
kwwii_MMA_: hey man, do you remember if the usplash progress bar coordinates are from the top or the bottom?13:32
_MMA_kwwii: No. Don't remember. Sorry.13:37
knome'lo. suppose we can use any jackalope artwork in the next xubuntu release as well, right?15:56
_MMA_I don't see why not.15:57
knomeok, thanks.15:57
knomei'll let you all know if we use something.15:57
_MMA_andreasn: Bah... Ruby scripts suck. python is better. :P http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~breathe-dev/breathe-icon-set/trunk/files16:49
andreasnah, scripting languages, I never really cared for scripting languages16:50
andreasnonce I was reading a book on php on the bus and a drunk programmer(?) told me that it was no longer "in"16:51
_MMA_andreasn: :P Are you rendering multiple icons from a single file?16:51
andreasnbut it solved my problem with a website feed thing two days later16:51
andreasnfor the gpm thing? yes16:51
_MMA_andreasn: Wow. A geek tellin' another geek he's uncool. :P16:51
andreasnhe had to get off at the next stop, so I never got to know what was "in"16:52
_MMA_Python!! :P16:52
knomemonty python!16:52
_MMA_andreasn: I was thinking about doing it (multiple icons from single file) for Breathe but I got things working fine atm. Don't wanna jinx it. :P16:53
andreasnas long as it works it works. gpm was kind of a special case, since all the batteries have to be the same, and there are, like a hundred of them in total16:54
andreasnso it just use a clone for the base part of it16:54
andreasnhugsie, um, kind of likes icons, a lot16:55
_MMA_andreasn: I should probable ask JonCruz when he's in #inkscape but do you know how the ArtLibre icon spec is supposed to be supported *in* a set? ie: What category the icons go in?16:56
andreasnhm, I guess that stuff like import/export, different zoom levels etc. would go into actions16:57
kwwii_MMA_: ok, so should I go through with the mailing list rename?16:58
kwwii_MMA_: moving ubuntu-art to ubuntu-art-discuss (while keeping everyone subscribed)16:58
andreasnrotate and mirror are also actions, then we have a lot of "tools", is it possible to just come up with a new category name like that without breaking shit?16:59
andreasn_MMA_, in short, I don't think I have a good answer to you. Maybe dobey have a good idea about it16:59
kwwiihey andreasn, my plans for london have changed17:00
andreasnkwwii, ah, good. Mine too :)17:00
kwwiiI will be there next week tue-thurs and the week after that tue-fri17:00
andreasnthos won't be in town until early march again, so maybe I'll go there then17:01
kwwiiandreasn: hrm, I'll be in Cape Town the second week of march, not sure about london around that time yet17:02
_MMA_andreasn: Ok. Ill ask Jon. :P17:04
kwwii_MMA_: so what do you think about the email list?17:04
kwwiithey wanna do it now...don't want to hold them back from their work17:05
_MMA_kwwii: I don't know. I'm generally a little hesitant about the idea still but the above looks fine.17:05
_MMA_I just hope we can get the right people over to the new ubuntu-art.17:06
_MMA_kwwii: Maybe the new one should be ubuntu-art-devel?17:06
kwwiiyeah, maybe17:07
_MMA_kwwii: Wait!!17:08
_MMA_Maybe that's the solution? Make the new list ubuntu-art-devel?17:08
_MMA_Kep things as they are?17:08
kwwiiyeah, just leave this list as is and create a new one17:08
kwwiiwhich is moderated, etc17:08
thorwilstupid list remains stupid and we get a new clean one? ;)17:10
thorwilalthough i have to say it has been quite focused, lately17:11
_MMA_Might be best. Though, I remain hesitant since the issues that started this process months ago have for the most part subsided.17:11
_MMA_thorwil: Agreed17:11
thorwili wonder what led this guy to think that themes specifically for the alphas would make sense: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/AlphaThemes17:19
* _MMA_ shrugs.17:20
_MMA_Kinda sad the plan to have different wallpapers for the alphas fell through.17:21
thorwilyes, makes one wonder why anyone would still submit anything17:22
_MMA_thorwil: Here's Sebastián. http://www.facebook.com/people/Sebastian-Porta/1148451871 Nice to see he's an older guy. :P18:43
thorwil_MMA_: what, did you think he's 16? :)18:54
_MMA_thorwil: Well, you can't really blame me as it is the norm. :) But given his writing style I woulda guessed 20's with a good head on his shoulders.18:56
thorwil_MMA_: yeah. though what does writing style in a foreign language mean? :)18:58
_MMA_Even though I know it's his 2nd language, what he says, his choice of words, still lead me to believe he's not a kid.19:00
zniavrethere is a way to make firefox and open office scrollbar as in nautilus or gtk apps ?19:00
_MMA_zniavre: FF3 should grab the scrollbar fine. Im not sure about OO.o.19:01
zniavre3 softs 3 diffrents scrollbars19:02
_MMA_zniavre: Yeah. Just slightly though.19:03
_MMA_zniavre: What applet are you using to display the menu in the panelbar?19:04
zniavreglobalmenu 0.719:18

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