
bernzFFForever, try using 'fdisk -l /dev/blah' where 'blah' is your Windows-containing HD00:00
bernz(it might be an 'sdx', like 'sda)00:00
bernzfdisk -l will list the partitions; from that list, you identify the types, and the first is usually windows' boot00:00
FFForevernot listed =\00:00
FFForeverhttp://pastebin.com/d7a3db613 its a 30gb partition00:01
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FFForverhow do i add windows 7?00:22
FFForver(2 grub)00:22
|ns|nR8install windows 7 then do a repair grub00:22
FFForverthis is not working =\, title   Windows-7 root (0,6) chainloader     +100:23
FFForverhow do i repair grub?00:23
|ns|nR8boot from ubuntu cd00:23
FFForveri am in linux?00:23
FFForveri don't have the ubuntu cd @ hand but i do have my jaunty install open and running =)00:24
|ns|nR8so you installed windows first ?00:24
|ns|nR8it should of auto added windows 7 to grub00:24
FFForver|ns|nR8, nah i already reinstalled grub =)00:24
maxbFFForver: root (0,6) looks somewhat invalid to me00:24
FFForverhow do i run the automatic grub thingie?00:25
maxbWhich of those NTFS partitions is the one you actually want?00:25
FFForverpartition 600:25
maxbThat's marked as linux00:26
FFForverits ntfs windows-7 style?00:26
|ns|nR8these instructions always work for me http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/00:26
bernzFFForver: if the pastebin from before is still valid, your bootable Windows is on /dev/sda300:26
FFForverhow do you know00:27
FFForverand yes its still valid00:27
bernzit's the only partition marked bootable00:27
bernz(for one)00:27
maxbThus, in grub terminology, you should say "root (hd0,2)"00:27
FFForverits a 30.5gb partition00:27
bernzand it's an NTFS file system00:27
FFForverits marked extended =\00:27
bernzdoh!  :-)00:27
bernzi believe windows is not so good at starting from an ext00:28
bernzyou should be able to move its contents to a primary partition, however00:28
maxbFFForver: huh? Yes, you have an extended partition. No, the Windows partitions aren't in it00:28
bernz(but it might require some serious juggling with dd)00:28
FFForvermaxb, it was just empty space and i let windows make the partitions it needed a 203mb and a 30.5gb partition it made00:29
bernzyeah, actually, looking at the list again, it's /dev/sda2 that's your ext00:29
bernzand /dev/sda3 isn't "in" that00:29
FFForveri don't see why i have so many partitions00:29
bernz(0, 1, 2, 3 are primaries)00:29
bernz(4+ is extendeds)00:29
maxbWhoa! dd-ing your fs-es around is *seriously* voodoo, and liable to cause extra problems for windows00:29
FFForversda 1 should be /, sda 2 should be swap, sda 3 should be /home the rest are uhh windows?00:30
bernzmaxb's caution is very a propros00:30
bernzpropos even00:30
FFForverso 1-3 are linux00:30
FFForverwtf are the other 3?00:30
bernzsda1, judging by size, is probably boot00:30
bernzanyway, i gotta make dinner, good luck!  maxb knows what he's talking about00:31
FFForverwould sda4 be windows (i am looking for a 30gb partition)00:31
maxbFFForver: Please could you run "blkid -g; blkid" as root, and pastebin the output?00:31
maxbFFForver: run like that, the sudo only applied to the first command - please "sudo blkid" and see if it reports any more00:33
maxbRight, so, you have two Linux data partitions, sda1 and sda600:34
maxbYou have one Linux swapspace partition, sda500:34
maxbYou have two Windows partitions, sda3 and sda400:34
maxbYou have one extended partition, sda2, which CONTAINS sda5 and sda600:35
FFForverwhat is an extended partition?00:35
maxbThe basic format of a partition table can contain only 4 partitions00:35
maxbAn extended partition escapes this limit by containing other partitions00:35
maxbThe asterisk in the fdisk -l output shows sda3 is marked as bootable. In grub terminology this is (hd0,2)00:36
maxbGrub numbers the partitions starting at zero, hence 2, not 300:37
FFForvertitle Windows-7 root (hd0, 2) chainloader +100:38
FFForverlike that?00:38
maxbthere must not be a space inside the root specification00:38
FFForverso root(hd0,2)00:38
FFForveror root (hd0,2)00:38
maxbthe last one00:39
FFForverhere goes nothing =P00:40
|newbie|i have installed jaunty + kde 4.2, when i try to enter in KDE stop on background01:47
|newbie|i have nvidia 18001:47
|newbie|plz help me01:50
|newbie|does anybody here....help me01:57
bernzyou probably already know this, but you should be able to switch to a text terminal with ALT+Fx (1..4 or whatever)01:59
bernzand from there, of course, you can diagnose all sorts of crap01:59
bernzas for the problems you might be having, use the simplest video driver possible (vesa or something like that) and go for a low, safe resolution like 640x480/800x600/1024x76802:00
bernzbut surely the best place to start digging is in a log of some sort (sorry, can't say off the top of my head where that log would be or what it would be called)02:00
bernzsorry if my suggestions are too generic, but i'm not familiar with 'nvidia 180'02:02
andersk|newbie|: bug 32634402:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326344 in xorg-server "compiz/kwin freezes on login as of xorg-server" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32634402:03
anderskThis is fixed; you will just need to wait for the update to propogate to your mirror, and run an upgrade.02:03
|newbie|andersk: but effects are disable02:04
|newbie|andersk: and i don't use compiz02:06
anderskIt happens with any compositing window manager.  kwin is one, possibly even if effects are disabled.02:07
bernz(note: my suggestion of ALT+Fx should instead be CTRL-ALT-Fx)02:07
anderskTry installing the xserver-xorg-core update; it is available on archive.ubuntu.com now.  Then, if you still see the problem after restarting X, you'll know it is a different bug.02:08
anderskEr, oops, wrong version!02:09
brucealdridgeis anyone there?02:10
hggdhjust about 161 people, yes02:18
bernzi think you mean "is anyone at their keyboards?" :-)02:21
woody86does anyone know why when conky starts automatically on start-up, it disappears after a second or two but keeps running behind the desktop?02:42
woody86I didn't have this problem with 8.1002:42
wd4lkoctl+alt+1 - 6 has weird looking text like binary or signs, anybody else have that ?02:59
wd4lkomeant ctrl alt F1-F603:00
burneranyone know why my twinview b0rked on an nvidia card using 180 in the past week or two?03:14
burnerIt just says it can't display anything on my second monitor03:14
diginuxhow do i disable ipv6 in jaunty?03:16
IntuitiveNipplediginux: did you see my reply in the previous channel?03:18
burneri don't think ip6 is enabled by default03:19
burnermy network manager only shows ipv4 and if i do an ifconfig, i only see v4 addresses03:20
IntuitiveNippleIPV6 is enabled by default.03:21
IntuitiveNippleTo disable it, echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv603:21
diginuxIntuitiveNipple: wont that info be lost when i reboot?03:27
diginuxIntuitiveNipple: root@heisenberg:/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all# touch disable_ipv603:30
diginuxtouch: cannot touch `disable_ipv6': No such file or directory03:30
