
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
vadi2I uploaded a package to my ppa, deleted it, and after a while uploaded it again - any reason it should be taking it's time to even appear on the page?02:08
poolievadi2: using the same version number?02:09
poolieit's not a good idea02:09
pooliebump the version02:09
vadi2well, I changed it02:09
vadi2but I'm not sure if its newer02:09
vadi20.1~bzr69-0ubuntu1~ppa11 is old, 0.1~beta-pre1-ppa1 is new02:09
vadi2(I just made them up really... didn't see a guide on how to make them proper. I'm the upstream myself)02:10
poolie'bzr' sorts after 'beta'02:10
pooliethe new one should maybe be02:10
poolieit's preview release 1 of the beta?02:11
vadi2ok, I'll try with 0.1.beta~pre1~ppa102:11
maxbvadi2: It should be ~beta, not .beta02:15
vadi2:( ok. are you sure?02:15
vadi2didn't seem like lp liked the dot though02:15
maxbvadi2: Well, you want 0.1 to be newer than 0.1 beta, right?02:15
vadi2not really - I just want it to be bigger than 0.1~bzr69-0ubuntu1~ppa11. after beta, we'll go to 1.0 (as it'll be a finished and usable program)02:16
maxbThat's a peculiar way to do it - have a series of betas that don't lead up to a final release02:18
maxbWhat's the upstream version number considered to be?02:19
vadi2the syntax is "dput file.changes ppa-name"?02:19
maxbother way around02:19
vadi2maxb: I am part of the upstream. before we had "pre-alpha", now "pre-beta", then "1.0". a bit odd..02:19
maxbHm. Well I guess there's nothing wrong with 0.1.beta if you guarantee there will never be an 0.1 final02:20
vadi2I thought the 0.1 part was necessary for the package to work02:21
vadi2I wouldnt've had a problem with naming the package version "pre-alpha~ppa1", I just added 0.1 because I thought the superceding rules wouldn't work otherwise02:22
vadi2I realized I messed up the dput syntax, that's why it didn't ask for my pass when uploading and didn't show on the lp page02:23
vadi2that was probably my issue. oops02:23
maxbSo, the upstream version is "pre-beta"? That's not a version, it's a description of a phase of development02:24
vadi2maxb: it works!02:28
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=== Ursinha is now known as Jorjao
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=== Amelinha is now known as Ursinha
MTecknologyhow ya been?03:41
MTecknologytrying to clean out some bugs03:41
MTecknologyeven though they're not fixed, they're minor03:42
MTecknologythings like incorrect spelling on the website kinda things03:42
MTecknologyor Alt+O bound to more than one thing03:42
UrsinhaI love fixing minor bugs03:43
Ursinhaand clean the pile03:43
Ursinhamust sleep :)03:43
MTecknologyI would fix them... but trying to find someone to actually commit a change may be a huge pain03:43
MTecknologyespecially since I'd be dealing wiht languages I've never seen before03:44
MTecknologyI'm just marking them invalid and saying screw it03:44
MTecknologywhat should I do?03:45
Ursinhait just hurts03:46
Ursinhadoesn't it?03:46
MTecknologyit's incredibly painful;03:46
UrsinhaI share the pain03:46
MTecknologyyou ever do the same thing?03:47
UrsinhaI try not to do03:47
Ursinhabut sometimes it happens03:47
MTecknologysome of these have been out here for a year - and still exist03:48
Ursinhafor me only a few things are less painful than marking an imperfection as won't fix03:48
Ursinhamore painful, I mean03:48
UrsinhaI really need to sleep :)03:48
MTecknologyI can't set Won't Fix03:49
MTecknologyI'm stuck with Invalid03:49
UrsinhaMTecknology, I'd leave it there03:49
Ursinhabut marking as invalid I don't know03:49
Ursinhadon't you have any hope of having someone to fix them?03:49
MTecknologynot after this long03:49
Ursinhamaybe it's just a matter of bringing it to attention03:50
MTecknologyI'll try to03:50
MTecknologygo away03:50
Ursinhaall right!03:50
* MTecknology licks03:50
Ursinhabye :)03:50
Ursinhagood luck03:50
* Ursinha wanders off03:51
MTecknologyUrsinha: ?03:51
MTecknologyok, that's good then03:52
MTecknologyhurray, I dropped 28 bugs from my name...04:16
