
yoyonedAnne: right click on menu bar choose edit00:00
disappearedngyeah I was thinking of something more for girls00:00
i-pinkhii, i looking for program like this for the ubuntu,  http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/inkseine/00:00
cjaeIntuitiveNipple: you had a hardy package but I can't seem to install it under ibex?00:00
IntuitiveNipplecjae: I think the kernel interface may have changed00:01
Jack_Sparrowi-pink No there is nothing like that yet for ubuntu00:01
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.00:01
i-pinkbut u nee it00:01
slomorbohi, i'm doing a simple router/nat with ubuntu over a pppoe ISP. a configure my connection with pppoeconf.. this work great. when a do ifup eth1 (to enable my 2th card) my pppoe connection when down until a do "pon dsl-provider"00:01
xooxHow do I remount a filesystem rw that has been remounted ro?00:01
geniiIntuitiveNipple: The vx6000 worked on my 8.10 box using the Microdia driver00:01
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience00:01
i-pinkJack_Sparrow : what to to?00:02
j85wilsonxoox: sudo mount -o remount,rw my-filesystem00:02
Jack_Sparrowi-pink Go look for a substituute00:02
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:02
slomorbohi, i'm doing a simple router/nat with ubuntu over a pppoe ISP. a configure my connection with pppoeconf.. this work great. when a do ifup eth1 (to enable my 2th card) my pppoe connection when down until a do "pon dsl-provider" do you know why??00:02
IntuitiveNipplecjae: see what genii said00:03
xooxj85wilson: Will that keep the mount options from fstab as well?00:03
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:03
j85wilsonxoox: I think so?00:03
i-pinkJack_Sparrow : go to what ??00:03
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:03
Jack_Sparrowi-pink google00:03
xooxj85wilson: It's telling me the block device is write-protected.00:03
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:03
Hok30If I use this method, (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/live-ubuntu-810-usb-persistent-install-windows/) could I unplug the USB drive and use it on a different computer to boot up with Ubuntu?00:03
j85wilsonxoox: tell me more about your situation00:04
tiredbonesWhat is a better way to do a dist upgrade? create a iso image or use synaptic and upgrade what's on my system?00:04
slomorbohi, i'm doing a simple router/nat with ubuntu over a pppoe ISP. a configure my connection with pppoeconf.. this work great. when a do ifup eth1 (to enable my 2th card) my pppoe connection when down until a do "pon dsl-provider" do you know why??00:04
Flux_teh_FoxI'm using amarok 1,4 in GNOME, and when I right-click on a visualization window to make it full screen,00:04
Flux_teh_Foxit appears for a second and goes back to windowed mode00:04
constantine_anybody here good with Cairo?00:04
i-pinkJack_Sparrow : hehehe00:04
AnneI just Installed Opera, where can I find it on my HDD?00:04
adaptrAnne: why do you need to find it on your HDD ?00:05
mandrigconstantine_: Have you tried Avant Window Navigator?00:05
Flux_teh_Foxyou should just be able to run opera ,correct?00:05
Flux_teh_Foxrun the command "opera"*00:05
constantine_mandrig: no what is that00:05
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy00:05
Anneadaptr: I want an icon next to my FF icon00:05
Jack_Sparrowconstantine_ awn is like cairo, but crashes more often00:05
Hok30If I use this method, (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/live-ubuntu-810-usb-persistent-install-windows/) could I unplug the USB drive and use it on a different computer to boot up with Ubuntu?00:05
cdeszaq1what user does apache run as in ubuntu?00:05
Jack_SparrowAnne create a new launcher for opera00:06
mandrigconstantine_: I've not had that many problems with it Jack_Sparrow , haha00:06
MadpilotAnne, right-click on your panel, create launcher00:06
Flux_teh_Foxroot, isn't it?00:06
C45iDYHi. i need to compile the asm file in my ubuntu. Please tell me how ?00:06
LincidJack_Sparrow: You've had crashing problems with AWN?00:06
Jack_Sparrowmandrig as a rule, it does cause us more issues00:06
nickrud_cdeszaq1, www-data00:06
adaptrAnne: open up your internet menu, and drag Opera from there to the launch bar00:06
andersolsenI have a problem i can not installed my soundcard driver. Is that enybody so can help me to do that00:06
xooxj85wilson: Not sure. /var/log/messages doesn't have any relevant info. Disks are old as sin though.00:06
AnneI get that far... but whatś next? I cannot find opera00:06
cjaeIntuitiveNipple: so there is no way to get it to work? this where I found it http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5826879&postcount=400:07
cdeszaq1nickrud_: thank you00:07
Anneadaptr: Opera is not in my internet menu00:07
mandrigAnne: Alternatively, you could hit <alt> + <F2> and the type opera to run opera00:07
j85wilsonxoox: I mean, you are running ubuntu, yes?  some sort of system with old disks.  You booted it up, and root was never remounted rw?00:07
Hok30My computer's CD Drive is broken, and I cannot boot. I had Windows on it, but it stopped working, so I would like to run Ubuntu on it. How can i install it via flash drive?00:07
Anneadaptr: My bad... It was00:07
j85wilsonxoox: how about dmesg?00:07
Jack_Sparrow!install > Hok3000:08
ubottuHok30, please see my private message00:08
xooxj85wilson: No, running Ubuntu system. All of sudden noticed a problem with files not getting written. I then saw that the disks were ro.00:08
C45iDYHi. i need to compile the asm file in my ubuntu. Please tell me how ? Any easy sollution ?00:08
Hok30Jack_Sparrow: What do you mean?00:08
idleonewhat do you good folks recommend for video chat with yahoo protocol?00:08
j85wilsonxoox: oh.  bizarre.00:08
xooxj85wilson: dmesg is boot only right?00:08
Jack_SparrowHok30 See the private message from ubottu about how to do different types of installs00:08
=== idleone is now known as IdleOne
j85wilsonxoox: yeah.00:08
xooxj85wilson: Google is telling me it might be a hardware problem.00:09
Hok30Jack_Sparrow: OK...00:09
AnneNow a trickyer one... I got a asus motherboard with a RAID drive on it, I got 2 disks raided as 1, and formated NTFS, I downloaded the driver from ASUS, How do I install/mount my raided disks00:09
j85wilsonxoox: I was beginning tow onder that myself...00:09
j85wilsonxoox: with old disks, especially.  Check smartctl?  I don't remember its invocation, so check the manpage.00:09
edoceoSo, I'm on Dapper and seeing the 'pcre_fullinfo() error bug' - can't find a fix anywhere - ideas?00:10
Jack_SparrowAnne Lose the raid.  that onboard raid stuff inst real raid anyhow00:10
tiredbonesWhat is a better way to do a dist upgrade? create a iso image or use synaptic and upgrade what's on my system?00:10
AnneJack_Sparrow: Can't. Got lots of stuff on those drives I do not want to lose00:10
nikuIdleOne, I'm pretty sure there's a yahoo IM client for linux00:10
xooxj85wilson: I've tried everything here with no luck: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=45256300:10
IntuitiveNippleAnne: It may use the dm-raid driver00:10
jmccaffreyWhat is the best way to make a diff of an entire folder including the creation and deletion of images and other binary files?00:10
jmccaffreyI want to create a patch for a website deploy00:11
IdleOneniku,  thank you I will google00:11
mcgohennIdleONe: Pidgin will allow for Yahoo00:11
AnneIntuitiveNipple: dm-raid driver?00:11
Hok30Jack_Sparrow: None of the websites helped me :(00:11
IdleOnemcgohenn, but it does not support video and voice chat yet00:11
joblesshey guys, can anyone help me find out why my usb pci card is not working on 8.04?00:11
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nikujmccaffrey, tar has an option to make differential changes, but you could also use rsync00:11
constantine_I think that cairo isn't working because I didn't save it in the startup, how do I fix that?00:11
Hok30Jack_Sparrow: ... Helped me so that I could understand.00:11
Jack_SparrowHok30 1st you could not have read them all, and two, they cover your question sprcifically00:11
rootsnatchjobless: shure whats lsusb saying?00:11
sluskenhow do you uninstall the 180.22 nvidia drivers? ubuntu 8.10?00:12
jmccaffreyniku: Can rsync create a patch file?00:12
rootsnatchslusken: how did you install them00:12
IntuitiveNippleAnne: depending what kind of RAID format the motherboard BIOS/chipset uses. Many of the so-called 'fake' or software RAID controllers work with the kernel's dm-raid module.00:12
joblessrootsnatch, I am using a belkin 5 port USB 2.0 pci card. My system gives some ata errors and won't boot up00:12
nikujmccaffrey... it can compare two directories and show you which ones changed00:12
j85wilsonxoox: you ran the hdparm stuff?  You're braver than I.  hdparm scares the fire out of me.00:12
nikujmccaffrey, but not directly00:12
joblessrootsnatch, it boots up when I remove the card.00:12
mandrigtiredbones: It depends on if you want to have the older version available or not. If you want to have the older version available, you can repartition your disk and install the newer version, or if you just want to dist-upgrade, you can sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:12
j85wilsonxoox: a reboot didn't fix things?00:13
xooxj85wilson: The trick is to be ignoranta.00:13
IntuitiveNippleAnne: for example, all the Promise Fastrak RAID formats are supported by dm-raid, as is Intel versions.00:13
rootsnatchjobless: there are ata errors?00:13
xooxj85wilson: Haven't tried yet. Running fsck00:13
joblessrootsnatch, yes00:13
Hok30Jack_Sparrow: Um... I skimmed them, nothing caught my eye. What I saw was a lot of articles telling me how to set it up if I was setting up Ubuntu as a seperate OS.00:13
AnneIntuitiveNipple: How do I acces/configure/whatever dm-raid?00:13
smithwarany 1 here00:13
sluskenrootsnatch sh filename00:13
smithwarim a new user just today00:13
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:14
joblessrootsnatch, ata1 failed to recover some devices is the specific error. It then throws me a initramfs prompt00:14
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate00:14
dou213thx very much bernz for your help ;) gl mate00:14
rootsnatchjobless: hmmm have you googled around?00:14
smithwarhow can you ppl install tar.gz or bz00:14
AnneIntuitiveNipple: I do not think this is a software raid tho...00:14
j85wilsonwell, xoox, after fsck, which is probably a good idea, try a reboot, see if that fixes it, if not, check dmesg and all.00:14
Hok30Jack_Sparrow: The Sudo mount command suggests that I would already have my computer running. And I've looked through the install stuff already.00:15
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning00:15
IntuitiveNippleAnne: most on-board 'RAID' is - hardware RAID is much more expensive00:15
joblessrootsnatch, yes, I found that one solution was to edit, /etc/intiramfs-tools/modules .. but I don't even have the initramfs-tools directory under etc00:15
dhqhow do i use 2 internet connections togeather00:15
smithwarso whats the topic here00:15
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:15
dhqhow do i use 2 internet connections togeather00:15
tiredbonesmandrig, I have plone and some other stuff I don't want to have to re-install. Have you ever done a apt-get dist-upgrade.00:15
Jack_Sparrowdhq Please dont repeat00:15
AnneIntuitiveNipple: then it probebly is, so how do I mount my NTFS disk?00:15
bernzcheers, dou21300:15
IntuitiveNippleAnne: check the Asus specifications for the motherboard00:15
dhqJack_Sparrow: my mistake00:16
joblessrootsnatch, i found that solution on launchpad, bug 10458100:16
xooxj85wilson: fsck reporting many errors. I think will try to fix them and use the -c flag.00:16
* bernz is one slow mafk00:16
xooxj85wilson: Is SMART available on old disks.00:16
IntuitiveNippleAnne: I've done the same thing in the past for NTFS on RAID-1... In linux ensure the dm-raid module is loaded and use dmraid to configure the array, then add it to /etc/fstab as with any other file-system00:16
rootsnatchslusken: ummmmmm i think it is a kernel module then00:16
j85wilsonxoox: perhaps not.  Not sure how old is the threshold.00:16
Archonianis it just me, or is it damn hard to install themes in ubuntu?00:17
smithwardamit can any 1 read what i write00:17
Hok30Jack_Sparrow: All I really need is a way to get an installer on my USB drive, have my other non-working system recognize it so that I can change the boot order.00:17
smithwarwhat the hell is this anyway00:17
IntuitiveNippleAnne: see http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/dmraid00:17
mandrigtiredbones: yeah I have, it shouldn't rewrite your /home directory which is likely where you installed plone.00:17
^hashbang^smithwar: I see what you are saying00:17
^hashbang^smithwar: what's your question?00:17
rootsnatchjobless: hmmmmm00:17
MadpilotArchonian, download the theme files, drag them into the open Theme Manager window. done.00:17
sluskenumm okay so if i wanna update my drivers to a new version dont i need to uninstall them?00:17
DefineByteseems it set itself to output over the SPDIF. Ah well, working now. :)00:18
mandrigArchonian: have you heard of the program gnome-art?00:18
sagredowhat's the off topic channel?00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-art00:18
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:18
tiredbonesmandrig, thanks. I'll find some more docs before I begin.00:18
Madpilotsagredo, #ubuntu-offtopic00:18
sagredopffftt my wetware > your software00:18
jp_sf!off-topic | sagredo00:19
mandrigArchonian: sudo apt-get install gnome-art00:19
ubottusagredo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:19
AnneIntuitiveNipple: OK thanks00:19
rootsnatchjobless: are you sure you dont have the initramfs-tools directory00:19
joblessrootsnatch, wait, i see the directory now when I booted up the machine (w/o the card). But the solution is for hard disks. Any other Ideas?00:19
cjaeIntuitiveNipple: not trying to nag, I have other possible solutions but I was just wondering if there was a way to install that pkg for ibex, but you said that there see what genni said and I didn't catch till just now whos genni00:19
joblessrootsnatch, I didn't see the directory when I was in initramfs prompt00:20
sluskenrootsnatch : umm okay so if i wanna update my drivers to a new version dont i need to uninstall them? (sry lots of rootsnatch highlighting here :P )00:20
mcgohennI am having an isue with soundjuicer, I have everything installed to rip .mp3, however with Soundjuicer configured to use .mp3, it will only rip to .flac00:20
^hashbang^smithwar: /load theme greenbox00:20
rootsnatchslusken: not in my experience, the installer sees the old one and just installs over and everything is generally good00:20
IntuitiveNipplecjae: "<genii> IntuitiveNipple: The vx6000 worked on my 8.10 box using the Microdia driver"00:20
sluskenokay thanks alot!00:20
=== burkmat is now known as burkzzz
Archonianmandrig: i installed it, how do i use it?00:21
cjaeIntuitiveNipple: so how do I install the driver?00:21
mandrigArchonian: it should be in System > Preferences > Art-Manager00:21
Archonianmadpilot: i get an error message when i do that, but maybe i've been doing it the wrong way00:22
rootsnatchjobless: i think you should try the fix, it looks like that card is playing around with the ata card so this might work00:22
AnneIntuitiveNipple: How do I check what partitions Ubuntu sees?00:22
Annels -l?00:22
joblessrootsnatch, hehe, why not. I am doing it now :)00:22
IntuitiveNipplecjae: I don't know, I only packaged it once to help someone test it. It will depend on which source-code you use. I made it simple by using DKMS but most others expect you to use manual build tools00:22
rootsnatchAnne: try just fdisk /dev/sd and then press tab and see what comes up00:22
IntuitiveNippleAnne: cat /proc/partitions00:22
rootsnatchjobless: make sure to make a backup of copy of the file just in case00:22
yoyonedAnne: Menu>places>computer00:22
cjaeIntuitiveNipple: ok thanks00:23
smithwarso how do  you install tar.gz files after downloading thm from firefox00:23
joblessrootsnatch, I see that it is just some comments right now00:23
rootsnatchjobless: right just make a backup up copy in case00:23
Anneyoyoned: Not just the mounted partitions, also the unmounted00:23
rootsnatchjobless: and then edit away00:23
bernzsmithwar: first you'll have to decompress them with gzip (gunzip)00:23
ludditeli am trying to delete a instal of 8.04 because my 8.10 is perfect. I have partition questions though here http://paste.ubuntu.com/116258/00:23
Jack_Sparrowsmithwar a tar is like a zip, they can contain anything.  I suggest you see what installation instructions they provide with their software00:24
yoyonedAnne:sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda00:24
bernzsmithwar, that will take away the '.gz' part, typically00:24
=== amarillo-slim is now known as bordeline
jp_sfmcgohenn: you need to install a plugin gstreamer00:24
Jack_SparrowAnne sudo fdisk -l00:24
smithwarafter i unzip them what should i do00:24
bernzsmithwar, then you can untar it using tar... usually something like 'tar -xvf filenameoftarredfile' to see progress as it works00:24
joblessrootsnatch, I did ;) and now I am done and about to reboot.. brb00:25
drashsmithwar: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#Handling_.28Tar.2FGZip.29_and_.28Tar.2FBzip2.29_archives00:25
bernzyou can do these in one line, when you get more familiar with piping and command-line00:25
mcgohennjp_sf: I have gstreamer0.10-plugin-ugly, lame, and ubuntu-restricted already installed00:25
Annedo i need to install something before i can reed/write ntfs partitions?00:25
jp_sfsmithwar: go in the directory look for a README or INSTALL00:25
mcgohennjp_sf: I ran through wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats already00:25
ubottuanne: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE00:26
Jack_SparrowAnne YOu should be able to read, but they are sometimes locked down by windows if you have trouble writing00:27
jp_sfmcgohenn: ok good and then when you  open soundjuicer and go to Edit > Preference > output and select MP300:27
mcgohennjp_sf: after installing the files, it showed the .mp3 format as an option, and started ripping to .flac00:27
mcgohennjp_sf: I have disabled all options except .mp3, and it persists with the .flac00:28
smithwarcan some 1 hack me on xubuntu cus i really dont know anything about linux00:28
hommeentetehello everyone -- i have an external hard drive that i want a user (not root) to be able to write to... I have the folder that I mount it to owned by that user, but when i mount the disk it switches to be owned by root and the root group - and then it doesn't let me change it.  how should i set it up so that a user other than root can write to a mounted disk?00:29
jp_sfmcgohenn: just to make sure you have MP3 under Edit > Preference ?00:29
mcgohennjp_sf: yup00:29
jp_sfmcgohenn: it's active ?00:29
jp_sfmcgohenn: checkbox ?00:29
mcgohennjp_sf: just double checked, it is active, also checked the others, and the check is not present00:30
eater9I'm running Intrepid on a 1920x1200 screen, and gnome seems to think the "bottom" of my screen is about an inch from the actual bottom; it puts panels there, etc. -- is there a way to tell it where the actual bottom is?00:30
rootsnatchhommeentete: i can't remember exactly but i think you need to make sure the user option is set in the fstab00:30
smithwarhow can i play windows xp games like call of duty 4 on ubuntu00:30
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help00:30
smithwarubuntu doesn't read exe00:30
hommeenteterootsnatch: that's at least a start - i appreciate that00:30
prince_jammys!wine > smithwar00:31
ubottusmithwar, please see my private message00:31
Anneto start the windwos program, you typ wine programname.exe00:31
Anneofc. you need to install wine first00:31
BarnoseWine reads exe00:31
=== tyler is now known as Guest20304
j85wilsonhey, I've got linux-2.7.27-11 installed, but I'd like to remove it and return to the old kernel (still installed).  How?00:32
vvshhello everybody, very simple question, how do i add a process/services to boot time?00:32
Jack_Sparrowj85wilson select it in grub menu.lst00:32
Barnosevvsh, I have no idea00:32
j85wilsonvvsh: system->administration->services00:32
Guest20304I just installed Graphics Drivers and when i logged back out there was no top tool bar and the terminal doesn't load its just a white screen.00:32
Archonianmandrig: when in GNOME Art i tried to press install, when selecting a theme, nothing happened. i also tried to download the theme to the desktop, and manually add it to the system-settings-appearance but then it complains about not being able to extract the archive00:33
smithwarsee ya bye and thnx for the info much apre......00:33
vvshj85wilson: is there anyway i can do it in commandline?00:33
j85wilsonJack_Sparrow: trouble is, now when I try to install, say, linux-backports-modules-intrepid, it wants to install the 2.7.27-11 version.00:33
jp_sfmcgohenn: I think the only explanation is you are missing a package00:33
ShakedownSo if I want to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10, it is recommended that I install all available updates for 8.04 - but I don't want 600 updates for language support in Thunderbird and OpenOffice. Do I really have to update everything?00:33
Jack_SparrowArchonian normally we drag and drop the tar onto the open theme manager00:33
mcgohennjp_sf: that is going to be fun to track down00:34
Jack_SparrowShakedown best to do what it wants and remove them later00:34
ShakedownHow can I remove them later?00:34
j85wilsonvvsh: I think you can do some messing about with /etc/rc.d/*, but really, it is probably best in this case to use the tool, unless you have compelling reason not to.  Way too easy to get things into a messed up state playing with your boot scripts.00:34
hommeenteteeater9: are you sure it's ubuntu that isn't reading the screen right or is it the monitor?  sometimes when i connect a new device i have to hit auto adjust on my monitor00:34
archmanShakedown: no, just upgrade.00:34
ShakedownNow I'm getting two different answers!00:34
eater9hommeentete: it's a laptop00:35
archmanShakedown: i did it when i was upgrading from gutsy to hardy00:35
hommeenteteeater9: oh.  well then. lol00:35
ArchonianJack_Sparrow: i tried that to, but it still complains about not being able to extract00:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vl200:35
j85wilsonvvsh: I've spent a good amount of time deliberately breaking things just so I could see how to fix them, and trust me, your bootscripts are a horrible tangled mess.  You don't want to spend the time to puzzle them out to change them, nor to puzzle them out again to fix them later.00:35
vvshj85wilson: thanks00:35
Jack_SparrowArchonian then it isnt a valid file or you were trying a gdm theme into the login manager etc00:35
ShakedownIs there a way to remove things from my Updates Available list?00:35
archmanShakedown: what jack said, you can remove them later, in synaptic00:35
archmanShakedown: yes, turning off reps00:36
vvshj85wilson: i know what you mean, been there million times. i found a command that does the jobs for me - sysvconfig00:36
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j85wilsonah very nice.  One I wasn't aware of.  Thanks for the tip!00:36
Jack_SparrowShakedown yes, we said you can remove things, but if your upgrade needs one of them you are hosed00:36
TylerWhen i logged back into Ubuntu i noticed there isn't a top toolbar and the terminal wont load?00:36
eater9i can drag the panels down to where they're supposed to be, but is there any way to make them appear where they should in the first place, instead of in the middle of the screen?00:36
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=== Guest65521 is now known as Tyler02
ArchonianJack_Sparrow: gotcha00:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about v4l200:37
ShakedownWell the Upgrade page on ubuntu.com says I should have all available updates, but like I said, I don't want to install 700 language packages. That seems like a stupid waste of space to me.00:37
Jack_SparrowArchonian np00:37
archmanShakedown, try upgrading00:38
Moodis it necessary to forward port 20 as well as port 21 for passive FTP?00:38
archmanShakedown, button on the top00:38
ShakedownWithout install those packages?00:38
jbuncherShakedown:  are they actually for different languages, or are they language packages for different apps?00:38
archmanShakedown, yes. no point in installing languages, nonsense00:38
ShakedownThey are language supports for like hundreds of languages I've never heard of...I've downloaded all the English ones00:39
anom01ywhat problems cause the x server of one user to crash in a system running two users simultaneuosly ?00:39
Jack_Sparrowarchman they are not what he thinks they are00:39
ShakedownThey are language packages for Thunderbird and OpenOffice00:39
archmanJack_Sparrow erm...00:39
LincidHi. I'm looking for a simple solution to share some files with a friend. Want him to be able to browse and grab as he pleases.00:39
archmanShakedown, ^00:39
archmanShakedown, try to upgrade already, so you'll see what it'll do00:40
Ashok_can anyone here help me out with getting my intrepid livecd to boot?00:40
nickrud_archman, you can install localepurge00:40
archmanAshok_ you just need to burn image to disk00:40
Ashok_yeah...i can get into the bootmenu on the livecd, it starts up, plays teh login sound, and then gives me a white screen00:41
Ashok_i can get some pretty crazy black lines across it if i press any keys or move the mouse00:41
mcgohennAshok_ did you burn the ISO, or did you get it in the mail00:41
archmanAshok_ oh...well...tried another version?00:41
Ashok_i burned it, tested it on a vm and hashed it: the iso is good00:42
Jack_SparrowAshok_ To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"00:42
mcgohennAshok_ and is is 32 / 64 bit, per your computer00:42
archmanAshok_ or try safe graphics mode00:42
Ashok_its 64 bit for my core 200:42
Ashok_how do i put it into gfx safe mode?00:42
Jack_SparrowAshok_ not all core 2 are 64 are they?00:43
Cody1How can you see if you have 2 internet cards on your machine?00:43
archmanAshok_ you can choose on the menu, i believe00:43
Ashok_afaik they are...i know the proc supports 64 bit00:43
mcgohennCod1: if they are both initiated, try ifconfig00:43
Cody1What would i be looking for?00:43
AnneWhy do I get Access Deneid when I enter ./Makefile as su00:43
hossamanyone know the trick to getting virtualbox 2.1.2 to create a valid vmdk for a physical disk? i tried the steps outlined in this guide and it didnt work00:43
mcgohennCody1: the nomer of IP addresses listed00:44
mcgohennalternately, eth1, eth2 eth300:44
hossamim on ubuntu 8.10 btw00:44
rwwhossam: Try asking in channel #vbox if nobody answers here00:44
OverandWhat package handles the 'advanced' auto-completion in bash, that handles things like completion of filenames on remote servers in a line like "scp servername:/file/locat(TAB)" ?00:44
hossamrww, will do00:44
Cody1mcgohenn:  I've got Eth1 Eth0 and lo? Is that telling me?00:44
rwwOverand: bash-completion, I think00:44
xooxAnyone know why a partition would be busy even if it umount (and not listed by mount)?00:44
xooxI can't fsck00:45
geniiAnne: First: use sudo. Second:  Makefile is not an executable. It's directions for the make command to use00:45
archmanCody1: yes00:45
archmanCody1: lan or wlan cards00:45
laughyn1nj4why does ubuntu put the /home/me/bin directory at the BEGINING of the $PATH instead of the END?  and how can i get ubuntu to put it at the end instead?00:46
nickrud_Overand, bash-completion ?00:46
nickrud_laughyn1nj4, it's there to override system commands with your personal version00:47
laughyn1nj4nickrud: yea, but i don't want anyone(me or others) to be able to do that.00:47
laughyn1nj4is there anyway to change it?00:47
Flyzoolahey guys, I'm having problems running GXMame, none of my roms will load because of a LIRC error or something, but I know for a fact that I have everything I need to run the games. Why is this happening?00:48
nickrud_laughyn1nj4, you'd change it in .profile00:48
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: any user can change their default path. like. export PATH=$PATH:/place/bin:/my/src/dir etc etc00:48
laughyn1nj4nickrud: tried it!  doesn't work.00:48
nickrud_laughyn1nj4, ah, to make it systemwide you'd change /etc/skel/.bashrc for new users. And you have to either log into a new terminal, or run  source .profile to have it register00:49
Flyzooladoes ubuntu need specific bios for mame roms to run?00:49
archmanFlyzoola give the community the exact error and maybe someone could help you00:49
laughyn1nj4hashbang: ok.  but i don't want to do it manually every time00:49
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: you would put that in your ~/.bashrc in your homedir00:50
Flyzoolaarchman, the error is huge. From what I gather it's because it's not reading the bios that I have as being there, I could screen shot it if that would make it easier (it's not an ubuntu problem per-se, it's more of a gxmame problem)00:50
laughyn1nj4hashbang: it seems that ubuntu is litterally overriding what i put in .bashrc, or .profile00:50
Kryptonhi guys, im encountering an instlalation problem00:51
archmanFlyzoola well, try seeking help on the gxmame boards or so, maybe you'll get help00:51
btQuarkdoes someone know when the radeon drivers might end up with dri2 in ubuntu?00:51
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: in your path? what is being overwritten?00:51
KryptonWhen I install XP/Vista/MAndriva.... they all work, but when I install Ubuntu from livecd I get upto 50% then an crash00:51
Kryptonwhy is this?00:52
^hashbang^!ait |btQuark00:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ait00:52
^hashbang^!ati |btQuark00:52
ubottubtQuark: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:52
archmanKrypton: you did md5sum check?00:52
Annecan someone help me out with DMRAID ?00:52
btQuarkthe binary driver is largely worse than the opensource one00:52
Kryptonyes i have downloaded it three times and burned 3 diff. cds and I checked them all00:52
btQuarkthey're both stinky but the binary one is a shame00:52
laughyn1nj4hashbang: if i add PATH=$PATH:~/bin to .profile , ubuntu puts ~/bin at the BEGINNING of my path00:53
Kryptonnothing is working, and I am getting extremely frustrated00:53
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: ok .. so?00:53
pike__Krypton: have you tried the server install?00:53
archmanKrypton: strange...maybe hardware compatibility problem...Jack_Sparrow: can he install in the debug mode?00:53
Kryptonwhats that?00:53
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: I don't use .profile I use .bashrc...00:53
archmanor verbose...00:54
Kryptonthis is my hardware: 2 GB Ram, ATI 780g IGP, 2.4 GHZ AMD Dual Proc00:54
the6stephow do I search debian packages from the command line?00:54
linny1pike__: dont you mean ubuntu base install ? why would he want the server ?00:54
rwwlaughyn1nj4: That's because $PATH already has ~/bin at the beginning of it, so PATH=$PATH:~/bin tells it to add ~/bin to the end... but it's already at the beginning...00:54
btQuarkthe radeon drivers are actually really fine, they just need dri2, more accel and better function with powerplay00:54
the6stepis there a command in terminal to do it?00:54
pike__Krypton: the command line only version installer. you can then simply sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to pull all the gui stuff in. might update your kernel too with a sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic00:54
Sp0tKubuntuIs the older Ubuntu 8.04 LTS much different from the newer one? I guess the older one is more stable?00:54
laughyn1nj4hashbang: that command should put it at the END ... and i want it at the end00:54
rwwthe6step: apt-cache search or aptitude search00:54
rwwSp0tKubuntu: "newer one"? you mean 8.10?00:54
pike__linny1: i didnt realize there was a difference00:54
Sp0tKubunturww: Yes00:54
laughyn1nj4how do i tell ubuntu to stop doing that?00:54
Kryptonpike: how do I do the command line installer00:54
linny1yes the server installs the server stuff :)00:55
freq18hzhas anyone installed the lastest release kernal w/8.10 on an HP Mini 1000?00:55
rwwSp0tKubuntu: 8.04 is supported for 3 years (desktop) or 5 years (server). 8.10 is supported for 18 months. 8.04 has older (theoretically more tested) packages.00:55
^hashbang^laughynlnj: try this from your termial. env | grep PATH | now export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mypath | then env | grep PATH00:55
archmanSp0tKubuntu i've seen great improvements from gutsy till now...00:55
pike__Krypton: its a seperate cd you have to burn00:55
archmanSp0tKubuntu big differences00:55
linny1the ubuntu base is only like a 10mb iso00:55
^hashbang^laughynlnj: the path :/usr/local/mypath should be at the end correct?00:55
pike__Krypton: the installer itself is very easy not any harder than the livecd installer really00:55
Sp0tKubuntuHmm, then 8.10 is better?00:55
rwwSp0tKubuntu: for most users, yes00:55
Kryptonyeah, but Im out of CDs and cant go get them00:55
pike__Sp0tKubuntu: unless you have a legacy nvidia card :(00:56
kjellKrypton: USB?00:56
archmanSp0tKubuntu what best suits for you...subjective00:56
Kryptondont have one here00:56
archmanSp0tKubuntu for me, it definitely is00:56
vigoKrypton: WUBI?00:56
archmantill now...00:56
Sp0tKubuntupike__: Hmm, i have intergrated graphic00:56
Kryptoni dont have an OS instlaled00:56
archmanSp0tKubuntu graphics will work )00:56
pressman57Anyone know anything about hardware? I had a power-source go out (my second), I replaced it and now my computer is actin hinkey - mouse not doing what it should, screen shifting and jumping around. Logic board?00:56
laughyn1nj4hashbang: no workie workie ... and since i'm not a grep guru i don't even know what that's supoded to do so i cant fix it00:56
sluskenARGH powermizer still not fixed :f00:56
Flyzoolaanybody here use xmame? My roms wont load because of something called LIRC disabling00:56
Kryptonim doing this thru the livecd00:56
=== galt is now known as g4lt-lappy
linny1Krypton: i would try ubuntu base install then install graphics drivers then the ubuntu desktop i have an ati card and thats how i had to do it00:57
Sp0tKubuntuHmm, i have seen 8.10 but im afraid is more "unstable" than the older one00:57
Kryptonbut ig et upto 50% in th einstall00:57
Kryptonand then it gives me an error00:57
archmanSp0tKubuntu it's 4 months out, so...00:57
linny1Krypton: what does the error say ?00:57
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: env (just displays your current running enviorement) and | the pipe is taking that output and passing it to "grep" which is then looking for a keyword PATH00:57
archmanSp0tKubuntu nonsense00:58
Kryptonit says faulty cd drive/hardrive00:58
archmanSp0tKubuntu can be just better security tight and stabel00:58
linny1Krypton: did you check the media ?00:58
Sp0tKubuntuThat will say its ok? But what if i like KDE then? I have Kubuntu 8.10 64 bit installed now00:58
Zombie_GazStill trying to get an answer for this... I use gnome-terminal and want to get full ansi colour support. Anyone have any ideas how to do that. Do I need a specific font and / or term? I can see the correct colours but they have strange symbols.00:58
laughyn1nj4hashbang: why would'nt i just echo $PATH ?00:58
Kryptonso i dont know what the problem could be00:58
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: copy paste this: env | grep PATH (copy paste fromt he "env" part to the PATH part)00:58
archmanSp0tKubuntu the same, i believe, KDE has great apps ;)00:58
mikeshollenCan anyone help me fix my mic?00:58
Sp0tKubuntuOk, thats also worth thinkin about i think, stability00:59
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: you can do that too00:59
archmanSp0tKubuntu i don't love the xp feel, though, gnome for me :)00:59
laughyn1nj4hash:  shows my ~/bin ad the beginning ... i want it at the end00:59
Sp0tKubuntuarchman: Ok, i like the new KDE more than Gnome, but the older KDE is not a beaty i think :-D00:59
^hashbang^try opening a new termianl00:59
linny1Krypton: heres the base install iso if you have usb you can put it on that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:59
archmanSp0tKubuntu backup your system, and try it01:00
Sp0tKubuntuarchman: Coming from Vista, so KDE looks a little more "alike", if you should compare then01:00
laughyn1nj4hashbang:yep...same thing01:00
linny1Krypton: it sounds like bad media tbh01:00
constantine_somehow my menu bar at the top is all sideways, don't know what my friend did to it01:00
constantine_how do I fix to the way it was01:00
Sp0tKubuntuarchman: Maybe just try af live?01:00
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: try using the full path and not ~/bin01:00
archmanSp0tKubuntu right!01:00
Sp0tKubuntuOk, i say thanks then :-)01:00
mcgohennconstantine_: all sideways, as in up and down the side of the screen?01:00
laughyn1nj4hashbang: i am doing that ... just using the ~ as a shorcut for the chat01:00
archmanSp0tKubuntu np;)01:00
tiredbonesI'm trying to backup my home directory using brasero. I select the project for burning data. transfer my home directory to the add area. select "burn". give a label to the cd. it runs for a few minutes and the screens go away. I 'm assuming that it done. I install the cd again and it is blank. what is up!!!.01:01
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: ah ... hmm I've even done the ~/bin in my path "with the ~" and I still get it added to the end of my path01:01
constantine_cgohenn: no the menu is at the top but the drop down text is vertical and cut off01:01
^hashbang^can you pastebin your env output01:01
vigotiredbones: Have you tried HUB?01:01
sagredoyo yo yo! with my update to 8.10 I no longer have a link to my network manager01:02
laughyn1nj4hashbang: pastebin?01:02
sagredowhere's it at!01:02
cphillipsi can i get amarok to eject my ipod when i hit the "disconnect" button? it removes it from the desktop but it still shows up under Places in my panel.01:02
mifritscheris there a way to supress as much configure-questions as possible while installing packages?01:02
rww!paste | laughyn1nj401:02
ubottulaughyn1nj4: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:02
tiredbonesvigo, what is HUB? I have tried GnomeBaker. that was even worse.01:02
^hashbang^oh laughynlnj4: take out the PATH export you have in your .profile, then source ~/.profile then do the export PATH=$PATH:~/bin again01:03
Dillizaris there any way i can put moving background for my desktop01:03
laughyn1nj4hash: ok01:03
laughyn1nj4hold on01:03
vigotiredbones: HUB is Home User Backup, it makes it easy and simple, there is also baccula, I prefer HUB01:03
kattollikisdhi everyone, I can't see videos on the firefox using the Totem plug-in. Can someone just give me a hand? thanks01:04
linny1kattollikisd: what videos like you tube and stuff ?01:04
Dillizarkattollikisd, give me the link pls01:04
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: if that doesnt' work, try opening another new terminal and then verify that the .profile entry you had is gone with echo $PATH, then export your new PATH again01:04
pike__kattollikisd: ive never used the totem plugin. the only advise i could give would be to use the mplayer one01:04
tiredbonesvigo, thanks. I'll go look for some docs on HUB.01:04
constantine_my menu bar items at the top are vertical text and I want to make them horizontal again01:05
neuma22is it possible to have a specific connection (the ssh tunnel) being delivered through a specific gateway while having a different default gateway for the rest?01:05
drashDillizar: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/12/15/animated-wallpaper-on-your-ubuntu-810-desktop/ might be of interest to you01:05
Dillizarkattollikisd, why you dont try right click open with totem01:05
vigoMy pleasure,,,it is in the Synaptic package manager, just search Back Ups or back up01:05
laughyn1nj4hash: remind me where .profile is?01:05
athakiWill Jaunty be able to import documents and settings from Vista?01:05
kattollikisdlinny1, is not a youtube videos, Dillizar, the mplayer so not work because something is happening to my grafic card right now... This is the link http://www.freefullmovies.net/movies/wanted.html01:06
Dillizardrash, thanks man :)01:06
drashDillizar: yw :)01:06
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: /etc/profile I mean (if that's the location that you placed your path to ~/bin)01:06
Dillizardrash, have you tried this01:06
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: otherwise, when you open a new terminal is the ~/bin path in your $PATH by default? if not, then nm01:07
the6stephow do I remove a package I installed with aptitude through terminal01:07
the6stepI can't use synaptic01:07
^hashbang^sudo apt-get remove "package name"01:07
g4lt-lappyathaki: asking to import your settings from vista is a bit much, given that ubuntu uses an entirely different system for settings01:07
laughyn1nj4hash: yea...it's there by default01:07
laughyn1nj4no mater what i do01:07
g4lt-lappydocuments, depends on the app you used to make them01:08
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: ok where did you place it?01:08
drashDillizar: yes, it worked ok (but i returned to my smooth simple no-frills desktop wallpaper (just tested it out of curiosity)01:08
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: ~/.bashrc? /etc/profile?01:08
tekteendoes anyone know a cmd that will download a file only if it has changed?01:08
laughyn1nj4hash:toward the bottom of the file ... is that what your asking?01:08
athakiWell, it was worth asking anyway. Thanks! :D01:08
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: bottom of .bashrc?01:08
Dillizarkattollikisd, the playback of this movie requires a text/html decoder plugin which is not installed01:08
jribtekteen: how are you supposed to determine if it has changed?01:08
laughyn1nj4hash: no, bottom of .profile01:09
^hashbang^tekteen: man rsync01:09
tekteenjrib: if the date last modified changed?01:09
WebcamWondertekteen: wget has a flag that supports it, although I don't have access to man right now01:09
jribtekteen: download from where?01:09
tekteen^hashbang^: I do not control the server01:09
jeeves_Mosswhat programs are there out there for the wardriving equivilent for Bluetooth?01:09
g4lt-lappythe6step: sudo apt-get remove works, add the --purge switch if you want to get rid of the package file01:09
rwwWebcamWonder: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/ tends to be useful :)01:09
constantine__how do you make the menu text on the top panel horizontal when it has gone vertical?01:09
^hashbang^tekteen: you don't need control of the server to use rsync. you can even use rsync and ssh together...01:09
anom01yis it normal for firefox to crash the x user of another user ?01:09
WebcamWonderrww: By I don't have access, I mean, I am too lazy to open up even the terminal :P01:10
g4lt-lappyconstantine_drag and drop01:10
rwwWebcamWonder: oh, I see :)01:10
tekteen^hashbang^: it is a public ftp server, no ssh01:10
rdw200169jeeves_Moss, you're not gonna get a whole lot of help on that here.  we try to stay legal in how we do things in this channel01:10
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: where is this .profile file?01:10
jeeves_Mossrdw200169, I guess the better question would have been "bluetooth utilities"01:10
^hashbang^tekteen: yea, wget is your best bet then...01:10
tekteen^hashbang^: I looked through the entire man page01:11
=== Mr is now known as Guest15306
tekteenI found nothing on date last modified01:11
laughyn1nj4hashbang: it's actualy in my ~/ dir01:11
kattollikisdDillizar, Exacly, that was the totem say "the playback of this movie requires a text/html decoder plugin which is not installed"01:11
tekteenunless it was in recursive mirror mode01:11
tekteen^hashbang^: ^01:11
WebcamWondertekteen: -N is the one you are looking for: turns on timestamping01:11
rdw200169kattollikisd, i think the MIME type for the file you want to play is screwed up01:11
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: ok do a mv .profile to profile just for this test01:11
Dillizarso install it :D kattollikisd01:12
bernzjeeves_Moss, the most rewarding experience is to write your own utilities.  then you will truly understand the protocols. then you might even get a job as an expert. but usually it's just for fun. :-)01:12
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-Hi I hope that this is from Ubuntu.com01:12
vigotekteen: there is a program in Ubuntu/Debian that automates that, sorta,01:12
the6stepg4lt-lappy: thank you01:12
laughyn1nj4hash: m'01:12
laughyn1nj4hash: m'kay ... then open a new term?01:12
laughyn1nj4or should i source it first?01:12
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: yea01:12
WebcamWondertekteen: Here is an example doc. http://www.editcorp.com/Personal/Lars_Appel/wget/wget_5.html01:12
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: lol01:12
rdw200169Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-, yes, this is the *official* (in the most liberal sense of the term) channel for ubuntu support01:12
kattollikisdDillizar, what I have to install?01:13
Guest15306hi, i having trouble with firefox  when i organize my bookmarks somehow when i close the browser and re-open no changes happen?01:13
tekteenWebcamWonder: thanks. I am planning on putting it in a program. wget works on windows too so it can someday be ported :-)01:13
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-ok I think something is wrong with a mail. I never receive a mail with Ubuntu's new version since last October. I actually clicked on submit.01:13
rdw200169Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-, you're talking about a problem you're having with Evolution, the e-mail client?01:14
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-That's right after you released Ubuntu's new version....01:14
WebcamWondertekteen: No problems. Glad to help :)01:14
laughyn1nj4hash: did it ... no change01:14
Ashok_hey i'm having some livecd trouble...i tried to run it in gfx safemode and removed the splash and silent options on the boot line, and now i just have a command prompt.  I tried startx and got Fatal server error: no screens found giving up.01:14
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: dude... this is spooky01:14
baxou_I'm maybe asking a silly question, but I wonder if someone has a good programming irc server to propose me?01:14
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: pastbin.com your env, and pastbin.com your command you are using to export with01:15
laughyn1nj4hash : yea ... really thick01:15
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-Let me look into my account and date.01:15
Dillizarkattollikisd, cant seem to find the plug in01:15
Ashok_can anyone help me with an x server fatal error?01:15
rdw200169Ashok_, well, i'm not *sure* but you could try to use the script /etc/init.d/gdm... this works on the regular install, i don't know about the livecd though01:15
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: paste.ubuntu.com01:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:15
JonasNZHi Guys, Which is the best channel to get support for making apt packages?01:16
bernzGuest15306: i know it's not a "quick fix", but with some web searching, you'll find out exactly where firefox for ubuntu (gnu linux) stores your bookmark file, usually in the subdirectory-sub-tree of your home directory ('/home/yourusername'), in a "secret"/"hidden" directory starting with a period01:16
sagredohow can I generate a list of all the programs I've installed that aren't default?01:16
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-1 CDs requested       on 2008-11-09.                                  1           CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company           on 2008-11-10.           Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to             deliver, depending on the country of shipping.01:16
jpedrozaHello all. I am using Ubuntu 8.10 and trying to get DVD playback working. The DVD will play the intros, warnings, etc. but when it tries to load the menu it gives a "Failed to connect stream" error.01:16
g4lt-lappybaxou_: can't get muh better than freenode, which you're on01:16
bernzaw jeez, i'm too slow to be helpful.  :-/01:16
jpedrozaI can only imagine that I am missing some DVD playback package, but I am not sure which.01:17
Dillizarkattollikisd, http://tinyurl.com/bduh8501:17
bernz(gotta stop cooking dinner while IRCing... :-)01:17
pckchemAnyone have some experience with regex want to help me with something real quick?01:17
Dillizarkattollikisd, click on the first link :)01:17
kattollikisdDillizar, I think that I have all plug-in installed already01:17
ASrocki am using ubuntu with x11vnc how do i allow my computer to be controlled over the internet?01:17
sagredohow can I generate a list of all the programs I've installed that aren't default?01:18
kattollikisdDillizar, ok...01:18
PiciEx-QuAke[DOD]-M-: We do not have control over shipit.ubuntu.com here.  I believe that there is a contact email address on their site that you can use if you are having issues with your order.01:18
jpedrozaI should mention that this is in Totem01:18
tiredbonesvigo, I installed HUB. How do you start it?01:19
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-Is that ok if I click on submit again?01:19
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: hey man I got to go... sorry01:19
|mrDo Intel graphics cards model 4500MHD  work with Ubuntu?01:19
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laughyn1nj4hashbang: what?  i pull down my pants (paste my env) and you're just going to leave?01:19
kattollikisdDillizar, alright... o.0 you want me to search?01:20
PiciEx-QuAke[DOD]-M-: Why don't you use the 'check the status of an existing request' link?01:20
=== spass is now known as spass_away
ricardo_anyway to put widgets like in Mac OS X01:20
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: I need to get home for the kids01:20
ricardo_anyway to put widgets like in Mac OS X01:20
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: ok where is the link01:20
ricardo_anyway to put widgets like in Mac OS X01:20
laughyn1nj4i pm'd ya01:20
ricardo_anyway to put widgets like in Mac OS X01:20
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-I did01:20
Dillizarkattollikisd, sorry man but i like the web :D its awesome :D01:20
^hashbang^ricardo_  screenlets01:20
ricardo_anyway to put widgets like in Mac OS X01:20
Piciricardo_: stop repeating01:20
IntuitiveNipplepckchem, try me with your regexp01:20
jpedrozaricardo_: If someone knew they would respond01:20
^hashbang^ricardo_  screenlets01:20
vigotiredbones: It is in or should be in, System>Administrator>Hubbackup, there is a nice GUI , get a CD-r or whatever and just make a backup.01:20
Dillizarricardo_, what do ya want01:20
^hashbang^ricardo_  sudo apt-get install screenlets will give you widgets01:21
Dillizarah ricardo_ wait few sec01:21
tiredbonesvigo, Thanks. I found it after i ask the question.01:21
^hashbang^laughynlnj4: /away01:21
^hashbang^ricardo_  sudo apt-get install screenlets will give you widgets01:21
ASrockare there any vnc servers for ubuntu that have a gui?01:21
kattollikisdDillizar, if you say so (I hate google... but you let me with one choose) thanks anyway01:21
pckchemIntuitiveNipple: I need to match a word after another word. For example, any word that comes after the word "in"01:21
Dillizarricardo_, http://tinyurl.com/ceve2b this will help01:22
Dillizarkattollikisd, but i think i saw the answer in some forum01:22
pckchemIntuitiveNipple: so for example, "in firefox-3.0" should match firefox-3.001:22
Kryptonguys, im  back, even more frustrated than ever01:22
=== ^hashbang^ is now known as ^hashbang_away^
eper3zhey howcome my my arrow keys arents being picked up?01:22
Dillizarricardo_, this is the right link http://tinyurl.com/aehdo601:22
kattollikisdwell Dillizar, I'll do ma'best01:23
eper3zusing windows keyboard, and my arrow keys arent working in 8.10 intre any clue?01:23
Kryptonso basically what I want to do is install ubuntu on my whole HD and i get an error after 50% of the install01:23
ricardo_who ever got my computer do that show me please!01:23
Kryptonwhat should I do computer 133701:23
pckchemIntuitiveNipple: It seemed really easy at first, but I'm having trouble getting any regex I write to match anything past the "in", no matter how greedy I write the expression01:23
Dillizarkattollikisd, or just try another web joox.net or smt like that01:23
Dillizarricardo_, are you talking bout the google :D01:23
ricardo_yes about the google01:24
IntuitiveNipplepckchem: /in ([\w-]+)/01:24
Dillizarwhat do ya want to know ricardo_  its a web site called www.letmegooglethatforyou.com01:24
IntuitiveNipplepckchem: Are you writing it for sed? That has some limitations that can bite01:24
detabbedhi, does anyone know how to do this?01:24
Sp0tKubuntuHmm! I just ran Ubuntu 8.04 LTS live CD, and i have not subtitle playing DVD, but i have in Ubuntu 8.10!01:24
pckchemIntuitiveNipple: javascript01:25
Dillizarricardo_, its for ppl who are too lazy to type :P01:25
IntuitiveNipplepckchem: As an aside, a wonderful reference: http://www.regular-expressions.info/01:25
Kryptonso basically what I want to do is install ubuntu on my whole HD and i get an error after 50% of the install, does anyone know what I can do?01:25
IntuitiveNipplepckchem: OK, what I showed you should work01:25
pckchemIntuitiveNipple: I've been beating myself against that reference for a while now :)01:25
Sp0tKubuntuHow big is the "REAL" performance between 32 bit and 64 bit using linux?01:26
rwwSp0tKubuntu: for normal users, there isn't much difference01:26
Dillizarricardo_, thanks i say that someone from my pc was on a porn site i will kick some ass thanks :D01:26
IntuitiveNipplepckchem: I think that is a right of passage for regexp01:26
Sp0tKubunturww: What do i have to use my computer for, it i run 64 bitt?01:26
Sp0tKubunturww: If*01:27
rwwSp0tKubuntu: what?01:27
Kryptonwhat I want to do is install ubuntu on my whole HD and i get an error after 50% of the install, does anyone know what I can do?01:27
Sp0tKubunturww: Do i have to do something speciel to get something out of 64 bit? I have 64 bit processor, and 4Gb RAM, only showing them all in 64bit01:27
zerko6anyone here use cacti?01:27
Kryptonplease guys, i am frustrated01:27
ryanprior!patience | krypto01:28
ubottukrypto: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:28
DillizarSp0tKubuntu, its the same linux same kernel i think just with some twigs :P01:28
ricardo_ok back to bussiness, how do install software with the .rpm extension01:28
Kryptoni am sorry, but i have had this prob. for 3 days now, it is getting to me01:28
DillizarKrypton, are you on a live cd01:28
Sp0tKubuntuDillizar: Ok, dosent make sense to make it then01:28
WebcamWonderricardo_: It is recommended to get a debian package if it is available01:29
rwwKrypton: it'd be useful if you started by telling us the error you get.01:29
Kryptonyes i am01:29
linny1ricardo_: rpm is red hat you could comipile from source or find debs01:29
jribricardo_: you try to avoid it and use ubuntu's repositories instead.  What are you trying to install?01:29
DillizarKrypton,  is you hdd empty01:29
pckchemIntuitiveNipple: Hmm, it doesn't seem like its working01:29
Kryptonall it says is that i might have a faulty hd/cd drive01:29
ryanpriorricardo_: Software with the .rpm extension is designed for Red Hat and derivative distributions, not for Ubuntu or Debian-based distributions. However, it can sometimes be installed using a rpm-to-deb converter called Alien.01:29
Kryptonyes i just emptied it01:29
DillizarKrypton, how with windows??01:29
Kryptonwhat do you mean?01:30
Kryptonvista and xp can install fine01:30
DillizarKrypton,  what is the version you are trying to install01:30
Kryptonsame with mandriva01:30
Kryptoni am trying to install 8.1001:30
DillizarKrypton, if you had vista before there is some problem01:30
Stepan1Can anyone lead me through using Foremost?01:30
Kryptonwhat can i do?01:30
SylphidKrypton, have you tried running badblocks against your hard drive.. ubuntu wont install if there are more than 301:30
DillizarKrypton, the bios's set its not the same01:30
SylphidKrypton, without som nudging that is01:31
Kryptonwhat do you mean?01:31
DillizarKrypton, there is some setting bout the hdd dunno01:31
WebcamWonderDillizar: Do you have anything contributive to add?01:31
g4lt-lappykrypton I'd start taking some of those diagnostic utility's word for it...01:31
pckchemIntuitiveNipple: Ahh, I need to add \. to the [] expression01:32
Kryptonhow do i diagnose my hd, remeber i am runnign a live cd with no os in the background01:32
BG_Can I partition with 3 Fat32 and 4 ext201:32
ricardo_how can i use the scanner on my Lexmark X1270 to work01:32
g4lt-lappythree systems so far have reported your disk as bad, how many do you need to tell you?01:32
IntuitiveNipplepckchem: ahh yes... this is it in Perl: perl -e 'print $1 if "in firefox-3.0" =~ /in ([\w-\.]+)/;'01:32
Kryptonwhat do you mean 3 systems?01:32
SylphidKrypton, sudo badblocks /dev/sda (sda may be something else on your system)01:33
ricardo_how can i use the scanner on my Lexmark X1270 to work01:33
ludditei want to delete a partition that a old (8.04) ubuntu is on without effecting the extended partition with 8.10 installed. Is that possible? Here is my set up  http://paste.ubuntu.com/116258/01:33
pckchemIntuitiveNipple: I think I was making it too hard with lookaheads.... Ohh well thanks for your help! Saved me a headache.01:33
Stepan1Can anyone lead me through using Forecast document recovery?01:33
ricardo_how can i use the scanner on my Lexmark X1270 to work01:33
blistov2[   90.551333] pciehp: Card not present on Slot(1)01:33
blistov2[   90.555464] pciehp: Card present on Slot(1)01:33
blistov2this is repeated about 15 times a second after kernel update.  kills battery life. idea's?01:33
IntuitiveNipplepckchem: You're welcome... regexps are always a headache... the useful ones anyhow01:34
negativegluebearis there a reason my S-video out resolution on my laptop maxes out at 1024x768 when going to my HDTV(1080p) 1680x1080?01:34
detabbed"Basically, i want anyone in group www-data to have write access to /var/www. For example, if 'a' and 'b' are in group www-data. If 'a' creates a file in /var/www 'b' will be able to edit it."  does anyone know how to do that?01:34
Ex-QuAke[DOD]-M-thanks and bye01:34
JesperHansenWhy does eeepc-acpi-scripts package end up removing ubuntu-desktop package and other important packages?01:35
Kryptonsylphid i ran your command but nothing comes up01:35
usserdetabbed, chown the directory to a:www-data, sudo chmod -R <user A>:www-data /var/www01:35
mandrigdetabbed: can you not do that through System > Administration > Users and Groups ?01:35
usserdetabbed, chmod it to 770 sudo chmod -R 770 /var/www01:35
SylphidKrypton, is sda your hard drive?01:35
=== thomc is now known as RABID
usserdetabbed, and set guid bit on the directory01:36
detabbedmandrig: server01:36
mandrigdetabbed: ah ha01:36
=== RABID is now known as RABID_PIKACHU
usserdetabbed, sudo chmod -R g+s /var/www01:36
Kryptonnothing comes up, I just attempted to install ubuntu agian (on a blank HD) and I get the error at 50%01:36
WebcamWondernegativegluebear: B/c s-video is designed to carry SD signal at 480i or 576i01:36
detabbedthank you guys :D01:36
Stepan1I need help using Forecast document recovery01:36
linny1Krypton: youll need to burn a new cd to rule out a bad disc01:37
negativegluebearthanks webcamwonder.  exactly what i was wondering.  would the RGB out work, then?01:37
jp_sfKrypton: a bad iso CD maybe no ?01:37
usserdetabbed, this will basically cause any file created by a user to be owned by www-data group instead of the user's primary group, you may also need to adjust uid mask in /etc/profile so any new files created will have group write permissions01:37
WebcamWondernegativegluebear: That would be the best any SD could go. For HD, you need any carrier that natively supports HD01:37
tiredbonesvigo, Now that's the way a package should work. And it keeps to the KISS principle.01:37
PiciKrypton: Have you checked your CD for errors?01:38
Pici!verify | Krypton01:38
ubottuKrypton: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:38
Kryptonive only got one more CD, so can i donwlaod the ISO from the livecd and burn it from the livecd01:38
Gustavo_GIf there is nothing in the hosts.deny and nothing in the hosts.allow, does that mean that anything should be able to connect to a server on this machine?01:38
detabbedthank you usser01:38
usserdetabbed, no problem01:38
jp_sfKrypton: you tried to install it from the live CD ?01:39
baz_i can attest that foo, bar, baz is typed at least once a day01:39
jp_sfKrytpon: put the nick of the personn before you type otherwise people might miss your reply01:39
Kryptonjp_sf: yes01:40
Kryptonjp_sf: i did try01:40
jp_sfKrypton: instead of booting to the livecd did you try to install from the boot menu ?01:40
Kryptonthats what i tried first01:40
Kryptonjp_sf: no dice01:40
jp_sfKrypton: at the boot you tried the option to install (not run the CD) and then you choose partition and then when copied the files it stopped ?01:41
Kryptonjp_sf: exactly at 50% it stopped (i asked for it to install on the whole disk)01:41
g4lt-lappyBG_: yes, but not easily.  IDE systems have room for four partitions by definition.  you can sac one of those to make extended partitions and go up to 8, but it's nontrivial01:42
jp_sfKrypton do you have a message something ? did you tried to install in a different graphic mode ? vesa or whatever ?01:42
dou213hey guys, how can i change the history file size?01:42
nikug4lt-lappy, I'd disagree, with a graphical tool like gpartd, it's pretty trivial01:43
jpedrozajust a 411, I got DVD playback working. Looks like I needed to remove Totem-gstreamer and install totem-xine. Playback works flawlessly.01:43
dou213i did a export HISTSIZE=3000 && export HISTFILESIZE=3000 ... with echo $.. i see it is set to 3000, just that when i login again and echo $.., it appears again on default 50001:44
Krypton1jt: I got cut off01:44
Krypton1jt_sf: what did you say before?01:44
|newbie|i have installed jaunty + kde 4.2, when i try to enter in KDE stop on background01:45
|newbie|i have nvidia 18001:45
Krypton1jp_sf: you still there?01:45
jp_sfKrypton: yes ?01:45
fearful|newbie| jaunty is a devel release, its not even in beta testing stages01:45
jp_sfKrypton do you have a message something ? did you tried to install in a different graphic mode ? vesa or whatever ?01:46
rww!jaunty | |newbie|01:46
ubottu|newbie|: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:46
Krypton1jp_sf: yes i tried in safe graphiccs mode and oem, and no dice01:46
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GeffIsLegendhey anyone mind helping with my micraphone on skype? it doesnt seem to work no matter what i do01:46
fearfulGeffIsLegend: I can help01:47
Krypton1jp_sf: u tihnk the CD is the problem?01:47
jp_sfKrypton1: looks like a CD problem, you know if for instance you live in Houston they have a very good LUG that will meet this Weekend they can help you01:47
fearfulGeffIsLegend: Just give me one sec01:47
|newbie|ubottu: thanks01:47
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:47
jp_sfKrypton: try another CD if you can01:47
Krypton1jp_sf: what is LUG?01:47
rwwKrypton1: Linux User Group01:47
jp_sfKrypton1: Linux User Group01:48
Krypton1jp_sf: this will be my last and if it don't work then... I will go back to Windoze and I really dont want to01:48
fearfulGeffIsLegend: Change both Sound In and Sound Out on the sound devices option to: HDA Intel (hw:intel,0)01:48
Krypton1so the ISO said it will be done in an hour and a half01:48
fearfulGeffIsLegend: Then do a test call01:48
magikidFor some reason, when I press the 'up' key in a terminal window, ubuntu takes a screenshot.  Any help would be appreciated.01:48
GeffIsLegendok ill try that01:48
jp_sfKrypton1: it looks like probably a bad CDroom, it happens, if your LiveCD can boot you could burn an iso from there01:48
g4lt-lappynegativegluebear: yes, the reason is s-video is SDTV, thus 480i01:49
Krypton1jp_sf: if tis not a bd cd-rom what can i do?01:49
GeffIsLegendi dont have those as a option fearfull01:49
GeffIsLegendi have the nvidia ones01:49
fearfulGeffIsLegend: Try the first one then01:49
Dante_JGreetings room01:49
Krypton1jp_sf: also how do I burn the iso once its done01:49
* Dante_J waves01:49
GeffIsLegendand my webcam is my mic atm connected through usb, does that complicate things?01:50
jp_sfKrypton1: you have tools to burn CD if you have a CDrom burner01:50
fearfulGeffIsLegend: We will try different options, one of the ones there has to work for you.01:50
cphillipswhats the best way to convert a fla to a video file like avi?01:50
Krypton1jp_sf: yes but what software from the livecd01:50
jp_sfKrypton1: the livecd can maybe but when it must copy all the packages it might run into some scratch on the CD01:51
GeffIsLegendoh okay01:51
jp_sfKrypton1: cdrecord01:51
GeffIsLegendi just tried all the settings there was available , but none seemed to work01:51
fearfulGeffIsLegend: Ok I'm going to need some information about your sound/webcam/mic01:52
Krypton1jp_sf: whre is cdrecord01:52
GeffIsLegendi have the Phillips SPC 1000NC Webcam01:52
Krypton1jp_sf: also when i goto partition editer, it wont let me delete two partitons called devsda2 and devsda5, the delete button wont hilight01:53
bobbyygQUESTION - cannot edit properties of old MP3's.  File Browser shows owner as root01:53
fearfulGeffIsLegend: And the options that skype has?01:55
ripdiski'm in a pickle here01:55
ripdiski want to put ubuntu on my desktop01:55
Dante_JHey Room I have a question: I'm using Ubuntu 8.04.2. I've not seen any patches in the last week or so and I'm expecting at very least the firefox 3.0.6 patch which I have under Fedora 10. There seems to be others missing too. I'm using generic repositories for Au. What's the story?01:55
ripdiskbut for some reason, ubuntu and other distros01:55
ripdiskthey won't install to the HDD01:56
ripdiski tried to partition it through the partition manager in the setup01:56
ripdiskand it juse freezes01:56
Delvienbobbyyg change the permissions to your current user01:56
bobbyygDelvien, How?01:56
ripdiski tried to partition it through the partition manager in the setup and it freezes01:57
Dante_Jbobbyyg: su username01:57
Stepan1Where does recoverjpeg store recovered images01:57
ripdiski want to put ubuntu on my desktop01:57
ripdiskbut for some reason, ubuntu and other distros01:57
ripdiskthey won't install to the HDD01:57
ripdiski tried to partition it through the partition manager in the setup and it freezes01:57
ripdiskand it juse freezes01:57
GeffIsLegendthere is "default, hda Nvidia (hw:nvidia,0), hda nvidia(plughw:nvidia,0),  hda Nvidia (hw:nvidia,4), hda nvidia(plughw:nvidia,4), Phillips SPC 1000NC Webcam (hw:webcam,0), Phillips SPC 1000NC Webcam (plughw:webcam,0), hdmi, and headset01:58
bobbyygdelvien, I'm new to this, is that a command line instruction, can I do it from the desktop, I'm the only user01:58
klatamaybe the HDD is broken01:58
ripdiskno, windows will install just fine01:58
Delvienbobbyyg: start nautilus with gksu, right click, and change the owner of the files.01:58
klataoh i c01:58
ripdiskit's just linux distros01:58
Ademananyone know if I can get python 2.6 from backports or something in intrepid?01:59
Coded_I'm stuck, I installed 8.10 on a box with just onboard ethernet connected to another box with an atheros wifi adapter(running 8.10 as well), I got rid of the box and kept the card thinking it should be a snap, I plugin the wifi card and it gets detected ('iwlist ath0 scan' gives me my access point) but when I try to connect to the ap using wep "sudo iwconfig ath0 essid NetName key 12345... channel 4 && sudo dhclient ath0" I can't g01:59
Dante_JSorry Delvien, I misspoke01:59
DelvienDante_J: ?01:59
Stepan1Where does recoverjpeg store recovered images?01:59
Dante_JI suggested using su, as I thought bobbyyg wanted to change user permissions. my mistake02:00
ripdisknobody knows why it won't install02:00
K`zanHow can I get ahold of the kernel that comes with 8.10 in 8.04 - my new MB resources are not in the 8.04 kernel.  I do NOT want to go to KDE4 nor gnome.  TMIA!02:00
Dante_Jripdisk: are you a bot? if not more detail would help02:01
K`zanI did get the latest kernel from kernel.org and built it, but evidentally the ubuntu patches are not in it :-(.02:01
bobbyygIt appears that my version of Ubuntu ,which I loaded two two weeks ago, doesnt have nautilius02:01
mariedduhello people02:01
pike__K`zan: might still be on packages.ubuntu.com02:01
Dante_Jhi marieddu02:01
jrib!kernel > K`zan02:01
ubottuK`zan, please see my private message02:01
jribbobbyyg: are you using GNOME?02:01
K`zanpike__:  Thanks, checking.02:01
pike__bobbyyg: thunar ftw02:02
bobbyygjrib, dont know,02:02
jribbobbyyg: open a terminal and type "nautilus"02:02
usserpcmanfm ftw02:02
zerothissorry about using an online client, main computers down. if i installed ubuntu using wubi can I safely use a live CD to poke arround on the drive to try and rescue windows xp? specifically, altering the boot.ini file?02:03
ari_stressmorning all :)02:04
lucaxhow can i disable gnome keyring??02:04
Dante_Jhi ari_stress02:04
ripdiskubuntu won't install tomy HDD02:04
ripdiskto my*02:04
Dante_JRoom, Where have all the patches gone? why are they delayed for Ubuntu 8.04? Still no Firefox patch?02:04
nickrudzerothis, you can certainly use the live cd to edit boot.ini, safely is how well you edit it02:05
ripdiskubuntu won't install to my HDD... please help02:05
nikuDante_J, ? it's a Long term support release02:05
niku!install | ripdisk02:05
ubotturipdisk: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate02:05
bobbyygjrib, looks like that got me back into a file browser,  give me a minute to look around02:05
mandrigripdisk: how did you try installing?02:05
nickrudDante_J, last I loooked the firefox was 'going through the security build process'02:05
Dante_Jand that patch for Firefox is a necessary security patch02:05
ripdiskfrom the CD02:06
ripdiski tried both live and from the installation02:06
K`zanjrib: Thanks, I think that might work, giving it a go now.  Much appreciated Sir!02:06
mandrigripdisk: did you get an error, what happened? Youre going to have to be a lot more specific.02:06
=== eraldo_ is now known as eraldo
Dante_JThe Firefox patch Is almost 2 weeks behind fedora? what gives? It's the same source.02:07
zerothisnickrud ok, so it won't automatically destroy my dual boot setup. i'll make a backup and be careful, thanks02:07
* zerothis afk02:07
ripdiskmandrig: it just freezes up02:07
ripdiskit stops installing when i try to resize my partition02:07
ripdiskand if i don't resize..02:08
ripdiskit stops at installation02:08
jribDante_J: why do you expect that patch to hit the repositories?02:08
Dante_Jripdisk: what are the filesystem types mentioned in the partitioning part?02:08
bobbyygjrib, I still get to the properties/permissions page that says owner root02:08
ripdiskjust an ntfs with xp on it02:08
mandrigripdisk: resizing partitions takes a long time, as it moves data from part of the hard drive to another part. You've got to allow it time to do it.02:08
ripdiski know this02:08
jribbobbyyg: start from the beginning as I have no idea what your issue is02:08
ripdiski've done it before02:08
Dante_Jbecause it's a necessary security patch.02:08
ripdiskbut it doesn't move02:08
ripdiskit stops completely02:08
ripdiski let it sit over night02:09
FloodBot2ripdisk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:09
nefrinI'm having an issue trying to install Ubuntu. I am trying to manually set the partitions to the follow: /boot 256MB, / 20GB, swap 2GB, /home 100GB, (if I use this setup the other 300GB's are labled as "unusable" during the install partition02:09
jribDante_J: bugs.ubuntu.com then02:09
bobbyygJrib, I have old MP3s that I can't edit the album name, artist etc02:09
xooxWhat is the "overflow" filesystem in the output of "df"?02:09
jribbobbyyg: what is their location?02:09
Dante_Jthanks jrib, I'll check. It just seems odd as there are other patches missing. ntpd, sudo & others02:10
bernznefrin, it might be useful to have a good understanding of general PC disk partitioning; i can explain this via PM if you are interested02:10
nefrinbernz ---- yes, I would appreciate that02:10
DestinovaHello everybody.02:10
bobbyygjrib, on the second IDE drive here on this machine  that came from my old XP machine02:10
ripdiskmandrig: any suggestions?02:10
jribbobbyyg: what filesystem? where is it mounted?02:10
mandrigripdisk: I've got nothing... Sorry man02:11
jribDante_J: 3.06 hit jaunty on the 5th02:11
dusty_Hey guys whats a good equaliser for gnome ? so i can tweak the bass of my sub etc ?02:11
bobbyygjrib, NTFS - I don't know anything about "mounting".....Rapsody will let me edit some files but not others02:11
Dante_Jjrib: LTS means long term support ...02:11
jribDante_J: how is that relevant?02:11
Dante_Jthat is to say, Security patches02:11
jribDante_J: yeah, I understand02:12
Dante_JTimely Security patches02:12
Kryptonhi guys, im back and i might have figured out the problem02:12
Dante_Jand I'm curious as to why all of them seem delayed?02:12
shadow451is anyone there02:12
shadow451I am new here, and am lost02:13
jribDante_J: find the relevant bug.  You can try asking #ubuntu-motu about security update policies as well I suppose02:13
Kryptonumm can some1 tell me if i am doing the right hing? I check my iso and th ehashes are =, but when i checked the cd for defects it said one error infile, should i burna new cd and ubuntu will install fine?02:13
Kryptonbecause im getting stuck at 50%02:13
Dante_Jjrib: You've been very helpful. Many thanks :)02:13
shadow451ok...........this is a support for ubuntu02:14
mandrigKrypton: Yes, as there could have been an error while burning the iso to disk.02:14
bobbyygshadow451, I'm new here too, but we can't be lost cuz were here02:14
shadow451sorry..thought it just a chat02:14
jribbobbyyg: pastebin the output of « mount »02:14
* Dante_J waves farewell02:14
Dante_Jcheers room02:14
rwwKrypton: If your defect check says there are errors, then yes, you need to reburn it02:14
shadow451been lost most of my life...in very small rooms02:14
Zeededshadow451, well it is not just for support but that is the base of it02:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:15
=== kavity is now known as kshadow
Zeededshadow451, Im a liar02:15
dusty_Hey guys whats a good equaliser for gnome ? so i can tweak the bass of my sub etc ?02:15
shadow451can i use photo shop here?02:16
bobbyygjrib, could you repeat that in english, I'm not any good at command line stuff02:16
bpcompok so I messed up an install of some brother printer drivers somehow and now any time I try to do anything with package manager or apt-get I get an error that "The package hl5070nlpr needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."02:16
jribbobbyyg: open a terminal and run the command « mount ».  Then pastebin the output at paste.ubuntu.com02:16
=== kshadow is now known as kavity
pike__any full featured gtk2 music players without alot of gnome dependancies?02:16
usserpike_, audacious02:17
pike__usser: more full featured :)02:17
jadewhi guys, I just installed ubuntu 8.10 and my pc keeps booting in windows, no sign of grub anywhere02:17
bobbyygjrib, does "pastebin" mean cut and paste at that website?02:18
hendrixskihelp.  I installed cairo-dock, and for some reason I misconfigured it... then ran apt-get --purge remove  and re-installed it... but the config is still all messed up02:18
jribbobbyyg: yes02:18
dusty_Hey guys whats a good equaliser for gnome ? so i can tweak the bass of my sub etc ?02:18
bobbyygjrib, so what will that accomplish02:18
usserhendrixski, config file is stored in your home directory so you have to remove .cairo-dock or some similar folder/file in your $HOME02:18
jadewhow can I start ubuntu from the hdd using the cd?02:18
jribbobbyyg: it will let me see it so I can help you02:18
jadewI can't find any clear instructions02:18
GeffIsLegendanyone else know a lot about skype on ubuntu and know why my mic wont seem to work on it for some reason?02:18
hendrixskiusser: oh... that makes sense, lemme try that and re-install02:19
aadityajadew: are you trying to install Ubuntu from CD to HDD?02:19
jadewaaditya, I already isntalled it from the CD02:19
jadewit just won't boot up02:19
aadityajadew: dual boot?02:19
jadewthe old system boots up instead (xp)02:19
TeamColtra[TFD]I have a USB headset/micset and I was wondering how to find the name my audio is just "system:playback_1" but the capture: doesn't work02:19
* hendrixski wonders why the ~/.cairo-dock folder doesn't get purged...02:19
ImSadHey, I need help on how to burn an ISO to a USB flash drive.02:19
bpcompimsad look up unetbootin02:20
TeamColtra[TFD]I guess my question is how do I map my USB Media Device02:20
jribhendrixski: why would it?02:20
bobbyygjrib, looks like this may take a while and I have an Antique Tractor Club Meeting is 1.5 hours,  Thanks, I'll try this again tomorrow02:20
jribbobbyyg: ok02:20
usserhendrixski, only system wide config files get purged whatever users do within their own directory is their own business02:20
usserImSad, get unetbootin02:20
hendrixskiI guess that makes sense...02:20
Gcdmi need some help02:21
hendrixskiit's just that sudo rm -r ~/.whatever  doesn't feel like the natural way to reset the configuration of something02:21
GeffIsLegendanyone else know a lot about skype on ubuntu and know why my mic wont seem to work on it for some reason? its a usb mic/webcam i use as a mic mainly though02:21
=== anthony is now known as Guest13762
jadewany idea on my problem?02:21
cfeddehow does 8.10 boot? and what happened to inittab?02:22
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: Did you set it to be the USB device in the prefrences of Skype?02:22
hendrixskiGeffIsLegend: Skype is a bitch ... you have to go to the sound settings in Skype and try all the different options for sound input and output02:22
Guest13762how do i install my graphics card???02:22
TeamColtra[TFD]Its not really that hard as hhendrixski implys02:22
GeffIsLegendit used to work before i got ubuntu though :-/02:23
bpcompcan anyone help me with my bjorked install02:23
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend:  Click Ctrl+O to get to options02:23
GeffIsLegendand in skype it specifically shows up as the name of my webcam/mic which is Phillips02:23
TeamColtra[TFD]now go to Sound Devices02:23
GeffIsLegendPhillips SPC 1000NC is what shows up, which is my webcam, then i set it to that, then test call but it says there is a error02:23
TeamColtra[TFD]and make your sound in and sound out something probably like C-Media USB Headphone Set02:24
bpcompok so I messed up an install of some brother printer drivers somehow and now any time I try to do anything with package manager or apt-get I get an error that "The package hl5070nlpr needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."02:24
Guest13762ok i have an nviddia gefore 9500 gt graphics card and i have no idea how to install it?02:25
aadityaGuest13762: installing hardware? or driver?02:26
TeamColtra[TFD]@ Guest13762 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95766002:26
TeamColtra[TFD]Guest13762: That was the first result in my google search :D02:27
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: So you don't have any other options for your audio device in Skype?02:28
Guest13762ok guys lol im brand new to ubuntu.02:28
Guest13762i need step by step directions02:28
=== RABID_PIKACHU is now known as thomc
TeamColtra[TFD]No problem Guest13762, we all were new at some point... I just made the big switch last month02:28
GeffIsLegendyeah i have a whole bunch more options and none seem to work at all02:29
Guest13762could you talk me through this install?02:29
TeamColtra[TFD]Guest13762:  This seems to be very step by step http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12357302:29
