
pkodonAnd obviously Wine under XCFE is lacking in this area, since the uninstallation process didn't delete the entries from the menu, and the installation process didn't put the icons associated with each program in a separate menu. Probably something to discuss on sigs with both groups.00:01
TheSheepfile a bug on wine :)00:03
pkodonRegardless of the reasoning behind using Windows programs in Linux, if you install 15 programs, there shouldn't be 15 "Readme" files listed in the same menu, with no indication as to which program they go with. So, when I get some more info, I probably will file a bug report.00:04
G-Bluntedhey do you use this Synaptic to install kernel packages?00:04
pkodonG-Blunted: What do you mean by "kernel" packages?00:04
G-Bluntedi wanna install new kernel version...00:05
G-Bluntedlike..whats the easiest way00:05
pkodonG-Blunted: Well, someone else here can probably confirm this, as I'm rather new to Linux, but I'd probably use a "sudo apt-get ..." command in a shell.00:06
pkodonG-Blunted: I don't know exactly which set of switches or options you'd need to install a kernel, though.00:07
G-Bluntedya there's all kinds of kernel-headers kernel-images and stuff...im wondering if this is the easy way or if this is how you go on to compile your own..cause i don't wanna compile one yet, i just want one of these generic ones00:08
pkodonG-Blunted: Where are you getting the kernel from00:08
TheSheep!kernel | G-Blunted00:08
ubottuG-Blunted: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages00:08
pkodonWell, there you go, start there.00:09
G-Bluntedi've chosen kernel-generic package to install...ill check the page make sure that's right00:10
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:10
G-Bluntedwell...installing kernel-generic package i think is what those instructions should say on that site...00:17
G-Bluntedit says to install linux-image-2.ver.sio.n  but i think it's more newbie to do kernel-generic...00:18
* G-Blunted is newbie :)00:18
G-BluntedHey what's your guys' favorite game you play?00:38
G-Bluntedthats on the package thingy00:38
pkodonQuestion - would there be any problem with putting a command to mount a vfat drive in the startup files, if the drive isn't there all the time?00:57
pkodonI have a little 6GB IDE drive that I swap between this machine and a Win98SE machine, and when it's not hooked up to this machine to manage files on it, I have a CD/RW drive hooked up in it's place.00:58
zoredache_pkodon: you might be better off looking at setting up autofs..  With autofs you can configure it to simply mount if available when you try and switch into the directory you want it mounted at01:19
pkodonzoredache_: Oh? I suppose there's a man page or something for that.01:20
pkodonI've already got a directory set up as the mountpoint, so I hope it will mount it to that directory (if available).01:21
zoredache_you would need to install the autofs package.  Then you would need to adjust a couple configuration files01:24
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
G-BluntedWhat is the difference between things installed with Synaptic versus installed with the Add/Remove Programs??02:21
forcesG-Blunted, is the same02:23
forcessynaptic give more options02:24
G-Bluntedsome of the stuff in synaptic doesn't show up in the add/remove programs huh?02:27
LCplPredatorhey all, got a question about x server and nvidia02:28
LCplPredatori'm trying to install nvidia drivers on my computer. i know i downloaded the correct driver, but i have no idea how to "install" it to xubuntu. it's a .run file, and if i try to run it as nvidia says, it tells me that i have to shut down x server, but i'm not sure how to do that02:30
zoredachelogout and login again, reboot the system, press ctrl-alt-backspace (save everything first)02:35
durtLCplPredator: You want to compile your own nvidia modules/02:37
durtLCplPredator: You want to compile your own nvidia modules?02:37
TheSheepLCplPredator: don't download the drivers, use the ones in the repositories that were prepared for xubuntu02:37
LCplPredatorI think all I have to do is try shutting down "X server" so that I can install graphics drivers.02:37
LCplPredatorOk. Let me look around in the repositories for it...02:38
TheSheepyou can shut it down with alt+ctrl+backspace or with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:38
TheSheepthat's not it02:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:39
durtno need to shutdown/ Applications->System tools->Hardware Drivers02:39
TheSheepLCplPredator: see Basic Installation Instructions there02:39
TheSheepLCplPredator: you need the restricted repository enabled02:40
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:40
LCplPredatori tried the hardware drivers part. doesn't work. i'll look in the repositories.02:40
LCplPredatorthe repositories are no help. all i need to do is shut down x server. and /etc/init.d/gdm stop doesn't work. tried that too.02:45
TheSheepLCplPredator: what it does then?02:50
LCplPredatorhang on, i think i'm onto something... the first time i tried it, everything crashed on me02:51
TheSheepLCplPredator: that's not a crash, that's the X Server shutting down02:51
TheSheepLCplPredator: X Server is the graphical environment02:51
LCplPredatori couldn't enter any commands or anything02:52
TheSheepyou have to log in into the text console then02:52