diginuxroot@heisenberg:/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv603:30
diginuxbash: /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6: No such file or directory03:30
IntuitiveNippleCheck the parent directories... see what's there03:31
diginuxburner: was root03:33
diginuxIntuitiveNipple: root@heisenberg:/proc/sys/net/ipv6# find . -name disable*03:34
diginuxIntuitiveNipple: returns nothing03:34
diginuxIntuitiveNipple: any other ideas?03:37
brucealdridgeI think everyone is dead03:38
IntuitiveNippleWell, if the pwd is the ipv6 directory, there's some ipv6 there03:39
diginuxyes, i need to disable it03:42
diginuxcan i put something in grub?03:42
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burneris there a way other than ifconfig or network manager to see if ipv6 is actually running?04:16
Amaranthburner: ping ::1?04:19
burnerping: unknown host ::104:19
burnerok, i don't need to disable it, i don't even use it?  or... I should disable because I don't even use it?04:20
histoIt doesn't matter04:20
histoonly .45% of the online people in the us are using it anyways04:21
burnerfor sure... I'd be l33t and cool if I did though right?  I doubt my netgear can kick up ipv6 dhcp though :\04:21
Amaranthburner: IPv6 slows down DNS requests04:26
burnerI've had horror stories of ipv6 on Vista causing all kinds of network slowdown04:29
* burner has nightmares about Vista sometimes04:29
leftyfbanyone know if compiz 0.8 will be included in 9.04?04:41
spr0k3tno clue on that one... sorry04:47
SwedeMike2.6.28-7 has a graphics regression, so if you have intel gm4500 graphics you might want to wait. 2.6.28-6 works though.05:26
SwedeMikeI have opened a launchpad bug.05:26
dfgaswhat is the command to start the installer program?05:47
Amaranthwow, serious io problems06:16
Amaranthheavy IO == desktop completely freezes06:16
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FFForeverhow do i play mkv files?, the default movie player is laggy =\06:43
FFForeverand vlc shows no video =(06:44
FFForeveranyone know a ppa for 9.04 with vlc beta =P06:48
PeddyI'm running Alpha 4 with all the latest updates, and suspend does not work for me. pm-suspend does not return anything (it just exits), and clicking 'suspend' in Gnome does nothing. Is there a known workaround, or a bug report, or a known reason why it isn't working? Thanks.06:56
SwedeMikeFFForever: 9.04 seems to have graphics performance issues, at least on my intel 4500 gfx card06:57
SwedeMike8.10 did not exhibit these problems06:57
AmaranthSwedeMike: enable UXA06:57
SwedeMikeAmaranth: add "AccelMethod UXA" to xorg.conf and that's it?06:58
AmaranthOption "AccelMethod" "UXA"06:58
SwedeMikewill do that when I come home.06:58
SwedeMikethanks for the pointer06:59
Amaranththat'll get you performance improvements and redirected direct rendering (3D working great with compiz)06:59
FFForeverworks fine 4 me on other video formats =P07:00
FFForeverill give mplayer a shot in a moment =)07:00
FFForevermplayer: Depends: libx264-59 (>= 1:0.svn20080408) but it is not installable07:01
macoSwedeMike: well its being tested in jaunty07:01
FFForeveri cant install mplayer....07:01
macoSwedeMike: theyre looking for feedback at wiki.ubuntu.com/X/UxaTesting07:01
PeddyMy problem above also occurs in Hibernate.07:02
SwedeMikemaco: I'll do that as well!07:03
SwedeMikePeddy: what hardware is this?07:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Incomplete]07:04
PeddySwedeMike, Nvidia 8800 with nvidia-glx-173 (180 doesn't work either), both suspend and hibernate worked out-of-the box in Intrepid. Do you want to know any other h/w specs?07:04
DanaGHappens with Intrepid.07:05
* DanaG joins #ubuntu, too.07:05
SwedeMikePeddy: ah, I thought it was a laptop, sorry, I don't have any experience with desktops in that aspect.07:06
PeddySwedeMike, no problem. I found something obscure, and it looks like the bug's only affecting 64-bit.07:06
macoPeddy: check for bios updates07:07
Peddymaco, for the video card or motherboard?07:07
macomobo bios bugs can cause weird things, and 32v64 hardware incompatibility falls into that category07:08
Peddymaco, my mobo BIOS rev is the latest :/07:08
Peddythe suspend 'quirk-checker' says nvidia binary driver is unsupported, but it's always worked in previous releases. Also, when I use nv instead of nvidia, it still fails.07:10
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PeddyYep, 'nv' definitely doesn't work either.07:13
macoalso possible for there to be a bios bug that hasnt been fixed by the bios vendor yet07:16
macofor ex, there's a bug where certain machines reboot during booting on 64bit if there's exactly 4gb of memory.07:17
macofor *some* affected machines, there's a new bios. the others are SOL07:17
DanaG**** out of luck.07:19
DanaGasterisks are me typing asterisks.  =P07:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Incomplete]07:59
DanaGShould I mark that confirmed?08:01
c_kornhello. why is there no current daily image? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/08:35
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Oli``firefox intermittently locking up for anyone else at the moment?10:36
robin0800Oli``: No10:59
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thehookis it possible to dist-upgrade to jaunty? or do I have to make a fresh install?11:59
ikoniathehook: you can upgrade12:02
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:02
thehookikonia: thanks :)12:04
thehookand then I get alpha4 or nightly build?12:04
thehookikonia: on the upgrade page it says no12:06
thehookwell not exactly no, but don't mention it12:07
ikoniathehook: where (sorry not got it open)12:07
ikoniathehook: because that update site is for "stable" release details12:07
thehookok, ill try anyway ;)12:07
thehookbut how do I force it to upgrade when it tells me "No new release found" ?12:09
thehookaah :) -d12:10
kuaeraOou, another update to the fglrx driver! I wonder if it works yet.12:11
thehookhow is it with the nvidia driver and the new xserver in jaunty now?12:16
BUGabundothehook: if you mean if it is broken: YES12:16
thehookBUGabundo: hehe, thats what I meant :P12:17
SebastianSince yesterday I only get a blank screen after boot and Xorg eats 100% CPU.12:17
SebastianIntel chip with Intel driver.12:18
thehookSebastian: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/30487112:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed]12:18
thehookSebastian: Users of Intel i845 or i865 video chipsets are unable to load X, getting an error message of "Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer". Users on these systems are advised to wait for a resolution to this bug before upgrading.12:19
SebastianHow can I downgrade?12:19
BUGabundoSebastian: open synaptic look for that package12:21
BUGabundoctrl+e and choose older version12:21
BUGabundoif you still have it on cache12:22
ali1234i'm getting the same thing, it isn't that bug but another12:22
ali1234yesterday X was working fine with latest packages, today - black screen12:22
