
Shadowkllrhow do I edit an apparmor profile?00:00
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor00:01
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dashcloudhi, is there a known issue with switching resolutions in 8.10? it keeps dropping me to the login screen if I try to change it00:30
Shadowkllri think i fixed my apparmor problems w/ mysql00:31
kaddidashcloud I have the same issue. IMHO X crashes which takes you back to the login scrren00:34
dashcloudI'm quite sure 8.04 didn't have that issue00:34
_Trepan_I've had that happen when trying to go into PlaneShift in fullscreen mode00:34
_Trepan_I wonder if it's a KDE thing.. I had it happening a lot more often in 4.100:35
* kaddi is waiting for dashcloud to come back :D00:35
_Trepan_now that I've got 4.2 it happens less00:35
kaddiI can't tell... I only realised this after moving to 8.10 and kde 4.200:36
kaddinever tried to change the settings with 4.100:36
madooi guys and gals ... hello there ... i read that kde4.2 was out ... erm ... would it be good if i installed it too? ...00:37
kaddianyone worked through adding different backgrounds on different desktops?00:38
madoi'm asking because i saw that it in a place something called like "kubuntu-experimental" ... and well ... i don't want experimental stuff ... i want some stuff that doesn't freeze and such things00:39
kaddii don't really understand how the activities are supposed to work and whether i need to save them separately befor modifying plasmarc00:39
mitshi... could anyone tell me what speeds should i expect for a large file copy between disks? i get something like 15-25mb/s00:42
kaddimado: experimental means thet it's experimental. i myself am seeing fewer problems with 4.2 than with 4.1 but i can crash plasma whenever i want to ;)00:42
khalidmianim facing issues in trying to connect to messenger  plugin via kopete00:43
kaddikhalidmian: google says a reinstall might help: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=310080900:45
madokaddi, and what do you think? ... should i try and install kde4.2?00:45
madoit can't get worse can it? :)00:45
kaddimado: i'm in no way an experienced user. this is my home machine. i don't do really important stuff on it and i save my documents frequently00:45
kaddiso i don't mind if it crashes frequently00:46
madowell ... i don't do important things too ... just the usual office-internet-emails-and such things-stuff00:46
syockitmado: well, if you insist, back up your .kde stuff00:47
syockitmado: let me remind though: downgrading afterwards is painful00:47
madooh! ... :|00:47
madook ... *thinking*00:48
syockitkeep log of what it's trying to install when installing kde4.2 . then you'll know what to remove00:48
madohow do i go about backing up all the stuff i've done so far syockit ?00:48
madoand what can i back up? ...00:49
syockitummm...... maybe as simple as cp -r ~/.kde ~/.kdebackup ?00:49
madosyockit, ... i didn't know because i'm new to linux :)00:49
syockitsince it's only kde, and not full distro upgrade, I suppose that should be enough00:49
syockitit doesn't matter if you're new. If you are adventurous, this might prove a thrilling experience00:50
syockitjust be sure to take safety precautions00:50
kaddikhalidmian: the link worked for me, uninstall, reinstall and recreate your messenger account... your others account shouldn't be touched (they weren't in my case)00:50
madoerm ... ok ... and erm ... is there a way to back up my whole system?00:50
kaddibackup would be good anyways ;)00:50
madoi thought it would be a nice thing if i could just save the actual status of my system and programs and so on ...00:51
syockitmado: I'm not so sure. I'veheard of many backup methods, something like using a time machine00:51
syockitit's like the apple thing00:52
syockityou can copy the whole /home/<user name> folder to somewhere, if it's not that big00:52
syockitthen in case the os fails, you can reinstall the system, and copy back the home directory00:52
kaddianyone worked through adding different backgrounds on different desktops?00:55
kaddii don't really understand how the activities are supposed to work and whether i need to save them separately befor modifying plasmarc00:55
syockitkaddi: on kde 4.2?00:55
kaddii found some directions online, but i don't really understand them / they aren't working for me00:55
syockitactually activities and virtual desktops are made different00:55
syockitand you have to enable it by a tweak00:56
syockitnote: it's easier to start with a fresh plasmarc00:56
kaddiok, so i don't select any preferential plasma theme or anything?00:56
syockitkaddi: it also involves editing plasma-appletsrc00:56
kaddishould i move plasmarc to a backup and let plasma recreate the default one?00:57
syockitkaddi: um, I suppose you can do that after you completed the transition00:57
kaddisyockit: i'm willing to try. :)00:57
syockitkaddi: plasmarc AND plasma-appletsrc00:57
syockitkaddi: copy them somewhere00:57
kaddiok. :)00:57
syockitkaddi: have your terminal ready00:57
syockitkaddi: we gonna kill your plasma00:58
syockitkaddi: at terminal: xquitapp plasma00:58
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syockitkaddi: *kquitapp00:58
kaddiwas just going to say ;)00:59
kaddiRIP plasma :(00:59
kaddiplasma is dead00:59
syockitkaddi: plasma-appletsrc's content can be recovered later if you want. now let's delete both plasmarc and plasma-appletsrc01:00
syockitkaddi: then make a new plasmarc, with this content:01:00
syockitkaddi: (line 1) [General] (line2) perVirtualDesktopViews=true01:01
syockitkaddi: then restart plasma01:01
kaddisyockit: done :)01:02
kaddisecond screen is now completely black and no rightclick is possible01:02
syockitkaddi: please tell me the current condition of plasma? what's on desktop 2/301:02
syockitkaddi: ok01:02
kaddi(no third desktop present ;) )01:02
syockitkaddi: now kquitapp plasma again. we gonna edit plasma-appletsrc this time01:03
kaddisyockit: plasma is dead :)01:03
syockitkaddi: edit plasma-appletsrc, locate the containment that has plugin=desktop01:03
syockitkaddi: there should be 2 of them01:04
syockit(in my case, 4)01:04
kaddisyockit: found them01:04
kaddisyockit: there are more than 201:04
syockitkaddi: 3?01:04
syockitkaddi: I don't know why it does that. it did that on mine too.01:05
kaddiin containments [1] [14] and [15]01:05
syockitkaddi: anyways, checkout the dekstop= entry01:05
syockitkaddi: you can delete containment[15] and its children01:06
kaddisyockit: for [1] desktop=1, for [14] and [15] desktop=-101:06
kaddiok, i'll do that :)01:06
syockitkaddi: okay. for [1], desktop=0 . [2], desktop=101:06
kaddisyockit should i rename 14 into 2 or does this make no difference?01:07
ott0find /usr/bin  -type l  -name "z*" -exec ls  -l {} \;                 what are the {} and \; for in that?01:07
syockitkaddi: no difference. you can rename if you want, but make sure it does not conflict with existing plasmoids01:07
syockitkaddi: next, is to check whether it has wallpaper plasmoid or not01:07
kaddisyockit: they're staying as they are... :D01:08
syockitkaddi: is there a [Containments][14][Wallpaper][image] there?01:08
syockitkaddi: if not, copy [1]'s, then rename to 1401:08
kaddisyockit: doing this right now :)01:09
syockitkaddi: can you tell me the screen= entry for [1] and [14] as well?01:09
kaddisyockit: screen is 0 for [1] and -1 for [14]01:10
madosyockit, ... ok ... i guess i will wait for a more stable version of 4.2 ... erm ...01:10
madocan you help me with that too -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/116646/ ?01:10
syockitkaddi: give [14] a screen=0 as well01:10
madoi tried to install syockit this -> http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/yaWP+(Yet+Another+Weather+Plasmoid)?content=9410601:11
kaddisyockit: done. :) and thanks so much. :D01:11
syockitkaddi: now probably you can start plasma01:11
syockitkaddi: if it succeeds, you can kill it again, and copy paste the children plasmoids from old plasma-appletsrc01:12
syockitmado: hmm, needs builder stuff01:12
mallizecan someone tell me how to make compiz my default windows manager in kubuntu8.1001:12
kaddisyockit: success :)01:12
madobuilder stuff? ...01:12
madoanything special?01:13
kaddisyockit: thanks so much. :) i got stuck after inserting "perVirtualDesktopViews=true" inte the plasmarc :D01:13
syockitkaddi: yeah me too. I got it by starting clean01:14
madokaddi, ... am i allowed to know what you did? :)01:14
kaddiwould never have found the solution on my own :p01:14
madowhat kind of stuff do i need to install syockit ?01:14
kaddimado: from what I understand I manually activated a feature which will only be available from the GUI in kde 4.301:15
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kaddimado: i'm now able to customize each virtual desktop independently :)01:16
syockitmado: no, it's not on kde4.101:16
kaddi!hi |khalid01:16
ubottukhalid: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:16
madoso you now can do stuff that others like me have to wait for kaddi ... :)01:16
khalidalgien sabe hablar espñol01:16
kaddi!es |khalid01:17
ubottukhalid: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:17
khalides que soy nuvo en linux01:17
kaddimado: it really depends on what you want.. i destroyed my plasma settings twice yesterday trying to do this on my own :)01:18
madowell ... i don't really know what i want :) ... but ...01:19
madohere ... have a look at that01:19
madofor example ... http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/yaWP+(Yet+Another+Weather+Plasmoid)?content=9410601:19
madoi thought it would be nice to have such a thing on the desktop kaddi01:19
madoor the weather-tool in this image -> http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Arezzo?content=8440301:20
syockitmado: try sudo apt-get install libplasma-dev01:20
syockitmado: then retry the installing01:21
khalidubottu no se como puedo entrar a la sala de ubuntu-es01:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:21
madook ... i will syockit01:21
madokhalid, ... "/join #kubuntu-es" ?01:22
madodo you need this kind of information?01:22
kaddinext thing i'll do is a backup of the working plasmarc&appletsrc just in case :D01:22
madosyockit, -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/116651/01:23
khalidpueden explecarme como puedo desgargar python01:24
madowait a sec ... i guess i copied to much :)01:24
madoyeah ... it is too much01:24
madosyockit, -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/116652/01:24
syockitheck, I wonder if it doesn't install everything needed01:25
syockitmado: sudo apt-get install build-essentials01:26
kom6apaan tuch01:26
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madothere's no "build-essentials" syockit01:26
syockitmado: sorry, no s at the end. build-essential01:27
_Trepan_anyone know of some good wifi tools I could use to get realtime stats on a wifi connection?01:27
madouh! :) ... thanks01:27
_Trepan_I want to set up an antenna and need to see where the signal is strongest01:27
madothere's an error-message showing me that i should install "msgfmt" but i can't find it in my sources01:29
khalidmianubottu: ne comprendo espagnol01:29
khalidmianim facing issues in trying to connect to messenger  plugin via kopete01:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:29
madosyockit, ... msgfmt is not in my repositories :)01:30
syockitwhat's that? why's it needed?01:31
syockitmado: have you enabled universe & multiverse?01:31
madoas far as i know ... yes01:31
syockitmado: who asked for msgfmt?01:31
madoyes ... it's enabled01:31
madoCMake Error at po/CMakeLists.txt:6 (MESSAGE):01:32
mado  Please install the msgfmt binary01:32
madothat's one error01:32
madohttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/116652/ ... line 1501:32
kaddikhalidmian: what kde are you using?01:33
_Trepan_how do I do a mass partial rename of files?  eg I want to change filenames that have 'ted' in it to have 'bob' in place of 'ted'01:33
madowasn't there a menu-entry in dolphin _Trepan_ ? *thinking*01:35
syockitmado: and you retried? then sudo apt-get install cdbs01:35
_Trepan_not that I've seen, but I could be wrong01:37
madowell ... i'm not sure too _Trepan_ ... i'm just new to kubuntu and linux ... but i think that i saw or read of one01:37
madosyockit, ... that's it ...01:38
madonow it installed01:38
madoerm ... all i have to do now is to find that thing so that i can place it on the desktop01:38
_Trepan_mado:  If I select all and then hit Rename, it will name them all the same with an incremental number, but that's not quite what I'm looking for01:38
_Trepan_it might still be there somewhere though01:39
salamandrahola alguien que hable español?01:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:39
salamandraohh bin gracias01:39
legodudede nada01:39
mado_Trepan_, ... uhuu ... i see ... ... if i find it before you ... i will tell you :)01:40
madobut maybe one of the other guys or gals can help you out before :)01:40
madosyockit, ... found it ... now i try to configure it01:40
madosyockit, it works :)01:42
madoit can also find the small town i live in :)01:42
madothank you for your help ... thank you very much!01:42
syockit_Trepan_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=389667 might give a clue01:45
macohow do i turn off kwin's compositing in kde 4.2?01:45
syockitmaco: in system settings>desktop01:46
meistrolievening all..01:47
macosyockit: would that be "enable desktop effects"?01:48
meistroliHave question.. Am about to buy a AMD athlon 64 duel core processor running at 4.8GHz.. Will Ubuntu 8.10 run on it01:48
syockitmaco: uncheck that box01:49
syockitmaco: and apply01:49
macoso now to run a test01:49
syockitmeistroli: yes it supports dual core. but don't forget other hardwares!01:50
syockitmeistroli: lan, wifi, graphics, sound01:51
syockitmaco: what wer you trying? some game?01:51
syockitmaco: or 3dmark?01:51
macosyockit: no, im using uxa acceleration and it crashes X when compiz is enabled and you resume from suspend01:51
meistrolino mostly some programming and go into SL01:52
macoon saturday, it worked fine with kwin's acceleration. today it does the same as with compiz01:52
_Trepan_syockit: thanks that was exactly what I needed01:52
macoso yay for consistency, and yay for a workaround to the thing where i get logged out on resume, but boo to the inconvenience01:52
syockitmaco: on intel or something? I was considering uxa too, but now that you said it...01:52
maco(this is a jaunty bug with experimental uxa support in the -intel driver)01:52
macooh it makes the compositing all fast and smooth01:52
macoit works really well01:53
macobut if compositing is enabled when you suspend, you'll resume to your login manager01:53
syockitmeistroli: if the box isn't self assembled, you gonna have to check each hardware it has01:53
syockitmeistroli: an unofficial list: http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/01:54
meistroliNods comes assembled.. G-Force graphics card and DVD-RW01:54
meistrolinods thanks will check the site01:55
meistroliThanks for the help syockit01:55
syockitmeistroli: since that site isn't really that big, I suggest you search ubuntuforums.org too01:56
syockitmeistroli: and search for thread 6 months or newer01:56
syockitI wish google allows for more custom date search01:56
syockitjust as I said that.... http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/useful-google-feature-better-date-search/01:57
kaddisyockit: just wanted to let you know, that you rock. :D you have an answer for everything... even your own wishes :D01:58
syockitkaddi: :)01:58
triphHiya Folks01:58
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TripHDitched by a channel? >.>01:59
meistrolinods.. Let me get to reading.. Night All and thanks again01:59
kaddihow do i install further window decoration for kde4.2 ? are there any more than the default ones?02:08
JontheEchidnaapt-cache search kwin-style02:09
JontheEchidnashould list all the available ones02:09
JontheEchidnathere should be like 4 in Jaunty02:09
kaddii'm still on intrepid :)02:10
JontheEchidnaoh, then maybe not :P02:10
kaddii was just going to ask if i could find them in some superexperimental rep :p02:11
kaddiwould it be a good or a bad idea to install compiz and try to customize windows with that?02:11
salamandrahi!  wich is the best ftp server?02:15
kaddias nobody protested i naturally assumed, that it would be a great idea to install compiz as well. i get an option "compiz desktop effects" in my system.02:27
kaddijet i can't select anything, to i have to do somehting else to make this work=02:27
kaddirestart X or anything?02:28
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kc8tpzwhat could cause the installer to fail to install grub with a dual boot with vista64?02:51
kc8tpzit didn't really give any information when the installer crashed02:51
tekteenhas it crashed multable times?02:57
tekteenI suggest you try #ubuntu02:57
tekteenthis place looks emty02:57
blueravenanyone here seen those new external harddrives that can fit in your pocket?03:03
blueravenessential portable or whatever03:04
Reed_Solomonthats nothing new03:06
kaddiheya :D it's me again again: I'm trying to use the compiz destop effects. When I open the desktop windows effect from compiz in the system-menu I get an totally grayed out application03:09
kaddiit then asks me to hit "install pakets" which tries to install compiz-kde and 2 more packages03:09
kaddicompiz-kde depends on libplasma2 which is not installed with kde4.2 so what can I do?03:10
kaddican I force compiz to use libplasma3?03:10
ubuntu_hi i just tried to upgrade to kde4.2 but i some some error and now my kde is not working is there any way i can try to reinstall all the kde4.2 packages03:13
ubuntu_anyone please03:14
JontheEchidnaubuntu_: can you log in to the console?03:15
ubuntu_JontheEchidna: yes i can do that03:15
JontheEchidnaok, if you could do a sudo apt-get install -f and pastebin the error?03:15
ubuntu_there is no error anymore i did it once and i got an error but now it doesn't say anything is bad03:16
ubuntu_i am on the livecd now03:16
JontheEchidnaso, did you do an install and then try upgrading to 4.2?03:18
ubuntu_no i tryed upgrading and i got and error and it told me to type sudo apt-get install -f to see what went wrong03:19
ubuntu_but i don't recall the output so i did it again and i got nothing03:19
ubuntu_JontheEchidna: what do you think i should do? is there a way of reinstalling it?03:22
sep1318so, a recent X update doesn't play nice with proprietary drivers, which means it reboots every time i try to login, and crashes when i log into the console and startx manually. does anybody know how to roll back the update via the terminal, or how i can connect to the net to see if there's been a further update that fixes it?03:25
macosep1318: dpkg -i --force-downgrade using the older packages from /var/cache/apt/archives03:26
sep1318maco: do i need to specify what to downgrade?03:26
syockitsep1318: check the logs03:27
macosep1318: yes, you have to give it the package you want to install that's older than your current one03:27
macolike, the actual deb03:27
sep1318right, i figured that. so i'll have to hunt around for it the the archive/log?03:27
sep1318thanks, i'll reboot and try it. (on my windows partition right now, uggh)03:28
macosep1318: can also grab it from launchpad librarian03:28
syockitsep1318: sudo less /var/log/apt/term.log03:28
sep1318o? that might be easier03:28
macoeh, i think /var/cache/apt/archives/ is easier03:29
macoits already there, dont need to do anything internet-y03:29
syockitdunno if he cleaned once03:29
