
syldeb35does someone know Bug #31640501:24
ubot3Malone bug 316405 in linux "Kernel OOPS during initialization SAA7134 jaunty kernel 2.6.28-4.generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31640501:24
JesperHansenIs this the right channel to ask about broken/missing frequency scaling?01:25
Kanortg: could you update ndiswrapper to 1.54?01:29
johanbrJesperHansen: sure01:33
JesperHansenok, I have a eeePC 900 with this readout http://pastebin.mozilla.org/62036501:37
JesperHansenonly prob. is it stays at 900 MHz after I replaced the default eeePC linux distro with a xubuntu01:40
JesperHansenI am looking at the eeepc-acpi-scripts package, but01:41
JesperHansenits setting some impossible requirements01:43
JesperHansenIts wants to remove acpi-support, powermanagement-interface, ubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop01:44
JesperHansenthis is also thrown: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/62036901:46
johanbrIt doesn't seem to support standard SpeedStep.01:46
johanbrYou might need a custom kernel module.01:46
johanbrAnd for the second error, looks like you're mixing repos from different sources.01:47
JesperHansenyea, I am considering what I am missing though, since the kernel I am running right now is a custom build. Neither this nor ubuntu's supported it (is a 2.6.28 kernel on 9.04)01:48
IntuitiveNippleJesperHansen: What does this report: for node in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/*; do if [ -f $node ]; then echo "$node $(cat $node)"; fi; done01:48
JesperHansenno, wait 8.10 with a few packages from 9.04 to make it happy01:49
JesperHansenIntuitiveNipple: nothing, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ doesn't exist either.01:50
IntuitiveNipplewell that's a big clue then :D01:50
* JesperHansen doesn't get the clue :P01:52
IntuitiveNipplecan you show the relevant settings from the .config the kernel was built with? (egrep 'FREQ|IDLE|GOV' .config)01:52
IntuitiveNippleJesperHansen: if that node doesn't exist there's no frequency-scaling governer installed, hence why it stays at 900Mhz01:53
JesperHansenjust gotta figure out which of the two folders I compiled to the current kernel01:56
IntuitiveNippledid you set a custom version signature?01:58
JesperHansenhttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/620377 here01:58
IntuitiveNippleOK, can't see anything wrong there02:03
johanbrThe processor in the eee doesn't support standard speedstep, so frequency scaling is not going work.02:04
JesperHansenjohanbr: any ideas on how getting it to work?02:08
johanbrYou may want to try these kernels: http://www.array.org/ubuntu/02:09
JesperHansenThere's a package called eeepc-applet that things like in /proc/eee/.., but does nothing really. 02:09
IntuitiveNippleJesperHansen: http://kerneltrap.org/index.php?q=mailarchive/linux-kernel/2008/11/23/4311824/thread02:10
JesperHansenjohanbr: possible to see those patches in 2.6.28?02:14
JesperHansenIntuitiveNipple: thanks, looking it through02:14
johanbrNo idea. I'm not a kernel developer.02:17
JesperHansenweird, http://www.array.org/ubuntu/status.html?model=eeepc-900 lists that a module called asus_eee is in 2.6.27-7generic, but I cant see it02:21
JesperHansenwell, thanks anyways. I'll look into it :)02:28
JesperHansenHow long should git clone git://git.array.org/array/ubuntu-intrepid.git take? Its super duper slow on a eeePC03:04
IntuitiveNippleThe transfer off a full kernel tree is about 350M03:05
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JesperHansenTrying to compile a 2.6.28 kernel with the eeepc modules on that page04:41
JesperHansenWill be back with a report on it in... 7-8 hours when its complete :P04:56
dholbachhello my Kernel friends :)05:30
JesperHansenwhat do you think we are, modules :)?05:30
dholbachdid anybody complain already that they just get a black screen when usplash is done with the new kernel (intel graphics, Lenovo X61s)?05:30
dholbachdid anybody complain already that they just get a black screen when usplash is done with the new kernel (intel graphics, Lenovo X61s)?10:18
=== elmargol is now known as quassel94