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: Did any match what I told you?02:29
Guest13762ty i will do my best nd get back to you02:29
TeamColtra[TFD]C-Media USB Headphone Set?02:29
TeamColtra[TFD]I don't know if that is a local name to me... or not02:30
GeffIsLegendno, none showed up as specifically USV02:30
bpcompcould someone please tell me how to point apt-get to a local package?02:30
TeamColtra[TFD]Does it come up in your media manager?02:30
TeamColtra[TFD]bpcomp, if you have a deb file... just double click it02:30
VioletsPie_is it possible to run a VPN on linux02:30
GeffIsLegendthe system>sounds?02:31
GeffIsLegendyeah it works in there02:31
bpcompthat goes through gdebi02:31
GeffIsLegendand in the sound recorder02:31
TeamColtra[TFD]bpcomp is there any reason to not use gdebi?02:31
nikubpcomp, dpkg -i <Pathtopackage>02:31
DestinovaHas anyone here successfully installed a multi-boot with any Vista/Ubuntu on a RAID 1 array?02:31
bpcompbecause my package is broken02:31
TeamColtra[TFD]I see02:32
eater9My fresh Intrepid install seems to think my laptop screen is 1024x768, but really it's 1200x900 -- where can I put in the correct info so popups and panels are placed correctly?02:32
TeamColtra[TFD]Geff, so I can seperate you from the others can you type out TeamColtra?02:32
TeamColtra[TFD]when you reply :D02:32
Scunizieater9: what kind of video card is it?02:32
GeffIsLegend TeamColtra yeah sorry02:33
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: if you type TeamC and click "tab" it will auto complete for you :D02:33
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]: o i c02:33
eater9Scunizi: Intel GMA 4500MHD02:33
mandrigeater9: System > Preferences > Screen Resolution02:33
eater9mandrig: That contains the correct 1200x90002:33
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: lol do you think I am motivated to type out your FULL name everytime? HA! I justl ove the Tab command02:33
Scunizieater9: Intel is well supported check synaptic and see if the right driver is loaded.02:34
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]:  lmao i nver kneew that xD i feel dummbb02:34
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: So you don't see your USB device in the sound manager either?02:34
Sarthorip route add dev eth1 src table T1, its giving the error "argument "T1" is wrong "table" value is invalid" Getting help from this url, http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html02:34
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: don't worry about it ... I bet 80% of the people here don't know about it :D02:34
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]: well it shows up as the model name of the actual webcam, which is Phillips SPC 1000NC to be exact, show it be showing up as USB device or something?02:35
Guest13762lol im back02:35
eater9Scunizi: yes, it's running xserver-xorg-video-intel02:35
Guest13762all i need o know is how to install the drivers. i downloaded them and was told to type sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.22-pkg1.run somewhere02:36
eater9Scunizi: the display is fine; but Gnome places the panels and popups a couple inches from the bottom of the screen, instead of right on the bottom where they belong02:36
Scunizieater9: if you haven't yet you might open a terminal and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:36
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: is the webcam combined with the audio device?02:36
Guest13762where do i type it?02:36
TeamColtra[TFD]Guest13762: terminal02:36
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]: not quite sure i understand that02:36
eater9Scunizi: yes, everything's up to date02:36
mandrigGuest13762: type <alt> + <F2> then type xterm02:36
Guest13762how do i get to terminal?02:36
TeamColtra[TFD]Guest13762: Applications -> Accessories -> terminal02:36
usserGuest13762, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual02:36
=== eric is now known as talntid
WebcamWonderGuest13762: Make sure to blacklist the other modules, else your X won't start02:37
Scunizieater9: the driver you listed is good up to the i965 chipsets..02:37
ussereater9, try running auto-adjusting on your monitor02:38
judgepghi folks, can anyone help me mount an external HDD?  Ubuntu can't seem to recognize the HDD, but windows can.  Any thoughts?02:38
eater9usser: it's a laptop02:38
Guest13762think i may have got it02:38
ussereater9, oh sorry then02:39
cfeddeOk.  where are the upstart config files kept?02:39
bpcompjudgepg is it a usb external hdd?02:39
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: what do you not understand02:39
judgepgbpcomp, yup02:39
judgepgbpcomp, 160GB 2.5"02:39
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]:  yeah my webcam and micraphone are one item02:40
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: Okay. I see the delimma02:40
TeamColtra[TFD]You are probably freaking the fuck out of ubuntu is what you are doing :D02:40
ripdiskmandrig: i got an error now02:40
tritiumTeamColtra[TFD]: watch the langauge!02:40
bpcompjudgepg: does anything show up in /mnt or /media?02:40
tritiumlanguage, even02:40
TeamColtra[TFD]:( Sorry02:40
judgepgbpcomp, nothing02:40
TeamColtra[TFD]I am a bad person02:40
judgepgbpcomp, perhaps the drive needs to be formatted first02:40
tritiumTeamColtra[TFD]: no you're not, just keep it family-friendly, please.02:41
fearfullol TeamColtra[TFD] you made my day today02:41
ripdiskwhile installing ubuntu i get this error: AN error occurred while writing the canges to the storage devices. THe resize operation has been aborted.02:41
mandrigripdisk: I'm not sure what to tell you...02:41
TeamColtra[TFD]@ fearful I am glad I was able to assist you :D02:41
bpcompjudgepg: try dmsg in the command line to see if you can find out about it in there02:41
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]:  would u know how to fix this?02:42
talntidtop - 18:41:35 up -24855 days, -3:-14,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0002:42
talntidanyone have any idea what would cause that?02:42
Mortuiswhere do I make changes to $PATH?02:42
bpcompsorry dmesg02:42
Mortuiswhen I echo $PATH I get a bunch of folders, I'd like to add one but I can't find where it's defined02:42
eydaimonMortuis: .bashrc would work.02:42
vigoripdisk: Guided or Manual?02:42
eydaimonMortuis: you can always jsut do export PATH=$PATH:/new/path02:43
Mortuiseydaimon: I don't see the current definition in .bashrc and there is no .bash_profile02:43
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: Switch to Mac (NOOO! JUST KIDDING) I honestly don't know... what error message is Skype giving you?02:43
=== adieee is now known as valent
Scunizieater9: check out this thread  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101178402:43
eydaimonMortuis: you don't need to see the current definition, you can use the export I showed you to add to it there02:43
ripdiskvigo: nguided02:43
eydaimonMortuis: and you can try it on the commandline first02:43
vigoripdisk: I am stumped then, Grub loader should use the free space only....hrmmm02:43
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]:  "Problem with audio playback"02:43
Mortuiseydaimon: would that change carry over when I reboot?02:43
TeamColtra[TFD]Are you trying to make it your sound out and ringing?02:43
judgepgbpcomp, it does seem to recognize the drive in dmesg what do you suggest?02:43
TeamColtra[TFD]@ GeffIsLegend ^02:43
eper3zhow do i fix my arrow keys?02:44
GeffIsLegendno just sound out02:44
=== adieee is now known as valent
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]: no just sound out02:44
eydaimonMortuis: if you save your .bashrc and it gets loaded, sure02:44
cfeddewho else here thinks that the upstart doc is a bit incomplete?02:44
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: Is it a mic and a speaker?02:44
judgepgbpcomp, : [874106.213011] scsi 5:0:0:0: Direct-Access     TOSHIBA  MK1652GSX        9.03 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 CCS02:44
judgepg[874108.260755] sd 5:0:0:0: [sdb] 312581808 512-byte hardware sectors (160042 MB)02:44
eydaimonMortuis: you shuold have a ~/.bashrc already02:44
eater9Scunizi: I don't think it's a video driver problem, because XFCE and KDE work fine -- just Gnome is having trouble positioning its furniture02:44
Mortuiseydaimon: okay, so you're saying to echo $PATH and then add that to my ~/.bashrc with the changes?02:45
vigoripdisk: use Guided, the machine is maybe trying to write to protected or other formatted volumes02:45
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]:  no just a webcam02:45
ripdiskvigo, i did02:45
ripdiski used guided02:45
ripdiskthat's what i said02:45
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend:  That has a speaker in it yes?02:45
TeamColtra[TFD]sorry mic02:45
Scunizieater9: have you tried booting into the recover kernel and fix it there.. there's suppose to be an option to do that..02:45
vigoripdisk: Installing on a win partition?02:45
eydaimonMortuis: no, you don't need to add it. all you need to put in there is `export PATH=$PATH:/new/path`.  The $PATH will just assign what's already sent, then you add to it, and store the new one.02:45
_2can someone explain me something about "swap space usage"  and why OOMK would be killing things before swap is filled ???02:45
eater9Scunizi: do you know what i'd look for when i do that?02:46
ripdiskbut it did this even before i had windows on it, vigo02:46
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]:  no sir, just a micraphone02:46
judgepgbpcomp, any thoughts?02:46
Scunizieater9: I think it will just ask you what you want to do02:46
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: If there is no speaker on it... then don't set the sound out to it because it cant give sound out02:46
Mortuiseydaimon: Okay, thanks02:46
vigoripdisk: Is the win part clean and stable drive?02:46
Scunizieater9: with a list.. a,b.c.d. etc02:46
ripdiskthe windows part works.. yes02:46
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: Its why its freaking out... You are telling it to send audio out something that is audio in only02:46
* _2 likes GeffIsLegend's spelling, :)02:47
dutchcan anyone help me get pulseaudio working?02:47
bpcompjudgepg: you know that your drive is "sdb" so look on google for manually mounting an external drive02:47
TeamColtra[TFD]Its like... nevermind I will query your annalogy02:47
GeffIsLegendTeamColtra[TFD]:  oo so change it to audioin?02:47
GeffIsLegendwhy'd i just get burnt :[02:47
eydaimonMortuis: np02:47
GeffIsLegend*audio in02:47
ripdiskvigo, can I pm you? everyone typing at once is bad for my eyes02:47
_2http://pastebin.com/f6288e4c8   thoughts02:47
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: yes just sound in... not out02:48
=== gnu is now known as Guest60020
vigoripdisk: Look at the windows utilities thing, I forgot now, windows explorer>C drive or whatever> sure02:48
judgepgbpcomp, thank you, great info!02:48
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend:  Then pay pal me 50 bucks :D02:48
GeffIsLegendsorry i can onlydo 15$ right now02:48
TeamColtra[TFD]GeffIsLegend: I take installments02:48
TeamColtra[TFD]err fine... :) My assistance is free because I love ubuntu02:49
GeffIsLegendomg i love you lol its workin finally02:49
TeamColtra[TFD]Whats your skype name?02:50
GeffIsLegendGeff121 :D02:50
ScuniziTeamColtra[TFD]: come on now.. really.. it's the concept and community that keeps you around.. it's the feel good thing.02:50
fearfulScunizi: I agree02:50
TeamColtra[TFD]Scunizi: yeah thats what I said02:51
TeamColtra[TFD]<TeamColtra[TFD]> err fine... :) My assistance is free because I love ubuntu02:51
_2Scunizi it's the errors and bugs that keep me around  :)))02:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:51
Scunizi_2: AH HA!!  you're a true hacker!02:51
bpcompcan anyone help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/116275/02:51
derenrichcan i get ufw to have separate rules for eahc of my NICs?02:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:52
dmphotographyI've got a question . . what's the closest look-alike to Mac OS X ?02:52
fearfuldmphotography: Mac4Lin02:52
_2so anyone have any clue by four to hit me with "http://pastebin.com/f6288e4c8"  as to why OOMK is killing things rather than using swap space as needed ?02:52
diginuxhow do i disable ipv6 in jaunty?02:53
fearful_2: Damn I don't even understand that yet... lol hope I get there one day hah02:54
sharefwhere is the desktop folder defined for kde and gnome???02:55
shareflike, what folder contents are displayed02:55
eipipuzHello everyone, can someone help me with a permission thing? I created an apache group, and added www-data to it. The file does have rw permissions, but it complains with a "Permission denied"02:55
_2fearful out of memory kill02:55
sharefbecause right now it shows my root02:55
dmphotographyThanks fearful, that looks identical.02:55
KryptonThanks guys alot, i succesfully installed Ubuntu02:55
WebcamWonder_2: Is it really killing apps? It looks as if it lets swap go past 100%02:55
_2fearful it's a kernel system call02:55
fearfuldmphotography: Your welcome02:55
dmphotographyIs it difficult to install?02:55
_2WebcamWonder yes.02:55
dmphotographyAnd does it change anything about Ubuntu?02:56
KryptonDo i need to install anything now in order to play open arena? I have ATI 3200 IGP and want to get some games kicked on this baby02:56
fearful_2: Wait but thats just monitoring your swap usage?02:56
sharefdesktop folder variable defanition anyone???02:56
_2WebcamWonder kolorpaint in particular.   trying to edit some scanned images,   to open more than one at a time i need to access about 600m02:56
WebcamWonder_2: Well, it seems it was good in its decision regarding which app to kill, just b/c it is killing is the bad thing02:57
_2fearful the pastebin is only the output of a while loop that i was using to monitor ram and swap usage   yes.02:57
bpcompsharef: I'm not sure what your asking. My desktop folder is /home/user/Desktop02:57
fearful_2: ah alright02:57
_2WebcamWonder correct.02:57
bpcompanything I put on my desktop goes in that folder02:57
_2WebcamWonder as you can see in the pastebin "http://pastebin.com/f6288e4c8"  the swap space is not being used before OOMK jumps in.02:58
KryptonDo i need to install anything now in order to play open arena? I have ATI 3200 IGP and want to get some games kicked on this baby02:58
Kryptonlike drivers?02:58
zaapiel-mobilecan i use skype on ubuntu 8.10?02:58
zaapiel-mobilei dont see an option for it on the skype website02:59
psufanhow is yall?02:59
tritiumpsufan: never heard of it02:59
_2WebcamWonder and i tried the default "-1" "32k" and "1" priorities     none help.02:59
=== adieee is now known as LIA
tritiumNever heard of "yall".  What is it?  A software package?02:59
psufanhow are yall?02:59
tritium!info yall02:59
ubottuPackage yall does not exist in intrepid02:59
zaapiel-mobile!info skype03:00
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in intrepid03:00
psufan!info windows03:00
ubottuPackage windows does not exist in intrepid03:00
WebcamWonder_2: You can temporarily prevent oom by this: https://lists.sdsc.edu/pipermail/npaci-rocks-discussion/2006-June/019111.html03:00
psufan!info UBUNTU03:00
ubottuPackage UBUNTU does not exist in intrepid03:00
_2WebcamWonder looking03:00
WebcamWonder_2: Although, then it would panik if it can't allocate memory03:00
=== adieee_ is now known as SISCA
_2WebcamWonder heh  yeah.  kernel panic rather than app killed is kinda counter intuitive03:01
KryptonHi, guys, when I goto the hardware drivers and clcik activate for ati drivers, a bar comes up and nothing happens03:02
sharefhow do i increase my swap space??03:02
WebcamWonder_2: Well, I would think that it would panic only once an app tries to get some memory and it is not avialable. But it seems as if OOM is kicked in way befoer that even happens03:02
fearfulsharef: Log in the Live CD and disable swap then resize it to the size of your choice, and enable it again.03:02
=== doppler_ is now known as dopplerdeffect
_2WebcamWonder WebcamWonder yeah OOMK seems to be called in place of IO_MEM  or what ever is supposed to swap pages.03:04
IntuitiveNipplesharef: Use swapon/swapoff to disable/enable, then use mkswap to create it. If it is in a partition (not a file) you need to think about the added complication of resizing, and the effect on other partitions03:04
serrwho wud share my sorrow ?????????????03:05
_2WebcamWonder i'm kinda wondering if it's a bug in the latest dapper kernel update...  i think i'll boot an older kernel and test03:05
WebcamWonder_2: You are still on dapper?03:05
serrkernel droped03:05
WebcamWonder_2: Wake up sheeple :P03:05
serrkernel droped03:05
serrkernel droped03:05
Kryptonwhen I goto the hardware drivers and clcik activate for ati drivers, a bar comes up and nothing happens, how do i install the latest ati drivers?03:05
_2WebcamWonder dapper is LTS for a reason.03:06
serrkernel droped03:06
WebcamWonder_2: :), I was kidding :)03:06
eipipuzsomeone that can help me with a permission denied?03:06
woody86does anyone know why when conky starts automatically on start-up, it disappears after a second or two but keeps running behind the desktop?03:06
_2eipipuz on what ?03:06
pike__woody86: in fluxbox?03:07
jilliani tried to install ubuntu 8.10 from 8.04 today and got a message saying unable to install03:07
md5Hello, I have a problem with vmware. I have Ubuntu 8.10 and Windows XP on my computer. From XP I am trying to connect to Ubuntu with vmware. Everything is ok, the only problem the keyboard doesn't work. What should I do? I believe that I need to change something in configuration file.03:07
woody86pike_, in ubuntu03:07
dmphotography@ md5, Have you used VMWare before?03:08
md5dmphotography, long time ago03:08
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Kryptonwhen I goto the hardware drivers and clcik activate for ati drivers, a bar comes up and nothing happens, how do i install the latest ati drivers?03:08
dmphotographyYou shouldn't have any trouble.  Once you click inside the Linux OS, your keyboard should work fine.03:09
derenrichcan i get ufw to have separate rules for eahc of my NICs?03:09
jilliani'm an ubuntu virgin and need help upgrading my ubuntu 8.04 to 8.1003:09
Phillomathwoody86:  What have you set the own_window preference to in .conkyrc?03:09
jilliani am totally lost03:09
dmphotographyDid you install and leave everything default?03:09
derenrichjillian: what's the problem?03:09
md5dmphotography, but it doesn't. Mouse works fine, but keyboard doesn't work.03:09
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fearfuljillian: What's the problem?03:09
WebcamWonder!upgrade | jillian03:09
ubottujillian: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:09
jilliani tried installing but an error message came up saying that it couldn't install03:10
dmphotographymd5: Hmm, if you installed it correctly and didn't change the default option for the keyboard, then it should work.03:10
jillianit took 2 hours to download and then i got stuck03:10
md5dmphotography, Few little changes, but it doesn't have anything to do with keyboard03:10
jillianshould i restart my comp and see if there are any changes...and what changes should i be looking for03:10
jilliani got a sabre error message03:10
dmphotographyThat's strange.  I've never had an issue with it.03:10
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:11
md5dmphotography, maybe because you run ubuntu from iso and I run from my hard disk03:11
jillianit's inside windows03:11
bpcompso anyone want to take a crack at helping me get my package installer working again? http://paste.ubuntu.com/116275/03:11
dmphotographyNah, I run all my VM's from the hard disk.03:11
woody86Phillomath, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/116278/03:11
dmphotographyI use the ISO to install it and then I don't use it anymore.03:11
md5dmphotography, can't find an answer on the internet, last hope is here :)03:12
jillianI am sooo not technical...just started using ubuntu from window...03:12
dmphotographyHave you tried just re-installing it?03:12
jillianwell..it doesn't come up any more in update manager03:12
woody86Phillomath, but if I start Conky manually it works fine03:12
jillianis there somewhere else i can try to install it from03:12
md5dmphotography, not the OS, but i tried to make new connection03:13
dmphotographymd5: Does it work on any other distros of Linux/any other installed VM OS's?03:13
fearfuljillian: Press ALT + F2 and type upgrade-devel03:13
md5dmphotography, yes03:13
jillianok...i'll try03:13
dmphotographymd5: which?03:13
md5dmphotography, backtrack03:13
dmphotographyAhh.  Haha.03:14
Phillomathwoody86: Could be something to do with the desktop being drawn after conky starts03:14
md5dmphotography, ;]03:14
diginuxhow do i disable ipv6 in jaunty?03:14
dmphotographyI have a nice tutorial on how to install that to hard disk if you haven't already done so.03:14
woody86Phillomath, hmmm... any way to change that?03:14
jillianit says location file cannot be found03:14
Phillomathwoody86: Never had that problem myself but I've heard it happens03:14
woody86Phillomath, ok thanks, I'll try some more Google :)03:14
Phillomathwoody86: In your sessions entry where you have conky set to autostart...03:14
md5dmphotography, I have installed it with cd, now I am trying to connect from xp to ubuntu, everything is ok just keyboard doesnt work03:15
_2diginux  maybe edit /etc/modprobe.d/aliases03:15
woody86Phillomath, yeah?03:15
PhillomathTrwoody86: Try putting in sleep 5 before the conky command03:15
diginux_2: don't think that works in jaunty anymore since ipv6 is built into the kernel i heard03:15
k0pphello, i'm looking for a way to block 1 single IP from making ANY connections to my machine, whether that be via http, ssh, or connecting to an IRCd running on the machine. how can i go about this?03:15
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diginux_2: and I tried it and it didn't work :(03:15
WebcamWonderdiginux: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty03:15
Phillomathwoody86: That will delay conky starting for 5 seconds03:15
diginuxWebcamWonder: thanks!03:15
jilliani tried ALT + F2 and nothing03:16
woody86Phillomath, ok, I'll give it a shot, thx03:16
_2diginux oh jaunty.    sorry.   idk.03:16
Phillomathwoody86: also try changing own_window type to normal03:16
_2diginux i was thinking intrepid.   please disreguard.03:16
IntuitiveNipplediginux: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv603:16
_2diginux also   jaunty questions are for   #ubuntu+103:16
woody86Phillomath, ok I'll try, thx again03:16
Phillomathwoody86: np03:16
TheInternalhi everyone. linux noob here.03:17
jilliandmphotography...what do you think03:17
_2TheInternal welcome to the club03:17
jillianor fearful03:17
TheInternalI've learned a ton in about a week from playing with Debian and Ubuntu. Quite a different "feel" than windows03:17
fearfuljillian: Go to System -> Administration -> System Sources03:18
jillianok..i'm there..now what03:18
fearfuljillian: Click the third column 'release upgrade' and select 'normal release'03:18
TheInternalI've already looked over the "intermediate to advanced" Ubuntu router setup, but it was written with assumptions that a mere linux noobie wouldn't grasp :(03:19
jillianit was there already03:19
_2jillian also when  a command fails from "alt+ft" run dialog   use a terminal to debug it03:19
fearfuljillian: Click close03:19
fearfuljillian: On the terminal type sudo apt-get update03:19
TheInternalanyone know a good place to go for a "make ubuntu into a router" might be found (or someone that could answer a ton of questions patiently?)03:20
Sp0tUbuntuHmm! What is there insted of mIRC in linux? Not Konversation, thats KDE i guess? What else? Must have about same features as Konversation! Thanks!03:20
jillianhow do i debug03:20
fearfuljillian: Nothing happened?03:20
Sp0tUbuntuCan Xchat perform commands?03:20
Sp0tUbuntuxiaopi: ?03:20
xiaopiyes it can03:20
jillianyes...a couple of things updated03:20
Sp0tUbuntuThanks! :-) And thats Gnome?03:20
xiaopiand can use any python/perl script you find write~03:21
jillianintrepid stuff03:21
xiaopi"or write"03:21
linux_guymy wireless driver (ndiswrapper) doesn't always work at startup, where do I start to diagnose?03:21
fearfuljillian: Does it show anything that needs to be updated in the panel?03:21
Sp0tUbuntuxiaopi: And its Gnome, rigth?03:21
linux_guy2 restarts, and a shutdown / power up fixes it03:21
itchydogjoin #ubuntu-bugs03:21
xiaopiyes gtk :)03:21
jillianoh..sorry..i hadn't gotten to that yet03:21
fearfuljillian: :p03:22
Sp0tUbuntuxiaopi: Cool! Thanks alot m8! :-) I go find it tomorrow when i have get some sleep! .-)03:22
_2Sp0tUbuntu there is an  xchat-gnome  that's not the good one.  venella  xchat is the one you want.03:22
jilliannope..nothing came up..and like i said..i'm an ubuntu virgin...be patient with me..lol03:22
Sp0tUbuntu_2: Ok, thanks for the warning! :-)03:22
jilliando you think that maybe it did install and i don't know03:22
fearfuljillian: I'm sorry for rushing.03:22
TheInternalI'm using ubuntu's default pigeon for IRC03:23
jillianlol..that's ok03:23
TheInternal8.10 iso03:23
fearfuljillian: Open a terminal and type lsb_release -a03:23
PawkaHI guys can you recommend a quicktime alternative and a video editor ?03:23
jilliando i put sudo apt-get in front of that03:23
Sp0tUbuntuIs there a place in "ubuntu" when running a laptop, where i can set "powersafe" and then force CPU to run slower?03:23
Sp0tUbuntuFor minimum heat you know03:23
Sp0tUbuntuCant find it03:23
Sp0tUbuntuIts burning! :-D03:24
WebcamWonderSp0tUbuntu: Take a look at CPU governers, they can control the scaling of CPUs03:24
fearfuljillian: Nope03:24
TheInternalI'm pretty handy with windows, and am darn good at hardware (I helped build and maintain over 1000 computers in a university not all that long ago.), so I'm not totally without clue when it comes to computers/networking... but the permissions and some other stuff are a bit confounding in ubuntu. Anyone have some leads on where to go to get help for making my linux box a router (wired, using a switch and having a few windows boxes go t03:24
Sp0tUbuntuWebcamWonder: That is a default program?03:24
WebcamWonderSp0tUbuntu: Yeah, very close to kernel kinda stuff03:24
jillianlol..ok..this is hilarious...it says 8.10.. i guess it did upgrade03:24
PawkaHI guys can you recommend a quicktime alternative and a video editor ?03:24
fearfuljillian: :p, hah there you go03:24
fearfuljillian: Just now your sure :)03:25
Sp0tUbuntuWebcamWonder: Ok, thanks! With GUI right? Im new in linuxworld! :-)03:25
taviushello - I am lost!03:25
jillianok..one more thing...my sound doesn't work03:25
TheInternalI thought Mac OS was linux based. quicktime won't run natively?03:25
IntuitiveNippleTheInternal: What specifically do you need to do?03:25
fearfuljillian: Did you say you install inside windows?03:25
WebcamWonderSp0tUbuntu: I think there was a panel app for it, but don't remember. Haven't dived in that mess for a while now03:26
jilliansorry...i just checked it and it's working now03:26
qcjnhi, i've got a document .doc,  tile, paragraph, title,paragraph that i'd like to switch to a database, anyone knows of a good way without doing ct & paste 200 times ?03:26
fearfuljillian: Ok03:26
jillianyou were a big help..thanx03:26
taviusanyone here know how I can set up my computer to route my other computer through it to the net... both are ubuntu, and I have them talking to each other... but the other one won't reach the net03:26
fearfuljillian: Any time03:26
Sp0tUbuntuWebcamWonder: Ok, i look into it then! Thanks for the hint03:26
IntuitiveNippleTheInternal: OSX is based on FreeBSD 503:27
racecar56i didnt know that03:27
Klaz168Sp0tUbuntu, right click on ur panel, then add "CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor"03:27
racecar56i thought it was based on plain ol' unix03:27
taviusanyone familiar enough with networking and using a computer as a router to answer that?03:27
TheInternalHey Nipple: I want to use my old clunker computer as a router (rather than buy a router) for my small home wired network. I have an 8 port 10/100/1000 switch and all the compies in the network have 1 Gb nics. I want to use my linux box (named "Uggy") as the router, connect my cable modem via 10/100 nic, connect to the switch as the uplink on the 10/100/1000, and have all the computers on my network be able to access the internet. I'd 03:28
IntuitiveNippletavius: on the 'client' you need to set a default route that sends things to the 'router' PC (e.g. ip route add default dev eth0 via
TheInternalI honestly can't recall the origins of Mac OS. FreeBSD or Unix... neither would suprise me.03:28
Sp0tUbuntuKlaz168: Create launcher?03:28
radecok i have a simple question but i can't figure it out. i'm trying to restore a mysql database via ssh. my password has an ! character in it. this seems to make the command line freak out and add a long command, something i typed a while ago, in the middle of my password (where the !) is. any suggestions short of changing the password?03:29
azkabanhi everybody03:29
WebcamWonderradec: escape it like, \!?03:29
_2tavius you have to enable ipv?_forwarding on the gateway, and point the client at the host with something like  "route add default gw <ip_of_host>"03:29
WebcamWonderradec: Withpout the question mark that is03:29
Klaz168Sp0tUbuntu, right click on panel, then select 'add to panel'03:29
TheInternalhey azk03:29
Sp0tUbuntuKlaz168: Ahh, im on desktop clicking! :-D03:30
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IntuitiveNippleTheInternal: For a router, the PC should have two interfaces (WAN, LAN). Configure the router to be a DNS and DHCP server. Enable IP forwarding, set the router LAN IP as the gateway in DHCP so all clients route through it.03:30
radecWebcamWonder: hmmm thanks that might work lol03:30
Klaz168Sp0tUbuntu, scroll down untill you find 'CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor'03:30
IntuitiveNippleTheInternal: Ensure the router PC has a default route for to the WAN interface03:30
Sp0tUbuntuKlaz168: Thanks! Just the way i like it! :-)03:30
_2tavius edit /etc/sysctl.conf03:30
TheNational22little help with visudo03:30
TheInternalNipple: I sort of followed that. I can build a network in windows and have it work, but I'm not strong in that area. Lemme reread what you wrote real quick...03:31
_2TheNational22 ?03:31
Sp0tUbuntuSysinfo for 'spot-laptop': Linux 2.6.27-11-generic running , CPU: Intel(R)Core2DuoCPUT7250@2.00GHz at 800 MHz (3990 bogomips), HD: 7/109GB, RAM: 1782/3952MB, 133 proc's, 1.9h up03:31
TheNational22i added a new user, typed visudo to edit permisons but cant edit the file03:31
TheInternalyes, I have two NICs installed, one for WAN, one for LAN. what application/program do I use to set up a DNS and DHCP server03:32
ScottG489Anyone here use TuxOnIce?03:32
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Guest50591i need some help..03:32
MFenhas anyone tried to put a vnc server on the internet?  i'm trying to share port 5801 ... my friend can get the applet to come up in his browser, but can't log in03:32
_2TheNational22 you will have to use a user account that can already use sudo and    sudo visudo03:33
MFeni'm going through a nat too. just wondering what i should be looking at first.. security settings for tightvnc somewhere or a web proxy?03:33
TheNational22so from root/03:33
Guest50591how do i install nvidia graphics card 9500 geforce gt03:33
TheInternalNipple: "Configure the router to be a DNS and DHCP server. Enable IP forwarding, set the router LAN IP as the gateway in DHCP so all clients route through it." is the part I need help with. I don't know what in Ubuntu will let me do any of that. I have a fair idea of what DHCP is/does, but no idea where to start in Ubuntu on configuring static or dynamic IP assigning03:33
Klaz168Guest50591, Systen > Administration > Hardware Drivers03:34
TheInternalGuest50591, I installed my geforce card by going to system> administration > hardware drivers03:34
Guest50591tried that03:34
Guest50591didnt show up there03:34
_2TheNational22 yes superuser03:35
TheInternalI know for my geforce card that my card was not specifically listed03:36
TheInternalI just had to read the driver descriptions, pick one of em, then select activate.03:36
Guest50591my driver list is empty03:36
IntuitiveNippleTheInternal: I'd suggest you read up on, and use, dnsmasq. It is a light-weight combined DNS relay and DHCP server03:37
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TheInternalI'm a linux noob, mind you... it's empty? have you tried the repository (add/remove programs) stuff maybe?03:37
TheInternalNipple: thanks. dnsmasq. that in the default repositories?03:37
Guest50591lol i just started ubuntu today03:37
TheInternalI've been poking at linux for abour a week now03:38
slipstI have an uninterru03:38
Klaz168Guest50591, you can install the drivers manually. take a look at nvidia.co.uk03:39
tritiumKlaz168: no!03:39
slipstI have an uninterruptible process that won't be killed in system monitor, do I have to restart or is there another way?03:39
IntuitiveNippleTheInternal: Yes03:39
tritiumGuest50591: install the nvidia packages03:39
TheInternalNipple: I'm not finding it, even with a search all including all repositories03:39
tritiumGuest50591: since your card is a very recent model, try installing nvidia-glx-180.  If that doesn't work, fall back to nvidia-glx-17703:39
tritiumKlaz168: we don't recommend nvidia.com downloads.03:40
alp1Can I ask about my nvidia problem?03:40
racecar56why does brasero always do simulations on burning, it takes ages!03:41
TheInternal"There is no matching application available." :( have a url for a safe repository that would carry it?03:41
Mac181There isnt like a "Newbie's guide to understanding Ubuntu Forum Problem Fixes"03:41
Mac181I feel like I need a translator for the hep guides.03:41
md5Hello, I have a problem with vmware. I have Ubuntu 8.10 and Windows XP on my computer. From XP I am trying to connect to Ubuntu with vmware. Everything is ok, the only problem the keyboard doesn't work. What should I do? I believe that I need to change something in configuration file.03:41
racecar56virtualbox pwns vmware03:41
nbeeboany reason why internet on ubuntu just turned extremely slow?03:41
IntuitiveNippleTheInternal: do apt-cache search dnsmasq03:42
TheInternalnbeebo: underpants gnomes diversifying?03:42
nbeebodumb me, only one specific site.. lol03:42
Mac181Case in point: I have no idea what IntuitiveNipple said.03:42
racecar56why does brasero always do simulations on burning, it takes ages!03:42
racecar56can i disable it?03:42
IntuitiveNippleTheInternal: dnsmasq is in the Universe repository03:42
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_2Mac181 copy and paste that string into a terminal... "apt-cache search dnsmasq"03:42
SarthorHi I am here for getting help again, multiple isp routing is just bad word for me. according to http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html i did all and you can see my pasted configurations on http://pastebin.com/f681a1e36 , i am eager to be helped, i am stuck now..03:43
TheInternalNipple: that got a few lines that looked promising. Do I need to "apt-get dnsmasq" then?03:43
_2TheInternal syntax error.   operation  dnsmasq  not understood by apt-get03:44
winmuttanyone know of a decent xml browser? I have some complicated xsd I need to peruse03:44
Mac181It looks like some glossary entry, though I couldnt for the life of me tell you what it means.03:44
_2TheInternal you mean "apt-get install  dnsmasq"03:44
racecar56XML browser? never heard of it03:44
TheInternalah. thanks _203:44
JesperHansenwinmutt: firefox supports xml pretty fine03:45
TheInternalurg. permission denied.03:45
TheInternalhow do I find the root terminal in ubuntu?03:45
winmuttjesper: its ok but not really waht i need03:45
TheInternalin debian, there was one labeled "root"03:45
winmuttroot terminal?03:45
Mac181I have 3 common-enough issues. My brightness control is messed, my speakers stay on when my headphones are plugged in, and putting my computer to sleep results in a black screen with just a cursor that I have to restart to escape. All issues I've seen on the forum, but I cant understand the fixes.03:45
JesperHansenwinmutt: please use tab-completion03:45
tritiumTheInternal: sudo -i03:45
_2TheInternal run sudo -i    in any terminal03:45
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TheInternalsudo is temp admin perms, right?03:45
winmuttJesperHansen: its faulty :)03:45
JesperHansenwinmutt: what do you need then that firefox doesn't provide?03:46
tritiumTheInternal: it'll acheive what you want.  Try "sudo -i" in the terminal now.03:46
_2TheInternal well sort of.   in ubuntu's default use of it.  the primary user account is "root jr." so to speak.03:46
TheInternalI already did. looks like the download is going03:46
Jerusalem420i just upgraded to firefox 3.0.6 and installed a plugin called foxytunes to control the media player from within he browser. i selected rythymbox as my defauly player, but the rythbox it opens isn't the one i have set up. any ideas?03:46
winmuttjesper: better tabbing and easier on the eyes, these xml schemas I am looking at are ridiculous03:47
TheInternalroot jr., eh? By default, ubuntu isn't using admin level account, right?03:47
tritiumTheInternal: not sure what you mean by that exactly, but the root account is locked by default.03:47
_2TheInternal no. that's not what i mean.  i mean that the primary user account has unlimited sudo usage   thus can do any thing root can do.03:48
JesperHansenwinmutt: what you mean by better tabbing? Easier on eyes sounds like you just need to choose another theme03:48
TheInternaltri: for comparison, in windows, you have "root" access if you're on an admin account. Why not have a similar option for Ubuntu?03:48
Mac181How common of a name is Jesper Hansen?03:48
winmuttjesper: ff defaults to 2 spaces. I need more.. I really need something more complete. These schemas are ridiculous03:48
TheInternalor is it for security sake that the sudo and pass have to be used so much03:48
Mac181Slash, do you know a guy named John Kelly?03:49
tritiumMac181: please stay on topic03:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome&kde03:49
un_davehey all, i'm looking for an rss reader that supports text to speech of articles. i'm looking to use it in my car on the way home from work.03:49
_2TheInternal for security sake.    and to add a level of security you should make a secondary account and use it for non-admin normal use    "that's my openion anyway"03:49
Mac181LOL, my question sails over everyone's notice, but my side convo raises ire.03:50
winmuttJesperHansen: eff it all ill try to go blind with ff03:50
illumeday 8 of trying to hear sound...03:50
illumeAnyone know how to get sound working on a macpro?03:50
cjaeanyway to install gnome and kde but without all the mess in each others environment? or so you manually have to sift through each menu?03:50
JesperHansenwinmutt: The people in #firefox on irc.mozilla.org might be able to help you make it pretty for you. (its all a choice of opinion)03:50
judgepgHi guys, how should I format my external HDD in gparted?  Should I use primary or extended partition?03:51
JesperHansenMore joins and leaves in here than messages03:51
_2cjae i don't know what you mean about the menu  but you can install kde and gnome and any other desktop env/window manager03:51
JesperHansenjudgepg: extended is if you want more than 4 partitions03:52
GuiriCan eBox be configured to use mysql instead? It wants to install postgresql03:52
TheInternallooks like dnsmasq is downloaded... no icon though. No GNOME support or GUI for it?03:52
mindrapeJesperHansen its a support channel... people come and go once they get helped.03:52
_2judgepg if you want to,  yes03:52
mindrapeGuiri - we dont offer support for individual applications.  Please consult the man page for the application or the developer site.03:52
Phillomathjudgepg: Don't need extended until you get over four primary03:52
_2judgepg linux doesn't care if there are partitions or not.   but if you want them use them03:52
Jerusalem420internal thanks for the answer03:52
=== KterinK is now known as dou213
Jerusalem420i actually realized that was probably the problem after i typed the question03:53
winmuttjesperhens: no its just ridiculous03:53
judgepgJesperHansen, thanks guys.  I just want to format an external HDD, as it's new.03:53
cjae_2: if you install both the main menus are ridiculous after, I mean is there a way to install without having gnome apps in kde and vice versa03:53
Phillomathjudgepg: Only really need to worry about it for windows partions03:53
Jerusalem420i ran one of the parts of the upgrade to firefox 3.x as root03:53
winmuttthis XSD is for ONIX03:53
kereswhen installing ubuntu on my very old p3 laptop i get a bunch of input/output errors on my HDD when loading the LiveCD or just the installer. I select it from the menu and it just goes black and lists these errors?03:53
winmuttand its mindboggling large03:53
judgepgPhillomath, it's a brand-new HDD, so I want to format it so it can be readable by Windows as well03:53
SarthorHi I am here for getting help again, multiple isp routing is just bad word for me. according to http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html i did all and you can see my pasted configurations on http://pastebin.com/f681a1e36 , i am eager to be helped, i am stuck now..03:53
TheInternalheheee. glad I was indirectly of assistance, jeru.03:53
_2cjae in a way, i hope not.03:53
Jerusalem420and i've been using root firefox since then cause the non root one doesn't load my bookmarks. but i'm about to fix that03:53
Phillomathjudgepg: In that case format to primary03:54
cjae_2: why03:54
Phillomathjudgepg: Windows can't deal with extended03:54
judgepgPhillomath, it will not override my MBR and internal HDD?03:54
letalisanyone ever tried to transfer files to a phone via bluetooth in nautilus?03:54
nefrinOk, still having install problems here: I've setup my partitions correctly for an Ubuntu install, but I keep getting an ERROR 17 on grub loader. I have tried to reinstall GRUB using the liveCD, but when I enter the "find /boot/grub/stage1" from the grub prompt, it says there is no such file (which the file is located in the /boot partition)03:54
JesperHansenwinmutt: I cant keep track if you dont write my nick right when you're writing to me03:54
Jerusalem420can someone link me to a faq about running two ubuntu computers off of one isp connection and networking the two?03:54
boshheadapt-cache --names-only --installed search linux <-- I'm trying to find all packages that are installed with "linux" in the package name (not description). But this is returning packages like "grub", and it's also returning things that are not installed. What am I doing wrong?03:54
Jerusalem420never set up a private network with linux03:54
TheInternaljeru, sounds like we're both on a similar boat.03:54
judgepgPhillomath, I may be asking the wrong question, I just want to make sure the HDD doesn't mess up with my Ubuntu system03:54
kereswhen installing ubuntu on my very old p3 laptop i get a bunch of input/output errors on my HDD when loading the LiveCD or just the installer. I select it from the menu and it just goes black and lists these errors?03:54
mindrapeJerusalem420 via cross over cable or what?  Just get a $30 router... then plug them in.  Done.03:55
winmuttJesperHansen: now you know how i feel about ff xml out put :)03:55
letalisi have a vx990 (enV) and i was curious if the obex support ing nautilus had read write support or if my phone is read only.03:55
_2cjae seeing that the libs that an app uses doesn't restrict it to being used only in that particular env.    i run qt apps in gnome and gtk apps in kde    i wouldn't want them to be omitted just because they use a different lib03:55
Phillomathjudgepg: Nope, just make sure you have the right disk selected before you format ;-)03:55
TheInternalI'm trying to figure out how to turn my ubuntu box into a router.03:55
mindrapeTheInternal - JUST a router?  Nothing more?03:55
IntuitiveNipplenefrin: If you have a separate boot partition, you should use "find /grub/stage1"03:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about router03:55
judgepgPhillomath, thanks that's great!03:55
JesperHansenwinmutt: Other browsers might do it differently, but you can just edit the .css file for it to meet you demands.03:55
TheInternalI'll probably have it run BOINC too03:55
Phillomathjudgepg: np03:55
nefrinIntuitiveNipple ---- will try that03:55
Jerusalem420what about authentication?03:56
_2cjae and if there is a way "without manually editing the menu"  i don't know of it.03:56
Jerusalem420for the isp03:56
Jerusalem420and how do the computers see each other across the router?03:56
winmuttONIX is mind boggling03:56
Jerusalem420noobie quesitons03:56
_2cjae that doesn't mean it doesnt exist tho03:56
TheInternalmindrape: router and for internet throttling to specific compies. BOINC as well.03:56
* Jerusalem420 doesn't like feeling like a noob on tech things03:56
TheInternalI feel you jeru.03:56
mindrapeTheInternal - and I take it you've taken the time to google and found this link but it wasn't what you wanted?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router03:56
sagredoI feel 42003:57
cjae_2: I mean that is great but who wants a two page menu, I mean you should be able to call the gnome app in kde but 7 browsers, file manager, etc in a menu is a little much03:57
sagredoburn that up03:57
TheInternalmindrape: yes, read it a few times.03:57
Mac181I'm sympathetic, Jeru, but everyone was a 'noob' once. Tell me, where did you learn?03:57
* _2 quit caring about being such a nub about the 7 year of being one...03:57
TheInternalmindrape: I am neither an intermediate or advanced linux user, sadly. Many of the assumptions made are clearly ones that a total linux noob won't get.03:57
mindrapeTheInternal - describe the topology you want to put in place... where will your router sit (just want to make sure you are doing it right)03:58
_2cjae heh.  a gui is more than is needed   ;/03:58
TheInternalmindrape: I'll copy and paste... one moment please03:58
Mac181I am a total linux 'noob', and when even the step-by-step help threads on the forum are sailing over my head, its quite frustrating.03:58
OverandTheInternal: Personally, ubuntu isn't my distribution-of-choice for running a router - it's veruy capable, but I like having a frontend.03:58
Jerusalem420mostly self taught on windows, then switched over 3 years ago. i have a former roomate/friend who breaths linux03:59
Jerusalem420he's been around to hold my hand03:59
GneaMac181: it helps once you've successfully made it through a thing or 303:59
Jerusalem420and i use this chat and the faqs03:59
TheInternalmindrape: I want to use my old clunker computer as a router (rather than buy a router) for my small home wired network. I have an 8 port 10/100/1000 switch and all the compies in the network have 1 Gb nics. I want to use my linux box (named "Uggy") as the router, connect my cable modem via 10/100 nic, connect to the switch as the uplink on the 10/100/1000, and have all the computers on my network be able to access the internet. I'd li03:59
OverandMac181: you'll find that once you've passed a certain point, things will start to 'click'03:59
Mac181I also have a friend, but I cant expect him to be available at whim to help me. He got my mic working, but that's only 1/4 busted systems.03:59
OverandThere's a very real 'aha' moment.03:59
_2Mac181 oh yes. i remember those days quite well.    first thing to do is "forget everything you know about computers" so you can start without all the garbage you picked up from that other os... :)03:59
TheInternaloverand: being new to linux, I'm open to sugge3stions if there is an easy to use (and relatively automated) distro to try out. GUI is preferred.04:00
GneaOverand: very well put :)04:00
cjae_2: right but I try to turn ppl on to linux and away from doze so cli for anything is not an option and kde in 8.10 is a little flakey so I would like to have both04:00
PressureXHey guys04:00
Jerusalem420windblows you mean _2?04:00
Mac181Lucky me, I didnt pick up much garbage beforehand.04:00
Mac181"I cant afford a new mac, I dont want windows... lets install Ubuntu!"04:00
Mac181And now here I am.04:00
cjae_2: plus g/f isn't going to use cli either04:00
PressureXUbuntu sure looks cool, now I wish I knew how to use it right o_O, im so confused ...04:00
racecar56windows fails and mac too expensive is right04:00
racecar56i agree04:00
TheInternalthis is only my second time to ask for any help, personally. I've done a TON of reading and trial and error to even get ubuntu to install on my old clunker.04:00
Mac181Good, yes, but I dont know how to fix problems.04:00
_2Jerusalem420 so it does...  so it does...04:01
PressureXI've been reading for the past 4 hours, I still don't know how to do what Im trying to do, lol.04:01
GneaMac181: first of all, you need to establish a list of problems or goals that you would like to achieve04:01
racecar56however my first comp had windows 98SE and my first linux to use was xandros desktop 3.0404:01
nefrinOk, so I reinstalled the GRUB through the liveCD, but I am still getting Error 17 when booting up04:01
mcohenhi all, I have just had a failed upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10, somewhat experienced linux user, at a bit of a loss, can anyone help?04:01
racecar56but i like ubuntu the best out of them all04:01
GneaMac181: second, start from the bottom with the smallest problems04:02
Jerusalem420the internal, the people here are usually very helpful04:02
mindrapemcohen - error msgs you got?04:02
_2nefrin raid ?04:02
Jerusalem420its nice to say thanks04:02
mindrapePressureX what are you trying to do?04:02
Jerusalem420not that you don;t04:02
PressureXWould somebody be so kind in helping me getting my wireless to work?04:02
Jerusalem420i'm just giving u some advice04:02
Mac181I have that. I want the speakers to turn off when the headphones are in. I want the screen brightness control to not be seemingly set on random, and I want the suspend function to work and not go to a dead-end command line.04:02
anom01yis it a pain to switch from kde to xfce ? I installed kubuntu 8.0404:02
nefrin_2 ---- not understanding the question04:02
mcohenerm, bit of a complex process, if you have sometime, should we take this to private?04:02
hacker_kidim trying to add an OS to my grub menu.lst, its a linux distro installed on the first hard disc, on the 5th partition (a logical partition inside the third partition), the kernel is at /boot/vmlinuz but when i try and boot it i get file not found04:02
TheInternalheee. I'm appreciative :P I'm very slow to ask for help is all. I've easily spent 50 hours in the last week, reading and troubleshooting rather than sleeping XD04:03
mindrapePressureX - sure... lspci -k          sudo lshw -C network04:03
mindrapePressureX - pastebin the results and give me the link.04:03
GneaMac181: well, for the first one, are the speakers built into the system or externally plugged, like the headphones?04:03
Jerusalem420ok. i exported my root bookmark file for firefox and can't get the user firefox to use it04:03
racecar56i like ubuntu 8.10 better than 8.04.x04:04
mindrapeJerusalem420 check the perms on the file?  You may have some chown/chmod'ing in your future.04:04
racecar56my first ubuntu to use was 8.04.004:04
mindrape!grub | hacker_kid04:04
ubottuhacker_kid: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:04
smeegsHas anyone played with flow-capture?  I installed on Intrepid from the repository, configured it and it's not starting.  I can't find any logging anywhere to indicate why and an strace doesn't mean a lot to me.04:04
Jerusalem420i already 777ed it04:04
PressureXIt says a lot, and I can't copy and paste it, since right now im on my laptop, and im trying to get ubuntu to run on my desktop here next to me :P04:04
TheInternalmindrape: to simplify the topology - cable modem <---> "Uggy" my Ubuntu box <---> 8 port switch <---> computers on network04:04
GneaMac181: and they don't turn off automatically?! that is very weird. what is the make and model of your computer?04:04
mcohenok, here's what happened:  ok, here's what happened:  Initial install was kubuntu, disliked crashes in dolphin & kde 4, switched to gnome, so it was kubuntu with gnome, using gdm, for about a week or two04:04
Mac181Lenovo Ideapad y50.04:04
Mac181I see multiple threads with this problem, and atleast 3 fixes.04:05
hacker_kidmindrape, i have and am going through those documents. im asking for help because i cant find anything04:05
TheInternalI've been using my dual core windows box, but would rather have a clunker box that could get the job done.04:05
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org04:05
Guirimindrape: is there a way to specifically exclude packages from being installed? like apt-get install ebox --deny postgresql?04:05
Mac181I dont know which fix works, and I cant understand the instructions because I'm a 100% beginner.04:05
mindrapePressureX - well on the lspci -k command look for something that could be your wireless card and tell me the driver its presently attempting to use.  On the lshw -C network command tell me what on earth kind of card it is.04:05
mcohenran the upgrade to 8.10, a number of packages failed, when I restarted with the new kernel, it hangs after the username/password stage04:05
Jerusalem420wht was ubuntu 3.x called?04:05
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox04:05
Gneathe bot is such a great reference :)04:05
mindrapeGuiri - yes, but you will likely get breakage.  They build dependencies for a reason.04:05
mcohenran in debug mode, dpkg, but it scrolls a whole bunch of various failures and comes out with a general failure at the end04:05
racecar56what the... i burned a ubuntu server 8.10 CD and it isnt bootable nor is it readable04:06
mcohenso basically I'm not sure what in particular has broken for it because it all scrolls past my eyes04:06
Guiriwell I'm trying to avoid compiling here. If I install then the scripts go in their proper places. If I compile I can use mysql instead, but have no idea where stuff goes04:06
_2"<Jerusalem420> wht was ubuntu 3.x called?"  non-existant.04:06
GuiriI'm looking for a middle ground04:06
Mac181Ubuntuforums.org mentions fixes. Its not that no one knows how. Its equivilent to someone answering my question in greek.04:06
racecar56yet my download is not corrupt04:06
Mac181 I can guess a few words but I'm mostly helpless.04:06
Jerusalem4204.x then04:06
PressureXwell, on lspci -k, it says: "01:08.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)"04:06
_2Jerusalem420 4.10 warty warthog04:06
racecar56and does ubuntu 4.04 exist? or is it just giving me a 404 error because its ubuntu 4.04?04:07
_2Jerusalem420 that was the beginning.04:07
Jerusalem420thats when i started04:07
mindrapeGuiri - well then yes.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37519404:07
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:07
fearfulHow long ago was 4.1004:08
_2fearful  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:08
fearfuloh sorry didn't read04:08
_2short answer it was in 4 1004:08
PressureXon lshw -C network it says a bunch, but the line to my wireless card says "*-network description: Network Controller, product: BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless Lan Controller, vendor: Broadcom Corporation04:08
PressureXetc. etc.04:08
un_davedoes anyone know of an rss reader with text-to-speech support?04:08
Jerusalem420there has got to be a way to migrate all my root firefox settings to user firefox04:08
mindrapePressureX - can you sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-modules (see if its already there)04:09
PressureX1 sec04:09
Mac181I get the idea that I'm either going to need a "Complete Idiot's Guide" type book, or I"ll need my friend to sit down with me and explain all.04:10
PressureX"Reading package lists... Done, Building dependenct tree, Reading state information... Done, E: Couldn't find package linux-kernel-modules04:10
mcohengents? anyone can give me a hand rescuing this failed upgrade?04:10
mindrapePressureX - sorry... linux-restricted-modules04:10
mindrapemy bad04:10
GneaMac181: the headphone issue sounds like something that's specific to the ideapad (i've never ever heard of that problem with any other laptop. ever.)04:11
_2Jerusalem420 close all ff's   'sudo cp -R /root/.firefox $HOME ;chown -R $USER $HOME'04:11
PressureXsame message for linux-restricted-modules04:11
mindrapehrrmmm... well maybe your repos need some fixin'.04:11
PressureXthat darn can;t find package comes up with anything I try, network-admin, network-manager, everything04:11
Jerusalem420can i just copy my cookies and bookmarks and saved passwords04:11
mindrapethere is another way though... let's try this...04:11
PMTI'm running Jaunty. My DNS requests are failing sometimes, it's not clear why - nslookup is always succeeding, telnet or ssh or similar fail sometimes, the strace thinks it's /etc/mdns.allow, google doesn't turn up anything useful for this bug.04:11
_2Jerusalem420 that will also overwrite any user settings  so make backups first.04:11
fearfulwow 4.10 looks really cool lol04:12
TheInternalI guess I'll post this question here: if you want an older machine (athlon XP 2000+ with a poop graphics card and 256 MB of RAM) to function as a router, will it be able to route effectively at high speeds (ideally with bandwidth throttling to certain PCs) while running a distro like Ubuntu? I'd like to run BOINC as well as be a router, but honestly don't plan on using the box for much else (maybe as a file/print server)04:12
mindrapePressureX - this link has the fix for the exact driver you are using I believe - - - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90535004:12
Jerusalem420there are no user settings and it will leave the root ones alone, correct?04:12
Mac181It may be a Lenovo thing.04:12
_2Jerusalem420 oops04:12
PressureXOk, let me read through it, ill let ya know when im done. thanks so much man.04:12
Jerusalem420can't stat /root/.firefox04:12
_2Jerusalem420 close all ff's   'sudo cp -R /root/.firefox $HOME ;sudo chown -R $USER $HOME'  <<< i forgot the second sudo the first time.04:12
Mac181Ehh, I'll have to deal with this later. None of these are critical issues. The computer works fine, as long as I'm not trying to dim my screen, play music quietly, or put it to sleep.04:13
_2err  maybe .mozilla-firefox ?04:13
Jerusalem420i'm running bash as root04:13
Mac181Right now I have to go interview a porn star.04:13
PMTMac181: what kind of Lenovo?04:13
_2Jerusalem420 then the command wont work.04:13
TheInternalwould a different distro be better for routering, BOINCing, and file/printer sharing if that's about all it would do?04:13
Mac181Ideapad y530.04:13
GneaMac181: hrm, the suspend problem seems to be somewhat documented already... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/31149404:13
fearfulcan you still download ubuntu 4.1004:13
mindrapeTheInternal - Coyote Linux.04:13
Mac181Gnea: I know all 3 of my problems have atleast some commonness to em.04:13
mindrapefearful - if you want to get exploited every other day... surely you can find it somewhere.04:14
histofearful: why could you possibly want that?04:14
fearfuljust to mess around with it like not even online04:14
mcohenwhat does it mean when dpkg returns an error code (1)?04:14
smeegsNo-one configured flow-tools before?04:14
Jerusalem420i found the .mozilla/firefox04:14
_2Jerusalem420 anyway the basic idea is to copy the data to the users home and chown it     but using the variables  $USER and $HOME  will fail if the shell is not owned by the target user.04:14
eternaljoyfearful: reading is good for you ;)04:14
histofearful: I don't htink the repos are still up.04:14
GneaMac181: I find it odd, but not uncommon that new systems have problems like this. have you made a post to ubuntuforums already or have you just been following threads on there?04:14
_2Jerusalem420 so you can adjust the command as needed.04:15
fearfuli'll read then04:15
mindrapefearful - do you just want a light-weight distro?04:15
histofearful: I stand corrected04:15
histofearful: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/4.10/04:15
mcohenmindrape - do you have any time atm, or shortly?04:15
PMTMac181: You're apparently leaving, I'm assuming you've checked ThinkWiki and have no useful advice from it?04:15
mindrapemcohen - sure...04:15
PressureXmindrape - What if it doesn't find "ndisgtk" in the Synaptic Package Manager? :o04:15
Mac181Following threds.04:15
TheInternalmindrape: thanks for your continued patience, mind. Coyote is listed as being no longer maintained though. can it do BOINC and file/printer sharing as well? (does it have a noobie friendly gui)?04:15
fearfulmindrape: no not really, I just saw some cool screen shots people running 4.1004:15
mindrapePressureX - did you read the instructions on enabling the other repos?04:16
Jerusalem420"will fail if the shell is not owned by the target user." meaning i need to run it as user with the sudo? how is that different than running it in sudo bash|?04:16
mindrapefearful - you can theme any distro to look like any screenshot... send me a screenshot and I'll tell you what they did.  :)04:16
PressureXThere are only 2 when I go to Third Party apps, then it says something with update, well, that doesn't work since there is no internet on it, so when I click close, their still checked and all04:16
Mac181This fix looks downright easy, but I dont know how to do what what it tells me to do. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend04:16
PressureXbut I checked them both04:16
mcohenmindrape - I am trying dpkg fixing in the recovery mode, but a bunch of packages simply fail to upgrade/install properly, including a bunch of base gnome packages like gnome-applets and nautilus04:16
GneaMac181: if you can find the time, I would encourage you to make a detailed post of your own regarding these problems you're experiencing. It's been a little over a month since the problems started to surface, so now would be an excellent time to get in on it - someone may have a solution04:17
_2fearful several releases are no longer supported. but you can still use them   and the packages are in old-releases.ubuntu.com  i think04:17
mindrapemcohen - have you tried sudo dpkg --configure -a ?04:17
fearful_2: thanks04:17
PMTWorld - any thoughts on my DNS issues? It's kind of annoying getting Failure to resolve nondeterministically without ever querying the DNS server.04:18
chuckci got 3 new drives, setup raid 5 on them, formatted the raid, now have decided to install LVM and then format the drives.  What is the process for removing the format or what exactly should i do at this point?04:18
mcohenmindrape - a lot of errors like so and so package depends on python-gtk2 but that package is not configured yet04:18
PressureXmindrape - hold on, I found it manually, ima go back to reading (for some reason quick search didn't find it)04:18
Mac181I see. Well, I think I need to get my friend to sit down with me and help me through one of the easier ones (the suspend fix seems downright easy). Once I can translate those commands into actions, I'm on solid footing to start learning to fend for myself.04:18
mindrapemcohen - sudo dpkg -configure python-gtk204:18
mcohenmindrape - I had the ubuntu packages for python, numpy etc but also installed the latest versions independently from source.  When I ran the upgrades, packages like python-cairo and numy have failed to install, don't know why04:19
Mac181But yeah, porn stars are waiting for me.04:19
GneaMac181: sounds good, he should be able to help you out with that. good luck with the interviews.04:19
TheInternalother than finding a user friendly router/firewall distro that can do BOINC and file/printer sharing... the only other pressing issue is how to get Ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1100... which I've heard is a pain if not impossible. (not to mention the fact that the BIOS on the Dell I'm working on is so ancient that I have to find an intermediate bios update before I can do the current one, and I've had no  luck finding one).04:19
Mac181I love my job sometimes. :-P04:19
mindrape!ot | mac18104:19
TheInternalwoah, porn stars? what?04:19
ubottumac181: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:19
PressureXBlah, so I found it, checked it for installation, hit apply, this is what I get now: An error occured, E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/locl - open (11 Resource temporarily inavailable", E: Unable to lock the download directory04:19
mcohenmindrape - it says unknown option -o, I don't think it understood -configure04:20
mindrapePressureX - close Synaptic if you are running apt-get at the command line.04:20
fearfulmindrape: so how can i get something like that?04:20
mindrapesudo dpkg --reconfigure perhaps?04:20
PressureXmy terminal is closed04:20
_2PMT route  show a default route ?   and  /etc/reslov.conf show a usable dns server ?04:20
Mac181Thanks mindrape, but that was my way of saying goodbye. Try setting the bot to have a !removestick command sometime. Ciao! :)04:20
TheInternalto everyone who's been patient enough to answer my questions thus far; thanks04:21
mindrapefearful - hold... loading the pic you linked04:21
cjae_2: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/18/removing-kde-icons-in-gnome-remove-gnome-icons-in-kde/ sweet04:22
mcohenmindrape - depends on python2.4-cairo04:22
mcohenwhen I try to install it, with apt-get install, the install fails04:22
mindrapefearful - what part of it do you want to copy? All of it/  It's using a mac-wanna-be theme.  There are tons of those to choose from for gnome and KDE... art.gnome.org04:22
mindrapefearful - the media player looks like kjofol w an awful skin.04:22
PMT_2: all my routes are valid, the only DNS server listed in /etc/resolv.conf works, all queries always by host or nslookup succeed, regardless of whether I explicitly specify DNS server.04:23
Jerusalem420i need to copy from /root/.mozilla/firefox to  ~/.mozilla/firefox-3.0/ or symlink or something04:24
Jerusalem420what to do?04:24
mindrapemcohen - well it sounds like you are in dependency hell after installing some pkgs from source... it may make sense to apt-get remove some of those pkgs that are having conflict errors then re-install them to see if they can auto resolve...04:24
_2cjae like i said other than manually editing the menu04:24
mindrapeJerusalem - cp -R for recursive copy (all files in a dir)04:25
mindrapeJerusalem once they are in your home dir (~) chown them.04:25
_2PMT hmmm  and what exactly fails ?04:25
Jerusalem420so let me make sure i got this right04:25
mindrapesudo chown YOU.YOU ~/.mozilla/firefox-3.0/04:25
PressureXBlah, so I found it, checked it for installation, hit apply, this is what I get now: An error occured, E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/locl - open (11 Resource temporarily inavailable", E: Unable to lock the download directory04:25
mindrapeactually its probably YOU:YOU... cant recall04:25
_2mindrape -R04:25
Jerusalem420cp -r  /root/.mozilla/firefox  ~/.mozilla/firefox-3.0/04:25
mindrapePressureX - some pkg manager has a lock on the apt database..04:25
fearfulI'm heading out have a good night all04:26
mindrapeJerusalem420 if you are root yes... I take it you are being naughty and got a rootshell?04:26
PMT_2: i get could not resolve [...]04:26
Jerusalem420thats naughty?04:26
_2Jerusalem420 nope.  root's ~ && $HOME == /root/  so that will fail.04:26
mindrapeyes.  You should never be root04:26
Aperture_ScienceTurns out part of the problem was the SLI config. I removed my second video card (for now) and it's working.04:26
mindrape!root | Jerusalem42004:26
ubottuJerusalem420: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:26
Y-Townanyone know of an app yet to open and edit .pub files from MS publisher?04:26
PMTY-Town: OO.org doesn't do it?04:27
mindrapeY-Town - openoffice maybe?04:27
Y-TownPMT: mindrape: nope04:27
Jerusalem420can u explain _2?04:27
PressureXmindrape - How would I go about fixing the "lock on the apt database"?04:27
PMTJerusalem420: if run as root ~ will evaluate to root's homedir04:27
mcohenmindrape -  I tried --configure python-cairo, get the error "pycentral:pkginstall: not overwriting local files"04:27
mindrape~ defines the path to the $HOME directory for the currently logged in user in the session.04:27
mindrapePressureX - kill off any other process that is using it... ps aux and pgup through it.04:28
Jerusalem420need to change it to /user/.mozilla etc etc04:28
PMTalso change the owner if i understand how you're doing this correctly04:28
_2Jerusalem420 that's what i mentioned way ^ up there.  you said >>> [root@localhost.~] cp /root/<something> ~/<something>   <<<   that will fail     something and something are the same something04:28
mindrape /home/USER/.mozilla/etc04:28
redvamp128Y-Town:  the only thing I can find is a round a bout way - they say convert it online to a .pdf (5 free conversions) https://createpdf.adobe.com/index.pl  (you have to sign up for it first)04:29
bradlyldap is terrible!04:29
mindrapebradly - why?04:29
PMTnot arguing, why bradly?04:29
Jerusalem420i said duh out loud once i realized what i wrote04:29
bradlyit just seems overly complicated04:29
mindrapebradly - so if you dont understand something it's terrible?04:29
_2Jerusalem420 also can't   chown $USER    because  the $USER is root  you have to use exact user name as well.04:29
mindrapethat is a wonderful viewpoint... yawn.04:29
Y-Townredvamp128: thanks.  I was hoping to open and edit this file04:30
bradlythings being more complicate then they need to be is terrible04:30
=== anthony is now known as Guest18747
PMTooh, what an interesting response, _204:30
PMTwww.slashdot.org has address
PMTHost www.slashdot.org not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)04:30
PMTwww.slashdot.org has address
PMTHost www.slashdot.org not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)04:30
FloodBot2PMT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:30
Guest18747what cmd can i run in terminal to see if my graphics card is enabled?04:30
redvamp128Y-Town:  once you get it converted then -- Linux does have pdf fully supported04:30
PMTTeach me to paste two lines. :)04:31
porter1How do we remove bookmarks from the places menu?04:31
mindrapeGuest18747 - sudo lshw -C graphics (I believe) or sudo lspci -k04:31
Y-Townredvamp128: thanks   maybe I will have to go that route04:31
_2PMT you must have bounced the button, it looks like four lines to me...04:31
PMT_2 - So I saw.04:31
PMTIt was 4.04:32
mindrapeI was wrong... its video not graphics.  :)04:32
bradlyI'm having a tough time groking ldap setup :/04:32
PMTbradly: how are you trying to do it?04:32
tiberius_so I'm trying to run dosemu on Ubuntu04:32
mindrapeis that a question tiberius_ ?04:32
bradlyPMT: just setup a group with a few users.04:32
tiberius_everything about it works, it responds to ctrl-alt-pgdown, it updates the terminal title... but other than that it outputs nothing04:33
porter1Anyone know?04:33
_2PMT you can "ping www.slashdot.org"  can't you ?04:33
tiberius_draws a black screen that doesn't go away until I exit :-P04:33
PMTbradly: do you have ldap set up already or are you trying to create from scratch04:33
PMT[diradm is also useful fyi]04:33
PMT_2 - ping works fine04:33
mindrapeporter1 - this is ubuntu help, not browser help... which browser?  Firefox? Opera? Konqueror? Something else?04:33
jtajiporter1: open up a file browser, select Places in the left panel, you can delete them there04:33
_2PMT  man i don't know.   you bested me on that one.04:33
prince_jammysmindrape: nautilus04:33
bradlyPMT: create from scratch. We have one systems had for production, but I'm trying to setup one for dev testing locally04:34
joelaranyone know a good guide for learning to host your own site ( i know it's not that hard, but i can't find a good guide for Ubuntu Ibex )?04:34
porter1Ah ok, I forgot it was also in nautilus04:34
PMTbradly: slapd or something else?04:34
joelarhttp://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-8.10 left me able to view my site from the outside but not use a browser on site.04:34
bradlyjoelar: checkout slicehost's articles04:34
bradlyPMT: yes04:34
Jerusalem420serious progress thanks to you guys04:34
mindrapejoelar - sudo apt-get install apache2... you will be halfway there.  Then you need to register a domain, setup an A record to point to your IP, find a port that isn't blocked by your ISP to let people into the http daemon, etc, etc, etc.04:34
mcohenhow do I get ubuntu to resolve repositories when I am in text shell in recovery mode?04:34
mcohenit doesn't seem to resolve them presumably it doesn't have a net connection running04:35
PMTmcohen: need more internet, yeah04:35
PMTyou can either try starting networkmangler and hoping it does it right or configure it by hand with ifconfig/dhclient/whatever04:35
PMTnetworkmanager - i'm being facetious :)04:35
NobodyHereI need a way to put the current time in Anchorage on the top panel like my current local time.. but I can't seem to find anything to do it with. Anyone got some quick ideas?04:36
mcohenack, command not found04:36
randali need some help. i made a ubuntu start up disk on my usb and i was wondering do updates work on it or should i forget about updateing it.04:36
mcohenhow do I do it by hand?04:36
PMTrandal: depends how you do it04:36
PMTmcohen: /etc/init.d/NetworkManager start04:36
PMTbut ifconfig eth0 or eth1 or eth2 or wlan0 or whatever [IP] up04:36
PMTe.g. ifconfig eth0 [if that's your IP04:36
PMTthat wouldn't give you DNS tho04:36
_2randal if you mount it on /boot then it should automatically update with the system.04:37
randalPMT: what do you mean i tried it but i got some error how should i do it04:37
PMTdhclient eth0/eth1/etc04:37
PMTrandal: is it just a livecd environment or did you install it to there04:37
randal_2: what do you mean i dont understand04:37
PMTif the former, you'd need to unpack it on another machine, upgrade it, and repack it04:37
PMTit's stored in a highly-compressed read-only file that's loaded and unpacked every time you boot the USB key/CD/whatever if the former04:37
randalPMT:  ITS A LIVE CD ON THE USB IT DOES SAVE SETTINGS ON IT opps sorry capps04:38
_2randal you say "i made a ubuntu start up disk on my usb" i assume that means you use the usb device to boot the system ?    if so do you mount the usb device on /boot or not ?04:38
PMTrandal: if it saves settings, that's not what i outlined above, upgrade it and be merry04:38
tuxflavoredwafflHi !  What is a good program that burns .avi files to cd-r ?04:39
randal_2: ok what i did was i put the live cd in the compter then i went system>Administration>Create usb start up disk04:39
mcohenPMT - success, thanky ou!04:39
_2tuxflavoredwaffl what format ?04:39
sharefwhy does my KDE desktop show the system root directory but gnome shows the normal ~/Desktop??04:40
randalPMT:  is there s special way to upgrade because i tried it got half way throgh and crashed04:40
Guest18747how do i know which driver to install for my graphics card?04:40
sharefsame user04:40
PMTradsy: error reporting would be useful04:40
PMTe.g. tell me what the error was04:40
randalPMT:  i meant update04:40
PMTusing ubuntu's pastebin04:40
PMTrandal: well yes. i still want to see the error.04:40
ScottG489Could someone help me getting hibernate to work?04:40
_2randal oh,  another "ubuntu nominclature exception"   sorry.04:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate04:40
tuxflavoredwaffl_2 i am not sure ?04:40
PMTScottG489: graphics card, Ubuntu version and architecture, graphics driver04:41
randalPMT i kinda didnt copy it dowsn and i cant restart the update because i get another error and it wont let me start package manager04:41
PMTrandal: go to terminal and do sudo dpkg --configure -a04:41
randalPMT:  you know what ill reinstall it04:41
randalPMT: ya thats the error04:41
tuxflavoredwafflI would like to burn an avi file to a cd-r and watch it on a dvd player.04:41
josiahhey wats up04:41
randalPMT:  but i went to fix it and i just got another error lol04:42
tuxflavoredwaffldoes anyone know of a good program to do that?04:42
randal_2: lol sorry im confused04:42
PMTtuxflavoredwaffl: depends on your DVD player04:42
PMTdo you want a VCD, or AVI files on a CD, or a DVD-video?04:42
randalPMT:  i think i shoud reinstall04:42
sharefwhy does my KDE desktop show the system root directory but gnome shows the normal ~/Desktop??04:42
tuxflavoredwafflpmt it says it plays divx04:42
mindraperandal - randal - what error?04:42
PMTrandal: if you want, by all means, but it's unnecessary04:43
randalPMT:  while it was updateing i was running programs would that effect it04:43
tuxflavoredwafflI have a program called avidemux and i think i can change the format .04:43
PMTtuxflavoredwaffl: so burn AVI files to a data DVD with Divx for the video [or xvid if it does that] and have fun04:43
tuxflavoredwaffli just have cd-r's will those work?04:44
mindraperandal - I ran into a similar issue after an upgrade... had to apt-get remove 2 apps then I could dpkg -configure -a then re-installed them.04:44
randalmindrape: you know what i think i messed it up bad it only takes 10 min to reinstall04:45
_2randal sorry.  it's ubuntu's nomenclature that is confused.  they misname things like that all the time.  you clicked "make startup disk"  but the proper name should have been something like "install to usb device"   or some such.      kinda like they called "gnome-terminal" "console"  which is again wrong name for thang.04:45
wetchrdoes anyone have experience with chroot jails?04:45
mindrapeI was locked in once back in 1997, wetchr... horrible crime against humanity it was.04:45
_2wetchr only breaking out of them.04:45
randal_2: so is it ok to update in a live usb04:45
wetchrIm having a hard time makign on for cvs04:46
_2randal sure if you have enough free space on it.04:46
_2randal and you didn't use a casper filesystem    "which it probably did by default"04:46
randal_2:  i think a do and when i was doing update it was halfway thorugh and crashed and then i had big problems could this be called because i was running programs at the same time04:47
randal_2: whats a casper filesystem04:47
_2randal compressed filesystem within a file04:48
matt___Hey, I'm trying to install ZBrush and I'm getting a weird error, can anyone give me a hand?04:48
matt___through Wine of course04:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about casper04:48
_2well google knows04:48
PMTcasper and cloopfs are how livecds work nowadays04:49
^hashbang^isn't casper = cramfs or something like that04:49
PMTcasper is the booting mechanism04:49
PMTcramfs is the filesystem in question04:49
PMTwhatever cloopfs's actual name is04:49
^hashbang^ah yea... c04:49
randal_2: im sorry im confused are you telling me to do something?04:49
* _2 head desk04:49
K8Lhi guys ! is there a way to get more than 4 primary partitions on a hard drive ? :/04:50
mcquaiddoes anyone know if nvidia's binary has an option for threaded optimization?04:50
PMTK8L: not using the normal partition tables04:50
ScottG489PMT: 256MB ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3450, Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit, and the Propriety Drivers (ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver)04:50
PMTgpt will do it, and most modern systems have fun with that04:50
K8Lok thanx04:50
PMTany reason you can't use extended partitions, K8L04:50
matt___can someone give me a hand with a Wine/terminal related problem04:50
K8Llet's delete the recovery partition04:50
PMTmatt___: sure, but #winehq is your friend04:50
PMTK8L: IIRC extended doesn't have to be the fourth04:51
mcohensuccess gents, thank you all verymuch04:51
matt___I'm not sure if it's a problem with Wine directly or if it's an Ubuntu problem04:51
PMTScottG489: what version of fglrx, latest in the ubuntu nonfree?04:51
PMTmatt___: just tell me what it is please04:51