ali1234X is loading, i hear the startup sound - but no display12:23
ali1234i found that if i select recovery mode, then "resume boot" (without actually doing anything) then X works12:23
thehookBUGabundo: how can he open synaptic without X? :P12:24
ali1234this with i945 chipset btw12:25
BUGabundoyou can use apt12:25
BUGabundobut I don't know the exact sintax12:25
thehookme neither..12:25
BUGabundoyou have to use --force and the name and version of the package12:25
BUGabundomaybe maco knows? ping12:25
thehooki can do a quick check if not :)12:26
BUGabundocwillu is sleeping too12:26
BUGabundoask on #ubuntu-devel12:26
BUGabundoor even on  #ubuntu12:26
thehookquick read here http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux-help/113053-apt-get-older-versions-applications.html12:27
thehookshould help you with the syntax at least12:28
BUGabundome? you are the one who needs it12:28
thehookBUGabundo: no not you, Sebastian :p12:29
Sebastianthehook: I was more wondering which package to downgrade. Because it does not seem to be xserver-xorg-video-intel. I just got a new version of that package and still have the same issue.12:31
thehookSebastian: I guess their testing it out, try to get a even older version of that12:34
thehookBUGabundo1: you're using nvidia graphics?12:34
thehookBUGabundo1: how bad is it? I'm arguing with my self about trying alpha4 on my laptop :P12:35
BUGabundo1thehook: you can try the livecd12:37
BUGabundo1but wait a few more days until the bug is fixed12:37
BUGabundo1using NV suck12:37
BUGabundo1SUCKS big time12:37
BUGabundo1video is CPU intensive, screen flickrs12:37
BUGabundo1stuff like that12:37
thehookI just nuoght a new laptop with geforce 9600 gt12:38
thehookBUGabundo1: no matter what or? cause that is exactly why i bought a new laptop with 512mb dedicated ddr3 on graphics12:39
ali1234Sebastian: try booting in recovery mode then selecting the first option from the menu (resume booting)12:39
oCean_hi, is there somewhere one can confirm successful installation (i.e. hardware/components used etc)?12:49
dnssystem > administration > hardware testing ?12:51
oCean_I mean somewhere to share I just installed alpha4.. Network works, (after minor fix) - sound works, etc. Others might be interested?12:54
dnspost the info on the wiki perhaps12:55
bardyrHey, i have a problem with network-manager not managing my lan interface, how can i tell it to manage eth0?12:55
oCean_dns: something like that indeed. I just wondered if there is an appropriate place to do so12:56
dnsbardyr i believe nework manager does not touch any interfaces that have been configured with the /etc/network/interfaces config file, if you want network manager to manage your card remove it from that file12:56
dnsoCean_ i have no idea myself, but if it is a popular off the shelf piece of hardware it may be useful to have a page on the wiki and your hardware submitted to the hardware database12:58
oCean_dns: I agree. Would be a useful database I guess. Just to specify the machine (laptop in this case) it's main components/chipsets (sound,video,wlan) and whether is worked out of the box, or (if fixed) what the fix was13:01
dnsoCean_ that's what the wizard does, i think there where some brainstorm ideas of intergrating the hardware db closely with launchpad so you could submit your hardware and file bugs against what doesn't work13:04
mrpis there a way to use the alternate cd to install without a network?13:04
dnsyes, it will install a basic system like the live cd, it just does it by installing the debs instead of copying the cd itself13:05
dnsit is only that if you have the network you can also apply updates on the fly13:06
mrpevery time and i run "Selec and install software" it fails13:06
mrpis there a log i can look at13:06
dns/var/log/installer  or it may be /target/var/log/installer13:07
mrpill try alpha 4 tomorrow13:11
dnsdon't try it on your main/production machine unless you know how to fix it13:12
BonezAUi just pulled out an old IBM T40 from the cupboard and installed Jaunty Alpha 4 on it. Can't get the IBM trackpad to work... anyone experienced this? Google and launchpad make no mention of it13:25
BonezAUTouchpad always has worked in previous versions of ubuntu13:25
vbgunzIt feels like right when performance was great, its starting to take a nose dive13:34
vbgunzin regards to nvidia and compositing in jaunty on twinview...13:35
vbgunzin 8.10, I had a GeForce 5600 (256MB, AGP 4x) and twinview felt great. In Jaunty, using a 7900GTX,7950GX2 (2x512MB, PCI-E 16x) it feels choppy. prior I had a single core 2.6GHz. Now I have a Quad 2.6GHz processor. why does compositing feel worse in a sense now on twinview?13:38
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mrpBonezAU: check the release notes under known issues13:45
mrpvbgunz: in jaunty they have upgraded X server but they say it will take while for drivers to catch up13:46
mrpvbgunz: "The latest X.Org server, version 1.6, is available in Jaunty. In the short term, this will again cause increased instability for some users while the proprietary video drivers catch up. "13:47
vbgunzits not unbearable. its just really wierd how such an improved system feels about 10% of a 100% working system with far less power, etc.I hope I this doesn't stay like this13:53
PiciThats how alphas are.  They are a work in process.13:54
jronanyone here of people losing their close, minimize, and maximize buttons after updating?13:55
jronjust installed 70 or so packages and now my buttons are gone... but they still work if i guess where they are heheh13:55
jrontried changing the theme and it is still the same way13:55
kristjanI couldn't resist installing Jaunty - is it safe to install nvidia as of today with all updates?13:56
kristjanjron, what gtk style?13:56
* surfaz is away: Estoy comiendo, escribir mi nombre para que el Xchat me avise13:56
vbgunzkristjan: if you can bear a performance hit, other than that, they seem stable so far. try them and tell me if you experience a hit in your performance13:57
kristjanvbgunz, well with nv I can't play even medium sized video well13:58
wd4lkoCtrl Alt F1-F6 has weird looking text like binary or signs, anybody else have that ? The screen looks like its moved to the left !13:58
kristjanwd4lko, same here - try booting without  'splash'13:58
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jronkristjan: all of them are not working13:59
wd4lkokristjan: take splash out of grub ?13:59
Picijron: Is compiz enabled? Have you tried disabling it?14:00
kristjanwd4lko, yes.14:00
wd4lkook THANKS ill try it14:00
jronPici: lol, it was enabled. I feel like an idiot. =)14:02
kristjandoes totem crash for anybody today?14:02
jronthank you for the help; i didn't know that was default now14:02
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bardyrHey, i keep getting no space left on device errors is this a known error?14:20
