
Ahmucki need to lock the screen size in at 1024x768 for all clients00:40
Ahmucki assume there is a management utility to do this?00:40
sbalneavAhmuck: Well, you could just set the screen dimensions in gconf01:50
sbalneavand make it a mandatory setting.01:50
Ahmuckok.  i'll do that.  thx02:05
david__Hello, I'm trying to install the Edubuntu education addon cd and I'm having problems, when I put the cd in the drive and click install add on, it starts to install but it gets to 33 out of 104 and says there was an error and asks if i want to keep ignoring the uninstalled packages. I tried a few times  and then I added the CDROM to software sources then tried a few more times. I don't know linux or ubuntu to well could someone please help?03:23
david__ne1 here?03:24
LaserJockdavid__: on sec03:25
LaserJockdavid__: what version of Edubuntu/Ubuntu?03:25
LaserJockdavid__: and do you happen to know what package it gets messed up on?03:26
david__no, let me try to run it again03:31
david__can i just install from the rpos?03:31
david__W: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Edubuntu 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex_ - Release amd64 Binary-1 (20081027.1)]/pool/main/e/edubuntu-addon-meta/app-install-data-edubuntu_0.8_all.deb03:32
david__  Hash Sum mismatch03:33
david__that is at the top of the list03:33
david__and that one is at the bottom of the list03:34
loic-mogra, are you there?13:54
ograloic-m, only with half an eye, very busy, what up ?14:03
loic-mJust a question about tuxtype/tuxmath Ubuntu changes in case you know14:05
loic-mChangelog for ubuntu1 : add X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=tuxtype14:07
loic-mSince with new versions the other diffs with Debian should only be that, I was wondering what it does and if it's really useful since tuxmath don't have that14:08
loic-mIt could be because that release had Ubuntu changes for two language translations, and since they're now upstream the X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain could be dropped. However I don't know for sure.14:16
loic-mAnother explanation would have been because the .desktop file has Rosetta translations - but I couldn't find any tuxtype related stuff in Rosetta (on Launchpad)14:17
loic-mNeed to shut down, I'll read the logs tonight if somebody can provide an answer14:25
ograloic-m, the X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain setting is used by language packs14:36
highvoltageLaserJock: half a kilogram even? :)16:39
LaserJockhighvoltage: ?16:40
highvoltageLaserJock: whoops, I replied to something ancient (just had to hold in pgdn for a few seconds there)16:41
LaserJockhighvoltage: you get my email to -devel about EC and LP teams?16:42
highvoltageLaserJock: yep I ded16:49
highvoltageLaserJock: only read it today though, I didn't have a chance to check my email really since before the weekend16:50
LaserJockk, np16:50
LaserJockjust wanted to make sure my emails were getting through16:50
LaserJockGmail doesn't exactly give me confidence as they don't really show your email arriving to the list16:50
LnsHey all17:16
LaserJockhi Lns17:16
LnsCan you do localapps with a Hardy server and an Ibex chroot?17:17
Lnshey LaserJock !17:17
alkisgLns: does that boot? !!!17:17
Lnsalkisg: never tried, just asking ;)17:17
LnsAs you probably know, I like sticking w/LTS - but I could really use localapp and/or fat client functionality17:18
Lnsi think fat clients work in hardy, right?17:18
alkisgI think the ltsp client / server differences would be too vast for it to boot17:18
Lnsalkisg: gotcha.. i was worried about that. Too bad17:19
alkisgHey, I'm newbie, don't take my word for it, wait for the experts.. :)17:19
Lnsi'll have to try the fat client script when i'm feeling gutsy (no pun intended)17:19
Lnsalkisg: i think you're far from a newbie ;)17:19
alkisgNah... Last April I started using Linux exclusively. Not even a year yet... :(17:20
alkisg(damn 17 years of DOS/Windows...)17:20
Lnsoh wow17:20
Lnsi guess that makes me a vet! =p (using linux since RH 5.1 in '95)17:20
Lnsof course i'm lazy so i wasn't always learning what i should have been (scripting, coding, etc.)17:21
alkisgFirst time I used internet was around '98... I couldn't even get my hands on RH 5.1 :)17:21
LaserJockI've been using Linux since RH 7.2 in 200217:21
beachsurfinwhat software allows me to view what each client is doing on their desktop?17:22
Lnsbeachsurfin: iTalc17:22