TheSheepyou can siwtch to it with alt+ctrl+f1, f2, f3, etc. , alt+ctrl+f7 takes you back to X, if it's running02:53
LCplPredatorok, well i just tried "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" and it tells me that i'm stopping it, but it hasn't stopped02:57
TheSheepdo it from the text console02:58
TheSheephow do you tell it hans't stopped?02:58
LCplPredatorbecause when i try to install the nvidia driver, it tells me that it hasn't died03:02
TheSheepwe can't support 3rd party scripts03:03
LCplPredatori can live with that. i just need to know how to kill gdm and get a text only console running03:04
TheSheepso you see the graphical environment when you do alt+ctrl+f7?03:05
TheSheepafter doing that gdm stop and entering your password?03:05
LCplPredatorHA! figured it out03:06
G-Bluntedso i started compiz with compiz --replace....how can i go back to xfce?03:06
LCplPredator"sudo killall gdm"03:07
TheSheepG-Blunted: xfwm4 --replace03:07
G-Bluntedoh ok03:07
G-Bluntedso intuative03:07
G-Bluntedwhat is hotkey for terminal window??03:07
LCplPredatorctrl alt f703:07
TheSheepI don't think there is any by default, you have to set it up by yourself03:07
G-Bluntedwhat did CTRL ALT F7 do?03:08
TheSheepG-Blunted: switches you to 7th virtual console, on which normally the X Server runs03:08
G-Bluntedxfwm4 --replace03:09
TheSheepG-Blunted: you can get a command prompt with alt+f203:09
G-Bluntedthat gives me Run box03:10
G-Bluntedctrl alt f7 messed up my gui tho03:10
G-Bluntedi can't click on stuff really anymore03:10
G-Bluntedany tips on how can....reset it? ctrl alt backspace maybe?03:10
TheSheepG-Blunted: that shouldn't happen, ctrol+alt+backspace will restart X, should help, but will kill all your running aps03:12
keresis xubuntu more light weight than windows 2000?03:12
LCplPredatoroh god yeah03:13
LCplPredatori'm running xubuntu on a computer with 933Mhz P3 cpu, and 384MB of ram03:13
LCplPredatorrunning just fine, a little slow, but that's to be expected03:13
TheSheepit's not a free and light version of Windows though, it's different03:14
Digital_PioneerHey, my friend did an upgrade a while back and he says XFce is all screwed up now. Shortcuts don't work, logout button doesn't work, menus changed, etc.03:38
Digital_PioneerWhat's up with that?03:38
Digital_PioneerI would've expected cleaner upgrades from the *buntu crowd... That's why I recommended it to him.03:38
keresTheSheep: well, yeah. it's linux/gnu03:41
TheSheepDigital_Pioneer: he upgraded from which version to which?03:41
Digital_PioneerI assume it was just a normal update.03:42
TheSheepDigital_Pioneer: well, if he updated to the current alpha, it would explain a lot -- pretty large parts of it may not work at the moment03:43
Digital_PioneerI doubt it.03:43
Digital_PioneerHe says he updated 11 or so things the day it blew out, about 5 the day before.03:43
TheSheepcan't really help you without more specific information03:44
TheSheepmaybe he could come here?03:44
Digital_PioneerYeah, I feel the same way... :P03:44
Digital_PioneerI'll try to get him on.03:45
TheSheepDigital_Pioneer: I have to go to sleep soon, so either someobody else helps him, or try in about 8 hours...03:47
Digital_PioneerTheSheep: Riddle me this: what is xfce's config directory? Perhaps deleting that will fix it (along with resetting his entire GUI, unfortunately)03:48
Odd-rationaleDigital_Pioneer: ~/.config/xfce4 iirc...03:49
Digital_PioneerOdd-rationale: OK, I'll give that a shot.03:50
TheSheepyou can also try just creating a new user03:51
Digital_Pioneerlazz: This must be you. :P03:51
Digital_PioneerTheSheep: Talk to lazz. :)03:52
TheSheeplazz: you're there? :)03:52
lazzyes I'm here03:52
TheSheepgreat, maybe pick one thing that doesn't work and we will try to see why03:53
Digital_PioneerTheSheep: He's shy... Hahah03:55
rhavennwhat's the proper way to request a package update? talk to the debian maintainer of said package, submit a "bug" report or submit your own package update?03:56
lazzno I just really don't know what I should say since most of the problems I've been having are not there anymore03:56
TheSheeprhavenn: I think you'd best ask that on #ubuntu-motu, that's the team that hanles most of the "universe" packages03:56
TheSheeplazz: so the yare solved?03:57
TheSheepthey are solved?03:57
Digital_Pioneerlazz: Ohh, you might have mentioned that earlier.... ;D03:57
lazzTheSheep: For now.  the problems cycle in and out03:57
rhavennTheSheep: thanks03:57
lazzevery time I restart something is working right and something else isn't03:57
TheSheeplazz: completely randomly?03:57
* Digital_Pioneer bets that unless it's taking cues from /dev/random, it's not really random. :D03:58
TheSheepDigital_Pioneer: /dev/random is not that random either03:58
Digital_PioneerTheSheep: /dev/random is supposedly very random.03:58
lazzTheSheep:  For the most part.  Sometimes my shortcuts don't work.  Sometimes I can't delete anything.  Sometimes the logout button doesn't work right it just shuts off my xfce panel.  Today I have a new problem of it telling me that I'm not in the sudoers file.03:59
TheSheeplazz: if it comes and goes, then two possible reasons come to my mind: out of disk space in your home directory or hardware problems with hard disk drive corruption04:00
TheSheeplazz: let's try the disk space first, what does 'df' say?04:00
TheSheeplazz: in terminal04:00