billybigriggeranyone having a problem on the server install not being able to select anything??? i boot the .iso, then select install ubuntu server, then i get to the screen where i select my language and i cant do anything...no up or down, and cant select english, but the keyboard works on the screen before it where i select install, boot first hard disk, or check the cd??? nothing on google about this...14:23
mvoapt transition in jaunty in progress, please be a bit careful with the upgrades just now14:41
Picimvo: Thanks for the heads up14:46
jpedrozaGood morning, Can anyone tell me the status of getting nvidia-glx-180 working under Jaunty?14:57
bardyrjpedroza, its working14:57
kristjan_vbgunz, nvidia drivers seem to be fine (but I haven't tested compiz or anything 3d cause I hate effects)14:57
jpedrozabardyr: So I can install nvidia-glx-180 without it removing my X server?14:58
billybigriggeranyone having a problem on the server install not being able to select anything??? i boot the .iso, then select install ubuntu server, then i get to the screen where i select my language and i cant do anything...no up or down, and cant select english, but the keyboard works on the screen before it where i select install, boot first hard disk, or check the cd??? nothing on google about this...14:58
bardyrjpedroza, you have been able to do that for a while now14:58
vbgunzyou dont have to enable any kind of special effects. if your system can handle it, you should feel an immediate performance boost from just picking opengl over anything else you may get natively14:58
jpedrozabardyr: When I run sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 I still get the message that all my xorg packages will be removed.14:59
bardyrjpedroza, sudo apt-get update ?14:59
jpedrozabardyr: done14:59
jpedrozabardyr: and upgrade as well15:00
jpedrozabardyr: sO EVERYTHING SHOULD BE CURRENT15:00
jpedrozaSorry, caps lock15:00
gnomefreakwait for updated nvidia packages15:00
diginuxhow do i disable ipv6 in jaunty?15:01
bardyrgnomefreak, i have been able to install nvidia-glx-180 without any problems15:01
jpedrozaI have installed the binary drivers from nvidia's site and set IgnoraABI in my xorg.conf file, but I am getting an X freeze when I try and launch any apps.15:01
diginuxand why would anyone ever build ipv6 into the kernel instead of having it as a module like it was before?15:02
bardyrjpedroza, use the 180.27 driver it supports the new x server15:02
jpedrozabardyr: Do I still need to set IgnoreABI?15:02
bardyrjpedroza, no15:02
jpedrozabardyr: I installed 180.27 and that is what started the freeze issue.15:03
bardyrjpedroza, what gfx card do you have?15:03
jpedrozabardyr: 8600M15:03
bardyrjpedroza, weird 180.27 has been the best driver for my 7.6k go card ever15:03
BUGabundodiginux: to improve speed, MOST modules are getting into the kernel15:04
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jpedrozabardyr: Did you install from nvidia script or apt?15:05
diginuxBUGabundo: but like 1% of the population probably uses ipv6 ?15:05
diginuxBUGabundo: and there should at least be a simple way to disable it15:05
jpedrozadiginux: IF I remember correctly, you can disable IPv6 in the config scripts for the interface15:08
diginuxjpedroza: any idea where to look? i have tried everything, asked here, on #ubuntu, on forums, googled, etc.15:09
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv415:09
diginuxubottu: that doesnt talk about jaunty, that article assumes ipv6 is a module, not built in like it is now15:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:09
diginuxPici: ^^15:10
diginuxi need to talk to an intelligent person and not a bot15:10
jpedrozadiginux: Look in /etc/sysconfig/netwrok-scripts15:10
BUGabundodiginux: even if just 1% uses it, in the future more and more will use it15:10
BUGabundoif some user in two years gets his hands on a Jaunty CD, why shouldn't he have ipv615:11
BUGabundoand what do you have against it ?15:11
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diginuxBUGabundo: it broke my system, that's what :)15:11
PiciHow so?15:11
diginuxPici: dns won't work because my isp's dns doesn't support ipv615:11
BUGabundodiginux: file a bug then15:12
BUGabundoit *should* work15:13
BUGabundoactually there's alredy a bug opened for that15:13
diginuxBUGabundo: im not sure its a bug, but rather my isp not playing nicely15:13
Piciipv6 being enabled shouldn't break anything if your isp doesn't support it.15:13
BUGabundopici but it does15:13
BUGabundothere have been _several_ users reporting so15:13
bardyrjpedroza, apt15:13
diginuxPici: well if i change to a diff dns server that supports ipv6, everything works, if i use my usual dns but do something like wget -4, or change firefox to use ipv4 then everything works too15:13
BUGabundoI think its more routers then ISPs15:14
BUGabundobut still15:14
diginuxBUGabundo: disagree, my testing would say otherwise15:14
BUGabundocomment that on the bug then15:14
diginuxi will, do you have a link?>15:14
BUGabundogoogle ?15:15
diginuxive actually found another major bug, kernel 2.6.28-7-generic does not work with encrypted filesystems, when it boots it just sits there and doesnt give a password prompt15:15
diginuxBUGabundo: ok ill google, you made it sound like you had it handy :)15:15
BUGabundobug 15539315:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 155393 in ubuntu "Internet extremely slow in Gutsy/Intrepid after upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15539315:16
BUGabundobug 31321815:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313218 in glibc "IPV6 causes slow internet access" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31321815:16
BUGabundobug 29108515:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291085 in network-manager "web browsing extremely slow" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29108515:16
BUGabundobug 313218 jaunty15:16
BUGabundoits even nominated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+nominations15:16
jpedrozabardyr: Looks like whatever update happened to xorg this morning (on my machine anyway) has fixed the issue I was having. kde is working great now,a nd apps will launch. This is with nvidia 180.27 and IgnoreABI switched off.15:18
bardyrjpedroza, their was a problem with xorg/compiz and the nvidia driver that got fixed with todays updates15:19
BUGabundolooking for an app that allow me to broadcast my desktop! suggestions?15:22
nicomenlibcaca + twitter?15:23
geniiBUGabundo: I have a friend who just points his webcam at the monitor, then streams that15:23
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BUGabundo@genii cool idea! but not what my friend is looking for15:24
jpedrozabardyr: Looks like that was my prob, cause once again it is rock solid. :)15:25
bardyrBUGabundo, VLC15:25
DanaGWoah, 118 updates.15:26
billybigriggeranyone having a problem on the server install not being able to select anything??? i boot the .iso, then select install ubuntu server, then i get to the screen where i select my language and i cant do anything...no up or down, and cant select english, but the keyboard works on the screen before it where i select install, boot first hard disk, or check the cd??? nothing on google about this...15:34
