
kfogelvila: I think I have tried dvc before.00:09
kfogelvila: I dunno, I guess I just find the productivity gains not worth the effort of learning a new interface.  bzr in shell mode is already 95% of what I need, and it always Just Works.00:10
mwhudsondvc seems quite nice, but what you really need is for emacs to learn what a 'project' is, i think00:12
mwhudsonor at least a branch00:12
mwhudsoni hate having to C-x v all my buffers when i change branches00:12
fullermdAlways works fine for me.  First, you fire up vim...00:14
mthaddonpoolie: now a good time for me to switch on the "clean up the chroot" for bzr PQM?00:43
poolieyes please00:44
mthaddonpoolie: that's done - would be good if we were able to do a test commit00:50
pooliemthaddon: sure00:51
mthaddonpoolie: any chance of that test commit so we can confirm the new PQM setup works?01:23
pooliemthaddon: yes, will send it soon...01:24
mthaddoncool, thx01:24
jamlifeless: I don't think I ever got around to factoring out the changes from my "hacks" branch, http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/branches/brisbane/hack01:35
jamlifeless: but the specific changes are pretty small01:35
lifelessjelmer: ping01:37
jelmerlifeless: hello01:37
lifelessyour InterBzrDirTransport01:37
lifelessis that in a patch for bzr.dev?01:37
lifelessoh right01:38
jelmerthat's in a branch here, but not submitted yet (since it lacks tests)01:38
lifelessuhh don't think that matches our needs - thanks01:38
lifelesspoolie: spiv and I have just had a use case pass, which is "'bzr push bzr+ssh://foo' uses a smart verb to send the revision data in one stream"01:44
lifelesspoolie: just don't ask what it does under the hood :P01:45
poolieigc, did you say you'll help OOo with their error? i'd like that.01:50
igcpoolie: jelmer has replied to Heiner explaining that it's a bzr-svn bug and he's hoping to work on it this weekend01:53
poolieoh, great!01:53
igcpoolie: also, I'm looking into a batch of fast-import bugs/patches today so that might help as well01:54
lifelesspoolie: did you see my command hooks mail?01:55
poolienot yet01:57
jelmerlifeless, btw, I plan to submit a patch for InterBranch as well (for update_revisions/pull/push)02:15
jelmerlifeless, not really fit for your use case either, probably, but might change some of the same areas of code02:16
jelmerlifeless: also, would bug 272444 be appropriate for brisbane-core?02:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272444 in bzr "Support symlinks to non-ascii file names" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27244402:16
* igc lunch02:34
lifelessjelmer: patchesyadayadayada02:37
lifelessjelmer: I'm surprised we don't today02:37
jelmerlifeless, well, that one I don't actually care about :-) Was just wondering02:40
jelmerI might sent in one for the revision XML escaping02:40
jelmerhaving workarounds for that in bzr-git and bzr-svn is annoying02:40
jelmerand could potentially lead to corrupt revisions when roundtripping02:40
jelmersince there's no way to tell escaped characters apart02:41
lifelessI certainly think the core should be fixed02:41
lifelessbbc is purely focused on scaling-and-less-work-to-diff-two-inventories02:41
mwhudsonverterok: ping02:42
lifelessif its not a scaling issue (size or performance), or a work-to-generate-diff issue, then its not going to get my attention at the moment, nor would I expect it to get John/Ian/Andrews (dataloss bugs and regressions are obvious exceptions to this rule of thumb)02:43
lifelesspatches to the bbc development branch, to fix things that interest you would be cool02:43
lifelessjelmer: once the bbc focus is reached, obviously we can look for minor tweaks to do, but there is no reason to delay them if someone else is interested.02:44
jelmerlifeless, I should rephrase that; I meant it would be nice to get a new revision serializer in if we're going to be introducing a new repository format and rewriting revisions when upgrading to it.02:46
jelmerso not necessarily as part of bbc but rather of whatever format it will end up in02:46
jelmer(or is there no difference?)02:46
lifelessjelmer: there isn't a difference02:46
lifelessdevelopment4* formats in there02:46
=== mthaddon_ is now known as mthaddon
pooliemthaddon: if you're still here - i sent a trivial merge to pqm02:57
mthaddonpoolie: yep, watching the logs02:57
mthaddonpoolie: seems to be working nicely02:58
lifelessspiv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116673/03:05
lifelesspoolie: and we now have an acceptance test for pushing to a stacked branch using a streaming format03:48
lifelesspoolie: passing03:49
mthaddonlifeless: bzr pqm seems to be hung on the sending the mail portion - should i just kill it, or is there any troubleshooting we can do?04:44
lifelessmthaddon: strace04:52
lifelessmthaddon: lsof04:52
lifelessmthaddon: etc etc etc04:52
lifeless(pqm doesn't do any magic here - if the 'mail' command is wedged, I'm not any more sure than you are whats causing it.04:52
mthaddonok, nothing obvious there - thx04:53
lifelesswhat syscall is the program in?04:54
lifelessis the mail server itself wedged?04:54
mthaddon"read(0, " was all I got04:55
mthaddonmail server seems to be responding fine, though04:55
lifelessread(0 is in mail ?04:57
lifelessthats reading from stdin04:57
lifelesswhat syscall is pqm in?04:57
lifelessI have to go cathc a train04:57
lifelesscan you brain dump all the info you have to a bug please04:57
lifelessget a python bt in pqm if possible04:58
lifelessand then kill it04:58
lifelessso people aren't blocked04:58
mthaddonwas in "wait4(4294967295, "04:58
mthaddonhave killed it - will keep an eye on it - have seem this every now and again before, just want to make sure it's not related to the config change I've just made04:58
lifelessmthaddon: thats a deadlock for sure, pqm is waiting, mail is wating05:32
lifelessmthaddon: so the question is, why is mail waiting05:32
lifelessspiv: so, turns out the Branch tests were running with real branches05:33
spivlifeless: even when they were supposed to be parameterised not to?05:36
lifelessremember the bug we found where we got a real object back?05:41
lifelessthats why it expected a remote, because we fixed that bug05:41
lifelessthe reason it only saw a real was... drum roll, because that was the server side one raising the event05:42
lifeless(RemoteBranch.set_revision_info doesn't invoke hooks)05:44
poolielifeless: we've seen this before with pqm06:03
pooliecongrats on your test passing btw06:03
pooliei suspect somebody relying on gc to close the pipe or something similar06:04
lifelesspoolie: its in wait4(06:07
lifelesspqm is waiting for the response06:07
lifelessand mail is in read(006:07
lifelessso its reading from stdin06:07
poolieyes exactly06:07
lifelessI can't remember what module pqm uses to send mail06:07
pooliepqm thinks mail should finish up but it hasn't actually closed the input pipe06:07
pooliei looked into this last time06:07
lifelesserm, 'which mail'06:07
lifelessso it might be bzr-mail06:07
lifelessor it might be the pqm success mail06:08
lifelessthe backtrace should tell us06:08
pooliei think it runs it directly through subprocess06:08
lifelessthere are two mail events06:08
pooliethe command arguments to mail made it clear which it was06:08
pooliewell, i'm assuming here that there are not two bugs with identical symptoms06:08
lifelesswell, I started well before 9 :) and its >5, so really calling it a day06:08
poolieunfortunately we must have discussed it only on irc06:10
poolieah bug 24226206:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242262 in pqm "deadlock while sending mail" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24226206:12
pooliecomplete with suggested patch06:12
lifelessmthaddon: ^06:13
pooliecomplete with suggested patch all tidied up by launchpad06:14
pooliegetting rid of all that messy indenting :)06:14
=== jbalint_ is now known as jbalint
vilahi all07:05
* fullermd waves at vila.07:05