sep1318i don't remember when i last cleaned.03:29
syockitah, oh well. the updated packages are there03:29
syockitso just need to check the names of the packages remainning, and install older version03:30
macodo a ls -lArt | grep xserver-xorg*03:30
syockitnevertheless, sudo less /var/log/apt/term.log is the most powerful solution, you get to see everything it installed!03:30
macoshould put the newest things at the bottom of your screen, only the X-related ones03:30
syockitin the /var/cache/apt/archives/ folder03:31
sep1318i'll reboot and try those out, then. see you in a bit, hopefully. thanks for the help.03:32
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tommyis there a easy way to install googleearthlinux.bin I downloaded it on desktop but thats it03:55
tommyi got ubuntu 803:55
tommyis there a way in terminal to see others pcs04:05
badpchow do you manage themes in kde?04:05
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khalidmianlooking to see an answer or solution for kopete inability to connect to messenger plugin04:10
khalidmiankopete says status as connecting and never online04:11
sep1318maco \ syockit: it didn't work.04:15
zeroforceola a todosss04:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:15
zeroforcecomo van04:15
zeroforcethis is not a problem for me...04:15
zeroforceque se dice por aca eh?04:16
mr-t---no se04:16
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:16
macosep1318: what all did you install of the old stuff?04:17
macojust your driver, or -core as well?04:17
zeroforcetengo un pregunta sobre kubuntu me puedes ayudar?04:17
syockitsep1318: you downgraded or not?04:18
sep1318maco: nothing. i tried looking around for -core like you guys suggested, but even though locate said that /var/cache/apt/archives/...-core existed, dpkg and ls didn't think it did.04:18
syockitsep1318: also, does internet work? if so, consider installing irssi for text based irc04:18
sep1318syockit: nope. running finch, hard-lined into my router.04:18
syockitsep1318: so you still on ubuntu, or other os?04:19
macosep1318: did you give it the full path?04:19
macosep1318: wait, do you have apt set to auto-clean?04:19
sep1318maco: yeah, full path.04:19
sep1318i might, which is would explain. dunno.04:20
macoin your synaptic settings04:20
sep1318syockit: still/back in kubuntu04:20
syockitsep1318: it probably has been cleaned somehow04:21
syockitsep1318: now needs redownloading04:21
sep1318yeah, that's what i'm guessing.04:21
sep1318but where from?04:21
macoyou can use apt-get with a version= thing i think...04:21
syockitsyockit: you wanted to reinstall what again04:21
tommywhats the easiest way to install google earth on kubuntu 804:21
macoor if you go to launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg/ debs should be findable04:22
sep1318syockit: X04:22
mr-t---8.04 or 8.1004:22
sep1318maco: that'd depend on how well launchpad plays with lynx04:22
macooh. right.04:23
sep1318but doesn't mean its not an option, necessarily.04:23
tommyits ubuntu 8.0404:23
BluesKajsep1318  http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.204:23
syockitsep1318: no just check that apt log04:23
syockitsep1318: and use apt-get install <package name>=<version>04:24
sep1318yeah, i think that might be my best option.04:24
syockitsep1318: sudo less /var/log/apt/term.log04:24
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository04:24
syockitYayy freeee!04:24
sep1318heheh i agree.04:24
sep1318bbiab, gonna see what works.04:25
tommyi downloaded googleearthlinux.bin its on the desktop but I do not know how to install it04:25
NatanaielI have only gnome, for install kde 4.2 I should to run apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?04:25
macotommy: i think theres a package available in multiverse04:26
macoor in medibuntu04:26
tommyit that a website?04:26
mr-t---click the link i gave you   ...it's a repository04:27
mr-t---saves you compiling a binary to get the package04:27
tommyI am seeing it as !googleearth04:28
macoits also where you get stuff to decrypt dvds04:28
syockitNatanaiel: for kde 4.2, you must enable kubuntu-experimental repo as well04:28
syockitNatanaiel: of course, kubuntu-desktop is a prerequisite04:28
syockitNatanaiel: but I don't guarantee the safety using 4.204:28
Natanaielsyockit: why?04:29
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository04:29
syockitNatanaiel: Of late, I keep hearing how 4.2 keeps breaking their intrepid kubuntu04:29
mr-t---you don't see the link there?04:29
syockitNatanaiel: from people in this channel04:29
syockitNatanaiel: I use jaunty though. no problem with 4.204:29
macoits really nice on jaunty...but then jaunty itself likes to break, so...04:29
sep1318Natanaiel: its good, but b0rked right now.04:30
sep1318at least for me04:30
sep1318true, but that's cuz its still alpha04:30
syockit:) WFM \(^o^)/04:30
sep1318<.< >.>04:30
sep1318maco: i tried apt-get'ing -core with a couple version numbers, but it couldn't find them for some reason.04:31
mr-t---tommy: ?04:31
tommyI am looking here and there lots to read there04:31
macosep1318: must be already removed from the archive then. launchpad librarian it is.04:31
mr-t---reading is good04:32
sep1318i'll see what i can find there.04:32
syockitcouldn't be that soon04:33
syockitit's not jaunty, is it?04:33
sep1318maco: lynx doesn't play with https. :(04:34
macok hold on04:35
syockitsep1318: if you want to, you can swim through the directories of your repo04:36
sep1318syockit: how so?04:36
macosyockit: its not in there anymore04:37
macoold versions get deleted04:37
macosep1318: which do you need? xserver-xorg-video-??04:37
macointel, nvidia, fglrx?04:37
sep1318maco: i think core?04:37
sep1318o, video is nvidia04:37
syockitmaco: hmm, you're right. I can only find the latest deb for each distro in the pool04:39
macosep1318: 32 or 64 bit?04:40
sep131832, maco04:40
macotry http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22047817/xserver-xorg-core_1.5.99.902-0ubuntu3_i386.deb04:41
sep1318apt-get'ing it?04:42
macothen dpkg -i --force-downgrade xserver-xorg-core_1.5.99.902-0ubuntu3_i386.deb04:42
sep1318ah. oki.04:43
arrrghhhso i installed ubuntu on this dell gx260.  another 260 took ubuntu fine, but this one is just being weird.  i get a brown bg and a mouse icon with nothing else.  the mouse works, but the keyboard doesn't seem to respond to any input.  ctrl-alt-f1, ctrl-alt-del, nothing.04:44
macoarrrghhh: boot to single user mode and compare their lspci outputs from there?04:44
arrrghhhi can boot recovery mode04:45
arrrghhhlspci doesn't seem to produce any errors... dmesg neither.04:45
arrrghhhi've done memtest04:45
arrrghhhand fsck04:45
syockit13:44 < arrrghhh> so i installed ubuntu on this dell gx260.  another 260 took ubuntu fine, but this one is just being weird.  i get a brown bg and a mouse icon with nothing else.  the mouse works, but the keyboard doesn't seem to respond to any input.  ctrl-alt-f1, ctrl-alt-del, nothing.04:45
arrrghhhnothing *seems* wrong.04:45
syockit13:44 < maco> arrrghhh: boot to single user mode and compare their lspci outputs from there?04:45
syockit13:45 < arrrghhh> i can boot recovery mode04:45
syockitsheet happens again04:45
macoarrrghhh: lspci doesnt do errors04:45
macoit tells you what hardware you have04:45
arrrghhhsorry dmesg then04:45
macosee if the hardware's not-quite-identical04:45
arrrghhhwell everything's intel.04:46
macoif you can, send both of their "sudo lshw" outputs to a flash drive, then run "diff" on them04:46
arrrghhhintel vid card, sound, ethernet controller04:46
sep1318maco: dpkg won't allow it, say it conflicts with a bunch of already installed input packages04:47
macowhich? might need to downgrade those too then :-/04:47
maco(i'm giving you the feb 6 version, by the way)04:47
sep1318mrrrr. uhhuh. kbd, mouse, vmmouse, synaptics, evdev..04:48
macooh gosh04:48
sep1318i think there might've been another, but you get the idea04:48
macoi have an idea04:48
macothere was a new batch of X packages an hour ago04:49
macowanna try to do an upgrade instead?04:49
=== tyrone is now known as tyrone_p
arrrghhhwell i guess what i would like is ideas as to why it's freezing on boot.  or what i could do to trouble shoot it.... i'm at a loss.04:50
macoarrrghhh: not talking about 9.04 are ya?04:50
arrrghhhmaybe i should try 8.04...04:50
sep1318i mean, i've got next week off from school, so i'm contemplating reinstalling the whole OS just to avoid using my windows for longer than necessary.04:50
tyrone_pI have added the repos to my source lists to install kde4.2 but when i do apt-get upgrade i get 78 packages not installed why is this?04:50
tyrone_pi am in kubuntu 8.1004:51
syockitthere was a new batch of X packages an hour ago04:53
sep1318syockit: right, that's what maco said.04:53
macosyockit: were you quoting me? because that's the exact phrasing...04:54
syockitno something's wrong with my client04:54
syockitit's reacting to my mouse selects04:54
arrrghhhso what could i try?  i've never had it freeze like this before.  usually a reboot fixes it or at least produces something different.04:55
syockitarrrghhh: at what point does it freeze?04:56
macoarrrghhh: try getting rid of quiet so you can see when the boot dies04:56
arrrghhhwell i don't really get a boot screen.  i get grub, says it's booting from hd(0,4) etc04:56
arrrghhhthen a black screen, no loading screen04:56
arrrghhhthen i get the brown background like ubuntu is loading, a mouse cursor.... then nothing.04:56
sep1318maco: i just tried updating, and there wasn't anything new.04:57
arrrghhhi usually ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a terminal to troubleshoot.04:57
macosep1318: did you apt-get update first?04:57
arrrghhhbut that's not working.  the mouse does work... doesn't make sense.04:57
macoarrrghhh: did the terminal flash then head back to the brown?04:57
macoarrrghhh: if so, do it twice04:57
arrrghhhmaco, no flash at all.04:57
arrrghhhctrl-alt-backspace does nothing04:57
arrrghhhctrl-alt-del does nothing.04:57
sep1318yeah, that's what i just did, update then upgrade.04:57
sep1318what repo are they in?04:58
macosep1318: wait we are talking about jaunty right?04:58
macojust to double check04:58
sep1318no, i'm still on intrepid04:58
syockitarrrghhh: I suppose at that point you no longer have control of the keyboard04:58
macodoh im an idiot04:58
sep1318no, just confused :)04:59
macothe package i gave you was a jaunty one04:59
arrrghhhsyockit, i guess.  i figured i could always get kicked to a terminal with the ctrl-alt-f keys.04:59
macoi mixed up #kubuntu and #ubuntu+104:59
syockitarrrghhh: you have to start on recovery instead04:59
macoarrrghhh: not if VT switching is broken...as it often is for me04:59
syockitarrrghhh: and figure out what's wrong with x05:00
arrrghhhi can start in recovery05:00
arrrghhhand get a root terminal that way.05:00
syockitarrrghhh: during recovery, read what's on /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:00
syockitarrrghhh: and look for anomalies05:00
syockitarrrghhh: but you're not used to seeing that...05:01
syockitarrrghhh: I'm suspecting another compiz error05:01
k-stamphello, i am having issues configuring05:01
k-stampi get an error: checking for jpeg_start_compress in -ljpeg... no05:02
k-stampconfigure: error: zm requires libjpeg.a05:02
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sep1318maco: syockit just gave me an idea, do you know how to not have X request the GLX extension? i think that might solve it05:03
syockitsep1318: ummm, you have to create a xorg.conf for that05:03
syockitsep1318: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:04
syockitsep1318: wait, i wonder if I can tell it to DISABLE instead...05:04
sep1318syockit: yeah, i've done that multiple times, and it still requests it.05:04
sep1318that's a good thought.05:04
arrrghhhsyockit, compiz?  it shouldn't use compiz on this old slug.05:05
syockitsep1318: you've put disable "glx" in "module"?05:05
arrrghhhthis computer is like 5 years old.05:05
macosyockit: hasnt worked since gutsy...05:05
sep1318syockit: no, i've dpkg-reconfigure'd05:05
macosep1318: sudo dexconf -o /etc/X11/xorg.conf <-- thatll recreate a default semi-empty xorg.conf05:05
syockitdexconf eh, I'll man that05:06
macosyockit: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg since gutsy has simply made a backup of the existing xorg.conf and exited05:06
macoi had to ask in #ubuntu-x a few days ago so i could test uxa since my system didnt have an xorg.conf at all05:07
syockitmaco: actually I made mine with Xorg -configure05:07
macosyockit: is that the one that outputs a HUGE config file?05:08
macoi remember a gentoo user demonstrating something like that05:08
macodexconf is a debian extension though, i think05:08
syockitmaco: yes, verrryyy biggg.05:08
syockitmaco: with so many display entries05:08
sep1318maco: it still says it can't do it.05:08
macosep1318: cant do what?05:08
sep1318maco: "failed to initialize GLX extension"05:09
syockitsep1318: what it says?05:09
DrMrHorsei guess i should ask again since we were split05:24
DrMrHorsei want to copy a bunch of jpegs from a tree of directories into one dir. how do i do that?05:24
syockitDrMrHorse: does the directory structure have to stay?05:28
wrinkliezhey guys, I've installed kubuntu after seeing 4.2, and I really like it.05:29
DrMrHorseno. i want to take files in a structure and copy them to one directory05:29
syockitDrMrHorse: if not, command: find <path> -name '*.jpg' | xargs -xiii cp iii <new dir>05:29
wrinkliezbut can someone tell me how to get my graphics working right?  in ubuntu when i did grep render, it told me the graphics card. now it says unable to open display05:29
DrMrHorsecool thanks. what is the iii part?05:30
syockitit's how xargs work. -i tells it that the argument from stdin is represented by the letters followed after -i05:31
DrMrHorseah, thanks again05:31
syockitDrMrHorse: try this. ls *.jpg | xargs -ixxx echo "Helloxxx and xxx"05:32
mefisto__thanks syockit. I've just learnt something very useful05:34
DrMrHorseno such file or directory on the second05:34
syockitDrMrHorse: try it somewhere where a jpg file is inside05:35
elizeuoffshoreHi Everibody!05:36
elizeuoffshoreIḿ from Manaus Amazon Brazil05:36
elizeuoffshoreThis is my first time using Kubuntu 64 bits05:36
elizeuoffshoreWho help me about instal drivers in my noteook05:37
elizeuoffshorei need wireless and webcam drivers05:37
DrMrHorsethe first command also does not work05:37
elizeuoffshoreIḿ using Acer05:37
DrMrHorseits appending an "i" to the end of the file name and saying it cant find the file05:38
elizeuoffshoreAspire 5315-269805:38
elizeuoffshoreCan you help me Mr. Horse05:39
DrMrHorseim struggling with the cp command; you probably dont want me messing with your drivers05:40
syockitDrMrHorse: is the new directory available? if not, mkdir first05:40
DrMrHorseyes, i did mkdir05:40
mefisto__syockit: man page says "-i is deprecated. use -I instead" could that impact what DrMrHorse is trying to do?05:40
elizeuoffshoreIḿ sorry05:40
elizeuoffshorethis is my first time using Linux05:41
elizeuoffshoreIḿ a new user05:41
DrMrHorsemefisto__: the man for xargs?05:41
syockitno, deprecated means still usable, but will be gone someday05:41
mefisto__DrMrHorse: yes xargs05:41
syockityeah, I should've used -I instead05:41
DrMrHorselook at this:05:41
syockitDrMrHorse: what does find <the path you want> -name '*.jpg' give?05:42
DrMrHorsecp: cannot stat `/home/drmrhorse/Pictures/VillageLadies/4Village_Ladies_-_Jo/Jo5127.jpgi': No such file or directory05:42
DrMrHorsethats from the first command05:42
DrMrHorsenote the jpgi05:43
syockitDrMrHorse: your command probably has an extra i in the second iii05:43
elizeuoffshoreIḿ using Kubuntu 64bits05:44
=== Tidus_ is now known as Tidus
DrMrHorseso i should drop one05:44
syockitDrMrHorse: wait probably wrong command05:44
elizeuoffshorekubuntu 7.10 version 64bits05:44
syockitDrMrHorse:  find <path> -name '*.jpg' | xargs -Ixxx cp xxx <new dir>05:45
syockitI was wondering where the xxx went05:45
syockitthat should do?05:46
elizeuoffshoreyou know a site to download this drivers by apt05:46
DrMrHorseit appears to be dumping it to a file, hold on05:47
elizeuoffshoreI can't find this drivers in Brazilian Ubuntu home page05:47
elizeuoffshoreI will check05:47
elizeuoffshoreits 2:00 over here05:48
elizeuoffshoreI need wwork early05:48
elizeuoffshoreGod blessyou05:48
syockitelizeuoffshore: drivers don't usually easily come with apt, as they are built into kernel05:48
DrMrHorseisnt there a portuguese channel for kubuntu?05:48
elizeuoffshoreplease keep my e-mail05:49
DrMrHorsei dont know if that would be easier05:49
syockitthere's #ubuntu-pt05:49
elizeuoffshoreubuntu pt05:49
ubuntu_whenever i login it seems that x restarts, any ideas?05:50
DrMrHorsesyockit: success!!05:51
syockitDrMrHorse: yay! sorry for the mistake earlier05:52
DrMrHorsety and np05:52
DrMrHorsexargs converts the output of something and puts it into a form that another command can read05:52
ubuntu_maybe its an xorg thing?05:52
JohnFluxubuntu: it means that it crashed.  I've had that happen if I've run out of disk space05:53
ubuntu_i reloaded everything but my home drive05:54
mefisto__ubuntu_: are you using restricted drivers? is X really restarting, or is login failing and sending you back to the login screen?05:54
ubuntu_i believe i am using nvidia, tried changing ownership of home/user. tried add new user, dont know how to check the rest05:56
ubuntu_how can i use a dif driver05:58
wrinkliezdoes anyone know why only the start up sound plays?  if i look at flash videos or listen via amarok, no sound?05:58
mefisto__ubuntu_: you could specify a driver in xorg.conf05:59
wrinkliezim silly :)06:01
ubuntu_i pasted my xorg http://paste.ubuntu.com/116701/06:02
ubuntu_was it muted06:02
ubuntu_does that look right06:03
mefisto__ubuntu_: that's normally what xorg.conf looks like these days, but you can still edit it to fine tune things.06:04
mefisto__ubuntu_: what I had in mind though was to try login with vesa driver or open source nvidia driver to see if it really is a problem with X or something else06:05
ubuntu_how abouts do i do that06:05
mefisto__ubuntu_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116702/    (not absolutely sure about "nv" but I think that's the open source nvidia driver)06:06
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mefisto__ubuntu_: so if you edit your xorg.conf so that section looks like one of those 2 examples...06:07
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macowrinkliez: try killing and restarting pulseaudio?06:07
wrinkliezmaco:  i figured it out, thanks though :D06:08
dolt_does any body know about accessing desktops from terminal06:08
ubuntu_mefisto__: im gonna try the vesa be back as ubuntu or nate06:10
mefisto__dolt_: you need to explain what you mean by "accessing" and "desktops"06:10
dolt_the other day there was someone talking in another konversation and said could access anyones desktop with linux06:10
dolt_using terminal06:11
dolt_I was just wondering how06:12
dolt_another question06:14
mefisto__dolt_: why? do you want step-by-step instructions? :)06:14
dolt_another question is how do i install google earth on kubuntu easy06:15
dolt_i downloaded googleearthlinux.bin to desktop there it sits06:16
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository06:16
mr-t---use the package06:16
dolt_i went to medibuntu and did some gget or something like it said and then did not know what to do I will try again06:17
mefisto__dolt_: what you have now is probably easier (since you already have it) but installing from medibuntu repo will keep it up to date, and gives you easy access to lots of other things you may want too06:18