tarheelcoxnhi there. <https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Copying packages> points to <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+archive/+copy-packages>04:53
tarheelcoxnbut the latter is a broken link04:53
tarheelcoxncan someone please tell me how to import the current mailman source in jaunty to my PPA?04:54
mrooneyHmm, my translation has been in the import queue for 2 or 3 days, is that normal?05:34
tarheelcoxnmrooney: wish I had an answer for you (I'm new-ish to launchpad)... do you happen to know how to copy a jaunty source package to ppa?05:50
tarheelcoxnmrooney: the link from <https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Copying packages> is dead05:50
mrooneynope, sorry!05:53
tarheelcoxnI guess I'll waste bandwidth and pull a local branch, then push back up05:53
pooliehow many translators are there on launchpad?07:24
thekornhi, I'm not sure if someone is intrested in this comment, but this "only show the first 80 comments for a bugreport" is a really bad design IMO07:46
thekornI'm almost all the time interested in the latest comments,07:46
thekornso I need to scroll down to the bottom, click the link (and wait) and scroll to the bottom again07:46
thekornI hope this is not the result of the performance improving efforts ;)07:47
tarheelcoxnthekorn: it keeps people from posting comments that have already been covered07:47
tarheelcoxnthekorn: subscribe to the bug and you'll get the latest comments as they come07:47
thekorntarheelcoxn, sorry, but how does this prevent people from writing comments that have already been covered?07:51
tarheelcoxnthekorn: they see the comment they were going to post and don't post it07:53
tarheelcoxnput another way, youtube puts most recent comments at the top.07:53
thekornyeah but youtube is fun, but a bugtracker is about information07:55
thekornand hiding information is bad07:55
tarheelcoxnit doesn't hide the information07:57
tarheelcoxnthe core information you need (the bug's status) is right at the top07:57
thekornsorry, I don't agree with you here, we ask the affected people for more information, so our 'core information' is in their comments07:59
thekornspeaking as a bug triager07:59
tarheelcoxnso subscribe to the bug?08:01
tarheelcoxnyou'll get their comments by mail08:01
mthaddonanother way of looking at it is that any bug with more than 80 comments is probably not very useful/digestible anyway08:02
thekornok, if this is the reason for this "feature" than launchpad needs a ranking feature for comments, why can't comment 123 be the most important comment for this bugreport08:07
mthaddonI would agree - comment ranking would be a good idea08:09
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smg'day all.. how do I delete/hide a launchpad project ?08:55
lifelesssm: file a question on answers.launchpad.net/launchpad08:57
MTecknologyI've been working on this for a long time and letting it really peel into my sleepy time....09:04
MTecknologycan somebody tell me if this looks good or not? https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/loco-drupal/+spec/7.x-2.1.009:04
MTecknologylol - I shoulda waited 1min so mpt caught that too....09:06
MTecknologympt: Do you think this looks good? https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/loco-drupal/+spec/7.x-2.1.009:07
MTecknologyeveryone sleeping?09:08
mptMTecknology, you can register releases for a project from the project's Overview page09:09
mptThen you can target blueprints representing actual features to release series09:09
MTecknologympt: I have release series09:10
mptFrom the release series you can register a release09:10
mpt(it's a bit hierarchical)09:10
MTecknologyso the blueprint is made up right, except it's supposed to be applied to a series instead?09:11
MTecknologympt: I have release series and each is linked to a branch09:11
MTecknologympt: what am I doing wrong?09:13
mptMTecknology, well it's entirely up to you, I'm just wondering why you're using blueprints to represent releases when Launchpad has actual releases built in :-)09:13
mpte.g. you could have a 2.1.0 release instead of a 2.1.0 blueprint.09:14