vilafullermd: hi !07:06
vilarats, Rejected:07:18
vilaPPA uploads must be signed by an 'ubuntero'.07:18
fullermdA rare species of vole found only on Madagascar?07:18
vilafullermd: should be that yes :)07:25
vilapoolie: I can't dput the same file anymore, which '1' should I change into a '2' in 1.12~rc1-1~bazaar1 ?07:26
vilarc1-2 ?07:26
pooliehm i guess so07:26
poolieif it was rejected i'm surprised it cares07:26
pooliedid you sign the thing?07:26
vilaargh, wait, there is a warning:07:28
vilagpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!07:28
vilagpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.07:28
vilajust fater saying:07:28
vilagpg: Signature made Wed 11 Feb 2009 07:43:03 AM CET using DSA key ID DEF6218F07:28
vilagpg: Good signature from "Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp@free.fr>"07:28
vilagpg:                 aka "Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil@free.fr>"07:28
poolielaunchpad has translations into 272 human languages07:28
poolieor at least it thinks it does :)07:28
vilapoolie: ok, I fixed that warning, I'm ready to try to dput again unless you have a better idea to check first07:33
poolieso i see you are an ubuntero now07:36
poolielet's go07:36
vilapoolie: yeah, I did that and fix a glitch in my gpg config too07:40
viladput done, no warning07:40
vilaPackage includes an .orig.tar.gz file although the debian revision suggests07:41
vilathat it might not be required. Multiple uploads of the .orig.tar.gz may be07:41
vilarejected by the upload queue management software.07:41
vilais harmless I presume ?07:41
poolieyou should be able to see in the web ui if it's building07:41
poolieyes, that's normal07:41
vilapoolie: mail received, accepted, hurrah ?07:48
vilaBuilt successfully07:53
vilaPurging chroot-autobuild/build/buildd/bzr-1.12~rc107:53
vilais the relevant part ?07:53
poolieso Hassium, the element after which the machine that built your package is named07:53
pooliewas not called that when i studied chemistry07:54
vilayet another joke flying high above my head ? :-)07:54
poolieit changed name in only 199707:54
pooliehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hassium | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Element_naming_controversy07:54
pooliewe have a machine for each element i think07:55
* fullermd has sure never heard of 'hassium'...07:56
vilaI always feel bad when scientists lose their energy on such disputes :-/ (Not only scientists for what it's worth...)07:57
vilaHow many builds should there be ?07:58
fullermdIf it makes you feel better, I rarely lose my energy for arguing about things nobody else cares about   ;p07:58
vilafullermd: thanks, that helps :)07:58
poolievila, about 307:58
* fullermd . o O (to most people's everlasting chagrin...)07:58
vilaright, the three built successfully08:00
vilaIs there a better way to check that than visual-grepping the 'Built succesfully' line ?08:00
poolieIn https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr-beta-ppa/+archive/ppa look at the 'build status'08:01
* igc dinner08:01
vilaHa, of course, thanks :)08:01
poolieso that was only jaunty?08:02
pooliei think now you should send the others08:02
vilapoolie: yup08:02
vilayet another glitch to fix first (reverting to checkouts my cautious change to branches)08:04
vilamy bzr.dev doesn't include the fix for httlib broken readline so I can't bzr launchpad-login, the irony...08:05
poolieit should08:05
pooliei thought john merged it08:05
vilaYeah, I should pull :)08:06
vilafar better :)08:06
poolieok that's enough08:24
poolienight all08:24
vilaHow long should I wait between a successful build and its occurrence in synaptic ?08:33
mvovila: for the main ubuntu archive that can be easily 2h08:33
vilamvo: ok, thanks, nothing to worry about then ?08:34
vilaerr, should bzr-beta-ppa be considered the same as ubuntu archive in that respect ?08:35
mvohm, no (I missed that it was about a PPA). but it does take a bit too nowdays08:36
vilamvo: ok, I'll just wait then08:37
Lo-lan-domvo: The Ubuntu mirrors are refreshed every 2 hours?!08:37
mvoLo-lan-do: the main archive, I can't speak about the mirrors. might be a bit more than 2h nowdays though08:40
mvoyes, its pretty nice08:43
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vilamvo: the user experience regarding uploading to ppa is really nice too, congrats08:47
vilamvo: showing up in synaptic ! That was fast too :)08:48
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mvonice :)08:54
vilapoolie: ppa uploaded for dapper feisty gutsy hardy intrepid jaunty, build for jaunty and intrepid ok, others pending08:54
lifelessspiv: entertaining...08:56
lifeless[54/1114 in 17s] branch_implementations.test_branch.TestFormat.test_set_reference(RemoteBranchFormat-default)08:56
lifelessCommand terminated08:56
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theAdibhello, I did a 'bzr branch https://username/server/pathtorepository' from my svn server. now I did some changes and 'bzr commit' to apply locally but 'bzr push' says: 'bzr: ERROR: No push location known or specified.'10:28
theAdibso: How do I push my changes to the central svn repository?10:28
Odd_Blok1theAdib: "bzr push :parent" or "bzr push https://username/server/pathtorepository"10:28
Odd_Blok1The former is shorthand for the latter in more recent versions of bzr.10:29
theAdib:parent works smoothly :-) Thx.10:30
shankhshow to get the source code of bazaar ... bzr branch lp:amarok is giving me error( cannot pass through proxy) I think I should try to create a patch...10:34
Odd_Blok1shankhs: 'bzr branch lp:bzr' presumably won't help. ;)  Try 'bzr branch http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev/'.10:34
=== Odd_Blok1 is now known as Odd_Bloke
shankhsOdd_Bloke: thanx10:35
* Lo-lan-do likes "apt-get source bzr"10:35
Odd_BlokeLo-lan-do: Not necessarily the best way to get a bzr that's worth patching.10:37
Odd_BlokeIf you're running unstable that gives you the source for bzr 1.5.10:37
Odd_Blokeshankhs: What do you get if you run 'bzr launchpad-login'?10:39
shankhsOdd_Bloke: No Launchpad user ID configured.10:42
* awilkins thinks an lp: resolver that worked through SSH would be great10:42
awilkinsI can't use the lp: convenience links, I have to work out the full SSH link because our proxy config is such a PITA10:43
awilkinsbzr branch bzr+ssh//bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk bzr.dev  # That should work, might have to add username, and of course, you need a public key registered on your LP account10:45
Lo-lan-doMissing :10:46
awilkinsUsing lp: resolves the detail through some kind of HTTP-RPC which doesn't work through a bad proxy config even if SSH will work10:47
lifelessawilkins: yeah, bug in the python xml-rpc library, not trivial to work around10:47
shankhsso what should I do?10:47
awilkinsshankhs: Register a public key on LP and use ssh, or if you can pull over plain http, use that10:48
shankhsI registered and got some SSH key now???10:48
LarstiQshankhs: no, you need to generate an ssh key yourself, and then upload the public part10:52
LarstiQshankhs: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair10:53
shankhsya I got it a very long string i registered starting ssh-rsa10:54
shankhsLarstiQ: How is that going to help me ?10:54
LarstiQshankhs: it won't use http, so no http proxy10:55
shankhsLarstiQ: ok10:56
shankhsLarstiQ: can you please tell me the commands that I can use with ssh and bzr to download the source codes?10:57
LarstiQshankhs: after you have followed that CreatingAnSSHKeyPair page, do `bzr launchpad-login <yourlogin>`, and then the `bzr branch lp:bzr` command10:58
LarstiQalthough, maybe that only works for people in the bzr team, not sure11:00
LarstiQshankhs: you tried `bzr branch http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev` and that didn't work?11:00
shankhsLarstiQ: bzr: ERROR: Unknown repository format: 'Bazaar RepositoryFormatKnitPack6 (bzr 1.9)\n'11:01