dolt_i will try it let you know06:20
mefisto__dolt_: if you've added the medibuntu repo correctly, to install you can sudo apt-get install googleearth (or install from adept)06:21
beachsurfini think kubuntu updates by itself in the background...06:26
beachsurfini just don't know about it until i see specific bugs that are fixed and other surprises...06:26
mefisto__beachsurfin: you can set it to automatically update/upgrade, but I think the default is to just notify you of updates06:27
beachsurfinhow to check for this...06:27
beachsurfinmefisto__: how do you tell if you have it updating in the background?06:27
beachsurfini think i may have specified to do this at some point06:28
beachsurfinwhich i don't mind, it's very convenient, but i'd like to look @ the settings now06:28
mefisto__beachsurfin: kde 4?06:29
mefisto__beachsurfin: kde 4?06:34
zer0ohi guys im about to buy an external hard drive, is there any known issue? shall i buy a particular one instead of another? thanks06:36
beachsurfinmefisto__: sorry, yes06:36
beachsurfinzer0o: i think anyone should work06:36
zer0obeachsurfin: ok thx06:37
mefisto__beachsurfin: start adept manager, click sources, then "edit software sources" button, then the updates tab06:37
dolt_my usb one works great in windows or linux06:37
beachsurfinzer0o: np, gl06:37
dolt_its called simpletech06:37
beachsurfinmefisto__: argh, i knew this! :P06:37
beachsurfinthanks mefisto__06:38
dolt_buy one from ebay for 50.00 or less06:39
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=== ubuntu_ is now known as someguy
mefisto__beachsurfin: to get to the "software sources" section without opening adept: kdesudo software-properties-kde06:40
beachsurfinnow that i didn't know06:40
=== someguy is now known as ubuntu_
=== ubuntu_ is now known as someguy
someguyHey guys and gals, should I stick with 32bit or is it finally time to upgrade to 64?06:41
beachsurfinsomeguy: depends on what your needs are06:42
beachsurfinfor professional multimedia editing, definitely06:42
someguyjust for everyday use, basicly firefox, openoffice, and kate06:42
DreadKnighti use 64 for years06:43
beachsurfinotherwise, there's not much of a point unless you just want to06:43
beachsurfinsomeguy: then there's not much of a point06:43
mefisto__someguy: if you want to use more than 4GB of ram, that's a reason06:43
beachsurfinnot many reasons* then :)06:43
someguyah, then there really is no point, this is on a laptop. Thank guys. I guess i'll try again in a few years ;)06:43
mefisto__no real reason not to use 64 bit though, I think06:44
beachsurfinthis is true06:45
someguyare there any compatibility issues with programs using 64bit?06:46
beachsurfinsomeguy: indeed06:48
beachsurfinlook here: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/17322/06:48
beachsurfin"Some software doesn't have 64bit packages, or it's rather hard to get those. For example just to install skype on a 64bit ubuntu system, the user must go through a guide on how to add medibuntu to the list of repositories, or download a version of skype that doesn't require installing. Other software has only been packaged for 32bit systems."06:48
mefisto__someguy: I think there are ways to use 32 bit programs on 64 bit, but I could be wrong. never tried 64bit myself06:48
beachsurfini've yet to try it, saving up for such a machine right now though :)06:49
* beachsurfin needs it06:49
mefisto__needs 64 bit?06:49
mefisto__what are you doing?06:50
someguyyeah i think I'll just stick to 32 for now, until 64 is more mainstream :)06:50
beachsurfinthis machine is my server and i'm starting to get serious about using blender06:50
beachsurfina few friends and i are making some shorts this year06:50
mefisto__as in 3d graphics/animation?06:50
mefisto__ok, cool06:50
someguyanyways i'm out, thanks for the advise06:51
mefisto__I should have tried it by now, but I'm too lazy and everything is working fine atm. I do audio/recording stuff06:51
beachsurfinnp, gl someguy06:52
beachsurfinmefisto__: do you audacity for this?06:52
beachsurfinblender's audio sequencer is a lot more powerful than i originally thought it was06:53
mefisto__beachsurfin: yes, for simple editing. but most recording happens in ardour06:53
beachsurfini use it for video sequencing as well now06:53
mefisto__beachsurfin: I installed ubuntustudio, and I'm still working my way through the software that installs06:57
beachsurfinmefisto__: i might download the ubuntu-desktop package, but it could be awhile before i go through the packages.. i've promised a friend that i would refactor some of his messy php code06:59
beachsurfinthat will be consuming a lot of my time soon06:59
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mefisto__beachsurfin: ubuntustudio-desktop will probably mess up something in kde 4 and make it ugly or install a ubuntu splash or something. I just installed ubuntustudio-audio and ubuntustudio-video07:02
beachsurfinmefisto__: good idea, thanks07:10
mefisto__beachsurfin: you might want ubuntustudio-graphics too. see all the ubuntustudio metapackages with apt-cache search ubuntustudio07:12
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ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい08:07
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=== kb is now known as Guest6231
wrinkliezhmm, whats the difference between powersave, extreme powersave, and advanced powersave?08:18
macowrinkliez: spelling? its how you configure it that matters08:25
wrinkliezoh right on08:25
wrinkliezsorry this whole kde thing is blowing my mind08:25
wrinkliezso many options. o_o gnome has nulled my senses08:26
macowrinkliez: ive been using kde for 2 weeks :P08:26
macowrinkliez: i asked the same question08:26
mefisto__wrinkliez: I think they are just pre-set power settings profiles, and the advanced settings let you choose your own settings08:26
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde408:41
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors08:42
puneethcan someone tell me how to upgrade to KDE 4.2 without the adept08:43
puneethi cant do a continuous download08:44
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.08:45
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:45
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux08:45
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=== ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline
jiikiloI have ubuntu 8.10 and I am having a problem left and right alt keys seem to be activating exactly every 30 seconds (alternating each time) Its not the keyboard I unpluged it and it still occurs. Anyone have any ideas on how to figure out the problem?08:52
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mefisto__jiikilo: what's happening exactly. if I hold down left and right alt keys, nothing noticeable happens09:32
jiikilomefisto__ : Basically I figured out the problem was occuring when using virtualbox and running XP the menu bars would seem to always activate so I ran xev and its reporting left/right alt (alternativly so first left then right then left again) every 30 seconds09:34
jiikiloeven when the keyboard is not attached it still occurs09:34
mefisto__jiikilo: always? or only with virtualbox running?09:40
jiikilomefisto__ : always09:40
jiikiloits happening pretty much exactly every 30seconds as well09:41
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Novalgina2Fasthi guys,when i power on the pc the brightness of the screen is really down,so i have to go to the symbol of battery every time and take it up...why?ç_ç09:48
mefisto__Novalgina2Fast: sounds like it's trying to conserve battery power. are you plugged in to AC or on battery when this happens?09:51
Novalgina2Fastmefisto_ in to AC,and the setting of brightness is in the top,but i have to move it to works09:52
mefisto__Novalgina2Fast: look in power management settings, edit profiles. there's an option to dim the display09:57
Novalgina2Fastmefisto__: sorry i don't understand,i have to look in power ecc... where is the symbol of battery?because there isn't edit profile there09:59
Novalgina2Fastmefisto__:ok i have find it^^thanks!10:02
=== maxim is now known as Guest91717
jiikilowell that was weird I updated to latest kernel in the reps 2.6.27-11 and now its just left shift that is activating >_<10:22
macojiikilo: any chance someone got a Phantom Keystroker from ThinkGeek and plugged it in?10:22
jiikiloif I have a split personality maybe?10:23
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drew_ how do i forward the port on a wrt54g for ktorrent10:44
drew_thats the same answer i got yesterday10:45
macodrew_: original firmware or dd-wrt?10:46
drew_i reakky dont know10:46
macodrew_: might help if you asked at a time that's not omg-early in the US too10:46
drew_very true10:47
macoim going to guess tht means original...in which case...havent used it in years so i dont know10:47
drew_ok ill look it up thx10:48
macodrew_: you know how to login to the router and all that, right?10:48
macoshould just be able to click around wherever your NAT settings are in there10:48
mefisto__drew_: I think ktorrent has a plugin that will do the port forwarding for you10:49
mefisto__drew_: the UPnP plugin10:50
* maco shudders at the thought of having UPnP enabled on a router10:50
drew_ok tyt10:50
macoat least if there are any win-boxes or macs on the LAN10:51
drew_really is it not good10:51
macoits possible for windows viruses to screw up your router so that it's insecure regardless of what OS you're browsing with10:51
drew_can it be bad10:52
macoif UPnP is enabled or if you leave the default password on10:52
macowell if you dont let your windows or mac get viruses, you're fine10:52
drew_i think ill turn that off10:52
macobut i know there's a trojan that claims to be codecs for a video file. when installed on mac or windows, itll try to login to your router with the default password or UPnP then set the DNS to cracked boxes so you can be redirected to phishing sites10:53
drew_i just got rid of vista couldnt update Trend micro, AAAVG, Defender or windows i think it was virus10:55
macoor it was vista10:55
WalzmynI got rid of Vista because NOTHING would run on it10:56
WalzmynWill there be a direct upgrade path from 8.04 to 9.04 or will I have to go though 9.10?10:56
macoer well 9.10 wont exist yet...10:57
macobut you will have to go through 8.1010:57
macoskipping releases is only supported when going from LTS -> LTS10:57
macoand those are every 2 yers10:57
mefisto__2 years? I thought it was 310:58
Walzmynok. Thanks10:58
WalzmynI was trying to decide on going ahead and upgrading to 8.1010:58
Walzmynor just waiting until april10:58
mefisto__or is it 3 years support on LTS releases?10:58
macomefisto__: supported for 3yr desktop, 5yr server, but new LTS every 2yr so you have 1yr overlap for testing and deployment10:58
WalzmynI guess I might as well go ahead and make the transsition and be ready for the 9,04 release11:00
WalzmynI'm running several KDE4 apps now - is there any special procedure for keeping my configs on those, or just need to copy the folders over from .kde4?11:01
macofrom .kde4?11:02
macojaunty is running kde411:02
Walzmyni'm on 8.04 - i'm running KDE3.5 with several kde4 apps11:03
WalzmynIs 4.2 in the main repo for Intrepid, or just the PPA?11:13
macoWalzmyn: ppa11:15
Walzmynmaco, thanks - any idea when it's coming out?11:16
macoer, it is out11:16
macokde 4.2 was released 2 weeks ago11:16
Walzmynout of ppa and into the main repo11:16
macoin jaunty11:16
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irrdev1I'd like to see image editing program with Kubuntu Jaunty11:27
irrdev1maybe on DVD if there is not enough room on LiveCD?11:28
macoirrdev1: krita's not on there?11:29
irrdev1space is the problem i think11:29
irrdev1hence why I think Kubuntu should focus on dvd11:30
mefisto__I can't seem to install krita on 4.2 intrepid11:35
mefisto__or any koffice app for that matter11:38
ct529I need to add a certain directory to everybody's path .... where should I change it?11:41
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quassel73hi, can you helpmewith this: http://pastebin.ca/1333977 ?11:51
piponazoHi people, I have a problem with kde 4.2. I just install it and when I go to "System Settings" I can't change any stuff that requires root privileges. Any could help me ? (Sorry for my bad english)11:51
ct529how do you add a local directory full of deb packages to the list of repositories?11:51
ct529quassel73: is in check!!!!11:52
voicuhey guys, anyone else having problems with the wired RTL8101E network card?11:58
voicuthe builtin driver r8169 is slow and has weird behaviour and the one from realtek's site is worse12:00
voicuanyway, how can i remove a module that i insterted with insmod?12:00
voicurmmod is only temporary (that is until reboot)12:00
voicumodprobe -r seems to do the same12:01
spectralblacklist it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:01
voicuok, trying that12:02
francisc1701konqueror just crashed. I had a few tabs open -- is there any way to get them back?12:02
voicudid you try to open konqueror back? doesn't it have that thing that saves the session?12:03
francisc1701it opened like it usually does -- one tab with google in it12:04
voicuhm, i got nothing :P12:04
spectrali only use firefox, and then there is a setting to open it with the tabs open that you had open when you exited (also helps restoring after a crash). maybe there's a similar feature for konqueror.. never use it myself12:06
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francisc1701I can't find anything like that in konqueror12:07
voicuif i have a local network with a NAT router (ip what should the routing table look like on a client?12:07
voicu0.0.0.0 routes on with genmask and metric 100, is that all right?12:07
voicudoes the metric matter anyway?12:08
voicualso, is there any way to remove a builtin module without recompiling the kernel?12:11
voicui tried blacklisting, rmmod, modprobe -r12:11
voicuor where could i ask this?12:12
voicui looked everywhere but they all say blacklist12:12
voicuwhich really doesn't work12:12
Machtinhi guys.. my harddisk broke down yesterday, and i reinstalled 8.10.. and now - if i play sound - i have annoying whitenoise..12:25
Machtini still can clearly hear the original sound, but there is a lot more whitenoise than there should be12:25
mefisto__there should be no white noise12:26
Machtini already eliminated some of it, by unchecking the "capture"-checkbox of the "capture"-control in kmix12:26
mefisto__is it there when silence is playing? (if you know what I mean)12:26
Machtinoh, gimme a moment12:27
Machtinwell i think yes12:27
Machtinit's only there when i play something12:28
piponazoHi people, I have a problem with kde 4.2. I just install it in my Ubuntu distribution and when I go to "System Settings" I can't change any stuff that requires root privileges (like the login manager). Anyone could help me ? (Sorry for my bad english)12:28
mefisto__Machtin: any other inputs you can mute?12:28
Machtinmefisto__: i don't think so12:28
Machtinmic is muted.. lines are muted12:28
Machtinaux is muted..12:29
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:29
Machtinmefisto__: i just noticed.. if i mute "PCM" there still is whitenoise, but very little original sound12:30
francisc1701Machtin: try putting master and pcm as low as you can, especially master12:31
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mefisto__Machtin: muting PCM, you should get no sound. It seems you've got some other source creating the noise. CD maybe?12:31
Machtinfrancisc1701: can't find "Master" within all my channels12:32
Machtinmefisto__: just muted CD.12:32
ActionParsnipI have a Q (shock) How can I prevent kwin from telling me what desktop an app is running on if i mouse over its icon in the application list (minimsed apps etc)12:32
francisc1701Machtin: I dunno, I have Master, it's the first on the left, under Output. It's the one that you can adjust when you single click on the speaker in the system tray12:34
Machtinthat's PCM for me, francisc1701.. but i never had "master"12:34
francisc1701Machtin: sorry12:35
Machtinthink that's soundcard-specific12:35
francisc1701Machtin: must be12:35
mefisto__ActionParsnip: don't know, but you could try naming the desktops with whitespace so it would say "Konqueror on "12:36
ActionParsnipmefisto__: yeah it says that sort of stuff but im trying to suppress. do you run compiz?12:36
Andrew``hey all12:37
Andrew``can anyone tell me what program I need to stream a .ram file?12:37
ActionParsnipAndrew``: realplayer12:37
Machtinmefisto__ francisc1701 found it :D12:37
MachtinSB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack <-12:38
ActionParsnipgood ol creative :(12:38
Machtinyup.. *sigh*12:38
Machtinbut i have that live! 5.1 for years now12:38
francisc1701Machtin: excellent :)12:39
mefisto__ActionParsnip: no. but I think you misunderstood my suggestion. instead of leaving the desktop names Destop 1, Desktop 2, etc, just rename them all by removing the name. but it will stiil say "on  "12:39
ActionParsnipmefisto__: yeah i gotcha. Just wondered if it was kde or compiz so i know where to hunt, yours does it with no compiz so it must be kde12:40
mefisto__ActionParsnip: the kwin desktop effects I suppose12:41
Machtinwell well, thanks guys!12:41
ActionParsnipmefisto__: makes sense, i'll hack it out later12:41
mefisto__ActionParsnip: you can disable the popup altogether. I remember seeing that option somewhere. But that's not what you want, is it?12:41
ActionParsnipmefisto__: yeah just nuke it, i have the windows previews which goes over the top so the dekstop notifier thing is kinda pointless12:42
wilfriedI recently came on an application under Gnome which included a big list of settings under Gnome, but i forgot the program. I think it is a basic Gnome program.12:43
wilfriedDoes anyone know the program?12:43
ActionParsnipwilfried: did you install it with terminal or synaptic?12:43
wilfriedActionParsnip: not at all, it was already installed basic, but maybe it came with the instalation of ubuntu studio12:44
wilfriedthen it would be synaptci12:44
ActionParsnipwilfried: all i can suggest is that you read the output of: dpkg -l | less12:45
ActionParsnipwilfried: "basic gnome program" doesnt give us a lot to go by12:46
wilfriedActionParsnip: i used it to disable legacy fullscreen and a workaround for compiz12:46
ActionParsnipwilfried: if its a gnome app, i'd ask in #ubuntu12:47
wilfriedthat would be better12:47
mefisto__ActionParsnip: rightclick panel, task manager settings. then turn off "show tooltips"12:48
ActionParsnipmefisto__: awesome, let me try :)12:49
ActionParsnipmefisto__: you are a genius...cheers duder12:51
xp-killerwhat download manager i can use to download streaming videos?like from youtube12:52
ActionParsnipmefisto__: all systems go now12:52
ActionParsnip!info youtube-dl12:52
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB12:52
xp-killerActionParsnip: i dont understand12:53
Dr_willisxp-killer:  he gavbe you the name of the package/program :) via the bot commands12:53
ActionParsnipxp-killer: that package will allow you to download the flv file form a youtube url12:53
Dr_willisOr use some of the many firefox extensions out.12:53
ActionParsnipxp-killer: if you want to view them in your browser rather than download them, you will need flash12:54
ActionParsnipDr_willis: if you use youtube-dl you can script it to autoconvert to whatever you want once its downloaded :D12:54
mefisto__xp-killer: Description: youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com.12:54