apwdholbach, which kernel?11:13
apwnot heard anything from anyone as yet11:13
dholbachwith 2.6.28-6.17 it's all good11:13
apwpoop.  nothing of the sort reported11:14
dholbachI'll try again in a bit and see if anything changed11:14
apwi assume the machine is up?11:14
apwcan you flip to other VT's11:14
dholbachlet me do another update and see if anything fixed it11:14
dholbachapw: no11:14
apwis X server running ... etc11:14
apwso machine was proper dead.  hmmm11:14
dholbachapw: all black, if I logged in (though I couldn't see anything) the hd was doing some work11:15
apwok ... so machine is up in some sense.  be good to get openssh-server up and installed11:15
apwsounds a lot like backlight is off, which is bad11:15
dholbachlet me try again11:16
* dholbach does an upgrade first11:16
dholbachapw: same happening now - I'm logged in via SSH11:19
apwworth trying to turn on the screen11:19
apwsomething like xset dpms force off11:19
apwthen ... on11:20
apwalso worth attaching to X and seeing what if anything it is doing11:20
apwif its in an EAGAIN loop from select/ioctl, then check the FD thats on (it may be DRI)11:20
dholbachif I do that, it turns off the screen on the machine I'm logging in from?11:21
dholbach(used ssh -X because of  xset:  unable to open display "" )11:21
dholbach/var/log/Xorg.20.log:(EE) [drm] Could not set DRM device bus ID.11:23
dholbach/var/log/Xorg.20.log:(EE) intel(0): [dri] DRIScreenInit failed. Disabling DRI.11:23
dholbach/var/log/Xorg.20.log:(EE) No input driver/identifier specified (ignoring)11:23
dholbach/var/log/Xorg.20.log:(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed11:23
dholbach^ is that something I should worry about?11:23
dholbachapw: ^11:32
apwdholbach, use DISPLAY=:0 xset ...11:33
apwisn't that .20 your ssh one?  ie the fake one for -X11:33
apwas in your DISPLAY is :20.0 or something over ssh _X11:34
dholbachdaniel@miyazaki:~$  DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force off11:34
dholbachNo protocol specified11:34
dholbachxset:  unable to open display ":0"11:34
dholbachdaniel@miyazaki:~$ 11:34
apwtry :0.011:35
apwthough i would expect it to mean the same11:35
dholbachsame happening11:36
apwok, then lets ocnfirm which log the X server is using11:38
apwfd 2 for it should be connected to the right log11:38
apwso ls -l /proc/<pid>/fd/2 should tell us that11:38
apwalso what intel h/w do you have, my laptop here is intel11:39
* apw goes download the kernel11:39
dholbachapw: you were right .20. was irrelevant - it was an old one11:42
dholbachsorry for confusion there11:42
dholbachapw: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)11:42
apwwhats the right log say, and what was it called?11:44
dholbach[    0.003639] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.11:46
dholbach[    0.201686] (WW) intel(0): libpciaccess reported 0 rom size, guessing 64kB11:46
dholbach[    0.909985] (WW) intel(0): Register 0x61200 (PP_STATUS) changed from 0xc0000008 to 0xd000000a11:46
dholbach[    0.910021] (WW) intel(0): PP_STATUS before: on, ready, sequencing idle11:46
dholbach[    0.910041] (WW) intel(0): PP_STATUS after: on, ready, sequencing on11:46
dholbach[    0.910070] (WW) intel(0): Register 0x71024 (PIPEBSTAT) changed from 0x00000206 to 0x0000024611:46
dholbach[    0.910113] (WW) intel(0): PIPEBSTAT before: status: VSYNC_INT_STATUS SVBLANK_INT_STATUS VBLANK_INT_STATUS11:46
dholbach[    0.941704] (WW) intel(0): DRI2 requires UXA11:46
dholbachno errors at all11:46
apwie what was its name11:46
apwso it really should be :011:47
dholbachblindly logging in on tty1 and typing 'xset dpms force off' does not seem to do much11:49
apwdholbach, and force on?11:55
apwcan you tell if you have backlight?11:55
apwalso if you think you are in and have a terminal11:56
apwecho "$DISPLAY">/tmp/FOO11:56
apwand see which terminal you are really on,11:56
dholbachapw: it creates /tmp/FOO for the blindly-logged-in user, but it's empty11:58
dholbachforce on doesn't do anything either11:58
* apw blinks11:59
apwwhat variables does env >/tmp/FOO show12:00
apware there any GNOME ones in there?12:00