DanaGyay, fixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lsb/+bug/29154315:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 291543 in lsb "usplash screen corruption on some init.d scripts" [Low,Fix released]15:34
UncleGanyone familiar with pbm2g3?15:42
geniiUncleG: I've used some of these converters before when I had mgetty-sendfax on a dedicated box as a fax gateway15:47
UncleGwell, my problem being when I convert to g3 and send the faxes come out 1/3 the normal size15:48
geniiUncleG: Work needs me. I'll be back in 3-5 minutes15:48
UncleGill wait15:49
geniiUncleG: There aren't many options for sizing in that app, unfortunately. They have a width option -w    which you could try15:54
UncleGthe only one I can use is 172815:54
geniiUncleG: Setting to 0 will try to use the original page width15:54
UncleGotherwise sendfax will not work15:55
geniiAh, sendfax then15:55
UncleGI tried that too15:55
UncleGstill no luck15:55
gnomefreakbardyr: with last nvidia-common might have messed it up. i was able to install 173 a few weeks ago i havent tried since15:55
BUGabundobardyr: does VLC capture desktop???15:55
BUGabundodiginux: I see you comment on the bug15:56
geniiUncleG: sendfax knows about regular tiff files and will try on-the-fly conversion to g2/g315:57
genii(g2/g3 is just actually a tiff file really)15:57
UncleGI see.15:57
UncleGHow would I know what width to make it15:58
UncleGis the 1728 pixels?15:58
geniiUncleG: 1728 is what sendfax can send when it is piped to it. If you send directly a tiff to sendfax it tries on-the-fly to resize it to what it can use16:00
UncleGemci see16:00
geniiUncleG: You could use convert or pnmtotiff and experiment with resizing16:00
UncleGemcI will attempt it, my only problem is that I can't actually see what it looks like since the fax machine is in town and im at home.16:01
UncleGemcunless you have a fax machine and live in the US :P16:01
UncleGemcfile may be 'tiffg3' - TIFF file format is *not* supported!16:09
UncleGemc         Thus, fax transmission will most propably fail16:09
DrHalanhave there been any news about the new notification system that may go into jaunty?16:24
BUGabundoDrHalan: yeah16:25
BUGabundoI've seen some ballons behaving diferently16:25
BUGabundoand asac is working hard on Firefox lib16:25
BUGabundowelcome maco16:25
DrHalanhm i can choose between two themes but tehy dont behave like the proposal..16:30
zdobersekUsing Belkin Wireless USB adapter and Thomson router with SpeedTouch, I cannot open pages in Firefox or get Weather Report updated. I can, however, browse speedtouch.lan and change router's settings. NetworkManager is also connectedto the wireless network and receiving satisfying signal strength.16:31
zdobersekI've noticed some recent changes browsing jaunty-changes archive that mention SpeedTouch. Is this the reason for this issue? In Intrepid, everything works fine, of course.16:31
UncleGemcgenii: can you pm me?16:34
UncleGemcdoes anyone in here live in the USA and are willing to accept a fax from me and tell me if it sent correctly?16:34
UncleGemcdoes anyone in here live in the USA and are willing to accept a fax from me and tell me if it sent correctly?16:38
billybigriggeranyone having a problem on the server install not being able to select anything??? i boot the .iso, then select install ubuntu server, then i get to the screen where i select my language and i cant do anything...no up or down, and cant select english, but the keyboard works on the screen before it where i select install, boot first hard disk, or check the cd??? nothing on google about this...16:39
UncleGemcsorry~ wrong room16:39
FFForeverSup people?16:41
FFForeverdoes anyone have a ppa for jaunty with the latest ffmpeg and vlc?16:41
FFForeveryo DanaG u around?16:53
FFForevermplayer: Depends: libx264-59 (>= 1:0.svn20080408) but it is not installable E: Broken packages16:54
DanaGOh yyyyyyyyyyyyyeah,16:54
zniavrebug 32609816:54
DanaGsorry, my keyboard is feeling a bit squishy, so I was trying to hold down a key to fix it.16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326098 in xawtv "xawtv.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in memcpy()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32609816:54
FFForeverDanaG, can i ignore the x264 dependency for now?16:55
DrHalanhm...engimail is only avaible for thunderbird2? :(16:56
DanaGBeats me -- I haven't dealt with those packages.16:56
gnomefreakFFForever: libx264-59 is already the newest version. is mine16:56
FFForevergnomefreak, i just want player =)16:56
DanaGI'm not an official Ubuntu dev; I'm just a savvy user.16:56
FFForeveri upgraded from 8.10 though16:56
gnomefreakFFForever: in jaunty mplayer installs fine16:57
zniavreFFForever: i installed this lib found in ubuntu-packages for intrepid and it works quite well16:57
FFForeverzniavre, wanna email me da package =)16:57
FFForevergnomefreak, i think its because i upgraded from an 8.10 install....16:58
FFForevercould it be my repo?16:58
gnomefreakintrepid is in #ubuntu please16:59
gnomefreakFFForever: this is upgrade as well16:59
zniavrejust for this libs im sorry16:59
zniavrea kind of workaround   :o)16:59
FFForeverdo u guys happen 2 know a ppa with vlc 0.9.9 or higher? (for jaunty)17:01
FFForeverzniavre, nice =)17:01
FFForeverOpening video decoder: [realvid] RealVideo decoder17:02
FFForeverError: /usr/lib/codecs/drvc.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:02
mahfiazI'm getting empty window manager bars with compiz on  nVidia Corporation Quadro NVS 140M, is this known problem?17:02
FFForeveri gave up with compiz =P17:03
ali1234does anybody else have the problem that the gnome shut down and log out screens are not themed the same as the rest of gnome? they have the default buttons, fonts, and icons17:04
mahfiazare these driver or compiz problems?17:05
ali1234mahfiaz: i'm getting the same thing with today's compiz update and intel graphics17:05
kristjan_ali1234, not really - after all it's alpha.17:05
ali1234kristjan_: not really what?17:06
mahfiazkristjan, selge see, et alfa, aga tore ju oleks, kui miskit töötaks17:06
kristjan_ali1234, " does anybody else have the problem that the gnome shut down and log out screens are not themed the same as the rest of gnome?"17:06
henkeanybody else having problems with dbus-daemon along with a few other processes sucking up 100% cpu?17:07
mahfiazhenke, I have gnome-thumbnail-font eating CPU every time it is started, but nothing else17:08
henkemahfiaz: that's not it.. my dbus-daemon is stuck doing something, and I think it drags other processes with it17:11
unixdawgok few apps not working : myth mplayer kmplayer17:11
henkealso my gvfsd leaks memory so after some day it takes over 3 gb17:14
mahfiazthat sounds bad17:14
bardyrBUGabundo, vlc can capture the desktop and stream it in any format17:16
BUGabundobardyr: yes... I just manage to make it work17:17
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bardyrBUGabundo, hows it working? im planning to use it myself17:17
