
* Madpilot smells car-computer troll in -ot00:09
Madpilotor at least someone daft enough to possibly need an educational kicking...00:09
Jack_SparrowMadpilot better in -ot than in ubuntu00:10
Madpilottrue, that.00:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:18
Madpilottroll, honestly ignorant, or just daft? (WRT our carputer chap in -ot...)00:20
nickrud_a bit of both.00:21
nickrud_or all three that is.00:21
nickrud_mangling stallman's name was intentional trolling, but uncertainty about hardware control from linux is real i think00:21
Jack_SparrowMadpilot Should I not have told that user you had specific knowledge in that area?00:21
MadpilotI don't even own a car :)00:22
Jack_SparrowSee, you are an expert00:22
Madpilotpointless things, only good for getting to and from airports00:22
* nickrud_ breaths a sigh of relief that canada does psych tests00:22
Jack_SparrowAh, so having 5 of them is.. redundent00:23
nickrud_yes. absolutely. no more than 3 (off road, long trip, and local)00:23
nickrud_or a 4th, if you often need a pickup00:24
Madpilotnickrud, there's a lovely quote from one of the FAA's former Chief Medical Examiners, something like, "We still have no reliable methods for ensuring pilots are sane." :)00:24
nickrud_Sure there is:  "I quit" :)00:24
Madpilotmeh, have one discount card w/ a decent car rental outfit. End of driveway clutter.00:24
Madpilotnickrud, Catch 2200:25
nickrud_glad you noticed :)00:25
nickrud_I have one, get around town car. Rent anything else00:25
Jack_Sparrownickrud_ Pickup, convertible and a couple lincoln mark VIII's and the rolling couch.. erm.. Towncar00:26
jdongok heads up I might be banning Grant-A from #ubuntuforums shortly00:26
jdongfor about one month's worth of spewing factually inaccurate nonsense and then creating a ruckus in the channel00:26
Madpilotjdong, is he/she likely to attempt to spread the love to other #u channels?00:26
jdonghe's been known to pop into here almost instantly we raise our voices :)00:26
nickrud_yep, redundant. (the warning as well, it's obvious)00:26
jdongMadpilot: I hope not, I dont' think so00:27
jdongbut he will almost sturely come in here and make claims against me00:27
nickrud_he's common in #ubuntu00:27
nickrud_s/common/often/ (been reading too much austen recently)00:27
MadpilotHmm, an IRC channel that enforced Victoria English. That'd be awesome.00:28
bazhanggrant-a has been spending alot of time in Arch channel00:29
nickrud_it would most definitely raise the level of discourse immediately00:29
MadpilotOr Shakespearean. You could get really, really picturesque trolling in a shakespearean channel. So good you'd want to not ban them...00:29
nickrud_half the time we wouldn't recognize quality trolling ;)00:30
Madpilotcarputer troll seems to have restarted his trollscript from the top...00:31
bazhangdid that output do what I think it does00:33
bazhangerr terrible grammar00:33
Madpilotno idea, and I'm not about to open a term and try it00:33
bazhangoh it was __mikem who suggested it via PM00:34
Madpilotapparently it spawns an infinite number of processes and keeps going until the machine is rebooted00:39
Madpilotmikem and I just had a chat in PM on the importance of not being kickbanned for posting noob-eating terminal commands00:40
nickrud_no matter how justified?00:41
Jack_SparrowMadpilot that should have been his second waring on that00:41
Priceywhat's the command?00:41
MadpilotPricey, see -ot a little while ago00:41
Priceybah was looking at #ubutnu00:41
Madpilot"Try running in a terminal :(){ :|:& };:"00:42
PriceyMadpilot: ah yeah, lovely00:42
PriceyMadpilot: btw, the end of mibbit hosts are randomly generated on each connection00:42
PriceyMadpilot: ban instead the ident00:42
Priceymode +b *!?=47e84e24@*00:43
Madpilotlazy op takes lazy scripted way to kickban. If he was going to come back and keep trolling, he'd likely have tried to come back right away.00:43
FlannelOr you can ban the IP00:47