apwand indeed what does 'tty >/tmp/FOO' say12:00
dholbachapw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116426/12:01
dholbachnot sure there's anything exciting there12:01
=== quassel94 is now known as elmargol
apwand tty?12:01
* apw bets its ttyN12:02
apwi think you are not logged in under X there12:02
apwi think you are in on the VT-1 console login (TERM=linux)12:02
dholbachapw: ah yes, sorry12:03
dholbachI should have said that12:03
dholbachI can blindly log into gnome and try to xset something there12:03
apwits $DISPLAY off the gnome thats interesting12:04
apwand xset there of course12:04
apwthe $DISPLAY will tell us where we should talk to on ssh12:04
dholbachapw: from the SSH session I can xset now12:06
dholbachwhen I "off", the screen flickers shortly and goes from black to even-more black for a sec :)12:07
dholbachnothing in X log, syslog or .xsession-errors though12:07
apwso backlight is likely on then12:08
apwas it got blacker when turned off12:08
apwand X is working cause you can type12:08
apwwhat does xrandr say in ssh12:08
dholbachScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 102412:08
dholbachVGA disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)12:09
dholbachLVDS connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 246mm x 185mm12:09
dholbach   1024x768       50.0 +   85.0     75.0     70.1     60.0*    40.0  12:09
dholbach   832x624        74.6  12:09
dholbach   800x600        85.1     72.2     75.0     60.3     56.2  12:09
dholbach   640x480        85.0     72.8     75.0     59.9  12:09
dholbach   720x400        85.0  12:09
dholbach   640x400        85.1  12:09
dholbach   640x350        85.1  12:09
apwis it that low res?  a t60?12:09
apwoh baby one12:09
dholbach1024x768 is correct12:10
dholbachyeah :)12:10
apwi think kirkland has one of those too, must get him to try also12:10
apwnow dri was enabled wasn't it12:10
apwso lets try turning that off12:10
apwOption "NoDri"12:11
apwin the device section of xorg.conf, eliminate the kernel12:11
apwwhich we believe it is12:11
dholbachapw: no dice :-/12:12
dholbachapw: the strange thing is, I don't see a tty either12:12
dholbachwhen I stop gdm I still don't see anything12:12
apwvery very strange12:12
apwif you disable GDM, fix the init script to prevent it starting X ?12:13
dholbachI could try booting with nosplash or however it's called12:13
dholbachI'll try gdm first12:13
apwits odd for sure12:14
dholbachapw: the same, even without gdm running on start12:16
* dholbach tries booting without usplash12:16
apwgood plan indeed12:16
dholbachhow do I regenerate all initramfs-es? could it be something with those that's broken?12:16
* dholbach has no clue whatsoever :)12:17
tjaaltonjust edit the grub cmdline12:17
tjaaltonremove 'splash'12:17
apwyeah to turn that off is easy12:17
dholbachtjaalton: yep, just did it - let's see what happens12:17
dholbachI see boot messages! :-)12:17
dholbachI see GDM!12:17
apwif you reinstall the kernel package it will rebuild those12:17
tjaaltonthere you go :)12:17
apwso uspash is buggering something, hmm12:18
mjg59Are you in a KMS world for Intel yet?12:18
mjg59Ok, so usplash will still be using vesa12:18
tjaaltonso jaunty should be the last release with usplash12:18
apwtjaalton, what will we do instead?12:18
mjg59It ought to be falling back to text mode12:18
tjaaltonapw: plymouth12:18
mjg59I mean, it ought to be switching back to text mode on exit12:18
mjg59dholbach: If you switch back to a text console and run usplash by hand, does it exit cleanly and give you a console again?12:19
tjaaltonapw: it was discussed at UDS, but since KMS is still immature, it didn't make any sense to have it for jaunty12:19
tjaaltonbesides it needs .29 and only supports intel atm12:20
dholbachmjg59: no, leaves me in a black world again :-/12:20
tjaaltondholbach: hmm, maybe if you regenerate the -6 initramfs.. it might get broken too12:21
tjaaltonusplash was updated recently12:21
dholbachmjg59: exit code is 012:21
tjaaltonblame kees :)12:21
dholbachtjaalton: just regenerated the intramfseseses12:22