henkeby doing a strace I can see that dbus-daemon and a few other processes seem to get EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable) when reading a socket and falling through the 'poll' calls immediately, thus using lots of cpu. Is there some way to figure out what the culprit could be?17:20
BUGabundoat 10FPS17:20
unixdawghow do I find what apps use oss17:21
unixdawgI am having issues with oss/alsa fighting over ports17:21
unixdawgand I cant get my voip software to work correctly its not picking up audio from the mic17:22
bardyrunixdawg, select the correct input source in gnome mixer?17:22
bardyrunixdawg, thats the common problem for me17:23
unixdawgnot on knome17:23
unixdawgon kde17:23
unixdawgkde 4.217:23
bardyrunixdawg, same shit different interface17:23
ubottuPlease watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!17:24
unixdawgits only a issue with it not getting audio from the mic17:24
Amaranthunixdawg: aoss will make oss apps use alsa17:24
Amaranth!info aoss17:24
ubottuPackage aoss does not exist in jaunty17:24
Amaranth!info alsa-oss17:25
ubottualsa-oss (source: alsa-oss): ALSA wrapper for OSS applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.17-1 (jaunty), package size 52 kB, installed size 224 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa i386 ia64 lpia m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc)17:25
unixdawgok installed let me test17:26
=== Chriz is now known as Chriz2
Chriz2anyone know how i can access my ubuntu install from windows 7?17:29
mahfiazwhat filesystem?17:30
Chriz2i tried the fs-driver.org one but well uhhh no go windows wants 2 wipe it17:30
FunnyLookinHatYeah, then you're probably out of luck.17:30
AmaranthYou're going to need the userland one17:30
FunnyLookinHatfs-driver is the only method I know of to get to an ext2/3 filesystem from windows.17:30
Chriz2userland one?17:30
AmaranthI wouldn't trust the kernel driver in Vista or Win717:30
Chriz2where do i get it =)17:31
mahfiazAmaranth, there is no microsoft driver for ext2, stop worrying17:31
Amaranthmahfiaz: ....17:31
AmaranthAnyway... http://www.chrysocome.net/explore2fs17:32
ali1234ext2 ifs (fs-driver.org) doesn't work with very large ext3 partitions (like 1TB)17:33
Chriz2no dice =(17:33
ali1234as i found out recently :(17:33
Chriz2its only 80gb....17:33
ali1234oh that should work fine17:34
ali1234note that it adds a control panel icon that you have to use to mount the device, the regular windows disk manager still wont recognize it17:34
AmaranthChriz2: explore2fs doesn't work either?17:34
AmaranthChriz2: Did you safely unmount this partition in linux? You didn't hibernate it or anything, did you?17:35
Chriz2it found the partitions just wouldn't show the files....17:35
Chriz2Amaranth i did a full reboot into windows =P17:35
AmaranthChriz2: And this is ext3 in "ext2 with a journal" mode?17:35
AmaranthYou're not using ext4, you didn't turn on any of the features in ext3 that aren't compatible with ext2?17:36
Chriz2Amaranth this was an upgrade from 8.10 =)17:36
Chriz2so no ext4 even if i wanted....17:36
AmaranthChriz2: If neither one of those tools work I'd say the answer is "you can't do that"17:37
billybigriggeranyone having a problem on the server install not being able to select anything??? i boot the .iso, then select install ubuntu server, then i get to the screen where i select my language and i cant do anything...no up or down, and cant select english, but the keyboard works on the screen before it where i select install, boot first hard disk, or check the cd??? nothing on google about this...17:43
unixdawgok alsa-oss fixed the issue17:53
unixdawgI now have softphoine17:53
unixdawgother then mythtv what is a good app for using a pc tvtunercard18:04
bardyrunixdawg, i like me tv for all tour dvb needs18:05
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unixdawgxawtv works18:13
unixdawgI need to get a newer card thou18:13
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bardyrHey, i get [13560.600107] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 918:36
bardyrbut isnt /dev/sr0 my cdrom drive with no cd in it?18:36
macoanyone getting 404s on a bunch of packages in main?18:51
unixdawgok mplayer is still borked18:59
CarlFKthis still works in 8.4, but a recient  jaunty update 00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1)19:00
cwillumaco, your package list is probably out of date19:11
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WizzupHello there. I have just upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha, and I am having problems with nvidia drivers19:39
DrHalanhow can i remove gedits backups?19:39
WizzupThe update seems to have removed the drivers19:39
PiciWelcome to Jaunty19:39
TheInfinityPici: :D19:39
WizzupI don't think I should even respond to that...19:40
idleoneWizzup, jaunty is still very very fresh so there are going to be issues19:41
WizzupI understand, but such a comment isn't really appreciated.19:42
idleoneAlpha 4 means that this is the 4th attempt at not screwing things up lol well guess what....19:42
idleoneWizzup, Pici was just trying to lighten the mood. you will find that Pici is a very helpful and funny person at times when he isnt being a tool lol19:43
PiciWizzup: I didn't mean it in a bad way. Its just that we get a lot of people here assuming that the alphas will work. /me points at topic19:43
burnerWizzup: que pasa?  they're working for me19:43
* burner installed via a binary from nvidia.com awhile back when the nvidia-180 drivers weren't working19:44
burnerbut all seems with well the disto packs for me currently except for twinview19:44
WizzupI'll mess with it some more and report back19:46
burnerWizzup: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 work?19:46
WizzupDoing that atm19:46
WizzupI first though we were supposed to use nouveau19:46
burneryou have a newer card?19:46
burneryeah cool... 180 should work19:47
burnernouveau is neat in being open, but I like compiz & opengl19:47
WizzupSame. :p19:47
Wizzuplet's try19:47
burnerbest of luck19:47
burnerWizzup: i'm curious if you have dual-head?19:48
unixdawganyone working to fix kssh19:50
unixdawgI miss xmms why would they kill such a great project19:51
zniavreyou should hav a try to audacious19:51
zniavrexmms clone19:52
burneryeah, audacious is gtk2... xmms is tooooo old skewl for my tastes19:52
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.19:52
Wizzupburner: I do not think so. TwimView works for me, by the way19:53
WizzupI do recall that Seperate X Screen did not work for me @ Intrepid19:53
unixdawgit lacks alot of the functionality and plugins19:53
unixdawgxmms was/is still better19:54
unixdawgit should be put back in19:54
cwilluunixdawg, which?19:54
cwilluunixdawg fails :(19:54
WizzupI have been using ps xua | grep compiz19:54
WizzupWait, nevermind.19:55
cwilluWizzup, nvidia-180 is missing alot of functionality and plugins ;p19:55
WizzupCompiz seems to get new process id's all the time19:55
Wizzup6660  0.0  0.0   3292   784 pts/2    R+   20:55   0:00 grep compiz19:56
Wizzup6662  0.0  0.0   3292   800 pts/2    S+   20:55   0:00 grep compiz19:56
WizzupI am an idiot.19:56
