
Ramon_Valdezsomeone knows if GNAT will be available with Ubuntu ARM ?01:25
ogralool, so just not byteswapping the kernel doesnt solve the nslug bootprob12:06
loologra: Does it help booting the Debian kernel?12:07
ograyou mean i should dump the debian kernel into d-i during build ?12:08
lool(just curious)12:08
loologra: No, serve it over HTTP and boot12:08
loologra: Cause it was simply hanging in my tests12:08
ograoh, i would have to reflash to redboot again12:08
loologra: I guess it's the apex partition then12:08
ograwhich is a bit tricky without a bootable system atm12:08
loolReflash to redboot?  just load it from redboot over HTTP and exec it12:08
loolYou don't have redboot in your current image?!12:08
ograits using apex12:09
ogradi-nslu2.bin has apex ....12:09
loolAPEX is loaded by RedBoot12:09
looldi-nslu2.bin wont touch your redboot...12:09
loolI hope you didn't erase the full flash, but the default in upslug is not to12:09
ograoh, right, it scrolled off screen :P silly me12:09
ograwell, i'm ore intrested in why our kernel just dies ...12:10
ograits not even uncompressing12:10
ograand i would it to do so now that i have a di-nslu2.bin without changed byteorder12:12
ogra*would expect it to12:12
loologra: From the nslu2 README:12:48
loolIn practice, this means that there is only 1 MB of space for12:48
loolthe kernel because the initrd starts 1 MB after the kernel.12:48
loolMight be why our initrds don't work with plain redboot12:48
ogra-rw-r--r-- 1 ogra ogra 1,9M 2009-02-10 12:34 vmlinuz-2.6.28-7-ixp4xx12:48
loolThat's ok12:49
loolIt's just when you use plain redboot12:49
ogra - A partition for the kernel: the kernel is split in two and each parts12:49
ogra   have a header12:49
loolHowever our redboot tests are useless12:49
ograi want a working binary blob12:50
* ogra wonders off reading http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/Info/BootFlash12:51
loologra: Would be nice to have the nslu2 firmware for the ethernet device in restricted and build with it12:59
ogralool, definately13:00
ograi dont get where they put the second half of the kernel13:00
loologra: There's a single partition for the kernel, but it's written in two parts13:00
ograhow does a >1M kernel fit in there ?13:00
ogradebians is 1.3M, also bigger than 1M13:01
lool[part 0 <RedBoot>][part 1 config][part 2 <APEX> <kernel part 1/2> <magic> <kernel part 2/2>][part 3 <initrd>]13:02
loolThe problem is that RedBoot looks at part 2 + 1M to find a special magic13:02
loolWe don't care about what it loads except that it loads apex fine13:02
loolBut it needs to find its magic13:02
ograoh, so the whole device is 8M in any case, we just need to set the magic mark at the right point13:03
* ogra slowly gets it13:03
ograwhat a silly design13:04
loolIt's due to the restrictions of linksys' redboot13:04
ograah, right http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/nslu2-linux/message/33 doesnt talk about mtdblock3 at all13:04
loolWow the make foo in build/config/armel/ixp4xx/netboot.cfg is awful13:05
loologra: So how did you try to revert the endianess of the kernel?13:18
loolI see nothing wrong with Colin's changes13:19
ograi just commented the devio line and didnt use .swapped at the bottom13:19
ograwhich should make it use the kernel 1:113:19
ograbut the behavior is identical, swapped or not13:20
ograits just hangs after "copy -s fis://kernel 0x00008000" in both cases13:21
ograhmm, though shouldnt that be  0x00010000 ?13:22
ograah, no, its right13:22
loolThis skips APEX13:23
ograthat is apex output13:24
* ogra re-flashes the debian di binary to compare13:25
loolI'm saying this offset is to skip APEX, but actually it's not13:25
ogra# copy -s $kernelsrc $bootaddr13:28
ogra# copy -s fis://kernel 0x0000800013:28
ogra1441760 bytes transferred13:28
