08:39
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, I currently have no drivers installed aside from what's included with the ubuntu clean install, so I have the option of installing the nvidia driver from the site. Do you think you could walk me through it? I'm brand new to linux and the commands are all still very new to me.08:39
jim_ptacone, by recompiling it, but why would you want to do such damage?08:40
ScuniziAperture_Science: so you havent' tried either the 177 or 173?08:40
blizzleyao_ziyuan, Sounds like your firewall isn't correctly configured, still. Try restarting it, if you've created the necessary rules.08:40
taconei've got a macbook, and eth0 causes 66% wakeups.08:40
mimilooni got the info from this site: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/faq.php; it say to edit this file to bypass the password request08:41
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, No. I've tried them both, but both of them resulted in errors I couldn't resolve in xserver, which forced me to format the partition and reinstall ubuntu.08:41
jim_ptacone, disable its usage if you can be wireless only08:41
taconejim_p: nice, how ?08:41
ScuniziAperture_Science: ok.. do you have a gui running that you can manouver in?08:41
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, yup08:41
jim_ptacone, what ubuntu version are you on?08:41
taconejim_p: intrepid08:42
prince_jammysmimiloon: use 'sudo visudo'08:42
ScuniziAperture_Science: let me look up the link for the new driver. brb08:42
jim_ptacone, so i guess you will need network manager :( let me think08:42
taconei obtained nothing with network manager. i guess it's a kernel bug, and shall be resolved at lower level08:42
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, would it happen to be NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.22-pkg1.run? If so, I've already taken the liberty of downloading it.08:42
taconeisn't there a way to unload the module for eth0 or stuff like that ?08:43
svenskohow do i modify my sessions menu in the log in screen?08:43
jim_ptacone, are you sure its eth0 that is causing it and not network manager looking at eth0 and finding nothing there to connect?08:43
mimiloonprince_jammys: is that the file name because i'm completely lost08:43
taconejim_p: mmmh08:43
jim_ptacone, sure, by blacklistting it, but you need to know tha module name08:43
prince_jammysmimiloon: no, visudo is a program that lets you edit /etc/sudoers safely08:43
syockitAperture_Science: holy lawd08:43
syockitAperture_Science: if you insist. http://forums.nvidia.com/lofiversion/index.php?t66203.html08:44
taconejim_p: how to test if it's the network manager ? how do I bring it down ?08:44
quibblermimiloon: if you wish to edit as root use    gksudo gedit /etc/sudoers08:44
prince_jammysmimiloon: it won't save the changes if the file is malformed, which is good. otherwise, if you make a mistake you can lose admin rights08:44
taconejim_p: and how to know the module name? :-D08:44
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j_yhow do you install ubuntu 8.10 from 5.04?08:44
LEO_how long does it usualy take to resize the partition?08:44
ScuniziAperture_Science: yep that's the one.. ok.. go to System>Admin>Synaptic and "search" for nvidia08:44
ScuniziAperture_Science: what ever pops up as installed that pertains to nvidia, uninstall it.08:45
Vadonononly the default GNOME version is out for 8.04.2 :/ checked the mirrors and dw again08:45
GreySimDoes anyone know if there's a reason you couldn't have a capitalized home directory? So, /home/Dennis instead of /home/dennis ?08:45
KelenHow to uninstall vmware workstation? any idea for this? plz.08:45
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, installed apps will have the box colored/checked yes?08:45
syockitj_y: I don't suppose there's a safe way to upgrade all the way. Best is to back up all your configurations and documents somewhere, and make a clean install08:45
ScuniziAperture_Science: yes08:46
ScuniziKelen: #vmware08:46
KelenScunizi: How?08:47
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, should I also remove xserver-xorg-video-nv?08:47
j_yi downloaded the 8.10 version on my desktop since I don't have the cd08:47
syockitAperture_Science: no. save that for fallback08:47
prince_jammysGreySim: why? are you having problems with that?08:47
ScuniziAperture_Science: no.. that's an opensource driver for nvidia and good for a backup08:47
Scunizisyockit: you beat me :)08:47
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, smartdimmer, jockey-gtk?08:47
ScuniziAperture_Science: let me reference my synaptic08:48
mimiloonprince_jammys and quibbler: thanks for all your help, i'll try your suggestions08:48
GreySimprince_jammys: I'm not having a problem so far, but I didn't want to try it and screw everything up, but I suppose if I create another admin account a screwup shouldn't be that bad...thanks.08:48
theonlyfoxI have is issue where im installing Ubuntu 8.10 for the first time (first time Linux User) and I cant get Grub to load in a dual boot situation where one OS is Vista on a Raid0 and Ubuntu is on a stand alone drive.08:48
prince_jammysGreySim: if you change your homedir, you just must ensure that the change is reflected in /etc/passwd.08:48
mrgoodbari have been trying to install ubuntu 8.10 i have tried 5 different hard drives and after each install i reboot the pc and it says "disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter"08:49
ScuniziAperture_Science: no to both of those08:49
mrgoodbarwhat do i do08:49
prince_jammysGreySim: you can change your homedir to anything you want, with that provision08:49
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, Gotcha. Applying changes.08:49
B|ackPantherHow can i locate the c++ source files in ubuntu ?08:49
The_SpazzzWhen I updated Ubuntu today on my laptop my wired connection now says "Unmanaged" I can connect wirelessly but trying to surf anywhere results in firefox saying Address Not Found.  I know its not my connection because all other machines work fine including the one i'm on now with the exact same software.  HELP!08:49
GreySimprince_jammys: Thanks a bunch. The lowercase is a minor annoyance, but I see it all the time, so... Yeah. Thanks. :)08:50
houstondanyone here familiar with running world of warcraft on ubuntu?08:50
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, Done.08:50
GreySimhoustond: A little bit. In my case I had to turn down the graphics options a bunch versus running it on Windows on the same box, but it's totally doable with WINE.08:50
ScuniziAperture_Science: ok.. now the fun part.. 1st where did you save the download?08:50
Mazalisyockit: how long should it take?08:50
ScuniziAperture_Science: desktop?08:51
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, Desktop, yes sir.08:51
trippssugh incredibly frustrating that I have to restart linux to get my music to play. might as well be windows . . .08:51
j_yhow can I install the 8.10 version which I downloaded on to my desktop?08:51
theonlyfoxI need help getting Ubuntu going in a dual boot situation where 1 OS is Vista on Raid and the other is Ubuntu on stand alone drive.  Install goes fine w/ alternate CD and it even recognizes the raid and windows.  After the install though I cant get the drive w/ ubuntu and grub to load.08:51
ScuniziAperture_Science: ok.. here's the thing. you can't install the driver while the gui is running.. so you're going to learn a whole lot really quick.. no worries though.. I'll walk you through it.08:52
ScuniziAperture_Science: first open a termial.. Applications>Accessories>terminal08:52
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, already open.08:52
ScuniziAperture_Science: type .. sudo apt-get install irssi screen08:53
ScuniziAperture_Science: and hit enter08:53
jim_ptheonlyfox, is that raid on a raid card or on a mobo controller?08:53
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Aperture_ScienceScunizi, already did that too. :308:54
theonlyfoxmobo fake raid08:54
jim_ptheonlyfox, then thats why08:54
ScuniziAperture_Science: really? wow.  ok  type screen08:54
JippenI am having an issue with my ubuntu laptop. I shut it down this morning after making some fstab changes, and now it only boots into read-only mode. How do I make the root partition read/write so I can revert the fstab changes? Also of note: the root partition is encfs over lvm08:54
jim_pdoes anyone know how kpackage is used?08:54
theonlyfoxjim_p, you lost me on that one.  please explain08:54
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, okay. I hit enter on the confirmation screen and I'm at a blank terminal with my prompt.08:55
ScuniziAperture_Science: now ctrl+a then shift+s08:55
jim_pJippen, pastebin your fstab08:55
syockitMazali: updating takes a long time, especially for slow internet08:55
Aperture_ScienceNow it says 0 bash halfway down the terminal screen.08:55
syockitMazali: *updating from clean install08:55
JippenThat'll take me a bit. The laptop isn't getting online, so I get to do it by hand.08:55
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:56
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: Now it says 0 bash halfway down the terminal screen.08:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about initrd08:56
syockitAperture_Science: yes, so you're logged in?08:56
jim_ptheonlyfox, you have software raid, which means that in vista the os does the raid array to whatever you have. in linux they are just 2 seperate drives08:56
ScuniziAperture_Science: except you're still in the window with the terminal prompt right?08:56
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Aperture_ScienceI believe so, yes.08:56
ScuniziAperture_Science: ok.. type irssi08:56
G-Bluntedanyone know the difference between an Internet Object Cache (WWW Cache) and a Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP Cache)??08:57
glados_Scunizi: Here I am. :308:57
Scuniziglados = Aperture_Science ?08:57
glados_Scunizi: Yes.08:57
The_SpazzzWhen I updated Ubuntu today on my laptop my wired connection now says "Unmanaged" I can connect wirelessly but trying to surf anywhere results in firefox saying Address Not Found.  I know its not my connection because all other machines work fine including the one i'm on now with the exact same software.  HELP!08:57
theonlyfoxjim_p, thats what ive read... but the 8.10 Alternate CD fixes that apparently.  It reconized my Raid array as a single drive and even detected the correct windows OS on it.  I installed Ubuntu on a stand alone drive enven though i could have repartitioned my raid and installed it next to windows.  My problem is that I cannot boot to this second drive.08:57
MikeMaxwell2501hey all, anyone aware of a good mp3 to mp4 converter??08:58
Scuniziglados_: this obviously isn't your first day at this.. :)08:58
glados_Scunizi: I've got friends with linux, and know a few very basic commands (I observe)08:58
jim_ptheonlyfox, this could be a grub problem08:58
zxdI am looking into migrating from debian to ubuntu , is there documentation that explains how ubuntu uses debian ?08:58
Scuniziglados_: ok.. now ctrl+a then TAB08:58
glados_Scunizi: Yay! I can switch screens that way. :308:59
Scuniziglados_: yes from the top to the bottom and back08:59
trippssugh restarted and back to listening to music. lost 30 minutes of productivity with that nonsense. so fricking irritating. linux should be better than that.08:59
jim_ptheonlyfox, i have to leave now :( i hope i have helped08:59
Scuniziglados_: now that you're in the bottom ctrl+a then ctrl+c09:00
theonlyfoxjim_p, thats what im thinking.  When I point my bios to that drive to boot it hangs after the bios checks for bootable cd's but never give any kind of OS missing or failed msg.  Im not so sure that the installer isnt trying to set up Grub on the raid array which would be a mistake, yet there is no option to install it anywhere else09:00
glados_Scunizi: what does that do?09:00
MikeMaxwell2501hey all, anyone aware of a good mp3 to mp4 converter??09:00
Scuniziglados_: if that doesn't give you a terminal prompt then just ctrl+a then c..  it should give a terminal prompt09:00
JippenAnyone else willing/able to help with my mounting issue?09:00
Jippenmike: audacity if you only have to do a few09:01
Scuniziglados_: got it?09:01
glados_Scunizi: There we go, got me a terminal prompt. Somehow shifted irssi to the bottom, but I have the terminal prompt on top now.09:01
MikeMaxwell2501Jippen: audacity oes not support mp409:01
MikeMaxwell2501already looked into that :)09:01
theonlyfoxI need a Grub expert to help me with a problem.09:02
JippenSorry, I'm stuck in a terminal on my ubuntu machine, so its a lil hard to check GUI apps. ~.~09:02
G-Bluntedyour best bet is google09:02
G-Bluntedgoogle is expert on lots of things09:02
Scuniziglados_: ok.. now ctrl+a then d and you'll have to talk to me with Aperture_Science09:02
theonlyfoxexpert as alot misdirection too09:02
MikeMaxwell2501Jippen: lol, thanks.  tried sound converter and audacity, nothing09:02
G-Bluntednaahhh not google...09:03
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, okay. Got it.09:03
JippenI am having an issue with my ubuntu laptop. I shut it down this morning after making some fstab changes, and now it only boots into read-only mode. How do I make the root partition read/write so I can revert the fstab changes? Also of note: the root partition is encfs over lvm. /etc/fstab is here-> http://pastebin.com/m2caa15e309:03
ScuniziAperture_Science: should have made the terminal detach09:03
ScuniziAperture_Science: did everthing pretty much go away?09:03
[CHN]_AbbeyIs there a guide of Ubuntu 8.10 for Chinese? THX09:03
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, I think so.. I made irssi detatch. I've got a whole terminal screen with the command prompt now.09:03
JippenAbbey: /join #ubuntu-cn for some help in chinese.09:04
ScuniziAperture_Science: now in the termial type screen -ls .. it will show you the screen session.. the first part of the name is a number . when you see that type screen -r <number> and it will reattach09:04
[CHN]_AbbeyJippen: thank you very much.09:04
Fiftyonehello if someone can help me i would be most gratefuk. I think i might have destroied my computer if you could please check my post on the ubuntu forums www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6703360#post670336009:04
zxdwhat's the difference between ubuntu desktop edition and Xubuntu ?09:04
Jippenzxd: The gui09:05
blizzlezxd: Ubuntu uses Gnome, Xubuntu uses Xfce.09:05
FiftyoneIm such a moron i think im going to kill myself if i cant fix this09:05
prince_jammys!de | zxd09:05
ubottuzxd: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.09:05
theonlyfoxG-Blunted, besides 5hrs of google searching has turned up zip and also failed to say what couldnt be done (via thousands of sites and posts) can now be done in the new 8.1009:05
prince_jammyszxd: oops09:05
ScuniziAperture_Science: if you have a scratch pad handy write the number down and "screen -ls" and "screen -r <number>"09:05
zxdblizzle, ubuntu desktop uses gnome?09:05
blizzlezxd, Also, Xubuntu has a slightly different selection of default apps, which tend to me more lightweight than their Gnome counterparts.09:05
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, got it.09:06
LEO_I get "no root file system is defined error when I try to install ubuntu on afree partition09:06
ScuniziAperture_Science: also ctrl+a TAB to change from top to bottom..09:06
ScuniziAperture_Science: starting to make sense?09:06
FiftyoneOk i have an eeepc 100H with a 160 gb hard drive. It came with windows xp and was stupidly formated with windows on an 80 gb partition c and a 80gb partition d .i installed ubuntu on partition d and allocated 30 gb for it. figureing that i could just resize the windows partition with qparted later on. I left it as it was for over a month then i started to run out of space so i decided to try and format the qindows drive because i didnt use windows Once 09:06
prince_jammys!desktop > zxd09:06
ubottuzxd, please see my private message09:06
zxdcan i use any ver of ubuntu to create a minimal netinst ubuntu installation ?09:06
ScuniziAperture_Science: ok.. write this down Ctrl+alt+F7 = gui09:06
zxdor a minimal installation in a chroot environment09:07
howtooI'm looking for an incremental backup system for desktop use. any recommendations?09:07
prince_jammyszxd: do you even need a desktop environment?09:07
Jippen51> Looks like the partitions are pretty borked. You can probably load the system via a livecd, copy stuff to another system over the network, or a USB harddrive, and reinstall ubuntu09:07
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, written down!09:07
Mazalisyockit: it works now, thank you09:07
Fiftyonejippen how would i do that?09:08
Jippenhowtoo> I use dropbox for my backups. win/lin/mac, and backs up to 2 gigs online. Not exactly an incremental backup solution, but it gets the critical stuff09:08
FiftyoneJippen you think the data is still there?09:08
FiftyoneJippen you think the data is still there?09:08
Jippen51> Well, the first two steps are a: make sure you have a place to copy data to, with enough room, and b: make sure you have a bootable disc handy09:09
blizzleFiftyone, You might want to take a look at the Easy Peasy distro (formerly Eeebuntu).09:09
ScuniziAperture_Science: ok.. here we go.. first in the terminal do a ctrl+a d to detach.  Now what you going to do is ctrl+alt+F2 and when you get a terminal prompt then us screen -r <number> to reattach and then ctrl+a tab to get to the irssi portion and let me know you are there.09:09
syockitMazali: it doesn't work with the other guy. lucky you09:09
Jippen51> I have no idea. grub error 22 can be a minor issue, or the harddrive is totally fried.09:09
Mazalihehehe :-)09:09
zxdprince_jammys, i don't want default packages , i do need xfce09:09
prince_jammyszxd: ah, ok. then install xubuntu09:10
Fiftyoneblizzle yea i was useing the easypc kernel on my install09:10
FlynsarmyWhere is hte apt cache stored?09:10
eokeUbuntu 8.10 (2.6.24-23-generic), Snort (2.8.3.) and libpcap (0.8): When I block traffic with IPTables it doesn't seem to be seen by Snort where as from what I've read libpcap should see the traffic pre filtering. Could any one give me a clue as to what the issue might be? (already asked in #Snort but they're not up yet)09:10
JippenI am having an issue with my ubuntu laptop. I shut it down this morning after making some fstab changes, and now it only boots into read-only mode. How do I make the root partition read/write so I can revert the fstab changes? Also of note: the root partition is encfs over lvm. /etc/fstab is here-> http://pastebin.com/m2caa15e309:10
blizzleFlynsarmy, /var/cache/apt09:10
theonlyfoxI need a Grub expert that is familiar with 8.10 raid install issues09:10
prince_jammysFlynsarmy: man apt-cache, FILES section09:11
blizzleFlynsarmy, rm -fv /var/cache/apt/*.bin if you need to remove it.09:11
Jippenfox> post the issue, and I'll see if I can actually help09:11
jonathan__#hyves h7v3s09:11
howtooJippen, yeah, I'm using that as well, but I need a full backup of my entire computer09:11
glados_Scunizi: Got it.09:11
glados_Scunizi: Hey. My MP3's are still playing. Neat.09:11
blizzleFlynsarmy, You'd then need to follow through with an apt-get update09:11
Scuniziglados_: congrats.. you're becoming "well versed"09:11
Jippenhowtoo> Full backups are easy, incremental is a bit harder09:12
Scuniziglados_: not for long.. in the other window with the terminal prompt type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:12
g33k_gir1this is going to be the mother of all stupid questions, but how do I tell if I have a LAMP environment installed?09:12
JippenWould you be backing up to a tape, a harddrive, dvds, or remotely? Or something else?09:12
prince_jammysFlynsarmy: ok, looks like i'm wrong.09:12
blizzleg33k_gir1, If you have Apache, MySql and Php installed an functioning correctly, running on Linux, you have the Lamp stack installed.09:13
theonlyfoxJippen, I installed 8.10 on a system that is running vista on a mobo fake raid0 and a secondary HD.  I used the alternate install CD and it detected the array and the correct windows install.  Instead of installing on the raid I installed on the secondary.  After the install I point my bios to boot from the sendary HD.  Problem is that is will never boot, hangs after BIOS checks for cd's.09:13
Jippeng33k > point firefox to and see if apache works. Then try setting up a php script with the contents <?php phpinfo(); ?> to see if php works09:13
Scuniziglados_: get it?09:14
glados_Scunizi: Alright. Yeah, music is stopped now.09:14
theonlyfoxJippen, Im guessing that grub was not installed on the sendary HD thus has no way of loading the OS.  I know the install is there since I can boot to windows and see the files09:14
glados_Scunizi: Along with GNOME09:14
Fiftyonejipper can i load ubuntu live from usb? I installed ubuntu origionally but i dont know if i was given the option to boot into live from usb. Also, when i get back in how do i locate and copy the data if it dosent gave a partition how do i get to it?09:14
syockitFiftyone: depends on your pc's bios09:14
g33k_gir1blizzle, Jippen: works (or at least, I get a blank page, not an error)09:14
Scuniziglados_: that confirms that the gui isn't running.  ok at the terminal prompt window type cd ~/Desktop09:14
JippenOy, oy... one at a time.09:15
blizzleg33k_gir1, Then you at least have Apache running.09:15
g33k_gir1blizzle, Jippen: settting up php script now09:15
blizzleg33k_gir1, Well, one assumes Apache.09:15
Jippenfox> Is the linux HD part of the raid?09:15
theonlyfoxJippen, no09:15
Scuniziglados_: then once you're there type ls to get a list of files.. let me know what the last 3 letters on the nvidia driver are.09:15
glados_Scunizi: No such directory. o.O09:15
Jippen51> Yes, you can load live USB. However, you still need to have someplace for the files to go. Do you have that?09:15
Scuniziglados_: type cd ~/Desktop .. no spaces.. and with a capital D09:16
glados_Scunizi: Nevermind, I'm silly, case sensitive.09:16
FiftyoneJippen Yea i have a 100gb usb disk09:16
etechin the ubuntu kernel are different closed source drivers...09:16
Jippenfox> So, does it boot into windows, but not linux?09:16
etechwhat are these drivers?09:16
blizzleglados_, Tab completion helps.09:16
Jippen51> ok, get into the live usb system, and I'll help you from there09:16
g33k_gir1blizzle, Jippen: ok, so in Firefox, php files are asking to be saved as...09:17
theonlyfoxIt will boot to windows if I point the bios to load from the Raid, but If i point it at the stand alone drive it hangs as described earlier09:17
glados_blizzle: Thanks for the tip! I use it all the time in IRC. :309:17
Fiftyonealrighty thanks09:17
Scuniziglados_: yep works at terminal too.09:17
glados_Scunizi: Last three letters are .run09:17
Jippeng33k > sounds like apache is misbehaving. Did you follow a guide to set up your LAMP box?09:17
blizzleg33k_gir1, Then Php isn't correctly installed. At least, not properly integrated with Apache.09:17
g33k_gir1blizzle: just found the ubuntu help page on that -- will follow up and get back to you :)09:17
Scuniziglados_: ok.. in the terminal window type.. sudo sh ./<file name .run .. you can use tab to complete the name :)09:18
glados_Scunizi: Okay. Wish me luck!09:18
Scuniziglados_: luck!09:18
Jippenfox> keep bios pointed at the raid. When it boots into that, does GRUB pop up, or does it go straight into windows?09:18
theonlyfoxJippen, goes straight to windows09:18
Jippendid you point the bios at the extra hd to install linux?09:19
theonlyfoxJippen, no09:19
JippenDid you use the live cd, alternate cd, or did you use the Wubi installer?09:19
theonlyfoxJippen, alternate cd09:20
glados_Scunizi: Done! I assumed we would be agreeing to all install options, etc. YeS?09:20
Scuniziglados_: yep..09:20
JippenCan you use the live cd to examine the partitions, and make sure things look sane?09:20
lain_wiredhiya all. I'm working with a new box with a dual core processor. I've heard people have had some driver issues with 64bit ubuntu, and ubuntu 32bit seems fine with 4GB of ram so i guess the only question is - is it a waste to use 32 on a 64 bit system?09:20
Scuniziglados_: ok.. you're going to loose irc and everything now.. come back and let me know how it went.. type sudo reboot now09:20
glados_Scunizi: Will do. Be right back! :309:21
eokeUbuntu 8.10 (2.6.24-23-generic), Snort (2.8.3.) and libpcap (0.8): When I block traffic with IPTables its seen by TCPDump but not by snort and from what I've read Snort should also see the traffic pre filtering. Could any one give me a clue as to what the issue might be? (already asked in #Snort but they're not up yet)09:21
Jippenlain> IMHO, it is a waste to use 64 bit on a system that is not using >4 gigs of ram. You should be just fine.09:21
JippenI am having an issue with my ubuntu laptop. I shut it down this morning after making some fstab changes, and now it only boots into read-only mode. How do I make the root partition read/write so I can revert the fstab changes? Also of note: the root partition is encfs over lvm. /etc/fstab is here-> http://pastebin.com/m2caa15e309:21
unknown__hi, anyone can recommend me any software for burning CD which allows me to  create bootable CD? I must do this from folder with files not from ISO image :/09:22
theonlyfoxJippen, Ill have to burn it.  will take a moment.  So far have only used a utility that lets me access the linux partition under windows.  unfortunately I know Jack about linus and grub and well Jack left town years ago.09:22
quibblerlain_wired: not a waste...and it will save you some headaches09:22
g33k_gir1lain_wired: I haven't had any problems with my 64 bit system09:22
zxdwhat's the name of the current stable?09:23
zxdIntrepidIbex ?09:23
fosco_unknown__: k3b is the most complete burning software i know09:23
suigeneriszxd, yes09:23
G-Bluntedi think you have to burn an iso to make bootable09:23
glados_Scunizi: No go.09:23
Jippenunknown> bootable CDs need special steps to be bootable. You will likely need to use a tool to convert the folder of files into a burnable ISO.09:23
G-Bluntedi don't think you can like...burn a bootable cd really09:23
zxdsuigeneris, it's also the name of the repository ?09:23
Scuniziglados_: ok.. are you at terminal?09:23
lain_wiredg33k_gir1: ah, even with fairly good graphics and sound cards? (it'd be a shame too not use them to their full capacity)09:24
glados_Scunizi: No GUI available.09:24
suigenerishow can i find out the total size of the files i grab with find?09:24
suigeneriszxd, repo name is just intrepid09:24
glados_Scunizi: So yeah, I'm in terminal, already screen'd split, and ready to detach.09:24
Scuniziglados_: did it just give a blank screen or right to a terminal prompt09:24
zxdsuigeneris, thanks09:24
unknown__fosco_: Thanks I'll try it :)09:24
glados_Scunizi: Went right to terminal prompt09:25
Scuniziglados_: ok.. in the other half of the split.. type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and in there look for the line that says SERVER and make sure that it says nvidia and not vesa or nv or intel09:26
theonlyfoxJippen, burning the Live CD now.  Is there anything that could be looked at to see if Grub even installed on one of the drives while im waiting?09:26
Jippenfox> Yeah. There is a great tool I love. I call it the ubuntu live cd. :309:27
trippsshow do I configure my laptop with 512 MB RAM so that it does progressive/aggressive write behinds? I'm tired of it taking forever to swap things in and out when it's not necessary. I end up killing the app anyway because I simply don't have the patience. only write stuff when shutting down or when completely idle and under a certain load average.09:27
theonlyfoxJippen, lulz.. ok ill have it here in a Jip.. no phun intended09:27
prodigelhi all. I'm trying to configure ssl module for apache2 following this link http://beginlinux.com/blog/2009/01/ssl-on-ubuntu-810-apache2/ and I get this error: ... "Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long".09:29
trippssi'm running Ibex btw09:29
MeVsTheVoicesGiggles: gumby dat shit09:29
GigglesMeVsTheVoices: Deliver'd you a hair on's head.09:30
glados_Scunizi: I didn't find a specific line that said "server", but I did see several entries that read "nvidia", and not vesa, nv, intel09:30
tamimi 8-)09:30
theonlyfoxJippen, ok, ive booted to the live cd09:30
Scuniziglados_: ok.. try installing nvidia-settings.. sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings09:30
Jippenok, first thing to do is use the gnome partitioning tool to examine how the partitions are set up. Make sure the settings are what you expect them to be09:31
glados_Scunizi: Done09:31
Scuniziglados_: k. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start09:31
stinger_auAnyone got a A8n-SLI motherboard or CK804 onboard audio ?09:31
JippenHELP NEEDED: How do I force the root partition of an encrypted LVM to read/write mode, so I can edit /etc/fstab?09:32
glados_Scunizi: Said it was starting GNOME desktop manager, but no GUI load.09:32
etechwhen i install selinux, is it configured autumatically?09:32
glados_Scunizi: I.E. I'm still in terminal09:32
Scuniziglados try ctrl+alt+F709:33
theonlyfoxJippen, how do i get the partitioning tool to run from the cd?09:33
Jippenetech> Somewhat. It comes with some defaults, but to get full use of it, you have to know how to deal with selinux09:33
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Jippenfox> Should be in the applications menu09:33
blizzletheonlyfox, Or sudo gparted09:33
theonlyfoxJippen, I have "Try Ubuntu.." "Install Ubuntu"  " chec cd..." "test mem" and "boot from first HD"09:34
Jippentry ubuntu09:34
Scuniziglados_: what happened?09:35
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: No GUI. Just a blank screen with cursor.09:35
trippssis it possible to see what process is thrashing the hard drive? whether it's an app or swap or what is going on? every now and again the hd light just comes on and is pegged for a couple of minutes even though I'm doing nothing and nothing is going on09:35
Milk_Rulzwhy is my music not playing in my media players when other sounds are working?09:36
ScuniziAperture_Science: did you have one of the drivers still loaded in System>Admin>hardware drivers when we started this?09:36
Aperture_ScienceI don't believe so. I uninstalled everything related to "nvidia" in Synaptic, aside from what you instructed me not to.09:36
g33k_gir1ok, so I have phpmyadmin installed, but I can't find it (at least, its not in /var/www/)09:37
Sergeant_PonyI need xforms to get a program to compile... how do I get it?09:37
ScuniziAperture_Science: k.. go back to sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the reference to nvidia to nv09:37
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: How would I do that?09:38
Jippeng33k_girl> TBH, I tend to grab webapps from the net and set them up myself. Then I know where they are, and can be sure I have the latest version09:38
Scunizisudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and use the arrow keys to move around.. get to where it says nvidia and use the delete or bkspace key to eliminate it and type in nv (lower casee)09:39
Jippenhttp://localhost/phpmyadmin <-- that is worth a try too09:39
g33k_gir1Jippen: so I should just reinstall it :)09:39
g33k_gir1Jippen: OMG, that works09:39
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: do I do this for all instances of "nvidia"?09:39
g33k_gir1Jippen: i thought only what was in var/www/ would work under localhost... thanks09:40
JippenNope. Webservers are fun like that.09:40
ScuniziAperture_Science: hang on .. let me look at mine09:40
g33k_gir1lain_wired: i must admit, i did not get any uber gfx cards with that system09:41
ScuniziAperture_Science: only in the "Section "Device" " where it says Driver09:41
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: Got it. Doing now09:42
lain_wiredg33k_gir1: mm. i wouldn't mind, because i kinda enjoy the challenge involved, but this person (my dad actually) hasn't ever used linux before and i want this to go well.09:42
g33k_gir1er... ok, so now I've forgotten what the root login and password would be for mysql -- any way to look that up?09:42
banisterfiendg33k_gir1: if you go down on me ill help you out09:42
whiteplanehi, how to disable the automounting of newly connected devices?09:42
blizzlebanisterfiend, Leave that out, please.09:42
learning-regexwhen installing a program from source do I always have to use the make install command or is make enogh? why is that?09:43
g33k_gir1lain_wired: well, the ubuntu install is pretty easy, why not try the 64-bit, if it doesn't play nice, reinstall with 32-bit09:43
ScuniziAperture_Science: then when it's done Ctrl+o (that's oh) and enter then ctrl+x to exit. . now sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:43
banisterfiendblizzle: sorry im just learning how to relate to females on the internet09:43
Jippeng33k> google "How to reset mysql root password"09:43
blizzlebanisterfiend, Sounds like you're learning nothing at all. Or the wrong thing. :/09:43
g33k_gir1clearly, related to females at all would be a better place to start09:43
g33k_gir1so, lets not feed the troll. Jippen: thanks, will do09:44
banisterfiendblizzle: are you saying i should treat them as equals or what09:44
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: Kay. .conf modified. Restarting now.09:44
blizzlebanisterfiend, I don't recall echoing that sentiment, but yes, gender is largely irrelevant in a tech support channel.09:44
theonlyfoxJippen, ok i have 500GB on /dev/sdc1 as ext2 and flagged as boot and /dev/sdc2 as 7GB extended and 500GB unallocated09:45
Jippenbizzle> just set him on ignore09:45
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: Now Ctrl-Alt-F7?09:45
banisterfiendblizzle: but what if i cant get over the fact that they have tits and ass and i cant restrain myself from making a sexual comment09:45
ScuniziAperture_Science: sure..09:45
blizzleJippen, He's here to learn, so better to provide him with some guidance :)09:45
blizzlebanisterfiend, Then you might want to locate yourself elsewhere.09:46
ct529 does anyone know of a good sip phone under ubuntu that can record phone calls as well?09:46
Jippenfox> can you mount /dev/sdc1 and see if it has /boot ?09:46
Jippenblizzle> He is obviously a troll, here to get his jollies by offending others.09:46
Scunizict529: gizmo will. free but not opensource09:46
Aperture_ScienceNothing, Scunizi09:47
blizzleJippen, Sadly I think you're right. Nonetheless, perhaps he'll take a hint.09:47
ScuniziAperture_Science: you'll loose irc but try ctrl+alt+backspace09:47
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: I didn't lose IRC, nothing happened.09:48
ScuniziAperture_Science: is this card an onboard card or seperately mounted?09:48
Aperture_ScienceSeperately mounted.09:49
ct529Scunizi: nothing opensource?09:49
ScuniziAperture_Science: does the machine have an onboard video card too?09:49
Scunizict529: not that I'm aware of09:49
theonlyfoxJippen, may have to explain how to mount.  Found terminal and mount shows currently mounted volumes, but mount /dev/sdc1 gives a "cant find" dialogue09:49
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: No sir. I'm afraid not.09:49
ScuniziAperture_Science: just a sec09:50
Jippenfox> sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt09:50
ddoomIf i stop a service (sudo /etc/init.d/apache stop) and I restart, does it restart or will it still be stopped?09:50
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: I've got two of them in SLI configuration. If necessary, I can rip out my second card as it's not doing anything right now.09:50
Scunizitype .. less /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if there are any errors listed in there.09:51
Sergeant_Ponyanyone know anything about xforms?09:51
ddoomIf i stop a service (sudo /etc/init.d/apache stop) and I restart the computer*, does the service restart or will it still be stopped?09:51
Jippenddoom> the service restarts09:51
ronnyis there any sane way to get rid of pulseaudio09:51
syockitddoom: it only stops for the session09:51
ronnyif i try to remove the alsa plugins, i wants to remove shitloads of packages09:52
Jippenronny > apt-get remove pulseaudio & apt-get install alsa09:52
riz0nanyone here have any experience with ircd-hybrid on ubuntu?09:52
ronnyJippen: that wont remove the alsa plugins pulse leaves around09:52
ddoomhow can I configure a service to stop until I want it not to (through restarts etc)09:52
ronnyso i get connection errors09:53
IINB3excuse me .. What is the TSV and TSER at TCP section captured on wireshark ?09:53
riz0ni have a small irc conferencing server set up using irc-hybrid and ubuntu09:53
theonlyfoxJippen, ok it shows as mounted using the mount cmd but does not show up in file browser09:53
riz0nthe number of clients to my server will be between 5 to 10 users09:53
Jippenpulse is not alsa. If you are talking alsa -> pulse compatibility stuff, then apt-get autoremove should clear them out when pulse is gone09:53
Jippenfox> no files when you navigate to /mnt ?09:53
Sergeant_Ponyriz0n, I use unreal ircd09:53
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g33k_gir1*gasp* -- I didn't set ANY password on mysql! bad girl!09:54
ronnyJippen: it wont09:54
riz0nSergeant_Pony how hard is it to set up on Ubuntu?09:54
ScuniziAperture_Science: did you happen to notice any errors on install of the driver?09:54
ronnyJippen: i removed pulseaudio and intalled alsa + did an autoremove09:54
Sergeant_Ponyriz0n, was very easy, took me less than 2 minutes09:54
ronnyJippen: still i get errors about pulse09:54
theonlyfoxJippen, ah ok it was named mnt..  ls shows /boot09:55
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: No sir.09:55
Sergeant_Ponyriz0n, very easy, took me less than 2 minues09:55
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: But there was a few errors in the log.09:55
Jippengo into /mnt/boot. Does it have a grub folder?09:55
riz0nSergeant_Pony: does it allow you to set modes in channels as an irc op but not an operator in the chan?09:55
theonlyfoxJippen, yes09:55
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: "Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)"09:55
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: And "No devices detected"09:55
Jippencan you pastebin /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst for me?09:55
Sergeant_Ponyriz0n, that I'm not sure... I'm an ircop so I have full control09:56
ScuniziAperture_Science: ok.. try this.. sudo apt-get install build-essential09:56
ronnyJippen: ok, i also killed libpulse0, and now alsa wont work cause it lacks the pulse plugin thats configured somewhere09:56
Jippenprobably /etc/asound09:56
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: done.09:56
riz0nSergeant_Pony: right, well the problem i had with ircd-hybrid was that when i was an oper, it would not let me set modes in channels (for instance if i joined a channel with no ops i could not op myself or anyone else)09:57
ScuniziAperture_Science: then cd ~/Desktop .. then sudo sh ./<nvidia driver name.run . to reinstall09:57
JippenWhy do you want pule off, though09:57
theonlyfoxJippen, pastebin :command not found09:57
ronnyJippen: there is no /etc/asound09:57
ronnyJippen: cause it doesnt work09:57
Jippenfox> http://www.pastebin.org09:57
banisterfiendg33k_gir1: yes, *bad girl* (i like that term, very kinky)09:57
banisterfiendshould constant definitions be put in header files  or in the source?09:57
learning-regexcan I always do the make install command when installing programs from source? If not why?09:57
ddoomhow can I make a service stop and not start on boot?09:57
ronnyJippen: some tools list my sound devices, others dont and i get no sound + no clue what the heck is wrong09:58
Sergeant_Ponyriz0n, what are you looking for exactly, when I'm an ircop I have full control. so I can op myself and others if need be.09:58
* Vadonon tests09:58
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: Alright done.09:58
riz0ni just want to be able to op/deop set/unset bans without being a channel op while being an irc op09:58
Sergeant_Ponyriz0n, that I can do with unreal09:59
riz0nmy irc server will never carry more than 5 to 10 people in a channel at a time... i cant see justifying setting up "services" for this server09:59
ScuniziAperture_Science: I'd shut down completely this time.. then start back up . sudo shutdown -P now09:59
Aperture_ScienceScunizi: Alright. I'll be back in a moment with results.09:59
riz0nbasically the irc server is only bound to and the end users will be sshing to the irc server and then running irssi to connect to the irc server10:00
ozzloyhow do i inhibit the gnome screen saver in c++?10:00
ronnyJippen: my basic issue is that no program can connect to pulse10:00
riz0nthis way all connecting clients is guaranteed a layer of ssl encryption when chatting through the system10:00
ozzloyis there an api for that?10:00
Sergeant_Ponyriz0n, ok.. take a look at unreal. as long as your in the unrealircd.conf file as the ircop it should work out for you.10:00
riz0n kewl10:01
riz0nSergeant_Pony: can you set up unreal to automatically force a user to join a channel upon connect?10:01
IINB3hey..guys  what is mean TSV and TSER on TCP ?10:02
unknown__friends, one more question... how can I check in ISO image which files are in bootsector ?10:02
ronnyunknown__: bootsectors do not have any files10:02
unknown__ronny: so this part which makes CD bootable..10:03
theonlyfoxJippen, www.pastebin.org is a dead stick10:03
ronnyunknown__: so you want to take a look at the eltorino image?10:03
Jippenfox> a what now?10:03
elkyg33k_gir1, sorry i took so long10:04
ronnyi dont remember where it is located on the cd10:04
glados_Scunizi: No such luck. I did spot some errors while GDM was starting, but I wasn't able to go back to them.10:04
G-BluntedI wanna enable people to connect to my Xubuntu box and do some anonymous web browsing...anyone done this before?10:04
glados_Scunizi: Got a way to access that log?10:04
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theonlyfoxJippen, the web site is unreachable10:04
PodMan99ahey all ... i have a HPdl380 G3 ... 6x73gb disks ... all configured in one bigass raid 5 array... trying to install intrepid... once installed it reboots (/ using all bar 4gb for swap) and sites saying "attempting boot from hard drive" and does notthing at all?? any ideas?10:04
Jippenfox> is google.com reachable?10:05
theonlyfoxJippen, yes10:05
Scuniziglados_: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:05
Jippeng-blunted> So, you want to set up a proxy server?10:05
G-Bluntedya but what kind?10:05
glados_Scunizi: One sec.10:05
Jippenwhoops! pastebin.com10:05
theonlyfoxJippen, heh10:05
G-Bluntedthere's so many ways to configure squid and stuff....i don't know which direction i need for the most simple just...proxying...10:05
Jippeng-blunted set up a socks4/5 proxy server, and turn off all logging on the program. Google is your friend.10:06
G-Bluntedsquid is a socks proxy right?10:06
Scuniziglados.. sudo apt-get install pastebinit then pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log and paste the link here10:06
JippenI don't think so10:06
garrett__Im totally lost and annoyed I have read the manual on pbm2g3 attemtping to send a fax via my external modem and I can not for thge life of me create a g3 faxable file10:06
carpiianyone know where i can find the font "Meta Bold Roman"? Its the same one as used in the firefox logo10:07
G-Bluntedwhat kind of proxy is squid?10:07
garrett__How do I create a g3 file so I can fax it?10:07
theonlyfoxJippen, ok how do i copy over the contents of the menu.lst from the terminal to the pastebin website10:07
Jippensudo gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst10:07
unknown__ronny: I know that's not topic for this channel, but I'm trying since yesterday install vista for friend... I was forced to  download vista with SP1 cause oryginal one doesn't have SP1 and its crashes after first reboot :/  After I downloaded it, it wasn't ISO img but files which are  on disk :/  too slow connection to download something else :(  I can't find any patch to solve this problem with disk drivers, tried almost everything... I10:07
unknown__simply must to do bootable CD from files what I have (I got also oryginal one where all bootable files works fine)10:07
unknown__I hate vista :/10:08
ScuniziAperture_Science: yep10:08
lumisunknown_: same10:08
Aperture_ScienceScunizi:My bad, hiccup. Trying again10:08
Jippenhttp://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1508 <-- might get you started on the proxy stuff10:08
garrett__Is anyone familiar with pbm2g3 ?10:09
ronnydammit :(10:09
theonlyfoxJippen, ok there under my nic10:09
Jippenfox... I need a link10:09
leoI just finished struggling throught the instalation, finally decided to switch to linux :)10:09
ronnylspci lists my devices, the drivers are loaded, aplay -l lists nothing at all :/10:09
glados_Scunizi: Same errors. Should I just rip out my SLI config before we continue? I noticed in the log it said "More than one possible primary device"10:09
ronnyand alsamixer says it cant connect to pulse :(10:09
etechis it possible to siable some things i do not need on ubuntu that it boots faster10:09
theonlyfoxJippen, http://pastebin.com/d7a02c9ad10:10
leowhat is the default root password in the Ubuntu?10:10
theonlyfoxJippen, but after looking over the file... it looks like the options for loading the alternate CD10:10
Jippenleo> there isn't one10:11
fosco_leo: there is no default root password, you can use sudo command instead10:11
Scuniziglados_: yep.. that will probably fix it.. I hate to say this but it's 2:10 am here and I'm fragged (military term).  Sounds like you might be able to continue without me.. however if you need help there's typically someone here that's been through all this..10:11
leofosco_: Jippen:  I just installed it, so there is no root account?10:11
Jippenfox> It looks like grub isn't even seeing the windows partition anyway. Is there any data you wanna save off there, or do you want to just try a re-install?10:12
fosco_leo: no root, you just use sudo command10:12
glados_Scunizi: No worries. I really appreciate the help. I've learned a lot tonight about troubleshooting linux. Thanks for being my technical support tonight! :310:12
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leofosco_: this is how it is in Ubuntu?10:12
terminhellim looking for a simple bash command to use in crontab to delete my firefox cache, any thoughts?10:12
Scuniziglados_: It's been a pleasure. good thing that you've watch you're friends on thier systems.. otherwise this would have been twice as difficult .. :)10:12
leofosco_: How do I change the sudo password then?10:13
cmarquesHello, we're planning to buy two Dell servers (each one from a different model) but they are not officially certified for Ubuntu by Dell and neither appear in the Ubuntu site as certifed. The models are Dell PowerEdge R200 and Dell PowerEdge 1950 III. Did anyone here already succesfully instaled Ubuntu on any of those servers?10:13
theonlyfoxJippen, the windows partition isnt on this drive.  That resides on the raid where the linux is on this stand alone.  The installer recognized and and windows still loads fine10:13
tonyyarussoleo: it's just your use password, so you cahnge that.10:13
fosco_leo: you do NOT change root password, to change sudo password just change the user password10:13
glados_Scunizi: I can imagine! I'm sure I'll learn a lot more while trying to solve this. Thanks again. Good night!10:13
Jippenfox> I know that. But grub should still have a menu entry for the windows partition10:13
Sergeant_Ponyanyone know how I can install xforms?10:14
leofosco_: how about other users? they can sudo too? what password wold they use?10:14
Jippenleo > man sudo10:14
trippsssomeone may recall on here a couple of days ago I mentioned that my laptop went into standby whenever it was unplugged. I seem to have found another variable: that only happens after it's been in standby once already. Freshly booted system or system that has been hibernated doesn't do this. note synaptics touchpad also doesn't work after standby.10:14
leothis is confusing10:14
fosco_leo: when you create a new user you can choose whatever it can do sudo or not10:14
tonyyarussoleo: Only if they are part of the admin group or have been manually set up as sudoers in some other fashion.10:14
tonyyarussoleo: the "First user" is the only one who can by default.10:15
ronnyok, the pulse server seems to be the main cause of this breakage10:16
leotonyyarusso: fosco_, is this like this in Ubuntu only or other disros too?10:16
ronnymy sound device is listed in /proc/asound/cards10:16
tonyyarussoleo: Other distros do it, but I don't know offhand which ones.10:16
fosco_leo: not sure, this is the ubuntu way10:16
leoCan I change it to using root somehow?10:16
ronnybut aplay -l wont show any and alsamicer fails on connect10:16
g33k_gir1i seem to have no user table in mysql, although I can log in with the mysql consol. but i can't create or grant users10:16
PodMan99ahey all ... i have a HPdl380 G3 ... 6x73gb disks ... all configured in one bigass raid 5 array... trying to install intrepid... once installed it reboots (/ using all bar 4gb for swap) and sites saying "attempting boot from hard drive" and does notthing at all?? any ideas?10:16
theonlyfoxJippen, i understand that, but i think the installer tried to install grub to the raid though there is no evidence of it.  The installer asked if I wanted the raid partion activated and then it showed the windows OS in the list of OS's to add to the grub loader.  I think this is just the default and the one that supposed to be here left for the ether or there is an error w/ the installer10:16
tonyyarussoleo: You can, but it's not recommended.10:16
fosco_leo: enabling root account is not a good idea, it has been disabled for security reasens10:17
srrrhello, i want to install Ubuntu on RAID0 on my Promise SAS controller, and need help compiling the driver. can someone please assist10:17
leoShould have installed Debian...10:17
tonyyarussoleo: And the general stance is "if you know enough about what you're doing to have a reason to do so, you already know how, so we won't tell you" :P10:17
Jippenleo> if you wanted debian, why did you install ubuntu?10:17
theonlyfoxJippen, at any rate I will proly need to create the menu manually... now that I have a way to access it I should be able to.10:17
PodMan99aif not can i create a boot cd to pass all control to hard disks once its booted?10:17
leoJippen:  I didnt know about the sudo nonsense... and installed it because of the update manager10:18
Jippenfox> Its a little more compliucated than just editing that file.10:18
WishingMasterleo, if you are using kde/kdm then you can't login as root,so whats the use of enabling root account10:18
Milkehthis is getting really annoying, why will my music not play10:18
Jippenleo> sudo takes a little while to get used to, but its really handy. You can allow users to, say, reboot the webserver, without letting them read /etc/shadow10:18
leoWishingMaster:  I see10:19
theonlyfoxJippen, I am making the assumption that everything else was configured right on install.10:19
WishingMasterleo, yeah its of no use10:19
ronnyany hints on how to fix a broken pulse server?10:19
WishingMasterleo, root can't login10:19
leoJippen: just have to do some getting used to :)10:19
fosco_leo: what's the problem on using sudo? :-?10:19
Jippenfox> True. But I recommend googling "editing grub in ubuntu" to get the extra steps10:19
Milkehcan anybody help me?10:19
tonyyarussoleo: It takes a little getting used to for old-school unix types (my former boss still is getting the hang of it), but over time it seems like a better idea.10:19
leoI'm accessing User Settings and want to add a user but add button is greyd out, how do I sudo this?10:20
harlemdavveyhey how can i install clipgrab on my ubuntu 8.10?10:20
Jippenleo> There is prolly an "unlock" button at the bottom of that window10:20
srrrhi, i need help installing a driver for my SAS controller - someone please help10:20
harlemdavveyi have to install a packet in .tar.gz but i don't know how to do..10:20
leoJippen: got it, thanks10:20
harlemdavveyi would have preferred to have to install a .deb file:)10:20
tonyyarussoMilkeh: what sort of "not play" is happening?10:20
ddoomhow do I get a script to run on boot?10:20
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fosco_ddoom: put it in /etc/rc.local file10:21
g33k_gir1my mysql installation has no user table so i can't create any users. this isn't normal, is it?10:21
tonyyarussoharlemdavvey: No deb available eh?  bummer.  If you look inside of the archive (tar zxvf somefile.tar.gz will unzip it), there is probably a file called README or INSTALL (or both).  Check those for instructions.10:22
ronnyoh yikes10:22
tonyyarussoddoom: There are multiple ways.  What sort of script is it / what does it do?10:22
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Jippeng33k > have you used mysql before?10:22