Flannel /wii the mibbit user and you get the real IP00:47
Flannel(as the realname) you can then ban it (just like normal) and floodbots won't allow them exceptions00:47
FlannelI suppose in -ot that won't work with the exceptions.  But a +d on the realname (which is actually the IP) should work00:48
bazhangpsufan (i=47e84e24@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-bd004bf5fa919dc0) has joined #ubuntu-offtopic  back in -ot02:15
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Hayleigh said: !lart hmm, is this still available?03:33
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, AtomicSpark said: !AtomicSpark is <reply> Do a beryl roll!05:59
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
ubottubruenig called the ops in #ubuntu (mindrape)06:36
prince_jammysnick:bruenig at #ubuntu. trolling hard, as usual06:37
ubottusykopomp called the ops in #ubuntu (bruenig)06:37
nickrudMadpilot, you read back faster than I 06:37
prince_jammysheh, everyone but the real troll got booted06:38
Madpilotbugger, now mindrape is bandodging06:40
MadpilotI'd kb just on that nick, almost...06:40
bazhangits him06:40
prince_jammyshe was being pretty helpful. bruenig likes to start these fights. i've seen it many times. also on other channels06:40
nickrudbruenig can also be very much an instigator06:40
bazhangthey are laughing about it in arch-ot06:40
prince_jammysnickrud: he's an expert06:40
bazhangincluding bruenig06:41
bazhangmindrape_ is thewizord06:42
bazhangnot mindrape who just got kb;d06:42
bazhang <bruenig> we got a srs contributor banned06:44
nickrudyeah, I recognized two of them as often useful, why I started with talk06:45
bazhang<bruenig> as if both of you were tag team trolling me 06:45
MadpilotI may have jumped the gun w/ a quick look thru scrollback06:45
Madpilotand that unpleasant nick...06:45
prince_jammyshe was clever. he made it look like he was the victim06:46
nickrudyeah, it rubs me wrong as well.06:46
bazhang<bruenig> we need to get a paste of that whole thing 06:46
bazhangfrom arch-ot ^^06:47
bazhangthewizord is a regular in #ubuntuforums as well06:48
nickrudbazhang, how many channels you in normally?06:49
bazhangnickrud, 13-1406:49
* nickrud thinks age must be the cause of his inability to pay usable attention to that many06:49
FlannelPanty raid?  Serioiusly?07:31
Myrttiwhat where07:32
Flannelnext thing he gets is a forward here.07:35
Flannelor a ban I suppose, depending on said actions07:35
nickrudis that failfailtroll again?07:38
MyrttiI'd say IdleOne is now the unflexible one07:42
nickrudno, I understand completely. My boss is the same. 07:43
Flannelnickrud: I just don't see how they're inable to run a different program, but he's going to try and convince them to install something.07:43
Flannel(and then run that other different program)07:44
nickrudthat was miscommunication there, I think more than anything. Probably means he'd be better off driving 500 miles to configure it himself rather than walking the guy through it07:44
nickrudmy boss still thinks the 'internet' is windows explorer. I've gone over and over it, but the 'internet' is explorer and email is express07:46
Flannelyep.  Blue E to get to the internet07:46
FlannelLets just be thankful they don't spell it enternet.07:46
nickrudoh god07:46
Flannel"Why is it an 'e'? why not an 'i' for internet?"07:47
Myrttibecause at 1995 eAnything was hip07:47
Flannel"because it stands for internet Exploder, not just internet"07:47
FlannelMyrtti: the eInternet? ;)07:48
Myrttithat too07:48
nickrudstill uses a 6 year old version of nikon's photo management software. That constantly forgets its settings. Which I have to go fix regularly.07:48
FlannelHi Digital7, how can we help you?07:59
Digital7ah, thanks for the warm welcome -- i was actually just coming to scope this channel out after a little event went down in #ubuntu08:00
FlannelWhich event is that?08:01
Digital7if you would like to know though, it was because of someone named mindrape getting banned08:01