Digital_PioneerTheSheep: And I note that since /dev/random generates 'random' data from peripheral events, I would say it is extremely random.04:01
lazzTheSheep:  Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on04:01
lazz/dev/sda1             77695264  72506536   1241964  99% /04:01
lazztmpfs                   252960         0    252960   0% /lib/init/rw04:01
lazzvarrun                  252960       220    252740   1% /var/run04:01
lazzvarlock                 252960         0    252960   0% /var/lock04:01
lazzudev                    252960      2836    250124   2% /dev04:01
lazztmpfs                   252960         0    252960   0% /dev/shm04:01
lazzlrm                     252960      2000    250960   1% /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/volatile04:01
lazzoverflow                  1024        12      1012   2% /tmp04:01
lazzmaybe you can understand that04:01
Digital_Pioneerlazz: Ahh, best not to paste in here. Better to use http://www.rafb.net/paste or the like.04:01
Digital_PioneerYup, partition's full.04:02
Digital_PioneerWait, no...04:02
Bensawsomehey is there a xubuntu for powerpc procesors?04:02
Digital_PioneerWell, yeah... I think so.04:02
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ04:02
Digital_PioneerStupid big numbers... LOL04:02
Bensawsome.... lol i fail XD04:02
Bensawsomethanks TheSheep :/04:02
Digital_Pioneerlazz: df -h | head -n204:03
Digital_Pioneerlazz: You can paste that in here.04:03
TheSheeplazz: the /tmp directory is very small04:03
TheSheepthe pratition mounted as /tmp, I mean04:03
Digital_PioneerTheSheep: I'm more concerned with the 99% full /04:04
lazzDigital Pioneer:  Yeah I have one GB left04:04
TheSheepDigital_Pioneer: that's available, not full04:04
lazzDigital Pioneer:  But why should that mess all of my stuff up04:04
G-BluntedHey where do you setup your startup apps??04:04
G-Bluntedi can't find it...thought i saw a place tho04:04
TheSheepG-Blunted: settings->setting manager->autostarted applications04:05
Digital_PioneerTheSheep: Is it? I can't tell, it's not lined up... :P04:05
TheSheepG-Blunted: and system->services04:05
G-Bluntedthanks thats it :)04:05
TheSheepDigital_Pioneer: no, wait, you're right04:05
TheSheeplazz: try this: sudo apt-get clean04:05
TheSheepthis should delete the files it downloaded for upgrade04:06
TheSheepthat are no longer needed04:06
Digital_PioneerTheSheep: OK, I was thinking those matched up with Use%... :P04:06
G-Bluntedis there like a taskmanager or something you can use to see what is currently running (and maybe turn it off)?04:06
TheSheeptry df again after this, and paste the line with /dev/sda1 again04:06
TheSheepG-Blunted: system->system monitor04:06
* Digital_Pioneer likes Filelight (KDE app) -- good for figuring out what's using disk space.04:06
TheSheepDigital_Pioneer: I like baobab better04:07
lazzTheSheep:  /dev/sda1             77695264  72286936   1461564  99%04:07
Digital_PioneerTheSheep: Don't know it, doesn't appear in my repos either...04:07
TheSheeplazz: what does 'sudo apt-get -a install' say? Just paste the last (or the relevant) line04:08
TheSheepDigital_Pioneer: it's in gnome-utils package04:09
Digital_PioneerBleh, GNOME.04:09
lazzTheSheep:  It says "E: Command line option 'a' [from -a] is not known."04:09
Digital_PioneerWas that supposed to be -f?04:10
TheSheeplazz: you are right, sorry, try 'sudo apt-get install' without the -a04:10
TheSheepDigital_Pioneer: -a was for dpkg, I confused them04:10
lazzTheSheep: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:10
TheSheepok, looks like the update did finish04:11
TheSheeplet's look for hardware errors04:11
lazzI've got to go is this going to take a long time?04:11
TheSheepdo 'dmesg | less', scroll to bottom and see if there is anything suspicious04:11
TheSheepno, I have to go to sleep too04:12
TheSheepif we won't find anythign obvious with this, I guess we will have to call it a day for now04:12
lazzwhat would be considered suspicious?04:13
Digital_PioneerTheSheep: dmesg | less?  That will take a while. :P04:14
TheSheeplazz: any 'disk error' messages04:14
TheSheepor actually anything with 'error', 'failure', or 'catastrophy' in it :)04:15
Digital_Pioneerlazz: You can search it by hitting / and entering the search term.04:16
lazzTheSheep:  there's only one.  It says  usb 1-2: device not accepting address 3, error -7104:18
TheSheeplazz: I had something like that once, turned out to be a bad cable for my scanner, shouldn't affect the rest of the system though04:19
lazzwell I give up.  Thanks for helping.04:21
TheSheepno problem, don't hesitate to come again if any of the trouble comes back04:21
TheSheepwe can nail it down then04:21
gbleezymy computer randomly turns itself off all the way....just random total shutdown...where could i find logs on this?04:21
TheSheepgbleezy: in /var/log/, all teh files with .0 or .1 in them are from the previous runs04:22
TheSheepgbleezy: I would check memory with memtest from teh livecd, and whether your cpu is not overheating04:23
gbleezyyea how do i check my heat?04:23
gbleezyi wanna rule that out...04:23
gbleezyeven though i sort of have ruled that out now that i got this fan station undernieth it04:23
gbleezyand i ran the memtest...04:23
gbleezyit came back with lots of errors04:24
TheSheepgbleezy: I think there was a panel applet that shows you the temperature04:24
TheSheepgbleezy: ah, errors in memtest --> broken memory04:24