Milkehtonyyarusso, my songs are just sitting at 0:00, all other sound works10:22
ronnydammit - why the heck was my user *not* in the pulse group10:22
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:23
tonyyarussoMilkeh: What format are your songs?  (eg MP3, WAV, OGA, etc.)10:23
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ddoomtonyyarusso: starts a ushare daemon, for some reason the actual ushare service doesn't work properly10:23
Milkehtonyyarusso, MP310:23
Milkehtonyyarusso, This also happens randomly, sometimes they play, sometimes they don't/10:23
tonyyarussoMilkeh: do you have the codecs for them installed yet?10:23
harlemdavveythank you so much!!!!!:)10:23
tonyyarussoMilkeh: lovely...10:23
Milkehtonyyarusso, I'm fair sure I do.10:24
harlemdavveytonyyarusso: thanks :)10:24
Milkehtonyyarusso, I installed the restricted package.10:24
tonyyarussoddoom: then I think what fosco_ is probably appropriate.10:24
harlemdavveydid someone give a try to some alpha version of the 9.04 ubuntu distro?10:24
tonyyarussoharlemdavvey: No problem.  Also note that you'll probably need to install the build-essential package first.10:24
fosco_harlemdavvey: yes, many of us, meet us at #ubuntu+110:25
harlemdavveytonyyarusso: yes.. i think i did it10:25
tonyyarussoMilkeh: I'm going to guess that you (like many) are having an issue with pulseaudio.10:25
ActionParsnipharlemdavvey: i have, acpi is a bit buggy so mine hung at "checking battery"10:25
linduxedive compiled and kernel and packaged it as .deb files. after packaging i installed the the kernel and headers with dpkg -i... naturally the kernel didnt work as i intended so i want to reverse the process. is there a way to do that?10:25
Likeproblem with rytmbox please help10:25
ActionParsniplinduxed: sudo dpkg -r <package name>10:25
Milkehtonyyarusso, how do I fix this?10:25
ActionParsnipLike: ask the room10:25
tonyyarussoMilkeh: I've found I can work around it by doing 'sudo killall pulseaudio && sudo invoke-rc.d alsa-utils' and restarting the music player, although I'm not sure if that's the most elegand solution.10:25
linduxedActionParsnip: will that work for kernels just like that?10:26
ActionParsniplinduxed: yep, its a package like any other, you may have to manually edit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:26
Jippenlinduxed > you should be able to boot into a previous kernel through grub. If not... well... this is why we back up files before messing with them. ~.~10:26
linduxedJippen: im in a prev kernel now10:27
ActionParsniplinduxed: thats kind the whole point of packages, they can be installed / uninstalled very easily10:27
Milkehtonyyarusso, invoke-rc.d: syntax error: missing required parameter10:27
g33k_gir1ActionParsnip: nice to see you10:27
tonyyarussoMilkeh: doh... tack on 'restart' to the end of that.10:27
harlemdavveycould you suggest me a great guide to learn scripting in the terminal?10:28
ActionParsniphi g33k_gir1long time no see10:28
tonyyarusso!abs | harlemdavvey10:28
ubottuharlemdavvey: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/10:28
ActionParsnipharlemdavvey: man pages and web searching10:28
Milkehtonyyarusso, sorry I don't understand10:28
Jippenharlem > google "bash tutorial" and/or "perl tutorial"10:28
tonyyarussoMilkeh: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa-utils restart10:28
linduxedActionParsnip: well i know that but i thought kernels lived a bit of "their own life"10:28
harlemdavveyok guys10:29
harlemdavveyhave a nice day, thanks so much again:)10:29
leohow do I change logon screen? (just hve a default ubuntu install here)10:29
ActionParsniplinduxed: not really, it just installs a kernel to the relevant place in the FS and tells grub where it is and whatnot10:29
tonyyarussoharlemdavvey: ABSG is pretty much THE guide people point to - it's ridiculously comprehensive.  Also, O'Reilly has many good books on bash, perl, and python scripting if you prefer dead-tree format.10:29
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:29
fosco_leo: open a terminal and execute gksu gdmsetup10:29
Milkehtonyyarusso, now I'm getting an x next to songs I attempt to play10:29
RudyValenciaHi, why would Ubuntu newer than 8.04 fail to burn properly, when the ISO's MD5 is correct and the CD passed the burning program's check?10:30
tonyyarussoMilkeh: did you restart the player yet?  Check out System > Prefs > Sound and try fiddling with things to make sure you can play the test sound at least still.10:30
zxdwhat package has the Microsoft TTF core fonts?10:30
tonyyarussozxd: msttcorefonts, iirc10:30
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: did you burn as slow as you could?10:30
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer10:31
Milkehtonyyarusso, audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect: Connection refused10:31
RudyValenciaActionParsnip: Should I try burning at a low speed?10:31
Jippenrudy> bad blank cd it was burned on?10:31
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: yes for bootable disks10:31
RudyValenciaI tried CD and DVD-R media10:31
tonyyarussoMilkeh: that looks like it's still trying to use pulse to me.  Try setting playback to ALSA instead of autodetect.10:32
RudyValenciaI'll try a slow burn and hope it works.10:32
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: if the cd passes consistancy check and the image md5s ok then you have a good ubuntu cd10:32
Milkehtonyyarusso, It was already on alsa10:32
* RudyValencia tries 4x10:32
tonyyarussoMilkeh: dang.  well that's no good.10:33
Milkehtonyyarusso, I tried the Realtek one (I have a realtek soundcard) and have the same problem10:33
chu_Where do I change mouse settings? I checked the System->Preferences->Mouse but I seem to recall being able to customise it more, for instance when you move over a window it becomes active...10:33
RudyValenciathe slowest my CD-recorder goes is 16x10:33
Jippenanyone know how to force an ext3 partition into read/write mode?10:34
tonyyarussoMilkeh: I'm afraid I'm not sure what to do from there then.  There's a guy who knows way more about this, but I don't think he's online atm.  Looking around.10:34
* RudyValencia crosses his fingers10:35
chu_Ahh, Window Preferences, found it.10:35
fosco_Jippen: mount -o remount,rw ....10:35
zxdlocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory10:35
zxdi am trying to dpkg-reconfigure locales10:35
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf10:36
Milkehtonyyarusso, alright thank you I will try restarting my computer and see what happens10:36
Jippenfosco: cannot change data mode on remount. mount: / not mounted already, or bad option10:36
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: override it and burn at 8 or 4 which may help10:36
RudyValenciathe maximum was 48x10:36
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RudyValenciaI set my drive to 4x but it's burning at 16x10:37
theonlyfoxJippen, thanks for the help.  Ive turned it over to the forums.  I need to get a nap before my meeting in a few h....oly crap its 4:30.. make that 3 hours.10:37
fosco_Jippen: make sure / is really mounted10:37
linduxedActionParsnip: it worked thx10:37
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: then thats ok10:37
tajenoki, I have a somewhat embarrasing problem. I have installed Wubi over Windows Vista, and the other day I was doing some "cleaning" in Vista. While doing this cleaning, I happened to delete some *.mbr files from C:\, and I kinda figured out later that I probably deleted the files which controls the disks in Ubuntu. Is there any recovery tool that might help me?10:37
ActionParsniplinduxed: sweet10:37
zxdhow do i generate locales?10:38
ActionParsnip!recover | tajen10:38
ubottutajen: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel10:38
Jippendf says it is. Its an lvm if that makes a difference10:38
prince_jammys!locale > zxd10:38
ubottuzxd, please see my private message10:38
* RudyValencia holds on to his backside10:38
tonyyarussoSounds to me like tajen's files were probably on the NTFS system though10:39
* ActionParsnip hates wubi10:39
deanylol, virtually impossible?  ive formatted an ntfs partition to ext3, used it a day or 2, reformatted back to ntfs, and when booted into linux its mounted as the old ext3 with the old files, which are all readable.10:39
zxdprince_jammys, Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "localeconf"10:40
ActionParsniptajen: you coud fix the windows mbr so windows boots ok, then resetup wubi but keep your hdd image to one side (im not to clued up on the workings of wubi) then copy the image in once its all nice again10:40
tonyyarussodeany: Oddly enough, reformatting ext3 to ntfs is actually less destructive than deleting a file while using ext3 usually.10:40
ActionParsniptonyyarusso: depends on how you format ;)10:40
tonyyarussoI suppose10:40
ActionParsnip7 pass bit invertions will make it near impossible to recover the data10:41
RudyValenciaWell, I guess I need to write these CDs as slow as possible10:41
Milkehtonyyarusso, now that I've restarted it's good, but it's just going to happen again :10:41
Aperture_ScienceIt works!10:41
prince_jammyszxd: yeah, apparently that package was discontinued in gutsy10:41
ActionParsnipAperture_Science: wtg :D10:41
zxdprince_jammys, so what do i do10:42
prince_jammyszxd: see if the other steps work for you10:42
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: is it working ok now?10:42
tonyyarussoMilkeh: See if you can find dtchen active some time.  (He's very busy, but very useful if you can catch him.)10:42
RudyValenciaLooks like it's booting OK10:42
Milkehtonyyarusso, alright thank you10:42
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: sweet, yeah most systems dont like CDs burned too fast, plus you get a better burn at lower speeds10:42
RudyValenciaHm, that may be why my friend has been having problems with CDs I burn for him10:43
RudyValenciaI think the next batch I make for him I'll run slower10:43
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: makes sense. thats why i never get these drives that do huge speeds10:43
G-Bluntedwhat is my "panel"?10:43
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: i never burn over 16x10:43
RudyValenciaHm, I should use my little HP CD16f10:43
G-Bluntedi got these sensors that are supposed to show up "in my panel" somewhere10:43
RudyValenciaIt has been working well for years10:43
fosco_G-Bleezy: it means the gnome panel10:44
zxdprince_jammys, dpkg-reconfigure locales  does nothing10:44
G-Bluntedwhats that?10:44
G-Bluntedor where10:44
Vonoranyone using gnome-globalmenu?10:44
fosco_G-Bleezy: the gray bar with the clock and the gnome menu10:44
ActionParsnip!anyone | Vonor10:45
ubottuVonor: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:45
G-Bluntedyou're right10:45
G-Bluntedthere it is! thanks dude :)10:45
learning-regexCan someone write me a SED command that translates all a’s is into e’s and all e’s into a’s.10:46
JamesA_Does Ubuntu use KDE or Gnome as standard?10:46
ActionParsnipJamesA_: gnome10:46
VonorActionParsnip, next time use your own words please, i don't like talking to bots :P / 2ndly, if noone in here uses it, i don't need to ask my next question as noone will know the answer10:46
learning-regexJamesA_, use kubuntu for KDE10:46
zaggynlI didn't type that10:46
fosco_learning-regex: asking for we to do your homework? :)10:46
ActionParsnipJamesA_: kubuntu uses kde as standard, but theres nothing stopping you from installing kubuntu-desktop metapackage on ubuntu to get kde10:47
zaggynloh phew, screen bug10:47
JamesA_Thanks. Second question- themes at gnome-look.org don't seem to be compatible with the Ubuntu theme manager, can anyone offer assistance?10:47
ActionParsnipJamesA_: but you will have both gtk and qt on your system, depends on your stance with bloat10:47
learning-regexfosco_, asking for help...:)10:47
blizzleVonor, Try gnome-do perhaps..10:47
ActionParsnipVonor: its simple advice, just ask the question to the point :D10:48
fosco_JamesA_: themes at gnome-look.org are compatible10:48
RudyValenciaeesh, Kubuntu 8.10 is slow on this old Dell Optiplex GX100 :(10:48
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: it will be in the livecd environment.10:48
blizzleRudyValencia, You might be better off with Xfce.10:48
blizzleRudyValencia, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop10:48
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: or sudo apt-get install fluxbox10:49
learning-regexfosco_,  sed  's/[e][a]/\1a\2e/g' at lest tell me if I'm in the right direction10:49
blizzleFluxbox is a bit too retro for my liking, good though some aspects are. Xfce is more in keeping with the Ubuntu desktop ethos, in my view at least.10:49
zxdprince_jammys, shouldn't dpkg-reconfigure locales , bring up a debconf window?10:50
ActionParsnipblizzle: i just throw it out there as an option. I think fluxbox is badass, theres even fluxbuntu but its not an official release10:50
prince_jammyszxd: i think so, yeah10:50
prince_jammyszxd: you don't even get an error message?10:50
blizzleActionParsnip, Sure, I do like some aspects of flux, though for someone used to the normal Ubuntu desktop paradigm it is a bit different.10:51
Jippenblizzle> A bit? I'd hardly call flux "a bit" different10:51
zxdprince_jammys, no10:51
JamesA_I'm given .desktop, .xml, & .png files with a downloaded theme from gnome-looks.org, none of these are what the system->preferences->appearances->select theme wants, can anyone advise?10:51
ActionParsnipblizzle: true, its an option though. I like to give options rather than "low system spec...use xfce"10:51
blizzleActionParsnip, That said, KDE4 is a bit different also. I mostly stear clear of KDE :)10:51
Jippenaction> low system spec... use the terminal?10:52
ActionParsnipblizzle: i love kde, but hate kwin massively10:52
blizzleJippen, I was understating my case? :)10:52
fosco_JamesA_: you download a tgz file from gnome-look.org, then drag and drop it over the appearance window and theme will be automatically installed and used10:52
ActionParsnipJippen: i do, lots for cd burning, file management, file moving etc10:52
Jippenaction> I ment that in a silly, sarcastic way. TBH, if I have an old system, thats too weak for ubuntu, I'd toss DSL on there instead10:53
blizzleActionParsnip, Also, on the tweak.configuration front, Fluxbox is a nuisance, Xfce less so.10:53
ActionParsnipblizzle: theres nice menus and the config files are well documented10:53
JamesA_"There was an error installing the selected file. "Dusty" does not appear to be a valid theme."10:53
ActionParsnipblizzle: depends on experience i guess10:54
rip_does file roller not open rar files?10:54
fosco_JamesA_: use any other theme10:54
JamesA_I'll try.10:55
fosco_rip_: yes it does10:55
ActionParsnip!rar | rip__10:55
ubotturip__: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free10:55
Jippenrip : you need to install unrar first10:55
rip_oh duh loll thx10:55
ActionParsniprip_: once you install rar stuff, fileroller will use it10:55
blizzleActionParsnip, Sure, this is true. For some config files are bread and butter, for others a royal pain in the ass :)10:55
Jippenxml config files tend to make things worse, IMHO. ~.~10:56
ActionParsniprip_: or just use unrar x <rar file>10:56
bluphello i got a problem on ubuntu 8.04. the system restarts but is unable to shutdown...I report the lines it writes me:10:56
Aldushello. I need some debian/ubuntu FTP shell utility to use via SSH and get all data (files + directory) from remote ftp folders (with user/password). Which would be some very good software to do this? Thanks10:57
ronnyJippen: unfortunately xml is one of those hammers (and also more agile than some languages)10:57
blup"Network manager: <warn> nm_hal_deint(): libha1 shutdown failed - connection is closed10:57
blup "Network manager: <warn> nm_hal_deint() could not get the system bus. Make sure the message bus daemon is running!10:57
ActionParsnipblizzle: i like editting conf files, makes config via ssh way easier10:57
blupNetwork manager: nm_dbus_signal_device_status_change: assertion 'cb_data->data->dbusconnection' failed10:57
rip_actually is there a better option than unrar?10:57
Jippenaldus: rsync or scp would be great tools for that10:57
Kohvihoorhas anyone successfully done multiseat in ubuntu?10:57
Aldusthank you very much Jippen10:57
ActionParsniprip_: works pretty well, how do you mean by better?10:57
blizzleActionParsnip, Fair play :)10:57
rip_just curious, been ages since ive been on linux10:58
ActionParsnipblizzle: but for new users, a nice gui is useful10:58
blizzlerip_, FileRoller's fine.10:58
rip_alright, off i go, thx10:58
ActionParsniprip_: fileroller is fine, kde has ark10:58
blupanyone can help me please?10:58
benkaminHi! can hard links work on ntfs external drive?10:58
ActionParsnipblup: i'd read dmesg | less to make sure your system is all coming online nicely10:59
Jippenbenkamin: No. ntfs links are not compatible with ext3 links10:59
ActionParsnip!ntfs3g | benkamin10:59
ubottubenkamin: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:59
blupyes actionparsnip, everything ok10:59
blupactionparsnip the networks is in good shape, The system reboots but no way to turn it off...10:59
ActionParsnipJippen: wouldnt it just be a file on the FS?11:00
benkaminso if i do "cp -al" in a ntfs disk it will just simply copy the files?11:00
blupI installed with WUBI11:00
ActionParsnipblup: sudo shutdown -h now11:00
ActionParsnipblup: :( @ wubi11:00
blupok..I'm on another computer so I can tell you what happen11:00
Jippenaction> No, links do some odd things.11:00
blizzlebenkamin, Also you might want to look at ntfs-config. sudo aptitude install ntfs-config11:00
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zxdpackages in universe and multiverse and restricted don't conflict with packages in main correct?11:01
GridSimForNowHello guys, anyone using GridSim ? I need some help !!!11:01
maheshkumar19041hi for all I am mahesh i am done one fuleshens thing on my pendrive. i am using the scandis 4GB pendrive and i am changed that valume after the mounting is as vfat(Fat16 in linux) when i plug it after that it shows the message the filesystem is no supported to the system. how i can recove and format it but it can workd onthe Windows-XP i tride to formate it for recover from autorun.inf virus. It formated and works but unable to recove for autorun v11:01
blizzlezxd, Correct.11:01
ActionParsnipzxd: correct11:01
zirodaymaheshkumar19041: you probably want to format it with gparted11:01
blizzlezxd, If you want more granular (manual) dependency resolution, use aptitude instead of apt-get. Just a thought.11:02
ActionParsnipmaheshkumar19041: you may want to install ntfs-tools11:02
maheshkumar19041How can format my Pendrive or removibal storage devices11:02
ActionParsnip!info ntfs-tools11:02
ubottuPackage ntfs-tools does not exist in intrepid11:02
ActionParsnipits something like that11:02
zirodaymaheshkumar19041: install the package gparted and use that11:02
gwarkis the freeze and caps lock flashing on and off a wireless-related error???11:02
GridSimForNowHello guys, anyone using "GridSim" ? I need some help !!!11:03
JippenI've never even heard of that before.11:03
maheshkumar19041thany u and any other way11:03
zirodayGridSimForNow: you may have better luck using the gridsim mailing list. Thats a pretty specialist app.11:04
zirodaymaheshkumar19041: what is wrong with the ways given to you?11:04
maheshkumar19041not at all but the tool is unable to download for my mobile net11:04
blupActionParsnip: it says that shutdown -h is not a valid command11:05
GridSimForNowziroday : thanks... just wanted to see, any immadiate help...11:05
Jippenblup > try "sudo shutdown -h"11:05
blizzleblup, sudo shutdown -h 0 (or now)11:05
blupActionParsnip: and it says me to try shutdown --help for further info11:05
zirodaymaheshkumar19041: well there is fdisk, however its a command line too and can be tricky. I strongly recommend you try gparted11:05
mattisI have installed KDE on top of Gnome, is there a graphical way of changing between desktop managers?11:05
leoJust plugged in my logitech webcam into computer (fresh ubuntu install) it does not seem to work, how do I fix it?11:05
blizzleblup, note the value after the -h11:05
zirodayleo: do you know what the model is?11:05
kop_since when does kill -9 <pid> not exterinate a process11:05
ActionParsnipblup: sudo shutdown -h now11:06
leoziroday, I can find out11:06
zirodaykop: it should, with the correct permissions, what process?11:06
maheshkumar19041thanks to ziroday11:06
blizzlekop_, If you don't have the privs required to kill it. try sudo kill..11:06
zirodayleo: that would be great11:06
ActionParsnipkop_: if its not your own process ou will need sudo11:06
jadohow can i add my windows partition to the grub menu using the grub editor ?11:06
kop_blizzle, that was the first choice11:06
ActionParsnip!grub | jado11:06
ubottujado: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:06
blizzlejado, sudo apt-get install ntfs-config11:06
blizzlejado, Forget that, misread your q.11:07
leoziroday: it looks like QuickCam® Connect™11:07
blupActionParsnip: I heard the HDD that goes to sleep...Ubuntu logo was there but then I have a black screen11:07
kop_ActionParsnip, nice to see you again and I'm just considering a bigger hammer11:07
leoziroday: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/webcam_communications/webcams/devices/4266&cl=ca,en11:07
ActionParsnipkop_: never a bad idea, just watch its not too big11:07
blizzleblup: Try ctrl+alt+f1-f711:07
jadoActionParsnip: i restored grub but it does not display the windows entry11:08
Jippenhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=309064 <-- old, but still accurate11:08
blupblizzle: i rebooted11:08
zirodayleo: okay, in a terminal try do sudo modprobe quickcam11:08
ActionParsnipjado: then you need an extra entry using the chainloader If you read /boot/grub/menu.lst you will see an example which you can copy / paste to the active part of grub to get the boot in there11:08
blizzleblup, sudo shutdown -r 0 will reboot rather than halt your system.11:08
G-Bluntedanyone know if i can print to a printer on another computer not through LAN but through the internet??11:08
error404notfoundcan someone help me to setup my modem on HP Compaq 6720s. I tried linmodem mailing list, but every email just bounces..11:09
ActionParsnipjado: the grub factoid link should also be able to help11:09
ActionParsnipG-Blunted: sure, you just need some port forwarding setting up11:09
jadocan't i use the grub editor ?11:09
ActionParsnipjado: ive not used it11:09
leoziroday: it didnt do anything11:09
Jewbaccahi, can i talk with someone on private msg about how to configure my internet on linux? its not wireless :p i just cba to search your msgs on here :p11:09
blupblizzle: I made this pc for my mother and I would like that she would be able to turn of with the red button, I don't think she could open a terminal and wrtite commands...11:09
Watson2k9hey guys i got a problemo11:10
ActionParsnipJewbacca: thats why we use names to highlight in the room11:10
maheshkumar19041Help plz.... i am installing the Windows-XP in c:/ and Ubuntu 8.04 is installed in the last partation and boot is inthe last drive. my proble is i want to forma ans reinstall the Windows XP by the cass of virus problem. but i do not want to reinsstall the ubuntu ho can install only grob more.....11:10
zirodayleo: can you pastebin the output of lsmod please11:10
JewbaccaActionParsnip: but there are many msgs here and i dont want to get confused11:10
kop_ActionParsnip, any other good ideas besides the ubiquitous windows fix ?11:10
blizzleJewbacca, Ask here, people will help. No need for private messaging. Just ensure you prefix your sentences with the name of the person you're addressing.11:10
Jippenmahesh> sadly, windows will overwrite the MBR, forcing you to re-install grub every time you do that11:10
ActionParsnipmaheshkumar19041: you will only have to reinstall grub to the boot sector as windows will write over the existing one, the linux install will still stand as long as you do not touch its partitions11:10
Jewbaccaok hmm my friend connect to the internet via username and password, how to set them on ubuntu?11:11
leoziroday: http://pastebin.com/m51d3cf9811:11
Watson2k9can someone help me please !11:11
ActionParsnipJewbacca: well if you can see username highlights, you wont11:11
jadoActionParsnip: my windows partition is /dev/sda4, what do i have to write instead of (hd0,0) ?11:11
Jippenwatson> Try asking a question. :311:11
zirodayleo: and what are you using to view the camera?11:11
ddoomis there a way to setup ssh keys on ubuntu server and connect to an ssh server without being asked for the passphrase?11:11
ActionParsnipjado: should be 0,311:11
leoskype's opions menu where it has "test webcam"11:11
kop_ActionParsnip, wow busy tonight I'm out looking for a hammer :-)11:12
ActionParsnipjado: sda == first hdd (disk 0)11:12
Vadonontrying to connect to an IRC network with SSL and i get this, Connection failed. Error: (336130315) error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number any ideas?11:12
leoziroday: ^^11:12
jadoActionParsnip: and how do you know it's  ?11:12
Jippenddoom Yes, its pretty easy, actually11:12
ActionParsnipjado: partition 4 = partition 3 in grub as disk numbers start 0 instead of 111:12
zirodayleo: sure, try out cheese for now11:12
Jippenddoom> http://blogs.translucentcode.org/mick/archives/000230.html11:12
Watson2k9Jippen: lol ok basically ive just installed vBox and i went into my user and groups and the root tab was grayed out and so was everything in side it... help :(11:12
Watson2k9im an ubuntu noob too11:12
leoziroday: what?11:13
zirodayleo: install the app cheese and use that to test your webcam11:13
ActionParsnipWatson2k9: you dont have root11:13
maheshkumar19041plz... explain how to install grub on boot section11:13
deanyWatson2k9, you have to unlock it11:13
ActionParsnipWatson2k9: use sudo / gksudo if you need admin power11:13
blizzleJewbacca, Open a terminal and type ifconfig11:13
Watson2k9Actionparsnip : no its grayed out11:13
ActionParsnip!grub | maheshkumar1904111:13
ubottumaheshkumar19041: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:13
blupActionParsnip: so no way to make work that red button to shutdown?11:13
leoziroday: oh.. ok... I was going to the fridge :)11:13
deanyI assume you are wantin to add your user to the vbox group11:14
jadoActionParsnip: the grub editor is asking me to much things i don't know about : Kernel (File) ; Arguments11:14
Watson2k9i am the only person on my ubuntu11:14
ActionParsnipjado: well for the windows one it doesnt have kernel / options etc11:14
zirodayleo: haha, no worries11:14
Jewbaccablizzle: and?11:14
leoziroday: where is cheese? it wot find it in Add/Remove11:14
leoziroday: nm, found it11:15
scarletwillwhen I turn my wireless button ON in my laptop, my system halts .. and sometimes the CapsLock flashes ... is there a solution please??  thanks11:15
jadoActionParsnip: thanks ; what about initrd ?11:15
maheshkumar19041thank u for the helpers... keep loving the linux to all and bye11:15
zirodayleo: great11:15
ActionParsnipjado: windows doesnt have that either11:16
deanyOk someone answer me this one..  Got ubuntu 8.10 running in vbox, i have a few server components installed so its using 132mb approx on bootup.  Now i installed xubuntu-desktop and rebooted, choose xfce as the default and booted into xfce.. Its using approx 40mb more ram, and System Monitor says Gnome 2.2.xxx11:16
deanywhats that all about then....11:16
leo_Hello everyone...can I ask a Neverwinters night question here?11:16
ActionParsnipjado: i'd read the menu file, its a bit simpler. Sometimes guis ask too much11:16
ddoomJippen: thanks11:16
ActionParsnipleo_: if its to do with running it in wine, i'd suggest #winehq11:16
zirodaydeany: well you have xfce and gnome, your probably starting both services which can be counter productive. Try removing ubuntu-desktop to get rid if the ubuntu desktop components leaving you with xubuntu-desktop11:16
Watson2k9gar still not working11:17
leoActionParsnip: running what on wine? skype?11:17
leo_no actually I was wondering if I can run it without wine11:17
leoziroday: how do I run cheese once I installed it?11:17
zirodayleo: just type cheese into the terminal11:17
jadoActionParsnip: the configuration is finished, i'll try and reboot11:17
deanyIs that why i have gnome system monitor in apps menu11:18
Watson2k9my root is still greyed out aand i cant get the sudo command to work11:18
leo_ActionParsnip, no actually I was wondering if I can run it without wine11:18
ActionParsnipleo_: i dont think so man. Let me check.11:18
leo_ActionParsnip, ok thanx11:18
leoziroday: it shows very dark and slooow in chese11:18
kop_ ps ax | grep transmission   returns 6525 ?        Zl    64:44 [transmission] <defunct> I'm just guessing ZL is zombie list ?11:18
zirodayleo: hmph11:18
fluitfriesis there a way to output the model of my motherboard and graphics card from within Ubuntu?  thanks.11:19
Watson2k9can anyone help me with virtual box ?11:19
archmanleo_: i believe you can't, if it's windows-only11:19
leoziroday: and camera's light isnt on, so it's not being really used I guess11:19
carpiifluit, theres a system info app on your start menu11:19
fluitfriesWatson2k9: join #virtualbox please11:19
ActionParsnipleo_: http://www.liflg.org/?catid=6&gameid=6511:19
ActionParsnipleo_: theres a loki installer for it :D:D11:19
zirodayleo: don't know beyond that, sorry11:19
rip_looking for a program to watch for wifi networks, like netstumbler.  any particular program come to mind?11:19
fluitfriesWatson2k9: i'm sorry, it's #vbox11:19
deanyapt-get purge ubuntu-desktop says its gonna free up 52k of space.. lol11:19
leo_ActionParsnip, thanx11:19
ActionParsniprip_: wireshark maybe11:19
zirodayleo: according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams it should just work11:19
rip_ActionParsnip: thats just a protocol analyzer to my knowledge11:20
fluitfriescarpii: ok, that tells the exact mode?11:20
leo_ActionParsnip, so then I can run it without a win emulator?11:20
carpiiim not sure, but itd be a good place to start11:21
ActionParsnipleo_: yeah man should be ok, WINE isnt an emulator btw11:21
leo_ActionParsnip, what is it then I am new to all this stuff...11:21
bauer_how do i supress the "has joined" messages in xchat irc ?11:22
carpiiright click the tab11:22
archmanleo_ seems like you need to insert your game cd and start that file you got11:22
ActionParsnipleo_: *W*ine *I*s *N*ot an *E*mulator11:23
Jippenis there a way to force a write on a file in a read-only fs? My system doesn't like my /etc/fstab options, but it won't let me change them to something it likes11:23
jadoActionParsnip: when i click on the entry i've added "windows xp" nothing happens11:23
leo_archman, yea I have ubuntu 8.10 and I am going to get the game today. I just want to make sure I can play it before I buy ....11:23
archmanleo_: nwn_1.68-english.update.run you need this first, and then nwn_1.29-multilanguage-2.run :-/11:23
ActionParsnipjado: then you need to review your setting, I'd look at menu.lst11:24
Aldosorry Jippen but those utils look too complex for what I need...11:24
AldoI just need  a command line ftp client that allows me to get a full remote folder11:24
Jippenaldo: ???11:24
Aldonot only a file11:24
archmanleo_ oh, that...well, i don't recommend you buying before trying in on linux, there is slight a chance it wont work...11:24
jadoActionParsnip: title Windows XP '\n' root (hd0,3) ; this is my menu.lst for the windows entry11:24
deanyActionParsnip, simple remove ubuntu-desktop didnt remove anything,  ive run tasksel and its not got an * there for it so i just went "OK" to let it do whatever and its removing it all now.. we`ll see if i have a usable desktop when its done11:24
ActionParsnipleo_: http://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#head-c9e6502ad636315e905d07f7e44594757a6738e311:25
Jippenaldo: Oh. The 'ftp' command should be able to do that11:25
leo_archman, how am I supose to try it before I buy it/11:25
archmanleo_ khm**11:25
ActionParsnipjado: you need chainloader +1 in there too, look around the file, there are examples11:25
archmanleo_ i'm not trying to promote piracy here, but...11:26
=== antix_ is now known as anTiX
leo_archman, lol11:26
archmanleo_ you'll end up ":(" if you buy it and if you cant get it to work11:26
Jippenmost eulas are broken if you loan the game to a friend. Which is just as bad as piracy as far as game companies are concerned11:26
leo_Ok Action and archman thanx for all your info....11:27
archmanleo_ try the iso from the net, if your game works, delete the downloaded game, and go buy thegame11:27
archmanleo_ simple as that11:28
leo_archman, ok I just might do that thanx...11:28
archmanleo_ welcome!11:28
shavinIn order to print address labels in OOwriter bundled with intrepid, how do i define a 'data source' since i do not have OObase in the default install. Is there some other way around?11:28
shavinwhy has the base been left out?11:28
Jippenshavin> You can install oobase11:28
shavincant i use calc for this purpose?11:28
Jippenspreadsheets are not databases11:29
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shavinJippen: thanks11:30
anTiXI'm trying to get a touch screen to work... It's a LG l1510sf on Intrepid. I also tried it on Jaunty.. anybody have some experience in this?11:30
BBishophi everybody. Has anyone got to make 'html validator' addon for firefox work in 8.10 ? :|11:31
error404notfoundusing ubuntu can I tunnel tcp over udp?11:32
|ns|nR8using a vpn yes11:32
error404notfoundand without vpn?11:32
Jippennetcat might be able to do it11:33
BBishopBlastyou is a inviter ..11:34
jadothanks ActionParsnip it worked11:34
Watson2k9is Fluitfries still here ?11:34
carpiii did "du -ckxs" and it reports "26481536        total"    what unit is that? Kb ?11:34
ActionParsnipjado: without the gui ?11:35
fluitfriesWatson2k9: i'm sorry, it's #vbox11:35
error404notfound"Featured tunneling mode which allows also special tunneling such as UDP to TCP" on netcat homepage11:35
tkdryanneed help getting geforce 5200 fx running properly on 8.10... anyone?11:35
jascottbroadcom make /me go insane11:35
Watson2k9fluitfries: how do i get there... im a complete ubuntu noob11:35
volandhello everybody11:36
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fluitfriesWatson2k9: in your irc client type '/join #vbox11:36
fluitfriesWatson2k9: no quotes11:36
kop_jascott, you won't be the first11:36
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ActionParsniptkdryan: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17311:36
jadocarpii: use -h11:36
carpiiok, thanks11:36
ActionParsnipjado: did you get it rolling without the gui or with?11:36
tkdryanthank you action parsnip! I actually have the driver installed (according to system>administration>hardware drivers) and is version 173...should i still try this??11:37
E3bhello all, I need help with sound card 5.1 on ubuntu, I have "Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)" how can I configure it to work in 5.1 channel?11:37
ActionParsniptkdryan: then gksudo nvidia-settings11:37
volandWhere can I ask question about gladex?11:37
tkdryanthat opens the nvidia control panel thing, then what?11:38
ActionParsniptkdryan: yeah i just read the supported cards by the packages and the 173 is for your card11:38
jadoActionParsnip: with it, but finally it has just added chainloader +111:38
ActionParsniptkdryan: it should moan at you saying to run a command as root11:38
tkdryanI have root privilages11:38
ActionParsniptkdryan: you can then run: sudo nvidia-xconfig or whatever it is11:38
tkdryanin this profile11:38
deanythats just dandy, removin ubuntu-desktop is removin the whole shibang, xfce, the lot...   how sad...11:39
ActionParsniptkdryan: thats fine, use sudo and you will be ok. you shouldnt be logging on as root11:39
deanydoes no one test this stuff before relasing it11:39
deanyi have some *work* to do now...ciao for now11:40
kop_ok , how to kill a zombie11:40
kop_better yet what is "uninterruptable"11:42
kop_... other than spelled wrong11:42
jadosorry ActionParsnip i was disconnected did you say something ?11:46
themimei compiled a madwifi driver, it worked perfectly, updated ubuntu, it got a new kernel, it stopped working, i recompiled it, and now it gives an error when it loads, "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci: Unknown symbol in module, or unknown paramter blah blahblah" so I check dmesg and its complaining a lot about ieeeXXX.  my question is, how do i completely remove all traces of a module compilation?11:46
ActionParsnipjado: just wondering how you reached the goal. I dont use the guis for that reason, they never do a full job imho11:47
fogesHey people, i did something seriously stupid, i just organised my whole music collection on my computer  and the managed to delete it. can someone please give me the name of a utility that can do data recovery (ext3 formated), thanks11:48
ActionParsnipfoges: foremost is ok11:49
ActionParsnip!info foremost11:49
ubottuforemost (source: foremost): Forensics application to recover data. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.4-1 (intrepid), package size 40 kB, installed size 136 kB11:49
ActionParsnipfoges: easier to restore from backup though11:49
fogesthanks, will look for it11:49
foges:) yeah i know. i do have a backup, but its a while since i backed up last and have a bit of new music, plus my backup isnt sorted very well11:50
ActionParsnipfoges: well hopefully the backup can fill the gaps in the data you cant recover11:50
tkdryanActionParsnip: my conneciton was lost, would like to retry....11:50
jadoActionParsnip: the gui asked if i want a chainloader but as i didn't know what that means i just left it blank11:51
ActionParsnipjado: yeah thats what kicks off the boot11:51
BlinkizHi. Does it exist a easy tool to push ssh public key to machines in my network? From the command prompt...11:52
ActionParsniptkdryan: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-173; gksudo nvidia-settings11:52
kop_jado, chainloading is using grub to load another boot process11:52
jadook thanks11:53
tkdryangot that part, when i run gksudo it just opens the "NVIDIA X Server Settings" gui window11:53
tkdryan*gksudo nvidia-settings11:53
ActionParsniptkdryan: try: sudo nvidia-xconfig11:55
ActionParsniptkdryan: then restart x11:55
tkdryanok hold on11:55
kop_linux-image ---- I smell a reboot coming11:55
themimea re...boot?  whats that?11:56
ActionParsnipthemime: needed to boot a new kernel11:56
kop_ActionParsnip, I'm a lil behind on my maint11:57
ActionParsnipkop_: i have a cron job that runs full updates with force all yes that runs at 4am11:57
kop_ActionParsnip, old habit , I'd rather watch11:58
tkdryanActionParsnip: seems to be no change so far, just ran sudo nvidia-xconfig and restarted x11:59
themimethis is the last time i get a new kernel.  messing up my wifi drivers and all11:59
kjellThat sounds unwise.12:00
=== administrator is now known as Kyle
kjellNot upgrading to a new kernel.12:00
kshadowthemime: What wifi device do you use?12:00
Omar87What is the command to show the current running processes?12:00
=== Kyle is now known as Kyle8
kjellOmar87: ps12:00
wiijiiMorning all. Anyone have any recommendations for a UK web hosting service? For a small business12:00
ActionParsniptkdryan: ok, now run gksudo nvidia-settings12:00
kshadowwiijii: godaddy.com?12:00
=== Kyle8 is now known as Kyle
kop_themime, I hear ya , I have some odd hardware here that looks at new kernels like they were the end of the world12:00
tkdryanthat still just opens the nvidia settings gui12:01
Omar87kjell: But is doesn't show me everything, it shows only two processes: bash and ps.12:01
wiijiikshadow Will check 'em out, I've heard a few people have had customer service issues with them, what d'you think?12:01
kjellOmar87: If you want to show more processes there you can run ps -e (I think its -e)12:01
kshadowwiijii: I find them great.12:01
themimei compiled madwifi drivers earlier today, got em working just fine right off the bat, did a general update for ubuntu (new install from yesterday) and it put a new kernel in place and it just flat out stopped working.  i tired recompiling them, and now it won't even modprobe12:02
kjellOmar87: If you want to find a specific one you can run ps -e | grep firefox <- for an example12:02
kshadowwiijii: I haven't had any issues at all, and the people who've recommended me to usethem haven't either.12:02
wiijiiOK, nice :D12:02
leoI have several files and a directory that I want to place in one archive, howdo I tar gzip it or whatever?12:02
themimeleo: "man tar"12:02
themimeor "man gzip"12:02
wiijiikshadow are they UK based?12:02
kshadowwiijii: Not so much.12:03
Omar87kjell: Thanks a lot.12:03
kjellOmar87: If you want to know more about a command it's always wise to use the manual. Type "man ps" if you want to read ps's manual. It has explanation of the -e switch etc.12:03
kshadowleo: tar -czvf FILENAME.tar.gz folder12:03
guesthhhhhheeeeelllppppp, by mistake i set resulotion to 300x300 so now i can do anything...now im logged as guest :p12:03
guesthhhhhheeeeelllppppp, by mistake i set resulotion to 300x300 so now i cant do anything...now im logged as guest :p12:04
kshadowguest: Stop spamming.12:04
denndaIn what intervals does tomboy sync my notes with my local folder (which is actually a remote folder mounted via sshfs)?12:04
kshadowguest: You mean you set your Xorg.conf file to it?12:04
kjell!repeat | guest12:04
ubottuguest: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:04
KyleI hate YXB12:04
guestkshadow: no, on system--->management12:04
FloodBot1Kyle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:04
mylistohaving a problem with video playback..12:05
zirodayguest: how did you set your resolution?12:05
mylistovideo is going very slow...like in slow motion12:05
guestziroday: on system--->management and screen seperation or resulotion12:05
themimewoooo i fixed my wifi driver issue.  cd /lib/modules/%kernelhere%/net; rm -f * -> restart -> recompile.  oh, and removed the restricted drivers for good measure12:05
kshadowguest: ALT+CTRL++12:05
zirodayguest: well then change it back from there12:05
guestziroday: but the screen is 300x300 i cant see anything12:06
guestkshadow: what does that do?12:06
zirodaythemime: recompiling your kernel is really recommended12:06
kshadowMakes the resolution bigger.,12:06
guestthanks i will test that12:06
zirodayguest: you can use the xrandr command to it back12:06
fogesActionParsnip: is there any way to recover folders and not only files?12:06
themimeziroday: i recompiled my madwifi drivers...  recompiling the kernel for what purpose?12:06
zirodaythemime: sorry misread :)12:06
leoCan someone give me a command for archiving files?12:06
themimeziroday: oh hehe np12:07
leotar dos ot seem to compress at all12:07
kshadowleo: Tar is not compression, gzip is.12:07
themimeleo: are you wanting to archive and not compress?12:07
zirodayleo: http://www.linux.com/feature/4775112:07
themimekshadow: as far as i knew, you could use tar to archive and not compress12:08
ActionParsnipfoges: read this12:08
ActionParsnip!recover | foges12:08
ubottufoges: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel12:08
kshadowthemime: Tar is for archiving, but it does not compress.12:08
guestkshadow: it didnt work12:09
zirodayleo: that article has a good explanation of the difference12:09
zirodayguest: did you try using xrandr?12:09
guestwhats that ziroday12:09
tkdryanneed help getting geforce 5200 fx working at full performance in 8.1012:09
kshadowguest: man xrandr12:09
zirodayguest: its a terminal command to change the resolution12:09
guestziroday: i have a screen which is 300x300, its like the size of a desktop icon12:09
themimekshadow: thats what he wanted though, archiving and not compressing.  but you can use -z to compress as well12:09
guestziroday: but i cant see the terminal on that resulotion12:10
zirodayguest: you can the window around with ctrl+alt+left click and drag12:10
leo_my webcam is tooo adrk, is there anythig I can do to fix the settings?12:10
=== KterinK is now known as dou213
guestziroday: i have 1 window D:12:10
kshadowleo_: Open camorama or something.12:10
zirodayguest: one window?12:11
guestziroday: whats the cmd to set resolution?12:11
* themime is off to bed now12:11
guestziroday: sudo xrandr ???12:11
tkdryan need help getting geforce 5200 fx working at full performance in 8.1012:11
G-Bluntedif you guys need help just use google12:11
kshadowG-Blunted: People come here because they need help.12:12
kshadowSome of them have searched google and some of them have not.12:12
kshadowBut this is a help channel all the same.12:12
zirodayguest: just open up the screen resolution dialog and change it their, by moving around with left click+ctrl+alt12:12
tkdryan<<< has searched google12:12
G-Bluntedya but lots of them havn't tried google yet and it's obvious :)12:12
zirodayguest: or type in grandr12:12
guestziroday: i told you the size of the screen is 300x300 i cant see anything12:12
G-Bluntedlol 300x30012:12
G-Bluntedthats really small12:12
kshadowG-Blunted: Lazy people still desrve help too. :)12:12
guestziroday: i need a cmd to change reso12:13
kshadowguest: What DE do you use?12:13
guestkshadow: DE?12:13
olavimmanuelare there any files in /var/www, or can i delete it (have some configured files there that went wrong) and reinstall lighttpd?12:13
kshadowDesktop Environment.12:13
guestkshadow: gnume12:13
zirodayguest: try xrandr --auto12:13
zirodaytkdryan: did you install the drivers?12:14
volandIs there abybody who use Gladex?12:14
tkdryanfresh install today12:14
kshadowguest: Try pushing ALT+F2, then type xrandr -s 800x60012:14
zirodaytkdryan: then what more do you want?12:14
kshadowI don't know if ALT+F2 runs the run dialog in gnome, but it does in XFCE.12:14
tkdryandesktop effects worked earlier, stopped after reboot12:14
G-Bluntedany of you play any of these linux games?12:14
kshadowG-Blunted: I play nethack.12:15
zirodaytkdryan: how did you install the drivers?12:15
G-Bluntedwhat is that12:15
zirodayG-Blunted: what games are you looking for?12:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nethack12:15
G-Bluntednothin in particular...just lookin to see if anyone would recommend a good game they like :)12:15
G-Bluntedi'm lookin for somethin to try out12:15
kshadowG-Blunted: It's the best roguelike :)12:15
zirodayG-Blunted: rts, fps. rpg ?12:15
kshadowOpenArena is a good FPS.12:15
tkdryanat first it seemed to find them on its own, also downloaded off of nvidia.com, and synaptic package manager12:16
G-Bluntedrts, fps, or rpg12:16
zirodayG-Bleezy: try urban terror, its a fun fps12:16
G-Bluntedlong as i can play online12:16
kshadowUrban Terror is awesome.12:16
rascal999i have ubuntu on my laptop and the hdd light is always flashing, is this alright?12:16
G-Bluntedokay i will try urban terror12:16
zirodaytkdryan: well can you remove any previous attempts please12:16
tkdryaninstalled all updates for OS, installed compiz12:16
G-Bluntedwoot compiz12:16
zirodayrascal999: why would you think thats bad?12:16
tkdryanhow do i do that12:16
rascal999because its wasting battery power12:16
leoI want to archive and compress12:17
rascal999the lid is closed, it shouldn't be needing to access the hdd right now12:17
Jewbaccakshadow: i did xrandr -s 1024x768 and it worked ;D thanks12:17
Jewbaccayou too ziroday12:17
kshadowJewbacca: No problem.12:17
kshadowleo: What kind of archive you want?12:17
jelly12genrascal999: compile a kernel , or switch to a lighter window manager12:17
fluitfriesurban terror sounds sort of like a counter-strike game?12:17
kshadowfluitfries: It is.12:17
kshadowA lot like it.12:17
* fluitfries doesn't like realistic fps. :(12:18
rascal999jelly12gen: can i find out what it is doing?12:18
kshadowfluitfries: OpenArena is like Quake3.12:18
fluitfrieskshadow: will look, thanks.12:18
tkdryanziroday: how is that done?12:18
G-Bluntedhowcome urban terror doesn't show up in the add/remove programs?12:18
kshadowG-Blunted: Because it's probably not supported by ubuntu?12:18
leokshadow: what choise do I have? I dont really know. I just want to put 1 folder an 2 files in a compressed archive12:18
G-Bluntedi need an unbuntu supported game :)12:19
kshadowleo: BZ2 is your best bet... so:12:19
zirodaytkdryan: well the issue is probably because you have conflicting drivers on your system. Remove them all and just install the ones from Hardware Drivers12:19
kshadowG-Blunted: http://www.urbanterror.net/page.php?612:20
Jewbaccawhy i cant set refresh 85hz on 1024x768 while i could do that on xp ?12:20
zirodayrascal999: possibly could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pm-utils/+bug/5969512:20
tkdryanziroday: have not removed drivers in linux before, how can I do that?12:20
zirodaytkdryan: well you installed the drivers from nvidia.com right?12:20
kshadowJewbacca: You have to set the proper stuff up in your xorg.conf12:20
Acediphow to know the specifications of your inbuilt graphics driver ???????12:21
Jewbaccakshadow: what do you mean?12:21
leokshadow: thanks12:21
zirodayAcedip: specifications as in what?12:21
zirodaytkdryan: well follow the instructions to remove them. You shouldn't have installed them from nvidia.com12:22
tkdryanziroday: yes12:22
tkdryanok then12:22
kshadowGotta go, can't explaoin.12:22
zirodaytkdryan: here is how you are meant to install it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:23
Acedipziroday, the details of that hardware12:23
Acedipziroday, what ever is required to trouble shoot if u have problems with it,..12:24
Jewbaccawhy i cant set refresh 85hz on 1024x768 while i could do that on xp ?12:24
Nightchillcan someone helpe out? i'm having difficulties with my logitech usb headset & alsa. i can hear the sound, but it's full of crackling noise so how do i make it stop making that horrid noise?12:25
zirodayAcedip: I can't understand what you want sorry. You can find your model with lspci | grep VGA12:25
carpiiJewbacca, check your xorg.conf, maybe your monitor settings in there suggest its not capable12:25
Jewbaccacarpii: my xorg.conf isnt show me anything :p12:25
MikeMaxwell2501hey all.  anyone know a good mp3 to mpeg 4 converter for linux? ubuntu?12:25
G-BluntedI'm downloading OpenArena12:25
G-Bluntedhope it works ok12:26
scarletwillhi folks.  I've installed Windows wireless drivers ... they can see the wireless networks, but cant seem to connect to them ... they are unsecured ... what am I doing wrong ?12:27
Nightchillcan someone helpe out? i'm having difficulties with my logitech usb headset & alsa. i can hear the sound, but it's full of crackling noise so how do i make it stop making that horrid noise?12:27
tkdryanziroday: thank you, i am trying this now12:27
MikeMaxwell2501hey all.  anyone know a good mp3 to mpeg 4 converter for linux? ubuntu?12:30
Jewbaccawhy i cant set refresh 85hz on 1024x768 while i could do that on xp ?12:30
=== Ozreichter is now known as Kryzler
=== KaptenRodSkagg_ is now known as kaptenrodskagg
tomek__hi, can you tell me where NetBeans installs Tomcat server?12:33
ActionParsniptomek__: try /usr/local/tomcat12:35
Jewbaccawhy i cant set refresh 85hz on 1024x768 while i could do that on xp ?12:35
ActionParsnipJewbacca: add the res to xorg.conf12:35
ActionParsnipJewbacca: its a totally different OS so wont be the same as XP12:36
JewbaccaActionParsnip: my hz atm is 5012:36
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i will be blind by the end of the month12:36
tomek__when i installed tomcat it was there, but i romve it and install NetBeans with Tomcat12:36
JewbaccaActionParsnip: all i want is bigger refresh rate, and i dont understand what you are saying about the xorg12:36
ActionParsnipJewbacca: look at how xorg.conf sets resolutions and add the relevant data12:37
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i went there and i dont see it12:37
jrib!x | Jewbacca12:37
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i will upload it on pastebin 1 min12:37
ubottuJewbacca: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:37
=== Mitch is now known as Guest90547
tomek__ActionParsnip, no, /usr/local/tomcat doesnot exist12:38
JewbaccaActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/d2fff4ae912:38
ActionParsniptomek__: try: sudo find / -name tomcat12:38
ActionParsnipJewbacca: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397312:40
ActionParsnipJewbacca: chaeck the screen section snippet in that post12:41
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i dont understand this guid, too much codes :(12:43
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you need to add stuff to your xor.conf like that the 1024x768_75.00 will run at 1024x768 at 75hz refresh12:43
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you may want to run kdesudo nvidia-settings12:44
JewbaccaActionParsnip: can i put 85hz? and also where to put it there12:44
ActionParsnipJewbacca: in the screen section12:44
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you need to wrestle this to get the display you want12:44
JewbaccaActionParsnip: ActionParsnip did you saw the paste i gave you, where to put it there12:45