ograok, thats the debian output13:28
loolSo this is in the APEX package which is built specifically for the NSLU2, how inelegant13:28
ogracomplain to martin michlmayer :)13:28
ograi think he rlled most of these packages initially13:29
loolNo, Marc Singer did13:30
ograhe wrote apex13:30
loolWell I'm complaining about apex13:30
ograi thought about how it was used13:30
ograi mean apex is only a bootloader in the end, like uboot, no ?13:31
loolYes, my problem is that its script is hardcoded in the apex package13:31
ograhmm, looking at the debian d-i code:13:32
ograutil/pad $(TEMP)/initrd.gz.nslu2 6291440 # size of partition - 16 for header13:32
ograi wonder if colin didnt pick to high values13:33
ograhmm, no the sum is identical13:34
ograso what about raising the kernel partition size by 1 block13:37
loologra: Do you have debian installed?13:37
loolCould you run apex-env in it?13:37
ograi.e. to 222819213:37
loolI'd like to confirm that the script is like "copy -s $kernelsrc $bootaddr; copy -s $ramdisksrc $ramdiskaddr"13:37
ograno, i dont, and it takes 8h to do so13:38
ograyes, it is13:38
loolcopy -s $kernelsrc $bootaddr; copy -s $ramdisksrc $ramdiskaddr; wait 10 Type ^C key to cancel autoboot.; boot13:38
ograi can see that by using the di binary blob13:38
ograits executed exactly in that order13:38
ograUse the command 'help help' to get started.13:39
ogra# copy -s $kernelsrc $bootaddr13:39
ogra# copy -s fis://kernel 0x0000800013:39
ogra1441760 bytes transferred13:39
ogra# copy -s $ramdisksrc $ramdiskaddr13:39
ogra# copy -s fis://ramdisk 0x0100000013:39
ogra6291440 bytes transferred13:39
ogra# wait 10 Type ^C key to cancel autoboot.13:40
ograType ^C key to cancel autoboot.13:40
ogra# boot13:40
ograthere is a semicolon missing though, it doesnt wait at all13:40
StevenKogra: I wonder if this is an overrun ...13:41
ograthats why i said we should probably give the kernel one more block13:41
loologra: really?  I think it does wait one second13:42
loolI had the apex prompt more than once13:42
ograit doesnt here13:42
* ogra tries again ... i might just be to slow13:42
loolprompts the user and waits a specified number of 10ths of a second.13:43
loolSo it's 10th of a secnd13:43
ograah, yeah, constantly hitting ctrl-c while the ramdisk loads helps13:43
ograi was expecting 10 secs :P13:44
loolI know13:44
ograso while i'm at the apex prompt, anything you want from printenv ?13:44
ograstartup *= copy -s $kernelsrc $bootaddr; copy -s $ramdisksrc $ramdiskaddr; wait 10 Type ^C key to cancel autoboot.; boot13:45
loologra: Yeah, all values13:45
ograapex> printenv13:45
ografis-drv *= nor:0x7e0000+4k13:45
ogracmdline *= console=ttyS0,115200 rtc-x1205.probe=0,0x6f noirqdebug13:45
ogracmdline-alt *= console=ttyS0,115200 rtc-x1205.probe=0,0x6f noirqdebug13:45
ograstartup *= copy -s $kernelsrc $bootaddr; copy -s $ramdisksrc $ramdiskaddr; wait 10 Type ^C key to cancel autoboot.; boot13:45
loolfor bootaddr ramdiskaddr13:45
ograramdisksrc-alt *= fis://ramdisk13:45
ograramdisksrc *= fis://ramdisk13:45
ograkernelsrc-alt *= fis://kernel13:45
ograkernelsrc *= fis://kernel13:45
ograramdiskaddr *= 0x0100000013:45
ograbootaddr *= 0x0000800013:45
ograthere you go13:45
loolnor:0x7e0000+4k hmm13:45
loologra: is this from debian or ubuntu?13:47
ograi cant get to the apex prompt on ubuntu13:47
loolreally?  that's suspicious13:47
ograno, thats logical13:47
loolwhy so?13:48
ograthe prompt comes after loading13:48
loolloading of apex13:48
ograit gets stuck loading the kernel13:48
loolOh right13:48
ograi can get into the redboot prompt13:48
ograbut not apex13:48
loolthe wait should be at the beginning13:48
ograsilly design13:48
ograthough you dont gain anything being in apex anywa13:49
ograthe whole config is readonly ...13:49
ograyou can only modify it from the running system via apex-env13:49