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MTecknologympt: I just liked how I could build it into a nice pretty picture explaining what we need to do to make the releases happen09:16
mptfair enough09:17
mptLaunchpad should do a better job of that for releases, but doesn't yet09:17
MTecknologympt: what is the original idea behind blueprints?09:18
mptTracking the implementation of features or major changes.09:18
MTecknologyso am I close to using it right?09:18
MTecknologywell - bed time09:21
MTecknologywell - launchpad is awesome.09:23
MTecknologythanks everyone for creating it :D09:23
MTecknologyg'night all09:23
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: gmb | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
maxbWhen a build gets re-submitted to the buildds, is there any way to see history of previous attempts?10:04
maxbI've noticed a bunch of kde* packages in intrepid backports seemingly building over and over and over again on sparc/hppa/ia64source/watershed/3/+build/77164210:04
maxberm, oops, paste failure10:05
maxbI've noticed a bunch of kde* packages in intrepid backports seemingly building over and over and over again on sparc/hppa/ia6410:05
bigjoolsmaxb: you can see builder history10:06
maxbI'm not convinced that does the job when it's the same build record being retried over and over10:08
bigjoolswhich packages, exactly?10:09
bigjoolsthey can only be retried if they fail10:09
maxbhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/116751/ - the ones shown pending there10:11
maxbThey seem to build, then later I notice that the same package version has shown up as "Needs building" again10:12
maxbbut, as you can see from the list, some of those packages on some architectures have settled in a chrootwait/failed state and are staying there10:13
bigjoolsmaxb: if you can find one that went from built to needs building, I would be very interested, otherwise it looks normal10:16
maxbI think the problem is that they're going to depwait, then un-depwaiting even though they still don't have the right deps10:17
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sorenI hear rumours every now and then that it's possible for a project to have a PPA. How do I set that up?12:53
bigjoolssoren: it's not possible. but it's in the pipeline12:53
sorenAlright. I'll just create a maintainer team for the project, then.12:55
sorenbigjools: Thanks.12:55
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sianishi there14:46
sianiscan it be possible that rosetta ignore my po export requests?14:46
henningesianis: Only if you requested them on "staging" (translations.staging.launchpad.net).14:48
sianishenninge: no, I don't14:49
sianisbut we tries it out14:49
sianisI don't get the po an other account get it14:49
henningesianis: no, I meant that requests done on staging would be ignored ... ;-)14:49
henningesianis: ??14:49
sianisso, we request export with two account14:50
sianisbut only one of them get email14:50
henningesianis: well, it is possible that the emails get held up of filtered out as spam because they contain a link.14:51
sianisI requested it again twice14:51
sianisand I use gmail, and Spam is empty14:52
henningesianis: twice means what? twice in the same place, twice with two different accounts?14:52
sianistwice with same account on launchpad.net14:53
henningesianis: I this the first time you used either account to request exports?14:54
sianisno I don't14:54
sianisI worked great by now14:55
henningesianis: I was just wondering if the mail got held up by greylisting14:55
henningesianis: ah, good to hear14:55
sianisbut now it don't work14:56
sianisfor 2-3 days14:56
sianismaybe I requested to many po?14:56
henningesianis: but you said that you did get e-mail on the one account today, right?14:56
henningesianis: no, there is no limit on that.14:57
sianisI have no idea14:57
sianiscan you see my request query ?14:58
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henningesianis: can you please tell me where you are requesting the download exactly? Copy the link from your browser, please.15:06
sianishenninge: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/ubuntu-docs/+pots/about-ubuntu/hu/+export15:07