Digital7there was a scuffle between three or four people08:01
Digital7how long are bans enforced there?08:02
FlannelDepends on the incident and the attitude of those involved, etc.  We don't generally comment on other people's bans, as thats a private issue.08:03
Digital7understood, i was just curious because he said he would be returning tomorrow -- and would assist me if his ban was lifted08:03
Digital7the only reason i took interest in this particular incident is because he was a relatively helpful person08:04
FlannelIf you're here by proxy for one of the parties involved, its best if they come and we can discuss it, etc.08:04
Digital7i am not affiliated with him..and have no means of contact08:04
FlannelDigital7: Well, the best thing to do in the meantime is to ask your question in #ubuntu, and see if someone else can help you.  I'd fathom a guess that someone would.08:04
Digital7certainly..i'm sure i can resolve the issue without him08:05
FlannelDigital7: Bans are certainly not forever (unless you're a perpetual repeat offender), I know some people apparently come from communities where they are, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me personally.08:06
Flannelbut I wasn't around earlier so I haven't any specifics to give.08:07
Digital7i had someone dig up the log and pastebin it for me if you care to look08:07
Digital7i don't doubt the banning op's motives though, he did retaliate08:07
Digital7but it's just a shame08:08
Digital7http://pastebin.com/m3df62f18 if you would like to see it08:08
Digital7sorry--wait just a second, i believe i pasted the wrong pastebin08:08
FlannelDigital7: sometimes people get caught up in the moment or whatnot, it happens; and bans are a tool we can use to diffuse that situation and allow parties involved some time to cool off, etc.08:08
FlannelDigital7: It's alright.  I've got the logs in my buffer.08:09
Digital7it was definitely one of those moments08:09
FlannelDigital7: Is there anything else we can help ou with today?08:10
Digital7that's all for now, unless you would like to elaborate on the requisites to be an op here08:12
Digital7this is actually the first time i have ever seen admin intervention in the ubuntu channel, so i'm unfamiliar with the ops concept08:12
FlannelPretty standard, you have to be a respected member of the community, you're asked to become one, etc.  The normal stuff (and no, that's not exhaustive, I just can't come up with anything good at the moment)08:13
FlannelDigital7: In a perfect world, you'd never have to see ops doing anything.08:13
Digital7does !ops broadcast in this channel then?08:14
Digital7to summon help08:14
FlannelwEll, it highlights us all in the respective channels, that's generally the most direct result.08:15
Digital7ah, i do recall seeing the list of names come up08:15
Digital7nice concept08:15
Digital7basic and powerful08:16
FlannelDigital7: If there's nothing else, we ask you don't idle in here, so we can keep track of who has and hasn't been helped.  Thanks.08:21
Digital7Flannel: sure thing. take care08:23
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
* Myrtti yawns10:17
MyrttiI should get some coffee going10:23
Myrttiand milk10:23
Tm_TMyrtti: come and bring milk with you, so I'll make coffee10:23
ikoniamorning ladies and gents11:26
Myrttituna sammich ♥ 11:35
ikoniaanother gentle nudge while others are awake, can you check this list http://alesi.projecthugo.co.uk/banlist.txt to see if any of these bans should NOT be removed12:04
jussi01ikonia: ping12:08
MyrttiI wonder if is.trapped.in.themetaverse.org is one of the subhosts of silenceisdefeat12:08
ikoniajussi01: pong12:08
jussi01ikonia: pm12:08
ikoniaalready there12:08
Myrttiikonia: for some reason I'd prefer we'd keep is.trapped.in.themetaverse.org banned as well.12:14
MyrttiI just checked 'whois themetaverse.org' and I'm not happy with what I see12:15
ikoniaMyrtti: some of them have bad sites - but some of them have not been active for 6+ months12:16