WizzupNevermind me.19:56
burnernvidia-180 is missing functionality and plugins?  like what??19:57
unixdawgsorry fell off19:59
WizzupWell, at the moment I fear that glxgears for example still uses my CPU. What was the easy way to find out if direct render was on?19:59
cwilluburner, I was mocking unixdawg in his absence :p19:59
cwilluunixdawg, hi :)19:59
cwilluunixdawg, "xmms was/is better" than which?19:59
burnerWizzup: glxinfo |grep direct19:59
WizzupSeems to be on.20:00
WizzupIt still eats my CPU though20:00
unixdawgit has alot more plugins and it played by dir so you could just choose a dir and play it20:01
unixdawgaudacious does not seem to have this function20:01
burnerunixdawg: have the -plugins and -plugins-extra packages?20:01
cwilluunixdawg, did you see the other options?20:01
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.20:01
unixdawgI do not see the plugings in jaunty repos20:02
zniavreunixdawg:  there is a lot os nautilus script play/enqueue with audacious20:02
zniavreos> of *20:02
burnerunixdawg: add files, find a directory and click the add button?  how hard is that?20:02
unixdawgit needs the ability to play whole dir20:03
burnerunixdawg: it can20:03
WizzupI fear that even though you have helped me alot, I will just reinstall Ubuntu 8.10. Thanks though20:03
burnerunixdawg: instead of double-clicking... highlight a directory and click add20:03
burnerWizzup: best of luck... you could always try the nvidia.com drivers20:03
cwilluburner, gah20:03
cwilluburner, don't suggest that :p20:03
Wizzupburner: the 180's seem to work, sort of, but sound doesn't work either20:04
Wizzupand compiz won't even start20:04
burnercwillu: mind your own business :P  nvidia.com is where the nvidia-180's are created from20:04
Wizzuphey.. it just statred.20:04
burneris metacity compositing started?20:04
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burneroh, awesome :)20:04
cwilluburner, yes, of course, but repackaged, and not doing things that our devs dislike20:04
burnercwillu: maybe that's why my dual-head is busted ;)20:05
cwilluburner, did you know that installing the nvidia.com driver and removing it can break nvidia-glx-* even after purging?  (a symlink gets screwed up)20:05
cwillu(bug's been reported, and the maintainer doesn't care:  "you installed nvidia.com, you're on your own, we can't support it")20:05
burnercwillu: works here... i did just that before teh nvidia-180s worked in alpha320:05
WizzupThanks guys!20:06
* burner is content being on his own... viva freedom!20:06
cwilluburner, okay, but that doesn't mean that recommending it to others is a good thing :)20:06
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/20:06
burnercwillu: if he's going back to 8.10 anyway, who cares... it might have fixed things!20:07
SwedeMikeAmaranth / maco: oki, I have UXA enabled now, mplayer still behaves identically (jerky playback), should I do some special -vo mode in mplayer?20:07
* burner concedes the point and refrains from advising nvidia binaries20:07
cwilluSwedeMike, running compiz?20:08
SwedeMikecwillu: yes.20:08
cwilluis sync to vblank on?20:08
SwedeMikehow can I tell?20:08
cwilludo you have the compiz settings manager installed?20:08
SwedeMikecompizconfig-settings-manager ?20:09
SwedeMikeno, installing20:09
custombrushi also20:09
cwilluin the general section, under the display-settings tab, check refresh rate and sync to vblank.20:10
cwilluSwedeMike, if sync to vblank is on, you can either:  turn it off, and deal with display tearing (try this first, just to see if it solves your jerky playback)20:10
SwedeMikesync to vblanc is off, refresh rate is 50hz20:10
cwilluokay, probably not the cause then20:11
cwillu(I had to turn my refresh rate way up to smooth out video when vblank was on)20:11
unixdawgwhere can I get the osx bar widget for kde 4.2 it seems not to be included20:12
burnerunixdawg: pardon?  you can just resize the kicker so it's not fulllength.  I bet that's what you mean by OS X bar20:13
* burner wonders if it's still called kicker20:14
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zniavrehey just updated meatcity seems broken ?20:15
zniavremetacity *20:15
burnerzniavre: wfm :)20:16
WaelwulfHello. Does anyone know why networkmanager doesn't appear to be included in the latest alpha of Ubuntu Studio?20:17
cwilluzniavre, more specific?20:17
WaelwulfI should mention it doesn't appear to be included in the 8.10 either.20:17
zniavremetacity is loaded but blank > no color no buttons20:17
blizzleHello there. I'm not able to boot my antiquated system (running jaunty) with any of the 2.6.28.x kernels. Is this a known issue with older hardware?20:17
cwilluWaelwulf, clear out /etc/network/interfaces, leaving only the lo block20:19
Waelwulfcwillu, I'm not so Linux-savvy to understand that instruction. :P20:19
cwilluWaelwulf, it's a text file, nicely indented20:19
cwilluWaelwulf, I might also note that if you're not fairly comfortable with linux, you probably shouldn't be running an alpha release :p20:20
Waelwulfcwillu, okay, so if I install Ubuntu Studio, then clear out the text save the block of text with "lo" in it, that should fix it on reboot?20:20
cwilluWaelwulf, no.20:20
cwilluWaelwulf, every section _but_ the 'lo' section20:20
zniavrecwillu: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/187396/Capture.png20:20
cwilluWaelwulf, my bad, yes, that's right20:21
Waelwulfcwillu, oh I'm aware but the 8.10 release didn't have networkmanager installed either and also had an x crash on reboot so I figured I'd try 9.0420:21
cwilluzniavre, seems like it might be a broken theme, dunno.  You're running metacity and not compiz, right?20:22
blizzleIf the truth be known, I've tried 2.8.28.x kernels on 2 older systems, and 2 newer ones. The older systems both freeze during boot.20:22
Waelwulfcwillu, I'm going to clear out that block of text now and reboot, will let you know if it fixes it.20:22
cwilluWaelwulf, k20:22
zniavremetacity + compiz20:22
cwilluzniavre, so, compiz20:22
cwillu(metacity isn't used with compiz)20:22
zniavregtk window decorator ?20:22
carl0s-Anybody know of an issue with the latest jaunty updates on X Intel video ? I'm getting a blank screen on bootup, I can here the gdm jingle sound but can't see anything. If I start in rescue mode, and then choose "resume startup" it seems to start up OK. Also, with Desktop Effects enabled, the window decorations/borders are all blank white, or mostly blank.. they're actually a gradient white.20:23
zniavrecwillu: right metacity alone without compiz works normally20:23
cwilluzniavre, what chispet?20:23
cwilluchipset rather20:23
blizzleAnyone have any idea what switches I might try to get 2.8.28.x kernels booting on older hardware?20:24
ali1234carl0s-: blank screen is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/32723020:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 327230 in usplash "Lost all graphics on "Jaunty" after last update." [Critical,Fix released]20:24
zniavrechipset of ?20:24
cwilluzniavre, video20:24
zniavrei guess it's nvidia fx 5500 drivers 173 .xx.Xx20:24