tuxflavoredwafflwhat is a good cd burning program?04:51
PMTtuxflavoredwaffl: cdrecord is nice for ISOs, there are a lot of other burning GUIs04:51
tuxflavoredwafflpmt how bout one for burnin .avi files04:52
ScottG489PMT: im not sure what version of fglrx I have04:52
wetchrdoes anyhave have any experience with jailit?  ahving some problems logging in.  It just closes connection automaticly04:52
PMTtuxflavoredwaffl: doesn't matter which one if it's not a premade CD/DVD image unless you're trying to make your own video or something04:53
PMTScottG489: i think dmesg | grep -i fglrx will tell you04:53
PMTdpkg -s xorg-driver-fglrx may help too04:53
tuxflavoredwafflpmt brasero keeps telling me that there is not enough space on the disc, but its 700 meg. and the file is 690.04:54
PMTtuxflavoredwaffl: there's overhead, and that involves overburning :V04:54
tuxflavoredwafflpmt so i should overburn?04:55
PMTtuxflavoredwaffl: if it says you can, that's probably fine04:55
matt___PMT: sorry I was over in winehq. Anyway, when I try to install I get this error n the terminal04:55
matt___err:msi:msi_cabextract FDICopy failed04:55
matt___err:msi:ACTION_InstallFiles Failed to extract cabinet: L"#Data1.cab"04:55
ScottG489PMT: http://pastebin.com/d575f22b004:55
matt___err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallFinalize" returned 162704:55
matt___err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"ExecuteAction" returned 162704:55
FloodBot2matt___: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:56
ScottG489i owned his flood04:56
matt___my bad, I'm new to IRC04:56
anthonyhow do i install my graphics csrd drivers?04:57
=== anthony is now known as Guest51393
mindrapeanthony - nvidia or ati?04:57
Guest51393how do i install my graphics csrd drivers?04:57
mindrape!nvidia | anthony04:58
ubottuanthony: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:58
Guest51393mindrape: nvidia geforce 9500 gt04:58
PMTmatt___: pastebin plz04:58
mindrapeGuest51393 - see previous link.04:59
ripdisk If I install kubuntu inside of windows, how do i access my windows files when booted up through ubuntu05:00
matt___PMT http://paste.ubuntu.com/116318/05:00
mindrape!ntfs | ripdisk05:00
ubotturipdisk: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:00
PMTmatt___: looks like wine or the installer to me05:01
PMTgo tell #winehq05:01
mindrapematt___ what app you trying to install?  I can give it a whirl if you'd like...05:02
ScottG489PMT: See my pastebin?05:02
PMTScottG489: i did.05:02
PMTI'm debating what I suggest.05:02
PMTMy immediate suggestion is to wonder if launchpad knows anything about this.05:02
matt___it's ZBrush 3.105:02
ScottG489PMT: Im looking around /etc/hibernate right now for any leads05:03
ripdiskthe link to the script in that page doesn't work05:03
mindraperipdisk - for something that intense I don't imagine WINE will have very good compatability... I'd go w VMware-player...05:03
prince_jammysI think my graphics drivers aren't set up properly.  When I move windows around, they don't move smoothly, and when the screensaver comes on, it's extremely slow, even though it's an ancient one.  I'm running ubuntu hardy, my window manager is fluxbox, and the video card is: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE.  My kernel is 2.6.24-21-generic, and my xorg.conf is of the old-fashioned (longer) kind.  I don't know05:03
ScottG489PMT: Lines with a # in front of them are commented out right?05:03
MarkusTIs there a simple way to set up a L2TP client on Ubuntu? Network-Manager diesn't seem to suport L2TP at all and KVPN does only support L2TP inside IPSec. I just need to connect to a server providing username/password and gateway. All resources on the net require endless configurations and seem to be outdated.05:03
ScottG489hm ok nvm then05:04
mindrapeprince_jammys - lspci -k         which video driver is in use?05:04
matt___mindrape other people have been having great luck with it, I just can't seem to get it installed05:04
prince_jammysmindrape: invalid option (-k)05:04
mindrapeprince_jammys which distro are you on and what version?05:04
prince_jammysubuntu hardy05:04
mindrapehrrmmm... dunno man.  sudo lshw -C video05:05
mindrapematt___ what command are you using to install it?05:05
prince_jammysmindrape: configuration: driver=i810_smbus latency=0 module=i2c_i81005:05
ScottG489PMT: What is launchpad?05:06
matt___mindrape I'm navigating to the install folder through the terminal and just typing wine ZBrushInstall.exe05:06
mindrapeyes... prince_jammys, is that the right driver is the next question?  You may need to install the latest and greatest (sometimes the one that ships isn't so great and you can get newer builds in .deb format that you dpkg -i)05:06
mindrapematt___ bad... that is your problem...05:06
ScottG489PMT: btw when i enter "sudo hibernate" I get "hibernate:Warning: Tuxonice binary signature file not found."05:06
mindrapematt____ I recommend you             sudo wine msiexec /i ZBrushInstall.exe05:06
matt___mindrape I'll give that I try one sec05:06
mindrapemsiexec is usually for installer files (even if they dont have an msi extention I've found it works better)05:07
racecar56why did ubuntu 6.04 LTS become 6.06 LTS05:07
crdlbracecar56: because it was delayed 6 weeks05:08
crdlbso it was released in June (month 6) instead of April (month 4)05:08
matt___mindrape terminal tells me .wine doesn't belong to me, I'll try again as root, one sec05:08
mindrapematt___ your perms may be jacked.... ls -alh .wine          as regular user.     who owns it?05:09
mindrape!ch | hxz05:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch05:09
mindrape!chinese | hxz05:09
ubottuhxz: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:09
mindrapethere is it. hah.05:09
DaveWMwhat would cause ubuntu to stick during start up?  while the status bar is up it just stops,  but it'll boot if i keep pressing keys on my keyboard like crazy,  does it off cd,  and after installation,  and i had the same issue with xubuntu ?05:09
matt___mindrape it says I do05:09
Guest51393ok so who really wants to help me get my graphics card to work?05:10
sifowhat is your vga?05:10
matt___mindrape I tried it as root, didn't run much of anything05:11
adantehey folks how dangerous is it to shrink an ext2 root partition nowadays?05:11
Titan8990adante, always backup05:12
mindrapematt___ well try this one.. http://slegrand.blogspot.com/2007/12/zbrush-3-working-under-ubuntu-linux.html05:12
adanteTitan8990: yep, but obvious backup and restore is not that trivial, just trying to get an idea for what my chances of success vs pain are if i gave it a go05:12
a8kI wouldn't think that would be a problem, adante05:12
adantea8k: ok05:12
matt___mindrape already seen that, tried it, nothing. That seems to be to get the program itself to run, I can't even get the installer to finish05:13
ScottG489PMT: well, im going to bed, leave me a message and ill get it in the morning05:14
=== anthony is now known as Guest62036
=== sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick
Guest62036really need help installing graphics driver05:19
jessnvidia or ati?05:19
Guest62036jess nvidia geforce 9500 gt05:19
Guest62036jess hardwarew drivers does not detectit05:20
jessGuest62036 did you use a envi?05:20
Guest62036jess probably not05:21
Naiselhi all05:21
Guest62036jess not sure what to do05:21
Digital71i recently upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10, and i do not seem to have sound in the 2.6.27-9 kernel. i am somewhat unfamiliar with ubuntu's audio stack - could someone point me in the right direction to fix this?05:22
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:22
Naiselmindrape what is you problem with alsa05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ddns05:23
jessGuest62036, http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oss05:23
mindrapeNaisel - none... that was for Digital7105:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ossaudio05:23
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:23
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:23
racecar56beep media player?05:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpu05:24
Pyles17I'm trying to install the iwlwifi driver using the instructions here: http://intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi&n=howto-iwlwifi05:25
Pyles17I'm having trouble with the download, build and install step. my output is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116328/05:25
Naiselubottu what's your problem05:25
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:25
Titan8990Pyles17, those drivers a already in the kernel05:25
FactTechQuestion: Anyone know how to set up ddns on a local LAN?05:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dyndns05:26
NaiselFactTech what you mean about command or what05:26
Pyles17Titan8990: yeah, but mine isn't working. i thought i would try05:26
mindrapehrrmm... ubottu are you forgetting things?  I could have sworn you knew about that.05:26
Guest62036jess so how do i know wich envy to install?05:27
FactTechNaisel -- I have a machine acting as a shared connection to the internet. It's serving DHCP on a local LAN to do the sharing, but it doesn't resolve machine names on the local LAN. I want it to, and from what I'm reading, DDNS is what I want.05:28
FactTechNaisel -- So when a new machine gets assigned an IP address via DHCP, it will also get a name entry in the local DNS service.05:28
Titan8990!bind | facttech05:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bind05:28
Titan8990!bind9 | facttech05:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bind905:28
albionanyone have plugin for amsn sound?05:28
Guest62036anyone know how to determine which envy i need to use?05:28
Digital71mindrape: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.27-9-generic does not seem to exist for 8.1005:28
Titan8990!envy | Guest6203605:29
ubottuGuest62036: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk05:29
FactTechTitan8990 -- I've seen the name bind9 a few times. Is there any way to get this working using dnsmasq?05:29
mindrapeDigital - try restricted instead of ubuntu in that.05:29
garblesnarkyam i talking05:29
FactTechTitan8990 -- I'd rather not install new stuff if it's not needed.05:29
Titan8990FactTech, not sure, I do know that bind are the primary dns servers accross the internet05:29
mindrapegarblesnarky no, you are typing.05:29
garblesnarkyo boy i made it05:29
Digital71mindrape: bingo--but it's already installed then. moving on to next step05:30
Titan8990FactTech, what platform is your machine you want to have a nameserver?05:30
FactTechTitan8990 Xubuntu 8.10. It's using dnsmasq now -- I think that's what's issuing DHCP addresses under the hood.05:30
Titan8990FactTech, from what I just read, dns will serve and resolve names from your local hosts list05:32
FactTechTitan8990 -- It almost does what I want now... if I add lines to the /etc/hosts file, it will tell LAN clients the IP address in there. I just want this to work on a dynamic basis instead of static.05:32
Titan8990FactTech, dnsmasq I mean05:32
Guest62036after i install evy do i need to run it?05:32
Titan8990FactTech, dynamic will usually mean a lot of network chatter....05:32
linxuz3ranyone guys using ntfs-3g05:32
mindrapeFactTech - on your clients why not just setup the DNS entries that the DHCP server has emplaced instead of them asking the DHCP server and it doing DNS for them?05:33
FactTechmindrape -- I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. You mean edit each machine's /etc/hosts?05:33
bernzlinxuz3r, i'm using it to make the switch from xp to intrepid05:34
mindrapeFactTech - cat /etc/resolv.conf         put in nameserver entries with that actual ISP nameserver...05:34
FactTechTitan8990 -- There aren't that many local LAN clients, so I don't think the chatter matters. dnsmasq is told not to forward anything for the local domain to the real nameservers.05:34
juniechohello, a simple question, what is the simplist way to mount a filesystem with nice gui, in ubuntu intrepid?05:34
mindrapeFactTech - otherwise you need to setup a caching nameserver like squid and it's just a hassle.05:34
FactTechmindrape -- Well, the real nameservers are my ISP. They don't know the names of local LAN client machines.05:35
bernzjuniecho, it should be automatic in most cases if you are already in the gui shell (gnome)05:35
mindrapejuniecho - there isn't... it will automount any detected filesystems for the most part... otherwise to config files for you.05:35
FactTechmindrape -- dnsmasq seems to be doing some caching OK already. It just doesn't seem to do dynamic dns.05:35
mindrapefacttech - https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html05:35
Titan8990FactTech, you should be able to configure it to forward to real nameserver only if your ns doesn't contain an entry05:36
juniechomindrape, bernz, well i mounted one ntfs partiton editing fstab, but it is not showing on the desktop... but when i browse to the folder i mounted the partition i can find all the files, can confirm it is mounted right05:36
FactTechTitan8990 -- Yes, I think it's doing that now. The clients aren't having any trouble reaching the outside world... just each other.05:36
bernzjuniecho, suppose you insert a removable media (e.g. portable hd) into usb host port; it will shortly pop up an icon on the desktop representing the mounted volume05:37
Titan8990FactTech, so, it be a small network, why not just map it all out in the servers /etc/hosts?05:37
mindrapejuniecho - so you just want to setup a symlink to it on your desktop?05:37
mindrapejuniecho     cd ~/Desktop       ln -s /mnt/Windows     or something05:37
juniechomindrape, i think so, can it be done automatically?05:37
mindrapejuniecho - well if you go to Places menu does it show up?05:38
jaxx2kdeHi, is there any way I can find out what wireless drivers I am using?05:38
FactTechTitan8990 -- I build a lot of machines (get them on Freecycle, install Linux, and send them back out). I don't want to have to update the /etc/hosts every time I set up a new one.05:38
mindrapejaxx2kde - lspci -k         or sudo lshw -C network05:38
Titan8990juniecho, I believe it will only show on the desktop/places menu if you mount it to soemwhere in /media05:38
bernzjuniecho, if you've already mounted the volume once, and you've put it in your fstab, you can 'mount -a' to ensure it's really mounted, and it will remount at next login05:38
bernz(and thereafter)05:38
chuckci have a 3TB raid5 array that i am setting up LVM on.  with out knowing any better, I used the default PE Size when creating the volume group.  Now i want to change to size to 64MB but the change does seem to take, nor can i delete the volume group.  any advice?05:38
juniechowell i installed ubuntu via wubi, it shows only my windows partion(drive c), but not my actual data partition(drive d)05:38
juniechotitan8990, i mounted it to /media/DATA05:38
Titan8990FactTech, you could use a WINS server but its a old chatty protocol05:39
FactTechTitan8990 -- I may end up having to do set up static assignments for IP addresses by hostname and then put them all in /etc/hosts, though.05:39
FactTechmindrape -- Thanks for pointing to this resource. The 8.10 version looks like it may have relevant info.05:39
bernzyour fstab line should feature a type indicator (on account of it being ntfs volume) and i believe 'auto' keyword05:39
juniechowhen i go to /media/DATA, i can see all the files inside... i think it is mounted correctly, but it doesn't add icons to desktop or menu entry to places menu05:39
bernzoh, i misunderstood your question05:40
jaxx2kdemindrape: it says "kernel driver in use: wl"05:40
bernzthen what mindrape suggested is good05:40
jaxx2kdemindrape: is this the B43 driver? i am using broadcom Bcm4311 card05:40
FactTechTitan8990, mindrape -- Maybe I'll just have to learn about bind9.05:41
juniechobernz//the symbolic link...?05:41
bernza link to the volume's mount point (the "root" of the volume)05:41
FactTechTitan8990, mindrape -- Thanks for the help, though.05:41
bernzjuniecho, yep, the symbolic link05:41
david_I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.10 and tried to install Edubuntu for my kids, but partly through it gives me the error    W: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Edubuntu 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex_  "then the package name and version" then at the end it says Hash Sum Mismatch, can someone please help me ?05:41
juniechohmm i'm not friendly with console, can it be done via gui?05:41
mindrapejaxx2kde - pastebin your output from both of those commands and I'll tell you.05:41
mindrapedavid_ go into synaptic and setup the repos to not use the CD.05:41
Titan8990FactTech, DNS is not really dynamic....05:41
Titan8990FactTech, I don't think dns is going to be what you are looking for at all05:42
david_ok thank you05:42
innni1i am trying to add a higher resolution to my xorg.conf05:42
bernzjuniecho, probably, TBH i've as yet not tried that very thing yet05:42
david_I'll give it a shot05:42
bernzlet's give 'er a go05:42
mindrapedavid - in Synaptic go to Settings -> Repositories -> uncheck the cd05:42
FactTechdavid_ -- There may be a local cdrom software source you can remove.05:42
juniechoand one more thing... can i assign windows+e key to nautilus file manager?05:43
david_mindrape,  seems to be working it picked up where it left of thank you05:43
Digital71mindrape: any other suggestions?05:43
cjaehow can I remove google earth properly, I have tried almost every ubuntu wiki availiable?05:43
Digital71mindrape: that was a no-go for me05:43
Digital71mindrape: i'm thinking i need to modprobe something here, but i don't know what05:44
mindrapeDigital71 - are you the video card guy or wireless guy?05:44
cjaeaside from using locate and deleting every instance of GE05:44
Digital71mindrape: audio05:44
mindrapeah.. heh.05:44
Digital71mindrape: sound stopped working after i started booting to the latest kernel05:44
david_my kids will be happy to have gcompris for my son and tuxmath for my daughter05:44
mindrapeDigital71 - lspci -k       which driver are you using and what kind of card?05:44
bernzwell, juniecho, the "create a shortcut" concept doesn't seem to have transferred well for people who are used to windows05:44
mindrapeDigital71 - did you apt-get install the kernel modules? and restricted?05:45
dfgaswhat is the name of the program or the command to load it for the installer for ubuntu?05:45
Digital71mindrape: everything seems to have already been installed, did the full alsa reinstall also as suggested05:45
Digital71mindrape: getting lspci info now05:45
TiZHi. Weird question. When I'm in metacity, Ctrl+Alt+Left kills my X. Ctrl+Alt+Right does not. And they work fine in compiz. Any idea what's up?05:45
bernzIOW, i can't find an obvious GUI way to create a symlink without actually searching hard05:45
cjaetried this sudo rm -r /usr/local/google-earthsudo rm /usr/local/bin/googleearth05:45
nomingziwhere can I publish my screenshot on a website temporary ? what is the URL for me to store the picture temporary ?05:45
mindrapecjae - did you build it from source or dpkg -i it?05:45
jaxx2kdemindrape: http://pastebin.com/d62483b9405:46
mindrapecjae - dpkg can remove it if it was a package install05:46
juniechobernz: well i successfully created a shortcut, thanks... but there is one more thing, i am trying to assign windows+e short key to bring nautilus file manager, but i think i'm doing something wrong, it didn't work... where should i start05:46
FactTechdavid_ -- You know Edubuntu is a full-fledged Ubuntu variant, right? You could probably have just installed the gcompris and tux packages on your existing Ubuntu.05:46
cjaemindrape: apt05:46
Digital71mindrape: http://pastebin.com/m47a00cb205:46
mindrapecjae - and apt-get remove left remnants about?05:46
Digital71mindrape:  snd-hda-intel is what i see at a glance05:46
cjaemindrape: I tried sudo apt-get purge google earth05:46
FactTechdavid_ - Not a big deal, but FYI for future reference.05:46
cjaemindrape: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth#head-c1c56a1bb75c740a3a33269b946d931272b451f6 all the steps in here05:47
mindrapeDigital71 - yes, can you pull up a terminal and type            sudo alsamixer       and make sure all the sound levels are at max?05:47
david_does anyone here use  the VIA unichrome integrated graphics chipset? I was wondering if anyone successfully got 3D acceleration to work, and how, ive to VIA arena and installed there drivers and the latest openchrome drivers and still no 3D05:47
bernzjuniecho, that's a good q; i would probably check the FAQs at ubuntu HQ, or maybe Websearch for "faq ubuntu windows keys" or something similar05:47
cjaemindrape: all the steps here http://www.ehow.com/how_2279483_uninstall-google-earth-ubuntu.html05:47
mindrapecjae - dunno man... odd.  I'd try dpkg -remove if apt-get is being childish and stupid.05:47
Digital71mindrape: it's all 100%05:48
cjaemindrape: I think I have to go through with locate and manually delete but will try dpkg first05:48
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, I got it working! :305:48
jaxx2kdemindrape: http://pastebin.com/m47a00cb2 that has the output from both.. thanks :)05:48
bernzdavid_, i'll be trying that eventually (maybe), but the target platform has a dead BIOS at the moment, and i'm awaiting a programmer in the mail05:48
mindrapejaxx2kde-  looking...05:49
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juniechobernz// correct me if i'm wrong but i tried compiz settings manager - general options - commands, and then assigned command line 0 to 'nautilus' and run command 0 key to <super>e. is this right?05:49
bernzdavid_, from what i've read, the unichrome support is quite far along, but i haven't actually seen it with my own eyes yet  ;-)05:49
mindrapejaxx2kde - it appears its loaded the driver and you have an IP address... you cant ping google.com?05:49
david_my son really wants to play some of the mmorpg's but can't, not with the frame rates that i get05:50
bernzjuniecho, sorry, i'm not acquainted with compiz yet  ;-/05:50
david_glxgears  is at like 70 or something close05:50
mindrapedavid_ you should really consider a Windows partition if you want to do gaming05:50
juniechobernz: yeah thanks :)05:50
Digital71mindrape: any insight?05:51
chuckcis there a 9.04 room?05:51
Titan8990david_, some mmorpgs work alright in wine, may need a hardware upgrade though05:51
david_MS? hahha I'm trying to leave the whole corporate scene05:51
bernzdavid_, 70 is pretty respectable, given human vision limitations  :-)05:51
cjaemindrape: is it safe it delete all the googleearth folders? like the ones in /var /opt and such?05:51
mindrapeDigital71 - can we rule out the obvious that you've ensured the speakers are plugged into the right port?05:51
jaxx2kdemindrape: oh i'm sorry if i forgot to mention.. the wireless is working fine i was trying to install aircrack and i read that i need to install the B43 drivers for the broadcom card i have. i just wanted to know if i need to install the B43 drivers or i already have them05:51
Digital71mindrape: it's a laptop05:51
mindrapecjae - if you want to get rid of it and they are clearly marked as such I don't see why it would hurt.05:51
cjaemindrape: ok05:52
mindrapeDigital71 - ah.. hah.  Lemme look a lil more.05:52
juniechocan someone help me with shortcut key mapping? <super>e key combination is actually not working.05:52
david_I can't even get TUX cart to work its so lsow and choppy cause VIA hasn't released a linux driver yet05:52
bernzdavid_, if you still have valid windows licenses, mindrape's suggestion is good.  nothing beats the real target platform ;-)05:52
bernz(after all, it won't cost you any more, and you've already paid)05:52
david_yeah, but that is already running on another computer05:53
cjaemindrape: /var/lib/dpkg/info/googleearth-4.2-data.list is an example, this is safe to del?05:53
david_Windows is to expensive for me05:53
dfgaswhat is the name of the program or the command to load it for the installer for ubuntu?05:53
cjaemindrape: since dpkg didn't work05:53
mindrapeDigital71 - can you try to modprobe snd-intel8x0m05:53
Digital71mindrape: one second05:53
bernzjuniecho, because i'm feeling curious, i'm going to read a bit about compiz, and maybe we can figure out your problem (and then maybe karma/god/whatever-you-believe-in-including-nothing will give me some payback so i can get my mobo-usb-hosts-mysteriously-aren't-there problem fixed :-D )05:54
mindrape'cause I seem to have the same sound card as you and thats what I have.05:54
Digital71mindrape: seems to have had no effect05:54
juniechobernz : thanks hehe05:54
mindrapejaxx2kde - ah... yes you have them.  You need to put your card in monitor mode, not managed I believe to do sniffing. :)05:54
mindrapeDigital71 - you may need to rmmod the snd-hda-intel ones.05:55
nexxtHello i just installed 2.6.29-rc3, but i can get the linux headers to recompile my sound, build fails05:55
mindrapeDigital71 - lspci -k will tell you which ones are actually being used (many could be loaded)05:55
Digital71mindrape: ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is in use05:55
david_Can anyone sugggest a decent video card that just works with no tinkering?05:55
mindrapeDigital71 - sudo rmmod snd_hda_intel05:55
cjaemindrape: http://pastebin.ca/133241705:56
nexxtHello i just installed 2.6.29-rc3, but i can get the linux headers to recompile my sound, build fails?05:56
mindrapedavid_ I've had good success w most nvidia cards... you can check hardware compatability lists on ubuntu.com05:56
Digital71mindrape: same thing, in use05:56
bernzhmm, compiz sounds neato :-)05:56
mindrapeDigital71 - ps aux and look for something that could be using it.  There is probably also an lsof way to look for it (lsof = ls of open files)05:57
juniechobernz// sorry i fixed it, by changing command line 0 from 'nautilus' to 'nautilus /home/celestial'05:57
nexxtHello i just installed 2.6.29-rc3, but i can get the linux kernel headers for 2.6.29-rc3 so that i can  recompile my sound, build fails?05:57
skeletalguys, i installed my ubuntu in this moment. But, when I go to use NMAP it dosn't work - show message: there aren't open ports. Why?05:58
Titan8990nexxt, you mena you compiled your own 2.6.29 vanilla kernel?05:58
nexxtyah hi again Titan05:58
nexxtLinux zomg 2.6.29-rc3-vanillaice #2 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 9 23:55:21 EST 2009 i686 GNU/Linux05:58
bernzjuniecho, right on, and now you've piqued my curiosity for compiz. thank you :-)05:58
Titan8990nexxt, kernel headers is a mysterious ubuntu thing. you just use the kernel source which should by symlinked to /usr/src/linux05:58
mindrapeskeletal - probably because you are running a secure boxen?05:58
juniechobernz// quiet strange because when i just run 'nautilus' with alt+f2 it automatically opens my home folder, can't figure why it is different with compiz shortcut thing.. :)05:59
mindrapeskeletal - try sudo nmap
Digital71mindrape; laptop    7861  0.0  0.0   3236   808 pts/1    S+   23:59   0:00 grep snd-hda-intel05:59
jaxx2kdemindrape: thanks05:59
Titan8990nexxt, forget the package manager, the things that you listed should be compiled in your kernel config05:59
nexxttitan so what should i do05:59
nexxti was trying to install ossv405:59
nexxtonly thing that works for my sound card05:59
Titan8990nexxt, it should be in the kernel config05:59
skeletal<mindrape>  doesn't work.06:00
Titan8990nexxt, device drivers -> sound devices -> oss06:00
Titan8990nexxt, something like that in make menuconfig06:00
mindrapeDigital71 try to           lsof | grep "snd"06:00
nexxtTitan its already compiled06:00
nexxtwhy cant i just grab the header files06:00
nexxtand recompile oss06:00
Titan8990nexxt, ....06:01
mindrapeskeletal - can you pastebin the exact output?  We may need you to install strace then strace nmap to see where the point of failure is.06:01
Titan8990nexxt, you are not doing things the ubuntu way06:01
TiZHi. Ctrl+Alt+Left is killing my X server when I'm in metacity. Can anyone help me figure out why?06:01
bernzjuniecho, generally, there is a "unix way" for unix-like systems, but each application is free to do their own thing in the end, so often only the "famous commands" (cut/copy/paste, quit, cancel, etc) become "written in stone"  :-D06:01
nexxtubuntu didnt werk :p06:01
Titan8990nexxt, you are doing things the general linux way06:01
Titan8990nexxt, you use the actual kernel source06:01
Titan8990nexxt, and you compile the module using make modules_install06:01
nexxterr but arnt other things i want to compile going to require the kernel headers06:02
nexxtdown the round?06:02
Titan8990nexxt, ubuntu has not created header files for that kernel yet06:02
Titan8990nexxt, you won't be able to use synaptic for those things06:02
juniechohmm so you mean it is natural?06:02
nexxtso i have to recompile kernel?06:03
mindrapeDigital71 - did it work?06:03
Titan8990nexxt, it is why ubuntu wikis recommend nt compiling your own kernels06:03
skeletal<mindrape> Starting Nmap 4.62 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2009-02-10 03:53 BRST06:03
skeletalAll 1715 scanned ports on 13-1-12-200.provider.com ( are closed06:03
b3z3rk3rDoes anyone know if all Steam games work now?06:03
Titan8990nexxt, yes, but gcc is smart and will only recompile what you change06:03
Titan8990nexxt, unless you do make clean or make mrproper06:03
mindrapeskeletal - then its working... you just aren't running anything as your firewall has them locked down.06:03
Titan8990nexxt, which some do everytime....06:03
bernzjuniecho, yes, programs are often a reflection of their principal authors' natures, and so they vary in the same way ;-)06:03
skeletal<mindrape> What can I now?06:03
mindrapeskeletal - if you want you can open something up... go to System -> Administration -> Services and turn something on that will open a network port like SSH or FTP.06:03
juniechohmm yeah ;) anyway i got the key working quite happy now :)06:04
JesperHansenDo you actually have to make a launchpad account to let apport upload its stuff?06:04
mindrapeskeletal - also check iptables -L to make sure you aren't FULLY locked down (despite services running)06:04
bernz(and no one can explain the deep mysteries of why programmers do certain weird things like choosing their own non-standard key bindings (AKA shortcuts), or capitalize every word in a sentence in comments, etc :-) )06:04
TiZHi. Ctrl+Alt+Left is killing my X server when I'm in metacity. Can anyone help me figure out why?06:04
mindrapebernz - actually I can explain that...06:04
mindrapebernz - it's called "ego"06:04
nexxtTitan : what a headache06:05
Digital71mindrape: should i kill every process accessing it then?06:05
b3z3rk3rWhat is the situation with Steam currently???06:05
kriyashow to writer shell program in ruby06:05
bernzmindrape, too right... hmm... you destroyed the drama, the mystery... shame on you!  ;-)06:05
mindrapeDigital71 - yes... if you want to free it up.  Alternatively you could blacklist it in your modprobe config and reboot so it can't load.06:05
mindrapekriyas try #ruby this is general ubuntu help.06:05
mindrapekriyas - also #bash has some good tutorials for general shell scripting (ruby can leverage that info)06:05
mindrapehi sony06:05
juniechomindrape, bernz, is it really like that...? :)06:06
bernzjuniecho, if you keep a blog or whatever, your problem and solution are an excellent thing to make public :-)06:06
Digital71mindrape: success, i've rmmodded it06:06
mindrapeDigital71 - now lspci -k and see if the snd_ one I told you to modprobe is actually in use.06:06
mindrapeDigital71 - you may wanna rmmod it then re-modprobe if its confused.  :)06:06
juniechohmm yeah, not many people are using linux in south korea so yeah, maybe if i keep some blog people will find out more about this06:06
sonyهل يوجد عرب هنا ؟06:07
bernzjuniecho, unfortunately, yes -- it can sometimes make teamwork difficult, as many programmers are insecure about letting go of their way of doing things ;-) it's hard to convince us you've thought of a better way than we have  ;-)06:07
TiZHi. Ctrl+Alt+Left is killing my X server when I'm in metacity. Can anyone help me figure out why?06:07
juniechoone day i started linux in my school and showed compiz desktop to friends and they were all like ... 'what the heck is that awesome?'06:07
bernzlike those guys who start optimizing before they've finished designing ;-)06:08
bernzpure comedy gold06:08
Digital71mindrape: lspci -k still shows snd-hda-intel, even after rmmoding and modprobing and re rmmoding06:08
juniechobernz// why the heck do they start optimizing before they've finished designing?06:09
mindrapeDigital71 - try modprobe -r snd_hda_intel06:09
Titan8990juniecho, i work with programmers, and they do......06:09
bernzjuniecho, hehe, it sounds like you're setting me up for a joke. but to answer, they are "young" and haven't learned wisdom yet.  seriously.  it sounds silly, like karate kid or whatever, but... they are just too eagere06:09
bernzeager even06:09
juniechobernz// won't it all change when the designing is finished and won't they be forced to re-optimize everything :)06:09
bernzbut that energy is good if channelled in a good direction :-]06:10
bernzjuniecho, i think secretly, that's part of the goal/attraction06:10
TiZHi. Ctrl+Alt+Left is killing my X server when I'm in metacity. Can anyone help me figure out why?06:10
w4g3n3rAnyone know how to connect to a sonicwall vpn?06:10
bernz(another chance to rewrite... it's as fun as playing with lego -- but shhh, don't tell anyone i said that ;-)06:10
jwbraseI've created a bit of a bootloader problem for myself. I've got a dual boot set up: XP/Ubuntu via Wubi. The machine was booting up through the Windows bootloader, which would default to Windows and gave me about a fifteen second time limit to choose Ubuntu. I wanted to change this, so I tried installing Start-up Manager.06:10
mindrapeTiZ - System -> Prefs -> Keyboard shortcuts06:10
Digital71mindrape: ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel does not exist in /proc/modules - yet it still claims to be active in lspci06:10
juniechoyeah :) well i used ubuntu 8.04 before, and i wiped out the entire partition and started wubi... i think it got more decent :) nice thing06:11
bernznice, i don't even know what wubi is... i'm approaching the whole linux thing backwards, kinda (i started with slackware around 97, and now i'm just finally trying ubuntu as of 2 week ago)06:11
bernz(that is to say, i went for "insane" first, and "morphine-like" last/latest)06:12
racecar56wubi is to install linux on windows06:12
bernzcool, that sounds like a good tool06:12
mindrapeDigital71 - lsmod | grep "snd" it show up?06:12
juniechobernz: it is for installing ubuntu inside windows... create a virtual disk file instead of dedicated partition. other than that everything is same with just normal ubuntu installation06:13
jwbraseHowever, startup manager only affects the GRUB bootloader. So I looked up the Wubi FAQ to figure out what bootloader Wubi used.06:13
bernz(and in between, i was comatose on windows for a few years)06:13
cjaemindrape: wow that took a long time but got it all thanks, hooray for rm06:13
bernzjuniecho, cool, that's a good description06:13
* cjae kicks box in hopes to hurt apt-get06:13
bernzlike a live install, without the reboot ;-)06:13
mindrapecjae - next time I'll teach you how to locate then pipe the results to rm..  :o06:14
cjaemindrape: ok thanks, would be appreicated06:14
Digital71mindrape: hold on, i'm having some sort of memory leak all a sudden06:14
mindrapeDigital71 - maybe your best bet is to head over to /etc/modprobe.d/ and add an entry to the blacklist for that module, reboot, then modprobe (sorry its so lame)06:14
juniechobernz: yeah one more good thing is that it is much more easier to back up ubuntu installation, just boot into windows and copy root.disk file to somewhere else... because it contains entire ubuntu installation, when ubuntu is screwed up for some reason ... just overwrite it with backup copy and it is all reverted like you did some norton ghost thing06:15
jwbraseTurned out it was the Windows bootloader, and I had to go to Control Panel ->  System -> advanced -> startup and recovery06:15
DeadDriveWell, this is fun.06:16
bernzjuniecho, oh, that *is* pretty sweet indeed!06:16
raclehey, i just installed kubuntu, and i can't set 1680x1050 resolution. tryed to configure xorg.conf, but bad results, any help?06:16
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racecar56dang my server cd burning isnt working... well goodbye everyone06:17
Digital71mindrape: ok, i can handle blacklisting snd-hda-intel. what's my objective afterwards?06:17
racecar56!welcome | all06:17
ubottuall: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.06:17
mindrapeDigital71 - modprobe the one I told you and cross your fingers...06:17
racecar56woot it works06:17
DeadDriveHave a dying HDD, ran disk checker and fixed all the errors, ran it again and came up with none. Now I can't boot to desktop. If I hit esc and try to boot the recovery it gives me errors about not being able to mount /proc and /system or somethingl ike that.06:17
bernzracle, have you checked if you need special drivers for your hardware, and if they are starting up correctly?06:17
DeadDriveLooks like I'm going to have to do a fresh install on a new hdd :(06:17
juniechojwbrase: did you try checking boot.ini file  :)06:17
raclebernz, just installed ati's closed source drivers06:17
raclebernz, and rebooted my pc06:18
bernzracle, okay, do other "exotic" modes work (higher or lower), but just not that one?06:18
raclebernz. yes, 1600x1200 work, but that is too high resolution06:18
DeadDriveIf I were to copy sda1 to another drive and put that in as sda1 you think it would boot right?06:18
racleand 1400x1050 works, i am using that now06:19
adantehi guys where's the normal place to put source packages you want to build for your system?06:19
juniechojwbrase: i switched to vista long time ago so i may be incorrect but you can configure windows xp bootloader by editing c:\boot.ini most of the time i think ;)06:19
DeadDriveWait, nevermind. I'd have to fix my boot problem first anyway :(06:19
bernzDeadDrive, the OS would notice that it's a different physical drive, but if you've mirrored it onto a similar drive (same geometry), it should be okay06:19
bernz(provided the drive is currently completely readable/fixable-readable)06:20
raclebernz, my current xorg.conf06:20
raclebernz, my current xorg.conf http://notepad.solonen.arkku.net/?action=lue_muistiinpano&muistiinpano_id=1606:20
DeadDrivebernz, thanks. Think I want to do a clean install anyway. Throw on 8.10 and that will also get rid of some crap like ie4linux I had to install to apply for a job.06:20
bernzracle, are you using an LCD/plasma/other-bigscreen, or an actual monitor (and LCD or CRT (doubtful))?06:20
kavithawhere shall i get mplayer which uses SDL library?06:20
juniechoah one thing bernz, it is possible to get a device driver in a .deb package?06:20
raclebernx, TFT06:20
mindrapejuniecho - sure...06:21
raclebernz, Wiht vga06:21
kavithasource code06:21
kavithamplayer browser plugin06:21
rubydiamond where can I get pidgin-musictracker db for ubuntu gutsy06:21
* mindrape stares at bruenig and contemplates a don't IRC as root rant...06:21
raclebernz, Benw 21.6" WIDE :P06:21
DeadDriveHmmmm, this is going to be fun. I gave my boot CD to my brother in law and am using kubuntu cd right now.06:22
DeadDriveI'll have to install kubuntu, burn ubuntu and then reinstall06:22
bernzracle, and (just in case) -- has this same display worked at that resolution before (say on a different OS or a different distro of linux)?06:22
* DeadDrive laugh06:22
bruenigmindrape: mind your own business moron06:22
juniechomindrape: when i used ubuntu 8.04, i had to manually compile the driver so every kernel update made me crazy(had to re-compile everything) so i heard, with package installation i don't have to do that anymore. i want to enable wacom tablet driver but i can't find it (i'm using hp tx2000 tablet pc)06:22
mindrapebruenig - were you born retarded or did you work at it?06:22
raclebernz, in windows, yeah, linux no, tryed this same kubuntu couple weeks ago06:22
racleat windows you have to unselect "dont show unsupported screen modes"06:23
DeadDriveWow, people still use the root account?06:23
bruenigmindrape: how many times did you need to be dropped on your head to think that user_name means anything in irc06:23
mindrapebruenig - well most people dont waste their time setting up identd to give fake root responses...06:23
bernzracle, okay, well -- x is big and complicated; your config file looks "okay", but very very terse; no mention of special drivers or whatever, which is usually required for "exotic" hardware (like ATI and nVidia accelerated stuff)06:23
bruenigDeadDrive: yeah people who don't use ubuntu06:23
mindrapebut once again maybe I'm underestimating your tardness...06:24
bernzracle, i would suggest (painful as it is) reading a tutorial on X11 configuration so you can see how to wedge your special driver in06:24
raclebenz, any idea how i reconfigure that? i just copyed that from internet06:24
regeyabruenig: believe it or not, on this server, you will get a kickban from channels for having root as your ident06:24
bruenigmindrape: perhaps if you had ever used something other than your bloated gui garbage, you would recognize the ease of establishing a username06:24
raclebernz, okay06:24
regeyaDebian would be one of them06:24
bernzracle, it's often as easy as a single line (well, a few, one each in a few places)06:24
regeyaalso, !offtopic06:24
mindrapebruenig - GUI?  I'm in CLI only... nice try though.06:24
bruenigmindrape: yeah you sound like it using a shitsro like this06:25
DeadDriveGuess I need to get to work swapping drives and reinstalling.06:25
bernzracle, i have, on this laptop which i'm using ATM, a funky video card also; i can see if i can get at my X config, to give you some hints06:25
juniechomindrape: one thing is that when i boot into ubuntu i see something about wacom... does it mean ubuntu already has the right driver?06:25
* sykopomp grabs popcorn06:25
sykopompFerrenrock: want some?06:25
mindrapejuniecho - that is just dmesg output... but yes, probably.  lsmod | grep "wacom"06:25
underdog`I came to see what the commotion was about.06:26
Ferrenrocksykopomp: why thank you good sir06:26
sykopompbruenig: fail. Where's the flamefest? You promised lulz.06:26
raclebernz, that would be great help06:26
c_nickwhen i log into the IRC chat..my friends get my ip address.. say n=nick@ something like this.. can i change tht06:26
sykopompc_nick: get a hostmask. Go ask in #freenode about it.06:26
juniechomindrape, it doesn't display anything06:26
bruenigembarrassed mindrape is embarrassed06:27
mindrapeoh?  how is that?06:27
swtaarrscan anyone recommend an mpg editor that can handle 40+GB files? I've tried GOPchop and it doesn't work too well06:27
mindrapebtw bruenig, this isn't 4chan so leave your memes at the door...06:27
=== jay is now known as smartasstronaut
bruenigmindrape: I know, this is linux daycare06:27
juniechomindrape: but when ubuntu boots up it says ... i don't remember correctly, but i think it was 'configuring' wacom or something like that06:27
mindrapejuniecho - dmesg | less06:28
sykopompmindrape: lololo this channel is over9000 amirite?06:28
bernzracle, it's worth mentioning also that i had to install a sort of "patch" program for my funky video card, not quite a driver, but more an adjustment to the driver if i recall correctly06:28
bernzyou might need something like that also06:28
raclebernz, modeline-command cames to screen part?06:28
Ferrenrocksykopomp: yo dawg, we heard you like #ubuntu, so we turned it into 4chan06:28
juniecho...oh it is a lot... do you want to see it?06:28
mindrapeskyopomp - yes, just dont accidentally the whole channel.06:28
raclefound some internet calculator thing :P06:28
sykopompmindrape: lolololol Y HALLO THAR06:29
juniechomindrape: it is too long, never ending :) how can i show you this06:29
sykopompWHAT?! NINE THOUSAND?06:29
bernzracle, sorry, i'm not sure i understand; can you rephrase your last question?06:29
sykopompmindrape: I bet you can't triforce.06:29
mindrapejuniecho - pastebinit... sudo apt-get install :)06:29
G-BluntedWhat is the path to the Terminal application??06:29
juniechomindrape : sudo apt-get install pastebinit?06:29
mindrapeskyopomp - you would be wrong... sadly I can do that and so much more.06:29
kavithawhere shall i get any video player which uses SDL library?06:29
raclebernz, at xorg, there is modeline selection, it's inside section ad identifier, devie etc.06:30
juniechoone problem: dmesg doesn't let me go06:30
Titan8990G-Blunted, try:  which gnome-terminal06:30
mindrapekavitha - vlc-plugin-sdl I believe VLC is amazing.06:30
mindrapejuniecho - type q06:30
sykopompmindrape: prove it. Triforce now or you're FAIL06:30
bernzhaha, tri-force... reminds me of legend of neil.  true art.06:30
Titan8990G-Blunted, most likely it is /usr/bin and already in your $PATH06:30
mindrapejuniccho - dmesg | pastebinit         once you got it installed.06:30
juniechomindrape: oh thanks :)06:30
Ferrenrocksykopomp: YOU CAN'T TRIFORCE IN IRSSI06:31
bruenigI can swastikaforce06:31
bruenigbut only on 911chan06:31
G-Bluntedi'm trying to set a hotkey to bring up Terminal window when im in X here..06:31
Ferrenrocklet's see it06:31
mindrapebruenig - when you IRC as root you IRC with Hitler...06:31
G-Bluntedis there already a hotkey for that actually??06:31
sykopompI don't use irssi, only command-line nerds use irssi. I use Pidgin for IRC :)06:31
Digital71mindrape: even with it blacklisted, it's /still/ in lspci.06:31
juniechomindrape: i think it is set, what should i do next06:31
Ferrenrocksykopomp: holla06:31
Digital71mindrape: however, rmmodding it shows that it is not running - and alsamixer fails06:31
mindrapeDigital71 - it's the undead module... kill it with fire.06:31
Digital71mindrape: haha, good one06:31
bruenigmindrape: go back to your obama campaign meetup and leave the channel to the grown ups06:31
Titan8990G-Blunted, don't think so, the command is:  gnome-terminal06:31
G-BluntedTitan8990,  that came up blank06:32
Ferrenrockbruenig: go back to your nig06:32
sykopompbruenig: at least he's not a MACAIN supporter lololo06:32
mindrapebruenig - you fail at trolling.06:32
sykopompmindrape: he does, it's true06:32
brueniggood point sykopomp06:32
Titan8990G-Bleezy, which gnome-terminal did?06:32
raclebernz, i try restart xorg, be right back06:32
juniecho!offtopic | bruenig06:32
ubottubruenig: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:32
sykopompbruenig: ur a macain suporter, aren't u?06:32
mindrape!offtopic | bruenig06:32
rdw200169sykopomp, whoah, haus06:32
bruenigjuniecho: don't use pidgin to irc06:32
Ferrenrockyeah bruenig, quit being offtopic06:32
G-BluntedTitan8990,  i just typed:   which gnome-terminal  and it came up blank06:32
Digital71mindrape: i modprobed intel8x0m, but alsamixer failed with it06:32
bernzracle, okay06:32
bruenig!hi | mindrape06:32
ubottumindrape: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:32
mindrape!offtopic > bruenig06:33
ubottubruenig, please see my private message06:33
Digital71mindrape: modprobed snd-hda-intel back in, and alsamixer works06:33
Digital71mindrape: but still no sound06:33
sykopomp!offtopic > bruenig06:33
bruenigmindrape: you should be more worried about the people using pidgin to irc than me, that is the real crime06:33
Ferrenrockwhat? I didn't get a private message06:33
Titan8990G-Blunted, which xterm06:33
juniechobruenig: sorry, pidgin it the only client i know for irc :)06:33
G-Bluntedahh xterm06:33
Ferrenrockbruenig: I use pidgin to IRC, and I use openoffice to code06:33
G-Bluntedgot it06:33
sykopompis it true that ubuntu is good for programming java or do I need to buy a license?06:33
mindrapebruenig - your CLI zealotry has become quite asinine, presumptuous, and tiresome... and I decided to tell you about it.06:33
sykopomp!offtopic > bruenig06:34
Titan8990G-Blunted, xterm isn't the same as gome-terminal but it works06:34
Ferrenrockmindrape: someone had to06:34
bruenig!compiling > sykopomp06:34
ubottusykopomp, please see my private message06:34
underdog`I'd like some ass at nine. And ten and eleven. Maybe twelve.06:34
sykopompbut u don't compile java06:34
kavithawhere shall i get any video player which uses SDL library?06:34
juniechomindrape, i installed pastebinit, so how do i ...06:34
mindrapekavitha - sudo apt-get install VLC06:34
bruenigwell nothing can compare to gnome-terminal, but they can still try, amirite06:34
sykopompbruenig: im asking about java not c++06:34
bernzre racle, any luck?06:34
sykopompyou don't compile java so that obottu thing doesn't work06:34
mindrapejuniecho - man pastebinit           just pipe stuff to it via the magic of a pipe |06:35
raclebernz, now i see that 1680x1050, but that screws screen/:06:35
rubydiamond where can I get pidgin-musictracker db for ubuntu gutsy06:35
bruenig!automatix > sykopomp06:35
ubottusykopomp, please see my private message06:35
dutchcan anyone help me with pulseaudio? it all seems to be working perfectly server-wise, but no sound for some reason...06:35
dutchfresh intrepid install06:35
sykopompbruenig: pls stop spamming me06:35
raclethat takes ~40 pixels cut from bottom of screen06:35
mindrape!welcome | bruenig06:35
ubottubruenig: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.06:35
bruenig!ohmy | sykopomp06:35
ubottusykopomp: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!06:35
sykopompbruenig: are all ubuntu users complete jerks like you?06:35
prince_jammysif someone here has the video card Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE, and is running ubuntu hardy, and has no graphic problems, i'd appreciate if you could paste your xorg.conf06:35
kavithamindrape: i need source code06:35
bernzracle, you mean the screen goes all weird or says "incompatible format" or some similar error?06:35
bruenig!nickspam | sykopomp06:35
ubottusykopomp: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »06:35
mindrapekavitha - google06:35
sykopompbruenig: ubuntu sounds like a evry bad community, why do you guys are mean?06:35
juniechomindrape: hmm then is it like... pastebinit dmesg | less?06:35
rubydiamond where can I get pidgin-musictracker db for ubuntu gutsy06:36
mindrapebruenig - http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=you+sir+are+and+idiot06:36
sykopompmindrape: thats not nice you dont have to lower urself to his level06:36
sykopompmindrape: your a nice ubunter06:36
bruenigthat is really just over the line06:36
bruenig!ops | mindrape06:36
ubottumindrape: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:36
raclebernz, no, i mean that screen is "too big" so you cant see yout taskbar well06:36
sykopomp!ops | bruenig06:37
ubottubruenig: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:37
* regeya facepalm06:37
sykopompdont listen to him ops he's only lying06:37
nickrudall of you just chill out06:37
zoLquickest/easiet way to format a hdd?06:37
sykopompmindrap didnt do anything bad06:37
zoLi'm a retard06:37
dutchwould anyone be able to help me with some pulseaudio configuration?06:37
bernzracle, hmm, so you mean parts of the screen (like top and bottom, or sides) and "cut off" (invisible/beyond edge of screen)06:38
G-BluntedHow do you find out what hotkey combinations aren't already binded...or supposed to do something?? I'm mapping new shortcuts and i don't want to overwrite one that's already there! How can i prevent this??06:38
raclebernz, yeah06:38
Digital71sykopomp: that guy was helping a lot of people...06:38
Titan8990G-Blunted, if you are doin it in compiz it will tell you if your hotkeys conflict with another06:39
bernzracle, hmm... that's tricky... your monitor is supposed to be "smart" and figure out how to contain the whole image, but... sometimes it can't. does your monitor have an "auto-detect" kind of button?06:39
juniechomindrape : ohhh yeahhh!!! finally got it, http://pastebin.com/f56c424b306:39
Madpilotmindrape_, are you ban dodging now?06:39
bernz(maybe it can readjust itself after the new mode is set -- sometimes, that's required, even though you've seen the mode before -- at a different refresh rate, perhaps, or some other subtle difference)06:39
G-BluntedTitan8990,  hmm...no compiz...just default setup...what is that? xfce4?06:40
mindrape_Madpilot: que?06:40
Titan8990bernz, auto-detect only works over vga, obsolete imo06:40
raclebenrz, yeah, but that didn't help...06:40
Titan8990G-Blunted, compiz can run on any desktop06:40
Titan8990G-Blunted, and I am actually running compiz in xfce406:40
bernzTitan8990, ah, wasn't aware of that... thanks for the notice06:40
raclebernz, forgot to say, i got VGA switcher between pc and screen ^^'06:40
uniqueis it possible to copy two different files from different locations to another location using 1 single command?06:40
G-BluntedTitan8990,  so without Compiz tho....you're gunna overwrite some hotkeys if you try?06:40
Titan8990G-Blunted, I actually think that it is enabled by default in ubuntu, just need ccsm to configure it06:41
Titan8990G-Blunted, I am uncertain on that06:41
G-Bluntedwhat is ccsm?06:41
Titan8990G-Blunted, compiz conifg settings manager06:41
nickrud!ccsm | G-Blunted06:41
ubottuG-Blunted: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion06:41
Titan8990G-Blunted, if you are not using the hotkey in the first place, I would think its safe to overwrite06:41
bernzracle, okay, VGA uses analog, and timing for that is critical, so it *might* be possible that it's interfering; can you remove the switcher and try direct?06:41
firefly2442besides going into "screen resolution" is there any other way to setup an external projector?06:41
bernz(though if that were the cause, it should have trouble under windows as well)06:42
G-BluntedTitan8990,  ya but im new to this shit...i don't wanna overwrite a hotkey that might actually be good to use :p06:42
raclebenrz, okay i try that06:42
K`zanAnyone have an idea on this problem (that !~v1 kernel has been uninstalled and everything to do with it deleted):dpkg: error processing linux-image- (--install):06:42
K`zan trying to overwrite `/lib/firmware/emi26/firmware.fw', which is also in package linux-image-
G-Bluntedactually...maybe that can just be part of me customizing my setup! :)06:42
juniechohello, can someone help me configure my tablet pc?06:43
K`zanWonder if I can do a force on it somehow...06:43
G-Bluntedmight help if you gave more info juniecho06:43
raclebernz, nope, didn't work06:44
bernzracle, http://paste.ubuntu.com/116353/06:44
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
bernzracle, take a look at that, and it will show you a way to instruct X to use your special video driver06:44
dixon208i have a question...06:44
bernz(you'll need to identify its name first; probably available on the homesite of the place you downloaded it from)06:44
bernz(or Websearch its name)06:44
G-Bluntedohhh...im running Xubuntu....that not start with gnome-terminal by any chance?06:45
Titan8990G-Blunted, no it uses xterm :)06:45
G-Bluntedahh...mystery solved :)06:45
juniechoG-Blunted: I want to get a .deb package for my tablet driver, i use hp tx2000 tablet pc. long time ago when i used ubuntu 8.04, i had to recompile the driver every kernel update, i really don't want to do that :( btw i saw something about wacom when i booted ubuntu, i don't know whether if the driver is installed right now, or it is inactive, maybe not installed at all :)06:46
raclebernz, ty06:46
dixon208what is this?? -> Open Adept (Kubuntu users), or the Software Sources tool (Ubuntu users), and enable the Recommended/Unsupported Updates (backports) in the "Updates" tab;06:46
G-Bluntedso you wanna update your tablet driver on your tablet pc?06:47
nrikcan you please tell me witch privelegies had to ~/ directory?06:47
* nrik sorry for bad cnolage of english06:47
juniechoG-Blunted: actually i don't know if the driver is installed at all :) anyway the pen is not working, maybe i don't have the right driver...06:48
nickrudnrik, 755 for ~06:48
IamthebestuserHow can i install perl with all the modules ?06:48
Titan8990juniecho, for my tx1000 I just had to follow this guide: http://www.cartft.com/support/drivers/TFT/Linux_HowTo06:48
G-Bluntedjuniecho,  that thing is x64 huh?06:48
nriknickrud: thankyou06:49
Iamthebestuserand i mean all the modules ..06:49
juniechoG-Blunted : no i'm using x8606:49
Titan8990juniecho, its not in english but the following the commands should work06:49
bernzhey, those switching from/combining windows to/with ubuntu, you might want to be able to access ext2fs and ext3fs volumes from windows. check this out: http://www.fs-driver.org/ it's kick-ass06:50
juniechoTitan8990: but isn't it about manually compiling the driver? can't i get a .deb package so that i can avoid re-compiling the driver every kernel update?06:50
Titan8990bernz, I personally don't trust windows touching my ext drives :)06:50
simple|eeepci'm using UBR and netbook-launcher is starting too many apps per click06:50
Titan8990juniecho, yes, you can06:50
simple|eeepcie. i open pidgin once, it starts 8 processes, only one is visible06:50
Titan8990juniecho, anywhere they compile, just check synaptic for a relevant package06:50
bernzracle, good luck, i hope you get it solved soon; screen problems are the *worst* and make everything else more difficult to fix :-D06:51
Titan8990juniecho, if it doesn't exist, follow the guide06:51
simple|eeepcany reason why that would happen?06:51
bernzTitan8990, hah, i don't blame you06:51
raclebernz, this dont seem so impossible, try install gentoo from kubuntu livecd :P06:51
Titan8990racle, lol I walked somone through something similar06:51
kavithamindrape: i need source06:51
bernzracle, hah, that sounds like an exercise for advanced users :-D06:52
Digital71kavitha: he was banned from the channel06:52
=== anthill__ is now known as cane
bernzTitan8990, if it was your mother (or anyone's mother), that's truly a marvellous feat06:52
prince_jammysif someone here has the video card Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE, and is running ubuntu hardy, and has no graphic problems, i'd appreciate if you could paste your xorg.conf06:52
K`zandisregard, got it :-)!06:52
dixon208Open Adept (Kubuntu users), or the Software Sources tool (Ubuntu users), and enable the Recommended/Unsupported Updates (backports) in the "Updates" tab; <- what does that mean??06:52
Titan8990bernz, lol might have been, random person on irc06:53
bazhang!give me a test06:53
* Cosmo gives bazhang :bazhang!n=bazhang@unaffiliated/bazhang PRIVMSG #ubuntu :+!give me a test.06:53
ubottuOh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users!06:53
bernzTitan8990, awesome :-)06:53
raclebernz, i tryed that for couple days, but installed kubuntu at that point where i could log in, but eth0 desnt work or kde doestn work :P06:53
Digital71kavitha: someone was verbally attacking him, and he retaliated06:53
nriki can`t login to gnome session, Err:Out of space or restricted privelegies06:53
bazhangCosmo, turn off that script please06:53
simple|eeepcracle, do you have eth0?06:53
raclebernz, i modifided my conf, cross your fingers :P06:53
simple|eeepcifconfig -> pastebin06:53
nrikwhat can i do?06:53
racledefault cable :P06:53
kavithaDigital71: ok06:53
raclebrb reboot06:53
kavithaDigital71: can u help me with my issue?06:54
Digital71kavitha: he said privately that he would return tomorrow if the ban was withdrawn - though i cannot guarantee that, since i am not affiliated with him in any way06:54
Digital71kavitha: he was actually helping me as well -- but what's your problem?06:54
bernzracle, i'm using kubuntu for this laptop (in linux mode, but currently i'm in xp controlling my ubuntu mediabox across the room via VNC on LAN), and i have had problems with the wireless manager (it's too smart for it's own good) and a few things, but it was the only distro i tried which could read my laptop's SATA drive early enough to boot from it06:54
racledidn't work...06:55
bernzalso, i can't explain why, but i just prefer gnome slightly to k06:55
G-Bluntedjuniecho, i can only suggest these resources, but i think they will help you:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5469447#post5469447  <---and this one ---> http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=6084806:55
bernz(though i haven't tried many others... ice is nice)06:55
nexxtTitan is there an option to change "vinillaice" to something else?06:56
Titan8990bernz, gnome > all    unless you can't handle it then xfce4 > fluxbox > JWM > everything else06:56
ashlessburni know this is not a supp ditro for ubuntu but trying to install backtrak as a dual boot having issues with boot i get the selection for ubuntu but not backtrak and there is no guided part06:56
Titan8990nexxt, you can search make menu config with the / key06:57
kavithai hav to compare SDL library with other alternate for plugin browser.. . where will i get source of video player that uses SDL06:57
Iamthebestuseri want to install per with all modules in ubuntu server.. whats the way?? if i do apt-get isntall perl it doesn't install all modules06:57
kavithaDigital71: i hav to compare SDL library with other alternate for plugin browser.. . where will i get source of video player that uses SDL06:57
=== Peng__ is now known as Peng
rubydiamond where can I get pidgin-musictracker deb for ubuntu gutsy06:57
nexxtTitan heh k i guess next time i should do "make-kpkg clean" and it wont take so long?06:58
bernzTitan8990, excellent, that'll save me endless searching for a "better" wm :-)06:58
G-Bluntedgoogle it rubydiamond06:58
rubydiamondG-Blunted, not finding06:58
ashlessburnalso i know 5-0 is coming out soon for debian will that have any impact on the synaptic for ubuntu servers?06:58
=== Ferrenrock is now known as Bobbythebitch
G-Bluntedhave you tried?06:58
meshuggahhello everyone06:58
rubydiamondG-Blunted, I am unable to find it with google06:58
rubydiamondG-Blunted, yes06:58
=== Iamthebestuser is now known as olie-user
Titan8990bernz, awesome06:58
bernzTitan8990, have you any experience with USB problems? (in particular, host controllers being missed at normal detect time (boot, etc))06:59
Titan8990ashlessburn, ubuntu is always built off of the debian release canditade and not the stable release06:59
Digital71kavitha: i'm not familiar with SDL -- perhaps you can catch him here tomorrow if he gets unbanned, or alternatively find someone else here that is06:59
cjaecould not create directory /root/.googleearth and /root/.googleearth/Cache07:00
ashlessburnso based off 5.0 will i have to make any query changes?07:00
Titan8990Titan8990, no, I am using my own kernel that doesn't use initrd....07:00
G-Bluntedrubydiamond,  you're an idiot or a liar:  http://code.google.com/p/pidgin-musictracker/downloads/list07:00
G-Bluntedthat was the first page that came up on google07:00
rubydiamondG-Blunted, but there is no .deb version07:00
rubydiamondfor gutsy07:01
nexxtTitan heh k i guess next time i should do "make-kpkg clean" and it wont take so long?07:01
Titan8990ashlessburn, debian releases will not directly effect you using ubuntu07:01
Titan8990nexxt, I am not familer with make-kpkg07:01
bernzTitan8990, do you think i should be looking a udev, or lower level?07:01
Titan8990nexxt, I have never even considered making a package out of my kernel07:01
nexxtwell how do i save time recompiling kernel07:01
ashlessburnthank u any advise u can give on  boot part for backtrak,07:02
bernznexxt, distributed build system!  :-D07:02
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Titan8990nexxt, you can give make a -j option for multithreadding07:02
Titan8990nexxt, usually -j #ofcpus+107:02
kavithaDigital71: i hav to compare SDL library with other alternate for plugin browser.. . where will i get source of video player that uses SDL07:02
nexxtTitan : you said something about gcc not remaking everything07:02
raclebernz, working :P07:02
cjaecould not create directory /root/.googleearth and /root/.googleearth/Cache why is this happening now?07:02
Titan8990Titan8990, its not going to be udev, usb should be loaded well before udev starts07:02
raclebut screen flashes every 10 sek..07:02
bernzracle, DUDE!  nice :-)07:03
nexxtbut since i did that clean command its taking the same amount of time07:03
ashlessburnxandros has a posted orum of direct changes bc of debian relase" so sorry for the mulitple ques07:03
Titan8990i really need to stop doing that07:03
raclebernz, found working xorg.conf from google :P07:03
bernzracle, excellent, so google is not completely clogged with useless fake blogs yet  ;-)07:03
raclebernz, but this screen flashing is annoying :/07:04
prince_jammysif someone here has the video card Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE, and is running ubuntu hardy or intrepid, and has no graphic problems, i'd appreciate if you could paste your xorg.conf07:04
Titan8990ashlessburn, what do you mean by boot part? boot partion for backtrack? you can chroot into the backtrack filesystem07:04
Titan8990ashlessburn, or you can just boot it from a thumb drive07:04
Vincemanwhat would be a good program to calculate things with in ubuntu, say the windows maple equivalent?07:05
meshuggahhow can i boot in console in intrepid?07:05
bernzracle, is it shearing/flicker from effects that are not accelerated, maybe?07:05
Titan8990nexxt, you should put my name in your replies07:05
DanaGbug 31460007:05
Titan8990nexxt, so it is easier for me to see07:05
raclebernz, dunno :/07:05
* DanaG pokes ubottu with a pointy stick07:05
Titan8990nexxt, you don't have to make clean everytime, but some do07:05
firefly2442Vinceman: is Maple a math program?07:06
raclebernz, its fullscreen flashing every 10 sek.07:06
Titan8990nexxt, I personally I have recompiled my current kernel 10+ times w/o a make clean07:06
bernzhey, good tip, DanaG, i was about to install fglrx soon07:06
Vincemanfirefly2442 yes, don't you know it?07:06
ashlessburni tried that i ither have a bad usb drive the iso didnt install right or im having a grub error07:06
DanaGIt only seems to be this specific laptop model doing it, for some reason.07:06
nexxtTitan : does yours still say vinillaice?07:06
Titan8990bernz, say that where?07:06
bernzracle, whoah, that doesn't sound quite right07:06
Titan8990nexxt, say that where?07:06
ashlessburnapologize for my shand07:07
nexxtTitan : kernel version07:07
Titan8990nexxt, in uname -r?07:07
Vincemanfirefly2442 you know it right?07:07
nexxtTitan : yes07:07
Vincemanfirefly2442 how would you call it?07:07
firefly2442Vinceman: ahh yeah, never used it though, maybe this: http://openwetware.org/wiki/R_Statistics07:07
bernzracle, perhaps a timing problem (screen refresh rate -- if you found an "american"-style config, it could be geared toward 60 Hz, and you probably use 50 Hz)07:08
rubydiamond where can I get pidgin-musictracker deb for ubuntu gutsy07:08
ashlessburnim gonna try using a burnable for the backtrak, however if this doesnt work what are some other options for the grub boot part07:08
Titan8990ashlessburn, you can also use a CD, but if you would like to learn about chroot: http://www.pixelbeat.org/docs/chroot.html07:09
Titan8990nexxt, it is a make menuconfig option, let me find it07:09
raclebenrz, its 6007:09
bernztry changing that to 50 (or do you mean you are using 60 in your household AC mains?)07:10
firefly2442Vinceman: here's a better link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_(programming_language)07:10
Titan8990nexxt, general configuration -> local verions - append to kernel release07:10
raclebernz, its always has been 60 ~07:10
ashlessburnk i just wanted to know if there where known issues with ubuntu on this aspect for i dived to deep into this problem, cutting into my drinking time a bit lol . if there are no known issues then i should be fine. just never had issues with backtrak 2 or previous versions07:10
nexxtTitan : thanks07:10
raclebernz, and i dont think this screen can handdle 50 so well :)07:10
Titan8990ashlessburn, are you trying to boot from the grub on your HDD instead of making the usb stick bootable?07:11
Titan8990ashlessburn, also, BT4 beta will be coming out very soon07:11
bernzracle, sorry, i guessed you are really from Finland, and that Finland has similar electrical as Europe  :->07:11
nexxtbacktrack sucks07:12
kavitha i hav to compare SDL library with other alternate for plugin browser.. . where will i get source of video player that uses SDL07:12
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ashlessburnyes trying to boot from usb, as a iso many issues so it semes07:12
Titan8990nexxt, and what do you use for pentesting?07:12
Titan8990ashlessburn, you may want to join #remote-exploit07:12
ashlessburnhow long before bt4?/07:12
nexxt<root@northpole:~> uname -a07:12
nexxtOpenBSD northpole 4.4 GENERIC#1021 i38607:12
Titan8990ashlessburn, not entirely sure, soon I know07:12
Guest84654ok when  i boot from cd it gives me an error with irq 9. what is it and how can i get it to work?07:12
raclebernz, i am from finland :P07:12
ashlessburnis debian still sche for the 14th?07:13
Titan8990nexxt, thats your kernel?:07:13
bernzracle, ...but Finland has 60 Hz electrical?  :-]07:13
nexxtu asked what i pentest from07:13
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Titan8990nexxt, ah07:13
ari_stressracle: i heard they still DC in the power line?07:13
ari_stressracle: i heard they still use DC in the power line?07:13
raclenot sure :) prehaps07:14
Digital71anyone here with a chat log open for 30+ mins willing to dig something up for me?07:14
jaxx2kdeDigital71: that would be me07:14
DecepticonDigital71 what it is07:14
Titan8990Digital71, I do, but no timestamps07:14
Vincemanfirefly2442 a link about the letter R?07:15
IdleOneashlessburn, #debian or they're website07:15
Digital71i'll see if jaxx can grab it for me, since he called out first07:15
firefly2442Vinceman: no, it's a statistical math software package (with a weird name) :)07:15
rubydiamond where can I get pidgin-musictracker deb for ubuntu gutsy07:16
bernzracle, are you *sure* about the frequency? i'm not trying to be rude or call you a liar, but quite a lot of web sites are suggesting it's 50 Hz...07:16
jaxx2kdesure.. what are you looking for?07:16
Digital71jaxx2kde: did you get that?07:16
bernz...it might be worth a try. but beware, your monitor could be harmed (i can't be responsible ;-/)07:17
Digital71jaxx2kde: send me a pm07:17
crogcan someone point me in the right direction? i have a HP dv5130ca laptop i'm running ubuntu on, works great, but when i boot up computer, takes anyhere from 3 to 5 minutes for anything to happen, almost looks like laptop is hung, then screen will come on and can go into bios or boot into ubuntu, and all is well.. does this everytime i boot up?07:18
rubydiamond where can I get pidgin-musictracker deb for ubuntu gutsy07:18
Vincemancan you do exactly the same as with maple with it? calculate unknown variables with sets of equations etc... ?07:19
meshuggahhow can i boot in console/terminal in ubuntu intrepid?07:19
bernzcrog, it sounds like it's trying to detect some hardware that takes a long time07:19
firefly2442Vinceman: hmm, dunno sorry, I've never used either R or Maple, you'll have to look into it and see07:19
Vincemanok thx07:20
bernzoften, this happens when hardware is queried and a time out constitutes a "not present" reply07:20
G-Bluntedcrog, might wanna enter your cmos and look around07:20
IdleOnerubydiamond, www.getdeb.net/app/pidgin-musictracker first link in google search07:20
crogyeah, but what? really weird.. and i don't get any errors displayed07:20
rubydiamondIdleOne, I want it for Gutsy07:20
bernzcrog, you might be able to check your boot log and see about disabling some drivers that aren't functioning anyway to prevent them from trying stuff at startup that isn't going to work07:20
crogthis seems to take place before i can go into cmos, would a boot log still be logged?07:21
bernzoh, no, that's very unusual07:21
crogyeah, no kidding07:21
rubydiamondIdleOne, ??07:21
bernzin that case, it's the BIOS trying to do the same thing perhaps07:22
bernzhave you changed any hardware in the laptop?  has it always had this delay?07:22
crognever changed anything in laptop, and no wasn't always this way, started about 2 months ago, driving me crazy07:22
IdleOnerubydiamond, type apt-cache search music-tracker in terminal see if it comes up if so sudo apt-get install music-tracker07:22
bernzG-Blunted's suggestion is good; you might be able to configure your BIOS to skip certain things07:23
bernz(for instance, IDE device auto-detection used to be slow back in the day, so the solution was manually entering your disk geometry and whatnot to bypass autodetection)07:23
crogi'll recheck bios.. not much available in there to shut off.. hp doesn't give you much choice.. can't reflash bios cause hp uses windows program to flash07:24
G-Bluntedwhat does disk geometry look like?07:25
G-Bluntedand what the hell is the difference between a "DISC" and a "DISK"?? I just realized this.....07:25
G-Bluntedoh...DISC isnt real...07:25
FloodBot2G-Blunted: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:25
G-BluntedCompact Disk?07:25
* G-Blunted is so confused07:25
MeVsTheVoicescrog: If you have already pulled open the case most HP machines should have a JUMPER07:25
rubydiamondIdleOne, not it is not coming there07:25
IdleOnerubydiamond, there does not seem to be a package for gutsy. might want to upgrade your distro and then install that package for hardy07:26
crogjumper for ?07:26
bernzdisc is round07:26
MeVsTheVoicesG-Blunted: Disk geometry is simply the layout of data in a disc, on NTFS (eg Windows) its linear, lending its self little speed, on Linux however, its taken much more seriously, allowing faster data retrieval times, and less need for data defragging07:26
bernzdisk is thing07:26
G-Bluntedhe's on a laptop07:26
MeVsTheVoicescrog: BIOS07:26
bernzdisk was once round, but when it stopped being round, 'k' stopped being 'c'07:26
MeVsTheVoicescrog: Pull the Jumper BIOS, there go you jumper settings07:27
G-Blunteddisk's actually used to be square07:27
crogoh ok.. i'll have to check that out07:27
G-Bluntedand they are now round07:27
bernzcrog, look for a nearby geek to help you flash a BIOS; for instance, i've just ordered one a week ago, so my friends will now know someone with a hook-up for their fail-safe BIOS flashing needs07:28
MeVsTheVoicesG-Blunted: Where the hell you getting that from?07:28
bernz(if you need to flash a BIOS)07:28
gimpscape_hi. how can I disable nvidia logo which is appears every time when I start X? I have set  Option   "NoLogo" "True" in "Device" section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf file but it did not help07:28
crogcan't seem to be able to flash with new bios firmware, laptop is running ubuntu, and hp's firware requires windows to flash with, was going to try that07:29
bernzcrog, but as for any other changes... i'm not sure... it doesn't get much lower level than the BIOS07:29
G-Bluntedcause floppy disks are all square...the 5.25 and 3.5....and now "discs" are round and compact!07:29
bernzcrog, before you attempt a flash -- KNOW that it can often crap out, leaving you SOL if you have no other PC on hand07:30
G-Blunteddisc vs. disk07:30
MeVsTheVoicesG-Blunted: Open a floppy disc up and tell me what you see07:30
bernzcrog, and in that case, be sure to have the geek friend i mentioned above07:30
G-BluntedMeVsTheVoices,  oh shit..that's a very good call07:30
rwwMeVsTheVoices: magic smoke!07:30
bernz(to save your bacon when the crappily-written flash upgrader program craps out)07:30
MeVsTheVoicesrww: PANTIE RAID!07:30
crogthanks alot guys, help was much appreciated, i'll see what i can do with pulling jumper for bios and clearing to factory defaults07:31
Flannel!offtopic | MeVsTheVoices07:31
ubottuMeVsTheVoices: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:31
MeVsTheVoicesFlannel: NO U!07:31
bernzcrog, good luck07:31
croglater all07:31
FlannelMeVsTheVoices: No.07:31
kavitha i hav to compare SDL library with other alternate for plugin browser.. . where will i get source of video player that uses SDL07:32
Digital7kavitha..one sec07:33
IdleOnehey folks Im looking for a client for Ubuntu/gnulinux that I can use to chat with a Windows yahoo im user that supports video and voice. any ideas? this person does not want to have to install another program ( SIP client )07:33
MyrttiIdleOne: you're out of luck.07:33
MeVsTheVoicesGiggles_: insult Flannel07:33
Giggles_Flannel: Thou art but a saucy folly-fallen maggot-pie07:33
FlannelIdleOne: Use Ekiga and Netmeeting07:33
IdleOneMyrtti, yeah that is what I have discovered, Flannel ekiga is not an option they refuse to install anything07:34
MyrttiIdleOne: you use ekiga07:34
FlannelIdleOne: Netmeeting is installed by default07:34
MyrttiIdleOne: they use netmeeting07:34
meshuggahkavitha : ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/download.html       btw i am not sure...:)07:34
MeVsTheVoicesWow... that was some weak sauce!07:34
IdleOneMyrtti, Flannel any links to how I would get the connection setup so I can explain it or atleast show them?07:35
rwwFlannel, Myrtti: What about for Mac? I'm thinking of doing some stuff with Ekiga too.07:35
Flannelrww: Ekiga + Netmeeting both speak H.323, so whatever the native OSX client for that is.07:35
bernzMeVsTheVoices, oh man, i *LOVE* weak sauce!  :-D07:35
Myrttiplease keep the offtopic somewhere else07:36
Flannelbernz: Please don't07:36
MeVsTheVoicesbernz: WTF is requested you part, least kick me and do it right07:36
rwwFlannel: thanks07:36
rww!ot | MeVsTheVoices, bernz07:36
ubottuMeVsTheVoices, bernz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:36
MyrttiMeVsTheVoices: did you have ubuntu related problems or questions?07:36
* bernz bows in apology (got carried away)07:37
MeVsTheVoicesMyrtti: I come bearing answers Sensi, now lighten up07:37
shodan45what's the "right" way to remove older, unused kernels?07:37
Myrttishodan45: uninstalling them with package manager07:37
MeVsTheVoicesshodan45: Delete them, then remove them from Grub, assuming thats what you use07:37
kebomix_my bluetooth send files only ,how to make it receive files ?07:38
shodan45hmm, so removing them via package manager won't remove them from grub?07:38
bernzMyrtti, in fact, i do have an ubuntu-related problem: my mobo usb host controllers don't seem to get detected or initialized; i have an expansion card with more USB hosts that DO work.07:38
MeVsTheVoicesshodan45: Keep an extra version behind though, some things go kinky, always have a fallguy07:38
toxicfailtrollwhats emerald? is it like gtk or something?07:38
nickrudshodan45, yes, they do07:38
Myrttikebomix_: install a software that listens to incoming bluetooth filesending07:38
Flannelshodan45: It will, yes.07:38
olie-userhow can i check which package will get me XML-SemanticDiff ??07:38
Myrttishodan45: sure it will remove it from grum07:38
IdleOneMyrtti, FYI in case you did not know there is a ekiga for windows it is beta but I will try and get them to install it.07:38
bernzMyrtti, so i'm trying to figure out where to stat looking at the problem (no kernel messages on plug-in)07:39
kebomix_Myrtti: what is this software ?07:39
FlannelIdleOne: They don't need to.  Standards are standards (thats the wonderful thing about them)07:39
dmphotographyHey, what's the best way to remotely transfer files between Ubuntu and Windows, such as in a remote desktop situation?07:39
IdleOneFlannel, I understand that but some people are hard headed07:39
MeVsTheVoicesIdleOne: Ekiga uses SIP, no reason you have to use Ekiga with windows, SIP is commonly used for VoIP, so I'm sure theres a better windows client out there07:39
bernzdmphotography, you could probably set up an FTP server07:40
FlannelIdleOne: Hard headed... so they won't run netmeeting, but instead will install Ekiga?  What?07:40
Myrttikebomix_: install gnome-bluetooth package.07:40
skringladmphotography: samba and a windows share folder07:40
MeVsTheVoicesIdleOne: All these will work, no need for klunky Ekiga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SIP_software07:40