gbleezya panel applet...thats like...a package to install?04:24
gbleezyya broken memory.....could be reason for completly random shutdowns...any way to confirm this is the cause?04:25
TheSheepgbleezy: it's one of those icons on your panel, but I think it's not installed by default04:25
TheSheeplet me check04:25
TheSheepgbleezy: memtests giving errors confirms it04:25
TheSheepgbleezy: show the errors to the staff where you bought the ram, and they will replace it without asking04:25
TheSheepunless it's really old04:26
gbleezyya its a really old Dell :(04:27
gbleezydo you think you could upgrade waranty and get them to replace it? :)04:27
TheSheepno idea04:27
TheSheepbut old ram should be pretty cheap04:27
gbleezyya but its in my laptop04:28
gbleezyi havn't even thought about opening this thing up...do people even do that?04:28
TheSheepafter warranty expires, sure, why not04:28
TheSheepit's not rocket surgery04:28
TheSheepas long as you don't scratch anything with a screwdriver...04:29
TheSheepoh, make sure to unplug power and remove battery before you open it04:29
gbleezyTheSheep, ever figure out what that heat monitoring thing is?04:46
grayanyone have any idea how to connect two ubuntu computers via crossover cable for file transfer?04:46
zoredacheconnecting them isn't hard.  you may need to statically assign ip addresses04:47
graywill this mess up wireless?04:48
zoredachewell not if you just change it temporarily...04:49
grayokay cool04:50
grayi got the two eth connections set upo04:50
grayhow do i connect to the server?04:50
gbleezyyou know that is a very good question :)04:57
=== gbleezy is now known as G-Blunted
G-Bluntedgray:  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-315962.html04:59
TheSheepG-Blunted: xfce4-sensors-plugin, sorry05:02
TheSheepforgot about you :)05:02
G-Bluntedits chill :)05:07
G-Bluntedwhere can i find log file for Synaptic installs??05:13
G-Bluntedit's bugging out and i wanna put the error in pastebin05:14
G-Bluntedanyone know the difference between an Internet Object Cache (WWW Cache) and a Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP Cache)??05:48
Reno`in first question, synaptics logs may be in /var/log/dpkg.log ?05:50
G-Bluntedthat is what i put in the pastebin05:50
G-Bluntedis what i found in dpkg.log05:50
G-Bluntedwasn't exactly the same as output i saw in the program's window...but same issue05:50
Reno`hmm  in /usr/root/.synaptic/log some logs05:53
Reno` sorry /root/ :)05:55
G-Bluntedwhy cant i 'ls' in /root?05:55
G-Bluntedand how do i get in there? :p05:56
Reno`use sudo06:00
Reno`or su06:00
G-Bluntedwhat password is for su?06:01
G-Bluntedsudo takes my password....su rejects it06:01
forcessu doesn't have a password06:02
Reno`you can sudo passwd, but i make it because i work in debian, in ubuntu you can use only sudo06:05
G-Bleezywhen i type su it asks for pword06:07
Reno`ouch my type sudo -s -H and you root06:07
G-Bleezythis is G-Blunted btw...my laptop just shut itself off randomly....i think it's the bad memory06:07
chosigi'm trying jaunty on one of my machines, but there's seem to be a problem with xfce4-settings, it won't install06:55
chosigaah... the swedish mirror is borked, atleast not updated06:58
drcodehi all07:41
drcodehow can I upgrade from 7.10 into 8.10 ?07:41
drcodemy xubuntu?07:41
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:41
drcodeI have xubuntu ?07:42
knomeyes, the same instrcutions apply to xubuntu.07:42
knomexubuntu is basically just ubuntu with xfce instead of gnome and a bit differente set of applications.07:42
mjarttianyone knows how well xubuntu 8.10 will run on 650mhz&128mb?07:53
durt 650mhz is ok but 128mb is way to low07:53
mjarttithats what i thought. im now running 6.06 with my old laptop and that runs good enought but i got some hardware that is hard to get work with 6.0607:54
durt6.06 is not supported anymore, no security updates07:55
mjarttiits still better than w98/w2k =)07:56
durtwhat HW?07:56
durtbut supported buntus are even better07:56
mjarttisome pcmciacard and zd1102 wlan dongle07:56
durtmight want to try U-lite, but it's not associated with ubuntu or xubuntu07:57
mjarttinever heard abt that one07:58
mjarttiwhow thats small one07:59
durtbased on 8.04, with lxde instead of xfce and some other different stuff to get even lighter than xubuntu07:59
mjarttigot it allready...07:59
durtgot it running on an old lappy with P2 and 96megs07:59
mjarttiill give it a try.08:03
durtif I were you I'd invest in more mem, 650mhz in a lappy still pretty usefulo08:05
knometrue, memory is not even expensive08:06
knomebut might be hard to find08:06
knomeor the laptop might not support more :P08:06
knomeanyway, have to go for my studies08:10
knomesee you.08:10
mjarttibtw. does u-lite use libata?08:10
durtno clue, let me check if it's installed, two secs08:11
durtsorry, does not seem available in the 8.04 repo, is there a replacement?08:13
mjarttithats cool. my old laptop doesnt coop with libata08:15
mjarttithx man!08:15
durtdid a little google and got libata replaced with ide libs, 'nother reason to upgrade to an 8.04/8.10 version08:18
G-Bluntedanyone know the difference between an Internet Object Cache (WWW Cache) and a Full featured Web Proxy cache (HTTP Cache)??08:57
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org09:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about squid309:17
xenocide21xfce ftw :)09:25