shankhsLarstiQ: when i tried bzr branch http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev11:01
Odd_Blokeshankhs: What version of bzr are you using?11:02
Odd_BlokeThe latest is 1.11.11:02
shankhsOdd_Bloke: how to know that?11:02
* LarstiQ leaves shankhs in Odd_Bloke's capable hands and goes afk11:02
LarstiQshankhs: bzr --version11:02
shankhsBazaar (bzr) 1.6.1   Python interpreter: /usr/bin/python 2.5.2   Python standard library: /usr/lib/python2.5   bzrlib: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib   Bazaar configuration: /home/shankhs/.bazaar   Bazaar log file: /home/shankhs/.bzr.log  Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Canonical Ltd. http://bazaar-vcs.org/  bzr comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  bzr is free software, and you may use, modify and redistribute it und11:03
Odd_Blokeshankhs: Right, that's quite an old version.  What distribution/OS are you running?11:03
shankhsubuntu 8.1011:04
shankhsupdated an hour ago11:04
shankhsOdd_Bloke: by the way what is the <yourlogin> in bzr launchpad-login <yourlogin> is it the ssh key?11:05
Odd_Blokeshankhs: No, it's your Launchpad username.11:06
Odd_BlokeThe SSH key is associated with the user account somewhere in the Launchpad UI.11:06
Odd_Blokeshankhs: I suggest you look at https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa11:08
shankhsi am getting ERROR: Connection error: while sending GET /%7Eshankhs/%2Bsshkeys: (111, 'Connection refused')11:08
Odd_BlokeIt has more recent versions of bzr available.11:08
shankhsOdd_Bloke: what about the login problem I tried `bzr launchpad-login shankhs`11:13
Odd_Blokeshankhs: What login problem?11:19
shankhsam getting ERROR: Connection error: while sending GET /%7Eshankhs/%2Bsshkeys: (111, 'Connection refused')11:20
shankhsmy login name is shankhs11:20
shankhsi tried my email id which i used to login11:20
shankhsevery permutation still getting the same error11:21
shankhsI tried bzr launchpad-login <yourlogin>11:22
awilkinsshankhs: You'll have the same problem because it uses the same XMLRPC mechanism11:24
shankhsI reinstalled bzr and the version is 1.1111:24
shankhsawilkins: oh!11:24
awilkinsDo it with11:24
shankhsawilkins: thanx I got through11:25
shankhsawilkins: now how to log out11:25
shankhsand how to download stuffs11:25
shankhsis there any good tutorials11:26
awilkinsAll launchpad-login does is configure the username it uses for LP branches.11:27
awilkinsWhich OS are you using~?11:27
awilkinsOk then, ssh-agent running?11:28
shankhsawilkins: how to check?11:28
awilkinsTry   ps -e | grep ssh11:28
shankhsya  `4771 ?        00:00:00 sshd `11:29
awilkinsOk, just an ssh server running11:29
awilkinsNot sure if Ubuntu will automatically prompt you for a key password actually. Try.11:29
awilkinsIs your new private key on your ubuntu keyring?11:30
shankhsI am a complete newbie...11:30
shankhshow to check them...please explain thankyou11:30
awilkinsOk, did you generate a keypair for Launchpad?11:31
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shankhsawilkins: ya11:31
awilkinsOk, go to Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys11:32
awilkinsIs there "Secure Shell Key" on your personal keys tab?11:34
shankhsya I think i have SSH key and a GPG key11:34
awilkinsOk, so your key is already installed.11:35
shankhsawilkins: now?11:35
awilkinsTry  bzr branch bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk bzr.dev11:35
shankhsits running11:37
awilkinsBig branch, may take a while :-)11:38
shankhsawilkins: ok :)11:39
awilkinsI'm doing it too, just to slow you down some more11:39
awilkins(mostly to check I'm not talking out of my rear)11:39
shankhsssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection timed out11:40
shankhswhats wrong now ? :(11:40
shankhsawilkins: bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)11:41
awilkinsAh, so you didn't get the twirly baton and stuff11:41
shankhsawilkins: nope :(11:42
awilkinsSounds like your firewall policy doesn't allow outgoing connections on port 2211:42
awilkinsYou in a corporate office?11:42
shankhsawilkins: no in a college11:42
awilkinsOnly slightly better11:42
shankhsawilkins: we have squid proxy if this might help11:43
awilkinsYou know your proxy settings?11:43
awilkins(bzr.dev hit revision 4000, woohoo)11:43
awilkinsIs your HTTP_PROXY env variabl eset?11:44
shankhstrying again11:45
Odd_BlokeI got r4000. \o/11:45
shankhsawilkins: its not working and I am about to give up on bzr11:46
shankhsawilkins: hey wait look https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/24169811:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 241698 in bzr "POST to authenticating proxy causes "necessary data rewind wasn't possible" error" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:47
awilkinsIs that what you're getting?11:47
awilkinsAFAIR that's a squid issue11:47
shankhsI tried using -Dhpss and I got HPSS calls: 1 <bzrlib.smart.medium.SmartSSHClientMedium object at 0xa29f3ac>11:48
shankhssvn commands are working fine... though11:49
awilkinssvn has a simpler protocol for http I think11:50
shankhsI think so11:50
awilkinsIt's backed up by a more complex server11:51
shankhsanyways I got to go hope some simpler remedy comes11:51
awilkinsBazaar should work if you just serve the branch out of a dump http server11:51
shankhsawilkins: thanx for your precious time...11:51
shankhsawilkins: dump http server....!!!11:52
shankhsya i also think so11:52
awilkinsnoo... it does work11:52
awilkinssvn has it's own WEBDAV server11:52
awilkinsIt integrates as an Apache module11:53
shankhsdoes that mean bzr wont work behind proxy servers?11:53
shankhsawilkins: I see11:53
awilkinsIt should work behind proxy servers ; but not all proxy servers are equal11:53
shankhsawilkins: i agree11:53
awilkinsIt didn't work out of IIS to start with either11:53
shankhsawilkins: have you ever tested on squid...?11:53
awilkinsBecause both IIS and Python ignore RFCs11:54
awilkinsshankhs: I know there there is at least one protocol bug related to a bug in squid11:54
shankhsawilkins: I am login using SSH , how to log out?11:54
awilkinslaunchpad-login doesn't "log in" it just configures the username11:54
shankhsawilkins: ok11:55
shankhsawilkins: does bzr implements its own protocol or some existing one?11:55
shankhsawilkins: thanx once again for your help11:56
awilkinsBazaar will use ; direct file reads, FTP, SFTP, HTTP, bzr protocol (raw, over SSH, or HTTP)11:56
awilkinsfile/FTP/SFTP/bzr+http are writable11:57
awilkinsplain HTTP is read only11:57
awilkinsThe smart protocol tries to reduce bandwidth consumption, the dumb ones all read indexes and read regions of files11:58
awilkinsYou can also send merge bundles as files and have them treated as first-class branches as long as you have access to the branch they are based on11:59
awilkins(well, for pulling/merging purposes)12:00
awilkinsSo email also works (this is generally how patches to Bazaar are accepted, by mailing a merge bundle to the mailing list)12:00
awilkinsAnd i've been talking to myself....12:00
* awilkins slaps head12:01
Odd_Blokeawilkins: I hadn't noticed. :p12:01
AfCawilkins: we're all very impressed, honest.12:05
* awilkins hides under his comfort blankie12:08
clementeHi; how can you resume an interrupted „branch“ command? I assume you can't easily, since there's bug #125607 open12:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125607 in openoffice.org "package openoffice.org-evolution 2.2.1-5ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: Abhängigkeitsprobleme - lasse es unkonfiguriert (dup-of: 125400)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12560712:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125400 in openoffice.org "[MASTER] package openoffice.org-common 2.2.1-5ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12540012:27
vilaawilkins: welcome to http://bazaar-vcs.org/Quotes :)12:27
clementemmm.... #12506712:28
* vila watches the DOS failure in ubottu....12:28