IdleOneMeVsTheVoices, the issue is not the client it is the lack of willingness to install anything but yahoo. yahoo is what they know and dont want to change07:40
jadewhi guys, any idea how to set up the main monitor in a dual monitor setup running on an nvidia card on ubuntu 8.10?07:40
dmphotographybernz: What about securing the FTP server?07:40
MyrttiIdleOne: but Windows comes with Netmeeting *PREINSTALLED*07:40
skringladmphotography: I have used ftp too, gftp is easy to configure07:40
kebomix_Myrtti: thanks :D07:41
bernzdmphotography, well it depends on how you plan to use it -- one-time bulk transfer of stuff, or regular use07:41
MeVsTheVoicesIdleOne: Then don't use Ekiga, unless it has something others don't07:41
IdleOneMyrtti, they know yahoo. Im dealing with a windows user here who is unflexible07:41
bernzfor regular use, just read a bit about the risks and how to mitigate them, and you'll be fine with most servers... except stay far away from wu-ftpd  :-D07:41
IdleOneI'd probably be better off driving 500miles and installing it for them07:41
dmphotographyWell, one instance is right now I'm using Hamachi to create a VPN, then I set my FTP to only listen to the VPN IP, but that's on windows pcs and I don't know much about Linux and VPN setups.07:42
kebomix_is there is any note taking program other than basket , with MS Onenote Feautures ?07:42
Flanneldmphotography: Use sftp instead (openssh-server will get you a sftp server)07:42
MeVsTheVoicesIdleOne: Yahoo w/ voice seems to work on Ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8189507:42
GaryDarkoHey does anyone know of a good working program to use my desktop as a cam ? like i want to stream a cam but show my desktop. and i cant seem to find anything yet ^^07:42
bernzIdleOne, maybe you can convince them that system restore could "undo" any "bad things" they think might happen, and then they'd let you install (though, as already countlessly mentioned, you already have everything you need installed)07:42
MeVsTheVoicesIdleOne: Its crappy, but it works07:42
bernzdmphotography, with Hamachi, you're pretty safe, as they encrypt all traffic with AES-256 (or so they claim)07:43
shay26mHello , i would like to use Ubuntu 8.10 to play American Army (game) , my laptop hardware is : 4 GB RAM , nVidia Corporation GeForce 8400M GS, 10 GB SWAP , but when i load the game its working fine for 10-15 min and than the computer crash (like shutdown) any idea what can be the problem ? (also when i load the game from the terminal i can see some error msg : WARNING: ALC_EXT_capture is subject to change!Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-N07:43
shay26mONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0"." maybe this the problem ?07:43
IdleOneMyrtti, Flannel MeVsTheVoices bernz thanks for the advice folks07:43
dmphotographyYeah, the biggest thing was leaving port 21 open to my public IP.07:43
bernzdmphotography, in other words, everything going via them should be encrypted end-to-end07:43
dmphotographyBut Hamachi is only for windows.07:44
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: This is winidows game?07:44
bernzdmphotography, there's a Linux client available07:44
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: No its not!07:44
bernzdmphotography, and it's not too tricky to set up07:44
bernzand it's free :-)07:44
dmphotographyWell crap, theres my answer.07:44
bernzwell, free-as-in-beer07:44
DeadDriveWell, got the HDD changed out and Kubuntu installed. Was thinking about sticking with Kubuntu until I went to burn ubuntu iso and had to enter a password to mount my other hdd.07:44
dmphotographyGeez, I feel dumb.07:44
dmphotographyFor some reason I assumed it was only Windows.07:44
DeadDriveI keep all my media on the second HDD and don't want to give my wife admin access to get to our movies/musicc.07:44
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: And don't leave port 21 open, stupid ida07:44
GaryDarkoHey does anyone know of a good working program to use my desktop as a cam ? like i want to stream a cam but show my desktop. and i cant seem to find anything yet ^^07:45
shay26mMeVsTheVoices: its linux version from this link : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AmericasArmy07:45
bernzdmphotography, about FTP -- you could always pick a non-standard port07:45
bernzdmphotography, that's a "weak" approach, but it's a LOT better than nothing07:45
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: Ohh okie doke07:45
Flanneldmphotography: Use sftp instead (which uses ssh) and there are lots of off the shelf ways to secure ssh against bruteforce (such as DenyHosts)07:45
dmphotographyYeah, I know some hackers and a port scanner will pick it up if it's open.07:46
bernzdmphotography, by "weak", i mean it only adds a very minor level of security; determined intruders will be completely unphased, but it's enough to stop "dumb" bots and the like07:46
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: K, first, open the game in a terminal, see what it spits out at you when it crashes07:46
bastid_raZordeadbattery; you need read execute for everyone on that drive.. she'll be able to look at the stuff but not change anything. if she is another user or even your user.. r-x for directories and r-- for files07:46
bastid_raZorDeadDrive; ^^07:46
DeadDriveYa, didn't think about messing with the permissions07:46
dmphotographyIf I can get Hamachi to work, then I'll just use it because it's by far the easiest.07:47
Myrttikebomix_: the app you're looking for in particular is gnome-obex-server, but you should be able to launch it from the applications menu as well.07:47
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: 21 is the default to be bruteforced, port scanning takes time, and theres alot of computers, so why bother07:47
bernzdmphotography, yeah, it's surprisingly good quality software :-)07:47
DeadDriveburning speed seems a lot better with kde07:47
dmphotographyYeah, I'm currently using it and I'm strongly considering converting my server from XP to Ubuntu.07:47
MeVsTheVoicesDeadDrive: Its all in your head, both frontends use the same backend!07:47
dmphotographyI'm just covering the bases right now.07:47
bastid_raZorDeadDrive; i use gnome and k3b for burning things.. you can use kde apps in gnome just fine07:48
MeVsTheVoicesDeadDrive: Kinky huh!07:48
dmphotographyI got the remote desktop figured out.07:48
DeadDriveya :) Mev, I'm also burning a cd iso and not dvd :)07:48
bernzdmphotography, i'll be doing that shortly, once i finish setting up my desktop (and learning all the quirks)07:48
MeVsTheVoicesDeadDrive: And... its still the same backend!07:48
shay26mMeVsTheVoices: not just the game crash , its the all computer , its like i made shutdown07:48
bastid_raZorDeadDrive; tab completion is your friend.07:48
dmphotographyYeah, Apache is definitely far more Linux friendly than Windows.07:48
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: Whoa.07:48
bernzdmphotography, it's like the good old days of reading manuals and actually learning (my brain is rusty after several years of mostly-windows, due to work)07:48
DeadDriveI know, the burning is faster because it is a cd and not dvd07:48
dmphotographyIt's amazing how much easier it is to configure linux once you get the hang of Linux.07:49
dmphotographyReading manuals?  Haha.07:49
dmphotographyWhat's that?07:49
DeadDriveYa, the only thing I miss about windows is Zmud running better :)07:49
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: I dunno then, your computer got good kewling?07:49
DeadDriveHaven't found a linux native client that compares07:49
dmphotographyAs far as resource monitors to see the performance and demand things like in Windows, how do you do that in Linux?07:50
shay26mMeVsTheVoices: how can i check ? (i am new 2 ubuntu)07:50
bastid_raZorDeadDrive; tinyfuge07:50
MeVsTheVoicesDeadDrive: I miss tversity, mediatomb is too pissy with me07:50
bernz(most modern video cards (and probably much other hardware) have internal temp watchdogs that can cause an instant power-down if necessary to avoid a fire)07:50
DeadDrivea faster computer would help my burning speeds too07:50
bernzdmphotography, try a command-line app called 'top'07:50
=== SkG is now known as [SkG]
bernzopen a command window07:50
DeadDrive<---p3 running at 448mhz with 640 megs of ram07:51
bernzand just type 'top' and you're off to the races07:51
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: Thats a good question, before, when you played games in windows and such, any such problems alike?07:51
bernzthere's probably a much-prettier GUI equivalent, but i can't say off-hand07:51
shay26mMeVsTheVoices: no07:51
dmphotographyOh crap. . .  lol, yeah no GUI.07:51
dmphotographyThis is painful.07:51
Titan8990dmphotography, CLI is for real men07:52
ShakedownSo I'm trying to remove my current ATI driver before I install the new one, and I'm trying to do this through Synaptic.  How do I know I'm deleting the correct thing? I think it's "xorg-driver-fglrx : Video driver for the ATI graphics accelerators." Is this the right one?07:52
bernzheh, it's not long before people forced to use a command line become 10 times as efficient as their GUI counterparts07:52
bernz...and then they discover IRC07:52
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: Then no, prolly not that. Does you commputer die, or do you get a logo ect.. when it kerflunks?07:52
DeadDriveThat's not true Titan, there are things where GUI is better.07:52
bernz...and they become 50% as productive as originally07:52
Titan8990bernz, lol07:52
DeadDrivedmphot, command line interface07:52
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: Command line Interface07:52
Titan8990DeadDrive, agreed, I would be lost without phpmyadmin for mysql07:53
bernzTitan8990, it's funny because it's true :-]07:53
dmphotographyWell there's a reason no one uses MS-DOS anymore . . .07:53
Titan8990DeadDrive, but for the most part, it is true07:53
shay26mMeVsTheVoices: its die, i have to press the poweron button07:53
dmphotographyGUI's make things much easier.07:53
DeadDrivebecause DOS sucked compared to linux :)07:53
dmphotographyLike DNS servers do.07:53
Titan8990dmphotography, that is an opinion07:53
dmphotographyIt's kind of the same concept of domain names verses IPs.07:54
Titan8990dmphotography, no its not....07:54
Titan8990dmphotography, ip address don't tab complete.....07:54
DeadDriveI think the internet would be a much better place if DNS servers didn't make using it so much easier07:54
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: Then I'ma guess hardware, signup to Ubuntu.com and paste this, hope someone has the same07:54
dmphotographyWell, true (I just learned that trick this morning.)07:54
bernz90% of DNS server bandwidth is used on spam/scam-related traffic anyway, no?  :-)07:55
DeadDriveKind of like Winnuke took all the fun out of IRC07:55
bernzit might just be better to advertise your static IP  :-)07:55
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: A strait up deading is a hard thing to figure coming with an OS change07:55
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: Sorry :-(07:55
dmphotographyWell with so many dynamic IPs, Domain names simplify that feat.07:55
DeadDriveThere's no place like
dmphotographyI have a dynamic IP and that would be a pain to have to inform my visitors of the new IP every time it changes.07:56
bernzshay26m, recently, the fan on my video card got "stuck" and wouldn't turn any more; shortly thereafter, the PC suddenly shut down, and i discovered the dead fan07:56
Titan8990dmphotography, but I don't aggree that GUIs simplify07:56
DeadDriveFor some things GUI is a pain in the rear07:56
bernzshay26m, just after your PC shuts itself off suddenly, feel the video card (careful!)07:56
shay26mbernz: its laptop07:56
DeadDrivelike diging through synaptic is so much harder than typing sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install blah07:57
MeVsTheVoicesbernz: I used to have an old emachine that died 32 minutes in, come hell or high water, was fun trying to get a full phase of Diablo 2 in that time07:57
ShakedownIs "ATI binary X.org driver" the proprietary ATI driver? I'm looking in Add/Remove Applications07:57
dmphotographyYeah, things like a resource monitor displaying RAM in bytes is a pain to translate in your head unless you just love numbers.07:57
bernzshay26m, oh, those are quite likely to have heat problems -- try placing your laptop on a towel, then towel on an icepack (like the kind for picnic coolers)07:57
shay26mbernz: does Ubuntu have some monitor software so its can write core heat logs etc .. ?07:57
Titan8990DeadDrive, also you can usually do apt-cache search faster than you can even open synaptic :)07:57
* DeadDrive agrees with Titan07:57
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: Or if your poor like me, get a couple pieces of plyboard and use a bathroom fan07:58
shay26mMeVsTheVoices: :)07:58
bernzshay26m, gnu linux in general has access to the most intricate details, but i don't know offhand the name of an app/package for you07:58
Titan8990shay26m, lm-sensors, doesn't support all hardware07:58
dmphotographyIs there some quick way to address someone in IRC, such as the dmphotography: thing?07:58
dmphotographyI'm new to IRC too.07:58
Titan8990!lm-sensors | shay26m07:58
ubottushay26m: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto07:58
MeVsTheVoicesbernz: Ohh hang on I know it, 2 mins07:58
DeadDriveStrange, when I had gnome version installed k3b would auto-eject the disc and make an annoying sound. It finished and didn't eject the tray.07:58
Titan8990dmphotography, you can tab complete names just like commands in the terminal07:58
G-Bluntedanyone know how to change temperature shutoff limits on laptops??07:59
dmphotographySo then you all do actually type the names and add the ":" to it?07:59
MeVsTheVoicesG-Blunted: Don't07:59
* DeadDrive prepares himself for the ugliness that is out of the box ubuntu. 07:59
shay26mbernz: when i load the game from the terminal i can see some error msg : WARNING: ALC_EXT_capture is subject to change!Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0"." maybe this the problem ?07:59
bernzdmphotography, in some IRC clients, the 'tab' key is used for auto-completion; a partial (ambiguous) completion usually lists the partial matches07:59
bernz(then you provide more characters, and try again with 'tab')07:59
MeVsTheVoicesG-Blunted: If its shutting off, theres a reason07:59
bastid_raZorDeadDrive; those are options under preferences. you can change them07:59
skringladmphotography: I use pidgeon and if you click on the name it is highlighted and if you midle click in the text box it pastes the name07:59
dmphotographyVery nice.08:00
bernzdmphotography, the client i'm using right now (pidgin -- stop barfing, people, it came pre-installed, and i don't look a gift horse in the mouth) adds the colon automagically08:00
dmphotographyI'm currently in Windows using mIRC, but I use pidgeon on my laptop.08:00
ShakedownSo what's going to happen when I uninstall my ATI driver (before I install the new one)?08:00
MeVsTheVoicesshay26m: try `sudo apt-get install lm-sensors; sensors` <65c is healthy for most08:00
kirtxchat is just an apt-get away. :-)08:01
bastid_raZorShakedown; nothing will happen till you restart X08:01
MeVsTheVoicesShakedown: Cntrl+Alt+backspace08:01
Shakedownbastid_raZor: So I shouldn't restart X until I install the new driver, right?08:01
DeadDriveOk, time to format and install Ubuntu 8.1008:01
* DeadDrive waves08:01
G-BluntedMeVsTheVoices, you know how don't you....08:01
Titan8990dmphotography, use xchat on all platforms08:01
Titan8990dmphotography, there is nothing better08:01
kirtTitan8990: Agreed. And tab completion works!08:01
bastid_raZorShakedown; either way.. it will be easier on you if you do but doesn't really matter.08:01
dmphotographyTitan8990: Alright.08:01
skringlaShakedown: not much in my experience as long except the graphics will not be avalible08:01
bernzit's useful to remember that X is just another application running on a mostly invisible/text-based OS; that's why you restart X after config changes08:01
G-BluntedTitan8990, mIRC might be better08:01
DeadDrivemIRC's good for picking up bugs.08:02
bernzTitan8990, i shall now install xchat... :-)08:02
dmphotographyYeah, mIRC isn't bad.08:02
DeadDriveI can't really talk, haven't used it for years.08:02
G-Bluntedno that's windows08:02
ShakedownSo you guys are saying that everything will be okay - just uninstall my current driver and install the new one, then restart X?08:02
DeadDriveI just remember the /ctcp blah do :)08:02
DanaGShould I mark this bug confirmed?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/31460008:02
dmphotographyThe tab complete works too now that I know about it in here.08:02
MeVsTheVoicesG-Blunted: Yes, if theres a problem that wasn't there before, check if your sensor got buggled around, the most common cause of random shutdown is CPU overheat because of the sensor being too close08:02
DanaGwatch out: ctcp in this channel earns an auto-ban.08:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ctcp08:03
DanaGyou'd think they'd have a factoid about that.08:03
G-BluntedMeVsTheVoices,  that makes sense08:03
skringlaShakedown: did you try just reinstalling the old driver?  I always have to do that a couple of times to get it to work08:03
* bernz loves installing apps via remote desktop :-)08:03
MeVsTheVoicesG-Blunted: You can change the shutdown temp on most, thats secret do'08:03
G-BluntedMeVsTheVoices, that's secret what?08:03
* MeVsTheVoices loves ssh in general08:03
MeVsTheVoicesG-Blunted: Though08:03
Shakedownskringla: I'm not having problems, I haven't done anything yet. I just wanted to know what to expect before I tried something.08:03
DanaGShould I mark that bug as confirmed?  Seems confirmed enough to me!08:03
bernzShakedown, always, i mean ALWAYS save a copy of your previously-working config file (xorg.conf usually) first  ;-)08:03
kirtDo you guys use envyng for ATI drivers stuff? It works great for Nvidia drivers...08:03
G-Bluntedaw man08:03
dmphotographyWow, so Ubuntu uses VERY little system resources compared to a striped down Windows huh?08:04
MeVsTheVoicesShakedown: bernz has good advice08:04
bernz(so you can restore from a text-mode terminal, and get it back)08:04
DeadDriveI thought all Windows did was use resources.08:04
dmphotographyI have XP Performance Edition on my server.08:04
G-BluntedMeVsTheVoices, i looked in cmos and it wasn't there...you think i need a special app that taps in to the hardware more or something? can you give me a hint? :)08:04
DanaGXP Performance Edition?  wtu?08:04
kirtdmphotography: Naw. About the same or a little more than a lean XP.08:04
skringlakirt: I have an ATI radeon express 1250, no problems08:04
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: A truely gutted windows doesn't sue too much more08:04
dmphotographyDeadDrive:  LOL.08:04
Shakedownbernz: Will isntalling the new ATI driver invalidate my xorg.conf file?08:04
shay26mbernz: when i load the game from the terminal i can see some error msg : WARNING: ALC_EXT_capture is subject to change!Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0"." maybe this the problem ?08:04
Titan8990Shakedown, it should only change the driver section08:05
Titan8990Shakedown, you can make a backup first08:05
comicsans# Appears as ANNA08:05
dmphotographyDanaG: It's a modified version of XP that someone strips all the bells and whistles out of it.08:05
dmphotographyYou can find them on torrent sites.08:05
MeVsTheVoicesOO I wanna watch Blade now!08:05
ShakedownTitan8990: Yeah I can back-up xorg.conf.  What if I install the new driver and I decide I want to return to my current driver? How can I do that?08:05
skringlaDanaG: TinyXP is nice too08:06
MeVsTheVoicesShakedown: cp oldie_xorg new_xorg08:06
dmphotographyDeadDrive: Yeah, Vista's primary purpose is to use resources.08:06
dmphotographyIt automatically consumes 1GB just running idle.08:06
bernzShakedown, no, think about it like this: you can have a ton of different video cards and drivers on your system all at the same time; the xorg.conf tells X about the ones you want it to care about, and you also tell it which one of those to use by default... so, if you first copy 'xorg.conf' to 'xorg.conf.old', then you can edit your xorg.conf to tell X to use different drivers when it next starts; then restart it, and it reads the newly-edited xorg.conf and 08:06
DanaGThe only major thing I don't like about Vista: it can't ever keep its grubby little paws off the hard drive.08:07
Shakedownbernz: So I don't actually need to delete my current driver? The ATI driver installation notes suggest I do.08:07
DanaGit reads or writes... something... every 1 second.  Even when on battery.08:07
bernzif your changes cause problems, you copy your 'xorg.conf.old' over top of 'xorg.conf', and you're "safe" again08:07
hateball!windows | DanaG08:07
ubottuDanaG: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents08:07
Titan8990Shakedown, you restore your old xorg.conf08:07
DanaGAnyway, anyone answer my question:08:07
bernzShakedown, in general, leaving unused drivers on a system is harmless, except for the disk space they take up (which is usually small)08:07
dmphotographyDanaG: Yeah, I've noticed that.  That's why they're developing a replacement, aka Windows 7.08:07
DanaGIs one confirmation enough for me to mark a bug confirmed?08:07
Titan8990Shakedown, xorg.conf tells xserver which driver to load08:07
bastid_raZorDanaG; that is its attempt to be like ext3 and not need defrag'ing once a week.08:07
jlaI'm trying Ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell Inspiion 1200 (1.2Ghz 256MiB). I know it's not the recommended spec, but it's far from the low end. Everything is really slow. Accessing menus. programs starting (like yelp), synaptic searches. it all crawls. Where should I look to speed things up?08:08
cjaeI know please help is bad here but I have been trying for hours, and have quite a bit of effort trying to figured out on own http://pastebin.ca/133255008:08
bernzDanaG, 3 is a magic number08:08
dmphotographyInstead of fixing Vista, they've decided to just scrap it and start over.08:08
ShakedownHm...so it's safe to not remove my current driver? Sounds good to me!08:08
dmphotographyIf it wasn't for Photoshop and Lightroom, I'd convert my primary computer to Linux.08:08
bernzbernz, one can always be a fluke or mistake in life; i usually say "try it twice" with notable exceptions like murder, etc08:08
MeVsTheVoicesjla: To a different disto of linux, Ubuntu is not made for low system requirement, atleast use LXDE or Xubuntu08:08
skringlaany one find a way to fix blue tooth obex in 8.10?08:09
dmphotographyBut there's just some thigns Windows still does better.08:09
SPFjla: installing the videocard drivers08:09
skringlaThe dbus problem08:09
Titan8990jla, I would recommend fluxbox08:09
bastid_raZordmphotography; gimp is a good replacement for photoshop08:09
bernznow i'm addressing myself too... time for sleep... that last comment was directed to DanaG08:09
Titan8990jla, i use every bit of my 512mb in xfce08:09
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: GIMP beats the shit out'a Photoshop, well, not really, mroe skillful, but is easily as good, just longer learning curve08:09
Titan8990jla, couldn't imagine gnome08:09
FlannelMeVsTheVoices: Please watch your language.08:09
dmphotographyYeah, but I use Lightroom a WHOLE lot, so that's my drawback.08:09
jlaMeVsTheVoices: I'm missing the recommended spec by 128 MiB ram. Is that really what is making things go so slow?08:10
dmphotographyI was looking at GIMP earlier and it looked nice.08:10
kirtjla: Try xubuntu until you get another stick of RAM. 384 MB is a practical MINIMUM for ubuntu.08:10
bernzdmphotography, as for photoshop, you'll find the gimp to probably be a more-than-adequate substitute, unless you are a super hardcore-user08:10
MeVsTheVoicesFlannel: Do you really have nothing better to do than whine at my cusslings?08:10
red-rumis there a way to *easily* migrate from an 80 gb IDE drive to a 500 gb SATA?08:10
dmphotographyI do a lot of working with Layers and photo retouching.08:10
kirtdmphotography: I know Photoshop runs just find in crossover. Some of the graphics pros at work use it that way for a living.08:10
bernzred-rum, i would be one of those excellent SATA/IDE/mini-IDE to USB 2.0 adapter dealies08:10
bastid_raZorred-rum; keep both?08:10
bernz(about $25)08:10
FlannelMeVsTheVoices: If you just follow the rules in the first place, I won't have to meddle.08:10
skringlared-rum: use a ide to usb08:10
jlaSPF: I keep trying to access System > Administration > Hardware Drivers. After a while of it scanning it disappears08:10
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: It does the same, plus you get the satisfaction of not stealing software08:11
dmphotographyWell I can't figure out how to install it in Linux.08:11
bernzand then just mount the 80 GB on your system and copy away08:11
bastid_raZorred-rum; i have a 320GB IDE and a 1.5TB SATA both working fine08:11
dmphotographyI was going to test it earlier and I can't launch the installer with WINE.08:11
MeVsTheVoicesFlannel: What says you have to meddle?08:11
Titan8990!gimp | dmphotography08:11
ubottudmphotography: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.08:11
Titan8990dmphotography, sudo apt-get install gimp08:11
red-rumwell, it isn't an issue of copying.... I'd like to maintain the ubuntu system I've built08:11
dmphotographyI know, I know.  Adobe Lightroom though. . . .08:12
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: CS1 is the only platinum ranked version of Photoshop WINE08:12
Titan8990dmphotography, ah...08:12
red-rumie, configuration, programs etc.08:12
bernzdmphotography, i'm unfamiliar with lightroom (not a photographer myself)08:12
dmphotographyGIMP nor Photoshop can do the workflow lightroom does.08:12
E3bhello all08:12
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: What Lightroom?08:12
MeVsTheVoicesE3b: SUP!08:12
bernzdmphotography, however, you can run windows inside a window in linux08:12
SPFjla: sometimes the drivers aren't available. For example Nvidia drivers can be downloaded from their website. But I think in this case your RAM might be the problem08:12
bernzand you can run lightroom in that08:12
skringlared-rum: use a live cd and reinstall grub after the copy, have you thought of how you are setting up the partions?08:13
dmphotographyIt's basically Adobe Bridge and Adobe Camera RAW combined.08:13
bernz(if it's not high-speed-graphics-intensive, it might be workable)08:13
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: Ohh we gots that!08:13
=== kb is now known as Guest10911
bernzMeVsTheVoices, hahahahah "Ooh we gots that!"08:13
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: Its called `mount;mkdir;cp`08:13
dmphotographybernz: I tried earlier, but I don't know how to install them in Linux.08:13
red-rumreinstall grub? as in replace the new with the old?08:14
E3bI configure alsa to work on 5.1 sound channel, I edit '/etc/asound.conf' but now I dont have sound on flash in firefox (sites like YouTube), if I remove the file '/etc/asound.conf' it's working but then I dont have 5.1 channel, any idea please?08:14
bernzdmphotography, Titan8990 suggested a nice command-line way that should work (sudo apt-get install gimp)08:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 5.108:14
jlaSo, the standard desktop doesn't work without 384 and if I want to run a program or two beyond that the Ubuntu minimum is really 512?08:14
bernzdmphotography, you might need to do a 'sudo apt-get update' first08:15
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: Ohh you also want the plugins and some extra brushes, you'll be missing if you were a photoshopper08:15
bernzto freshen up the list08:15
dmphotographyGimp is already installed.  I'm talking about running Lightroom in Ubuntu.08:15
dmphotographySuch as using WINE.08:15
ari_stresshello, can we tell trackerd to only run on say.. 4am in the morning?!08:15
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: Mount the drive, copy the files, put them in some folders?08:15
E3bhow can I force firefox to work with 'aoss'08:15
skringlared-rum: if you are not going to use the old hard drive, I think that grub will have to be redone but that is a guess, I kind of agree with the other that if posible you should keep the old hard drive but if you are not going to, the booting from a live cd and just reinstalling will be easier08:16
bernzif wine isn't doing it, you might be able to run a virtual machine, in which you "install" windows, and your required apps, and then you just put the virtual machine to sleep (hibernation of sorts) between uses08:16
bastid_raZorjla; you can run as much as you want.. it'll just respond slower and slower. RAM is so cheap now days it is hard to not purchase more RAM08:16
edvard1jla: is your swap partition mounted?08:16
dmphotographyMeVsTheVoices: Do you have to install the app on Linux or do you copy a pre-installed version?08:16
kavitha i hav to compare SDL library with other alternate for plugin browser.. . where will i get source of video player that uses SDL08:16
cjaedid anyone get a chance to read that?08:16
jlabastid_raZor: except for slot-limited laptops :)08:17
lorenzosuOn an HP Compaq desktop something wired happens: if I plug my headphones in the front plug the audio from the speaker is still audible. Hoc can I have the PC speaker excluded when I plug the headphones in?08:17
luciferohello everyone. im using ubuntu on Sony VAIO vgn-z520n08:17
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: What does lightbox do but mount your camera, copy the files, and store them somewhere?08:17
luciferoafter updating the nvidia driver, it crashes08:17
bastid_raZorjla; replace the RAM entirely.. even laptop RAM is cheap.08:17
dmphotographyIt doesn't do that at all.08:17
dmphotographyOr at least that's not how I use it.08:18
bernzlorenzosu, usually those "weird" behaviors are "features" from the manufacturer; check HP mainsite support area for special utility programs for this purpose (changing the behavior)08:18
skringlared-rum: sorry, if you copy your home folder over to the new install all of your old settings are kept, and there are easy ways to automaticly install all of the software you had on the old install that came from the repositories (apt-get)08:18
akorpijaAnybody know how i can add screen resolutions? I've tried editing Xorg but in the xorg file there is no Modes with "1920 x 1080" for example so where would i do this?08:18
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: Ohh, sorry then, I must have tuned, I'll got look at lightbox, see if I can find any linux alternatives08:18
Titan8990akorpija, you make your own mode with that resolution08:18
luciferoakorpija: under X or CLI ?08:18
Titan8990akorpija, or replace an existing resolution with that value08:18
bastid_raZor!clone > red-rum :: to copy all your previously installed packages.. follow this08:19
ubottured-rum, please see my private message08:19
dmphotographyIf you have ever edited photos in Adobe camera RAW, it doesn't phyically change the photo, instead it applies the changes in a sidecart file, XML file.08:19
kirtred-rum: It is very doable. A bit of googleing would probably help you find a method of doing it while saving everything. sfdisk, mkfs, afio, grub are the main commands that you need.08:19
akorpijaTitan8990: the thing is that there ARE no existing resoltuions in my xorg file08:19
dmphotographyBasically Lightroom does the same thing.08:19
dmphotographyBut is very efficient at editing bulk photos, such as a whole wedding, etc.08:19
kirtred-rum: Make SURE you have a backup OFFLINE of your data first. :-)08:19
lorenzosubernz: lol.. you think it might be fixable from the BIOS (OS independednt)?08:19
bernzdmphotography, ah, that sounds like a useful tool, for sure (i'm a quality nut)08:19
jlaedvard1: yes, it is. it's almost 4x ram in size08:20
skringlared-rum: also bios settings are important any time you change hard drives08:20
edvard1thought i'd ask, that's one of the symptoms of swap not mounted08:20
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: GIMP can has too, have to learn how to code for gimp plugins though.... maybe you should try it in wine, I cannot find a page for it, but trying it cant hurt... most of the time08:21
Titan8990akorpija, http://pastebin.com/d78d8730808:21
bernzlorenzosu, yes, it's possible there's an option for that... the other thing to check is the mixer08:21
dmphotographyYeah, I'm a wedding photographer and editing each photo individually using something like GIMP or Photoshop is too time consuming.08:21
Titan8990akorpija, that is a xorg.conf.example from another distro08:21
Titan8990akorpija, explains all the syntaxs for xorg08:21
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: I see what you mean08:21
bernzlorenzosu, in the GUI (X desktop), you should be able to show audio properties, including the mixer, and there might be a slider you can use to turn the speakers off/down while leaving phones on08:22
kavitha i hav to compare SDL library with other alternate for plugin browser.. . where will i get source of video player that uses SDL08:22
dmphotographyMeVsTheVoices: Like I stated earlier, I don't know how to install apps in WINE.08:22
Titan8990dmphotography, wine /path/to/installer08:22
Titan8990dmphotography, from terminal08:22
Titan8990!appdb | dmphotography08:22
ubottudmphotography: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:22
jlaare there any visual effects to turn on/off? I thought the install screen mentioned something like that but I'm not finding it now08:22
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: `sudo apt-get install wine` to start off, then just double click the installer, generally install.exe, or an .exe at any rate, wine will then just go about the install process08:23
Titan8990dmphotography, check for compatibility there08:23
kirtThere are 787,000 thousand hits for "lightwave on linux"!08:23
Titan8990!ccsm | jla08:23
ubottujla: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion08:23
lorenzosubernz: I tried that: I have a "headphone" switch but doesn't seem to work. Problem is that the machine has also a rear headphone plug08:23
jlathe video card in my laptop isn't the best in the world, but it's better than my other desktop08:23
dmphotographyYeah, the installers won't launch for some reason.08:23
jlaTitan8990: ty08:23
Aperture_ScienceScunizi, you around? I want to properly thank you!08:23
dmphotographyI used the Synaptic Package Manager to install wine.08:23
MeVsTheVoicesjla: System-> Preferences-> Appearance, make sure thats set to none08:23
Titan8990jla, np08:23
dmphotographyBut the installers won't launch.08:23
akorpijaTitan8990: thanks, but i still dont see it being as simple as it was when i did this once...im wondering why my Xorg doesnt even have any resoltuions listed? even tho i can select from a LOT of different ones08:24
bernzlorenzosu, it could be that that rear jack has the switch that detects plug-in, but not the front... sorry, i can't go beyond that level of detail08:24
jlayelp was a pig. closed it and it's helped a ton08:24
Titan8990dmphotography, if it is a msi:  msiexec /path/to/installer08:24
edvard1akorpija: thats a new feature of X: automagic08:24
lorenzosubernz: Got it!08:24
bernzlorenzosu, but it's worth messing around with the mixer a lot until you have tried most stuff; sometimes the solution isn't intuitive08:24
akorpijadmphotography: is lightbox the linux equiv of lightroom?08:24
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: in a term type `wine -v installer.exe` if it looks serious and stuff, then most likey it wont work in WINE, and you gotta try a VM08:24
bernzlorenzosu, awesome, good work :-)08:24
bernzokay, i need sleep08:25
bernzg'night all08:25
lorenzosuApparently the PC speaker iscalled "mono" and has its own fader... I hadn't enabled all the mixer views.08:25
akorpijaedvard1: haha yaaa but i want to add one resolution since i think counterstrike will then let me set it to that too :P08:25
Titan8990when will the world realize that things that automagically work are more likely to automagically fail.....08:25
DanaGlorenzosu: is it one of the business workstations?08:25
dmphotographyakorpija: Lemme look and see what lightbox is, but I doubt it.08:25
DanaGI seem to remember those having the Mono slider control internal speaker.08:25
MeVsTheVoicesTitan8990: But then I'd be out'a job!08:25
jlaMeVsTheVoices: it was on normal. I'll see how none goes. ty08:25
lorenzosuDanaG: Yes. After months I managed to convince my boss to install ubuntu on one of these machines.08:25
DanaGgo to gnome-terminal and do alsamixer -c008:25
MeVsTheVoicesjla: Np08:25
Titan8990MeVsTheVoices, hhe08:25
DanaG0 as in zero.08:26
jlamenu access is even better08:26
edvard1titan8990: fully agree08:26
akorpijadmphotography: oh nvm thought yu knew what it was im gonna try finding an equivalent for lightroom08:26
lorenzosuDanaG: I solved it! :) The inbuilt PC speaker has its own fader in the mixer: it calls it "Mono"08:26
Milkehwhy does my music not want to play08:26
Titan8990!codecs | milkeh08:26
DanaGthe Cal Poly lab has some of those workstations, but with Fedora.08:26
ubottumilkeh: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:26
MeVsTheVoicesMilkeh: It has feelings?08:26
edvard1how do i get a log for a failed boot?08:27
MilkehMeVsTheVoices, I think mine does, it doesn't like me08:27
kebomixi need help with installing Pidgin Master Password Patch !?08:27
shaunodmphotography: it's not free, but http://www.lightcrafts.com/linux/ looks like the only real workflow tool native to linux (not free, however).  interesting discussion at http://www.flickr.com/groups/strobist/discuss/72157600882758490/08:27
Titan8990edvard1, /var/log/messages   and   dmesg08:27
edvard1a successful boot wipes out the preveious one08:27
lorenzosuDnaG: Cal Poly?08:27
dmphotographyWhat's so special about Debian?08:27
MeVsTheVoicesMilkeh: Then get serious, show it who's boss, kill a couple children ect..08:27
MilkehTitan8990, I installed the codecs, it just doesn't want to play when I open it08:27
MeVsTheVoicesdmphotography: Its sexy!08:28
Titan8990edvard1, if that is the case then you have a problem with logrotate08:28
Titan8990Milkeh, check the comprehensive multimedia tutorial on the ubuntu forums08:28
MilkehMeVsTheVoices, I don't think that will work, it's very ignorant.08:28
Titan8990Milkeh, I highly recommend vlc or mplayer08:28
edvard1here's my problem: the default installation got borked somehow when i was testing 9.04 daily build08:28
DanaGCalifornia Polytechnic State University.08:28
DanaGThat's my college.08:28
Titan8990dmphotography, debian package management is what makes debian special08:28
MilkehTitan8990, It's not the player itself, I've tried like 5 different players, including mplayer08:28
MeVsTheVoicesMilkeh: Ahh I see, well then, you might wanna check you have your sound turned on in that case08:28
rwwedvard1: Jaunty installs are not supported here. Try the #ubuntu+1 channel.08:29
Titan8990Milkeh, what error are you getting?08:29
dmphotographyYeah, LightZone is the Lightroom equivalent.08:29
MilkehMeVsTheVoices, Yes it's turned on, the song just sits on 0:0008:29
kebomixAnybody plz help installing Pidgin Master Password Patch : http://rahul.amaram.name/blog/2008/02/23/pidgin-master-password-patch  ?08:29
MilkehTitan8990, No error, just sits on 0:0008:29
achilleshello, the NAT IP is the public one we translate to or the internal one we go to ?08:29
dmphotographyIt takes forever to DL.08:29
MeVsTheVoicesMilkeh: This is just weird, someone had the exact same problem yesterday. You getting sound outa flash?08:29
lorenzosuDanaG: Wow, cool. But I guess at uni it's easier.. In business environment with all the machines preinstalled with Windows XP an so forth. In fact installing Ubuntu on here maintaining the dual boot was a little of a nightmre.08:29
dmphotographyI'm just wondering why it over Ubuntu . . .08:29
edvard1rww: im not asking about jaunty, me playing with jaunty somehow borked my intrepid install08:29
Titan8990Milkeh, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668308:29
MilkehMeVsTheVoices, I was probably that same person because I remember talking to you :P08:29
Titan8990dmphotography, it is more stable than ubuntu08:30
lorenzosuThis machine also had a fake raid with raid 0 - shrug :|08:30
* MeVsTheVoices sends Milkeh to the naughty corner!08:30
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:30
skringlakebomix: what problem are you having?08:30
edvard1i cant boot to the default install, but I can get through if I boot to the recovery mode and pick "continue normal boot"08:30
Titan8990dmphotography, debian supports 6 computer archs, ubuntu supports 208:30
DanaGRaid 0 is a bad idea: you HALVE your reliability.08:31
MeVsTheVoicesTitan8990: \o/ where you get that from?08:31
DanaGIf one drive fails, you might as well have had both fail.08:31
Titan8990MeVsTheVoices, the arch differences? the debian website08:31
lorenzosuDanaG: I know... tell HP though ;)08:31
Titan8990MeVsTheVoices, ubuntu only supports x86 and x86-6408:31
MeVsTheVoicesTitan8990: I have it on my PS3, which is neither08:32
kebomixskringla: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/116379/08:32
MilkehMeVsTheVoices, last time I was "harley" :P08:32
lorenzosuDanaG: But in the end I managed to install with double boot and without having to reinstall windows.. made me feel so smart lol08:32
lorenzosuAll using the LiveCD08:32
Titan8990MeVsTheVoices, is that not a special release?08:32
dmphotographyWhy is it like 12GB to download though?08:32
MeVsTheVoicesTitan8990: So? Its still released in't it?08:32
edvard1if i boot the 'normal' entry from grub, i get some VERY different boot messages, then it freezes at "loading manual drivers" and the screen turns green08:32
DanaGI tried fakeraid raid1, and the newer dmraid did not work.08:32
dmphotographyAnd is it better for a web server?08:32
Titan8990MeVsTheVoices, its not officially ubuntu08:32
Titan8990MeVsTheVoices, just like fluxbuntu is not an official ubuntu release08:33
Titan8990MeVsTheVoices, its a spin-off varient08:33
MeVsTheVoicesTitan8990: Neither is anything out of the restricted apt-sources, but both still use them anyway08:33
lorenzosuI was not aloud to alter the existing windows, as reinstalling here means formally calling the IT guys and payingfor the reinstall etc. So was alwys afraid I could screw things up08:33
tuna-fishhow can I find out the uuid of a hard drive?08:33
MeVsTheVoiceslorenzosu: I still get nightmares of GRUB going tits up on me08:33
lorenzosuI guess fake raid is quite suilly idea, if yuou need space just use two drives, if you need backup just do regular backups.08:34
tuna-fish(or a partition)08:34
MeVsTheVoicestuna-fish: `sudo vol_id /dev/drive`08:34
tuna-fishthank you08:34
edvard1tuna-fish : ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid08:34
MeVsTheVoicestuna-fish: No problem sweet cheeks08:34
lorenzosuMeVsTheVoices: For me grub was the 'easy' part.. although I had to follow the procedure to re-enable it from the live CD.08:34
Titan8990MeVsTheVoices, I am not here to argue this, I was just pointing out the differences, one being ubuntu doesnt support archs like SPARC08:34
MeVsTheVoicesTitan8990: Ok.08:35
DanaGOh yeah, so, should I mark my bug as confirmed?08:35
MeVsTheVoiceslorenzosu: I keep a super-grub-disk near by08:35
Titan8990!jaunty | DanaG08:35
ubottuDanaG: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.08:35
edvard1titan8990: logrotate?08:36
DanaGRead my second comment.08:36
DanaGAlso broken on Intrepid.08:36
MeVsTheVoiceslorenzosu: Except mine was one version old, and didn't support ext3 disks, after hours of sweat a shit I finnally find a hidden away little article saying that no, it will not find stage1, and its not my fault its a lying Sack of sugar08:36
Titan8990edvard1, logrotate compresses your old logs and rotates them08:36
lorenzosuMeVsTheVoices: I find the LiveCD very useful as a rescue disk... only trouble might be you have to install stuff.08:36
Titan8990edvard1, but regardless, your logs should never get overwritten08:37
edvard1titan8990: maybe the log from the borked boot isn't written?08:37
lorenzosuMeVsTheVoices: Aww I see. Anyway it was hard work but not that hard... I'm not sure if publishing the procvedure would be helpful to anybody08:37
Titan8990edvard1, disable the words "quiet splash" from the kernel boot line08:37
Titan8990edvard1, then you can see whats happening yourself08:38
edvard1i'll try that08:38
MeVsTheVoiceslorenzosu: I just hope I catch them in here, otherwise, I'm just too damn lazy08:38
FlannelMeVsTheVoices: Again, please mind your language.08:38
DanaGso, it is an Intrepid bug, too... should I mark it confirmed?08:38
edvard1titan8990: thanks08:39
MeVsTheVoicesFlannel: Little bit slow on that one08:39
lorenzosuMeVsTheVoices: Yea, tis channel is so cool... I always get 90 % of the questions answered in less than 5 mins... makes you alittle lazy though08:39
Titan8990edvard1, gl08:39
akorpijaOkay, so I've downloaded LightZone, and it's a tar.gz file...now if i want to Run the program i navigate over to the folder in Terminal, and then i type in ./LightZone, or i can just double click LightZone in the folder....but how do i add a shortcut to this, and how do i make it so im not told that it's an executable text file and how would i like to run it...08:39
edvard1i'll be back with a report08:39
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Titan8990akorpija, what does the documentation say?08:39
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MilkehTitan8990, the page had no solutions do my problem :\08:40
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Titan8990Milkeh, run vlc from the terminal and pastebin any error the terminal reports08:40
Titan8990akorpija, most likely you downloaded source code that needs to be compiled08:41
Aperture_ScienceSo, question. I installed IDJC. Shortly after this I realized I neglected some key dependencies before the install. I removed IDJC via the add/remove programs, but it doesn't appear to be completely gone.08:41
MilkehTitan8990, alright give me a sec to finish downloading these files08:41
quibblerakorpija: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo08:41
akorpijaTitan8990: yea it does just that i can't use ./configure on it08:41
Titan8990akorpija, its custom to include an INSTALL or README file that explains how to install it08:41
Titan8990akorpija, you are compiling someone elses code and should follow their instructions08:42
MeVsTheVoicesakorpija: Most that are w/o ./configure will be configed by autoconfigure or by an install script/makefile08:42
DanaGIs one confirmation enough to justify changing marked bug status?08:42
ludditehey - i need help with deleting a ubuntu partition from a dual boot machine with two ubuntu's running. details here http://paste.ubuntu.com/116258/08:42
FlannelDanaG: #ubuntu-bugs is the place for bugwork question08:42
MeVsTheVoicesakorpija: Or just look for a readme that generally come with a section on installing08:42
akorpijaTitan8990: MeVsTheVoices yea i'm trying to find any documentation on installing just can't but i guess i can see why asking u guys this is dumb since it varies so much hah08:43
MeVsTheVoicesakorpija: ./INSTALL ./README ./HELP ./AHAHAHAHAAH08:43
akorpijaMeVsTheVoices: hahah08:43
quibblerakorpija: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo08:45
* MeVsTheVoices has left the building08:45
akorpijaquibbler: thanks08:45
dmphotographyHmmm.  I can't get Hamachi to start08:53
dmphotographyDid you all leave?08:54
lorenzosugtg, bbl08:54
Titan8990dmphotography, still here08:55
Titan8990dmphotography, what error does hamachi return?08:55
dmphotographytap: connect() failed 2 (No such file or directory)08:56
Titan8990dmphotography, sounds like you need to configure a tap interface08:56
Titan8990!tap | dmphotography08:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tap08:56
dmphotographyOh great.08:56
Titan8990!tun |  dmphotography08:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tun08:56
Titan8990!tun/tap | dmphotography08:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tun/tap08:56
dmphotographyDumb bot.08:57
rwwTitan8990: I usually check whether factoids exist with "/msg ubottu !factoidname" before using them in-channel.08:57
rwwdmphotography: it can't read minds ;)08:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xdg08:58
Titan8990rww, thanks for the tip, was actually wandering about that08:58
ari_stresswhat is xdg? /etc/xdg08:58
dmphotographyLOL @ Titan08:58
edvard1titan8990: this is weird. I took out 'quiet splash' like you said and now everything boots normally08:59
edvard1maybe usplash is what is borked?08:59
Titan8990edvard1, lol corrupt splash image maybe?08:59
Titan8990dmphotography, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17947208:59
jim_p!info wajig08:59
edvard1could be08:59
ubottuwajig (source: wajig): simplified Debian package management front end. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.38 (intrepid), package size 93 kB, installed size 432 kB08:59
Titan8990dmphotography, that guide isn't specifically for your situation but explains how to create a tap interface09:00
jim_phas anyone used wajig?09:00
rwwari_stress: XDG stands for X Desktop Group, which is the former name of the freedesktop.org standards group. That particular folder is used for http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs09:00
edvard1where is the splash image?09:00
Titan8990dmphotography, you should note that it is an advanced topic09:00
Titan8990edvard1, ehh, not sure, should be defined somewhere in xorg.conf09:00
Titan8990edvard1, I always disable it immediatly09:00
edvard10.o xorg?09:01
edvard1i thought the splash was a grub thing09:01
edvard1good advice09:01
Titan8990edvard1, err grub.conf is what I meant, sorry09:01
edvard1ill check09:01
Titan8990edvard1, well, menu.lst in ubuntu09:01
edvard1already checked there09:01
dmphotographyYeah, I'm seeing that.  I'm trying to understand what the tap is.  I take it it's a network adapter for Hamachi?09:02
MilkehTitan8990, for some reason vlc is playing the track but there is no sound09:02
rwwdmphotography: according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214017 , running "tunconfig" might help09:02
rwwtuncfg **09:03
Titan8990Milkeh, use alsamixer to make sure your channels are not muted09:03
Titan8990Milkeh, do you get sound in any other applications?09:03
MilkehTitan8990, Yes09:03
Titan8990Milkeh, any errors in the terminal?09:03
MilkehTitan8990, nope, none09:03
ari_stressthanks a bunch rww. looks interesting. i need to remove trackerd from /etc/xdg/autostart09:04
Titan8990Milkeh, do you have another application that could be currently using the sound module?09:04
MilkehTitan8990, I don't think so09:04
rwwari_stress: The autostart stuff is defined in http://standards.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-0.5.html . If you just need to remove it for one user, you can also just use System > Preferences > Sessions (or delete it from that folder; either should work)09:06
alfons_can anyone help me wit this: I cannot write to some of my harddisks anymore. Logged in as user, but as root I everything works ok.09:06
MilkehTitan8990, now nothing is even attempting to play09:06
MilkehTitan8990, hold on a second I'll be back09:06
dmphotographyAAAHA!  It was as simple as typing tuncfg.09:07
Titan8990dmphotography, nice, I thought you were going to have to write a entry in /etc/network/interfaces09:07
Titan8990alfons_, what format is the drive?09:07
alfons_I tried to solve it with editing fstab09:08
dmphotographyLOL, that would've been a definite NO.  Haha.09:08
dmphotographyI would've scrapped it before doing all of that.09:08
Milkehsomething else is really annoying09:08
Titan8990dmphotography, your no fun09:08
alfons_there are 5 harddrives in my system, with 9 partitions09:08
dmphotographyI draw my line somewhere.09:08
alfons_all the NTFS partitions are normally accesible09:08
Milkehwhy does my window manager always go on compiz when I want it on metacity?09:08
Titan8990dmphotography, the line should be: write the app yourself09:09
dmphotographyI'll dang sure spend hours and hours with Apache stuff, but I'm not much into programming.09:09
Titan8990Milkeh, compiz is enabled by default in ubuntu I believe09:09
dmphotographyI have to learn a programming language first.09:09
Titan8990Milkeh, you shlould be able to add:  metacity --replace   and add it to your sessions09:09
dmphotographyPHP would probably be the most beneficial.09:09
dmphotographyTo my needs anyways.09:09
Titan8990dmphotography, python is usually the recommendation for beginners09:10
alfons_where does ubuntu store the acces rights to the disks?09:10
Titan8990dmphotography, stanford and MIT offer free classes and class materials online09:10
dmphotographyWell, my main interest pertains to web servers/web content.09:10
Titan8990alfons_, there are in the ACLs of the files on the drive09:10
Titan8990alfons_, with every filesystem09:10
dmphotographyWhich I deal with PHP more than anything else.09:11
ari_stressrww: oww.. you're good! thanks09:11
alfons_sory what is ACLS09:11
dmphotographyI just have a hard time learning it.09:11
Titan8990dmphotography, access control list09:11
Titan8990alfons_, , access control list09:11
rakudaveMilkeh: you could try "compiz fusion icon", which sits in you tray an alows you to change back and forth wich one click09:11
alfons_and where can I find and eidt this ACL exactly09:12
Titan8990alfons_, do: ls -al /path/to/disk    to see the current permissions of a directory/file09:12
alfons_aha, thanx09:12
Titan8990alfons_, to change permissions see:  man chmod   and  man chown09:12
Titan8990alfons_, but it doesn't really apply to formats such as fat or NTFS09:13
dmphotographyFor an idea of what I'm currently working on, see http://www.myownserver.info09:13
Titan8990alfons_, because the ACLs of linux and windows are different09:13
dmphotographyThat's pretty much what I've been doing lately is learning all of that and writing those tutorials.09:13
Titan8990dmphotography, using quantum plus?09:13
alfons_do you have any idea how this could get f*cked up?09:14
Titan8990dmphotography, sorry, thats quanta plus09:14
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dmphotographyQuantum plus?  What's that?09:14
ari_stresswb bazhang09:14
alfons_I can see only root09:14
Titan8990alfons_, what format if the drive?09:14
dmphotographyDunno what quanta pluss is either.09:14
alfons_i have bot fat32 and ext3 and ext209:14
box_hey, how can i find out what sound driver i'm using?09:14
Titan8990alfons_, sudo chown -R youruser:youruser /path/to/drive09:15
alfons_is youruser to be changed by my user name?09:15
Titan8990alfons_, yes09:15
DeadDriveInstalled 8.10 and it  isn't detecting my sound card.09:15
Titan8990DeadDrive, don't know the drill?09:16
DeadDriveGoing to let it run through updates and see if that fixes the issue.09:16
mcsx3Morning!  People09:16
kisiel998.10 in poland are great09:16
Titan8990!alsa | DeadDrive09:16
ubottuDeadDrive: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:16
edvard1that is, if PulseAudio doesn't interfere09:16
mcsx3anyone here can help me with a question?09:16
DeadDriveTried that already :) says no gstreamer plugin or devices found.09:16
alfons_lets try that09:17
robbe-ubottu: anyone | mcsx309:17
ubottumcsx3: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:17
Milkehi will now remember not to use emerald and compiz again09:17
edvard1Milkeh: good choice09:17
DeadDriveThere's 245 updates to run through. I'll let the updates run and see if that fixes the issue.09:17
kavitha i hav to compare SDL library with other alternate for plugin browser.. . where will i get source of video player that uses SDL09:17
rakudave!anyone  | mcsx309:17
ubottumcsx3: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:17
Titan8990DeadDrive, very possible because there will likely be some kernel updates in there09:18
DeadDriveYa, that's why I'm not freaking about it yet.09:18
mcsx3Does anyone know how to keep grub on a dual boot rig if I want to reinstall Vista?09:18
DeadDriveBesides, what fun would linux be if you didn't get to play with it a little now and then :)09:18
DeadDriveI think grub auto-detects other OS's on install.09:19
Milkehwhere are my themes being saved to?09:19
DeadDrivemilkeh, in the shared folder09:19
Titan8990Milkeh, gnome themes?09:19
alfons_okay, now i think i screwed up.....I could not write to the file system on / as well. So i did that chown command.09:19
mcsx3I installed windows first and then Ubuntu09:19
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robbe-mcsx3: vista is a "dumb" os and will overwrite your bootloader, so you'll have to "reinstall" grub, which can be done from a live cd09:19
Titan8990alfons_, no.....09:19
rwwmcsx3: Reinstall Vista, then do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:20
mcsx3but now I want to install a different flavor of Windows.09:20
edvard1damn robbe- you beat me to it09:20
alfons_i know, can I restore that?09:20
mcsx3ah, ok.  from a live cd.09:20
robbe-what rww said :)09:20
DeadDriveThere's a gnome theme manager if you go to display properties.09:20
alfons_I hear my drive working.....09:20
MilkehDeadDrive, I've imported a couple but they've disapeared from the appearance section and I know there somewhere because I can't import with the same titled.09:20
rakudavemcsx3: No way, a micro$oft overwrites the MBR without looking for another OS. It WILL destroy grub.09:20
KevKaltar\join #TSIGA09:20
jim_phas anyone used wajig?09:20
jim_p!info wajig09:20
ubottuwajig (source: wajig): simplified Debian package management front end. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.38 (intrepid), package size 93 kB, installed size 432 kB09:20
alfons_does -R mean every subdirectory is now fucked up?09:20
rakudaveKevKaltar: /join09:21
mcsx3there any way around it?09:21
DeadDrivemilkeh, usr/share/09:21
Titan8990alfons_, yeah, that usually toastes an OS09:21
alfons_please help me!!!09:21
DeadDriveForget what dir09:21
mcsx3I'd rather keep Ubunto but, I still have to use Windows for work.09:21
sumaIs there any command available to check whether the usb is plugged in the usb drive or not09:21
MilkehDeadDrive, there not in the theme folder09:21
edvard1mcsx3: no, you'll have to re-do grub from a ubuntu cd afterwards09:21
MilkehDeadDrive, the default themes are, not imported ones though09:21
alfons_is there anything I can do? Anyhting at all?09:21
rakudavemcsx3: no, window$ has always been like that. you'll just have to reinstall grub after reinstalling vista09:21
Titan8990alfons_, well, it comes up occassionaly on the forums09:21
DeadDriveYikes milkeh, you'll have to reimport them09:22
mcsx3ok, dudes.  I give it a shot.  Thaks much.  Good day!09:22
DeadDrivealfons ya, -r is recursive09:22
Titan8990alfons_, the general consesus is reinstall09:22
MilkehDeadDrive, but I can't import themes with the same title?09:22
alfons_I really love linux, been working with it for a year, but this rights managemet stuff, I cannot comprehend it09:22
sumaAnyone know Is there any command available to check whether the usb is plugged in the usb drive or not please answer it anybody09:22
Titan8990alfons_, careful running commands that you are unsure about, especially as root09:22
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ezerhodensuma: i dont know if i follow your question, but lsusb may be what you are looking for09:22
DeadDriveI'm kind of newbish myself Milkeh, so not really the person to ask :)09:22
Titan8990alfons_, what you did was change the owner of ever file09:23
rakudavesuma: "lsusb"09:23
alfons_yeah, i know, litlle bit too late09:23
Titan8990alfons_, many files, applications, services, daemons, etc depend on certain permissions to function properly09:23
alfons_what happens now when i restart the PC?09:23
Titan8990alfons_, it may or may not start up09:23
alfons_i have a system backup09:24
sumaK this command shows all the drives pa, how can i find which is usb drive09:24
alfons_I made it wit simple system backup09:24
kavithahi suma09:24
kavithafrm india??09:24
ezerhodensuma: i can not follow your question09:24
sumahai kavitha, im from india09:25
Titan8990alfons_, excellent09:25
DeadDriveSo, first thoughts on 8.10. No where near as ugly out of the box.09:25
Titan8990alfons_, most people don't backup09:25
kavithacame to know by ur name..09:25
ari_stresswhat is "create usb startup disk" for?09:25
DeadDrive<--- didn't backup and looked what happened to him :)09:25
sumaezerhoden: i use lsusb command which shows all the harddisk drives in the system how can i find which one is usb drive09:26
DeadDriveari: usb startup disk is to boot from a usb device09:26
sumakavitha: my name is suji, you are from?09:26
edvard1DeadDrive: i agree 8.10 looks better but i am looking forward to 9.0409:26
rakudavesuma: lsusb only lists usb devices.09:26
edvard1hopefully network manager is fixed and acpi works again09:26
kavithai m from india... Manglore09:26
ezerhodensuma: lsusb only shows usb devices, try mount to look for the device09:26
DeadDriveEdvard1, I can't wait to get my new box built and seeing how the 64 bit version runs09:27
sumakavitha: k what are you  doing09:27
rakudavesuma: my usb-mouse shows up as "Bus 002 Device 004: ID 046d:c045 Logitech, Inc. Optical Mouse" so just look for the brand of you disk (kingston etc...)09:27
* edvard1 is jealous of 64 bits09:27
mattwj2002hi guys09:27
DeadDriveFrom what I hear it doesn't have all the issues 64 bit Vista has.09:27
Titan8990darkice gnome theme ftw09:27
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ezerhodensuma: or you can look in dmesg for where the drive has been mounted09:27
edvard1for that matter neither does 32 bit!!09:27
DeadDriveDarkice? I'll have to check it out. I was using slickness black09:27
taviis a command trought i can reset the settings of video and sound on linux?09:27
Titan8990!alsa | tavi09:28
ubottutavi: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:28
Titan8990tavi, for video, reinstall using the restried drivers manager09:28
mattwj2002can anyone recommend a good webcam for ubuntu?09:28
Titan8990tavi, but no, there isn't a magic "go back" command09:28
sumaezwehoden: no dmesg, i plugged a usb and use the command lsusb it shows the result same as when i'm not plugged the usb09:28
rww!hcl | mattwj200209:29
ubottumattwj2002: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:29
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mattwj2002thanks rww09:29
rakudavemattwj2002: logitec has worked well for me09:29
DeadDriveDamn Titan, just reminded me of all the junk I have to install again :(09:29
DeadDriveRestricted extras, flash player, vlc09:29
dmphotographyHey Titan, can you tell me what apt this is: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=93996&d=122755714109:29
Titan8990!codecs | tavi09:29
ubottutavi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:29
ezerhodenmattwj2002: logitech quickcam messenger09:29
mattwj2002yeah I want something at least 1 Megapexil09:29
rwwmattwj2002: http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/cameras might also be useful09:29
edvard1mattwj2002: i've seen reports all over that logitech is a safe bet. all the same keep your receipts09:29
dmphotographyThe system monitor on the left.09:30
Shockanyone know an X app that lets me find out the font an app is using?09:30
sumarakudave: my usb-mouse shows up as "Bus 002 Device 005: ID 058f:6387 Alcor Micro Corp. Transcend JetFlash Flash Drive" but after i plugged out the usb also it shows09:30
DeadDriveJust remembered I'm going to have to do some data retrieval on my failed HDD since all my wife's pictures are on there09:30
DeadDriveBlah, doing a bunch of compiz updates right now. Like I can even use compiz with my ati rage pro x309:31
rakudavesuma: have a look at "dmesg" which should report plugging and unplugging events together with the brand of the device09:31
sumahow to look that09:32
edvard1DeadDrive: I got you beat: a nVidia Riva TNT209:32
rakudavesuma: in a terminal09:32
Naiselsume is (dmesg | less)09:32
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Titan8990DeadDrive, have you tried?09:33
DeadDriveTried what?09:33
DeadDrivepulling the pictures?09:33
Titan8990DeadDrive, running compiz on that atique09:33
DeadDriveYa, it failed09:33
sumaNaisel: i type the command in terminal then09:33
DeadDriveMy 8 megs of video memory don't cut it.09:34
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gordonjcp!wx egpf09:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wx egpf09:34
quibblerShock: system-preferences-appearance-fonts09:35
sumarakudave: dmesg give a lot of information i cant understand09:35
rakudavesuma: just look at the last entry after you've unplugged the drive09:36
DeadDriveFound my ESS chip pretty easily. So if I have to hand install it shouldn't be to hard.09:37
Naiselsuma after that look for your error09:38
DeadDriveIs it a bad thing to have cobwebs on your heatsink :)09:38
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gordonjcpDeadDrive: there are worse things to have on your heatsink09:38
edvard1i get out the electric leaf blower for that09:39
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gordonjcpDeadDrive: prawns, for example09:39
smultroni'm doing a `dd` copy to a USB2 flash drive... it's only going 300KB/s... doesn't that seem slow?09:39
gordonjcpthere's a story behind that09:39
DeadDriveMan, I can't wait to get rid of this heap.09:39
Titan8990smultron, dd is slow09:39
Titan8990smultron, but effective09:39
DeadDriveIf my W2's from New Orleans would ever get here.09:39
gordonjcpsmultron: what's the exact string that you used?09:39
Titan8990smultron, usually not recommended for very large drives09:39
kkb110Hi , Q. It seems Pulseaudio doesn't save volume configuration. While alsactl store/restore works and can control Pulseaudio volume setting, how to fix this?.09:39
ActionParsnip1so is usb, get firewire :)09:39
RavenorDeadDrive, Any luck?09:40
Titan8990kkb110, you can add the restore command to your gnome sessions09:40
gordonjcpDeadDrive: compressed air is good, but garage tyre compressor lines tend to spit out lots of rusty water09:40
gordonjcppulseaudio is utter utter fail09:40
rwwsmultron: you probably want to use the bs= argument to dd. Speeds things up a lot. e.g., sudo dd if=something of=something bs=1M09:40
kkb110Titan8990 Yes, that might be the easiest solution, but I wondered if there is cleaner way to do that :)09:40
smultronTitan8990: sudo dd if=Downloads/linux-2008.06-core-i686.img | pv | dd of=/dev/disk209:41
* edvard1 high-fives gordonjcp09:41
ActionParsnip1gordonjcp: +1 there dude09:41
kavithau r frm which place? me working in manipal09:41
gordonjcpsmultron: you're copying one byte at a time09:41
smultronoh my09:41
gordonjcpsmultron: that's going to be *slooooooow*09:41
DeadDriveWas going to build a box around a q6600, but for the same price I can get a Phenom II 9009:41
smultronthat doesn't sound good09:41
gordonjcpsmultron: try what rww said ;-)09:41
dmphotographyTitan8990: Were you able to identify that program?09:41
DeadDriveerr 92009:41
smultrongordonjcp: ok09:41
dmphotographyI've searched for the System Monitor, but I don't see it.09:41
RavenorDeadDrive, Q8300.09:41
sumakavitha: i'm from chennai09:42
Titan8990dmphotography, sorry which program?09:42
dmphotographyIt's on the left in that pic.09:42
DeadDriveRav, got the new drive installed and 8.10. Having sound issues though. Waiting for 245 updates to run before I screw with it09:42
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: system monitor in what sense?09:42
Titan8990dmphotography, thats the gnome system monitor09:42
smultronhm, "dd: bs: illegal numeric value"09:42
dmphotographyHow do I find it?09:42
dmphotographyOr access it.09:43
gajophello, any place one can edit in which order daemons boot, and which daemons will start on boot time?09:43
Titan8990smultron, I am not familur with the command you are piping through, what does it do?09:43
smultronit shows the progress09:43
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: what exactly do you wish to monitor?09:43
Titan8990gajop, rc-update in most distros.... ubuntu is something different09:43
smultroni'll try taking it out09:43
quibblerdmphotography: system-administration-system monitor09:43
rwwgajop: install the package "bum" and use System > Administration > BootUp Manager09:44
gajopthank you!09:44
dmphotographyOh gosh dang.09:44
Onohi everyone09:44
dmphotographyThat was easy.09:44
Titan8990for my own knowledge what is ubuntu equivelent of rc-update?09:44
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Guest60775where are you from ? ^09:44
smultronTitan8990: yeah, still got illegal numeric value... do i just put a byte-size? no 'M', perhaps?09:44
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ActionParsnip1!bum | Titan899009:44
ubottuTitan8990: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:44
quibblerdmphotography: ya if you know09:44
rwwTitan8990: update-rc.d, perhaps?09:44
ActionParsnip1Titan8990: you can use rc-update too09:44
Titan8990ActionParsnip1, rww thanks guys09:45
dmphotographyquibbler: Yeah, no joke.  A major pain in the butt to find if you don't.09:45
DeadDriveSpeaking of processors, time for my weekly check of newegg on the off chance the i7 920's gone down $100 bucks with a $150 MB to go with it09:46
quibblerdmphotography: i experience the same pain man09:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:46
sumakavitha:meet u later i leave here now09:46
kisiel99I have question09:47
ActionParsnip1!ask | kisiel9909:47
ubottukisiel99: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:47
dmphotographyI'm feeling much better about Linux than when I started though.09:47
DeadDriveAnyone else have transmission just up and stop working one day?09:47
dmphotographyI was about to rip my hair out at first.09:48
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: its got better over the years, just like all other OSes09:48
rwwDeadDrive: Yes. I use deluge-torrent instead.09:48
DeadDriverww, that's what I did too.09:48
dmphotographyBut for an avid Windows user, I haven't seen a command prompt since MS DOS.09:48
DeadDrivedeluge is pretty nice.09:48
kisiel99why bmp (musick program)doesnt play when wine run already?09:49
quibblerdmphotography: one of the benefits is the people here...very helpful09:49
DeadDrivedmp, never used ipconfig? msconfig?09:49
dmphotographySo going back to that took some re-freshing.09:49
gajopwhat's the name of the ubuntu "sound" daemon, i think i'm using alsa for sound, but i don't see it in the daemon manager09:49
dmphotographyNope, no need to.09:49
kjell!ot | dmphotography09:49
ubottudmphotography: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:49
kisiel99why bmp (musick program)doesnt play when wine run already?09:50
kjell!repeat | kisiel9909:50
ubottukisiel99: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:50
rww!repeat | kisiel9909:50
kisiel99ok thx09:50
Titan8990gajop, alsa09:51
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ari_stresshi guys, sorry OT: my notebook screen flicks when freshly reboot. is it a bad sign?09:51
ActionParsnip1!info bmp09:51
ubottuPackage bmp does not exist in intrepid09:51
kisiel99are something like this but in polish lanquage?09:51
ActionParsnip1kisiel99: is bmp a windows app?09:51
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:51
dmphotographySo there's no need for an anti-virus on Linux, correct?09:52
gajopTitan8990: well... seems like there's "alsa-utils" in /etc/init.d/ but, bum doesn't seem to show it, so i can hardly control it09:52
kisiel99it run in window09:52
kjelldmphotography: Depends on.09:52
Titan8990dmphotography, correct09:52
ari_stressdmphotography: i believe so09:52
ActionParsnip1ari_stress: sounds like a conection issue. my dell used to do that when it was off mains, try asking in offtopic09:52
quibbler!info bmpx09:52
ubottubmpx (source: bmpx): Beep Media Player eXperimental. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.40.14-1 (intrepid), package size 3002 kB, installed size 10076 kB09:52
Titan8990gajop, its not a daemon, its a module09:52
kjelldmphotography: Some people like to have antivirus just to avoid spreading windows viruses to their friends.09:52
DeadDrive!pacckage apparmour09:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:52
DeadDrive!package apparmourr09:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:52
Titan8990gajop, drivers are always modules09:52
kjelldmphotography: But using antivirus to protect yourself should not be needed.09:53
dmphotographyWhat about things like keyloggers/spyware.09:53
ActionParsnip1kisiel99: have you tried reinstalling it? if you ps -ef | grep wine  try killing all wine apps off09:53
Titan8990dmphotography, they are not "in the wild"09:53
ActionParsnip1Titan8990: not unless they are alread part of the kernel surely?09:53
Titan8990dmphotography, unless you a running a server that someone wants to directly attack, you have no need to worry about malware in linux09:53
kjellActionParsnip1: Whats the difference between ps -ef and ps -e? In the man, it says its the same thing. But is it, really?09:53
Titan8990ActionParsnip1, well, they can be built-in to the kernel but with initrd they are almost all modules09:54
DeadDriveYa, who bothers to code spybots/adware/malware for an OS that only like 5% of the population uses.09:54
dmphotographyGotcha.  You can't contract it from a browser?09:54
gajopTitan8990: uhm, okay... but how can i configure it to boot before mpd (music player daemon)? otherwise it just requires me to restart mpd manually, since it can't find a suitable audio device09:54
ActionParsnip1Titan8990: just checking for my own knowledge09:54
DeadDriveBesides Action, if you're not running around as root then the malware can't do much to your system.09:55
dmphotographyVery nice.09:55
Titan8990gajop, alsa modules start in run level 3, try setting mpd to start in run level 4 or in your gnome session (run level 7)09:55
kisiel99I woluld like to enjoy sound form wine and bmp at the same time.  Spomethin like sound mix09:55
dmphotographyIt's like sex with a dirty girl and no worries about STD's.  I like Linux!09:55
ActionParsnip1DeadDrive: i dont run round as root, I lecture people who do too09:55
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Titan8990ActionParsnip1, initrd allows the kernel to use modular drivers that would typically have to be built in. Its what allows a single OS to work on many different types of hardware09:56
DeadDriveSorry, was responding to the wrong person :)09:56
DeadDriveThat should have been for dmp09:56
gajopokay, since bum sucks (doesn't work), is there any other daemon editor?09:56
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ActionParsnip1Titan8990: oh im aware of all that stuff, just checking that modules can be made part of the kernel but then wont technically be a module09:57
gcs8i hate to be a noob hear but couls dome 1 help me with my ftp problem. i know u all are smart09:57
Titan8990ActionParsnip1, right09:57
ActionParsnip1gcs8: ask away, wassup09:57
Titan8990!anyone | gcs809:58
ubottugcs8: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:58
ActionParsnip1gcs8: we were all noobs once09:58
gcs8so i got hfs for a ftp but it wont conectt http://gcs8.serveftp.net:13000/09:58
ActionParsnip1gcs8: why not forward port 21 and connect to the ftp service that way?09:59
gajopTitan8990: where can I change default run level for a daemon? i'm using kubuntu10:00
gcs8ok 1 sec wile i poke the settings10:00
red-rumi asked this question earlier : I would like to migrate from an 80 gb IDE drive to a 500 gb SATA.  Both are plugged in and working but I think (wrongly?) that the 500 gb will give better performance. Is there an easy way to move the configuration to the new drive?10:00
kyledrhow do i remove a password from the root account?10:00
Titan8990gajop, see man rc.update10:00
kyledrred-rum: dd10:00
Titan8990wait, that wasn't right10:00
gajopNo manual entry for rc.update :D10:01
Titan8990sorry guys, one more time, rc-update command for ubuntu10:01
rwwTitan8990: update-rc.d ?10:01
Titan8990gajop, check out man update-rc.d10:01
Titan8990rww, thanks10:01
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:01
gajopok :)10:01
kyledrred-rum: man dd. first fdisk what you're copying to then use dd with both drives plugged in to copy from one to the other10:01
kyledrred-rum: be careful10:01
red-rumdd is a command .... okay10:02
red-rumis it worthwhile? I mean, will the sata drive be faster?10:02
kyledrred-rum: depends on the rpm10:02
Titan8990red-rum, sata is considerably faster than pata in general10:02
kyledrred-rum: probably not worth the risk imo10:02
gcs8http://gcs8.serveftp.net:13000/ any luck now?10:02
tparcin1udp-sender - how to send multiple files?10:03
red-rumit is a 7200 rpm, 3gb/sec10:03
kyledrhow do i remove a root account's password?10:03
Titan8990red-rum, pata drives usually do 25-45mb/s, new satas do 55-70mb/s10:03
kjellkyledr: Why remove it?10:03
ActionParsnip1gcs8: Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons.10:03
kyledrkjell: security10:03
rubikshey any ubuntu gamers in here10:03
Titan8990kyledr, sudo passwd root -l10:03
kyledrTitan8990: doesn't that lock the account?10:03
DeadDrivered-rum: 3gbs is the fastest that can move over sata, not the transfer rate you'll get10:03
rww!noroot | Titan899010:03
ubottuTitan8990: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)10:03
ActionParsnip1rubiks: i do a bit10:04
kyledrTitan8990: i heard that can mess up some scripts or programs10:04
tparcin1I'm trying to send image of partition to several computers. The partition is in several files gz0, gz1... how to send them all thrue udp-sender10:04
Titan8990kyledr, you want root to not have a password???10:04
kyledrTitan8990: yes10:04
Titan8990kyledr, doubt that will be supported here10:04
rwwkyledr: you realize that you can use sudo and gksudo to get administrative access, right?10:04
Titan8990kyledr, thats asking for trouble10:04
kyledryou guys don't understand10:04
rubiksyou play any counter strike10:04
kyledri already gave root a password10:04
kyledrnow i want to get rid of it10:05
ActionParsnip1rubiks: did up until release 1.0, then it sucked10:05
Titan8990kyledr, sudo passwd -l10:05
rwwkyledr: so you want it back like it was before you messed it up?10:05
kyledrdoesn't ubuntu not let root have a password to start?10:05
rwwkyledr: then sudo passwd -l10:05
Titan8990kyledr, sudo passwd root -l10:05
kyledrrww: well it's not messed up technically, but yeah10:05
red-rumso it might be better to leave the 80 gb pata (IDE) drive for Ubuntu and use the 500 gb for files ;-)10:05
Titan8990red-rum, that works10:05
ActionParsnip1kyledr: the root account is disabled at first install for security, its not needed and its best to leave it alone10:05
Titan8990red-rum, this time next year we will all be using ext4 anyways10:06
edvard1titan8990: you mean to say ext4 automatically scales?10:06
red-rumI am eyeing a solid state drive10:06
rubiksactionparsnip1 well i got CSS and i can play sweet but its locks up could be after 2 mins or could be after 90 mins10:07
* DeadDrive drools10:07
Titan8990edvard1, no10:07
edvard1i got dizzy there for a second10:07
Titan8990edvard1, but I have a feeling everyone will be itching to switch when its completely mainstream10:07
ActionParsnip1rubiks: launch CS from terminal, when it crashes, read the output in terminal10:07
red-rumapparently 120 gb solid state will be coming out soon10:07
durtkyledr:from what I understand the root password on install is a completely unusable string, you need to investigate how it is originally setup to get it back10:07
smultrontried a bunch of block sizes... all i'm getting is ~300kB/sec... must be my crumby USB drive :/10:07
red-rumanyway.... to format the new drive, what command should I use?10:08
edvard1titan8990: yes, and i'm liking the idea of finally being able to defragment10:08
rubiksactionparsnip1 nah i have to hit reset button i tryed that10:08
Titan8990smultron, dd is not a performance oriented command....10:08
smultronTitan8990: still, is 300kB/sec normal?10:08