Dr_willisI like the web sites that let you download/convert them  to avi and so forth.. but i rarely find any flash videos worth watching.12:55
Andrew``well ActionParsnip  I downloaded realplayer... whenI went to install it, it tells me wrong architecture... I am using 64 bit.. any ideas?12:55
Dr_willisI miss stage6.com :()12:55
xp-killerbut can it download from other websites?12:55
Dr_willisWhy do you need reaplayer Andrew`` ?  You may be out of luck12:55
Andrew``Dr_willis,  I need real to play a stream file (.ram)12:55
ActionParsnipAndrew``: you need to run: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs12:55
ActionParsnipAndrew``: then you can install 32bit deb files on your 64bit OS12:56
Dr_willisIve managed to play my .rmvb files in mplayer + thew32codecs12:56
ActionParsnipAndrew``: RealPlayer is proprietary so its down to Real to make a 64bit player which they havent12:56
Dr_willisit pay be possible to play .ram files in mplayer also.. (never tried)12:56
Dr_willisor in vlc12:56
xp-killerDr_willis: i neede to also download realplayer to read my rmvb files12:57
ActionParsnipworth a try12:57
xp-killerDr_willis: and vlc didnt do the work12:57
mefisto__Dr_willis: I can get kaffeine, mplayer, vlc all playing .ram files12:57
ActionParsnipif you have the codec, any player can play anything12:57
Dr_willisI did NOT need to use realplayer to play rmvb files. :)12:57
Dr_willisvlc dident work however...  :) neither did totem, or  the other players i tried..12:58
mefisto__xp-killer: this firefox extension works well: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/300612:58
Dr_willisI dont have any .ram files to test12:58
Andrew``ok I installed ia32 libs but it still wont allow me to load real :(12:58
Dr_willisactually id never had any .rmvb files till just the other day12:58
Dr_willisi was suprised they played in mplayer for me.12:59
ActionParsnipAndrew``: sudo dpkg --force-all -i <deb file name here buddy>12:59
ActionParsnipDr_willis: thats coss mplayer is the daddy12:59
Dr_willisthe 'realplayer' guys really have follen  from  popularity it seems. :) they were the big guys.. and now whats the main playe on web sites.. FLASH.. UGH12:59
ActionParsnipDr_willis: cant win eh :(13:00
Dr_willisI miss stage6.com :(13:00
spectralwell even though i hate flash i still prefer it over real13:00
ActionParsnipthey should just stream avi and be done13:00
mefisto__the mplayer plugin is awesome I must say13:01
xp-killerActionParsnip: avi to big13:01
Dr_willisIm geting sick of the 'lets see how many ways we can slip commercials into the videos'  they are doing now.13:01
xp-killerActionParsnip: loading ....13:01
ActionParsnipxp-killer: not if you make the quality garbage like the stuf on youtube13:01
Dr_willisIve seen a few web sites that worked in linux, then break the video playback in flash when they incoperate some 'commercial break' stuff :(13:01
ActionParsnipor use mp413:02
xp-killermefisto__: the link u give me for firefox its a .xpi how am i sopose to install it?13:03
ActionParsnipxp-killer: open it with firefox13:03
mefisto__xp-killer: are you using firefox?13:04
Dr_willis .xpi = firefox extension13:04
ActionParsnipxp-killer: firefox /path/to/file.xpi13:04
xp-killermefisto__: no i was on konqueror when i download it13:05
mefisto__xp-killer: if you go there with firefox, you just click the "add to firefox" button13:06
Andrew``ActionParsnip,  it says it needs lsb... any ideas as to where I can get it from?13:06
ActionParsnipAndrew``: can you give the full error in  a pastebin please13:07
Dr_willisyea -much easier to just go to the url wth firefox :)13:07
mefisto__xp-killer: or you could drag the xpi file you downloaded into the firefox window. that works too13:08
Andrew``ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/116801/13:08
ActionParsnipAndrew``: apt-cache search lsb | less13:10
Dr_willis!info lsb13:10
ubottulsb (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 3.2 support package. In component main, is extra. Version 3.2-14ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB13:10
Dr_willissudo apt-get install lsb13:11
Dr_willisa HUGE 44kB! :)13:11
mefisto__strange it didn't just install it, since it's a dependency13:11
Dr_willisIm not sure what hes doing.. double clicking on a .xpi file?13:12
mefisto__the xpi thing was someone else I think. lsb is for realplayer13:13
ActionParsnipits a 32bit app so i dunno if thats gonna work13:13
xp-killerActionParsnip:  mefisto__ tanks.where do firefox save the videos?13:14
mefisto__xp-killer: you can set that in the extension's preferences13:15
* Dr_willis scoffs at realplayer13:16
xp-killermefisto__: ok,how do i find the history konversation?i want to write down how u told me to install realplayer13:17
mefisto__xp-killer: they're in ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/logs13:18
mefisto__xp-killer: but you can see the #kubuntu log from the Window menu13:19
xp-killermefisto__: where is the kubuntu log folder?like the website looking one13:22
mefisto__website looking?13:24
rmrfslashHey all. I upgraded my 8.10 to Intrepid and now I'm wondering why there have been no updates. So I rand apt-get update and I'm noticing at the end it says GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.ner intrepid release ... NO_PUBKEY13:24
rmrfslashsorr to KDE 4.213:24
rmrfslashnot "to Intrepid"13:25
xp-killermefisto__: the kubuntu one not the one that is on my pc13:25
rmrfslashI had to run the key-add command to get KDE 4.213:25
rmrfslashand I ran it again to see if perhaps something happened13:25
rmrfslashbut nope... I still see this error13:25
JuJuBeeadept crashed on me.  How to I repair it so it finishes what it started.13:26
ActionParsniprmrfslash: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:26
ActionParsnip!fixapt | JuJuBee13:26
ubottuJuJuBee: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:26
mefisto__xp-killer: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/02/  should be somewhere in there13:26
Andrew``yay!! it works! :)13:26
rmrfslashActionParsnip: running apt-get update gives me the GPG error13:27
Andrew``thanks guys13:27
rmrfslashupgrade does nothing13:27
rmrfslashwell, I shouldn't say "nothing" if says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed...13:27
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: dpkg: unable to fill /var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.i with padding: No space left on device13:27
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: run: sudo apt-get clean13:28
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: then retry13:28
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: that mean I have to re-select my packages or re-run your prev. command?13:28
rmrfslashPart of the update error is "GPG error ...: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY..."13:29
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: rerun the aptfix command13:29
JuJuBeeMy /var is 2G partition.  Is that big enough?13:29
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-315528.html13:29
rmrfslashJuJuBee my /var is 615M13:30
rmrfslash(no partition, just the actual size)13:30
rmrfslashActionParsnip: any other ideas?13:34
ActionParsniprmrfslash: you need to get the gpg key for the server you are accessing13:35
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: does apt use /var/cache when doing an update of 269 packages via Adept-updater?13:35
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: yep, its all a bit umbrella for apt and uses the same folder13:35
gorgonizerrmrfslash: have you run    gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add -13:36
ActionParsnipgorgonizer: nice :)13:36
JuJuBeeActionParsnip: so will updating that many packages fill up a 2G partition?13:36
xp-killermefisto__: k i found it tanks13:36
ActionParsnipJuJuBee: depends how much fluff you download13:36
rmrfslashgorgonizer: read up13:36
gorgonizerActionParsnip: I never had to run it myself, but I did eventually so I didn't have to type an additional y during an upgrade ;)13:37
JuJuBeeI just re-installed my OS (8.04.1) and it is trying to do the updates.13:37
sdafasdfai installed vista SP1 and than install kubuntu, after kubuntu restart, my PC wont boot or load13:37
ActionParsnipgorgonizer: can be risky, packages may be UNINSTALLED to make the install pass13:37
sdafasdfai tried kubuntu live disc, it oso wont boot13:37
ActionParsnipgorgonizer: i use it though but i dont care about my system too much in that sense13:38
gorgonizerActionParsnip: I always check if packages are going to be uninstalled before performing an upgrade...13:38
rmrfslashgogrginizer: basically, I did this to install KDE 4.213:38
rmrfslashgorgonizer: and I've run it since then, but I still recieve this error when running apt-get update13:38
rmrfslashgorgonizer: it worked at one point, I was able to get KDE 4.2.... but Ive received no updates, probably because of this13:38
JuJuBeeHolly batpies... why is my xorg.0.log 196M ??13:39
ActionParsnipgorgonizer: i have a cron'd jobthat runs at 5am and pulls down anything i have that can be updated13:39
sdafasdfahow do wpie my hard disk to  install kubuntu as non of the boot disc would boot13:39
rmrfslashthat was not the key I was missing13:40
rmrfslashfor kde 4.213:40
xp-killerhow to delete azureus log file cause i reinstall it and it came back with the same default option i change13:40
JuJuBeeMy Xorg.0.log file is getting errors regarding the fglrx DRI Unlocking inconsistency.13:40
rmrfslashI noticed NO_PUBKEY: and string of chars/nuimbers13:40
rmrfslashI put that into the gpg command and imported an RSA key13:40
rmrfslashnow it does not result in an error13:41
gorgonizerrmrfslash: have you added the Project-Neon repository as well?13:41
rmrfslashi don't think so.13:41
=== sdafasdfa is now known as aPpLeSiA
rmrfslashI added only what was on the kubuntu site for kde 4.213:42
aPpLeSiAcan anyone help me13:42
rmrfslashoh, and perhaps some stuff for Amarok13:42
aPpLeSiAmy laptop wont boot13:42
rmrfslashso I take it back... I think I did13:42
aPpLeSiAmy vista disc and kubuntu live disc wint boot, how do i mak it boot???13:43
gorgonizerrmrfslash: I have as well, had to do the same thing, convert the gpg command to use the key string from the error message to fix it..13:43
aPpLeSiABIOS is set to boot CD ROM 1st13:43
rmrfslashgorgonizer: that was prolly it then13:43
gorgonizerrmrfslash: sounds likely, glad you fixed it..13:43
rmrfslashgorgonizer: now I have all the latest bugs <-- happy13:43
JuJuBeeCan someone help me try to fix/find what is causing my kdm.log and Xorg.0.log file to grow exponentially?  More specifically, what is causing http://paste.ubuntu.com/116829/ in both those files.13:44
gorgonizerrmrfslash: I am glad to have the latest Amarok 2, as the database doesn't seem to go wrong as often as with the release..13:44
voicuhey, without bugs everyone would use linux and we would have nothing to rant and bitch about :P13:44
mefisto__aPpLeSiA: is your cd drive working?13:44
rmrfslashgorgonizer: I don't use it... I'm waiting for the day when wine works w/ iTunes13:44
aPpLeSiAmefisto   yes13:45
rmrfslashgorgonizer: ....again13:45
aPpLeSiAmefisto.. it is working13:45
rmrfslashgorgonizer: right now it installs right up until the last step, then fails.13:45
aPpLeSiAthis happen right after kubuntu restart my PC13:45
gorgonizerrmrfslash: I never liked iTunes, only needed it for my iPod, which works in Amarok/gtkpod :)13:45
gorgonizerrmrfslash: what error does it give?13:46
rmrfslashgorgonizer: right, but I use an Airport Express at home which has AirTunes which I've grown to LOVE13:46
gorgonizerahhh... well that explains that then :)13:46
rmrfslashgorgonizer: not sure, I just see the installer and then iTunes says "Failed to install"13:46
aPpLeSiAi believe is the mbr causin the problem13:47
rmrfslashIf amarok took advantage of airtunes I would totallly switch13:47
gorgonizerhmmm.. give me a min, will have a go myself :)13:47
aPpLeSiAbut my lenovo 1 key recovery also failed to work13:47
rmrfslashi do like the itunes store though13:47
aPpLeSiAit wont run13:47
rmrfslashthough amazon mp3 is pretty extensive13:47
aPpLeSiAcan anyone help me?13:48
mefisto__aPpLeSiA: if you've set it to boot from CD first, it should do that. It won't look at the hard disk's mbr when booting from CD13:48
aPpLeSiAmefisto__ : yes, but it wont boot after kubuntu restart my PC, i will tell u how i install kubuntu with vista13:50
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ubuntu_hi everyone13:51
voicuhi ubuntu_ :D13:51
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JuJuBeehow do I stop Xorg and KDM from logging?13:52
ubuntu_i m new to linux . i will install kubuntu 8.04 . how can i update it13:52
aPpLeSiAmefisto__ : 1st i install vista using clean installation, ( C drive, D drive and e Drive was created ) using vista, i left 15 GB freed space) after tat i update to SP1 and install all my application13:52
Pici!upgrade | ubuntu_13:53
ubottuubuntu_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes13:53
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:54
aPpLeSiAmefisto__: than i put in kubuntu live disc and install it into the freed space of 15 GB, after installation finish, it restarted my PC and it hang at black screen after loading BIOS13:54
voicuif a network device returns "destination host unreachable" when trying to ping something that should be accessible, does that rule out a driver problem?13:55
aPpLeSiAi cant do anything, i tried puttin Kubuntu live disc and vista disc, it wont boot13:55
JuJuBeevoicu : do you have any routes in your routing table?13:55
JuJuBeeroute -n13:55
rmrfslash_God I hate ppp13:55
aPpLeSiAmefisto__: when i press the power button, it cut the power13:55
aPpLeSiAit just jam after loadin BIOS13:56
voicujujubee: i'm trying to ping the gateway which works on other computers13:56
rmrfslash_I mean, we've been to the moon and yet I'm riding on a crappy train with a ppp connection13:56
voicujujubee: anyway, i have routed on with genmask and metric 10013:56
rmrfslash_something is wrong here13:56
JuJuBeeis your gateway?13:57
voicujujubee: yeah, the computer i'm talking from now is routed through that computer13:57
BluesKajaPpLeSiA,  you prolly need to move your cdrom up into first in the BIOS boot sequence ...since you installed kubuntu , it looks like the bootloader has disappeared due to the vista mbr13:57
voicujujubee: and i'm sure the cables and card on the other computer are ok13:58
JuJuBeevoicu : what is the output of route -n on the "non working" computer?13:58
aPpLeSiABluesKaj, how do i solve it?13:59
BluesKajaPpLeSiA the vista mbr wipes the Linux grub bootloader at boot13:59
voicu192.168.1.0   U   0    0   0 eth013:59
voicu169.254.0.0    U    1000  0  0  eth013:59
voicu0.0.0.0  UG 100  0  0   eth013:59
ubottuvista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows14:00
rmrfslash_JuJuBee, what is the output of "whoami" and "passwd" after you type your password and username twice14:00
aPpLeSiAbut non of my vista disc and kubuntu disc would boot up14:00
JuJuBeehang on, i'll go check...14:00
BluesKajaPpLeSiA, that's because your BIOS is set to look at the Hard drive first and when it doesn't see the Vista mbr then it stops ..do you know how to edit your BIOS14:01
rmrfslash_k I'm bored here... you guys are just asking appropriate questions for the kubuntu channel.14:02
rmrfslash_cya :)14:02
aPpLeSiABluesKaj: i have et to 1st boot from CD ROM, 2nd SATA HARD DISK, 3rd REMOVEABLE DISK14:03
aPpLeSiAit still wont boot14:03
JuJuBeevoicu, can you ping the ip of your nic?14:03
vbgunzcan someone help me "reset" all of my global shortcuts? they seemed to be botched on KDE4 :/14:03
voicuJuJuBee: yeah14:04
JuJuBeevoicu but not the gateway?  strange.  100% sure the cable is fine?14:04
BluesKajaPpLeSiA , are you at the TTY prompt right now ?14:04
JuJuBeevoicu : using DHCP or static IP?14:05
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.14:05
voicujujubee: static ip: router is everything else is manually set to whatever14:06
voicujujubee: the light on the switch is on for the broken computer14:06
JuJuBeevoicu :  what kind of router?14:06
voicujujubee: also, it worked ok until i messed with the drivers but now i can't be sure what's ok and what not14:06
voicujujubee: a debian computer14:06
aPpLeSiAtty wont start14:07
JuJuBeeAh.  Have you tried dhcp?  Are you running dhcp on router?14:07
aPpLeSiABluesKaj: still at black screen14:07
voicujujubee: no, it was too complicated :P14:07
JuJuBeevoicu : well, since you can ping your card's IP, the drivers must be working.14:08
aPpLeSiAi dun wan to bring to lenove service center to reapir14:09
voicujujubee: is there a way to find out how far does it go until it breaks? i mean on the network layers or something14:09
JuJuBeeAre you connected to a switch with a management interface?14:09
voicuJuJuBee: I don't think so...14:10
JuJuBeeDid you try tracepath
voicu1: voicu-laptop.local ( 0.2 ms pmtu 150014:11
voicu1: voicu-laptop.local ( 2000ms   !H14:11
voicuresume: pmtu 150014:11
voicuwhat does !H mean?14:12
max__hi can anyone tell me how i can mount my encrypted drive14:12
voicumax__: what kind of encrypted drive?14:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt14:13
ActionParsnip!find encryp14:13
ubottuFound: pidgin-encryption, ghostscript, libopencryptoki-dev, libopencryptoki0, opencryptoki (and 1 others)14:13
ct529how do you modify the PATH variable to add a path (for example /opt/cuda/bin), for all users?14:15
JuJuBeeNot certain14:16
max__i got the option when installing, to encrypt one partition14:16
max__now i dont know how to find it14:16
voicuct529: isn't /etc/bash.bashrc the file that gets executed at logon for all users?14:19
ct529voicu: what if you do not use bash?14:19
voicuct529: lemme think :D14:20
ct529voicu: I thought it was /etc/environment, but it is not14:20
ct529voicu: /etc/profile is only read by people using bash14:20
voicuct529: did you relog to check if it works?14:21
Aidonolooking for help : i'm newbie running kubuntu; how do i select multiple items in filemanager (windows : shift select) ?14:21
Aidonohi by the way14:21
Aidonoin kde , if you want to select 10 items that are listed together, can you do that with two key-click combinations ?14:21
aPpLeSiAis there any vista IRC here?14:21
voicuaidono: you can disable single click execution i think14:21
ct529voicu: no, it is /etc/environment!14:22
voicuct529: hehe, so it works?14:22
voicuct529: what did you do?14:22
voicuaidono: what kde do you have?14:22
ct529voicu: I added /opt/cuda/bin to /etc/environment definition of PATH14:23
Aidonoct529 : thx, but i'm starting to like single klick14:23
ct529voicu: strangely, if you su -, then PATH is not defined from /etc/environment14:23
Aidonoi have 8.1014:23
Aidonokde 4.114:23
ct529voicu: which is kind of weird14:23
voicuaidono: then you can use the small pluses/minuses to the left of the files which select/deselect them14:23
Aidonovoicu, sorry, i meant y14:23
Aidonoyeah, i noticed those, but then you still need to do the files one by one ?14:24
voicuaidono: well not really, once you select one you can shift+click to select the next N files and so on14:24
voicuaidono: you just need to use the pluses to avoid executing the file14:25
voicuaidono: hm, i just tried it and ctrl+click also works14:25
Aidonoso do one with the plusses and then shift click ? the tenth plus ?14:25
Aidonofor ten files14:25
voicuaidono: no, the tenth file down14:25
voicuaidono: but ctrl+click and shift+click work like on windowz14:26
voicuaidono: wasn't sure about it till now14:26