loologra: setenv doesn't work?13:50
ograso i dont know why it has a prompt at all13:50
ograi tried to change the cmdline parameter before ... doesnt apply13:51
ograapex> setenv cmdline 'console=ttyS0,115200 noirqdebug'13:51
ograEnvironment region is unwritable13:51
ograso having a prompt is just fake13:52
loolYou can type commands13:52
ograright, the ones that are executed anyway13:53
ograthe only most intresting thing, changing the cmdline doesnt work13:54
loologra: You can pass cmdline to boot13:55
lool"boot [-g ADDRESS] [COMMAND_LINE]\n"13:55
ograoh, i didnt know that13:55
loologra: Perhaps you should read apex13:55
ograthat makes it a bit more useful then13:55
loolSo the fis://kernel works even with a split kernel13:55
loolBecause APEX has an extension to RedBoot partitions13:56
loolTo skip some areas13:56
loolCheck README_fis in apex' source13:56
loolI don't understand why it's not copy fis://kernel@16 $bootaddr13:57
loologra: It might be best to not rely on byteswapping the kernel but rebuild it though14:01
loolamitk: Hey14:01
ograi'm just doing a build in the background with one more block shifted to the kernel14:01
loolamitk: CONFIG_ARCH_SUPPORTS_BIG_ENDIAN=y is set in debian/config/armel/config.ixp4xx, but not in Debian14:01
loolamitk: This needs fixing in all cases (even if that's correct)14:02
loolamitk: Basically the hardware supports both, but we're an armel port and the debian tools assume a LE kernel which gets byteswapped at various places (flash-kernel, d-i)14:02
ograswapped or unswapped, it doesnt load14:02
loolamitk: So it's easier to have the same type of kernel in Ubuntu14:02
ograso i expect we are exceeding the size14:02
ograhrm, the other loic suddenly hunts me in #edubuntu ... i wonder what he wants14:03
loologra: I think I'll drop the ball here on NSLU2; if you are stuck, you could try mailing Marc Singer, he helpfully replied to me when I asked about the shim's COPYING file being missing14:04
amitklool: ack. We will stick to one type for the kernel.14:04
loologra: If you show that you researched it that far, he might be willing to help !Debian14:04
loolamitk: thanks; do you need a bug?14:04
amitklool: I guess that CONFIG option automatically gets set on selecting ixp4xx, let me check14:04
amitklool: if ARCH_IXP4XX14:05
amitkconfig ARCH_SUPPORTS_BIG_ENDIAN bool default y14:05
amitkin Kconfig14:06
loolamitk: Ack; the device can do both so the upstream bit doesn't make any sense to me, but please force it to LE14:06
loolamitk: Did you get your NSLU2 to work BTW?14:13
amitklool: -EOUTOFSOLDER, will head to store a bit later14:15
* ogra hopes amitk has a pump to get the solder out of the holes14:15
ograits really painful without14:15
loolamitk, ogra: I'd love if you two could sort this out quickly; I think I understand most of it, but can't usefully research without a device14:16
ograwell, let me builod a kernel if you think thats the solution14:16
ograand inject it into the di binary14:17
ograi still suspect its a size issue though14:17
amitklool: I can give you a kernel if you need14:17
amitkogra: size issue for initramfs?14:17
loolamitk: I wouldn't have much use of it without a device :)14:17
ograamitk, no issue with the apex partition shufflung we do to make our kernel fit14:17
ograamitk, gimme kernel :)14:18
loolamitk: The way the NSLU2 firmware is built is quite complex14:18
loolamitk: Do not rely on RedBoot to do regular stuff, it hardcodes plenty of stuff and wont work correctly (can't pass cmdline, expects initrd at specific address etc.)14:18
ograamitk, the prob is that our kernel is nearly 2M big, debians is only 1.314:18
loolamitk: Debian/Ubuntu use APEX as a second state loader with some special partition mappings for redboot to be happy14:19