Reno`nevada too ftw ?09:29
xenocide21colorado ftw :)09:30
Reno`Colorado beetle ftw :D09:31
G-BluntedI wanna enable people to connect to my Xubuntu box and do some anonymous web browsing...is this possible?10:00
knomeG-Blunted, you mean you want to set up a proxy server?10:09
G-Bluntedya but what kind?10:09
G-Bluntedthere's so many ways to configure squid and stuff....i don't know which direction i need for the most simple just...proxying...10:09
knomemaybe search ubuntuforums.org10:10
G-Bluntedya i just been searchin google10:11
knomeG-Blunted, suppose the easiest way would be just following a tutorial/howto10:11
G-Bluntedeveryone wants to use squid for a caching accelerator...i don't really need or want that..10:11
G-Bluntedi'm thinkin i could have setup apache/php by now and just made some redirect site in php :p10:12
G-Bluntedthat would give me the ip of this box right?10:12
G-Bluntedn/m :)10:12
G-Bluntedwell i just realized it's pretty hopeless to try to open ports and use daemons when im on someone else's wireless router10:36
G-Bluntedhey i've got this plugin in my panel that i can't Remove(-)...any tips?10:57
G-Bluntedit doesn't respond to any kind of clicking10:57
G-Bluntedanyone know if i can print to a printer on another computer not through LAN but through the internet??11:08
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD11:13
G-Bluntedany of you play any of these linux games?12:14
cody-somervilleI play linux games.12:18
G-Bluntedany multiplayer online ones?12:22
cody-somervilleNetrek, Gate88, BZFlag, Quake 3, etc. etc.12:24
akisi am running xubuntu xfce. can i install deb packages? how?12:44
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.12:46
akisi am running xubuntu xfce. can i install deb packages? how?12:58
Reno`dpkg -i packet.deb13:00
ish2anyone really good at html? like CRAZY html?13:06
ish2PLEASE pm me, if you're active, i just need like one line of code debugged13:06
tichdoes anyone know the best way (or any way really) to create a keybinding for an app?13:16
Pres-GasHey, all14:05
G-Bluntedhey who wants to play a game of Open Arena??14:18
Reno`quake its not dead &)14:20
G-Bluntednot if you play me right now!14:21
Reno`heh, i played in q3 mmm 6 or 7 years ago :)14:22
G-Bluntedthis is OPEN ARENA14:22
G-Bluntedload it up lets go14:22
G-Bluntedima frag the shit outta you :p14:22
G-Bluntedstr8 pwnage14:22
Reno`sorry I'm worked now :D14:22
Reno`which package for opern arena14:24
G-Bluntedit's called Open Arena14:24
TheSheepG-Blunted: --> #xubuntu-offtopic14:25
G-Bluntedh8rs! :p14:26
temp39When the installer on live CD reaches the partitioner, there are no partitions15:18
temp39all the buttons are gray15:19
temp39and there is a strange white box in the middle of the window15:19
temp39i tried logging out and back in, no help.15:19
charlie-tcaWhich livecd?15:21
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charlie-tcaDid you check manual partitioning?15:23
charlie-tcaIs this a new hard drive or does it already have something on it?15:24
temp39has lots on it15:24
temp39and it didnt even ask about manual partitioning15:24
temp39just goes to the editor and sorta... stays there with not much to do15:24
charlie-tcaThe center is a white box and below it should be several lines of text15:24
temp39At the top of the window is in bold Prepare partitions, with a horizontal rule under that, then the weird box (wide rectangle) then under that is the where the partitions usually are, under that the buttons (new partition etc) then under that Quit Back and Forward15:26
temp39I had a look around with the partition editor manually before i ran install, that might have something to do with it?15:26
charlie-tcaSure does. That image won't allow you to partition if the partitions have been mounted. you have to quit the install,15:27
charlie-tcamake sure nothing is mounted, then restart the installation.15:27
temp39Yay! Thank you! It would be cool if it said something like "Please finish what you are doing and push this button to unmount everything" instead of the buggy, empty editor :)15:29
charlie-tcaYeah, we agree. I believe there is a bug filed about that.15:30
ish2finally worked my way through that problem17:40
ish2you can all relax now17:40
ish2i wuv xubuntu, and do all ubuntu have web-server running automatically?17:42
ish2did xubuntu? or did i accidentally turn that on?17:42
charlie-tcaYou have to install a web-server if you want one17:43
ish2wow, don't remember that at all, i guess i was watching my own back17:43
charlie-tcaIt would have been an application you installed17:43
ish2apparently apache217:43
charlie-tcaYeah, that never comes pre-installed in Xubuntu17:43
Myrttiit usually never comes preinstalled with any Linuxes nowadays17:44
zoredacheof course it could have been pulled in as a dependancy when you installed something else that isn't included by default17:44
ish2yeah, i was installing a lot, i got the space, so wry not?17:45
zoredachefeel free to install anything you like.  That is what it is there for.  Do keep in mind that running servers may make you more vulnerable to network-based attacks, particularly if your system has a public ip address17:46
ish2i wish there were a greater set of repositories17:46
ish2i installed a firewall, forget the name at the moment, i've had a crazy code day going17:47
ish2are there repositories that aren't necessarily sanctioned by ubuntu? and ise gots to hunt them down?17:48