clementebug #125067 ?12:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125067 in bzr "allow 'bzr checkout' to resume" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12506712:28
YoussefHi all!12:31
Odd_BlokeYoussef: Hello.12:31
YoussefOdd_Bloke: can you help me please?12:32
Youssefim new to bazaar12:32
Odd_BlokeYoussef: I'm about to go for lunch, actually.12:32
Odd_Blokeawilkins might be around (PING!).12:33
Youssefhmmm... okay thank you very much!12:33
awilkinsGo on then12:33
Youssefawilkins I need you12:33
Youssefi have a problem with bazaar12:33
awilkinsIt's that or implement an XML/XSLT layer for a shell script12:33
Youssefhhaa okay12:34
Youssefso, i'm trying to push my project but it says =>This transport does not update the working tree of: bzr://localhost/. See 'bzr help working-trees' for more information.12:35
Youssefi checked it out12:35
awilkinsBecause it's pushing to a smart server - it concerns itself with getting the revision data across but it doesn't update the remote tree.12:35
awilkinsIf you want that tree updated, do `bzr up` in it12:36
Youssefin it?12:36
awilkinsYou also seem to be pushing to a branch on your own machine12:36
Youssefyeah thats it12:36
awilkinsWith a shell whos present working directory is inside the tree are pushing to12:36
awilkinsIt's not necessary to push to a server if you are pushing locally12:37
awilkinsJust push to the actual filesystem folder and you get your tree update thrown in for free12:37
Youssefhhmmm just a second please12:37
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Youssefi'll try trough my lan12:39
Youssefso i'm doing a : c:\pjTemp>bzr checkout bzr://
Youssefmy LAN is a bit slow12:41
awilkinsRight, so is another machine?12:42
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awilkins_sandwicThe not-updating-remote-branch thing is by design12:48
awilkins_sandwicAre you just using the remote machine as a repository?12:48
awilkins_sandwicYou don't need the working tree if you just want somewhere else to keep your revisions12:49
Youssefyes im using the server as repository12:49
Youssefcheck now12:50
Youssefyou see12:51
Youssefif i understand what you said12:51
Youssefwhen I commit it saves automaticlly the modifications.?12:51
awilkins_sandwicOk, the push is redudant because your local checkout is bound to the branch you are pushing to12:55
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Youssefso it's not usefull to do a push then?12:55
awilkinsNot in that case, no12:55
awilkinsA checkout will commit both locally and to the remote barnch it's bound tyo12:56
awilkinsThat's why it says "committing to bzr://" and not c:\pjTemp\
Youssefso when i checkout the commit will commit locally and to the server12:57
awilkinsAnd "no new revisions to push" (they are already there)12:57
Youssefand making a push is useless12:58
Youssefand now when i want to export my projet to a finished projet i use bzr export13:00
Youssefbut where in the server or directly localy?13:00
awilkinsFor an export, either is appropriate13:01
Youssefbut without any push?13:02
awilkinspush is only required when you want to put revisions where they are not already. They are already on the server because you are working with a bound checkout and not a standalone branch13:04
Youssefooooh okay!13:06
Youssefthanks many thanks man13:06
awilkinsYou're welcome13:07
Youssefooh yeah I forgot13:11
Youssefsee i reported a bug yesterday13:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 327558 in bzr "windows checkout raise an 10054, 'Connection reset by peer' error" [Undecided,New]13:14
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Youssefnow if i do a revert13:19
Youssefor an uncommit13:20
Youssefdoes it work like the commit or it work only locally?13:20
hsn_https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/305006 - can someone confirm that this bug is still not fixed in rc1? i would test it but i dont want to risk breaking my existing working bzr shelve instalation13:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 305006 in bzr "shelve fails with "Could not acquire lock"" [Undecided,Fix committed]13:23
mod_cureis there a way to see the output as i grab a branch ?13:25
hsn_okay, i did testing on windows and bug 305006 is still not fixed in 1.12rc1 and it is marked as fix commited. is there way to reopen bug?13:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305006 in bzr "shelve fails with "Could not acquire lock"" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30500613:38
Odd_Blokehsn_: 'Fix committed' means that a patch has been submitted to the mailing list.13:54
betusi'm a newbie and i have installed bazaar on my host running CentOs, but I can't run the command svn on the ssh client13:54
betuscan someone help me please?13:55
Odd_Blokejam: This bug seems to be assigned to you.13:55
Odd_Blokebetus: What do you mean by "can't run the command svn on the ssh client"?13:56
betusI have to do this svn co http://svn.askeet.com/trunk13:56
betusI'm on putty13:56
Odd_Blokebetus: Are you trying to use bzr as a client for an SVN repository?13:57
betusyes is it worng?13:57
betusI read that I need a SVN client and on wikypedia I found that13:58
betusI supose that bzr was for that13:58
Lo-lan-doOnly if you installed the bzr-svn plugin.13:59
betussorry for my poor english13:59
Odd_Blokebetus: No, bzr can be used as a Subversion client.  However, Subversion does have its own client, which might be what you're looking for...13:59
betusok, but I didn't found the plugin for CentOs14:00
betusand I don't know how to install it (this is the bad part)14:00
Odd_Blokehsn_: The patch to fix the bug is being tracked at http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C497A0CD9.7030005%40arbash-meinel.com%3E14:01
Takhave you tried `bzr co svn+http://svn.askeet.com/trunk` ‽14:01
betusok Odd_Bloke: what have I do install for subversion?14:02
Odd_Blokebetus: Probably 'subversion'.14:03
betusTak: not i didn't try it14:03
YoussefHi guys14:04
betusOdd_Bloke: and do you know a subversion client that can I run on putty?14:05
Odd_Blokebetus: Yes, the SVN client is command line based.14:06
Odd_Blokepoolie: You also seem to have approved that patch. :)14:06
Youssefokay I explain14:07
Youssefyesterday i've reported a bug okay14:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 327558 in bzr "windows checkout raise an 10054, 'Connection reset by peer' error" [Undecided,New]14:07
Youssefi noticed that is not only with checkout BUT with every command14:08
betusTak: then do you think I don't need to install another svn client?14:08
Odd_BlokeYoussef: It's more valuable to add such information to the bug report than talk about it here, as it won't be seen when someone comes to help you.14:10
betustak: when i do that command it say me that: bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "svn+http://svn.askeet.com/trunk"14:13
Odd_Blokebetus: That means that you don't have bzr-svn installed.14:14
betusand how can I install it?14:14
vilaYoussef: can you include a bit more of your log file in the bug report or at least mention which versions of bzr you are using for client and server ?14:15
Odd_Blokebetus: What version of bzr are you running?  (bzr version)14:15
betusthe last I supose, i have installed with the instructions on yhe page yet14:16
betusi did it: su -c 'rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-2.noarch.rpm'14:16
betus5.2 maybe14:16
awilkinsYoussef: Hah, I was just about to submit that as a bug14:17
betusand after this: c 'yum install bzr'14:17
Youssefhuh what?14:17
Youssefhooo hehe14:18
awilkinsThe "connection reset by peer" error14:18
awilkins"Windows client diconnects rudely"14:18
awilkinsIt works fine with lunix client > windows server - no errors14:18
Youssefyeah okay than add a comment like this it will help14:18
Youssefmaybe it's a problem of crlf character problem, no?14:19
Youssefeverything works fine but that raise this error anyway14:21