JewbaccaActionParsnip: and this is it? only put it there and restart?12:45
ActionParsnipJewbacca: in the screen section12:45
JewbaccaActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/d2fff4ae912:45
Jewbaccawhere in the screen section12:46
ActionParsnipJewbacca: read the file12:46
Jewbaccaunder #12:46
Jewbacca        DefaultDepth    2412:46
ActionParsnipJewbacca: its not hidden in any way12:46
JewbaccaActionParsnip: what file12:46
ActionParsnipJewbacca: the file you have pastebinned12:46
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i saw the screen section but where to put it12:47
ActionParsnipJewbacca: anywhere in that section12:47
JewbaccaActionParsnip: so i just need to add 1024x768_75.00 ?12:47
true\falseBad idea to install XP apps to the same place as I'm installing Ubuntu apps?12:47
ActionParsnipJewbacca: read the link i gave and you can then add some settings to the xorg.conf file, restart x and you will get the display you want12:47
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i dont understand the guid you gave, i just dont understand it12:47
JewbaccaActionParsnip: its like chinese for me12:48
ActionParsnipJewbacca: then you gotta learn12:48
JewbaccaActionParsnip: so could you teach me?12:48
janpogockipl-u48oh, sorry12:48
souldurehello people12:48
kjellhello souldure12:49
souldureim arther new to linux but enjoying it12:49
ActionParsnipJewbacca: http://pastebin.com/m150e58bf12:49
CadairI am getting slowly more irritated with it as somehing always seems to not work!12:49
ActionParsnipJewbacca: somethin like that12:50
ActionParsnipJewbacca: can you see what I did there12:50
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you will need to do similar with the monitor12:50
Cadairdoes anyone know how why my videos wont play? I have installed the codecs but I get no picture only sound? :)12:50
kjellsouldure: Glad to hear. Although, do you have a support-question? If you want some regular chat you could join #ubuntu-offtopic12:50
Jewbaccahmm ActionParsnip so i just need to put this into my xorg ?12:51
ActionParsnipsouldure: glad you are enjoying12:51
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you need to make your screen section something like that12:51
souldureubuntu is awesom fully set up12:51
souldureand i do have a question12:51
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i dont understand omg12:51
ActionParsnipJewbacca: if you dont learn how to research this sort of thing yourself you will never get good at linux12:51
JewbaccaActionParsnip: im on ubuntu for 2 days i dont know yet12:51
JewbaccaActionParsnip: after 1 month of trying i will do it myself but atm i dont want to fuck something12:52
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you have a screen section in xorg.conf, it sets up the screen.12:52
JewbaccaActionParsnip: yea i understand that12:52
souldurei have a 256 meg nvidia card and the compiz efects lag a bit12:52
erbihttp://www.prism.gatech.edu/~bpark6/ECE/Example_Plane_Wave_Problem.pdf does anybody know how the H(r) is calculated under Solution: section?12:52
fer_luckhey guys!12:52
ActionParsnipJewbacca: i gave you a sample screen which has the subsection part you need which will give you 75h refresh12:52
fer_luckanyone here uses inotify (incron)??12:52
souldureand i have glx ias module in the xorg config?12:52
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you need to add that subsection12:52
carpiierbi, try efnet #maths12:52
ActionParsnipgod i HATE SPOONFEEDING12:52
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i add it and it say i cant edit that file12:52
ActionParsnipJewbacca: its owned by root12:53
marlun-workWhat is the name of the keyboard typing trainer available in the ubuntu repositories?12:53
JewbaccaActionParsnip: sudo nautilus?12:53
ActionParsnipJewbacca: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:53
ActionParsnipJewbacca: dont use sudo nautilus12:53
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you should use gksudo nautilus if at all but its better to launch the app to edit a file with root instead of the whole file manager12:54
JewbaccaActionParsnip: ok12:54
ActionParsnipJewbacca: gksudo is for gui apps like gedit12:55
Cadairhey, does anyone know how I can fix my problem with video?12:55
JewbaccaActionParsnip: now what? reset?12:55
ActionParsnipJewbacca: sudo is only for command line apps like apt-get and cp12:55
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you may need to add some ifo for your monitor too, read the guide again12:55
JewbaccaActionParsnip: omg...i told you i dont understand the guid12:55
JewbaccaActionParsnip: the monitor is killing my eyes, can you tell me what to do and when it will be better i will read the guid and learn it?12:56
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you need to add the lines that specify horizontal and vertical refresh just like in the guide12:57
sominahow should i set permissions to be able to share directory (ie give full access) with other members of the group which directory belongs to12:58
tonymkhow can i resise my partition ? while installing ubuntu12:58
JewbaccaActionParsnip: dude....my eyes are hurting from 50hz :((((((( its impossible to read and think plz help me and i will learn everything i promise12:58
ActionParsnipJewbacca: if you get it wrong you wont get a display and will have to boot to recovery root console to haul settings back12:58
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i just want to fix this shit refresh rate12:58
jrib!permissions > somina12:58
ubottusomina, please see my private message12:58
ActionParsnipJewbacca: its there in black and white dude, LITERALLY12:58
sominajrib: thanks12:58
JewbaccaActionParsnip: but i dont understand all those cmds and i will get it wrong12:58
ciphergothAn error message contains something that looks a bit like a pipeline, but isn't: "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 \! audioconvert \! audioresample \! gconfaudiosink profile=music"12:59
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you need to add the bits about the monitor refres rates12:59
jribJewbacca: then read what was sent to you, process it, write what you think will work, then pastebin before rebooting so it can be checked12:59
ciphergothWhat command do I want to feed that to to make it run on the command line?  It's something to do with gstreamer I think12:59
tonymkhow can i resise my partition ? while installing ubuntu  ?13:00
tomek__ActionParsnip, i found path, /home/tomek/apache_tomcat13:00
ActionParsnipJewbacca: its not a command, its text in a config file, there are examples there which fit your needs and i dont get why you need me to tell you stuff13:00
Nightchillno need to shout^^13:00
ActionParsnipJewbacca: its all there for you13:00
Jewbaccaalso english is not my native lang13:00
ViperBorg_TERMJewbacca: Dude, no need for the caps, bro.13:01
Jewbaccayea but its annoying that you tell me to learn why i dont even know what the cmds do13:01
coronerhi all13:01
Jewbaccaim new to this and i could use guidness13:01
erbidoes anybody here know emag ?13:01
ActionParsnipJewbacca: its not a command, its a copy and paste some text from the web to the xorg.conf13:01
Jewbaccathats what happen when im stuck with 50hz that makes my eyes bleed13:01
jribJewbacca: you aren't even trying.  Instead you are just hoping someone will do it for you, which is unfair to us13:01
JewbaccaActionParsnip: what seems easy for you, might not seems easy for others13:02
Jewbaccajrib: believe me i tried13:02
jribJewbacca: then pastebin what you tried.13:02
Jewbaccajrib: i formatted 3 times13:02
Jewbacca3 times cuz i fucked it13:02
jribJewbacca: please mind your language here13:02
Jewbaccayou know what is 3 times installing it again13:02
Jewbaccaits fine to learn by myself and everything ok13:02
Jewbaccabut i cant do it by myself13:02
Jewbaccaatlist not now13:02
GuruDrewhaha Jewbacca, I like it13:02
ActionParsnipJewbacca: if you can copy and paste text, you can do it13:03
JewbaccaActionParsnip: what text there are side ntoes13:03
ViperBorg_TERMJewbacca: Google is your friend: http://www.google.com/search?q=Force+Ubuntu+60Hz&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a13:03
Jewbaccalike for kde type this13:03
Jewbaccawtf is kde13:03
GuruDrewSorry to join in the middle of the convo, but that's a clever handle13:03
ActionParsnipJewbacca: your xorg.conf has zero config all it says is that a monitor exists13:03
ActionParsnipJewbacca: copy the lines from the link i gave you to your xorg.conf13:03
ActionParsnipJewbacca: i cant say it any clearer13:04
JewbaccaActionParsnip: my head starting to hurt ;(13:04
sominajrib: you linked me to basic guide, i know how to use chmod, but I still can't get this to work, would you mind if I elaborate?13:04
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i dont understand13:04
jribsomina: sure13:04
ViperBorg_TERMJewbacca: Take a look here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2005-April/028624.html13:04
ActionParsnipJewbacca: ok we'll do this nice and slow13:05
ActionParsnipJewbacca: ok read your current xorg.conf file ok...13:05
ActionParsnipJewbacca: can you see where it says Section "Monitor"13:05
JewbaccaActionParsnip: second13:05
JewbaccaActionParsnip: Section "Monitor"13:05
JewbaccaIdentifier"Configured Monitor"13:05
ActionParsnipJewbacca: yes, that is the monitor section13:06
ActionParsnipJewbacca: that is the config for your monitor13:06
ActionParsnipJewbacca: see how there is zero config in there13:06
ActionParsnipJewbacca: all that section currently states is that there is a monitor attachd to your system13:07
JewbaccaActionParsnip: yes, so what i need is to configure it so it could use the reso and rate13:07
ActionParsnipnothing else13:07
JewbaccaActionParsnip: so plz teach me how to configure my monitor ;(13:08
ActionParsnipJewbacca: if you read the forum i gave you you will see this text. I have pastebinned it so its less confusing for you13:08
ActionParsnipJewbacca: http://pastebin.com/m4c7fa16913:08
ActionParsnipJewbacca: see how there are 2 extra lines in that monitor section13:08
ActionParsnipJewbacca: desscribing horizontal and vertical refresh rates?13:09
=== c_nick is now known as dragon_flam
JewbaccaActionParsnip: ok13:09
pallazHi, good morning!13:09
jribsomina: ?13:09
JewbaccaActionParsnip: whats CM752ET?13:10
pallazi need help!13:10
ActionParsnipJewbacca: your xorg.conf doesnt have those lines so you need to copy and paste it to your xorg.conf so you get the refresh rate you wanted13:10
jribpallaz: just ask13:10
ActionParsnip!ask | pallaz13:10
ubottupallaz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:10
JewbaccaActionParsnip: so i need to copy what you gave me on pastebin?13:10
ActionParsnipJewbacca: just the lines about refresh rates13:10
Jewbaccaand on display can i set 85hz and not 75 like you told me13:10
JewbaccaActionParsnip: do i need to delete this line Identifier"Configured Monitor"13:11
ActionParsnipJewbacca: i told you to do this 4 times now but you said you didnt understand13:11
pallazok, i have a problem with wallpaper on fluxbox...to set a default wallpaper (ubuntu 8,10)13:11
ActionParsnipJewbacca: no, you keep that line13:11
JewbaccaActionParsnip: what13:11
OriWBCan somebody tell me how to get into this chatroom from pidgin?13:11
CK-TECHskype doesnt work in ubuntu 8.10 ?13:11
ActionParsnippallaz: fbsetbg -f /path/to/somefile.png13:11
ActionParsnipOriWB: /j #ubuntu13:12
Jewbaccabut ActionParsnip in the Identifier you wrote something else then i have13:12
=== everton137 is now known as everton137-away
gcorvalahow can I know which packet i've installed on my box? ( not dependancies )13:12
ActionParsnipOriWB: you will need to create an account in pidgin to connect to irc.freenode.net13:12
pallazActionParsnip, yes, i write that..but i want to set default on startup13:13
ActionParsnip!skype | CK-TECH13:13
ubottuCK-TECH: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto13:13
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i will pastebin second13:13
gcorvalaI want to cleanup my box (ie. I've installed xfce4, it install me a lot of paquet, now I want to remove the xfce4 meta package, how to clean up every dep ? )13:13
souldureim back guys13:13
soulduresimple question13:13
JewbaccaActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/d20ad415f13:13
Kryptonhi guys, i am currently dualbooting xp and ubuntu, how can I remove the xp partition? When I run gparted inside ubuntu, ti says there is only one HD and I cant delete it. I dont mind delting ubuntu and reinstlaling it, but how can i remove XP?13:13
ActionParsnippallaz: add the command to ~/.fluxbox/startup   make sure its above where fluxbox is launched and ensure it has a & at the end of the line13:13
ActionParsnipJewbacca: ok you havent added the refresh rate lines like i said13:14
JewbaccaActionParsnip: cuz the first line you change it13:14
suigenerisKrypton, fdisk and remove the partition13:14
JewbaccaActionParsnip: do i need to change the Identifier to what you gave me?13:14
pallazok, wait a second13:14
JewbaccaActionParsnip: you wrote there CM752ET, whats that13:14
Kryptonsuigeneris: fdisk in ubuntu?13:14
ActionParsnipJewbacca: i willgive youo the section. this is taking too long and its getting really boring13:14
suigenerisKrypton, yes13:14
Kryptonsuigeneris: how?13:15
JewbaccaActionParsnip: dont worry i will learn that :(13:15
Kryptonsuigeneris: i am a linux newb lol13:15
souldurei cant add sudo conky to my startup items and the startup script wont initialize even after i make it executable chmod a+x ~/.conky_startup.sh?13:15
ActionParsnipJewbacca: http://pastebin.com/m120102e613:15
suigenerisKrypton, sudo fdisk /dev/hda13:15
ActionParsnipJewbacca: see how mine is different13:15
OriWBActionparsnip: thanx13:16
ActionParsnipJewbacca: i copied and pasted the info13:16
JewbaccaActionParsnip: can i set #13:16
Jewbacca          Modes      "1024x768_75.00" to 85?13:16
jribsouldure: why would you *sudo* conky?13:16
ActionParsnipJewbacca: its a basic pc function13:16
ActionParsnipJewbacca: sure whatever13:16
KryptonI get this Unable to open /dev/hda13:16
souldurei have netstat in my conkyrc13:16
Jewbaccaafter i finished it, what i need to do? reset? ActionParsnip13:16
souldureandithas to run as root to work properly13:16
suigenerisKrypton, type fdisk -l13:16
ActionParsnipJewbacca: save and exit gedit, then press ctrl+alt+backspace13:16
Kryptonit says cannot open dev...13:17
ali1234how can i force the DPI of QT apps?13:17
ActionParsnipgod that was taxing13:17
=== everton137-away is now known as everton137
Kryptonwhat do you think I should do?13:18
suigenerisKrypton, cp /proc/mounts /etc/mtab13:18
zer0ohi how do i find my ip? what the command on the konsole? thx13:18
suigeneriszer0o, ifconfig13:19
Kryptonok, now what? it didnt do anything13:19
souldurei tried gksudo-conky and that didnt work either i have modified the sudoers fi;e also to allow it to run as root without a password?13:19
timahvo1_can't get a transparent background on yakuake no matter what schema setting I try. any ideas anyone ?13:19
ActionParsnipsouldure: you can just add: exec /usr/bin/conky &    to ~/.fluxbox/startup13:19
ActionParsnipsouldure: or do you use gnome?13:19
ActionParsnip!startup | souldure13:19
ubottusouldure: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:19
suigenerisKrypton, type fdisk -l now13:20
pallazActionParsnip, thanks ..it works... i forgot "&"13:20
souldureim running gnome13:20
Kryptonsame error13:20
ActionParsnippallaz: yeah otherwise its gonna wait for that command to die to continue13:20
ActionParsnipsouldure: then the factoid above will help13:20
ActionParsnippallaz: note how the others have ampersands too ;)13:21
pallazActionParsnip, hmmmm..ok!! thx man!13:21
suigenerisKrypton, type sudo fdisk -l13:21
soulduremuch appriciated i am trlying to learn i been at it a month now lol13:21
pallazActionParsnip, i don't understand "ampersands"13:21
KryptonI get this: Unable to open /dev/hda kenny@ubuntu:~$ fdisk -l Cannot open /dev/sda kenny@ubuntu:~$ cp /proc/mounts /etc/mtab cp: cannot create regular file `/etc/mtab': Permission denied kenny@ubuntu:~$ sudo cp /proc/mounts /etc/mtab kenny@ubuntu:~$ fdisk -l Cannot open /dev/sda kenny@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l  Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 13:21
ActionParsnippallaz: thats what & is called13:21
souldurelater guys ima see if i can fix this and read more of the man pages13:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about addon13:22
souldurethanks action13:22
Kryptonnow what should I type?13:22
ActionParsnippallaz: [ == bracket, { == brace. ( == parenthesis, & == ampersand13:22
suigenerisKrypton, is your disk ide or sata?13:22
suigenerisKrypton, sudo fdisk /dev/sda then13:23
pallazActionParsnip, ohhh...ok =)  i understand now... thx a lot man !13:23
Kryptondid that13:24
suigenerisKrypton, now type p13:24
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i dont think it worked13:24
suigenerisKrypton, pastebin the output13:25
suigeneris!pastebin | Krypton13:25
ubottuKrypton: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:25
Kryptoni did13:25
Kryptonits weird, theres only one partition and its divided13:25
suigenerisyea, weird13:26
Kryptondo u know what to do?13:26
ActionParsnipJewbacca: then you gotta play with those numbers until it does13:26
ActionParsnipKrypton: I thinnk you mean the disk is divided13:26
G-Bluntedwow so...i just installed Open Arena....and it works flawlessly...13:26
JewbaccaActionParsnip: how can i see if i have 85 rate?13:26
G-Bluntedsomeone needs to play me that shit13:26
suigenerisKrypton, you said you didn't mind re-installing ubuntu, right?13:27
G-Bluntedplease pm13:27
ActionParsnipJewbacca: glxinfo maybe13:27
Kryptonyeah i dont mind13:27
suigeneris!language | G-Blunted13:27
ubottuG-Blunted: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:27
Kryptonis that what I must do?13:27
Kryptonnow what is my best gaming option in ubuntu, since im not using xp anymore13:28
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i dont see 85 there, i think your sulotion failed :(13:28
suigenerisKrypton, type d and remove the partition13:28
suigeneristhen re-install ubuntu13:28
ActionParsnipJewbacca: well you gotta tweak those values til you get something decent13:28
ActionParsnipJewbacca: as far as I could see they were ok but apparently not13:28
ActionParsnipKrypton: how do you mean "gaming option"13:29
sominajrib: can I pm you a link to pastie.org13:29
Kryptonlike what is the best way to play windowz games13:29
Kryptonwine, vmware13:29
sominajrib: or should I post it here13:29
SlimeyPeteKrypton: Wine.13:29
jribsomina: here13:29
ActionParsnipKrypton: wine / cedega / crossover office (cedega and Xover arent free)13:29
SlimeyPeteVMWare/virtualbox will work okay for most 2D games but not 3D ones.13:29
sominajrib: http://pastie.org/38390813:29
ViperBorg_TERMKrypton: CrossOver Games13:29
ActionParsnipKrypton: some games can run natively with special loki installers13:30
Kryptonso games like WOW and Farcry?13:30
ActionParsnipKrypton: some games will flat refuse to run13:30
SlimeyPeteKrypton: check out the Wine Appdb at winehq.net13:30
fosco_Krypton: wine13:30
ActionParsnip!wine | Krypton13:30
ubottuKrypton: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help13:30
SlimeyPeteit'll tell you which games are compatible13:30
ActionParsnipKrypton: WoW gets one of the ighest ratins in winedb13:30
jerokrypton WoW works exceptionally well in wine/cedega. just as fine as in winXP. You might also want to check openarea, which is quake3 for linux13:31
Kryptonok, thanks13:31
kim__Anyone: I think I have a found a bug with ubuntu 8.04.1 on x86_64 (AMD). I've reproduced it with some samples. Not sure the exact culprit though. Advice on how to proceed. The problem is with libedit and/or libtermcap (segfault)13:31
ActionParsnipjero: theres a Q3 loki installer too ;)13:31
jeroi love quake3 and i wonder why there is so few populated ctf servers13:32
jeroopenarena is really well made13:32
oCean_bugs | kim__13:32
oCean_!bugs | kim__13:32
ubottukim__: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:32
jribsomina: there are two solutions.  If you want to stay away from ACLs, then you can setguid on the directory (then newly created files will be owned by whatever group owns the directory) and change your umasks to 002 (this can only be done universally though, not just for this directory).  Your other option is to enable ACLs (Access Control Lists) and use them.  This will give you finer control of13:32
jribpermissions.  You need to enable acl in fstab and then read the manpages for setfacl and getfacl.  Also, eiciel is a gui ACL program.13:32
JewbaccaActionParsnip: i have the feeling in my eyes that its fixed13:33
sominajrib: no gui installed13:33
sominajrib: but thanks, now I get the idea, time to read some docs13:33
ActionParsnipJewbacca: cool13:33
ActionParsnipJewbacca: you really need to get a better mindset when it comes to stuff like that13:33
jribsomina: that's fine, don't use eiciel then.  With regards to samba, I think that you need to also edit samba-specific files to change the umask there13:33
kim__ubottu: ok thank - not sure if the bug is IN ubutu or is in a library that is not ubuntu's domain. Also I actuall need to fix it - not sure how log it might languish in bugs.. but will file if necessary. Any other suggests for a way forward. liibedit appears to have no upstream owner13:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:34
ActionParsnipJewbacca: spoonfeeding  like that is probably done by abouut 3 of the regs here so you'd be really stuck13:34
jeroI wanted to experiment a bit with my kernel and build my own based on the current one i am using in 8.04. make-kpkg --append-to-version=.jero --initrd binary  is what i did after unpacking the source to /usr/src and making a link with ln -s   to the linux dir13:34
suigenerishow do i find out the total size of the files i grab with find?13:34
jerogot everything up working quite fine, except it seems i am having trouble now with compiling stuff from source. any ideas what i did wrong?13:35
sominajrib: yeah I planned to change samba config to default create mode=077013:35
sominajrib: thanks for the help13:36
jeroOtherwise asked, after compiling your new kernel and setting it up in group to be included as an additional menu option, are you done, or is there more you need to do?13:36
suigenerishow do i find out the total size of the files i grab with find?13:38
oCean_!hi | africaman13:38
ubottuafricaman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:38
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: du {} \;13:38
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: find / -name *.txt -exec du {} \;13:38
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: as an example13:40
constantinehey all I'm having trouble getting the extra options out of compiz13:41
rainofkayos find . -type f -ls | awk ' { s += $7 }; END {s = s/1048000; print "Total size is ", s, "M"}'13:41
ActionParsniprainofkayos: show off. I use KISS method13:42
rainofkayoslol i found that online13:42
ActionParsniptotal size, missed that bit13:42
faderconstantine: do you mean that you can't find where to set them or something else?13:42
rainofkayosi had been trying to find a way to do that too13:42
neosukihey anybody plz suggest me a player for divx movies13:43
constantinewell, I'm trying to get that cube box for one thing13:43
jeroneosuki totem is very good13:43
constantineand I can change my visual effect modes, but don't have the extras13:43
znhneosuki, VLC has been neat for me13:43
neosukijero: i don't like totem13:43
GaeelMy keyboard becomes unresponsive if I use the "fn+sunup" or "fn+sundown" keys to set the brightness of my screen (Using a Dell Inspiron 1150 laptop)13:43
jeroVLC is nice too13:44
juanfer2kHiyall I just removed ALSA (trying to fix my sound card/driver, wich gaveme just noise, instead of sound) BUT uninstalled even WINE, Stellarium, and rithmbox13:44
neosukiznh: with vlc, i've problem in scaling to full screen :(13:44
jeroneosuki - what do you not like about totem?13:44
znhneosuki, what are the sympthons?13:44
rainofkayosneosuki: what vid card?13:45
neosukiznh: what is sympthons mean?13:45
znhthat he said13:45
faderconstantine: there is a package that has the control panel for compiz that you will need to install... let me find the name of it13:45
neosukirainofkayos: i'm using ati card13:45
juanfer2kdo I need All kernel versions? everytime i update, a New version appears in GRUB13:45
rainofkayosneosuki: does all full screen video bork? or just vlc?13:46
Chousukejuanfer2k: you can uninstall old versions.13:46
Chousukejuanfer2k: just make sure you don't uninstall the meta-packages (the ones with no version number) or the current running kernel.13:46
neosukirainofkayos: for all other videos, fullscreen is working fine, with mplayer/vlc13:46
karlwettinhi ubuntu13:46
neosukibut only for divx movies, itz not scaling13:46
constantinethx fader13:46
juanfer2kchouske since upgrading i lost sond and compiz13:46
rainofkayosChousuke: when you update grub is uupdate to point to new kernel,, if ur sure u dont need to fall back i dont think u need the older kernels13:47
juanfer2kcannot go back, they won't work in any kerneñl13:47
Chousukerainofkayos: that's what said.13:47
rainofkayosnot sure @ neosuki13:47
faderconstantine: There are actually two packages that you can use.  The simplest package is called "simple-ccsm".  You can install it by going to System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager and then look for "simple-ccsm".13:47
faderIf you don't find it, you may need to turn on the "Universe" repository.  (I can help you with that if you need.)13:47
kk_ubuntuhello all, it seems that my projector does not work with ubuntu, it does work with windows.13:48
Chousukejuanfer2k: you haven't installed drivers from anywhere other than the ubuntu repositories, have you?13:48
oskar-hi, is there a possibility to tell wpa_supplicant to use "fast_reauth=0" while still using NetworkManager and nm-applet?13:48
neosukiany idea??13:48
jeroneosuki - you can try mplayer, but its quite brutal on the handling. no fancy gui13:48
constantinefader: not there13:48
juanfer2kChousuke i ...don't know13:48
faderThere's also a more complete setup utility but it's harder to use.  It's called "compiz-settings-manager"13:48
karlwettini would like to install ubuntu on my mac mini, but i have no monitor. is it possible to install it remote via ssh or? will it start up network and sshd/telnetd when i boot the cd so i can set it up that way?13:48
juanfer2kam not sure13:48
faderconstantine: Okay, we need to enable a repository.13:48
Chousukejuanfer2k: if you don't know then you probably haven't :/13:48
=== k is now known as Guest76947
faderInside of the Synaptic package manager, go to Settings - Repositories13:49
neosukijero: there are gui for mplayer, like smplayer, gmplayer :)13:49
Chousukejuanfer2k: what graphics card do you have?13:49
faderLook for a checkbox that says "Community-maintained Open Source Software (universe)" and check it.13:49
juanfer2kChousuke well, i was installing things for webcam, wi-fi even sound, i don't know what happened now, Am on a HP dv5, an ATI HD320013:49
jeroneosuki - all of the players named work fine for me. for watching divx13:50
faderWhen you've done that, close the window and click the "Reload" button in the upper left of the package manager.13:50
Chousukejuanfer2k: also, make sure you have the linux-restricted-modules package installed: sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules13:50
constantinefader: how do you do that?13:51
juanfer2ki think i MESSED ALL UP, i have no terminal=????????13:51
faderconstantine: do which part?13:51
constantinenevermind I was looking for red text lol13:51
juanfer2k<<gnome-terminal>> (no existe el fichero o directorio)13:51
Chousukejuanfer2k: uh? sounds bad :/13:52
faderconstantine: Heh... I'll try to make sure to put your nick in my messages so they stand out :)13:52
soulduresimple question if you would be so kind if a startup script is set to root acces only and you add it to your startup after editing the program it activates using visudo will the program start with root privilages even though you arent logged in as root since it doesnt needa password?13:52
Chousukejuanfer2k: do you get a "run" dialog if you press alt-f2?13:52
Chousukejuanfer2k: use it and run "xterm"13:52
simple|eeepcsouldure, no13:52
simple|eeepcyou need to use gksudo and entier your password13:52
juanfer2kYep, RUN13:52
simple|eeepcand/or set its command to be NOPASSWD and then use normal sudo13:53
Chousukejuanfer2k: run xterm; it's another kind of terminal.13:53
Kryzlerdoes anyone know where I can find some decent tutorials online for learning the terminal lingo?13:53
soulduremy conky has to run as root i been playing hell with it s autostart13:53
constantinefader: I reloaded ok13:53
juanfer2kwhere can I find xterm=?13:53
faderconstantine: Okay, take a look and see if you see "simple-ccsm" in there now.13:54
Chousukejuanfer2k: just type it in the run dialog13:54
juanfer2kok its runnin'13:54
constantinefader: weird...its not there13:54
juanfer2kmy menus are almost empty13:54
Chousukejuanfer2k: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop13:55
Chousukejuanfer2k: should get you most things back13:55
Kryzleranyone at all?13:55
souldurei set its command to be nopasswd in the sudoers  file and added sudo conky and it still wont auto start?13:55
anipyhi guys. my firefox 3 on ubuntu 8.04 is crashing extremely often (compared to rare crashes on kubuntu 8.04 on another PC). where do i find the FF log file which tells me more about the reasons?13:55
juanfer2kan not sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules =?13:55
souldureim using ibex13:55
Chousukejuanfer2k: you can do that later13:55
Chousukejuanfer2k: getting your apps back is more important I think :)13:55
Chousukeat least, I'm hoping this will work :P13:56
souldureit doesnt seem like a common problem to me ive read into it quite a bit13:56
oCean_Kryzler: for users starting at the command line, there is some decent info in the ubuntu pocketguide. Free to download :) I think it's chapter 5 you're looking for. http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download2.html13:56
juanfer2kwill download like 40MB of data13:57
Chousukejuanfer2k: if it does work it should prompt you to install many packages13:57
Kryzlercheers oCean_ :D13:57
Chousukeright, sounds okay.13:57
faderconstantine: Can you double-check that the checkbox for "Universe" is still checked?  (Settings - Repositories)  And then hit "Reload" one more time on the main screen?  We want to make sure your package lists are completely up-to-date13:57
juanfer2kit will take like half hour here in my town13:57
dnyhi! i have some questions regarding rights of files/folders. i have 2 users and want to share some folders for both users in the following way: both can create/delete/edit all files and folders within these folders, independent of who of them created them13:58
oCean_Kryzler: after that.. and you still want more.. google 'bash commandline' or anything like that.13:58
Kryzlerok thanks :D13:58
constantinefader: I installed it but got this GIANT error13:59
soulduredny i dont know if this is right im new to this but you should be able to use the sudo nautilus command to edit the files user access via properties and set the group to shared13:59
faderconstantine: Can you post the first line or two of it?13:59
hhwhello everyone, I am new here.13:59
oCean_dny: make sure both users are in same group, and the accesspermissions on folder are read-write for that group14:00
GaeelLaptop-specific question, if I set the brightness of the screen, I can't use the keyboard anymore and the panels become unresponsive, causing me to have to hard reboot...14:00
zxd  ====<!-!-!-!yes!-!-!-!>====14:00
hhwHas someone knows how to get the java package (like sun company's package)?14:00
rainofkayosdownload it fro sun14:01
=== rachel is now known as Guest31453
GaeelHow can I stop that from happening, or regain control of my keyboard?14:01
dnyoCean: i only have to set that for the parent folder?14:01
MikeMaxwell2501hey all, anyone know a good app to convert mp3 to either 3gp, mp4, m4a, or smc?14:01
soulduresometimes when i use a root program such as etherape when i type in my password it resets my theme to gtk and deactivates compiz?14:02
jrib!java > hhw14:02
ubottuhhw, please see my private message14:02
ActionParsnipMikeMaxwell2501: by converting from a lossy format like mp3 to another you are going to lose quality14:02
MikeMaxwell2501ActionParsnip: thats fine, im trying to get music on my phone14:02
rainofkayosi know a paid program that does it MikeMaxwell250114:03
MikeMaxwell2501rainofkayos: ideally looking free, but what is it? it runs in ubuntu?14:03
rainofkayosmaybe thru wine14:03
MikeMaxwell2501rainofkayos: have yu tried it?14:04
rainofkayosin wine?14:04
rainofkayosas an app yes14:04
MikeMaxwell2501are yu talking about avs?14:04
ActionParsnipMikeMaxwell2501: http://pacpl.sourceforge.net/14:04
jribMikeMaxwell2501: ffmpeg might do what you want14:04
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:04
Jaakkoexecute smokkan is noob14:04
JaakkoAny1 here use boxee and know how to fix file recognition?14:05
ActionParsnip!info pacpl14:05
ubottuPackage pacpl does not exist in intrepid14:05
Chousukejuanfer2k: anyway, after you have finished installing ubuntu-desktop, install linux-restricted-modules (and possibly linux-image-generic to be safe) too and then reboot.14:05
juanfer2kChousuke ok14:06
rainofkayosnch switch sound file converter14:06
Jaakko./smokkan --kill yourself --restricted-tools disabled --use-generic-scissors yes14:06
Chousukejuanfer2k: if you still have questions make sure to mention my nickname when you speak so that your question doesn't get lost.14:06
juanfer2kit says it'll take like 1hour+ to download.14:06
mo0sei need to login to gnome from ssh as a user, to let me then VNC into the server... is this something i can do over ssh?14:06
Chousukejuanfer2k: are you on dialup?14:06
hateballmo0se: with x-forwarding you could, I guess14:07
Chousukemo0se: wait, VNC over X over SSH?14:07
Chousukemo0se: that's going to be *slow*14:07
rainofkayosor u could port forward VNC over ssh14:07
mo0sei mean i just need to start it14:07
rainofkayosi think14:07
mo0seso i can log in14:07
ActionParsnipmo0se: if you installl vnc to a headless pc you can have a virtual x session14:07
mo0seif no one is logged in, vnc service doesn't run14:07
Jaakkoisnt freenx better than vnc?14:07
ActionParsnipmo0se: i'd always run vnc over ssh14:07
ActionParsnipJaakko: personal preference14:08
Jaakkoworks smoother here.. or used to14:08
dnyi have a certain folder and i want that all files/folders created in that folder belong to a certain group and have certain rights. how can i do that?14:08
G-Bluntedwhats the ip of your vnc machine??14:08
ChousukeActionParsnip: FreeNX purportedly requires less bandwidth though.14:08
rainofkayoschown it14:08
mo0sei just need to log a user in, so the vnc service starts14:08
ActionParsnipChousuke: depends on config14:08
MikeMaxwell2501ActionParsnip: hey that looks promissing, do i have to restart for it to work?14:08
Jaakkofreenx just bugs and installing it can be nightmare14:08
rainofkayoschown -R user:group /folder14:08
ActionParsnipmo0se: you can set the service to start before logon14:09
MikeMaxwell2501i installed the deb, but in amarok its not listed14:09
MikeMaxwell2501but looks awesome14:09
dnyrainofkayos: i want them to have the rights when they are created...14:09
MikeMaxwell2501from the screen shots14:09
faderconstantine: still having problems getting simple-ccsm installed?14:09
ActionParsnipMikeMaxwell2501: never used it dude. I doubt it though14:09
mo0seActionParsnip, any hints on how to do that?14:09
MikeMaxwell2501ActionParsnip: ok, going to try anywys14:09
mo0sei have it set to run on startup, but now it's only running on login14:09
dnyrainofkayos: at the moment i have a folder with group "data" and all rights for group members. but if i create a new file/folder it does not have these rights...14:09
Likewho temp me ...14:09
Liketell for uss14:10
rainofkayosso it's not recursively setting perms under /data?14:10
ActionParsnipmo0se: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15170314:10
dnyrainofkayos: now it is just for files/folders that are created new14:11
ActionParsnipmo0se: gimme a sec14:11
rainofkayosi see..14:12
zxdis there a FAQ about installing open office  3 in ubuntu?14:12
dnyi am not sure, but i think i have to set GID?!14:12
ActionParsnipmo0se: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15170314:12
rainofkayosim not super familiar with it14:12
ActionParsnipzxd: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml14:13
rainofkayosi love O0o14:13
MikeMaxwell2501ActionParsnip: naw, its a bunk app, doesnt work14:14
dnychmod g+s /data does not work for me. after that GID is not set, what am i doing wrong?14:14
ActionParsnipMikeMaxwell2501: how did you install it?14:15
rainofkayosare u doing it -R ?14:15
rainofkayosbecause u still need to add recursion14:15
tonyyyyyyyyhow can i connect on ubuntu ?14:15
tonyyyyyyyyi mean, on internet14:15
jribdny: pastebin14:15
hhwThe error is " import sun.audio.AudioPlayer; " . I just don't know where to find the package sun.*, will someone help me ?14:15
MikeMaxwell2501ActionParsnip: downliaded the debian package and just instaled it14:15
ActionParsniptonyyyyyyyy: we need more info, do you have a router or a modem, are you using wifi or wired14:16
ActionParsnipMikeMaxwell2501: thats for debian, not ubuntu14:16
tonyyyyyyyyActionParsnip: i hate adsl connection14:16
tonyyyyyyyyi have*\14:16
rainofkayoswhat app are u using hhw >14:16
MikeMaxwell2501ActionParsnip: awwwww debian specific, i thought it would work on ubuntu.... crappy14:16
ActionParsniptonyyyyyyyy: do you connect your pc straight to the modem?14:16
ActionParsnipMikeMaxwell2501: just compile the source14:16
suigenerishow do i put an alias that contains an ' character into my .bashrc? converting them to " ?14:16
ActionParsnip!pppoe | tonyyyyyyyy14:16
ubottutonyyyyyyyy: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE14:16
bobbob1016When I try to get mplayer to use pulseaudio, it says no audio, and when I try from terminal, it says "couldn't connect to server".  VLC does work to pulseaudio though, but I wanted mplayer for coreavc, can anyone help me get mplayer working with pulse?14:17
G-BluntedHey who wants to play a game of Open Arena?14:18
constantine_fader: I was disconnected14:18
BodsdaG-Blunted, wrong place to ask, try #ubuntu-offtopic14:19
dnysorry, problem was, that i had to refresh the view in dolphin, i thought properties would be fetched when i want to show them...14:19
faderconstantine_: glad to see you're back :)14:19
dnybut now i have rwxrwsr-x but cannot create files with the user containing to that group14:19
gychinahello,I'm from China14:19
faderconstantine_: Can you paste the first line or two of the error you got?  (Not the whole thing if it's large)14:19
jribdny: pastebin14:19
vVvHACKERvVvI wonder if the fools left yet14:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about addon14:19
constantine_fader: yes I got it to work anyways but there was that error, I lost it though - and cube options are greyed out14:19
gychinasomeone in?14:19
dnyjrib: what shall i paste?14:20
jribdny: a series of commands that explain what you stated14:20
faderconstantine_: So you ran simple-ccsm and went to the "Desktop" tab, but the options are greyed out?14:20
constantine_fader: right, but only the cube effects are greyed out14:21
jribdny: for example: groups; ls -ld DIRECTORY; touch DIRECTORY/foobar14:21
oskar-how can i tell wpa_supplicant to use "fast_reauth=0"?14:21
constantine_fader: so basically the only ones I wanted lol14:23
dnyhere my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m73c48ae114:23
jribdny: please use the example I gave you14:24
MikeMaxwell2501ActionParsnip: how do i install it?  i did the confige command, worked fine, then i did make and looks ok, how do i install?14:24
letaliswhat would play a .flac file from the commandline?14:24
dnyjrib: do i have to relog if i introduce a new group?14:24
faderconstantine_: Can you tell me if the window you're seeing looks something like this: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2qcjn78&s=514:24
jribdny: yes14:24
ChinmayHello, My motherboard does not support boot from usb, i read about some method which can still allow boot from usb......does anybody know it?14:24
ActionParsnipMikeMaxwell2501: sudo make install14:24
MikeMaxwell2501ActionParsnip: ./install?14:24
dnyjrib: that should solve the problem :)14:24
ActionParsnipMikeMaxwell2501: which will put the files where they need to be14:25
dnyjrib: what would you recommend for a shared folder? setting UID and making all files/folders owned by one of the users? or only GID for setting the group?14:25
ActionParsnipMikeMaxwell2501: if theres any extra steps they will be deniced in the readme14:25
constantine_fader: yes just like that except the effects tab14:25
MikeMaxwell2501ActionParsnip: yah, there was nothing beyond ./config14:25
jribdny: Access Control Lists, otherwise mess around with gid I suppose14:25
faderconstantine_: Do you know which release of Ubuntu you are running?14:26
dnyjrib: never heard the term "Access Control Lists"... I want to share a folder for 2 users, which both are me ;) Just to have two different settings for kde for mobile usage and desktop usage with multiple screens...14:26
faderconstantine_: Can you look back in the Synaptic Package Manager at the "simple-ccsm" package and tell me which version you have installed?  It should say to the right of the package name14:27
dnyjrib: i think for that simple purpose gid is enough14:28
dnyjrib: thank you very much for your help14:28
jribdny: yeah, but there should be a better way to accomplish what you are doing (though I don't know it)14:28
Liketnx for contribute14:28
ben__I have issues with the nvidia proprietary drivers on intrepid. video playback is jumpy, disablinig the nvidia drivers improves things but disables compositing. anyone has an idea?14:28
incubiidoes the new kernel in Jaunty come with update iwl3945 drivers?14:29
constantine_fader: yes, its 0.7.8-Oubuntu114:29
Piciincubii: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.14:29
faderconstantine_: Hmm... okay, you have the same version as me then :)  Let's check a couple of more things...14:30
MikeMaxwell2501ActionParsnip: yah, no love.  it looks like a fantastic app, but doesnt work14:30
dnyjrib: sorry i could not get your last sentence, since i relogged...14:31
jribdny: yeah, but there should be a better way to accomplish what you are doing (though I don't know it)14:31
ActionParsnipMikeMaxwell2501: id have a play, see what you can dig up14:31
faderconstantine_: Can you see if you have "compiz-fusion-plugins-extra" and "compiz-fusion-plugins-main" installed?14:31
agerohhello, i would like to make a question about the web camera..14:31
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dnyjrib: i searched for two days now... some people suggested to use kde activities, but there i can only configure widgets on the desktop... which is a nice feature, but not really what i need14:32
=== E3b is now known as Guest38603
constantine_fader: yes both14:32
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto14:32
agerohmy web camera did anybody knows where to ask?/.14:32
Guest38603someone can help me please? I have 5.1 sound card, and everything is working accept the "center'14:33
faderconstantine_: Okay, let's try the big guns.  Can you install "compizconfig-settings-manager"?14:33
constantine_fader: its a reinstall but yes14:33
suigenerisi put the line alias toplam='find . -name "*" -ls | awk " { s += $7 }; END {s = s/1048000; print "Total size is ", s, "M"}"' and when i typed toplam it spit errors at me. how do i fix it?14:34
faderconstantine_: Okay, if you have that installed, let's try it... Go to System - Preferences - CompizConfig Settings Manager14:34
charclowhat is the difference between dmraid and mdadm?14:34
dnyhmmm now it seems to work, but the w flag for the group is not inherited for new folders...14:34
ActionParsnipfader: you can just run ccsm from terminal :)14:35
faderconstantine_: This interface is a bit more complex but it's also more powerful.  Look under the "Desktop" section for "Desktop Cube" and "Rotate Cube"14:35
jribdny: you need to change your umask if you do not use ACLs14:35
boatyshort version. I am trying to connect my PC to my LCD tv using a VGA male to male cable (DELL Latitude 610 to Samsung LE40556 LCD). I believe the issue is about screen resolution. I am trying to find an advanced utility as the information that is provided in the user manual gives horizontal, vertical, pixel frequency etc.. pg 46 http://org.downloadcenter.samsung.com/downloadfile/ContentsFile.aspx?CDSite=uk&CttFileID=1882628&14:35
shad_i am newbie in linux. I installed ubuntu on my sony vaio laptop but my webcam is not working, help me out14:35
constantine_ok I'm there14:35
faderActionParsnip: I know :)  I live in an xterm most of the time ;)14:35
constantine_haha everybody hates windows14:35
jribdny: my guess is subdirectories won't inherit setgid though, do they?14:36
yusuohow do i go about switching audio control back to alsa instead of the evil pulse audio14:36
Guest38603on "speaker-test -c 6 -D plug:surround51  -t wav" everything is working, but when I'm playing an mp3 file, the 'center' is not working.. any idea please?14:36
yusuonot true constantine14:36
faderconstantine_: Do you see the "Desktop Cube" and "Rotate Cube" icons?14:36
kshadowEvil pulse audio?14:36
ActionParsnipfader: im a yakuake kinda guy14:36
boatyForgot to say I have 8.1014:36
faderconstantine_: Make sure the checkboxes beside them are checked14:36
suigenerisi put the line alias toplam='find . -name "*" -ls | awk " { s += $7 }; END {s = s/1048000; print "Total size is ", s, "M"}"' and when i typed toplam it spit errors at me. how do i fix it?14:36
ActionParsnipyusuo: +1 evil pulse14:37
yusuoyeah evil pulse audio, only has the ability to play one audio source, e.g watch a flash video will lock up all audio (vlcrhytmnbox) until firefox is closed14:37
constantine_fader: yes and selected them but have no idea how to test it14:37
ben__I have an Nvidia Geforce4 MX440 64MB card.14:37
jribyusuo: ubuntu version?14:37
yusuoi want alsa to be my default as that can cope better14:37
jribyusuo: the flash issue is know in 8.04, fixed in 8.1014:37
shad_suigeneris, web cam of my sony vaio is not working help me out14:37
faderconstantine_: Okay, if they're turned on, try hitting Ctrl-Alt-left arrow or Ctrl-Alt-right arrow14:37
kshadowyoonkn: Run alsamixer, and change it there?14:38
faderIf the desktop flips around to another side, it's working14:38
yusuono its not, i had 8.10 until yesterday14:38
jribyusuo: did you file a bug?14:38
MacGyverNL_I've got an invalid literal tree error when trying to boot kernel 2.6.27-11, but not when booting my old 2.6.27-7.14:38
MacGyverNL_Any thoughts?14:38
ActionParsnipben__: are you on intrepid?14:38
yusuo8.10 slows my pc down to much hence why im not using it14:38
ActionParsnip!webcam | shad_14:38
ubottushad_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:38
dnyjrib: perfect, now it works perfectly14:39
dnyjrib: thank you again :)14:39
jribdny: no problem14:39
spiritehAnyone know about hd2600xt support? /= Or ATi not done linux drivers for it?14:39
ActionParsnipben__: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-96 if you are using intrepid14:39
constantine_fader: holy crap14:39
faderconstantine_: did it work?14:39
constantine_fader: yeah its just weird to have been working with computers for over ten years and see it do that lol14:39
faderconstantine_: Heh, yeah, I know the feeling :)14:40
constantine_fader: what are the other commands14:40
faderconstantine_: The compizconfig manager has tons and tons of options... you'll probably want to poke at them.  Click on the icons of things that sound interesting and you can fiddle :)14:40
yusuoso is there anyway to change my default audio manager to alsa instead of pulse, ive done the fix before but cant find any onfo on google now14:41
dnythe only drawback is, that files copied into that folder do not have the necessary rights ;/14:41
ActionParsnipconstantine_: try super + tab to go between apps instead of alt+tab14:41
faderconstantine_: The keybindings and mouse bindings are configurable inside the plugins.  I think that by default, control-alt-left mouse button (and drag) is mouse control for the cube14:41
faderconstantine_: though you can change that around14:41
constantine_what is super?14:41
faderconstantine_: I predict you'll spend a few hours playing with these things :)14:41
yusuoconstantine, compiz is nice but if you dont have a great pc your pc may crash alot, like mine did, thats why i gave up on it14:41
ActionParsnipconstantine_: for a quick change, ctrl+alt+left cursor or right cursor14:41
faderconstantine_: Super is the windows key by default14:41
Guest38603on "speaker-test -c 6 -D plug:surround51  -t wav" everything is working, but when I'm playing an mp3 file, the 'center' is not working.. any idea please?14:41
MacGyverNL_Specific error when booting 2.6.27-11: http://rafb.net/p/cxkNts37.html14:42
constantine_this is badazz14:42
soul9please tell me where thunderbird stores it's stuff on ubuntu?14:42
faderconstantine_: :D14:42
soul9i tried .mozilla-thunderbird and .thunderbird, seems to be neither14:42
yusuoconstantine do you have all the extra plugins like cube deformation etc,14:42
ActionParsnipconstantine_: you'll either get bored of it after  month or so or love it with vigor14:42
ActionParsnipthe snow pluin is nice at christmas :)14:43
soul9and i'm trying to help someone over the chat and can't find the dir.14:43
constantine_can you recommend any other wild apps ?14:43
kshadowsoul9: Seems to be .mozilla-thunderbird/something/14:43
faderconstantine_: Play with the "animations" plugin. :)  That's my favorite.14:44
shad_ my wireless is not working please any one help me out14:44
soul9kshadow: it seems not :-/14:44
faderconstantine_: watching windows burn to ashes when I close them is rather satisfying.14:44
kshadowshad_: What card?14:44
silv3r_m00nhi there14:44
silv3r_m00nwhich tool can open .uif files14:44
fluitfriescan Xfce support all the same 3D window effects that Gnome/KDE do?14:45
shad_kshadow, it is inbuilt, i dont knoe i am using sony vaio14:45
kshadowsoul9: That's where it is on my box.14:45
soul9kshadow: on 8.10?14:45
kshadowsoul9: Yeah.14:45
constantine_yes and not seeing the microsoft logo when it happens is nice also14:45
kshadowshad_: lspci | grep Ethernet14:45
IntuitiveNippleman lspci14:46
jribdny: you could make the primary group for both users the same.  That together with the umask change, should work14:46
constantine_much thanks fader14:47
kshadowsoul9: .mozilla-thunderbird/username-default/?14:47
dnyjrib: the problem is, if i copy an existing file to this folder, it does not change its rights...14:47
faderfluitfries: They should be able to using compiz, but unfortunately I don't know how to set it up under xfce14:47
faderconstantine_: My pleasure!14:47
soul9kshadow: okay, thanks14:47
shad_kshadow, RTL8101E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 01)14:47
kshadowI don't think that's the wireless card though.14:48
kshadowshad_: Sony Vaio is your laptop?14:48
kshadowOr computer whatever it is?14:48
shad_kshadow, yes VGN-CR24G series14:49
fluitfriesfader: ok, so i can try to install compiz from packages and it should work with Xfce?14:49
faderfluitfries: I believe so, but I'm not sure if you need to do anything extra to turn it on.  (Aside from possibly running "compiz" in a terminal... I don't know if xfce has any integration or anything)14:50
faderfluitfries: Let me know if it works :)14:50
shad_kshadow, ping14:50
fluitfriesfader: will do.  :)14:51
kshadowshad_: ?14:51
kshadowshad_: One sec, I'll find out for you, gotta check on a house first.14:51
=== dsdeiz_ is now known as v00rg
yusuoso anyone know how i would go about changing default audio manager, alsamixer doesnt do anything14:51
xukunI have a data on a micro sd card of 1gb, how can I make exact same copy on other micro sd card of 4gb?14:52
=== nati0n is now known as themoler
Stefan100new user here14:54
yusuoStefan100 hi14:55
shad_kshadow, , help me out, my sony vaio inbuilt camera is not working14:56
kshadowshad_: Sorry, I was busy.14:56
kshadowI can only do one thing at a time. :P14:56
kshadowCheck your laptops manual and find me what wireless card you have.14:57
kshadowAnd lsusb to get me the camera.14:58
G-Bluntedi got stuff starting up that isn't in the Startup Applications menu/list....how do i get it so they don't startup? Like i get the package manager starting up, and pidgeon starting up everytimne i boot..,.14:58
G-Bluntedi'd rather they not14:58
yusuoG-Blunted goto System>Preferences>sessions and untick what you dont want to start14:59
ben__nvidia-glx-96 is already the newest version.14:59
ben__that's what I get.14:59