mjg59dholbach: Yeah, sounds like usplash is failing to restore textmode in that case12:22
tjaaltondholbach: have you tried the working kernel since?12:22
mjg59dholbach: Does typing blind vbetool vgamode 3 work?12:22
dholbachtjaalton: hang on, trying with the new initramfs12:22
tjaaltoncompeting questions :)12:23
dholbachno, that doesn't make it work12:23
* dholbach tries mjg59's suggestion next :)12:23
tjaaltondholbach: so, the kernel version that used to work is now broken as well?12:23
tjaaltonI'm quite sure it's the changes to usplash that broke it12:24
dholbachmjg59: it gives me the tty back and says "function not supported" :)12:24
dholbachtjaalton: hang on, I'll try rebooting into 2.6.28-6.1712:24
tjaaltondholbach: did you regenerate the initramfs for it?12:25
dholbachtjaalton: yes, for both12:25
* dholbach gets more tea in the meantime12:25
dholbach... if only booting was faster! ;-)12:26
tjaaltonsucky bios vendors ftl12:26
dholbachtjaalton: yay... now both kernels don't work with "splash" :-)12:26
tjaaltondholbach: touché12:26
tjaaltonso bug kees :)12:26
mjg59dholbach: When the screen is black?12:27
dholbachmjg59: right after usplash it's flickering a bit, but stays black - or what is your questions?12:28
mjg59dholbach: You run usplash, it turns the screen black. You then do vbetool vgamode 3 - what happens?12:29
dholbachmjg59: it gives me the tty back and says "Function not supported"12:31
mjg59dholbach: So it makes the screen turn back on?12:32
dholbachmjg59: yeah12:32
mjg59If so, it's a usplash bug - it should be doing exactly the same thing12:32
dholbachthanks a bunch mjg5912:33
dholbachmjg59: I passed the message on to kees12:33
dholbachthanks mjg59, tjaalton, apw - the world definitely needs more people like you :)12:34
tjaaltondholbach: heh12:35
=== KterinK is now known as dou213
=== KterinK is now known as dou213
Ngsmb_tp: hey14:28
smb_tpNg, Hi14:29
Ngsmb_tp: did the sparc fix we were discussing the other day with fabbio make it into the archive yet? :)14:29
Ngistr it was heading for -proposed?14:29
smb_tpNg, Into -proposed, yes14:29
Ngaha, excellent14:30
* Ng goes hunting14:30
Nglinux-image-2.6.24-23-sparc64_2.6.24-23.49_sparc.deb ?14:31
smb_tpNg, this should be the right version14:32
Ngsmb_tp: great, thanks14:32
Keybuksmb_tp: could you join #ubuntu-meeting ?15:42
pgranersconklin: book the tix... arrive Thurs AM (or Wed PM your choice), leave Fri PM. Stay near the Airport16:08
pgranersconklin: also book a rental car16:09
macowhen a patch that ubuntu has committed stops being needed because it's accepted upsteam, is it automatically removed by you guys, or do you need to be told it's been added upstream?16:42
smb_tpmaco, We will normally detect this as long as the upstream version is not completely different. In that case a hint is always appreciated.16:47
dholbachwhat is our answer to people with a broadcom 4312 card in intrepid?16:51
rtgdholbach: LRM works, though its a blob16:51
dholbachrtg: ok.. I'll check out what's happening here16:51
dholbachrtg: seems it's not stock ubuntu and it wasn't there - thanks again16:55
rtgdholbach: what do you mean its not stock ubuntu? linux-restricted-modules contains the broadcom device driver.16:56
dholbachrtg: it's an Ubuntu derivative who ship their own lrm-eeepc-something16:57
dholbachrtg: it's called "easy-peasy"16:57
rtgoh, ok16:57
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CarlFKhow do I disable cpu scaling? 20:03
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Kanohi rtg , i mailed you about qc-usb, i fixed the compile error but could not test it yet, but as it worked maybe before it should do too. i only added the new driver because i tested that first and it was working well.21:04
=== thunders1ruck is now known as gnomefreak
IntuitiveNippleDo we have a plan to fix the ehci/uhci load order bug # 296710 that causes USB2 (480mbs) devices to run at USB1 speed (11mbps) ? I just got stung by this copying a 23G file-system image from an external USB drive, wondering why it was taking so long. (dd reported 7.9MB/s instead of the usual 29MB/s)23:25

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