ograso the apex partitioning for the di binary blob needs adjustment14:19
loologra: You could try building an image with Debian's kernel to see if that boots14:19
loologra: It might be that one of our binaries is broken14:19
amitklool: so it was confirmed that redboot cmdline doesn't work14:19
ogralool, well, if amit has a kernel for me i'll try that first14:19
loolamitk: Yes14:19
loologra: You can try both :)14:19
ogralool, well, the kernel loads if you load it from redboot via http14:19
ograi'll try everything that can get me towards a solution indeed :)14:20
loologra: Exactly my point, we know the Ubuntu kernel works and the Debian kernel as well; but the Debian one is smaller and not swapped14:20
ograsince thats our only arch we target for jaunty ;)14:20
loologra: You could see if that helps, if amitk's kernel doesn't work and Debian's does, then you know that the partitioning changes are wrong14:20
loolIf both work, then we're done :)14:20
ograwell, amits kernel wont be smaller14:20
loologra: Err yes, that's my point14:21
loologra: Which is why I'm hinting at the Debian one? :)14:21
loolBoth are useful tests14:21
amitkogra: It could be with allnoconfig I guess14:21
ograoh, so you mean keep the shuffled partitions and just use debians kernel14:21
loologra: No, you revert the partition shuffling and confirm that our d-i + apex + debian kernel and initrd work14:22
loologra: or you keep the partition shuffling and confirm that our d-i + apex + debian kernel and initrd work14:22
ograright, but then i need to change two aspects to try out ours14:22
loologra: or you keep the partition shuffling and confirm that our d-i + apex + amitk's kernel and initrd work14:22
ograwhich doesnt tell me much mor than i already know14:22
looldoubt amitk will hand you an initrd though14:22
* amitk agrees, he hates initrds14:23
ograright, i need to do the tests both with a shuffled partitioning scheme to keep the same env14:23
loolAnyway, use your logic14:23
ograi dont care about initrd atm14:23
* lool moves his brain to something else14:23
ogralool, so it is definately partitioning scheme it stops with the exact same symptoms using debians kernel14:55
ograi'll try to confirm by using their scheme with their kernel14:56
loologra: it could be our APEX or whatever; you might want to try the debian kernel with the debian partitioning scheme15:20
loolin our d-i with our apex etc.15:20
ograyes, thats what i'm currently fiddling with15:21
ogralool, yep. debian kernel and debian partitioning scheme works15:36
loologra: Ok15:36
ograeven with our initrd.gz15:37
loologra: Might be slugimage not liking this change then15:37
ograsigh ... i have to dig out my perl foo i fear15:37
loolAh got it15:37
loolmy($kernel_offset)  = 0x00060000;15:37
loolmy($kernel_size)    = 0x00100000;15:37
loolmy($ramdisk_offset) = 0x00160000;15:37
loolThat's likely the issue15:38
ograshouldnt the first one be 8000015:38
ogra(additionally to the size mistmach)15:38
loolHmm be careful, these are redboot partitions, not apex partitions15:39
* ogra goes to try with 2M15:39
ograyeah, i wont change the kernel offset15:39
ograonly size and ramdisk offset15:39
loolYou have a debug flag for slugimage15:41
ograhrm, just changing to 0x00200000 and 0x00260000 respectively doesnt work15:45
ograit doesnt have a ramdisk_size parameter15:46
loolThe kernel_size is just where to split the kernel15:46
ograoh, so just bumping ramdisk_offset should suffice15:47
loolNot sure, you could try15:47
loolBump it by 5 blocks15:47
ograi will luckily the script is freindly nough to tell me if it breaks :)15:47
ograoh i used 2215:48
loolPerhaps I miss computed15:49
ograRan out of flash space in <Ramdisk> - 0xA0000 bytes too large.15:49
loolThat's what we added15:49
loologra: Do you have a debug run?15:49
loolHmm it doesn't list the skip partitions15:51