Myrttithe contact info for registrant, admin or tech contacts doesn't make me happy12:16
ikoniaMyrtti: just trying to balance an old ban that's not been seen for a long time against what's still active12:16
ikoniamust dash, chat in 2012:16
ikoniaMyrtti: any your unhappy with I'll remove 12:16
MyrttiTech Street1:123 Sesame St12:16
MyrttiTech Street2:12:16
MyrttiTech Street3:12:16
MyrttiTech City:Gayville12:16
MyrttiAdmin Phone:+1.800555121212:17
Myrtti@bansearch spook13:59
ubottuNo matches found for spook!n=spook@202-89-167-144.static.dsl.amnet.net.au in any channel13:59
Myrtti@bansearch *!*@202-89-167-144.static.dsl.amnet.net.au13:59
ubottuNo matches found for *!*@202-89-167-144.static.dsl.amnet.net.au in any channel13:59
Myrttihe's going to fly soon13:59
PiciMuted. and he left.14:02
* genii makes a triple-strength pot of coffee, for the brave14:32
ikoniaI'm in 14:32
* genii hands ikonia and Myrtti large mugs of the rocket-fuel14:33
geniiI left work at 1:15am, got home ~2, slept around 3 and woke up again for work at 8 .... so I'm kinda punchy until I drink a few of those14:34
PiciHrm. 14 people connected from the same IP idling in #ubuntu...14:35
geniiSome proxy?14:36
MyrttiPici: which ip?14:36
PiciThey're all in #TSIGA too14:36
ikoniacan we look at the vbox factoid14:36
ikoniareferencing gutsy 14:36
Picigutsy is still supported.14:36
ikoniabut shouldn't be "gutsy onwards"14:37
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:59
ikoniaPici: can you also check http://alesi.projecthugo.co.uk/banlist.txt please15:01
ikoniaPici: see if there are any obvious ones in there that you'd like to keep 15:02
ikoniaI think a few where yours15:02
Piciikonia: I'll take a look15:04
ikoniano rush, not doing anything for a while15:04
ikoniajust didn't think I'd spoke to you about it15:04
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
PiciYou hadn't :)15:05
ubottuIn #xubuntu-devel, cody-somerville said: !!! Omgz, this is so awesome15:05
geniiThe devolution begins...15:09
nickspoonThe question is, why would you gzip an ogm?15:09
ikonia@mark #ubuntu infokill trolling15:25
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:25
ikonia@mark #ubuntu infokill411 trolling15:25
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:25
Piciikonia: fyi. removes don't trigger people's autorejoin scripts15:32
ikoniathats handy to know15:33
ikoniaI actually hope a few of them come back but a kick wakes them up15:33
Myrttiikonia: does your list include bans of Floodbots?16:33
Myrttithere's lots of banforwards to #ubuntu-read-topic from ages long gone16:34
Myrttiwhich I think could be safely assumed that they will not even try to rejoin #ubuntu and should be removed16:35
ikoniaMyrtti: no16:35
ikoniaMyrtti: all manmade or "automated addition"16:35
Myrttihello wikkedfin 18:03
Myrttiwas just wondering what you were trying to achieve by versioning #ubuntu18:05
wikkedfini didnt andhow did i get in this chan i should be in #ubuntu18:05
Myrttiyou're here just so we can satisfy our curiosity18:06
Myrtti[06:43] wikkedfin [n=wikkedfi@75-170-237-59.desm.qwest.net] requested CTCP  VERSION from #ubuntu18:06
Myrttithat's 0443 UTC time18:07
wikkedfinso you forced me in here?18:07
Myrttiyup. We'd like to know if it was accidental or what were you trying to achieve18:07
wikkedfini didnt mean to do it18:07
wikkedfinis it a bad thing i did?18:08
Myrttito do it on the whole channel, yes.18:08
wikkedfinhow so?18:08
Myrttiyou can ask people, and they'll answer if they want to18:08
wikkedfinso who are you?18:09
Myrttime specifically or everyone on this channel?18:09
Myrttifor the latter the answer lies in the channel topic, which you can see with typing /topic in your irc client18:10
Myrttifor the afforementioned, I'm one of the people taking care of #ubuntu18:10
* Myrtti pokes Pici 18:11
wikkedfinso i cant go in ubuntu anymore eh?18:11
Myrttithat remains to be discussed18:11
wikkedfinwith whom?18:12