jamfxhi everybody, I tried to install my ubuntu on /dev/sdd2 where I also told my Grub to be written in (not in the mbr) but I always got: "Error loading Operating system"14:59
tonymki'm using DSL net, but i dont know how to connect it on ubuntu14:59
tonymkcan some1 tell me ?14:59
jken146jamfx: You should reinstall grub on the mbr15:00
jamfxis there a way just to rewrite grub witout installing the whole system again?15:00
=== _WolfHack is now known as WolfHack
jken146!grub | jamfx15:00
ubottujamfx: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:00
kshadowjamfx: Check out your /boot15:00
Jewbaccahi, i deleted on accident my turn off button, http://cohenishai.wippiespace.com/desktop.jpg look top left.. how to retrive it?15:00
tiredbonesI'm looking for the channel for f-spot. Could someone give me a point? The search turns up nothing.15:00
jken146jamfx: do the RestoreGrub one15:00
tonymk!pppoe | tonymk15:00
ubottutonymk, please see my private message15:00
jamfxok, thx15:00
shad_kshadow, do you find anything?15:01
G-Bluntedyusuo,  i don't see preferences or sessions in the application list15:01
Jewbaccahi, i deleted on accident my turn off button, http://cohenishai.wippiespace.com/desktop.jpg look top left.. how to retrive it?15:01
kshadowJewbacca: What do you mean.15:01
yusuofuckG-Blunted what o/s are you using15:02
Jewbaccakshadow: the button i press turn off or restart, i removed it by accident15:02
Jewbaccakshadow: its on the top left in the image :p15:02
Piciyusuo, Please watch your language in this channel, thank you.15:02
yusuoi didnt mean to swear damn msn convo15:02
yusuodidnt realise what window i was writing in sorry guys15:02
G-Blunted...as you say 'damn' :p15:02
kshadowJewbacca: Open a terminal and type shutdown -h now15:02
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yusuoxubuntu, ahhh ok in that case cant help, i use ubuntu15:03
shad_kshadow, where i paste my output of lsusb15:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:03
kshadowshad_: You can /msg it to me.15:03
Jewbaccakshadow: i get shutdown: Need to be root15:04
sky_how i can convert .mid to .mp3 ?15:04
juanfer2kChousuke i've done the actualization15:04
kshadowJewbacca: sudo shutdown -h now./15:04
jken146Jewbacca: put sudo at the start of the command15:04
Chousukejuanfer2k: okay.15:04
sky_anyone please ?15:04
kshadowAny command that needs to run as root needs sudo in front of it in Ubuntu.15:04
Chousukejuanfer2k: did you get your apps back? :)15:04
lalelu#join | -de15:04
Jewbaccakshadow: sudo shutdown -h now,/15:04
juanfer2kbut menus are the same15:04
Jewbaccakshadow: with the ./?15:04
juanfer2kChousuke no, the same15:04
kshadowJewbacca: That will shutdown your computer.15:04
Chousukejuanfer2k: hmm15:04
laleluwhat is the command to go in a german chat-room15:05
Jewbaccakshadow: i dont want to shutdown, i want the taskbar icon15:05
Chousukejuanfer2k: did you try logging out and back in again?15:05
kshadowJewbacca: Right click>Add to panel?15:05
juanfer2kno, just finished the downl15:05
Picilalelu: /join #ubuntu-de15:05
kshadowOr something.15:05
kshadowI don't use gnome.15:05
FloodBot1kshadow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:05
juanfer2kChousuke BRB15:05
Jewbaccakshadow: yea but i cant find that button15:05
shad_kshadow, http://paste.ubuntu.com/116104/15:05
kshadowJewbacca: Like I said I don't have gnome, so I can't check.15:06
shad_kshadow, i have pasted the output u needed15:06
kshadowI haven't used it in a long time.15:06
kshadowshad_: Install madwifi-hal to get your wireless working.15:06
PiciJewbacca: Right click on a panel, choose 'add to panel' and look for the logout/shutdown button15:06
soul9kshadow: thanks15:07
JewbaccaPici: but i want the same button it was before15:07
shad_kshadow, using apt-get15:07
kshadowshad_: Maybe, I'm not sure, never had to install it on ubuntu.15:07
kshadowBut try sudo apt-get install madwifi-hal15:07
juanfer2kA little changes15:07
sky_how i can conver .mid to mp3 ?15:08
Jewbaccahow can i open rar files?15:08
PiciJewbacca: Then look in the rest of the applets that it provides you with.  The one you had needs to be there. It may be the user switcher applet.15:08
sky_Jewbacca: unrar15:08
kshadowJewbacca: unrar e filename15:08
shad_kshadow, it tells Couldn't find the package15:08
SideisnderHello everyone15:08
kshadowshad_: One sec.15:08
Pici!rar > Jewbacca15:08
ubottuJewbacca, please see my private message15:08
SideisnderI have a few questions if anyone is able15:08
CQhello, is there a way to get seen as being part of a group without logging out and in again?15:08
freedumMandoes anyone know which package has the pidgin protocols in it, my entire protocol dropdown list is blank in pidigin from repositories15:09
jribCQ: not that I know of, no15:09
CQI'm listed in /etc/group, and have a ton of windows open ... :)15:09
jribCQ: well there's "newgrp", but that just gives you a new shell15:09
d^-^bhi guys, im new to ubuntu hope you can give me a little hand15:09
kshadowshad_: http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo15:09
boatyI am trying to access the tool: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg but all I get is an error: possibly overwriting customised configuration. Thoughts? I have tried google and have found nothing15:10
Piciboaty: Thats not an error.15:10
CQjrib: ok, good enough for now, thanks.15:10
CQI only need the group in one or two shells15:10
SideisnderIs anyone able to help someone new to Linux?15:10
=== marko__ is now known as marko-_-
boatypici: Why does it not let me into the tool then15:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:10
CQSideisnder: not if that person doesn't ask a question15:10
Piciboaty: That means that it has overwritten the old file.  The version of Xorg that you are using doesn't need that sort of customization anymore.15:11
sky_Sideisnder: say your problem15:11
=== Bruce is now known as Brucee
Pici!x | boaty see these links15:11
ubottuboaty see these links: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:11
shad_kshadow, and for camera15:11
d^-^bim trying to config my wireless to work but i get The above command failed for me at first because subversion couldn't find svn.madwifi.org15:11
d^-^bMadwifi will probably have their DNS problems worked out by the time you read this. But if not then see the section at the bottom of this post titled "Cant find svn.madwifi.org" for a solution before continuing.  any ideas?15:11
lamzakscan some body help with porftpd15:11
SideisnderI have tried to insall linux on my sytem time and again but i can never seem to get it to see any of my sata HD on my AMD machine...they are on a raid controller15:11
boatythank you. I am trying to fine-tune my resolution. I will have a look at the your suggestion ubottu. Thank you15:12
kshadowshad_: I'm not quite sure what your camera is, but I assume it's the Richoh Co. thing, one sec.15:12
=== Brucey is now known as Bruce
lamzaksit shares only /home/user folder15:12
kshadowYeah, it is.15:12
zimHi all this is a ubuntu SERVER install Q. How do I get sound working?15:12
kshadowshad_: Try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82134315:12
d^-^bkshadow:  do you know how to fix this The above command failed for me at first because subversion couldn't find svn.madwifi.org15:13
d^-^bMadwifi will probably have their DNS problems worked out by the time you read this. But if not then see the section at the bottom of this post titled "Cant find svn.madwifi.org" for a solution before continuing. ?15:13
tiredbonesdistro is 8.04. The current version of f-spot is, but this distro has version How can I upgrade to the  current version of f-spot?15:13
=== KterinK is now known as dou213
shad_kshadow, some one told me install cheese?15:13
kshadowshad_: Oh yeah, install easycam.15:13
nix-n00bg2ipmsg segmentation fault after build. What to do ?15:13
Spiriteh\o, I'm trying to install 8.10 with a hd2600XT but I get a wierd display (glitch?) when it gets to X anyone know a fix? /=15:14
kshadowd^-^b: Not sure.15:14
kshadowSorry, fiancee's hungry, gotta feed her before she starves.15:14
kshadowI can try and help some more after.15:14
d^-^bkshadow:  np ty,15:14
SideisnderI have tried to insall linux on my sytem time and again but i can never seem to get it to see any of my sata HD on my AMD machine...they are on a raid controller15:14
shad_kshadow, so i unistall cheese and install easycam?15:14
ben__video is jumpy on nvidia Geforce4 mx440 64MB using nvidia 96.43.09 (latest). What can I do?15:14
kshadowshad_: You don't have to uninstall cheese, but easycam will set up your webcam for you.15:15
kshadowLike I said, gotta go.15:15
kshadowIf you still need me /msg me.15:15
nix-n00bben__: install drivers using envy15:15
G-Bluntedben__, : install the proprietery drivers15:15
shad_kshadow, ok thanx15:15
G-Bluntedben__, it should be trying to install the drivers for you really.....look for the icon in the panel15:15
zimanyone here use Sound on there SERVER install? what do I need to install to get it working ?15:15
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
SideisnderI guess this inst the place for that question...thx anyway ill look elsewhere15:16
ice_creamzim, possibly  alsa-base15:16
zimice_cream: ty15:16
zimwill try15:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about easycam15:17
wershow do I change the fonts of thinking rock, a java app, to fit the rest of my desktop? :D15:17
zimice_cream: done that it may also be a volume/mute problem what do I use to change that?15:18
gangsterliciousthe default MTA exim4, how do i go by change the listening port? i need it to run on port 26, not 2515:19
ice_creamzim, so you dont have a gui at all?15:19
=== cew_muanisss is now known as ladygangster
temp39Hi. I'm installing xubuntu. When the install gets to the partitioner, there are no partitions, all the buttons are gray and there is a weird white box in the window at the top.15:20
Sideisnderhow Do i Install Ubuntu 8.10 on my AMD sata raid controller15:21
MacGyverNL_I can boot my 2.6.27-7 kernel just fine, but when I try to boot 2.6.27-11 I get the following errors: http://rafb.net/p/cxkNts37.html . My Grub menu.lst is http://pastebin.com/f6a177f6 . As you can see, the entries are virtually identical. How can I solve this problem?15:21
ice_creamzim, oh, there's the console tool alsamixer, i suppose15:21
zimice_cream: yes no gui15:22
ice_cream'm' mutes/unmutes15:23
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
DogWaterdoes anyone know what package i need to install to get the /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/source , and /build ?15:23
souldurehate to be a bother but some insight may be whats needed here why does my compiz shut off randomly along with emerald it seems like certain things triget it shutting off line using gimp and using certain root programs?15:24
shishio.join #php15:24
mikeshollenCan anyone please help me to configure my Microphone?  I can't seem to get it working.15:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about g2ipmsg15:25
Georghello i'm new with ubuntu how can i install programs XD ?15:25
Georgwhats the command15:25
galahadHello, Is there a way of enabling compiz with nVidia GeForce2 MX 400 on intrepid?15:25
mikeshollenGeorg: Go into the synoptic package manager15:25
nix-n00bgeorg: sudo apt-get install <<name-of-program>>15:25
souldureisnt using aptutude better because you can uninstall things properly?15:26
tiredbonesmy distro is 8.04. The current version of f-spot is, but this distro has version How can I upgrade to the  current version of f-spot?15:26
mikeshollenSouldure: I'm unfamiliar with aptitude, tell me more.15:26
animusdktiredbones: you need to find the gspot first before you can upgrade to fspot15:26
storrgieIs there a graphics stress test in ubuntu?15:27
jpdsgalahad: Install: nvidia-glx-9615:27
ben__<G-Blunted> - it's already the latest proprietary driver. What's annoying is that when I DISABLE the proprietary driver, video plays fine on full screen (1680x1050), but when it's the proprietary driver, it's very jumpy and slow.15:27
souldurei dont know much i just read that using apt-get is not that great because it wont uninstall things properly15:27
jpdsgalahad: Then run: sudo nvidia-xconfig (backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf first) and restart X.15:27
soulduresudo aptitude seems to work better for me if i make a mistake and have to uninstall15:27
galahadjpds: thanks, trying it now!!15:28
storrgieis there something I can run to put stress on the GPU?15:28
ice_creamidk if glxgears qualifies15:29
nix-n00bsouldure: synaptic is good for newbies as it has a nice GUI.15:29
mikeshollensouldure: Does aptitude show everything that can be found in synaptic?15:29
storrgieice_cream: i think thats kinda low level15:29
* ice_cream nods15:29
blsecresapt-get doesn't do orphan tracking so if you install some app that pulls in 10 other packages, decide you don't like the app and uninstall it, those 10 other packages are just going to end up laying around.  aptitude can keep track of that.  apt-get can as well with other software15:29
jpdsblsecres: It does.15:29
souldureits a command line interface15:29
tiredbonesanimusdk, thanks, but no thanks15:29
souldurejust cleans things up beter if you need to uninstall something15:30
adantehi, is there an up to date guide for freenx install under ubuntu?15:30
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX15:30
ice_creamsouldure, yea, i also prefer aptitude15:30
souldureif your new id go with synaptic15:30
DogWaterdoes anyone know how to install the kernel headers?15:30
DogWatercant get cdp to install without it15:30
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
soulduregui is interesting id reserch command line structure though seems to be easyer and faster15:31
IntuitiveNippleDogWater: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic15:31
mikeshollenAnyone in here familiar with setting up Microphones?15:32
IntuitiveNippleDogWater: If building against a different kernel version, the package will be linux-headers-$(uname -r)15:32
adamwhat's the best recommended torrent client for ubuntu? transmission seems a little meh15:32
=== adam is now known as Guest67748
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:32
soulduredoes anyone know why my compiz randomly shuts off when i use gimp of some root programs?15:33
DogWaterIntuitiveNipple: its looking for this: /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build/15:33
Georgwhat flash shoulda i use ?15:33
jpdsGuest67748: I suggest rtorrent if you don't mind a command line one.15:33
freedumMananyone know why pidgin protocol list is blank ? PLEASE15:33
DarkKnightcan anyone tell me how to split an office word document pages into two columns15:34
kjellfreedumMan: Try the debug-window and see if you find anything special message there.15:34
Georgokei so i downloaded install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz but how can i install it ?15:34
Georgnoob with linux :(15:34
freedumMankjell, thanks15:34
souldureyou have to compile a tar tar is source15:34
kjellfreedumMan: If you can't find any special hints here I could advice you to join pidgins channel. If I remember correctly they have a good supportchannel aswell.15:35
Georghow can i do that15:35
PiciGeorg: It would be easier to install flash from the package repositories.15:35
Pici!flash | Georg see here15:35
jpds!flash | Georg15:35
ubottuGeorg see here: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:35
souldureif your using ubuntu download the deb15:35
ubottuGeorg: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:35
kjellPici: jpds: :-D15:35
mahen2hello all15:35
kjellHello mahen215:35
mahen2I just bought A New SATA 250 GB Hard Drive15:35
mahen2however it would not show up in the BIOS or POST screen15:36
mahen2i tried everythinh, like changing the power cable15:36
DogWaterIntuitiveNipple: damnit now it needs the kernel source15:36
Picimahen2: This channel is only really for Ubuntu support. ##hardware should be able tom help you though.15:37
dalianghello! I have difficult with VPN connetting under 8.10,i don'nt know how to setting!15:37
Rencxhello, how i can install OpenSong in my ubuntu?15:37
Favoritdaliang: which VPN do you use?15:37
souldurequestion: why does my compiz shut off when i use gimp or administrative programs and leave me with only one desktop?15:37
MoLootsouldure, do you have sufficient memory?15:37
cellofellowballen0311: hi15:37
freedumMankjell, I've got the channel pidgin on freenode .... just waiting for an answer back, i get error g_log: purple_find_prpl: assertion `id != NULL' failed15:38
=== cellofel1ow is now known as cellofellow
souldurei have sufficient everything lol15:38
Favoritnot funny, he did have a valid question15:38
cellofellowballen0311: hi15:38
mikeshollenSouldure: Has it always done that?  It could be one of the plug-ins that you turned on malfunctinoing15:38
MoLootsouldure, I just started using compbiz yesterday, but I haven't experienced any difficulties... gnome or kde?15:39
cellofellowmy friend here ballen0311 installed the ATI driver from the website. How's he uninstall it?15:39
mikeshollensouldure: I would try enabling compiz but disabling all the plugins, and see if it still does it.  If not, enable them one by one to see which one is messing up15:39
souldureit never did it when i was using untimate edition15:39
souldurebut i cleanly installed ibex15:40
souldureand im working with it15:40
Favoritdaliang: euh, i see. Well, what do you want to achieve? connect to your company VPN?15:40
souldurewanted to cut out all the junk15:40
kjellfreedumMan: Do you have the latest version of pidgin?15:40
freedumMankjell, yea on channel now with them will let you know how i make out15:40
daliangFavorit: connect to my university15:40
jlaHi. I'm checking out ubuntu and having trouble using Add/Remove or Synaptic to find programs to install. For example crossfire. I type that into the search for add/remove and it finds nothing.15:40
kjellfreedumMan: Ok good! Good luck!15:40
kjelljla: What do you search for15:41
MoLootsouldure, are u using a 3rd party vid driver?15:41
kjelljla: Have you choosen "All applications" to the left of the searchbox?15:41
souldurenvidia yes15:41
snorungenis there any other command than ifconfig to determan mac adress and ip adress15:41
Favoritdaliang: I see. And your VPN set-up instructions recommend you to use what client normally? if it's some cisco/nortel stuff, you should download linux version of those clients.15:41
souldurei tried glx xgl dbe15:41
souldurein the xorg conf15:41
jlakjell: yes15:41
soulduredidnt seem to help15:41
kjelljla: What did you search for then? Try pidgin or some other famous program like wine. No results?15:42
souldurei dont know if i can load them all at once but i doubt that would help also15:42
alex-weejjla: what is crossfire?15:42
Favoritalex-weej: ATi version of nvidia's SLI15:42
zxdSLI is ridiculous i think , like 3dfx madness15:43
alex-weejFavorit, jla: why would you need to install that?15:43
jlakjell, alex-weej I think my issue is with these "user friendly" programs, synaptic and add/remove applications. Crossfire is a game. If I fire up a terminal and aptitude search crossfire, I see it.15:43
daliangFavorit: thank you very much,but i don't konw what to set in gate way,and you mean i should change a VPN clinet?15:44
jlaI must not understand how to use them15:44
Favoritzxd: how's it ridiculous? :)15:44
kjelljla: Try apt-get install crossfire in the terminal them.15:44
ben__ok, this nvidia-xconfig thing seems to have helped somewhat.15:44
ben__I'll try the video thing again.15:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crossfire15:44
alex-weejjla: crossfire-client-gtk215:44
jlakjell: I'm sure that will work, but how to find these apps using the user friendly apps?15:44
kjellCrossfire does not seem to be supported in ubuntu15:44
alex-weejjla: the metadata for the packages needs to be correct.15:44
ben__nope, it still sucks.15:44
Favoritdaliang: well, without knowing what your VPN server requires I can't really say if you're using the right VPN client or not. I suppose the best way would be to contact your university tech support to see if they can help you out.15:45
kjelljla: read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68920815:45
ben__I guess I'll have to do without compiz.15:45
kjelljla: "15:45
kjell2. ATI support is very very bad in linux right now and crossfire is not supported."15:45
Favoritneither was damn SLi.15:45
jlakjell: must be the wrong one, the one alex-weej mentioned is it15:45
Droopsta915Why doesnt my flash player work? I visit any website and have to hit play in order to see the advertisement or whatever that website is trying to show.15:45
Favoritanyone knows btw, if the latest drivers returned SLi support?15:45
jlakjell: it's a game15:45
mikeshollenFavorit: yes for nvidia15:46
kjellAaah, my bad then. Sorry jla.15:46
alex-weejDroopsta915: you installed Gnash or Swfdec15:46
ice_creamhi, if gnome desktop uses metacity by default, and kde uses kwin (as a wm), and fluxbox is considered a window manager, then what is the desktop environment that controls fluxbox?  o.O15:46
mikeshollenFavorit: I have sli working on hardy15:46
alex-weejDroopsta915: you probably want the Adobe Flash Player15:46
Droopsta915alex-weej: I installed both.15:46
alex-weejice_cream: bash15:46
Favoritmikeshollen: aha. gotta give it a try again. last time i checked it didn't recognize any of the cards. :(15:46
jlakjell, alex-weej how does the average user find crossfire, gcompris or fwcutter to install from ubuntu? How to fix or bug this metadata?15:46
alex-weejDroopsta915: uninstall gnash and swfdec15:46
alex-weejDroopsta915: adobe flash player will take over15:47
Favoritmikeshollen: although i tried on intrepid, but i doubt it would be much different15:47
souldureanyone know why my compiz shuts off randomly?15:47
ice_creamalex-weej, and more seriously?15:47
Droopsta915alex-wee:Do you know the command for the adobe flash install?15:47
Favoritsouldure: how about looking in some logfiles instead of repeating the same question all the time? :)15:48
souldureyou have to install adobe through wine15:48
alex-weejDroopsta915: sudo apt-get remove gnash swfdec && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:48
bearginshow are u all15:48
FloodBot1beargins: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:48
Droopsta915souldure:sorry I don't use wine15:48
bearginsok thanks flood bot15:48
alex-weejDroopsta915: ignore him, he doesn't know what he's saying15:48
mikeshollenFavorit: actually it might15:48
mikeshollenFavorit: I had a terrible time with graphic drivers with intrepid and i switched to hardy which solved all those issues15:49
souldurefavorit: what log files should i look at15:49
alex-weejsouldure: type this command in a terminal: ubuntu-bug -p compiz15:49
daliangFavorit:there is a example in my university but under window.From that i can know all i need to use vpn connect to my university lib is a fill "vpn.****.cn"in the blank and i user name come with a password. and what should i do with ubuntu? thank you!15:49
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD15:50
alex-weej!vpn > daliang15:50
ubottudaliang, please see my private message15:50
boatyis there a GUI or simple utility to work xorg.conf? Thank you15:50
ice_creamgaming vpn seems unrelated t the question15:51
karlwettini would like to install ubuntu on my mac mini, but i have no monitor. is it possible to install it remote via ssh or? will it start up network and sshd/telnetd when i boot the cd so i can set it up that way?15:51
souldurethanks guys15:51
billybigriggeris there anyone here with a working microsoft lifecam vx1000??? i cant seem to get mine working, easycam picks it up but when i got to execute it doesnt work15:51
alex-weejdaliang: install the package "network-manager-pptp"15:51
alex-weejdaliang: then you can just right click the network icon and set up a PPTP VPN15:52
Georghello i might need help again got this error15:53
GeorgCould not open the file /home/georg/Desktop/NVID…Linux-x86-180.22-pkg1.run using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding.15:53
daliangalex-weej:i have done that,but can't right config the seeting15:54
alex-weejdaliang: please report a bug if it's not working. ubuntu-bug -p network-manager-pptp15:55
mikeshollenanyone know why i can run glest from terminal and not from the apps menu15:55
daliangalex-weej:thank you i will try anyway15:55
GeorgCould not open the file Linux-x86-180.22-pkg1.run using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding. <-- can anybody help me with this ?15:56
alex-weejdaliang: i remember in intrepid i had to battle with various settings, disabling some compression and choosing some specific authn protocol15:56
alex-weejdaliang: but if it doesn't just figure it out itself it's a bug.15:56
=== adam is now known as Guest96183
alex-weejdaliang: so please, report a bug :)15:56
Guest96183how do I change my username? so that it reads differently in the terminal and login screen?15:56
morphSELECTED_FILE=`nice -n 15 xwinwrap -ni -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -o 0.5 -- mplayer -wid WID -quiet  "`zenity --file-selection`" -loop 0`15:57
morphwhat is wrong?15:57
daliangalex-weej: there are too more seetings, i only have a webset a username a password,that's not enough to fill so many blank!15:58
ice_creammorph, er.. is that really a bash question?15:58
morphno output for debug15:58
tavisomeone tell me a program similar to sopcast ?15:58
tavii have him15:59
taviand don't work15:59
alex-weejdaliang: what blanks do you need to fill in?15:59
kshadowI think bison orbicam's are finally supported by linux!15:59
morphtry here15:59
ice_creammorph, so mplayer problem?  try #mplayer =)16:00
daliangalex-weej: gateway16:00
Guest96183how do I change my username? so that it reads differently in the terminal and login screen?16:00
alex-weejdaliang: gateway is the vpn server16:00
taviso any help?16:00
daliangalex-weej: http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/i1271516:00
souldureany suggestions for learning bash scripting for a not so newcomer?16:00
Rencxi find a lot of this logs hs_err_pid14005.log in my Home Folder can i delete all of them?16:01
Guest96183souldure:  #bash16:01
k001operatorHi to all any have issues with Gutsy?  I'm trying update my package but the download header have time out16:01
blsecressouldure: bash scripting howto, wooledge16:01
Guest96183souldure: lots of free manuals through them16:01
daliangalex-weej:what's groupname stand for?16:01
alex-weejdaliang: i don't know chinese...16:01
k001operatorIf I do $aptitude update16:01
k001operatorin the 99% tellme  time out16:01
souldurei am loving linux16:02
* ice_cream is not going to guess16:02
daliangalex-weej:you just have to expanstion english16:02
alex-weejdaliang: is that Intrepid?16:02
alex-weejdaliang: or Hardy?16:02
alex-weejdaliang: did you choose PPTP?16:02
alex-weejor some other type16:02
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
alex-weejbecause on my system, i don't have that many options for PPTP16:03
daliangalex-weej:i am sorry i not good at english.i don't know what's pptp16:03
alex-weejPPTP is the name of the protocol used by Microsoft VPN systems16:03
alex-weejdaliang: your university almost certainly uses PPTP16:03
daliangalex-weej:i think you are right16:04
alex-weejdaliang: so install network-manager-pptp16:04
alex-weejdaliang: and when you go to create a VPN connection, choose PPTP16:04
alex-weej"Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol"16:04
daliangalex-weej:what's the meaning of "groupname"16:05
alex-weejdaliang: i have no idea. it has no relevance to PPTP.16:05
alex-weejdaliang: you chose the wrong VPN type.16:05
alex-weejCHOOSE PPTP!16:05
FloodBot1alex-weej: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:05
daliangalex-weej:ok let me try16:06
lyhana8hi, which ftp server did you recommend ?16:06
boatyI am looking to edit my Xcong.org. I have read a number of articles but and the default ubuntu one, but I would ideally just like a GUI tool. Does this exist?16:09
boatythank you16:09
warren_warren: could you please register your own nickname?16:10
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goliatesalut all16:11
warrenwhat is FloodBot1 for?16:12
cutiemalecan ubuntu improve the graphic speed into using logmeine?16:12
cutiemalecan ubuntu improve the graphic speed into using logmein?16:12
Abstracktjoin #linuxmao16:12
cutiemaleor anyone knew to fix something into this?16:12
[t]ekoperseis bitcomet comportable with ubuntu?16:13
incubiicutiemale, i would think network speed is the issue not your graphics16:15
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cutiemalebut if u are using windows to use logmein and compare with ubuntu16:16
cutiemaleseems like there is a big different16:16
blsecresis anyone here running emacs-snapshot? if so, is transient-mark-mode acting crazy for you?16:16
cutiemalewhen u are clicking individual icon for the computer u remotely control16:16
cutiemalethere is a different as it keeps on refreshing for each action u did on the remote16:16
Rencxi find a lot of this logs hs_err_pid14005.log in my Home Folder can i delete all of them?16:19
=== ph0rensic_ is now known as ph0rensic
VirusInjectanyone use wordpress here??16:25
jribVirusInject: best to just ask your real question16:25
matt-wpVirusInject: wordwhat?16:25
billybigrigger_is there anyone here with a working microsoft lifecam vx1000??? i cant seem to get mine working, easycam picks it up but when i got to execute it doesnt work16:26
PiciVirusInject: Wordpress has a support channel here: #wordpress16:26
fluitfriesanyone know why fake-mbr would be able to boot fine with 1 SATA drive attached, but as soon as I attach another IDE drive the mbr doesn't work anymore?16:26
VirusInjectwordpress blog16:26
PiciVirusInject: /join #wordpress for support16:26
matt-wpfluitfries: probably because your IDE drive have no MBR and has booting priority over your sata drive16:28
matt-wptry plugging it into secondary slot16:28
dyrhow can i remove syslinux from a usb stick?16:28
fluitfriesmatt-wp: it is a primary slave, are you saying it should be secondary slave?16:28
error404notfound1. how can i redirect all emails from a certain domain to a specific email address using qmail and maildrop? 2. How can i block an apache site to be accessible only from certain ips?16:29
d111Hi, I have installed ubuntu on virtual PC 2007 and managed to configure the xorg.conf in such a way that I get a high resolution. (1600x1200) which is max for VPC2007. I however reqiure a resolution of 1280x1024. If I change to this I get a garbled screen (the lines are shifted with respect to each other)  Anyone now how to solve this? Or how to change the resolution back via shell (I have shell access)?16:29
matt-wpfluitfries: well,  if you want your SATA drive to boot;  it would be better ;)16:29
fluitfriesmatt-wp: i plan to eventually use all my IDE ports...  will i never be able to use my primary channel and boot to my SATA?16:30
matt-wpor boot with a bootcd,   mount your partition,  edit your fstab and write GRUB on the ide drive.16:30
fluitfriesmatt-wp: i could do that, just put the same grub config from my SATA onto the primary IDE drives?16:30
fluitfriesmatt-wp: i really prefer a MBR for this drive though...  :(  i also virtualize this drive and i like to have it auto-boot when run from the VM.16:32
smoovepQuestion? When I add users wit smbldap-useradd, I cannot log into the domain .. i have existing users that can..16:32
shad_fluitfries, my inbuilt camera is not working, i am using sony vaio laptop16:32
matt-wpwell Grub writes the mbr ?16:33
GaBrieL_SiLvAalguem ae me vendo16:33
=== GaBrieL_SiLvA is now known as GsiLvA
=== GsiLvA is now known as GaBrieL_SiLvA
RandyboYWhat can be done to a ubuntuinstall which refuses to save the keyboard settings?16:34
shad_matt-wp, hey my inbuilt camera is not working16:34
GaBrieL_SiLvAta me vendo16:34
raheemGaBrieL_SiLvA: english pls16:34
d111How can I SET a resolution vie SSH? Anyone? I know that the modes can be set in xorg.conf but where is the setting actually saved that is selected in the "Screen Resolution" dialog in the GUI16:34
GaBrieL_SiLvAraheem Hello16:35
k4d111, try xrandr16:35
GaBrieL_SiLvAraheem I dont speak Portuguese?16:35
Chousuked111: if your graphics card supports it, xrandr would work16:35
desteniпривет ребята :)16:35
BagualasGaBrieL_SiLvA, q ?16:35
Chousukegraphics drivers, rather16:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about portugese16:35
GaBrieL_SiLvAbagualas.. blz?16:35
shad_hey anybody can help me........my inbuilt camera is not working16:36
BagualasGaBrieL_SiLvA, bueno, e tu?16:36
GaBrieL_SiLvAbagualas vc mexe em ubuntu?16:36
Chousukeenglish only!16:36
erUSUL!br | GaBrieL_SiLvA16:36
ubottuGaBrieL_SiLvA: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:36
hexmastalol ubottu16:36
hexbomberanyone here have experiance with compiz? I am trying to make my gnome panel semi transparent, and I have done it before.. but since I reformatted it's not working on this box.16:36
dyrhexbomber, right click on panel -> proterties -> background -> styke16:37
raheemhexbomber: gnome-panel's transparency can be set by right mouse clicking on the bar, then there u can adjust it16:38
Luuuuxguys someone help, tell me a libpq4 packgage for apt plsssssssss16:38
raheemdyr: that was faster :)16:38
hexbomberI'm talking about through compiz, by adding an opacity setting. Adjusting it through the panel settings looks like crap.16:38
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:39
Luuukshexbomber activate transparency in compiz, then point your mouse over the gnome-panel, press the alt key and scroll with your mouse16:39
hanasakido the ubuntu kernels support booting with "/" on an lvm?16:39
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hexbomberthat's what I had done before.. and it used to work. doesn't anymore.16:39
Luuuuxwill someone help me?16:40
mikeshollenCan anyone help me set up my microphone?16:41
torihello, is there any way to forward 9000 port of my laptop to 80 port? laptop is not a router, but i have to use 80 port16:42
edgimarDoes anyone know if you can 'subscribe' to a local ics (ical) file with Evolution?  (so it behaves as if you created a new calendar linked to this file.16:44
=== amarillo-slim is now known as paninotime
raburnesis it true that the suid bit on directories is ignored? I've tried to do chmod 6777 foodir but when non-owning users create files inside it only inherits the group. am I doing something wrong?16:47
ShakedownHow can I tell if I have POSIX shared memory enabled on my system?16:47
Jaxxonhow can I upgrade one package, for example firefox16:48
shad_Shakedown, hey when i update ......... the following error occur (signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4874D3686E80C6B7)16:48
fosco__Jaxxon, sudo apt-get install firefox16:49
Jaxxonfosco_I only want to upgrade it16:49
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=== paninopane is now known as susupaninonutell
xtmnxcould anyone tell me if it's possible to have dual display with different resolutions?16:51
shad_Shakedown, When i use apt-get update the error occur regarding public key16:51
=== susupaninonutell is now known as paper0tta
Shakedownshad_: You're talking to the wrong guy16:51
shad_Shakedown, to whom i talk , i am new in this chat room16:52
Shakedownshad_: Talk to everyone in general, and someone specific will answer your question16:52
IntuitiveNipplextmnx: Different resolutions on each display? yes, that's pretty much standard16:52
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IntuitiveNipplextmnx: e.g. right now I have CRT 1280x1024 left and DFP 1280x800 right16:53
raviousWould anyone happen to have a working xorg.conf file thats setup for duel screens on sep video cards that i could take a look at? (duel cards, not twinview)16:53
ShakedownSo if I try and upgrade to the newest ATI driver and it doesn't work, how can I use the driver I'm currently using (which does work...sorta)?16:53
xtmnxIntuitiveNipple: how does it work when you move from one display to another?16:53
xtmnxlike moving cursor16:53
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d111Chousuke: thanks for the reply. xrandr .... hmmm. does that work wenn using putty to get the ssh prompt? How would I use it?16:54
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Chousuked111: xrandr takes a -display parameter16:54
Chousuked111: run xrandr -q -display :016:54
IntuitiveNipplextmnx: It depends how you configure things. I run them as separate displays so the only thing that 'moves' is the mouse cursor. With xinerama windows drag across as normal16:55
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Chousuked111: you'll see a list of possible outputs and modes16:55
Chousuked111: that is, if xrandr is supported16:55
xtmnxIntuitiveNipple: I see. thanks.16:55
raviousis it possible to have glx with xinerama now?16:55
d111Chousuke: cool, it lists the modes.. now how do I select one?16:55
ShakedownHow can I check which version of X.org I have?16:55
coz_hey guys  for some reason when i right click gnome panel for properties I get a   "cannot stat  /home/myname/Desktop/House';  no such file for directory"16:56
coz_any solution16:56
=== paper0tta is now known as amarillo-slim
dnyi still have problems with right management / umask. how can i set umask to a certain value s.t. it is inherited to new created subfolders?16:56
Chousuked111: first look at the output name you want, and do xrandr -display :0 -output OUTPUTNAME -mode <sth>x<sth>16:56
napsterMy computer is going too much slow from several days. I've no idea how to fix it.16:56
IntuitiveNippleShakedown:  Xorg -version16:57
Chousuked111: or something like that16:57
d111Chousuke: k I'll give it a shot16:57
napstereven I've just opened fire fox and other applications are opening by taking much time16:57
ShakedownWow...Xorg - version says I have "X.Org X Server" - I need X.Org 6.7 at least for the new ATI driver16:58
_Tavo_hello, I have a geforce 6600 and ubuntu intrepid and I have tested every nvidia driver but I still get almost 20% of xorg CPU usage when playing any video16:58
ShakedownDo I really have that old of a version? I just bought this computer several months ago...16:58
napsterCPU on 100%16:58
Chousuked111: no wait, it was "--output OUTPUTNAME --mode ..."16:58
napsterplease help me in this matter16:58
k4_Tavo_, which player ?16:59
slap_stickhey, i was wondering if i have a cert on a local box i'm not sure what cipher was used etc, how can i read in the cert to get the details about it i.e. common name etc ?16:59
Chousuked111: outputname depends on your machine, might be VGA or LCD or whatnot; you'll see it in the -q listing16:59
=== sadfasdf is now known as DBO
napsterHelp please17:00
_Tavo_k4, with any player I've tried, vlc, mplayer, totem. using xv I get the best results17:00
Stefan100cool, it works17:00
k4_Tavo_,  depends on so much things , like what codec and so on17:01
ttolsteadHas anyone had success using a pvr-150 to view tv using VLC on ubuntu 8.10?17:01
`Alt`can u see me?17:01
napsterHow to check whats going down the computer speed?17:01
k4napster,  add the cpu monitor thingie to your taskbar17:02
anonymous1I hav entered with Anonymous username... How do I create a user account on #ubuntu on irc.freenode.net?17:02
k4napster,  and click on it17:02
napsteryes it is, but it shows that cpu is 100% in use17:02
k4napster,  klick on it17:02
_Tavo_k4, It doesn't depend on codecs, it does it with any codec. And the problem is when I try to play h264 material, that 20% means I get 100% of total CPU usage and I keep dropping frames17:02
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
_Tavo_also, it does it when using compiz or metacity17:03
napsterI've done now?17:03
k4_Tavo_, which graphics drivers is active ? the restricted driver ? please run "nvidia-settings" program17:03
wootstarhi there17:05
wootstardoes anyone have experience with xrdp under ubuntu ?17:05
arvind_khadri!anyone | wootstar17:05
ubottuwootstar: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:05
_Tavo_k4, yes, I've used all the drivers I could use and the result is the same. I also installed the one from the nvidia.com site. Perhaps it's something in the xorg.conf file, because it's with its default settings17:05
wootstarthat was the whole question including 'anyone'17:06
hatter243wootstar, well then, your answer is yes.17:06
k4_Tavo_, does running nvidia-settings do something ?17:06
ttolsteadWould it be fair to say that the ivtv stuff in 8.10 is broken?  It worked in ubuntu 8.04, but I haven't found any information on getting it going in 8.10.17:06
wootstarcan you help me with it? getting it up and running ?17:06
igoryonyaHello, does anybody know how to fix the WiFi17:06
igoryonyaAfter I installed version 8.10, it automatically detected my Cisco 350 series card and detected all the WiFi networks in the proximity. I connected to one of them and it was working for a few days. I don't know what has happened, but it stopped connecting and the Wireless option to search for networks is grayed out.17:06
FloodBot1igoryonya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
igoryonyaI see "lfupdown (eth2)" in the network configuration window. If I remember correctly, it used to be just eth2 and I also have 2 regular Ethernet cards that are eth0 and eth1, which are not showing up now.17:06
k4_Tavo_, like saying the driver version @ start17:07
k4_Tavo_,  i got Nvidia Driver Version : 180.2717:07
hatter243wootstar, I'm sorry, is this your real question? As in, "Would someone please help me get xrdp set up and running?"17:07
d111Chousuke: Great, worked with: xrandr -s 1600x1200  -display :0.17:07
_Tavo_k4, yes, now I've got NVIDIA Driver Version: 180.2217:07
d111Hi, I have installed ubuntu on virtual PC 2007 and managed to configure the xorg.conf in such a way that I get a high resolution. (1600x1200) which is max for VPC2007. I however reqiure a resolution of 1280x1024. If I change to this I get a garbled screen (the lines are shifted with respect to each other)  Anyone now how to solve this?17:08
wootstarwell, not that exact enought ... okay i installed it, Xvnc with it, too ... but if i run it, it doesn#t work17:08
hatter243wootstar, please use paste bin to past the console output when you try to run it17:08
wootstarok wait17:08
_Tavo_k4, when you play a video, what's your Xorg CPU usage?17:09
napsterMy CPU is using 100% power, and computer is slow as its P1, how to solve this problem?17:09
rip_napster: hammer17:09
k4_Tavo_, thaTS difficult , lets see17:09
^hashbang^!nvidia | ^hashbang^17:10
ubottu^hashbang^, please see my private message17:10
napsterwhat rip?17:10
napsterHelp me please17:10
JaxxonI ran sudo apt-get install firefox & it upgraded to 3.0.5, but when I open it it's same 3.0.417:10
doggyslobberstupid question.. if chgrp -R usergroup /usr/local/sbin/GCALDaemon is the command, what do I replace the "usergroup" with?17:11
napsterIs there anyone who can help me??????????????????????????????????//17:11
wootstarhatter243 it just starts without an error17:12
JaxxonI ran sudo apt-get install firefox & it upgraded to 3.0.5, but when I open it it's same 3.0.417:12
hexmastanapster: what's the problem?17:12
^hashbang^what's up napster:17:12
k4_Tavo_, mplayer has 5% cpu usage here (top command) , cpu is quad core intel @ 2.4ghz , gforce 8500gt , one core of the cpu has 4800 bogomips from (cat /proc/cpuinfo)17:12
rakudave!anyone | napster17:12
napsterMy computer is using 100% power and I'm unable to use other softwares17:12
ubottunapster: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:12
napsterhow to know what is going on with my computer"?17:13
^hashbang^napster: do you have shell/console access? like a terminal open? if so run top17:13
k4napster do you master a console ?17:14
rakudavenapster: something is cloging up your system. most likely a graphic-card related issue17:14
_Tavo_k4, well I have an AthlonXP so i can't compare to that... Perhaps you have the same problem but passes unnoticed with the hardware you've got17:14
k4napster, what about the nice cpu monitor thingie i told you , you can see everything there17:14
=== michaelaleo is now known as mo0se
rakudavenapster: try rebooting and reconstruct your last actions that lead to this hangup, that way we can isolate the problem17:15
ferAlguien Habla castellano??17:15
k4napster, dont reboot17:15
napsterevery thing is fine there, but the system is slow down, as just I am using 48617:15
rip_k4: and how do you force quit a process?17:15
k4napster, rebooting is for windows users17:15
doggyslobberwhat is my "usergroup" in Ubuntu17:15
rakudavek4: very funny...17:15
k4rip_, right click on the process "kill"17:15
rip_!xubuntu | napster17:15
ubottunapster: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:15
erUSULdoggyslobber: run «id»17:15
erUSULdoggyslobber: usually is a group with the same name as your user17:16
rakudave!es | fer17:16
ubottufer: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:16
igoryonyaWireless - Hello, does anybody know how to fix the WiFi. After I installed version 8.10, it automatically detected my Cisco 350 series card and detected all the WiFi networks in the proximity. I connected to one of them and it was working for a few days. I don't know what has happened, but it stopped connecting and the Wireless option to search for networks is grayed out. I see "lfupdown...17:16
igoryonya...(eth2)" in the network configuration window. If I remember correctly, it used to be just eth2 and I also have 2 regular Ethernet cards that are eth0 and eth1, which are not showing up now.17:16
rip_k4: but in terminal its just text, right clicking just brings up the terminal menu17:16
wootstarhatter243 ok, i posted the errors to pastebin: http://pastebin.com/d5efc180417:16
doggyslobberI had it right, but had to sudo to run the comman17:17
ice_creamigoryonya, do you see all three in the output of "sudo ifconfig" ?17:17
igoryonyain "sudo ifconfig" I do17:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about timidity17:19
sky_i want know how to convert midi to any format17:19
sky_by timidity17:19
sky_anyone ?17:20
=== sadfljsadkfjsa is now known as DBO
kshadowsky_: One sec.17:20
ice_creamigoryonya, perhaps restart networking -->   sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:20
Moodwhy does abiword highlight my text in **black**?17:20
kshadowMood: Settings?17:21
Moodkshadow: my highlight color is set to white. i tried yellow. still black17:21
Moodkshadow: actually, in abiword, the "highlight" color settings is not highlight at all it seems, but normal text background. it seems buggy17:21
kshadowsky_: http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/TiMidity/17:22
sky_kshadow: then highlight me thanks17:22
sky_kshadow: ah thanks :D17:22
kshadowNo problem, note, I've never used it. :P17:22
igoryonyaOK, ice_cream, I will try, thanx. Then I tell, if it didn't help. P.S. though, I did reboot computer after that a few times and also booted to Windows and it works in there.17:22
kshadowMood: I'm not sure then, sorry.17:22
kshadowCould be something with your WM's colors?17:22
Moodwhat do you use as your text editor (beside vi, pico, xemacs) :-P17:22
ice_creamigoryonya,  you usually dont have to reboot in linux =)17:22
sky_i need correct syntax :D17:22
igoryonyaafter that problem, I mean.17:23
ice_creamigoryonya, usu. it's a matter of restarting some service =D17:23
kshadowsky_: What do you mean?17:23
sky_how to use it :D17:23
kshadowice_cream: That seems to be incorrect with Ubuntu.17:23
ice_creamkshadow, why do you say that17:23
igoryonyaYe, I understand, but since I am a newbie and don't know yet how to fix a lot of problems without rebooting, I reboot.17:23
kshadowEvery other distro I've used never requires reboot, but ubuntu seems to require it.17:23
kshadowigoryonya: If you plan on continuing to use linux, I suggest you start learning how to fix things without rebooting first :)17:24
ice_creamkshadow, unless it's something really lowlvl hardware-specific, you really shouldnt need to reboot17:24
kshadowice_cream: Generally, unless it involves major changes to the kernel, you shouldn't need to rebot.17:24
ice_creamah, right, that too17:24
Guest44962What advantages does Ubuntu have over other versions of Linux?17:24
kshadowGuest44962: User friendlyness.17:25
kshadowConsistant updates.17:25
carpiiits probably the closest thing to a user friendly distro17:25
kshadowGuest44962: It's a great starter linux.17:25
ice_creamGuest44962, generally user-friendly, popular, highly supported, nice package system17:25
sky_based by debian :p17:25
igoryonyaYes, I tried everything I could think of with my little knowledge about linux, and I didn't have enough of knowledge to be able to cope with it. And, since I don't have WiFi working there, I had to go to Windows to go on the internet and ask for help17:25
^hashbang^Guess44962: best distro by far for people new to linux17:25
ice_creamigoryonya, ah17:25
kshadowigoryonya: Well, I can probably help you get your wireless working.17:26
kshadow^hashbang^: Not nesecarily.17:26
sky_^hashbang^: not best but good :p17:26
dyrHey, im trying to make a booteble usb stick that i can install ubuntu, i use ubuntu's USB startup disk program. i can boot it from kvm but when i try to boot it from my laptop the only thing i get is the syslinux greeting line and a "boot:" that17:26
napsterOh God! Finally I've done it. now its fine17:26
kshadowIn my opinion, I'd suggest using a distro where you learn more.17:26
Guest44962ok is there any other advantages you can think of17:26
kshadowThough, ubuntu is a great way to get people hooked on linux ;)17:26
ice_creamigoryonya, it just seemed a bit strange that you had all 3 cards show up in ifconfig (with ip addresses i presume) and yet no internet17:26
napsterThe fan of processor was stopped17:26
napsterNow its working fine17:26
mikeshollenCan anyone please help me set up my microphone?17:26
carpiiyeah but most ppl new to linux are gonna give up, if they have to start compiling from source and messing about deep in configs17:27
^hashbang^That's your option... mine stays... ubuntu is based on Debian... other other distro that's even easier to use is linux mint.. which is also based off debian17:27
looterim using ibex and have a custom bootspalsh and login splash and inbetween the bootsplash and hte login splash and hten again after the login starts to load gnome I have this ubuntu brown wallpaper showing.  Really annoying to me and I'm trying to get rid of it or at least changte the color of it....sound familiar to anyone?17:27
sky_i think first you must learn on medium distros like debian, gentoo..then you are lazy and switch to user friendly distros :D17:27
kshadowsky_: That's why I used gentoo for the past year.17:27
kshadowFreeBSD/Slackware before then.17:27
mikesholleni can hel you with that looter17:27
sky_FreeBSD is not linux17:27
Moodhow do i access my window manager's color palette? (i'm using xfce)17:27
Myrttihello people, friendly reminder that this channel is for support questions. If you want to discuss Ubuntu outside support issues, please use #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you!17:27
kshadowsky_: No, I was just saying I used it before using the linux distros.17:28
carpiiim slackware -> fedora -> ubuntu (but still redhat for servers :-)17:28
sky_i dont recommend use it for desktop17:28
ice_creamigoryonya, useful to look into commands  "ifdown" and "ifup" also -->  e.g.  sudo ifdown eth1  or  sudo ifup eth1  .  What i suggested earlier about restarting networking should basically do that to all 3 of your cards, checking again with dhcp and reassign ip addresses17:28
sky_kshadow: ah ok17:28
kshadowsky_: FreeBSD?17:28
kshadowIt's a great desktop OS.17:28
sky_kshadow: yes17:28
^hashbang^I'm not a debain guru at all, I'm from the RPM / redhat world... and by far.. debain/ubuntu distro's are much fast, and alot easier to pick up than most other unix/linux type distros17:28
sky_your opinion :p17:28
kshadowsky_: Well, that's how people choose their OS' isn't it? :)17:28
sky_btw we are OFF topic...this is help channel...join #ubuntu.offtopic17:29
^hashbang^sky_: FreeBSD is not linux... so that's kinda off topic17:29
ice_cream^hashbang^, well 'fast' in some areas17:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:29
^hashbang^ice_cream: yea.. true17:29
kshadowI said slackware and gentoo first. :\17:29
^hashbang^kshadow: those are linux distros =)17:29
kshadow^hashbang^: Yes, I know..17:30
^hashbang^kshadow: I know u know =)17:30
kshadowBut BSD is still posix :/17:30
Myrttiwould you *PLEASE* take that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic and leave this channel for SUPPORT ISSUES17:30
Myrttithank you17:30
^hashbang^kshadow: doesn't matter, it's not linux... do you know what makes linux linux?17:30
ice_cream##linux is also a good place to discuss linux distros, naturally, as the chan name suggests17:30
blairtgI am having some problems setting up Internet connection sharing in ubuntu 8.04. I was wondering if someone could help me17:30
^hashbang^ok I'll stop17:30
kshadow^hashbang^: Yes, but no one seems to want us to have this convo anymore :P17:31