Titan8990smultron, sounds low to me but I have never benchmarked to compare it to10:08
rwwsmultron: what's the command you're using?10:08
ActionParsnip1rubiks: then find a way to pipe the data to a file, you can also check the appdb for compatibility / tweaks10:09
rubiksactionparsnip1 yeah sorry u lost me10:09
Titan8990!appdb | rubiks10:10
smultronrww: sudo dd if=/Downloads/linux-2008.06-core-i686.img bs=1048576 | pv | dd of=/dev/disk210:10
ubotturubiks: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:10
Titan8990smultron, is the pv command benchmarking?10:10
rwwTitan8990: http://linux.die.net/man/1/pv10:10
rwwsmultron: try putting the bs= argument on the other dd too.10:10
smultronyeah, it gives the current transfer speed10:10
smultroni did that too10:10
rwwsmultron: apart from that, I have no idea.10:10
smultronsame result10:10
rubiksactionparsnip1 ok thanks #winehq on this server10:10
smultronok. i'm thinking it might just be the USB drive, then. thanks anyway rww ;)10:11
ActionParsnip1rubiks: thats one to hit too, try www.winehq.com and search the apps10:11
pataNed help with virutalbox . USB ports is not aktive? I can se them but nott10:12
kexmanhi guys10:12
rubiksactionparsnip1 yeah i have i did every thing they say installed winetrick ran the pack tuned sound to OSS did it all still no good10:12
ActionParsnip1pata: have you installed guest additions?10:12
kexmanwould you recommend Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE 4 ?10:12
kexmanis it stable ?10:12
ActionParsnip1kexman: yeah its fine here10:13
JEEBczI never got Anthy to work on KDE4 :310:13
Titan8990kexman, that is a iffy subject10:13
ActionParsnip1pata: thats probably why then10:13
JEEBczthere seemed to be SKIM for it, but I never found any good tutorials for that either :/10:13
Titan8990kexman, many will stay say even with the 4.2 release, kde 4 should still be a dev build10:13
david00Hi all10:13
david00I'm seeing entries in my syslog like the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116396/10:14
pataok how do i that ?10:14
david00It looks like cron is being run twice10:14
david00Anyone know why this is?  There's only one entry in the crontab10:14
ActionParsnip1pata: also make sure your usb ports are enabled in the vbox settings10:14
pataI am from sweden.. dont writ so good in english10:14
pataThe are10:15
kexmanTitan8990: hmmm yeah ? so you say its better to use the old stable kde ?10:15
rww!se | pata10:15
ubottupata: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se10:15
ActionParsnip1pata: fire up the virtual box and look for devices at the top of the window10:15
Titan8990kexman, I would consider it a preference10:15
kexmanTitan8990: i want to install it for someone who never used linux :)10:15
ActionParsnip1pata: failing that, just find the iso manually and mount it in the vbox10:15
Titan8990kexman, if you want bleeding edge at the potential cost of stability, go with kde 410:15
Titan8990kexman, otherwise, kde 3.510:15
casehenryKde 4 is nice10:16
kexmannope i guess stability is most utter10:16
Titan8990kexman, then 3.5 i would say10:16
casehenrybut it can be a bit clunky10:16
DeadDriveTime to reboot, keeping my fingers crossed this fixes my audio issues.10:17
jedfoxI have some problem with flash in firefox. I have been tried fix it but failed.10:18
kexmanwhat does clunky mean ? :)10:18
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Titan8990kexman, windows-like10:18
ActionParsnip1jedfox: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree10:19
kexmanaaa that is good :))10:19
kexmanTitan8990: in what way ? :)10:19
pataok thanks.. I shell tried that10:19
kindofabuzzif i compile some source and then make install, but need to recompile it, is there anything i need to do to get rid of what's installed already? or will it just overwrite?10:19
casehenrykexman, slow to expand windows/plasmoids10:20
kindofabuzzand do i need to redownload the source? or can i run make clean?10:20
kexmancasehenry: aaa not good10:20
casehenrykindofabuzz: make clean won't help10:20
kexmandownloading old kde10:20
casehenrykindofabuzz: if you're compiling from source you can usually tell it where to install to10:21
kindofabuzzcasehenry, so just redownload the source and compile it again? i don't need to remove anything?10:21
casehenrykindofabuzz: if you put it somewhere other than the default /usr/bin then you won't have any trouble removing it10:22
zloogSo I is there a way to make sure that a regular expression is strictly evaluated?10:22
zloogwrong chat10:22
kindofabuzzcasehenry, when i ran make install i just let it do it's thing. but i nee to compile again because i forgot a library. i'm asking do i need to uninstall anything first?10:23
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DeadDriveno joy10:24
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:24
Titan8990DeadDrive, :(10:24
DeadDrivesound prefs were all auto-detect10:25
DeadDrivechanged them all to alsa now10:25
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guckleOk i have  a laptop with no CD drive i want to install ubuntu on. i have an old HD with an ubuntu install on it that obviously wont boot properly into X , but i can get to a shell10:32
guckleis there any way to "reset" the system to make it work with this new laptops hardware ?10:32
ActionParsnip1guckle: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:33
gucklethanks ill try that10:34
kjellWhen running top I see that Xorg runs under root. Is this acceptable?10:34
ActionParsnip1kjell: not really, what username do ou log in as?10:35
kjellActionParsnip1: Not root10:35
crdlbkjell: that's perfectly normal10:35
DeadDriveok, i can bring up the mix er noww10:35
kjellcrdlb: Perfect. Thanks.10:35
Titan8990kjell, my X and xorg is running as root and I launched X via startx as a regular user10:36
ActionParsnip1crdlb: my Xorg is running by me10:36
Titan8990kjell, I would say its normal10:36
crdlbkjell: although plans are in place to make X run as a user in the future (by moving more stuff to the kernel)10:36
kjellThat sounds just great.10:37
pataNågon från sverige här ?10:37
crdlbActionParsnip1: are you sure? :)10:37
kjell!se | pata10:37
ubottupata: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se10:37
ActionParsnip1crdlb: what the process name so we are clear10:38
crdlbActionParsnip1: X10:38
ActionParsnip1crdlb: ahhhh10:39
crdlbor possibly Xorg, depending on what's starting it10:39
ActionParsnip1crdlb: root     11035  5582  1 Feb09 tty7     00:11:48 /usr/bin/X -br -nolisten tcp :0 vt7 -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-CVZsLW10:39
pataKjell!!   Är ny på detta10:39
ActionParsnip1crdlb: i though he meant Xorg which is just returning my grep...damn10:39
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quibblerpata: type   /join #ubuntu-se10:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ntop10:44
DeadDrivethink i may have this working10:46
DeadDrivegotta reboot10:46
dmphotographyQuick question, is /conf.d/ the default folder for Aliases for Apache?10:48
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:48
jeanfrancoisje viens d'installer linux pour la premiere fois , je le decouvre10:48
ikonia!fr | jeanfrancois10:48
ubottujeanfrancois: please see above10:48
jeanfrancoispas facile10:48
Titan8990dmphotography, /etc/apache2/sites-available10:48
ikoniajeanfrancois: #ubuntu-fr10:48
dmphotographyOh, gotcha.10:48
Titan8990dmphotography, symlink them to sites-enabled to enable them10:49
dmphotographyOk.  I just noticed the phpmyadmin alias was defined in the conf.d folder and I wasn't sure.10:49
dmphotographyI thought the sites-enabled was for the Virtual Hosts10:49
Titan8990dmphotography, conf.d is usually used in other distros10:50
Titan8990dmphotography, it is for virtualhosts but the vhost configs will contain the alias for each vhost10:50
dmphotographyOk, I got ya.10:50
piti__Hi, I'm a software programmer but lately I'm interested in building hardware. I want to build something as easy(?) as a usb device with an led in which I can write a program to control the light...can anyone tell me where to start?10:51
dmphotographyOh, one thing I was curious about Linux, what is the purpose of sockets?10:51
Titan8990dmphotography, but im pretty sure phpmyadmin just drops its rootdir in /var/www and its ready to go at localhost/phpmyadmin (unless you are using gentoo....)10:51
Titan8990dmphotography, socket = port10:51
ikoniapiti__: this channel is for #ubuntu operating system support you may want to google for hardware discussion groups and docs10:51
dmphotographyI noticed they still use ports, so why also sockets?10:51
Titan8990dmphotography, they are basically synonimous(sp)10:51
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifstat10:52
DeadDrivewe have audio10:52
Titan8990DeadDrive, congrats10:52
dmphotographyIf they're synonymous, then why are there two?10:53
dmphotographyAt first I was under the impression sockets was Linux's version of Window's Ports, but that's not the case.10:53
DeadDriveya, windows uses sockets too10:54
dmphotographyOh, I've never seen it mentioned . . .10:54
madhuany one having any idea about the ettercap10:54
madhufor sniffing10:54
dmphotographyIt's detected.10:55
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DeadDrivei haven't played with it much10:55
Titan8990dmphotography, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_domain_socket10:55
madhuhow to sniff the things actually using ettercap ?10:55
dmphotographyYou use ARPPoisoning and with SSL certificates commonly used nowadays, it throws up red flags.10:55
Titan8990madhu, do you have permission to sniff on the network?10:56
Titan8990madhu, or own the network10:56
madhuhmmm i gottch,,,but for ARP Poising we have to edit /etc/fstab ?10:56
madhui have permission10:56
Titan8990madhu, fstab has absolutly nothing to do with networking whatsever10:56
dmphotographyHe can't ARP poision without them knowing.10:56
dmphotographySearch http://hackforums.net on it.10:57
Titan8990madhu, http://forums.remote-exploit.org/showthread.php?t=9910:57
ActionParsnip1Titan8990: it can mount shared drives on a network....10:57
dmphotographyThere's a good tutorial on there somewhere showing how to do it.10:57
madhuand one more thing,,,,any one know about netbios-ssn  (or) netbios-ds ?,,,,,,,,something like that10:57
Titan8990dmphotography, he can if we configures a bridge10:57
dmphotography??  What?10:57
Titan8990dmphotography, when you poison the arp you can configure it bridge that connection back to the ap10:58
Titan8990dmphotography, so it doesn't halt all internet traffic on the network10:58
dmphotographyOh, very nice.10:58
Titan8990dmphotography, it can still be detected, but not as easily10:58
dmphotographyYeah, when I tested it on my LAN, my browser threw a fit.10:58
DeadDriveok, installing all the restricted extras and flash now10:59
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madhui thought it can halt the internet traffic,,,,and killed all the PID10:59
Titan8990dmphotography, yes, you have to configre a tun interface and use bridged sniffing in ettercap10:59
Titan8990madhu, it will halt traffic using that guide I posted10:59
Titan8990madhu, but it won't kill pid's on a remote machine11:00
dmphotographyYeah, I couldn't ever find any good information on how to do all of that.  I learned how to use aircrack-ng to crack WEP networks and that's pretty much it.11:00
ChrisWhey all, I'm looking to make the shell that comes with Ubuntu behave as much like Putty as possible, is there a how-to for this?11:00
dmphotographyI wanted to learn packet sniffing, but never could find any support oin it.11:00
Titan8990ChrisW, install putty....11:00
madhu redir_command_on = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i %iface -p tcp --dport %port -j REDIRECT --to-port %rport"11:00
madhu   redir_command_off = "iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i %iface -p tcp --dport %port -j REDIRECT --to-port %rport"11:00
ChrisWdoesit run on linux?11:00
madhusomething like this,,, in /etc/etter.conf ?11:00
Titan8990ChrisW, yes, there is a linux putty11:00
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: the shell can do anything putty can and more11:01
Titan8990madhu, no, those are iptables rules, they do not go in a config file11:01
ChrisWActionParsnip1: indeed, so I'd prefer to stay with it, but there are some key features that I want to be putty-like ;-)11:01
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: like what, maybe we can advise11:02
Titan8990ActionParsnip1, putty does make it easier to set up a ssh tunnel11:02
O__owhy do u need putty in linux?11:02
ChrisWspecifically, I want to have selecting text copy it to the clipboard11:02
ChrisWI also want to be able to paste with a right-click11:02
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: terminal can do that11:02
madhuTItan8990 ,,,,have u been fa,iliar with ettercap ...11:02
madhumeans sniffing kind11:02
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: oic11:02
Titan8990madhu, yes, I am familiar with ettercap11:02
ChrisWare either of those two possible?11:03
* stardux hi all11:03
O__oChrisW, Ctrl+insert = copy, Shift+insert = paste11:03
madhu etter cap,,,,after unified sniffing ,,,i got something like packtes are tranferred from my ip to other guest ip11:03
madhuTitan8990,,,it showed something like ,,,netbios-ssn11:04
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: you can copy to the clipboard fine from terminal, the right click thing im not sure of11:04
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: but if you wanna use putty its there11:04
ActionParsnip1!info putty11:04
ubottuputty (source: putty): Telnet/SSH client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.60-3 (intrepid), package size 303 kB, installed size 756 kB11:04
Titan8990madhu, netbios is broadcast and doesn't need to be sniffed....11:04
ChrisWO__o: yes, and I don't like those mappings, I want to change them...11:04
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: just seems a bit pointless imho11:04
O__oChrisW, why?11:05
O__octrl+insert and shift+insert are the best11:05
ChrisWO__o: because I use Putty a *lot*, and having to re-train myself is not an option11:05
Titan8990ChrisW, you can also use ctrl+shift+v and ctrl+shift+c11:05
ChrisWLinux is supposed to allow you to configure these things ;-)11:05
madhuTitan8990 ,,,, i thought some one is using my ip instead of his ip,,,, it's malfunction11:05
O__oi dont see diff between putty and terminal11:06
ChrisWTitan8990: yes, doing a mouse action and then holding three keys down is obviously much easier that just doing 1 mouse action ;-)11:06
O__oputty is just a clone of terminal11:06
madhuTitan8990,,,because when i typed the destination ip from the ettercap ,,,it opened the web site which i never opened11:06
Titan8990ChrisW, you can paste in the terminal with mouse 3 as well11:06
ChrisWO__o: in putty, copy is done just by selecting text, paste is done just by right clicking11:06
madhuTitan8990,,,he is using mine11:06
O__oChrisW, u can copy by highlight11:06
ChrisWTitan8990: I hate mouse 3, since I have a 2 button kourse11:06
O__othen middle click is paste11:06
ActionParsnip1O__o: theres some quirks but it comforts ex windows users with a familiar GUI11:06
ChrisWO__o: how do I copy by highlight?11:07
Titan8990ChrisW, xorg can emulate a 3rd mouse button11:07
madhuTitan8990.,,,,he is doing malfunction in the name of my ip address11:07
O__oChrisW, just highlight the text then middle click to paste11:07
Titan8990madhu, I don't understand....11:07
Titan8990madhu, you said you were doing unified sniffing11:07
ChrisWTitan8990: okay, but how do I reconfigure nautlius to just use button 2 instead of button 3?11:07
Titan8990madhu, so arp points to your machine11:07
O__oChrisW, i thought the highlight and middle click are standard in linux11:07
Titan8990madhu, and that is where internet traffic stops11:07
ChrisWO__o: yes, and I *hate* middle click11:07
ChrisWhow do I change that?11:08
O__owtf diff between middle click and right click?11:08
ChrisWcool, okay, so highlight does work11:08
madhuTitan8990,,, okay i understood it better now11:08
ChrisWO__o: I have a 2 button mouse, so "middle click" equates to simultaneously trying to click both buttons at once, which causes problems...11:08
O__oexcept when u have 2 button mouse11:08
ActionParsnip1old skool11:09
O__oget a proper mouse11:09
ChrisWright, *all* my mice are 2 button11:09
ChrisWO__o: get a life11:09
ActionParsnip1O__o: its one more than a mac ;)11:09
wet-kunI'm trying to install ubuntu hardy in my laptop, but it freezes at 3% while loading linux kernel. what should i do?11:09
ChrisWhow do I reconfigure whatever-it-is-that-looks-for-middle-click to look for a right click instead?11:09
O__oChrisW, u still living in the 80s?11:09
ChrisWand what does right-click do by default?11:09
ActionParsnip1O__o: mac users dont like choice, hnce 1 mouse button11:09
O__oi thought mac user use the newest wheel mouse11:10
RoqThe mac mouse can right click for ages11:10
O__oall my mac friends buy the mouse with 3 buttons instead of the one button crappy mouse that came with it11:11
ChrisWokay, none of which is helping me ;-)11:11
O__oChrisW, install windows and run putty if u insist using crappy mouse11:11
O__ocrappy mouse + crappy OS + putty is awesome11:12
ActionParsnip1or grab a cheapo mouse with buttons etc11:12
ChrisWO__o: wow, what a prize tool you are...11:12
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: haha11:13
ChrisW"oh, I can't help you solve your problem because I don't know the answer, so I'll just insult you instead"11:13
ChrisWget a life11:13
ActionParsnip1keep it civil11:13
ChrisWyes, O__o, keep it civil11:13
dmphotographyWhat is the start/stop/restart commands for MySQL Server?11:14
Titan8990dmphotography, /etc/init.d/mysql restart11:14
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: probably something in /etc/init.d11:14
ikoniadmphotography: dont forget sudo11:14
guckleaction wow it actually worked11:14
gucklethat and an fsck11:14
ikoniaChrisW: drop the attitude and name calling now11:14
gucklewas about to do a net install11:15
ChrisWikonia: er, yeah, ok... so read the conversation before passing judgement11:15
gucklewhich would have been fun too11:15
guckleill get a chance some day11:15
ikoniaChrisW: your not listening - drop the name calling and attitude now.11:15
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ChrisWActionParsnip1: the one thing I miss from RHEL was the service command... what benefit is there from typing /etc/init.d/watever?11:15
madhuand at last i ask you something like,,,can you name any tool in ubuntu,,, except iptables,tcpdump,wireshark,,,so that i can determine who is doing malfunction with my PC ?11:16
ChrisWikonia: okay, so maybe you can help me rather than just berating me for reacting to someone being offensive?11:16
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ikoniaChrisW: I'd be happy to look at your problem if you can drop that attitude your still showing11:16
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ActionParsnip1ChrisW: thats where services are managed (e.g. sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop) etc11:16
ChrisWhow do I map "middle click" to "right click", since I only have a 2 button mouse?11:16
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Titan8990madhu, define "malfunction"11:16
ChrisWActionParsnip1: yeah, but tab completion for it sucks ;-)11:16
DeadDriveCrap, I have to be up for work in 7 hours.11:17
madhusome one is trying to use my system,,,,11:17
Milkehdoes anybody know how I turn automatic download off firefox?11:17
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ActionParsnip1ChrisW: should be fine, maybe your tabbing is weird11:17
ChrisWMilkeh: you mean from synaptic or from within Firefox itslef?11:17
ikoniaChrisW: look at invoke-rc.d that is the ubuntu version of service11:17
Titan8990madhu, how?11:17
madhusecurity leak ,,,in case of networking11:17
MilkehChrisW, Firefox itself11:17
ChrisWActionParsnip1: well no, "service" completes fine, but /etc/init stops there because of "init.d/          initramfs-tools/" ;-)11:18
Titan8990madhu, what network service do you think is being exploited? what do you plan to do about it? do you own the network?11:18
ChrisWMilkeh: preferences menu11:18
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: its /etc/init.d11:18
ChrisWbut why would you want to stop it?11:18
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: stab in a period and hit tab = winner11:18
ChrisWActionParsnip1: yes, and it doesn't tab complete because of initramfs-tools ;-)11:18
ikoniaor use invoke-rc.d11:18
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ChrisWActionParsnip1: indeed, which is what I was complaining about ;-) tab completion for it is slightly annoying compare to tab completion for "service"11:19
MilkehChrisW, not there11:19
ActionParsnip1ChrisW: yes but the perid will make it not match initramfs-tools won't it, then it will go to init.d11:19
madhui have Firestarter running,,,even though it looks strange if i look at the wireshark capturing interfaces at eth0 ,,,, then packets are heavily tranferrred from ip and recieved ,,,even though i don't use any kind of Internet services11:19
Titan8990ChrisW, you could set is env variable so you only have to do something like: $a/mysql restart11:19
ikoniainvo [tab] works fine11:19
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madhuTItan8990,,, i have Firestarter running,,,even though it looks strange if i look at the wireshark capturing interfaces at eth0 ,,,, then packets are heavily tranferrred from ip and recieved ,,,even though i don't use any kind of Internet services11:20
durtmadhu: from what ip addresses?11:20
ChrisWMilkeh: Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Update11:20
ChrisWwhy do you want to disable it?11:20
madhumy ip is kept static,,,,11:21
Titan8990madhu, wireshark is an advanced packet analyzation tool, there is nothing that will provide you with more information11:21
ChrisWTitan8990: yeah, I guess I could call it $service ;-)11:21
ChrisWor just have a shell script that did "/etc/init.d $1 $2" and call it service ;-()11:21
durtmadhu: what ip are the packets coming from?11:21
Titan8990ChrisW, I do the same for my web root dir which is overly long in gentoo: /var/www/localhost/htdocs11:22
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Titan8990ChrisW, yes and you can also make a custom path that contains symlinks to the /etc/init.d but it may not work with some services11:22
ChrisWTitan8990: why wouldn't it?11:23
madhu<durt>,,,,the ip which are commming from the unknown sites which i never opened in my browser,,,,so some one is using my ip,,,i don't know how,,, is it the guy who have the admin password can have better control over that11:23
madhuadmin password of the server11:23
linuxmceanyone know how to switch off DHCP server from kubuntu11:23
ActionParsnip1madhu: sudo /etc/init.d/dhcpd stop  most likely11:24
ikonialinuxmce: disable the dhcpd service in /etc/init.d with update-rc.d11:24
ikonialinuxmce: or as ActionParsnip1 stop it on a temporary basis11:25
madhumost likely,,,what ?11:25
MilkehChrisW, it's all updated already11:25
Titan8990ChrisW, because some are wierd about it... some services will not start properly if you do: cd /etc/init.d    then  ./service start    they require the absolute path11:25
madhuActionParsnip1,,,, Most like what ?11:25
MilkehChrisW, it just automaticly opens files11:25
Titan8990ChrisW, I couldn't tell you why but that is how it is11:25
mib_72urbwl2think this is right place to search help with ubunt?11:26
ChrisWMilkeh: er?11:26
linuxmcehow to disable it completely11:26
ikonialinuxmce: I told you11:26
dmphotographyOne last thing, where does MySQL store the database files?11:26
ikoniadmphotography: look in /etc/my.cnf for your database file location11:27
MilkehChrisW, about firefox automaticly opening/downloading files11:27
ChrisWand? what's the problem with that?11:27
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mib_72urbwl2just installed 8.10 and updated it but now i can't use wired connection. wired worked when i updated but now it can't get connection. tried multiple wires but nothing11:27
fw1is there a way to set the language from grub?11:28
dmphotographyikonia: I mean the actual databases.11:28
dmphotographyikonia: The database data files.11:28
ikoniadmphotography: yes, I'm telling you11:28
madhumib_72urbwl2,,,, check out /etc/resolv.conf11:28
ikoniadmphotography: its /etc/mysql/my.cnf sorry11:28
susscorfais anyone aware of a good RDF(s) editor?11:28
Jaan|Perfecthi all11:29
ActionParsnip1madhu: most likely to be the command i gave. Chek in /etc/init.d11:29
Jaan|Perfectgood evening11:29
susscorfawith valitation and code completion11:29
madhuokay thankx11:29
madhuRDF(s) in Ubuntu ?11:29
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susscorfayes madhu11:29
dmphotographyikonia: That is the MySQL configuration file.11:30
Jaan|Perfecti would like to try live cd, and i am interested in which version shpuld i download, i am planning to download through utorrent11:30
ikoniadmphotography: re-read what I said11:30
erUSULJaan|Perfect: last versin 8.10 intrepid ibex11:30
Titan8990dmphotography, you have to use mysqldump to create .sql file from your database11:30
dmphotographyikonia: I'm referring to the databases.  For example, if I create phpBB as a new database, where does it store the database files for that database at?11:30
ikoniadmphotography: look IN the /etc/mysql.cnf file it will tell you where YOUR database files are11:31
ikoniadmphotography: READ what people are telling you, not what you want to read11:31
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Jaan|Perfecti am using a laptop11:31
ikoniadmphotography: it's /var/lib/mysql - but I was trying to get you to look so you'd know how your database is put togheter11:31
susscorfamadhu: i like oxygen but that doesn't work for rdf / rdfs11:31
madhususscorfa,,,  how you are using RDF in ubuntu ?11:32
Jaan|Perfectshould i download this package ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent  ?11:32
Guest34715can someone tell me ,if i re-install ubuntu, should i have to again download codecs and updates....?11:32
ikoniaGuest34715: yes11:32
Titan8990Jaan|Perfect, yes but you will likely get better download speeds if you use one of the mirrors11:33
dmphotographyikonia: Thank you.  Yeah, I found it.  It's the data directory was what I was asking, just forgot what it was called.11:33
madhuoxygen or Doxygen ?11:33
susscorfamadhu: i use rdf for writing schemas11:33
gidnaif I'm running a programm on the console... How can I escute an other command?11:33
susscorfaoxygen propertairy package11:33
durtJaan|Perfect: sure, just make sure it's from a trustworthy source11:33
ikoniagidna: use a different console with ctrl+alt+f2,f3.f4 etc11:33
madhuohh okay,,, i gotccha11:33
Titan8990gidna, you can open a new tab or your could have done the first command like so:   command &11:33
Guest34715ikonia: is it possible to  save updates on media(cd or dvd) and use it...?11:34
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ikoniaGuest34715: easier to re-install it11:34
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Jaan|PerfectTitan8990 | i am downloading from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ , my connection and power are somewhat erratci at times11:34
ikoniaDick_Head: can you change your nick please11:35
deanyGuest34715, its called Apt On CD11:35
Guest34715ikonia:k thanx.......11:35
ezerhodengidna: like Titan8990 said, using & will give you the prompt back, also using disown will not close the app when/if you close the terminal11:35
Titan8990Jaan|Perfect, yep, thats the place11:35
Guest34715deany: what ..? is it the cmd to save codecs and updates on cd...?11:35
ikonia!aptoncd > Guest3471511:36
ubottuGuest34715, please see my private message11:36
durtJaan|Perfect: use a download manager that can resume an interupted download11:36
dmphotographySo Apache on Linux is VERY secure with default settings, especially compared to Windows, right?11:36
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Jaan|Perfectthat's why i am using utorrent11:36
Titan8990dmphotography, that is very distro specific11:36
mib_72urbwl2just installed 8.10 and updated it but now i can't use wired connection. wired worked when i updated but now it can't get connection. tried multiple wires but nothing11:37
dmphotographyOh really?  How about on Ubuntu?11:37
Titan8990dmphotography, my gentoo apache install had root owning the /var/www dir.....11:37
adantehi folks, i'm making a backup of my root partition just incase this gparted livecd resize goes wrong - at the moment i am just cp -Rp /bin /etc /lib /sbin /usr /boot /home /opt /srv /var /vmlinuz /media /opt /root  -- is there anything else i should be doing?11:37
ikoniadmphotography:as secure as any OS dependong on how YOU set it up and YOU maintain it11:37
madhu<susscorfa>,,, this may help you http://inkdroid.org/journal/tag/rdf/11:37
Titan8990dmphotography, ubuntu is pretty secure OTB11:37
Jaan|PerfectTitan8990 | should i write the cd at 8 or 12 x speed11:37
ikoniaadante: I don't advisee using copy command11:37
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:37
ikoniaadante: you can look at cp -x and cp -p too for your options, but I suggest you look at a tar and or dd backup if you have space11:38
dmphotographyI'm noticing the permissions are much more stict here than with Windows.11:38
ikoniaadante: or look at the urls ubottu just sent you11:38
ActionParsnip1dmphotography: yes, it makes things more secure11:38
ikoniadmphotography: thats nonsense, it's a different permissions system11:38
Titan8990Jaan|Perfect, lower speed gives less chance of fail, really depends on how old your burner is11:38
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ActionParsnip1dmphotography: as a user you will rarely access any files outside your own ~11:38
Jaan|PerfectTitan8990, my burner is brand new11:38
susscorfathx madhu ill have a look11:38
deanyadante, easy method is just use clonezilla and backup the partition11:39
Titan8990Jaan|Perfect, then burn max speed11:39
cdburgessadante. use tar11:39
Jaan|Perfectwhere do i find moe info about this live cd11:39
dmphotographyWhat are the most common exploits/attacks made on Apache servers besides vulnerabilities in scripts such as forums, etc?11:39
adantedeany: hm, partition is 750gb, only using 4g atm11:39
Titan8990Jaan|Perfect, the alternate is an installer, not a livecd11:39
ikoniadmphotography: read apache.org11:39
ikoniadmphotography: or use apache support resources11:39
dmphotographyOr the ones you've encountered.11:39
adantewas hoping to avoid a block level copy for this reason11:39
Titan8990dmphotography, also there is a #apache channel on freenode11:40
deanyadante, thats all it`ll backup.. but will save partition info11:40
adantewould clonezilla avoid copying unnecessary data?11:40
madhu<susscorfa> ,,,not that link sorry about that,,, have a look at this http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/11:40
Titan8990adante, clonezilla will copy everything, it makes images11:40
dmphotographyRight.  I was just curious what you all have encountered if you have/are running an Apache server.11:40
adanteTitan8990: oh ok11:40
cdburgessadante. try g4l11:41
Titan8990dmphotography, milw0rm.org11:41
deanyadante, it wont copy 750gig.. it will image the data only11:41
adanteso is there some filesystem level backup i can use? if it goes wrong i can restore the files from another computer by plugging the hdd in, but yeah don't have space to backup 75011:41
Titan8990dmphotography, there you can read up on all the latest apache exploits11:41
deanyadante, i use it and it doesnt...11:41
Titan8990dmphotography, as well as acquire the shellcode and use it to pentest your server11:41
adantedeany: hm ok then i'll give it a try11:41
adantedeany: thanks11:42
|HSO|SadiQhow can I check my filesystem for consistency/errors/etc...my pc crashed...took me 30 mins to boot it up again11:42
deanyadante, i use it to make full disk backup of dualboot11:42
adantedeany: cool11:43
dmphotographyYeah, I had a hacker show me how to use a shell and root a server . . but an AV program will most likely detect it and remove it.11:43
dmphotographyBut they had to have access to upload the file.11:43
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ActionParsnip1!info abiword > gcs811:43
ubottuabiword (source: abiword): efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.4-4ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 2833 kB, installed size 7604 kB11:43
ikoniadmphotography: not really anything to do with ubuntu, there are better places to chat about this please11:43
SmileDayHow can do convert img => iso?11:44
SmileDayAceronelSO is no.,...11:44
deanySmileDay, most of the time it is an ISO11:45
etfbHow do I revert to an older kernel, say 2.6.27-9?  I stupidly apt-get autoremoved the old one, but now I realise -11 has broken a bunch of things that used to work.11:45
ActionParsnip1SmileDay: ccd2iso will do it11:45
SmileDayno. it is can not...11:46
SmileDayError ISO-966011:46
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ActionParsnip1SmileDay: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManageDiscImages11:47
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deanymount it and make an iso of it11:47
SmileDayAH... ccd2iso....11:47
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deanyoh, its a clonecd image?11:47
* ActionParsnip1 used a simple websearch11:48
etfbHow do I tell what video driver I'm using right now?11:49
deanywell .img could be anything11:49
ActionParsnip1etfb: lshw -C video11:49
deanythey jsut iso`s when i use em11:49
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deanyActionParsnip1, btw, removing ubuntu-desktop after install xubuntu-desktop, removed everything, even xorg... thankfully its just a vm11:50
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ActionParsnip1deany: you dont remove that11:51
deanyquick re-enable of network (it disabled eth0 for some reason).11:51
ActionParsnip1!purexfce | deany11:51
ubottudeany: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »11:51
|HSO|SadiQhow can I check my filesystem for consistency/errors/etc ??11:51
deanyHmmm.. nevermind11:52
deanyquickly fixed it anyway11:52
deany|HSO|SadiQ, sudo touch /forcefsck   and reboot11:52
deanyor boot into recovery mode and choose it from the menu11:53
ActionParsnip1deany: nice11:53
deanyIt removed php and apache i had setup tho too..  odd11:53
deanyapt is unpredictable at time...11:53
ActionParsnip1deany: its all deps, apt just reads the deps that the packagers specify11:54
etfbdeany: For some reason, the dependencies get really mixed up with those "umbrella" packages.11:54
ubottuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.11:54
etfbdeany: Like, if package "everything-foo" gives you the bar, baz and quux programs, sometimes removing bar will cause it to remove everything.  It's weird.11:55
etfbNow I want to revert to the bog-standard vesa video drivers, to see if my Radeon drivers are the cause of a couple of problems.  But xorg.conf is a thing of the past (I'm on Kubuntu 8.10).  What do I do?11:57
kapipiDoes anyone know what folders similar to this one ".fr-YRpu3q" in my homedir is?11:57
ikoniaetfb: you can hardcode the driver into xorg.conf11:57
ikoniakapipi: temporary folder of some sort - maybe messanger etc etc11:58
kapipiikonia: I was thining maybe its fileroller's temp files11:58
taviwhere i can find /var/lib/alsa file cause i intend to delete and replace11:58
kapipiikonia: I wonder why it's not removing them though.11:58
etfbikonia: Where, though?  xorg.conf is a shadow of its former self.11:59
SmileDayinstalled "automake" pack. but can not "make" command.11:59
ikoniaetfb: put the driver "vesa" line in12:00
ikoniaSmileDay: what are you trying to build and why ?12:00
tom_how many users are in this channel?12:00
ikoniatavi: 1300+12:00
Titan8990!build-essentials | SmileDay12:00
ubottuSmileDay: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:00
ikoniatavi: sorry - not you12:00
SmileDayhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManageDiscImages want ccd2iso12:01
XoroZhow can I add something to the lunch menu with root privileges? like sudo cmd?12:01
ikoniaSmileDay: that already exists in the package manager12:01
neosisaniin ubuntu bluetooth and wireless just stopped working. version is 8.10 and no updates have been done for several days. iwconfig detecsts extension at ath0 and dmesg shows that bluetooth driver is loaded but hcitool doesn't show anything12:01
ikoniaSmileDay: open the package manager and search for ccd2iso and you'll find it already exists and you can just click "install"12:01
SmileDayoh Thank12:02
tom_i need a sis163u wlan driver for ubuntu x6412:02
akvI have just installed Ubuntu 7.10 on a SUN T5120 (UltraSparc T2) - if i check /proc/cpuinfo, i see that is has 64 ncpus, but only one active. No matter how much load i put on it, it will not use more than one CPU...12:03
XoroZhow can I add something to the lunch menu with root privileges? like sudo cmd?12:03
ikoniatom_: oooh, sis as a company providers bad support, let me see if I can see anything12:03
LuXor*NIX Geeks S.O.S, cannot access sites.. the firefox are closing autaomatically12:03
LuXor*NIX Geeks S.O.S, cannot access sites.. the firefox are closing autaomatically12:04
ikoniaLuXor:  ?12:04
LuXorikonia: ??12:04
ikoniaLuXor: do you want to ask a question12:04
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cistoper caso qualcuno mi vede?12:05
ikoniaLuXor: do you mean you are having trouble accesing websites through firefox, firefox is crashing ?12:05
LuXorsomeone will help?12:05
cistoci sono in chat?12:05
ikoniaLuXor: do you mean you are having trouble accesing websites through firefox, firefox is crashing ?12:05
ikoniacisto: what language do you speak ?12:05
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:05
Bodsdaon windows you can add folders to the taskbar, so you can quickly open the contents of the folder, does ubuntu offer such functionality?12:06
ikoniaBodsda: right click on the top bar and use the "add" function12:06
LuXorikonia:  yes i want, i cannot access sites12:06
ikoniaLuXor: what happens when you open a site (what site are you trying to open)12:06
Bodsdaikonia, yeah, but what should i add?12:07
LuXorikonia: actually i cant access no local sites, im from georgia...12:07
etfbBodsda: I've never done that in Windows, but I suppose it's possible.  Interesting idea.  No idea if it can be done in Gnome, but in KDE I expect it would be easy...12:07
LuXorikonia: global are working fine12:07
Bodsdaetfb, its just a useful feature, i require it for having a folder of pdf's quickly accessible,12:08
etfbLuXor: Georgia the former Soviet republic, or Georgia the home of Coca Cola and lynch mobs?12:08
ikoniaBodsda: looking...12:08
Bodsdaikonia, cheers dude12:08
deanyBodsda, im Gnome and have used that functionality in windows and want the same thing.. sadly its not possible12:08
ikoniaLuXor: can you try to explain that a bit better please12:08
deanynot the way I want it to work anyway12:08
LuXoretfb: i dont understand12:08
Bodsdadeany, hmm, ok -- i think il have to get my books out and add this feature12:08
etfbLuXor: Probably the one in northern Europe then...12:09
LuXoretfb: caucas...12:09
etfbLuXor: Are you having a problem with Firefox? Does it close suddenly without warning?12:10
LuXorikonia: k, here's the deal: i can't just acces sites, the firefox are closing JUST when i am writing a site, when the site is readed by browser firefox are closing itself12:10
LuXoretfb: i dont know where are a problem12:10
ikoniaLuXor: so as you are typing in the browser address firefox closes ?12:11
LuXorikonia: yes, after the browser reads and access that site what i have typed12:11
ikoniasick_kid: what's up ?12:11
ikoniaLuXor: what version of ubuntu ?12:11
LuXorikonia: 8.1012:11
etfbLuXor: I had the same problem.  I fixed it by uninstalling winbind.12:12
ikoniaLuXor: what happens if you open a terminal and type "firefox" when it crashes do you see any text12:12
ikoniaetfb: interesting comment12:12
LuXoretfb: sudo apt-get remove winbind apt-get install winbind?12:12
kjell!hi | Asfi12:12
ubottuAsfi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:12
etfbikonia: Seems to be some kind of bug in the WINS name server lookup (or something like that).12:12
Asfiwho can help me for a question about /etc/fstab ?12:12
kjell!ask | Asfi12:12
ubottuAsfi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:12
ikoniaAsfi: if you ask it many people maybe able to12:13
etfbLuXor: Yes - don't reinstall it though, just remove it.12:13
Kenny-bbr(1) I installed a new HDD in a dual boot environment. Ubuntu recognizes it without problem, but my Vista partition does not load VISTA anymore: it says "BOOTMGR.EXE is missing". Now, it is in my understanding, that i did not change anything to Vista or it's MBR.. Can this be due to GRUB ? Can i do anything to try and regain control of the VISTA-partition(boot it)12:13
LuXorikonia: no.. i dont see any text, just closing, no text, no warning, no error12:13
ikoniaLuXor: nothing on the terminal ?12:13
LuXorikonia: i'm on XP for now... but i think i would try it from terminal it will not do12:14
LuXorikonia: dosent matter ( i think ) :)12:14
ikoniaLuXor: you don't know what your saying, I'm asking you to try that for debugging12:14
etfbLuXor: If you apt-get remove winbind, you may lose the ability to connect to Windows computers on your network, but if it fixes the Firefox crash then you know it's the cause.12:14
ikoniaLuXor: it does matter - a lot12:14
ikoniaLuXor: that's why I'm asking12:14
Kenny-bbr(2) btw: i still see BOOTMGR.exe on the partition, so it can't be "missing".. grub is not looking right.. i tried to edit the hd(x,y) but doesn't help12:15
AsfiI don't know how I can set this : "sudo mount -t smbfs //server/www /media/www -o rw,uid=macsim" into my /etc/fstab. I have test a couple of solution but it never works12:15
LuXoretfb: so you mean to just remove it?12:15
etfbLuXor: That is what I did.  Firefox crashed nearly every time I opened a new page.  There were no warnings, no messages.  It even crashed when I reinstalled Firefox and removed the .mozilla directory.  I removed winbind, and the problem went away.12:16
LuXoretfb: ok i will try dude, thanks a lot :)12:17
alex^^how can i disable my monitor from going into a "black screen" mode after being idle for 20mins? 8.10 ubuntu - ive already disabled the "screensaver" but its still doing a blackscreen after 20minsish12:17
etfbIf it works, spread the news.  It seems to be a recent bug in winbind that the developers should fix.12:18
RdeWildeHello, I'm getting an error, hope someone can help me?  The message says:    " Failed to execute /init . No init found; Try passing 'init=' "  ..12:18
RdeWildeActually, I passed it, but it wasn't found, because it's inside of initrd.img ? How can I refer to my init file which is packed inside the image?12:18
Kenny-bbrAsfi: Try: //server/www/ /media/www/ smbfs user=macsim,password=_password_,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0 (I am not sure, so if it doesn't work: remove the line)12:19
SmileDayConvert from .ISO to .Img(ccd2iso use). but converted files is 0 byte....;;12:19
Asfiok Kenny-bbr thanks you12:20
=== Nickname_ is now known as spass
SmileDayHelp me12:20
etoohelp you12:20
SmileDayConvert from .ISO to .Img(ccd2iso use). but converted files is 0 byte....;;12:21
rodolfo_I need to get the "# git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/mesa/drm " command working but in order to do that, what package do I need to install? git-core? what...?12:21
LuXorikonia, not working12:22
LuXoretfb, not working12:22
SmileDayhow can .img files mount to VM(VIrtualBox, others..)?12:23
RdeWilderodolfo_; Yes..12:23
etfbLuXor: Bother!12:23
LuXoretfb, tell me some browser12:24
Asfihi, re Kenny-bbr, it's not good12:24
LuXoretfb, to install it with apt12:24
etfbLuXor: ???12:24
RdeWildeHello, I'm getting an error, hope someone can help me?  The message says:    " Failed to execute /init . No init found; Try passing 'init=' "  ..      It's in my  initrd,  how do I reference to it?12:24
LuXoretfb, some internet browser packgage to install it, i will try another browser12:24
LuXoretfb, if it will work it means something are wrong in firefox :)12:25
etfbLuXor: I don't know what other browsers to install in Ubuntu.  I use Kubuntu, which has Konqueror.12:25
oCean_LuXor, "arora" is simple cross platform browser12:25
SmileDayHelp set the "VirtualBox Share folders"... Main OS Ubuntu, Virtual OS is WIndows...12:26
LuXori was right, something happened to firefox12:26
Kenny-bbrAsfi: did you try a "mount -a" after you changed /etc/fstab ?12:26
Kenny-bbrAsfi: does it output something?12:26
AsfiI have restart my PC12:27
SmileDayPlease help set "VirtialBox Share folders"(Main is Ubuntu and Virtual is WIndows.)12:28
prodigelhi all. i have this sd card 4 Gb that won't let itself read for nothing. The photo cam works ok, tried low formatting(on the camera), same result12:28
Asfimount -a say /etc/fstab don't have a final line12:28
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Asfi:) it's ok with add a line to my /etc/fstab Kenny-bbr, thanks you for all12:29
DIFH-ice1ootSmileDay: look at the manuel from virtual box, you have to use "net use" or something like that because the virtual directory is a server on vbox which you must access from windows mit "net use"12:30
SmileDayPlease help set "VirtialBox Share folders"(Main is Ubuntu and Virtual is WIndows.)12:30
LuXoretfb, the problem was in the cookies LOOL!12:30
rodolfo_RdeWilde it doesn't work coz nothing happens12:30
Kenny-bbrAsfi: np12:30
etfbLuXor: Weird!  All fixed now?12:31
LuXoretfb, yaa :)12:31
bmntelligent African boy12:31
etfbLuXor: Good!  Another happy ending!12:31
rodolfo_RdeWilde I mean,after that command I should then run the # cd drm command but it tells me it (file or dir) doesn't exist12:32
deanySmileDay, just navigate with network places12:32
SmileDayHow can I do monut .img file to CD-ROM Drive?12:32
deanyyou will see it there.. right click and map it12:32
Kenny-bbri asked a question at 13:13 (GMT+1 time).. can anyone take a look into it?12:32
Asfibut Kenny-bbr  I have an other problem now, I can't make subdir (and file)12:36
etfbKenny-bbr: Have you seen this?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot12:37
f3rNhi everyone!12:37
=== finalbeta_ is now known as finalbeta
f3rNhey, does someone know about a little brother irc channel?12:38
kjellf3rN: little brother?12:39
etfbf3rN: You mean the book by Cory Doctorow, or something else?12:39
f3rNdoctorow's book12:39
Kenny-bbretfb: i could try the vista command line utility12:39
Kenny-bbrthx for info, i actually saw this page but didn't spot the CL tool12:40
wbagamKenny-bbr, did you try to do a fixmbr?12:40
mrpI am trying to do a install with network connectivity hower at the "Select and install software" step it just keeps failing, I am assuming because there is no internet12:40
wbagamor am I chiming in a bit to late?12:40
ikoniaf3rN: not here12:40
f3rNyeah, i know it is not here12:40
Kenny-bbrwbagam: not yet.. i am not experienced with mbr12:40
f3rNbut maybe somebody would know 'bout it12:40
ikoniaf3rN: so please don't ask12:41
f3rNtake it easy ikonia12:41
ikoniaf3rN: so please don't ask12:41
Kenny-bbrfyi: my ubuntu starts perfect, all my data partitions are loaded but my vista doesn't boot12:41
wbagamfixmbr is pretty simple to use.  the command in vista to modify boot setting is bcdedit.exe if I recall12:41
f3rNwhat's wrong with you?12:41
etfbf3rN: http://tinyurl.com/dgez8f12:41
ikoniaf3rN: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only,12:41
Kenny-bbrAsfi: do a 'ls -l'12:41
ikoniaf3rN: by asking offtopic questions (more so if you shouldn't) you move away from the topic of the channel, please don't ask12:41
Kenny-bbrAsfi: you will probably don't have enough permissions12:42
Wunderbaris there a way to make kubuntu as user friendly as ubuntu, in the sense that the date and weather appear in the taskbar- which also integrates well with the email client/calendar of your choice?12:42
ikoniaWunderbar: you can customise the kubuntu desktop sure12:42
ikoniaWunderbar: there are notes on kde-look.org and experienced users in #kubuntu12:42
Wunderbarthanks ikonia12:43
Kenny-bbrAsfi try these commands: 'sudo umount /media/www' & 'sudo chown _user_:_group_ /media/www' & 'sudo chmod 777 /media/www'12:43
Kenny-bbr(change _user_ and _group_ for your situation)12:43
Kenny-bbrand then 'mount -a' to mount again12:43
etfbWunderbar: KDE 4.2 is quite usable, if sometimes a bit flaky.  And all that stuff is customisable in KDE _far more_ than it is in Gnome.12:44
etfbWunderbar: Gnome's attitude is that you're a novice who doesn't want to be confused by too many options.  KDE's attitude is that you have infinite time and patience to tweak everything.12:44
Wunderbaryeah,, Ive been pleasantly surprised by kde, especially in terms of speed12:44
Asfibut with this : "sudo mount -t smbfs //server/www /media/www -o rw,uid=macsim" I have the permissions :s12:45
Wunderbarand it looks like it likes to be tweeked, if you know what you're doing12:45
Kenny-bbrAsfi: can you c/p the line from your /etc/fstab ? (please remove the password!!)12:46
Asfi(I don't have password12:47
Asfi/server/www/ /media/www/ smbfs user=macsim,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 012:47
benitoho un problema di risoluzione con il monitor qualcuno mi può aiutare12:47
Wunderbarohzie, one problem with kde has been that I can't currently get any sound with smplayer? all the other apps work fine12:48
Kenny-bbrAsfi: can you access /media/www12:49
Kenny-bbrdo you see the contents?12:49
Kenny-bbrhmm ok12:49
AsfiI can make a dir/file12:49
Asfibut in this new dir, I can't do anything12:49
Asfiwith fstab, I have this permission on the new dir : "drwxr-xr-x" and with my command I have this ; "drwxrwxr-x"12:50
TehDuffmanis there any way to get ciaro dock to show on just one of my twin view screens?12:50
Kenny-bbrok then try: unmounting it, do a chown user:password /media/www/* and a chmod 777 /media/www/*12:50
Kenny-bbrAsfi: there is something missing in /etc/fstab, i am no expert on it, but the main issue is: you don't have WRITE permissions on that subfolder12:51
penela I intalled 8.10 and have a laptop with ATI Mobility 9700.  Can I do anything except mirror or span with a dual head display?  I wish to have separate desktops and menus etc on each monitor.12:51
Dr_WillisI dident think think the owndership of a MOUNT POINT. mattered if you mount somthing to that point/directorry. the permissions then are based on what got mounted to it.12:51
Kenny-bbrperhaps somebody here can improve what i said to you12:51
AsfiOk Kenny-bbr12:52
Kenny-bbrDr_Willis: i see12:52
Asfithanks you for your help ;)12:52
Kenny-bbrlearning new things here12:52
Kenny-bbras i mentioned: i am no expert, but i am very eager to learn12:52
Dr_WillisKenny-bbr:  if ya think it through.. it could be a nasty security issue to do it the other way :)12:53
Dr_Willisbut Ive missed the original problem. MOunting things in linux - is a VERY well doucmented topic.. with 1000's of web sites  on the topic12:53
Kenny-bbrDr_Willis: the root of the problem is his line /etc/fstab12:54
JEEBczwhat's the recommended virus checker / antivirus for ubuntu?12:54
Kenny-bbrusing that line; he doesn't have permissions W-permissions in folders he creates in the mount point12:54
Kenny-bbrmaybe there is a conflict: local user versus mount point user12:55
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:55
JEEBczthank you, I'll check it out12:55
JEEBczmainly there's a need to check new files incoming to the workstation12:55
penelaCan someone offer advice regarding AIT MObility 9700 and Dual Head setup?12:55
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama12:56
Dr_Willispenela:  i recall seeing it done.. :) but that was ages ago.. i dont have any ati systems any more12:56
penelaDr_Willis : thanks, but that still refers to fglrxconfig which is no longer as I understand it.12:59
Kenny-bbrAsfi: i suggest looking google or ubuntuforums13:01
adantehey guys any idea how long resize2fs should take?13:01
Kenny-bbrfor instance: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-2197.html13:01
Kenny-bbrit is a similair problem13:01
Kenny-bbri got to go now, i wish you succes13:01
AsfiI have found the solution (I am testing)13:01
cakeysudo success13:01
Asfiyes it's ok :) I have add this : uid=100013:03
Kenny-bbrAsfi: if you find it13:03
Kenny-bbrcan you private message me the /etc/fstab that works13:03
Kenny-bbri am very interested13:03
Kenny-bbraaah ok, oversaw your last post to the channel :p13:03
GodfatherofEir1Any ideas why my 8.10 install is becoming abnormally slow at startup? I think it has something to do with initializing the multimedia controller13:04
cakeycheck services13:04
cakeyadmin > services13:04
cakeytry to turn stuff that slows down your PC off13:05
cakeyand check /etc/init.d13:05
dnydoes anyone use netbeans for c++ development? i have some problems with managing different targets...13:05
GodfatherofEir1Well, how would I turn it off, considering that I'd have to modify startup procedure13:06
Dr_willisGodfatherofEir1:  i would disable the framebuffer/splash screen to look for any boot time error messages/clues as to whats going on.. If you have not allready done so13:07
GodfatherofEir1Dr_willis, well it doesnt seem to have any errors though, but it just doesnt process, like, what happens, is that it goes to load the multimedia controler, and it takes about 10 seconds to load before it goes to load the other one13:09
lucaxhow can i stop pulseaudio from starting in intrepid? i want to use alsa, ive checked in audio configuration and ALSA is checked in every option but pulse is still starting13:09
SmileDayHow can run cdemu-daemon... Help me13:21
Pantunghey i got a problem, hope some1 can help me13:21
Pantung[00000462] oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp)13:21
Pantungwhen i open VLC and i get no sound13:21
Pantungit worked yestoday13:21
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Dangojoin #tsiga13:22
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SmileDayHow Can I Do Run CDEmu-daemon;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;13:22
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Pantunggot an audio problem [00000462] oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp)13:22
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Pantungin VLC trying to play a MKV file, i have checked alsamixer13:23
fosco_Pantung: oss is a very old sound system, configure vlc to use alsa sound system13:23
xntdoes anyone know how to enable PAE on 8.10?13:24
Dr_willis!find cdemu13:25
ubottuFile cdemu found in gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-doc, transcode13:25
Dr_willisSmileDay:  tell the channel what that program is  perhaps?13:25
xntI already searched13:25
jribxnt: desktop or server?13:25
xntim on a desktop with 4GB of ram and only 2GB shows up13:25
jribxnt: why not use 64bit?  afaik, to enable PAE on the desktop, you'll need to recompile your kernel13:26
Dr_willisxnt:  i thought that needed either 64bit kernel. or the SERVER kernel that has pae enabled.. so you want the server kernel?13:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pae13:26
xntI would but my proc is 32-bit. :(13:27
silv3r_m00nhi there13:27
xntI remember I got it working in 8.04 somehow13:27
Dr_willisxnt:  guess ya go with the 32bit server kernel method perhaps?  Ive not tried/worried about it too much.. its odd that only 2gb is showing up.. it should be showing up just a little under 4gb13:27
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silv3r_m00nI see that in synaptic upgradable packages the version is not the same as the latest version of some softwares ... why ?13:27
xntok im guessing apt-get install linux-image-server13:28
jribxnt: how much does the bois see?13:28
Dr_willissilv3r_m00n:  as in latest version  of a software that 'exiss on the software web site?'  Ubuntu does updates every 6 mo..  so if 'bubbaedit 1.01' comes out today.. it will NOT be included untill perhaps 6 mo from the last release.13:28
jribbios even13:28
xnt4GB I think13:28
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silv3r_m00nDr_willis: but it will happen eventually ?13:29
dmphotographyWhere is DocumentIndex defined in Apache 2 on Ubuntu?13:29
silv3r_m00nDr_willis: and like the ubuntu site gives end dates for supporting a particular distro version .. then will the updates come even after that period ?13:29
Dr_willissilv3r_m00n:  its how ubuntu does its release cycles.. if Program Bubbaedit 1.5 is out when the 6 mo relese hts.. then thats the version to be included.. 6 mo later.. they will include whatever is out at that time.13:30
Dr_willissilv3r_m00n:  otherwise its mainly updates for Security issues only in most cases13:30
Tim_workhello - can anyone tell me how i get root access in the desktop.  i know the sudo cmd for terminal but i want to save a txt file in a folder that is owned by root. btw i`m n00b13:30
MetaMorfoziSHi all13:31
MetaMorfoziSCan anybody tell me that where acpi logs on intrepid?13:31
xntdr_willis: so to install the server kernel i have to run apt-get install linux-image-server?13:31
MetaMorfoziSThere are no file under /var/log/acpid13:31
red-rumcould someone give me a help with an nvidia card and strange colours on video playback?13:31
jribTim_work: what folder?13:31
xntok ill thake that as a yes, i gotta go to work? :P13:31
Pantungfosco_, its not only in VLC the problem is, xbmc is also a problem13:31
Tim_workin /var/www13:31
jribTim_work: gksudo gedit /var/www/name_of_file, but what you should really do is setup proper permissions for your user for /var/www....13:32
jrib!permissions > Tim_work13:32
ubottuTim_work, please see my private message13:32
fw1what protocol builds up the 'Network' file browser13:33
Vincemanfirefly2442 are there free finite element programs too?13:34
Dr_willisxnt ive no idea. ive never needed the server kernel.13:34
red-rumhello? could anyone help with nvidia card problems?13:34
RichardPHi, Im just about to reinstall a Linux box and have settled on Ubuntu due to past experiences with it - operationally, how different is 8.10 and 8.04 LTS?  Will I run into problems with software wanting 'newer' versions of libraries et al or should i get away with it?13:35
Dr_willisfwl you mean samba?13:35
TopKatzI just installed 8.1 and emerald does not apear to be working right13:35
RichardPI'd prefer the LTS release, but is it much more hassle?13:35
TopKatzand my window title bar is sort of wonking out13:35
TopKatzis there a known isue?13:35
fw1Dr_willis, its not smb, as that would come under the windows network13:36
adantei rebooted my system and my /dev/sda and /dev/sdb are now swapped13:38
adantei don't really like this how can i restore them and prevent this from happening again?13:38
Tim_workiim so lost13:38
Tim_workgksu nautilus should use this?13:40
Bodsdahow can i exclude a folder from a mv command? i want to do  mv ./* ./folder/  without trying to move folder into itself, so i need to exclude it13:41
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo13:41
hugh_pathBodsda: please read the mv man page (man mv).13:41
Guest69717can some one tell me how to update from 8.04 to 8.10. i have ubuntu 8.10 cd..13:41
tuxt0rWhat happened to the Intrepid repos? There's still no FF3.0.6 and it's all in the Jaunty repo. I thought it would be supported for 18 months!13:41
jose¿como puedo poner iconos en el escritorio?13:41
ianadusadante, i think it is a udev matter, but if you use uuid in /etc/fstab you don't really need to know the name13:42
ActionParsnip1!upgrade | Guest6971713:42
ubottuGuest69717: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes13:42
jrib!es | jose13:42
ubottujose: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:42
tuxt0rGuest69717: You can do it over the Internet or the Alternate CD, not from the Desktop CD unless you want to wipe your disk and start again.13:42
Bodsdahugh_path, it does not mention anything about exclusion13:42
blazonIs there a way to prevent other users from seeing whats in the /home directory in gnome?13:42
ActionParsnip1Guest69717: make sure you md5 check the iso and verify the cd is good13:42
Miloszdoes anyone else have segfaults in pam_smbpass?13:42
hugh_pathBodsda: Right, there is none.  It will notice if you try to move it's self (.) and gripe that you can't do that.13:43
Bodsdablazon, remove there read permission13:43
tuxt0rblazdon: Set permission on your home directory to Owner: Read/Write, Group: None, Others: None. Recursive.13:43
blazoni thought so13:43
Bodsdahugh_path, huh? are you saying i cant do this?13:43
adanteianadus: i do use uuid but i'm just worried this will come back to bite me on the ass sometime in hte future13:43
hugh_pathBodsda: Now what you can do is move files like this "mv * .??*" will move most everything but odd cases like .x, which are rare in Unix.13:43
Bodsdablazon, thats probably the easiest way,   chmod <group>-r /home/name13:43
Davedanhow do I check in the command line if a package is installed?13:44
Bodsdahugh_path, yes, but that assumes all my files are of the same extension, i have about 20 different file extensions in that folder13:44
ActionParsnip1Davedan: dpkg -l | grep <something>13:44
hugh_pathBodsda: The man page is the final word, unless you use some other application (or write one).13:44
DavedanActionParsnip1:  thanks. I thought it is part of apt-something13:44
Bodsdahugh_path, thanks for your time13:44
wd4lkoCtrl Alt F1-F6 has weird looking text like binary or signs, anybody else have that ? The screen looks like its moved to the left !13:44
hugh_pathBodsda: no, my example has nothing to do with extensions, that is not really a valid concept in Unix.13:45
jribBodsda: it's trivial to do in zsh.  In bash, you probably need to do some awkward piping13:45
ActionParsnip1Davedan: i'm sure thats another way but thats what i use13:45
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ActionParsnip1Davedan: dpk -l lists ALL packages, then grep13:45
tuxt0rwd4lko: You've got corruption caused by bad video drivers I expect...13:45
insanehitzhow do i solve apt-get install dpkg: error processing php5-imagick (--configure):13:45
DavedanActionParsnip1: it works thanks13:45
ActionParsnip1Davedan: just teaching some ;)13:45
hugh_pathBodsda: you should read up on your shell (likely Bash) to see how it does wildcards as that is what folks use in Unix to choose groups of things.13:45
tuxt0rinsanehitz: Try sudo apt-get -f install13:46
Bodsdahugh_path, what do you mean, "see how it does wildcards"?13:46
insanehitztuxt0r: does not helps13:46
RdeWildeQ: I'm stuck. I got "Could not execute /init .."  While the init is gzipped in my initrd.img :S? Anyone can help me?13:46
tuxt0rinsanehitz: oh no, I've had that problem, that fixed it in debian, sorry I'm no help then13:46
insanehitztuxt0r: http://rafb.net/p/kulUXz69.html13:46
Bodsdajrib, yeah, i thought it might resort ot that13:46
ActionParsnip1insanehitz: can you pastebin the command as well as the entire error you are etting13:47
jribBodsda: zsh is a nice shell.  In zsh you can do: mv ^folder folder  to do what you said for example13:47
tuxt0rinsanehitz: try doing the apt-get install again?13:47
insanehitzActionParsnip1: see url above basically fontconfig-config postinstall have some problem13:47
hugh_pathBodsda: Most shells in unix provide for "wildcards", magic characters that the shell expands into more then one file name, such as "less foo*" which will show you every file in this directory that begins with foo.13:47
ActionParsnip1insanehitz: i'd reinstall the list of packages at the bottom13:47
Bodsdajrib, hmm, i might think about using it, thanks13:47
Bodsdahugh_path, yeah, i know what wildcards are13:48
wd4lkotuxt0r: im running jaunty and the gui works fine13:48
hugh_pathBodsda: the '*' is the wild card and is explained in the bash man page (if your using bash).13:48
insanehitztuxt0r: does not helps, i also spent some time figouring out whats going on, apt-get update... dpkg -i ... even dpkg -D777777 -i ...13:48
ActionParsnip1insanehitz: sudo apt-get --reinstall install fontconfig-config libfontconfig1 libxft2 etc etc13:48
soierhi there. can anybody help me to read dos txt file using nedit and ubuntu13:48
hugh_pathBodsda: so try "ls .??*"13:48
zashsoier: s/\r\n/\n13:48
amir_hyper12447how are you today  :)13:48
insanehitzActionParsnip1: thank you! looks like working13:49
ActionParsnip1soier: nedit <file> or gksudo nedit <file>13:49
amir_hyper12447it's good13:49
Bodsdahugh_path, ls is not going to help me copy files is it?13:49
amir_hyper12447can you speak persian?13:49
tuxt0rwd4lko: well maybe it's that it doesn't come with proper FB drivers as they may conflict with proprietary drivers13:49
soier2 zash: ?13:49
allquixoticDoes anyone know if Gnome has a featureful launch menu a la KDE4/Vista? I want to be able to search on program names then launch with a click, as well as browse by category.13:49
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zashsoier: replace \r\n with \n13:50
wd4lkotuxt0r: maybe i shud try vesa mode ?13:50
tuxt0rallquixotic: I believe only openSUSE/SLED implements this.13:50
hugh_pathBodsda: No, but it will let you prototype the command that will, once you have the right files listed by doing ls WHATEVER, then you can do mv -t targetdir WHATWORKS.13:50
tuxt0rwd4lko: Well if you like but I don't think it will help your X graphics13:50
allquixotictuxt0r: But if it's in opensuse then it's open source... hmm... might go surfing ftp.opensuse.org :)13:50
tuxt0rallquixotic: If you like... heheh. I think it's their extension that they do, might be worth looking at13:51
soier2 zash. Actually I have a problem with character set. I can't find font which supports 866 dos codepage. How can I teach nedit or add font to use it !13:51
Piciallquixotic: I believe  that the gnome-main-menu package implements a SLED style menu applet for the panel.13:51
allquixoticthanks Pici, trying it13:52
zashsoier: read up on "iconv"13:52
soierzash: is it only a way. To convert a file ???13:53
wd4lkotuxt0r: its only in tty1-6 when i try to use them13:53
zashsoier: there is probably other ways13:53
jronwhat's the name of the alpha support chan?13:53
szonekhi, few months ago i've created filter for messages in Evolution. How can i delete it? I can't find any listing of existing filters - there is Edition -> Messages Filters but it's empty13:53
Picijron: #ubuntu+113:53
jronthank you, Pici13:54
^Sean^would it bother anyone if I asked a technical question?13:54
tuxt0rwd4lko: That's the VTs, sorry I had that problem once, upgrading helped, nothing else I can tell you. I don't know much about sorting it out either...13:54
spookso how many backdoors are patched into the ubuntu kernel?13:54
Pici^Sean^: As long as its Ubuntu related. This is a support channel :)13:54
wd4lkotuxt0r: desktop and compiz work ok, nvidia 6200, well Thanks13:55
^Sean^would XChat on ubuntu count?13:55
Myrtti^Sean^: we'll help if we can, if it's too specific there's a channel dedicated to xchat here as well13:55
^Sean^ah thank you13:55
^Sean^DCC receiving wont work for some reason13:56
Myrttispook: welcome to IRC13:56
EiremhaithHello room13:56
Marfispook, sudo apt-get install xchat13:56
soierSo how can i teach nedit to use this dos codepage. Should I install something on ubuntu ? Is there any Nedit user ???13:56
Eiremhaithwow this is crazy13:56
Myrttispook: you're already here.13:56
Jeruvy!freenode | sppok for irc questions13:56
ubottusppok for irc questions: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml13:56
EiremhaithI was just going to ask if there is a site that can tell me what I can install using apt-get install13:56
spooksuccessful troll is successful13:57
Subdolushi folks! the wireless on my lappy ran fine with Ubuntu up until I tried to add a second, USB, wifi card. The original internal card is an Atheros and my new USB 'card' is an RALINK. After a lot of messing about, I got the USB card working great but then ofcourse the internal card decided not to work properly. I can set all the arguements with iwconfig EXCEPT the WEP key!!! so I can't connect to my network!13:57
Myrtti^Sean^: are you sure the problem is with xchat and not with your network connection?13:57
TheFunkbombhey, have you guys ever heard of an issue of browser hijacks in Ubuntu?13:57
Gustavo_GHow can I see the output of a daemon? I want to see which messages the NFS server is writing13:57
^Sean^Eiremhaith: well, anything in your Synaptic package list and in the repositories13:57
Myrtti!packages | Eiremhaith13:57
ubottuEiremhaith: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!13:57
Subdolushere is a pastebin of me trying to set the key: http://pastebin.com/m77fa795f13:57
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szonekfew months ago i've created filter for messages in Evolution. How can i delete it? I can't find any listing of existing filters - there is Edition -> Messages Filters but it's empty......... anyone?13:57
ActionParsnip1insanehitz: all better now?13:57
^Sean^Myrtti: That is a good question, running mIRC in my VM has no issues. But running XChat and mIRC on the ubuntu side, no dice13:58
spookhow do i remove the backdoors from the ubuntu kernel?13:58
Myrtti^Sean^: have you tried other clients, like irssi or pidgin?13:58
Guest40608hi all im using an ati radeon 4870 w ddr5 im only getting 8500 fps how can i improve thst13:58
archmanguys, i need to remove all of mono and monodevelop, but i see there are lots of it on synaptich. what do i do?13:59
spookGuest40608: you need to remove all the backdoors from the ubuntu kernel13:59
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ActionParsnip1Guest40608: thats plenty considering your brain cant process more than 3013:59
^Sean^I will try pidgin right now, irssi, no13:59
ActionParsnip1!hi | shally8713:59
ubottushally87: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:59
Subdolushere is a pastebin of me trying to set the key: http://pastebin.com/m77fa795f14:00
Gustavo_GI don't think Guest's eyeball's have enough bandwidth to do what he wants.14:00
shally87i got this problem on untarring this vmware server14:00
shally87 the location of tha vm ware is in documents14:00
EiremhaithThanks for the information.  I am just looking to see what can be installed.  Don't know if I would want a lot of the things but just installed smplayer and was looking for that when I was running SuSe Linux and now I have it.14:00
shally87then i just follow the web instruction to tar -xzf /Path/To/VMware-server-1.0.3-xxx.tar.gz14:00
shally87any ideas?14:00
spookshally87: you need to recompile the kernel, to remove the backdoors that have been patched in14:01
deanylol.@ spook14:01
Gustavo_G>How can I see the output of a daemon? I forgot the command that let's me see any process' output.14:01
ActionParsnip1shally87: its fairly clear, you need to execute tar -xzf on the file you downloaded14:01
shally87how to recompile that?14:01
Picishally87: Ignore him.14:01
Subdolushere is a pastebin of me trying to set the key: http://pastebin.com/m77fa795f14:01
ActionParsnip1shally87: you dont compile it, its closed source14:02
shally87ok i've use the command and this came out14:02
shally87tar: /path/to/vmware-server-2.0.0-122956.i386.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory14:02
shally87tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now14:02
shally87tar: Child returned status 214:02
shally87tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors14:02
FloodBot2shally87: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:02
shally87oh..my bad14:02
shally87so sorry14:02
deanyshally87, use virtualbox its much easier14:02
Myrttishally87: where have you downloaded the vmware tar.gz file?14:02
^Sean^shally87: there is information on how to install vm-server in the read-me file that comes with it14:02
shally87vmware ebsite14:02
deanyand less of a footprint in my opinion.14:02
shally87but i havent untar it14:03
ActionParsnip1shally87: you replace the path with YOUR path where the file is, the guide assumes you can use some fuzzy logic as people can download the image to anywhere14:03
shally87how to read the read me files?14:03
Gustavo_GHow can I see the output of a daemon? I forgot the command that let's me see any process' output.14:03
shally87as i've put it in the Documents14:03
ActionParsnip1shally87: open them with gedit or nano14:04
shally87and i've cd documents14:04
^Sean^open the tar using your archive manager14:04
^Sean^as in double click it14:04
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^Sean^the physical tar where you downloaded it14:04
Subdolushere is a pastebin of me trying to set the key: http://pastebin.com/m77fa795f14:04
shally87archive manager just dont work as i read before14:04
^Sean^and you'll see a read me there14:04
SubdolusAny ideas or what?14:04
RobRoyaldaemon-output: startup the console and type    "sudo tail -f /var/log/daemon.log"14:04
^Sean^yaya, but it still  comes as an archive14:04
ActionParsnip1shally87: if you open terminal and CD to where the tar is you can run tar xzf <file name>14:04
RobRoyalbtw: where can I find the USB-images for imagewriter?14:05
shally87ok i try again14:05
shally87lame..i forgot to sudo i guess..14:05
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shally87idiot me..14:05
ActionParsnip1shally87: users can extract the data, no need for sudo14:06
Eiremhaithwow the possibilities are endless.14:06
shally87i go for this14:06
^Sean^ActionParsnip1: depending on where he wants to extract it14:06
ActionParsnip1^Sean^: true, nice :D14:06
shally87a-liew@Yumie:~/Documents$ sudo tar -xzf vmware-server-2.0.0-122956.i386.tar.gz14:06
RobRoyalwhere can I find the USB-images for imagewriter?14:06
Gustavo_GThank you, RobRoyal. Any realtime output possible?14:06
shally87then i get this tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now14:06
RobRoyaltail -f     is realtime!14:06
Gustavo_Gsilly me.14:07
ActionParsnip1shally87: looks good14:07
ActionParsnip1shally87: try: tar zxvf ./vmware-server-2.0.0-122956.i386.tar.gz14:07
shally87but if got no sudo still the same thing happen14:07
EiremhaithThanks all for the help.  It there any software that I must have on Ubuntu?14:07
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ActionParsnip1Eiremhaith: a kernel is essential14:07
shally87i got this if i do that14:07
shally87tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now14:07
shally87same thing14:07
=== sean_ is now known as allquixotic
shally87oh i forgot i running on ubuntu 8.0414:08
ActionParsnip1shally87: is the file consistant? can you md5 check it?14:08
EiremhaithI think I have a kernel, but I would not know how to check.14:08
RobRoyalthe TAR-file seems to be damaged14:08
TheFunkbombHas anyone ever had a problem with browser hijacks in Ubuntu?14:08
^Sean^Eiremhaith: that guy was razing u14:08
^Sean^err, razzing*14:08
EiremhaithThanks Sean14:08
shally87then i need to download new??14:08
^Sean^if u are running ubuntu, u have a kernel14:09
Eiremhaithcool.  I figured.  I was just playing dumb14:09
ActionParsnip1shally87: tcp does a fie job with retransmissions of bad data but it is not a 100% garuntee14:09
allquixoticTheFunkbomb: With javascript, new window popups, etc. it is technically possible for annoying ad sites to be a problem... you should install Adblock Plus if you're worried about that14:09
RobRoyaland check the vmware*.tar.gz with md5sum14:09
EiremhaithI know how to check if I have one.  I saw it the other day.14:09
shally87how  to tcp it?14:09
ActionParsnip1^Sean^: ask a silly question....14:09
ActionParsnip1shally87: it was done when you downloaded it14:09
^Sean^Pici: no dice connecting to any server using pidgin14:09
allquixoticTheFunkbomb: Unfortunately there's no way to prevent this kind of website from acting unless it's on a blacklist -- because it relies on features that you want legitimate websites to have available14:09
ActionParsnip1shally87: i'd redownload14:09
TheFunkbomballquixotic, I already have that problem.  Some stupid Fling.com site, a site I've never been to, switch my page out14:09
^Sean^ActionParsnip1: in time I'm sure one will be asked by me14:10
shally87then i'd redownload too14:10
^Sean^ActionParsnip1: probably in about 2 secvonds14:10
shally87i actually prefer the .deb files14:10
ActionParsnip1shally87: have you considered virtualbox?14:10
allquixoticTheFunkbomb: I get redirects to fling.com sometimes too, but only when I try to download stuff from certain websites, like gnome-look.org... it's an ad network14:10
shally87easy and less harm14:10
ActionParsnip1shally87: virtualbox is in repos14:10
shally87virtualbox and vmware is it different?14:10
TheFunkbomballquixotic, so nothing to worry about?14:10
ActionParsnip1shally87: yes14:10
allquixoticTheFunkbomb: I believe you're witnessing intended behavior (advertising revenue) from sites you're visiting14:11
shally87i just wanna set up LAMP, DNA and mail server in my pc..14:11
penelaWhen I go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers I don't see anything for my ATI card.  How come?14:11
allquixoticTheFunkbomb: Adblock Plus should take care of it for you. you can add specific sites to its list if you want, and they won't even show up as popup windows14:11
shally87just trying it out, to find some exp..14:11
TheFunkbomballquixotic, I was surfing "notalwaysright.com" a site about customer service when it forwarded to fling.com14:11
TheFunkbombIt wasn't even a pop up, it just went there14:11
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^Sean^TheFunkbomb: are using windows, because that sounds like spyware14:12
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shally87can i run a server by using virtual box ActionParsnip114:12
ActionParsnip1shally87: sure14:12
allquixoticTheFunkbomb: If it redirected you and the original website is totally gone, that could be fling.com executing an XSS (Cross Site Scripting) attack using privileges granted to it through ad banners at the site you were visiting. Adblock Plus can do something about that too, by totally blocking traffic from ad networks14:12
allquixoticI won't say it again. Install Adblock Plus.14:13
TheFunkbomballquixotic, let me install adblock then14:13
shally87thanks.. i guess i redownload things first..14:13
shally87gonna ask again if i could not do it soon..14:13
shally87thanks all14:13
ActionParsnip1shally87: no need, just run sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose14:13
aboSamoorI am trying to boot ubuntu over network using the live CD https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#A%20variation:%20Booting%20the%20%22Live%20CD%22%20image. Here is my configuration files http://paste.ubuntu.com/116455/ . I can see a new entry to the options called 'live' but choosing it does not load anything !!!14:13
shally87thanks ActionParsnip114:13
ActionParsnip1!virtualbox | shally8714:13
ubottushally87: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:13
oskar-hi, how can i disable "fast reauthentication" by default for NetworkManager/wpa_supplicant?14:14
shally87ok..thanks again14:14
ludovic_join #tsiga14:15
shally87oh before that.. what is the different of virtual box and vmware14:15
ludovic_ledj j'ai fai un convesation privée14:15
ActionParsnip1shally87: thats a very complex question. I'd research14:15
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shally87oh..i thin i google it...14:16
shally87thanks ActionParsnip114:16
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^Sean^shally87: by the way, you will need to build the machines that you want to be virtual14:16
^Sean^and server wont do that14:16
^Sean^and configure them14:16
mauricio13oi tem algum brasileiro14:16
ikonia!br | mauricio1314:16
ubottumauricio13: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:16
mauricio13ou nao14:17
^Sean^you may want to *buy* vmware workstation14:17
ikonia!br > mauricio1314:17
ubottumauricio13, please see my private message14:17
ikoniamauricio13: what language do you speak ?14:19
ikoniaso why is he not understanding the !br factoid ?14:19
ari_stressevening guys :)14:19