ograoh, wait i made a mistake i think ... i padded initrd twoce15:52
ogradidnt choke15:54
* ogra waits for upslug15:55
ograthat trashed apex15:57
ogranope, no way16:03
ograwhat if we just cut down our kernel ?16:04
ogralool, i think slugimage is the wrong attempt16:07
ograit just makes sure the redboot markers are in the right place16:08
loologra: I'd like to see the final partition table16:09
loolit's missing from your paste16:09
lool        print "after buildPartitionTable():\n";16:09
loologra: Ideally, compare the output from debian layout wiht debian kernel with ubuntu layout with debian kernel16:10
ograbecause it failed :)16:10
ograit didnt get to that point, you asked for a debug output when i did a failed attempt ... one sec16:11
loolI know, but the most interesting output is when the image builds..16:11
ograthats with unmodified slugimage but our sizes16:12
loolLoader          0x000600000x00020000[0x00000/0x00010]16:12
loolKernel          0x000800000x00200000[0x00000/0x00010, 0xE0000/0x00010]16:12
loolThe right part are skips16:12
loologra: Would be nice to have a "normal" run with debian's configs16:13
ogralool, http://paste.ubuntu.com/116499/16:16
ogracomparing the two it seems to DTRT16:18
ograit properly recognizes the different blocksizes and adjusts itself16:18
ograi start to suspect its an apex limitation16:21
ograhrm, d-i fails at the hw detection step without the firmware16:24
ograwhich makes it pretty useless16:24
loolOk, now I know why it doesn't use fis://kernel@16 but just fis://kernel16:31
loolErf don't set ibase before obase in bc16:36
loolThe 0xE0000 skip is exactly on the initrd, that seems alright hmm16:37
loologra: kernel size is too small16:40
loolKernel          0x000800000x00160000[0x00000/0x00010, 0xE0000/0x00010]16:40
lool0x00160000 is too small16:40
loolour kernel is 197706416:40
ograbut kernel size needs to cooperate with ramdisk offset, no ?16:41
ograor do you think just bumping it helps ?16:41
ograhmm, slugimage doesnt complain16:42
loologra: The kernel is presumably truncated; it seems to be a bug in the perl script16:43
loologra: Oh was looking at the Debian output16:47
loolSo that's correct for Debian crap16:47
ogralets see, i just bumped kernel size blindly to 0x0020000016:49
ograand padded the two files with our values16:49
* ogra is upsluggin ...16:49
* ogra has to go shopping soon, will be out for 1-1.5h16:50
loolIIUC, you shouldn't have to touch slugimage; it's meant to be generic16:50
ograand it didnt work anyway16:51
loologra: So APEX hangs where exactly?16:51
ograsame symptoms as always16:51
loolAfter the load?16:51
ogra# copy -s $kernelsrc $bootaddr16:51
ogra# copy -s fis://kernel 0x0000800016:51
ogra /16:52
ograthe fan animation below does oen or two rotations and then stops16:52
loolI'll shoot an email to the apex maintainer16:53
loologra: Hmm I don't understand how you achieve the ubuntu call to apex16:54
loologra: Why does slugimage detect a changed kernel size when you're passing vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-ixp4xx.swapped in both cases16:55
loolOh nevermind, I get it16:55
loolIt's padded by d-i16:55
ograyes, as i suspected kernel_size has no influence at all16:58
ograno matter what value i set for it it works16:58
ograbut as soon as i change the padding it breaks16:58
ograi will find out how big the kernel partition can grow by adjusting it block by block after shoppin16:59
ograwe'll see where it chokes then17:00
ogralool, hmm, are you aware that the apex version we use is ancient ?17:01
ograheh, the version we use doesnt even exist upstream17:02
loologra: ohhh17:02
ogra2007.01.29 (apex-1.4.13)17:02
loologra: Try adding one block more17:03
ogra2007.02.15 (apex-1.4.16)17:03
ograthere are no .14 or .15 ones17:03
lool      apex | |        jaunty | source17:03