Aidonoyes, i just tried, and it does14:26
Aidonobut the first is on the plus that you click and the tenth you shift click on the filename (not the plus)14:27
Aidonothat's where i went wrong14:27
voicuct529: i suppose it's kind of a security measure such that you won't execute stuff from other dirs when using root14:28
ct529voicu: clever14:28
Aidonoit's working but still having some trouble changing the selection once you made one and want to do another in the same directory; the first file seems sticky14:29
Aidono:) you don't have this trouble in konsole14:30
Aidonothx guys14:30
=== askin is now known as askin_
voicuhehe, np14:30
AzzcoWould anyone happen to know if it's possible to enable mouse gestures in konqueror (about kde says kde 4.2.0)14:31
AzzcoAnd of course I forgot the question mark as allways..14:31
iarguewould somenone be so kind and help me build a network between two pcs?14:33
voicuAzzco: are they not enabled in kde 4.1? I found the settings but didn't try it14:33
Azzcovoicu, I found the setting but I never got it to work (there's no "apply" as there was in kde 3.5.x).14:33
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voicuazzco: lemme see14:33
BluesKaj!network | iargue14:34
ubottuiargue: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:34
AzzcoI looked a bit on the kde forums (the official one) and it looked like it would be fixed in 4.214:34
voicuAzzco: then I guess it will be fixed in 4.2 :P14:34
iarguei use wire...UTP/STP14:34
JuJuBeeiargue, with a switch or not?14:35
voicuiargue: what exactly do you need help with?14:35
Azzcovoicu, and that's why I mentioned what my about KDE said. ;)14:35
voicuAzzco: oh, lol, i read that wrong14:35
voicuanyway, i'm still on 4.1 so i can't really know, sorry14:35
=== Guddisi is now known as Brondan
AzzcoI'll just hit google again. :)14:36
ct529oh! How do you create an icon on the desktop that points to an application that has been installed manually? that is an "empty" icon, that you can then fill with the command to launch the application.14:36
Brondanmessenger user ?14:36
Cerberus_1746hi all14:36
voicuct529: just make a link to application and edit the command text in the application tab?14:37
voicuct529: and check "run in a console" from advanced options if required14:37
iarguethe main problem is setting the ip addresses. though i gave for the sever and for tha recepient. I use vodafone 3G mobile net which i'd like to share...for my laptop by utb(cross cable)14:38
iargueutp, that is14:38
ct529voicu: do you mean creating a link to another application, and then modify the link?14:38
ct529voicu: this is the only solution I have found as well ....14:38
ct529voicu: I thought there was a way of doing it, without using tricks14:39
Azzcovoicu, in case anyone else asks the bug report says it'll be implemented in 4.3 and no backport is planned..14:39
JuJuBeeiargue, so you want one computer to act as a router/gateway to do internet sharing?14:39
voicuct529: when I select create a link to an application i get the config window14:39
iargueyes, maybe something like that.14:40
voicuazzco: huh, bummer :P14:40
iarguei must have a router or a gateway to make my connection?14:41
voicuiargue: yes, one computer gets the connection from whatever device and routes it to other computers14:41
ct529voicu: you see I cannot do that .... I cannot do create a link to an application14:41
voicuct529: why? what window manager are you using?14:42
ct529voicu: I do not know whether there is something wrong with my installtion14:42
ct529voicu: kde 4.1.3 on kwin14:42
JuJuBeeiargue : /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward must be set to 1 and /etc/sysctl.conf must uncomment line about forwarding for ipv4.14:43
Brondanpm: julia14:44
zedoctorusershare owner only = False *YESSSSSSSSS* *scream"ureaka"14:44
BrondanFree 8.10 KDE 4 CD ??14:45
BrondanFree 8.10 KDE 4 CD ??14:45
BrondanFree 8.10 KDE 4 CD ??14:45
Brondanhoşgeldin gardaş..14:45
zedoctoryes, free 8.10 kde 4... ?14:45
voicuJuJuBee: is that enough to enable routing?14:45
zedoctoryes.. :-)14:46
mefisto__ct529: try this: add a folder view widget, then create a link to application in there, then drag that icon onto the desktop14:46
JuJuBeeiargue : should be14:46
Brondanjujube: sie14:46
BluesKajBrondan, http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.214:47
JuJuBeeof course your routing tables must be correct also on each computer.14:47
iarguewell, what i have is...a pc (which would be the sever) it runs linux, and a laptop with windows xp. I want to share to net between these two. why can i not share my mobile-net throught this method? simply be crosscable?14:47
BrondanTy ~14:47
Brondan Free 8.10 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org |14:47
iarguewell, what i have is...a pc (which would be the sever) it runs linux, and a laptop with windows xp. I want to share that net between these two. why can i not share my mobile-net throught this method? simply be crosscable?14:48
JuJuBeeiargue : on winxp default gateway is ip of other end of crossover cable.14:48
ct529mefisto__: thanks, that sounds a very nice idea14:48
BrondanLinux :( kubutu :'(14:48
BluesKajwhat do you want Brondan ...if you want to order a free cd , go to that site14:48
iarguewhat do you mean abaout that?14:48
iarguewhat do you mean about that?14:49
mefisto__ct529: it worked for me on 4.2, hopefully it works on 4.1 too14:49
JuJuBeeyour laptop is a host on a network.  Set the default gw on the winxp computer to be the IP of the interface it connects to on the linux box.14:49
iargueall the two of  the computer have lan card14:50
squid0hi. where is a good c++ tutorial?14:50
JuJuBeeiargue: i figured that.14:50
Brondan[16:47] <Brondan> :s:S14:51
Brondan[16:47] <Brondan>  Free 8.10 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org |14:51
Brondan[16:48] <iargue> well, what i have is...a pc (which would be the sever) it runs linux, and a laptop with windows xp. I want to share that net between these two. why can i not share my mobile-net throught this method? simply be crosscable?14:51
Brondan[16:48] <JuJuBee> iargue : on winxp default gateway is ip of other end of crossover cable.14:51
Brondan[16:48] <JuJuBee> ?14:51
Brondan[16:48] <ct529> mefisto__: thanks, that sounds a very nice idea14:51
Brondan[16:48] <Brondan> Linux :( kubutu :'(14:51
Brondan[16:48] <BluesKaj> what do you want Brondan ...if you want to order a free cd , go to that site14:51
Brondan[16:48] <iargue> what do you mean abaout that?14:51
Brondan[16:49] <iargue> -a14:51
Brondan[16:49] <iargue> what do you mean about that?14:51
Brondan[16:49] <mefisto__> ct529: it worked for me on 4.2, hopefully it works on 4.1 too14:51
Brondan[16:49] --> squid0 has joined this channel (n=squid0@bzq-79-182-109-188.red.bezeqint.net).14:51
Brondan[16:49] <JuJuBee> your laptop is a host on a network.  Set the default gw on the winxp computer to be the IP of the interface it connects to on the linux box.14:51
Brondan[16:49] --> vlad has joined this channel (n=vlad@
Brondan[16:50] <iargue> all the two of  the computer have lan card14:51
Brondan[16:50] <squid0> hi. where is a good c++ tutorial?14:51
Brondan[16:50] <JuJuBee> iargue: i figured that.14:51
Brondan[16:50] <iargue> sorry,14:51
Brondan[16:50] --> giulia has joined this channel (n=giulia@host101-28-dynamic.43-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it).14:51
Brondan[16:50] <iargue> so?14:51
Brondan[16:50] --> hior has joined this channel (n=harald@
Brondan[16:51] --> warfheimer has joined this channel14:51
voicuwhoa what the hell14:52
iargueyes, and?14:52
JuJuBeeiargue : your laptop should forward any requests to the linux box.  (default route).  Your linux box then needs to know to how to deal with the requests from the laptop (in comes ip_forward).14:52
iargueyep, and how do i do that?14:53
ct529can any operator please kick?14:53
iarguei figured that to14:53
JuJuBeeHow do you do what?  Set up ip_forward?14:53
iargueokay, i went lunch14:53
ct529mefisto__: yes it worked .... thanks a lot! I thik we should really find something less convoluted though! i immagine there is pleanty of people who would like to put thinsg on the desktop but not in the kicker14:54
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vbgunzdoes nvidia sli work on intrepid/jaunty?14:57
mefisto__ct529: in 4.2 you can also set the whole desktop to folder view mode, so it behaves just like the old kde 3, but you can still add widgets from the cashew button14:58
neothecatdon't hate for this question... but i havebeen using codeblocks for a while, and i decided to look at kdeveloper kde4.  netbeans and eclipse are WAY to slow.  any opinions?14:59
ct529mefisto__: I have not tried, it is a production machine14:59
ct529mefisto__: not tried 4.2 I mean14:59
ct529by the way, I have a 40 seconds startup from kdm login to kde up and running (kde 413 on kubuntu 810). Is that normal or is there a bug?15:00
mefisto__ct529: 40 seconds doesn't sound normal. I've always found every kde4 I tried to be faster than kde3, but I know others find it slow. maybe I'm just lucky with my hardware?15:03
ct529mefisto__: I think there is a problem .... my hardware is very fast15:06
vbgunzdoes nspluginwrapper come installed on Kubuntu by default?15:07
BluesKajct529, the tests ai've read about linux bootup times averages about 38secs for most installations15:07
BluesKajthe Linux Journal had an article back in june or july '0815:08
mefisto__BluesKaj: but 40 seconds from *login* to desktop!!!15:08
BluesKajhmm, must have a lot of apps15:09
mefisto__ct529: try turning off session restore and see if it makes any difference?15:09
=== basem is now known as Basem
BluesKajmefisto__ , the xorg.conf in 8.10 is terrible, practically uneditable. I think it's responsible for a lot of slow starts due to it's reliance on generic drivers15:11
BluesKajdue to it's dependency on HAL15:12
ct529mefisto__: where do I find session restore?15:13
mefisto__BluesKaj: you mean the edits to xorg.conf don't make a difference?15:13
ct529BluesKaj: I have modified it and loaded very last nvidia drivers (180.29)15:13
ct529BluesKaj: no difference15:14
mefisto__ct529: in 4.2 it's in systemsettings, advanced tab, session manager15:14
BluesKajmefisto__ , the edits I've tried to do like ctrl:nocapslock etc even freeze the screen15:14
ct529mefisto__: what happens without session restore?15:15
mefisto__ct529: after login, it will start with a new session instead of re-opening what you had opened when you last logged out15:16
ct529mefisto__: ok15:17
BluesKajct529 , what's your graphics card model # ?15:17
ct529mefisto__: I also have the comic strip widget .... may that be it?15:17
ct529BluesKaj: Quadro FX 1600 M15:17
iarguecame back from lunch15:17
=== Azzco is now known as Azzco_away
=== Azzco_away is now known as Azzco
ct529BluesKaj: I have the very last driver installed, it can not be that15:18
iarguehow do i share my net the most easiest way between two pc-s 1. linux 2. xp15:19
vbgunzanyone know how I can get my keyboard shortcuts to work in 4.2 jaunty? it seems they're shot. print doesn't print *but* its listed in global shortcuts. whatsup?15:19
geniiiargue: Which one is connected to the internet?15:20
iarguethe pc with the linux15:21
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php15:21
geniiiargue: The link from the bot explains how to set up that part on the linux box. The client then in this case can be running whatever OS15:22
an1Lhi...need help.15:23
an1Li've got geforce onboard graphics and without installing the driver enabled the advanced settings from the sys settings menu...15:23
an1Lafter that when i login i get a white screen...i can see the outlines of the plasma component but its unusable...15:23
iarguethank you all! vereee much :)15:24
an1Lanybody there??15:25
voicuan1L: you could try a more generic driver to see if that works15:25
voiculike Vesa15:25
ghostcubean1L: u installed nvidia drivers ?15:25
ghostcubenope for what15:26
an1Lhavent installed the driver...15:26
iarguethis is helpfull15:26
ghostcubean1L: ok then what grafic card is it15:27
voicuan1L: what version of ubuntu are you using?15:27
an1Lgeforce 7050 onboard15:27
an1L8.10 kubuntu15:27
vbgunzanybody know how I can **reset** khotkeys?15:27
ghostcubean1L: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18015:28
vbgunzI have multiple shortcuts that are the same and I think they're messing with me :/15:28
BluesKajct529 , I have nvidia 7600GT , and the same driver you have is supposed to work for it , but I haven't tried "the latest driver" the glx-180  because the 177 works just fine for my card. Latest isn't always the greatest .:P15:28
Basemnow i need program that can run voice and cam for yahoo and msn15:29
ct529BluesKaj: I tried to install the latest to see if there was a solution to the problem .... but no improvement15:30
ct529BluesKaj: I also need > 180.22 for cuda15:30
mefisto__hehe I just looked it up in wikipedia :P15:34
an1L_ghostcube: it says"couldnt find package"15:34
ct529BluesKaj: http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda_home.html#15:35
ct529BluesKaj: mefisto__: no improvment anyway15:35
ghostcubean1L can u pastebin pls your sources.list to pastie.org15:35
an1L_where do i find that file??15:35
BluesKajct529, it may not be X or the graphics at all ..it could be other drivers15:40
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
an1L_im sorry im not able to access net thru my desktop...currently using laptop.i've opened it and see a list of repositories15:40
an1L_should i add anything15:40
an1L_ghostcube: ^^15:42
ghostcubean1L: hmm check if the intrepid-backports is opened15:42
ct529mefisto__: BluesKaj: which drivers for example? how do I debug the startup sequence, to understand which part of the startup sequence has the problem?15:44
ct529mefisto__: if the icons that appear between login and the desktop (the five flicking icons) mean anything, the last one is the one that gets stuck ....15:45
an1L_sorry power down...i'll try it later.15:45
* ct529 rebooting X15:47
thorwhat piece of software can i use to record (video) what i'm doing ? need for a demo/15:48
ct529BluesKaj: mefisto__: it is the flipping comic strip widget!!!!15:49
BluesKajbah ! widgets15:50
ct529BluesKaj: :(:(:(:(15:50
BluesKajstupid cartoony stuff IMO15:50
ct529I cannot believe .... does any widget generate the same problem?15:50
BluesKajI just put up with it cuz i must15:50
cheatasomeone could help me how to install my drivers for my intel graphic card ?15:50
cheataI just have logged in15:50
cheataand when doing "startx" to start KDE the screen gets blue or any other colors and nothing goes on15:51
BluesKajcheata , lspci | grep VGA to find your card and model15:51
cheataI have already found the driver for my graphic card, it's "xf86-video-intel"15:51
BluesKajcheata , then open adept and type it into the searchbar , then choose the driver that's listed under properties and install it15:53
vbgunzwhere can I get the plasma widget "spacer" ?15:54
mefisto__kde-look.org ?15:56
cheataBluesKaj grep VGA hangs15:57
Riddell** testers needed, anyone using KDE 4.1 in intrepid with a printer15:57
cheataand lspci gives input/ouput error15:57
BluesKajcheata , pls run the command in the terminal to make sure : lspci | grep VGA15:57
cheatabut I know which card is inside15:57
cheataI can't find the | on the laptops keyboard15:58
cheataI tried everything :)15:58
cheataI think it's english keyboard, but I have german keyboard15:58
thorso, anyone can tell me what software to use for recording a video demo from my computer ?15:59
BluesKajit doesn't matter if you know what the card is , the pc has to know the right name for it15:59
mefisto__thor: you mean record a video of the desktop?16:00
BluesKaji don't see xf86-video-intel,listed in adept , cheata16:00
cheatathats the page of the driver.16:00
mefisto__cheata: xserver-xorg-video-intel16:00
cheataproblem is I have no idea what to do :(16:02
cheataI try to find the "|" on the keyboard..16:02
geniiBluesKaj: In *buntu the same intel driver is named xserver-xorg-video-intel16:02
geniicheata: Apologies, didn't see your correction :)16:03
thormefisto_: yes. to record a video of the desktop16:03
mefisto__thor: istanbul, krecordmydesktop, xvidcap16:03
mefisto__cheata: what is the \ key with shift?16:03
thormerfisto_: thanks16:03
cheatamefisto__ it's #16:04
cheatabut without shift16:04
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geniiRiddell: Does it matter what kind of printer?16:10
downhill_garri: boo16:14
daffihey someone able to help me with a egrep command?16:14
cheataso what should I do ?16:14
daffiecho hahahahuhu > dat1 then egrep 'ha{2,3}' that doesn't work but egrep '(ha){2,3}' wroks16:15
downhill_AlanasAnikonis: was it you who helped me with my X-Fi/ALSA driver problem?16:15
Riddellgenii: any USB printer16:15
hpplease help on adept crash bug16:16
geniiRiddell: Ah. I have only a TCP printer atm :(16:17
mefisto__cheata: is this what your keyboard looks like: http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~tphillip/GermanKeyboardLayout.html16:17
cheataxf86-video-intel-2.6.1.tar.gz  is this the right one I should get for installing my intel graphic card ?16:17
cheatamefisto__ the keyboard yes16:17
hpis there anyone that could help me???16:17
cheatabut I think it is configured as english keyboard in my usb stick version16:17
AlanasAnikonisdownhill_: no? :)16:18
downhill_ok n/m16:18
mefisto__cheata: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel   should install it16:19
downhill_hp: explain it in a useful manner and perhaps someone can help ya16:19
downhill_we're not psychic, man16:20
hpok man thnx16:20
mefisto__I knew he was going to say that16:20
downhill_who what?16:20
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mefisto__I'll tell your fortune for 50 bucks :)16:21
downhill_mefisto__: do you have a money-back guarantee16:22
downhill_apparently hp's problem wasn't all that important16:23
mefisto__I can only tell influences and tendencies in your life. I can't guarantee what you will do with those influences :P16:24
mefisto__the free will defence16:24
badpcanyone know how to change the appearance of windows in kde 4.116:25
downhill_badpc: look in System Settings > appareance16:26
downhill_er appearance* my spelling is awful today.16:26
badpcdownhill_: yeah i did that i meant to say how to add more windows to that panel16:26
downhill_more windows?16:27
badpcdownhill_: yeah you know the border around everything16:27
downhill_you're confusing the crud out of me, bud16:28
downhill_the window decorators?16:28
cheatamefisto__ for apt-get I need an internet connection ?16:28
downhill_cheata: yeah. or download the .deb and use dpkg -i on it locally16:28
cheataand where can I download the .deb ?16:29
badpcdownhill_: yes thats it how do i add to the list16:29
cheataproblem is, I just have a live linux on my usb stick, and no connection to internet..16:29
cheataso I need to download it on pc and put it on usb stick somehow16:30
mefisto__cheata: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=xserver-xorg-video-intel16:30
downhill_badpc: install kwin styles... but there aren't a boatload of them, not like Emerald16:30
badpcdownhill_: thought emerald was no longer supported?16:31
mefisto__badpc: apt-cache search kwin-style16:31
downhill_yeah well since when have the Compiz devs realized what's good and what's bad?16:32
downhill_hurr hurr let's fork and merge from now 'til forver!16:32
ActionParsnipmefisto__: hey man you about?16:33
cheataok I got the .deb16:33
mefisto__ActionParsnip: yep16:34
downhill_cheata: and it's dependencies?16:34
cheatajust the .deb16:34