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kjellhi ari_stress14:21
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lan14:23
SiLOXHi, I have just upgraded my server from 7.10 to 8.04 - but now apache2 wont start at boot (and many other things) - can someone help me?14:24
ikoniaSiLOX: what happens when you try to start it14:24
enzotibhow can i mount a .bin file, coming with a .cue file? it should be a disk image, but "file myfile.bin" says it is data14:24
SiLOXikonia: it starts14:24
jrib!mount | enzotib14:24
ActionParsnip1enzotib: you can convert it with bchunk14:24
ubottuenzotib: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap14:24
IsUpSiLOX: do 'make config' in apache src directory.14:24
ikoniaSiLOX: so what's the error you get at boot time14:24
ikoniaIsUp: no14:24
jribenzotib: erm, sorry.  /msg ubottu iso14:25
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:25
ikoniaIsUp: 1.) you don't randomly issue make 2.) ubuntu does not provice source build products, but binary packages14:25
ActionParsnip1enzotib: bchunk input.bin output.iso14:25
SiLOXIsUp: since its several programs being started i dont think thats the problem14:25
ikoniaIsUp: think about what you are telling people to do14:25
enzotibthx ActionParsnip1 i will give it a try14:25
SiLOXikonia: Sorry just have SSH contact with the server right now - but let me check14:25
IsUpikonia: yeah you are right, maybe he is installed with apache2 or LAMP. sorry14:25
ikoniaSiLOX: clear down the syslog and the apache error and access logs, then restart - and check out the logs14:25
enzotibjrib, thx, but mounting as iso fails, i will follow ActionParsnip1 advice14:26
jribenzotib: well ubottu provides a link to converting .bin/.cue to .iso (as ActionParsnip1 said)14:26
WitVisHi all, total noob, just installed Ubuntu for the 1st time.14:27
enzotiboh, sorry jrib14:27
WitVisDoes Ubuntu server have a KDE option?14:27
ikoniaWitVis: if you want a desktop you should install kubuntu desktop install14:27
ikoniaWitVis: the desktop release is aimed at home user kit14:27
SiLOXI got this error when i reconfiguread all programs by time to time: found /etc/apparmor.d/force-complain/usr.sbin14:27
miked595ubuntu server comes with a gui?14:27
ikoniamiked595: no14:28
miked595thought so14:28
szonekfew months ago i've created filter for messages in Evolution. How can i delete it? I can't find any listing of existing filters - there is Edition -> Message Filters but it's empty......... anyone?14:28
ikoniaSiLOX: interesting, is this a desktop or a serer install14:28
ActionParsnip1WitVis: you can sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop14:28
SiLOXikonia: server install14:28
ActionParsnip1WitVis: its kinda pointless install a server system if you are gonna run desktop14:28
ActionParsnip1WitVis: as a new user I STRONGLY advise desktop14:28
SiLOXikonia: like i said i upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 on the "standard way"14:28
ikoniaSiLOX: so appamour in 7.10 seems to have a conflict14:29
ikoniaSiLOX: try disabling appamour14:29
SiLOXikonia: and how do i fix apparmor?14:29
ikoniaSiLOX: disable it first14:29
ikoniaSiLOX: let's see if that is the problem14:29
ikoniaSiLOX: then we can worry about fixing it14:29
Decepticonhow to test if a link is broken, how to unlink broken links in a dir that go nowhere?14:30
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ikoniaDecepticon: just remove the link14:30
SiLOXikonia: how do i stop it on boot?14:30
Decepticonno you dont understand the question14:30
ikoniaSiLOX: update-rc14:30
ikoniaSiLOX: update-rc.d14:30
Decepticoni want to test if a link is broken or not, first, then rm14:30
Decepticonand its not even rm14:30
Decepticonits unlink14:30
miked595why apparmor over selinux?14:30
ikoniamiked595: long decision ages ago14:31
ikoniaDecepticon: click the link - if it works, it's active, if it's not remove it14:31
Decepticonno you're completely ignoring that im not going to be doing this myself14:31
SiLOXikonia: and then?14:31
mauricio13oi galera14:31
ikoniaSiLOX: reboot and lets see what apache says14:31
ikoniaDecepticon: who is doing this ?14:31
ikoniaDecepticon: if you're not doing it why are you asking ?14:31
Decepticonikonia a script needs to see whether a link leads no where14:31
SiLOXikonia: guess update-rc.d apparmor remove?14:32
Decepticonikonia and then unlink it if it doesnt14:32
ikoniaDecepticon: just do an if -x on the link14:32
ikoniaDecepticon: if it's a fail remove it14:32
Decepticonikonia ok that makes more sense14:32
ikoniaSiLOX: not on ubuntu at this second to verify syntax14:32
ikonia!br | mauricio1314:32
ubottumauricio13: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:32
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_rubenfind / -type l -xtype l .. that finds all dead symlinks on a system14:32
PiciDecepticon: find -L -type l  *should*  give you broken links14:32
SiLOXikonia: sorry did not understand you on how to disable apparmor on boot?14:33
aboSamoor2I am trying to boot ubuntu over network using the live CD https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#A%20variation:%20Booting%20the%20%22Live%20CD%22%20image. Here is my configuration files http://paste.ubuntu.com/116455/ . I can see a new entry to the options called 'live' but choosing it does not load anything !!!14:33
ikoniaSiLOX: use rc-update.d14:33
SiLOXikonia: and how do i do that?14:33
WitVisikonia, does the desktop edition have the same capabilities as the server edition if fully installed14:33
ikoniaSiLOX: look at the man page, I'm  not on ubuntu at this moment so cant confirm the syntax14:33
ikoniaWitVis: and more14:33
SiLOXikonia: okay14:33
WitVisikonia, thanx, that's all i needed to know now!14:34
shally87not that virtual box is there14:35
shally87how to use it?14:35
ikoniashally87: ? how can we help14:35
shally87no app to press14:35
steveccchi all - does anyone know if a firewire disk with two firewire ports can be used by two machines at once or are the two ports purely for daisy chaining14:35
ikoniashally87: no - it can't14:35
ikoniashally87: think of it as a loop14:35
ikoniashally87: sorry - no not you14:35
geniisteveccc: Daisy-chaining14:35
ikoniasteveccc: no it can't, think of it as a loop14:35
ikoniasteveccc: a machine needs a lock on it14:35
stevecccthought so - thanks both14:35
shally87i also found this  thing along the installation  * No suitable module for running kernel found.14:36
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:36
shally87there is no problem is it?14:36
ikoniashally87: check that info out14:36
shally87ok tq..14:36
ikonia!gr | youcef14:37
ubottuyoucef: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes14:37
ArcSighterhello people. what's the best solution for implementing a squid proxy which user active directory user information?14:38
ikoniaArcSighter: squid+kerberos/ldap intergration14:38
^Sean^shally87: on the subject of installing VMWare products.... http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=install+instructions+vmware+server+ubuntu&btnG=Google+Search&meta=14:38
deanyshally87, it will build one14:38
shally87thanks ^Sean^14:39
Decepticonikonia am i doing if [ -x /path/to/linked/file ]; then echo "success"; else echo "fail"; fi ######### but it keeps failing14:39
^Sean^shally87: and http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/11/01/vmware-server-107-on-ubuntu-810-intrepid-2627-7-generic/14:39
ArcSighterikonia: you mean I should install a kerberos provider then squid, and its possible to integrate squid access control list with active directory users groups?14:39
^Sean^that is a specific link14:39
^Sean^but for version 8.1014:39
^Sean^of ubuntu14:39
shally87i gonna try for virtual box now as many review says it is better in starting up and closing14:39
shally87then it is easy to use tools too14:39
SiLOXikonia: no difference14:39
ikoniaArcSighter: I believe so14:39
ikoniaSiLOX: you still get the appamour warning ?14:40
ActionParsnip1shally87: most new users to virtualisation find it easier14:40
shally87oh i forgot i thing14:40
SiLOXikonia: no apache2 wont reboot14:40
ArcSighterikonia: do you have some experience? or recommendations about such setup?14:40
SiLOX*start at boot14:40
deanyshally87, vmware are rubbish at updating their vmware tools for ubuntu14:40
ikoniaSiLOX: what is the error this time14:40
shally87haha deany you are mean14:40
ActionParsnip1but in dual core systems vmware has been known to run smoother14:40
ikoniaArcSighter: never done it with squid - but I've used pam to auth it against mysql, and pam has a module for ldap14:40
SiLOXikonia: no error as i can see14:40
aboSamoor2ubuntu can not detect an empty DVD ? !!! can you help me ?14:40
shally87anyway i just face this one thing for ubuntu 8.1014:40
ikoniaSiLOX: have you checked to see if it is setup to start at boot time14:41
ArcSighterikonia: but that ldap module it's compatible with propietary ms active directory???14:41
shally87i've install this before and together with it is windows xp14:41
Vallhalla81Hey all can any one point me to a page where i can learn how to set up a local network14:41
ikoniaArcSighter: totally14:41
ikoniaVallhalla81: google.com14:41
shally87the problem is it does caused my ethernet card to broke14:41
SiLOXikonia: it has always been setup on starting - so dont see why a upgrade would change that14:41
ikoniaVallhalla81: plenty of info - guides14:41
ikoniaVallhalla81: please dont ask non-ubuntu questions/searches in here14:41
ikoniaSiLOX: upgrades can have issues, check14:41
ikoniaSiLOX: more so as the run levels changed with upstart14:41
shally87when i install xp and ubuntu 8.04 my ethernet card does not work14:42
shally87but when i use ubuntu 8.10 it works fine14:42
ikoniashally87: works - or works with a virtual setup14:42
Decepticoni am doing if [ -x /path/to/linked/file ]; then echo "success"; else echo "fail"; fi ######### but it keeps failing ... im tryin to test whether a link leads to a legit place. if it doesnt, unlink it. ie: original file where link leads to has been deleted and link leads to nowhere14:42
ActionParsnip1Vallhalla81: alos depends what you mean by "set up a LAN"...its MASSIVELY ambiguous14:42
ArcSighterikonia: then I could install a mysql server, then this ldap module for active directory user dumping, and integrate squid with it, it's that your point?14:42
whiteplanehow can I murder a window?14:42
Vallhalla81Ikonia its the ubuntu side of it i need help setting up14:42
shally87now that i buy neww 1000mbps ethernet card, i install ubuntu 8.0414:42
shally87anyone got idea of this bug?14:42
ikoniaVallhalla81: so your question is "how do I configure ubuntu to be part of a network14:43
deanyActionParsnip1, fresh xubuntu install.. used that Pure XFCE info and none of those components are installed, yet there is still gnome presence there.14:43
whiteplanein KDE shift+esc  allows me to kill stupid windows with mouse, and in gonme?14:43
ikoniaArcSighter: no - just install squid and pam - intergrate it with ldap/kerboers as ldap/kerbors with sync with AD14:43
ActionParsnip1deany: try uninstalling on of the gnome packages, see what it says its needed for14:43
SiLOXikonia: will try do reconfigure everything now after disabled apparmor, see if that helps14:43
ikoniaArcSighter: you don't need AD14:43
ikoniaArcSighter: sorry - you don't need squid14:43
Vallhalla81Yes i suppose that would have been a better question14:43
ActionParsnip1deany: if you have firefox installed it will need a load of gnome rubbish cos firefox is weird14:43
SiLOXikonia: still see  /etc/apparmor.d/force-complain/usr.sbin.named14:43
ikoniaSiLOX: look if it's set to start at boot time14:43
ArcSighterikonia: yes I know I don't but the network is w2k3 DC so the users are already there14:44
ArcSighterikonia: do you have any reference about what you're talking about?14:44
ikoniaVallhalla81: open the network managment application, either set it to dhcp (if you have a dhcp server) or assign a valid network address/mask/gateway, heypresto, your on the network14:44
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chnuebiwhiteplane: use the kill command14:44
shally87ActionParsnip1:  what is this? * No suitable module for running kernel found.14:44
ikoniaArcSighter: it doesn't matter if the users are there, ldap/kerberos will sync with AD14:44
deanyi removed FF, yet its still there.. there are a ton of gnome libs and other gunk installed when lookin in synaptic14:44
arvind_khadrihi, how do i get my keys back, if i have done a new install14:44
ikoniaarvind_khadri: restore them from the backup you took14:45
ArcSighterikonia: thanks, but as I've asked, do you have any reference that I could follow up?14:45
arvind_khadriikonia, :S no backup14:45
ikoniaarvind_khadri: then they are gone, unless you have them stored14:45
ActionParsnip1shally87: you need to add yourself to the vbox user group14:45
ikoniaArcSighter: well as I've said I've never done what you asked, no14:45
shally87how to?14:46
deanyActionParsnip1,  FF requires only the branding when removing thru synaptic...14:46
arvind_khadriikonia, stored as in ...the gpg signature?? that long ASCII value?14:46
ActionParsnip1shally87: if you'd websearched, you would have found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:46
ikoniaArcSighter: if your talking about ldap/AD then there are tons of guides on the net14:46
ActionParsnip1deany: see what you can remove14:46
ikoniaarvind_khadri: no the public/private key pair files14:46
deanythis is a fresh install, should of worked14:46
shally87i was in that web too..14:47
ArcSighterikonia: ok, your help seem to be very useful. Thanks a lot.14:47
ikoniaArcSighter: no problem14:47
ikoniaArcSighter: if you have specific questions, please shout14:47
ActionParsnip1shally87: np, work all the way through that and you will hit gold14:47
Vallhalla81Ikonia thankyou14:48
ActionParsnip1Vallhalla81: please be more specific with your questions in future14:49
ArcSighterikonia: I think you basically pointed me to the path. I have a Windows PDC and BDC and a ISA Server proxy, I need to migrate the proxy server to debian/ubuntu given the slowdowns issues experience in the windows proxy. So, I needed to integrate the users information and access control from that server which is based in AD groups into Squid ACLs14:49
=== _Sean_ is now known as ^Sean^
curanhi, how do i permanently set the permissions of /dev/ttyHS0 to /dev/ttyHS3 (owned by root) from 660 to 666? it is for a wireless internet card (with umts, gprs and so on). after every time i eject the card and instert it again, the permissions are back to 660.14:51
sipiorcuran: you'll need to configure udev: "man udev" to start with14:52
warren_i accidentaly made my /etc/sudoers empty, what must i do?14:52
infotek411can I listen for bug's like this "cat /boot/vmlinuz* > /dev/dsp"14:52
ikoniawarren_: boot in rescure mode and re-populate it14:52
tavisomeone know where i can find /var/alsa?14:52
infotek411in the kernel i mean...14:52
ikoniainfotek411: no14:52
ikoniainfotek411: please don't be silly14:52
tavithe file ...i wanna replace14:52
warren_are there any howtos online?14:52
anonusinghi, i just installed xampp but, cannot find where to open it. any suggestions?14:53
infotek411ikonia: why not?14:53
shally87oh ok.. which one is the user? sudo gpasswd -a `whoami` vboxusers14:53
anonusingi installed it in root14:53
ikoniainfotek411: you can't listen for bugs ina  binary file - please don't be silly14:53
shally87whaomi or vboxusers?14:53
anonusingas the xampp instructions said14:53
ikoniaanonusing: you should use lamp - not xammp - it's not supported here14:53
sipiorinfotek411: interesting debugging technique ;-)14:53
* infotek411 files a complaint at the Ministry of Silly bots :P14:54
ikoniainfotek411: please stop14:54
warren_ikonia: are there any howtos?14:54
ikoniainfotek411: this is a support channel14:54
Pici!lamp | anonusing please read14:54
ubottuanonusing please read: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:54
ikoniawarren_: for what, sorry14:54
tavihow i can replace a file in the sistem?14:54
warren_ikonia: for my empty sudoers14:54
ikoniatavi: it's a flat file system, just drop it in14:54
ikoniawarren_: you need to get a copy from someone that's not been touched, boot into recovery mode from the boot menu and type in14:55
infotek411does anyone know of functional stock ticker for ubuntu14:55
ikoniatavi: you can just make or copy files into place where you want them14:55
ikoniainfotek411: I think gnome has a plugin14:55
warren_ikonia: type what?14:55
infotek411ikonia: that was not very informative14:55
ikoniawarren_: a new copy of the file14:55
ikoniainfotek411: I don't know the name of it, but I have seen a gnome widget running14:55
anonusingthanks. just out of curiosity, can anyone tell me why xampp isn't supported?14:56
warren_ok thanks14:56
infotek411ikonia: please... this is a support channel14:56
ikoniaanonusing: because it makes it's own "platform"14:56
anonusingokay, i will check out the link. thanks ikonia, ubottu, etc14:57
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ScuniziI just installed server with the LAMP, Samba & FTP options.  Testing FTP results in no connection. Any idea which FTP package was installed and where the conf file is?14:59
aDMid0RASany1 can tell me how i can find ret on linux ?14:59
ikoniaaDMid0RAS: ret ?14:59
GaMbi_DKUm.. anyone who knows why I got internet no problems on ubuntu.. but cant even find IP on windows XP (good thing it is not the other way around tho :P)15:00
ikoniaaDMid0RAS: what do you mean by ret15:00
curansipior: thanks, i have found an existing file concerning this card. do you know what i have to add to set the pernissions correctly?15:00
ikoniaGaMbi_DK: could you explain what you mean "can't find ip"15:00
szonekfew months ago i've created filter for messages in Evolution. How can i delete it? I can't find any listing of existing filters - there is Edition -> Message Filters but it's empty......... anyone?15:01
GaMbi_DK ikonia No internet on windows XP.. meaning not just slow internet.. the netcard havent even found an IP to work with15:02
xkenjixhey is the ati firemv 2400 pcie graphics card compatible with ubuntu15:02
arvind_khadriikonia, http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=arvindkhadri%40gmail.com&op=index&fingerprint=on cant this page help me getting back things?15:03
Pcimkeller#join ubuntu-de15:03
Pcimkeller|join ubuntu -de15:03
ikoniaGaMbi_DK: ask in ##windows then - XP is not supported here15:03
ikoniaPcimkeller: /join #ubuntu-de15:03
sk8hi, I can't enable the visual effects, I get "Composite extension not available" what's that about?15:03
Pcimkellerikonia: THX15:03
ikoniaarvind_khadri: not without hte private key15:04
arvind_khadriikonia, how do i revoke the keys...15:04
PcimkellerI search a Wrapper for my Soundcard-Driver. Who can help me15:04
ikoniaarvind_khadri: use keytool to remove it from the server, or contact the server owner15:04
arvind_khadriikonia, thanks.15:05
sipiorcuran: you'll need to modify the appropriate file in /etc/udev/rules.d. try grepping for some substring of the device name to find the correct file.15:07
dsdeizhi, how do i get the version # of ubuntu from the terminal?15:07
Picidsdeiz: lsb_release -a15:07
dsdeizPici: Tnx :-)15:08
Droopsta915What's a good weather tool that I can install?15:08
Requiem974Hi all15:08
curansipior: yes, i've already found the right file, but what would you suggest to add to this file?15:09
shally87 how to undo sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-source module-assistant and sudo module-assistant auto-install virtualbox-ose-source ?15:09
sipiorcuran: well, what did you want the permissions to be? 0666?15:09
ryanpriorDroopsta915: Weather comes pre-built into the Time applet, actually. Right-click it, choose "preferences", then choose the "weather" tab.15:09
shally87before that15:10
shally87if i update my kernel version, what version will i get?15:10
curansipior: yes15:10
sipiorcuran: if the device is already listed, just change the "MODE" value to 666 or whichever.15:10
ikoniashally87: latest 2.7.27 build15:10
Droopsta915ryanprior: Cool, thanks!15:10
deanyshally87, should of gone for the latest 2.1 non ose15:11
deanyits plain better15:11
shally87 how to undo sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-source module-assistant and sudo module-assistant auto-install virtualbox-ose-source ?15:11
deanycarry on if you wish... just givin my opinion15:11
shally87so no need to undo?15:12
shally87and there is this last command :sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start , do i need to proceed?15:12
sk8how can I specify which monitor is the primary one?15:12
con-man#nerdpickuplines Hey baby, how about we sudo -rm yourpants ?15:12
shally87it is for kernel 2.6.24-2215:12
Requiem974( Is there any skilled people who can help me about winxppro on qemu under ubuntu-server-8.10 please? Or Wich # room ? thanks! )15:13
ikoniashally87: 8.04 is 2.6.24 8.10 is 2.6.2715:13
shally87what you mean ikonia15:13
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:13
curansipior: thanks, i will try that, another thing: the current file name is "z20_hso-udev.rules". do you think the "z" in the front is a problem? it was like that from the beginning.15:13
fecubgrüßt euch!15:14
fatbrainHello, connecting my bluetooth keyboard, should I use bluez or is that "outdated"?15:14
con-manguys i need help with the following15:14
con-manmime3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:14
con-man0[146648]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\windows\gecko\0.9.0\wine_gecko\nssdbm3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:14
con-man0[146648]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\windows\gecko\0.9.0\wine_gecko\nspr4.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:14
con-man0[146648]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\windows\gecko\0.9.0\wine_gecko\softokn3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:14
FloodBot2con-man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:14
con-man0[146648]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\windows\gecko\0.9.0\wine_gecko\ssl3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:14
ikoniacon-man: please don't flood the channel15:14
deanyyou would be up n runnin in seconds had you chosen the 2.1 not ose15:14
fatbraincon-man: paste in some pastebin15:14
squidlycon-man: see FloodBot2's message and flood that ;)15:14
sipiorcuran: sure, the z would prevent it from being run with the rest of the rule set.15:14
Basemi have problem when i try to install ubuntu 8.04 as windows program15:16
Basemafter it creat the image it says cant load it other program is useing it15:16
kavityInstalling it as a windows program?15:16
Picikavity: Wubi15:16
kavityOh. :O15:17
Requiem974Is it possible to install winxppro with qemu under ubuntu-server-8.10 please? :)15:17
fluitfriesruning Xubuntu, tried to install compiz from synaptic last night, ran compiz -v in terminal, and now i have no xfwm4 anymore.  xfwm4 never auto loads and i can't get the focus to a term screen to run it myself.  how can i fix xfce?  thanks!15:17
ikoniaRequiem974: yes it is15:17
ikoniaRequiem974: if your cpu has hardware virtualizaion kvm will work well, or without qemu will work but be slow15:17
Shammahit works :D15:17
shally87how to update kernel using apt-get?15:18
Requiem974Do I have to install X for ubuntu-server in order to run a winxpro under qemu ?15:18
ikoniashally87: sudo apt-get update it will offer an update if one is avilable15:18
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deanyapt-get dist-upgrade15:18
sipiorjon_: what about it?15:18
ikoniaRequiem974: it will make things easier as the interface is SDL15:18
Basemso guys any help?15:18
shally87that will consume tome15:18
deanyfor a newer one...15:18
FloodBot2shally87: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:18
arvind_khadriikonia, i have my key on the mit server and they say that they wont remove my key :(15:19
Requiem974ikonia: are you able to help me? :) just to 'start' the install? I got error when: qemu -boot d -cdrom /dev/cdrom -hda xp.im  g15:19
curansipior: thanks! do i have to restart any service in order to apply the changes?15:19
ikoniaarvind_khadri: what do you want me to do about it ?15:19
jon_so how do i change my icon so the work better in kde?15:19
sipiorBasem: try asking your question every ten minutes or so: the composition of the channel changes, and someone might have an answer for you15:20
ikoniaRequiem974: you may want to ask in #qemu15:20
ikoniaRequiem974: speciaist support15:20
shally87huhu FloodBot huhu..sad..i no flooding15:20
arvind_khadriikonia, is there any way that i could either retrieve the keys or revoke it15:20
Requiem974ikonia thank you  :)15:20
ikoniaarvind_khadri: you can't retreive it - you can revoke it with key server tools,15:20
jon_so how do i change my icon so the work better in kde?15:20
ikoniaarvind_khadri: thats not an ubuntu issue though15:20
sipiorcuran: i believe sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart will sort it out for you15:21
sipiorcuran: you might want to test from a reboot, to ensure that the change has taken properly15:22
fiftyonehello everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me with a serious problem I am having I completely messed up my entire machine.  Basically I was trying to resize a partition on my laptop and i deleted my complete partition taleb15:22
fiftyonehere is my post on ubunbtu forums15:23
kavityDid you delete the entire partition table, and then write it?15:23
Basemin ubuntu 8.04 when i try to install it under windows as windows program...after it creat the image is says cant access the image and other program may useing it15:23
fiftyoneno i didnt write it15:23
trent1is there a way to see how long my computer has been on?15:24
fiftyoneKavity i didnn't write it15:24
ikoniatrent1: uptime15:24
kavitytrent1: In console type uptime15:24
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kavityfiftyone: Then just exist the partiton manager, and your table should be fine?15:24
trent1thank you :)15:25
csunewafter update  the Resolution in bios and tty become 740*400  from 1440*900  how can I do to recover15:25
fiftyonekavity,  I am currently logged in on the ubuntu live cd when i look at qparted all i have is one block of space no partitions15:25
deanyfiftyone, if you dont hit apply,  just quit15:25
kavityfiftyone: If it hasn't been written, just push back, and your partitons should be fine.15:25
sipiorfiftyone: the forum suggestion to use TestDisk (http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk) is probably your best bet.15:26
oskar-fiftyone, there is a tool to revocer partitions, if they were lost: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk15:26
oskar-hehe :)15:26
sipiorhmm, great minds, oskar- :-)15:26
kavitySeldom tend to differ.15:26
fiftyonedenay,sipior,oskar i will try testdisk15:26
fluitfriesi broke Xubuntu trying to install Compiz`.  now my xfwm4 never loads so i have no window manager.  how can i fix?15:26
tavihwre i can find files for /var/alsa ? cause i wanna replace them15:27
kavityfluitfries: sudo apt-get install xfce415:27
kavityShould install everything you need.15:27
fluitfrieskavity: no, i installed that package (over my default Xubuntu packages) from synaptic last night, and it did not fix anything at all.  :(15:28
Sp0tUbuntuHi! Whay are peple in the linux enviroment telling other people that linux works fine when i can tell that i have testet almost every ubuntu/kubuntu/ubuntu/edobuntu/ and NONE of them can show my batterystate??15:28
kavityYeah, thanks dennda, sipior, and oskar-  :(15:28
ikoniaSp0tUbuntu: don't rant, we are here to help you try to fix your problem or guide you to the best possible solution15:28
kavityfluitfries: Try removing it and reinstalling?15:28
Sp0tUbuntuRight! Fix my battery please15:28
fluitfrieskavity: it was never "installed" since Xubuntu doesn't mark the Xfce4 meta-package as installed after you install the OS.  :(15:29
ikoniaSp0tUbuntu: could you explain the problem please.15:29
kavitySp0tUbuntu: First of all,*Ubuntu is only one distro of linux, so don't say stuff about the entire linux community.15:29
kavityfluitfries: No, it uses xubuntu-desktop, but you could always try installing xfce4 anyway?15:29
whiteplanegnome is broken  and kde4 sucks15:30
taviany help?15:30
whiteplanewhy ubuntu does that?15:30
Sp0tUbuntuVista, working! NO PROBLEMS! XP Working, NO PROBLEMS! Ubuntu = No battery?! Kubuntu = No battery!? Xubuntu = No battery?! Edubuntu = No battery?! :-)15:30
fluitfrieskavity: ah ok, well in that case i think i will try remove/reinstall of the xubuntu-desktop meta-package.  might that work?15:30
fiftyonehas anyone ever used this test dick before?15:30
ikoniatavi: you want to replace them with what ?15:30
ikoniaDigitalFiz: ?15:30
ikoniafiftyone: ?15:30
JesperHansenWhats the location of the grub file that update-grub reads when making /boot/grub.cfg? (grub2)15:30
fiftyonetest disk15:30
taviwhit the same file15:30
con-manfixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x13437c)->({de4ba900-59ca-11cf-9592-444553540000} 2315 0 (nil) (nil))15:30
Sp0tUbuntukavity: its the same with linux! Same behavioer15:30
ikoniatavi: why ?15:30
ikoniatavi: why do you want to replace a file with the same file ?15:30
tavicause i wanan get them to default values15:30
kavitySp0tUbuntu: My ubuntu works fine, so did gentoo, and slackware when I used.15:31
fiftyonehas anyone every used testdisk before?15:31
Sp0tUbuntuUbuntu, just NOT works!15:31
ikoniatavi: then someone needs to give you a default file and you copy if over the top15:31
con-manmime3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:31
con-man0[146648]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\windows\gecko\0.9.0\wine_gecko\nssdbm3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:31
con-man0[146648]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\windows\gecko\0.9.0\wine_gecko\nspr4.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:31
con-man0[146648]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\windows\gecko\0.9.0\wine_gecko\softokn3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:31
con-man0[146648]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\windows\gecko\0.9.0\wine_gecko\ssl3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:31
FloodBot2con-man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:31
ikoniaSp0tUbuntu: I aske dyou not to rant15:31
con-man0[146648]: nsNativeModuleLoader::LoadModule("C:\windows\gecko\0.9.0\wine_gecko\nss3.dll") - Symbol NSGetModule not found15:31
Sp0tUbuntuI didt15:31
con-manfixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x13437c)->((null) 25 2 0x33d784 (nil))15:31
Sp0tUbuntuJust telling you the trueth15:31
con-manfixme:shdocvw:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec (0x13437c)->((null) 26 2 0x33d784 (nil))15:31
kavitySp0tUbuntu: If I unplug my laptop power chord right now I can see how much battery I have left.15:31
con-manfixme:shdocvw:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x13437c)->(0x33d7c0)15:31
Sp0tUbuntuI cant!15:31
taviso where i can find yjhe files?15:31
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ikoniaSp0tUbuntu: could you explain the problem please, I missed it with the flood15:31
Sp0tUbuntuhavent been able to at ALL in any UBUNTU15:31
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ikoniatavi: someone with a default file needs to share it15:32
csunewHow to modify  the resolution  of tty15:32
ikoniaSp0tUbuntu: I wonn't ask you again to stop ranting - please explain the problem15:32
taviubuntu site har nowhere the original files?15:32
Sp0tUbuntuI have no battery status @ Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu / Edubuntu!15:32
Sp0tUbuntuI have no battery status @ Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu / Edubuntu!15:32
Sp0tUbuntuI have no battery status @ Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu / Edubuntu!15:32
Sp0tUbuntuI have no battery status @ Ubuntu / Kubuntu / Xubuntu / Edubuntu!15:32
FloodBot2Sp0tUbuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:32
dmphotographyQuick question . . what's the default password for user root on phpmyadmin?15:33
taviikonia: ?15:33
kavitySp0tUbuntu: Do you have acpi installed?15:33
Sp0tUbuntuOk! Then install Vista you say?15:33
taviwhere ic an find default files of ubuntu?15:34
kavityIn console type acpi15:34
jtajidmphotography: it's your mysql root password15:34
kavityWhat do you get?15:34
dmphotographyIs there one set by default?15:34
dmphotographyNM, I found it.15:34
erUSULSp0tUbuntu: yes leave as alone and go to ##windows ask there how to install Vista. Good Luck15:35
ikoniatavi: someone will have to share them with you, or you'll have to unpackage a ubuntu .deb package from the repo15:35
kavityerUSUL: Bad answer.15:35
UncleGI am using pmb2g3 and everytime I convert a pbm file it turns out to be too small and faxes poorly15:35
taviunpack means like rar?15:36
UncleGthe fax is just extra small15:36
UncleGAny ideas?15:36
kitchekavity: not really if he wants to install Vista just let him but then again you care what peopel run many others do not15:36
kavitytavi: Unpacking a .deb file is dpkg -i devfilename.deb15:36
erUSULkavity: yes indeed but couldn't help myself from feeding the TROLL15:36
tavican you find me where i find  /var/lib/alsa/asound.state ?15:37
kavitykitche: I don't care what he runs, but if someone using linux wants help, I'd much rather continuously offer them assistance rather than tell them to go to windows.15:37
ikoniatavi: I've told you15:37
taviwell in repo how i do that?15:37
ikoniatavi: either a.) someone with a default file share it with you b.) unpack the alsa deb - in your case I suggest you ask someone in the channel to share15:37
kavitykitche: Helping eachother is one of the key things keeping linux going.15:38
tavido you have?15:38
ikoniatavi: no, or I'd have offered it a long time ago15:38
kitchekavity: maybe but then again I don't care about if Linux is keep going or not really sicne Linux is just a kernel not an operating system15:38
tavihmmm does someone have DEFAULT files from  /var/lib/alsa/asound.state ?15:38
kavitykitche: Without the linux kernel you wouldn't have the linux operating system.15:39
ikoniatavi: you may get a better response on the forum with a good title post15:39
ikoniatavi: more people will see it15:39
ikoniatavi: just a suggestion15:39
Basemwhen i'm useing wubi i get this problem (could not access the Cd, please make sure other applications are not useing it and try agin)15:41
bo7amnyi have ubuntu and mint in the one computer and it start mint first in boot how can i make it start ubuntu first in boot?15:41
KoklocoI have been sent JPEG pictures from a Windows User. When I open them with any program in Ubuntu, the colors are not the same as the originall. Also if I open them using another XP partition, the colors are correct. I have to open them in XP with Paint, save them again, and then when I open them in Ubuntu the colors are ok. Can anyone help me pleae?15:41
fluitfriesi broke Xubuntu trying to install Compiz`.  now my xfwm4 never loads so i have no window manager.  how can i fix?  i'm looking for suggestions to try when i get a chance later today.  thanks!15:41
kavityfluitfries: Did you try installing xfce4 like I suggested?15:42
fluitfrieskavity: ^ looking for more suggestions for trying later.  and yes i had already tried that.  :)15:42
sipiorbo7amny: you can change the default boot in /boot/grub/menu.lst15:43
KoklocoI have been sent JPEG pictures from a Windows User. When I open them with any program in Ubuntu, the colors are not the same as the originall. Also if I open them using another XP partition, the colors are correct. I have to open them in XP with Paint, save them again, and then when I open them in Ubuntu the colors are ok. Can anyone help me pleae?15:44
vernethey... I'm looking for an X expert... I'm trying to get some a set of 3 touchscreens working with it... I got them working with the evtouch driver, but when the monitors go into power save mode or are manually shut off, X loses the touchscreen capability permanently... how would I go about fixing that?15:44
Basemwhen i'm useing wubi i get this problem (could not access the Cd, please make sure other applications are not useing it and try agin)15:45
sipiorBasem: is there something else using the cd drive?15:46
erUSULKokloco: maybe something to do with color management  of screen or color profiles in the app that saves them in windows ??15:46
Basemno sipior15:47
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KoklocoerUSUL, the tool used in windows is Photoshop, but when opened with Paint the colors look ok, the probem is when opened with any tool in UBuntu15:48
linux_guyMy wireless only works on startup about 60% of the time.  I ran a few commands and posted my output here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6710456#post6710456  What should I do to correct this?15:48
Basemany help15:49
XoroZI wrote a script to auto connect15:49
fluitfriesKokloco: you can customize your color profiles in Photoshop.  you may have to start using one that is more compatible.  not sure which one it will be but you can try the settings.15:49
linux_guyXoroZ, i auto connect 40% of the time...15:50
aDMid0RASguys some1 can help me i want to ask about instaling something pm m15:51
linux_guyaDMid0RAS, what are you installing?15:51
aDMid0RASi downloaded m8 teamviewer for linux and it appears teamviewer.exe and i dunno what to type in terminal maybe to instal the program15:52
linux_guyi use teamviewer under wine15:52
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vm158ух ты бля работает вроде15:52
Koklocofluitfries, ok, just wanted to know the reason. The pictures were done by a web template designer, so I dont have access to them. I am programming the web site using Linux, so I noticed that the colors were not the same15:53
Koklocofluitfries, the trick that I found is openening them first in Paint (XP), save them again, and send them to Ubuntu. After this they look ok.15:53
linux_guyaDMid0RAS, have you read this?  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/how-do-i-install-teamviewer-669462/15:53
fluitfriesKokloco: yea don't mess with them then.  the reason is due to color profiles in the differing OS's.  leave the profile alone and all the windows users of those files won't notice a thing.  :)15:53
vm158does anybody speaks russian? or is there russian channel here?15:54
aDMid0RASno m8 ill check it :)15:54
erUSUL!ru | vm15815:54
ubottuvm158: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:54
fluitfriesKokloco: ok, that basically means that Paint is rewriting the profile to be more compatible.  you could always ask your designer to use a more compatible profile.15:54
mick02Afternoon all15:54
Koklocofluitfries, yeah, I will tell him.15:55
Koklocofluitfries, thanks15:55
aDMid0RASok but what is the linux box that the site says15:55
fluitfriesKokloco: np.  ;)15:55
linux_guyaDMid0RAS, i'll pm15:55
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mick02Has anyone ever set up and used the Ultimate Deployment Appliance? www.ultimatedeployment.org15:56
ikoniamick02: how is that anything to do with ubuntu ?15:57
ikoniamick02: this channel is for ubuntu support only15:57
csunewsudo shutdown -h now15:58
Davedan hi. when I'm trying to type a single quote ' in the command line I get ` only on the seccond press15:58
mick02ikonia I'm going to deploy it on a Ubuntu server and then use it to pull a Ubuntu image onto machines on the LAN using PXE15:58
Davedanhow can I fix/change that?15:58
ikoniamick02: ok - so it's nothing to do with ubuntu15:58
hyakuheiIs there a way to purge unused configuration files - after the package has been removed? I guess it would be difficult15:58
mick02ikonia - erm yeah it does15:58
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Basemwhen i'm useing wubi i get this problem (could not access the Cd, please make sure other applications are not useing it and try agin)15:59
mick02Basem, what syatem are you using Wubi on?15:59
mick02Basem, are you running a Windows OS and trying to run Ubuntu through Wubi on it?16:00
deanyhyakuhei, i guess without lookin for them manually (like files/folders in your home folder starting with a dot)  install em again and then remove --purge16:00
hyakuheideany: I'm going to head down the manual route but I hadn't thought about installing and then removing with purge, nice tip - thanks16:01
KryzlerMy ubuntu 8.10 doesn't like vpn connections... anyone know how I can sort it out?16:03
KryzlerI've installed the vpn network manager plugin thing16:03
arvind_khadriikonia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/116489/ .... does this mean that my first key is revoked??16:03
CarlFKwhere is the validation that causes "This value must contain only letters, numbers, underscores, dashes or slashes." in flatpages.model:     url = models.CharField(_('URL'), max_length=100, db_index=True)16:03
Kryzlerthe pptp version16:03
Basemmick02 windows XP sp216:03
CarlFKwhoppps, wrong #chan16:03
mick02Basem, so what happens once you download and run Wubi16:04
ikoniaarvind_khadri: stop asking in here - I told you earlier this is not an ubuntu problem16:04
arvind_khadriikonia, :S sorry16:04
porter1Anyaone know if I can set up my desktop ubuntu machine to allow internet access to my laptop using its space ethernet port?16:04
ikoniaarvind_khadri: managing 3rd party keyservers is nothing to do with ubuntu support16:04
Basemi get this msg could not access the Cd, please make sure other applications are not useing it and try agin16:04
mick02Basem, and there's nothing in the CD or anything? Are you a local admin on your XP box?16:05
KryzlerBasem - Are other applications using it?16:05
Basemyes nothing but ubntu 8.04 cd and yes i'm the admin16:05
sipiorBasem: out of curiosity, is this 8.04, or 8.10?16:05
ArcSighterikonia: About the ADS issue I was following http://tecnoticias.info/tips-comentarios/aplicaciones-varias/autentificacion-de-squid-contra-active-directory.html but I got this error when trying to connect: [2009/02/10 10:56:06, 0] utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup(289)16:05
ArcSighter  ads_connect: No existe el fichero o el directorio16:05
sipiorBasem: have a look here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/23719816:06
KenBW2is there a way to XSane Image Scanner to only scan a specified region?16:06
linux_guyman..... i hate it when people ask for help and then leave16:06
ArcSighterads_connect: No existe el fichero o el directorio16:06
linux_guyMy wireless only works on startup about 60% of the time.  I ran a few commands and posted my output here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6710456#post6710456  What should I do to correct this?16:07
Basemi'll check it16:07
mick02Basem, remove the Ubuntu CD, as far as I'm aware Wubi downloads the image16:07
arvind_khadriikonia, can i PM you?16:07
ikoniaarvind_khadri: no thanks16:07
gibsonis there anyway to do like a 'DNS flush' in ubuntu?16:07
gibsonor rather, a a ipconfig release/renew?16:08
IndgioWhat are the standard system requirements for murmur?16:08
mick02gibson, have you tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:08
gibsonI have not, I am still learning the shell16:09
gibsonwhat file is init.d?16:09
mick02gibson, if that doesn't work try sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart16:09
mick02init.d is a directory gibson16:09
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IndgioWhat are the standard system requirements for murmur?16:09
odelandI'm looking to build an office server with ubuntu. does anyone know a good place where I can get motherboard/general hardware review for that kind of stuff?16:09
gibsonah so it is16:09
gibsonwhat does the init.d directory hold? networking configs etc16:10
ikonia!hcl | odeland16:10
ubottuodeland: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:10
mick02Gibson the /etc/init.d directory contains the scripts executed by init at boot time16:10
Gnea!init | gibson16:10
ubottugibson: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:10
gibsonOkay, thanks that makes snes16:11
gibsoninit is short for initilaztion yah?16:12
gibsonwithout the spelling errors16:13
Gneagibson: yup16:13
gibsonjeez, the file system makes a lot of sense once you figure out what they all stand for, much easier than *duh duh duh* windows! >_>16:14
Daft_Punkgibson, well how do you figure out what it all stands for then? because the file system in linux is still bonkers to me16:14
gibsonthe ubuntuforums and help docs have a lot on the file system16:15
Daft_Punkoh, so it involves reading, doh16:15
gibsonI think ubotto has a link16:15
gibsonlol yeah =O16:15
Daft_Punk!file system16:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about file system16:15
GneaDaft_Punk: as if the filesystem in windows isn't bonkers? :)16:15
Daft_PunkGnea, hmm it is flawed but i understand it16:15
GneaDaft_Punk: same basic concepts apply, just applied differently16:16
Daft_PunkGnea, as far as i understand, in linux, there are several places programs are installed, when in windows its 1 folder16:16
GneaDaft_Punk: ext2 & 3 are more like NTFS than FAT32, in the sense that both support permissions and such16:16
ZeroA4<Daft_Punk> as far as i understand, in Windows, there are several places programs are installed16:17
Daft_PunkZeroA4, oh?16:17
GneaDaft_Punk: well, that's a matter of debate - i've seen, still, some older programs install in places other than \Program Files\, but that's a digression of discussion16:17
Daft_PunkGnea, not in this channel anyway (the discussion)16:17
GneaDaft_Punk: exactly. :)16:18
ZeroA4Daft_Punk, They install things on system folders, on system registry, on user data aplication folders and the like16:18
Daft_PunkZeroA4, well i do admit the registry is insane16:18
GneaDaft_Punk: but instead of using drive letters, unix uses a flat-look at the filesystem - everything is stored, ultimately in root - /16:18
GneaDaft_Punk: other partitions and disks simply get added onto the / somewhere16:19
gibsonI like how everything is a file16:19
Daft_Punkhonestly i do like the drive letters, but all my drives are networked16:19
Daft_Punkwell i think we all like the unrestricted access16:20
Gneaare you looking to do some linux+windows network filesystem integration?16:20
Daft_PunkGnea, already have16:20
GneaDaft_Punk: :D16:20
KenBW2is there a graphical equaliser for ubuntu?16:20
ZeroA4Daft_Punk, one thing i miss in windows is opening an synaptic selecting an instaled program and by click on propreties have a list of all the files of that program and they location16:20
Daft_PunkGnea, you do mean recognizing the windows network drives right?16:20
GneaKenBW2: some audio programs have them, like audacious16:21
kohlmannjto anyone:  this is probably a shipment of fail, and I might  be in the wrong place, but I'm new at this.  let's say I'm on an OLPC XO, I have the OLPC kernel source, and I'd like to compile the Bluetooth and appropriate  HCI kernel modules.  how would I proceed?16:21
fiftyonehello again ubuntu friends!16:21
Daft_PunkZeroA4, well they both have their pros and cons, but windows seems to have more cons16:21
GneaDaft_Punk: right - both ways16:21
KenBW2Gnea: but no system-wide one?16:21
Daft_PunkGnea, both ways? no, i just have it the one way actually, i havnt found a need to reverse it, but im sure if i did i could16:21
GneaKenBW2: no16:21
fiftyoneCan someone help me use gparted? I have a bunch of unallocated space i want to add to my ubuntu machine but the last time i played with qparted i near ruined everything16:22
GneaDaft_Punk: hrm - i meant that, one way is for windows to read linux shares using samba, and the other way for linux to read windows shares with smbclient16:22
sipiorfiftyone: did you get your partitions back, then?16:22
MacGyverNL_I have a laptop with a hardware switch for the wireless card. The card is confirmed to work, and under windows, I can arbitrarily turn it on and off. However, when I turn it on now, Ubuntu 8.10 doesn't seem to pick it up.16:22
PromilleHey guys. Need a little help: If I tend to let my computer on during the night, and leave it on, there is no sound when i come back. I'm using ALSA and I have tried restarting it with sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart    It successfully restart, but still no sound. Only way to fix it, as I know, is to restart the system, which i hate to do. Any suggestions kind fellas?16:22
MacGyverNL_Do I have to modprobe something to enable wireless now, and if so, what should I look for?16:22
Daft_PunkGnea, right well ive done linux to windows and linux to linux shared drives, not windows to linux as ive not had a need16:23
GneaMacGyverNL_: you might have to16:23
fiftyonesipior, Yea! how cool ah? my linux partition works wonderful everything is how i left it, testdisk is a lifesaver i wish i could kiss the people who wrote it!!!16:23
sipiorfiftyone: glad it worked out for you16:23
GneaDaft_Punk: aah - are you familiar with NFS?16:23
ArcSighter"Failed to set servicePrincipalNames. Please ensure that16:23
ArcSighterthe DNS domain of this server matches the AD domain,16:23
ArcSighterOr rejoin with using Domain Admin credentials." I got this error when trying to join to AD domain, Anyone knows why?16:23
ArcSighter 16:23
FloodBot2ArcSighter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:23
Daft_PunkGnea, not particularily16:23
fiftyonesipior thanks alot man, i think that i lost the windows partition because it is still coming up unallocated but thats cool with me i got in this mess trying to delete it in the first place.16:24
GneaDaft_Punk: okay - how did you do linux-to-linux shared drives?16:24
Daft_PunkGnea, wizard16:24
fiftyonebasically what i need now is to turn this unallocated space into a storage partition16:24
GneaDaft_Punk: wut?16:24
gibsonthe alltell wizard? heh16:25
Daft_PunkGnea, i used a wizard that helped me make a folder into a shared folder in linux, then i used another GUI wizard to connect to that shared folder16:25
Gneathat one ran himself into a ditch ;)16:25
GneaDaft_Punk: oooh, okay16:25
sipiorfiftyone: if you fire up gparted from ubuntu, you can reclaim that space easily enough.16:25
fluitfriesi broke Xubuntu trying to install Compiz`.  now my xfwm4 never loads so i have no window manager.  how can i fix?  i'm looking for suggestions to try when i get a chance later today.  thanks!16:25
Daft_PunkGnea, you asked if i understand NFS, no i dont understand the concept of it at all, or the commands to do it in terminal16:25
technopaganhi! I just setup Evolution. Whenever a new mail arrives (IMAP with subfolders), a copy of it automagically appears in Evolution's trash and is marked as "Unread".  This is irritating. How do I stop this?16:25
gibsonI actually setup samba last night to do win-linux file sharing, was incredibly easy16:25
fiftyonesipior i'm in gparted now but honestly im afraid of it lol16:26
MacGyverNL_Gnea: How do I find out which module is usually used for wireless, without rebooting?16:26
sipiorfiftyone: actually, if you only have the one windows partition, just make a filesystem on it, no need to repartition16:26
GneaDaft_Punk: well, basically NFS and smb/cifs work the same way - you'd be mounting a filesystem, only across the network16:26
gibsonfiftyone: as long as you didnt boot to gparted you can't hurt your current partition...i think16:26
PromilleHey guys. Need a little help: If I tend to let my computer on during the night, and leave it on, there is no sound when i come back. I'm using ALSA  and I have tried restarting it with sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart    It successfully restart, but still no sound. Only way to fix it, as I  know, is to restart the system, which i hate to do. Any suggestions kind fellas? (Ubuntu 8.10)16:26
=== kohlmannj is now known as kohlmannj|away
Daft_PunkGnea, right, my shared windows drives are mounted in linux over the network, but they only MOUNT in linux when i go to the shared drive, otherwise they dont mount on bootup, but mounting takes seconds16:27
sipiorfiftyone: gibson: yes, i believe gparted refuses to operate on mounted partitions. still, better safe than sorry... :-)16:27
odelandPromille: sounds like your hardware went to sleep16:27
fiftyonesipior? yea? thing is i have 3 partitions here that have unallocated space 80gb 3.8gb and 15.mb howw can I merge them all together? which type of file system should I use  for storage ( fat32 etc?16:27
GneaDaft_Punk: you can make them mount at bootup by editting /etc/fstab correctly16:27
Promilleodeland: yeah, seems like it. Do you know anything how i can wake it up^^ ?16:28
Daft_PunkGnea, well as i said, its not necessary they mount at bootup, since half the time i dont require them16:28
GneaMacGyverNL_: can you pastebin the output of the lsmod command?16:28
sipiorfiftyone: do you know the device names for the three partitions? something like /dev/sda1, that sort of thing?16:28
odelandPromille:no idea, sorry16:28
Promillekk, thanks anyway :)16:28
fiftyonesipior no, it is just coming up as unallocated16:29
GneaDaft_Punk: ah, okay - I misunderstood then, thought perhaps you were looking for a simpler way of doing network sharing16:29
anonusinghi, i made a tomboy note earlier today but, i can't find it now16:29
fiftyonei love tomboy16:29
Daft_PunkGnea, no, the way i have it set up works perfectly for my needs, but thanks for trying to improve my quality of life with linux16:29
MacGyverNL_Gnea: http://pastebin.com/f2f8f96a416:30
anonusingi just closed the window for the tomboy note i made16:30
GneaDaft_Punk: you're welcome ;)16:30
anonusingso it would save automatically but, now i can't find it16:30
anonusingbut it says the name for is still taken but, it doesn't come up in a search16:30
MacGyverNL_Also, iwconfig works (as a command), but it doesn't list ath0 which is usually the wireless card.16:30
whatev how can you tell if a single port on a remote machine is being listened on16:31
sipiorfiftyone: well, you can allocate the free space into as many partitions as you like, although one is of course simplest16:31
anonusingdoes anyone know how to find tomboy notes?16:31
GneaMacGyverNL_: i don't think i see it there16:31
uniquedoes anyone know which chmod themes in phpnuke should be?16:31
Gneaunique: the people in #phpnuke should know16:32
Daft_Punkanonusing, use ctrl+f2 and type in tomboy?16:32
fiftyonesipior, basically i have my ubuntu partition here and I am hap that however, i want to keep a partition  just for backup and  storage.16:32
MacGyverNL_Gnea: In other words, the wireless card *has* to be turned on on boot in order to work?16:32
Daft_Punkanonusing, sorry i meant alt+f216:32
sipiorfiftyone: this is all on one disk, correct?16:32
fiftyonei would like to take this 80someodd gig and make it a storage disk16:32
GneaMacGyverNL_: i'm not sure. try this: open a terminal and watch the logs like this:  tail -f /var/log/syslog    while you're doing that, turn the wifi switch on and see what happens in the log16:33
anonusingdaft_punk, i can find tomboy, just not the specific note16:33
fiftyoneyea one 160gb disk16:33
lianimatorwhere can I find developers responsible for a keyboard layout (mm)?16:33
anonusingdaft_punk, i should have a total of three notes but, there are only two listed there16:33
sipiorfiftyone: could you pastebin the result of "sudo sfdisk -l /dev/sda"?16:33
Daft_Punkanonusing, well perhaps it was deleted16:33
fiftyonesipior, 1  sec16:34
anonusingdaft_punk, the name i used for that note, it won't let me use it for any new notes because it says the name is taken16:34
MacGyverNL_Gnea: Already did that. Nothing turns up.16:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:34
anonusingdaft_punk, it says "a note with that title already exists"16:35
mick02anonusing have you typed tomboy into the terminal?16:35
GneaMacGyverNL_: then give it a reboot and have it turned on at boot-time - when it's up and running, do another pastebin of lsmod16:35
anonusingmick02, yes16:35
fatbrainShould I be able to connect my bluetooth keyboard with Ubuntu after it's been paired with my Windows XP or do I have to remove the paring from Windows first?16:35
immortaly007_hi guys, uhm, my emerald theme manager isn't importing stuff... it sais: "Error stating file '/home/immortaly007/Desktop': No such file or directory"16:36
MacGyverNL_Meh, I'll do a reboot and find out.16:36
Daft_Punkanonusing, go to home, show hidden files, and go to .tomboy and the notes should be stored there by default16:36
fiftyonesipior, http://paste.ubuntu.com/116502/16:36
Gneafatbrain: if you pair it with linux, winxp should lose the pair automatically16:36
aboSamoorHi, I can use my external mic to record but not to make conversation over empathy or ekiga ? Any idea ?16:36
fatbrainGnea: problem is the hcitool scan doesn't show me the keyboard... I can see it if I do a hcitool info <bdaddr>16:37
KoklocoI have a folder with 50 jpeg pictures. Is there any tool that I can program to open automatically each on and cut a portion and save it as another picture? (for the all 50 pictures)16:38
Gneafatbrain: at all? or how about it you unpair it with winxp?16:38
Daft_Punkfatbrain, windows and linux can have settings to connect to the bluetooth keyboard, but the keyboard will only be paired with one device (the last device it was connected to)16:38
fatbrainGnea: havn't tried to unpair it yet, will try that now16:38
anonusingdaft_punk, yes thanks, i found an xml document with the info there16:38
anonusingi understand what happened to the actual note though. it's kind of scary if it just "lost" it or something16:38
anonusingi don't*16:39
sipiorfiftyone: all right, you can delete that partition using fdisk. try "sudo fdisk /dev/sda". then hit "p" to print the partition table, "d" to select a partition for deletion, and then "1" to specify the first partition (which looks to be your windows partition)16:39
Daft_Punkanonusing, honestly i dont understand why it would disappear either....16:39
anonusingthanks anyways16:39
fatbrainDaft_Punk: So I can't use my keyboard on both windows and ubuntu without paring/unpairing on reboots?16:39
Daft_Punkfatbrain, right16:39
mick02anonusing, try going into the .tomboy folder ... do a ls-lrt in that folder then finding the most recent note use vi most_recent_note and then chenge the bottom option <open-on-startup> to True16:39
fatbrainDaft_Punk: Strange :S16:40
=== kohlmannj|away is now known as kohlmannj
Daft_Punkfatbrain, any bluetooth device can only be connected to ONE device at a time, because that way it wont be controlling multiple devices, so if you want to use it on linux you have to re-pair the devices, if you want to use it on windows, you have to pair it again with windows etc...16:40
KoklocoI have a folder with 50 jpeg pictures. Is there any tool that I can program to open automatically each on and cut a portion and save it as another picture? (for the all 50 pictures) I saw in someplace that there was a cosole app that can do this..16:41
sipiorKokloco: ImageMagick will do that quite handily16:41
GneaDaft_Punk, fatbrain: what they need to produce is a bluetooth kvm ;)16:41
fatbrainDaft_Punk: But my Windows / Linux is on the same machine, same bluetooth dongle. Surely the paring must result in some type of "configuration" that I can share between windows/linux16:41
Daft_PunkGnea, yeah a bluetooth kvm would be awesoe16:41
Koklocosipior, ok, that's what I was looking for, thanks mate16:41
Daft_Punkfatbrain, doesnt matter, the are different operating systems and your bluetooth device sees it as two different machines16:42
fiftyonesipior,  you sure? i'm afraid16:42
fiftyonesipior,  it's asking me for partition 1-416:43
sipiorfiftyone: then don't do it :-) this is a good time to ensure that you have a current backup16:43
Daft_Punkfatbrain, i understand what you want accomplished and as far as i know it cant be done since the bluetooth device can only be paired with one device by default and each OS is looked at, as another device... i could suggest perhaps contacting the manufacturer for the keyboard or posting on a bluetooth forum16:43
sipiorfiftyone: you know, another possibility would be to use gparted to copy the linux partition over the windows one. you could then expand the linux partition however you wanted.16:44
fatbrainGnea: I unpaired it and now when I try to pair it I get a "paring failed" message, it's not even asking for a pin16:44
fiftyonesipior,  you said it wont let me delete mounted partitions?16:44
j-m#clx sur 9faure.net16:44
fiftyonesipior,  that sounds like a good idea16:44
fatbrainDaft_Punk: yes, will do my best to find some more information on my problem, thanks16:44
Daft_Punkfatbrain, if you do and im still here i hope you wouldnt mind sharing your discovery if you do find a way around it16:45
GneaDaft_Punk: ha! http://www.zonetusa.com/products-113.aspx16:45
sipiorfiftyone: of course, then you'd have to make sure grub was happy. maybe just simpler to blow the windows partition away. make sure you have a current backup of your data.16:45
orudiehi. what is the best way to set up an FTP server ?16:45
Gneafatbrain: try resetting the keyboard?16:45
fatbrainGnea: I just did, nothing happend16:45
Daft_PunkGnea, interesting...16:46
spitziHi, I've just started using Ubuntu on my home PC. O:-)16:46
ArcSighterI got "Failed to set servicePrincipalNames. Please ensure that the DNS domain of this server matches the AD domain, Or rejoin with using Domain Admin credentials" Waht's going on?16:46
Daft_Punkspitzi, congrats16:46
sameep@orudie :  sudo apt-get install vsftpd16:46
mick02ArcSighter, what exactly are you trying to do?16:47
spitziI'm using Pidgin, which constantly reports who joined and left the room. Can I somehow disable this ?16:47
ArcSightermick02: trying to join to a ADS domain using samba/winbind16:47
Gneafatbrain: are you using a bluetooth dongle or is it built into the computer?16:47
fatbrainGnea: dongle16:47
Gneafatbrain: try reconnecting it16:48
aadityaspitzi: Enable the plugin "Join/Part hiding"16:48
mick02ArcSighter, is it a Windows Domain16:48
fatbrainGnea: did that too :S16:48
fiftyonesipior,  i actually just rebilt grub16:48
ArcSightermick02: a w2k3 ad domain16:48
fiftyonesipior, ok im gonna just try and delete this things you said i cant delete mounted partitions>16:48
mick02ArcSighter, why don't you just use Likewise ... www.likewise.com16:48
=== Akallab is now known as Akallaeth
ArcSightermick02 I want to join this linux server to the AD domain16:49
fatbrainGnea: Feels like I've been down every road atleast a couple of times16:49
gustavohay gente?16:49
ArcSightermick02: and I got that error16:49
spitziaaditya - thanks. Now I also realize that plugins are the standard way to treat Pidgin. Is that a standard property of Linux applications ?16:50
=== everton137 is now known as everton137_busy
sipiorfiftyone: gparted won't let you, but fdisk won't be so clever, i think. i wasn't kidding about having a current backup, by the way.16:51
lesshastehi all16:51
aadityaspitzi: yes, plugin support makes it easy to add features without rebuilding the whole thing16:51
sipiorfiftyone: believe me, it reduced the stress of messing with your disk immensely :)16:51
lesshastewhich X driver should I use for VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44 [GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM)] (rev a1) ?16:51
lesshasteX works but mplayer freezes for example so I must have something wrong16:51
ArcSighterso any clues about a linux server who can't join a ADS domain because of a error indicating the dns name of this server doesn't match the AD domain dn?16:51
aadityaachilles: are you the popular bot?16:52
mick02Arcsighter, have you tried to use Likewise on your server? I've got my desktop running on my Windows Domain here in work16:52
Wunderbarok, problem with firefox opening as maximised for no apparent reason...16:52
spitziCool. See ya.16:52
fiftyonesipior,  yea i have a backup i made a few days ago, problem is i am afraid of deleteing it lol16:52
Gneafatbrain: does it re-pair if you reboot ubuntu?16:52
fatbrainGnea: will have to test, bbl *wave*16:52
fiftyonesipior, how do i delete it with fdisk again<?16:52
sipiorfiftyone: ahh. i guess i meant, a backup on a different disk somewhere...16:52
mick02ArcSighter it sounds like there's something wrong in your config files16:52
fiftyoneah ok16:52
sipiorfiftyone: "d" and then the partition number16:53
ArcSightermick02: it isn't a desktop16:53
Droopsta915Is there a tool I can download that tells me all my computer specifications, or some type of info on what hardware Im running?16:53
fiftyonesipior,  how do i make sure i am choosing the correct one>16:53
GneaDroopsta915: should already be there: lshw16:53
zerothis1when I add a new user to my system, the new user boots to a blank tan background and nothing else.16:53
mick02ArcSighter, I never said that it was16:53
sipiorfiftyone: the partition type should be listed in the right-most column when you print the table16:53
ArcSightermick02: the error is telling that my dns name in the server doesn't match the dns of the AD domain, what should I try?16:54
mick02ArcSighter, have you even looked at Likewise? They provide a command line utility to join domains ... why don't you just take a look at it and then if it doesn't do what you're looking for come back to me16:54
lesshastehow do I tell if I am on hardy or ibex?16:54
ArcSighterlesshaste: lsb_release -a16:54
lesshasteArcSighter, thanks16:54
mick02ArcSighter, have you got a Windows box attached to the domain?16:54
lesshasteArcSighter, how do I start the restricted driver thing to see if there is something for my graphics card?16:55
ArcSightermick02: yes of course I do16:55
_VIM_lesshaste: if it works flawlessly it's hardy,,, ;)16:55
fiftyonesipior,  when i hit p i get two listed /dev/sda1 which is says is boot andHPFS/NTFS the scond is my linx16:55
PPKumahi, how can i upgrade my svn client? i have my OS up to date but i get a 'your svn client is too old' when trying to make 'svn update'16:55
mick02OK so, do you know the name of your Domain Controller?16:55
Droopsta915Gnea: I see it's installed, what is lshw gtk? And how do I use lshw? Sorry about all the questions. :)16:55
ArcSightermick02: I'll go lunch to get new strengths I come back shorly16:55
fiftyonesipior,  this seems like it is only listing the two that it can read ie the two that i neeed to keep! lol16:55
ArcSightermick02: yes of course I have the name, I'm network coadmin16:55
ArcSightermick02: please pv me16:56
GneaDroopsta915: open a terminal, type lshw and press enter :)16:56
mick02ArcSighter, I probably won't be here, but check out that link I sent you16:56
Droopsta915Gnea: thanks16:56
sipiorfiftyone: oh, was your backup on an ntfs volume?16:56
fiftyoneit is16:56
fiftyonesipior, it is 40gb16:57
sipiorfiftyone: try creating a new partition with "n", specify the beginning cylinder as 116:57
=== Abracadabra is now known as [Abracadabra_Lon
sipiorfiftyone: so "n", then "p" (for primary partition)16:57
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fiftyonesipior, partition number 1-416:58
juniechohi, running ubuntu 8.10 intrepid on hp tx2000 tablet pc (usb screen tablet), is it possible to install the tablet driver WITHOUT manually compiling it?16:58
fatbrainGnea: heh, I'll stop using linux for now :) thanks for your input anyway :)16:58
TopKatzis there a trick to get emerald to work in 8.116:58
fosco__TopKatz, there's no needing16:59
fiftyonesipior,  nevermind i just created a new 80gb partition fa32t16:59
sipiorfiftyone: pick a number different from the two listed by fdisk16:59
fiftyonein gparted16:59
sipiorfiftyone: ah, good.16:59
TopKatzhow sould I change window themes then in 8.1?16:59
Gneafatbrain: it didn't work?17:00
fatbrainGnea: nope17:00
fosco__TopKatz, use emerald theme manager or system - preferences - appearance17:00
TopKatzemerald is not applying the theme17:00
TopKatzI see them in there, but selecting does nothing17:00
fosco__TopKatz, so you're not using emerald17:01
TopKatzI have it installed17:01
TopKatzI can select a theme, but it does not apply it17:01
geoglitchIs there an easy way to mount a disk from another computer's raid1 array to pull the data off in ubuntu server?17:01
fosco__to use emerald execute emerald --replace17:01
ikoniageoglitch: break the mirror, plug the disk in the new computer and mount it17:01
ikoniageoglitch: it's that simple17:02
TopKatzgood call17:02
TopKatzthat did it17:02
Gneafatbrain: are you on 8.04 or 8.10?17:02
fatbrainGnea: I'm on 8.10 (64-bit)17:02
geoglitchi've got the disk in my ubuntu server box but mount is saying: mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'17:02
ikoniageoglitch: what type of raid 1 is it, hardware or software ?17:03
juniechohi, running ubuntu 8.10 intrepid on hp tx2000 tablet pc (usb screen tablet), is it possible to install the tablet driver WITHOUT manually compiling it? i mean, without './configure' 'sudo make install' so on, just some nice .deb packages...?17:03
geoglitchfrom a fedora core 2 server17:03
ikoniageoglitch: linux software ?17:03
uiiiuhuuuhhaaahahaaaa :D17:03
ikoniageoglitch: or fake raid17:03
geoglitchyeah; linux software17:03
ikoniauiii: what ?17:03
ikoniagoatslacker: run fdisk -l on it, what is the partition type17:03
uiiinothing it wos only a test :)17:04
ikoniauiii: please don't17:04
geoglitchfdisk -l shows the device as /dev/sdd1 with ID fd (Linux raid autodetect)17:04
ikoniageoglitch: interesting, what file system was on the raid1 volume ?17:04
Droopsta915Will Ubuntu keep all my terminal command history, or does it erase after a certain period of time?17:05
ikoniaDroopsta915: it's stored in .bash_history - it will keep it as long as there is space in that file17:05
geoglitchi believe it was ext217:05
ikoniageoglitch: interesting, I've done this many times with ext3 and I've never seen that message17:05
ikoniageoglitch: maybe worth checking the FS type on the other system17:06
goatslackerikonia, i would run fdisk -l but I'm compiling php/ffmpeg :P17:06
Droopsta915ikonia: gracias ;)17:06
gibsonhow do you change the default program that opens a file in intrepid? ie my music opens in totem instead of rythm17:06
geoglitchikonia: running mount on the old server gives /dev/md0 on /home type ext3 (rw)17:06
TopKatzfosco__ that only works while I ahve the terminal open.  Do I need to put this call someplace?17:06
ikoniageoglitch: so ext3 is it, have you tried a mount -t ext3 ?17:07
Dynamo_zjosssnetworkkard 802.11n Wireless LAN Card   doesn't want to load, where do i find driver17:07
geoglitchikonia: ok; that worked (I was trying to mount /dev/sdd rather than /dev/sdd1) = ouch17:08
ikoniageoglitch: ahhhh17:08
ikoniageoglitch: mount a partition, not a disk ;)17:08
geoglitchikonia: funny how computers do just what you tell them to17:08
geoglitchikonia: thanks for your help17:09
ikoniano sweat, you fixed it yourself17:09
Dynamo_zjosssnetworkkard 802.11n Wireless LAN Card   doesn't want to load, where do i find driver17:09
TopKatzwere should I put emerald --replace to keep the theme loaded?17:10
^hashbang_away^TopKatz: Preferences->Sessions17:10
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vvk-does anyone know why does it take so long for Firefox 3.0.6 to appear in official repositories?17:13
deanyvvk-, just the way it is for a lot of apps..17:14
deanyhopefully there aint no big vulnerability in :)17:14
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vvk-deany, nothing really serious, afaik.17:16
deanyvvk-, is it in backports?17:16
benstesomeone here who can help me that evolution doesn't loose events during the sync of Google Calendar and Evolution? - Maybe it's related to the repetition of my events?17:16
Scunizivvk-: bleeding edge is not really what the releases are all about. although they do try to incorporate the latest up to a certain point in time in the development of the next release17:16
vvk-deany, don't know. I'm just using the regular update checker.17:17
Scunizibenste: as far as I know you're only able to view g calendar events in Evo not create them17:17
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benstethat was until 2.21 as Google said :-)17:18
vvk-Scunizi, well I'm talking about 3.0.6, not 3.1.blah. The .6 is just a security update, so there should be reason to release it soonish.17:18
Scunizibenste: 2.21 of evo?17:18
bensteScunizi  http://johnnyjacob.wordpress.com/2006/04/30/google-calendar-in-evolution/17:18
bensteScunizi  2.24.317:19
benstethat's what I'm using17:19
Scunizivvk-: ah.. security updates are done regularly.. could be your mirror hasn't populated yet or it hasn't been released..17:19
renan_saddamsince 8.10 is not usingo sldap.conf anymore, how do I import the schemas (ie. samba schema) ?17:19
deanyive been checking for a few days, not on mine either. its just not been done yet by ubuntu17:19
Scunizibenste: I haven't really paid attention.. is that the version in 8.10?17:20
bensteIt has an option GOOGLE17:20
vvk-Scunizi, I Googled ubuntuforums and yesterday someone else there was asking about this thing also.17:20
bensteit works17:20
deanyvvk-, http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid-updates/web/17:20
benstebut doesn't get all evnets17:20
deany3.0.5 only there.17:20
Scunizibenste: interesting.. I've wanted that feature.. have you checked launchpad for bugs concerning the issue you're having?17:20
juniechohey guys, is it possible for a newbie linux user to create his own .deb package?17:21
Slartjuniecho: well.. anything is possible.. I doubt it would be easy though17:21
Scunizijuniecho: yes ..it's called compiling17:21
bensteScunizi: - yes but I didn't find one just all these old ones can't write - but I am able to write17:21
Scunizibenste: I'll have to check that out.. thanks for the tip.. if you can't figure out why the connector isn't working you might consider filing a bug17:22
Slartjuniecho: what kind of package were you going to create?17:22
zerothis1juniecho: there are some GUI package creators. I don't recall thier names though17:22
darthanubisanyone have skype video working? 8.10 64bit?17:23
juniechoSlart, Scunizi, i'm doing this because i have a tablet pc, and the stylus pen is not enabled by default. tutorials i've found are like... doing some ./configure make... console things... i really don't want do that because i know that i have to do it every time when there is a kernel update.17:23
bensteScunizi: just thought someone else here may know more about it -17:23
benste--> does someone know more about sync of Google and Evo?17:23
Slartdarthanubis: sometimes.. odd days, between 03.00 and 03.15.. if it's a full moon and jupiter is aligned with neptune..17:24
Scunizijuniecho: is the tablet function based on wacom?17:24
juniechoSlart/Scunizi// so i want to make this 'tablet driver' a .deb package file so i don't have to take care of it anymore17:24
juniechoScunizi yes wacom usb tablet17:24
Slartjuniecho: perhaps look at checkinstall17:24
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!17:24
renan_saddamhow do I include schemas to OpenLdap when using cn=config ?17:25
clayghow do i count words in a txt file? is there  a simple cli command?17:25
Slartclayg: wc?17:26
Scunizijuniecho: wacom functionality is built into ubuntu. sometimes there are tweeks you have to do to activate it. but you really shouldn't have to compile anything.. could be you went to the net first looking for a solution and landed on a "from scratch" type tutorials.. check www.ubuntufourms.org17:26
bensteis there somewhere on this IRC a channel for evolution?17:26
nDuffbenste, I'd look around on irc.gnome.org, rather than freenode17:26
claygSlart,  awesome thanks alot bro17:27
Slartclayg: you're welcome17:27
juniechoSlart, Scunizi, so i found this: http://mirosol.kapsi.fi/tx2020/tx2000howto.htm tutorial on tablet driver is on number 4... i tried it when i was using ubuntu 8.04 and it was successful... but could there be a better way?17:28
fiftyonei have a really easy silly question,, i have a nice pair of usb headphones, they worked just a few minutes ago now i cant figure why they are not working> how do i tell my soundcard that im using usb headphones?17:28
gibsonis there a better music manager than rythm?17:28
Slartjuniecho: I wouldn't know.. I've never used ubuntu with a tablet.. I've never used a tablet at all, come to think of it17:29
Slartgibson: define "better", there are some that are different17:29
rohithii neone tried glade with ruby ?17:29
fiftyonei have a really easy silly question,, i have a nice pair of usb headphones, they worked just a few minutes ago now i cant figure why they are not working> how do i tell my sound card that i'm using usb headphones?17:30
juniechoSlart: well then is there something like... um... Device Manager, like windows?17:30
gibsoneasier to use =)17:30
gibsonlighter footprint17:30
juniechoi'd like to check whether the driver is loaded or not installed... how could i do that17:31
Slartjuniecho: there used to be some kind of device manager.. but I think it disappeared along the way.. there are the usual terminal based tools to see hardware and such of course17:31
Scunizijuniecho: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom17:32
juniechoslart: oh that's okay, i'm not console-friendly but it's okay... how could i check the driver?17:32
fosco__TopKatz_, use fusion-icon to control compiz17:33
benstebetter install ccsm17:33
juniechoScunizi, thanks, but i already checked on that page and installed those 2 driver/tool packages17:33
fiftyonejust wondering if anyone else uses a usb sound devise? i have usb headphones that don't seem to want to work for me. they worked before on ubuntu not sure why they are not workig now17:33
alexmaxHelp!  For some reason when i try clicking on anything in Gnome, instead of selecting anything it drags the window.  I can't click on a link in firefox, can't select OK or Cancel in a dialog box, it just drags everything!17:33
alexmaxIf I hold down ctrl or alt I can click on things, but then if ctrl-click or alt-click has something special associated with it, it does that17:34
Slartjuniecho: wll.. if it's a kernel module you can always use "lsmod" to list those17:34
alexmaxI was messing around with Compiz settings when this happened and I can't figure out what I changed to make this happen17:34
Slartalexmax: tried just tapping all your alt/shift/ctrl keys just to make sure they are not "stuck" so to speak17:35
alexmaxSlart: I figured it out, apparently if I assign 'window menu' to nothing, it actually binds it to mouse3 and then i can only move.17:35
alexmaxIf I assign it back to alt-mouse3 it undoes it17:36
alexmaxNasty bug D:17:36
Slartalexmax: bah.. sounds annoying17:36
alexmaxSlart: Where can I assign 'show desktop'17:36
juniechoSlart, Scunizi, i tried lsmod and the result was... http://pastebin.com/f16d44319 . i see 'wacom' at line 317:36
alexmaxsuper-f11 currently maximizes and I want it to show desktop17:36
juniechoso does it mean i have the driver already installed?17:37
meshuggahhello everyone17:37
kjellhi meshuggah17:37
Slartalexmax: I have no idea.. there is a applet for the gnome panel that does it but I don't know how it's done17:37
Slartjuniecho: then it seems the module is loaded17:38
fiftyonewhats the best music player for linux>?17:38
juniechoalexmax, do you have compiz settings manager?17:38
Slart!best | fiftyone17:38
ubottufiftyone: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:38
Slartfiftyone: I use quod libet.. it works for me17:39
juniechoSlart, is the 'module' same as 'driver'?17:39
meshuggahhow can i use VNC on ubuntu 8.10 ?17:39
Slartjuniecho: yes17:39
fiftyonethanks for that slart, however, i was just asking for opinions I like to check out different things, Sometimes I dont like ubot17:39
Gnea!vnc | meshuggah17:39
ubottumeshuggah: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX17:39
meshuggahok thank you17:40
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX17:40
Gneafreenx works quite well17:40
Slartfiftyone: then tell us what kind of media player you want? something big and shiny with lots of extras like amarok? or are you running it on a mini-itx server hidden in your car? you could use mpd in that case.. we don't know what you want17:40