henningesianis: thanks, I am trying it myself now.15:08
kousuI'm trying to switch to launchpad from sourceforge for code hosting. We have lp:mixxx tracking our svn already but I'm trying to figure out if we're supposed to start pushing to that or if we need to make a new empty branch and work there.15:16
henningesianis: Worked for me.15:16
henningesianis: The mails took about 8 minutes to arrive.15:17
sianishenninge: I also requested it, nothing riht now15:17
sianishenninge: it is arrieved15:20
sianisstrange :)15:20
henningesianis: probably greylisting on your mail server or something similar.15:21
henningesianis: I am glad that it worked for you now.15:21
sianisok thx15:21
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kousuI think I corrupted the launchpad branch I am trying to move my code into. How do I delete it?15:31
Odd_Blokekousu: There's an option in the UI.15:33
kousuOdd_Bloke: on http://launchpad.net?15:33
kousuI can't find it15:33
Odd_Blokekousu: http://code.launchpad.net/~<you>/<project>/<branch name> or something similar.15:35
kousuOdd_Bloke: oooh the tiny Trash icon15:35
Odd_Blokekousu: Oh, right.15:35
Odd_BlokeYeah, the tiny Trash icon. :)15:36
kousuNext question: launchpad is already tracking our svn; if we want to switch to bzr do we use the tracked branch or do I make a new one and push our code into it?15:36
Odd_Blokekousu: I would think a new one, else the importer might become confused.15:37
Odd_BlokeBut IANA Launchpad Developer.15:37
Odd_Blokegmb: ^^15:37
kousuOdd_Bloke: okay, thanks, I figured that. Couldn't find any docs that said for sure (and the initial push is going to take hooours)15:38
* gmb reads the scrollback15:38
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gmbkousu: I wonder if there might be a better way. Hang on, I'll ask one of the codehosting team for you...15:41
kousugmb: :D15:42
rockstarkousu, hi15:42
rockstarkousu, so you already have a code import of your svn trunk?15:43
kousuYes, lp:mixxx15:43
kousu(though it's 20 days behind svn; there's SSL errors in the recent import logs)15:44
rockstarkousu, let me take a look.  I bet we can fix those.15:44
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rockstarkousu, so I think the issues with your SSL errors will be fixed on the next import.15:53
rockstarkousu, so once the import gets caught up, you can ask a question in launchpad-bazaar about stopping the import, and then just work on the bazaar branch.15:54
kousurockstar: thanks!15:55
kousuIs that launchpad-bazaar@ or #launchpad-bazaar?15:55
rockstarkousu, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar15:56
kousuthanks rockstar and gmb, launchpad is a great thing16:00
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gmbThansk kousu16:01
=== matsubara_ is now known as matsubara-lunch
MTecknologyI have a patch made with 'bzr diff > file' - How can I apply this patch to my files?16:22
jblountI love how launchpad bundles together the change emails when I make a bunch of changes near the same time. +++16:24
MTecknologynice, I'm missing that feature16:25
MTecknologyI got 30 emails in 5hr16:25
rockstarMTecknology, were they different bugs?16:30
mathiazHi - I've created two bzr branch holding mysql-dfsg-5.1 packaging bits (just the debian/ directory). These are based on Debian svn repository. When I try to push to lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/mysql-server/pkg-{ubuntu,debian}-5.1 it fails.16:30
MTecknologyrockstar: ya16:31
mathiazProbably because mysql-server is already using stacked branches16:31
rockstarMTecknology, it won't bundle those emails.  Just if you change a bug three times really quick (like if you forget to assign it to you when setting InProgress)16:31
mathiazand the branches I'd like to push are not based on the upstream mysql-server ones.16:31
mathiazHow can I handle this situation?16:32
rockstarmathiaz, are you in ubuntu-core-dev ?16:32
mathiazrockstar: yes16:32
mathiazrockstar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/116915/16:34
rockstarmathiaz, looks like your two branches are different formats.16:34