loologra: Could you try adding one more block to the kernel and one less to the initrd?17:03
ograand we use according to the bootmessage17:03
ograoh, you found out already :)17:04
lool1.4.15 works on Debian17:04
looland on Ubuntu with debain kernel17:04
ograone more to our scheme or debians ?17:04
loologra: To our scheme17:04
loolI think we're hitting a corner case with our value17:04
ogranow that would be cool17:07
ograwhat got you the idea ?17:07
loolWell it seemed the ramdisk would write exactly on top of the kernel's skip17:08
* ogra twiddles thumbs17:09
ogranope :(17:09
ograsame symptoms17:10
ograas i said, i'll start changing it block by block until it hits the fan if i'm back17:10
ograso we see the exact limit17:10
ogralool, hmm18:50
ogralool, i dont get why colin cuts off 21bytes from the initrd instead of thw 16 debian does18:51
ogratil/pad $(TEMP)/initrd.gz.nslu2 6291440 # size of partition - 16 for header .... thats debian ...18:51
ograutil/pad $(TEMP)/initrd.gz.nslu2 5636080 # size of partition - 21 for header .... thats ours18:51
ogralool, sooo ... making the kernel partition one block smaller works fine19:13
ograthough it panics ...19:14
* ogra tries if he can fit the ubuntu kernel into that 19:14
ograhmm, no19:19
* ogra dances !!19:25
ograok, its officially not my day ...19:29
loologra: He didn't cut 21 bytes but 16 and I made him fix that comment in bzr already20:39
loologra: (earlier this morning)20:39
ogralool, so i think what we want is CONFIG_RAMDISK_SIZE=0x004CCCC0 in the apex config20:40
ograthat gives us 5033152 bytes for the initramfs and leaves more than 1.9M for the kernel20:41
ograif my HEX foo isnt to wrong20:41
ograi'm convinced its debian bug 451882 that gets in our way20:41
ograbah, no bugbot20:42
loologra: Isn't it 0x0055FFF0?20:42
ograit is20:42
loolIt's currently 0x005FFFF0, I think we should have 0x0055FFF0?20:42
ograwe have 8M ... 6291440 bytes of that get reserved for initrd20:42
ograwe do20:43
ograthats the prob20:43
ograif you have 8M, cut off 6M for initrd and additionally a bit for apex and the redboot tags you end up with a bit less than 1.9M for the kernel20:44
loolWhy do you say CONFIG_RAMDISK_SIZE=0x004CCCC0?20:44
ograthat should be 5033152 bytes20:44
ograwhich means we have 1258288 bytes more for the kernel partition20:45
loologra: That's not a block multiple20:45
ogra6291440 isnt one either20:45
loologra: We changed the size of the initrd by 5 blocks of 13107220:45
loologra: So we need to change it by 655360 bytes, 5FFFF0-A0000 = 55FFF020:46
loolWhere did you find 6291440?20:46
ograread the bug20:46
loologra: It's certainly not our bug as we hang in the kernel copy20:47
* lool curses at bc20:48
lool55FFF0 is 5636080 but 005FFFF0 is 6291440; piece of crap20:48
ograi'm able to boot with a kernel area of 15 blocks with the debian kernel20:48
ograit stops working if i go up to 16 blocks which is the first time i get over 1.9M for the kernel partition20:49
loolBut we don't want CONFIG_RAMDISK_SIZE=0x004CCCC0 but 0x0055FFF020:49
ograthats what we currently have20:49
ograand which results in 6291440 bytes20:49
ograas the reserved flash space for the ramdisk20:50
ograwhich in turn limits the free space we have for the kernel to less than 2M20:50
ograsince the overall space we have is 8M20:50
ograand we lose space for apex and the redboot tags in the image20:51
loologra: I don't understand20:51
loologra: What we have right now is 005FFFF020:51
loolI say we want 0055FFF020:51
ograoh ... sorry, my eyes saw to many HEX today20:51
ograi didnt see the second 520:52
ograok, i'll do a testbuild of apex with the change lets see if i get it booting then20:54
ograsorry for being so dense ... i really cant see any hex anymore20:55

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