juniechoSlart... so if it's almost-ready to use, could be there some extra steps...?17:40
meshuggahi want to convert my workmate to ubuntu, so i need to show it before17:41
Gneameshuggah: i've actually experienced better throughput over the network with freenx17:41
fiftyoneslart you ever use a usb headphone set>? I got a new one and i cant seem to get it working. it worked before on ubuntu, just cant seem to swich from the default speaker system  Slart, Amrok is great, but its big and clunkey something like winamp would be great17:41
Slartjuniecho: possibly.. it would depend on the driver.. ask someone that uses it or has used it17:41
meshuggahand i cant use a livecd, and i will be using windows 2000 with 56K modem at work, FreeNX will be good?17:42
fiftyoneslart i have sound just not in my headphones arrg17:42
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:42
Slartfiftyone: then why didn't you say that from the beginning.. would have saved us all a lot of wear and tear on the keyboard =).. look at audacious.. it's winamp but without the media library.. I have no idea what to do about the bluetooth headset.. bluetooth isn't working for me at all on intrepid17:42
deanyfiftyone, try audacious then.. Im still using xmms, works for me.17:43
fiftyonethanks :)17:43
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:43
juniechoSlart, one question... can you check this out, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom/LatestDriver , it tells me that i can install pre-built binaries, like sudo ./install, can this 'survive' a kernel update?17:43
fiftyoneSlart its just a usb not bluetooth17:44
Slartjuniecho: if it's a kernel driver you usually have to recompile it..17:44
meshuggahyeah! I am burning debian on a dvd with 0.1X speed on a 18X burner.......viva usb 1.0-1.117:45
Slartok, I've got to go make some dinner for the lovely wife.. see you all later17:45
fiftyoneSlart, its a normal usb headphone no idea why i cant swch from default17:45
fiftyoneslart thanks alot man have a nice dinner :D17:45
juniechoslart, yes but what if i install 'precompiled' drivers? do i have to reinstall?17:46
sd32how can i stop a usb sound device from stealing the sound?17:46
fluitfriesi broke Xubuntu trying to install Compiz`.  now my xfwm4 never loads so i have no window manager.  how can i fix?  i'm looking for suggestions to try when i get a chance later today.  thanks!17:46
mercutio22Can someone recommend me a good tool to record a video of my desktop?17:47
meshuggahfluitfries : install : compuz fusion icon      with it you can change or restart window manager17:48
Assidwe need better themese17:48
Assidthe default human one .. well.. is just so so17:48
freazerdoes anybody have good URLs for how to configure bootloaders? Somebody told me to run dpkg -P lilo the other day and I'm not able to boot17:49
fluitfriesmeshuggah: compiz fusion icon is a package in synaptic?17:49
meshuggahfluitfries : yeah, i downloaded it there, and i am on xubuntu me too17:49
{g}Hey People! I often see our Ubuntu 8 machines hang for a second. For example, you want to close a tab in Firefox and it hangs for a second. Or you want to scroll in a Firefox window and it hangs for a second before it responds. Any ideas how to dive deeper into this?17:50
fluitfriesmeshuggah: the normal compiz package totally broke Xfce.  :(  i will try your suggestion, thanks!17:50
fluitfries{g}: got the right graphics drivers installed?17:50
meshuggahfluitfries : maybe it will work, i hope for you,17:51
fluitfriesmeshuggah: thanks!17:51
deanymercutio22, forget the exact name, something like gtk-recordmydesktop17:51
{g}fluitfries: never installed anything. just installed plain vanilla ubuntu. how would you go about the grafik drivers?17:51
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fluitfries{g}: i cannot remember but i know that you need to get them installed.  also, if you are using compositor effects and not using the right drivers or perhaps not enough video memory, you might see this sort of "lag".  try a google search for ubuntu video drivers17:52
fiftyoneanyone had usb headset problems? my usbheadset isnt working, it works on ubuntu fine i am sure but not sure why i cant get it to work on this machine17:53
{g}fluitfries: no idea if we use compositor effects17:53
nDufffiftyone, does anything show up in dmesg when you connect it?17:53
freazerNobody here has ever configured a bootloader before? My main issues are that my stuff is wrapped inside LVM and raid1 mirror with MDADM17:54
fluitfries{g}: they are 3D desktop/window management like what Mac OS X provides.  transparency, visual effects, etc...  probably not turned on by default.  there would be a setting in your preferences.17:54
tiredbones vega, are you the person i was communicating with yesterday about HUB?17:54
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fluitfries{g}: deal with the drivers first though.  :)17:54
meshuggahg : install Xubuntu it will be a little lighter17:54
nDufffreazer, we probably all have, but you asked for links, not help. :)17:54
{g}fluitfries: on the one machine, i looked and it says "no desktop effects"17:55
nDufffreazer, ...that said -- is your /boot on a raw (non-LVM) partition?17:55
fiftyonenDuff no i dont think so but it is showing up in the pefrences and in the alsa settings17:55
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fluitfries{g}: good.  maybe if you get the drivers set up you'll be able to use them.  :)17:55
fiftyoneand it worked with a different install of this ubuntu distro17:55
freazernDuff: No, the Ubuntu Alternate 8.04 install CD said I could wrap /boot and everything inside the LVM, so I did.. and it's causing a ton of problems.17:56
nDufffiftyone, have you tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems?17:56
nDufffreazer, yar, everything *but* /boot in LVM isn't so bad, but putting /boot itself in there is trouble.17:56
{g}fluitfries: i have no idea how to go about the drivers17:56
fluitfries{g}: i can't tell you either.  use google.  ubuntu has wonderful support pages.  :)17:57
{g}anybody who knows how to check if the correct graphic drivers are installed?17:57
freazernDuff: Which is why somebody told me to run dpkg -P lilo when I was asking for help with an unrelated issue, the general advice is "lilo sucks" when it in fact handles my particular boot environment very well. I had my OS backed up, I copied all the lilo.conf files back, but now when I run lilo to reinstall it's saying I don't have /proc/partitions right? so I'm afraid there might be certain system-level configurations that weren'17:59
zippytechi need to set my ip to static but when i look at the /etc/network/interfaces i only see auto lo    iface lo inet loopback,  nothing about eth017:59
freazernDuff: I basically want all the magic of the alternate Ubuntu 8.04 installer without having to actually format and start over ^^; any ideas?17:59
nDufffreazer, right -- LILO works for you precisely *because* it just loads from a recorded blocklist and doesn't try to do anything smart (reading the underlying filesystem), because LVM makes that smart stuff require a LVM-aware bootloader, and AFAIK those don't exist.18:00
=== patrick is now known as Guest97961
Rencxi missed and deleta all Human icons how can i get them back?18:00
freazernDuff: Thanks for explaining that, I'm still a little fuzzy about where that stuff resides, it doesn't seem to be a partition or take up any space on the normal drive18:01
RencxI delete all Human icons how can i get them back? Also i dont now how to remove installed skin theme...18:02
ice_creamhi, is there a list online somewhere of the latest livecd list of applications?  (and versions, in particular)18:03
freazerRencx: How exactly did you delete them all?18:03
=== gr is now known as edsantos
Rencxsudo rm -rf18:03
Rencxfreazer: sudo rm -rf i need find a copy of them18:04
freazerRencx: Have you tried apt-get install --reinstall human-icon-theme ?18:04
Rencxfreazer: no i will do it now18:05
{g}Anybody who knows how to find out which graphic card is in my computer?18:05
fosco__{g}, lspci | grep -i vga18:05
ice_creami was just thinking about a gparted bootable disc, and i believe the ubuntu livecd alread has some version of gparted.. would be nice to know what sort of other stuff is there if i were to turn this into a kind of personalized ultimate boot disc =)18:05
meshuggahg : open your case18:05
{g}01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter18:05
{g}fosco__: thanks18:05
Pilot_51Is Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop supposed to fit on a regular CD-R?18:05
{g}fosco__: any idea how to know which drivers to install for this monster?18:06
^hashbang^Pilot_51: yes18:06
meshuggahg :  put this line in google + ubuntu18:06
Rencxfreazer: ty it worked, and how i can remove Human_O2??18:06
freazerice_cream: Have you seen http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php ? They (and there others) that have prebuilt "ultimate" partition resizers and other tools18:06
Pilot_51I've tried twice (both AMD64 and i386) and when I try checking the CD integrity or running it live or installing it it gives an error "CD boot failed" or something like that18:07
fiftyonelogitec usb headset i changed all the default sound devices to my logitec headset but i am still only getting sound from my speakers... in the sound options if I click test i get sound threw my headset nice and loud but for music./movies it comes threw my speakers..18:07
marko-_-where can you see when was the distribution installed ?18:07
ice_creamfreazer, yes, i'm doing that too, but that was not my question18:07
freazerPilot_51: What program are you using to burn the ISO?18:07
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freazerRencx: I don't know enough about themes to advize you on that. Worst case scenario you can always reinstall?18:08
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Pilot_51I'm on Windows 7 64-bit beta and apparently ISO Recorder and the Windows ISO burner don't recognize the blank CD18:08
Rencxfreazer: to install new Human_O2 i must remove prieviou18:09
fiftyonestrange how such little things can make a person crazy lol18:09
_nikoHey there! can someone explain the usage or -R on ssh? I have tried but failed . I tring to have a connection to my external server so that i can access my home box wherever18:10
RencxHow i can remove installed icons? I install Human-O2 and now i want install again but it can't overwrite.18:11
freazerPilot_51: I recommend http://www.imgburn.com/ for Windows ISO Burning, it's a nice simple OSS app that allows for bootable images. If that's also not working it might be Windows 7? That's easy enough to blame because it's beta18:11
Pilot_51Ok thanks, OSS FTW ;)18:11
KoklocoHow can I add a text to a file name in the console? For example, I have a file called "file.txt" and I want to add to it "header_", so the final file will be : "header_file.txt"? thanks18:11
{g}how do i know my ubuntu version?18:12
^hashbang^_niko: what port on the external server are you tryin to access from home18:12
freazer_niko: What exactly are you trying to do? Connect to a remote server on a nonstandard port, or are you trying to do some sort of localside port forwarding?18:13
fiftyonei'm an idiot18:13
rocksolidid 10-t18:13
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meshuggahg : reboot, i think it write it when you enter your password18:13
rocksolidor type lsb_release -a18:14
meshuggahg : if you downloaded it, not long ago, it will be 8.10 intrepid ibex18:15
meshuggahg : probably...18:15
freazerCan anybody help me with LILO installation, or at the very least point me to some documentation? Google is failing me and I'm not finding anything in the Ubuntu documenation18:15
ZeroA4freazer, but ubuntu uses grub... not lilo18:16
giraohello anyone know the staff ubuntu ultimate?18:16
meshuggahfreazer : http://www.control-escape.com/linux/lilo-cfg.html18:16
jusselEhm people18:17
freazerZeroA4: Ubuntu Alternate Install disc 8.04 uses LILO. What are you talking about?18:17
jusselcould someone help me?18:17
freazerjussel: Just ask your question and we'll try.18:17
^hashbang^_niko: !ask | jussel18:17
jusselIm on my  Asus X53SG Laptop and don't  got sound18:17
meshuggahjussel  : the newbie that i am, will try to help18:17
^hashbang^_ !ask | jussel18:17
slipstIs there a way of "importing" text from a file and using that as filename for other files? For example I have 90-192.pdf and 90-192.meta (meta file contains the info like: "Title: DocumentTitle [new line] Summary: DocumentSummary [new line] Date: DocumentDate" I want to use Title and Date from the .meta file and put it in the filename of the .pdf (the documents I'm talking about are from https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4713076 )18:17
^hashbang^oh forget it18:17
freazer!ask | ^hashbang^18:17
ubottu^hashbang^: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:17
freazerYay I did it.18:18
^hashbang^lol good job, my fingers weren't working with me =)18:18
ZeroA4freazer, i have installed ubuntu from Alternate install (but not 8.04) and it uses grub by default... you changed the default with you alternate install ?18:18
freazermeshuggah: thank you very much that link looks great and I'll read up ^^ I hope that wasn't your first google hit, and if it was I need to learn the right search terms >.<18:18
jusselMy Asus does have sound, and always worked on XP/Vista etc.  but now I recently installed Ubuntu, and it isn't working.18:19
jusselI've completely updated it.18:19
Jimmy_irc.quakenet.org #MMO-Champion18:19
Jimmy_oops sorry18:19
meshuggahfreazer : first link i clicked, i searched for : "lilo howto" :)18:19
ice_creamo.O according to wikipedia, latest release of lilo was 722 days ago  (compared to grub -373 days)18:19
freazermeshuggah: embarassing ; ; better than everything I've found, thank you18:19
giraohello anyone know the staff ubuntu ultimate?18:20
ice_creamfreazer, search terms are   lilo boot loader18:20
templaedheldoes dual booting void warentee?18:20
meshuggahfreazer : dont be embarassed, np, i got a lot of help here, so it is normal that i AT LEAST try to help others18:20
jusselanyone who could help me? ^^18:21
meshuggah!ask jussel18:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask jussel18:21
freazerZeroA4: I installed my system with the intent of using MDADM software raid container, which held an LVM container, which held several partitions beyond the capacity of a normal drive. The Alternate install disc said I needed to use LILO and selected it for me. It worked great, first detecting and mounting the raid, then the LVM. It was only when an unrelated kernel update broke initramfs and somebody "helped me" by telling me to d18:21
Rioting_pacifisterm is teh scipy package broken for anybody else?18:21
^hashbang^!ask | jussel18:22
ubottujussel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:22
meshuggahfreazer : uh.....mhmm...no i cant...18:22
freazerZeroA4, ice_cream: It's exactly your attitude that broke my otherwise great system in the first place. If you can advise me on how to install grub2 to mount my LVM/mdadm container I will gladly18:23
ice_creami have a bad attitude...?18:23
ZeroA4freazer, humm. it must have said you need lilo cos of your LVM setup... grub needs an /boot partition out of lvm stuff...18:23
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:24
Eberguys... if I have too machines in a network... one is windows and the other linux, and I want to access my windows mysql thought an application on linux... how can I do that? i'm working with PHP, so should I just point it to the network IP address?!?18:24
ZeroA4freazer, you could have told us the wholy story... cos it changed the defaults18:24
freazerZeroA4: Well don't tell me that it simply doesn't and that I'm a liar, if it did, and it does.18:25
ZeroA4freazer, here did i told you here a liar???18:25
^hashbang^Eber: try this http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread50606.html18:25
_nikosorry i was AFK , I would like to make a tunnel/connection (not sure of the right terminology) from my home computer to my external server that allows me to connect back through it to connect to the same computer from the external server. The reason im doing this is because i cant connect to my ssh server on my home computer as my uni does something18:25
freazerZeroA4: So, I learn things. Now I have a choice to wait for and resize an 640 GB MD container to make room for a /boot partition (unless it doesn't need to be at the front of the drive? Any advice on how large it should be? Frankly that sounds easier than wrestling with LILO since nobody seems to want to.18:26
Eber^hashbang^: i'll take look! tks :)18:26
meshuggahsomebody knows how to boot in console with 8.10? i want to see the lines of text, and the wonderfull login/password on black screen18:26
RencxHow i can remove installed icons? I install Human-O2 and now i want install again but it can't overwrite.18:26
^hashbang^_niko: what app or port are you trying to forward back to your home?18:26
freazer^hashbang^: Was that !polite directed at me? I'm simply asking for help, I think you're inferring a harsh inflection where there is none.18:26
fluitfriesi broke Xubuntu trying to install Compiz`.  now my xfwm4 never loads so i have no window manager.  how can i fix?  i'm looking for suggestions to try when i get a chance later today.  thanks!18:26
jusselHow do I install my sound-card?18:26
meshuggahfluitfries : did you tried compiz fusion icon?18:27
fluitfriesmeshuggah: i am not at the computer, taking notes on what to try when i get home to my Xubuntu.  :)18:27
_nikohashbang: I dont quite understand what your asking, im quite clueless with this atm18:27
freazerjussel: Do you have any information you can tell us about the name, producer, and type of sound card?18:27
fluitfriesmeshuggah: i have your suggestion noted, thanks.18:27
meshuggahfluitfries : ha ok:) sorry :)18:28
jusselFreazer:  It's the soundcard from a Asus X53SG Laptop, I'll check the type18:28
^hashbang^_niko: you want to setup a way to access your external server from home right?18:28
ZeroA4freazer, i think (not sure) that id does not need to be in the front... but i am afraid some bios has an clinider limit for bootable partiotion... meaning that boot partition have to start before that limit18:28
CarlFKsound is tweaked - worked a few days ago, now I hear faint static.  booted an 8.04.1 cd - where is something that will make noise?18:29
_nikohashbang: the opposite, i want to be able to access my home computer from my external server18:29
freazerZeroA4: Any recommendation on the size of the /boot partition? ext2?18:29
^hashbang^_niko: ah ok, what would you like to access? Windows on your home desktop? or linux?18:29
thenebhah, hey _niko18:29
_nikohashbang:its a linux box so is the serber18:30
_nikolol hey neb18:30
ZeroA4freazer, and 100mb or 200mb will do if you delete old kernels after avery kernel update... can be any fs you like... i use ext318:30
jussel@Freazer -  Realtek HD Audio output   , is that possible?18:30
meshuggahfluitfries : do that in terminal : killall compiz.real && xfwm4 –replace        it will restart x18:30
freazerjussel: Alright, looking into it18:30
mithraicHere's a Gnome question: Is it possible to have a Gnome panel window list that just shows the windows on the current monitor?18:30
meshuggahfluitfries : killall xfwm4 && compiz –replace        to start compiz18:30
RencxHow i can remove installed icons? I install Human-O2 and now i want install again but it can't overwrite.18:31
mithraicAlong the lines of what Ultramon does for Windows?18:31
ZeroA4freazer, "can be any fs you like " err you initrd or kernel has to have the fs driver... better stay with ext2 or ext318:31
fluitfriesmeshuggah: will it make xfwm4 auto-start again?  xfwm4 doesn't auto-start at all.18:31
^hashbang^_niko: ok how about just using ssh on your home box. install an ssh server on it and your good to go? if you have a home firewall you will need to open up a port on it to allow the default port of 22 to come into your home linux system18:31
meshuggahfluitfries : no18:31
mithraicI'm grateful for the "windows from current workspace" option, but partitioning by monitor would be even nicer.18:31
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fluitfriesmeshuggah: ok, i have noted those commands.  thanks again.  :)18:32
ice_creamfreazer, usually ext2.  i'd recommend at least 200mb, as 100mb may not be enough for ubuntu --> sometimes to upgrade to a newer version, the installer wants 75mb free space (i learned the hard way 8.04-8.10)18:32
freazerjussel: Last question, sort of the most important ^^ what version of Ubuntu are you using? I'm hearing a lot of Realtek complaints from 7.04 users18:32
^hashbang^freazer: if your not hurting for HD space... 1G isn't to much to ask for /boot and I would use ext318:33
mithraicAnswering my own question: Just adding a new panel and window list on the other monitor does the trick! That's fantastic!18:33
mercutio22I'd like to boost my microphone recording level but its already at maximum, is there a way?18:33
jussel8.04 desktop edition  (i386)18:33
_nikohashbang: I have the ssh server set up, but connecting is straighforwads as my uni is doing something that is blocking my connection to it. I using ssh now connected to my external server, thats how im even on irc. i just need to know if i can tunnel back through this connection[3~[3~[1~18:34
freazerice_cream, ^hashbang^: thanks both for suggestions, I'll definately take your advice and be more on the "more" than the "less" and I'll do a little more research into my needs so I understand what's involved more. Thanks for giving me ballparks, estimates are useful.18:34
_nikoerrr brb having problems18:34
Rioting_pacifisterm is the scipy package broken for anybody else?18:35
meshuggahfluitfries : check this page, maybe : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=849091&highlight=compiz18:35
^hashbang^_niko: tunnel back from your current connection (being from your ssh session from home to your server), and you want to go back to your home computer through that same session?18:35
meshuggahfluitfries : just try to replace the compiz by xfwm4 or something :)18:35
cphillipsdid compiz get rid of the "background images" option for the desktop cube?18:36
fluitfriesmeshuggah: got it.  ty.  :)18:36
Niko_back. did that you get that last msg?18:36
^hashbang^_niko: what do you want to do through that same tunnel? file transfers? you might want to do something like ssh -L 3333:your.home.ip.address:4444 external.host.com18:37
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RencxHow i can remove installed icons? I install Human-O2 and now i want install again but it can't overwrite.18:38
^hashbang^_niko: that will tunnel you in and give you a promopt on the external server, and it will also open up a new tunnel with port 3333 for localhost and 4444 for remote..18:38
bdubncQuestion, is there a way to call a custom file from /etc/network/interfaces.  I need to be able to share the configuration of my virtual hosts with another server for load balancing and it would make it easier if I could just sync 1 file instead of manually editing the interfaces file.  Thanks!18:39
Niko_hashbang: ok i will try it, and let you know how it goes18:39
kohlmannjsomeone willing to help me compile an individual kernel module from source? I'd appreciate it.18:39
^hashbang^_niko: also check out this link. http://www.walkernews.net/2007/07/21/how-to-setup-ssh-port-forwarding-in-3-minutes/18:39
Niko_hashbang: thanks!!18:40
^hashbang^_Niko: np18:40
freazerjussel: I recommend following some of the instructions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto about half way down they demonstrate how to exactly identify the version of the sound card. Lastly I would run through this checklist if you haven't already https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting?action=show&redirect=DebuggingSoundProblems - ignore that first paragraph, the rest is very detailed18:40
freazerGood luck!18:40
hwildeanybody have a good tool to view cpu load per thread for multithreaded apps ?18:40
jusselThanks, I will try it.18:41
Rencxcan soone help me with icons?18:41
sinDoes anyone here know how can I use my bluetooth headset with other applications other than skype? It doesn't appear in my mixer and I'm using blueman and as my manager18:42
sinI would like to use my headset with twinkle18:43
^hashbang^Rencx: I'm a commandline kinda guy, so if I was going to remove something I would go into /usr/share/icons and remove the set I didn't want.18:43
Rencx^hashbang^: but the problem is that i cant see there human-O2 but i see them in customize theme menu18:44
RdeWildeQ: How can I fix the error "Cound not execute  /init .... "  on boot?18:44
^hashbang^Remcx: see if you find them in ~/.themes18:45
^hashbang^Remcx: or in /usr/share/themes18:45
MoonlitFateCan someone help with a problem I'm having with trying to install rhythmbox?  [Is new to Ubuntu.]18:46
ScuniziMoonlitFate: rhythbox is already installed.. what are you trying to do?18:46
Rencx^hashbang^: cant see there also18:47
^hashbang^Remcx: hmm18:47
MoonlitFateI'm trying to upgrade it to the newest version, in hopes that it'll fix another problem that I'm having with it.18:47
^hashbang^Remcx: ok I'm not sure then...18:47
ScuniziMoonlitFate: what is that other problem?18:47
Rencx^hashbang^: ok ty i find it ~/.icons/18:47
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^hashbang^Remcx: doh! cool, forgot that one =)18:48
Rencx^hashbang^: you give me advice with themes :)18:48
^hashbang^Remcx: ty18:48
kohlmannjdoes anyone have experience compiling an individual kernel module?18:49
MoonlitFateI'm basically trying to run the last.fm plug-in, and when I go to start a radio station I'll get errors saying that it can't start playback because it's a bug in either Gstreamer, or rhthmbox itself.18:49
darthanubisare the repos dead atm?18:49
hwildeanybody have a good tool to view cpu load per thread for multithreaded apps ?18:49
meshuggahany program like : cpu-z     on ubuntu 8.10?18:50
jusselIt didn't work, I installed the driver, and re-booted my laptop, but still no sound.18:51
willwhHi guys, anyone have any tips for installing ubuntu for use with a hardware raid controller?18:51
willwhI've been doing some reading, and a bit stuck as to where to start18:51
meshuggahjussel : probably your computer is trying to use the integrated one....like mine did18:51
jusselany way to put that off?18:51
jusselI can't live without sound :D18:51
willwhyou can disable onboard sound in your BIOS18:52
meshuggahjussel : i dont really remember how....wait a minute18:52
willwhor should be able to :)18:52
jusselk thanks18:52
darthanubiscan anyone reach the repos?18:52
willwhCA archive is fine here.18:52
meshuggahjussel : it is how i did : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/how-do-you-change-the-default-sound-card-in-kubuntu-499520/18:53
meshuggahand i dont have kubuntu, but xubuntu and it worked18:53
jusselThanks, I will try it =)18:54
Niko_hashbang: I have tried it but it times out. the details are correct mind,18:54
Niko_hashbang: in fact every time i try to connect to my pc it ends like that.18:55
meshuggahjussel : do in terminal : sudo asoundconf list18:55
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meshuggahjussel : it will list your different sound card18:56
jusseldo I need to note anything here?18:56
meshuggahjussel : in terminal again : sudo asoundconf set-default-card TheNameOfTheSoundcard....and reboot18:56
meshuggahjussel : note the name of you oundcard u want18:56
jusselok sec.18:57
meshuggahand write it on the second command i said18:57
meshuggahit worked for me with xubuntu 8.1018:57
jusselNames of available sound cards:18:57
meshuggahintel is integrated18:57
^hashbang^Niko: paste.ubuntu.com the output from your connection attempts please.18:57
jusselthatś all18:57
meshuggahjussel : doi u have 1 or 2 soundcards18:58
jussel1,  I guess.18:58
jusselIt's  a laptop ;)18:58
meshuggahjussel : ok so try : sudo asoundconf set-default-card Intel18:58
meshuggahand reboot18:58
jusselok, be right back :)18:58
BaattiGreetings, my wireless stopped working after I tried to get my 3D driver reconfigured. Could I please get some assistance?18:58
meshuggahyeah, i think you dont need to write sudo first...18:59
Niko_hashbang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116545/18:59
premHi All,18:59
fiftyoneanyone know what that little system monitor, the one that imbeds itself into your desktop is called>?18:59
premI have a program that tries to open /dev/tap0 on FreeBSD, I can just compile the program fine in Linux, but it fails to open /dev/tap0 (as I think the network drivers are identified by just name, and not /dev/* name)18:59
meshuggahhi pres18:59
zimbresHow can I convert a static library into a shared library, i mean libany.a to libany.so?19:00
DPicI have a webcam with a built in microphone, as well as a separate one. If i look up their device names in Device Manager, i can manually input them into VLC's open capture device and they'll work. BUT They do not show up for any applications like Empathy for voice and video chat. I can record a video in Cheese Webcam Booth, but it has no sound. Sound recorder doesn't detect them either. So how do i configure my mic to work in19:01
scampbellIs there any information on the nvidia package for the latest kernel (2.6.24-23).   It doesn't usually take this long for that to show up.19:01
^hashbang^Niko: ok hmm... strange! I use that same command to use irssi to chat with you =)19:01
DPicI already hit up the forums but got nothing =[ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106557019:01
^hashbang^Niko: here is what mine looks like. ssh -L 6667:irc.freenode.net:6667 ps119:01
darthanubiscan anyone reach the repos?19:01
scampbelldarthanubis: I just did a apt-get update successfully.19:02
porter1darthanubis try a different mirror19:02
BaattiDPic, did you check your volume control to make sure input volume is turned up?19:02
Niko_hashbang: I just think its my uni - they block so much that i had to buy a VPS just to use irc19:02
DPicBaatti: yes19:02
^hashbang^Niko: ok but the portwarding shouldn't not work... I would think19:03
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BaattiDPic, sorry, I'm a gnewb, so that's all the advice I can give19:03
^hashbang^Niko: ok but the portwarding "portforwarding"19:03
DPicBaatti: S'ok, thanks19:03
dupondjeI'm playing a dvd on my Ubuntu (with VLC) and its extremely silent (on my tv) any id what could be the cause ?19:03
DPicCan anyone else help me with my mic problems?19:03
dupondjethe booting up sound is loud ...19:03
^hashbang^Niko: so when you ssh to your external host you are using port 22 as the default and that works fine?19:04
P3X-018Why can firefox not open more than 1 pdf file in ubuntu?19:04
Niko_hashbang: yeah19:04
^hashbang^Niko: hmmm19:04
^hashbang^Niko: got it19:04
^hashbang^Niko: all ports under 1024 are called Privileged ports and can only be forwarded by root19:05
zimbresIs there any easy way to convert a static to a shared library?19:05
Niko_hashbang: ok that explains the message19:05
^hashbang^Niko: so change your port of 747 to 7004 or something19:05
ice_creamwould ubuntu still be functional if i compiled a custom kernel >2.6.28 and mounted ext3 as ext4?19:06
^hashbang^ice_cream: why not?19:06
BaattiMy wireless stopped working about an hour ago, after trying to reconfigure my 3D driver (following these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/graphics-cards.html ). I've tried to follow the steps I originally made to fix my wireless using ath5k and blacklisting ath_hal and ath_pci. That worked before and got my wireless working, but now it won't do the trick. Any ideas?19:06
^hashbang^ice_cream: =)19:06
ice_creamidk, just from my reading it all seemed theoretical, not much in practice19:06
^hashbang^ice_cream: i've never built a custom kernel on ubuntu but on redhat and slackware no problems at all19:06
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DPicanyone think they can figure out my microphone issues?19:07
DPici feel like there must be some simple fix19:07
^hashbang^ice_cream: have you built a kernel before?19:07
^hashbang^ice_cream: ok, then you should be in good shape... just making sure to get all your drivers included =)19:08
darthanubiscan't resolve archives.ubuntu.com19:08
jusselHmm, it isn't  working.19:08
meshuggahjussel : did u checked your volume in ubuntu19:09
meshuggahjussel : mine was at 019:09
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meshuggahjussel : i am sorry, now i need to go working...:)19:10
johannixi'm trying to configure emacs in ubuntu, anyone know where i put the el files?19:10
Niko_hashbang: the same thing is happening. have tried changing the listen port on my pc but to no avail19:10
meshuggahbye all19:10
=== Shadowashe is now known as Balgan
jusselok thanks19:10
jusselI  checked the volume, settings, etc.19:10
shally87want to ask..hat is the text editor in terminal?19:11
darthanubisgreat no dns resolution at all!19:11
shally87OTHER THAN VI19:11
darthanubisavoid dd-wrt19:11
porter1shally, try nano!19:11
shally87sorry caps on19:11
porter1It's easier to use19:11
^hashbang^darthanubis: hmm, how'd you connect to freenode?19:12
jusselSomeone else know how to fix my soundcard? It isn't working at all.19:12
darthanubis^hashbang^, I can't connect to freenode and I', downloading a torrent, my IMs are still connected, but no web browsing19:13
Balgandarthanubis whats wrong with dd-wrt19:13
mossmon i have broblems with my 3d drivers. I tried install that NVIDIA driver but when it is in use my resiolurion is terrible. Some help?19:13
QPidHi guys19:14
darthanubisBalgan, it seems very unreliable. I can't surf, now, but everyting else works19:14
darthanubisI can't even get a status page19:14
^hashbang^darthanubis: oh ok on your other computer? ... what does /etc/resolv.conf have in it?19:14
darthanubis^hashbang^, no this machine19:14
darthanubis^hashbang^, nameserver
QPidI've downloaded a multi-part rar file but file-roller is asking for a password when none exists, when I open the file in Windows using WinRAR it opens just fine. Anyone know of any alternate file archiving programs please?19:15
^hashbang^darthanubis: ah your home router19:15
mossmoni have problem with my NVIDIA 3d drivers. I installed them but i cant have more resolution than 640x460 it is terrible, some help?19:15
DPici need help getting applications (like Empathy, Cheese, and Sound Recorder) to detect my microphone please19:15
QPid(Preferably ones that can handle split archiveS)19:16
^hashbang^darthanubis: from your home router's management webpage, you should be able to ping or test network connectivity.. I'd try that19:16
danbhfiveDPic: try gstreamer-properties19:16
darthanubisDPic, unmoute your capture devices19:16
mossmon<darthanubis> ^hashbang^, nameserver
mossmon--> KoFish (n=KoFish@cm- liittyi kanavalle #ubuntu19:16
mossmon<QPid> I've downloaded a multi-part rar file but file-roller is asking for a password when none exists, when I open the file in Windows using WinRAR it opens just fine. Anyone know of any alternate file archiving programs please?19:16
mossmon--> BlackWolf90 (n=BlackWol@host81-158-17-41.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) liittyi kanavalle #ubuntu19:16
FloodBot2mossmon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:16
mossmon<^hashbang^> darthanubis: ah your home router19:16
fiftyonei got a silly question, anyone know how to change that little ubuntu symbol next to the applications menu?19:16
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Balgandarthanubis which router u have, also ive been using dd-wrt for 2 years now19:17
^hashbang^fifyone: you can hand edit the theme19:17
Balganno probs at all19:17
mossmoni have problem with my NVIDIA 3d drivers. I installed them but i cant have more resolution than 640x460 it is terrible, some help?19:17
QPidhuh mossmon?19:17
darthanubisBalgan, wrt54g v819:17
^hashbang^!nvidia | mossmon19:17
ubottumossmon: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:17
jusselHashbang, can't you help me with the problem about my soundcard? :P19:18
QPid!rar | QPid19:18
ubottuQPid, please see my private message19:18
bradlyI just installed slapd but I don't think it created a default admin account. Is it suppose to?19:18
fearfulAny one know if I can install the latest version which was made of gaim on ubuntu 8.10, I like it better then pidgin19:18
^hashbang^jussel: I wish I could... I'm not a sound kinda guy =(19:18
jusselah k :)19:18
dupondjeI'm playing a dvd on my Ubuntu (with VLC) and its extremely silent (on my tv) any id what could be the cause ? (Main & PCM volume is @ 100%)19:19
jusselalso got a code to install java? >_>   I'm  pretty new to Ubuntu  lol19:19
Guest79410hello, i just installed 8.10 ubuntu as a new user coming from xp pro i have a 3200 amd and a 6800 gt nvidia card but everything is still running slow can anyone help me19:19
^hashbang^bradly: no, you have to setup your own configs for a default admin account19:19
^hashbang^bradly: try http://www.rootprompt.org/article.php3?article=1092119:20
harlemdavveyhow can i convert my .flv videos in .mp3 files???19:20
harlemdavveyhelp me pleasE!!19:20
harlemdavveyps. i convert everything with ffmpeg, so i need some command line instruction..19:20
^hashbang^harlemdavvey: mp3 is a music format. .flv is a video format... they are not compatiable19:20
jusselHashbang:  Do you have a code to install java? =]19:20
fearfuljussel: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin19:20
belespritis there any reason i wouldn't be able to network linux and windows computers together?19:20
bradly^hashbang^: thanks. I'll take a look at the link19:21
Niko_lol i was about to say to jussel xd19:21
fearfulCan I install gaim 2.0 beta5 on ubuntu 8.10?19:21
Guest79410can anyone help me?19:21
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:21
^hashbang^!ask | Guest7941019:21
ubottuGuest79410: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:21
QPidI've downloaded a multi-part rar file but file-roller is asking for a password when none exists, when I open the file in Windows using WinRAR it opens just fine. Anyone know of any alternate file archiving programs please?19:21
^hashbang^QPid: 7zip?19:22
blizzleQpid: Try unrar from the command line, perhaps.19:22
Guest79410i just installed 8.10 and everything is running real slow specs are 6800 nvidia and 3200 amd19:22
blizzleGuest79410, Got the restricted Nvidia driver loaded?19:23
nickname_install the graphics driver19:23
Guest79410the recommended one19:23
^hashbang^blizzle: lol I was going to ask the same thing =)19:23
QPid!nvidia | mossmon19:23
ubottumossmon: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:23
fearfulI want to install gaim I like it better than pidgin, anyone know if I'm able to on 8.10?19:23
mossmonqpid i cheked it out aleready no use with resolution19:24
MoonlitFateDoes anyone know what I can do to get last.fm radio stations playing in Rhythmbox?  I get getting playback errors.19:24
^hashbang^fearful: try sudo install gmaim19:24
Guest79410thanks i will check that article out19:24
mercutio22Is there anyone here who made a screencast before? gtk-record-my-desktop is tearing... is there a better tool to record compiz videos?19:24
QPidmossmon: do you have the restricted driver installed?19:24
^hashbang^fearful: oops... sudo apt-get install gaim19:24
fearful^hashbang^: ...19:24
QPidThanks blizzle, worked a charm19:24
fearful^hashbang^: If that were able to I wouldn't be asking, gaim is a dead project19:24
mossmonQpid i installed from desktop effects19:24
fearful^hashbang^: Its now known as pidgin, but I would like gaim, I can't find any old repo for 8.1019:25
^hashbang^fearful: then you need to compile it from source...19:25
fearful^hashban^: Exactly where can I get this source :p19:25
^hashbang^fearful: google19:25
fearful^hashbang^: The reason why I'm asking is because I have tried all these options already..19:26
Balgandarthanubis am on wrt54GL19:27
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schuurmaHall all ...19:27
jxanderhow could i run a script after X starts,but before xfce4 starts? xrandr related.19:27
^hashbang^fearful: ok then I would guess that all source options are dead as well, and pidgin is your best bet for gaim. What is it about pidgin you don't like?19:27
anilghi..  is there any apt repository providing KDE 4.2 packages for ubuntu 8.04 ?19:27
idleonefearful, I believe you can get a deb from packages.ubuntu.com look in the older repos and download it19:27
anilg I'm not looking for something supported.. just somethign that works19:27
fearfulidleone: Thank you19:28
anilgI'm surprized google didnt point me to any such repo.. (neon seems to be for 8.10)19:28
^hashbang^idleone: wouldn't you end up in dep's nightmare?19:28
schuurmaMaybe someone can help me getting my ubuntu desktop back. I now have a desktop with nothing on it and i already tried removing the x-ubuntu, kubunt, ... desktop and installing ubuntu-desktop.19:28
Pilot_51Hmm, ImgBurn still ended up with errors on the disk19:29
idleone^hashbang^, that was my next comment fearful problem with that is that it might not work and could break other packages try at your own risk19:29
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:29
^hashbang^idleone: =)19:29
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zleapwe thats 3 netsplits in a week19:29
zleapwe thats 3 netsplits in a week19:29
idleonezleap, is that all19:29
fearful^hashbang^: I like how gaim looked better :p19:30
^hashbang^zleap: more than 3 yesterday alone19:30
zleapwell i have seen 319:30
darthanubisanyone have audacity owrking with pulse?19:30
fearfulNo biggy to be honest19:30
zleapunless there  has been a lot more19:30
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^hashbang^fearful: oh ok.. I can see that. cool19:30
bradly^hashbang^: That slapd link assumes you have a cn=admin already. That's what I am missing I think19:30
fearful^hashbang^ thanks tho to you too idleone19:30
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idleonefearful, you are probably going to need to install older libs and dependencies which might put your system in a state of nervous shock. seriously it isnt a good idea but if you really want to then it's on you19:31
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mossmonhow to inceriase resolution19:31
^hashbang^fearful: anytime19:31
fearfulidleone: Yea I was thinking over might leave exploits, I'll just pass thought there was an easier way19:31
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:31
zanberdowhere does one set battery thresholds (percentages, etc) for power management?19:31
idleonefearful, check gaim.com or something there must be an archive of old gaim sources out there19:32
fearfulzanberdo: Right click the power icon and hit preferences19:32
mossmon<mossmon> i have problem with my NVIDIA 3d drivers. I installed them but i cant have more resolution than 640x460 it is terrible, some help?19:32
schuurma? no one19:32
mossmon i have problem with my NVIDIA 3d drivers. I installed them but i cant have more resolution than 640x460 it is terrible, some help?19:32
^hashbang^bradly: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer19:32
idleone!patience > mossmon19:32
ubottumossmon, please see my private message19:32
idleone!fixres > mossmon19:33
bradly^hashbang^: no, but thanks. I will read through19:33
^hashbang^idleone: nice didn't know that one was there =)19:33
^hashbang^bradly: ok good luck19:33
idleone^hashbang^, the patience or fixres?19:33
^hashbang^!fixres > ^hashbang^19:33
ubottu^hashbang^, please see my private message19:33
zanberdofearful, sadly that is not a complete interface.  That is, though there is a setting "When battery power is critically low" do x, but what I need to set is the definition of a low battery, critically low battery, etc.19:33
^hashbang^idleone: lol the fixres19:34
WizzupIs there an easy way to downgrade from 9.04 to 8.10? I have been google'ing but I could not find anything serious19:34
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homerj14my propietary driver is installed fine but my 8.10 is still running slow i have amd 3200 /nvidia 6800 gt19:34
idleonewizzer, backup and reinstall19:34
fearfulzanberdo: Oh I see give me one second then19:34
idleoneWizzup, backup and reinstall19:34
WizzupThat wasn't what I was hoping for :<19:34
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^hashbang^Wizzup: red or blue pill...19:34
idleoneWizzup, that is the easiest way and only right way. linux does not provide a roll back like windows thank god19:35
^hashbang^idleone: woot!19:35
zanberdofearful, thank you.  NOTE: this has come up as I've order a new battery for this lappy and they recommend that I do not discharge below 20% while it's being conditioned (well, conditioned isn't the correct term as it's a Li-Ion battery, but that's the general thrust of it).19:35
WizzupI understand, but 9.04 seems to have removed parts of my nvidia drivers. I'm having slight problems getting them back, plus my sound is no longer functional19:35
benitoSto cercando jester19:35
Wizzuponly cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp generates sound19:35
idleoneWizzup, #ubuntu+1 might be able to help you with that19:36
^hashbang^Wizzup: the folks in #ubuntu+1 helped me with my nvidia driver issues and 9.04 amd6419:36
wikkedfinhow is ubuntu 9.04?19:36
idleone!it > benito19:36
ubottubenito, please see my private message19:36
WizzupThank you idleone and ^hashbang^19:36
^hashbang^Wizzup: I added export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 to ~/.gnomerc and bam everything started working =)19:36
Pilot_51Is there a net install iso of ubuntu 8.10 available anywhere?19:37
idleoneWizzup, no problem. will take some time but it is worth the effort. try fixing the issue before re-installing19:37
schuurmaok, running gnome-panel gives me the juice... but howto store this for the next session ?19:37
^hashbang^wikkedfin: it's nice.. I like ext419:37
wikkedfindoes it boot any faster?19:37
Wizzupidleone: I will19:37
^hashbang^wikkedfin: yea19:37
^hashbang^wikkedfin: ubuntu 8.10 still out performs XP/Vista/ and Windows 7 =) woot!19:38
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:38
homerj14my propietary driver is installed fine but my 8.10 is still running slow i have amd 3200 /nvidia 6800 gt19:38
wikkedfin^hashbang^, i have been in that convo alot and windows* ppl always tell me im stupid but i say linux is faster than windows*19:38
^hashbang^http://www.tuxradar.com/node/33 -  ubuntu unoffical benchmarks19:38
chnuebiis ext4 much better than xfs?19:39
^hashbang^wikkedfin: dude, linux is sooo much faster than M$ it's not even funny19:39
shally87anyone know how to set different ip for different machine in virtual box?19:39
blizzleshally87, Check VB's network adapter configs.19:40
idleonemossmon, ask question in here to the channel I dont know how to fix your issue but other people probably do. explain what is going on and what you have tried keep it all in one post and be patient :)19:40
shally87I have this 3 vmachine which is DNS server, LAMP server and mail server how to configure it?19:40
wikkedfin^hashbang^, i had vista on this laptop then i got a ms update and windows started erroring out real bad so im like ima try ubuntu, i found out you caninstall via USB flash drive so i did that an man it installed about 7 min or so19:40
chnuebishally87: in /etc/networking/interfaces is the configfile for such things...19:40
^hashbang^wikkedfin: cool. ubuntu/linux is a learning curve.. but one well worth taking19:41
fearfulzanberdo: Ok type sudo gedit /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf19:41
mossmonMy system does not allow to make more resolution than 640x460, with 3d drivers on. How can i inceriase it?19:41
zanberdofearful, thank you, I will check that out.  I've also found some information regarding tp_smapi...19:42
chnuebishally87: sudo vim /etc/networking/interfaces19:42
NemsSshi everybody19:42
wikkedfin^hashbang^, whats your system specs?19:42
fearfulzanberdo: Should say MINIMUM_BATTERY_CHARGE_PERCENTAGE19:42
fearfulzanberdo: Ah ok, well in that conf file there are many options with percentages you can change19:42
FirioHi all. I got some questions..19:42
FirioHow big is the size for the installation for ubuntu? And how do I enter the username and password for Ubuntu and where do I find the password and username for the ubuntu?19:42
wikkedfinMan i installed Ubuntu 8.04 and my Atheros wifi worked out of the box19:42
wikkedfineverything worked19:42
^hashbang^mossmon: have you installed the nvidia-settings? that will allow you to change the resolution.19:43
wikkedfini was happy.19:43
shally87chnuebi:  nothing was written there..19:43
whatevif i ssh to an outside network can i telnet myself from it as if i were outside the network?19:43
mossmon^hashbang^ how can i install it?19:43
^hashbang^wikkedfin: HP xw4400 workstation: 2.4Ghz core 2, 2G ram...19:43
wikkedfinto tell you the truth i first installed Ultimate Edition it has so many errors etc... and i found out it wasnt supported so i said im installing ubuntu19:43
^hashbang^wikkedfin: x2 24in LCD 1080P monitors =)19:44
wikkedfin^hashbang^, i bet it runs nice on that machine19:44
FirioI need answer on these questions,cuz it is my first time using ubuntu19:44
dethstarI'm having troubles with sound on my dell studio 540 slim desktop.. I've tried the solution from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=969611 with no luck.  Anyone have any suggestions?19:44
bdubncQuestion, is there a way to call a custom file from /etc/network/interfaces.  I need to be able to share the configuration of my virtual hosts with another server for load balancing and it would make it easier if I could just sync 1 file instead of manually editing the interfaces file.  Thanks!19:44
wikkedfinwhy you need them kinda screens for lol19:44
^hashbang^wikkedfin: yea and looks great too =)19:44
fearfulFirio: Shoot19:44
lcraftman  - 8.10 installed beautifully on this 5 year old Dell Inspiron laptop..   I at least expected to need to haggle with it to get the wifi driver running or sound..19:44
FirioHow big is the size for the installation for ubuntu? And how do I enter the username and password for Ubuntu and where do I find the password and username for the ubuntu?19:44
wikkedfinyou should send me a pic of your setup19:44
^hashbang^wikkedfin: work19:44
wikkedfinyour at work?!19:44
^hashbang^mossmon: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings19:44
wikkedfinman thats sweet19:45
^hashbang^wikkedfin: yea19:45
wikkedfinwhat kinda job lets you IRC haha19:45
fearfulFirio: You have not installed it yet?19:45
shally87Anyone know how to set the virtual Ip for each vbox?19:45
FirioI have19:45
shally87i mean make the ip different19:45
^hashbang^wikkedfin: a cool job =)19:45
FirioBut I don't know how big the file iz for the installation19:45
hareldvdAny idea which package I need to play .wma files using mplayer?19:46
chnuebishally87: sudo vim /etc/networking/interfaces19:46
fearfulFirio: Um.. I don't understand your question, if you already installed it it should not matter and the username and password is the one you entered on the installation screen19:46
^hashbang^Firio: the default install is about 2.4G (mine was anyway)19:46
stefg!codecs | hareldvd19:46
ubottuhareldvd: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:46
Firiofearful: Pm me and I try to xplain better there19:47
nickrud_bdubnc, there's a directory called /etc/network/if-up.d ; files in there are called when the interface comes up19:47
* wikkedfin my friend has XP pro and he just peered out he says he had blue-screen-of-death. i said time for ubuntu eh?19:47
^hashbang^Firio: all user account infomation is in the /etc/password file or on the System->Administration->Users and Groups menu option19:47
wikkedfini have been trying to get everyone to convert19:47
wikkedfini just hate windows.19:47
dupondjeI'm playing a dvd on my Ubuntu (with VLC) and its extremely silent (on my tv) any id what could be the cause ? (Main & PCM volume is @ 100%)19:47
dupondjeplz :(19:47
bdubncOk, so I can put a custom entry for lo then?19:47
JesperHansenhmmm... I ran fsck on my 2½year old laptop and now /sbin/shutdown links to /sbin/mount.cifs19:48
stefgdupondje: check that your 'font' speakers are also turned up and thaz you chose the right audio channel in vlc19:48
stefg*front speakers19:48
^hashbang^JesperHansen: ouch man I'm sorry19:48
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chnuebishally87: you can set the ip also with sudo ifconfig eth0 <ip> but it doesnt save your settings19:49
dupondjestefg: front is @ 100%19:49
dupondjeand there is only 1 audio channel on the DVD ...19:49
wikkedfin^hashbang^, is it safe to upgrade to 9.04?19:49
wikkedfin^hashbang^, im useing 8.0419:50
nickrud_bdubnc, yes; you can call that with the post-up command in the interfaces file; man interfaces explains more19:50
Niko_Hey there I'm stil battling with this ssh thing, found out that if i use the -R when connecting to my server it will forwards the given port backthough the connection, when i try to ssh back through this port its ask me for my password, which is great. problem is that none of my passwords are working. any ideas?19:50
Titan8990wikkedfin, short answer: no19:50
Titan8990!jaunty | wikkedfin19:50
ubottuwikkedfin: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.19:50
^hashbang^wikkedfin: I'd wait until April when it's released...19:50
Titan8990wikkedfin, personally, id even wait a little longer than that19:51
wikkedfinHMy bad im useing ubuntu 8.1019:52
wikkedfinis ubuntu 8.10 server worth useing cuz atm im useing 8.04.2 server19:52
UnguidedHello All. does anyone know if u can playback a dvd using the mythbuntu live dvd if u have two dvd drives in the computer?19:53
kitcheUnguided: you should but you might have to install some things first19:53
mossmon^hashbang^ it does not allow to change my resolution19:53
nickrud_wikkedfin, unless you absolutely need capabilities that aren't in 8.04.2, you should stick with it for long term stability19:54
Assiderr.. for grep.. how do i use a pattern like a|b19:54
Titan8990Unguided, you will mosdt likey need restricted codecs19:54
Titan8990!codecs | Unguided19:54
ubottuUnguided: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:54
Assidecho "blah" |grep "a|x"19:54
stefgwikkedfin: depends on your usage profile. if you use virtualization a lot it might be worth the upgrade, for boring things like file- or mail server or a lamp setup i'd stick with hardy19:54
Assidbasically let it match for a or x19:54
wikkedfinya i was gonna use LTS because of the LTS...19:55
akorpijaCan anybody tell me how i can get rid of the need for my password every time i check for updates or install a new program such as a deb?19:55
JesperHansenmy network manager is screwed as well19:55
Unguidedok thanks for the help19:55
wikkedfini thought it would be more stable etc...19:55
tonyyarussoAssid: use the -G, -E, or -P switches.19:55
blizzleakorpija, You can't, and it's not even sensibe to try.19:55
tonyyarussoAssid: (basic regex, extended regex, perl regex)19:55
Assidtonyyarusso: care to give me an example in that case?19:55
Assidmatching a or x19:55
kanniballis it possible to remove a package by the package filename?19:56
Protocol9Doesn anyone know where XCHAT stores the chats?? I want to check something I said two das ago19:56
blizzleakorpija, Well, you could. You *could* login as root, if you enable the account. Not a good idea. So, really, my first answer stands.19:56
nickrud_kanniball, sure, sudo apt-get remove <packagename>19:56
Titan8990Protocol9, when you enable logging you have to imput a path for it to save19:57
nickrud_kanniball, if you're thinking of <packagename>*.deb, not necessary19:57
blizzleProtocol9, My guess is ~/.xchat19:57
Titan8990Protocol9, sorry, was looking at it wrong19:57
nickrud_Protocol9, ~/xchat2/xchatlogs19:57
Protocol9thanks guys19:58
RencxDoes anyone now how to get icon bar like on mac desktop?19:58
nickrud_probot__, erm, .xchat2/xchatlogs19:58
marcel__please how can i change the adress from downloading sources ??19:58
blizzleRencx, Try installing either wbar or cairo bar.19:58
nickrud_marcel__, system->admin->software sources, download from dropdown19:58
tonyyarussoAssid: grep -e "[ax]" filename19:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-dock19:58
blizzleRencx, Or indeed gnome-do (0.8)19:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dock19:58
ActionParsnip!find dock19:58
ubottuFound: autodock, cairo-dock, cairo-dock-data, cairo-dock-dev, docker (and 13 others)19:58
nickrud_!info cairo-dock19:58
ubottucairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs easily. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 252 kB, installed size 712 kB19:58
stefgstupid bot19:58
nickrud_stefg, teach it a new trick ;)19:59
kanniballnickrud_: but i need the packagename..deb, because I want to remove all the packages from ppa, (all the ones with ppa in the filename)19:59
Rencxblizzle: i can find it in Snaptic or i need ceck out google?19:59
nickrud_kanniball, ah, from a particular repository you mean?19:59
GreenBAAnyone here have any experience with UCK?20:00
kanniballnickrud_: yes20:00
blizzleRencx, You'll need to grab wbar from google code. If you try that, also make sure to grab wbarconf20:00
nickrud_kanniball, try looking in synaptic, and press the Origin button lower left. That will show packages installed by repo. I think that will give you what you're looking for20:00
blizzleRencx, Cairdo dock is available in the repositories; gnome-do (0.8) you'll get from the ppa.20:01
kanniballnickrud_: i don't use synaptic, but I will installing it20:01
Assidtonyyarusso: is it possible to get grep to give me the name of the file it finds it in instead of the actual line?20:01
Assidi dont need the actual line match20:01
^hashbang^Assid: what was the command you ran? what are you tryin to do?20:02
blizzleRencx, Of all the competing docks, wbar is the fastest, but only offers basic app launching. gnome-do is the most advanced, in my view.20:02
tonyyarussoAssid: -l20:02
kanniballnickrud_: thanks, it worked20:02
Assiderr. nvm gotit -H20:02
Protocol9WOW; thanks god to PasteBin;.. I fucked up a typo3 web site because wrongly I changed the DS structure and no copy in my laptop. I remebered that I showed it to people using pastebin a week ago!!! but I didnt remeber the id...so cheking the CHAT logs of a week ago I founfef the ID and fortunatly in pastebin the record was still alive and I get the Ds strucure back!!!!!!20:02
Assid^hashbang^: emails are lost.. i need to find the relevant fileswith for the email20:03
Assidand recover it20:03
GreenBAProtocol9: that's using your noodle20:03
idleone!ohmy | Protocol920:03
ubottuProtocol9: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here!20:03
^hashbang^Assid: ah yes... ok20:03
nickrud_Protocol9, glad you found it, but please watch the language ;)20:03
Rencxblizzle: i will try gonome-do ty for your help :)20:04
stefgProtocol9: real men don't do backups, they put their stuff on ftp and let the world mirrot it (Linus Torvalds) :-)20:04
Protocol9Sorry guys about the language, but I am really excited...5 minutes ago I just was with a web site not working and my company expecting me to do so , SOEEY20:04
^hashbang^stefg: nice 120:04
=== erle64- is now known as erle-
Protocol95 minutes ago I was close to be fired up! XDDD looooooooooooooooooool20:05
tapspatstefg , Are you a girl ?20:05
^hashbang^tapspat: ???20:05
stefgtapspat: does that matter ?20:05
blizzleRencx, You'll need to ensure you have a compositing engine swtiched on to use the new gnome-do dock.20:05
rdw200169stefg, real men use a version control system20:05
idleonestefg, knowing will help him decide if he wants to ask a/s/l or not lol20:05
Rencxblizzle: how can i do it?20:06
tapspatat least it'd be more interesting !20:06
nickrud_ot | tapspat20:06
boshheadapt-cache --names-only --installed search linux    <-- I'm using this command to try and show packages that have "linux" in their name and are installed, but it shows packages like "grub" (doesn't have linux in it's name :P) and packages that aren't installed. What am I doing wrong? :(20:06
nickrud_er, off topic is gender20:06
blizzleRencx, You may already fine your environment has it enabled.20:06
jimcooncatboshhead: try apt-cache --names-only | grep linux20:07
rdw200169boshhead, you could try: dpkg --get-selections | grep linux20:07
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blizzleRencx, If your window manager's using opacity or shadows, you have a compositing engine enabled in all likelihood.20:07
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:07
Rencxblizzle: how can i start it? just installed20:08
blizzleRencx, Start it from the Accessories menu I think. Should be an icon somewhere.20:08
boshheadrdw200169: that seems to be a list of what i want, thanks.20:08
Titan8990Rencx, do:   which NAMEOFPROGRAM20:08
Titan8990Rencx, if it is your PATH it will return the programs absolute path20:09
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tapspatHow can I stream a song from my Kubuntu Desktop to my phone !?20:09
Unguidedif i run mythbuntu in a virtual machine can a play a dvd. i want to test the media capabilities on my hardware before permanently installing20:09
blizzletapspat, Possibly VLC.20:09
SEVILLAdoes any know how to establish a wireless conection through using the cli. ive used iwconfig and iwlist but i cant get online still20:09
stefgboshhead: how about 'apt-cache search linux'20:09
rdw200169tapspat, are you talking about a browser on your phone, like safari on the iphone?20:09
blizzleUnguided, If your DVD drive is mapped to the VM, then sure.20:09
=== tmi_ is now known as ChronosZA
jeff-1981-01Quelqu'un peut tester s'il voit mon site ? http://jfsimon1981.dyndns.org20:09
Titan8990SEVILLA, sudo iwconfig essid MYESSID20:09
blizzleUnguided, Running from a live disk is a better method to test out hardware.20:10
Titan8990SEVILLA, follwed buy:   sudo dhclient wlan020:10
tapspatIf Safari has that feature than yes20:10
ChronosZAhey all. should i be able to add the hoary repositories to my synaptic in intrepid and get files from it?20:10
^hashbang^!fr | jeff-1981-0120:10
ubottujeff-1981-01: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:10
Titan8990SEVILLA, sorry, this should have been: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid MYESSID20:10
blizzle!fr | jeff-1981-0120:10
rdw200169tapspat, well, ampache and gnump3d are both web-based applications that serve music via streaming20:10
jeff-1981-01! ok sry20:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok sry20:10
Rencxblizzle: but it dont stand on desktop i need to start it?20:10
idleonejeff-1981-01, oui20:10
Unguidedblizzle: I know but i cant play back a dvd w/o installing codecs.20:10
SEVILLATitan8990: k thanks i will try that20:10
duncan-nzhow do i force samba to start on my remote machine?20:11
tapspatSo if I create a playlist on my desktop then I will be able to access them from Safari on mu iphone !20:11
Titan8990SEVILLA, if your ap is running on something other than channel 6, you will need to change the channel as well20:11
blizzleRencx, Check the little cog square icon in your system tray.. should be there if you've launched gnome-do.. then you'll need to configure it with the theme that shows the dock.20:11
stefgduncan-nz: by ssh'ing into it and starting the daemon20:11
Titan8990SEVILLA, sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid MYESSID channel #20:11
WaelwulfI know this is a question for #ubuntustudio but no one's really there. Does anyone know why networkmanager isn't installed by default on both the 8.10 and 9.04 Alpha 4 versions? Is it because the alternate install CD doesn't detect network hardware and so skips its install?20:11
blizzleUnguided, You can install codecs etc from a livecd.20:12
duncan-nzSteff, what is the daemon, where do i find it, or what's it called? Is it under services?20:12
SEVILLATitan8990: k thanks20:12
orifice_workI just imaged a partition (via partimage) onto a partition that was larger.  fdisk shows the full size of the partition, but df shows that the partition is only as large as the old one.  What gives ?20:12
Titan8990Waelwulf, all gnome varients of ubuntu should come with network-manager-gnome20:12
duncan-nzstefg, what is the daemon, where do i find it, or what's it called? Is it under services?20:12
stefgduncan-nz: sudo invoke-rc.d samba start20:12
rdw200169Waelwulf, you're gonna have better luck trying #ubuntu+1 for that20:12
wizzer<idleone> wizzer, backup and reinstall20:12
WaelwulfI will try, thank you.20:12
Unguidedblizzle: I am a newb and am not sure how to do that.20:12
blizzlerdw200169, Last time I looked, there was only 1 person in #ubuntu+20:12
duncan-nzstefg, i'll just look...20:13
tapspatrdw200169 ??20:13
jimcooncatorifice_work: you made a bigger partition, but didn't enlarge the filesystem20:13
idleonewizzer, tab completition error sorry was not meant for you20:13
blizzleUnguided, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras is a good place to start.20:13
wizzeroh ok haha20:13
pyroger101hi guys. anyone know how to set the irda to a usb port?20:13
blizzleUnguided, You'd need to enable some repositories, though, probably.20:13
pyroger101if that makes sense...20:13
rdw200169blizzle, it's #ubuntu+1 not #ubuntu+20:13
Rencxbblizzle: yes it is a bit different.. i want one like this down here http://aycu06.webshots.com/image/19685/2005576298596207038_rs.jpg20:13
rdw200169tapspat, they20:14
pyroger101bought an mce remote and having trouble installing the irda device any ideas :D20:14
pyroger101ubuntu 8.0420:14
orifice_workjimcooncat: how do I do that ?20:14
tapspatThanks rdw20016920:14
rdw200169tapspat, are like websites that link to a directory of music, and through the web interface, you pick a song and it plays streaming20:14
Unguidedblizzle: ok i will try that thanks and sorry for the ignoarnce20:14
jimcooncatorifice_work: easy way is with gparted if you have gnome on it20:15
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
blizzleUnguided, We all start ignorant.. only by asking questions do we address our ignorance :)20:15
pyroger101any ideas for the irda?20:15
orifice_workIs there a cli method ?20:15
jimcooncatorifice_work: you could use a livecd to run gparted so the partition doesn't get mounted20:15
blizzlerdw200169, Ah, hmmkay. Will try. Thanks.20:15
jimcooncatorifice_work: yes, depends on the filesytem20:15
=== Mr is now known as Guest16584
Furtanohow can i printf("%???",my) a long integer(my)  ?20:16
Furtanoin c20:16
PiciFurtano: ask in ##C , not #ubuntu20:16
Guest16584Are there some problems with Ubuntu 8.4 I don't know about?20:16
Dreamgliderwhen ever i try to update i get > "Could not resolve 'ISASRV'" Isasrv is ther proxy i juse in school, i have selected no proxy since im not in school now but i keep getting Could not resolve 'ISASRV' i have 8.1020:16
Furtanobut i compile it in ubuntu20:16
Rencxblizzle: yes it is a bit different.. i want one like this down here http://aycu06.webshots.com/image/19685/2005576298596207038_rs.jpg20:16
stefgGuest16584: opbviously ...20:16
PiciFurtano: Its still a programming question.20:16
duncan-nzstefg, thanks. any idea why the network drive is sometimes in 'Network' and sometimes in 'Network/Windows Network'?20:16
orifice_workI just need to modify the filesystem information.  The partition table is correct20:16
duncan-nzstefg, and how do I make samba start at startup?20:17
^hashbang^Dreamglider: are you doing the update from the commandline?20:17
jimcooncatorifice_work: what kind of filesystem is it, ext3?20:17
Guest16584Is 8.10 decent?20:17
orifice_workfat32 .....20:17
stefgduncan-nz: the package should place an initscript by itself... how come it doesn't autostart ?20:17
duncan-nzGuest16584, it's fine. Some reviewers say it'20:18
duncan-nzs not any different from 8.04.20:18
ActionParsnipGuest16584: works ok here20:18
nickrud_Guest16584, all the releases after warty(?) were decent; they stopped using the early artwork20:18
wikkedfinAnyone in here do any coding for Ubuntu?20:18
Dreamglider^hashbang^: i tried from terminal and from the update manager same output20:18
duncan-nzstefg, that's what I'm wondering.20:18
aecDoes anyone know if its possible to split a drive with windows vista in half and install ubuntu with encrypted lvm on there?20:18
ChronosZAshould i be able to add the hoary repositories to my synaptic in intrepid and get files from it? or if not how else?20:18
SEVILLATitan8990: k  im connected to my router but no ip address and my signal level is -3020:18
^hashbang^Dreamglider: do an `env | grep http` from the command line20:18
duncan-nzaec, sure why not?20:18
Rencxblizzle: do you now where i can get one?20:19
^hashbang^Dreamglider: do you see anything?20:19
ActionParsnipnickrud_: i wouldnt judge the quality of an OS by the look of the gui20:19
nickrud_ChronosZA, that is not doable20:19
lirxisHi, have upgraded my server from 7.10 to 8.10 now everything is broken, apache2 wont start correctly and no server program starts on boot... help please :)20:19
squarebracketmy main software source is down, can someone give me the address for one, like the us one?20:19
SEVILLATitan8990: k  im connected to my router but no ip address and my signal level is -3020:19
ActionParsniplirxis: reinstall the app20:19
ChronosZAnickrud_ : awww man20:19
stefgduncan-nz: I'd try installing the package 'bum' and inspect if its disabled20:19
lirxisActionParsnip: already done that... :/ no luck20:19
stefg!info bum | duncan-nz20:19
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (intrepid), package size 81 kB, installed size 516 kB20:19
aecok just asking... would you know of a guide to help me with it? its no biggy im good at winging things20:19
squarebracketwait im dumb20:19
blizzleRencx, If you want something identical to the screenshot, you'll be installing OSX :)20:19
duncan-nzstefg, i'll look at that.20:19
Titan8990SEVILLA, I have never had to adjust my signal level20:20
Dreamglider^hashbang^: http_proxy=http://ISASRV:8080/20:20
Titan8990SEVILLA, may be a stupid question but I ran into this problem last week, is MAC filtering enabled on your ap?20:20
dou213hi guys, how can i set some files on the internet so that everybody on that site can download them? i'm using lamp-server20:21
blizzleRencx, Try cairo dock, I guess, if gnome-do's dock isn't what you want.20:21
lirxisPlease can anyone help me? having problem after a upgrade from 7.10 to 8.10 server20:21
dou213files like .exe programms20:21
Titan8990dou213, should look into webdav for hosting files over HTTP20:21
^hashbang^Dreamglider: ok take a look at your ~/.bashrc the entry for that might be in there20:21
Titan8990!webdav | dou21320:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about webdav20:21
* stefg considers docks totally overrated anyway20:21
dou213Titan8990, no other possibility?20:21
Titan8990dou213, for hosting files over http?20:22
dou213Titan8990, y20:22
carl0s-Anybody know of an issue with the latest jaunty updates on X Intel video ? I'm getting a blank screen on bootup, I can here the gdm jingle sound but can't see anything. If I start in rescue mode, and then choose "resume startup" it seems to start up OK. Also, with Desktop Effects enabled, the window decorations/borders are all blank white, or mostly blank.. they're actually a gradient white.20:22
Picicarl0s-: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.20:22
SEVILLATitan8990: not sure how do i check20:22
ActionParsnipdou213: exe files are still files so you can host them just like any other20:22
ActionParsnip!jaunty | carl0s-20:22
ubottucarl0s-: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:22
=== eric is now known as Guest25637
Titan8990dou213, don't know, i find webdav to be excellent and have never had a reason find an alternative20:22
stefg!jaunty | carl0s-20:22
Dreamglider^hashbang^:  where is this ~ ?20:22
Titan8990SEVILLA, you have to log into the router and check the security settings20:22
ldleworkHey how come firefox keeps reporting (at various sites) that Java is not enabled even though in the preferences it is indeed enabled?20:23
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore20:23
SEVILLATitan8990: k20:23
^hashbang^Dreamglider: ~ is a shortcut to your home directory. so /home/yourusername/.bashrc20:23
Picistefg: look up. someone just did that command.20:23
dou213Titan8990, but what about oly with apache2?20:23
dou213like the 'index of/' thing20:24
Titan8990dou213, webdav.... only using apache220:24
Titan8990dou213, enable the module and its ready to go20:24
ldlework:( anyone?20:24
SEVILLATitan8990: hey i may have disabled wireless networking how do i check that20:24
stefgPici: yup... actually the 'echho cancellation' is one of the nicer features of ubottu20:24
Titan8990SEVILLA, on the router? if you were able to find your router via iwlist then wireless is enabled on the router20:25
jimcooncatorifice_work: only thing I can find for cli is parted. Be careful!20:25
Dreamglider^hashbang^: no isasrv in .bashrc20:25
SEVILLATitan8990: ok i was just cheking20:25
duncan-nzstefg, its set to start, so I'll keep an eye on this issue and come back if I keep getting problems. Thanks.20:25
linuxnewbejoin struts20:26
^hashbang^Dreamglider: hmm, how about in /etc/bash.bashrc? if not there try doing a `unset http_proxy`20:26
wallywhere does ubuntu store samba shares mounted through gui ~/?20:26
Titan8990wally, mind rephrasing that?20:27
aliellmy system > admin > printing does not have a network printer, am i missing something?20:27
duncan-nzwally, I had to specify the directory druing setup.20:27
wallyTitan8990: I mounted a samba share via Gnome on Ubuntu. I am trying to access this in a terminal.20:27
Dreamglider^hashbang^:  unser not know command20:27
Titan8990wally, ah, you use smbclient20:27
Dreamglider^hashbang^:  unset not know command20:27
Titan8990wally, not sure on the syntax, try smbclient --help20:28
stefgwally: look in ~/.gvfs20:28
^hashbang^Dreamglider: what shell are you using?20:28
^hashbang^Dreamglider: bash? tcsh?20:28
wallyawesome stefg20:28
Titan8990wally, or mabye I am just completely confused based on stefg's statement20:28
^hashbang^Dreamglider: I use bash and that command works fine for me.20:28
wallythanks, ~/.gvfs it is20:28
Titan8990wally, lol and I was20:28
lirxisWarning: found /etc/apparmor.d/force-complain/usr.sbin.mysqld, forcing complain mode anyone knows whats wrong?20:29
Dreamglider^hashbang^:  by bash you mean in therminal ?20:30
alielli do not have a 'Network Printer' in my Printer configuration :/20:31
orudiei just installed munin server and munin node, not sure how to get it working20:31
^hashbang^Dreamglider: yes, the bash shell. type that, then type unset http_proxy20:31
dou213Titan8990, i should have simply put the files i want to share in the public folder and delete the index.html20:31
dou213that's what i wanted :)20:31
Dreamglider^hashbang^:  i just have a terminal i dont know about bash n stuff20:32
jimcooncatDreamglider: for most users, the terminal runs bash.20:32
^hashbang^Dreamglider: in your terminal, type unset http_proxy20:33
kattollikisdhow can I put the Compiz-fusion on my PC?20:33
Titan8990ccsm | kattollikisd20:33
Titan8990!ccsm | kattollikisd20:33
ubottukattollikisd: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:33
s0101Can  somebody help me to use wireshark?20:33
Titan8990s0101, what do you need help with?20:33
s0101I have a windows computer on  my router i would like to see but i only get  one line in the capture20:34
reduzpulseaudio keeps crashing, any hints?20:34
|f|dont use pulseaudio20:34
Dreamglider^hashbang^: done, i still get the "could not resolve "isasrv"20:34
Titan8990s0101, you have be a member of the wireshark group or run it as root (not recommended)20:34
stefgreduz: you're running jaunty... aren't you?20:35
s0101I am  on the root mate20:35
^hashbang^Dreamglider: does env | grep http_proxy come back with anything20:35
Dreamglider^hashbang^:  No.20:35
s0101why is that bad?20:35
reduzstefg, no, ibex20:35
^hashbang^Dreamglider: and sudo apt-get update is saying it cant' find the proxy server?20:36
ActionParsnips0101: why is what bad?20:36
Titan8990s0101, because wireshark contains millions of lines of code.... nothing like that should be ran as root20:36
s0101ok how  can i get member of a wireshark group?20:37
Dreamglider^hashbang^: update manager can not resolve isasrv20:37
s0101and if i do that can i see the other computer?20:37
Titan8990s0101, not sure of the exact name, try:   grep wireshark /etc/group20:37
tiredbonesI'm using distro 8.04, gnome version. How do I get kdar install using synaptic?20:37
Dreamglider^hashbang^: apt-get update is working thanks20:37
Titan8990s0101, no, you can never see the other computer with wireshark, it is a packet analyzer, not a remote sniffer20:37
Titan8990s0101, unless that computer is sending you packets20:38
^hashbang^Dreamglider: Doh! , ok close update manager, open of synaptic, go to settings, preferences, network and remove the proxy entry20:38
Titan8990s0101, and you can filter it with:   ip.addr==xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx20:38
s0101I would  of course be able to make it send to me if you tell me  how20:38
dou213Titan8990, do u have a good link to WebDAV?20:38
SEVILLATitan8990: hey still nothing,  i dont know what went worng it was working fine until i removed the applet from the gui panel20:38
dou213on setting it up20:38
s0101this is ubuntu  8.10 and target comp is windows  vista20:39
RencxDoes anyone can help with cario-dock eror?20:39
Dreamglider^hashbang^:  it's set to Direce connection to the internet20:39
ActionParsnips0101: sudo adduser $USER <whatever groupname you wanna be in>20:39
s0101you meen a separete account for wireshark?20:39
Titan8990dou213, yes, let me find the guide that I used20:39
^hashbang^Dreamglider: ok how about your systemwide pref's? System->20:39
^hashbang^Dreamglider: ok how about your systemwide pref's? System->Preference->Network Proxy20:40
Titan8990s0101, no, in debian the adduser command both creates a user and can add a user to a group20:40
Dreamglider^hashbang^:  set to direct connection20:40
Titan8990s0101, in some other distros adduser is just a symlink to useradd20:40
^hashbang^Dreamglider: wow, ok then I have no clue20:40
s0101I have 8.1020:40
SEVILLATitan8990: hey still nothing,  i dont know what went worng it was working fine until i removed the applet from the gui panel20:40
^hashbang^Dreamglider: those are all the places i've used to set and unset a proxy when I needed it20:40
s0101[sudo] password for s0101:20:41
dou213Titan8990, ok i'm waiting20:41
s0101adduser: The user `s0101' already exists.20:41
s0101thats what i  get20:41
Titan8990dou213, http://www.digital-arcanist.com/sanctum/article.php?story=2007042710125062220:41
FloodBot1s0101: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:41
Titan8990SEVILLA, and iwlist scanning does show your access point?20:41
^hashbang^Titan8990: dude, I have that same link up and was gettin ready to paste it in ...20:41
Dreamglider^hashbang^:  me to20:41
Dreamglider^hashbang^:  it just does not work now20:41
Rencx^hashbang^: can you help me? when i reload snaptic it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/116583/20:41
logankoesterWhy can't I add a user to www-data using "usermod -a -G  www-data <user>"?20:42
dou213thx Titan899020:42
ActionParsnips0101: sudo usermod -Gwireshark -a `whoami`20:42
Titan8990SEVILLA, sorry, this may have been the problem, you have to sudo dhclient:    sudo dhclient wlan020:42
^hashbang^Rencx: hmm, I have no clue. let me try and run the refresh20:42
SEVILLATitan8990: yeah it does thats why im confused. iwlist scanning and iwconfig both say im connected to my cell20:42
Titan8990logankoester, its adduser in debian20:42
PopeZaphCan someone help me change resolution on an Inspiron 600m?20:42
^hashbang^Rencx: oops, forgot I'm using 9.04... not sure if that matters or not20:43
stefg!fixres | PopeZaph20:43
ubottuPopeZaph: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:43
^hashbang^Rencx: ok I was able to run "reload" withot issue20:43