jdongis it by design or bug that bzr pull shows much less progress info than bzr up?14:25
betusOdd_Bloke: I didn't find a subversion for CentOs14:25
Lo-lan-dojdong: They don't do the same thing.14:25
Odd_Blokebetus: How are you installing it?14:25
Youssefawilkins: are you writing a comment ?14:26
jdongwell in the usecase of having a bzr-svn checkout, I've tried updating a bound-branch and pulling in an un-bound brand from the same location..14:26
jdongthe bound branch displays things like "Determining Changes X/30000" ==> "Getting revision 1/30"14:27
awilkinsYoussef: Yes14:27
jdongthe unbound branch pull displays "Pull Phase 0/1"14:27
jdongthe latter I find to be much less useful to a user who wants to see a progress bar :)14:27
betusOdd_Bloke: I'm install it throw SSH client14:28
betusOdd_Bloke:with putty14:29
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Odd_Blokebetus: What command are you running?14:31
betusOdd_Bloke:ok i found a command that is installing subversion: yum install mod_dav_svn subversion14:31
Odd_Blokebetus: Yes, that's what you want.14:32
betusok i'm happy thank you14:32
betusbut 1 thing more: when i run this command line svn co http://svn.askeet.com/trunk14:33
betuswhat will be happen, where the files will be installed?14:33
Odd_Blokebetus: That's more of a Subversion question than a Bazaar question, so you should probably find a better channel to ask in.  However, I do know that that will create a directory called 'trunk' containing the files in the repository.14:34
betusI supose you all with this question will be lughing14:35
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jelmerjdong, that should be a bit better in 1.1214:35
jelmerjdong, progress bars have been improved14:35
Youssefdid awilkins let me a message?14:36
jdongjelmer: that's great to hear :)14:36
Youssefim back now14:36
jdongjelmer: and I haven't told you yet that recent bzr-svn using subvertpy is simply wonderful14:36
awilkinsIs subvertpy installer bundled with win32-python-installer?14:37
Youssefawilkins: like I said it is maybe a problem of CarriageReturn and LineFeed Charachters?14:37
YoussefI dunno14:37
awilkinsYoussef: Not sure without either looking at the code or sniffing it14:37
* awilkins looks at the code14:37
luke-jrjdong: haven't been using it long? :þ14:37
Youssefthanks awilkins14:38
awilkinsIt's not a problem, it's been like that for aws long as I've been using it14:38
jelmerawilkins, jam was looking into that14:38
Youssefwhat is it?14:38
jelmerawilkins, hopefully the 1.12 compiler will come bundled with subvertpy and bzr-svn 0.5.014:38
awilkinsSorry, I was on a different keyboard yesterday14:38
jamawilkins: ATM, it does not, but I'm trying to get it working now14:38
jamI either need to get subvertpy bundled, or revert to bzr-svn 0.4.1714:39
awilkinsjam: I've noticed that the setup has changed in that it seems to ignore your LIB and INCLUDE vars if you set them14:39
luke-jrjelmer: see that bzr log issue I reported?14:39
awilkinsjam: Or that might just be because I installed Python 2.5.4 and broke a customized build environemnt14:39
jamawilkins: are you using "setup.py" or doing "make" ?14:39
awilkinsjam: make14:40
awilkinsmake + msvc14:40
awilkinsThe distutils stuff does it's own LIB/INCLUDE finagling14:41
jamso what are you trying that is failing, exactly?14:41
awilkinsCompile extension ; can't find io.h14:41
jamio.h sure seems like it should be a system lib14:41
awilkinsIt's not passing INCLUDE as an include_dir14:41
jamwhich you shouldn't need to provide a custom INCLUDE for.14:42
awilkinsjam: You'd think so, but I thikn you have to pass all the include dirs to the msvc compilers14:42
awilkinsWhich suited me fine because I was trying to stick to the 2003 vintage (because that's the Python vintage)14:43
jamwell, for 2.4 and 2.5, you have to14:43
awilkinsWhat was 2.6 built with?14:44
jamVS 2008, IIRC14:44
jamthe fact that it is v9, and 2008 always confuses me14:44
awilkinsIt's not wonderful14:44
awilkinsWhy the damn compilers aren't backward compatible is a mystery14:45
awilkins(well, +more+ backward compatible)14:45
jelmerluke-jr, which one?14:45
jameach has its own runtime14:46
jamI *think* you can use special flags to change which runtime they would use14:46
jambut at best it is hard14:46
awilkinsjam: I recall projects that managed it (I think maybe an SVN project of some description)14:47
luke-jrjelmer: 'bzr log' being totally screwed up with revnos14:47
awilkinsjam: I've royally fiddled with my registry to make distutils work with the MSVC2003 toolkit14:47
bialixawilikins: recently I'va managed to create valid SConstruct to build pyrex/c extensions14:48
bialixit may help in the case of MSVC2003 toolkit14:48
bialixbut I did not have a chance to test it with14:48
awilkinsbialix: I had it working at one point14:48
awilkinsbialix: The distutils team made a mistake pandering to all the registry BS IMHO14:49
bialixwith SConstruct I don't need to change the registry14:49
awilkinsWhat does SConstructy do?14:49
bialixit's a build system14:49
* awilkins has ModelM fingers on a Cherry keybaord today14:49
* bialix bbl14:50
awilkinsBah, it worked once.14:51
jelmerluke-jr, I don't think there is an open bugreport about that14:51
jelmerluke-jr, at least not afair14:51
luke-jrI do.14:51
awilkinsI shall revert the tree and see if it works with a known revision, if it doesn't, I know it's some difference between Python2.5.2 and 2.5.414:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 326278 in bzr-svn "'bzr log' KeyError" [Undecided,New]14:52
jelmerluke-jr, ah, I remember now - sorry14:52
jelmerluke-jr, I had it in mind as a svn-upgrade problem, but it obviously occurs in other situations as well14:52
Youssefwhat is scons?14:54
Lo-lan-doYou don't want to know.  Really.14:54
* Tak agree14:55
Youssefbut yes I do lol14:55
Youssefwhat is it?14:55
jamYoussef: it is a build tool, similar to "make"14:56
shankhshi again14:56
Odd_Blokeshankhs: Hi. :)14:57
shankhsafter 2 hrs of troubleshooting with Odd_Bloke and awilkins and 3 hours of googling did not help me to get bzr working through squid14:57
jamshankhs: old version of squid?14:57
shankhsi think so really old version14:58
vilajam: ping14:58
shankhsso i decided to review the source code myself but how to download the source code of bzr without bzr14:58
jamvila: pong14:59
shankhsfrom the bzr home site?14:59
jamshankhs: so, there is a known bug in squid that was fixed a while back14:59
jamwhich bzr triggers14:59
jamthere will be a tarball there14:59
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jamthe fix is pretty easy14:59
vilashankhs: upgrading squid is the best option if what you're observing is bzr downloading whole files when it should download only part of them14:59
jamjust a sec14:59
vilajam: I'm looking into doing ppas for bzrtools15:00
shankhsvila: I am not the net admin I am a student...15:00
vilaI find mails between you and poolie dating back to 1.8, they seem to imply doing what is described in ppa.txt should mostly work, is that still true ?15:01
vilashankhs: You're a *user*, admins are here to server you :-) Ask for an upgrade !15:01
vilashankhs: You're a *user*, admins are here to serve you :-) Ask for an upgrade !15:01
* vila hates when typos ruin jokes15:01
vilashankhs: the bug is squid will slow down bzr severely15:02
vilashankhs: the bug in squid will slow down bzr severely15:02
shankhsvila: I would do so...anyways do you know how to check the squid version ( from "user" terminal)15:03
vilashankhs: that's generally the hard part as squid is good as hiding itself (that's why it's called a *transparent* proxy...)15:04
awilkinsTry pointing your browser at the squid server address15:04
awilkinsSome proxies also return revealing pages when you try to browse to a 40415:05
awilkinsOr a non-existent domain15:05
awilkins(but I'm not sure about squid)15:05
shankhsthis is what I got http://www.mibbit.com/pb/cTLauf (i have the latest version of bzr)15:07