ActionParsnipmefisto__: I spreaded the word about the tooltip thing to #compiz so they can tell folks if they ask :)16:34
downhill_well you'll need it's deps if you don't have them already16:34
downhill_ActionParsnip: tooltip thing?16:35
ActionParsnipdownhill_: kde + compiz + window previews16:35
cheatadownhill_ you mean like libc6, or libdrm-intel1 ??16:35
downhill_oh, ok, n/m16:35
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:35
ActionParsnipdownhill_: if you have those 3 things, the preview goes over the tooltip used in kde so I turned it off16:36
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cheatadownhill_ you mean like libc6, or libdrm-intel1 ??16:37
downhill_cheata: I mean whatever's listed on the packages page ;)16:37
cheataok I will get them16:37
Pet^Awhi, there is a textual editor C/C++ for Xubuntu ??16:38
downhill_a lot of the deps of the 'intel' Xorg driver are installed by default, including the 'intel' X.org driver normally. why don't you have it? :O16:38
Tm_TPet^Aw: leafpad, kate and more16:38
downhill_Pet^Aw: why are you asking in #kubuntu? #xubuntu16:38
Pet^Awoh sorr16:38
Pet^Awdownhill_ , sorry16:38
ct529I have solved the problem ....16:39
downhill_it's straight16:39
ActionParsnipPet^Aw: source code is text so any text editor will fly16:39
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.16:39
ct529I have to say that I do not like some of the widget having the big black square background .... I wonder if it possible to avoid it!16:39
cheatadownhill_ I got them all16:40
cheataand now ?16:40
cheatawhere do I have to put it on my usb stick ?16:41
downhill_ActionParsnip: anywho, I thought it might pertain to the tooltip corruption I get now. if you enable tooltips with Dolphin, things get nasty quickly (at least with kwin w/o compositing)16:41
ActionParsnipi dont use dolphin16:41
ActionParsnipor any file browser16:41
downhill_cheata: yeah, then boot into your install and use dpkg to install them (man dpkg). if you're still missing deps... well, yeah, rinse and repeat heh16:41
downhill_ActionParsnip: hardcore.16:41
uros_hi all. i would like to add a new user in 8.10 but i cant find the users&groups category in the system settings16:42
mefisto__ct529: in 4.2 there is Desktop theme details, in systemsettings, where you can choose which theme widget backgrounds use (as well as other desktop elements)16:42
ActionParsnipdownhill_: no i just like speed16:42
downhill_heh, no comment16:42
cheatadownhill_ I downloaded the .debs on a pc which has internet connection, now I have to put them on my usb stick where my live linux is located16:42
cheatabut where do I have to put them ?16:42
brunesHey all. I am trying to get Google Gadgets working in Plasma in KDe 4.2 (Intrepid). I installed the kde-nightly-google-gadgets package, but all that seems to do is create a bunch of stuff under /opt/project-neon. If I run ggl-qt from there, Google Desktop gadgets *does* work - but it doesn't integrate into Plasma at all16:43
downhill_cheata: you're using a LiveCD? O_o16:43
BluesKajI've decided to use dolphin due to thefact that copying and pasting, finding file pr perties etc is easier with it than konq. Konq no longer copies and pastes from one folder to another without both being open16:43
cheatalive linux on usb16:43
ct529mefisto__: I would rather do it for each widget .... :D16:43
downhill_well, hope you have enough RAM :p16:43
mefisto__ct529: so how much difference in startup after removing the comic strip widget?16:43
cheata2gb or 4gb16:43
ct529mefisto_: kde people never stop complaining about the configuration possibilities .... :D16:43
downhill_cheata: anywhere will do. desktop is easy ;) or perhaps your homedir16:43
gorgonizeruros_: there should be a program called kuser in the System submenu in Applications..16:43
ct529mefisto__: from 40 sec to less than 4 sec ....16:44
ct529mefisto__: :)16:44
commander_i'm loving this 8.10 in Kubuntu.16:44
mefisto__ct529: that's more like it16:44
quassel208does someone know if the caon pixma mp 140 all-in-one printer works under kubuntu16:44
uros_gorgoniser: tnx !!16:44
gorgonizerBluesKaj: you should be able to get Move To/Copy To options in the sub-menu in konqueror..16:44
mefisto__quassel208: look in ubuntu forums. I think people have had trouble with pixma16:45
ct529mefisto__: I have not measured it exactly now .... but now it looks normal, even very fast :)16:45
downhill_quassel208: http://tinyurl.com/b96wk616:45
badpcdownhill_: ok i downloaded the windows now were do i find them?16:46
cheatadownhill_ I have no desktop or any other directory, I put it in rootcopy..16:46
mefisto__downhill_: that was very nice16:47
downhill_badpc: under appearance, bud. look around, it's not complicated.16:47
downhill_cheata: no idea what that means. you have a desktop directory if you're running a liveCD16:47
badpcdownhill_: im looking in appearance but the new ones are not there16:47
cheataI want to put the files on the same usb stick as my linux is located..16:48
ct529downhill_: how di you make the screencast?16:48
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downhill_badpc: what did you install exactly?16:48
ct529downhill_: s/di/did16:48
uros_one more thing - switched back to kde from gnome and see that adept6 has changed (no toolbar / huge icons sources/search...) on the side) is there any way to get the old look back?16:48
downhill_ct529: http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/16:48
downhill_why is everyone talking to just me >.<16:48
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=== sa1vador_ is now known as sa1vador
* downhill_ points at mefisto__16:48
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ct529because everything has been downhill_ since you ever arrived16:49
mefisto__downhill_: you have real answers16:49
downhill_at least you didn't make an uphill joke16:49
badpcdownhill_: kwin-styles16:49
ct529downhill_: :)16:49
downhill_badpc: then um, yeah, they should be in "Windows"... try logging out and in? :S16:49
denis__Hello, my opera 9.63 doens't display flash content even after reinstalling the actual flash.deb16:50
downhill_badpc: are you on 8.10 or newer? (Kubuntu release number)16:50
ct529denis__: ubuntu version?16:50
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* phobos_idle is away: Gone away for now16:50
ct529denis__: (architecture as well)16:50
ActionParsnipdenis__: symlink the .so file in /usr/lib/opera/plugins16:50
denis__ct529: intrepid 8.10 on x8616:51
denis__ActionParsnip: I don't know how to do that16:51
denis__but I coud look it up...16:51
ActionParsnipdenis__: find the libflashplayer.so file in your system, yuo can then run: cd /usr/lib/opera/plugins; sudo ln -s /path/to/libflashplayer.so16:52
denis__ActionParsnip: btw, my opera plugin folder is empty16:53
downhill_denis__: then that's why it's not playing ;) ;)16:53
ActionParsnipdenis__: do you have one in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins  ?16:53
denis__ActionParsnip: but it opened pdf16:53
ActionParsnipdenis__: thats fine it wont be soon16:53
denis__ActionParsnip:  there is a flashplugin-alternative.so16:54
ct529denis__: alternatively go with opera on www.adobe.com and install the plugin from there16:55
ActionParsnipdenis__: try:: sudo find / -name *.so | grep flash16:55
downhill_protip: won't work on 64-bit16:55
denis__ct529:  I already did that yesterday! It always says that the operamotifwrapper is missing16:55
mefisto__/usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so or /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so ?16:55
ct529talk to you in a short while sorry16:55
denis__mefisto__:  first one is there16:56
ActionParsnipdenis__: perfect16:56
denis__ct529:  no problem16:56
ActionParsnipmefisto__: ty man16:56
denis__so what am I supposed to do now?16:56
ActionParsnipdenis__: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so  /usr/lib/opera/plugins/libflashplayer.so16:56
ActionParsnipdenis__: run that and close all operas16:57
ActionParsnipdenis__: run opera16:57
denis__let's try it16:57
=== will__ is now known as willDH
* ActionParsnip plays a drumroll16:57
willDHHello everyone.16:57
ActionParsnip!hi | willDH16:57
ubottuwillDH: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!16:57
denis__ActionParsnip:  It works! Thanks guys!16:58
willDHCould i seek help for usage with my new Kubuntu unstallation here?16:58
ActionParsnipdenis__: bam16:58
ActionParsnipdenis__: same with any browser you install16:58
denis__but why doesn't adept  automatically set it up?16:58
ActionParsnipdenis__: its not adepts job16:58
denis__the others work, firefox and konqueror16:58
downhill_yeah but they're also from the Ubuntu repos16:59
ActionParsnipdenis__: adept installs the browser, if teh package has the plugin in it, it would work16:59
downhill_glad it's working for ya, denis__ ^_^16:59
denis__hmm, as far as I remember it always worked automatically16:59
ActionParsnipdenis__: then they are configured for plugin folders to read all the plugin folders and grab them.16:59
denis__yes, right17:00
denis__one second17:00
willDHCould someone tell me if i'm experienceing a bug issue, or if this is normal.17:00
denis__great!  Eveb veetle should work!17:01
willDHI have an Intel 945GMA vga chipset in my laptop.17:01
willDHEvery time my resolution changes i get booted back to the login screen.17:01
ActionParsnipwillDH: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/26696517:01
cheatawillDH me too17:01
denis__willDH:  me too17:01
denis__what's your problem?17:01
willDHI guess it's a bug then, haha.17:01
ActionParsnipwillDH: try a different res17:02
ActionParsnipwillDH: or try the i810 driver17:02
willDHHow would i go about switching driver's?17:02
cheatamy problem is, I'm using a live distro, and when doing startx to start KDEit hangs up17:03
cheatascreen shows just some colors and stripes17:03
phitooHello! I have downloaded the PPA packages of 4.2. I'm having a few problems. One of them is that the flash plug in no longer loads. Any clues?17:03
ActionParsnipwillDH: edit xorg.conf17:04
willDHI get that flashing color's screen as well.17:04
denis__phitoo:  reinstall?17:04
ActionParsnipphitoo: reinstall it and make sure there is a symlink in ~/.mozilla/plugins17:05
phitooYou mean reinstall kde?17:05
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ActionParsnipphitoo: no, just reinstall flash17:06
phitooHa! I don't have a .mozilla/plugins17:06
phitooActionParsnip: Tried that already.17:07
ActionParsnipphitoo: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree17:07
geniiphitoo:  ~/.mozilla   not  just .mozilla17:07
willDHActionParsnip Do i run Edit Xorg.conf in my terminal?17:07
phitooActionParsnip: That symlink should be to where?17:07
ActionParsnipphitoo: then: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so17:08
phitoogenii: Sorry. That's what I meant.17:08
ActionParsnipwillDH: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:08
mefisto__apparently adobe-flashplugin is the new package name in intrepid17:09
willDHActionParsnip: I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg for an automatic update for my current vga driver's correct?17:10
ActionParsnipwillDH: ive never used that17:11
phitooActionParsnip: No go. The symlink is created. I reloaded Konqueror but all I get is the same thingie that says Start Plugin.17:11
phitooWill try reinstalling Flash again.17:11
BluesKajwillDH, normally that's just to update any xorg.conf  edits afaik17:12
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willDHActionParsnip: That is the option that came up when i ran the command you gave me.17:12
ActionParsnipmefisto__: doesnt show up in my apt-cache search17:12
ActionParsnipwillDH: you need to edit the file to be similar to the link i sent17:13
mefisto__phitoo: make sure konqueror is set to search for plugins in the right paths17:13
gorgonizerwillDH: afaik, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg no longer allows the selection of specific drivers for the xserver... though it did on previous xserver releases..17:13
cheatawillDH what's your problem with the intel graphic card ?17:13
willDHI get kicked back to the login screen upon the change of resolution's. Gaming. Video's.17:14
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macoisnt there only 1 driver for intel anyway....called -intel17:15
macoi thought the old -i945 and -i855 ones were gone17:15
willDHActionParsnip: I am afraid to touch this edit in the terminal. I'm completely new to Linux BTW.17:16
cheatawillDH I'm new to linux too17:17
cheataI can't even get in KDE17:17
ActionParsnipwillDH: its the best way to learn, the file only defines display and mouse / keyboard settings so it wont break anything17:17
willDHcheata: I'm glad i'm not the only one.17:18
willDHAll i know at the moment, is that i am having problem's with VGA and sound.17:19
mefisto__willDH: you can back up your current xorg.conf, so it's easy to restore if you want to17:19
willDHCan't seem to get my sound back.17:20
shutdownHello, I'm from Poland. Pleas give me polish channel support for kubuntu. My engilish is very bed.... sorry :P17:20
macoshutdown: #ubuntu-pl17:20
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shutdownfot kubuntu...17:20
shutdownfor kubuntu17:20
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:21
shutdownok, bay17:22
phitooActionParsnip: Sorry! I was cut off for a few minutes. Have I missed anything? I am reinstalling Flash now.17:22
ActionParsnipphitoo: you need a symlink to ~/.mozilla/plugins  did you get that line?17:22
ubuntu_i have been trying for days to get past the login screen, most recently i have tried to change my xorg drivers, tried vesa and nv.17:23
phitooActionParsnip: Did that and there was no change.17:23
willDHDoes Kubuntu come with LIBDRM pre-installed?17:24
phitooActionParsnip: Just reinstalled Flash. Restarted Konqueror and I still have Start Plugin instead of Flash.17:24
ActionParsnipphitoo: can you give the output of: file ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so17:24
ActionParsnipoh konqueror...?17:24
phitooActionParsnip: Oops! Where you expecting something else?17:25
ActionParsnipi dont use konqueror so wouldnt know where its plugins folder is17:25
ActionParsnipphitoo: most users are firefo brainwashed17:25
gorgonizerphitoo: there is an option within Konqueror settings to search for plugins within various folders, ensure that ~/.mozilla/plugins is listed...17:26
willDHHow do i open a .deb file?17:26
mefisto__phitoo: make sure konqueror is set to search for plugins in the right paths17:27
ActionParsnipwillDH: do you want to extract it? or install it as a package?17:27
BluesKaj!medibuntu | willDH17:27
ubottuwillDH: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:27
phitoogorgonizer: been there done that. And it finds the plugin.17:27
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drm17:27
willDHIt's a set of test driver's for intel VGA.17:28
BluesKaj!info drm17:28
ubottuPackage drm does not exist in intrepid17:28
mefisto__phitoo: is ~/.mozilla/plugins at the top of the list of paths? konqueror uses the first one it finds17:29
BluesKajwillDH , open or install .. right click on the .deb file , option to install with the "deb installer"17:30
gorgonizerphitoo: which flash plugin are you using, as I use the flashplugin-nonfree package, and flash works in Konqueror for me (4.2)17:30
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phitoomefisto_: Yes, it is. And konqueror finds the actual path in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so.17:32
phitoogorgonizer: same as you. From multiverse, I believe.17:32
gorgonizerphitoo: yep, the package is from multiverse repo, do you have the version
mefisto__phitoo: should be libflashplayer.so17:34
phitoogorgonizer: Correct. Perhaps it's a 64bit problem. I'm using arch amd64.17:35
gorgonizerphitoo: ahhh, I am using 32bit...17:35
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mefisto__phitoo: there is a 64bit flash plugin at adobe.com17:36
phitoomefisto__: I've always seen that alternative so there, I think.17:36
phitoomefisto__: If it's not packaged, I don't use it. I don't want to create more problems around me. :-)17:37
macoi use swfdec and swfdec-mozilla17:38
willDHError: Dependancy is not satisfiable: Libdrm-intel117:38
willDHWell, i guess that is out of the question.17:38
mefisto__phitoo: you just need the .so file to try it. deleting that file from wherever you want to put it is all you have to do to uninstall it17:39
phitoomefisto__: hang on! Just found something peculiar.17:41
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=== kristaps__ is now known as kristaps
HEP85Will enabling compositing reduce battery life?17:44
geniiHEP85: All other things being equal, yes17:45
PiciYes. Since it will be using your video card more, which requires power, fans running, etc.17:45
mefisto__HEP85: there are power profiles that canswitch off things like compositing when on battery power17:46
HEP85I have only a small on-chip gfx from intel, but I guess it will also use more power, right?17:46
phitoomefisto__: Well, maybe not so peculiar. The usr/lib location is a pointer to another symlink in /etc/alternatives which in turn point to /var/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/npwrapper-libflashplayer.so.17:46
phitooOK, guys! I think I'm going to file that one as a bug. Thanks for trying.17:47
HEP85I am thinking about setting all battery power profiles to disable compositing, because my the battery in my new laptop currently lasts only almost 3 hours, while 4.5 were advertised17:47
mefisto__phitoo: take a look at man update-alternatives17:48
phitooNow, there is that little problem with kontact crashing on startup....?17:48
HEP85I will see how much this will do17:48
macomy battery was advertised at 2 and i get 2.517:48
maco(with compiz)17:49
HEP85I got a HP 55017:49
commander_i need help. i'm trying to get the copmpiz effcts like  rotating cube,window shifter ,etc on here17:49
HEP85it's only 350€17:49
pulaskihello, has anyone experienced problems loading local html pages containing simple pages with embedded javascipt with the recent firefox update? I can loadother remote pages ok except gmail.17:49
mefisto__HEP85: batteries usually don't last as long as advertised. maco is the lucky exception17:49
macocommander_: kwin has those built-in17:50
HEP85mefisto__: I thought so, but I didn't expect such a big difference. More like about 3.5 or so17:50
macocommander_: kde's window manager. it does compositing and it does the most known features from compiz17:51
commander_maco where's that?17:51
macocommander_: just go to system settings -> desktop and check the "enable desktop effects" box.17:51
macothe tabs in there let you set such things17:52
commander_how do i get to that?17:53
macoif you want the window switcher where it shows a big rectange with previes of the windows, choose "box switch" (you can type into the "search plugins" box to get it easily)17:53
macocommander_: with a mouse?17:53
macoits in the menu17:53
macoas soon as you open the menu, system settings is on the first page17:53
mefisto__commander_: here's a quick way: right-click any window titlebar, configure window behaviour17:54
commander_ok i did that but i don't see nothign for the cube effect,etc.17:54
mefisto__commander_: do you have kde4?17:55
phitooIs there a way to test Flash on kubuntu outside of konqueror?17:56
BluesKajphitoo , firefox17:57
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mastersantafirefox + mplayer plugin :)17:58
phitooBluesKaj: Yes, but how much of KDE would that use?17:58
commander_kde4.1/kubuntu 8.1017:58