logankoesterthanks Titan899020:43
^hashbang^Rencx: not sure what that error is about.20:43
s0101it says unknown group  wireshark20:44
Titan8990SEVILLA, try a reboot if you have not already20:44
Rencx^hashbang^: it starts show up when i did some of steps from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock20:44
^hashbang^Rencx: try http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1051577.html20:44
Titan8990s0101, maybe ubuntu does expect you to run it as root.....20:44
constantinehi all I'm wondering what is the best email program for ubuntu for gmail20:44
ActionParsnips0101: i thought you said you had to be a member of the group?20:44
ActionParsnipconstantine: there is no BEST anything in linux20:45
s0101because they told  me run it as root is bad20:45
Titan8990ActionParsnip, I said that, that is the way it is in the distro I am currently using20:45
ActionParsnipconstantine: its all personal preference20:45
constantinelol can you recommend one then20:45
^hashbang^constantine: BEST, is left up to you and what you like...20:45
ActionParsnipTitan8990: ah, makes sense20:45
Titan8990constantine, evolution and thunderbird are popular20:45
chnuebiconstantine: mutt is good, butt i dont know the specialties for gmail...20:45
^hashbang^constantine: prism is cool, or thunderbird20:45
ActionParsnipconstantine: thunderbird has a googlemail wizard built in, other mail apps may integrate with other apps better20:46
Dreamgliderthunderbird is nice20:46
ConstantineXVIis there a reason everyone's talking to me?20:46
^hashbang^constantine: ofcourse I'm a mozilla fan =)20:46
=== Nickname_ is now known as spass
constantinehaha constantine20:46
^hashbang^ConstantineXVI: different person20:46
ConstantineXVI /facepalm20:46
constantineok thanks I'll try thunderbird then20:46
Dreamgliderfirefox and thunderbird ;)20:46
^hashbang^good luck20:46
Titan8990ConstantineXVI, we are not....20:47
ActionParsnipconstantine: theres even pine, mutt20:47
^hashbang^ActionParsnip: Pine is defunc, it's now called "Alpine"20:47
constantinegod this channel gets more action than my ex gf20:47
^hashbang^it's a support channel20:47
s0101if  i dont care if its bad to run w-shark as root how  can i send all packets from the windows computer  to mine ubuntu8.10?20:48
Titan8990s0101, you have to poison the arp20:48
^hashbang^s0101: you would need to do what's called "port mirroring" which I doubt your home route has20:48
ActionParsnip^hashbang^: call me old fashioned20:48
Titan8990s0101, it will halt all internet traffic and your network will be screwy for a few hours20:48
Titan8990s0101, wireshark is not a remote sniffing tool20:48
^hashbang^ActionParsnip: =) I just found that out when installing it the other day =). I'm old school myself20:49
s0101I have a dlink  604 :(20:49
Titan8990s0101, look into ettercap + arp poisoning20:49
s0101is there  a good remot20:49
wikkedfini asked a question in a windows support chan and someone creamed me for being in here20:49
ActionParsnip^hashbang^: best way, people with their flashy x servers an all20:49
wikkedfinthats just not right20:49
Rencxwhen i reload snaptic it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/116583/ it is afterhow i can fix Cario-Dock gpg?20:49
Titan8990s0101, if you don't want it to halt internet traffic, you will have to configure bridge sniffing and set up a tun/tap interface20:49
^hashbang^s0101: try http://www.pawelko.net/linux/17-Rpcapd-For-Linux-Remote-Sniffing-With-Etherealwireshark20:49
ActionParsnipwikkedfin: as long as you are civil and patient you shouldnt get banned anywhere20:50
evilGUIWould someone do my a favor and give me their md5sum of /usr/bin/ldd ?20:50
constantineI just installed ubuntu and was wondering if there are a few things I should do right away to make it more secure20:50
s0101is there any good keylogger (Free) for vista that dosent harm the computer?20:50
* PopeZaph notes this is a pain in the neck20:50
wikkedfini get banned cuz i do stupid stuff20:50
wikkedfincuz idk how to work anything20:50
tonyyarussoevilGUI: You'll want to specify your version and architecture.20:50
ortsvorsteherevilGUI: b61a0a9205d4761a9862a7f208a8139b  /usr/bin/ldd20:51
tiredbonesI installed HUB on my 8.04 release. I was able to do the backup to cd, but when i click on System ->  Administration -> Home user Restore, nothing happens. Are there other packages that I have to install?20:51
evilGUIortsvorsteher: Thanks =)20:51
ortsvorsteheryou' re welcome evilGUI20:51
Rencxwhen i reload snaptic it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/116583/ it is after i add cario dock repository. How i can fix Cario-Dock gpg?20:51
tonyyarussoevilGUI: mine's 286f01dca16e31a03f12d24ef3755a30 :P20:51
Pici!gpgerr | Rencx (but use 60D11217247D1CFF20:51
ubottuRencx (but use 60D11217247D1CFF: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys <key> ; gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »20:51
evilGUIThanks everyone.20:52
quibblerortsvorsteher: 286f01dca16e31a03f12d24ef3755a30  ldd20:52
marcelkoopmanwhere can I find the system boot messages? please dont say dmesg, because thats not that I look for20:52
tonyyarussomarcelkoopman: what sorts of messages do you want?20:52
ortsvorsteherquibbler: evilGUI needed it :)20:52
RencxPici: can you explain please?20:52
quibblerortsvorsteher: sorry;)20:53
marcelkoopmantonyyarusso, the messages that appear during system boot20:53
ortsvorsteherno problem quibbler20:53
tonyyarussomarcelkoopman: /var/log/messages20:53
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:53
marcelkoopmantonyyarusso, those didnt contain a fatal message i saw during boot20:53
PiciRencx: run this: gpg --keyser hkp://subkeys.php.net --recv-keys 60D11217247D1CFF20:53
PiciRencx: then: gpg --export --armor 60D11217247D1CFF | sudo apt-key add -20:54
Titan8990SEVILLA_1, excellent, good to hear you got it working20:54
derspanksterI get no screen from DVI after usplash with Nvidia card. Any ideas anyone?20:54
tonyyarussomarcelkoopman: well, grep for the message in /var/log then.20:54
marcelkoopmantonyyarusso, i did20:54
ActionParsnipRencx: http://gentoo-blog.de/?p=50120:54
marcelkoopmantonyyarusso, it does not contain boot messages20:54
JonathanDwikkedfin: I found your drivers.20:54
marcelkoopmantonyyarusso, i want the same logging you see when booting, thats not in there20:55
Nekucan anyone help me install openvpn i gt so far and am now stuck20:55
* PopeZaph looks for his WinXP CD since changing resolution in Ubuntu requires editing text files20:55
marcelkoopmantonyyarusso, in /var/log/boot there is nothing there, nothing logged yet it says20:56
marcelkoopmantonyyarusso, have you tried this before?20:56
Assid^hashbang^: if i plan to use something like find . |xargs -i assid   , and the folders have spaces etc.. how do i makje this work?20:56
TuxiscoolHi there; how can I get the clock to display unix time in Ubuntu 8.10? It's listed as an option in the clock preferences help, but not in the actual preferences.20:56
Nekucan anyone help me install openvpn i gt so far and am now stuck20:56
`MatirAssid, use the -0 (zero) flag to find and xargs.20:56
^hashbang^Assid: what Matir: said =)20:57
ortsvorsteher!anyone | Neku20:57
ubottuNeku: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:57
tonyyarussomarcelkoopman: Finding vague messages of some kind given at some stage of the boot process in some boot output option?  Nope.20:57
ortsvorsteher!details | Neku20:57
ubottuNeku: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:57
Nekuortsvorsteher : i know ok20:58
marcelkoopmantonyyarusso, thanks anyway, not your fault20:58
smurfhy guys. ! can't boot a ubuntu cd. Someone could help me? The errors is aperture beyond 4gb20:58
Assidfind . |xargs -020:58
Assidxargs: argument line too long20:58
RencxPici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116595/ get this eror20:58
Assidif i add it to find , then i get find: invalid predicate `-0'20:59
smurfThe cd starts running but never initiate the kernel20:59
RencxActionParsnip i gat this eror after 1st line ActionParsnip20:59
marcelkoopmanfind -name "*.txt" | xargs -n1 cat21:00
RencxActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/116595/21:00
ActionParsnipRencx: make sure you are the owner of the file, and have full write permissions21:00
a931bwHi all any1 can help me? i'm can't write to my 16 gb KINGSTOn flash21:01
RencxActionParsnip: i write sudo before21:01
RencxActionParsnip: now it dont work21:01
ortsvorsteher!anyone | a931bw21:01
ubottua931bw: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:01
marcelkoopmana931bw, its formatted as NTFS?21:01
a931bwif i format it on linux my dv can't see it21:02
marcelkoopmana931bw, if you plugin the flash, and do the command 'dmesg' what do you see?21:02
smurfI saw my error in this forum: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=963892&page=321:02
TuxiscoolHow can I get the clock to display UNIX time in Ubuntu 8.10? It's listed as an option in the clock preferences help, but not in the actual preferences. If not is there terminal command I can use to see it?21:02
smurfsomeone could help me?21:02
ActionParsnipRencx: read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock21:02
smurfI didn't found a solution yet21:02
ActionParsnipRencx: theres a key there21:02
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RencxActionParsnip: yes but it dont work21:03
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^hashbang^wow I know this is OT but has anyone seen the stockmarket (us) -382.1521:03
Titan8990Tuxiscool, what formart is unix time?21:03
ActionParsnipsmurf: my system does that but it doesnt affect anything21:03
Titan8990err format21:03
Guest944Can I update from 8.4 to 8.10 using the disk and without losing all my files?21:03
Pici^hashbang^: Then you should know of #ubuntu-offtopic21:03
TuxiscoolTitan8990: The number of seconds since January 1st, 1970.21:03
marcelkoopmanGuest944, make a backup first21:04
Titan8990Tuxiscool, lol is today the 12345678 day or whatever?21:04
Guest944Whats a good backup program?21:04
ActionParsnipTitan8990: unix time is MMDDhhmmYYYY21:04
Titan8990Guest944, depends if you want filebackup or partition image21:04
Necrogamemastersmurf: what seems to be your problem?21:04
RencxActionParsnip: maybe it is because i insert only interpid repos?21:04
marcelkoopmanGuest944, use a simple copy command21:05
Titan8990ActionParsnip, if that is the case than the date command from the terminal will display unix command21:05
ActionParsnipRencx: if you are using intrepid, thats all you need21:05
TuxiscoolTitan8990: Almost. I'm just curious to see the 'anniversary.'21:05
Titan8990marcelkoopman, I have to disagree there, there are so many great tools to be using cp21:05
Titan8990marcelkoopman, unless you are doing cp -al21:05
a931bwHelp plz21:05
marcelkoopmanTitan8990, i've never used these tools, cp is enough for me, but you are right21:06
a931bwi'm need to write film to flash21:06
marcelkoopmana931bw, its to big for fat32? > 4 GB?21:06
RencxActionParsnip: then what is wrong? i have gpg eror here http://paste.ubuntu.com/116595/21:06
Guest944I don't have a 2nd partition on my harddrive to store a backup21:06
Titan8990Guest944, I would recommend rsync or tar for file backup21:06
ojacquetThe db2exc package mentioned on http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/ibm/db2 is nowhere to be found in the partner repo. Does anyone know where I can find it?21:06
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drashTuxiscool: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=330923 might be of interest, bottomline: edit a gconf setting to format the date/time to your liking21:06
Titan8990Guest944, where do you plan to store it?21:06
a931bwit 16 gb21:06
=== Hentai is now known as Techsalvager
marcelkoopmana931bw, the movie is 16 gb?21:07
Guest944Good question21:07
Assid`Matir: how its not workin for me21:07
Guest944I am having connection problems21:07
Tuxiscooldrash: Excellent. Much appreciated.21:07
Titan8990Guest944, keeping it on the same drive and partition isn't much of a backup21:07
ActionParsnipRencx: check ownership and read/write access on the file21:07
a931bwFlash is 16gb21:07
=== squiddy is now known as Guest33520
marcelkoopmana931bw, what happens when you plugin the flash? it is recognized?21:08
Guest944No way to upgrade without losing files?21:08
a931bwit's opens21:08
RencxActionParsnip: sory for noob questions i'm new.. but where is file?21:08
marcelkoopmana931bw, and you cant write to it21:08
_theradaranybody have issues with a dual head setup?  I get an error about the virtual resolution not being big enough when I try and set it up in the Screen Resolution Tool21:08
`MatirAssid, what command are you trying to run with xargs?21:08
ActionParsnipRencx: read your error message, it tells you ;)21:09
marcelkoopmana931bw, what is the location shown in the file manager when you click on the flash icon21:09
tiredbonesI used HUB to backup my home directory, but the restore does not work, nor just inserting the cd, as the instruction proclaim. So, I would to execute the command for the restore. How dose one tell DAR to read the CD for the restore?21:09
`MatirAssid, try something like: "find . -print0 <options> | xargs -0 somecommand".  If you have multiple arguments to somecommand and need it quoted, look at the -i option to xargs.21:10
marcelkoopmana931bw, ls -al /media/KINGSTON21:10
marcelkoopmana931bw, what does it give back?21:10
a931bwls: невозможно получить доступ к /media/KINGSTON/.Trash-999: Input/output error21:11
a931bwитого 2021:11
a931bwdrwx------ 4 root root 8192 1970-01-01 03:00 .21:11
a931bwdrwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 2009-02-10 23:02 ..21:11
a931bwdrwx------ 3 root root 8192 2009-02-06 17:54 Karinos21:11
FloodBot1a931bw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:11
Assid`Matir:  find . -print0 |xargs -0 grep -H -i reena | grep -i -e '[doctor|physician]' > found21:11
a931bwcan't acces21:11
a931bwls: невозможно получить доступ к /media/KINGSTON/.Trash-999: Input/output error21:11
a931bwcan't get access21:11
ortsvorsteher!enter | a931bw21:11
ubottua931bw: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:11
ActionParsnipa931bw: try chown-ing it21:12
RencxActionParsnip: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 7D2C7A23BF810CD5 in long key i must use my own key?21:12
ActionParsnipa931bw: change owner, its ownder by root right now21:12
marcelkoopmana931bw, sudo chown -R user:user /media/KINGSTON21:12
a931bwi'm on root now21:12
marcelkoopmana931bw, why are you root? you should not be root, but user21:13
ActionParsnipa931bw: check your mount options. I think you may have mounted wrong and written data to the partition with sudo21:13
ActionParsnipa931bw: you shouldnt be root, do yuo mean sudo -i ?21:13
unicumhow do i change the mac address again?21:13
a931bwi'm on root now21:14
a931bwroot user21:14
marcelkoopmanon root?21:14
marcelkoopmana931bw, are you using ubuntu21:14
tiredbonesI used HUB to backup my home directory, but the restore does not work, nor just inserting the cd, as the instruction proclaim. So, I would to execute the command for the restore. How dose one tell DAR to read the CD for the restore?21:14
Titan8990unicum, you have to have macchanger21:14
nickrud_unicum, in the interfaces file?   hwaddress ether <address>21:14
Titan8990unicum, and you use the macchanger command21:14
marcelkoopmana931bw, how do you log in?21:14
unicumwon't the shell let me do this via ifconfig?21:15
a931bwChange'd setting's in login screen21:15
ActionParsnipa931bw: you shouldnt enable the root account, its not needed21:15
marcelkoopmana931bw, log in as a normal user21:15
unicumnickrud_ interfaces file.. path to?21:15
bennenatI just installed a week ago and when i play any song on it, through rythmbox or totem it will skip parts of the song. any ideas?21:15
ActionParsnipa931bw: and it reduces security logging on as root as well21:15
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unicumah.. found it21:16
nickrud_unicum, yes; /etc/network/interfaces21:16
a931bwPlease i'm haven't time21:16
ActionParsnipunicum: are you familiar with the drink zwack?21:17
marcelkoopmanSpreadsheet, nice nickname, how original21:17
Spreadsheetwhenever i press the up arrow key on this computer, it takes a screenshot21:17
Spreadsheetmarcelkoopman: yeah whatever21:17
ActionParsnipSpreadsheet: are you running compiz?21:17
Spreadsheethow do i stop this?21:17
nickrud_Spreadsheet, system->prefs->keyboard shortcuts, check the settings21:17
Spreadsheeti'll just turn off compiz21:17
ActionParsnipSpreadsheet: check your shortcut to take a shortcut and then if it uses alt / ctrl etc, press the key to exercise it out21:18
Spreadsheetnow it's working21:18
marcelkoopmanSpreadsheet, Excel or OpenOffice Calc?21:18
ActionParsnipSpreadsheet: its probably jammed down21:18
nickrud_!ot | marcelkoopman21:18
ubottumarcelkoopman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:18
Spreadsheeti disabled compiz21:18
bennenatI just installed a week ago and when i play any song on it, through rythmbox or totem it will skip parts of the song. any ideas?21:18
RencxActionParsnip: thank you for help i figuret it out somehow :D21:19
ActionParsnipRencx: awesome21:19
ActionParsnipRencx: wtg21:19
Cioliverawhat wherer u from ¿21:19
a931bwPlease HELP21:19
marcelkoopmanCiolivera, what??21:19
a931bwwhy i'm can't acces my usb flash?21:19
marcelkoopmana931bw, log in as a normal user21:20
a931bwit oesn't matter21:20
a931bwokay wait21:20
bennenatsoo no one has any ideas on the song skipping?21:20
Assiderr how do i reset compiz changes ?21:20
marcelkoopmanbennenat, nope21:21
Assidlike i changed the compiz effects21:21
ActionParsnipbennenat: does a reboot help?21:21
danbhfivebennenat: try vlc21:21
BobCFCwoohoo Miro 2.0 is much better21:21
marcelkoopmanbennenat, maybe the mp3 is corrupt? bad file?21:21
* ActionParsnip hates people logging on as / enabling root account21:21
marcelkoopmanBobCFC, what is Miro?21:21
ArcSighterHello people, how can I reference to ActiveDirectory users from squid, the same [at] = @ syntax?21:21
ActionParsnip!info miro21:22
ubottumiro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.6-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1767 kB, installed size 6728 kB21:22
a931bwi'm on normal user21:22
bennenati've tried several different songs, and nope rebooting doesnt help. i'll try VLC but i think for some reason the codecs for mp3's arent installing right?21:22
marcelkoopmanstill dont know what miro can do21:22
chnuebienabling root can be safer, if someone starts your pc in runlevel 1. Or not?21:22
a931bwWhat to do now?21:22
BobCFCIt's for watching video podcasts and other internet TV, new version launched today21:22
grenadejumprmiro 2 is better than what? miro 1?21:22
marcelkoopmanbennenat, you have medibuntu repositories enabled?21:22
drashAssid: if you're using ccsm to control compiz settings, that has a 'reset to defaults' option in preferences21:22
ActionParsnipmarcelkoopman: http://www.getmiro.com/21:22
BobCFCmuch more stable and faster21:22
bennenatmarcelkoopman, one sec21:22
a931bwWhat to o with usb flash now?21:23
marcelkoopmanActionParsnip, thanks, i would have never found it without you21:23
grenadejumprah, oki21:23
bennenata931bw, uninstall.21:23
ActionParsnipmarcelkoopman: i have black belt google-fu and 2nd dan ask.com-chi21:23
Assiddrash broken21:23
* marcelkoopman installing miro now21:24
BobCFCthey have ubuntu repos for miro 2.0 already21:24
drashAssid: what is broken exactly ?21:24
marcelkoopmanBobCFC, where can i get miro 2.0?21:24
Assiddrash: errr.. nvm, this time it reset :P21:24
BobCFC1 sec21:24
PleXuShi all21:24
chnuebia931bw: sudo bash after enter password enter passwd then enter your password for root twice and then hes enabled...21:24
LaTiaLaVaraqué tal?21:24
drashAssid: no prob :)21:24
marcelkoopmanBobCFC, of course, stupid me21:25
PleXuSi have issue with mdadm raid on ubuntu.. i can't mount /dev/md/0 ?21:25
tiredbonesI used HUB to backup my home directory, but the restore does not work, nor just inserting the cd, as the instruction proclaim. So, I would to execute the command for the restore. How dose one tell DAR to read the CD for the restore?21:25
denndaHow well does OO.org presenter work when saving a presentation as powerpoint file and presenting it with the original powerpoint software later on?21:25
treenesteranyone tried verizon usb broadband stick?21:25
ArcSighterhow can I refrence active directory groups in squid.conf?"21:25
PleXuSmdadm: error opening /dev/md/0: No such device or address21:25
BobCFCmarcelkoopman, no not ur fault, the default linux download offeerces sourcecode.. you have to click around to get the debs21:25
marcelkoopmanBobCFC, I have added the repository, now upgrading21:26
IndyGunFreaktreenester: i haven't, but do you know where i can find info about their mobile broadband plans?>.. i can't find info on their site21:26
PleXuSanyone any idea why it won't work? :s21:26
Assidwe need some better looking themes21:26
Assidhuman sucks :(21:26
a931bwi'm can't write to my flash any1 help em21:26
marcelkoopmanAssid, make one21:26
IndyGunFreakAssid: http://www.gnome-look.org21:26
treenesteri know it's ~$60 here in AL,US for "unlimited"21:26
a931bwi'm can't write to my flash any1 help me21:27
Assidis there any addon like beryl and emerald used to be?21:27
BobCFCmarcelkoopman, it can handle torrents better now too, so you can subscribe to a tv show via rss21:27
IndyGunFreaktreenester: hmm, i wish i could find info on that somewhere21:27
Assidemerald rather21:27
marcelkoopmanBobCFC, it can do torrent downloads? cool21:27
a931bwi'm can't write to my flash any1 help me21:27
marcelkoopmana931bw, did you do chown already?21:27
ActionParsnip!munt | a931bw21:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about munt21:27
ActionParsnip!mount | a931bw21:27
ubottua931bw: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap21:27
marcelkoopmana931bw, sudo chown -R user:user /media/KINGSTON21:27
marcelkoopmana931bw, replace user with your username21:27
treenesterwhat about tethering or bluetoothing a blackberry?21:27
aadityait has 900 members right now21:28
aadityawrong window, sorry21:28
ActionParsnipa931bw: sudo chown -R <username> /media/KINGSTON21:28
diffredwhat do I need to be able to #include <gtk/gtk.h>     ?21:28
ActionParsnipdiffred: try apt-file21:28
diffredActionParsnip: sudo apt-get apt-file?21:29
nickrud_diffred, libgtk2.0-dev21:29
a931bwread only file sistem21:29
BobCFCdiffred, look for packages with -dev to get headeres21:29
ActionParsnipdiffred: sudo apt-get install apt-file21:29
=== Andy- is now known as olo
nickrud_diffred, but ActionParsnip 's advice about apt-file is really useful for finding headers while compiling21:29
a931bwnow i'm ca't viewev!21:29
marcelkoopmana931bw,  fsck.fat32 /media/KINGSTON21:29
bennenatmarcelkoopman, i have enabled medibuntu repo21:29
diffredgonna do both :)21:29
marcelkoopmana931bw, you have errors on the usb disk21:29
a931bwHow to fix it?21:30
diffredActionParsnip: Once I've dowloaded it, how should I use it to find the packages to do that include?21:30
ActionParsnipnickrud_: apt-file search gtk.h21:30
marcelkoopmana931bw, sudo fsck.vfat  /media/KINGSTON21:30
chnuebia931bw: format that stick. i think there are errors on it...21:30
ActionParsnipdiffred: see above21:30
marcelkoopmanchnuebi, NO!21:30
ActionParsnipnickrud_: wrong target, sorry21:30
BobCFCActionParsnip, cool tip21:30
diffredActionParsnip: seen it :) thanks!21:30
a931bwsudo fsck.vfat  /media/KINGSTON21:31
treenesteranyone ever tethered or bluetoothed a blackberry as a broadband modem?21:31
marcelkoopmanBobCFC, where can i get more channels for miro?21:31
a931bwdosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN21:31
a931bwRead 512 bytes at 0:Is a directory21:31
nickrud_diffred, sudo apt-file update && apt-file search <filename>  (the update only needs to be run once)21:31
a931bwwtf is it?21:31
BobCFCmarcelkoopman, browse the guide. or any website that has RSS feeds21:31
ActionParsnipBobCFC: its a good laugh21:31
chnuebimarcelkoopman: stay relaxed^^21:31
Rencxwhy cairo-dock is so slow?21:31
diffrednickrud_:thanks so much!21:31
marcelkoopmana931bw, your usb has filesystem errors i think, you need to repair it in windows21:31
a931bwawn is best21:31
a931bwi do it21:32
a931bwBut can't access in linux21:32
Titan8990IMO not linux docks are up to speed.....21:32
=== AdamS42b is now known as AdamS42a
marcelkoopmana931bw, if it has errors no you cannot access it21:32
BobCFCmarcelkoopman, when in miro guide just click add.  or in firfox copy and rss link then goto Sidebar->Add Feed in miro to subscribe21:32
marcelkoopmana931bw, then its readonly to prevent more damage21:32
marcelkoopmanBobCFC, where can I find video RSS? any tips?21:32
RencxSomone here use cairo-dock..? For me it is lagy and slow how can i change it?21:33
BobCFC1 sec21:33
a931bwWhat i'm can to do?21:33
christiandsuarezalguien sabe como hacer para que me funcione el google heart21:34
RencxSomone here use cairo-dock..? For me it is lagy and slow how can i change it?21:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:34
ActionParsnipRencx: used to, got rid today21:34
BobCFCRencx, try new dockymode of Gnome-Do21:35
marcelkoopmana931bw, go to windows repair the filesystem on the media, or re-format the media if you can lose what it on it21:35
ActionParsnipRencx: make sure you have video drivers installed21:35
alienI insert USB flash and it says "ypou are not privileged to mount" however I'm the only user on the system with root perms, and all checkboxes are checked on in the users properties to allow to do anything, any solutions?21:35
diffredis there any problem if after running apt-file update I get Can't get http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Contents-i386.gz Can't get http://ppa.launchpad.net/mapopa/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/Contents-i386.gz21:35
a931bwis there way to do it on linux21:35
a931bwuit very important21:35
RencxActionParsnip: you also have some lags? what video drives i need?21:35
=== olo is now known as andyvy
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ActionParsnipRencx: run: lspci | grep -i vga21:36
tasosHello is anybody who Knows about Geogebra ? I can't copy in memory a shape and paste to Writer.21:36
RencxBobCFC: but it is not the same as RocketDock21:36
ActionParsnipRencx: if you havent installed video drivers, thats why its slow21:36
kleeri'm getting a very weird bug21:36
marcelkoopmana931bw, again21:36
RencxActionParsnip: but extras work for my pc..21:36
ActionParsnipRencx: they will if your pc is decent enough21:36
RencxActionParsnip: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600M GT (rev a1)21:37
=== Andy- is now known as andyvy-
marcelkoopmana931bw, sudo fsck.vfat -a /media/KINGSTON21:37
Titan8990Rencx, gksu jockey-gtk21:37
Titan8990Rencx, install your drivers there21:37
RencxTitan8990: what it is?21:37
=== Andy- is now known as andyvy
alienI insert USB flash and it says "ypou are not privileged to mount" however I'm the only user on the system with root perms, and all checkboxes are checked on in the users properties to allow to do anything, any solutions?21:38
a931bwdosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN21:38
a931bwopen /media/KINGSTON:Is a directory21:38
a931bwThat shit21:38
bennenatso after i add the medibuntu repository, sudo apt-get install w32codecs?21:38
FloodBot1a931bw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:38
Titan8990Rencx, copy and paste that to the terminal21:38
marcelkoopmana931bw, did you insert the usb flash?21:38
ActionParsnipRencx: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17721:38
Titan8990Rencx, jockey-gtk is the restricted drivers manager for ubuntu21:38
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!21:38
ActionParsnipRencx: then gksudo nvidia-settings21:38
marcelkoopmanActionParsnip, 180 is out already21:39
Titan8990!nvidia | Rencx21:39
ubottuRencx: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:39
marcelkoopmana931bw, can you click on the icon and what location is it giving in the file manager?21:39
ActionParsnipRencx: or try nvidia-glx-18021:39
SEVILLATitan8990:hey everything seems to working fine like synaptic, elinks, and the cli but for some reason i cant connect to the www gui21:39
RencxTitan8990: i alredy have nivida drivers installed21:39
kleerso I download a torrent... 1 folder with 2 files in it.... torrent finishes downloaded: 100%... transmission torrent client shows files at 100%... i try to view the folder contents in nautilus AND terminal and it doesnt show anything, nautilus acts like it's loading and terminal simply shows nothing21:39
solo_hi,do u recommend ubuntu as a webserver for a celly433-with 192MB RAM21:39
tommalleymalleyanyone feel like helping a noob21:40
RencxActionParsnip: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:40
marcelkoopmana931bw,  sudo fsck.vfat -a /media/KINGSTON21:40
Titan8990SEVILLA, which www gui? for your router?21:40
tom760I have a list of files output from a command using find -exec grep.  What would be a good option for executing a command for each file but with slight path modification?21:40
xorredguys backtrack4 which is based on ubuntu, is realeasing a beta version as soon as the remote-exploit channel gets 400 people in the room21:40
a931bwdosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN21:40
a931bwopen /media/KINGSTON:Is a directory21:40
KyleKsolo_: how much traffic does the webserver get?21:40
ActionParsnipmarcelkoopman: isnt 180 in jaunty only?21:40
xorredso please give us a hand and join #remote-exploit!21:40
bennenatmarcelkoopman, so after i add the medibuntu repository, sudo apt-get install w32codecs?21:40
marcelkoopmanActionParsnip, could be21:40
marcelkoopmanbennenat, yes21:40
KyleKxorred: lol21:40
xorredno lol that's SERIOUS21:41
xorredmove your arse over there21:41
xorred303 people now21:41
solo_KyleK just for testing php scripts,will use it as a web server21:41
xorredwe need just 70 more21:41
FloodBot1xorred: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:41
KyleKoh go nuts then21:41
marcelkoopmana931bw, sorry my mistake21:41
ActionParsnipmarcelkoopman: i'm gonna give it a go myself21:41
xorredI don't flood ;)21:41
SEVILLATitan8990: no just for my notebook, if i use ethernet cable it works but not for wlano21:41
Titan8990xorred, I thought they always release their new beta builds on one of the head dev's birthdays....21:41
marcelkoopmana931bw, can you do this please: mount | grep KINGSTON21:41
tommalleymalleyupgraded to 8.4 and all kind of funny things happening would appreciate some help if poss?21:42
a931bw/dev/sdb1 on /media/KINGSTON type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,shortname=mixed,uid=0,utf8,umask=077,flush)21:42
marcelkoopmana931bw,  sudo fsck.vfat -a /dev/sdb121:42
marcelkoopmana931bw, umount /dev/sdb121:43
tiredbonesI just read on one of the ubuntu web sites that unbuntu does not plan on having good backup and restore until release 9.04. Is this true?21:43
chervaI've put a function in my .bashrc file and I don't know how to use it can someone explain it to me... the function is extract(){.........} it detects the files extension and then uses the correct program to extract them, but when I type extract FILE bash tells me that extract is not installed and to install it type apt-get install extract21:43
marcelkoopmana931bw, sudo umount /dev/sdb121:43
SEVILLATitan8990: no just for my notebook, if i use ethernet cable it works but not for wlano21:43
xorredTitan8990: this one is different21:43
Titan8990SEVILLA, only http is a problem?21:43
xorredbeta release is first for the irc community21:43
SEVILLATitan8990: im actually using it right now for irc21:43
alienI insert USB flash and it says "ypou are not privileged to mount" however I'm the only user on the system with root perms, and all checkboxes are checked on in the users properties to allow to do anything, any solutions?21:43
xorredbut only if the channel gets 400 people in it21:43
tommalleymalleyIf anyone knows how to get my screen resolution back or stop the splash screen hanging would be cool21:43
SEVILLATitan8990: correct21:43
SEVILLATitan8990: correct21:44
Titan8990SEVILLA, does iptables -l return any rules?21:44
diffredwhat does it mean `pkg-config --libs --cflags gtk+-2.0` when compiling some C code with included gtk.h21:44
marcelkoopmana931bw, works now?21:44
PodMan99ahey all... using 8.04 on x64 im unable to get zend installed... is there a repo for it?? as download from zend.com not work ?21:44
a931bwno :(21:44
marcelkoopmana931bw, what happened?21:44
a931bwi'm go to sleep21:44
a931bwtomorow ok?21:44
marcelkoopmana931bw, ok21:45
a931bwWhat time u have now?21:45
a931bwi'm 23:4521:45
marcelkoopmana931bw, local time 22:4521:45
marcelkoopmana931bw, i have to work tomorrow21:45
a931bwi'm online in about 18-19 h21:45
RencxTitan8990: why you give me thet link?21:45
a931bwu be?21:45
romankrvHi. How create chain folders wich not exist yet. mkdir create only one folder21:45
marcelkoopmana931bw, i'm not sure, but many people can help you here21:45
marcelkoopmanisnt that right people?21:46
a931bwbye then21:46
Titan8990Rencx, because we thought you didn't have the proprietary drivers21:46
marcelkoopmanromankrv, mkdir -p21:46
SEVILLATitan8990: what am i looking for in this list its long, scroling off the screen21:46
oCean_cherva: I'm not sure how that thing works where ubuntu says "you can install it by typing ..etc" .. However, what if you give your function in basrc an other name? like my_extract. Just to see what happens21:46
RencxTitan8990: it seems i have drivers but it dont work even with them it is lag and still slow :)21:46
marcelkoopmanromankrv, mkdir -p 1/2/3/4/521:46
howlingmadhowiehi everybody! i'm just playing about with compiz and have set my desktop to rotate as a sphere. when it does this however, the sphere is so high, that i can only see the bottom two-thirds when it rotates. is there some setting where you can control where the sphere or cube is placed?21:47
Titan8990Rencx, I think there is a compiz option to show FPS21:47
RencxTitan8990: compiz?21:47
chervaoCean_: bash: my_function: command not found21:48
quibblerhowlingmadhowie: you can better ask in #compiz-fusion21:48
Titan8990Rencx, compiz is required to run cairo.... you have to have it enabled21:48
Titan8990!ccsm | Rencx21:48
ubottuRencx: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion21:48
howlingmadhowiequibbler: thanks :)21:48
oCean_cherva: ow.. I think I know21:48
chervaoCean_: ops forgot to restart bash :)21:48
oCean_cherva: I was about to say that21:48
chervaoCean_: :) 10x21:48
oCean_cherva: well, not 'restart' bash... just type "source .basrc" that will read the file again21:49
marcelkoopmanoCean_, source can be replaced by .21:49
oCean_marcelkoopman: yep21:49
chervaoCean_: sadly extract is a nice name for that function....21:50
SEVILLATitan8990: what am i looking for in this list its long, scroling off the screen21:50
oCean_cherva: I think that should work. Did the name-change work??21:50
bdelin88Is there anyone that could help me out with a wordpress problem, i can't get any help from wordpress channel?? i need know how to remove the widget restriction in wp? i want to add infinite instances of every widget on dif. side bars if need be21:50
chervaoCean_: yes21:51
oCean_cherva: 'cause I added a function called 'extract' to my bashrc, and it executes nicely.21:51
Titan8990SEVILLA, how did you configure iptables?21:51
bdelin88any wordpressers out there that could help?21:51
RencxTitan8990: yes i have compiz installed but does it change something?21:51
Titan8990SEVILLA, did you add your own rules or use some kind of gui?21:51
SEVILLATitan8990: yeah im using firestarter21:52
Titan8990Rencx, it adds visual effects, you have to configure it with ccsm21:52
Titan8990SEVILLA, ewww21:52
[Ramy]can anyone helps me to get my mic working ?21:52
Titan8990SEVILLA, firestarter is a dead project, didn't know it was still in synaptic21:52
RencxTitan8990: i have some efects also21:52
SEVILLATitan8990: should i learn how to use iptables21:52
Titan8990SEVILLA, disable the firewall completely21:52
chervaoCean_: hmm when I changed it back to extract it works ok now....strange21:52
Titan8990SEVILLA, that would be good but possible unnessarry21:53
dyfhello.. when i close a tab with flash content, firefox freezes for about 7 seconds.. what's the problem?21:53
SEVILLATitan8990: as in firestarter21:53
Titan8990SEVILLA, ufw is the tool in ubuntu that is used to configure iptables21:53
oCean_cherva: cheers :)21:53
chervaoCean_: thx21:53
Titan8990SEVILLA, but IMO, learning actual iptables scripts are the best way to go21:53
bdelin88Is there anyone that could help me out with a wordpress problem, i can't get any help from wordpress channel?? i need know how to remove the widget restriction in wp? i want to add infinite instances of every widget on dif. side bars if need be21:53
SEVILLATitan8990: so learn how to use ufw21:53
RencxTitan8990: but it is still slow21:53
Titan8990!ufw | sevilla21:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw21:53
HillshumI've lost my network connection(it works on localhost but multiple adapters won't connect outside)21:54
SEVILLATitan8990:  k i will look into it21:54
Titan8990SEVILLA, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall21:54
bdelin88Is there anyone that could help me out with a wordpress problem, i can't get any help from wordpress channel?? i need know how to remove the widget restriction in wp? i want to add infinite instances of every widget on dif. side bars if need be21:54
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SEVILLATitan8990:  thanks for your help21:55
Titan8990SEVILLA, np, good luck21:55
adantehey folks just confirming, jfs is ok for a enterprise filesystem right21:56
BsimsAnyone ever use a lua script with elinks on ubuntu? I am not sure where to place it to get it to work21:56
tiredbonesmy test21:57
juamhola alguien me puede decir de algun21:57
juamprograma para ubuntu para editar video21:58
ltgganyone: synaptic failed with this msg: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.21:58
ltggE: _cache->open() failed, please report.  How do I reinstall dpkg? thanks.21:58
Titan8990ltgg, going to teach you something very important about linux21:59
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:59
Titan8990ltgg, error messages are useful, unlike windows21:59
Titan8990ltgg, look closely at the error you got21:59
Titan8990ltgg, it says: "you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."21:59
alienI insert USB flash and it says "ypou are not privileged to mount" however I'm the only user on the system with root perms, and all checkboxes are checked on in the users properties to allow to do anything, any solutions?21:59
Titan8990ltgg, it tells you the command to run in order to fix your issue21:59
Titan8990ltgg, run:  sudo dpkg --configure -a22:00
ltggtitan8990: I did that, did not correct problem.22:00
Titan8990ltgg, what did that command return?22:00
Titan8990ltgg, also, did you remember to sudo it?22:00
Hillshumalien : but sudo is still needed to do something as root22:00
ltggtitan: don't have listing handy, ran dpkg, may haev ending in an error ??22:01
Titan8990ltgg, pastebin it22:01
alienHillshum, another USB flash used to work just fine, i insert it and it works22:01
ltggtitan: how to pastebin?22:01
Titan8990!pastebin | ltgg22:01
ubottultgg: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:02
ltggtitan: thanks , will do, and return to forum22:02
Titan8990ltgg, kk22:02
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
Assidanyone here played with mailman22:04
Assidmy outgoingrunner is stuck eating all the cpu22:04
quibblerlaurent1: please don't shout ...you are on a sever at this moment...do you wish to connect to another server?22:04
RdeWildeQ: Anyone knows why my boot could say "Could not execute /init - not foud ..."  It's  IN  initrd.img :S22:04
raboofi'm using the ion3 window manager22:05
mustangghi. Would anyone know " where" the installer pulls information from for the network name of the machine during setup? I thought I'd properly cleared a hard drive but when I try to reinstall to it, the installer knows my previous machine name.22:05
HillshumI have lost my networking outside of my system22:05
=== Chris` is now known as ianto
raboofion3 and the gnome panel don't work together that well - are there any other panel applications that provide the menus usually found in the gnome-panel ?22:06
HillshumI can still connect to localhost but no more22:06
bennenatmustangg, zomg its hax. >.>22:06
ltggtitan8990: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116608/22:06
mustanggbennenat - s' funny.. but I did try a _few_ things before I came online on my second pc ;)22:07
_dbd_l12ltgg: look here - http://techxplorer.com/2006/05/21/resolving-an-odd-dpkg-error-in-ubuntu/22:08
tyronephi i tried getting help at #kubuntu but no one answered me can anyone help me get flash working with Konqueror22:08
ltgg_dbd_: thanks for the link22:09
bennenatmustangg, are you dual booting with windows?22:10
d0wnHow can I chmod read permissions to the nobody user for ~/Music/22:11
mustanggbennenat - heck no, this was my first year win-free. My problem only started after I started a littled playing with LVM on fakeraid. .22:11
Ethoshi guys, what's the easier way to share a folder on ubuntu server via terminal :)22:12
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drashtyronep: been a while since i used konqueror, but there used to be a "Settings > Configure > Plugins" pref .. that has a "Scan" tab --> "Scan for new plugins"22:13
oCean_d0wn: your Music folder is owned by user nobody?22:13
tyronepdrash: thanks22:14
d0wnoCean_: no, my mt-daapd runs as nobody, and doesn't have read permissions to read my mp3's22:14
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d0wnoCean_: could I make a group specifically for mt-daapd, and make the ~/Music/ folder have read permissions for that group?22:14
bz0bhey guys how would i mount a usb hard drive in ubuntu22:15
wahnfriedenI heard that someone replaced their car's computer OS with ubuntu?22:16
EdwardIIIhow can i find out which package provides 'ktoolbar' using apt?22:16
sanguisdexbz0b:  plug it in22:16
wahnfriedenhow can I do this22:16
bz0bits a usb to sata/ide cable that i hooked up to a hard drive22:16
gucklehow do iupgrade to ubuntu 9 ?22:16
wahnfriedenThom Yorke?22:16
bz0bsanguisdex, i did but im trying the mount command, and it wont mount /dev/sdb to a folder22:16
wahnfriedenthat you22:16
oCean_d0wn: well, by default there are read rights for all users (chmod 755) on /home/myuser and subfolders22:17
Hillshumits only in alpha now22:17
bz0bsanguisdex, i thought about it and its right it wont work cause its like mount the whole device not just /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdb222:17
oCean_d0wn: you can tell by "ls -ald /home/mydir/Music" has "drwx-r-xr-x"22:17
Hillshumguckle, it's only in alpha now22:18
wahnfriedenalpha is good enough for devs - it's good enough for you22:18
d0wnmine has drwxr-xr-x22:18
Hillshumguckle, here's the latest if you really want it http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/alpha-4/22:18
oCean_d0wn: indeed. That means readable for the owner (you) the group, and all others (like nobody)22:19
estabanHello all22:19
bz0bi see it in the /var/log/messages22:19
TaureI need help22:19
TaureI'm a complete noob22:20
TaureAnd am setting up an ubuntu/vista dual boot with vista already installed22:20
HillshumTaure, ask your question then22:20
TaureI've installed ubuntu22:20
TaureAnd that worked fine22:20
TaureBut when the computer restarted, it just loaded vista22:20
estabanAdd the partition to grub22:20
starchypizzaI just installed ubunutu will having windows22:20
oCean_!grub | Taure22:20
ubottuTaure: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:20
TaureSo I tried to use easybcd to add a boot menu ubuntu option22:20
starchypizzaand it automatically added it22:20
bz0bAnyone know how to mount a hard drive that is plugged in via usb cable22:21
azadinanyone else here had any problems getting dual screens to "un-link" (IE, get them to display different content?) When I uncheck the "mirror screens" box in the resolution settings, it tells me to log out and in, which doesn't do anything.22:21
Hillshumazadin, try restarting X (Ctr+ALT+backspace)22:22
d0wnoCean_: it still won't allow my mt-daapd to read the files. hm22:22
azadinHillshum: already tried that. didn't do a thing.22:22
oCean_d0wn: also check the permissions on your /home/myuser22:22
=== Unad is now known as [DT]
rcshahHi all: I'm still pretty much a beginner, and have a question about how I might be able to see a printer connected to a windows machine on my home network22:23
oCean_d0wn: to check, you could try and 'become' the nobody user "sudo su - nobody" to see if you can access the files22:24
estabanDoes anyone know how to add the 'blank screen' to terminal ? Now my screen stays on all the time. Or any other way to disable the screen.22:24
d0wnoCean_: wouldn't chmodding all users to my /home/d0wn/ directory compromise my security?22:24
abadenskahi, I'd like to have gnome interface in two languages for two different users22:24
abadenskahow do I do that ?22:25
HillshumHow do I mount the HDD from the liveCD?22:25
Taurehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub I tried that already (the bit under Using Vista) and it didn't work22:25
rcshahAny ideas on how I might see a USB printer attached to a network windows pc?22:25
TaureI got an error message "cannot load from harddisk. Inster systemdisk and hit any key"22:25
estabanHillshum: mkdir /mnt/hdd  then mount -t <filesystem> /mnt/hdd22:26
xfxxCompiz is drawing window decorations, but without the close, minimize, and maximize buttons.  Any idea how to get the buttons back?22:26
Hillshumwhat /dev entry is it22:26
imdevelopercan anybody help me install QT Creator22:26
_theradardual head monitors -->  xrandr ftw22:26
starchypizzaanyone know of any good ubunutu themes?22:27
oCean_d0wn: there is a difference between chmod (permissions) and chown (ownership). Keep in mind default settings are for (ubuntu) desktop environment. In a server environment, this might differ (not sure, have no ubuntu-server running)22:27
wolterabout how much voltage should my computer consume while its sleeping?22:27
estabanwolter: That depends on your computer22:28
wahnfriedenhow can i replace my car navigation system with UBUNTU?22:28
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wolterestaban, well, core 2 duo, 4gb ram.22:28
DIFH-ice1ootwolter: always the same voltage of course22:28
wolterDIFH-ice1oot, the same amount as when one is using the computer, you say?22:29
DIFH-ice1ootwolter: 220V in europa, 110V in USA/Japan i think22:29
Hillshumwolter,  the wattage might change22:29
hyperbuddhaI think if your comp is sleeping power usage is supossed to be loer22:29
drashwolter: http://www.lesswatts.org/ might have some info on that22:29
hyperbuddhathats the whole point22:29
=== Igorots is now known as Igorot
DIFH-ice1ootwolter: you mean W and not V22:30
Hillshumestaban, where in /dev is my HDD?22:30
estabanwolter: http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/howmuch.html22:30
DIFH-ice1ootHillshum: sda22:30
horroreyesdoes anyone know if I can programm in "D" with eclipse? I tried to google it, but it's difficult to google "D"...22:30
itch_Hello guys. I have a verry annoing problem: i`m using a pppeo connection and every 20 minutes (or so) i get disconnect and i have to reconnect. This is what my syslog looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116612/ . Can somebody please take a look and maybe tell me why i`m having this trouble? Thanks !22:30
estabanHillshum: sudo fdisk -l22:31
wolterwell, about how much more efficient should my computer manage battery power?22:31
wahnfriedenhorroreyes: WHAT22:31
estabanhorroreyes: code like hardcore in vi22:31
horroreyesYou know eclipse? there is a quite new programmintlanguage named D, inherits from C -> C++ -> C# -> D22:32
v|nc3how can i remove apache22:32
_dbd_l12horroreyes: short answer: yes see http://www.wikiservice.at/d/wiki.cgi?EditorSupport22:32
wolterv|nc3, sudo apt-get remove apache*22:32
DIFH-ice1oothorroreyes: its not ubuntu-related, maybe you lok at eclipse.org or search for a eclipse plugin22:32
jonkenny007can anyone help me with a problem with Listen?22:32
DIFH-ice1ootv|nc3: sudo apt-get remove apache222:32
horroreyesok thanks22:32
geniiv|nc3: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache222:32
oCean_estaban: System > Admin > Printing will get the printer-setup started. Choose from menu Server > Printer > New .. at that point I think you can browse shared windows printers (via samba)22:33
estabanhttp://linux.about.com/od/ttl_howto/a/hwtttl14t17.htm      << That 'program' described here, where can I find it? It's not 'working' on my ubuntu server.22:33
imdeveloperHELP!!! i have installed QT tools but i dont have QT Creator22:33
imdevelopercan anyone tell me how to install22:33
estabanoCean_: wrong guy, i didnt ask for printer help =)22:33
oCean_estaban: indeed, i just saw that22:33
estabanoCean_: no worries22:34
oCean_estaban: I don't know who that was :/22:34
wolterhi, which is the evolution irc?22:34
jonkenny007my music library is over a network storage and when i startup "listen" it takes about 5-10 min to load the library.. is there anyway to solve the wait?22:34
estabanjonkenny007: get faster hardware22:34
oCean_estaban: hm, he/she's gone. So much for that :)22:35
wolteror, does somebody know about any tweak i could do to evolution so it adds contacts to whom I send emails with the name? i.e: John Smith <jsmith@mail.com>22:35
[[thufir]]how do you install the rome jar?  manually download or through apt-get?22:35
jonkenny007i have 1.66 duo22:35
jonkenny007with 1g ram22:35
estabanoCean_: People do not have patience.22:35
Dreamgliderwhile rotating the "cube" in compiz i got this popup "A malicious client may be eavesdropping on your session or you mys have just clicked a menu or some application just decided to get focus" is this someting i should be  worried about ?22:35
_dbd_l12imdeveloper: sudo apt-get install qt4-designer22:35
jonkenny007rythmbox loads up pretty quickly22:35
_dbd_l12imdeveloper: there could be some qt dev packages too, but i think the above will install them as dependencies22:36
drashjonkenny007: estebans advice, or try mpd with a frontend, it scales amazingly well imho22:36
Gneajonkenny007: are you using only rythmbox?22:36
estabanjonkenny007: It's probably samba then22:36
musictotohi. how do i ADD a newly installed network (LAN) interface to my system using command line ?22:36
jonkenny007rythmbox loads up instatnly .. listen takes forever22:36
jonkenny007i installed samba too22:36
jonkenny007no change22:36
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azertyuiohi there22:37
estabanjonkenny007: thats the thing, samba is not the fastest protocol around.22:37
jonkenny007should i change to somehting else?22:37
azertyuioi just install ubuntu 8.10 on my amd 64 bit processor22:37
jonkenny007what would u guys recomment22:37
mcscrufflo all, im using the ath5k driver but it always defaults to Bit Rate=1mb/s how can i default this to 5422:37
_dbd_l12jonkenny007: i've had good experience with gmusicbrowser -> fast and flexible22:37
imdeveloperi need creator22:37
estabanjonkenny007: Hmm, dont know i usually use the last.fm player and im good =)22:37
Gneajonkenny007: you might want to check out #samba, as there are ways to improve network performance with it22:38
imdeveloperi have install QT Disigner22:38
jonkenny007awsome thanks guys22:38
Gneajonkenny007: you might also want to try audacious22:38
_dbd_l12imdeveloper: well download the (prob. linux 32 bit) version from http://www.qtsoftware.com/developer/qt-creator/qt-creator#qt-creator-binary-packages22:38
_dbd_l12imdeveloper: save it somewhere (for example, your desktop), go to a terminal: type "cd ~/Desktop"22:39
imdeveloper_dbd_l12: im downloading22:40
ArediculuslylongIs it possible to get a quick question ansered here or should I try the forums?22:40
pike_Arediculuslylong: best bet is to just ask. if its really specifc forums are sometimes better22:40
geniiArediculuslylong: How will we know until the question is posed?22:41
Arediculuslylonggood point lol22:41
_dbd_l12imdeveloper: after that, do "sudo chmod + x qtcreator0.9.2........bin" (press tab for autocompletion of the filename if you have entered some letters)22:41
_dbd_l12imdeveloper after that : type "./qtcreator0.9.2....bin" should start the install script22:41
Arediculuslylongthe question I have is I currently am running a dual boot of ubuntu and windows, and I could like the add DSL as the third boot option, is it possible to do this simply without using another CD, as I am out at the moment?22:41
=== wahnfrieden is now known as psufan
imdeveloperill try22:42
_dbd_l12imdeveloper: you'll also need to "sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev" if you have not installed it already22:42
musictotonever mind my question i got it solved22:42
geniiArediculuslylong: You can use debbootstrap method, there is much about it online. You'd need the DSL version of the tutorial22:42
imdeveloperi have installed libqt422:43
Arediculuslylongcan you give me a link, as I googled it but I am not sure whether or not I got the right thing22:45
imdevelopersudo chmod + x qtcreator-0.9.2-rc1-linux-x86-setup.bin22:45
estabanAny chance on disabling the screen on a macbook using ubuntu (terminal).22:45
imdeveloperno such file or directory22:45
EnissayHow can i install the latest version of firefox 3.0.6?22:45
imdeveloperwhere i have to install22:45
estabanMy Fn button does not seem to work.22:45
_dbd_l12imdeveloper: change to the location where you saved the file22:45
_dbd_l12for example if it is your desktop: type "cd ~/Desktop"22:46
hyperbuddhacan anyone here explain to me the tarball process right now i have ubuntu server running on a imac and i want to move it to an olpc will this work22:46
imdeveloperyeah its in the desctop22:46
EnissayHow can i install the latest version of firefox 3.0.6? (it's a .tar.bz2 file)22:46
estabanEnissay: extract the file, then compile it.22:47
_dbd_l12imdeveloper: do you see the file when you type "ls" in the terminal22:47
imdeveloperi see the file on my desktop22:47
mustanggcan anyone suggest a simple method to clear whatever data is put on a hd when fakeraid and lvm were in use? Not just a " dd the drive" but close it ok. :)22:47
azertyuioi just install ubuntu 8.1022:48
ArediculuslylongEnissay: you could upgrade by going to System, Administration, Upgrade Manager22:48
oCean_Enissay: 3.0.6. will be in the repos after testing..22:48
toastedmilkUsing Intrepid, loaded update manager and scanned for new updates, got this: NO_PUBKEY 2BA7BC59D745C5EB.22:48
EnissayoCean_, when?22:48
Dreamglideri used the proxy at school to update ubuntu some days ago, i have disabled the proxy in network proxy but still i cannot update becaus ISASRV 8080 proxyserver is not found22:48
azertyuioi just install ntrconnect too when i try to connect to my pc from my browser from ntrconnect i got this error : " REMOTE CONTROL OPTION NOT AVAILABLE UNDER LINUX OS "22:49
hyperbuddhacan anyone here explain to me the tarball process right now i have ubuntu server running on a imac and i want to move it to an olpc will this work22:49
oCean_Enissay: after testing... that' all22:49
azertyuiocan anyone help plz22:49
drashtoastedmilk: probably the result of ppa launchpad repo's in your system not having a gpg key installed .. easily fixed though --> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1054906.html22:50
africamanhi all22:50
Arediculuslylongcan anyone give me a walk through for the debbootstrap method mentioned earlier?22:50
hatter243!hi | africaman22:50
ubottuafricaman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:50
azertyuiono one hellp22:50
azertyuioi just install ntrconnect too when i try to connect to my pc from my browser from ntrconnect i got this error : " REMOTE CONTROL OPTION NOT AVAILABLE UNDER LINUX OS "22:50
africamani want to use the evolution mail on my ubuntu but it will not just work22:51
toastedmilkdrash, thanks!22:51
flexohi, what's the address pool ubuntu assigns ip addresses from when no dhcpd is found?22:51
EnissayoCean_, hope that will not take too much time.... thanks22:51
SEVILLAHEY if i have ufw and firestarter both enabled their going to conflict right???22:51
drashtoastedmilk: you're welcome, this bit me a few days ago, the proposed procedure does work just fine22:51
hatter243flexo, without dhcp or a static ip address assigned, there is no IP address that ubuntu chooses22:52
pike_SEVILLA: i guess whichever runs last wins in that case22:52
oCean_africaman: be more specific please. What does not work?22:52
flexohatter243: yes there is.22:52
JockeoI have entered a network share in samba (using "Places" -> "Network"). Afterwards the content in the share was changed, but on my computer the change is not updated when clicking "Reload". How can see the new folders?22:53
SEVILLAhow do i disable firestarter completely so i can enable UFW22:53
africamani want to know the best server type to choose and the server name22:53
mgolischflexo: probably if avahi is installed22:54
PleXuShi all, anyone did ever try to use a suse made mdadm raid device to load into ubuntu mdadm ? seems to fail s22:54
foolzI am trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10, and it is giving me an "Error during update" message with a list of "Failed to fetch (address) 404 not found" messages... I was having this problem trying to get regular updates for feisty, and was told to upgrade since Feisty is not supported, but then this is the same problem... anyone know what is going on here?22:54
flexoalright, thanks22:54
JockeoBy "network share in samba" I mean "a folder shared through samba".22:54
hatter243SEVILLA, apt-get purge firestarter22:54
jimcooncatafricaman: you have an email account on the internet now, or do you need one?22:54
oCean_africaman: well, the service/provider were your email is, should provide those details22:54
selig5How do set as static IP address on a LAN?22:54
africamani have one22:54
hyperbuddhahigh are any of you olpc users22:54
africamanlike my isp22:55
oCean_africaman: if you have a gmail account (for example) they will specify the server/port name and (encryption)protocols etc22:55
africamanjimcoont i do have one22:55
jimcooncatafricaman: your isp's support is the first place to try, just hope they don't say, "Open up Outlook Express".22:56
africamanbut i do not know the server/port name22:56
africamancan u pls help22:56
oCean_africaman: ask your isp for those details22:56
africamanwith yahoo msn and gmail22:56
jimcooncatI can try to look it up. What does your email address end with, after the @ sign?22:57
kane77africaman, http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/03/08/howto-set-up-gmail-in-evolution-gnomes-mail-client-and-organizer/22:57
oCean_africaman: yes, that is possible. Go to the gmail site login, go to settings and see tab "forwarding" Also see http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&ctx=mail&answer=7572522:58
imdeveloperUbuntu community Rules :)22:58
Ethosdo I need to install samba in ubuntu server to share a folder?22:59
africamanu want me to ask for the server/port name from my isp22:59
berlocniksomevan help me,how I add icons in AWN22:59
SEVILLAhater243: how did you highlight your name like that23:00
rdw200169Ethos, yes, there is an easy way to do that, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba, check 'Server Configuration', and follow the instructions for 8.04 and up23:00
slacker_nlsomeone called?23:00
hackel_I'm trying to setup an OpenVPN connection with Network Manager using a static key, but whenever I enter a local IP address, it forgets it as soon as I hit OK.  Any ideas?23:00
jimcooncatafricaman, yes, ask the isp23:01
Ethoswow, looks complicated for just sharing a folder!23:01
hackel_Ethos, it's not complicated for someone who is *running* a server.  Sharing on an Ubuntu desktop has become ridiculously simple lately.23:02
ian[1]I'm wanting to find some information about streaming video from a TV tuner in an Ubuntu 8.10 server box.. Can someone point me in the direction where I might find some info?23:02
KenBW2i found a way to transmit my internet connection wirelessly but no i cant find it. Can anyone help?23:02
raI get error  "bonobo-activation-server (akrohit-1261): could not associate with desktop session:" in the /var/log/messages23:02
EthosI'm running an ubuntu server (no gui) and that guide just confuses me23:02
_dbd_l12a whole lot of people running server editions lately23:03
Ethos_dbd_l12: cause it's fairly easy to setup for a linx novice like me23:04
_dbd_l12ian[1]: there's darwin streaming server (dss - from apple) which can fulfill your streaming needs without a gui (it has a webinterface) and some simple xml config files. But how you feed your video into dss depends on your card23:04
ian[1]_dbd_l12: thanks for the info. I'll look into that and see what card works best before I buy one.23:05
ian[1]Thanks again!23:05
foolzI am trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 but I get an "Error during update" message that has multiple lines below it stating "failed to fetch (web address) 404 not found" ... does anyone know why this would be happening if I am otherwise able to use the internet and just successfully downloaded a program with Synaptic package manager?23:05
mrsCan anybody tell me, I keep getting a connection refused every time I try sudo apt-get update?23:05
_dbd_l12ian[1]: you'll have to transcode your video with ffmpeg or otherwise into something dss can understand. If you still can choose the card you probably have less complex options...23:06
berlocniksomevan help me pleas23:06
koH1Hello everyone23:06
koH1this isnt apart of freenode is it?23:06
foolzshould I be adding something to my sources.list file or something where gutsy gibbon files are located? is that why it's not finding it?23:06
ian[1]dbd_l12: thanks again for the info!23:07
redvamp128foolz:  have you seen this post -- First Impressions of Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop Edition <http://www.devx.com/opensource/Article/36289/0/page/2>23:07
_dbd_l12berlocnik: http://wiki.awn-project.org/index.php?title=FAQ23:07
berlocniksomevan tell me how to add icons in AWN23:08
KenBW2i found a way to transmit my internet connection wirelessly but no i cant find it. Can anyone help?23:08
zer0ohi guys du no if theres any support channel for distro "xandros"?23:08
azertyuioi got this error when i try to connect to my pc with ntrconnect23:09
_dbd_l12zer0o: #xandros (on freenode)23:09
azertyuiowhat to do ?23:09
KenBW2azertyuio: dont talk crap23:09
zer0o_dbd_l12: thanks dude23:09
=== koH1 is now known as Russell1
=== Russell1 is now known as RussellA
hackel_azertyuio, no one will help you with that attitude.  Looks like some crap proprietary software that we can't help you with.  Go ask for support from NTRconnect.23:10
mrsCan anybody help? http://pastebin.com/m6e2c76ab23:10
adantehi guys anybody use lvm?23:10
azertyuiowhat that mean crap software ?23:11
hackel_azertyuio, NOT open source.23:11
DIFH-ice1oot!anyone | adante23:11
ubottuadante: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:11
zer0o_dbd_l12: hey there's no-one there! sure is the official support channel?23:11
foolzredvamp128, when I do sudo apt-get update, some lines seem to work, but then I get the same messages at some points: "Err http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages23:11
foolz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]"  as an example23:11
RussellAAny Ubuntu <b>Studio'ers</b> in here?23:11
Wizzuptry *Studioers*23:11
azertyuiois there any that kind of software23:12
jeancalvinin terminal, how do i remove files that are no longer in use/required??? THanks23:12
hackel_azertyuio, Ubuntu has a built-in remote-access solution based on  VNC, look into that.23:12
azertyuioopensource of course ?23:12
adantei've created some lvm partitions and stuff, i'm wondering will ubuntu automatically restore these on reboot or do i have to do this myself? (this is for the lvm partitions only, i can enter the fs mounts itself in fstab)23:12
DIFH-ice1oot!anyone | RussellA23:12
ubottuRussellA: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:12
azertyuioi want webaccess23:12
azertyuiofrom my work23:12
azertyuiois it possible ?23:12
pascalI'm experience drop-outs of my wifi that I'm not experiencing when using windows. Is there some sort of powersave function I can disable?23:12
_dbd_l12zer0o: i thought it was (last time i checked)23:12
azertyuiolike doing with ntrconnect right not with other OS23:12
zer0o_dbd_l12: it says it was created like 2 weeks ago23:12
azertyuiolike doing with ntrconnect right nowwith other OS23:12
zer0o_dbd_l12: it cant be23:13
_dbd_l12zer0o: strange, let me check23:13
RussellAWizzup:  I was going to be proper ;-)23:13
hackel_azertyuio, anything is possible.  I have no idea what this propreitary NTRconnect does, I glanced at their webpage for 5 seconds and I am not willing to look at it further.23:13
liquidpascal what version of ubuntu r u using?23:13
redvamp128azertyuio:  Though looks like they have all the info you need-- also an email here at this page -- NTRconnect - Easy-to-use remote access and remote control for PCs and Macs <https://www.ntrconnect.com/web/support.asp?r=0.24715403076903974&amp;lm=8>23:13
hackel_azertyuio, you probably want to use OpenVPN or a simple SSH dynamic proxy.23:13
liquidyes i have had the same problem using wpa223:13
_dbd_l12zer0o: well, these forum instructions (from 2003) seems to indicate this was correct. maybe they changed recently (http://forums.xandros.com/viewtopic.php?t=2465)23:14
redvamp128azertyuio:  here is their web support page- https://www.ntrconnect.com/web/support.asp?r=0.24715403076903974&lm=823:14
liquidujnfortunately the only solution i found was to install 8.04 which is not much of a solution23:14
pascalliquid: did you find any solution?23:14
azertyuiothx redvamp12823:14
azertyuioyes i want to know openvpn and ssh23:15
azertyuiohow that it work ?23:15
zer0o_dbd_l12: it seems ur right mate, but it is definitely not the support channel23:15
RussellAWell I'd like to find a really helpful place, or person to help me get JACK control and Ardour running well... My WIndows machine is just not cutting it, plus, were all in here because we are diverse23:15
liquidhow do i respond to individual messages?23:15
redvamp128azertyuio:  It looks like a paid service- where they are the go between via a website.23:15
_dbd_l12azertyuio: tunnel x over ssh (install ssh-server on ubuntu box), use putty and xming on windows23:16
_dbd_l12azertyuio: some vnc variant ... lots of options23:16
liquidpascal im new to to this chat experience so im new to the commands that allow me to respond to your message...srry about that23:17
azertyuioat my work i don't access to install third party software23:17
hackel_azertyuio, System->Preferences->Remote Desktop23:17
azertyuioso can't install putty23:17
erUSUL!who | liquid23:17
ubottuliquid: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:17
guckle2 hours to upgrade to 8.10 omgggg23:17
gucklethats after dl'ing all the updates23:17
azertyuiothat's why i wwant an web access solution23:17
gucklei guess u cant go 8.07 ---> 9.x ?23:18
liquid!pascal | liquid test23:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pascal23:18
azertyuiolike  logmein, ntrconnect citrix gotoassist etc.......23:18
hackel_azertyuio, VNC includes a java-based client which you can access with a web browser.  Not sure if the built-in Remote Desktop includes it, though.23:18
liquid!pascal test23:18
azertyuiowhich website ?23:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pascal test23:18
hackel_azertyuio, those are all proprietary closed-source solutions, not for use in the real world.23:18
liquidtrying to figure out how to respond srry...i should google23:18
redvamp128!ask > liquid:23:19
pascalliquid: hehe. Do you have any idea about what has changed that has given these problems?23:19
trippssis there a way compiz and other eye candy can behave intelligently? e.g., when my load average is above 5, I don't need it to spend 10 minutes and thrash the swap trying to give me a window transition23:20
liquid!ask > liquid23:20
ubottuliquid, please see my private message23:20
RussellAanyone know a command to upgrade to 4.2 kde? I have 4.123:20
liquidyes ubottu i got it but my tries are not working...chat newb23:20
constantineI heard on here that wine is not good because you don't learn ubuntu very well that way....so what is the best place to get started?23:21
azertyuiowhat are the reason ?23:21
redvamp128liquid:  I figured since you wanted to pick ubutto's brain would be easier in a pm -- just dont' know why it didn't work when I tried it.23:21
crazzHola hola puedo hacer una pregunta23:21
liquidfor instance, what does !tab mean23:22
azertyuiowhy can't be used in a real world ?23:22
foolzIf I have lines such as "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted universe multiverse" in my sources.list, but have also added "deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted universe multiverse", should I be commenting out the former? it seems like my sources.list is what is causing me to be unable to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.1023:22
erUSUL!es | crazz23:22
ubottucrazz: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:22
redvamp128!es | crazz23:22
erUSULliquid: you can use your tab key to autocomplete nicknames23:22
zu22i want to be able to download more packages than just the default, what can i add to my sources.list? right now it just has "deb http://ftp-mirror.internap.com/pub/debian/ etch main"23:22
zu22i want to get all types of packages not just 'main'23:22
erUSULliquid: e.g i type "li" then hit tab and my chat client autocompletes yourname for me23:23
hackel_azertyuio, I'm just giving you a hard time.  I don't like these companies, I feel they are trying to take advantage of you, because the services they provide are readily available using open source software.  They really cater to Windows users.23:23
erUSULliquid: that's how we address each other around here ... we just type the name in fron of what we are saying23:23
liquidpascal, test23:23
drashtrippss: you could try to cook up something using the compiz dbus scripting interface i suppose, have you seen http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=7359 yet ?23:23
liquidtab completion works :)  now how to pm?23:24
azertyuioyes i m totally agree with you23:24
erUSULliquid: "/msg nick message" but...23:24
trippssdrash, sure haven't I'll take a look see23:24
redvamp128azertyuio:  Though that first company you asked about appears to be a Paid Service.23:24
erUSUL!pn | liquid23:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pn23:24
liquidty erUSUL :)23:24
erUSUL!pm | liquid23:24
ubottuliquid: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:24
azertyuiothe probleme is there is no open source software on web based solution23:25
azertyuiodoing the same thing23:25
azertyuiosame kind of service23:25
drashtrippss: i used it succesfully so can confirm it works, if you can get the logic translated into those compiz commands, i'd guess the compiz forum has more info, goodluck23:25
azertyuioso of course ppl are ready to pay for the service23:26
WizzupQuick question. I am install Ubuntu now. I am using the manual way to setup my disks. I want to resize a disk and merge it with another one. Resizing means no info loss as long as I don't make it smaller than the data on it (plus like 20gb, right?)23:26
azertyuioso of course ppl are ready to pay for the service23:26
ltggweird dpkg problem: will not run. see ...http://paste.ubuntu.com/116608/   tried this: http://techxplorer.com/2006/05/21/resolving-an-odd-dpkg-error-in-ubuntu/   got this result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116620/23:26
estabanFor anyone who is interested: When running ubuntu server (LTS) on a apple machine (like iMac or macbook(pro) ) you can disable the screen by using 'pommed'. Use sudo apt-get install pommed for this. This enables you to use the FN+key's on a intel macintosh machine.23:26
trippssdrash, cool thanks! It would be nice to incorporate that into the base especially for laptops and machines with less than GB RAM23:26
estabanYou can even use the fn+key in terminal23:27
redvamp128azertyuio:  though they do have "free" version but limits are only 2 computers -- THe computer you want to access and the one you want to access it from-- one way only :23:27
drashtrippss: exactly, it took months before i accidentally discovered this was at all possible23:27
liquidso for the chat newbs here <me>, to pm someone, ir respond or what not we use /msg <name> <text>.  Is this correct?23:27
ltggthen tried to remove package gxine and got this result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116619/23:27
ltgganyone know what might be going on?23:28
pike__liquid: yep23:28
azertyuiook thx for all those information23:28
azertyuiothx a lot23:28
azertyuiotimes up here23:28
azertyuiothx to all23:29
BoomShakaHi. can some1 tell me how I can output an environment variable in ubuntu? e.,g. PYTHONPATH   (as an aside, what are these types of variables called in linux) ?23:30
nickrud_BoomShaka,   echo $PYTHONPATH23:31
BoomShakanickrud: thanks23:31
nickrud_BoomShaka, and they're called exactly that, environment variables23:32
nickrud_BoomShaka,   env | sort  is useful for a quick examination23:32
WizzupOk so basically, my Ubuntu installer says it is resizing my partition, but it has been at 0% for 15 minutes now, and the CD isn't actively spinning either.23:33
gustavo_how can edit my boot secuencie23:33
gustavo_to start from cd rom23:33
Wizzup(Would it at some point be an idea to kill the install / partitioner?)23:33
^hashbang^Wizzup: how big is your harddrive23:33
pike__Wizzup: it can sometimes help to do a defrag etc in windows first ive heard (never resized myself)23:33
Wizzup^hashbang^: quite big. I am resizing 240gb to 120gb23:33
^hashbang^Wizzup: yea I have a 250gb, took me 3 hours23:34
Wizzuppike__: It is indeed ntfs, although it's not fragged alot I think23:34
nDevastatoranyone know what the default root password is on the 7.10 install CD23:34
mohamedsa n'a pas l'air de parler français ici23:34
nickrud_Wizzup, might as well get some sleep23:34
qcjnsince i have kde desktop, to stop the computer, when i'm under gnome, i have to restart xwindow, then i get to the opening prompt, and then i can close it from there ???23:34
nickrud_!fr | qcjn23:34
ubottuqcjn: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:34
WizzupIndeed, I was going to stay up, lol23:34
nickrud_!fr | mohamed (sorry qcjn)23:34
ubottumohamed (sorry qcjn): Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:34
WizzupSpinning CD-Disks aren't that nice when trying to sleep generally23:34
mohamedI'm sorry :)23:34
nickrud_mohamed, don't worry about it. If the factoid makes you feel bad about not knowing this is the english channel, it's the factoid's fault23:35
nickrud_qcjn, you should be able to stop the computer from the login screen23:36
constantinewhat is a piece of software that has wireless details such as SSID, signal strenth, time lapse, etc?23:37
qcjnexcuse me i should have sid,;then i get to the login screen, and then i can close it from there ???23:37
=== vic is now known as Guest58766
qcjnbut when , from gnome, i deconnect, cause thats all i got..it goes into a black screen23:38
dahais there something known going on with the canadian repository mirrors? most of them aren't working anymore23:39
WizzupIf it get's to 1% I'll go to sleep23:39
nDevastatorwhy cant i create a folder im booted in 7.1023:40
nDevastatorim doing sudo mkdir /mnt/windows/23:40
WizzupnDevastator: What does it say?23:41
nDevastatorit says cannot create directory23:41
WizzupPermission denied?23:41
nDevastatorwhats default password23:41
nDevastatori would think its blank23:41
nDevastatori didnt set one23:41
FloodBot1nDevastator: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:41
nDevastatori just booted it from CD23:41
Wizzupon a live CD? or an install23:41
nDevastatorlive ced23:42
Wizzupthere is none23:42
nDevastatori tried blank23:42
WizzupThe user ubuntu can sudo without pass23:42
Wizzup(correct me if I am wrong)23:42
nDevastatorok now it says it exists23:42
^hashbang^Wizzup: your correct =)23:42
nDevastatorbut when i try cd /mnt/windows/ its not there23:42
jmanhey, can i get some with a display issue?  my desktop is unusable, on startup the whole thing is solid dark grey except for the far left where some black lines scroll down really fast.23:43
WizzupnDevastator, are you trying to access a previous install?23:43
nDevastatorim trying to get to a windows partition23:43
nDevastatortrying to mkdir so i can mount it to it23:44
^hashbang^nDevastator: how did you mount your windows partition?23:44
yoyonednDevastator: type df -h to see if and where it is moounted23:44
WizzupI beleive he has to make a directory before he mounts it23:44
nDevastatorits not mounted yet23:44
^hashbang^nDevastator: mkdir /mnt/temp23:44
^hashbang^nDevastator: sudo fdisk -l23:44
nDevastatorit wont let me mkdir ...23:44
WizzupnDevastator: if you ls /mnt , is it in there?23:44
^hashbang^nDevastator: sudo mkdir /mnt/temp23:45
yoyonednDevastator: use sudo23:45
zloog:i Storable23:45
=== kyledr_ is now known as kyledr
^hashbang^nDevastator: sudo fdisk -l; get the ntfs partition and then mount /dev/ntfsdisk /mnt/temp23:45
kupesoftIs there any way to have a server behind NAT *without* port forwarding enabled?23:46
yoyonedkupesoft: sure, as long as you don't want to access it from the net23:47
kupesoftyoyoned: I want to access it from the net ;p23:47
yoyonedkupesoft: why don't you want to use port forwarding23:47
|ns|nR8could use a vpn that uses nat traversal like hamachi23:48
kupesoftYeah, or an tunnel to a server that *could* listen,23:48
WizzupGrrr... Still at 0%. I take it this is gparted, btw? (I have never really used gparted, though. So I don't know what it looks like)23:48
IntrepidI've got some looping noise locking up my audio. How do I get rid of it?23:51
boshheadIntrepid: fuser -k /dev/snd/*23:52
kupesoftyoyoned, |ns|nR8: afserver+afclient are what I want23:52
WizzupWow - it's done. It was at 0% all the time though...23:52
Intrepidboshhead: no success23:52
kupesoftyoyoned, |ns|nR8: apf-server + apf-client, rather23:52
Intrepidi have some output from the program that caused the error23:53
constantineif I replace network manager with wicd, will I lose my network card driver and / or connection?23:54
lirxisHi - upgraded my server from 7.10 to 8.10 today - but that resultet in some problems... First apache2 did not work but that is fixed now :) I can get access to the server through SSH but cant access the shell on the computer locally... And no server app is starting auto. on boot Any ideas how to fix this?23:55
hou5tonwell ... I "think" I've tried different things to get dual monitors working on this laptop ... does someone know of a pretty easy straight forward way to get it done?23:56
ari_stressmorning all, beautiful day :)23:58
nDevastatorok now when i do sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/temp it says does not have a valid ntfs signature23:58
_dbd_l12constantine: backup the /etc/network/interfaces file to be sure you don't lose your current configuration23:58
Wizzuphou5ton: Whta is your video card?23:58
hou5tonWizzup:   nviddia ... somthing23:58
constantineok thanks dbd23:59
WizzupnDevastator: You probably don't need -t ntfs23:59
Wizzuphou5ton: try using nvidia-settings23:59
hou5tonWizzup:   and I've installed several things ... but it just isn't working23:59
itsatrickOkay, so I got Red's Innocence and Instict CD today and tried to play it through Linux.  There's no music: only a Click_me.exe (which displays a full-screen page with links to sites) executable and a few more data or binary files.  How do I make the music play?  Help?23:59
hou5tonWizzup:   is that a command to use in a terminal then?23:59

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