jamshankhs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116853/15:07
vilajam: meh. I can find bzrtools-1.8.0 in bzr-beta-ppa and bzrtools-1.10 in bzr's ppa, where is bzrtools-1.11 ?15:07
jamvila: it was never built15:08
jamwhich is why poolie is trying to get you to do his work15:08
vilajam: ha great, I like it when I understand things :)15:08
jamshankhs: hmm... that looks more like lp: not working through a proxy15:08
jamwhich is a known issue15:08
jamwhat happens if you do "bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk"15:09
vilajam: But strangely enough lp:~bzr/bzrtools/packaging-dapper mentions15:09
vila   11 Martin Pool2009-01-2015:09
vila      1.11.0 release15:09
Odd_Blokeshankhs: Try 'bzr branch http...' -- yeah, what jam said15:09
jamvila: maybe he built it, but didn't get it uploaded15:09
vilajam: I will work from that assumption then15:09
jamvila: 'bzr diff -c 11' might also give clues15:10
shankhsjam: Odd_Bloke : trying15:10
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shankhsHey its working...stuffs getting downloaded15:11
shankhsso I always have to download by getting the url of the trunk!!!!15:12
shankhsthanx guys15:13
Odd_Blokeshankhs: \o/15:13
jamshankhs: unfortunately "lp:" doesn't support proxies yet15:13
shankhsjam: :(15:13
mod_cureis there a way to see the output as i grab a branch ?15:14
shankhshope someday it will15:14
Odd_Blokemod_cure: What 'output'?15:14
mod_curetrying to grab a branch and it never completes15:15
mod_curei was curious it there was a verbose option or something15:15
Odd_Blokemod_cure: TIAS. ;)  Failing that, look at ~/.bzr.log.15:15
Odd_Blokemod_cure: Also, what version of bzr are you using?15:15
mod_curejust installed bzr from yum15:16
Odd_Blokemod_cure: 'bzr version' will tell you.15:16
shankhsbzr --version :)15:16
mod_cureBazaar (bzr) 1.3.115:16
shankhsmod_cure: I think you should update15:17
mod_curehow ?15:17
shankhsI dont know how to do this in fedora15:18
mod_curethats the lastest version in the repos15:20
Odd_Blokemod_cure: I don't know about a Fedora-specific way, but you can get the latest bzr by running 'bzr branch lp:bzr' or 'bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk'.15:20
Odd_BlokeAnd then you can use that.15:20
mod_cure bzr branch lp:bzr15:21
mod_curebzr: ERROR: Unknown branch format: 'Bazaar Branch Format 7 (needs bzr 1.6)\n'15:21
Odd_BlokeOh, goodie.15:21
shankhsOdd_Bloke: How can I find the url address everytime we need to?15:21
Odd_Blokemod_cure: Look at http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download15:21
Odd_Blokeshankhs: It's (bzr+ssh|http)://bazaar.launchpad.net/~<branch owner>/<project>/<branch name>15:22
Odd_BlokeYou can get all of that information by finding the branch in the Launchpad web UI.15:23
mod_curePackage bzr - 1.3.1-1.el5.1.i386 is already installed.15:24
mod_cure1.3.1 seems up to date15:24
Odd_Blokemod_cure: Have you tried the EPEL-testing repo?15:26
Youssefokay guys nice to meet you all i'll be back tomorow (if God want it)15:26
Odd_BlokeOK, in that case download a tarball.15:26
Youssefcya all++15:26
Odd_BlokeYoussef: Bye!15:26
mod_cureOdd_Bloke, which one as  i have 1.3.115:27
jamjelmer: can you link your subvertpy patch again? I still haven't gotten an email on it15:27
jelmerjam: I never sent one :-)15:27
Odd_Blokemod_cure: Download the latest bzr.15:27
jelmerjam: http://samba.org/~jelmer/tmp/setup.py-svn.diff15:27
mod_cure1.1.1 ?15:27
mod_curetired, sorry15:27
mod_cureshould i remove bzr then install the tarbar or just install the tarball ?15:30
Odd_Blokemod_cure: I would suggest extracting the tarball somewhere in your home directory and running from there.15:31
Odd_BlokeElse you might run into problems when trying to install future bzr releases with your package management system.15:31
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phinzeso is the general feeling here "there is no task too small for a task branch" ?16:07
Odd_Blokephinze: It is for me.16:08
Odd_BlokeI'll sometimes have single revision task branches.16:08
phinzei'm still working on my workflow and while the personal task branch makes a lot of sense it's harder to see if it's actually unnecessary overhead for tiny issues16:08
phinzeOdd_Bloke: so how do you keep your branches organized?  i'm just worried about having a billion task branches lying around16:08
Lo-lan-doI think I'll use more task branches when they are colocated, but so far I tend to avoid branching for trivial stuff (except when needed for separation of private and public stuff).16:10
phinzeLo-lan-do: "when they are colocated" refers to furture bzr functionality or a specific configuration you don't always use?16:11
Odd_Blokephinze: Well, I get rid of them once they are merged.16:11
Odd_BlokeI know jam has bzr/<target version>/<branch name> to avoid too much clutter.16:11
Lo-lan-dophinze: Future (hence uncertain ;-) bzr functionality.16:11
jamphinze: I tend to have a "trivial-fixes" branch16:12
jambut otherwise everything is a separate feature branch16:12
phinzeOdd_Bloke: so you differ from jam by deleting branches, right?16:12
phinzei.e. jam you never delete a branch?16:12
jamphinze: and you can see my "forest" here: http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/branches/bzr16:12
jamphinze: correct16:12
jamall 450+ are there16:13
phinzejam: nice :)16:13
Odd_BlokeActually, I don't tend to delete them.16:13
nDuffphinze, my workflow here is to create one branch per ticket16:13
Odd_BlokeBut I have no objection to doing so.16:13
jamphinze: also, ISTR there being an "archive-branch" command written for you guys :)16:13
nDuffphinze, ...and to delete the branches after the tickets are closed.16:13
jamso you don't delete them, but move them into an archived location16:13
phinzejam: right, i'm probably going to be the one writing it ;)16:14
jamwell, I wrote the first part, you just need to finish it for your final workflow16:15
phinzei figure it's a good idea to work out some workflow kinks for myself before imposing them on the group16:15
phinzehonestly i haven't had the chance to look at what you wrote yet :\16:15
phinzeyour email fwd is still sitting in my inbox, heh16:15
Odd_BlokeWho's "you guys"?16:16
jamOdd_Bloke: a dev group. I used to work with one of the sys admins, so I convinced him to convince his group to switch to bzr16:17
phinzeOdd_Bloke: my place of employment (small IT shop @ Uni of Iowa) where jam's got a buddy in one of my coworkers16:17
phinzethere you go, two perspectives on the same fact :)16:17
Odd_BlokeCool. :)16:18
phinzejam: so looking at your "forest", for a given version where are you mirroring and pushing and pulling?16:18
jam"mirroring pushing and pulling"?16:19
jamGenerally, I have a treeless repo on my local machine16:19
phinzeerm, still getting the terminology right16:19
jamwith a couple lightweight working trees pointing at whatever branch16:19
jammy local repo matches the shape of the remote one16:19
jamso I can:16:19
jambzr branch bzr.dev 1.12/feature-x16:19
jamcd work16:19
jambzr switch ../1.12/feature-x16:19
jambzr commit -m fix it16:19
jambzr push16:19
jamAnd the "bzr push" will push it to $SERVER/1.12/feature-x16:20
Lo-lan-doAre there any documented workflows for using two machines (laptop+desktop)?16:20
phinzejam: okay, slowly getting that.  now when you'd merge there, you'd merge back into bzr.dev... which is 'tip'?16:21
jamphinze: well, I submit things to PQM, and it does the merging for me16:22
jambut if we didn't have that16:22
phinzeah yes16:22
jambzr.dev would be a heavy-checkout of tip16:22
jamwhich is on another machine16:22
phinzeand 'work' is...?16:22
phinzea lightweight checkout?16:23
jamphinze: correct16:24
jam(I technically have a 'work',  'alt_work', bzr.dev, and 'jam-integration' as checkouts, I don't think most people work on that many threads at once)16:25
phinzeand the whole kit and kaboodle was started with bzr init-repo --no-trees16:26
jamphinze: correct16:27
* phinze is learning!16:27