carl0s-ali1234, thanks. I did read today of a problem where the ttys are blank, which happens to be a problem I have on my Thinkpad T43p (FireGL v3200).. but here I have total blankness :) I'll head over to the bug report, cheers.20:25
ali1234carl0s-: the blank window borders i havn't figured out yet :)20:25
cwillu!info nvidia-glx-17320:25
ubottunvidia-glx-173 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-173): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 173.14.16-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 7785 kB, installed size 23080 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)20:25
zniavrethis one yes20:25
Waelwulfcwillu, okay, here's the text I see below the commented out lines: "auto lo" then on the second line, "iface lo inet loopback"20:26
cwilluzniavre, might try 180 (apt-get install nvidia-glx-180), fixed alot of render bugs for me, but I don't know that it's the source of your trouble20:26
carl0s-ali1234, ah, but you've seen the problem? :)20:26
zniavrecwillu:  i can not my graphic card is too old20:26
ali1234carl0s-: yes since today's compiz update20:26
cwilluWaelwulf, that's all?20:26
Waelwulfcwillu, yes.20:26
carl0s-ali1234, well here's another one for you.. When I grab a window (desktop effects enabled), and drag the window towards the top of the screen, the window bounces/wobbles like crazy on this Samsung Netbook (i945). On my T43p (FireGL v3200), it also wobbles, but not so it's a problem, i.e. it doesn't wobble incessantly by itself, just for a moment.20:27
carl0s-ali1234, lovely, glad I'm not alone anyway. It's fun being cutting edge :)20:27
Waelwulfcwillu, but when I look at Add/Remove and search for networkmanager, the block's not filled in as installed. This is the same issue on 8.10. Could it be a package overlooked in Ubuntu Studio?20:27
ali1234carl0s-: somebody mentioned it happening on nvidia earlier so i guess it's a compiz bug not a driver bug20:27
Waelwulfcwillu, others have posted the same issue in the Ubuntu forums.20:27
cwilluWaelwulf, no idea, sorry20:28
Waelwulfcwillu, okay, thanks for taking the time.20:28
* cwillu can't account for what packages studio has installed :p20:28
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org20:28
carl0s-ali1234, yup. I noticed it right away with this Samsung NC10. It's unusable in fact. Fedora 10 doesn't have similar problem but maybe it's an older X server on there. The FireGL has the same problem but much less so. I wonder if the fact that this netbook as such a low screen res (1024x600) plays a part in it, i.e. the vertical resolution may be lower than the size of the window or something.20:29
Waelwulfcwillu, I would be in that channel right now but unfortunately it's deserted of anyone but thank you very much for the help.20:29
ali1234carl0s-: hmm the blank window titles i mean... crazily bouncing windows is something i just put up with... sometimes it happens sometimes it doesnt20:29
carl0s-ali1234 ah ok.20:29
carl0s-right well I'm off to reboot this netbook without splash kernel parameter and see if it's alive again. cheers20:30
ali1234carl0s-: it does seem to happen a lot when the window is almost the same size as the screen, like the window is trying to snap to two places at once20:30
carl0s-ali1234, yes that sounds reasonable.20:30
ali1234carl0s-: by booting recovery mode and resuming, that's what you are doing20:30
cwilluzniavre, 180 supports the 550020:31
ali1234so it should work :)20:31
carl0s-fair enough. that makes sense, cheers.20:31
cwilluzniavre, give me the output of lspci|grep -i vga20:31
cwilluzniavre, actually, I lied, nvm20:31
zniavre01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] (rev a1)20:34
unixdawgok I am not finding  opengl20:38
blizzleNot getting much response to my kernel issue on older hardware. None of the 2.6.28.x kernels work for me. Is there any fix, or is the issue known?20:38
SwedeMikecwillu: when enabling vblank I got like 1/2 fps in the gui, so that was total fail20:40
mahfiaz1what to do to get synaptic to work on my T61? cat /dev/input/mouse1 produces output, but ''xinput set-pointer "TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint"'' returns: ''X Error of failed request:  BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device''20:48
carl0s-so removing "splash" worked nicely, thanks.20:48
carl0s-The keybindings in vi seem to be broken in Jaunty too, in case anybody hadn't noticed.20:48
SwedeMikeso... I was so fascinated by the nice colors when the gfx bug occurs that I made a youtube video of it, it doesn't really reflect all the nice colors shown, but look 0:35 into this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa1ujuePpjM21:33
SwedeMikeis that what happens for everybody or do your screens only go black?21:34
mahfiazSwedeMike, do you have external monitor working? (not debugging, trying to get help myself)21:36
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maxbHuh. I've seen that weird effect on my own thinkpad in the past21:36
mahfiazi get something similar, when the lcd is switched off, but its not so neat, because it does it without backlight on21:37
mahfiazhas anyone got the external monitor working with nvidia on thinkpad?21:38
mahfiazI found today, that with nv drivers it cannot come back from sleep (or remains blank, doesn't know)21:39
SwedeMikemahfiaz: I havent tried.21:41
SwedeMikeI'd like a screen saver using the same color happening :P It's even nicer than that macintosh one with the white dot in the middle with the colors eminating like flames21:42
mahfiazsure it would be nice :)21:42
mahfiazfor trackpoint the emulate3d button feature is nice, but I would like it more with *middle* and right button21:45
unixdawgwill ubuntu self detect a card change if I swap video cards21:53
unixdawgwant to swap from nvidea 64 to a ati 12821:54
blizzleunixdawg, Should do.21:55
crdlbyes, although proprietary driver interactions can cause issues21:55
unixdawgso rm the nvida driver21:55
crdlbbut 2d should work immediately in some form21:55
unixdawgthen swap the card21:55
crdlbit's probably not necessary to, but yeah, I'd disable the nvidia driver in jockey first21:56
unixdawgjockey  ?21:56
crdlbthe hardware drivers manager21:56
unixdawgok I had to edit xorg it did nto auto detech the card change22:10
unixdawgbut I want to add the ati custom driver22:10
unixdawgso I run the hardware tool and it says no drivers are in use22:11
unixdawgwhat driver do I have to loa dfor ati22:11
unixdawgwhat do I run to make it reconfigure for ati22:13
unixdawgok got the radeon driver working22:20
unixdawgbut I want the extra driver I saw in the list earlier22:20
unixdawgfor ati22:20
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unixdawgok found it22:27
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unixdawgfglrx drive crashes22:40
unixdawgfor ati22:40
cwilluunixdawg, fglrx hasn't been updated for the new xorg yet afaik22:40
unixdawgthen I will rm it22:40
unixdawgso then I am stuck with radeon-128 driver for now22:44

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