ish2do i get quicker responses when i don't talk like a retard?17:49
durtish2: only use repos you trust17:49
charlie-tcaYes, there are many out there. You already have main, restricted, universe, multiverse, medibuntu, right?17:49
tawish2, what programs you need which aren't in ubuntu repos?17:50
tawthere is also that 'partner' repo17:50
ish2i don't see medibuntu17:51
charlie-tcaThat is where most of the restricted codecs and stuff come from, but it is not ubuntu's17:51
charlie-tcaish2: this gives some information on repositories: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine17:55
ish2hmm, i was able to get vlan, so maybe i do have it, might just not be listed where i'm looking17:55
ish2i like apt-get, lets me see what's going on without wrapping it in a pretty, useless shell17:56
charlie-tcaIt should be listed in the sources tab of 'Software Sources'17:57
ish2if it wasn't there before, it's in now, thanks17:57
charlie-tcanp. It is worth reading the wiki pages on repositories, if you need to add more17:58
ish2sometimes, it's just fun to lure friends next to my bluetooth programs, try to cp their contacts18:04
ish2no one uses my proxies anymore :(18:05
ish2i like how tor setup so quickly though, tork was a POS and i had to turn it off, idk what was going on with that18:05
ish2maybe it wasn't running in super user mode, cause it wasn't able to do a darn thing18:06
ish2just crying all the time, wa wah, can't access this or that18:07
ish2anyone have experience is bbs style games? the kind you need a special client to play?18:10
G-Bleezyyou mean like muds?18:11
zoredacheI still login to a telnet-bbs and play LORD every once in a while... why?18:12
ish2yeah, i gotta go, drama situation, gotta pick someone up, but exactly what i mean18:15
* nikolam sleepy18:50
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about codes18:52
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about soup19:23
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.19:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chess19:24
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:24
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:32
xenocide21__anyone know if its possible to install sorcery as the package manager for xubuntu?19:36
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jarnosCan resolution used by gdm login window changed in gdm preferences?20:42
jarnosApplications > Quit: Unable to quit session, xfce4-session not detected. Still "ps aux" proves it is running.21:23
TheSheepit doesn't say it's not running, just that it's not detected21:23
jarnosTheSheep: why not detected?21:24
jarnosI want to save current session and quit.21:24
TheSheepjarnos: I don't know, maybe the panel crashed and was restarted, and because it wasn't started by the session it knows nothing about it?21:25
zoredacheI remeber finding a tool somewhere in the past that I could use to download the source of a package by just providing the url to the package dsc.  Can someone remind me what it was?21:25
TheSheepzoredache: you can download source packages from packages.ubuntu.com too21:26
zoredacheapt-get isn't what I want... I want to get the source package from a different repository without having to setup the repos for apt21:26
jarnosTheSheep: you can test it by killing panel and restarting it. Do you see normal quit dialog then?21:27
G-BluntedApplications -> System -> Software Sources21:27
G-Bluntedis that what you want?21:27
zoredacheTheSheep: I know... I jsut rember finding a tool somewhere sounce that would download the source, diff, and extract it all in a single step given only the url for the dsc.21:27
TheSheepjarnos: sorry, but I have some aaplications with important work opened right now, so I really don't feel like testing at the moment21:28
jarnosCan you launch the logout dialog from command line? I don't remember the command.21:29
TheSheepjarnos: xfce4-session with some parameter21:29
zoredacheG-Blunted: not really, I don't want to setup with, since the package I want is from debian, and I am not in the mood to deal with all the pinning stuff21:29
charlie-tcajarnos: sudo shutdown -P now  shuts down the system21:29
TheSheepjarnos: or xfce4-session-logout21:29
G-Bluntedzoredache, apt-get will accept a url for a source package21:29
G-Bluntedand it will download and install21:29
jarnoscharlie-tca: but does not save session.21:30
charlie-tcaTrue, but I never save a broken session anyway21:30
G-Bluntedwhats that mean won't 'save session'?21:30
TheSheepG-Blunted: xfce can save your running applications when you log out, and restore them when you log in21:31
TheSheepG-Blunted: but only the apps that support it21:31
TheSheepG-Blunted: mostly terminal, firefox, etc.21:31
TheSheepthunar too21:32
zoredacheG-Blunted: apt-get doesn't seem to accept a source... when I do ' apt-get source http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/t/tsclient/tsclient_0.150-1.dsc'21:32
zoredacheI get an error...21:33
G-Bluntedok maybe i was wrong actually...misread the man page i guess :p21:34
zoredacheno worries, I guess I just have to download the files i want manually21:35
G-Bluntedi think if you do:   wget http://url/to/pkg  that is pretty easy way to download21:36
G-Bluntedand install21:36
G-Bluntedwget http://url/to/pkg | dpkg ./wherever/that/file/landed/     <---maybe that can do it in one line21:36