Myrttiin general, issuing ctcp commands to a whole channel is not a good idea18:12
Myrttiif you're not familiar to your IRC client, you're welcome to ask on #ubuntu or the channel of the client itself what they do18:12
wikkedfinso im ban from a chan due to a ctcp of a channel18:13
Myrttidoing so will prevent you from doing stuff that might be embarassing, unsafe or both.18:13
wikkedfinwhat is it gonna hurt tho?18:14
wikkedfini mean why did they build it into the irc client if its so bad?18:14
Myrttiwhy do they manufacture machine guns if its so bad?18:15
Myrttihunting deer isn't the correct answer18:15
wikkedfinthats not answering my question18:15
wikkedfinyou cant answer a question with a question18:15
Myrttino, but it gives you something to think about which will ultimately bring you to the correct answer through your own insight18:16
wikkedfinso your telling me you all have to "talk" about letting me back in?18:17
Myrttithe real answer is: I don't know. However, CTCPing a whole channel, especially the size of #ubuntu, is frowned upon and has been considered bad behaviour since early days of IRC18:17
wikkedfinwell like i said i didnt mean to18:17
wikkedfinso you cant leave it at that an let me back in?18:17
Myrttiwhat I'd like to hear from you is a promise that you will not do it again in any of the Ubuntu IRC channels.18:18
wikkedfinthats funny18:18
Myrttioh? we have this policy about escalation18:19
Myrttiyour ctcp and the subsequent banning has been logged. If you want to get back into #ubuntu, you'll have to promise not to do it again, and if you do, you'll be banned again, and that time the unbanning will not happen this fast.18:20
wikkedfinwell like i said i didnt mean to do it18:21
wikkedfini wont do it again...18:21
wikkedfini dont even know how i did it to tell you the truth18:21
Myrttiand you also acknowledge that if you do, you will be banned again?18:21
Myrttithank you.18:21
Myrttihold on...18:21
wikkedfinr u server admin?18:22
Myrttitry joining #ubuntu now18:22
Myrttino, I'm not18:22
wikkedfinso like18:22
wikkedfinif you ban how do you transfer ppl?18:22
Myrttiwikkedfin: if you want to know, some of the magic is on http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml18:23
Myrttiif there's anything else, you're free to leave the channel now18:24
Myrttis/there's/there's not/18:24
wikkedfini cant idle ?18:25
* wikkedfin lol18:25
ubottuPlease keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.18:25
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:25
wikkedfinu a programm for ubuntu?18:25
Myrttido explain18:28
wikkedfinyou aprogrammer for ubuntu?18:28
Myrttino? what does that have to do with Ubuntu IRC channels?18:29
wikkedfinc ya18:31
* Myrtti rolls her eyes18:32
mneptokmissed saving throw. you're blind.18:49
jussi01ikonia: ping20:03
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
MyrttiI'm so going to kick that inkvisitor guy from -ot soon22:32
topyliheh, go ahead22:33
topylinot a very long lasting joke22:33
jussi01he is annoying...22:34
* genii sips22:34
topylii do think there's some struggling going on with a cyrillic keyboard or something22:35
Myrttisure - but it still doesn't take away HIS BLATANT TROLLING22:35
jussi01lets jsut see where it goes...22:36
=== thunders1ruck is now known as gnomefreak
Myrttijussi01: are you serious?22:37
jussi01Myrtti: yes. for a ittle while. if it doenst continue alls good. 22:38
Myrttiright - I'm definitely too tired for this22:50
ubottuIn ubottu, liquid said: this is a test pm23:26
jdongyes it is23:27
nickrud_I bet a lot of people go all red when they realize those 'private' messages weren't so private23:30
jussi01arrrrghhh, this is really beginning to annoy me :(23:32
* jussi01 doesnt understand why this is: ? MetaMode 1 of Screen 0 has more than two active display devices.23:33
jussi01I mean, why its not allowed?23:33
jussi01sorry, should grumble too much here :/23:33

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