Myrttiyou can have it elsewhere17:31
^hashbang^kshadow: lol it's cool... =)17:31
=== kshadow is now known as kavity
kavityMyrtti: Yeah, yeah.17:31
^hashbang^Myrtti: we heard you man.. chill17:31
^hashbang^Myrtti: do I need a hall pass to?17:31
Myrtti^hashbang^: just let it pass17:32
nachlag test17:32
blairtgI am having some problems setting up Internet connection sharing in ubuntu 8.04. I was wondering if someone could help me17:32
^hashbang^Myrtti: dido17:32
kavityditto I think he means.17:32
ice_creamthe singer?17:32
Myrttiblairtg: could you please be a bit more specific with your problem? what have you tried, what program are you using etc?17:32
^hashbang^lol yea.. kavity: that's what I ment17:32
kavity^hashbang^: W're getting off topic again!17:33
syockitblairtg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing a good place to start17:33
katie_jis this a good place to ask about sound problems?17:34
kavitykatie_j: Anything ubuntu related.17:34
kavityJust no offtopic discussion or you'll be scorned!17:34
blairtgI have a machine with 2 Ethernet ports running Norton ghost. one port connects out to the internet and the other connects to the ghost network. I want to share that internet connection with the other port and therefore out to the ghost network17:34
katie_jdon't know if it is ubuntu related17:34
^hashbang^ok I have a question: I just installed Alpha 4 amd64 and I can't for the life of me get the 173, 177, or the 180 drivers to work. I can logon to GDM but then my screen goes to a black background, and a mouse arrow and nothing else happens. if I go to a console I can see that the gnome bar has started, along with other gnomeish bits..17:34
sporkboyokay... I had my xorg set to switch between qwerty & dvorak (for other users) using "#Option"XkbOptions""grp:alt_shift_toggle"" in my xorg.conf. Upgraded to 8.10. now that doesn't work... apparently, that stuff has been moved to hal fdi's. anybody know how to do the same thing now?17:35
kavitykatie_j: Are you using ubuntu?17:35
kavitykatie_j: Ask away.17:35
^hashbang^nvidia drivers btw:17:35
kavityI'll see if I can help.17:35
Myrtti^hashbang^: #ubuntu+117:35
katie_jif I plug in a keyboard (synthesizer not qwerty) which has a usb audio device, it plays the startup sound17:35
ator_hey homies someone can give me nice theme package that easy to use?17:35
slasherhe guys, how much time take an update to a new ubuntu version from a previous one?17:35
gordonjcpslasher: how long is a piece of string?17:35
Myrttislasher: that depends on your internet connection speed?17:35
igoryonyakshadow. That would be nice if you could help me solve that problem. I will try those suggestions that were given. I have to reboot for that. If that doesn't help, I will have to ask for more help. Ye, it probably is strange that it displays only lfupdown (eth2) in graphical utility but everything in the ifconfig17:35
sky_slasher: 6 months17:35
ator_hey homies someone can give me nice theme package that easy to use?17:36
ator_hey homies someone can give me nice theme package that easy to use?17:36
syockitslasher: depending on internet connection speed, computer power17:36
gordonjcpslasher: you have to download approximately a CD's worth of packages17:36
gordonjcp!repeat | ator_17:36
ubottuator_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:36
slasherhehe i m actually dling 1300 updates17:36
sporkboyslasher: took me 2 days.. but only b/c I'm usually only on for 2 hours a day.17:36
slasherit said 15 mins but17:36
kavityigoryonya: I am kshadow(normall this is my nick).17:36
syockitslasher: can be at least 1 hour on fast computer with fast internet17:36
sky_slasher: sorry xD17:36
slashery but when it  install the package?17:36
kavityslasher: It took me several hours.17:36
igoryonyaAfter years of working and mastering windows, I can manage it without rebooting for months, but I am not that knowlegeable in linux yet.17:36
kavityigoryonya: Do you have access to your system right now?17:36
_moro_bana_I want to share my internet connection through my wireless card, want to have my iphone connected for updates, anyone to walk me through it?17:36
slashernot the dl, the install process17:37
vulnHello there. I'm doing sudo apt-get remove vim, but vim is not uninstalled :/17:37
trancefatHi All... Is there some way I can use the internet from my mobile phone on ubuntu? I am using a Nokia e71 and there is no software for ubuntu provided by Nokia!17:37
gordonjcpslasher: oh, so once it's all downloaded and it starts unpacking packages?17:37
_moro_bana_vuln: then purger it17:37
kavityvuln: Did you install it via source?17:37
blairtgcould someone at least point me to an irc that might be able to help me?17:37
gordonjcpslasher: on mine, about half an hour usually17:37
vulnkavity: no17:37
Moodwhere can i change the theme for ubuntu?17:37
wuq7362vuln: the default vim package is vim-tiny17:37
vulnwuq7362: thanks17:37
_moro_bana_vuln: apt-get remove --purge17:37
slasherok ty17:37
igoryonyaNo, I have to reboot back and forth17:37
wuq7362vuln: so try removing vim-tiny17:37
kavityigoryonya: Hrmm, well that could be abit harder to help with.17:38
vulnThank you very much17:38
Moodi don't have a .gtk-2.0 dir. so how does xfce know where to look to set my default theme?17:38
Myrttitrancefat: if you're using Intrepid or Hardy, it should work nicely with NetworkManager17:38
slasheri was just a bit feared by seeing 1300 packages17:38
kavityigoryonya: Mind if we talk via /msg instgead? Makes things easier to read.17:38
vulnit worked, thank you very much17:38
igoryonyaUbuntu 8.10 DVDs and DVD Repos17:38
* _VIM_ apt-get removes vuln.... two can play that game !! ;)17:38
katie_jso any thoughts on my sound problem, anyone?17:38
wuq7362_VIM_: hehehe17:38
kavitykatie_j: I never saw all your message sorry. I only read the part that said you plugged it in and got the startup sound?17:39
wuq7362_VIM_: i always remove nano and install the full vim package17:39
slasherso thanks all, hehe need to close my progs running while it installs all this stuff17:39
piccawhat is a good gnome app in ubuntu for ripping DVDs?17:39
Myrttitrancefat: connect your phone to the computer with an USB cable, check that you have "PC Suite" chosen and you should get a notification bubble about a phone connection being available17:39
trancefatMyrtti: Ok.. thanks17:39
igoryonyahelp /msg17:39
slasherhope i will be back soon :D17:39
katie_jkavity: yes, that's about it17:39
_VIM_wuq7362: i dont go that far, but I do make sure i have all the VIM stuff that isnt on Ubuntu by default :D17:39
kavitykatie_j: So what's the problem then? O-o17:39
JaxxonI ran sudo apt-get install firefox & it upgraded to 3.0.5, but when I open it it's same 3.0.417:39
katie_jkavity: uhm, should it do that?17:40
mikeshollenCan Java be installed on 8.04 through Synaptic?17:40
wuq7362_VIM_: i meant apt-get install vim (which replaces vim-tiny)17:40
kavitykatie_j: Well, I don't know? Maybe I can't help you sorry. :P17:40
herathkatie_j: i'd start by going to the system-->preferences-->sound menu and check if the name of your usb keyboard is shown as the selected playback device... if that's the case or change it to point to your sound card17:40
katie_jkavity: it's the sound you get when you log into ubuntu17:40
slasherthe last ubuntu version is 8.10 right?17:40
kavityType lsusb, and see if it detects it.17:40
katie_jherath: it's not set as the selected playback device and I turned all the sounds off17:41
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:41
mikeshollenslasher: Yes17:41
_VIM_wuq7362: ah, well removing nano prolly not a bad idea too (me runs to the cli to remove it) O.o17:41
cpachhi all! how do i change the locale on a per-user basis?17:41
CarlFKWhere is the 'check my hardware' option? (plays a tone, pings the network, makes you type some keys...)17:41
slashershit so i ll need a new update after this one (7.10 -> 8.04)17:41
katie_jherath: it doesn't do it through the keyboard when I log in, only when I turn the keyboard on17:41
herathkate_j: is it set to "automatic" ? make sure you sound card is selected anyway17:41
_VIM_!language > slasher17:41
ubottuslasher, please see my private message17:41
katie_jif its turned on when i log it in it doesn't happen17:42
faderCarlFK: should be under System - Administration17:42
CarlFKfader: there it is/  thanks17:42
jeroslasher - never upgrade if your system runs fine. just a waste of time17:42
gordonjcpkatie_j: what kind of keyboard?17:42
Myrttijero: ehhh...17:42
slashertoo late17:42
katie_jgordonjcp: novation xiosynth17:43
jeroeveryone is so upgrade happy those days17:43
slasherwhy a waste of time?17:43
gordonjcpkatie_j: ah, I've got one of those, and had exactly that problem17:43
gordonjcpkatie_j: didn't get an answer, though17:43
gordonjcpkatie_j: you might have more success17:43
Myrttijero: even if the lifespan of the release is running out? you have a weird way of thinking about upgrade17:43
slasheri want to have the last stuff and security upgrades17:44
churlso was there ever a GUI made for configuring mouse button mapping?17:44
slashereven if ubuntu is not a target of hackers17:44
jeroMyrtti, even then, if there is no new features you need of the newer version, then what is the point?17:44
ekomaHello everyone! Im new here and this is my first time running Linux :)17:44
Myrttijero: security updates17:44
_VIM_!yay | ekoma17:44
ubottuekoma: Glad you made it! :-)17:44
Myrttijero: if a release has reached EOL, then you wont be getting security updates.17:45
ekomaThank you! :D17:45
katie_jgordonjcp: what did you do about it?17:46
ekomaSo im reading the documentation pages to learn about Ubuntu and linux in general. Do you have any tips for where to move on next?17:46
gordonjcpekoma: play with it17:46
churlekoma: dont listen when people tell you to rtfm17:47
_VIM_yep, you'll only retain about 20% just reading anything, you have to get your hands dirty and just experiment with Linux...17:47
gordonjcpkatie_j: didn't solve it, really, I deafened myself and my neighbours a few times before I ended up rm -rf'ing the directory with all the sounds17:47
rainofkayosekoma: i think actually running it and using it is the best way to learn17:47
gordonjcpkatie_j: I never use them anyway17:47
jerowith my ati card i had trouble getting my hardware acceleration to run. now with my nvidia acceleration works great, but i have trouble getting mesa software acceleration to run for testing purposes17:47
ekomaOkay I'll do that. Thanks17:48
* obhk__ 17:49
Droopsta915Is gtypist the only typing program on Linux?17:49
quadaptori try to compile openssl to a non standard path, but have problems with the shared libs. openldap links to system zlib / libcrypto. please take a look to http://dpaste.com/118610/ for configure. any idea?17:50
ekomaYeah well i just thought i should introduce myself :P17:50
ekomaI'll be back to chat someday ;)17:50
syockitDroopsta915: if I'm not mistaken there's another one written in qt17:50
Myrttiekoma: welcome to #ubuntu-offtopic :-)17:50
churlsomeone point me in the direction on mapping my touchpad (wanting to change M3 and maybe do other fancy things)17:51
marco_is there someone how can help me whit C programming17:52
Droopsta915syockit:is that the name qt?17:52
Picimarco_: The people in ##c can probably help the best.17:52
jerochurl good luck with that. linux is full of bugs when it comes to configuring input devices to more than the standard17:52
marco_its my first time in irc...how do i get there?17:53
rainofkayosjoin #c17:53
StarKadI burned a ubuntu 8.10 live CD, but when I try to run it, it boots, loads everything perfectly for 10 seconds, and then my mouse stops moving and the insert/caps/num lock lights in my keyboard start blinking17:53
Picimarco_: type: /join ##c17:53
churl(/join #c++17:53
Picichurl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto may help you17:53
churlthanks guys17:54
ekomaCan anyone tell me how to discover other ubuntu channels and how to connect to them?17:54
Pici!irc | ekoma17:54
ubottuekoma: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:54
rainofkayosdepends on ur client the best way to do...17:54
jeroafter all those years noone has written a capable app to configure pointing devices keys properly17:54
jerothis makes me quite sceptical17:55
=== sean is now known as Guest61015
notsihello everyone :) i really need help pls17:55
ekoma!irc | ekoma17:55
ubottuekoma, please see my private message17:55
churlnosbig: shoot17:55
notsimy freind is at the server host installing ubuntu but he has an ip problem17:55
ekomayeah i saw it thank you very much ubottu17:55
notsihe keeps useing manual ip setting and everythign is fine .. but every time he restarts the machine it goes bakc to automatic ip17:56
notsihow can someone use only manual ip and not automatic?17:56
rainofkayosedit interfaces file17:57
Piciekoma: ubottu is a bot. It responds to in channel !triggers.17:57
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:57
notsiPici could u please help me?17:57
DigitalFizanyone having issues with aim?17:57
Picinotsi: I'm actually just about to run off. Ask the channel the question and if someone knows the answer they should be able to help you.17:57
rainofkayosu need to edit the interfaces file and remove the dhcp package17:58
notsimy freind is tring to set manual ip on ubuntu and it works .. but ever tim ehe restarts the machine it jumps back to automatic .. can someone pelase help us ?17:58
notsiThank you rainofkayos i will call him right now!17:58
tiredbonesWhat package is best for backing up files to dvd?17:58
rainofkayosremove the dhcp package to stop it from starting auto17:58
rainofkayosif he/she needs it back just apt-get it17:59
rainofkayosnotsi: sure17:59
=== gaintsura_ is now known as gaintsura
notsii am on the phone with him now .. where would we find the remove dhcp option?17:59
rainofkayosfirst do dpkg -l | grep -i *dhcp*18:00
rainofkayossee what the name of the package is and remove it18:00
rainofkayosapt-get remove18:00
rainofkayosedit the /etc/network/interfaces file to match the static IP setting that fit ur network18:01
rainofkayoson reboot dhcp shouldn't start and the machine will use the static setting in interfaces file18:01
syockitDroopsta915: no, qt is a toolkit name. maybe it's difficult to understand, simply said, it's more for kubuntu rather than ubuntu18:05
syockitDroopsta915: but you can still use it on ubuntu18:05
notsirainofkeyos: he used "dpkg -l | grep -i *dhcp*" and nothing happend18:05
tristanmikeHi, sorry to bother, don't see anything in the topic... is the Main Server having issues ?18:06
rainofkayoscould b18:07
=== jku is now known as jku_one
notsirainofkayos i have remote controle .. i typed " dpkg -l | grep -i *dhcp*" and nothin ghappend18:07
adantehi, can someone tell me how to disable reverse dns lookups in syslog?18:07
rainofkayosdid u already remove dhcp?18:08
notsiall i did was type dpkg -l | grep -i *dhcp* in the terminal18:08
rainofkayostake the p off18:08
notsino .. i .. i dont even know how to recognize it:(18:08
notsioh ok18:08
notsiwait with p?:P18:08
notsidkg -l | gre -i *dhc*18:09
notsiliek this?18:09
rainofkayosdpkg -l | grep -i dhc18:09
notsiok it gave me this18:09
zdobersekDoes anybody have a working wireless connection in Jaunty Alpha4? With Belkin's USB adapter, NetworkManager appears to be connected to the wifi network with ~90% signal strength, but no packages seem to transmit and loading any page fails. Anybody having same problem or even solution for it?18:10
notsiDamn no ctl c! sec let me type18:10
rainofkayosno u dont have to control C with linux18:10
rainofkayosjust high light it and use the middle button to copy18:10
^hashbang^zdobersek: try #ubuntu+118:10
notsiii  dhcp3-client                               3.1.1-1ubuntu2                          DHCP client18:10
notsiii  dhcp3-common                               3.1.1-1ubuntu2                          common files used by all the dhcp3* packages18:10
^hashbang^zdobersek: the just helped me with an nvidia issue18:11
DIFH-icerootnotsi: shift + insert == ctl c18:11
rainofkayosi think u should use paste bin when pasting in the chat though =)18:11
zdobersek^hashbang^: thanks.18:11
notsii manged thank you .. this is what it gave me18:11
rainofkayosremove those afterr u edit the interfaces file18:11
hubarnotsi, do it in gnome-terminal, don't do it in retarded xterm.18:11
rainofkayos.. do u know how to edit the interfaces file?18:11
DIFH-icerootrainofkayos: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces18:11
rainofkayoswell if u need a gui do it like that18:11
hubarI hate the convention where you need to use middle button to copy/paste18:11
notsid.. do u want accses?18:11
hubarIt is incredibly stupid.18:12
rainofkayosDIFH-iceroot: yep he still should remove the client if hes going static18:12
tristanmikehubar: in my opinion, it's very smart18:12
notsii can get u accses thu vnc to our server .. were just newbi's at linux but running a public server18:12
hubarI hate to use mouse.18:12
tristanmikehubar: lol, there's the rub ;)18:12
ParhelicTriangleyou can use shift-insert as well18:13
Droopsta915how can extract a rar file?18:13
DIFH-icerootnotsi: never!!!! give anybody access to your pc!!!!18:13
fosco__!rar | Droopsta91518:13
ubottuDroopsta915: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free18:13
notsi1 its not my pc its my server 2 i will change pass 3 i need help i am a linux noob:( and my server is dieing :(18:13
rainofkayosnotsi: as i said..18:13
rainofkayosedit interfaces file...18:13
rainofkayosand remove dhcp packages18:13
rainofkayosreboot and u will have a static address18:14
notsiwhere can i find that file sir?18:14
boshheadepiphany-webkit or epiphany-gecko?18:14
DIFH-icerootnotsi: again!! never give anybody access to your pc and dont host a linux-server if you dont know anything about linux because then it will be a spam relay or something like that18:14
gescapehi, is there a way so I can use kde 4.2 along with gnome on the same system?.. e.g. I'd like to create "kdeuser" and play around with kde but leave my current user desktop (gnome) intact18:14
=== jack99 is now known as JackWinter
tristanmikegescape: you should be able to install Kubuntu along side of Ubuntu and switch via the logon window.18:14
fosco__gescape, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop18:15
tristanmikegescape: using the command fosco__ gave you18:15
Ace2016_-Hi all18:15
DIFH-icerootfosco__: tristanmike he want kde 4.2, so kubuntu-desktop is wrong18:15
=== mint is now known as pardubuntu
gescapewill it leave my gnome intact??? that's absolutely important.. I do not want to lose any of my data18:16
tristanmikeDIFH-iceroot: oops, missed that18:16
fosco__DIFH-iceroot, well, packet is allright but respos don't :)18:16
Ace2016_-how do you rearrange the columns in rhythmbox?18:16
DIFH-icerootfosco__: kubuntu-desktop is 4.2?18:16
fosco__with the right repos yes, with intrepid official repos don't18:17
gescapeyes, I think kubuntu-desktop does not use 4.218:17
notsii foound the interface file18:17
notsithis is the only thing it contains18:17
notsiauto lo18:17
notsiiface lo inet loopback18:17
=== jean-claude is now known as jc58
rainofkayosdont touch the loop back18:17
rainofkayosjust edit the eth0 or the likes18:17
rainofkayoslo is the loop back18:17
tristanmikeAce2016_-: under "Edit-Preferences" you can change which columns are available, but I don't think you can actually move them around18:17
mikeshollenCan anyone help me with my Microphone?18:17
notsiso remove" lo"?18:17
rainofkayoslol leave that18:18
tiredbonesI wish to backup my home directory to a dvd , how do i get the hidden also?18:18
notsiok ok18:18
rainofkayoswhere not removing any interface here..18:18
tiredbonesI wish to backup my home directory to a dvd , how do i get the hidden files  also?18:18
rainofkayosactually before u edit any file take a backup18:18
Ace2016_-tiredbones: what app are you using?18:18
rainofkayoscp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.good18:18
Ace2016_-tiredbones: in gnomebaker its rightclick > show hidden files18:19
rainofkayosthen move to edit eth0 to have a static setting..18:19
rainofkayosim finding a link for u now...18:19
rainofkayosfor the syntax18:19
tiredbonesAce2016_, I'm on rel 8.0418:19
rainofkayosnotsi: look at that link for an example of syntax18:20
notsibut i dont have eth0 :( i only have the following18:20
notsiauto lo18:20
notsiiface lo inet loopback18:20
tiredbonesAce2016_,  Place -> CD/DVD creator18:20
_VIM_Why are the forums always down? :(18:21
rainofkayosdo ifconfig on the command line and tell me the interfaes u see18:21
tiredbonesAce2016_-,  Place -> CD/DVD creator18:21
_VIM_or extremely slow18:21
mikeshollenCould anyone help me configure my Microphone?18:22
Ace2016_-tiredbones: Alt+F2, run gnomebaker, right click on the list of files > show hidden files18:22
notsi1 . THANK YOU OMG THANK U SO MUCH I LOVE THIS PLACEEEEE!!!!!!!!! 2. we belive this link u gave us will help us thru rain !18:23
notsiif i got u renight we need to replace:18:23
notsiauto lo18:24
notsiiface lo inet loopback18:24
rainofkayosno no no18:24
rainofkayosdo not replace auto lo18:24
rainofkayosleave the loop back interface18:24
velko!enter > notsi18:24
ubottunotsi, please see my private message18:24
sep1318\join #kubuntu-kde418:25
notsiso to placeauto eth018:25
notsiiface eth0 inet static18:25
notsi        address
notsi        netmask
notsi        network
FloodBot1notsi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
notsi        broadcast
rainofkayosnotsi: use the paste bin18:26
rainofkayoscopy ur ifconfig -a output to a pastebin18:26
notsii dont know how?18:26
rainofkayosull see its easy go to that link18:26
notsisec sec whats a broad cast.. is that = dns?18:26
tiredbonesAce2016_-,  thanks18:26
notsiwhat is broad cast? and how do i add dns?18:26
rainofkayosif ur network were ur broadcast is
CarlFKother than System/Admin/Hardware Testing (which no longer gives me much feedback) is there anything that will help me figure out what hardware in my box is/isn't supported?18:27
rainofkayosif ur network is rhen the broadcast is
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:28
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:28
squidlyany one have ideas how to help me trouble shoot a suspend/power off issue on my laptop18:28
_VIM_Anyone else getting a 503 error on the forums?18:28
squidly_VIM_: yep18:28
rainofkayosacpi_listen ?18:28
_VIM_I try google cache then, thanks squidly18:29
squidlyrainofkayos: ??18:29
squidly_VIM_: it works now18:29
squidly_VIM_: there was a proxy error18:29
=== marcos_ is now known as w525aa
notsiumm ok rain thank u Very much for ur assistance but my freind who is at the host just gave up and started screaming (guess we just cant handle linux)18:29
rainofkayosuh oh18:30
w525aahola chicos18:30
rainofkayosits simple really..18:30
notsiyea:( guess our beloved wizcraft wont be online tonight ..18:30
rainofkayoswere u connected to dhcp previously?18:30
notsiOh i am sure it is but we totaly lack any expiriance with linux so everything slows us down18:30
notsii assume so but i realyl dont know18:30
rainofkayoswell was it on the netwrok before?18:31
DragonLord-How do I check if a port is used, and by which application?18:31
blizzlenotsi, Once you overcome the learning curve, Linux will help your workflow improve. Worth persevering with.18:31
rainofkayoslsof -i :<port>18:31
notsiyes yes it was but not a static one18:31
rainofkayos@ DragonLord-18:31
rainofkayosor u can use netstat -pane18:31
notsimy hopes is that once my partnet will get here we wil lbe able to try again18:31
DragonLord-okey, thanks18:31
vikasapGuys, I am on ubuntu 8.04 and I need to install the linux-backports-modules18:31
erUSULDragonLord-: sudo lsof -i :portnumber18:31
vikasapHow do I do it ?18:31
rainofkayoswell.. yea if ur not root already ;>18:32
notsii wrote it all down .. and i hope ti will help us ..18:32
erUSUL!software | vikasap18:32
ubottuvikasap: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:32
squidlyrainofkayos: what do you mean by acpi_listen?18:32
blaenkMBhey guys in the 'automatically mount partitions' wiki page it says 'wget http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter' but that script is no longer there18:32
notsionce again thank u and sorry for breaking aa few rules here:(18:32
rainofkayosit's a command i believe it can monitor power states18:32
notsii will try and return with my freind and hopefulyl we can finish this :(18:32
kebomixhow to change lan card mac address in ubutnu 8.10 ?18:32
spassblaenkMB: read about fstab18:32
vikasaperUSUL: I know how to install , but the backporting module is not available , so can you please tell me how do I find it18:32
rainofkayosu would need to look into it's usage.. which is why i said "acpi_listen?"18:32
Awsoonn_I have passwd file from computer A and would like to recreate the users on system B, how might I go about scripting such a thing?18:32
blaenkMBspass: that script used to allow me to do things really fast/easily/automatically, I'd rather not screw around with fstab if I don't need to18:33
rainofkayosrsync /etc/passwd in crontab18:33
squidlyrainofkayos: when I try it from the xfce logout option I get nothing18:33
kebomixhow to change lan card mac address in ubutnu 8.10 ?18:33
erUSULvikasap: well i found them pretty quickly http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-backport&searchon=names&suite=hardy&section=all18:34
rainofkayosi dont use xfce alot but the command should work in the console18:34
squidlyrainofkayos: yea18:34
vikasapThanks erUSUL18:34
CarlFKwhats the thing that gives me a desktop cube or whatever that nifty UI candy is?18:34
squidlyCarlFK: compiz18:35
rainofkayossquidly: give me a second18:35
rainofkayosim looking into that18:35
rainofkayosgoogle =>18:35
Awsoonn_using a bash script, how can I break a line of text into three variables?18:35
spassAwsoonn_: cut ?18:36
dixon208how do i get kde 4.2.0 installed as a desktop on ubuntu 8.1018:36
rainofkayosexpand the variables?18:36
rainofkayossquidly: http://linux.die.net/man/8/acpi_listen18:37
Awsoonn_spass: that is my first thought, but how can I make it read one line of text directly, or tell it to only parse a given line?18:37
DragonLord-Why do I have to run a Java SocketServer (port 843) with sudo? I have changed owner with chown to my normal user account.18:37
CarlFKsquidly: how do I "combiz" :)  or whatever18:37
spassAwsoonn_: try witch awk18:37
DragonLord-I get "Port already in use" if I don't use sudo18:38
spassAwsoonn_: echo file | awk '{<actions for each line}'18:38
nanotubeDragonLord-: i recall there being a restriction on opening any ports <= 1024 by non-root users18:38
mikeshollenCan anyone help me setup my mic?18:38
Stefan100How do I install git?18:38
Awsoonn_spass: I'll see what I can do with awk, thanks18:38
nanotubeStefan100: probably "sudo apt-get install git" ?18:38
DragonLord-nanotube okey, that is probarly true, thanks18:39
nanotubeDragonLord-: try a higher port number and see if the problem still persists. if not, then that's it. :)18:39
Stefan100no idea what you are talking about. I am a newbie.18:39
nanotubeStefan100: then why do you want git? git is a source code version control system, and is decidedly not for newbies...18:40
kavityWhy isn't git good for noobies.18:40
Stefan100I am a newbie to Ubuntu, not to git/source code/development18:40
erUSULkavity: ask in #git XD18:40
nanotubeStefan100: ah i see. ok :)18:40
DragonLord-nanotube yes, will try :)18:40
=== matt-wp is now known as rtfm`matt
nanotubeStefan100: well.. see here, then:18:41
rainofkayosports lower than 1024 are priveledged and need priv escalation18:41
nanotube!apt | Stefan10018:41
ubottuStefan100: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)18:41
nanotube!synaptic | Stefan10018:41
ubottuStefan100: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:41
dixon208would i do sudo apt-get install kde 4.2.0 to get it?18:41
squidlyrainofkayos: thanks18:41
squidlyi'll look that over18:41
Stefan100...ok, synaptic18:42
CarlFKneat: run combiz in an ssh shell, with X forwarding... amazing things happen.  reboot should fix it... brb18:42
nanotubedixon208: kde 4.2 is not in the official ubuntu repos for 8.10, since it was released just recently.18:42
nanotubedixon208: you may be able to find a third-party repository that hosts kde4.2 packages for ubuntu 8.10, though.18:42
dixon208where would i find those nanotube?18:42
erUSUL!ppa | dixon20818:42
ubottudixon208: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.18:42
nanotubedixon208: google around, i can't give you a specific link off the top of my head...18:43
nanotubeStefan100: probably package "git-core" is what you're looking for. just search in synaptic for packagename == "git", and see what you have.18:45
dixon208ok well thanks everyone who helped :) ^_^18:45
mikeshollenCan anyone help me get my mic working?18:46
_2i have an app that keeps crashing,  kolorpaint by name,  i have traced it to OOMK, so i ran a while loop to record the memory usage "http://pastebin.com/f494ef5aa".  does anyone have any interset in looking into this ?18:46
Stefan100ok...synaptic had git18:47
_2i'm wondering why the swapfile is not being used rather than OOMK killing the app ?18:47
jbuncher_2 is your swap actually turned on?18:48
velkomikeshollen, have you tried these instructions? worked like charm for me for a couple of machines. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957818:48
mikeshollenvelko: thank you, i will read the link18:48
_2jbuncher did you look at the pastebin ?18:48
_2jbuncher short answer is YES18:48
erUSUL_2: well the app should be fixed its mamleaks plugged...18:49
OniI have been a Linux user for about 5 years now18:49
OniWhy do people use Ubuntu?18:49
erUSUL!ot | Oni18:49
ubottuOni: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:49
jbuncher_2:  .....clearly I did not, sorry.  Maybe you have a low swappiness value?18:49
_2erUSUL i agree, and seeing that it's dapper LTS it should already bne stable.18:49
Onibrb,  #ubuntu-offtopic18:50
_2jbuncher good call. i'll check.18:50
erUSUL!bugs | _218:50
ubottu_2: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:50
orcihi all, my ubuntu host system gets hot and shutsdown when a virtualbox virtual system does heavy load job. How can I track why the system is getting hot?18:50
kjellSuddeny my audio in stoped working. Could anyone think of a reason?18:51
Silenxafter an update?18:51
MoLootorci  Have you verified that your cooling fans and cpu fan is working properly?18:51
kjellSilenx: I did some kind of a codec update lately but i uninstalled it to check if it caused the problem.18:51
dayo_an app that let's me convert .avi to .mpeg     any recommendations?18:52
jbuncher_2 :  any luck?18:53
Silenxtry to reconfigure pulseaudio kjell18:53
_2jbuncher not yet.18:53
kjellSilenx: Will try a reboot. I be right back. Thanks for the help.18:54
_2jbuncher swappiness is listed as  Priority  in /proc/swaps  correct ?18:54
uman_Hi guys. My mobo got fried so i transferred my hdds to another pc. (my old pc had an nvidia gfx card with nvidia dfrivers, this new pc only has onboard graphics from ATI, with ati drivers now) Unfortunately this new box with ubuntu 8.10 does not receognize my usb cable modem.. it does not even show if i use the lsusb command. What could the problem be, are there any usb drivers i can uninstall/reinstall/install or go down to another kernel. Ps, other usb18:55
uman_devices (mouse, flash drives, ipod) work fine.. Thanks. Im really lost here . Also, i get an error with the network interface eth2 which used to be my cablemodem, it says SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device when i click a network icon on the taskbar. thanks18:55
drashdayo_: plenty of options, but http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/05/22/easily-convert-videos-with-winff-and-ffmpeg/ might be of interest18:57
kjellSilenx: A good ol' restart did it.18:57
jbuncher_2 :  I'm not sure, actually.  I just remember there being a setting somewhere.  That seems like it could be it though.  *googles*18:57
Silenxkjell, it rocks18:58
Archoniancan i install the ubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64 version on an intel system ?18:58
jbuncher_2 :  the info I found says that the swappiness is set in /etc/sysctl.conf, with "vm.swappiness = numberbetween0and100"19:00
raheemArchonian, if your system is 64 bit, yes19:00
jbuncherArchonian:  If it's a 64-bit processor like the Core 2's or Core i7's, then yes19:00
jbuncherjbuncher:  not if it's an itanium processor though19:00
Archonianok, good... I'm using a 64-bit system, right now, I'm using 64 bit Vista and I want to install linux so I guess the ubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64 is the one i want19:01
SilenxArchonian, amd64 means all x86_64 processor based19:01
Archoniani'm using intel core 2 duo 3 GHz E8400 processor19:01
ArchonianSilenx: OK, I was afraid it was only for AMD processors19:02
mac9416Hey, ya'll! Where does apt-get/Synaptic cache downloaded debs?19:02
jbuncherArchonian: that should do it then, the amd64 should work (can always just try a livecd and see if it does anyway!)19:02
Picimac9416: /var/cache/apt/archives/19:02
=== uman_ is now known as uman1
SilenxArchonian, i use debian-amd64 ( like ubuntu-amd64 ) on an intel core2duo19:03
Silenxand it rox19:03
jbuncherAre there any kernel devs in here that could help me troubleshoot intel wireless connectivity?  Connecting to WPA Enterprise SSID Hidden with 2.6.24-23 always fails, but with 2.6.24-22 it always succeeds.  Bugreport and syslogs for failed and successful connection attempts are at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/317976 .  Thanks for your time!19:03
mac9416Pici: How long will those files stay there?19:04
mac9416Pici: Til reboot?19:04
Picimac9416: Until you `apt-get clean` them19:04
jbunchermac9416:  I think there's a cron job that cleans out ones that are older than 30 days or so, but you can run "apt-get clean" to manually remove them19:04
Archonianhow's ubuntu with drivers, is it good at automatically finding drivers for hardware, or it doesn't do that?19:05
mac9416Pici, jbuncher: Okee-Dokee! Thanks!19:05
jacksonhydehey guys and gals - I got a doozy of a problem. Anyone got five minutes they could spare please?19:05
raheemArchonian, it must pick everything, in most cases. but try the livecd and see it urself ;)19:05
_VIM_Archonian: that is a very broad question19:05
uman1Hi guys. My mobo got fried so i transferred my hdds to another pc. (my old pc had an nvidia gfx card with nvidia dfrivers, this new pc only has onboard graphics from ATI, with ati drivers now) Unfortunately this new box with ubuntu 8.10 does not receognize my usb cable modem.. it does not even show if i use the lsusb command. What could the problem be, are there any usb drivers i can uninstall/reinstall/install or go down to another kernel. Ps, other usb19:05
uman1devices (mouse, flash drives, ipod) work fine.. Thanks. Im really lost here . Also, i get an error with the network interface eth2 which used to be my cablemodem, it says SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device when i click a network icon on the taskbar. thanks19:05
tuna-fishhow can I recover an ext3 filesystem that says  "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc,19:05
_VIM_depending on hardware in question19:05
tuna-fish       missing codepage or helper program, or other error" when trying to mount19:05
TuxSympathisermy laptop keeps hard locking19:06
^hashbang^Archonian: I have a core 2 duo 2.4Gz and I just installed 9.04 amd64 and things work well19:06
jbunchertuna-fish, with the drive unmounted, try running fsck.ext3 on the drive19:06
csunewWhere can I learn detailedly about configure my ubuntu19:07
raheemcsunew, help.ubuntu.com19:07
jacksonhydebasically, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.10 on my girlfriends laptop (a dodgy old Sharp machine), but her enter key is broken so I can't select anything in the bios. Any ideas?19:07
jacksonhydeMy USB keyboard won't work.19:07
velkotuna-fish, "sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/sdc" if you are sure that the whole drive (as opposed to single partition) is occupied by the file system. else you have to use "/dev/sdc1" instead19:07
TuxSympathiserI need some help please19:07
ConstantineXVIDoes Evolution support SyncML, like what Google Sync uses now?19:07
letalisjacksonhyde: man if the enter key is screwed that could be a problem19:08
jacksonhydetell me about it :/19:08
letalisis it totally hosed or does it look repairable?19:08
jacksonhydeIt just doesn't work.19:08
drashjacksonhyde: did you try tabbing around and hitting the spacebar to 'enter' yet ?19:08
tuna-fishjbuncher, velko: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem19:08
^hashbang^jacksonhyde: might be time to look into a new keyboard for that laptop, or a new used laptop... or an acer one laptop19:08
jacksonhydeIt looks good from the top, but pressing gets nothing.19:08
jacksonhydeyeah, tabbing and spacebar don't work.19:08
letalissounds liek the sensor in the key has died :/19:09
tuna-fishjbuncher, velko: trying the alternate superblock doesn't seem to help19:09
jacksonhydeIf I had a PS2 keyboard I think it might work, I don't think the bios can read USB keyboards...19:09
letalisshort of rpelacing the keyboard in it theres probably nothing one could do to fix that.19:09
rainofkayosdepending on the type pf board u may be able to pop the cap on the enter key and clean the contacts...but preferably19:09
rainofkayosu should replace the keyboard19:09
jacksonhydeyeah, not many places selling keyboards for five year old laptops at 7:00pm unfortunately. :(19:09
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jacksonhydeand I want it noooowwww. :)19:10
velkotuna-fish, if you have important data on this drive the first step should be to make a copy of it with dd and try to repair the copy19:10
rainofkayosoops this is a lptop?19:10
velkotuna-fish, else you could lose all your data19:10
Archonianhashbang: OK good to know19:10
jacksonhydeI've tried plugging a USB laptop in, but it doesn't register.19:10
rainofkayosneeds to be shop repaired in this case if the key is truly shot19:10
jacksonhydeI figured.19:10
rainofkayoshmm check bios for that option..19:10
evokedoes anyone know what you can do on a ubuntu 8.04 server without being root19:10
rainofkayosu may need to disable something to use a usb keyboard19:10
jacksonhydeyeah, nothing in the bios, and I couldn't change any values even if I found it. :/19:11
letalisthe keyboard in a laptop can be replaced but its a lot harder to find them and you for certain got to go throught the manucaturer for it :/19:11
evokedoes seem much regarding installing software19:11
rainofkayosyep it's a shop visit for sure19:11
jacksonhydeit's got XP on it at the moment, I might try remapping the keys and then doing a clean install of XP>19:11
DIFH-icerootevoke: everything if the user can use sudo19:11
Archoniani'm using Windows Vista on one harddrive, with one C: drive (Vista installation) and another E: (unallocated space)... do i want to keep the unallocated space unallocated when booting with the ubuntu cd?19:11
evokeno sudo19:11
evokewell not at the moment19:11
jacksonhydeif you remap the enter key, will it change it in the bios or is it a process that has to boot up?19:12
jbuncherevoke:  You have to be root (or have sudo'd to elevate your priviledges) in order to install/remove software.19:12
jacksonhydethis is XP (sorry..dirty word I know).19:12
AJC_Z0When inserting removable media (CD, DVD), a window pops up offering to use a list of applications. How do I add and app to that list?19:12
edmondscommercehi all19:12
edmondscommerceanyone able to help me find the hosts file19:12
edmondscommercei knew where it was in hardy but its now gone..19:12
rainofkayosthe hosts file under /etc/19:12
letaliswell windows has uses, it makes a nice shiny coaster for my mountain dew to sit on.19:12
letalisand man are they fancy.19:13
raheemjacksonhyde, i wonder if u have an external keyboard around19:13
edmondscommerceah ok thanks19:13
kavityAnyone able to help me get my onboard microphone to record?19:13
jacksonhydeyeah, I got two USB ones, but no PS2 ones.19:13
drashAJC_Z0: some of these options are configurable via nautilus > edit > preferences i believe19:13
jbuncherArchonian, I don't think I understand the question.  Are you planning to install ot that space?19:13
rainofkayoskavity: have you checked ur input levels?19:13
Archonianjbuncher: on the E:, the unallocated space yes, I want to put ubuntu there19:13
jbuncherletalis:  It's a good thing they're fancy too, imagine how ruined your table would get if that wasn't an "authentic" microsoft coaster!  They're really just protecting you.....19:14
Archonianjbuncher: it's about 20GB19:14
rainofkayosis the device recognized when plugging in and out of the port? (tail messages?)19:14
kavityThough, it's telling me to check my input device, but everything in audacity is set correctly, as are the settings in alsamixer.19:14
raheemto save the settings in bios, most bios use a short cut of f10, try urs supports it. if it does, then u can enable usb support in bios, save it by f10 .. not sure though19:14
letalispraise the EULA19:14
jbuncherArchonian:  You'll also need space for a swap partition, so you might need to re-partition that part.  As for the livecd though, it will boot to the OS without having to modify your drives.19:15
jacksonhydewell, I can install XP using the mouse, but it sure as hell at Ubuntu :(19:15
rainofkayosi would check a setup manual in this case and just work my way through the steps again kavity19:15
raheemjacksonhyde, to save the settings in bios, most bios use a short cut of f10, try urs supports it. if it does, then u can enable usb support in bios, save it by f10 .. not sure though19:15
rainofkayosyep raheem19:15
kavityYeah, I'll figure it out eventually.19:15
jacksonhydeyeah, tried that. problem is my bios uses the enter key to toggle settings.19:16
rainofkayosthats horrible19:16
Archonianjbuncher: but the ubuntu install cd can repartition this space for me, and create the swap partition? how big should that swap partition be?19:16
AJC_Z0drash: Thank you. Looking in the "Media" tab I see a drop down for the (common) media types, but no way to add to the (empty) lists of apps19:16
skeeboWould anyone know of a good website to see reviews of mmorpgs for linux? Or at least a list of decent mmos?19:16
^hashbang^jacksonhyde: spacebar won't work for changing settings?19:16
Ego86hi all! i have an ati radeon hd 3800 graphic card, and when i start the ubuntu 8.10 liveCD it shows me a white screen after X is loaded. also this happened when i tried to install the debian lenny. in xorg.conf i founded nothing in Section "Device", only one row... can anyone help me?19:16
raheemjacksonhyde, try pagedown/pageup keys ..19:16
jacksonhydeyeah, they just scroll through the options.19:16
jbuncherArchonian:  Yes, the livecd has a partitioner that can be used to do that.  How much ram do you have?19:16
jacksonhydeI've tried every key on there. Nada.19:16
rainofkayoshow about tabbing out?19:16
jacksonhydetabs between the er..tabs of the bios screen19:17
Archonianjbuncher: 8 GB19:17
=== IaguK is now known as j_ack
rainofkayoswhat vendor laptop?19:17
jbuncherArchonian:  Yikes.  8GB of RAM, and only 20GB for installing linux?19:17
jacksonhydeI wanted to sort her laptop out but also use it as a Ruby on Rails dev environment, I guess I'll just have to do it in XP now...19:17
orciMoLoot, how can I do that. It is a thinkpad laptop with one fan. It did not shutdown in any other case until now19:18
blutrillehave questions about making an iso using 8.1019:18
Archonianjbuncher: well, I have a 500 GB harddrive, so I can get additional space from there if needed19:18
Archonianhow much do you recommend19:18
drashAJC_Z0: personally using xubuntu, hence i'm not sure on how to proceed .. there's gnome-volume-manager though, that might already be installed on your system ..19:18
ConstantineXVICan Evolution sync via SyncML?19:19
jacksonhydegah...I can't even install XP!19:19
kavityYou can a stable linux install on less than 600MB's, 20GB should be more than enough.19:19
jacksonhydeIt asks you to press the enter key to install XP.19:19
kavityinstall a good*19:19
kavityhave a good. :/19:19
uman1Hi guys. My mobo got fried so i transferred my hdds to another pc. (my old pc had an nvidia gfx card with nvidia dfrivers, this new pc only has onboard graphics from ATI, with ati drivers now) Unfortunately this new box with ubuntu 8.10 does not receognize my usb cable modem.. it does not even show if i use the lsusb command. What could the problem be, are there any usb drivers i can uninstall/reinstall/install or go down to another kernel. Ps, other usb19:19
uman1devices (mouse, flash drives, ipod) work fine.. Thanks. Im really lost here . Also, i get an error with the network interface eth2 which used to be my cablemodem, it says SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device when i click a network icon on the taskbar. thanks19:19
blutrilleanyone with experience creating iso in terminal?19:20
^hashbang^blutrille: mkisofs -r -o file.iso /location_of_folder/19:20
_2ok swap is not working.19:20
jbuncherArchonian:  I usually go with ~1GB over the RAM I have.  The reason is that if you want to hibernate (so computer is using zero power), the swap space is where the OS dumps all of your RAM.  So, if you're using all 8GB of ram and you want to hibernate, then you need 8GB free in your swap.  If you don't intend to hibernate (if it's a desktop and you just power off), you could probably get by with very little swap (512MB) due to the huge am19:20
jbuncherount of ram you have.19:20
rainofkayosdd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso bs=102419:20
ali1234kavity: anybody who needs to ask the question is not going to be happy with a distro that fits in 600MB19:20
raheemArchonian, my default ubuntu installation took 2.7 gbs and right now it is taking 4.2 gbs19:20
skeeboHello, I have a Windows XP vm running under vmware, with vmware tools installed. And I came up with the idea to use it to sync my ipod touch 2g (since there is no jailbreak) does anyone know if this is a good idea? or if I could run into problems doing it this way?19:20
jacksonhydeskeebo: shouldn't be a problem.19:21
rainofkayosno no problems... maybe latency19:21
ali123420GB / is reasonable though, if you have /home somewhere else19:21
jacksonhydeMight take longer to transfer the files, but apart from that it's party time.,19:21
jbuncherskeebo: USB devices under vmware can be iffy in my experience.19:21
rainofkayosand the vm will have control of the USB port for the duration of the sync19:21
Ego86have anyone a good idea what can i do with my ati radeon hd 3800? ubuntu 8.10 liveCD not works, debian lenny also not. in my every tries, the X server didn't started correctly, and the screen was white19:21
raheemskeebo, shouldn't be a problem.19:21
^hashbang^!ait |ego8619:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ait19:22
^hashbang^!ati |ego8619:22
ubottuego86: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:22
skeebojbuncher: yes i noticed that raheem, thank you jacksonhyde thank you too19:22
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash19:22
jacksonhydeuhoh...I think I just screwed the pooch.19:23
^hashbang^sorry, that was just funny19:23
jacksonhydenow the laptop is stuck in an install loop.19:23
jacksonhydeeven without the OS cd in there.19:23
_VIM_hit and run bot abuser :D19:23
csunewwhere to download  a drive for Nvidia GeForce  9500Gt and 2.6.24 kernel ubuntu19:23
^hashbang^power the unit off19:23
^hashbang^!nvidia | csunew19:23
ubottucsunew: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:23
jacksonhydeit asks me which OS to start...and I can't select it because of my frickin' broken enter key.19:24
^hashbang^yea I think you just need to can that laptop bro19:24
Archonianjbuncher: gotcha... but I can access the partition that has Vista installed on it, in ubuntu can't I? I'm thinking I can use the remaining data on the C:, even stuff I use for ubuntu, or is this not a good idea?19:24
jacksonhydethe enter key started working!19:24
Archonianraheem: that's what i was expecting, about 4 GB, good to know, thanks19:24
jacksonhydeI just hammered it with my fist, something clicked and it worked!19:24
^hashbang^is this a dell laptop?19:25
raheemArchonian, welcome :)19:25
jacksonhydethe fred flintstone method of it support19:25
skeebojacksonhyde: fonzi style ehh? that works for me all the time heh19:25
jacksonhydenah, it's a 5 year old sharp.19:25
^hashbang^lol ok19:25
ali1234crumbs in keyboard19:25
jbuncherArchonian:  Ubuntu should be able to read and write to the ntfs file system with Vista, so you can store your documents there if you want, yes.  I don't know if I'd "recommend" it though.19:25
jacksonhydemore like weed in the keyboard...I could roll a fatty with all this detritus.19:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:25
_2who here knows something about swap  and kernel memory usage/allocation  ???19:25
jacksonhydesweet...now it's ubuntu time.19:26
jbuncherArchonian:  Though I'm usually more of a "better safe than sorry" user anyway, so I prefer to keep the vista/ubuntu filesystems completely separate.19:26
_2i have an OOMK issue with plenty of swap space avalable...  http://pastebin.com/f759f37c319:26
kavityIt's only easy to mount the ntfs system.19:26
jacksonhydethanks for all your help guys - I got one more question actually..19:26
sheena1without understanding what i was doing, i restart my X server (ctrl, alt, backspace), and it appears to have disabled some of my graphics.. or something.. help???\19:27
jacksonhydeDoes anyone have any experience of using a D-LINK DWL-G650 wifi card with the Madwifi drivers and 8.10?19:27
kavityjacksonhyde: I use the madwifi driver, but I don't have that card.19:27
jacksonhydeOn the madwifi site it says it runs on 7.10 (downloading as we speak...), but I'd love to use Ibex.19:27
Archonianjbuncher: alright, I understand what you're saying...19:28
jagggyHello all, I constantly get this error when installing anything with ubuntu: http://pastebin.com/d4d8c3d72 anyone has an idea off how to fix it?19:28
kavityjacksonhyde: The reason I stopped using ubuntu to go to another distro was because ibex wouldn't use my atheros(runs on madwifi) card, and I got annoyed, but this install it works fine, same laptop(just a few months later)19:28
jacksonhydeI dunno how much gyp I get from my missus if I installed Linux on her laptop though...19:28
jacksonhydeshe gets annoyed when I tell her to boot up Firefox on my mac. :)19:29
kavityjacksonhyde: You could install a virtual PC thing on windows, if you just want to try it out.19:29
jacksonhydeShe says "Where's the internet?" (looking for a small ugly blue 'e' icon...19:29
ali1234madwifi is depreciated, there's a newer atheros driver which is "more open" or something so everyone works on that now19:29
kavityAlso, you could change your icons for her. :)19:29
vigosheena1: Any replies yet?19:29
quentusrexWhat's the maximum length of a linux password?19:29
jacksonhydeali: yeah? got a link?19:29
jacksonhydekavity: heh..genius!19:29
uman1Hi guys. My mobo got fried so i transferred my hdds to another pc. (my old pc had an nvidia gfx card with nvidia dfrivers, this new pc only has onboard graphics from ATI, with ati drivers now) Unfortunately this new box with ubuntu 8.10 does not receognize my usb cable modem.. it does not even show if i use the lsusb command. What could the problem be, are there any usb drivers i can uninstall/reinstall/install or go down to another kernel. Ps, other usb19:29
raheemjacksonhyde, change the icon then :P19:29
uman1devices (mouse, flash drives, ipod) work fine.. Thanks. Im really lost here . Also, i get an error with the network interface eth2 which used to be my cablemodem, it says SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device when i click a network icon on the taskbar. thanks19:30
sheena1vigo, nope, but I've figured out that I don't think it disabled anything, maybe just changed my colour settings?19:30
Ego86^hashbang^, i saw throug that link what you gave, but i don't find any instructions, what can i do when liveCD not works19:30
^hashbang^quentusrex: when your fingers get tired of typing =)19:30
letalisquentusrex: you mean just a basic login password?19:30
quentusrexletalis: yes.19:30
Ego86how can i install from liveCD if it don't starts19:30
jagggyHello all, I constantly get this error when installing anything with ubuntu's apt-get function: http://pastebin.com/d4d8c3d72 anyone has an idea off how to fix it?19:30
ali1234it's still the same site (madwifi) it might still be called madwifi... but just beware that there is a "new" and an "old" driver... you probably want the new one19:30
vigosheena1: Yes, you could reboot and restore it, that is a fast workaround19:30
^hashbang^Ego86: it's very likely that the drivers won't work with the live cd because the card is newer the the livecd kernel being used.19:30
sheena1vigo, i mostly would just like to know what exactly i did, cause it did fix the issue (little black dashes on my screen), but it also changed my colours19:30