jamphinze: something like:http://paste.ubuntu.com/116911/16:27
jamI won't claim it is the *easiest* to set up16:27
jambut it works pretty darn well16:28
jamespecially if you want *lots* of feature branches16:28
phinzei like it16:28
jamYou'll also probably want lines like:16:28
jampush_location = $HOST/repo16:29
jampush_location:policy = appendpath16:29
jamThat is what makes "bzr push"16:29
jamalready know where to push16:29
phinzeah that's helpful indeed16:29
jam(in "~/bazaar/locations.conf")16:29
phinzei've definitely had to wrestle with the client pushing and pulling places i wasn't expecting16:30
phinzelots of furious ^Cs flying around :)16:30
phinzeand subsequent 'bzr break-lock'ing and crying16:30
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vilaverterok: hi !16:43
* verterok waves16:43
vilaverterok: any progress on the OSX installers ?16:43
verterokhi vila16:43
verterokvila: no  :(16:44
vilaYou don't play with your new toy ??? I can't believe that :-)16:44
verterokvila: I'll try to get my ibook hooked up to the net today (need to have a lonk call phone with my parents in order to get it done :/ )16:46
jamjelmer: what is the official branch for packaging bzr-svn for debian?16:46
jambzrtools is here, right? http://bzr.debian.org/pkg-bazaar/bzrtools/unstable/16:47
jelmerjam: experimental rather than unstable at the moment (since Debian is in freeze)16:50
jamI realized that when I saw bzrtools 1.6 there :)16:51
jelmerjam: I seem to've forgotten to upload again though16:51
jelmerdoing that now16:51
jamyou have 1.12 in experimental16:52
jamjust 1.6 in unstable16:52
jamOf course, I read the range wrong, you have 1.11 in experimental16:53
verterokvila: do you have the sources of the 10.5 installer? I could start with that one :)16:55
vilaverterok: no :-(16:55
jelmerjam: pushed16:56
verterokvila: ok, I'll send a mail to phanatic about that, thx!16:56
Lo-lan-doYou guys are aware of http://bzr.debian.org/loggerhead/pkg-bazaar/ right?16:56
vilaverterok: ok, keep me informed16:57
verterokvila: sure thing16:57
santagadaI asked yesterday, is there a way to trac a piece of code in a bzr branch? like a function that gets refactored to another file for exampl17:36
santagadathis is the only feature of git that seems really interesting17:37
Lo-lan-doThat, and revision squashing.17:39
santagadaLo-lan-do: what is that?17:40
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santagadathe way that git tracs changes using the whole project and not file by file is pretty interesting17:40
Lo-lan-doMerging successive revisions so that when you send your branch for inclusion it only has like 10 commits rather than 200.17:41
santagadaLo-lan-do: this seems cool also17:41
Lo-lan-doMaybe it'll happen in bzr-rebase sometime? :-)17:42
santagadabut it is a cosmetic thing (a pretty interesting one), but looking at revision data as a whole project is very interesting17:42
santagadaI don't know, maybe bzr is just like git....17:43
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elmowhy doesn't bzr assume push location is where I pulled from?18:43
mwhudsonelmo: because reasonably often that's not what you want18:52
mwhudsonyou can say bzr push :pull18:53
mwhudsonto push to where you pulled from without having to remember it18:53
mwhudsonbeuno, rockstar: loggerhead review ping!18:53
elmomwhudson: it's what I want every time I've tried to use push, FWIW  and AFAICR :-P18:54
elmomaybe I'm just special18:54
beunomwhudson, it's on my ToDo list, but now that you're up, I'll review now18:54
rockstarmwhudson, I don't really have the cycles to review it right now.18:54
mwhudsonelmo: there was a long argumen^Wdiscussion on the mailing list on this18:55
beunoelmo, FWIW, I feel the same18:55
mwhudsonrockstar: np18:55
mwhudsonbeuno: cool :)18:55
elmomwhudson: the push :pull short hand is neat though, thanks18:55
vilaelmo: and it will be remembered so you need it only once18:55
beunomwhudson, done. Very small comment.19:03
mwhudsonbeuno: i think your comment is about a bzrlib api?19:04
beunomwhudson, ah!  well, I guess you can ignore me then  :)19:04
mwhudsonbeuno: thanks :)19:05
guest123Hi all, I have just recently started using Bazaar (and in general VCSs). Would anyone kindly point me to the best place where I can ask some newbie questions?19:50
NfNitLoopguest123: ask away.19:51
NfNitLoopguest123: on IRC, it's generally best to avoid asking permission to ask a question.   You might wait a while for a response.19:52
NfNitLoopguest123: so just put it out there. :)19:52
guest123:) thanks. We have a small group of 4 developers inhouse, so all the projects are in the shared folder over network. I'm thinking of having some local bug tracking tool and was wandering if it be possible to integrate that with bzr19:56
lifelesselmo: you really need to start giving other projects patches then :)20:08
lifelessguest123: it certainly is possible to do that20:11
lifelessif you ru 'bzr help bugs' you will get the online docs about our bug tracking integration support20:11
elmolifeless: pfft20:13
guest123I found how to integrate web-based bug support (bugzilla etc) but puttin url in the config file, but can it be used to call some other local application?20:14
lifelesselmo: (thats where our default makes sense - we're optimised for non-core contributors by default)20:22
lifelesselmo: and in fact, for core contributors working on non-trunk features too20:22
kfogelI guess we're at revision 4000 now on trunk.20:26
kfogelAt first I thought it was an error when my checkout stopped at that, because it was such a round number :-).20:26
lifelessabentley: have you seen 'bzr send' bring up a mail address prefixed with /// ?20:44
abentleylifeless: Yes.  There's an open bug about it.  xdg-email is broken in Intrepid.20:45
lifelessbug 291847 ?20:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291847 in bzr "xdg-open mangles mailto: urls to ///foo@bar.com" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29184720:45
lifelessabentley: would it be reasonable to not use xdg-email with intrepids version?20:46
abentleylifeless: You mean use the editor client on intrepid?20:47
lifelessI guess20:48
lifelessor do `which evolution`, `which thunderbird` ..20:48
lifelessI'll look at the xdg-open bug this weekend I hope20:48
abentleylifeless: If the user configures their client, everything's fine.  It's only the default that's broken.20:49
lifelessso the setting you refer to is an xdg-open setting?20:49
abentleylifeless: No, it's a bzr setting.20:50
abentleylifeless: the mail_client setting.20:50
lifelessso I'd like the default to work20:50
lifelessI just got bitten myself, a merge request I'd 'sent' was queued by evo because it doesn't understand /// is bogus, and thus the smtp daemon was rejecting20:51
abentleylifeless: Me too, but I was hoping someone on the distro would fix intrepid.20:51
lifelesshowever, its new-unconfirmed which means noone has seen it20:51
lifelessI'll see what I can do about that20:51
jelmerI've seen it as well on Debian fwiw20:52
lifelessI was however, asking about other options, if its hard/tricky/whatever20:52
lifelessjelmer: probably upstream bug20:52
lifelessmost things are :P20:52
* jelmer tries to think of ways to describe a working tree without using the word WorkingTree to not break test_source.TestApiUsage.test_branch_WorkingTree20:54
Lo-lan-dojelmer: Sandbox?20:59
lifelessjelmer: why?20:59
jelmerI've added a "workingtree_updated" boolean to PullResult20:59
jelmerI guess I should probably move PullResult instead21:00
lifelessjelmer: or have a WorkingTreePullResult21:00
abentleylifeless: I don't think the difficulty is too high.  We already have code which tries one and falls back to another, so we can crib from that.21:00
lifelesswhich decorates BranchPullResult21:00
jelmerlifeless, hmm, yeah, that might be an idea as well21:01
mwhudsonbeuno: mmm, do you know if any of those "replace mootools with yui" for loggerhead we did at the epic were complete enough to use?21:06
