
aadityai'm trying to join #ubuntu, and pidgin says that i've been banned01:00
aadityai don't remember getting kicked out of the room, so it's not me who got banned01:01
aadityait might be my IP01:01
aadityawhat do i do?01:01
naliothaaditya: one moment please01:03
naliothaaditya: did you visit us via mibbit?01:04
aadityasomeone from my IP did01:04
naliothwell, they got you banned01:05
aadityai see01:05
naliothi'll pull the ban01:05
aadityacould it be undone?01:05
aadityacool, thanks :)01:05
naliothmind who you let use your network in the future, ok?01:05
aadityai'm able to get in now01:06
aadityathanks nalioth01:06
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
=== k4v is now known as m4v
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunders1ruck is now known as gnomefreak

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