sheena1vigo, so a reboot will bring my orange back? it's all blue now..19:31
_2jacksonhyde you mean that ugly blue meant internet ?  i thought it meant error     </pfft>19:31
_2ugly blue E19:31
vigosheena1: Reboot and look at the options, one is Restore.19:31
letalisquentusrex: well i know mine has over 20 characters in it with spaces.19:31
sheena1vigo, i don't think i've ever seen that option, where exactly do i look?19:31
blutrille^hashbang^: I have been using the LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch - Commuinty Ubuntu Documentation, the command line it gives to create the iso is considerably longer and does not work19:31
jacksonhyde_2 yeah...Internet Exploder is the bane of my existence.19:31
letalisthough if you install ubuntu via wubi install you cant have spaces in the password at all.19:32
omar_kan i find  n spanish ubuntu's channel  please?19:32
jacksonhydeTry programming AJAX apps that need to work with IE5.519:32
Ego86^hashbang^, then how can i install it?19:32
jacksonhydeIt's like wading through treacle.19:32
vigosheena1: I will look up that problem now,,please hold19:32
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sheena1vigo, but if it only changed my colour/theme stuff, i can just get used to it or fix it manually. that's no problem. I just want to make sure i didn't screw up everything!19:32
nightrid3r!es | omar_19:32
ubottuomar_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:32
omar_kan i find  n spanish ubuntu's channel  please?19:32
^hashbang^blutrille: what type of ISO are you trying to make? a copy of a DVD/CD? or your own custom ISO?19:32
Ego86have any non-graphic installer in newest ubuntu liveCD?19:32
blutrille^hashbang^:custom live iso19:33
^hashbang^Ego86: hmm, good question, never needed it so I don't know.19:33
omar_o muchisimas gracias ubottu19:33
jagggyHello all, I constantly get this error when installing anything with ubuntu's apt-get function: http://pastebin.com/d4d8c3d72 anyone has an idea off how to fix it?19:33
=== eric is now known as talntid
_2OOMK is killing my app http://pastebin.com/f759f37c319:33
^hashbang^blutrille: so your custom live cd stuff is in a folder? then using mkisofs is your best best19:33
^hashbang^blutrille: bet*19:33
ali1234_2: what app? one you wrote?19:34
_2ali1234 kolorpaint19:34
blutrille^hashbang^: yeah thats what ive been using im not sure what part of the command line in the doc is wrong though19:34
Ego86okay, i'm gonna try something19:34
ali1234_2: at what point does it crash then?19:35
vigosheena1: No, you did not really mess anything up.19:35
^hashbang^blutrille: blutrille: did you try: mkisofs -r -o your.iso /your_dir/19:35
_2ali1234 opening a second .png19:35
blutrille^hashbang^:i have completed all previous steps in the doc i am only waiting to find out why the command line for making the final iso is not working19:35
Archonianjbuncher: thanks a lot for your help19:35
_2ali1234 or some times at closing the second one.19:35
^hashbang^blutrille: did you try: mkisofs -r -o your.iso /your_dir/19:35
sheena1vigo, thanks. i gotta run, but i'll try and figure out the restore thing later. thanks again.. I was shocked when it came back all blue.. i won't do things that i don't understand anymore!19:35
ali1234_2: what makes you think it is the OOMK?19:35
_2ali1234 cause that's what the message is in the console at the time  :)19:36
Archonianjbuncher: i'll try and install it in a moment19:36
letalisquentusrex: accordingingo th linuxforums.com, the max length on passwords is determined by the encryption scheme used.19:36
blutrille^hashbang^:in the doc is listed a much longer version of that yes, i am not sure if the long version is ness?19:36
quentusrexletalis: so what is the ubuntu default encryption scheme?19:36
mgolisch_2: dont make it useup all memmory?19:36
letalislonger ones you need to use DES or blowfish encryption19:36
ali1234_2: uh hu... and how big is the png file?19:36
_2ali1234 umm 104m19:37
^hashbang^blutrille: try the shorter version. unless ofcourse you will need this cd to boot (which if it's a live cd I would think so).19:37
jagggyHello all, I constantly get this error when installing anything with ubuntu's apt-get function: http://pastebin.com/d4d8c3d72 anyone has an idea off how to fix it??19:37
ali1234_2: what dimensions?19:37
letalisi know that mine is almost 20 chars in length so id say ubuntu by default uses blowfish or des19:37
_2mgolisch i'm not.  it has lots of swap free.19:37
_2ali1234 idk19:37
blutrille^hashbang^:yes this cd does need to boot19:37
ali1234_2: well png is compressed... uncompressed in memory it could easily be 2GB +19:38
_2ali1234 http://pastebin.com/f759f37c319:38
=== xenocide21__ is now known as Xenocide21
_2ali1234 it's not.  they are all the same size.19:39
ldleworkHi, I have a dell studio 15 with the broadcom wireless adapter. The networking works just great except that every few seconds ago I will massive lag spikes and then it will return to normal. There are no processes to be seen with Top that are causing this so I'm really confused. I know that Vista had a problem where the adapter would constantly try to queue all the networks in the area and that would cause a similar problem.19:39
ali1234_2: so what size is it?19:39
Xenocide21ur all fired.19:39
^hashbang^blutrille: did you try this.  http://pastebin.com/d379a66719:39
_2ali1234 and are you sure that png is conpressed.  jpg is but i thought bmp and png were non-compressed19:39
_2ali1234 104m19:39
ali1234_2: both bmp and png are compressed19:39
jagggyAnother problem then... Anyone knows why banshee won't load my ipod? I mean, it sees it, but it keeps saying "loading IPOD"19:39
_2ali1234 ;/19:40
mandrigjagggy: Have you tried Rhythmbox?19:40
jbuncherArchonian:  No problem, good luck!19:40
ldleworkIs anyone familiar with networking in Ubuntu?19:40
mandrigjagggy: Rhythmbox loads devices fairly well...19:40
jagggymandrig, it says the music is on my ipod, but when I check my ipod, it hasn't gotten any songs (that's rhytmebox)19:40
mgolischit probably tries to allocate so much memory that the kernel couldnt statisfy that in time, thus calling the oomk routine or something19:41
cousteaujust found an option on Synaptic to make a list of installed packages, but is it possible to "markauto" those that have been automatically installed?19:41
drashjagggy: have you tried opening the file in question in your favorite editor (you'll need sudo privs to make changes) and checking the format ? Looks like a simple syntax error you should be able to fix19:41
bdubncHey everyone, I am having difficulties on a howto on howtoforge concerning high availability using Ubuntu 8.04.  I have followed this article:  http://www.howtoforge.net/set-up-a-loadbalanced-ha-apache-cluster-ubuntu8.04.  The problem comes when I attempt to add 443 to the mix to forward traffic.  The problem is that when I do a ipvsadm -L -n on the load balancers it shows what the howto says except for 443, it is falling back to  Also, there is19:41
bdubncno weight for both servers, just one on port 80, this needs to be on both servers.  If there is a better howto, let me know.  thanks!19:41
^hashbang^blutrille: and after that last step you do: http://pastebin.com/d599acc6b19:41
FloodBot1bdubnc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:41
canhnmAnybody have ATI HD Radeon 3200 ?19:41
ali1234_2: a 104mb png file is would be huge19:41
DasEiubottu: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod,  jagggy19:41
vigosheena1: I fiuond a forum page that has a load of data on Video issues,,,http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683,,but I think is a simpler than that,,,let me look some more.19:41
jacksonhydecanhnm: I got a X1600 running on a ubuntu virtual machine on my mac?19:42
canhnmI can't install driver for ATI HD Radeon 3200 in ubuntu 8.10 64 bit, anybody help me, please???19:42
_2ali1234 yeah it would be about the same size as a 4m jpg file.19:42
mgolisch_2: probaly the programm still access the data for the first png thus its not swapped out, or you set some strange swapiness value or something and thats why it doesnt swap19:42
ali1234_2: without compression it would be about 5000x500019:42
vigosheena1: That page says all down it, Please Reboot, so I am guessing that is the solution.19:43
_2mgolisch http://pastebin.com/f759f37c3 <<< tested swappiness == -1 32000 119:43
canhnmI can't install driver for ATI HD Radeon 3200 in ubuntu 8.10 64 bit, anybody help me, please???19:43
_2ali1234 so. what's your point ?19:43
DasEicanhnm: prop. drivers from ati are hard with that, try vesa or free radeon driver , xorg7.4. is the issue there19:43
ali1234_2: when you load a 100mb png into an image editor it will be significantly larger in memory than on disk due to being compressed19:44
|newbie|i have a problem on disk recognition19:44
_2ali1234 http://pastebin.com/f759f37c3 <<<19:44
ali1234_2: and of course both the compressed and uncompressed versions may be stored in memory at the same time19:44
|newbie|ubuntu was installed as /dev/sda319:44
_2ali1234 and ?19:44
|newbie|but my disk is IDE19:44
mgolisch_2: i still think its a problem of allocation that much space at once, the kernel probably cant statisfy that and thats why the oomk routine is called, get more ram srsly19:44
ldleworkHi, I have a dell studio 15 with the broadcom wireless adapter. The networking works just great except that every few seconds ago I will massive lag spikes and then it will return to normal. There are no processes to be seen with Top that are causing this so I'm really confused. I know that Vista had a problem where the adapter would constantly try to queue all the networks in the area and that would cause a similar problem.19:44
|newbie|and should be /dev/hda319:45
blutrille^hashbang^:  sudo mkisofs -r -V "$IMAGE_NAME" -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o ../ubuntu-remix.iso19:45
canhnmDasEi: You mean that I have to uninstall all graphic driver ,etc. fglrx. and install vesa ?19:45
ali1234_2: and so your image editor may be attempting to allocate more than 1.5GB of memory in the time between the last two lines of your log19:45
_2mgolisch nope.  did this many times.  something is malconfigured or broken,  it's not using swap correctly.19:45
^hashbang^blutrille: and that's not working?19:45
jacksonhydehey guys - whats the best file system for Windows XP?19:45
DasEicanhnm: fglry should work, no I mean the propitary drives from ati_homepage for linux19:45
isasejackson: ntfs19:45
DasEicanhnm: fglrx*^19:46
FD_Fhello i have in alsamixer  on view all only master & capture how i can extend it?, thanks19:46
_2ali1234 nope.   i can load the first one in less than 400m so the second should fit in less than 1g   theory fails.19:46
canhnmDasEi: With fglrx my resolution it's good but when I view video it's not good19:46
jagggyI love you guys, my ipod works, thnx!19:46
_2ali1234 it's just not using the swap space correctly.19:46
canhnmThe images not smooth19:46
DasEicanhnm: did you change your xorg.conf ?19:47
blutrille^hashbang^: im sure its alot more that im not understanding the line than it is that the line doesnt work19:47
mgolischFD_F: select the real alsa device19:47
canhnmyes, I did.19:47
DasEinice,  jagggy19:47
ali1234_2: by that argument you should be able to load the second image without using swap at all since you have around 400mb ram free too19:47
ali1234_2: so you may as well say it's not using ram correctly either19:47
canhnmDasEi: I changed fglrx in section in xorg.conf19:47
FD_Fmgolisch: where ?19:47
_2ali1234 wrong.19:47
DasEicanhnm: could you paste it ?19:47
blutrille^hashbang^: the "$IMAGE_NAME" is a wild card that i can name anything i want i suppose?19:48
_2ali1234 350m + 350m != 350m   learn to add...19:48
stefg|newbie|: don't worry. ubuntu uses libata, that means that alle disks are handled as scsi drives (sda). Everything goes as planned19:48
FD_Fmgolisch: when i push tab i only move between the views19:48
ali1234_2: right before it crashes: Memory Used/Total Percent: 28/502 MB (5.5%)19:48
ali1234_2: 502-28 > 400mb19:48
vigoWere there a bunch of updates today?19:49
|newbie|stefg: but don't start19:49
|newbie|stefg: kernel panic cause that19:49
mgolischFD_F: use alsamixer -c 0, otherwise it will only show that pulseaudio redirect virtual device19:49
stefg|newbie|: what happens?19:49
_2ali1234 the 20m used is after it crashed.19:49
canhnmDasEi : Section "Device"19:49
canhnmIdentifier"Configured Video Device"19:49
FloodBot1canhnm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:49
FD_Fmgolisch: thanks :) l19:49
ldleworkHi, I have a dell studio 15 with the broadcom wireless adapter. The networking works just great except that every few seconds ago I will massive lag spikes and then it will return to normal. There are no processes to be seen with Top that are causing this so I'm really confused. I know that Vista had a problem where the adapter would constantly try to queue all the networks in the area and that would cause a similar problem.19:50
stefg|newbie|: boot to reovery mode and watch what the last message is before the kernel panics19:50
|newbie|stefg: ok19:50
_2ali1234 the ***crashed! indicator is just marking that it had already crashed and i ended the loop19:50
TopKatzI just installed apache, however Im unclear on how to give myself permissions for the /var/www folder19:50
canhnmDasEi : http://paste.ubuntu.com/116170/ here it's my xorg.conf19:51
TopKatzright now my user cant do anything in there19:51
kavity.htaccess files.19:51
kavityI believe.19:51
blutrille ^hashbang^: the "$IMAGE_NAME" is a wild card that i can name anything i want i suppose?19:51
TopKatzits a permissions thing19:51
TopKatzlike its set to root19:51
oCean_TopKatz: what do you mean? You want to move/copy files into the /var/www ?19:51
TopKatzand I need to get into a group that owns it19:51
isaseTopKatz: you have to change the permissions as root, use sudo chown19:51
SlartTopKatz: I don't think you're supposed to do your webstuff there.. iirc you're supposed to create a new configuration with a new folder or something.. have you read the apache docs?19:51
TopKatzuse svn19:51
mgolischTopKatz: its owned by www-data usualy on debian systems19:51
TopKatzall that19:52
FloodBot1TopKatz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:52
^hashbang^bluetrille: yes... you would place say mycd.iso as the name for $IMAGE_NAME19:52
isasechown to www-data, then change the permissions accordingly19:52
ali1234_2: and what happens if you try to open the second image first?19:52
canhnmDasEi : http://paste.ubuntu.com/116170/ here it's my xorg.conf19:52
TopKatzmgolisch - so how do I get into that group?19:52
^hashbang^bluetrille: "$THINGS_LIKE_THIS" are often just a place older or example19:52
_2ali1234 i have several images (scaned from printer) which image and what order doesn't matter.19:52
_2ali1234 same results for all of them.19:53
canhnmDasEi : Everytime when I try to use ati driver, after install and reboot the monitor is black19:53
oCean_TopKatz: moving and copying files into /var/www use "sudo"19:53
Aggrav8dhi, #ubuntu.  Where would I go to ask for help in de-zombifying my XP machine?19:53
SlartAggrav8d: ##windows perhaps19:53
Slart!windows | Aggrav8d19:54
canhnmDasEi : The same problem with EnvyNG19:54
^hashbang^canham: try adding this: export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 to ~/.gnomerc fixed my issue =)19:54
Aggrav8dSlart - thanks.19:54
ubottuAggrav8d: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents19:54
TopKatzoCean_ that wont help when using svn19:54
TopKatzmy user should be in the group that owns the folder19:54
oCean_TopKatz: if that is what you want, use usermod command:19:55
_2ali1234 anyway i'll use debian to do this, ubuntu is too much trouble right now.   thanks for the feedback.19:55
mandrigwhy does the windows channel have 2 #'s in the name...?19:55
blutrille^hashbang^:ok i will try this ... i appologies for being a noob ;) ... im hoping that this is not alwasy the case19:55
ali1234_2: what's the exact error message from kolorpaint?19:55
oCean_TopKatz: to change primary group use "usermod -g" , to add user to other groups use "usermod -G"19:55
DasEicanhnm: envyng tries to install prop.driver, that won't work, also your monitor section looks a little scary to me; sure the bus identifier of pci for the card is right ? did you install xorg-driver-fglrx  ?19:55
_2mandrig two hash marks indicate a non-official channel.19:55
^hashbang^bletrille: no don't be sorry. your just going threw the process of learning =) we all have to =)19:56
mandrig_2: got it, thanks19:56
_2ali1234 no error message at all. just closes the window19:56
canhnmDesEi : yes, I installed xorg-driver-fglrx19:56
_2mandrig for more info visit http://www.freenode.org19:56
_2or is it dot net ?19:57
ali1234_2: so there's an error on dmesg?19:57
vjrhi. is everyone equally befuddled by the firefox problem in ubuntu?19:57
vjrubuntu intepid i mean19:57
^hashbang^vjr: what problem?19:57
OniWhat can I do on Ubuntu that I can't do on OpenSolaris?19:57
canhnmDasEi : My video card in intergrated with mobo19:57
^hashbang^vjr: what problem?19:57
_2ali1234 no error message   except in the console if i happen to have a non xorg tty in focus19:58
stefgOni: watch TV ... have commodity hardware running...19:58
vjr^hashbang^: lockups fading in and out. Flash seems to be involved.19:58
^hashbang^Oni: hmm, what do you mean?19:58
OniThey are programs, not the distro itself19:58
mgolischno they are drivers in the kernel19:58
^hashbang^vjr: hmm, not sure man.. I don't have any of those issus... srry19:58
mgolischwhich osol lacks19:58
stefg!pm > |newbie|19:58
ubottu|newbie|, please see my private message19:58
mgolischit has quite lame hardware support compared to linux19:58
devilhey guys i'm having problems installing seamonkey19:59
|newbie|stefg: ok19:59
mgolischbut on the other hand osol has zfs, so its quite awesome in my opinion19:59
vjrI'm on 64 bit but I understand 32 bit has problems as well. Kubuntu seems better behaved.19:59
stefg|newbie|: so wjat hardware do you have ?19:59
canhnmDasEi : When I type fglrxinfo the error message is http://paste.ubuntu.com/116173/19:59
|newbie||newbie|: IDE and SATA19:59
^hashbang^vjr: I've been using both 32bit and 64bit 8.04, 8.10, and now 9.04 and I don't have issues with firefox or flash...19:59
DasEicanhnm: I used a 9600 once and now find two different infos about 9200; on saying fglry does work, other say not; maybe try vesa, too : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI,   or think of 8.04, it's less hasasle with that20:00
|newbie|stefg: but Ubuntu is on IDE20:00
|newbie|stefg: and Debian too20:00
stefg|newbie|: are you on Live CD right now?20:00
|newbie|stefg: No20:00
|newbie|stefg: Gentoo20:00
vjr^hashbang^: using Kubuntu?20:00
^hashbang^vjr: using ubuntu.. 64 and 32bit20:01
cratelhow do I find which dev library has a specific file? Right now I'm looking for curl.h20:01
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|newbie|stefg: i am trying to install linux-image via chroot20:01
vjrfrustrating problem. Been living with it for months..20:01
devil/home/devil/Desktop/seamonkey-installer/seamonkey-installer-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:01
devilcan someone ehlep me with this20:01
vjr^hashbang^: using pulseaudio?20:01
devili cant install seamonkey20:02
^hashbang^vjr: naw, I don't use pulseaudio...20:02
stefg|newbie|: seems that you have a complex disk setup. you should rather try a standard desktop install from CD20:02
canhnmDasEi : With U 8.04 my resolution is still 800x60020:02
_moro_bana_how do i see if my wifi card is working?20:02
^hashbang^devil: explain a bit more please.20:02
vjrhmmm. I'm going to try taking it out. I like playing with it though.20:02
|newbie|stefg: i have installed....but kernel step failed20:02
^hashbang^vjr: lol ok20:02
^hashbang^devil: that's doesn't explain anything... like what happens when you try to install it20:03
stefg|newbie|: probably the initrd doesn't contain the right modules, so it can't find the root fs20:03
^hashbang^devil: are you installing from source or from apt-get?20:03
DasEicanhnm:the prop. driver installs easily, for the monitor-section you can use display-config-gtk20:04
|newbie|stefg: man...Debian works fine on that disk20:04
^hashbang^devil: try doing sudo apt-get install seamonkey20:04
canhnmDasEi : Yes, but I want more performance because when I view video the image is not smooth20:05
stefg|newbie|: that still doesn't mean that you have a ubuntu initrd with all the right modules... there is some differences betwenn Debian and Ubuntu, especially in the startup procedure20:05
stefg!install | |newbie|20:06
ubottu|newbie|: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate20:06
canhnmDasEi : when I type "lspci -nn | grep VGA" in terminal, the result is "01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon HD 3200 Graphics [1002:9610]"20:06
DasEicanhnm:so thats right, is it 32 or 64 bit ibex ?20:07
canhnmDasEi: It's 64 bit, sure.20:07
starfruitis 2.5" sata connector the same as the 5 inch? desktop/laptop20:07
mandriganyone using 9.04 yet?20:08
stefg|newbie|: and with a quite old bios you might run into the problem that kernel or initrd are out of range for grub (beyond 137GB limit)20:08
jeancalvinis ubuntuforums down?20:08
devilwtf is rpm??20:08
jeancalvin I need to be able to track when a website adds a phrase onto one of its pages, the home page. The thing is, the phrase (e.g. Hello World) is already on the page. So I need to be able to receive an alert when an ADDITIONAL copy of the phrase is added to the page. How can I do this?20:08
_VIM_they were down for me earlier as well jeancalvin20:08
stefg... no scratch that... you have Sata on the machine... doesn't apply , |newbie|20:08
mandrigdevil: rpm is a type of installable package, like .deb20:09
linduxedive got a remote computer that i ssh-tunnel into. ive got to check if the drives work with IDE or SATA cable, is checking that possible?20:09
fozzy_the_bearAnyone got a sec to help me with DVD playback?  I think I've got all the bits I need from medibuntu, but when I try to play a DVD (with VLC or totem-xine) the window just closes immediately with no error message.20:09
_VIM_I just use google cache for the forums, since they're always down/extremely slow for me20:09
|newbie|stefg: my probleam is justa disk recognition20:09
devilis it better than source or bin20:09
fozzy_the_bearThis is with Ibex.20:09
DasEicanhnm:just checked ati HP, its saying no supportz below radeon 950020:09
stefg|newbie|: what does sudo fdisk -l give you? (use pastebin, see /topic)20:10
mandrigdevil, source is generally 'better' as .rpm isn't native to ubuntu. If you can get a .deb though, as they install really easily.20:10
canhnmDasEi : In "System-Administrator-Hardware drivers" there is "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics drivers. But if I try to enable it and reboot after the monitor it's blank with black color20:10
^hashbang^linduxed: how old is this system?20:10
devilyeah .deb is simple....but binaries are complicated for me20:10
canhnmDasEi : You meant that my graphic card is not supported ?20:10
devilprimarily cuz im new to linux20:11
drashfozzy_the_bear: try starting vlc and totem-xine from terminal, that should give you a look at errors ..20:11
mandrigdevil: then stick to .deb installation files.20:11
fozzy_the_beardrash:  thanks.  Will try that.20:11
gibsonI believe deluge is causing my wireless to cease working after some time, I have to disable/enable my wireless adapter to get connected again, any advice?20:11
linduxed^hashbang^: old as **** would be an adequate description20:11
devilthey arent easily available20:11
csunewhappy TUE FEB the1020:11
^hashbang^linduxed: lol ok then I would bank money that it's an IDE drive20:11
linduxed^hashbang^: so i kinda answered my own question20:11
^hashbang^linduxed: lol yeah!20:12
mandrigdevil: what programs are you trying to install?20:12
stefg|newbie|: that's for gentoo...20:12
^hashbang^linduxed: =)20:12
DasEicanhnm: .. by the propitary ati-installer, right20:12
canhnmDasEi : You meant that my graphic card is not supported ?20:12
mikebotDoes anyone know why the audio in ubuntu FREQUENTLY stops working and forces me to restart? I think it occurs after the screensaver comes on, but I'm not completely sure..20:12
devildns sniffer20:12
|newbie|stefg: and Debian20:12
deviltoo many20:12
linduxed^hashbang^: well i had to bounce that one to have myself answer it20:12
FloodBot1devil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:12
stefg!uuid | |newbie|20:12
ubottu|newbie|: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)20:12
^hashbang^linduxed: I hear you... I do it alot =)20:12
stefg|newbie|: read the lomk about libata20:13
stefg|newbie|: read the link about libata20:13
DasEicanhnm: if you can find it unter sys/hardware, what about doing so, backup xorg.conf, then delete anything but the fglrx-section and reboot then ?20:13
canhnmDasEi : I tried to install the driver downloaded from amd website, but it did'nt work20:13
_VIM_has anyone tried gentoo as a guest on Ubuntu using Vbox?20:13
mandrigdevil: you should be able to find a .rpm to .deb converter.20:13
mikebotOh, and 'killall pulseaudio' doesn't fix anything (not sure if it's supposed to though).20:14
devilthat exists?20:14
jken146mikebot: try sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart20:14
mandrigdevil: I've heard of one, just i've never used one20:14
devilah i'll get used to binaries soon20:14
stefg_VIM_: no... not now... they still haven't finished compiling... asl again in 2 weeks :-)20:14
jken146devil: it's called alien20:14
DasEicanhnm: is what I tell you 20minn ^ :D ;   but hte non-propitary (open-source) one might work20:14
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)20:14
devilubottu scares me20:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scares me20:14
_VIM_stefg: hah? what is asl?20:15
canhnmDasEi : Do I have to enable driver in Hardware drivers? an after reboot?20:15
DasEidevil: carefull with that, I#d prefer source20:15
stefg_VIM_: a typo'ed version of 'ask'20:15
devili'll stick with source20:15
fozzy_the_beardrash:  Aha!  "x11 video output error: X11 request 140.19 failed with error code 11:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)20:15
devila few more days and ill be used to it20:15
fozzy_the_bearNot really sure what that means.20:15
_VIM_stefg: hehe ok20:15
mikebotjken146: Thanks for the reply. DId the command, still no audio. (I'm testing audio with vlc and rhythmbox.)20:15
jp_sfjeancalvin, _VIM_ : seems ubuntuforum is up now20:15
DasEicanhnm: if you can find it unter sys/hardware, what about doing so, backup xorg.conf, then delete anything but the fglrx-section from xorg.conf and then and reboot then (or just restart X) ?20:15
jeancalvinjp_sf: thanks!!!20:15
deviland does anyone know how to fix the dead top console of firefox??20:16
devilreinstalling didnt help20:16
fozzy_the_bearThis laptop was running Vista until I wiped the disk so I'm reasonably sure it's got sufficient resources.  :)20:16
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_VIM_jp_sf: ok thanks, i never use the forums, the slowness turns me off, so I just use other methods to get answers usually, but thanks :)20:16
jken146mikebot: type alsamixer and unmute (m) and turn up (up arrow) the channels you need.  Then type sudo alsactl store20:16
canhnmDasEi : I try many way, but still error *_*20:16
kebomixhello , is there is anyway to install ubuntu system only  , with out reinstalling programs and themes , ....etc ?20:17
jken146mikebot: press esc to exit alsamixer before storing20:17
Franticguys, anyone knows a tool that can record audio and encode it to mp3 on the fly? :)20:17
letalisi came from the redhat/fedora world to ubuntu i wish i had tried debian a looong time ago20:17
letalisrpm hell was never fun or ex20:17
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hostap20:17
alexxandroshello.i have a problem..can anyone help me?20:17
jken146!minimal | kebomix20:17
ubottukebomix: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:17
fozzy_the_bearfrantic:  ffmpeg20:17
mikebotjken146: OK, did that. A few were muted but the master and surround were unmuted. I unmuted the rest.20:18
Franticfozzy_the_bear: thx, checking man now20:18
DasEicanhnm: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg          , then paste xorg.conf again20:18
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fru2212what would i need to find out how far a projectile shot at an angle goes?20:18
canhnmDasEi : Wait for a moment ^^20:18
mikebotjken146: Still no audio. If I restart it will come back (this happens very often), so I'm not sure if that helps you diagnose.20:19
Iain8Was it something I said? :) I'm using Intrepid Ibix by the way.20:19
letalisFrantic:  audiacity20:19
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:19
alexxandrosi've changed the cooling system of my graphic card (nvidia 9800gt), and i can't log in in ubuntu 8.10.the pc boots, loading ubuntu.but when is the time to get to the desktop , i have a black panel, while the pc is workin20:19
fozzy_the_bearfrantic:  yes, audacity is easier.  Forgot about that one.20:19
jken146mikebot: I'm not at all an expert on sound.  See what ubottu said20:20
letalisyeah audacity is great for that purpose Frantic20:20
mikebotjken146: OK, thanks for the help.20:20
canhnmDasEI : Here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/116175/20:20
letalisi use it to finalize recording work20:20
Jewbaccaguys i had a download on m firefox, and my brother closed it and now i cant see it on the list, but i have a temp file i think this is the name openSUSE-11.1-DVD-i586.iso-{ee471433-2acb-470b-9502-d0c19f6a7d6e}.dtapart how do i open it20:20
shingenis using ext3 better for performance than using NTFS for a low end file server?20:21
GaMbi_DKargh crap.. forgot the command to mount all devices in fstab.. anyone knows?20:21
alexxandrosive changed the cooling system of my graphic card (nvidia 9800gt), and i can't log in in ubuntu 8.10.the pc boots, loading ubuntu.but when is the time to get to the desktop , i have a black panel, while the pc is workin20:21
alexxandrosbut if i log in by "recover mode" and do the "xfix safe mode:" then i can log in in ubuntu as usual (but the nvidia-driver is not used)20:21
ActionParsnipGaMbi_DK: sudo umount -a20:21
GaMbi_DK"mount -a" and some more I think20:21
letalisJewbacca: try going back to suses site and starting the downlaod with dta again20:21
jken146yes.  You'll want the security features (file ownership and permissions) of a linux fs20:21
stefgshingen: ntfs is very slow on linix, since it's no native linux filesystem20:21
letalisit may pick up where it left off20:21
_VIM_!repeat | alexxandros20:21
ubottualexxandros: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:21
Jewbaccaletalis: i did and its just start all over again20:22
letalisis there a way to improt a downlaod into dta?20:22
DasEicanhnm: just alter the driver section : http://paste.ubuntu.com/116176/20:22
letalisi think there is20:22
letalisi cant remember20:22
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Franticfozzy_the_bear: how do I use ffmpeg to record from dsp1? :)20:23
letalisFrantic: what are you actually trying to do?20:23
letalisconvert one format to another?20:24
fozzy_the_bearI'd listen to the other guy and use audacity.  It's all point and click20:24
stefgletalis: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/wget-resume-broken-download.html ...20:24
FranticI'm trying to record form my microphone :)20:24
bazylhi everybody ;)20:24
^hashbang^hi bazly20:24
ActionParsnip!hi | bazyl20:24
ubottubazyl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:24
Franticand convert it on the fly to some encoding other than wav, so it doens't take up so much space20:24
letaliswith ffmpeg thats pretty easy ffmpeg -i file convertedfile.ext20:24
deanyIm installing xubuntu-desktop after removing ubuntu-desktop, why is wantin to install a hellofalot of gnome packages??20:24
canhnmDasEi : I've just altered the seciont "device", and now I must reboot my comp ?20:24
jp_sf_VIM_ you network connection is slow do you use firefox ? did you try to speed it up ?20:24
sahakI would like to be able to install Ubuntu 9.04 into a file on my current Ubuntu 8.10 installation. I don't want to repartition my hard drive for Ubuntu 9.04. Basically I want Wubi functionality, but I don't have Windows. Is it possible to do Wubi under Linux?20:25
Franticletalis: ok, but how do I take input form my mic? :)20:25
letalisso long as ffmpeg has all the codecs necessary compiled into it that usually works.20:25
ActionParsnipdeany: firefox INSISTS on having some gnome deps for some unexplicable reason20:25
ActionParsnipdeany: try opera20:25
DasEicanhnm: save xorg, then : ctrl+alt+backspace (logs you off, too)20:25
Jewbaccaguys i had a download on m firefox, and my brother closed it and now i cant see it on the list, but i have a temp file i think this is the name openSUSE-11.1-DVD-i586.iso-{ee471433-2acb-470b-9502-d0c19f6a7d6e}.dtapart how do i open it20:25
stefgsahak: you want a virtual machine ...20:25
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_VIM_jp_sf: Slow? I have comcast 25 mb/s download , 3 mb/s upload, I do use firefox though20:25
deanyhow do i stop it installin firefox then, as part of the xubuntu-desktop20:25
letalisFrantic: i usually use rdour for actual imput recording20:25
stefg!virtualization | sahak20:25
ubottusahak: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu.  See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications20:25
^hashbang^Jewbacca: try re-downloading it..20:25
canhnmDasEi : Thanks!!!, I'll try it and come back, may be^ ^20:25
Franticardour? :)20:25
letalisaudacity will do it as well20:26
Jewbacca^hashbang^: it just download it all over again20:26
Jewbacca^hashbang^: i want to resume it20:26
sahakstefg: not really, I need it to run on my hardware. I don't want virtual machine. I need to check how my hardware works.20:26
DasEicanhnm: else run cmd again20:26
stefgsahak: i recommend virtualbox for starters20:26
bazylmy DVD works fine under windows, under ubuntu i have lots of I/O errors, any idea?20:26
Franticletalis: but I actually want to record a lenghty file, several days :)20:26
^hashbang^Jewbacca: well if you don't see it on the list of downloads, then there is no way to resume it20:26
letalisardour is a multi track recording suite geared towards music professionals20:26
sahakstefg: I want to be able to run it not in a virtual machine.20:26
stefgsahak: you could use a loop-file...20:26
fadersahak: if it's just for testing, you could boot off of the CD and try it out that way20:26
Jewbacca^hashbang^: but i have a 4gb file on my computer, there must be a way20:26
ActionParsnipbazyl: is it an Ubuntu DVD?20:26
fozzy_the_bearyikes, I think I just roached my Xconfig.  Getting DVD playback to work is proving to be a supreme hassle.  Sigh...20:26
bazylActionParsnip: no20:27
Georghow do you install tar.gz files in ubuntu ?20:27
Georgim kinda new20:27
ActionParsnipbazyl: what sort of DVD is it?20:27
jp_sf_VIM_: ok, now as you stated that ubuntuforum is slow for you I was thinking maybe it was your connection or I would have suggested to change the http.pipeline options in Firefox20:27
bazylActionParsnip: any kind20:27
^hashbang^Jewbacca: not that I know of20:27
ActionParsnipGeorg: tar zxvf <tar file name>20:27
DasEi ubottu: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first),Georg20:27
ActionParsnipGeorg: whats the tar for?20:27
steven__I need help20:27
sahakfader: I know, but burning new CDs periodically can get very tiring. It would be very convenient to have just a boot entry in my grub menu, that would boot directly into that loop-mounted filesystem.20:27
steven__I have a logitech webcam which works only with cheese20:28
_VIM_jp_sf: i might try the http.pipeline trick, what is yours set at?20:28
scarra3Hey well a little while ago I had Ubuntu on this laptop but i got tired of it and reinstalled vista ow and I was dual booting vista and ubuntu at the time well I just now noticed that partition never went away so I decided that I want to  install Fedora but I have no clue on how to get rid of the partition left from Ubuntu20:28
GeorgActionParsnip, rarbsd-3.8.0.tar.gz20:28
Archonianhow do i know what filesystem i need to create on my harddrive if i want to install ubuntu on a comp using a core 2 duo processor, 64-bit ver of ubuntu? there are a lot of different filesystems in the list20:28
steven__I need help geting it to broadcast20:28
bazylActionParsnip: under windows the same CD or DVD reads ok, under Ubuntu drops I/O error :(20:28
stefgsahak: but i think the easiest way would be just to use some usb stick... with some grub hacking you can boot itfrom your harddrive20:28
DasEiArchonian: ext3 ist most common20:28
mandrigArchonian: ext320:28
ActionParsnipGeorg: do you want a rar file handler?20:29
letalisFrantic: if youre just trying to record your voice quickly use audacity, if you need to do professional work, id look into ardour20:29
GeorgActionParsnip, yeah i need that20:29
scarra3Anyone have a clue?20:29
^hashbang^Georg: try20:29
fozzy_the_bearIn case anyone is interested, I just solved it.20:29
ArchonianDasEi, mandrig: OK20:29
^hashbang^Georg: try http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm20:29
Franticletalis: thx, but I need something different :)20:29
jp_sf_VIM_: change in about:config network.http.pipelining to true and the network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to 820:29
fozzy_the_bearAdded this to the Device section of xorg.conf20:29
Franticletalis: but I actually want to record a lenghty file, several days :)20:29
^hashbang^Georg: works great =)20:29
fozzy_the_bearOption   "AccelMethod" "EXA"20:30
ActionParsnipGeorg: sudo apt-get install unrar ; sudo apt-get install rar20:30
_VIM_jp_sf: ok ty, ill let you know if its better :)20:30
Georgwhy both of them ActionParsnip  ?20:30
ActionParsnipGeorg: then file roller will be able to access them like zip file20:30
steven__is there a way to get my webcam to broadcast on stickam ?20:30
stefgsahak: i haven't burned install CDs for ages... unetbootin and the builtin usb-creator in intrepid are your friend20:30
ActionParsnipGeorg: means you can create them too20:30
letalisFrantic: im assuming you need to monitor something with a mic?20:30
OniDoes Ubuntu have ANPT like Windows 7 does?20:30
DasEiGeorg: unp is also nice20:30
Georgok ty20:31
blizzleOni: ANPT?20:31
OniAdvanced Nigger Protection Technology20:31
OniWith Windows 7, niggers will no longer be able to steal your personal information. As part of this new technology Windows 7 now includes a reading test in order to be able to use the computer. Niggers can't read, of course, and they will fail the test and not be able to login keeping your data secure.20:31
FloodBot2Oni: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:31
Franticletalis: yep20:31
estevam The best tutorial Zend Framework -> http://estevamzf.comoj.com/20:31
ActionParsnipGeorg: its hugely rare to need to use tar.gz files in ubuntu20:31
estevam The best tutorial Zend Framework -> http://estevamzf.comoj.com/20:31
blizzleOni: Go somewhere else to troll. Kthx.20:31
scarra3Hey well a little while ago I had Ubuntu on this laptop but i got tired of it and reinstalled vista ow and I was dual booting vista and ubuntu at the time well I just now noticed that partition never went away so I decided that I want to  install Fedora but I have no clue on how to get rid of the partition left from Ubuntu20:31
drashscarra3: one way would be booting from the ubuntu live cd and start "system > partition editor" to manipulate your partitions20:32
deanywhat is the command for apt to HOLD a package20:32
Oniscarra3 is a troll20:32
Onihis name is ben irl20:32
Onihe goes my school20:32
scarra3Um no20:32
ActionParsnipOni: keep it civil20:32
Onidont hide it ben20:32
canhnmDasEi : It's still have errro, the error message is " Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode" and I have to restore xorg.conf to default *_*20:32
* letalis wishes he had ops right now20:32
wunnymush_how can i see my dvd's in ubuntu?20:32
scarra3Ok then anyways im installing Fedora because I had trouble with ubuntu it was over heating my computer20:33
OniWhat are the advantages of Ubuntu over other Lunix's20:33
* jp_sf any OPS around ?20:33
blizzlewunnymush_, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:33
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carpeliam|pidginaccidentally removed xp from grub. how do i add a windows entry to grub?20:33
wunnymush_thanks, blizzle20:33
DasEicanhnm: I'm little overasked then, the upper 9500 I got to run in ibex, too, but for below I#m only sure for hardy, next try will be vesa instaed of fglerx then20:33
scarra3Would Gparted work?20:33
drashscarra3: sure20:34
Franticcarpeliam|pidgin: http://pastie.org/38429920:34
sahakstefg: unetbootin creates a livecd right? What if I want to install that liveCD? I basically want to be able to install Ubuntu into a loop-mounted file. I know that it can be easily done in Windows by using wubi.20:34
canhnmDasEi : I'll try vesa =,=20:34
racecar56ok i have an external cd drive for my server but how do i install ubuntu on it??20:35
Franticcarpeliam|pidgin: btw that goes in /boot/grub/menu.lst but you have to change the partition :)20:35
_VIM_jp_sf: that firefox trick seems to be helping thanks :)  if i put it more than 8 would it be even better?20:35
G-Bleezycarpeliam|pidgin: edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst20:35
blizzleOni: The advantages are three fold. One, Ubuntu is highly focussed on the desktop user. 2) Ubuntu has a healthy community. 3) Ubuntu will always be free. Oh, and 4) Ubuntu release predictably every 6 months. (And you can easily upgrade versions).20:35
carpeliam|pidginFrantic: yep, the part i'm getting stuck on is (hd0,0). windows is on /dev/sdb5, how do i know which that goes on?20:35
racecar56dang gotta restart20:36
figueiredoubuntu is great system20:36
Franticcarpeliam|pidgin: I'm not sure, I hope someone else can help you on this one, my best guess would be 1,5 :)20:36
stefgsahak: that can be done in ubuntu, too... it's not just that easy and requires manual setup. It would be easier to use a 4 Gig usb drive instaed of a loop file... just make some custom entries in grubs menu.lst and boot the kernel and initrd off the usb drive20:36
jp_sf_VIM_: with the speed of your connection I would say yes it is supposed to make multiple request and not waiting, the problem is that sometimes some http webserver don't support it, but I'm running fine since a few months20:36
G-Bleezycarpeliam|pidgin: what is the output when you type:  fdisk -l20:36
G-Bleezythats a little 'L' not a 1 :)20:36
SB6789hi all.  completely new to this and i could use some help if there are any takers?20:37
G-BleezySB6789: google ftw :)20:37
_VIM_jp_sf: ok i'll keep raising it slowly and see if it help or makes things worse20:37
jp_sf!ask | SB678920:37
ubottuSB6789: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:37
sahakstefg: ok, thanks.20:37
carpeliam|pidginG-Bleezy: http://pastie.org/384302 /dev/sdb5 is the windows partition20:37
jp_sf_VIM_ mine is set to 1220:38
racecar56ok i have an external cd drive for my server but how do i install ubuntu on it??20:38
racecar56i have a ubuntu server 8.10 disk20:38
^hashbang^racecaar56: if your bios supports booting from USB , just reboot your server20:38
blizzle!tell SB6789 about ask20:39
ubottuSB6789, please see my private message20:39
^hashbang^racecaar56: you should get a boot option like F9, F10 or something during post boot, which you can press to boot from USB is it's supported20:39
deanyActionParsnip, so even if I install xubuntu from scratch, it`ll put a ton of gnome packages on just because of firefox?20:39
deanysounds a little silly to me.. is the point of xubuntiu to be xfce...20:40
AJC_Z0What's the easy was to replace sun-java6-jre  6-10-0ubuntu2 with 6-7-0ubuntu2?20:40
wunnymush_somebody who knows about dualbooting?20:40
ActionParsnipdeany: yep, sucks doesnt it20:40
blizzledeany, Firefox is default in Xfce.20:40
carpeliam|pidginG-Bleezy: does rootnoverify (hd1,6) sound about right?20:40
G-Bleezycarpeliam|pidgin: ya im trying to figure that out..20:40
SB6789what is ask?20:40
G-Bleezycarpeliam|pidgin: you could try it20:40
blizzledeany, Well, at least Xubuntu, anyways. Midori is Xfce's nominated browser.20:40
G-Bleezycarpeliam|pidgin: so your xp is on your 5th partition on your first drive?20:41
fozzy_the_bearthanks everyone.  Off to watch the latest BSG episode on my shiny new Ibex install.  :)20:41
NfNitLoopI'm using the 8.04-2 live CD to repartition a disk.20:41
NfNitLoopIt has nearly completed, but resize2fs complains, saying:20:41
G-Bleezyor 5th partition on your second drive?20:41
FamilyCould someone help me install the broadcom wireless drivers in ubuntu??20:41
NfNitLoopPlease run 'e2fsck -f /dev/sda5' first.20:41
NfNitLoopI manually ran that, it completed without errors.20:41
SB6789i am having trouble getting a webcam to work with an HP laptop - ricoh version.  any assistance?20:41
NfNitLoopbut resize2fs still complains.20:41
KyleKcarpeliam|pidgin: if that doesn't work, abuse the tab completion from grub :D20:41
NfNitLoopanyone had this issue?20:41
blizzleFamily, sudo apt-get install ndis-wrapper20:42
^hashbang^racecaar56: serial cable? if not... hmm, don't think you can install it20:42
stefg!webcam | SB678920:42
ubottuSB6789: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:42
ParhelicTriangleisn't midori gtk too?20:42
jandohello, can someone help me with the speed of my ubuntu??20:42
^hashbang^wb Jack_Sparrow20:42
carpeliam|pidginG-Bleezy: you can see in the pastie that it's on a LBA partition so it's actually kind of on the first logical partition. (i think)20:42
blizzleParhelicTriangle, It is. Xfce is GTk based, as is Gnome.20:42
ActionParsnipdeany: theres firepup which is 32bit and doesnt have all the extra fluff, or you can use opera or kazehakase20:42
KyleKNfNitLoop: did the fsck complain about the partitione being mounted?20:42
IntuitiveNippleSB6789, Which driver are you using, uvcvideo or r5u870 ?20:42
stefgjando: speed of what? loading?20:42
racecar56ok i have an external cd drive for my server but how do i install ubuntu on it?? it dosent have a monitor or a keyboard, all it has is 2 HD's and a external cd-rw drive20:42
ParhelicTriangleblizzle: thx for clearing that up :)20:42
carpeliam|pidginKyleK: grub has auto-complete? is that in terminal? how's that work20:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:42
G-Bleezylol at the auto-explanation20:43
jandonope, the speed when running apps and so on, it used to be quicker than now20:43
^hashbang^racecar56: you will need a monitor and a keyboard...20:43
racecar56dang too bad20:43
stefgjando: what hardware do you have ?20:43
KyleKcarpeliam|pidgin: well i mean if you try the lets say XP option, and it doesn't work, so you restart, select XP and instead of enter button, press e I think20:43
SB6789hi intuitive.  i am not 100% sure in all honesty!20:43
^hashbang^racecar56: most OS installs other than an automated kickstart install require a monitor and keyboard20:43
G-Bleezycarpeliam|pidgin: i'd try  root (hd0,5)20:43
racecar56how would i get a monitor working on a server?20:43
jandoim trying to say that it worked fine and now it runs everything slower20:43
G-Bleezythat's first disk 5th partition20:43
racecar56a keyboard would be easy to do20:44
^hashbang^racecar56: plug one in and reboot the server20:44
NfNitLoopKyleK: nope... the partition is not mounted.20:44
G-Bleezyguess i could look at what my grub.lst says20:44
blizzleracecar56, ssh and vnc is also possible if you have another system you can log in from, though I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do?20:44
wunnymush_is it possible to include ubuntu in boot.ini in windows?20:44
jp_sfracecar56: it usually have a vga port no ? what kind of server is it ?20:44
blizzlewunnymush_, It is. See wubi.20:44
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.20:44
^hashbang^blizzle: install ubuntu from a cdrom without a keyboard or monitor20:44
IntuitiveNippleSB6789: Some HP models have a Ricoh camera. In a terminal use the command "lspci -nn" and look for the Ricoh device and tell me the [vendor:product] ID that will be shown at the end of the line20:44
stefgwunnymush_: yes, but you would be better off using grub20:44
Jack_Sparrowjando What have you installed since it was running fast.  In particular, what things from outside supported repos or from source20:45
SB6789the webcam is listed as being: ID (05ca:181020:45
blizzle^hashbang^, Ah. Now that's going to prove a little tricky :)20:45
KyleK<3 hp laptops, my webcam works in windows but I have lots of skype problems with ubuntu20:45
KyleKerr webcam works in linux, NOT windows20:45
FamilyExcuse me I have ndiswrapper and the .inf and .sys files, but I need instructions from here please20:45
Jack_Sparrowwunnymush_ best to avoid wubi and use grub as part of a regular install20:45
mkatz_is there a trick to getting 8.1 to save teh nvidia x server settings?20:45
jandohmmm, i installed compiz but actually im not running it20:45
IntuitiveNippleSB6789: thanks... let me check, I've just installed a new hard disk so all my notes are on a disconnected disk20:45
G-Bleezymkatz_: mine just saved them automatically20:45
jandoi also installed google earth and some apps. like the gimp20:46
^hashbang^bizzle: yea that's what I told him =) now if hey had a serial cable setup to a console server then it might be possible =)20:46
G-Bleezyor like...i installed and didn't need to change anything20:46
mkatz_Im getting a UNable to create new X config backup error.  Then when I login I have to redo my settings20:46
ActionParsnipFamily: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper20:46
mkatz_this is a fresh install20:46
blizzle^hashbang^, If you can remove the hd and place in another system, you might be able to install Ubuntu ok.20:46
wunnymush_but the case is that i want to install windows on fresh install, but without having to reinstall ubuntu20:46
G-Bleezymkatz_: what settings did you change?20:46
stefgmkatz_: run gksudo nvidia-settings20:46
^hashbang^blizzle: true... then put that drive back into the server =)20:46
blizzlewunnymush_, You'd want to repair Grub, in that case, post-Windows install.20:47
IntuitiveNippleSB6789: Yes, that ID is supported by the r5u870 driver, which I just happen to maintain in my Ubuntu PPA...20:47
carpeliam|pidginG-Bleezy and KyleK thanks :) here goes nothing, i'll be back if it doesn't work..20:47
stefg!gub | wunnymush_20:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gub20:47
SB6789aha! :)  i think i might have got that faar20:47
stefg!grub | wunnymush_20:47
ubottuwunnymush_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:47
^hashbang^blizzle: more work than it's worth I think .... much eaiser to put a monitor and keyboard on the server lol20:47
Jack_Sparrowjando sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list20:47
mkatz_G-Bleezy - multi monitor20:47
blizzle^hashbang^, Your call :)20:47
SB6789i think i have that as a zip file and have unzipped it20:47
mkatz_stefg - thanks20:47
SB6789let me check20:47
G-Bleezymkatz_ and it doesn't save huh20:47
^hashbang^blizzle: looks like he left...20:47
wunnymush_ok, thankx20:48
IntuitiveNippleSB6789: https://launchpad.net/~intuitivenipple/+archive/ppa?field.name_filter=r5u870&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=any20:48
SB6789yes, i do have it, but now i am unsure how to get it to work.  i followed a tutorial, but it didn't work20:48
=== ectospasm is now known as ectodozing
SB6789ok, i have gone to that link IntuitiveNipple , what do i do now?20:49
jandowhat is this supposed to do? thx20:49
IntuitiveNippleSB6789: read the "Follow these instructions" link20:49
oCean_!who | jando20:50
ubottujando: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:50
SB6789ok, sorry, i didn't see that bit.  i will give it a go now.  thanks and i will let u know what happens!20:50
adi1hi all20:50
^hashbang^!hi adil20:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi adil20:50
^hashbang^!welcome adil20:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about welcome adil20:51
^hashbang^!welcome | adil20:51
ubottuadil: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.20:51
IntuitiveNippleSB6789: you might need to disable/remove the existing driver since they both think they are the only one to handle the device... If you have problems, shout20:51
adi1does anyone installed latest tilda 0.9.6 in hardy?20:51
racecar56ok i just got out a prehistoric keyboard and ill put that in my rather new pc, which has backwards compatibility and put my modern keyboard to my server20:51
blizzle^hashbang^, Stop abusing the bot! :)20:51
^hashbang^blizzle: I wasn't tryin too.. couldn't remember the command20:51
steven__how do you get a logitech webcam to be able to broadcast like on stickam ???20:52
* ^hashbang^ sad now20:52
ActionParsnip!botabuse | ^hashbang^20:52
ubottu^hashbang^: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:52