mefisto__commander_: in the "all effects" tab17:59
BluesKajphitoo, what exactly are you trying to test with flash ?18:00
gorgonizercommander_: I think the desktop cube effect was only added for KDE 4.218:00
mefisto__ahh, I think gorgonizer is right18:01
commander_can i get kde4.218:01
BluesKajgorgonizer, I was using the cube in 4.118:01
phitooBluesKaj: konqueror does not seem to load the plugin.18:01
gorgonizercommander_: yes, it is in an experimental repository.. http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.218:01
BluesKajphitoo, youtube ?18:01
gorgonizerBluesKaj: according to the 4.2 Feature Plan it was added fpor 4.2, it may have been backported, I am unsure...18:02
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BluesKajyeah, it was, gorgonizer18:03
phitooBluesKaj: No flashplayer loaded no youtube. But as I said previously I'll file a bug.18:04
whutWhat's the best software to try and restore a corrupted flash-card?18:04
geniiphitoo: Ask them in #arora about a deb for kubuntu (arora is a qt based browser with nsplugin support, but it is currently not included in stock repos)18:04
BluesKajphitoo ,  flashplugin-nonfree installed ?18:04
phitoogenii: now that sounds like what's need.18:04
phitooBluesKaj: Yes. And we just went through the exercise.18:05
BluesKaj! flashplugin-nonfree18:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:05
mefisto__phitoo: try putting /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ at the top of the list of paths in konq plugin settings18:06
BluesKajok , phitoo test it with firefox , just to make sure18:06
badpchow do you change the login screen in kde 4.1?18:07
nashkHi, I'm having a very hard time letting kubuntu see my cdrom. Is there some module I need to load for it to see it?18:08
giarcabadpc: it's called splash screen and you can find it in system setting - apparenace - splash screen18:08
mefisto__no, it's not splashscreen18:09
mefisto__systemsettings, advanced tab, login manager18:09
badpcgiarca: no im talking about the login screen not the splash18:09
phitoomefisto__: I think it needs that npwrapper file. After all the player is supposed to be for mozilla so konqueror most likely needs to do some mapping.18:09
Ga_Boihey is there any particular reason an nc8430 wouldn't be able to read an 8 gb sdhc card with its built in reader? :X18:10
giarcabadpc: ah sorry, misunderstand18:10
FatBoyHey dudes18:10
* Ga_Boi sighs18:11
macoGa_Boi: maybe the reader only does normal SD?18:11
ct529I have plugged in a camera .... it is properly recognised but does not request installing drivers .... :(18:11
macoGa_Boi: or the hardware can do SDHC but the driver can't...18:11
FatBoyanyone knows where to get the best ATI drivers for Kubuntu 8.1018:11
Ga_Boiwell the issue is i could swear i got it to read it once.18:11
macoct529: does it work?18:11
Ga_Boibut, now the card won't get read by my comp or my n81018:11
macoct529: usually usb cameras just come to life on their own18:11
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Ga_Boii've tried up grading drivers, i've tried every work around on the net X.x18:12
phitooBluesKaj: Installing firefox would pull in 77 new packages...18:12
=== Jugler is now known as FatBoy
Ga_Boithe wierdest damn thing is it registers in my phone18:13
Ga_Boiand in most peoples phones18:13
Ga_Boiit jsut won't format in the phones.18:13
Ga_Boiit doesn't appear at all when i put it in my comp or n81018:13
ct529maco: skype does not recognise it18:13
downhill_Ga_Boi: restart hal18:14
Ga_Boihow would i do that?18:14
downhill_/etc/init.d/hal restart #as root18:14
downhill_I even made that copy & paste friendly :p18:14
ct529maco: actually there should be a device18:15
Ga_Boiah.. well i'll try]18:15
ct529maco: like /dev/video .... but it is not there18:15
macoct529: nothing with Cheese either then?18:15
macosome cameras work with some apps but not all18:16
ct529maco: Creative Technology, Ltd Live! Cam Video IM Pro is the camera18:16
Ga_Boioperation  not permitted18:16
downhill_then it's probably using V4L 1 instead of 2 or something18:16
downhill_Ga_Boi: as root.18:16
macobut if there's no device, then yeah you probably need a driver. one may exist on the internet somewhere. or one may need to be written.18:16
Ga_Boii thought i had root >.<18:16
macoGa_Boi: did you use sudo?18:16
Ga_Boidoh' i'm a linux newb >.<18:17
downhill_sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart18:17
Ga_Boii know lol18:17
Ga_Boii just ment i forgot sudo >.<18:17
Ga_Boianyway the hard drive is spinnin now lol18:17
ct529maco: cheese says no camera found18:18
macoct529: in that case: google. maybe someone wrote a driver, maybe they didn't18:18
downhill_Ga_Boi: you can hear the HDD?18:18
Ga_Boicd drive my bad >.<18:18
downhill_oh, right18:18
Ga_Boiterribly sorry i'm so far gone.. last weeks been hell lol18:18
Ga_Boianyway  it responded  * Restarting Hardware abstraction layer hald                            [ OK ]18:19
downhill_ya huh18:19
downhill_try plugging in your whateverthehell card18:19
Ga_Boinothing x.X18:19
downhill_you're using a USB card reader?18:20
mefisto__phitoo: do you have linux32 installed?18:20
Ga_Boibuilt in reader18:20
downhill_ok, so is it persistent? like, does the device show up regardless of whether or not there's a card plugged in physically?18:20
commander_ok i really need help insstalling KDE 4.2!!!18:20
Ga_Boinothing shows up at all18:21
downhill_commander_: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!say!!!!!!your!!!!!question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:21
downhill_um, I dunno Ga_Boi...18:21
downhill_well maybe but frankly I don't have the energy atm to go through the routine of finding out what drive it is (in /dev) blah blah18:22
downhill_commander_: what's the problem?18:22
Ga_Boioh well thanks man preciate it.18:22
commander_GETTING THE KDE 4 UPDATE18:22
downhill_Ga_Boi: if you can figure out what drive it is, try using "mount" to ...18:22
downhill_or not18:22
downhill_commander_: specifically...18:23
SilentDishello.  i just plugged in a USB headset, it was recognized, the 'test' button works.  I've promoted it to the main device to use in the multimedia settings... yet nothing is using it.  How do i switch to using it (kubuntu 8.10)18:23
commander_i guess18:23
gorgonizercommander_: the update is easier to perform via the command line..18:24
downhill_commander_: what's the problem? what error are you getting? what are you doing?18:24
commander_a lot of errors18:24
commander_and i'm doing exactly want it tells me18:24
gorgonizercommander_: is it complaining about an problem overwriting a file?18:24
* downhill_ gives up18:24
commander_i think so18:25
mefisto__commander_: why don't you just tell us what the errors are?18:25
gorgonizercan you locate in the error which package is causing the overwirte issue?18:25
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gorgonizerif so, you will need to do sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite [Packagename]   where packagename also includes the path to the package..18:26
matveevHi! What is the easiest way to generate a random number from command line?18:32
SilentDishello.  i just plugged in a USB headset, it was recognized, the 'test' button works.  I've promoted it to the main device to use in the multimedia settings... yet nothing is using it.  How do i switch to using it (kubuntu 8.10)18:36
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matveevnever mind, this works fine: echo $(($RANDOM % 10))18:36
vbgunzkubuntu does not come with a spacer plasma widget correct?18:44
blahjakematveev: nice to know, is that a bash-ism or more general?18:47
matveevblahjake: doesnt work in "tcsh" so it must be18:50
sorsethi, im using kubuntu 8.10, KBluetooth4 is already running but GUI doesnt appear.... i didnt have this problem in previous kubuntu..18:58
vbgunzanybody have a widescreen? anyone have any idea why the oxygen greeter does not scale width wise? I have these black bars on left/right side of my greeter18:59
vbgunzhello, and welcome again to the apertue science enrichment center19:00
nizertopDoes anybody know how to add extra repositories in kubuntu 8.0419:00
BauldrickHi - whats the best way to `join` 2 .avi files? I have done "cat file_1.avi fle_2.avi > file.avi" and then "mencoder file.avi -o file_output.avi -forceidx -ovc copy -oac copy" but the second half comes out scrambled19:00
maconizertop: edit /etc/apt/sources.list19:00
vbgunznizertop: /etc/apt/sources.list19:00
macoBauldrick: thats probably because there are start of video headers in there. try kdenlive, maybe?19:01
nizertopI'd like to add repositories for openoffice.org and firefox but I'm not sure what they are?19:01
maconizertop: er...they're in the ubuntu repositories already19:01
gorgonizervbgunz: I have a widescreen monitor, and a number of prompts/greeters are not correctly aligned horizontally, but I don't think I get black bars during login...19:01
vbgunzgorgonizer: they go away and flip back/forth after logging in. I mean the greeter screen. the background image is a svg but it doesn't scale width wise19:02
uman_Hey guys. I changed mobos so now i only have 2 nics instead of 3.. The thing is i really need to change the name of eth1 to eth2. how can i do that? Thanks19:03
nizertopIf they19:03
nizertopIf they're in their already, then how come I can't upgrade openoffice to 3.0?19:04
maconizertop: becaue 8.10 only has 2.419:04
gorgonizernizertop: OO3 is in a different repo..19:04
maconizertop: if you want 3.0, follow the directions on https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa19:04
nizertopwhat can I say, I'm a newbie19:04
mefisto__nizertop: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main19:04
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gorgonizervbgunz: I am unsure as to which screen you mean, the one for grub (which always sits on the left for me) or the Kubuntu loading screen (which is central for me)19:05
vbgunzgorgonizer: the KDM greeter screen19:05
uman1Hey guys. I changed mobos so now i only have 2 nics instead of 3.. The thing is i really need to change the name of eth1 to eth2. how can i do that? Thanks19:06
macouman1: i can only think of the red hat way to do that :(19:06
gorgonizervbgunz: the login screen?  That is central for me (or do you mean the post login/pre-desktop screen)?19:06
vbgunzgorgonizer: the KDM greeter screen. its the X screen you use to log in19:07
gorgonizerah, that is correctly positioned for me..19:07
vbgunzgorgonizer: not the position. the background scale19:08
gorgonizerwel, ht is what I meant, it fits the entirity of my 1680x1050 dispay..19:08
mefisto__uman1: it's a script in /etc/udev/rules.d/   somewhere that sets the name19:08
vbgunzmines was 1920x1080 and now 2048x1120 ... the greet screen never fits either one19:09
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macouman1: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persisten-net.rules19:10
uman1maco mefisto thanks, i found out how, had to change 70-persistent-net.rules19:10
uman1maco, haha thanks anyway, gonna logout or reboot to see if the changes are applied19:10
gorgonizervbgunz: no black bars either side, I did have it where the greeter screen was bigger than my desktop, but that was due to a virtual desktop entry in xorg.conf..19:10
macoreboot i think19:10
macoOH! figured out why my NICs start at eth1 and wlan119:10
macoit ties to mac address, and i swapped the hard drive between 2 computers19:11
vbgunzwell, I got it to fit just right by editing the oxygen.xml file and setting the height to 125%19:11
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gorgonizervbgunz: will have to remember that when I get a larger widescreen monitor19:11
vbgunznow where can I find the post login/pre desktop theme settings?19:12
mefisto__vbgunz: you mean the splash?19:13
vbgunzyeah, I need to edit something19:13
mefisto__systemsettings, appearance, splash screen19:14
planBcan someone tell me what command is to mount the encrypted partition?19:14
vbgunzmefisto__: I mean the actual hard files.19:14
mefisto__vbgunz: oh. no idea19:15
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mefisto__vbgunz: /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/19:17
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planBi cant find where the encrypted drive is19:18
planBcan someone help?19:19
vbgunzmefisto__: thanks but that doesn't exist for me19:19
vbgunzwill try something19:19
ghostcubeplanB, if someone seees it and knows it he will help19:19
macoplanB: are you on jaunty with an encrypted disk and its not auto-setting it up for you when you boot?19:19
mefisto__vbgunz: usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes19:19
macoif so, you need to look at the LuksOpen command19:19
vbgunzmefisto__: /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes19:20
macoand i dont use an encrypted drive, so i cant get any further than that19:20
planBim on trepid - when installing i did an encrypted partition19:20
vbgunzmefisto__: thank you very much!19:20
macoplanB: er...it should unlock and mount when you give it the passphrase on boot19:20
planBi dont know how to open/mount it19:20
planBits a seperate partition right - thats how i did it19:21
vbgunz1920x1200 seems to be the max resolution19:21
macoit should still prompt for a passphrase automatically, if it's for / or /home, i think...19:21
macobut anyway, LuksOpen is the command you need, check the manpage because i dont use it19:21
planBok cool19:22
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vbgunzI think I may have solved my woes here... if I did, I will post back some results19:51
gwhipneed help! no nvidia driver after todays upgrades19:55
BluesKajwhich card?19:56
gwhipthat wasdriver it was using19:56
BluesKajdriver may hve to be updated orchanged depending on the model19:57
gwhipi tried the hardware drivers program to reinstall and it wouldn't go through19:58
gwhipshould i use envy instead19:59
Tm_Tgwhip: what upgrades?19:59
BluesKajno,use adept,,, theright driver will be in properties list if you type in the model #20:00
gwhipupgraded about 2 hours ago it uninstalled nvidia20:00
Tm_Tgwhip: intrepid?20:00
gwhipsorry, jaunty20:01
Tm_Tgwhip: erm, you use jaunty, because...20:01
gwhipi know i should expect it with alpha20:01
gwhipbecuase it was working so good with new kde420:02
BluesKajwant jaunty advice ,goto kubuntu+120:02
gwhipBluesKaj: thanks20:02
Tm_Tgwhip: FYI: with alpha software, you will get breakages, and you should be ready to fix stuff (:20:03
BluesKajerr #kubuntu+120:03
Tm_Troot: hi, are we rooted now?20:03
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gwhipyea i know that's why all files i need are on separate data partitions20:04
Tm_Tgwhip: which might not save you from breakages that leads to dataloss (:20:05
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gwhip#kubuntu+1 just takes me to #ubuntu+120:06
CoJaBo-AztecIs there a way to stop middle-click from pasting? Its getting annoying to have stuff like "fetti Pasta Course list last upda" randomly inserted into documents and emails :/20:07
willHDIs there a bug in everyone's VGA driver set?20:11
willHDSuch as reolution glitching out.20:11
willHDMy VGA driver send's me back to the login screen when i change resolution's.20:12
CoJaBo-AztecwillHD: lol I couldn't even figure out how to change the resolution.20:13
willHDApplication's > System > Screen size & Rotate.20:14
willHDIt will open an icon in your systray to change yoru resolution.20:14
mefisto__CoJaBo-Aztec: there is a way to make the middle-click emulated with simultaneous left+right click. that might work, but not sure what it will do when you do a normal middle-click20:15
willHDI have no clue.20:15
willHDI'm new to Kubuntu myself.20:15
mefisto__CoJaBo-Aztec: might not make any difference, but you could try20:15
mefisto__CoJaBo-Aztec: in xorg.conf add this in mouse section: Option "EmulateWheelButton""2"20:16
mefisto__CoJaBo-Aztec: in xorg.conf add this in mouse section: Option     "EmulateWheelButton"    "2"20:16
CoJaBo-Aztecmefisto__: Does that still keep it working in other programs tho?20:16
mefisto__CoJaBo-Aztec: not really sure20:16
* CoJaBo-Aztec is suprised at the number of simple things that still require editing config files to fix :/20:17
mefisto__CoJaBo-Aztec: but probably not :(20:17
cjaecan someone please test a web page for me report how it shows up? text is all scrambled and hard to read http://www.linux-projects.org/modules/news/20:18
cjaetried in ff and konq too20:18
cjaeand opera20:18
SlimeyPetecjae: Same in IE6.20:19
CoJaBo-Aztecmefisto__: Any other ideas? Surely this can't be something that can't be done??20:19
cjaeSlimeyPete: whats up with that you think a would w3b standard?20:20
cjaebeing a lin page and all20:20
cjaew3c opps20:22
willHDHow wouls i check for new hardware updates?20:24
willHDSources > Feth current package lists?20:24
gorgonizerwillHD: do you mean software updates?  if so, yes...20:26
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willHDgorgonizer: How would i check to see if there is an updated driver for -intel?20:32
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jim_phello people of kde20:34
gorgonizerfrom the command line, do    apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel  should tell you the version you have installed, and the newest one available from the repositories..20:34
jim_pcan you tell me why kopete does not log me it my msn account?20:34
gorgonizerjim_p: have you upgraded since yesterday?  A new version of libmsn has been released, it fixed issue for me..20:35
jim_pgorgonizer, yes. its the same situation since last week20:35
gorgonizeroh, I can log in to my WLM account without issue today after updating this morning (as MSN is now called)...20:36
jim_plet me retry and see for the update20:36
jim_pgorgonizer, are you sure about the package name?20:42
gorgonizerjim_p: package name is libmsn0.120:43
jim_plibmsn0.1 is installed and at the latest version20:46
bubbahi, what program do you prefer to rip cd to mp3?20:50
Tm_Tbubba: I use Konqueror20:51
bubbaTm_T, ok, how then?20:52
gorgonizerjim_p: my kopete failed to work yesterday, updated this morning and have been able to login all day to my MSN/WLM account(s)..20:52
jim_pgorgonizer, all i have to do is wait then20:53
jim_pbubba, i use k3b20:53
noaXesswith the system monitor widgets i can't get the termal of my nvidia card..20:53
noaXessis there any solution to get the nvidia termal?20:53
gorgonizerbubba: I tend to use soundKonverter..20:54
noaXesswith gkrellm i get nvidia temps20:55
noaXessis there a widget for this?20:55
alexeiHi, how do I find out what ports are forwarded by an SSH session. I seem not to be able to interpret output of "~#" sequence20:58
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dusttail -f /home/dust/tiny.log |grep -e "tells you" |osd3 &21:01
dustwhy does this not work?21:01
dustit works without |osd3 &21:01
bubbagorgonizer,  soundKonverter seems ok. However, when I try to rip nothing happens. Should I install some packages?21:01
jim_pnoaXess, i thing nvidia-settings +some parameter will get you the temperature21:03
jim_panyways, you can always search kde-look.org for some widget21:03
noaXessjim_p: jep that i know... but easy will be a widget ;)21:04
BipolarI'm using the kde 4.2 packages, but having an issue with Akonadi. what options is /usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi run with? I'm getting this error http://pastebin.com/m54673428 but I don't know what directory it's looking for.21:04
kaddievening :)21:17