LnsI apologize to everyone here for not picking up the ball on the Edubuntu wiki..i've been so slammed17:22
Lnsit's still on my to-do list though17:23
LnsI'm having to study RT to convert my existing ticketing database over17:23
beachsurfinthanks Lns17:24
LaserJockyeah, I think I'm going to tighten up the Jaunty TODO and set milestones17:24
LaserJockwe've only got 9 days until Feature Freeze17:25
Lnsthat's insane17:25
LnsI *just* upgraded to the Ibex on my eee :)17:25
Lnsit was impossible without a format (4GB SSD)17:26
Lnswhat sucks is that I was looking forward to hibernate in swap, but I was in a rush and accepted defaults for partitions (256mb swap) and I have 512mb ram..so there's never enough room :(17:26
LaserJockLns: ah yeah, I've done that before17:29
alkisgCan't a swap file be used for hibernation? I thought there was a workaround for this...17:29
Lnsalkisg: not sure. I don't get why *buntu likes swap partitions for hibernation anyway17:30
Lnsseems kind of weird17:30
LaserJockLns: it's a good place to put stuff17:30
LnsLaserJock: but...it's used for...swap!17:30
Lnshow does it flush what it needs from swap to make room for hibernation?17:30
* Lns probably just doesn't get it17:31
LaserJockswap always gets flushed anyway17:33
LaserJockI don't understand much of it17:33
LaserJockbut it does mean you always have that space there17:33
LaserJockit's a known quantity17:34
* Lns will probably have to use parted to resize, and turn swap off since it's an SSD anyway17:34
LaserJockand since the kernel is already used to moving stuff from swap into RAM I assume it's easier to implement17:34
Lnskinda funny..it'll move swap into ram, then back into swap to hibernate :p17:35
LaserJockso all it does is shuffle between the two17:35
Lnswonder if that could be optimized17:35
LaserJockogra: I sent an email to the Debian moodle maintainers, who are also upstream devs I think20:27
ograi dont hink they are upstream20:27
LaserJockhmm, I thought at least one said they were somewhere along the line20:28
ograwe made some attamept to get upstream involved though ...20:28
ograso they probably finally took over20:28
ogramoquist had some very long conversations with the upstream guys to get the split going about a year ago20:29
ogragreat to see they finally did it20:29
ograsad to see that moquist vanished20:29
ograhe actually wanted o take over maintenance in debian and ubuntu back then, but stepped down shortly after that20:30
LaserJockyeah, there are new maintainers as of November20:30
ograah, well, cool if thats actualy upstream20:30
LaserJockyeah, I could really use his help with this merge :-)20:30
* ogra could really need som understanding of HEX20:31
LaserJockyeah, I don't envy you20:31
ogratinkering with bootloaders isnt really fun20:31
* LaserJock would rather stick to edu stuff20:31
ograwell, nobody told me in advance that i would have to hack up debians broken bootloaders :P20:31
LaserJockogra: that reminds me, some people reported bugs about the edubuntu bootsplash making their system unbootable20:32
LaserJockogra: do you happen to know if things have changed since the last time you updated the artwork package?20:32
ograno, i dont20:33
ograworst case just drop it20:33
LaserJockit doesn't exactly make a ton of sense for an "addon layer"20:34
LaserJockI wonder if we really should remove the bootsplash but leave the other artwork20:34
alkisg"understanding of HEX" - ogra, what is HEX?20:34
ograwell, there should be artwork packages for the respective desktops imho20:34
LaserJockogra: sure, but the bootsplash kind of implies a different OS, you know?20:35
ograalkisg, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=45188220:35
ubottuDebian bug 451882 in apex-nslu2 "Increase CONFIG_RAMDISK_SIZE" [Normal,Closed]20:35
ograLaserJock, yes, i said desktop :)20:35
LaserJockogra: exactly20:35
ograalkisg, by the looks of it i need the proper value for 5M20:35
* alkisg reads...20:36
ograhmm seems 0x004CCCC0 might be what i want20:37
alkisgErm, I didn't get it. I thought the result (6291440 bytes transferred) is just 0x00600000 minus the header (=16 bytes).20:46
alkisgogra, the man that opened the bug just asked for a static change in the header to 0x00600000 - 16... So for 5M you'd need 5M - 16.20:51
alkisgSo 0x004FFFF020:56
LaserJockanybody have any Edubuntu bugs that they feel *must* be fixed for Jaunty?21:48
stgraberLaserJock: as in, package we maintain or really "edubuntu" (package list, meta, task, ...) ?22:49

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