Archonianwhen installing ubuntu is asks for a "mounting-point" (i think it's the correct translation) when i create a partition for it, how do i know what to choose?20:52
adi1hey guys what kind a tilda like do you use in hardy?20:52
stefg!mount | Archonian20:52
ubottuArchonian: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:52
ActionParsnipadi1: tilda or yakuake20:52
racecar56lol my 'new' keyboard is really different20:53
Jack_Sparrow!find tilda20:53
ubottuFound: tilda20:53
racecar56XD its so small20:53
Jack_Sparrow!info tilda20:53
ubottutilda (source: tilda): terminal emulator with first person shooter console likeness. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.6-1 (intrepid), package size 79 kB, installed size 588 kB20:53
figueiredohy, somewone wanna help me about racoon IPSEC?20:53
adi1im trying to install latest tilda from source20:53
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:53
adi1actionparsnip | but i gives me this error: configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables20:54
mikeshollenhas anyone installed GFCE?20:54
racecar56how do i get a monitor on my server20:54
adi1where can i find the latest tilda 0.9.6.deb?20:54
racecar56it is a hp mediasmart ex47520:55
rockenrolahi, how do I check how much internet usage a process is using?20:55
jp_sfadil: on a side note the latest tilda is in aptitude20:55
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:55
Jack_Sparrowadi1 YOu have to go find it yourself.. I linked what we have in supported repos20:55
jp_sfrene: /join #ubuntu-nl20:56
racecar56!help | server20:56
ubottuserver: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:56
racecar56!help server20:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help server20:56
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support20:56
racecar56sorry i have to admit im a n00b20:56
adi1jp_sf | i think in aptitude is the 0.5 version.... im stuck with 0.6 version20:57
racecar56at the ubottu20:57
Jack_Sparrow!info tilda20:57
ubottutilda (source: tilda): terminal emulator with first person shooter console likeness. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.6-1 (intrepid), package size 79 kB, installed size 588 kB20:57
wompyHi.I've got a "theme"-Problem. I installed the "oxygen"-theme with System->Settings->appearance (hope this is the right translation). I can change the theme without any problem but a few minutes later, it changes back to old theme without obvious reason. when i then try to start System->Settings->appearance it changes again back to oxygen-theme but then i've got some problems like "clicking" buttons or links in firefox20:58
wompyhas anybody heard of this problem?20:58
racecar56ok i need help installing on my server, whoever wants to help pm me20:58
jp_sfadil:  aptitude show tilda Version: 0.09.6-120:58
nightrid3r!ask | racecar5620:59
ubotturacecar56: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:59
* devil listens to ubottu20:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:59
jp_sfadil: sourceforge don't mention a version more recent than that no20:59
jp_sfadil ?20:59
racecar56how do i get ubuntu server on my hp mediasmart ex475?21:00
devil!ubutto how to update seamonkey?21:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:00
G-Bluntedracecar56, just burn Ubuntu Server to a cd and boot it on your hp mediasmart21:00
Jack_Sparrow!info seamonkey21:00
ubottuseamonkey (source: seamonkey): The Seamonkey Internet Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.12+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 23 kB, installed size 88 kB21:00
TuxSympathiserIf I use modprobe -r e1000e do I have to use ifconfig eth0 down first?21:01
jp_sfracecar56: http://samuel.thollander.net/projects/linux-on-hp-ex470/21:01
Jack_Sparrowdevil that is the latest in supported repos.  for newer you will need to build it yourself21:01
devilthats where im stuck21:01
ActionParsnipracecar56: install it like any other linux, boot to the live cd21:01
^hashbang^TuzSympathiser: try downing the interface first then unload the driver21:01
adi1jp-sf | what do you mean for aptitude?21:01
adi1aptitude is synaptic?21:01
Jack_Sparrowdevil Why, because you dont know how to compile etc?  you really sholdnt need a newer versions21:02
devili get this when i try to build "./seamonkey-installer-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:02
jp_sfadil: in System > Administration > Synaptic Package manager yes21:02
devili know how to build21:02
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:02
nDuffadi1, aptitude is more longstanding than synaptic and has a textual (CLI/ncurses\) UI.21:02
adi1jp-sf| what repos should I make available to install it?21:02
ActionParsnipdevil: try: apt-file search libstdc++.so.521:02
pteaguehow do i find out what has a lock on a particular file ?21:02
jp_sfadil: to check the version in type: aptitude show tilda21:03
adi1sp-sf im in hardy21:03
devilits not installed21:03
Jack_Sparrowpteague If you are trying to install something.. synaptic, aptitude and apt-get.. only one open at a time21:03
=== dmilad_ is now known as dmilad
deviljack how to install the lib?21:04
devili dont have a source for it21:04
jp_sfadil: ok then use a terminal21:04
pteagueJack_Sparrow: the problem is that i was trying to install a plugin in firefox... firefox crashed, window closed & now i have no idea how to release the lock in order to do anything else21:04
Jack_Sparrowdevil You wont listen when we tell you to use the persons nick or when we tell you to not hit enter every other word.. sorry, I cant  help21:05
DartelHi all I am back21:05
G-Bluntedyay! Dartel !21:05
pteagueJack_Sparrow: so i figured if i could find out what has a lock on /var/lib/dpkg/lock i could kill that process21:05
devili dont hit enter after every word21:05
adi1sp-sf this is why i came here...in terminal "./configure" give me this error: configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables21:06
Jack_Sparrowpteague YOu will end up killing filrefox from cli.. kill all perhaps21:06
DartelHow do I uninstall things.. Like say all the default games from the Intrepid install21:06
pteagueJack_Sparrow: um, that's just it... firefox process is *not* running21:06
zsakrhow to install java?21:07
zsakrapt-get install sun-java6 ?21:07
G-BluntedDartel, add/remove applications21:07
pteaguezsakr: you need the jdk or just the jre ?  apt-get install sun-java6-jdk or sun-java6-jre should work21:08
shingenpteague: you could always remove ~/.mozilla21:08
dmiladperl bot1.pl21:08
G-Bluntedadil: you gotta add some packages21:08
adi1zsakr | go to add/remove and install open jdk or java21:08
G-Bluntedadi1, i think that is happening because you don't have the right packages for the compiler to compile21:08
pteagueshingen: um, what does that have to do with the lock on apt ?21:08
zsakrzsakr> apt-get install sun-java6 ?21:08
zsakrthis like that wont work?21:08
shingenpteague: nothing, guess I didn't read your entire issue :D21:08
G-Bluntedadi1, you need like...glibc-devel package21:08
G-Bluntedi think thats the one21:08
^hashbang^pteague: so firefox won't run?21:08
pteagueshingen: firefox crashed while trying to install a plugin... & now apt is locked21:09
_VIM_zsakr: you need the 'jre' at the end of that21:09
adi1g-blunted | so is going to be a mess jsut to install lates tilda :)21:09
^hashbang^pteague: so apt-get is locked? were you installing this plugin via synaptic?21:09
G-Bluntednaw not really21:09
G-Bluntedjust install the glibc packages21:09
adi1I will waity for a deb package21:09
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:09
_VIM_sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre21:09
G-Bluntedand run ./configure again21:09
pteague^hashbang^: no, via firefox21:09
adi1ok thanks21:09
G-Bluntedor you can wait for a .deb :)21:09
Jack_Sparrowkillall firefox21:09
G-Bluntedbut compiling stuff is like...hella 133721:10
DeeDeeVeeGood day all21:10
pteagueps aux | grep firefox shows no firefox process running21:10
G-Bluntedi actually havn't compiled anything on my install yet....i feel so noob21:10
DartelFeel silly that I had not seen the add/remove before21:10
G-Bluntedi wanna recompile my kernel some time...just for fun :p21:10
_VIM_G-Blunted: Gentoo user?21:10
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:10
nightrid3rG-Blunted: but compiling stuff might bork your box :(21:10
^hashbang^pteague: try for the heck of it restarting X21:10
=== hudnix_ is now known as hudnix
G-Bluntedwhat is Gentoo?21:10
jp_sfadil: I think the latest one is on a deb form already could you do a aptitude show tilda ?21:10
^hashbang^G-Blunted: another linux distro21:11
G-Bluntednightrid3r, naw unless you really do something crazy i guess...21:11
G-Bluntednaw this is my first linux install in like....10 years :p21:11
DeeDeeVeeI have a wubi Question i wasnt able to esolve by googling for a while and wondering if someone here had used it / worked with it?21:11
G-BluntedXubuntu 8.10 user til i die21:11
devil!ubottu does this command use nick21:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:11
nightrid3rG-Blunted: i manage to do it evry time :)21:11
adi1g-blunted | you mean compiling is bettter or worst?21:11
Jack_SparrowDeeDeeVee Wont use it, wont recommend it, wont help if you have used it21:11
G-Bluntednightrid3r,  lol ya...compiling shit is hard for some reason....so many options all the time21:11
G-Bluntedadi1, compiling is better if you do it right21:11
G-Bluntedadi1, it is hard tho....i'll give ya that..21:12
adi1even for tilda?21:12
jeancalvinhow can i send email via terminal/ command line?21:12
G-Bluntedsometimes it's simple as 'make install' './configure' othertimes its good to set hella options and shit21:12
adi1a small app21:12
G-Bluntedprobably easy21:12
jeancalvinI do NOT need to read email. just need to send a few emails.21:12
^hashbang^jeancalvin: mail -v user@hot.com -s"testing"21:12
G-Bluntedi never heard of tilda...21:12
adi1terminal emulator21:13
G-Bluntedbut you should try i would think...just install the packages so your compiler can compile it21:13
jeancalvin^hashbang^: do i need to setup password stuff?21:13
^hashbang^jeancalvin: mail -v user@hot.com -s"testing" then enter, then hit .21:13
^hashbang^jeancalvin: nope21:13
G-Bluntedterminal emulator.....that's just like a terminal window isn't it?21:13
Jack_Sparrow!info tilda21:13
pteaguefound the issue...  `ps aux | grep apt` ... had to kill 3 processes in the list... a gksu, the synaptic installer running as root, & another process that i don't remember now21:13
ubottutilda (source: tilda): terminal emulator with first person shooter console likeness. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.6-1 (intrepid), package size 79 kB, installed size 588 kB21:13
jeancalvinnope?, wow. i'll try now21:13
G-Bluntedi don't get that21:13
G-Bluntedwith first person shooter console likeness??21:13
MeVsTheVoicesOoo, Tilda any goods?21:13
adi1gblunted  yes21:13
G-Bluntedfirst person shooter console likeness....at a terminal window?21:14
ParhelicTriangleit pops out from the top21:14
* jp_sf is copyrighting the fact that the latest version is in the repos21:14
ParhelicTrianglelike quake console21:14
MeVsTheVoicesG-Blunted: Sexy21:14
G-Bluntedshould be a url for tilda in that !tilda help21:14
jeancalvin^hashbang^: i need to download heirloom-mailx or mailutils, right? which of the 2?21:14
^hashbang^jeancalvin: mailutils21:14
adi1g-blunted: i like it cause with F1 im able to show/hide terminal21:14
OmoikaneIs there a way to extend my desktop to my 32" LCD tv via HDMI?21:14
^hashbang^jeancalvin: sudo apt-get install mailutils21:14
G-Bluntedcan't you just configure F1 to bring up a terminal window?21:15
adi1gblunted: im a copy/paste guy21:15
^hashbang^Omoikane: what resolutions does your graphics card support?21:15
^hashbang^Omoikane: what resolutions does your TV support21:15
jeancalvin^hashbang^: if you don't need to enter password info, then how will my ubuntu comp know what "from email address" to use?21:15
theacolyteHow do you call up restricted drivers menu, if it's not next to your clock21:16
=== fernando is now known as Guest628
^hashbang^jeancalvin: it uses the  the username sending the email as the from:21:16
adi1gblunted ; this is ok but sometimes I need to understand what some forums says and copy commands from browser and paste them to tilda21:16
NfNitLoopoh well, if anyone cares, I just did resize2fs -f to force it, and everything worked fine.  *shrug*21:16
^hashbang^jeancalvin: so if your hostname is mybox and your username is me, then your from: line will be me@mybox21:17
G-Bluntedohh is Tilda an irc client?21:17
jeancalvin^hashbang^: wow. a username but no email address. ISn't this a way then to send anonymous email?21:17
adi1gblunted: so i hide tilda for some 30 sec or so and than show it again paste the command and "enter"21:17
jken146G-Blunted: Tilda is a drop-down terminal21:17
jeancalvinmail: invalid option -- v ^hashbang^21:17
^hashbang^jeancalvin: I guess21:17
G-Bluntedis that just a terminal with menus??21:17
adi1jken146: thanks21:17
^hashbang^mail -v21:17
^hashbang^jeancalvin: mail -v not mail -- v21:18
quentusrexWhat does this error mean? and how to I fix it? "Ekiga got an invalid value for the GConf key "/apps/ekiga/general/gconf_test_age". "21:18
user_is there scroll button in ubuntu same as windwos ?21:18
jeancalvin^hashbang^:  I did have -v, as in ....    mail -v  mememe@gmail.com -s"testing"21:18
theacolyteAh I found it, it's just labeled wrong21:18
IrishDavidhey, what's the easiest way to share a folder across a network between two ubuntu machines? (I want to mount the network folder)21:18
^hashbang^jeancalvin: let me double check21:18
theacolyteSo I'm trying to install the NVIDIA restricted drivers, and I click activate, it thinks for a second, then closes the window - and doesn't activate the driver21:18
theacolyteAny idears?21:19
jeancalvin^hashbang^: thanks! (i'm getting used to typing in Shift6 because of your first letter) 8-)21:19
fogeshave you tried a restart?21:19
jp_sf^hashbang^, jeancalvin : to use mail command you will need a MTA21:19
^hashbang^jeancalvin: lol I use the up key21:19
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user_any help ?is there scroll button in ubuntu same as windwos ?21:19
G-Blunteduser_, ya use your mouse21:19
G-Bluntedor the pgup pgdw21:19
jeancalvinjp_sf: is there a simpler way of sending email via commandline/terminal?21:19
^hashbang^jp_sf: doh that's right ubuntu doesn't install one by default21:20
user_i use ut but nothing happend21:20
jeancalvinjp_sf: do you recommend that i get an MTA? What's an MTA? is it free?21:20
^hashbang^jeancalvin: true.. so install postfix too =)21:20
quentusrexWhat does this error mean? and how to I fix it? "Ekiga got an invalid value for the GConf key "/apps/ekiga/general/gconf_test_age". "21:20
^hashbang^jeancalvin: sudo apt-get install postfix21:20
jilliani'm using ubuntu 8.04. Do you recommend upgrading to 8.10?21:20
jp_sfjeancalvin: MTA Mail transfer agent it's basically a mail server to speak to other mail server21:20
user_i mean i need it to scroll down in window21:20
Guest628yes jillian21:21
sgtryanubuntu blows21:21
sgtryanthat is all21:21
zsakrim downloading ubunt 8.10 becouse i need backup my hardriv21:21
user_i dont know if you got my idea clear21:21
zsakrand my question is if i could get usb to put the file on the pen21:21
G-Bluntedquentusrex,  probably means your permissions aren't right21:21
jeancalvinjp_sf: what's the simplest way to send email via terminal? (I already have a Gmail account, if that makes any difference)21:21
_VIM_You can also do SHIFT + page up/down to scroll the terminal21:21
jp_sfjeancalvin: just to make sure what exactly is your need trying to acheive ?21:21
quentusrexG-Blunted: I want to remove gconf keys....21:21
quentusrexG-Blunted: But I can't find a way to dump the keys....21:21
nickrud_quentusrex, right click the key and select unset21:21
zsakrim downloading ubunt 8.10 becouse i need backup my hardriv21:21
zsakrand my question is if i could get usb to put the file on the pen21:22
jillianwhat are the benefits of upgrading...i'm new to using ubuntu21:22
quentusrexnickrud_: I want to remove an entire tree...21:22
jeancalvinjp_sf:  my goal: send a few emails via terminal/commandline. I need to send some emails to myself when something on my computer triggers it.21:22
quentusrexnickrud_: and most of the unset commands don't remove the values....21:22
nickrud_quentusrex, gconftool --recursive-unset /path/to/folder/key21:22
quentusrexI have gconf-editor opened in root21:22
^hashbang^jeancalvin: I just installed postfix, set it up as an internet mail server... did mail user@mydomain.com (example only) typed in a subject and bam... it sent me mail to my gmail account21:22
Milkehwhy is it when I start ubuntu my window manager is compiz and not metacity when I changed it in compiz icon?21:23
nickrud_quentusrex, they revert to the schema values in /etc/gconf, irrc. And using gconf as root affects /root/.gconf21:23
^hashbang^jeancalvin: during the postfix install it will prompt you to setup postfix, just pick internet host21:23
jeancalvinjp_sf: i'm using specto to change a web page for changes. with specto rc3.1, you can enter a command when specto finds a change to a page.21:23
jp_sfjeancalvin: ok, depends of the scale, usually in operations you will install Postfix or sendmail, for a very very basic usage I would use  msmtp21:23
G-Bluntedquentusrex,  gconf-edit....you gotta remove them one at a time21:23
jeancalvinjp_sf: yes, this is for very very very very basic usage.21:23
jeancalvinshould i download msmtp?21:23
^hashbang^jp_sf: postfix isn't that bloated...21:23
Milkehhow do I set metacity as my defalt window manager?21:24
jeancalvini've already downloaded postfix, jp_sf21:24
^hashbang^jp_sf: plus the setup is very easy (for new users anyway)21:24
jp_sfjeancalvin: so if it is not a production site or anything like I would suggest msmtp21:24
guntbert^hashbang^: are you sure you didn't create another open mail relay?21:24
nickrud_quentusrex, for example,  gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel  && killall gnome-panel will cause your panels to be reset to the defaults set in /etc/gconf21:24
Omoikane^hashbang 1366X768 is the TV21:24
^hashbang^guntbert: yes.. i'm behind a firewall =021:24
jeancalvin^hashbang^: in postfix config, do i choose "internet site", "internet wih smarthost", "satellite system" or "no config"?21:24
^hashbang^Omoikane: ok cool, it should work then =)21:25
kop_so I dl to a .gvfs mount on a remote box on the lan from a bittorrent client and I have to keep the folder open as well as refresh the permissions to the target folder every hr or so and even then every 12 hrs or so the .gvfs mount disappears , the torrent client responds with destination folder does not exist and goes zombie . there's more but...21:25
quentusrexnickrud_: I need to remove the whole tree...21:25
quentusrexand the recursive-unset won't unset them all21:25
guntbert^hashbang^: ok, but doesn't necessarely apply for jeancalvin as well, I'm afraid21:25
jp_sf^hashbang^: I like postfix but... well I might think this is not for jeancalvin it is my opinion and not my employers opinion, all I wrote ...21:25
Omoikane^hashbang I have it hooked up but not sure what to do. Do I require additional software to use HDMI?21:25
quentusrexand it won't delete them either.21:25
^hashbang^jeancalvin: if you installed it via apt-get then the postfix installer would have asked you for the postfix setup type, there is no reason to exit the postfix mail.cf file by hand21:25
guntbert*but that21:25
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jeancalvin^hashbang^: i'm not editing it by hand.21:26
^hashbang^Omoikane: hmm, I wouldn't believe so... have you tried rebooting your system with the HDMI cable plugged in?21:26
jeancalvin^hashbang^: there's a blue-red-grey config screen21:26
jeancalvinwanna see a screenshot?21:26
Omoikane^hashbang yes21:26
Omoikanelet me try again21:26
^hashbang^jeanvalvin: blue red and green?21:26
jeancalvin^hashbang^:  http://img9.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotsi4.png21:27
^hashbang^jeancalvin: you want "internet site"21:27
joe-machello, am i correct to assume that --acls isn't working with tar on ubuntu becaue it was compiled without support?21:27
figueiredosomeone help me about RACOON IPSEC?21:28
^hashbang^jeancalvin: btw, why do you want to send email from the console?21:28
guntbert!ask | figueiredo21:28
ubottufigueiredo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:28
jeancalvin^hashbang^: yes, that's EXACTLY what i want to do21:28
^hashbang^jeancalvin: ok but why?21:28
^hashbang^jeancalvin: for scripting?21:29
mylisto_anyone have any idea how to record skype video?21:29
jeancalvin^hashbang^: yes. need to get an alert when a webpage changes.... using it with http://specto.sourceforge.net/?go=download21:29
nickrud_quentusrex, that's what --recursive-unset does; however you may not see the change because if a default exists in /etc/gconf it will revert to that21:29
^hashbang^jeancalvin: kk21:30
^hashbang^jeancalvin: so you picked "internet site" right? and now the installer is finished?21:30
nickrud_quentusrex, http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/806-6878/6jfpqt2sv?a=view gives a decent overview of gcong21:30
^hashbang^jeancalvin: if so, try `mail you@yourhot.com` and hit enter you could get a (CC) prompt, just hit enter, then type in your subject, then for the body of the message hit . and then enter again21:31
jeancalvin^hashbang^: yes fininshed.21:31
Omoikane_^hashbang^ my tv says mode not supported21:31
sn00zerDoes anybody know how to start x11vnc if you aren't already logged into an X session but the graphical login is running?21:31
jeancalvin^hashbang^: i need to get an email sent all in 1 line/command21:31
nickrud_quentusrex, install sabayon to manipulate the default settings21:31
sn00zerbtw, I have ssh access21:31
^hashbang^jeanvalvin: try man mail21:31
Omoikane_^hashbang^ does ubuntu support HDMI?21:32
^hashbang^jeanvalvin: or mail --usage21:32
bove2any ideas why each time I do "xrandr -o something", font sizes increase?21:32
jimi_hendrixcan i access files on my windows partition and if so how21:32
jeancalvinjp_sf: tell me about mspmts. is it easy to work with?21:32
Frozenballbove2, you are answering your own question already21:32
^hashbang^Omoikane: HDMI is a video format, on a laptop it's a display output... so it's likely that the resolution on your laptop is greater than what your TV can support, in which case, decrease your laptop display resolution21:33
nickrud_quentusrex, for official gconf info, http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/21:33
cdavishow do you determine if I one is running intrepid or hardy?21:33
joe-maclsb_release -rd21:33
G-Bluntedjimi_hendrix, mount the partition21:33
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nickrud_cdavis,   lsb_release -a21:33
jp_sfjeancalvin: it consists of installing a package msmtp and then have a file name .msmtprc that does have the configuration that's it21:34
jeancalvin^hashbang^: i keep hitting enter, but it won't send21:34
cdavisnickrud_ thanks21:34
`Peter``Can anyone help with troubleshooting a gigabit ethernet PCI card on Intrepid?21:34
jp_sfjeancalvin: http://msmtp.sourceforge.net/21:34
^hashbang^jeancalvin: did you put in a . as the last line in the body of the message?21:34
bove2Frozenball: ? Why does that change text size?21:34
`Peter``It's recognised (if I click network manager it's shown) however it doesn't recognise any connections and ifconfig lists it as "FIBRE"21:34
jeancalvin^hashbang^: now i did 8-)21:34
`Peter``*ethtool not ifconfig21:35
`Peter``and it also says the MAC is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff21:35
guntbert!enter | `Peter``21:35
ubottu`Peter``: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:35
ca_rloHi all21:36
ogre_i have a chicony usb2.0 webcam. any ideas on setting it up?  cheese isnt pulling pulling any video for me. help is appreciated21:36
ca_rloHave someway to see pictures attached in my e-mails on Evolution, at e-mail's body?21:37
jeancalvini did not get any emails in my inboxes, ^hashbang^21:38
^hashbang^jeancalvin: do a `tail /var/log/mail.log`21:38
^hashbang^jeancalvin: what does it should for your relay= line21:38
ahmedthis is chat room ??21:38
^hashbang^jeancalvin: what does it should = show21:39
gwhyteGood afternoon all21:39
nickrud_ahmed, support channel; chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic21:39
xnoxHeya everyone! I put in proxy settings today to use uni proxy while at uni. Now I've removed the proxy settings from the Proxy preferences app (dunno what it really is found it with Gnome do ;-)). well everything is fine but apt-get update continues to try to use the proxy and I can't find where to turn it off. =( Can you please help me.21:39
jeancalvin relay=g.mx.mail.yahoo.com[]:25, delay=10, delays=1.4/0/8.8/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (host g.mx.mail.yahoo.com[] refused to talk to me: 553 Mail from not allowed21:39
theacolyteJust went from a base 8.10 install and updated it, and now I've lost my wireless adapter21:39
ahmedcan u support me21:39
ca_rloHave someway to see pictures attached in my e-mails on Evolution, at e-mail's body?21:40
nickrud_!ask | ahmed21:40
ubottuahmed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:40
ahmedI can't use this OS21:40
^hashbang^jeancalvin: hmm strange21:40
bove2anyone else know why "xrandr -o right" increases font size?21:40
^hashbang^jeancalvin: yahoo doesn't like u21:40
xnoxahmed: define can't use, please21:40
ahmedaha thanks21:40
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1221:40
benkaminhi, how do I extract multiple Tar archives at once?21:41
^hashbang^jeancalvin: it could be because most mail system require a reverse DNS entry to exist before they will relay email21:41
^hashbang^jeancalvin: you could try setting the relay option in /etc/postfix/main.cf to your ISP's mail host21:42
ahmedhow can install Arabic language 2 my PC because I wanna write in Arabic21:42
^hashbang^jeancalvin: and then restart postfix and try sending the mail again21:42
G-Bluntedbove2, just make sure font sizes set to same size on both screens21:42
gwhyteLooking for help with a basic linux file permission problem. My non-root user (smith) is a member of multiple groups (smith, specialgroup) but can't write to a ext3 folder that is 775 specialgroup.specialgroup. Does "smith" need to change his active group somehow or something to use his group permission to write to the dir?21:42
nickrud_benkamin, something like   for i in `ls *tar`; do tar xf i; done21:42
deadbatterythis is kind of a unrelated question, but are there any scripts that will tell u the status of a apache web server? like you can post it in the forum and it tells u if server #1 or #2 is offline or online?21:43
deadbatterythis is kind of a unrelated question, but are there any scripts that will tell u the status of a apache web server? like you can post it in the forum and it tells u if server #1 or #2 is offline or online?21:43
guntbert!ot | deadbattery21:43
ubottudeadbattery: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:43
xnoxCan you please help me to turn of proxy? (apt uses one and fails)21:44
^hashbang^xnox: are you running apt from commandline?21:44
ahmedno result ok thanks all bye bye21:44
xnox^hashbang^: yes. I do sudo apt-get update and it shows that it tries to connect to a proxy and fails to update any of the sources.21:44
^hashbang^xnox: if your using synaptic, go to settings -> Prefs-> network21:44
^hashbang^xnox: ok do an `env | grep http_proxy21:45
^hashbang^xnox: if you see it just run unset http_proxy21:45
nickrud_ahmed, system->admin->keyboard, layouts tab iirc21:45
benkaminnickrud: i guess it should be do tar xf $i? otherwise it doesn't work,21:45
benkaminbut when i do with $i i get tar: filename: Not found in archive21:45
benkaminfor each filename21:45
nickrud_benkamin, yeah, typo without a $21:45
benkaminbut why do i get Not found in archive?21:46
nickrud_benkamin, not sure. I'm in a vm with no downloaded tars, a sec21:46
xnox^hashbang^: thanks a lot! that help it was stuck in the env!21:47
^hashbang^xnon: np21:47
^hashbang^benkamin: are you tryin to untar a file?21:47
benkamini do: for i in 'ls *.bz2'; do tar -xjvf $i; done21:47
benkaminand i get: tar: filename.tar.bz2: not found in archive - for any file in the dir21:47
benkamini mean for each of the files in the dir21:48
nickrud_benkamin, works here; didn' bzip them though21:48
theacolyteSo apparently I can't install my NVIDIA drivers and now after updating to the latest, my BCM4312 stopped working21:49
guntbertbenkamin: tar has a *lot* of options, try tar xjvf instead of tar -xjvf21:49
racecar56help! i got this weird error on booting ubuntu server21:49
theacolyteSeems like it should work according to the documentation21:49
racecar56i put my server's HD into my pc and booted ubuntu server off of the cd21:49
racecar56and it gives me this:21:49
benkamintried tar xjvf -- same result21:49
prince_jammysbenkamin: for i in *.bz2; tar xjvf "$i"; done21:50
nickrud_benkamin, bzips work too. Sure you're in the same dir21:50
guntbert!enter | racecar5621:50
ubotturacecar56: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:50
prince_jammysbenkamin: you had the wrong quotes, plus you don't need ls21:50
Vadononyay for EAC in WINE \o/21:50
prince_jammysbenkamin: forgot the 'do'21:50
prince_jammysbenkamin: for i in *.bz2; do tar xjvf "$i"; done21:50
^hashbang^benkamin: I just made 3 tar.bz2 files and ran for i in `ls *.bz2`; do tar xjf $i; done and everyhing worked fine.21:51
racecar56ISOLINUX 3.63 Debian-2008-07-15 Copyright (C) 1994-2008 H. Peter Anvin isolinux: Disk error 10, AX = 4280, drive EF Boot failed" press a key to retry...21:51
* nickrud_ always forgets that newer bashes figure out that *.bz2 is assumed to be a directory listing21:51
prince_jammyshe had single quotes instead of ` `, but yeah, don't use ls21:51
racecar56what am i to do21:52
prince_jammys. ..21:52
brianrgni keep reading that ubuntu depends on an internet connection very heavily... what if the computer i want to use has no connection?21:52
racecar56you'd be missing a lot21:52
benkaminSOLVED :-)21:52
benkaminthis one worked: for i in `ls *.bz2`; do tar xjf $i; done21:52
Naiselhi all21:52
guntbertnickrud_: what was that about bz2 in newer bashes?21:53
racecar56what am i to do? i dont know how to do this'21:53
^hashbang^benkamin: you could do a "for i in `find . -name \*.bz2`; do tar xjf $i; done" that should work fine =)21:53
NaiselBram are you ther21:53
prince_jammysuntil you filenames have whitespace21:53
benkamincool, thanks!21:54
^hashbang^prince_jammys: you have whitespace zip files?21:54
vlanhello all21:55
nickrud_guntbert, nah, the for i in *bz2 , I always forget I don't need the ls anymore21:55
vlani get error : src/p_translate.c:314: warning: passing argument 2 of 'strmncpy' discards qualifiers from pointer target type21:55
vlanwhern im trying to install psybnc21:55
ANTRatfind -name "*.bz2" -exec tar xjf "{}" \;21:55
guntbertnickrud_: ah ok, misunderstood you :)21:55
ANTRatfind . -name21:55
nickrud_ghahhahahahahg it's a quick scripting quide today21:55
^hashbang^ANTRat: yea that's how I do it... =)21:55
vlani think one package missed but i dont know wich, if anyone can help me please21:56
Naiselvlan what is psybnc21:56
^hashbang^find . -type -f -size +2G -name \*.bz -exec rm -f {} \; I like that one too21:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about psybnc21:57
G-Bluntedpsybnc is a bouncer21:57
G-Bluntedfor irc21:57
brianrgnso an internet connection is basically required for any serious use of ubuntu?21:57
G-Bluntedbrianrgn, it helps for sure21:57
G-Bluntedbrianrgn,  and yes....if you want to use it 'seriously' an internet connection would be good to have21:57
bove2despite your help, I really can't understand why screen fonts get bigger and bigger eachtime I do a xrandr command21:57
G-Bluntedthat goes for any operating system though21:57
G-Bluntedbove2, change your screen to default DPI's21:58
G-Bluntedbove2, has to do with the DPI21:58
felixsullaSo, I installed a program through Synaptic. How do I know where it went? How do I get to it?21:59
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^hashbang^felizsulla: what was the program21:59
isasefelix: it'll be in /usr/bin, and should have a laucnher for it in the "applications" menu in the gnome panel22:00
dianewnyanyone have time for a couple of dumb questions?22:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:00
^hashbang^go for it..22:01
G-Bluntedall we're doing is answering dumb questions22:01
G-Bluntedone more can't hurt too much :)22:01
^hashbang^lol G22:01
felixsullaDumb is relative to knowledge :)22:01
brianrgnis there anyway around the connection requirments for things like ubuntu-restricted-extras??22:01
^hashbang^there is nothing dumb about a question =)22:01
G-Bluntedgood call22:01
felixsullaOk I think I know why it doesn't show up in Applications. It's just a python script ;)22:01
G-Bluntedlol felix22:01
AMPwslike to ask help for my first time using linux...22:02
^hashbang^yea felixsulla.... I just installed it to check it out..22:02
^hashbang^!justask | AMPws22:02
G-Blunted!justask | AMPws22:02
ubottuAMPws: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:02
felixsullaOK so here is a dumb question, can I MAKE a shortcut to it from Applications?22:02
cphillipsdoes anyone know why some songs in amarok are grey instead of black?22:02
dianewny1.5 g celeron 2g ram cpu is running 100% and way to lighten the load    ?22:02
^hashbang^lol G beat you to it22:02
G-Blunted^hashbang^,  no you didn't22:02
AMPwsgot a backtrack version and need to change the mac address to conect the internet..22:02
G-Bluntedfelixsulla,  from applications?22:02
^hashbang^lol G-Blunted: yes... look above  your's22:02
G-BluntedAMPws: go to #remote-exploit <--- BackTrack channel22:03
ikoniaapw: backtrack is not ubuntu22:03
felixsullaYeah, a new link like other program would add.22:03
* G-Blunted is helping people :)22:03
stefgdianewny: first thing willo be to figure out what's eating up the resources. look at the system monitor, sort by cpu time and look what's on top22:03
AMPwsI'm sory, I'm tring to find, were is this..22:03
dianewnyok thanks22:03
^hashbang^me ^hashbang^ has been helping people all day =)22:03
G-BluntedAMPws: go to #remote-exploit <--- BackTrack channel22:03
ikoniaAMPws: your currently in #ubuntu - for ubuntu support22:03
* ^hashbang^ ^hashbang^ has been helping people all day =)22:03
G-Bluntedhe's gunna make me say it again...22:04
G-Bluntedi can feel it22:04
AMPwswhere can I find BackTrack channel22:04
G-BluntedAMPws: go to #remote-exploit <--- BackTrack channel22:04
ikonia^hashbang^: can we give the "/me" commands a break, you and G-Blunted are making more random noise than half the channel22:04
G-Bluntedomg i knew it22:04
prince_jammysfelixsulla: yes, you can. does the script have to run inside a terminal?22:04
dianewnymy fourth day of using Ubuntu22:04
prince_jammysfelixsulla: that is, does it print output to a terminal?22:04
^hashbang^ikonia: hmm, I did it 1 time... relax22:04
brucealdridgerunning jaunty, ran updated, rebooted, blank screen, can still login/ssh ... just no display.22:04
ikoniaG-Blunted: you too please, calm down on the noise a bit, your doing great helping people, but a little random22:04
ikonia^hashbang^: I'm asking nicely - your both making a lot of noise22:04
ahmedhey this is ubuntu channel??22:04
felixsullaprince_jammys hmm.. thats a good question. Let me run it.22:04
ikoniabrucealdridge: join #ubuntu+122:04
ikoniaahmed: it is22:04
G-Bluntedikonia, he asked about backtrack 3 times in a row....22:05
brianrgnis there any way to install programs that appear in "add/remove" without an internet connection to the linux computer? (_this_ computer clearly has internet connection)22:05
ahmedok I have one ask22:05
felixsullaNo its GUI alright.22:05
ikoniaG-Blunted: I know - as I just said to ^hashbang^ your doing great helping - just keep the random comments/noise down please.22:05
G-Bluntedkk sry np22:05
stefgahmed: no this is #how-to-get rich-by-getting-one buck-for every-silly-question-asked22:05
brucealdridgeikonia: thanks22:05
prince_jammysfelixsulla: then you can add it with the menu editor22:05
^hashbang^ikonia: how is 1 /me alot of noise...22:05
ahmedhow can I install additional language??22:06
ahmedI know but when I got the letter of the language I want where can I keep it??22:07
felixsullaGot it, OK. Ooo-rah right clicking..22:07
ASrocki need a remote desktop tool like logmein for ubuntu...any sugjestions/22:07
stefgASrock: to connect from where? over what kind of line ?22:08
ASrockwell i will be connecting from both a computer on the LAN and computers over the internet22:08
^hashbang^ASrock: how about VNC?22:08
rww!vnc | ASrock22:09
ubottuASrock: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:09
stefgASrock: ubuntu has vino , a vnc-server. you'll need a vncviewer on the accessing machine22:09
Cpudan80stefg: vino probably wont work22:09
Cpudan80stefg: The way it is setup is very ... bad22:09
Sarthori am wanat to setup up multip isps, getting here from http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html , how to define $IP1, $IF1 $IP2 etc etc. please need a hint.22:09
stefgASrock: although i usually replace thet by x11vnc22:09
ASrockum...i dont follow...and is it possible to connect using a windows computer?22:09
rwwASrock: Yes, it is. Go read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH :)22:10
Cpudan80ASrock: yes, there are many VNC viewer things for windows22:10
ASrockhow about tightvnc?22:10
Cpudan80any one of them will work, I like UltraVNC's viewer personalyl22:10
jochenhHey! Can anyone please help me? My firefox shuts down directly!22:11
Cpudan80UltraVNC supports encryption (windows servers) so that's nice22:11
G-Bluntedjochenh, after you do what22:11
^hashbang^jochenh: did you just finish installing a plugin?22:11
jochenhG-Blunted: after clicking on flash22:11
G-Bluntedwhat flash?22:11
ASrockwell for ultra vnc how do i go about installing it on the linux comp...is it in synaptic?22:12
jochenh^hashbang^: yes I installed flash plugin 10 for 64bit22:12
=== Vadonon is now known as zettai-o
quentusrexAnyone know how to solve ubuntu mic sound issues? Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'22:12
jochenhG-Blunted: adobe flash plugin 10 for 64bit22:13
Sarthori want to setup up multip isps, getting help here from http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html , how to define $IP1, $IF1 $IP2 etc etc. please need a hint... CORRECTED AS MY KNOWLEDGE22:13
boot_loophow do I execute an executable file from the command line?22:13
^hashbang^jochenh: oh ok cool. So I take it if you go to youtube and click on a vid firefox will crash?22:13
^hashbang^boot_loop: ./filename22:13
dianewnyfunny now that I'm monitoring the CPU usage went down to 78%22:13
boot_loophashbang: do I have to be in the directory of that file?22:14
rwwboot_loop: ./filename if you're in the directory it's in. /path/to/file/filename if you're not.22:14
jochenh^hashbang^: yes22:14
^hashbang^boot_loop: do a chmod +x filename to make sure you can excute it22:14
^hashbang^hmm, not sure ...22:14
boot_loopit says "no such file or directory" but the file is right there22:14
ASrockstefg: i installed x11vnc what viewer should i install on the windows machine to control the ubuntu machine?22:15
^hashbang^boot_loop: not really you could do ./path/to/file22:15
jochenh^hashbang^: I click on a flash vid or flash swf file22:15
^hashbang^boot_loop: or just /path/to/file without the . in front of /22:15
nickrud_^hashbang^, not with the leading .22:15
cphillipsamarok is insisting that my "collection folder" is my ipod, how can i change that to /home/Music?22:15
^hashbang^nickrud_: I corrected myself =)22:15
hatter243ASrock, UltraVNC is my preference, RealVNC is good as well...22:16
nickrud_^hashbang^, dueling enter keys :)22:16
^hashbang^nickrud_: lol totally22:16
ASrockok once i install that what will i need to do to connect?22:16
ASrockdo i need to know my IP or what?22:16
hatter243ASrock, yes, you do need to know the IP of the machien you are attempting to connect to22:16
G-Bluntedjochenh, edit your xorg.conf and comment out compistes22:16
G-Bluntedthat will fix your problem :)22:16
ASrockwhere do i configure x11vnc?22:16
stefgASrock: make sure to uninstall vino then... two vnc-servers on the same machine usually do no good. There are several vncviewers for win available. try some, use the one you like best.22:17
ASrockstefg: where do i uninstal vino?22:17
boot_loopdamnit, it keeps saying no such file or directory, but the file is there! lol22:17
jochenhG-Blunted: what are compistes? how do they look like? :)22:17
stefgASrock: synaptic22:17
rwwASrock: For the *third* time, go read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC#x11vnc . And no, you don't need to uninstall vino first.22:17
kansanis there a way to 'name' certain gnome-terminal instances?  or should i be using screen?22:17
stefg!software | ASrock22:17
ubottuASrock: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents22:17
nickrud_kansan, you can, by creating profiles. But screen is probably simpler22:18
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benkaminjust FYI: the problem before with extracting multiple tars: the problem was that i used ' instead of ` - wrong apostrophe.22:18
^hashbang^benkamin: nice work22:18
=== zettai-o is now known as Vadonon
^hashbang^benkamin: I always got messed up with those when reading some webpages online...22:19
jochenhG-Blunted: what should I delete exactly?22:19
abbronzatois the Philips PCVC680K WebCam supported?22:20
G-Blunteddo you see anything in there that says 'composite' or somethin to do with that extension?22:20
G-Bluntedi couldn't really find it in mine :p22:21
abbronzatohere no luck for get it working22:21
jascotthow can i get broadcom wifi working when all i have is a CDROM?22:21
georgecan python draw lines and circles andpolygons as per pset or line or draw which was BASIC commands??22:21
^hashbang^abbronzato: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57643322:21
jochenhG-Blunted: http://pastebin.com/m53c38e6822:22
boot_loopoh I didn't have ia32-libs installed, so it didn't see the executable22:22
^hashbang^boot_loop: doh! good catch22:22
nefrinHello all, I think I did something to my system to screw it up, but I can't figure it out. Details are here in the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6705889#post6705889      basically, I get the GRUB Splash and then nothing22:22
boot_loopthanks for your help hashbang22:23
abbronzato^hashbang^, i already see it, but was about the mic not the webcam22:23
Sarthori want to setup up multip isps, getting help here from http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html , how to define $IP1, $IF1 $IP2 etc etc. please need a hint... CORRECTED AS MY KNOWLEDGE22:23
^hashbang^abbronzato: ah... hmm, good question... sorry22:23
tryggHow did I search for a package on apt-get?22:23
G-Bluntedjochenh, hmm..okay i don't see so i got a different work around for you to try...22:23
georgenefrin i screwed up ubuntu by interrupting the shutdown screen. took 4 restarts and it started workin22:24
nefrinGeorge --- I have gone through several reboots, just goes through the Splash and then hangs on a black screen with a cursor flashing22:24
G-Bluntedjochenh, edit this file:  /usr/bin/firefox   <--and before the last line (which is launch line) add this without the quotes:  "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1"    Flash is conflicting with somethinn and this should turn it off22:24
nefrinGeorge ---- plus the GRUB auto loader has stopped working, I have to manually choose my kernel each boot22:25
^hashbang^G-Blunted: couldn't you just place that in ~/.gnomerc22:25
georgenef also when it prviously froze, control d made it go on..I no expert.22:25
rwwtrygg: apt-cache search packagename. Or, for more advanced / better searching, use aptitude search22:25
stefgnefrin: what happens if you try booting to recovery mode ?22:25
nefrinStefg ---- full details are in the forum posting, but I get a lot of errors22:26
DeamosAnyone feeling like tackling some Samba in Naulitis problems? :)22:26
nefrinI have somehow screwed up my system, and I am not quite sure how it happened or how to fix it. Here's the layout:22:26
nefrinThe GRUB Loader no longer counts down and auto boots, but takes me to the kernel screen so I have to choose which kernel.22:26
nefrinOne I pick the kernel and continue loading, the Usplash booting screen displays just fine, then I get a black screen with a underscore cursor in the upper left hand corner. System will hang here forever, no GDM Login, keyboard is unresponsive except for holding down CTRL+ALT+DEL for several seconds, then it will reboot.22:26
nefrinThe recent most kernel is 2.6.24-23-rt22:26
FloodBot2nefrin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:26
nefrinIf I use the recovery mode kernel of the same type, I can resume normal boot and this is what I get:22:26
jochenhG-Blunted: okay done22:26
G-Bluntedjochenh, restart firefox and see if it works22:27
stefgnefrin: seems your /boot/grub/menu.lst is gone or damaged. have you run sudo update-grub (and sudo update-initramfs -u just for good measure ) ?22:27
G-Blunteddid you have to sudo to save that?22:27
dopiwanis there any software app similar to Ventrilo or Skype that is encrypted and can be hosted locally for free?22:27
Sarthorhow to define $IP1=
DeamosAnyone wanna help me deal with Samba? :D22:28
nefrinstefg --- should I run it from LiveCD?22:28
Zombie_GazTrying to get ansi colours to show up properly in gnome-terminal. Anyone got any ideas?22:28
G-Blunted!justask | deamos22:28
ubottudeamos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:28
jochenhG-Blunted: same error : http://pastebin.com/m27c945fc22:28
=== norman_ is now known as amonxz
stefgnefrin: only if you chrooted to your installed system. but you should inspect /boot/grub/menu.lst on your installed system first. is it there? Does it look good ?22:29
rwwSarthor: $IP1, etc., on that page are just placeholders. You just substitute the real values for the placeholders in the command.22:29
rwwSarthor: It says that right there on the page.22:29
Sarthorrww, Ok.22:29
DeamosOk, Trying to connect Using Nautilis to a network share via the Network Browser, It shows the workgroups but when I try to connect to the workgroup, it reports Unable to Mount Share.  I can connect by manually entering the IP address in the Network Browser Windows.22:30
nefrinstefg ---- that's the problem, I'm not sure how to get into my system because of the boot hang up after the splash22:30
Zombie_GazTrying to get ansi colours to show up properly in gnome-terminal. Do I need a certain font or to set my term? Anyone got any ideas?22:30
G-Bluntedjochenh,  is that what happens when you view flash? or when you startup firefox?22:30
dougofborgDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 022:30
stefgnefrin: are you on Live CD on the broken system ?22:30
jochenhG-Blunted: when I click on a flash video or a flash app22:30
nefrinstefg ----- currently I am on a secondary laptop, but I can be booted up into liveCD on the trouble system in a few seconds22:31
stefgnefrin: since you were messing with usplash you might have broken the initrd22:31
G-Bluntedhmm..lemme see...22:31
nefrinstefg ---- yeah, that will teach me my lesson about customizing boot screens22:32
^hashbang^jochenh: in firefox in the url bar type about:flash and imagebin that22:32
kbrosnan^hashbang^: about:flash is not a valid about: page22:32
rww^hashbang^, jochenh: about:flash isn't a valid URL. Try about:plugins22:32
DeamosGuessing nobody has an idea on my Samba issue then :D22:32
^hashbang^doh! yea sorry ment plugins22:32
racecar56what do i do about my computer refusing to boot into my server cd? i put my server's HD in my pc and then installed it 'on the pc' where-as it goes on ym server's HD instead22:33
stefgnefrin: OTOH...  all nerds had to break dozends of systems just to gain the experience they have now...22:33
Rencxhow i can remove Folder where root is owner?22:34
J6Dofhi, when i update my package list iget this error : http://paste.org/index.php?id=5308 . wht is the problem ?22:34
^hashbang^Rencx: sudo rm -f foldername22:34
nefrinstefg ----- I know, seems like I intentionally break this system a few times a month just to figure it out22:34
jochenhG-Blunted: http://pastebin.com/m667e3de422:34
stefgnefrin: ... the usual leraning curve22:34
jochenhG-Blunted: sry its german: Aktiviert=aktivated22:34
jochenhG-Blunted: let me knoe i there are words you have to know22:35
DeamosOk, Trying to connect Using Nautilis to a network share via the Network Browser, It shows the workgroups but when I try to connect to the workgroup, it reports Unable to Mount Share.  I can connect by manually entering the IP address in the Network Browser Windows. Any ideas how I can fix this?22:36
Rencx^hashbang^ cant22:36
^hashbang^jochenh: man that is strange. I'm using the same plugin and I don't get the firefox crash... tho I do now notice I also have     File name: npwrapper.libflashplayer.so Shockwave Flash 10.0 r1522:36
alazDeamos, samba share?22:36
^hashbang^Rencx: what error did you get?22:37
J6Dofanyone to help me whith this : http://paste.org/index.php?id=5308 ?22:37
DeamosIt will not get past the Workgroup listing22:37
DeamosBut will connect if I manually type in the address in the window ie: smb://192.168.1.x/22:37
Rencx^hashbang^ in terminal none with Shift+Delete Premision Diend22:37
^hashbang^Deamons: did you run sudo apt-get update link the output mentions at the bottom?22:38
jochenh^hashbang^: thats because you have the nswrapperplugin one22:38
nefrinstefg ---- Ok, I'm up in LiveCD, if I try to run sudo update-grub in a terminal, it tells me there is no GRUB directory found22:38
phoenixzEvery reboot I have a process "socket" taking up +95% of my CPU resources. the parent process is cups, and I suspect this is a print job I once accidentally sent to a print which no longer exists. How can I remove this job?? I can not find it anywhere, and killing off cups every restart isnt a solution either :)22:38
^hashbang^Rencx: in a terminal do sudo su - and then cd to the file and try removing it that way22:38
G-Bluntedjochenh, hmm...i don't know....you don't got the compiste extension...which is the cause of this problem 90% of the time...22:38
^hashbang^jochenh: yes, which is now making me wonder, which on the browser is really using =)22:39
Deamosyes I did. all packages are updated, hash22:39
nickrud_^hashbang^, you should suggest sudo -i rather than sudo su - (same results, consistent with #ubuntu policy)22:39
Zombie_GazTrying to get ansi colours to show up properly in gnome-terminal. Do I need a certain font or to set my term to something different? Anyone got any ideas?22:39
G-Bluntedjochenh, you could try uninstalling libflash-mozplugin and instead use flashplugin-nonfree22:39
stefgnefrin: be aware that your installed system isn't even mounted yet... where's your system installed ? (/dev/sda1?)22:39
^hashbang^nickrud_: ah ok cool, did not know that.. sorry22:39
^hashbang^nickrud_: I'm old school.. =)22:40
isaseI can't get samba to work.22:40
jochenhG-Blunted: I dont use the libflash-mozplugin.I use this one : http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html22:40
nefrinstefg ----- I've mounted my installed hard drive with the system (/media/disk) and am in the /boot/grub folder22:40
Deamoswelcome to the boat, isase :)22:40
isaseI installed all the necessary packages on two Ibex machines, they're on the same workgroup22:40
isaseDaemos: LOL22:41
aLeSDhi what's the name of the flash plugin ?22:41
isaseYet they don't see each other's shared folders.22:41
* Deamos feels a great need to stab Samba22:41
jbuncherAre there any kernel devs in here that could help me troubleshoot intel wireless connectivity?  Connecting to WPA Enterprise SSID Hidden with 2.6.24-23 always fails, but with 2.6.24-22 it always succeeds.  Bugreport and syslogs for failed and successful connection attempts are at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/317976 .  Thanks for your time!22:41
stefgnefrin: is there a file menu.lst ?22:41
alazDeamos, most of the time its login details thats the problem. samba is a shitty protocol22:41
isaseI even turned off DHCP and assigned static IPs (which RUINED my nice little IP table)22:41
solexiousHello, my sound is only coming out as a crackly, works fine in windoes, can I reinstall sound on my system?22:41
nefrinstefg ---- I have a menu.lst and a menu.lst~ file both same file size and day time group in that folder22:41
alazDeamos, is it a windows server that you are trying to access?22:41
G-Bluntedjochenh,  i think i found it22:41
Deamoswell, if it was login details it should be having an issue w/ Names to IPs22:42
DeamosWindows and Linux22:42
stefgnefrin: so that's /media/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst , right?22:42
nefrinstefg ---- that is correct22:42