G-Bluntedor whatever you install with21:36
G-Bluntedi actually have no idea :p21:37
G-Bluntedman sessions are annoying21:38
G-Bluntedevery time i startup it always starts up add/remove programs, pidgeon, and something else....even though they weren't open when my computer shut down....is that some sessions thing? Cause the apps that start aren't even in the Startup Programs list...21:38
charlie-tcaG-Blunted: That sounds like a saved session21:41
G-Bluntedsweet, where can i look at saved/default sessions and change them?21:44
charlie-tca~/.cache/saved_sessions is where they are stored. Just delete it21:45
G-Bluntedi got "Launch Gnome Services on Startup" checked....do you guys think it's okay to uncheck that?21:46
charlie-tcaNot sure21:47
rockono G-Blunted it will blow up your machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:47
G-Bluntedoh well i better leave that checked....21:47
rockoI was joking21:47
rockowell I think xubuntu comes with gnome services so that it was it is checked21:48
G-Bluntedit says 'vital' system thingies are started up...but im thinkin it's considering pidgeon and add/remove applications vital?21:48
zoredacheit probably won't irresabily break anything21:48
charlie-tcaI don't have them starting here21:48
charlie-tcaI do start firefox, claws-mail, terminal, and Thunar, though21:49
G-Bluntedcause you saved it that way?21:49
charlie-tcaThat is my saved session21:49
G-Bluntedany way you can see what applications are started in a particular session?21:49
charlie-tcaI don't know. I only know to save the session to keep them starting, or uncheck it and delete saved sessions to make it not start them21:50
charlie-tcaI'm really just a user...21:51
G-Bluntedoh come on charlie-tca! we must strive to be more!!21:51
charlie-tcaI'm working on it everyday.21:51
G-Bluntedme too21:52
charlie-tcaIf you get to know too much, people want answers from you, don't they?21:52
G-Bluntedim just chillin around tryin to help people with questions....lots of basic questions get asked, i should know the answers to em...so i try to look 'em up and know 'em :p21:52
G-Bluntedshould be easy to answer everyone's question tho21:52
charlie-tcaThat's what I do, besides QA, testing and bug triage21:52
G-Bluntedthat's when you're 3133721:53
G-Bluntedooo that's chill21:53
G-Bluntedyou're involved! :P21:53
charlie-tcaI'm just a user...21:53
G-Bluntedlol...we must strive to be more!21:56
charlie-tcaI keep hoping to learn how to answer questions21:57
G-Bluntedi just got scolded for helping people22:06
charlie-tcaI get that about daily22:06
charlie-tcaI'm on 8 mailing lists plus 12 channels here22:06
G-Bluntedman that's messed up...you should just be able to try and help people....22:06
G-Bluntedi just got on one mailing list just for fun...i don't remember what one...22:07
G-Bluntedbut im excited to get mail...i don't get any really :p22:07
charlie-tcaI help on ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com and xubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com ; which are the user mailing lists for technical help22:08
G-Bluntedthats pretty sweet22:09
G-Bluntedso you just get a bunch of technical questions in emails every day and you just reply to the person?22:09
G-Bluntedhowcome you don't troll the forums?22:09
charlie-tcalets me think I might be helping sometimes22:10
G-Blunted'troll' as in like...not that bad kind... :p22:10
charlie-tcaI don't like the format. It takes too long to find things when I have to scroll through too much22:10
charlie-tca Yes to the bunch of tech questions22:11
G-Bluntedthats chill22:11
charlie-tcaYou just go here to sign up for mailing lists. https://lists.ubuntu.com/ , but be prepared for a lot of email.22:13
charlie-tcaWe can always use help with testing and bug triage, too22:15
G-Bluntedwhere is xorg.conf located??22:17
diginuxquick question, just upgraded to jaunty, ping can resolve ips, but ssh and firfox cannot, any suggestions?22:44
zoredachediginux: wow, that sounds unusual.  can you resolve names using the host command?22:46
diginuxzoredache: yup22:47
zoredacheand you are able to ssh by ip?22:48
diginuxzoredache: i kind of remember something like this happening in gentoo once a long time ago, and i had to edit /etc/nssswitch.conf, but that file looks fine on here22:48
diginuxzoredache: yeah, can ssh22:48
diginuxby ip22:48
diginuxcan also telnet to port 80 by ip22:49
diginuxso network seems fine except dns22:49
zoredachecan you telnet by name?22:49
diginuxnope, cannot resolve22:49
zoredachehrm... in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf what is on the line that starts with 'hosts: '?22:50
diginuxhosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns422:51
zoredachehrm... I would be tempted to change that to simply be 'hosts: files dns'22:52
zoredacheunless you actually need/want bonjure to work22:52
diginuxalready tried that, didnt work either22:53
diginuxand i dont care about bonjure, i use xubuntu22:53
diginuxisnt bonjure a gnome thing?22:53
diginuxnm, i take that back, either way, i dont care about it22:53
zoredachenot really, it started off as an Apple OSX thing to make devices on local networks be able to communicate together easier without needing a local dns server22:54
diginuxany other ideas?22:54
diginuxi read something about maybe avahi could be to blame22:54
diginuxis there an alternative to avahi?22:54