mathiazrockstar: yes - my branches are based on an svn repository16:35
mathiazrockstar: which is different from what upstream mysql-server is using16:35
mathiazso it seems I won't be able to push the packaging branches to lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/mysql-server/16:36
rockstarmathiaz, if you create new branches you can.16:37
mathiazrockstar: from the website?16:38
rockstarmathiaz, or just push.16:38
rockstarYou don't have to register the branch first.16:38
mathiazrockstar: well push doesn't work16:38
rockstarmathiaz, you're pushing to a branch that already exists.16:39
mathiazrockstar: lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/mysql-server/pkg-debian-5.1/16:40
mathiazrockstar: ^^ doesn't exist16:40
mathiazrockstar: mysql-server does and uses stacked branches16:40
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rockstarmathiaz, this one? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/mysql-server/pkg-debian-5.1/16:41
rockstarmathiaz, ah, I see what you're saying.  It shouldn't be trying to stack though.16:41
rockstarmathiaz, could you file a bug on that?16:43
mathiazrockstar: sure16:43
mathiazrockstar: against launchpad? or another project?16:44
rockstarmathiaz, launchpad-bazaar16:44
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MTecknologymatsubara: hi16:49
matsubarahello MTecknology16:50
MTecknologymatsubara: guess what...16:50
MTecknologyblueprints really do offer an insane amount of karma....16:51
mptThat's because few people use them compared with the other Launchpad applications16:52
mpt(not that that's a good reason, necessarily, but it is the reason)16:52
matsubaraMTecknology: I'll close that bug then. thanks16:52
MTecknologymatsubara: it just takes a really long time to do16:53
MTecknologyI mean for the karma to get added16:53
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mrooneyWhat is the correct way to translate a new series? I uploaded a new template and was expecting any already translated strings in the current series to carry over, but this didn't happen.17:13
mrooneyDo I export the translations from series A and upload them to series B?17:13
mrooneyHm that doesn't seem like an option17:14
MTecknologyany admins sitting around here?17:20
MTecknologympt: stop doing that17:21
MTecknologyI ask something you can help on and you pop in right after :P17:21
mptMTecknology, stop doing what?17:21
MTecknologympt: Can you help me change a version number?17:21
mptMTecknology, probably not17:22
MTecknologyI figured you probably could from the lp hostmask17:23
mptThere may be a "Change details" link or similar on the thing you want to change17:23
mptIf there isn't, you'll need to file a request to change it <https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad>17:23
MTecknologythere is, but I can't change that portion of it17:23
danilosmrooney: yes, you should export all translations from one series and upload them into a new one17:26
danilosmrooney: we are working on making this automatic in the near future17:26
mrooneydanilos: but that won't stomp over my new TEMPLATE, right?17:27
danilosmrooney: depends on the setup and file names17:27
MTecknologympt: what do you do for lp?17:27
danilosmrooney: you should not upload old template if you already have a new template up (i.e. you can put that in a tarball instead)17:27
danilosmrooney: Launchpad is smart enough to do the merge of all pofiles correctly with the new template17:28
gmbMTecknology: mpt it part of Canonical's design team and is a former member of the Launchpad team. He's a UI / design guru.17:29
mrooneydanilos: ahh I see, thanks! Can I upload just the translations without a template or will it be unhappy?17:29
gmbAnd possibly a demigod, but I haven't established that beyond reasonable doubt yet.17:29
MTecknologyOh... is LP actually going to be opened up to the public?17:30
MTecknologythe source to it17:30
Odd_BlokeMTecknology: For future reference, the "Help contact" in the topic is the person to go to.17:30
MTecknologyOdd_Bloke: oh, I've never noticed that17:30
mptMTecknology, yes, it will be open-sourced in July17:31