cjaedoes anyone have separate x screens working with 8.10 (nvidia) yet, I tried a use the the built in GUI in nvidia I had something on my tv, but just a x mouse and rest of screen black, I also tried copying an old xorg.conf that I worked with pervious  versions of ubuntu21:17
gorgonizerbubba: in Soundkonverter, go to Settings -> Configure Soundkonverter -> backends.. there is an impressive amount of programs it can use, and you can select which programs you want Soundkonverter to use from waht you have installed..21:17
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cjaeI mean twinview is ok but it is annoying having my apps I open on my tv come up on my monitor21:18
bubbagorgonizer, now it is set to ffmpeg, is there any option?21:21
hubarerr, I pissed off my wife by having kubuntu on my laptop and she formatted it. :(21:22
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mefisto__whose laptop?21:23
cjaehubar: sometimes takes a long time to convert g/f's and wives21:23
cjaemine took 6 months21:23
cjaenow she loves it21:24
mefisto__hubar: so she prefers gnome?21:24
hubarI am going to buy an apple next time. err21:24
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hubarmefisto__, she prefers a platform she can watch her desperate housewives episodes on.21:24
gorgonizerbubba: if you have different programs installed, you should be able to use the drop down menu to select another..  for MP3, I am using lame..21:24
* cjae punched last fruit machine he used21:24
ronny_i'm confused, i have a 64bit core2duo CPU, why cant i install the 64bit version ?21:24
bubbagorgonizer. what is that?21:25
mefisto__hubar: does that require IE or something?21:25
Tecumsehwhat makes you think you can't install the 64-bit version?21:25
cjaehubar: $500 dual core lappy w/k-x-ubuntu = $500 and good, dual core mac = good but broke21:25
martijn81when i connect two usb hard disks, only one is recognized by kde21:25
martijn81what can i do about this?21:26
cjaebroke and in bank21:26
cjae-and +as21:26
gorgonizerbubba: lame is a program to encode music in mp3 format...21:26
gorgonizeralthough if I remember correctly lame = Lame Ain't an Mp3 Encoder...21:27
Tecumsehhubar: you did tell your wife that you put kubuntu on it didn't you?21:27
bubbagorgonizer, ok, however. lame doesnt resolve the problem. I click "start" but all I get is "waiting" an nothing happens (0%)21:27
niels_can somebody help me with my xp-kubuntu dual boot problem please?21:28
hubarmefisto__, I dunno about IE, but it says only windows and Mac.21:28
mefisto__doesn't konqueror make ripping CDs ridiculously easy?21:28
hubarTecumseh, yeah she does know.21:28
hubarTecumseh, but woman and technology are...21:28
bubbaniels_, what is the problem ( hard to tell how to solve it otherwise)21:28
niels_i want to uninnstall kubuntu with grub and all, but i don't know how and for some reason i can't boot into xp21:29
cjaeniels_: just tell the channel, ppl asking to ask makes irc ppl mad21:29
MrMattuxMbr probs niels_21:29
Tecumsehhubar: I know it took me a while convincing my wife. But after I got through to her that IE != internet but for example Firefox also gets you there I was half way ;)21:29
cjaeniels_: dl a win98 boot disk with .iso extension on another computer21:30
cjaeniels_: then boot with cdrom support21:30
gorgonizerbubba: for me, it does take a while whilst the CD/DVD drive gets to start reading the disc, but it does begin ripping..21:30
cjaeniels_: at prompt type fdisk/mbr21:30
bubbagorgonizer, my cd rom doesnt even start spinning (although I have no problem listening to the CD)21:31
gorgonizerare the tracks added to soundKonverter?21:31
gorgonizerbubba: as I had to go to File -> Add CD tracks..21:32
niels_@cjae, thx i'll try that21:32
bubbagorgonizer, As far as I know they are all added21:32
gorgonizerhave you selected the correct Output Format on the Simple/Detailed tabs?21:33
cjaeniels_: that rewrites the master boot record for xp, it is the same on 98 as xp, then you can get partition app for windows and get ypur space back easeus partition manager is free21:34
cjaeniels_: http://www.allbootdisks.com/downloads/ISO/AllBootDisks_ISO_Image_Downloads25/Win98SE_bootdisk.iso21:34
cjaeniels_: http://www.download.com/Easeus-Partition-Manager/3000-2248_4-10863346.html21:35
cjaeniels_: you can also use super grub boot disk but is a little advanced but teaches u stuff too21:38
mefisto__niels_: or do it with linux tools: http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/21:38
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niels_cjae: thx, but i'll try the 98 boot disk21:38
cjaeniels_: easiest way ive saw, don't let ppl tell you that xp and 98 mbr are diff cause it is BS, the xp boot disk is not nearly as easy21:40
niels_cjae: are you sure i'll be able to boot into xp (since i can't right now)21:43
cjaeniels_: btw for fututre reference, ubuntu FAQ or something easy like that, has steps to remove ubuntu in simple terms, I think you even find it by searching Opps I uninstalled ubuntu and now I can't boot windows lol21:43
cjaeniels_: if windows was on the computer first no doubt in my mind, but should work on any setup since it rewrites the MBR at (hd0,0)21:45
cjaeand I think windows doesnt like it if you install anywhere else21:45
mefisto__if you have a windows boot floppy, FDISK /mbr  works too21:46
kaddianyone worked with the new windows live messenger plugin with kopete?21:48
kaddii have friends telling me they got download links about something concerning msn 2009 from me21:48
kaddiand i don't know what this is supposed to mean21:49
hubarprobably a link to redirect to a chinese website21:51
hubarthat gives you a trojan in its iframes.21:51
stephen_you got trojan or something on your pc21:51
bmungeri dont like quassel.. i wonder if anyone actually does21:52
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Mi
berserkerhi everybody21:53
Mihi berserker21:54
WalzmynI'm running 8.04 - I'm looking in adept for the place to turn on the upgrade to 8.10 as is shown in the wiki, but I can't find it.21:55
berserkerHi, Mi21:55
kaddihubar: this is why i'm so confused: 1) i pride myself to have a certain knowledge concerning malware, 2) haven't gotten those redirects with windows, 3) haven't used a windows box in weeks and the  link jist appeared21:56
kaddiso its either something to do with the new wlm-plugin in kopete or i don't know21:56
kaddihe hasn't saved the link, so I can't tell if its legit or not21:56
MiWher you from ? berserker21:56
berserkerspain, and you??21:57
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berserkersome spanish, Mi??21:59
Mino only german and a litle english22:00
berserkerwhat does 'Mi' mean??22:02
Milast year in the spring i was in spain with my motocycle22:02
jussi01Can anyone tell me how to install silverlight in firefox?22:02
jussi01never mind, found it :)22:02
berserkergood season to visit spain22:04
berserkerwhat cities did you visit??22:04
berserkerI live in Barcelona22:05
jussi01!ot | berserker22:06
ubottuberserker: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!22:06
berserkerok, ubottu22:07
berserkerI didn't realize of it22:07
mrShow to install kubuntu 8.10 on a P-ATA system ? it keeps using /sda instead off /hda ?22:08
Miis anybody here ther can speak german ?22:08
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ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:08
mrSor better asked: how can i enter kernel parameters on fisrt install disk boot >22:09
mefisto__mrS: /sd* is normal22:09
mrSnope I have onli old IDE it has to be hda22:10
mrSgrup wil redirect to sda while system will see onlu hda22:10
mefisto__mrS: no it will be sda anyway22:10
mrSmefisto > trust mne it will not work and and with kernel panic22:10
mefisto__mrS: well it works here with a very old laptop, much older that SATA existed22:11
mrSkubuntu will still use sata_sil driver. this is the worng one22:11
mefisto__mrS: so I don't trust you :)22:12
mrSbut honost it will not boot and will always end in kernel panic or sumply freez up22:12
mrSbeen using slackware for many years bit this is getting my knockers off22:13
mrSi will need to parse some kernel paramertes on fisrt install dvd boot to make sure the correct ata driver is loaded. But there seems nothing ....}22:17
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mefisto__mrS: here's a discussion of a bug where upgrading to feisty failed to update fstab from /dev/hd* to the new /dev/sd* https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/9365522:20
mefisto__mrS: that was 2 years ago22:20
mefisto__mrS: is grub failing to boot?22:21
PhilippePhmmmm is there a way to test a plasmoid other than plamoidviewer : the weather plasmoid crashes plasma after configuration when the mouse hover over it ... Tried in the viewer, does not crash ...22:22
psychosmoseHi community !22:24
mrSthat bug i have encounterd with 8.04 : my solution:: a second limux os with the same kernel and no sata_sil driver compiled, edited the fstab file etc .. worked( was starnge i have to admit )22:24
mrSbut thi threat dows not apply to 8.10 anymore. Other distro do install fine, but ot 8.10 ... :(22:25
psychosmoseCan anyone tel me what is the real name of the «create usb startup disk» tools available in Ubuntu ? I went to install kubuntu and I don't find it in application menu ....22:25
psychosmoseWhat is the name of this package ?22:26
mrSps: i fired up 8.04 with link to teh special compiles kernel ...22:26
psychosmoseI am french so please to agree my apologies for my incorrect language expression ...22:27
mefisto__mrS: so you haven't installed yet?22:28
mrSoh yes 8.q10 for teh 4th time always the same issue22:28
mrScant even start it on my laptop ( 4 diffrent iso downloads )22:28
psychosmosePlease, I need this tool today .. you don't know about my problem ?22:29
mrSwait have an idea: its wired, but i'll give it a try. Will ley you know22:30
mefisto__psychosmose: usb-creator           it is ubuntu/gnome and not installed with kubuntu, so I never even heard about it till now22:36
emilAnyone got a similar problem like me?22:38
emilI tried to open a photo from the net in GIMP.22:39
emilthe photo had an Adobe RGB colorspace22:39
emilGIMP hanged up22:39
emiland now I cannot open any photo in GIMP, Krita...22:40
emilKubuntu 8.10 + KDE 4.222:40
ghostcubeemil, this sounds strange22:40
emilI know22:40
ghostcubehave u checked that gimp isnt still running in processes22:40
emilwell.. actually the window of GIMP shows up22:41
emilwhen I click a menu - it quits22:41
emilI launched it from the console22:41
emilwhen it hangs I get:22:41
emilhe program 'gimp' received an X Window System error.22:41
emilThis probably reflects a bug in the program.22:42
emilThe error was 'BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)'.22:42
emil  (Details: serial 12442 error_code 9 request_code 55 minor_code 0)22:42
emil  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;22:42
emil   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.22:42
emil   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line22:42
emil   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful22:42
emil   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)22:42
emil(script-fu:11352): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: script-fu: gimp_wire_read(): error22:42
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:43
gumpert345hi Im running 8.10 with a pinnacle dvb-t stick, which worked some time ago pretty well, I can see it with lsusb but there is no /dev/frontend whatsoever, the driver comes with the kernel, what may I do to find the reason, why it doesnt work?22:44
ghostcubegumpert345, what is dmesg telling if u eject and then reconnect it to usb can u pastebin this lines to pastie.org22:44
gumpert345first eject then reconnect then dmesg, right?22:45
ghostcubeemil, what distrie and what gimp version is this22:45
ghostcubegumpert345, yes put it off then put it in22:45
ghostcubethen post dmesg after reattaching22:45
ghostcubedvb-usb: did not find the firmware file. (dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw) Please se22:47
ghostcubeu need to get th efirmware and put it into the fw folder22:47
gumpert345/lib/firmware ?22:47
emil_guys.. are you running kubuntu 8.10 + KDE 4.2?22:48
gumpert345emil yes but I run trunk    ghostcube thanks for the link!22:49
emil_maybe you could check the photo if you have problems as well22:49
emil_download it to your desktop22:49
emil_and try to open with GIMP or Krita22:49
emil_well.. try to save it as PNG or TIFF or sth22:50
gumpert345ghostcube /lib/firmware is right?22:50
ghostcubeyes u can do a locate for *.fw22:50
ghostcubeit should be inside the kernel version22:50
emil_if it works at your machines theni have a mess with my OS22:50
ghostcubeif not just into /lib/firmware22:51
ghostcubeboth should work22:51
emil_BTW Krita crashing with the following:22:52
emil_QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.22:52
emil_QGArray: Cannot allocate array with negative length22:52
emil_QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.22:52
emil_KCrash: Application 'krita' crashing...22:52
emil_KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.22:52
ghostcube!paste | eMaX22:52
ubottueMaX: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:52
krom<emil_> i have no problem with my GIMP22:53
emil_i need to do some photo retouching and I'm left with no tools.. ;(22:53
gumpert345ghostcube works thanks a lot!22:53
ghostcubeemil, tried reinstalling gimp or tried the version from getdeb.net ?22:54
haribohello, can anybody offer some advice on how to update to kde 4.2 on a fresh installation of kubuntu 8.04? Adept gave me an error message "commit failed ...", related to kdebase-workspace-libs... trying to overwrite /usr/lib/kconf_update_bin/krdb_clearlibrarypath22:55
ghostcube8.04 ?22:55
emil_reinstalled GIMP and Krita22:55
emil_version from official repository22:55
hariboeh, 8.10, that is22:56
kromemil, or u can try to run gimp from console22:56
kromand u see gimp error on stderr22:56
emil_I just run GIMP from the console22:56
ghostcubeharibo, www.kubuntu.org22:57
ghostcubethis should work fine22:57
emil_I see three default windows now22:57
emil_let me click on File menu22:57
emil_output from console22:57
emil_The program 'gimp' received an X Window System error.22:57
emil_This probably reflects a bug in the program22:57
emil_The program 'gimp' received an X Window System error.22:57
emil_This probably reflects a bug in the program22:58
emil_he error was 'BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)'.22:58
emil_  (Details: serial 12606 error_code 9 request_code 55 minor_code 0)22:58
hariboemil_: I followed the instructions on kubuntu.org, but ran into errors22:58
emil_and I'm fairly sure it happened when I tried to open the afforementioned picture22:58
hariboghostcube: the instructions on kubuntu.org gave me the problems I described22:58
emil_I believe GIMP asked me to convert the colorspace from Adobe RGB to sRGB22:58
emil_hanged up and Krita and Gwenview would hang up22:59
emil_I know it's weird22:59
ghostcubeharibo, no bugs related to this in tracker ?23:00
haribohmm, I dont know tracker23:00
hariboI saw some people on ubuntuforums with the same problem, but without solution23:01
ghostcubeis this all that you can post for error23:01
ghostcubeit should end up with which is also in23:01
mefisto__haribo: try uninstalling that package, upgrade to 4.2, then install the package after the upgrade23:01
emil_I guess I'd better reinstall the system tomorrow...23:02
emil_if I was sure the problem was in damaged config file I'd delete the .kde directory23:03
emil_but somehow I feel that's not the problem23:03
mefisto__emil_: gimp settings are not in .kde23:03
emil_krita and gwenview hang as well23:03
emil_that's why it doesn't make sense23:04
ghostcubeemil_,  you tried a clean session23:04
mefisto__emil_: have you tried restarting X, or reboot?23:04
emil_restarted X23:04
emil_reinstalled GIMP23:04
ghostcubeyou tried with a new user ?23:04
emil_restarted a PC (5 times in different configs)23:05
emil_still the same23:05
ghostcubeor just set session management to start a blank kde session23:05
emil_good point23:05
emil_I hope these are local settings gone wrong23:05
emil_cheers ghostcube!23:06
emil_I'll certainly try it23:06
ghostcubetry if a blank session works first before adding new user23:06
emil_now I need to go to sleep23:06
emil_thanks guys for all your help!23:07
mefisto__gimp won't open urls for me on kubuntu23:07
mefisto__file, open location...23:07
kromgimp can use gnome vfs23:07
mefisto__krom: but it won't install on kubuntu23:08
emil_never tried this feature23:08
mefisto__but I can copy image from browser, then just paste in gimp :)23:08
kromkde applications can use kio23:08
kromit's simulare gnome vfs but gimp is not kde application23:09
mefisto__gimp-libcurl used to work, in gutsy I think23:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about krdp23:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about krdc23:16
mefisto__!info krdp23:16
ubottuPackage krdp does not exist in intrepid23:16
mefisto__!info krdc23:17
ubottukrdc (source: kdenetwork): Remote Desktop Connection client for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 (intrepid), package size 378 kB, installed size 708 kB23:17
cjaemefisto__: I ve used vnc and all that before but its been a long time, my sister is home and by the phone she is unfirewalled too btw I should just be able to use kdrc to login into her box23:18
cjaeshe needs some stuff installed23:18
cjaedoes kdrc use encryption?23:19
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cjaeor so I have to get her to enable ssh?23:19
mefisto__cjae: I've only ever played with it on a local network, one time. sorry I can't help23:20
alexeiHI, in firefox if I specify both HTTP and SOCKS proxy it seems to do HTTP directly and not over SOCKS? Is this a bug or a feature?23:21
cjaemefisto__: thanks anyway, its very hard to get ppl to help cause they always think your up to no good23:21
jimdbanyone alive in here?23:34
_2i can't get kcontrol to go to admin mode. it loops back to the welcome page.23:39
_2error message is "the kde libraries are not designed to run with suid privledges"23:41
mefisto__!info krfb23:41
ubottukrfb (source: kdenetwork): Desktop Sharing for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid2 (intrepid), package size 446 kB, installed size 688 kB23:41
_2would that be refering to /usr/bin/kdesu_stub  ???23:41
mefisto___2: try kdesudo kcontrol23:42
_2mefisto__ there is no kdesudo  kdesu works23:43
_2but kdesu_stub doesn't   as far as i can tell.23:43
mefisto__so kdesu kcontrol doesn't work?23:44
_2mefisto__ sudo kcontrol does.  that will work around the problem   but i was trying to get the admin button in kcontrol to work.    not just bypass it.23:46
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)23:51
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why23:51
mefisto___2: look at that last link. you shouldn't be using sudo for graphical apps23:51
_2mefisto__ i shouldn't be using sudo.   but thanks just the same.23:53
_2krap.  still not printing.23:55
mefisto___2: have you tried kcmshell <modulename> to start individual kcontrol modules?23:55
_2mefisto__ nah   but the fact that i use blackbox might have something to do with it.23:56
_2when i use a gui23:56
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mefisto__eg, kcmshell printers23:57
_2err i'm  >| |< this close to reinstalling cupsys23:57
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mefisto__is the administrator button dimmed out?23:58
_2it just fails.23:58
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