zoredachediginux: just remove avahi... you don't really need it, if you don't need local mdns aka bonjure22:55
diginuxone thing i do note is i think network manager may not be working22:55
diginuxmy network icon has a red circle with x on it22:55
diginuxbut ifconfig shows its up22:55
charlie-tcadiginux: that's pretty much normal. can you ping www.google.com?22:56
diginuxit didnt have red square with X before i upgraded to jaunty22:56
diginuxand yes, i can ping google22:56
diginuxcant remove avahi, it is needed for banshee, kile, klfickr, etc.22:57
charlie-tcaIf you can ping google using that address, it's still working even with the red x22:57
diginuxcharlie-tca: so network manager is working, or something else is doing it?22:57
charlie-tcanetwork manager should be working22:57
diginuxso why would that X be there on it22:58
diginuxif i open up the network manager, it doesnt list any devices under wired22:58
charlie-tcaMostly it is used by wireless networks22:58
diginuxwell either way, the network is working, just saying thats another odd thing happening, i just want my dns to work so i can be on my way :)22:58
charlie-tcaNow I give you back to zoredache . He knows more than me22:59
diginuxzoredache: help!23:00
diginuxim going to try dhcp really quick just to see if that works23:01
diginuxnope, that didn't help23:03
charlie-tcadiginux: are you you using static IP23:03
diginuxcharlie-tca: i was, i switched to dhcp quickly to see if that would help, it did not23:04
diginuxwould rebooting in a recovery mode with netroot help me determine anything?23:04
charlie-tcaOkay, using static ip, you may have to add the DNS to /etc/resolv.conf yourself23:05
diginuxits in there23:05
diginuxlike i said pinging a hostname works23:05
diginuxand this all worked before i upgraded to jaunty today23:05
xenocide21how do i screenshot the desktop?23:06
charlie-tcaxenocide21: add screenshot to the panel, and then click it23:06
diginuxxenocide21: import -window root -display servername:0 screenshot.png23:07
diginuxxenocide21: dont even need the -display i guess23:08
diginuxjust import -window root screenshot.png23:08
zoredachediginux: you could try rebooting into recovery mode and seeing if you can ssh...23:09
diginuxok, so booting into recovery mode didnt change anything either23:09
diginuxzoredache: didnt help :(23:10
diginuxthis is crazy23:10
charlie-tcaYou did the upgrade from 8.10?23:14
FactTechAnyone know of any known issues with Network Manager in Xubuntu? I'm getting some strange behavior -- most importantly, the "shared to other computers" setting is not working.23:15
FactTechWhen I set the interface to use that setting, it is not initialized -- ifconfig shows no IP4 address is assigned.23:16
G-Bluntedman if you were a Grub expert you could help so many people...23:17
zoredacheG-Blunted: perhaps... the tricky part is that person you would be trying to help isn't an expert,  It is a challenge to get them to tell you how their system is partitioned, and what they want to accomplish23:26
zoredacheGrub itself really isn't all that tricky23:26
G-Bluntedya good call23:27
G-Bluntedaltho...i think many people know how their drive is partitioned and stuff....they just don't know what the  root (hd0,0) lines should look like :p23:28
charlie-tcaA lot of questions would not even be asked if people would just look for an answer in the help wiki23:28
G-Bluntedi noticed there's a "pretty colors" section in the menu.lst.....how you turn those on?23:28
G-Bluntedcharlie-tca, that is very true...or use google...23:28
charlie-tcaRemove the # in front of it23:29
G-Bluntedgoogle comes up with so many good [ubuntu] topics from the forums23:29
G-Bluntedcharlie-tca, the line is like:  color   red/green  grey/blue23:29
G-Bluntedjust leave it as it is or choose a color?23:29
charlie-tcaI never say red/green before. mine is always cyan/blue white/blue23:34
charlie-tcaG-Blunted: I think the colors are frame/background text/background23:35
G-Bluntedoh ok23:44
G-Bluntedya i just made up those colors  :p23:44
G-Bluntedgot the text background right tho23:45
charlie-tcaAh-ha, so if you can't read it, you know why23:46
dimsumhello hello23:52
charlie-tcahello, dimsum23:52
dimsumnew xubuntu user here, just install one last night23:52
charlie-tcaWelcome to Xubuntu.23:53
dimsumim using xchat on xubuntu right now :-D23:53
charlie-tcaWhich version?23:53
dimsumit's really nice. i really liked it23:53
dimsumlatest one i presume.23:53
dimsumso what's next?23:54
charlie-tcaGreat. It is the latest stable version. I am running the development version, 9.0423:54
charlie-tcaGoing to Jaunty Jackalope 9.0423:54
charlie-tcaIt should be released in April23:54
dimsumi mean, after i installed xubuntu what's next ?23:54
charlie-tcaUse it and enjoy it23:55
dimsumany recommendation? like installing this program or anything..23:55
dimsumi have something bugging me charlie-tca23:56
charlie-tcaWhat is it?23:56
dimsumwhenever i hit backspace for too long, the pc seems to make this "beep" sound23:57
dimsumit's very annoying..23:57
charlie-tcaThat is usually because it got to the beginning and you kept pushing it23:58
dimsumyes but the beep sound how do i remove it ?23:58
charlie-tcaAnybody know how to remove the system beeps?23:58
charlie-tcaSorry, dimsum. I can't remember.23:58
dimsumit's okay..23:59

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