MTecknologyI wonder how many people will try to go from LP to their own servers...17:32
MTecknologyis that part of the reason for opening it? reduce load? I was thinking about it and the  load on those servers needs to be insane17:33
Odd_BlokeIs it all being freed, or just the UI code?17:34
gmbOdd_Bloke: Everything except Soyuz and codehosting: http://blog.launchpad.net/general/how-we-are-open-sourcing-launchpad17:34
MTecknologythat secret sauce thing is why I was surprised to see it released at all17:38
gmbMTecknology: It's being opened because we always promised that we would open it, and we think we've now come to a point where we can open it *and* sustain a paid development team for it, which was one of the major objections to it being opened.17:38
gmbMTecknology: As far as load is concerned, well, we're working on making Launchpad much faster (that's our major 3.0 goal). Whether people will want to run their own instance or not I don't know, but I do know that Launchpad does require quite a bit of infrastructure.17:39
Odd_BlokeOh crap.17:40
Odd_BlokeI made the mistake of reading comments on the internet.17:40
MTecknologyI'm not going away, the thought of doing it myself is scary :P - my web server has a 400MHz proc :P17:40
=== bac is now known as bac_lunch
MTecknologysomehow it does a good job though17:40
gmbOdd_Bloke: Generally not a good thing... why, what's perturbed you?17:40
MTecknologyOdd_Bloke: me too - they're kinda irritating17:40
MTecknologythe only comment of any value was the link to that other article17:41
Odd_Blokegmb: The number of complaints about Soyuz not being freed.17:41
gmbWell, it's a contentious issue in some parts of the OSS world.17:42
MTecknology9 is a good comment17:42
MTecknologycan't imagine why17:42
Odd_BlokeWell, I would prefer if it were free.  But, equally, having a paid development team is probably vastly more useful to it at this point in time.17:43
Odd_BlokeI'd be interested to see if a Soyuz-a-like is developed once everything else is free...17:43
MTecknologyok - so sabdfl is good in an arguement17:44
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: - | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
maxbI wish Soyuz was being opened, because it's part of the Ubuntu process that particularly interests me. (And has bugs I'd help in fixing). On the other hand, I wish people would stop getting uppity about it, when it's clearly Canonical's right to decide which bits of its work it releases.18:05
bigjoolson the bright side, you'll get to see the code for the Soyuz UI stuff18:08
maxbMeanwhile, how about you guys who do have the source get on to fixing those Packages-arch-specific processing bugs? :-)18:10
gesercprov: any update on question #59622 (Re-publish libtest-perl-critic-perl in jaunty)? Is some information missing or is it somewhere in your work queue?18:17
cprovgeser: No, I'm sorry, it's not happening in this cycle.18:17
cprovgeser: scratch that, I just have to resurrect the binaries for you, will do that.18:19
cprovgeser: let's talk about it18:24
cprovgeser: the superseded publication is in intrepid and you want it to be resurrect in jaunty, right ?18:25
cprovgeser: why you can't simply bump the version and do a new upload ?18:25
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gesercprov: both intrepid and jaunty are affected, but for intrepid I should probably go through a SRU to add it back which is not really worth it18:27
geserfor jaunty I could reupload it if it's easier for you18:27
cprovgeser: it is18:27
cprovgeser: also the higher version might be beneficial18:28
geserok, will reupload it then18:28
cprovI'd have to request archive-admin permission to do what you are requesting (intrepid -> jaunty)18:29
cprovgeser: it's better if we do that in the clearest way possible, with a new upload.18:29
geserso in cases I find another missing deb the preferred solution is to reupload?18:29
cprovgeser: if it's cross-series yes18:32
cprovgeser: if it's in the development series (and it's not frozen) I can re-activate it easily.18:32
geserah, ok18:33