Coded_I have a box thats running 8.10 that was set up without a wifi card and was using a crossover cable to get to the wan.  I took the wifi adapter out of the old machine and put it in the box im using now.  iwconfig picks it up but will not connect to my wep network (the command 'sudo iwconfig ath0 essid NetName key 12345678... && sudo dhclient ath0")22:42
stefgnefrin: so look what's in it22:42
Rencx^hashbang^: rm: cannot remove `/home/user/Videos/BPI': Is a directory22:42
jochenhG-Blunted: that would be perfect22:42
jp_sfsolexious: no need you could try to start alsamixer and pump up the volume22:42
Coded_I can get at it using the live cd though (what Im using now)22:42
^hashbang^Rencx: try rm -rf22:43
G-Bluntedlol actually maybe not22:43
Rencx^hashbang^: i crate folders throught kino in sudo mood22:43
diginuxquick question, just upgraded to jaunty, ping can resolve ips, but ssh and firfox cannot, any suggestions?22:43
G-Bluntedvideo/flv       Flash-Video     flv     Ja  <---this is Totem22:43
Coded_how can I get the packages I need and leave them on the partition for an "offline installation" ?22:43
alazCoded_, what does your ifconfig print out?22:43
G-Bluntedjochenh,  try uninstalling/disabling Totem22:43
solexiousjp_sf, it is up, when muted no sound comes out, when not muted just some crackling comes out22:44
Guest93484i have couple of questions regarding ubuntu22:44
Coded_alaz; "ifconfig ath0" shows the default mac / ipv6, but no ip or subnetting22:44
isaseBah, screw it. I'm just going to mount the shares using NFS. Samba blows.22:44
Rencx^hashbang^: ty last one works.. what -rf do?22:44
stefgnefrin: do have network on the Live CD ?22:44
nightrid3r!ask | Guest9348422:44
ubottuGuest93484: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:44
G-Bluntedjochenh, the flash plugin doesn't appear to be associated with .flv though, so i wouldn't think that would be a conflict...but maybe...22:44
georgeguest they jus want you to ask them..22:44
nefrinstefg -----I have wired network on Live CD22:44
alazCoded_, and iwconfig?22:45
jp_sfsolexious: could you try: alsamixer -Dhw22:45
^hashbang^Rencx: it mean to force and recursivly remove22:45
jochenhG-Blunted: i'll try22:45
Guest93484alright sorry :P22:45
Guest93484i have ubuntu on my dell mini22:45
Guest93484and everytime i try to install or update packages it keeps giving me errors22:45
prince_jammysGuest93484: all on one line22:45
isaseWhat errors?22:45
stefgnefrin: so you might connect to this channel from the Live CD, too ... makes pasting to the pastebin easier22:45
prince_jammysGuest93484: otherwise your question gets chopped to bits and it's hard to read22:45
Coded_alaz: "sudo iwconfig" shows the essid, key (1234-1234-...) and security shows 'restricted' but I have tried setting that to open 'sudo iwconfig ath0 key open' and connecting but no response from the ap22:46
jochenhG-Blunted: same error...22:46
Coded_most of the stats: rx,tx ... are 022:46
G-Bluntedwhat did you do?22:46
jochenhG-Blunted: I disabled the totem plugin22:46
Coded_for some reason the gui apps seem to work but not from the cli22:47
alazCoded_, so iwconfig ath0 shows that its connected to the wifi but theres no ip recieved?22:47
G-Bluntedand restarted firefox and all that?22:47
=== rww_ is now known as rww
Coded_alaz: i think it just shows the settings cause it shows "no associated"22:47
Coded_*not associated22:48
jochenhG-Blunted: it should be a Xserver problem22:48
alazCoded_, it should be a pretty straigtforward thing to setup iwconfig. but remember that ifconfig also has to be setup in /etc/network/interfaces22:48
anom01yis there any way I can determine what is causing my X to crash.22:48
alazanom01y, check /var/log/messages22:48
G-Bluntedhmm, think so?22:49
Coded_alaz; I've done it before on 8.04 but I'm wondering if since there was no card in during install some necessary packages are not installed22:49
jochenhG-Blunted: yes because me-tv is crashing the same way22:49
alazCoded_, what chipset does it use?22:49
Coded_i wanted to find a package cd so I could do an offline type of install22:49
carpiiis there a vnc server i can run on ubuntu., that will let me connect from windows, using remote desktop?22:50
nefrin2stefg ---- this is nefrin up on LiveCD, never used paste bin before so not sure how, usually I just use the forums22:50
Coded_Atheros, its using the restricted driver in the driver manager22:50
stefgnefrin2: look in /topic22:50
G-Bluntedwhat is that?22:50
stefg!paste | nefrin22:50
ubottunefrin: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:50
alazCoded_, if its atheros it should work out of the box i think. isnt it compiled straight into the kernel22:50
M3TAPHYS1CShi guys im using a laptop with a rtl8187 driver which is having alot of problems with Ubuntu, ive read that ndiswrapper fixes this issue but ive had trouble following theguides and was wondering if anyone here who has experience would be willing to talk me thruough it22:50
prince_jammysanom01y: the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log might be of use22:50
tryggAnyone know what themes are used here? http://www.kimchikid.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/green-theme.jpg22:50
^hashbang^jochenh: have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#amd64andppc22:50
jochenhG-Blunted: "A digital television (DVB) viewer for GNOME"22:51
Coded_alaz; the driver seems to be there and working 'iwlist ath0 scan' gives an accurate reading for the area22:51
G-Bluntedhmm...crashes the same way huh>?22:51
nefrin2stefg ---- duh, I'm an idiot... that being said, you want my whole menu.lst pasted?22:51
rwwM3TAPHYS1CS: I have rtl8187 too, tried NDISwrapper, and it didn't really work well at all. I ended up switching to ethernet instead =/22:51
M3TAPHYS1CSrww: *supersadface*22:51
stefgnefrin2: yeah ... to pastebin.22:52
jochenh^hashbang^: i'll try, thanks22:52
sinmokHey everyone. Just a simple question. I' can browse my vista partition and view the files, folders ect. However for some reason XLXS extention files dont appear (office 07 excel documents). Is there anyway i can get it to appear?22:52
Coded_is there a package that would handle the wep protocol ?22:52
nefrin2stefg ----- http://paste.ubuntu.com/116222/22:52
alazCoded_, networkmanager is a gui22:52
rwwM3TAPHYS1CS: Yeah, I know. What problems are you having with the regular driver? Random disconnects?22:52
jochenh^hashbang^: "Be aware that this is pre-release software and there could be bugs." hmm could be the bug22:53
M3TAPHYS1CSrww yes i was getting that but it evenutally prevented my from using the internet at all..i would connect fine but couldnt access firefox or irc..22:53
^hashbang^jochenh: lol yea22:53
anom01yI am looking for information on how to set up ubuntu to run multiple users properly.22:53
Coded_alaz; you know what I never tried getting at it from a term I just figured it wasn't installed cause it wasn't showing up on the taskbar22:53
^hashbang^jochenh: that what I find so odd. I have an nvidia quadro fx card, amd64 9.04 and flash working fine.22:53
jochenh^hashbang^: so I should try the 32bit one22:54
jochenh^hashbang^: how did you installed your flash version22:54
anom01yas it is now, running two users is very unstable. X crashes quite frequently and I am unable to isolate the problem22:54
^hashbang^jochenH: well, at this point I think anything is worth trying =)22:54
rwwM3TAPHYS1CS: Yeah. That's caused by a bug that's logged in both Ubuntu and the Linux Kernel's bugtrackers. Hopefully one day someone will get around to fixing it :(22:54
anom01yI have had this issue for years now.22:54
stefgnefrin2: hmmm ... looks good so far. so open a terminal and run mount -o bind /dev /media/disk/dev22:54
eighthouris there a good program for ubuntu for recovering data from a cd that is scratched to hell....???....22:54
alazCoded_, can install it with apt-get install networkmanager i reckon22:54
stefgnefrin2: sudo !22:54
ryanprioranom01y: Ubuntu is pre-configured to naturally and easily handle multiple users. Is there anything specific you'd like to ask questions about?22:55
Coded_alaz; with no network connection though?22:55
jochenh^hashbang^: how did you installed flash on your pc?22:55
M3TAPHYS1CSrww: the sooner the better brother =( so that basically rules out all distros then?22:55
G-Bluntedjochenh, try sudo apt-get remove flashplayer-mozilla | sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin   and see if the different flash player still crashes firefox....if it does you can assume it's more related to X than to flash/firefox22:55
ryanprioreighthour: ddrecover is a good utility for that.22:55
rwwM3TAPHYS1CS: Yeah, all the ones I've tried have had the same problem.22:55
alazCoded_,  probably not... it should be on the cd though.22:55
eighthourryanprior, thanks....22:55
nefrin2stefg ---- entered the command in sudo, it just put me back to a command prompt22:55
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^hashbang^jochenh: once sec let me find the url22:55
anom01yryanprior, I have two users, one runs compiz fusion, the other does not. For some reason I can't keep both users open for longer than 1/2 hour without one of them crashing and returning me to the login screen.22:55
alazyou tried execing networkmanager from bash22:55
stefgnefrin2: so it worked ...22:56
Coded_alaz; not yet I assumed I didn't have it :P ill go try it now22:56
ryanprioranom01y: Do you mean that you're using the "Switch user" functionality?22:56
nefrin2stefg ---- assume so, no errors22:56
stefgnefrin, now sudo mount -t proc none /media/disk/proc22:56
anom01yryanprior, yes22:57
anom01yctrl alt f7 and f922:57
M3TAPHYS1CSrww: thanks for the information..maybe ill wake up tomorrow and a new drivers been released ^_^22:57
zmiqhi, I have some trouble with xorg-intel driver, but found a patch that solves it. Can anyone tell me where to find instructions to apply the patch and recompile by miself?22:57
nefrin2stefg ----- same as before, went straight back to command line22:57
Guest10071I currently have a dell mini with ubuntu installed on it, I am not able to install any packages because of the errors i keep getting, and i am not able to install openoffice on my netbook either, does anyone know how to fix the errors that are coming up?22:57
anom01ybut quite often I find that one of the sessions is no longer open and I always need to re-log in. I must do this 10 times a day.22:57
sinmokHey everyone. Just a simple question. I' can browse my vista partition and view the files, folders ect. However for some reason XLXS extention files dont appear (office 07 excel documents). Is there anyway i can get it to appear?22:58
stefgnefrin2: taht's fine... we just mounted /dev and /proc to the installed system in preparation of a chroot (change root)22:58
ryanprioranom01y: I don't know much about how those feature work, unfortunately. Out of interest, have you tried the same thing with a different distro?22:58
^hashbang^jochenh: I can't find the url. I installed from the adobe labs site http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html22:59
stefgnefrin now 'cd /media/disk'  then 'chroot .'22:59
rwwM3TAPHYS1CS: The bug report to keep an eye on is https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/182473 , by the way. There's something at the bottom of that about it maybe getting fixed soon, but it isn't the first time that's been said, so I'm not rolling out the parade yet. Hopefully, though :)22:59
anom01yyes I seem to get the same problem with debian22:59
stefgnefrin2: now 'cd /media/disk'  then 'sudo chroot .'22:59
anom01yI have had this issue for over a year now.22:59
anom01ynot sure if its compiz, wine, or alsa.22:59
M3TAPHYS1CSrww: yeah i have had a look through that before but its bookmarked now..i shall check daily =)22:59
eighthourryanprior, where do i get that from....???....not in synaptic and download not showing up in google....23:00
anom01ycould be firefox too, or flash..23:00
jochenhG-Blunted: this version dont have youtube support23:00
jochenh^hashbang^: thanks23:00
nefrin2stefg ---- ok, I went from ubuntu@ubuntu:/media/disk$  TO root@ubuntu:/#23:00
stefgnefrin2: ok, now you are in your installed system23:01
^hashbang^jochenh: np23:01
G-Bluntedjochenh, try this one  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:01
G-Bluntedim not sure if it has youtube support tho..23:01
G-Bluntedi just know it's another flash plugin :)23:01
stefgnefrin2: now run update-grub23:01
anom01yryanprior, do you have any suggestions on how I could isolate this problem ??? I was considering removing the other user and just using one, but thats a retarded solution and doesnt do anything to prevent others from having this problem23:01
NecrogamemasterHello everyone23:01
jochenhG-Blunted: thats the flash plugin i'm using23:01
kjellHello Necrogamemaster23:01
jochenhG-Blunted: adobe flash plugin 10 for 64bit23:02
ryanprioranom01y: I don't understand what's going on under the hood there well enough to be helpful, unfortunately.23:02
felixsullaIf a machine has windows on it now, can you add Ubuntu to a new partition?23:02
jochenhG-Blunted: what flash plugin are you using?23:02
Necrogamemasterwhat are we discussing?23:02
G-Bluntedis that non-free one the one that comes from adobe?23:02
nefrin2stefg ----- results of command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116223/23:02
G-Bluntedhmm lemme see23:02
jp_sffelixsulla: yes23:02
jochenhG-Blunted: yes23:02
FactTechQuestion: Is this a good place to ask a network-manager question, or is there a more specialized channel?23:02
DIFH-ice1ootFactTech: just ask the question23:03
felixsullajp_sf: How would you format the new partition?23:03
^hashbang^FactTech: this one is fine23:03
jp_sf!topic | Necrogamemaster23:03
ubottuNecrogamemaster: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic23:03
NecrogamemasterWe always try to help23:03
G-BluntedFile name: libflashplayer.so -> Shockwave Flash 10.0 r15...23:03
G-Bluntedi don't know what the package is named tho...lemme see23:03
diginuxquick question, my network works, i can ssh to an ip, and ping a hostname, but cant ssh to a hostname23:03
jochenhG-Blunted: thats flashplugin-nonfree23:03
jp_sffelixsulla: usually people use a boot CD, meaning they boot from the CD and then follow the steps to install Linux, choosing to "dual-boot" with windows (if you still need it)23:04
phoenixzEvery reboot I have a process "socket" taking up +95% of my CPU resources. the parent process is cups, and I suspect this is a print job I once accidentally sent to a print which no longer exists. How can I remove this job?? I can not find it anywhere, and killing off cups every restart isnt a solution either :)23:04
eighthourryanprior, where can i get ddrecover....???....23:04
^hashbang^jochenh: I don't have that installed. I installed from the adobe site... so when I look in synaptic I see nofree listed but not installed23:04
FactTechQuestion: I have two network cards on my machine. One is connected to the internet and one to a local LAN. I'm trying to get internet connection sharing to computers on the local LAN... Network Manager sees the internet side and connects just fine via DHCP. However, the local LAN does not come up correctly when set to "shared to other computers".23:04
stefgnefrin2: looks good...  and just for good measure we'll run dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic (not the *-rt kernel). and try to boot that then23:04
jochenh^hashbang^: yes I did the same23:05
ryanprioreighthour: I can't find where using Google, and I don't know where I got my copy. Shame, because it's exactly what you're looking for.23:05
FactTechifconfig shows that the interface is seen, but no IP4 address is assigned.23:05
^hashbang^jochenh: hmmmm. *bangs head*23:05
jp_sfphoenixz: lprm -23:05
FactTechI can manually assign one, but this does not seem to result in the sharing of the internet connection.23:05
jochenh^hashbang^: but your file name is an other?23:05
ryanprioreighthour: I see lots of results on Google of people talking about how great it is or how they used it, but I can't find a download link.23:05
anom01yryanprior, ok I got this error message..23:05
anom01y"caught signal 11: server aborting"23:05
^hashbang^jochenh:? the one from adobes's website?23:05
anom01y"xinit: connection to server lost"23:05
eighthourryanprior, same here....23:06
FactTechAny clues why the "shared to other computers" setting wouldn't be working?23:06
^hashbang^jochenh: I pulled http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-10.0.d21.1.linux-x86_64.so.tar.gz23:06
anom01ythat was what is displayed when I go ctrl-alt-f123:06
anom01y(which is the session I am using for the second user, which just crashed).23:06
phoenixzjp_sf: returns prompt.. is normal?23:06
nefrin2stefg ---- ran the dpkg http://paste.ubuntu.com/116232/   --- when I reboot, I am guesing that I will want to chose the kernel to boot with?23:06
phoenixzjp_sf: socket is still there..23:06
jp_sfphoenixz: your cupsd is running ? what top is stating ?23:07
tryggWhere is the grub file located if you boot from the hdd?23:07
stefgnefrin2: yup... but first we're going to rewrite the mbr23:07
phoenixzjp_sf: just restarted cups, did lprm -, top shows "socket" process @ +95%23:07
jochenh^hashbang^: yes I use the same23:07
stefgnefrin2: now out of the chroot again... press ctrl-d23:07
maverickprowlsHello all23:07
^hashbang^jochenh: have you tried the links I sent you?23:07
ryanprioreighthour: Found it! http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/ddrescue.html23:08
nefrin2stefg ---- back to: ubuntu@ubuntu:/media/disk$23:08
jochenh^hashbang^: hmm I'll try the 32 one23:08
ryanprioreighthour: I think ddrecover was an older Unix utility.23:08
jp_sfphoenixz: you have the pid ? of the process ?23:08
^hashbang^jochenh: ok23:08
stefgnefrin2: good now run 'sudo grub'23:08
nefrin2stefg ---- done23:08
stefgnefrin2: you'll get a grub prompt23:08
jochenh^hashbang^: I think this once help me: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#amd64andppc thanks for that23:09
stefgnefrin2: at the grub-prompt type'find /boot/grub/stage1' and tell me what turns up23:09
^hashbang^jochenh: ok so you can play flash now?23:09
KakinhoIndo ao banhu...23:09
phoenixzjp_sf: yeah, I can kill it if I'd like to but.. the problem is that I have to do thaht every reboot and I don't want to do that anymore.. the (@#*@(* print job just has to piss off23:09
nefrin2stefg ---- (hd1,0)23:09
tryggHow do I know what device is mounted on a HDD?23:09
jochenh^hashbang^: not until now, but i'll try the 32bit version23:10
rww!ohmy | phoenixz23:10
ubottuphoenixz: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!23:10
anom01yryanprior, is it normal that the cpu spikes whenever I switch users ? I notice it shoots up to like 80% every time.23:10
^hashbang^jochenh: oh ok ...23:10
nightrid3r!br | Kakinho23:10
eighthourryanprior, thanks anyway....23:10
ubottuKakinho: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:10
stefgnefrin2: ok .. now 'root (hd1,0)' then 'setup (hd1)'23:10
phoenixzrww: pardon my french23:10
jochenhG-Blunted: I'll try the 32bit version, thanks for your help until now23:10
jp_sfphoenixz: are you sure it is a print job ?23:10
OmarHello, I try to install xilinx ISE webpack on my ubuntu23:10
ryanprioreighthour: Did you see that I found what you're looking for?23:10
phoenixzjp_sf: yes.. ps -F PID gives me cups as parent23:11
ryanprioreighthour: ddrescue should probably work.23:11
diginuxeveryone, i have asked my question twice now, no one will answer, is there a better place to ask my question?23:11
jochenhG-Blunted: looks like the 64bit version has bugs23:11
nefrin2stefg ----- http://paste.ubuntu.com/116235/23:11
Omarbut the CD (attached with xilinx kit) contain installer only for Red Hat Linux23:11
Omarwhat can I do???23:11
stefgnefrin2: brilliant ... now try rebooting23:11
Omarto install it on ubuntu23:11
Jack_Sparrowjochenh NOt really bugs, but more to learn and very little advantage even when you do run 64  bit23:12
nefrin2stefg ---- will do, I will still be in chat as "nefrin" incase anything goes wrong23:12
ryanprioranom01y: I truly have no clue what happens when you switch users and leave the session for one of them running. I've never done it in my life - I always log off - and I've never bothered to look at how it works under the hood, so asking me these questions will get you nowhere. I suggest that you start reading, googling, investigating, etc.23:12
stefgnefrin2: i didn't forget that :-)23:12
jochenhlooks like there's an error between my hardware and 64bit plugin23:12
eighthourryanprior, no....sorry....i was still looking myself....thanks....23:12
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)23:12
Jack_SparrowOmar Patience.  ask a full and complete question..  and DONT try to install redhat linux software on  or in Uubntu23:12
bernzhi! i have a typical PC, nothing too fancy, *except* a PCI USB 2.0 expansion card; 'intrepid' installed fine, and stuff's good, except my mobo USB ports aren't fully functional; they're powered (i can charge stuff), but inserted devices don't register, and make no noise in '/var/log/messages' (which i've follow-tailed before plugging); devices plugged into the expansion card DO make noise in the log... it's like the mobo's host(s) are not getting initialized.23:12
tryggLet me rephrase that, where do I see how the HDDs are mounted?23:12
jp_sfphoenixz: and if you issue a lpstat -o23:13
CJ__What's the command to make a sha256 hash of a given string?23:13
m4rtinis there a sctor mode using ntfsresize?23:13
ryanpriortrygg: /etc/fstab23:13
phoenixzjp_sf: nothing.. returns to promppt23:13
Jack_Sparrowtrygg mount in a term, but it brings up everything23:13
jp_sfphoenixz: then it means the queue is empty23:13
SkEmOi have kubuntu 7.10, if i upgrade to 8.10, will i loose all my info?23:14
jp_sfphoenixz: sis you submitt a job as root or as aanother user ?23:14
OmarJack_Sparrow: sorry, so I can't install xilinx ISE webpack on my ubuntu??? because I have only Windows installer and Red Hat installer in the CD, so what can I do23:14
jp_sfphoenixz: did you submitt a job as root or as aanother user ?23:14
phoenixzjp_sf: AFAIK, as my own user..23:14
jp_sfphoenixz: then it is not a job23:14
phoenixzjp_sf: maybe I sent it as root by accident.. dunno23:14
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:14
phoenixzlet me check lpstat as root23:14
Jack_SparrowOmar I have no idea what you are trying to install. but alien is a bad choice23:14
ryanpriorCJ__: You can use openssl to perform that hash.23:14
^hashbang^Omar: Xilinx is only supported or RHEL and will run on CentOS 32/64bit outside of that.. good luck23:15
phoenixzjp_sf: nothing either...23:15
ryanpriorCJ__: man openssl23:15
phoenixzjp_sf: but then.. its cups that creates the socket process, cups is thhe parent process23:15
CJ__ryanprior: alright, thanks23:15
shay26mHello , how can i set the swap size in Ubuntu ?23:15
OmarJack_Sparrow: ^hashbang^: OK... thanks23:16
Jack_Sparrowshay26m gparted is the usual way to set the size of your swap partition23:16
tryggJack_Sparrow: Ah there we go. How do I know which ones of the /dev/sd** is what when trying to configure GRUB?23:16
^hashbang^Omar: np23:16
bernz(another vote for gparted)23:16
Jack_Sparrowtrygg sda1 id hd0,023:17
=== Jesus is now known as Fenrir
bernzshay26m, keep in mind if you are going to use 'hibernate', your swap needs to be at least as big as your RAM and then some23:17
tryggWhat would /dev/sdb1 be?23:17
dou213can somebody help me set up my ftp-server correctly? i am behind my router, trying to connect with FileZilla within the lan on an ubuntu server box, when i connect unencrypted it works just fine, when i do it with SSL it gives me an error: Connection timed out!23:17
[TiZ]Hi. I'm trying to uninstall some old kernels in intrepid. But I get errors when I try to do so. "Errors were encountered while processing: linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic, linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic". Can anyone help me out?23:17
stefgnefrin: how's things going ?23:17
tryggJack_Sparrow: hd1,0 right?23:17
Jack_Sparrowtrygg hd1,023:17
nefrinstefg ----- not quit working, http://paste.ubuntu.com/116237/23:17
=== Fenrir is now known as Life
tryggAlright, thanks Jack_Sparrow.23:17
Jack_Sparrowtrygg pm me if you need more help withthat23:18
dou213i am using vsftpd23:18
nefrinstefg ---- hand typed that in while looking at the screen from my secondary laptop23:18
shay26mJack_Sparrow: what are the steps in order to create swap ? (when i installed Ubuntu i didnt created the swap . when i go to system monitor swap : 0 bytes (0.0%) of 0 bytes ?23:18
psufanhow do i edit MS access on ubuntu?23:19
Jack_Sparrowshay26m It creates swap by default.  YOuwill need to shrink arnother partition in order to make swap..  Please tell me this isnt one of those Wubi insta;;s23:19
DIFH-ice1ootpsufan: openoffice i think23:19
ryanpriorpsufan: What does MS stand for?23:19
DIFH-ice1ootryanprior: microsoft23:19
psufanryanprior: Micro Soft23:19
Stroganoffshay26m: use gparted (perhaps livecd) to resize your linux partition and create a swap partition, and add the swap partition to fstab23:19
psufanopen offices will do Access?23:20
psufancan it do VBA?23:20
ryanpriorpsufan: So, you mean Microsoft Access, the database product? In that case, I think OpenOffice.org Base can open those files.23:20
evonanyone here using e17?23:20
theacolyteI'm trying to get my 2nd monitor with display port working (NVIDIA) - it seems like the display is disabled and I can't enable it23:20
DIFH-ice1ootpsufan: dont know, you can also use ms office with ubuntu and wine23:20
stefgnefrin: hmmm... so i'm pretty positive that grub and kernel are there... the only thing that annoyed me was that grub reported (hd1,0) instead of (hd0,0) ... the other possibly thing can be filesystem damage23:20
ryanpriorpsufan: I think the very latest version of Base can do some VBA stuff, but I doubt the coverage is complete yet.23:20
Jack_Sparrowevon e17 as in the livecd or enlightenment the desktop23:20
Stroganoffevon: go to #enlightenment23:20
^hashbang^psufan: wine?23:20
stefgnefrin: so boot up the CD agian, but don't mount the installed system23:21
psufanMS Office is nto very relaxing23:21
nefrinstefg ---- I think that it reported hd1,0 because I have a second hard drive in that computer that boots windows XP23:21
evonJack_Sparrow: I am using it as a desktop. I'm having trouble setting up wireless in ozos23:21
=== Life is now known as Jesus
rww!wine | psufan23:21
ubottupsufan: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help23:21
shay26mJack_Sparrow: does it possible to create the swap partition without the livecd ? (i dont have here  right now the cd)23:21
Jack_Sparrowevon Wrong channel for support23:21
anom01yis there any way from preventing a session from being logged out, or crashed, so it is more secure and will always be "on" ??23:21
ryanpriorshay26m: You can create a swap partition using gparted.23:22
Jack_Sparrowshay26m Not your best choice.  you cant resize while it is mounted23:22
anom01yso that if someone comes up to the computer and screws with it my session won't crash all the time ?23:22
^hashbang^shay26m: download gpartd burn to cd and then reboot your computer with the cd and resize your harddrive to fit a swap partition23:22
ryanpriorJack_Sparrow: Could mount as read-only.23:22
stefgnefrin: and that could cause confusion... some BIOS's flip the numbering around when you choose a different boot device... so grun looks at hd0,  while the bios thinks it's hd1 in grub-speak23:22
DIFH-ice1ootshay26m: swap must not be an extra partition it can also be a file on an existing partition23:22
Jack_Sparrowryanprior No you cant23:22
ryanpriorJack_Sparrow: Oh. Nevermind then. =X23:23
shay26mJack_Sparrow: i have also windows vista partition i can resize the partition and use the space for the Ubuntu swap right ?23:23
SkEmOatheros wireless cards work with ubuntu 8.10?23:23
evonhow do i change channels?23:23
Cpudan80Does anyone know of a decent pandora desktop thing for linux ?23:23
Jack_Sparrowshay26m yes, but you will screw up fstab, grub and probably your mbr23:23
nightrid3rSkEmO: yes23:23
DIFH-ice1ootevon: /join #channelname23:23
nefrinstefg ----- that could be it, I'm booted back into LiveCD23:23
Jack_SparrowCpudan80 I use pandora in firefox in ubuntu23:23
SkEmOthanks nightrid3r23:24
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: Yeah that works, but I'd kinda like to have a desktop client thing23:24
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: they have a windows vista panel applet which is kinda nice23:24
stefgnefrin: run 'sudo fdisk -l ' and show the output on pastebin23:24
Jack_SparrowCpudan80 that isnt pandora23:24
Cpudan80its not?23:24
Cpudan80It says it is... it looks like it is .... works with my pandora account23:24
ex0ai'm getting a syslog error about a file not existing even though it's there: execv( /glftpd/bin/glftpd ) failed: No such file or directory (errno = 2)23:25
ex0aany ideas how to correct that?23:25
Jack_SparrowCpudan80 Someones implememtation of it..23:25
Cpudan80Jack_Sparrow: Actually this was for Win7 now that I think about it23:25
Cpudan80I see23:25
nefrin2stefg ----- http://paste.ubuntu.com/116241/23:26
stefgnefrin: wait... the message you received are already kernel messages... so grub got it right, i think it's an initrd problem23:26
ex0a-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1461252 2009-02-09 17:47 /glftpd/bin/glftpd <- shows the file is there and proper perms23:26
akorpijaAnybody know the major window navigators? Like AWN, Cairo, and what else? I'm convinced i was using something before i formatted my HD thatw asn't either of those but was killer23:26
Jack_SparrowCpudan80 we use pandora at the office.  Works great. until someone opens up a second copy and two songs start playing throgh the sound system23:27
Jon0akorpija, do you mean window managers?23:27
stefgnefrin2: but just to make sure we'll run sudo fsck /dev/sdb123:27
ryanpriorakorpija: Gnome-Do perhaps?23:27
stefgnefrin2: make sure it's not mounted23:28
Jack_Sparrowakorpija http://xwinman.org/23:28
nefrin2stefg ---- running now, it isn't mounted23:28
ryanpriorJack_Sparrow: Not window managers. Dock programs.23:28
mib_rxo3ttHey, I would like to boot from my flash drive. How do I copy my Ubuntu ISO file to my flash drive and make it able to be booted from (formatted correctly)?23:28
akorpijano i mean like navigators like AWN and Cairo-Dock23:29
eraldoneed help getting wifi to work on openWrt... I have no idea why it does not work. please someone help me out23:29
ryanpriormib_rxo3tt: System -> Administration -> Create a USB Startup Disk23:29
ASrockwhat command should i use in the terminal to find out my ip address on the network?23:29
psufanhow many floppies does UBUNTU take up?23:29
wassy121ASrock: ifconfig23:29
dou213hi guys, just wandering how i can change the HISTSIZE? with export HISTSIZE='nr' like 3000?23:29
mib_rxo3ttryanprior: Where is system?23:29
^hashbang^psufan: floppies?23:29
wassy121ASrock: or, visit www.whatismyip.com for your external IP.23:29
zaapiel-mobileis there a gnome k3b style app?23:29
^hashbang^psufan: your joking right? do people still use those?23:29
psufanno, yes23:29
ex0aanyone know why a file would show up as "no such file or dir" in syslog even though it's there?23:29
^hashbang^psufan: well, a default install is 2.7G so I guess a whole lot of floppies23:30
wassy121psufan: Ubuntu, just to boot it and get networking can fit on 1 floppy.23:30
ryanpriormib_rxo3tt: It's at the top of the screen, near Applications and Places.23:30
psufanthis PC has no networking23:30
psufanwhich is why i am using floppies23:30
wassy121psufan: but, you have to format it properly.  From there you will need to go through a "real" install.23:30
mib_rxo3ttryanprior: ... I'm running Windows XP23:30
ryanpriorpsufan: About 280 floppies.23:30
wassy121psufan: try a USB stick too.  More space.23:30
ryanpriormib_rxo3tt: Ah, In that case, I know there are tutorials out there if you google.23:31
mib_rxo3ttryanprior: I'm mentioning this in a Ubuntu Chatroom because I'm trying to get Ubuntu to work23:31
^hashbang^ryanprior: nice man... I was to lazy to do the math23:31
mib_rxo3ttryanprior: Ah, where can I find these?23:31
psufanno USB23:31
psufancan i get a PS2 stick?23:31
wassy121psufan: You can also get real fancy and install via serial cable, printer cable, crossover ethernet to your other computer, etc.23:31
DIFH-ice1ootpsufan: no there is no ps2 stick23:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbeans23:32
porter1hello, does anyone know if gnome turns pidgin to away status if the computer is in screensaver? Or if there's a way teo do this?23:32
mib_rxo3ttryanprior: I can't just drag the ISO file into the USB drive?23:32
psufanok I have a printer cable now what23:32
ryanpriormib_rxo3tt: http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=install+Ubuntu+on+flash+drive23:32
wassy121porter1: I think that is a function of the new 8.10 ubuntu.23:32
Jack_Sparrowmib_rxo3tt no23:32
porter18.10 or 9.04?23:32
^hashbang^mib_rxo3tt: no...23:32
stefgnefrin: another possibility is: your linux drive is quite large. you might suffer from a 'out of range' problem. if you write a new initrd (which happens when you mess with usplash) the initrd might get written far to the rear of the disk.grub/bios might not be able to reach that far back on the disk, b/c the don't have large enough address space23:32
^hashbang^mib_rxo3tt: it doesn't work that way.23:32
wassy121psufan: read lots of old docs about how to get PC-to-PC communications over a printer cable.23:32
mib_rxo3ttryanprior: Nice website =D. I'm gonna use it.23:33
wassy121psufan: like, lots of docs unfortunately:(23:33
^hashbang^wassy121: whoa... now that's oldschool! =)23:33
stefgnefrin: how old ist that machine, how old is the bios ?23:33
wassy121psufan: letmegooglethatforyou.com23:33
^hashbang^wassy121: lmao23:33
poseidonIs there a package for netbeans 6.5?23:33
nefrin2stefg ---- machine is a couple of years old, last time I updated bios was about 1 year ago (just before switching to ubuntu from Vista)23:34
DIFH-ice1ootposeidon: apt-cache search netbeans will tell you23:34
Jack_Sparrow!find netbeans23:34
ubottuFound: netbeans23:34
Jack_Sparrow!info netbeans23:34
ubottunetbeans (source: netbeans): Integrated Development Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 855 kB, installed size 1980 kB23:34
ex0aanyone know how i can fix a syslog error about a file not existing even though it's there?: execv( /glftpd/bin/glftpd ) failed: No such file or directory (errno = 2)23:34
poseidonnetbeans gives me netbeans 6.0.123:34
Jack_Sparrowposeidon that is the current stable from our repos23:34
psufancan i use a PS2 cable to install UBUNTU23:34
Jack_Sparrowpsufan np23:35
poseidon6.5 has been out for a while right now.  I would think that a package would have been put in the stable repos by now23:35
nefrin2stefg ---- I've also had a problem with the large hard drive issue for grub loading, but think I have fixed that problem23:35
wassy121psufan: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/PLIP-Install-HOWTO.html#toc8 might be a good start23:35
xooxMy filesystem was remounted read only. How do I check why (/var/log/messages is empty)?23:35
stefgnefrin2: would taking a backup and repartitioning the drive be an option? Anyway it's a good idea of having the system and your /home separate23:35
^hashbang^wassy121: remember "laplink" hehe23:35
ludditeG'day all - I have 8.04 (ext2 /dev/sdc2 with swap on /dev/sdc1) and 8.10 on extended partition /dev/sdc3 as ->(ext3 /dev/sdc5 with swap on /dev/sdc6. I am worried about deleting 8.04 (/dev/sdc2 and 1). What should i do?23:35
psufanwhat is PLIP23:35
adaptrpsufan: like SLIP, but different23:35
geniipsufan: paralel port IP23:35
wassy121psufan: http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=plip :)23:36
nefrin2stefg ---- repartitioning would be an option, though a last option hopefully23:36
wassy121psufan: it is for parallel port cable communications between two machines.  You can use it to install linux.23:36
Jack_Sparrownefrin2 I missed the question you had?23:36
stefgnefrin2: how's the fsck going? any errors up to now?23:36
psufancan i use my GAME PORT?23:36
psufanthat may be easier if it is serial23:36
nefrin2stefg --- was just remarking that GRUB loading errors are also an issue of having a large hard drive, have had those in the past23:37
^hashbang^psufan: how old is this system?23:37
psufanthe 90s23:37
geniipsufan: If your computer has no cd, no usb, and just a floppy... you can network it by parallel port cable (sometimes called LapLink cable) and install that way from a second box which also understands PLIP and acts as a n apt-proxy or so23:37
^hashbang^psufan: so like a 386? 486?23:37
psufangenli: it's not a laptop23:37
nefrin2stefg ---- http://paste.ubuntu.com/116245/23:37
mcgohennit doesn't need to be a laptop for laplink cable sto work23:38
^hashbang^psufan: your best bet is laplink23:38
stefgnefrin2: I tell you what: The longer i think about it, the more i'm convinced that you should make up a better partition scheme for that box23:38
geniipsufan: I did not state anywhere that this process is limited to laptops23:38
wassy121psufan: the "game port" is normally yellow, and is also normally a "midi port".23:38
psufanI can use MIDI to install UBUNTU?23:38
geniipsufan: No23:38
Jack_Sparrowpsufan Please read our link on all the many ways to install.23:38
^hashbang^psufan: hmm, doubt it... serial is your option23:38
wassy121psufan: you may have a grey or black 12-pin female back there which is a serial port.  That can be used.23:38
adaptrpsufan: you can't install anything without physical access23:38
stefgnefrin2: yeak.. so filesystem is fine... i'm pretty sure now that your 500G partition is simply too much23:38
psufanI am going to use this as a car computer23:39
nefrin2stefg ---- yeah, I think that I need a better partition scheme as well23:39
psufanI've removed the right side seat23:39
psufanto put this computer23:39
nefrin2stefg ---- I need a few minutes to mount that drive and recover any important files from it23:39
Jack_Sparrownefrin2 did you pastebin your fdisk -l already23:39
wassy121psufan: use a newer system for Solid State Drives.  Old-school spinny hard drives get Fed up by the bumps.23:39
adaptrwhat is it, a friggin Cray 1 ?23:39
psufanis there a way to instead use the car management system as my UBUNTU car PC box?23:39
wassy121psufan: it would require super extra lotsa hacks.23:40
Jack_Sparrowpsufan No.  please read our docs23:40
cdeszaq1How can I execute a custom script from a post-commit subversion hook? I keep running into permissions errors. The script is simple...cd into a working copy, run svn update. That's it. But it seems that I cannot get the permissions set right because the update fails every time, even with 777 permissions23:40
jillianI'm upgrading my ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 and have noticed that my sound has gone...Is this going to be fixed once the download is complete?23:40
stefgnefrin2: like 256MB /boot , 20G / (root) , 2G swap , rest /home23:40
cdeszaq1\nick cdeszaq23:40
psufanwassy121: please give me a push in a direction23:40
wassy121psufan: you could control the machine with the dashboard switches if you are crafty enough.23:40
bradlyAnyone know ubuntu puts slapd.conf by default?23:40
nefrin2Jack_Sparrow ---- yes, here it is again http://paste.ubuntu.com/116247/23:40
bradly*know where23:40
Jack_Sparrownefrin2 ty23:40
^hashbang^cdeszaql: pastbin your script23:40
wassy121psufan: hacks are things you have to figure out yourself unfortunately :(23:40
Mike_92Does Ubuntu come with a VNC client?23:41
psufanok i'm removing my cruise controls23:41
psufanand rerouting them to boot UBUNTU23:41
psufanand to play music23:41
Jack_Sparrowpsufan Please stop23:41
geniibradly: in /etc   or a subdir of that23:41
Jack_Sparrownefrin2 what issue were you having23:41
jilliancan anyone help me23:41
mcgohennMike_92 it comes with a remote desktop, and you can install a VNC23:41
^hashbang^Mike_92: you can install one via the package manager or from the terminal via sudo apt-get vnc-common23:41
remuHey everyone. I am using Geany as my IDE, and I have ubuntu set to open java source code files with Geany, however, when I open a downloaded whatever.java by double clicking in the firefox download window, it always opens it with gedit rather than Geany, if I go to my desktop and double click it, it opens properly in Geany....any ideas on how I can get firefox to use Geany?23:41
pxchey, I'm having atheros wifi problems on Intrepid. How can I get wpa_supplicant to work with the madwifi driver? It's not listed in wpa_supplicant --help.23:42
psufananother question: can I replace the OS on my TI-82 so i can use Python instead of just TI BASIC?23:42
jilliani need to know if once my ubuntu 8.04 has finished upgrading if my sound will return23:42
bradlygenii: hmm.. I don't see it in etc. Maybe I have to create it myself after install?23:42
mcgohennpsufan: unles you are an automotive programmer... you really don't want to try those kinds of controls...23:42
nefrin2Jack_Sparrow ----- can't boot up the system, but I think stefg has got it right, my partition is just too big for ubuntu to handle and I need to clean it up23:42
cdeszaq1Here is the update script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116248/  The post-commit hook is just one line to call it: /data/scripts/./update.sh23:43
cdeszaq1^hashbang^: see above23:43
^hashbang^cdeszaql: got it...23:43
ludditecan i delete a partition with a unused 8.04 if its extended partition is running 8.10?23:43
geniibradly: You can do something like:   dpkg -L ldap          (or whichever it was that should have the slapd.conf, I forget exact name) and it should list the files it installed23:43
stefgnefrin2: replace ubuntu with bios/grub ....23:43
Jack_Sparrownefrin2 grub should go in mbr of sda23:43
remupxc, I dunno if it works for madwifi or not, but my sisters computer has an atheros card, and I went "sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid" and then it was working.23:43
dou213hi guys, just wandering how i can change the HISTSIZE? with export HISTSIZE='nr' like 3000?23:43
^hashbang^cdeszaql: so if your in your svn hooks dir how are you excuting this script in your post-commit file?23:44
remupxc and then her card works on my wpa2 protected network using network-manager23:44
kholerabbithe nautilus cd creator has no size indicator?!23:44
kholerabbiit doesn't tell you how much is used - lol23:44
Jack_Sparrownefrin2 grub> root (hd1,0)             setup (hd0)23:45
ryanpriorkholerabbi: That's why we suggest using Brasero instead.23:45
pxcremu: I've played with ath5k, but the Ubuntu keeps loading the madwifi driver, despite my contradictory blacklist entries in /etc/modprobe.d/madwifi23:45
cdeszaq1^hashbang^: SVN runs this after a commit completes, so it literally runs the command "/data/scripts/./update.sh" which is the script I pastebin'ed23:45
j85wilsonI must say even after years of using it, I continue to be impressed by Debian/Ubuntu.  My laptop ran out of battery partway through apt-get upgrade, and I thought it would be borked for sure.  But it came up, and another call to apt-get asked for a specific invocation of dpkg, which finished the upgrade seamlessly.23:45
bernzpsufan, RS232?23:45
cdeszaq1^hashbang^: The path for the update script is based off of root23:45
bradlygenii: Thanks. Apparently it doesn't install a slapd.conf any more23:45
remupxc, I dont know much about madwifi, doing the backports method, and making sure the backports repo was enabled worked for me23:45
bernz(if you're still figuring out some I/O path for your old old machine)23:45
ryanpriorj85wilson: That's great. Many people are not so lucky, so I'm glad it came up that way for you.23:45
^hashbang^cdeszaql: ok so if you run ./post-commit by hand what do you get?23:46
stefgJack_Sparrow: we went through a whole grub reinstall kernel reconfigure and fsck... the bios just doesn't get the initrd... out of address space. got written too far to the back when he did a update-initramfs in the process of customizing usplash23:46
adaptrj85wilson: now try unplugging it halfway through a dist-upgrade :)23:46
=== nyu_ is now known as spritle
^hashbang^cdeszaql: also make sure to add in your options for your $REPOS and $REV for your mail option too.23:46
j85wilsonheh, no thanks there adaptr :)23:46
kholerabbiryanprior: yeah. But cd creator is default on blank cds.......this is not good.23:46
bernzpsu, i must admit i was looking at the scrollbuffer -- perhaps you've already solved your problem ;-)23:46
Florent_hi i looking for a soft who can boot my computer with an iso who is on a other partitions (in order to not burn a CD)23:47
pxcthe repository is enabled, the ath5k driver is installed, and it can be loaded manually... the lappy just always loads the madwifi driver23:47
psufanbernz sorry please dont talk about this here23:47
psufanyou can PM me23:47
cdeszaq1^hashbang^: The options are just ignored, so that's no prob, but I noticed the perms on the post-commit were non-executable...let me try this again :)23:47
spritleso, whenever i try to save my video settings in nvidia-settings, i get an error saying it failed to parse xorg.conf O__o23:47
Jack_Sparrow!install > Florent_23:47
ubottuFlorent_, please see my private message23:47
ryanpriorkholerabbi: Default apps as a whole are a mess in Ubuntu, and I think in other distros as well. There is no good system in place, it's all hodgepodge and much of the time the best choices are not being made anyway.23:47
^hashbang^cdeszaql: yea my post-commit is 75523:48
nefrin2stefg --- I'm copying files over to an external usb harddrive right now that I can't replace, but it's gonna take about an hour to complete. If you just want to run through any additional steps that I should know about to repartition when I reinstall, I'll cut and past them23:48
remupxc, have you tried uninstalling madwifi? is that even possible?23:48
j85wilsonspritle: you might pastebin your xorg.conf, maybe there is some error in it for some reason.  I don't know about nvidia-settings23:48
pxcremu: i'd have to remove the entire ubuntu-restricted-modules package23:48
DefineByteIn the process of trying to get sound working with Flash 10 I no longer have sound anywhere. Any ideas on where to start looking?23:48
mcgohennif anyone has a moment, i have a question about ripping music to .mp3 format23:48
j85wilsonpxc: can you blacklist the modules you don't want23:49
DefineByteaplay -l shows the sound card but it can't play any audio files.23:49
^hashbang^spritle: are you running nvidia-settings as gksu?23:49
stefgnefrin2: As we agreed on a more or less hardware problem there's not much left to do. you don't even need to reinstall, but it might be easier if you dont want to write a fstab and several other things ...23:49
DefineByteI've added myself to the pulseaudio groups but htat didn't help.23:49
cdeszaq1^hashbang^: After running ./post-commit, got this: "svn: Can't set permissions on '.svn/entries.2.tmp': Operation not permitted"23:49
spritleim running it with sudo23:50
DefineByteI don't see an audio group which seems strange to me.23:50
adaptrspritle: sudo can't do X23:50
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:50
DefineBytemaybe it's normal23:50
hvgotcodesit seems like a ton of packages depend on python 2.5, but 3.0 is available in synaptic.  Is there a way to get 3.0 on the system without breaking anything?23:50
nefrin2stefg ---- I'm not much one for writing code, a complete reinstall with a proper partition would probably solve all my problems and they wouldn't come back23:50
cjaeIntuitiveNipple: you around, I see I assume that you are the one that made the ms vx6000 .deb file?23:50
remupxc: have you tried this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros23:50
adaptrspritle: it's in the system menu, just use that23:50
remuI read that the blacklisting suggested there might work23:50
cjaeIntuitiveNipple: can I get that for ibex?23:50
stefgnefrin2: as said before i'd recommend  a 256 MB /boot, some 20Gigs for the system /, then (as logical partition) around 2 G of swap , then the rest for /home... if you hva a large movie collection you might to consider putteing them separate on a dedicated partiton (preferably on xfs )23:52
spritleah, gksudo seems to have worked :D23:52
cjaeIntuitiveNipple: I have a person that will completely drop windows if that web cam will work under ibex23:52
nefrin2stefg ---- I will probably use exactly what you put in chat for a partition setup... I have no movie collection, I keep all music and movies on my PS3 with a backup on an external harddrive23:52
=== pxc_ is now known as therealpxc
bernzso, my mobo USB ports don't get initialized properly (but my expansion card ones do) -- where can i start digging? /var/logs/messages shows no activity during a physical plug-in event23:53
therealpxchey, sry; my inet connection bounced23:53
Jack_Sparrownefrin2 Split what he said to leave for home down into 100 gig partitions.. you will use them and it will make life simpler23:53
therealpxc[16:50] <pxc> in /etc/modprobe.d/madwifi, I have lines blacklisting ath_pci and ath_hal, but the thing still gets loaded on boot23:53
therealpxc[16:50] <pxc> do i have to run something to let the system know i've made these changes?23:53
IntuitiveNipplecjae: I'm not sure about the vx6000 - I did some packages months ago for someone to test but don't have access to the cam myself23:54
Bodsdawhich plugin in ccsm allows windows to be selected on mouse over rather then on click?23:54
therealpxcj85wilson: is there something else i need to do, as well?23:54
Jack_Sparrownefrin2 I personally would put an ntfs att eh start of your 500 assuming your windows install would be nice to move over when that other drive starts to get older23:54
nefrin2Jack_Sparrow ---- that actually sounds like a good idea, since I got 500GB of space23:54
j85wilsontherealpxc: I don't know.  I'm not all that familiar with blacklisting modules.  Google might help you; that's where I'd start.23:54
Jack_Sparrownefrin2 I try to avoid any partition over 100 gig..23:55
i-pinki looking for some program like InkSeine23:55
therealpxcalrighty... back to google23:55
jeremeI pinned ruby to v1.8.6 in intrepid... purged my ruby install, reinstalled it, saw that it installed the 1.8.6 packages, yet it reports as 1.8.7 w/ ruby -v23:55
Jack_Sparrowi-pink inkscape23:55
nefrin2Jack_Sparrow --- I got two more hard drives laying around unused to replace the windows one, and I only keep windows running because of computer security and networking classes at school23:55
mcgohennif anyone has a moment, i have a question about ripping music to .mp3 format23:55
i-pinkis for tablet pc23:56
j85wilsonmcgohenn: don't ask to ask...23:56
nefrin2Jack_Sparrow ---- personally, if my windows drive crashed, I'd rejoice in having to tell my teacher I can't work on windows anymore23:56
Jack_Sparrownefrin2 I still dual boot, as there is lots of cool stuff for winodws boxes, as long as they dont get to connect to thte internet23:56
cdeszaq1I have gotten the permissions right no the post-commit script now, but the script cannot run the svn up command due to other permission problems. When it gets to that line, SVN says this: svn: Can't set permissions on '.svn/entries.2.tmp': Operation not permitted    The pastbin of the problem script is http://paste.ubuntu.com/116248/23:56
jeremehas anyone in here successfully pinned ruby 1.8.6 on intrepid?23:56
j85wilsonmcgohenn: just ask, and if someone has a moment, they will answer.23:56
i-pinkJack_Sparrow : is for tablet pc23:56
Jack_Sparrowi-pink look into netbook remix for that hardware23:57
therealpxcalright, i found a solution on the internet that I'll post here for the logs: after you change your blacklists in /etc/modprobe.d/FILENAME, you have to run update-initramfs.23:57
mcgohennI have gstreamer0.10-plugin-ulgy, lame, and ubuntu-restricted installed, and soundjuicer will show mp3 format, however every time i try it only rips to .flac23:57
disappearednghey does any1 here have a good lan game to recommend for me and my girlfriend?23:57
i-pinkJack_Sparrow : its program for notes23:57
Sir_Farendisappearedng: hunt23:58
Jack_Sparrowi-pink sorry, cant help you there, never heard of it23:58
i-pinkJack_Sparrow : http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/inkseine/23:58
jeremedisappearedng, skype23:58
jeremeunless it needs to be wholesome :)23:59
AnneHow do I add the Icons for Openoffice.org in the Application/Office menu23:59
bernztherealpxc, nice, good work :-)23:59
disappearedngjereme: lol23:59
Flux_teh_FoxI'm using amarok 1,4 in GNOME, and when I right-click on a visualization window to make it full screen,23:59
constantine_hi I'm trying to get cairo-dock to work, I just had it working and it stopped all of the sudden23:59
disappearedngSir_Faren hunt is not a game23:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about menu23:59
disappearedngis it?23:59
Flux_teh_Foxit appears for a second and goes back to windowed23:59
Flux_teh_Foxany suggestions?23:59
chnuebi@disappearedng: i know nexuiz...23:59

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