beunomwhudson, no. BUT, I'm planning on using lazr-js, so I should be able to actually do that in a day or two of work21:07
beunoI've been working on the stuff I need for this in lazr-js directly21:08
beunoso we all win  :)21:08
mwhudsonah, ok21:08
mwhudsonwhen? :)21:08
* beuno pretends that message never got across21:08
lifelessI have a layering problem21:10
lifelessHopefully lazyirc will help me :)21:10
lifelessI want to change the TestResult instance used by 'bzr selftest', controlled via an option to 'bzr selftest' introduced by a plugin21:11
lifelessI'd rather not use global state21:11
Lo-lan-dobeuno: Any chance of releasing a serve-branches-based loggerhead soonish?21:11
beunoLo-lan-do, what do you mean exactly by that?21:11
beunowith configs n' stuff?21:12
lifelessI'd also rather not expose this as 'use this result class' at the UI, mainly because I don't want things like 'default' to be visible - I just want a single simple option21:12
Lo-lan-dobeuno: Configs would be neat, but at least a working init script without local patching :-)21:12
Lo-lan-doI'd like to go forward with my FusionForge bzr plugin, which would require a branch browser.21:14
beunoLo-lan-do, ah, that should easy I think. There are like 4 different patches that do that, including one that jelmer includes in the package21:15
beunoI don't really know which one to include though21:15
beunojelmer, any ideas on that?21:15
jelmerbeuno, if serve-branches is the way to go then Lo-lan-do's init script would be the way to go21:15
Lo-lan-doAlso, the URL generation bug is rather nasty, if you allow me to bitch about that :-)21:16
jelmerbeuno, that complies with common practices for init scripts21:16
beunoLo-lan-do, file a merge proposal, I'll merge  :)21:17
mwhudsonlifeless: i too have wanted to control which TestResult objects get used in tests21:17
lifelessjml: does your TeeTestResult or whatever it is called pass on all method calls and attribute access? or only the 'protocol'21:18
lifelessmwhudson: I think what I'm going to do is fix the lower layers, so I can have my plugin 'just do it'21:18
lifelessmwhudson: and then at the top probably just punt and set a global21:18
Lo-lan-dobeuno: The branch is at http://bzr.debian.org/~lolando/bzr/loggerhead/daemonise/21:19
Lo-lan-dobrowsable at http://bzr.debian.org/loggerhead/users/lolando/loggerhead/daemonise/changes21:19
beunoLo-lan-do, I'll try on get that merged in soon21:20
Lo-lan-doYay :-)21:20
Lo-lan-doThere's also the system-yui branch, but it's probably not interesting to you until yui 3 enters Debian.21:21
beunoLo-lan-do, if I don't, please hunt me down and force me to  :)    I'm a bit over-committed this month21:21
lifelessbeuno: s/(.*)this month/\1/21:23
beunolifeless, I'm taking it one month at a time  :)21:23
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lifelessbeuno: if only :)21:25
jmllifeless: ummmm... I can't remember.21:28
jmllifeless: probably only the protocol.21:28
* kfogel is away: back on later21:31
lifelessjml: how would you feel about a more generic T adapter21:33
lifelessoo pycon downunder21:33
jmllifeless: as in a __getattr__ hack?21:34
lifelessjml: details, details :P21:36
lifelessjml: as in, I want to glue the new shiny subunit stuff21:36
lifelessand bzr's visual progress together21:36
lifelesssubunit doesn't have bzr's additional protocol21:37
lifelessright now I'm finishing a patch to replace the runner altogether21:37
lifelessI'll see if that satisfies my itch; it may21:37
mwhudsonbeuno: is it possible to mix mootools and yui on the same page?21:40
beunomwhudson, yeap, no problems with doing that21:40
mwhudsoni still have this crazy plan for swapping between unified and side-by-side diffs using js21:41
jmlgo crazy21:41
* jml bops to Prince21:41
beunomwhudson, do that with ajax, and it's a triple win21:41
beunofetch diffs with ajax, and make them interchangeable21:42
mwhudsonoh right yes, that too i guess21:42
beunothe servers will *love* you21:42
mwhudsonseems somewhat orthogonal21:42
mwhudsonrevision pages seem to be the main performance terrorizer right now21:42
beunoit is, it's just me trying to you sneak one of my ToDo's  ;)21:43
lifelesswhat I really want is "the user made this selection, maybe a lower layer wants it, hand-off"21:44
lifelessmwhudson: jml: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117030/21:57
lifelessthats a sketch21:57
lifelessdoes it make baby jesus uncomfortable? I don't know21:57
vilalifeless: this has undeniably a perl taste :-)21:58
jelmerhi vila, poolie, thumper22:01
beunohiya igc22:01
mwhudsonlifeless: it's mildly odd, but not too horrific i guess22:01
igchi beuno22:01
mwhudsonmorning all22:01
igcmorning mwhudson22:01
thumperlifeless: pycon downunder different to nzpycon?22:02
thumperlifeless: is that the one in singapore next year?22:02
lifelessthumper: nzpycon22:02
* thumper nods22:03
thumperlifeless: #nzpug22:03
bob2trying to exploit our good name22:03
* mwhudson must try to not entirely miss the next planning meeting for that22:03
thumperlifeless: even if you aren't in nz right now22:03
lifelessbob2: 2/3rds of the region can't be wrong22:03
thumperpoolie: are we standing up?22:03
lifelessbob2: North island22:03
lifelessbob2: South Island22:03
lifelessbob2: West Island22:04
poolievila: are you around? want to join our standup?22:05
vilapoolie: yup22:05
jmlCan I get a bzr dev to look at bug 328146 please?22:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328146 in launchpad-bazaar "Pushing a non-stacked branch to a project using stacked branches fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32814622:43
thumperjml: that is pushing a rich root branch stacked on a non-rich root branch :-|22:49
jmlthumper: yeah, I got that far :)22:49
spivjml: comment added, and opened it against bzr too22:56
jmlspiv: I noticed! Launchpad trashed the comment I had just written :)22:57
jmlspiv: I've marked it as invalid on launchpad-bazaar, because there really is no bug in what we're doing.22:57
igcpoolie: calling back?23:08
jampoolie, igc: I'd like to finish, but I also need to go pick up my son23:09
jamIs there a lot left to discuss?23:09
igcjam: I'd like some rough idea of how much "core" engineering you think is left23:09
igcweeks still?23:10
jamigc: There is the "is it good enough for limited rollout" versus "it is what we really want to ask people to upgrade to"23:10
jamI know lifeless has mentioned wanting a really solid next repo format23:10
jamrather than continuing the "release early, release often" and have incremental improvements23:10
jamIf we just want to get it to the point that we could merge it as a --dev format that exists in bzr.dev23:11
jamI would think we could do that in a week or so23:11
phinzeokay so i have a completed task branch at tasks/1.2.3/cool_task23:13
phinzewhich is lightweight checked out at work/23:13
phinzewhen i'm running merge inside trunk/ is there any different between bzr merge ../work and bzr merge ../tasks/1.2.3/cool_task ...?23:14
jamphinze: no23:14
poolieigc, jam, lifeless, vila, spiv, i can't connect to skye23:14
phinzejam: happy days23:14
jampoolie: do you want robert to call your house?23:14
thumperspiv: I have to head out to the dentist23:21
thumperspiv: shall we defer until tomorrow?23:21
spivthumper: ok23:21
poolieit seems to be dentist week23:21
lifelessspiv: lets talk pairing in 15 minutes or so, I'm knackered23:44
* igc breakfast23:45
spivlifeless: agreed23:47
mxpxpodI shelved some changes and now I'm getting this error unshelving them: bzr: ERROR: No such file: None23:47
lifelessmxpxpod: thats a bug, fixed in bzr.dev23:47
mxpxpodlifeless: 1.12rc1?23:48
lifelessmxpxpod: that has the fix too, I believe23:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 319790 in bzr "bzr unshelve crashes losing all changes" [High,Fix released]23:50
mxpxpodlifeless: thanks... I just applied the patch from that bug23:53
mxpxpodworks like a charm23:53

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