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daniel_tphi, following problem: i've don't know my email address anymore i used to register (i used a trash-email-address because my .eu-mail doesnt work, always wrong, verification hash doesn't fit... bug?)19:23
Ursinhadaniel_tp, what is a trash-email-address? and which is your user id on lp?19:26
daniel_tpUrsinha, for example: www.spam.la19:31
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AlexC_g'morning Earthlets20:07
AlexC_is there a way to see the translation status of all templates, such as on https://translations.launchpad.net/tangocms/trunk - to currently do this we have to go through every template to see. We'd like a general overview of how much translating has been done20:07
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
mrooneydanilos: are you around by any chance? I can't figure out how to move over my translations properly to a new series20:27
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
mrooneyI download the old series PO files, replaced the template with the new one, and upload that20:28
mrooneyand after getting the success email, there are still no translations showing up for that series20:28
mrooneyhmm..maybe I've figured it out...20:44
dsas_Hello, I'm wondering if there's some way the ubuntu-docs team cam bugs on the ubuntu source package and bugs on the ubuntu-doc project better synchronised?21:00
dsas_few or 0 bugs are ubuntu specific. The package is maintained in our bzr repo.21:01
dsas_Currently we have to either check two different lists of bugs or change everything twice21:01
dsas_bah, sorry for my english, I've open been speaking it 23 years now.21:02
dsas_only, even.21:02
mwhudsonirc destroys my ability to type21:02
dsas_maybe thats it, I've been blaming the eeepc keyboard21:03
dsas_anyway yes, we want to have a better workflow that gives us all bugs in one place and doesn't require lots of twiddling of lp buttons21:05
* kfogel is away: back on later21:31
MTecknologyHow do I get my projects license reviewed?22:21
beunoMTecknology, you poke bac22:23
* bac hides22:23
MTecknologybac: hi22:23
bacMTecknology: gimme an URL22:23
MTecknologybac: don't worry, I'm still making sure I have it right22:23
bacMTecknology: what is your project named?22:24
MTecknologyI know the license isn't right yet22:24
bacMTecknology: how do you expect it to change?22:26
MTecknologyI'm not sure. I'm just running around and trying to make sure I have the right license applied.22:27
bacMTecknology:it looks ok right now.  the restriction you have seems reasonable.  as long as you don't muck it up with a bunch of CC-NC stuff.  :)22:27
MTecknologyI was kinda hoping to find a link to an ubuntu webpage to explain that paragraph22:28
bacMTecknology: sorry, i can't help there.  but when you have it finalized just ping me here or send me email (bac at canonical) and i'll take a look.22:28
bacMTecknology: are you behind 'loco-drupal-dev'?  does it really need to hang around?22:29
mtaylorlaunchpad didn't like my code review :(22:33
mwhudsondid it say why?22:35
mtaylormwhudson: OOPS-1138CEMAIL1222:36
mtaylormwhudson: I was trying out the "approve code review via email" thing22:37
mwhudsonmtaylor: the proposal was already marked "merged"22:37
mtaylormwhudson: ah. ok22:37
mwhudsonmtaylor: there is a bug about this, i think it may be fix committed already22:37
mtaylormwhudson: about giving a better feedback message?22:37
mwhudsonmtaylor: i can't remember the resolution, that sounds like the absolute minimum fix22:39
mtaylorawesome. well... good to know22:39
mtaylormwhudson: next time I'll try the email review interface _before_ I merge the code22:39
mwhudsonmtaylor: here's the bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/32605622:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 326056 in launchpad-bazaar "OOPS on InvalidStateTransition when reviewing code by mail" [Low,Triaged]22:40
mwhudsonit's marked Low, which sounds a bit rubbish22:40
mwhudsonfeel free to comment22:40
mtaylormwhudson: just did. thanks22:45
mwhudsonmtaylor: thanks22:49
mwhudsonit seems to be one of those "a bug! but to fix it properly, we need to change our data model, argh"22:49
mwhudsonwhereas there is a quick fix that will actually help user experience22:50
mtaylorthose happen to me all them time :)22:51
thumpermtaylor: that's on my to fix list22:56
MTecknologyWhat license should I use for my reproduction of the launchpad-openid plugins? We converted it to use drupal 6.x22:58
MTecknologybac: ping23:04
MTecknologyjonobaconcanonical AT googlemail DOTcom23:05
MTecknologybac: What license should I use for my reproduction of the launchpad-openid plugins? We converted it to use drupal 6.x23:05
bacMTecknology: what is the original project name on LP?23:06
MTecknologyI'm not sure...23:06
* bac looks23:07
MTecknologyoh, I just found https://help.launchpad.net/DrupalPlugins23:08
MTecknologybac: Metcalfe is in our team too23:08
bacMTecknology: so you extended one of those modules?23:09
MTecknologypretty much23:09
MTecknologyhis is for drupal 5.x, ours is for 6.x and will be for 7.x23:09
MTecknologyactually, I might talk to him about merging the projects into loco-drupal23:10
bacMTecknology: why does it need to be a separate project from 'drupal-openid'?23:10
bacMTecknology: i think stu would be better to advise you on how to manage your work than me.23:11
MTecknologybac: it's because we just started building on it and wound up keeing it23:11
MTecknologyI'll talk to him for it23:11
baccan you chat with him when he shows up tomorrow?23:11
bacMTecknology: i asked earlier, but did you create 'loco-drupal-dev'?  if so, does it need to be kept?23:12
MTecknologyya, you can drop it23:12
MTecknologybac: would I want to keep GPLv2 for the openid stuff, or should I just use GPLv3?23:13
bacMTecknology: could you file a request in the Answer section of launchpad to delete that project, please?23:14
bacMTecknology: if the original is "v2" then i think you should keep v2.23:14
MTecknologybac: done23:17
bacthanks so much.  clearing out the dross is good.23:17
MTecknologybac: could you review my license? https://launchpad.net/loco-drupal23:17
bacMTecknology: gladly.  done.23:18
MTecknologythanks :)23:18
bacMTecknology: ttyl.  i'm done for the day.  ping me later if you have need.23:19
MTecknologybac: aight, thanks much23:19
MTecknologybac: still here?23:20
MTecknologyhow long will it be before a ducky man goes through the answers? I have two requests out there atm23:21
MTecknologyjust curious23:21
bacMTecknology: each day a member of the launchpad team reviews outstanding requests in the answers forum23:21
bacit's the person listed in the topic for this channel as "help contact"23:21
MTecknologyok, thanks23:22
MTecknologyI'll bug ya later then :)23:22
bacthey take the shift during their normal working hours, wherever that may be23:22
bacso henning will take a look tomorrow, german time:  https://help.launchpad.net/HelpRotation23:23
mathiazHi - does vcs-import support non-trunk/ svn import?23:30
mwhudsonmathiaz: yes, but with caveats23:37
mathiazmwhudson: would the following vcs-import be accepted: https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/dovecot/pkg-debian-1.1?23:40
mwhudsonmathiaz: so the caveat is that if you also import svn://svn.debian.org/collab-maint/deb-maint/dovecot/trunk, the two branches will not be mergeable23:42
mwhudsonmathiaz: if you're ok with that, then yes23:42
mathiazmwhudson: because they won't have a common ancestor?23:43
mathiazmwhudson: so if we track dovecot/branches/1.1-work for now in ubuntu (ie the ubuntu package is based on this branch and the ubuntu pkg branch is based on it) when debian switches to dovecot/trunk/ we'll have to give up all of the ubuntu bzr branch history23:46
mwhudsonbzr-svn handles svn branches much better23:47
mathiazmwhudson: so the other solution is that I use bzr-svn and push the resulting branch to lp myself23:48
mathiazmwhudson: and not rely on vcs-import23:48
mathiazmwhudson: ok - I'll do the latter then.23:49
mathiazmwhudson: could you reject/delete https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/dovecot/pkg-debian-1.1 ?23:49
mwhudsonmathiaz: iz gone23:52

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